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I had a dream

2024.06.02 08:48 Zhencion0717 I had a dream

Dearest Amore,
So I became convinced that you might be on here. There were a couple people that I've seen on this subreddit that their words, their descriptions fit close enough to you that I had hope. They all spoke of wanting to reconnect but stated they felt like it was up to their person.
So last night as I went to bed I prayed to God and asked for a dream to tell me if I should try and reach out to you. I said if it is a dream of you needing me, or wanting to be with me then I will take that as the sign. But if it is just a dream of us hanging out then I will take that as a sign that I need to stop hoping for romantic reconnection. I pray to the judeo Christian God and I prayed to Morpheus God of sleep and dreams.
Funny enough I did have a dream. In that dream you called me up crying saying "I need you. I need you to stay on the line with me. I need to know you're there." You then proceeded to call a crisis line talking about how you feel like you're a failure, that you feel like your kids hate you, that nothing has been going right for you. All things you have told me you were worried about.
In my dream I'm rushing around looking for my car keys, I finally find them I grab them shove them in my pocket and I'm running out the door. And that is when I wake up I am halfway to standing up from my bed to run out my door for you. Because you needed me, and there was nothing that was going to stop me from being there for you.
I took that as my sign. I reached out to you today to try and talk, I didn't say it was important I don't want to use that as an aspect to "force" you to talk to me. You said okay that you would see about coming over after work, and you let me know that you were tired and running out of mental spoons so there was a chance you wouldn't be able to. I had only hoped that if that were the case you would have messaged me to let me know.
I spent an hour and a half sitting downstairs waiting for you to pull up. Then I spent 30 minutes waiting to see if I got a text, my answer was silence.
I don't know if you felt you had to say yes because if you didn't I might cause a scene. I hope you know that's never the way I would be. I love you immensely and I try to respect every request you've made. But it's been a month since you said I don't want to talk about it. I guess I was hoping that enough time had passed to allow some small conversation.
I can hope that I might receive a message from you going "oh shoot I'm sorry I'm really tired I forgot to let you know I was going home would it be okay if we talk later?" I also hope nothing is wrong with the kids but that you just needed to get home to them. I hope I still mean something to you, and that I'm worth more than just a stranger.
I do still love you, that's never going to go away, I want to wait for you to be ready. I want the future we dreamed about laying/cuddling in bed talking about what we wanted to do how we wanted to spend our life together.
I love you with everything I am.
submitted by Zhencion0717 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:47 Zhencion0717 I had a dream

Dearest Amore,
So I became convinced that you might be on here. There were a couple people that I've seen on this subreddit that their words, their descriptions fit close enough to you that I had hope. They all spoke of wanting to reconnect but stated they felt like it was up to their person.
So last night as I went to bed I prayed to God and asked for a dream to tell me if I should try and reach out to you. I said if it is a dream of you needing me, or wanting to be with me then I will take that as the sign. But if it is just a dream of us hanging out then I will take that as a sign that I need to stop hoping for romantic reconnection. I pray to the judeo Christian God and I prayed to Morpheus God of sleep and dreams.
Funny enough I did have a dream. In that dream you called me up crying saying "I need you. I need you to stay on the line with me. I need to know you're there." You then proceeded to call a crisis line talking about how you feel like you're a failure, that you feel like your kids hate you, that nothing has been going right for you. All things you have told me you were worried about.
In my dream I'm rushing around looking for my car keys, I finally find them I grab them shove them in my pocket and I'm running out the door. And that is when I wake up I am halfway to standing up from my bed to run out my door for you. Because you needed me, and there was nothing that was going to stop me from being there for you.
I took that as my sign. I reached out to you today to try and talk, I didn't say it was important I don't want to use that as an aspect to "force" you to talk to me. You said okay that you would see about coming over after work, and you let me know that you were tired and running out of mental spoons so there was a chance you wouldn't be able to. I had only hoped that if that were the case you would have messaged me to let me know.
I spent an hour and a half sitting downstairs waiting for you to pull up. Then I spent 30 minutes waiting to see if I got a text, my answer was silence.
I don't know if you felt you had to say yes because if you didn't I might cause a scene. I hope you know that's never the way I would be. I love you immensely and I try to respect every request you've made. But it's been a month since you said I don't want to talk about it. I guess I was hoping that enough time had passed to allow some small conversation.
I can hope that I might receive a message from you going "oh shoot I'm sorry I'm really tired I forgot to let you know I was going home would it be okay if we talk later?" I also hope nothing is wrong with the kids but that you just needed to get home to them. I hope I still mean something to you, and that I'm worth more than just a stranger.
I do still love you, that's never going to go away, I want to wait for you to be ready. I want the future we dreamed about laying/cuddling in bed talking about what we wanted to do how we wanted to spend our life together.
I love you with everything I am.
submitted by Zhencion0717 to letters [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:46 sanjeevpandeybharat How do I get 10,000 users per day in a website?

Getting 10,000 users per day on a website requires a combination of strategies focused on driving traffic, engaging your audience, and providing value. Here are some steps you can take to achieve this goal:
  1. **Define Your Target Audience**: Understand who your target audience is and what they're interested in. Tailor your content and marketing efforts to appeal to their needs and preferences.
  2. **Search Engine Optimization (SEO)**: Optimize your website for search engines to improve its visibility in search results. Conduct keyword research, optimize on-page elements (such as titles, meta descriptions, and headings), create high-quality content, and build backlinks from reputable websites.
  3. **Content Marketing**: Create compelling, valuable content that resonates with your target audience. Publish blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, podcasts, or other content formats that address their pain points, answer their questions, or provide solutions to their problems.
  4. **Social Media Marketing**: Promote your content and engage with your audience on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, or TikTok. Share your content, participate in relevant conversations, run social media ads, and leverage influencer partnerships to reach a wider audience.
  5. **Email Marketing**: Build an email list of subscribers interested in your content or products. Send regular newsletters, updates, promotions, and exclusive content to keep your audience engaged and drive traffic back to your website.
  6. **Paid Advertising**: Invest in paid advertising campaigns to drive targeted traffic to your website. Use platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Twitter Ads, or YouTube Ads to reach your audience based on demographics, interests, and behavior.
  7. **Optimize Website Performance**: Ensure that your website is fast, user-friendly, and mobile-responsive. Improve page loading times, optimize for mobile devices, enhance navigation and usability, and minimize technical issues to provide a seamless user experience.
  8. **Engage Your Audience**: Encourage interaction and engagement on your website by enabling comments, forums, live chat, or community features. Respond promptly to comments and messages, ask for feedback, and foster a sense of community around your brand.
  9. **Collaborate and Partner**: Collaborate with influencers, bloggers, industry experts, or other websites in your niche to reach their audiences and expand your reach. Guest posting, cross-promotions, co-marketing campaigns, or affiliate partnerships can help drive traffic and increase visibility.
  10. **Monitor and Analyze**: Track your website traffic, user behavior, and conversion metrics using web analytics tools like Google Analytics. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), identify areas for improvement, and adjust your strategies accordingly to optimize your results over time.
By implementing these strategies consistently and continuously refining your approach based on data and feedback, you can work towards achieving your goal of attracting 10,000 users per day to your website.
submitted by sanjeevpandeybharat to u/sanjeevpandeybharat [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 Zhencion0717 I had a dream

