Lyla s good health emphysema

Meal Prep Sunday

2015.03.10 07:00 whatstheworlddoing Meal Prep Sunday

/MealPrepSunday is a subreddit dedicated to meal prepping. This is a space to discuss all things about meal prepping. Whether you're looking to prep to save time, money, or to get in those gains, this is the place to ask questions, get answers, and share your meal preps with the world of Reddit! Happy prepping!

2009.06.13 02:15 sharedidea Pilates

Welcome to the Pilates community of Reddit! ⭐️ Everybody is welcome! See the Pilates Wiki for info.

2010.11.01 04:40 mitchumm The Art of Juicing

This community consists of folks interested in adding juicing to their lifestyles for general health and/or weight loss via juice fast (also called juice feast). Several established members of this community have completed what are considered quite phenomenal feats in juicing and are available as a resource to help you plan out your approach to juicing. [DISCLAIMER] Talk to your doctor before making any major changes to your diet, and don't just take advice from some random on Reddit.

2024.06.10 22:06 KekSirFrog It’s really sad to see businesses do this to perfectly good soda, some companies will issue credits on returns and then dump the returns.

It’s really sad to see businesses do this to perfectly good soda, some companies will issue credits on returns and then dump the returns. submitted by KekSirFrog to Soda [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:06 Suitable_Penalty_759 High

Don’t think I’ve ever noticed Emma being high but she definitely has been a few times in recent vlogs the way she ended todays video trying to justify it makes it even more obvious, can’t help but think if her boyfriend is the reason she’s been doing this? I mean we know she’s drank before but overall had good behaviour and tried keeping herself out of trouble.
submitted by Suitable_Penalty_759 to EmmaAndEllieFamily [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:05 MrWik_Ofc Writing a Dream Sequence Beginning

So, I am aware of the dream sequence beginning and how it’s a cliche. That being said, I am writing a character that holds a connection to another world(I know it’s isekai but it’s less manga/anime and more Beyonders by Brandon Mull and Narnia). The dream is meant to be a reoccurring dream he typically has, something prophetic. Essentially he always wakes up in a charred field and walks through a town that is dematerializing. He walks into a castle and into the thrown room where a white light bids him hurry and save the princess before it’s too late. I’m taking some leaves out of the Legend of Zelda franchise as inspiration. Going to be out with it, if you’ve played the games, you’ll see the inspirations. I’m not afraid to take some things as a foundation. I’m looking less on advice on how to properly write this out and more if you all know of some good examples of it done right? Thanks!
submitted by MrWik_Ofc to writingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:05 LawlMartz Athens Philly Quest #8: The Last Philly

Athens Philly Quest #8: The Last Philly
Back by no demand, the last Philly review.
Athens has zero good late night food anymore, save one- Philanthropy Fresh. If you haven’t been, I recommend the burgers too, but the Philly is really nice for late night drunchies.
Taste: 9.0/10 - The beef is good, the vegetables are cooked well, and it’s super cheesy, maybe more so than any other I’ve had. Can be a little salty, but not excessive.
Greasiness: 6/10 - varies night to night (I’ve probably had this 4 times total) but can be swimming or relatively dry.
Presentation: 7.5/10 - it’s fat and full of cheese, what’s there not to like? Only issue is that some of the ingredients fall out when you’re eating it, but better to have too much than too little.
Value: 9/10 - this is a big sandwich, and it clocks in at just $10.19, which is way cheaper than almost any other Philly I’ve had here. This is a la carte, so if you want a full on combo, (I recommend the onion rings) it’s going to cost you probably $16-18 with a drink. Size wise, it’s a ton of food and a lot of fillings, not super bready.
Overall: 9.0/10
Current Ranking:
  1. ⁠Peppinos 9.25
  2. Philanthropy Fresh 9.0
  3. ⁠Winghouse 8.25
  4. ⁠Jersey Mike's 8.25
  5. ⁠American Deli 7.5
  6. ⁠Larry's Giant Subs 7.5
  7. ⁠Blind Pig 6.5
  8. ⁠Gyro Wrap 6.0
submitted by LawlMartz to Athens [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:04 homonymonymonym Furniture “dumping”

