Hcg trigger still in system 11 days later

HPT and OPK Line Scrutiny

2014.04.11 18:31 dabeezkneez HPT and OPK Line Scrutiny

Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here! Please read all rules for the subreddit before participating or posting. Thank you!

2008.07.05 10:21 /r/Memes the original since 2008

Memes! A way of describing cultural information being shared. An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.

2011.04.23 16:57 Terraria

Dig, fight, explore, build! Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure game. The world is your canvas and the ground itself is your paint.

2024.05.21 14:31 summerysunny Here’s the full story

Again, I KNOW, i need to talk to a therapist but appointments are hard to get so until then I need some reassurance to avoid another panic attack.
Located in USA, NJ
Last Tuesday/Wednesday, didn’t see or hear anything unusual in our home. I’m usually a light sleeper lately (last 9.5 months) since my son was born- typically wake up multiple times a night to check on him just out of habit at this point since he usually sleeps through the night.
Noticed at some point on Wednesday, not first thing in the morning, that he had two little dots on his face and looked like they had bled (later found tiny blood stains on the bed sheet). Didn’t think anything of it, babies get cuts, it happens. I was up super early that day around 4:15am to start work early - from home. Again didn’t notice anything. Around 5:30ish when I was in the bathroom next to the bedroom my son was in sleeping still, my two dogs were also in the room with him. One of the dogs barked, so i naturally yell at him because the baby is sleeping. He runs to me, i tell him to stop, he goes back in the room and barked again, then stopped. I didn’t go in to see why he was barking since my son didn’t wake up from it. Since i was up so early that day, when I got home from work i took a nap on the couch and when i woke up, my thigh was a bit itchy (if i remember correctly, now doubting myself) so i start scratching then realize there’s two little bumps. Bumps have a dot of blood on them, probably from the scratching? That’s when it hit me.
I realized what my marks look like and remembered what my sons look like and that my dog barked in the morning when he doesn’t typically bark that early or upstairs often. I looked at my husband and said ‘what if we were bit by a bat in our sleep, didn’t notice it and the dogs got to it before we could see?’ He looked at me like ‘are you serious’ - knowing that I’m petrified of bats.
We SEARCHED the house. Behind pictures on the walls (thanks google), in the attic, in the storage room, all over our room, nothing. No poop, no bat.
So my question to you all is (and please be nice as i’m very very aware of i have anxiety. It gets bad when the subject at hand is anything to do with bats) - is this scenario possible? A bat flew into our room at night, landed on our bed where we were sleeping and bit us then was able to scurry off the bed and hide without my dogs realizing until both my husband and i were out of the room, in which then caused my dog to bark. I was wearing sweatpants and using a blanket, and my son’s face (where his marks were) was next to mine. Would the bat have been able to get off the blanket? Or would its claws have gotten stuck and we would have seen or heard some sort of screeching?
If my dogs were trying to eat a bat, would we have heard screeching?
If a bat bit me through my blanket and pants, would i have holes or rips in them?
If a bat was on my son’s face biting him while next to me, would he have woken up and would i have woken?
I apologize for repetitive posts…but i have had a phobia of bats ever since i was a kid. Rabies phobia didn’t start until 8ish years ago when we woke to a bat in our room flying around and had to google what to do - thats when i learned about it.
**note, we live in the same house as when we had the bat years ago. That bat got in we believe from the chimney as we didn’t have a chimney cap at the time.
submitted by summerysunny to rabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:29 Bulky-Break-3411 Spray painted interior walls of the house

My contractor spray painted the interior of the house, garage walls and inside of kitchen cabinets, Is that normal ? We were not living there at that time but moved in 3 days later . I still see a lot of paint dust flying everywhere . He says it’s fine . I have little ones and am worried, I have vaccumed the house a few times . He says it is normal.
submitted by Bulky-Break-3411 to paint [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:28 Latter_Stomach8597 My granddaughter blames me for her Mother’s abuse. I was the only one there for her. AIW?

My daughter Anne has issues and a lot of horrible qualities. But she calls me every day and needs my help with basic tasks because she doesn’t have anybody anymore. No friends, partner, anybody. She had a daughter young. Her name is Sara. She didn’t treat Sara well and it caused problems within the family for years. She would isolate Sara from us the second we said something she didn’t like. But she treated her horrible. I supported her financially by buying essentials, foods, and clothes for her because Anne couldn’t be bothered.
Anne has struggled with mental illness since she was a teenager and I had to get her hospitalized twice. When Sara was growing up, it took over her. She was a neurotic control freak. Controlled how often she showered (Not letting her every day) Hid and monitored the food in the house. And we got into multiple arguments and screaming matches about Anne being odd about things. Such as not letting Sara sleep on her bed or eat at the dinner table because of her OCD fear of messes. She made her sleep and eat on the floor for years.
Every time I saw this, I yelled at my daughter and asked her why the fuck she’s treating her like that. I came over their place one evening when Sara was about 10-11, and she was screaming on the hallway floor scratching herself saying she can’t take her mother anymore. I took her out of the house for a week, and my heart broke for her.
As a toddler, I heard Sara screaming for somebody to help her. We all lived together. She would put Sara in dark hallways, closets, scare her with the dark when she’d get frustrated with her. Sara told me that she’d say things like “The aliens are coming to get you. Goodbye” and lock her bedroom door so Sara can’t get in. All I heard was screaming all the time. My daughter screams daily.
She tore her down about her looks, body, everything. When she moved out at 18, she came to my house insecure and lost.
She hasn’t spoke to Anne in over a year. It makes holidays impossible. Because I love my granddaughter. And want to see her. But she won’t even be in the same room as her mother.
And I told her “Sara, I had to forgive my mother and it freed me. You will forgive her. For yourself. You never know how you’ll feel in the future” and now she wants to stop talking to me. I’ve never excused what my daughter did. I condemned her all the time.
I did everything for her. Bought her what she needed. Took her out of the house growing up when I could. Fought endlessly with my daughter. But it’s never enough. She’s taking it out on her grandmother. I did everything I could for her. I would never excuse what my daughter did. But I remind her sometimes that life can change, and she won’t know how she feels years down the road. Nobody knows what to do in situations like this. It’s unfair that I’m the one getting blamed and forced to chose between my granddaughter, my daughter, and her other kids. I speak to my daughter still because she will use the other kids as leverage and isolate them from me.
Sara blames her whole family. Me, her dead aunt, and her uncles. For “not taking her out” but they did not know the extent of what was going on. Her uncle (my son) loves her. Always has. But Anne kept her away because the two of them didn’t talk for years. It’s unfair to blame people who love you, and did the most they could with a messed up sick situation.
submitted by Latter_Stomach8597 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:28 SeesawMaster3138 Need advice managing my schedule

I hate my job, and I'm trying to switch into a Software development role, although this role pays me well, I'm not passionate about it. I have a lot of studying to do to level up my profile and resume. I'm constantly thinking about it, so let's say its on top priority for me. And in second place is my fitness, I have put on muscle and I'm at my peak bulk for this phase, I'm trying to cut down, So I think about this too. But I'm also trying to learn to dance, I have paid for this month's classes. They are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's like alternative days of the week. Everyday I study from 8 to 11. But my classes start at 8. I missed my last week's classes. These dances classes break my study streak, but I want to learn to dance too. I always wanted to since I was a kid, but I was too shy and didn't want to ask my dad to pay for that too. I broke my barriers and finally decided to learn to dance, but I think I made that decision at a wrong time.
I have to mention this, I still feel shy and anxious while dancing and the people in my class are sweet but I feel like I'm not putting as much efforts as my peers and they practice at home and I don't cause I live with my parents. My biggest bully was my dad since childhood, and I don't want him to see me dancing. I want to quit. But in my head I feel like, I'm not facing it head on that I'm taking the cowards way out.
What should I do? I'm 22 btw, and I live in a country where it's normal for my age group to live with their parents. But I can move out once I switch to a better job.
submitted by SeesawMaster3138 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:28 Ercarret My counselor just quit because continuing meeting would do more hard than good

