Parkinsons cpt physical therapy

Divorce or Forgive

2024.05.21 13:37 RalJans Divorce or Forgive

I (M43) have been married to my wife (F39) for 15 years. And we are together for over 20 years. Have two beautiful children (7, 9).
Last month I found out she had a one-night stand with a guy (M26) she met in a bar. After that night she contacted him on social media and kept chatting for a few months until I found out and confronted her. There was no physical contact in those three months and he was also not interested In meeting her again. The chat was more about personal feelings combined with some sexual messages.
From the chat I also found out she has been kissing with a guy once at a festival last year and a few weeks back once with a friend of a friend.
We started relation therapy and would like to work on our marriage.
Looking at my role I did not give her the attention she needed in the last years. Too little compliments, flowers, good conversations, etc.
Going back to the events, i don’t have the feeling she feels sorry for how she makes me feel. She says she’s sorry after i asked her, but i have the feeling she thinks she deserved it because i did not give her the attention she needs. She also sees this crisis as a chance to work on a better marriage.
Everyday my feelings are different. One day I would like to work on the relationship. The other day i feel she does not deserve me, crossed my boundaries, and i should move on. Obviously I also have trust issues since I found out.
Any advice what to do and how to look at this situation?
submitted by RalJans to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:34 missthomasian crs pt

hello may chance po kaya ito?
submitted by missthomasian to Tomasino [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:31 niknak36 Physical Therapy

I have had MP for about 3yrs. I'm not able to take medications for it because they affected my job. Originally it was really bad to the point that I woke up screaming from the pain but with time it had gotten less intrusive. It will wake me up at night but I can reposition and go back to sleep. 1
I decided to try physical therapy since it's been so long and I'm also actively losing weight. I have only gone to 2 PT sessions 5 days apart (one of which included dry needling) but it has definitely made the MP episodes worse at night. Has this happened for anyone else?
Is the PT working but just causing swelling and therefore more intense episodes? Does it get better? I'm considering stopping.
submitted by niknak36 to MeralgiaParesthetica [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:15 Rimy_Mohammed How do I love life?

I'm sorry for this long ass rant I just wanted to say what I feel. Hi everyone,I've been struggling with suicidal thoughts alot recently,I always struggled with intense internalised mood swings,low self esteem social anxiety,an inferiority complex,and a very vicious cycle of destructive thought patterns,I have these periods of high motivation and confidence,they're extremely short,and I have these longer periods of feeling worthless or completly numb,i'm bad at dealing with intense emotions,I know i need to process emotions in a healthy way,but I'm sensitive and mine get so intense they physically hurt,and my emotions are like an avalanche one emotion and memory leads to even worse ones,and they flactuate a lot like they're so feckle and umpredectable that I can never pinpoint a constant state I'm in,like one second I'm so hopeful and motivated and happy the next I want to kill myself everything sucks while lacremosa is playing in the background,I developed some addictions to avoid my feelings,not substance abuse issues,more like electronic devices and sexual stuff,I spend so much time scrolling doing nothing to drown the world,to the point I drowned my brain,I'm always sooo tired wether I sleep early or eat healthy or do sports whatever I do my head is always foggy I'm always tired and my motivation is null,I don't have any passions anything I try I stop after a while not because I'm incompetent,I just tire of it and lose all my motivation,my interests are as fickle as my emotions,they change so much my life goals everything,they change so fast soo much that I can never see a materialized path for myself,I see Daedalus's maze and I have no Ariadne to guide me through it,and because of that just stop,I wake up in the morning and nothing no drive no goal no certainty and no reason to wake up(right no I'm majoring in engineering I like it now but I'm sure I will hate it again very soon),I want that fire passion drive,the irony is I have no clear goal but so terrified of dissapointing my parents family and literal strangers,I spend all my day procrastinating like I'm really lazy,life is just sooo boring,I live in a country where I feel stuck,it's a third world country with no opportunities and anything big you want to do is denied to you,I don't know how to love life,to wake up with a goal so clear you can touch it,a fire that makes you feel alive,i want real connection too,like i have friends good ones,but i just feel like i'm always a 3rd wheel a ghost that they forget the moment I'm out of their sight I want to be important to someone to believe I am,but my brain can't believe it I always feel like I'm a burden like everyone in any given room hates me for just being there,and it's very hard for me to keep relationships because I'm also not consistent,my constant insecurity and social anxiety make relationships and interactions so stressful for me like really really stressful,a voice in my head constantly talking to me,and I just prefer being alone it's more peaceful,and I get bored of people?I don't know meeting people ruins them,I like to live with the image the ideal I created of them in my head,and I'm inconsistent one second I want to cut someone out of my life and the next I like them and just as randomly hate them and find them repulsive,I know I'm a coward but I don't have any guidance we don't really do therapy in this country and everyone's too religious,so they just tell you pray and God will help you I tried I failed I'm an atheist now,also I'm pansexual so add that to the list,i just feel so detached like what's the point,the only times I feel alive is when i info dump on my mom or while reading a book even the latter is feckle and I can lose my intrest for weeks,I spend days numb not a single thought goes through my head,I always try to break cycles but they just happen before I even know it,I don't think I'm depressed I don't have the symptoms of depression other than anxiety and low self esteem it's just who I'm I think I do have childhood trauma because of the physical(he used to choke me and beat me so hard I couldn't breathe even spit in my face)and sometimes sexual abuse and assault my brother put me through(I'm 19m) btw,I did suspect bipolar or borderline personality disorder but no I don't have the symptoms,I truly think it's just a me problem,my personality or something I don't know as I said I don't really have a professional to ask,like is it the norm to almost attempt suicide at the slightest inconvenience,that at the slightest inconvenience you go into intense emotional distress like a madman and blame yourself for everything,and feel guilt and every emotion so I intensly you want to end your life to stop this intense unescapable pain, eternal nothing seem like a treath,I know about passive suicidal ideations,how it's healthy and helps us cope,so maybe it's my coping mechanism? although I don't know what's normal that's the problem I have no reference to see wether I'm normal have a problem or just a drama queen I don't know,maybe I'm just emotionally immature,and bottle my emotions too long, because my brother's abuse instilled in me this idea that expressing or standing up for myself will get me hurt because he was stronger than me so now I bottle my emotions and don't stand up for myself because I know that strength is everything and it's stupid to do so because I'm weaker and will just lose so I'm a ticking time bomb,so maybe I have the aftermath of Chernobyl or pompeii inside of me. You know what's funny, sometimes I wish that reincarnation is real because I want to be born in a different life and different body,and sometimes I even want to kill myself because I have this morbid curiosity about what happens after death other that the fact that I'm tired of life,so I guess my fear of hell saved me?yay to religious traumaaaa!!
submitted by Rimy_Mohammed to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]


