Femara ttc 12.5mg

Lab work for PCOS

2024.05.20 21:40 Titsoakbel Lab work for PCOS

I found out last June that I have PCOS. My question is what lab work should I ask to be done, to check to see if I have or don’t have something? For instance insulin resistance, do I go to my primary care doctor for that or my gynecologist’s office? Sorry if this is wrong or weirdly written, I’m still trying to educate myself on PCOS.
If any of it matters
-I’m 25 almost 26 - I have one child who is almost 3 - I have been ttc since January, but no luck - I have periods every month - I’m on metformin and start Femara soon - I am on the heavier side
submitted by Titsoakbel to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:28 NonchalantHotMess Did anyone have unexplained infertility with success?

Does anyone have a similar story to mine?
TW: chem.
I’m really hoping to find someone who went through something similar to get some advice for success.
I’m 27 and have been TTC for 2 years. I will list all my information down below pertaining to my situation. My husband had his swimmers checked and they’re great. I feel like I have tried everything under the sun except IUI and IVF. I’m trying hard to conceive naturally or find the problem so I don’t have to go through all this when we want to have another baby.
My info.
Everything has been checked by a fertility specialist and I’ve been directed to try for 4 months after my surgery then we have to talk about IUI because he can’t find any problems. I’m now on the 3rd month and trying to pull out all the bells and whistles to help me.
The past dozen cycles I’ve used the following:
My Inito charts look textbook, so do my bbt charts. We also “try” on prime days at night and sleep with the “delivery” undisturbed.
This month I’ve added Pink stork fertility supplements, tea, and the 40:1 inositol vitamins. I’ve also added black cohosh, PreSeed, and the Frida Conception Cup.
Like I said, I’m getting desperate and impatient and trying to find a “oh my story is similar and I tried “abc” and it helped”
submitted by NonchalantHotMess to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:21 NonchalantHotMess TTC and unsuccessful, any advice?

Does anyone have a similar story to mine?
TW: chem.
I’m really hoping to find someone who went through something similar to get some advice for success.
I’m 27 and have been TTC for 2 years. I will list all my information down below pertaining to my situation. My husband had his swimmers checked and they’re great. I feel like I have tried everything under the sun except IUI and IVF. I’m trying hard to conceive naturally or find the problem so I don’t have to go through all this when we want to have another baby.
My info.
Everything has been checked by a fertility specialist and I’ve been directed to try for 4 months after my surgery then we have to talk about IUI because he can’t find any problems. I’m now on the 3rd month and trying to pull out all the bells and whistles to help me.
The past dozen cycles I’ve used the following:
My Inito charts look textbook, so do my bbt charts. We also “try” on prime days at night and sleep with the “delivery” undisturbed.
This month I’ve added Pink stork fertility supplements, tea, and the 40:1 inositol vitamins. I’ve also added black cohosh, PreSeed, and the Frida Conception Cup.
Like I said, I’m getting desperate and impatient and trying to find a “oh my story is similar and I tried “abc” and it helped”
submitted by NonchalantHotMess to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:17 NonchalantHotMess I’m still trying, did anyone have a story like mine?

Does anyone have a similar story to mine?
TW: chem.
I’m really hoping to find someone who went through something similar to get some advice for success.
I’m 27 and have been TTC for 2 years. I will list all my information down below pertaining to my situation. My husband had his swimmers checked and they’re great. I feel like I have tried everything under the sun except IUI and IVF. I’m trying hard to conceive naturally or find the problem so I don’t have to go through all this when we want to have another baby.
My info.
Everything has been checked by a fertility specialist and I’ve been directed to try for 4 months after my surgery then we have to talk about IUI because he can’t find any problems. I’m now on the 3rd month and trying to pull out all the bells and whistles to help me.
The past dozen cycles I’ve used the following:
My Inito charts look textbook, so do my bbt charts. We also “try” on prime days at night and sleep with the “delivery” undisturbed.
This month I’ve added Pink stork fertility supplements, tea, and the 40:1 inositol vitamins. I’ve also added black cohosh, PreSeed, and the Frida Conception Cup.
Like I said, I’m getting desperate and impatient and trying to find a “oh my story is similar and I tried “abc” and it helped”
submitted by NonchalantHotMess to whatworkedforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:54 No-Mango-6336 Progesterone advice

