Decaffeinated green loss tea weight


2021.07.10 08:18 smoothie_dx smoothie_Recipes

community for those who want to know how to make smoothies, what are the special smoothie ingredients for making healthy smoothie and smoothie bowls. Our quality articles contain easy smoothie recipes and nutrition values. This will help to prepare smoothie recipes healthy. clear instructions for how to make a smoothie for weight loss with green smoothie recipes and fruit smoothie recipes. And also healthy smoothie recipes of chocolate smoothie, mango smoothie, etc.

2019.04.16 06:58 SweatyMeat9 Witness the Fitness Get Fit or GTFO

Extreme discussion of peak physical fitness goals and how they can be achieved to the max.

2016.03.30 08:56 ShrikeFIN Vegetarian junk food lovers - We dig comfort food, easy recipes, share tips and tricks

Junk Food Vegetarians and Vegans, yes, that's a thing too. We like greasy foods, snacks and beer. But we like them without protein from sources that had eyes at any point, if you get the hint. We pass the salad and go for the falafel with fries. Yes, we know what calories are, we just don't count them, so please take your healthy-whatever to a sub that cares.

2024.05.21 19:50 Icanneverpickthese There isn't any way this all happened that quickly today! Photo proof or you are a liar!!

There isn't any way this all happened that quickly today! Photo proof or you are a liar!! submitted by Icanneverpickthese to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:49 anonymous-shad0w Semaglutide Has Lasting Benefit for Weight Loss

submitted by anonymous-shad0w to IndustrialPharmacy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:48 yeep_girl IF + Keto Experience?

I did IF for a week and lost 7 pounds, which I know was majority water weight. I decided to also go keto starting the second week. I’ve done keto before without fasting and had good results, so I’m fairly familiar with it but I enjoy that diet as well as I ultimately feel better and have more energy without carbs and sugar in my diet.
I was curious to hear others experience that decided to take on IF + Keto lifestyle? Was there much weight loss difference vs regular IF? Success stories/fails? Things you’ve learned/tips?
Thank you in advance for sharing your journey/knowledge 🙏🏻
submitted by yeep_girl to intermittentfasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:47 Dangerous_Phrase_738 Questions about sugar?

For about a week now I've been tracking my calories and have been staying at or around 1200. But I was wondering if I could still have sugary things bc I have a massive sweet tooth. I stay well within the 1200 range and typically I'll have one of those starbucks cans in the morning or a piece of chocolate at night. I don't feel like I'm going overboard but will things like this hurt my weight loss? I also walk about a mile a day but I'm trying to get it to 4 or 5
ETA: I'm 18f about 5'6" rn qnd 170lbs, hoping to drop to 120-125lbs
submitted by Dangerous_Phrase_738 to 1200isplenty [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:46 SwordfishOk701 Help me understand Calorie Deficit like I am 5.

Pretty much the title. I am having a hard time maintaining a calorie deficit diet+ workout. Can anyone help me with easy meal ideas for weight loss ?
submitted by SwordfishOk701 to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:46 Usernametaken050 Well here we go

Just got my first doctor’s Rx for semiglutides (weight loss meds) and she was very clear that alcohol is a big no no. Since I’m going to sink a lot of money in this program, I am not about to sabotage the journey with my daily cocktails. Soooo… goodbye alcohol. Last night I decided not to drink for the first time in years, and was surprised at how present I was, just hanging out and watching TV with my daughter. Refreshing. I need that.
submitted by Usernametaken050 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:45 Full_Bass_6919 At what dose did you start to see proper weight loss?

I was on ozempic last year and I remember it being pretty effective from the beginning. After nearly a year off due to unrelated health complications I am back on it.
I am exercising and eating very well (maybe even too little) and I am not having the same success. I’m still on 0.5 for 2 more weeks so maybe it will kick in a bit stronger at 1mg? I would be really interested to hear your experiences.
submitted by Full_Bass_6919 to OzempicForWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:44 longsambitte Do I really need a colonoscopy?

