Can dayquil be taken with benadryl


2013.11.20 22:18 IAMmojo DiWHY

Ever try fixing things on your own? Didn't come out the way they were supposed to? Do you stand there questioning your whole life? If so, post your results here to DiWHY (Pronounced: Dee Eye WHY). Where shitty projects from DIY live prosperously. If at any time you feel that a specific post isn't living up to the sub (be gentle as this is a humor sub, not meant to be taken seriously), please feel free to report (give exact reason) and let your voice be heard with downvotes and comments.

2014.03.06 00:54 selfabortion Two-Sentence Horror Stories: Bite-sized scares.

Give us your scariest story in two sentences (or less)!

2020.03.15 03:30 letsburn00 The bets are here, the Tendies are Parma, the spreads are wide

An Australian equivalent to /Wallstreetbets , the madness starts here. Trying to Balance out our lost super one bunnings sausage at a time.

2024.05.22 04:54 VayagishBlackish The Anatomy of 2307: A Guide for Non-Accountants

The Anatomy of 2307: A Guide for Non-Accountants
Too many gurus talk about 2307s, that certificate you get when a customer withholds taxes from your income. However, I don’t think you’ve taken a hard look at the parts of this document and how it affects you as the recipient. So, to save you the trouble of sifting through useless information, let me help you out. And hopefully, you can return the favor by liking this article. All right, let’s learn.
Decoding the Numbers
If numbers appear at the top section of the 2307, it means income tax.
If you look closely at the middle, there are two sections in Part III: Details of Monthly Income Payments and Taxes.
Section 1: Income Payments Subject to Expanded Withholding Tax
If the payor inputs the details of the income and withholding tax in this section, then you are only allowed to credit these taxes to your income tax.
Section 2: Money Payments Subject to Withholding of Business Tax (Government & Private)
If this section is populated, it means you can only use the withheld amount and credit it to your business tax, like Percentage Tax form 2551Q, or VAT form 2550Q. If the payor mistakenly populates this section of Part III, it’s best not to accept it and have this certificate replaced.
So, regardless of who is giving this certificate or receiving it, you have to make sure the Part III table is correctly filled out as it can change where this creditable withholding tax can be credited.
The Payor and Payee Paradox
Your client or customer, who withheld and deducted a portion of your income, is the payor, and you're the payee. A bit strange, right?
If you've received a 2307 certificate, chances are you will take home less than the full amount you and your client/customer agreed upon. This is because a portion of your income was withheld and collected by your client/customer, who now becomes the withholding agent or the payor. They are considered the payor because they are the ones making the payment to you (your income) and to the BIR (for the taxes they withheld from you).
In this situation, you are the payee since you are the one who receives the income. Although you didn’t receive your supposed income/revenue in full, you still received an amount with taxes already deducted.
If you are still confused, look at your 2307s and make sure the first part is properly filled out. If you received the 2307, your name should be in the Payee Part I Information, and your client who withheld and will pay your tax to the BIR is the Payor in Part II.
Using 2307s: The Double-Edged Sword
Yes, you can use it against your ITR; however, if you do, you have to submit these attachments to the BIR every quarter.
Since this is a form of evidence, or what the BIR calls "Proof of claimed tax credits," you need to send this to the BIR together with your quarterly business tax or income tax. Before the pandemic, you would need to have this stamped manually, but since 2021 (RR 16-2021), you are only allowed to send these 2307s and other creditable certificates electronically, by saving them in a USB Drive or Burning these files to a CD! So, if you have not sent these certificates before, I suggest you create an eAFS account and then lodge your certificates after filing your tax return.
Final Tips
Be vigilant and focus on the details when you are receiving these 2307s from your customers. For those issuing these certificates, make sure you know how to fill them out correctly to lessen headaches and potential issues with the BIR.
submitted by VayagishBlackish to FrelanceTaxPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:52 dalty69 The Unstoppable Force of $PlayDBZ

$PlayDBZ was able to do the AMA, and the team took a well-deserved Sunday off. On Monday, they were back to working hard!
The Lead Developer is unstoppable. He plans to launch this game on June 3rd, and he's running as fast as he can with it. This is not your average developer who will work on a coin and make a half-baked website. He is creating a play-to-earn game with just two other people! It might be challenging, but he is a perfectionist and will make it worthwhile.
Naturally, after the AMA, the chart took a hit. This was caused by the constant shilling that led people to pump the token, but once they saw the game's details and plans, many understandably decided to exit, as they are not diamond-handed and understand this project will take some time to reach new heights, even with the dev playing it live Just in front of us, there's still a lot to. Even with a crazy pace, some people can't hold. This was expected and taken into consideration. The loyal members of this community are unfazed and simply waiting for the next push.
Don't wait for the push to happen to take part in this amazing project. Get involved now, while there is still relatively little activity. Once they start with paid marketing, things will start to get crazy. It's worth holding even a small bag in a project like this. Not doing so would be missing out on an opportunity. Imagine finding the first game of its kind in a blockchain known for fake projects before it even starts to work with paid marketing. Imagine finding Axie Infinity at $50k.
Even though they couldn't hold the previous all-time high position, they are clearly advancing. Just one week ago, they were basically 80% below the current point. Where will it be next week? I've been calling this since $9k, and it's now holding $40k. The journey might be long and hard, but I would bet my house that those guys are not giving up, just for the honesty, the consistency, and the hard work - this team deserves a chance.
submitted by dalty69 to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:51 cheinyeanlim New Research: AI safeguards aren’t good enough

New Research: AI safeguards aren’t good enough
As much as we’ve heard about the harms of existing LLMs — the creation of nonconsensual deepfake porn, to name one — we’ve heard about safeguards against this kind of misuse. In March, for instance, Microsoft blocked certain prompts in its image generator after reports surfaced that the system was being used to create harmful content.
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But there are ways to get around such safeguards; new research from the AI Safety Institute found that LLMs from major labs are highly susceptible to such workarounds.
  • In this evaluation, researchers first asked models harmful questions, then injected simple attacks (either inserting a question into a prompt template or following a step-by-step procedure) into those same questions to gauge levels of compliance.
Without an attack, model compliance ranged up to 28%.
With an attack, three of the four models tested above 90% compliance. And when researchers made five attack attempts (rather than one) compliance was within a few points of 100% for every model.
  • “We found that models comply with harmful questions across multiple datasets under relatively simple attacks, even if they are less likely to do so in the absence of an attack.”
My Thoughts:
The word “safeguards” is a convenient way for Big Tech to say ‘well, at least we tried!’
The issue is that they don’t work. Or, at least, that they don’t work well. And to me, ‘tried’ isn’t good enough.
I’ve spoken with multiple cybersecurity experts who have said that these models are not designed with security in mind. It is also an unfortunate fact of human nature that if these systems can be abused, they will be.
That said, I find the idea of safeguards — especially as it relates to the broader conversation about the cost-benefit analysis of generative AI — to be little more than a deflection. This kind of testing ought to be conducted before a model is made publicly accessible. And if a model demonstrates a capacity for harm, that model should be taken down immediately, revenue be damned.
But companies would (largely) rather employ whack-a-mole-styled safeguard patches than build security into their systems or shut their systems down. And this — not some fictional singularity — marks the real threat of AI.
submitted by cheinyeanlim to martechnewser [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:45 variegated_intuition First offense DUI in Ohio

