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2024.05.16 06:59 PropRatActual The Black: Ep117 Pure Evil

What's up all! 4th Wall here! I finally have power returned to my home, and can play a little catch up! This one's a heavy hitter, No NSFW needed (I hope) but if you've got kids, be warned.
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A bright flash of blues and whites spat a greyish black object into normal space a mere one hundred Clicks from physical asteroid cloud that provided a natural barrier into the Lurix system. USN Olyvia’s drives instantly flared to life, and she made for the outer edges of the asteroid field with a purposeful stride. The senior Crew was at hand, having alternated shifts so they were well rested for this endeavor. Captain Correllus Grarzia shifted in his chair slightly, watching with interest as his star helmsman switched from his standard control configuration to a more “analog” twin joystick and pedals. ‘The kid really should be piloting a fighter’ he mused just as the young lad turned to look at him. “Ready, skipper”

“Take us in. All ahead slow.” Cory ordered calmly, before keying up the ship wide broadcasting channel. “This is the captain. We’ve just entered the Lurix system. Rig for silent running. I repeat, rig for silent running.” All across the ship, nonessential systems were shut down; their lack of electronic signature aiding the stealth coating on the bulky former troop transport. In engineering. Patrick, Cammy, and the rest of their section powered down a large portion of the larger systems onboard.

Life support was set to emergency backup, with old school oxygen candles lit in special housings that allowed their life-giving emissions to be circulated throughout the ship. Each major section of the vessel had their own supplies of these low-tech solutions, and Olyvia carried enough of these candles to survive for several days without functioning life support if needed.

Only a few were lit this time, using them as an augmentation to allow for minimal use of their perfectly functioning life support systems; and Cammy returned from the compartment just in time to aid in shutting down two thirds of Olyvia’s fusion reactors. This was not usually part of the silent running protocol, but Cory had added it for this mission. While they knew where their target would be, they still knew very little about what defenses awaited them inside the system.

Patrick keyed up the mic, “Engineering reporting in, silent running.”

*acknowledged* came a voice back. And Patrick leaned back in his chair just as Cammy arrived. “Well, that’s that.” He sighed.

Cammy stepped behind his chair, rubbing his shoulders for a second, “candles are lit. Two per section. At this rate we won’t run out for a year.”

Patrick chuckled, standing before looking over at his team, “sandwiches are in the mess hall. Half go now, half after. We’ll wait and go with second shift.” The team nodded and soon. The room was half as full. “Hurry up, and wait” Patrick mused, and turned to the rest. “Hold’em anyone?”

Over the next several days, shifts were kept short with a high rotation frequency. Olyvia picked her way through the natural minefield created by a destroyed world, slipping between the dead planetary shards with deadly caution. She ran quiet, with all but minimal deflectors shut down, and a single detuned laser online on each of her flanks as a last resort against impacts. Cory, Jesse, Patrick, and Cammy met regularly to keep tabs on the ship’s progress. The admiral’s transmission had reached them in time, and the four of them, plus Jacky when she could pry herself from the infirmary, worked to formulate a plan to get into the freighter without killing everyone. They had Hera and Jacobs reports, but those reports also admitted to a certain degree of incredible luck on their part. Things could have gone very differently, and the murder of the freighter during the admiral’s capture operation hinted at a change in tactics from their foe.

Mackenzie’s Privateers had liberated several freighters since they began operations, keeping to their cover as “pirates” by leaving nothing big enough to betray their secrets behind. A few of the other captains had left pieces of inoperative Unity tech, strategically damaged and jettisoned after the fight, as red herrings to convince both the Vorath, and the Thermians that these “pirates” had somehow gotten ahold of Unity warships.

Cory stepped into the cargo bay to meet Patric and Camorra. They were tinkering, carefully he hoped, with one of Olyvia’s harpoon missiles. It was a project triggered by Cammy’s brilliant, if outlandish, idea. “We know these freighters all ran the same codes, and the same infrastructure in their computer cores. Why can’t we hack it. Human computing should be perfectly capable of it.” Cory remembered her words as he stepped up to the two, “at ease” he waved them away as they threatened to salute him, “how’s out little project coming.”

“See for yourself” Patrick smiled handing him a data pad.

Cory took the offered device, quickly scanning through the data, “All I see is Olyvia’s system logs. Did you give me the wrong one?”

Patric smiled evilly, “that is coming from the missile, we found a common power regulator chip that dam near all Delmar freighters use in their integrated core management. Our mole here mimicked that regulators protocols to get into one we installed in a conduit over there” he pointed to an open panel. “It’s designed to cycle through several common chip sets and protocols to get access.”

“You hacked Olyvia?” Cory asked, eyebrow raised in a combination of amusement and irritation.

“Well, “Cammy said calmly, “we had to test it, and Oly’s the only ship close enough…”

“I see…” Cory mused, “it will have to do, we will be reaching the edge of the field in three days, how many of these can you have ready?”

Patrick scratched the red stubble punctuating his jaw line. “Hmm two, maybe three, including that one.” He winced at his captain’s expression, “took us a minute to get the virus right, sorry.”

Cory sounded to himself like a broken record, “I guess that will have to do as well. I’ll leave it to you.” He turned to return to his office but was interrupted half way there by an urgent request for his presence on the bridge.

Jesse rose to greet him as Cory stepped into Olyvia’s command center, and he nodded towards the ready room off to the side. The two of them quickly stepped inside and Jesse closed the door. “Jesse, what’s this about” Cory asked, settling into his desk chair.

Jesse, his first officer, and battle born brother looked at him seriously, “The first of our stealth probes have made it into the system proper….. It’s not good” He tapped at his data pad before handing it to his captain, “The enemy is doing something big down there, and we don’t know what. What we do know, Is that there are three heavy cruisers in orbit, and three more destroyers in floating patrols around the system.”

Cory scrolled through the pad as his first officer made his report, pausing at the same information on the planet’s surface, “These are military installations. This makes no since. We haven’t had a use for Lurix in millennia. It’s always just been a haven for aquatic and semi aquatic species. Why didn’t our intel warn us of this.”

Jesse nodded grimly, “I don’t know for sure, but I have my suspicions.” He reached over, tapping at the tab to open a particular file Cory had yet to find. “We found these in orbit as well.” He pointed to a pair of Delmar constructed freighters, parked in orbit over the marsh world. “I authorized a single transmission to a single drone, uploading Patrick and Camorra’s hacking program into it, and we sent it to one of those freighters... this is what we found.”

Cory opened the indicated file, and felt bile rise in the back of his throat as he watched. “Ready a tight beam, send it back the way we came, Towards Simo.” Jesse looked at his captain in understanding. The risks of transmitting this close to the enemy was a grave risk. Measured against the information they just witnessed; however, it was an absolute necessity. Jesse took the offered tablet, “The Admirals need to see this…. Both of them.”


Clint Stevens groaned as his communicator beeped from his desk. It was a very early morning on a weekend, and Frie had let Natalie stay at her grandparents for the weekend. He quietly slipped from the entanglements of a profoundly comfortable Delmar goddess he had somehow been gifted with as his wife, and silently cursed the inevitable destruction of his plans. The Com was linked to his computer console, and Clint tapped the file as he sat down.

The file opened, beginning with a grim looking Corellus Grarzia who made an intro statement that froze Clint in his thoughts. Before he could begin to prepare himself, images flooded in that turned grogginess into razors edge consciousness ringing with a white hot fury. Frie was ripped from her slumber instantly, reaching for her biometric pistol safe as a response to the unbridled rage she experienced from her husband. It took her a moment to realize that they were not being attacked, and she rushed from their bed, neglecting even basic decency to be by his side.

The two of them watched the Horrors unfold. Children… small children of multiple different races, stacked in a freighter’s hold like cattle, being thrown food like one would an animal. Massive screens played, promising safety and full bellies should they only but kiss the hand of a severe looking Vorath female. All who had not, were treated to daily ice cold sprays mixed with random beatings. He watched as desperate older siblings attempted to shelter their kin from the abuse, often times paying the ultimate price for their valor.

Clint and Frie were spared a further assault on their senses by a beeping light, indicating an urgent call from Clint’s adopted brother. Frie slipped out of view, reaching for a night gown as a furious Mac, accompanied by an equal parts shocked and livid Lyrian, appeared on screen.

“You’ve seen it” Clint stated. There were no barriers between them, no formalities. Only pure truth.

“I have,” Mac rumbled. “Why is it always kids..”

Clint shook his head, “I can have a battle group there in two weeks. It’s not soon enough, but.”

Mac nodded sharply, “I’m redirecting everyone not on critical missions. Simo and Kid are already there with Olyvia. Wisconsin is enroute. We will await your arrival….. Clint…” Clint’s eyes met Mac’s in a joined promise that reached across time and space.

“No, there won’t.” Clint answered, responding to Mac’s unspoken statement.


A week later, The Chancellor Thomas Durrant of the Sol Federation perused the latest transmissions from Unity space. He was due for reelection this coming fall, and it was a close race. His opponent was labelling him a Warmonger, as he was an outspoken proponent of a more active role in the struggle against the Vorath, and it was working. The points were closing in the polls, and The Chancellor had not come out on top with the latest debate results. Humanity simply was not interested in further conflict. For the first time in human history, the vast majority of the Human race was content with peace.

The Chancellor took a sip of his mug as he opened a file from Admiral Stevens marked priority, but not top secret and promptly spit the contents in his mouth back into the mug. It was a complete file on some kind of intelligence operation, and Durrant almost wondered if it had been sent to him in error. The gruesome cover video dispelled that notion as the leader of Humanity itself watched horrors thought long dead play out in front of him. Several minutes later, he closed the file, and opened a message prompt.

“Viktor, are you up.” He typed.

*Yea, Tom. I’m up, the campaign ain’t gonna run itself into the ground.*

Durrant snorted at the dark humor, “Viktor, I was sent something. It changes… everything” he typed, attaching the cover video, and the longer form surveillance recording he had found inside the file from Clint. Several minutes passed in tense silence before…

*Jesus Christ, Tom.*

Tom Durrant took a long slow breath, “Do you still have your man at The Post.” He paused before sending, knowing what he was asking.

*Yea… yea I do, Tom. Are you sure you want to do this. This has ‘it will blow up in my face’ written all over it.*

“I know, but this bigger than me. Do it, and announce a press conference to follow if The Post runs with it.” Durrant typed and sent the last message, closing down his console. He stood slowly, feeling his age for the first time in recent memory, and walked heavily to bed.

The Post ran with the story. In the next 48 hours, the “leaked” scenes of tortured children, some barely more than infants ripped its way into Humanities Psyche. The revelations of what exactly was going on behind Vorath lines assailed Humanity, spurring many to call for blood, and Others to cry hoax. Around and around the political commentators debated, and redebated the shocking footage.

Chancellor Thomas Durrant followed through on his word, and was now stepping up to the platform and the Microphone as promised. He stood there for a full minute, meeting the eyes of as many of the hundreds of reporters before him as he could. The weight of his expression prompted a flurry of flashes as camera drones captured the image. Durrant allowed all of this to happen, waiting until the din of activity settled into a heavy silence. “People of Humanity… By now, you have undoubtedly seen the shocking pictures from the far side of the galaxy. Many of you believe it to be a hoax, a desperate ploy for political points. Allow me to be clear. This is no hoax, I received these disturbing images directly from Admiral Clint Stevens, who is marshalling the forces at his disposal as we speak. He aims to do something about these orbital concentration camps, and I support his actions with the full backing of my authority as Chancellor of the United Sol Federation.”

Durrant paused, letting the information sink in before continuing, “to answer the question as to whether this is a political ploy for points. Let me be perfectly clear, I alone released the footage from inside those torture ships, and I do not care if you believe it to be a political ploy. If Humanity can see the atrocities committed to the young innocents in those images and refuse to stand up for them; I no longer would wish to lead that Humanity. Yes, we are few compared to what we once were, but we have a strength that cannot be fathomed by those who chose to side with pure evil. Make no mistake, any being that is capable of torturing and murdering children deserves the title.” The Chancellor of United Sol skewered the silent crowd with a withering gaze, “All of you here know that I have been an ardent supporter of taking a more active role against this pure evil, and my opponent has made a great many statements regarding my supposed “warmongering”. I believe that to debate him further on this matter is as wasteful as it would be irrelevant. As such, I am suspending my campaign immediately. Pending permission from donors and the campaign review board, I will be donating the totality of my campaign war-chest to the purchase of relief supplies and construction of rehabilitation facilities for these children.” Durrant paused as a wave of gasps swept through the room as a volley of flashes assaulted his eyes. “Holding the position of leader of the Human race seems so insignificant in comparison,” he said softly, almost to himself before scanning the crowd. “The election is 4 months away. If you wish to reelect me, so be it; but know this.” Thomas Durrant rose to his full height, “If you elect me this fall, know that I will use the full weight of this office to unleash the full might of Humanity upon this evil, or I will resign from my post and travel to Unity space myself.”

With that. Chancellor Thomas Durrant spun on his heals and marched off the stage.
If you made it this far, Thank You! I hope you enjoyed the episode. If this if your first time seeing this series, I hope you will join us from the beginning. I do have a patreon that has extra content that is not main story arc, but still cannon shorts, as well as exclusive content from some of my other series. If you believe I've earned it, feel free to give it a look; but know that just coming to hang is already enough.
Have a wonderful rest of your day.
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2024.05.16 02:08 Figuarus [OT] The Things We Left Behind.

