Capitalization worksheets middle school

Middle school grails.

2024.05.19 06:36 TightTiger_ Middle school grails.

Middle school grails.
I ❤️ Powerphases
submitted by TightTiger_ to yeezys [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:29 Quirky_Technology617 I'm beyound angry right now!

So, just a few minutes ago at 12 somthing am, I'm using the bathroom. I get up to flush and it doesn't, the toilet is stuffed up! Sense my mom and I got here it haven't stuffed up at all. This is my own bathroom, and the ones who have to use it is my two neices. One is about to turn 10 and the other one just graduated elementary school and going to middle school, the thing about them is that they use a lot of toilet tissue. So, I storm out my bathroom to say that my toilet is stucked up hoping for one of them to fess up but NO.. All I got was gaslighted by the oldest one, she kept saying that I was just in there. Which pissed me off because all I did was pee, I didn't use a lot of tissue.
She has been very moody lately, talking back to evey adult and she never stops even when she gets in trouble..The same with her sister (and her brother as well, who is not here with us).
Anyway, I got it unstuffed up and washed my hands, still upset about it. I hate the weekends when they come over because they truely don't respect me as an adult (I'm 19F btw)..
submitted by Quirky_Technology617 to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:25 TheAsianIsReal Class of 2024

Congratulations Class of 2024. All of your hardworking and dedication will always be remembered. Coming into high school through what may be one of the most difficult changes you will face in your life with a world pandemic and the leap from middle to high school or high school to college. Either way, the adjustments you've had to make have been incredible and will not go unnoticed. Let the memories of the past 4 years resonate as a symbol of strength and prosperity as you move in the future. Never forget the friends you have made along the way, and don't forget the impact that music has had on your life. To any and all of the Class of 2024, congratulations and may you move to the future with great success.
submitted by TheAsianIsReal to tnpercussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:25 throwingitaway782 AITB for not being comfortable around drunk women i don’t know

TW // Sexual abuse and child abuse
Recently I(23m) was at a bar with friends, men and women, who I trust very much. or at least I did, when in the middle my friend brought over two women I didnt know who were very drunk, and it scared me.
For context, I have a history with sexual abuse, my mother and sister both assaulted me from the ages of 8-15. Things I won’t get really into but it was more than just touching me. My sister was 19 and my mother was 37, they were both heavy drinkers and would blame it on the bottle. This ended when I was 15 when they stopped for some reason. The next time I was assaulted was by some classmates at my high school prom, when 3 girls my age did similar things to me.
I’ve only told my friends about this, and I’m not in contact with my mother and very rarely text my sister. When the women arrived I didn’t notice them until they started talking to me first at the same time. I found my head shaking and my breathing speeding up. I told my friends I was going out for a smoke and then just decided to walk home to my partners house, where I stayed the night. The next morning she made me my favorite breakfast, French toast with French press coffee and a cigarette. With clarity I no longer felt bad for leaving, and when talking to my partner, she pointed out that it was weird that they came to talk to me first. We talked for about half an hour.
I checked my phone and I had numerous texts from friends about where I was, I messaged my friends that invited the women and told them I felt uncomfortable and left. They proceeded to call me child an major dickhead for not getting over it for one night. And that they “gave me a chance to grow up and get over my failed sex stories.” Now I might be the butthole for this but I told them to fuck off, and that I should’ve slashed their tires when I left. I said a lot more to them and screenshotted the texts and sent them to my other friends. I turned my phone on airplane mode where it’s been for 2 days. I’m going to turn my phone back on in a few hours and I’m scared I might loose all my friends. Am I the butthole.
submitted by throwingitaway782 to AmItheButtface [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:19 Maleficent_Wrap_2685 My friend’s weird crush

Disclaimer and explanation before we start:my friend, Jaylee (16,female) has a crush on Jackson (17,male) for 3 years. Jackson and Jaylee are in the same class and on the same bus (Jackson has a bi sister who was dating one of my other friends sister once), now for the disclaimer, this is my first time posting on Reddit so please no hate. So Jackson and Jaylee were sitting together in class and he said in the middle of the school year he had a a crush on a guy but he said they the broke up (they were never dating) it’s not that my friend is homophobic but my friend was bi once, him having a crush on a man wasn’t the problem, it was what happens later that is weird. Later in the day the were sitting together on the bus and he randomly said that he is in love with his sister (like I previously said his sister is bi) then Jaylee got disgusted, as well as people that were next to them. But today she said she still has a crush on Jackson, but she still thinks that he is gross for that
submitted by Maleficent_Wrap_2685 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:18 DefensiveBallCurl 23 [M4F] Austin, TX/Online - Looking for a down to earth connection

