Tennis ball cannon calculations

Are you going to e6 her, tingyun nation?

2024.06.02 08:52 PestoChickenLinguine Are you going to e6 her, tingyun nation?

I was about to pull huohuo rerun, see how good yunli and feixiao is, or pull screwllum, but new tingyun leak has thrown a wrench into my plan (in a good way) and now I'm going to turbo pull her when she drops! Literally no more pulling until 2.7.
According to the calculator, I have a 25% chance to pull e6s1, assuming with welkin each patch gives 100 pulls (590 pulls, 74 banner pity)
Are you also going to go balls deep into the new tingyun alt, or will you just pull one?
submitted by PestoChickenLinguine to TingyunShrine [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:33 genehelp11 Costoco, Spasticity & The Backpod

Hello everyone,
been suffering from Costo Since about 2010+- ,
i got swelling on the left rib,
however since 2019 i started suffering from left body problems, left hand pinky & ring finger get clawed up,
left leg gets heavey and gets dragged out, and sometimes the left side of my face gets somewhat numb, usually the lower lip area,
several doctors ive gone to said i got Spasticity in my left leg and hand, but the source is still unkown.
when i heard about the Backpod i orderd it right away, but when i laid on it the first time (on my bed with 3 pillows) it increased my leg, hand and face problems, i moved to start with a small tennis ball and it sorta worked, i strech and use the tennis ball 3 times a day, incl massages
and for the first time in a couple of years i can walk for 30+ mins, 3 times a day!
today is the first day i tried the Backpod again and i could stay on it for 9:30 mins with 1 pillow,
it did worsen my symptoms but it helped with my most glaring issue which is breathing.
so a couple of question for you guys,
1)Have any of you guys ever encountred such follow up problems with Costo / Tietze? (swallowing problems, GERD, leg pain and tightness & and the following i wrote in the post)
2)im working for about 2.5 monthes on dissolving the front swelling, i got some holes in it, some of it became jiggly and some of it is still hard as a rock, how long did it take you to dissolve this thing?
3)any good thing to rub on the front when its inflammed? i used Voltaren but it started to make my skin red & itchy and since then i tried Penetrex and some cooling gels and it didnt do nothing,
thank you for your help, and Steve if you are here i wanna give you a special thx, i used your guide for streching, back freeing and as of today finally the Backpod too! im using those methods every single day and it realy is life changing for me.
submitted by genehelp11 to costochondritis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:26 vextremit This close enough? want me to get you a seat with the king? oh wait...

This close enough? want me to get you a seat with the king? oh wait...
Sheesh...for someone whose been a castaway you expect me to treat you like royalty? your lucky I don't kill you on the spot.
submitted by vextremit to ArcaneOdyssey [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:12 OG_smurf_6741 Just double bagelled someone I was at the same level as 4 months ago

4 months ago I did a small group coaching series and was paired up with a buddy at the club since we were at a very similar level. He'd been playing a bit longer, hits a really hard forehand (but tries to smash it every time) and has a weak OHBH. At that point I was newer to the game and having some success as a total pusher with zero technique, though i did win my 2 interclub games at the end of summer (Feb in NZ) and got ranked s10, same as him.
After the groups, I started weekly private lessons with the coach which I've been doing for 3 and a half months now. The other guy has continued playing mostly casual doubles at the club, while I've been pushing myself to learn and practise hard. I'm not a pusher any more and have made huge progress on my technique, I've gone through those awful ups and downs of change and kept going to figure it all out.
Since interclub leagues finished in March most of my actual matches have been against an old mate at another club who's ranked much higher than me so sometimes I'd get a bit down, it's harder to hurt him and he has vicious topspin, I'm usually playing on the back foot. I do make him work hard but haven't taken a set yet (closest = 6-7(7-9)!)
So that was a big setup for the headline which you already know! Stoked to play someone 'my own level' only to find that my hard work has put a huge gap between us. Got the double bagel, and the games felt like a breeze - lots of flatter balls into my strike zone, easy to pound his backhand, I hit about 5 aces, and I just knew if I hit 3 or 4 solid topspin rally shots in a row he'd get jammed up or launch a 'home run'.
God it felt good to be so in control! Also mentally, I got in such a good zone since playing someone so much better all the time made today feel very easy in comparison, and that led to even more freedom and looseness so I played some of my best tennis for sure.
So this is kind of a brag but since I don't want to ACTUALLY brag to real people I've got to let it out somewhere! Actually just really stoked. Looking forward to leagues starting again in October, still got a other 4 months of hard work and improvement but I feel like I should chew through the ranks.
submitted by OG_smurf_6741 to 10s [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:07 SnowResponsible7638 My active wear wasn't active enough for this Boomer.

My current town has a lovely park with several ball parks, a running trail and tennis courts, and bathrooms. In an effort to get less lazy I have been happily shuffling along the running trail, then sitting and crocheting in the shade till it's too hot. It's lovely.
Like any suburban town in US right now tennis courts mean Boomers playing pickle ball. They will yell at each other, will gossip in the parking lot after each match. It's why I started to crochet after my sad running, nothing lifts the spirits like hearing what knee doctor is a quack and Jim's dizzy spells.
Had to poo as I was leaving (that's clearly a sign the running attempt is improving, yes?) but pickle ball was just ending. Bathroom lines! got in the line and was waiting my turn when a loud voice behind me said "you need to go somewhere else!" I turned around, and Woody Allen's grosser uncle says "you aren't dressed to be using an active area, these bathrooms are for people being the park.
I was wearing leggings, a t-shirt and gym shoes. Sadly I didnt have anything witty to say, and just used the restroom as quickly as possible, but if I ever see him again I'm gonna tell that his like green shorts show off his malformed ballsack, even if it isn't true
submitted by SnowResponsible7638 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:51 NewKaleidoscope8418 AITA for building a DND 3.5 character with a higher power level than the rest of the party/group? LONG

AITA for building a DND 3.5 character with a higher power level than the rest of the party/group?