Baby #1 was thanks to Femara with progesterone suppositories because of anovulation and a short luteal phase.
Now we’re trying for #2, and I am ovulating on my own, but I still have a short luteal phase with a lot of spotting. My OB graciously prescribed me progesterone suppositories so we can “try on our own” before returning to the fertility clinic, and this is my first month with them.
Currently I’m 3 DPO and was going to start the suppositories tonight, but today I’ve been having some pink/brown spotting. Is it worth it to try the suppositories still? Or does the spotting mean my lining is already breaking down?
I’m used to having a fertility doc to ask these random questions to, but at the moment I’m not a patient, so looking to see if anyone has advice. My OB isn’t a TTC expert and was happy to prescribe the suppositories but past that she’s not very helpful.
submitted by No-Mango-6336 to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:43 NoDuck6067 TTC Limbo/Hell

I’m 35 with ‘lean’ PCOS. I ovulated once since April 2023 with the help of Letrozole 5mg - obviously didn’t work haha!
My RE put me on 2.5 - nothing. Then 5 and it worked but no conception. Restarted 5 next round and initially I had a follicle that was 14 but then it shrunk. I had severe depression/anxiety with my last Letrozole round. Like couldn’t get out of bed and wanted to jump out of a window (obviously wouldn’t but it was awful). My RE switched me to Clomid 50mg for 5 days and first scan showed two 12.6mm follicles and an estrogen of 212 (I was never over 60 with letrozole) will be following up tomorrow.
My body seems to respond initially and then backs off once the medication is stopped.
I’m so frustrated. I feel like my time is not my own. I’m too afraid to plan any trips or commit to anything because what if it’s during a cycle? What if I need a scan? What if I’m pregnant and can’t be near a lab for bloodwork or a scan?!
I feel like I’m absolutely insane.
My husband was finally like - we need to book something. Let’s book it refundable and let’s just book it. In the back of my head I really wanted to go to Europe this Summer as a consolation prize if TTC wasn’t working.
Well last night we booked refundable tickets and I am a nervous wreck. My husband is like you’ve been talking about this for a year aren’t you excited?! And I can’t even think about actually going with all of the ‘what if’s’
I feel like I’m going bananas. I keep thinking about okay what if you are pregnant - there is no reason to not go and I’m like oh I’m sure I’ll be sick and nauseas and wouldn’t enjoy it. Or I’ll miscarry because of the plane (I know it’s outdated info)
I feel like I’m missing out on life during this fertility journey and I just want to crawl into bed and cry.
Does anyone have any tips? Suggestions? Anything? I feel like I’m losing my mind.
submitted by NoDuck6067 to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 00:52 Front_Cucumber_5815 3 failed IUI

Hi! My husband and I have been TTC for almost 3 years now. We met with our RE a year ago and tried our first IUI in November. We always do letrozole 5mg x5 days and ovidrel to trigger. On our 3rd cycle the doctor added 75 IU of menopur on day 10 and ovidrel day 11. I’ve read that if you don’t get pregnant by 3rd cycle, chances of getting pregnant from IUI are low. We have 3 more cycles of IUI before we can go IVF route but I’m a little scared to do IVF.
I guess I’m just sad/frustrated and looking for answers/other people’s experiences?
Each cycle I’ve had 3-4 follicles ranging from 12-17 mm. My periods have always been irregular so my dr thinks I’m not ovulating on my own. Does ovidrel need to be at least 2 weeks out? Or is the timing based on the size of the follicle?
I thought menopur and ovidrel do the same thing.. why do I need both injections?
My AMH was 5 but Dr doesn’t think it’s pcos since I don’t have diabetes. I have hypothyroidism but taking levothyroxine so last level was 0.52. My pcp said the best range for fertility is 1-2. Should I ask to lower my dose? Or it doesn’t play too big a role? Also should I get my AMH redrawn if it was a year ago?
After my 1st cycle I grew a cyst on my left ovary I think from the medication. It hasn’t gone away and at my 3rd cycle my dr said she thinks I might have endometriosis now. Does this commonly happen from infertility medication?
I took birth control for my acne for over 10 years but stopped ~2016. I also worked graveyard for 2 years 2021-2023. Are these big factors for infertility?
I take prenatal, coq10, ashwagandha, krill oil, and vit d daily. Any other supplements recommended?
Sorry for all the questions but any insight/stories would be appreciated! My RE is part of a big hospital group so she never has time for my questions just always to the next pt 😢
submitted by Front_Cucumber_5815 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 15:33 Pepper_Thinking Got a new and improved doctor, feeling more optimistic