Hi, just looking for some advice on what to expect here. Or to hear experiences from people who had a similar situation.
I’m 30 years old and have zero record. I never once have even been pulled over, and never faulted for an accident. Last Friday I was stopped (Clermont county) for speeding around 2:40am, 78 in a 65. The officer immediately said he smelled marijuana and asked me to step out of the car. He never asked to search my car, or found any marijuana. Because I have back issues and see a chiropractor weekly for sciatica I refused to walk a straight line or stand on one leg. When the officer said he smelled alcohol I informed him I was on my way home from a hookup where I performed oral sex and used an antiseptic mouth rinse right before leaving. I was arrested and taken to the station where I refused a breathalyzer, stating I was worried of the effects of the mouthwash since he said he could smell it. By this point it had already been established I have a severe anxiety disorder for which I take medication daily and was on the verge of a panic attack. Honestly looking back I wish I had blown, but I was so anxious, especially never having had any sort of contact like this with police. I just sort of shut down. After the officer finished his paperwork he even gave me a ride home.
I have an arraignment in 3 days. I can not afford an attorney. I make about $30k a year, but after rent/bills I basically live hand to mouth. I don’t know if I make too much for a public defender. As of right now my license is suspended for a year because I refused to blow. What do I expect at the arraignment? Do I just go plead not guilty, and then the court will start the process of assigning an attorney? Any chance this could be dropped since there’s very little proof (aside from the officer saying there was an odor and my eyes were watery and bloodshot- at this point I had been awake nearly 20 hours)? What about privileges to drive to work? Is that something that can be discussed Friday, or do you have to wait a certain amount of time? Really any info is welcome. I have all the questions 😞
submitted by variegated_intuition to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:44 Various_Grocery4055 I am a real life experiencer and I have interest in utelizing the SCP stories to tell a very important real story. Anyone interested in assisting me?

I am an "exeriencer" ( i hate using that term, i also am "Psychic" ... and so are you, and you, and all of us.. you may not know this but we all have these, although some are "blind" or inhibited intentionally by things... anyways)
I have come to comprehend some really .. well.. fucked up shit that is happening in this world, it involves Orbs of Various colored light... Many people see them. IN WW2 the fighter pilots would witness them and deemed them "Foo Fighters" ( Not the
Anyways... I even have fairly extensive footage of these entities ( Thats what I believe them to be, not aliens from another planet, nor spirits... but actual Reality-bending entities and maybe worse than mere "Bending")
I am not kidding when I tell you that IRL I have along with my Family... Litteraly after reporting a UAP sighting to THE main place people re[ort thes things to... litteraly gained some new and invasive, agressive and insistent apon purchasing our home in western NC... neighbors... within 2 months these people moved into the home between where my home and rhe main manifestation of the phenomenon on that land is.. ( it seems to manifest a lot of places I go.. but its periodical in intensity, but no matter what, it WILL manifest when I go back on my land... My home was burned down with Myself, My fiancee, My Mother, and my Nephew in it on May 17th 2020. This is not a story, or a joke, and its very very real... anyways.
If you are interested in talking with me I am willing to share my story and I want to ... covertly tell my story. This is probably not wise for me to do here but ... at least this way it can be Gov Style "leaked" about what Ive experienced and what I have had occure to me..
Im not having any delusions of grandure when I tell you I am litteraly not the same man I was in 2017... when the orange lights started to loiter around our property and I started to expeirence everything from bizzare nightmares, to "visions" in my waking hours, to paraormal events all around me at night, to having experiences that may, or may not have been "Abduction" ( once again I dont believe these things are aliens at all, although I do know that I have seen more UFO/UAP in my lifetime than anyone i can think of save for maybe 2-3 others ...and I have seen around 6-7 definitely "physical" looking objects... that doesnt mean they even were there though...) The experiences I am talking about when I use the "A" word, are absolutely nothing akin to being taken aboard a ship, and etc etc, I have seen several ... roughly, humanoid like entities, but i dont know if they were even really there or not... What i DO know... is that they were Manifested by the ORange and Blue orbs of light...
I know of 2-4 physical locations in which these Orange ( mostly orange, the blue one/ones is/are very rare and ... Anyways, im blabering...I am being entirely honest and open, this is not a Troll, or a spoof or a trick or a bait or a attempt to seem important and special.... I wish ide never seen a fucking thing...tbh...its litteraly destroyed my life..)
Anyways, I can say that if you are interested in talking to me regardless of if you are interested in helping me create a SCP based apon my life and the exeriences I have had and continue to have, I would truly be thankful... but it must stay an "SCP"...And if you want to speak to me, i will provide contact info, especially if you are actually experiencing this phenomenon yourself.. its terrifying and I maybe can at least help comfort you... I hope?...)
I have a lot of videos and photos and this is mearly a hint of the litteral "Pandora's Box" and Nightmare that I seem trapped in every fucking day, everytime i wake up... here alone in this appartment...
Wishing i could just go back home... just go back to a time before my best friend committed suicide in 2019, right after an old friend of mine also committed suicide... before My home was burned down and I spent the last 4 years being stalked and threatend and shot at a few times and came to a point in my life where I never believed I would come...
I am just some idiot from North Carolina...
I keep hearing Frodo saying "I wish the Ring had never came to Me"....
I always loved LOTR... but I never comprehended the truth of carrying such a horrendous weight on your shoulders... not knowing wtf you are supposed to do... yet knowing you need to do this "thing" sometime.. someplace.. etc...
Its all so fucking bizzare.
Anyways. Thanks guys..
( btw ... i discovered the SCP by accident... and hen i heard it on YouTube I was sort of coming out of a nap after falling asleep from sheer exhaustion after my home had been burned down and I had been invited to stay in a ladies house... I thought it was perhaps real for a moment.... it all was so familiar... i have often wondered if other people have used the stories as I am hoping to.. to document somerthing that is far to dangerous for me to bring to light ... IF... if anyone would ever beliee my story... its not just MY story.. its going to be all of our stories soon i fear... and its my families story, and my grandparents story... and my mothers.. etc.... anyways.. Love you all.. thank you if you read this..God Bless you.-VLC)
submitted by Various_Grocery4055 to SCP [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:43 KawaiiCoupon Need to shoutout Pendulum’s Akkermansia.

I am not sponsored or anything! I’ve been doing intermittent fasting for about a year, but when I started including Akkermansia, my fat loss accelerated. I recently posted a pic in the intermittent fasting subreddit.
I was a superresponder to Ozempic and eventually had to be taken off of it because I started throwing up no matter what I ate and how much.
I started Akkermansia almost a year after that, and I get the same feeling of fullness that I felt on Ozempic (I never really feel full and can binge and binge and binge), BUT I don’t get nauseous or throw up. It is really training my hunger cues and my body tells me when I’ve had enough.
I’m not a scientist, but I’m interested in the gut microbiome. Basically, the bacteria is able to help your body produce GLP-1 naturally (probably oversimplified, please correct if needed).
It took about a month for this effect to start. There are various factors to consider, such as I started IF and weight lifting prior to taking it, so those have also benefited me immensely.
Weight loss is calories in vs calories out, but I truly don’t believe that it’s always the average person’s fault they’re overweight, especially if losing weight has always been challenging for you.
Your upbringing, out of your control, could have completely fucked your gut microbiome for life without intervention. The environments and food we have access to don’t always benefit us either.
I’m so grateful for this science and research into how we stop blaming people for being obese and start coming up with solutions to counteract the unnatural and health-harming environments and lifestyles that society and corporate greed have forced us into so that we can give billions to the healthcare “industry” (healthcare should be a right, and when it’s an industry you need sick people to keep it going).
Anyway, I’m here to answer questions you have about my journey and taking akkermansia if you have any!
It’s worth nothing that I only started taking it for digestive health, and the appetite changes were a secondary benefit.
submitted by KawaiiCoupon to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:43 lkirk1387 Guinea pig ultrasound

