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B&H Photo

2020.05.29 11:04 Disco47 B&H Photo

Everything relating to B&H Photo. Discuss photography, products and deals. For customers and employees.

2023.09.30 14:49 KaterBarde b_h_a_g


2013.07.03 06:18 soopersalad US h1b foreign workers nook

H-1B non-immigrant visa holders in the United States. Either you are still in limbo or stuck in the endless wait or just received what we all wish for, the elusive Greencard, this reddit space is for you.

2024.05.21 21:21 distressedpiglet Let’s start a giveaway thread!! Help each other out! ⭐️🫶🏼

Let’s start a giveaway thread!! Help each other out! ⭐️🫶🏼
IGN: LusciousCanary84
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/bJvnhg https://mply.io/bJvnhg
submitted by distressedpiglet to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:21 BergBlog The 1992-1995 design the WCW World Television Championship was debuted by Stunning Steve Austin in 1992. It was held by such greats as Ricky Steamboat, Steven Regal, Arn Anderson, Paul Orndorff, Scott Steiner, Johnny B Badd, and Larry Zbyszko. The belt debuted in silver and later refinished gold.

submitted by BergBlog to wrestlingbelts [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:20 EchoJobs Hiring Engineering Manager - Ranking Platform team Tel Aviv, Israel Israel Remote [Kotlin Kubernetes Docker MySQL Redis Java Scala]

Hiring Engineering Manager - Ranking Platform team Tel Aviv, Israel Israel Remote [Kotlin Kubernetes Docker MySQL Redis Java Scala] submitted by EchoJobs to echojobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:20 PollySecond Non so se sia il posto giusto per chiedere ma: sono obbligato a restituire un pacco arrivato dopo il rimborso?

Andrò dritto al punto senza girarci intorno: Ho cercato di far stampare un libro (che é disponibile online gratuitamente) ad una compagnia francese di stampa (Lulu), ma dopo un po' di tempo mi hanno scritto annullando l'ordine e terminando l'account dicendo che non potevano stampare contenuti non creati direttamente da me, anche se é un contenuto gratuito.
Dopo aver fatto un po' di botta e risposta tramite E-mail, hanno detto che mi avrebbero mandato il rimborso entro 2-3 giorni lavorativi, solo che nel terzo giorno lavorativo mi é arrivato l'email che il pacco era stato inviato.
Non mi sono fatto domande pensando che come pacco intendessero un rimborso ed ho aspettato.
Ieri (l'ordine é partito il 5 maggio) é arrivato il rimborso in denaro, quindi felicemente ho chiuso il caso ed ho preso i soldi, solo che stamattina é arrivato il vero pacco contenente i libri...
In questo caso come funziona la situazione? Non mi spiego come sia avvenuto tutto questo dato che l'ordine doveva essere stato terminato 3 giorni prima, ma ad essere onesti, non vorrei rinviarlo indietro dato che potrebbero benissimo farmi il lato B a strisce per aver infranto i loro termini e condizioni...
In questo specifico caso sono obbligato a rimborsarlo anche se l'errore é stato dalla sua parte? Nuovamente, vorrei evitare ulteriori guai dopo 20 giorni di attesa... E soprattutto, quali sono le probabilità che mi contatti lui stesso e come? E soprattutto anche in quel momento: sono obbligato a restituire il tutto? Vorrei saperlo prima di aprire il pacco...
submitted by PollySecond to Avvocati [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:20 mk_ripperdavid H: v40p15b chainsaw, v 50c 90 chainsaw, b 50c 1s chainsaw w: offer

submitted by mk_ripperdavid to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:20 Writing_Particular Medicare and PC?