Man, this is complicated. It's also very, very long.
A little piece out of a lot of background: I've been sick for about 10 years old. For the first six of those years, it was mainly a physical illness. I had chronic pains that the doctors just couldn't figure out and it derailed my entire life. Then in 2020, I ended up in a rehab facility for about 18 months. The first year there was really slow since I was still in pain, but after about 10 months I finally got the meds I needed and my aches went poof.
However, once they did, I discovered that I had a lot of latent psychological trauma etc. that popped its head up as soon as I didn't have the physical pains to distract me. I asked the nurses and doctors there for help with getting in touch with someone who could help me with that, but that didn't happen and instead the remaining 8 months was hell because somehow they decided that instead of offering help, they'd gaslight and abuse me. I've never felt so disconnected from reality because it didn't matter what I did or how hard I worked to accomplish a goal, I always did something wrong and never worked hard enough. It was a wild time, in the worst way possible.
Then I was kicked out of that facility and into my own one-room apartment. I was hesitant about the benefits of living alone right in ground zero for my previous trauma, but then again, staying at the place I had just been at wasn't really an option either.
Well, as it turns out, it was as horrible of an idea as I had feared. I quickly spiraled mentally since I was just alone with myself all day every day, and my own head is a pretty toxic conversational partner.
However, one upside to moving out of that facility is that it opened up another avenue of care for me. I'm not sure how to translate the Swedish health care system into English but basically, if you don't need to go to the hospital for something more urgent, your first go-to health care place is a vårdcentral. I'll just call it a "VC" from now on. You go there for all of the usual smaller things that doesn't require a surgeon or something. There are doctors and nurses there and they'll help you if they can or refer you to a hospital or other health care facilities if they offer the help you need.
When I came home from the rehab place in August of 2021, I got into contact with my local VC and explained that I needed some psychological help, and they let me talk to a counselor. She eventually sent me to another counselor of sorts who was supposed to evaluate me and then send me to the actual psychiatrist who could help me. After talking with her for a while, she sent me on my way and I met the psychiatrist in December of 2022.
We met up and had one conversation, but he basically said that there was nothing he could do for me. There were some reasons why but I don't think those matter now. The point is, my psych help kind of ended there. For various reasons, it wasn't picked up until six months later when I went on a boycott of all of my medicines in order to force my VC to actually do something. They had stayed radio silent up until then despite my pleas to find me some kind of help.
I ended up meeting with another one of their counselors in May last year and we've been talking ever since then. However, I wasn't getting anywhere. I said to her that the only way I saw myself getting better was by going to another of those rehab facilities since I wasn't able to get better on my own. On a fundamental level, I just don't function while alone. I shut down completely and just go on auto-pilot. It doesn't matter what we come up with while talking because as soon as I'm alone again, the auto-pilot engages and I remember almost nothing that isn't a hardwired biological need until I start interacting with another person again and the auto-pilot disengages again.
I had a three-way phone call with my counselor and the woman in charge of granting stays as such rehab facilities, and I said that one thing that I needed as a necessary guarantee was some sort of additional psychological help so that I wasn't simply helped physically and then thrown back once those needs were met. I've been there and done that, and I've seen how destructive that can be.
On the first session with my counselor after that call, she said that she could refer me to another counselor since I had pretty much said that only her support wouldn't be enough during my stay at that rehab facility (if I get a spot). I wasn't sure if that was the best way to go but since we hadn't really gotten anywhere in the last year, it didn't seem like the worst idea.
And this finally brings me to what this post is really about.
I had an initial conversation with this new counselor and then sent her a letter where I outlined my feelings better than I managed in the conversation. She asked if she could show the letter to her boss but didn't say why. I said sure, and after that we settled on a new session that was last Thursday.
During that session, she explained both why she'd taken my letter to her boss and why she'd be stepping down as my counselor after just a couple of sessions.
The reason she took the letter to her boss is because I outlined how I'd been ping-ponged around different counselors and psychiatrists for almost 3 years. That just wasn't right.
The reason she stepped down as my counselor was because of what the psychiatrist I'd met briefly in December 2022 had said about me. I was only aware of what he said directly to me: "I can't help you." However, what I was completely unaware of was that he told my VC a whole different thing: "This guy needs a whole team of (more suitable) psychiatrists."
They seemingly completely ignored this. As I mentioned before, for the first 6 months after my meeting with that psychiatrist, they did nothing. I had to resort to fairly desperate measures to get them to act, but when they did act, they just handed me to one of the counselors who were woefully underqualified to help me through my issues. This is why nothing happened during the year I was speaking to her. She then passed me on to the most recent counselor, and she realized that my issues were far above her paygrade. This wasn't the reason she stepped down, though. Rather, she felt that as long as I had a counselor, everyone around me would just assume that I was getting qualified help when the reality was far from that. As such, she thought that her staying on would do more harm than good to me.
She advised me to talk to my doctor about it and I just so happened to have an unrelated appointment booked with him for later this week so at least I can talk to him without having to wait a month or so. She also suggesting reporting all of this crap to the governing body for health care issues.
I don't know what to feel. I'm angry and confused. It feels like I've lived on a diet consisting of nothing but knuckle sandwiches for the longest time, with these recent revelations being a huge one-dish buffet.
I just needed to get this off my chest.
submitted by Ercarret to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:28 mgttc9 First ER results 29F/33M with low AMH and low morphology

Hi all, I've looked at a ton of hunger games results throughout this process and figured I'd throw mine in as well. I also love details so I tried to include everything even potentially relevant.
Results 20ish follicles 15 retrieved 14 mature 11 fertilized with ICSI 7 blasts frozen (2 day 5s, 4 day 6s, 1 day 7)
Context We have been TTC for 3.5 years with no pregnancies. Treatment history includes 5 medicated TI cycles and 3 IUIs (all with letrozole).
My spouse had low T discovered 1.5 years ago and has been successfully medicated with clomid and anastrozole for low sperm count. Motility is good but he consistently has 0-1% morphology. My RE defaults to ICSI for any MFI (zymot was not mentioned).
My usual AMH is around 0.8ng/ml and my AFC is around 10. A few months ago my AMH was randomly 1.8ng/ml and my AFC at baseline for my ER was zero after 3 weeks on birth control. My RE hoped for 5-8 eggs from this cycle.
Protocol My RE insisted 0 AFC was not a problem to move forward and started me on 300IU follistim and 150IU menopur for the first 5 days. On day 6 of stims, they saw 24 growing follicles which was a huge surprise.
Added ganirelix that day and dropped to 225 follistim and 75 menopur; further dropped follistim to 150 on day 8 when they counted around 20 follicles.
Last monitoring appointment and doses of follistim/menopur were on day 9 and we triggered with 10,000IU HCG the following night (shout-out to my husband for jabbing that huge needle in my butt at 1:00am on Mother's Day lol).
Continued ganirelix daily through ER and the following week. Also added letrozole and cabergoline to prevent OHSS. Had a standard course of antibiotics (doxycycline).
Symptoms and side effects On stims, my biggest side effect was feeling crazy emotional. Everything had me crying or raging. The constipation hit me like a truck on stim day 9 and lasted a week after ER.
That whole week I was bloated and uncomfortable and it took a few days for my ovaries to calm down. I drank a lot of electrolytes, took my prescribed meds, and did not develop OHSS.
Genetic testing and future plans PGT-A was a complicated decision but we ultimately decided not to test. We are hoping for one child and do not plan on another ER at this time.
submitted by mgttc9 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:28 Latter_Stomach8597 My granddaughter blames me for her Mother’s abuse. I was the only one there for her.

My daughter Anne has issues and a lot of horrible qualities. But she calls me every day and needs my help with basic tasks because she doesn’t have anybody anymore. No friends, partner, anybody. She had a daughter young. Her name is Sara. She didn’t treat Sara well and it caused problems within the family for years. She would isolate Sara from us the second we said something she didn’t like. But she treated her horrible. I supported her financially by buying essentials, foods, and clothes for her because Anne couldn’t be bothered.
Anne has struggled with mental illness since she was a teenager and I had to get her hospitalized twice. When Sara was growing up, it took over her. She was a neurotic control freak. Controlled how often she showered (Not letting her every day) Hid and monitored the food in the house. And we got into multiple arguments and screaming matches about Anne being odd about things. Such as not letting Sara sleep on her bed or eat at the dinner table because of her OCD fear of messes. She made her sleep and eat on the floor for years.
Every time I saw this, I yelled at my daughter and asked her why the fuck she’s treating her like that. I came over their place one evening when Sara was about 10-11, and she was screaming on the hallway floor scratching herself saying she can’t take her mother anymore. I took her out of the house for a week, and my heart broke for her.
As a toddler, I heard Sara screaming for somebody to help her. We all lived together. She would put Sara in dark hallways, closets, scare her with the dark when she’d get frustrated with her. Sara told me that she’d say things like “The aliens are coming to get you. Goodbye” and lock her bedroom door so Sara can’t get in. All I heard was screaming all the time. My daughter screams daily.
She tore her down about her looks, body, everything. When she moved out at 18, she came to my house insecure and lost.
She hasn’t spoke to Anne in over a year. It makes holidays impossible. Because I love my granddaughter. And want to see her. But she won’t even be in the same room as her mother.
And I told her “Sara, I had to forgive my mother and it freed me. You will forgive her. For yourself. You never know how you’ll feel in the future” and now she wants to stop talking to me. I’ve never excused what my daughter did. I condemned her all the time.
I did everything for her. Bought her what she needed. Took her out of the house growing up when I could. Fought endlessly with my daughter. But it’s never enough. She’s taking it out on her grandmother. I did everything I could for her. I would never excuse what my daughter did. But I remind her sometimes that life can change, and she won’t know how she feels years down the road. Nobody knows what to do in situations like this. It’s unfair that I’m the one getting blamed and forced to chose between my granddaughter, my daughter, and her other kids. I speak to my daughter still because she will use the other kids as leverage and isolate them from me.
Sara blames her whole family. Me, her dead aunt, and her uncles. For “not taking her out” but they did not know the extent of what was going on. Her uncle (my son) loves her. Always has. But Anne kept her away because the two of them didn’t talk for years. It’s unfair to blame people who love you, and did the most they could with a messed up sick situation.
submitted by Latter_Stomach8597 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:28 Latter_Stomach8597 My granddaughter blames me for her Mother’s abuse. I was the only one there for her.

My daughter Anne has issues and a lot of horrible qualities. But she calls me every day and needs my help with basic tasks because she doesn’t have anybody anymore. No friends, partner, anybody. She had a daughter young. Her name is Sara. She didn’t treat Sara well and it caused problems within the family for years. She would isolate Sara from us the second we said something she didn’t like. But she treated her horrible. I supported her financially by buying essentials, foods, and clothes for her because Anne couldn’t be bothered.
Anne has struggled with mental illness since she was a teenager and I had to get her hospitalized twice. When Sara was growing up, it took over her. She was a neurotic control freak. Controlled how often she showered (Not letting her every day) Hid and monitored the food in the house. And we got into multiple arguments and screaming matches about Anne being odd about things. Such as not letting Sara sleep on her bed or eat at the dinner table because of her OCD fear of messes. She made her sleep and eat on the floor for years.
Every time I saw this, I yelled at my daughter and asked her why the fuck she’s treating her like that. I came over their place one evening when Sara was about 10-11, and she was screaming on the hallway floor scratching herself saying she can’t take her mother anymore. I took her out of the house for a week, and my heart broke for her.
As a toddler, I heard Sara screaming for somebody to help her. We all lived together. She would put Sara in dark hallways, closets, scare her with the dark when she’d get frustrated with her. Sara told me that she’d say things like “The aliens are coming to get you. Goodbye” and lock her bedroom door so Sara can’t get in. All I heard was screaming all the time. My daughter screams daily.
She tore her down about her looks, body, everything. When she moved out at 18, she came to my house insecure and lost.
She hasn’t spoke to Anne in over a year. It makes holidays impossible. Because I love my granddaughter. And want to see her. But she won’t even be in the same room as her mother.
And I told her “Sara, I had to forgive my mother and it freed me. You will forgive her. For yourself. You never know how you’ll feel in the future” and now she wants to stop talking to me. I’ve never excused what my daughter did. I condemned her all the time.
I did everything for her. Bought her what she needed. Took her out of the house growing up when I could. Fought endlessly with my daughter. But it’s never enough. She’s taking it out on her grandmother. I did everything I could for her. I would never excuse what my daughter did. But I remind her sometimes that life can change, and she won’t know how she feels years down the road. Nobody knows what to do in situations like this. It’s unfair that I’m the one getting blamed and forced to chose between my granddaughter, my daughter, and her other kids. I speak to my daughter still because she will use the other kids as leverage and isolate them from me.
Sara blames her whole family. Me, her dead aunt, and her uncles. For “not taking her out” but they did not know the extent of what was going on. Her uncle (my son) loves her. Always has. But Anne kept her away because the two of them didn’t talk for years. It’s unfair to blame people who love you, and did the most they could with a messed up sick situation.
submitted by Latter_Stomach8597 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:27 Jumpy-Comparison4316 Poor Customer Service