so, a little background, ive been a member of a teens-youg adult group at a local gameshop for a few years now and aside from the DMs everyone has stayed from when i first joined, as for the current DM he has run the last 3 campaigns (a VTM, WTA and the current 3.5) and definatly seems of the CN variety as he tends not to stress the hard details/rules too much and often decides against looking up specific rules (called shots, unusual battlegrounds, special attacks, multiclass rules, etc) in favor of creating a quick patch for the circumstances and keeping with it should it come up again(unless someone brings up a specific concern). he plays by the rules of "the stronger you make your characters the stronger monsters you'll find" (which is fine, keeps encounters interesting and you get cooler monsters to fight). as for character creation we started lvl 4 and it was my first time playing 3.5 (had experience with pathfinder 1e tho) he allowed a surprising amount of books to draw from and i decided to make a cleric of gorum (pathfinder battle deity i ran by him first) and eventually landed on a half ogre(from savage species 1 lvl adjustment, +6 str -2dex +2con -2 int -2cha, large size) 1 lvl in barbarian with variant whirling frenzy rage, 2 lvl cleric with war(greatsword) and str domains. i continued to lvl cleric to lvl 3 and then just before THE SESSION took place i took a lvl in shaman (oriental adventures, domains: str and wrath), the feats he had were power attack, additional rage and battle jump(oriental adventures, different from battle leap) at this point we were lvl 6.(side note, all characters had max hp for their hit dice per lvl). the party consisted of: half elf paladin of freedom(healer, frontliner), an assimar cleric of anubis (healer, damage caster), bugbear pugilist fighter(tank/vanguard, comic relief), and me(healer, dps and slight glass cannon)
the session started out pretty standard, we had spent the last 8 or so sessions exploring a megadungeon and we had left off in some catacombs, few traps here and there we arrive at where the main fight happens, we were fighting a giant praying mantis and a giant python, me, the paladin and the fighter start fighting the mantis and the anubian cleric starts a sandstorm around the python, a few rounds in and the mantis is mostly down due to my damage(i have noticed in a few prior fights that i have a significantly higher dps than the rest but i brushed it off with the thought that i also had the least hit points and get much closer to dieing most fights), meanwhile the python has managed to grab the cleric and has started constricting him rendering him somewhat in a pickle, the paladin on their turn (just before mine) manages to finish the mantis off so i decide to pull out the combo that i had just assembled on the python, using my str domain ability and having had both animal's frenzy and bulls strength + rage on me i had quite the str that round (32 for a +11str) and i used both battle jump and Rino's rush(from the wrath domain) to give a x4 to my charge attack and deal a nice round 160 dmg in one strike, as i was somewhat explaining what i was doing the others(fighter and paladin) were warning me against it due to prior rule regarding powerful characters and that i might hit the cleric(to which i was confidant enough my at the moment +21(which rolled to a 33) to hit wouldn't miss the snake), as i concluded damage calculations the dm looked to the other cleric and said to take half(80) of that damage which already being down 30-40 hitpoints instantly killed them and the dm promptly explained that the snake had only received 80 dmg as well and that it was due to how the constriction worked. i then proceeded to get somewhat berated by F and P (the cleric was somewhat quiet and had somewhat continued to work on his tank backup he ironically had been making before the session began) about how i shouldn't have assumed that the DM would let me just hit the snake and not my own ally(it is worth mentioning at this point two things, A. that no one had landed a hit on the snake during constriction and thus we didnt know the damage sharing ability and B. that even without the battle jump and rino's rush if i just walked up to the snake and hit it twice(not difficult with +21 against aproxamate ac 22) i still would have likely ended up killing the cleric since he stated that even 36 damage would have instakilled him (avg damage per hit with these buffs applied added up to 3d6(13.5)+23 dmg and constriction and or bleed would kill him) and when i protested to the dm that there are ways to deal damage without striking it down the middle (ex, cut off the snake's heat) he said i never asked for a called shot. i was then declared to have moved down to chaotic evil (priorly CN who at the start of the campaign was CG and had moved down due to breaking a parley declared by ambushing kobolds and a kobold mage whom i thought would be enemies of the faith due to gorum's tenants which in hindsight was meant to become a social encounter) despite (at that point) my intent to grieve once the battle was over(the cleric had been the kindest in the party thus far and i was still trying to play CG). i could somewhat see where the alignment change had come from since actions determine alignment and thus i could still reclaim my alignment by properly displaying my atonement and sorrow and desire to do better(and i spent a good few minutes trying to figure out how to revive him cause at this point i knew i had screwed up and needed to try to fix it). aside from that it was now the fighter's turn and at this point i got slightly distracted trying to help cleric with his backup and went to grab/check the index of a book on the far shelf, when i returned a minute later it was the python's turn and it attacked me (naturally) and had transformed into a dragon(which at this point was the only time id seen the dm rebalance a combat mid combat) which then proceeded to one-shot me to death despite only being down 10hp this whole fight and as far as im aware he never even bothered to ask for AC(when i had just made a massive AC boost from scale male to +1 plate earlier no less) and when the paladin attacked after both us clerics hit the floor and got a 32 to hit on a smite missed, after P and F consulted about escaping and/or retrieving the anubian cleric's body(whom it was stated was beginning to be devoured alongside mine) the dm did some deus ex machina'ing (which he has done before mostly to prevent large numbers of character deaths in the past and not unusual for the table considering we swim in powerful company frequently). after the session as me and cleric were setting up new characters and after being threatened if i made another min-maxed character(of which there was very little of deliberatly done, im not known for playing broken characters (gimmicky? yes, broken? rarely or only as ideas) cleric said that he was fine with me having killed his character which helped me feel a bit better about the whole thing but im still troubled about how DM, P and F reacted respectively to the event. AITA?
submitted by NewKaleidoscope8418 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:22 blurryturtle 2024 Roland Garros Men's & Women's 4th Round - Sunday Matches

Swiatek vs Potapova :

Swiatek had to have been happy with her third round matchup after waking up from the nightmare that Naomi Osaka presented. She made quick work of Bouzkova, who was outmatched in every department. Bouzkova did manage to battle back in the first and make the set close, and she served surprisingly well, but she just doesn’t hit hard enough to beat Swiatek. It was one of those matches where Swiatek looks a bit impatient because she’s supplying all the offense, and it seems like when it takes 3-4 shots to get an opportunity to hit a winner, she tries to just infuse extra pace or spin instead and unforced errors appear. Trying to make the ball explode doesn’t really work, and extra force applied tends to fall short when compared to smooth technique. I watched Rune and Zverev have similar trouble today against their opponents. Players wind up pushing because they hit bigger than their opponent, but don’t want to make errors. It’s accuracy that’s missing, and it’s something for Swiatek to work on in the off-season. I would say that accuracy is the main problem with her serve as well. It has plenty of pace and spin, but the ball lands towards the center of the box way too often. Less pace, and more location will go a long way.
If it feels like I’m levying criticism today, yes. Your turn, Potapova and Wang. Potapova was down 5-0 in the first set, and won 7 games in a row. Wang has a tendency to just go big on her forehand, and she doesn’t stop when she misses. Potapova was an uphill battle, but Wang doesn’t actually need to hit clean winners to score. Her forehand is one of the biggest in the game, and once she locks into a cross-court rally she usually can win provided the ball lands inside the court. Landing the ball inside the court proved difficult, and it felt a bit like watching Struff. All the ability in the world but a sense of urgency that doesn’t really match the moment. Yes you want to stay aggressive, but the weight of shot buys you time in the rally, you don’t need to escape a rally you’re in control of.
Potapova wound up losing the second, and down a break in the third. She dug in admirably, but there were some really poor decisions late in the match. After getting to triple break point by rallying with Wang and keeping the ball deep until Wang missed, she got a simple backhand return off a serve. She went for a clean winner down the line for some reason, and then suddenly the next point mattered. She lost it, and suddenly the “oh F I had it and now it’s gone” fears rose. The game ended up at duece, and she went to tactic B : screaming on every shot. You can’t scream your opponent off the court, so this didn’t really work. In the end, Wang coughed up errors and Potapova won, but it was a match that was managed poorly by both. Potapova was very reactive to misses and makes, which is fine but wastes a bunch of energy and tends to affect your decisionmaking in a readable way. You want to maintain some mystery, and at a minimum not give your opponent any inspiration or hope to work off of while you’re out there.
Swiatek Potapova should be another safe match for Swiatek, but Potapova has good power off both wings and she hits her backhand down the line decent. Swiatek will need more than she brought against Bouzkova, and chances are this won’t be a blowout. Potapova won their last meeting 6-0 in the third on clay, but it was in 2016 at the juniors. Swiatek in 2.

Danilovic vs Vondrousova :

Olga Danilovic has made the 4th round of a major. This changes her career in a major way. Tons of points, at least $250k, and a chance to win more. It’s even sweeter I would imagine because she probably shouldn’t be there. Her match against Donna Vekic was filled with many fumbles. Both players have enough power to hit past the other. Vekic was able to hit inside out forehands to great effect. Danilovic’s pendulum swing on her backhand was able to force errors from Vekic quite often. Her forehand down the line was almost a clean winner anytime she made it. In between all that though, they missed constantly.
The first set was a 6-0 beatdown from Vekic. She played excellent, and likely should have won the second. In the third, she went up a quick break. She gave that back, but broke to serve for the match. Immediately, she threw in a handful of forced dropshots and errors. Luckily, she broke again to serve for the match at 6-5. This gave her the opportunity to come up with a few more bailout dropshots and errors. If you watch highlights, this was an incredible match. If you watched the match, you saw two players whose games were affected by the situation. Vekic forced the issue and missed anytime she got control of the scoreboard, and Danilovic went through bouts of not missing at all followed by sending every ball wide. The tiebreaker was vaguely like watching a junior match. Every miss brought a huge reaction from the player. There were constant gestures and faces made to their boxes, and it was a little difficult to watch two great players struggle to focus and execute. Vekic managed to go up again 6-2 in the tiebreaker, but froze at that point and began hitting most of her shots long. She had trouble serving first serves in for the second half of the entire third set, but she really was unable to respond defensively once Danilovic got a full swing in.
After watching Danilovic down Collins and sort of defeat Vekic, it’s hard to count her out against Vondrousova. Marketa is a clear favorite against most players on clay, but the scorelines of her matches can be hard to predict. Against Paquet she was up a set and cruising up a double break in the second, and wound up back on serve. She closed out, but Vondrousova doesn’t hit that big and mostly thrives by defending and earning errors, so Danilovic will be able to compete. They played in the BJK cup and Vondrousova won in 3, and I’m guessing slower clay will give Vondrousova more of an edge. Vekic’s lack of speed really hurt her, and I think Vondrousova being able to put extra ball consistently in play will make Danilovic’s rough patches more of an issue. The emotional and physical output of Danilovic over the last few rounds has to take a toll, and I think she’ll fall a game or two short here. Vondrousova in 3.

Gauff vs Cocciaretto :

This is an excellent draw for Gauff so far. She’s playing great players, but stylistically they’re not a lot of trouble for her. This round is another good spot. Elisabetta Cocciaretto is a good server and has nice power, but she’s not the fastest around the court and she can make some unforced errors if she’s rushed. This means Gauff’s defense and power give her a great shot to win without trouble. Cocciaretto beating Samsonova was a surprise to me, but Samsonova doesn’t have the speed that Gauff does nor the consistency. This is a criminally short analysis but Gauff in 2.

