Lamotrigine lamictal rapid cycling

Exploring Investment Opportunities: Different Types of Stocks to Consider

2024.05.21 13:05 Dhanesh_Bendre Exploring Investment Opportunities: Different Types of Stocks to Consider

It is essential to comprehend the several stock kinds while entering the realm of investing. The main component of most investing portfolios, stocks provide a range of possibilities suited to diverse investor types and financial objectives.
  1. Market Capitalization: An Overview of Available Options
Large Cap Stocks: Large cap stocks are well-established businesses with a strong market presence, making them ideal for investors looking for stability and consistency.
Mid Cap Stocks: Ideal for investors seeking moderate growth, these stocks strike a mix between the stability of large caps and the tremendous growth potential of small caps.
Small Cap companies: Despite being riskier owing to volatility, small cap companies are preferred by more aggressive investors due to their potential for large growth.
  1. Earnings vs. Growth in Profit Sharing
Growth stocks: Typically, these stocks come from businesses that reinvest their earnings to support rapid growth, expansion, and capital gains.
Income-producing stocks Distinguished by their dividend disbursements, income companies yield consistent returns and are deemed less hazardous in contrast to growth equities.
  1. Considering the Fundamentals: Excessive and Decreased Value
Overpriced Stocks: Often kept for long-term gains, stocks that are priced more than their inherent value.
Undervalued Stocks: These stocks appeal to investors searching for a good deal since their prices are lower than their true values.
  1. Market Reactivity: Blue Chip and Beta Stocks
High beta values are indicative of volatility and maybe larger returns in stocks.
Blue chip stocks are stable, dependable investments that are indicative of financially sound corporations.
  1. Financial Patterns: Volatile and Protective Equities
During periods of economic expansion, cyclical stocks can see significant growth as they fluctuate in tandem with the cycle.
Defensive stocks: Maintain consistent performance even during recessions.
Stock investing necessitates in-depth research, comprehension of your financial objectives, and risk tolerance. See Ajmera Exchange for an extensive tutorial on investing in various stock classes -
submitted by Dhanesh_Bendre to u/Dhanesh_Bendre [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:47 ImAtinyHurricane Ughhh

My psychiatrist was supposed to review me because I've just started lamictal. He left and I have to accept my new psychiatrist but then I won't see him until the 20th of September. I'm afraid the lamictal will send me manic. I'm supposed to be trying to come off the quetiapine and going onto something else so I can wake up early enough to get to morning lectures as I'm going into my final year of university and my grades matter most then. I don't know what to do because if the lamotrigine triggers mania I won't be very aware of it and I don't want to go to hospital just because the lamotrigine has sent me manic. I'm tired of feeling like a zombie but at the same time I domt want to relapse. I really don't know what to do. I'm running out of my lamictal and I have to wait 72hrs for a new prescription... guessing that will be Friday and I'll be like ughh because I have volunteering that day now I might be late. I'm literally panicking. How am I supposed to start a new medication when I can't even see a doctor to talk about if it suits me and whether to add something else in. I haven't even got my anxiety under control and this is just making it worse. I honestly can't wait to go out tomorrow and buy myself a new build a bear and base it of a character from a british TV show... any advice? I felt like yelling at the receptionist but I didn't. She's nice but I wish My psychs wouldn't just leave me like this. No one even tells me when they leave. I'm just so tired of it. I dont know what to do. I'm gonna be out of lamictal for like 2 days then I'm hoping to get it increased a little bit to see if it will let me feel anything. I'm still on promethazine for anxiety which I'm trying to take as little as possible. I'm so stuck at this point. I'm not even sure what to do with myself. I kinda wanna get a service dog because at least then if I have another episode my dog should be able to tell me. Just as I was finally getting somewhere.... I don't even wake up to an alarm. Honestly what am I supposed to do?
submitted by ImAtinyHurricane to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:24 rexoerp Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency with ERP Service in Indore.

Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency with ERP Service in Indore.
In today’s fast-paced business environment, efficient supply chain management is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. Businesses require robust systems that can streamline operations, optimize resource utilization, and provide real-time insights. Supply Chain Management (SCM) software services, enhanced by ERP solutions, play a pivotal role in achieving these objectives. This article explores the benefits of SCM software services and highlights how ERP service in Indore can transform supply chain operations.
Understanding Supply Chain Management Software Services
Supply Chain Management software services encompass a range of tools and applications designed to manage and streamline various supply chain activities. These include procurement, inventory management, order processing, logistics, and demand forecasting. By integrating these processes into a unified system, SCM software enhances visibility, reduces costs, and improves overall efficiency.
The Role of ERP in Supply Chain Management
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are comprehensive software solutions that integrate various business processes into a single, cohesive system. When applied to supply chain management, ERP systems offer numerous benefits:
Centralized Data Management
ERP systems centralize data from various supply chain functions, providing a unified view of operations. This ensures that all stakeholders have access to accurate, real-time information, facilitating better decision-making.
Improved Inventory Management
With ERP, businesses can maintain optimal inventory levels, reducing carrying costs and minimizing stockouts. The system provides real-time inventory data, helping managers make informed decisions about stock replenishment and order fulfillment.
Enhanced Supplier Collaboration
ERP systems streamline communication and collaboration with suppliers. Features such as supplier portals and automated order processing ensure timely deliveries and reduce procurement cycle times.
Efficient Order Processing
ERP systems automate order processing, from order entry to delivery. This reduces manual errors, speeds up order fulfillment, and improves customer satisfaction.
Real-Time Analytics and Reporting
Advanced analytics and reporting tools within ERP systems provide real-time insights into supply chain performance. Businesses can track key performance indicators (KPIs), identify bottlenecks, and implement corrective actions promptly.
Benefits of ERP Service in Indore for Supply Chain Management
Indore, a rapidly growing business hub in India, is home to numerous enterprises seeking advanced solutions to enhance their supply chain operations. Here’s how ERP service in Indore can benefit your business:
Localized Expertise
ERP service providers in Indore understand the unique challenges and requirements of local businesses. They offer tailored solutions that align with regional market dynamics and regulatory frameworks.
Comprehensive Support
With ERP service in Indore, businesses receive end-to-end support, from initial consultation and system design to implementation and ongoing maintenance. This ensures a smooth transition and sustained operational efficiency.
Cost-Effective Solutions
Leveraging ERP service in Indore can be more cost-effective compared to international providers. Local service providers offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality and functionality.
Quick Response Times
Proximity to service providers ensures quick response times for troubleshooting and support. This minimizes downtime and ensures that supply chain operations run smoothly.
Supply Chain Management software services, powered by ERP systems, offer significant advantages for businesses aiming to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. By leveraging ERP service in Indore, companies can benefit from localized expertise, comprehensive support, and cost-effective solutions. Transform your supply chain today with advanced ERP solutions and unlock new levels of productivity and profitability.
submitted by rexoerp to u/rexoerp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:24 Trick-Pomelo5477 😭Noooooooo

Just needed 2 more legendary boons.
submitted by Trick-Pomelo5477 to HadesTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:53 Any_Beginning_2444 Hello world

Bonjour tout le monde,
J'espère que vous allez bien. Ce petit post apparait sous vos yeux, guidé par une question fondamentale au sujet de mon surpoids et peut-être du vôtre.
Aussi loin que je me souvienne, mon corps a été un problème dès l'adolescence. Enfant, c'était un vaisseau, un moteur d'énergie sans fin qui me permettait de courir, grimper, chuter, me battre (avec le prisme enfantin), nager et danser. J'ai toujours aimé bouger, et à cette époque, je croyais que mon corps allait rester mon meilleur ami pour la vie… Et puis arrive l'adolescence, et toute sa morphologie qui vient avec. Moi qui avais un corps de "sucrette" comme disait ma mère, se retrouve de plus en plus avec un corps de femme. La poitrine me fait mal, je prends des hanches, des cuisses, des bras, du ventre… Mon corps change et mon enfance se dérobe, cachée et enfouie sous ce corps de plus en plus marqué par la féminité. (Attention, je ne dis pas qu'une adolescente a un corps de femme, je fais juste état d'un changement rapide et soudain auquel moi, je ne m'attendis absolument pas)
Alors viennent les premières prises de poids, on connait un peu l'adage qui dit que les adolescents mangent comme 5, je ne sais pas si c'est une réalité pour tout le monde, mais dans mon cas, c'en était une. Mon corps change encore. Je suis bien loin de ce corps d'enfant que mon père trainait en randonnée et en bivouac à parcourir les rivières et les montagnes. Alors, je tente des activités sportives extra-scolaires. Un peu de Tennis, un peu de BMX, l'AS du collège avec le Volley, toutes abandonnées très rapidement, sans confiance, il n'y avait pas de performance ou de volonté d'aller plus loin. J'ai donc mon premier constat d'échec, et je resterais avec ce mindset pendant très longtemps, jusqu'à aujourd'hui d'ailleurs.
L'adolescence ce passe, je fais mon lycée, je suis bien entourée, mais on mange mal, on sort peu à part pour faire des soirées soit à la belle étoile, soit chez les copains. Je ne fais plus d'exercice physique, j'ai 6 à mon BAC d'EPS, car je ne voulais plus y aller, je ne voulais juste plus que les autres vois mon corps et puisse le juger en classe. Quand j'y repense, c'est vraiment ridicule, parce qu'à l'époque, j'étais mince, mais toute la pression venait de ma tête.
J'arrive en classe prépa, je mange mal, les remarques de ma famille sur ma prise de poids sont presque quotidiennes, on ne parle plus que de ça, ça devient un sujet number one. Dans mon couple, ce n'est pas le top, je prends du poids, on se sépare, je déménage.
Je termine mon master en réussissant à perdre du poids, je déménage (encore j'ai déménagé 11 fois en 11 ans), et là, le drame. Je reprends du poids, je deviens vraiment en surpoids, je pars faire le tour de Belgique à vélo, rien n'y fait, je ne perds rien, je vais à la salle de sport, je mange mieux, rien ne se passe. Alors, je perds espoir, je me punis en mangeant, car de toute façon, c'est ce que je sais faire de mieux à priori depuis toutes ces années et ces échecs à répétition. J'ai mon boulot, mes amis, j'habite au-dessus d'un bar en plein centre-ville, donc je sors, je sors, je sors. Je me mets dans un cycle d'échec, je mange trop, je bois trop, je fume trop. J'ai des histoires d'amour extrêmement douloureuses et complètement nulles. Je suis toujours en mode échec.
Puis un jour, je rencontre une fille, on se parle et on ne se lâche plus. Un jour, on fait un rendez-vous au lac, on s'assoit à une terrasse, le soleil de fin d'après-midi signe la fin des baignades, il y a des reflets magnifiques dans l'eau et les montagnes se baignent dans ce soleil orangé d'été. Je profite du peu de monde en terrasses pour vider mon sac et parler de tout ce qui ne va pas avec moi. Elle m'écoute, me comprend, me rassure. Je n'ai plus de discours miracle présenté en 5 étapes, j'ai enfin un discours bienveillant en face de moi. Wow. Je respire profondément, sèche mes yeux mouillés par autant de sincérité.
Depuis ce jour, cela fait 1 an que je suis avec cette fille, nous vivons ensemble et dans 1 mois, nous aurons notre chien ensemble. La vie est idéale avec elle, mais moi, je n'arrive pas à être épanouie de moi-même.
1 an après cette discussion, j'ai quand même changé certaines choses. Je bois moins, peut-être deux fois par semaine en weekend. Je fume moins, environ 5 cigarettes par jour par rapport à un paquet il y a 1 an. Je pleure moins, je suis moins déprimée. Vous me direz que c'est déjà un grand pas vers l'épanouissement, mais je ne suis pas satisfaite, je ne peux pas l'être car : je n'ai pas perdu de poids. Enfin, j'ai perdu 5kg, mais sur les 25kg que j'avais à perdre, c'est un peu la loose.
Alors, je me mets à penser, à me dire "Ok, demain, tu fais ça, tu manges ça, tu vas courir, tu vas faire du sport, tu vas bouger tes fesses". Et tous les jours, je remets à demain. Alors, je ne comprends pas, je ne comprends pas que je puisse autant procrastiner quelque chose qui me fait autant souffrir. Une personne ayant une écharde plantée dans la main ne dirait jamais "Demain, je la retire" ainsi pourquoi je garde ma souffrance près de moi malgré la volonté de m'en séparer.
Je me demande si vous aussi, vous faites comme moi, vous vous faites des discours hyper motivant le soir et le lendemain, vous retombez dans votre routine sans avoir su faire le moindre effort. D'où vient ce comportement paradoxalement destructeur et totalement inefficace ? Est-ce que mon cerveau est définitivement réglé en mode échec ? Quelle est cette chape de plomb sur mes espoirs et mes rêves ? Merci de m'avoir lu, j'espère pouvoir échanger avec vous. Je suis désolée si ce post était un peu décousu, je n'ai pas trop pris le temps de me relire au risque de regretter d'avoir ouvert mon cœur sur les internets.
submitted by Any_Beginning_2444 to Surpoids [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:04 Proper_Tomatillo_971 This hotkey is ruining my SOTN experience

This hotkey is ruining my SOTN experience submitted by Proper_Tomatillo_971 to SegaSaturn [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:45 Arklonte Estimation pour reprise d'un vélo

Estimation pour reprise d'un vélo
J'ai récupéré de ma mère un vélo de route Lapierre avec une décoration FDJ datant de 2005/2006 je dirais. Il ne me convient pas en terme de taille et de position et je souhaiterais le faire reprendre pour acheter un VTC et commencer à faire plus de trajets du quotidiens à vélo.
Ne m'y connaissant pas en terme de valeur du matériel, je voulais avoir une rapide estimation avant d'aller dans un magasin d'occasion. J'ai vu passer des offres à 690€ pour des vélos lui ressemblant, j'imagine que le prix peut varier suivant les équipements présents. Le vélo a été entretenu récemment, et n'est pas ressorti depuis un moment. Il est en état de rouler, à ceci près que les pneus sont dégonflés.
En vous remerciant d'avance pour les réponses que vous pourrez m'apporter
submitted by Arklonte to pedale [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:12 RLOclen A Hike to Remember