So background of my family dynamic… I am the youngest out of 3 kids… My mom and dad are still together but not legally married, both are in their 70s… My father is a veteran, who is at 100% disability status… We as a family take care of him, under the same roof.. Since my sister WFH, naturally she does more for our parents are far as taking them to Dr’s appointments and grocery shopping… Before we all moved into the house we are at now, my parents and I lived in another smaller home, and it was on me to get them places and do the shopping, since neither of them are able to drive anymore… IT WAS LITERALLY ALWAYS ON ME, since I was the only child there with them… Background of my parents relationship, my mother and father have always fought, as far back as I can remember, I am now 40 years old.. Their fights would range from arguing, yelling, and sometimes physical altercation…My mother has stated that she does not love my father anymore because of past issues, but has no problem spending his VA money, mind you mostly on frivolous Amazon buys, ie: Phone cases, apple watch cases, shoes and clothes, that she doesn’t even wear anywhere, remember my parents do not drive… Pretty much any extra money her or my father has, she spends it on herself, never puts it into the household to help everyone… She has always been money hungry and manipulative and very selfish… Which as you can imagine being who I am a very considerate person and mainly kind… I admit 2 years ago I wasn’t that kind, I realized I had mental issues, and sought help with therapy and medication… These days I am much more patient and kind… I was sick mentally and didn’t realize how bad my depression and anxiety got, until I had a nervous breakdown… Anyway, I resent my mother for her ways, and how she treats my sister compared to how she treats me, and how she treats my father, regardless of their past history, both parties have done wrong in my eyes back then… Of course I love my mother, I just see her for who she is as far character… Now, a friend of mine explained to me about becoming a caretaker for my father, and how the VA will give caretakers a stipend every month to help take care of the veteran in your life… I mulled it over for months before even bringing it up to everyone, mainly my dad.. Who was all for it because again it would help the household out with extra money… I told my mom about it and she was at first skeptical, and didn’t actually believe it was a thing, so she basically said I don’t care… Well of course that changed when I told her the amount a caretaker could receive… Weeks went by and no one asked anything about it…Fast forward to last week and I decided to go ahead and fill the applications out… I put me down as primary because I was filling it out and brought it to everyone’s attention about the program, and I put my sister down as the second caretaker… Again no one really cared about the program until I got the ball rolling… Today 3 envelopes from the VA came to the house addressed to my father, sister and me… I read my letter and it stated that our application had been withdrawn because the 2nd caretaker( my sister) withdrew the application…Confused ofc and slightly enraged, I asked my mom, how could they deny the application, she stated she didn’t know, smh… Then I asked if my sister withdrew it, she said to ask her.. So I called my sister downstairs to get to the bottom of this, atp I am irate… She comes downstairs and I ask if she withdrew the apps and she said yes, I asked her why, and she says because Im not the primary, not realizing she inadvertently caused no one to receive money, unless we apply again… She then says, in the mist of me going off on everyone except my father, that she had already applied again as the primary, I then looked at my mom and asked who is the second caretaker, which she implied she was, even tho she had just stated she didnt know what happened… I giggled to prevent myself from being more angry and from slapping the literal piss out of my sister, I grabbed my things and stormed off to my room, while my mom is telling me to calm down… They didnt even care about the program until I got that ball rolling, and then went behind my back and removed me all together…Side note, my sister does do a lot for the household, so im not disputing her being a caretaker, I am hurt and mad because they went behind my back and removed me, from receiving a stipend…And this is not the first time they have deliberately cut me out of something… So AITAH?
submitted by BrenDUHHH84 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:59 nerfshacoeune Where to find gender therapist?

Unfortunately, there is no concept of anything like gender or lgbt-oriented therapy in my country. When I told my therapist I am experiencing gender dysphoria and that I take drugs to feel feminine I was met with invalidation and not being taken seriously. I was told that my soul doesnt have a gender and that my physical body and the material world is not that important anyway. I am looking for resources for gender therapists that could work with me on an online, preferably video chat basis. Thank you for any recommendations
submitted by nerfshacoeune to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:56 trish__0 suggest a school for physical therapy

hello po hehehsjdhd pls help me decide po. saan pong school magandang itake yung PT course sa manila or around manila po? tas feu-nrmf at univ of baguio po kasi naiisip ko pero d po ako makapag decide kung saan. middle class fam lang po kami kaya ung keri po sana ang tuition😭
submitted by trish__0 to CollegeAdmissionsPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:55 MarsupialParticular7 Estrogen is destroying my life as a Male ...

