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Board Kings

2017.02.10 04:40 theopenbox Board Kings

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2016.07.01 22:25 CSR Racing 2

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2024.06.02 05:57 lil_lilith13 AITAH for not telling his wife but also for not blocking him?

Please be kind as this whole situation has me kinda anxious. I feel like there's no right answer on what to do.
Minor TW for mention of SA but its not significant to the whole post.
TLDR- My ex from almost 10 years ago has been secretly stalking my Instagram account for just under 2 years. The situation gives me the ick but I also don't care enough to take the time to block him. Especially as I feel his behavior doesn't deserve my attention or acknowledgement and could just lead to bigger problems i dont need. How ever, the girls girl in me feels bad for his wife because I know she would not be happy to find this out. I wouldn't be happy if my fiance did this. Am I the asshole for not making a bigger deal out of this. For not confronting/blocking him or telling his wife.
Here's more details. The long version with the back story.
My (28F now 17/18F at time of relationship) ex fiance (21/22M At time of relationship) has been stalking me on Instagram. Our relationship started when I was a junior in High School at a local Votech. He was my shop teachers son who was paying for and taking classes as an adult for another shop along side the high school students. A special opportunity that he was presented because of his parents employment at the school. That's how we met and started dating in like April of 2013.
He was extremely toxic in our relationship (I'm not saying I'm perfect). He would constantly try to make me jealous. First by saying a girl in the shop class he was taking was constantly flirting with him. Later by telling me while working at his job (gas station convince store) women gave him their number. Even one time trying to tell me some woman messaged him asking to sleep with him. I told him it sounded like an ad from a porn site and he got extremely offended and tried to convince me it wasn't an ad but that a real woman was trying to get him to come sleep with her. Basically the whole "other women want me. You should feel lucky I only want you" behavior BS. He also refused to let me have friends. He would start fights with me almost every time I was with a friend. I'm bisexual so he assumed I would cheat on him with my girl friends. None of my friends liked him because of this.
But I was naive and thought I was in love. He proposed to me on Valentines Day 2014. I turned 18 and graduated a few months later before going to college in August 2 hours away. Things got worse between him fighting with me all the time about him being paranoid I'd cheat on him. Then him taking 2 months before visiting me only to say he was coming up for the weekend then actually only come up to visit for 2.5 hours, fuck me, eat a donut, and then decide to leave and go home. Long story short we broke up at the end of October after some toxic shit.
I quickly moved on because of some homophobic shit he said to a friend of mine causing me to lose any love or respect I had for him. His SIL messaged me after we broke up to tell me how horrible I was for breaking his heart. He had told his family we broke up because I had "cheated on him with a female and decided I'm a lesbian." I promptly told her he lied and told her what really happened including screenshots. I thought that was the end of everything. Deleted everyones number and moved on. November came and went and in December I met a different guy we can call Matt and we started dating.
After 6 months of dating Matt, my exs SIL messaged me cussing me out, insulting and threatening me. Telling me he found someone much prettier and better than me (her cousin who we had actually met at her wedding to his brother). She claimed my ex said I had been texting him gloating about my new relationship and sending him photos of Matt and I. I explained I hadn't texted my ex since the day we broke up in October and lost his number with in the same week. It was not me trying to text him. But I was genuinely concerned and wanted to know who did since I didn't want or need unnecessary drama. I offered to help find out who was doing this (though my suspicion told me it was him using a text app on his iPod Touch to text himself and the photo that was sent was one of my public FB Profile pictures since as I said above he tried similar to make me jealous before when I was his GF so it would not shock me if he did it to the new girl too). Unsurprisingly when I asked for the number that texted him this stuff he conveniently deleted it and didn't know the number. But I was told if they texted again the SIL would tell me the number. They never texted again. That was in 2015. I hadn't thought about them since.
Until this past December 2023.
I was on Instagram looking through stories. Instagram showed me a "People you may know" story with a few accounts it thought I may want to follow. The first one showed my Exs account, his picture of him and his wife (the SILs Cousin). This weirded me out because we've been broken up for 9 years at this point. We don't have mutual friends or social circles. He shouldn't be in my "people you may know". But then I saw it specifically said "Follow BACK" indicating he was following me. Which is why it showed me his account. I was so confused because I would have noticed if my ex had shown up in my notifications.
I went to his profile and I actually did recognize the username. And was able to check when he had followed me. He followed me in August of 2022. But he didn't have a PFP or any post then. I didn't realize it was my ex because even though the username included his first name it had been so long that I didn't even think it was him. The only reason why I remembered the account even following me is because it includes his middle name (that I forgot was his middle name at this time) and that middle name is the same first name as the man who assaulted me in 2017. So I was afraid the account was my rapists Instagram but realized I was being paranoid and that he was still in jail at that time so it couldn't have been him. A lot of random accounts follow me on Instagram because my account is public.
Anyway, he followed me in August of 2022 and never had a PFP or any post until November of 2023 which is why I had no idea he was following me and why he showed up in December as someone I may know (because he was active on Instagram then and recently made his first post). I know he sees my post because he only follows 9 accounts, me, a few shops, and model accounts.
What had me the most weirded out by this is that in the 9 years we were broken up I never saw him or ran into him. But in the time between August 22 and November 23, he showed up at the mall at the same time as me. More than likely a coincidence. But it was still weird. I considered blocking him but both my fiance and best friend told me not to worry about it unless he does keep showing up places. Because otherwise I'm just giving him a response to his behavior and he isn't worth that.
Some may say not blocking him means I'm trying to rub my relationship and family (I have a toddler and another baby on the way and I'm getting married this year too) in his face. But I'm not forcing him to look. I'm not posting anything with him in mind. And it's not my responsibility to help him move on. If he wants to look through my photos, as long as it doesn't actually affect or hurt me, I honestly could care less.
So I let it go. And honestly forgot about it until this week. While driving to my OB appointment I got a notification that my Exs account liked one of my photos on Instagram. When I saw this later at my appointment I did take a screenshot and then clicked the notification to see what it was. This wasn't a recent photo. It was a photo from 2015. Instagram showed he had unliked it, indicating he didn't mean to and was probably hoping I wouldn't see that he did in the first place. But what was weird to me about this was that he had to scroll through over 1,000 photos on my Instagram to get to and accidentally like this one from 9 years ago. So like this wasn't a casual just keeping tabs on how my ex is doing these days. He was scrolling through over 1,000 photos I've posted.
I once again considered blocking him but my friend made a good point that he followed me undetected before for over a year. He could make a new account and follow me again undetected. At least right now I am able to document anything that happens incase things were to escalate. And that not warranting the behavior with acknowledgement or a response is best. As it's highly unlikely this will go beyond him looking at my Instagram. I didn't post i was going to the mall the two times he was also there. And I don't share my location on any other social media apps. So it truly was more than likely a weird coincidence. So I'm just documenting everything incase it does escalate OR incase he tries something again like mentioned above and I get threatening messages from his family.
This is the part that's eating me up. His wife knows who I am. As I said I met her when his brother and her cousin got married. We were both in her bridal party. She's had me blocked on Facebook since the situation were her cousin messaged me about someone texting him thinking it was me. She was also with him at the mall the second time he was coincidentally there and she definitely saw me which was in itself an embarrassing encounter (because I had just bought my fiance a father's day gift but they couldn't remove the security tag from it so as I exited the store the alarm sounds like I'm robbing the place armed and they were in the food court right by the entrance and all this attention was on me, I went back to the counter but they told me they couldnt remove the tag so I had to let the alarm go off as I leave and it will turn off after a moment). I heard her even say "isn't that [my name]?" Anyway, I know she probably would not be happy to know he's following me. I looked her up on Instagram, she doesn't post often but most recently posted on Valentines Day about their 5 year wedding anniversary. But I don't think she knows he has an Instagram. She only follows a few accounts, including her cousin mentioned above. But neither of them follow her husband, my ex. And he doesn't follow any of them either.
Idk, maybe it's just me. But I would be livid to find out my fiance/husband had an Instagram where he didn't follow me but did follow his ex. I honestly feel bad for her because I know it would hurt me. But I also don't know if she truly has no idea. I asked my friend if I should say something to her but my friend said I'd just be opening myself up to unnecessary drama and stirring a pot that doesn't need to be stirred. Unless things escalate. That it would be wrong to potentially cause issues in their relationships over what could be innocent curiosity.
Idk. Maybe I'm over thinking things as I am hormonal as I'm 7 months pregnant. But I feel bad not telling her. And I also don't want to block him because at least now I know and can be aware of what's happening. Since he doesn't know I know at this time. I guess it's important to mention I have diagnosed ptsd from multiple things including abusive partners and had an ex stalk me previously. So being able to document things makes me feel calm and more in control of the situation. As finding out he was following me unnoticed for over a year was extremely triggering and as I said before blocking him could result in him just making another fake account.
submitted by lil_lilith13 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:22 AnyWhichWayButLose We have to concede that this game isn't meant for casuals, and that's OK

I'm old, pushing 40, and I've been playing FPS games for-damn-over 20 years now. I suck at this game.
Like many of you, I downloaded this game thinking I would be pubstomping like the good ol' days; reliving some good times on Black Ops 1, the OG MW and Halo 3. Instead I got spanked. A lot.
I've probably put over 40 hours into this game and my K/D is abysmal. I usually end up placing second to last, or even dead last place. I only gotten to be Player of the Game a single time (and I didn't even get a thumbs-up emoji for it). Like what in the hell is going on? I average a 2 K/D on MWIII, usually get first place every match and ::feel:: like I do well. It's definitely not the case at all with this game.
I initially want to blame cheaters but the more I played it wasn't the case. I was still playing bad; even with crossplay disabled (yes, think whatever you want but you can tell the difference between a KBM player versus a controller one).
It got to the point that it simply became not fun anymore. In order to play well in this game you have to treat it like a job. And the apparent skill gap in this game validates this. There is apparently no SBMM in this game (which I beg to differ since I get annihilated in the next match whenever I have a positive K/D in the last), and there is a subtle implementation of EOMM as well with inevitably getting spawnkilled after a killstreak. Don't try to argue this, either. I think developers implement both to retain players and to prevent an all-out rout in matches.
So I came to a crossroads: Do I continue to force myself to git gud or do I admit that this game isn't meant for me and play something else for fun (what a novel concept in this day and age of gaming)? I chose the latter.
I'm actually surprised since the game is new and you'd think Ubisoft would want to appeal to players of all types. It doesn't. I'm astonished how many sweaty players it attracted considering it's just a F2P game. Of course you try-hards are going to comment that you aren't even playing sweaty to feel better about yourselves. Whatever. I see you all on your Scuff controllers bunny-hopping like your lives depend on it and practically one-tapping me with your M4 or AK, making me believe that you're using cheats but actually you are not since that's how sweaty you've become on competitve FPS games over the years. Some of us just want to play after work, and on weekends, for some fun and this game isn't meant for those kinds of players.
But hear me out: If Ubisoft doesn't implement SBMM, this game will eventually die off. Of course you sweats will knee-jerk and say "git gud!" but sorry for wanting to have a life outside a F2P game. It's going to become a niche, hyper-competitive game only meant for eSport tourneys. If you need a devote your entire day to a video game then I'm kind of jealous. Virtually all of us filthy casuals have responsibilities to tend to. Now get pressed.
At the end of the day, it's just a game. And a game no longer becomes fun if you continually lose, and that's why I have since deleted it. Honestly the age of streaming caused a split in the player base: sweaty try-hards and filthy casuals. COD is aware of this and that's why they implement EOMM and SBMM so much in their installments. This is why XDefiant feels like a suckerpunch to us veterans of that franchise. It's going to be interesting how Ubisoft responds to this.
submitted by AnyWhichWayButLose to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:30 Boss452 Fast 5, Fast & Furious 6 & Furious 7 make for a great action trilogy.