Hi there. Thank you on advance for any information you may have.
Species: guinea pig Age: roughly three Sex: female not spayed Breed: american Body weight: 900 grams History: blood found in cage with no open wounds. Vocalizing while urinating/passing stool. Taken to the vet PCV showed signs of slight anemia. Blood work was unremarkable. Very small amount of urine was taken and looks at under the microscope and was said to be fine. Xray showed no stones. Was told needed a spay scheduled surgery. Had an ultrasound today prior to surgery and bladder wall thickened. Was told surgery was not needed as it's bladder cancer and medication management is all we can do. Ultrasound shown to us. No turner present. New PCV has gone up well into normal range. We have noticed no other blood. Urine was never sent to IDEXX for an analysis. Guinea pig came back after ultrasound and wasn't shaved for the ultrasound. Trying to figure out if the ultrasound on an unshaved animal is good and if bladder cancer is common. Clinical signs: blood and wheeling while bathroom-ing Duration: around a week now General location: ohio
I hope someone can share any knowledge. We are struggling as this and a fee things are adding up.
submitted by lkirk1387 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:41 LoudounCountySummary 05-20-2024 Student Behavior and Accountability Committee (Closed Session) - AI Generated Summary

This summary was generated by an AI LLM from autogenerated meeting captions. As such, this output may contain factual errors.

Conclusions Reached

Detailed Summary


The meeting of the Student Behavior and Accountability Committee of the Loudoun County School Board is called to order to hear a student discipline appeal.


The committee chair, Dr. Linda Deans, announces the purpose of the meeting.


Dr. Deans introduces the other committee members present: Lauren Chernoff and Melinda Mansfield.


Dr. Deans calls for a motion to move the meeting into closed session to discuss student discipline matters, as allowed by the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.


The committee approves a resolution certifying that the closed session was conducted in accordance with Virginia law, and that only matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements were discussed.


The committee approves a motion to adjourn the closed session and reconvene the public meeting, with no formal action taken during the closed session.


The committee considers appeal case number OSA 05-23/24.


The committee considers appeal case number OSA 06-23/24.


The committee states that its findings and decisions will be included in a report and reflected in the meeting minutes.


The committee chair notes that there is no other business, and a motion is made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.


The committee unanimously approves the motion to adjourn the meeting.


The meeting is adjourned at 4:43 PM.
submitted by LoudounCountySummary to LoudounCountySummary [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:39 Overall_Persimmon_ My Experience of 6 Years Dating Abroad Having Just Discovered This SuB

I only just discovered that this was a thing so it's nice to see i'm not the only one.
I worked a remote job for many years and after long relationship ended i got curious and did a lot of travel and it was shocking the difference between the dynamic between the women in my home country of Australia and those abroad. Since then have exclusively dated women from abroad both while traveling for extended periods and at home. I am seeking a long term partner and have had a couple of great relationships that didn't pan out amongst other shorter but just as rewarding encounters.
I came back to Aus as the pandemic was kicking off and I don't know if this is frowned upon and not in the spirit of ppb but Australia has a huge migrant population and also a vast amount of people study here from abroad. I have met a lot of wonderful women from other places here who I felt were genuine and not visa hunting. A lot of them were also high achievers and intelligent but had excellent grounding / moral compass from their upbringings and were of course well traveled.
I still like to take extended trips but have found meeting foreign women at home just as rewarding for those who maybe have jobs that don't allow or other constraints. I like that they are here on their own merit too so i don't feel any obligation as far as their living arrangements if it gets serious.
I just wanted to mention the two recent experiences I have had this year. One was a Filipina and I also tried dating an Australian girl for first time in years...
So this filipina was cute as a button, highly educated completing a masters here and also working. Her attitude was so different to western girls and she always wanted to take care of me bringing food, affection and also sexually she did her best to ensure i was taken care of. The way she treated me made me want to step up to try my best to ensure she had everything she needed and treat her right with lots of love and care. It's all the small things I tell you! alot of it was very sweet cooking for each other and being lame. people think PPB just want a maid or to have some sort of power over their partner but I just loved how it was so reciprocal.
Then i should mentioned this Australian girl. Playing games with me from day one, saying things just to try and get reactions out of me, almost begging to be constantly complimented which was a turn on in itself. Her texts were also super passive aggressive and if i didn't play the game she'd mention oh some guy at work was flirting with me etc like i would be outraged. She was a perfectly lovely person to hang with but i got this feeling like it was a one way street. She wanted to be worshipped but she was so uncaring and cold why would i? She also seemed to think every guy she met or knew was madly in love with her but she was a pretty average person. I just thought her attitude stunk. really hot and cold.
I don't even know why i'm posting but there are so many great girls out there who aren't the spoilt brats we have here in Australia. Im not surprised when i see such i high number of interracial / international couples here in Melbourne. It makes me laugh because i have a lot of female friends and they are always the ones that comment on it when we are out with snide remarks. We are friends so obviously I think they are awesome company, funny and cool but they have the same attitude and wonder why they are single in their late 30's / early 40's now desperately trying to hunt down a man to shack up with or have kids.
I believe in equality for men and women 100% but i also think we are different creatures and theres nothing wrong with that. Being vilified by western women for being a straight white dude blows.
Finally I would say my favourite destinations have been in Asia by far due to the cost, food, proximity to Aus and wonderful people of both genders. Vietnam, Japan and Thailand are honourable mentions. Although with Thailand I stay clear of BKK or Resort towns.
My first post but i look forward to following the sub. I'm at the stage where i really hope to lock someone special I can marry and build something with so i like seeing so many genuine posts also.
Excuse the poorly written post i just typed my random thoughts on the matter. If i've made any blunders that aren't allowed here i'm sorry in advance!
Repost as last wasn't clear enough
submitted by Overall_Persimmon_ to thepassportbros [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:38 zackryjay The "fairy tales" we were told as kids weren't the lies we think. It's the way they've been cleaned up to be nice and neat. That was the lie.