I want to thank Meatcanyon and Wendigoon for starting Creepcast. I've played around with writing horror, and here is my first short story. I will post it for free in a few other places to see what people think. Please enjoy!
A Hike to Remember
By R.L. Oclen
Chapter 1
A woman sits with hastily pulled-up fire-red hair in the waiting room of the state patrol station. The procedurally sterile off-white walls and decade-old magazines do little for comfort. With her head hanging low, her shoulders pushing forward, and her boots rapidly tapping on the floor, something has to give.
"Please just let her be okay." The woman growls as a pair of officers come in from the field. The officers' demeanors quickly change when they see the familiar face.
"Tabitha, did Officer Nichols call you?" one of the state patrol officers asked sympathetically.
"Yes, he asked me to come in and pick up a few things," Tabitha said, shooting back a muted look.
" I'll let them know you're here." The officer said, nodding to Tabitha as they passed the security door. Tabitha leaned back against the hard plastic chair, staring blankly into the fluorescent light. She had done this dance in the macabre repeatedly over the past month. The last image of her younger sister, Lisa, still burned in her mind. Tabitha had always been protective over her younger sister after their parents died. A pang of guilt shoots through her chest as she thinks about her and Lisa's argument.
"Tabitha Hymm, Officer Nichols is ready for you."
"Okay," she stood up, shaking off her guilt, and followed the officer back. The familiar surroundings of the state patrol station blurred as Tabitha stared forward. She followed the officer as they came to a rustic wooden office door, which was embossed with "Officer Nichols."
The escorting officer turns the old brass door knob. "Sir, I have Tabitha Hymm here." A grizzled West Virginia Highway State Patrol veteran sits behind the desk and nods. The escorting officer steps aside, pushing the door open as Tabitha pushes past him and slumps in the awaiting chair like so many times before. An uncomfortable relationship had formed between the two, born out of necessity and duty.
"Cup of coffee?"
"No thanks. Let's just cut to the chase. You don't have anything new?"
The worn laugh lines and Officer Nichols's face flattens. His eyebrows contour sympathetically as he shakes his head.
"Tabitha, I don't have anything else new for you. I wanted to give you the clothes returned from the lab." Her face darkened at the same response she had heard many times.
"As we discussed two weeks ago, there is nothing new and no signs of struggle or foul play," Officer Nichols said while placing a box marked evidence on the table and sliding it forward. Tabitha began to weep at the realization of Lisa's clothes in front of her. In a coordinated queue, Officer Nichols brought out a box of tissues. Reluctantly, Tabitha took a few moments to unblur her vision.
"How does someone stop their car in the middle of the Remington West Virginia State Park, lock it, and then walk into the woods?" Officer Nichols clasped his hands together and sighed at her worn question.
"Tabitha, I wish I had an answer for why your sister stopped her car in the woods and simply walked off. We're still going through her cell phone, but no signs exist that anyone forced her. On that Tuesday morning, she pulled over to the side of the road, secured her car, and walked away." Officer Nichols said empathetically.
Tabitha became stoic at the same explanation she had heard many times before. " So what next?"
"You should go back to Ohio, and I'll contact you as soon as I have more information." She winced at Officer Nichols's words. Reality began to pull at her that bills and work wouldn't wait much longer.
"If I leave, she's gone for good."
" You staying won't bring her back." Officer Nichols said sympathetically.
" So is that it? She's just gone?"
" Tabitha, I'll be honest with you. In cases like this… when people do things like this. Recovery is harder in the spring due to the weather and the animals. You know her mental condition better than I do. I can't explain why she did what she did. But until I find a solution, a suicide note, some intention, or body. She's not here. Tabitha, I'm-"
" Don't you fucking say sorry!" Tabitha stood up, screaming at Officer Nichols, throwing the plastic chair backward against the wall. " I should just look for myself."
"No!" Officer Nichols said momentarily, gripping the desk as his face hardened, then relaxed. Tabitha was caught off guard by Officer Nichols, who was normally composed. "Tabitha, I know this is unbearable. I've sat on this side of the desk and had these conversations. Trust me; I need you to be safe if I need your help later."
Tabitha nods, knowing Officer Nichols is right. She reaches down, picks up the evidence box of her sister's belongings, and leaves.
" Tabitha, if you're heading home, don't stop your car; just keep driving." Tabitha stops to look at Officer Nichols, feeling an eeriness to his words.
" Goodbye, Officer Nichols," Tabitha said as she closed the rustic wooden door behind her. She counted the tiles as she exited the West Virginia State Patrol Station. Placing her sister's belongings carefully in the back seat of her Jeep, Tabitha then sat momentarily behind the steering wheel, staring at the emblem. The familiar numbness washed over Tabitha as she pushed the start button. She pulled onto the highway, driving to the motel that had been home for the last month or so. Muted pop music accented the drive back as her mind raced with questions. Once inside the two-and-a-half-star motel room, Tabitha sat her sister's belongings on the corner table, crumbled onto the bed, and cried.
Tabitha wiped the steam from the slightly spotted mirror above the bathroom sink. The hot water from the shower felt good and loosened some of the stress from her body. Looking back at her, Tabitha's face was framed by damp curls around her shoulders. Her face marked the stress of the past month. Frowning, she examined the bags under her eyes; sleep had to come tonight. Walking into the living area, She changed into her favorite gym shorts and oversized sleep shirt. The alarm on her phone flashed "7:00 am," so she could drive home five hours after breakfast.
Tabitha hated feeling comfortable in this once strange room, but falling asleep was getting easier now. Her eyes closed slowly as the ceiling fan droned evenly. At first, nothing came in her dreams, but she let her guard down and slipped further into sleep.
As she dreamed of floating overhead like a bird of prey, Tabitha soared over the vast Remington National Park. The high noon sun bore down on the crisp woods, perfectly contrasting sky and forest. The heat of the sun felt good on her feathers. Distant cries rang out through the dream-like forest, catching her attention. Tabitha tilted her wings toward the screams, feeling a sense of familiar curiosity.
She now recognized the sobs and cries for help as she flew closer, her sharp eyes locked on her sister leaning against a large oak tree. She glided overhead without care, examining the situation below. Lisa clung to the tree, her eyes darting back and forth, scanning upwards. Lisa's face reflected desperation, looking for help in any direction. Tabitha lazily circles Lisa several times before perching on a sturdy branch higher in one of the oak trees. She watched Lisa intently with hunger. She bellowed deeply, hearing the unnatural sound she made, catching Lisa's eyes. Lisa's expression changed; she became calm, almost uncaring, as she stared back at Tabitha's form. Hunger grew exponentially in Tabitha as she spread her large wings. Her large eyes gaze down at Lisa before diving straight for her sister.
Tabitha jolts awake to the alarm on her phone flashing "7:23 AM." She breathes in sharply, shaking off the last horrible thoughts from the reoccurring nightmare. The strange details become more vivid each time. The lingering memories of folk stories her mother told sat in the back of her mind. In those stories, the dead would reach out in dreams as a matter of warning. Leaning back on the headboard, she searched for the advice her psychologist gave her. During their last session, Dr. Ryland explained dreams are a form of self-actualization of guilt. He told Tabitha that it was natural to feel responsible when losing a loved one in this manner.
Tabitha grumbled, lightly running her hands through her red hair; she pushed everything to the back of her mind. "Get it together!" She grumbled to herself. She pushed herself off the bed and got ready to leave. It was going to be a long trip home, and the only thing she could do now was leave things in the authorities' hands. Packing up was pretty easy since she only cycled through the outfits she brought. The local laundromat must have made a small fortune off her. Tabitha took one last look at the box of Lisa's belongings before throwing them in her duffle bag. She was thankful she didn't have to spend another night in this room.
Tabitha sat behind the wheel, waiting for the 90's model minivan to finish their order so she could grab a breakfast burrito on the way out. Considering the situation, the Deer Stop Family Restaurant did have a good breakfast. Finally, pulling up to the 70-style drive-in board, Tabitha rolled off the order she had been accustomed to. " I'll take a large iced tea with the double breakfast burrito meal and hash browns, please."
" Would you like some happy hot sauce with that?"
" That's fine, and a few ketchup packets as well."
" Your total is $8.79. Please pull around."
She pulled around to her window, flashed her debit card, got the receipt, and waited for her food. Luckily, the young woman serving her wasn't very talkative in the morning. The last thing she wanted was a conversation about the weather or meaningless small talk.
" Here's your large iced tea and breakfast meal. Ketchup and happy hot sauce are inside."
" Thanks," Tabitha said while mustering her best fake smile. The woman only smiled and nodded as the service window automatically closed. She pulled into the parking lot and dug into breakfast. Turning the radio to the weather, Tabitha sat back and enjoyed her meal. The local DJ read through the headlines, making nonpartisan comments about politics and grumbling about improving the economy. Tabitha powered through the updates of the "out-of-state woman" who'd gone missing. It was nice that the local radio station gave Lisa's name, description, and a missing person's number for sightings or leads. Tabitha even interviewed with the local news and radio stations, hoping it would bring Lisa home. But she soon found all it brought was a sorrowful look from the locals as she interacted with them in her day-to-day life.
Finishing the last of her hash browns, Lisa wadded up everything in the paper bag and threw it in the back seat. The 9 AM weather report said it was nothing but clear skies and sun the rest of the week. Tabitha flipped the radio over to the greatest hit station, pulled out of the parking lot, and began her trip home. She memorized the roads, every bend and turn in the early weeks as she frantically looked for Lisa. There's something hypnotic about the trees: the way they flow together. The trees' green tops and the oak trees' wide trunks were a relaxing view. Tabitha enjoyed the lazy s-curves of the road, bending and winding around the hills and the trees. The occasional farmhouse or field dotted the sides of the road as she made her way to the main highway.
The blur of a semi-truck snapped Tabitha's attention as she pulled up to the mouth of the highway. She had four and a half hours ahead of her, which would be a long ride. Tabitha pulled onto the highway and picked up speed, noting sparse traffic. She relaxed into her seat, letting her gaze gloss over the blur of green foliage. Without warning, Tabitha caught a large shadow from the corner of her left eye. When she registered the black feathery form, Tabitha tensed up and slammed on the brakes as it swooped across the vehicle's hood. Quickly, she pulled the car safely off the road. She couldn't determine exactly what it was, but it was bigger than any bird she'd seen. It was a bird, right? Tabitha turned off her Jeep and grabbed the keys and cell phone. Standing before the Jeep, she looked over the grill to see if she made contact with the entity.
Bewildered, she scanned the tree line, spotting something in the distance. Sitting in the clearing of the large oak forest was an enormous black owl. It stared intently at Tabitha with bright, shiny yellow eyes. She pushed the lock button on her keys, causing the jeep to beep securely. She turned, looking across the open field, an enormous black owl perched in the upper branches of an old oak tree. Each step she took away from the road piqued her curiosity. Soon, Tabitha stood in the middle of the open field, staring intently into the eyes of the enormous owl.
The horn of a passing semi-truck blared, pulling Tabitha's attention away from the mysterious large creature. She looked back and saw that she had walked farther away from the Jeep than she had thought. She glanced back to the forest line only to see the enormous owl was deeper into the woods than before. She narrowed her vision to find the two large, bright yellow eyes staring back. Had it moved? The day's stress, care, and worry suddenly poured out of Tabitha. It was replaced by only curiosity and overbearing tranquility. She warmly smiled for the first time in months as her feet pulled her further into the woods.
Chapter 2
The tug of gravity pulls Tabitha to her senses as her body reacts, falling forward. Her arms thrust forward, bracing for impact. Water rushes around her face as she struggles to get her bearings. Quickly, Tabitha pushed herself up in the ankle-high stream she fell in. The haze slowly clears from her mind as she stares at the muddy water. The dull ache throbs up her legs. Tabitha can smell the sweat from her clothes. Her face contorted in panic as she quickly stood up in the water, looking for her cell. Thankfully, the device was still in her pocket, dry and unscathed.
"One o'clock. How can that be?" Tabitha says, slowly looking up from the screen to see the vast, dense West Virginia forest encompassing her view. She shakes her head back and forth with disbelief. A smile gently spreads across her face, with the last bit of tranquility leaving her body. How did I get out here? Her breathing becomes faster as her pulse begins to quicken. I'm in the forest. I'm all alone—just like Lisa!
"NO, NO, NO, NO! THIS FUCKING CAN'T BE HAPPENING TO ME!" Tabitha screams into the void of trees. Her eyes well up with tears as she crumbles to her knees, gripping her phone tightly to her chest. Her sobs ring out through the thick oak trees. Her breath slows a little as she regains her composure. She begins to search her mind for anything. What is the last thing I can remember? The image of the black shadow crossing her vision while driving flashes into her mind.
"Okay, I got out of the Jeep, the…then what?" Tabitha says, trying to refresh her memories. She thinks her memory is not just gone; it's a black void in her mind. Complete blackness fills her mind right after remembering locking the Jeep and then turning to see the…
"Fuck I saw something. What was it!" Tabitha says, frustrated with her mind. She knew there must be a logical reason she was out here. Officer Nichols warned her not to go looking for her sister. She wasn't stupid; she just said that as a last-ditch effort to get him to do anything. Now I'm here.
"Run!" Tabitha heard Lisa's voice in her ear. Before she could turn around, she heard a loud bellowing coming from overhead. Fear shot down her back, reminding her of the nightmares she had over the past month. She shot forward full bore as something crashed to the ground behind her. Glancing back as she ran, a black mass of feathers convulsed between the broken branches of the trees. Its slick black feathers rippled across its surface as its bones crackled and flesh tore. Its body contorted and twisted from the shape of an owl to something bigger.
"Run, Tabby! Don't let it catch you!" Tabitha pushed forward, hearing Lisa's scream beside her face. Her breath burned in her chest, and she moved past the old oak trees bent over the creek bed. Her feet slammed rapidly, splashing along the side of the creek. Another loud bellow comes from behind as the trees bend and break to the force behind her. A small opening in the rocky creek bed catches her sight from the left. She dives into the crevasses, not caring where the fathoms lead. Tabitha tumbles in the pitch black, taking scrapes and sharp jabs from the rocks as she tumbles further into the void.
She finally tumbles to a stop on the sandy, wet floor of the cave. Her body aches from the sudden burst of exhaustion. The cool water running around her body from the creek is soothing despite her bumps and bruises. Pushing herself up, she scoots out of the water. Feeling her way forward, she finds a dry spot to collect herself. Quickly pushing her hand into her pocket, she finds her phone undamaged.
