No tampons pics

This is pretty much the anti-Instagram.

2018.05.24 19:45 This is pretty much the anti-Instagram.

Somewhere to discuss travel. Not to dump your vacation photos. Pose a question. Share a trip report. Recount a funny/unique travel related story. Offer advice or ask for it. **Note that images are 100% welcome as part of a longer, thought-out text post. Photos are a great way to augment your story. Simply embed them within your text post.**

2012.07.27 11:38 NO CONTEXT PICS

Here at /nocontextpics, there are no sob stories or stories of any kind. The pics must succeed or fail on their own merit. No context.

2023.10.20 19:31 Landofprojects NoSmilePics

You don’t need to smile to have fun. Express your great moments by no smile pics/videos. Share your no smile pics (NSP) and be part of our community. Don’t Smile !

2024.04.29 00:06 Best_Club_In_America Even More Added Confidence: Skits, So – Fren, Yeah?

Even More Added Confidence: Skits, So – Fren, Yeah?

Super quick:

  • 327: "We'll keep getting Trump indicted" ... 🤷

So, real quick:

Here is a clip about some cult that mixes drinking and driving and then they go up mountains to get high:

So real quick, from the last post:

  • Madonna's "Open Your Heart" / Yoga chakras

OK, now to the post, which is about "fren-ship":
Frens don't do things to make other frens feel uncomfortable – in fact, they look out for each other do nice things to make other frens feel included, like for example let's say you were playing a strategic scenario role-playing game called "The Ongoing Development of Potential Risks" ... 😕👍 ... you know ... ... ... 😕 ... sounds like a pretty good bored game, right?
As this place ( right near Washington Square Park can attest, bringing people together over strategy games is a great way to not only maintain the bonds of frens-ship, but also to make new frens "Rihanna's boyfriend"-style.
Here's another place a few blocks down (remember: "try to follow me, because I'm gonna be moving in a kind of circular motion, so if you pay attention, there will be a point" from the last post?): <==== Do you remember the 1st "Joker film" association?
Anyway, despite our best efforts to help frens out by making them feel included, some frens suffer from paranoia ... for example, do you remember Beavis?
Well, sometimes Beavis gets "amped up" on sugar and turns into this alter-ego, a character named "Cornholio" (a "corn-hole" is slang for an "asshole"): ... here's another clip of Beavis being Cornholio:
Anyway, people with paranoia are schizos and so they're always seeing "hidden messages"; for example, this is not the original album cover for the Beastie Boys' debut album, but it can be manipulated with software and then you see:
The problem with the type of schizos that give in to is that instead of seeing "occult signals" as subtle signs of encouragement from the universe, they interpret hidden massages ( as threats – directed at them, personally ... oh well, what can you do, right ... 🤷?
Anyway, never mind all that – back to the point.
This is a book, the essence of which is that life has ups and down and it's a human tendency to give in to either despair (during times people are down) or pride (during times people are up) and think "We're going to be here forever" and so people wind up clinging to that notion, whether they're at the bottom or the top, instead of doing what they SHOULD be doing, ie, preparing for the next phase right around the corner. You know ... "that game" ... ...

Actually, here's a true story from a few years ago:

Back in 2020, in "the undisputed heavyweight when it comes to the economies of the world", for some reason having something to do with logistics and "" and other stuff, there was an extended national short-age of toilet paper. It's true – look it up. In the United States, for way too long a period of time, you couldn't find any toilet paper at ALL – ANYWHERE.
This in turn led to a variety of issues:
  • You could use paper towels, but you run the risk of clogging toilet pipes
    • Then some people started giving into and were like, "But what if we didn't have toilet paper AND paper towels – can you IMAGINE?
      • You could also use newspapers to wipe your ass like they do in Russia ... but again ... "clogged toilets" ....
      • Either way, paper towels or news papers, you had to throw them in the trash after wiping your ass ... and then some people were like, "But what if there was a national shortage of garbage bags, too? Can you IMAGINE?"
      • This eventually led to other as some people started speculating "but what if there was a national shortage of other stuff, too?"
      • Like, what if there was a national shortage of toothpaste? Or mouthwash? Or mouth wash AND toothpaste? Sure, you COULD use baking soda to overcome that – but what if there was a national shortage of other things? For instance: what if there was a national shortage of razor blades? Or shaving creams & gels? Or deodorants? Or tampons? Or diapers? Or all those things at the same time – can you IMAGINE?
Now some people in other parts of the world can't imagine how a country like America could possibly ever have had an extended national shortage of toilet paper and think it's just some made-up story – but it's true! It really happened – look it up!
Anyway, speaking of America – here's a classic, relaxing American song:
Here's a random news article:
People there are probably too busy worrying about other, more issues 🤷.
Like cryptocurrencies.
Some people look at BitCoin with a lot of suspicion, because they think that just like some group of people realize that "people who are officially in charge" come and go, the people who willingly volunteer to play at Atlas and shoulder the burdens of the world are usually there for much longer periods of time – sometimes for life – and so, "who cares what the flavor of the moment is?"
The important thing is to remember that "RiRi" = 54 and 54 = love and 31 = both "chief" ( and "MDMA" (remember that video with Rihanna's friend? More on MDMA to come.

Anyway, here's a random music video:

Here's a possibly disturbing article:

In some lines of work, it's good to keep tabs on who's in charge of various countries; for example – this is the guy in charge of North Korea ...

... which, if you combine with South Korea, sort of looks like a rabbi-† ...

It's also a good idea to learn about the cultures of various countries; for example – this is the flag of Japan, which used to be called "Nippon" ... it's flag looks like this: 🇯🇵 ... which sort of looks like a nipple ... 🤷

This is the goddess "Eostre" (

An important thing to remember is that no matter what life throws your way, "always keep your chin up":

submitted by Best_Club_In_America to conspirFBeyesWideShut [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 17:17 sunflowers8080 Looking for corroboration

I attended the festival and experienced most of the shit show people are reporting on here which is somewhat validating. But I've heard a few things that I want people to help corroborate if possible (meaning I am not sure how truthful all of these claims are yet). 1. There were 2 deaths, 2 overdoses and 1 helicopter evacuation on Monday (I actually saw the man on the stretcher who got air vacced during the gridlock on Monday so I know that part). 2. The property neighbor sat with his rifle across the water from the swimming hole for at least a few hours either Saturday or Sunday. I saw him return with binoculars and a camera later on Sunday but missed the gun part. Friends reported that to me. 3. Police involvement starting Saturday/Sunday? I saw a cop car outside the north entrance of Earth Village just after the start of Tipper's show. No one went to that entrance due to his presence and we all (like 100s of people in total) snuck through the bushes about 50ft away from the entrance and strolled on into the festival. No one stopped us. 4. I showered in the VIP shower on Sunday and 2 of the showers had flooded and were clogged with hair clumps and used, bloody tampons. I didn't have my phone in there with me but if anyone has those pics, please post them.
submitted by sunflowers8080 to TexasEclipseFestival [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 06:18 LucyAriaRose A journey from metal foundry to murder.

I am NOT the Original Poster. That is u/anunofmoose. He posted in diyelectronics and Metalfoundry. I have his permission to post this.
This is a bit of a different type of BORU, as the meat of the story is in the comments. It is a dark post, so please read the trigger warnings.
Thanks to u/DontInterestMe for finding this and sending it my way.
Trigger Warning: discovery of a body; possible murder; death of a child
Mood Spoiler: wtf
Original Post: March 15, 2024 (11:45 AM)
Title: Please, any help very appreciated
Hello! Got a weird one to ask. So I live in the armpit of Alabama and stumbled across a huge old burn pit in the woods. I want to scrap the metals for my elderly mom and was figuring out how to do that when I realized smelting would be my best bet. The problem is my bank account sits at about 30ish cents. I found some old propane cans in the pit that are still filled (pictured) and brought a big steel can for collecting coke cans. I've also found a steel thermos that I can use as a crucible. I have no idea what I'm doing and any advice would be very much appreciated.
Finding the propane was what started this idea (and I've always wanted to work metals) seems like most of the metal here is aluminum, and all of the silverware I'm finding is sterling silver or plated silver. Also found 2 silver trays one is plated other is sterling. If the rusted thermos won't work there is just about anything else you could imagine in this pile. Sacks of concrete, tin roofing, pots, pans, tile, plastic, I even found some lye which I think can be a flux? I youtubed smelting but I can't find anything that quite fits my problem here and I figured I could just ask you all for your wisdom. Any help would be highly ablidged pretty please! Actually while uploading the pic I noticed a third (filled) propane can behind my drum.
Image description:
A burn pit with propane cans, but also tons of junk including dolls heads and shoes.
OOP: Also not pictured. This burn pit is DEEP I've pulled out an old electrical box, an entire heating unit, and as previously stated quite a bit of large kitchenware and the end still isn't in sight. I'm sure I can make it worth the time spent here having fun learning today, tomorrow taking it seriously. Y'know?
Editor's note: There are several more comments from OOP and others addressing the main point of the post. However...
3:17 PM (Same Day)
OOP: Hey y'all. Thread's cancelled. Waiting on the police rn. I found a body
Commenter: Well, ya gotta fill us in on that shit
OOP: It's a kid. I'll know more after I talk to the police
Waiting on them to come talk to me again. This is fucking wild. They're investigating now
Commenter: Look through YouTube there hundreds of people with low budgets doing this, just use common sense on things when it comes to safety. Protective equipment like thick leather gloves and faceshield should be a must with this stuff, it can burn you to the bone very quickly. It's a interesting hobby hope you enjoy it.
OOP: Not gonna lie. After finding this body I'm pretty discouraged from doing anything related to this again
Commenter: That was crazy, let us know what you find out.
OOP: I have pics if that's allowed. Just bones. Was a diabetic child
Commenter: Not sure they'd allow it here, just wondering if it was a missing child or something. I would be freaked out finding that you handle it well.
OOP: Oh I am NOT handling it well at all. My son passed away two years ago. That's what kept me from NOPING out. I was crying like a baby begging the cop to get that mf who got this poor kid. I even took pics to make sure nothing was disturbed to help them. Superdad came roaring right back out of me.
Commenter: Do diabetic child bones look different to non diabetic bones?
OOP: I found her red cross bracelet
Mini Update in comments March 16, 2024 (Next Day)
So those doll heads you can see in the pic as it turns out were marking where her chopped up pieces are. It was NOT pretty. Very freaky. Took like three showers because God knows how much I accidentally went through. After I noticed the first bone that I realized might not belong an animal, I prayed to God asking that if this really was someone, that he show me a sign so that I could help their family find them. Very next thing I found was the bracelet. fingers couldn't dial 911 fast enough. If you're the praying type, pray for their family. Pray for the person found. And pray for justice, because holy fuck does that pour soul deserve justice. The skull was so shattered I thought it was a deer until this point. The person who did this was an evil I never want to meet and I hope no one will have to again.
Next Post: March 18, 2024
Title: Dummy asking for advice
Hello. I just got into electronics and I'm admittedly just some redneck in Alabama. Any idea why a four inch section of wire leading to my voltmeter and another one inch section of a random wire are getting hot and melting? Thank you for your time Idk if it's important so I'll add that the batteries are connected to a 12v solar panel a 6v solar panel and about 16 or 17 3v solar panels.
Image description (Editor's description)
I have no experience with electric engineering, but that thing looks like it's going to electrocute someone or burst into flame. It's got two power strips, a million cables, one is connected to a clock (honestly it looks like an explosive) and there's some random plywood and probably some duct tape.
Top Commenter: That's... the most dangerous thing I've seen this week. I live in a slum in the developing world. That needs to be taken down and re-engineered -- I'll try to cover some common techniques we use in the developing world to make systems like this safer. *(*Editor's note- actual electricity and engineering advice taken out from the middle. I'll include the end) I'm not an expert on US law, but probably this system voids any insurance policy on that building, if that matters :)
OOP: Thank you for taking a lot of your time to reply! I appreciate it very much! So the volt meters are pretty much the only things directly hooked to the batteries funny enough. Idk if I can draw a diagram tonight but the idea is each of those kill switches on the sides are just to shut the current off in an emergency. I have about a 4x4 sq/f area to work with which is why it is mounted to the wall 😅 my Bunsen burner is actually attached to the ceiling 😅😅😅
The rings at the bottom are essentially my bus board though for the moment. I don't mean to use clips, my soldering iron has been broken and the connection snapped off about a few days ago. Actually going to fix that in the next few minutes.
It's okay with the insurance, just found out our landlord is a murderer when I found a body on the property last Friday. I'll return with a diagram tomorrow though I promise! Any resources you recommend to learn how to read/draw a diagram?
Commenter: Are we just glossing over the landlord being a murderer?
OOP: Not at all. Well allegedly. The police are still investigating considering it's only been three days BUT this property has been in his family for over 100 years also his reaction when we called him was.... odd to say the least. He kept giggling, and asking where we were so he knew we were safe. We told him we went to a hotel.
Commenter: Yeah I still feel like we are glossing over it! That’s a hell of a landlord issue. How did you find the body? Was it just bones or a body?
OOP: I found a rib and two other bones one had a red cross diabetes bracelet on it. The police dug up more. I shouldn't have said what I said about the landlord. His reaction was creepy, but creepy ain't an indictment. If it were Alabama wouldn't have survived as a state. Ignore my inappropriate conjecture about the landlord.
But here's a creepy detail for you if you go find my thread I made before I found it. I took a pic of where I found it, and in the pic you see a bunch of old doll heads. The doll heads were marking where the pieces were.
Commenter: In the foundry sub? OMG dude what happened? Were you digging for scrap?
OOP: Pretty much yeah. They basically buried an entire house there including its garbage. I was collecting the cans and the silverware was all sterling. I was gonna melt it down to ingot and I just suddenly had a bone in front of me. And then another and it wasn't....normal bones. And so I prayed to God "God if this is someones kid I need to know for sure so I can get them home to their family" and then up came the bracelet
Commenter: This is one of the wilder side threads I have ever stumbled onto…..keep talking OP
OOP: Okay I do have one more detail but it's.....out there. And it's gonna either make me look like a liar or crazy so I haven't come out with it yet, but you're asking And I have no way to prove it yet.. So just take it with a grain of salt until I can okay?
One of the bones can't be identified. As in it isn't human, and their lab can't figure out what animal it is. I mean this is small town Alabama. So maybe it's just that it's a smaller lab....but according to one of the detectives (who now refuses to go back up to initial pile where it was found) they can't even discern if it is mammal, reptile, avian, or aquatic. It's just....bones. so yeah I walk around my property with a 500 at all times rn until I know more and the cops are ABSOLUTELY fine with it
Commenter: What quadrant of the state are we talking here
OOP: LA. Near troy
Commenter: Scary stuff my friend
OOP: I mean I'm just assuming it's some exotic pet and the guy at their office is just unfamiliar with it. I mean shiiiit I'm not a believer in fiction. But I mean it's hard not to get goosebumps when a detective tells you that
Commenter: What did it look like?
OOP: A picked clean bone. I have pics of the couple of the bones I found
Commenter: This sounds like some Higurashi shit. Your landlord doesn't pray to any obscure deities do they?
OOP: Anheuser of the Busch realm
More on the body:
Yes. I actually had made a thread in metalfoundry when I found it and was updating. The police are actually still digging around our yard looking for more. I have non-gory pics but just a heads up....the shit is wildly dark man. The guy marked the body part spots with porcelain doll heads. Not worried. This is Alabama. I'm in my pajamas and still have a gun in my pocket.spent some time as a pistol instructor, And I sleep next to a 12g. Anyone tries our house is getting plugged like a period at a tampon convention
Comment March 20, 2024 (Two Days later)
So actually we ended up with a working theory as to what happened with the "unidentifiable" bone and it's fucking creepier than I expected when our friend put the puzzle piece in place
Alabama is a crooked state, and we're in a notoriously crooked county . We think that they didn't want the extra cold case considering how little evidence there was to go on for identifying the remains. No dental, skull is shattered, not much for dna, this body was probably older than ancestry tracing. Why not just Sweep it under the rug instead of have ANOTHER unsolved body hanging over the dept. I mean I know this state well enough to believe that aallllll damn day. Sounds easier to believe than some cryptid or alium
Commenter: So are you still living on the property?
OOP: Yeah. Listen forest Gump said it best "poor is as poor does"
Commenter: What in meth is going on here?
(Not saying anyone does meth but holy)
OOP: It's Alabama. You're fine. That's like throwing a dart at a wall and hitting it.
Commenter: This whole thread I think is a troll. Like the shitty obviously unsafe wiring. The guy saying it stored next to gunpowder. Him saying he found human bones on his landlord property but also “unknown species bones”….. like come on. Link to a news paper with info on this found body or didn’t happen
OOP: Got pics to prove it all. How can I send them?
Same Commenter (7 minutes later): Welllllll he did send me pictures that seems to back all this up. You should prolly contact the news dude lol. And maybe invest in a disability policy in case you blow yourself up
OOP: Lol honest answer on that too....also gonna make me sound son passed away two years ago. And recently my aunt robbed me for everything I own including his clothes, his ashes. Everything. I have been a bit....reckless since then 😅
Another Commenter: I’m gonna need pics too man I need to see this for myself
OOP: Dark shit
Dm sent
Same Commenter: Real dark shit. The pics prove it, God bless that child and God damn that demon that did it to her
Editor's note: I have OOP's permission to post his story here.
Because I wanted to fact check, I asked OOP to send me the photos. I received them and reverse image searched them. They are real as far as I can tell.