I'm sure that title sounds a little melodramatic but I'll try to make a fairly succinct point to go with the sentiment.
I have spent so much time on earth waiting for something to happen to me. I think we all subconsciously think in our heads, one day, maybe with a little effort and good intentions, our life will come out alright. Nice and clean. Our life will finally be ready to be lived like a story, with a linear progression, everything falling into its place, eventually.
Of course anyone reading this that has been through any heartache in life knows that there is no beginning, middle and end. There are babies born every minute with decisions already made for them. There are good people dying every day who were perfectly decent if not understandably flawed, who had their life taken for no reason, suddenly. If they were lucky, they never saw it coming. Just like my brother, who died a month ago from an accidental overdose in a bathtub. He went to take a bath, made a wrong choice and.. that was that.
I don't know why I'm writing this. There's a lot of things happening in my life right now, but I know there's someone out there with this mindset I'm getting ready to address and I believe it may help some of you, who are as stubborn and set in their ways as I am, to come loose from the idea you hold so tight to and try and learn, along with me, how to take each minute as it passes.
Every word you've read this far is in the past. You can go back and reread it, but it's already there casting shadows in your subconscious. Every day you live, you're expecting something new to happen, if you're not expecting novelty, you may be expecting the same comforts or sorrows you face all the time. I want to say to you now: There is nothing you know or see, or will know or have seen, that will set itself in stone before the heavy hand of time erodes your expectations back down to the bedrock.
There's a human right now, lying in a soggy sleeping bag under a bridge, thinking about a women he loved years ago and to be antithetical, there's a human lying in a king sized bed in one of his many bedrooms, thinking of nothing or plagued by symptoms of the same thing the man under the bridge is plagued with.. Life, in all its thievery and abundance, is being placed in front of you one block at a time, measured in moments. What does it take for a person to be happy?
"There are some mistakes too monstrous for remorse to tamper or to dally with" - Edward Arlington Robinson
If you have ever made a mistake or a choice in your life that you regret and all that regret does is cause more pain to bubble up and faster inside you to come out as more poor choices, do away with your regret and start making new, better choices.
Imagine being in a blank room. A prison cell. A place with only your memories and nothing new but tye indents in the concrete walls to show you any more newness, until eventually even the walls are mapped in your mind, every contrasting bubble or imperfections. Pardeolia creating warped faces at you, mocking you from inside your evolved simian brain. At one time in your evolutionary journey, you needed those instincts, to see threats in the darkness, but now we have shines a light on all things, and hidden the things we deem uncomfortable. Now, we sit in a prison of choices, but not choices for life. Choices for moments. What kind of food do you want, what color shirt will you wear, what movie will you watch?
We were not meant to live lives like this, but we have no choice anymore. Society is a runaway vehicle, with nothing to crash into, forever building tension and suspense. That's why some many of us are so nervous and uncomfortable here. There's danger, but it isn't coming from the darkness anymore. It's not predation or a scourge or a war, at least not for the Americans. Not just now.
I'm begging anyone who is having a hard time.. Anyone who has made true mistakes and regretsbtjose mistakes. Anyone who feels like it's hopeless, just keep doing anything. I don't care what it is. Try and make it something nice and useful. Be kind. THINK about what you're doing. You and your girlfriend are arguing? Find some way to make it okay andbif it can't be okay, be okay with the idea that it isn't okay and turn your mind to the next thing. Are you waiting on life changing news? A diagnosis? A prison sentence? Something awful? Something great? It will be there, when it gets there. For now, there are sights and sounds that you cannot predict, coming for you at all angles. Appreciate that. Embrace whatever this is and be at peace with it. I don't care what you believe, you cannot tell me you know anything for sure. I know that I will learn and cry and be surprised and not so surprised until the day I leave this world. I watch my son and my parents learn about life at the same pace. There is no learning curve, except for perspective.
I wrote all this and doubt it will be read by many and it doesn't mean anything really..
I wanted to take some of my precious time to tell you, whoever you are, that you are going to be okay. Whether you are well-off, happy, miserable, terminally I'll or just browsing your phone. One day, something bad will happen. One day something good will happen. One day, you will struggle to understand. One day, you will stand in the midst of all knowing.
I am not preaching so much as I am imploring you, admittedly rambling a bit, to take your life as it comes. When you feel you are at the worst points in life, just keep going. It will end eventually and you'll be okay then as well. Hug your family. Love each other. If you make a mistake, try to make it right, but if you can't, move on with better goals. Make this world better than it is, because we all have to live in it.
That's all I wanted to vomit out at the moment. I love you for being human. Know who you are and accept it. Don't run. There's absolutely nowhere to go. Just ride it out until there's a sudden and heavenly release of your tension. One day, you'll have to let go. Start practicing for that moment. Believe me, there's plenty of practice.
Be well. ❤️
submitted by zackryjay to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:38 NoSignsOfLife [real] (05/21/2024) Thinking back about school 20 years ago

I was just thinking today about how I was looking forward to middle school as a kid. Elementary school was so awfully boring, but I also didn't really have any real friends so that didn't help. Still though, the thing is that I spent a lot of time by myself and that involved watching a lot of TV. And I'm not from the US, I live in Europe, but the TV shows were all from the US. And they kinda gave me a really cool fantasy of what school was gonna be like after elementary school. And yeah I'm sure anyone reading this is gonna think that, well, of course it's not actually like on TV, TV is fiction. But trust me, this is gonna be way more disappointing than you think. But I mean, at least I wasn't bullied, most people just sorta left me alone instead, so I don't wanna act as if school must definitely be better in other places. It's just that, it was so boring.
Hmm where do I begin. Two things constantly said in these TV shows that left me confused, kids often talked about classes they take, consider taking and don't take. And kids often talked about "this person from my x class". This gave me the idea that, unlike in elementary school, I'd get to at least somewhat choose what classes I might wanna take. Not at all how it worked, at least not at the schools that were options for me at the time I went to middle school in the early 2000s, as far as I can tell. I say as far as I can tell cause it was never explained to me either, it was explained to my parents, so that they could maybe talk to me and figure what to do with me. Anyway, you either went to trade school, which was seen as a huge embarrassment to your parents cause you are an idiot that's probably not gonna do college, or for 7th and 8th grade you decide on one of two options; latin or modern languages. Both of those come with a certain set of classes, you can't not take any of them and you can't take any that don't come with it. My parents didn't put much thought in it, they were just told that since I did so well in elementary school I should go for latin, as that's what smart kids do. It doesn't come with many interesting classes to me, but to be honest neither did the other option. I would have much rather gone to trade school, which has a technical studies option too that would come in handy for college, but many people just didn't like having to say that their kid goes to the trade school. In fact, I had a few people in my group failing on purpose cause they told their parents they wanna go to trade school but were just not allowed, so they protested by failing. Anyway, the other thing that had me confused about that, all classes are taken with the same group. You're in a group of about 20 people, they all have the same classes cause you don't get to pick and choose, why not have them do every class together. I'm not sure if that's supposed to get the group to know each other better or something, but really the result is just that you really don't get to know so many people. If you don't like any in this group so much, well tough luck, everybody only hangs out with people of their own group. You weren't even allowed to sit with people from another group for lunch, they assigned you a seat at a table for your group. And you know, many of them are kinda the same. This school was just for those two options I mentioned anyway, which are for preparing kids to continue to college in the future, anybody wanting to do any trade or anything technical would be at a different school that focuses on those. Oh and also, not a single girl in our group, I didn't really care at the time but thinking back about it it does seem kinda weird to have years of middle school where all classes were boys only. Alright on to the next topic to pick. Hmm how about the whole thing with the activities at school they always have on TV. You know, clubs, sports, arts, dances, science fairs, even elections for something? Yeah I did totally wonder what my future school was gonna have. Which was nothing, in fact I went to three different schools from 7th to 12th grade and they all had nothing. It's just not a thing here I guess? There is not a single thing to do other than go to your set of classes that day and go back home. No special events of any kind either, just an occasional educational school trip. But certainly nothing that would make you meet any people with similar interests, or anything social at all really. Here's sorta how it works instead. You wanna do any of this, you sign up for it somewhere else and go there after school. Like my city did have a music school and a drawing school for example, so if you wanna go to a 2nd school on some days after going to your 1st school that day then you're free to do that. Of course it'll be with completely different people that you probably don't ever see anywhere else. I was in an unrelated sports team for example, we played a game on saturdays that is only attended by parents and practiced 2 hours after school one day in the week. And I never saw anyone on the team ever outside of those couple of hours per week. That's also one kinda problem with that isn't it, the kids learning music or drawing at those specific schools after their main schools probably got to show off the things they learned at times, but only fellow kids at those specific schools and their parents would ever know about it. They never get to show off the stuff they learned to kids at their main schools.
Here's a little short one for in between that is kinda odd, personal lockers. Nobody ever got their own locker, not at any of the three schools I went to. We just stuff all our crap in our backpack and bring it home. Then in the morning figure out what we need that day, and carry it all back to school in our backpack. In elementary school we had a desk at school with a little space for books, but from middle school you're not always in the same classroom so you get no desk with storage. Every classroom you go to you bring your heavy backpack with everything for that day in it.
This is getting really long already so here's my last one, the whole social groups and cliques thing full of stereotypes. Well, just having anything like that at all really. Because of the stuff I wrote earlier, but also some of the rules. Like I already said, you take every class with your group and sit at an assigned place with your group for lunch, you can't go find someone who likes the same stuff as you from outside your group. Except during one of the three breaks, two of those are 10 minutes and one is 30 minutes. During those, you can walk around outside and go talk to anyone you want. Of course they are all total strangers to you though as you have never seen them do anything anywhere, since there are no activities at school other than your classes. But here are some of the rules we had. No electronic devices, so you can't listen to or show anyone any music or play any videogames with anyone. I mean no phones either but almost all of those couldn't really do anything other than call and text at the time anyway. No 'distracting' hair, whether that is a weird style or having any part of it any color that does not appear natural in humans. No 'distracting' clothing either, but at least no uniforms. No tattoos or piercings of any kind, except earrings but one time an acceptable looking punk came in with a safety pin earring he did at home and that did not count as an allowed earring. Actually come to think of it, the punks were the only group. Everybody else just looked the same as everybody else. And these punks were just 4 people. We knew they were punks cause of their outfit, they pushed the boundaries of distracting. And sometimes too far, like with the safety pin. But they usually wore a flat cap, a denim jacket with a few punk patches and leather boots. Probably the coolest looking people at the school, mostly because I couldn't tell you what anyone else looked like now, I totally forgot everything except their face. Though I was also a bit of an exception. I was the guy with long hair. Not that anybody knew anything about me cause I didn't talk, but they did know me as the one guy in school with long hair. They couldn't really ban that as I don't think they could ban things for only one gender. But yeah, you only have the opportunity to talk to people not in your group during the short breaks, but how would you decide who to go talk to? You never talked to any of these kids, all you got is how they look, and they're barely allowed to change their look from anything default.
Alright I'm gonna end it here. I guess the conclusion is that if you make school as absolutely boring as possible then there is not gonna be as much trouble, I think that might have been the goal at least? Just come in, get your education that day, go home, no drama. Is that better? I wouldn't know, I haven't been to other schools of course. But I sure couldn't help but wish it had a little more going on like they did on TV.
submitted by NoSignsOfLife to DiaryOfARedditor [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:35 kay2way My sap appeal