I purchased a Kraken z73 cooler as part of my build from IBUYPOWER. Here we are about a year and a half later and the pump and LCD screen has stopped working. I submitted a ticker to their customer support and at first I recieved a fast responce, tell me that IBUYPOWER would cover it because it was within their 3yr warranty. That is where the communication came to a stop. I provided my invoice from IBUYPOWER as requested and got no response from Eric. I waited 2 days and then called customer service and spoke to Paytyn. She was clearly in too big of a hurry to really listen to what i had to say. Aftere explaining everything several times she agreed to send me an RMA and shiping labels to send back the cooler. Shortly after that email was receive my ticket in the NZXT tech support dashboard dissapered, and i have gotten no reply, RMA of shipping labels. I started as new ticket this morning and it was immediatly deleted from their system saying it was combine with my previous ticket, however when you search the ticket number they gave me it says it does not exhist in their system. I will call again today but I expect no difference or help.
Any one else get terrible customer service from NZXT?
submitted by Jumpy-Comparison4316 to NZXT [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:27 Latter_Stomach8597 AITAH? My granddaughter blames me for her Mother’s abuse. I was the only one there for her.

My daughter Anne has issues and a lot of horrible qualities. But she calls me every day and needs my help with basic tasks because she doesn’t have anybody anymore. No friends, partner, anybody. She had a daughter young. Her name is Sara. She didn’t treat Sara well and it caused problems within the family for years. She would isolate Sara from us the second we said something she didn’t like. But she treated her horrible. I supported her financially by buying essentials, foods, and clothes for her because Anne couldn’t be bothered.
Anne has struggled with mental illness since she was a teenager and I had to get her hospitalized twice. When Sara was growing up, it took over her. She was a neurotic control freak. Controlled how often she showered (Not letting her every day) Hid and monitored the food in the house. And we got into multiple arguments and screaming matches about Anne being odd about things. Such as not letting Sara sleep on her bed or eat at the dinner table because of her OCD fear of messes. She made her sleep and eat on the floor for years.
Every time I saw this, I yelled at my daughter and asked her why the fuck she’s treating her like that. I came over their place one evening when Sara was about 10-11, and she was screaming on the hallway floor scratching herself saying she can’t take her mother anymore. I took her out of the house for a week, and my heart broke for her.
As a toddler, I heard Sara screaming for somebody to help her. We all lived together. She would put Sara in dark hallways, closets, scare her with the dark when she’d get frustrated with her. Sara told me that she’d say things like “The aliens are coming to get you. Goodbye” and lock her bedroom door so Sara can’t get in. All I heard was screaming all the time. My daughter screams daily.
She tore her down about her looks, body, everything. When she moved out at 18, she came to my house insecure and lost.
She hasn’t spoke to Anne in over a year. It makes holidays impossible. Because I love my granddaughter. And want to see her. But she won’t even be in the same room as her mother.
And I told her “Sara, I had to forgive my mother and it freed me. You will forgive her. For yourself. You never know how you’ll feel in the future” and now she wants to stop talking to me. I’ve never excused what my daughter did. I condemned her all the time.
I did everything for her. Bought her what she needed. Took her out of the house growing up when I could. Fought endlessly with my daughter. But it’s never enough. She’s taking it out on her grandmother. I did everything I could for her. I would never excuse what my daughter did. But I remind her sometimes that life can change, and she won’t know how she feels years down the road. Nobody knows what to do in situations like this. It’s unfair that I’m the one getting blamed and forced to chose between my granddaughter, my daughter, and her other kids. I speak to my daughter still because she will use the other kids as leverage and isolate them from me.
Sara blames her whole family. Me, her dead aunt, and her uncles. For “not taking her out” but they did not know the extent of what was going on. Her uncle (my son) loves her. Always has. But Anne kept her away because the two of them didn’t talk for years. It’s unfair to blame people who love you, and did the most they could with a messed up sick situation.
submitted by Latter_Stomach8597 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:27 Latter_Stomach8597 AITA? My granddaughter blames me for her Mother’s abuse. I was the only one there for her.

My daughter Anne has issues and a lot of horrible qualities. But she calls me every day and needs my help with basic tasks because she doesn’t have anybody anymore. No friends, partner, anybody. She had a daughter young. Her name is Sara. She didn’t treat Sara well and it caused problems within the family for years. She would isolate Sara from us the second we said something she didn’t like. But she treated her horrible. I supported her financially by buying essentials, foods, and clothes for her because Anne couldn’t be bothered.
Anne has struggled with mental illness since she was a teenager and I had to get her hospitalized twice. When Sara was growing up, it took over her. She was a neurotic control freak. Controlled how often she showered (Not letting her every day) Hid and monitored the food in the house. And we got into multiple arguments and screaming matches about Anne being odd about things. Such as not letting Sara sleep on her bed or eat at the dinner table because of her OCD fear of messes. She made her sleep and eat on the floor for years.
Every time I saw this, I yelled at my daughter and asked her why the fuck she’s treating her like that. I came over their place one evening when Sara was about 10-11, and she was screaming on the hallway floor scratching herself saying she can’t take her mother anymore. I took her out of the house for a week, and my heart broke for her.
As a toddler, I heard Sara screaming for somebody to help her. We all lived together. She would put Sara in dark hallways, closets, scare her with the dark when she’d get frustrated with her. Sara told me that she’d say things like “The aliens are coming to get you. Goodbye” and lock her bedroom door so Sara can’t get in. All I heard was screaming all the time. My daughter screams daily.
She tore her down about her looks, body, everything. When she moved out at 18, she came to my house insecure and lost.
She hasn’t spoke to Anne in over a year. It makes holidays impossible. Because I love my granddaughter. And want to see her. But she won’t even be in the same room as her mother.
And I told her “Sara, I had to forgive my mother and it freed me. You will forgive her. For yourself. You never know how you’ll feel in the future” and now she wants to stop talking to me. I’ve never excused what my daughter did. I condemned her all the time.
I did everything for her. Bought her what she needed. Took her out of the house growing up when I could. Fought endlessly with my daughter. But it’s never enough. She’s taking it out on her grandmother. I did everything I could for her. I would never excuse what my daughter did. But I remind her sometimes that life can change, and she won’t know how she feels years down the road. Nobody knows what to do in situations like this. It’s unfair that I’m the one getting blamed and forced to chose between my granddaughter, my daughter, and her other kids. I speak to my daughter still because she will use the other kids as leverage and isolate them from me.
Sara blames her whole family. Me, her dead aunt, and her uncles. For “not taking her out” but they did not know the extent of what was going on. Her uncle (my son) loves her. Always has. But Anne kept her away because the two of them didn’t talk for years. It’s unfair to blame people who love you, and did the most they could with a messed up sick situation.
submitted by Latter_Stomach8597 to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:26 pohltergiest Catching up on the Tohoku Times