Tauson vs Jabeur :

Great champions are able to elevate their games. This round, Ons will need to elevate hers. Clara Tauson is playing some great tennis, and coming into this match hers is the higher level. Jabeur was projected to have trouble against Fernandez and she did. It was another match where I felt like a good coach could have gotten their player across the finish line. Fernandez didn’t have a great chance in the first, but Jabeur was very willing to give the second away. Fernandez was able to dig in on defense and rally with Jabeur until she made errors or gave Leylah opportunities. Rather than keep rallying and really punish Jabeur, Fernandez went for winners … and missed them all. I’m not exaggerating here, in the second set she missed almost every offensive shot she went for, and it didn’t feel like she had to go for them. Jabeur hits bigger than Fernandez, so on the court it may have felt like she needed to do a lot, but most of her points come from consistency, so Leylah’s team will want to focus on having her focus on the mental battle going on in her opponent’s head rather than trying to be a big hitter. Physically, it’s just not in the cards for her to be slinging offense. Maybe she landed those same shots in an earlier round, so going for them was fine, but awareness on court is important, and Jabeur was trying to give the set away. After winning, Jabeur celebrated a bit which left me puzzled. It’s natural to be happy when you win, but I feel a little odd about these matches sometimes. Fernandez didn’t land a first serve for the last 20 minutes, threw in a ton of errors, and tried to hit an overhand winner for some reason off a return at 5-5 in the tiebreaker. It was a nice win, but Jabeur made this match hard on herself. I might be in hater mode today and I apologize, but it feels like sometimes players tap their head or pump their fist after overcoming challenges that they themselves created.
Positives for Jabeur were the times she put one extra ball back. She has had a middling season, and seeing her dig in is great. Her racquet skill is some of the best on tour as well, so the gets aren’t just a boost, they’re downright effective. She has the ability to stretch to her forehand and put squash gets back extremely low, and to flick cross-court forehands that seem impossible from how extended her arm is. Jabeur’s depth of talent is why she is still slightly favored in this match, because again, Clara Tauson is coming in at a high level. Tauson beat Ostapenko, and followed it up by putting Kenin through the ringer. Kenin had no chance in the first, but in the second she was able to reel back a break of serve and apply some decent pressure. Frustratingly, she just wasn’t able to execute in the big moments. At 15-30 5-5, Tauson hit a lob that was going a few feet out (to the side). While running backwards, Kenin seemed unaware of where she was in the court. She tried to play it overhead and missed. It was a momentum killer, and she ended up missing the remainder of her offensive opportunities.
Throughout the match, the big difference in the two was Tauson’s ability to score quickly. When she lands first serves, or if you give her a moment to get a full swing anywhere inside the baseline, you are toast. She has the type of power that Anisimova/Collins generate on their backhand, and she has a heavy forehand. That is why I suspect Jabeur will have a tough time winning this quickly. Jabeur has the endurance and variety to frustrate Tauson, but this feels like a battle of two big offenses, and Jabeur’s is a bit less consistent at this point. I want to believe Jabeur wins in 3, but she will need to step up her game and avoid the type of letdown she had in the second against Fernandez. Tauson is several tiers above Leylah and Osorio in terms of offensive opportunities, and both those players were able to get in winning position in at least one set. I’m still going to go with Jabeur in 3. Tauson has beaten some offenses, and some defenses, but Ons is the most complete player she’s faced so it feels very much like “prove it” territory for me.

Arnaldi vs Tsitsipas :

The story in Arnaldi’s match seems to be Rublev’s temper, but don’t let that overshadow Arnaldi’s performance. For me, Rublev’s temper is partially his fault, and partially his team’s. I’m especially sensitive to this after watching the last round, but being reactive to the outcome of points is a bit of a leak. If you are easily moved by events, then you are always able to be moved. It compounds, because if you are really good at something, there is no reason to believe that minor failures will continue, or even matter. It gives your opponent motivation, it wastes your valuable reserves of adrenaline and dopamine (depending on good/bad outcomes), and it’s honestly fairly distracting for an opponent. Just generally speaking, if my opponent is smashing his head with a racquet, I don’t really want to beat him. I’m still going to, but I want to compete and win, I don’t really want to add suffering to someone else. It’s unprofessional, it’s a detriment to his game, and it puts his opponents and umpires in an uncomfortable spot. Of course, he knows this, but it should hit home in this moment that he lost this match because of his lack of composure, and lost it to a player who thrives because of his composure.
Matteo Arnaldi plays steady consistent tennis. He works hard, he constantly works on his game, and he isn’t reactive out there aside from hyping himself up. He beat Fils because of deviations in his level of play and because he made it clear he wouldn’t miss. Fils forced shots and missed because he was unwilling to do the work. He beat Rublev because despite Rublev opening the match hitting clean and crushing winners, he just stayed the course and kept competing. When Christmas disappeared, Rublev noticed, and he did not like it. The crux of the issue is, he did not accept it. If I am upset about the way things are, that is natural. If I grit against the way they are, I suffer. If I accept the way things are, I am (counterintuitively) instantly free to begin working on changing them. It doesn’t mean we celebrate errors or loss, but resetting to the present moment is a major key to winning in professional sports and tennis players in particular have a difficulty with this.
I’m not trying to dump on all these players or attack them here either. All of them are tremendous athletes and are mostly excellent ambassadors and competitors. All of these struggles are natural and we all experiences the highs and lows of competition, but Rublev wants to win and this is something he needs to work on to do that consistently. If his coaches aren’t working on this with him, they’re doing him a disservice. If they are and he isn’t buying into it, he’s doing them a disservice. Everything is fine with Rublev’s game but the holes are clear. He needs more reps at net, he needs to develop dropshots, and he needs to not smash racquets.
For now, it’s Arnaldi vs Tsitsipas. Stefanos has been excellent this event, and he opens as the favorite for a reason. Zhang played solid in round 3, but he was helpless against Tsitsipas. Stef is holding serving quickly, and the speed with which he’s finding a forehand to the open court off of players’ returns is the catalyst of this. His stamina is a major weapon in these conditions and in this format, and his serve/forehand is one of the best left in the event. If Arnaldi wants to win, the plot is simple. Isolate Tsitsipas’ backhand, and get deep in sets. In the late stages of a close set, Tsitsipas is still prone to some shanks. I really do think Arnaldi needs to win the first set to have a shot here, but had Rublev been playing Tsitsipas I think we’d be expecting a somewhat close match so there’s no real argument for Arnaldi to get blown out here. He has a complete game, and he has good discipline. He’s lanky so he might be able to return well, and he can send his backhand down the line so Tsitsipas can’t just camp in his backhand corner. Forehand to forehand though, I think Tsitsipas wins. Losses to Ruud, Jarry, Medvedev make me think that Arnaldi has a bit of a ceiling, but all those were close affairs so Tsitsipas should have his hands full here. Tsitsipas in 4-5.

Alcaraz vs Auger-Aliassume :

Shelton and FAA was fairly hyped, but only Felix delivered. Shelton wasn’t really that bad, but FAA just showed he’s more comfortable on the surface. He faced no break points, and won comfortably in straight sets. His next match will be a lot more difficult, as he plays a version of Carlos Alcaraz that is cruising through the draw without really playing his best tennis. Alcaraz vs Korda was a strange contest. It reminded me a bit of Zverev or Rune playing matches they know they’re going to win. They don’t want to play extra sets, so they play a bit more carefully and just make sure to outlast their opponent. What ends up happening is the score stays close, and the stronger players needs to win a tense tiebreaker or break late in the set. Sure, they still win, but I think that an all-out assault from an earlier moment would allow them to fatigue their opponent.
These guys are all in tremendous shape (even Kotov), but there are levels/paces that they can’t hang at for long. Someone like Alcaraz can push the pace and wear Korda down, and once he breaks from that level, the odds of him winning the next sets easily are more likely. We watched Nadal and Djokovic do this to opponents for a long time, and the late sets were almost always blowouts after frantic openers. We watched Federer do the same thing mentally to opponents with a constant onslaught of offensive shots and tricky slices. If you don’t push the pace to a level your lower-tier opponent can’t hang at, they end up playing at a pace they’re comfortable with and then you play the same level of Korda in set 1 as you do in set 3.
Hater mode continues, but in this case I think it’s all assuming that Alcaraz is totally healthy. If he’s saving his arm for later, he played Korda perfectly. Sebastian continues to battle even with the best players on tour, and in the big moments he doesn’t change his game. 4-4 in a tiebreaker isn’t the time to force anything, but if you’re the underdog and have nothing to lose, it might be a good choice to ratchet up the pace a little, or take some chances. Instead, he seems to throw in rally ball errors. The two forehand misses he had in the tiebreaker were rough, but worse was that they weren’t even shots that were going to score. He was just guiding the ball in straight over the net. I guess in the end, beating Alcaraz, or even playing him even for a time, is a huge ask. It was a great match.
FAA will have his best chance to beat Alcaraz here. Alcaraz’s arm is potentially not 100%, and Korda probably should have won a set. I think the pace alone that Felix brings will wake Carlitos up a bit, and he has beaten FAA the last few times they’ve played so he’ll know which shots to employ and when. Even with his arm a question mark, Alcaraz’s speed around the court and ability to extend rallies are the right assets to score on FAA. Auger-Aliassime’s main issue on tour is that he can overhit forehands and cough up unforced errors. It should be noted also that FAA Shelton was played under a closed roof, which helps Felix’s serve a bit. The weather in Paris looks pretty nice for the rest of the tournament, so it’ll be warm and ideal for Alcaraz to wear him down and isolate his backhand when he can. FAA is good enough to compete at this level, but hasn’t been doing it regularly enough for me to think he can do so here for 3 whole sets. Alcaraz in 4.

