Gun cal size

The subreddit for long range precision shooting enthusiasts.

2012.03.24 11:07 pestilence The subreddit for long range precision shooting enthusiasts.

The subreddit for long range precision shooting enthusiasts. Community funds balance: $60 : Current Projects: Suggestions?

2014.04.27 10:28 Sturmgewehr90 California Guns

This subreddit is for the civil discussion of all things regarding California gun laws, rules, regulations and ownership.

2020.07.21 08:10 TitanMaster57 GunsForGays

Bi people like P90s, Pan people like FAMASes, FtMs like the PP-Bizon and MtFs like the Barrett .50 Cal. We all like guns and gun stereotypes, along with the vibe a certain sexuality feels towards a certain gun. Come and share!

2024.05.07 08:05 Coolshows101 Can I find more of these darts?

Can I find more of these darts?
The orange tip black Dart scene on the left of most of the photos is what I think a standard Dart size is. They came with my knockoff Strafe.
All of the darts I am looking for more of came from blasters that were $1.25 at Dollar Tree. The green and blue darts are from a blow dart gun and they seem a little more plump than the regular darts. The green darts for some reason are really bumpy and are not working right. They don't stay in the clip and they don't make a good seal in the darkshooter. I am going to try boiling them and see if that fixes things.
The tiny yellow and orange one and the orange hard tip one have some plastic up the middle. The yellow hard tip one has no plastic inside, but is for the same type of gun.
submitted by Coolshows101 to Nerf [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 07:45 The_Breadling H: Weapon List W: Caps

V/50L/25 Fixer F/FF25 .50 Cal Mu/50B/15R Handmade N/FF15V Handmade Q/FFGho Gatling Gun AA/50H/15V Handmade
submitted by The_Breadling to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 07:33 DudeFace71 H: Grolls, Apparel, Guns, Armor W: List, Apparel, Grolls

Q50c25 Railway
Q50c25 Handmade
AA50c25 Elders Mark
Q2525 Fixer
B50c25 Epr
AA50c25 Epr
AA2550bs Epf
B2525 Fixer
BE25 Fixer
B2525 Handmade
BE25 Handmade
B2525 UC Laser
AA50c25 UC Laser
B50c25 NU Laser
AA2525 NU Laser
Q2525 Tesla
Q2525 Cryolator
V2525 EPR
B40p+1s Chainsaw
AA40p+1s Chainsaw
Q50c50bs QE15c
Q50vhc25 Q2550bs
Q2590wr Q50c90wr Q2515fr
V2525 VE25 AAE25
Q50c15c QE15fr BE15fr TS50c25
B15v25 berE25 ber2525 V50c15fr
B50c15fr BE90wr TSE25
Q50c100 AriE25 TS2525
AAE15c AA2590wr AssE15fr
AA2515c JunkE25
Junk2525 JunkVHC25 Q25dwa25
AA2525 V50c25 V2590wr
Q50c15fr TSE15c
B50c15fr Q50cStealth QE90wr
B2515fr Ass2525
AA2590wr 50 Cal Q50c15fr lmg
Q50vhc25 cryolator TS2590wr cryolator
QBash90wr minigun ass2515fr cryolator
BE15fr 50 cal BE50drwa lmg
QE25 LMG, Minigun, Gatling gun
Aa2515fr Gatling Plasma
QE15fr Auto pipe TSE15fr Auto Pipe
QE25 Combat Rifle AAE15c elders mark
Q50vhc25 AR Q25100 Tesla TS2525 Tesla
I50c25 bpr VE90wr AR junk2525 epr
VE15fr lever action TSE15fr lever action
Q50vhc25 Plasma rifle BE+1p Fixer
B50c50bs Laser QE+1P Radium
B50vhc25 Elders Mark Q50c25 10mm smg
JugE15fr elders mark B50vhc25 .45 smg
QE250 auto pipe
B50c15fr gamma gun
MUT2525 laser pistol AAE25 10mm pistol
B50c25 M79
B2590 gamma
AA50c25 crossbow I50C25 Crossbow
AA50vhc15c crossbow B50c25 bow
I50c25 Compound B50c90 Compound
B15v50bs chainsaw AA40p50bs ripper
VSSS assaultron blade AA40p40 Drill
AASSS Glove (not sanitized)
V25D+1s chainsaw, BSSS deathclaw
UNY AP SENT Reverse paint FSA RL/LL
OE AP CAV Trapper LA
The rest (lots of good rolls):
TFJ x4
Red Asylum x4
LC x3
TLC x4
Responders Set x6
Loon x4
Bosjs x4
USA x3
FSA x3
Brahmin, Buffoon, Crazy Guy, Hag
Deathclaw, Fiend, Raven, Demon
forest, yellow, pink asylum
Rare bats
Enclave Forceful Stock
5k sd1 maps
2k L&L 8
2k explosive, 2k energy bobbles
2.5k psychobuff, 2.5k psychotats
Specific Wants:
TFJ, Red asylum, LC
Responders Set, FCJS, TLC
Q2525 Auto Pipe
B/I 50vhc 25 compound bow
B50c25 Handmade and Fixer
Q groll fixers/handmades/rails
Grolls (Weps or Armor)
Open to all offers however, let me know what your thinking and we can make a deal :)
submitted by DudeFace71 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 07:32 midnights_ghost- Returning player: whats the new meta?

I put in a lot of hours back in the days and moved onto other games since then. For reference, the last time I played was before you could re-spec the SPECIAL of a character. Never knew that was added until a few days ago.
I had a legacy build, BE Gatling Plasma etc but those were removed.
I still have a lot of top tier loot (or what was considered top tier back then). I have a few various bloodied meet hooks and other melees, bloodied fixers explosive and the 2525, bloodied handmade explosive and 2525, also have the bloodied explosive pipe pistols that were boosted by the pistol and rifle cards. In terms of heavy guns, I have a few anti armor and bloodied LMGs and 50 cals. Also have a few junkies weapons but never got around to doing a junkies build.
What's a good build to run these days?
And what's the armor to go for also?
submitted by midnights_ghost- to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 07:13 Branfart201 Today i (35M) found out my wife (33F) will take her mother's side to cover for a lie and somehow i am being kicked out for sticking to my gut. I am hurt. What Should I Do?

So to start our living situation is that we currently live with the my in laws until we could save enough for a house. Their house is big enough where we could have our own floor.. I love them and They have always been nice and accommodating. It obviously isn't nice when they can hear our business. Sometimes when they do. They offer advice which is fine
I had purchased some exercise equipment. I spoke to my wife about it. She said it's fine you can keep it in our room. Slide it under our bed when not using it.
Now... Here's the turning point. When the equipment came. Happily I carried it upstairs to our room. My lower back was hurting and it was late . But i didn't care., i was just content to have this up and running.
As i passed by my wife and mother in law (they had been mid conversation about something) i told them "it works". My wife says "it works?".... I said yes but i need a breather before i head upstairs (i had already carried it one flight of stairs)
As i took a minute to catch my breath in the other room, i could overhear them talking about it. I heard her mom ask "wheres he gonna put it or where its gonna go? Something to that effect. I heard my wife mention the name of the exercise equipment.
Now next thing you know, i hear my wife call my name out. I knew what was coming.
"Hey babe why don't you keep it downstairs by the front porch that way everyone can use it. "
I told her what we already discussed and she said that wasn't thoroughly discussed and that she had changed her mind
I said something to the effect of being truthful and not lying." why can't you guys just be truthful.
After some continuous back and forth, mother in law gets hysterical and adamantly says she mentioned nothing about the machine to my wife.
My wife goes into protective mode cursing me out. How dare i call her mother a liar.
I knew i had lost. She was always a mommas girl. But i couldn't believe what i was seeing. Two people i love soo dearly lying infront my face.
My wife stating that she made the final decision on where the machine should be and that her mother had no influence on it.
I'm not stupid guys. I know what i heard.
Now I'm being kicked out for sticking to my guns. My hands are tired. Wish i could write but my muscles probably aching from lack of sleep and stress.
I feel like i would be a prouder man if she kicked me out and i stuck to my truth... Then begging her back and tricking my brain into thinking "oh sure they weren't talking about me. They were talking about something else.
My wife claiming she changed her mind after she saw the size of the machine. But size doesn't matter when it can fix nicely under the bed or even under a couch
That's all i can write guys.
submitted by Branfart201 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 07:07 Old-Peanut-5622 What CGW parts will make my p01 smooth but reliable

I’m not very knowledgeable on gun mods or even what makes a gun that feels good to shoot feel good.
Looking for some direction
I carry a stock p01, today I shot a shadow 2 for the first time and it blew me away. Shadow 2 goes for 2-3x MSRP in my state so it’s off the table for now.
I know I can’t make my gun shoot like it’s full size competition sibling but What can I do to make my p01 smoother without sacrificing reliability as it’s my carry gun?
submitted by Old-Peanut-5622 to CZFirearms [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:44 LukienKT H: Trade List W: CE Uny/?/wwr chest/legs, ll3/gb3/bbhs, apparel