Dearest Amore,
So I became convinced that you might be on here. There were a couple people that I've seen on this subreddit that their words, their descriptions fit close enough to you that I had hope. They all spoke of wanting to reconnect but stated they felt like it was up to their person.
So last night as I went to bed I prayed to God and asked for a dream to tell me if I should try and reach out to you. I said if it is a dream of you needing me, or wanting to be with me then I will take that as the sign. But if it is just a dream of us hanging out then I will take that as a sign that I need to stop hoping for romantic reconnection. I pray to the judeo Christian God and I prayed to Morpheus God of sleep and dreams.
Funny enough I did have a dream. In that dream you called me up crying saying "I need you. I need you to stay on the line with me. I need to know you're there." You then proceeded to call a crisis line talking about how you feel like you're a failure, that you feel like your kids hate you, that nothing has been going right for you. All things you have told me you were worried about.
In my dream I'm rushing around looking for my car keys, I finally find them I grab them shove them in my pocket and I'm running out the door. And that is when I wake up I am halfway to standing up from my bed to run out my door for you. Because you needed me, and there was nothing that was going to stop me from being there for you.
I took that as my sign. I reached out to you today to try and talk, I didn't say it was important I don't want to use that as an aspect to "force" you to talk to me. You said okay that you would see about coming over after work, and you let me know that you were tired and running out of mental spoons so there was a chance you wouldn't be able to. I had only hoped that if that were the case you would have messaged me to let me know.
I spent an hour and a half sitting downstairs waiting for you to pull up. Then I spent 30 minutes waiting to see if I got a text, my answer was silence.
I don't know if you felt you had to say yes because if you didn't I might cause a scene. I hope you know that's never the way I would be. I love you immensely and I try to respect every request you've made. But it's been a month since you said I don't want to talk about it. I guess I was hoping that enough time had passed to allow some small conversation.
I can hope that I might receive a message from you going "oh shoot I'm sorry I'm really tired I forgot to let you know I was going home would it be okay if we talk later?" I also hope nothing is wrong with the kids but that you just needed to get home to them. I hope I still mean something to you, and that I'm worth more than just a stranger.
I do still love you, that's never going to go away, I want to wait for you to be ready. I want the future we dreamed about laying/cuddling in bed talking about what we wanted to do how we wanted to spend our life together.
I love you with everything I am.
submitted by Zhencion0717 to Unsent_Unread_Unheard [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:42 remy_roblox WISH ME LUCK TODAY THIS IS MY BEST AT 2M ROLLS

WISH ME LUCK TODAY THIS IS MY BEST AT 2M ROLLS submitted by remy_roblox to SolsRNG [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:41 GhoulGriin Best Acudraw Crossbow

Best Acudraw Crossbow
Get ready for an action-packed adventure with the Acudraw Crossbow, a cutting-edge weapon that combines precision, power, and versatility for hunters and enthusiasts alike! In this article, we'll take a closer look at the Acudraw Crossbow's impressive features, top-notch performance, and unparalleled accuracy, helping you make an informed decision on whether this is the perfect crossbow for your next hunting expedition.

