Letter of recommendation registered nurse coworker

Contraceptive bar and pill at the same time

2024.05.21 17:46 glb2020 Contraceptive bar and pill at the same time

I attended the woman’s health nurse this morning to speak about removing the contraceptive bar as I was having numerous issues, constant bleeding being one from the day I had it inserted in February.
I explained I wanted it out ASAP as not only was the constant bleeding making me miserable, I was throwing out clothes and bed sheets due to heavy bleeding and my moods have dipped. I’m not sure if she could understand when I meant ASAP as in, I can’t be miserable any longer and my periods previous to the bar was always regular, no issues. I got the bar for contraceptive reasons and without being funny, I will not attempt sex due to the constant bleeding, it’s obviously working!
The nurse told me to try the pill on top of the bar and I felt that no matter how many times I explained, and reasoned with my own opinions, the nurse was giving numerous options and said that 3-6 months is the recommended time frame to “give my body time to regulate”. I stated that I’d rather avoid feeling like I’m going to ruin clothing and bedding due to having to change pads and tampons more times than I’d like to admit. Regardless of the pill or not.
All in all, surely if someone says they aren’t happy with something they have a right to say that don’t want it anymore? I am now taking the pill on top of the bar and questioning my own sanity now.
submitted by glb2020 to IrishWomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:40 FailedPerfectionist Advice on wording in doctor's note for ADA workplace accommodation request

Advice on wording in doctor's note for ADA workplace accommodation request
Ask your doctor to use the word "required" rather than "recommended".
My workplace is returning to the office full-time this summer. I've been working remotely, but they hadn't officially approved my ADA request. After they announced the return to office, they asked me to submit a doctor's note.
This is the excuse they used when they denied my request: my doctor said "recommended" instead of "required".
Now, they might have been able to find a loophole even if my doctor had used "required", but why make it easier for these corporations?
Epilog: I'll be leaving the job I've been happily employed at for over a decade because of this.
submitted by FailedPerfectionist to TwoXADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:39 FailedPerfectionist Advice on wording in doctor's note for ADA workplace accommodation request

Ask your doctor to use the word "required" rather than "recommended".
My workplace is returning to the office full-time this summer. I've been working remotely, but they hadn't officially approved my ADA request. After they announced the return to office, they asked me to submit a doctor's note.
This is the excuse they used when they denied my request: my doctor said "recommended" instead of "required".
Now, they might have been able to find a loophole even if my doctor had used "required", but why make it easier for these corporations?
Epilog: I'll be leaving the job I've been happily employed at for over a decade because of this.
submitted by FailedPerfectionist to neurodiversity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:39 2021Loterati Cool stuff to do in Japan this fall?

I just found out I'm going on a business trip to Japan for 3 weeks in OctobeNovember so I'm definitely going to take an extra 2 weeks for vacation while I'm there.
I have been to Japan many times over the last 20 years but I haven't been back since 2016. I usually go to just tokyo and Osaka so I haven't seen much of the rest of the country. I've seen Kyoto, Nara and hyogo since they are close to Osaka. I can speak Japanese pretty fluently so I am hoping to go a little beyond the basic tourist stuff and I'm flying solo, so while I can take my Japanese and American coworkers, I don't have to.
Most of this trip I'll be in tochigi working and at some point I would like to visit a friend in Tokyo but basically I have 2 weeks to check out the rest of the country.
1 thing which complicates things slightly is that I can't drink alcohol anymore. I spent most of my days in Japan in the past out at izakaya and karaoke boxes but I think this time will be a bit different.
I can say I'm very interested in trying cool restaurants. I love viral foodie videos. I love the idea of seeing macaques hanging out in hot springs.
Museums and art stuff are a must. The Toyota showroom in Yokohama is cool but I probably wouldn't go again. Miraikan and the giant Gundam I found very very underwhelming and would not go back to.
Let me know if you have any suggestions, I know I'm not the easiest person to make recommendations for. But I'm just hoping to be able to pick and choose from random ideas.
Thank you
submitted by 2021Loterati to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:39 FailedPerfectionist Advice on wording in doctor's note for ADA workplace accommodation request

Advice on wording in doctor's note for ADA workplace accommodation request
Ask your doctor to use the word "required" rather than "recommended".
My workplace is returning to the office full-time this summer. I've been working remotely, but they hadn't officially approved my ADA request. After they announced the return to office, they asked me to submit a doctor's note.
This is the excuse they used when they denied my request: my doctor said "recommended" instead of "required".
Now, they might have been able to find a loophole even if my doctor had used "required", but why make it easier for these corporations?
Epilog: I'll be leaving the job I've been happily employed at for over a decade because of this.
submitted by FailedPerfectionist to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:37 FailedPerfectionist Advice on wording in doctor's note for ADA workplace accommodation request