The sound of footsteps pushing against the creek fills the void around Tabitha as the light steps move closer to each other up the underground creekbed. She slowly removes her cell from her pocket and then shines the camera light toward the sound. A pair of scratched and bruised pale bare legs hold up a frail form in front of her in the creek. She wears the darkness as a shroud with nothing else to clothe her. Tabitha froze, not wanting to shine the light further in the pale form before her.
"Tabby, turn your light off. You need to save your battery." Tabitha turned off the light and then rushed forward, embracing Lisa—the how or why didn't matter, only the now. The pale form hugged her tightly. Tabitha felt her cold, bare skin. The darkness couldn't hide the feeling of the marks across her back and torso.
"Lisa, I'm-"
"Hush! I don't have much time. This wasn't your fault! I'm with Mom and Dad now. You have to survive, Tabby! Listen. Wait until the sun shines through the cracks, making a trail out. Follow it down the creek until you come to the opening. You'll see a large hill you hike up for a cell signal. And remember…If you can't see it… It can't hurt you. I love you-"
Tabitha stumbled forward before catching herself. The void in front of her arms was only filled by cool air. She looked up and noticed a faint glimmer of light pushing through the ceiling. She sat down, relaxing against the limestone wall of the cave, waiting for the trail of light to form.
After a few hours, the light shining through the cracks of the cave ceiling was bright enough to lead Tabitha to the other side. She stepped onto the creek bed, thankful for the sun hanging lower in the sky. Scanning the sky, Tabitha saw only a few clouds. The foothills of Appalachia backdropped the forest as she scanned for the hill. Her eyes found the trail leading up the steady slope of an impressive hill. The top of the hill was bare. Part of the hill must have sheared off in a landslide, leaving the top void of trees and a jagged cliff face. Tabitha started her hike up the back of the hill. She was careful to stay under the heavy canopy of the old trees, hopefully avoiding the creature's eyes.
She did her best to quiet her mind while hiking up the trail. Come on, almost to the top, then I can call 911, she replayed repeatedly in her mind. Her adrenaline made up for the lack of food since morning. She drank some water from a clean spot in the creek. She was placing her bet on rescue rather than worrying about the water.
Leaning against one of the trees, Tabitha took out her cell and measured the signal.
"Damn it, nothing!" She swore under her breath. She listened nervously and cautiously peered her head out from the tree line. Standing at the tree line, the cell phone still had a low signal. She pushed her anxiety down with a swallow and slowly stepped forward onto the bare rock. Tabitha was now out in the open. She walked with the cell phone pointed upwards, measuring the signal. Within three feet of the cliff face, her signal bar punched up to full. Tabitha began to punch in the numbers just as a pair of large yellow eyes appeared. She felt her legs become weak, and her vision blurred as the creature snared her in its gaze.
Tabitha ducked, missing the giant owl's claws as it swooped for her. She squinted her eyes shut, momentarily breaking the hold of the infernal beast as it crashed to the ground, tumbling down the path of old trees. On her hands and knees, she tucked the dialed phone back into her pocket. She heard the creature's loud bellowing, followed by the snapping of bone and flesh ripping. It was changing its shape to finish her off.
Tabitha tried to get up, but the flash of its eyes did something to her. Her legs were numb, her stomach was in knots, and she could barely put a few thoughts together.
"If you can't see it, it can't hurt you." Tabitha heard clearly in her left ear. She quickly pushed herself into a sitting position and fumbled for the key chain in her right pocket. Pulling the long chain of keys, luck charms, and keepsakes, her father's Swiss army knife dangled at the end. She slowly opened the half-inch blade. Her body wholeheartedly rejected her plan and tried to fight her. Every internal warning system sounded as her body fought against her as she brought the blade against the corner of her left eye.
She didn't know if she could do it until the creature bellowed in her direction. With one quick motion, the half-inch blade sliced across her left eye. The world dimmed and then went black on her left side. Behind her, the beast's thundering gallop was getting closer. Tabitha plunged herself into total darkness with the last bit of her strength. Her hand gripped tightly around the bloody knife as she folded forward onto the ground. She could feel herself weeping blood. She squinted, doing her best to stem the tide of blood loss.
A large feathered paw drove into Tabitha's right side, flipping her onto her back. She lay still as the hulking creature stood over her. It remained motionless, and Tabitha was confused about why it didn't move or bite her. Then she started to giggle, just a little at first. Then, laughing madly into the creature's face as it growled back at her. She could not see it; she couldn't see anything. Her mind couldn't be eaten!
The creature roared into Tabitha's face while plunging one of its sharp claws into her shoulder. Tabitha screamed in pain, slashing the knife downward. The blade hit something soft, and she ripped the blade down, rending whatever she had hit on the abomination. A bright yellow, foul-smelling liquid gushed in a torrent over Tabitha's face. She turned to cough, having swallowed a portion of it. The creature reared back, squealing in pain. Its hind leg came down hard on Tabitha's leg, snapping her tibia. She jerked her leg up, causing the creature to tumble forward and fall over the edge of the cliff side.
Tabitha heard the creature crash below at the base of the hill. A large dead tree speared the creature through its chest. Tabitha could hear the labored whines of the creature as its cries became weak and slowed. A wave of sickness hit her as she rolled over and vomited. The foul smell drenched her. She did her best to focus, reaching into her pocket and pulling out the phone. By memory, she typed in the unlock pin. She held her breath and placed her thumb where the call button should be.
She could hear the call being made then, "911. What is your emergency?"
"Please help me! A bear has attacked me, and I can't see. I think I am on a hill."
"Ok, ma'am, stay with me! Do you know where you are located?"
"No, I'm lost. Please send help."
"It's okay. Stay with me on the phone, and I'll use the cell signal to try to find you."
"I'm on top of one of the hills. I think I am lying on a bare roc-" Tabitha slipped unconscious with the cell still tightly in her hand. Her body began to tremble and convulse.
"Ma'am! Ma'am! Stay with me. I have help on the way."
Chapter 3
A young man in military fatigues frantically compiles images and reconnaissance data from his drone feed. Confirming his hunch, he commands the winged surveillance drone to make a hard left and send a live video feed. His eyes widened as he saw a large owl-shaped shadow crash onto the top of a hill. He watches in awe as the sleek black owl twists and shifts into something much larger, like a grizzly. As the drone turns, he sees a woman at the cliff's edge trying to steady yourself on her hands and knees.
He bolts up from the command module, jotting down the drone's coordinates on one of the printouts. The drab government-issued office motif for the watch station blurs in the corner of his eye as he rushes down the hallway to the watch commander's office.
"Sir, recon has eyes on AMOS! And it's feeding!" the man said, swinging the heavy wooden door open. He took the hastily compiled file and pushed it forward to the commanding officer.
An older, tanned man quickly stands, reaching for the files. His brow furls, seeing his charge is awake. "Keep eyes on it! Go Adams!" The young man nods, turning on his heel and bolting for the drone command module. As his office door slams shut from the subordinate officer, he grabs his headset and frantically dials the closest military outpost to the coordinates.
"Hello, Sergeant Klein; this is Agent Smith of Black Watch outpost 7948! Shadow is active, code Alpha, Mike, Oscar, Sierra. The coordinates and data package have been sent. A civilian is on the ground; deploy strike-and-rescue ASAP.
"We'll be up in five, Agent Smith! The line cuts as Agent Smith closes out the call on his headset and rushes to the door. The normally quiet watch station buzzes alive, with personnel flooding the central command station. The background echoes resource allocation calls, frantic typing, and the hum of cold computers warming up.
"Adams, get our eyes back on Amos!"
"Coming back around in 30 seconds." Thirty sets of eyes stare at the three giant screens, anxiously waiting for the drone feed to clear the bank of trees. The camera clears the tre top to see the giant feathered grizzly rear back slinging its massive head away from its prey. Its large yellow right eye spews bright yellow liquid all over the red-haired woman and the cliff face. The giant feathered grizzly missteps, crushing the woman's leg and causing the creature to tumble over the cliff face.
"Fuck!" Agent Smith yells in horror as he watches AMOS fall four stories, impaling a sharp, 3-meter-tall log lodged in the boulders. The command center freezes wide-eyed at the flailing dying creature on screen. Agent Smith pulls his cell out quickly and dials.
"Klein, Scrub the current request! AMOS is down! Switch to rescue and harvest now!
"What, someone took out AMOS?"
"YES! It's at the bottom of the cliff, bleeding out essence! The woman is covered in it as well. Clean as much of it off her as possible before you take her to the ER.
Agent Smith, in a rage, slings his phone straight forward, connecting with Private Adams's skull. Adams flinches at the sudden impact of the hard plastic and covers his head. Agent Smith grabs the table in front of him and flips it over, sending the computer equipment crashing to the government-issued tiled floor.
"A two-year cycle gone! All that essence is gone! Now I have to wait another 24 months for AMOS to resurrect!" Agent Smith screams, causing the rest of the staff to recoil away in fear.
"Jones!" Agent Smith says sternly, turning to a petite woman on his left. She stares at him, pleading.
"Yes Sir?'
"Get Officer Nichols on my office line. That fuck up has some explaining. He should have told us AMOS was awake."
"Right away!" Jones quickly sits back down and begins dialing Nichols, thankful she doesn't have to deal with Agent Smith further. The command center quickly shifts gears as Agent Smith returns to his office.
Two Weeks later…
"Tabitha… Tabitha… This is Doctor Wilhelm. Wake up." The kind older gentleman said as they gently nudged Tabitha in her hospital bed.
"Where am I?" Tabitha asked, waking from what felt like years of sleep. She sat up, the world still pitch black, but an odd sense of the world around her seemed to hum just behind her eyes.
"You're in the hospital, dear; you scared us. Do you remember anything?" He said as he sat down on the side of her bed.
Tabitha thought for a moment the last parts after she slashed her eyes were a blur. She remembers people yelling and the sound of two or three helicopters over her. " No, it's really all just a blur."
"Well, it's probably for the best. You had some very serious injuries. The first night, we honestly didn't think you would make it. Then…" The doctor trailed off with a concerned expression, not knowing how to explain things further.
Tabitha felt his pulse quicken somehow. She didn't understand it but fully felt or sensed the doctor beside her. She sensed the two other nurses standing at the end of the bed. Her body didn't hurt. She felt great. She felt hungry.
"Doctor, you said had. What happened to my injuries?" She said calmly, trying not to startle the old doctor further.
"Well, Tabitha, it's the closest thing to a miracle I've ever seen. You had violent seizures from the minute you hit the entrance of the ER. We couldn't even set your leg. The medications we gave you had a minimal effect, and you thrashed so much that we had to restrain you. Then, the early morning check-in found you in a deep sleep. All but your eyes were completely healed. So we switched gears to support care and treated your eyes the best we could." He said, watching her reaction.
Tabitha leaned back in her bed, taking in the wild account. "Do you know how I healed so quickly?"
"What happened to you is beyond all scientific reason. A miracle is the only way the staff and I can explain it. I know you have been through a lot, but I want to check your eyes."
"Thank you for all your help, Doctor Wilhelm." She said, sitting up in bed.
"You are most welcome, dear. Now I am going to unwrap your eye-dressing. Hold still, please." he said as he reached up and pulled on the bandage tape. Tabitha felt a quick tug and felt the bandages loosen from around her head. The doctor slowly unwrapped the bandages. The doctor's brow wrinkled as he examined the two large black scabs covering Tabitha's eyes.
"Tell me if this hurts at all, ok?"
"Yes, doctor." She relaxes as the doctor's gloved fingers pass over the scab. He pushes and gently tugs at the side of one, and it starts to lift. He pulls on the scab more, and Tabitha begins to sense the light as it hits her eyelid.
"Oh, I can sense the light, Doctor Wilhelm!" She said, smiling.
"Wonderful! Nurse Allen, please hand me some saline solution. I think a little water will loosen these right up. Hold still; this may feel cold," he said as he reached for the solution. She felt the cool liquid flush over the left eye, then the right. The scabs fell away with a gentle tug from the doctor. She could see the light shine through her eyelids. She grinned widely, happy to have some form of sight left.
"Please open your eyes for me," he said as he sat back on the bed. Tabitha slowly opened her eyes. The flood of light was almost too much, causing her to squint. After a few moments, she adjusted to the fluorescent lights. Three figures began to take shape in front of her. First, the distinguished older features of Doctor Wilhelm came into view quickly, followed by the brunette and blonde younger nurses standing at the end of the bed. Suddenly, her vision snapped into place, crisp and clear.
"I can see perfectly! This is amazing! Thank you, Doctor Wilhem!" she said, turning to look directly into his eyes, but he stared back at her unmovingly.
"Doctor Wilhelm?" she said as her expression became more worried. Doctor Wilhelm just sat staring, intensely focused on her eyes. His expression was overbearingly calm. She glanced at the nurses, rigidly staring back at her with trapped, calm expressions. Doctor Wilhelm began to twitch slightly. It traveled from the base of his spine out to his limbs, finally convulsing.
"Doctor Wilhelm, are you okay?" Tabitha yelled as the doctor began to have a seizure and fell on top of her bed.
"Help Him!" She screamed at the two nurses only to see both of them crumble to the tiled floor. One of them bashed her head off the bed frame. Tabitha recoils back from Doctor Wilhelm in terror as he starts foaming at the mouth. She climbs over the bed rail and hits the tiled concrete floor with a thud. Her adrenaline surges as she bolts for the door, looking for help.
At the entrance of her hospital room, she sees another nurse leaving the adjacent room. "Please, my doctor and staff need help!" As the male nurse turns to see Tabitha, he suddenly goes stiff before collapsing into a violent seizure, spilling his cart over with him.
"What's happening!" Tabitha screams, thinking something is in the air, or everyone has come down with something. A pair of security guards round the corner, hearing the screams and commotion.
"Ma'am, are yo-" The guard freezes mid-stride as he makes eye contact with Tabitha. Both men start to convulse and topple over, thrashing violently on the hard tile.
"No, no, no, no!" Tabitha yells as she darts into the women's bathroom, a few doors up the hall. She runs in, terrified of the situation. She approaches one of the sinks, bracing herself against the cool porcelain. Her stomach turns, and she dry heaves in the sink. She steadies herself while turning on the cold water. Leaning in, she takes a drink. As she looks up, a glint of two yellow eyes catches her. Tabitha stumbles backward on reflex. Then, she sees her reflection in the mirror. Two completely bright yellow eyes stare back at Tabitha. She screams at herself in the mirror, not feeling hungry anymore.
The end.
I will
submitted by RLOclen to creepcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:29 featherwinglove Tightniks Run One: You Probably Should Go...

