Sks full auto key

For fans of the 10mm Auto

2012.07.02 15:39 MrMadden For fans of the 10mm Auto

/10mm is dedicated to discussion of the 10×25mm Automatic handgun round and its platforms.

2015.05.10 22:15 xTrill


2012.04.10 16:20 Rykane Falcon BMS

The Falcon BMS subreddit is a place for discussion, guides, videos and screenshots for the modification '**Falcon BMS**' for Falcon 4.0.

2024.05.19 01:01 Tessenreacts Played Empire at War for the first in years, but also on hard mode, and forgot how to play

Played for the first time in years, also made the mistake of playing on hard mode. It was defintely a massive challenge, but it went fine? Made the mistake of not taking Mon Calimari quickly, as right before I finally accomplished all the prerequisites for the Imperial Star Destroyers, including the Imperial Research stuff, the rebels already had Mon Calimari cruisers at Sullust and increasingly larger fleets.
I initially started making headway and took control of bottom left portion of the galaxy, and even started pushing into Sullust and Tattoine, but then it started feeling as if the game changed it's land invasion calcs, as when I sent a force that normally would take the planet, when I would do auto-resolve, it would say I lost. And it would populate the planet with more rebel land units much much faster than is actually feasible.
Of course this meant I was burning land units on multiple planets, causes the rebels to take more and more planets. Losing Byss, Corouscant, among many others. Ended up having to do a full retreat to planets I fully know I can completely hold. My strategy became focusing on holding the systems around Kuwat, Eradu, Fondor, and Anaxes.
Kuwat and Fondor for obvious reasons, that's where I build Star Destroyers and the most advanced land units. Eradu because it is a breakpoint for the southwest portion of the galaxy, and Anaxes because it is a naturally imperial holdout and prevents the rebels from fully taking the rest of the northern part of the galaxy.
Anaxes was going through constant rebel attacks, faster than I could replace land units. Then I finally lost Anaxes and rage quit because land units were being produced at a far higher rate than what even hard mode usually does.
So I'm starting again.
submitted by Tessenreacts to StarWarsEmpireAtWar [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:49 SilverMarinus My extensive guide to Hanzo playstyle post-nerf

Losing the one shot is definitely disappointing, however I don't think the character is dead. I know there's been a lot of hopelessness in the Hanzo community, but my aim is to help you guys improve your game so you can still excel on Hanzo and feel like a GOAT. In this post I'm gonna talk about the general playstyle that works for me on Hanzo, and how to adapt your playstyle based on the enemy comp. And at the end I'll put a couple tips for improving your aim.
Hanzo still has some distinct advantages that he can leverage against his enemies. His wall climb is amazing for a medium range hero, considering most other heroes either can't access high ground, or need to commit cooldowns to get there. Storm arrows are an incredibly consistent kill tool at medium/close range. And having a leap every 4 seconds, combined with wall climb, gives you the ability to be just as slippery as you are deadly. And of course, sonic arrow lets your whole team have wall hacks 50% of the time, and on defense, lets you see the enemy comp before they even come out the doors, allowing you to plan your positioning accordingly.
The thing is, most people think that hanzo is a long range hero, but he's really not. The only time you want to be shooting enemies from long range is before the fight to do pressure, get ult charge, and potentially get a pick on any hero that's taken chip damage. It's not about being a goat and hitting long range headshots. It's about proper medium/ close range positioning and proper timing, to make your shots easy to hit.
The way I play Hanzo is as a medium range pressure hero with incredibly high dps. You don't want to hold long range sniper angles on your own, you want to be active in the fight from medium range and use your slippery mobility to take off angles and high ground at opportune moments. Getting kills at close range is incredibly consistent with Hanzo, you just can't expect to get a 5k with headshots only. You want to take an off angle to get a kill or two with storm arrows. Then as soon as the enemies turn to react, use your leap and wall climb to escape.
It sounds crazy but you want to play on a razor's edge of feeding to maximize your damage output. Push in close from an off angle near your tank to get easy headshots and storm arrow kills, but always be one leap away from safety... Whether that's a high ground to climb up to, or just leaping back into your team.
I've also had some success with full committing on a hard flank, but the key is timing. You want to get behind/to the side of the enemy backline shortly after the two tanks clash. When the enemy supports are tunnel visioned on helping the frontline, THATS when you pop around the corner and take your shots on the supports and burst them with storm arrows. Best case scenario, you kill the supports, then the DPS, then finish the tank in a perfectly executed pincer attack. Worst case scenario, you distracted the supports and made people turn to shoot you, while the enemy tank is left with no support in the frontline.
There are times where it's better to just spam from main, and I'd say that's usually when your tank has a distinct disadvantage against the enemy tank and both are fighting in the frontline. Keeping constant pressure on that tank can help sway the matchup into your tank's favor, or at least make space for them. But of course, killing squishies can still carry games.
The other time to stay in main with your team is when the enemy team has flankers/ dive heroes who can kill you if you are isolated. Generally in those matchups, I just try to focus on hitting shots on the threatening mobile heroes. They won't push you if they're half HP. In these cases, using yourself as bait can be very effective.
Let's say there's an enemy Genji, you should play slightly outside of his dash range while also being near your healers. He will want to dash at you, but he will fall just short of hitting you. Then you can pop your storm arrows, but don't shoot. He will instinctively deflect. Now, suddenly the Genji is in the middle of your team with no dash and no deflect, while you still have a full volley of storm arrows. Similar tips can be used against Dva and Winston as well.
Against Wrecking Ball, it depends. You don't wanna try to kill him, just force him out. If he rolls back to his team, keep putting out pressure. But if he chooses to escape BEHIND your team, try to hit him with a sonic arrow as he's leaving, then you can tell where he's going. It helps a lot.
Against Tracer and Sombra, Keeping tabs on their position is key. Sonic arrow is good to scout flanks. Plag near your team, but DONT PLAY BEHIND YOUR SUPPORTS. Play in front of them. The ideal scenario is that they target one of your supports, then you can turn and shoot them while they're tunnel visioned. Your burst damage is high enough to often kill them, or at least enough to force them to run away and reset. When you do force them away, try to estimate how much time you have before they come back, and use that time to apply pressure to the frontline.
But let's say you werent able to scout them, and don't know exactly where they are, but you know they're lurking somewhere. Take a shot at the frontline and then do a 180. Literally check the flank after every shot. Good flankers generally wait for you to be distracted by the frontline before they pounce. By shooting the enemy tank and doing a 180 turn, you can keep applying pressure while still being able to react to the flank at a moment's notice.
This last tip is SUPER risky but it works sometimes. Sometimes when I'm facing a Dive comp or lots of flankers that are rolling me, I will actually flank as Hanzo. I will hide in a concealed area behind the enemy team and then when I'm confident that the flankers are in my backline, I'll start attacking the enemy backline. The reason this works sometimes is because when you're facing flankers, they will be lurking around YOUR backline. But if you're lurking in THEIR backline, you're essentially on the complete opposite side of the map from them and they'll have no clue. This is a strategy that pro players called "trading backlines". If the enemy flankers are going to kill your backline anyway, you may as well target their backline too. After all, Dive comps don't usually peel for their own backline, they commit to killing yours. This works especially well when they're hard targeting you specifically. The last place a flanker expects to find you is in their own backline.
The name of the game is map control. A big mistake Hanzo players make is trying to ego duel hitscans from long range, banking on hitting long range shots to win. Straight up, don't do that. It's ok to aim for hitting one body shot to keep them in check or force them off their angle. Sonic arrow also helps deter them from peeking those angles. But the way you beat those long range heroes is getting up close and dumping storm arrows into their face. I will literally get close enough so that I could literally leap into their face and melee them to finish them if I wanted to. 3 storm arrows is 225 damage, to body shots or one headshot is 240, so getting leap-melee finishers is actually very useful. I KNOW it sounds crazy to play this close, but I urge you to challenge your beliefs about Hanzo. Your damage output is so high that you will beat pretty much every long range hero up close. Storm arrows are ridiculous. Though medium range storm arrows are fine if they're unaware of you or have cover to escape to.
Against Ashe, just remember that you have plenty of ways to delete Bob. Headshots while jiggle peeking from cover, or storm arrow headshots, or even using dragonstrike to melt him if he's near the enemy team.
And against widowmaker, use your sonic arrow to scout her specifically. If she's bad, she'll stay scoped in and let you line up headshots. If she's good, she'll hide for 5 seconds or take a new angle. This means you can push up while she's given up the angle.
Against poke comps, you know that you're always safe in cover, because they have no flankers. So as long as you're controlling the angles and bullying the enemy off of their angles, you will win over time by controlling all the space and winning the objective.
Brawl comps are generally slow and tanky, and usually only good at close range. And many of the brawl heroes have big hitboxes, making it easier to hit them from further away. Hanzo LOVES playing against slow brawl comps. With your mobility, you can bully them from angles where they can't even contest you. Even if you don't get kills, you can farm ult so fast that you can zone them off the objective with dragons and do tons of damage to their clumped up team. Just don't spend too much time focusing the tank, because if they have lots of healing you probably won't kill them. Though you can still pressure the tank to make them fall back to buy space for your team.
Rush comps are kind of a hybrid between dive and brawl, and so many of the tips for both will apply. You want to put out lots of pressure, and take off angles when you can. BUT!!! You need to rotate back to your team sooner than you normally would. You might think you're safe from a decent range on an off angle, but a Lucio speed amp or Junker Queen shout, Rein pin, or Moira fade can let them rush you down much faster than you'd expect. Don't get greedy on your off angles, and dont expect kills. Even just hitting a shot or two to bait out defensive cooldowns like Shout, Wraith form, etc can lower the enemy team's lethality and make them hesitant to rush. If a rush comp gets a numbers advantage, they can pretty much run your team down for free. So don't get greedy.
Also, the baiting tip works well with rush comp too. If you're playing near your team, you can be in the front just behind your tank and bait the enemy team to rush you, and then you can quickly leap away and climb to high ground. Now, you're on high ground above a ground-based comp that just wasted resources to push you. You simply need to watch your spacing and use your slippery movement to dodge the rush. Just remember to play in sight of your healers incase you do take some damage.
People HATE Hanzo to a degree that is completely irrational, and they will literally feed their brains out to try and kill you. You can use that to your advantage. He has the mobility and burst damage to slip out of arms reach and burst them down, making them even more tilted, making them feed harder.
A HUGE tip that I've barely heard anybody talk about it a really simple one: Don't focus your eyes on your crosshair, focus your eyes BELOW your crosshair. Essentially you just aim at head height but focus your eyes on the enemy's body. Because it's much easier for your eyes to track a moving body than a moving head. Once I started doing this I noticed an immediate difference.
My personal favorite way to warm up my aim is a custom workshop code for an improved practice range: AJERA
Before every session, I go to the area by the roaming bots, and press interact on the blue orb near the ledge. It will spawn a flying Pharah bot. Then I climb up to the various high grounds and practice shooting Pharah from different ranges. Its hard at first, but once I can hit shots on her semi consistently, then I know I'm ready to queue.
And for practicing close range consistency, the central area has an orb that spawns a Lucio bot who jumps around and wall rides within an enclosed area.
The custom practice range also has a blinking Tracer bot to practice on, which is nice.
The only thing it's missing in my opinion is a jumping Genji bot, but there are other custom codes that have those like VAXTA, which is also good.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope these tips are useful for you. I know a lot of people are choosing to boycott Hanzo, and I respect that. But for me, I want to keep playing him and prove that he can still carry.
Now get out there and make your enemies tilted. ;)
submitted by SilverMarinus to HanzoMain [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:48 LinguisticsTurtle Regarding folic-acid supplementation, how concerning is the evidence in this study? The study says that "FA may disturb physiological regulation of intracellular 1C metabolism by interfering with SAM’s inhibitory effect on MTHFR activity".