PLEASE do not comment on original posts OR dm the OOP. It is against the rules of this sub, and you put the entire sub at risk of being shut down. You will be banned.

Edit: OOP posted this comment on this post!
I'm not used to having this many people paying attention to me, and while y'all are I'd like to take a moment and say that this is a very dark story for our community however we try to do good where we can. Our household volunteers most of it's free time to our local no kill shelter "Animal Tails Rescue" between parvo outbreaks, rampant milling, and the cruel nature of man in general, our resources are stretched very thin. We try to do good where we can with Medicating, housing, transporting, spaying, and neutering any animal in need we can reach, 100% of our funding comes from donations, and online auctioning of donated things like vases, old clothes, and miscellaneous neat nick nacks.
If you happen to be throwing out anything like that maybe consider donating it? We would really appreciate any and all help. We try to be the best we can but sometimes we need help too. I personally give you my word that every bit of everything we have and are goes towards these animals, or towards food to give to households that are struggling to feed their animals in these turbulent times. We personally ensure that your donated nick nacks, and paddywhacks will in fact give a dog a bone! And if not our locally loved animal tails, then maybe take some time to find a trustworthy no kill shelter in your local area. As far as I am aware they will probably need help too 😁
Animal Rescue page here!
submitted by LucyAriaRose to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 17:12 Pureclownenergy AITAH for calling my mom out and saying she wasn't a good mom in front of our counselor?

(TW: child abuse, domestic abuse)
I apologize for any grammatical errors, I'm on mobile at the moment.
Hello All, I (23F) am in sort of a pickle and currently my majority of my family is against me. My mother (41F) has 6 kids all together. Myself, my sisters (F22), (F19), (F17), (F16) and my brother (M23). Growing up was sort of h*ll for all of us. My mother never had a good track record of "picking good men" and a lot of times me and my siblings would witness her boyfriends beat her or berate her. Her 2nd boyfriend would often hit us when me and my siblings were younger as well. It's a whole lot more, but than this post would be very long.
However, about 5 years ago, my mother lost custody of my 3 younger sisters. (There was some s*xual abuse going on with my mother's most recent ex boyfriend.) We didn't want our sisters in foster care, so me and my brother begged our grandmother to take them in, until me and my brother could come up with a plan or take custody of them. Dramatic I know, but it's always just been me and siblings against the world in my eyes.
My grandmother (the Saint she is), took my sisters and told me and my older brother not to worry about getting custody of them because we should be focusing on our lives and college. While me and my brother were hesitant at first, we decided to head off to college to kinda build up some status I should say.
I dropped out of college because I couldn't afford to keep up with the cost and get my tuition down below a certain cost. However, my brother graduated last year! :) My sisters have been happy with living with my grandmother and my grandmother loves having them around. She says she gets to see her "grand babies everyday and it's a blessing."
They are comfortable living with her and my grandmother has no change of still caring for them.
But back on course with my mom. When she lost custody, me and all my siblings with no contact with her, including my grandmother. Around 2 months ago, my mother sent me a email explaining that she would like to get back in contact with us and do family therapy. At first I didn't say anything to my siblings because in a sense I felt like I was protecting them. However, she sent me a second email the following month after explaining that she broke up with her boyfriend and she really missed us. She wanted to do family therapy because she had a lot of pain built up and she knew that we probably did as well.
I talked with my grandmother about it and she told me that I should ask my siblings if they wanted to and have it be their choice. I spoke with my siblings about it and the youngest were on board because they did miss our mom. However, myself and my other siblings were hesitant. But, for the sake of my younger siblings, I responded to her and we set up a time to meet up.
About 3 weeks ago, we met up at a restaurant and my mother looked exhausted, but eager to see us. I declined a hug because I wasn't comfortable with it and my mother looked pissed.
My mom got caught up with all of us and she asked during our lunch if my younger siblings would consider coming back home and her getting custody back. My younger siblings said they weren't sure and I could tell they looked uncomfortable. I tried to change the subject, but my mom wrapped it back around. She started mentioning on how we all could be a family again now that we're older and she can rebuild what was broken. The rest of the meeting became a blur for me because I honestly checked out. A lot of buried emotions were coming up and I shut down.
After the meeting, I got a email from my mom later that night that she was really upset that I didn't hug her or say goodbye to her when we left. She said it was giving a bad impression to my younger siblings and they would probably start mistreating her as well. I'm not going to lie that email filled me with anger because she had a lot of audacity.
I didn't respond and I got another email from her, but it was a conformation for our first family therapy session. We had it yesterday. We did the usual first introductory process and getting familiarized.
Later during the session, my mom was going on and on of how she did everything she could to protect us and etc. The silence from me and my siblings were pretty loud and our counselotherapist asked how we felt about that. My other siblings didn't speak. I wasn't planning on speaking either, but then what my mom said just made me snap. She told our therapist that I told them not to say anything because I wanted to turn my siblings against her and she scheduled this session to help us and not split us apart. After that. I just went off. I started screaming that she wasn't a good mother and she did NOTHING to protect us. She constantly vented to me about her relationships or her problems. This lead me to internalize a lot of her issues as my own or my stressors. She never protected my brother when her boyfriends would beat on him when he tried to protect either her or my sisters. She never even thought of reporting her ex when my sisters first came to her about the abuse they experienced at his hands. I went off on a lot of other things, but at this point she was bawling and so were my siblings. I told my therapist that if anyone was "splitting" the family up it was her with her stupidity, ignorance and just flat out neglect. I was breathing hard after the incident and after thinking about it, I'm not happy at all I blew up like that. My therapist decided we should take a break, but I told them I was just done. I was not going to sit here and listen to her trying to blame me for her actions or her problems.
The session ended quickly after that and later on in the night, my phone started blowing up with calls and text from my mother's side of the family. They started berating me and saying that I was horrible person for hurting my mother like that and making her feel horrible. They were on a tangent on how she was trying to turn a new leaf and actually work at rebuilding a relationships with us. After all the calls and text I've been feeling like a sh*tty person for saying that to my mom.
So honestly, AITAH?
(Update): (03/16/2024)
I originally posted the update on my profile, but this morning I saw that it was gone. Hopefully I can retrieve it, but I'll post it here as well. I made it the day after my post, but since it's gone I'm just adding it here.
TW: Abuse
Hey all, update for those who wanted it: Also heavy abuse TW because I will get emotional and vent a bit later on in this update. If you are a childhood abuse survivor, I wouldn't recommend reading past this since it could possibly be triggering.
My siblings and I have decided to go NC with our mother for good. It was a hard conversation this morning and I felt like a AH again. I felt like my outburst persuaded them to make that decision, so I wouldn't be upset with them. Yet they reassured me throughout the whole conversation that they didn't like that she didn't even apologize. Even when she had the opportunity to. My siblings and I are still struggling with the fact that she won't change and she probably never will.
The driving force for it was the email that I got from mother at 4am today. I copied and pasted it here since I don't know how to post pics/screenshots on mobile.
" Dear Juju (my nickname when I was younger)
I am truly hurt and devastated that you went public with a private matter. Your auntie May showed me your reddit post. And yet you continue to try to villanize me. I was going to explain myself further in therapy but I'm in a new relationship now with a very loving man. He was the main one who encouraged me to extend a olive branch with you all. I was going to surprise you and your siblings in therapy. However, you ruined it. I stayed my distance from you all because after losing your sisters, it made me realize I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. It made me realize how much of a worthless piece of shit I was. You calling me a worthless whore of a mother was uncalled for. In those relationships I couldn't just simply walk away. Where would I have gone? What about you guys? Do you not think it ate me up inside everytime you guys cried? Everytime I did try to protect you guys just to get the shit beat out of me? Being knocked out cold and not knowing if you guys were safe or not? Did any of that not matter to you? I'm trying to redeem myself while also being a victim and you simply can't get your own head out of your ass. You bitch and complain about your pain not realizing I WAS A VICTIM TOO JUJU. WE ALL WERE.
I hate to sound harsh, but you're an adult and can hear these things now. I tried my damn hardest to protect you all. For you to shit on all my effort in your rant and call me almost every name in the book in front of our therapist, your siblings and the BLATANTLY visible disrespect to me? All of it, truly uncalled for. I will not have contact with you until you apologize to me for what you said. You broke my heart Juju, but momma still loves you and me going No-contact with you is to show that you can't just hurt someone because you yourself are hurting. I will be over to see your sisters later at my mom's place to talk one on one with them. I will appreciate it if you are there to apologize. But if you will not, then I highly ask that you not be there. "
The email really crushed me a lot. I completely understand that she was a victim as well. Like I also mentioned to a kind redditor that messaged me last night, she did provide what she could. Yet there were many moments we either went hungry or without some nessecesities (sp?). One of my most embarrassing moments was asking strangers on the street for money so me and my sisters could get pads and tampons. My mom's third boyfriend threw ours out because he "didn't belive in periods." That whole ordeal, among others were so damn humiliating. I got a mixture of anger and sadness when she said she tried her hardest to protect us. Where was the determination when her boyfriends would beat the hell out of me and my older brother because we didn't want them either alone with our sisters or touching our younger sisters? Where was she when she heard me getting SA in the room right next to her and heard me screaming for her? It's just a overwhelming sorrow because in her eyes, she did her best. But in my eyes, she did absolutely nothing and I told her as such and then some in our session.
Like many of you pointed out, she may have been a victim, but she did nothing to protect us. I have to sit with that for the rest of my life. My siblings have to deal with that for the rest of their lives. I have to work through all the damage she caused while she gets to play hero and have her redemption arc? I'm done with her and I'm happy to know the feeling is mutual according to her.
She did call my grandmother this morning during breakfast and demanded that she let her "see her kids." My grandmother told her that she could try, but she wasn't coming past the gate unless my sisters wanted her to. My grandmother put her phone on speaker and asked my sisters if they wanted to see her. My youngest sister actually responded this time and said no. And not for a very long time at the minimum. My mom tried to scream at my grandmother, but I could hear her voice cracking from trying not to cry on the phone. My grandmother told her she could go f herself and don't call her again.
After that, is when the conversation about no contact got put into overdrive. My siblings have their own memories of her to account for. They aren't comfortable with me sharing them, so I really just shared mine and a bit of my brother's.
It's just all so surreal to me. I thought that maybe she was actually okay with being alone, but here she is, not being truthful of when she broke up with her most recent ex. I didn't ask because I don't even care anymore.
Yet she's already in a new relationship? It's a hard thing to grasp that my mother just can't be alone. I even feel disgusting calling her my mother because it stings to know that she never really was a mother. Not to me or my siblings. For my family that has been messaging me, I just blocked them on every social media platform. They stopped trying to call me since I set up my phone with an app to reject all calls from unknown numbers that aren't my contacts.
As for my mom, I copied and posted my response here:
"Victoria, since you are no longer my mother, I have no need for formality. You make me absolutely sick to my stomach. You know of the pain you caused me and my siblings. You know you didn't do shit. You know that you never even had a grain of a maternal instinct. If you did, you never would have allowed us to get hurt. I know you can't sleep at night with those thoughts running around in your head. I hope for the rest of the life it eats you up inside. Your new boy toy will be the only thing by your side when you frail and almost dust. I'm done allowing you to hurt not only me, but my brother and sister as well. You have no right to try to prance your happy fake ass into our lives now that you see we are doing well without you. It hurts doesn't it? To know that even through all the bullshit, we are ten times the better person you could ever imagine in your twisted little head. You don't have to worry about me contacting you. I will have nothing to do with you. Even after your death, I will have no connection and hopefully no memories of you. You may still be alive and breathing. But to me, you are a shallow corspe of a stranger and I intend to keep it that way. You live in a fantasy world and I hope on your death bed you have such a crippling feeling of regret that you croak on the spot. Don't ever contact me or my siblings again. My brother wants you to know he'll spit on your grave if he ever finds out you died, so sleep well with that you fucking bitch."
I'm not too proud of my response, but at this point she is dead to me. She should have been a long time ago, but it felt so good to get that pain from the most internal part of my chest. I'm pretty sure she won't put up a fight seeing as my words "hurt her so much". If she does and her antics are crazy enough, I'll update again. However, for now I'm taking a well deserved break and I'm signing myself up fot therapy. I realize I have a lot of anger and resentment built up that I need to work through correctly and positively.
Thank you guys for the support and the kind messages. I will be posting some of them on a vision board to help through my therapy. Thank you reddit so much for being here in a time of need for a stranger. Love you all <3
submitted by Pureclownenergy to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 17:59 ConsequenceFun9164 One week post op!