I'm not sure if I need a colonoscopy or if the doctor is trying to get extra money.
Most of colonoscopy reasons don't apply to me. I'm 19, tested negative for IBD (low calprotectin), and my symptoms aren't severe. My main symptoms constant bloating(and discomfort/pain), shortness of breath, fatigue, and weight loss. So I have no nausea/vomiting or bowel changes.
What do you think?
submitted by longsambitte to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:43 Vandal4you just starting sertraline

what are the side effects?? I'm taking these for social anxiety and depression but I also have insomnia and this will probably make it worse, no? also how does it work with periods and weight gain/loss
submitted by Vandal4you to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:43 davidlynchhair Employment homonculus

Employment homonculus submitted by davidlynchhair to LinkedInLunatics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:43 OiDikaioi No weight loss?

I’ve been doing IF since January and lost only 10 lbs. I added keto to the mix a month ago. I’m very strict- no more than 50 carbs per day (I limited at 20 the first two weeks), I’m watching macros to get enough fat, I’m eating no more than 1500 calories/day and walking three miles 4-5 times per week, and I haven’t lost a pound!!! I’m so discouraged! I’m not “technically” considered obese, but just barely. I really want to lose 20 lbs to feel better. What could I be doing wrong???!
submitted by OiDikaioi to keto [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:41 Quiet-Conclusion-384 Never going to be approved 😒

I'm so frustrated. My insurance requires me to go through a 6 month weight loss program that is monitored by a Dr. Otherwise, I qualify! My BMI is 32, I have high cholesterol, I have (undiagnosed, though I can get a diagnosis) sleep apnea, and I cannot lose weight. I went to the orientation and the weigh loss program is going to cost $3500 for 6 months. I don't have that to spend, unfortunately. Do I have any other options? How is like Mochi Health?
submitted by Quiet-Conclusion-384 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:40 Loooonii Ginseng Oolong or Milk Oolong in Canada? 🇨🇦

I am a lifelong tea lover but have yet to find an oolong I like. I have not been terribly adventurous with oriental teas. I am not a big fan of green tea but like ginseng. Milk Oolong was recommended in another thread.
for reference I adore 2nd flush loose leaf Darjeeling with bergamot and have yet to find anything I like as much
qualitIes I dislike:
qualities I like:
I like my tea sweet… I sweeten my tea with pure stevia, no milk. However, I love some indian black teas with plant milk and stevia.
help me find my oolong or other teas that I can add to my stash
there must be something better than my fav Darjeeling/bergamot that suits my taste
any recommendations in Canada 🇨🇦
submitted by Loooonii to tea [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:39 LilPnas “Mommy instincts”

“Mommy instincts”
Her followers are so dumb 🙄 SHE ISN’T A MOM! hopefully she will never be one to an actual human.. couldn’t even take the poor pup to the vet the first day or sooner! I can only imagine her doing the same thing to a baby. Irresponsible & lazy.
submitted by LilPnas to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:38 wowplus25 Rapper Gunna's Amazing Weight Loss Journey Leaves Fans Amazed

submitted by wowplus25 to Celebstalks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:37 Ok_Historian_1066 Struggling to hit protein goals due to restricted diet

I’m 44, 5’11” Sw:206lbs, cw:181, gw:165ish. I’ve been losing weight since October but have been trying to be more methodical starting in April. I’m now trying to refine my nutrient mix.
I am, however, really struggling to hit my protein goal of minimally 100g a day. I am concerned about muscle loss and intend to start working out soon (weights and cardio). I don’t feel tired (I’m getting sufficient calories) but I am noticing that I am comparatively weaker in strength than when I started.
A major challenge is that I can’t eat dairy or legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas, soy, etc), which I think is really hurting my protein options. Almost all foods with added protein I can’t eat. For example, bread with added protein.
I have unsweetened coconut yogurt with fruit every morning but it only has 1g protein. I think I’ve found a 5g almond milk Whole Foods brand that I’ll start soon, but obviously that’s only a small bump (and at a higher fat and calorie rate as a trade off). I can’t find a yogurt with more protein that I can eat.
I typically have meat at lunch. Either chicken, shrimp, minute steaks, or tuna. Very Occasionally some turkey or ham.
At dinner I usually have chicken and very occasionally a burger or sausage (ie maybe once in three weeks). Also, occasionally turkey or ham.
I did find a protein powder made from beef that is 20g per serving. I’ve done a few healthy smoothies with it, but usually in lieu of a meal. Today I added it to my yogurt to help.
After lunch with shrimp, I’m at 57g protein out of a minimum goal of 100.
Any thoughts besides adding several eggs a day?
submitted by Ok_Historian_1066 to CICO [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:37 night_mare_6 Icon box came in!

