Poem song easter holy week

Semana Santa en Sevilla

2017.10.28 18:13 SevillanoinAustralia Semana Santa en Sevilla

Hola! Bienvenidos a este subreddit sobre la Semana Santa de Sevilla! - Hi! Welcome to this subreddit dedicated to the Holy Week in Seville!

2014.01.16 11:29 WILTWIFLS

What I Listen To When I Feel Like Shit. This is a subreddit for songs to listen to when you feel like shit. Whether you're looking to cope or wallow or whatever, there's a song for you here.

2016.06.15 01:02 f-n-a-f-g-y-f-r TestForFNaF

The official subreddit for Scott Cawthon's horror game series, Five Nights at Freddy's.

2024.05.21 16:47 hendrixski I REACHED MY GOAL!!! Here are 4 tips I learned.

Last year I gained a bit of weight after having maintained a previous weight loss for 6+ years. I didn't become overweight again, but I came close: my BMI reached 24.8. I caught it in time and I took action. I set an even harder weight-loss goal for myself this time: 12% body fat on my smart scale. (I don't know how accurate it is, but that's the measurement I'm using).

I just reached that goal!

My smart scale has shown me below 12% body fat for 3 days in a row. My goal was not weight (although, I lost 33 lbs - so I'm at ~155 lbs, at 6'2" which is a BMI of 19.9).
I learned a lot and here's a few things I want to share with everybody to help you on your journey:
  1. Fiber. Last time I didn't fully appreciate the importance of fiber. I lost weight and maintained just fine on close-to-enough fiber. This time, I went above the minimum recommended fiber and holy cow it is a life changer. I felt so full. Not to mention that my poops are so fast/easy. The minimum is 14g of fiber per 1,000 kcal of food. Go above that minimum and you'll be sssooo glad. I promise!
  2. Sugar. We don't know much about the gut microbiome yet, nor the gut-brain axis. But we do know that feeding your gut bacteria more sugar increases the frequency of signals which cause food cravings. You can reduce cravings by reducing sugar. Some but not all artificial sweeteners have the same effect, so you should minimize artificial sweeteners, too. It's still all about CICO - I'm saying that drastically reducing sugar (and sweeteners) helps with the "CI" part everywhere else in life.
  3. Sleep. Did you know that insufficient sleep makes you crave more food, reduces your willpower to resist eating bad foods, and makes you less active so you burn fewer calories? I used to have poor sleep quality so I started going to bed at the same time, turning my screens off an hour before bed, not eating for 3 hours before bed, and waking up at the same time. Every. Single. Day. It changed my life! I used to say that you need both diet and exercise to lose weight. I feel like now I should tell people that you need all 3 things to lose weight: diet, exercise, and sleep.
  4. Protein. The formulas that use body weight to calculate protein requirements are NOT accurate for overweight people. You need to know your "lean body mass", that is how much you weigh when you subtract all of your fat. You need between 0.7 grams up to 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass. Also, just eating protein doesn't do anything to prevent muscle loss - you need BOTH protein and exercise. Remember the minimum recommended exercise is 150 minutes per week. So you need MORE than 2.5 hours of exercise every week, plus >0.7 grams of protein per lean body mass (not your full weight) and then you won't lose too much muscle while losing weight.
OK. I hope that's helpful to some people. I've reached my weight-loss goal with the help of those 4 lessons. You can, too! I've maintained weight loss before, I will maintain this new weight loss forever with my new habits, and you can, too!

Good luck everybody!

submitted by hendrixski to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:37 IkazuchiRaikou CisHet Branding Ideas

CisHet Logo:
CisHet Flag:
Beliefs Of The CisHet:
CisHet Anthem:
"I swear by my might, I swear by might, homosexuality will go away..."
CisHet's Rally Cry:
"The six stripes are going down, homophobes are number one!"
Subscription Services:
CisHet Website:
Sections: About Us, News, Blogs, Stories, Events
Miscellaneous Content: CisHet Memes, CisHet Poems, CisHet Stories, CisHet Songs (AI generated Anti-LGBTQ songs), CisHet Rants, CisHet Chibi (Homophobic gacha images), CisHet Transracism (Hate towards Transracials/RCTA Community), CisHet Voyage (Articles about Anti-LGBTQI2+ Countries such as Malaysia, Poland and Russia).
News Anchor:
Muslims, Christians, Atheists, etc. unite against LGBTQI2+. If someone reads the Quran or the Bible, they will be rewarded by being homophobic. Additionally, CisHet is Pro-Palestine and votes for Trump.
Destruction of Hindu temple (To express how much we hate LGBTQI2+).
Conversion therapy.
CisHet workshops.
Superstraight, Homophobes, Homophobic Dog, Fetrah, TrueCisgender, AntiTransPolitics and ExLGBT.
CisHet Clothing & Mug Ideas:
Reasons To Be Cishet:
submitted by IkazuchiRaikou to Homophobes_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:37 BryceOConnor As the Patreon and this sub grow, I've been getting more and more comments about how "slow" I am. This is true. I AM slow. However... I thought it might be interesting to talk about my job(s) and work schedule, to give a little context šŸ˜

As the Patreon and this sub grow, I've been getting more and more comments about how
Hey everyone! So after my query last week I decided it was indeed past time for me to provide a write-up of my work and work schedule, especially after SO many people let me know in comments and in DMs that they had no idea I was not a full-time author. I completely understand the confusion, of course. I WAS a full-time author for several years, after all, and beyond that my transition back to having a job was atypical for an author because it did not result from any loss of success (so far) on the part of my work.
Instead, it was of my own making.


For those of you only looking for the essentials: While STORMWEAVER (and my other titles when I can get to them) are absolutely a priority to me, I am also the CEO of Wraithmarked Creative, LLC the parent company of two large production brands: Wraithmarked Creative (publishing and special/deluxe edition adaptation via Kickstarter) and Witchsong Miniatures (tabletop monster miniatures and player character models).
This work has my in charge of 7 full-time employees and dozens of part-time freelancers and artists, and is sometimes 60+ hours a week on top of my writing time, especially if I'm traveling.


