Quotes for people who passed away

UnsolvedMysteries: This reddit is about unsolved mysteries ...

2008.09.23 12:16 UnsolvedMysteries: This reddit is about unsolved mysteries ...

This subreddit is about unsolved mysteries. Whenever possible, actual redditors have participated in investigating the events. What you are about to read is not a news broadcast.

2019.02.21 12:57 AmorphousGamer AccidentalAlly

Hateful people being kind by accident towards LGBTQ+ people accidentally supporting/affirming/being good to them, through ignorance or otherwise.

2010.05.20 00:57 r/Berserk

For fans of the manga Berserk and its adaptations.

2024.05.19 16:45 cappy1223 Joke #1 THE 2000 YEAR OLD MAN

THE 2000 YEAR OLD MAN (1975) - FULL TRANSCRIPT 2000 Year Old Man is an old Brooks-Reiner comedy routine turned into a half-hour animated TV special. Reiner, a TV reporter, interviews Brooks, a man claiming to be 2000 years old. The interview consists of a serious of questions regarding the history of the world. Brooks' answers to Reiner's questions are priceless.
About four days ago a plane landed at Idlewild Airport.
The plane came from the Middle East bearing a man who claims to be
2000 years old.
He spent the last six days at the Mayo Clinic.
Ei, sir.
Sir, is it true that you are 2000 years old?
Oh boy.
-Yes. -You are?
It's hard to believe sir because
in the history of man nobody has ever lived more than 167 years
wich a man from Peru claimed to be.
But you claim to be 2000?
I'll be, not yet. I'll be 2000, October 16th.
You will be 2000. When were you born?
We didn't have formal years and names and writing.
We didn't know. I see.
Nobody kept time.
See, we didn't know.
We didn't write. We just sat around, pointed in the sky
and said wow hot there wow.
-That's all they said? -We didn't even know it was the sun.
You really didn't know anything.
Anything, we were so dumb.
We didn't know who was a lady.
-But they were... -They were with us.
But we didn't know who they was
we didn't know who was the ladies and who was fellows.
You thought they were just different type of fellows.
Yes, stronger or smaller or softer.
The softer ones I think was the ladies all the time.
What about that? How did you find out?
Well, they are cute, a fat guy,
could you could have mistaken him,
soft and cute.
Who is the person who discovered the female?
Who was Bernie?
Bernie, one of the first leaders of our group.
I'm very interested to find out how Bernie discovered the woman.
-Well, he... -How did he come to find?
One morning
he got up smiling. So he said:
I think there is ladys here.
I said, well, what do you mean, you know?
He said: 'cause in the night.
I was swelled and delighted, see?
So he went into such a story that
it's hundreds of years later, I still blush.
Could you give us the secret of your longevity?
Well, the major thing.
The major thing.
Is that I never, ever touch ripe food.
I don't eat it.
I wouldn't look at it and I don't touch it.
And and I never run for a bus.
There's always another.
Even if even if you're late for work.
You know, I never run for a bus.
I never ran.
I just stroll, jump it, slowly walk to the next bus...
Yeah, well but there were no buses at the time.
In my time ahnn...
What was the means of transportation then?
-Mostly fear.
-Fear transported you? -Fear yes.
You could see.
A lion, he would would growl, you would go two miles a minute.
I'd like to find out about some social customs
the origination of social customs.
For instance, singing how that started?
Oh it stems from fear.
-Could you explain? -Because in the old days,
I said old days.
I don't mean the georgian cars.
-Did you.. -I mean rocks and caves...
I'm asking you, sir, how song...
Some song came about when you really had to communicate.
-But in trouble you couldn't say help. -Yes.
But have to use your mouth.
Yes, I know.
-I mean, I wouldn't say help, I say good morning.
Yes. You're really...
you know you in trouble.
I was singing.
We thought happiness did.
Oh, and the song came out of it.
A lion is eating my foot off.
Somebody call a cop.
A lion is eating my foot off.
Somebody call a cop.
A lion is eating my foot off.
Somebody call a cop.
A lion is eating my foot of
Somebody call a cop.
Very interesting to hear the derivation of songs
The first songs,
the first songs were all the anthem songs.
We always thought...
We always thought...
Wanna hear an anthem song?
You had an anthem song?
We had a national anthem.
-What was the anthem? -Well, ah...
you see, was only fragment...
-Fragment? -It wasn't a nation.
-Yes. -It was cave, each cave. Yes.
Each cave had a national anthem.
You remember the national anthem of your cave?
Ok. I say I'll never forget it.
You don't forget a national anthem in a minute.
Let them go to the hell
except cave 76.
For instance, how did the custom of two people shaking hands
how the handshake come to be?
The handshake? As you know...
I don't, that's why I'm asking!
The handshake has also stemmed from fear.
Everything we do is based on fear.
-Even love? -Mainly love.
How can love stem from fear?
How can love stem from fear?
What do you need a woman for?
You know what you need for?
-In my time? -Yes.
To see if an animal is behind yourself,
you had to get eyes in the back of your head.
you take two eyes that is to be a lady.
I see.
You say, lady, you look behind me for a while.
And that was the first... the first marriages.
What if you take a look behind me ok?
How long you want?Forever, we are married.
You walked back to back to the rest of your life?
Yes. You only look at her once in a while,
when you knew you it was safe?
When I knew I was in a highground.
-The handshakes they started how?
-They started to see if the fellow had a rock
or a dagger in his hand.
Where is you hand? Hi, Charlie.
How you're doing Jumpy, where is you hand?
Then you open it and you look...
And you shook another one.
And that's the way the handshakes started.
Yes, the shake.
May have a stone or a marble to stick in your eye.
In the older days
you should get a snap and all.
How the dancing started?
-Dancing is the same thing. -Fear again?
Just fear. The only thing you could do with a hand
was to see if there was a rock or a marble
or rubber band or nail or something that would stick in your head.
Right. Ok.
But while imobilizing my hand
dancing gets to complete the imobilization.
Dance and keep the feet busy so he can't get you.
Yes, but I think most people are interested
in living a long and fruitful life.
-You mentioned? -Fruit is good food, you mentioned.
Fruit kept me going for 140 years once
when I... was on a very strict diet,
mainly nectarines, I love that fruit
half a peach, half a plum, such a hell of a fruit.
It's not too cold
Not too hot, you know, just nice.
-What if... -A rotten one?
That's how much I love. I'd rather eat a rotten nectarine than a fine plum.
-What do you think about? -I can understand that.
Yes, that's how much I love them.
-Yes, I can understand, sir. -Some good things.
What did you do for a living?
Well, many years ago, thousands.
There was no heavy industry.
We know that.
Most things that we manufactured or we made,
most things we ever made,
was we would make a take a piece of wood
and rub it, rub it and rub it and rub it
then clean it and look at it and hit right with it
and hit a tree with it.
-For what purpose? -Just to keep busy.
There was not. There was absolutely nothing to do, had no job.
What other jobs were there?
Must've been something else besides hitting a tree with
the knowledge, hitting a tree with a
piece of stick was already a good job.
You couldn't get that job.
Mainly was sitting and looking in the sky
was a big job
and another job was watching each other.
-And what language did you speak? -They spoke...
-Rock, basic rock. -Years before Hebrew.
Yes. 200 years before Hebrew was the rock language, the rock talk.
Could you give us an example of that?
Hey, you don't put that rock on me.
Hey, what you do with the rock?
Do you remember you remember your Hebrew sir?
Yes, I would just I think I remember fluent...
Because I understand the modern Hebrew is different from the...
-phonetic alliteration paterns. -Yes.
Can we hear an example of the ancient Hebrew?
A very ancient Hebrew is...
Oh, hi there, hello.
Hello there. How are you.
-Hi. How are you. -That's English.
-Oh wait, wait. -You remember any Hebrew?
Very little.
I don't think I remember.
I must have forgot a great deal of it.
-I think you forgot it all. -Maybe all, yes.
Maybe all. Thousands of years since I needed it.
Now, sir, did you ever...
Did you ever have any formal job as we know it today?
Yeah, well, I was a manufacturer. I was owner.
What kind of a factory did you have?
I had a I used to make the star of David, Jew stars.
Making a little money?
Where's that? Yeah.
Soon as religion came in, I was one of the first in that.
I figured this was a good thing.
How did you make them? Did you have tools?
Well, we didn't have a lady.
I employed six men each with a point.
They used to run together in the middle of the factory
A great speed, it was huge.
They were making a star.
Yes. We would make two a day because of the many accidents.
Six men running and... you know.
Lots of accidents.
You never thought of going into anything else?
Oh, no, I had an offer once.
-It came to me. Simon. -What Simon asked you to do?
Said he had a new thing, a new item,
a winner, looks like a winning item.
That was gonna be a big seller is called a cross.
And I looked at it and I turned it over
and looked in all sides of it
and I said, it's simple. It's too simple.
I didn't know then. Element.
-I didn't know with such a -You turned him down?
and I said, I'm sorry, but I'm too busy.
See, I could have I could have fired four men,
two men run together, bang, that is a cross.
Would say that I would I would have earned
over a hundred dollars doing that crosses and everything.
Yes, certainly.
Do you have a few moments, sir?
What do you mean? Money or the time.
No, we have to cut way for messages now.
-Okay, let's do it. Is it in English? -Yes.
By the way, sir, are you married?
I have been married several hundred times.
-Several hundred times? -Yes.
You haven't, man. Do you remember all your wives?
-One I remember well. -Which one was that?
The five one, Shyla.
I remeber her well.
I'm afraid to ask the next question, you had many hundreds of wives...
-Hundreds and hundreds. -But how many children you have?
I have over forty two thousand children.
And not one comes to visit me.
It's awful, sir
well, sir, it's really you mean to say there isn't one daughter...
there's many daughters, but, but they
you know how they are, children.
Good luck to them, let them go.
I don't want listen, let them be happy as long they're happy
I don't care. But they could send a note
write how're you Pop how you're doing Pop
you know, they don't.
Sir... ahn, you must have known
some great men in your time, you did travel to...
I knew the greater and the near greater.
Can I ask you about some of these...
Certainly, I'll tell you the true
the true whether I knew or not.
For instance, people are people are
very interested in somebody like Joan of Arc.
A lot has been written about her, we read a lot...
Aah what a kiss.
You knew Joan of Arc?
I went for her, damn it, I went for her.
Nowhere in history do we know of Joan going with it anybody.
Well, they don't print everything.
You did marry her? No.
No. I didn't marry her because she was on a mission.
she used to say to me
she used to say to me, I've got to save France.
I should say I look.
I've got to wash up. You save France.
See you later after you save France. I'll wash up, you know.
-How did you... -Hold it, I... yet.
How did you feel about her being burned at the stake?
I didn't I didn't know.
Sir, how about some of the legendary characters
who supposedly might have existed?
For instance, Robin Hood.
-Did he...? -Oh, yeah. Lovely man.
Ran around in the forest.
Did he really steal from the rich and give to the poor?
No, he didn't.
He stole from everybody and kept everything.
Out of the legend?
Out of the legend let's bring up that
he had a fellow monk, hired a press agent
running all the paper and roll and scroll.
He takes from the rich and gives to the poor, who knew?
You knew you took such a knock in the head
when he robbed you wouldn't knock him down.
-In other words... -A tough guy.
I hate to have our legendary figures smashed
Well, I hate do smashing for you.
So much to discuss, for instance,
-somebody like William Shakespeare -Oh what a pussycat.
-You are saying that you knew -A pussycat.
You did know it, for instance
Oh, that little beard, that cute hair...
He was reputed,
I guess you are agreeing that he was the greatest writer of all times.
Oh no, hey, hold up he was small.
What you mean? You just said he was great.
-Oh boy!
-And I said he was great... -No sir.
A cute man and a pussycat.
William Shakespeare was not a great writer?
Not good writer at all.
He wrote 37 of the greatest.
Shakespeare was not a good writer, no.
He wrote 37 of the greatest.
Would you ever see the original the first folios?
You mean they were edited by someone else?
Never mind the edit, did you see the folios?
No, I never saw them. Did you see?
I saw that folios, your wanna see how they are?
A blast...
A 'm' you know that look like a 'D'
an 'M' didn't look like an 'M'
I know that is a 'V'
Every letter was cockeyed and crazy.
Don't tell me he was a good writer.
The worst printmanship I ever saw in my life.
What he did? He did as it was reputed,
he did write 37 of the greatest plays of...
-38! -I only know 37.
Would you care to look at this list sir?
These items are listed come down to the ages.
-You know one that should be there? -Yes.
What's that?
Queen Alexandra and Morris.
Is there any copy of this unexistent?
This is a play that I put invested money in.
Probably the only one that didn't come to light.
Come to light and closed in Egypt.
Sir, you remember...
you remember any of the dialogue of Queen Alexandra and Morris?
Queen Alexandra turn to Morris and said:
Oh, Morris. What could it have been that I have seen?
Is it not in my marrow or we not have one on ourselves?
And he would say to her:
What are you hollering?
What are you hollering?
-Sir, what... -Wake up the whole castle, you know.
Sir, what did you do 2000 years ago to entertain...
-Walk and wing. -I want to know wether...
-Were there comedians -Oh sure sure, we had.
You remember any of the... 2,000 years ago...
A matter of days, let me see.
I remember one comedian gave us some laughs
while we were hysterical.
Well, who is he? Some good laughs.
Murray the Nut. He gave us a laugh.
A tiger came in the cave one afternoon.
Soothed in uninvited naturally.
Nobody asked how a tiger did walk in.
Tiger came in and Murray, you know, the joker
the tumbling, you know, the Nut
jumps at and grabs the tiger by the tail
yahaa, yahaa, yahaa...
and the tiger turn around and ate him in a minute.
and we get histerical laughing and laughing.
Best joke we ever had.
Oh sir, that's not very funny.
That was all we have, our chaos then that was all we have.
Terrible, I would consider that...
Have to pass me out, Murray took the tiger.
-That was entertainment? -Yes.
I would consider that in the realm of tragedy rather than comedy.
It's a point of view, to me tragedy is... is
if I cut my finger, that's tragedy.
It clinch and I cry and I run around
and I go into Mount Sinai for a day and a half.
I'm very nervous about.
And to me comedy is if you walk into an open sewer
and die, I like that.
Comedy I say.
-My finger is important. -Yes
In the 2000 years you've lived, you've seen a lot of items.
What is the biggest change you've seen?
In two thousand years the greatest thing mankind ever devised
I think in my humble opinion is saran wrap.
You can put a sandwich in it.
You can look through it. You can touch
you can put over your face and fool around and everything.
It's so cool you could wrap up
-You would ate it? -I love it,
put three olives in it and put a little one.
can put ten sandwiches and make up this.
-Whatever you want, It's clean and it sticks with.
-You equate this with... -You can look right through.
You equate this with man's discovery of space?
That was good, that was good.
-Sir, we ah... -Yes, yes.
We have to take time out for message now.
Why do you have to take time out?
You take the message, I'll keep talking.
That was a good message.
Well, sir, if we don't have too much more time
but we all here would like to know your code.
Well, alright, is this it?
A farewell? -A farewell address.
Hello there. This is 2000 years talking to you
from the depths of back there when we was
now I'm still and they not and I just want to say
keep your smile on your face.
And stay out of a Ferrari
or any small Italian car.
stay out of them. I wanna tell you that it's been
it's been a wonderful two thousand years
and you've been a wonderful civilization
and it's been a thrill living for 2,000 years
and eat a nectarine, is the best food ever made.
submitted by cappy1223 to Jokes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:44 Far_Requirement_4958 Lost completely