Long story short , was diagnosed with extremely high E2 levels at 16Y wich caused me not to develop enough male features during puberty I am 26y now .
My E2 back then was 58pg while T never was above 280ng . I was officially diagnosed with estrogen dominance, had a gyno surgery 2years ago too and doc put me on Aromasin mono-therapy wich did not work for me at ALL , it made my E2 spike even more higher with slightly improved Testosterone levels .... I was still estrogen dominant .
Finally, I was put on TRT 200mg a week though that I found the solution finally but it was really just the beginning of big troubles for me . 11 weeks into TRT my E2 was that of a women on HER PERIODE . I could not move past bed and the smallest tasks feels like climbing everest mountain I would get up to cook my dinner while crying because of how overwhelmed I felt , physically I was severely bloated, increased body fat despite eating clean and managing to workout at least twice a week ( I have no energy whatsoever .... ) , I also developed some female features gyno is one wich I had to do a surgery to remove , fat distribution ( hips , tights ) , puffy rounded face and my voice is that of a 14y kid ...
All this while Testosterone barely raised slightly last blood-work shows E2 levels of 146pg while T was up to 485ng on 200mg TRT a week .
Why in the hell my body converts all of my testosterone into estrogen ?? I guess it has something to do with my genes ...
Doc suggested treating my E2 aggressively with Arimidex
submitted by MarsupialParticular7 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:16 FickleField9053 I need your advice please :) !

Hi everyone,
I'm in a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend. I'm a 27-year-old female, and he's a 29-year-old male. We're going to celebrate our two-year anniversary this August. We met in our hometown through mutual friends during the summer and clicked instantly. He’s a wonderful and caring guy, and I love him so much. He makes the effort to visit me every 2-3 months since I can’t visit him due to visa restrictions.
Initially, the distance was manageable and didn’t affect me much. However, after our recent trip together, I returned home feeling deeply frustrated that he wasn’t with me. To make matters worse, I had a car accident on the second day back. Physically, I’m fine, but mentally, it took a toll on me. I wished he was here to support me.
I have a tendency to isolate myself when I’m feeling depressed. I haven't been to therapy due to the cost, but I try to analyze my behavior and stay aware of my mental state. This time, though, it’s been really hard. I feel miserable in my life here and unhappy. I used to love working out, but it doesn’t bring me joy anymore. There’s not much to do here besides going out and drinking on weekends. All my close friends, who aren’t many, live abroad, including my boyfriend.
My boyfriend has a very active social life, and it seems like the distance doesn’t impact him as much as it does me. I get jealous, not of the people he’s with, but because I want to be the one sharing those moments with him. I’ve started feeling like an accessory in his life. I know this isn’t true, but these feelings build up, making me angry and causing me to overanalyze everything. I struggle to communicate my feelings to him because I don’t want to seem jealous or needy. He gets confused and upset when I don’t communicate, but I just can’t find the right words.
I don’t think there’s a solution to closing the gap between us except getting married, which we haven’t planned. I honestly don’t know what to do.
Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How did you cope with it? Any advice on managing these feelings and the long-distance relationship would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for reading, it means a lot :)
submitted by FickleField9053 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:10 Recent-Management-61 Her reasons don't make sense...