Catching up on the Tohoku Times
Finally finding some time after resting to do my writing. The bike shop experience was a little sweaty in the hot weather, and while we were outside working on our bikes, not only did the wife of the mechanic go get us an iced coffee and an ice cream, she later made us care packages with an energy gel and a bunch of electrolyte tablets. Looking inside, it would seem this shop has been the home of a pro-level team for a long time, so I imagine they have a lot of these things on hand, but it was still very nice.
My wheel repair went well, the bumps and wobbles straightening out with the spoke repair. Bryce had them look at his front wheel, which had a different problem. He took a look at it, and after some consideration he said it was a "maintenance challenge" and proceeded to pull out a lot of wrenches. Bryce gleaned that the hub of the wheel needed tightening, and he did not have the correct wrenches to deal with this decidedly north american model. But he did have ones that were close enough and with some effort he managed to make it better to ride. After all was said and done we asked how much for the repairs and he tells us that he's a volunteer for the day, that this is his son's shop and he's just hanging out for the day because it's a holiday! We were flabbergasted but again he would not take any payment. We talked with him a bunch and he told us that he's in his 70's and attributes his good health to his biking, which he proudly states he's been doing for over 60 years now. We said he was an inspiration and said our goodbyes.
We were lucky to get the repairs done so quick, as it gave us just enough time to hit up the aquarium. We needed to ride just 12km to get there, and a nice tunnel took us through a mountain range instead of us having to go over it. I was tired, the stress of the string of repairs really getting to me. But we arrived with an hour and a half til closing and got to see the aquarium which was a big white building tucked up against sea cliffs on the sea of Japan. I felt instantly more at ease, the temperature feeling more moderate by the water, which was calm as the day went on.
The aquarium was lovely, with an obvious focus on jellyfish. I don't usually like aquariums or zoos due to what appears to be inadequate facilities for the inhabitants, but jellyfish in a tank? I don't think jellyfish care, or have the ability to care. This is like having a series of terrariums in my mind, jellyfish are one step above insects in my mind. And jellies they had, loads and loads of jellies, some on the larger side and lots of teeny tiny ones that almost can't be seen at all without magnification. They really do look like little automatons, just wiggling around. The tanks were all very tastefully lit, highlighting UV reactive cells, long streaming tendrils (that I'm sure have a proper name), and rainbow shimmering reflective cells that look deceptively like teeny tiny LEDs on little ridges. The prime attraction was the dream theatre, a dark room with a 5m tall tank circulating with hundreds or thousands of jellies and lit with a dreamy blue and purple light. We saw posters of famous artists performing in front of the jellyfish tank, the theatre being aptly named.
We missed out on the jellyfish ramen noodles, it being a bit too late in the day, but we did get to enjoy the late day views from on top of the aquarium. Why did we ever leave the ocean? Flat roads, sunsets unmarred by dumb terrain, beaches. It's the best. I love beaches. Looking at the map, we'd have to cover 120km to get to Akita to take the ferry to hokkaido, so we decided to cover some ground while we still had light so as to not overload the next day should something happen. On we went. We zoomed past pastel-lit beaches, seeing folks sitting in pairs, waiting for the sunset. We've seen people stop right on highways if they have a good view of the sunset. We had no such time to enjoy it today.
An hour or so later, we covered 20km to Sakata. Bryce wanted fried chicken for dinner, so we went to a takeout place and got way too much chicken for the two of us to eat. It can be hard to tell what you're getting, as one piece of karaage can be anything from a morsel to a meal, in this case we had more of a meal per piece along with rice and cabbage. We got some drinks from a vending machine and ate the food by a river, watching the water go by as the light faded. For once, we couldn't finish all the food, which was a shock. I always finish the food. Good job, random chicken place, you win this round.
I found a big empty looking beach in the middle of nowhere on the map about 10km north of our position, so we prepared to set out for a night ride. Rain was in the forecast for the next morning, which meant we needed a private place that we wouldn't be bothered for an extended time during daylight hours. And we'd need to reduce our kilometers for the next day as we'd probably have to bike some of it in the rain, which sucks. As we were biking through the city, we happened upon a summer festival, people filling the streets. The usual assortment of festival treats didn't steal our attention, but I stopped for a moment to examine a line of white painted ladies in front of a stage that were talking turns talking about something or another. If only we had the time to watch the performance!
We instead used our valuable time biking to a convenience store to one again get water, food, and some canned coffee for the next morning. Always an exciting time. We left the city, things now fully dark. The highway was not the best, lots of cracks and parts filled in with patches, and my focus wasn't the best. Obstructions become much harder to see in the light of a headlight, even harder to see when you have to use the dimmest setting as the headlamp always seems to be close to dying. My body bitched that it was the wrong time of day to be biking, I should already be setting up camp and kicking back, not pressing for an extra 10km.
We did eventually make it to the beach intact, if a bit worn out, rolling down a sandy road until we had to push our bikes over dune-encrusted paths. Nobody here except a handful of night fishers, but they only care about fish. We pushed our bikes along the beach until we found a lonely pair of shelters for picnics and began setting up there. It seemed like a good spot, and we could tie up the tarp for extra rain protection. Giant wind fences on the beach would help with any gusts coming off the sea, but we weren't expecting a lot of wind anyways. Feeling like I'd have extra time in the morning, I got to sleep instead, feeling more tired than ever.
I slept very long, clearly the need for sleep piling up on me. We got to bed a little later than I wanted, but it was indeed raining when I woke in the morning, so I went back to sleep and luckily got a few more hours. We discovered in the morning light that we were not the only ones to think highly of the shelters, with little ants crawling all over the outside of the tent. Not a big deal, but a little unnerving considering we haven't always been perfect about getting the zippers all the way closed. We had some breakfast in bed (which inevitably led to a spilled coffee) and read for a little bit, but debates about getting going started pretty quickly. The rain didn't look like it was going to let up, which meant we were going to have to get going or risk riding at night again.
It was late in the morning when we were ready to go, rain gear donned and our spirits as high as they would be all day. We had 95km to ride, half a day to do it, and we were already soaked. On we went. Rice planting is in full swing now, everywhere we go there's farmers hurredly planting thousands of tiny sprouts in prepared fields. Early on there was a bit of a roadside attraction in the form of a curiously coloured pond, which we dutifully checked out. The pond was indeed a brilliant blue green colour and very clear, like the water of some onsens we've seen. Reading a sign, the pond was the source of the little rivers nearby and the water was extremely cold which kept it from fouling.
As we rode, the mist rising off the hills looked like smoke. We hoped the rain would turn to just mist soon. Wiping my face for the hundredth time, we slowly pedaled on. Rain pants tug on my skin, making knee pain feel more prominent. We bike slower too, I think the water on the road is just harder to bike on. Feels like slow motion compared to fair weather riding. After 30km, I needed to stop and get some real food in me, I found a mandarin restaurant serving spicy ramen, which sounded perfect for a cold, stiff day like this. We left our dripping rain gear outside where it might get slightly dryer simply by gravity, and went in, still sorta dripping anyways.
Inside, the restaurant was filled to the brim with knickknacks and collectables and was bright and cheery despite the weather outside. I found a place to plug in my headlamp and we both ordered big bowls of spicy soup and colas for the sugar and caffeine boost we'd need to keep going. The soup was flavorful and delicious, with a ground pork that was sweet instead of savoury. Last time I made sweet pork it was kinda gross so it was neat to have a sweet pork that wasn't bad. I ate my whole bowl, needing all the calories I could get, and settled down a bit to check the radar for the area.
As can be expected for the coast, the weather was temperamental. It was good we got going, as the section behind us was being hammered, while we could expect a bit of a reprieve from the rain as we moved forward. That was about as good as we could hope for and with the clock striking 2 (and playing a song) in the restaurant, we departed.
The sky brightening a bit from a dreary grey to a less dreary grey, our moods lifted for a while while our jackets dried off in the breeze. The sights were beautiful, in a desolate sort of way. Something about staring off into seemingly infinite ocean is unsettling to me. The evergreens on rocky spits in the ocean reminded us of the west coast trail, a few unbothered sections of coast here and there revealing what this land is supposed to look like under all the concrete pylons and coast management techniques Japan loves.
After an hour, I began having some real issues. My heart rate had spiked, my vision was a little odd, and I was starting to not feel well. Not good. I drank a bunch of water, which helped, but eventually my body decided the spicy ramen was too oily and spicy for my guts and I went to destroy a convenience store. I felt better after, but I really should know better by now. There's so much oil in the cooking here though, it's hard to avoid sometimes.
We kept riding, now with no rain gear and keeping up a respectable pace. We went on a desolate road, giant windmills standing guard on the coast overlooking fields of windburnt trees all bent away from the water. Looks like this coast gets absolutely hammered by the wind, maybe I shouldn't complain too much about the rain if it's not windy as well. Things were looking up, our pace put us on schedule to arrive at 6, well before dark which put us in better spirits. Better spirits until Bryce's tire blew out.
Pulling apart the tire layers, incredulous that the so-called "flatless" tires would fail us now, we found a shard of black glass stabbed straight through the thickest part of the tire and a centimeter into the tube section. Well there's no bike tire on earth that can survive that, that one's just bad luck. We felt a little better about that as we set about replacing it. At least with the new rim Bryce had it was much less of a fight to get the tire on and off to replace the tube. Getting the bead to set was a pain, Bryce cycled the tube pressure three times and we even soaped the edge to get it to budge. It seemed good enough to me, but the rim of the tire definitely seemed a little inconsistent. The rain starting again, we debated what we should do, I argued that if he was careful and avoided bumps the bead might set itself and we didn't have any other techniques we could try. He wasn't able to pull the tire over any more and my hands were too weak to be of much help. We were wet and cold by this point, so Bryce agreed with this and we remounted and got moving. We could always take the train if we had to, but that wasn't an option we wanted to do just yet.
I was in the rear and I could immediately see and hear something was wrong with Bryce's bike, even though I was focused on the tire bead to see if it was setting properly. It looked like his front and back tires were tracking different paths and one or both seemed to be leaning? I know the front tire had a hub issue so I thought maybe they're just a bit off but after a while I called a halt as it looked just too messed up not to try reseating the axle. While we were redoing the rear axle, we discovered that a bolt holding the rear pannier rack was close to coming out altogether, the source of the terrible rattling I've been hearing for weeks now! That was a relief to fix, and the wheel seemed to be sitting better. Now we were quite a bit later, projections looking more like 7 o'clock and getting dark by the time we got to the city.
The sky was getting lighter, but it was the sun starting to sink below the cloud layer, signaling the end of the day and the last of our riding light. I was so tired by this point, bone tired. The rain makes every kilometer feel like two, I was sneezing again, feeling sad. Lots of harsh feelings were welling up, life starting to roar back into focus as all the things I pushed away for the past year demanded answers right now. I tried my best to file away the petitions as I could, but mostly I just tried to keep my head up as my mood sunk lower with the sun. My sinuses decided they'd had enough and shut down, making my head feel like it was a size too big. In the last light of the day we got to Akita, the end of our Tohoku adventure. The kindness of the people we met saved us from finding the whole region cursed.
I demanded burgers and fries to lift my soggy mood, nothing in my tool box keeping me happy. Luckily there was a good looking place near our hotel to try and it was a countertop kinda place. We went in to find a fully charming establishment full of locals and a pair of chefs working the counter. I was feeling just awful but Bryce had a good time interacting with people. Everyone was very curious about the two colourful and very wet foreigners who had wandered in after parking very large and heavy bikes. I joined in on the answers, having the better language skills whenever Bryce couldn't parse what was being asked, but I was more focused on the pile of fries and the chili burger I ordered. People were flabbergasted that we came all the way from the southern end of the country, the chefs assuming we must have come from Tokyo instead. Some of the other patrons started rattling off Canadians they knew, with Justin Bieber ("Justinoo Beeberu!") and Celine Dion topping the list. I ordered a BLT sandwich as I was still starving even after a whole meal. The chef brought over a bottle of nice sake to have as a toast to the brave travellers, which I had to refuse as I would like to recover from this cold sometime this century. There's so much booze that it's hard not to here.
To alleviate the embarrassment of having to refuse the booze, he offered me a ginger ale instead, which I graciously accepted. The other chef laughed as they pulled out a bottle "Canada Dry" she said, to the laughter of the bar. Taste of home in a strange place. I polished off my BLT (and considered a second) and while I'm sure Bryce could have spent all evening taking free shots of excellent sake with the bartender, we had to be up early, so we said our goodbyes and waved as we wheeled our bikes into the dark city. I left in a good mood, but tired as hell. Bryce was positivity beaming from the fun interactions, and the four drinks he had. The hotel was nearby, so it wasn't too hard. A parking attendant ushered us to a spot near the guardhouse, and we locked up there. He asked us when we were thinking of getting the bikes the next day, and when we said 430 in the morning he was a little taken aback. He understood that the ferry was early but that was too early for him.
The hotel room was nice enough, but all I wanted was a bath and sleep. There were bath salts at the front desk and we took turns soaking in the tub. I wasted no time, doing my thing, arranging my clothes for the morning, setting an alarm and going to sleep. 415 would be just around the corner.
submitted by pohltergiest to RainbowRamenRide [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:26 upbstock prepprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