This is the first time I have written something of this length, and is more of an exercise in self-therapy than anything else. Disclaimer: This story contains conversations about child abuse. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy it.
Nathan’s number appeared on my phone screen. I debated whether or not to answer it. We hadn’t been on speaking terms for a while, and while we did keep in touch sporadically, it was usually because of important family issues. I didn’t know of anything happening with mom or dad, nor with Talia or Rio, so I let it go to voicemail. I could always call him back later. I placed the phone back in my pocket, and returned to cleaning my camera. The phone buzzed again. A text message came through. I read the preview line from the home screen. “The city declared eminent domain on the house” I unlocked my phone, read the full text message, and dialed my brother.
I wasn't able to get any closer to the house than a few blocks. Most of the area was blocked off with chain link fencing and construction equipment in preparation for the demolition that was supposed to take place within the coming days. The barriers didn’t prevent people from walking in to the neighborhood, but it hindered scrappers from coming in and stripping the houses of copper wiring and plumbing.
I grabbed my camera bag out of the trunk of my car along with my tripod. I shouldered it and hooked the tripod to my bag. I pulled my water bottle out of the center console and shut the door. I stood next to my car surveying the neighborhood. 12 city blocks of old single family homes comprised the neighborhood where I grew up. Some of the houses had been empty for months, others for years. There was an eerie silence that permeated the still air. I could not hear the familiar sounds of people, pets, or cars. I locked the car and put my keys in my pocket. I patted my jacket down to ensure I had what I needed. After a quick check, I started my walk.
The sidewalk of the old neighborhood streets still bore the familiar cracks and grind marks from years of buckling and remedy. Leaves dropped by the trees still lay scattered all along the pathways and sidewalk. Korina’s house was the first house I encountered as I made my way through a gap in the fence. The yard was overgrown with tall grass and thistle. I could see the faded blue paint of the old house contrasting the green and browns of the lawn. The chain link fence that marked off the corner property was nearly invisible through the thick brush. As I continued walking west towards 110th, I started to feel something was off. The streets seemed wider than I remembered. It took me longer than I’d like to admit, but eventually I realized what was different. There were no cars.
The streets here typically had cars lined bumper to bumper in any spot available, and were visible from block to block. The absence of all these vehicles made me realize just how deserted the neighborhood really was. House after house, yard after yard, the telltale signs of desertion reinforced what I could see from the moment I passed the construction fence: This was no longer my neighborhood. There were no signs of life, and no one I could expect to find still here. Abandonment was the new normal here. I continued on, glancing at houses and recalling memories of summer bike rides, and daily walks with dogs I used to have. I remembered walks home from school, and chasing after ice cream trucks when they passed our houses. I smiled a bit as I remembered more and more of my years spent here. I don’t quite know just why I was smiling. There were plenty of bad memories here too. Fights, yelling, being beat up, being robbed. I could remember failed friendships, lost loves, and bitter feelings of failures too.
Still, I felt a certain amount of nostalgia despite the weight of these negative feelings. I almost wanted to experience everything again, although I wasn't sure why I was feeling this way. Concrete, asphalt, billboards and liquor stores were the normal vistas of everyday life. Occasionally, after a good rainstorm, the grey haze of smog would lift, and the mountains would be visible to the north. At least, they would be visible until mid-morning when the exhaust from a million cars covered them behind a veil of pollution.
It wasn’t until the first time I travelled out of the city that I realized there was more to see. Traveling up the coast north along the Pacific Coast Highway introduced me to scenes of deep blue ocean water spanning the width of my vision. Driving up Highway 3 introduced me to the permeating scent of Pine and Fir trees. The two-lane stretch of highway from Portland to Tillamook introduced me to lush green forests that I had only ever read about. When I came home to the same old dirty, dusty concrete and boiling summer asphalt, I had made up my mind. I would do everything it took to leave this place. I would not spend another day longer than was necessary living in cramped quarters and fighting for parking space.
I arrived to the house, and paused at the gate. The house sat in contrast of what the rest of the neighborhood looked like. Instead of overgrown grass and tall weeds all over the place, the landscaping showed signs of relatively recent work. The guava tree in the front lawn still had some fruit ready to be picked, and the avocado tree on the other side of the pathway was still weighed down by its own fruit. Flowers still bloomed in the raised bed in front of the house. My brother had clearly tried to keep up on things until the last possible moment. The house, too, looked better than what I expected after walking up 4 blocks and seeing nothing but dilapidated houses and unkempt yards. I opened the gate and walked up to the small porch. The metal gate that enclosed it was gone having been removed by my brother when he took over the property. It looked nice to see it open instead of the cage it once felt like.
I turned the knob on the door, but it didn't give. Ever a creature of habit, my brother had locked the door when he left. Of course, he did. I sighed and prepared to find another way in when I remembered my parents hiding a spare key. I wasn’t sure if it would still be there, but after running my hands along the back side of the gutter downspout, I was rewarded for my efforts. I unlocked the front door and stepped into the front living room, the sounds of my footsteps and the closing door echoing in the empty space. The room felt both larger and smaller than I remembered it. I suppose it was lack of furniture that made it feel larger, but it still felt smaller than I remember. The result of growing taller throughout the years I suppose. I slowly walked along the slate tile floor towards the central hallway that connected the front of the house to the back bedrooms. I wasn't entirely sure that just because the front door was locked, that there wasn't some squatter looking for a little temporary shelter within the back rooms. I carefully and silently crept step by step towards what used to be the bedroom shared by my sister and me. I stuck my head in and gave the room a cursory glance. It was empty, thankfully. I moved back into the hallway and peered into the bedroom across the hall. This is where both of my brothers had shared a room. It too, was empty save for a few boxes holding hardware and doorknobs from the closet doors of the bedroom. I walked back towards the back of the house where my parent's bedroom was. The walls in the hallway bore the dusty signs where picture once hung. The bedroom door was open. I stepped inside, and looked around. The old avocado paint that my mom had picked out years ago still adorned the walls. Walking further towards the addition that was the small room my grandma and grandpa lived in showed that there was no one here. I breathed a sigh of relief as I set my bag down and set up my tripod. I reached into my bag a pulled out an envelope of old photos. These were old snapshots that we had all taken at some point in time in the house. There were pictures of all of us sitting at the dining room table playing a game of Monopoly. There was a picture of my brother and sister sitting on a couch in the front living room. There was a picture of me hanging on the bars of the front porch. I looked through them all and held them in place in front of me as if I were holding a window to the past.
Each picture made the lump in my throat grow as I started to struggle to control my emotions. There was history here, and soon it would all be gone. This is the place where my parents had raised four kids. They had taken care of my grandparents in their twilight years here. My Aunt and my grandmother had both died in this house. Birthdays, graduation parties, and anniversaries had been celebrated here. The echoes of life had reverberated within the walls of this place. Now, the house sat silent. It would never again know happy screams of kids having a water-balloon war out in the front yard, nor would it hear the cries of anguish as the matriarch of the family passed away surrounded by her family. What once was a home full of life was now just an empty house made of drywall and paint. I sat there for a moment contemplating just how much family history was actually made here. As I thought hard about my siblings and my parents, I felt pained at the thought of our strained relationships. We had all scattered once we had the opportunity to be free of each other. My oldest brother had married and moved away as soon as possible. My sister now lived in northern California. My parents too had moved away. I was now living in Utah. Only my older brother had remained behind. The lump grew larger in my throat as tears welled up in my eyes. I held back sobs of anger and pain. Why was I hurting? Hadn’t I dealt with these issues already? I walked back to my old bedroom and sat down under the window. I pulled my head down into my knees and cried. I could hear yelling and screaming in my head. Shouting matches between siblings and parents, brothers and sister, rattled inside my brain, making the pain grow. I sat there and cried. I hadn’t cried like this in a long time. Eventually I ran out of tears and tired gasps of sorrow and regret washed over me as a blanket of drowsiness enveloped me. I leaned my head back and fell asleep.
I woke up to the sound of footsteps. It took me a moment to realize what I was hearing and hurriedly stood up. Had someone followed me? I knew the police were patrolling the area sporadically. Had they seen me enter the house? I knew there would be a possibility of getting a trespassing citation, but I figured I could either talk my way out of it seeing as to how I was a former resident, or I could probably fight the citation in court if the judge knew why I was there in the first place. Ultimately, passing through the gate had been a calculated risk that I was willing to take for the sake of my art. I got up from my corner of the room and moved towards the door. If there was someone in the house, I needed to know. I didn’t want my gear to stolen, and if there was a cop in the house, I wanted to ensure I didn’t get shot.
I was greeted by the sight of a startled chubby boy standing on the other side of the door. His round cherubic face was crowned by a head of short curly hair. His hazel green eyes stared widely back at me. He clearly didn’t expect someone to be here in the house. His body recoiled in fear as he cowered back towards the hallway. “Wait, what are you doing here?” I asked as non-threateningly as I could. The boy muttered something that I couldn’t quite make out. “What did you say? I couldn’t hear you” I replied. “Are you here to rob us?” he timidly responded. “Rob you? What are you talking about?” I asked as confusion set in. “What are you doing here?” It was his turn to be confused. “Uh…I….live here?” he replied. “What do you mean you live here? No one lives-“I stopped midsentence. I hadn’t noticed in my initial shock but the room wasn’t the same. A familiar blue couch caught the corner of my eye. In front of that was an old console TV with a partially broken antenna hanging on the wall behind it. I walked further in to the living room to notice wood paneling on the walls. A large mirror hung on the wall to my left. Familiar yellow lamps sat on round drop-leaf tables on either side of the couch. A large hutch sat in one corner, a collection of letters and bills, mail advertisements, and a phone book covered scattered over it. “What just happened?” I asked out loud to no one in particular. I was thoroughly mystified by what my eyes were seeing. I had walked into the house from the front door and had stepped into an empty white room with slate floor tiles, but somehow now found myself in a furnished room with brown carpet that was all so familiar to me, yet was nothing but a distant faded memory. I turned to look at the boy still startled by the intrusion of a strange man looking wildly around the room in total shock.
“You can take what you want, just please let me go. I don’t want problems.” He stated his voice still shrill with anxiety. I blinked a few times as I tried to process just what the heck was going on. I gathered my thoughts as best I could and tried to reassure him. “Kid, I’m not here to rob anyone. I was just-“I shook my head “Where the hell am I? Am I having a dream?” I asked myself. “I must be dreaming. I’m just tired and still sleeping. This is all a dream. Yeah, that’s it.” I needed to sit down. Being back in the old house must have overtaxed my senses, I told myself. I’d having a dream about an old memory. I walked over to the chair next to the couch and sat down. I sunk into it and rested my head back towards the wall.
The boy kept his distance, but sensed I wasn’t there to hurt him. He looked me over with anxious curiosity. He stood at the far end of the couch, examining me while he played out scenarios in his head in preparation for a quick exit. “Why are you in my house?” he asked me. “Dude, this is all just a dream I’m having. I’m not really here.” He reached over to the couch and picked up a pillow. He reared his arm and threw it at me. It landed in my lap. “I don’t know, man. You sure seem to be here.” He said to me. I opened my eyes, startled. I looked down at the pillow he tossed and examined it. I ran my hand over the fabric and felt its texture. I remember this pillow. This was the pillow I would roll under my head as I lay on the couch and watched TV as a kid. A sudden realization hit me as I looked around the room with fresh eyes. No longer was I blinded by the fog of confusion. I knew exactly where I was.
I was home.
I looked at the boy still standing at the edge of the couch. I looked him over and realized who he actually was. I stared in disbelief as I smiled and tried to put him at ease. “It’s ok Johnny. I’m not here to hurt you. No one is going to hurt you. Please, sit down” I told him. I motioned to his end of the couch. “Who are you, and why are you here?” he asked me.
“This will be hard to believe, but I’m you” I said with an incredulous tone, “I’m not sure how I ended up here, but I’m here.” He looked at me as I had grown a second head. “That doesn’t make any sense. How could you be me? Did we invent time travel? Oh! Are we secret government agents with the CIA?”
I chuckled. “Wait, wait, wait. Let’s start at the beginning. I’m you at 38 years old. You’re…what, 11… 12 years old? It makes sense. I fell asleep under the window in my- our old bedroom. I didn’t come here on purpose or in a machine. And no, I’m not a government agent.” His face contorted to display understanding, disappointment and finally suspicion. His eyes narrowed as he leaned in towards me. “How do I know you’re really me?” he asked. I thought about it for a moment. How could I prove to him that I was who I said I was? A few seconds of silence settled between us. I stroked my chin, thinking of a solution.
“I have a better idea. Ask me questions that only you know the answers to.” “Okay” he responded. He glanced around the room trying to come up with something. His eyes fixated on the Nintendo sitting under the TV cabinet. “What game do me and Nathan have a map of?” I looked over at the NES. I hadn’t thought about this for years, but I knew instantly what he was asking. “YOU don’t have anything. Nathan is the one that made the map for Section Z” His jaw dropped. He tried to trick me, but his plan failed. He knew well and good that Nathan never let him play. It was always ‘I’ll let you play when I die’ or, ‘you can play when I’m done’. The problem was that he never followed through. Usually by the time Nathan was done, the NES was overheated, and the game would no longer load until it cooled down. By that point, it was time for bed.
“How do you know that?” he asked in astonishment. “I know these things because I’m you. Just like I know that you wear t-shirts to the pool because you’re embarrassed by what others will think of your body. I know that you used to think that people that die off in movies were prisoners that were set to be executed from death row, so they used them for making movies. I know all about you because I’m you”
Johnny sat on the end of the couch in bewilderment, his mouth slightly agape. He had never told anyone any of this. He didn’t have any close friends to talk to about such things, and those friends he did have were more acquaintances than friends. There was only one way he could possibly know these things. He was talking to his future self.
I could see Johnny’s mind completely explode. There lay endless possibility and the answers to a million questions he could ask about his own future. He started to ask a question, only to stop, close his mouth, and try asking another. I knew if he kept this up he would have a stroke or something. “Dude, calm yourself. Let’s talk this out rationally, otherwise you’ll end up stroking out or something.” I told him. He took a deep breath and I could hear him muttering quietly. I knew he was trying to form a coherent sentence before he actually spoke it. I did it all the time. “Ok, first of all, are we rich?” he asked with tempered expectation. I chuckled and grinned back at him. “No, not at all. If I was rich, would I be dressed like this?” I replied as I motioned to my beat up brown Vans and worn out jeans and T-shirt. “We-, I – make enough to get by. I’m not poor, but I earn enough to pay the bills.” His face grew a smirk as he commented “Yeah, I figured. What do I do for work? I mean, what do you do for work?” I thought about it for a second. I wondered how much information I should divulge to a younger me. I still didn’t think this whole situation was really happening, but if it was, I probably should proceed with caution. “Well, it’s complicated. I do a little bit of everything. You know how you’re constantly taking things apart? Let’s just say that it’s good to put them back together in order to keep them working. Take good notes on paper if you need to, and make sure you have a clean work area so you can keep track of all the parts.” He gave me a sheepish look. He knew exactly what I was talking about. I had spent countless hours sneaking dad’s tools to my room so I could figure out how something was built and try to figure out how it worked. I had gotten myself into some pretty bad trouble with dad over a drill, his timing light, and other stuff I had taken from his room. His belt had become quite familiar with my butt cheeks.
I gave him a knowing smile. “What else do you want to know?” He thought about it for a second. “Do we have a girlfriend?” I laughed, probably a little more than I should have because his face contorted into a sour frown. “You don’t need to be a jerk about it” he scowled. I continued to chuckle. “Yeah we have a girlfriend. We have more than a girlfriend” I could tell he was irritated with my vague indirect answers. I knew what he was asking. I remember the crush I had on my neighbor across the street. We had been friends since kindergarten, and had been classmates for 1st, 2nd, and 4th grades. We got along really well, and I knew from around 12 or 13 that I wanted to be her boyfriend. Unfortunately, things never progressed beyond the ‘just friends’ stage of things. It wasn’t from lack of effort on my part. We had just grown up together most of our lives that she didn’t see me as anything more than a brother and friend. “Dude, look. You just started to go through changes and you are starting to notice girls, but that doesn’t mean that you need to love every girl that shows you a little kindness or subtle interest. You need to slow down and let things happen naturally. You can’t force a relationship with someone.” Johnny pondered these words for a moment. I sat back and put my feet up on the coffee table. I looked around the room some more while I waited for another question. There was so much I had forgotten, but being back here had unlocked more and more memories that continued to wash over me. I was trying to hold on to my cool as not all those churned up recollections were pleasant. I stood up and walked over to the front door to peer outside the small central window embedded into the center of it. I could see the old neighborhood as I remembered it all those years ago. The lot across the street that served as a parking area for those that worked at the wheel works at the end of the block was empty of cars. I furrowed my brow as I thought for a moment. An empty lot meant it was afterhours or the weekend.
The gears in my own head started turning. “Wait, where is everyone?” I asked Johnny. Johnny turned to look at me still processing my last response. “Uh..oh, Mom and dad are out of town. They took a trip east this time. I think Rio said they are in Arizona right now. Rio and Nathan went out to get some food and to rent some movies from Video Showcase. Knowing them they’ll eat out first. Talia is staying over at Tia Rosie’s place today with her friends.” I grunted at his response. My mind was wandering as he mentioned Talia and Tia Rosie.
A sudden sharp pain pieced my heart. The pain of a thousand memories now unsealed spilled out from the box I had locked them away in. Tears welled in the corners of my eyes as I turned back to look at Johnny. He felt it too. He stared at the floor with an intensity that made me think it would burst into flames at any moment. I walked back over to him and sat next to him. He didn’t move. I placed my hand on his shoulder, and he threw himself into me. I could feel the tears dripping onto me as he sobbed intensely. “Hey man, its ok. It’s going to be ok.” I said as my own tears started to flow uncontrollably. I pulled him close and draped my other arm around him.
I knew the pain he was feeling. It was such a heavy burden, and I knew there was no one he felt he could talk to. I remembered it all so vividly. We sat there for what seemed to be an eternity. When we finally stopped sobbing, and our noses ran dry, we tried to breathe our way through to calmness. I got up and knelt in front of him. “Johnny, listen to me and remember what it is that I’m about to say to you. You are stronger than you think. You are stronger than you believe. NO ONE should ever have to go through this. Just because it happened to Talia, doesn’t mean you have to put up with it any longer. I know you didn’t think it was wrong, but I’m telling you that what she is doing to you is wrong. Talking to mom and dad isn’t going to make them hate you. You are not doing this to her, she is doing it to you. I’m not making excuses for her, but she is also more damaged than anyone realizes, and she is also dealing with the same level of pain you are. Remember that we do unto others what has been done to us. That doesn’t mean we need to continue the cycle of abuse” The lump in my throat grew immense at my own statement. I swallowed it as best I could and continued “You are going to deal with this pain a little bit at a time, and you’ll slowly get over this. It’s like a broken bone. When it happens, you don’t realize how bad the pain is until the adrenaline wears off, but then the immense pain is there. Just remember that this will pass. Just like a broken bone, you will heal over time, and one day, you will realize that the pain is gone and the bone is no longer broken. You’ll remember the pain, but it won’t hurt anymore.”
Johnny sat there in stunned silence. I knew he didn’t have anyone to help him through this. He couldn’t talk to Rio or Nathan about what was going on. Mom and Dad were constantly working to keep the family fed and sheltered and while they provided materially for their kids, emotional help was less available. Perhaps it was due to their energies being divided into 4 kids, a mortgage and multiple jobs, or perhaps it was also the culture of not talking about problems. Either way, they needed to know what was happening. They wouldn’t be able to fix it otherwise. “They’re going to be mad at me” he finally said after a few moments of silence. “No they won’t be. They love us all. I know you’re not used to hearing it, but they do love you. Everything they do is because of their love for us. This isn’t your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. Telling them isn’t going to cause them to be angry.” I thought for a moment to find a good analogy. “You love Odie and Lady, right?” He nodded in agreement. “Ok, how would you feel if you knew someone you trusted was coming to the house and beating up our dogs when we weren’t around?” He thought about it for a second before his face changed to anger. “I’d want to kill them!” “Yes, but would you also feel sad that you weren’t there to try to protect them?” I reasoned. His face changed again. He understood what I was saying. Mom and Dad would be angry, but not necessarily at him. They would also feel a great sadness knowing that someone was hurting their child.
I smiled at him. He understood. I nodded. “Dude…You’re going to come to understand that life is not what you think it will be. Life is messy and can change in an instant. The plans you make today may not make it to next week. A lifelong goal can be derailed because of something out of your control. Mom and dad have spent their life protecting us with the goal of keeping us safe, but circumstances out of their control have affected their kids, and now we- you all have to deal with the fallout. Just remember that you are not the culprit. Yes, mom and dad will be hurt and angry, but not at you. Trust them. They don’t do things to hurt us” Johnny hugged me. I- He didn’t have many people he could trust and open up to. He liked to talk a lot about everything going on in his life, no matter how trivial. Everything, except this. This was a shameful topic, and he didn’t feel like anyone would understand why he didn’t go to an adult sooner. The problem was simple. He simply didn’t understand that it was wrong. Now that he had an adult that he could talk to, himself no less, he wanted to lift this burden off his shoulders. He was happy to have found someone and he hugged me tightly. I hugged him back just at tightly. It wasn’t every day that I could meet my younger self and help to comfort them. “Thank you” he said to me.
The world darkened, and everything faded to black.
I lifted my head out of my knees and looked around. I was sitting under the window in my old bedroom again. Had I fallen asleep? I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. I was emotionally drained and incredibly tired. I hadn’t had sleep like that in years. I got to my feet and looked around the room briefly before walking out to mom and dad’s old room. I grabbed my camera and slowly walked the house, snapping picture after picture. The only sound to be heard was the sound of the camera shutter and my soft footsteps. I thought about my dream as I took pictures.
Upon entering my room, a random memory hit me.
The stash.
I was pretty sure I had taken the hidden box when I moved out all those years ago, but since I was here, I should double check. Heading into the closet, I pushed the panel that led to the attic space out of the way and peered in. I couldn’t see anything, so I reached up there to feel around. The box was indeed gone. I felt around for a few more seconds and was surprised to feel what felt like a thick envelope. I didn’t remember leaving anything up there, but after pulling it down and giving it a cursory glance, I figured it was an old envelope of lost love letters. It wasn’t until I blew off the thick layer of dust that I realized what I was holding. It was a letter. Not just any letter. It was addressed to me.
Under the now semi-cleared layer of dust were the words “To be opened by future me”. I looked at it for a few moments before opening it. I couldn’t remember making this at all, much less storing it up in my secret hiding spot. If ever I hid something, it was in the stash box. My hands shook a bit as I started to open the envelope and pulled out the yellowed pages inside. I started reading.
"Dear Future John. I have spent the last few years remembering a dream I had when I was younger. Life was…difficult at that time, and I spent a lot of time escaping my reality by reading a lot of books and watching a lot of TV. On the off-chance that what I think is a dream really happened. I wanted to write some things down in an effort to give you my thanks. I merely consider myself a conveyer of thanks, although I will pile on my own thanks to you for your words of encouragement. I remember finding a stranger in the house one day while I was home alone. I was afraid he was there to hurt me at first, but after a few moments, I came to realize I was meeting myself. Well, I was meeting me, but from the future. I think he said he was in his 40’s, but I couldn’t tell you with any certainty. Either way, we talked. We talked about life, and what the future held in store for us…
Mostly though, we talked about the abuse. Well, Talked is being generous. We cried, and then we talked. I don’t remember exactly what he told me, but I remember how he made me feel. He made me feel safe. I felt like I could trust him. Trust myself. In the end, he gave me the courage to stand up for myself both at home and at school. He also gave me the courage to talk to mom and dad about what was going on between me and Talia. I do remember being afraid that I would be punished, but he reassured me that they wouldn’t, and that they loved me.
It was a difficult and awkward conversation, but in the end, arrangements were made for me to share a room with Rio and Nathan. I didn’t have much of a relationship with Talia for a long while, but after some years, we managed to patch things up. She apologized to me, and I came to understand the abuse she herself was subjected to by so-called family friends. She didn’t tell me this in an effort to excuse it, but to merely help give me closure to a difficult time from my own childhood. Mom and dad promised to be more attentive to us and we sort of established what I guess you would call an open door policy. We talk more about stuff that’s happening in our lives. Mom is much easier to talk to now. Dad is a little more patient with us too. I apologized to them for not coming to them sooner, and dad gave me a “nugget of wisdom” that I think I’ll live by: We can’t fix what we don’t know is broken. I’ve tried to make sure I talk to them when something is wrong, and I’ve tried to implement that in my life so I don’t have problems with other people.
I’m trying to grow up to be a good guy. I want to have good relationships with people. Nathan says I’m turning into a people pleaser, but I don’t necessarily see that as a terrible thing. I know when to say no to someone. Well, either way, I wanted to make sure I thank you for the help you gave us. I probably won’t remember writing this, but I hope I do find it again someday. Here’s hoping I turn into the man I feel you are. -John Age 16."
I stared at the letter, the words blurring as tears welled up in my eyes. I quickly brushed them away as I quietly spoke to no one in particular. “Thanks guys. I hope I live up to your expectations” I folded the letter, placed it in my pocket, and walked out of the room. After picking up my backpack and tripod, I silently walked towards the front door, my footsteps echoing in the empty house. I turned to look back at the empty living room one last time, and after a moment, I walked out.
submitted by Figuarus to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:04 PaymentLarge Anxiety induced OAB: a success story

Hi everyone,
I used to frequently lurk on this reddit looking for some ways to deal with my case of anxiety induced OAB. I thought I’d chime and share a success story that had with my battle with overactive bladder. I just want to start with some background I’m 29m with not major medical or health complications, I’m healthy and physically active (at the time that my symptoms really cracked off I was probably the fittest I had been in my life).
My symptoms all started in August of 2022 and they came on suddenly. To set the scene it was a beautiful sunny Saturday and I had some plans to go surfing with some mates latter in the afternoon. There was some pretty good swell due at one of my favourite beaches in town and I was super exited (maybe a little nervous because it was going to be kind of larger surf that I was used to. In the morning I had breakie and a cup of coffee. I was really excited about this new coffee that I had got from the store. Immediately after the coffee I was a little anxious but nothing out of the ordinary, I thought it was nervous jitters for the surf session. Anyways my mated pick me up and we head to the beach (it was about an hour drive away). On the car trip I remember having to pee but again nothing out of the ordinary. We go surfing for about 2-3 hours, and I didn’t have to go once the entire time I was out. I get out of the water and change, and that when it all started. I went to use the bathroom and immediately afterwards had to go again (I thought it was weird and tried to go again but there was nothing…okay…). pack up the car and start driving, and the urge was strong again, stoped to go again still not much again. So I suffered for the rest of the car ride home feeling like I was going to go in my pants the whole time. It was at this point my anxiety shot through the roof and I felt like a panic attack was coming on (I had one earlier in the year so I kind of recognized the symptoms of it). I get home and try everything I can to get myself to calm down and nothing worked. The plan was to go home and then meet my friend for homemade pizza at their house (20 minute drive away). I get ready and use the bathroom and get halfway to my friends house only to have to stop and go again. I struggle through the dinner have to excuse myself once or twice to go again still there was not too much. By the end of the day I had burned 3500 calories of stress. I figured it was anxiety at the time and I hoped that it would get better in the morning.
But that urge became something I constantly had to deal with, and when I say constant I mean like I’d go and immediately feel like I needed to go again (maybe 5 minutes of relief between visits). This would lead to me having to go to the bathroom maybe 20 times a day or so. I missed out on movies, shows, drinking with my mates, had to start planning my life around bathroom access, and coffee. (At the time I would have done anything to be able to have a pint or a cup of coffee with my mated and not have to worry about my symptoms getting worse). All this worry was starting consume a large part of my day to day thinking. I mean it’s not like it a symptom that you can just ignore. Fomos and the general anxiety around whether was was going to get better This really stressed me out and made the problem much worse as time went on.
I figured I’d wait and see before going to the doctor see what was going on. After about a week with nothing getting better I decided to go see a doctor. They did some test which all came back negative, I had an ultrasound and everything was clear. At the ultrasound appointment with less than 100ml of liquid in my bladder the feeling was so intense the lady even showed me that there was nothing there on her screen (again this clued me into thinking maybe this was a physiological issue rather than physical one). They said there was nothing that they could find that was medically wrong with me but they would refer me to a urologist to give me the all clear. At this point in my mind there were not major medical issues with me, so there were two potential causes (1) anxiety and (2) a nagging injury. Re (2) I had a nagging groin injury that I sustained at the beginning of the year. I was going to pt for it and thought I could have been surfing from a hypertonic pelvic floor and that was causing the oab symptoms. I couldn’t get an appointment for several months so there was a long period of just waiting while still battling with this constant urge to use the bathroom.
After that appointment I figured I’m dealing with the injury with pt already so maybe I should try to focus on the anxiety aspect. So I tired everything that I could do to reduce my symptoms, drink less coffee, meditate (headspace), saw a therapist, stepped back my work as much as I could to get some time to relax, kept physically active (surfing running climbing multiple times a week), spent time with friends and still nothing made me feel better.
I think this was a period where I was the most stressed that I had ever been. Lets just say 2022 was a year I would not want to repeat anytime soon. To list all that I had going on (tw: cancer, suicide(friend), family member death ) :
  1. I was living abroad in nz and was far from family, and my partner. My dad earlier in the year had been diagnosed with cancer and was going through treatments.
  2. My really good friend attempted suicide twice (The first time I was the closest person to him and he confided in me with his intentions and everything. Probably the most stressful we ek of my life)
  3. My friends mental health emergency lead to me having to move flats on short notice because I didn’t feel safe where I lived because I was threatened by my friend after calling the cops on him to do a wellness check. I went from living in boarding situation with 12 really good friends to living in a studio which was super isolating.
  4. I felt afraid around the town because of these treats and made it harder to relax. Plus running which was my biggest outlet for stress and the thing that I did with my friend became to hard for me to do. It kept giving my ptsd flashbacks of the event.
  5. my grandfather passed away shortly after my father was diagnosed with cancer.
  1. I was in the process of writing my thesis at the time and had my defence deadline approaching nearer and nearer.
  2. I was planning on moving back to my home country at the end of the year which meant that I was going to loose my whole support system and have to start fresh again. I had to worry about selling most of the stuff I own (car, furniture, clothes, surfboards etc.)
  3. I was also planning a carrier change from one research to a completely different field of study. I’m an academic and I wanted try something new. You either get to pick where you live or the research you do.
  4. worried about jobs I was going to get when I moved back and how I was going to support myself. This is related to 8)
I feel like any one of these events would be a lot to deal with on its own. This was all coming off the tail end of covid as well, thing were starting to get back to normal but there were still periodic lock downs. I feel like it had been a year of very high constant stress and everything together overloaded me. It hasn’t been uncommon for anxiety to manifest as physical symptoms for me before. I remember earlier in the year before the oab really kicked off that I couldn’t eat food without it making me feel sick. it turns out that anxiety cracks up stomach acid and that can make you feel nauseous. The doctor was able to help me out with.
Well to continue the story I went and saw urologist and he said that everything was clear and there was nothing to worry about. Just have to wait for things to calm down, he did give me some oxybutynin that didn’t really help. Then shorty after that I had to sell everything I owned and I flew back home. I remember that flight being kind of hard, I was sad to leave the country and anxious for the new life I was about to begin. It really enhanced the symptoms that I was experiencing.
I moved back to the USA at the end of 2023 and that is when I began trying to tackle this problem in earnest. The urologist recommended that I tried bladder retraining while it was helpful to see progress it still didn’t help with the symptoms that much. I tired cbd for my anxiety and had some success. It seemed to help manage my symptoms. I moved from summer in the southern hemisphere, to the middle of the winter in the northern hemisphere and the lack of sun didn’t help my mental health.
At this point I could go maybe 30 minutes between trips to the bathroom. I didn’t have coffee, or alcohol (didn’t even dream of it). Car trips were miserable, would spend most of them stressed I wouldn’t find a bathroom. Still had the constant urge to use the bathroom. Things were not fun. Luckily I had a decent amount of money in savings so I took some time to relax while I was waiting to defend my thesis. (I think I took about 6-7 months to myself)
Okay I’m sure you all know all that symptoms and how miserable they can be. Here’s what worked for me:
First thing I’d say is go see a doctor. Reddit is great but a doctor will be able to tell if there is anything physically wrong with you. Then trust what they say. When are you a dealing with a health related thing that is related to anxiety the most important thing is to make sure that you have a clean bill of health.
Once you know nothing is wrong physically here are some ways of dealing with oab caused my anxiety:
  1. Talk: Talk to your love ones about what you are dealing with. Tell them you are struggling with this medical issue and you may need to pull over and use the bathroom or disappear for a couple minutes. They will understand if they love you. I waited a long time to open up to my partner about this, and I felt a lot better after I told her what I was struggling with.
  2. Face this head on: Don’t retreat still do things go outside got to shows bars the store. You will be able to find a bathroom you don’t need to worry. Remember that stuff that you love to do don’t let oab rule your life. Its going to be scary but its good to face these anxieties head on. If you start canceling events because you are afraid of bathroom access will lead to further isolation, and eventually agoraphobia (not a good place to end up)
  3. Bladder retraining: This gives you a way to track progress and play chicken with your bladder in a controlled manner. You are trying to teach your brain the difference between really and fake signals. This will help you gain trust in yourself again. Remember this is gradual process.
  4. Professional help. Shortly after getting back to the states I started getting professional help to deal with all the stress I had in my life. I needed somewhere where I could process everything I was going through. I got the quickest appointment I could and took the first one I could get. By involving doctors and therapist and even your loved ones you are not tackling this problem alone anymore you have a team of people helping you. Plus they can give you ideas on how to manage your stress and anxiety.
  5. Headspace: In a similar vein headspace and mindfulness will help with learning how to acknowledge how we are feeling and move on. We are always going to need to use the bathroom there is no way around it and we sometimes will have the feeling that we need to go when we don’t need to. In the same way there is no getting rid of anxiety, what mindfulness does is help change our relationship with these feelings. You could try the session on chronic pain because what we are experiencing is a persistent unwanted sensation from out body like a form of pain. There is also more general ones about anxiety. I think we can borrow some of the ideas that people dealing with chronic pain use to to deal with the urges that we experience ( I don’t know how much there is to this though).
  6. (a) side tangent: I saw this guy in nz who said that when people are dealing with heartache sometimes taking a painkiller (like Tylenol or ibuprofen) can help deal with the pain. Even though the pain is psychosomatic the feeling is still real, and the painkiller can actually help with managing the heartbreak. (see)
  7. Medication: Trying anti anxiety meds was the biggest thing for me. What I really needed after all the stress was some mental space. For me lexapro gave me this space. I know that finding the right medication to be on can be hard and its a long process to find the one that is right for you. I’m currently on the lowest dose (5mg) and I have been taking it for about 1.5 years with little side effects (only if I miss a dose I feel a little dizzy in the evening). I know anti-anxiety meds get a bad wrap these days and I feel like there is a lot of misinformation about them. People worry that it is going numb them that they are going to feel like themselves, or that people are going to judge them for taking it, but in my case that hasn’t been my experience. If you are at a high level of stress it can help bring you back down to baseline, it can give you the space to acknowledge the things that make you feel anxious and move on. I highly recommend trying this out. I should also say here that it does take 1.5-2 months for the meds to really start working, and during that time your anxiety can increase (but its worth it!!!)
  8. CBD: if you don’t want to try an anti anxiety med try CBD, it really helps with stress and I found that it was pretty good at helping with some OAB symptoms at first but you build up a tolerance to it when you are taking it daily, and it can become expensive. What I found that worked for me was around 10-15mg 3 times a day (breakfast lunch and dinner). This helped me be less stressed in the car our when I was out walking places and there was no bathroom nearby.
When this all started I didn’t ever think I was going to be able to enjoy a cup of coffee again or go to a bar and have a pint and drive home with out a worry. After working at this for the last 2 years I’ve been able to get to a place where I can have a coffee and then go for a long car ride and have no symptoms. I’m able to go to a triva night and enjoy a beer without having to get up every 10 minutes to use the bathroom. I’m able to sit through meeting without having to leave 3-4. I’ve been able to give a 1 hr long talk to a large group of people (something I wouldn’t have been able to do because oab at the beginning of all this) with no issues. In my experience there is no instant cure for this, don’t say this to be negative but more so to say that its going to take hard work, and there is hope. I was able to overcome this thing and so can you! I hope this helps and thanks for taking the time to read my post.
submitted by PaymentLarge to OveractiveBladder [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:30 Ace-Per-Head PPH Call Centers: Necessity or Luxury?