So. It's my birthday today. I have never had the feeling so strong when I have woke up. I don't know what caused the switch from when I went to sleep last night(which I was in a pretty good mood). I woke up today. And feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. I feel like someone extremely close to me died. Or something even worse. It is so strong in me that I am struggling to just have a calm thought and can not sit still and every fiber in my body that makes who I am just wants to run as far away from people , which is extremely screwing with me because family and friends are sending there birthday wish and trying to talk to me. And I'm trying to be cool and not let anyone notice that there is something bad going on. I really don't want to do this anymore. I am tired of having this empty feeling. I've delt with it forever. And have been really trying to work on it. I have a good positive family and a couple really good friends. So why is it getting worse. Why. And the last 6 months have went into a spiral. I'm falling into a deep hole. I make totally drastic decisions out of nowhere when I get like this. Please please. I have no idea how to deal with this. I never have attempted suicide. Although I've always had a lot of mental issues. I just never had the feeling like it was the solution. I don't feel that way now. Right now. In this fucking moment. I would love nothing more then to feel a purpose for my existence. Or just the feeling that someone wants you and only you. I'm 47 and I've never had that feeling in my life . I've had pletty of relationships. But always felt I was there back up plan. Does anyone know how that feels. How fucked uup of a feeling that is. I don't know how to describe it all. I am probably not making much sense so I'm done
submitted by Far_Requirement_4958 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:41 Cultural_Sleep9678 Fulgrim's little Muse (2/?)