Ask your doctor to use the word "required" rather than "recommended".
My workplace is returning to the office full-time this summer. I've been working remotely, but they hadn't officially approved my ADA request. After they announced the return to office, they asked me to submit a doctor's note.
This is the excuse they used when they denied my request: my doctor said "recommended" instead of "required".
Now, they might have been able to find a loophole even if my doctor had used "required", but why make it easier for these corporations?
Epilog: I'll be leaving the job I've been happily employed at for over a decade because of this.
submitted by FailedPerfectionist to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:37 stefan_mih Forgot to register to the monicipality.Not sure in how much bigger trouble I am.

Hello! This is my first school year in Groningen as an international.I knew I had to register and do the BRP and all of that mut every time I wanted to do it something came up. I did not take it seriously, until today when I received a letter which dates back two months ago a out how I changed my housing and I should report that in 5 days.(A bit to late now)
I have not recisterd to the municipality before.
Are there any serious consequences? Will I have to pay a fee? Will this affect me if in the future I want something like an insurance?
I got an appointment next week to register and i wanna know what should I expect? And what documents should I bring?
Thank you!
submitted by stefan_mih to Groningen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:27 FeelingSwimming2481 Am I screwed for not doing HPAC?

I’m in my second year of undergrad and will graduate a year early (next spring). I plan on applying this cycle, but I didn’t take part in my schools health professions advisory committee.
I’m a first gen, and I really didn’t even know what HPAC was until about a month before applications were due (all essays written, three letters of recommendation, etc). This was due in mid March of this year. I met with my career counselor and she said they had been having trouble with students dropping out of HPAC last minute because they chose not to apply, and that because of that there were going to bo consequences if you applied for HPAC, got accepted, and then dropped it (for example, not being able to apply the next year).
At that time, I thought I was going to have to take an extra semester in the summer to finish up my courses and I know a lot of dental schools won’t accept you if you take summer courses, so for all of those reasons I chose to not do HPAC.
But now, I’ve been hearing a lot of pre-dents say that they won’t even consider you if your school had an HPAC and you didn’t do it.
Am I screwed? Should I wait until next cycle to apply so that I can apply for HPAC?
submitted by FeelingSwimming2481 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:27 Depressed_Soul_1234 Help on who I should ask for my letter of recommendation

I’m a junior and I plan on majoring in Biology in college and I had planned on asking my APES teacher to write me a letter of recommendation and when I had asked her like two to three months ago she told me to ask her again once we did this college project thing and we’re in the middle of doing it right now and I asked her today and she said she reached her capacity of 15 ppl she’ll right a letter of recommendation for so now I don’t know who to ask.
As of right now I am thinking of asking my orchestra teacher as I have been playing the violin since 3rd grade and I am in the highest orchestra possible at my school. Or I could ask my AP Comparative Government teacher for a recommendation or my Honors Anatomy and Physiology teacher who’s known me since sophomore year. Who would it make more sense to ask? I feel like an AP teacher would have a better letter of recommendation but that AP teacher has nothing to do with science or anything I have done or want to pursue in my future.
submitted by Depressed_Soul_1234 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:23 mimichan129 Strategies to cope and manage in a toxic household when exiting isn't an option