See here:
Conclusions: FA supplementation does not reduce intracellular concentrations of Hcy or any of its closely related substances. Rather, FA may disturb physiological regulation of intracellular 1C metabolism by interfering with SAM’s inhibitory effect on MTHFR activity.
Methods: In a double-blind trial, 50 volunteers were randomized to received 500 µg FA daily for 8 weeks, or placebo. Plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) concentrations of homocysteine, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), S-adenosylhomocysteine, methionine, cystathionine and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (bioactive folate) were measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). PBMCs were used as a cellular model since they display the full spectrum of one-carbon (1C) enzymes and reactions.
Results: At baseline, plasma concentrations were a poor reflection of intracellular concentrations for most 1C metabolites, except 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (R=0.33, p=0.02), homocysteine (Hcy) (R=0.35, p=0.01), and cystathionine (R=0.45, p=0.001). FA significantly lowered plasma homocysteine (p=0.00), but failed to lower intracellular homocysteine or change the concentrations of any of the other PBMC 1C metabolites. At baseline, PBMC homocysteine concentrations correlated to PBMC SAM. After FA supplementation, PBMC homocysteine no longer correlated with PBMC SAM, suggesting a loss of SAM’s regulatory function. In vitro experiments in lymphoblasts confirmed that at higher folate substrate concentrations, physiological concentrations of SAM no longer effectively inhibit the key regulatory enzyme methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR).
See here too:
It is also notable, firstly, that supplementation with folic acid may not be effective in terms of regulating homocysteine: a recent study showed that folic acid supplementation reduced plasma homocysteine levels as expected, but left the more important cellular levels of homocysteine untouched, with evidence suggesting that cellular one-carbon metabolism was also disturbed [77]. Secondly, folate may affect physiological functioning via an alternative mechanism, for instance via the role the folate cycle plays in the synthesis and regeneration of tetrahydrobiopterin [57], a folate-dependent rate limiting cofactor in the enzymatic pathways to both nitric oxide and monoamine neurotransmitter synthesis [37,78,79]. This mechanism would accommodate the observation that folate increases endothelial vasodilation via a mechanism entirely unrelated to homocysteine [57,79] and would accommodate epidemiological observations of a relationship between reduced folate status and depression and disturbed cognitive function [56,78,80].
submitted by LinguisticsTurtle to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:47 lokikg Trade Bait - Looking to consolidate so preference to trade lots for singles.

Trade Bait - Looking to consolidate so preference to trade lots for singles.
Looking for key rookies and autos (Elly, Witt Jr, Carroll, etc). As a Jays fan, Arjun Nimmala 1st autos will especially get my interest.
These is just a sampling of cards available. It you're looking for specific players/teams/sports, let me know, I may be able to find something.
submitted by lokikg to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:46 JM-ONER This steam review made me not buy hell let loose, it is a bit old, wondering if the issues addressed in this negative HLL review have been addressed or not, any thoughts?