Hello, I graduated college a year ago, moved to Austin, and started a job. I'm a bit of a homebody, finding comfort in the coziness of my own space. I'm seeking a genuine connection with the right woman that shares my interests and appreciates me.
Who I am:
I'm a 6ft, average build, mild-mannered guy with a good sense of humor. My main hobby is PC gaming. I am a competitive person and I enjoy games like League of Legends and Escape from Tarkov. I also would love to find someone I can play co-op games with as well, like Stardew Valley or Minecraft.
I really enjoy watching YouTube, tv shows, and movies. I mostly watch thought-provoking video essays or gameplay videos. Some tv shows I'm interested in and looking forward to watching are Survivor, House of the Dragon (S2), Severance (S2), The Acolyte. I'm also always down to watch a random episode of Parks and Rec or The Office.
I have a creative side and I like making goofy memes for my friends about inside jokes or just funny stuff I think of. I've been doing origami off and on since middle school and it's fun from time to time. I'm also into building models and I have a friend that's teaching me to paint miniatures as well.
Who you are:
I'm searching for someone that is 21-25 years old, close to finishing college or already in a career, and shares my mindset and some of my interests. I would like you to be confident and content with yourself and a good communicator. Honestly, just be true to yourself and be able to hold a conversation and have interests of your own.
Some thoughts:
I am all about good. meaningful communication. I'm looking for someone that is willing to put in the effort to form a real bond. I believe relationships are a two-way street and both partners have to give and take equal amounts.
I would prefer to text and voice chat on discord. After our introductions, I'd like to exchange pictures so that we both have a clear idea of each other's appearance. If you made it through my post and are interested in getting to know me then please shoot me a message.
submitted by DefensiveBallCurl to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:15 AmusingSparrow 13-14, 16, 24

13-14, 16, 24
I was awkward all throughout my middle school and high school years. Never liked to smile. I still don’t but I feel a bit less awkward these days.
submitted by AmusingSparrow to uglyduckling [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:15 slavetodamachine Moving On

Hey everyone. It's been a while since I've formally made sort of an "update" on my life and stuff. So, I'm gonna do that now because I just felt the time was right haha.
Basically, I can confirm with overwhelming confidence that I am indeed aroace. What is that, you ask? Basically, for me, it means that I don't experience romantic or sexual attraction to anyone. It might be a little hard to believe after looking through my profile haha, but I can explain it pretty well.
So, romantic and sexual attraction typically refers to attraction towards another person as a whole, in my opinion. I do not experience either as I'm not attracted to people, but I have looked at cock pics and have commented on posts involving a man's genitals. And to that I say that I'm not attracted to the person, I just think the cock looks cool, and I just want to let the person know that. I don't get horny or anything from looking at cocks. I actually have zero interest in the person at all because of this. But this took a very long time to explore, understand, and accept this identity after pretty much living the life prior to.
I have grown up believing that there is a somebody for everyone in this world. Pretty much saying that everyone will have a romantic partner in their life. The purpose for humanity is to reproduce and expand our influence which kind of made some fucky wucky with my brain. People learning about relationships in middle school, people exploring relationships in high school (as well as having sex), and people forming long-term relationships in college/uni. I kind felt ostracized, and the teasing didn't help either.
I pretty much spent a large portion of my life thinking there was something wrong with me simply because I didn't find anyone attractive enough to date or have just have sex with. Until one fateful night I opened up about this to someone in a discord vc and they pretty much told me that I might just be aroace. I looked it up and the gears started turning, the flips started switching and for once in my life I felt understood and it was from a fucking Google search lol.
So, at that point I had already confirmed that I was aromantic but I wasn't sure about the asexual part because I had never had sex so I didn't know if I would be into it or not. Saving everyone the block of text, I didn't have to have sex to see if I was sexually attracted to other people or not. I settled for just looking at cock pics online and voila I made this account to have ez access to cocks but over time I started to understand that I'm just not attracted to people in any way after the countless attempts of sexting and looking at nudes and trying to masturbate. Just didn't work out at all. Not my thing, and that is okay!
In conclusion, I think it's important for me to essentially not involve myself with getting frisky with people because 1. it sets an incorrect example for others and 2. it's not my intention any longer. I think I will still continue to look at cocks time from time because cocks are cool and I like seeing all the different ones. I enjoy helping men be more comfortable with their size and whatnot. I like giving unbiased "ratings" or whatever.
If you read all of this, thank you so much for taking the effort to understand my rambling nonsense haha. I would give you a pat on the back if I could. I know it was a lot and honestly if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Please ask. Okay bye.
submitted by slavetodamachine to u/slavetodamachine [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:13 TapNew3126 KH Fanfic Recs?