I 29F live with my mom, older brother by 6 yrs and 95yr old grandma. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety from about 20yrs old and have probably been living with it since I was a child but didn't know what it was. Since I was a child I have had a lot of responsibility placed on me as the "gifted kid" that would "save and protect" the family and hold it together. Now, I wasn't aware I was being put into that role until I got to live and work abroad and had some time to reflect and also talk to peers to realise that most people don't live their childhood, teens and twenties supporting their family of adults - especially not as the youngest member of the household.
That job abroad felt like it was the first time doing something for myself and by myself but quickly became supporting the family financially and at every beck and call from abroad. My mom would vent to me about whatever is daunting on her emotionally, stressing her financially etc and being so used to it - I always made it become my problem to fix it. This lead to a problem where, I have no savings, no property that isn't tied to/shared with someone else, and I am constantly mentally drained and emotionally exhausted till I just don't have the mental capacity to work on my own goals and aspirations. Further stressing me out is I actually have a lot of big goals and aspirations and expectations I set to myself. Being so far behind, esp when it seems like its mostly not my fault (apart from my enabling it etc) doesn't do wonders for my mental health.
The usual pattern in my life is as soon as the slightest good thing happens, or even just a shift in my mental health (say motivation comes from somewhere and I really start to put plans into action) - something much worse happens that forces me back into my abyss. Except, it gets deeper and deeper every time. I'll spare you several examples.
So upon my realisation that I was probably "parentified", that my mom is far too reliant on me as a second breadwinner and that I am functionally her husband - I wrote her a letter saying I was pulling the plug on all that, that they all needed to learn how to live without relying on me because I don't even want kids and don't see why I am supporting adults when I don't even live there at the moment. I was going to express that they are fundamentally holding me back and that it has to and would stop.
Unfortunately, before I could finish that letter, mom calls to say she was diagnosed with cancer. Now this too would be somehow my issue to fix cause my brother though working always made less than me and he was extremely unwilling to take care of mom. Even to just take her to doctors appointments he couldn't be bothered to do, preferring to just work instead. While I was abroad I had to ask my friends and mom had to ask her friends for that kind of support and I eventually hired a caregiver that I sent money back home (in addition to my usual financial aid). Eventually it would come to pass that mom would need chemo and the possibility she may not survive. I was afraid to come home lest all the burden of this naturally high stress situation fell on me - but at the same time what if she doesn't make it and I never saw her again?
I couldn't afford a roundtrip airfare and the arrangement with my job was if I terminated at the end of my contract without renewing I could go home at my employer's expense. I decided to quit and come home after a less than hopeful conversation with my mom's oncologist. This meant financially we'd be reliant on mom's regular burdened by debt income, her insurance and my brother's income (this never happened btw) to get by since I am now jobless.
What I feared happening happened exactly AND more! Not only did the caregiver I hired eventually walk off the job which made me mom's primary caregiver, her nurse, her chauffer, personal assistant and courier. I also became the housekeeper, the shot caller, the household manager, the cook, the plumber... you get the idea. On top of that, my brother would be a regular thorn in the side because he would throw tantrums when I needed the car to do things for mom (mom and I own the car but mom started to let him drive it while I was away since he recently got his license). He was highly uncooperative with handling his own personal responsibilities (eg taking care of his cats), as well as anything where I would need extra help with mom. My grandma also would complicate things ( she has always been a narcistic bitch and no one in the family likes her but mom insists she has to stay cause mom is a pushover - you see who I get it from yes. Grandma would actively compete with my mom for pity points, faking sickness, deliberately making herself sick, exerting herself unnecessarily to then feign weakness and guilt trip me - all because she wanted the same attention that I gave the cancer patient.
Mom too, would put me under emotional duress cause in all this she also wanted me to do everything and be happy about it even if I had to pretend. She would start to make demands, oddly specific meal requests of someone who does not cook at all, demand having access to me at all times of day, and if I were to take free time out of the house by myself, she would insist I need to do something for the house or for her while I was out esp if I was going to use her car (the car we both own, that when we bought she told me it was mine and the car that is officially willed to me - yes that one). We also had several arguments where I learned she always thought that cause I was the "smart one" she expected that I could be fully left to my devices and I'd turn out fine and she could rely on me to take care of my deadbeat, driven-less, lazy, lonely, woman-blaming incel and approaching sexually deviant brother after she eventually passes. Cause she is confident that he may never learn to fully adult. And she is likely right by her own fault was she coddles him and shields him from every form of consequence of his action or inaction and is very hesitant about any kind of tough love for him but when it comes to me - even with the slightest of things/benefits she will quickly withhold because "I am inherently more privileged" than he is.
In all of this, my friends when I reach out for support never want to show up. They don't want to deal with any of my problems. No one wants to let me stay even for a week to get a break from my household. Most of them anyway I can't even trust cause they see me as their scapegoat for female touch and affection and since I am no longer willing to pity their loneliness they have gone extremely cold and some try to skirt around touching me inappropriately when they're around me.
Now, I also live in a poor country where pay is always shit. I still only have a bachelors in something that pays extra shit at entry level esp in my country. Peers in my country have very different interests than me usually which is how I am still with the same circle of misfits I have from high school as friends. There's not really anything to do at home that interests me - career wise or entertainment wise. Which is why getting out was such a high priority. But as you can see that's always been and continues to be put on the back burner.
Now that mom is doing much better, its back to looking at exiting cause I will not ever feel better if I stay in this house or even in that country. And my family can thank themselves for finally pushing me to the point where I really don't care what happens to them once I am confidently gone.
So I have shit family, shit friends, no job, my family is actively trying to strip me of any kind of power or leverage with what I do own, changing the conversation as necessary if it means I stay trapped. All because I unfortunately expressed that I want out and that I am not of the opinion that family is everything or blood is thicker than water. Once I get a job, it probably won't pay well enough to rent and apparently the car I part own isn't really mine while I live in my mom's house (which is also legally, partially mine) by her logic. Public transit is very expensive, so if I rent without a car that's even more money I'd have to make. I'd also have to accept the risks that come with public transit in a murder-loving country esp a murder-against-women-loving country vs just brute forcing the mental trauma of staying at that pitiful excuse of a home.
This was a lot longer than planned and if you read all of that, thank you. Sincerely. If you have any tips on how to cope in a high stress, high pressure environment besides hobbies, meditation and exercise - enlighten me. If you skipped to the end, I am not doing a TLDR. I will just wish you blessings and I hope that your life is on a better trend than mine ever was.
submitted by mimichan129 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:23 Agitated-Eye-2241 Angelina Mango's stalker arrested

