Myspace crystal ball graphic

First attempt at planted tank... tadpoles, why not?

2024.05.21 14:51 digitalcrunch First attempt at planted tank... tadpoles, why not?

First attempt at planted tank... tadpoles, why not?
Day 1. Java Moss, Dwarf hair grass on potting soil with some seachem flourite black on top. about 1 inch and 1 inch of each. Wife and I found the crystals at a crystal mine in arkansas and thought they'd look nice.
$20 C02 generator.
This is week 2, added some plants (moss balls, anachris from existing fish tank that was my true first attempt with zero knowledge). Plants were sickly from other tank, but all of the bright green is new growth in the new bowl and I forgot what type of plant it is. They grew really fast after basically doing nothing for months in the other tank (no C02 in other tank)
Found some tadpoles so kept them in their own water for a few days to make sure they lived. Added air stone, and fresh seachem that is percolating in a 5 gallon bucket while I prepare my 55 gallon tank.
Tank is a bowl from the thrift shop. I was amazed at how fast everything grew. Tadpoles and snails were cleaning up algae.
After another week or so I saw some legs.
After about 3 weeks I lowered the water so the tadpoles could rest on the top of the plants as their lungs developed.
They would either float, or crawl up on the Java moss and wait while their tails shrunk over a few day period.
These were together quite a bit, so I so let them go together too in same spot, 1 day apart and the first one was still there (in the shaded bushes of the flower bed).
One on the left escaped overnight but I gently caught him and let him out. One of the right took a day more to shrink it's tail before I let it out in the flowerbed.
They are very tiny and I don't know what kind of frog/toad they are. I suspect they are cricket frogs, as creepers have the X pattern on their back and I didn't see the distinctive X.
This frog fits entirely on the size of my pinky nail, so tiny.
Now that I have a few established tanks (I repeated this process with a few large bowls and flower vases) and a 5 gallon bucket of seachme percolating with fishwater seed, I feel confident my 55 gallon tank will turn out great. Fluval aquasky 2.0 and FZONE 4L C02 Generator kit arrived yesterday, so this weekend I'll be setting up the big tank. Thank you all for the inspiration and your photos, I would of not tried this without your examples.
submitted by digitalcrunch to PlantedTank [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:51 ButterscotchQuiet402 What kind of Advocate…

What kind of Advocate…
Puts their victims at risk?! Are you the biggest moron on this planet? If this were a little bit true, you just put these dancers at risk and a target on the back of EVERY 7m dancer in the “cult,” you’re trying to supposedly free them from. What kind of advocate does that?!?!?
Unless this is all bullshit and you’re trying to up the engagement on your channel bc you’re out of content…I know where my money is. Bc if it’s not this, right here, you’re a bigger POS than we all already knew.
submitted by ButterscotchQuiet402 to WOACB [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:45 fjavoj Photography publication /book cover Typography advise :))

Photography publication /book cover Typography advise :))
Hello to everyone in this group this is my first post there and i would like to show some of my book cover drafts :)
For last couple of months i was working on photography project about czech village balls, and now i wanna to do a photogaphy publications from it (its a park school project).
I will be very happy for any comments and opinions for those book covers (front page)
there is 2 versions of it i need to choose only one :)
Yellow is working i think nicely (contrast and not boring color) plus the book will have yellow binding spine.
Tittle PLESÁCI mean somenthing like dancers in czech language but for czech speaker is more fun way how to say dancers... :D
Thank to everyone for opiniton if is it graphically / typographycaly works :)
submitted by fjavoj to typography [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:22 snozog Parking this here for future reference

Real and practical advice for single men - this works
I originally shared this as a reply to someone's post, then felt like a separate post would help more single guys interested in couples. I've been the male 3rd enough times to be able to share what actually works and is a step beyond the more generic advice of "be charming" or "be respectful". For all the single guys out there, good luck and here goes.
Mindset - you are part of their fantasy and there for her pleasure as a priority. You win when both he and she walk out thinking "Wow" without any yellow or red flags from you.
Here's my advice
  1. THE MOST IMPORTANT BIT OF ADVICE - Talk to and engage the M half of the couple. Let him know you know your place in the 3some (i.e. you're there to help them have fun together). It's also a great opportunity to ask him what their fantasy is, what she likes, what he would like to see, and more. Hopefully, they've both talked about this a bunch and he can tell you about that, including any limits. He might even share something special you can do that will blow her mind. By engaging him, with respect, you can find all the help you need in making this work out well for everyone. You don't have to become his best friend, but the more he is comfortable with you, the more they both can relax and enjoy the experience together.
  2. Realize you are part of THEIR fantasy and you will can be invited back if this works out well. So focus on making it work out well for them, being aware and responsive to their needs, what they are looking for. Single, attractive, respectful men are not as common as you might think. Finding one couple that you get on well with and getting invited back will open many doors for you, especially if they have friends or want to invite you to a party. So, focus on giving her pleasure and fun, even if you don't finish yourself. This is really important to remember - focus on her enjoyment.
  3. Sometimes a couple will have a specific fantasy and want you to play a role like being the Dom to her. If you find that out, read up on it, get an idea on what you can do in your own style to play that role. Some couples really enjoy when the woman gets to live out her fantasy with another man, whether she wants to be a sub, or a Dom herself, or even really simple almost vanilla things like, doing a strip tease or being playfully teased. You don't have to be perfect or an expert, but realize your role in this interaction is to help them have fun living out their fantasy.
  4. It should go without saying, but impeccable hygiene is a must. Be trimmed, clean, smelling good, fresh breath, and whatever else you need to do so that she doesn't get distracted. A nice light amount of cologne will work. My advice on cologne is to ask a female friend to pick one for you and then be very subtle with how much you use. Women's noses seem to pickup cologne more than you realize. If you don't have a friend or don't trust cologne being fresh and clean smelling from a shower is great too.
  5. If necessary, drink an energy drink or coffee so you are bursting with energy when you guys get to the bedroom. That new person energy and stamina goes a long way to having her feel good, appreciated, sexy, wanted etc. You might be tempted to drink alcohol before hand, even just to loosen up. My advice would be NOT to drink.
  6. Realize they might be nervous or not sure where to start. That's okay if you gently take the lead and help her relax. Gentle kissing, caressing and laying her down on the bed for you to go down on her is a good start. Don't worry too much though, once you get the ball rolling, just let nature take over. You're all there for the same reason, so just let things flow.
  7. If you are meeting at your place, have a pile of clean towels for them to use. Also of course clean up your place, clean sheets on the bed, etc. Make sure your bathroom and shower are sparkly clean and spray some air freshener around. If necessary, open the windows and air your whole place out just to make things fresher.
  8. Have bottled water and some sugary snacks. The water will keep everyone hydrated and people feel more comfortable when they drink from a water bottle they open themselves. Gatorade is great too. Sugar snacks will give you a short recharge on your energy (saw this on a porn set). Notwithstanding what I said above about skipping alcohol, having a bottle of wine or other alcohol works well as an icebreaker when the couple shows up. Still, one drink max for everyone is my recommendation for your best evening.
  9. Before meeting, send sexy chat notes to her (with him in the same chat) to help build excitement in her mind and between them. Keep things subtle, share how excited you are, be playful and easy about it. Too many texts, getting too heavy or too graphic can ruin the mood. And as a general rule, don't send a dick pic. Just don't. You might be tempted to show off, but she can enjoy it when you two are together in person.
  10. Check in with him, getting his permission in a friendly way, for anything you want to do that you haven't already talked about. You might find things unfolding naturally in new directions and he(and then her) will feel better when they see you check in with them. Remember, he's sharing his girl with you, the more he and then she trust you the better things will turn out.
  11. Always respect what she says. If she doesn't like something stop. If she wants more of something or asks for something you haven't already talked about, then check in with him to make sure it's okay. Interestingly enough, he may ask you to do something she doesn't want or like. You know how it is with guys, sometimes they can get carried away. If this happens, the best answer is to respect what she says, and suggest something else instead. She will be happier, trust you more for respecting her voice and overall, they will have a better time.
  12. When things are winding down, look for their cues that it's time for you to leave (if you are at their place) or for them to leave (if they are at your place). This is a good time to make sure they know where the towels are, that they can shower, offer them water, etc. You know, all the "how to be a good host stuff".
  13. As they are about to go, you can share with them how much you enjoyed the evening and checkin with them, to see if they enjoyed themselves. If they did, you usually don't have to ask. A nice sensual kiss and a hug for her works. Next, it's REALLY IMPORTANT that you thank him for sharing. If you stop and think for a moment, he just shared the most important person in his life with you in a very intimate and private way. You got a gift from him. Be respectful and say thank you with honesty and heartfelt integrity. This can help him and her see that you have character and understand your role.
  14. Make sure you know, respect and follow THEIR rules about communicating. In general, you can avoid problems by making sure you always communicate with BOTH of them. Sometimes, either she or he will text or call you separately. Just make sure that you ask, know and follow their rules about this. Also, if they do say it's okay for you to talk to each of them separately, it's best to keep the other person involved and aware when you do. This shows simple respect for each of them as individuals and their relationship. The same goes for meeting up with them as individuals. Know, respect and follow THEIR rules.
  15. Performance issues: if you need to, take a small dose of viagra or cialis to help get over anxiety issues. But don't over do it if you haven't taken it before. You don't want to get too much of a headache or other side effects. One side effect of these meds is that they can also make it harder for you to finish. But don't worry about that because you focusing on her this time is the big win for you.
EDIT: Cardio FTW - being in great cardio shape pays dividends all around. Beyond aesthetics for your potential partner, increased stamina means you get less tired during your play time and can choose when to stop vs having to stop because you are badly out of breath. It can also help with exhaustion based performance issues. Last point is that when you click with someone, it's nice to be able to keep going just for their pleasure.
  1. Last note - If things work out for you to meet and then you all have a good time, you can be the fuel for new passion and excitement for them and their relationship. In the least you can give them good memories. Maybe it can even develop into something long term.
  2. Additional note about follow-up: After you leave or they leave, a short polite text thanking them both for a great time is a nice thing to do. Keep it short, simple and don't worry about setting up your next play time, instead just thank them. This gives them feedback that you enjoyed them and opens the door for them to share back to you, as well as ask you later for another play date. Realize that they might not get back to your right away and that's okay. They may have moved family, work or other obligations to make space for this date, and then have to catch back up with all those things the next day. If they had a good time with you and want more, they'll reach out.
If anyone else has advice, pls feel free to add it. Everyone wins when you do.
EDIT/UPDATE: For all those that found this helpful. Great! For those who gave feedback on how this advice doesn't work for you, cool. I just shared to be helpful. For those who think I'm implying that the woman is a possession, that's not the point. I actually paused when writing the section about the guy sharing his girl, I thought someone will take this wrong. Maybe it's a guy respect thing, but it's certainly not to imply any sort of ownership. For the people who think this is icky, I'm just trying to help single guys. If it doesn't work for you, you can ignore it. :) Last thought: this isn't the only way for people to do things. I shared to be helpful. Nothing more. No agenda, no service, no sales pitch. Just giving back to the community.
Edit #2: Added the point about follow-up text. Edit #3: Added the point about cardio.
submitted by snozog to u/snozog [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:15 fjavoj Photography publication /book cover advise :))

Hello to everyone in this group this is my first post there and i would like to show some of my book cover drafts :)
For last couple of months i was working on photography project about czech village balls, and now i wanna to do a photogaphy publications from it (its a park school project).
I will be very happy for any comments and opinions for those book covers (front page)
there is 3 versions of it i need to choose only one :)
Yellow is working i think nicely (contrast and not boring color) plus the book will have yellow binding spine.
Tittle PLESÁCI mean somenthing like dancers in czech language but for czech speaker is more fun way how to say dancers... :D
Thank to everyone for opiniton if is it graphically works :)
submitted by fjavoj to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:25 Simpilicious Moveset suggestions and inconsistencies in Crystal Legacy: A comprehensive list for discussion

Hi all,
So with the talks about upcoming adjustments to Crystal Legacy in the wake of the Yellow Legacy release I'd figure I would contribute with some of the moves, stats and misc changes I've noticed (and wished for) when playing the game. This is a lot of suggestions from my own personal taste but I have noticed a few inconsistencies as well that I've listed below. Maybe this could be of help to the developers now that they look at changes done in Yellow or as a base of discussion on this forum. Hopefully others can chime in with suggestions or themes that I've missed or argue why the additions below are good/bad.
It is mostly about increasing HM availability to smoothen out the gameplay experience (I love the Cut buffs but no matter what I do I always find myself with a bit of a conundrum when team building fitting a Cut user in. Never really liked wasting a move slot on a 50 BP move). I love how Legacy made it so that more than like 6 Water Pokémon could use Waterfall for example, or that Rock Smash is actually a good move. This is building on that. I've also noticed that there where massive learnset buffs in Gen 3 and I feel like loads of these would work well here without ruining the experience or balance.
Also, the change/addition I would like the most is a MOVE TUTOR for all the Gen 1 TM's. A lot of Pokémon would benefit massively from Substitute, Swords Dance, Explosion, Rock Slide etc etc and it would also make it so that you can skip a lot of complicated and time consuming breeding.
Anyways, here is the list. I've put the change in the middle column so that is a move that I feel would make sense if the Pokémon would learn, or maybe it is a move it did learn a generation or two later but did not in Gen 2.
Pokémon Change Motivation
Aerodactyl HM04 Strength Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Aipom Mega Punch/Dizzy Punch/Comet punch Makes sense to get at least one punch by level-up when the tail is a giant fist and it gets all possible punches by TM.
Alakazam Mind Reader Makes sense thematically even though the move is kinda meh.
Arcanine HM04 Strength Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Ariados HM01 Cut Makes sense with the Fangs doesn't it? Would also buff it's useability in a normal playthrough and benefit a lot from the Cut changes. As mentioned in the comments, Bite would also make a lot of sense with the Fangs.
Azumarill Belly Drum by level-up With that high HP, decent defense and happy smile and big belly it would both be a buff to get it more easily than breeding and kinda make sense.
Corsola HM07 Waterfall Should probably get all the Water-based HMs
Dewgong Megahorn Would maybe help it to differentiate from Lapras? Gets it in Gen 8.
Dewgong HM04 Strength Did learn it in Gen 1 but never again. Maybe add it back?
Dodrio Jump/Double Kick To be synchronized with Yellow legacy it should probably get 1 fighting move (Double Kick, Jump Kick or Hi Jump Kick). Also gets it in later gens.
Dragonite HM01 Cut Learns Fury Cutter but not Cut. Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Dragonite Earthquake Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards. Could see it being extremely strong though.
Dugtrio +10 ATT Got its attack buffed in Yellow Legacy, but perhaps not needed here?
Dunsparce Shadow Ball Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Dunsparce Earthquake Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Espeon Mind Reader Makes sense thematically even though the move is kinda meh.
Espeon Sun Stone evolution Gets Morning Sun as a move. Would make evolution easier. Would be more aligned with other eeveelutions.
Farfetch'd MANY Needs a lot. Maybe get +10 to all stats as in Yellow Legacy or Attack buffed to 90 as in Gen 7. Maybe learn moves such as Wing Attack and Rock Smash? Buff the item held rate of Stick so it is more easily accessible? Move to an earlier route so it can be used early game at least?
Fearow Sky Attack Should probably learn the best flying move by either level-up or breeding.
Flareon HM04 Strength Aligned with learnsets from GEN 4 and onwards
Forretress Earthquake Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Girafarig HM05 Flash Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Golbat HM02 Fly Synched with Yellow Legacy and aligned with learnsets from GEN 4 and onwards
Golduck HM01 Cut Learns Fury Cutter but not Cut.
Golem HM01 Cut Learns Fury Cutter but not Cut.
Granbull Earthquake Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Gyarados Earthquake Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Hitmonchan Earthquake Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards (IMO this doesn't really make sense to me but added it anyways)
Hitmonlee Earthquake Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards (IMO this doesn't really make sense to me but added it anyways)
Hitmontop Earthquake Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards (IMO this doesn't really make sense to me but added it anyways)
Hypno Dream Eater Should really learn Dream Eater as a level up move (it is the Dream Eater Pokémon after all).
Jolteon HM04 Strength Aligned with learnsets from GEN 4 and onwards
Jynx HM05 Flash Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Kabutops Dig Gets Dig as an egg move but not as a TM?
Kangaskhan HM01 Cut Learns Fury Cutter but not Cut. Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Kingler Dig Gets Dig as an egg move but not as a TM?
Lapras Earthquake Gets it in Gen 9 (IMO this doesn't really make sense to me but added it anyways)
Ledian HM04 Strength Aligned with learnsets from GEN 4 and onwards
Lugia HM05 Flash Aligned with learnsets from GEN 4 and onwards and Ho-oh gets it.
Magcargo HM05 Imo it really makes sense that a Pokémon with a flame on it should be able to light a cave.
Magneton Spike Cannon Maybe a stretch but let's pretend the Spikes are Screws? Would give it an extra STAB-move which could be interesting against Rock/Ground types that try to counter it?
Mantine +10 HP Got +20 HP in Gen 7 but +10 ATT in Crystal Legacy. Feel like a +10 HP alongside the attack buff would make it a bit more tempting to use as a special defensive sponge.
Muk HM04 Strength Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Muk Rock Smash Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Murkrow Thief by level-up Being a crow I feel like this makes sense thematically.
Nidoking HM01 Cut Learns Fury Cutter but not Cut. Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Nidoking Megahorn Perhaps very strong but makes sense thematically and aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Nidoqueen HM01 Cut Learns Fury Cutter but not Cut. Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Octillery HM07 Waterfall Should probably get all the Water-based HMs
Persian HM01 Cut Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards and Yellow Legacy changes.
Persian Thief / Fury Cutter / Attack buff (?) Thief makes sense thematically as a level-up move. Maybe should get Fury Cutter too. Great speed but feels kinda lackluster in Attack when the crit-mechanic changed in Gen 2.
Pinsir Earthquake Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Porygon2 Shadow Ball Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Primeape Earthquake Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards (IMO this doesn't really make sense to me but added it anyways)
Qwilfish Shadow Ball Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Rapidash HM04 Strength Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Rapidash Megahorn / Double/Jump Kick Ponyta gets Double Kick but Rapidash should probably too, or a more powerful version. Megahorn would make sense as a late-game power move and it is aligned with later gens.
Rhydon HM01 Cut Learns Fury Cutter but not Cut. Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Rhydon Megahorn Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards and makes sense thematically.
Seel Encounter when surfing in Goldenrod? Like seels outside bigger cities, could be a surf encounter to the west of Goldenrod? Would make it less of a "out of the way"-option than only being in Whirl Islands. A bit more tempting with the Dewgong buffs too.
Slowbro HM01 Cut Learns Fury Cutter but not Cut.
Slowbro HM06 Whirlpool Should probably get all the Water-based HMs (especially since Slowking does)
Slowking HM01 Cut Learns Fury Cutter but not Cut.
Slowking Mind Reader Makes sense thematically even though the move is kinda meh.
Stantler Megahorn/Double Kick/Shadow Ball It gets Megahorn in Gen 4. Double Kick in Gen 4. Shadow Ball in Gen 3. All make perfect sense thematically as well.
Togetic Screens / Softboiled Reflect + Light Screen would greatly improve on it's role as more of a utility/support-Pokémon. Softboiled because it is an egg.
Umbreon Moon Stone evolution Gets Moonlight as a move. Would make evolution easier. Would be more aligned with other eeveelutions.
Vaporeon HM04 Strength Aligned with learnsets from GEN 4 and onwards
Venasaur HM04 Strength Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Venasaur Earthquake Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Venomoth Sleep Powder Venonat get it at 36, but the evolution is at 31. I guess this is intentional but I'd rater see Venomoth get Sleep Powder as well without holding of the evolution.
Weezing HM05 Flash Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Xatu Shadow Ball Aligned with learnsets from GEN 3 and onwards
Yanma Steel Wing / Pursuit / Shadow Ball Gets Steel Wing and Shadow Ball in Gen 3 and Pursuit in Gen 4. Pursuit especially makes a lot of sense as it is a Dragonfly which are excellent hunters and flyers. Would make it slightly more useable as its buffed attack is a bit wasted on its moves.
submitted by Simpilicious to PokemonLegacy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:12 IcePopsicleDragon Senua's Saga: Hellblade I Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Senua's Saga: Hellblade II
Developer: Ninja Theory
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 84 average - 86% recommended - 55 reviews
MetaCritic - 81 average - 34 reviews

