Mupirocin ointment lupus

Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2024.05.21 07:03 codymei Should I get my stainless steel piercings changed to titanium while taking oral antibiotics?

Should I get my stainless steel piercings changed to titanium while taking oral antibiotics?
I apologize for the long post in advance!
A little backstory. I went to Shop A to get piercings done, they've got good feedback, etc. but of course they won't show the bad ones. My cousin had her piercing done on this same shop and it healed well. Mine didn't. She was the one who recommended this shop. So I got a flat and a daith from them on the same ear and both had infections. 3 weeks in after the initial piercing, my daith got infected. I've only been using Shop A's premade saline solution that they gave me for free. But when I got the infection I bought the Neilmed saline spray immediately and have been using that since and added an antibac ointment (Mupirocin). It worked okay but still having bumps up until a couple days ago.
So while I have this daith issue, an accident happened where my friend aggressively massaged my ear where my piercings are, and so my flat got a tear at the back. I did saline wash as usual and it went well until after a week when it started swelling up.
Now as I mentioned in the title, both piercings are stainless steel. I wanted Titanium but I guess some miscommunication happened. My piercings are 2 months and a day old today, and they are actually doing okay because I started taking ciprofloxacin given by my doctor for my UTI. So great, right? I have multiple infections. But so far it's working. My medication ends this Friday. Upon further research (that I should have done before getting pierced) I just found out that not only are stainless steels bad for intial piercings, but also the type of jewelry used on me was wrong. I didn't know, and I am sad my piercer did not opt me out of using a stainless steel clicker on my daith.
My piercings are healing well since I started the oral antibiotics. The tear on my flat is no longer visible but you can still see some remnants of it. My daith's bumps have finally flatten, but it did emit pus twice. But they are both looking way better today and moving the piercings for cleaning doesn't hurt anymore at all. But I still don't want stainless steel. And I am scared if my medication ends that both piercings will get infected again. So I want to know if it's safe and totally fine to have them changed and downsized with Titanium jewelry while healing and with oral antibiotics? Or wait until after I finish the entire medication?
Thank you in advance for all the help and advices!
submitted by codymei to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:16 erlienbird Seeking Hope..eczema turned impetigo, urgent care, peds, and ER visit. Hard to see light at the end of the tunnel.

Last week we went to urgent care because our babies cheeks had two main eczema spots (seemingly irritated from drool on cheeks rubbing against a sleep sack) that began to weep after trying a few at home remedies. The urgent care doc prescribed a steroid (Des) and mupirocin topical antibacterial ointment. We were applying both as directed and coming up on five days and there was some improvement especially with the antibacterial, some redness as we continued to use the steroid and yet seemingly increased eczema appearing higher on the cheek.
A rash started on baby’s torso so I called our primary care to be seen and the pediatrician changed the steroid that we were applying to the two main sites at the bottom of the cheek to hydrocortisone saying the original one prescribed was too strong and not recommended. She also advised to lubricate with some cream or Vaseline.
That night we applied the hydrocortisone to the two main sites and some eucerine baby eczema cream to the rest of his face and body.
BAM-TOTAL INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE on face and body. By midnight that night baby’s face was swollen, pimply, red, and warm. I think the colloidal oatmeal is a trigger for his skin as this whole thing really blew up after first applying Tubby Todd ointment which caused increase irritation at the two main sites on his cheeks.
I went into pediatric ER that next morning and they told us to stop the steroid and started an oral antibiotic. They suggested giving the skin a break from anything but also apply Vaseline and topical antibacterial, yet we’ve waited 24 hours after the ER visit before we applied anything else to the skin.
We do see improvement within 20 minutes of the oral antibiotic but when we applied Vaseline, the skin on his face just seems to increase in pimples and redness.
The two main sites seems like their healing but it’s hard to look at because it’s not all the great looking—like when you really bust up your skin on a fall and the yellow pus/scab begins to form. There’s an eczema rash all over his arms right now. ER docs say the body rash is unrelated—that it looks viral??
We’ve gotten a few different forms of information and instructions from urgent care, our peds clinic, and the ER. It’s so hard watching my baby in pain, to be itching his face, and the tumultuous turns for these two intense sites on his cheeks.
My last resort is hoping and praying the oral meds kick this out. We’re day 2 of 7.
All this to say, I am gluten, dairy, soy, and egg free. This rash has intensified over the last two weeks and I’m losing my strength and it’s hard to feel like this is going to end or heal and I’ll be able to see my baby’s skin clear again.
submitted by erlienbird to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:21 International-Pin682 Weeping eczema on 6 month old