It's hard to pick out a 3 movie run in a series of 10 but I feel these 3 movies deserve the mention. I think F1-F4 are all entertaining movies but are mid. The first 2 feel very dated now although the OG has its pros. But Fast Five changed things up big time and brought life back into the franchise. The next 2 maintain the same quality I feel and Furious 7 has the perfect ending this series could have asked for. F8-F10 become the Dominic Toretto show and physics, logic and reason have no place in them at all. It has become a meme worthy series now and the dwindling box office results of the last 2 are signs that fans are losing interest.
Anyways, coming to the F5-F7 trilogy, F5 is the blueprint to what the franchise has now become. But it feels very fresh and organic here. There is an 'edge' to it. Dominic still has the anti-hero swagger which got lost F7 onwards. The Rock as Hobbs was a menacing presence. The favelas of Brazil added a lot of atmosphere and the plot involving 3 parties colliding with each others' interest was engrossing.
Fast and Furious 6 is arguably just as good as Fast Five. 2/3 of the movie is set in London and that might arguably be the best portion of the series. This is the first time a character returns from the death. But they have a cheat here since we never actually saw Letty die in F4. Luke Evans' Owen Shaw is a very charismatic presence. Nice to see Hobbs join the team. The initial chase through the streets of London is very fun. And it's exciting to see Hobbs' team take on Shaw's similar team. Each character again gets their fair share of screentime. The Dom vs Letty race is fantastic. Lot of tension there. When things move to Spain is when physics gets abused badly although the tank scene and the airport runaway scene are really fun. I love how in these movies almost all members of the team get to do physical stuff. Unlike say Mission Impossible or Bond where it's Ethan or Bond in action as the rest sit out behind the screens. Credit where it is due, each sequence in the F&F franchise has so many moving parts in them. Fast and Furious 6 ends on a good note where the team get pardons and return to LA.
Furious 7 has less of a reason to exist and is a bit of a downgrade in quality but I have to credit James Wan here for good direction. It being Paul walker's last movie also holds value. The Caucasus mountains action scene is arguably the best setpiece of the series. Kurt Russel was a nice addition and Statham is intimidating as well. But I do feel Abu Dhabi and LA sequences get too gimmicky. I also dislike how Vin diesel starts dominating proceedings in this one. Previously things were nicely balanced with Walker's Brian. But the ending they give to Walker is worth the movie.
So if any new viewers are interested, F5-F7 is must watch in the action genre. The earlier ones can be ignored. And F8-F10 are devoid of any logic or reasonable story. The whole formula gets stale at this point. Even the action spectacles lose creativity at this point. When cars start taking on submarines is when you know filmmakers dont respect the audience anymore.
But it shouldn't take away that Fast Five and Furious 6 are great action pics.

submitted by Boss452 to movies [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:05 LuckyRespect2899 Found bf of 3yrs cheating

Me and my bf both 19 recently moved in together since this I’ve noticed him being off not are caring towards me. A week before I caught him I was having nightmares about him cheating or telling me he found someone better. Now the thing about our relationship is we got together when he was expelled from high school and he had no job no car no license nothing most people who know us personally didn’t think he would graduate but he did even graduated early because I helped him I also got him every job he has ever had I figured out how to get our apartment I gave him my old flat screen TV I took him to get his license basically I’ve done a lot for this man. Now we got laid off past winter and I found him a new job we talked and I decided to go to college online. Since then he doesn’t help me do anything around the apartment because well “He works” he stands and watches a machine if it breaks he finds someone to fix it. When I was having the weird dreams I woke up and seen he was on his phone under the blanket I checked the time and it was 2:45am the next day he told me he was texting his brother. A few more days go past and I wake up before him one morning and I’m trying to go through his phone to see if he was really texting his brother instead I find two phones the one I knew about and one of his old phone that we’ve had countless fights over even in front of friends he promised all his old phones where broken and thrown away so I freak out about that and break both his phones (also wanna add I bought the phone that I knew about for him in the first place) he tells me he is sorry and he messed up it was just this one time it hasn’t been the whole three years now I have all his social passwords and location. A few days later I start going through his stuff because I know how many phones he has had since we have been together and I just found out he lied about getting ride of them that’s when I find another phone placed in a position like he was looking for it or trying to use it so I break that one and throw it away he says he wasn’t using it and it was clean but look like he was trying to find it so he could use it. Flash forward a month we are cleaning the closet out and I find another old phone an iPod and two kindles he freaks out when I tell him I wanna go through the phone and he gets it away from me and breaks it before I get the chance but yesterday when he was at work I looked through the kindle and he was messaging girls in 2022 we got together in 2021 so apparently it has been more then once and going on longer then I thought. Basically he cheated on me in 2022 and 2024 let’s be honest 2023 was probably in the phone he broke so I could see it basically we have an apartment together this man cannot function on his own and will mess my credit up if I leave he also used my car for work is the only one working atm (I have an interview next week and I’m in college) and he gives me the money to pay rent he doesn’t even know how to use the app basically I’m stuck and looking for advice even though he hurt me I don’t wanna leave him stranded with no where to go I honestly see no future with him anymore and we had our whole future planed out also all the girls he was talking to look nothing like me advice?
submitted by LuckyRespect2899 to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:20 TraditionalBet8235 Just need to vent and maybe see things through different perspective