In this era where people prefer to text and do everything online themselves do you need a price per head call center? The short answer is: yes.
As a bookie, one of the reasons you are probably looking to go for a pay-per-head service is because your business has grown and you want to give your clients more options, have a professional image, and simplify your operation.
Serious pay per head companies provide you with a turnkey solution that satisfies your business needs, among these options is the use of call center services.
Advantages of Having Pay Per Head Call Centers:
Pay per head call centers continue to be a necessity for every bookie, and you probably already know this if you are currently running your operation manually.
There are many reasons to consider offering this service to your clients:
It is important that if you are looking for a pay per head service that offers call center support for your business you make sure to test the service yourself, make sure the staff is knowledgeable, that their English is clear and they are properly trained to handle angry customers and difficult calls.
AcePerHead, for example, is known for the excellent teams they have, are well trained, and offer excellent customer support.
Dealing with a professional pay per head call center will certainly help you focus on growing your business without having to worry about taking calls from your clients with questions or simply because they can’t get online.
When you work with a company like AcePerHead you have the opportunity to choose whether you want to use the call center service or not. It’s up to you.
You know your clients better than anyone, so having the call center option available for them is always a plus.
Call we all agree that technology is slowly dehumanizing us; we are losing the art of conversation and not just that, businesses, are becoming disconnected from their clients which decreases customer loyalty and profitability.
Why Having a Call Center is Still Relevant?
PPH Call Center
Call we all agree that technology is slowly dehumanizing us; we are losing the art of conversation and not just that, businesses, are becoming disconnected from their clients which decreases customer loyalty and profitability.
I agree that big data has somewhat mitigated this, being able to extract valuable behavioral information on client preferences facilitates decision-making and points the way to the direction where the business should move, however, automation has cost companies billions of dollars over the years.
At AcePerHead, customer satisfaction is paramount which is why they kept their pay per head call center alive and continue to improve it. As a customer, when you have a problem or an inquiry, the best way to deal with it is to talk to an expert who can help resolve your issue.
A growing trend among the pay per head community is to automate and digitalize everything, while I agree this helps improve efficiency and lowers cost, it creates a gaping hole in customer support, and happy customers is ultimately the goal of every company.
Some would argue that live chats, emails, and FAQs are sufficient to provide good customer service. I’ve been on both sides of the aisle, as a business owner I agree that live chat and emails improve efficiency while lowering overhead costs. This is the reason why, a single customer support agent can handle up to 3 chats at one time and still meet the established service metrics, you cannot have 3 different phone conversations at once.
However, to consistently meet service metrics, customer service reps must rely on canned responses, yes, it is true people are predictable and tend to ask the same questions over and over, but, when you are the customer and you receive a canned response to your question you cannot help but feel disappointed regardless of whether the answer is helpful or not.
American-English Speaking Staff
The pay per head call center at Ace Per Head is staffed with American-speaking clerks who are dedicated to providing the best customer care there is, so whether they are helping you the agent to set up a package, edit limits, confirm your payment, etc., or they are assisting one of your players the service level is simply unrivaled.
We all need to feel special and to create a bond with the people we interact with, chatting or emailing is not the best way to do either. When you have a conversation with a real human you can establish trust a lot faster. When it comes to doing business offshore, there is always that hesitation of will turn out to be a scam or a total service fiasco that will cost my business dearly.
Human interaction is still relevant in today’s business scene, direct conversation has proven to increase problem resolution and thus increase client satisfaction, the management of Ace Per Head understands and values this because they are not only great bookies they are outstanding business owners, the kind of outfit you want to be associated with.
Contact Ace Per Head and take advantage of the six-week free that will give you the perfect chance to test their services.
submitted by Ace-Per-Head to PricePerHead [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:12 ReadEyeMagpie Do not use or sign up for Kia Connect

Kia has been selling information to LexisNexis who then in turn sells your information to insurance companies making your rates go higher. Every time you go over 80mph it's logged, change lanes without turn signal, stop to quickly or accelerate to fast. All of this is making rates go up and even in the case of State Farm refuse to renew your policy. Delete your Kia Connect account then go to this link to remove your data from the database.
A few states allow this directly through Kia but only 5 of them. So depends upon where you live. This is the email I got from Kia trying to remove my information while residing in South Carolina. Unfortunately they don't have to remove my information upon request so I had to do it myself.
Thank you for contacting Kia customer care. We have researched your request for assistance, please see below the following information on next steps. Go to under the Legal section at the bottom of the page click on "Your Privacy Choices". In accordance with California, Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia and Utah law, eligible state residents have several rights with regard to personal information, also known as personal data, that is collected by businesses. We notate our account information appropriately here and you'll fill out the electronic version from the above instructions. Please make a side note: This does not remove anything from distribution lists for other vendors that stem from the dealerships. Please ensure you contact your last Kia dealership you interacted with to inquire how to be removed from any mailing lists. Kia dealerships are privately owned and operated, we have no obligation to hold over the dealerships and their operations.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Kia Customer Care Center at (800) 333-4542 and refer to your case number and we will be happy to assist you.
Sincerely, Kia America
If you don't delete your Kia Connect account and just try to remove your information from LexisNexis Kia will just sell it again next month. A few states have started class action lawsuits against Kia, Hyundai, Ford, GMC & Honda for this malicious behavior.
submitted by ReadEyeMagpie to ForteGT [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:42 cartoon_Dinosaur Second contact Chapter 2

Thank you to Space paladin for the canvas and u/Acceptable_Egg5560 for proofreading and critique
Content warning; Educator abuse and syrupy love
Memory transcript: Maarchal , MESEA Astronomers. Date: [Standard Farsul calendar ] January 26th, 3667
Ponthyts blue stick clattered on the board, rolling around in a circle. Before settling on three. He then pumps his paw and moves to move a soldier that many paces.
“Well, I got you cornered now, whatcha going to do about it?” I smirk at Ponthyts soon to be dashed confidence as I take out my red stick and flip in the air much higher than he did with his own.
It hits the board with a loud clatter, bouncing on each end before settling on rolling. To which it landed on seven. I move my last interceptor through his ranks and take his general. The gobsmacked look on his features was evident, with his previously wagging tail so still it made stone seem fluid.
“I win.”
“How did you do that?”
I rolled my shoulders and readjusted my legs underneath. “Well, you left a clear path for my interceptor.” I pointed to the gaps in his remaining pieces.
“I know that! I mean how did you know you'd get a high enough number to do that? Your interceptor was all the way back here and it's your last red piece!!!”
I lean my head back and lean against the wall behind me. “I didn't, I just saw an opportunity and took it.”
He pointed a digit at me “ Mershit, that was some grandmaster trap!”
I give him the ear position of resignation with a mirthful little grin. “I promise you it was just luck.”
He waves his paw dismissively. “I don't believe you.”
“Well believe it, because I don't plan ahead like that. Want to play another game?”
He shakes his head. “Nah I think four games is enough for one night.” He begins moving the pieces into their containers and folds up the board and places it on top of them. Closing the box. He then stands up and offers me his paw, I use it to pull myself up off the floor.“Well Maarchal, I’ll see you tomorrow at the observatory. I’ll bring the set if you want to play it during lunch if you want.”
I froze, “what! What time is it? He turns over to look at the clock above his strove.
“Ahh about Fifteen minutes past 18.”
“Uh, that's not that late! We could play another game! C’mon let's have a tie breaker!”
He rubs his eyes, “I’m tired and we have work in the morning. Is there something you're avoiding?”
I rub my upper right arm and look off into the corner. “...”
He took on a worried look, “Why don't you want to go home Maarchal?”
I sighed and took a seat at his dining room table. “I… I don't like that house, I’ve lived there since I moved to LIghra six years ago but it's not a… home like here.”
I looked around at the messy abode. Dirty cloaks were strewn about on the back of chairs and the rubbish trough was just barely not overflowing. Paintings either from family or Ponthyts own paw were hanged up in the hallways, and the lightbulbs cast a warm orangish light. While the dishes from our dinner were placed in the sink, covered with animal gravy slathered all over them. It was tidy yet just barely so. A place filled with all the markers of being lived in.
“You've lived here less than a year but it feels like it's always had you in it. I feel … so comfortable here. My own home is so… cold and sterile. I Worked a lot the first few months I moved here. I just never got around to making it a home. It feels so bare, I started to work overtime just to avoid it. Which just made the problem worse.”
He sat down across from me, He put his head in his paws and looked at the scratched wood of his table. He held that position for a minute or two before breaking it and placing his paw on my own. “Maarchal, you are my best friend, I want you to feel comfortable. So if you want you can sleep on my coach, I can also help you make your home feel like one."

I shake my head, “no no, I shouldnt of imposed on you. Making myself feel at home is a job I need to do and have been avoiding for far too long. It's just… it's just so much easier to avoid you know?” I grabbed his paw and squeezed it. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I stand up and make my way to his front door before he speaks up.

“Uh hey Maarchal?”

I turn to address him “yeah?”

He shifts in his seat and fidgets with his fingers. “I’m uh, going to Ootra lake next week. I was wondering If you'd like… to come with me? I promise if you don't have a tent I’ll bring you one. We could have a fire, roast some meat on it and share ghost stories and stargaze… if you want?”

“ What about work?”

He rocks in his chair. “We'd have to call in for a day or so.”

I contemplated his words and mulled them over. It would be the first time I’ve ever willingly taken off a day, tarnishing my perfect attendance. But the prospect of spending more one on one time with Ponthyt was overwhelmingly tempting.

“Sure, I’d love to go. But I haven't gone camping for years so you will need to bring me a tent.”

He leapt from his chair, launching it backwards, before calming himself down. “I’ll take care of all the prep. You just have to come along. I promise it’ll be loads of fun!”

I chuckled while I watched his clearly restrained display as I slowly closed the door.

I could hear him howl with enjoyment as I turned into the driveway to get to my auto.


Huff, Huff, you doin alright there Ponthyt?” I turned back to see him walking behind me.

“Yeah, oof I haven't walked this much in years!”

I waited for him to catch up, we sat together when he did and we caught our breath before tuning to make our way back up the bluff. When we reached it there was a stone gazebo made of limestone. The angle of the sun let it shine into it. We walked into it and sat down on the stone benches. I looked around at the lake.

It was surrounded by steep hills with many rock faces visible, the layered stone was clearly visible. The topography of the area around the bluffs was shaped like a bowl, with the sight of land of higher elevation faintly visible in the distance despite its gradual slope. Giving a scene of depth that was not as extreme then in more mountainous areas. This view was normally hidden by the trees below.

“Well isn't this view alone worth the trip?” Ponthyt proclaimed.

I looked around letting the mid morning sun warm my back, I stretched my arms and breathed deeply. Taking in all the wonderful scents of nature.

“Yeah, it's beautiful.” I let myself relax, just letting the sounds and scents of nature calm me like I have never been since I was a pup on an archeological trip with mom and dad.

“Hmm, I've missed this.”

I don't know for how long I had been like this, but Ponthyt broke the silence “Ahhem, so, you've gone camping before?”

I nodded, “yeah when I was a pup my parents would sometimes go off to a site for a couple of weeks and we would come with them. We would have to get homeschooled then. But we would always have to camp and I and my siblings would go off exploring while they worked during the day.”

He smiled and his tail was wagging.” That sounds wonderful. I only got to camp for a couple days a year. It was always so hectic. Me and my siblings would just muck around the camp and eat, sometimes hiking around. Heh” Ponthyt looked towards the ground and held his paws together, rubbing his digits together.

“What's wrong Ponthyt?”

“Oh it's nothing it's-” I put my paw on his shoulder which drew his attention towards me.

“I know that's not true, you can trust me. Just tell me what's wrong ok?”

He gave a look of reluctance before caving to my request “… sigh… I grew up in a big family, and I love them all but… I was born at a strange time. I was second to last of my parents pups. Which meant they were busy with the older ones' events and taking care of the youngest. I kind of got mixed up and forgotten. My interests rarely lined up with the others and I often messed up tasks that my sibling would just fix or do for me. It got to the point that I… didn't really do anything. They will never say this but… I don't think my parents ever expected anything of me.”

I rub his shoulder,” well… I know that you have amounted to something. I mean, you're an astronomer! You work to understand the nature of reality. You're also so… kind and patient. I tried to scare you off but you weren't deterred at my standoffish behavior.”

He turned his head and gave me a shallow but joyous expression. “Heh well living in a house that's rarely quiet leaves you with a high tolerance for stubbornness. '' he wipes away a single tear “Sniff well… should we make our way back to camp? Or can I take out my stuff?”

I shake my head. ”Nah, you can paint. I’ll just sit here and let this place wash over me.”

He smiles and gets up and sets up his easel, taking out his supplies from his bag and gets to work painting the landscape ahead of him. He was slow and each brushstroke was as deliberate as he could manage. He… wasn't very good, only starting out when he moved here. But his drive to get better was admirable. Even in adulthood he tried to learn, to grow, to become more than he was yesterday.

I kept staring at him. Feeling something warm in my gut, something an academic wasn't supposed to feel. Shame overwhelmed me and I quickly turned away. Cursing myself for having those accursed feelings.


Ponthyt, returned from his cauto (Cargo auto -> pickup truck) with an armful of wood he brought with us. He set most of it aside and threw a piece onto the fire he had started, causing a cascade of embers to fly into the late evening air. The dull purple of the sky cast overhead between the canopy of the trees as the chill of the night began to come in. A pleasant coolness that most would take advantage of to seek the comfort of warming oneself close to a fire.

Not me, I paced to a fro as Ponthyt set up our campsite. He had placed his painting for the day inside the cabin of his cautoa and was now seasoning some raw meat strips to cook on the open fire. Snacking on one or two as he did so. He hung them on the tripod to roast, the fat that dripped off them as they were cooking sizzled as they burned on the coals below.

“I’ll have these done as soon as I can, please sit down Maarchal. Walking like that is only going to make the wait worse.” He says as he prods the suspended meat with a claw like utensil.

“Hmm, ok I’ll just sit and wait. Waste my time. Make a waste of the whole evening!!!” I snapped back at him, throwing my paws into the air.

Ponthyt recoils from my outburst with his ears pinned back. “ We’re camping, there is no way to waste it.”

I turned to address him, “we shouldn't be here! This trip means nothing and we are just wasting our TIME!!!” I cross my arms and scratch at the biceps. Rufflying the fur and making a mess of myself.

Ponthyt drops his utensil and walks over to me. “ We’re together and we spent the whole day just mucking about. How is this any more of a waste than that?” He says as he looks at me with eyes full of worry.

“We’re scientists, academics!!! We don't waste time like the ignorant masses! We should spend our time wisely!!! Every action of connection is just another moment we waste that could be spent to advance our field.” I had tears forming in the corners of my eyes. Scratching at my fur until I felt a wetness on my arms and paws.

“We’re supposed to sharpen our minds! No-not seek pointless relationships! ” I said as I bared my teeth and began growling at him.

The look of betrayal and abject worry he had on his face was overwhelming. I didn't want to hurt him. What am I doing? He doesn't deserve my ire. My legs gave out and I cried into my hands.

Ponthyt walked over to his cauto and brought out a cover. He wrapped it around me and rubbed my arms through it. He rested his head on top of mine while I sobbed. I couldn't take this anymore. Repressing and lashing out at any attempt to connect. Ponthyt hugged me and rocked back and forth. Humming and rubbing on the cover. He was warm and soft. I don't know how long we had been like this but by the time my sobs turned to a faint whine the meat over the fire was well done and the sky was pure black and the stars were out.

“I-I think i’m good no-now.” I choked out. Ponthyt grabbed my hand and helped me stand up. We didn't say another word. He collects the meat and places it on two plates. I stare at my portion for some time, Ponthyt doesn't eat any of his either.

Sigh… I know you might not want to but… Could you tell me why you said those things earlier?” He says with trepidation clearly miring his words.

“Yeah, it's just… When I entered college It was… not what I was expecting… I was sort of a hyper teen. Always going off about some book I read. Drawing pictures of stars, space stations or colonies we would make on inhospitable planets.”

He sits up and places his plate by his side. “You draw? I’d love to see some of them.”

“I used to. But I haven't since that first year of college.” I turned to stare at the dying inferno warming us. I pull the cover around me tighter.

“When I was doodling before class one day the professor walked by me. He noticed what I was doing and grabbed my paper. I objected but he just stared at me. When he started to address the class he showed it off and mocked me for wasting my time.” Ponthyt turns his head to look at me.

“That's a dick move, But at least he couldn't do the same when you did it in your free time right?” I turned to him with a somber expression. He seemed to understand the implications though he seemed to be confused as to how.

“He couldn't have gotten into your room right? That'd be a huge breach of privacy!!!”

I grabbed the poker and stirred the coals of the fire. “You're right, he couldn't. But he didn't need to, my roommate would take them with her to class and he’d pin them up on the board to mock. I called the staff but since she was my roommate she didn't break any privacy laws and since my art was only ever worth the paper it was on it wasn't even enough to get a misdemeanor theft charge. I tried to hide it but she would always find them. I tried to get another roommate but he stonewalled my attempts and I couldn't afford to rent a place in town. ”

He took on a look of absolute despair. “... How… how could he be so aggressively intolerant of such an innocent hobby?”

I chuckled “It wasn't just mine, a few others had made the mistake of having a roommate with the same professor. I remembered one who loved going out in the woods for hikes. When he found out about that he mocked him for “Pointless exercise and admiring a random assemble of dead and dying shit””. I waved my arms about to emphasize how he inflicted his words.

Ponthyt stared at the ground between us with a look of utter confusion.” … He mocked someone for appreciating nature and being healthy?”

I nodded, “if you were not engaging with study of his topic you were wasting his and everyone else's time.”

Ponthyt looks at me with concern and shared pain. “Why, why didn't you go to a different school?”

I stared at him in his eyes. A scene of shame overtook me. “It was the top class in the country. My family was so proud of me. I was so proud of myself, I didn't want to disappoint them and me. Looking back on it, I realize my own pride was something I rarely contended with until then. It didn't help when he found out who my family was.”

Ponthyt recoiled and waved his arms in a “what” fashion. “Wait, what does your family have to do with this?”

I poked at a log to knock off the charcoal to expose the untouched wood underneath. “They were happy. He spent a lot of time in academic circles so naturally he met people who knew my parents. And the way they described this happy family irritated him something fierce. He gave me such a hard time with it. Mocking me for being a lazy nepotism pick who didn't deserve her seat in his class. He mocked anyone for having any kind of non professional relationship, we never spoke to each other outside of class. We never left or met with friends or family. If we tried too he’d find out and call the one in question a “Lazy sentimental idiot.””

I breathed in deeply, “... that hurt my pride so severely that I just stopped seeing them or any of my friends. I always said I was busy or had a field study, but I was just reading and rereading his lectures. I didn't even go home for the summer breaks, I just apprenticeshiped at his museum to study even more. At graduation he looked so… proud, I only realized he was proud of what he turned me into and not what I did a few weeks after I met you. How I let him turn me into an angry starile shell of a person.”

Ponthyt turned his head towards the fire. His ears straight up and a soft growl in his throat. “... If I ever meet that piece of.. nuclear waste, I’ll kill him.”

He turns to me and his features soften immediately. “Anyone capable of manipulating someone as passionate and creative as you... I can't even imagine the kind of living hell he made you seek…”

I chucked and a slight wag entered my tail.” I’m responsible for my life. MY pride kept me there for him to mold. I hate him, but I hate myself for it too.”

Ponthyt shoots up and screams at me “MERSHIT, Maarchal, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You had a right to expect your teachers to be respectable people. Not abusive and manipulative Sherkires (Ambush insect. Commonly seen as sneaky and unhonorable due to making pheromones and calls imitating other insects mating signals). He starts to speak softer as he turners to address me.

“Even this version of you, so cut off of why you love space in the first place is just.. You are one of the most remarkable people I have ever met. So humble with addressing yourself. You inspire me to be a tenth of the person you are.” He kneels in front of me and grabs my paws in his own.

“You are… you are so passionate, so creative. Even with being a self described shell. I can't even imagine how you will be when you open up again and explore your creativity in full and banish that monster's influence for good.”

I turn and I can't help but smile at his words.”... I haven't been in practice in years. But … I’m willing to relearn it with you.” I stared deeply in his eyes and that feeling again bubbles within me. The feeling of never wanting to leave his side, the feeling as though I found a piece I had been missing. Before I knew it I bit on his snout, recoiling when I realized what I had done.

‘I-I’m so sorry!!! You were just so close and and I felt something and before I knew it-” I was caught off guard when he bit my snout, holding my top jaw between his own set. I bit down on his lower jaw and we locked together. He tried to let go after a while. But I growled to let him know I wasn't ready yet and I used my leverage to lead him into my tent.


I got up and exited my tent. I stood up and stretched and twisted my back around. Lifting my arms above my head and pulling them as far out as I could. I looked at the coals still burning in our firepit, I could only tell they were burning from the heat going off of them as the glow was hidden by the sun's light. Before noticing the meat Ponthyt prepared last night still on the plates on the log we sat on.

“Pff, hey Ponthyt. Come out here!!!” I said behind me. He crawled out my tent with a head of messy fur.

“Wut ?” He said with half closed eyes and a disposition of utter exhaustion . I pointed to the cold meat. He still had a look of drowsiness before he realized what the significance of the strange strips were.

“Heh, I guess we won't need to make breakfast?” I chuckled as I sat down and hugged his head. I groomed his messy fur as I absorbed the morning sun. I don't know what the future of my career looked like anymore. But it was no longer the most important thing in my life. I loved space, I loved to learn. But In these years I had lost track of what was truly important. As I groomed him Ponthyt fell asleep with his head in my lap.