[Run Zero chapter: not every run will have a chapter; it won't be long before there are multiple runs per chapter.]
Portal load: Agility 1, Bait 3, Trumps 1, Pheromones 1, Packrat 1, Motivation 1, Power 2, Toughness 2, Looting 5, Discipline Challenge, 54 of 54 He allocated, 7.8% AP at start.
[This is probably the lowest helium load I've ever done, and sorta keeping my own advice on a recent Reddit post, Bait and Looting are up. Especially Looting, but it's not like I don't always do something like this.]
The human emerges from the glowing green mist and hits the ground. Groans. Pushes against that ground, trying to get back up. I feel really heavy. I'm not that fat, am I? He's got a dark blue button-down shirt on. A uniform? A shoulder patch. Rolls over- Ah, what's that? His shoulder pressed into something hard and metallic, He reaches over and his hand naturally seems to find a folding handle. He pulls it out from under himself and gets it up on his chest, sort of in a semi-comfortable position to hold it up and look at the screen while lying on his back. Some fiddling around the edges gets the power button pressed and the screen lights up with:
"Manual portal activation 1 successful: Void enabled. / 54 He loaded / Discipline challenge active / Total portal activation 955"
"Kakka," its one of his trimps.
'My' trimps? The human sets aside the portal pad and gets up.
Are you the guy? They all seem to be looking at him, as though they have a frickin' huge problem to solve and they need his help to solve it.
32s: First trap.
Do you bite? It doesn't matter much to us. The trimps look hopefully up at him through the trap's grating, We're so friggin' screwed.
I didn't think four of you could fit in there! He opens it and they all start following him around like imprinted hatchling birds. It seems his tactic of making a catch-alive trap confirmed to them that he was 'the guy' to help solve whatever problem...
26m42s: Z2c15, 58 pop, 7.7s RC with Z1/2; 29m44s: Fresh turkimp c25.
"Hey, buddy," he says to his first scientist, "can you speak yet?"
"Shijou?" it says, then it starts writing, "Hi Tightniks."
"Who do you mean 'Tightniks'?" he asks, "I mean, it's not like I remember my own name, but what makes you think it's Tightniks?"
"Tai," it points right at him with one paw.
"Just pointing at me isn't going to answer that," he chuckles.
The trimp's hands are quite prehensile, but it's hard to tell without it holding something, they don't seem able to make their fingers visually distinguishable. [Puchim@s all the puchidoru, although some have big round hands and some have small pointy hands; Takanya is the latter. Probably Final Fantasy Red XIII as well, but I'm not familiar enough with him to be satisfied.] This one starts climbing up his leg.
"Wait, wait," he stops it. It's a challenge to stoop in this gravity, but not as much of one as carrying a trimp. He gets down on his knees and back on his haunches and-
"Tai," it points again to a spot on his chest just left of his heart, then climbs on his lap and grabs his uniform at that spot, "Tai!"
He looks down and sees "Tightniks" embroidered into the fabric above his pocket. "Ah," he sighs, "Well, if that's my name, that's my name."
"Shijou," it gives him a friendly whack on the shoulder.
2h38m55s: Mskel in Z11c3.
"Hey guys?" Tightniks points at his bone box, waving his finger, "Does anyone remember where these came from?"
"Nope," the yellow one says.
"Yeah, there are 12 more in here than we got kills to account for," Tightniks says.
"I've been getting a sense of deja vu about just about everything," the red one points at the metal box on the strap over his shoulder, "That's a big exception. Any clues there?"
"It says it's for something called a DT Experimental Industries Time Portal," the human shrugs, "I have no idea what it's talking about, honest."
3h25m46s: Block PB, 0.3% AP sub-4h, 540 pop, 8.3s RC, no turkimp
That thing is beeping? He takes a look at his TPCS pad and he's got a message saying that he finished the Block in under 4 hours and there's a little attack bonus- Under 4 hours? It's been over 4 days!! Checking the time on the device reveals that the portal times in terms of a "map frame" out there in space, and the passage of time has been vastly dilated on this planet.
4h15m56s: Zone 15, 954 pop, 11.9s RC with Z14/60, no turkimp.
"Tightniks," the yellow one comes back from the second full bin to the filling third bin, watching the human fold up another of his very first inventions, the very first thing he built after jumping through the mysterious green phenomenon exiting the crashed ship, "Why in blazes are you building so many traps?"
The human had finished another and tossed it into the bin, then picked up the now ever-present portal control pad, gets it out of auto-sleep and called up the "Achievement Points" page. "I have this weird hunch," he says.
"Deja vu? That familiar feeling we always have?" the yellow one inquires politely, slightly tilting its head.
"May I?" Tightniks turns up his hand and waves it up and down in a lifting gesticulation, then points at the trap pile.
"Sure," the yellow one understands, "if you'll put me back down after."
The human sets the pad down, stoops at the knees and gets his arms under the yellow trimp scientist's front limbs and lifts it up onto that stack of traps with a grunt; it is an impressive demonstration of his improving strength against the planet's high gravity. Then he picks up the pad again and points at one of the blank purple squares near the bottom.
"You don't know what that is," the yellow one says, "Are we going after that first one that is readable?"
"Yes," the human nods, "it's for finishing something called a Dimension of Anger, whatever that is, before getting something called Bounty."
"Whatever that is," the trimp chuckles.
"No, I know what it is," the human says, "I remember it being access to a resource-rich area on the other side of a green Wall we'll find with our next map route. It doubles our resource production."
"That would be handy," the yellow one says.
"Hmm," he nods, "But all the traps are for this one," pointing at the third square in the top row of the array the pad labels "Feats", the second of three that are purple.
"Oh," a stylus materializes in the yellow one's paw, "Well, all it says is 2.5%. It doesn't say how to get it. Something to do with traps?"
"Something to do with traps," the human chuckles, "that's only convenient to do now."
Other trimps can understand the grey one better than the human, "Shijou shijou shijou?" is what a human ear would hear, but it's really asking the yellow one, "You mean he knew it was going to be here?"
"Yeah," the yellow one nods.
"Well, it's gotta be that pad none of us finds familiar," the grey one insists.
"I don't think so," the yellow one argues, "He showed the reason for all these traps to me on the pad, and the information is not yet available there."
"Well, it can't be just a coincidence," the grey one grumbles.
6h23m16s: Our first void map dropped.
"What is that?" The red one asks the yellow one. It grabs a stick and lifts the strange square object up by an edge from as far away as he can.
"I have no idea," The yellow one says.
"It seems to have some sort of cooling effect," the red one says, looking underneath it, having tilted it up with the stick, "Like it's not just cold, but actually cooling down, as though it were the opposite of on fire."
"Shijou," the grey one says, holding a note.
"It's a void map. Grab it with a blanket and put it on the cart please. - Tightniks"
"Shijou shijou," the grey one clarifies, "The new pad said 'void enabled'. Guessing it's that."
10h06m21s: Zone 21, 1975 pop, 19.6s RC with Z20/232, no turkimp.
"Ooooookay," Tightniks growls, "There is something off about this thing."
"Shijou?" the grey one looks at the yellow one with concern about their human starship pilot friend.
The human stoops, picks up the little green gem on the ridge between Zone 20 and 21, looks at it, huffs, and asks, "Any idea where this comes from?"
"Err..." the red one seems hesitant to say, "I think you made it."
"Really?" the human huffs, "How could that be?" Then he tosses it at Red, "See if anything reacts to it. It might be radioactive, so we should take turns to minimize exposure."
"Really?" Red's holding it now, "What makes you say that?"
"Because I'm pissed off for no reason I can figure out," the human says, "I think it's coming from-" he gasps, "Waitamint!" He starts searching for the portal pad.
"Frags," the red one says quickly, "I think it's arranging a route. You're good with maps," it tosses the gem to the grey scientist.
The human has his portal pad up and reads aloud, "You have the Discipline challenge active. Tweak the portal to- yada yada yada. Tiss tiss t- completing The Dimension Of Anger will cause Trimp damage to return to normal." He snaps his fingers, "That's gotta be it."
"Shijou," the grey one says hopefully, and has a map drawn within a few minutes.
12h30m06s: Portal, 45 He, 3.600 He/hr, 2098 pop, 18.3s RC, 1% AP for Portal-before-Bounty.
The last head of the map's boss monster goes limp as one of the fighting trimps' dagger points goes into it, and the huge thing settles on its tail, resting on the package that seems to be the prize of this map. And there's a popping sound, and then something mechanical.
Is that a scroll compressor? Tightniks looks at the package. The deflating monster's lifting envelope material drapes over everything underneath it. "Red, Shijou!" he snaps and points, "roll up that side of it. Keep this part from sucking down on the extractor nozzle!"
All fifty of the scientists jump in, literally, pushing the gas in the bag towards the compressor. Tightniks as well, rolling up the front.
Until he kicks, and nearly trips over, a smaller package that might be the explanation for the reason why the center of the monster's defense seemed to be a little away from the big package he could see. It's in the right place, he realizes. He gets it uncovered and reads stenciled-and-sprayed block letters on it:
Perhaps the Dimension of Anger is so named because of the rage suddenly rising up in Tightniks' throat. It isn't so much as the free-floating aggression suddenly has an answer, there is definitely a fresh batch of rage and anger as he grips the nearest Dagger V, Mark 2 with both hands- ...I must have gotten used to destroying it at some point. He lets go of his weapon with his right hand first and dangles his left arm while holdi-
Refocusing on surviving the next few seconds, the pilot turns on the radar for the final approach and takes a last look around, then straight ahead at his forward camera and primary flight display...
He crouches, sets the dagger down gently, then starts clearing the debris from the box's grab iron. He tries to lift it- Damn, this is heavy!
Surprised at this turn of events, his two oldest scientists, Grey and Yellow, rush to either side of him and help out. They get it flipped over and read the other side of the device, Tightniks chuckles a bit at its predictability:
"DT TIME PORTAL / THIS SIDE UP" There's a square cutout in the middle of one side of it, with a sliding cover at the bottom of it.
"Thanks," he pats his scientists, "but back off, please." He gets the cover unlatched, and slides it open to see, first a big rainbow-colored wide data cable and card edge connector, then several fluid ports. "There's something missing," he says aloud as he gets the cover completely off and onto the grass, "this connects to some-" he's got the wide flat cable up in his hand, realizing what it plugs into. He looks at his scientists, lips trembling, "G-g-g-get the pad."
The grey one already has the survival data pad and offers it to him.
"No, the other pad," Tightniks clarifies, "The big one. The big one," he picks up wide flat rainbow cable and its edge socket in one hand, "It goes here," he points at it with the other. "It must have come with me end of the last cycle."
Both the yellow one and the red one bring it, one on each side.
"Thank you," the human takes it, gets its hinge lugs on the trunnions at the top of each corner of the cavity, then gets the cable connector on the card edge in the pad's base recess, "See, that's where it came from." It comes on:
"12h30m05s: You have completed the Discipline challenge, unlocking a new memory-enable coolant loop and restoring your trimps to normal combat discipline."
"Do you have any idea what that's about?" the yellow one points at the edge of the left side.
"That's-" Tightniks examines it, then suddenly realizes, "It's gotta be for the void map."
He's got a port cover open, and the bottom of it says, "NULLIFIUM/VOID HEIRLOOM INTERFACE"
"Shijou?" the grey one brings the blanket-wrapped void map.
The human clears an edge of the map; doesn't seem to matter which one, and then gets it into the slot. It disappears and the blanket settles down while the environment goes deep blue and suddenly goes super cold. "Hoe Lee!" he shivers, wrapping the blanket around himself, "I hope this isn't too much of a Napolean-Hitler Maneuver!" He glances around, but all the trimps don't seem to discomforted by the sudden cold.
12h35m24s: Void 1, 55 He, 4.369 He/hr, 2098 pop, 18.3s RC, first void AP 1% and 0.3% AP for 100 He simultaneously, we got a rare shield, but it's lame with attack, storage, and empty.
As the environment around them return to normal, the trimps cheer over the deflated corpse of the- ...whatever, who give a hoot? Tightniks finds a flurry of messages on the portal screen, two regard APs, one is about having recovered 10 He units, and the big one was about a "shield". Through the touchscreen, he enables it, and gets the status effects that it's talking about.
"Where to now, boss?" the yellow one asks, Tightniks can feel the draft off the cold trimps. They seem to be extraordinarily robust ectotherms, unlike him.
"Let's go back to that friggin' Wall, where it's warmer," he shivers, "We got that AP and could use the resources." As he leads them to the L15 route, he thinks, Maybe I did that void too early. It takes on the level of our most recently entered Zone, and the resources probably go up accordingly. [I did for character reasons after seriously considering running it at Z25 or 30.]
12h49m37s: Nursery unlocked.
"Four hundred thousand gems!" the human squeaks, "Are you kidding me?"
Grey and Yellow glance at each other, the former says "Shijou?" and starts doodling a real answer.
"I'm not sure if you've noticed, but young trimps have special diets for healthy bones," the yellow one explains.
"You eat gems?" the human gasps.
"Shijou," Grey says with a shit eating grin just above a little sign that says, "Babies eat aluminate, and gems are the best!"
"Do they like the taste?" Tighniks tosses a gem from the helium compressor in the direction of the nearest house.
"Uh-Uuuuh!" after it bounces off a paving stone, a yellow juvenile with red head fur jumps into the air to catch it in its mouth. [Puchim@s Yayo. Liek seriously, she jumps after pennies.]
13h32m59s: Zone 25, 84 He, 6.199 He/hr, 2217 pop, 52.6s RC with Z24/568, no turkimp.
It has an unusually light colored body, dark head fur that lies flat, and for trimp tails, wide and not all that prehensile, reminds Tightniks of a- ...he remembers what the animal looks like, but not that his home planet is called Earth nor that the animal is called a tanuki raccoon. Just the tail, the rest of the trimp looks like a trimp for the most part. Oh yeah, the mining foreman. [Puchim@s Yukipo] He turns to Red and asks, "What's wrong with it?"
"It's in a bad mood," the red one answers.
"I can tell," Tightniks glares angrily at the red one for a moment, cools off, takes a breath, and asks kindly, "Why is it in a bad mood?"
"We've never been out this far," the yellow one offers, "...well, with the portal captured at least. Now, it was in a good mood before it got near the cart after we started this zone. Something new on the cart?"
Tightniks approaches the mopey mining foreman and asks it, "What's the matter, little fella?"
It sighs, then starts struggling to climb [see 1x6] onto the compressor cart. Tightniks helps it up with a lift, then it goes to the portal pad and turns it on, opens up the coolant page, the challenges tab there, and sort of sighs and looks questioningly at him.
"Metal challenge:" the pad reads, "Tweak the portal to bring you to an alternate reality, where the concept of Miners does not exist..."
"Oh," Tightniks realizes, then huffs, "That explains the bad mood." He sits down with the mining foreman trimp and brushes its tail, "Don't worry, my friend. You'll be back after one cycle, and I'm sure I'll miss you and your miners. These guys," he nods at the scientists, "we're scared they wouldn't be back when I first used it on purpose, but they came back. If there's a 'Science challenge' later on, I'll have you and not them-"
The scientists flinch.
"It'll be okay," he assures the mining foreman he hasn't yet realized has fallen comfortably asleep in his lap, "It'll be okay, buddy."
16h11m02s: Gymnastic Z25 taken and gyms rapidly increasing now.
The 710 fighting trimps are majestic with their new gymnastic skill and nearly impossible to hit. Only occasionally did the gorillimp do damage. They took it down easily.
Then the dragimp they faced next blew them away with a fireball that made Tightniks flinch. It took him a second to get the dragimp back in his bee nickels. The next group was all ready to relieve their fallen comrades before they went down, even without the welcoming traps for the wild volunteers (of which Tightniks has just started into the 41st bin of ten thousand.) The dragimp can do nothing to them; anything that hits gets deflected by their V-8 shields; they never got sufficiently blindsided.
[Funny: V-8 is a veggie drink similar to clamato juice I can't find anymore, but it's really five-eight, which just happens to be the squadron number of the cast in Space: Above and Beyond. Herp-a-derp!]
19h11m12s: Spammed some random biome maps...
"Tai?" the grey one looks up at the human holding a little sign, "Last couple zones, you've been mapping a lot of random biome routes we never used. Is there any point to that?"
"Stats," the human says, fitting another one together, "Oh, and this," he tosses the trimp the completed forest route map."
As it registers in the portal system, the pad starts beeping and flashing its screen.
"What?" Tightniks sneers incredulously, "There's an AP for that?" He checks and sure enough, there's a 5% Achievement Point for making a 'perfect' map, by a full notch the biggest AP so far.
The yellow one was relaxing on the corner of the latest filled up trap bin, the 49th, notices, and leans back, "Yarey yarey..." shaking its head.
19h13m28s: Uberhouse taken.
"Shijou," the grey one stands at Tightniks feet holding a small book.
Tightniks takes a brief break from his trapmaking and stoops for his oldest scientist.
"Shijou," the grey one bobs the small book in its hands to offer it to Tightniks.
"Flush toilets and septic systems?" Tightniks reads, "You do this yourself?"
"Oh, don't you wish," the red one snickers, "No, it was in that perfect route you mapped up."
20h39m26s: Zone 30, 161 He, 7.794 He/hr, 4656 pop, 20N, 74.5s RC with Z29/1735, no turkimp, 2.5% AP for sub-60 He Z30 start...
"Oh?" Tightniks has an Ax V-3 over one shoulder and screws the helium hose connector to the portal system with one hand. He grunts, sounds kinda disappointed, sets the ax down and continues working on his massive pile of traps; he's almost finished the 55th of, he just learned, 100 huge bins.
The mining foreman had struggled up onto the cart to see, and just looks baffled. It usually looks a bit lost just as part of its demeanor, but this time it looks really quite confused, and makes rather bemused sounds too.
"Oh, what is this?" Red jumps up on the cart, sounding like it's gotta be silly.
The mining foreman climbs back down and spots a purple ore vein, makes a happy sound and pulls its shovel out of its back pocket to start digging into it.
[OC: This is not even close to an exaggeration vs. OG Puchim@s Yukipo who, in 1x2, just pulls out her shovel from nowhere and digs a hole through Project 765's indoor tile-and-concrete office floor to have a nap in the cold open of a 137 second long cartoon episode. Never run out of mushroom boxes! Also, 2nd season Golden Week gold medallion, she and Yayo dig into a volcanic island and hit an oil gusher don't need to know much geology to realize...]
"Really?" Red groans, "Sheesh."
What's on the pad? "Hoarder: Have over 1 million traps at once, 2.5% damage."
20h48m06s: Gateways.
"Hmm," Tightniks pauses from his trap building and gazes over where they came from.
"Thinking of something?" the yellow one asks from the stack he's building under his feet as he puts the most recent trap on the pile.
"Yunno, we have a lot of territory back there that should be pretty pleasant to live in," Tightniks says, "You'd think we should be able to just map an enemy-free route that trimps can just sit down and live peacefully in. I'd love to be able to do that."
"Shijou," the grey one is at his feet with a massive shit-eating grin, not really "hiding" a big piece of documentation behind its back. Obviously it's not so dumb as to realize that it isn't concealed. It then pulls it out and offers it to the human, "Shijou."
"What's this-" the human gasps, "Are you kidding?"
"Well?" the yellow one prompts, "Let's friggin' try it, shall we?"
For some odd reason, that quiet little mining foreman is on the trap pile, fiddling around. Seems to be trying to arm one, has the spring catch on-
"Hey, buddy!" the human notices, "What are you-"
SPROING and it goes flying through the air. Does a few flips and turns, and then sticks the landing, strikes a pose, and makes a happy sound. [op cit. 1x57]
"What the-" Tightniks says, scratching his head, I wonder how much more damage the fighters could avoid if they could do stuff like that.
"Shijou," the grey one is carefully copying out the trimpese from a tattered and dusty scroll.
"What is that?" Tightniks asks.
"Where mining buddy learned that flip," Yellow says from the cart with feet playfully dangling, "another gymnastic book we picked up a few NMEs back. Probably another chapter from the same book, actually. It seems to have been torn apart and scattered."
"Is that right, bud-" the human looks around, can't seem to find the mining foreman, "Buddy, where are you?" It can't move so fast as to get out of sight this quickly!
"Po-wee!" it cheers from the bottom of its latest hole, which is beside a pile of rich bluish-greenish copper ore, onto which another shovelful flies out of the hole onto it.
22h44m17s: Zone 32, 205 He, 9.016 He/hr, 9548 pop, 30N, 37.7s RC with Z31/2712, no tkp.
"You should probably go," Red whispers.
The exhausted human has just sat down for a nap after tossing yet another trap into the huge bin stenciled "61".
"Really, I mean it," the red trimp scientist gently sets a paw on the pilot's shoulder, "Listen to sense please. Charge all this helium and use the portal; it'll make us so much stronger."
"Only 392 thousand to go," Tightniks sighs, "All the ones I've made go to waste if I use it now. I know it's only a two-and-a-halfer, but if I go now, I'll never be in de-" his head slumps into the nodding-off of post-all-nighter fatigue, "moo."
Red and the mining foreman help the snoring human gently down onto his side. The former quietly asks the latter, "Do you think he's doing the right thing?"
The mining foreman makes a particularly delighted squeak, grabs its latest flask of leafy-flowery infusion, which is just now cool enough not to punish such a maneuver with a nasty burn, and upends the whole thing in a couple seconds. It then bounds off joyfully towards the big pit mine over there. It does not often lead the general laborers because of the gymnastic and shield driven block fight, which needs wood, but it happens to be doing so today.
Yellow stands next to the grumbling unhappy green lumber foreman trimp, who is standing on the head of its dual bit ax with its chin on the end of the haft sticking up from the head on the ground. "Cheer up!" the yellow scientist gently prods it in the elbow, "There isn't a Lumber challenge."
1d00h20m05s: Zone 33, 229 He, 9.410 He/hr, 10120 pop, 50N, 40.8s RC with Z32/3390, no turkimp.
"It's a familiar smell," the human says.
"There's no way we've been out this far since whatever it is that shtfed Trimp civilization," Red grumbles. [Word based on acronym SHTF, which stands for "stuff hits the fan" in its G-rated version. Long time ago, similarly derived "nsfw" was a kerbalese cuss word.]
"I think it's from before that," Tightniks clarifies, "from before the time loop stuff."
"I'm worried our fighting group is nearly a third of our population," Yellow sighs.
"Casualties bother you?" Tightniks asks, "I thought we talked about that."
"It's taking forever to breed up new groups, and these things, *snap* ow," Yellow didn't quite touch that one the right way, "you've got 661 thousand of are too small to help. If you don't go now, this will probably be our last Coordination and we won't be able to finish the next zone."
1d06h52m14s: Gymnastic Z35 finally away.
"Did you know it was there?" The red one asks the human as they watch the grey one transcribe another lost chapter of the Gymnastic book.
"No," Tightniks huffs, in a few minutes' break from his trap building, "But I'm not surprised, I hope it gets us Zone 36. In any case, as soon as I finish that millionth trap-"
The mining foreman makes a mournful sound.
"Don't worry, buddy," Tightniks pats it on the head, "I'll brush your tail again last thing before I go." He's working on bin #88.
1d08h00m10s: 12802 pop, 80N, 43.7s RC with Z34/5298, down from 27.4s; '31m00s...
Tightniks, wearing wool-lined leather gloves mixing shimp and bovimp ingredients, plugs the void map that they got from earlier in the zone into the portal, bundled up against the expected cold. He hopes that the fresh Gymnastic Z35 and Coordination Z34 will get them through it.
"Do you think you can get it back out of there?" Red asks the shivering human as he reaches for the portal.
There are a pair of ejector levers beside the void map slot which clicked when he inserted it, but the void map disappears, so it remained an open question as to whether they could get it back out. Making sure not to have his hands over the void map slot, Tightniks gets a thumb over each one and there's resistance like something is in the empty slot. He grunts and pushes down until they suddenly snap down, the ejected void map rematerializes. "Well, that's a relief," he sets it down and the starts doffing his coats and sweaters to let the warm air of the normal world reach him.
"Try again later?" Yellow asks.
"Yes," the human says.
"What, are you kidding?" Red scoffs, these things level up with the zones!"
"Later on in this zone, obviously," Tightniks grunts with a huff, and then turns to see the grey one holding its little sign with those exact words on it, can't help but smile.
1d09h08m09s: Snimp in Z36c74...
Having just finished yet another trap for bin #95 of the hundred that he needs for the million-traps AP, he tosses it in and looks to the front. There's not much left of that snimp, but it just killed a third fighting group. "The training bonus from running ten laps in an on-level map route doesn't transfer to the void, does it?"
"Shijou," the grey one says with a note of confirmation.
"And I'm getting close to done this pile of traps we need for that 2.5% AP damage bonus."
"Shijou," it says again.
1d09h08m21s: Snimp in Z36c75...
Tightniks sighs, "...and there's another one. So much for that void map with its heinous critically accurate fast voidsnimps and ugly boss fight." And he returns to building traps.
1d10h14m08s: Trying again...
"NULLIFIUM/VOID HEIRLOOM INTERFACE," Tightniks tightens the stuff around himself and then finishes getting the void map inserted with his gloves, and his fingers come together as it puffs out in a brief blue mist in the void environment.
"Timba timba," Tightniks hadn't even noticed that the lumber foreman was up on his head, pats him on the head, wants to get back to work. [No Puchim@s resembles the lumber foreman.]
"Oh, there you are," the human says, "Sorry, I wanted to finish the run with the mining foreman in charge of the resourcing workers. I don't know what's about to happen to it when I hit the Metal challenge."
"Who the devon talked you into into trying this thing again?" Yellow grumbles, looking up at the indigo sky and mysteriously shrunken and dim sun, hands- ...forepaws on its waist, not discomforted by the cold, but bothered by the re-attempt. [This cuss-word after Disturbed song "Inside the Fire".]
"Shijou," the grey one grins above a Rosetta-stone-like sign it's holding with "It was me." in forty-seven languages both human and trimp.
"Zone 37 is hopeless in the time it'll take me to finish building the traps," Tightniks says.
"Won't the cold slow you down?" Red inquires, "It seems to get to you for some reason we don't get."
"Timba timba," the lumber foreman confirms from its perch on Tightiks' jacket hood.
"Yeah," he huffs, tightening it down, "but it slows down the portal clock by the same amount, so who cares?"
1d10h38m48s: Voidsnimp in c12...
Even in the void, Tightniks has gotten used to the sounds of the combat and trimps dying en masse, but when he heard that voidsnimp screech, which is similar to a "drill" robot from an Earth video game he has almost totally forgotten called Descent (Interplay 1995), he almost involuntarily turned to see, Even way back here, they can damage us despite all that gymnastic training? Then it landed the critical hit and wiped them out, as all critical hits do on this void route. He still finished the trap he was working on before going back to the portal, "Forget this, we're just getting the zone blimp." He pops the map from the portal's void slot, and starts getting his void gear off. His uniform long since wore out, so he's wearing something much more cave-manny. [I picked that sound because that sucker was dangerous and terrifying and carried the nearly hitscan Vulcan cannon. There was no Descent II equivalent, but the Thiefbot was pretty annoying.]
1d10h45m30s: 1M traps AP for 2.5%. 1d10h47m36s: Zone 37, 345 He, 9.916 He/hr, 13120 pop, 100N, 33.6s RC with Z34/5298, 2774 pop short, no turkimp.
Tightniks had nearly finished the long procedure for loading and configuring the portal, then sat down with the mining foreman to brush its tail like he promised.
The scientist trimps tried to hit the portal's activation plunger, but it refused to travel the full distance closed for any of them. Quite tired themselves out trying. The only one not exhausted into total silence was the grey one with its exasperated "Shijou..."
The mining foreman refused to go to sleep, and watched intently as Tightniks finally reached over and set it home with one hand. Its last nervous little sigh was the only thing he remembered-
The ship is without power, and Tightniks can't run the radar much without draining the batteries...
submitted by featherwinglove to Trimps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:15 guaranajapa I no longer know if any of my thoughts are mine.