First of all, what a roller coaster!! I am so happy to be on the other end of the surgery and am one week out feeling great so far. I had my 18cm subserosal fibroid removed last Friday and my operation took 5 hours. It started out as laparoscopy and ended with a bikini line c section incision. My doctor tried but could not; I’m honestly happy it was taken out in one piece. I woke up in no pain, the anesthesiologist thiolisit gave me a tap in my uterus and I was basically numb for days. I lost a liter of blood so of course I’m still weak.
I was in the or recovery for maybe an hour or so being stabilized. That first cup of ice chips, let me tell ya! So delicious. Then I was moved into my official recovery room. I stayed one night at the hospital and had the sweetest nurse who was so attentive and checked on my constantly. I was not allowed sleep the first night and was constantly having my blood taken, vitals taken, IVs changed out so that was overwhelming. I couldn’t eat anything but they gave me an IV with all my nutrients. They also alternated me on Tylenol, Motrin, and ibuprofen for the pain which was good for me. I was able to get up and walk at 1am the day after surgery. The nurses were impressed with me. I had my catheter in my entire hospital stay and the next morning it was removed. It was not painful at all. I would compare it being removed to having a tampon being taken out. I was able to pass gas the morning I was released. A lab tech was taking my blood and I was so over it at that point cause they kept stabbing me and kissing my veins, so I tooted in front of her. I did not need gas x. I experienced shoulder pain from gas but I was given a heating pad which helped. I was also given a belly binder the second surgery was over it’s helped me a lot but don’t solely rely on it, keep strengthening your core but don’t go too far.
The first shower was scary at the hospital as none of the nurses helped me and it was just me and my mom. We made it though but I wouldn’t recommend. I let the hospital the next day at 1 pm. The doctor recommended an oxy for the car but I didn’t want it. I didn’t have pain in the car. When I got home I was happy to be home but overwhelmed with my new reality of recovering. I didn’t know how emotional this would make me especially with visitors and gifts. It’s a major surgery and just remind yourself it’s ok to cry and process it cause you don’t have time to in the hospital. You have to be very still the first few days but also move. Movement is medicine for this recovery.
YOU HAVE TO EAT EVEN YOU DONT WANNA. It’s the ok to way you’ll really heal. I recommend protein shakes, yogurt, soup, toast, deli meats. Just please eat cause then you can’t walk and your stomach is just gonna be shredded from meds. The first few days I had alarms every 6 hours to take my meds. I continued with Tylenol and ibuprofen 600mg for 3 days straight. By the 4th my head felt woozy so I started weaning off. For day 5 and 6 I only took 800mg total of ibuprofen. I was also Prescribed zofran for nausea (which saved my ass in recovery at the hospital ) and tramadol (haven’t taken). Be on top of your meds. I didn’t wanna take pain killers that were intense but I was prepared to if needed. I understand peoples reluctance to take them however. Don’t try to be a hero. I’ve been also taking miralax and my bowel movements have been normal. My mom has been staying with me and cooking and cleaning the house. I am forever grateful.
I was able to shower independently day 3. I had a detachable shower head and long loofah which helps. Please make sure someone is standing by when you shower, the last thing you need is a fall. I braved the stairs from my apartment as well day 3. I’ve done too short walks and they have been ok. Use your belly binder on your walks it helps. My incisions started hurting yesterday when I walked on one side but I’m reminding myself it’s normal. My nurse told me to let myself have pain when it’s bearable to know where I am in the healing process.
I’m on day 7 and feel great. I haven’t done major walks or an outing and I know that will be tiring. Don’t compare your journey to others. Healing is not linear. Just remember you are fibroid free and repeat positive mantras to yourself you will get through it. Women are so powerful ! Let me know if yall have questions or want pics. You guys are the best support system!
submitted by ConsequenceFun9164 to Fibroids [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 02:31 thermalstat shit & jojo siwa

i’m really confused as to why these two fucks are together? shit - you’re literally dating someone who was in love with stank 😂 embarrassing, the tampon on the night stand & this boy is 5 years younger, no words. tyler - you’re openly encouraging and participating in YOUR girlfriend beefing with her ex-situationships girlfriend (now ex gf), EMBARRASSING! shit already talks about how she has little interest in fucking you yet she had no problem busting her pussy wide open for every other man she’s been with in the past year. she used to fuck romeo with other people in the house constantly (her moaning in the background of trevons lives) because she was so infatuated and yet every time i see a pic of shit and tyler, she looks disgusted to even kiss him.
i think both of yall need to come out the closet already and also, idk if shit wants to be rachel atp or fuck her, either way her obsession with this girl is crazy
submitted by thermalstat to christenwhitmansnark [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 18:15 tangymylove My recovery after a bilateral salpingectomy at 21 :)

I found my doctor off of the list on here! I don't want to share her name for privacy reasons, but she was absolutely amazing and filled me in every step of the way. I had zero issues post-op. If you have any other questions related to my procedure feel free to message me!
immediately after surgery i was in a bit of pain and coughing but nothing worse than period cramps. coughing/throat tickle was probably from the tube they used for me to breathe during anesthesia. peed right after i woke up :)
~3hr post-op: cant bend at my waist and the only pain i have is from the excess air settling in my shoulders. i had a little trouble breathing as the air worked its way up but that's gone now. they used skin glue to seal my 3 incision sites. one in my belly button and one on either side of my belly button about 2in away. i was also given a catheter during surgery to help drain my bladder so my surgeon could visualize my tubes better. i also had something to stabilize my cervix and uterus during surgery (i only know this bc of my post-op note) im up and walking (slowly). hiccups and coughs hurt, and it hurts to use my abdomen to move but not in much pain, just tired
day1: pain is worse today, almost like my abs are insanely sore and a little sharp pains when i move? i was able to take a shower but that's it. lots and lots of bed rest today. It also feels like my middle incision is pulled when I roll to one side or the other in bed, so I have to hold it as I turn.
day2: pain isn't as bad today! still some pressure in my shoulders/around my collar bones from the air but its a bit easier to move around :) Still mainly laying down and sleeping all day.
a week post: im able to move around okay and drive! i stopped needing pain meds by day 6 :) I also got my pathology report back! Totally normal fallopian tubes B)
At my two-week post-op appointment my doctor gave me the images she took during surgery! I thought they were insanely cool to see, but I think she only gave them to me because she knew I was in healthcare and it wouldn't bother me. If this stuff bothers you definitely let your surgeon know before they show you any pics.
Coming off of birth control, my libido absolutely skyrocketed and i feel like a mental fog has lifted. i feel so much better! my first period off of it sucked, the second one (about a full month post) wasn't bad at all. They're just longer now. I was also told to avoid inserting anything vaginally for two weeks so that meant no sex and no tampons, cups, or disks.
My surgery was totally covered by my insurance, their main policy is that if it's medically necessary they'll cover it. I have a strong family history of breast cancer, and it's thought that ovarian cancer originates in the fallopian tubes. A family history of breast cancer can increase your risk for ovarian cancer, so I'm sure that's why it was covered. My incision sites still hurt from time to time but they're healing very well! I'm a little over a full month post-op :)
submitted by tangymylove to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.01.15 15:07 genokostits69 My mean girls 2024 review (please respect my opinión but feel free to disagree) with spoilers

We open the movie with Janis and Damian making a video singing , which i think is a fun way to do a Cautionary tale. I missed the plastics leitmotif that played at the begging of the og Cautionary tale and meet the plastics, but its one of the best songs of the movie so i wont complain much. Now before i continue i just want to say that i hated the instrumental of almost every song It sounds unfinished and unpolished.
After this song, we meet the new Cady, its obvious that they changed some songs because Angourie cant sing them, the pitch correction was super obvious ... And i think if your lead cant sing you should consider either teaching her or changing actresses.
From this moment now the movie moves too fast, you dont have time to meet the characters and explore the relationships, let me explain:
I want to use Gretchen as an example Was "whats wrong with me" good? Yes. Did i care for it? No. It doesn't feel earned, Gretchen doesn't even have an intro in meet the plastics! This is like the only thing gretchen did in the whole movie, in the original her character arc was so clear, you see how she starts to feel left out by Regina progressively and the scene where she talks about César is a great turning point for her character. Gretchen was my favorite and the new one felt like a background character.
Karen was a bit more of the same thing, cartoonishly Dumb, and the og was Dumb but she had a presence in the movie, this Karen didnt have time to steal the audience hearts, which is a shame...
Thats why thet cut meet the plastics , because there is no plastics , only regina.
Renne was amazing, we all know that, someone gets hurt was the BEST thing in the whole movie, she felt like the main character and still was rushed
This movie needs more screentime for everyone!
Also something i miss from the og was how you can see the Background characters appear multiple times, like the tampon girl its the one who appears talking about Regina at the begging, etc...
Some jokes were good! The iCarly one and the mathletes were fun!
The advertising was so awkard, stop triying to make Samsung flip happens! It not gonna happens!
And some things were soooo lazy likethey used Reneé's ig pics for some Montages?!!! They didnt even take time to make photos of her in character
Overall: This felt like a first draft, rushed, unpolished and cheap
submitted by genokostits69 to MeanGirls [link] [comments]

2023.12.28 03:57 selune07 So sick of getting "girl" gifts

So sick of getting
TW: periods/menstruation, misgendering
My relationship with my family is complicated to say the least. My parents are divorced and both remarried. They all know I'm bisexual, but I only started coming out to a couple of them as non-binary this summer because I started T. My dad and my stepmom don't know, mostly because my dad is an asshole and his wife is low-key delusional. She always gets me and my two sisters the most random and sometimes cringey gifts for christmas. I have never been super feminine even when I still thought I was a woman, but she gets us all the same thing regardless. I end up donating about 75% of her gifts every year because I'll never use them. I live in a different state and travel to see my family a lot during the year, so she got me a couple travel-based gifts, one of which was a giant jewelry organizer that rolls up for easy storage. I occasionally wear plain black hoop earrings and some rings, and I have my septum pierced. No idea why she thought I needed that. She also got me a makeup blending sponge, even though I hardly ever wear makeup and when I do it's just eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. The real kicker was this stupid tampon case (pic above). I've used an IUD for almost 8 years and barely got a period on that, and haven't gotten one since I started T in June. Meanwhile, my brother-in-law gets shit like a mini whiskey barrel, hot sauce, beef jerky, mugs, etc (all shit I would love). My mom and step dad let us pick our own gifts since we're all grown now, but they still get us all the same stocking stuffers and I still get the "girl" gifts while my brothers-in-law get the stuff I actually want.
I've never wanted to be a boy, just like I never really wanted to be a girl. I love being non-binary. But shit like this makes me wish I was born a boy just so I could get the gifts I actually want. Fuck it, I would be fine with never getting another gift for the rest of my life if my family would just stop treating me like a woman. Also, fuck products that are gendered for no fucking reason.
submitted by selune07 to TransMasc [link] [comments]