Looking primarily for CE pieces, will bundle weapons, armor or apparel for CE Uny/?/wwr pieces depending on the second star. I am also looking to move some of the weight out of my stash so feel free to offer on the weapons and armor with consumables or apparel offers. Not looking to trade off the apparel for anything but CE pieces.
Everything else is available for offers.
Responders fireman uniform
2x Responders fireman helmet
Leather Coat
Lvl 35 prototype hazmat (legacy)
USA mask
FSA mask
Loon Mask
  • Non Heavy ranged
Q/E/dur HM
B/50c/15r HM
AA/E/15vc HM
J/25ff25 HM
Ari/50c/25 HM

Q/50c/25 Fixer
Q/E/250dr Fixer
Q/RepAP/25 Fixer
TS/E/25 Fixer
Ari/E/25 Fixer

2xQ/25ff15r Rail
Q/RepAP/25 Rail
B/E/Dur Rail
Q/E/Ghost Rail
J/E/Dur Rail

TS/RepAP/25 Alien Blaster
TS/50h/15r Alien Blaster

B/25ws/15r EPR (aligned flamer, stabilized stock, reflex, prime)
Q/50c/fmwa EPR (aligned flamer, stabilized stock, reflex, prime)

AA/50c/90 10mm
B/25ffdur 10mm

V/25ff15 Elders Mark
B/50c/90 Elders Mark
Ari/50c/25 Elders Mark
Q/25ws/90 Elders Mark
AA/Bash/25 Elders Mark

Q/50c/15r Ultracite Laser Rifle
B/E/25 Hunting Rifle
AA/E/25 Western Revolver
J/50c/25 Radium Rifle
Q/50h/25 Pipe Rifle (level 10, .38 ammo)
TS/E/25 Lever Action Rifle
  • Misc heavy weapons
V/25ff15r .50 Cal
Jug/25ws/15r .50 Cal
AA/25aim/90 Flamer
B/E/90 Minigun
V/25aim/90 Gattling Plasma
Ari/25/dur Gatling Plasma
AA/50c/90 LMG
J/25/90 LMG
TS/50c/25 Auto Grenade Launcher
J/E/25 Gattling Gun
B/E/dur Pepper Shaker
  • Melee
V/SS/25 Chainsaw
Yellow bat (lvl45

OE/hunger and thirst/WWR T45 Chest
OE/Poison res/Sent T45 Right Leg
OE/S/Sent T60 Chest
OE/AP/Sent T45 chest
OE/AP/WWR T51b Right Arm
OE/Hunger and thirst/sent T51b Right Arm
Ass/AP/WWR T45 Left Arm
OE/Cha/WWR Ultracite Right Arm

B/1p/WWR CE Right Leg
Uny/AP/WWR FS Left Leg
Uny/Fire Res/WWR FS Chest
Uny/Rad Res/WWR Heavy Raider Left Arm
Uny/AP/Lockpick FS Right Leg
Uny/Rad Res/Cav CE Right Arm
Uny/Fire Res/Cav CE Chest
OE/Hunger and Thirst/Cav CE Left Leg
OE/Poi res/FDCWR FS Left Leg
OE/1s/WWR Robot Chest
Uny/Cryo/WWR sturdy Combat Left Arm
Weightless/1s/wwr FS Left Leg
submitted by LukienKT to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:21 PirateLord9101 H: Tradelist W: Offers

H: Tradelist W: Offers
H: Tradelist W: Offers
AA/e/90, Gatling gun
AA/50C/25 Fixer(2x), Handmade, Tesla Riffle, Dragon, Combat shotgun, Pipe Revolver, BP Pistol, BP Plunder, Em, Railway, EPR perfect mods
AA/25A/Dur EPF Perfect mods
AA/25/Dur .50, Minigun, epf perfect mods
AA/E/15R Pipe Pistol,
AA/25/90 Radium, Gamma gun, epp, flamer
AA/25/Dur NU Laser Riffle, Fixer, Hm, Gamma gun, Holy fire
AA/50C/15c epp
AA/Ap/25 Holy fire
AA/25a/Dur AGL,
AA/Pa/1s Grognaks Axe
AA/50C/90 Grognaks Axe, NU Laser Riffle, epp
AA/50L/25 Tommy gun
AA/50C/15r Hm
AA/e/15c RR (2x), Em
AA/25/25 lmg(2x) EPR, Rail, Fixer
Aa/25a/90rw AGL
Aa/e/25 Pipe Bolt Pistol, Radium, Fixer
AA/40/40 Ski sword
AA/50c/50bs Compound Bow
AA/40pa/50bs chainsaw
AA/40pa/1S Blue ridge Iron
AA/E/25 Fixer(3x), .44 Pistol
AA/40/40 Chainsaw (2x)
AA/25a/25 epr 2x
AA/50h/15c EPP
AA/50h/50bs EPP
Ari/Pa/40 Chainsaw
Ari/50/25 Cryo
Ari/E/15r Minigun
Ari/50C/Dur CR
Ari/25/25 Epr
Ari/25/50bs epp
A/E/25 Fixer
A/50c/25 Hm, Single Action Revolver
A/e/Dur Gatling gun
Aa25a90rw AGL
A/25/50bs Plasma Pistol
A/25/15r Laser Pistol
Be40/40 Drill
Be25/25 Hm, epp
Berz/e/25 10mm sub
Berz/e/15r Pipe bolt Pistol
B40Pa/1a Bear arm
B/50C/15C Hm ( 2x ), Pumpgun, .44 Pistol, Rwr, Epr perfect mods, Bow
B/50C/25 Chainsaw, Auto Pipe, BP Plunderbuss, Handmade, Em
B/E/25 lmg, combat riffle , AR, 10mm, Pipe pistol, Railway, Single Action Revolver, Radium
B/25/Stealth 10mm
B/E Black powder Riffle
B/Ap/25 Ul Laser Riffle, Gamma gun
B/50L/25 Hm
B/25/Dur RR ( 2x), Agl, Ugl, Flamer
B/e/50bs Combat riffle, BP Pistol
B/25/15r Gauss, 10mm, EPF, Cryo,
B/25/25 combat riffle, Fixer, Gat Plasma, Radium, gp, gl, EPR, Handmade
B/Bash/50bs Minigun'
B/50h/25 Fixer
B/25/90 epp with alligned flamer, lmg, Gatling laser, Cryo
B/e/15c Radium
B/40pa/40 chainsaw
B/e/90 AR
B/50l/50bs Peppershaker
B/25/50bs Plasma Thrower, Laser Pistol
B/e/90 lmg
B/50c/90 EPP
B/25a/50bs epp
B/50c/15r Em
B/25a/90 lmg, gl
Exe/50C/25 Hm (2x), Minigun, 10mm Smg, em
Exe/E/25 Lever, Combat Shotgun, 10mm Pistol
Exe/25/25 EPR, Gauss, Lever,
Exe/50C/15C EM
Exe/25/Dur Fixer
Exe/25/15r GP
Exe/50L/25 GAuss
Exe/E/15r Pipe Bolt Pistol
Exe/25/90 Radium, 10mm Smg, Hm (2x)
Exe/50h/25 Gamma gun, epp
Exe/e/15r Pipe Revolver
Exe/25/50bs epp
F/50C/25 NU Laser Riffle, Radium, CR,
F/Pa/25 Chinese Sword
F/25/Dur Minigun
F/Bash/Dur Minigun
F/25/25 UGatling Laser, EPR, Radium
F/Ap/25 GP
G/50h/25 epp
G/E/15R Radium
G/PA/25 DC Gauntlet,
G/50c/25 Flamethrower, Em
G/e/25 Hm
G/25/25 rwr
I/50c/25 bow
Inst/Ap/25 epp
Jugg/50h/25 EPP
Jugg/e/90 Fixer, hm
Jugg/e/25 Fixer, RR
Jugg/25/25 Fixer, Gamma Gun, hm , Cryo
Jugg/Pa/40Pa Chainsaw
Jugg/e/15r .50
Jugg/e/dur .50
Jugg/50c/25 hm,
J/E/25 Hm, RR, Em
J/25/15r EPR Perfect mods Alligned Auto, AGL, tommy gun
J/SS/1s Bowieknife, Powerfist,
J/25/15r RR(2x),
J/50c/15c RR, Single Action Revolver
J/25/90 .50,
J/25/25 Hm, Western Revolver, Hm, Kabloom
J/50l/25 epp
Med/25/25 Fixer
Med/25/15r Holy Fire
Med/50c/25 Minigun, AR,
M/25/15r AGL
M/Bash/Dur Minigun
M/50H/25 EPP Perfect Mods(alligned Auto)
M/25/25 10mm
N/E/25 .50
N/50c/25 Em
N/25/15r 10mm
Q/E 10mm, Lever, Gatling gun
Q/E/25 Lever, Combat Riffle.50, Sniper riffle, Fixer (3x), Railway
Q/25/15r Fixer
Q/25/90 Hm, Em, Fixer, epp
Q/E/15C Pipe Bolt Pistol(2x), 10mm Pistol,
Q/25A/25 Fixer
Q/50L/25 Fixer, Tesla
Q/50C/15r .50, Tommy gun Gatling gun, Auto Pipe,
Q/25/50bs Fixer, Holy fire, DB, Hm, Auto Pipe, Cryo
Q/50C/Dur Fixer (2x), hm, EPP ,Railway
Q/E/90 railway, .50 cal, Minigun
Q/25/25 Pipe Revolver, Ab, EPR perfect mods,
Q/50C 10mm, Em
Q/ap/25 Non Enclave plasma riffle
Q/Ap/15r Fixer
Q/25A/Dur Holy Fire, Gamma gun
Q/25A/15r Holy Fire,
Q/E Pipe Pistol, Hunter Riffle, Pumpgun, Combat Riffle, DB
Q/50C/25 Minigun,Tommy, Plasma Riffle, Pipe Auto , Gatling gun, Western Revolver, Epr, Radium, Handmade
Q/50b/25 Tesla, Hm
Q/50l/15r tesla
Q/25 Tesla
Q/50H/25 Radium, EPR, Western Revolver,
Q/e/15r hm(2x), Gatling gun, Em, Railway
Q/ls/25 Ab
Q/25/15c epp
Q/50h/15r EPP
Q/e/50bs Rwr
Q/25/15c Railway (2x) , EPP
Q/e/15r lmg
S/e/25 Fixer
S/25/15r Fixer
S/50c/25 Hunting riffle
Two Shot:
TS/50C/25 Fixer (2x), Hm (2x), Tesla, Dragon
Ts/25/25 AR, Fixer, epp
Ts/E/Dur Minigun
Ts/50H/25 Fixer, Radium
Ts/25/dur Fixer, hm
Ts/e/25 Pipe Revolver, RWR, Em, 10mm Pistol,
Ts/Ls/25 Assaultron Head
Ts/e/15c Lever (2x)
Ts/25/15r Flamethrower, EPR,
TS/50c/15c RR, Ab
TS/50L/25 Em Ts/e/15r lmg
Ts/25/90, Lmg
Ts/50c/15c Plunderbuss
Ts/e/90 Pumpgun, lmg
V/50C/15r GP, Gatling Gun
V/50C/15r Railway
V/e/dur Hm, Em
V/e/25, Hm, Em
V/Ap/25 Fixer
V/50L/25 Fixer, RR, 10mm, Hm
V/50C/25 Gauss, Chainsaw, DB(2x), Fixer, 10mm Pistol
V/e Lever
V/25/15c Hm(2x), Gatling laser, epp
V/25/25 Gatling laser, Pipe Bolt Pistol, Epr
V/25/50Damage resist EPR
V/e/15r Western Revolver, Single Action Revolver,
V/25/15r Plasma Thrower
V/25a/15r Plasma Thrower
V/25/90 Gamma Gun, Flamer
V/50h/25 epp
Armor Pieces:
Uny/AP/HTD H Leaver Set
Uny/Mix/Sent bos Combat armor set
As/Mix/Cav Usa Set
Van/Ap/Sent Usa
Uny/7Explo/Sent FSA LA
Uny/7Explo/Cav FSA La
OE/AP/Sent Usa LL
Oe/7Exp/Cryo Fsa LL
As/7E/AWR Raider PA LA
Van/Ap/Sent Heavy Combat Set 5/5
Aristo/AP/WWR Trapper RL
Aristo/AP/Stealth FSA Chest
As/7Exp/Sent FSA RL
Oe/7Exp/WWR X01 LA
Bolst/L/WWR Excavator LA
Bolst/S/WWR T60 LL
Uny/Ap/Stealth Trapper RA
Uny/S/WWR light Metal armor LA
Uny/I/Cav Wood Rl
Uny/1S/Wwr Heavy Raider Armor Ra
Uny/S/Limb Usa LL
Uny/Ap/Sent Fsa la (level 40)uny/ap/sneak trapper chest, trapper ra
Oe/Ap/wwr Raider PA rl ( level 30)
Uny/1P/Cav fsa Ra
Uny/S/WWR light Metal La
Uny/HungeWWR Usa Rl
OE/1e/FDC Usa ll
Bolst/I/sentt Trapper LA
Bolst/S/Sent Wood RL
Uny/L/WWR Heavy raider LA
Uny/S/WWR Sturdy leather RA
Uny/I/Sent Wood LL
Uny/Cryo/Sent FSA Cp
Uny/Cryo/Awr Fsa LL
Ari/Ap/Wwr Heavy metal CP'
Van/Cryo/WWR Leather CP
Van/AP/AWR Raider RA
Bolst/led/Cav Metal CP
Oe/1s/WWR Metal LA
submitted by PirateLord9101 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:09 3ghads ZotS/B&D from one Queer Trans Perspective