Does anyone have any good fanfic recommendations? I used to read a bunch in middle school and high school, but it's been years. I'll pretty much read anything tbh. Oh and some crossover fics are good too!!
submitted by TapNew3126 to KingdomHearts [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:06 Greedy_Bullfrog8122 Way back when Shakespeare was in middle school

Way back when Shakespeare was in middle school
This photo is so old haha
submitted by Greedy_Bullfrog8122 to redditgetsdrawnbadly [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:05 SaltTap5744 "This is why you stay in school"

To the lady who said this to her kids motioning heavily towards me while clearly living off daddy's high paying job: I hope you realize this restaurant is smack dab in the middle of college town and most of us servers here, if not all, are in school pursuing a higher education. Moreover, you'd think that not making any kind of comments about someone's situation whom you know nothing about is common sense, but I'm convinced at this point that critical thinking skills are a rare genetic trait and it's a fast dying breed.
submitted by SaltTap5744 to TalesFromYourServer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:04 teethbag Looking young fantasy book revolving around a “trail of bones.”

I can’t remember the name of this book, but I got it from the school library around 2010-2011 in middle school, so intended for a young audience. It was a fantasy/possibly fantasy horror book, had a female protagonist (unknown name), where the protag had to go down a “trail of bones”, which in the book was a trail with a chain link fence, that had either dead people reaching their hands through the fence, or they were just really sickly people sticking their hands through the fence.
The protag might have brought a friend or companion with them.
I believe there might have been a second book.
The book cover was blue with black hands that entangled together to look like some sort of tree.
Any sort of help appreciated !
submitted by teethbag to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:03 iambarrelrider Weirdly recently lost the desire to drink when in the past I never thought this day would come.

So this is so weird. I just turned 46 last month. Pretty decent suburban middle class like successful civil servant. Out of the blue I lost the urge to drink and it is scaring the hell out of me. It feels biological. Hear me out, let me try to explain this. I never have not had the urge to drink since I was a senior in high school. I spent most of my twenties and thirties checking all the boxes of alcoholism. Never went to rehab but probably should have gone at various points. Alcohol criminal history, an under age drinking, and 2 DUI’s. Went to a meeting once or twice. During all those times I still had the thirst to drink. Always “completed”my court ordered treatment. Slowed down when I was into running half-marathon’s. I was living a pretty active life style in my 30’s. Martial arts, running, gym, outdoor extreme sports. back the I didn’t need to drink but I wanted to, there was a thirst. Then covid happened and the drinking picked up. My life has become more happy but less active. Pretty much when to a seditary lifestyle. But not a total slug and not couch dwelling. I would say at my peak I was drinking 3 handles of vodka a week for about 4 years not too long ago. Notice the want turned into a need.
Out of the blue about 1-3 months ago. The need is gone. The want is gone. The thirst is gone. I wouldn’t say I’m depressed, life is good. My only problems are my knees and weight gain. And if gaining weight is my biggest problem well, I’m living a dam good life compared to past decades. Life isn’t great but it is best it has been in a long time. But it’s not like any of my underlying problems haas gone away. And I haven’t really replace my drinking with anything. The craving is gone. I literally lost the taste for it. I am afraid is my body breaking down? this how it ends? Or is this a waked up call? Or is it a simple twist of fate?
submitted by iambarrelrider to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:02 LucyAriaRose AITAH For telling my stepdaughter she is welcome to go live with her mother full time because I won't get rid of my Harry Potter themed bookcase?