"Explain your past, Musa" the gov'ness walks at my right, shielding my from the piercing sun as we walks with the caravan. After the trench was dismantled, we are walking by foot to reach the capital, as the trench-line have been pushed far into our homeland.
"I was a cook when the war started, gov'ness" and now I am left wondering why did she chose me from anyone else in the caravan, there's the sergeant, the whom she asked to see earlier today.
"You have been trusted to cook rations for your company, as early as the war?" her baroque companion, similarly donned in her armor, walks close by ours, but never overtook us.
"No, gov'ness, I was a 10 years old when the war started, the war went for seven years and I fought for the last two" before she came, with weapons of the stars that could've decimate my trench instead of theirs
"Such a young man you are, seven years ago, the Emperor grants me audience, revealing that I was his progenitor"
This talk about an "imperium" across the stars and the deified emperor has gotten me worried. Is that her reason for talking to me, to ease my pain before sending me to the stars far from here? Or simply an act of pity?
The meager town came into view, and was it not for the ancient structure, we would've thought this was anywhere but the capital. Gray skies and beaten earth have become the synonym for the heart of Nagorow.
"I must say, this was not our expectation when your leader came into contact with my ship, begging for salvation" the gov'ness depart from me, and my instinct was to follow her, but who am I to her? And so I stay put and follow the rest of the caravan back to the main camp.
"You're lucky to have an audience with the Lady, runt" one of gov'ness' companion knocked me to the dirt, assuming that he's doing it out of spite and jealousy. I can see him walking to gov'ness
"I apologize for my companion's doing" another of gov'ness', as he extends his fingers that allowed me to stand to my feet "Lucius was indeed jealous, he was our best melee combatant and our Primarch haven't even bat an eye for him"
"Is that a rare thing?" Lucius and the gov'ness seems to enter the structure, doing their business there. I quickly glance at my watch, the gray sky seems to be forever, and it shows 1641. And I quickly look back at the gov'ness companion
"It is, perhaps Mother saw something within you, perhaps yours was interesting at the moment" the giant release his helmet, letting his bronze hair free from the confine "I am Rylanor, pleasure to meet you, Musa"
"As is mine, gov'nor"
The Sejm was delightful in seeing Fulgrim and her companions, as well as the news of the apparent victory on the frontlines. Such delight warrants them to spent their moneys on a grand feast right at the capital, inviting everyone within range to attend, with the guest of honor being the gov'ness herself.
"I would have thought you are with Mother, Musa" Rylanor brought two plates in his palm, the plate whom was enough for me was made miniscule by his hands, each contained meager food they could thrown
"Thanks, gov'nor" the feast gives us chair to sit, yet here I stand with him, outside of the building. Somehow the gov'nor chose to make a companion out of me, whilst gov'ness over there busy herself with her empire in the suns.
"I almost forgot what a food taste, Musa, back in the campaign, we would be served liquid ration with occasional starch" I took a look at him, and his plate was already cleaned
"You should try my cooking then, I cook better"
We let a simple laugh from the situation, from a soldier to another, from a human to another too. The door barges open and whom I thought to be Lucius emerge, escaping the feast.
"It's obnoxious inside, Rylanor, if you wish to see me, then don't, I'm heading to the nearest landing coordinate" and went he goes, somewhere place only he, gov'nor and gov'ness know. Something that I would not understand no matter how much gov'nor taught me.
"I have to agree with dear Lucius there" and speak of the gov'ness, and she shall came, looking at the horizon "they barely separate the nobility and the peasant"
I didn't mean to stare, but gov'ness wore something fine, something you'd see from paintings high in temple's ceiling, an ascendant of man. Looking carefully, it seems she wore old Nagorovian dress and modify it to suit her stature, or rather, her figure. She need not a corset, it seems.
"The food is delectable, Mother" Rylanor already took my plate without my knowing, something that I relent
"Every food is delectable when you are starved of them, dear Rylanor"
We all watched as a star suddenly rose at the horizon, perhaps something to do with Lucius and his departure. I suppose this is our future, being shackled by another uncaring emperor to fight the dangers of mankind.
"Say, Rylanor, but does that star seems approaching us?" and behind Lucius' ascend, a second star indeed looks as if its getting nearer. Just before I respond, nor gov'nor did for that matter, the air raid sirens blare and screech
"It is too late to dodge the missile, Mother, and I am the only one still wearing my armor, I would suggest taking a shield behind me" Rylanor easily stood and tower over us. I didn't even wait as I quickly take cover.
"Don't be ridiculous, Rylanor, these brutes couldn't even muster the technology to weaponize simple nuclear reaction" Rylanor didn't wait and cover me with his entire figure, and I just prayed that whatever nuclear is nor what reaction it cause would not be as devastating as I'd fear.
The moment of impact was blurry, but there was an apparent pain riddled to it, as the temperature rose akin to a sun blasting us with the heat. Like what was drilled into my head, I quickly wrap my entire face with anything, covering up the assuredly loud aftermath and the shrapnel flying around. I couldn't hear
And I wish I wouldn't hear
By the time the air around began to cool, my throat was hoarse, as if I have been shouting the entire time. It wasn't until I noticed the spasmic movement on my mouth that I realized, I have been barking around.
"At ease, gov'nor, at ease lads" I chanted
"It seems it was a nuclear explosion, Mother, albeit a primitive version of it" Rylanor seems to ignore my rant, addressing the gov'ness instead. He then release me, before coughing up liquids right at my face "apologies" he mumbles
"Be damned your humor, Rylanor" I hear the gov'ness, rasping in breath as I slowly gather my senses "Musa, you lived it seems" my eyes were blinking rapidly, due to the heat and the dust it caused "oh Rylanor, I apologized for your condition".
When my eyes fully recovered, I saw only desolation. No Man's Land was gentler than this, water and mud found refuge within them after all. But what I saw was beyond it, ruins and dry earth, trees and building charred, and people would likely evaporate. Peoples, on whom I was fighting with and fighting for, for two damned years. I couldn't take it anymore, first Maria and now this? Fate was far too cruel
Liquid barge through my mouth, followed close by every air in my lungs and waters in my eyes. There was no rythym, only that I was doing it in instinct, lying on all fours at the stairs near the gov'nor and gov'ness.
Only then did I brave to stand up, looking at them and the impact it caused. Gov'nor seems to be stuck in his place, unable to move as his hair rotted away and flesh melts to his armor. Now I understand why did he puke. The gov'ness was way less impacted, as her clothing burnt with the flesh on her skins, with her lying on her back.
"Cease your staring, Musa" she quickly commanded
"Yes ma'am" I quickly slap my cheek, a soldier need to finish his duties until the bitter end, and the enemy was no better after all "orders, gov'ness?"
"You're waiting for my orders?" she slowly sat herself, throwing out blood from her mouth while her arms sizzle and creates smoke "so it seems, help me get to one of landing coordinates" when she did sat, she saw her own legs, crushed from the debris of the railings and burnt to crisp "it seems I would have to relegate the matter of combat to you"
"Private Musa at the ready, gov'ness" so soon to serve this faraway empire, and my first duty is to escape the chaos that will ensue. And first, I need to find a cart or I will be carrying the giant on my back
"Musa, before you go" Rylanor rasp and wheeze as he reach for something, before he carved it with letters and numbers "you are familiar with latitudes and longitudes of your planet, I assume, and if not then you can ask Mother for direction" he gave me the knife, on which he have engraved numbers.
"And what will happen to you, gov'nor?" I took the knife and pocket it, then looking back at the gov'ness
"I will be fine, Musa, all I ask is that you deliver Mother there to the place, and rest assured that you will be awarded"
I ignore the last part, something about the futility in wealth and glory that I realized, living as a cook my entire life before becoming a soldier taught me that. I quickly strip my clothing, and though I have to face the cold soon, finding the gov'ness means of transportation is more valuable. I quickly wrapped the gov'ness legs with a shirt, then I cut another of my shirt into pieces before I wrapped it at her so I can carry her off, my suspender helped in holding her together too
"Something tells me I won't enjoy the journey" Fulgrim murmurs as she rest on my shoulder
"Be safe Mother, I pray that Musa will be sufficient to you"
submitted by Cultural_Sleep9678 to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:41 Okidoky123 Post boycott -> sales-only boycott

Perhaps this ought to start before the end of May.
An action on everyone's part to refuse making any Loblaws owned store a one-stop go-to for our grocery needs, but using it to target only sales. And not the "sales" that mark off something expensive, that's still expensive after the "sale", but the deep sales, that are designed to lure people in.
Point in case: butter at 4.99 and water melon at 2.99. Those sales are apparently happening right now. They're designed to get you to come with a shopping cart, and they're hoping that you might as well load up with various other items. A water melon in particular, is heavy, and most people will need a cart for that. Those guys know that possibly selling water melon at a loss, they will make up for it, by pushing other heavily marked up item to us suckers.
Don't be tempted to buy other items. Just go in, and get only sales where you'd really say: that is a true sale. Resist any fake "sales", quote quote.
This accomplishes multiple goals:
1) We show that we continue to refuse to accept unreasonably marked up items.
2) We deprive them of profits through rip offs.
3) We benefit from deep sales, that are possibly sold at a loss.
4) They lose money when we stubbornly only get deep sales.
5) Other stores see that we're willing to shop around, enticing them to play nice so that they gain our business.
Will Loblaws smarten up?
Most probably not right away. Once a business becomes accustomed to certain profit levels, the have a responsibility to their investors to meet expectations. That, plus the greed of the ones running the show. They can probably cover up reduced sales by shoving things around, but they can't hide it forever. They need to be forced to alter their business model.
In the meantime, our job should be simple. Simply refuse to give in. Shop elsewhere. But go in to grab the deep sales. We need to talk about how we can keep up to date with those deep sales, and I'll guess we can call it that, and it might be dependent on location. Areas where there are enough people with high disposable income that don't care, might no see those deep sales. They'll just tease them with fake "sales". Areas where people have less alternatives will probably be disappointed also.
It's going to require a bit of effort. We need to resist saying to ourselves "oh, I have kids and don't have a the time to go to two stores". Make it work. Realize that when done efficiently, it will not take twice as long to shop. It's worth saving money. Plus it's the right thing to do, because you'd be part of a movement that can help everyone see competition restored. It's like fighting for and protecting democracy, in comparison. You might save a little for your particular pocket book, but there are those that benefit far more. It feels good to fight for us the people. Also resist other excuses and cop-outs. "Oh, but it takes gas". Calculate it. It might take you $2 more in gas to do two locations instead of one. $2 is easy to overcome. Don't be that automatic naysayer, that person that opposes automatically out of reaction. Be part of the solution!
Ok, so what flyers, what apps, what posts could we all look at, to help us all home in on those deep sales. And share how much you probably have saved by doing the Loblaws-for-a-quite-deep-sale-grabbing and then heading over to a proper grocery store. When you go into a Loblaws to grab what you need, while you walk to the target, you can see a few prices. Make mental note of that. Making up some numbers here: Bananas 89 cents, apples $5, etc etc. Then proper store, 69 cents, $3. Some might feel that, "meh, 2 bucks, 20 cents, who cars". But if every item is like that, it adds up. A $300 grocery bill becomes a $450 grocery bill. And that is what this entire thing is all about ! It takes work to make competition work. Without that work, they will exploit us, and they have!
submitted by Okidoky123 to loblawsisoutofcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:41 Additional_Earth1956 Why do I feel numb when good or bad things happen to me?

I just had a deep conversation with my siblings about my grandmother who passed last year. She was a very warm and loving person who basically raised us like her own children. When she passed away, I went out to drink with my friends to take away the pain; I know, it was very foolish of me. I still regret that I went about coping with grief in that manner. My brothers however, spent time with our family and cried together. For context, I lived out of state so I was physically unable to grieve with my family soon after my grandmothers passing. Earlier today, my brothers were reflecting on her death and the moments of grief and sadness they felt after she passed. My younger brother said he had performed badly for a music recital and immediately ran home and cried to my mother and my older brother said he cried in his room for the whole day and grieved alone. Meanwhile, I only grieved for a moment after I found out about her death and then a few days later at the funeral. However, after the funeral, I felt nothing. Not good, but not sad. When I was hearing my brothers talk about the way they grieved and the unfairness they felt with my grandmothers death, it was like I mentally and logically understood it, but my heart didn’t feel it. I thought that I would at least feel sad seeing my own brothers cry, but I genuinely and unfortunately felt nothing. I truly hate that I feel this way and that I seem to lack so much empathy. Can anyone explain why I am like this? How can I feel something? How can i better myself? Help.
submitted by Additional_Earth1956 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:40 SmolderingDesigns Grenadians are amazing.