My baby has been suffering with eczema since he was 2 months old. At first it was dry skin. Then at 3 months, it had turned into severe eczema. We were prescribed hydrocortisone for it but once we finished the script his eczema would just come back. At 4-5 months, his eczema started weeping bad. Did a sick doctor visit, doctor said try bleach baths and he gave a mupirocin ointment and an oral steroid. Everything cleared up, up until we finished the oral steroid and weeping eczema came back. Brought baby to another sick doctor visit. This doctor immediately said to stop bleach baths and gave an oral antibiotics and said to keep using mirpurocin ointment. It slowly cleared up. Did an allergy test. My son is allergic to dogs, eggs, wheat, soy, milk, and peanuts. Dogs and eggs are severe. Wheat and peanuts are moderately severe. Milk and soy is moderate. And all came up positive on his allergy test. Finally at 6 months, saw his pediatrician, he gave triamcinolone steroids cream to use until we can see a dermatologist which is scheduled next month and thats the soonest. I give him a bath 2-3x a week. I use baby cetaphil soothe and protect cream which is the only thing that keeps him moisturized without flaring his eczema up. We’ve ran out of the mupuriocin and cant refill until next week. His weeping is starting to get bad again. What do i do?
submitted by International-Pin682 to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:46 mynamewasautumn Should I be concerned?

So I have had this since yesterday, but it started off being normal mosquito bite, occasionally itching, slightly pink and with a bump so I didn’t really take notice to it because I live in FL and right now mosquitoes are everywhere. But as I was getting ready to massage my feet and legs after work, I noticed it had gotten extremely red (photo of Blistex chapstick for size reference). I’ve NEVER had something happen to me (to my knowledge), so it’s really strange. I’m not allergic to anything but I do have an intolerance or allergy to fispruce, and I didn’t come into contact with that yesterday or today. The last photo is one where I think could be the original bump (circle) and where I was bit (the dot) but I’m not sure if that’s important or not. My mom said it could be ringworm but that its a bit small for that so she isn’t sure. We put some mupirocin ointment (thats why my skin looks oily) on it to see if it helps but I’m definitely going to go see a doctor if it gets any worse. What do you guys think it could be? Has any one experienced the same or something similar? Any tips and experiences are welcome and appreciated 🫶
submitted by mynamewasautumn to bugbites [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:52 skincareqthrowra Mupirocin for unopened sores?

My doctor prescribed me Mupirocin for my HS, and I’m kinda nervous to take it!
My HS mostly is just 5 different boils that come and go. Only one has ever opened and it was awful but I healed it with some Staph/MRSA killing gauze and some regular non prescription “antibiotic ointment”
I mainly use Hibbiclens clorahexadine soap on my boils and somehow that helps the pain and stops them in their tracks. But I ran out and decided to pick up the perscription my doctor wanted me to try.
I have stomach issues and I’m reading how this medication can cause stomach issues? How?? Im just putting ointment on??
Im just too scared to take it. I then read online that Mupirocin is more for stopping open boils from getting infected. But mine has not opened and they usually don’t.
Should I bother taking it or just wait for my Amazon order of hibbiclens tomorrow. Because I mean with hibbiclens I have ZERO adverse side effects, that stuff is great.
Also side note, I wadded up some of the staph MRSA killing gauze and stuck it under my boob before sleep, because the sore is under my boob. The gauze stopped the skin to skin friction and seemed to reduce redness and pain. So that’s something at least.
Any thoughts??
submitted by skincareqthrowra to Hidradenitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:34 Tadpole_Fluffy Could this be psoriasis?