The negative steam review for HLL -
To preface: A lot of the issues I have with the game in its current state (as well as the state it was in when I wrote this review) have now been adressed by the developers and promises have been made to remedy those issues. But as we all know, promises are easy to make and hard to keep, so until there are actually significant improvements, this review will stay as negative (also Steam doesn't allow neutral recommendations).
Well, I've sunk over 2000 hours into this game. I've met a lot of good friends in this game's community. And until a few weeks ago, I would've wholeheartedly recommended this game to any of my friends looking for a more hardcore WW2 shooter without going down the rabbit hole of full realism.
So why the negative review?
It's really simple. Black Matter, the original developers of the game, had their issues. Their updates weren't perfect, but they at least tried to get the worst issues fixed as soon as possible via hotfixes, sometimes within a week. And they were quite tardy with content updates up to the point that stuff that was promised for 2021 wasn't even in the 2022 version, but they at least made the impression that they were working on them.
But now Team17 has taken over. Yep, the Worms NFT guys. They paid over 40 million for the IP, came in with a long-winded video in which they were talking about their devotion to historical accuracy and the player base.
What we got was a half-baked British faction with WWI weaponry, no alternative uniforms and glaring historical inaccuracies plus a bunch of QoL issues and new bugs, and no hotfixes but an ANNOUNCEMENT that some bugs will be fixed over a month after they've been introduced.
Now some people might say the Brit update was Black Matter's last creation before the takeover. But still, T17 deemed it fit for public consumption and released it in the state it currently is in.
Oh, and there's also been a price hike. Because new bugs cost money.
They also announced a new gamemode - with what possibly is the most abysmal, half-assed trailer you've seen north of a PS2-era cutscene that made many of the devoted players really question their dedication to the game. And judging by their track record so far, hopes for it are - as is to be expected - pretty low.
All of this does not bode well for the game's future, and similar games that are in development cannot come out too quickly because it looks like the HLL ship is sinking fast, brother. And Team 17 is drilling more and more holes into the hull.
So, to sum it up: The game itself is fine in its basics, but declining in quality sharply lately. Still worth checking out, so maybe not dismiss it out of hand. But since all new purchases will now go directly into Team 17's pocket and he best way consumers can leave feedback for a product is with their wallets, I absolutely would not recommend paying full price for it. Wait for a big sale or get the key from somewhere else for less money.
submitted by JM-ONER to HellLetLoose [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:44 Alpakka_13 issue with low graphics

issue with low graphics
hi, i have a pretty bad pc but i managed to run ravenfield on solid fps, but idk why when im on some custom maps, it seems so dark even though on high graphics its normal. if theres a wy to fix this please let me know.
submitted by Alpakka_13 to Ravenfield [link] [comments]

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submitted by ryanmark234 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:41 funlol3 Car insurance rates surge again, keeping inflation elevated - Fox Business

Fox Business has an interesting article today on the issue plaguing us all - car insurance rate increases.
Consumer prices rose by 0.3% in April, and while many factors like rent and groceries contributed to this, auto insurance saw one of the most significant increases. Auto insurance premiums jumped by 1.8% in April alone, leading to a total annual increase of 22.6%—the fastest yearly rate ever recorded.
Compared to the beginning of 2021, motor vehicle insurance is now over 50% more expensive. The average rate for full auto insurance surged to $2,019 in 2023, a 24% increase from 2022, and a nearly 29% increase from the previous year. Even basic state-required policies climbed to $1,154 per year.
Several factors have driven this spike:
  1. Rising Vehicle Costs: New and used car prices soared after the COVID-19 pandemic due to supply chain disruptions and high demand, making vehicles more expensive to replace and repair.
  2. Repair Costs: The cost of vehicle parts and repairs has increased significantly, compounded by a shortage of mechanics. The number of automotive technicians is projected to continue decreasing in the coming years.
  3. Insurance Losses: Car insurance companies are trying to recover from steep losses incurred in 2021, a year marked by a sharp rise in fatal car accidents.
Experts suggest that the problem could get worse before it gets better. As auto insurance costs continue to rise, it's crucial for buyers to run the numbers on insurance rates before purchasing a car to avoid any surprises.
This increase in premiums adds to the already severe financial pressures on U.S. households, especially those with lower incomes. If you have any tips on finding more affordable insurance or want to share your experiences, let's discuss in the comments!
Link to the full article: Fox Business News
submitted by funlol3 to InsurancePanda [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:35 Sudden-Tumbleweed-19 South Melbourne [AU], PADRE COFFEE, Retail & Barista Staff

We're looking for Full Time & Casual to join our team at South Melbourne. If you love coffee and people, talk to us!
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Of course, at the heart of our company are our people. We’re committed to building a workplace culture that supports personal development, collaboration, and teamwork. We believe in quality produce, sustainability, and in fostering long-term committed relationships throughout the supply chain.
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submitted by Sudden-Tumbleweed-19 to baristajobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:34 John_Smith_4724 Online Nursing Exam Help Reddit Nursing Exam Taker Reddit Nursing Class Help Reddit do my nursing Class Reddit Nursing Assignment Help Reddit Nursing Homework Helper Reddit Nursing course Help Reddit Take my Nursing Course Reddit Nursing Test Quiz Help Reddit Hire Expert Reddit

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submitted by John_Smith_4724 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:28 grasscandy77 1 Year Old PC For Sale

1 Year Old PC For Sale
Full name of the product up for sale.
PC Build without GPU
Condition of the item - New, Used (for xyz months), broken/Not working as expected.
  • 1 year old PC has been used mostly for AutoCad and some casual gaming, played games like Fortnite, NFS most wanted, and Bioshock (1, 2, & 3). It is in like new condition with some dust on the inside that can be cleaned easily*
Date of purchase (with remaining India/International warranty period if any) - Explicitly mention if product does not carry any warranty.
  • Purchased few parts in jan and few later in march. All the parts are in warranty. I have the original bill and box available*
Picture of the invoice - Block any personal identifying information.
Location of sale - City, State.
  • Ponda, Goa*
Mode of shipping - If shipping.
  • Buyer have to bear with the packaging and shipping charges*
Clear pictures of the item with Reddit username and timestamp uploaded on imgur - Follow this guide.
Reason for selling.
  • I'm moving to a different state for further studies and will be buying a laptop for portability*
Expected Price - Mention your price and if it's negotiable or not. We do not allow bidding.
  • ₹36,000*
I'm selling my rig, which I've barely used and kept in like new condition. I'm selling everything together, not separately.
Here are the specs:
  • AMD Ryzen 5 5600G Processor
  • MSI MAG B550 Torpedo Motherboard
  • MSI MAG Forge 100R Cabinet
  • Deepcool AK 400 CPU Cooler
  • XPG Gammix S5 512GB SSD M.2
  • 16GB RAM (Team Group, 8×2, 3600MHz)
  • Gigabyte G24 Monitor (165hz IPS display)
  • Ant Esports VS 600L PSU
  • TP-Link WiFi Card (2.4GHz)
  • HP GK 320 Keyboard
submitted by grasscandy77 to IndianGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:19 Longjumping_Pilgirm Sumner-Class Destroyer...IN SPACE

Sometimes I have to put comparisons like this up to remind myself how important Starship is....
I compared the cost of building a Sumner-Class Destroyer in space using Starship with the cost of the ISS. I chose the Sumner because there is a similar destroyer, but not of the same class, that is a museum ship about 20 minutes from where I live, and my grandpa was stationed on one in the 1960s. I did this to test out the capabilities of ChatGPT4o and I was impressed.
Here is what it said:
To estimate how many launches of SpaceX's Starship would be needed to build a Sumner-Class Destroyer in space and the total cost of the project, we'll need to consider the following key factors:

Step 1: Weight of the Sumner-Class Destroyer

A Sumner-Class Destroyer (e.g., the USS Allen M. Sumner) has a full load displacement of about 2,200 tons (2,200,000 kg).

Step 2: Payload Capacity of Starship

SpaceX's Starship, when fully operational, is expected to have a payload capacity to low Earth orbit (LEO) of about 100 tons (100,000 kg) per launch.