I’m curious if folks have encountered any coverage issues with getting your diagnoses and treatments while being on Medicare?
Are there certain procedures that they simply do not cover? How about physical therapy? Any time limits?
I’m on “traditional” Medicare, A and B, with Medigap coverage through Cigna.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Writing_Particular to ProstateCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:20 EchoJobs Hiring Engineering Manager - Ranking Platform team Tel Aviv, Israel Israel Remote [Kotlin Kubernetes Docker MySQL Redis Java Scala]

Hiring Engineering Manager - Ranking Platform team Tel Aviv, Israel Israel Remote [Kotlin Kubernetes Docker MySQL Redis Java Scala] submitted by EchoJobs to joblead [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:20 Bubbly_Profit_4839 Don Marco Ceccarelli Commento Ss. Trinità, anno "B"

submitted by Bubbly_Profit_4839 to u/Bubbly_Profit_4839 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:20 Medical_Cow3683 [SPB239] I think I’ve fallen in love guys🙂‍↔️

[SPB239] I think I’ve fallen in love guys🙂‍↔️ submitted by Medical_Cow3683 to Seiko [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:19 Expensive_Deal_2069 Neanche ai dipendenti Mediaset interessa più Silvio

Neanche ai dipendenti Mediaset interessa più Silvio submitted by Expensive_Deal_2069 to Italianscamads [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:19 PolkaLlevan Resume Review. All criticism is welcome!

Resume Review. All criticism is welcome! submitted by PolkaLlevan to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:19 definitize WORSHIP

Renewing the call for a B4B and some separate sets (Sub Focus, Dimension most likely) after they just killed EDC and after a strong showing at Ultra. That John Summit collab is going to be one of the most played songs of the EDM circuit this year. DnB has hit the US and we’re embracing it with open arms, and the trajectory feels so right.
This and an actual Chase and Status set please and thank you Paul
submitted by definitize to Coachella [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:19 These-Maintenance-51 Some real cred in this pic

Some real cred in this pic submitted by These-Maintenance-51 to southpark [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:19 FaithlessnessLeft547 These toon tears be eerie.

These toon tears be eerie. submitted by FaithlessnessLeft547 to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:19 Ok-Sun5345 Primeiro treino que montei 100% sozinho! Gostaria de opiniões

Primeiro treino que montei 100% sozinho! Gostaria de opiniões
Tudo bem meus queridos? Recentemente troquei de academia (precisava cortar custos) e nessa aqui o auxílio dos professores é zero, eles utilizam algumas fichas padrão pra todo mundo e o treino não é personalizado.
Eu treino a quase dois anos de forma séria, então arrisquei montar um treino sozinho baseado naquilo que aprendi até então.
No treino de costas meu intuito é dar mais ênfase na dorsal, gostaria de desenvolver ela um pouquinho mais.
Não curto muito fazer abdominal, então optei por separar um dia só pra isso e juntar com a corrida, que é um esporte que comecei recentemente e tenho gostado bastante. Escolhi o treino D e não o C pra evitar a fadiga do treino de perna da terça (B).
A ideia é que a rotina de treino seja sempre ABC-D-E e em alguns sábados dependendo da disposição e tempo repetir o D. Domingo sempre descanso.
Vocês acham que deixei passar algo?
submitted by Ok-Sun5345 to Maromba [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:19 IKnow_TrustMe Anyone with experience using the CONTINENTAL GRAND PRIX 4 SEASON?

I currently have two different tyres at home and I'm unsure which one is best suited for a race?
CONTINENTAL SPORT CONTACT 28x1 1/4x 1 3/4 32-622 (for around €12) (currently on my bicycle)
CONTINENTAL GRAND PRIX 4 SEASON 28-622 (new, still in the box)
I'm planning to use the Grand Prix 4 Season for an upcoming bicycle tour (as I got these recommended for the tour and bought them specifically for that). However, I also have a double century race upcoming a few weeks before the tour and I'm unsure if I should change tyres before or after the race? The 4 seasons are obviously more expensive, but is that just because they are durable or are they fast as well?
( And yes I'm touring and racing on the same bicycle b.c. I'm poor and I don't care too much about the time in the race, I just want to make it to the finish line :D )
submitted by IKnow_TrustMe to bicycling [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:19 PolkaLlevan Resume Review. All criticism is welcome!