I just have to say..... I've seen lots of posts claiming Grenada is the friendliest Caribbean island. It's not that I doubted, but I've seen the same claimed for other islands and have just not found that to be true. My Lucian partner and I have a had a really, really hard last 2 years trying to find our footing and feel even remotely settled. We've been setting down roots on another island, despite having bad experience after bad experience with people taking advantage of our precarious situation.
He recently left to stay in Grenada for a few months solely to comply with the maximum allowed stay on the island we live on. Let me tell you, his experience in Grenada has turned our plans upside down.
In less than 2 weeks, he has been shown an overwhelming amount of kindness and generosity, more than I've ever seen in my life being born and raised in Canada or anywhere else I've lived. From the airport, he simply asked a man where the bus stop was and was immediately offered a ride into town. The man showed him stops along the way and explained the entire neighborhood to him. He then gave my partner his number and said to call if he needed anything and to drop by his bar anytime.
He has no running water at the house he's staying at and the trucks have filled basically every tank around him except his. This was making us consider trying to find a rental in the north of the island, but we quickly realized how much locals support each other through these times. He has been offered bottles of water, rides to go fill empty jugs, the use of toilets and showers from people who still have running water. This is all offered freely, he has never even had to ask for help, it's given within even a prompt.
Yesterday, he asked a shop owner about whether he had certain groceries in stock. The shop owner immediately asked, "you haven't cooked for the day? Here, want some of my food? I just cooked it." And gave a generous portion of delicious dumplings and salt fish.
Grenadians, this Canadian thinks you are absolutely amazing. I'm blown away and humbled by your eagerness to help even a stranger and I really hope I get an opportunity to join him on your beautiful island if he can find permanent work and housing. I know now that Grenada's reputation as the friendliest island is not only well earned but honestly even understated.
submitted by SmolderingDesigns to Grenada [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:40 ApprehensiveSand7451 AITA for refusing to move back in with my MIL?

My husband and I just had a baby 2 months ago and honestly, him and I have been fighting nonstop since. It's because he is a "yes man" and it's starting to become intolerable. We live beside ALL of his friends and they ask him to go out every single weekend and he basically can't tell them "no" without feeling some type of way about it. His alternative to fixing the issue is to move in with his mother, who is fixing to buy a giant home over an hour away. I refuse to do this. Not only do I not want to live with anyone at all but there's already issues I'm not okay with. But irregardless, he went and looked at the house with her yesterday and came back home and brought it up yet again.
Here's my issues... For one, she expects us to come up with the down payment for her loan. It's $10,400. I have the money. My husband has suggested that we use my savings to put toward the loan (he works full time but 80% of his money goes toward our bills). I refuse to give up my financial cushion for anyone. Our name wouldn't be on the loan or the deed to the house but she has told us that the house would be ours when she passes (I DO believe her, she's a lot of things but a liar isn't one of them so I know the house would 100% be ours). She expects us to pay half of all the bills, which is $800 more than we pay here and that's not including electric or water or pretty much anything else that goes wrong. For two, she expects me to go back to work immediately upon her purchasing the home and put our daughter in to daycare. My husband and I have already made it clear that our daughter will not be going to daycare but she keeps pushing the issue. Every time we see her now, she is bringing up the house and dropping comments about her being able to get me a job with her. She knows we have said no. She says that "won't work" unless I intend on picking up all house work. This means I would be in charge of cleaning up after 4 adults (her boyfriend, my husband, myself and her) and her unruly, untrained dog. Nope. Which leads to point 3, I refuse to live with her BF or her dog. And then the big one, she doesn't respect boundaries. She is not a malicious person but she's very... Nonchalant? She thinks that a lot of things don't matter because they wouldn't matter to her. As in she's come in to my room several times (when visiting us) while I'm sleeping and woken me and the baby up. When my daughter was 5 days old she showed up announced with her 3 young grandchildren so they could see the baby and one of those kids parents were at home sick with the flu, so she knowingly exposed my daughter because "well, she isn't sick, just her parents are".
Anyways, I just don't want to live with her. I don't want to live with anyone and be under someone else's thumb. I love my MIL. She truly is a great person (outside of the boundaries issue) but I can't do it and won't do it. My husband keeps trying to convince me to just "try it out" because he desperately wants to get out of here. He knows he has an issue with saying no to his buddies but instead of trying to say no, he wants to run because he thinks it'll make us stop fighting. I told him I'm absolutely not moving out of here unless we move alone. He's so upset about this that he is panicking. He feels like staying here is basically sealing his fate to be a "loser" (all his buddies are 30-40yo nobodies who do nothing but drink and blow money on dumb "fun" shit while their wives are at home taking care of everything and he doesn't want to end up like that but still refuses to say "no"). He says I should be willing to do this for him. AITA?
submitted by ApprehensiveSand7451 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:40 kelpkelpers I'm actually so tired of being so avoidant due to being ugly.. like this shit isn't normal and it might as well not be a life worth living

I avoid anyone I can wherever I go, but I specifically avoid men since they've been the main ones to criticize men or my appearance.. and it feels like I have to avoid the world. It feels like I'm literally not allowed to interact with anyone so at that point what's the point of life???
The avoidance has become soo strong that I legit cannot leave the house without a hat or mask and even then I just don't want to leave the house. I don't want to be seen, I don't want people thinking about what's under my hat or mask, I don't want to hear people muttering under their breath about how I look, it just makes me hate being around people and ultimately it makes me hate being alive
Everyday I wake up I pray that somehow my face will sort itself out and Ic a finally say I NO LONGER HAVE TO BE IN THIS GOD AWFUL SUB ANYMORE, I CAN FINALLY LIVE! but years go by and I'm almost 30
I'm almost 30 and I have less value than a 7 year old... it's sad and pathetic, but it feels like there was never anything in my control I could do to have an enjoyable life where I can look people in the eyes and be treated as an equal
I deeply understand my mom because of how shitty her life was and is due to being ugly. Like with her feeling so helpless that she became addicted to many horrible substances that only make you look uglier and eventually affect your offspring, her being targeted and harassed at jobs, her being abused by men, her being treated like shit by most people and her not knowing why, but me understanding why, it's like looking in a mirror because the same signs that happened to her are happening to me and it really does make me resent her for having me. Because pretty much everything with her went wrong. She didn't have good genes, poor, and mental health issues and substance abuse issues that aren't her fault and the depression and hopelessness due to being ugly I'm sure caused that 100% but... having a child in those conditions is setting not only the child up for failure, but yourself because you wont be able to financially support them and both of your lives will be a pointless struggle
I'm currently homeless, but living with people who constantly smoke and while I'm grateful to not be completely on the streets... it's really not any better, because I can't escape the smoke... I can't even go on a walk to clear my mind because people are constantly mocking me for how I look. I can't go anywhere without people laughing at how I look or calling me ugly... and that point I feel stuck being in side. I feel stuck avoiding any and everyone just because of how ugly I am
And I can't see the possibility for a brighter future
Because I can't get or keep jobs due to being ugly and how badly I'm treated and so it feels like ill never be able to pay for surgeries to live a normal life
I'm damn near almost 40 and my life is not ONLY STUCK, but it's regressing and becoming worse as time goes on
I legit feel trapped being ugly and avoiding everyone just because of a face I never chose to have
Just a couple minutes ago a guy was standing beside me on the phone and he looked down at me and busted out laughing so hard. He went into the house with his friend and I'm sure he said "that's the ugliest dude I've seen" and they both started laughing
like for you genuinely truly ugly people out there you know this shit isn't in your head and it happens so much to the point you have to question "DAMN AM I REALLY THAT FUCKING UGLY?"
Like it's miserable and I can't put it into words how miserable it is because to someone whose passing by they'll see this as "JUST SOMEONE WHOS INSECURE AND TOO LAZY TO TRY IN LIFE"
and it makes me feel like im getting closer and closer to killing myself, someone else killing me, or just me dying of homelessness and starvation
because society literally wont let me be apart of it or be normal
submitted by kelpkelpers to ugly [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:39 RocoIsARockZoe 26 (F4M) #Anywhere #Online - LTR

I am approaching you with romantic intent. 👀
I’m not limiting my search cause hey, maybe you’re amazing and just happen to be a 1000 miles away. So why make my circle small?
About me: I’m currently based in the Caribbean but I’m willing to bridge the gap. I’m spiritual and am mostly left leaning but I do have some traditional beliefs. I work in public relations with a deep interest in the arts. I like to laugh and enjoy curling up with a good book or show. I love animals although I don’t have any pets and I adore learning about different cultures and peoples.
Physically, I’m average height, curvy with short dark curly hair.
What I’m looking for: Someone sane (this is up for debate) and childfree (this is not). I’m most attracted to anyone who can keep a conversation going and willing to listen and share. Believe it or not, personality counts! Though I am partial to guys with thick hair and are taller than me.
No one below 24 or older than 40 preferably (:
Edit: your pic gets my own!
submitted by RocoIsARockZoe to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:38 Apprehensive_Pin2594 How to feed a group of barking stray dogs?

So there is a society a bit away from mine with a group of strays, they bark at people passing by at times. They are very thin and I'd like to feed them.
Problem is, I'm scared of dogs, and will be going there alone (tried asking but no one to accompany me), and thus worried that while I am taking out 5 different tiffins for the 5 of them, they might get impatient and start leaping at me for more food (like in the meanwhile).
If it were one or two dogs it could've been manageable, but with 5 of them sitting together, I feel like by the time I manage to take out food for 1 of them from my container, the others will leap at me for more food.
Eventually, when I'm able to earn their trust, I guess I wouldn't have to worry about this, but for now, can u guys give me creative solutions to tackle this?
P.Sv A version of the above has happened with me before with two other dogs nearby, which is why I'm a bit apprehensive about how to approach.
submitted by Apprehensive_Pin2594 to IndianPets [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:38 Apprehensive_Pin2594 How to feed a group of barking stray dogs?