2023.12.27 18:53 United-Tangerine-175 Things my ex PA did to me

Please read
So this happened several years ago, and I never really put everything together until now.
What do you guys think????
TW sexual abuse, rape
He claimed he wasn’t sexually involved with his 22 year old friend (he was 28) who had been inexplicably staying over at his house and sleeping in his bed up until the time we met and started seeing each other
Then it came out that he had previously had sex with her but claimed it was only twice and claimed he wasn’t attracted to her, though he kept looking at her thirst trap Facebook pictures during our relationship.
There was another “friend” who came over for a party and he introduced me to her while never acknowledging that he had been having sex with her regularly prior to meeting me and had ghosted her when we got together. She was pregnant during their relationship and had just had the baby. She would send pics of the baby and it made me question whether he was the father. He lied and said he hadn’t had a sexual relationship with her though I had read through their texts and pointed out that it was pretty obvious.
He claimed he had ED problems and couldn’t perform with other girls. Besides the previous two I guess. He told me he had encounters with a few people but he couldn’t get it up so nothing happened. He said he was surprised his dick worked so well with me and there were no problems, and it was the best sex ever. He was so super excited to be with me. I thought he was lying but I saw some of his texts discussing it with other girls. But thinking back, his dick was never fully hard with me either.
Used porn instead of being with me. When I went through his history, I found that he would watch porn while sitting in the room with me. On the computer, on the phone. In the bathroom while I would be waiting for him to come to bed. He claimed he was just using the bathroom and it would take a long time.
When I confronted him with this, he said he would just sometimes look at it and wasn’t getting off to it.
When I confronted him with all the t porn I found in his computer history dating back to before we had even met, he became irate and picked up and smashed the computer, and then stormed out. He came back, cried, apologized, and told me he was sexually abused by multiple men as a child. He claimed to watch violent gay rape porn as a way to deal with his thoughts on this. He claimed that he would stop.
He also watched other porn, followed girls on instagram, obsessively looked at “friend’s” sexy pics and liked and commented on them. He would say that they looked hot or make shocked faces, etc.
He obsessively looked at photos of another “friend.” On the computer, on the phone, with me in the room, with me out, in the bathroom. I asked what he was doing. I asked why he was obsessed with this friend. They didn’t even speak frequently, if at all. They had been close at one time but I don’t think she had ever been interested in anything more than friendship. This friend looked completely different than me and I wondered what his obsession was and also why he was with me because the difference was so vast.
He did not have a job during this time. He claimed that he would get a job but then would sit on the computer all day. He collected scrap metal and other stuff that was basically junk and claimed that he would sell it. He surrounded our house with trash. He claimed he would organize it. He would spend hours in the garage telling me that he was going through the stuff and working or trying to make money. When I asked him what he was doing, he told me he was jerking off to porn instead.
I asked him to stop doing this. We fought about it.
But he would have angry meltdowns all the time. From the time we met to the time I left. He could not decide whether he absolutely loved me or absolutely hated me.
He would say he felt so happy with me and this was what he always wanted life to be like, and then we would fight over his porn use and inappropriate relationships with other women, and he would say this is a horrible relationship and he needs to get away.
Suddenly I’m the source of all his problems.
He needs to get away from me.
So he made his own room to sit and look at porn all day. He would lock the door and shut me out. He claimed it was normal for a man to have his own room. A “man cave.” He lied and said he wasn’t looking at porn. But when I found out, again he lied and said he was reenacting abuse that had happened to him. He also claimed that he would jerk off looking in the mirror and not looking at porn. But he obviously didn’t want sex with me. He would have trouble getting hard, if he got fully hard at all. He would have trouble getting off or get off too quickly. He would be not in the mood but I figured he already did it alone in the bathroom.
Claimed he didn’t want to leave me though he physically moved out and into someone else’s basement apartment. He told me he was going to be working for this guy. He did this secretly by moving items little by little and telling me he was taking some things to his mom’s house until most of his things were gone and he was gone too.
Claimed he wasn’t hooking up with his 22 yr old friend or her friend, though it was her dad’s house he moved to, and they were so comfortable hanging around him that they used his trash can to throw out a used tampon.
I was shocked, devastated, upset. Threw up my hands. Thought ok well that’s that. Tried to move on. He asked to come back. He begged me to forgive him and let him come back. He said he thought he wanted to get away from me until he was sitting alone in a room by himself missing me. He said he was pathetic.
I got pregnant, we got married, I focused on the baby. He continued his shit. He complained I didn’t focus on him. He complained I didn’t want him in bed because he would wake me up. He complained I didn’t want sex with him because I focused on the baby.
He just continued all the things he did before but I didn’t care that much anymore. Continued to follow instagram girls, comment on their photos, make me look like an asshole. Continued to jerk off to porn and sleep alone and generally not be a part of our family.
But he wouldn’t come straight home after work, once he finally got a job, and would try to blow off his responsibilities taking care of his child. He would be out with friends or who knows where.
At this point we had to move into his parents house because he could not keep a stable job and we couldn’t afford much else.
He “accidentally” responded to Craigslist sex ad where a man was looking for a BJ. I found a blank email addressed to this cl ad in his draft emails. He claimed he didn’t know how it got there or it was clicked accidentally. He got so incredibly angry over being “accused” of trolling Craigslist for anonymous hookups. There is NO accidental reply on Craigslist. You have to click through several prompts to even get to the reply point. He also claimed he was reliving his abuse and wanted to make people think he would meet them for sex and then beat them up. Which I think was even more horrifying than just cheating.
His parents would overhear our arguments and he got SO at me for questioning him where his parents might hear. THIS was the thing that destroyed our relationship. I was a monster. How dare I do something like this? How dare I question his actions SOLICITING FOR SEX on Craigslist within earshot of his parents. Forget marital vows. Forget human decency. This is what counts.
Started a flirty text relationship with an ex girlfriend and saying things like he could “help her out the shower.” Went to hang out with her behind my back. Claimed nothing happened.
I left. Didn’t look back.
After I left him, he started having sex with her. He then claimed that he did this because I stopped having sex with him and he “needed sex.”
Yesterday he told our pre-teen that we broke up because I cheated on him. 🙄
submitted by United-Tangerine-175 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2023.11.02 02:50 Ready-Bat-8824 October 2023 Hilaria’s IG Recap = 4 Posts or “Apparently, when a 3rd failed podcast door closes, somewhere a reality TV show window opens”

October 2023 Hilaria’s IG Recap = 4 Posts or “Apparently, when a 3rd failed podcast door closes, somewhere a reality TV show window opens”
While Hillary was in the shop getting her upgrades upgraded and her remaining natural parts reorganized, October became a lovely palate cleanser of a month which still, weirdly, gave us tons of insight into Our Lady of Mi Cultura Upbringing.
Hillary’s IG Stats
Hillary’s IG Posts Compared to Alec’s IG Posts
  • April 2023: Hillary 16 posts & Alec 35 posts
  • May 2023: Hillary 18 posts & Alec 67 posts
  • June 2023: Hillary 29 posts & Alec 28 posts (62 HABF Tweets)
  • July 2023: Hillary 11 posts & Alec 37 posts
  • August 2023: Hillary 7 posts & Alec 36 posts
  • September 2023: Hillary 12 posts & Alec 42 posts
  • October 2023: Hillary 4 posts & Alec 30 posts
*Again, if any pepino would like to count Alec’s Threads and message me or forward them to me I will add those to the count*
Oct. 1-8
  • The hits from the Syracuse International Film Festival where Alec was honored on 9/29 kept coming in October. We were treated to images of Alec grimly posing with festival attendees to benefit SIFF and where his internal monologue must have been a nonstop stream of expletives.
The big smiles of the folks who paid for this moment make me sad.
  • Is there anything better than the chaotic video of Alec arriving and working the event? I felt a stirring of sympathy bc the man has had both hips replaced and that walk up the many stairs of the historic building must have been uncomfortable if not painful (plus his unhemmed pants give me agita because what if he gets tangled and falls???). But I came to my senses when he reached the top of the stairs with MC Michelle of the 3 outfit changes who asked people to “give it up for Alec Baldwiiiiiiiiiin” and he asked people filming “who are you with?” like he was maybe expecting Access Hollywood or Vanity Fair or the Times. Kudos to my man who politely replied*, “we’re just with us.”*
  • This video is an epic 15-minute cringe fest and the pepino comments were unrivaled. One of my favorites was from u/pants710 who wrote:
I am so confused??
Who is that woman? Why is she there? Is she his handler? Hype man?
Why can my alcoholic, Vicodin addicted, metal spine having, hearing aids in but never on Grandpa who is 20 years Alec’s senior work a room better?
Why are they in what looks like the upstairs attic shop of this truck stop in Kansas I frequent?
Why is everyone dressed for a different event?

How were these three people at the same event?
  • While Alec was replaying this event on a loop in his brain, he made his usual reposts of an environmental account he favors (like his children’s diapers, old clothes & toys, and whatnot are not cramming landfills?), podcast promos, and, disgustingly, a Woody Allen love note.
  • Hillary’s first of four posts this month had her transitioning from “this super mami does it all” to “fiddle-dee-dee, what’s an overwhelmed mami to do?” Ma’am wut? Your 8-, 7-, and 5-year-olds are not sleeping through the night and you’re whining on IG? Talk to your pediatrician, hire a sleep expert with your millions, or read a book. Do not ask PattyLovesFlowers what worked for her kids in 1982, you ninny.
Cleats indoors? THIS mom allows it.
Hilz, I beg you. Put. The. Phone. Down.
Oct. 9-15
  • On 10/9, Alec announced he would make a “five-part series” on an IG account called WoodyAllenFilms discussing his favorite films aaaaannnnddd… made two videos.
  • To be fair, he got sidetracked by a judge’s ruling on 10/11 that Rust producers can’t crush a subpoena and must give prosecutors internal documents pertaining to Alec’s full role on the film. This is important bc it will show how much he knew about cost and safety corner cutting.
  • He also got sidetracked by his much-hyped (by him) talk with author Michael Wolff where they could not give tickets away. I couldn’t muster up enough interest to listen. Hilz was spotted in the wild that day, too.
The way this could only be one person in NYC.
  • Alec returned to WoodyAllenFilms on 10/12 and said, I talked about two films the other day, so here are my thoughts on three more. Nobody was waiting with bated breath, but you did say five-part series, Zander.
  • More bloviating about the SAG-AFTRA strike while toiling away on cut rate cheapo movies.
  • Super interesting sleauthy sleuth thread about the 10/14 NYT piece on Madman Espresso owner Marco Vacchi and the fact that Alec is a partner in Sorsó, the wine bar operated by Vacchi. This explains a lot about the ubiquitous yellow coffee cups – a mutual backscratching, if you will.
The Chantecaille connection is the stuff of pepino legend.
Oct. 16-22
  • Very little posting from the Baldwins this week (Hillary posted nothing and Alec posted five times) because on 10/17 we learned that Alec will be recharged in the Rust shooting that cost Halyna Hutchins her life. According to HuffPo “New Mexico prosecutors will soon be filing involuntary manslaughter charges against the actor, and plan to present the case to a grand jury next month.”
  • That same day Hilz was out and about and now is as good a time as any to say a word about her hair. Hillary’s appearance in general, but her hair specifically, is a giant metaphor for her grift. Hear me out. She’s spent her entire adult life fighting her hair’s true color and texture (brown and curly). The result is thin, brittle, unhealthy hair of a shade not to be found in nature. I think it’s fair to say that her grift has done the same to her personality: she crafted a fake persona and those layers of lies have eroded her sense of self and ability to connect with real people.
Somewhere in an NYC Goodwill, a nice lady is holding up teeny tiny shiny leggings in utter confusion.
  • The brass balls pap walk courtesy of paid pap on speed dial Said Elatab was wild. Three big things happening here:
    • THE SWEATSHIRT. Listen. When I’m wrong, I’m wrong. I was convinced – ¡convencida! – that Hillary had been told to put her stupid statement sweatshirts away. Boy was I wrong. She trotted one out on 10/19 and the DM’s long ass headline declared “Alec Baldwin and wife Hilaria show strain of stress while out in NYC after he vowed to fight in court if he's charged again in fatal Rust shooting... nearly two years after on-set tragedy.” So, to be clear, Hillary wants EMPATHY for Alec Baldwin who shot Halyna Hutchins and ended her life? Do we have that right? In Spanish sinvergüenza means shameless and it’s the only word for these two.
It would be a different narrative if she wasn't wearing the sweatshirt, no?
  • THE BABY HOLDING. Do they hold babies like this in Beacon Hill, España? Was she going for Lion King imagery? Did Hillary’s frazzled neurons not connect to figure out how to showcase the kid and the statement sweatshirt simultaneously?
We can only hope he's snarling \"put the kid in the stroller, you nutjob,\"
  • THE HAIR. I know it’s petty. I know. But it’s giving Peso Pluma and I cannot.
IYKYK - but if you don't, he's a wildly popular Mexican singer right now.
What he wouldn't give to have been cast in \"Marty's\" latest movie. Alas, he will have to make do with his popcorn and sweater swag bag from the SIFF.
Oct. 23-31
  • Ireland made a hilarious post about getting 23 and Me as a birthday gift and captioned it “a cool way to find out how many other siblings I might have out there and see just how white I really am.” Kudos to the person who commented on Ireland’s post: “Will Hiiiiilaria, I mean Hillary, the white girl from Boston, with the fake accent, take offense at this?”
  • On 10/23, Alec and his NotSpanish bride attended Melissa Derosa’s book launch. Derosa was former NY governor Andrew Cuomo's top aide/press secretary and a pretty trash human by all accounts. So, the Baldwins were in their element. Derosa and Hilz don’t follow each other but Derosa was not shy about using the Baldwins’ pix on her IG in a see how many famous people like me kinda way. However, Derosa tagged Aleek and other well-known people but not Hliz. Heh.
Did they keep their coats on in case Hillary's bangs got up and left?

There's underdressed (Hilz) and then there's woefully underdressed (PeePaw).
Sweet baby, nutter of a mum.
The comments are excelente.
Nanny vid?
Sir, do not subject your innocent dog to these people.
  • As her fourth and last post of the month, Hillary shared their Beetlejuice-themed Halloween pix and a whopping 1,251 “followers” commented (.001% of her - ahem - 1M followers) and got 33K likes (.033% of her "community").
I've never seen Beetlejuice and am feeling pretty good about that choice.
  • Their comments may be scrubbed or used as evidence of the boollies that harangue Hillary, but at least two levelheaded people commented on Carmen’s attire (one in Spanish and one in English for what it’s worth):
    • No dejes que Carmen crezca antes de tiempo, por favor. Es una niña maravillosa, pero ya tiene poses de adolescente prematura/Don't let Carmen grow up prematurely please. She's a wonderful child, but she's already got the poses of a premature teenager (IG translation)
    • Why do u let Carmen dress like she’s in college. Getting worse. It’s sad.
  • And to end the month with the chaos to which we have become accustomed, Kelly Ripa has a podcast that is news to virtually everyone and her episode with Alec went live on 10/31. Among other things, Alec shared that he and Hillary rilly rilly want to do a reality show. What in the paella con mosca??? Recap of this episode coming soon…
submitted by Ready-Bat-8824 to HilariaBaldwin [link] [comments]

2023.10.29 04:12 bardagisu My Rhinoplasty Experience with Dr. Baver Şimşek + tips

Hi all! I had my nose done 2.5 months ago by Dr. Baver Şimşek in Istanbul, Türkiye / Turkey and so I decided writing this in-depth post about my experience as I have learned a lot from this subreddit and wanted to give something back that will hopefully help others. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments & a TLDR will be at the bottom. I have divided the text in subjects with titles, so feel free to skip to whatever interests you!
My nose before surgery: broken nose, dorsal hump, deviated septum, C-curve, uneven collapsed nostrils
My ideal post-surgery nose: elegant, natural and straight from the front, with a straight bridge from the side

Picking a surgeon

As I had a very clear image in my head of what I wanted to achieve, picking a surgeon was quite easy, but still a thorough process. The ones in my country could not deliver what I wanted, so I went to look abroad Instagram and made a list. Then I researched all of them, and came to the conclusion that Dr. Şimşek was the only one that checked all my boxes. He is an ENT and plastic surgeon, no botched cases, no fake reviews, no fake/edited photos, and happy patients with good long-term results. Another big plus was that he uses Piezo Ultrasonic equipment which results in less swelling and a shorter recovery time.