I am NOT the Original Poster. That is u/JazzlikeOriginal358. They posted in AmItheAsshole
Trigger Warning: discussions of transphobia
Mood Spoiler: moving in a positive direction
Original Post: March 22, 2024
I'm having a bit of family drama and need a reality check about if I am being unreasonable here. I really need the perspective of LGBT+ sensitive individuals because the drama surrounds transphobia perpetrated by JK Rowling.
My step daughter is going through a pretty tough time. The last couple years have been really rough on her. She has been dealing with bullying at school, being held back a year, not getting along with her mom's new husband, self harm and identity issues. Lots of questioning of her sexuality and gender. (We have been working on getting her a good mental health team of doctors and therapists to help her navigate all of this, please know we aren't throwing her to the wolves or internet to deal with it all herself).
I've been in her life since she was 7. We've always had a pretty good, though not terribly close, relationship. I have not taken on a parental role, but have always tried to make myself available for her.
Until last year, her mom had primary custody and her dad had weekends with alternating holidays. Last year due to the issues with her school and mom's house, my stepdaughter requested that custody arrangements be changed.
Since she came to live with my husband and I full time, there has been quite a bit of friction between the two of us. One of the biggest points of contention is my Harry Potter fandom, particularly "The Bookcase", and my supposed transphobia (due to my apparently "wrong" stance when it comes to the politics regarding trans issues in our country)
I grew up in the hayday. So many of my childhood and teen memories are tied to the franchise. My friends and I were all really into it. We attend midnight book releases, dressed up in costume for movie releases, threw HP themed parties when we wanted to hang out, etc. In many ways it shaped the course of my entire life, those same friends and I joined our high school's botany club because herbology. That unlocked a lifelong passion of mine and my career is working with plants.
Over the years I've collected quite a bit of memorabilia, many of which are gifts, and they have always been displayed on my most prized possession. A monstrously large custom bookcase my grandfather, a former woodworker, built for me when I was a teenager. I love this thing. The shelves are live edge black walnut slabs. All around the casing my grandpa carved beautiful HP themed imagery. Owls, cauldrons, shooting stars, lightning bolts, an adorable little rat at the bottom and nibble marks from said rat, etc. It's both sentimental and valuable (the slabs of walnut for the shelves alone would be pushing a grand, let alone attempting to value the hand carved craftmanship). The bookcase has always been proudly displayed in my home. It currently lives in our living room.
During one of our family therapy sessions, my stepdaughter expressed that seeing my HP shelf made her feel really uncomfortable because of the author and that she was really disappointed in me and her father for being so supportive of a biggot. I apologized for making her feel uncomfortable in her own home, and said that I would take down the HP stuff.
So I packed up all the HP themed merch off the shelves. Made sure I didn't have the books or anything on display that said "Harry Potter" anywhere. I bought some LED grow lights and converted the bookcase into a plant shelf to display succulents. I bought some witchy, but not overtly harry potter, themed pots for the little guys so they'd go with the shelf.
This was not an acceptable compromise for my stepdaughter and has remained a point of contention. With my stepdaughter hurling that I/we (referring to my husband) broke a promise by saying we would get rid of the Harry Potter stuff. I tried to explain to my stepdaughter that, while I do not agree with JK Rowling's political stance at all, the media has a special place in my heart because of my childhood association with it and that the shelf was very important to me because it was a gift from my grandpa, but she maintains that none of that should matter because in 2024 it is nothing but a symbol of transphobia and hate.
At first my husband was supportive of me and my desire to keep my bookcase, but lately the arguments are wearing on him and he asked me if I would reconsider keeping it in the living room. Suggesting we rent a storage unit to house it in.
After the most recent blow up about it, I kinda lost my temper. I didn't yell or anything, but I did very firmly tell my stepdaughter that this is my home and my bookshelf stays. If it is such a big problem for her, she can always go back to live with her mother.
I knew it was a low blow pretty much as soon as I said it. I quickly apologized but it was out there. My stepdaughter has been on an emotional downward spiral.
My husband and I have been arguing almost nonstop. I think it is mostly stress because he is at his wits end with how to help his daughter but he is becoming pretty mean and nasty towards me. Telling me to "grow up and just get rid of the fucking bookcase"
I know I was a dick for saying my stepdaughter could always go back to live with her mom (and I suspect that will be the main topic at hand in our next family therapy session).
But am I really being unreasonable in wanting to keep my beloved bookcase?
EDIT: Thank you everyone. Honestly. Thank you for those who shared their insight and advice and thank you to the people who have asked me hard questions that made me think. Especially those who asked what matters more, a bookcase or a/my child?
I've been reflecting really hard on what my bookcase means to me an why it is so important. I'm hitting some deep truths I don't think I was ready to recognize about how I really feel about my relationship with my step daughter.
All in all I think we just need to shelf things until our next therapy session. (I'll see myself out...)
Relevant Comments:
Commenter: Can you temporarily put it in storage until she’s off to college, then take it back out? That way it will be safe, and everyone can take a deep breath and calm down a little.
OOP: I looked into storage units when my husband suggested it, for the size and climate/humidity control we would need it would cost us approximately $7,500 to store my shelf until she goes to college.
It's cost prohibitive.
Commenter: Why can't you just move the bookcase into the primary bedroom?
OOP: It's 7' x 4' x 1', made of solid wood, and we have a L shaped stair case.
The only way it is going upstairs is if it is completely dismantled and rebuilt. I don't have the skills, knowledge or tools to do that and hiring out a task like that is cost prohibitive especially because it would have to be done again when moving the bookcase back out.
Commenter: NTA. You need to put that bookcase in a room with locks, because your husband is going sell it or damage it.
OOP: My husband isn't an emotionally unstable monster. I don't believe he would ever do anything like that to me. I wouldn't have married him if he was that kind of person.