So I'm just here too vent I don't know where to start but I'll start at the beginning so some backstory, I grew up in a traditional household as in I was fending for myself from the age of 14 by that I mean that once I turned 14 I cooked my own meals I did my own laundry I cleaned my own room I did my own jobs where I got paid money for things Such as babysitting house cleaning and sitting. Also I feel like I should mention that I grew up in a sixth generational military household where we were Raised under strict discipline We were also raised to have strong moral values as in do not do anything illegal and be an upstanding citizen you see something wrong report it. So to the meat and potatoes of why I want to vent so For this we need to go back 12 years ago so I just graduated high school I decided I want to start dating so I ended up meeting the person who would become my life partner when I first met him and we were on our first date I specifically told him that if we are going to be serious there's a game changer or end of game for me would be If he Or any of his friends or family members Had a criminal record that it would be game over "sorry thanks for playing tell him what he has won Charlie". He very plainly told me that no everyone and his family and his life are good people. So I give him a chance and we ended up dating for 2 years. Eventually I ended up getting stationed far away and I asked him if he would like to move in with me and he said yes. After a short while of us living together we ended up getting pregnant with our daughter and then he wanted me to meet his parents. side note The reason why I haven't met his parents up until this point is because I was a strong believer in not meeting the in-laws until marriage was either on the table or at least in talks but I did not want to meet them unless I and he was absolutely sure that we wanted to take that step. So we eventually went to go meet his parents and siblings and his siblings kid and everything went well it was a very lovely meeting and there was nothing to complain about nothing out of the ordinary. It eventually got to the point where every weekend we would be going to his parents house and the rest of the pregnancy went by swimmingling no problems whatsoever. Eventually my daughter came into the world during the summer and she was full term healthy happy baby. After 2 months of recuperating from giving birth we went to go visit his family let them see their granddaughter, niece, cousin. When we arrived at my in-law's house his cousin was there just chillin sitting on the couch. My partner said "cousin you're out of juvee that's amazing I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon" Safe to say my eyes widen when I heard my partner say this because I flashback to when we first met and I specifically asked him if he had any family members or Or friends who Who had a criminal record. I pulled him to our room that we had aside at the In-law's house and hushley yelled at him saying that he had told me that he had no family members are friends with criminal records he very nonchalantly Said "oh cousin doesn't have a criminal record it was expunged when he turned 18" 🚩#1: I don't know about everyone else but this was a red flag when I first heard it cause he basically got me on a technicality But I still felt betrayed because his cousin was in juvee for a pretty bad crime.( Not gonna mention here but it will come into light later in the story.) I let it go for the moment And enjoyed the rest of my weekend unfortunately though I had left my ipod In my room cause I was told it would be safe there because I was also told that I should make my partner's room feel more homey to me. But when I had came back the following weekend to get my ipod it was not where I had left it I ended up tearing apart the room looking for it because it had sentimental value to me due to irreplaceable photos videos from high school of friends, friends who are no longer with us, events that I held dear from high school Especially all the events that come with senior year of high school. I asked all the family who were living in the house at the time if any of them had been in partner's room or Or borrowed my ipod and everyone said no everyone said I don't know where it is. I then asked who has been in the house during the week since I was gone and mother-in-law said oh cousin was here because he was having trouble with his girlfriend. I went to partner and asked him to call cousin to see if he borrowed my ipod because if he did then I would like it back because I have I have irreplaceable photos on the ipod. 🚩#2: Partner said no cousin wouldn't never take anything from my room cousin's not like that you're crazy why you being so upset and crazy over a few photos and a ipod. Partner also mentioned that because of my view of His cousin that that's clouding my Vision of him so of course I would automatically assume he would take it granted I did not specify he stole it I said borrowed did not say stolen please refer to previously mentioned reason why this ipod was so important to me...partner knew of the sentimental value of the ipod also that I paid for it with my hard earned money, it was the first expensive thing I had ever brought. Anyways partner had me second-guessing myself so I eventually just let go the fact that my ipod was missing I did not bring it up I should have it would save me a lot of mental health in the future anyways flash forward to 2015 my contract With the military was up I decided not to reinlist. As a goodbye gift my master chief had given me a deer antler bullet Pen that he had made personally for me. At the behest of his parents me and partner and our daughter moved into his parents place I kept the pen in a pen holder On my desk in my room At this point in time I was always out of my room and out of the house looking for a job. I didnt really need one I was making and still am making plenty from the VA. I'm sure a lot of you I probably gonna say that when I had moved in I should learn my lesson with the ipod and had installed a lock on the door but my in-laws were strong believers in a no lock policy in the house of course I did not And still do not believe in that policy I like privacy I do not like the idea of someone just randomly barging into my Space at any given moment. So eventually one of my old navy buddies had came to visit me and wanted to see the pen that master chief had given me. We wanted to compare the ones that Master chief had given both of us Every pen he had made was always unique so we wanted to see the difference Between the 2. Low and behold my pen was missing and I was devastated. And true Rinse and repeat fashion. I asked all the family members who were living in the house at the time if anyone had been in my room and took a pen they all looked at me like I was crazy and said are you going to get upset over a pen missing now and I specified that that pen was basically a parting gift from my boss for For being in the military. 🚩#3:After I realized that I was not gonna get anywhere with asking the family, I voice my concerns and grievances to my partner he also made me feel like I was crazy because he stated that "it's just a pen get over it". Eventually I did manage to get a few jobs over the next few years up until 2019 when I eventually decide I want to better my education and go to college so from June till may of 2020 I was going to college.side note: From when we had moved in with his parents all the way till even today I have been doing 90% of the housework as in I cook, I clean, I do laundry all the while working 40+ hour weeks. All partner ever does is just go do work with his dad And come home to fresh clean clothes and towel fresh out of the dryer laid out in the bathroom and a hot meal waiting on the table as I'm sure you're getting from the tone of what I'm saying right now I think you know Where this whole thing is gonna go real soon. So while I'm going to school and doing all the housework taking care of our child. My partner would come home shower do all the normal stuff and then go to bed but then he wouldn't touch me or be intimate with me he would always say I'm tired I'm not in the mood I have a headache. Maybe you dont understand partner but I never pressed on him because I assume because of certain work stressors He must be having a tough week so I never pressed him to be intimate with me. Pass to around a few weeks before Halloween I was just randomly scrolling on his phone looking at Halloween costumes for our daughter cause she wanted a very specific costume and he had gotten a text message from someone labeled under a male name and they said something that was very alarming and I looked in the text against my better judgment And what it said was hey how about we have another car date. I didn't want to jump to conclusions so me in stealth mode I text it back saying what would you like to do during the car date and the person replied oh the same thing we do every time we go on a car date you me in the back seat and you pounding me like crazy. With you saying my name and me screaming yours. Safe to say I was sick to my stomach just from reading what the person had text I had screenshot the text and I had sent it to myself and then deleted the text that I had sent to myself from my partner's fault I then put the phone away and then partner went and got his phone and I could see his face turned pale white as he saw that the Text had been opened but he didn't make any mention even brought it up. After this I went into FBI mode and I would casually look at his phone whenever he was in the shower he would always leave it charging as soon as he got home from work and then any text messages that seemed kinda off I would screenshot them and I would look app the number at a later time and back track it via Google. The information you can find on Google is crazy to me thank God for google. I eventually would get the person he was sending messages 2 send pictures as proof that they were together And evidence was unmistakable the things that she had sent made my stomach turn lowkey I could hear just what the episode of SNAPPED would have said about me if I had listened to that inner voice. After getting plenty of proof of his infidelity I eventually confronted him And here's where red flag number 4 comes into play. 🚩#4: He stated that I had become distant from him that I was more concerned with our child and school then I was with him and then also another thing that was basically as he said the straw that broke the camel's back was that I had put on weight. at this point in time I was Only 50 pounds heavier than when I got out of the military. He also mentioned that I didn't make time for him anymore Which was far from the truth if anything I always tried to push to have time with him on his days off but he was always "with his friends" I later found out that he was with her. Another reason he had given was that our relationship had grown stale and cold and boring and he wanted something exciting and new. I gave him the ultimatum either he picks me and our daughter or he picks his side piece. And true kid mentality he said it wasn't fair because he loved both me and her and he couldn't pick and he had the nerve to come up with the idea that we do a sister wife/polygamy type of relationship. 🚩#5: He even went As far to say that we should do an open relationship but primarily one where he would be in a relationship with someone but I would have to be faithful to him.another side note:he's not morman or LDS or muslim Very nicely I state did that it would be a cold day in hell when any of those options would be even viable to me.* Again I grew up in a traditional household where monogamy is a necessity And I also made it very clear when we started dating that I was a monogamous person so how this even became an idea in his head I have no idea.* So he tells me once he sees that I am dead serious that he chooses me and our daughter and I stated good choice and I thought that was the end of it until December of that year when I had heard his phone go off while he was again in the bathroom and I went to look at it and it was her and she had stated that He had left his wallet at her place when When he had seen her last week. I was feeling mad and when he came to sit back down on the couch I threw his phone at him I Called him out for the sleazy dog that he wasAnd brought up other harsh words Regarding events that had happened in the past years Since we had moved in with his parents. 🚩#6:He stated that he hasn't seen her since I had given him the ultimatum and that she is just trying to get rise out of me because he had told her that I had found out about her. Of course I did not believe him so once he left for work the following day I checked his Google location for the day that she had mentioned that he had left his wallet and lo and behold he had been at her house during that week and then also later in the day after the text he had been at her house again this time he was at her house for the better part of 3 hours when he strictly told me that he was gonna be super busy and working with yard tools where he would not be able to hear his phone go Off whenever I text or call him. * Yes I can hear you all screaming at me that I should have left him when he first had the affair but I don't know maybe I had my daughter in my mind and didn't want her to grow up in a broken household or whatever may be the case but for some stupid God forsaken reason I gave him another chance And kept giving him chance after chance every time I saw he had gone to her house* Eventually he had grown tired of the girl and then he settled back into being monogamous again and everything for the most part especially after covid happened was quiet and calm but that's what I thought. Queue cousin entering from left stage. Cousin ended up staying with us during COVID because again he had a falling out with his girlfriend now baby mama And one particular day I came home from working limited hours due to covid and I see an iPod that looks eerily similar to the one I had. Curious I looked at the back and low and behold there was still a sticker residue from A sticker that had previous There. Fun fact about my ipod I had an anime sticker That I had personally designed. Again curiosity got the better be and I unlock the ipod and check the serial number in IMEI numbers and check the same Info on the product box that I had gotten my ipod in and lo and behold they matched perfectly to a T. Stupidly optimistic I was hoping someone had found it where it might have been misplaced and I was hoping that my photos and videos were still on the ipod. But as I'm sure you're probably already guessing it was wiped clean and it was nothing but photos of and you guessed it cousin and his baby mama and their baby. every video and pic that I had on my ipod from when I first bought it In freshman year of high school to when I had eventually had my daughter Was gone forever. Cousin came out of the bathroom and asked what I was doing with his ipod. I'm sure you know where this conversation is going so I'm not gonna repeat it but let's just say a few harsh things were said and he eventually felt guilty for not coming to me and asking if the ipod was mine. I obviously gave it back to him because it had no more sentimental value to me because all my stuff was deleted and it was basically his at this point. So later that night I again leaned on Partner's shoulder and Express my grievances and how I didn't appreciate that he gaslet me into thinking that his cousin wouldn't take something out of his room when in later years it is found out that he did in fact I asked for an apology on the matter and he stated... 🚩#7: Why are you upset over something that happened in the past and over photos that Aren't that important.* Our daughter's entire birth was on the ipod by the way Not to mention all my pregnancy bump milestone photos were there too.Also I have fertility issues and was told carry children would be difficult...I think they meant conceiving because like a unicorn no morning sickness or any of the negative things you hear that comes with pregnancy* Later in the year 2020 partner's brother ended up moving out and moving about 2 hours North of us With his girlfriend now wife. In the same fashion as us not too soon after they moved into their new place they found out they were expecting their first child together. The entire pregnancy went by just as smoothly as mine but around December, Brother-in-law and cousin decided to do cross-country trip this is all that they told us we thought they were crazy because His brother-in-law was expecting his first child and cousin was expecting his second child And the babies were going to be due any day at most within the coming weeks. Well surprise surprise we get a call from brother-in-law's frantic wife stating something happened to brother in law and cousin and that she couldn't talk about it over the phone. When she eventually arrived she was hysterical, Tears rolling down her face I actually felt A sense of concern and dread for what she was about to say to us. So long story short cousin and brother-in-law had been working for unfavorable people and transporting unfavorable items across state lines. sil and cousins baby mama knew what they were doing and would tag along, they "didn't care because the money and their lives were good" * Brother-in-law's ex then gf had previously told me that he was working for the same unfavorable people and when I brought it up to 🚩#8: partner he said x is crazy don't listen to Her. (He later told he and fam always knew what bil and cousin were doing just never brought it up because 'thats cousin and bils business to tell us'* Again due to COVID the court system was delayed and brother-in-law did not go to jail right away. While we were awaiting a sentencing Brother-in-law set all the family down and asked us to look over his wife and kids (yes kids plural he ended up having a second child while awaiting sentencing stupid I know.) The rest of the family said they would look out for Brother-in-law's family. But here's where I'm going to sound like an a****** but I very plainly and bluntly told him that I will not look after his family because I did not marry "wife" and I did not have "kids" I also stated that he knew that he was expecting a kid and he went to do a run even though his kid was due any day and I also mentioned that he needs to suffer the consequences of his actions. To make it short the family looked at me like I was the devil for saying this but I have made it clear of where I stand when it comes to criminals and doing illegal activities. I also have made it very clear how I feel criminals should pay for their actions. I know this will sound cheesy but if you cannot do the Time do not do the crime. In my eyes this was a textbook case of f*** around and find out. I do not feel like I should bend over backwards when I am taking care of my own family and my own problems and adding my brother-in-law's problems to my plate. Again this is where I might lose people but as I previously I grew up in a traditional household where we pull our weight and take care our ourselves. Sister-in-law is now living with us she does not have a job, she does not want a job, she does not pitch in for any expenses. I am paying over 70% of the household expenses water, gas, Wi-Fi etc. * Also after looking at the mortgage payment statements the rent I pay my in-laws to stay in the house pays for more than half of the mortgage.* Sister-in-law does not pitch in a dime. She has no disability she can work she just chooses not to. Well if you couldn't guess it the house was tense for the rest of the time that brother-in-law was in the house until he was eventually sentenced and put in jail. So since brother-in-law has been in jail I still stick to the hole I don't help sister-in-law with anything pertaining to her, I don't ask her for anything. She's been making it a habit of calling my partner and having him move my car from the spots that Im able to get in front of the house before she got into the spot to have him move the car for her because she doesn't want to walk far with The kids. This was usually how things were done until yesterday when sister-in-law was calling my partner to have him move my car and he wouldn't answer because he was asleep due to being sick. So In a begrudging fashion I assume this was for her she calls me to have me move my car, I told her I don't mind the car being moved but she would have to come get the keys to move it as I was currently busy rearranging my Space, And that I was trying to get everything i needed to get done before my day was over cause this was my only day off during the week, And in A spoiled sounding tone she says whatever Forget about it. Later in the day when my partner had woken up he Received a call from Sister-in-law stating that I was being difficult and wouldn't move the car From my spot.* I think it's fair to Mention that there are plenty of spots In front of our house but for some reason she always wants to park where I park. She never calls anyone else who's parked in front of the house ,if they're parked there, to move their cars only me or my Partner.) Also full circle, I was cleaning out our family's "junk cabinet" yesterday during my cleaning frenzy and found my deer pen it was in fils work bag, and yes its mine says my rank and full name on it.(trust me it'll come into play) So after the call with sister-in-law partner starts berating me Stating that I'm a part of this family and that I should be helping everyone out nevermind that I pay 70% expenses and more then half of mortgage,among other things. I told him very sternly that I had let her know that she could come and move the car herself but I was currently busy. I also stated that I told her when When brother-in-law asked us to help out with his family that I would not be doing any favors I will not be dropping things at the Whim of a hat for sister-in-law. I have my own things I need to do I can't just be stopping what I'm doing just to help her just cause it'll make it more convenient for her. I also stated during the convo with partner that there are plenty Of Mother's whose Partners are also in the prison system Who have multiple kids who are doing just fine by themselves. And that sister-in-law needs to women up And handle things on her own. I also stated that I did not tell her to have the kids That was all her choice. I also stated that I have never asked or received help for anything during my time with him and his family. I've been a very self-sufficient independent person. I'd like to make it known that we primarily survive off my income alone most of his income that he gives to me goes into savings because I make a Remarkably large amount of money thanks to what I get from the VA and from my 40+ hr job in the federal sector. And with the hours I work I don't have to worry about childcare as I watch my daughter during the day, When partner comes home from his long day at work I will sleep for a couple of hours before I start my night shift, I also will sleep while my daughter is in school till I have to pick her up then I do housework and take care of my child till my Partner Comes home and cook dinner. The only reason we live with in-laws is to help them with the mortgage because the mortgage is so incredibly high in the area that we live in. So to reiterate I have never asked or needed help from any of partner's family. And I find it funny that they are now preaching that we're a family we need to help each other, Yet never once while I was living with them have ever offered help offer to watch a our child for the night or anything. Not that I would accept or anything just saying it would have been a nice gesture at the very least. But after partner said that we're family, I retaliated by saying family doesn't violate personal space and go in your room and steals your stuff. He sighed and said you're on that again and I said it's not just the ipod it is also the fact that your dad stole my deer pen. And that the ipod was and the deer pen is sentimental to me. Like a broken record I stated that the ipod had everything from my past that was irreplaceable memories of friends who are no longer with us and of our daughter's first breath into the world And the fact that he is not as mad as me about the fact that we no longer have the video of our daughter being brought into the World Is eye-opening. We ended the day on a sour note where he ended up sleeping on the couch and I in our bed. which has led me to write out my emotions because I just want to scream at him for 🚩#9: everytime he gave his free time to his family,when I couldn't even get 2 hours a day to just chat, the little bit of time I did get with him he just wants to "sit in silence" where he ends spends the time on tiktok. Also whenever I find out when i have a day off usually a month in advance. I try to plan an "US" day where its just me, him, and our daughter.spoiler alert I rarely if ever get to share a day off with him and when he manages one, on the day we had plans he says something along the lines of I have to do a tree trimmng job or fix a sprinkler head, he states "won't take long" then will call and say he'll be bit longer, rinse and repeat this and he spends the whole day at his clients house fixing his fuck up. no hes not seeing AP I have untraceable GPS trackers secretly hidden in all the vehicles, and no not illegal I legally own and insure all our vehicles at my suggestion due problems with the parents. Also partner owns piece of fils business so in a way its keeping track of work equipment in case it gets stolen. I've gotten to the point where the moment he says he's gonna take longer than planned I just leave with my daughter and do what I had planned like go to the zoo, museum, trampoline park, etc. Partner does not call me all day. im at the point idc,still frustrated but don't care. Also here's the cherry on the cake usually when me and daughter go out we get back right when partner gets home and is unpacking the work vehicle and he has this look like were you out of the house all day? Which is confirm with that very question coming from his mouth. I send our child to go in the house sensing where the convo was leading to and once she was out of ear shot. Again very bluntly I tell im not gonna cancel my day if your not gonna prioritize me and our daughter's time I had plans for today I told you in advance you made your choice of which is more important so while you used your day off to do an extra job I used my day off to make memories with our child. In true child fashion he says but I wanted to go to insert place too. You should've just waited to go on a different day. I tell him that he always postpones or comes up with a reason not to go (too expensive, too hot, will be crowded, blah blah blah) so instead I will make the plan to go tell him ahead of time if he takes time off great if not no sweat im still going. Boy he got so irritated for being called out especially when our daughter yelled from the doorway dad you always cancel on us. BTW daughter is unaware of partners affair on the day that I confronted him a close friend that I had told of my situation told me and partner that her daughter wanted to do a sleepover I was unaware this was her sneaky way of helping me. I just took advantage of the empty nest situation I'm sorry if this is more of a rant but my anger and emotions all over the place I'm half tempted of just ending things cutting ties with him and his family because they expect me to change my morality, which I'm very uncomfortable with that. Everything that I was taught respect the relationship your in, respect the law, dont do anything illegal etc these are basic common sense things. Mil, bil, and partner did not respect their relationships or partner. Mil and partner cheated (not with eachother gross but with other people). Bil left pregnant wife alone, due to have a baby anyday, to do something illegal. Also the mental abuse i deal with Partner's sisters bullying me by critiquing how my parents raised me, on my parenting, calling me a hypocrite on my morality because I was trying to pin a baby on partner (was not true he was given the choice to leave all the way up until before delivery) I'm just mentally, physically and emotionally tired. And separation is looking really like a good idea. I've asked for family and couples counseling, inlaws and partner say "we don't have issues you do,why dont you get it, your too needy and selfish always wanting to spend alone time with partner" Thats why I'm turning to reddit one to vent/rant and two for second opinions. I try to limit what I tell bout my family to my parents friends and sibs partly because I hate painting people I've chosen to keep in my life in a bad light also my dad and brothers wouldve have made partner and inlaws take a dirt nap in the desert if I had told them what they've been putting me through and what partner did around time of covid, no trace or evidence think scene from boondocks of the assassin who "took care of" the entire family.only my close friend has seen and knows the full extent of what I've gone through, so she could be a witness to my family if partner tries to spin this around in his favor. But also she suggest the reddit route so I can get opinions and see if maybe I'm seeing this in a different light like seeing this though a different POV. Any advice or insight would be appreciated. I know I most likely am gonna get hate for this next thing I about to say as well But when we found out she was pregnant with the second kid I said with a great deal of concern that she should "take care of it" because "if you arent sure if you can handle two kids while brother in law is away then maybe keeping this one isn't the best choice" Again family looks at me like I'm the devil for suggesting this.Just so It's made clear I was not pushing her to get an abortion I was just trying to make it clear to her that she is going to be having 2 kids under the age of 2 in her care While her husband is away. Also for further insight cousin broke up with baby mama while she was pregnant with second kid but after it was too late to do anything about it when baby mama announced her pregnancy (prior to the crime) i voiced my same concerns with her,in standard young dumb full of it fashion she state "we are in this ride or die" and now she cries to me saying she can't handle two kids and "why did i have a second one" baby mama is now regretting her decision.For any single parent taking care of two kids is a daunting task so I was just looking out for her mental health due to the fact that she would be Taking care of 2 kids by herself at the same time her partner was going to be going to jail for an undisclosed amount of time and at the time not knowing if she might have ppd like some people have after having Irish twins.
submitted by TraditionalBet8235 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:40 Shaddoll_Shekhinaga [Help Request] Looking for testing and feedback on an AddItemMenu-esque mod