As I felt the joy of reciprocal love again for the first time in years I leaned back and watched the sunrise, caressing my love's head and breathing in the fresh air.
submitted by cartoon_Dinosaur to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:19 IICabeII 3 vs Y for Commuter / Around Town Car w/ Kids

Hey all,
I know this gets posted a fair but, but hoping to get some more recent opinions on the current lineup.
We're looking to add a 2nd car, which will primarily be a commuter / popping around town car. We already own a Subaru Outback as our "Big Car", so we're debating whether to get the 3 or the Y in addition.
My commute is ~85 miles round trip (mostly highway, Southern California) which I do ~2-3x per week. It's about 60-90m in the car each way, so I want to make it as enjoyable/comfortable as possible.
I'm also on the taller side (6'2''), and we have 2 young kids (newborn and 2.5 yro), and while it won't be our primary car for moving the kids around, the ability to house car-seats and some gear is good (running kids to preschool, etc).
So, curious to hear if others are in a similar situation and which direction they went and why.
Also - this will be a lease, we don't qualify for the EV credit on a purchase, and with 2 young ones we're not quite sure what our car need will be in a few years, so we're comfortable paying a premium to lease for a few years and re-evaluate after its up.
Prince isn't an ultimate deciding factor, but obviously the 3 being cheaper is better.
TLDR - Adding a 2nd car to family, these are priorities, which direction would you go?
submitted by IICabeII to TeslaLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:32 CastAMillion [AU Time][Monday][Online][5e][Homebrew][LGBTQIA+ Friendly] The new frontiers of exploration are calling you! Will you answer them?

First some info
Hey all, first to clarify a few things. This is an advertisement for 4 players needed for a long-term, homebrew campaign starting at level 6. If you are looking for a purely RAW dnd setting with RAW mechanics and gameplay, this likely isn't something for you. And that's okay. This campaign will be taking place weekly on Monday evenings, AUSTRALIA TIME. If you apply for this campaign, I am going to assume that you will be able to consistently make this schedule. Please familiarise yourself with this as if you are in the USA, it will be early hrs of the morning for you most likely (approximately 2-3am start for those on the East Coast).
I am an experienced GM and I expect a certain commitment from my players. This being a mutual understanding that the more passion we put into the games, the more fun and fulfilment that we will get from them. As a DM, my style is a roleplay and exploration focused game. With the potential for long stretches of combat sessions when narratively appropriate. I run a number of homebrew rules that I believe fit my style of game better. This campaign is in a unique position of exploration over all else. You will need to build characters who have a sense of self as well as a desire to explore. While it is NOT essential or required, taking notes is encouraged given I do like the old lore dump from time to time.
Lastly for the info. Please do not feel intimidated if you are a new player to dnd, wanting your first game. Maybe you are someone who has played Baldur's Gate III and want a shot at the TTRPG version. All are welcome. Please do not apply though if you are under the age of 18, nothing personal, however its not the vibe or themes I'm going for. This campaign will use Discord and Roll20. I'm happy to teach roll20 use, its fairly straight forward to those who haven't used it.
Campaign Premise
Now that stuff is out of the way! Lets have a chat about the kind of story you will be signing your Monday's away to for the indefinite future.
For longer than even Elvish recorded history, around the equator of the world, have been a set of impassable leylines. For millennia, ships, airships and any who attempt the treacherous crossing of this equatorial barrier into the South has never been heard from again. All forms of divination and teleportation magic has proved futile at providing witness to the other side of the great divider. Until 5 years ago. 5 years prior to the event of the campaign, the 3 largest nations to the North developed a device called "The Arcane Anomaly Pacifier," (TAAP). Which is a ring of three large towers that every 6 months, can stabilise the leylines in a small enough area over the ocean to provide safe passage for a fleet of ships. The first of these crossings was named "The Exodus."
Since then, 9 other crossings have been made into the new lands. You, the party find yourselves on the 10th crossing. Leaving from whatever life you had before, into new prospects of employment. Were you running? Hiding maybe? Or even someone down on their luck in search of new horizons! You have accepted the job of Expedition Security for an eccentric Gnomish scientist named "Odana Gerrul." She believes that there is more to this southern wasteland than meets the eye.
Rumours of an artifact with the power to control the flow of magic run rampant within the new colonies as ruins of who came before are starting to be uncovered. Will your party be the ones to unlock the secrets of the new world? Or will the mystery swallow you up whole?
How to apply
Thankyou newfound friend for sifting through my word vomit. Now if you feel like this game may still be for you, here's how you can go about letting me know! Please fill out the following google form as accurately as you can. (Extra consideration will be put into those applicants who go into a bit more detail) I'll contact you further if I believe that you would be a good fit for the group. Any questions, please comment below.
I look forward to hearing from you.
submitted by CastAMillion to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:46 ShinnigLightAsmr Yandere Librarian Gives You a Sith Holocron [F4M] [M4F] [Star Wars] [Sith] [Jedi] [Yandere] [Willing Listener]

Note: Monetization is allowed, just credit me, ask before making any changes (which includes the Listener and Speaker genders), and send a link to the audio. Also all credit for the Star Wars universe goes to George Lucas and to Disney
Second Note: I don’t have any sound effects in mind for this. You are free to don’t whatever you want in regards to that.
1,089 words of dialogue
Context: A Jedi Knight comes into the Coruscant Jedi Archives, looking for information about the Sith. A certain Librarian offers her help. However, there is something dark about her.
Afternoon Jedi Knight. How can I be of service to you today?
You want some information about the planet of Moraband, in the Horuset star system. Any particular reason, if you don’t mind me asking?
You’re interested in the history of the Sith. Are you sure you should be interacting with this kind of information? That planet holds a great deal of dark power. A Jedi Knight such as yourself shouldn’t put themselves on a potential path of temptation. You could be swayed to the dark side.
I see. So you think you could resist the dark side, even if you came near the planet? Don’t be foolish.
Alright, alright, I can’t control what you do. Just be careful.
Good. Now, this information should be in the restricted section. You will need to get special clearance to access those records, unfortunately.
I’m sorry, Chief Librarian Jocasta Nu enforces this rule. It’s to make sure those materials never fall into the wrong hands. However… I could possibly let you in there for a little bit under my supervision.
Yes, technically this is breaking the rules. But, Master Nu never said I couldn’t let someone in there while I supervise them. That way you can’t do anything stupid in there.
Look, I may be a librarian but I can still use the force and use a lightsaber. I just decided to work in the library instead of being on the battlefield. Books and knowledge are more of my strong suit.
Yes, I will take you to the restricted section now. We’ll just go through this door and down the hall.
Of course not many know these rooms exist here. Only staff, council members, and those with permission are allowed back here. Back here, we mainly keep materials that are fragile, rare, or too dangerous.
Hmmm? Are you ok?
You can sense something through that door. What do you feel, exactly?
A dark presence. (Thinks to self) Almost have him in my clutches. He’s already interested in the history of the Sith, so it won’t be long before the dark side take ahold. And he and I can finally be together
Oh! I’m alright, just thinking about something. Actually, would you like to take a look inside that room?
It wouldn’t be a problem at all. I’ll be here to make sure nothing bad happens. Let me just open the door for you. There you go!
It seems that you’re surprised. Haven’t you ever seen a Sith holocron before?
I see, so you saw hologram examples during your history lessons as a youngling. That does make a lot of sense. While the order teaches us that Sith holocrons are dangerous, I have noticed that they don’t go into much detail about what they contain.
(Chuckle) Of course you would be curious about where I got this wonderful artifact. I obtained it during my travels a few years ago. I’ve always been curious about the Sith. It all started when I found some information about Darth Nihilus and Jedi Knight Revan. Two honorable men who fought to protect the old republic from the Mandalorian invaders. And what do they get in return? They are seen as dangerous and lost to the darkside. All because they decided to go against the council’s orders about fighting the Mandalorians and went to Malachor V. They understood both the light and dark sides of the force and those cowards on the Jedi council accused them of being seduced by the darkness!
Sorry, I lost my composure for a minute there. As I was saying, these two historical figures inspired me to look deeper at the Sith and all that they stand for. The Jedi are taught that passion, love, and any form of disobedience are signs of one being corrupted by the dark side. I don’t agree with these teachings.
You’re very observant, my dear Jedi Knight. I got this lovely holocron from the Sith temple on Geddes, and as for how I managed to find it, I stumbled upon some old star charts and figured out the temple’s location. I won’t divulge who I got ahold of the holocron, but all that matters is that you can now open it.
Yes, you. I’ve been studying you for a while. Everyone else doesn't seem to notice darkness within you, but I do. I can sense the longing and passion stirring within your soul. Which is why I think you have the potential to be a powerful Sith warrior.
My eyes? What about them? Oh! You’re the first to finally notice their color. I may or may not have studied some darkside techniques and subsequently had my eyes change color to this lovely yellow color
Then why still work at the Jedi temple? Well, obviously I need to work on dismantling the jedi order from the inside. Now, why don’t you open the holocron?
You don’t use the darkside of the force? That can easily be changed. Channel all your anger, frustration, passion, and love.
(Teeth Gritted) I. Said. Channel. It.
Good. Now focus and push all of those emotions and passion into the holocron.
Its working! Its working! (Evil laugh). How do you feel?
Powerful? Lovely, now lets see what is inside.
I haven’t looked inside yet. I wanted my new love to be the first to open it.
Yes, you’re the love of my life. I said I’ve been observing you for a while. I love everything about you. Your beautiful eyes, your swoon-causing smile, your perfectly tousled hair. Also, your interest in the Sith made you all that more attractive to me. I know you and I would be a lovely Sith couple.
Now, as for what's inside this holocron, it looks like there are some personal logs, some star charts, and ...wait a minute? That is actually in here?
It has some instructions on how to use Sith magic, mainly incantations for necromancy, protection, and even using the force to twist living creatures to one's will. I’ve been interested in Sith Magic for a while now. Using the force to do the impossible, going to where even the cowardly Jedi won’t go, this would make me feel like I can take on the Galaxy itself. And with this holocron, I’m one step closer to taking down the Jedi order. Will you join me, my love?
You’re actually interested in this? Excellent! I knew you were the one for me. You and I will eradicate the Jedi and show the Galaxy the true power of the force. I love you, my darling Sith Knight (Evil Chuckle)
submitted by ShinnigLightAsmr to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:43 PurpleVirtualJelly SF to Sebring, FL Roundtrip Route Suggestions

Hi all,
I've searched this sub the last couple hours, but haven't quite found the answer. I'd like to do a long roundtrip train ride for a few weeks from SF to Sebring, Florida to visit family. I don't have time/money constraints but don't prefer a super inefficient route either. I've done a few 30-hr Amtrak trips before but this will be probably 100 hrs one way. I'm trying to find a route that maximizes scenery and seeing new things/cities/states. For reference, I've lived in many different places all over the West Coast or traveled - California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada so not as interested in those places for this trip, but it's a train trip so it's gonna go through there. I haven't done the Southern CA leg of the Coastal Starlight so I'm not against it, but will do it soon either way soon, so not a priority necessarily. I've never been anywhere on the east coast (or anywhere besides the states listed.)
For one way, It seems that the California Zephyr is pretty universally loved, as well as some Cardinal recommendations, and on the East Coast I'd take one of the Silvers MeteoStar. (Should I do all that on the way BACK so I can do the Zephyr westbound?) Potentially stopping in Chicago, NYC, DC.
For the other way, what route should I take? I've never been to AZ, NM, TX so I've considered Sunset Limited but hear it's kind of bland. I want to go to new places but not if it's so boring that it's not worth it. There's also the issue of how to get to Sunset Limited from Florida without being terribly inefficient... As a side note I'd also like to see Atlanta and NOLA for a day each, but it's not a must.
Any recommendations on the 2nd route greatly appreciated!
Edit: Flying isn't an option
submitted by PurpleVirtualJelly to Amtrak [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:30 delibirdguy Top 500 Songs Ever (Subjective)

Over the course of the past few months I have been working on compiling a list of my 500 favorite songs. It was sort of challenge that I gave myself and I'm super pumped with how it turned out. There were a few rules (only 5 songs per artist being the big rule, among a few others), and here's the list I came up with. Thought it was fun, so wanted to share here and see if it might spark any discussion about song placement, lack of songs/artists, or see if anyone had any similar lists. All thoughts are welcome! (and if you don't care to comb through all 500 songs for your favorite song or artist I'm more than happy to help you track 'em down)

  1. Trash Panda - Aging out of the 20th Century
  2. Djo - Roddy
  3. The Beatles - Don't Let Me Down
  4. Snail Mail - Heat Wave
  5. Phoebe Bridgers - Savior Complex
  7. The Shins - The Fear
  8. Talking Heads - This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody)
  9. The Cranberries - Linger
  10. Post Animal - Ralphie
  11. Hop Along - Not Abel
  12. The Beach Boys - Heroes And Villains
  13. Electric Light Orchestra - Livin' Thing
  14. The Monkees - As We Go Along
  15. Blondie - Heart Of Glass
  16. The Strokes - Oblivius
  17. Chet Baker - It's Always You
  18. The Beatles - Rain
  19. Electric Light Orchestra - Telephone Line
  20. Husbands - Must Be a Cop
  21. Faces - Ooh La La
  22. The Flaming Lips - Do You Realize??
  23. Frank Ocean - Nights
  24. Harry James - It's Been a Long, Long Time
  25. The Turtles - Happy Together
  26. Etta James - At Last
  27. The Zombies - The Way I Feel Inside
  28. The Beatles - Here, There And Everywhere
  29. The Beach Boys - God Only Knows
  30. Kanye West - Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1
  31. Briston Maroney - Sinkin'
  32. John Lennon - Oh My Love
  33. Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass - Ladyfingers
  34. Squirrel Flower - Headlights
  35. The Backseat Lovers - Maple Syrup
  36. The B-52's - Rock Lobster
  37. George Harrison - All Things Must Pass
  38. Snail Mail - Ben Franklin
  39. Laura Elliott - Grass Stains
  40. Djo - Chateau (Feel Alright)
  41. Tame Impala - Eventually
  42. The Backseat Lovers - Snowbank Blues
  43. Claude Debussy - Clair de Lune
  44. The Weeknd - Save Your Tears
  45. Talking Heads - Thank You for Sending Me an Angel
  46. The Zombies - Time of the Season
  47. The War On Drugs - Nothing to Find
  48. Queen - Brighton Rock
  49. The Dream Academy - Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want
  50. The B-52's - Strobe Light
  51. The Cranberries - Dreams
  52. Fugees - Killing Me Softly With His Song
  53. Molchat Doma - Тоска
  54. Tyler, The Creator - ARE WE STILL FRIENDS?
  55. The Mamas & The Papas - Dream A Little Dream Of Me
  56. The Chords - Sh-Boom
  57. The Beatles - The Abbey Road Medley
  58. The Ronettes - Be My Baby
  59. The Who - Baba O'Riley
  60. Dr. Dog - Where'd All the Time Go?
  61. M83 - My Tears Are Becoming A Sea
  62. Billie Eilish - everything i wanted
  63. Outkast - Hey Ya!
  64. Nat King Cole - Orange Colored Sky
  65. The Notorious B.I.G. - Hypnotize
  66. Four Tops - Reach Out I'll Be There
  67. Foreign Air - Shut Up and Show Me
  68. Leonard Cohen - So Long, Marianne
  69. dodie - If I'm Being Honest
  70. Briston Maroney - June
  71. Post Malone - Sunflower
  72. John Lennon - Isolation
  73. Buddy Holly & The Crickets - Not Fade Away
  74. Phoebe Bridgers - I Know The End
  75. Kanye West - All Falls Down
  76. Alvvays - Adult Diversion
  77. John Lennon - Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)
  78. Clairo - Amoeba
  79. The Beach Boys - I Know There's An Answer
  80. Paul McCartney - Let Me Roll It
  81. Frank Ocean - Ivy
  82. Radiohead - Motion Picture Soundtrack
  83. Djo - Mutual Future (Repeat)
  84. Phoebe Bridgers - Scott Street
  85. Childish Gambino - Me and Your Mama
  86. Pink Floyd - Astronomy Domine
  87. The Pied Pipers - Dream
  88. The Beach Boys - All I Wanna Do
  89. Djo - Change
  90. Второй этаж поражает - Крайности
  91. Little Richard - Lucille
  92. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Shanghai
  93. Chet Baker - Deep In A Dream
  94. The Beatles - It's All Too Much
  95. Post Animal - Dirtpicker
  96. The B-52's - Love Shack
  97. EDEN - foreve/over
  98. Kanye West - Ultralight Beam
  99. The Zombies - Going Out Of My Head
  100. Talking Heads - Found a Job
  101. Snail Mail - Pristine
  102. Tom Tom Club - Genius of Love
  103. Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World
  104. WILLIS - I Think I Like When It Rains
  105. Chet Baker - But Not For Me
  106. Naked Eyes - Always Something There to Remind Me
  107. Tyler, The Creator - GONE, GONE / THANK YOU
  108. Djo - Half Life
  109. Trash Panda - Check Please
  110. Briston Maroney - Deep Sea Diver
  111. Beach Fossils - This Year
  112. Momma - Medicine
  113. Hop Along - Prior Things
  114. Talking Heads - Road to Nowhere
  115. Electric Light Orchestra - Turn to Stone
  116. Briston Maroney - It's Not My Fault
  117. Tyler, The Creator - NEW MAGIC WAND
  118. Snail Mail - Headlock
  119. Phil Collins - Take Me Home
  120. Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know
  121. The Beach Boys - Do It Again
  122. Tame Impala - Breathe Deeper
  123. Ella Fitzgerald - Misty
  124. Phoebe Bridgers - Waiting Room
  125. Kanye West - Runaway
  126. Daft Punk - Get Lucky (feat. Pharrell Williams and Nile Rodgers)
  127. Dire Straits - Money for Nothing
  128. Kendrick Lamar - Alright
  129. Black Country, New Road - Concorde
  130. George Harrison - If Not for You
  131. Harry Styles - Cherry
  132. Ms. Lauryn Hill - Doo Wop (That Thing)
  133. Paul McCartney - Junk
  134. Wings - Maybe I'm Amazed [Live]
  135. Talking Heads - Houses in Motion
  136. Del Water Gap - Ode to a Conversation Stuck in Your Throat
  137. Pixies - Where Is My Mind?
  138. Queen - Seven Seas Of Rhye
  139. Paul McCartney - Jet
  140. Sufjan Stevens - Death with Dignity
  141. A Flock Of Seagulls - I Ran (So Far Away)
  142. Tame Impala - Let It Happen
  143. Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
  144. Clairo - Management
  145. Tommy James & The Shondells - I Think We're Alone Now
  146. Fergie - Clumsy
  147. Childish Gambino - This Is America
  148. Prefab Sprout - The King of Rock 'N' Roll
  149. Joy Again - Looking Out for You
  150. Beach House - Space Song
  151. John Lennon - Mind Games
  152. The Weeknd - Gasoline
  153. Weezer - Buddy Holly
  154. Phoebe Bridgers - Sidelines
  155. Tame Impala - New Person, Same Old Mistakes
  156. Lana Del Rey - A&W
  157. The Dillards - I've Just Seen a Face
  158. The Doors - Break on Through (To the Other Side)
  159. Julie London - I'm Glad There Is You
  160. 2Pac - California Love
  161. Dean Martin - Everybody Loves Somebody
  162. Snail Mail - Anytime
  163. The Strokes - The Adults Are Talking
  164. Jordana, TV Girl - Better in the Dark
  165. Juice WRLD - Hide (feat. Seezyn)
  166. The Wild Reeds - Get Better
  167. Finom - Mine
  168. Hop Along - One That Suits Me
  169. The Killers - Mr. Brightside
  170. Michael Cera - Clay Pigeons
  171. Clairo - Bags
  172. Prince - Let's Go Crazy
  173. The Zombies - She's Not There
  174. Blackstreet - No Diggity
  175. Frank Sinatra - I've Got You Under My Skin
  176. John Denver - Take Me Home, Country Roads
  177. Harry James - I'm Beginning to See The Light
  178. The Clash - London Calling
  179. Charles Bradley - Changes
  180. Buddy Holly - (Ummmm, Oh Yeah) Dearest
  181. Eagles - Seven Bridges Road [Live]
  182. Moxie - Honey
  183. Faces - Stay with Me
  184. Post Animal - How Do You Feel
  185. New Order - Age of Consent
  186. Natalie Imbruglia - Torn
  187. Lana Del Rey - Doin' Time
  188. Twin Peaks - Blue Coupe
  189. Kanye West - Gold Digger
  190. Fruit Bats - The Bottom of It
  191. Frank Sinatra - Somethin' Stupid
  192. Lorde - Perfect Places
  193. Martha Tilton - Exactly Like You
  194. King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man
  195. Glen Campbell - Southern Nights
  196. Claire Rosinkranz - Frankenstein
  197. Guillemots - Made-Up Lovesong #43
  198. Fleetwood Mac - Say You Love Me
  199. Frankie Valli - Can't Take My Eyes off You
  200. The Crickets - Don't Ever Change
  201. Paul Anka - Put Your Head On My Shoulder
  202. George Harrison - Isn't It a Pity
  203. Trash Panda - Off
  204. Super Besse - Holod
  205. Beyoncé - Hold Up
  206. Charlie Burg - I Don't Wanna Be Okay Without You
  207. Eagles - Peaceful Easy Feeling
  208. Ella Fitzgerald - It's A Lovely Day Today
  209. PERMSKY KRAY - Дорогой Человек
  210. The Little Dippers - Forever
  211. The B-52's - There's a Moon in the Sky (Called the Moon)
  212. Patti Page - Old Cape Cod
  213. Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
  214. The Soggy Bottom Boys - I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow
  215. Trash Panda - Things Will Never Change
  216. Hop Along - Well-dressed
  217. Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me
  218. TV Girl - Daughter of a Cop
  219. LAUNDRY DAY - Jane
  220. Tyler, The Creator - EARFQUAKE
  221. Sigue Sigue Sputnik - Love Missile F1-11
  222. Joji - Gimme Love
  223. The Backseat Lovers - Pool House
  224. The Weeknd - Take My Breath
  225. Mild High Club - Homage
  226. Doc Watson - Am I Born to Die?
  227. Daniel Caesar - Streetcar
  228. The Kinks - Sunny Afternoon
  229. John Lennon - #9 Dream
  230. Tame Impala - Elephant
  231. Chuck Berry - You Never Can Tell
  232. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
  233. KIDS SEE GHOSTS - 4th Dimension
  234. Soft Cell - Tainted Love
  235. The B-52's - Song for a Future Generation
  236. Gnarls Barkley - Crazy
  237. Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans
  238. Billie Eilish - Halley's Comet
  239. Glenn Miller - In the Mood
  240. Kid Bloom - Control
  241. The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build A Home
  242. Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine
  243. Brenda Lee - If You Love Me (Really Love Me)
  244. TV Girl - Lovers Rock
  245. Art Lown - Knew You Well
  246. Dean Martin - Ain't That A Kick In The Head
  247. Miniature Tigers - Like or Like Like
  248. Electric Light Orchestra - Sweet Talkin' Woman
  249. The Hunts - Ages
  250. The Cars - Good Times Roll
  251. Bill Withers - Lovely Day
  252. Drake - God's Plan
  253. Kansas - Point of Know Return
  254. The Neighbourhood - Stargazing
  255. The Clash - Rock the Casbah
  256. Hop Along - What the Writer Meant
  257. Briston Maroney - Under My Skin
  258. Jack Stauber - Buttercup
  259. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Ya Love
  260. Ginger Root - Loretta
  261. Thompson Twins - Hold Me Now
  262. Frank Ocean - Pyramids
  263. Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)
  264. Destroy Boys - I Threw Glass at My Friend's Eyes and Now I'm on Probation
  265. Mild High Club - Dionysian State
  266. Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
  267. Kevin Abstract - Empty
  268. The Frights - Crust Bucket
  269. Stealers Wheel - Stuck In The Middle With You
  270. The Shins - Fighting in a Sack
  271. fun. - We Are Young (feat. Janelle Monáe)
  272. Lil Uzi Vert - Money Longer
  273. Miniature Tigers - Cannibal Queen
  274. The Doors - Touch Me
  275. Jean Dawson - Clear Bones
  276. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Catching Smoke
  277. Molchat Doma - Люди Надоели
  278. The Go-Go's - Our Lips Are Sealed
  279. Billie Eilish - ocean eyes
  280. BOYO - Crown
  281. The 1975 - Somebody Else
  282. Husbands - She's a Betty
  283. Syd Barrett - If It's In You
  284. Trash Panda - Atlanta Girls
  285. Frank Ocean - Godspeed
  286. Alice Phoebe Lou - Glow
  287. Childish Gambino - Redbone
  288. New Order - Blue Monday
  289. Post Animal - Schedule
  290. Harry Styles - Fine Line
  291. Harry James - I'll Get By (As Long As I Have You)
  292. Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again
  293. Chet Baker - I Fall In Love Too Easily
  294. The Cranberries - Put Me Down
  295. John Mayer - Edge of Desire
  296. George Harrison - All Those Years Ago
  297. Electric Light Orchestra - The Diary of Horace Wimp
  298. Alex Clare - Too Close
  299. Eric B. & Rakim - Know The Ledge
  300. Peter Frampton - Show Me The Way [Live]
  301. Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson
  302. Black Eyes - Deformative
  303. The Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody
  304. Bonny Light Horseman - Deep In Love
  305. The Walker Brothers - The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore
  306. Cage The Elephant - Cigarette Daydreams
  307. Hot Flash Heat Wave - Raindrop
  308. Clairo - Sofia
  309. Kendrick Lamar - PRIDE.
  310. Camille Saint-Saëns - The Swan
  311. Weezer - Say It Ain't So
  312. C418 - Sweden
  313. Lana Del Rey - Let The Light In (feat. Father John Misty)
  314. The Postal Service - Such Great Heights
  315. Pickin' On Series - Those to Come
  316. Lana Del Rey - Grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he's deep-sea fishing (feat. RIOPY)
  317. John Mayer - Moving On and Getting Over
  318. Field Medic - POWERFUL LOVE
  319. Cage The Elephant - Flow
  320. Joji - Run
  321. The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again
  322. Boston - Peace of Mind
  323. Ben E. King - This Magic Moment
  324. David Bowie - Starman
  325. Beastie Boys - Sabotage
  326. Harry Belafonte - Banana Boat (Day-O)
  327. Gene Krupa & His Orchestra - Rhumboogie
  328. The Cardigans - Lovefool
  329. The Kinks - You Really Got Me
  330. The Zombies - She's Coming Home
  331. Michael Jackson - Thriller
  332. Moxie - Blue Skies
  333. The Mamas & The Papas - Straight Shooter
  334. Peter, Paul and Mary - Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
  335. Green Day - Brain Stew
  336. Dua Lipa - Levitating (feat. DaBaby)
  337. The Police - Roxanne
  338. Britney Spears - Toxic
  339. Tears For Fears - Head Over Heels
  340. Rex Orange County - Pluto Projector
  341. The Strokes - Call It Fate, Call It Karma
  342. Portugal. The Man - Feel It Still
  343. The Black Crowes - Twice As Hard
  344. Ted Nugent - Stranglehold
  345. fun. - Some Nights
  346. Wings - Silly Love Songs
  347. Paramore - Still into You
  348. Peter Frampton - Baby, I Love Your Way [Live]
  349. The Monkees - Last Train to Clarksville
  350. Royel Otis - Oysters In My Pocket
  351. The Backseat Lovers - Growing/Dying
  352. Nelly Furtado - Say It Right
  353. Post Animal - Goggles
  354. Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No. 1
  355. Childish Gambino - IV. Sweatpants
  356. Steely Dan - Dirty Work
  357. ABBA - Lay All Your Love On Me
  358. Still Woozy - Goodie Bag
  359. Arlo Parks - Black Dog
  360. Goth Babe - Weekend Friend
  361. George & the Handsomes - Sleepy Beats
  362. boygenius - 20
  363. The Mills Brothers - You Always Hurt The One You Love
  364. Travis Scott - SICKO MODE
  365. Pinegrove - Need 2
  366. The Backseat Lovers - Sinking Ship
  367. Franz Schubert - Ave Maria
  368. Zac Brown Band - Knee Deep (feat. Jimmy Buffett)
  369. Justin Timberlake - Mirrors
  370. Simon & Garfunkel - Cecilia
  371. The Cranberries - Zombie
  372. Daniel Caesar - Japanese Denim
  373. Billie Holiday - Easy Living
  374. ISLAND - By Your Side
  375. Phil Collins - Tomorrow Never Knows
  376. Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-Changin'
  377. The Four Freshmen - Day By Day
  378. Fleetwood Mac - The Chain
  379. Billy Joel - Big Shot
  380. Billie Eilish - Happier Than Ever
  381. Yot Club - down bad
  382. Rihanna - Stay
  383. Fleetwood Mac - Landslide
  384. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 2: No. 10, Scene. Moderato
  385. The White Stripes - Fell In Love With a Girl
  386. Alvvays - Easy On Your Own?
  387. Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit - If We Were Vampires
  388. Blackway - What's Up Danger (with Black Caviar)
  389. Albert Hammond - It Never Rains in Southern California
  390. Matt Maltese - Jupiter
  391. John Denver - Mother Nature's Son
  392. Childish Gambino - Sober
  393. Claire Rosinkranz - Pools and Palm Trees
  394. The Cars - Just What I Needed
  395. The Doors - Light My Fire
  396. Blondie - Tomorrow Never Knows
  397. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Hell's Itch
  398. The Japanese House - Saw You In A Dream
  399. Franz Schubert - String Quartet No. 13 in A Minor, Op. 29 No. 1, D. 804
  400. The Drifters - White Christmas
  401. The 1975 - Robbers
  402. George Harrison - Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
  403. The Frights - Tongues
  404. Paramore - Ain't It Fun
  405. Billy Joel - Pressure
  406. Frank Sinatra - My Way
  407. Art Lown - Going Back to Carolina
  408. Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are
  409. Under The Rug - Lonesome & Mad
  410. The Mamas & The Papas - Dedicated To The One I Love
  411. Foster The People - Sit Next to Me
  412. Weezer - Undone - The Sweater Song
  413. Michael Jackson - Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
  414. Tia Blake - Plastic Jesus
  415. Los Bravos - Bring a Little Lovin'
  416. Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
  417. Minnie Riperton - Les Fleurs
  418. Billy Idol - Dancing with Myself
  419. Cody Fry - I Hear a Symphony
  420. Gringo Sapiens - Driver's Licence
  421. Vacations - Relax
  422. Glitter Party - time waits
  423. Steve Lacy - Bad Habit
  424. The Crystals - Then He Kissed Me
  425. The Pied Pipers - Mairzy Doats
  426. Mitski - Bug Like an Angel
  427. James Ray - I've Got My Mind Set On You
  428. Clairo - Bubble Gum
  429. Masayoshi Takanaka - SEXY DANCE
  430. Nat King Cole - (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons
  431. Sleigh Bells - Crown On the Ground
  432. Olivia Rodrigo - favorite crime
  433. No Doubt - Just A Girl
  434. Foreigner - Long, Long Way from Home
  435. Heart - Crazy On You
  436. The Hunts - Darlin'
  437. David Bowie - Heroes
  438. Alice Phoebe Lou - Hammer
  439. Thee Oh Sees - Toe Cutter - Thumb Buster
  440. Roar - I Can't Handle Change
  441. TV Girl - Birds Dont Sing
  442. Laufey - From The Start
  443. Chas McDevitt Skiffle Group - Freight Train (feat. Nancy Whiskey)
  444. Metro Boomin - Am I Dreaming
  445. Liana Flores - rises the moon
  446. POP ETC - Speak Up
  447. Jean Knight - Mr. Big Stuff
  448. The Platters - Twilight Time
  449. Derek & The Dominos - Layla
  450. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Homeless Man in Adidas
  451. Charlie Burg - Lovesong (The Way)
  452. Hot Flash Heat Wave - Gutter Girl
  453. ABBA - Fernando
  454. Mitski - My Love Mine All Mine
  455. Savannah Conley - More Than Fine
  456. Young the Giant - Mind Over Matter
  457. Future Crib - Yer Movin'
  458. Bob Dylan - Like a Rolling Stone
  459. benches - Violent
  460. Musical Youth - Pass The Dutchie
  461. Olivia Rodrigo - vampire
  462. Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone - City Of Stars
  463. Maya Hawke - Thérèse
  464. Current Joys - A Different Age
  465. Wayne Newton - Danke Schoen
  466. La Roux - Bulletproof
  467. Jason Segel, Walter - Man Or Muppet
  468. U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
  469. The Raconteurs - Steady, As She Goes
  470. The Ink Spots - Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall
  471. Ace of Base - The Sign
  472. Vulfpeck - 1612
  473. Nordista Freeze - Hey GiGi
  474. The Chainsmokers - New York City
  475. Suki Waterhouse - Johanna
  476. Pete Rodriguez - I Like It Like That
  477. Calvin Harris - Summer
  478. The Rare Occasions - Notion
  479. a-ha - Take on Me
  480. Rush - Working Man
  481. Traffic - Dear Mr. Fantasy
  482. Starbuck - Moonlight Feels Right
  483. Van Halen - Drop Dead Legs
  484. The Troggs - Wild Thing
  485. Led Zeppelin - Good Times Bad Times
  486. The Byrds - Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season)
  487. Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love
  488. Justin Timberlake - SexyBack (feat. Timbaland)
  489. David Bowie - Suffragette City
  490. Ludwig van Beethoven - Sonata No. 14 in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 27, No. 2 "Moonlight"
  491. Avicii - Wake Me Up
  492. The Who - La-La-La-Lies
  493. The Spinners - The Rubberband Man
  494. MGMT - Time to Pretend
  495. Hootie & The Blowfish - Only Wanna Be With You
  496. Sheck Wes - Mo Bamba
  497. Claire Rosinkranz - 123
  498. Ringo Starr - Photograph
  499. The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)
  500. Duran Duran - Rio
submitted by delibirdguy to Music [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:57 BOfficeStats Domestic BOT Presale Tracking (May 14). Total previews comps: Back to Black ($0.34M), IF ($1.82M), Strangers ($1.12M), Furiosa ($4.31M), Garfield ($2.24M), and Inside Out 2 ($7.22M).