Getting in touch

After making my choice I reached out to Dr. Şimşek and spoke with his assistant, who answered quickly & friendly and was available 7 days per week. I also messaged a bunch of “Option B” surgeons, to see and compare how they respond, what their prices are etc. I sent 3 pics of myself, front, side and 3/4 angle, and 3 inspiration pics and included a message of my wishes. I am happy I messaged multiple surgeons, because it confirmed my choice. Some of the other surgeons were fine in their responses, but others were downright rude and sloppy in their answers and/or charged very high prices, (if you would like to see a separate post of all the surgeons I messaged, their prices & behavior let me know in the comments and I will do so).

Price & payment

The same evening I messaged Dr. Şimşek’s assistant, the surgeon had looked at my pictured and wishes and gave me a quotation of €3000, which included: the surgery itself, consultation with 3D simulation, blood tests, PCR test, overnight stay in the hospital for myself and a companion (incl. meals), consult with an anesthesiologist and the anesthesia itself. The downpayment was €300 which I paid through an international wire transfer, the remaining amount was paid on the day before the surgery.

Consultation & tests

The consultation took place in his office, which was nice and clean. We spoke about what I would like to be changed about my nose, if I had any breathing issues and then checked my nose from the inside and outside. Both regular pictures and a 3D image were taken to see and discuss in detail what changes would be made. The 3D image was shown on a screen on the wall, the Dr. had a specialized computer program that calculated all the angles and as he worked on his computer, I saw the nose on the screen turn into my dream nose bit by bit. I was amazed he understood my wishes perfectly immediately, and as he explained what will be happening I felt more at ease. I asked a ton of questions and all were answered, I felt taken seriously and didn’t feel rushed at all. I was instructed to not eat or drink anything starting from 8 hours before surgery, not to eat seafood before surgery, but a light meal and to make sure to eat well (fruits, fruitjuice, vegetables etc.) after surgery for an optimal recovery. Overall the consultation took about 30-45 minutes, it ended because I ran out of questions and not because we were rushed outside. My nervousness turned into happy-nervousness. Dr. Şimşek was very kind, intelligent and humble.
After the consultation, the payment was made and the assistant took us to the hospital where blood was drawn and a PCR test was taken. I also had a conversation with an anesthesiologist about past experiences with anesthesia, underlying illnesses, use of medicine, my height, weight, menstrual history etc., she was very kind. The hospital was very modern and clean, there is even a Starbucks on the bottom floor, a restaurant on the first floor and another coffee shop with a balcony terrace on the second floor. After the tests were finished, the assistant showed us exactly where to be on the day of the surgery.


Two hours before the surgery I had to check in at the hospital with my passport, the employee was fluent in English. We were then taken to our private hospital room which was spacious, modern and clean. There was a bed, a sofa bed, tv, fridge, closet and a big bathroom. Some moments later a nurse came in with a hospital gown, compression socks and hair cap for me to put on. I was told there would be a nurse that would put in my IV, who came after 30 minutes. It was placed on the inside of the elbow. A hospital employee came and translated a bunch of forms for me which I then signed, I was also asked again about my medical history, height, weight and menstrual cycle to confirm the information I gave to the anesthesiologist earlier. I was a bit anxious because it was finally happening, and even shed some tears. Another 30 minutes passed and Dr. Şimşek’s assistant came to tell me we are ready for the surgery. I moved to another bed, the anesthesia was given, and before we reached the end of the hallway I was gone.

Post surgery

I woke up in the bed surrounded by curtains on two sides and a friendly nurse looking at me. I remember being confused and wondering if the surgery had been done yet. I was breathing through my nose, and even breathing better than before the nosejob which made me more confused. I almost dozed off a couple of times but the nurse called my name to keep me awake. I didn’t really have a perception of time, but after 30 minutes or so I was brought back to my private room. I changed back to the regular hospital bed where ice was put on my eyes. My memory about this is a bit hazy, as I was still coming out of anesthesia. After some time Dr. Şimşek and the assistant came in, telling me that all went well and showing me the pictures that were taken right after the surgery. I couldn’t believe my eyes, seeing my face with a different nose was surreal. I was instructed to put ice on my eyes to help with the swelling and walk throughout the hospital, which would help swelling as well as preventing blood cloths. I had a cast on my nose bridge, silicone nasal splints inside my nose and gauze underneath my nostrils which was attached with medical tape. A very sweet nurse came and took care of me, helped me drink water and braided my hair. Turkish food was served, which was honestly very good. Fluids, antibiotics and painkiller were given through the IV. The first couple of hours after the surgery I slept a lot, but I did not experience any pain.

First day post operation

My surgery was done early in the morning, so we spent the full day in the hospital. I honestly I had no pain at all, discomfort at most. It felt like a cold with a very stuffy nose although I could breathe through my nose. The grogginess from the anesthesia wore off quite quick by eating some food and walking around the hospital. As my upperlip was quite stiff, I couldn’t really close my mouth all the way during eating, but it was fine. My bottomlip was swollen from the tube, but not in an uncomfortable way and it didn’t hurt. I was happy I did not lose my sense of smell, which was something I heard often on TikTok. We had some coffee on the rooftop terrace, which was nice. Seeing myself in the mirror was strange, as my new nose with the cast on top of it was already smaller than my old nose. The nurses were all kind, changed the gauze under my nose, brought ice, bottles of mineral water and gave painkillers and antibiotics through the IV. At night I slept pretty well.

Release from the hospital & medication

The following morning my upper eyelids were a bit swollen but I felt perfectly fine. At 10 am the assistant of Dr. Şimşek came, asked me how I was doing etc., showed me how to clean my nose with oxygenated water and q-tips and gave me instructions on the antibiotical cream. He also gave instructions on the medications that we received from the pharmacist, which consisted of antibiotic tablets which should be taken 2x a day, painkillers which could be taken 3x a day and tablet which helped prevent sneezing 1x a day at night. I was also given a bag of gauze and medical tape so I could change the gauze under my nose as often as necessary. I was told to walk around, ice my eyes often, not to get the cast wet, not to blow my nose and to sneeze through my mouth, not my nose.

Recovery, swelling & bruising

The recovery honestly was a lot easier than expected. The stitches were perfectly closed, I had no blood coming out. I cleaned my nose with the oxygenated water three times a day and took the medication as prescribed. I slept well, ate well and was active throughout the days. In the morning my eyes were swollen, the worst being day 3 when I had some yellow bruising and swelling above my eyes. But drinking enough water, a cup of coffee and walking around made it go down by 90% within an hour or so. My nose did drip every now and then, I just wore the gauzes under my nose for the full week whenever going outside (no drips & protected from the sun!). There was still some stiffness in the upper lip and I didn’t want to risk pulling on the incisions, so I still ate with my mouth not fully closed. I had no blue/purple bruises, just some yellow color around my eyes. At night I put some Vaseline on my lips, but as I could breathe through my nose for 98% of the time my mouth wasn’t overly dry and did not bother me. After 3 days I could shower without making my face wet, up until then I wore my hair in braids which went fine. All in all it felt like recovering from a cold. I kept in touch with the assistant through Whatsapp, which was nice.

Cast off

The removal of the cast took place in Dr. Şimşek’s office. His assistant welcomed us, and was also present during the removal. We spoke about the recovery and if everything went well, then I had to take place in a chair that somewhat resembled a dentist’s chair. My nose was thoroughly checked from the outside and inside, after which the internal splints / silicone nasal tampons were taken out. That was a strange sensation but not painful. The cast was removed and again my nose was checked, as well as my throat. I was handed a mirror and I was so shocked to see my nose, I started crying happy tears. Even though it was very much swollen, I saw the surgeon did exactly what I wished for. Even if it stayed like that, swollen and well, it would still have been a massive improvement and I would’ve been happy. Dr. Şimşek himself was very friendly and happy, and confirmed everything went well and is well. He really took the time for me, which I appreciated. I was handed some tissues to dry my tears. As self-dissolving sutures were used, those stayed put. I received a nose tril retainer / nasal splint that I had to wear until 4 hours or so after the cast removal every night for 3 months to ensure a good healing and keep the internal swelling at bay. It was also advised to wear the retainer during the flight home. I do not have to tape my nose at night, due to the technique used it is not necessary. After some chatting, taking souvenir photos and a warm invite to come and visit if we would be in Istanbul again, we went outside.

Overall rating of Dr. Baver Şimşek

I experienced Dr. Baver Şimşek as a very kind, intelligent, humble and professional man. I felt at ease with him performing a surgery on me, due to his experience and expertise but also due to his demeanor. Everything went smoothly, including the small details. I have zero negative remarks to make. He was genuinely interested in my wishes and process, was honest and realistic in what he would be able to do with my nose. He gave me the nose that I wished for and which finally is functioning the way it is supposed to. I would absolutely recommend Dr. Şimşek. All in all, my experience with him was 10/10.

Things that were different than expected

Before booking my surgery I spent countless hours reading posts and watching videos on YouTube and TikTok of others that had a rhinoplasty done. Still, there were some thing that went different than expected, but all for the better.

Zero pain at all. I heard about feeling like you’ve been hit in the face with a baseball bat, wasn’t the case for me. Only when touching my nose it felt like touching a bruise on your shin. I think this difference may have been caused because Dr. Şimşek used the Piezo Ultrasonic method instead of the old school chisel, because I am generally very sensitive when it comes to pain.

I braced myself for seeing lots of blood (I can’t stand it), but after chancing the initial post-surgery gauze under my nose there was none.

Breathing through nose
I expected not to be able to breathe through my nose after surgery, and prepared by bringing tons of vaseline and dry mouth spray, but I didn’t need it at all. Only upon waking up it was congested, but after cleaning my nose it was fine. Also the humidity of the air in Turkey was very comfortable, which helped as well.

Chewing & eating food
I saw lots of people mentioning only being able to eat apple sauce and soup, but chewing was honestly fine. I did chew without closing my mouth all the way though, as I did not want to put pressure on the incisions.

Silicone nasal tampon removal
I expected it to hurt a lot, I heard from other girls before that they cried from the pain, but it felt like a huge clump of mucus being pulled out, not painful at all.

The doctor’s demeanor
I read that surgeons are arrogant and always in a hurry (and that’s how they are in my country as well from my experience), so I was very surprised with Dr. Şimşek’s demeanor, who was very kind, humble and took the time.

Sense of smell/bad smells
Lots of people on the internet reported have no or a reduced sense of smell, or smelling rotten flesh/earring backs after rhinoplasty. That is not the case for me at all. My sense of smell and taste have not changed, I haven’t had bad smells either to this day.

Sleep quality improvement
I had no clue how bad my nasal breathing actually was, and how it affected my sleep. I thought I was just a “light sleeper” and that that was why I woke up five times a night, but now that my septum is straightened I sleep SO much better. I sleep through the night and wake up feeling rested.

Dissolvable stitches were used for my incisions, most of which fell out on their own between 10 -15 days post OP and the last one ar the 3 week mark, did not hurt at all.

Dripping nose
I heard a lot of girls about their nose randomly dripping during their first year after rhinoplasty. After the splint removal I have had zero nose drips.

Tips for Rhinoplasty

Have a clear image of what you want
Take plenty of pictures of your own nose, search for inspiration pictures to bring to your surgeon and edit your own pictures with photoshop or facetune to see what you like and what suits your features best!

Be mindful of edited before & afters
Not all surgeons are honest, some use odd angles, heavily filtered & edited pictures to promote their work. If a surgeon’s work is good, he doesn’t need to alter the “after” pictures.

Ask all your questions
Make a list of all your questions & possible concerns and ask them! This way you know what to expect and have peace of mind.

Recovery >>> aesthetics
A good recovery should be your main priority, so stick to your surgeon’s recommendations. It’s better to have greasy hair for a few days than to ruin your cast by showering, better to walk around with a big white sunscreen moustache than to harm your incisions, etc.

Pineapple / fruit juice
Fruits & fruit juice was recommended by my doctor as well, vitamins are necessary for optimal recovery. Pineapple / pineapple juice (active ingredient is bromelain) helps reduce the swelling.

I make tea with lemon, fresh mint leaves and honey, I find it helps reduce swelling & water retention in my face a lot. Still drink it to this day in the morning!

Drink lots of water, it helps with recovery and swelling, and is good in general.

Fiber rich food / Metamucil
Anesthesia can make you constipated, so eat fiber rich food to help your bowel movements. Fibre rich foods are vegetables, fruits, whole grain foods etc. If you are prone to constipation you can also bring Metamucil, which is basically a fiber supplement.

Lots of people reduce their salt intake to prevent extra fluid retention, but be aware that too little salt can also cause fluid retention and can make you pretty ill. Again, a good recovery is more important than aesthetics.

Dry shampoo
If your hair gets oily quickly, get a can of dry shampoo as you can not wash your hair for the first few days.

Helps keep your lips hydrated, especially comfortable if you have to breathe through your mouth.

Sunscreen SPF 50
Protect your incisions by using plenty of sunscreen, it really helps with them healing well.

I did not take arnica tablets before surgery, as it can cause extra bleeding in some people. I started it about a week after surgery when my incisions were fully closed, it helps with reducing swelling.

Again, keep your face out of the sun! The last thing you want is sunburn.

Extra pillow
Ask your hotel/airbnb if they have an extra pillow so you can sleep with your head elevated, really helps with swelling. I had two thick pillows that I put in a “T” shape, which kept me sleeping on my back. I had bought a neck pillow but did not find it useful as it did not prevent me from sleeping on my side at all.

Wear the gauze
The first days my nose dripped randomly, wearing the gauze underneath my nose when going outside caught it all so no hassle with q-tips and tissues. It is an extra layer of protection from the sun at the same time!

Walking is good for recovery, it helps prevent blood cloths and reduces swelling.

Bring a companion
It is very nice to have someone by your side that you trust and takes care of you. Especially if you are traveling for your surgery, it gives some peace of mind.


Beautiful city, I could have stayed there for months and still would not be bored. The people are friendly, the food is amazing, weather is lovely and there is a lot to do. You can make your stay in Istanbul as cheap or expensive as you like, there are decent hotels for €40/night but also all-inclusive hotels for €200/night. There are fancy restaurants but also local supermarkets like A101 and Migros where food is very cheap.