Critic Reviews

AltChar - Asmir Kovacevic - 95 / 100
Few games in recent times have been able to do what Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 has done: make me feel so engaged and immersed that I wish the feeling would never stop. It is a game that will keep you in constant awe throughout the playtime with its fantastic and mysterious story, incredible graphic and sound presentation and realistic and brutal combat that will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time.
But Why Tho? - Mick Abrahamson - 7.5 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II won’t be for everyone. But if you are looking for a brutal continuation of a fantastic story that feels like you’re actually playing a movie, you’ll have a great time here.
CGMagazine - Justin Wood - 7 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 starts incredibly strong in the first half, but after certain revelations, the story speeds up to a point where the conclusion feels rushed and half-baked.
COGconnected - Mark Steighner - 95 / 100
It has been a very long time since I played a game as assured, polished, and emotionally affecting as Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2.
Cerealkillerz - Steve Brieller - German - 7.9 / 10
If you expect an immersive but not so interactive “game”, Senua’s Saga Hellblade II delivers a short yet intense experience. Ninja Theory has once again skillfully created an impressive atmosphere, as they did in Senua’s Sacrifice. Unfortunately, the issues remain as well: Puzzles and combat are too easy and there is no variety in either. So please keep in mind, that this is more a Hellblade 1.5 than a true sequel.
Checkpoint Gaming - Charlie Kelly - 10 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is well worth the wait and is a serious game of the year contender. Senua's follow-up journey is the best exploration of mental health that we've seen in games to date, using incredibly striking visual imagery, metaphors and immersive soundscapes to have you feel right there next to her. In what has to be the most photo-realistic game of all time, you're guaranteed to be constantly taken by the hero's adventure as you take in the beautiful and often haunting Viking Iceland. Through mud and dirt, blood and bones, Senua and Ninja Theory in turn bare all to you, the player. A masterpiece, benchmark and magnum opus, Hellblade II is crucial storytelling you won't soon forget.
Console Creatures - Patrick Tremblay - Recommended
With Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2, Ninja Theory shows that video games can be more than simple entertainment: they can be profound artistic and emotional explorations, capable of touching and transforming those who play them. This is an unforgettable journey into the heart of Iceland's darkness, where every step of Senua is a step towards self-discovery.
Digital Trends - Tomas Franzese - 4 / 5
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is a visual stunner for Xbox even if its gameplay isn't too creative.
Echo Boomer - David Fialho - Portuguese - Essential
Ninja Theory has finally delivered the long-awaited and provocative sequel to Hellblade, with one of the most impressive interactive cinematic experiences of the generation, which makes you question what is real and leaves you dreaming of the graphic potential of future games still on current consoles. - Christos Chatzisavvas - Greek - 9.5 / 10
With Senua's Saga: Hellblade II, Ninja Theory builds the game it dreamed of, creating a title on a larger scale than any other.
Eurogamer - Johnny Chiodini - 5 / 5
Hellblade 2 continues Senua's story with grace, confidence, surprising brutality and thundering conviction.
GAMES.CH - Olaf Bleich - German - 89%
The game sucks you skin and hair into its fantasy world and creates such an intense bond with the characters and their stories that you want to know at every second how the adventure ends.
Game Informer - Marcus Stewart - 9 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II’s conclusion ends on another strong note, and despite my initial reservations about continuing Senua’s story, I walked away happy to see her conquer new monsters, both literal and metaphorical.
GameSpot - Jess Cogswell - 6 / 10
Hellblade 2 is perhaps the most visually remarkable Xbox title to date, but is ultimately undermined by its emphasis on fidelity over story and gameplay.
GamingTrend - Cassie Peterson - 95 / 100
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a stunning and immersive storytelling experience that really puts the player into the mind of its titular character. It's even more narratively-focused than the first game (not to its detriment), with a bigger emphasis on how Senua sees and interacts with the world around her. The whole experience from start to finish has been beyond memorable.
Generación Xbox - Pedro del Pozo - Spanish - 9.3 / 10
Ninja Theory manages to place Senua in the Olympus of videogames with the most visually and sonorously powerful game we have seen so far. A spectacular, stunning and awe-inspiring journey.
IGN - Tristan Ogilvie - 8 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is another Viking-worthy feast for the senses that meets the high bar set by its predecessor, even if it never really manages to clear it.
INVEN - Soojin Kim - Korean - 8.5 / 10
The game's high level of immersion makes you want to play it from start to finish in one sitting. With outstanding audiovisual presentation and effects, it gives the feeling that you're playing a movie, not watching it. However, the gameplay elements, such as combat and puzzles, still lack significant meaning, which leads to rather disappoint feelings.
Kakuchopurei - Jonathan Leo - 80 / 100
While the story & gameplay's broad strokes might be familiar, Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2's execution, perspective, and overall production values are just stellar and highlights Ninja Theory's strengths in delivering what it does best: story-heavy cinematic gaming. The characters are fleshed out and well-written, with proper focus on your main character and her turmoils that carry over from the first game, the fighting feels weighty and challenging without being completely frustrating, and the HUD-less approach to presentation is welcome.
Kotaku - Claire Jackson - Unscored
A spellbinding meditation on anguish and compassion, Hellblade II delivers one of the most gripping interactive and sensory experiences of 2024
Merlin'in Kazanı - Murat Oktay - Turkish - 89 / 100
The chaotic story of Senua continues. We set out to take revenge on the Viking raiders who have inflicted devastating losses on the people of Orkney.
Metro GameCentral - GameCentral - 5 / 10
A joyless slog of barely interactive entertainment and a muddled portrayal of mental illness… that just so happens to have the best graphics ever on a video game console.
MondoXbox - Giuseppe Genga - Italian - 9.5 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a true masterpiece: a deep and highly immersive narrative experience that manages to make us feel all the protagonist's torment within an impressively realistic world. Ninja Theory reveals itself to be one of the most valuable studios in the Xbox stable here, reaching levels of absolute excellence in graphics, audio, narration, and acting. A must-play.
New Game Network - Alex Varankou - 70 / 100
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II keeps the basics intact, and while a strong lead character, great animations, and simple but enjoyable combat continue to deliver, the poor pacing and performance issues prevent this sequel from breaking free of its past.
Nexus Hub - Sam Aberdeen - 8 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is the best-looking game we've ever played - a true visual powerhouse backed by an emotionally charged story and gripping dark fantasy setting, if you can look past some of its shortcomings.
One More Game - Chris Garcia - 9 / 10
Hellblade 2 is a triumph in masterful storytelling and impeccable audio design for Ninja Theory. It is an emotionally powerful experience that depicts a sensitive subject that is hardly talked about in the medium.
To achieve this, the game stripped out several features and systems like combat and exploration in favor of a deeper narrative affair. This is not for everyone, but it is something I would encourage everyone to try at least try out.
Oyungezer Online - Onur Kaya - Turkish - 8 / 10
Next gen graphics and presentation is now among us, next gen game design on the other hand, will be running late.
PC Gamer - Robin Valentine - 58 / 100
Despite its greater scale and visual splendour, this sequel fails to escape the shadow of its predecessor with a muddled tale that Senua herself feels out of place in.
PCGamesN - Cheri Faulkner - 9 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is an impeccable story of coming to terms with trauma and making difficult decisions, punctuated by moments of outstanding beauty and strength.
Pixel Arts - Danial Dehghani - Persian - 9 / 10
Hellblade 2 is a stellar example of a sequel done right, building on the elements that made the original a landmark in gaming. It stays true to its roots, prioritizing depth and atmosphere over broad appeal. Fans of the first game will find much to love here, as it remains a unique and compelling experience. However, if the original didn't resonate with you, Hellblade 2 follows a similar path and might not change your mind.
Polygon - Yussef Cole - Unscored
Where the first game felt like a journey of self-discovery, both for Senua and for the player, Hellblade 2 feels more invested in creating the myth of Senua: Senua as legendary giant slayer, as mystical seer touched by the underworld.
Press Start - Brodie Gibbons - 9 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is yet another arresting, artful chapter in an adventure now two games long. Though it might approach iteration with a very safe hand, only going so far as to correct the original's shortcomings, Ninja Theory's clear strengths in story craft, audiovisual design, as well as their care for the dark subject matter manage to shine through brighter than ever before.
Rectify Gaming - Tyler Nienburg - 10 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II emerges as a visual and storytelling masterpiece, and is unquestionably the best-looking game I've witnessed on Xbox Series X since its launch.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Rick Lane - Unscored
A more uncompromising version of the first game, Hellblade 2 offers a well told story and immaculate presentation. But it's also even simpler, to the point where it treats interaction like an inconvenience. - Matúš Štrba - Slovak - 9.5 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is, at its core, a short game, but an excellent one. But it's not for everyone. It's a bloody and often disgusting experience based on strong emotions and immersion in a character that just won't let you go. It's more of an artistic experience than a traditional game.
Saudi Gamer - Arabic - 10 / 10
An exceptionally well realized portrayal of Senua's struggle both real and praying on her fears, with brutal and satisfying combat and puzzles that require you to appreciate the world. It successfully continues what the first game started and improves upon almost every aspect.
Seasoned Gaming - Ainsley Bowden - 9 / 10
Senua's Saga is a journey unlike any other. It's fantastical, evocative, and demonstrative of Ninja Theory being masters of their craft.
Shacknews - TJ Denzer - 9 / 10
Hellblade 2 still does incredibly well. The new story is weighty, the audio is exceptional, the scenery is ridiculously dense and rich, and the combat feels intense and impactful in new and interesting ways.
Slant Magazine - Justin Clark - 3.5 / 5
The newest chapter in Senua’s story is powerfully told but feels like it’s missing a few pages.
Spaziogames - Gianluca Arena - Italian - 7.6 / 10
Senua's Saga is as strong as its predecessor, if not more, and delivers both in its storytelling and on the technical side. The gameplay, however, has still a lot of room for improvements and boils down to almost-QTE combat and boring puzzles. An experience more than an actual and so-called video game, but an experience worth living nonetheless.
Stevivor - Jay Ball - 9.5 / 10
Senua’s Saga Hellblade 2 is a video game only on its surface. Scratch that away and you’ll see that it’s a deep, thought-provoking, interactive experience proving games are an art form that demands skill and talent. Ninja Theory should be very proud.
TechRaptor - Robert Scarpinito - 7.5 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II features intense audio, beautiful graphics, and wonderful camera work, creating a powerful presentation that’s worth experiencing. However, the narrative doesn’t quite stick the landing.
The Escapist - Unscored