Step 3: Calculating the Number of Launches

To transport the full weight of a Sumner-Class Destroyer to space:
\[ \text{Number of launches} = \frac{\text{Total weight}}{\text{Payload per launch}} = \frac{2,200,000 \text{ kg}}{100,000 \text{ kg per launch}} = 22 \text{ launches} \]

Step 4: Estimated Cost per Launch

Elon Musk has stated that the cost per Starship launch could be as low as $2 million in the long term. However, a more conservative estimate considering current technological and operational factors might be around $10 million per launch.

Step 5: Calculating Total Cost

Using the more conservative estimate of $10 million per launch:
\[ \text{Total cost} = \text{Number of launches} \times \text{Cost per launch} = 22 \times 10 \text{ million USD} = 220 \text{ million USD} \]

Additional Considerations


Assuming ideal conditions and no additional complexities, it would take approximately 22 launches of SpaceX's Starship to transport the equivalent weight of a Sumner-Class Destroyer to space. The estimated cost for these launches would be around $220 million. However, the overall project cost, including assembly and additional infrastructure, would be significantly higher.
(Compare this to the cost of building the International Space Station, and explain why this is such a game changer when it comes to developing a space-based civilization.)

Comparison to the International Space Station (ISS)

Cost and Launches of the ISS

  1. **Cost**: The International Space Station (ISS) has an estimated total cost of around $150 billion over its lifetime. This includes development, construction, and ongoing operational expenses.
  2. **Launches**: Constructing the ISS required more than 30 Space Shuttle missions and numerous launches from international partners (Russia, Europe, Japan).

Weight and Construction

Comparison with Building a Sumner-Class Destroyer Using Starship

  1. **Cost**:
  1. **Launch Efficiency**:

Game Changer for Space-Based Civilization

Cost Reduction

Increased Payload Capacity


Rapid Development

Impact on Space-Based Civilization

Infrastructure Development

Scientific Advancement


The dramatic reduction in launch costs and increased payload capacity provided by SpaceX's Starship represents a transformative shift in space development. It lowers financial barriers and logistical challenges, enabling more ambitious projects and rapid expansion into space. This transition from high-cost, low-frequency missions to affordable, frequent launches is a crucial step towards establishing a sustainable and thriving space-based civilization.
Considering the implications like this side by side REALLY REALLY shows that the Artemis Program is being WAY WAY WAY too conservative in what it wants to do. I know that some people say that there is no way we will have a million person city on Mars by 2050 but looking at it like this really puts things into perspective - I think it is totally possible.
submitted by Longjumping_Pilgirm to SpaceXMasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:18 LordGaulis Skaven are beastman? Or are they? (Theory)

Saltpyre from vermintide insists they are beastman who worship a different god, and while the details in the poem where the skaven are first mention doom of Kavzar is intentionally vague we do know two things.
When all remaining survivors of the disaster in their despair turn to chaos, offering human sacrifices and performing rituals to seek aid from the chaos gods nothing happens… with the screaming bell hinted at being the cause. Shortly after the skaven appear out of nowhere and claim to be the lords of the city and all the dwarfs below are dead with the new skaven lords ruling below in their hold.
Whoever wrote this poem was probably either there or had spoken with the survivors who fled before the very end, so not everyone is being included in this account which may have been altered over the years. What if some of the human survivors had become something else?
Assuming the horned rat didn’t exist before the doom of Kavzar then someone in the poem probably becomes the horned rat and who better than the mysterious grey man who fooled them all? All of Kavzar problems started when he finished the tower with a addition of his own god, himself! (Probably) The events of the poem happen slowly at first with endless rain causing a famine snowballing into meteor showers as more people die from starvation. The screaming bell block the aid of good and evil leaving the horned rat in control?
Imagine this situation the logical answer to your food problems were stealing and cannibalism, which would have the group kick you out so lies and deceit became your trade. Whether it was gradual or sudden chaos infesting the city would have turned you into a form that best represents these traits, a rat.
Ironically these ratman would then really be the lords of the city with the black hunger that makes then ravenous a constant reminder of their sins. As far as ratman are concerned everyone in the city still belongs to them and the dwarfs refusal to help earlier and belief they were hoarding halls filled with food made these new ratman attack them and by the time they appear in the poem have likely killed all the dwarfs and eaten whatever food stores were left.
Some among them were probably chosen by the horned rat hearing his voice perhaps for showing particular cunning or because they held power as lords of Kavzar becoming over time grey seers acting on a great plan, a vermintide! But as soon as the poem ends with all remaining humans dead and eaten no food would have cause a civil war that would have destroyed any accounts made by the ratman on the doom of Kavzar and all their education and technology to be lost as most rats don’t care about history. With the horned rat plans constantly failing due to the nature of a rat… Even the name skaven is likely given to them by other races and since be adopted as if they called themselves anything else it would have soon been lost and forgotten in the constant infighting and civil wars, again most rats don’t care about history.
This is my favourite but not the only possibility, they were always rats in the city, maybe they mutated into bigger rats? Children were born deformed maybe maturing quickly into full grown skaven? But these aren’t as twisted as mine, making the choice rather then the choice being made for you is always more interesting… that the people of Kazar in their vanity to touch the heavens fell literally into a hellhole of their own making!
P.s sry for the length of this post but wanted to clue you in on the key parts doom of Kavzar for those who hadn’t read it I have a post somewhere with the full story! Having the skaven being once human implies even they can be redeemed? It also is a warning that humans are more capable of cruelty than any other race in warhammer… on a bad day….
submitted by LordGaulis to Vermintide [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:17 Western_Peanut_9330 Trying to report a monster, and it feels like no one cares.

I have recently lost all faith in the justice system, and it feels like law and order is just a farce. My step father is a monster, and a sociopath, and no matter how hard I try I cannot get anything done. My mother married my step father when I was ten years old, and he began grooming me when I was eleven. Walking around naked and saying it was natural. Making me watch adult movies with him, then escalating to making me watch child p*rn. And then he started to sexually assault, and r*ape me when I was fourteen. And It kept going all the way up to when I was thirty-two. I know that sounds hard to believe, but he controlled our whole lives. I couldn’t get a job so I had no money. We didn’t have any friends. Our family wasn’t allowed to visit. He would tell me that the problem with calling the police is a lot can happen between when you pick up the phone, and they arrive. That it only takes a second to pull a trigger, or to push in a knife. That the sounds people would make when they were stabbed in the chest, would get his heart racing. He would clean his guns when he was angry, often mock pointing at me and pulling the trigger. I sometimes wished that the gun was loaded so I wouldn’t be trapped with him anymore. But worried for my mother. He started to physically abuse my mother too, so we were trapped. When I was younger he would toy with me making me do things like drink anti-freeze, but said it was game. I guess at eleven years old you don‘t know any better. Over the past few years he has begun to get more violent, and started down the anti-government route. Saying stuff that he will be the spark of the revolution. That he will bring this whole thing down. He bought a plate carrier vest (bullet proof vest), for ”when it all goes down”. He has been amassing an arsenal of guns, and recent started to acquire stolen firearms. What he would do is get close when an elderly person who has firearms registered to them, take them, and then tell the police that he “disposed of them” or a “buy back program” so they wouldn’t have to worry about them, and then keep them for himself. He has over 300 firearms, which I have a complete inventory of, as well as the stolen firearms. I know that sounds like a made up amount but there was safes in every corner of the house full of guns. Which he was only one that had keys too. He has been stockpiling ammunition as well, green tips/black tips, hollow point, tracer rounds which all together would be close to 1 million rounds, which I have pictures of. He has has a few hundreds pounds of gun powder, and knowledge of the anarchist cookbook. He claims to be a navy seal, often wearing navy seal shirts, and other clothing, bragging about it to people. But we got in contact with NCIS and the national archives which said he was only a marine for fourteen months. So that was all a lie. I recently was able to leave for the sole reason that I lost my mother. I do not even know if foul play was involved, I just had to leave before I was next. So I was able to escape with the help of family. But now scared that no one is there, what could he be doing? He kept saying how he has the means, that he will be remembered. That he will lead the charge, ignitting the fires of rebellion. I have reported and filed out police reports for a total of four different states police, as well as the FBI and ATF. I have even reached out to my local congressman, because they say they can intervene on your behalf for federal agencies. But all his office said that they submitted a tip as well. I have evidence, other people have submitted reports against him too, but nothing is happening. I keep checking the news, scared that one day I will see his face and that he blew up a government building or took down a plane which he has access too since he works at an airport. I am begging people that he is a danger to the community, that not only is he a pedophile but he will make Timothy McVeigh look like a choir boy. He is a monster, he likes to hurt people, he most definitely will hurt people, and I cannot get anyone to help. Everyone Is more interested in agendas then safety. It’s not a matter of if, but a matter of when. He will kill hundreds of people and no one will stop it. God help us all.
submitted by Western_Peanut_9330 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:17 Bitter-Role8170 Cannot sell my business and want to retire