Where’s a good place where i can go trash a couch where others could potentially pick it up??? i remember seeing a lot of similar posts last year around this time but don’t remember the locations?
submitted by homonymonymonym to UCDavis [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:04 FanLess8036 Electrical labourer

Hi everyone I just pass 18 edition now am looking for job under electrical labourer that’s good move or not I forget to mention ecs card I have it Thank you.
submitted by FanLess8036 to ElectricianUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:04 chumchumn My last shift

At 22, I’ve barely scraped through college with a degree I never wanted. Engineering—a path chosen under the heavy shadow of my father’s expectations, not out of any passion of my own. I realised in my first year that this wasn’t for me, but I stubbornly pushed through, determined to finish what I had started. Now, that degree feels more like a shackle than an achievement. Still uncertain about my future, I’ve decided to continue with my part-time job at McDonald’s for a year to figure out what to do with my life.
I usually work the night shift, from 5 PM to 1:30 AM, starting in the midst of the evening rush between 5 and 7 PM, which can be tough. During these hours, I typically go on autopilot, trying not to think about the stifling heat as I scrape the grill clean, sweating in the greasy air. After the rush, the orders die down, leaving just me and Tristan, my coworker, in the kitchen.
Tristan is the complete opposite of me—very extroverted and constantly chatting with the other coworkers in the front. His outgoing nature often leaves him distracted, so I usually end up taking over his tasks, which I don’t really mind since it makes the time go faster. This includes putting the hamburger buns in the oven and preparing the orders by placing the buns in the boxes, ready for me to dress the burgers.
We work in kitchen line 1, which faces kitchen line 2. The main difference is that line 1 has the grill, and line 2 houses the floor deep fryer. After 7 PM, kitchen 2 closes since there aren’t many orders, and everyone’s workload lightens. However, there still needs to be someone managing the deep frying, and recently, that task fell to a new girl who started three weeks ago. I’ve only seen her on two shifts before, for just an hour each, because she was still in training and her shift had to be earlier. Now that she’s passed, she can work independently, and tonight marks her first night shift.
After the rush had finished, and most coworkers had finished their shifts, it was just me, Tristan, and the new girl in the kitchen. Since we hadn’t received an order for a while, Tristan was, as usual, chatting in the front with a coworker, which left just me and the new girl in the kitchen. Since I had finished checking the dates of the ingredients that needed to be replaced within a few hours and had cleaned the workspaces and refilled all the burger boxes, I was left with really nothing to do besides preparing the few orders I’d received. The new girl was quiet, which gave me this uncomfortable feeling since you barely noticed her presence. So, I decided to introduce myself, which I would later regret.
“Hey,” I said, trying to sound friendly despite my introverted nature. “I don’t think we’ve properly met yet. I’m Ryan.”
She looked up slowly, her eyes blank and distant. “Hi, I’m Amy,” she replied in a whisper.
“So, how do you like your new job?” I asked, raising my voice a bit over the faint radio music and the periodic beeps from the kitchen equipment.
She glanced around, seemingly attuned to the noises that filled the space. “It’s… different,” she murmured, almost as if puzzled by the question.
“What made you decide to work here?” I tried again, hoping for a bit more insight.
“The noise,” she said softly, a strange smile flickering. “It drowns things out.”
“Ah, okay,” I replied, a little thrown off. “Not much of a talker, huh?”
She shook her head slightly, her gaze drifting back to her tasks. “Not much to say,” she breathed out.
“Got it. Well, good luck,” I said, turning back to my grill, the unease settling heavier around me.
As the shift went on, I kept thinking about the conversation I had earlier with Amy—about the noise. Since she mentioned it, I couldn't really focus anymore. Now, all I could think about were those annoying beeps from the kitchen and the repetitive radio songs that were driving me crazy. It was as if her words had planted a seed of distraction in my mind, growing louder with each passing moment.