So there is a society a bit away from mine with a group of strays, they bark at people passing by at times. They are very thin and I'd like to feed them.
Problem is, I'm scared of dogs, and will be going there alone (tried asking but no one to accompany me), and thus worried that while I am taking out 5 different tiffins for the 5 of them, they might get impatient and start leaping at me for more food (like in the meanwhile).
If it were one or two dogs it could've been manageable, but with 5 of them sitting together, I feel like by the time I manage to take out food for 1 of them from my container, the others will leap at me for more food.
Eventually, when I'm able to earn their trust, I guess I wouldn't have to worry about this, but for now, can u guys give me creative solutions to tackle this?
P.Sv A version of the above has happened with me before with two other dogs nearby, which is why I'm a bit apprehensive about how to approach.
submitted by Apprehensive_Pin2594 to Indiedogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:37 NativeMasshole Ascend management is as toxic as they come

Massgrow just signed a union contract a few months ago, and the top managers in the facility have come right out and said that they don't plan on honoring it. One of the big wins for us was that they were supposed to post jobs for 2 weeks for internal consideration of union members, give interviews to all those who apply, and work with them on what they need to achieve a promotion if they're denied.
Instead, every management position that has opened up since has either been filled with outside hires or the position has dissolved as soon as it's empty. They fold departments that have nothing to do with each other together just to avoid promoting into management.
The only way people get promoted into supervisory rolls is when the previous supervisor quits over their treatment or gets fired (often with no warning and little cause). Both my superiors recently quit, leaving me the only person in my department, yet I only made the lead position, and they told me they already had a non-union rehire in the works for supervisor before they even posted the job.
At this point, I don't even want to petition for the extra promotion. I watched my supervisor have management responsibilities, with little support from his mangers, yet full responsibilities. I've been through 3 different managers in my 6 months there, and not a single one of them could actually run the department. It's been 2 weeks since my superiors have given notice, yet I haven't been given any formal meeting at all regarding my new position. Not a word from management about money, responsibilities, or even an official start date.
Unfortunately, I'm a bit stuck. It does pay decent for the area, but I feel like I'm going to have to fight every step of the way just to maintain fair practices. Even if I did get another promotion, it would elevate me out of the union, which would take away my protection in those fights.
I heard the rumors before I started the job, but now I'm living them.
submitted by NativeMasshole to WorkingGrassMass [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:36 AkizaIzayoi Regarding probate...

My step father passed away last year very suddenly. We do not know if he left a will for us. My mom was the one who processed his death certificate, etc. So of course, his death means his bank accounts will be frozen. Problem is that mom is just his common law partner (for 22 years). He didn't divorce his first wife because he's often busy but he was about to. And my step father also has kids with his first wife.
So my question is: how will we know if there's a probate that's being processed and that he indeed left a will for us? Do we have to do something on our end in order to have it processed? What if he didn't leave a will? Will we still get a share or something? Mom says that she believes he indeed left a will and that someone will contact her a year or more after his death and there was no need for us to do anything but I still doubt it.
For reference: my step father died here in the Philippines and my step father is from the state of California.
submitted by AkizaIzayoi to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:36 Puzzleheaded_Sail580 Am I wrong for no longer wanting to mend or pursue a relationship with MIL?

I was hesitant to post this but I’m here anyway.
So, I grew up in a Christin home, and my parents are still practicing. My parents are non- judgmental; very giving and willing to help within reason; level headed for the most part; and extremely hardworking. I’m grateful to have them and so is my husband, especially because his Mom doesn’t seem to support us most of the time.
I wouldn’t say I’m the perfect Christian, but I have been trying to strengthen my relationship for personal reasons like to improve my marriage, self growth and confidence. I’m not really practicing to be honest.
I have had issues with my MIL every since I began dating my husband and haven’t said very nice things about her recently, but I’ve been so frustrated lately.
I guess my question is, from a biblical standpoint…am I wrong for not wanting to mend my relationship with my MIL?
My MIL has always …always said not so nice things to my husband and I when angry. She’s the type of person who holds everything inside and has enough common sense to know she can’t react how she really wants to react because she’ll look bad in-front of people so instead she’ll say something rude in a nice way even in-front of family as a way to dig into whoever she feels animosity towards in that moment. I see her do this to her kids and me. I’m not certain if she’s done it to her siblings, because I’ve never seen her act that way towards my husband’s aunts or uncles or other people but I have overheard her gossip and talk bad about people, I’m not perfect and I also gossip but not about family like she does. So that has always made me question if she speaks bad about me to her family.
A specific time she has said something mean to me was when my husband (bf at the time) and I were sitting outside with her and I took down my pony tail and was running my fingers through my hair trying to detangle it. She had gone inside and I guess didn’t realize my husband (bf at the time) had also gone inside to use the restroom. I made my way inside and as I was walking up the stairs she asks me in the most calm and normal voice “is your hair falling out?” I confused, responded “no?”. Then she said “oh it looks like it, you have patches missing in the back”. I have always had thick long hair and feel like she was trying to lower my self esteem. The intention behind why she said it hurt more than what she said. My husband (bf at the time) stood up for me because he overheard, she then said “I guess I won’t open my mouth” and started to cry. I don’t think she realized he was there.
There are so many other examples, like pointing out my husbands weight in-front of people, saying my skin looks okay but I need to make my pores smaller, just uncalled comments. I have also had issues with his family because I have stood up for my husband and called stuff out. I think they make excuses for her due to the fact she hasn’t had the easiest life.
After we got married I started standing my ground, and setting up boundaries and interacting less with her. Recently I have noticed that she attempts to dictate my husbands schedule/ time by constantly asking him to do things. I just feel like she’s always competing with me even though she has said she isn’t. Her actions don’t match her words, and it makes me uncomfortable. My husband has asked me to try harder to mend my relationship with her but I have expressed that I have never been the problem . He understands but at the same time it’s his Mom so he feels bad. I honestly believe that she wants to break up our marriage or has serious mental health issues. She also has hoarding tendencies.
I’m not perfect nor is my family but I grew up in the complete opposite environment. Organized, not always calm but always understanding parents who acknowledged when they were wrong and corrected their actions…so dealing with someone like my MIL has pushed me away. I’m at a point where I no longer want a relationship with her. Am I wrong?
We’re also going on vacation soon with my family, so I have felt even more animosity from her recently. I feel like if she was nice to me since the beginning we could have had a wonderful relationship and included her more, but she has always had an issue with me since the beginning for no reason.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Sail580 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:36 RossieMossie I got hunted by a Wendigo

Hey guys, my name is Rosslyn and I live in Virginia. I have been raised here my whole life and I grew up with stories of all sorts of cryptids around here. Last night, however, was different.
My husband, Charlie, and I were out on a drive to his hometown in North Carolina. This place has maybe 2000 people if not less inhabiting, and it’s almost an hour from the nearest hospital. Growing up was odd here, he would tell me. He always said that you were never truly alone, but I always thought it was just the ghosts of hundreds of those who have passed roaming and curiously passing by. I’ve seen a few shadows here and there and i can say I’ve never felt alone, but also I’ve never felt threatened.
This time, we were driving there around 10 pm. There is this spot we like to sit at, and sometimes we need some time away to relax and enjoy each others company. The drive isn’t longer than 2 hours, and we like to take the scenic route around when it’s empty. He had mentioned how he knew this road he used to love to sit at, and at the end of it is a culdasac of trees. When we approached, we were both silent but now I know we were both experiencing the same feeling of “I’m not alone right now.”
That’s when I saw it. Behind the trees, lurking to not be seen, was a tall and gangly figure. I remember feeling petrified and when I caught it’s eyes, I glanced away. I told him to leave right then and there and later explained what i had saw.
As we continued to drive to his old neighborhood, we both continued to feel followed. His streets seemed to have a cast of darkness not typical on these nights. We turned to our usually spot and parked, at this point I had described to him what I had seen and we rolled down the windows to listen.
Silence. Fleeting crickets. Silence. I looked at him and felt that trickling fear of being watched. Again.
We hightailed it out of there and began our journey home, both of us at that point realizing that we are being hunted down. My husband knows how to take these roads and curves, but I can only imagine what would have happened if he took a curve too tight and we hit a tree.
At some point I glanced out of the window into the dark field next to us and I saw it running on all fours. I could feel it’s anger, I was NOT supposed to have seen it. At this point, I told my husband and he maneuvered us to a small little area with civilization; IE a hotel a few fast food places and a Walmart. He decided oddly to turn into the Walmart and park.
Wrong idea. We quickly realized we were being searched for and created a plan to escape. We both knew what was going on and we both knew we narrowly escaped death at that time. Looking into the eyes of your apex predator is feeling you’ll never forget.
we ended up escaping to home and i tried to lay down to forget it all, but quickly realized I am not okay. When I close my eyes, all I could see was it’s face staring back at me. The long white ashy snout with dark hollow eyes and a piercing grey middle to them. It was a tall and stood on both legs, it had a hunch and was terrifying skinny.
It was hungry.
My husband later mentioned he doesn’t know quite why, but the reason he turned down that street in the first place was he felt ‘called’ to go. I felt the same and I know that had we stepped out the car, had I not accidentally caught a glimpse into it’s eyes, we would be dead.
So that brings me to now, this morning. I just woke up after being haunted in my dreams of his eyes and face and I’m asking for help. My husband thinks I’m marked and that I can never return, but I don’t know enough to fully understand what’s happened to me.
Thank you for reading and please give me guidance if you can. May 19, 2024
submitted by RossieMossie to cryptids [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:34 Kind_Security_9931 PLAYER RATINGS VS PORT