Hurkacz vs Dimitrov :

Dimitrov leads this h2h 5-0. All the matches have been close, but you don’t get to 5-0 against Hurkacz unless you can reliably return serve. If you can reliably return serve, you can beat Hurkacz, and on clay it should be even more beneficial. Hurkacz has played excellent in this clay swing considering his status as a servebot, and leading into Wimbledon and the North American swing I think his baseline improves have him primed for some titles. He had a hard test with Shapovalov in round 3, and the new and sort of decent Shapovalov put up a good fight. Dimitrov had an easier time with Zizou Bergs, despite dropping a set. Bergs broke Dimitrov a bunch in this match, but Dimitrov’s slice gave him a lot of trouble. Grigor was content to just keep hitting the court, and it was enough in the end. Bergs had trouble lifting his forehand inside in off of the slice, and it meant going mostly inside out which Dimitrov was only too comfortable with. The quick turnaround is a concern here, but I don’t think the Bergs match was as labor intensive as it could have been. There were numerous rain delays, and the scores were close but only because Dimitrov didn’t redline. He served with control, he hit to big targets, and he secured the bag.
I don’t think Hurkacz gets beaten quickly here, and I don’t think Dimitrov is automatic just because of the h2h. He should win, but Dimitrov lost to Rune/Mensik/Fritz recently and those are all players right around Hurkacz level. If this goes to a 5th, I’d be pretty worried for Dimitrov’s chances. Picking Dimitrov in 4 feels tough, because Bergs got to a 4th and he wasn’t really playing his best today. The h2h is hard to ignore, so I’ll go with Dimitrov in 5. The quick turnaround might leave him tired but he should be able to outduel Hurkacz in most volleys and the low slices will be tough for the big dude to get down on.

Sinner vs Moutet :

Nothing like a seemingly simple one to end a full day of criticizing professional athletes for not being perfect <3. Moutet has been the most entertaining player in this event. He has won and lost lopsided sets, he has gone for every shot possible, he is chatting with the crowd, and he is giving the home country something to believe in. Considering he couldn’t even hit a two-handed backhand for a good chunk of the past year due to wrist surgery, it’s pretty impressive for him to get his game back to a really high level. Ofner was beating him early in the third round, but he was also sweating profusely. The workload of defending against Moutet’s big forehand strokes and his clever dropshots is exhausting, and Ofner’s game dipped as the match went on. It’ll be fun to see Sinner trading with Moutet, and it’ll be another look at his physical ability to see how quickly he moves to the frontcourt and how he defends Moutet’s forehand inside out. Generally with a hip injury, it’s sprinting forward and leaning wide to that side that becomes an issue.
Sinner has sort of entered a big however many group in terms of his results. He is able to beat the lower tier players for the entire match, and is consistently able to do so. There are no holes in his game, and aside from his hip issue there is no reason to think he loses here. Moutet has the game to make this the match of the day, but it feels like he’s spent a lot more time and energy on court and that’ll cost him. Sinner in 3.
submitted by blurryturtle to tennis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:12 Significant_Matter_0 They will soon learn as we all have

They will soon learn as we all have submitted by Significant_Matter_0 to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:08 Terrible_North_7918 Lessons I learned during my first year of eng!