Download BiTaksi for cabs (it’s like Uber, you can see the price, picture of the taxi driver, his license plate & live location in the app).
Download offline Google Translate or Apple Translate. Not everyone speaks (fluent) english, it makes conversation a lot easier.
If you like shopping, visit İstiklal street! Tone of cute stores (for cute & affordable clothes I’d recommend LC Waikiki & Mavi, both very popular in Turkey) & restaurants & cafés. :)
Feed the cats :) There’s lots of cute cats in the streets, get some cat food at a supermarket and feeding them is fun (& appreciated by the neighborhood aunts & grandmothers lol).


I had my primary rhinoplasty done by Dr. Baver Şimşek in Istanbul, who I chose for his natural results & use of the Piezo technique. The doctor was very kind and humble, took the time and answered all my questions. During the consultation he noticed my nose was broken and my deviated septum, which caused breathing issues. A morph of my nose-to-be was made, afterwards blood tests, PCR test & anesthesia interview were taken at the hospital. The surgery was a breeze, I had zero pain and the recovery was easy with minimal bruising. I am very happy with the results and would absolutely recommend Dr. Şimşek.

edit: formatting
submitted by bardagisu to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2023.10.25 23:23 throwaway0878565 I left my now ex homeless in an unfamiliar state and I don’t feel bad about it

Throwaway because I don’t want her to find it, I know it sounds bad but hear me out. Also trigger warning for emotional abuse, suicide attempts and grooming This has been eating at me for months and I needed to get it off my chest, for context, I (29m) met my ex (36f) through her “cousin” when I was only 13. I was a disabled kid with chronic pain and often missed school because of it, I met her “cousin” online when I was 13 and we hit it off real fast, mostly because I was an insecure hormonal 13 year old and she was a girl showing interest in me with similar interests, I joined her role playing group and we started dating online for a few months, we broke up on good terms and I stayed in the group. That’s where I met my ex, I’ll call her Creep because it’s what she is, Creep was 7 years older, and her and her then boyfriend who were in charge of the group seemed so mature and friendly, they became like mentors to me. Of course I was a dumb kid so I never asked to talk to them on the phone or anything. There was always some catastrophe going on within the group tho, her cousin was sexually abused by a friend of ours from the group, her boyfriend got “kidnapped” once, and was constantly having health issues and on the verge of death, I never thought to question if this was real or not, I idolized the man, though I was constantly told that all my hero worship did was stress him out. Eventually when I was 17 he supposedly died of cancer, and our friends told me the stress I put on him by constantly coming to him for advice contributed to his death, I know now as an adult that’s bullshit, but I was a lonely and desperate person back then, I’d believe anything they told me to be part of the group. Before his “death” he asked me to take care of creep.
On the night before my 18th birthday creep admitted she was in love with me over a game of truth or dare and we started dating. At this point we’d started Skyping and talking on the phone, creep was always having some crisis, be it financial or otherwise and I constantly had to help her through it, borrowing money from my parents or finding part time jobs, being emotionally supportive. She would also threaten suicide at the first sign of trouble. Any time we’d fight I’d end up going to our friends in the rp group for advice and they’d take her side. I started to become isolated from my irl friends as well. Eventually I switched majors to one in a field I had no interest in but knew I was good at just so I could graduate quickly get a job and a place and she could move in with me and hopefully it would be the end of our problems, it was not.
At the beginning of the pandemic, I made some new friends who I’d play dnd with over discord, genuinely kind and caring people who I’m very lucky to have in my life. Her presence clearly made them uncomfortable but they put up with her for me. She seemed super upset by me spending more time with them then her but would say I was being clingy if I tried to spend more time with her.
Then, in April of 2022 she moved across the country and moved in with me, and all her behaviors got worse. The apartment became a mess because she never cleaned up after her two cats, I was constantly working to support her while she was supposed to be looking for a job but spent all her time watching cartoons (nothing wrong with that, I love me some cartoons, but she never did anything she was supposed to). She was supposed to clean while I worked until she found a job, after which chores would be evenly divided between us , and I was too stubborn to clean myself since it was supposed to be her job. Eventually, the mess started to make us and her cats sick. Her discomfort with me spending time with our other friends in the discord group only increased and our friends started telling me her behavior was abusive and I should run but I still ignored it. I felt like if I dumped her I would be proving all her constant negative talk about herself right and I couldn’t do that to her.
In early January We were playing dnd with our friends one night and she started making fun of everything another player was saying during an emotional scene, she was asked to stop and told she was being disruptive, and as she always did, stormed out of the discord call and pouted in our bed, I was on the couch on the other side of the room. She asked me if I was gonna leave with her and I said “no, you weren’t kicked out you were asked to change your behavior and chose to leave anyway, im going to enjoy the rest of the game we can talk after” A few minutes later I looked up and saw her with a knife to her wrist. I quickly pulled it away from her and realized the knife was too dull to cut anyone with. I didn’t think anything of it at the time but I now know she was just trying to get sympathy and attention. I took the knife and all the knives in my apartment and locked them up, then put her to bed, in hindsight I should have called 911 but I was emotionally exhausted and not thinkin straight. I went back to my dnd game when I thought she was asleep, apologized to our friends and we continued until I looked up and saw her with a handful of sleeping pills, she had again waited until I was looking to try to take them all for my sympathy, I ran over and grabbed them from her and locked all the pills up in the same place I’d locked the knives, or I thought I did, she had hidden stashed and this continued two more times; eventually she actually fell asleep, the next morning I went to work, which in hindsight was irresponsible but I wasn’t thinking clearly. our dm, an extremely kind person who gave her a million chances and still one of my best friends, reached out to her and bluntly told her “hey you’re behavior towards the other members of our group was inexcusable last night, I’m not going to hold it against you because it’s not my place to do so but if you wish to remain in the campaign you owe everyone in the group an apology” her reaction to this was to leave the group and text me that the dm was going to cause her to have another suicidal incident, at this point I was numb and didn’t care, I told her to just call a hospital and check herself in then, which she did. I got home to an empty apartment that was a mess, then I went up to the roof and considered jumping but luckily dm and a couple other friends called me and talked me down. I was so convinced if I dumped her I’d be alone and I didn’t want that but I didn’t want to be with her anymore either and they helped me realize I wasn’t alone, I then called my mother and told her the situation, and she agreed to come help me clean the apartment over the weekend, the next day my boss, seein I wasn’t mentally ok, sent me home from work and told me to take a few days and rest. Eventually creep called me and told me “it’s going to be ok now” because she’d been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and “now that we know what it is we can fix it”, I don’t know much about bpd but I know it’s not that simple, and I couldn’t emotionally handle anymore, so I told her that I wasn’t going to leave her on the streets, we’d figure something out when she was out of the hospital but I couldn’t be with her anymore, she seemed to take it well but called me back the next day trying to talk me out of it. Eventually my mom came and we discovered grossness all over the apartment. Piles of her clothes covered up used cat litter and cat shit, which was probably responsible for the ever present cough I’d had for months. At one point my mom opened the drawer she kept her tampons, I’d never touched that drawer out of respect because I know that can be private for women, but my mom did, we found 3 types of tampons, thin, ultra, and apparently her favorite due to sheer quantity of them: used. Bloody tampons all over the drawer, we found more behind the couch, and behind the tv one of her socks that was just full of cat puke. Then my mom started packing up her things to bring to her, and we found something even more disturbing: 2 pictures in a ziplock bag. They were of 2 kids whose mother was a friend of my sister’s she’d met them at my sisters wedding and must’ve taken the pics from my sisters room last time we’d visited, this creeped me out to no end but what came next was worse.
After a conversation with a friend from her old rp group who was part of the discord group too, we realized a lot of the typing styles and behaviors of other people in the old rp group were similar to hers, checking old chat rooms where I’d had admin privileges we discovered most members of the group had matching ip addresses including her my supposedly deceased role model, her cousin, who’d been my online girlfriend when I was 13, her cousins supposed abuser, she’d been grooming me from the time I was a child using several false identities. When I confronted her in a chat room I’d made, she tried to pretend to be other people again but I called her out on it with the ip addresses as proof and she admitted to pretending to be as many as 67 different people over the years. 67 of my friends, people I relied on and trusted, just her taking advantage of me. She claimed there were more of them who were real at the beginning but they’d left and she’d replaced them, but I don’t believe her, I have chats dating back to when I was 15 that I was able to look at ips for to prove it. That said, anything explicit happened in dms which are saved to the individual computer so I don’t have proof of her being a pedo since I don’t have those old computers anymore, the police told me other than a restraining order there is nothing they can do unless I goad her into hitting me, something they highly encouraged but I’m not going to do because I’m not a disgusting person.
My mother and I offered her two options, she could move back to her home state and we’d pay for her ticket or she could go to a homeless shelter, she insisted that she had nowhere to go home to there despite her family living there and being willing to take her, she instead went to a shelter while my mom has been storing her things in the basement because she’s too kind for her own good. She also blames me for her having nowhere to go because her ex roommate will no longer talk to her after seeing the chat logs of me recording her (I did it in a chat room so I would have proof). Creep thinks I poisoned her ex roommate against her and doesn’t realize all I did was show her her own words. I’ve spent the past 9 months so angry all the time, there’s nothing I can do about this and that only makes it worse, I have great friends and a great support system, but that only helps so much. I constantly feel unclean and need to shower 3 times a day just to feel normal, if I’m alone in a room I start panicking that she’s going to walk in even if I know she can’t. I’ve had no interaction with her since confronting her but every day I wake up still pissed at her. Still pissed at myself even though I know it’s not my fault for making my loved ones have to deal with her bullshit for so long. The fucked up part is part of me still loves her, and I hate that even more. I’ve been trying to move on but every time I’m alone with my thoughts I just get angry again. This has ruined the past 15 years of my life and I don’t know where to go from here, Anyway, I know this is alot so I’ll just end this here, be careful who you meet online, there are gross creeps everywhere
Edit: yesterday was my birthday and I found myself missing old friends before reminding myself those people never actually existed, it’s a fucked up feeling I don’t quite no how to handle, anyone gone through shit like this before and have some advice?
submitted by throwaway0878565 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2023.09.25 09:22 EmployerSouth503 question about privacy ? ig i’m not sure how to word this 😅

so last night at the end of my shift, i gathered a few pieces of garbage from my car to throw away inside the restaurant. i double knotted it and walked inside to throw it away, left and went home without thinking twice about it.
in said bag was a bunch of random misc garbage; old taco bell receipts, a salad box from when i was on break, straw wrappers, even a tampon wrapper 😂 i also threw away a twisted tea pounder that my girlfriend had left in there and & an ‘e&j’ shooter from a couple nights ago.
when i returned to work today my coworker came up to me and said “ why’d you throw that stuff away here last night” i said “ huhhhh” and he explained to me that our PIC (person in charge) had pulled my trash bag out of the garbage and opened it then continued to take pictures of it and write down notes for our manager.
he also told me the PIC told him that he ‘knows e&j is his choice of drink’ and that if he ever sees him going out to my car or to take his break in my car (coworker doesn’t drive & i usually let him chill in my car as no one wants to hangout inside for their break if they can help it lol) that he’s going to write him up for drinking bc he “knows” that’s what he’s doing in my car.
basically accusing us of drinking at work bc of garbage i threw away inside, that had nothing to do with work and was literally just misc garbage.
basically my question is are there any courses of action i can take to defend myself without seeming “sus” or even legal things he may have crossed here? none of this feels right to me as i feel my privacy was invaded and that he’s assuming i’m drinking at work without even speaking to me about it, AND even worse, baselessly accusing my coworker of drinking also just bc in conversation at one point he mentioned he likes the same drink i threw away 😅 input is greatly appreciated tyyy
submitted by EmployerSouth503 to Serverlife [link] [comments]

2023.09.17 17:38 corporalboobs My RS3, the car that makes me the same as the people I write about

I’ve been in the auto industry for a long ass time (too long I think). Over the years, I’ve seen every John, Dick and Harry make horrible financial decisions, bury themselves in ridiculously long loans at incredibly high rates and effectively say fuck you to their future self.
And it’s official, I’m just as bad as they are.
When I first started as a young pea, I didn’t know which way to face when taking a shit and here I was tasked with job of stickhandling a sales process of $100k cars. You have to enjoy having your face stepped on while drowning to cut it in this industry.
One of the many perks of being a dumbass sales employee at my store was a company demo. In my case, it was a 2016 hot blonde girl white on mandingo black A3. They didn’t even think I was worth having Quattro when I started. Good thing I was single with no family to keep safe in the harsh winters of candy land.
Despite the way I’m bashing this car, I loved it with all my heart. It was mine, and to me as a stupid, 23 year old kid with a fake degree, it was the first sign that I’d made it.
I washed it every other day when I should have been making phone calls to clients, and it built my passion into a brand that I still work for to this day.
Still, my heart yearned for the next car and as my career grew, so did my desire to get into something biggefastebettestronger.
My management team noticed this and after getting a fluke win in a sales contest, they let me take home an A7 for the weekend. They also played into my lust for new shiny shit and upgraded my demo from an A3 to an A4. It was a new spoon to burn my quattro fuelled crack addiction.
After a few months driving the A4, my heart continued to yearn for something more. The only way I could be satisfied is with an S model, even just an S3!
So I kept hustling away and fell on my ass into a promotion into the world of F&I. Oh, what a glorious world it was! To go along with my new promotion and broom closet office came the keys to my shiny new demo. It was a gorgeous Daytona grey with a used tampon red interior S3 with the shiniest rims I’d ever laid eyes on. I was smitten.
Managers, take note. If you have a young kid hustling away for you, throwing a reward at them is like giving coke to a dude in Vegas at 2am. You’d bet your ass he’s gonna keep going.
And I did.
Then the announcement came, the Audi RS3 was coming to Canada. I’d seen videos of this car all over YouTube and had heard the glorious sound of the 5 cylinder motor. It was the ultimate car! I had to have it.
I’d planted the seed over and over that I wanted an RS3 demo. I had to. I needed to. It was my car. It was the only car for me.
It was never meant to be.
They scrapped our demo program as it was costing the company too much money and told us we had to figure out our own rides. To me who’s never had a car payment in my life, it was a dizzying, horrifying prospect. How the hell do I buy a car?
Once I scraped together all of my couch change, I figured screw it. I want an RS3, I’m gonna get an RS3.
So I did. I found the perfect car at a dealer in Quebec and paid to have it shipped to my store. It was white like my original A3, and I had the whole front end done in PPF and ceramic coated the whole car. Worth every penny.
The second it landed at the store, it was barely taken out of transport mode and I had to drive it. My winter tires hadn’t even been put on yet for the bitterly cold November day, but I needed to drive it.
And at that point, I knew. I knew this was the best car in the world. I knew no other car would make me as happy as this car. And I knew that nothing would stop me from keeping this car til the wheels fell off.
Then that’s exactly what happened.
Disaster struck in the form of a blizzard. But behind the wheel of my RS3, I was Walter Rohrl. I was driving home from work with traction control off to enjoy every last bit of quattro weather. Right up til the moment I bounced off a curb and completely annihilated the back corner of the car.
I was devastated. Sure, it was fun to play in the snow, but it had cost me my dream car in saddest fashion.
So I went out and bought another one in blue, then sold the blue one to try and be a responsible adult. I picked up a used Jetta and bought a house. Hated the Jetta, so I sold that to go back to a black one, then sold the black one when they announced the new RS3 to get an S5. Wasn’t a big fan of the S5, so I sold that and bought my current Ara blue one at the top of the crazy COVID market.
It’s the greatest car I’ve ever driven. Every bit of it is perfect. The seats, the engine, and that glorious 5 cylinder soundtrack. It sounds like a lion fighting a bear under load and backfires louder than Canada day fireworks.
I may be buried alive, but what do I care? I have the biggest smile on my face every time I take it out for a drive and that’s what GAP insurance is for anyway.
TL;DR my car buying and demo autobiography culminating in buying my current and forever car at a price way too high for a term way too long. But I don’t give a shit. pics of the cars
submitted by corporalboobs to cars [link] [comments]