Rapid cycles.
I wake up joking, the next day I wake up extremely irritated being rude to those who don't deserve it, being even ruder to those who deserve it. I don't feel like I have any control at the time.
I start to worry too much about my appearance, getting ready, putting on makeup, wanting to be attractive so I can have sex with a lot of people, I flirt with lots of people on the internet. a day later I can't talk to anyone anymore, I forget to take a shower. I forget I have a face.
I start to think that I don't want my relationship anymore, that I don't like it as much anymore. I send 500 messages in an infinite flow of angry thoughts, I delete everything. I plan to become a prostitute. I make peace and I fuck like crazy. I feel extremely in love.
The night comes and I can't move for anything, just look at clothes to buy, and without feeling any connection with anything or anyone in the world.
I no longer know what of all this is me, if nothing is me. If there is a self. If I can trust something coming from me.
submitted by guaranajapa to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:13 selfimprovement755 Should I sue my old psychiatrist?

I have bipolar 1. I used to be completely stable on meds. I had a good job that I didn’t struggle to keep, I had financial freedom, my social life was thriving, I was happy, and I was mania and depression free for the most part.
But then I got this new fancy psychiatrist who claimed to specialize in bipolar and schizophrenia. I thought, well if I’m successful now and I have this disorder then I better get the best treatment money can buy before this illness fucking sabotages everything I’ve built.
New psych disregarded our entire intake and after talking to me for 15 mins about my life, he said there’s no need for an intake because there’s nothing wrong with me— I’m too successful to be bipolar or have any mental illness. He told me his “real” bipolar patients can’t hold down a job or maintain relationships, like I can. And there’s no way I’m bipolar. He even called his “real” BP patients “crazy”.
I was on 400mg lamictal and 400mg seroquel. He told me to completely discontinue the meds, cold turkey. This seemed like bad advice, but he insisted I’d be fine cold turkey quitting since I’m not really bipolar.
I listened to him. I wanted him to be right because I don’t want to have this disorder…So, when I went off my meds, I destroyed what I built (which was what I was avoiding in the first place). Wound up in the hospital for 45 days! Lost my job. Ended up in extreme debt. Had to move in with my parents. Basically my whole life fell apart.
It’s been a bit over a year since this happened, and I honestly still haven’t picked up the pieces. I haven’t been able to hold down a job and get out of debt. My personal life is a mess too.
I’ve tried SO hard, but I’m stuck in a cycle of mania and depression. I just want to feel stable like I did before all this happened. Then I could turn my life back around and build back up to where I was before… maybe even surpass where I was before… But I keep having episodes. Which makes it near impossible to live well.
If I had never taken his advice, wow… I’d be a different person. I wish I never listened to him. But it’s too late. I do want justice at this point, though.
If you were me, would you consider sue’ing for malpractice?
submitted by selfimprovement755 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:03 XDSDX_CETO Perfectly regular rapid cycle

Perfectly Regular Rapid Cycle
I have been diagnosed with rapid cycling bipooar I.
I've never found reference or testimony to anything like my experience.
It's been true since I was in second grade at least. I suspect always, since birth, but second grade was the first appearance of behavioral traits and ideation that can in retrospect of the diagnosis be associated with it.
At the above of a therapist I began tracking the "peak day" of my cycle when I was 22. It happened every six weeks, pretty much to the day it within a 3 day window of such.
Many years later, it had persisted; and I know much more of its fine structure:
Six weeks from low energy to high. Three two-week phases. One that requires significantly more sleep at the beginning and which leaves me both more inspired and more emotionally labile yet incapable of manifesting much from it (my careers have all hinged on creativity followed by diligent construction--these days I'm a writer).
The middle phase is like the manic energy is returning, making me WANT to TRY doing things I'm capable of when manic but mostly doomed to failure and frustration. It's as if there are internal algorithms for managing my wild pace but in this phase there is only enough energy to do them, not to run the management processes. So I fall over myself going too fast and cause myself irritation.
Finally I get to my highly productive, talkative, complex thinking, hypersexual manic phase.
The phase transitions always occur on a Thursday and are fully in place by the following Monday.
Does anyone have out has heard of anything so regular and predictable and structured?
It's like my soul formed on a planet near some binary pulsar with a 3/2 double period and has imposed that in my Earthly incarnation!
Just curious!
submitted by XDSDX_CETO to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:41 Accurate-Broccoli-77 Krythorians aka the Lumen Universe's Space Orcs

Krythorians aka the Lumen Universe's Space Orcs
The Krythorians are a warrior species hailing from the rugged planet Krythoria in the Lek Solar System of the Krythar Galaxy. Known for their martial prowess, strategic acumen, and unyielding sense of honor, the Krythorians have forged a society that revolves around the art of warfare and the pursuit of strength. Their culture is shaped by the harsh realities of their homeworld, where survival and dominance are inextricably linked.

Physical Characteristics

Appearance and Anatomy
Krythorians are an imposing humanoid species, characterized by their muscular, statuesque physiques and distinctive grey, ridged skin. These ridges, which cover their entire bodies, serve as a form of natural armor, protecting them from physical harm and the harsh elements of their environment. Krythorian facial features are marked by deep-set eyes, furrowed brows, and strong, angular jawlines, giving them an intense and fierce visage.
Sexual Dimorphism
While both male and female Krythorians are formidable in appearance, there are some notable differences between the sexes. Males tend to be taller and more heavily muscled, with more pronounced ridges on their skin. Females, while still physically powerful, have slightly smoother skin and more streamlined body structures, possibly adapted for agility and speed.
Lifespan and Reproduction
Krythorians have a lifespan that typically ranges from 200 to 300 years, although some individuals, particularly those in leadership roles, have been known to live much longer through a combination of genetic fortitude and advanced medical technologies. Reproduction in Krythorian society is closely tied to their warrior culture, with mating often occurring between individuals who have proven their strength and valor in battle.
Unique Abilities and Adaptations
Krythorians have evolved several unique abilities and adaptations that reflect their harsh planetary conditions and their martial way of life. These include enhanced sensory capabilities, such as acute hearing and night vision, which give them an edge in combat and hunting. They also possess remarkable physical resilience, with dense musculature and robust cardiovascular systems that allow them to endure prolonged physical exertion and recover quickly from injuries.