Video Review - Quote not available

The Outerhaven Productions - Jordan Andow - 5 / 5
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II sets a new bar for performances and presentation. Combined with smart improvements to gameplay, it is arguably the most cinematic, immersive, story-driven experience we’ve ever seen.
TheSixthAxis - Dominic Leighton - Unscored
Just like its forbear, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is an oppressive, powerful and haunting example of the power of video games, and one that sets its own parameters for what a digital experience can be. It is a game that must be experienced, not least because, there’s nothing else quite like it.
Tom's Hardware Italia - Andrea Riviera - Italian - 10 / 10
What Ninja Theory has achieved transcends reality, creating a work that is practically perfect for what it aimed to be: an audiovisual adventure with a strong narrative component. Beyond state-of-the-art graphics and sound that will undoubtedly set a standard in the coming years, what truly astonishes is the maturity with which the team has taken an excellent game like the first Hellblade and molded it into something so qualitatively impressive that it becomes difficult to even describe. This elevates the medium to a new communicative level, capable of evoking emotions and surprising players from start to finish. Experiences like Hellblade 2, which leave a lasting impression on the soul, are few and far between in a generation, and we can only rejoice in seeing how the beautiful artistic vision of the Ninja Theory team has become a reality.
Too Much Gaming - Carlos Hernandez - 5 / 5
Hellblade 2 feels like a living, breathing shapeshifter, manipulating its surroundings around the player with precision and consistency, making it one of the most visually stunning video games of this generation. This is an amazing title that carefully balances its artistic and gaming ambitions, a masterpiece that I encourage any gamer to experience.
TrueAchievements - Sean Carey - 9 / 10
Ninja Theory has created an outstanding sequel with Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2. An unforgettable narrative adventure that is brought to life through impeccable sound design, fantastic visuals, and a story that will stick with you long after the final credits roll. Hellblade 2 is one of the best games Xbox has to offer.
TrueGaming - عمر العمودي - Arabic - 8 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a technical achievement for the gaming industry, the visuals are impressive and realistic in a way we haven't seen before and the audio design is very impressive. The game itself though, we think it could've offered more as puzzles are repetitive and combat is quite limited. However, the storytelling is strong in this chapter of Senua's journey, though it feels heavy and depressing.
VideoGamer - Tom Bardwell - 9 / 10
Though uncomfortably bleak and distressing, Helldivers 2 is something truly special.
WellPlayed - James Wood - 6 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is an achievement in visual fidelity but fails to define itself amid clumsy retreads and unengaging new ideas.
Worth Playing - Chris "Atom" DeAngelus - 7 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a beautiful but ultimately hollow game. The fantastic presentation props up a story that is less personal and engaging than in the first game, and the gameplay feels like an afterthought. It was great to see Senua again and to see her outside of the grief-misery she was enveloped in during the first game, but beyond that, there's not much to Hellblade II. It's a short and less memorable experience that shows off Ninja Theory's visual craft to its fullest - but it achieves little else.
Xbox Achievements - Dan Webb - 90%
While Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 might not set any new standards with its simplistic gameplay mechanics, from an audio-visual experience standpoint, it's frankly quite a stunning experience. Hellblade 2 is as close to playing the leading role in a big budget movie as you’re likely to get, and Ninja Theory’s continued coverage on the complexities of severe mental health issues deserves to be commended once more. Bravo, Ninja Theory. Bravo.
XboxEra - Jon Clarke - 10 / 10
Despite the backing of a company as large and as well-funded as Microsoft, Ninja Theory have, in my opinion, nurtured their independent spirit and kept it well and truly alive in every facet of Senua's Saga: Hellblade II. It's brutal. It's breath-taking. It's brilliant. If this is “Independent AAA”?
Sign me up for more. - Bartosz Michalik - Polish - 9.5 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is undoubtedly one of the best games of this year. Not only does it shine in terms of audio-visual setting, but also in terms of story. The only element that could be considered caveat is at the same time its greatest asset, namely cinematography. Sometimes one gets the impression that the developers, in an effort to achieve the best possible effect, had to make a lot of compromises, which significantly limited the gameplay possibilities. Nevertheless, for a great narrative and immersion, this is something to turn a blind eye to.
submitted by IcePopsicleDragon to hellblade [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:01 Turbostrider27 Senua's Saga: Hellblade II Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Senua's Saga: Hellblade II
Developer: Ninja Theory
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 84 average - 86% recommended - 55 reviews

Critic Reviews

AltChar - Asmir Kovacevic - 95 / 100
Few games in recent times have been able to do what Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 has done: make me feel so engaged and immersed that I wish the feeling would never stop. It is a game that will keep you in constant awe throughout the playtime with its fantastic and mysterious story, incredible graphic and sound presentation and realistic and brutal combat that will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time.
But Why Tho? - Mick Abrahamson - 7.5 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II won’t be for everyone. But if you are looking for a brutal continuation of a fantastic story that feels like you’re actually playing a movie, you’ll have a great time here.
CGMagazine - Justin Wood - 7 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 starts incredibly strong in the first half, but after certain revelations, the story speeds up to a point where the conclusion feels rushed and half-baked.
COGconnected - Mark Steighner - 95 / 100
It has been a very long time since I played a game as assured, polished, and emotionally affecting as Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2.
Cerealkillerz - Steve Brieller - German - 7.9 / 10
If you expect an immersive but not so interactive “game”, Senua’s Saga Hellblade II delivers a short yet intense experience. Ninja Theory has once again skillfully created an impressive atmosphere, as they did in Senua’s Sacrifice. Unfortunately, the issues remain as well: Puzzles and combat are too easy and there is no variety in either. So please keep in mind, that this is more a Hellblade 1.5 than a true sequel.
Checkpoint Gaming - Charlie Kelly - 10 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is well worth the wait and is a serious game of the year contender. Senua's follow-up journey is the best exploration of mental health that we've seen in games to date, using incredibly striking visual imagery, metaphors and immersive soundscapes to have you feel right there next to her. In what has to be the most photo-realistic game of all time, you're guaranteed to be constantly taken by the hero's adventure as you take in the beautiful and often haunting Viking Iceland. Through mud and dirt, blood and bones, Senua and Ninja Theory in turn bare all to you, the player. A masterpiece, benchmark and magnum opus, Hellblade II is crucial storytelling you won't soon forget.
Console Creatures - Patrick Tremblay - Recommended
With Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2, Ninja Theory shows that video games can be more than simple entertainment: they can be profound artistic and emotional explorations, capable of touching and transforming those who play them. This is an unforgettable journey into the heart of Iceland's darkness, where every step of Senua is a step towards self-discovery.
Digital Trends - Tomas Franzese - 4 / 5
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is a visual stunner for Xbox even if its gameplay isn't too creative.
Echo Boomer - David Fialho - Portuguese - Essential
Ninja Theory has finally delivered the long-awaited and provocative sequel to Hellblade, with one of the most impressive interactive cinematic experiences of the generation, which makes you question what is real and leaves you dreaming of the graphic potential of future games still on current consoles. - Christos Chatzisavvas - Greek - 9.5 / 10
With Senua's Saga: Hellblade II, Ninja Theory builds the game it dreamed of, creating a title on a larger scale than any other.
Eurogamer - Johnny Chiodini - 5 / 5
Hellblade 2 continues Senua's story with grace, confidence, surprising brutality and thundering conviction.
GAMES.CH - Olaf Bleich - German - 89%
The game sucks you skin and hair into its fantasy world and creates such an intense bond with the characters and their stories that you want to know at every second how the adventure ends.
Game Informer - Marcus Stewart - 9 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II’s conclusion ends on another strong note, and despite my initial reservations about continuing Senua’s story, I walked away happy to see her conquer new monsters, both literal and metaphorical.
GameSpot - Jess Cogswell - 6 / 10
Hellblade 2 is perhaps the most visually remarkable Xbox title to date, but is ultimately undermined by its emphasis on fidelity over story and gameplay.
GamingTrend - Cassie Peterson - 95 / 100
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a stunning and immersive storytelling experience that really puts the player into the mind of its titular character. It's even more narratively-focused than the first game (not to its detriment), with a bigger emphasis on how Senua sees and interacts with the world around her. The whole experience from start to finish has been beyond memorable.
Generación Xbox - Pedro del Pozo - Spanish - 9.3 / 10
Ninja Theory manages to place Senua in the Olympus of videogames with the most visually and sonorously powerful game we have seen so far. A spectacular, stunning and awe-inspiring journey.
IGN - Tristan Ogilvie - 8 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is another Viking-worthy feast for the senses that meets the high bar set by its predecessor, even if it never really manages to clear it.
INVEN - Soojin Kim - Korean - 8.5 / 10
The game's high level of immersion makes you want to play it from start to finish in one sitting. With outstanding audiovisual presentation and effects, it gives the feeling that you're playing a movie, not watching it. However, the gameplay elements, such as combat and puzzles, still lack significant meaning, which leads to rather disappoint feelings.
Kakuchopurei - Jonathan Leo - 80 / 100
While the story & gameplay's broad strokes might be familiar, Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2's execution, perspective, and overall production values are just stellar and highlights Ninja Theory's strengths in delivering what it does best: story-heavy cinematic gaming. The characters are fleshed out and well-written, with proper focus on your main character and her turmoils that carry over from the first game, the fighting feels weighty and challenging without being completely frustrating, and the HUD-less approach to presentation is welcome.
Kotaku - Claire Jackson - Unscored
A spellbinding meditation on anguish and compassion, Hellblade II delivers one of the most gripping interactive and sensory experiences of 2024
Merlin'in Kazanı - Murat Oktay - Turkish - 89 / 100
The chaotic story of Senua continues. We set out to take revenge on the Viking raiders who have inflicted devastating losses on the people of Orkney.
Metro GameCentral - GameCentral - 5 / 10
A joyless slog of barely interactive entertainment and a muddled portrayal of mental illness… that just so happens to have the best graphics ever on a video game console.
MondoXbox - Giuseppe Genga - Italian - 9.5 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a true masterpiece: a deep and highly immersive narrative experience that manages to make us feel all the protagonist's torment within an impressively realistic world. Ninja Theory reveals itself to be one of the most valuable studios in the Xbox stable here, reaching levels of absolute excellence in graphics, audio, narration, and acting. A must-play.
New Game Network - Alex Varankou - 70 / 100
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II keeps the basics intact, and while a strong lead character, great animations, and simple but enjoyable combat continue to deliver, the poor pacing and performance issues prevent this sequel from breaking free of its past.
Nexus Hub - Sam Aberdeen - 8 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is the best-looking game we've ever played - a true visual powerhouse backed by an emotionally charged story and gripping dark fantasy setting, if you can look past some of its shortcomings.
One More Game - Chris Garcia - 9 / 10
Hellblade 2 is a triumph in masterful storytelling and impeccable audio design for Ninja Theory. It is an emotionally powerful experience that depicts a sensitive subject that is hardly talked about in the medium.
To achieve this, the game stripped out several features and systems like combat and exploration in favor of a deeper narrative affair. This is not for everyone, but it is something I would encourage everyone to try at least try out.
Oyungezer Online - Onur Kaya - Turkish - 8 / 10
Next gen graphics and presentation is now among us, next gen game design on the other hand, will be running late.
PC Gamer - Robin Valentine - 58 / 100
Despite its greater scale and visual splendour, this sequel fails to escape the shadow of its predecessor with a muddled tale that Senua herself feels out of place in.
PCGamesN - Cheri Faulkner - 9 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is an impeccable story of coming to terms with trauma and making difficult decisions, punctuated by moments of outstanding beauty and strength.
Pixel Arts - Danial Dehghani - Persian - 9 / 10
Hellblade 2 is a stellar example of a sequel done right, building on the elements that made the original a landmark in gaming. It stays true to its roots, prioritizing depth and atmosphere over broad appeal. Fans of the first game will find much to love here, as it remains a unique and compelling experience. However, if the original didn't resonate with you, Hellblade 2 follows a similar path and might not change your mind.
Polygon - Yussef Cole - Unscored
Where the first game felt like a journey of self-discovery, both for Senua and for the player, Hellblade 2 feels more invested in creating the myth of Senua: Senua as legendary giant slayer, as mystical seer touched by the underworld.
Press Start - Brodie Gibbons - 9 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is yet another arresting, artful chapter in an adventure now two games long. Though it might approach iteration with a very safe hand, only going so far as to correct the original's shortcomings, Ninja Theory's clear strengths in story craft, audiovisual design, as well as their care for the dark subject matter manage to shine through brighter than ever before.
Rectify Gaming - Tyler Nienburg - 10 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II emerges as a visual and storytelling masterpiece, and is unquestionably the best-looking game I've witnessed on Xbox Series X since its launch.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Rick Lane - Unscored
A more uncompromising version of the first game, Hellblade 2 offers a well told story and immaculate presentation. But it's also even simpler, to the point where it treats interaction like an inconvenience. - Matúš Štrba - Slovak - 9.5 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is, at its core, a short game, but an excellent one. But it's not for everyone. It's a bloody and often disgusting experience based on strong emotions and immersion in a character that just won't let you go. It's more of an artistic experience than a traditional game.
Saudi Gamer - Arabic - 10 / 10
An exceptionally well realized portrayal of Senua's struggle both real and praying on her fears, with brutal and satisfying combat and puzzles that require you to appreciate the world. It successfully continues what the first game started and improves upon almost every aspect.
Seasoned Gaming - Ainsley Bowden - 9 / 10
Senua's Saga is a journey unlike any other. It's fantastical, evocative, and demonstrative of Ninja Theory being masters of their craft.
Shacknews - TJ Denzer - 9 / 10
Hellblade 2 still does incredibly well. The new story is weighty, the audio is exceptional, the scenery is ridiculously dense and rich, and the combat feels intense and impactful in new and interesting ways.
Slant Magazine - Justin Clark - 3.5 / 5
The newest chapter in Senua’s story is powerfully told but feels like it’s missing a few pages.
Spaziogames - Gianluca Arena - Italian - 7.6 / 10
Senua's Saga is as strong as its predecessor, if not more, and delivers both in its storytelling and on the technical side. The gameplay, however, has still a lot of room for improvements and boils down to almost-QTE combat and boring puzzles. An experience more than an actual and so-called video game, but an experience worth living nonetheless.
Stevivor - Jay Ball - 9.5 / 10
Senua’s Saga Hellblade 2 is a video game only on its surface. Scratch that away and you’ll see that it’s a deep, thought-provoking, interactive experience proving games are an art form that demands skill and talent. Ninja Theory should be very proud.
TechRaptor - Robert Scarpinito - 7.5 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II features intense audio, beautiful graphics, and wonderful camera work, creating a powerful presentation that’s worth experiencing. However, the narrative doesn’t quite stick the landing.
The Escapist - Unscored

Video Review - Quote not available

The Outerhaven Productions - Jordan Andow - 5 / 5
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II sets a new bar for performances and presentation. Combined with smart improvements to gameplay, it is arguably the most cinematic, immersive, story-driven experience we’ve ever seen.
TheSixthAxis - Dominic Leighton - Unscored
Just like its forbear, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is an oppressive, powerful and haunting example of the power of video games, and one that sets its own parameters for what a digital experience can be. It is a game that must be experienced, not least because, there’s nothing else quite like it.
Tom's Hardware Italia - Andrea Riviera - Italian - 10 / 10
What Ninja Theory has achieved transcends reality, creating a work that is practically perfect for what it aimed to be: an audiovisual adventure with a strong narrative component. Beyond state-of-the-art graphics and sound that will undoubtedly set a standard in the coming years, what truly astonishes is the maturity with which the team has taken an excellent game like the first Hellblade and molded it into something so qualitatively impressive that it becomes difficult to even describe. This elevates the medium to a new communicative level, capable of evoking emotions and surprising players from start to finish. Experiences like Hellblade 2, which leave a lasting impression on the soul, are few and far between in a generation, and we can only rejoice in seeing how the beautiful artistic vision of the Ninja Theory team has become a reality.
Too Much Gaming - Carlos Hernandez - 5 / 5
Hellblade 2 feels like a living, breathing shapeshifter, manipulating its surroundings around the player with precision and consistency, making it one of the most visually stunning video games of this generation. This is an amazing title that carefully balances its artistic and gaming ambitions, a masterpiece that I encourage any gamer to experience.
TrueAchievements - Sean Carey - 9 / 10
Ninja Theory has created an outstanding sequel with Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2. An unforgettable narrative adventure that is brought to life through impeccable sound design, fantastic visuals, and a story that will stick with you long after the final credits roll. Hellblade 2 is one of the best games Xbox has to offer.
TrueGaming - عمر العمودي - Arabic - 8 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a technical achievement for the gaming industry, the visuals are impressive and realistic in a way we haven't seen before and the audio design is very impressive. The game itself though, we think it could've offered more as puzzles are repetitive and combat is quite limited. However, the storytelling is strong in this chapter of Senua's journey, though it feels heavy and depressing.
VideoGamer - Tom Bardwell - 9 / 10
Though uncomfortably bleak and distressing, Helldivers 2 is something truly special.
WellPlayed - James Wood - 6 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is an achievement in visual fidelity but fails to define itself amid clumsy retreads and unengaging new ideas.
Worth Playing - Chris "Atom" DeAngelus - 7 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a beautiful but ultimately hollow game. The fantastic presentation props up a story that is less personal and engaging than in the first game, and the gameplay feels like an afterthought. It was great to see Senua again and to see her outside of the grief-misery she was enveloped in during the first game, but beyond that, there's not much to Hellblade II. It's a short and less memorable experience that shows off Ninja Theory's visual craft to its fullest - but it achieves little else.
Xbox Achievements - Dan Webb - 90%
While Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 might not set any new standards with its simplistic gameplay mechanics, from an audio-visual experience standpoint, it's frankly quite a stunning experience. Hellblade 2 is as close to playing the leading role in a big budget movie as you’re likely to get, and Ninja Theory’s continued coverage on the complexities of severe mental health issues deserves to be commended once more. Bravo, Ninja Theory. Bravo.
XboxEra - Jon Clarke - 10 / 10
Despite the backing of a company as large and as well-funded as Microsoft, Ninja Theory have, in my opinion, nurtured their independent spirit and kept it well and truly alive in every facet of Senua's Saga: Hellblade II. It's brutal. It's breath-taking. It's brilliant. If this is “Independent AAA”?
Sign me up for more. - Bartosz Michalik - Polish - 9.5 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is undoubtedly one of the best games of this year. Not only does it shine in terms of audio-visual setting, but also in terms of story. The only element that could be considered caveat is at the same time its greatest asset, namely cinematography. Sometimes one gets the impression that the developers, in an effort to achieve the best possible effect, had to make a lot of compromises, which significantly limited the gameplay possibilities. Nevertheless, for a great narrative and immersion, this is something to turn a blind eye to.
submitted by Turbostrider27 to Games [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:30 Xbox-Moderator Senua's Saga: Hellblade II - Review Thread