Essentially, this is AddItemMenu at home. I made this because I needed an AIM alternative that was more light weight than Cheat Engine.
Quick guide: Requires Custom Console. Use sia lup (weap, armo, book, misc, ingr, alci) in the console. It opens up a container with all matching items. There are more detailed instructions here.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Heck, even feature requests.
submitted by Shaddoll_Shekhinaga to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:49 subwarine Dinner without you

Hey stepparents, do you have any wise learnings or boundaries with the original family having dinner together without you? I live with my step kid 70% and significant other. I Have no other kids.
Similar experiences, thought of feelings regarding this would ld be appreciated. Recently this happened and it was quite Surprising and painful.
Im four years into being a stepdad and this happening triggered all the insecure shit that I thought I was through feelings of insignificance especially to the step kid who I have worked really hard to build a relationship space with and it’s finally paying off. It wasn’t designed to exclude me. It was just a happening that occurred after an event. Thanks!
Edit: More deets: yes wasn’t designed to exclude at all. SO would’ve so rather not been there given a choice. No one did anything wrong. This was a post SK recital that i usually can get to, this is the first the ex has been able to. dinner plans were made on the day, upgraded to a upmarket restaurant. Yes the ceremony of the OG family all sitting down to break bread is the bee sting. Ps : definitly not worried about anyone cheating, Just feelings “nothing more than feelings…”
Thanks for all of your replies!
submitted by subwarine to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:56 CranberryAny9595 Long rant alert: My opinion on the other BBM sub

I joined the sub midseason of BBM5. I was happy to see a healthy space for discussions where people treated contestants like any normal human who would make mistakes and redeem themselves later on. A good majority of the sub was against the cyberbullying Shoba went through. There were Akhil supporters as well as people who criticised Akhil for the person he is. ( I still agree that the sub was largely anti-marar. They always appreciated his game but not the person he is). It was good to read and know different perspectives of people supporting and disliking different contestants. For me, honestly it was a relief to read people writing about their understanding of what makes each contestant do certain things on the show. You can check my posts to see how safe I felt in the sub and with the og members
This season: the sub is divided into feed and live thread. Atleast for the past two month I have noticed some og or live thread members including the mods approach people with different opinions with a pre-conceived notion that they are some sort of hate mongers. The condescending, holier than thou attitude is too evident when some members comment under comments or posts criticising jasmin. People having different opinions can easily agree to disagree. Nobody is adamant to prove their point but atleast stop looking down on people who you don't agree with. Not everyone criticising jasmin is an uncivilised hater.
I had a personal experience with moon mods were she commented that I am "Ansiba like person" and a hate monger (for posting munna's instagram story supporting afsal) and i need to take care of my mental health. She had to delete her comment because her arguments to her point that munna was doing this for clout were proven wrong. I will share the links to those comments. I was later informed that she spewed hatred on some members for having a quality discussion regarding the BBM sub in another sub for influencers.
Ban: Its okay to ban people using foul language or always bullying a contestant but, sometimes it feels like mods hardly knows to differentiate between bullying and constructive criticism. They are on a banning spree from what I know. If they are so not okay with people criticising jasmin and see it as hatred, what about the comments under live thread, calling other contestants vile, vesham etc? I myself have seen comments calling reviewers as fraud, contestants as fuckbois, vesham, snake, vile, etc. Why no ban or locking for those users?
Posts: Why was the post by kollamcartel not removed as per the sub rulea, for so long even when it was clearly targeting and looking down on a particular set of members of the sub for their allegedly hypocritical moral choices? Why were posts by people active in the feed,that are a healthy analysis of what was happening in the sub taken down immediately? Some og users in live thread asks people to leave the sub if they don't agree with them but, mods ban the person who tries to create a better space for BBM discussions on reddit. Hypocrisy?
Why are posts from users justifying cheating not locked while posts criticising jasmin are locked sooner or later? Some users who have personal trauma including cheating and emotional manipulation have commented how triggered they feel after going through some of the posts in the sub and have decided to stay away for good. Why different rules for different people?
Deleting posts about the sub: I have contacted coconut twice via DM to talk about things happening in the sub. I didn't even get a reply from them or from the bot for my queries. How are people supposed to raise queries about the sub when we feel that mods are being unfair about the sub policies?
Protect the space from real hatemongers who post slutshaming or absolutely filthy comments about contestants or people in the sub not from people who constructively criticise contestants or certain users of the sub for their comments or attitude.
submitted by CranberryAny9595 to BiggBossMalayalamS [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 10:36 OkCollection3962 shawn/jen theory

with much controversy, personally i love jen. as a queer person, im not a big fan of noa cheating but i love that both noa and jen are represented by queer actors. but again, i feel like this paints a bad narrative. it this was a straight couple many people would react the same i feel like, but its worse that it's our first lesbian relationship (by a lead character. ik mouse's moms) is developed on screen by cheating.
ok ok but besides that point, after watching episode 5 i have a few things.
first off notice how the first shot of shawn we see, he's standing infront of a rose. coincidence? maybe. throughout the episode there were MULTIPLE roses on shirts which is throwing me off. also on mugs and stuff like that
but then jen and noa hook up, noa and shawn hook up (which she does wearing what looks to be shawn jersey that says wolves on the front. foreshadowing noa getting chased) and when noa receives her note, what is it with? a bouquet of flowers. kinda weird that the other girls received a single rose. but this might be to throw us off
jen then says that she assumed it was from lover boy, shawn. this scene kind of reminds me of season 1 when the girls were at their lunch table and said that "it's like someone is listening through the walls" and then clanton comes on the speaker to say there is lead in the walls. but adding to my theory i mentioned yesterday. i am back to thinking it is shawn, henry and ash.
henry and ash both gave bouquets of flowers to their gf during their final girl episode. but shawn giving one to noa this episode would be too suspicious, so BR decided to give her a bouquet herself.
i also saw a theory on here saying that a girl who saw early screening said there was a very shocking moment/death. i'm going to go out on a limb here and sound crazy but stay with me. it's 3am and i needed to watch the episode.
ok, what if shawn is the one who gets hurt/killed. this would be the perfect cover up to hide BR identity. it's giving Ali from the OG PLL.
but also part of me thinks it's jen. ik many questions will be answered in episode 6 but how did jen know where noa was? could BR be jen bc noa "chose" shawn?
also why is shawn never at any of the functions. like he wasn't at mouse's bday party and he's not at movie night. kinda suspicious
idk, im really tired and really mad that i have to wait a whole week for my answers.
submitted by OkCollection3962 to PLLOriginalSin [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:35 MrSaucyAlfredo Could you get banned for signing into same PSN on a 2nd hacked vita and earning trophies?

I hacked my og Vita 1000 from way back in the day but recently bought a replacement as mine is very beat up now. I use my main PSN on the Vita to earn trophies and intend to sign into the same PSN on the new Vita along with hacking it.
Will this cause any complications? I want to be able to continue earning trophies but I don't want to do anything that Sony would consider "trophy cheating" and am not sure how having 2 Vitas on the same account may affect this?
Edit: and to be clear, once I set up the new Vita, I have no intention of continuing to use the old one
submitted by MrSaucyAlfredo to VitaPiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 14:21 MLTHawk138 Personal Take on Hearthstone classes, where they are and what they have been and the future