I have an established business and put my business up for sale, with it being valued for around £2m. I have gone with a broker who we had to pay £20,000 upfront to and they also get a % fee of the sold price. I understand paying a fee upfront and getting a % fee of the sold price is common in the M&A world to a broker, so I have been told and read online. Please correct me if this is wrong.
18 months since using the broker and still no sale. The broker has made false promises and has basically given up - I've not been impressed with them at all. The problem is that the £20,000 upfront payment will be wasted if I move on from them and we are also tied into a 12 month notice period if I leave, and they will get a fee if we sell to anyone through a third party during this period, even if they are not involved in the transaction. Looking back, this point should have been changed in the contract, but as it's the first time I am selling a business, I was naïve here and did not think I would be in this situation.
They of course want to keep working with me so they can hopefully get a sale and therefore the percentage fee, but in reality they have lost interest.
What do I do next? I am looking to retire and was hoping this would have been wrapped up by now. We received offers at the start of the process, but they were either too low (i.e. I might as well continue working myself) or they want to buy a stake rather than full 100%. Because the company has been up for sale for essentially 18 months, we aren't getting any new interest either which is not surprising.
I do feel we need to move on from the broker we use as we have hit a wall, but I don't really want to pay another M&A broker fee, to be in exactly the same situation as I am in now + there's no way of getting that £20,000 fee back from them.
The feedback that I have been getting as to why we have not sold is because the business is small and I am one of the key people at the company, i.e. if I leave, half of the revenue goes, but I am happy to stay on and do a transition period.
The other key members of staff are not looking to buy the business due to not having funds, so cannot go down that route either and to be honest, I feel the business will be able to grow much quicker if it's with a larger firm.
It's a great business and in the right hands it can do even better than it is now, but I'm unsure what to do and I don't want to be working forever.
Any recommendations would be appreciated, thanks!
submitted by Bitter-Role8170 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:12 KamilJ16 Received two blank NA keys and no one can cut them??

Received two blank NA keys and no one can cut them??
So both my OEM keys have either cracked or bent, causing me to order these two straight from Mazda. They said they weren’t able to cut them but could provide me a key code. Where on earth could I cut these by code? Everywhere I called only cuts by scanning the old keys (which I can’t) or by buying a set of keys through them (which I won’t since I want my beautiful OEM NA keys). I’ve tried Home Depot, Ace, AutoZone, Menards, and more.
submitted by KamilJ16 to Miata [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:10 Heatherlee2019 All You Need to Know About InventHelp and Its New Invention and Patent Services

All You Need to Know About InventHelp and Its New Invention and Patent Services
Wonderful inventions abound in the world that were once only the product of geniuses' epiphanies. Most of us cannot image a world without the inventions and conveniences that we have grown to depend on and take for granted. The world does, of course, always change, in part because bright brains never stop coming up with amazing ideas for inventions that can improve people's lives.
It can be overwhelming to a new inventor with a fantastic idea to know where to begin or what to do. Sometimes as a result, people give up on their aspirations of invention and put the concept out of their heads. Had this occurred with any of the numerous inventions on which we now so rely, just think! Instead of giving up on an idea, new inventors can consult industry professionals like InventHelp.
Naturally, you want to be sure you make the best decision when you are thinking about hiring a new inventions company to help you advance with your idea as a new inventor. This implies that you must do your homework and learn as much as possible about any service—InventHelp included—that you are thinking about using. Fortunately, you may make your decision more easily because InventHelp has been in the business for many years and there is a wealth of information available online.
When you get into the field of new inventions, you will need assistance with everything from marketing to patent protection to prototype development and more. From the beginning to the conclusion of your first invention journey, a full-service provider such as InventHelp will be able to support you.
We've written a guide with additional details about InventHelp and what it offers new inventors to help you make the best choice. You can also read Q&As from other new inventors trying to learn more about the company and some of the most often asked questions by those who do online research on the company.
Questions from New Inventors About InventHelp

Many new inventors understandably have a lot of questions when they consider working with a company like InventHelp to move forward with their invention idea. Naturally, they want to ensure that they choose the best new invention service provider for them, which means learning about some key factors that can help them make the right decision. So, let's look at some of the questions that new inventors ask about InventHelp, because they can help you learn a lot about the provider and its new invention services.

How Long Has InventHelp Been Around?
Most new inventors want to know how long InventHelp has been in this industry. This shows how reliable, experienced, and well-known the company is. You should find a new invention service provider that has a good reputation and a lot of experience in the field. To do this, you should find out how long they have been in business.
The good news is that InventHelp has been around for a long time. It began in the mid-1980s. From then on, the business has helped many new inventors in many different niches and fields, and it has built a strong reputation along the way. It is easy to see why a lot of new inventors choose to use this service to help them with their first invention. They have been in business for more than forty years.
Also, it's important to note that InventHelp has 65 offices in the US and Canada, making it a very strong presence there. The company hires teams of professionals with years of experience and knowledge in the field. The company is also divided into different departments that handle different parts of the new invention process. This includes professionals in legal matters, marketing, design, and a lot of other fields.
So, if you want to hire a new invention company with a long history, you can rest easy knowing that InventHelp has been around for decades.
Can InventHelp Assist with Patenting My Idea?
A lot of new inventors don't know much about patenting, but they do know that it's an important part of the invention world. There are a lot of people who want to know if InventHelp can help them get patent protection because of this. They can do this without any problems.
When you work with InventHelp, the team can put you in touch with lawyers who specialize in patent law. This way, you can get patent searches and applications done right away. Then, with the help of lawyers, you can get your patent protection set up. This will give you more peace of mind and protection.
Getting a patent for a new invention can be hard and take a long time because there are so many steps involved. Patent searches are needed to make sure that your invention won't violate any patents that are already out there. In addition, the patent application process has to be completed. This can be difficult and stressful for people who don't know much about patent law.
There could be serious problems for you in the future if you don't have patent protection in place or if searches aren't done. If you don't do the right research, your invention might violate an existing patent, which could get you in trouble with the law. Someone could steal your idea or design if you don't have a patent to protect it. They could then claim it as their own, which is called intellectual property theft. Also, someone else could have the exact same thought and patent it before you do.