Senua's Saga: Hellblade II - Review Thread
Game Title: Senua's Saga: Hellblade II
  • Xbox Series X/S (May 21, 2024)
  • PC (May 21, 2024)
Developer: Ninja Theory
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 83 average - 85% recommended - 65 reviews

Critic Reviews

AltChar - Asmir Kovacevic - 95 / 100
Few games in recent times have been able to do what Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 has done: make me feel so engaged and immersed that I wish the feeling would never stop. It is a game that will keep you in constant awe throughout the playtime with its fantastic and mysterious story, incredible graphic and sound presentation and realistic and brutal combat that will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time.
But Why Tho? - Mick Abrahamson - 7.5 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II won’t be for everyone. But if you are looking for a brutal continuation of a fantastic story that feels like you’re actually playing a movie, you’ll have a great time here.
CGMagazine - Justin Wood - 7 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 starts incredibly strong in the first half, but after certain revelations, the story speeds up to a point where the conclusion feels rushed and half-baked.
COGconnected - Mark Steighner - 95 / 100
It has been a very long time since I played a game as assured, polished, and emotionally affecting as Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2.
Cerealkillerz - Steve Brieller - German - 7.9 / 10
If you expect an immersive but not so interactive “game”, Senua’s Saga Hellblade II delivers a short yet intense experience. Ninja Theory has once again skillfully created an impressive atmosphere, as they did in Senua’s Sacrifice. Unfortunately, the issues remain as well: Puzzles and combat are too easy and there is no variety in either. So please keep in mind, that this is more a Hellblade 1.5 than a true sequel.
Checkpoint Gaming - Charlie Kelly - 10 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is well worth the wait and is a serious game of the year contender. Senua's follow-up journey is the best exploration of mental health that we've seen in games to date, using incredibly striking visual imagery, metaphors and immersive soundscapes to have you feel right there next to her. In what has to be the most photo-realistic game of all time, you're guaranteed to be constantly taken by the hero's adventure as you take in the beautiful and often haunting Viking Iceland. Through mud and dirt, blood and bones, Senua and Ninja Theory in turn bare all to you, the player. A masterpiece, benchmark and magnum opus, Hellblade II is crucial storytelling you won't soon forget.
Console Creatures - Patrick Tremblay - Recommended
With Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2, Ninja Theory shows that video games can be more than simple entertainment: they can be profound artistic and emotional explorations, capable of touching and transforming those who play them. This is an unforgettable journey into the heart of Iceland's darkness, where every step of Senua is a step towards self-discovery.
Digital Trends - Tomas Franzese - 4 / 5
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is a visual stunner for Xbox even if its gameplay isn't too creative.
Eurogamer - Johnny Chiodini - 5 / 5
Hellblade 2 continues Senua's story with grace, confidence, surprising brutality and thundering conviction.
Game Informer - Marcus Stewart - 9 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II’s conclusion ends on another strong note, and despite my initial reservations about continuing Senua’s story, I walked away happy to see her conquer new monsters, both literal and metaphorical.
Game Rant - Anthony Taormina - 4 / 5
There is simply nothing else like Hellblade 2 on the market and that alone kept me enthralled the whole way through. Its pared-down elements might not be mechanically complex, but they give the story a momentum that makes it hard to put down. Ninja Theory tackles themes that are challenging and not often seen in games, with a backdrop that vacillates between the epic and the intimate. It's approach doesn't have widespread appeal, but Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 is as close to an interactive movie as we’ve seen yet.
GameSpot - Jess Cogswell - 6 / 10
Hellblade 2 is perhaps the most visually remarkable Xbox title to date, but is ultimately undermined by its emphasis on fidelity over story and gameplay.
GamingTrend - Cassie Peterson - 95 / 100
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a stunning and immersive storytelling experience that really puts the player into the mind of its titular character. It's even more narratively-focused than the first game (not to its detriment), with a bigger emphasis on how Senua sees and interacts with the world around her. The whole experience from start to finish has been beyond memorable.
Generación Xbox - Pedro del Pozo - Spanish - 9.3 / 10
Ninja Theory manages to place Senua in the Olympus of videogames with the most visually and sonorously powerful game we have seen so far. A spectacular, stunning and awe-inspiring journey.
IGN - Tristan Ogilvie - 8 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is another Viking-worthy feast for the senses that meets the high bar set by its predecessor, even if it never really manages to clear it.
Kotaku - Claire Jackson - Unscored
A spellbinding meditation on anguish and compassion, Hellblade II delivers one of the most gripping interactive and sensory experiences of 2024
MondoXbox - Giuseppe Genga - Italian - 9.5 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a true masterpiece: a deep and highly immersive narrative experience that manages to make us feel all the protagonist's torment within an impressively realistic world. Ninja Theory reveals itself to be one of the most valuable studios in the Xbox stable here, reaching levels of absolute excellence in graphics, audio, narration, and acting. A must-play.
New Game Network - Alex Varankou - 70 / 100
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II keeps the basics intact, and while a strong lead character, great animations, and simple but enjoyable combat continue to deliver, the poor pacing and performance issues prevent this sequel from breaking free of its past.
Nexus Hub - Sam Aberdeen - 8 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is the best-looking game we've ever played - a true visual powerhouse backed by an emotionally charged story and gripping dark fantasy setting, if you can look past some of its shortcomings.
PC Gamer - Robin Valentine - 58 / 100
Despite its greater scale and visual splendour, this sequel fails to escape the shadow of its predecessor with a muddled tale that Senua herself feels out of place in.
PCGamesN - Cheri Faulkner - 9 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is an impeccable story of coming to terms with trauma and making difficult decisions, punctuated by moments of outstanding beauty and strength.
Pixel Arts - Danial Dehghani - Persian - 9 / 10
Hellblade 2 is a stellar example of a sequel done right, building on the elements that made the original a landmark in gaming. It stays true to its roots, prioritizing depth and atmosphere over broad appeal. Fans of the first game will find much to love here, as it remains a unique and compelling experience. However, if the original didn't resonate with you, Hellblade 2 follows a similar path and might not change your mind.
Polygon - Yussef Cole - Unscored
Where the first game felt like a journey of self-discovery, both for Senua and for the player, Hellblade 2 feels more invested in creating the myth of Senua: Senua as legendary giant slayer, as mystical seer touched by the underworld.
Press Start - Brodie Gibbons - 9 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is yet another arresting, artful chapter in an adventure now two games long. Though it might approach iteration with a very safe hand, only going so far as to correct the original's shortcomings, Ninja Theory's clear strengths in story craft, audiovisual design, as well as their care for the dark subject matter manage to shine through brighter than ever before.
Rectify Gaming - Tyler Nienburg - 10 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II emerges as a visual and storytelling masterpiece, and is unquestionably the best-looking game I've witnessed on Xbox Series X since its launch.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Rick Lane - Unscored
A more uncompromising version of the first game, Hellblade 2 offers a well told story and immaculate presentation. But it's also even simpler, to the point where it treats interaction like an inconvenience. - Matúš Štrba - Slovak - 9.5 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is, at its core, a short game, but an excellent one. But it's not for everyone. It's a bloody and often disgusting experience based on strong emotions and immersion in a character that just won't let you go. It's more of an artistic experience than a traditional game.
Saudi Gamer - Arabic - 10 / 10
An exceptionally well realized portrayal of Senua's struggle both real and praying on her fears, with brutal and satisfying combat and puzzles that require you to appreciate the world. It successfully continues what the first game started and improves upon almost every aspect.
Seasoned Gaming - Ainsley Bowden - 9 / 10
Senua's Saga is a journey unlike any other. It's fantastical, evocative, and demonstrative of Ninja Theory being masters of their craft.
Shacknews - TJ Denzer - 9 / 10
Hellblade 2 still does incredibly well. The new story is weighty, the audio is exceptional, the scenery is ridiculously dense and rich, and the combat feels intense and impactful in new and interesting ways.
Slant Magazine - Justin Clark - 3.5 / 5
The newest chapter in Senua’s story is powerfully told but feels like it’s missing a few pages.
Spaziogames - Gianluca Arena - Italian - 7.6 / 10
Senua's Saga is as strong as its predecessor, if not more, and delivers both in its storytelling and on the technical side. The gameplay, however, has still a lot of room for improvements and boils down to almost-QTE combat and boring puzzles. An experience more than an actual and so-called video game, but an experience worth living nonetheless.
Stevivor - Jay Ball - 9.5 / 10
Senua’s Saga Hellblade 2 is a video game only on its surface. Scratch that away and you’ll see that it’s a deep, thought-provoking, interactive experience proving games are an art form that demands skill and talent. Ninja Theory should be very proud.
TechRaptor - Robert Scarpinito - 7.5 / 10
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II features intense audio, beautiful graphics, and wonderful camera work, creating a powerful presentation that’s worth experiencing. However, the narrative doesn’t quite stick the landing.
TheSixthAxis - Dominic Leighton - Unscored
Just like its forbear, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is an oppressive, powerful and haunting example of the power of video games, and one that sets its own parameters for what a digital experience can be. It is a game that must be experienced, not least because, there’s nothing else quite like it.
Tom's Hardware Italia - Andrea Riviera - Italian - 10 / 10
What Ninja Theory has achieved transcends reality, creating a work that is practically perfect for what it aimed to be: an audiovisual adventure with a strong narrative component. Beyond state-of-the-art graphics and sound that will undoubtedly set a standard in the coming years, what truly astonishes is the maturity with which the team has taken an excellent game like the first Hellblade and molded it into something so qualitatively impressive that it becomes difficult to even describe. This elevates the medium to a new communicative level, capable of evoking emotions and surprising players from start to finish. Experiences like Hellblade 2, which leave a lasting impression on the soul, are few and far between in a generation, and we can only rejoice in seeing how the beautiful artistic vision of the Ninja Theory team has become a reality.
Too Much Gaming - Carlos Hernandez - 5 / 5
Hellblade 2 feels like a living, breathing shapeshifter, manipulating its surroundings around the player with precision and consistency, making it one of the most visually stunning video games of this generation. This is an amazing title that carefully balances its artistic and gaming ambitions, a masterpiece that I encourage any gamer to experience.
TrueAchievements - Sean Carey - 9 / 10
Ninja Theory has created an outstanding sequel with Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2. An unforgettable narrative adventure that is brought to life through impeccable sound design, fantastic visuals, and a story that will stick with you long after the final credits roll. Hellblade 2 is one of the best games Xbox has to offer.
TrueGaming - عمر العمودي - Arabic - 8 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a technical achievement for the gaming industry, the visuals are impressive and realistic in a way we haven't seen before and the audio design is very impressive. The game itself though, we think it could've offered more as puzzles are repetitive and combat is quite limited. However, the storytelling is strong in this chapter of Senua's journey, though it feels heavy and depressing.
WellPlayed - James Wood - 6 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is an achievement in visual fidelity but fails to define itself amid clumsy retreads and unengaging new ideas.
Windows Central - Zachary Boddy - 4.5 / 5
A game like Senua's Saga: Hellblade II can only be the result of years of passion and talent, captivating you with its unbelievable visuals, impeccable audio design, and powerful thought-provoking narrative. It's a veritable masterpiece, but it's just shy of perfection thanks to an average PC port and some minor criticisms.
Worth Playing - Chris "Atom" DeAngelus - 7 / 10
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is a beautiful but ultimately hollow game. The fantastic presentation props up a story that is less personal and engaging than in the first game, and the gameplay feels like an afterthought. It was great to see Senua again and to see her outside of the grief-misery she was enveloped in during the first game, but beyond that, there's not much to Hellblade II. It's a short and less memorable experience that shows off Ninja Theory's visual craft to its fullest - but it achieves little else.
Xbox Achievements - Dan Webb - 90%
While Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 might not set any new standards with its simplistic gameplay mechanics, from an audio-visual experience standpoint, it's frankly quite a stunning experience. Hellblade 2 is as close to playing the leading role in a big budget movie as you’re likely to get, and Ninja Theory’s continued coverage on the complexities of severe mental health issues deserves to be commended once more. Bravo, Ninja Theory. Bravo.
XboxEra - Jon Clarke - 10 / 10
Despite the backing of a company as large and as well-funded as Microsoft, Ninja Theory have, in my opinion, nurtured their independent spirit and kept it well and truly alive in every facet of Senua's Saga: Hellblade II. It's brutal. It's breath-taking. It's brilliant. If this is “Independent AAA”?
submitted by Xbox-Moderator to xbox [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:48 Jako3334074 [PC (Flash)][Early 2000s] 1v1 Stick fighting game similar to e.g. street fighter

Platform(s): PC (Flash)
Genre: Fighting Game
Estimated year of release: sometime in the 2000s, had a saved version with the old pink diamond flash logo
Graphics/art style: The battles took place in a white 3d box-like arena, the characters themselves were made up of white segments with a ball for the head & hands, and rounded triangles for the feet I believe, overall it was very minimalist looking. Graphical effects like the fireball or the beam attack were just drawn with simple gradient-shaded spheres, cones & cylinders.
Notable characters: There were not really characters to speak of as it was mostly a multiplayer 1v1 game and had the aforementioned minimalist graphics. (2 people on one keyboard), I believe you could customize the head of your character though
Notable gameplay mechanics: It worked somewhat like e.g. Street Fighter, you could walk forward/back, jump, light attack, heavy attack (believe it was a button hold), and guard. There was also some special input melee attacks you could do like a back-flip kick. There was also a "magic/psychic abilities" toggle, if you turned this on, you would unlock new abilities after a certain number of matches, lvl 0 was flight (double tapping up i believe, put you in a free-movement flight with legs dangling straight below you); then a fireball (hold attack, back, forward) which could be guided by holding up or down, then a "beam of pain" (?) which was similar to a kamehameha (hold attack, back, up, forward), some other moves i can't remember but i believe one was an "install" (temporary powerup). I think it was still possible to do these without unlocking the tutorial for each one.
Other details: Matches started with a 3,2,1, countdown. I don't think there was any music during actual gameplay, only during the menus if at all. When you hit your opponent or vice versa it knocked their head back kind of like physics-styled.
submitted by Jako3334074 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:49 pevasi Risk of changes in Super legislation

I am fairly new to Australia, so don't have much idea about what the government here is trying to do in terms of Super legislation. I know nobody has a crystal ball or sees into the minds of politicians, but maybe at least terms of probability I can get some idea here. Maybe some of my concerns have been discussed in the parliament before etc.
I am thinking of sacrificing most of my salary into Super to clear out my large carry-forward facility and make use of the lower tax. My Super is < 100k now so it's not like I would be overloading it. On the other hand I don't love the idea of putting all my income to be locked away instead of growing my ETFs, I would do it for tax optimisation purposes (although I will likely be partially hit with Division 293). I have about 20 years to age 60.
I was wondering how likely it is that in the mean time:
submitted by pevasi to fiaustralia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:29 Count-Daring243 Best Co Witness Red Dot

Best Co Witness Red Dot
Welcome to our latest product review featuring the Co Witness Red Dot. This versatile accessory has been making waves in the shooting community for its sleek design and impressive performance. In this article, we will be diving into its features, pros, and cons, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of whether it's the right fit for your shooting needs. So, buckle up and prepare to learn all about the Co Witness Red Dot.