TLDR: Long post about the history, current events and future of hearthstone, as a long term player and generally free to play user of the game. I spend when I can but not every expansion. Purely for collection not cosmetics. Indivual class run downs and what I want to see in the future.
The Original 9 Classes: Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock and Warrior. On Release all did there own unique things and where all fun to play for all players based on your playstyle. Yes whilst some classes where clearly better than others on a competitive level, they all had a core concept and playstyle to make them unique for the casual audience.
Over the years:
Druid has been a generally strong class, due to its nature to ramp and put out big threats that some classes just can not deal with or game ending combos faster than other classes can keep up with. Personally I like the classes but the hero power has always stuck out as something that doesnt fit in with the class identity. Sure, you could see this as a good or bad thing depending on persepective but has always made printing powerful neutral cards a limited design space due to this nature. With a bunch of reworking to some cards to refresh mana crystals instead of gaining the mana crystals has improved the class dramtically and has cleaned up this issue for neutral printing.
Hunter: The OG Aggro classes, always has had a problem with drawing cards to due to the nature to empty its hand very quickly and effectively. A fun playstyle for those wanting a faster game format but has had some chances over the years to slow the game down and be a control deck, thanks to some power legendaries. Mainly the hero cards of recent history imo. Control Hunter has been a breathe of fresh air but I miss the days of SMORC, go face playstyle. The reason I feel like this is the case is because of Demon Hunter, doing what hunter wants to do but more effectively. They are at direct rivals with each other for wanting to do to the same thing.
Mage: The Spell class. Or so you would think. Mage has always been that its best for win rates with it has good minions and that can be a problem for the game as it always has good reach. They could never do a No spell mage deck has the minions would have to be so good to counter act the power level this class has succumb to. Also being the OG combo class, with freeze mage and now continueing the legacy with sif mage, its identity has always been the same and never has had its boundries pushed imo.
Paladin: The class where aggro paladin with always counter its control architype. If there are good enough early game cards that seem like they will do good enough for a more control deck to shine. Some one has built a Tier 1 aggro deck. Whilst it has had some time in the shadows over some expansions it has really shined in others. One thing I would like them to try and push is a slow hero power architype, whilst it has been tried over and over again to make a good Silver hand recruit paladin, they have all been aggro, due to the stats that normally follow. I would love to see a hero card that directly interacts with Silver hand recruits or some legendary that does so. and not they bad questline we obtained.
Priest: Priests has had some unusual time in Hearthstone with it mainly being a control deck based class. These decks are so boring to play against for most players and therefore has been the general mockery class most people have wanted to delete or nerf no matter the state of the class statisically. The funniest part about it though that the aggro priest decks have always performed better than its control decks but a large margin as it actually has a way to win the game over just having more resources than your opponent.
Rogue: The I like to touch my cards class. 1 mana do everything the class. Dont get me wrong I love rogue for its playstyle but its playstyle is its also biggest fault. even its control decks have been decks that have played multiple cards a turn, meaning low mana costs and insane powercreep on itself. If other classes could have half the cards rogue have got the games would be broken. Give rogues a deck that is actually a control deck. Removal for mana, late game threats that isnt just card draw based.
Shaman: Totem pass... A big contender for its hero power being changed over the years. Honestly one of the most fair classes over the years. Reminds me a lot of what Paladin wants to do but just does it better due to its overload nature being a drawback and a benefit instead of playing fair like paladin wants to do. I dont know what to say about shaman, its just a solid class I would recommend to most players over the years and likely to come in the future.
Warlock: its own worst enemy, The most fun class to play imo but when its good everyone wants to stop playing. Self damage.. needs healing to counter act. Want aggro... Lots of draw. Slow control... mana cheat out the backside. A class I feel like should never been Tier 1 due to this nature but if its too bad less people will want to play the game overall.
Warrior. Armor Pass.... Yes this joke again. The better priest? maybe... an interactive armor mechanic for its removal options, different architypes that have succeeded over the expansions and have had actual wincons compared to the Priest. I know a lot of people hate the slow control warrior meta and I understand that but its worse when armor has a critical mass of armor gain. When its a more balanced approach it shines against a lot of matchups but requires more skill expression on when you should gain armor.
Recent Hearthstone: By this time a lot of classes have been changed, mini reworked of just improved for its general play pattern. The additions of 2 more classes and people begging for more. Hearthstone design team have done some serious improvements to the game and its art department is killing it every expansion too. A lot of people have been complaining about its financial department which I do agree with but at least the game is actual free to play friendly for the most part and those with disposable income have options to do so. Demon Hunter as mentioned prievously has become the new face of aggro over hunter because I feel like the class has been flawed since its release based around this. Its one mana hero power sticks out like a sore thumb. Death Knight on release was really fun on release with its 3 seperate core rune deck building stratergies. Blood for control and HP maniulation. Frost for its Combos and board stalling and Undead for its aggro stratergies. over the expanions though this has also been its biggest killer. It cannot survive on this long term. Most Classes get a core stratergy and one minor stratergy. The 3 way split just meaning you are killing one architype per expansion and there for a third of the classes player base. Im no dev, so I dont have a recommendation for this but I feel like something about this class needs to change.
The Future of Hearthstone: With Hearthstone getting generally more Free to play friendly and its additions of new concepts. I do personally feel like Hearthstone has a bright and powerful future in the online gaming scene. Its attempts to create new modes and play patterns is amazing. The community is willing to stand up for what it believes is correct and the devs are willing to listen. There biggest struggle imo is communication. Im not asking for more Patches, more Content, more Players. They will all come in time if they game continues in the progression. The thing I want is just more talking to its player base. Add something to the client, to the launcher, something that the players will directly see and not hidden behind forums and tweets from the devs and not the Offical Hearthstone account. Talk to us, please. Thank you!
submitted by MLTHawk138 to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 12:05 adnauuuseam Theory: How Kenjaku had multiple CTs, and how Yuta can have both Limitless and Copy

Theory: How Kenjaku had multiple CTs, and how Yuta can have both Limitless and Copy
Inspired by Lightning's twitter thread: https://x.com/lightningclare/status/1795173352199356583
This is somewhat of a Yuta cope thread.
We know Kenjaku (as of his death in Geto's body) possessed 3 CT's that we're aware of:
  1. The brain CT (his own CT)
  2. The body's CT (Cursed Spirit Manipulation, Geto's CT) -- I'll refer to this as "new CT"
  3. The previous body's CT (Anti Gravity, Itadori's mum's CT) -- I'll refer to this as "old CT"
According to this fanbook, the brain CT allows him to have 2 CTs at once -- the brain CT itself plus the (hijacked) body's CT.
The part that's interesting though, is where it says this method should then discard the previous body's CT (Anti Gravity, for example) but somehow Kenjaku managed to retain it through certain means.
My theory on how he does it:
Kenjaku splits his soul into a cursed object (e.g. finger) while in the previous body to retain that body's CT. He then eats the cursed object when he moves on to the new body. This is how he has the "old CT" and the "new CT" at the same time.
We know from Angel that Kenjaku was the one who turned old sorcerers into cursed objects, which were then reincarnated as Culling Game players. (We also know that's how Sukuna learned to do what he did in ch 212.)
But how did Kenjaku learn the method to do this?
I think, it's because that is fundamentally similar to how his brain-swap CT works. A part of "you" is concentrated into a single body part, that body part gets inside "someone else" and now "you" override someone else's body.
We see in Sukuna's example that while in Megumi's body, he was able to use both Ten Shadows and Shrine. So it appears that when the vessel has an innate CT, and the soul reincarnated from the consumed cursed object also has an innate CT, this body now has control of both.
Now obviously with the Sukuna-Megumi example, you have 1 physical body, 2 souls, and 2 CTs. Sukuna's soul won out and therefore piloted Megumi's body.
Say Kenjaku applies the same method. If Kenjaku turns a part of his soul into a cursed object while still in the old body, and then consumes this cursed object after he's switched over, he would technically be consuming his own soul in the new body and there would be no conflict. By eating the cursed object made from the previous body, he now has the "old CT" and by physically being in the new body he inherently has the "new CT". Hence the final result is 1 physical body, 1 soul, and 2 CTs (3 including brain CT). It's like a cheat code.
Mei proposed 3 possibilities when it came to Yuta, and I think (I hope) the most likely answer is that the brain CT is a one-time, permanent move, so it doesn't get affected by the 5 minute timer on Yuta's CT.
I think(?) it's established somewhere (I can't find source so please correct me if I'm wrong) that most people have an innate understanding of their CT when they gain them. I don't see why this can't apply to Yuta when he copies CTs from other sorcerers.
My cope is that, when he consumed and copied Kenjaku's CT, he gained the same innate understanding of how brain-swap works, and how that translates into turning part of one's self into a cursed object. (Edit to add: It was also Yuta whom Angel explained the whole thing about Kenjaku turning people into objects, in ch 210.) This opens up option 4 for Yuta:
As Yuta, he splits his own soul into a finger before body hopping into Gojo's corpse. After the body swap process is done, he eats the Yuta-finger cursed object to get Copy.
Assuming the brain-swap CT is a permanent once-off transfer, Yuta is now stuck in Gojo's body with Limitless but he can also use Copy, just like how the OG brainswapper had CSM and Anti Gravity.
submitted by adnauuuseam to Jujutsushi [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:25 LadyTelaAzul2 Things that would improve FB's writing (HIRE ME)

Not counting branching, cause that's the bare bare... baaaaaaaaaare minimum.
S8's main problem. S5's consistently abusive, S6's consistently about Amelia, S7's consistently boring... but S8?
Like I've pointed MANY TIMES... talk about setting up MAJOR plot points with lots of potential to create GOOD DRAMA and CHARACTER MOMENTS... only to drop them and come up with the most stupid, nonsensical and random conclusion of all time. The most notable ones being Bea twisting with Liam in Casa and... Theo and Claudia. FB needs to commit to the plot point instead of focusing on creating stupid, cheap and fake tension.
I can also point inconsistent writing from S6 and 7. Amelia couple hopping, not feeling ANYBODY, being with Tobes for 2 DAYS... and still being runner up with THAT TRACK RECORD.
Grace seeing Ozzy let her down multiple times, being told by MC that she can do better than that... and STILL picking him, being picked by him.... and ACCEPTING HIS CONFESSION.
MC telling Travis/Vicky MULTIPLE times she's not interested and... well...
MC spending time with one boy ALL THE TIME in Casa only to pick another boy... but the previous boy forgets abou the time MC spent with him... and the new boy WORSHIPS MC even tho she didn't spend a second with him during Casa.
This is a reality show about romance and friendships. There is absolutely NO REASON for everything to be about MC.... there is absolutely no reason for almost everyone worshipping MC... there is absolutely no reason for MC's couple to be the only one that ACTUALLY has a chance of winning.
Side characters matter... they should fight each other, bond with each other, talk with each other. Not every drama needs to be about MC, not every gossip has to be told to MC... the characters should be able to have a spotlight moment and a personality without MC's presence.
S7 and 8's main problem.
You can absolutely make a short story.... if you pace that shit properly.
S7 shoves the final recoupling in your face and you barely get to do anything after Casa... there was ONE RECOUPLING... RIGHT AFTER THE SITCK OR TWIST... it made... NO FUCKING SENSE.
S8 has a lot of poorly introduced LIs and MC can barely spend time with them (Logan, Hari, Tyler), poorly paced slow burns (Theo)... the second half was some of the worst pacing I've ever seen from FB... post Casa SUCKED.
There's always ONE poorly written and poorly paced forbidden love route...
S6 has Ozzy and Marshall.
S7 has Joyo/Bryson. (TERRIBLY WRITTEN)
S8 has Theo and Hari (Also terribly written)
Character developmente is fundamental when it comes to romance, and seeing how flawless and worshipped MC is... ALWAYS pisses me off!! Tell me why Sophie/Luna can be delulu, Claudia can be confused... but MC never does something wrong!! And the fact that the flawed characters don't have arcs? What happened to making Sophie/Luna like MC? What happened to making Liam learn from his mistakes? What happened to making Grace realize Ozzy's a piece of shit?!
MC simply can't have a bestie... if the closed off boy doesn't worship her... he becomes that terrible slow burn route, same for the female islander who just becomes the poorly written rival.
Is it so hard to repeat S1 and give us something like Mason/Levi being kind and respectful to MC, withoit flirting so much, after she deals with her LI cheating on her? Is it so hard to repeat S2 and give us a nice friendship like Hope, Chelsea, Pryia, Gary, Lottie, Bobby? Is it si hard to make someone be our besti by default? That was the best part of S3.
MC does not need to be the Queen Bee of the Villa 24/7, and the side characters should bond with each other, like.... that would've made S8's recouplings suck less...MC's not the only fucking contestant.
Pls... stop making every LI WORSHIP MC like she was some type of goddess... be a little more realistic, cause I'm not gonna be interested in you all the time... same for you... we're not fucking soulmates and it's not love at first sight... u don't even know me.
Take some fucking time to develop that romance/friendship cause... it makes no sense for someone to worship me after knowing me for 2 minutes!! Why's MC's romance always so fucking perfect? Make them argue, fight, disagree... IDK, JUST WRITE SOME OBSTACLE THEY HAVE TO OVERCOME SO THEY CAN GROW AS A COUPLE.
And thoses terribly written Forbidden Love routes? Everything would be resolved with a nice, adult conversation. Ozzy should've been honest with Grace, Theo needed to grow a fucking backbone... same for Claudia... that shit just drags for SO LONG IT'S NOT EVEN WORTH THE WAIT!!
Do you remember Allegra? Jen? Lottie? Priya (When she steals our LI) ? They are flawed characters who go trough some great character developmente and the best part.... if we're nice to them... they warm up to us... if we act like a bitch, they'll have a reason to dislike us!! That's what makes a good villain!! Their motivations!!
Ivy, OG delulu girl, Jack/Jin, Luna/Sophie/Emel, Sienna have one thing in common... they don't have a reason/have a bullshit reason to be nasty towards MC.... and they don't have a personality aside from *I hate MC*.... they're just.... MC's rival, and without MC... they're nothing!! At leats Jack/Jin, Luna/Sophie/Emel had their couple problems... but Sienna? Girl's character revolved around MC and OG LI 24/7!!
submitted by LadyTelaAzul2 to fuseboxgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:34 TheInvincibleIowa61 Review