In an attempt to quell my growing anxiety, I decided to take my 7-minute smoke break. I made my way to the designated smoking area—a neglected corner of the restaurant where the trash containers find place and were i can sit on the broken yard furniture. Settling into one of the cheap, worn-out chairs, I lit up a cigarette, intending to find a moment of peace amidst the chaos of the night.
However, what was meant to be a brief respite turned into a prolonged 15-minute hiatus. The calm of the night air and the rhythmic motion of smoking seemed to soothe my frazzled nerves, offering a fleeting sense of tranquility that I desperately needed.
Reluctantly, I extinguished my cigarette and rose to my feet, ready to return to the chaos of the kitchen. As I approached the entrance, the dim light above the door cast eerie shadows, obscuring the identity of the figure standing in the darkness beyond.
I could barely make out the silhouette of a person, their features shrouded in shadow as they disposed of a trash bag filled with leftover food scraps. It must have been Amy, since i thrown away the trash back at mine kitchen line when i was on my way for the smoke break.
As I stepped closer, I called out to her, my voice echoing in the quiet darkness. She turned towards me, her face illuminated by the flickering light from above. What I saw sent a shiver down my spine—a blank expression devoid of any emotion, her eyes vacant and empty.
For a moment, time seemed to stand still as we locked eyes, the silence punctuated only by the faint hum of the fluorescent light. I repeated my question, my voice tinged with concern, but she offered no response, her gaze fixed on some unseen horizon.
Suddenly, she turned away, disappearing into the depths of the restaurant without a word. Bewildered by her strange behaviour, I followed after her, tossing the trash bag into the bin before setting off in search of Amy.
To my astonishment, I found her back at her workstation, as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. Puzzled and unnerved, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was amiss—that beneath her composed exterior lurked a darkness I couldn’t begin to comprehend.
After that unsettling encounter, I found myself retreating back to my workplace in silence, my mind racing with questions and unease. I couldn’t shake off the eerie feeling that lingered in the air, haunting me as I went about my duties for the remainder of the shift.
As the hours dragged on, my unease only grew, a knot tightening in my stomach with each passing moment. Yet, despite my growing sense of dread, nothing else out of the ordinary occurred.
Finally, as the shift came to a close and the rest of the crew gathered to await the manager’s final tasks to close the restaurant for the night, a sense of relief washed over me.
After the manager finished up and the rest of the crew drove off, Tristan and I remained behind, seeking solace in the stillness of the night. Stepping outside, I reached for my pack of cigarettes and lit one up, the soft glow contrasting against the bright lights of the parking lot.
Tristan also lit a cigarette, the smoke curling upwards as we stood side by side. I explained the encounter with Amy earlier, downplaying it a bit to not seem too weird.
Tristan chuckled lightly, taking a drag from his cigarette. "Huh, Amy's a bit of an enigma, isn't she?" he remarked, his tone light. "Quiet, mysterious type. Probably just lost in her thoughts."
I nodded in agreement, relieved by Tristan's easygoing response. "Yeah, she does seem a bit reserved," I replied, attempting to shake off the lingering unease.
But then the manager, who had been finishing up closing, overheard our conversation and approached us. “What’s this about Amy?” she asked, curiosity evident in her voice.
I explained the strange encounter with Amy during my smoke break, feeling a chill run down my spine as I recounted the details. The manager furrowed her brow, clearly concerned by what she was hearing.
“Let’s check the security footage,” she suggested, leading us back inside the restaurant. We gathered around the monitor as she scrolled through the recordings, searching for any sign of Amy leaving her station.
But to our shock, there was nothing. Amy had remained at her workstation the entire time, never once venturing towards the smoking area. The realisation sent a shiver down my spine, my mind reeling with the implications.
As we returned to the parking lot, the sense of unease that had plagued me all night intensified.
As I drove home that night, I made a silent vow to myself—I would never set foot in that restaurant again, haunted by the memory of Amy and the mysteries that lurked within its walls.
submitted by chumchumn to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:04 chupacactus Coworker found this lizard stuck in tape on a box - did we handle the situation right?