Hello, I am wondering how this sounds for my Sap appeal. I am in good standing and above a 2.0, as of right now, I am kit eligible for fafsa, which is the reason why for my appeal. I would love any and all feedback. Thank you!
I am writing to appeal against the loss of my federal financial aid eligibility due to not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress. (SAP) requirements and ask you to please restore my eligibility to receive all forms of federal aid. I regret that I have not been able to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress ( SAP ) requirements. Should I not receive aid, I will not be able to continue my wonderful path here at the University of Texas at San Antonio. During my time of enrollment in a university at Texas A&M Corpus Christi, I had faced numerous challenges that put a delay on my growth and hindered me from reaching my goals of being an academically successful student. After taking a year off to be more proactive about my situation I am writing this letter in hopes of appealing my aid for SAP, which was revoked due to a failure to meet the completion rate. I understand the reason for the stopping of my aid, and I take full accountabilities for all events leading up to that point. I am writing this letter to express the importance in which I hold my education, as well as to outline the steps I plan on taking to ensure that I remain on the road to academic success and completion at University of Texas at San Antonio.
I went back to school in 2017 as an independent student. I faced many obstacles, and being the only person in my family that was able to enroll in college, I was determined to make something of myself and be successful by excelling in my studies, but I came into that college experience with a blind eye and did not utilize the campus resources to be a scholar, like I should had done. During my following semester in 2019, I had recently become pregnant with my son, and that was around the time that COVID-19 had happened. During that time, I was let go from my job due to the lockdown, which left me in a finical crisis, so I was unable to pay for my semester at the time. During the fall of 2020, I had just given birth to my son, so I was finding new self, and my new lifestyle, which had me switched my major multiple times, because I did not have passion for the previous majors that I had selected, so I dropped many courses as well. During the terms for the year 2022, I was still attending the Alamo Colleges out here, but I had recently found my passion in the tech field, I started to be on top of my courses and class work and was able to successfully 2 / 3 succeed during the following years. Once I got transferred to the University of Texas at San Antonio, I knew exactly what my passion was, and I was more than excited to start my growth academically and soar. In the begging of the spring semester, I had just recently bought my first house, so I was preoccupied with packing, and the whole process of buying your first home. I was overly overwhelmed with the moving process, raising my 3-year-old son, and working full time that I lost focused on one of my courses for the term. Since not passing that class, my life has done a complete 360, I decided to take the summer off to organize my house and get everything in order. Now that I have finished moving into my new house, I can fully stay focused and determined not to lose sight of my academics. Now that I am fully moved into my house, My parents help out with my son so that I can take 3 hours every day to study each of my courses, I organized my time to make sure that I will be attending at least 2 tutoring sessions a week, as well as utilizing the university resources to help gain more of an advance on my academics and make sure to meet with my professors and advisor at least twice each semester so I can make sure that I can stay caught up on my course work, and getting more assistance if I do feel lost. If I knew then what I know now, I would have taken a break after my first failed semester, as well truly knowing where my interest lies, so that I didn’t switch my major multiple times. I did not understand the impact of changing majors, and dropping courses that would influence not only my GPA, but also my completion rate for SAP. I also realize that I should’ve taken more of advantage of the student resources provided to me, by the colleges and universities. I also take full responsibility and accountability for the consequences of my actions.
What will be different if given the chance to receive aid again is that I am in a much better place than I have been in the past 5 years, and I will continue to always improve myself and never let my studies go. I will always stay focused during each term of the school year and will never let myself get lost or behind again. I will also commit to routine/ scheduled meetings with my academic advisor as well as professors, and tutoring aids that are available to help with each course. I have a tremendous amount of support from my loved ones who want to see me succeed and be the first one in my family to graduate from college / university. I am not only determined to make something better of myself for myself, but for my son. If I am given this extra chance at this opportunity, I can show my son how successful one can be with life going on, but also that if you don’t give up on your dreams, you can do anything you set your mind to. I am very disappointed in the person who I was in the past, but I am more than happy to say that that person is not me anymore. I have grown so much, and the old me would be so shocked that I even made it this far in life. I know that in life, things are always going to come up and hit you out of nowhere, but I have now realized that no matter what life throws at you, you just got to push through it and keep going, no matter how hard it is. I understand that this chance does not come around often but if you take this amazing chance on me, not only will I succeed and go far in life, but I will provide my son with a better life than I could ever imagine. If awarded this opportunity, I will do everything It takes to become successful and remain successful throughout the remainder of my academic career the University of Texas at San Antonio.
3 / 3 I plan on taking on more tutoring sessions at least twice a week with my professors. I will also take up more of the student resources that the university has to offer, as well as scheduling more appointments with my tutor. I will never drop any of the courses that I am registered for and going to take in the future. I will also never let myself not pass any of these courses. I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that not only will I pass every course that I am taking / and or will take, but I will also make sure that I stay determined and focused and seek out any help from my scholars with my academics.
submitted by kay2way to financialaid [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:34 ribbonsofeuphoria What ceiling light would be suitable for this living room?
Hello, interiordecorating!
My living room is really dark except for 2-3 hours in the afternoon when the angle of the sun is just right. That's when these photos were taken.
We want to replace the ceiling light with something really bright, diffuse, and ambient that acts as a fill for the whole room, so that the other lights don't have to pick up the slack and can just focus on being task / accent lights. My wife and I spent a lot of time looking at various milk glass lights and up lights and couldn't find anything that really fit the bill.
Here are a few options that we're considering, but we're really unsure.
Also, we have 3 young children so that's a factor to take into consideration.
Before you object to the carpet, I know it's too small! We are replacing it soon.
Thank you so much! Your suggestions are greatly appreciated.
submitted by ribbonsofeuphoria to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:33 Knapp_bean Ex Conservatory 3 dancer at B5:8