Straight out, I don’t even feel like doing these. That was heartbreaking, I know we went into that game expecting to get belted, we were far from being the favourites but when your 40 points up, you are not suppose to lose a game.
I just feel like if we had Sicily and Scrimshaw, that fourth quarter would have gone differently. Having the experience of those 2 in those dying minutes really could have changed things.
Regardless, there were a few really good performances today that deserve some appreciation so here we go. Before I do them I just want to say, today’s game made it very hard to rate the boys because of the way it ended. I’m sure you guys won’t agree with everything, would love to hear your thoughts.
Will Day : 8.5/10
Would have loved to give him the 10 but needed him in that last quarter and he didn’t quite show up enough. Now I don’t blame that entirely on him, the coaching decisions weren’t great but an overall dominant performance from Day.
Blake Hardwick : 9/10
Can’t really fault him today, did his best today. 5 goals straight then went down back and did well down there. 4 intercepts and 22 touches.
Sam Frost : 8.5/10
Just been unreal this season. Some of those efforts were just mesmerising. 7 interceptions possessions frosty had and they were very important ones. He’s really been a rock in that defence and it’s just a shame that it wasn’t enough to get us over the line.
Massimo : 8/10
I thought he was exceptional today, had an outstanding game and his accuracy when kicking is unreal. Yes he had 5 turnovers but some of the kicks that he pulls off just makes you think how good is this kid gonna be. 28 touches, 4 interceptions and 22 pressure acts.
Amon : 7/10
Maybe it is just me but I don’t think he was as good as some other people think. Yes he gets a lot of the ball, but he had 10 kick ins today, along with his 719 metres gained, it was nearly all from kick ins like I don’t think he is that dominant. But you can’t expect him to do much more when he’s playing very defensively, I have always believed Amon would be much better on the wing because we have a lot more players that can play half back. I am not saying he played bad but he just was not anything special, only the 2 score involvements so his ball use isn’t exactly leading to our score increasing, defensively he is not reliable, he literally gave the freekick away to Rioli who kicked there second last goal.
Jai Newcombe : 7.5/10
Had an unreal first quarter then dropped off slowly each quarter. Saw the ball a lot more in the fourth but had terrible efficiency with it, he kicked 2 out on the full. He had 4 turnovers all game and 3 of them were in the 4th which was just another thing that lead to us choking that. Other than that he had a solid game, 23 touches, 5 score involvements and 5 tackles.
James Worpel : 7.5/10
I thought Worpel had a pretty underrated game today. I feel like he was very consistent and played a solid 4 quarters with maybe a slight drop off in the 4th but that was probably all of our players bar Frost. 19 touches running at 90% disposal efficiency is very impressive considering his ball use was a huge downside in his game overall game last year. He got 5 centre clearances and also had 21 pressure acts which was a huge factor in how we played so well for those 3 quarters.
Connor Nash : 7/10
Him and Worpel have sort of been just doing the exact same thing the last couple weeks. Low touch, high impact type games. 17 touches and 5 clearances for Nash, along with 7 tackles which was a huge upside in his game today. Thought his pressure was unreal.
Meek : 6.5/10
Definitely wasn’t his best game today. Yes in the ruck contests he was absolutely dominant but as he should be, he’s versing an unbelievably inexperienced ruckman. What I was disappointed in was his involvement around the ground, particularly his ability to impact marking contests. He was our tallest player on the field and he only took 1 mark that was uncontested. I love Meek and I think he’s been phenomenal this season but that was definitely a drop off from previous weeks.
Dylan Moore : 7/10
Whilst he didn’t impact the scoreboard as much as usual today with only the 4 score involvements and 0 goals. He was quite involved in the game. 16 touches and 6 tackles for Moore which i thought was definitely passable but not quite up to his standards.
Mabior Chol : 7/10
I thought Chol’s first half was very impressive today. His ability to find the goals, lay pressure and his overall effort for majority of the game was great. 2 goals and 4 score involvements, pretty good return game against some very good backman.
Ethan Phillips : 7/10
I don’t think he really done anything wrong today, had some pretty good individual moments aswell. Played on Marshall for majority of the game who only kicked one then shared the load on Finlayson who didn’t get a goal. I think he should keep his spot regardless if Sicily comes back in next week.
Cam Mackenzie : 7/10
I have always backed this bloke, been really getting better these last few weeks. Only the 12 touches but 2 goals, 4 clearances, 4 score involvements and 4 tackles. I think it’s time to give him some more midfield minutes to really help him develop. I can see him really improving. I know Josh Ward is unnecessarily always catching strays from me but I feel like when Ward plays even though he gets more of the ball than Mackenzie, he’s less damaging, Mackenzie is a much more smart user of the ball and can impact the score board hence why we should invest more into him.
Jack Ginnivian : 5.5/10
I’ll be honest, I did not like how Ginni played at all today. Yes he had his moments, scored a nice goal but besides that I felt like he made very poor decisions. There was one too many times he would ride the tackle when he had the opportunity to progress the ball forward. I’m not gonna be too harsh on him however because he is still very young and has heaps of time to learn.
Connor Macdonald : 5.5/10
Very average game from MacDonald, struggled to get involved on the ball but off the ball I can’t fault him. 8 tackles and 22 pressure acts.
Calsher Dear : 6.5/10
Besides his terrible accuracy he was decent. A very raw player so when he missed the first couple set shots, his confidence was going to take a hit and it was bound to impact the rest of his game. Couldn’t quite hold some marks but impacted a few contests and tried his best.
Nick Watson : 6/10
Thought watto was not bad today. Not as good as last week but had a decent game. 1 direct goal assist and 3 score involvements, not bad.
Jarman Impey : 6/10
Not as good as the past few weeks for Jars. Only the 13 touches today, on top of that was only running at 50% disposal efficiency which is really poor from one of our best ball users. However he did have 5 interceptions which was good but just was a shame he couldn’t impact the game more.
Serong : 5/10
Very fumbly today, to be fair a lot of our players were which was fair considering the rain but I feel like even in previous games, Serong just tends to fumble the ball a lot more. I don’t think he was that good, I think he was playing on Georgiades but im not 100% sure but if so, he didn’t get a goal so that is impressive.
CJ : 4/10
Couldn’t really get too involved CJ. Fair enough though considering it’s his first AFL game in 12 months, we gave Day time to get back into things and he’s looking much better now so it’s only fair we let CJ do the same thing.
Josh Weddle : 4/10
Just feel like he wasn’t him self today, couldn’t quite express his speed and rebound off the half back flank. Only the 8 touches which is disappointing.
Seamus Mitchell : 6/10
If the game ended at half time, I would have gave him an 8 because he absolutely pocketed Rioli but in the end Rioli got the better of him and practically won them the game.
Not fair to give him a proper rating. Don’t think he was amazing when he came on. I feel like our sub should be a more energetic and high impact player.
submitted by Kind_Security_9931 to hawktalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:33 Libramoon1111 An unknown Spirit/bad entity in my Bedroom?

Hey guys. I live here for about 6-7 years or even more. In my teens I never had issues with anything like this, I had some sleep paralysis here and there but nothing bad. Well.. my father passed away in 2021 and since then my life went downhill, I even stopped sleeping in my own room for a year or so and always slept in a room with my mom. Long story short I healed most of my wounds and I decided to get back to my own room, got completely new furniture.. also because I noticed that I developed a cat allergy so I wanted a room where I can sleep peacefully without my allergies kicking in. I have slept in my own room for over a month now and there wasn't a day I slept good. My sleep keeps getting disturbed, I feel nervous in there all the time (at night when sleeping), I even had night terror which I never experienced in my life before.. and most important: Sleep paralysis constantly. Heavy. I see shadow figures, I hear someone calling my name sometimes.. I just feel like there is something evil in my room. So I tried sleeping elsewhere and see there: I slept perfectly. Like a baby. Now we thought this could be because i'm not letting my cats sleep with me anymore.. since they are seen as protectors :) so I decided I will try sleeping in my room again but with my door open so my cats can enter. But again: horrible sleep. So now i'm convinced that there must be something bad. Now... meanwhile all of this, I met a man who is a shaman, he told me there is something that steals my energy.. something like a Demon? He said its passed down from family.. but I don't know if this is true, I don't understand why it doesn't happen in other rooms then and only in my own bedroom?
Do you guys know what this could be and what I can do? I can't sleep at all because of it and it doesn't let me have peace.
submitted by Libramoon1111 to Mediums [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:32 sukii0_0 20 [F4M] AAAAAAAAAA,, finals week pero ito inaatupag ko😔

🐱idk what I want okay, I guess I'm just bored. I find hu culture tiring na++ stories abt STDs stopped and scared me from hopping from one guy to another... It's been a year na rin since I had someone na calming yung presence and casual lang talaga. so now, i want smth constant. pwede rin naman lowkey, bahala k. I just miss platonic connections.
🐱 I'm the type of person na hindi makapag function ng maayos kapag walang kausap at night😔 (insert late night talking ni harry)
🐱 di naman ako high maintenance kausap (kahit sa gabi ka na lang mag appear, oki lang)
🐱prefer calls than chats (vm girlie dahil tamad ako mag chat)
😼could be purely online or we could eventually meet
🐱 pwede ka mag rant sa'kin 24/7, sabay natin awayin kung sino man siya (rated 99/10 sa pagiging judgemental)
🐱 a homebody (born to gala pero forced mabulok sa bahay), but would love to go on random dates or samahan ka sa errands mo, kahit grocery date pa yan palag na me (sabay natin halukayin yung back part ng racks dahil mas matagal sila ma-expire)
more about me:
😼 fearful anxious avoidant/disorganized attachment (cause i can do both😋)
😼INFJ (I can't deal with men na may S kinemberlu)
😼 Taurus (yes po, love language ko acts of service dahil tamad ako🥰)
😼 chronically online (jobless behavior ik😔)
😼 I think the best way to connect with people is to mirror them. so when you go low, i go lower (kaya be kind to me 🙏🏻)
😼top 3 fave movies of all time: White chicks, Shawshank Redemption, and Shrek ( I'm a basic bitch,we could watch your fave movies instead)
😼 very much bading ang personality, so please call me out pag na-o-off ka kapag tinatawag kita na "atecco" "bading" "badet" "sissy q" and such—depende kapag may pa uso na naman me.
abt u:
😼 around my age
😼 yaps a lot
😼gaya-gaya rin sa interests ko
😼 very much slay kung may iba kang trip sa buhay para manakaw ko personality mo
😼 sana marami ka ganap sa life, coz nahihirapan ako makahinga kapag walang chika
😼 if u have secure attachment, layuan mo ako ( i mean if u are, then fawkin slay! but please stay away from me my mind's all over the place atm... I'm too deranged HAHAAHAHHA)
😼 di ba cute miming emojis ko?! send an intro too,, like who d fuc r u? you can put as simple as your age, where u from, course, baranggay clearance, picture mo sa national ID (eme, oa na lang talaga yung last two. basta lagyan mo effort deadma sa nonchalant agad)
I don't have much to offer, but I can lend you my ears. I just need someone's presence every now and then coz I can't function well on my own. The brain is too braining.
HALA AS A YAPPER NAMAN ME😭 see u on my dms...sana may mapag usapan pa tayo sa chat (writing this sht took me hours, I'm really an awk person irl)
~nyt xoxo
P.S. currently studying for tomorrows exam, if may ganap ka tonight we can hop on call and do it together... no pressure sa pag make ng conversation.
submitted by sukii0_0 to PhR4Friends [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:30 TheForce122 The Jewish Holocaust of 6M Jews was bad, by Satanist Adolf Hitler. However, the Christian Holocaust of 20-66 million mostly Christian Russians, by the Satanic Bolsheviks who called themselves Jews, was the worst Holocaust of all time. Rothschild NWO did Bolshevik Revolution to install central bank