The metal Olympics are taking place in the wild world of commodities, with gold, silver and copper-based bronze all scoring a place on the podium. New highs continue to be notched in the latest games, though there is skepticism about the results and the possibilities of a rigged performance. However, for those betting on which medal might be awarded next, there is plenty to consider for all the competitors:
Gold: The yellow metal just hit levels of over $2,450 per ounce despite a strong American economy and U.S. dollar. Analysts have pointed to a coming Fed pivot on interest rates, as well as geopolitical tensions that have increased demand for the safe haven. Not only are investors getting involved, but there has been a large amount of buying from central banks, while the retail crowd is even getting in on the action with gold bars from Costco (COST).
Silver: The metal has outperformed gold in recent weeks, bringing its total gain to 32% YTD, compared to gold's 18% return. It also benefits from all the safe haven attributes of its shiny cousin, such as a popular hedge against inflation, along with some distinctive practical qualities of its own. Silver is used for industrial purposes, like solar panel cells, and is relatively cheap in ounces when compared to pricey gold.
Copper: The latest rip has made numerous headlines after hitting all-time highs on exchanges across the globe. Fear of supply shortages and trade disputes has helped generate buzz around the industrial bellwether, which is also key for the green transition and rising electrification needs. Copper is used in EVs, wind turbines, power transmission and AI data centers, meaning there are actual supply and demand fundamentals to assess when evaluating the worth of the red metal.
Too shiny? The commodity competition can experience chaotic events, with scandals and manipulation hitting items like nickel and cocoa in recent years. There is speculation that this might be going on this time around, triggered by leveraged contract buying, short squeeze momentum, or price premiums on different exchanges. Others see a lot of metal potential that has even resulted in some real-world M&A action, such as BHP's (BHP) $39B proposed takeover of Anglo American (OTCQX:AAUKF), which would create the world's top copper producer.
Wall Street leadership Succession plans are "well on the way" at JPMorgan (JPM), with Jamie Dimon saying it's up to the board to determine how much longer he'll remain CEO. "I think when I can't put the jersey on and give it my full effort, I should leave," he announced at the bank's Investor Day, adding that the timetable "is not five years anymore." Dimon also outlined that the lender will not repurchase a lot of stock at current prices, noting that such a buyback - at a valuation of 2.3 times tangible book value - would be "a mistake." JPM shares slipped 4.5% following the comments on Tuesday, but are up more than 40% over the past year. (60 comments)
Pulling a 180? Cryptocurrencies are back in rally mode as traders increasingly bet on the approval of the first spot ether ETF. While the industry previously did not expect the SEC to give the green light, the regulator has reportedly requested that ETF issuers update 19b-4 filings on an accelerated basis. The development signals some progress, but it doesn't mean it's a done deal. Ether (ETH-USD) is still up big on the news, soaring 20% to $3,708. The SEC's decision on VanEck's spot ether ETF application is expected on Thursday, and one from ARK Invest is due on Friday. (1 comment)
Bear capitulation One of Wall Street's prominent bears has finally turned positive on his outlook for the stock market as indexes continue to hit record highs. Mike Wilson, equity strategist at Morgan Stanley, now calls for the S&P 500 (SP500) to rise to 5,400, higher than his previous year-end target of 4,500, which was one of the lowest on Wall Street. The forecast is derived from a 19x P/E multiple on 12-month forward EPS based on June 2026 of $283. "This earnings path is based on our economists' growth forecasts, output from our earnings models, and our view that AI diffusion will boost margins starting in 2025," Wilson declared. (48 comments)
Today's Markets
In Asia, Japan -0.3%. Hong Kong -2.1%. China -0.4%. India -0.1%. In Europe, at midday, London -0.4%. Paris -1%. Frankfurt -0.4%. Futures at 7:00, Dow flat. S&P flat. Nasdaq -0.1%. Crude -1.4% to $78.16. Gold -0.6% to $2,423.40. Bitcoin +5.8% to $71,004. Ten-year Treasury Yield -2 bps to 4.43%.
Today's Economic Calendar
9:00 Fed's Barkin Speech 9:00 Fed's Waller Speech 9:05 Fed's Williams Speech 9:10 Fed's Bostic Speech 11:45 Fed’s Barr Speech 7:00 PM Fed's Bostic Speech
Companies reporting earnings today »
What else is happening...
WSB survey results: Be aware of risks related to meme rallies.
Gruenberg to quit as FDIC chair after toxic work culture scandal.
Mester: More data needed before Fed cuts as inflation progress stalls.
Palo Alto Networks (PANW) tumbles after lowering billings guidance.
OpenAI to pause ChatGPT voice as it resembles Scarlett Johansson.
EV drama: Tesla shareholders to vote on Elon Musk's pay package.
China's Li Auto (LI) postpones all-electric SUV launch until 2025.
Hims & Hers (HIMS) sells cheap versions of GLP-1 weight loss drugs.
Trump Media (DJT) reports hefty quarterly loss on very little revenue.
Calpers to oppose all Exxon (XOM) directors in shareholder dispute.
submitted by upbstock to Optionmillionaires [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:26 ThrowRAcircumstance Boyfriend '23M' and I '22F' are on the verge of a break-up because of harassment and a buttload of other stuff. He is willing to work it out but I am falling out of love. How do I stop losing feelings for him because of the circumstances?

Obligatory on mobile so awkward formatting and throwaway because he knows my reddit account. Long story.
I come to ask the Reddit crowd to be kind with me as I legitimately have no idea what to do. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 7 months now and are on the verge of a break-up because of several reasons.
My boyfriend is adamant he does not hold romantic feelings for her anymore and that he isn't staying because I'm the safer option (in the sense that I am avoidant and have admittedly blindsided my past situationships/ partners and could very well do the same with him). He tells me he's not settling for me and that he genuinely wants to make our relationship work because he knows he only has one shot with me and that he feels genuine for me. It is easier for the both of us to leave the relationship because both are avoidant people, but he is trying to go against his trauma and avoidant tendencies to remain with me. He just fails sometimes (checking her tiktok, etc.)
Currently, we are very open with one another and have good communication (regular relationship checks, we never get into screaming matches). He has never called me names, he takes responsibility for his actions and has accepted blame for every single event that has happened (the lying, the tiktok, ex's harassment) and has not done those since we discussed each issue. Another is that he has been improving himself and his tendencies that hurt me emotionally as well (fixing problems on his own and only informing me they exist well after the fact, not sharing emotions, etc.). I have trouble vouching for this because we had just become friends later in the previous year, but from what I can logically deduce it is true.
THE PROBLEM, finally. I am losing feelings for him because I feel underappreciated, undervalued, and I genuinely feel like I was his second option. Due to the amalgamation of the things we have faced together, I am misinterpreting the pain from those into distrust for him.
To his credit, and if you remove the harassment problem, he has been a good boyfriend to me. We used to regularly go out on dates (used to because both of us are swamped with work, so now he just invites me to future plans after we finish said work), he cooks me food and pays for my meals whenever I allow it (gifts and gestures like this make me feel like I'm a callgirl so we avoid it), bringing me to events I would enjoy (movie showings, concerts, recreational parks) for free (he pays), is physically affectionate, and accompanies me in my commute everyday to and from work regardless if we have fought each other that day, would physically go to me just to talk, spends hours past his curfew if our serious conversations have not finished, etc.
I genuinely still want to work on my trust for him, I want to gain it back and move past our problems. I want to be able to support him because I do know I would also be fucked up if I came from said experience. I don't want to leave him alone because I empathize with what he has gone through and the effects they have on him, but I don't know how to help him. More importantly, I don't know how to process my own feelings about the matter.
This is an incredibly long post and I realize the easier way would be to leave. But I want to give our relationship a fighting chance before we break up. It's not the smart choice, it's not the beneficial choice either. But it's a choice I'm still considering.
TLDR: Because of harassment and other problems, I feel unloved and underappreciated by my boyfriend and am falling out of love. How do I stop losing feelings for him because of circumstances?
submitted by ThrowRAcircumstance to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:25 No-Detail723 AITAH for expecting my friend to accept my partner even though he tried to ruin her wedding

So I have known my partner for several years before we got together. Long story short he left his ex (who it had been over with for years prior to me) and moved straight in to my house with me and my daughter.
Quickly we talked about starting a family of our own but I was due to be a bridesmaid for my best friend and i said to him we needed to wait until after the wedding as my dress had been altered. He wasn't happy that I wanted to delay but eventually agreed.
Wedding rolls up and it's a beautiful day. Drinks are flowing and everyone is celebrating. At the end of the meal I was speaking with the bestman (who I have also known for years through the bride and groom) who had just lost his mum. I placed my hand on top of his and said I'm so sorry for your loss. My partner flipped out accused me of holding his hand sexually and cheating on him. He was taken away by other guests but still ranted and raved about how disgusted he was with me. Even the bestman tried to reason with him but nothing worked.
The bride took me away to dance and take my mind off it all. Whilst the groom asked him to get a cab and leave. He refused and just stood watching us on the dancefloor ranting at everyone that I was vile and a cheat. The bride at this point had had enough. The groom tried to get him in the cab people had ordered for him but he wasn't for going. I tried to intervene and plead with him to go sleep it off. He then got in my face and was screaming at me. My daughter was in the middle trying to push him away. The bride got in the middle and shoved him and he fell over. He was then man handled by other groomsmen and put in a cab and sent to his hotel. I arrived at the hotel a bit later and went to get my stuff as another friend said we could stay in with her. He blew up at me again. Apparently the whole hotel could hear our argument and complained.
The next morning he was so apologetic. He blamed the booze (we all were very drunk) and that it's because he has never loved anyone like me before. My friend who is the bride was pissed. She said that her and her husband were fuming he had managed to turn their day to be about him and his insecurities. And that he had tried it on with a 17yr old and another bridesmaid. My partner denied it and said she's just bad mouthing him because she's jealous of us.
My friend seems to have everyone in our friend group on our side and none of them want to invite him with me to things..I told them they are all AH for it as he apologised to me for his behaviour and I've moved past it why can't they? AITAH?
submitted by No-Detail723 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:24 Illustrious_Music228 I just want to be complemented on something