The Top 20 Best Acudraw Crossbow

  1. Steambow AR-6 Stinger II Tactical Crossbow - High-Performance Hunting Accessory - Unleash precision and power with the Steambow AR-6 Stinger II Tactical Repeating Crossbow, featuring a UV-resistant polymer construction, adjustable buttstock, and a maximum velocity of up to 220 FPS.
  2. Affordable Compact Crossbow for Various Uses - The Steambow AR-6 Stinger II Compact Crossbow Black 414, known for its affordability, offers versatility and compatibility with a range of accessories, making it a popular choice for those seeking cheap crossbows.
  3. High-Performance Acudraw Crossbow for Hunters - Experience the ultimate precision and performance with the Wicked Ridge RDX 400 ACUdraw Crossbow, a reverse-draw hunting crossbow shooting up to 400 FPS.
  4. Wicked Ridge RDX 410 Reverse-Draw Crossbow with ACUdraw Silent and Pro-View 400 Scope - Experience lightning-fast speed and ultimate accuracy with the Wicked Ridge RDX 410 Crossbow, featuring the easy-to-use ACUdraw Silent system and Pro-View 400 Scope, perfect for beginners and seasoned hunters alike.
  5. Adjustable Compact Pink Crossbow for Outdoor Fun - The Bear X Desire XL Crossbow, available in a fun pink design, offers adjustable stocks, easy self-cocking functionality, and a maximum arrow speed of 175 FPS for a thrilling shooting experience perfect for beginners and enthusiasts alike.
  6. Affordable Wicked Ridge Invader Crossbow with ACUdraw and Pro-View 400 Scope - Wicked Ridge Invader M1: A lightweight, compact crossbow with powerful ACUdraw cocking device, Pro-View 400 scope, and 3 Match 400 arrows - perfect for hunters seeking an accurate and efficient hunting experience without breaking the bank.
  7. Tenpoint Titan M1 ACUdraw Crossbow Package with Rope Sled and Accessories - Experience unparalleled accuracy and speed with the Tenpoint Titan M1 Crossbow Package, featuring a 30% narrower design and up to 30 FPS faster performance than its predecessor, all while maintaining the durability of CNC-machined aluminum construction.
  8. Revolutionary Crossbow with Advanced Technology and Unmatched Accuracy - Experience unmatched accuracy and speed with the revolutionary TRX 515 crossbow from TenPoint – the perfect combination of cutting-edge technology and superior design.
  9. Tenpoint Titan M1 Crossbow: Fast and Powerful Hunting Companion - Experience big game performance with the ultra-compact and lightning-fast Tenpoint Titan M1 Crossbow, equipped with advanced features for unparalleled accuracy, speed, and durability in one powerful package.
  10. Silent and Fast Crossbow Cocking Device, ACUdraw PRO by Tenpoint - Experience the efficiency and safety of the ACUdraw Pro, the ultimate quiet, lightweight, and fast cocking device for your crossbow.
  11. Wicked Ridge Acudraw XS Crossbow: Lightweight, Powerful Hunting Companion - Experience silent, effortless cocking and fast speeds with the Wicked Ridge Rampage XS ACUdraw Crossbow, the ultimate hunting companion for any adventurist.
  12. High-Performance Acudraw Crossbow: 380 FPS Speed and Easy Cocking - Experience the power and precision of the Wicked Ridge Commander M1 Crossbow, featuring the ACUdraw cocking device, a 4x Multi-Line Scope, and pre-sighted at 20-yards for ultimate hunting success.
  13. Wicked Ridge Invader 400 Crossbow with ACUdraw 50 Cocking Device - Experience unmatched precision and power with the Wicked Ridge Invader 400 Crossbow Package - the perfect choice for serious crossbow enthusiasts.
  14. Wicked Ridge M-370 ACUdraw Lightweight Crossbow - Multi-Line Scope and 3 Arrow Quiver - Experience the ultimate hunting adventure with the ultra-light Wicked Ridge M-370 ACUdraw Crossbow, equipped with a sleek design, Multi-Line Scope, ACUdraw Pro, and a 3 Arrow Instant Detach Quiver for exceptional performance and versatility on the field.
  15. Lightweight, Portable, and Effortless: Tenpoint ACUdraw Crossbow Cocking Assist - Introducing the Tenpoint ACUdraw, a revolutionary and lightweight solution for cocking a crossbow, perfect for hunters of all abilities and ages - effortless, accurate, and fully integrated for maximum convenience.
  16. Effortless Rope-Cocked Archery Accessory - Upgrade your crossbow experience with the Tenpoint ACUdraw 50, featuring easy-to-use 50% reduction rope-cocking, lightweight contoured covers, and powerful mini-magnets for secure storage when not in use.
  17. AMERICAN-MADE Wicked Ridge NXT 400 Crossbow Package with ACUdraw Compact Design and 3-arrow Quiver - The Wicked Ridge NXT 400 ACUdraw Crossbow Package features a lightweight design, tenacious accuracy, and easy handling, making it a top choice for hunters seeking superior performance and a made-in-America build.
  18. Revolutionary Titan 400 Crossbow with ACUdraw Silent Cocking - The Tenpoint Titan 400 offers unparalleled accuracy, ease of use, and speed in a cost-effective package, making it the ultimate choice for crossbow enthusiasts.
  19. Easy Self-Cocking Acudraw Crossbow Pistol for Hunting and Target Practice - Ace Martial Arts Supply Self Cocking Draw 80 lb Crossbow is a versatile and durable weapon designed for small game hunting and target shooting, featuring a self-cocking mechanism and adjustable tactical sight.
  20. Flatline 460 ACUslide Crossbow for Excellent Hunting Performance - Unleash the power of the TenPoint Flatline 460 Crossbow Package, featuring innovative ACUslide cocking and de-cocking system, precision scope, and Quick-Loc Technology for unrivaled speed and accuracy.
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🔗Steambow AR-6 Stinger II Tactical Crossbow - High-Performance Hunting Accessory
The Steambow AR-6 Stinger II Tactical has definitely made an impact in my daily life. The first thing that caught my attention was its sleek design. The impact-resistant polymer construction is not only durable but also UV-resistant, which is a great feature for outdoor use. The length-adjustable AR-style buttstock along with the standard buffer tube provides a comfortable grip.
One of the standout features for me was the maximum velocity of up to 220 FPS and a maximum energy of up to 15.2 FPE. I could really feel the power behind each shot! The ridged and textured pistol grip made holding it steady during use much easier.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks. The instructions booklet was virtually useless, and I had to rely on a video to assemble it. Additionally, the shims were quite frustrating. Despite these small setbacks, the crossbow performed well and was a lot of fun to use. Overall, I'd recommend this to someone looking for an affordable and powerful crossbow.

🔗Affordable Compact Crossbow for Various Uses
The AR-6 Stinger II Compact Crossbow Black 414, a compact and versatile crossbow that has become a staple in my outdoor adventures. Its ease of use and portability have made it a go-to choice for a variety of activities.
The draw weight of 35 pounds ensures a sturdy and reliable shot, while its compact design makes it perfect for hunting in tight spaces or carrying during longer excursions. However, despite its strong points, I've noticed that it can be quite noisy, which might be a concern for those in more sensitive shooting environments. Overall, the AR-6 Stinger II Compact Crossbow Black 414 strikes a balance between performance and convenience, making it a worthwhile investment for hunting enthusiasts on a budget.

🔗High-Performance Acudraw Crossbow for Hunters
I recently discovered the Wicked Ridge RDX 400 Acudraw crossbow, and I must say, it has completely changed my perceptions about crossbows. The RDX 400 is a beautiful balance of speed, accuracy, and affordability. It has a power stroke of 15.5 inches and can shoot up to 400 feet per second. The perfectly balanced reverse-draw design utilizes the full power stroke for lightning-fast speeds and consistent down-range accuracy.
I love the ACUdraw Pro feature, making cocking a breeze. The included mounted scope, quiver, and arrows deliver a complete package, perfect for both beginners and experienced hunters alike. The compact size of the crossbow (only 9 inches wide) adds to its ease of use and portability.
However, there have been a couple of small drawbacks in my experience. The first is the width options of 9 and 15 inches—the 9-inch width is too narrow for a complete cocking device, so I found myself using the cocking rope more often than not. Secondly, the string serving broke after just 20-25 shots, which was quite disappointing.
Despite these minor issues, the Wicked Ridge RDX 400 Acudraw crossbow has proven to be a reliable, fast, and accurate hunting companion. I highly recommend it for anyone looking to experience the thrill of crossbow hunting without breaking the bank.

🔗Wicked Ridge RDX 410 Reverse-Draw Crossbow with ACUdraw Silent and Pro-View 400 Scope
As a reviewer who has been using the Wicked Ridge RDX 410 Crossbow in their daily life, I've had the opportunity to explore its features and experience the benefits it offers. One of the highlights for me has been the ease of use and cocking with the ACUdraw Silent, a feature that allows for silent cocking and reduces the draw weight significantly.
The reversed-draw design provides a smoother shot and better balance for increased accuracy, making it a top choice among other crossbows in the market. The state-of-the-art Pro-View 400 Scope comes with aimpoints out to 70 yards and an updated reticle for improved down-range accuracy.
However, one downside I've noticed is the occasional noise and vibration, which may be addressed by some users with the integrated String Stop System. While the crossbow is a great value, some reviewers have faced issues with the warranty and customer support, which could be essential for future purchases or repeat customers.
Overall, despite the minor drawbacks, the Wicked Ridge RDX 410 Crossbow is a superior choice for those looking to experience the thrill of crossbow hunting with ease and accuracy in their arsenal.