Could this be psoriasis?
I went to see a dermatologist a few weeks ago and they gave me Mupirocin 2% ointment and Doxycycline 100 mg but it hasn't helped at all. It burns and itches so bad I swear l've never had an itch this bad. What could this be? So I can suggest it to the dermatologist. The pictures show how it started and what it's like now.
submitted by Tadpole_Fluffy to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:23 lightpinklavender Recovering from CDI, need to take topical antibiotics

I've tested negative for CDiff in the beginning of March after having recovering CDiff for a year and a half. I've tested negative 3 times since March and my symptoms are finally easing up. About ten days ago I developed folliculitis on my left underarm. I've tried everything to get rid of it, I immediately stopped shaving, taking baths, wearing deodorant, I started using hydrocortisone cream; nothing has helped and the rash has only gotten worse. I went to urgent care this evening and they prescribed mupirocin antibiotic ointment for it. She did do a search before submitting the script and found that it's very unlikely that it could cause a recurrence. Does anyone have experience with this? Is there a chance for it to cause a recurrence?
submitted by lightpinklavender to cdifficile [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:23 lavender_poppy First sun exposure of the summer

So this is my first summer after being diagnosed with cutaneous lupus (still being worked up for systemic lupus) and I just got back from visiting my friend in LA. A few afternoons while I was there we would sit on her front patio for a few hours and chat and I made sure to wear high SPF sunscreen on all exposed skin plus a wide brimmed hat and while I didn't get any sunburns my skin has broken out in tiny little bumps.
They aren't red and don't hurt or itch but my arms and shoulders are completely covered in these bumps. Has anyone here experienced the same thing? Is there anything you do for your skin when it happens? I have steroid ointment that I use when I get discoid lupus spots on my face and hands but these aren't discoid spots. My skin feels very rough like a reptile or something. I could just use some advice since my dermatologist office is closed until Monday. Thanks!
submitted by lavender_poppy to lupus [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:20 LiloGeorge I have Lyme. Just left the doc and they gave me doxycycline and mupirocin ointment.

I have Lyme. Just left the doc and they gave me doxycycline and mupirocin ointment.
This picture was taken Sunday before the tick was removed. It was still alive so I put in a ziploc bag and brought it to my appointment.
submitted by LiloGeorge to lymedisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:37 sweatpants_on_my_bed 9 months with molluscum, 22F