For the longer version, let's start with a very brief timeline of my writing career, so that people can get a sense of how I went full time, then back to working:
  • 2014: I graduated with my DPT (Doctorate of Physical Therapy) and entered the workspace. I worked in special needs pediatric rehab for 3 years. During this time I publish the first three book in THE WINGS OF WAR series.
  • 2017: I go full time as an author (and almost fall flat on my face).
  • 2019: I publish A MARK OF KINGS, which sees good success and save me. I form the concept of Wraithmarked Creative around idea of partnered-publishing, like I'd published AMoK with Luke Chmilenko (and would do again in 2020 with IRON PRINCE). I form the company later this year.
  • 2020: We start publishing works like SAVAGE DOMINION with partnered authors, and see good success. IRON PRINCE takes off, becoming more popular than I could have imagined. I hire my first full-time worker, Ben, to help me manage the authors.
  • 2021: We run a successful Kickstarter for a Deluxe Edition of A MARK OF KINGS, and realize there is a market for these kinds of books even for smaller authors (this was before the Sanderson campaign and Kickstarter's explosion as a publishing platform for Special/Deluxe Editions).
  • 2022: Wraithmarked publishes MOTHER OF LEARNING everywhere, and THE SWORD OF KAIGEN's Special Edition on Kickstarter, gaining us a TON of traction. I hire my second full time work, Eira, and STK Kreations agrees to work with us consistently on design. At the same time, Witchsong Miniatures launches and quickly becomes one of the largest 3D-printing miniatures brands on the internet, with Ben in charge of the brand. We hire Otavio to handle our modeling.
  • 2023: Our Kickstarter production model kicks into high gear, with us producing the likes of LEGENDS & LATTES, NEON GHOSTS, and the rest of MOTHER OF LEARNING. FIRE AND SONG also releases, as does the hardcover campaign for STORMWEAVER. Witchsong continues to grow, and we expand into The Witchguild for player miniatures. I hire three more full time workers, Taya, Gage, and Heather.
  • 2024/Present: Wraithmarked continues to expand, with us publishing the likes of V.E. Schwab and R.A. Salvatore on Kickstarter. We sign numerous other big names in both traditional and indie publishing, and bring on Tom to help us with art direction (previously my job). Witchsong brands expand their Kickstarter presence.
As I think many of you will be able to tell from reading the above breakdown, building up Wraithmarked has been (and very much continues to be) a tremendous amount of work. Hiring everyone has allowed us to expand, and only in the last few months have some of my more-intensive responsibilities been able to be handed off to Taya (asset/deadline coordination) and Tom (art direction). Before that, on top of my other responsibilities I was the one in charge of finding the dozens on dozens of artists we work with, as well as stay on top of their art and their deadlines. It has been godsend to hand over 90% of that work of late.


Now, as for my weekly/daily schedule, I thought that would be a fun thing to break down for you as well, especially given strict guidelines are the only way I keep things moving and productive given my damn ADHD diagnosis. Of course, what I'm writing up is how my days are SUPPOSED to go. In a perfect world, this is my schedule every day, but sadly that's not always the case. Sometimes I'm unwell, sometimes I have a meeting conflict, sometimes I'm up late on a call with a different timezone (or up stupid early, as is the case with Japan). So please take the following with a grain of salt. That being said, it is 100% true that my schedule is regimented to the 15min mark at this point.
  • 5:15-5:45am - My typical wakeup/morning routine/light breakfast. This includes of physical rehab for chronic back, knee, and ankle injuries I've built up over the years (yaaaay being a life-long athlete... sigh). I don't set an alarm, as I just wake up around this time consistently now.
  • 5:45-7:00am - My warmup/cardio workout/warmdown time. At the start of this year I started running because of unhealthy weight gain and related issues, building up to 5 days a week. If I don't, my entire day is thrown off.
  • 7:00-7:30am - My lifting/stretching time. My lifting is currently minimal, to maintain muscle mass while I run.
  • 7:30-8:00am - Doggy time! Arro gets lots of walks, snacks, and belly rubs.
  • 8:00-9:15am - First block of work. This is usually when I get to the batch of emails that rolled in overnight, when I handle our social media stuff I'm still in charge of, and when I communicate with the WM (Wraithmarked) team about the day and answer any questions they have.
  • 9:15-9:45am - Prep my caffeine and power nap. I don't survive without laying down once or twice a day.
  • 9:45-10:00am - Caffeine and writing prep time, getting Scirvener and research windows set up.
  • 10:00-12:00pm - Writing time! I don't always use this full chunk of writing, and somtimes and extend over it. Depends on how my productive juices are flowing that day. I am not a writer who is capable of writing until a timer goes off. I run out of gas and end when what I know what happens next ends.
  • 12:00-1:00pm - Lunch! Man has to eat, and I try to catch an episode or two of either Philip deFranco, Last Week Tonight, Kurzgesagt, or whatever anime I'm watching (after I'm done eating cause I can't eat and watch subtitles haha).
  • 1:00-4:00pm - Second work block! This is usually doing coms with the team, address art or publishing concerns, or when my meetings are booked. And I have a LOT of meetings -_-
  • 4:00-4:30pm - Doggy time #2! Arro also spends most of the day with me in the office snoring, so we get quality time when he's in the mood haha.
  • 4:30-5:30pm - Dinner! I know it's pretty early, but I eat a small breakfast very early, so I'm starving by 5 usually. Also, if it's a hell day I crash by 8 or 9pm, and I have one of those angry tummies that makes me have trouble sleeping if I ate much of anything within a couple hours of bedtime.
  • 5:30-6:00pm - Power nap #2! This isn't an everyday thing, but it definitely happens, especially on crazy days. If I don't need it I'll either play with the pup or get to work early.
  • 6:00-9:00pm - Work block #3! No team coms outside over emergencies. I don't let me team work outside of 8 to 4, which are their working hours. I don't always work this full block either, and do try to keep it to mindless stuff I can do on the couch while hanging with Arro and listening to music.
  • 9:00-10:00pm - Reading/reasearch time. I like this to be personal time when I can, but sadly I'm often reading things that wouldn't be my first choice so that I can stay on top of the market/know what's popularesearch something specific for writing/publishing/minis.
  • 10:00pm - Latest I'm usually trying to crash for the night.
I follow this schedule 6 days of the week, with Sundays being a very strict day off for me from almost everything. Those are the days I often find a show to binge, or work on my home, or sit in the back yard with the pup reading only what I want to read haha. I do also get Thursday morning's off running, through I do do extra walking with the pup or walking to Wegmans (grocery store) from my house to make up the steps.


Hopefully this will provide some context to those interested in my work schedule/how I regiment my ADHD. Additionally, if someone compains or asks about how slow I am, I hope you guys will be able to direct them here from now on to provide them with more context!
I hope this was helpful, and I'm happy to answer any questions you guys have in the comments!
submitted by BryceOConnor to Warformed [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:36 biscmc Mid-Game Valk Update: Part 2.