Although I'm annoyed at my previous doc, I think this is a generally positive vent??
After my previous OBGYN (we'll call her Dr. A) prescribed me 4 meds within 3 months, I decided to get a 2nd opinion with someone a bit more experienced and specialized.
New doctor (Dr. B) is at a different, bigger hospital and she's also an official reproductive specialist with facilities to perform IUI and IVF if we decide to go that direction.
I go into the appointment, give her a run down of my history and Dr. A's treatment plan and... she was not a fan.
First and foremost, Dr. B was astounded that I was put on Clomid at all because I have such a detailed and confirmed history of PCOS. She considers it an unnecessary risk compared to Letrozole. She also wasn't a fan of the fact that I was put on estrogen while on Letrozole. She was blown away by Dr. A's plan to put me on injectables with minimal monitoring. And she was generally confused why I was told I didn't need another pap smear despite it being 3 years since my last one lol. She seemed offended that no one had bothered to prescribe me a prenatal vitamin with inositol. (I was already on folic acid tho, don't worry everyone)
So what's the new plan? Dr. B is starting from scratch. She double checked that I didn't react to the letrozole with an ultrasound. My next appointment I get to have a pap smear (ouchie 🤢) and a vaginal swab culture. She's also sending my husband for a sperm analysis since it's been over 3 months since his last one to double check. In the meantime, she's prescribed me Pregnacare (prenatal vitamin).
Then, assuming those tests come back normal, I get to start the next cycle with Femara (not sure if she's going to keep me at 5mg or raise me to 7.5mg) and Gonal F injections. I'll be getting ultrasounds before each injection to make sure I don't overreact. You think I can claim the gas money driving to the doctor every other day? 🤣
This has eased a lot of my anxiety about TTC. She was very reassuring and patient. She seems really knowledgeable about PCOS which is nice, and she happens to already know my endocrinologist lol
She asked if I wanted to try IUI or Timed Intercourse, and I said Timed, but I'm wondering at what point I should consider IUI... it'll be out of pocket so I'd definitely prefer for Timed to work 💀
I'm feeling optimistic about this upcoming cycle.
submitted by Pepper_Thinking to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 02:21 Competitive-Draft458 Ovulation induction