hey everyone! i have really mentally struggled the last 9 months since i was initially infected. i won’t be holding back at all in the post, because even though this is gross, i really hope it might help someone and even help me to share my story. upon my first outbreak in august 2023, i had to visit 3 different doctors before i actually received a proper diagnosis. first doctor thought it was herpes, second thought it was bad razor burn, and finally the third took me seriously and confirmed that it was neither. 3 full STD panels that all tested urine, blood, and direct swabs were completely negative, which is what finally resulted in my diagnosis of molluscum contagiosum (MC). additionally, i developed and tested positive for awful bacterial vaginosis (BV) upon the time of my infection as well.
my first outbreak was mainly all in the same area, clustered in the fold of my bikini line on my right side. because the area rubbed so much as i walked around, the bumps were basically rubbed raw, which is what i believe caused them to spread. i don’t have any bumps in that area now, but i do now have 3 right by my vulva and one on my anus, all of which have been there pretty much this whole time. i also have one at the bottom of my right butt cheek that is pretty new—appeared maybe a month and a half ago.
my first doctor prescribed me valacyclovir pills, but only 2 weeks worth, and they did not affect the appearance of the bumps at all. he also prescribed me metrinidazole vaginal gel for the BV, which seemed to work initially in at least flushing out the BV infection. however, since my MC infection, i have on and off had BV virtually the entire time, with very strange discharge. the discharge ranges from grayish to neon yellow, is extremely thick, sticky, and clumpy, and it smells not necessarily awful but not healthy if that makes sense. the potency of the smell fluctuates, where some days it has no scent, and other days i can smell it through my pants (can’t believe i’m admitting this online😭). for the BV, i have also tried honeypot brand boric acid capsules that are inserted into the vagina and left overnight. the capsules work to clear the BV temporarily, but it still returns, likely going hand in hand with my molluscum infection. my third doctor that actually diagnosed me provided me with mupirocin ointment to apply to the bumps daily. i was extremely diligent with applying the ointment multiple times daily with clean hands and everything. however, after it did nothing to help for 3 months, i have become more lax with the application, only applying it once a day to no avail.
i will also admit, i have not taken the best care of myself since the initial infection. this last year was my senior year of college, and i have also been working full time and just trying to scrape by. my sleep schedule is non existent especially with some of my shifts only having a 6 hour gap between them, lol. i have felt so ashamed of myself and just hoping the bumps will go away, even though i know that isn’t logical. i have hardly had time to devote to treatment anyway, with my most recent doctors appointment being in november. i definitely entered a state of denial for a while as well where i almost forgot i had the bumps.
now that i have graduated college, i know that i can’t allow myself to live like this anymore. i have read many of the posts in this thread and am so inspired by everyone’s patience and risillience with dealing with this. as a first step, i have started women’s multivitamin supplements to ensure that i am getting 100% of my daily value of vitamin C, zinc, and etc to hopefully help my immune system. i also now have a gynecologist appointment scheduled for this monday, may 17th, to final face my fears and address this again. i plan to update following the appointment, of course.
in addition to just wanting to share my story, i would also like to ask if anyone reading this has advice for treatment strategies and for talking to my doctor. i want to be as thorough as possible with my appointment, because as someone with a bit of ✨ trauma ✨, it is really mentally taxing for me to keep having to show doctor after doctor my vagina. if anyone knows of specific treatment options i should ask about, i would love to hear it. also, if anyone knows about a correlation between MC and BV, i would be really interested to hear about that as well.
thank you so much you guys. to anyone who is struggling with this, you are not alone. you deserve to get better and you WILL get better💛
submitted by sweatpants_on_my_bed to molluscum [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:12 estill0 Folliculitis

34yr old white male, 5’9” 195lb no previous medical conditions, non-smoker I recently noticed some bumps on my groin that I thought were big bites but turns out to be folliculitis. The MD I saw prescribes Mupirocin topical ointment because the lymph node in my groin is pretty swollen. I started having some sensitivity to the skin on my lower abdomen. The sensitivity is only on my skin not deep tissue. Could this be related to the infection or likely something else?
submitted by estill0 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:13 brianna_plautz I developed acute eczema and it hurts please share any advice.

I’ve developed acute eczema on my neck due to a reaction to certain ingredients in a product and it hurts so bad. I think it is short term because I’ve spoken with my dermatologist and it was caused by a product and not something else but I’m so scared. I know it could be a lot worse but my skin hurts so bad and I have a lot of terrible things going on in my life right now so this just makes it so much worse. I deal with a lot of mental pain on a daily basis and the pain and burning sensations I get on my neck just make my everything worse, I can’t help but to cry because my skin looks and feels so bad. The treatments I’ve tried so far are mupirocin ointment, alcometasone dipropionate, and opzelura but I’m going to the dermatologist in the morning to make an appointment because the topical steroids worked but then I had to stop them because they can’t be used long term and I think the opzelura is giving me a bad reaction and I don’t understand because I looked it up and I guess opzelura works for most people. If anyone has any support or any general tips on how to sleep tonight and prevent my skin from literally feeling like it’s burning off when water or anything else touches it please share.
submitted by brianna_plautz to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:53 Slerpentine Can I prescribe myself mupirocin ointment?