I put a spoiler tag because he’s having a really bad day in the first picture :(
My coworker found this lizard that got stuck in between the tape and cardboard of a box while we were going through them for recycling. He was REALLY stuck, so after cutting the tape off of the box, we used a spray bottle of water to try to make the adhesive less sticky and worked him off as gently as possible. I used water because I didn’t know if any of the more effective solvents we had on hand would be safe for his scales, but the tape ended up pulling up a few of his tummy scales (not off, but up a bit so they looked a little 3-dimensional).
He didn’t seem to have any major obvious injuries to me (no blood, legs and tail were all moving fine), and he was drinking some of the water we sprayed onto the tape. He pooped while we were handling him which I’m hoping is a good sign?
When we got him free I moved him by a plant that I know has a decent amount of insects so hopefully he was able to get a good meal when he felt up to it. He didn’t scurry off to hide immediately, which made me worry he was injured more than I thought, but I’m hoping he was just exhausted and needed to rest a while first.
I work in a rural farming area and the animal control/wildlife services here are overextended and take days to respond to calls even about issues with large animals :/
Sorry for how long this post is, I’m just pretty unfamiliar with reptiles and I wanted to check with people who know more so I know if I should have done something differently for future reference. Thank you!
Also this is in southern New Mexico if anyone happens to know who our friend is!
submitted by chupacactus to herpetology [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:03 dhdrums Looking for opera gong

Hey all,
I’m a jazz drummer. I’m looking for a good opera gong to purchase. I want something that will sound good on its own, and on top of snare drums and rack toms like Nate Wood and others.
I bought a random one online but it doesn’t sound good. It lacks a lot of the actual pitch-bending and it’s very difficult to get any tone out of it, with a mallet or a drumstick.
I’m looking for something around 7” or so in diameter, that is very easy to get the pitch bend sound out of when struck with a drumstick especially.
Does anyone here have a link to a real, authentic gong? The best sounding ones that my peers in NYC have are all from China, but I can’t find them online anywhere. Price isn’t really a concern.
Thanks for the help!
submitted by dhdrums to percussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:03 ThermoNuclearPizza [Daniels] Drake Maye had his best practice of the spring on Monday. It’s early. It’s not real football. But man, he looked good and on this day, looked like the best QB on the Patriots practice field

[Daniels] Drake Maye had his best practice of the spring on Monday. It’s early. It’s not real football. But man, he looked good and on this day, looked like the best QB on the Patriots practice field submitted by ThermoNuclearPizza to Patriots [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:03 Throw_away_user9 Jealous of partner

Throwaway because my fiance follows my main account.
I have a 2month old daughter, I love her to pieces despite how hard it has been especially with lack of sleep. My fiance is very helpful but he can only do so much. I am stay at home (for now) and he works full time so I let him sleep all night so he is good to go for work. I don’t mind being up a lot, but lately it’s been very overwhelming because she doesn’t want me to put her down. She will wake up screaming when I do. I’ve fallen asleep holding her in the rocking chair a couple times. Im completely exhausted and my fiancé tries to hold her but she doesn’t seem to want him or when I have left her alone with him to run a quick errand she screams until I get back. She is 100% fine as long as I am home or holding her, and she will laugh and snuggle with her dad when I am home but once I’m gone she usually isn’t happy.
Im jealous that he gets to take time for himself and our daughter doesn’t constantly need him every minute. Im jealous that he has a bedtime and can stick to it. Im jealous that he gets to walk away when she is inconsolable and screaming. Im jealous that he doesn’t feel guilty for doing things on his own.
On the other hand he is honestly very hurt that she only wants me all the time and does try to bond with her. And I’ll admit sometimes when I am extra tired I will just take her back and soothe her because its faster than him doing it.
I want to clarify i do not resent him, I just wish I could take a nap or go to the store and know she will be okay with him instead of crying for me.
submitted by Throw_away_user9 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:03 Intelligent_Shift333 ISO home to buy owner financing