Hi all!
I’m very new to Reddit and suddenly found lots of interesting threads of people sharing their experience with TTC and I wanted to share mine. It really comforts me to know I’m not alone, although I wish it were easy for us all. I apologise in advance for how long this is!
I (27F) have PCOS - diagnosed around the age of 14 due to not getting my period. I’m 27 now and can say that I’ve only naturally got a period maybe a handful of times in my life. Was given loads of contraceptive pills to try growing up to induce a bleed - worked but all had an impact on my already delicate mental health.
Fast forward to now, I have been with my partner (now husband (31M) for four years and we’re keen to TTC. I’ve always been told it may be difficult as I don’t naturally ovulate. Went to my GP initially which felt utterly pointless. We were told we need to be TTC for 12 months prior to referring us to a fertility clinic (NHS), despite them being aware of my lack of ovulation (impossible to conceive - no period, no egg, no baby).
We took the decision to go private. Not cheap but not totally breaking the bank either at this point. Had lots of testing done and around 5 months later, we’ve started ovulation induction.
In my first cycle I took 5mg of Provera for 7 days to induce my bleed. Worked well as it always has (been using it for a withdrawal bleed for over a year). I then moved onto 2.5mg of Letrozole CD 3-7, had a scan CD13 with follicles no bigger than around 6/7mm. I was then told to do 6 days of the Gonal F injection at 75iu to try and increase the size of the follicle(s). We had a final scan a few days later with the biggest only being 10mm. The cycle was cancelled as the follicle had to be at least 18mm and it was obvious that this just wasn’t going to get to that size in the cycle. It was disheartening to say the least. We were definitely naive to how difficult this can all be but we also learnt a lot in the process.
I am now in my second cycle, again starting with Provera. This time however, my doctor decided to change the dosage to 10mg, and it didn’t give me a proper bleed. I only got spotting after around 9 days of my last pill. This has never happened to me before, but my clinic said this isn’t abnormal as I had just taken Letrozole etc so my hormones may have been out of whack. I had a baseline scan this time to check everything was fine and my doctor was happy for me to start Letrozole again. This time I took 5mg daily for 5 days. This time round, the side effects hit me a lot harder. Started off with headaches daily, then a very sore and achy lower back and finally pain/ cramps in my lower abdomen. CD9 (today) I’ve gone for my follicle tracking scan and my biggest two are only 7mm. So disappointing as I started to believe it must be working due to the side effects I had. My doctor would like me to rescan on Thursday (3 days later CD12) and see if there is any progress and if not, the cycle might be cancelled again.
What concerns me is the fact that I never had a proper withdrawal bleed this cycle, and I’ve also had around 4 days of spotting prior to my CD9 scan/ end of Letrozole. The clinic also said that they don’t prescribe more than 5mg of Letrozole (I’ve seen many women online taking 7.5mg+) so that wouldn’t be the protocol for my next cycle either. I was told that I would be perhaps put onto Gonal F instead of Letrozole instead. It’s all trial and error but at the expense of our finances, physical health and mental wellbeing. I understand why this all needs to happen but it’s so tough.
It can all feel quite exhausting and for me it’s only the second cycle. I can’t imagine what it’s like for others going through years of this. Please share your experiences with me if you have been through something similar or have any advice! Wishing you all the best of luck 🩷
Edit: second scan results only showed a follicle of 9mm - so the cycle got cancelled 😣 We’re now awaiting a follow up with my doctor and figure out what’ll be best moving forward… they only do up to 5mg so not sure what’ll be possible but trying to remain hopeful!
submitted by Competitive-Draft458 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 09:59 Krubbard Provera and Femara

We haven’t been TTC for very long- I went off my OCP at the end of January and had my lovely withdrawal bleeding January 31-February 4, then a lot of nothing.
I had my pap in March and my OBGYN started me on metformin because of my family history of PCOS. Still nothing. I had a follow up appointment on April 11 and she said that given my age (almost 36), she was okay with jump starting other treatments.
I’m currently taking 5mg of Provera for 10 days (April 11-21), and then letting her know when my period starts and staring Femara on CD 5-9, with a progesterone blood test on CD 22.
Does anyone have any experiences with this kind of a roadmap? Good, bad, successful, unsuccessful?
submitted by Krubbard to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 02:06 raqueldalton Follicle Size

EDIT I have not started my period yet.
We have been ttc for a little more than a year, my PCOS diagnosis was also just given a year ago. Today I had an ultrasound and it is day 28 of my cycle, I had a 19mm follicle on the right ovary and the NP said that was unusual for this point in my cycle. I didn’t think to ask her why, but now I am curious. We are going to try a round of clomid this cycle after 2 failed attempts with Femara last fall.
Does anyone have any insight to why this follicle size is unusual at this point?
submitted by raqueldalton to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 22:09 Voldys_gone_moldy Had my first RE appointment - question about trigger shot