It's been almost a week and a half since I published a post about my mid-game Valkyrie. You can view the original posts here and here.
Upon reflecting, it seems that not much has happened. The Valkyrie ran up and down the branch and mines about a dozen times, collecting items, especially Elven daggers. Did a second attempt at polypiling, and got a magic marker, and a ring of conflict. Wrote 3 or 4 scrolls of ID in an attempt to identify rings, and the enchantment of my daggers.
Erode-proofed and enchanted some of my armor, but still no Gauntlets of Power.
Did some alchemy and had 5 potions blow up on me. But got a modest HP boost out of the ones I had left. Kept a few potions of full healing in the event that I run into a powerful monster that I cannot survive.
Enchanted Mjollnir and my Elven daggers to +5. After all this I looked at my stash and am running dangerously low on Holy Water. A look at my potions indicate there isn't very much I can dilute to make more at the moment.
So I put a bunch of wands and escape items into my Bag of Holding, quaffed a potion of enlightenment, and looked at my stats. Everything looked good as per resistances and alignment. Then I quaffed a potion of Gain Level to get me to level 14 and did the quest.
Lord Sutur didn't stand a chance. Wands of cold and a volley of +5 Daggers cut the Giant down to size. Picked up a bunch unidentified items, so I'm back to my stash to sort everything out and hopefully find the last pieces I need to do the next chapter of the game.
I still have all my wishes, and still pondering what to do with them.
Next stop: Valley of the Dead.
submitted by biscmc to nethack [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:31 No-OptionsLeft NEWCOMERS, HEREā€™S WHY I BELIEVE IN FFIE

Reposting one of my old ones
1. Traction and Media Attention.
-Once traction picks up on $FFIE, it will be over for the hedgies. We must work the stock in order to meet WSB's requirements and bring in more fighters.
2. Short interest remains staggering 95.36% and 36.3 million shares are borrowed
-This must be accounted for. Once we raise the stock price, it will induce the need to cover the short positions, leading to the big short squeeze we are looking for. (Got it from Fintel, can't link for some reason),
Edit: went in-depth more in reason #10 due to requests.
3. The stock has seen incredible performance and has fundamental value -Surging from 0.04$ to 3.80$ is no easy feat. This highlights the strength of retail investors as we stand up to the big money.
-FFIE has also announced cooperation with Master Investment Group and Siraj Holding LLC in the Middle East, establishing a strategic effort to expand business.
4. Your fellow apes are in the trenches with you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
-There are those who have lost a lot, and there are those who missed out on a lot. Nonetheless, we must not let our fellow apes be stranded. We are coming with more backup and support everyday!
5. Trading volume is extremely high, reaching over 9 figures, indicating strength and oncoming fire that is FFIE.
6. SEC Rule 201, this restricts the short selling after significant price decline. It is currently in effect for FFIE, reducing potential for short attacks and aiding in the squeeze. More power to retail this week.
Edit: I've linked multiple threads/sources in the comment section. Sources indicate that SEC Rule ended after today.
7. Historical Precedent: The same song is being sung here as with GME, AMC, and the other meme stocks. I believe in the potential and I am confident in our community.
Edit: Reading other sources, I want to add more reasons.
8. Regulation and Market Dynamics aka closing above 1$
-Why is this important?
If FFIE maintains a closing price above 1$ for seven consecutive sessions. It will no longer be at risk of being delisted from the Nasdaq. Staying listed will ensure CONTINUED access to a larger pool of investors and maintains regulatory compliance standards, basically enhancing INVESTOR CONFIDENCE AND MARKET STABILITY FOR FFIE.
9. FFIE on the REG SHO and FTDs
FTD (fail-to-deliver) occur when a seller (short seller) does not deliver the securities sold by the settlement day. This can happen for a variety of reasons. FTD can be caused when many investors short a stock, depleting the supply of available shares to borrow. High short interest = susceptible to FTDs. Higher # of FTDs = more pressure on short sellers to cover.
In a nutshell, short sellers borrow shares to sell on market. They sell them to buyer. Short seller then can't deliver the sold shares to the buyer by settlement date.
-Being on the REG SHO List indicates that FFIE has experienced a substantial number of fails-to-deliver OVER A CONSECUTIVE FIVE-DAY PERIOD. This means short sellers have not been able to deliver the shares they sold, often due to the unavailability of borrowed shares.
-Once the threat of delisting is removed, short sellers will be compelled to close out their positions by purchasing actual shares from the market. According to SEC regulations, they are required to do so within ( typically ) 35 days of the stock being listed on the REG SHO List. This mandatory covering may drive up stock price due to increased demand.
10. Retailers BUYING ANDDD HOLDING We buy and hold because the short sellers only benefit by making the price go down. What happens if it stays up or hell, even increase?? THEY'LL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO COVER. (Extension to point 2.)
-Imagine you're a short seller, you want the stock to go to 0$ so you can walk out with significant profits without BUYING BACK the BORROWED shares ok?
Then you see a bunch of apes keeping the price up. Now what? HOW HIGH CAN IT GO? How long can it stay up?
-However long this takes, it will inflict losses. The potential for a stock to skyrocket is theoretically indefinite, BECAUSE a stock price can go up forever. EVEN IF THEY SEND THE STOCK TO 10$ AND PUSH IT ALL THE WAY DOWN TO 1$, WE MUST REMEMBER....
submitted by No-OptionsLeft to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:28 PolarBearLaFlare1211 Why tf are you keeping the Tuesday show? Who gives A FUCK ANOUT THAT WACK ASS SHOW. Give us the news and sick one back. Fuck Adam itā€™s like you make the worst choices every fucking time bro. The news was the best thing going and you fucked it up.

We donā€™t care to see you on Tuesday. Stfu film porn and let the cast run the news. Donā€™t pay them a ton. Itā€™s 2 hours a day twice a week holy fuck.
submitted by PolarBearLaFlare1211 to NoJumper [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:28 holeinwater Day 33 of picking a favorite MM lyric: Styrofoam Boots/Itā€™s All Nice On Ice Alright, The Lonesome Crowded West

Day 33 of picking a favorite MM lyric: Styrofoam Boots/Itā€™s All Nice On Ice Alright, The Lonesome Crowded West
Yesterdays winning lyric was ā€œwell Iā€™ll go to college and Iā€™ll learn some big words, Iā€™ll talk real loud goddamn right Iā€™ll be heard.ā€ We have reached the end of the Lonesome Crowded West today with Styrofoam Boots/Itā€™s All Nice On Ice. Drop your favorite lyrics or vote for your favorite below!
ā—ļøā—ļøā—ļøREMEMBERā—ļøā—ļøā—ļø Check the comments for your lyric BEFORE commenting yourself and upvote if someone already posted it. I will NOT be compiling votes for the same lyric on different comments.
Alright yā€™all - we are going verse by verse, song by song, album by album picking our favorite lyrics off of every song from every album in order.
Previously I did not specify when I asked for favorite ā€œlyrics.ā€ Some folks have submitted verses, and some folks have submitted whole stanzas. The purpose of this is to get single verses (maaaaaaybe two lines), but not a whole stanza/paragraph worth of lyrics.
Quick reminder that a VERSE is ā€œa single line in a poemā€ (in our case songs) and a STANZA is ā€œa distinct set of lines in a poemā€ (in our case songs).
Stanza: ā€œWell we scheme, and we scheme, but we always blow it We've yet to crash, but we still might as well enjoy it Standing at a light switch to each east and west horizon Every dawn you're surprising And the evening was consoling saying ā€˜See it wasn't quite as, bad asā€™ā€
Verse: ā€œweā€™ve yet to crash but we still might as well enjoy it.ā€
So with that cleared up, drop your favorite line below and others will upvote their favorites!
  1. Donā€™t be a dick! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and your opinion does not invalidate theirs.
  2. Read the comments to look for your lyric before you post and upvote accordingly. I will NOT be compiling different comments with the same lyrics and adding upvotes together.
  3. This is supposed to be FUN! Engage with your community, share your stories or experiences, and spend some time appreciating the lyricism.
  4. At the end, we will have a vote-off of the favorite lyrics from every album, then those lyrics will face off against all the other albums, and we will find out what the ultimate fan favorite Modest Mouse lyric is.
submitted by holeinwater to ModestMouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:27 Jejo87 My brother & his GF made a song together and it got released on spotify

Hi beautiful people!
Last week I got a link to spotify from my brother telling me he and his GF released a song together. After listening to it, I wanted to share it with yā€™all. Hope you guys like it as much as I did!
Yt link: https://youtu.be/BnKHFJu0w-I?si=JYJs9Q-tbdDmo0Xr
submitted by Jejo87 to Music [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:25 roigeebyv Husband wants to TFMR; I am not sure. What should we do?