Society and Culture

Clan Structure and Hierarchy
Krythorian society is organized into a complex system of clans, each with its own distinct identity, history, and specializations. These clans are led by Warlords, who have proven themselves through combat and strategic leadership. The clans are united under a governing body known as the Council of Warlords, which makes decisions on matters affecting the entire Krythorian civilization.
Warrior Ethos and Honor Code
Central to Krythorian culture is a strict code of honor and a deep reverence for martial prowess. From a young age, Krythorians are trained in the arts of war, with an emphasis on physical strength, tactical thinking, and unwavering loyalty to one's clan. Honor is paramount in Krythorian society, with individuals expected to uphold the principles of courage, integrity, and respect for worthy adversaries.
Religion and Spirituality
Krythorian spiritual beliefs are closely intertwined with their warrior culture. They worship a pantheon of war deities, each representing different aspects of combat and military virtue. Religious practices often involve ritualized combat, offerings of weapons and armor, and the veneration of fallen heroes. Krythorians believe that a warrior's ultimate glory lies in a honorable death in battle, which assures their place in the afterlife alongside the gods of war.
Language and Communication
The Krythorian language, known as Krythorin, is a guttural and forceful tongue, well-suited to the issuing of commands and the recitation of epic war poems. Written Krythorin is a complex system of runes and glyphs, often inscribed on weapons, armor, and war monuments. Krythorians also place great importance on non-verbal communication, with a rich system of battle signals and gestural codes used to coordinate military operations.

Technology and Warfare

Military Doctrine and Tactics
Krythorian military doctrine emphasizes the use of overwhelming force, close-quarters combat, and the exploitation of an enemy's weaknesses. Their tactics often involve rapid, shock assaults designed to break an opponent's lines and sow chaos and confusion. Krythorians are also masters of siege warfare, with a deep understanding of fortification and the use of heavy weaponry to breach enemy defenses.
Weapons and Armor
Krythorian weapons are known for their durability and lethal efficiency. They favor heavy, close-combat arms such as war hammers, battle axes, and broad swords, as well as powerful ranged weapons like crossbows and ballistas. Krythorian armor is equally formidable, crafted from dense alloys and often adorned with intricate engravings and clan sigils. Many Krythorian weapons and armor pieces also incorporate runic technology, which imbues them with enhanced properties and mystical capabilities.
Starships and Space Warfare
In the realm of space combat, Krythorians employ heavily armored and heavily armed warships, designed to deliver punishing broadsides and to deploy ground forces for planetary assaults. Their ships are renowned for their resilience and their ability to operate in the most hostile conditions. Krythorian naval tactics often involve the use of boarding actions and the deployment of elite warrior units to strike at critical enemy ship systems.

Interstellar Relations

Alliances and Diplomacy
In the galactic arena, Krythorians are known as formidable allies and uncompromising adversaries. They value strength and honor above all else, and they forge alliances with those species and factions that share these qualities. The Krythorians have a particularly strong relationship with the Draken, another warrior race with whom they share a mutual respect and a history of military cooperation.
Conflicts and Rivalries
Given their martial nature and their drive for dominance, Krythorians have been involved in numerous conflicts throughout their history. They have a long-standing rivalry with the Lumens, whom they view as overly idealistic and soft. Krythorians have also clashed with the Eldarians and the Terradorians at various points, often over territorial disputes and ideological differences.
Role in the Intergalactic War
During the Intergalactic War, the Krythorians played a crucial role as one of the main military powers of the Draken-led faction. Their warriors were at the forefront of many decisive battles, their tactical expertise and unyielding determination proving invaluable in the prolonged conflict. The war also saw the rise of many legendary Krythorian heroes and the further cementing of their reputation as one of the galaxy's most formidable fighting forces.
The Krythorians stand as a testament to the power of will, honor, and martial excellence. Forged in the crucible of their unforgiving homeworld and honed through centuries of warfare and conquest, they have emerged as one of the most respected and feared species in the galaxy. As the Krythorians continue to navigate the complex web of interstellar politics and conflict, their warrior spirit and their unwavering commitment to their ancient codes of honor will undoubtedly shape the future of the galaxy for cycles to come.
submitted by Accurate-Broccoli-77 to LumenUniverse [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:55 Successful_Cut5317 Dungeon Dungeon Fruit

The Dungeon Dungeon Fruit is a paramecia-type devil fruit that allows the user to become a living dungeon, making them a Dungeon Master.


Upon consuming the Dungeon Dungeon Fruit, the user will gain a permanent pocket dimension of a dungeon within themselves which they are able to customise however they like. The user can teleport people and objects into their dungeon through touch, shrinking them down and transporting them into the dungeon's interior.
The user also gains the ability to transform their body into a full-size dungeon matching the pocket dimension one as it is just the pocket dimension one expanding into the world and transforming the user into the building. If the user is above ground their dungeon will resemble a tower as it towers above the ground with its height dependent on the number of flours the user has created. If the user does it above ground the dungeon's rules of floors get flipped and the lower floors are weaker with the higher ones being stronger. Also, there will be an entranceway for people to enter or exit at the bottom of the "tower" form. If the user is underground their dungeon will meld with the environment and go down with the height dependent on the number of flours the user has created, additionally, the user will rise or sink to have an opening on the surface marking the entrance into the dungeon. When transformed the user has complete control over the dungeon, allowing them to manipulate its structure, features, and contents as if it were an extension of their own body. The user can enhance the durability of their dungeon, fortifying it against environmental hazards and potential threats.
Inside the dungeon, the user is able to create anything that can be found in a dungeon, including but not limited to, weapons, monsters, treasures, puzzles, traps, etc. The user is able to take out their creations however they must keep physical contact with it constantly and if they don't it will disappear and reappear back in their dungeon when the user has the energy to create it again.
Inside the dungeon, the user has absolute control capable of creating and controlling anything and everything in relation to dungeons.


Standard devil fruit weaknesses apply.
Floors: The user has to separate the structure of their dungeon into floors, with every floor down able to create stronger entities and items with more elaborate and stronger traps and treasures.
Creatures: The creatures that the user creates in the dungeon are able to be influenced and controlled by the user's direct orders but anything besides the user's direct orders can possibly be disobeyed or dismissed by the creatures.
Outside contact: Items and creatures that the user made within their dungeon will turn into dust once they are apart from the user. Meaning that an item or creature can be taken out but only partially. The user can take out a sword and use it as a weapon but once they discard it or it no longer makes physical contact with them it will start to turn to dust.
Energy: It takes energy for the user to make anything within the dungeon be it items, monsters, or even them manipulating the dungeon to their will to make the impossible happen, or even remake the dungeon and its contents. The stronger the things/creatures that they create the more energy it will cost the user.
Space & Haki: Strong haki can neutralize creatures within the dungeon and make passage throughout the dungeon really easy, additionally any space manipulation can enable people the ability to escape from the user's Dungeon unless the user is constantly twisting space to prevent them from doing this.
'Magic': The dungeon is filled with the user's energy which they can use like magic. The 'Magic' within the dungeon can only ever be the user's energy that they used to create phenomenon, it is not real magic but the user using their ability to create anything within the dungeon. Haki can disrupt this energy and make the user's control over the dungeon unstable/erratic and it acts as a kind of anti-magic.
Destruction: Vistors can destroy the dungeon and trigger a full-scale collapse in order to get out of the dungeon quickly.
Dungeon Limit: The Dungeon can be of any size be it 1 floor, 10 floors, 100 floors or even 10,000 floors as many as the user wants, and these floors can be as big or as small as the user wants with space distorting to the users will. As well as the contents being however the user wishes them to be. However, the user is limited to having only one Dungeon created at a time.


The core of the Dungeon: This technique allows the user to merge their physical form with their dungeon, becoming the true core and centre of the Dungeon. When activated, the user's body undergoes a transformation, imbuing them with the visual appearance of their dungeon while retaining their base form's humanoid shape. The user appears as their usual self but with subtle manifestations of their dungeon's architecture spread across their entire body visible both internally and externally. Parts of the user's body may take on a spectral or ethereal quality, resembling stone, wood, or other materials found within their dungeon. Floors within the dungeon will be visible on the user's body and the user can interact with them like normal. While in this state, the user's control of their dungeon and sense of the dungeon as a part of their body is strengthened, granting them unparalleled control over its features and inhabitants. They can sense disturbances, manipulate the environment, and summon forth creatures or objects from within their domain with ease. The user's thoughts and intentions shape the very fabric of their dungeon, allowing them to adapt and respond to any situation. The Core of the Dungeon technique offers numerous tactical advantages. In addition to serving as a formidable defensive measure, it enables the user to access their dungeon's resources and defences instantaneously. They can summon forth weapons, traps, or allies as needed instantaneously. Additionally, the strongest part of this technique is that the user is able to take on the full condition of the dungeon allowing them to be as durable as the entire dungeon combined, as smart as the entire dungeon combined, and the user is able to draw on all the strength of the entire dungeon, etc.
Dungeon Gate: The user is able to create a portal on any part of their body, this portal can connect to anywhere within their dungeon. The user can use this to take out something or someone from their dungeon temporarily, the user can also use this to make an opening for one of their creatures to attack from the portal or to take out an item.
Treasure: The user can create valuable items or weapons from their dungeon and bring them into the real world by maintaining physical contact. However, these items will disappear if contact is broken.
Dungeon Master's Clarvoiant Gaze: The user can see through the eyes of any creature or object within their dungeon, providing them with complete surveillance of their domain. Although this can be very helpful to the user to help them survey their dungeon as if they are all seeing, without training, they will have no attention of their surroundings and may be ambushed in their distraction.
Monster Maker: The user manifests fearsome creatures within their dungeon, bringing them to life from the depths of their imagination. By channelling their energy and focusing their will, the user can create a wide variety of monsters, each with unique abilities, characteristics, and behaviours. These creatures serve as guardians, minions, or challenges within the dungeon, obeying the user's commands and defending their domain against intruders. To create a creature the user goes through three steps; Visualization, Energy Channeling, and Materialization. Firstly the user begins by visualizing the creature they wish to create, envisioning its form, size, and attributes in vivid detail. They draw upon their knowledge of mythology, folklore, and imagination to craft a truly unique monster. Then with a focused mind and a surge of energy, the user channels their power into the creation process, infusing the imagined creature with life force. This energy serves as the catalyst for bringing the creature into existence within the dungeon. Lastly, as the energy takes shape, the creature materializes within the user's dungeon, emerging from the depths as a tangible entity. The user can control the creature's appearance, abilities, and behaviour to suit their needs and objectives. The user can make any type of monster that they like, the only limit is their energy and their imagination, but some examples include; Beasts: Ferocious creatures such as dire wolves, giant spiders, or griffins, possessing keen senses and formidable physical abilities. Undead: Reanimated corpses, skeletal warriors, or spectral apparitions, instilling fear and dread in those who encounter them. Elementals: Living embodiments of natural elements, including fiery salamanders, watery serpents, or earthen golems, each with unique elemental powers. Aberrations: Bizarre and otherworldly entities, such as tentacled horrors, shape-shifting mimics, or mind-controlling aberrations, capable of confounding and terrifying intruders. Constructs: Artificial beings crafted from magical or mechanical components, ranging from clockwork automatons to golems forged from enchanted stone or metal. They can also create many more, but these are only some examples. The user can control their creations in multiple ways and command them to act together; The user can maintain their control over the monsters they create, commanding them with their will and asserting their dominance as the Dungeon Master. The monsters obey the user's orders without question, serving as loyal guardians or relentless assailants. Also, the user can tailor the behaviour and objectives of the monsters to suit their needs, directing them to patrol specific areas, guard valuable treasures, or attack intruders on sight. The main limitations of Monster Maker are its energy consumption, maintenance, and the limits of the user's control, just meaning that the monsters can possibly rebel if they are strong enough and the user has mistreated them.
Fake Floor: The user creates a temporary floor within their dungeon that can hold illusions, making it seem like a normal, physical floor with traps, monsters, or treasures. All of the illusions on this floor seem real and can actually work to a degree on this floor with illusions capable of causing damage (although weaker than normal and unable to cause any damage if the illusion is seen through) and even treasures appearing to work within the fake floor, but upon exit of the fake floor, they will find out that everything they gained from the floor was but an illusion.
Safe Floor: The user creates a temporary floor within their dungeon that can act as a sanctuary for those within the dungeon. This floor is imbued with a protective aura that prevents any monsters or hostile entities from entering. Additionally, it has a restorative effect, healing anyone inside over time. The effect of keeping monsters out acts as a semi-permeable barrier and can be broken or pierced by high-ranking creatures.
Exit Floor: The user creates a temporary floor within the dungeon in between any floor that they want that allows visitors to leave the dungeon. The Exit floor will appear at the end of every dungeon and will be the turnaround point for the visitor(s) allowing them to go back into the dungeon from the start, where they came from, or even leaving the dungeon entirely.
Empty Floor: The Empty Floor is the start and the end of the dungeon, it will always be present and from here the user can create the dungeon, store whatever they want to, keep others safe here, etc. The empty Floor will be present even when the dungeon is destroyed, it can never be destroyed except with the death of the user. This floor is free from all laws, no laws from the universe exist in this space without the user making them. No laws not even life, death, time, space, reality, cause and effect are present within this floor without the user making them exist. In the case of Life and death do not exist here letting those who die in the dungeon live here should the user want them to, the user can even reincarnate them into a creature however this would make them completely reliant on the dungeon and die should they leave the dungeon and the connection with the user. Anyone within this floor is capable of moving throughout the dungeon as they please and even leave as they, please.
Dungeon Collapse: The user can start a dungeon collapse, making their dungeon and all of its floors begin to collapse, starting from its first floor and going to its last floor. Space will begin to distort and the monsters will either flee to other floors in order to survive a little longer or crumble to dust from the cataclitic wave of destruction that the user set in motion. The user can send any creatures that they wish to survive into the Empty Floor. Any visitor within the Dungeon will have to flee from the dungeon collapse as quickly as they can and reach the exit, if they cannot make it in time then they will be heavily wounded and possibly killed by the collapse of the dungeon depending on debre, and they will wake up in the Empty Floor dead or alive.
Treasure Trove: The user can create hidden chambers within their dungeon filled with valuable treasures and artefacts. These chambers can only be accessed through secret passages or by solving intricate puzzles. Creating elaborate treasures consumes a significant amount of the user's energy.
Gate: The user can create temporary portals within their dungeon that allow instant travel between different locations. These portals can be used for rapid deployment of allies or for quick escapes. Gates require precise control and consume a large amount of energy. Misuse can lead to unintended destinations or portal malfunctions.


With the awakening of the Dungeon Dungeon Fruit, the user can now use their abilities on a much larger scale, with their mind finally caught up with their powers, their powers are able to affect the world around them spreading much further than their body once stopped them. Their power spills over into the world around them, letting them expand their dungeon into the environment shaping it to their desire. The user is able to extend their abilities to what could be considered impossible or illogical, empowering old techniques to new heights and creating new ones that were not possible before.