The Jewish Holocaust of 6M Jews was bad, by Satanist Adolf Hitler. However, the Christian Holocaust of 20-66 million mostly Christian Russians, by the Satanic Bolsheviks who called themselves Jews, was the worst Holocaust of all time. Rothschild NWO did Bolshevik Revolution to install central bank
Ynet article (https://archive.is/F1sJW):
"Stalin's Jews: We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish"
Here's a particularly forlorn historical date: Almost 90 years ago, between the 19th and 20th of December 1917, in the midst of the Bolshevik revolution and civil war, Lenin signed a decree calling for the establishment of The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, also known as Cheka. Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB. We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags. Whole population strata were eliminated: Independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, senior officers, intellectuals, artists, labor movement activists, "opposition members" who were defined completely randomly, and countless members of the Communist party itself.
In his new, highly praised book "The War of the World, "Historian Niall Ferguson writes that no revolution in the history of mankind devoured its children with the same unrestrained appetite as did the Soviet revolution. In his book on the Stalinist purges, Tel Aviv University's Dr. Igal Halfin writes that Stalinist violence was unique in that it was directed internally. Lenin, Stalin, and their successors could not have carried out their deeds without wide-scale cooperation of disciplined "terror officials," cruel interrogators, snitches, executioners, guards, judges, perverts, and many bleeding hearts who were members of the progressive Western Left and were deceived by the Soviet regime of horror and even provided it with a kosher certificate. All these things are well-known to some extent or another, even though the former Soviet Union's archives have not yet been fully opened to the public. But who knows about this? Within Russia itself, very few people have been brought to justice for their crimes in the NKVD's and KGB's service. The Russian public discourse today completely ignores the question of "How could it have happened to us?" As opposed to Eastern European nations, the Russians did not settle the score with their Stalinist past. And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf." Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book "Stalin: Court of the Red Star", Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women. Stalin's close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the "first Stalinist" and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind aside from the Nazi horrors and Mao's terror in China, did not move Kaganovich. Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist. In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges. In a fascinating lecture at a Tel Aviv University convention this week, Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet terror as a "carnival of mass murder," "fantasy of purges", and "essianism of evil." Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history. The Jews active in official communist terror apparatuses (In the Soviet Union and abroad) and who at times led them, did not do this, obviously, as Jews, but rather, as Stalinists, communists, and "Soviet people." Therefore, we find it easy to ignore their origin and "play dumb": What do we have to do with them? But let's not forget them. My own view is different. I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things. Even if we deny it, we cannot escape the Jewishness of "our hangmen," who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedication from its establishment. After all, others will always remind us of their origin.
HistoryHeist.com article (https://archive.is/u6cM3):
"The Bolshevik Revolution: An Iluminati takeover of Russia?"
The murderous Bolshevik Revolution made communism a political reality by mostly Jewish activists. Alarming similarities to today’s political climate invite comparison.
Czar Nicholas II abdicated in March 1917. Since Bolshevik leaders Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky weren’t even in Russia then, how did they gain control of it by November 1917? Western analysts uncovered parts of this mystery, but much remained unknown due to the Soviet government’s stranglehold on its history – as Orwell said, “Who controls the present controls the past.” With glasnost, archives creaked open. Perhaps no one has collated the information better than Juri Lina in his book Under the Sign of the Scorpion.
The Rothschild-Illuminati axis, through their network of banksters and Freemasons, controlled the Bolshevik operation.
In February 1917, an artificially induced bread shortage accompanied orchestrated rioting in Petrograd (then Russia’s capital). In a “false flag,” the mobs were machine-gunned from hidden positions; the casualties were blamed on the Czar.
British agents bribed Russian soldiers to mutiny and join the rioting. White Russian General Arsene de Goulevitch wrote: “I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord Milner in financing the Russian Revolution.” 33rd degree Freemason Alfred Milner was a Rothschild front man.
Several Russian generals were Freemasons who betrayed the Czar under Masonic instructions.
Russians thought the provisional government, established under Alexander Kerensky after the Czar’s fall, meant future democracy. But Kerensky, Grand Secretary of Russia’s Grand Orient, was “phase one” of communist takeover. His government pardoned all political exiles – green light for return to Russia of fellow Freemasons Lenin and Trotsky.
Jacob Schiff and Federal Reserve founder Paul Warburg ran Kuhn, Loeb & Co. – the Rothschilds’ New York banking satellite. Schiff supplied $20 million in gold to Trotsky, who sailed from New York with 275 other terrorists on a passport obtained through pressure the bankers put on the Wilson administration.
In Germany, Warburg’s brother Max helped persuade the government to provide millions to Lenin and allow him to cross Germany with other revolutionaries in a special train. The Germans agreed because the Bolsheviks promised to remove Russia from the raging First World War after taking power.
The Bolsheviks succeeded because they had what other revolutionaries (e.g., Mensheviks) lacked – limitless cash. By May 1917, Pravda already had a circulation of 300,000.
It is a myth that Kerensky and the Bolsheviks were adversaries. Kerensky received $1 million from Jacob Schiff. During summer 1917, when it was revealed the Bolsheviks were on Germany’s payroll – treason during wartime – Kerensky protected them. When the Bolsheviks moved to seize power that autumn, he declined the option of requesting troops to preserve the government. Lenin and Trotsky gave Kerensky money and safe passage out. He died wealthy in 1970 in New York, where the Russian Orthodox Church refused him burial services.
Postwar Britain sent the Bolsheviks rifles and ammunition for 250,000 men. With this and other Western assistance, the Reds crushed the White opposition. Loans and technology from Western capitalists poured in for decades, as documented in such books as Antony Sutton’s Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Joseph Finder’s Red Carpet.
In 1992, the newspaper Literaturnaya Rossiya estimated that, including starvation and civil war, Soviet communism left 147 million dead. Even accepting the more moderate claim of Harvard University Press’s Black Book of Communism – that communism murdered “only” 100 million worldwide – what these numbers represent is beyond comprehension. Stalin reportedly said: “One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic.”
Leon Trotsky (Jewish born “Lev Bronstein”) and his 300 well-trained Jewish communists from Manhattan’s Lower East Side, boarded the Norwegian steamer “Kristianiafjord” for a journey that brought them to St. Petersburg in Russia. Their purpose was to establish a Marxist government under the leadership of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin. Before departing, Jacob Schiff gave this group $20 million in gold to accomplish the task, but the plan was already under way before they even boarded the ship thanks to the Rothschilds.
By December 1917, the Bolsheviks established their instrument of terror, the Cheka (the KGB’s precursor). Lina writes: “Lists of those shot and otherwise executed were published in the Cheka’s weekly newspaper. In this way it can be proved that 1.7 million people were executed during the period 1918-19. A river of blood flowed through Russia. The Cheka had to employ body counters.” By contrast, under the czars, 467 people were executed between 1826 and 1904 (78 years).
Trotsky declared: “We will reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a complete idiocy.” Lina writes: “1,695,604 people were executed from January 1921 to April 1922. Among these victims were bishops, professors, doctors, officers, policemen, gendarmes, lawyers, civil servants, journalists, writers, artists…” The Bolsheviks considered the intelligentsia the greatest threat to their dictatorship. This sheds light on the Marxist buzzword “proletariat.” The Illuminati knew nations are easier to enslave if only peasants and laborers remain. But even the proletariat wasn’t spared. The Cheka brutally suppressed hundreds of peasant uprisings and labor strikes, executing victims as “counter-revolutionaries.”
Satanic torture often accompanied killings. Many priests were crucified. Some victims had eyes put out, or limbs chopped off, or were otherwise mutilated, while the next victims were forced to watch.
Although Russia had been “the world’s granary,” over five million died of starvation during the famine of 1921-22. This wasn’t “socialist inefficiency,” but genocide from grain confiscation. In the Holodomor, Stalin murdered 7 million Ukrainians, including 3 million children, by ordering all foodstuffs confiscated as punishment for resisting farm collectivization. Communist brigades went house to house, ripping down walls with axes searching for “hoarded” food.
In Soviet gulags (concentration camps) millions perished. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn estimated that, just during Stalin’s “great purge” of 1937-38, two million died in gulags.
The Bolsheviks meanwhile lived royally. Lenin, who occupied Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrov’s estate, placed 75 million francs in a Swiss bank account in 1920. Trotsky, who lived in a castle seized from Prince Felix Yusupov, had over $80 million in U.S. bank accounts. Top Cheka officials ate off gold plates. Communism was plunder masked by ideological slogans. Money and jewelry were stripped from homes at gunpoint.
Lenin and Trotsky repaid their masters. Lina writes: “In October 1918, Jewish bankers in Berlin received 47 cases of gold from Russia, containing 3125 kilos of gold.” The Grand Orient de France refurbished its Paris Lodge with money Lenin sent in 1919. In New York, Kuhn, Loeb received, in the first half of 1921 alone, $102 million in Russian wealth.
Bolsheviks were predominantly Jewish – unsurprising given the long linkage of cabalistic Jews to Freemasonry and revolution. I state this objectively, without anti-Semitism. I am half-Jewish; my paternal grandparents emigrated from Russia in 1904.
In Les Derniers Jours des Romanofs (1920), Robert Wilton, The Times’s Russian correspondent, named each person in the Bolshevik government. The tally:
Bolshevik Party Central Committee: of 12 members, 9 were Jews. (NOTE: Actually 10 now that we know Lenin has been declassified to be part-Jewish)
Council of People’s Commissars: 22 members, 17 Jews.
Central Executive Committee: 61 members, 41 Jews.
Extraordinary Commission of Moscow: 36 members, 23 Jews.
In 1922, the Morning Post listed all 545 civil servants in the Soviet administration; 477 were Jews, 30 were ethnic Russians. “Russian” Revolution was a misnomer.
Leon Trotsky (real name Lev Bronstein) was a Ukrainian Jew. He introduced the cabalistic five-pointed star as the Red Army’s symbol. In New York, Trotsky belonged to B’nai B’raith – the Jewish Masonic order – as did his financial angel, Jacob Schiff. Juri Lina has unearthed evidence that Schiff ordered the murder of the Czar and royal family.
Under Lenin, anti-Semitism became a capital offense. [lightbox full=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoAEKHBtNIA”]The Bolsheviks destroyed 60,000 churches[/lightbox]; many became latrines or museums of atheism. Yet Russia’s synagogues went untouched.
Jews dominated the Cheka (formed of 23 Jews and 13 others). Lina lists 15 Jewish gulag commandants (Under the Sign of the Scorpion, p. 310). The Cheka targeted classes and ethnicities: the “bourgeoisie”; “kulaks” (landowning farmers); and Cossacks, whom the Central Committee declared “must be exterminated and physically disposed of, down to the last man.” They tried to eradicate [lightbox full=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kW4T8m2wWc”]Russian culture[/lightbox], renaming Petrograd and Tsaritsyn after the revolution’s psychopaths. In Ukraine, the Bolsheviks seized traditional national costumes. Obliterating nationalism is a precursor to the Illuminati world order.
Though it is sometimes claimed Jewish dominance ended under Stalin, in 1937 17 of 27 Presidium members were still Jewish, and 115 of 133 Council of People’s Commissars. Stalin did turn against the Zionists in 1949, heavily persecuting Jews during 1952, after which he was poisoned.
Article source: https://archive.is/hPZax
Tsarist Russia was a thorn in the side of western high finance because at the end of the 19th century the Russian empire was the only European power not to have a central bank. “It was still the tsar who decided on coinage in his country”. "It was very simple: the money was his and he controlled the amount." That was to change quickly when the communists came to power: one of Lenin's first measures was the establishment of a Russian central bank after the fall of the tsar. After the Bolshevik Revolution, “unimaginably large sums of money from the private assets of the Russian tsarist family flowed into the hands of international bankers”. It is easy to guess why that happened.
The October 1917 Revolution under Lenin, or the violent seizure of power by the Russian Communist Bolsheviks, was co-financed by German bankers. There are estimates that 50 million marks flowed back then, which today corresponds to at least half a billion euros. The saying of the mother of the 5 Rothschild sons is well known: "If my sons don't want it, there is no war." Anyone who wanted to wage war needed money; but money was only available from the Rothschilds at the time. So the success of the Russian Revolution of 1917 was dependent on money. The money came from Trotsky, who was hooked up with the Wall Street banks. Trotsky married Sedova, the daughter of Jivotovsky, who was closely associated with the Warburg banking house and the cousins ​​of Jacob Schiff, the financial group that financed Japan in the war against Russia. Here an ominous as well as powerful connection opens up, the alliance between capitalism and communism. Thus there is the apparently paradoxical connection that private capitalism, as the arch enemy of communism, financed its revolution in powerful Russia (thesis and antithesis).
Alexander Solschenizyn:
“We cannot state that all Jews are Bolsheviks. But – Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the Truth. The Blood Maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered 66,000,000 in Russia from 1918 – 1957.
Between the years 1917 and 1991 preceding the collapse of the Soviet Union, it is estimated that Communist Jews murdered somewhere between 60 and 135 million innocent people."
Source for quote: https://archive.is/xRVOA
submitted by TheForce122 to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:30 Gold_Hovercraft4179 Is there any hope for me