The game is mostly fun. After about level 120 or so the only real "challenge" is that the rival straight up cheats by pulling his pokemon at the last secondto prevent them getting killed by your move and it hits the incoming mon (obvs you cant do the same thing after moves have been locked in) And he does this almost nonstop if you have enough coverage after about 20-25 minutes of repeating the same battle because of that it seems just as dumb as the "full restore" delay tactics of the OG game. Youre already playing a roguelite no need to cheat against the player too. I had fun for a while, but that is a definite no-go for me.
submitted by TheInvincibleIowa61 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:53 Several-Ad-2354 Advice for first LO

Hello to the community, I am here to seek advice on my first LO, since I felt the call of Skyrim after 12 years without having touched it since the Xbox 360. But this time I want to do it with the opportunity that mods give us, so I did my research.
First of all, I want to inform you that I will play it on the OG Xbox (the fat one :l), one last adventure before changing generations.
My intention is to finish the game with the greatest immersion without having to use survival mode.
I'm using the LLO 2 template, but there are mods that make me doubt if I did it right since when looking for where to put certain mods they recommended strange places in my opinion (ex. AI overhaul. If any NPCs are broken, move beneath exterior edits).
I would also like your advice if there are mods that repeat something or changes I could make for a stable game.
I have the CC downloaded and it seems that you have to download the largest files first, right?.
Really appreciate the advice from the community.
Edit: Thank you for the feedback. I added, removed and in search for other things thanks to the new space,
💎 Master Files
Unofficial Skyrim Creation Club Content Patch -
Simple Workaround Framework
Skyrim Fixes & Misc _ Scripts
Reconciliation: QOL and Bugfixes (Updated)
Reconciliation: Gameplay and Quest Alterations
Reconciliation AE (Updated)
Reconciliation: AiO AE - USSEP Patch
Cutting Room Floor
USMP - Cutting room floor Patch
💰 Creation Club Edits
🐞 Bug Fixes & Expansive Non-Graphical Edits
Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes
DMH Busty Skeevers
Quest Debugger (XB1)
Display Enhancements (XB1)
✨ Cheats & New Non-Combat Mechanics
Cheat Room (XB1)
GET Seriously Overstocked and Rich Merchants (Game Environment Tweak
📖 Menus & User Interface
🎵 Music & Sounds
Audio SFX Overhaul
Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds
The Sounds of DAWN
Wyrm - Dragon Sounds Rework (Normal)
Eviscerate - Weapons Sounds Redesigned
A Bow's Whisper - Bow Sound Overhaul
✍ Dialogue
Guard Dialogue Overhaul - No Extra NPCs (XB1)
JaySerpa's Line Expansions
Jayserpa's Lines Expansion AE Patch
📜 Existing Quest
🛠 New Purely Craftable Items
⚙ Existing Mechanics & Settings Edits
Multiple Floors Sandboxing by Dovahklon
🌟 Perk Effects
Vokrii Maxx
📚 Magic & Shouts
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim [XB1]
Apocalypse - Vokrii Compatibility Patch [XB1]
Triumvirate - Mage Archetypes [XB1]
Ars Arcanum Nova
Odin - Vokrii Compatibility Patch [XB1]
TLS - Tinvaak Los Suleyk: Speech is Power
TLS - AE Patch
TLS Magicka Patch
🏆 World Loot (Item Levelled Lists)
Conjurer's Forge 4
Reconciliation AiO AE - CF4 Patch
Conjurer's Forge 4 AE Patch
CF4 - Triumvirate Patch
CF4 - Apocalypse Patch
CF4 - Odin with Apocalypse patch
🌱 Grass > Grass & Landscape Fixes
Skoglendi - A Grass Mod + Grass Fix
🧠 Non-Combat NPC AI Habits
🏘 Exteriors - Multiple Location Edits
Heart of Gold - An Adoption Bundle
Stìgr Virðing - Pathway to Honor
Stìgr Virðing - USSEP Patch
Reconciliation AiO - Stìgr Virðing Patch
Pantheon - Worship and Prayer: Reconciliation/Stìgr Virðing Edition
Stìgr Virðing - Ghosts of the Tribunal Patch
Stìgr Virðing Skill Book Remover Patch
AI Overhaul 1.8.2 Lite
Protect Your People - PYP
🏠 Exteriors - Single Location Edits
🧱 Meshes & Textures - Fixes & Tweaks
🎨 Meshes & Textures - General
⛰ Meshes & Textures - Land & Buildings
CleverCharff AIO
❄ Weather (Ambient Lighting)
2021 Obsidian Weathers and Seasons
SoD + Obsidian Weathers Patch
True Storms Special Edition [XBOX] - Rain Thunder and Weather Redone
Obsidian Weathers - TrueStorms Merged Compatibility SSE - Spectral
💡 Interiors - Lights & Lighting
Umbrae Lucem - A Complete Lighting Overhaul & Shadows Mod
Functional Homes SE / AE [XB] MASTER
Functional Homes - AE and USCCCP Edition [XB]
🪑 Interiors - Layouts and Decoration
🤏 Objects Added to Static Locations
⚡ Meshes & Textures - Visual Effects
🤝 NPC-Follower Mechanics
Serana Dialogue Edit [XB1]
Serana Dialogue Add-On [Xbox] Version 4.1
Undead Beloved - A Serana Bundle 2K/1K
Improved Follower Dialogue Lydia
Follower Dialogue Expansion - Jenassa
🥊 Combat - Movement, Resources, Enemy Ai etc
ESCO The Revenge
Valravn - Integrated Combat of Skyrim
Archery Skill Set
Modern Combat AI
Vigor - Enhanced Combat
Smart NPC Potions - Enemies Use Potions and Poisons
Stay Down!
Sniper - Add damage bonus
Faster Bow Draw
Realistic AI Detection (RAID) - Medium Interior, Medium Exterior
⛳ Encounter Edits & Enemy Levelled lists
Populated Lands Roads Paths Legendary v3
⚔ Enemies - Specific Variants, Resistances, Stats
Lore Friendly Resistance Changes
Serio's Enhanced Dragons [X1]
Splendor: Dragon Variants
👋 New Followers, NPCs, & Spawn Additions
Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia - INIGO (Minor Patch)
Song of the Green (Auri Follower) V 1.4
Lucien - Fully Voiced Follower
Lucien - Anniversary Edition - All-In-One Creation Club Patch [XB1]
Auri-Inigo Banter Patch
Immersive Patrols Lite (No Large Battles)
High Level Enemies Redux No USSEP Required
🏝 New Quests & Lands
The Midden: Expanded XB1
🐺 Meshes & Textures - Animals & Creatures
🦵 Beauty 1 - Body Mesh > Skin Textures
💄 Beauty 2 - Character Creation Assets & Options
🎭 Beauty 3 - NPC Face Replacers
Fatherland: Children
Refined Auri
Bijin Warmaidens
Bijin Warmaidens & USSEP Patch
Improved Follower Dialogue Lydia - Bijin Warmaidens Patch
SDA Improved Follower Lydia Patch
🏁 Racial Abilities & Starting Stats
Sos Ahst Mulaag: Blood is Power
Reconciliation QOL - Sos Ahst Mulaag Patch
🧛 Werewolf & Vampire Player Mechanics
💀 Body Skeleton (Xp32 / XpmsSE)
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended Plus
󰙑 Animations, Behaviors (dodging), Killmoves
Movement and Behaviors Enhanced 2.0 for XP32
Feminine Females
VioLens - A Killmove Mod SE [XB1]
🛡 Weapon, Armor, & Clothes Replacers
⚗ Unique Item Edits & Potion Effects
Shalidor's Armaments - Artifacts Enhanced
Shalidor's Armaments - Extended Armory
Serendipitous: Rewards of the Weary Traveller
USSEP - Shalidor's Armaments Patch
Shalidor's AE Patch
Reconciliation AiO - Shalidor's AiO Patch
Shalidor's Armaments: AE Level List Patch
Shalidor's Extended - Monoliths of Mundus Patch
Shalidor's Armaments - CF4 Patch
Race Edits Patch: Reconciliation QOL - Shalidor's Armaments - Sos Ahst Mulaag
Serendipitous - AE Patch
Reconciliation AiO AE - Serendipitous Patch
Shalidor's - Serendipitous Patch
🍑 Bottom of LO Suggested
XilaMonstrr's Performance Remover Bundle - Balanced
Skyland AIO
🔎 Non-Tree LoD (objects in the distance)
Green Tundra Grass & LOD by AceeQ
🌲 Non-Grass Flora & Trees
33% Less Vanilla Trees Bundle
🗺 Map Mods
Performance Map - Clouds Removed
Pastel Map Markers [XB1]
Map Markers Complete
🍼 Alternate New-Game Starting Location
JaySerpa's Quest Expansions
JaySerpa's Quest Expansions - USSEP Patch
JaySerpa's Quest Expansions - RS Children Patch
🌊 Water Mods
Cathedral Water Overhaul - Obsidian
🎮 Controls & Hotkeys, Aiming
Kontrol - Updated
!🍑! Bottom of LO REQUIRED
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO [XB1]
RDO - USSEP Patch [XB1]
Serana Dialogue Add-On RDO Patch
Serana Dialogue Add-On SDE Patch
submitted by Several-Ad-2354 to SkyrimModsXbox [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:37 Darling_Aceyy [TOMT] childhood ipod game

The chances of me even finding the name of this game or anybody knowing wtf I'm yapping about is slim to none but here it goes it was like this fantasy esque game on the Ipod you played as a little girl I believe it starts with her reading a bedtime story or something than she gets sucked into the book I also remember the levels had these mushrooms you could jump off of 99% it wasn't up long for all/died with many OG Ipod games but I would love to at least find the name of this game to see if I can find any playthroughs or a way to play it via emulator of sorts this would have been mid 2000’s-some time in the 2010’s <3
submitted by Darling_Aceyy to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 20:39 BMCA2001 Cheating

If you count kissing as cheating, which I do, there is not a member from the og gang who has not at least cheated once! Cheating must be a Beverly Hills pastime.
submitted by BMCA2001 to BeverlyHills90210 [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 05:12 OGHeartlessFox My life and where i feel i died