The Top 13 Best Co Witness Red Dot

  1. Thomas & Betts Red-Dot Weather-proof 1-Gang Co Witness Red Dot Cover for FS Boxes - The Thomas & Betts Red Dot Weather-proof 1-Gang blank cover offers rugged protection for wiring devices, switches, and electronic components in harsh environments, with clean cover edges for excellent gasket sealing and convenient mounting options.
  2. Rugged, University Red Nike KD 13 EP Sneaker - Unleash your inner hoop star with the Nike KD 13 TB 'University Red', boasting a robust rubber sole, stylish round toe, and dual Zoom Air units for unrivaled comfort and performance on the court.
  3. Hardwired Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector with AA Battery Backup - With its reliable hardwired connection and 85-decibel alarm, the Kidde Code One Hardwired Interconnectable Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector provides peace of mind against smoke and CO hazards.
  4. Kidde 10-Year Sealed Battery Smoke and CO Detector with Voice Alert - Kidde's 10-year lithium battery-powered Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector with a voice alarm system provides reliable protection against emergencies and features photoelectric and electrochemical sensing technology for enhanced performance.
  5. Red Dot Vertical Weatherproof Cover for Co Witness - The Red Dot CKMUV provides weatherproof protection and OSHA compliance for receptacles, switches, and plugs in dry and wet locations, with die-cast aluminum construction, NEMA 3R rating, and flexibility in installation.
  6. Red Dot VXG-11 Co Witness Sight Ceiling Light - The Red Dot VXG-11-C 1/2" Ceiling Cross Feed light fixture offers a vapor-tight design, corrosion-resistant screws, and a durable, UL-listed construction for efficient and safe lighting solutions.
  7. Smart Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detector with Lithium Battery Backup - Kidde's Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector offers reliable protection with a 10-year lithium battery, ionization sensor technology, and interconnection capability for up to 24 alarms, while meeting multiple industry standards.
  8. Easy-to-Use Rust-Resistant Home Fire Extinguisher - Stay safe with the Kidde Full Home Fire Extinguisher, featuring a clear step-by-step instruction label, a rust-resistant nylon handle, and easy-to-read pressure gauge for quick access in emergencies.
  9. Stylish Red Polka Dot Leather Wallet from Comme des Garçons - Elevate your wallet game with the Comme des Garçons calf-leather wallet, showcasing a striking polka dot print in bright red and ivory white, offering a stylish all-around zip fastening with a main compartment and card slots.
  10. 10-Year Worry-Free Sealed Battery Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector with Voice Alarm (2-Pack) - This Kidde 2-Pack smoke and carbon monoxide detector provides worry-free protection with a voice alarm, sealed-in lithium battery, and easy installation, but may have performance issues over its 10-year lifespan.
  11. Comme des Garçons Polka Dot Print Zip-Around Wallet in Red - Make a bold statement with the red polka dot-print Comme des Garçons zip-around wallet, offering an elegant blend of style and functionality.
  12. Premium Polka Dot Treat Bags for Gifting and Parties - Dazzle your guests at parties with these vibrant, durable 20 ct Red Dots Cello Bags, perfect for candies, treats, and more.
  13. Red Polka Dot Balloons for Birthdays & Celebrations - Add a vibrant touch to any celebration with Ruby Red Dots 12" Latex Balloons, featuring eye-catching polka dots and excellent helium quality for a fun and durable decoration option.
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🔗Thomas & Betts Red-Dot Weather-proof 1-Gang Co Witness Red Dot Cover for FS Boxes
As a reviewer, I've been using the Red-Dot CCB 1-Gang RT Blank Cover in my daily life for a few weeks now, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for me. One of the features that stood out for me is the die-cast construction and industrial design, which offers a rugged, protective enclosure for my devices.
The clean cover edges provide excellent gasket sealing, keeping my wiring devices and electronic components safe from dust, moisture, and other potential hazards. I also appreciate the precision cast and machined surfaces that allow me to safely pull wires without damaging any components.
However, there's one downside I've noticed - it can be a bit tricky to mount the cover using the convenient mounting lugs, especially if I'm working in tight spaces. Despite this minor inconvenience, the Red-Dot CCB 1-Gang RT Blank Cover has been a reliable and effective solution to keep my wiring devices and electronics protected in a variety of situations.

🔗Rugged, University Red Nike KD 13 EP Sneaker
As a sneaker enthusiast, I recently tried the Nike KD 13 'University Red' in men's size 10. The moment I slipped my foot into the shoe, I felt the comfort of the synthetic upper material. The rubber sole with a flat heel was perfect for my outdoor workouts. The round toe and full-length Zoom Air unit provided an excellent fit and responsiveness.
The shoe's standout feature was the all-over graphic print inspired by hip-hop culture. The metallic gold Swoosh branding added an opulent touch. However, I found that the design made the shoes a bit flashy for my everyday casual wear.
Overall, the Nike KD 13 'University Red' is a durable, stylish, and comfortable sneaker. While the graphic print might not be for everyone, the shoe's performance and comfortable fit make it a solid choice for those who appreciate eye-catching design.

🔗Hardwired Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector with AA Battery Backup
I've been using the Kidde Code One hardwired smoke and carbon monoxide detector in my home for a few months now. It's a reliable safety device that's been working smoothly. The photoelectric sensor detects visible fire particles, perfect for detecting slow smoldering fires. I also appreciate the electrochemical carbon monoxide sensor that uses an 85-decibel alarm when it senses a hazard. The unit is interconnected, which means all the installed detectors will sound their alarms if one detects a threat.
However, I do wish the unit would be a little more user-friendly in terms of the hush feature, as it seems a bit too sensitive. It can be quite tricky to get it to work without accidental activation. Another improvement needed is the battery backup, which, although convenient, can be less reliable over time.
Overall, the Kidde Code One hardwired smoke and carbon monoxide detector is a decent safety device for home use. It might require a bit of patience while installing and dealing with the hush feature. But once you get it working, it's a great device to have in your home to protect you from potential fire and carbon monoxide hazards.

🔗Kidde 10-Year Sealed Battery Smoke and CO Detector with Voice Alert
I had high hopes for this Kidde Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector when I installed it in my home. The voice warning system was a nice touch, and I appreciated that it had a 10-year battery life. But, it wasn't long before I started experiencing some disappointing issues.
Firstly, the device seemed over-sensitive. It would randomly go off in the middle of the night, causing disruptions to our sleep. Even when cooking with the stove or using the fireplace, the alarm would sound without any apparent reason. This unnecessary alarming made me question the product's reliability.
On top of that, the battery life didn't seem to last as long as advertised. After a year, I had to replace the batteries, which was quite inconvenient considering the product's claim that the batteries would last 10 years.
Despite these drawbacks, the Kidde Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector's biggest plus was its simplicity. There were no complex settings to navigate, making it easy to use, especially for people who might not be tech-savvy.
In conclusion, while the Kidde Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector had its unique advantages, it was let down by its inconsistent performance and battery life. I would recommend looking into other brands that promise better reliability and safety.

🔗Red Dot Vertical Weatherproof Cover for Co Witness
The Red Dot CKMUV is a versatile, weatherproof cover that's been a lifesaver in my outdoor projects. I've used it to protect receptacles, switches, and plugs in both dry and wet locations, ensuring their safety and longevity.
One feature I love about this cover is its deep design that keeps the elements out, even for large extension cords. The installation process was a breeze, and once it's in place, it's secure and stays put. While the cover is a bit taller than other options, it's a small price to pay for the additional protection it offers.
However, the one drawback I've noticed is that it seems to be attracting some corrosion over time, which may impact its performance in the long run. But overall, the Red Dot CKMUV has been a reliable and effective solution for my outdoor electrical needs.

🔗Red Dot VXG-11 Co Witness Sight Ceiling Light
Recently, I tried out the Red Dot VXG-11-C ceiling cross feed vapor tight outdoor light fixture, and let me tell you, it was a breeze to install. The outlet box cap and globe make the whole process quite safe and easy. I particularly liked the copper-free aluminum and stainless steel screws, which really upped the corrosion resistance of the product. That's something we can all appreciate, right?
One thing I noticed was the high quality replaceable porcelain socket with high temperature leads - it's clear that they've put a lot of thought into durability. It's always a relief when you don't have to worry about replacing parts for a while. However, I did notice a limitation with the globe: it was only suitable for 200-Watt incandescent bulbs and certain compact fluorescent ones. This could potentially limit the flexibility of the fixture.
I appreciated the fact that the globe was made of lime crystal glass which is shatterproof. The fixture was UL listed, which added more peace of mind. So, all in all, it was a pleasant experience using this product, but there's always room for improvements. It's all about striking the right balance, isn't it?

🔗Smart Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detector with Lithium Battery Backup
I recently encountered the Kidde Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector, Hardwired with Lithium Battery Backup, and gave it a try in my home. The first thing that stood out was its reliability. Being hardwired, it's not dependent on batteries that need regular replacement, which is a great feature if you forget to change them. Additionally, the lithium battery backup provides an extra layer of protection during power failures, allowing you to rely on it during emergencies.
One of the most impressive functions is the interconnect capability, allowing you to link up to 24 of these alarms together. This creates an extensive network of protection throughout your home, ensuring every room stays safe.
However, there were a few downsides I noticed. The first was the sensitivity of the alarm, which could be a bit too reactive for my liking. It went off a few times unexpectedly, causing a bit of anxiety when there was no actual danger. Another issue was the difficulty I experienced with the disable feature. Although it's designed to be user-friendly, I found it a bit confusing and difficult to use.
Overall, the Kidde Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector is a reliable and robust device that provides peace of mind with its dual-sensor technology and lithium backup. The only downside is that it seems a bit more sensitive than necessary, which could lead to false alarms.

🔗Easy-to-Use Rust-Resistant Home Fire Extinguisher
I recently added a Kidde Full Home Fire Extinguisher to my household, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. First of all, it's easy to use - even if you've never had to operate a fire extinguisher before. The clear instruction label with graphics is a lifesaver, and the easy-to-read gauge ensures you always know if your fire extinguisher is charged and ready to go.
Speaking of the safety pin, it's designed to be easy-to-pull in an emergency, which is exactly what you want when time is of the essence. The rust- and impact-resistant nylon handle is a nice touch too, as it ensures the extinguisher stays in good condition for years to come.
The highlight of my experience, though, is the peace of mind I've gained knowing that I have a reliable fire extinguisher on hand. It's always in the back of my mind when I'm cooking or working in the garage, and that sense of security is priceless. All in all, I'd highly recommend this product to anyone looking to protect their home and family.

🔗Stylish Red Polka Dot Leather Wallet from Comme des Garçons
I recently gave the Comme des Garçons Red Polka Dot calf-leather wallet a whirl in my daily life, and let me tell you; it's a stylish and functional accessory that adds a touch of flair to my outfits. Made with high-quality calf leather, this wallet has a classic look that's perfect for any occasion. The polka dot print adds a playful edge, making it stand out amongst my other wallets.
One highlight of this wallet is its all-around zip fastening, which ensures that my essential cards and cash are safely secured without the need for any fuss. The main compartment and card slots are easy to access and use, making it a cinch to organize my belongings.
Though I love the design and functionality of this wallet, there's one aspect that could use improvement: the wallet's size. While it's compact enough for everyday use, it might not be the best choice for travelers who need to carry more than just the basics.
Overall, I'd recommend this Comme des Garçons wallet to anyone looking for a stylish and functional accessory to add to their outfit. Just be mindful of its size when planning to use it on the go.

🔗10-Year Worry-Free Sealed Battery Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector with Voice Alarm (2-Pack)
I recently had the opportunity to test out the Kidde 10 Year Worry-Free Sealed Battery Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector, and let me tell you, it's quite the experience. While some of the reviews I came across had high praise for the product, I personally didn't have the best luck with it.
The first thing that stood out to me was the ease of installation. It's a simple process, and the instructions are clear. But once I had it up and running, I noticed something concerning: it would occasionally false alarm. Now, I'm not talking about a few random beeps here and there. This thing would go off like a fire alarm during a zombie apocalypse.
The voice alarm feature was supposed to be a perk, but honestly, it just made it worse. Instead of a calm, clear voice letting me know there was an issue, it sounded like someone hitting a red siren button. It was absolutely terrifying, and not conducive to a good night's sleep.
On the positive side, the sealed-in lithium battery did last for the full 10 years as advertised. And the end-of-life warning was a nice touch, letting me know when it was time to replace the unit.
However, the cons definitely outweighed the pros here. The false alarms were a huge issue, and the voice alarm feature was more of a hindrance than a help. After experiencing these issues, I had to permanently disable the alarm, which kind of defeats the purpose of having one in the first place.
Overall, the Kidde 10 Year Worry-Free Sealed Battery Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector didn't live up to my expectations. While it's a handy product to have around the house, I wouldn't recommend it based on my experience. There are other brands out there that might provide a more reliable and less terrifying solution.

🔗Comme des Garçons Polka Dot Print Zip-Around Wallet in Red
As a fan of unique and functional wallets, I was excited to try out this red polka dot-print zip-around wallet from COMME DES GARÇONS. Walking around town with this wallet drew a lot of attention from fashion enthusiasts, and I could immediately tell it's made from high-quality red and white leather.
One of the features that stood out to me was the partitioned compartment. It made organizing my bills and cards a breeze, eliminating the mess that usually comes with carrying around a wallet filled with miscellaneous items. The coin pocket was also a great addition, ensuring I didn't lose track of my loose change.
However, the zip-around closure did require a bit more effort to open and close, which wasn't the smoothest experience. Additionally, the debossed internal logo could have been a bit more subtle. Nonetheless, these minor shortcomings didn't detract from the overall style and functionality of this wallet.
In conclusion, this COMME DES GARÇONS wallet is a standout choice for anyone looking for a unique, high-quality accessory that carries both style and practicality.

🔗Premium Polka Dot Treat Bags for Gifting and Parties
Last week, I was on the hunt for unique and vibrant treat bags for a friend's birthday party. I came across these polka dot cellophane bags and let me tell you, they truly stood out! The bright pink color added excitement and festivity to the festivities. The plastic material was a great choice, as it was sturdy enough to hold a variety of treats and the bags had a classic design that made them perfect for gifting.
Not only did they hold up well, but they also had the perfect size for small treats and candies. I appreciated that they could be used for various occasions, not just birthday parties. They were also reasonably priced, which made them an even better find.
Overall, I'm really happy with my purchase. The bags were easy to use, and their durability made them a convenient solution for party favors. The only downside I noticed was that the twist ties for sealing the bags were a bit short, but this didn't significantly impact my experience.

🔗Red Polka Dot Balloons for Birthdays & Celebrations
Recently, I had the chance to use these Ruby Red Dots 12" Latex Balloons for a birthday party, and let me tell you, they were a hit! The vibrant red color and polka dot pattern really added a festive touch to the decorations. These balloons are great for any occasion, from patriotic parties to Valentine's Day celebrations.
One of the things that stood out to me was how sturdy they were. Even though a few of the kids played a little too rough with them, none of them popped. I was also impressed by their size, which made them perfect for decorating tables or hanging from the ceiling.
On the downside, I did notice that some of the balloons had a strange smell when they were first inflated. It wasn't overpowering, but it was definitely there. However, after a few days, the smell seemed to dissipate.
Overall, these balloons are a fun and affordable addition to any party. They're durable, easy to inflate, and add a touch of whimsy to any celebration. Just remember to keep an eye out for that peculiar odor when you first blow them up!

Buyer's Guide

A co-witness red dot sight is a versatile and practical accessory for your firearm. It allows you to use both traditional iron sights and the red dot for increased accuracy and speed during target acquisition. As you explore the market for co-witness red dot sights, there are several key factors to consider to ensure you find the best fit for your needs.

Important Features

  • Red dot brightness settings: Look for adjustable brightness settings that allow you to choose the best setting for your lighting conditions.
  • Motion sensor auto-shutoff: This feature helps conserve battery life by automatically turning off the red dot when the sight is not in use.
  • Reticle options: Decide if you prefer a single dot or a multidot reticle, and choose a sight that offers that option.
  • Battery type: Common battery types include CR2032, CR123A, and MR1634. Research the battery life of your preferred sight and be mindful of the availability of replacement batteries.
  • Water resistance: Ensure your chosen co-witness red dot sight is waterproof or water-resistant, as this is an essential feature for many outdoor shooters.


When purchasing a co-witness red dot sight, consider the purpose for which you will use it. If you will primarily shoot close-range targets, a smaller sight may suffice. However, if you need to engage targets at greater distances, choose a sight with a larger objective lens for improved clarity and low-light performance.
Additionally, think about the durability and weight of the sight. Lighter materials, such as aluminum, can reduce overall weight without sacrificing durability. If you plan to use the sight frequently, durability becomes an essential consideration.