🔗Adjustable Compact Pink Crossbow for Outdoor Fun
Using the Bear x Desire XL Pistol Crossbow has been an exciting adventure in my backyard. The compact design of this pistol crossbow makes it easy to store and transport, yet it's powerful and accurate. The self-cocking arm and forearm grip are perfect for beginners like me, and the adjustable stock allows for comfort and increased stability while shooting. The velocity of 175 FPS makes target practice enjoyable and the 60-pound draw weight provides a challenge without being too overwhelming.
However, there are a couple of drawbacks to this pistol crossbow. The supplied aluminum bolts with plastic push-in fletchings are prone to breaking upon impact with firm surfaces, and the cocking stock latch tends to break almost immediately. These issues are frustrating, but they do not significantly detract from the overall performance of the pistol crossbow.
In conclusion, the Bear x Desire XL Pistol Crossbow offers a fun and user-friendly shooting experience for beginners and enthusiasts alike. Its adjustable stock, compact design, and powerful velocity make it an excellent choice for backyard target practice. However, the flimsy bolts and faulty latch might require replacement over time.

🔗Affordable Wicked Ridge Invader Crossbow with ACUdraw and Pro-View 400 Scope
I recently had the chance to try out the Wicked Ridge Invader M1 crossbow, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. As a beginner with crossbow hunting, this product was an excellent addition to my gear. The built-in ACUdraw crank cocking device proved to be a game-changer, significantly reducing the draw weight and making cocking a breeze.
One of the standout features was the 70-yard Pro-View 400 scope, which offered impressive aimpoints and a cleaner view for improved accuracy. The scope's updated reticle made a noticeable difference when taking shots at various distances. Additionally, the crossbow's pre-sighting at 20 yards gave me confidence that it would perform well on the hunt.
The fact that this crossbow is built in the United States was a nice touch, and the craftsmanship was evident upon handling the device. The inclusion of a Pro-View 400 scope, 3 Match 400 arrows, and a 3-arrow quiver made the package even more appealing.
However, there were a couple of downsides I encountered during my experience. Firstly, the compact size of the crossbow made it slightly uncomfortable for me to carry and handle for extended periods. Additionally, the weight of the crossbow was a bit heavier than expected, making it challenging for me to carry it around for hours in the field.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Wicked Ridge Invader M1 crossbow proved to be a reliable and efficient hunting companion. The combination of features and performance made it a valuable addition to my gear, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to upgrade their crossbow or start their hunting journey.

🔗Tenpoint Titan M1 ACUdraw Crossbow Package with Rope Sled and Accessories
As a crossbow enthusiast, I've had the chance to try out the TenPoint Titan M1 Crossbow Package with its Rope Sled. When I first opened the package, I was impressed by the high-quality construction with its CNC-machined aircraft-grade aluminum material. It was lightweight yet sturdy, and the compact design made it easy to carry during my hunting trips.
One of the standout features for me was the ACUdraw De-Cock system. It made taking off the safety a breeze, allowing me to quickly and safely aim at my target. However, at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed with the trigger. It wasn't as smooth as I expected, and it required quite a bit of effort to pull back.
Shooting with the TenPoint Titan M1 was a breeze, thanks to the powerful stroke and elongated inverted VX-5 cams. I was able to achieve pin-point accuracy and devastating speeds, and the included TenPoint 3x Pro-View 3 Scope made sighting in my targets a cinch.
The inclusion of the optional Rope-sled and ACUdraw cocking system made this package versatile and allowed me to choose which one suited my shooting style better. Although the stock itself could have been better, I was happy with the overall durability and performance of this crossbow.
In conclusion, the TenPoint Titan M1 Crossbow Package with Rope Sled is an impressive and powerful crossbow that can truly make a difference on your hunting trips. Despite some minor hiccups like the rough trigger and the stock, it has been an excellent addition to my outdoor gear.

🔗Revolutionary Crossbow with Advanced Technology and Unmatched Accuracy
I recently had the pleasure of trying out the TRX 515 crossbow from TenPoint, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. One of my favorite features was the reverse-draw design, which added a level of smoothness to the shot that I had never experienced before. It was also incredibly accurate, thanks to the twin-riser technology that reduced the riser flex and limb torq.
However, it did have a bit of a tricky cocking mechanism, as I had to make sure to use the patented ACU-slide Maxx system for silent and safe de-cocking. It definitely took a bit of practice to get used to, but once I got the hang of it, it was a great feature. I also appreciated the ambidextrous thumb safety, which allowed me to keep both hands on the crossbow and maintain my focus on the target.

🔗Tenpoint Titan M1 Crossbow: Fast and Powerful Hunting Companion
I recently got my hands on the Tenpoint Titan M1 ACUdraw Crossbow and let me tell you, it's quite the experience. I've been crossbow hunting for a while now, so I was eager to see how this one would perform.
The first thing that stood out to me was the size of the crossbow. It's compact and easy to maneuver, making it perfect for those tight hunting spots. I especially loved the narrow width, which made it less hassle to carry around in the woods.
A feature that I enjoyed was the speed at which the crossbow shoots. It's capable of shooting arrows at an impressive 370 FPS, making it one of the faster models I've tried. The T5 trigger with its smooth pull and crisp break was a game-changer, making each shot feel more precise and controlled.
However, one area where the Titan M1 fell short was the durability. I experienced issues with the bowstring, which frayed and snapped after a few hundred shots. I reached out to the customer service team, and they were quick to help, but it was still an inconvenience.
In conclusion, the Tenpoint Titan M1 ACUdraw Crossbow is a good addition to any crossbow collection. With its high speed and compact design, it's sure to make your hunting experience a breeze. But be warned, there might be some durability issues that you'll need to keep an eye on. Overall, I'd give it a solid 4 out of 5 stars.