I’ve searched about everywhere for months so figured I would try Reddit. Me and my fiance and 3 children . Looking for someone offering owners financing or rent to own etc. fiance has been with his company for 15 plus years and makes about 50k a year. He is 1099 so trouble getting loan because of tax write offs his tax person does . ( he didn’t know this would bite him in the butt) he’s got a 700 credit score , been living in the same place for 10 plus years renting . He was only approved for 80k because of the write offs. I make about 18k a year , my credit score isn’t the best so can’t put me on the loan . We live separately and are trying to move into a place together . Good rental history , but don’t want to rent anymore . Any idea or tips or homes available please let me know . Thanks in advance !!!!
submitted by Intelligent_Shift333 to Knoxville [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:03 Training-Chemist2578 With the release of spy cooper’s ps2 version on ps plus, does that mean there’s a good chance that the ratchet and clank games will get there ps2 version?

submitted by Training-Chemist2578 to PlayStationPlus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:03 Serious-Week6421 Assisted living?

How hard is it to get assisted listing Accommodation? I understand there’s waiting lists but what about the criteria ? I struggle with independence and have rlly bad mental health issues. I do have a high functioning ASD diagnosis + adhd diagnosis .
Currently live with mum . I am very dependant on her in some areas . For example , I will only go shopping with her , and travel to ‘new’ places by myself for example a job interview (although I do not work anymore I am on sick). I also struggle with cooking and need help using tin openers (pathetic I know)
They told me someone will come from the council to assess my needs . Is this going to be like another pip assessment do u think? To decide if I’m eligible .
I also struggle really badly with emotional regulation . I can turn to unhealthy coping outlets to ‘express’ / ‘vent’ my feelings . I am not going to go into detail about what that entails .
I want to take a step out of my comfort zone and not living with my mum anymore would be a good first step to take .
submitted by Serious-Week6421 to DWPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:03 Green_Repeat5449 My (F23) Boyfriend(M22) has been paying women online how do I move forward?