Throwaway here
Up until a few days ago I (39m) was dating/just establishing a relationship with a single mother (41f). We have been seeing each other for just over 2 months. Not a long time I know but the ease in which we connected really felt very unique and different than past relationships. A fact she acknowledged more than once. We share similar perspectives, find enjoyment in many of the same things, equally dorky and awkward. We really felt in sync.
I know the intensity of feelings I felt towards her were disproportionate, in a typical sense, to the amount of time we spent/knew each other. When speaking with friends I even said it was stupid I felt this strength of connection so quickly. I know it's easy to think I was naive or seeing things that weren't there, but I am confident that's not the case. There were real reciprocation of feelings and intensity in moments that we both identified. I think I communicate well, I am clear, and understanding, and a good listener. She really appreciated this quality and as such was very open and clear about her feelings towards me as well. Saying things like how she's never dated someone like me (I've been through some shit, did therapy, became pretty emotionally intelligent and self-reflective as a result), telling me how appreciative she is for me, gave me a card stating this on the day she started to pull back actually, how my touch gives her tingles. Straight up telling me a week before how she really likes me.
Yes we were intimate a few times. Intense and mutually satisfying, had improtu spicy chats during the day including the day before we last saw each other. On top of her words and discussions there were actions that also spoke to her really being serious about the connection we were developing. She happens to live right next to her parents and her sisters family. Now she could have kept me separate from all that, but she didn't. I met her sister pretty early on when having a date night at her house. Then a week later she invites me to her sister's house for a little BBQ, was an excellent night. And I ended up meeting her parents too. Not by happenstance either, but rather here come inside my parents house and say hello. And she was having conversations with her son about me and trying to get him comfortable with the idea of meeting me. I even helped her move appliances with her and her dad 3 days before the pull back and 1 week before she ended it. I even installed the washer and dryer for her, then encouraged her to go to an event for her son right after I got done, without me. I didn't do it for any other reason than I really liked her and acts of service are one of the ways I show how I care and it made me feel good to do it, to be there for her. This all has a certain connotation or level of seriousness in a relationship all in its own.
My emotions fed off of her words and actions, maybe my openness and honesty felt like a bit much at times, like I was oversharing. But it was honest and reciprocated every time. There were palpable moments of electricity between us.
Then came the pull back...she is a nurse who works 12 hour shifts and has shared custody of her son. I work a typical m-f schedule. So as we are building this whatever it was, spending time together was a challenge sometimes. I completely respect her keeping me separate from her son until the time was right, never pushed, always accepted that her role as a mother comes first.
So she asks me if I want to do dinner at my house for this past Tuesday. Tuesday is my golf night, but I made an effort to go to work early, leave early, get my match done early so we can have a nice evening. I even took the morning off in case we were up late, so we could maybe wake up next to each other and enjoy sometime together in the morning. She was really excited about this, or rather implied that she was. Even had the spicy talk the day before.
Then she arrives and I can tell something is off. Shes not as receptive to my touch, dynamic is off. After dinner we sit on the couch and she breaks down in tears. She's feeling like we are moving fast, she feels like our texting is taking away from time with her son, wants to dial it back. She has her son for a 5 day stint starting the next day, doesn't want to feel tethered to her phone, wants to feel present. Okay, I get it, respect it, no problem at all. She then tells me about how her divorce went down, kind of wild and not exactly how she made it seem at first. She definitely still is working through that stuff and the ex dynamic is poor and I think he bullies her and knows her buttons. I straight up told her that if I was her partner I would be there and defend her and not let his bullshit slide (maturely, I'm 40 and don't need to be physical). She did say a few times that she was always waiting for the other shoe to drop with us because of her past relationship trauma. But guys, I have no other shoe. I'm a god damn gentleman doing his best to operate in a time when women are more independent, and I support it and respect it.
I send her an email the following day apologizing if I came in to strong, I believe in what we are building, I respect boundaries and her and all her terrific attributes. She responds by saying it was beautiful and she looks forward to moving forward with me. I also suggest phone calls or Video chats in lieu of texting moving forward. And I assured her I didn't need to be in contact 24/7 and that I like my independence as well.
Over the next couple days I let her lead the conversation. If she texted I responded. Typically it wasn't immediately but within 15 minutes unless I myself was busy. I wouldn't try and engage in long discussions. Just little check ins it seemed like. Then her text style changed again, less frequent, no emoji, no real engagement from her in to my activities. I felt it coming.
She was ill over these past few days with bronchitis and was having her period, she felt cruddy and I felt bad I couldn't be there for her like I wanted to. I would ask how she was doing, if she needed anything. Her response was that I was sweet but she could manage. But she began to not ask me about what I was up to, or really engage much at all.
Saturday she ends it, says she hasn't really put all her focus on being a mom since her divorce (4 years ago), she made some relationship mistakes post divorce, still healing, really wants to be there for her son (kid sounds amazing btw). But okay, yeah I am bummed but I respect it. What else can I do right? Kid comes first, I get it.
But you know what really bothered me is that when asked about what we were felt for each other, if it was real, she denies we had this special connection and that she thinks she was forcing my long winded question here is... After all that, does that sound like she was forcing it? She said she felt there was an incompatibility but couldn't identify what it was. She's sorry for leading me on, then tells me not to lose her number. Like wtf? I think she is either lying to herself to make herself feel better or there is something else going on. My hypothesis is that our potential scared her, she doesn't want to get big time hurt again and is anxious about it and somebody put the bug in her ear that the feelings she is having is because she is forcing it (she mentioned a comment a coworker made to this extent about it being forced because she wasnt as giddy as she had been, I think she was fearful and this person labeled it as force). I say this because it all doesn't make sense, I am probably wrong, help me make sense of this, please.
Tl;Dr built a wicked connection with a woman, have evidence it wasn't one sided, special connection, met her parents, installed her appliances, got dumped a week later and was told it wasn't real but forced.
submitted by Recent-Management-61 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:08 Recent-Management-61 AITHAH for not believing the reasons I was given during a break up...