Hey! Ik a lot of the incoming first year engineering students have accepted their offers recently (congrats!) and I thought this may be of use for you guys and some of these can go for any first year student honestly. I learned so so much during my first year and would love to share if it even benefits one person!
- every percent helps! A lot of your mark will be based off the midterm and final, but most classes have room to gain marks in quizzes and homework. Although each one may be worth small (for ex. in pcs each hw is work 0.5%), don't get in the habit of slacking off and overlooking those. Those percents add up and can help you pass your course esp if you do poorly on major assessments. it can be very easy to skip or forget them in the midst of midterm season, but you future self will thank you when your calculating your grade at the end of the semester. Plus its a great way to stay sharp and caught up!
- join clubs. everyone says this but its for a reason!!!! It is an excellent way to meet upper years and learn from them, as well as gain skills and opportunities that set you apart from peers. You can also add it to your LinkedIn and climb up the exec ladder if you stick to the same clubs over the years. This is the best thing I could've done my first year. Although it can be challenging managing them along your classes, even joining one or two positions can help make yourself well rounded. Some examples are MUES positions, FYEO fyc, IEEE, WiE, BMES, MECU, ECEstorms, CECU and literally SM more.
- design teams. on the topic of clubs, design teams esp are something I wish I joined but hope to in my second year. Design teams are amazing because they allow you to contribute to physical projects and use the concepts you are taught in your classes! They're also great because you can add these projects to your resume and linkendin.
- find good friends/study group. It can be overwhelming and scary in the beginning to make friends, and it does take time to build those relationships. However I highly recommend you put yourself out there and out your comfort zone even if it is just talking to someone while waiting outside of a lecture. I cannot stress enough how beneficial a supportive friend/group can be for your entire degree! You guys can hang out between classes, lock in and study together, they can be there to help you/teach the things you don't understand, hold you accountable when you slack off, hype you up and push you to seek new oppurtunites, and make sm memories. don't be scared about meeting new people, it is a lot easier than you think esp bc everyone is on the same boat in first year and looking for friends! Joining clubs as I mentioned is a great way, as well as talking to the people in your tutorials/labs and inviting them to get a bite or drink with you!
- hold your self accountable. You know yourself best and you know when you are slacking off, when you are doing something you shouldn't be, when you can be doing better than you are, etc. University is not like hs where you have a teacher or figure to hold you accountable, you need to do that for yourself. Eng is not easy, you need to know when it's time to study or put in effort because spoiler alert, you need both to succeed. you cannot expect to pass or have good grades if you are only going to lectures and not reviewing, doing your hw, or studying. and holding yourself accountable throughout the sem can make studying for finals and midterms easier for you.
- be careful using chatgpt, bc you will become dependent on it. Ai is definitely a helpful tool than can be used to answer specific questions and spark new ideas, however use it cautiously. Pushing and using your brain is so good for you, however access to gpt and ai can make it seem like an easy fix. It is, but all I am saying is don't use it for everything, don't use it when you have the answers in your notes or textbook, don't use it if you have time to work it out/think on it. you do not want to become one of those brain rot individuals that cannot think and speak for themself thats all.
- save your money. I wish I'd hear this before but it is incredibly easy to blow off money in your first year esp at tmu. There are food and shopping places in every corner, so if you have the money/savings it's easy to get in the habit of buying food or a sweet treat every day. Many of us aren't working during school either. Just remember that each course you take cost money, if you need to take it again or online it cost money, your homework textbooks and lab equipment often costs money, and if you are on osap you will need money to pay it back! just be careful 🥲
- chang policy. I had to learn this one the hard way too. If you would like to take a course virtually through chang the refund policy is NOT the same as in person courses. If you change your mind about the course and want a full policy, you need to drop the course 5 BUSINESS DAYS before it begins if you want a full refund. I dropped a course 4 business days before and had to pay 50% for a course I did not take.
- time management because the workload is intense. engineering is not easy but time management can make your degree manageable and not feel impossible. it may be hard to find the routine and flow that works for you, but if I can give any advice while you do it is to make use of the time you have when you have it. Use resources like a planner, google cal, to-do lists, reminders etc to stay on top and make time for everything. being able to manage your time can save you a lot of panic and stress in midterm and final season. although the workload can get overwhelming, break your tasks down and take it day by day, but make sure you get done what you need too.
- start group projects early, especially CEN100. you will encounter many group projects during your first year, and most of the important ones happen near the end of the semester. I highly suggest you urge you and your group to get started or at least plan/break down tasks early, ideally from the get go when it is assigned. trying to coordinate with group members who are all busy with the end of the semester can be difficult and makes room for conflict to arise. not to mention starting early gives you time to seek help and critique from your TA. if you need to be that person, hold the group accountable and make sure you guys do not leave it for last min.
- don't compare yourself. everyone comes from different educational and social backgrounds. for some it may come as a shock to be surrounded by people who are as smart as you if not probably smarter. it is so easy to compare yourself and your success to others and it can easily become discouraging. just know that although you will meet people doing great while you may be near flunking, everyone is still struggling and finding it difficult. they may have different learning styles from you that makes it easier for them to learn new material, or they may have come from a school/background where they have already learned it. that doesn't mean you can't get to that level tho, for some it just takes some extra effort and that is okay.
- connect with your TA's and profs and build a relationship with them. You won't always come across a friendly or dedicated instructor, but if you feel you you have give them the chance to get to know and remember you, go to office hours and your tutorials even if they are optional. chances are they may be willing to give you advice or insight on what is on the midterm/final, or they could be the reason your mark has been boosted enough for you to pass. this is not always the case, but it often is.
- it will be a learning curve and takes time to adjust. as much as people can advise and warn you, you won't know what you are getting yourself into until you are actually in it. university for most people is a whole different ball park, let alone an engineering degree. you likely may not find your circle, your flow and your space right away and that is okay, it is part of the process that sets you up to be the best engineer you can be one day. some may be able to adjust quicker than others but just be patient with yourself, if you need to break up for your year into the spring/summer sem so be it. they say the first year of eng is the hardest bc it is such a large jump from high school, but remember it isn't impossible, so many people have done it and so can you. be kind with yourself, and use the many many resources that are available for your success.
- stay caught up in your classes to avoid burnout during midterm and exam season. one of my biggest regrets is missing so much class after midterms and having to cram for finals. Up until my midterms for both semesters I was caught up and following along in everything which made studying less time consuming bc I was already familiar with most the material, it was just filling in the gaps and practicing. Finals nearly took me out bc of the amount of cramming I had to do before I could even get to studying. not to mention seeing the material multiple times will make it stick better by logic. falling behind is common, but don't let it get too far because it truly is very hard to come back from. try to study as you go through the semester, and review/practice the lessons regularly. do not let the material leave your brain as soon as you learn it.
- it is okay to fail. many of us come from being high achievers in high school and getting above average grades. but you will come to learn that grades in the 45-60 range is normal. it is not the end of the world if you fail a course, especially in your first year. you are not dumb, you are not a failure, you are not letting anyone down. failing a course or two is normal and fairly common at least once during this degree. as a first year there is a lot of leeway and room for success, so you can just take it the next sem or the spring.
- make time for your family. this mostly goes for the commuters, but it can be difficult to make time for them especially when the semester ramps up. you may find yourself locked up in your room or coming home late from a library study sesh. but for many people they are your support system and even taking an hour away from your work to spend time with them and be a breath of fresh air and much needed to feel connected to them.
- go to student events! there are genuinely SO MANY that run throughout the year especially for us. I highly recommend to you to as many conferences as you can, GVIC, the WiE if you are female, the one from FYEO and more from MUES. these are great to make industry connections, learn things you don't learn in class, you can make friends, network, and grow yourself professionally. there are other more fun and chill student events that run too that can be great to destress during the sem and wind down with your friends.
- learn to make use of your time if your commute. Many of us who take the go have quite long commutes that can make it feel like a chunk of our day is gone. Something to help with that is just learning to manage the travel time and get something done. This can be being productive and study, taking a power nap, winding down/screen time before locking in at home, have lunch/dinner, making phone calls, etc. Plan your day out and what you are going to do during that commute time, it can truly help structure your day sm better.
- split your chegg. if you really need to buy it (its great for CHY homework and PCS) find some reliable and not snitchy friends and split it so its cheaper. although again, be careful using such tool incase you become dependent on it. it is a tool not solution, use it to learn how to do questions you don't have examples on, but still make sure you do most the hw for practice etc.
- don't get in the habit of skipping class. everyone says this yet we all do it. but I feel like I still need to include this since I have tasted my own medicine from skipping so much. its fine to skip here and there but don'ttttt make it a habit bc it is near impossible to break. its starts with one class, and then you skip the next one bc you didn't catch up and you're gonna be lost either way, and then it snowballs from there. its okay if you aren't caught up from previous missed lectures. just go, even if you just sit there and pay attention without taking notes. you will eventually catch up if you go, but letting it become a habit is just cutting yourself short and holding you back from sm academic success.
- don't overlook the easy classes. they WILL be your mark booster but you still need to put in the effort. for me they were CEN100, CHY102, my liberals, and CPS188. If you care about your gpa make sure you put effort into these classes bc they are very easy to do well in and will boost your gpa.
- its okay to feel imposter syndrome. I went through this a lot and felt like eng was not for me at many times because I would get in the habit of comparing myself. I don't think I felt like I belonged or felt like I was where I was supposed to be until the winter sem. as I mentioned it can take time to find your space but you will eventually. try to remember why you went into eng in the first place, and if it was just money joining clubs/going to eng events can help you find passion or belonging in it again. at the end of the day just trust your gut. if you truly truly feel like you can't see yourself working as an engineer maybe you could reconsider. but if you can but you are just struggling, I promise the imposter syndrome is normal but it will go away.
- NO all nighters. this is coming from someone who has pulled one too many this year and regrets it every single time. I feel like we all know this by now but just prioritize your sleep guys, this again comes down to time management but get enough sleep helps you SO MUCH to learn and digest all the material. you may be able to stay awake physically but you brain needs the rest. and ESPECIALLY DONT PULL ALL NIGHTERS BEFORE EXAMS. So many times this sem have I experience the worst brain fog of my life from doing this, you start to forget the most basic of things and concepts you may have perfected. it can be so easy to overlook our sleep but it truly is so important. don't sacrifice it, if you need to take the L bc you didn't study enough just take it, bc honestly studying more ahead would've saved you if you feel like you need to miss your sleep to cram.
- don't buy a single textbook. the only time you should is PCS and CHY bc it comes with the homework which you need to buy. other than that don't you can find it all online for free either on Anna's archive, the eng gcs or upper years.
- be prepared for midterms. tbh nothing could've prepared me, it is intense. esp if you are taking the full course load. the learning does not stop when midterms roll around, you will still have fast paced lectures, still have hw, still have regular quizzes and projects on top of studying for midterms. It can honestly feel suffocating in the midst of it and extremely overwhelming, but again this is where time management comes to play, use planning resources, and set yourself up for success from the very beginning of the sem. the biggest mistake people make is skipping lectures during midterms, because let me tell you, you will not make the time to catch up during midterm season, and even when it is over you are likely quite far behind or near finals. try your self to ensure you keep going to your classes during it. ALSO, make sure you study well for your midterms, for many people they do better on the midterm than the final so allocating those grades from the midterm is a great idea.
- check your emails! there are so many opportunities and resources that get sent to your inbox. this includes free tutoring, study halls, event details, on campus paid opportunities, club hirings etc.
- take care of yourself. like sm other things it can be so easy to overlook your basic needs and let yourself go. whether that be skipping meals or eating fast food alllllll the time, not sleeping, not showering and doing laundry, not giving yourself free time, etc, you need to look after yourself because no one else will. and the only way you can do well is ensuring you yourself are well. feed yourself healthy and balanced meals, get enough sleep, PLEASE SHOWER AND USE DEODORANT (the stereotype is in fact true), and take yourself outside on walks and with your loved ones. don't lose yourself along the way, it is all about balance.
- do not drop linear algebra in the fall. just listen to me on this one. even if you absolutely BOMB the midterm, don't get scared by it and decide to drop it. this happens essentially every year, and they usually, every year, make the final much easier and straight forward than the midterm is so it IS possible to pass. at the end of the day all you need is a 50 and it is very doable if you have the quiz/hw grades secured (free marks for most people) and study well for the final. try to get profs like majed and wang bc if you are near passing they may boost you enough too. and even if you did fail, so be it that is fine, you can take it in the winter but atleast you gave it youre all and said you tried but chances are you will pass. I say this bc the winter sections for linear algebra ive heard are much harder than the fall, although I think they curve at the end, it is a lottttt more theoretical and confusing so I recommend you push yourself for the fall and see where that takes you.
Anddddd I think that's all! I know that was a lot and maybe overwhelming but I hope it was insightful. if you have any questions or worries feel free to comment or pm.
submitted by Terrible_North_7918 to TorontoMetU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:22 Cat_Intrigue The Wizarding World is an AU of our reality: besides the secret magical societies hidden from muggle society, in what other ways would the muggle/Mundane world as shown in Harry Potter be different from our own?