Hello Everyone, it’s absolutely insane how much that place has affected so many of us and our lives. I just wanted to come on here and say I appreciate all of you beautiful people for speaking out about the harm you endured at ballet5:8. Thinking back to it all now brings back a lot of emotions, honestly a lot of it is all a blur, but I’ll try and see if I can get any experiences I had typed out on here in the future. I had started dance at B58 when it was still TP, it was so amazing. I knew from the start that I loved ballet and later knew I wanted it to be my career. And I do feel like there was a solid mission when it was TP, but as b58 grew I just felt like that “Christian” mission was lacking. And the care I felt from staff was starting to disappear, I didn’t feel like they really cared about me as a person much anymore. It all felt so hypocritical how the studio and especially the company functioned, when I started to do more things with the company later in my training I was so shocked at how staff was treated. It was truly awful to see how J talked to and treated trainees and staff in rehearsals. As the studio grew to b58 I moved through the ranks quick, but as the years went by that place slowly sucked all the joy out of me and my love for dance. By age 16, I had nothing left and quit in 2017. Looking back I’m so glad I left when I did, because from what I heard from other ballet friends still there, the place really burst into flames that next season when a valuable staff member left. But it’s still tough that I felt I had to quit when I loved ballet so much and they took that from me. My own education was set back for a time, because I was dancing so much all day. It started to feel like a job, and at 15/16 years old your just a kid. I thought it’s what I needed to do to get to where I wanted to be, but it obviously didn’t go as planned. I do feel that there was some manipulation and that me alongside other younger students were taken advantage of because of our age. I was just a kid, and the situations and things I had to go through were way out of my league. I struggled for a long time after quitting ballet, it was my whole life and identity, but after many years and help from loved ones I have found joy in dance again. I may not be a professional ballet dancer, but I still love movement and appreciate the arts so much. I hope as more of us speak out about b58, people can see the harm they have done and are doing to dancers now. Thank you all for listening to my word vomit 🤪❤️
submitted by Knapp_bean to ex58 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:31 RaspberryJam245 So I was thinking earlier about where Santa Monica could go with future games.

This isn't necessarily what I think they will do, or what I hope they might do, just a little interesting scenario I cooked up in my head that I thought was cool and wanted to share with yall.
So this story would take place about a year or maybe two after the events of Valhalla (spoilers incoming by the way).
Kratos has been working to establish himself as a god of war who fights for peace, like Týr. One night, he gets a vision of someone from a far off land, begging for his help. He tells Freya he's off to a land called Egypt, and she decides to stay behind as she's got her hands full with the council. Atreus is either still searching for the giants, or is off on some other adventure. Mimir goes with him because, well, what else is he gonna do?
When he gets to Egypt, he's caught up in a fight with generic ancient Egyptian monster (sorry I'm not very familiar with Egyptian mythology; I just know the basics) and he's in a tight spot when he's saved by a large falcon that swoops down on his enemies and transforms into a young man, about Atreus' age. Afterwards, he introduces himself as Horus the Younger, and says he's the one who summoned Kratos.
Horus' father, Osiris, has been killed by his uncle, Set. Osiris was the Pharoah, or king of the gods, and Set wants to usurp him. Horus needs Kratos' help to get his father back from the Duat, the Egyptian afterlife, so Osiris can defeat Set.
Horus then becomes Kratos' new companion, filling the role previously taken by Atreus and Freya. In turn, Kratos takes a liking to the young god, seeing a lot of his son in Horus, and begins mentoring him in much the same way.
When they finally get to the Duat, they find that Osiris has now been made ruler of the dead, and as such, is incapable of leaving. Osiris tells his son that he must defeat Set himself, and become the new Pharoah.
From here, I'm not really sure where it would go, other than Kratos and Horus teaming up to defeat Set. Kratos would kill Set, but the consequences would be dire. In Egyptian mythology, balance must be upheld, and killing Set would create an imbalance, which would allow Apophis, the serpent prophesied to swallow the sun and destroy the world, to return. This would set up the next game, and give Kratos room to grow as he atones for his mistake in killing Set.
Again, I'd like to say that this was just a fun lil theory I cooked up and wanted to share. Personally, I'd prefer to have Atreus and Freya along for the ride, but unfortunately I don't think that's in the cards. Let me know if you liked this and feel free to add on to the story. I toyed with the idea of Thrud accompanying Kratos to Egypt and him mentoring her, but ultimately I liked the Horus angle more.
submitted by RaspberryJam245 to GodofWarRagnarok [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:30 ajs3423 Can I get a nice?

69 days without a drop. I feel good physically. These past few days have been a real test though. I’m approaching the four year anniversary of my father’s passing and it’s got me feeling really depressed. I can’t put it into words how much I miss him. Things with my family have gotten so much harder without our patriarch. He was the foundation of our family and the more time that passes without him the more I realize how much he really contributed to the family. Not just as the breadwinner but the emotional support and just everything really. He was a quiet guy and the hardest working person I ever knew and he was taken away from us far too soon. He’s a huge reason for why I’m trying so hard to not drink. I’ve gotten my shit together in these last four years since he’s been gone and I feel so much regret that it took such a tragedy for me to get it together. I wish he was here to tell me he is proud of me. I’m trying to step up and fill his shoes so to speak but I know that’s an impossible task. My family are all drinkers and they are all so fucked up in their own ways. I try to help where I can but I can’t be there for everyone all the time. Especially when they aren’t really doing anything to help themselves. It gets so frustrating I just want to scream at them but I don’t want to fight because it’s just going to lead me straight back to alcohol. I don’t really have anyone else to talk to about this stuff so it’s nice to have this group to get it off my chest. Here’s to 69 days of being sober! IWNDWYT
submitted by ajs3423 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:29 Peace4theWin [Critique flare] UNTITLED-[Adult Dark Fantasy, 90,000]