(Well this is gonna be a long read but i feel snice i feel lifeless as it is, maybe it won't be pointless... i will try to paragraph it to make it an easier read i know my spelling can be rather bad )
I will try to keep it cheery
Me:30, pron: IT, thing, creature (explain why, as i go why) height: 6ft , race: mixed: native, African american, white (basic explained) Black hair, brown eyes. (ADHD, serve aunxity, crontic depression, phyco mark 4, soicalily appectable spilt personality)
Let start with middle child i was unwanted birth that even the world tried to kill at birth (bubbled blue baby) born into a family of pure toxicity that got refined to a super toxic syrup.
Mother: was abusive pathological lier who liked to be called ""The" Bitch" with a massive bingo addiction and selling at pawn shop addiction.
Father:... i just met him though a homeless older lady i'm renting a room to..
Ok, life story time
My frist memory of life was waking up light in my eyes and crying, to have a guy come over and hit me upside the head bouncing it off the crib or playpen (same thing to me and having it bounce off the bottom)
Thing don't get better, enter step father 1, C an abusive drunk who shock like a chiwowa and likely weighed about the same as one too, skinny boney creep, who i heard later had his own kids he was not allowed to be around for pedo reasons.
Because of my home life when i started to go to school...... i was a bully, i thought showing someone you cared was taking there head and punching it a bunch of times or get um with cooties (yes as a kid i did the bully with cooties things) i even bit a teacher hand, because i took a bag of popcorn out in the middle of class and was eatting it, they tried to take it and MUNCH..... i do bite.
So rare times i was not kicked out of school i was kept home to hide bruises or wrose
Home i would get beaten my stuff sold so my mom could take off to bingo and the drunk Ass C would slam are head in coners for hours on end leaving us standing there, beaten wrose if we tried to sit or move (we- me and older my brother)
Rest of the time we would spend time locked in are room with few toys we hid or stole because if not are mother would find a way to sell them, we get in fist fights who toys belonged to who, all the teddybears were mine he garbbed those little "action figures" DBZ and megamanX Only time as a kid that was even a little cheery
We did have a rare getaway from the abuse at my uncle and nana house. He was an OG gamer... who still lived with his mom looking at it now and she was the sweeted old lady who loved winnie the pooh for eor, never getting mad and when something bad happened to her she go "oh bother' and never get mad, she spent her days coloring fuzzy winnie the pooh picture with glitter gel pens.
We go there and watch are uncle play videogames, (lunar, FF and wildarms series being his fav and computer games a lot of find its) he was highly diabetic but din't let it bug him or other.
It was rare cases.. for me, my brother was living with my nana till i was born because my mother was "too young" and left him there (she was around 30 at the time) and "only brought him back to have older brother for the daughter she was happy she was about to have" oh boy, lets get into that.
I was meant to be born female mother getting ultra sound after ultra sound hope to like the mouth before birth, all said "it's a girl" pink teddy bear was gotten for me and everything.
.. well when i was born i came out a she-male, but like hell my mother was gonna put up with that, she din't even want a boy let alone a reminding mix so she had are family doc, who delivered me after begging him, hormones supplement to make me more muscling... (though side i heard she din't even give them all to me)
So now i have female view on life and half male messed up body, this effected me though life as well.
Skip Past a lot of abuse pretty bad abuse and Fast forward alittle the middle of grade school i was giving a school count, who taught me to bottle up all my emotion and like a volcano find a useful way to explode (at this time school would qourtine me away from the other kids at breaks as i was too "voilent and can't be handled in public setting")
They hit a cord with me or something, because i started to bottle my emotions .... all of them.. and after moving to a new school i had din't view on life, that no one would like me if i was a bully... and fate, i started to get bullied no phyical, verbal "girly eyes" "fergy" "girly boy" my mother would always shave me and my brother head, so you can guess on why i got those comments...
So i cut my long lashes in half with sissors (learned way later they don't grow back) and started eatting like hog to gain weight and by the end of middle school i weighed 310lb and started wearing baggy clothing (now its just part of my style) and started to become popular after we moved schools again.
But then frist phyical fight, not started by me, happened well i was being a goaly for soccer (i hate sports) as i was fastest blocker... but i'm a zoner, i was staring at the sky because, my team seemed dom and the ball was rarely even touching are side of field, well a ball flew past me.
A guy on are team came up all pissed telling me get out of the net and they were taking it, i laughed and just said no.
He punched me in the face, i blacked out and swug back and one punched him, for real he was on the ground and the techer sent me in to get sent out with 2 other sudent escorts, in my view then i din't need to ne escorted in let alone by 2 girls who were parcicularly cheering i knocked him out because they hated him.
Looking back i feel kinda stupid, bad etc. as the one after that kept asking me out and i kept saying no, later found something dark out from my brother crush and got slapped hard in the face for turning her down....
At that point i started online datting to find out what "love" was and how you should show emotions making many friends and a lil gourp of bestfriends that i consider real fam, screen name should be fine, fang, tiger, kairi, darkangel and belz.
Becoming popular at each school i went to but at this point, i was already starting to mentalily break down from bottling all my emotions taking abuse at home in stride and my mother just had other kid, My sister S
And just before i started highschool a new abusive boyfriend (all 3 of us have different last names) and he was around the same age as my brother.
My nana willily dies...i hate hospitals... they said she was gonna die if she din't get help and even then she may end up in a hospital bed... she told no one, went home and died in the night with my brother sleeping beside her as she was his safe hidding place, his real mother
And At this ponit my brother was "fook this shat i'm out" and ran away from it all. Leaving me and are new sis with mr new abusive and are mother... CRACK, CRACK.. i start get a voice in my head that not mine i try to brush off and zone out on the internet when i was home spending my days talking to other none stop.
The new stepdad getting wrose and wrose, by the look of his teeth was doing crack snice he was like 14 and smoked a lot of pot, (i really hated it at this time as i promised my nana i'd not smoke, drunk or do drugs) and we moved out to a area in the middle of no where... twice... i grew my own pink roses (not sure the name of the rose but they grew to the size of baseballs :3) in one place as there was noting not even schools for miles and i had to go the whole year and half no school till CAS found us.
Then we moved to this other place where they moved a couch in front of door and i got to go to school but rarely i had to climb out the window to catch the bus i became big there knowen as the brick wall with feet and candyman (i would only have bags of candy for food and would never eat them just thorw them at people jokely i found were looking down as i walked though the school at break, brick wall for sending a guy flying by tackling him because i heard he phyical attacked a girl on the bus to school (crack crack)
Then then things just got wrose because crazy step dad, stabbed my mother in the back with a steak knife, twice, my mother hated hospital with a passion so she layed towel on the sofa filled herself with pain pills and layed on her bleeding back He took her money and took off only coming back to drop off little food now and then (he had all her bank cards) so my mother would not die
Me, i became the cook, my sister parents figure, the piss and shat bucket changer and the blood mopper (cracky de crack)
I started fade in and out of reality at this ponit my friends saying i was off my partner at the time...looking back it seems i keep getting used for something... they were just happy to see me put it simple. (Online R)
I was starting to lose weight from lack of food baricided in a house with a mother who would cry in pain and to get help with something... for a whole year...this night when she cried for help with something
SNAP, welcome my spilt personality (don't learn till way later) to the world i black right out at midnight playing dragon quest,( the crudy one where the whole game underground) appertly i called the cops, the hospital after ripping the phone from my mother hand and filping the shit away from the door couch etc. Flinging down the steps were i was staying. So they could get in.
This is what i was told, i just remember falling asleep or something playing the game and waking up at hospital sitting in a chair where a doctor was talking to me about how they could see my mother ribs though her back and trying to figure out how she still alive or how long she been like that.
I was sent to my toxic aunts, things don't get better i had to break up with the person i was with for like 3 years, i told her my mother was in the hospital there reply was "so what?" And i would not have access to internet at my aunts, her two faced ways is beaten by none other.
Her place was trashy all garabe hidden in a room, she has 4 adopted native kids at this time as she native and lives on the rez (my native is from my dads side she not related to me by my uncle here is someone who highly whipped and or a cranky bas, who never leaves his room and only eats pizza and vodka for every meal.
I got shoved under the stairs like a hairy potter knock off and became a i live in maid and baby sitter, my sister got a new room built for her, My family gose wack-o for a girl me and my aunt always bumping heads as i found her view on reason to have kids are way off from mine
hers: "so when i'm gray and old i have someone who has to take care of me"
Mine: to give someone the life i never had, to see someone raised happy without abuse.
Taking she would hit one in the head before he was even given his drunken infants meds, lack of abuse is not how she dose things.
At this time i was just turning 19 i missed out on school, to not look evil from the outside she sent me to native adult ed.
What a wild ride that was, day one i come into a gimp (he called himself it, back off) a small guy with limpy bone issues who already been alive longer then docs told him he would being builled out of school, and if you can't tell i at this ponit i went from bully to anti-bully, the teacher not stoping it, said one cricle tomarrow and he free to go.
I sit hehind him on the bus and ask him what its all about and what happening he was sniffly looking out the window, so after i left him alone.
But the next day i stood up in front of everyone and told them right out how sad and fooking pathetic they are for doing it to him and they need to leave him alone and say sorry, leaving the cricle and sitting back at my desk, oddly it worked some right out said sorry to him and he stayed, me and him becoming good friends are 3rd bud jesus joining in, (lol not the real one just a richy guy who looked like him, his dad owns the native smoke shops on the rez the rack in a lot here)
But soon the who class was being buddy with me for one reason or other, one because he knew i therw the fight he picked because he wanted to look tough(note if someone darts behind you and puts you in a headlock if your taller leaning down will almost filp then over your back) one was a big big lacross player who liked me because i was the only one who would face him in sports as he was knowen for breaking fingers
Simple J liked me because he was well. Simple (nickname given to him by class) Etc. I could go on i can usely tell why when someone takes interest in me and yay then boo i got to use internet again during breaks.
I was able to give my best friend gourp my number etc. So i could talk to them whenever and made a new friend... evil rears it head, this person was close so i went to go hang out never seeing them before, to meet the human verison of miss piggy, matching nose and all who black mailed me into dating her as she had me meet up with her, who was underage (her profile said 18 she was 15 turning 16).
Saying she would call the cops and i appocehed her at the park (where she planed for us to meet up) din't think much, agreed thinking i just had to wait for her to delete the pictures she took of me showing up.
Not so simple, my aunt came to pick me up and they started talking and my aunt seemed to have no issues there i was 19 almost 20... even inviting her over...
Welp, when she did come over i was rrr tooken avenage of, she gave me a drink, bottle of pop, that she apparently popped one of her dad Vags in, she found well cleaning then she used her weight well i was trying to just play my game and igore her even being there, Right in my aunts basement stealing my virginity
But my evil aunt got revenge for me without even knowing, she was just trying to get rid of me, as when she was talking about going to Disneyland my aunt tagged me along, talking to her parents the works, so i got free road trip from canada to Florida, best part was her rich grandpa liked me better then her (he owns both a orange field and race track)
It pissed her right off and soon as we got I was set free, now tanned from the heat and richer a experience, i only mention the tan thing as soon as i got back all the girls in adult ed oddly wanted to talked to me a lot more.
I honestly din't care, well... i had s crush on one, but my bud said there was a new girl that showed up who been sitting in my spot (best spot, near a window and a cupboard so i could lean back) and was just out the day i came back.
She came back the next day, she acted shy saying sorry for taking my seat and class started to rumble with whisper and rumors, oh boy wish i listened now....
My gimp bud told me he liked her and i was trying to get him out of a twisted 3some so i talked him into giving his number to her.... ahhh the fail... he walks up drops his number on the floor, picks it up and hands it too her saying " i think you dropped this"
That odvii din't work, i joked around about it after with him and he bet me i could not do better, at frist it was empty bet with bud for fun, simple is i could not do it using near the same method, simple was just for a date.
Next day i wrote my number in a book with a little drawing ( use to love drawing...) of a gothic heart, and end of the day same as him, i handed her the piece of paper i notice she had her hair put up differently so i said "nice hair, text me some time".
Soon as i was on the bus she was messaging me, talking to me etc. I asked her out on a date as that was goal, she thought i was asking her right out and told me i had to wait a week as she needed to break up with someone who cheated on her.
....evil...when it seems when someone knows how to get at ya, next day right after texting one other for the whole night, she came in with my first and last name written down her pant leg <\3 in perment marker.... red flag for others are not mine, i like clingy protective type..
Right after girl in class started telling me the whispered rumors i heard before, "she a slut" "she a shemale" (look who your talking too...i wanted to say but i pull off a cute/handsome guy or so i'm told still say i'm an ugly monster. ) "she stole my boyfriend back at ~other school i've been to before~" (that girl was dense and din't remember we had seince class together then, likely cause she stromed out 5 mins back then) "she using you" .... how i should have listened....
Put it simple by day 3 of that week we were dating by a month she was talking about wanting to marry me, so 5th month i got her a promise ring (she never took it off and i think she still even wears it now that she hates me)
But... month 7 thing went down hill after one of the days she was staying over (we became like glued at the hip always together).... her drunk partly retared jailbird snuck into my aunt backyard and into a tent with my sister and her friends who were camping out back, my aunt went into digger mode asking her if he has "touched her" etc. To see if she could cuff him for money...
(My ex: S for short from here) But after this S slowly started to change being a lot ruder, aguring over small thing but then would turn around and cling to me.
S started to drive a wage between me and everyone saying i would leave her or cheat, all my fam friends started to go for diff reason, like kairi use to call me big bra, and i use to call her lil sis
S would say: "w.e she likely just trying to sleep with you and she has a big brother kink, i don't like you f--king talking to her"
So one by one she picked them off and even driving a wage between me and my fam, got kicked out because well she was sleeping she was moving her head around on my lap i was watching tv with my cousin and my uncle came out and started spazzing thinking she was doing the bob bob right in front of my oldest cousin, she din't help me defend myself, just rushed out side to wait for me and my uncle to stop aguring.
Homeless S let me sleep in a tent out front of her place, where she sleep with me the place had no power and it was summer so it was better outside anyway..
... then me and her did do the steamy, and we got more err bold with it after that, gonna get acused for being bold, may as well do it, but it was more out of trips with adult ed etc.
Seemly we got closer the more i pushed away other... but near the end of adult ed we got in a fight at school it left me crying hiding under the steps and seemly every girl there but S cheaking if i was ok, when i wanted to be left alone.. still wondering who they singeled though the window at to show where i was hiding.
After adult ed she drove wage between the last friend i had, gimp as at this point i told her about why i talked to her in the first place, she laughed told me she just threw his number out thinking he handed her trash but was reasonably pissed it was a bet, so she wanted me to stop being friends with him...
Year in i had no one, gave them all up for her frist time snice like 12 i was not soical but having her was enough....
2 years we were still glued to the hips, showered togethered, if one went out the other fallowed and i working on getting us a place and not live with her mother who hated how close we were. (Her mother once even slept with one or her boyfriend before, seemly din't like seeing her daughter happy)
If you can't tell we both had bad pasts, but she kept getting meaner, colder and ruder as time went on and i would struggle to find ways to avoid fighting and just talk things out....like we have 2 years up to this point
Nope, by year 3 things din't get better, i was fed up and was gonna break up before it got too bad..... dam my weakness... she beg and plyed even saying she would have a kid with me because she knew i wanted one at the time... and things would change...(spoiler they din't) for frist few month it seemed like thing were back to normal and we were are lovey dovey selfs and well..... i helped her though pergercy and even there for a delivery so fast it made a doctor laugh and joke they almost dropped my lil girl.
We din't even get out of the hospital and my aunt already called CAS and had are kid tooken, funny the fail me as a kid but stick there nose in and ruin my family that would have been fine without them.....
Because CAS stress my ex went back to being rude toxic and mean and year 4 she cheats on me with and tells me crying i forgive and move on... we were fighting to keep are kid from my child collecting aunt (at this ponit has 4 adopted my sister and my brothers 2 kids) everytime they leave the damage they did would have me and S aguring and they would show back up to start again, i guess are place did turn to shit after each time from the stress.
Year 6 she cheats on me with are neighbor, i catch it as i was out side walking around with are daughter as she was crying and i wanted to get her some freash summer air and i seen her making out with him though an open window.... i go home put my daughter in her crib, closed the door.... walked to the living room, found the part of the wall i knew had a metal beam and BANG... din't forget but likley factured my neck, came too with a worried S and her mother and ambulance driver over me.
Told her after why and what i saws, S called me a lier and said she dint, i dropped it unless she acused me of even thinking of cheating, i say (in an agurement her yelling at me and acusing me) "i only have eyes for you, i'm not the one who cheated twice" bad move i know those agurement usely got wrose...
So we got couple count, as we both wanted to fix thing or so she said.
Year 7 together At this point it was becoming daily she agure with me over stuff we could talk out. Fighting with 3rd time this time she was being abusive not just toward me but are kid... i stood by as she froced are little girl in a conerr and shoved bar of soap in her mouth till blood and bubble came out.....
..... i failed, i failed as parent i failed at part of my dream... i let what happen to me happen to my kid...
.... S started started spazing saying she never wanted a kid and i made her (scoll back up, dose that seem like making her? I never said it was one or the other type deal i was tired of being treated like crud and even talking could have worked it out...... i just wanted the cuddly loving time together, no fight....)
She knew about my spilt personality and hated/loved him, he my rude and lewd side i bottle up snice a kid, i'm kinda emotionaless... now..as i only know love...
8 years in 1 month from getting are daughter back fully for 3rd time the wrost of the wrost my stress had the voice in my head (spilt) going crazy from years of stess and aguring over pointless shat, this time the fact i do love her... each time she said i din't felt like a bomb of blades set off in my heart....
after 2 hours of aguring Me:I do love you S: "no, you f--king hate me" Me; S i lov ~ cut off~ S: NO YOU F--KING DON'T Me: S I ~cut off~ S: you fucking hate me stop lieing
I just wanted to get it out, i blacked out, kinda (we slowly been coming aware of what the other doses) i garbbed a cup and therw it at the wall, you know shock factor, when someone dose something they usely don't giving them a momment of silence to say what they need too...
..... it bounced off the wall and clocked her upside the head she sat there still pissy giving me a puzzled look as i jumpped up with a shock and worrried look on my face.... or the blood running down hers....
..... i darted out the door and across the hall to the same neighbor she cheated on me with asking for the phone freaking out and called the cops on myself and ambulance for S before running back to make sure she ok as back in adult ed i learned frist aid (medi certification) and had to make sure she din't pass out and was ok giving her wet cloth to add pressure....
When cops showed up, from shock of what i did and because i felt like a monster..... i asked them to charge me for it.... stupid me again... as they put on a not contact order too... and well S few stitches in her head knew i never meant to hurt her.... came back coming in saying she can't see life without me lies and that she was Rrrr "tooken avenage" of by a old friend she went to hangout with well I was in a cell... got her drunk and high and ya, other details i din't need like he had a tiny cruved thing and it hurt etc.
Stupid me for believing her i took her back in, told her we can't agure as we shouldent even be around one other...
..... well she was pissy one day cause we could no longer go out to see are daughter together and it was my turn to go see are daughter.... she fallowed pissy yelling and screaming and stood in the middle of the road yelling at cars to " just hit me" because she wanted me to skip the visit with are kid and just spend it with her.... cops showed up of crouse... and i got cufffed again... because the whole no contact order set up.
..... S came back again....she din"t want to be away from me and promised she would stop..... week later middle of the night she yelling at me again and ahole acrosss the hall looking for any reason to call was given it, cops show up and she trys telling them she the one who keeps coming back and not to cuff me .... they do and soon as they do she trys to punch one in the head and ends up cuffed and on the ground.
3rd breach they told me they still plan to let me go later that night As every time they show up i show corporations well she aggressive
We both get taken in and they had to move me from the prison to one under the court house as she was screaming though the police sation for me, after last time i talked to her she told me they told her they let me go to get her to calm down and found out that whole week S kept going back to that guys place everytime or when she told me she was going to her moms. I helped her move things into her mothers serectly
And talked there... she not pull the whole sitting in front of the door to stop me from leaving bit in front of her ma.
Or the 2 face i love you and i hate you.... she choose just hate this time.... and her break up was clear and final.... broken and hurt i walk home and get jumpped by 3 guys friends of mr raa" take avenage" er
Already broken i let it happeen and just layed spelt in the snow after.... it was right before new years...... pictures still on my phone what i looked like after my face shallowen out etc...
I died that night....... she took everything from me and left me hollow she broke everything so i came bafk to holes in the wall noting to my name but this cracked screen phone im still using now....
Theses past 3-4 years (everything empty and hollow so lost track of my best friend time management) i went to therapy 2-3 years ago and learned of my spilt and how its triggered and told to lean on my creative mind to think up ways not to be suicidel, aka i guess why i'm putting this.
I fixed up the holes in the walls, panited, removed carpets cleaned my cal king bed, after paying it off, payed all bills she left behind, and started getting stuff tv, computer, tab, hack i even got a VR headset, i don't even use.... honestly no one to play VR with seems kinda boring....
I dislike i lost my muse to draw or the will as i use to draw daily....
I hate how i've been alone now due to picking what i thought was ture love..
Sick of this emptyy feeling, hollow hole where a heart once sat
2 months and like 12? Days till i'm 31 and the only time i spent even a little happy was with a person who treated me like dirt and hates me now i tryed to talk to her a year after keep the promise we made together like 2 years in that even if we broke up we would stay best friends.
To get " you should have tired harder back then" and got blocked
I gave up everything i had... ether way i plan to try to be soical and talk to other again after hiding in my dark hole this long avoiding everyone and everything, just to notice i no longer know where to start.....dead at the starting line.
A life of misery where the good karma at? Am i meant to live a life of pain? Why? When i put my self though hell even now
Helpping homeless with a room till they find a place, i keep in my room locked away and give them my place pretty much.
..... i want my heart back... i want to love again.... i want someone to hold.... but likely.... die alone... i'm seemly already there....
This post took me 4 hours, it's likely no one will read and even less will care...
But still wish everyone the best of wishes in life from my litttle hole in hell.
Well, Thanks for coming to my ted talk (hope that made ya smile) (or that) (or even that lol)
Lighten the mood after something so heavy, take it from someone with chortic depression who still smiles at everyone even though the pain, it really helps.
submitted by OGHeartlessFox to lifeinapost [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 22:45 ProjectEcoMC ProjectEco New Season [PVP] {Prison} {NON-OP} {Classic} {OG}