In other words, what parts of the magical world would be so universal that the could not be hidden and are considered "normal" to magical and mundane alike, but would stand out in comparison to our own reality?
I would propose that snakes in the world would be known to mundane and magical alike as highly intelligent- as in the way in our world dolphins and, to a less popularly known extent, octopi are known as highly intelligent "near sentient" animals. With snakes there being similarly classified and exhibiting similar problem solving and other such actions the aforementioned species are known for here. Thus reasoned and extrapolated from snakes having a language and ability to understand abstract concepts and have desires for such.
"Dinosaur" skeletons would also have differences from ours as there would be some dragon and other such magical creatures' skeletons within the fossil records and at somepoint they would get out and the knowledge of such would be widespread enough to have to be hidden as "extinct" species with their previous existence known but their magical natures and the species' survival being hidden.
Then various cryptids, myths, and "urban legends" are already real as per canon (unicorns, dragons, werewolves, vampires, wampus cats from canon, potentially yeti/bigfoot/sasquatch, chupacabra, and the like). Roswell Aliens actually being some magical being, similar to other smaller magical beings such as the Goblins, House Elves, Puckwudgie, and Leprechaun (heck house elves' description has a very slight similarity if you take away the big ears and maybe noses.. at least with the "big tennis ball like eyes" and small stature). Basically there would likely be enough sightings and such for "something else out there" for the much more of mundane society to be "believers" to some degree, especially as technology progressed and information got spread much further anduch faster as time went on.
But what other aspects of the world as known to muggles there would be different to what we know here?
submitted by Cat_Intrigue to HPfanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:45 ladala99 One Spyro Level a Month Until the Next Spyro Game Releases - June 2024 - Peace Keepers Homeworld

One Spyro Level a Month Until the Next Spyro Game Releases - June 2024 - Peace Keepers Homeworld
Link to first one.
Link to previous one.
Six months into the project, and we're finally in the second homeworld. This month's focus is Peace Keepers!
Points of Interest
Hot and dry scenery. I hope you like it! Because we're going to be seeing very similar views to what we have here.
Mooning Gnorcs. Everyone knows them - those scaredy-gnorcs that show off their behinds after they run away and you flame their shelter. Fun fact: they actually won't show their behinds unless Spyro isn't looking at them.
Cannons. I just want to give a shout-out to the gnorcs playing catch using the cannons near the start of the level. They're just shooting the ball back and forth. When I was a kid, I thought they hated each other and were (poorly) trying to kill each other, but honestly watching them, I think they're just having fun.
But also that you can use the cannons. That's really fun, especially in that area near the boss level where there's so many containers to shoot. And the target that leads to the secret Flight level and a rewarding pile of goodies.
Lore Talk
Peace Keepers Homeworld, as a homeworld, is a port of some sort. Unlike the Artisans, the Peace Keepers are a rugged and practical sort. They don't make any fancy entrances to the portals to ease you into the world - they just stick them wherever they can put them.
We also see progression of the Gnorcs. While some are still cowards, others have started to use weapons in earnest. We saw a little bit of that in Dark Hollow, but here they have spears and cannons.
I do suspect, similar to Dark Hollow, that they found the weapons somewhere. The cannons are likely intended to be lit by dragon fire, and two out of the three dragons rescued here seem comfortable on all fours. Peace Keepers seem to not be nearly as likely to oust those members of their species from the public eye.
Well, these guys probably aren't much in the public eye, anyway. Their job is to keep the dragon realms safe. Which they are currently failing to do by the way. The Artisans had an excuse by being, well, artisans, not fighters, but the Peace Keepers absolutely should have been fighting at your side and providing ANY SORT OF HELP once you freed them.
Speaking of the dragons, they have a fuzzy texture between their hide and their belly. They're furry! And they have spots! They're so cute! Kinda sad Reignited missed that there were fuzzy dragon species.
It's a homeworld, but the cannon gimmick is neat. I wish it appeared more than it did. It gives a good gist of what Peace Keepers environments are to come.
submitted by ladala99 to Spyro [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:59 goozer326 Finally got my 5th platinum. Which one now?

So today I finally got another platinum medal on Golf - Target Practice. Been trying for a while, and finally sealed the deal. Which one should I do now? My sports from best to worst would be: 1.Bowling 2.Baseball 3.Golf 4.Tennis 5.Boxing
The platinum medals I have are: Baseball - Swing Control (69 pts) Baseball - Hitting Home Runs (5681 ft) Bowling - Spin Control (All 20 frames) Bowling - Picking Up Spares (All 20 frames) Golf - Target Practice (825 pts)
The platinum medals I still need are: Tennis - Returning Balls (best is 50 pts) Tennis - Timing Your Swing (Not sure what my best is) Tennis - Target Practice (100% not doing this yet) Baseball - Batting Practice (best is 28) Bowling - Power Throws (best is 641) Golf - Putting (best is challenge cleared with one miss) Boxing - Working The Bag (best is 34 pts) Boxing - Dodging (not sure what my best is) Boxing - Throwing Punches (100% not doing this yet either)
submitted by goozer326 to WiiSports [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:33 Better_per_Date How to block better?

How to block better?
I can’t get over 10000 points. The ball just bounce through my hands. Pls help. How to calculate the timing?
submitted by Better_per_Date to thespikegame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:31 Better_per_Date How to block better?

How to block better?
I can’t get over 10000 points. The ball just bounce through my hands. Pls help. How to calculate the timing?
submitted by Better_per_Date to thespikegame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:51 GroundZero1987 Is it impossible to get gold in the senseless destruction cannon level?

I cannot get gold in the slightest. I've actively woven off the platform went over to the car damaged it as much as I could before starting the level then as soon as the level starts I point blank that car completely destroying it and I still can only get silver. Then I go online and look around and see people just shoot it and the cannon ball goes way faster then mine like theirs goes directly to the car without adjusting the cannon and then getting gold, where mine if lucky will bounce halfway and lightly hit the side of the car getting me bronze. Did the cannon get nerfed to go less fast and the level was never adjusted or what? I've been trying this for like an hour now and just can't get it.
submitted by GroundZero1987 to BeamNG [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:46 Ranger3-75 Rottweiler Tennis Ball Pool Races staring Our Zeus and Rambo - Our Rottie Brothers!!

Rottweiler Tennis Ball Pool Races staring Our Zeus and Rambo - Our Rottie Brothers!! submitted by Ranger3-75 to rarepuppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:47 shaynearmenta [TRADE] My Masterclass assets >>> MY ONLY TELEGRAM USER: electronicdimension7

I have everything, if I dont have what you want listed, I will get it for you, message me. I add things to my list every single day.
Last Edited 01/04/24
I have ALL MASTERCLASSES, such as:

Film & TV
- Werner Herzog Teaches Filmmaking
- Martin Scorsese Teaches Filmmaking
- Jodie Foster Teaches Filmmaking
- Ken Burns Teaches Documentary Filmmaking
- Ron Howard Teaches Directing
- David Lynch Teaches Creativity and Film
- Samuel L. Jackson Teaches Acting
- Helen Mirren Teaches Acting
- Natalie Portman Teaches Acting
- Mira Nair Teaches Independent Filmmaking
- Spike Lee Teaches Independent Filmmaking
- Judd Apatow Teaches Comedy
- Shonda Rhimes Teaches Writing for Television
- Aaron Sorkin Teaches Screenwriting
- Shonda Rhimes Teaches Writing for Television
- Kevin Spacey Teaches Acting
- Dustin Hoffman Teaches Acting
- James Cameron Teaches Filmmaking

Music & Entertainment
- Usher Teaches The Art of Performance
- Christina Aguilera Teaches Singing
- Reba McEntire Teaches Country Music
- deadmau5 Teaches Electronic Music Production
- Hans Zimmer Teaches Film Scoring
- Steve Martin Teaches Comedy
- Herbie Hancock Teaches Jazz
- Armin Van Buuren Teaches Dance Music
- Penn & Teller Teach the Art of Magic
- Itzhak Perlman Teaches Violin
- Carlos Santana Teaches the Art and Soul of Guitar
- Timbaland Teaches Producing and Beatmaking
- Danny Elfman Teaches Music for Film
- Tom Morello Teaches Electric Guitar
- St Vincent Teaches Creativity and Songwriting
- Sheila E. Teaches Drumming and Percussion TUTORiAL
- Jake Shimabukuro Teaches Ukulele
- Alicia Keys Teaches Songwriting and Producing
- Tyler Mitchell Teaches Storytellin
- Monthly Pop Songwriting and Production with Charlie Puth