(to another commenter): I have absolutely zero concern about my husband doing anything to it. He isn't that kind of person. He is incredibly stressed out about all of this and has said shitty things in anger but this isn't some tv show where he and my stepdaughter are going to have daddy and daughter bonding time with a sledge hammer.
Commenter: I think he was just frustrated and worried about his daughter. Hopefully you can talk it out with him and he will apologize for the "grow up" comment.
OOP: That is my impression in regards to him too.
I can't imagine how hard it must be to see your child suffering and not being able to fix that pain.
I've been doing my best to give him grace due to the circumstances.
It is something we will address when he has the spoons to do so.
Commenter: One question: who owns or rents the house you are living in? If it is yours you can suggest that your husband move out and get a place of his own to his daughter liking
OOP: My husband and I purchased it together. We are both on the mortgage.
Commenter: Then time to figure out who stays, who goes, and how the equity...if split.
OOP: I don't intend to divorce my husband and throw away a decade plus long relationship because he said one shitty thing to me during a period of great stress for him.
Commenter: If he destroys the bookcase to show solidarity with his daughter, what will you do?
OOP: Have him pink slipped.
That is not the action of a reasonable adult. I would be very concerned for his mental state.
Commenter: I wonder if she made similar unreasonable demands in her mother’s home or at school that lead you to the conflict there?
OOP: Part of the issues with her homelife with her mother involved my step daughter demanding that her mother choose between her now husband and her because mom's husband's political views.
So, this isn't exactly left field behavior.
Commenter: Your stepdaughter needs a massive reality check and probably different therapists.
OOP: oof. We are on our 5th
More on therapy:
Yes. She meets with a psychiatrist as well as her therapists.
(to a different commenter) We are in family counseling already. Couple's counseling is likely to happen if there isn't a resolution to this current bookcase issue in the very near future.
Commenter: Info needed: what is your ‘wrong stance’ when it comes to trans issues?
OOP: I'm kinda middle of the road when it comes to the trans political issues, and mostly take the stance of "I don't know, I have my own feelings about the issues but as it is not my area of expertise I am not beholden to them and I will leave these big problems up to the people who have made learning about them their focus of study"
Like, I get my feathers ruffled when medically uneducated politicians try to interfere with any kind of health care. Like seriously ruffled.
I believe that people facing gender identity issues should have free and easy access to health care and therapy to navigate those issues.
I believe that society in general should strive to use preferred pronouns if only as a matter of politeness.
But when it comes to things like trans people in sports or having afab only "safe spaces" - I see both sides of the argument and refer back to my "I think this should be left up to the people who focus on this and not form a super strong opinion either way based on my lay opinion"
OOP is voted NTA
Update Post: May 12, 2024 (1.5 months later)
Some one asked if I could update this situation, and I'll try my best to summarize the past several weeks.
My husband and I spoke about the situation. He apologized for being snappish with me, and agreed that SD was being unreasonable about the bookcase. He ultimately agreed to back me about it. He and I are just as tight as we ever have been.
I once again apologized to my SD for the remark I said out of frustration about her moving back with her mom. I reiterated that our home is her home too and she is always welcome here. That even though families sometimes fight and disagree we ARE family.
But the general argument about HP, JK Rowling, and my bookcase continued to escalate for a couple weeks. And then the discontent about that started to bleed over into complaints about me. She started to be more disrespectful and sarcastic.
During all of this we were still attending our family therapy sessions. Our therapist was pretty certain that the misbehavior was anxiety related and didn't suggest that we give in to the demands to have the bookcase removed and wanted to just keep working on the things we all have been.
Well, SD's disrespectful attitude hit a climax. She called me the c word and some other choice things within my husband's ear shot. My husband honestly kinda lost it on her. I don't think I have EVER seen him that angry before. He was bright red and vein popping angry as he marched her to her room and declared "YOU WILL NOT SPEAK TO MY WIFE IN SUCH A WAY".
This was probably the first time my SD had ever seen her dad angry, let alone anger directed at her. It left her pretty shook. Like that was her rock bottom. We ended up needing to do a couple emergency session with her counselor because there was concern about her relapsing with some self-destructive issues she has been working on.
But that incident lead to us having a break through. Her counselor invited my husband and I into one of her sessions, and she had a bit of a break down. Basically she was dealing with a lot of existential dread and a lot of fear due to politics and it being an election year.
That ended up being an excellent opening for us to bond. This is gonna sound silly but I was able to pull up my social media timelines back from 2016 and I showed her some of the things I had written or had shared with me back then.
She was able to see that I shared a lot of the same fears that she has.
So we have all had some really big talks about things like feeling helpless when things are out of your control, about disengaging from the media machine for your own mental health, etc.
Things have been on the upswing since then. Before she left for her mom's this past weekend she even gave me a mother's day gift. An adorable little planter that says Caution: Mandrakes.
I love it. I put one of my favorite props in it and it is front and center on the bookcase now.
Relevant Comments:
To a downvoted commenter:
your continued support of JK Rowling through fandom will likely be an issue for other LGBT people in your life
The only other LGBT person in my life sent me bertie botts every flavor beans in my christmas package this past year...
Commenter: This poor girl is terrified of being kicked out from another set of abusive parents and is forcing herself to buy merchandise to support someone who wants her dead to make her stepparent happy. This update is horrifying, for real.
OOP: Hope you stretched before this reach.
SD was not kicked out of her mom's home. That was a choice she made. She is in no danger of being kicked out of our home either.
submitted by LucyAriaRose to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:00 K_orymay Trauma is so exhausting - very long vent i’m so sorry