21 F here and I have to say - it's so tiring to be fat, ugly, and extremely awkward. No one hardly bats an eye in my direction and my self-confidence is nonexistent. I can't remember the last time I was /genuinely/ complimented. I feel like I'm constantly complimeting others around me, and others are complimenting eachother, but I never recieve any myself.
Even in my very small friend group, they're amazing friends don't get me wrong, but they're always complimenting eachother, saying they're so pretty, thicc, skinny, funny, etc... And I just listen. I used to be pretty bright in middle ~early high school, taught myself fluent Japanese and Spanish, got all A's, was just generally pretty good at academics. Crickets.
I still remember when I was 13, my foster mom, one time, said that something I said was cute. So I tried so hard to do things that would make her compliment me again but nothing. Just fat comments and her dialing up the entire town when I did normal teenage stuff that she deemed as me being a terrible kid and ranting to them about me for hours on end. My foster dad SAed me and I would even encourage it sometimes even though I was so uncomfortable bc he would call me sexy, or beautiful, etc...
I just want to be loved, like genuinely. Every once in a while my aunt, who helps me out and takes me where I need to go, will say "you look cute" or smth but I can just tell it's not really genuine yknow? My mom has never really complimented me, she's not all the way there so it's not anything on her but the other day she said she misses my long hair because it used to make me look pretty and it kind of triggered me ngl, especially bc I've been growing it out and am so self-conscious about my hair. I'm just so tired of feeling this way, why am I so unloveable?
submitted by Illustrious_Music228 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:22 Life-Lavishness4311 Should I tell the guy I am seeing about getting coffee with an ex?

I (21F) started seeing this guy (21M) about a month ago. We've gone on some romantic dates and he seems to like me a lot. He got out of a 2 year relationship about 3 months ago so I was not expecting a lot from this. Side note - I have been obsessed with this guy who goes to a nearby school that I have seen on and off for about 3 years, but never in the context of a real relationship. Our last contact was more than a month ago when I reached out and we talked for a second before he left me a dry message that I did not respond to.
I've alluded to my obsession with this guy in passing, just that I'm also kinda hung up on someone in a similar way he is to his ex. He asked one time if I still thought about him to which I answered truthfully, yes, daily, it's a real obsession and one that I hate having. This made him quite upset and he was seriously considering not continuing to see me, which I totally understand. We seemed to have come to the conclusion that we would continue seeing each other as we had been and that it was too early on to make rash decisions about this. He said that he would talk to his therapist and might change his mind in the coming days. We had agreed to be exclusive earlier, which is not an official boyfriend-girlfriend agreement, but one that requires we not sleep with other people. In the morning, he said that he wouldn't change his mind and that we would continue business as usual.
A few days later I get a text from the other guy (22M) asking to get coffee to catch up sometime. It was a text I've been wanting for a while. I was shocked and didn't know whether I should ignore the text, respond but decline, or agree to see him. I went back and forth for a while, mainly because I am so scared of hurting who I am seeing. Despite my hesitation, I've agreed to see him for coffee. A part of me sees this meeting as being helpful. Perhaps it would take off the veil of my fantasy towards this guy? Or maybe ending things on my terms will be beneficial? He is leaving for the summer so it would not make sense to pursue him seriously.
My question is whether I should tell the guy that I am seeing. Since I regretfully disclosed my obsession, he would not be thrilled about this coffee meeting. He would likely be upset and try to prevent it. I'm definitely not going to engage in anything sexual with this guy. I feel like if I did tell him and he tried to stop it from happening, I would resent him and regret not going anytime I didn't get along with this guy. I could also tell him after I do it, but still I don't know if it would be beneficial or necessary to tell him everything. I feel skeevy about the whole thing but I do really like this guy but also feel the need to see this other guy for coffee.
TL;DR: To tell or not tell about coffee with an ex
submitted by Life-Lavishness4311 to u/Life-Lavishness4311 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:22 Moonbeam0773 Judge allows Kouri Richins’ defense attorneys to quit criminal case (and Lisa Darden indicates withdrawal due to conflict of interest)

Judge allows Kouri Richins’ defense attorneys to quit criminal case (and Lisa Darden indicates withdrawal due to conflict of interest)
The Kamas mom may need to find new lawyers after her defense team withdrew from her murder case.
Third District Judge Richard Mrazik made the ruling during a closed hearing Monday, May 20.
Kouri Richins, the Kamas mother of three charged with murdering her husband, had been represented by attorneys from Salt Lake City-based Ray Quinney & Nebeker.
In court papers filed May 17, Richins’ attorneys said an “irreconcilable and nonwaivable situation” made it impossible for them to continue to represent her.
Mrazik granted the request, but public court records offer no details about his reasoning. Lead defense attorney Skye Lazaro declined to comment after the hearing.
Lisa Darden, Richins’ mother, told KPCW the issue was related to conflicts of interest, not whether their family is able to pay for her daughter’s defense.
Richins now has three choices: represent herself, find a new attorney or ask the court to appoint a public defender.
It was not immediately clear May 20 how long the withdrawal of Richins’ defense team might delay the case.
Richins remains in the Summit County jail, where she has been held without bond since her arrest more than a year ago.
A hearing to determine whether the former real estate agent would stand trial for the alleged poisoning of her husband Eric Richins initially scheduled for May 15 was postponed. Her lawyers filed a petition to withdraw two days later.
Summit County Attorney Margaret Olson declined to comment after the May 20 hearing, but said the judge will hold another hearing on May 24 at 10 a.m.
Mrazik closed the May 20 hearing after defense attorneys said it would involve confidential information that may impede Richins’ right to a fair trial.
She faces 11 felony counts, including aggravated murder and attempted murder, in connection with the March 2022 overdose death of her husband Eric Richins. She would go on to write a children’s book about grief.
No plea has been entered to the charges, but both Richins and her family have maintained her innocence. If she is tried and convicted of the charges, she could spend the rest of her life in jail.
Separate from the criminal charges, Richins has been tied up in civil court with Eric Richins’ family over his money and estate. Court records show her attorneys withdrew from the estate case in April and all other civil cases May 17.
submitted by Moonbeam0773 to KouriRichins [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:20 Frank_Hardcoxxx Videofucks