What Are the Benefits of Using InventHelp?
When looking into this invention company, many new inventors wonder how InventHelp can assist them and what advantages they will reap from working with the firm. Obviously, you should inquire about this and conduct research to make sure the provider is a good fit for you. You should know that InventHelp offers assistance in a wide variety of ways since they are a full-service new invention provider.
The many steps involved in bringing a new invention to fruition can be overwhelming and difficult for a first-time inventor. In order to help you with this, the experts at InventHelp are available to you at all times. As a new inventor, you can expect a great deal of assistance from the provider, and there are numerous advantages to working with them. Now we can examine a few of the main advantages:
· You get support and guidance from the start to the end of your first invention journey from industry experts
· They can assist with important tasks such as patent protection and searches, creating prototypes, and more
· You can benefit from access to a database of thousands of companies that are willing to review your invention idea
· There is access to a wide range of tools and resources to help you to learn as you go
· The team can help with marketing your invention to help generate interest
· You can get assistance with creating great pitches to impress potential investors and businesses
· There is tailored support to meet your individual needs

This is just a sample of the wide range of services and assistance that InventHelp can provide to new inventors. As a result, it has become a very popular choice among new inventors in all sorts of industries.

Can InventHelp Assist with Prototype Creation?
They think that just telling people about their new invention idea is enough, and some new inventors don't realize how important a prototype is. To attract attention and, maybe, investment, you need to be creative. If you have a prototype, you can use it here.
Sharing the visual, functional, and operational aspects of your invention can be challenging without a prototype. Prototyping allows you to accomplish this in a way that is impossible without one. Selecting the most appropriate prototype from the many available choices is crucial.
If you need help with this, InventHelp has a team of design experts that can help. Their assistance in developing a faultless prototype can greatly increase your chances of attracting the attention of potential investors.
Will InventHelp Review My Idea?
One thing that a lot of new inventors want to know about InventHelp is if the people who work there will give them feedback on their invention idea. They will not do this, which is a shame, because it would not be right for them to. In fact, it's important to remember that no new invention company should give their opinion, and if they do, that should be a red flag. You can't ask the team what they think about your invention idea, so don't expect them to give you feedback.
You can, of course, do other things if you want to find out what other people think about your invention idea. These days, a lot of people do things like this on social media. If you have a lot of friends, you can share the idea to see what they think. You should be very careful, though, because you don't want your idea to get stolen by someone else before you get a patent for it.
One of the safest things you can do is to ask your close friends and family what they think about your invention idea. Not all of them will tell you what you want to hear, but some will probably tell you the truth. This means that you can get an honest opinion from some of them.
What Can InventHelp Do for Me?
New inventors sometimes don't know what a new invention services provider does or how they can help someone who is new to the world of invention. Well, as we've already talked about, they can help you in a lot of different ways. This is especially helpful for people who don't know much about invention or have little experience with it.
If you've never been involved with inventions before, you should know that the whole process can be very complicated and hard to figure out. This can make it very stressful and scary for new inventors. Some people find it so scary that they give up on their idea or invention dreams rather than continuing to try and get past the problems they face.
If you have professionals there to help you, the process is much easier and less likely to be scary and stressful for you. You can have a better first journey as an inventor with the help of InventHelp. They can make sure you enjoy and learn from your first experience. This can boost your confidence and fire you up to move forward with your dream of making a new invention.
Will InventHelp Assist with Marketing?
Marketing is an important aspect of new inventions, but many first-time inventors are unfamiliar with it. Many newbies wonder if the InventHelp team can help, and with a team of marketing experts on hand, the answer is yes.
When it comes to marketing your new invention idea, it is critical that you employ the appropriate marketing techniques and strategies, as these can make a significant difference in generating more interest and raising awareness of your invention. Having professionals on hand to assist you with this aspect of things can be extremely beneficial.
In addition to assisting with marketing campaigns, the InventHelp team can help you develop a strong pitch for your new invention. When it comes to impressing businesses and potential investors, having a great pitch is essential, but most new inventors are lost. With the experts on hand to help, you'll have one less thing to worry about.
Will I Succeed with InventHelp?
Some new inventors think that if they go to a new invention company, they will be sure to be successful. There is no way to know for sure that you will succeed, so this is not true. That's why you should be very wary of companies that say their new invention will be a success. Not even the most experienced inventors can be sure if their latest idea will work or not.
When you first start out as an inventor, your dedication and hard work will definitely lead you in the right direction. You can get through your whole journey with the help of the right people and information. But none of this means you will be successful, so you should never go into this business thinking you will do well no matter what.
People Also Ask: More Questions and Answers About InventHelp

When you run a search in InventHelp, you will also find a wide range of other questions that people ask, and it is well worth reading through these if you want to learn more about the provider and what it has to offer. This is a great way of getting some of your own questions answered, and viewing some other questions that you might not have thought about. Some of the top questions that people also ask are:

How Much Does InventHelp Cost?
New inventors want to get rich fast, but they have to live on a tight budget like everyone else until their invention becomes a hit. Most people have a set amount of money they want to spend on their new invention idea. So, they want to know if InventHelp charges for its services and, if so, how much it will cost.
Not only that, but keep in mind that InventHelp is a business and needs to make money just like any other business. Because of this, services can't be given away for free, and there is a cost to become a client. Getting the service can cost different amounts, so you need to talk to them about your project first to find out how much it will cost.
That being said, the business is very clear about its prices and fees, so you can find out exactly how much you'll be charged before you sign anything or commit to anything. Because of this, you won't have to worry about any hidden fees, and you'll know right away how much the service will cost. Then, among other things, the costs will help you decide if you want to sign up or not.
And, of course, you should think about how much help and services you will get from InventHelp as part of the fee they charge. It can be hard for new inventors to figure out how to go about the processes involved with new inventions, as we've already said. Getting the right support and help can make a huge difference.
Is InventHelp a Legitimate Company?
The legitimacy of InventHelp is another question that people frequently pose online. Naturally, when a person uses a company for the first time, especially for something as crucial as supporting their new invention, they are always concerned. Many people who are unaware of InventHelp are therefore interested in learning if it is reliable.
Given its existence since the middle of the 1980s, the company has a proven track record. Many inexperienced inventors have already benefited from it in the past with inventions in a variety of fields. Furthermore, the internet offers a wealth of information about the provider, including testimonials and reviews, which helps you to find out more about its standing.
Just like with any other business you are using for the first time, before you join up with a new invention services company, including InventHelp, do as much research as you can. This allows you to gauge their offerings more fully and decide if it is the best option for you.
InventHelp is, however, a respectable business with a solid presence in 65 cities in the US and Canada and forty years of experience in the field.
How Can InventHelp Assist with Patenting?
New Inventors often ask online if InventHelp can help new inventors with the patenting process. Some new inventors are also interested in this. As we already talked about, patenting is a very important part of the process. Its job is to keep you and your invention safe. The good news is that InventHelp has a team of lawyers and can put you in touch with one of their patent law experts to make sure that the searches are done and that the patent protection is filed quickly and correctly.
This can help you get your patent faster and give you peace of mind that everything has been done correctly. When you go through legal processes like patent protection, you need to make sure that everything is done correctly. The lawyers at InventHelp can help you with this.
Can InventHelp Offer Funding?
Not many new inventors think about how to pay for their invention at first, but later on, they do. This is why a lot of people have asked if InventHelp can give money to new inventors. InventHelp does not directly offer funding, but they can still help in other ways.
The team can, for example, put you in touch with possible investors who might be willing to give you money if your new invention idea really impresses them. In addition, they can help you make a great pitch that will impress investors, which will increase your chances of getting new ones on board.

Does InventHelp Offer Confidentiality?
Rightly so, most new inventors are fiercely guarding their new invention concept! They therefore want to make sure that the specifics of their invention are safe and secure, and many of them wonder if InventHelp provides a private service.
You may relax though, because the InventHelp staff is highly concerned with information security and secrecy. Keeping this in mind, they have put in place a number of procedures to guarantee the security and safety of your data. This covers the companies on their database as well as all others who will be working on your project signing confidentiality agreements.
During their online research on InventHelp and its services, many people have the following important questions.
Can InventHelp Help with International Patents?
InventHelp can assist inventors with international patent applications through mechanisms like the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and by coordinating with foreign associates or patent agents.