I don't even know how much of my trauma actually is trauma? If that makes sense? I always feel horrifically invalid from it being so watered down as a child and made to feel normal.
I was bullied to the ends of the earth for the sexual abuse my bio dad put me through because I would talk about it like it was normal at school to my friends, simple things like someone having their own bedroom and not being forced to sleep in their dads bed, or being allowed to open the blinds, not having to deadbolt the front door or not being forced to take temazepam every night. Oh, it's not normal for your dad to force you to drink upward of 3 bottles of wine a weekend? I would be tormented by my friends because they were kids, kids are assholes, common shit like ‘your dads a pedo/he touches you/etc’ and I'd laugh along because I didn't know what it meant. No one ever explained it to me, no other adults stepped in to stop it, not even my sibling spoke up about it even though she witnessed it for majority of my growing up. This all took place from ages 3-12, my memory only starting at about 8 and at 12 i had to remove myself from that situation because my mother didn’t want to ‘be a bitch’. it’s been 6 years since i’ve seen my dad, which i only have myself to thank, my family still jokes about the stuff i went through, which i later learnt they all knew about. He had 4 restraining orders against him from a previous family, because he sexually abused his 3 kids, all under the age of 8, youngest being 2.
i went to the police about everything (my mother did not want to be involved so i had to get my sibling to take me, i was 14 at the time). they told me because i had no evidence and it had been so long, the only thing i could do was get a no contact order, which my mum would have to fill out and it would protect me from him contacting me, meaning if he broke it, it would lead to a restraining order, and then if that was broken he would do time. she told me to my face that it was a waste of time. When i was 13 i opened up to her about shit that had happened, her only response was ‘you can’t blame me for what happened’. Mind you this was not the only person in the family who was doing shit, my dad found CP of me on my cousins laptop when i was 8, he was so angry and after that day i was no longer allowed in my cousins room when we went over there. that’s some of the only ‘trauma’ i have clear memory of was the shit on those recordings.
Around that time i started self harming, i was around 9 years old and as i got older it just got more ‘severe’, stitches, weekly doctors visits, medication, therapy ontop of therapy, my mums only issue with my self harm seemed to be that it made her look like a shit parent, the first time she saw was when i was 13, my sleeve rolled up whilst we were waiting for a court meeting. My dad had tried to take us to court since he believed my mum was ‘keeping’ me from him (we did not end up going to court, he threatened to kill his lawyer and then was given a mental health assessment that did not go in his favour.). She saw my wrist and started screaming at me in the middle of a cafe about how stupid i was for even doing that, mind you i was on my way to have a child psychologist assess me for court. she swore black and blue at me before telling me to ‘keep my sleeves down’ during the assessment.
Second time she found out was when she came into my room whilst i was taking a nap, i was wearing a short sleeved shirt so my at the time scars were quiet visible, she dragged me out of bed whaling about how i was stupid for continuing and i had ruined my body, i was 15 at this time, the year prior i had been diagnosed CPTSD, Emerging BPD, PDD (persistent depressive disorder) and Social Anxiety, as well as panic disorder and some form of major dissociation either from BPD or underlying schizophrenia (there’s a very strong genetic risk for it since both my dad and 3 of my siblings have it.). She didn’t care what diagnosis i had, she still doesn’t to be honest and to her they’re just words on paper saying her kid is ‘weird’. Growing up i was often referred to as ‘it’, ‘the thing’, ‘kid’. i’ve found that after all sexual assault i start to feel immensely uncomfortable in my identity, and i will change my name, i also discovered the queer community around the time of all this too and it gave me something to focus on instead of dwelling about my past. she’s never respected my name, or pronouns, it’s been the same name for 4 years now, same pronouns and either of those have ever been attempted to be used, i gave up so i just let her say what she wants since she’s sick and probably won’t be around for a while longer.
I know if someone else told me this stuff i’d always agree that it’s messed up and they need help etc. but because it’s me i just can’t make that connection? this is my childhood, this was what’s normal, no one ever batted an eye about it or told me it was wrong so i can’t be upset or feel bad about it since what am i going to do? but realistically, i am honestly falling apart day by day, all trust is gone, i don’t know who i am, i constantly put others first, and ontop of mental fuckarounds there’s a bunch of shit wrong with me physically that limits a lot of stuff, i feel like this world isn’t meant for me, my quality of life is nearly 0 and if an animal had gone through shit to the point it can’t function in life properly and will be put down, then why tf am i still here, i have so many questions to ask so many people of just ‘why did you let this happen’ but i know the blame will be pushed back to me.
sorry for rambling, my head is so clouded at the moment and i’ve been having horrible irrational thoughts about all this, I’m 17 now, i’ll be 18 this year. i’ve moved out of my mothers house and see her once a fortnight, shes dying, and it saddens me since i do love her, she’s my mum, a part of me will always love her. My dad is still unfortunately alive, he got me sent into the psychiatric hospital a could months back, he finds whatever house i live in, whatever job my family members (2) have, he will drive by, rock up, break in, do whatever he wants since police won’t help, he’s still tormenting my life every single day and there’s nothing i can do about it, and i’m so, so tired.
submitted by K_orymay to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:59 Sammisells I need help finding this movie!!!