The man was taken from his home by the Carabinieri of Mesola and had been under house arrest since February following the singer's complaint.
Angelina Mango and her mother were stalked for months by a man who has been arrested and taken to a psychiatric clinic of the hospital service. He ended up under house arrest last February, after the singer's complaint, filed in the province of Milan.
The 49-year-old was taken from his home by the Carabinieri of Mesola (Ferrara) on the order of the Gip of Milan who arranged for him the provisional precautionary measure of hospitalization in a psychiatric service facility. After being placed under house arrest in February, he continued relentlessly to send registered letters and WhatsApp messages to the winner of the Sanremo Festival 2024 and her mother.
After the elements collected by the Milan prosecutor's office, the judge decided to apply a more restrictive measure to the man pending an evaluation of his possible mental infirmity. The military took him to the psychiatry department of the Cona (Ferrara) hospital where he will be guarded by the penitentiary police staff.
submitted by Agitated-Eye-2241 to eurovision [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:20 horrorsthathaunt_me Horror Podcast Recommendations

I'm very picky with podcasts and for that reason I find it very hard to find some that i actually like, so here are some of the best (in my opinion) horror podcast that i've listened to so far:
Hope you enjoy them as much as I did :) and if you have any recommendations please let me know 'cause I'm in a desperate search for a new podcast to listen to…
( All of the podcast mentioned are available on spotify)
submitted by horrorsthathaunt_me to horrorpodcasts [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:18 Formal-Foundation617 How important are letters of recommendation for the computer science master program at Stanford?

As title, the program requires 3 letters of recommendation, 2 of which must come from academic professors. I don’t do any research so I don’t have many relationships with professors. I’m pretty close to a professor at my community college so she probably gives me one, but the other two would most likely come from my software engineer coworkers, one of them might be my manager. In summary, my 3 letters, 1 from my professor at my cc, 2 from my coworkers. How likely am I going to get admitted into Stanford CS master program?
More context, right now I’m a rising senior at Berkeley in CS. I have 2 internships under my belt.
Thank you for any input
submitted by Formal-Foundation617 to stanford [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:12 Evening_Mouse_9582 Kesimpta - My experience

Hi All,
The post is to everyone who is starting their Kesimpta anytime in the future.
I am sharing my experience here :
Before starting kesimpta, I read about the side effects in this here. Every posts that I read had horror stories. Not sure, if i didnt bother to see happy stories or if the sub recommends only horror stories or only the horror stories registered in my mind.
I was so nervous. I had taken the day off. Went to my neurologist for the first injection. Every thought I self injected it, the trained me with a dummy pen before. They monitored it. Explained me about how to use the injection. Note : Take it out of fridge before 20-30 mins. The rule is to bring it to Room temperature before injecting. My doctor gave me antihistamine and Paracetamol, asked me to take it after 4 hours of injection. I had my 2nd monthly dose last week. Didnt take antihistamine, just took paracetamol after 5 hours may be, because i got mild headache. Otherwise I didn’t have any other symptoms. I was on Avonex before. I find Kesimpta better. Less no of injection. Not painful like Avonex and since its not intramuscular less blood as well.
So I repeat again, Every body reacts differently. Just drink lot of water at least on the day of Injection, to stay hydrated which helps with headache.
Stay positive, dont get scared reading all horror stories. If something bad happened to other person doesnt mean it will happen to you as well.
submitted by Evening_Mouse_9582 to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:12 Alive-Appointment970 Dizziness and vertigo at work?