Throwaway here
Up until a few days ago I (39m) was dating/just establishing a relationship with a single mother (41f). We have been seeing each other for just over 2 months. Not a long time I know but the ease in which we connected really felt very unique and different than past relationships. A fact she acknowledged more than once. We share similar perspectives, find enjoyment in many of the same things, equally dorky and awkward. We really felt in sync.
I know the intensity of feelings I felt towards her were disproportionate, in a typical sense, to the amount of time we spent/knew each other. When speaking with friends I even said it was stupid I felt this strength of connection so quickly. I know it's easy to think I was naive or seeing things that weren't there, but I am confident that's not the case. There were real reciprocation of feelings and intensity in moments that we both identified. I think I communicate well, I am clear, and understanding, and a good listener. She really appreciated this quality and as such was very open and clear about her feelings towards me as well. Saying things like how she's never dated someone like me (I've been through some shit, did therapy, became pretty emotionally intelligent and self-reflective as a result), telling me how appreciative she is for me, gave me a card stating this on the day she started to pull back actually, how my touch gives her tingles. Straight up telling me a week before how she really likes me.
Yes we were intimate a few times. Intense and mutually satisfying, had improtu spicy chats during the day including the day before we last saw each other. On top of her words and discussions there were actions that also spoke to her really being serious about the connection we were developing. She happens to live right next to her parents and her sisters family. Now she could have kept me separate from all that, but she didn't. I met her sister pretty early on when having a date night at her house. Then a week later she invites me to her sister's house for a little BBQ, was an excellent night. And I ended up meeting her parents too. Not by happenstance either, but rather here come inside my parents house and say hello. And she was having conversations with her son about me and trying to get him comfortable with the idea of meeting me. I even helped her move appliances with her and her dad 3 days before the pull back and 1 week before she ended it. I even installed the washer and dryer for her, then encouraged her to go to an event for her son right after I got done, without me. I didn't do it for any other reason than I really liked her and acts of service are one of the ways I show how I care and it made me feel good to do it, to be there for her. This all has a certain connotation or level of seriousness in a relationship all in its own.
My emotions fed off of her words and actions, maybe my openness and honesty felt like a bit much at times, like I was oversharing. But it was honest and reciprocated every time. There were palpable moments of electricity between us.
Then came the pull back...she is a nurse who works 12 hour shifts and has shared custody of her son. I work a typical m-f schedule. So as we are building this whatever it was, spending time together was a challenge sometimes. I completely respect her keeping me separate from her son until the time was right, never pushed, always accepted that her role as a mother comes first.
So she asks me if I want to do dinner at my house for this past Tuesday. Tuesday is my golf night, but I made an effort to go to work early, leave early, get my match done early so we can have a nice evening. I even took the morning off in case we were up late, so we could maybe wake up next to each other and enjoy sometime together in the morning. She was really excited about this, or rather implied that she was. Even had the spicy talk the day before.
Then she arrives and I can tell something is off. Shes not as receptive to my touch, dynamic is off. After dinner we sit on the couch and she breaks down in tears. She's feeling like we are moving fast, she feels like our texting is taking away from time with her son, wants to dial it back. She has her son for a 5 day stint starting the next day, doesn't want to feel tethered to her phone, wants to feel present. Okay, I get it, respect it, no problem at all. She then tells me about how her divorce went down, kind of wild and not exactly how she made it seem at first. She definitely still is working through that stuff and the ex dynamic is poor and I think he bullies her and knows her buttons. I straight up told her that if I was her partner I would be there and defend her and not let his bullshit slide (maturely, I'm 40 and don't need to be physical). She did say a few times that she was always waiting for the other shoe to drop with us because of her past relationship trauma. But guys, I have no other shoe. I'm a god damn gentleman doing his best to operate in a time when women are more independent, and I support it and respect it.
I send her an email the following day apologizing if I came in to strong, I believe in what we are building, I respect boundaries and her and all her terrific attributes. She responds by saying it was beautiful and she looks forward to moving forward with me. I also suggest phone calls or Video chats in lieu of texting moving forward. And I assured her I didn't need to be in contact 24/7 and that I like my independence as well.
Over the next couple days I let her lead the conversation. If she texted I responded. Typically it wasn't immediately but within 15 minutes unless I myself was busy. I wouldn't try and engage in long discussions. Just little check ins it seemed like. Then her text style changed again, less frequent, no emoji, no real engagement from her in to my activities. I felt it coming.
She was ill over these past few days with bronchitis and was having her period, she felt cruddy and I felt bad I couldn't be there for her like I wanted to. I would ask how she was doing, if she needed anything. Her response was that I was sweet but she could manage. But she began to not ask me about what I was up to, or really engage much at all.
Saturday she ends it, says she hasn't really put all her focus on being a mom since her divorce (4 years ago), she made some relationship mistakes post divorce, still healing, really wants to be there for her son (kid sounds amazing btw). But okay, yeah I am bummed but I respect it. What else can I do right? Kid comes first, I get it.
But you know what really bothered me is that when asked about what we were felt for each other, if it was real, she denies we had this special connection and that she thinks she was forcing my long winded question here is... After all that, does that sound like she was forcing it? She said she felt there was an incompatibility but couldn't identify what it was. She's sorry for leading me on, then tells me not to lose her number. Like wtf? I think she is either lying to herself to make herself feel better or there is something else going on. My hypothesis is that our potential scared her, she doesn't want to get big time hurt again and is anxious about it and somebody put the bug in her ear that the feelings she is having is because she is forcing it (she mentioned a comment a coworker made to this extent about it being forced because she wasnt as giddy as she had been, I think she was fearful and this person labeled it as force). I say this because it all doesn't make sense, I am probably wrong, help me make sense of this, please.
Tl;Dr built a wicked connection with a woman, have evidence it wasn't one sided, special connection, met her parents, installed her appliances, got dumped a week later and was told it wasn't real but forced.
submitted by Recent-Management-61 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:06 Mother_Trucker97 What other jobs are there that pay more and have a schedule more like this?

Hi all! I'm looking to switch to a job that has a schedule somewhat similar to 830am-230pm, around 25-30 hours per week, or have the ability to make my own schedule and or work from home. Looking to make >$40 per hour and willing to get up to a master's. I have an Assosciates in science at the moment. I've thought about becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor recently, but want to hear about what else is out there. I do like helping people, I already work in healthcare. I was in nursing school but did realize that's not for me and looking for something else, hopefully a little less stressful/backbreaking than nursing or what I currently do, which is physical therapy. Thanks in advance!!
submitted by Mother_Trucker97 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:05 VegetableArgument201 Vyvanse am & Catapres pm

Help - need some support, advice or encouragement. I’ve been taking Vyvanse 30mg in the morning for a month and I feel different every day, sometimes tired, sometimes energetic and focused, other times I’m anxious/frazzled/burnt out and then at times I’m just physically tense and can’t sleep much. So we’ve added Catapres/clonidine 50mg at night hoping that it reduces the anxiety and increases sleep. Im wondering who else has experienced something similar, what helped you, and/or how this combination has gone for you? Please let me know as I’ve been pretty anxious the past 5 days and I’m exhausted and emotional and feel so sick and tired of trying medications/therapies etc. edit: 51 female, post menopausal
submitted by VegetableArgument201 to ausadhd [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:04 Mother_Trucker97 Looking to change to save my back and work better hours with better pay!