Hi 👋🏼 I’m kinda new here, been lurking for a little while. I’m almost 36, TTC #2 for a year now. Diagnosed with PCOS last summer but suspected it for years. I did two unmonitored cycles on letrozole with my OB (2.5mg then 5mg) and this cycle took 7.5mg. I had my first appointment today (cycle day 12) with an RE. The appointment went well overall, and ultrasound showed a 16mm follicle on the left! There was a small one on the other side but only 8mm. Anyway she said it looks good and said we should do a trigger shot tomorrow, and to wait 10 days before testing. The nurse who did the educating for the injection said wait til 14 days. I’ve seen online people “test out” the trigger and then keep testing. So here’s the question - when do I test? Those that have already gone through it, when did you test? I am the kind that says I’ll wait to test and then cave and test too early and then go through a bunch until CD 1 eventually shows up, so waiting til day 14 feels hard.
submitted by Voldys_gone_moldy to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 19:54 spookysunshine_ am i worrying for nothing?

my husband and i have been ttc for about 4 years, i have PCOS and my husband does have a low sperm count. last cycle we started letrozole 5mg CD3-7, CD 12 i went in for a follicle scan (had one ~20mm on each side) and was advised to take my trigger shot and go in the next day for our IUI.
fast forward to yesterday during our follicle scan, my right ovary has a 16mm follicle and my left has a 12mm follicle, i believe my uterine lining was 11mm (unsure about this one, don’t take my word for it). i was advised to trigger sunday night and go back tuesday for our second IUI.
HERE IS MY DILEMMA… ive been very crampy, mainly on the right side before i even had my follicle scan done. i’m worried i’m going to ovulate prematurely or before we get the IUI done.. if i do, will it hurt my chances if i still follow my doctors instructions and trigger sunday night?
submitted by spookysunshine_ to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.02.06 15:33 rulerofnoobs Anyone in similar shoes? Late maturation arrest

TTC for 2 years. Normal hormones, USG and testes size, aswell as genetic tests. First mTese demonstrated 2 abnormal looking sperm and different spermatids, dx LMA.
Since 5,5 months I’ve started with Menopur 75mg 3x weekly, as well as pentoxifylline 400mg 2 tabs daily + clomid 12,5mg 1 tab daily.
Was wondering if anyone have has success with late maturation arrest and/or medications.
Best regards,
submitted by rulerofnoobs to maleinfertility [link] [comments]

2024.02.01 16:17 Mountain-Garden9920 TTC

I have been TTC for three years now. I took a couple rounds of Clomid and the stuff gave me TERRIBLE mood swings, and AWFUL pelvic pain. Well, long story short, it turns out that it overstimulated my ovaries and I have a ton of cysts. When I was taking this medicine, my progesterone level the last time I had blood work done was 46.6
My Dr. says I have endo and wants to do lap surgery but I am scared and hoping I can conceive without it, but judging by the amount of pain I have and the number of cysts I had, I probably need it.
I have reaaaaaaaaaally REALLY bad pelvic pain. Like it feels heavy, my tailbone hurts, it hurts really bad after I ovulate, or when I try to go to the bathroom.
I was just wondering what everyone else's experience has been. It seems that I do ovulate on my own, but I was thinking of asking my Dr. to put me on either metformin or Femara. Has anyone had any luck or an experience similar to mine?
submitted by Mountain-Garden9920 to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.01.31 16:09 rach12222 I have a dr. visit in an hour - what should I ask??

I’m (28F) newly TTC and have my first Gyno visit this morning. What should I be asking?? Did you all have to advocate for getting on Femara/Metformin? Should I be asking for certain tests?
submitted by rach12222 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.01.28 01:59 soconfusedwithlife21 13dpo and how i feel

Hello everyone!
I hope everyone reading is doing ok, I 24f and my husband 26M, have been TTC for 1.5years....we have recently started on ovulation induction medication and are our 2nd round of letrozole where i took 12.5mg, ovidrel trigger shot and ovulated 4-5 mature follicles......considering my husbands slightly below avg motility (34%) we decided to go ahead and take the risk of trying this month with natural intercourse. - we will be going on to IUI if this dosent work!
Symptoms as of 13dpo:
-Nauseous, eye twitching, lower tummy cramping, watery stool (TMI), shaky hands and body , extreme hunger and fatigue, shooting pains in breast, headaches - all symptoms have started since 10dpo.
- NO BFP not even a little
- never had any symptoms on letrozole last month i had much more symptoms post ovulation and wasn't pregnant this month its much less but very different to my regular PMS symptoms
- Are my chances higher considering i hyper-ovulated
- is it possible to get a bfp after 14 dpo i ovulated around CD 15 as confirmed by ultrasound and blood test - I always see everyone get them so much earlier
- i have a blood test scheduled at 15dpo what are the chances blood test is positive and HPT isn't since HCG levels around 25mi are usually picked up by a blood test