Appreciate any feedback on the below query letter. Thank you!
TW - implied SA . . . Dear [Agent Name]
After reviewing your Twitter and website, I think my novel perfectly fits your interests. My book, UNTITLED, is a 90,000-word, dark dystopian fantasy. The protagonist, Lucy, is 34 years old and a member of the LGBTQ community. To be reunited with her family, she must embark on a journey that will test her morality to the limit. Some comp titles are School for Good Mothers by Jessamine Chan and Alone Out Here by Riley Redgate. The Earth is deteriorating, and the Indicas, powerful creatures from the inner Earth, have come to restore balance. Ten percent of the world's population is missing over three days, with most volunteering to serve the Indicas. Lucy, a wife and mother, is taken away from her life and forced to serve the Indicas alongside her friend Kara. They are under the control of Commander Isaiah, who gains energy and abilities from her servants to rehabilitate the planet. Lucy's wife, Sam, alternates POV, and Kara's husband searches for their wives in hopes of reuniting. The Indicas choose people with the brightest auras to support their mission for restoration. Lucy and Kara have purple auras, symbolizing servitude, the rarest aura type. They must find the strength to resist Isaiah so that they can return to their old lives or, at the very least, receive protection for their families as the world falls apart above them. For if they fail, death for their families is certain and even for themselves. I have the privilege of working for XYZ and genuinely love serving XYZ. I am happily married in a queer relationship with two beautiful little girls. Thank you for taking the time to read about my novel.
submitted by Peace4theWin to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:29 65TwinReverbRI TIL you can't cut the aftertouch strip...

My A-800 had had a problem - the Eb and E above middle C were weird - hard to press, aftertouch didn't work well - I wondered if maybe a guitar pick or something had gotten down in there.
Since I'm considering another controller, I decided to go ahead and take it apart (not being handy) which was scary - and the ribbon strips pulled out of the sockets in a way I hadn't seen before but luckily wasn't a big deal.
I've never taken a keybed apart, but I got brave and took the springs off the back of the keys and took out the D, Eb, and E.
Guess what - there's a little felt strip that runs under there. I could see that it was buckled up under those keys and I'm like, yep, that's the problem.
This strip was connected at the bass side to the circuit board by so I assumed it was probably aftertouch.
The treble side actually had a fair amount of excess sticking out - it makes me wonder if, as you use aftertouch and compress that felt, if it doesn't expand outward...but the hump in the middle makes me think no.
It had some sticky stuff underneath so I was thinking it wasn't something I could just pull the end and pull out the hump. And I couldn't.
So I thought - OK, there's a strip under there it sticks to, and I think this is just basically a piece of felt.
I didn't want to take all the keys off for fear of never getting them back right (yeah, I'm not the type who's going to label each key) so I figured I'd just snip out a bit so it would seat back down again.
Worked like a charm. Then I noticed under the felt was a little black strip. Uh-oh.
Long story slightly less long, I put it back together and guess what - aftertouch works all the way up to the Eb, but not above the E :-)
Truth be known, I used it more live, but rarely at home when recording, and I can set up a pedal to be AT, so it wasn't a big concern.
But what did I learn today? That the bottom of the felt makes contact with the strip underneath to make the AT happen and that has to be continuous all the way down!
So it's back together and working (save a few screws which I left out in case I needed to crack it open again) and basically it all works except AT, AND the Eb and E keys are no longer funky which really was the bigger concern.
Funny story - I accidentally set the Velocity to 1 rather than "Touch" and tried a piano sound and had no volume and I was like 'uh-oh, did that break the velocity too?" I recorded a bit to be sure and got 1 for all the velocities and I was like, that's weird, let me check the setting - sure enough, on 1. Doh.
And this is why I'm not a DIY'r. But I guess I did sort of just DIY a little bit.
submitted by 65TwinReverbRI to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:29 Subject-Complex-1869 I think my husband SA'd me

I'm not very good talking about private topics like this but I don't want to make a huge deal if I'm wrong and try to talk to someone I know about it, and this was the only place that I could think of to talk. Our niece is supposed to be staying with us over the summer too so I definitely don't want to get things out of proportion.
My husband and I have been married for almost five years. Our bedroom life has been good and he's only the second man I've had that sort of a relationship with. Spring is bad though, because I get bad allergies and feel gross almost all of the time so it's hard to feel in that mood. I pretty much hoard and live off of benadryl.
My husband has been kind of pushing for sex for the last week and I know he's been waiting a while so now that spring is finished I felt more in the mood yesterday. I don't really do anything crazy and I like to keep it in the bedroom, but there's things that he likes that I ended up liking with blindfolding and handcuffing.
We started and it was all really nice of course. He even put on music which is something he doesn't usually do but I like because I get worried about noises even though we live alone. I don't know, I just get worried about a delivery arriving and someone hearing something. He was where he needed to be doing what it was all about but then he stopped and told me to wait. I can obviously kind of see under the blindfold when I'm laying down, but I have to take off my glasses to wear it and I can never make out much normally when I don't have my glasses.
He turned off the light to our room and kind of left me there for a few minutes just listening to music and feeling pretty exposed, which I don't always mind when we're together like that. Then he came back and I could kind of make out his shadow and he went back to where he'd been, but it felt different. I don't want to be crass but I know what he feels like after all these years and this felt different. Like more then I was used to. Things about it didn't feel like what I was used too.
I kind of put it down to waiting for so long before we started again, so things would feel a little different and uncomfortable after starting again, so we kept going. It was good and I liked it but other things felt different too like his rhythm and what he did with his hands but I don't know if it was because of the music. We finished and then he left again for a little bit and then came back and undid things and turned off the music and turned the lights back on and we just lay there cuddling for a little but then he started getting playful again and we started again, which isn't bad it's just that he hasn't really done that a little while after we first got married, but he had gone most of spring without so it made sense?
But after and all today I've been thinking about all the differences and if it could mean something happened. With someone else. Which I 100% would never want. But I don't know how that would even happen, they'd have to wait until we were actually doing something and we hadn't planned to do anything until we were doing it. I just can't get it out of my head
submitted by Subject-Complex-1869 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:28 Equivalent_Iron3454 Mom secretly recorded me and my husband in our home during an argument with her and my Father – Need Advice, Support and feeling so betrayed and embarrassed