Icon box came in!
I wish it was more makeup oriented but I have like no Skincare so I guess this works out.
submitted by night_mare_6 to Ipsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:36 icedancer333_ Does HRT prevent male pattern baldness?

I'm 16 and closeted MTF. I hope to start HRT ASAP (hopefully around 18) after coming out to my family which I plan on doing at some point very soon. I'm shit scared of male pattern baldness. I've got pretty long hair and I've been wearing it up recently because I love how femme it makes me look, but my dad's been warning me that it'll make me go bald quicker when I'm older because it'll pull my roots out which I really don't want. He's also said something about how my hair is being pulled out of my head because of its weight (???) and I need a haircut, which would be my first proper haircut in nearly a year and a half (I've trimmed my fringe but other than that nothing has touched my hair since January of 2023). Does HRT prevent hair loss? Because I was already worried about MPD and what my dad is saying it worrying me about hair loss even more.
submitted by icedancer333_ to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:36 Empty_Manager5136 How to manifest weight loss ?

Is it possible to lose weight with manifestation?
submitted by Empty_Manager5136 to Manifestation [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:33 thaifriedricee Weight loss

Anybody else lose or lost weight from daily poop seasons or is this something more terrifying? Everyone at work says u look so skinny now.
submitted by thaifriedricee to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:33 Jurnee8282 Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself
I have been struggling with my weight for about 9 years and have always been a pretty healthy eater up until the last 3 years! I managed to get at my heaviest at almost 240lbs and I am 5’1” in height. Talk about miserable! I couldn’t barely put socks on, tie my shoes, get comfortable while sitting on my couch, it was frustrating! I decided in Nov 2023 I was going to do something about it. I changed my diet, went on a calorie deficit and started exercising 3 times a week. I managed to lose 20lbs however stalled at 218 and no matter what I did I couldn’t lose but I wasn’t gaining either! I finally decided a GLP-1 was my next option. In March 2024 I was waiting on approval and started Topamax, what a mistake that was. I had to quit taking it due to some severe side effects that almost landed me in a mental facility. I managed to lose another 10lbs on it but it wasn’t worth the side effects. I finally started my GLP-1 on 3/20/2024 and I can’t be more happy with my results! First Picture: 238lbs Second Picture: 176lbs SW 208 CW 176 GW 130! Calories Deficit: 1200 High Protien/Fiber Exercise Min 150 minutes a week Strength Train 3 Days a week for 20-25 minutes Mostly low impact I do take some vitamins to help with my metabolism as well as digestive enzymes, collagen, daily fiber and trace minerals, low mg magnesium! I have a vitamin D deficiency so I have to take that too. These have been a saving grace! I made a promise to myself that before I went to my son’s high school graduation I wanted to be under 180lbs and I was 178lbs and was over the moon! Making small reachable goals every 60-90 days has made it so easy to stay motivated and positive even through stalls because those happen! I have seen noticeable changes in inflammation, knee and joint pains and basic daily functions since my weight loss began. I have more energy than ever before and am always ready for some sort of activity which has given me so much hope for the future. I hope that this inspires some of you! Dedicate yourself for a better you in the near future, you are worth it! Take those pictures to document your journey and you will see your success as time passes! Slow and steady wins the race!
submitted by Jurnee8282 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:31 Natural-Compote-9046 Please help - Could what I’m dealing with be Hyperthyroidism?

Basically I feel like sh*t … racing heart rate, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, skin rashes, pooping all the time, weight loss (12lbs in last few months), exhausted, blurry vision, anxious AF, etc.
I had a blood test which showed my TSH level is pretty normal (0.9 mIU/L) - but my Free T4 is 21.8 pmol/L and Free T3 is 6.2 pmol/L which I’m aware is on the high end.
Basically my question is, can you have hyperthyroidism even if your TSH is normal and your T3 & T4 are on the high end of normal but not clinically high?
This is all coming off the back of trying to work out why I have chronically very high SHBG and Albumin levels.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Natural-Compote-9046 to thyroidhealth [link] [comments]