19f Diagnosed with depression, anxiety, ocd and hypothyroidism (all under control at the moment) Meds: focalin, depakote, ziprasidone, pristiq, (all for depression and ocd) levothyroxine (for thyroid)
I’ve been working for about 3 weeks now at walmart, i work about 20-29 hours a week. my job is pretty easy so far. I mean it involves a lot of standing but the work itself is pretty simple. I am on my feet all day and when im not standing/walking im up and down kneeling to get stuff on the ground.
It really shouldn’t be that physically demanding for someone my age. But 3 or 4 hours into my normally 8 hour shifts (with a meal break after four hours) i start to have terrible brain fog and vertigo. My hips also hurt really bad which doesn’t help. It’s too a point where i can no longer concentrate enough to do my job and am basically useless the second half of the day. My coworkers say i look unwell and are concerned about me. I also move really slowly and am more shaky than normal. I can barely focus enough to fold and hang clothes, and it’s hard for me to notice things that need to be done like a fallen hanger or clothes in the wrong order even when im trying to find something to do. My brain just won’t register even when im trying really hard to concentrate the brain fog is awful and the vertigo persists for a while even after i sit down. I thought that after i got used to the job i would have less issues but it doesn’t seem to be getting any better.
I also say again that the pain in my hip, knees, and legs, is pretty damn bad. Mostly my hips. I think the pain is contributing to the brain fog and lack of concentration.
I don’t have any known blood sugar issues, i take a multivitamin, im trying to drink more water and stay hydrated. Any idea as to why this is happening and if it will stop on it’s own as i get used to work. If not what are the next steps i should take at least before i can see a doctor which may be a while.
submitted by Alive-Appointment970 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:09 mcsteamy12345 Wearing sunglasses and/or blue light glasses to minimize (hypo)mania in summer

Hi everyone! I wanted to share this with you all (for the people who didn't know this already). I wasn't aware of this but my nurse practitioner advised me to invest in some blue light filter (sun)glasses to help prevent episodes during the upcoming summer months. Please feel free to share your thoughts and/or experiences on this.
Here’s more on the relationship between light exposure, circadian rhythms, and manic episodes:

Circadian Rhythms and Bipolar Disorder:

  1. Circadian Rhythm Disruptions:
    • Individuals with bipolar disorder often have disrupted circadian rhythms. Proper management of light exposure can help stabilize these rhythms, reducing the risk of mood swings.
  2. Light as a Trigger:
    • Excessive exposure to natural or artificial light, especially blue light, can disrupt circadian rhythms and sleep patterns, potentially triggering manic episodes. By regulating light exposure, one can help maintain a more stable mood.

Combining Sunglasses and Blue Light Filters:

  1. Daytime Use of Sunglasses:
    • Wearing sunglasses during the day, especially when outdoors, can reduce overall light exposure, minimizing overstimulation and helping to maintain more consistent circadian rhythms.
  2. Evening Use of Blue Light Filters:
    • Using blue light filter glasses in the evening can help mitigate the impact of artificial light from screens and indoor lighting, promoting better melatonin production and improving sleep quality.

Practical Tips:

  1. Consistent Use:
    • Consistently wearing sunglasses when outdoors in bright conditions and using blue light filters in the evening can help regulate light exposure and support mood stability.
  2. Sleep Hygiene:
    • Maintain good sleep hygiene by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, creating a dark, quiet sleep environment, and avoiding screens for at least an hour before bedtime.
  3. Monitoring Mood:
    • Pay attention to how light exposure affects your mood and sleep. Adjust the use of sunglasses and blue light filters based on personal observations and any recommendations from healthcare providers.
In summary, while wearing sunglasses and blue light filter glasses alone is not a cure for bipolar disorder or manic episodes, these tools can be part of a broader strategy to manage light exposure, support circadian rhythm regulation, and improve sleep quality, potentially reducing the risk of manic episodes during the summer months.
submitted by mcsteamy12345 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:04 vacuumWR How to narrow and find the right career/master degree?