Hi all! I'm looking to switch to a job that has a schedule somewhat similar to 830am-230pm, around 25-30 hours per week, or have the ability to make my own schedule and or work from home. Looking to make >$40 per hour and willing to get up to a master's. I have an Assosciates in science at the moment. I've thought about becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor recently, but want to hear about what else is out there. I do like helping people, I already work in healthcare. I was in nursing school but did realize that's not for me and looking for something else, hopefully a little less stressful/backbreaking than nursing or what I currently do, which is physical therapy. Thanks in advance!!
submitted by Mother_Trucker97 to Career [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:03 throwaway23885 I(28F) feel attracted to a guy i met at the gym but i'm married with my husband(28M). What should i do? Advices please!!!

So i'm married with my husband (Kevin) since 4 years and our relationship since we get married is very boring. I'm the one always suggesting trips, go to events, go somewhere for a romantic week-end or only a romantic dinner at home. I mean for 4 years i tried to spice up our marriage with easy things like i said before and i never expected to go to expensive places, doing luxury trips or have jewels every single day. I'm a pretty easy type of woman and even a dinner with a frozen dish to me is very romantic and unique cause it's a spontaneous thing or even a flower caught by the street would make me happy and feeled like i'm important to Kevin. So as you see i'm not a very "demanding" woman. I still remember when, before marriage, Kevin brought me a few flowers from the garden and gave them to me and i was the happiest girl of this world cause this simple things are, to me, the things that tells you how much someone cares for you. Or the time when i burnt the dinner cause i was distracted and Kevin, when he got back home from work, reassured me and we bought some McDonald's and stayed there hours just cuddling and talking. But since we got married he acts like i don't exist and just comes home to eat, watch the TV and sleep. Nothing else.
I tried many times to have a talk with him about our relationship, what we (and i) could do better to improve it, if i was doing something wrong, couple's therapy but he always brushed it off saying "i'm nust tired leave me alone". Every single time the same answer so after 4 years of frustrations like this i just gave up.
But then a year ago i made a gym membership cause i wanted to be in shape and because i thought that maybe my body was the problem and in 1 year i got in the best shape of my life but my husband didn't even noticed it and always act like it's all normal. In this year i met a guy at the gym and we started talking and become friends.
Before going on i want to specify that we never did anything physical like sex, kiss or this things and we always only talked like friends. This guy (Martin) apparently could seem like a tough and strict guy but i can guarantee that despise his body size (he is 194 cm for 134 kg) he is the sweetest guy i ever met. He is extremly sweet, innocent and extremly funny. He always talks with everyone at the gym and everyone likes him for his funny character. Since we started talking randomly, before, and then more seriously after i noticed that we have many things in common and we basically have the same character. I still remember that 3 months ago i was of the worst mood ever and he arriving to the gym and seeing me angry took a flower from the plants around the gym and gave it to me making me happy and smiling.
I never felt a connection like this with no one before and not even with my bestfriend. Just to make you understand.
I have no idea of what this guy is doing to me but i feel extremely attracted to him emotionally and physically. I would never cheat on my husband so having sex with Martin isn't an option and i never talked with him about my marriage problems cause it's a very personal thing and i don't talk about this things with everyone so Martin knows only a superficial part of me.
So folks of Reddit is this "normal"? How do i unravel this situation? What should i do?
P.S. i'm working as a secretary while Kevin works for a tech company as a business manager so he is the breedwinner of the couple and i'm doing all the house chores because Kevin is "too tired". We never wanted kids so this isn't a problem and our intimacy is doing it 3 times in 6 months.
TL:DR; I(28F) feel attracted to a guy i met at the gym but i'm married with my husband(28M). What should i do? Advices please!!!
submitted by throwaway23885 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:00 MentallyillFroggy I fucking hate CPS appointments

The workers are super nice but that’s not the issue. Having to hold up this facade of „oh yea my parents are so nice“ is.
she said my parents support me really well and are doing a great job and that it’s not like that for everyone, and my parents play the „oh we do everything in our power and we love her so much and don’t pressure her to do anything, we won’t kick her out“ part, like babes you aren’t doing ANYTHING for me except providing me a roof and food. You didn’t get me therapy for years, physically neglected me, even my clinic documents from when I was 14 say you clearly emotionally neglect me, even my clinic documents from when I was 15 say you were physically abusive. CPS even has these. You destroyed my things and ignored me half my life. You never offered me any kind of emotional support or connection. How can the parents that literally sat on me and strangled me and beat me when I was only 6 pretend to be like this? YOU EMOTIONALLY FUCKING TORTURED ME BY BEATING ME EVERY DAY. It’s fucking infuriating Wdym you don’t pressure me to do anything? One wrong step or word, not even, just me existing and being present, and you’ll yell your soul out at me. You called me a fucking whore at 12 bc my mom didn’t clean up. This happened daily. I was always the scapegoat. You ignored that I was raped. Multiple times. and never said a single word about it. Never offering a single word of support. YOU are the reason for my issues and my CPTSD in the first place. Fuck you. I am so fucking sick of this shit. Why do they even offer me a stationary living group for therapy if in the same sentence they say „but you don’t need it anyway your parents are great“ WHERE TF DO YOU THINK MY UNSOLVABLE ISSUES AND CPTSD COME FROM
submitted by MentallyillFroggy to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:59 Legitimate_Feature94 Sports Physical Therapy in Scottsdale or East Valley

Bit of an odd question here, but I got injured recently playing basketball, (M25) and was hoping to see if anyone had recommendations for sports-focused PT’s in Scottsdale. I am asking here because
A). I don’t have a primary care physician here. I just moved here this year from the Midwest and I honestly have not had to go see the doctor yet once. I probably should find one, but I am also dreading the headache it will be to make sure my insurance until 2025 accepts everything as mine is still currently based out of state and I can’t get it switched over to AZ until next year.
B). I have been told AZ is one of a few states where you don’t need the referral from a primary care doctor to get in right away. This is different from what I have lived with my entire life until now.
Does Mayo Clinic have outpatient PT? I’m just using them as an example because they are obviously a world class name brand in medicine and it’s 5 minutes from my place. If anyone else has reccomendationss for PT’s in the area that will help me get back to high level sports as efficiently as possible, I would appreciate any advice.
submitted by Legitimate_Feature94 to Scottsdale [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:59 Meowow912 I feel so bad for the Walmart employee that showed me where an item was.