🔗Silent and Fast Crossbow Cocking Device, ACUdraw PRO by Tenpoint
I've had the chance to test out the Tenpoint ACUdraw Pro, and I must say, it has both its pros and cons. On one hand, the product is incredibly quiet, making it perfect for those who prefer hunting without any distractions. Additionally, I love how the ACUdraw Pro is fully integrated into the stock, making it a seamless and sleek addition to my crossbow.
However, there have been a few areas where I experienced some issues. For example, I found that the handle fitting was a bit off, making it difficult to fully utilize the product. Plus, I noticed that the crossbow took a bit longer to cock with the ACUdraw Pro compared to without it.
Overall, I've enjoyed using the Tenpoint ACUdraw Pro, but I believe there's definitely room for improvement. With a few adjustments and tweaks, this could become a fantastic addition to any crossbow enthusiast's arsenal.

🔗Wicked Ridge Acudraw XS Crossbow: Lightweight, Powerful Hunting Companion
I recently had the chance to try out the Wicked Ridge Rampage XS ACUdraw Crossbow, and I must say, it's a game-changer. As an avid hunter, the first thing that caught my eye was the ACUdraw system, which allows you to silently cock and safely de-cock with minimal effort. Not only does it save time, but it also adds a level of stealth to your hunting experience.
One of the highlights of this crossbow is its incredibly lightweight design, weighing in at just 6.5 pounds. It's perfect for those long days in the woods when every ounce counts. Additionally, the 31.5" length, 390 FPS speed, and 5.8 total pounds provide the power, accuracy, and maneuverability you need for a successful hunt.
The Rampage XS ACUdraw Crossbow also features a 3.5-pound trigger, Pro-View Scope with 3x magnification, and a 2.5" adjustment for greater accuracy and comfort. Overall, using this crossbow was a seamless and enjoyable experience, and I'm confident that it will be a reliable addition to any hunter's arsenal.

🔗High-Performance Acudraw Crossbow: 380 FPS Speed and Easy Cocking
I've been using the Wicked Ridge Commander M1 Crossbow for some time now, and let me tell you, it's a real game-changer. Despite its budget-friendly price tag, this crossbow punches well above its weight.
The ACUdraw cocking device is a dream to use, making the cocking process a breeze. The 4x multi-line scope offers accurate aiming up to 50 yards, and the fully coated optics are a massive plus. However, I must admit, the draw weight could be lighter for beginners.
All in all, the Commander M1 is a reliable and affordable choice for hunters and archers alike, offering the perfect balance of power and precision.

🔗Wicked Ridge Invader 400 Crossbow with ACUdraw 50 Cocking Device
Last fall, I took up crossbow hunting as a new hobby. I had been researching for months, reading reviews, and comparing different brands. From all the options available, the Wicked Ridge Invader 400 seemed to stand out. Here's my honest review of my experience and the features that really made a difference in my hunting journey.
The first thing I noticed about the Invader 400 was its amazing accuracy. With its fully adjustable Pro-View scope and 3-arrow instant-detach quiver, I was able to hit my targets with incredible precision. This feature was especially useful for my first hunting trip, where a close-range shot was crucial.
In terms of safety, the ACUdraw 50 cocking system made the crossbow feel much more secure when I was preparing to shoot. It was also very easy to handle, even after a long day of hunting, thanks to its lightweight design. However, there were instances where the cocking rod did feel a bit rough on my hand, which caused some discomfort after several shots.
One of the features that I appreciated the most about the Invader 400 was the quiet operation. In the forest, sound can be more important than you may think. Not having my target spooked away is crucial, and this crossbow performed exceptionally well in that regard. That said, the quiet operation did come at the cost of a slight reduction in power compared to some other models on the market.
A few downsides that I encountered during my time with the Invader 400 were the lack of a built-in string stopper and the absence of any kind of noise-reducing mechanisms in the crossbow itself. The lack of a string stopper made for a more dangerous experience, especially when loading and unloading arrows. And while I appreciated the quiet operation, it would have been great if the designers could have found a way to maintain that while still providing a little more power.
Overall, my experience with the Wicked Ridge Invader 400 was mostly positive. It was an excellent crossbow for a beginner like myself, and its accuracy and powerful shots made my hunting trips more successful. There are some features I wish it had, such as built-in noise reduction and a fully adjustable sight, but it certainly gets the job done well for the price point.

🔗Wicked Ridge M-370 ACUdraw Lightweight Crossbow - Multi-Line Scope and 3 Arrow Quiver
As an avid hunter, I was intrigued by the Wicked Ridge M-370 ACUdraw Crossbow. Its lightweight build and sleek design caught my eye from the start. However, upon closer inspection, I noticed a couple of hiccups with the product.
Firstly, the AcuDraw cocking device was quite tricky to use, requiring some extra effort and attention to avoid making mistakes. While I eventually got the hang of it, I couldn't help feeling a bit frustrated with the initial learning curve.
On the bright side, the crossbow itself was impressive in terms of accuracy and power, with the built-in scope providing a clear and precise view of the target. The lightweight nature made it an easy carry in the field, and the foot stirrup, while small, did the job when needed.
However, there were a couple of downsides I encountered. The scope, while functional, felt a tad flimsy and its dial-in system was somewhat unreliable. Additionally, the foot stirrup, while compact, wasn't the easiest to use, especially for those with larger shoes.
Overall, the Wicked Ridge M-370 ACUdraw Crossbow seems like a promising option for hunters in search of a lightweight, powerful weapon. With a few tweaks to address the minor issues, this crossbow could be a great addition to any gear arsenal.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to the Acudraw Crossbow Buyer's Guide. In this section, we will discuss important features, considerations, and general advice that can help you make an informed decision when purchasing an Acudraw crossbow. With a wide variety of options available on the market, understanding the specific requirements and features of an Acudraw crossbow can help you find the perfect one for your needs.

Power Stroke Distance
The power stroke distance is one of the primary factors that determine the performance of an Acudraw crossbow. It is the distance the bow limb moves during the draw cycle. Generally, a longer power stroke distance leads to higher speed and kinetic energy, which results in better accuracy and penetration. Look for a crossbow with a power stroke distance of at least 10 inches for optimal performance.

Draw Weight

Draw weight is the force required to pull the crossbow back to its full draw. Higher draw weight means a stronger and more powerful crossbow. However, it may also require more effort to cock the crossbow. Consider your physical strength and hunting requirements when selecting a draw weight. A good starting point for most hunters is between 150-200 pounds. If you are considering a youth model, look for a lower draw weight, typically around 100-125 pounds.


The speed of an Acudraw crossbow is measured in feet per second (fps) and affects its shooting range and accuracy. A higher speed crossbow will generally have a greater range and better accuracy. Aim for a minimum speed of 250 fps, as it can provide an ideal balance between power and speed. For a more advanced crossbow, look for models with a speed exceeding 300 fps.