Awakening Techniques:

Heart of the Dungeon: Similar to "The Core of the Dungeon," the Heart of the Dungeon allows the user to merge their physical form with their dungeon, but it comes with even greater powers and capabilities. When the user activates the Heart of the Dungeon, they gain the extraordinary ability to morph and reshape their immediate surroundings to form the intricate corridors, chambers, and traps of their dungeon. This transformation is both fluid and immediate: walls sprout from the ground, ceilings stretch overhead, and floors ripple like liquid, all under the user's absolute control. The entire dungeon environment responds to the user's movements and commands, making it a living extension of their will. Moreover, the Heart of the Dungeon bestows upon the user the power to draw strength from everything within their dungeon. This includes the treasures hidden within its depths, the creatures that inhabit its halls, and the traps laid to ensnare intruders. Every element of the dungeon, whether animate or inanimate, contributes to the user's power, enhancing their physical abilities, powers, and overall resilience.
Dungeon break: The user is able to create a gate that connects to the inside of their dungeon and then releases whatever they want, may it be the creatures, treasures, or even the dungeon itself causing space to distort and merge the dungeon with the world around them. Creatures will pour out of the gate in a stampede, treasures and items can pour out of the gate like a sea of gold, and the dungeon can expand out of the gate like a crawling calamity. The gate while being a spatial distortion can still be broken with enough force. Once the gate(s) are closed then the creatures, items, and/or dungeon will be sucked back into the gate returning to the user's dungeon.
Authority: The user is able to grant a portion of their authority to people they brought into the dungeon or any creature they want, allowing them to control the creatures and the contents of a specific floor.
Living Dungeon: The user can create a 'living' dungeon that adapts to intruders, capable of thought and acting in the best interest of the user and their dungeon. Capable of dynamically generating obstacles and challenges to test visitors specifically based on their observed strengths and weaknesses.
Trap Reave: With a single gesture, the user can implant numerous traps in their immediate environment or even within themselves that can then be activated and affect those nearby. These traps can have a multitude of hidden triggers and can be adjusted to be more potent, and capable of protecting larger areas with complex mechanisms.
Mini-Dungeon Core: The user creates a crystal-like smooth ball that contains a Dungeon within it, anyone who touches this mini-dungeon core will be drawn into the dungeon within and have to clear the dungeon to escape. However, since this is a mini-dungeon core it has a few limitations, firstly the dungeons in the mini-dungeon core can only have a maximum of 10 floors, additionally, the mini-dungeon core can be broken out of with either strong haki, spatial abilities, or any abilities that allow someone to break the crystal balls shell and release those trapped within it.

Awakening Weaknesses:

Energy: The vast expansion of power and control can be incredibly draining, meaning the user could risk total exhaustion or burnout if they use these abilities too frequently or for extended periods of time.
Heart of the Dungeon: While the user is merged with their dungeon the dungeon will be taking damage directly making every hit they take shake the dungeon and possibly collapse it. Additionally when the user is using a creature(s) and they take a serious hit that creature will die if that hit is strong enough to kill the creature(s). The same applies to treasures.
Dungeon Awareness: The user may need to split their awareness to monitor the larger area of effect of their dungeons and mini-dungeons, which can leave them blind to certain regions or overextended in their vigilance.
Waning Authority: Granting authority to too many individuals could dilute the user's overall control and open up the possibilities for internal conflict or sabotage.
Gate Fragility: The gates, while powerful and useful, are a lifeline for the user and their comrades getting in and out of the dungeon. The gates themselves are fragile and can be destroyed with enough strength or anyone capable of cutting space temporarily severing the user's lifeline in and out of the dungeon and cutting off a large amount of their powers until another can be made.
Dungeon Dissonance: The larger-scale dungeon transformations(brought into the environment) may not be as finely tuned as smaller-scale manipulations leading to instability or flaws that clever opponents can exploit.
Complexity: As old techniques are powered to new heights, the complexity of managing and understanding them also increases, which can lead to mistakes or malfunctions in their execution. Or it can just make it where the user is unable to make new techniques for most techniques.
Sensory Feedback: When the user possesses a creature they feel everything their controlled creatures feels, and then they might suffer from sensory overload or distraction during critical moments.
submitted by Successful_Cut5317 to DevilFruitIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:54 Betty-Adams Humans are Weird - Hungry

Humans are Weird – Hungry

Original Post:
The air tasted warm as First Sister paused in the massive human doorway with its harsh, ninety-degree angles. Outside the sun was setting and sending the last orange rays over the humans’s crop pastures. The light fell against the vertical shades of the broad front porch with its last energy casting a rather pleasing lattice of shadows on the wall of the humans’ deadwood hive. First Sister gave her frill a flap in an absent attempt to cool herself and stepped out onto the porch with a little shiver. The porch itself felt safe, with its clutter of gardening tools, child’s toys, and mysterious items shaped for human hands or human eyes. However the wide empty pastures that sloped gently up to the sand dunes of the beach were something that First Sister could never quite get used to. She understood from her lessons that humans liked, even needed ‘wide open spaces’ as defined by distances far enough to make it difficult to see another human without obstruction, but the searing light of the day and the forceful winds of the night made it terrifying to her.
She eased down onto something that looked sort of like a couch and resumed the simple weaving project she had brought with her when somewhat to her surprise the familiar tread of Human Second Mother approached from within the house. First Sister sprang up and prepared to greet her but Human Second Mother burst out of the door and swept around her, apparently utterly focused on reaching the secure bin that stored the tuber vegetables this hive used on a daily basis. First Sister watched, somewhat perplexed at the intensity in Human Second Mother’s face as she glared down at the tubers, selected a handful of bright purple ones, and rather more forcefully than was needed, reached down and snatched them out. Then, instead of taking them into the kitchen to prepare Human Second Mother brought the tubers up to her mouth and simply bit off a large chunk and started chewing. Her body language instantly changed, the tightness in the skin around her face relaxed, her fingers uncurled slightly, she stood taller and easier as if the bite had relived some distress. The crunching sound filled the porch as Human Second mother let her gaze wander out across the ‘wide open spaces’.
First Sister continued to watch in fascination as Human Second Mother ate an entire raw tuber. First Sister was not entirely certain that the tubers were indigestible to humans raw, but she knew that it was highly unusual for these humans to eat them raw in any mass. After finishing the first tuber, which was easily the size and mass of First Sister’s arm, Human Second mother frowned thoughtfully at the second tuber, gave a low grunt, and took another bite, less frantically than she had before. She glanced over at First Sister and smiled.
“Hey Kid,” she said turning to angle back through the door.
It seemed to be a general greeting, backed up by Human Second Mother idly reaching up to pat First Sister’s head between her antenna, so it didn’t require a reply. First Sister wondered at what she had just seen, but as no explanation seemed likely she turned her attention back to her weaving and the sunset. Eventually the artificial lights on the porch switched on and the sound of Human Friend Betty returning from the beach with Human First Sister drifted up the path. They greeted her joyfully, surprised at her presence, and the three of them entered the house together talking of the swimming conditions on the local beach. The humans decided to stay in their saltwater-soaked clothes until had hydrated and they sat down around the large preparation table in the kitchen to drink some acidic fruit juice. It was more than pleasant with the air rapidly cooling, the sounds of the night drifting in through the still open door, and the exotic taste of the juice. However First Sister stopped talking as she observed Human Second Mother pace by in that same, tense focused way, open the cold storage in the kitchen, and outright scowl at the contents before reaching in and removing several avian eggs. The adult human quickly cracked the shells, revealing the insides had been solidified through boiling, then proceed to eat the eggs with that same quick intensity she had applied to the tubers.
“What’cha looking at First?” Human First Sister asked.
“Is there something wrong with Human Second Mother?” First Sister asked, feeling her antenna curl in concern.
“Mom?” Human Second Cousin Betty asked, glancing after the retreating back of her mother. “No, I don’t think so. Why?”
First Sister explained the behavior she had observed and Human Second Cousin Betty seemed as perplexed as she did, however the older Human First Sister only nodded in confident understanding. By the time First Sister was done Human First Sister was clearly wanting to say something.
“Hormones!” Human First Sister said with final firm nod.
“What does that even mean?” Human Second Cousin Betty demanded with an irritated frown.
“Oh,” Human First Sister’s face contorted in something between and grimace of pain and a smug smile, “you’ll understand in a few years. Don’t you worry.”
“I’m not worried!” Human Second Cousin Betty insisted.
“What specific aspect of her hormones resulted in her eating so much?” First Sister quickly cut in to avoid a cousin argument.
“Its just that time of her cycle,” Human First Sister said with a wave of her hand. “Happens to all of us, eventually. You get one day where they hungry just won’t stop and nothing really satisfies it, but it’ll stop by tomorrow.”
“It’s a mammal moon cycle thing,” Human Second Cousin Betty offered when First Sister didn’t uncurl her confused antenna.
The conversation turned there as they had finished drinking and wanted to seek privacy to change out of their swimming clothes. First Sister waited for them at the table mulling over whether this strange food scavenging behavior was worth further investigation.

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2024.05.20 23:20 AnxiousSeason Our future.