I was at Walmart yesterday morning and after getting everything else needed I could not find 1 item. I asked a woman who worked there and I was on the wrong side of the store but she took me to where it was. (Our store is being renovated so its confusing right now.) Because she is she's a busy woman with things to do she walked a little faster than average to show me were my item was. I did my best to keep up but I'm disabled. My lungs don't work and my heart rate shoots up way way to high just standing up let alone that kind activity.
I see the aisle she was going in to but had to stop because my vision got dark and I thought I was going to pass out. She looked back and I guess I had turned white was repeating don't pass out don't pass out. My husband was with me and immediately knew that I was having an a breathing issue and my heart rate was probably sky rocketing and I often have low blood sugar and he knew I didn't eat before shopping.
She kind of went pale and came back and asked if I was OK. My husband said she was reaching for her radio incase she had to call in for help. We assured her I just needed a second and thanked her so so much for her time and I said I'm sorry over and over.
Before it all went bad all I was thinking is look how fast I am going that physical therapy is helping so much. I feel so bad for that woman though she had no idea that only a few years ago while waiting for life saving surgery I was on oxygen and having to use one of those power chair carts to shop at Walmart.
submitted by Meowow912 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:57 MentallyillFroggy I fucking hate CPS appointments

The workers are super nice but that’s not the issue. Having to hold up this facade of „oh yea my parents are so nice“ is.
she said my parents support me really well and are doing a great job and that it’s not like that for everyone, and my parents play the „oh we do everything in our power and we love her so much and don’t pressure her to do anything, we won’t kick her out“ part, like babes you aren’t doing ANYTHING for me except providing me a roof and food. You didn’t get me therapy for years, physically neglected me, even my clinic documents from when I was 14 say you clearly emotionally neglect me, even my clinic documents from when I was 15 say you were physically abusive. CPS even has these. How can the parents that literally strangled and beat me when I was only 6 pretend to be like this? YOU EMOTIONALLY FUCKING TORTURED ME BY BEATING ME EVERY DAY. It’s fucking infuriating Wdym you don’t pressure me to do anything? One wrong step or word, not even, just me existing and being present, and you’ll yell your soul out at me. You called me a fucking whore at 12 bc my mom didn’t clean up. This happened daily. I was always the scapegoat. You ignored that I was raped and never said a single word about it. YOU are the reason for my issues and my PTSD in the first place. Fuck you. I am so fucking sick of this shit. Why do they even offer me a stationary living group for therapy if in the same sentence they say „but you don’t need it anyway your parents are great“ WHERE TF DO YOU THINK MY UNSOLVABLE ISSUES AND CPTSD COME FROM
submitted by MentallyillFroggy to abusesurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:46 MentallyillFroggy I fucking hate CPS appointments

The workers are super nice but that’s not the issue. Having to hold up this facade of „oh yea my parents are so nice“ is.
she said my parents support me really well and are doing a great job and that it’s not like that for everyone, and my parents play the „oh we do everything in our power and we love her so much and don’t pressure her to do anything, we won’t kick her out“ part, like babes you aren’t doing ANYTHING for me except providing me a roof and food. You didn’t get me therapy for years, physically neglected me, even my clinic documents from when I was 14 say you clearly emotionally neglect me, even my clinic documents from when I was 15 say you were physically abusive. CPS even has these. How can the parents that literally strangled and beat me when I was only 6 pretend to be like this? YOU EMOTIONALLY FUCKING TORTURED ME BY BEATING ME EVERY DAY. It’s fucking infuriating Wdym you don’t pressure me to do anything? One wrong step or word, not even, just me existing and being present, and you’ll yell your soul out at me. You called me a fucking whore at 12 bc my mom didn’t clean up. This happened daily. I was always the scapegoat. You ignored that I was raped and never said a single word about it. YOU are the reason for my issues and my PTSD in the first place. Fuck you. I am so fucking sick of this shit. Why do they even offer me a stationary living group for therapy if in the same sentence they say „but you don’t need it anyway your parents are great“ WHERE TF DO YOU THINK MY UNSOLVABLE ISSUES AND CPTSD COME FROM
submitted by MentallyillFroggy to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:41 hartc89 Help with Penile Numbness

Hi There!
I’m 35 somewhat healthy male with a girlfriend who tends to masturbate pretty regularly, was sick last week and no experiencing penile numbness can feel it somewhat and gets hard in the morning. I was still able to orgasm over the weekend but not fully erect.
Does NoFap help with this? I’m seeing a Urologist this week and I’ve heard by some physical therapy can help. Any thoughts? Sorry I’m legit freaking right now
submitted by hartc89 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:32 True_Swan_670 Ayurvedic Shops: Where Tradition Meets Modern Wellness

Ayurvedic Shops: Where Tradition Meets Modern Wellness

Ayurvedic Shops: Where Tradition Meets Modern Wellness
Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine that originated in India over 5,000 years ago, has been gaining popularity worldwide for its holistic approach to health and wellness. Rooted in the belief that true health is a balance of mind, body, and spirit, Ayurveda offers natural remedies and lifestyle practices that promote overall well-being. Ayurvedic shop online are at the heart of this growing trend, providing access to traditional Ayurvedic products while incorporating modern wellness practices. In this article, we'll explore how Ayurvedic shops bridge the gap between ancient traditions and contemporary health needs, and why they are becoming an essential destination for those seeking holistic health solutions.