BoxOfficeTheory Presale Tracking
USA Showtimes As of May 10
Presales Data (Google Sheets Link)
BoxOfficeReport Previews
Back to Black EA+Thursday Comp: $0.34M
IF Thursday comp assuming $2M for keysersoze123: $1.82M
The Strangers: Chapter 1 Thursday Comp: $1.12M
Furiosa Thursday Comp assuming $5M For keysersoze123: $4.31M
Hit Man
The Garfield Movie EA+Thursday Comp: $2.24M
The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Re-Releases (June 8-10)
Inside Out 2 Average Thursday Comp: $7.22M
Domestic Calendar Dates (last updated May 3):
Presale Tracking Posts:
April 23
April 25
April 27
April 30
May 2
May 4
May 7
May 9
May 11
Note: I have removed most tracking data that has not been updated for 2 weeks. I think there is value in keeping data for a week or two but at a certain point they start to lose their value and should not be treated the same as more recent tracking data.
submitted by BOfficeStats to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:29 Mrmander20 [Vell Harlan and the Doomsday Dorms] 4 C6.2: A Symphony of Friendship and Frogs

At the world’s top college of magic and technology, every day brings a new discovery -and a new disaster. The advanced experiments of the college students tend to be both ambitious and apocalyptic, with the end of the world only prevented by a mysterious time loop, and a small handful of students who retain their memories.
Surviving the loops was hard enough, but now, in his senior year, Vell Harlan must take charge of them, and deal with the fact that the whole world now knows his secrets. Everyone knows about Vell’s death and resurrection, along with the divine game he is a part of. Now Vell must contend with overly curious scientists and evil billionaires hungry for divine power while the daily doomsday cycle bombards him with terrorists, talking elephants, and the Grim Reaper himself -but if he can endure it all, the Last Goddess’s game promises the ultimate prize: power over life itself.
[Previous Chapter][Patreon][Cover Art]
“Four years on and the headache still sucks,” Vell groaned to himself.
Though most of the loopers had managed to make it to midnight alive, they had nothing to show for it but headaches. They had not succeeded in digging Cane out of the rubble, or investigating his apparent ghost theory in any other way. That was a complication, but not a fatal one. They had some leads to work with, at least, and Vell knew where to get started on the ghost angle. Vell gladly made the call that would get them started.
“Goooooood morning Mr. Harlan,” Harley chimed. “What’s happening?”
“Frog invasions, among other problems,” Vell grumbled.
“Oh, that’s a time loop headache if I ever heard it,” Harley said. She’d run into that affliction more than a few times.
“Yeah, it’s not great,” Vell said. “Listen, do you still have Garrett’s number?”
“Ooh, ghost problems, eh?” Harley said. “I’ll text it to you.”
“Thanks. I kind of got to get right to it, so I’ll have to give you the details later, alright? Love you, Harley.”
“Love you too, bud,” Harley said. “Say hi to Garret for me.”
Vell hung up the first call and braced himself for the second. He liked Garret, but he could also be a lot to deal with -a fact well-demonstrated by the phone call beginning with Garret’s theme music blaring over the phone. Once the bombastic rock and roll stopped, Vell was disappointed to hear a mechanical beep indicate the start of an answering machine message.
“Hi, you’ve reached Garret Geist, Ghost Getter,” the message said, in Garrett’s usual southern california drawl. “I’m currently on a long-term submersible mission to exorcise the ghosts of shipwreck victims who’ve been trapped undersea for centuries.”
Vell knew it was a recording, but needed to voice his offense anyway. It was hard to truly be mad knowing Garrett was doing something so incredibly heroic, though.
“I should be back to the surface and ready to help in a few days, so please leave a message and I’ll get to you as soon as I can!”
The automated message clicked again and fell silent. Vell hung up the phone and let out a low groan of despair.
“Okay, we’re not screwed yet,” Vell said. “Just need to wait a bit.”
Vell brushed his teeth and rushed through breakfast, and then, right on cue, heard a knock on his door. He whipped it open to find a bothersome scientist once again at his door.
“Hi, good morning,” Vell said, as he opened the door. “You here to bother me about Quenay?”
“I- uh, I have some very interesting theories.”
“I’m sure you do,” Vell said. “If you can just hold on one second…”
Vell paused and waited. The bothersome student also waited, at least for a few seconds.
“What exactly are we waiting for?”
Cane grabbed the student by the collar and yanked them away from the door. Vell invited him in and slammed the door shut behind them to really drive the point home.
“Thank you for that,” Vell said. “Did you need something?”
“Just to talk to you,” Cane said. “I was trying to get people together to hang out tonight. Figured you’d want in, if you’re not too busy.”
“I could probably make it, I just have to…”
Vell froze. He really should’ve come up with these lies in advance.
“You good, Vell?”
“I, uh, sorry, just losing track of things, mentally,” Vell said. “I’ve had a lot of people, uh, ask me for help with things.”
“What kind of things?” Cane said. “You need a hand?”
Vell contemplated how to proceed for a moment, and then figured he’d probably built up enough good will with Cane over the past four years he could just dive right in.
“You ever heard about frog ghosts?”
“Yeah,” Cane said, without so much as blinking.
“Oh, cool,” Vell said. “What about them?”
“Well, hold on, are you talking about frog ghosts as in the ghost of frogs, or a ghost related to frogs?”
“Either or, I guess?”
“Okay, because I don’t know anything about any ghostly frogs,” Cane said. “There is supposedly the ghost of a guy obsessed with frogs on campus, though.”
“Interesting. Tell me about the frog guy.”
“I don’t know all the details, it was kind of an urban legend even when my brother came here about a decade back,” Cane said. “All he ever told me was the this frog-obsessed sophomore died while studying, and he haunts the basement of the sophomore dorms, I guess. ‘Some say you can still hear faint croaking in the basement’ and all that horror story shit.”
“Interesting,” Vell said, again. “Let me look into that and we’ll circle back later, alright? I gotta go, see you.”
“Sorry, kind of in a hurry, bud,” Vell said, as he left and shut the door behind.
“This is your dorm, dude,” Cane said.
“You were not exaggerating about this headache,” Alex said.
“We warned you,” Kim said. “Man, it’s almost better to die.”
“How do you have a headache, you’re made of metal!”
“It’s complicated,” Kim said. Her synthetic body did not spare her from the time loop headache, no matter how she rebuilt herself.
“Good morning everyone,” Helena said, as she whacked the door open with a crutch. “What did I miss?”
“Quiet down a little, please” Hawke said.
“Do you not have a headache too?”
“No, I died pretty early,” Helena said. “Got a frog on me.”
“You died from a frog touching you? What condition do you have that causes that?”
“Well it was a poison dart frog, so I guess ‘being alive’,” Helena said. Samson pursed his lips and said nothing. “What did you all get up to while I was busy being dead?”
“Vell found out the frogs were summoned by a weird frog-obsessed ghost,” Hawke said. “He apparently knows a guy who might be able to help.”
The loopers then proceeded to relax and chat about frogs, ghosts, and other miscellaneous topics for about seven minutes, which made it a lot less dramatic when Vell barged in and announced Garret would be unable to help.
“Oh come on,” Kim snapped. “What’s the point of knowing a ghost hunter if he never helps hunt ghosts?”
“He’s on some undersea mission to rescue lost souls,” Vell said. “Which makes it really hard to be mad at him.”
“And yet I manage,” Kim said. She didn’t begrudge Garret personally, but she had been hoping for their first easy win of the year. All the apocalypses thus far had been a major pain in the ass.
“Aren’t you people supposed to be able to handle things like this?”
“Yes, Alex, and we will,” Vell said. “Just would’ve been nice to have a professional on the job.”
“I’ll get the ghostbusting stuff ready,” Hawke sighed. He would’ve loved a chance to outsource their daily nonsense.
“Keep it on standby for now,” Vell said. “Ghosts have unfinished business or regrets. If we can help our ghost deal with whatever frog-related business he’s got going on, maybe we can fix this without having to bust anyone.”
“That’s your plan?” Alex said. “Be nice to the ghost that crushed a building and hope it goes away?”
“Yes,” Vell said, with a completely straight face. “And busting is plan B.”
“Bustin’ makes me feel good,” Hawke sang, as he grabbed all their various ghostbusting gear.
“True professionals at work,” Alex scoffed. Everyone else rolled their eyes and got back to work.
“Vell is an old pro at being nice to people,” Kim said. “Just ask Helena’s sister.”
“Don’t pat yourself on the back, Joan’s incredibly susceptible to manipulation,” Helena said. It was disturbing she’d say that, and even more disturbing she knew that. “That said, anyone dumb enough to get stuck as a ghost for decades will probably buy into your routine just as easily.”
“Thanks for your input,” Vell said. “I’m just going to go ahead and get started.”
He said that both because it was important and because it was an excuse to get away from Alex and Helena faster.
“Need any backup?” Samson asked, for similar reasons.
“I’ll check it out solo first,” Vell said. Historically speaking, he was the best people-pleaser, a dubious honor at best, but one that came in handy when dealing with a frog-summoning ghost. “I’ll let you know if I need backup.”
“Or busting,” Hawke said.
“Or busting,” Vell agreed. “I have to find out where the ghost is, for starters. I’ll be in touch soon.”
Finding the lair of the ghost was the first hurdle. As it turned out, the sophomore dorms had a lot of basements. Every building on campus had a lot of basements, so Vell was not all that surprised. At least these basements didn’t have booby traps or old experiment equipment in them. They mostly just had a lot of junk. Vell kicked aside some old food wrappers and scanned the room.
“Why do people treat these empty rooms like dumping grounds?”
“People are usually different when they think no one is watching.”
Vell whipped around and saw a transparent head poking through one of the nearby walls. A ghost if Vell had ever seen one.
“Oh, hi,” Vell said. “Uh, weird question, how do you feel about frogs?”
“I’m ambivalent at best,” the ghost said. “Are you looking for the frog guy? Because he haunts two rooms over.”
The ghost pointed to the right, down the hall, and Vell looked that way.
“Thanks,” Vell said. He took a few steps towards the door before spinning around to face the other ghost again. “Uh, do you need any help like, moving on? Finishing unfinished business?”
“Nah, we get wifi down here, so I don’t mind just chilling,” the ghost said. “Thanks for offering though.”
The ghost drew back into the wall and vanished from sight. While Vell was painfully curious as to how a ghost accessed wifi, he decided it was time to move on. The frog ghost was apparently close by, after all.
Vell followed the wifi ghost’s directions and hopped two doors down, barging into a subterranean room that was uncomfortably moist and smelled of mud and rainwater. Condensation dripped from the ceiling and onto Vell’s back, sending an unpleasant shiver down his spine. Unlike other rooms, this one was completely free of any garbage, but Vell took no comfort in that.
“Hello? Anybody home?”
A chill ran down Vell’s spine that definitely was not another drop of water. He waited two seconds, took a deep breath, and turned around.
Vell was just inches away from another transparent face. This one had a slight green tint, with wide set eyes and a broad, flat mouth. Vell wondered if the similarities to a frog had been there during this person’s life, or if they just liked frogs so much their ghost had slowly shifted to reflect their passion.
“Hey! Hi, uh, nice to meet you,” Vell mumbled. “I’m Vell.”
“I’m Raine.”
“Neat, nice name,” Vell said. If Raine noticed the awkward hesitation in the compliment, he didn’t show it. “So, uh, I was wondering, well, I heard you were the guy to ask about frogs.”
The already wide eyes of the ghost got even wider, and visible excitement trembled through their spectral form. Vell began to think he may have made a mistake.
“So even though it’s the biggest frog in the America’s, the helmeted water toad is still only half the size of the Goliath frog,” Raine said. “Which must be wild for the helmeted water toad. Could you imagine crossing an ocean and finding out the people who live there are literally twice your size?”
“Must be pretty mindblowing, yeah,” Vell said.
“And that’s not even going into the real extremes,” Raine said. “Do you remember our pal P. Amauensis?”
“How could I forget,” Vell said, about something he had definitely forgotten.
“Not just the world’s smallest frog, but maybe the world’s smallest vertebrate,” Raine said. “Only seven point seven millimeters long, a literal fraction of the Goliath frog! Could you imagine meeting someone who’s only as big as your toe?”
“I actually did, once,” Vell said. “Shrink ray.”
“Oh. Was...was it weird?”
“A little,” Vell said.
“Wow. You almost know what it’s like to be a Goliath frog meeting a P. Amauensis,” Raine said. “I’m so jealous.”
“Yeah, I’ve done a lot of interesting stuff,” Vell said. “What about you, what’d you get up to when you weren’t studying frogs?”
Raine tilted his spectral head and stared blankly at Vell.
“You did do things other than study frogs, right?”
“Not if I could help it,” Raine said.
“Okay, uh...what did you like to eat?”
“Oh, I just ate food whenever I was hungry,” Raine said. “What I really liked to do was gather samples of different bugs and other frog dietary staples, so I could try to get a sense of their diet for myself.”
“Like, cooked bugs, or just raw, living bugs,” Vell said. He’d eaten a few different varieties of cooked bugs, just for the experience, but couldn’t imagine eating raw insects.
“If I could find them, yeah, live ones,” Raine said. “It got pretty hard after I got banned from the entomology department.”
“That’d do it,” Vell said. “So, did you, uh, go swimming a lot?”
“Oh yeah, all the time,” Raine said. “Until I got banned from the pools too. Trying to swim like a frog doesn’t work very well, and they got sick of having to rescue me, I guess.”
“You could’ve just swam like a person.”
“Why would I do that?”
“To...I don’t know,” Vell said. He was starting to feel like Raine’s entire life and unlife revolved around frogs. “Did you ever do anything, I don’t know, human?”
“Oh, I studied frogs,” Raine said. “Frogs lack the self-awareness to understand frogs. It’s their only flaw, really.”
“I see. So what’s your favorite frog?”
As expected, this set off a long rant, as Raine found it hard to pick a favorite and had to start listing pros and cons of various frog species. It was not exactly scintillating conversation, but it kept Raine talking instead of somehow summoning frogs. Vell kept reminding himself that was the real goal. He was not here to have a pleasant chat, he was here to prevent the frogpocalypse. Anything that kept Raine ranting was good. He was saving the world.
As Raine started ranking every existing frog species by maximum jump distance, Vell kept repeating that to himself. Saving the world, one frog jump strength at a time.
submitted by Mrmander20 to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:28 Contactunderground A Telepathic Override that Probably Saved My Life: Contact Network History Project J