I've been a PA for about a month and I know this sounds like a dumb question, I'm just not clear on the rules for this sort of thing. I have a gap in my insurance so I can't see a PCP or urgent care. Is this sort of thing against the rules or is it just frowned upon? Have you ever prescribed something for yourself when you really needed to?
submitted by Slerpentine to physicianassistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:03 livelaughleo Diagnosed with hsv-1 and 2 on a wound on the left side of my face (outer cheek)

20F, 105lbs
Hello, I am currently very lost and confused as I have just been informed that a recent culture of a wound on my face came back positive for both types of HSV.
To give background, I was studying abroad in Spain this past semester and visited Portugal in my last weekend abroad around April 15th. When I got back, I went to the beach for over 6 hours with no sunscreen and got extremely burnt (mistake #1). I didn’t think much of it and kept it pushing. The next day (a Monday) I got up for school and noticed my stomach was upset. My face was also extremely red and now puffy. Later during that day blisters started to form from my sunburn on my face and I also had diarrhea. The next day I felt feverish and just overall really sick. I kept going to the bathroom every 5 minutes and lost many fluids. I was also very dizzy. Turns out I was extremely dehydrated. I went to the local hospital to get an IV where they also diagnosed me with gastroenteritis. After about a week of that, I was finally feeling better and the sun blisters healed quickly.
The next week, as the rest of my fave started to peel, I poorly decided to lightly exfoliate it. I guess I ended up disturbing the skin because over the course of the next few days, the raw area from the sunburn began to scab over and become increasingly bigger. I had no idea what was going on and figured it was just healing. My face then started to swell on the one side and develop small blisters around the area. I thought maybe it was just a result of the sunburn again but when I went to the pharmacy (bc there’s no urgent care in Europe) they said it was herpes. I was in shock and honestly mortified how I could have herpes on my face. I also thing it is important to mention that I have never had a herpes outbreak in my life and never even had a cold sore. I’m also in a long distance relationship so I did not have any physical skin to skin contact with anyone besides my boyfriend when he visited for a few days.
Anyways, I called a private doctor to come to my home to see what was going on. He initially agreed it was herpes but then took a closer look and said it was impetigo. He was unsure so sent it to his dermatologist friend over text who also confirmed impetigo. I was relieved and began antibiotic treatment of augmentine 500mg 3 times a day for 10 days. At this point I was packing to come home from abroad and so mentally exhausted from being sick for the last 2 weeks of my time there. About an hour after I got off the plane my mom and I went to urgent care just to get a confirmation diagnoses. The doctor at urgent care also agreed that it was impetigo but switched my antibiotic to doxycycline for 7 days along with mupirocin ointment. I followed the treatment instructions and by the end of the week it was pretty much fully healing with a few scans still lingering as it was a large and somewhat deep wound. It’s also important to mention that what prompted me to go to urgent care was bc a pimple on the other side of my face that I had popped then became infected as well with the same sore like scab which seemed to further confirm impetigo.
At the end of the week I was scheduled to see a dermatologist just sy for another opinion and advice. After showing her my progress photos and explaining my previous diagnose she insisted I get a culture taken of the wound. About a week later (yesterday) she called to discuss my results and how it came back positive for both hsv types.
As someone who has never had a history of anything like this I am shocked and confused especially as it was on my left outer cheek and not around my mouth. It’s also concerning as I had 0 physical contact with anyone besides my boyfriend in early March. I genuinely have no idea where I contracted this or how long I have had it and I honestly don’t know what this means for me and the rest of my future.
As of right now, everywhere that was scanned or blistered is now pretty much flat and healed besides being a tad bit pink from the new skin underneath the scab. I’d anyone has ever heard of this or has advice for me please let me know what to do and how to go about this from now on.
submitted by livelaughleo to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 04:56 Intelligent_bb itching

i can’t stop itching. i just wanna be pretty in a bikini but im black and i have dark spots & scars now all over my arms & back. THEY COME BACK EVERY SUMMER it actually makes me self homicidal. i don’t take any of the meds (bcs the side effects are worse than the lupus) besides putting the mometasone ointment on. how am i meant to find love when ill forever have skin problems?! HELP ME.
submitted by Intelligent_bb to lupus [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 17:21 gandaniysa Does mupirocin ointment works fast on boils?

i have a massive boil (pigsa) on my forehead and may scholarship exam ako this sundayy. does using mupirocin do the trick?
(I also put hot compress din pa minsan minsan)
submitted by gandaniysa to AskPhilippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 09:59 Fun-Translator-7380 Help!! Raised bumps of dry skin not responding to antibiotics or ointment.