Am starting of by saying that this might turn out a rant but I wld suggest you please read it
Where do I even start by writing this idk cuz am filled with pain right now.
I have a very abusive family. Straight up narcissistic parents. Drunkard father who almost everyday beats and talks shit to my mother. My room is quite close to theirs so it's nearly I possible for me to not hear their rant. Father always speaks shit and is always vulgar to me This is not something new to me. For information I (15M) currently passed my 10th and got pretty good grades (according to me). All this shirt has been going around from the time I was ig 2-3 yrs old. From the time I was a kid I had always been put as the reason for everything. Listening to my mother saying that, 'you shouldn't have been born' is also quite usual. I seldom try to listen to whatever they spit bout me but things haven't been such good now. I just want leave all this place and run away. Call me the God's favourite child, not good at a thing, learnt a lot of skill but never got any appreciation for anything in my life. Am drowning to the point where if any bad thing happens to me I don't even feel bad or cry about it cause, not a single good thing has happened in my life.
My parents have deliberately chosen for me to study through allen digital while I wanted to go to an offline coaching. I do have good devices like a laptop, tablet but this was not what I wanted to do. I have been struggling to study with their shouting always in my ears. Even though I got 89.8% in boards they are not happy with it and called me a disgust. Like how to am I supposed to study they were even fighting when my boards were there. Always throws the food on the floor and I have to daily clean up the mess. Fight for my mothers side so that he can stop arguing with him. And what I get for all this? He yells at me saying, "tujhe to mai sadak pe bheekh mangwaunga".Translation: "I'll make you beg in the streets".
I just wanted someone to love and take care of me. I liked talking to a girl and was kinda interested in her but she just replied with dry texts but oh boy rather did I know what was supposed to happen. Was going puberty so sent very cringe texts and posts to her which I am embarrassed of now. Later I found out that all my texts were leaked to her friend group as her situationship had been texting me the times when she was not around and had access to her insta. I felt so bad that I deleted my insta and snap accounts.
Cherry on top I was sexually assaulted when I was 4-5 as someone friend of my father used to make me Suck his Dick and Lick his ass. This trauma isn't leaving from my head cuz there are only blurry images of what he used to do to me. (I was too young to understand and haven't told this to my parents yet)
Am lost completely as he's even ruining my summer vacations and I got to study for jee too( I want to have a career in astronomy ). I seriously don't know what to do with my life. I can't even kill myself as it's super lame and my momma's gonna be sad. If anyone's got any help and hopium for me please share. Am writing this with eyes full of tears.
Also thanks for listening to my rant🫶. Hoping for a good life for y'all
submitted by Gold_Hovercraft4179 to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:30 dylank125 Lapse in judgment….

Ugh, last night I had such a huge lapse in judgement and let my annoyance take over with another driver. We were at Phoenix with the Pro-2 Lites, I start 6th out of 7 and get a good jump. Push a truck into turn one and slow up to let him keep position as I normally would. We get to the corners after the jump and another truck cuts the course, gets himself into second. Cut a lap or so later I’m with him, running the normal track and still faster than him cutting. I get more aggressive with him trying to pass, which I also do when racing these types but I don’t try to just wreck them. Then, I’m ahead over the jump, that short left right after the jump he cuts and rams me flat out. This is where my lapse was….. I proceeded to cut the course to stay with him and be much much more aggressive. I send it into turn 2, the tight corner, he takes it normally. I at first wanted to just wreck him then second guessed, was hard on the brakes and tried to turn away from him which without my brake input will look like I just flat out tried to take him out. Well, I was still annoyed, still stayed on his tail end just pushing him wide into the sweeping corners after and lose a ton of positions. I f*cked up. It falls on me entirely and I have a feeling this is the sort of guy who will protest me, rightfully so, even with his actions before. I shouldn’t have let it get to me and should have just ran my race like I normally would after he rammed me because I probably would have still beaten him as I drove back to third anyways. To any in that race I’m sorry you were apart of it to see that. To the #3 in it, if you see this, I hope we are in a race together so we can have a good clean race. Thanks for reading my fuck up. Lay into me if you feel. I fucked up. It falls entirely on me.
submitted by dylank125 to iRacing [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:28 Veneratedshitposter Struggling with shared space

I am struggling through a divorce right now, but I just want to sanity check on this. My ex is still living in the house with me, it's not ideal but we can't afford to separate just yet, as she is trying to buy her own house. We had only been separating for 6 days, (she told me the day before our anniversary) I went out to dinner with a friend to tell him the news and commiserate, when I came home my ex had been drinking and was playing Monster Prom online with some people on Discord being very loud and laughing and being flirty.
Monster Prom is a relatively silly game, but it's also a dating simulator that has a lot of horny innuendos and I've known this person for a decade so I know when they're trying to be flirty. They were drinking and when I closed the door to their room they then decided they needed to confront me. I felt it was unnecessary and inappropriate since we have to share this space. She started to get very upset over the fact that, " you can't tell me who to be friends with or how to act! " Which is true, but it felt very hurtful at the time, as we'd only been separating for 6 days and while this was her idea to leave and she'd already gotten over the mental hurdle, I was still processing quite a bit. She was planning to pack up a bag and drive to her mom's house over an hour away, however since she had been drinking I told her she could not do that, and I threatened to call the cops if she got behind the wheel of her car. I left to go to my sister's house and diffuse the situation, and when she contacted me via text the next day, she made it a point to say that I was in the wrong for "threatening her" when she needed to leave.
I was so upset by this and still am, I don't really want to see her or talk to her. But I have to finish this paperwork so we can actually get a divorce finalized and she can move out of my house and out of my life. Is there a better way I could have handled this? I know people grieve differently and I'm not trying to make this process any harder than it needs to be. But I feel like having the boundary that we can both respect each other if we have to share space, is a perfectly reasonable boundary. I'm feeling very lost in all of this right now talking with friends and family, I'm not sure if I'm overstepping for my part in this, or if I just need to put my feelings aside and focus on getting this process completed. I would love to hear what other folks have to say.
submitted by Veneratedshitposter to Divorce [link] [comments]