I am in a situation where I am facing the possibility of TFMR given the results of an amniocentesis in 4 weeks. We have a high risk marker on NIPT. My husband and I have gone back and forth on what weā€™re going to do if the results come back confirming our fears.
My husband is very certain that he wants to terminate the pregnancy. I go back and forth all the time. Iā€™m currently 13 weeks, and I feel connected to the baby. The name we had planned for her rings in my mind at different times in the dayā€”songs, books, different things that have her name in them. I feel haunted by a decision I havenā€™t even made yet.
We had briefly discussed before pregnancy and agreed that we would take this course of action, but I never ever thought it would actually come to this.
My husband says he would support me if I decide against termination, but I fear he would see our child as broken, a problem, an issue, a hindrance. He has a lot of plans for the future and he doesnā€™t want those plans interrupted by a disabled child.
I am hurting, and Iā€™m feeling alone in this. What should I do?
submitted by roigeebyv to tfmr_support [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:24 RevolutionaryRub4143 Oops. Sowwy

It's me. Oops. šŸ¤·šŸ‘Æā€ā™‚ļø. Something like 3,500 years ago the sun god, Ra (some alien bitch) was testing on humans on earth. He was attempting to create children in his image. Jesus, Buddha. Many others with his "gifts". Abilities to "download" information from the universe. My interpretation is remote viewing to the extreme; instead of just projecting your consciousness through space, but through time as well.
We live in a block universe, where space and time exist all at once. The past, present, and future exist at the exact same time. Everything. Everywhere. All at once.
Anyways. The government found his body, along with his research, at Sleeping Giant (some mound in Canada). They thought: "You know what's a good idea? Let's make a clone of this lady, play around with her genetics, introduce the Ra/alien DNA into the clone DNA, and load the same lady up big time with jizz." Then the child was born. A c-section two hours before Easter.
Then they thought, "Let's not stop there." So they took that healthy child and told his parents, "He has pneumonia." They took his brain out of his body, kept the body on ice, made an exact copy of his brain with computer-biological parts (cyborg) and put it back into his body. Gave them their child back 2 years later.
Now that child grew up and realized he can do a lot more then just remote view. He can visit people in his dreams, he can turn the nuclear arsenal on and off, he can kill people. An alien hybrid with the ability to remote view, but with an artificial brain -- capable of processing information much more efficiently.
The government then thought, "Cool. Let's now torture him, brainwash him, and use him to kill more people." Then, because of all of the trauma he went though, because of the death of his family (his guinea pigs) his powers activated. Big mistake. He is now remote viewing throughout all of space-time. Not just that, though. Visiting people in their dreams, manipulating their behavior in the past, to change the present, while simultaneously remote viewing into the future to see his/our path.
I knew the government was going to make attempts to shut me or kill me. I set up contingency plans back in 2016 when they were experimenting on me, and loading me up with LSD. I am soft disclosure. They were never going to tell anyone. They wanted to keep their dark, dirty little secret hidden away. I reached into the dreams of artists throughout space-time and prepared the world for my arrival. My story has been told already several times over.
Tl;Dr: I explain it all out in song and dance on my Instagram 80sattva08.
submitted by RevolutionaryRub4143 to SoftDisclosure [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:23 ConsequenceLow1712 Need help with promo!

My band is releasing a new song in 2 weeks and weā€™re going to be using Groover to jump on some playlists. Anyone have any tips? Specific playlists to shoot for?
submitted by ConsequenceLow1712 to PostHardcore [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:15 AutoModerator [Tuesday] Daily Music Discussion - 21 May 2024

Talk about anything music related that doesn't need its own thread. This thread is not for discussion that is tangentially music related; that belongs in the general discussion threads. If you're new here, we encourage you to introduce yourself and tell us about music you're passionate about.
Support your favourite indiehead bands in the Battle of the Bands! Check out what everyone's listening to on the Weekly Charts. Find out who's going to concerts near you in the Concert Roll Call. Check out recent Hype Thursdays to find artists with under 50 upvotes here on indieheads. // Vote for your favourite songs from particular artists in Top Ten Tuesday, or check out the results from previous votes. Check out our the most recent Rate Announcements to have fun rating great music, or see the results from previous rates. // See recent AMA announcements here. Check out the most recent New Music Friday posts, discuss recent album releases, and join the Album Listening Club.
submitted by AutoModerator to indieheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:15 Rambooctpuss RYM Greatest Albums Of All Time: #151-Megadeth-Rust In Peace (1990)

RYM Greatest Albums Of All Time: #151-Megadeth-Rust In Peace (1990)
Megadeth-Rust In Peace
Megadeth always felt like Metallicaā€™s lil brother even though in my eyes they have had just as much of an impact on the metal scene. Dave Mustaine knows how to write a heavy melodic groove and he is unapologetic in his beliefs and integrity of metal music. Some people complain about his voice but I always like it. Rust In Peace is considered their best album. I prefer their second album Peace Sells. Maybe someday we will get around and talk about that one. I am just happy a greatest album list includes metal music as lists like the Rolling Stone and Apple completely disregard the genre.
The album opens with ā€œHoly Warsā€¦The Punishment Dueā€ right away that heavy dense Megadeth sound blasts out onto your speakers. The song is inspired by the Northern Ireland movement to break away from the UK. the song is also inspired by the Marvel Character The Punisher. ā€œHangar 18ā€ has the chop[y fast riff that encompasses the whole song. The song of course is about the mysterious base in Arizona that is supposed to house UFOs. The chorus is one of the catchiest the band will ever record. This is top tier Megadeth. ā€œTake No Prisonersā€ has this heavy dense speed metal groove. It is just unrelenting in its heaviness, a perfect title for this track. I think Take No Prisoners, Take No Shit is Mustaineā€™s mantra. ā€œFive Magicsā€ is one of the few times that Megadeth have ventured into fantasy lyrically. David Ellefson has some great bass lines on this track. ā€œPoison Was The Cure '' tackles Mustianeā€™s alcohol and heroin addiction. ā€œLucretiaā€ is about a ghost that lived in Mustaine attic who he would visit every night. It has these high end guitar tones that I love. ā€œTornado Of Soulsā€ is about the breakup between Mustaine and his then fiance. Marty Friedman has one of the great metal guitar solos ever on this track. ā€œDawn Patrolā€ is a quick, dense track. Mustaine's voice is as low as it could possibly go and Elfefson bass and drummer Menza rhythms rule this track. The album closes with ā€œRust In Peace ...Polarisā€ addresses one of the bandā€™s favorite topics: Nuclear destruction. Polaris is a type of nuclear missile. The title was inspired by a bumper sticker Munstaine saw that said may all your Nuclear weapons rust in peace.
If I am going to put together Metal albums everyone should listen to I am going to put this one near the top of that list. It deserves all the praise it gets plus more. These early Megadeth albums were so amazing. They hold up decades later. Metallica might get all the acclaim but Megadeth deserves credit of maintaining the workmen like consistency to the the thrash metal genre.

submitted by Rambooctpuss to albumbucketlist [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:13 whereisyourbutthole I found a good song to curse people who abandon their pets with. How use?