My phone vibrated. As did my smartwatch. I glimpsed up from my laptop, which was sitting in my lap so I could go over my presentation again. I was in the car, my boss was driving and we were headed to a conference, where both of us were supposed to speak. We were traveling for more than 7 hours now due to numerous traffic jams on our way.
Looking at my watch, I saw, it was the doorbell which caused the vibration. Already distracted from my presentation I pulled out my phone. Opening the doorbell app, I just so see, that my wife asks Becky, our young black dogsitter with her DD boobs into the house. "Curious" I thought, my wife hadn't told me, she wanted to go out that evening. It was a Tuesday, so it was her usual day for her Zumba class, but that would have meant leaving the dogs alone for about 1 and a half hours, so no need for a dogsitter. However, judging from what little I had seen, Becky was wearing an extremely short black latex skirt and a minimalist latex crop top, the full outfit barely covering her tits, ass and pussy. In addition to a black leather collar, it looked like my wife had ordered her in with other stuff in mind than just watching the dogs, even if there was the possibility, Becky's outfit was just due to the 30+ degree heatwave we were having.
A few minutes later, my phone vibrated again. It was a text from my wife. "Heading out to Zumba". She followed it up with a picture of her in her sports dress. Due to the heat she only wore tight short pants, a very tight revealing top and her sports bra. So her petite size combined with her chubby figure and her big tits were easy to spot. "Looking great" I answered. "Have fun, love you". "You have any plans later?" She asked. "No" I answered. "I won't be able to make it to swimming today. I'm not even at the hotel yet. So just dinner with my boss and then I will head for the bed." I replied. "Ok" was the only answer I got.
My boss and I checked into the hotel and found a place to eat, when I got another message from my wife. It was a shower selfie from the gym, showing her having her tits soaped up. I had to make sure, nobody saw my developing boner below a napkin. And this was also unusual, as my wife normally prefers to shower at home. What did she have planned. "Going out?" I asked her. I didn't get an answer for a while. Then I got another selfie. My wife was now wearing a long, tight, black PU skirt, and a black leather corsage, which was barely able to keep her G-Cups inside. She also had makeup on and her black hair with a tint of red worked perfectly with her black lipstick. A second picture showed, that she did not wear panties, but a buttplug. "Gonna surprise Becky" was her answer to my previous question. "Let's check whether she obeyed" was the next text I got, before I had an incoming videocall from the group my wife had created for the three of us. I excused myself from the table and left the table, while keeping the lid of my phone case closed. I took a Bluetooth headset out of my pocket and went outside to take the call. As soon as I did, I had to hold my breath. My wife held up her phone in her car in a way, that Becky and I had perfect view of her cleavage, while Becky was clearly sitting on our terrace, wearing the earlier described outfit, her legs spread apart and her camera clearly showing that she also had inserted a buttplug and additionally a vibrator in her pussy, pleasuring herself. From her position I could see, that there was a very slim, but not zero chance she could be seen by a passing neighbor. "Good girl" I heard my wife's voice. "Expect me home in 20 minutes. Keep going with the vibrator but do not come before I'm home or you will regret it". "Yes Madam" was Becky's answer. "Now put on a show for my husband" my wife again commanded. I watched the vibrator going in and out her pink pussy, which contrasted nicely with her chocolate skin, before commanding her, to take down her top, revealing her double D's to the camera (and potentially the neighbors). She was hesitant at first. "I will tell my wife of your disobedience" was all I had to say. However, as much as I loved the show, I could not watch it till the end, as my boss now also came out of the restaurant, having paid the bill. So I cut the connection and we went on our way to the hotel.
When we arrived at the hotel, my boss asked, whether we wanted to go for a drink at the bar. At the same time, my wife had already sent me a selfie with our car on the garage and her playing on her pussy, presumably watching Becky somehow. "Are you ready to watch" was the caption. So I thanked my boss again for the dinner and excused myself to my hotel room. "Give me a couple of minutes" was my answer to my wife. "Hurry up" she wrote, accompanied by a picture below her skirt, showing her pink pussy and her fluids already flowing down her legs. I quickly setup my tablet and connected it to the WIFI. While I was doing this I received several messages from my wife. The first one was a picture, showing a top view into her corsage, showing clearly, that it was unable to really tame her tits, with her areolas already visible. If a neighbor saw her on the way from the car to the house, he would have quite a look. I was secretly hoping for that to happen. I know some of the neighbors had already checked out Becky or other visitors to our house when they arrived in playtime "clothes" but my wife so far had mostly gone unnoticed by the neighbors. The second picture was a screenshot from one of our bedroom cameras on my wife's phone, showing Becky, lying on her back, her tits once again hidden by her latex top, her legs spread wide open towards the camera. Her skirt had moved upwards and was lying on her hips. The buttplug was replaced by a vibrator, and she also had a vibrator inserted into her pussy. I admired once again the contrast of her pink flesh to the dark chocolate color of her body. "I have the remotes" my wife wrote with a winking emoji. "Hurry up, I'm horny". "Me too" I thought, "and it's not helping that you send me these pictures". Finally I had an internet connection ready and connected onto our home VPN to access the cameras. "I'm in" I wrote to my wife. "Going in" was her answer.
While I waited for my wife to appear, I watched Becky on the tablet. She was still pretty much in the same pose as before and I could only imagine, that she was in this pose, because my wife had ordered her so. She really loved to submit herself to both of us, what made the evenings with her fun. Suddenly I could see her shiver and heard hear moans getting louder. I could see her fighting, but ultimately losing the fight against her orgasm, induced by the two vibrators in her pussy and ass, controlled by my wife. Only a few seconds later I hear high heels coming up the stairs and my wife entering the room. She had added black, knee high leather boots to her already seducing outfit and held a small whip in her hand. I saw Becky's eyes widen, it was a mixture of lust and fear. "You know you can tell me to stop at any time if it is too much," my wife said ."It is fine, I dreamed about playing with a whip, just haven't done it yet. But please be gentle, "was Becky's answer. "Did I stutter, when I told you not to come?" My wife now said in a fake angry voice. She followed it up with a lash onto her top and the boob below. I could hear the sound and I saw Becky flinch for a split-second. But her eyes told, that she was okay with what happened. "Sorry Madam. It was just to much pleasure you gave me with the vibrators," Becky whispered. "So now this is my fault you cannot control yourself?" My wife asked while still faking anger, followed by a lash onto the other boob. "No Madam, I did not obey your orders. What can I do to make it up?" "That will be up to me, I already have some ideas." My wife said to her, while she positioned a few whiplashes around Becky's pussy. You could already see the mixture of pain and lust in Becky's eyes.
From the messages before, and the show I got on camera my cock was already more than rock hard and I hurried to get rid off my pants and boxers, to release the pain this was causing me. That was when I realized, the blinds were still open, so I corrected this mistake quickly. No need to be seen masturbating in a conference hotel.
On my screen the action now got more intense. "Why are you still dressed?" My wife asked. I laughed out, because the short top and the extremely short skirt that was already hanging on Becky's hips could barely be counted as dressed, as she didn't even wear any underwear. "Get these skimpy clothes of your body" was the next command. To reinforce this statement two whiplashes onto each boob were added. Becky quickly got up, robbing me of the view between her legs and wanted to pull her top over her head, her back to my wife and the camera. She was interrupted by a whiplash onto her ass, as the skirt still was hanging on her hips. This time my wife seemingly had put more force into it, as for a short time you could see the impact on Becky's chocolate skin. "No need to hide. Make it a show for me and the camera". Becky obeyed. She turned around and started pulling up her top above her DD tits, covering them with her hands, playing a little bit by pushing them left right and up and down before performing a boob drop and finally pushing her top over her head. She let it turn around one of her fingers before throwing it on the general direction of my wife. While her boobs are a lot smaller than my wife's G-Cups, due to her taller but skinnier stature and chocolate color, those were my second favorite boobs. Her areolas were forward facing and she had quite a gap in between them. And they looked incredibly sexy in the current lighting, bouncing with every of Becky's movements. My wife nodded approvingly. Afterwards Becky started pulling down her skirt while moving laszivly. Her boobs and her hips moving while she slowly hid her pussy before revealing it again. She got down on her knees, spreading her legs for my wife and me before she got out of the skirt, pushed it aside and got up again. Unfortunately for her, the vibrator fell out of her pussy during this movement. A second later she got another whiplash on her pussy. "Did I tell you to loose the vibrator?" My wife said in a harsh voice. "No Madam." Becky said, lowering her head. "Well, then pick it up and put it where it belongs again. Becky started bending her knees and lowering her back, when she was once again interrupted by a whiplash targeted at her right tit. "Not like that. Turn around and bend over, we want to see your ass." I think I caught a short grin on Becky's face. She definitely did not mind what my wife did to her. She turned around, spread her legs so I would be able to see her face and upper body between them, bent over, wiggled with her ass, which of course also caused her tits to wiggle in front of her face. This of course also revealed the vibrator in her butt. Just when Becky had her fingers on the vibrator on the floor I could hear her moan and saw her legs shaking. My wife now stood besides her, facing the camera holding the remote in the hand that did not hold the whip. With shaking hands from arousal Becky tried to take up the vibrator again, and just when her fingers were there, my wife increased the intensity with the remote again, leading to Becky losing control and collapsing on the floor. As soon as her body hit the floor another whiplash hit her ass. "Am I talking incomprehensibly? You are not to come without my permission and you are asked to get this vibrator into your worthless pussy while showing your fucking ass. What is so hard about that?" While talking, my wife added additional whiplashes onto her ass with a couple of them also hitting the pussy area. "I'm sick of this, now get your worthless body onto the bed and open your legs to the camera". "Yes Madam" was the only answer from Becky. When she got up I glimpsed a look in her face and saw it was pure lust, despite the pain.
Up until now I had started playing with myself. The view and sound on my tablet were just to arousing. I realized, that I was already close to cumming, but there would be more action for me to watch. Nevertheless I couldn't stop, and a few quick strokes and I came in 3 high squirts over my upper body. In the meanwhile the action on the screen continued.
As ordered, Becky lay down as she had been before only now her tits were also clearly visible on camera. My wife bent down herself, making sure I got a good show and picked up the vibrator Becky had failed to pick up twice. She shoved it into Becky's pussy again, before she used the remote again to set both vibrators in Becky's ass an pussy to their lowest setting again. Becky's pelvis moved, as the overstimulation was to much again. My wife once again addressed her: "This should be about me, not you! Time you put your body to some use. Now get me out of my skirt." She ordered, standing next to the bed, with her ass to the camera. Becky sat up, her open pussy still facing the camera and giving me a prime look at her tits. She undid my wife's belt and started pulling down the skirt. My wife supported this with very erotic moves and just a few seconds later I had the perfect view onto the greatest ass in the galaxy. The right roundness, perfect size, perfect shape and feel and just overall perfect for me. My wife pushed Becky back onto the bed, while at the same time bending over, revealing the buttplug and vibrator she had in herself. This movement was also to much for her corsage and her tits fell out. "Make yourself useful and suck on my tits!" was her next command, to which Becky promptly obeyed while my wife made quite a show out of removing the vibrator from her pussy. She spread her legs, shaking that great ass and slowly pulled out the vibrator millimeter by millimeter and pushing it in 5 millimeters in again for every 10 millimeters she had pulled it out. When she was done, she climbed onto the bed sat up and pushed Becky's upper body down. She then climbed over Becky's face and began riding on her face. Becky understood what to do and gave her best to luck my wife's pussy. My wife's boobs jumped around on her chest, which made her abandon her whip and she started massaging and playing with them, while leaning slightly backwards. This gave me a great view and made me hard again in an instant. Also due to my wife's movements on the bed, Becky's tits started to wiggle, but she needed her hands to ensure my wife's thighs had sufficient space in between for her not to suffocate. This got more and more difficult, as my wife quickly approached her orgasm. It took her less than 2 minutes before she collapsed forward, her face more or less falling onto Becky's pussy. My wife catched her breath for half a minute or so, before she pulled herself up again, grabbed her whip and climbed down from Becky. Becky's face was covered in my wife's fluids, it almost looked like my wife had squirted onto Becky's face. Becky also sat up and catched her breath.
My wife held up Becky's face by placing her whip below her chin. "Good girl, seems like you are good for something. I think you have earned some reward." She said and gave Becky two gentle whiplashes onto her nipples, which made Becky moan again. My wife bent down beside the bed, showing me her great ass with the buttplug again and opened our toy drawer. She grabbed a blindfold and tossed it to Becky. "Put that on, and get on your knees, face to the camera." Becky went on her knees and elbows, what resulted in a harsh whiplash on her ass. "On your hands, not your elbows" and as Becky took to long for her liking, a second whiplash followed. Now Becky obeyed and stayed more upright. Next my wife went, and repositioned the camera, so now the camera was low enough to look between Becky's legs. Next, my wife pulls out a dual vibrator we had bought recently. She inserted the short part as advertised into her vagina and went behind Becky. She then removed the vibrators from Becky's pussy and ass and slowly started to insert the long part of the double vibrator into Becky's pussy. I was able to see Becky's surprised look through the blindfold, as my wife's pelvis touched Becky's ass and she realized, what was happening. The next surprise came, when my wife activated the vibrations and started fucking her Doggystyle. I was almost in heaven. Seeing a pair of DD tits bouncing in the big picture, and my wife's G-Cups also bouncing in the background while my wife grabbed Becky by the hips and gave her a pounding was an absolutely fantastic view. This went on for about 10 minutes, with me wanking of in my hotel bed, my wife pounding the dogsitter Doggystyle and the dogsitter moaning loudly. It seemed, the double vibrator had some kind of burst mode, as both women increased and decreased their volume in regular intervals. After 10 minutes the two women collapsed over each other from their orgasm and I also came again.
After everyone had catched their breath again, my wife told Becky she could go home now, she would still make the last train even with some time to wash herself. After Becky was gone, my wife and myself had video call under our showers. After that we said goodnight. My wife told me, to have fun on the conference reception the next day, but to not forget my camera...
submitted by Frank_Hardcoxxx to eroticashorts [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:19 Negative-Contact5647 2 weeks post op, doing well.