I’m a 24-year-old looking to pursue a master’s degree, but I’m unsure which field to choose. Here’s a bit about my background: I graduated with a B.S. in Psychology, along with Forensic Science and Pre-Med Certificates. Initially, I planned to go to medical school, but after shadowing in the medical field, I realized it wasn’t for me. Unfortunately, I discovered this in my senior year of college so I can’t just change major or get another certificate. However, during my senior year, I started learning new skills like coding and data analysis, hoping they might be useful.
I decided to take a gap year to figure out my path and pay off my student loans. Fortunately, I landed a job in video production right after graduation, and my contract was extended from one year to two years. Although I like my current job, there is not much grow potential in my position, especially without a master or higher degree. If everything goes as planned, I should finish paying off my student loans by the end of this year. This means I need to start my graduate school applications soon, so I can get accept into Fall'25 program. I don’t want to take more than a two-year gap because I worry it will be difficult to get letters of recommendation if I’m away for too long. Getting these letters is already a challenge since I was working 2 part-time jobs and very close to my professors .
I hoped to have a clear goal after almost a year of thinking, but I still feel as uncertain as I did a year ago. On the bright side, my company offers free Coursera programs. I know people said that they are not that useful, but since they are free, I completed the Data Analytics and UX Design Professional Certificates from Google. I also might get a couple more certificates as well.
However, the more I learn, the more unsure I become. I feel like I could many options because I’ve picked up a lot of random skills, but they do not seem correlate with one another now that I think about it. And, almost everyone is getting laid off, which make me even more anxious about my decisions. I know this sounds like I’m just complaining, but I’m genuinely concerned. Does anyone have any advice for me? Thank you.
Sorry for long paragraphs, but here is the sum up skills:
submitted by vacuumWR to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:03 Angry_Catto115 I hate the DMV

Last week I go in to get an ID that coincidentally expired two days after my job interview. I was hoping to start soon but my luck has been down the drain this year. To make it more difficult I moved in 13 days before that incident with the DMV meaning I have no pieces of mail, its too early get any bills of any kind. I rushed to get as much spam mail + other pieces but only made out with two. I go in with two pieces of proof of residence. She says she can’t accept online documents (Its my electric bill) but the apartment lease was fine. I wasted 20 minutes and went home angry. I come back calmed down today and present a letter from the landlord + the lease and she says she can’t accept the lease because I didn’t have my name on the water bill section. She then asks if I have a bill of any kind and I say no I haven’t been there long. The next part infuriated me to the point where social decency was no longer a concept to me, a quiet and understanding guy who respects everybody and is somewhat cautious not to be confused with shyness. This troglodyte asks me if I have my electric bill on my phone. I say “Why? you rejected me the last time.” And her excuse is thousands of people go through everyday. I tell her I came on the last day the DMV was open 20 minutes to closing and came early in the morning the moment the doors opened. So that was a complete lie. She starts nit picking at the authenticity of my citizenship (I’m literally Native American) and her co worker swoops in and finishes it while she tells her incompetent hobgoblin coworker to go in the break room because shes all flustered. Got my ID thankfully but seriously? Why do I go through these loop holes just for you to lie to me about the electric bill? I was late to my orientation by 10 minutes but at least next Tuesday I can come back and finish it and start working. Anybody else hate it or am I just a big hater?
submitted by Angry_Catto115 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:02 crackjack83 Difference in the wording between Canada PR's NOC page and my experience letter.

So one screenshot is a list of duties as mentioned on Canada PR's NOC website and the other is a list of duties as written on my experience letter. My occupation was that of a video game tester. The wording is rather different as you can see.
I know that exact word-to-word is not expected. In fact, it is recommended that it shouldn't be exactly word-to-word and there should be some differences or paraphrasing. But with such a difference will it be accepted by the immigration officer?
submitted by crackjack83 to canadaexpressentry [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:00 Only_Piccolo5736 Send Push Notifications without Hassles of FCM Token Generation for React-Native Apps

Handling FCM tokens and marking the user state is a hassle that businesses don't want to get into. To solve for this, SuprSend provides you with all the popular languages SDK, with point install and integration.

Token Generation and Notification handled By SDK

You may use this option if all of your Android push notifications are to be handled via SuprSend SDK. We recommend you use this method as it is just a single-step process just to register the service in your application manifest and everything else will be ready.
If you are targeting to API 33 (Android 13) you will additional need to add POST_NOTIFICATIONS       
Full documentation here:
  1. React Native - Docs
  2. Android - Docs
  3. Flutter - Docs
submitted by Only_Piccolo5736 to reactnative [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:00 wosieuwu constructive dismissal? disabled discrimination?