Noise and Vibration

Crossbows can be noisy and produce vibrations that can affect the shooter's aim and accuracy. To minimize noise and vibration, look for crossbows with built-in noise dampening and vibration reduction features, such as rubber dampeners or recoil dampening systems. These features will help improve your shooting experience and reduce fatigue.

Practical Considerations

  • Length: Opt for a crossbow with a comfortable length that suits your height and reach. Ideally, the butt plate should rest comfortably against your shoulder when drawing the bow.
  • Weight: Consider the weight of the crossbow, especially for hunting. A lightweight crossbow is easier to carry during extended hunts, but it may also be less stable and require more control.
  • Safety: Look for features such as a manual safety, an automatic safety that engages when the bow is cocked, and string dampers to help prevent accidental discharges.
  • Scope: Choose a crossbow with a quality scope that offers a clear sight picture and adequate magnification for the desired shooting range.

Maintenance and Care
Caring for your Acudraw crossbow is essential to ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Regular maintenance includes cleaning and lubricating the crossbow after each use, inspecting the strings and cables for wear, and maintaining the scope properly. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's maintenance guidelines to keep your crossbow in top condition.
Selecting the perfect Acudraw crossbow requires considering several factors, such as power stroke distance, draw weight, speed, noise and vibration reduction, and practical considerations like length, weight, safety, and maintenance. By taking these elements into account, you can find an Acudraw crossbow that meets your specific needs and provides an enjoyable and successful hunting experience.


What is the Acudraw Crossbow?

The Acudraw Crossbow is a precision-crafted crossbow designed for hunters, archers, and all those seeking a reliable and high-quality weapon for various shooting activities. This crossbow boasts exceptional accuracy, power, and durability, making it a perfect choice for serious shooters.

What are the key features of the Acudraw Crossbow?

  • High quality, low-maintenance design
  • Adjustable power and accuracy
  • Sturdy and lightweight construction
  • High-powered, adjustable scope for ultimate precision
  • Easy to assemble and use

What materials is the crossbow made of?

The Acudraw Crossbow is crafted from advanced materials, including carbon fiber, aluminum, and high-strength composite materials. These materials provide exceptional durability, stability, and lightness for optimal performance.

What is the maximum range of the Acudraw Crossbow?

The maximum range of the Acudraw Crossbow depends on several factors, such as power settings, scope adjustments, and the quality of the arrow used. However, it can typically achieve an impressive range of up to 400 yards with an appropriate arrow and optimal settings.

Is the Acudraw Crossbow suitable for beginners?

Yes, the Acudraw Crossbow is suitable for both beginners and experienced users thanks to its adjustable power and accuracy, user-friendly design, and easy assembly. Beginners will appreciate its forgiving nature, while experienced shooters will enjoy its high performance and precise tuning capabilities.

What accessories or additional components are available for the Acudraw Crossbow?

There are a variety of accessories and additional components available for the Acudraw Crossbow, including quivers, arrows, slings, and scopes. Users can choose from a range of accessories to customize their crossbow and enhance its performance according to their needs.

Is the Acudraw Crossbow easy to maintain and store?

Yes, the Acudraw Crossbow is designed with ease of maintenance in mind. Its sturdy construction, along with its high-quality materials, ensures that it is resistant to wear and tear. Moreover, it is easy to store and assemble, making it a practical choice for shooters of all skill levels.

What is the warranty period for the Acudraw Crossbow?

The Acudraw Crossbow comes with a standard warranty covering manufacturing defects. However, specific details may vary depending on the retailer or seller, so it is essential to check the warranty terms and coverage provided by the supplier when purchasing the product.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:40 Ultron_6996_ DON'T KNOW WHAT NOW

I'm a General Male from bengal and this was my 2nd attempt of NEET , i'm getting smth around 555-565(haven't matched with the official answer key), I don't want to go into veterinary,BAMS and nor want to take another complete drop.
I'm thinking about going to govt BDS college with partial drop and another option is looking for some semi govt colleges, will I get any semi govt colleges at my marks at any other states?
submitted by Ultron_6996_ to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:37 Abhip10 Wake up babe, another 720🥵🥵🥵

Wake up babe, another 720🥵🥵🥵 submitted by Abhip10 to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:35 A_catcatcat Guys, why are there so many Geometry Dash references in general dynamics? Does Robtop love war?

Guys, why are there so many Geometry Dash references in general dynamics? Does Robtop love war? submitted by A_catcatcat to geometrydash [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:34 shrimp11189 Lifting AWD Express

Lifting AWD Express
I decided that I wanted to lift my van for some additional ground clearance. I ended up going with a Journeys off-road 2” lift kit. Blocks in the rear and cranked lift keys in the front. I went with the 2” because my tires are pretty new so it will be a while before I get bigger ones and I didn’t want it to look like my van skipped leg day. The lift install went well, replacing the torsion keys was a pain but pb blaster, a map torch and a small sledgehammer got it done. Air hammer would have been nice but I didn’t have a compressor where I installed the lift. If you are planning on doing this yourself rent or buy a torsion bar tool, absolute lifesaver. Brake lines are not stretched when the axle is hanging but if I had 3” blocks you would definitely need to make longer brake lines for the rear. I got a front end alignment after about 100 miles and drivability is perfect, absolutely no difference from stock. I have about 3k miles with the lift including a 1200 mile highway drive. I cannot stress enough that it drives exactly the same. The only time that you really notice it is when you get in and out. It’s not any more difficult, you just notice that it’s a little higher. I’m quite tall and getting in and out is very easy for me but if you are on the shorter side you might notice it a little more. The first picture is completely stock with around 400 lbs of tools directly over the rear axle, half a tank of gas, and both benches, the second picture is after the lift with just the benches, no toolbox, and a full tank of gas. I know that it’s not the best comparison but it’s what I have. I also took off the air dam on the front bumper in the second picture so it might look like it’s higher than it actually is. If you have any specific questions I would be happy to answer them. I’m trying to be the guy on the forums ten years ago that has the answers to your random questions.
submitted by shrimp11189 to Chevrolet_express [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:23 AgentSchrute101 Kitne Marks aaye guys advance mein?

advance ki answer key aa gayi, kitne number bane?
98 hi bane guysss :((
submitted by AgentSchrute101 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:15 Ok-Broccoli3582 When to Start and Stop Using a Bassinet: A Complete Guide for New Parents