- James Patterson Teaches Writing
- David Mamet Teaches Dramatic Writing
- Judy Blume Teaches Writing
- Dan Brown Teaches Writing Thrillers
- RL Stine Teaches Writing
- Judy Blume Teaches Writing
- Joyce Carol Oates Teaches The Art of the Short Story
- Neil Gaiman Teaches The Art of Storytelling
- David Sedaris Teaches Story Telling and Humor
- Billy Collins Teaches Reading and Writing Poetry
- David Baldacci Teaches Mystery and Thriller Writing
- Margaret Atwood Teaches Creative Writing
- Malcolm Gladwell Teaches Writing

Culinary Arts
- Gordon Ramsay Teaches Cooking
- Gordon Ramsay - Teaches Cooking II Restaurant Recipes at Home
- Wolfgang Puck Teaches Cooking
- Thomas Keller Teaches Cooking Techniques
- Thomas Keller - Teaches Cooking Techniques II - Meats, Stocks, and Sauces
- Thomas Keller Teaches Cooking Techniques III Seafood, Sous Vide, and Desserts
- Alice Waters Teaches Home Cooking
- James Suckling Teaches Wine Appreciation
- Aaron Franklin Teaches Texas-Style BBQ
- Massimo Bottura Teaches Modern Italian Cooking
- Dominique Ansel Teaches French Pastry Fundamentals
- Lynnette Marrero & Ryan Chetiyawardana Teach Mixology
- Gabriela Cámara Teaches Mexican Cooking
- Yotam Ottolenghi - Teaches Modern Middle Eastern Cooking
- Apollonia Poilane - Teaches Bread Baking
- Michael Pollan Teaches Intentional Eating
- Roy Choi Teaches Intuitive Cooking

Business, Politics & Society
- Bob Woodward Teaches Investigate Journalism
- Sara Blakely Teaches Self-Made Entrepreneurship
- Doris Kearns Goodwin Teaches U.S. Presidential History and Leadership
- Bob Woodward Teaches Investigative Journalism
- Paul Krugman Teaches Economics and Society
- Anna Wintour Teaches Creativity and Leadership
- David Axelrod & Karl Rove Teach Campaign Strategy and Messaging
- Bob Iger Teaches Business Strategy and Leadership
- Howard Schultz Teaches Business Leadership
- Dr. Jane Goodall Teaches Conservation
- Robin Roberts Teaches Effective and Authentic Communication
- Jeff Goodby & Rich Silverstein Teach Advertising and Creativity
- Chris Voss - Teaches the Art of Negotiation
- Daniel Pink Teaches Sales and Persuasion
- Robert Reffkin Teaches Buying and Selling Real Estate

Sports & Games
- Serena Williams Teaches Tennis
- Stephen Curry Teaches Shooting Ball Handling and Scoring
- Garry Kasparov Teaches Chess
- Phil Ivey Teaches Poker Strategy
- Daniel Negreanu Teaches Poker
- Simone Biles Teaches Gymnastics Fundamentals
- Misty Copeland Teaches Ballet Technique and Artistry
- Tony hawk teaches skateboarding
- Donna Farhi Teaches Yoga Foundations
- Wayne Gretzky Teaches the Athlete’s Mindset

Design, Photography & Fashion
- Frank Gehry Teaches Design and Architecture
- Diane Von Furstenberg Teaches Building a Fashion Brand
- Marc Jacobs Teaches Fashion Design
- Annie Leibovitz Teaches Photography
- Jimmy Chin Teaches Adventure Photography
- Will Wright Teaches Game Design and Theory
- Tan France Teaches Style for Everyone
- Jeff Koons Teaches Art and Creativity
- David Carson Teaches Graphic Design

- Bobbi Brown Teaches Makeup and Beauty
- RuPaul Teaches Self-Expression and Authenticity
- Kelly Wearstler Teaches Interior Design
- Ron Finley Teaches Gardening
- Brandon McMillan Teaches Dog Training
- Matthew Walker - Teaches the Science of Better Sleep
- Joe Holder - Teaches Fitness and Wellness Fundamentals
- Emily Morse Teaches Sex and Communication
- Cornel West Teaches Philosophy

Science & Technology
- Chris Hadfield Teaches Space Exploration
- Neil deGrasse TysonTeaches Scientific Thinking and Communication
- Chris Hadfield Teaches Space Exploration

If you are interested in any of those, write me, it doesn't matter if you don't have anything to trade, just write me.
THIS IS MY USERNAME THERE: t. me/electronicdimension7 (Remove the space between "t." and "me" for the link to work properly or search directly for my telegram name electronicdimension7)
Over there, I'll share more than +1200 comments with positive reviews from telegram users who have gotten assets from me in the past. And when I mean users I mean people you can ACTUALLY verify and message directly and ask... I am the only one on all of reddit and/or telegram that has all reviews 100% only from telegram, no fake review photos or reviews from reddit using bots or multiaccounts, like many scammers do. I'll also send you proof that I have what you're looking for in a way that NO ONE else on reddit will be able to send you.
submitted by shaynearmenta to CourseVenture [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:44 Odd_Investigator3230 help me plz