submitted by soconfusedwithlife21 to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.01.28 01:54 soconfusedwithlife21 13dpo and feeling very weird feelings but bfn

Hello everyone!
I hope everyone reading is doing ok, I 24f and my husband 26M, have been TTC for 1.5years....we have recently started on ovulation induction medication and are our 2nd round of letrozole where i took 12.5mg, ovidrel trigger shot and ovulated 4-5 mature follicles......considering my husbands slightly below avg motility (34%) we decided to go ahead and take the risk of trying this month with natural intercourse. - we will be going on to IUI if this dosent work!
Symptoms as of 13dpo:
-Nauseous, eye twitching, lower tummy cramping, watery stool (TMI), shaky hands and body , extreme hunger and fatigue, shooting pains in breast, headaches - all symptoms have started since 10dpo.
- NO BFP not even a little
- never had any symptoms on letrozole last month i had much more symptoms post ovulation and wasn't pregnant this month its much less but very different to my regular PMS symptoms
- Are my chances higher considering i hyper-ovulated
- is it possible to get a bfp after 14 dpo i ovulated around CD 15 as confirmed by ultrasound and blood test - I always see everyone get them so much earlier
- i have a blood test scheduled at 15dpo what are the chances blood test is positive and HPT isn't since HCG levels around 25mi are usually picked up by a blood test

submitted by soconfusedwithlife21 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 14:28 casmscott2 Ovulation pain/femara TTC cycle 25

I (32 F) have been TTC for 25 cycles now. I have been taking metformin for five months with no results from that minus a bit less acne. I do not have PCOS. All of my labs and hubbies labs are normal. Progesterone indicates I was ovulating, they think maybe the follicles just didn't get large enough to release or some such.
Took Femara in Dec with no pregnancy. I was unable to get baseline u/s d/t holidays. Took it again for Jan. We did get u/s and have two large, viable follicles and a smaller follicle. Femara does increase risk of multiples, I will be happy with one.
I am due to ovulate today based on LH testing. It is super uncomfortable and pretty painful at times. I have had pain with ovulation before, but this is a bit different.
Has anyone else had increased ovulation pain/discomfort with femara or clomid?
TLDR: taking femara and ovulation pain increased. Did this happen to you?
submitted by casmscott2 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.01.21 16:34 kennan21 Ovulated but no AF

This was our first TTC cycle - I took 2.5mg of letrozole CD3-7 and ovulated day CD23/24 confirmed with ultrasound and bloodwork. It’s currently CD36/12-13DPO and I still haven’t gotten my period but tests are BFN everyday. Very mild cramping is my only symptom. At my follow-up appt with my fertility clinic on CD30 she told me to test again on Monday (tomorrow) and if it’s still negative to call and we’ll get some bloodwork done to see what’s going on (they don’t like to let cycles go past 35 days with my clinic).
I’ve read that letrozole can make LP longer but I always have anovulatory cycles and since this was our first trying cycle I have no idea what to expect. If still no bleed and BFN tomorrow, I will call go for the bloodwork but I’m not sure what they would test for. I’m unsure why I wouldn’t get AF if I for sure ovulated? Next cycle we are going to try 5mg CD3-7 to hopefully make ovulation happen earlier in the cycle.
submitted by kennan21 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.01.17 17:21 Candid_Evening_3216 Cycle 11 TTC, Stage I-II Endo and LPD. Feeling so alone and hopeless. Any advice?