Before making a purchase, ensure you are familiar with proper installation and adjustment procedures for co-witness red dot sights. This knowledge will help you avoid issues and ensure your sight is functioning correctly.
Finally, practice using the sight in different lighting conditions and scenarios to familiarize yourself with the various settings and features. This hands-on experience will help you maximize the potential of your new co-witness red dot sight and improve your overall shooting performance.
A co-witness red dot sight is a valuable addition to any firearm setup, providing increased accuracy and speed during target acquisition. By researching the important features, considering various factors, and following the advice outlined in this guide, you can find the perfect co-witness red dot sight for your needs and enjoy improved shooting performance.


What is a co-witness red dot sight?

A co-witness red dot sight is an optical sighting device designed to work with a rifle's iron sights. It allows the user to use both the iron sights and the red dot sight simultaneously, providing maximum versatility in various shooting situations.

What are the benefits of using a co-witness red dot sight?

The benefits of using a co-witness red dot sight include faster target acquisition, enhanced accuracy at close to medium ranges, improved sight picture, and compatibility with iron sights for backup. It is particularly useful in low light conditions and dynamic shooting scenarios.

What types of co-witness red dot sights are available?

There are several types of co-witness red dot sights, including reflex sights, holographic sights, and laser sights. Reflex sights are the most common, offering a simple, affordable solution. Holographic sights provide a more advanced, sophisticated experience, while laser sights offer a high level of precision and versatility.

What factors should I consider when choosing a co-witness red dot sight?

  • Reticle type and size
  • Shooting range
  • Environmental conditions (weather, light levels)
  • Mounting system compatibility
  • Price
  • Durability and reliability

How do I properly mount a co-witness red dot sight on my rifle?

Properly mounting a co-witness red dot sight requires a sturdy, zero-resetable base that attaches directly to your rifle's Picatinny or Weaver rail system. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and ensure proper installation and alignment for accurate sighting.

What accessories can I use with a co-witness red dot sight?

You can use various accessories with a co-witness red dot sight, including lens protectors, magnifiers, and different mounting systems. These accessories can enhance the functionality and performance of your red dot sight, making it better suited for a variety of shooting situations.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:26 Sweet-Count2557 Best East Coast Family Beaches

Best East Coast Family Beaches
Best East Coast Family Beaches Are you ready for a remarkable, relaxing, and memorable family beach getaway on the East Coast? Look no further!In this article, we'll take you on a journey to discover the best family-friendly beaches that offer something for everyone.From the breathtaking Mohegan Bluffs in Rhode Island to the charming Childrens Beach in Massachusetts, these sandy shores are perfect for sun-soaked adventures and endless fun.So grab your sunscreen and let's dive into the best East Coast family beaches that will make your vacation dreams come true.Key TakeawaysMohegan Bluffs in Block Island, Rhode Island offers spectacular views of Long Island but is not stroller-friendly.Childrens Beach in Nantucket, Massachusetts is close to town and Nantucket Harbor, with gentle waves and amenities like a playground and picnic grove.Joseph Sylvia State Beach in Marthas Vineyard, Massachusetts has gradually sloping sand and is accessible by car, island bus, or bike path.Herring Cove Beach in Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts is an LGBTQI-friendly community with gentle waves and bird watching opportunities.Mohegan Bluffs (Block Island, Rhode IslandWe can take the wooden staircase to Mohegan Bluffs and enjoy the spectacular views of Long Island. The bluffs, located on Block Island in Rhode Island, offer a breathtaking coastal landscape that will leave you in awe. As we make our way down the 141 steps, we'll be greeted by stunning vistas of the ocean stretching out before us. The sound of crashing waves and the salty breeze on our faces will instantly transport us to a place of tranquility and freedom.Accessibility is also key at Mohegan Bluffs. While the staircase may not be stroller-friendly, it provides a manageable route for those seeking adventure. The stairs are well-maintained, allowing visitors of all ages to easily navigate their way down to the beach. For those with limited mobility, there are accessible transportation options available to ensure everyone can experience the beauty of the bluffs.Once at the bottom, we can explore the sandy beach and search for seashells or take a refreshing dip in the crystal-clear waters. As we soak up the sun and take in the stunning coastal views, we can't help but feel a sense of freedom and serenity. Mohegan Bluffs truly offers a slice of paradise that will leave us longing for more.Childrens Beach (Nantucket, MassachusettsLet's head over to Childrens Beach in Nantucket, Massachusetts, where we can enjoy the gentle waves and explore the playground and picnic grove. This charming beach is located close to town and Nantucket Harbor, making it easily accessible for families looking for a day of fun in the sun.The calm waves are perfect for kids to splash around in, while parents can relax and soak up the beautiful surroundings. The beach also offers a fantastic playground where children can swing, slide, and climb to their heart's content. And when it's time for a picnic, the spacious picnic grove provides plenty of shade and space to spread out and enjoy a delicious meal. Childrens Beach truly has it all – fun activities for kids and the best picnic spots for families to enjoy.Now, let's head over to Joseph Sylvia State Beach in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, for another beach adventure.Joseph Sylvia State Beach (Marthas Vineyard, MassachusettsLocated on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, Joseph Sylvia State Beach offers a variety of seashells and gradually sloping sand, making it a perfect destination for beachgoers. With its picturesque shoreline and pristine waters, this beach provides an idyllic setting for relaxation and fun.Here are some ways to enjoy Martha's Vineyard beach activities and find accommodations for your visit:Beach Activities:Take a leisurely stroll along the shore, collecting seashells and enjoying the gentle waves.Set up a beach blanket and soak up the sun while reading a book or simply taking in the breathtaking views.Dive into the refreshing water for a swim or try your hand at paddleboarding or kayaking.Grab a frisbee or a beach ball for some friendly games with friends and family.Explore the nearby bike paths and enjoy a scenic ride along the coastline.Beach Accommodations:Stay at the luxurious Harbor View Hotel, located just a short distance from Joseph Sylvia State Beach. This historic hotel offers elegant rooms and a wide range of amenities, including a swimming pool and a restaurant with ocean views.If you prefer a more budget-friendly option, there are also charming bed and breakfasts and cozy vacation rentals available in the area.Whether you're looking for a peaceful retreat or an active beach getaway, Joseph Sylvia State Beach on Martha's Vineyard has something for everyone. So pack your swimsuit and sunscreen, and get ready to make unforgettable memories at this beautiful beach destination.Herring Cove Beach (Provincetown, Cape Cod, MassachusettsHerring Cove Beach in Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts offers gentle waves and bird watching opportunities, making it a popular destination for beachgoers. Situated in a LGBTQI-friendly community, this beach embraces diversity and inclusivity, creating a welcoming environment for all. As you stroll along the shoreline, you'll be captivated by the beauty of the surrounding dunes and the soothing sound of the waves crashing against the shore.One of the highlights of Herring Cove Beach is its bird watching opportunities. The beach is home to a variety of bird species, making it a paradise for bird enthusiasts. You can spot elegant gulls soaring through the sky or graceful sandpipers darting along the water's edge. Don't forget to bring your binoculars and camera to capture these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.Whether you're looking to relax on the sandy shores, take a refreshing dip in the Atlantic Ocean, or immerse yourself in the vibrant LGBTQI community, Herring Cove Beach has something for everyone. Plus, the beach provides beach wheelchairs, ensuring accessibility for all visitors.Hammonasset Beach State Park (Madison, ConnecticutWe can enjoy fishing, boating, swimming, and camping at Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison, Connecticut. This beautiful state park offers a variety of activities for the whole family to enjoy.Here are some ways to make the most of your visit:Camping facilities at Hammonasset Beach State Park:Set up your tent or RV at one of the spacious campsites available.Enjoy the convenience of amenities such as picnic tables, grills, and restrooms.Family-friendly activities at Hammonasset Beach State Park:Take a dip in the clear waters of the beach and build sandcastles with your little ones.Explore the Meigs Point Nature Center, where you and your family can learn about the local wildlife through interactive exhibits and guided tours.Whether you're an avid angler, a water sports enthusiast, or simply looking to relax by the shore, Hammonasset Beach State Park has something for everyone. So pack your camping gear, grab your fishing rod, and get ready for a fun-filled adventure at this family-friendly destination in Madison, Connecticut.Popham Beach State Park (Phippsburg, Maine)Let's explore the sublime scenery and rolling Atlantic surf at Popham Beach State Park in Phippsburg, Maine. This hidden gem offers a tranquil escape for beach lovers seeking freedom and adventure. As we stroll along the sandy shoreline, we'll be captivated by the breathtaking beauty of the untouched landscape. And if we visit during low tide, we can even walk to the uninhabited Fox Island, a true treasure waiting to be discovered.One of the highlights of Popham Beach State Park is the abundance of beachcombing opportunities. As we comb the shoreline, we'll find an array of seashells, driftwood, and other unique treasures washed up by the waves. It's a chance to reconnect with nature and collect souvenirs that hold memories of our seaside getaway.In addition to the stunning natural scenery, Popham Beach State Park provides amenities to enhance our beach experience. Freshwater solar showers offer a refreshing rinse after a day of sun and sand. And for those looking to enjoy a beachside cookout, charcoal grills are available for use. It's the perfect setting to gather with family and friends, enjoying a delicious meal while soaking in the beauty of the surroundings.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Water Activities Available at Mohegan Bluffs?Yes, there are water activities available at Mohegan Bluffs. Families can enjoy a variety of water sports, such as swimming, snorkeling, and paddleboarding in the clear, inviting waters.Mohegan Bluffs not only offers breathtaking views and a stunning beach, but it also provides a range of family-friendly activities to make your beach experience even more enjoyable.Is There a Fee for Parking at Childrens Beach?Yes, there's a fee for parking at Children's Beach.It's important to note that while there are no water activities specifically mentioned at Mohegan Bluffs, the beach offers spectacular views of Long Island.At Joseph Sylvia State Beach, you can bring your own grill and enjoy a beachside barbecue.Herring Cove Beach has a designated area for bird watching.At Hammonasset Beach State Park, pets are allowed.Can You Bring Your Own Grill to Joseph Sylvia State Beach?Yes, you can bring your own grill to Joseph Sylvia State Beach. It's one of the best spots for beachside picnics, where you can enjoy delicious grilled food with your family.Soak up the sun, feel the sand between your toes, and indulge in a mouthwatering BBQ feast.Just make sure to follow the grilling regulations and guidelines set by the beach authorities to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.Is There a Designated Area for Bird Watching at Herring Cove Beach?Yes, there's a designated area for bird watching at Herring Cove Beach in Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. This LGBTQI-friendly community offers gentle waves and a variety of bird species to observe.You can enjoy the serene beauty of the beach while spotting different types of birds in their natural habitat. Herring Cove Beach also provides beach wheelchairs for those in need.Stay near this picturesque beach at Cape Colony Inn and make the most of your bird watching experience.Are Pets Allowed at Hammonasset Beach State Park?Yes, pets are allowed at Hammonasset Beach State Park.When it comes to finding pet-friendly accommodations near Hammonasset Beach State Park and the best beaches for families with pets on the East Coast, there are several options to consider.From cozy beachfront cottages to hotels that welcome furry friends, you can find the perfect place to stay while enjoying the sun, sand, and waves with your four-legged companion.ConclusionIn the dazzling realm of East Coast family beaches, a world of adventure and tranquility awaits. Whether you're captivated by the majestic Mohegan Bluffs or enchanted by the gentle waves of Childrens Beach, there's a slice of paradise for everyone.From the seashells of Joseph Sylvia State Beach to the LGBTQI-friendly haven of Herring Cove Beach, these shores offer boundless joy and serenity.So pack your bags, for a remarkable family vacation is calling your name on the East Coast.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:27 jdfreeman1990 Petty Librarian

I work as an assistant branch manager at a small town library in the Bible Belt of North Carolina. Our library is right smack in the middle of downtown, so our patrons range from the wealthy to the unhoused.
Before I started working there, several of my coworkers told me horror stories of Karen patrons who would try to walk all over everyone and how previous management wouldn’t do much to stop it. What they didn’t know, before hiring me on, was that I am the pettiest gay librarian on the librarian. And I’ve made it a point to tell my coworkers that, as their boss, I will take the heat telling a Karen off when I know they don’t have the ability to.
Case in point: couple of weeks ago, this middle aged woman came in wanting copies of important documents. I and another coworker heard her ask for assistance; however, I was in the middle of a phone call helping another patron so I was unavailable (which probably was for the best). Another coworker, who is a rather quiet, people pleaser type, went to assist.
When she touched the woman’s documents, all HELL broke loose!
The woman started berating her, saying, “don’t touch my social security information. You’re trying to steal it, aren’t you? I don’t need you touching my documents.”
My poor coworker was trying to defend herself, saying she heard said old bat from Hell say she needed help making copies,
To which wrinkled Satan replied, “I didn’t ask for help. You just wanted to touch my information.”
Now, I’m already annoyed with this vulture creature from The Dark Crystal for belittling my coworker. What really pissed me off was the fact that, while berating, she had a smile on her face. She seemed satisfied beating down my coworker. That made me lose myself.
I genuinely do not remember what the last thing the rotten prune said was, but I do remember politely asking the patron I was on the phone with to excuse me and I said, “ma’am, she is an adult, not a child. If you are going to speak to my coworker, you will speak to her as an adult, not a child. Otherwise, don’t speak at all.”
Whilst Skeletor was still smiling as she looked over at me, the burning hatred in her eyes was clear.
But did I back down.
Absolutely not!
Before working at the public library I currently am at, I worked as an elementary librarian for a year and a half. While there, I developed what I call my “mom” stare. For those of you who do not know what this is (you lucky bastards), that’s the look every mom give their kids when they are misbehaving and you better quit it cause we are in public now but when we aren’t…you will get it.
So I turned that look onto her and she quickly avoided eye contact from me soon after.
Meanwhile, the patron on the phone is DYING laughing. They replied, “I don’t know what happened, but you handled that like a boss.”
When the lizard queen did finally leave, she smiled again and wished us a good day and thanked us for our excellent service. To which I replied, “well it’s patrons like you that make every day a dream.”
You may be 100 years older than me, but I can play this petty chess game better than you, you dried up lint ball.
submitted by jdfreeman1990 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:14 HammerheadMorty Betting on the bottom because of boredom pt. 2

Return of a poll conducted a year ago to see how market feelings have changed regarding when the bottom of the market will be in the downtrend of prices because boredom.
As said before, nobody has a crystal ball, bulls are stupid, bears are morons, something something “priced in” something something “rate cut”. Now that the cliches are out of the way let’s vote.
View Poll
submitted by HammerheadMorty to TorontoRealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:02 Every_Hunt_160 The recent Eth pump from ETF anticipation is a reminder to not get shaken out by market manipulation and stay firm to your beliefs

For the last week, Eth slipped to 2.8k and Eth/BTC ratio sunk to 3 year lows after the media narrative and expectation that Eth ETF would be rejected.
Plenty of news article out there putting ETF approval odds at '5%' or '10%'.
All of a sudden, overnight - Eth has pumped from 3.1k to 3.8k, I opened up the charts and saw a 25% green dildo! Then when I checked the news, now they are saying the ETF approval odds has risen to 80% - almost as if last week's 'prediction' by 'experts' of 5% didn't happen!
1) My term for calling this - 'market amnesia'.
What is market amnesia? From my experience in the last 3.5 years of crypto, that is when everyone are convinced at a certain narrative (e.g last week it was ETF rejection, slump in eth price below 3k and people thought it would drop to 2.5k).. and then overnight the sentiment changes with a new narrative and people forget the last thing even happened.
(btw not an official term i'm just calling it that lol, not sure if you can google that)
2) Sharing the story of “Mr Market”
Many of us may not agree with him, but one story that always comes to my mind all these years is Warren Buffett story of how irrational markets will be. This is probably the number 1 story I remember about investing across many years.
TLDR of the story goes like this: Every single day, Mr Market goes to the market to buy apples. Each and every day, he makes an offer to buy apples – depending on his mood.
One sunny morning, he makes an offer to buy your apples at $10 – he says apples is the only fruit everyone will eat and there will be an apple shortage soon! The next day, Mr Market becomes gloomy and offers to buy apples for 10 cents – saying your business is doomed as everyone is abandoning apples. This goes on day after day, while Mr market swings from euphoric highs to depressing lows.
By sharing this story, Mr Buffett is actually describing what the markets is – the underlying asset remains exactly the same, but the price according Mr Market fluctuates wildly according to sentiment.
3) The solution - Stay firm to your beliefs, don't get swayed by emotions.
I never sold a single Eth, and instead DCAed (of course on hindsight I wish I bought more, but I don't have a crystal ball) a small amount into Eth with BTC when the Eth/BTC ratio was around new lows.
Why? Because I take a long term outlook - and when Eth was below 3k, that was a low price for the long term.
On the flipside, am I FOMOing into Eth now it is close to 4k and right after a 30% overnight pump? My answer is no because I don't trade on emotions and FOMO. I already did some buying before the pump when everyone was calling for it to go lower.
As always, like we say in the community - EEE, Eventually Everything Ethereum !
submitted by Every_Hunt_160 to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:19 ConsistentVolume759 List of 300 Sound Effects