Do I Need a Prototype to Work with InventHelp?
While having a prototype can be helpful, it is not always necessary to work with InventHelp. They can assist inventors at various stages of development, from conceptual ideas to prototypes.

What Should I Prepare Before Contacting InventHelp?
Before contacting InventHelp, it can be helpful to have a clear description of your invention idea, any sketches or diagrams, and an understanding of your goals for the invention.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Patent with InventHelp's Assistance?
The time it takes to obtain a patent can vary based on factors such as the complexity of the invention and the patent office's processing times. InventHelp can provide estimated timelines based on your specific case.

What Happens After I Contact InventHelp?
After contacting InventHelp, they will typically schedule a consultation to discuss your invention and determine how they can best assist you in achieving your goals.

Can I Work with InventHelp If I Already Have a Patent?
Yes, InventHelp can provide various services even if you already have a patent. They can assist with marketing, licensing, and commercialization efforts.

Is There a Guarantee of Success with InventHelp?
There is no guarantee of success in the invention and patenting process, as it depends on various factors including the novelty of the invention and market conditions. InventHelp can provide guidance and support, but success is not guaranteed.

Can InventHelp Help with Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)?
Yes, InventHelp can assist in the preparation of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to help protect your invention idea when discussing it with potential partners or investors.

Do I Have to Share Ownership or Royalties with InventHelp?
Any agreements about ownership or royalties will be based on the deal that the inventor and InventHelp make, and these terms should be written down in the deal.
How Much do Inventors Make on Royalties?
Inventors' royalty earnings vary widely, but typical royalty rates range from 2% to 10% or more of net sales, depending on several factors.
Can I Just Sell my Invention Idea? Yes, you can sell your invention idea to a company or individual without having to manufacture or develop the product yourself.

Should I Patent my Idea Before Selling?It's generally advisable to consider patenting your idea before selling it, as a patent can add significant value and protection to your invention when negotiating with potential buyers or licensees.
How do Inventors get Paid? Inventors typically get paid through royalties, upfront payments, or a combination of both, as specified in a licensing or sale agreement with a company or individual interested in their invention.

Summary of Benefits of Using InventHelp

After reading new inventor and online research questions about InventHelp, let's explore its benefits. You should weigh the pros and cons of any provider you use to help with your invention, but InventHelp has many benefits. Among the most important:
· Support and guidance
· Assistance with practical processes
· Access to tools and resources
· Access to a range of crucial services
· Expertise of professionals
· Transparency and honesty
· Ability to get your invention idea reviewed
· Great confidence and motivation
· Help from beginning to end as a new inventor
· Confidentiality and security when it comes to your information

Getting Started with InventHelp

Simply get in touch with InventHelp if you believe they would be the best provider to help you launch your career as a new inventor. You will know much better, among other things, what has to be done and how much it will cost once you have discussed your project and idea with the team. Then you can start anticipating an exciting and enlightening first adventure as a new inventor.
submitted by Heatherlee2019 to u/Heatherlee2019 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:06 One_Field_5234 Roommate from Hell

We need an “Entitled People” flair! Because this is definitely that.
I (41f) have quite a doozy of a story for you. I would normally tag this as an AITA, but let’s be honest, I’ve spent the last 4 years asking that of everyone I know, including therapists, and the answer is no.
Ok, this whole ride starts back in 2018, when I was 35. I had moved to the Midwest in 2017 for a travel job where I traveled 45-50 weeks a year. I had managed to get myself to a point in the company where they were willing to let me live anywhere and fly me out from there, so I wanted to move back to my home city where I had a bunch of friends. I was making amazing money, so I was able to afford my own place without roommates. However, my best friend (Dee, 33f at the time) was not making that kind of money at her job and she wanted to live in a specific place so her daughter could go to a specific school for K-8. She needed financial help, and I liked the idea of having someone around so there was food in the fridge when I got home at 11pm on Friday nights from a long flight. She asked me to move in with them, and I agreed. Her mother, her husband, and her daughter lived with her. Again, I was fine with this. I was only sleeping there for 1.5 nights a week. I had one room and I paid half of the rent. I shared a bathroom with her mom.
For a year I put up with a lot, and I acknowledge that a lot of this was on me. I’m a recovering people pleaser, after all. I paid for most meals when we went out. (I accept full responsibility for this, I didn’t want to eat alone and she couldn’t afford it.) I gave her money for groceries I didn’t use because I traveled for work. I helped her get her car back when it was repo’d, and a rental car with points that I had accumulated from travel for work. (She did pay me back for the funds I sent when it was repo’d.) I was often bullied and verbally abused by her mother, who was only nice to me when I gave them money.
By December of 2018, I was done. I started looking for 2/2 houses to buy. I wanted to live on my own, have my own space. I found a few and mentioned it to Dee. She immediately assumed I meant we were moving together and started sending me 4/3 houses. Again, I will take responsibility for this. I didn’t tell her no. At the time, it seemed easier not to start a fight. I was sure she would be mad if I told her I wanted to live alone, and I knew (and she made it quite clear that it was true) she couldn’t afford to live without me. I found a house that was a bit out of budget, but I could pay for myself without help, which was my only requirement. I refused to let myself get into a situation where I would default if I didn’t get her rent payments. It was a 5/3, so we had plenty of room for all of us. Even her mother, who was an unwelcome but permanent fixture in my life at this point.
Despite owning the home, all my things were STILL in my room. Their belongings took up all the common space, including the garage. And I don’t mean it was well decorated and nicely designed. I mean it was piled up around the house. I have pictures. I was still constantly bullied and berated by her mother. I was expected to watch her daughter for free at her whim. She would run to the store and not tell me she was leaving the kid. I was expected to pick her daughter up from school, take her to dance. I helped pay for dance frequently. I was still buying groceries I didn’t eat. I was paying for a house keeper just so that I could feel clean in my own house. A house I had no space in.
Let’s get to July 2020. I was five months pregnant, my fiancé had moved into my room in March 2020, along with all his stuff, we had gotten registry gifts and baby stuff. We had taken over the only room that had any space, and moved all their stuff out. There was still stuff in the closet in the nursery. I knew that I couldn’t go on like this. I couldn’t baby proof the house, I couldn’t fit her new things because theirs were everywhere. I didn’t want my baby to even MEET Dee’s mother. Ever. So, the week after the 4th of July (I was visiting with my family and talked through this with them), I asked her to move out. I gave her till mid-October. I waived all rent for August, September, and October to give her the funds to pay for a security deposit and movers.
She did not take it well. She stormed off, then texted me and called me terrible names. She said terrible things. Things that I didn’t feel I deserved and I told her that, I had helped her, taken care of her daughter, paid her way for over two years. I was allowed to be selfish for the sake of my daughter, and I was standing by that. She left with a friend and came back even more angry. I knew this would break us, but after that I didn’t really care.
I continued to watch her daughter at home for free. I helped her look at places, offering to keep her daughter if she needed to go alone. I still paid for groceries. I stopped buying her dinners. I was done. Her mother said horrible things about me on social media. I blocked her.m and anyone in her circle that tried to come for me. I continued to gift Dee things throughout her moving process. Shelves, furniture, games. She proceeded to weaponize her daughter, saying that I was kicking out the child and having her ask me why she had to move repeatedly.
She got keys for her new place September 18th. It took her over 4 weeks to move out. While I was in the hospital having my daughter in mid October, her last load of stuff left the house. She wasn’t the one to move it, a mutual friend did (and cleaned the house from top to bottom for me while I was having my baby).
On November 27th, it all exploded. I noticed that she had unfriended me on Facebook, so I messaged her. She accused me of betraying her, kicking them out, and dropping her and her daughter. She accused me of forcing them into an apartment during a pandemic, of turning my back on them. She accused me of being selfish. (Which, fine, I agree with. I wanted my family to live in my house without having to squeeze in around someone else’s things.)
Her mother messaged me hateful things. Truly toxic. She told me to stay away from her family. I blocked her immediately. Dee wasn’t far behind. I blocked them and I didn’t look back. That’s what they wanted.
I wish her no ill will, but I will never consider letting her or any of those loyal to her back into my life.
As of today, as I write this, she is just someone I used to know.
submitted by One_Field_5234 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:06 StunningMud3145 VC not working [PC]