Help!! Raised bumps of dry skin not responding to antibiotics or ointment.
I need help identifying what is happening with my skin. Almost 2 weeks ago, I noticed 2 patches of dry skin appear on my back that had more of a scab-like appearance. Around that time I also noticed dry patches of skin on the back of my neck behind my ear. Since then, these bumps have been increasing in severity in the affected areas. The bumps were initially isolated to my back, but have since shown up on my stomach, arms, and most recently, my legs (not as severe). The bumps are not inherently itchy, but at times they cause discomfort from what I assume is the dry skin. Some of the bumps will have dry scaly skin that flakes off, but the bump still remains. After not resolving on its own, I went to the urgent care since the dermatologist near me is booked out until September. The doctor diagnosed it as a bacterial infection (some kind of staph infection I think) that was acquired by coming into contact with contaminated gym equipment. I was prescribed an antibiotic (Cephalexin) and an ointment (Mupirocin 2%) after day 4 of 7 of antibiotics, there is a lack of results and I might even say my condition has worsened. I am desperately seeking advice as I am struggling to get an appointment with a dermatologist and cannot find any information online about what this could possibly be.
submitted by Fun-Translator-7380 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:17 MuseAlien Severe Eczema- Unique solutions?

Okay! Hi everybody! I’ve been experiencing the worst eczema flare of my life im not even exaggerating. I’ve seen some people post about similar experiences but never any solutions.
I’m in desperate need for solutions. My worst spots are my eyes, my breast (directly on the areolas :/) and my lips. Other spots include the creases of my arms and my neck front and back. Oh and my finger.
So ive been in this flare since 2022. I have been to every doctor in my area, dermatologist, urgent care, allergist, specialist, obgyn, anybody i think would listen. Im heading to an endocrinologist soon to see if they can help me narrow down what may be happening.
Ive tried every available steroid treatment including desonide (my go to for my face) and betamethazone ointment (for body) so any steroid you can name ive tried💀 also the nonsteroidal treatments. The one that helped the most was opzelura but even then i still experienced weeping and lip swelling/ recurrent infection
I have been on so many rounds of antibiotics some only providing temporary relief. This feels like this is gonna be a long post so bear with me.
Before i continue im absolutely not interested in dupixent.
So ive noticed my main triggers are stress at #1, and Fragrance at a close second. Its so bad that if my family lights candles i immediately break into hives and an itching spell then all my eye skin is raw. Lastly propylene glycol some other less severe allergens include honey and formaldehyde
I have tried every over the counter lotion, cream, ointment, soap, non soap substitute, thermal water. You name it no relief
The biggest thing that grinds my gears is that you go into the dermatologists office and they recommend cerve. Like we are past that point. Or using vaseline which i find irritating but when i say that i’m not being heard because most ppl can tolerate vaseline
Even plain water can be irritating for me. Because as I said my skin on my face is usually raw. But i dont like to go without washing even if its just wipe offs because of recurrent infection
This has been going on for so long my mind is blanking on all of the things that i have tried. I do have a purifier and a humidifier. So here is my current routine
Face: 1. Use a warm towel to loosen any soggy skin and mucus in eyes 2. Brush teeth (yes ive tried every toothpaste i seem to be tolerating the burts bees rn) 3. If my skin can tolerate it that day i use a korean skincare cleanser i believe its the haru haru kind 4. Rinse skin with bottled water 5. Spray hypochlorous acid 6. Prebiotic spray 7. Probiotic spray 8. Thermal water 9. Moisturize face except eyes with la roche posay lipkar (i dont think my skin likes this anymore) 10. Vaseline on eyes and lips
Body: I wash with diluted unscented dr bronners Or the eucerin soap substitute which is a recent buy Moisturize with la roche posay (i recently purchased the amlactin but im scared to try it lol)
For the breasts: I do not have kids, so the maternity products dont work. I wish i could insert a picture think of the worst thing you ever saw then multiply it by 10 The eczema covers the entire aerola on both breast, they are both cracked flakey and oozing. It has been biopsied and it showed up as contact eczema however it is not responding to steroids. I am unable to wear bras and i frequently stick to my clothes or the skin rubs off and creates another crack. I recently got a breast exam and she said everything was fine. I almost have to beg for someone to swab me for infection. Anyway i thought it was infected again so for the past 5 days i have been doing the MRSA decolonization with hibiclense and mupirocin. It helped the first 2 days then got angry on day 3
Anyway to clean my chest ive only been rinsing them with bottled water and patting them dry with tissue
Ive tried the diet change & no response. Ive tried herbal remedies, herbal baths, juicing, no response
My current supplement routine includes Omega 3, vitamin d & c, & probiotic
Im miserable, my skin is always oozing raw or peeling. The doctors have been no help. If any body knows how to get some relief please lmk. This is causing me more grief and stress which is a big trigger. Im considering traveling to another state for treatment atp
submitted by MuseAlien to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 23:50 AsparagusImaginary52 Please any advice is appreciated