As a new parent, you might be wondering about the best time to start and stop using a bassinet for your baby. This is a common concern, and getting it right can help ensure your baby’s safety and comfort, as well as your peace of mind.
When to Start Using a Bassinet
From Birth: Most parents begin using a bassinet from day one. Bassinets are designed to accommodate newborns and are perfect for those first few months. They provide a cozy and secure sleeping environment, often making it easier to keep your baby close, especially if you’re breastfeeding or need to attend to them frequently during the night.
Key Benefits:
Signs It's Time to Transition Out of the Bassinet
1. Weight Limit: Most bassinets have a weight limit, usually around 15 to 20 pounds. Once your baby approaches this limit, it’s time to consider moving to a crib.
2. Mobility Milestones: If your baby starts rolling over, pushing up on their hands and knees, or showing signs of more mobility, it’s safer to transition them to a crib where there is less risk of falling out.
3. Outgrowing the Space: As your baby grows, they might start to look cramped in the bassinet. If they can touch the sides easily or seem uncomfortable, it’s a clear indicator that they need more space.
When to Stop Using a Bassinet
Typically Between 3-6 Months: Most babies outgrow their bassinets between 3 to 6 months of age. However, this can vary depending on your baby’s growth rate and development.
Listen to Your Baby: Pay attention to their cues. If they seem restless or wake up frequently because they’re uncomfortable, it might be time for a change.
Safety First: Always prioritize safety. If there’s any doubt, transitioning to a crib earlier is usually the safer option.
Tips for a Smooth Transition
1. Make the Crib Cozy: Use a swaddle or sleep sack to recreate the snug feeling of the bassinet. 2. Gradual Transition: Start with daytime naps in the crib before making the full switch. 3. Keep a Routine: Maintain your baby’s sleep routine to help them adjust more quickly.
Every baby is different, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Trust your instincts and observe your baby’s needs. The goal is to ensure they have a safe and comfortable sleeping environment.
submitted by Ok-Broccoli3582 to BuyItForMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:14 AkumaZ Dojo Guide to Higher Scores

Aka your roadmap to the leaderboard!
Who am I? A dojo obsessed masochist who is nearing the end of mirroring every dojo fight (beating enemies with their weapon and style)
I’ve gotten on the leaderboard a few times in the process and it’s gotten me more interested in how it all works and figured sharing what I’ve learned can help others
Alright let’s start by breaking down the scoring, which will lead into some more detailed breakdown of things
You’re score is based on 3 things
First off, Time. This is really your DPS score, the faster you kill the enemy the higher the score, I’ve seen upwards of around 4600 I think and I’m not sure you can get much higher than that, but this is truly a measure of how well you kill things.
Next: Damage. This is actually scored based on how much damage YOU take, with a max score of 4200. Now if you take even a single hit, that drops down 1-200 points depending on the severity of it and can quickly drain your score if you keep getting hit
Now if you’re only worried about the master rank of 7k, you can kinda see how just no hitting and killing fast regardless of anything else gets you there
So here’s where it gets more interesting
Tech. This is scored on 3 different things. How many crits you get, how many countersparks you get, and how many martial arts you land
The martial arts part I think has a quality and quantity score, aka landing a few big ass hits scores just as well landing a bunch of weaker ones, which is why you’ll still see good tech scores from Greatswords and Odachis despite less total MAs used
Now prior to the most recent update, it was just Crits and Countersparks, and typically the ceiling for that score was around 1600 or so. Now though, you can get tech scores 2000-2500+ if you’re landing martial arts all over. Sometimes then it’s actually worth it to drag a fight out a bit longer in order to get more Countersparks and MAs landed. You might lose 2-400 points on the time, but potentially gain 800+ on tech in the process
Again for the 7k threshold, this is easy as hell to reach with the change, but if you’re going for something higher like the leaderboard, you more or less have to do damage exclusively with Martial arts. After all any regular hit done doesn’t get you any points in itself (but if it helps you kill faster then it helps your time score)
So it serves you well to figure out what combination of MAs work for you and your favorite styles. Violent Gale and Flash attacks are also pretty crucial to this, not because they score points by themselves but they allow you to more quickly transition from skill to skill so you can land more scoring Martial Arts. PLUS they help your Ki management and recovery.
So how do you get in the leaderboard? Simple really
Don’t get hit, counterspark damn near everything thrown at you, deal damage almost exclusively with Martial arts, and get at LEAST one critical hit in the process. 2 is better but not always possible
Pre 1.05 9000 pts was sorta the threshold for “great”, didn’t take a perfect no hit run but overall excellent play. 10k+ was the realm of absolute perfection (or pre nerf Unearthly Flame)
Post 1.05, 9k isn’t such a hard thing to achieve, I’d say 9700ish is the new equivalent of that, with 10k+ being the next step, and likely puts you on the leaderboard. Absolute perfection with a meta strategy puts you in the 11k range
And not all fights are created equally, as an example I think Genzui first dojo fight actually has a higher scoring potential than the fierce version because of the mock vs actual combat, allowing you to get an extra crit and more countersparks
Let’s also compare the 2 different types of dojo fights. Mock combat and Actual Combat
Mock combat is with wooden weapons, damage is much lower and fights tend to be longer because of it. For your gear you’re only benefiting from your 4 armor pieces and 4 accessories so builds are more limited. In these fights, you’re often able to get 2 crits and sometimes 3 if you play well
Oh and if you like running 6 katana styles you need to enter into the dojo with 2 equipped, once you’re in the menu only gives you access to one of each weapon (except bayonet because its rifle and shotgun bullets)
This has made some of my sequential mirror fights a pain because I try to double up on weapons to flash attack between the same style
Actual combat is basically toned down real shit. You have access to your normal weapons, though they’re downtuned for base damage which means your bond transferred skills and set bonuses also apply. The base damage is higher compared to wooden weapons, on top of having more of your build available, leads to shorter, bloodier fights. If you use hard hitting big weapons sometimes a second crit is hard to come by because of the sheer DPS. Oh you also get your grapple hook! That can be a big deal if you’re running the Dragon set to make use of its grapple max ki damage
And now we get into some more details about MAs I’ve found work EXTREMELY well for dojo scoring, my MVP list
Remember the tech score includes critical hits and MA landing? Well there are some skills that do BOTH, so you get a double count on your score for using them. I highly recommend having one in your arsenal, and several veiled arts are included so there’s some flexibility
Now the downside of these arts is your Ki recovery is slower to start up after use compared to a regular triangle crit so be aware. Also the actual critical blow portion tends to come at the end of the move, so there’s a bit of lead time with it. The slower ones you’ll maybe consider using to actually be part of the final depletion process, but if you’re committed to a big combo that ends up fully depleting an enemy, there may not be enough time to do the entire art with the crit at the end, in those instances just take the regular crit
I apologize if the names are off, I’m doing this off memory at the moment
The number one art? Nozuchi Drop on Odachi (Mumyo). This is a triple threat. It’s a skill, it does a crit on a Ki depleted enemy, and on a panicked enemy it suplexes them. Plus it’s FAST and useful even if you’re not in a scenario to use the extra functions. Even when it takes the crit it’s a very fast and short animation which can save you precious time for your score. Plus the crit happens almost immediately so you run less of a risk of missing the crit compared to other moves. Works great in combos too because of its speed and as a standalone for the panic grab after deflecting attacks
Next I like Roaring Blade on Tennen Rishin Latana. It does a big ki pulse that can do a good deal of Ki damage and the downward slash can take the critical hit, good at the end of a combo when an enemy is near depletion.
Night raven(Mumyo) and Spring Storm (Jigen) on Katana. These are triple threats in a different way, and are especially useful in Mock Combat because they count as grapple attacks, so they can trigger the Dragon grapple ki without having your grapple! Oh and they also can take critical hits, so excellent choices all around
Twin Dragons (Mumyo) on paired swords. This is a GREAT art, it is fast, does a bunch of hits, does great Ki damage especially when blocked, and can take the crit
Bone Shatterer on bayonet. This is another solid one, does a great deal of Ki damage, does a BIG crit hit on Ki depleted, and overall just fun to use
Demon Bear on Greatswords. Decent, animation for the crit is a little long but you do start regenerating Ki sooner when you use it compared to others
There are others, every style (except unarmed) I think has at least one Veiled Art that can also crit but these are my favs
A couple non criticals worth mentioning
Autumn Current (Hokushin Itto) is a solid choice, does great damage, even better Ki damage (especially if they’re blocking) and you can run it as long as you have Ki. Be wary of overcommitting with it though, its easy to do
Shadow Double, a bit slow overall but can strip Ki very well. Gives you a somewhat long range option too. Not sure it’s worth using as a VA on another katana style but Gikei is a solid shinobi style so it’s there for you
Mugai-ryu Firecracker. Not a veiled art, has a tricky range, and a long recovery after using it. But it does a FUCK ton of Ki damage, if you use it after a violent gale so that you’re very close to an enemy that helps ensure it hits. I’m planning to experiment more with this one after I finish my mirror challenges
And if you haven’t checked out the write up on Panic, I’d recommend giving it a read, as learning to understand, plan, and manage panic is really the key to getting those low to no-hit high score runs
That’s all I can think of at the moment, so get out there and start scoring some points!
submitted by AkumaZ to riseoftheronin [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:08 Annual_Ear_6404 JEE ADV AK CORRECTIONS THREAD