The Essence of Ayurveda

Ayurveda, which translates to "the science of life," is based on the concept that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the body, mind, and spirit. It emphasizes prevention and encourages the maintenance of health through close attention to balance in one's life, right thinking, diet, lifestyle, and the use of herbs. Key principles of Ayurveda include:
  • The Three Doshas: Vata (air and ether), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha (water and earth) are the three doshas, or energies, believed to circulate in the body and govern physiological activity. Imbalances in these doshas can lead to health issues.
  • Prakriti: This is an individual’s unique constitution, determined by the proportions of the three doshas. Understanding one’s prakriti helps in tailoring personalized health and wellness plans.
  • Agni: The digestive fire, which is crucial for overall health. Strong agni promotes good digestion, absorption, and assimilation of food.

The Role of Ayurvedic Shops

Ayurvedic shops serve as a crucial link between the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and modern consumers seeking natural and holistic health solutions. These shops offer a wide range of products, from herbal supplements and medicinal oils to skincare products and organic foods. Here’s how Ayurvedic shops blend tradition with modern wellness:
1. Access to Authentic Ayurvedic Products:
Ayurvedic shops provide access to authentic, high-quality Ayurvedic products that are often difficult to find elsewhere. These include:
  • Herbal Supplements: Formulated from natural ingredients, these supplements are designed to balance the doshas and support various aspects of health, such as digestion, immunity, and mental clarity.
  • Medicinal Oils: Used in traditional therapies like Abhyanga (oil massage) and Shirodhara (oil pouring), these oils are crafted from a blend of herbs and natural oils to promote relaxation and healing.
  • Skincare and Beauty Products: Ayurvedic skincare products are made from natural ingredients like turmeric, sandalwood, and neem, offering a chemical-free alternative for skincare routines.
2. Personalized Wellness Solutions:
Many Ayurvedic shops offer personalized consultations with Ayurvedic practitioners. These experts can help determine an individual’s dosha and provide tailored recommendations for diet, lifestyle, and herbal remedies. This personalized approach ensures that customers receive solutions that are specific to their unique needs.
3. Educational Resources:
Ayurvedic shops often serve as educational hubs, offering workshops, seminars, and informational materials about Ayurveda. These resources help customers understand the principles of Ayurveda and how to incorporate them into their daily lives. Education empowers individuals to take control of their health and make informed choices.
4. Integration with Modern Wellness Practices:
While rooted in ancient traditions, Ayurvedic shops also embrace modern wellness trends. Many shops offer products that cater to contemporary health concerns, such as organic superfoods, detox teas, and natural supplements for stress management. This integration makes Ayurveda accessible and relevant to today’s health-conscious consumers.

Popular Products at Ayurvedic Shops

Turmeric Supplements: Renowned for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, turmeric is a staple in Ayurvedic medicine. Turmeric supplements are popular for supporting joint health, boosting immunity, and promoting overall wellness.
Ashwagandha: This adaptogenic herb is known for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety, improve energy levels, and enhance cognitive function. Ashwagandha supplements are widely used to support mental and physical health.
Triphala: A traditional Ayurvedic formula made from three fruits – amla, bibhitaki, and haritaki. Triphala is revered for its digestive benefits and is commonly used to support bowel health and detoxification.
Neem: Often used in skincare products, neem is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is effective in treating various skin conditions and promoting healthy skin.
Chyawanprash: A traditional Ayurvedic jam made from a blend of herbs, fruits, and spices. Chyawanprash is consumed to boost immunity, enhance energy levels, and improve digestion.
Shatavari: An herb used to support female health, particularly reproductive health and hormonal balance. Shatavari supplements are popular among women for managing menstrual and menopausal symptoms.

The Modern Ayurvedic Shop Experience

The modern Ayurvedic shop offers a unique shopping experience that combines the best of both worlds – ancient wisdom and contemporary convenience. Here’s what you can expect when you visit an Ayurvedic shop:
A Welcoming Atmosphere: Ayurvedic shops often have a calming and welcoming ambiance, reflecting the holistic principles of Ayurveda. The environment is designed to promote relaxation and well-being.
Knowledgeable Staff: The staff at Ayurvedic shops are typically well-versed in the principles of Ayurveda and can provide valuable insights and recommendations. They can help you navigate the products and choose the ones that best suit your needs.
Product Transparency: Reputable Ayurvedic shops prioritize transparency and provide detailed information about their products, including ingredient lists, sourcing, and manufacturing processes. This transparency helps build trust and ensures that customers are getting high-quality, authentic products.
Online Shopping Options: Many Ayurvedic shops have embraced e-commerce, offering online shopping options for those who prefer the convenience of home delivery. Online platforms often provide a wide range of products, along with educational resources and customer reviews.


Ayurvedic shops play a vital role in bringing the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda to the modern world. By offering authentic products, personalized wellness solutions, and educational resources, these shops empower individuals to take charge of their health and well-being. Whether you’re looking to enhance your diet, support your mental health, or find natural skincare solutions, Ayurvedic shops provide a bridge between tradition and modern wellness, making holistic health accessible to all. Embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda and explore the offerings of your local Ayurvedic shop – where tradition truly meets modern wellness.
submitted by True_Swan_670 to u/True_Swan_670 [link] [comments]