i feel like i’m being forced to quit my job, but i need some advice because something feels so off about what they’re asking of me. i’ve worked here since september, i’m in england. sorry this is a bit long i just wanted to make sure i had everything down. whilst most was done in conversation in person i do have me begging them to update my availability multiple times and it being ignored. i am also on LCRWA with universal credit and receive PIP. i do this job because it helps my mental health and honestly i don’t have enough money to live off of. some of my disabilities are BPD, CPTSD, IBS, severe social anxiety & Hemepliegic mirgaines. (suspected autism/adhd but not diagnosed)
-they don’t have my availability open, i take medication that makes me sleepy and i need to take it when i’m on a night shift to have any routine which is necessary for my mental health/disability. they told me i have to resign and they can’t make me redundant because they’re not getting rid of my job role. -they have asked me to get a letter from my doctor proving my disability and my medication and how it affects me, they won’t accept a prescription and research on the NHS website. i have to PAY for a letter from my doctor??? -they’re requesting proof of my therapy as it makes me unavailable on fridays. they don’t ask people proof of the them going to college when it affects their availability, or my coworkers who have children- they don’t ask for proof of their children so they can work 9-3. i’m wondering if they’re doing something shady to me because honestly none of it makes sense, and it’s making me feel uncomfortable and like they don’t believe that i am actually unwell. i have a PIP letter i offered to give them and an access card and they said they won’t accept that as evidence. they’ve also said any of my evidence of disability would be good for them (doctors notes, specialists notes, literally every evidence)
i don’t see why i have to provide all this information, and when i provide what should legally be classed as enough evidence. they say it’s not acceptable. i also was pretty sure they weren’t allowed to ask for it (they're not, apparently)
in one of my return to work reviews my manager questioned my absences asking why i would ever need time off because i only work 3 four hour shifts a week, to which i replied “i’m disabled you know that”, and he literally said “yeah, and?”, i explained “some days i don’t feel very well”, and he replied that “we all feel that way sometimes” - i had to report that to another manager and call him up on it because it made me feel so uncomfortable and judged. they’ve asked what adjustments i need and did it for one shift and then it reverted back to normal. my shift manager kept putting me on for fridays (i have therapy every friday for the foreseeable future. they knew this when i applied for my role) and over my contracted hours(which i can’t go over because one, i can’t physically, and two it will potentially affect my benefits- which i can’t afford to lose) i have consistently messaged my availability and it’s been ignored multiple times and i have to keep chasing it- which makes me uncomfortable. I shouldn't have to tell someone 6 times for them to acknowledge that.
they also keep putting me on the stressful job roles - EG tills & fitting room when i've specifically asked to be on a different department because the stress is too high, and when my IBS plays up i need to immediately go to the toilet and i can't do that on those departments.
my requests for appropriate change according to my disabilities have been ignored/overruled and i no longer feel this is a workplace that cares about my needs, being judged by members of staff has made me incredibly uncomfortable and my friend - another disabled worker at my job - has gone through the exact same issues.
i have been told i only have 9 days of sick leave in a 12 month period, and if i miss another day of work i will get a warning. after that i will be fired. i feel this forces me to work in an unsafe environment, based on the hours i'm asked to do & if i have a flare up i physically cannot work. i can't live in constant fear of losing my job because i'm disabled. i asked my manager if the notice period was 2 weeks and he said yes, upon looking at my contract that is incorrect, it is 1 week and i feel like he lied to me so i still work those shifts.
i want to write a resignation letter, but also potentially take this further. i do not want to resign- but feel like i have been pushed to take action. after i hand in the resignation letter i don’t know if i’ll be able to see my managers because my anxiety will just take over. please help me 😅
submitted by wosieuwu to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:59 healthtipsfitness21 PotentStream Reviews Reddit : Does Potent Stream Really Work ? Must Read! Before Buy

PotentStream Reviews Reddit : Does Potent Stream Really Work ? Must Read! Before Buy
In the field of health supplements for men, Potent Stream has attracted attention as a mixture of foods targeted at prostate health. But is it up to the hype, or is it just another too compromising product? In this comprehensive review, we delve deeper into ingredients, benefits, possible side effects, prices and customer feedback to give you an informed perspective.

What is PotentStream Exactly?

Potent Stream is marketed as a liquid formula consisting of premium natural ingredients, designed to support prostate health and function. According to its official website, this supplement aims to relieve prostate related problems and promote general well-being.
Visit the official website to learn more about Potent Stream today!

How Does PotentStream Work?

One of the factors that causes conditions such as BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia in men is aging. Changes in testicular cells and uncontrollable growth of these cells can cause prostate enlargement. They are usually common in men over 50. However, the latest reports show that symptoms of BPH began to appear in men who were in the late 1930s and early 1940s.
The reason why HPB appears in young men is due to toxins that enter the body through water or food. It has been observed that water contains microscopic materials, such as minerals such as calcium carbonate, microplastics or medical waste. These materials accumulate deposits in the urinary system and also cause enlargement of the prostate. Common symptoms of BPH include frequent urination, impaired urination, inability to completely empty the bladder, and urinary tract infections.
Potent Stream Drip cleans toxins and residue deposits in the bladder. It helps reduce the inflammation caused by these toxins and restore the normal functioning of the bladder.
The formula also helps keep prostate cells healthy and prevents them from further developing. By eliminating toxins, the supplement blocks any leakage of urine and stops frequent urination. Therefore, the formula supports the healthy functioning of the prostate, kidneys and urinary tract.