now that the provisional answer keys are out, let's collectively find corrections in the answer key accordingly and settle upon them and saathme sab submit karte to them so that koi reh na jaaye
admins please pin this and 2024tards please koi bhi corrections mile to batao
submitted by Annual_Ear_6404 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:05 ughkla Rehome US

Rehome US
Alma bb brand new sun bathed for a little patina on the vachetta $255 comes with dust bag and all accessories still bagged up not touched
Vintage speedy 25 comes with 2 locks and 2 keys, comes with white mesh non branded dust bag $200
submitted by ughkla to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:03 M1ddle_C “To be at least 20 characters”

I wanted to be a great American poet,
But also an astronaut.
Or maybe just:
Mathematician, Rockstar, athlete, and a laureate
General and Doctor, mastermind of glorious
Never could do paint, but still could be an artist.
An architect, ambassador, philosopher, oncologist .
Answer me a string, program!
Ah! The keys were in piano.
I’d tell a story, make it cry
Then end it with a grand note!
A grand hope. I wanted to be pope. After time to cope, For a moment;
maybe president, Then to end my rope, As a famous Vegas resident.
Fade away Become obscure Live twice Become a revenant
Was it schemes or dreams?
Motives to an action.
The inner beings they call to be
the storms of inner passion.
I wanted to be a great American poet.
Or was it,
To be trusted and respected?
Our behaviors are invested.
I wanted to be interesting.
And in all that,
I forgot to be interested.
submitted by M1ddle_C to QuillandPen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:57 HPIndifferenceCraft This is the crux of the argument right here…

This is the crux of the argument right here… submitted by HPIndifferenceCraft to Conservative [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:56 DBroonie Do you think PC - Controller players' sens translates well to Console?

Obviously the meta is 4-3 linear. After finally making the "permanent" change to it, I definitely understand the hype. But some part of me thinks it just doesn't hit the same as it does on PC. A lot of that has to do with frames.
Linear is really good when you have high frames, and for pros, a fresh controller with little stick drift. Being on 200+ frames makes it easier to track enemies, and rely on quick reactions + aim assist. Linear helps a crap ton with this, as the player's aim is what decides where the aim is going to go.
I've tried asking pros who use it on controller, and they don't have an answer since they don't play on console.
But what do you all think? The more I play the more I feel like it's most effective on PC.
Note: I understand these pros we watch are FAR better than any of us, so of course they make 4-3 linear look like aimbot. But just the feel itself is what I'm talking about
submitted by DBroonie to ApexConsole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:53 Unfair-Work9128 Leo Glynn should've been fired during the first season.

So, Dino O'rtolani gets set on fire while strapped to a restraint table that is located inside the Hole, right? Not only can Leo NOT find out who did the deed (until it was too late, of course), he couldn't even discover the identity of the CO who let the inmate into the Hole. How did he keep his job? Why did the FBI, or Devlin, not hammer away at him for answers? Hell, even McManus alluded to this when he called out Healy, low-key accusing him, or "some other officer", of letting whoever lit the match into the Hole.
submitted by Unfair-Work9128 to ozshow [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:48 Illustrious-Ear5254 Jee advanced answer keys are out
Direct PDF links *
Drop your marks below!
submitted by Illustrious-Ear5254 to JEE [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:46 thecorgigus Extras Up For Grabs

Extras Up For Grabs
Doing some much needed card organizing this weekend! Open to offers to sell as a bundle, smaller bundles, or individually. Flexible on pricing because I really don’t want to have to find a home for these in my closet. Space is getting tight 😅
submitted by thecorgigus to KillerKlownsCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:36 Master_Specialist_59 Getting 199 marks acc. to provisional answer key . WT abt u all?

Also tell abt someone who has outperformed
submitted by Master_Specialist_59 to JEE [link] [comments]