A Telepathic Override that Probably Saved My Life: Contact Network History Project J
A Telepathic Override that Probably Saved My Life:
Joseph Burkes MD 2019
Telepathy: transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction.
During the early 1990s on two occasions while doing fieldwork with my CE-5 contact team in Southern California, I experienced the acquisition of information by no known sensory channel. I suddenly “knew” one might say “at the level of knowledge” important details about sightings that subsequently occurred “as predicted.”
Our contact network had been advised by the CSETI Director that such forms of communication could possibly take place during our investigations. Nonetheless, it was very surprising when this actually happened to me. It was experienced not as a kind of “bolt out of the blue” but rather as a gentle confident sort of “knowingness” about what was to later take place on the night of our investigation.
In advance of the actual sighting, I knew when, where in the sky and the number of craft that would appear. Being open to this sort of “guidance” can be very helpful. I know this is true because one night in June 2007 such telepathic guidance compelled my driver to pull off a dangerous road.
We were on a road like the one pictured above
In 2007, I was commuting 1400 miles round trip every two weeks between LA and the college town Arcata, where my wife was living. It is located near the Oregon border. I did two weeks “on” in the ER and then ten days “off” with her. The remainder of the time I was either driving or flying across the state. What a schlep it was! (To use a Jewish expression.) Janie Krieger (a pseudonym) was a volunteer contact worker that lived in San Jose. This was about halfway to LA, so I often stopped by to see her and other contact activists in the Bay Area. On one particular trip, Janie and I decided to drive up a road to see if we might find an appropriate location where we might be able to do fieldwork
In the mountains to the east of San Jose, there is a county park that is accessible on a very treacherous road. It is a narrow two-lane highway that is bordered on one side by a deep ravine and on the other side by a steep rock face. This county road goes up the mountain with many switchbacks and has practically no shoulder or pullouts to move safely off the road in case of emergency. It was near dusk, and her tiny VW Bug slowly went up the winding path. There was no traffic in either direction. As we climbed higher into the foothills, every fifty to a hundred yards, we encountered a sharp curve to the right. The hairpin turns afforded no visibility as to what was beyond the curve in the road.
It was getting dark. We drove at perhaps twenty-five miles per hour on the straight portions of the road and far slower on the curves. I started feeling very uneasy. I experienced a premonition of danger, but I couldn’t figure out why I felt that way. Usually, my spirits are high when doing contact work. Janie was an excellent driver, so I should not have been alarmed.
Suddenly she blurted out, “I just got the message that we have to pull off the road.” I agreed with her without asking why because I too was feeling a sense of danger but had received no clear message as she did. But what were we supposed to do? On one side of the road was a hundred-foot drop into the ravine. On the other side was the wall of the mountain with no pullouts or highway shoulder in sight. We didn’t want to turn around and abandon our search. So, she slowed the vehicle, and we kept going. Fortunately, on one of the straight portions of the road we found a narrow shoulder. If we parked with one side of the Bug almost touching the rock face, we were mostly off the road. I got out of the car from the driver’s side because she had parked flush against the hillside. We then pressed ourselves against the wall of rock and waited.
In less than two minutes, we suddenly heard the roar of car engines. Around the curve there suddenly appeared two muscular sedans with thick tires designed for racing. I was shocked. The young male drivers were actually drag racing neck to neck down the narrow mountain road and they were taking up both lanes!
On the side of a straightaway portion of the road, where we had barely been able to park, they whizzed by us at what looked like close to fifty miles per hour. After they flashed past us with inches to spare, both drivers simultaneously jammed on the brakes as they approached a curve down the road. They whipped around that sharp turn with brakes screeching and disappeared.
Janie and I looked at each other in disbelief. If she had not received the warning to get off the road immediately, we probably would have been killed. With the ravine on one side and the rock face on the other, there was no place for us to go. Her tiny VW Bug would have been crushed and likely flung into the ravine like a child’s toy.
The idea that contact activists are actively being protected is something that I had heard prior to this incident. The notion that I, like many contactees, might have had a lifelong relationship with so-called “ETs” is something that I wonder about. On two occasions before age 18, I narrowly escaped death in what could have been fatal motor vehicle accidents. Many people believe that angels are looking after them. Contact experiencers sometimes say the same about aliens. The telepathic override that Janie reportedly experienced is something that I cannot prove to skeptics. The fact that we were on a mission for the loose network of activists that I refer to as the “Contact Underground” when this event occurred, should give courage to fellow contact workers. Not only are we not alone in the universe, but sometimes we might even be protected!

Name Deleted: What’s the thinking behind why some people are “protected” through some form of intervention and others are left to experience tragedy?

J. Burkes MD: I regret that I don't have an easy answer to your question about why non-human intelligences might choose to intervene or not depending on the circumstances. The blog was written primarily for contact activists or contact experiencers in general. One individual that Preston Dennett and I wrote about in Chapter Six on UAP healings in "Beyond UFOs" is a very prominent UFO researcher and author who requested that we not reveal her name. She was reportedly healed from a disabling condition called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). She asked to be healed by the Grey aliens who were allegedly abducting her for decades. They reportedly did so one night when she was "taken" aboard an "ET craft." Following her remarkable sudden clearing of all symptoms from CFS, she subsequently asked them why they had afforded her the remarkable cure. The answer reportedly was "We heal our own!" One might conclude from this answer that because she had become a willing participant in the "alien" outreach effort, their successful treatment was transactional. She was helping them, so they helped her. This kind of relationship is rarely reported in the UFO subculture.

For More Reports from the Contact Underground the following links are provided:
This report was first published in 1993 on my return from a CE5 investigation in the “Volcanic Zone” near the Mexico City. There our team witnessed multiple UFOs including a large triangular “craft” that signaled at us.

Crop Circles are thought of as communications from UAP associated intelligences. Might “cloud formations” be next?

What if flying saucer intelligences had access to every witness’ full treasure chest of memories?
submitted by Contactunderground to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:26 Contactunderground A Telepathic Override that Probably Saved My Life: Contact Network History Project

A Telepathic Override that Probably Saved My Life: Contact Network History Project
A Telepathic Override that Probably Saved My Life:
Contact Network History Project
Joseph Burkes MD 2019
Telepathy: transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction.
During the early 1990s on two occasions while doing fieldwork with my CE-5 contact team in Southern California, I experienced the acquisition of information by no known sensory channel. I suddenly “knew” one might say “at the level of knowledge” important details about sightings that subsequently occurred “as predicted.”
Our contact network had been advised by the CSETI Director that such forms of communication could possibly take place during our investigations. Nonetheless, it was very surprising when this actually happened to me. It was experienced not as a kind of “bolt out of the blue” but rather as a gentle confident sort of “knowingness” about what was to later take place on the night of our investigation.
In advance of the actual sighting, I knew when, where in the sky and the number of craft that would appear. Being open to this sort of “guidance” can be very helpful. I know this is true because one night in June 2007 such telepathic guidance compelled my driver to pull off a dangerous road.
The road we were on looked like the one pictured above
In 2007, I was commuting 1400 miles round trip every two weeks between LA and the college town Arcata, where my wife was living. It is located near the Oregon border. I did two weeks “on” in the ER and then ten days “off” with her. The remainder of the time I was either driving or flying across the state. What a schlep it was! (To use a Jewish expression.) Janie Krieger (a pseudonym) was a volunteer contact worker that lived in San Jose. This was about halfway to LA, so I often stopped by to see her and other contact activists in the Bay Area. On one particular trip, Janie and I decided to drive up a road to see if we might find an appropriate location where we might be able to do fieldwork
In the mountains to the east of San Jose, there is a county park that is accessible on a very treacherous road. It is a narrow two-lane highway that is bordered on one side by a deep ravine and on the other side by a steep rock face. This county road goes up the mountain with many switchbacks and has practically no shoulder or pullouts to move safely off the road in case of emergency. It was near dusk, and her tiny VW Bug slowly went up the winding path. There was no traffic in either direction. As we climbed higher into the foothills, every fifty to a hundred yards, we encountered a sharp curve to the right. The hairpin turns afforded no visibility as to what was beyond the curve in the road.
It was getting dark. We drove at perhaps twenty-five miles per hour on the straight portions of the road and far slower on the curves. I started feeling very uneasy. I experienced a premonition of danger, but I couldn’t figure out why I felt that way. Usually, my spirits are high when doing contact work. Janie was an excellent driver, so I should not have been alarmed.
Suddenly she blurted out, “I just got the message that we have to pull off the road.” I agreed with her without asking why because I too was feeling a sense of danger but had received no clear message as she did. But what were we supposed to do? On one side of the road was a hundred-foot drop into the ravine. On the other side was the wall of the mountain with no pullouts or highway shoulder in sight. We didn’t want to turn around and abandon our search. So, she slowed the vehicle, and we kept going. Fortunately, on one of the straight portions of the road we found a narrow shoulder. If we parked with one side of the Bug almost touching the rock face, we were mostly off the road. I got out of the car from the driver’s side because she had parked flush against the hillside. We then pressed ourselves against the wall of rock and waited.
In less than two minutes, we suddenly heard the roar of car engines. Around the curve there suddenly appeared two muscular sedans with thick tires designed for racing. I was shocked. The young male drivers were actually drag racing neck to neck down the narrow mountain road and they were taking up both lanes!
On the side of a straightaway portion of the road, where we had barely been able to park, they whizzed by us at what looked like close to fifty miles per hour. After they flashed past us with inches to spare, both drivers simultaneously jammed on the brakes as they approached a curve down the road. They whipped around that sharp turn with brakes screeching and disappeared.
Janie and I looked at each other in disbelief. If she had not received the warning to get off the road immediately, we probably would have been killed. With the ravine on one side and the rock face on the other, there was no place for us to go. Her tiny VW Bug would have been crushed and likely flung into the ravine like a child’s toy.
The idea that contact activists are actively being protected is something that I had heard prior to this incident. The notion that I, like many contactees, might have had a lifelong relationship with so-called “ETs” is something that I wonder about. On two occasions before age 18, I narrowly escaped death in what could have been fatal motor vehicle accidents. Many people believe that angels are looking after them. Contact experiencers sometimes say the same about aliens. The telepathic override that Janie reportedly experienced is something that I cannot prove to skeptics. The fact that we were on a mission for the loose network of activists that I refer to as the “Contact Underground” when this event occurred, should give courage to fellow contact workers. Not only are we not alone in the universe, but sometimes we might even be protected!

Name Deleted: What’s the thinking behind why some people are “protected” through some form of intervention and others are left to experience tragedy?

J. Burkes MD: I regret that I don't have an easy answer to your question about why non-human intelligences might choose to intervene or not depending on the circumstances. The blog was written primarily for contact activists or contact experiencers in general. One individual that Preston Dennett and I wrote about in Chapter Six on UAP healings in "Beyond UFOs" is a very prominent UFO researcher and author who requested that we not reveal her name. She was reportedly healed from a disabling condition called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). She asked to be healed by the Grey aliens who were allegedly abducting her for decades. They reportedly did so one night when she was "taken" aboard an "ET craft." Following her remarkable sudden clearing of all symptoms from CFS, she subsequently asked them why they had afforded her the remarkable cure. The answer reportedly was "We heal our own!" One might conclude from this answer that because she had become a willing participant in the "alien" outreach effort, their successful treatment was transactional. She was helping them, so they helped her. This kind of relationship is rarely reported in the UFO subculture.

For More Reports from the Contact Underground the following links are provided:
This report was first published in 1993 on my return from a CE5 investigation in the “Volcanic Zone” near the Mexico City. There our team witnessed multiple UFOs including a large triangular “craft” that signaled at us.

Crop Circles are thought of as communications from UAP associated intelligences. Might “cloud formations” be next?

What if flying saucer intelligences had access to every witness’ full treasure chest of memories?
submitted by Contactunderground to ContactUnderground [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:24 Contactunderground A Telepathic Override that Probably Saved My Life: Contact Network History Project

A Telepathic Override that Probably Saved My Life: Contact Network History Project
A Telepathic Override that Probably Saved My Life:
Joseph Burkes MD 2019
Telepathy: transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction.
During the early 1990s on two occasions while doing fieldwork with my CE-5 contact team in Southern California, I experienced the acquisition of information by no known sensory channel. I suddenly “knew” one might say “at the level of knowledge” important details about sightings that subsequently occurred “as predicted.”
Our contact network had been advised by the CSETI Director that such forms of communication could possibly take place during our investigations. Nonetheless, it was very surprising when this actually happened to me. It was experienced not as a kind of “bolt out of the blue” but rather as a gentle confident sort of “knowingness” about what was to later take place on the night of our investigation.
In advance of the actual sighting, I knew when, where in the sky and the number of craft that would appear. Being open to this sort of “guidance” can be very helpful. I know this is true because one night in June 2007 such telepathic guidance compelled my driver to pull off a dangerous road.
The road we were on looked like the one pictured above
In 2007, I was commuting 1400 miles round trip every two weeks between LA and the college town Arcata, where my wife was living. It is located near the Oregon border. I did two weeks “on” in the ER and then ten days “off” with her. The remainder of the time I was either driving or flying across the state. What a schlep it was! (To use a Jewish expression.) Janie Krieger (a pseudonym) was a volunteer contact worker that lived in San Jose. This was about halfway to LA, so I often stopped by to see her and other contact activists in the Bay Area. On one particular trip, Janie and I decided to drive up a road to see if we might find an appropriate location where we might be able to do fieldwork
In the mountains to the east of San Jose, there is a county park that is accessible on a very treacherous road. It is a narrow two-lane highway that is bordered on one side by a deep ravine and on the other side by a steep rock face. This county road goes up the mountain with many switchbacks and has practically no shoulder or pullouts to move safely off the road in case of emergency. It was near dusk, and her tiny VW Bug slowly went up the winding path. There was no traffic in either direction. As we climbed higher into the foothills, every fifty to a hundred yards, we encountered a sharp curve to the right. The hairpin turns afforded no visibility as to what was beyond the curve in the road.
It was getting dark. We drove at perhaps twenty-five miles per hour on the straight portions of the road and far slower on the curves. I started feeling very uneasy. I experienced a premonition of danger, but I couldn’t figure out why I felt that way. Usually, my spirits are high when doing contact work. Janie was an excellent driver, so I should not have been alarmed.
Suddenly she blurted out, “I just got the message that we have to pull off the road.” I agreed with her without asking why because I too was feeling a sense of danger but had received no clear message as she did. But what were we supposed to do? On one side of the road was a hundred-foot drop into the ravine. On the other side was the wall of the mountain with no pullouts or highway shoulder in sight. We didn’t want to turn around and abandon our search. So, she slowed the vehicle, and we kept going. Fortunately, on one of the straight portions of the road we found a narrow shoulder. If we parked with one side of the Bug almost touching the rock face, we were mostly off the road. I got out of the car from the driver’s side because she had parked flush against the hillside. We then pressed ourselves against the wall of rock and waited.
In less than two minutes, we suddenly heard the roar of car engines. Around the curve there suddenly appeared two muscular sedans with thick tires designed for racing. I was shocked. The young male drivers were actually drag racing neck to neck down the narrow mountain road and they were taking up both lanes!
On the side of a straightaway portion of the road, where we had barely been able to park, they whizzed by us at what looked like close to fifty miles per hour. After they flashed past us with inches to spare, both drivers simultaneously jammed on the brakes as they approached a curve down the road. They whipped around that sharp turn with brakes screeching and disappeared.
Janie and I looked at each other in disbelief. If she had not received the warning to get off the road immediately, we probably would have been killed. With the ravine on one side and the rock face on the other, there was no place for us to go. Her tiny VW Bug would have been crushed and likely flung into the ravine like a child’s toy.
The idea that contact activists are actively being protected is something that I had heard prior to this incident. The notion that I, like many contactees, might have had a lifelong relationship with so-called “ETs” is something that I wonder about. On two occasions before age 18, I narrowly escaped death in what could have been fatal motor vehicle accidents. Many people believe that angels are looking after them. Contact experiencers sometimes say the same about aliens. The telepathic override that Janie reportedly experienced is something that I cannot prove to skeptics. The fact that we were on a mission for the loose network of activists that I refer to as the “Contact Underground” when this event occurred, should give courage to fellow contact workers. Not only are we not alone in the universe, but sometimes we might even be protected!

Name Deleted: What’s the thinking behind why some people are “protected” through some form of intervention and others are left to experience tragedy?

J. Burkes MD: I regret that I don't have an easy answer to your question about why non-human intelligences might choose to intervene or not depending on the circumstances. The blog was written primarily for contact activists or contact experiencers in general. One individual that Preston Dennett and I wrote about in Chapter Six on UAP healings in "Beyond UFOs" is a very prominent UFO researcher and author who requested that we not reveal her name. She was reportedly healed from a disabling condition called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). She asked to be healed by the Grey aliens who were allegedly abducting her for decades. They reportedly did so one night when she was "taken" aboard an "ET craft." Following her remarkable sudden clearing of all symptoms from CFS, she subsequently asked them why they had afforded her the remarkable cure. The answer reportedly was "We heal our own!" One might conclude from this answer that because she had become a willing participant in the "alien" outreach effort, their successful treatment was transactional. She was helping them, so they helped her. This kind of relationship is rarely reported in the UFO subculture.

For More Reports from the Contact Underground the following links are provided:
This report was first published in 1993 on my return from a CE5 investigation in the “Volcanic Zone” near the Mexico City. There our team witnessed multiple UFOs including a large triangular “craft” that signaled at us.

Crop Circles are thought of as communications from UAP associated intelligences. Might “cloud formations” be next?

What if flying saucer intelligences had access to every witness’ full treasure chest of memories?
submitted by Contactunderground to CE5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:23 Contactunderground A Telepathic Override that Probably Saved My Life: Contact Network History Project

A Telepathic Override that Probably Saved My Life: Contact Network History Project
A Telepathic Override that Probably Saved My Life:
Joseph Burkes MD 2019
Telepathy: transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction.
During the early 1990s on two occasions while doing fieldwork with my CE-5 contact team in Southern California, I experienced the acquisition of information by no known sensory channel. I suddenly “knew” one might say “at the level of knowledge” important details about sightings that subsequently occurred “as predicted.”
Our contact network had been advised by the CSETI Director that such forms of communication could possibly take place during our investigations. Nonetheless, it was very surprising when this actually happened to me. It was experienced not as a kind of “bolt out of the blue” but rather as a gentle confident sort of “knowingness” about what was to later take place on the night of our investigation.
In advance of the actual sighting, I knew when, where in the sky and the number of craft that would appear. Being open to this sort of “guidance” can be very helpful. I know this is true because one night in June 2007 such telepathic guidance compelled my driver to pull off a dangerous road.
The mountain road we were on look like the one pictured above
In 2007, I was commuting 1400 miles round trip every two weeks between LA and the college town Arcata, where my wife was living. It is located near the Oregon border. I did two weeks “on” in the ER and then ten days “off” with her. The remainder of the time I was either driving or flying across the state. What a schlep it was! (To use a Jewish expression.) Janie Krieger (a pseudonym) was a volunteer contact worker that lived in San Jose. This was about halfway to LA, so I often stopped by to see her and other contact activists in the Bay Area. On one particular trip, Janie and I decided to drive up a road to see if we might find an appropriate location where we might be able to do fieldwork
In the mountains to the east of San Jose, there is a county park that is accessible on a very treacherous road. It is a narrow two-lane highway that is bordered on one side by a deep ravine and on the other side by a steep rock face. This county road goes up the mountain with many switchbacks and has practically no shoulder or pullouts to move safely off the road in case of emergency. It was near dusk, and her tiny VW Bug slowly went up the winding path. There was no traffic in either direction. As we climbed higher into the foothills, every fifty to a hundred yards, we encountered a sharp curve to the right. The hairpin turns afforded no visibility as to what was beyond the curve in the road.
It was getting dark. We drove at perhaps twenty-five miles per hour on the straight portions of the road and far slower on the curves. I started feeling very uneasy. I experienced a premonition of danger, but I couldn’t figure out why I felt that way. Usually, my spirits are high when doing contact work. Janie was an excellent driver, so I should not have been alarmed.
Suddenly she blurted out, “I just got the message that we have to pull off the road.” I agreed with her without asking why because I too was feeling a sense of danger but had received no clear message as she did. But what were we supposed to do? On one side of the road was a hundred-foot drop into the ravine. On the other side was the wall of the mountain with no pullouts or highway shoulder in sight. We didn’t want to turn around and abandon our search. So, she slowed the vehicle, and we kept going. Fortunately, on one of the straight portions of the road we found a narrow shoulder. If we parked with one side of the Bug almost touching the rock face, we were mostly off the road. I got out of the car from the driver’s side because she had parked flush against the hillside. We then pressed ourselves against the wall of rock and waited.
In less than two minutes, we suddenly heard the roar of car engines. Around the curve there suddenly appeared two muscular sedans with thick tires designed for racing. I was shocked. The young male drivers were actually drag racing neck to neck down the narrow mountain road and they were taking up both lanes!
On the side of a straightaway portion of the road, where we had barely been able to park, they whizzed by us at what looked like close to fifty miles per hour. After they flashed past us with inches to spare, both drivers simultaneously jammed on the brakes as they approached a curve down the road. They whipped around that sharp turn with brakes screeching and disappeared.
Janie and I looked at each other in disbelief. If she had not received the warning to get off the road immediately, we probably would have been killed. With the ravine on one side and the rock face on the other, there was no place for us to go. Her tiny VW Bug would have been crushed and likely flung into the ravine like a child’s toy.
The idea that contact activists are actively being protected is something that I had heard prior to this incident. The notion that I, like many contactees, might have had a lifelong relationship with so-called “ETs” is something that I wonder about. On two occasions before age 18, I narrowly escaped death in what could have been fatal motor vehicle accidents. Many people believe that angels are looking after them. Contact experiencers sometimes say the same about aliens. The telepathic override that Janie reportedly experienced is something that I cannot prove to skeptics. The fact that we were on a mission for the loose network of activists that I refer to as the “Contact Underground” when this event occurred, should give courage to fellow contact workers. Not only are we not alone in the universe, but sometimes we might even be protected!

Name Deleted: What’s the thinking behind why some people are “protected” through some form of intervention and others are left to experience tragedy?

J. Burkes MD: I regret that I don't have an easy answer to your question about why non-human intelligences might choose to intervene or not depending on the circumstances. The blog was written primarily for contact activists or contact experiencers in general. One individual that Preston Dennett and I wrote about in Chapter Six on UAP healings in "Beyond UFOs" is a very prominent UFO researcher and author who requested that we not reveal her name. She was reportedly healed from a disabling condition called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). She asked to be healed by the Grey aliens who were allegedly abducting her for decades. They reportedly did so one night when she was "taken" aboard an "ET craft." Following her remarkable sudden clearing of all symptoms from CFS, she subsequently asked them why they had afforded her the remarkable cure. The answer reportedly was "We heal our own!" One might conclude from this answer that because she had become a willing participant in the "alien" outreach effort, their successful treatment was transactional. She was helping them, so they helped her. This kind of relationship is rarely reported in the UFO subculture.

For More Reports from the Contact Underground the following links are provided:
This report was first published in 1993 on my return from a CE5 investigation in the “Volcanic Zone” near the Mexico City. There our team witnessed multiple UFOs including a large triangular “craft” that signaled at us.

Crop Circles are thought of as communications from UAP associated intelligences. Might “cloud formations” be next?