I watched this movie back in middle school with a friend late at night we found it on demand it was a suspense/horror I don’t remember much though but what I do remember is a girl/woman was being held captive in a small room/cuboard half way up the stairs (see link for reference photo!)
submitted by Sammisells to whatsthemoviecalled [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:53 Sammisells [TOMT] [MOVIE] [1985-2012]

I watched this movie back in middle school with a friend late at night we found it on demand it was a suspense/horror I don’t remember much though but what I do remember is a girl/woman was being held captive in a small room/cuboard half way up the stairs (see link for reference photo!)
submitted by Sammisells to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:53 Dry_Necessary_4223 I've never had a "quintessential" teenage experience and I don't think I ever will. I'm finding it hard to not feel like a loser.

Since I've been a teen, I've been a very responsible and anxious person. I went to a small high school (graduated with 20 people), and my friends were never "partiers", so we never went out. I never had a boyfriend, no first kiss, nothing, during high school.. I was focused on my grades and stuff. In college, it was basically the same. No boyfriends, friends who don't want to party (not that I want to, but if my friends did maybe I would!), focused on grades, no drinking/drugs/vaping (gross), skincare and in bed by nine. I don't like talking to new people, I'm often stuck in my mind overthinking or just very anxious. Even at gatherings, I stick by my parents and am scared to interrupt conversations with people I know. I'm home for the summer, and my parents always want me to go do things and be a teenager, but I just don't know how. I want to, but I'm so nervous. I don't want to drink or do drugs, or to sleep with a bunch of people or anything, but a middle ground between that and what I'm doing now.
Anyways, how do I stop feeling lame, especially when my parents are making me go out--my mom jokingly called me "boring" today. How do I cope with the fact it'll probably never happen for me? Or how do I stay out of my mind or overthinking at all gatherings and just be outgoing and free? Idek. Sorry, long and rambly post
submitted by Dry_Necessary_4223 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:52 Jiujitsubeard M34 and f33 male-am i crazy or is this messed up?

Her side i didnt put enough effort in for middle of relationship, got lazy. Have since corrected and done my absolute best to repair. Obv didnt work, first she ended relationship and went out with a dude for a year while also living with me and doing stuff with me. My fault, got that. Now she is in school for xray tech and dosnt have any family to rely on. We got back togethet then she just ended it again. New dude in picture, prolly seen him for a month tops and have brought our son over 3 days in a row all day until 1030pm he is 5 to play woth this dudes kids. I got upset because today she had him all day with this person and when brought him back this person and his kid were in car. Now we arnt together but she knows me and that i still have feelings. So there is that plus introducing our kid so quick. Am i wrong here/controlling or what? I def have some issues so i cant always tell. I told her if he comes over the property line again im calling police and that i now havebproof of written notice.
submitted by Jiujitsubeard to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:52 leeleebiiiird Apparently doing things I can't remember doing.