ProjectEco Has a New Season [PVP] {Prison} {NON-OP} {Classic} {OG} Discord: discord.projecteco.net
⚙️ Server Overview:
This server is completely NON-OP and is a twist on classic prison servers from back in the day. Although the server is based around old-school prison servers, we have many updated and enjoyable features, including a fun story of quests to take you through your ranks.
This server features custom content such as custom quests, custom enchantments, custom drops, custom fishing and cosemtics in order to ensure your experience at ProjectEco is unique.
IP: Play.Projecteco.net
Version: 1.20+
💡 Gameplay Highlights:
🎮 Fair gameplay - Our server gives all players a fair chance to succeed; nothing is locked solely behind a paywall
👥 Friendly & Active Community - Forge new friendships and create clans to play alongside others and escape the mines
🔧 Anti-Cheat - No need to worry about hackers while playing on the server
🛠️ Dedicated Support - Our active & trained staff team ensures you have the best gameplay possible
submitted by ProjectEcoMC to MinecraftServerShare [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 22:44 ProjectEcoMC ProjectEco New Season [PVP] {Prison} {NON-OP} {Classic} {OG}

ProjectEco Has a New Season [PVP] {Prison} {NON-OP} {Classic} {OG} Discord: discord.projecteco.net
⚙️ Server Overview:
This server is completely NON-OP and is a twist on classic prison servers from back in the day. Although the server is based around old-school prison servers, we have many updated and enjoyable features, including a fun story of quests to take you through your ranks.
This server features custom content such as custom quests, custom enchantments, custom drops, custom fishing and cosemtics in order to ensure your experience at ProjectEco is unique.
IP: Play.Projecteco.net
Version: 1.20+
💡 Gameplay Highlights:
🎮 Fair gameplay - Our server gives all players a fair chance to succeed; nothing is locked solely behind a paywall
👥 Friendly & Active Community - Forge new friendships and create clans to play alongside others and escape the mines
🔧 Anti-Cheat - No need to worry about hackers while playing on the server
🛠️ Dedicated Support - Our active & trained staff team ensures you have the best gameplay possible
submitted by ProjectEcoMC to MinecraftServerFinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 22:44 ProjectEcoMC ProjectEco New Season [PVP] {Prison} {NON-OP} {Classic} {OG}

ProjectEco Has a New Season [PVP] {Prison} {NON-OP} {Classic} {OG} Discord: discord.projecteco.net
⚙️ Server Overview:
This server is completely NON-OP and is a twist on classic prison servers from back in the day. Although the server is based around old-school prison servers, we have many updated and enjoyable features, including a fun story of quests to take you through your ranks.
This server features custom content such as custom quests, custom enchantments, custom drops, custom fishing and cosemtics in order to ensure your experience at ProjectEco is unique.
IP: Play.Projecteco.net
Version: 1.20+
💡 Gameplay Highlights:
🎮 Fair gameplay - Our server gives all players a fair chance to succeed; nothing is locked solely behind a paywall
👥 Friendly & Active Community - Forge new friendships and create clans to play alongside others and escape the mines
🔧 Anti-Cheat - No need to worry about hackers while playing on the server
🛠️ Dedicated Support - Our active & trained staff team ensures you have the best gameplay possible
submitted by ProjectEcoMC to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 19:12 sisleyek Ps5 mods to improve/add to the game without the cheat feel?

Looking for advice on which ps5 mods would improve the gameplay without making it easier- basically the ones that would ADD to the experience instead of changing it if that makes sense. Whenever I used cheats/mods for other games in the past I noticed that I lose the drive to keep playing so want to avoid this but with so many mods available I’m sure there’s extra/additional stuff that would be fun to have/apply without ruining the og gameplay.
submitted by sisleyek to Fallout [link] [comments]