What if flying saucer intelligences had access to every witness’ full treasure chest of memories?
submitted by Contactunderground to AnomalousEvidence [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:16 Contactunderground A Telepathic Override that Probably Saved My Life: Contact Network History Project

A Telepathic Override that Probably Saved My Life: Contact Network History Project
A Telepathic Override that Probably Saved My Life:
Joseph Burkes MD 2019
Telepathy: transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction.
We were on a road like the one above. My driver suddenly said that we had to get off the road.
During the early 1990s on two occasions while doing fieldwork with my CE-5 contact team in Southern California, I experienced the acquisition of information by no known sensory channel. I suddenly “knew” one might say “at the level of knowledge” important details about sightings that subsequently occurred “as predicted.”
Our contact network had been advised by the CSETI Director that such forms of communication could possibly take place during our investigations. Nonetheless, it was very surprising when this actually happened to me. It was experienced not as a kind of “bolt out of the blue” but rather as a gentle confident sort of “knowingness” about what was to later take place on the night of our investigation.
In advance of the actual sighting, I knew when, where in the sky and the number of craft that would appear. Being open to this sort of “guidance” can be very helpful. I know this is true because one night in June 2007 such telepathic guidance compelled my driver to pull off a dangerous road.
In 2007, I was commuting 1400 miles round trip every two weeks between LA and the college town Arcata, where my wife was living. It is located near the Oregon border. I did two weeks “on” in the ER and then ten days “off” with her. The remainder of the time I was either driving or flying across the state. What a schlep it was! (To use a Jewish expression.) Janie Krieger (a pseudonym) was a volunteer contact worker that lived in San Jose. This was about halfway to LA, so I often stopped by to see her and other contact activists in the Bay Area. On one particular trip, Janie and I decided to drive up a road to see if we might find an appropriate location where we might be able to do fieldwork
In the mountains to the east of San Jose, there is a county park that is accessible on a very treacherous road. It is a narrow two-lane highway that is bordered on one side by a deep ravine and on the other side by a steep rock face. This county road goes up the mountain with many switchbacks and has practically no shoulder or pullouts to move safely off the road in case of emergency. It was near dusk, and her tiny VW Bug slowly went up the winding path. There was no traffic in either direction. As we climbed higher into the foothills, every fifty to a hundred yards, we encountered a sharp curve to the right. The hairpin turns afforded no visibility as to what was beyond the curve in the road.
It was getting dark. We drove at perhaps twenty-five miles per hour on the straight portions of the road and far slower on the curves. I started feeling very uneasy. I experienced a premonition of danger, but I couldn’t figure out why I felt that way. Usually, my spirits are high when doing contact work. Janie was an excellent driver, so I should not have been alarmed.
Suddenly she blurted out, “I just got the message that we have to pull off the road.” I agreed with her without asking why because I too was feeling a sense of danger but had received no clear message as she did. But what were we supposed to do? On one side of the road was a hundred-foot drop into the ravine. On the other side was the wall of the mountain with no pullouts or highway shoulder in sight. We didn’t want to turn around and abandon our search. So, she slowed the vehicle, and we kept going. Fortunately, on one of the straight portions of the road we found a narrow shoulder. If we parked with one side of the Bug almost touching the rock face, we were mostly off the road. I got out of the car from the driver’s side because she had parked flush against the hillside. We then pressed ourselves against the wall of rock and waited.
In less than two minutes, we suddenly heard the roar of car engines. Around the curve there suddenly appeared two muscular sedans with thick tires designed for racing. I was shocked. The young male drivers were actually drag racing neck to neck down the narrow mountain road and they were taking up both lanes!
On the side of a straightaway portion of the road, where we had barely been able to park, they whizzed by us at what looked like close to fifty miles per hour. After they flashed past us with inches to spare, both drivers simultaneously jammed on the brakes as they approached a curve down the road. They whipped around that sharp turn with brakes screeching and disappeared.
Janie and I looked at each other in disbelief. If she had not received the warning to get off the road immediately, we probably would have been killed. With the ravine on one side and the rock face on the other, there was no place for us to go. Her tiny VW Bug would have been crushed and likely flung into the ravine like a child’s toy.
The idea that contact activists are actively being protected is something that I had heard prior to this incident. The notion that I, like many contactees, might have had a lifelong relationship with so-called “ETs” is something that I wonder about. On two occasions before age 18, I narrowly escaped death in what could have been fatal motor vehicle accidents. Many people believe that angels are looking after them. Contact experiencers sometimes say the same about aliens. The telepathic override that Janie reportedly experienced is something that I cannot prove to skeptics. The fact that we were on a mission for the loose network of activists that I refer to as the “Contact Underground” when this event occurred, should give courage to fellow contact workers. Not only are we not alone in the universe, but sometimes we might even be protected!

Name Deleted: What’s the thinking behind why some people are “protected” through some form of intervention and others are left to experience tragedy?

J. Burkes MD: I regret that I don't have an easy answer to your question about why non-human intelligences might choose to intervene or not depending on the circumstances. The blog was written primarily for contact activists or contact experiencers in general. One individual that Preston Dennett and I wrote about in Chapter Six on UAP healings in "Beyond UFOs" is a very prominent UFO researcher and author who requested that we not reveal her name. She was reportedly healed from a disabling condition called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). She asked to be healed by the Grey aliens who were allegedly abducting her for decades. They reportedly did so one night when she was "taken" aboard an "ET craft." Following her remarkable sudden clearing of all symptoms from CFS, she subsequently asked them why they had afforded her the remarkable cure. The answer reportedly was "We heal our own!" One might conclude from this answer that because she had become a willing participant in the "alien" outreach effort, their successful treatment was transactional. She was helping them, so they helped her. This kind of relationship is rarely reported in the UFO subculture.
For More Reports from the Contact Underground the following links are provided:
This report was first published in 1993 on my return from a CE5 investigation in the “Volcanic Zone” near the Mexico City. There our team witnessed multiple UFOs including a large triangular “craft” that signaled at us.
Crop Circles are thought of as communications from UAP associated intelligences. Might “cloud formations” be next?
What if flying saucer intelligences had access to every witness’ full treasure chest of memories?
submitted by Contactunderground to aliens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:37 Arbrand The Peach Factory

Living in a small southern town, you get used to the way things are. I grew up as a military brat, so my childhood memories are a blur of packing, unpacking, and getting settled. It had been seven years since we arrived, and nothing but the grace of God would make me move again. A few years ago, my father got orders to station at a base in the middle of the Mohave. I was only seventeen then, but after a few dozen screaming matches, I decided to strike out on my own a little early. I got a part-time job at the cafe, which was enough to rent a little run-down shack a couple of blocks from downtown. As far as I was concerned, I was living the dream—serving coffee a few hours a week and spending the rest of my time hanging out with friends, listening to music, and drinking.
That particular morning started the same as any other. I woke up around noon with a text from Mark to meet me at the cafe. Took me about two hours to get up and head over. The sun had just begun its descent as I pushed the door to the cafe open, the bell above tinkling softly. The sound bothered me a little bit, but I couldn’t tell why. It seemed to ring a little louder than I was expecting, and gave me this strange drilling sensation inside my head.
I ignored the feeling as the smell of slightly stale coffee and pastries washed over me. I saw Mark and Jamie already sat at our usual spot. Mark looked up as I approached, a grin spreading across his face. "Hey, Alex. Sarah should be here soon."
“So what's on the docket today?” I asked as I sat down, stealing a bear claw off Jamie's plate and taking a large bite before he had the chance to protest.
Mark’s excitement was almost palpable. He was always the one with the big ideas and crazy schemes, which I honestly appreciated. They got us into trouble more often than not, but it beat day drinking in the Walmart parking lot like everyone else our age.
"Alright, check this out," Mark said, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "I was talking to my cousin who works for the county. He told me about this old, abandoned food processing factory just outside of town. They used to can peaches there."
I gave him a skeptical look. "That’s your idea? Old, canned peaches?"
"No, idiot," he scoffed. "They left behind a ton of nitrates and phosphates. I’ve been doing some reading, and we can use them to make fireworks. I was up all night figuring it out and putting these together." He subtly opened his backpack to reveal at least a dozen PVC pipes fitted on both ends.
"Now that's what I’m talking about," I said, grinning.
Sarah walked in, catching the tail end of our conversation. "Sorry I’m late, I had a breakout and had to stop by the pharmacy. Upped my allergy meds. I fucking hate pollen," she said as I scooted over to make room for her on the bench.
"Is there anything you aren't allergic to?" I laughed.
She rolled her eyes, ignoring my question. "So, what's the plan for today?"
Mark, Jamie and I exchanged cheeky glances. "Well," I started, "let’s just hope you’re not allergic to peaches."
We finally managed to pry the side door of the factory off, which broke free from the hinges and smashed against the floor. Stepping inside, the air was thick and rancid as we bounced the beams of our flashlights around the packaging floor.
"We should split up," Mark suggested. "Alex, you and Sarah check out the storage rooms for the chemicals. Jamie and I will find the control room and see if we can get the power back on."
All of us nodded as we went our separate ways. Sarah and I wandered down the dark hallways, kicking open doors and looking for anything that looked vaguely like chemicals. The corridors were dark and damp, with black mold snaking along the walls like veins.
The first few rooms we checked were empty, filled only with dust and the remnants of long-abandoned equipment. Each door creaked as we pushed it open, revealing more decay and desolation.
As we moved further down the hallway, the mold seemed to become more aggressive, spreading in thick, dark patches along the walls and floors. The air grew heavier, making it harder to breathe. We kicked open another door, our flashlights revealing more of the same—nothing useful.
"This place is a bust," Sarah muttered,
"Let's keep looking," I replied, though I was starting to feel the same way. "There has to be something."
We continued down the corridor, our footsteps echoing in the silence. As we approached the end of the hall, something caught my eye. One door stood out, covered in black, creeping mold that seemed to pulse and writhe. Tendrils of fungus snaked out from the edges, reaching out into the hallway.
"Sarah, look at this," I said.
She turned to see what I was pointing at and her eyes widened. "That’s... different."
We approached the door cautiously as the tendrils moved and swayed.
With a deep breath, we each grabbed one side of the door and pulled. It resisted for a moment before giving way, the mold snapping and tearing as we forced it open. The smell that hit us was overpowering, a mix of rot and decay that made my eyes water.
Inside, our flashlights revealed a horrifying sight. At the back of the room sat several pallets with dozens of boxes of peaches each. But it was what grew from these boxes that will haunt my nightmares till my dying day.
The entire back wall was consumed by a towering fungal mass. Thick, fleshy stalks jutted out from the base, climbing nearly to the ceiling. The surface of the fungus glistened with a slimy, wet sheen, appearing almost like rotting flesh under our flashlight beams. Each stalk was covered in a mottled, sickly green and yellow hue, with patches of black mold that seemed to pulse in the dim light.
Interwoven within this horrific sight were bulbous growths, each one throbbing rhythmically, as if with a heartbeat of its own. They resembled obscene, overgrown tumors, ready to burst at the slightest touch. Long, sinewy tendrils extended from the main mass, creeping over the boxes and along the floor like the fingers of some malevolent creature, seeking out any life to ensnare.
The tendrils near the door twitched, slowly inching their way toward us as if aware of our presence. The air was thick with spores, glimmering in the light like tiny stars, each one a potential harbinger of decay and death.
"Oh my god," Sarah whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of our own breathing. "What is that thing?"
We stood there, frozen in shock and disgust, before I slammed the door shut.
"Let's get the hell out of here," I said.
We hurried back down the corridor, our footsteps echoing in the oppressive silence. The lights in the facility flickered on, casting a blinding white light. I heard a bubbling, groaning noise emanate from behind the fungal door, sending a wave of nausea through my body.
We met back up with Mark and Jamie in the main area and quickly told them what we saw.
"Yo, that sounds sick," Jamie exclaimed. "We should blow it up. I found the chemicals in the control room and these bad boys are ready to go," he said, holding up a pipe bomb.
"Yeah," Mark agreed, his eyes alight with excitement. "We'd be doing the world a favor, getting rid of that thing."
Sarah shook her head, her face pale. "No way. I'm not doing this. That thing... It's not normal. We need to get out of here and call someone who knows what they're doing."
Jamie frowned. "Come on, Sarah. Don't be a buzzkill. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to do something epic."
"Epic?" Sarah snapped. "That thing is dangerous. We don't know what we're dealing with. I'm not risking my life for some stupid joke."
Mark stepped in with a grin. "Alright, let's all calm down. If you’re scared you can just let the men handle it.”
Sarah crossed her arms. "Fine, but I'm staying here."
"Suit yourself," Jamie said, shrugging. "But we're not leaving without taking care of that thing."
"Alright, let's do this," Mark said, looking at Jamie and me. "We'll be quick. Sarah, stay here and keep an eye out.”
The hallway looked completely different in the fluorescent lighting. I could see now that each vein of fungus emanated from that single door, like a spiral portal threatening to suck us in.
"Let's make this quick," I whispered, glancing back at Jamie and Mark. "We light the bomb, throw it in, and get the hell out of here."
Jamie nodded, holding the pipe bomb tightly in his hand. "Ready when you are."
We reached the door, and the tendrils of fungus seemed even more aggressive, writhing and pulsing as if aware of our presence. The air was thick with spores.
"On three," I whispered, gripping the edge of the door. "One... two... three."
We yanked the door open, the mold snapping and tearing as it gave way. The smell of rot and decay hit us again, making my eyes water. The monstrous fungal mass loomed before us, its bulbous growths throbbing rhythmically.
Jamie lit the fuse and threw the bomb as hard as he could inside. It struck one of the orbs, which burst, shooting a fine white mist into the air.
"Run!" I shouted, slamming the door shut. We turned and sprinted down the hallway. The explosion sounded behind us, the shockwave lifting me off my feet and sending me tumbling to the ground.
Living in a small southern town, you get used to the way things are. My parents were in the army, so we moved a lot, but now I'm staying put. I woke up around noon and got a text from Mark to meet at the cafe. The smell of slightly stale coffee and pastries greeted me as I arrived. The bell's ring seemed off, giving me a small headache.
I ignored it and slid into the seat across from Mark and Jamie. “So what's on the docket today?” I asked, stealing a doughnut off Jamie's plate.
“Going to go to an old peach factory and get some chemicals. I need to make some fireworks,” Mark replied, subtly revealing some pipe bombs in his bag.
Sarah walked in towards the tail end of our conversation and silently stood next to our table.
The three of us glanced at each other, unsure of how to proceed. “Sarah,” I finally started. “Are you ok?”
“Y-yeah,” she replied. “Are YOU guys feeling ok?”
We exchanged uneasy glances. “Yeah, we’re fine,” I said. After a moment, she shook her head and sat down as we continued our plans.
That evening, we broke into the peach factory. We found this disgusting, gigantic fungal growth coming out of some boxes of peaches and we blew it up with some pipe bombs.
The next day I woke up around noon and got a text from Mark to meet at the cafe. The smell of slightly stale coffee and pastries greeted me as I arrived. The bell's ring seemed off, giving me a small migraine.
I ignored it and slid into the seat across from Mark and Jamie. “So what's on the docket today?” I asked, stealing a maroon off Jamie's plate.
“Going to go to an old peach factory and get some chemicals. I need to make some fireworks,” Mark replied, subtly revealing some pipe bombs in his bag.
Sarah walked in towards the tail end of our conversation and silently stood next to our table.
The three of us glanced at each other, unsure of how to proceed. “Sarah,” I finally started. “Are you ok?”
“Y-yeah,” she replied. “Not really. Are YOU guys feeling Ok?”
We exchanged uneasy glances. “Yeah, we’re fine,” I said. After a moment, she shook her head and sat down as we continued our plans.
That evening, we broke into the peach factory. We found this disgusting, gigantic fungal growth coming out of some boxes of peaches and we blew it up with some pipe bombs.
The next day I woke up around noon and got a text from Mark to meet at the cafe. The smell of slightly stale coffee and pastries greeted me as I arrived. The bell's ring seemed off, giving me a piercing migraine.
I ignored it and slid into the seat across from Mark and Jamie. “So what's on the docket today?” I asked, stealing a bagel off Jamie's plate.
“Going to go to an old peach factory and get some chemicals. I need to make some fireworks,” Mark replied, subtly revealing some pipe bombs in his bag.
Sarah walked in towards the tail end of our conversation and silently stood next to our table.
The three of us glanced at each other, unsure of how to proceed. “Sarah,” I finally started. “Are you ok?”
“What's going on?” she asked, tears welling up in her eyes. “I’m scared.”
We exchanged uneasy glances. “It’s fine, Sarah. Just take a seat,” I said. After a moment, she shook her head and sat down as we continued our plans.
That evening, we broke into the peach factory. We found this disgusting, gigantic fungal growth coming out of some boxes of peaches and we blew it up with some pipe bombs.
The next day I woke up around noon and got a text from Mark to meet at the cafe. The smell of slightly stale coffee and pastries greeted me as I arrived. The bell's ring seemed off, giving me a splitting migraine.
As I slid into the seat across from Mark and Jamie, I noticed Sarah outside, fixated on a bird suspended in mid-flight. I went out to see her.
"Are you seeing this?" she asked, her voice tinged with astonishment.
"Yeah," I replied nonchalantly. "That happens all the time. Are you sure you're feeling okay?"
"What the hell do you mean, 'Am I feeling okay?'!" she screamed. "That bird is frozen mid-air, and you don't think anything weird is going on?"
Her yelling took me aback. I didn't understand her alarm, so I shrugged it off and joined Mark inside. As we began planning our nightly excursion to the peach factory, Sarah burst through the door, screaming, then vanished in a puff of smoke.
"That's odd," I mused, my brow furrowed in confusion before we shrugged it off and resumed our scheming.
The day after, I met Mark again at the cafe. This rhythm had become our existence: meetings by day, adventures by night at the old peach plant. That evening followed the familiar pattern; we reveled in the thrill of hurling pipe bombs into that small enclosed room.
This routine had completely engulfed our lives. Day after day at the cafe, night after night at the factory—it seemed as though this cycle was all we had ever known. Reflecting on it, I couldn't remember any other way of life.
However, one thing increasingly disturbed me—the ringing of the doorbell at the cafe's entrance. Each time I entered, the sound seemed sharper, more grating. Focusing on it brought a searing pain to my head, like a needle drilling through my skull. Yet, despite the agony, I found myself obsessing over it, the sound gnawing at the edges of my sanity.
One day, driven to the brink by this incessant ringing, I decided to confront it head-on. I stood by the door, letting the bell chime repeatedly. Each ring sliced through my mind, but I persisted, sweat beading on my forehead, teeth clenched in torment.
As the pain crescendoed, reality shattered. I woke to the blaring of a fire alarm, not the quaint doorbell I had imagined. The cafe was engulfed in chaos. The hallway was consumed by a sprawling fungal mass, its tendrils creeping along the walls.
In the dim, flickering light, I saw Jamie, or what was left of him. Half of his skull was missing, the fungus attached grotesquely to his exposed brain, pulsating with each eerie beat of his fading heart. Mark was there too, seemingly unharmed physically, but trapped in a delusion, his eyes glazed over, a smile playing on his lips as the fungus encased him.
Sarah lay collapsed by the fire alarm, her hand still on the lever. She had managed to pull it before succumbing to the spores that now clung to her body.
The tendrils that had enveloped me snapped violently, each break releasing a sickening crack that echoed through the eerie silence of the hallway. An outline of my body remained imprinted in the fungal mass, a mold from which I had desperately broken free.
Gritting my teeth against the pain and horror, I scrambled to Mark and Sarah. Mark was less entangled, lost in his fungal-induced stupor. I grabbed him under the arms, his body limp but alive, and dragged him across the floor. The fungus resisted, stretching like sinew before tearing away from him with wet, ripping sounds.
Sarah was heavier, her body weakened but still fighting. I clasped her wrists, pulling with all my strength. The fungus clung to her, tendrils winding up her arms like ivy. With a final, determined yank, the last of the tendrils snapped, freeing her. We left behind fragments of the monstrous growth clinging to her clothes.
Together, we staggered out into the night air, away from the suffocating enclosure. The cool air hit our faces, harsh yet cleansing. Behind us, the fire alarm continued to blare into the night. I fumbled with my phone, hands shaking, to dial the emergency number. The call went through, and within minutes, the sound of sirens cut through the stillness of the night, growing louder as help approached.
The next few days were a blur. I remember fading in and out of consciousness as nurses pumped antifungals directly into my IV, their faces blurring into the sterile environment. Once we were somewhat cognizant, the police wanted answers. One by one, we were interviewed, but we gave them nothing. I still don’t know what the exact penalty is for manufacturing explosives and using them to destroy a building, but I’m guessing it’s not community service. Jamie was still missing, and they hadn’t found any sign of him or his body. I tried to hide my tears as I knew he was already long gone.
After a few weeks, I was finally cleared for visitors and got to see Sarah again. She told me that after the explosion, she ran but couldn’t leave us behind. She came back, only to see us being consumed by the fungus. Try as she might, she wasn’t able to free us as she felt the oppressive spores take her under. She fought back and managed to pull the fire alarm before succumbing again. The doctors told her that her allergy medication gave her some resistance to the fungus; otherwise, she might have been a goner.
Mark was never the same. We never talked about what happened, and after trying once and him flipping out, I figured it was best to let sleeping dogs lie. That summer, he moved to upstate New York to work in his dad’s business. I haven’t seen him since. That fall, Sarah started college at Savannah State. I still call her every now and again, but it’s not like it used to be.
Despite all that happened, I’m not moving again. I’m happy here, and if it’s up to me, I’ll die in this little town. I still work at the cafe, as a manager now. On weekends, I come in and just sit at the booth we all used to share.
I still think about Jamie from time to time. I wonder if he's dead or still stuck in his delusion, picturing the four of us sitting at our table, talking, laughing, and passing the time. Sometimes, when the cafe is empty and the light is just right, I can almost see him there, his smile frozen in that moment before everything went wrong.
The cafe grows quieter each day, the hum of life fading into an eerie stillness. My skin feels different, as if the air itself whispers secrets I can't quite grasp. The itching that started as a minor annoyance has intensified, becoming a constant torment. I scratch at lesions that have begun to form on my arms and chest, red and raw, with patches of green spreading beneath the surface. I’ve started to wear long sleeves to cover my arms and a mask to hide my purpling lips.
Some nights, when closing, as I sit alone in the dim light of the cafe, the itching becomes unbearable. I claw at the lesions, feeling a dampness beneath my skin. Sometimes, when I cough, I could swear I see tiny spores hanging in the air, reminiscent of the bursting nodules growing on the stalks of the monster.
Occasionally, I hear the bell ring and the door open, but no one is there. I look outside into the empty night and see nothing. This went on for weeks, becoming more frequent. But one night, the door opened, and I saw Jamie standing there, the picture of health. I went to embrace him and noticed my lesions were gone too. It was almost as if we had never gone to the peach factory. It was suddenly morning, and the light shone through the cafe. For the first time in forever, we were happy. We talked about nothing, passing the time.
After what felt like hours, he told me it was time to go. But his mouth wasn’t moving—I felt like I could read his thoughts, and he could read mine. We stood up as I took one last look at the cafe and headed off with him, back to the peach factory.
As we walked, a strange calmness settled over me. I remember feeling that I wanted to ask if he had talked to Mark or Sarah, and wondered how they were doing. But deep down, somehow, I could feel their presence and I knew they were doing just fine. The sun was bright, the air crisp. The itching had vanished completely, replaced by an inexplicable craving for the sweetness of ripe peaches. Jamie and I shared a silent understanding, a bond deeper than any words could convey.
The factory loomed ahead, its doors wide open as if inviting us in. The familiar scent of peaches and something else—something earthy and ancient—filled the air. We stepped inside, side by side, feeling at home for the first time in ages.
The last thing I remember before the darkness took over was the feeling of the soft, warm peach flesh in my hand, and Jamie’s voice in my head saying, "Welcome home."
submitted by Arbrand to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:14 Illustrious-Flow9397 Both sides of GDKP