So. The other day I was going through some CDs and decided to look at the lyrics booklet to Xaaxaa - ę­»ć‚“ć˜ć‚ƒć£ćŸćƒćƒć®č©± (the story of Pochi who died). I have never actually listened to the song, mind you (was just helping someone get CDs from here), and Iā€™m not sure I can stomach it, the lyrics were heartbreaking. Itā€™s the story of a woman abandoning her dog at a shelter where he gets killed after she breaks up with the guy she got him with, from the perspective of the dog. I donā€™t know how people are this disgusting. We just had Easter season with people buying, neglecting, and abandoning domestic rabbits to die young when with proper care they can live well over a decade. I think this song is very important especially here in Japan where there is abysmally low awareness of this kind of thing and almost no protection of animals, but these kind of people sadly exist worldwide. Most of them wonā€™t understand the lyrics unfortunately, but in magick that doesnā€™t seem to matter so much, and I think itā€™s easier to get information on people like this in the west. How might this song be put to good use? šŸ‘€
submitted by whereisyourbutthole to PopCulturePaganism [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:12 GoddamnRent How do they choose the songs?

I thought of this question after seeing the Discord chat (song recommendations) and the Twitter responses to the tracks for this week). Maybe someone already asked this before, please let me know if it was.
Like do they just choose randomly or do they actually look at the Discord page? (which I doubt they do, sorry I donā€™t really know the entire process of this).
submitted by GoddamnRent to FortniteFestival [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:07 Tricky-Wallaby8795 Weird ghosting by the most loving girl Iā€™ve been with

So thereā€™s this girl that I was talking to for like 2 months. Weā€™re both seniors and are going to the same college so it was really easy to bond and throughout the two months we really connected with each other. Like after about a month we were mutually committed to each other and we would talk on the phone all night, talk throughout the day, and be there for each other whenever it was needed. The only real problem is that I tend to overthink a lot, as Iā€™ve had bad anxiety issues in the past. This windiest is compounded by the fact I was played in my last relationship by a girl who said she loved me and swore she was loyal that was talking to other dudes and picked them over me. But anyways, I would try to express how the overthinking made me feel to her but I really wanted to get her on a call because other than seeing her we only exchanged voice notes and never really got on calls. This expanded my intuition and made me think I was getting played so I did some mild research. We follow each other on Ig and she has a lot upwards of a thousand followers, which also set some alarm bells off in my brain because I knew she was most likely lying that I was the only want for her and everything. Also, just through like looking at her post comments, I saw that she still had her ex bfs flirty comments up there for a while when we were talking and that she still followed him, making me think that I was possibly going to be a rebound. Also, based on her TikTok reposts, she was just starting to get over him when she told me they had been done for three months so I didnā€™t know what to believe. But while we were talking, me and her shared everything with each other like past trauma, current issues, and I play guitar so I would sing love songs to her or send them to her(corny Ik) so she told me that sheā€™s been deeply traumatized in past relationships and that her ex was the worst of them all because he would use her for her body and I think she implied some abuse so I knew to be gentle with her. She also said that no guy had ever put in so much effort to talk to and understand her and that it was so different and special to her. So everything is going good and I really like this girl, like more than anyone before. And like I said, weā€™re going to the same college so we both like follow the college posting accounts and follow people that are going to be her classmates. So one day, I follow someone a guy in there with my major, but when I do I realize my girl already followed him. So I go back to the college account (which consists of 90% girls) and realize that she hasnā€™t followed a single girl on there and follows basically every guy. This makes me feel awful because just logically, on an account with 90% girls being posted, can you following every dude but no girls be considered as anything but looking for replacements or new guys to talk to? So in the heat of when I found this out, I send her a pretty stern voice note in a tone I regret asking why sheā€™s following that ratio of girls to guys when she has deemed me as ā€œperfectā€, ā€œthe oneā€, and ā€œher favorite everā€ and when sheā€™s said weā€™re locked in and committed and Iā€™ve agreed. Like at this point I wasnā€™t even looking at other girls anymore so it was really hurtful. So she responds nds with saying she follows everyone(not true) and that Iā€™m reading way too much into this and that sheā€™ll unfollow if there is a problem and now she feels confused and off about me. She also said she knows I donā€™t trust her now. She said she was going to get gas and after that, she ignored all of my texts for a week but always viewed my stories so I knew she just didnā€™t want to talk to me. This really breaks my heart because she told me she wasnā€™t like that and she would never just leave. So after a week, she finally responded and said that ā€œIā€™m sorry and that I shouldā€™ve said something and I didnā€™t want you to think I left so easily. I have a on my plate rn and youā€™re such a sweet guy and I really hope this could work in the future but I have too much rn Iā€™m sorry.ā€ So I respond saying that I understand Iā€™m not the most important thing in her life and that I was sorry for making her think I didnā€™t trust her because I do and I just wanted to understand her pov. I also said that I want to be a safe space for her and that she can communicate that with me bc letā€™s be honest, no one is too busy to shoot out a 5 second text update. Plus, it was too coincidental it came after our first real negative communication. So itā€™s been over a week and she still hasnā€™t responded to me so I assume Iā€™ve been ghosted. I miss her so much and Iā€™ve been trying to move on but I blame myself for this so itā€™s harder to move on then if I got played. Was that the breakup text she sent? It hinted at the future and I know I shouldnā€™t take her back but I know I would because of how much I miss her. Was I out of line to question her following because I knew I probably shouldā€™ve stayed away from the topic but I wanted to communicate how it made me feel. I feel like she def got a friends opinion and then decided to ghost because she seemed more apologetic at first. Is this even a ghost and did she ever really mean what she said about me being the one for her and her favorite guy ever? I want honest opinions on the situation and please donā€™t just give me the move on talk. I really just canā€™t and I feel like Iā€™ve messed everything up and that I may love her. Should I call her? I donā€™t want to seem desperate.
submitted by Tricky-Wallaby8795 to ghosting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:06 Known-Rooster-5882 Iā€™m in the same state all the time and donā€™t feel any emotions - is this dissociation?