So i need to fix how my program formats the question since when i run it, it comes out weird.
Heres my code:
include  include  include  include  include  include  using namespace std; // to hold each question and its possible answers struct question { string question; // the question text string answer; // the correct answer string choices[4]; // the four choices }; // to hold each players score information struct score { string name; // player's name string filename; // the filename of the question set used int score; // player's score double time; // time taken to complete the quiz }; void displaymenu() { cout << "Welcome to the Quiz Game!" << endl; cout << "N - New Game" << endl; cout << "S - Scores" << endl; cout << "E - Exit" << endl; cout << "Enter your choice: "; } // Function to display scores from the scores file void displayscores() { ifstream scorefile("scores.txt"); if (!scorefile) { cout << "No scores available." << endl; return; } string line; // Read and display each line from the scores file while (getline(scorefile, line)) { cout << line << endl; } } // Function to save a player's score to the scores file void savescore(score& scorez) { ofstream scorefile("scores.txt"); // Append the score information to the file scorefile << << ", " << scorez.filename << ", " << scorez.score << ", " << scorez.time << endl; } void shufflechoices(vector& choices) { srand(time(0)); // Seed the random number generator int n = choices.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) { int j = i + rand() % (n - i); swap(choices[i], choices[j]); } } // Function to load questions from a file vector loadquestions(const string& filename) { ifstream file(filename); vector questions; if (!file) { cout << "Failed to open file: " << filename << endl; return questions; } string line; while (getline(file, line)) { question q; q.question = line; // Read question getline(file, q.answer); // Read answer for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { getline(file, q.choices[i]); // Read choices } // Read and discard the empty line separating questions getline(file, line); questions.push_back(q); } return questions; } // Function to play the game with the loaded questions void playgame(vector& questions, string& playername, string& filename) { int score = 0; clock_t start = clock(); // Start the timer for (int i = 0; i < questions.size(); ++i) { question& question = questions[i]; cout << "Question " << i + 1 << ": " << question.question << endl; // Display choices cout << "A. " << question.choices[0] << endl; cout << "B. " << question.choices[1] << endl; cout << "C. " << question.choices[2] << endl; cout << "D. " << question.choices[3] << endl; // Prompt for answer cout << "Your answer (A, B, C, D) or 50-50 (F): "; char answer; cin >> answer; cin.ignore(); // Handle 50-50 option if (toupper(answer) == 'F') { int correctindex = find(begin(question.choices), end(question.choices), question.answer) - begin(question.choices); int removecount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (i != correctindex && removecount < 2) { cout << "Removing option " << (char)('A' + i) << ". " << question.choices[i] << endl; // Remove incorrect choices ++removecount; } } cout << "Your answer (A, B, C, D): "; cin >> answer; cin.ignore(); } // Check if the answer is correct if (toupper(answer) == question.answer[0]) { cout << "Correct!" << endl; ++score; // Increase score for correct answer } else { cout << "Wrong! Correct answer: " << question.answer << endl; } } clock_t end = clock(); // End the timer double timeTaken = double(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // Calculate time taken struct score playerscore; = playername; playerscore.filename = filename; playerscore.score = score; playerscore.time = timeTaken; savescore(playerscore); // Save the score cout << "Game over. You scored: " << score << endl; cout << "Time taken: " << timeTaken << " seconds." << endl; } void startnewgame() { string playername; int category; cout << "Enter your name: "; getline(cin, playername); // get the player's name cout << "Select category: 1 - TV and Movies, 2 - Sports: "; cin >> category; // get the category cin.ignore(); // construct the filename based on the chosen category string filename; if (category == 1) { filename = "C:\\Users\\abbya\\Downloads\\questions_tv_movies.txt"; } else if (category == 2) { filename = "C:\\Users\\abbya\\Downloads\\questions_sports.txt"; } else { cout << "Invalid category, returning to main menu." << endl; return; } vector questions = loadquestions(filename); // Load questions from the file if (!questions.empty()) { playgame(questions, playername, filename); // Play the game with the loaded questions } else { cout << "Failed to load questions from " << filename << endl; } } // Function to compare scores, used for sorting bool comparescores(score& a, score& b) { if (a.score == b.score) { return a.time < b.time; // If scores are equal, compare by time } return a.score > b.score; // Compare by score } int main() { srand(time(0)); // Seed the random number generator while (true) { displaymenu(); // Display the menu char choice; cin >> choice; // Get user choice cin.ignore(); // Handle user choice switch (toupper(choice)) { case 'N': startnewgame(); // Start a new game break; case 'S': displayscores(); // Display the scores break; case 'E': cout << "Exiting..." << endl; return 0; // Exit the program default: cout << "Invalid choice, please try again." << endl; } } system("pause"); return 0; } 
Heres the txt files Sports questions txt file:
How many dimples does an average golf ball have? 336 240 500 172 What was the fastest goal in World Cup history? 10.8 seconds 7 seconds 69 seconds 42 seconds What country has competed the most times in the Summer Olympics yet hasn’t won any kind of medal? Liechtenstein. Albania Andorra Bangladesh How many times has Barcelona won La Liga? 26 17 24 12 How many medals did China win at the Beijing Olympics? 100 75 24 3 What is the only sport to be played on the moon? Golf Soccer Catch Baseball Which country won the first ever FIFA World Cup in 1930? Uruguay Brazil Argentina Spain How many Olympic games were held in countries that no longer exist? 3 1 9 7 What is the record for red cards given in a single soccer game? 36 9 24 4 What is the biggest upset in sports history? Miracle on Ice Superbowl XLII FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 idk 
Tv show file:
What was the first feature-length animated movie ever released? Snow White Cinderella Thumbelina Anastasia In The Matrix, does Neo take the blue pill or the red pill? Red Blue Pink Both What is the highest-grossing R-rated movie of all time? Joker Oppenheimer Deadpool 2 Deadpool What 1994 crime film revitalized John Travolta's career? Pulp Fiction Grease Old Dogs Hair Spray Which movie was incorrectly announced as the winner of Best Picture at the 2017 Academy Awards, during one of the greatest Oscars flubs of all time? La La Land Moonlight Hacksaw Ridge Hidden Figures What is the name of Quint's shark-hunting boat in Jaws? The Orca Sharkbait Oasis Liberty What is the highest-grossing movie of all time when not taking inflation into account? Avatar The Godfather Barbie Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope What movie won the Oscar for Best Picture in 2024 Oppenheimer Barbie Poor Tings Killers of the Flower Moon How many Oscars has Meryl Streep won? 3 2 1 4 What was the first pandemic-era movie to gross over $1 billion at the box office? Spider-Man: No Way Home The Suicide Squad Wonder Woman 1984 The Fallout 
Heres what it looks like when it runs:
Welcome to the Quiz Game! N - New Game S - Scores E - Exit Enter your choice: n Enter your name: abby Select category: 1 - TV and Movies, 2 - Sports: 1 Question 1: What was the first feature-length animated movie ever released? A. Cinderella B. Thumbelina C. Anastasia D. Your answer (A, B, C, D) or 50-50 (F): a Wrong! Correct answer: Snow White Question 2: In The Matrix, does Neo take the blue pill or the red pill? A. Blue B. Pink C. Both D. Your answer (A, B, C, D) or 50-50 (F): a Wrong! Correct answer: Red Question 3: Joker A. Deadpool 2 B. Deadpool C. D. What 1994 crime film revitalized John Travolta's career? Your answer (A, B, C, D) or 50-50 (F): a Wrong! Correct answer: Oppenheimer Question 4: Grease A. Hair Spray B. C. Which movie was incorrectly announced as the winner of Best Picture at the 2017 Academy Awards, during one of the greatest Oscars flubs of all time? D. La La Land Your answer (A, B, C, D) or 50-50 (F): a Wrong! Correct answer: Old Dogs Question 5: Hacksaw Ridge A. B. What is the name of Quint's shark-hunting boat in Jaws? C. The Orca D. Sharkbait Your answer (A, B, C, D) or 50-50 (F): a Wrong! Correct answer: Hidden Figures Question 6: Liberty A. What is the highest-grossing movie of all time when not taking inflation into account? B. Avatar C. The Godfather D. Barbie Your answer (A, B, C, D) or 50-50 (F): a Wrong! Correct answer: Question 7: A. Oppenheimer B. Barbie C. Poor Tings D. Killers of the Flower Moon Your answer (A, B, C, D) or 50-50 (F): a Wrong! Correct answer: What movie won the Oscar for Best Picture in 2024 Question 8: How many Oscars has Meryl Streep won? A. 2 B. 1 C. 4 D. Your answer (A, B, C, D) or 50-50 (F): a Wrong! Correct answer: 3 Question 9: Spider-Man: No Way Home A. Wonder Woman 1984 B. The Fallout C. D. Your answer (A, B, C, D) or 50-50 (F): a Wrong! Correct answer: The Suicide Squad Game over. You scored: 0 Time taken: 8.892 seconds. Welcome to the Quiz Game! N - New Game S - Scores E - Exit Enter your choice: 
submitted by Odd_Investigator3230 to cpp_questions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:36 Anonymouse1080 Some different, not so talked about thoughts and expectations I have on prepping. Obviously situations will require different items and actions, but here's a list of things I put together.

Some items to purchase in bulk before they run out that will make life easier (not really a packing list, but just good things to keep on hand to make life a little easier):
Some EDC basic items to keep in car to help get home in case of emergency:

Super basic level of training I’d want family to have a basic understanding of:

General Thoughts and expectations to set for SHTF scenario:

Last minute prep list:

If staying in exceptions / thoughts:

If bugging out tasks / expectations / thoughts:
submitted by Anonymouse1080 to preppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:30 The_MegaDingus The JAR and why are people like this?

First rant is the recoil on the JAR. Huge recoil when it should have zero recoil. Jet-propelled rounds are literally Gyrojets (aka rocket/chemically propelled rounds). I don’t know if anyone here knows what those are but, Gyrojets produce virtually zero recoil when fired, regardless of size. They were a thing in the 60s but, never caught on because they were more expensive than traditional cordite rounds. Go watch a few videos of people using them. You’ll notice almost no kick from any of the weapons, even larger calibers.
Second rant is literally why are people who constantly die from their own stupid mistakes yelling in chat about “you guys need to help me”? Seriously dude? I can’t stop you from running up to a bile spewer and CHARGING A QUASAR CANNON while standing directly IN FRONT OF THE BUG AS ITS SPITTING AT YOU (I was actually dead from a bug swarm when this one happened)! Yes, this keeps happening, usually while we’re being swarmed and focused on clearing enemies. People are also screeching about teammates “not helping” when they’re trying to call in extraction and die to a swarm. Not my fault you decided to stop shooting and call in extraction while you’re surrounded by warriohunter bugs. That or they’re spooking on the other side of the map (which I do sometimes) and constantly dying because they want to shoot every bug patrol they find and get overwhelmed by bug breaches. Seriously, if you’re spooking at least do it right, take a jump pack, light armor and don’t shoot everything you see.
I just can’t figure why people make the exact same mistakes that kill them over and over but, somehow manage to blame everyone else. We had one guy literally WASTE 12 of our reinforcement budget (it was the host actually) and screech about how we weren’t helping him enough. When I say waste, I mean guy would get called in, and then just go balls deep trying to wade into enemy swarms or start popping grenades and blow himself apart. Stuff like that…I just can’t figure it out.
submitted by The_MegaDingus to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:03 Centacrunch Tennis Ball is gay confirmed?!?! /silly

Tennis Ball is gay confirmed?!?! /silly
From the official JnJ twitter account
submitted by Centacrunch to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:03 Aware_Power Is 5% tip acceptable in this scenario?

Want to ensure I’m being fair to the shopper: - Store 1.8 miles away (I just had surgery please don’t judge)
Is a 5% tip of $10 acceptable? 20% at $40 seems a tad excessive for the 1 small item less than 2 miles - but that’s my opinion.
It’s being delivered shortly and I know I can add more to the tip so please let me know. If you also have general guidance on tipping I’d really appreciate it - I usually do 20% but this instance seems high? Thank you so much in advance.
submitted by Aware_Power to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]