Tried posting about this earlier with only one response, so hopefully the new title will help.
My boyfriend and I were high school sweethearts and madly in love. We moved in with each other 2 years into dating and life was good. I always knew my boyfriend watched porn occasionally but it wasn’t an issue to me as long as there wasn’t an addiction as I understand sometimes you just want to get off by yourself. Well one day he was out and I wanted to send myself a document from his computer when I noticed in his email that he had charges from a site called “Chaturbate” (a webcam site where you can send streamers money in order for them to perform various sexual acts on camera) I was immediately hurt by this because I considered paying or sending money to different women for porn to be cheating. I confronted him about this and he apologized and promised not to do it again. I forgave him because we’d never discussed the extent of paying for internet porn although I thought it was weird since you can just watch it for free on different sites.
Fast forward a few years later and we were not in a good position with our relationship, we were not having sex, and I didn’t feel attracted to him since he seemed to stop taking care of himself and putting effort into his appearance. My boyfriend has always struggled with depression to an extent but he was really depressed since he was working at a dead end job. I’d try to uplift him and convince him to find another job but he just seemed stuck and didn’t put effort into anything in life, I would consistently go to work daily in order to pay bills and he would skip work and play video games all night and sleep all day which caused our financial situation to plummet. He would even forget to pick me up from work because he’d sleep through his alarm to pick me up. One day we were watching TikTok’s together on his phone and a gmail notification popped up that said “OnlyFans” I was immediately angered by this and confronted him and he told me it was a free subscription. I know at this point I probably should’ve investigated further, but for some reason I just let it go.
Fast forward to present day, and our relationship has been great. He has a new, better paying job and we have a baby boy. I’m able to stay home and care for our son while he goes to work. One day I had an urge to check his email when he went to work and it turns out he’d still been using chaturbate the whole time as well as only fans and paying for both! I was distraught, but as I searched on, I noticed he’d message various women telling them how sexy they were and what was the price for different videos, not only that , but I came across a huge message thread with a woman on only fans where I found out that he’d not only sent her so much money during our rough patch, but he’d also FaceTime her while I was at work masturbating on cam and he’d tell her about his problems with his “ex” (me) and they sent each other nudes. His messages ended with her once he found out I was pregnant, but he had still been paying for charurbate and other subscriptions to this day. I was so crushed, I confronted him and he was beyond apologetic and I “forgave” him except I don’t and no longer feel attraction to him. Now the situation is more complicated since we have a child and I don’t want our son to have to deal with the trauma of having split up parents, not only that but my boyfriends apology seemed sincere and I’d hate to throw away such a long lasting relationship and deal with the embarrassment of telling everyone why we broke up. I also don’t want to trigger his depression and cause him to spiral or harm himself if I break up with him. What is the best way to work on our relationship or the best way to let him down easy?
TLDR: boyfriend has been paying random women for online sexual favors secretly during the course of our relationship.
submitted by Green_Repeat5449 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:03 Ok-Combination-1028 Low heart rate anyone?

I’ve had costo for about 2 months and I was wondering if anyone has low heart rate? Mine usually sits around 70-90 and with costo it’s usually elevated with any extra exertion tbh.
However today i woke up feeling very low and lightheaded so i decided to check it and it was in the low 60 almost 58 and it really stressed me out. I’ve been feeling tight chest and tight throat feeling and light headed p much all day. I’m 20 F and i’m pretty fit but recently bc of costo i don’t do much other than back pod stretches and walking!
I keep on checking my hr and it’s literally not good for anxiety at all.
Can someone pls tell me what is happening bc it’s stressing me out
submitted by Ok-Combination-1028 to costochondritis [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:03 Glass_Bet9478 Dealing with husband after my sobriety

My husband and I have been drinking buddies since the day we met. I think I've always been a problem drinker (tend to binge) but he's always been a heavy daily drinker. After 12 years together I started picking up a daily habit too which was making me feel like garbage. I cut back for a while and then decided to fully quit 5 months ago.
The problem is my husband still drinks daily. He's responsible, pays the bills, gets to work, won't drive if drinking. He's not aggressive for the most part, doesn't pass out or cause a scene. But in my sober eyes, I'm seeing how much it's affecting him. He looks terrible, just puffy, bloated and red. He's not sleeping so he stays up all night and drinks more. He's always on edge and stressed out. I've stopped being able to deal with him after 5pm when he gets that glaze in his eye and starts repeating himself.
He claims he only has one or two drinks a day. I don't know who he's fooling because I see how fast the whiskey and wine bottles are emptying daily. I thought I was part of the reason why before but now I'm not partaking, it's very obvious he's drinking a lot more than I realized. I just really don't like who he is when he's drinking. I feel it, my kids feel it and it's so sad to watch him slowly fall apart.
So my issue is, I don't know how to approach this situation so fresh into sobriety myself. It feels so hypocritical. I've tried the health angle and telling him how good I feel now , but again he insists he doesn't drink much and it's not a problem. Also believes he NEEDS to drink to sleep and deal with his stress. I'm causinga rift avoiding him but as much as I love him, I just can't be around him anymore. Any advice or similar situations are appreciated.
submitted by Glass_Bet9478 to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:03 RevenueRoutine Sizing

I am a 15 year old and am about 181-182cm tall, I want found a really good deal on a S-Works enduro for the size S3, I really want a playful bike and I wonder if S3 Would be ok, or if it will be just too small, Is there any riders out there riding a S3 maybe even taller than 182?
submitted by RevenueRoutine to specialized [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:03 angrysandwich777 Anyone else went to either the Dallas or New York cricket matches?