I went through a very stressful and traumatic time last summer which made me develop insomnia and anxiety and I wasnā€™t able to sleep for 3 weeks. Ever since Iā€™ve not experienced my feelings and emotions at all and Iā€™m afraid this is due to dissociation. I also had extreme dizziness for about 8 weeks but this has now disappeared.
However, for the past 9 months I have not felt tired, hungry or full and I also no longer feel the effect of alcohol. Iā€™m on the following anti depressants and anti psychotics: sertraline 200mg, lamotrigine 50mg, quetiapine 400mg and amilsulpride 50mg.
However Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s helping at all because I just feel like Iā€™m stuck in the same state all the time. Itā€™s really the most horrible feeling and I feel like nothing can make me feel any different and I just feel so empty. I also have a loop of a song constantly stuck in my head 24/7. In addition, I experience social anxiety and feel I can no longer hold a conversation as I feel my mind is blank and I can only focus on how bad I am feeling all the time.
I wanted to hear if anyone else has experienced similar symptoms and what you did to address them? Would TMS work? At this point Iā€™m desperate to try anything as I just want to feel better and Iā€™m not sure how much longer I can go feeling like this.
submitted by Known-Rooster-5882 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:05 RobYaLunch Billboard Chart Discussion - Week Of May 25, 2024

Billboard Hot 100 chart
Position Title Artist ā–²/ā–¼ Last week Weeks Charting Peak
1 I Had Some Help Post Malone Featuring Morgan Wallen ā–²+100 [FRESH] 1 1
2 Not Like Us Kendrick Lamar ā–¼-1 1 2 1
3 Million Dollar Baby Tommy Richman ā–¼-1 2 3 2
4 A Bar Song (Tipsy) Shaboozey ā–²+1 5 5 3
5 Beautiful Things Benson Boone ā–²+4 9 17 2
6 Lose Control Teddy Swims ā–²+4 10 40 1
7 Like That Future, Metro Boomin & Kendrick Lamar ā–¼-1 6 8 1
8 Fortnight Taylor Swift Featuring Post Malone ā–¼-4 4 4 1
9 Espresso Sabrina Carpenter ā–¼-1 8 5 4
10 Too Sweet Hozier ā–²+1 11 8 1
11 Euphoria Kendrick Lamar ā–¼-8 3 3 3
12 Saturn SZA ā–²+1 13 12 6
13 We Can't Be Friends (Wait For Your Love) Ariana Grande ā–²+1 14 10 1
14 I Can Do It With A Broken Heart Taylor Swift ā–²+1 15 4 3
15 Stick Season Noah Kahan ā–²+4 19 33 9
16 Down Bad Taylor Swift - 16 4 2
17 Lovin On Me Jack Harlow ā–²+1 18 27 1
18 I Remember Everything Zach Bryan Featuring Kacey Musgraves ā–²+2 20 38 1
19 Family Matters Drake ā–¼-12 7 2 7
20 Cruel Summer Taylor Swift ā–²+4 24 54 1
21 Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me? Taylor Swift ā–²+5 26 4 9
22 Feather Sabrina Carpenter - 22 24 21
23 Meet The Grahams Kendrick Lamar ā–¼-11 12 2 12
24 Miles On It Marshmello & Kane Brown ā–²+13 37 2 24
25 Get It Sexyy Sexyy Red ā–¼-4 21 9 20
26 One Of Wun Gunna ā–²+75 [FRESH] 1 26
27 I Like The Way You Kiss Me Artemas ā–¼-4 23 8 12
28 Yeah Glo! GloRilla ā–²+1 29 14 28
29 Austin Dasha ā–²+5 34 10 28
30 But Daddy I Love Him Taylor Swift - 30 4 7
31 Cowgirls Morgan Wallen Featuring ERNEST ā–²+11 42 22 31
32 Greedy Tate McRae ā–¼-7 25 35 3
33 Type Shit Future, Metro Boomin, Travis Scott & Playboi Carti ā–¼-6 27 8 2
34 So Long, London Taylor Swift ā–¼-6 28 4 5
35 Agora Hills Doja Cat ā–¼-3 32 34 7
36 My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys Taylor Swift ā–¼-5 31 4 6
37 Where It Ends Bailey Zimmerman ā–²+8 45 20 32
38 Guilty As Sin? Taylor Swift ā–¼-3 35 4 10
39 Boa Megan Thee Stallion ā–²+62 [FRESH] 1 39
40 End Of Beginning Djo ā–¼-1 39 13 11
41 Florida!!! Taylor Swift Featuring Florence + The Machine ā–¼-8 33 4 8
42 The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived Taylor Swift ā–²+9 51 4 14
43 Gata Only FloyyMenor X Cris Mj ā–²+5 48 9 27
44 Good Luck, Babe! Chappell Roan ā–²+2 46 6 44
45 The Tortured Poets Department Taylor Swift ā–¼-7 38 4 4
46 Whatever She Wants Bryson Tiller ā–¼-5 41 13 19
47 Wanna Be GloRilla & Megan Thee Stallion ā–¼-7 40 6 11
48 Push Ups Drake ā–¼-31 17 4 17
49 Texas Hold 'Em Beyonce ā–¼-13 36 14 1
50 Slow It Down Benson Boone ā–²+2 52 8 40
51 Redrum 21 Savage ā–¼-8 43 18 5
52 Carnival Ā„$: Ye & Ty Dolla $ign Featuring Rich The Kid & Playboi Carti ā–¼-3 49 14 1
53 Act II: Date @ 8 4Batz Featuring Drake ā–¼-6 47 19 7
54 On One Tonight Gunna ā–²+47 [FRESH] 1 54
55 loml Taylor Swift ā–¼-2 53 4 12
56 Wild Ones Jessie Murph & Jelly Roll ā–²+1 57 32 35
57 Bulletproof Nate Smith ā–²+7 64 6 57
58 The Alchemy Taylor Swift ā–¼-2 56 4 13
59 FE!N Travis Scott Featuring Playboi Carti ā–¼-1 58 28 5
60 Prada Dem Gunna Featuring Offset ā–²+41 -- 2 54
61 So High School Taylor Swift ā–²+4 65 4 24
62 Whatsapp (Wassam) Gunna ā–²+33 95 2 62
63 Fresh Out The Slammer Taylor Swift ā–¼-9 54 4 11
64 Made For Me Muni Long ā–¼-9 55 18 20
65 Obsessed Olivia Rodrigo ā–¼-6 59 8 14
66 Neck On A Yacht Gunna ā–²+35 [FRESH] 1 66
67 Hakuna Matata Gunna ā–²+34 [FRESH] 1 67
68 Halfway To Hell Jelly Roll ā–²+8 76 6 68
69 Get In With Me BossMan DLow ā–¼-8 61 15 49
70 Illusion Dua Lipa ā–¼-20 50 5 43
71 Back Then Right Now Tyler Hubbard ā–¼-3 68 9 62
72 imgonnagetyouback Taylor Swift ā–¼-10 62 4 26
73 Scared To Start Michael Marcagi ā–²+1 74 13 54
74 I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) Taylor Swift ā–¼-11 63 4 20
75 La Durango Peso Pluma, Junior H & Eslabon Armado ā–²+26 [FRESH] 1 75
76 Collage Gunna ā–²+25 [FRESH] 1 76
77 Stargazing Myles Smith ā–²+24 [FRESH] 1 77
78 Wildflowers And Wild Horses Lainey Wilson ā–¼-18 60 16 48
79 Enough (Miami) Cardi B ā–¼-4 75 9 9
80 The Black Dog Taylor Swift ā–¼-13 67 4 25
81 Tucson Too Late Jordan Davis ā–¼-10 71 11 71
82 Hell N Back Bakar Featuring Summer Walker ā–¼-13 69 6 53
83 Clara Bow Taylor Swift ā–¼-13 70 4 21
84 Belong Together Mark Ambor - 84 3 84
85 Wind Up Missin' You Tucker Wetmore ā–¼-5 80 7 75
86 Bandit Don Toliver ā–¼-14 72 14 38
87 Si No Quieres No Luis R Conriquez x Neton Vega ā–¼-1 86 2 86
88 We Ride Bryan Martin ā–¼-6 82 6 82
89 Dirt Cheap Cody Johnson ā–¼-6 83 4 83
90 Lose My Breath Stray Kids Featuring Charlie Puth ā–²+11 [FRESH] 1 90
91 Tell Ur Girlfriend Lay Bankz ā–¼-25 66 5 58
92 Spin You Around (1/24) Morgan Wallen ā–²+4 96 16 24
93 The Prophecy Taylor Swift ā–¼-16 77 4 32
94 Back In The A Gunna ā–²+7 [FRESH] 1 94
95 Outskirts Sam Hunt ā–¼-10 85 10 66
96 23 Chayce Beckham ā–¼-6 90 20 45
97 Wine Into Whiskey Tucker Wetmore ā–¼-5 92 8 77
98 How Did It End? Taylor Swift ā–¼-17 81 4 35
99 Cinderella Future, Metro Boomin & Travis Scott ā–¼-21 78 8 6
100 I Think I'm In Love With You Chris Stapleton ā–²+1 -- 2 91
Billboard Global 200 chart (most popular songs globally)
Position Title Artist ā–²/ā–¼ Last week Weeks Charting Peak
1 I Had Some Help Post Malone Featuring Morgan Wallen ā–²+100 [FRESH] 1 1
2 Million Dollar Baby Tommy Richman - 2 3 2
3 Not Like Us Kendrick Lamar ā–¼-2 1 2 1
4 Espresso Sabrina Carpenter ā–¼-1 3 5 2
5 A Bar Song (Tipsy) Shaboozey - 5 5 5
6 Beautiful Things Benson Boone ā–²+1 7 17 1
7 Fortnight Taylor Swift Featuring Post Malone ā–¼-1 6 4 1
8 Too Sweet Hozier ā–²+1 9 8 1
9 I Like The Way You Kiss Me Artemas ā–¼-1 8 8 2
10 Gata Only FloyyMenor X Cris Mj - 10 14 4
Billboard 200 chart
Position Title Artist Sales Change Last week Weeks Charting
1 The Tortured Poets Department Taylor Swift 259,859 (48,177 pure) -9% 1 4
2 One Of Wun Gunna 83,467 (933 pure) -- [FRESH] 1
3 One Thing At A Time Morgan Wallen 74,765 (1,506 pure) +4% 3 63
4 We Don't Trust You Future & Metro Boomin 52,637 (195 pure) -16% 4 8
5 Dangerous: The Double Album Morgan Wallen 43,812 (504 pure) +4% 7 175
6 Stick Season Noah Kahan 41,404 (4,116 pure) +2% 9 77
7 SOS SZA 37,474 (1,716 pure) -5% 10 75
8 Zach Bryan Zach Bryan 37,834 (2,804 pure) +3% 12 38
9 Fireworks & Rollerblades Benson Boone 35,978 (798 pure) -4% 11 6
10 Cowboy Carter Beyonce 35,869 (3,935 pure) -15% 8 7
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Why is X artist higher than Y artist on the 200 chart, even though X artist sold less?
A: This is because of a discrepancy between Billboard's ranking and the ranking from the website that the sales data is scraped from
Q: Where do you get the sales data from?
A: https://hitsdailydouble.com/sales_plus_streaming
Q: What does "err" mean on the 200 chart?
A: If you are seeing "err", that means that the bot I use to gather chart data couldn't identify sales data for a particular album because of a difference in album naming between Billboard and HitsDailyDouble
submitted by RobYaLunch to hiphopheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:04 Fantastic_Bend8330 About how long did everyone/loved ones spend in each level of the Rancho Los Amigos Scale? (Grade 3 DAI/3 GCS)