1-1 Gunfire Battle
1-2 Gunfire Battle With Car
1-3 Gunfire Battle With Traffic
1-4 Motorcycle Passing At 55mph
1-5 Motorcycle Passing At 100mph
1-6 Chopping With An Axe
1-7 Chopping With Fallen Tree
1-8 Newspaper Leafing Through
1-9 Newspaper Ripping
1-10 Children Giggling
1-11 Drinking Through A Straw With A Gulp
1-12 Saltwater Fishing Casting Reeling And Catching Fish
1-13 Slot Machine Pull And Pay-Off
1-14 Lion Roars
1-15 Lion Growls Close Perspective
1-16 Bacon Frying
1-17 Swiss Yodel Call
1-18 Helicopter Start Up And Take Off Int Perspective
1-19 Helicopter Flying By Vers. 2
1-20 Helicopter Coming In And Landing Vers. 2
1-21 Grating Carrots
1-22 Heavy Breathing
1-23 Pay Phone Sequence
1-24 Tearing Paper Short
1-25 Tearing Paper Long
1-26 Baby Crying
1-27 Crickets At Night
1-28 Jet Taking Off
1-29 Jet Passing Overhead And Landing
1-30 Cracking Eggs
1-31 Beating Eggs In A Bowl
1-32 Horse Whinny And Neigh
1-33 Horse Gallops By
1-34 Horse Walks Up And Snorts In Stable
1-35 Man Coughing
1-36 Water Splash
1-37 Loud Large Group Applauding
1-38 Witches Evil Laugh
1-39 Pigs Grunting In A Sly
1-40 Church Clock Strikes 1 O'Clock
1-41 Church Clock Strikes 12 O'Clock
1-42 Car Won't Start
1-43 Car With Dead Battery
1-44 Car Start And Rev Engine
1-45 Car Start Rev Engine And Drive Away
1-46 Car Approach And Fast Stop
1-47 Car Approach Skid And Medium Crash
1-48 Eating Crisp Potato Chips
1-49 Shoveling Dirt On Concrete
1-50 Car Wash Interior Perspective
1-51 Referee Type Whistle
1-52 Thunder Clap Vers. 3
1-53 Wind Howling Lightly
1-54 Thunder Wind And Rain
1-55 Thunder And Heavy Down Pour
1-56 Man Screaming
1-57 Small Crowd Booing
1-58 Small Crowd Sighing Relieved
1-59 Small Crowd Gasp Astonished
1-60 Small Crowd 'Yeah' Happy
1-61 Grandfather Clock Strikes 12 0'Clock
1-62 High Performance Car Start And Idle
1-63 High Performance Car 160mph Pass R To L
1-64 Champagne Cork Popping
1-65 Millitary Jet Fast Flyby
1-66 Stirring In A Cup
1-67 Truck Horn 1 Blast
1-68 Truck Horn 2 Blasts
1-69 Truck Passing With Horn
1-70 Boxing With Punching Bag
1-71 Woman Shrieking
1-72 Vacuuming
1-73 Hydraulic Lift In Operation
1-74 Chicken Coup Atmosphere
1-75 Diving And Swimming Past
1-76 Small Group Applause
1-77 Propeller Airplane Start And Idle
1-78 Machine Gun Burst
1-79 Machine Gun Burst With Returned Fire
1-80 Wooden Bat Hitting Ball
1-81 Aluminum Bat Hitting Ball
1-82 Weight Lifting
1-83 Rocket Launching With Countdown
1-84 Taking A Shower
1-85 Electric Shaver
1-86 Brushing Teeth
1-87 Flushing Toilet
1-88 Police Car Passing With Siren
1-89 Police Car Approach And Stop With Siren
1-90 Police Car Departs With Siren
1-91 Police Radio In Operation
1-92 Kiss
1-93 Cannon Blast
1-94 Patchinco Continuous Play
1-95 Paper Bag Put On Head And Removed
1-96 Tuning Radio AM
1-97 Tuning Radio FM
1-98 Electronic Radio Alarm Sounding
1-99 Crystal Glass Ping
1-100 Rock Concert Applause With Shouts
2-1 Explosion Bang With Falling Debris
2-2 Explosion Medium Bang
2-3 Explosion Small Bang With Falling Debris
2-4 Fire Alarm
2-5 Crack Of A Whip
2-6 Elephant Trunk Noise
2-7 Angry Elephants
2-8 High Performance Car Start Drive And Stop
2-9 High Performance Car Start Up And Burn Out
2-10 High Performance Car Burn Out Vers 2
2-11 Sneeze
2-12 Crowd At A Horse Track
2-13 Water Dripping
2-14 Water Dripping With Reverberation
2-15 Filling Sink With Water
2-16 Emptying Sink
2-17 Handsaw Sawing Wood
2-18 Jigsaw In Operation
2-19 Circular Saw In Operation
2-20 Chains Rattling
2-21 4 Boings
2-22 Scissors Cutting Hair
2-23 Hair Dryer In Operation
2-24 Carnival Atmosphere
2-25 Gavel Hammering In Court
2-26 Rotary Dialing Telephone
2-27 Telephone 1 Ring / Pick Up
2-28 Hanging Up
2-29 Ship Horn 2 Blasts
2-30 Evil Male Laugh
2-31 Evil Male Laugh With Echo
2-32 Male Laugh Hysterical
2-33 Tray Of Glasses Rattling
2-34 Carbonated Water Fizzing
2-35 Airplane Jet Take Off (Jumbo Jet)
2-36 Airplane Jet Landing Vers 2
2-37 Airplane Jet Landing With Tire Squeal
2-38 Burp
2-39 Small Group Applauding With Cheers
2-40 Applause Polite Medium Group
2-41 Cow Moo
2-42 Pool (Billards) Break
2-43 Pool (Billiards) Combination Shot
2-44 Town Clock In Distance Striking 1 0'Clock
2-45 Town Clock In Distance Striking 12 0'Clock
2-46 Party Horn
2-47 Party Noise Maker
2-48 Cave With Water Dripping
2-49 Ice Cubes In A Glass
2-50 Ice Cubes In A Bucket
2-51 Jogging Past Right To Left
2-52 Jogging Past Left To Right
2-53 Car Honk
2-54 Car Long Honks
2-55 Car Several Honks
2-56 Traffic Jam Honks
2-57 Car Passing With Horn
2-58 Angry Crowd
2-59 Panic Stricken Crowd
2-60 3 Gun Shots 45 Automatic
2-61 Shotgun 1 Shot
2-62 M14 Rifle Several Shots
2-63 Elevator Door Opening
2-64 Elevator Door Closing
2-65 Elevator Lift Rider's Perspective
2-66 Bees Buzzing Around Hive
2-67 Alarm Clock Bell Sounding
2-68 Electric Fan In Operation
2-69 35mm Camera Shutter Sound
2-70 35mm Camera Auto Motor Drive
2-71 35mm Camera Automatic Sequence
2-72 Camera Flash Charge And Pop
2-73 Hammering Nails Into Wood
2-74 Door Bell Several Rings
2-75 Knocking On Door And Door Opens
2-76 Heartbeat
2-77 'Surprise' At Party
2-78 Car Fast Approach And Stop
2-79 Car Approach Skid And Crash
2-80 Car Approach Long Skid And Big Crash
2-81 Car Skid And Tire Squeal
2-82 Writing On Blackboard
2-83 Fingernails On Blackboard
2-84 Velcro Ripping
2-85 Propeller Airplane Taking Off Ext Perspective
2-86 Air Pump
2-87 Movie Camera Old Clockwork Type
2-88 Donkey Hee Haws
2-89 Newsroom General Atmosphere
2-90 Coins Dropped On Table
2-91 Coins Being Counted
2-92 Coins Jingling
2-93 Duck Quack
2-94 Scrubbing Floor With A Brush
2-95 Rain Continuous Downpour
2-96 Thunder Clap Vers 2
2-97 Thunder And Rain Storm
2-98 Wind Blowing Through Trees
2-99 Rocket
2-100 Wolf Howling Human Simulation
3-1 Bowling Alley General Atmosphere
3-2 Bowling Gutter Ball
3-3 Bowling Strike
3-4 Soda Can Opening
3-5 Soda Pouring In Glass
3-6 Telephone 3 Rings And Pick Up
3-7 Telephone Slammed Down
3-8 Rooster Crowing
3-9 Woman Screaming
3-10 Sipping Coffee
3-11 Cork Pulled With Reverberation
3-12 Crowd 'Oh' Disappointed
3-13 Crowd 'Ahh' Satisfied
3-14 Crowd Urgh Disgusted
3-15 Steam Train Passing By
3-16 Bugle Call Outdoors - Charge
3-17 Bugle Call - Post Time
3-18 Bugle Call - Fanfare
3-19 Bugle Call - Parade Dismiss
3-20 Bugle Call - Fall In
3-21 Bugle Call - Lights Out
3-22 Bugle Call - Military Taps
3-23 Bugle Call - Retreat
3-24 Bugle Call - Revue
3-25 Bugle Call - Reveille
3-26 Belch
3-27 Baby Laugh
3-28 Domestic Car Alarm
3-29 Domestic Car Door Opening
3-30 Domestic Car Door Clossing
3-31 Domestic Car Crash With Yell
3-32 Domestic Car Approach And Skid
3-33 Horse Trots Up And Snorts Outside
3-34 Horse Whinny And Neigh Outside
3-35 Horse Canters By Outside
3-36 Hellcopter Start Up And Take Off Vers 1
3-37 Helicopter Flying By Vers 1
3-38 Helicopter Coming In And Landing Vers 1
3-39 Applause Concert Crowd With Cheers
3-40 Drinking Fountain Turned On And Off
3-41 Drinking Fountain Taking A Drink
3-42 Roller Coaster In Operation
3-43 Fight Bell 2 Strikes
3-44 Cuckoo Clock Strikes 1
3-45 Cuckoo Clock Strikes 12
3-46 Record Needle Scratch
3-47 Ambulance Passing With Siren
3-48 HiFi Store With Radios And TV's
3-49 Sizzle Light
3-50 Sizzle Heavy
3-51 High Performance Car Start, Idle, Rev, And Stop
3-52 High Performance Car Burn Out
3-53 High Performance Car High Speed Pass 150mph
3-54 Coffee Grinder
3-55 Coffee Perculator
3-56 Ball Bouncing
3-57 Ball Bouncing Away
3-58 Thunder Clap
3-59 Thunder Continuous Claps And Rumbles
3-60 Wind Howling Heavily
3-61 Thunder And Rain In The City
3-62 After Storm Atmosphere
3-63 Bicycle Bell
3-64 Shuffling Cards
3-65 Dealing Cards
3-66 Fireworks General Atmosphere
3-67 A Glass Clinking In A Toast
3-68 Many Glasses Clinking In A Toast
3-69 Game Show Buzzer
3-70 Sweeping The Floor
3-71 Broom Dropped
3-72 Submarine Sonar
3-73 Mantal Clock Clicking
3-74 Many Clocks Ticking
3-75 Cats Meow 3 Types
3-76 Cash Register Ring Up
3-77 Social Gathering Party Crowd
3-78 Tray Of Dishes Dropped
3-79 Zipper Zipped Up
3-80 Zipper Zipped Down
3-81 Dog Many Barks
3-82 Dog Growling And Barking
3-83 Dog Chasing Man And Barking
3-84 Ratchet Tightening Nut
3-85 Wind Chimes
3-86 Door Opening
3-87 Door Closed
3-88 Door Slammed
3-89 Many Party Horns
3-90 Balloon Being Inflated
3-91 Balloon Let Go Flying
3-92 Balloon Popped
3-93 Balloon Popped With Reverberation
3-94 Video Archade Atmosphere
3-95 Opening An Envelope
3-96 Crumpling A Letter And Throwing Away
3-97 Airplane Jet Taking Off
3-98 Airplane Jet Flyby Overhead Right To Left
3-99 Airplane Jet Interior With Cabin Announcements
3-100 Airplane Jet Landing Vers 1
submitted by ConsistentVolume759 to udiomusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:48 raptor20012001 Elden Ring Consistently Crashing

I am on a re-playthrough of the game and about 30 hours or so into my playthrough right now. I am in the Raya Lucaria Crystal tunnel cave, where I stopped playing a few hours ago and went to eat dinner and do other stuff. About 30 minutes ago I attempted to pick up where I left off and continue playing the game but I appear to be consistently crashing after about 30 seconds of having loaded into the game or after going deeper into the tunnel from the site of grace.
I have tried rolling back my display driver as I recently downloaded a new driver update that was released a few days ago ( I am using an Amd graphics card btw), which hasn't fixed the issue. I have tried verifying the games files on Steam and that hasn't fixed the issue either. For some reason, even though earlier today I was playing the game and even made it further into the tunnel itself where I died after failing one of the jump puzzles that is at the start of the cave, I am stuck crashing every time I try and pick up where I left off. Aside from the crashing, there are also a lot of stuttering issues that occur when I am loading into the game, so that may have an issue with it as well. Any suggestions on what I can do to fix this?
submitted by raptor20012001 to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:44 Kalibaxx Funniest Moments in the Books.

I'll start
“Well, we were always going to fail that one,” said Ron gloomily as they ascended the marble staircase. He had just made Harry feel rather better by telling him how he had told the examiner in detail about the ugly man with a wart on his nose in his crystal ball, only to look up and realize he had been describing his examiner’s reflection.
“We shouldn’t have taken the stupid subject in the first place,” said Harry.
“Still, at least we can give it up now.”
“Yeah,” said Harry. “No more pretending we care what happens when Jupiter and Uranus get too friendly.”
“And from now on, I don’t care if my tea-leaves spell die, Ron, die - I’m just chucking them in the bin where they belong.”
submitted by Kalibaxx to harrypotter [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:41 trell1337 [Windows PC][1990-2000s?]Top down game with soldiers and fairies

Game is Gladiator (1995) by Forgotten Sages
Platform(s): Windows PC
Genre: top down action
Estimated year of release: 1990s-early 2000s. The earliest game I really remember is Nox which was 2000s, this is probably earlier than that, but It's possible is older than 1990s but I don't think so.
Graphics/art style: Pixel art, very simple. I don't think those character models had any texture either.
Notable characters: One of the soldiers you can pick up were like big warrior type men, I always imagined them with big foot ball player bodies. They were beefy.
Another soldier type was like an archer he always gave me hunchback of notre dame vibes.
Notable gameplay mechanics: I remember you could like hire / buy soldiers and I think you could control one. There are levels where you fight the enemy who have the same soldiers as you (football man and hunchback man) but later on there were levels that had like fairies and other creatures. When I get to the fairies, I would quit the game because I would always lose.
Your soldiers would sort of randomly move around and kill things and the combat would sort of be like the sprites running into each other, making a small pixel animation, and then a dead body would appear in the area.
I believe it was all offline, there might have been a coop mode but I didn't use it / didn't know about it.
Other details:
Sort of a hail Mary, I can't remember many details but I remember the fairies beating my ass and wanted to give it another go now that I'm much older. It's possible that my imagination has made the game "feel" like more than it was as well.
submitted by trell1337 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:31 beardlesshipster Daily Song Discussion #294: Good Love

This is the nineteenth track from Prince’s 20th album, Crystal Ball. The song originally appeared on the soundtrack to the 1988 film, Bright Lights, Big City. How do you feel about this song? What are some of your favorite lyrics? How would you rank it among the rest of Prince’s discography? How would you rate it out of 10 (decimals allowed)?
Studio version
SUGGESTED SCALE: 1-4: Not good. Regularly skip. 5: It’s okay, but I might have to be in the right mood to listen to it. 6: Slightly better than average. I won’t skip it, but I wouldn’t choose to put it on. 7: This is a good song. I enjoy it quite a bit. 8-9: Really enjoyable songs. I rank them pretty high overall. 10: Masterpiece, magnum opus, or similar terminology.
Rating Results 1. Crystal Ball: 9.45/10 2. Dream Factory: 8.43/10 3. Acknowledge Me: 8.51/10 4. Ripopgodazippa: 7.74/10 5. Love Sign (Shock G's Silky Remix): 7.55/10 6. Hide the Bone: 8/10 7. 2morrow: 7.47/10 8. So Dark: 7.69/10 9. Movie Star: 9.48/10 10. Tell Me How U Wanna B Done: 6.07/10 11. Interactive: 8.91/10 12. Da Bang: 13. Calhoun Square: 14. What’s My Name: 15. Crucial: 16. An Honest Man: 17. Sexual Suicide: 18. Cloreen Bacon Skin: 19. Good Love:
submitted by beardlesshipster to PRINCE [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:55 Successful_Cut5317 Dungeon Dungeon Fruit

The Dungeon Dungeon Fruit is a paramecia-type devil fruit that allows the user to become a living dungeon, making them a Dungeon Master.