What are Potent Stream Ingredients?

The effectiveness of any supplement lies in its formulation. Consider the key ingredients of Potent Stream and its alleged benefits:
Neem oil: Known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, neem oil can help reduce inflammation and prevent prostate cancer.
Iodine: derived from sources such as wakame and seaweed, iodine supports hormonal regulation, metabolism and provides protection against cancer.
Saw Palmetto Essential Oil: It is often used to relieve symptoms of BPH and improve urinary and reproductive health in general.
Nori Yaki extract: rich in antioxidants, Nori Yaki extract helps fight oxidative stress and promote cellular health.
Wakame Extract: Rich in antioxidants, minerals and nutrients, wakame extract promotes overall health and vitality.
Kelp Powder: Provides anti-inflammatory benefits, potentially reducing organ damage and toxin buildup.
Bladderwrack Powder: Rich in antioxidants such as neopxanthin and fucoxanthin, bladderwrack powder helps fight inflammation and oxidative stress.
Pomegranate Extract: Known for its benefits for urinary and prostate health, pomegranate extract promotes bladder control and general well-being.
Shilajit: This natural substance should stimulate fertility, regulate hormones and improve overall vitality.

What benefits does Potent Stream offer us?

The announced benefits of Potent Stream include:
  • Improved urinary health: Improves bladder control and reduces urinary frequency.
  • Prostate support: It helps reduce inflammation and can prevent conditions such as HPB.
  • Detoxification of the body: helps eliminate toxins, promoting general well-being.
  • Hormonal regulation: Supports hormonal balance, potentially improving reproductive health.
  • Improved stamina and strength: Increases energy and vitality levels.
  • Prevention of kidney stones: helps prevent the formation of kidney stones by supporting kidney function.
  • Testosterone production: Supports healthy levels of testosterone, which is essential for total male health.

Pros and cons of Potent Stream


  • Contains only clinically tested ingredients
  • Manufactured in a US-based factory that is FDA registered and GMP certified.
  • No stimulants or harmful ingredients are added to the formula
  • non-GMO formula
  • Easy to take
  • 60 days money back guarantee


  • The supplement is not recommended for children under 18
  • Results after using Potent Stream may vary from person to person

Is PotentStream Safe? – Potent Stream Side Effects and Precautions

Potent Stream is marketed as a natural supplement with no reported side effects. However, people with pre-existing health problems or those taking medication should consult their doctor before using them.

Potent Stream Price and Where to Buy PotentStream?

Potent Stream is only available for purchase online on its official website. The supplement is offered in different packages, allowing customers to save on bulk purchases. Each purchase comes with a 60-day satisfaction guarantee, which guarantees a secure trial period.
Mentioned below are the pricing details of the Potent Stream formula.
  • 1 bottle (30-day supply) - $69 per bottle + free shipping
  • 3 bottles (90-day supply) - $59 per bottle = $177 + free shipping + 2 free ebooks
  • 6 bottles (180-day supply) - $49 per bottle = $294 + free shipping + 2 free ebooks

Final Verdict on Potent Stream Reviews

Potent Stream presents itself as a promising solution for prostate health. With a blend of natural ingredients and positive customer feedback, it can offer tangible benefits for men looking to support their prostate function.
Before putting a supplement into your routine, you should consult a health professional, especially if you have basic health problems or are taking medication.
Potent Stream offers a 60-day satisfaction guarantee, making it a low-risk investment for those who wish to explore its potential benefits.
Visit the official website to learn more about Potent Stream today!

Frequently asked questions

Does Potent Stream interact with other drugs?
If you are taking medication prescribed by a doctor, you should consult your doctor before taking other health supplements.
Are half-used Potent Stream bottles refundable?
Yes. Used, empty or full Potent Stream bottles are refundable.
How do I contact customer service?
To contact Potent Stream customer service, visit the official website and click Contacts for more details.
Is Potent Stream available in local pharmacies?
No. To avoid duplication, Potent Stream is sold only on the official website.
Will the result be affected if I omit the formula for 3 days?
To get the most out of the Potent Stream formula, it must be taken continuously for at least 3 months.
submitted by healthtipsfitness21 to HealthClubReviews [link] [comments]