I'm a queer trans person. Both i myself and my loved ones have been targeted and threatened with hate crimes multiple times bt Christians due to me existing and my Rev. Dr. Mom's public support of queer and trans people in the church.
We always say we want allies to do more leg work helping people learn and change so those targeted with violence dont have to do so much heavy lifting with people who are not safe. ZotS is putting time, money, and energy into providing the social architecture for a medium sized trans/homophobic presence to have the right kind of encounters and connections to feel safe enough to change their minds. My mom has to talk to transphobes and homophobes and misogynists for work all the time. And she swears by relationship building and patience if you want to change hearts. She's seen it work.
Leftist purity culture tells us it's better to avoid risking eghically undesirable outcomes than it is to imperfectly pursue ethically desirable outcomes. And I think that's a crock of shit.
Reaching out like this might not work as quickly or as thoroughly as we want it to, and it may not work at all. That doesn't make it useless. Its a risk of time and energy and, in their case, a risk of reputation too, apparently. They're swinging. They might miss. Would you rather they not try?
As a queer trans person whose lived through the viable threat of guns and knives wielded by people who share Bethy's views attacking me or my mother at home or at our respective workplaces, I NEED PEOPLE TO TRY.
And if this fails, ZotS should not be tainted by proximity to bigotry. If trying to connect with bigots in hopes they might change taints you forever, then my queer trans wife would be ostracized from their own community for all their years trying to convince their family they are still worth love. Am I a tainted trans because I taught my bigoted mother in law some trans 101 a year before she spat some shit hateful nonsense at my wife? I dont think so. And if that's what happens to ZotS, I'm not gonna think they're bad either.
As for the money, you couldn't pay to give a shit, I do not care. What ZotS is doing, if it works and they provide the circumstances needed for Bethy and Dave to move away from bigotry, it is worth the money. And if they try and fail, well, I think it's worth that risk. I need it to be.
I need efforts to facilitate bigots to change to be worth social risk, worth financial risk, worth our time and effort. I need it because I dont want to get stabbed at work. I need it because I have lost untold tear-filled nights to the fear that my mother will be murdered by someone who holds Bethy's beliefs about women leaders in the church or about gay or trans people.
I live in Minnesota, a state trans people flee to as refugees for being among the safest for us in the nation. This is where I live with these threats. One of the safest places we have.
ZotS, please keep trying. I dont care if it doesnt work. I dont care if they make money.
I care about the good we could miss out on if you didnt try at all.
submitted by 3ghads to FundieSnarkUncensored [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:00 Velon_spear112 Advice for Chaos list

I have a list for a Chaos army that I could make if the up coming Codex doesn't change too many things up but idk if this is a strong or threatening list but I kinda like the feel of it maybe
++ Army Roster (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [1,995pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle Size: 2. Strike Force (2000 Point limit)
Detachment Choice: Slaves to Darkness
+ Character +
Chaos Lord [115pts]: Accursed weapon, Daemon hammer, Mark of Khorne, Talisman of Burning Blood, Warlord
Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour [135pts]: Chainfist, Combi-weapon, Eye of Tzeentch, Mark of Tzeentch
Exalted Champion [85pts]: Intoxicating Elixir, Mark of Slaanesh
Traitor Enforcer [65pts]: Mark of Tzeentch
+ Battleline +
Legionaries [160pts]: Chaos icon, Mark of Khorne
. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
. 4x Legionary w/ chainsword: 4x Astartes chainsword, 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Close combat weapon
. Legionary w/ heavy melee weapon
. Legionary w/ other weapon
. . Plasma pistol and Astartes chainsword
Legionaries [80pts]: Chaos icon, Mark of Tzeentch
. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
. Legionary w/ balefire tome
. 2x Legionary w/ boltgun: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Boltgun, 2x Close combat weapon
. Legionary w/ other weapon: Reaper chaincannon
+ Infantry +
Chaos Terminator Squad [370pts]: Mark of Tzeentch
. 3x Accursed weapon and combi-bolter: 3x Accursed weapon, 3x Combi-bolter
. Chainfist and combi-bolter
. Heavy weapon: Power fist, Reaper autocannon
. Paired accursed weapons
Obliterators [360pts]: Mark of Nurgle
. 4x Obliterator: 4x Crushing fists, 4x Fleshmetal guns
Traitor Guardsmen Squad [70pts]: Mark of Tzeentch
. Guardsman w/ Cultist grenade launcher
. 6x Guardsman w/ lasgun: 6x Close combat weapon, 6x Lasgun
. Guardsman w/ meltagun
. Guardsman w/ plasma gun
. Traitor Sergeant: Boltgun, Power weapon
Warp Talons [110pts]: Mark of Khorne
. 5x Warp Talon: 5x Warp claws
+ Vehicle +
Chaos Land Raider [240pts]: Combi-bolter, Havoc launcher, Mark of Tzeentch
Chaos Predator Annihilator [130pts]: Combi-bolter, Havoc launcher, Mark of Nurgle
. 2 heavy bolters
+ Dedicated Transport +
Chaos Rhino [75pts]: Combi-bolter, Havoc launcher, Mark of Tzeentch
*++ Total: [1,995pts] ++;
Created with BattleScribe
submitted by Velon_spear112 to Chaos40k [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 05:34 NUKENATHANYT WE vs Tau