2023.08.19 05:59 Direct-Caterpillar77 I snooped through my girlfriends laptop and saw her mean girl comments about me

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/MaterialYoghurt5439
I snooped through my girlfriends laptop and saw her mean girl comments about me
Originally posted to TwoHotTakes
Original Post Aug 9, 2023
My girlfriend (F23) and I (M25) have been dating for a little under a year now. We met 3 years ago when she was in college and I was spending the summer at a relatives in the same city as her. We met on a dating app, went on a date, and started hooking up. I thought she was a sweet girl and very cute, but nothing else ever happened because a week after she started classes again, she told me she was seriously talking to someone.
I left for grad school and so we didn't speak again (had each other on instagram though) until about a year ago when she ended up going to grad school at the same institution. I saw on instagram that she was here, slid into her dms, and then we started dating.
I thought she showed pretty much every green flag I could ever imagine. She has lots of friends she's really close to, close to her family, volunteers, has lots of hobbies, and is academically and professionally successful. She's so incredibly sweet and considerate. For example, my birthday was just a month after we started dating and yet she still got me a perfect gift. She is pretty much beloved everywhere she goes- her colleagues love her, my friends love her, my family love her.
I also want to emphasize how not mean spirited she is. I've definitely dated girls before who were bitchy towards people around them, but my gf is nothing at all like that. The only times I've heard her talk badly about people, it's like she's in a stand up comedy special. It's all humor, nothing mean. And she never gets into arguments with her friends or family and is pretty much on good terms with everyone she's ever met.
Anyways- today she was working on her computer and left for the gym. For some reason she left it on (I think she had some research thing running). It was on the kitchen counter so I had to move it, and I saw a google drive folder shared with a bunch of people that was actually titled "SMOKE DARTS EAT FARTS- super DUPER secret edition." I know I should absolutely not have looked but my curiosity got the better of me.
Basically it was a folder shared with her friend group from college, which is about 10 girls and super close. There were a lot of subfolders. The first one I looked at had homework keys and back exams from their classes. Then I looked at a document that was titled "bitches love being out of pocket." It was massive (like 100 pages) and there were subheadings for different topics. It seemed like a collection of out of pocket things any of them had said. Each one was cited with the name of which one of them had said it.
As I was scrolling through I saw my name under a subheading "men 🐔."
Here's what it said (paraphrased):
1) "He seems like the kind of man to purchase linkedin premium"
2) "I feel like he jerks off to his own instagram stories"
3) "There's no way that at least once in his life he hasn't removed a bitches tampon with his teeth"
They were all signed with my girlfriends name. I'd felt bad about snooping until then, but after that I really wanted to see if there was anything else about me. I looked through the rest of that file and there were insults about basically everyone they'd ever met, including about every man my gf had ever been with (honestly mine were way less mean than theirs... I guess that's a positive?).
There was also a folder with presentations it seemed like my gf had made and presented before each semester in college. They were all titled something like "roster" or "da hoes" and the date, and they had a slide for every man she was talking to, as well as a recap for whoever she'd done over break. Of course I was there, with my full name and pics of me and a picture of my fucking car too. The only description of me was "6/10, bought me cigs and let me use a flavored condom."
There were also a lot of pics and videos of them doing illegal/disgusting things and there were some very mean things about other men they knew, like ranking them on the "fuck ass loser scale."
The only other thing I saw about me was in a folder titled "life changing moments" that had a list for each of them. There were a lot of insane things in my gfs that I'd never heard about (think: chlamydia from unprotected sex with frat brother or vespa ride with sexy italian man or smoked a pack and threw up). There was also one about me which basically said: fucked ____ and realized I needed to get out of my hoe era if I didn't want to end up being a sad sack of shit too.
That is the one that really got me, as it seemed so much meaner than everything else, and I have no idea what she meant by it.
It was getting close to the time she would be back though, so I just closed everything and locked her laptop. She got back, I didn't mention anything, and we just had dinner as normal.
I am here now because I have absolutely no idea what to do. Everything I saw was honestly awful, and yet she is the last person I would ever expect something like this from. I am in disbelief and I really dont know where to go from here. I am hoping there is some explanation that doesn't make her the world's worst person, and yet I really don't want to confront her either. We have a great thing going and I don't see anyway that confronting her isn't going to lead to drama.
I don't want to talk to anyone I know about this, in case we stay together and she then has to face them, so I thought I would ask here and see if anyone had any reason to apply to this completely absurd situation.
Update Aug 12, 2023
So my original post got a lot more attention than I thought it would, but it seemed like you were all invested so I decided to update.
The responses on that post were very mixed, but they gave me a lot to think about. I did some reflection and realized that her tone didn't really seem to be much meaner than the jokes she usually makes about people. The ones about me in particular I realized were actually hilarious, like I kept cracking up about the linkedin one. And they were honestly entirely accurate too. What I was honestly really bothered about was that I was included, and I pretty much wanted to know if she actually liked me or was just settling. I knew about her hoe phase before so I wasn't that upset about it either and I felt like it wasn't my place to say anything about that.
I decided that I needed to confront her because the situation was upsetting me a lot. I decided that I was going to a) ask her about the 6/10 rating because it honestly hurt my pride a lot hahaha, b) ask her about the sad sack of shit comment because that was the one that seemed meanest, and c) ask her in general if she actually wanted to be with me. It would also have been a deal-breaker if she kept updating the document with stuff about me after we'd started dating, or if she had any really unacceptable stuff on people (like revenge porn).
Unlike what a lot of people said, I did not think she was going to Ted Bundy me while I slept. I've seen her in plenty of high stress situations and I have never thought she was going to commit homicide, and I'm also not that afraid of a 5'3" girl. I also didn't think it was right to not say anything, as I knew it was going to continue bothering me.
That said, I did realize that I wanted to fuck with her a bit. I've never met anyone who takes it better than her, like anytime I've seen people making jokes about her she takes it very well and enjoys it, so I didn't think it would upset her too much.
The day after I made my post, we didn't see each other until dinner. I'd been a bit weird all day over text but she didn't think much of it and just asked me if I was OK. I'd devised my plan at this point, so over dinner I dropped that I was considering buying a linkedin plus subscription for networking. She gave me a side eye like I have never seen before and asked me why on earth I would do that. I saw her later texting her group chat, I didn't see what but I was pretty sure it was about that.
That night, we were trying out something new in the bedroom, and as we were cuddling after, I asked her if she was open to something when she was on her period. She asked me what, and I asked if I could take her tampon out with my teeth, as I'd seen a lot on tiktok about it. She looked like she was actually going to scream but held it in and said sure.
The next day she seemed suspicious, so I decided to really finish it off. She went to work and I had the day off, so I decided to really go to town on my instagram story. Some of you thought that the instagram story comment meant I posted pics of myself on there, but I actually just post a lot of aesthetic pictures, that I do spend a lot of time taking. I think that comment in her doc was probably because on our first date I took some pics for my instagram story, and she said something like "oh yeah I like those" and I said "ehh they're not really good enough" and she laughed at me even at the time. So anyways that day I roamed around the city to all my favorite aesthetic spots and posted probably 10 or so stories, which I imagine annoyed everyone a lot.
She slid up on them and by the 10th one she said "damn youre really going to fucking town on these today." So I replied something like "lmaoo yeah it gets me in the mood you know" to which she replied with the 🤨 emoji.
At this point I think she'd caught on, and I had honestly been acting a bit off too because my pride was still a little bruised, and I was also regretting having snooped.
That night, she came to my place with my favorite dinner and subtly (for her) asked me if there was anything I wanted to talk about. At this point I laid it out for her, and I prefaced it with apologizing for snooping, but that the title of the document had caught my eye. She looked absolutely mortified but was also laughing and kept apologizing. I laid out my 3 concerns to her, and she told me that a) the 6/10 was truthful at the time, but she did like me a lot (as evidence by dating me), b) the sad sack of shit comment was about all the people she knew who only hoed around and never had real relationships, and that sleeping with me made her realize that she would much much prefer to be in a relationship with someone like me, but that she thought she'd squandered her chances by hooking up with me instead, and that c) yes obviously she loved and liked and respected me a lot.
She also invited me to look through the folder freely, and that she wasn't ashamed of anything in there, just embarrassed that I'd seen those comments about myself. I checked and there was nothing in there about me since we'd started dating, the only stuff was from when we'd hooked up. She also pointed out a document that I hadn't looked at before. It was in a folder titled "rankings" and each girl had a doc in there. She only let me look at hers, but it was basically a ranking of every person she'd ever been involved with in any way (it was a long document) with comments. I was first, and where for everyone else there was a list of pros and cons, mine just said "lub him xxxx." Also, it seemed like they would all comment on each other's to argue about the ranking (like some of them had things like "no he was sexy move him up"), but mine just had comments from all the girls pretty much affirming the choice and praising me.
So I was pretty satisfied with what I saw, and it also seems like they only update it now with stories gossip, or pictures and no insults or anything else like that. My gf was overall mortified and extremely apologetic, and I was also apologetic about looking through it, and told her she could look through anything I owned if she wanted, but she turned me down. She wasn't upset about the snooping at all, and said that she had nothing to hide and that she would've done the same thing if she'd seen a folder as artfully and intriguingly named as theirs.
So yeah we are all good :). Thank you to everyone who commented and gave me some perspective. Perhaps I'll update next month with if she let me take her tampon out with my teeth.
Also, I'm glad you all found her humor entertaining. She is definitely very funny, and if you want some of the other roasts I saw I can share them in the comments. I didn't tell her that Reddit loved them, as 1) her ego doesn't need to be stroked any more and 2) she probably would've been upset about me posting this on reddit. Also, she probably would've been disappointed about me not coming up with the plan to drop the comments to her on my own. And I knew she wouldn't see any of these, because in her typical style she once told me that she didn't go on reddit because she was afraid social ineptitude was contagious, and that if I ever saw her on reddit for non work reasons, to take her out back and shoot her in the head :)
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2023.08.17 19:13 GuineaPigLover98 [Update] I snooped through my girlfriends laptop and saw her mean girl comments about me

I am not OOP. Please do not harass OOP.
Originally posted in TwoHotTakes by u/MaterialYoghurt5439
1 Update - Medium
Original - August 8, 2023
Update - August 12, 2023 (4 Days Later)
Mood Spoilers: (Mostly) Happy ending, communication saves the day

Original - August 8, 2023

My girlfriend (F23) and I (M25) have been dating for a little under a year now. We met 3 years ago when she was in college and I was spending the summer at a relatives in the same city as her. We met on a dating app, went on a date, and started hooking up. I thought she was a sweet girl and very cute, but nothing else ever happened because a week after she started classes again, she told me she was seriously talking to someone.
I left for grad school and so we didn't speak again (had each other on instagram though) until about a year ago when she ended up going to grad school at the same institution. I saw on instagram that she was here, slid into her dms, and then we started dating.
I thought she showed pretty much every green flag I could ever imagine. She has lots of friends she's really close to, close to her family, volunteers, has lots of hobbies, and is academically and professionally successful. She's so incredibly sweet and considerate. For example, my birthday was just a month after we started dating and yet she still got me a perfect gift. She is pretty much beloved everywhere she goes- her colleagues love her, my friends love her, my family love her.
I also want to emphasize how not mean spirited she is. I've definitely dated girls before who were bitchy towards people around them, but my gf is nothing at all like that. The only times I've heard her talk badly about people, it's like she's in a stand up comedy special. It's all humor, nothing mean. And she never gets into arguments with her friends or family and is pretty much on good terms with everyone she's ever met.
Anyways- today she was working on her computer and left for the gym. For some reason she left it on (I think she had some research thing running). It was on the kitchen counter so I had to move it, and I saw a google drive folder shared with a bunch of people that was actually titled "SMOKE DARTS EAT FARTS- super DUPER secret edition." I know I should absolutely not have looked but my curiosity got the better of me.
Basically it was a folder shared with her friend group from college, which is about 10 girls and super close. There were a lot of subfolders. The first one I looked at had homework keys and back exams from their classes. Then I looked at a document that was titled "bitches love being out of pocket." It was massive (like 100 pages) and there were subheadings for different topics. It seemed like a collection of out of pocket things any of them had said. Each one was cited with the name of which one of them had said it.
As I was scrolling through I saw my name under a subheading "men 🐔."
Here's what it said (paraphrased):
  1. "He seems like the kind of man to purchase linkedin premium"
  2. "I feel like he jerks off to his own instagram stories"
  3. "There's no way that at least once in his life he hasn't removed a bitches tampon with his teeth"
They were all signed with my girlfriends name. I'd felt bad about snooping until then, but after that I really wanted to see if there was anything else about me. I looked through the rest of that file and there were insults about basically everyone they'd ever met, including about every man my gf had ever been with (honestly mine were way less mean than theirs... I guess that's a positive?).
There was also a folder with presentations it seemed like my gf had made and presented before each semester in college. They were all titled something like "roster" or "da hoes" and the date, and they had a slide for every man she was talking to, as well as a recap for whoever she'd done over break. Of course I was there, with my full name and pics of me and a picture of my fucking car too. The only description of me was "6/10, bought me cigs and let me use a flavored condom."
There were also a lot of pics and videos of them doing illegal/disgusting things and there were some very mean things about other men they knew, like ranking them on the "fuck ass loser scale."
The only other thing I saw about me was in a folder titled "life changing moments" that had a list for each of them. There were a lot of insane things in my gfs that I'd never heard about (think: chlamydia from unprotected sex with frat brother or vespa ride with sexy italian man or smoked a pack and threw up). There was also one about me which basically said: fucked ____ and realized I needed to get out of my hoe era if I didn't want to end up being a sad sack of shit too.
That is the one that really got me, as it seemed so much meaner than everything else, and I have no idea what she meant by it.
It was getting close to the time she would be back though, so I just closed everything and locked her laptop. She got back, I didn't mention anything, and we just had dinner as normal.
I am here now because I have absolutely no idea what to do. Everything I saw was honestly awful, and yet she is the last person I would ever expect something like this from. I am in disbelief and I really dont know where to go from here. I am hoping there is some explanation that doesn't make her the world's worst person, and yet I really don't want to confront her either. We have a great thing going and I don't see anyway that confronting her isn't going to lead to drama.
I don't want to talk to anyone I know about this, in case we stay together and she then has to face them, so I thought I would ask here and see if anyone had any reason to apply to this completely absurd situation.