Resume Review. All criticism is welcome! submitted by PolkaLlevan to Big4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:19 DarksDong69 Self Defense Against An Assailant Wielding A Knife

Self Defense in the UK:

I have a couple questions about self defense in the UK as I've moved over from Ireland about 2 years ago now. I had a knife pulled on my recently by an individual I believe to have been under the age of 16 in which I kicked the knife away and ran. I have a girlfriend who luckily wasn't with me, who due to medical reasons (believed to be arthritis) cannot run away in situations such as that, as so it leads me to question the following:
Disclaimer: I do not intend to hurt anybody or cause physical harm, I simply am enquiring about the repercussions and legality of self defense methods in the event they may be necessary so that I do not do anything that is not deemed as self defense or reasonable force.
1. If an individual pulls a knife on somebody:
1.a) Is a pre-emptive strike valid and lawful self-defense.
1.b) In the event I ended up on the ground and deemed grabbing the assailants throat with the intent to cause severe physical harm my only option is that valid and lawful self-defense.
2. If a group of people (2 or more) each pull a knife on somebody: 2.a) In the event the defender can disarm one of the knives can the defender use it in defense against an assailant who still wields a knife.
2.b) Can the defender use the disarmed knife on the assailant of which whom they had disarmed the knife from, provided they are still pursuing the defender with intent to cause harm.
2.c) In the event an assailant of the group armed with a knife, suffers severe bodily harm or even death due to the use of a disarmed knife in self defense is that a punishable offense.
3. In the event a minor (person anywhere under the age of 18) pulls a knife on somebody:
3.a) Can the defender use force such as punching, kicking etc. to defend.
3.b) In the event the defender unintentionally causes severe bodily harm or even death in an attempt to use reasonable force is that a punishable offense.
3.c) With reference to question "2.a", when a group of people under the age of 18 pursue the defender, all wielding knives, can you use a disarmed knife in your defense against an assailant with a knife.
submitted by DarksDong69 to police [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:19 Alexander_Gottlob If true randomness was shown to be a law of nature, would determinism then be invalidated?

Per this definition of determinism:
A complete description of the universe at one time and a complete statement of the laws of nature together entail a complete description of the universe at every other time.
My line of reasoning is that if at least some things happen for truly random reasons, then as a logical constant; the future is inherently unpredictable by nature. So, the future is indeterminate and thus a full description of the universe at a future time point can never be extrapolated from one at a past time point.
My theory is that true randomess does in fact describe our universe, and so we don't live in a deterministic universe. I think that if you had a magic remote that could rewind the universe back to the big bang, and then you unpaused; you would get a different universe everytime you did that.
I believe this because if (something happening randomnly) is taken to mean (something happened, that was not logically predetirmined to happen), then because there are contingently true things in the natural univere, then it must also be true to say that those things are random.
In other words, randomness must be a law of nature for every universe with things in it, because the sentences (things are real), (this thing is real), (this thing is here), (this thing happened), aren't tautologies. So every contingently true thing/event in the universe wasn't predetermined to be true, or to happen; even if it was part of a locally deterministic sequence of things. My example is:
A leads to B
B leads to C
A leads to C
(A leads to C) is a determined outcome, but it's still random because neither (A leads to B), nor (B leads to C) are deterministic because they're contingent.
submitted by Alexander_Gottlob to askphilosophy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:19 ARNONTXM Why did this lock after I completed it

Why did this lock after I completed it submitted by ARNONTXM to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:18 VforVendetta51 Are other Dark Souls even worth playing?

Coming from me whose first Dark Souls was Dark Souls II SOTFS and also my only souls game. I enjoyed this game a lot from the environment and music to its PvP and its many useful weapons. I looked at Dark Souls 3 and was disgusted how it looks like you mash R1 and every weapon acts the same and magic is useless. Until then I was already uninterested in Elden Ring or any Souls games because I still feel DS2 is the best souls game and will always be because B Team was better than that miyazaki shill.
even now i don't see a point in trying a new souls game because they will never have the fun pvp arena fights and invasions that SOTFS has, because of its many different playstyles... hexes, magic, pyromancy, miracles, quality builds, and many weapons to choose. I doubt that elden ring can offer that and i also doubt that the soundtrack is as good as DS2. majula, firekeepers, and some boss themes were so good in DS2. i looked at the other souls games and saw that they weren't as good.
submitted by VforVendetta51 to DarkSouls2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:18 Substantial_Cut2261 Dave Bunker, the real Floyd Rose

Dave Bunker, the real Floyd Rose submitted by Substantial_Cut2261 to guitarcirclejerk [link] [comments]