Hello folks of tau! I am a tau player and one of my best friends plays world eaters and every game ive curbstomped him and i feel really bad as it kinda seems like he isnt having the best time so im here to wonder what he can do to improve against me, heres both of our lists, thanks in advance!
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + FACTION KEYWORD: Chaos - World Eaters + DETACHMENT: Berzerker Warband + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1005pts + + WARLORD: Char1: Khârn the Betrayer + ENHANCEMENT: + NUMBER OF UNITS: 7 + SECONDARY: - Assassination: 2 Characters +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10x Jakhals (65 pts): 8x Jakhals • 1x Jakhal Pack Leader: Autopistol, Jakhal chainblades • 1x Dishonoured: Dishonoured chainblades 10x Khorne Berserkers (180 pts) • 1x Khorne Berserker Champion: Berserker chainblade, Plasma pistol • 9x Khorne Berserker: 9 with Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol 10x Khorne Berserkers (180 pts) • 1x Khorne Berserker Champion: Berserker chainblade, Plasma pistol • 9x Khorne Berserker: 9 with Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol
Char1: 1x Khârn the Betrayer (100 pts): Warlord, Gorechild, Khârn's plasma pistol Char2: 1x Lord Invocatus (140 pts): Bolt pistol, Coward's Bane, Juggernaught's bladed horn
3x Exalted Eightbound (160 pts) • 2x Exalted Eightbound: 2 with Eightbound chainfist, Eightbound eviscerator • 1x Exalted Eightbound Champion: Eviscerator and chainfist 5x World Eaters Terminator Squad (180 pts) • 1x Terminator Champion: Accursed weapon, Combi-bolter • 1x Combi-weapon, chainfist: Chainfist, Combi-weapon • 1x Combi-weapon, power fist: Combi-weapon, Power fist • 1x Heavy weapon: Reaper autocannon, Accursed weapon • 1x Paired accursed weapons: Paired accursed weapons
Xenos - T'au Empire - Pre codex list - [1000pts]

Army Roster [1000pts]


Battle Size: Incursion (1000 Point limit) Detachment: Kauyon Show/Hide Options: Legends are visible, Unaligned Forces are visible, Unaligned Fortifications are visible

Character [105pts]

Cadre Fireblade [55pts]: Close combat weapon, Fireblade pulse rifle, Warlord, 2x Gun Drone, Twin pulse carbine, Exemplar of the Kauyon Ethereal [50pts]: Honour stave, 2x Gun Drone, Twin pulse carbine, Hover Drone

Battleline [90pts]

Breacher Team [90pts]: Support turret missile system • 1x Breacher Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Close combat weapon, Pulse blaster, Pulse pistol, Gun Drone, Twin pulse carbine, Guardian Drone • 9x Breacher Fire Warriors: Close combat weapon, Pulse blaster, Pulse pistol

Infantry [60pts]

Stealth Battlesuits [60pts]: • 1x Stealth Shas'vre: Battlesuit fists, Battlesuit support system, Homing beacon, Fusion blaster, Gun Drone, Twin pulse carbine, Marker Drone • 2x Stealth Shas'ui w/ burst cannon: Battlesuit fists, Burst cannon

Vehicle [670pts]

Broadside Battlesuits [180pts]: • 1x Broadside Shas’vre [90pts]: Crushing bulk, Shield Drone, Missile Drone, Missile pod, Heavy rail rifle, Seeker missile, Twin smart missile system • 1x Broadside Shas’ui [90pts]: Crushing bulk, Shield Drone, Missile Drone, Missile pod, Heavy rail rifle, Seeker missile, Twin plasma rifle Crisis Battlesuits [200pts]: • 2x Crisis Shas’ui: Battlesuit fists, 2x Shield Drone, 3x Cyclic ion blaster • 1x Crisis Shas’vre: Battlesuit fists, 2x Shield Drone, 3x Cyclic ion blaster Ghostkeel Battlesuit [160pts]: Ghostkeel fists, Battlesuit support system, Cyclic ion raker, Twin T'au flamer Hammerhead Gunship [130pts]: Armoured hull, Railgun, 2x Seeker missile, 2 Twin smart missile systems, 2x Twin smart missile system

Dedicated Transport [75pts]

Devilfish [75pts]: Accelerator burst cannon, Armoured hull, 2x Seeker missile, 2 Twin smart missile systems, 2x Twin smart missile system
submitted by NUKENATHANYT to Tau40K [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 05:33 NUKENATHANYT WE vs Tau

Hello folks of world eaters! I am a tau player and one of my best friends plays world eaters and every game ive curbstomped him and i feel really bad as it kinda seems like he isnt having the best time so im here to wonder what he can do to improve against me, heres both of our lists, thanks in advance!
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + FACTION KEYWORD: Chaos - World Eaters + DETACHMENT: Berzerker Warband + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1005pts + + WARLORD: Char1: Khârn the Betrayer + ENHANCEMENT: + NUMBER OF UNITS: 7 + SECONDARY: - Assassination: 2 Characters +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10x Jakhals (65 pts): 8x Jakhals • 1x Jakhal Pack Leader: Autopistol, Jakhal chainblades • 1x Dishonoured: Dishonoured chainblades 10x Khorne Berserkers (180 pts) • 1x Khorne Berserker Champion: Berserker chainblade, Plasma pistol • 9x Khorne Berserker: 9 with Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol 10x Khorne Berserkers (180 pts) • 1x Khorne Berserker Champion: Berserker chainblade, Plasma pistol • 9x Khorne Berserker: 9 with Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol
Char1: 1x Khârn the Betrayer (100 pts): Warlord, Gorechild, Khârn's plasma pistol Char2: 1x Lord Invocatus (140 pts): Bolt pistol, Coward's Bane, Juggernaught's bladed horn
3x Exalted Eightbound (160 pts) • 2x Exalted Eightbound: 2 with Eightbound chainfist, Eightbound eviscerator • 1x Exalted Eightbound Champion: Eviscerator and chainfist 5x World Eaters Terminator Squad (180 pts) • 1x Terminator Champion: Accursed weapon, Combi-bolter • 1x Combi-weapon, chainfist: Chainfist, Combi-weapon • 1x Combi-weapon, power fist: Combi-weapon, Power fist • 1x Heavy weapon: Reaper autocannon, Accursed weapon • 1x Paired accursed weapons: Paired accursed weapons
Xenos - T'au Empire - Pre codex list - [1000pts]

Army Roster [1000pts]


Battle Size: Incursion (1000 Point limit) Detachment: Kauyon Show/Hide Options: Legends are visible, Unaligned Forces are visible, Unaligned Fortifications are visible

Character [105pts]

Cadre Fireblade [55pts]: Close combat weapon, Fireblade pulse rifle, Warlord, 2x Gun Drone, Twin pulse carbine, Exemplar of the Kauyon Ethereal [50pts]: Honour stave, 2x Gun Drone, Twin pulse carbine, Hover Drone

Battleline [90pts]

Breacher Team [90pts]: Support turret missile system • 1x Breacher Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Close combat weapon, Pulse blaster, Pulse pistol, Gun Drone, Twin pulse carbine, Guardian Drone • 9x Breacher Fire Warriors: Close combat weapon, Pulse blaster, Pulse pistol

Infantry [60pts]

Stealth Battlesuits [60pts]: • 1x Stealth Shas'vre: Battlesuit fists, Battlesuit support system, Homing beacon, Fusion blaster, Gun Drone, Twin pulse carbine, Marker Drone • 2x Stealth Shas'ui w/ burst cannon: Battlesuit fists, Burst cannon

Vehicle [670pts]