This started Feb of 2022. It looked like a black spec and when i scratched it to get off it got bigger and puffy, almost made circles like shapes. Accompanied with my hands and feet hot, swollen, stinging, and my nails beds and cuticles have white flakey stuff. It’s itching burning and gets really crusty. When I’ve tried to extract It’s just looks like dry skin. I’ve seen a my primary care, a few dermatologist. Granted when I did so was in the beginning and I got super defeated after being told I’m probably just stressed and self inflicting. My face is clear everywhere else and I’ve always had flawless skin. Now I don’t and this has took a huge blow to my self esteem and depression. Specially working in beauty industry, I feel clients will be scared for me to touch them. I’ve tried doxycycline, amoxicillin, tantrums ointment , mupirocin, clobetasol ointment, ivermectin.. and plenty of skincare I’ve bought to no avail. I can’t live like this anymore, please anyone, know what this could be?
submitted by AsparagusImaginary52 to skin [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 22:30 FunCommunication1443 Mupirocin topical vs. nasal

What is the difference between topical and nasal mupirocin ointment? Aside from the route of administration obviously lol.
Is there a difference in the actual products themselves? Like the ingredients, dose, mechanism of action, coverage, etc?
I have been prescribed topical mupirocin several times for a recurrent staph infection and I have an upcoming appointment with infectious disease to get started on nasal decolonization. I’ve been told by several providers that I’ll likely be prescribed the same ointment by ID, just for nasal application. As a medical lab professional myself, I’m super curious about the difference between the medications (I love micro and learning about antibiotics so I’m too impatient to wait for my appt lol). But on a more serious note, I’d like to go into the appointment with an idea of good questions or concerns about the treatment to bring up with my doctor, and I think a dermatology perspective could be useful here. Thanks!
submitted by FunCommunication1443 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 22:23 TameVulcan Question on Vet Fees

I took my indoor cat to the vet today for a minor wound on his arm. He was prescribed an antibiotic ointment 2% Mupirocin and was given an E-collar.
My out the door price for this visit was $140. We were there for maybe 20mins. The vet said that the wound already looked like it was healing.
Am I going crazy or is this an outrageous charge for treatment that I am going to be administering?
The bill was itemized as: general visit-80$, mupirocin-20$, and the e collar at 30$ (I know I got scammed on that one for sure lol).
Just curious if this has been other peoples financial experience when going to the vet for minor wound
submitted by TameVulcan to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 22:21 TameVulcan Vet Fees for a Visit

Note: this is not a request for medical advice
I took my indoor cat to the vet today for a minor wound on his arm. He was prescribed an antibiotic ointment 2% Mupirocin and was given an E-collar.
My out the door price for this visit was $140. We were there for maybe 20mins. The vet said that the wound already looked like it was healing.
Am I going crazy or is this an outrageous charge for treatment that I am going to be administering?
The bill was itemized as: general visit-80$, mupirocin-20$, and the e collar at 30$ (I know I got scammed on that one for sure lol).
Just curious if this has been other peoples financial experience when going to the vet for minor wounds.
submitted by TameVulcan to CatAdvice [link] [comments]