Some backstory: My brother(20) was in a motorcycle accident and was a 3 on the GCS and has a confirmed grade 3 DAI, shattered femur and arm. He was medically kept under for about a week because he was going through surgeries back to back for days. He's gone through levels 1-3 on the RLAS over the course of the last 2 weeks since his last surgeries and is now in level 4. He is very agitated and very confused. He isn't very coherent when speaking and says confusing things, he seems to be having delusions. When the TV is on he sometimes will think he is doing the things in the movie/show, and will get angry because we aren't helping him get things done. He accuses us of speaking gibberish to him, he accuses us of purposefully messing with him, like spinning his TV, which we weren't doing. When we tell him we aren't doing that he argues. He told us there was 2 TVs which I assume is a sign he's having double vision. He is also very repetitive. Sometime he enjoys his music playing but he will get angry saying were playing the same songs over and over again but will be saying over and over repetitively for 8 minutes straight. I visit him 6 days a week but he told me that when I leave I am gone for weeks and was angry that I leave him alone for weeks and never come back. I did some picture cards with him, which he said he wanted to try to do, he clearly struggled to recall the names of the items and would get very agitated saying I was not letting him answer or I was switching the cards or I was trying to confuse him on purpose. He was able to identify one of the cards which was a carrot but he called it a green carrot. And then every card after that one when he tried to recall the name of the item he just said greencarrotcard and then would stumble and then attack me for not helping him or not giving him time to answer(when I had not interrupted or said anything). He asked me to tell him the name of the item on another card and was able to repeat it after I told him, but he was only able to do this once. He has been unable to name anyone but seems to recognize people. He remembered lyrics to one of his favorite songs when we played it for him. He was moved from ICU to SDU to a regular hospital room this week (I assume because he is physically healed a lot from his surgeries) and I haven't been able to speak to his doctors or anyone doing any kind of therapy with him because they haven't been there when I've been visiting after work and the nurses that aren't in the ICU don't seem to really understand what's going on with him. One of them asked us if he's able to follow commands when taking medicine and asked about his agitation which made me feel like she didn't know about his TBI before we explained it to her. He is strapped down on his working arm and sometimes his abdomen because he will pull off his leads and tubes which is obviously a source of frustration but a necessary one I understand.
I understand these are all normal with his injuries. And he seems to be very textbook level 4 on the RLAS. I have been reading everyone's stories on this forum and its been very helpful. The doctors hadn't explained the RLAS or anything about his recovery except that everyone's recovery is different but it could take a year or more for him to recover. I've been reading people who have gone through very similar things or had loved ones go through very similar things and its been very comforting knowing these things are relatively normal for people with his injuries and that people can recover to having a quality of life.
But I've seen a lot of different things with how long people spend in each level, some people seem to be in levels 1-3 for months and some people just a day or 2. Obviously the later levels will take longer to go through but I was hoping everyone could explain about how long they/loved ones spent in each level. I was also wondering if some peoples progression on the scale halt or permanently stop sometimes on middle levels. Its hard to not feel like this is what he is always going to be like. Its only been 3 weeks and he seems to be progressing relatively well for someone who came in as a 3 GCS. I know a lot of the time people who come in as a 3 GCS don't wake up at all and I am very grateful he is where he is but its almost harder seeing him awake and so lost and confused and not himself. I know every TBI is different but I would just like some more information on what is possible for him and what I should be prepared for.
submitted by Fantastic_Bend8330 to TBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:04 Known-Rooster-5882 Iā€™m in the same state all the time and donā€™t feel any physiological feelings - what could this be?