Broadside Battlesuits [180pts]: • 1x Broadside Shas’vre [90pts]: Crushing bulk, Shield Drone, Missile Drone, Missile pod, Heavy rail rifle, Seeker missile, Twin smart missile system • 1x Broadside Shas’ui [90pts]: Crushing bulk, Shield Drone, Missile Drone, Missile pod, Heavy rail rifle, Seeker missile, Twin plasma rifle Crisis Battlesuits [200pts]: • 2x Crisis Shas’ui: Battlesuit fists, 2x Shield Drone, 3x Cyclic ion blaster • 1x Crisis Shas’vre: Battlesuit fists, 2x Shield Drone, 3x Cyclic ion blaster Ghostkeel Battlesuit [160pts]: Ghostkeel fists, Battlesuit support system, Cyclic ion raker, Twin T'au flamer Hammerhead Gunship [130pts]: Armoured hull, Railgun, 2x Seeker missile, 2 Twin smart missile systems, 2x Twin smart missile system

Dedicated Transport [75pts]

Devilfish [75pts]: Accelerator burst cannon, Armoured hull, 2x Seeker missile, 2 Twin smart missile systems, 2x Twin smart missile system
submitted by NUKENATHANYT to WorldEaters40k [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 05:10 sharky1500_ Am I the only one that absolutely hates the quest "wheel of fortune" in new Vegas

I hate this quest for a variety of reasons that I will list now
  1. This is one of the few quests with no wiggle room and is extremely linear. Not only that but it requires 2 VERY specific skill checks so if you dont/didn't put any points into science or lock picking your shit out of luck. I had to waste a programmers digest and scour the wasteland to get enough lockpick magazines to complete it because I didn't have the skills for it and didn't wanna have to grind several levels pourinh the skill points into nothing but those 2 categories Normally skill thresholds in new Vegas are for unlocking alternative routes to quests or opening up opportunities that didn't exist without those skills but no this is one of the few quests in New Vegas that's legit impossible to complete without the right skills. Now normally this wouldn't be that bad after all it could just be there for the people who actually poured skill points in those 2 categories to unlock it especially due to this quest being semi hidden and that would be completely fine if it wasn't for the next point
  2. It's basically impossible to complete the quest "we will all go together" without completeing this quest This is because the last feral ghouls who's dog tags you need are located in the police station and you HAVE get the key from logan. And guess what if your trying to be as good as possible (or simply are like me and don't like killing NPCs unless absolutely necessary) well the game gives the good old one two FUCK YOU because guess what? YOU CANT PICKPOCKET THE KEY OFF HIM it doesn't show up in his inventory when you do BUT OOOOOOOOH you bet your ass it spawns on him AFTER you kill him. This overcomplicates a simple quest that has absolutely no reason to be this difficult but because it's tied to "wheel of fortune" it's made difficult by default because you HAVE to complete that quest to finish "we will all go together"
  3. The queen radacorpion fight. This fight isn't difficult as much as it is brutal if your not prepared/expecting it (and let's be honest most aren't expecting a scorpion the size of a firetruck in a fire station)if it wasn't for the fact she's so big she takes up a already small area you encounter her in meaning it's possible to soft lock yourself if you didnt save before entering the fire station if you didn't bring good weapons
  4. The rewards for this quest simply do not justify AT ALL the effort you go through I'm willing to argue the rewards for this quest are way worse then the infamous "nuke e cola challenge" from fallout 3
What you get is a 9 mm submachine gun a grenade rifle and a 10 mm pistol weapons you should either have already found by the time you even start this quest as they're pretty common (jackals and vipers drop all of these constantly) or have gotten much better weapons to the point where all of those are obsolete and what's the last reward? and a measley 100 exp
Are you kidding? I can get more exp from rad scorp hunting which is probably more rewarding then this quest anyway as at least I get to turn in the poison glands to ruby for some radscorp casserole
Overall I hate everything about this quest every phase of this quest made me audibly sigh and groan
submitted by sharky1500_ to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 05:09 lilmans081906 Hello all I want is Constructive criticism oh and it's a read