According to my family, I do thing's I can't remember. Like scream in my sleep, sit up in my sleep, and run down the hall screaming. It's weird, I have absolutely no memory of doing so, and I'm living a semi-happy life currently, so I don't know why I'm screaming. I have depression and past trauma from a young age so maybe that has part of what to do with it. I wonder how many times I've done things I can't remember. I've also had 2 moments where I kind of blacked out, but not like actual fainting blacked out, I mean I literally saw all black, a plain black void, quiet with absolutely no sound, couldn't feel my soundings and couldn't even feel my own body, lasted a couple seconds, only happened two times to my knowledge, one time in elementary school and one time in middle school, and apparently according to my friends in elementary school and middle school I did things while in that void state that I can't remember and would never do but apparently did, but only twice, at least to my current knowledge. Maybe this new screaming thing could be a different version of that. I don't know what's causing this, I'm a bit scared. I don't feel like it's me doing these things even though it is and have no memory of them.
submitted by leeleebiiiird to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:52 Dry_Necessary_4223 I've never had a "quintessential" teenage experience and I don't think I ever will. I'm finding it hard to not feel like a loser.

Since I've been a teen, I've been a very responsible and anxious person. I went to a small high school (graduated with 20 people), and my friends were never "partiers", so we never went out. I never had a boyfriend, no first kiss, nothing, during high school.. I was focused on my grades and stuff. In college, it was basically the same. No boyfriends, friends who don't want to party (not that I want to, but if my friends did maybe I would!), focused on grades, no drinking/drugs/vaping (simply not interested), skincare and in bed by nine. I don't like talking to new people, I'm often stuck in my mind overthinking or just very anxious. Even at gatherings, I stick by my parents and am scared to interrupt conversations with people I know. I'm home for the summer, and my parents always want me to go do things and be a teenager, but I just don't know how. I want to, but I'm so nervous. I don't want to drink or do drugs, or to sleep with a bunch of people or anything, but a middle ground between that and what I'm doing now.
Anyways, how do I stop feeling lame, especially when my parents are making me go out--my mom jokingly called me "boring" today. How do I cope with the fact it'll probably never happen for me? Or how do I stay out of my mind or overthinking at all gatherings and just be outgoing and free? Idek. Sorry, long and rambly post
submitted by Dry_Necessary_4223 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:47 No_Somewhere_7052 my ex's mom kicked me out, this how I got my revenge

I am 23 years old I have a 4 year old girl, he's 25, I'm just going to name him jack. Jack still lives with his mother, I been knowing jack since middle school. We been on and off since then, Jack's mother lets just call her Emily, Emily never treated me with respect. So my mom called me telling me I got approved for a house so he was excited and Emily said "you don't want him to go with you do you" I said "I don't know y'all don't treat me right I get in trouble for everything even when I stay in my room with my 4 month old (this happened before she turned 1). He take's all of my paychecks, he always mentally abused me keep me isolated from my family. Never helps me with my daughter, when I do ask for help he always gets mad at me and complain how he don't get help from his mother while I'm at work and says "so why should I help you?" so give me a few days and I will answer that because my daughter is crying. I'm going to feed my daughter". So 1 hour later she came up stairs telling me "pack up your sh!t get the f*k out" so I let my daughter stay because I knew I was going to be homeless after, I didn't want her to be homeless with me. So he thought we was still together, so about this time I was talking to someone else so I told him I didn't want to be with him anymore after what Emily pulled. So I went there every day to see my daughter, so they wanted to see the guy I was talking to because he was trying to have the guy stop talking to me (the guy told me what they talked about that how I know he was trying to get him to leave me alone) my daughter is about 1 years old around this time, she wanted me to spend the night (she cried when I tried leaving and she started to like the dude I was talking to)so they let me spend the night with the guy that I was talking to. So I ended up having s*x with the guy, he gave me h!ckeys and I gave him some also. I never seen someone looked so depressed, while we was doing it jack was trying to make me a song for me to fall back in love with him. That love I had for him went right out the window when Emily kicked me out, until this day jack still trying to come back, he dating a new girl have 2 children with her. I'm engaged to someone else, currently pregnant with my fiancé child. Before y'all ask did he know? yeah he knew about it because of the h!ckeys. They did not know each other or anything first time of them meeting each other.
submitted by No_Somewhere_7052 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]