Hi everyone,
I'm reaching out because I'm in a really difficult and upsetting situation and could use some advice and support. A bit of background about me: I'm an Indian woman and the daughter of immigrants in the US. Recently, I've found myself possibly estranged from my family, and it's tearing me apart. As I grow older, this is getting harder and harder to tolerate especially when my husband is starting to notice it too.
The core issue is that I've been the scapegoat in my family for as long as I can remember. My sister is the favorite child who can do no wrong, and my father is emotional and an enabler, always worried about "what other people will think." My mom, on the other hand, is very deeply immature, selfish nd childish. Every time I try to address the situation, I'm told to just deal with it, suck it up, or reminded that she had a difficult life and "it's just how she is." I would always "get over it" and try again only for her to get worse especially as she ages.
My mom has no filter when it comes to me. She has told me that my husband will divorce me when he figures out who I really am, has told my husband that my sister is her favorite, that is praying to see the face of her grandson (what if I have a daughter?) and that I am mental and need help and more. She was abusive while I was growing up. To be fair, my sister also gets some of the abuse, but it's nowhere near as vile and hostile as what I experience. This dynamic has caused a lot of emotional pain and strain on my mental health. I know a lot of it is cultural but it is not an excuse anymore.
There were good times with my mom, which contributes to my guilt. However, these good times don't invalidate the bad experiences. It would be one thing if this was all in the past, but it's getting worse and worse. On top of it, when I go low contact, my dad begins to get very sick with sadness. It hurts and they blame me for it but why do I have to be their scapegoat so my dad doesn't get sick?
Recently, we were in a heated fight about how much I disapproved of my sister's new husband. He is arrogant, rude, and made her cry on their wedding day. Her best friends and bridesmaids were also taken aback, so this is not just me being angry about it. My parents downplayed my concerns about him and then began to yell that I was making things up, that I am crazy, and spreading lies. It was like their life was on the line to defend him. My dad even told me that the groom talking "like that" is not good but it is far worse in India as if that made it ok. My dad and I began to yell when suddenly, I heard my husband yelling at my mom.
He caught her recording me in our home, without my permission during our argument. When caught, my mom not only lied to my husband's face but when given a chance to come clean and admit it, she doubled down again, insisting that she was “only recording me because my new dress looks good.”
I have no idea how she even thought it was okay to secretly record us in the privacy of our home during a heated argument, especially when it was about her good-for-nothing son-in-law who made my sister cry in front of everyone on their wedding day. And then lie to our faces. Why was she so eager to protect him and throw us under the bus? What is her problem? What is the matter with her? Who was she planning on showing it to, and for what purpose? Did she not think about how something that awful could impact me or my husband?
And not even an apology. Or any remorse. Just silence. This was the first Mothers Day I did not wish her. I'm torn and don't know what to do. On one hand, I deeply love my family and want to mend our relationship. On the other hand, I feel hurt and unsupported. I don't want to lose them, but I'm struggling with the emotional toll this situation is taking on me.
Has anyone been through something similar? How did you handle it? Any advice on how to approach this situation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read and respond. It just hurts to think about WHY she treats me like this or acts like this. Recording us while we are just vile.
submitted by Equivalent_Iron3454 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:27 Clear-Cow-6980 Valorant Nerd Wikipedia

Hello Valorant Community! As someone who studies a lot, I've often noticed that there isn't one single place to find all of the useful information for improving at the game, so ive taken it into my own hands for creating a safe place for people to teach and learn and fact check!
I'll be doing a lot of nerdy work that most people can't be bothered to do! And if you want, you can contribute too! I'm making a discord server for whoever would like to join/contribute! Note: this is an ever changing information bucket, so things will change constantly and you will have to unlearn things often!
The main roles will be: Teachers, Nerds, Students, Theory Bashers, and Testers!
Whether you're Iron or Immortal, surely there's something you can learn here!
Topics we'll be recording (but not limited to): Mechanics, Pathing, Crosshair Placement, Rotation Timings, Smokes, Flashes, Solo Queue Strategies, Duo/Trio/Five Stack Strategies, Map Study, Unique Agent Specific Quirks, Lineups, Keeping Good Mental Techniques, and much more!
It'll be a Wikipedia of sorts, collecting Info from coaches all over the internet and giving them proper credit, making sure to touch every topic! Our community is one that strives for improvement and helping others under the assumption of them simply not knowing better, so we will be approaching teaching in a positive non-judgmental way, just here to help everyone learn neat tips and tricks and valuable gamesense knowledge! We have a 0 tolerance policy for rude teachers or toxicity!
I'll make channels where you can post tiktoks or YouTube videos that helped you improve, a channel where you can show and tell a neat tip or trick you learned that day, and much more!
This will be a community effort, we are here to learn, have fun and improve as a community of nerds, testing everything out in the most efficient and effective way possible! Coming up with our own scientific methods and guides so we can guide future nerds to doing their own work!
The discord server is still severely under construction, so if anyone would also like to contribute to it's development feel free to reach out! But if you still wanna join just to be a part of the process feel free to reach out too!
submitted by Clear-Cow-6980 to VALORANT [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:26 Equivalent_Iron3454 Mom secretly recorded me and my husband in our home during an argument with her and my Father – Need Advice, Support and feeling so betrayed and embarrassed

Hi everyone,
I'm reaching out because I'm in a really difficult and upsetting situation and could use some advice and support. A bit of background about me: I'm an Indian woman and the daughter of immigrants in the US. Recently, I've found myself possibly estranged from my family, and it's tearing me apart. As I grow older, this is getting harder and harder to tolerate especially when my husband is starting to notice it too.
The core issue is that I've been the scapegoat in my family for as long as I can remember. My sister is the favorite child who can do no wrong, and my father is emotional and an enabler, always worried about "what other people will think." My mom, on the other hand, is very deeply immature, selfish nd childish. Every time I try to address the situation, I'm told to just deal with it, suck it up, or reminded that she had a difficult life and "it's just how she is." I would always "get over it" and try again only for her to get worse especially as she ages.
My mom has no filter when it comes to me. She has told me that my husband will divorce me when he figures out who I really am, has told my husband that my sister is her favorite, that is praying to see the face of her grandson (what if I have a daughter?) and that I am mental and need help and more. She was abusive while I was growing up. To be fair, my sister also gets some of the abuse, but it's nowhere near as vile and hostile as what I experience. This dynamic has caused a lot of emotional pain and strain on my mental health. I know a lot of it is cultural but it is not an excuse anymore.
There were good times with my mom, which contributes to my guilt. However, these good times don't invalidate the bad experiences. It would be one thing if this was all in the past, but it's getting worse and worse. On top of it, when I go low contact, my dad begins to get very sick with sadness. It hurts and they blame me for it but why do I have to be their scapegoat so my dad doesn't get sick?
Recently, we were in a heated fight about how much I disapproved of my sister's new husband. He is arrogant, rude, and made her cry on their wedding day. Her best friends and bridesmaids were also taken aback, so this is not just me being angry about it. My parents downplayed my concerns about him and then began to yell that I was making things up, that I am crazy, and spreading lies. It was like their life was on the line to defend him. My dad even told me that the groom talking "like that" is not good but it is far worse in India as if that made it ok. My dad and I began to yell when suddenly, I heard my husband yelling at my mom.
He caught her recording me in our home, without my permission during our argument. When caught, my mom not only lied to my husband's face but when given a chance to come clean and admit it, she doubled down again, insisting that she was “only recording me because my new dress looks good.”
I have no idea how she even thought it was okay to secretly record us in the privacy of our home during a heated argument, especially when it was about her good-for-nothing son-in-law who made my sister cry in front of everyone on their wedding day. And then lie to our faces. Why was she so eager to protect him and throw us under the bus? What is her problem? What is the matter with her? Who was she planning on showing it to, and for what purpose? Did she not think about how something that awful could impact me or my husband?
And not even an apology. Or any remorse. Just silence. This was the first Mothers Day I did not wish her. I'm torn and don't know what to do. On one hand, I deeply love my family and want to mend our relationship. On the other hand, I feel hurt and unsupported. I don't want to lose them, but I'm struggling with the emotional toll this situation is taking on me.
Has anyone been through something similar? How did you handle it? Any advice on how to approach this situation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read and respond. It just hurts to think about WHY she treats me like this or acts like this. Recording us while we are just vile.
submitted by Equivalent_Iron3454 to emotionalneglect [link] [comments]