 Braxs wakes up in a cold sweat from the nightmare he has been having for the past 3 months the same nightmare that always puts fear into him. It is the same nightmare that he is always running in hearing screams and cries and when he looks up he always sees the thing he is scared of the vortex he doesn't know why but looking at the sky makes him unsettled. As he runs for something behind him that he can't escape from and every time before he wakes up he hears the words “ find the keys”. Braxs gets out of his bed he looks out his window into the vast of space and calms himself down and gets ready for what seems like an ordinary day on his ship with his crew. As he steps out of his room making sure his arm is properly put on he bumps into David. Braxs combat expert as they exchange good morning they go to their stations braxs in the cockpit and David in weapons storage. As Braxs enters the cockpit he hears the usual fight between Maylie and Dex. They are always fighting about something this time Dex took Mayle’s stop in the cockpit and like usual braxs had to end it. The two of you stop the bickering now there is no use in this now get out while I plot a course for the nearest atomic gaser station. Mayle and Dex leave giving each other death stares as they leave Kelly walks in and says wats up with Mr. Robot and Miss Grumpy she says in a sarcastic voice. Braxs chuckles and says are you serious if it's not one thing with them it's a completely different thing. Ke; takes a seat next to braxs as he is plotting a course and notices his eye bags have gotten worse she sighs and looks at Braxs and asks him” Are they getting worse?” Braxs gives her a tried glance and exhales and says” no there not even bothering me anymore” Kelly grabs his hand and looks at him “don't lie to me I can see you eye bags come on braxs I am here talking to me I didn't almost die trying to leave lextens army for you just to keep hiding things from me. I can't help if you don't speak to me the only way for you to get some rest okay” Braxs gives her tried and understanding looks as he lets out a big exhale he tells her about his nightmare and how it's been the same forever and once he finishes kelly gives him a relieved look and worried look about that he finally told her but that his nightmare is so vivid. “ keys? Do you have any idea what that means “ braxs think for a mommet and remembers something Lexten told him awhile ago when Brxs was under the influences of lextens controls it was about a vortex that can be opened with a device and it was called the keys to mothers tears or for short K.T.M.T and the device was split into many pieces because the purpose of it was o open a gateway to the gods and enter their realm. Braxs reclaims this to Kelly who thinks for a while and says well why would you be dreaming of such a horbile thing then if the device is split apart” Braxs does know and gets the course plotted and goes to his room to think about what all this could mean. 
Braxs drifts off from his tiredness and finds himself in his nightmare again everything happens but this time he sees what comes out of the vortex and what he sees puts fear into him and what he sees is a man walking out of the vortex and the man has a look of sinister and he walks down and a giant bright light expelling into the sky. The screams stopped and the man walked to braxs in a calm but strong way the man grabbed braxs by the neck lifted him in the air and said “See you soon braxs and let's see if you beat my game Hahahaha” And braxs woke up on the ground in his room with one of his hands rubbing his neck and signs and goes to take a shower to clean his sweat cover boat from fear and he keep hearing voices and it starts getting louder and under they are all saying “ FIND THE KEYS AND FIND THE LIGHT FIND THE KEYS AND FIND THE LIGHT” and they stop braxs goes to his bed. Braxs takes a pill that lets him sleep but cuts off his emotions and stops the nightmares He falls asleep and gets much-needed rest from his nightmares and the voices. As Brax awakens in his room, he notices something feels off as if he is being watched and it's not a good feeling. As braxs was sitting feeling odd he heard his voice but not from his mouth but from his head as braxs jumped his voice chuckled and said “ Oh my is the strong leader of this little rebellion scared.” Braxs replied,” Show yourself NOW voice!!” The voice takes form into braxs vision and as he does He looks choked as in front of him is standing himself but with black his sclera is black and his eyes are red this is a form of braxs giving up and letting his demons and fear take hold on himself. Brax in a calm but hesitant voice says: w-w-what are you?” The voice chuckled again deepening his voice and saying” I am what makes a man fear the dark and himself I am the thing a man can never get rid of…..hahaha….I am guilty I am darkness I am BRAXTEN your demon that you made!!!....HAHAHAHAHAH” Braxs For the first time in a while was scared and had feared but he calmed down and said” Whatever you are doing care you will not stop me I am not going to let my head play tricks on me you are not real!!” Braxs closes his eyes breathes in and out and opens them and Braxten is gone Braxs get flashbacks to when he last felt that way.” it was 4 years ago…..and yet I still fear him I can't I need to stop this I can't choke when we fight him if I do I am costing my team there lives…..if lexten finds us….. I won't choke I will end everyone suffering once I see him……My “father” will die when he attacks us…” As braxs leaves his room he sees David cleaning the weapons and Maylie looking in old history files of the K.T.M.T to see if they can find it cause if lexten told braxs about lexten defiantly wants it that can't be good for the world if he gets his hands on it and gets to the gods who know what he could do. Braxs is angry that Maylie and Dex eavesdropped on his conversation with Kelly yesterday but lets it slide since she doing something useful to stop lexten. As they look through they find a section that says there is a dead sun solar system that there was a planet that was destroyed and most of it survived and now just floats in the void of space and that the activater to K.T.M.T is on it. Braxs is concerned because when a sun becomes dead a creature forms on any rock in that dead sun location that creature will eat anything and nest in in boulders to make more offspring. Maylie gets the idea of braxs getting reconnected to THE ONE a god that was once braxs Vishnu as braxs was his Avatar but a while ago The One broke their connection after braxs disobeyed an order and left braxs powerless. Braxs thought about it and decided he would try as he laid down in a tub full of warm water and chanted The one message” The one I call upon you the weaver of destiny and fate I what a word with you it me your Avatar” As Braxs vision closed his mind woke up in the domain of the one. The one Speaks in a strong voice” Braxs you are not my avatar you once were but you disobeyed me and I will not tolerate disobedience…..But I do and a choice for you I will reconnect us but only IF you will follow my orders and not go on using them from something I tell you not to mess with understand?” Braxs takes a minute to think getting K.T.M.T is very important so he agrees “OK I agree but I want you to stop watching me and hovering over me and let me use this power to get K.T.M.T activator from a dead sun “ The one thinks he needs an avatar and braxs is not asking for much and asking to do more heroism so the one snaps and braxs wakes up and see if he is reconnected he use activates his pure energy sword and it appears in his hand and he is electterfided that it works and walk out to his crew and says “ plot a course we have what we need” As they leave braxs feel his connect to the one is weak but there and keeps it to himself and let Mayie plot the course as he decides who will go with He knows everyone can handle themselves but he needs a group to protect the ship so he picks David to come with him. As he and David gear up Braxs grabs his cloak so that he does not freeze in the dead zone David grabs his suit to protect him from the gravity and cold and the forug blasters and waits in the hatch David inquiries Braxs about all the info that he has on K.T.M.T braxs replies “ its just something I picked up on” He lies to his team from the start minus one And kelly him and kelly were lextens right-hand man and medical adviser the rest are clueless to there past and Braxs want it that because he fears his team will be scared of him and he does want to lose his family but David isn't dumb he has known forever and he say to braxs” okay boss but remember i am a friend and friends don't judge a friend for there past but there present actions. Brax Looks at David with reluctance and before Braxs can say something the ship’s alert system Tells everyone that we are entering Lord Lexten territory and they must be careful Braxs yells to his team “ Get the cloaking device on NOW” His team gets to work getting in online and as they do the once beautiful lights in space die out in there view now is a dead sloar system and in the middle there traget the dead sun its said when a sun explodes it froms a dead sun with the planets in it solar system and that is what Braxs and his team faces are in aw and shoke then Dex speaks up” i see worse” Braxs chuckled at the fact that Dex has a point but neve mind that braxs and David get to the hatch again and they jump down on the planets surface as they do braxs can already feel the K.T.M.T energy and its deep in the planet so Braxs and David turn the lights on and walk as they pin point the location and as they do Braxs stops in his tracks and stop David who looks confused why they are stopping and Braxs point at what look like David but actually behind him and Braxs shoots killing one of the creatures that inhabbit the Dead sun and David was unfased and gets back to with Braxs finding the K.T.M.T and they had to enter a cave it glowed with a uneasy purple glow and they went in with there gruards up Braxs states “David be careful we dont know what could be down here “ David says “ On it boss” Braxs looks around the cave seeing that the creature arent going near them which made Braxs even more careful because something terrible must have scared them and as him And david walk deeper in the cave there coms go out Braxs keeps moving d David ge worried because they just lot there only connection to warn the team if something happens” boss shouldent we go back before we get hurt or something?” Braxs turns around “ NO we need to keep going before lexten gets to it if you are that worried go back I keep going” David looks around and turns around and leaves “I am sorry boss…. it too risky” David leaves Braxs alone in the cave With that. Braxs goes deeper into the cave he finds something odd an old ship the size of a small moon in the end. Braxs finds a broken window and jumps in he surveys the area and see a light coming from a room and above its door says K.T.M.T safety Braxs enters and finds the K.T.M.T activator and it is just a remote so he easily grabs it and then he feels it the presents of someone that someone with a past with Braxs As Braxs turns Around he sees him Lexten “HAHAHA I see you're still doing my job for me Braxs hand over that remote now” Braxs Gretts his teeth and let out smile and says” Oh my dear “father” thinks I will just hand him this no I will not let your hand on this thing if you want it you will have to fight me Lexten!” Lexten chuckles” Ha that's boring how about this I use my new toy on you” As he says that Lexten's New right-hand man walks in and is ten times Braxs size” Puny Ant, hand over the device now or I will make this fun for myself” Braxs try using his coms but forgot they were cut off and then he draws out his powers but before he can The one pulls him into his dreamscape and says” Braxs you must not fight you will not win” Braxs get mad and laughs” Are you questioning me I always have a plan”
With that Braxs pulled himself out of the dreamscape and realized he had been tied and Lexten took the remote Braxs broke free with ease. And runs Out of the cave to catch up with Lexten as he exits. He sees his ship and Lexens above it He runs to it but he gets surrounded by the creatures one bit his Robot arm off. And braxs was able to kill them all with the little energy he had left and as he makes his way to the ship his team is standing her Kelly with her normal look meanwhile the other Three Look at Braxs with looks of fear and judgment and Braxs looks confused then Maylie spoke up with tears in her eyes “is it true braxs?” Braxs looked and said,” What is true Maylie?” Maylie screamed,” Is it true you're the braxs that once who worked for lexten the one who hurt all of us the one that made us work day and night without breaks!!” Brax stood there in shock” Who told you this Maylie “ Kelly walked up “ I couldn't keep my story hidden from friends anymore and then I told them yours” Braxs felt his chest tighten as the one he trusted and had known forever would reveal his dark past. Dex pipes up” At least she had the guts to tell us our Leader didn't even tell us” Braxs looked at his crew the fear and hatred in their eyes. He tried to get in the ship but Dex pushed him out” You don't deserve to be up here we should let you die on this planet.” Braxs caught himself and Kelly tried to get Braxs on the ship but the group held her, And they closed the hatch, and started the Ship. Braxs was distraught; he tried to improve his life, but his past kept biting back. He looked down at his destroyed arm and then he heard it “ Oh this really took a turn for the worse all because you never told your dumb friends the truth” With that Braxs turned around and saw Braxten standing there with his smile Braxs stood there feeling like his life is already gone he fell to his knees as he saw his ship his friends leave him on the Dead sun And Braxten chuckled “ Ah is the great Braxs alone to bad I wanted your friends to see me take control of your body and take them back to where they belong” Braxs felt something odd he noticed his arm repairing its self without him rebuilding it then Braxten vanished and braxs herd The one “ My Avatar we must speak alone now that whatever that thing was has retreated into your Subconscious we can do that. I think it is time you look for a way off this planet because as we speak Lexten is finding the last piece of the K.T.M.T. Do it soon young one”. Just like that Braxs was alone again and he didn't know what to do anymore He sat there lifeless his mind racing with all the memories of his past actions but the ones that kept appearing were his crew and him eating and laughing together. He stood up and headed to that abandoned ship buried deep in the cave and as he got in there he went to the engine room and got to work he worked on it for hours and as he did the only thing he thought about was finding his crew and giving them the full story he know then they might understand he then hears something. As he walks out he sees something odd ghosts. No that's too silly he thinks to himself self then he sees it is not a ghost but hologram’s and it looks like it is a recording He finds the control room and asks it what the date is of this recording it states the recording was made over 500 years ago as he watches it he goes to the area where the K.T.M.T activater was held and sees several researchers studying it. Braxs hears them” We need to get this to the station this device is too dangerous to have” With that the ship's recording cuts to 5 days later and the ship is on fire and screaming and braxs hears a very familiar laugh. As braxs turned around he saw Lexten first Braxs had fear but then confusion how is lexten here in this recording if it was 500 years ago? Braxs then see someone clinging to life in the Recording and they shove themself into lexten and push him into an escape pod so he would not get his hands on the device. Then for the final moments of life, this person sent a beacon out to another ship so that when needed the device could be found. With that, the person lets go and dies. As braxs watched this he thought if this was from 500 years ago then lexten would be at least 534 years old now but that made no sense because both of them looked the same. Braxs shook it off and asked for the next recording it went quiet and braxs seen that this ship crashed into a planet and then was deep enough to survive the implosion as it happened he didn't see it but felt that this planet had been the core of the dead sun brith. Braxs then realized he was in a ship that could be stronger that all of the lextens combined he went back to the engine and finally got it running he went to the power box and gave it a punch with his robotic arm sending waves of energy starting it up got the light on and everything. But as he did the ship started to shake like 100 earthquakes all at once and the ship was pulling out of the dead sun Braxs Quickly got somewhere safe. As it shook and broke the dead sun braxs fell to the ground and when he got to his feet he sen that this ship was not a ship but a space station. And the dead sun was gone and all the creatures died put to rest. While all this happened His team was off going who knows where and Kelly was trying to convince them to go back and pick Braxs up. “ come guys you all know Braxs would never hurt us” Dex with a plain face replied” He kept a secret from us one that was way too wrong to hide he is a murderer he did lextens biding and look where that got everyone I may be a robot but the doest mean i don’t read facial expressions. “ Kelly continues to talk to them and Maylie pipes in “He may have been our friend but he didn't tell us the truth he betrayed our trust why should we trust him” Before Kelly could speak their ship was attacked and when they looked out it was one of lextens drone ships and it shot down there engine the n there power as they got ready for a fight lextens Right-hand man got inside “ well look at this these ants want to play it we gonna do this properly you should know this winner name they call me 5 and you would know that kelly haha let us play now” With that 5 used the darkness to his advantage and attacked he used an emp bomb to disable there weapon and Dex he then knock the other two out with ease and pick them up and took them to his ship before that he planted a few bombs on their ship and once inside his own he blew up their ship. 5 took them to the empire capital and were tossed in prison minus Maylie Lexten wanted a word with her” Ah young one you right one time to see my greatest creation be rebuilt do you know the one thing that defies a villain and an evil mad man its simple really a villain is always having a reason for what he does and lets the hero win because they are weak but not I this game is fun when you time every mommet” Maylie sat there and spoke “ get to the point old man I rather be in a cell then here you drag this on” Lexten with a chuckle and gave her an offer” how would like revenge on Braxs I know you want it he did, after all, betray your trust.” When we get back to Braxs he gets the space station out of the dead zone and he had one goal and asked the ship's navigation “ find Ax6-10 position and status.” It replied that they were 56 light years away and that status was the ship was destroyed. Braxs automatically had to take him there he got his suit on and jumped into the vacuum of space he went to what was left of their ship and he was revealed there was no sign of them but he knew there was only one person that never left something behind he knew who Lextens right-hand man was now and wasn't happy. Braxs quickly set a course for the capital and quickly took a look at what weapons this ship held since he needed a totem to channel the full length of his powers when he got to the weaponry he found a normal-looking gun as he thought but when he picked it up it changed its self to a grip that fit his hand and a barrel to a perfect for a hard shell bullet. Brxs was stunned he never heard of any weapons like this with the K.T.M.T. activator and now this gun had him thinking this ship had more to it than it seemed and as he got closer to the capital he was ready for a fight. When he was getting closer the Station Computer asked to activate the weapons and Braxs didn't think much of it because he was still far away from the capital then Warnings appeared hostile ships were heading to his location. Braxs quickly and smartly activated shields first then had the turrets and as they got closer the stations shot each ship with precision and ease Braxs wasn't going to let people die anymore he used the tractor beam and took in the pilots he knew that would fight back because they where to in fear of defining Lexten Braxs quickly get in the command deck and they were hesitant at first but Braxs told them with him as their leader he won't let Lexten hurt them ever again. They quickly got up and went to different consoles on the command deck maned them and got the station at 100% power affinity. They were on a direct pass to the capital and Braxs told the pilots that he needed them on command there because Braxs now had the ship to save every person from Lexten's control and power and he was keeping his promise to end Lexten. When Dex woke up his head was disconnected from his body he was stuck and confused he laughed it off and said “Well I could be dead right now ha…he….” He is not good when it comes to this and quickly panics and makes his head fall to the gourd and his head rolled close enough to his body for him to connect to it and pick his head up and reconnect himself. When he calmed himself he looked around and realized he was not in a cell with his friends he was in a lab but he felt like he was there before as Dex looked around he saw something that triggered a memory he saw a bloody table he felt his head hurt and as he tried fighting the memories he let one slip and see his reflection it was him he knew it was he was not a robot he was once a human his name was not even Dex. He let all the memory flood his head and realized Braxs wasn’t at fault he was. Dex in his memory puts a control device in braxs head for lexten and Dex gets a surge of regret. Then he heard clapping “Ah I see that brain of yours was not too far gone you remember everything good” Dex tried attacking but 5 pressed a button his wrist freezing Dex’s body. 5 walked around him and spoke” You think I wouldn’t be dumb enough to bug that body of yours you are my mercy Mr.Trever or my mentor” Dex looked at him now with his memories back “ 5 What the hell is this I took you in raised you as my son” 5 smiled” Oh you did do that but failed to do lord Lexten bidding 9 years ago and he had you punished he wants to know how you ended up like this so I will be breaking you and rebuilding you it's going to be so much fun!” Dex thought for a mommet “ I will tell you how I ended up like this and first of all my name is not Trever it's Dex plus I am not scared of you i have seen the dead sun’s more sickening than you 5 You are not scary ha yout not even creepy.” Dex looks over to a closet” Behind the panel is where I kept my journal you will find it in there 5 walks over to it and rips off the panel “Where is it all I see is a tunnel?” Dex tried hiding his chuckles” It's deep in there you will find it” 5 stepped inside and Dex yelled “ Computer shut test cell 45” Room 5 was in lights up brightly blinding him as the entrance closed off Dex could now move now that signal and walk to 5 “ Your grounded haha” Dex leaves 5 and goes and find his friends to reveal the truth. While all that happened Maylie woke up in her old room the door was guarded and she needed to find a way out she went to her old chemical lab and was stunned all her chemicals had been cleared out she had no hope of getting out she went to her bed and lost hope. David was the only one put in a cell he tried breaking out but ended up breaking his arm.” agh…. it's no use I am useless without a weapon if the boss was here what would he say” David was thinking for a while and remembered something Braxs said while he was training with him “ Remember David we may be good with our weapons but the greatest weapon is the mind when using it right you anything could be a weapon just use you head” David looked around and he took Braxs serious and used his head agest the lock David is so hard that it made a actual dent.” ow that hurt I probably should have cushioned the blow” Braxs made a quiet entrance and knocked out the guards. And went to the command center and unlocked all the cell doors he located everyone minus Maylie he could not find her location anywhere which worried him. Braxs bumped into Dex first and Dex tried apologizing but Braxs stopped him” Dex we will worry about this later this is a rescue mission and saving the world” Dex nodded They quickly made ease with guards after they picked up David who had fallen unconscious with that head bump from earlier and They quickly made their way to Kelly when they took down the guards and entered they saw Kelly's hopeless face fill with joy when she saw her friends “BRAXS!, DEX!, DAVID? What happened to him” Braxs looked over “ He probably took my advice seriously again” They all chuckled then the question Braxs knew was going to come up came “ Braxs how did you get here we left you on the dead sun” Braxs smiled” look out to the wall her name is Audrey “ He pointed to the ship he named like all good captains do.
submitted by lilmans081906 to YourStoryHerePls [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:43 SophieBlue222 What am I doing wrong? Frustrated with failures!