Before my gallbladder surgery 2 weeks ago I was really nervous reading all the scary stories, but my husband reminded me that people tend to go looking for answers when things aren’t well, more so then people who just move on normally after surgery. So I’m here to share my life is good post.
I had my gall bladder out two weeks ago today about a week after I had been in the ER in extreme pain with acute pancreatitis and the discovery of gallstones in my gallbladder. Before that I had been having an aching pain in the center of my upper abdomen, extreme bloating and fullness for a couple months. I originally went to my primary, and she said she thought I had an ulcer, so she treated me for that. It didn’t help. I saw my gastroenterologist for a different thing, but we talked about my pain, and she said she thought I had gastroparesis and set me up for an endoscopy. The endoscopy came back pretty normal, but she said I had bile in my stomach so wanted me to go for a gastric emptying test. I never got to, 2 days later I was in the ER with the worst pain of my life.
Fast forward to the surgery. I woke up from the surgery in a lot of pain, and they gave me pain meds before I left recovery. Then I went home and slept for the rest of the day. Minor aches and pains for the first few days, and my glue bandages fell off about one week after surgery. I’m still cautious about eating too much fat, but nothing really seems to bother me. I have had some diarrhea, but nothing I’d call extreme, and I think it’s to be expected as the body adjusts to a new way of functioning. I still have some pain in my upper abdomen, and think maybe my pancreas is still inflamed? If it continues I plan to call my gastro again.
My biggest concern post surgery was that we had a trip to Italy planned 5 weeks after my surgery date, and now I have about 3 weeks to go I’m not concerned at all about my trip being affected by the gall bladder removal.
Hopefully my little tale helps someone remember that it’s not all scary stories post operation, and my heart goes out to the people who do have complications.
submitted by Negative-Contact5647 to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:19 Fit-Bag-4233 Posted from FFIE

Well that was fun! Here’s today’s recap, + What might come
Well that was fun. Here’s a Recap, + What might come
To any other FFIE investors with more knowledge on what’s going on right now, as well as more experience in retail investing, please feel free to correct me on, or to add onto any point in this post.
Okay - We made it. It wasn’t easy, definitely a little scary, but the market is closed (after hours are open but we will get to that later), and now we rest. But I know a lot of you crazy apes weren’t paying too much attention to every second of the day, that’s where I help out. Here’s a little recap of how today went:
After ending the day at $1.03 per share Friday, we opened up strong during today’s pre-market hours at $1.73 per share. What does this mean? Well it means a lot of you crazy little apes had orders placed, or the even crazier ones were up during pre-market placing orders in. Now that’s serious dedication 😳
Now, I know what you’re thinking. “All the other apes said today we were going to the moon! We’re still under $2! Where’s our money??” Not so fast silly little ape. Come, let me teach you about volume. 👨‍🏫
Today’s volume was a WHOPPING 677.89M.😱 What’s “today’s volume” ? Volume is the total of buys & sells of a stock in a certain time period. For a stock like FFIE, 677.89M is a BIG number. And because a lot of us HELD like we were supposed to, we finished regular market hours at +65.05% than friday evening. 👏🏼👏🏼 But why wasn’t it more? Why didn’t FFIE boom like other silly little apes promised? It’s simple, keep following me and you’ll understand, I promise. 🙂‍↕️
Because of the short ladder attack against us on Friday, the SEC gave us a hand and sanctioned a new uptick rule (see here - https://www.reddit.com/FFIE/s/nw6Rt12bmm ). This leaves the big bad suits with 2 options (paraphrased from u/Maximum-Purpose-1568 , Thank you sima’am): “ 1. They can cut their losses, and buy up the shares at current market value (this is the beginning of a cascade where the "squeezers" all get rich). Essentially, any share that a hedge fund purchases to mitigate their losses will increase the value of our shares. 2. They can continue to hold their shorted stock "loans" and hope the market drops again next week. If this is the case, you will need to continue to hold your shares until they crack (they pay a lot of money for each day they continue to short)”
So what happened? What does all this crazy talk mean!?!? Well given what happened today (a steady change in stock price throughout market hours, and very little volatility compared to recent days), this only means the Big Bad Suits chose option 2. They don’t think we’re serious and they’re doubling down. So what now? 🤔 We triple down. 😤
You see my fellow banana peelers, this was never a scam. This was never a get rich overnight scheme. This is quite literally, a fight between the rich, and the poor. The wolves in suits collectively believe we will give up, sell, and walk away, ultimately leaving them to walk away Scott free. Oh no, not this time. 👎🏼
So what do we do? Well, I can only tell you what CAN HAPPEN.
Right now at the rate that you crazy apes are going, we can keep FFIE above a dollar for 7 more closing nights. What would this mean? This would mean the Hedge’s have 7 days until FFIE officially can no longer be delisted from NASDAQ.👏🏼 Now because these Hedge’s betted AGAINST FFIE, this is absolutely not good news for them because they’d have to pay back the stocks they shorted, plus the interest (which all depends on how much we can make this stock rise). This is what we’re all waiting for. “The Short Squeeze.” 🍋🍋
“Big Ape! Too many words!!” Okay Okay, i’ll dumb it down for you. The smartest moves for us little guys to collectively make would be to buy, and hold. 💎🤲🏼 “But if we all buy and hold then how come there are still dips?” Because the Hedge’s will sell their shares. This causes the price of the stock to fall. They do this purposefully to make us panic, and sell. “So what do WE do about that?” Simple, we eat those shares right up. Remember, the Hedge’s are hoping we ignore these sold shares, as well as sell our owned shares, they don’t really want to lose the shares they sell. The way to genuinely stick it to them besides holding, is to buy during the dip. “How do I know its the best time to buy??” No one knows when a dip will end. The best thing to do is to go with your gut feeling and to buy when YOU feel comfortable. Remember, a dip is bound to come back up as long as we Hold and Buy, so don’t get too greedy when it comes to the best price per share. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD
New post - https://www.reddit.com/FFIE/s/5m9YiNySoH
submitted by Fit-Bag-4233 to roaringkittybackup [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:19 retronaco Overactive bladder

On may 9th I started to have to go to the washroom more frequently I noticed that I had to go roughly every hour… I started feeling back pain on my right side more of a pressure pain. I initially thought I may be getting a kidney stone and boy was I wrong! I’m going to tell you guys my experience and how crazy this has been… here’s a little context. I am currently going through a divorce (which was my own doing), financially I am tight as I have to uphold two mortgages one being my own and other being portion of a rental property I own. However the rental property is not a positive cash flow atm due to high interest rates. A lot has happened in May. I had to buy a new dryer as my drying machine just went, also a new microwave (over stove). I work in sales and with high interest everyone is so tight with money and people aren’t spending nearly as much as they were a year ago. I could go on about more but no need. So may 9th it began, all day that day I had to constantly go to washroom almost every hour, I smoked some weed and went to bed. That night I ended up wetting myself a little overnight (this was a first) I panicked and snapped out of it however the next few days I would continue to have back pain and constantly peeing, unfortunately I started doing some google reading on this and I had pre determined myself that maybe I had a kidney stone and just needed to drink more fluids and try to get better. It went on until Wednesday may 15th at this stage my lower back pain had increased and I started noticing pain in my abdomen area also. I went to doctors and did some sampling. They found microscopic blood in my urine but weren’t sure what it could be and sent it in for further testing on top of that in Canada the long weekend was coming which typically means you won’t get lab results until mid next week (this week). Now this continued as I was freaking out about blood in my urine and more googling which made things worse… Friday May 17th comes around. At this stage I was extremely worried and was going to washroom every 30 mins until night time. Night time was horrible (I don’t wish this on my worst enemy) at night time while trying to go to sleep I started to go to washroom every 5-10mins and shortly after around 1AM Saturday I couldn’t get off toilet the back pain had increased and abdomen pain had increased. It left like my bladder was just squeezing everything out! I panicked further! I spiralled and broke down, I went to the hospital. Once I got to hospital and told them my symptoms they believed I was passing a kidney stone but they wanted to confirm and do a CT scan, blood work, and a urine sample. Few hours later my results were in… everything was fine. The doctor said he was not sure exactly what was happening but thinks I have something called “interstitial cystitis” however said I should speak to my family doctor and see a urologist. This is where I started doing more research as I couldn’t take going to washroom so much… I came across urinary frequency and one of the causes was anxiety and stress… I’ve always told my self that I have never had anxiety and never have experienced it. On google I came across a Reddit and it was someone who has experienced similar things and it turned out to be just anxiety. Currently as I am typing this I am improving quite a bit I no longer have to go every 5-10 mins. I go roughly every 2 hours. I am still in recovery as I do have moments where I need to go within 20 mins of just going to the washroom. However I have not taken any medicine I have slowly learned to accept things and get better and this has helped a lot with my anxiety. I have learned that somethings I cannot control but everything will be ok. I started to keep busy (deep clean the house, do all laundry, cooking, lawn work) and that really helped grounding me. Also one thing that helped me is start to relieving some weight. I’ve had weight on my shoulders about leaving my wife so I apologized to her last night saying that I am sorry for making her feel like her world is getting destroyed as we have a child which we will have to share custody. I also am writing this to get better. Please know guys if you are going through this it will all be ok! You have to overcome what is bothering you and accept it. The mind is very powerful, we can make ourselves sick even when we aren’t. I’m sure this isn’t my last time with this but I hope my experience helps you! And know you will be ok.
submitted by retronaco to Anxiety [link] [comments]