Anyone else went to either the Dallas or New York cricket matches?
Bangladesh (unfortunately) lost but it was a sea of green today in New York. Good to see what’s probably 20-25k Bangladeshis backing their country even from thousands of miles away
submitted by angrysandwich777 to Bideshi_Deshi [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:03 Fuzzy-Tour4059 I’m lost on what to do

So I really need help. In my house it’s a basic family of four two sons mother father yk the usual but as I’m the youngest I feel I don’t get any recognition as a person or something like that. I’m not very good and expressing what I’m feeling so I do feel sorry if something goes unexplained properly, but what I mean by no recognition is whenever I’m in a convo I’m always getting cut off I can’t speak about what I find interesting and stuff like that and if I do I just immediately get cut off for them to speak, my brother is the worst (I’m going to refer to him as Sam) Sam is always asking me to do things that he can do by himself very easily but when I ask the same thing he just makes a sort of disgusted face and says no then walks away and I’m always expected to be happy and be kind meanwhile everyone else just isn’t the same so I feel as if I’m pouring my kindness and generosity into a bottomless empty void that can never be filled even by mutual friend my family will ask them to ask me and it makes me feel guilty and I want to know how do I deal with this emotions that I just can’t for the life of me explain and I have no one that I trust or am close enough to tell this so I resorted to Reddit
submitted by Fuzzy-Tour4059 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:03 sye0172 Expediate Reason for i485

Hello I have raised a Expedite request as my grand father died but they ended up saying apply for i131 and says it’s not compulsory to re entry the US.
Can anyone tell me the reason that accept for I 485 expedite request? I’m waiting for my family based i485 since 2022. Please give me some good reasons which they accept for expedited requests
submitted by sye0172 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:02 SevereComputer3194 (one of the many things I want as a 7) I believe

one day I’ll have a group of people who all want to date me and do as I say for no reason beyond they want to, I want power, loyalty, to be worshipped, the favorite person
if there’s no consent there’s no real loyalty/love/power only false gods demand worship, real gods are worshipped even if they say “you don’t have to worship me or do as I say, think for yourself” the people do what they say because they want to
of course I’m no god but it’s fun to imagine
if I don’t achieve this goal, that’s fine, as long as I’ve enjoyed myself and I’ve had fun that’s all that matters
I accept myself, I reject fitting in, I reject anyone who doesn’t accept all of me, no matter how controversial
I am fully confident I can convince dozens of people to want to date me and consensually worship me, non-hierarchical power
now what I’d ask them to do? at the moment probably just ask them to help others or something like that, I don’t really care to do anything in particular with my power, just to experience the thrill of having it
I want to be wanted, for the real me, better be hated by every person on earth for being myself than loved for someone I’m not
wanting to be wanted is a major reason I’m into the whole “person obsessed with me wants me so much they will ignore my consent to make me theirs” dynamic
i like consent for two reasons
1: I hate suffering (exception for my masochism)
2: if they aren’t free to hate me their love is false, real love is consensual
I say “dream big, boldly persue your dreams as if all are possible and if you don’t succeed then at least enjoy the journey”
I want to experience as much novelty and intensity as possible, positive, negative, I want it all
people have abandoned me even when I tried not to offend, now I trust no one but myself, being controversial is good, it weeds out the fake ones and leaves only the loyal
the more I am rejected the more i accept myself and believe myself special
I don’t need to prove myself to know I’m great, I’m better than most people, even if no one sees it, I know it, I want to be loved but ultimately if no one does, well as I said I only trust myself, everyone lies, everyone is fake, I am the sole source of my salvation
submitted by SevereComputer3194 to Enneagram [link] [comments]