Hello tumblers - I need help!
I've had 2 epic failures on my last two batches (the first one ever was fine, not amazing). I've been using the National Geographic grit and following the instructions exactly. I also use ceramic media that's the size of paint gun balls. The 1st bad batch was so sad looking, it looked like there was an eggshell finish after #4 polish. For batch #2 I used numbers 1 through 3 of the National Geographic grit, and then for the 4th I used Poly Plastics because my mom's had a lot of success with that. After 5 days I took a look at a handful and they looked WORSE than the first batch. I cleaned out the batch and started #4 polish again with no media. Planning to leave it for 7 days. - in case you're wondering, I have a heavy duty 15lb capacity tumbler.
I'm really open to your recommendations. Talk me off the edge, I'm feeling defeated and like months have been lost trying to get a decent batch.
submitted by SophieBlue222 to RockTumbling [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:31 PorkHunt Price agreed, paper work completed as Jets sale nears conclusion

Price agreed, paper work completed as Jets sale nears conclusion
The sale of the Newcastle Jets is a step closer to completion, with only a few minor details to be finalised before the deal is handed to Football Australia for final approval.
As revealed by the Newcastle Herald on May 2, a consortium comprising businessmen based in Melbourne and Sydney have agreed to a price to buy the club from the current owners – the chairman of rival A-League clubs.
Lawyers from both parties have completed the sales-and-purchase agreement.
A source close to negotiations told the Newcastle Herald all that remains are for for the “i’s to be dotted and t’s to be crossed”.
Once the takeover is signed off, Football Australia has to determine that the consortium are “fit and proper” owners – bringing an end to a six-month sale process.
The Jets have been funded on a stopgap basis by the owners of rival A-League clubs for more than three years.
The likely new owners have indicated that they intend to retain key personnel, including A-League head coaches Rob Stanton and Ryan Campbell and have identified Newcastle’s junior academy as a priority.
The Jets have nine players contracted for next season headed by player-of-the-year Apostolos Stamatelopoulos, Ryan Scott, Dane Ingham and young guns Mark Natta and Clayton Taylor.
The players have completed commitments for the season.
Stanton is expected to confirm three new signings once the ownership takeover has been finalised.
The Herald understands that Kosta Grozos, Lachy Bayliss, Archie Goodwin and Cal Timmins have offers in front of them.
The ability to produce home-grown players will be more important after reports on Tuesday that the A-League central financial distribution to clubs is set to be cut by $1 million.
This season each franchise received $2 million in grants, which was cut from $2.3 million. The money, sourced largely from the broadcast deal, helped cover the $2.9 million salary cap.
submitted by PorkHunt to Aleague [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:18 Beasty808 H:Trade List W: Uny/any*/fdc marine armor pieces (LA, RA)