Notice: Throwaway account
Message for GDKP simps: Since GDKP is the best system for keeping geared players in raids, for making players stick to the end, and for ensuring players watch mechanics since they can have their cut taken from them, most people would gravitate towards it. Now, I don't have numbers, but let's say half of the players spend 8 hours farming a day, or sit at the AH and just earn gold. It is perfectly reasonable for those players who don't enjoy raiding to still have the best gear in the game, and therefore go and buy it. The problem arises when players who play few hours and are not good at raiding want to join raids. Most people gravitate towards GDKP, and they feel they don't have the skill and gear to join, and they don't have legitimate gold to buy it. Then the most logical solution for them is to buy gold with real money. So the pressure is there, and GDKPs do put pressure on those kinds of players, driving them to engage in RMT, and I totally understand the Blizzard line of thinking (even though I think they just don't address the problem from the root cause but just give a pill to fix short-term solutions). But unless Blizzard can fix it (and I will explain later how they can), for now banning GDKPs is the best solution possible. The same goes for leveling; giving people dungeon spams and incursions forces everyone to level most efficiently, so if they just removed EXP, the world would feel more alive. And you can say you can still quest, but it is different when everyone on the server is on quests or you are alone in the big world and everyone is in X part of the world doing the same thing, while you try to kill an Elite for a quest just by yourself. People from OG Classic will remember how easy it was to come to the Elite and find 2-3 people already waiting there for more randoms to come and join to kill the Elite to finish a quest. So letting GDKP go through is killing normal guilds, and you can not deny that.
Message for GDKP haters: Reddit is full of players obsessed with their egos, and I reached out anonymously (same as with this account) and started asking them why they hate GDKP. When you start putting "if"s, you come to the conclusion that it is just an ego issue and it has nothing to do with prices in the game or with RMT. Eight out of ten conversations came to this conclusion, and paraphrasing here: "If Blizzard had the option to stop RMT, they would still be against it since noobs should not be allowed to get the best gear in the game." And "It would be fine to have GDKPs, but back in the game where the best loot would be for the guild and sell trash from the raid to noobs who want to pay gold." Again, I reached out to ten people who were against GDKPs, and only one of them didn't mention this reason. Only one mentioned inflation because of GDKP, and when you just showcase that gold is already in the game, so no RMT, there is no new gold generated by GDKPs; they just hit you with: "You don't understand." In reality, inflation is happening because of botting, and that botting generates new gold that is sold to people willing to buy. So if RMT is stopped, GDKP cannot possibly cause inflation; therefore, botting is the only problem for inflation. Without inflation, there is only supply and demand as any economy would function. The more an item is needed, the more it will cost, the more people farm it will start to cost less, and if someone has a monopoly, it would skyrocket. Economy 101.
Fix of the issue: Blizzard should implement an in-game option for loot GDKP, the same as Master loot. When that option is selected, create a UI for GDKP functionalities, bidding, splitting, etc. But in that functionality, Blizzard should conduct a full-on scan of that account and any gold incoming through the account that doesn't make sense. For example, just gained X gold from someone who never communicated with that person, sold Y item that is usually 2s for huge amounts of gold, and so on. Instantly flag that account for a person to go in and check it manually for less room for error, and if even suspicion by a real person, ban them for 7 days and put them into "semi-blacklist" accounts that are monitored as "possible RMT". If the offense is repeated and there is proof that they bought gold, permanent ban them. That way, everyone participating in those kinds of GDKPs would know their account will be checked, and you will make WoW less of an RMT/pay-to-win game that GDKP haters say it is.
Note for those people saying there will be loopholes, so review should be account-wide on all of your subscriptions so there is no room for "I will have a subscription to buy gold and pay for items on X sub, and play on Y sub". And again, I know there might be a workaround, but this will cut the RMT for GDKPs enormously. And again, the same for crime; you can never achieve 0% crime, but every decision should aim to enforce less crime in the real world. And from my view, botting is still happening, RMT is still happening, and GDKPs are happening. Just because some aren't aware of it, doesn't mean if they banned it no one is doing it; it's just less in the open. And punishing the population that likes GDKP since that can create an incentive to have alts, especially in SOD where you should try every class to see all runes and all possibilities, is killing the alt population.
Again, without Blizzard implementing something like this, I am still pro-"GDKP ban," but I think it is the wrong solution if they just ban it and leave it like that. They should have banned it and worked on something. This is just my idea; I believe people can come up with even better ideas. I'm just showing that this Reddit community is attacking each other without realizing both sides are partially right.
GDKP simps: "This is the best loot system, and I don't need to build my schedule around a guild and X other people. I can just log in and join GDKP and know everyone will perform since they will be punished if not performing."
GDKP haters: "It drives more RMT, it kills the guilds."
Both are correct, so we should try to fix the RMT issue and let people play how they wish to play their game.
Feel free to agree and disagree and write your own views. This is more for people to sit down and think about how the "other side" feels and thinks. And if by any chance, a Blizzard employee is reading this, a message to Blizzard:
"Hi there, Reddit should be just for you to bounce off ideas, not to listen to us. Someone will always complain. Create a vision for SOD and stick to it. Say, 'This is how we planned it. If you don't like it, you have Hardcore, Era, Cata, Retail.' We are building this as X vision and stick to your ideals. When you are game-oriented and not just focused on money to please customers and get more revenue, you understand that not everyone will love the game, but it's better to have 50% of the player base enjoying it and being subbed for 2 years because of SOD, than to change something for people who complained and will unsub after 2 months and never come back. And if you want to know if the community likes or hates something, for the love of God, don't ask on Twitter or Reddit. Put it in the game as a notice that is clickable so people who actually play the game can vote on it. Not what group has the most ragers on Reddit and Twitter. Have a poll in-game for people who are playing the game and never go on Twitter or Reddit."
Sorry for long post
submitted by Illustrious-Flow9397 to classicwow [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:02 micheal_pippen 15 Californians Charged in Complex Auto Insurance Fraud Ring

This scam from face value looks decent but a little complex for the amount of money allegedly this team took down. First, they were going out physically towing cars to a shop that one of the dude's owned (opsec killed right there) and then they were doing it from the same place. A real scammer would know what......check out the article yourself.
More than a dozen Southern California residents are reported to have conspired to create fraudulent insurance claims to illegally collect more than $350,000.
They were arrested last week after an investigation reportedly discovered a large-scale organized auto insurance fraud ring engaged in multiple schemes, including holding vehicles hostage and collusive collisions.
Three additional people were charged for their alleged involvement in the organized ring. The charges involve 19 fraudulent claims resulting in a loss of $353,035.
The Inland Empire Automobile Insurance Task Force began an investigation in 2022 after reportedly discovering a California Highway Patrol non-sworn employee, Rosa Isela Santistevan, 55, of Irvine, was unlawfully selling traffic collision report face pages with personal information of people who had been involved in collisions throughout the region.
Searches reportedly led to the seizure of more than 3,500 CHP traffic collision report face pages from the residence of Esmeralda Parga, 26, of Pomona, who the task force determined was connected to Santistevan through the organized ring’s ringleader, Andre Angelo Reyes, 36, of Corona.
The alleged conspiracy began after Reyes befriended Santistevan and other CHP employees by donating to various CHP events and parties. Santistevan printed and unlawfully sold thousands of traffic collision face pages to Reyes, who reportedly would then provide the reports to Parga. Parga would then pretend to be from the insurance company of involved parties and coordinate having the vehicle towed to a repair center, according to investigators.
Tow trucks were then sent to pick up the vehicles and take them to CA Collision, owned by Anthony Gomez, 35, of Jurupa Valley. Once at there, the repair shop held the vehicle hostage and demand cash payment from the insurers to have the vehicles released.
This investigation resulted in 15 suspects being charged with insurance fraud, grand theft by trick, and false impersonation.
The investigating task force included the California Department of Insurance, California Highway Patrol, San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office, and the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office. The San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office is prosecuting the case.
Defendants include:

Man sorry to say but these motherfuckers were stupid. Too many people on one operation for the small amount of money. Someone was going to snitch (which probably how the LE caught wind of the play in the first place) and just too close to home. All of them are positioning themselves for the best plea deal RIGHT NOW as I type this shit. Lets see how this pans out though,

submitted by micheal_pippen to Learn_How_To_Scam_Now [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:48 VashxShanks [JRPGs on Sale - Weekly Breakdown & Recommendations] For 15 May - 2024 - Playstation/Switch/Xbox/Steam (+Steam Deck)

Important Notes:

[~ PSN ~]

(On Mobile please Swipe left to see the prices and tags)

Game Price/Link Tags
Persona 4 Golden $11.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Modern Japan setting/Highschool life simulatoMystery/Monster collectoSocial link system/Great soundtrack
The Persona Collection (P3P/Persona 4/Persona 5) $49.49 $89.99 Turn-based/Modern Japan setting/Highschool life simulatoMystery/Monster collectoSocial link system/Great soundtrack
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth PS4 & PS5 $48.99 $69.99 Turn-based/Contemporary Hawaii setting/Yakuza life/Open World/Heavy on Drama and Comedy/Heavy on Mini-games/Class Changing Mechanics
Star Ocean The Second Story R $39.99 $49.99 Action/Sci-fi mixed with Fantasy setting/Choose 1 of 2 main characters/Expansive crafting system/Affection mechanic for Party members/Choices matteRemake of the original PS1 title
Tales of Arise PS4 & PS5 $14.79 $59.99 Action/Fantasy setting/Anime style/Revolution Story/anime trope heavy/Social links mechanic between party members
Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition $9.99 $49.99 Tactical Turn-based/World War Militar setting/Tactical mixed with real-time elements/Sketch or "Canvas" art style/Build your Army with character customization/Mission based story progression/Army management
DORAEMON STORY OF SEASONS $14.99 $49.99 Farming Simulator/Mini-games/Social Links system
Rainbow Moon $2.99 $14.99 Tactical Turn-based/Character customization/Fantasy setting/Dungeon Crawler
Terra Memoria $14.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Base Building/Resource gathering & Crafting
Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters $19.99 $49.99 [PS4 version] Turn-based/Female Protagonist/Comedy/fan-service/Parody
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling $14.99 $24.99 Turn-based/Paper Mario-like/Comedy/Adventure
Monster Sanctuary $4.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Monster CollectoMetroidvania/Pixel Graphics
Relayer $11.99 $59.99 Tactical turn-based/Sci-fi setting/Space travel/Piloted Mecha/Female Protagonist/Anime art style
Death end reQuest $7.99 $39.99 Turn-based/Female protagonist/Cyber World setting/Psychological HorroNudity
Death end re;Quest 2 $11.99 $49.99 Turn-based/Cyber world setting/Female Protagonist/Dark Fantasy/Gore/Fan-service
Shining Resonance Refrain $5.99 $29.99 Action/Fantasy setting/Dragon transformation/Musical theme/Anime visual style/Social link mechanic
Mary Skelter Finale $14.99 $49.99 Turn-based/First-Person View Dungeon CrawleDeep & Full party customization/Female Protagonist/Multiple Endings/HorroFan-service
Born of Bread $14.99 $29.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Paper Mario-like/Comedy/Timed hits combat
DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT $14.99 $59.99 Action Fantasy/Semi-Open World (zones)/Anime story adaptation/Beautiful animations
South Park™: The Fractured but Whole™ $8.99 $29.99 Tactical Turn-based/Modern Day setting/Comedy/Mature/Dark HumoNudity/Fart Jokes

[~ Switch ~]

Game Price/Link Tags
Star Ocean The Second Story R $39.99 $49.99 Action/Sci-fi mixed with Fantasy setting/Choose 1 of 2 main characters/Expansive crafting system/Affection mechanic for Party members/Choices matteRemake of the original PS1 title
Ikenfell $5.99 $19.99 Tactical Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Female Protagonist/LGBTQ+/Retro
Dodgeball Academia $9.99 $24.99 Action/School Life Sim/Sports (Dodgeball)/2D Hand-drawn Cartoon Art style
Born of Bread $14.99 $29.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Paper Mario-like/Comedy/Timed hits combat
Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe $6.99 $19.99 Action/Fantasy setting/Cooking battles/Female Protagonist/Side ScrolleBeat'em up/Hand-drawn
Fuga: Melodies of Steel $23.99 $39.99 Tactical Turn-based/Steampunk setting/Anthropomorphic characters/Social Links System/Base upgrading
Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2 $23.99 $39.99 Tactical Turn-based/Steampunk setting/Anthropomorphic characters/Social Links System/Base upgrading
Front Mission 1st: Remake $17.49 $34.99 Tactical turn-based/Sci-fi setting/War & Politics/Mecha/Customization
FRONT MISSION 2: Remake $27.99 $34.99 Tactical turn-based/Sci-fi setting/War & Politics/Mecha/Customization
Dusk Diver $8.74 $34.99 Action/Modern Taipei Ximending setting/Female Protagonist/Beat'em up/Anime visual style
Terra Memoria $14.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Base Building/Resource gathering & Crafting
Infinite Guitars $11.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Sci-fi setting/Rock Music/Hand-drawn/Robots/Rhythm/Timed button presses
Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs - Royal Edition OST Combo $7.49 $24.99 Tactical turn-based/Medieval Fantasy setting/Social link system/Politics/Comedy
Potato Flowers in Full Bloom $13.31 $17.99 Turn-based/Medieval Fantasy setting/First-person Dungeon CrawleCustom Party creation/Class Mechanics
Rainbow Moon + Rainbow Skies Strategy RPG Bundle $23.99 $29.99 Tactical Turn-based/Character customization/Fantasy setting/Dungeon Crawler

[~ Xbox ~]

Game Price/Link Tags
Blue Dragon $6.59 $19.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Class changing mechanics/great soundtrack
Lost Odyssey $8.24 $24.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting
Costume Quest 1 $4.49 $14.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Female Protagonist/Choices Matter
Terra Memoria $14.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Base Building/Resource gathering & Crafting
Dodgeball Academia $9.99 $24.99 Action/School Life Sim/Sports (Dodgeball)/2D Hand-drawn Cartoon Art style
Ikenfell $5.99 $19.99 Tactical Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Female Protagonist/LGBTQ+/Retro
Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition $5.99 $14.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Female Protagonist/Pixel Graphics
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling $12.49 $24.99 Turn-based/Paper Mario-like/Comedy/Adventure

~ Steam ~

If you want to check the games yourself:

~ Link to the JRPGs on Sale list ~

Steam Deck Icons (As explained by Steam itself):

🟦 Verified: Means that the game is fully compatible and works with built-in controls and display.
🟧 Playable: Means the game is Functional, but requires extra effort to interact with and configure .
"--" Unknown: Basically unconfirmed or still under-review.
Game Price/Link Tags Steam Deck
Chrono Ark $18.74 $24.99 Turn-based/Modern day setting/Roguelike DeckbuildeFemale Protagonist/Anime visuals/Card Battler 🟦 Playable
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night $9.99 $39.99 Action/Medieval Gothic Fantasy setting/Female Protagonist/PlatformeSide ScrolleMetroidvania 🟦 Verified
In Stars And Time $15.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Monochrome art style/LGBTQ+/Comedy/Time Travel/Hand-drawn Cartoon style 🟦 Verified
Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom PRINCE'S EDITION $11.99 $79.98 Action/Fantasy setting/Isekai/Base BuildeArmy Battle/Character CollectoBeautiful art style 🟦 Verified
Born of Bread $12.49 $24.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Paper Mario-like/Comedy/Timed hits combat 🟧Playable
Terra Memoria $14.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Base Building/Resource gathering & Crafting 🟧Playable
Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2 $23.99 $39.99 Tactical Turn-based/Steampunk setting/Anthropomorphic characters/Social Links System/Base upgrading 🟦 Verified
Fae Tactics $5.99 $19.99 Tactical Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Female Protagonist/Beautiful Pixel Graphics/Unique Battle system/Monster Collector 🟦 Verified
Dodgeball Academia $9.99 $24.99 Action/School Life Sim/Sports (Dodgeball)/2D Hand-drawn Cartoon Art style 🟧Playable
Sword and Fairy 7 $14.99 29.99 Action/Chinese Martial Arts Fantasy (Xianxia)/Female Protagonist/Great visuals and Music/Rich Story and Lore/Chinese voice acting with English subtitles 🟧Playable
Ikenfell $5.99 $19.99 Tactical Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Female Protagonist/LGBTQ+/Retro 🟦 Verified
Astria Ascending $8.74 $39.99 Turn-based/Medieval Fantasy setting/PlatformeFemale Protagonist/Class system 🟦Verified
Haven $14.99 $24.99 Active time combat/Sci-fi setting/Heavy on Romance/LGBTQ/Local Co-op support/Exploration/Resource Gathering 🟦 Verified
Crimson Tactics: The Rise of The White Banner $14.99 $29.99 Tactical Turn-based/Medieval Fantasy setting/Class system/War & Politics/Dragons/ --
Jack Move $9.99 $19.99 Turn-based/Cyberpunk setting/Female Protagonist/Pixel Graphics/Hacking 🟦Verified
Earthlock $4.49 $29.99 Turn-based/Fantasy setting 🟧Playable
Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Gate of Firmament $4.49 $14.99 Real Time/Chinese Martial Arts Fantasy (Xianxia)/Rich Story and Lore/Monster collection/Chinese voice acting with English subtitles 🟧Playable
Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Gate of Firmament $4.49 $14.99 Real Time/Chinese Martial Arts Fantasy (Xianxia)/Rich Story and Lore/Monster collection/Chinese voice acting with English subtitles 🟧Playable
Children of Zodiarcs $5.39 $17.99 Tactical Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Female Protagonist/Card Based/Deck Building 🟦Verified

~ General Recommendations (All Consoles) For Anyone Who Can't Decide ~

First off, I won't recommend big or famous games like Final Fantasy or Persona, this is more for lesser know, hidden gems, or just games where it's hard to find someone talking about them.

[Valkyria Chronicles]

[Valkyria Chronicles 4]

This one is really hard to explain through words alone, but just in case, the VC series is a World War 2 military setting story, where you act as the lead of a squad and take mission to drive back the enemy. The story is drama heavy and the gameplay is tactical turn-based, but it's mixed with real-time third person shooter.
You can also make your own army by recruiting different types of solders, training them and upgrading their gear. From rifles to tanks, this is a game you have to experience to understand.

[Fuga: Melodies of Steel 1 & 2]

Great game, great art style, and really well made and balanced turn-based combat. That alone is enough to get the game. Then you add the time-management part of the game, where you spend time upgrading the different tank rooms, cooking, exploring ruins, spending time to bond with other characters, and so on. It's also great if you want a game that you can play for an hour or 2 and then put down for later. As the game is played through stages, and once you're done with a stage, you get an intermission to do what you want and come back to it later.
It's not a long game (compared to the usual JRPG), as you mentioned, it's about 20 hours. Story-wise I think it was a bit too short. Gameplay wise it was great fit, because it didn't outstay it's welcome, and it ends when you feel you have mastered the gameplay and want to face the final challenge.
The story is good, but isn't the focus. Gameplay is the main focus. In fact you'll feel that a lot of context isn't told in the story, but instead left for you to either read about in the in-game wiki or just figure out through obvious clues in the story.
There is a big mechanic that this meant to put a lot of pressure on your playthrough (don't worry about it being spoiled because it's literally explained in the first hour of the game). The thing is though, if you have experience in JRPGs or just play in a really well thought out and relaxed manner, then that mechanic might not be as big a deal as they make it seem to be. Yet it's still fun nonetheless.
Fuga 2 is even better. It fixes a lot of the minor issues the first game had, and what's really great, is it improved the "big pressure" mechanic I talked about, and now it actually is a big deal. Then add to that so much little new mechanics added that just makes for a much more fun and challenging game. The 2nd game also continues the same story.

[Ni no Kuni] Series

If you're looking for that great Isekai fantasy adventure feel, then these two games are where it's at. Fantastic visuals and great music, coupled with a great art style, a combo that is perfect for a chill and relaxed gaming experience. Especially when talking about the first game, with the help ofStudio Ghibli, they managed to make a truly whimsical world with that Studio Ghibli classic touch.
- Important Note: The games aren't connected story-wise, so you can start with any of them -

[Wrath of the White Witch]

For a the best fantasy adventure feel, while the combat is a hit or miss depending on your taste, don't let that stop you from actually diving into a true fairy tale world, this is the one with the better story in my opinion, so if you want more story than game, this is for you. Still it has a good share of gameplay, from raising and collecting Pokemon-like monsters, to learning and using different spells, not just in combat but for the overworld too.

[Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom]

This one focuses more on gameplay, with a Kingdom builder, Army battles, Heavy loot focus, and even character collector, this is the one to go with if you want more game than story. Still has the great music and he fantastical art style and setting. Add to that a lot of side activities like beating rare monsters, collecting cute creatures to help you in battle, and even going around the world to gather people to help you build your kingdom. You'll never be short on things to do.
Finally, both of them have beautifully draw world that is just a pleasure to walkthrough, made even better with the amazing orchestral soundtrack.

[Star Ocean The Second Story R]

The original PS1 game was already an amazing JRPG and a classic. But this remake takes it to go even further beyond SSJ3. It should be the standard on how to make a faithful remake on of a classic title.
I don't want to overhype it more than I already did. So to keep this short, this remake does so much:
  • All major story events are now fully voice acted. This includes a lot of the private actions too.
  • Fully redone and better translation of the game.
  • New Character to recruit to the party.
  • New Private Actions and 13 new Endings.
  • New character portraits, not just for the main cast, but also for many other characters.
  • A complete rework for the battle system to be up to modern standards.
  • So many QoL features:
    • Auto-saving
    • Fast-forward cut-scenes or skip them.
    • Text log
    • All difficulties can be accessed from the start
    • Fast travel
    • 3 different voice dubbing options to choose from (New English, Original Japanese, New Japanese)
    • Your choice of different art styles
    • Choose between original OST and new rearranged OST.
    • No random battles anymore, as enemies can be seen and avoided
And believe me when I say I still haven't touched half of the amazing work that has gone into this remake.

[Sword and Fairy 7: Together Forever]

They did a great job with the presentation of the game. Great voice acting (Chinese), great graphics, amazing music, and an impressive attention to details of the world and it's lore, especially the engineering of the buildings and their decor. Then you have the really beautiful design of each piece of gear, and even just normal attire of each NPC and the disciples of each sect or soldiers of each of the different of each plane (gods, humans, demons).
Then we go to how great looking the monsters and local flora and fauna of each realm. You can feel the intense work that has gone into making and animating each of them. It really is a joy to watch them, as much as it is to watch each environment you see them in. There really isn't enough time to talk about how good the presentation is.
As for the story. First off, I am not an expert in Chinese novels mythology, but I am a big fan of Xianxia and Wuxia novels. So when I say that the story is...good but nothing great, I am saying this as more than just a JRPG fan, but also someone who is very into this type of world and Chinese martial arts fantasy setting. it's nothing that will stick in your mind, apart from the events that take place in some of the beautiful set pieces in the game, or the cut-scenes with beautiful action cheoragphy.
The gameplay is also about average. The side-quests are fun and are worth doing if nothing more than for learning more about the lore and the world. But the actual battles and action gameplay isn't as good as the best ones out there, but it's not bad. I have ran into some bugs, some small, some big, but that was when the game just came out, and it did receive a lot of patches since then. You can tell that they aimed to make a huge triple A production, but didn't have the time or manpower to test a game of this size. It's still fun to play and experience, but the level of gameplay is nowhere near the level of the presentation that the game gives the impression of having just from watching the gameplay or trailers.
If you enjoy walking through magical and fantastic looking JRPG worlds, or if you enjoy Xianxia/Wuxia fiction, then this is an easy choice. Hell even if you don't, it's still worth a go at this price.

[Blue Dragon] & [Lost Odyssey]

These two are classic titles that will probably won't be ported to or remade to modern consoles. That's why this might be the last way you'll ever get to experience 2 classic titles of the genre. Lost Odyssey has great story writing and unique character settings, and Blue Dragon has great exploration and a really fun character class customization system, and one hell of a boss theme.

[Monster Sanctuary]

This is a solid game, everything in is polished and balanced to make sure you are having fun collecting new monsters and customizing your team through evolution/skill trees/gear and making the best in-sync party you can. I only wish it was longer, it's not short by any means, but it's not long either. I would say depending on if you're trying to "catch them all" and explore everything and fight all bosses, this could easily be a 30+ hours game, but if you focus on the story, then it's about 20 to 30 hours. Now even longer with the 2 new free DLC expansion added.
Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining that it's short, but that I was having so much fun, that I wish it didn't end.

As always, please do add your own recommendations, and let me know if there is mistake or if something was missing, and have a nice day.

submitted by VashxShanks to JRPG [link] [comments]