I went through a very stressful and traumatic time last summer which made me develop insomnia and anxiety and I wasnā€™t able to sleep for 3 weeks. Ever since Iā€™ve not experienced my feelings and emotions at all and Iā€™m afraid this is due to dissociation. I also had extreme dizziness for about 8 weeks but this has now disappeared.
However, for the past 9 months I have not felt tired, hungry or full and I also no longer feel the effect of alcohol. Iā€™m on the following anti depressants and anti psychotics: sertraline 200mg, lamotrigine 50mg, quetiapine 400mg and amilsulpride 50mg.
However Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s helping at all because I just feel like Iā€™m stuck in the same state all the time. Itā€™s really the most horrible feeling and I feel like nothing can make me feel any different and I just feel so empty. I also have a loop of a song constantly stuck in my head 24/7. In addition, I experience social anxiety and feel I can no longer hold a conversation as I feel my mind is blank and I can only focus on how bad I am feeling all the time.
I wanted to hear if anyone else has experienced similar symptoms and what you did to address them? Would TMS work? At this point Iā€™m desperate to try anything as I just want to feel better and Iā€™m not sure how much longer I can go feeling like this.
submitted by Known-Rooster-5882 to TBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:02 Tricky-Wallaby8795 18M experiences weird ghosting(?) by 18F

So thereā€™s this girl that I was talking to for like 2 months. Weā€™re both seniors and are going to the same college so it was really easy to bond and throughout the two months we really connected with each other. Like after about a month we were mutually committed to each other and we would talk on the phone all night, talk throughout the day, and be there for each other whenever it was needed. The only real problem is that I tend to overthink a lot, as Iā€™ve had bad anxiety issues in the past. This windiest is compounded by the fact I was played in my last relationship by a girl who said she loved me and swore she was loyal that was talking to other dudes and picked them over me. But anyways, I would try to express how the overthinking made me feel to her but I really wanted to get her on a call because other than seeing her we only exchanged voice notes and never really got on calls. This expanded my intuition and made me think I was getting played so I did some mild research. We follow each other on Ig and she has a lot upwards of a thousand followers, which also set some alarm bells off in my brain because I knew she was most likely lying that I was the only want for her and everything. Also, just through like looking at her post comments, I saw that she still had her ex bfs flirty comments up there for a while when we were talking and that she still followed him, making me think that I was possibly going to be a rebound. Also, based on her TikTok reposts, she was just starting to get over him when she told me they had been done for three months so I didnā€™t know what to believe. But while we were talking, me and her shared everything with each other like past trauma, current issues, and I play guitar so I would sing love songs to her or send them to her(corny Ik) so she told me that sheā€™s been deeply traumatized in past relationships and that her ex was the worst of them all because he would use her for her body and I think she implied some abuse so I knew to be gentle with her. She also said that no guy had ever put in so much effort to talk to and understand her and that it was so different and special to her. So everything is going good and I really like this girl, like more than anyone before. And like I said, weā€™re going to the same college so we both like follow the college posting accounts and follow people that are going to be her classmates. So one day, I follow someone a guy in there with my major, but when I do I realize my girl already followed him. So I go back to the college account (which consists of 90% girls) and realize that she hasnā€™t followed a single girl on there and follows basically every guy. This makes me feel awful because just logically, on an account with 90% girls being posted, can you following every dude but no girls be considered as anything but looking for replacements or new guys to talk to? So in the heat of when I found this out, I send her a pretty stern voice note in a tone I regret asking why sheā€™s following that ratio of girls to guys when she has deemed me as ā€œperfectā€, ā€œthe oneā€, and ā€œher favorite everā€ and when sheā€™s said weā€™re locked in and committed and Iā€™ve agreed. Like at this point I wasnā€™t even looking at other girls anymore so it was really hurtful. So she responds nds with saying she follows everyone(not true) and that Iā€™m reading way too much into this and that sheā€™ll unfollow if there is a problem and now she feels confused and off about me. She also said she knows I donā€™t trust her now. She said she was going to get gas and after that, she ignored all of my texts for a week but always viewed my stories so I knew she just didnā€™t want to talk to me. This really breaks my heart because she told me she wasnā€™t like that and she would never just leave. So after a week, she finally responded and said that ā€œIā€™m sorry and that I shouldā€™ve said something and I didnā€™t want you to think I left so easily. I have a on my plate rn and youā€™re such a sweet guy and I really hope this could work in the future but I have too much rn Iā€™m sorry.ā€ So I respond saying that I understand Iā€™m not the most important thing in her life and that I was sorry for making her think I didnā€™t trust her because I do and I just wanted to understand her pov. I also said that I want to be a safe space for her and that she can communicate that with me bc letā€™s be honest, no one is too busy to shoot out a 5 second text update. Plus, it was too coincidental it came after our first real negative communication. So itā€™s been over a week and she still hasnā€™t responded to me so I assume Iā€™ve been ghosted. I miss her so much and Iā€™ve been trying to move on but I blame myself for this so itā€™s harder to move on then if I got played. Was that the breakup text she sent? It hinted at the future and I know I shouldnā€™t take her back but I know I would because of how much I miss her. Was I out of line to question her following because I knew I probably shouldā€™ve stayed away from the topic but I wanted to communicate how it made me feel. I feel like she def got a friends opinion and then decided to ghost because she seemed more apologetic at first. Is this even a ghost and did she ever really mean what she said about me being the one for her and her favorite guy ever? Like how can she leave so easily? I want honest opinions on the situation and please donā€™t just give me the move on talk. I really just canā€™t and I feel like Iā€™ve messed everything up and that I may love her. Should I call her? I donā€™t want to seem desperate.
submitted by Tricky-Wallaby8795 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:00 AutoModerator Daily Discussion - May 21, 2024

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