AA/40pa/40 Chainsaw
AA/E/+A Gat gun
AA/E/15r Handmade
Ari/E/+A .50 cal
B/25ff15r Fixer
B/25ffstealth Gat Plasma
B/E/MWA Gat Gun
B/ss/40 Tenderizer
B/SS/+E Grognak Axe
Exe/ss/+S Powerfist
Exe/ss/1E Deathclaw Gauntlet
Q//E/90rw Fixer
Q/E/15c Fixer
Q/E/25ap Minigun
Q/dwa/+A pepper shaker
Q/ff25ap pepper shaker
Tro/50c/25ap Enclave aligned flamer
TS/50limb/15r Broadsider
TS/25aim/250dwr Fatman
TS/25aim/+P Gat Plasma
TS/50v/15c Gat Plasma
TS/E Dragon (419 range)
V/Bash/250dwr Minigun
V/SS/40p Deathclaw Gauntlet
Uny/+A civil engineer CP
Uny/+S/sen Combat RL
Uny/+S/bs50 Combat LA
Uny/+C/burn Forest Scout LA
Uny/+P/AWR Forest Scout CP
Uny/+A/50f Forest Scout CP
Uny/+L/Sen Urban Scout LL
Uny/APsneak forest scout RL
Uny/AP50bs forest scout RA
Uny/+A/sneak forest scout LA
Uny/glut/cav Marine LL
Uny/hard/fire Marine LL
Uny/+S/50f Marine LA
Uny/hard/elec Marine RA
Uny/poi/WWR Marine LL
Enclave true sniper barrel mod
Enclave long night vision scope mod
Enclave aligned sniper barrel
submitted by Beasty808 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:12 LonelyKrill Having issues with the 3daptive ModusR gunstock for Quest 3

Having issues with the 3daptive ModusR gunstock for Quest 3
Does anyone here have the 3daptive Modusr VR gunstock? If so, is it comfortable when you guys use it in-game? I've been trying to adjust it like crazy to work well with Onward but nothing is really hitting that sweet spot. At some point I adjusted it to where it worked well with a specific rifle, but when I switch to another rifle of the same class and size, the placement just feels completely off (the reticle, the stock of the gun, etc.) If anyone uses this and plays fps games like Onward and you've found that perfect adjustment, could you post or send me a picture of your gunstock? I'd really appreciate it.
submitted by LonelyKrill to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:06 ShroudedInLight Getting back on topic - any weapon rebalances you’d like to see?

I wasn’t perfectly happy with the last batch but love to see numbers change and for guns to be brought better in line with each other.
Personally, I’d like to see bigger clip/mag sizes for the Explosive Crossbow and Plasma Punisher. If we can’t see a damage increase on these because they just gib any Helldivers that’s caught in the blast - at least they would have enough ammo that I can take out a small group of enemies without reloading.
Like if it takes 2 crossbows to the head to kill a hive guard, can I at least get enough ammo to kill 3-4 hive guards before reloading?
What changes do you want to see?
submitted by ShroudedInLight to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:55 Queenbreha Season 7 Episode 11 Santa's Secret Stuff

Lorelai is pacing waiting for Rory to arrive from London. She starts shouting the Red coats are coming and gets Gigi all excited. Lorelai is ranting about why she couldn't pick Rory up at the airport and the logical reason is Rory's car was parked there. Chris and Gigi come out to greet Rory and Gigi is very excited and attaches herself to Rory's leg. I feel bad for this kid she didn't get Christmas because her stepmother is mean. and wants to make a four year old wait for a twenty two year old who wouldn't care. Lorelai is saying she did not allow any Christmas. Rory admits she had some Christmas
Chris is bringing the leftover Christmas tree. Lorelai and Rory are talking up the sad tree. They bought seven trees for a dollar a tree. Lorelai shows Gigi an ornment Rory made as a kid, she's polite but not impressed but then Lorelai says she used to do Santa's dry cleaning Rory found her antlers and Gigi came over, took them and galloped away. They are telling Chris about their Christmas traditions that he sadly knows nothing about. Red and Green M&M's they get Peppermint coffee at Westin's.. Chris has brought them new fancy stockings. I will say the ones Rory originally had is exactly like mine as a kid.
Luke comes to the Dragonfly and Michel is annoyed that he is there. He wants to talk to Lorelai. He asks if she will write a reference for him. He tells her Anna wants to move April to New Mexico and she won't let him see April. He tells her he is fighting for custody. I will say Lorelia is gorgeous in this purple outfit, it really brings out her eyes.
Lorelai is trying to figure out what to write for the character reference. She is talking to Sookie and it's stressing her. Sookie knows it's about her feelings for Luke but Lorelai is in denial. She is stalling, stalling, stalling.
Someone asks Lane if she is carrying twins. She snaps at them about being a plus size woman with weight in her belly, then she tells them she is pregnant.
April sneaks to the diner to see Luke. It is tragic that Anna is such a terrible mother. Luke says he has to take her home but he is so happy to see her, they exchange gifts.
Lorelai is nice to Gigi and tells her to be careful with her needle, then she is talking to Rory about how she can't write the letter. Lorelai compliments Gigi that she has a lot of cranberries and a little popcorn. Rory is one for one but then she tells Rory hers is pretty too. Lorelai realizes her mind is insane Rattlesnake, Monkey Monkey Underpants.
Lorelai asks Rory to write it for her and she refuses and says she has to write it herself. They tell Gigi it's a letter for Santa and as soon as Chris comes home Lorelai changes the subject. Chris comes home with Santa's Secret Stuff
Zack and Mrs. Kim are talking about the vegetables they bought. They are talking about all the foods that Lane can't eat. Zack is very up on Lane restings, asks her how many times she urinated and needs compression stockings. Mrs. Kim is upset because Lane is not taking her pre-natal vitamins Zack has put Lane's drums away and put the crib in it's spot.
Lorelai is upset that Candy Cane Coffee stops being served the day after Christmas. She is melting candy canes into it and it's not helping. Lorelai tries to charm the waitress to get some candy cane coffee but she sticks to her guns Christmas is over.
Rory is telling Lorelai she is lying to Chris. Lorelai says it's too complicated, it will put him on edge. Rory tells her she doesnt have to create a Christmas illusion if everything is not okay.
April is telling Luke about the Swim team and Luke tries to talk up New Mexico. He gives her the present, it's a rock polisher but she got one from Grandma. Luke is again talking up New Mexico.
Lorelai is hiding her letter from Chris. She says it's Santa's Secret Stuff.
Lane insists on band practice. Brian is amazed at the size of Lane. Zack is holding his mandolin the same way he should hold a baby. Zack is teaching Brian. Gil brings his son because the sitter flaked. Gil is thrilled about the breast pump. That one was gentle on his wife. He says for baby number two they did formula.
Lorelai can't figure out what to buy Chris she and Rory are buying everyone's presents. They see Luke and April in the Science store April says Luke was a great gift giver. Luke reminices all the bad presents he bought Rory over the years.
Lane is being stubborn about the pregnancy. Zach appreciates how helpful Mrs. Kim has been. Lane says she is sick of her Mom and being an incubator. Zach is being the mature one and Lane is lamenting she had just a peephole into being a person. Zach talks Lane into letting her mother come on weekends and to carry the grocery bag.
April is trying to come up with a way to see Luke. He tells her she can't lie to her mother. She asks if he has a good lawyer because her evil mother hired a shark.
Lorelai is typing up the letter for Luke. Christmas music is in the background Chris, Rory and Gigi are decorating cookies and are going to watch the movie Christmas in July and Lorelai goes out to mail the letter
There is a lot I like about this episode but Lorelai making a four year old not have Christmas in the house she is forced to live in and feel like a guest is so wrong. I know a lot of people say their families hold Christmas till all family is assembled but just have multiple celebrations. In my family one member often had shift work and would be working on Christmas. We sometimes had Christmas early doing everything Christmas Eve but we never once had it late.
submitted by Queenbreha to WholesomeGilmoreGirls [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:52 TaxFraudIsBased [WTB] Geissele Super 42, AR trigger, SBA5, Duty belt, TLR-1, Glock 17 with TLR-1 holster

Sup, looking to buy a whole list of random stuff.
Open to spending more or less depending on the item. I have stuff to trade in my last posts too. Thanks!
submitted by TaxFraudIsBased to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:24 Minibubba11 Is this worth anything

I have a bloodied 50 cal machine gun with 25% weapon speed and -90% weight but it’s only level 35 so does it being level 35 bring the value down a lot?
submitted by Minibubba11 to fo76 [link] [comments]