Our future.
As the weather slowly turns, my mind once again embraces the idea of starting. Winter is so easy to go inside your shell and forget everything. Summer comes around and suddenly begins to pop up.
I think our chief concerned right now is going to be our Internet presence. Getting the website, email, getting podcasts, getting YouTube videos, even TikTok’s, and really just getting the message out, being a little controversial while still remaining authentic to who we are, and going our own way. Bhagwan had his style, and we love his style, but his style came from the era he lived in. His style was of the 50s and the 60s and the 70s and the 80s and the 90s, whereas our style needs to be true to our generation, and the generations that come after us.
I myself am in my early 40s, soon mid 40s, and no doubt eventually 50s and so on so forth. So this movement, this international resurgence, it’s not even so much for me. I have a good life. My life is almost over. I can very easily continue to live my life right now without any change and I would be perfectly happy. I am happy to walk the farm and think of Bhagwan and meditate by myself. I have attained enlightenment. True enlightenment means not being so bothered by the fact that no one else knows you are enlightened. If you are so concerned by the fact that other people know that you are enlightened, then that by itself is assigned that you are not yet fully there. that is ego. And to become fully enlightened means ego death. Absolutely and completely. So as I walk the farm now, and I look upon the freshly cut grass and the green trees and the blue sky and the large volume is white clouds, I could die alone and I would be quite happy and fulfilled. Perhaps not alone, the cats keep me company.
So this resurgence is not for me. It is I who am doing it, but it’s not for me. I don’t need it. I would like it, I would want it, but I don’t need it. And I have wondered in my days why me? I’m not special. I’m no one. I could continue to do what I do for the rest of my life and I would be just fine if nothing were to come of this. My life would not fundamentally or materially change. I would continue to watch the deer in the grass. I would continue to watch the birds at the birdfeeder. I would continue to hear the owl at night. I would continue to walk in the back 10 acres among the rainforest and be constantly and consistently in awe the natural beauty of it. I would watch the seasons come and go, the green at first, a bright new fresh spring green, slowly giveaway to a more standard green and eventually as it warmed up, dryer green, and then a brown and as it got colder it would be gone. And then it would be cold for a while and then eventually that same new fresh vibrant green would come back again and over and over. And then one day I would be part of that cycle and my cycle in this life would be complete and I move through the grass, the tall grass move with the wind, revealing a very presence, as if I could not feel it upon my skin, I’m just reminded how lucky I am to be here and how I am content, I have it all and I am part of this and this is part of me. And one of these days when I lay down for my last time, I will come back to this.
So this is not for me. I don’t need anything. I am absolutely content.
This revival is for you, my beloved sanyassins. it is for you, the ones who were born too late to sit at the masters feet. In that, you join me. I was born early enough to be around when the masters energy was alive, but not so early enough to have been any kind of adult to really partake in such a thing. I was barely 4 years old when the master was in Oregon. I can’t imagine that he would want a four year-old sitting at his feet, and I imagine as a four-year-old I probably would not have appreciated such a thing anyway.
But now i would. And you’ll have to forgive me because this voice to text on the phone is not always perfect. I have attached a picture of what I am beholding as I speak on this topic today..
I want you to see the picture, I want you to understand my position. I don’t need a single thing. But I look around the world and I see the pain, I see the misery, I see the suffering and the lies, and I understand how it was when I was young and growing up. I understand the lies That they told me. I join the military when I was a young man because I believed the lies. I believed that this was the greatest country ever, and I believed in the so-called goodness that they said that this country stood for. Obviously I don’t believe that anymore. But there are countless scores of young men and young women who are growing up in this country who are thinking exactly the thing I thought. They are signing up for the military, they are volunteering to sacrifice their very lives for this nation. And if the nation was a good nation, if it was a good place, I would say that would be a noble thing. But it’s not. For so many reasons it’s not. But I did my time, I’ve succeeded in my own way and I am happy and I’m pleased with what I have now. I know beauty, I know it in my soul but I fear many of you don’t.
I fear many of you know only what they tell you. I grew up in a time before the Internet, but I was also young enough to adopt the Internet quickly when it came out. But my identity was formed before the Internet. I remember the Internet as the wild West. Before it was controlled by Google and other mega corporations. Remember the Internet before it became the thought control mechanism that it is now. You used to be able to look on the Internet and find exactly what you wanted to find. Now you find only what Google has decided that you will see. You find what Google wants you to know, you find what Google wants you to read, And when I say Google I of course mean the people who own Google. The elites, the state, so anymore I question whether or not the youth of today and tomorrow will even know what truth is or will they simply know the truth they are told.
I myself know the truth, I’ve seen it, I’ve lived it, and I know who the liar is. But anymore, there’s confusion on that front. The young are confused. They don’t know who to listen to. Truth has been claimed by every side out there. And I wish I could say there were only two sides, that would be easy. There are numerous sides. Countless sides. There is an armada of sides, each of them claiming truth, and in a way I suppose I am no different. Of course I believe I am different, but to an individual who otherwise doesn’t know, how would they see that I am different? Why would they not think that I am just like everyone else? That’s a good question, I wish I knew the answer. But again this is not for me. I’ve made it. I’m good. This is for you. This is for my children. This is for their children. This is for the young men and women Who otherwise don’t know. This is for those who were born to late to learn from the master himself.
And because it’s based on truth, there is an element of fear that I have, perhaps why we have been so delayed in doing anything on this front. When people speak from a place of absolute truth Those people have a way of running into problems. Whether it’s legal problems, or some kind of other nonsense, the state does not mind another grifter. The state is a grifter and does not begrudge another. But the one thing that grifters, conmen, and charlatans alike cannot stand, is someone who tells the absolute truth. To them, we are the most dangerous thing there is. And not because I’m necessarily trying to be dangerous to them, but because once someone sees the real truth, they can never be fooled again. We are the ultimate antidote and it is far easier to frame us or set us up or put false charges on us And get us out the way it is to leave us alone slowly lose ground to us. I’ve seen it with numerous people and numerous groups before. If you stand against the charlatans, if you stand against the elites, then they will come for you. And they will murder you. They might claim that it’s some kind of legal thing or they might claim that it’s some kind of accusation, but they can just make things up, and whatever they say, their sheep will simply accept. Their sheep are not about to ask questions, because if they ask questions then that would fundamentally make them not a sheep.
So as the weather turns my mind once again considers what we set out to do from the very beginning. Create a new place for this old idea. Idea that sadly enough was supposed to have been done by the very people who took over the masters movement after his passing. His very suspicious passing. They were supposed to use his money and continue his vision but instead they took his money and they ran. And that was in the 90s. So here we are 30 years later and now it falls upon us to do something. And if we don’t do something, it doesn’t happen.
And that precisely has me wondering about the nature of things. Where do ideas come from. If I do not do the thing, then who will do the thing? If I do not create such a movement, who will? Where did the idea in my mind come from to start this? Did it just randomly pop into my head for no good reason? Where did this inspiration, where did this come from? I think it’s an interesting question, because when I talk to other people, and I talk to other followers of the master who are on different forums and such, None of them have told me that they are interested or have ever even considered starting up such a thing. So I guess my question is why am I? Did this inclination, this idea, this inspiration come from? Why did I think about doing this? And why have I not been able to get rid of the idea? Why have I not been able to be rid myself of this idea that I have had for more than a decade?
In 2012 I had a small group and we were doing things that I suppose would be best described as school of mystery type things. For example, we were looking at and using tarot cards. We were meditating, we had been reading and discussing some of Bhagwan’s books. We looked at and studied Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Zen, even Zoroastrianism as well as some of the more ancient Babylonian religions discussed in the dead sea scrolls. We had all manner of esoteric conversation and it was very enjoyable. But it was clear to me that many of them were just about talking and we’re not very interested in something more serious. the group slowly turned more and more into reading Bhagwan’s books and discussing his concepts and we did lose some people from the group because they did not like that. But that was my intention for the group group the whole time, and so it was an unfortunate but understandable change. A lot of the people that we lost were simply people I call seekers. they are there to talk about interesting things and have friends to talk about interesting things with, but otherwise they were not interested in any kind of serious discourse, they were not serious about any kind of personal growth or personal mastery, they did not like to meditate, they were mostly there because, in my opinion, they felt that they could potentially have relations with girls who were also interested in the same thing. So when they left we were not totally upset to see them go. And then the small core group of us studied more and more about Bhagwan and then came time for me to move. And although I have had attempted to set the group up since then, I never had success and I was too busy moving around. When the time finally came for me to purchase my own place and stop moving, I did so with a keen eye on looking at a future property for the start of the commune. I ended up settling on this 20 acres that we are on currently.
Unfortunately getting 20 acres in a location is often not the same location that you’re going to find the same people who are interested in mystery school type studies, let alone Bhagwan.
The people here are generally friendly, mostly stick to themselves, but are your typical mix of city/rural person. They’re not too interested in anything outside of the norm. So any kind of attempt to start anything here would almost certainly be a waste of time and could turn violent because the people here are probably not too dissimilar from the people in antelope although given that it is nearly 40 years later, certainly attitudes have lightened up a little bit. There is also enough of a mixture of city people living here that it tends to be a little more live and let live type of a place which I think is nice.
but all that to simply say that this place is not the kind of place that you can go and just create some kind of an esoteric mystery school type group and expect to have a lot of success. Which is fine because we have the Internet now,…
But still I wonder why has this idea stuck in my head this whole time? when I talk to people they themselves are not necessarily interested in doing something like this themselves. They have not looked to create some kind of commune or even community or even some kind of just social get together type group. The idea has never crossed their mind. And yet I can’t get it out of mind. so I just wonder where ideas come from, is it just an idea that we ourselves had, is it some kind of inspiration, and if it’s some kind of inspiration where does it come from? Back in 2012 when we were doing that initial mystery school, certainly I would not say that I was any kind of enlightened. I was still learning myself. As Bhagwan said, being enlightened does not mean that we walk on water or that we know that our room is bugged, it simply means that we know ourselves beyond all things. that we have no ego that is holding us back, we have no expectations that manipulate us or mold us to a certain way. We are completely free first and foremost, and then within that freedom, we know ourselves. And knowing ourselves in such a way, it opens up the energy in our bodies, flowing for through the chakras resulting in absolute clarity. And this clarity is the thing that all enlighten Masters have talked about.
And let me be clear, I am not some Eastern Mystic guru expert. I do not know every single word for every single phenomenon that the Hindus and the Buddhist use. and the reason I have never made the attempt at doing so for you. Because I don’t want you to feel that you have no place in this human evolution because you do not know the words that it is often referred to.
This is not a Hindu thing. This is not a Buddhist thing. This is not an Indian thing. This is a human thing. and before I said chakras and I use the word because I think that most people understand what I’m talking about. But if I said another word, and there are many to choose from, you would probably not know what I was talking about, and maybe some of you would, but the absolutely new person would not know what I was talking about. And this is a human thing. This is not an Indian thing. This is not a Hindu thing. So I don’t like to use those words and as I myself was going through this process and I myself was learning the thing under the masters teaching, I did my best to understand these things from a human perspective, not an eastern mysticism perspective. I did my best to learn about the very core fundamentals of the thing, rather than simply call it by the name that the Indians call it by, or the Hindu use or the Buddhist use. and I realize that doing that, Hindu and Buddhist might see what I am doing or what I’m saying as somehow shallow, or perhaps fake. Because if I am not calling it by the name that they understand it by, they get very defensive because they feel that this is their thing. And so I should be using their words for the thing. But this is not just an Eastern thing. This is a thing. And so I don’t want to use their words because I fear that it will scare some of you away. So when I talk about these concepts and these ideas, I do my best to put them in the most common of terms, I do my best to put them in the most layman language possible because that is precisely who I am doing this for. You, the layman. the common person. I don’t want to use specific words or phrases that will confuse you. Instead of calling in a chakra, I would rather call it an energy Nexus. It’s the same thing. It’s the same concept. But calling it a chakra is specific to one culture, calling an energy Nexus in the body, expands the concept and makes it more accessible to all humans.
Ultimately we will see what happens. Many summers have come and go with me feeling the urge to begin. Many summers have come and go with me creating countless hours of discourses that perhaps no one will ever hear. Being enlightened does not mean being fearless. Being enlightened does not mean that you act rationally. Being enlightened does not mean that you go looking for trouble. It means that you have a tame a level, it means that you have attained a certain kind of self-mastery it means that when you die, you will have the choice whether or not you will come back to this life as a master and a helper, or whether you will be done and you will rejoin once and for all with the creator. i’m not certain if I can be so honest. I am a very old soul and I’m tired. That’s why part of me struggles perhaps at starting this even though I’ve done so much already. In a way I have started it, but in another way, I have not yet done the most important step of all. i’m tired. I value my peace and my quiet. And I fear that if I do what is in me to do, then I will give up my peace and my quiet. I love you all, I love you so much that it angers me to see how the world treats you. It does not surprise me however, because I understand how the world is and I understand who runs the world. but it still angers me I want so much for you all to be able to live the lives that you were meant to live. I want so much for you to be able to embrace your absolute individuality and reach that mastery level and eventually have that breakthrough of pure consciousness and that pure connection of collective subconsciousness… Bhagwan speaks a bit on it and I credit that collective subconscious connection for helping me to break through a spiritual block that I was having for a while. Having gotten over that, I believe that is what allowed me to later on get to where I needed to get to so that I had a total ego death and so doing achieved and enlightenment. so I understand the criticality of the commune. It is a shared space, with shared intention, which can be fostered up overtime, which eventually leads to the kind of collective subconscious connections that you need to really propel your spiritual advancement far beyond anything that you could do by yourself. in Buddhism they call it a buddhafield. But the concept is not completely understood correctly by them. They say that a Buddha field is a field of energy that is coming off of the Buddha. That is absolutely false. Well, sort of. Of course the Buddha is putting off their own energy, but everyone puts off their energy. The Buddha serves as the magnet. Many people of like mines and like paths and like energies are attracted to the Buddha. And then when they are there with the Buddha, all of their energies sync up and this is what becomes the buddha field. This is what allows the rapid spiritual transformation. It has everything to do with the collective unconscious. And sometimes you will hear me say subconscious sometimes you will hear me say unconscious, it’s the same thing. It’s the absolute same thing. There’s no difference at all. we are not very dogmatic when it comes to the terms that we use we just want you to understand the fundamental concepts that we’re talking about. And I do this by using different language for the same thing. And if there’s confusion I will clarify. But this is why the Comun is so key critical, because I understood what it did for me and I understand why it’s so important. Bhagwan said that in the new society, of course the new society living on the commune, in a Buddha field, that the young children would become enlightened beings like Jesus and like Krishna and like Buddha in their early teenage years. I find it interesting that no one has ever question such a comment. No one has ever been intellectually curious to ask why. Why would that be the case. And the answer is probably not surprising given what I’ve just said to you. Because if you have hundreds of people all walking along a similar spiritual path, all putting out similar spiritual energy, all aligning their energy and their intention the same direction, at the same time, this energy is amplified and it is absolutely magnified, and if you are in this energy field, and you are also focusing in the same direction on the same path, then you will have monumental speed, you will have unprecedented progress. It has been said before
It has been said before that we all walk a different path. Well, that’s sort of true but it’s also not true at all. we are all human being, and there is only one path. The path from being asleep to being awake. From consciousness to enlightenment. The difference is that we walk the path differently. Some of us walk it very quickly some of us walk it slower, some of us walk it more methodically, some of us walk it intuitively. Some of us walk it alone some of us walk it together
And you have also heard the saying that if you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far, go together. And this is absolutely true also in the spiritual path. And that is precisely what the communist for. If you want to go far on your spiritual path and you want to achieve enlightenment in this lifetime, then you absolutely have to live and spend a large portion of your time in a Buddharfield. Or perhaps we should say Bhagwan field. But you understand my point.
But again anywhere that light and goodness pop up, darkness will seek to crush it. And seeing what they did to Bhagwan and his commune in Oregon, understanding the power dynamics that were going on there, understanding how they completely sabotage Sheila and turned Bhagwan against her When she was his number one advocate, his number one supporter, the most loyal person, and that is exactly why they had to get her out of the way. She had to get out of the way because once she was out of the way then Bhagwan was easy for the vultures.
And so I absolutely see this and I absolutely understand it. And it worries me because I know that if we try to start something, those same powers will come at us, and even though I am aware and even though I will make my people aware, being aware does not necessarily mean that you are safe. Because it has been 40 years and the enemy has had 40 years to improve the tactics. And again if they can’t take you out fairly, then they will take you out unfairly. The law is nothing to them. They will kill you and not even think twice.
And every morning I wake up my mind is on my master. Every morning I wake up I think about Bhagwan, I think about the mission I think about the commune I think if today will be the day that I start to do something.
And I suppose I have to wonder why I am putting this in such a post here when I am the only person on this group. Loyal Savita is of course supporting me and behind me and she loves Bhagwan. But when it comes to management, Savita is out of her league. When it comes to setting an organization up, Savita is out of her league. Savita would make an excellent group leader or service leader, She would make an excellent advisor, but when it comes to the logistics of setting up such a movement, sweet Savita simply would really have no idea where to begin. So if I really wanted to do something like setting up the website and setting up the social media and starting the podcast, if I didn’t want it to be some kind of very amateur production, which ideally I would not like it to be amateurish, then I would need to find some other help. Or I will have to simply settle on something being amateurish to begin with and if we saw some success, perhaps some additional people to the movement would have the skills needed to help us step everything up. But to me, that is kind of secondary to the reality that if we did such a thing, would that we would have a target on our backs. and right now our lives here are very simple and peaceful and quiet and not very dramatic at all.
And yet there is still this urging in me to do it. And I don’t quite know where that comes from.
submitted by AnxiousSeason to sannyas [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:30 ThrowRAlittlefrog Can’t get in to see a new PNP for a few months

I had established care with a psychiatric nurse practitioner and now she is moving to somewhere else and I can’t make another appointment to see a new provider till the end of July. Sigh… all this meds stuff is just really frustrating. I wanted to keep tweaking things cause I don’t know how I feel about my current meds I’m feeling weird about it and I’m on so many different things, last time we upped my adhd meds, it’s Strattera but I am not sure if it’s doing anything idk how I’m supposed to feel but I feel tired everyday.
I’m on buspirone Sertraline Strattera And Lamictal (Lamotrigine)
It’s so many things and idk how to feel but too bad I guess I better get used to it for now. Feeling really frustrated and sad. Yk it’s funny everyone is always like get help if you are struggling yadayadayada, but sometimes it feels impossible to even do such or maybe you will get on the meds and feel better from anxiety but still feel off and then your provider will just leave. I’d just started seeing her in February or something.
I just feel sad and uncomfortable being on all these things with no doctor for quite sometime
submitted by ThrowRAlittlefrog to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:20 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 19 2024

DAY: May 19 2024
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:08 Guide10000 EurekAlert - Columbia University Using magnetic resonance spectroscopy to design safer, higher-performance lithium batteries

Columbia Engineers use nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to examine lithium metal batteries through a new lens -- their findings may help them design new electrolytes and anode surfaces for high-performance batteries.
Science Daily break down of the paper
One of the lead authors AJ Louli of the paper below was hired by QS in Dec 2023. His paper seems similar to the Columbia paper. In addition QS had an open position in April for a Cell Analysis Engineer that required experience with XCT/Radiography, DC electrical testing, impedance spectroscopy.
Diagnosing and correcting anode-free cell failure via electrolyte and morphological analysis
"Anode-free lithium metal cells store 60% more energy per volume than conventional lithium-ion cells. Such high energy density can increase the range of electric vehicles by approximately 280 km or even enable electrified urban aviation. However, these cells tend to experience rapid capacity loss and short cycle life. Furthermore, safety issues concerning metallic lithium often remain unaddressed in the literature. Recently, we demonstrated long-lifetime anode-free cells using a dual-salt carbonate electrolyte. Here we characterize the degradation of anode-free cells with this lean (2.6 g Ah-¹) liquid electrolyte. We observe deterioration of the pristine lithium morphology using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray tomography, and diagnose the cause as electrolyte degradation and depletion using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and ultrasonic transmission mapping. For the safety characterization tests, we measure the cell temperature during nail penetration. Finally, we use the insights gained in this work to develop an optimized electrolyte, extending the lifetime of anode-free cells to 200 cycles”

QS Failure Analysis Engineer

We are seeking a motivated and conscientious technical contributor to join our team. You will have intellectual ownership of failure analysis method and technique development and collaborate with process experts and data analysts to identify root causes of failure. The position will interface widely across different facets of our product and directly influences development priorities. Careful perception, a strong technical background, and strong interpersonal skills are priorities for the position. Together, the New Product Introduction team is responsible for productization via integrating technologies from across the company into a device, identifying root causes for variability or failure modes, providing feedback on components, and resolving problems directly caused by the integration of the components.

What you will do:

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
submitted by Guide10000 to QUANTUMSCAPE_Stock [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:52 Koivel Lamotrigine/lamictal?

My doctor recommended this medication to me and the side effects of it are kinda worrying me, i know they're rare for most people but still, what are youx experiences with this medication? Im starting off at a small dose and will slowly be increased every 2 weeks for a total of 6 weeks. I was also told its slow to start showing improvement. Im taking it alongside abilify/aripripazole.
submitted by Koivel to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:38 Gruff757 I'm Not Too Good at the Game.....

I'm Not Too Good at the Game.....
but this build made me feel like a god! I breezed through Dark Hero and dog-walked the Emperor on my first try with it.
I know its just DM2 but that run was so much fun!
submitted by Gruff757 to Skul [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:07 BriiZav Diagnostics

Short version:
Which diagnostics should I ask for to try and rule out ovarian cancer?
Is bothering with an outpatient doctor even worth it or should I just show up at an emergency room?
I am a cash patient.
Long Version:
After reading many of these posts I want to first say thank you for creating this space.
I’m a 34 year old that has been experiencing nausea, vomiting, rapid cycle periods, GI issues, ovulation pain, and undue weight loss of almost 20 pounds.
I had an endoscopy which was clear and ruled out ulcers/chrones.
Next gallbladder was suspected except my symptoms don’t match gallbladder. I was put on the gallbladder diet anyway. No clinically significant improvement other than I was able to gain 10 out of the 20 pounds I lost back.
I am a suicide prevention therapist and my job is stressful so most professionals want to shrug, say it’s stress, and then not explore further. I’ve been in my career field for over a decade and never had symptoms like this.
I look, outwardly, like a very healthy woman and so many doctors do not take me seriously.
I need to figure out what is causing the constant vomiting and rapid cycling because I cannot effectively treat my patients when I feel this ill.
I appreciate everyone’s help and guidance on this. ❤️‍🩹
submitted by BriiZav to Ovariancancer [link] [comments]