I have a plug next to my name and my vc doesn’t work. Everyone is auto muted when I go into a game and when I hold my key down to talk the vc icon doesn’t even show up. I’ve tried restarting and verifying game files but doesn’t work. If anyone knows how to fix please lmk.
submitted by StunningMud3145 to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:02 Ornery_Tennis_4011 my third and final conlusuion about shen and the game

here is my final conclusion about shen and the game after having tested out several builds and playstyles
i was right about the fact, that shen only works with guardian and support items like vow and solari. full tank shen proved to be pure placebo, as well as the jungle role in general. its all placebo when you win, if your teammates dont stall out enough or play clean enough, you are not able to do something anymore, even if youre fed. why is that:
because shen is not a pure engage champ as tanks like malphite or zac, youre not allowed to play him in solo lanes or jungle. you have to always take the support role and build as a support-tank. you dont have the same flanking capabilities as a real jungler and no true wave- and camp clear. its all forced into his kit if you buy tiamat or bamis, but they dont synergize with him in general. then you at least can hard peel for your dds and if you dont waste the slot of going jungle or top, youre the one that can ult the jungler if hes in a fight in the jungle or about to gank a lane. then you can either kill the tower or do objectives quicker and push for better snowball.
if i win as a top shen or jungle shen, i win from the fact, that the matchmaking gave me a team with a better comp and macro that can compensate for me playing shen top or jungle. if i had played support shen instead, i can pick heal or exhaust naturally without forcing it on top by giving up teleport. anyways, going shen top without teleport is even worse, because now the splitpushing became even more disgusting. death timers are too low in general and people are not getting punished enough for dying too much, especially split push top laners.
so again, shen full tank is a forced gimmick, shen jungle is a forced gimmick. its never the optimal choice, only support shen is optimal with guardian and picking heal or exhaust at the same time. the reason why i thought shen full tank works is because of placebo, where i got a generous teamcomp and the enemy team had bad players and a relatively bad comp, but you have no inbuilt resistances so you will never be as tanky as a malphite, orn, zac, singed, skarner.
the other thing is and why i quit the game, is because literally all players when it comes to building and lane choice, dont think for themselves, but listen to false advertisements of content creators that pull random builds out their ass. THEN if you win with their stupid builds or whatever, you think its good or "meta", but its all placebo at the end, where you got the more favorable team that compensates for you running this random setup + a worse enemy team that is as stupid.
so i heard that shen is supposed to be played with hob and redemption, but it cant be more valuable than actually going support shen, picking heal or exhaust with guardian, running the whole resolve tree that perfecetly synergizes with shen. why the hell would you go for hail of blades, when you give up guardian and the whole resolve tree? it makes no sense and its a gimmick. and then they make it seem as meta or something, but its complete nonsense. just as ashe support for example. ashe support meta is the biggest joke in history in league of legends, because you give up the slot of a real supporter and you force an adc into the support role. i dont know if you understand me, but this makes the game super random in general.
just because your botlane is too stupid to build any form of sustain doesnt make full ad shen (for example) meta if hes able to oneshot the adc.
so thats my final statement
shen support is the most viable from a logical point of view, anything else is actually super forced because he 1. lacks inbuilt resistances to go full tank and 2. doesnt have inbuilt waveclear to be played in a solo lane. what he actually has is a combination of disengage, peel, tankiness and a good amount of supportive damage. bamis is forced, tiamat is forced, any damage item is forced, redemption is forced, because solari and vow is more optimal and redemption is an item for other support champs with actual healing in their kit.
solo q is super random ,anyone rather listens to false advertisements of streamers and coaches and run their random builds. the matchmaking is a joke, diamond players literally seem like silver players at this point and im tired of working my ass off, be the only guy with positive kda and still lose, because the matchmaking forces an auto loss on me out of nowhere for no reason.
submitted by Ornery_Tennis_4011 to Shen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:01 Westsubcouple Started as an experiment

Started as an experiment
So I wanted to see how many miles I could get if I used the full 65kWh. I wanted to see if I could get 400 miles. But I didn’t want to end up stranded. So I charged up and drove about 50kWh and charged again and drive till I used up 65kWh. After that, I just kept going and took a picture at each 100 kWh’s. Here are my results.
submitted by Westsubcouple to BoltEV [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:55 Total-Flounder-8258 Review Of Daybetter Led Lights App

Review Of Daybetter Led Lights App
The Daybetter LED Lights App is a software application designed to control Daybetter LED light strips. It allows users to customize their lighting experience by adjusting the brightness, color, and even turning the lights on and off with their voice. The app also offers features like creating unique scenes using any of the 16 million colors, setting timers and schedules for automatic control, and even syncing the lights to music. This app is perfect for those who want to add a personal touch to their lighting and create the perfect ambiance for any occasion.
Imagine a world where you can control the ambiance of your room with just a few taps on your phone. That's the magic of the Daybetter LED Lights App. It's like having a personal rainbow at your fingertips, ready to paint your room with colors that match your mood. 😊


  • 👍 Control via remote, voice, control box, and app
  • 👍 16 million light options
  • 👍 Create custom scenes, schedules, and timers
  • 👍 Cut lights to fit where needed


  • 👎 Adhesive doesn't continue to stick in some areas
  • 👎 Music doesn't sync consistently
  • 👎 App Functionality

Key Features

The Daybetter LED Lights App offers a plethora of features that make it stand out. With the ability to control the brightness, color, and even turn them on and off with your voice, this app truly puts the power in your hands. The app also allows you to create unique scenes using any of the 16 million colors. Set timers and schedules for automatic control based on your day and needs. There’s even an option to sync your lights to music.

Average Price

The average price for the Daybetter LED Lights ranges from $25.99 to $36.00, making it a cost-effective solution for those looking to add a splash of color to their rooms.

What is it Best At

The Daybetter LED Lights App shines (pun intended) when it comes to customization. With 16 million color options, the ability to create custom scenes, schedules, and timers, and even the option to sync your lights to music, this app truly allows you to tailor your lighting to your specific needs and preferences.

What People are Talking About

Users love the customization options and the ability to control their lights in multiple ways. They appreciate the extensive color range and the feature to create their own lighting modes. However, some users have reported issues with the adhesive not sticking in some areas and the music not syncing consistently.


So, whether you're planning a party, setting the mood for a relaxing evening, or just want to add a little color to your life, the Daybetter LED Lights App has got you covered. It's not just a lighting solution, it's a lifestyle upgrade. And remember, happiness can always be found at the end of a rainbow, or in this case, a LED light strip. 😊
Concluding the article on the Daybetter Led Lights App, the Sengled Smart Hub G4 emerges as a pivotal device for smart home enthusiasts. It stands out with its user-friendly setup, extensive coverage, and compatibility with various platforms. Despite limitations like Zigbee exclusivity and lack of battery backup, its affordability and functionality make it an attractive option for those venturing into smart home automation. The Sengled Smart Hub G4 is not just a hub; it’s a gateway to a smarter, more connected living experience, ensuring that a smart home is indeed a happy home.
Read the full article
submitted by Total-Flounder-8258 to smartgadgets1975 [link] [comments]