Upon consuming the Dungeon Dungeon Fruit, the user will gain a permanent pocket dimension of a dungeon within themselves which they are able to customise however they like. The user can teleport people and objects into their dungeon through touch, shrinking them down and transporting them into the dungeon's interior.
The user also gains the ability to transform their body into a full-size dungeon matching the pocket dimension one as it is just the pocket dimension one expanding into the world and transforming the user into the building. If the user is above ground their dungeon will resemble a tower as it towers above the ground with its height dependent on the number of flours the user has created. If the user does it above ground the dungeon's rules of floors get flipped and the lower floors are weaker with the higher ones being stronger. Also, there will be an entranceway for people to enter or exit at the bottom of the "tower" form. If the user is underground their dungeon will meld with the environment and go down with the height dependent on the number of flours the user has created, additionally, the user will rise or sink to have an opening on the surface marking the entrance into the dungeon. When transformed the user has complete control over the dungeon, allowing them to manipulate its structure, features, and contents as if it were an extension of their own body. The user can enhance the durability of their dungeon, fortifying it against environmental hazards and potential threats.
Inside the dungeon, the user is able to create anything that can be found in a dungeon, including but not limited to, weapons, monsters, treasures, puzzles, traps, etc. The user is able to take out their creations however they must keep physical contact with it constantly and if they don't it will disappear and reappear back in their dungeon when the user has the energy to create it again.
Inside the dungeon, the user has absolute control capable of creating and controlling anything and everything in relation to dungeons.


Standard devil fruit weaknesses apply.
Floors: The user has to separate the structure of their dungeon into floors, with every floor down able to create stronger entities and items with more elaborate and stronger traps and treasures.
Creatures: The creatures that the user creates in the dungeon are able to be influenced and controlled by the user's direct orders but anything besides the user's direct orders can possibly be disobeyed or dismissed by the creatures.
Outside contact: Items and creatures that the user made within their dungeon will turn into dust once they are apart from the user. Meaning that an item or creature can be taken out but only partially. The user can take out a sword and use it as a weapon but once they discard it or it no longer makes physical contact with them it will start to turn to dust.
Energy: It takes energy for the user to make anything within the dungeon be it items, monsters, or even them manipulating the dungeon to their will to make the impossible happen, or even remake the dungeon and its contents. The stronger the things/creatures that they create the more energy it will cost the user.
Space & Haki: Strong haki can neutralize creatures within the dungeon and make passage throughout the dungeon really easy, additionally any space manipulation can enable people the ability to escape from the user's Dungeon unless the user is constantly twisting space to prevent them from doing this.
'Magic': The dungeon is filled with the user's energy which they can use like magic. The 'Magic' within the dungeon can only ever be the user's energy that they used to create phenomenon, it is not real magic but the user using their ability to create anything within the dungeon. Haki can disrupt this energy and make the user's control over the dungeon unstable/erratic and it acts as a kind of anti-magic.
Destruction: Vistors can destroy the dungeon and trigger a full-scale collapse in order to get out of the dungeon quickly.
Dungeon Limit: The Dungeon can be of any size be it 1 floor, 10 floors, 100 floors or even 10,000 floors as many as the user wants, and these floors can be as big or as small as the user wants with space distorting to the users will. As well as the contents being however the user wishes them to be. However, the user is limited to having only one Dungeon created at a time.


The core of the Dungeon: This technique allows the user to merge their physical form with their dungeon, becoming the true core and centre of the Dungeon. When activated, the user's body undergoes a transformation, imbuing them with the visual appearance of their dungeon while retaining their base form's humanoid shape. The user appears as their usual self but with subtle manifestations of their dungeon's architecture spread across their entire body visible both internally and externally. Parts of the user's body may take on a spectral or ethereal quality, resembling stone, wood, or other materials found within their dungeon. Floors within the dungeon will be visible on the user's body and the user can interact with them like normal. While in this state, the user's control of their dungeon and sense of the dungeon as a part of their body is strengthened, granting them unparalleled control over its features and inhabitants. They can sense disturbances, manipulate the environment, and summon forth creatures or objects from within their domain with ease. The user's thoughts and intentions shape the very fabric of their dungeon, allowing them to adapt and respond to any situation. The Core of the Dungeon technique offers numerous tactical advantages. In addition to serving as a formidable defensive measure, it enables the user to access their dungeon's resources and defences instantaneously. They can summon forth weapons, traps, or allies as needed instantaneously. Additionally, the strongest part of this technique is that the user is able to take on the full condition of the dungeon allowing them to be as durable as the entire dungeon combined, as smart as the entire dungeon combined, and the user is able to draw on all the strength of the entire dungeon, etc.
Dungeon Gate: The user is able to create a portal on any part of their body, this portal can connect to anywhere within their dungeon. The user can use this to take out something or someone from their dungeon temporarily, the user can also use this to make an opening for one of their creatures to attack from the portal or to take out an item.
Treasure: The user can create valuable items or weapons from their dungeon and bring them into the real world by maintaining physical contact. However, these items will disappear if contact is broken.
Dungeon Master's Clarvoiant Gaze: The user can see through the eyes of any creature or object within their dungeon, providing them with complete surveillance of their domain. Although this can be very helpful to the user to help them survey their dungeon as if they are all seeing, without training, they will have no attention of their surroundings and may be ambushed in their distraction.
Monster Maker: The user manifests fearsome creatures within their dungeon, bringing them to life from the depths of their imagination. By channelling their energy and focusing their will, the user can create a wide variety of monsters, each with unique abilities, characteristics, and behaviours. These creatures serve as guardians, minions, or challenges within the dungeon, obeying the user's commands and defending their domain against intruders. To create a creature the user goes through three steps; Visualization, Energy Channeling, and Materialization. Firstly the user begins by visualizing the creature they wish to create, envisioning its form, size, and attributes in vivid detail. They draw upon their knowledge of mythology, folklore, and imagination to craft a truly unique monster. Then with a focused mind and a surge of energy, the user channels their power into the creation process, infusing the imagined creature with life force. This energy serves as the catalyst for bringing the creature into existence within the dungeon. Lastly, as the energy takes shape, the creature materializes within the user's dungeon, emerging from the depths as a tangible entity. The user can control the creature's appearance, abilities, and behaviour to suit their needs and objectives. The user can make any type of monster that they like, the only limit is their energy and their imagination, but some examples include; Beasts: Ferocious creatures such as dire wolves, giant spiders, or griffins, possessing keen senses and formidable physical abilities. Undead: Reanimated corpses, skeletal warriors, or spectral apparitions, instilling fear and dread in those who encounter them. Elementals: Living embodiments of natural elements, including fiery salamanders, watery serpents, or earthen golems, each with unique elemental powers. Aberrations: Bizarre and otherworldly entities, such as tentacled horrors, shape-shifting mimics, or mind-controlling aberrations, capable of confounding and terrifying intruders. Constructs: Artificial beings crafted from magical or mechanical components, ranging from clockwork automatons to golems forged from enchanted stone or metal. They can also create many more, but these are only some examples. The user can control their creations in multiple ways and command them to act together; The user can maintain their control over the monsters they create, commanding them with their will and asserting their dominance as the Dungeon Master. The monsters obey the user's orders without question, serving as loyal guardians or relentless assailants. Also, the user can tailor the behaviour and objectives of the monsters to suit their needs, directing them to patrol specific areas, guard valuable treasures, or attack intruders on sight. The main limitations of Monster Maker are its energy consumption, maintenance, and the limits of the user's control, just meaning that the monsters can possibly rebel if they are strong enough and the user has mistreated them.
Fake Floor: The user creates a temporary floor within their dungeon that can hold illusions, making it seem like a normal, physical floor with traps, monsters, or treasures. All of the illusions on this floor seem real and can actually work to a degree on this floor with illusions capable of causing damage (although weaker than normal and unable to cause any damage if the illusion is seen through) and even treasures appearing to work within the fake floor, but upon exit of the fake floor, they will find out that everything they gained from the floor was but an illusion.
Safe Floor: The user creates a temporary floor within their dungeon that can act as a sanctuary for those within the dungeon. This floor is imbued with a protective aura that prevents any monsters or hostile entities from entering. Additionally, it has a restorative effect, healing anyone inside over time. The effect of keeping monsters out acts as a semi-permeable barrier and can be broken or pierced by high-ranking creatures.
Exit Floor: The user creates a temporary floor within the dungeon in between any floor that they want that allows visitors to leave the dungeon. The Exit floor will appear at the end of every dungeon and will be the turnaround point for the visitor(s) allowing them to go back into the dungeon from the start, where they came from, or even leaving the dungeon entirely.
Empty Floor: The Empty Floor is the start and the end of the dungeon, it will always be present and from here the user can create the dungeon, store whatever they want to, keep others safe here, etc. The empty Floor will be present even when the dungeon is destroyed, it can never be destroyed except with the death of the user. This floor is free from all laws, no laws from the universe exist in this space without the user making them. No laws not even life, death, time, space, reality, cause and effect are present within this floor without the user making them exist. In the case of Life and death do not exist here letting those who die in the dungeon live here should the user want them to, the user can even reincarnate them into a creature however this would make them completely reliant on the dungeon and die should they leave the dungeon and the connection with the user. Anyone within this floor is capable of moving throughout the dungeon as they please and even leave as they, please.
Dungeon Collapse: The user can start a dungeon collapse, making their dungeon and all of its floors begin to collapse, starting from its first floor and going to its last floor. Space will begin to distort and the monsters will either flee to other floors in order to survive a little longer or crumble to dust from the cataclitic wave of destruction that the user set in motion. The user can send any creatures that they wish to survive into the Empty Floor. Any visitor within the Dungeon will have to flee from the dungeon collapse as quickly as they can and reach the exit, if they cannot make it in time then they will be heavily wounded and possibly killed by the collapse of the dungeon depending on debre, and they will wake up in the Empty Floor dead or alive.
Treasure Trove: The user can create hidden chambers within their dungeon filled with valuable treasures and artefacts. These chambers can only be accessed through secret passages or by solving intricate puzzles. Creating elaborate treasures consumes a significant amount of the user's energy.
Gate: The user can create temporary portals within their dungeon that allow instant travel between different locations. These portals can be used for rapid deployment of allies or for quick escapes. Gates require precise control and consume a large amount of energy. Misuse can lead to unintended destinations or portal malfunctions.


With the awakening of the Dungeon Dungeon Fruit, the user can now use their abilities on a much larger scale, with their mind finally caught up with their powers, their powers are able to affect the world around them spreading much further than their body once stopped them. Their power spills over into the world around them, letting them expand their dungeon into the environment shaping it to their desire. The user is able to extend their abilities to what could be considered impossible or illogical, empowering old techniques to new heights and creating new ones that were not possible before.

Awakening Techniques:

Heart of the Dungeon: Similar to "The Core of the Dungeon," the Heart of the Dungeon allows the user to merge their physical form with their dungeon, but it comes with even greater powers and capabilities. When the user activates the Heart of the Dungeon, they gain the extraordinary ability to morph and reshape their immediate surroundings to form the intricate corridors, chambers, and traps of their dungeon. This transformation is both fluid and immediate: walls sprout from the ground, ceilings stretch overhead, and floors ripple like liquid, all under the user's absolute control. The entire dungeon environment responds to the user's movements and commands, making it a living extension of their will. Moreover, the Heart of the Dungeon bestows upon the user the power to draw strength from everything within their dungeon. This includes the treasures hidden within its depths, the creatures that inhabit its halls, and the traps laid to ensnare intruders. Every element of the dungeon, whether animate or inanimate, contributes to the user's power, enhancing their physical abilities, powers, and overall resilience.
Dungeon break: The user is able to create a gate that connects to the inside of their dungeon and then releases whatever they want, may it be the creatures, treasures, or even the dungeon itself causing space to distort and merge the dungeon with the world around them. Creatures will pour out of the gate in a stampede, treasures and items can pour out of the gate like a sea of gold, and the dungeon can expand out of the gate like a crawling calamity. The gate while being a spatial distortion can still be broken with enough force. Once the gate(s) are closed then the creatures, items, and/or dungeon will be sucked back into the gate returning to the user's dungeon.
Authority: The user is able to grant a portion of their authority to people they brought into the dungeon or any creature they want, allowing them to control the creatures and the contents of a specific floor.
Living Dungeon: The user can create a 'living' dungeon that adapts to intruders, capable of thought and acting in the best interest of the user and their dungeon. Capable of dynamically generating obstacles and challenges to test visitors specifically based on their observed strengths and weaknesses.
Trap Reave: With a single gesture, the user can implant numerous traps in their immediate environment or even within themselves that can then be activated and affect those nearby. These traps can have a multitude of hidden triggers and can be adjusted to be more potent, and capable of protecting larger areas with complex mechanisms.
Mini-Dungeon Core: The user creates a crystal-like smooth ball that contains a Dungeon within it, anyone who touches this mini-dungeon core will be drawn into the dungeon within and have to clear the dungeon to escape. However, since this is a mini-dungeon core it has a few limitations, firstly the dungeons in the mini-dungeon core can only have a maximum of 10 floors, additionally, the mini-dungeon core can be broken out of with either strong haki, spatial abilities, or any abilities that allow someone to break the crystal balls shell and release those trapped within it.

Awakening Weaknesses:

Energy: The vast expansion of power and control can be incredibly draining, meaning the user could risk total exhaustion or burnout if they use these abilities too frequently or for extended periods of time.
Heart of the Dungeon: While the user is merged with their dungeon the dungeon will be taking damage directly making every hit they take shake the dungeon and possibly collapse it. Additionally when the user is using a creature(s) and they take a serious hit that creature will die if that hit is strong enough to kill the creature(s). The same applies to treasures.
Dungeon Awareness: The user may need to split their awareness to monitor the larger area of effect of their dungeons and mini-dungeons, which can leave them blind to certain regions or overextended in their vigilance.
Waning Authority: Granting authority to too many individuals could dilute the user's overall control and open up the possibilities for internal conflict or sabotage.
Gate Fragility: The gates, while powerful and useful, are a lifeline for the user and their comrades getting in and out of the dungeon. The gates themselves are fragile and can be destroyed with enough strength or anyone capable of cutting space temporarily severing the user's lifeline in and out of the dungeon and cutting off a large amount of their powers until another can be made.
Dungeon Dissonance: The larger-scale dungeon transformations(brought into the environment) may not be as finely tuned as smaller-scale manipulations leading to instability or flaws that clever opponents can exploit.
Complexity: As old techniques are powered to new heights, the complexity of managing and understanding them also increases, which can lead to mistakes or malfunctions in their execution. Or it can just make it where the user is unable to make new techniques for most techniques.
Sensory Feedback: When the user possesses a creature they feel everything their controlled creatures feels, and then they might suffer from sensory overload or distraction during critical moments.
submitted by Successful_Cut5317 to DevilFruitIdeas [link] [comments]