This journey is so hard and on every CD 1-5, I'm a hopeless and emotional wreck.
As the title states, I'm on Cycle 11 of TTC. Following a lap in beginning of March of 2022 to remove a complex cyst on my ovary.. it was not an endometrioma. But while in there, my OB found stage I-II endo, 1-3 spots, mostly near my bladder. Tubes appeared to be clear and detached at the time of the surgery.
Started trying right at 6 weeks Post Op. For the first 4 months of trying Post Op I was ovulating on my own between day 13-16, and would have 28 day cycles on the dot. Around 5 months, I started ovulating around CD 17-19 and was having 27-28 day cycles.
During all of this, me and my husband went through job transitions and two big moves. Once we moved to a new state and did one of the moves, around month 6 of TTC, I found a new OB and Repro. Endo. I moved forward with the advice of my Repro. Endo. regarding supplements but decided to work with my OB before diving into the world of treatments with the Repo. Endo. and the fact that my insurance doesn't cover anything... My husband did have a SA, which came back with flying colors, just so we could check that off.
Both new medical professionals I saw said I have Luteal Phase Defect, and my OB put me on 5mg of Letrozole for 3 months (Cycles 8-10). This did not help with my ovulation timing and CD length, it seemed to just cause strongemore painful ovulation. I did this unmonitored and only had CD 21 blood work the first two cycles, where my progesterone levels looked phenomenal.
Regardless, we were not successful in conceiving with medicated cycles. My first round of Letrozole I ovulated around CD 16 but my Cycle was only 26 days. From there the second and third rounds, I ovulated CD 19 & 20 and had a 28 day cycle.
The past month and a half I started seeing a acupuncturist and Chinese medicine specialist who specializes in women's health/fertility. I've seen them 1/per week and have made more lifestyle changes and started taking some supplements as well. I feel really good/healthy with the lifestyle changes made and this person is a wonderful encouragement if nothing else, with countless people to vouch for them in their success of conceiving. Of course this practitioner thinks that what we are doing can correct the Luteal Phase Defect, as it's very common with many women. And they also are opposed to Clomid for patients with Endo/ team Letrozole (which ironically doesn't appear to work for me), but I'm just not fully convinced Chinese medicine alone can help me.
I contacted my OB this past weekend to update them Letrozole was not effective this past cycle (we did not do CD 21 blood work on the third cycle, per my OB). I asked if they thought a 7.5 mg dose might help with ovulation timing or CD length, and they said they would suggest I try 50mg of Clomid for one cycle and if it wasn't effective, to go to a new Repro. Endo. on month/cycle 12 and explore IVF.
I'm doing everything I can... I mean everything. From diet, supplements, stress management (lol), exercise, body warming routines, castor oil packs (just implemented last month). And I'm wondering if IVF is really our only reasonable option, which we can't currently afford. Days like this, I just want to give up.
Anyone have a similar background, advice about how to proceed, and how to keep fighting for hope?

submitted by Candid_Evening_3216 to TTCEndo [link] [comments]

2024.01.15 15:40 soconfusedwithlife21 12.5MG letrozole + 4-5 Follicles!

Hello everyone! I (24F) and husband (27M) have been ttc for over 1.5 years! we started visiting an RE recently and have completed 1 natural round where i ovulated naturally with timed intercourse (BFN), 1 round of letrozole 7.5mg and timed intercourse (BFN) and have now been put on a more rigorous cycle of 12.5mg letrozole+trigger+progesterone suppostiories.....
The outcome of my cycle are as follows..... - released 4 follicles after 1 more is yet to be released apparently - all were a good size -good lining (do not remember exact number but RE said it was good) - Last cycle after an endo biopsy it turned out i had inflammation in my uterus - took 7 days of 2 antibiotics+vaginal probiotics (hopefully its resolved) - husband SA good but low end motility at 41% Questions - by how much does my chance increase with this many follicles released -do all follicles contain an egg -does this put me at a very high risk of multiples - im ok with twins but more would be scary - does it usually happen with timed BD or only IUI - will progesterone suppository help get me pregnant or only support a pregnancy -has anyone had a similar cycle and achieved success THANKS!!!
submitted by soconfusedwithlife21 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]