Relevant Comments:
Please start trolling her. Upgrade to LinkedIn premium and make sure you tell her about it. - essssgeeee

Update - August 12, 2023 (4 Days Later)

So my original post got a lot more attention than I thought it would, but it seemed like you were all invested so I decided to update.
The responses on that post were very mixed, but they gave me a lot to think about. I did some reflection and realized that her tone didn't really seem to be much meaner than the jokes she usually makes about people. The ones about me in particular I realized were actually hilarious, like I kept cracking up about the linkedin one. And they were honestly entirely accurate too. What I was honestly really bothered about was that I was included, and I pretty much wanted to know if she actually liked me or was just settling. I knew about her hoe phase before so I wasn't that upset about it either and I felt like it wasn't my place to say anything about that.
I decided that I needed to confront her because the situation was upsetting me a lot. I decided that I was going to a) ask her about the 6/10 rating because it honestly hurt my pride a lot hahaha, b) ask her about the sad sack of shit comment because that was the one that seemed meanest, and c) ask her in general if she actually wanted to be with me. It would also have been a deal-breaker if she kept updating the document with stuff about me after we'd started dating, or if she had any really unacceptable stuff on people (like revenge porn).
Unlike what a lot of people said, I did not think she was going to Ted Bundy me while I slept. I've seen her in plenty of high stress situations and I have never thought she was going to commit homicide, and I'm also not that afraid of a 5'3" girl. I also didn't think it was right to not say anything, as I knew it was going to continue bothering me.
That said, I did realize that I wanted to fuck with her a bit. I've never met anyone who takes it better than her, like anytime I've seen people making jokes about her she takes it very well and enjoys it, so I didn't think it would upset her too much.
The day after I made my post, we didn't see each other until dinner. I'd been a bit weird all day over text but she didn't think much of it and just asked me if I was OK. I'd devised my plan at this point, so over dinner I dropped that I was considering buying a linkedin plus subscription for networking. She gave me a side eye like I have never seen before and asked me why on earth I would do that. I saw her later texting her group chat, I didn't see what but I was pretty sure it was about that.
That night, we were trying out something new in the bedroom, and as we were cuddling after, I asked her if she was open to something when she was on her period. She asked me what, and I asked if I could take her tampon out with my teeth, as I'd seen a lot on tiktok about it. She looked like she was actually going to scream but held it in and said sure.
The next day she seemed suspicious, so I decided to really finish it off. She went to work and I had the day off, so I decided to really go to town on my instagram story. Some of you thought that the instagram story comment meant I posted pics of myself on there, but I actually just post a lot of aesthetic pictures, that I do spend a lot of time taking. I think that comment in her doc was probably because on our first date I took some pics for my instagram story, and she said something like "oh yeah I like those" and I said "ehh they're not really good enough" and she laughed at me even at the time. So anyways that day I roamed around the city to all my favorite aesthetic spots and posted probably 10 or so stories, which I imagine annoyed everyone a lot.
She slid up on them and by the 10th one she said "damn youre really going to fucking town on these today." So I replied something like "lmaoo yeah it gets me in the mood you know" to which she replied with the 🤨 emoji.
At this point I think she'd caught on, and I had honestly been acting a bit off too because my pride was still a little bruised, and I was also regretting having snooped.
That night, she came to my place with my favorite dinner and subtly (for her) asked me if there was anything I wanted to talk about. At this point I laid it out for her, and I prefaced it with apologizing for snooping, but that the title of the document had caught my eye. She looked absolutely mortified but was also laughing and kept apologizing. I laid out my 3 concerns to her, and she told me that a) the 6/10 was truthful at the time, but she did like me a lot (as evidence by dating me), b) the sad sack of shit comment was about all the people she knew who only hoed around and never had real relationships, and that sleeping with me made her realize that she would much much prefer to be in a relationship with someone like me, but that she thought she'd squandered her chances by hooking up with me instead, and that c) yes obviously she loved and liked and respected me a lot.
She also invited me to look through the folder freely, and that she wasn't ashamed of anything in there, just embarrassed that I'd seen those comments about myself. I checked and there was nothing in there about me since we'd started dating, the only stuff was from when we'd hooked up. She also pointed out a document that I hadn't looked at before. It was in a folder titled "rankings" and each girl had a doc in there. She only let me look at hers, but it was basically a ranking of every person she'd ever been involved with in any way (it was a long document) with comments. I was first, and where for everyone else there was a list of pros and cons, mine just said "lub him xxxx." Also, it seemed like they would all comment on each other's to argue about the ranking (like some of them had things like "no he was sexy move him up"), but mine just had comments from all the girls pretty much affirming the choice and praising me.
So I was pretty satisfied with what I saw, and it also seems like they only update it now with stories gossip, or pictures and no insults or anything else like that. My gf was overall mortified and extremely apologetic, and I was also apologetic about looking through it, and told her she could look through anything I owned if she wanted, but she turned me down. She wasn't upset about the snooping at all, and said that she had nothing to hide and that she would've done the same thing if she'd seen a folder as artfully and intriguingly named as theirs.
So yeah we are all good :). Thank you to everyone who commented and gave me some perspective. Perhaps I'll update next month with if she let me take her tampon out with my teeth.
Also, I'm glad you all found her humor entertaining. She is definitely very funny, and if you want some of the other roasts I saw I can share them in the comments. I didn't tell her that Reddit loved them, as 1) her ego doesn't need to be stroked any more and 2) she probably would've been upset about me posting this on reddit. Also, she probably would've been disappointed about me not coming up with the plan to drop the comments to her on my own. And I knew she wouldn't see any of these, because in her typical style she once told me that she didn't go on reddit because she was afraid social ineptitude was contagious, and that if I ever saw her on reddit for non work reasons, to take her out back and shoot her in the head :)

Marked as Concluded: OOP and his gf communicated like adults and resolved the issue; although I will say some commenters still found the gf's behavior questionable. I'll let you be the judge of that. Also, OOP indicates he may make another update but I think that's mostly a joke.

I am not OOP. Please do not harass OOP.
submitted by GuineaPigLover98 to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2023.08.13 02:02 MaterialYoghurt5439 Update: I snooped through my girlfriends laptop and saw her mean girl comments about me

So my original post got a lot more attention than I thought it would, but it seemed like you were all invested so I decided to update.
The responses on that post were very mixed, but they gave me a lot to think about. I did some reflection and realized that her tone didn't really seem to be much meaner than the jokes she usually makes about people. The ones about me in particular I realized were actually hilarious, like I kept cracking up about the linkedin one. And they were honestly entirely accurate too. What I was honestly really bothered about was that I was included, and I pretty much wanted to know if she actually liked me or was just settling. I knew about her hoe phase before so I wasn't that upset about it either and I felt like it wasn't my place to say anything about that.
I decided that I needed to confront her because the situation was upsetting me a lot. I decided that I was going to a) ask her about the 6/10 rating because it honestly hurt my pride a lot hahaha, b) ask her about the sad sack of shit comment because that was the one that seemed meanest, and c) ask her in general if she actually wanted to be with me. It would also have been a deal-breaker if she kept updating the document with stuff about me after we'd started dating, or if she had any really unacceptable stuff on people (like revenge porn).
Unlike what a lot of people said, I did not think she was going to Ted Bundy me while I slept. I've seen her in plenty of high stress situations and I have never thought she was going to commit homicide, and I'm also not that afraid of a 5'3" girl. I also didn't think it was right to not say anything, as I knew it was going to continue bothering me.
That said, I did realize that I wanted to fuck with her a bit. I've never met anyone who takes it better than her, like anytime I've seen people making jokes about her she takes it very well and enjoys it, so I didn't think it would upset her too much.
The day after I made my post, we didn't see each other until dinner. I'd been a bit weird all day over text but she didn't think much of it and just asked me if I was OK. I'd devised my plan at this point, so over dinner I dropped that I was considering buying a linkedin plus subscription for networking. She gave me a side eye like I have never seen before and asked me why on earth I would do that. I saw her later texting her group chat, I didn't see what but I was pretty sure it was about that.
That night, we were trying out something new in the bedroom, and as we were cuddling after, I asked her if she was open to something when she was on her period. She asked me what, and I asked if I could take her tampon out with my teeth, as I'd seen a lot on tiktok about it. She looked like she was actually going to scream but held it in and said sure.
The next day she seemed suspicious, so I decided to really finish it off. She went to work and I had the day off, so I decided to really go to town on my instagram story. Some of you thought that the instagram story comment meant I posted pics of myself on there, but I actually just post a lot of aesthetic pictures, that I do spend a lot of time taking. I think that comment in her doc was probably because on our first date I took some pics for my instagram story, and she said something like "oh yeah I like those" and I said "ehh they're not really good enough" and she laughed at me even at the time. So anyways that day I roamed around the city to all my favorite aesthetic spots and posted probably 10 or so stories, which I imagine annoyed everyone a lot.
She slid up on them and by the 10th one she said "damn youre really going to fucking town on these today." So I replied something like "lmaoo yeah it gets me in the mood you know" to which she replied with the 🤨 emoji.
At this point I think she'd caught on, and I had honestly been acting a bit off too because my pride was still a little bruised, and I was also regretting having snooped.
That night, she came to my place with my favorite dinner and subtly (for her) asked me if there was anything I wanted to talk about. At this point I laid it out for her, and I prefaced it with apologizing for snooping, but that the title of the document had caught my eye. She looked absolutely mortified but was also laughing and kept apologizing. I laid out my 3 concerns to her, and she told me that a) the 6/10 was truthful at the time, but she did like me a lot (as evidence by dating me), b) the sad sack of shit comment was about all the people she knew who only hoed around and never had real relationships, and that sleeping with me made her realize that she would much much prefer to be in a relationship with someone like me, but that she thought she'd squandered her chances by hooking up with me instead, and that c) yes obviously she loved and liked and respected me a lot.
She also invited me to look through the folder freely, and that she wasn't ashamed of anything in there, just embarrassed that I'd seen those comments about myself. I checked and there was nothing in there about me since we'd started dating, the only stuff was from when we'd hooked up. She also pointed out a document that I hadn't looked at before. It was in a folder titled "rankings" and each girl had a doc in there. She only let me look at hers, but it was basically a ranking of every person she'd ever been involved with in any way (it was a long document) with comments. I was first, and where for everyone else there was a list of pros and cons, mine just said "lub him xxxx." Also, it seemed like they would all comment on each other's to argue about the ranking (like some of them had things like "no he was sexy move him up"), but mine just had comments from all the girls pretty much affirming the choice and praising me.
So I was pretty satisfied with what I saw, and it also seems like they only update it now with stories gossip, or pictures and no insults or anything else like that. My gf was overall mortified and extremely apologetic, and I was also apologetic about looking through it, and told her she could look through anything I owned if she wanted, but she turned me down. She wasn't upset about the snooping at all, and said that she had nothing to hide and that she would've done the same thing if she'd seen a folder as artfully and intriguingly named as theirs.
So yeah we are all good :). Thank you to everyone who commented and gave me some perspective. Perhaps I'll update next month with if she let me take her tampon out with my teeth.
Also, I'm glad you all found her humor entertaining. She is definitely very funny, and if you want some of the other roasts I saw I can share them in the comments. I didn't tell her that Reddit loved them, as 1) her ego doesn't need to be stroked any more and 2) she probably would've been upset about me posting this on reddit. Also, she probably would've been disappointed about me not coming up with the plan to drop the comments to her on my own. And I knew she wouldn't see any of these, because in her typical style she once told me that she didn't go on reddit because she was afraid social ineptitude was contagious, and that if I ever saw her on reddit for non work reasons, to take her out back and shoot her in the head :)
submitted by MaterialYoghurt5439 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2023.08.10 05:37 Za3sG0th1cPr1nc3ss Lap tmr and no real support.

My lap is tmr at 7:30 am. Its a Diagnotic Laparoscopy after years of clear endometriomas and symptoms. I fought hard to be here but it seems everyone is stressed out about my surgery. Our car broke down literally yesterday and so we had to find a ride. I'm about to make someone leave her sick mother inlaw to pick me up and take me to the hospital. I want my fiancé to come but he's made it very clear it's freaking him out and being in the waiting room is gonna stress him out more and he's just gonna focus on it. He was v clearly upset when I shared I'm scared and just wish my mom could take me an he agreed to just come. I get his view but damn dude. I can't just walk out most likely. I'll need help and my mom's been no answer for days now. Idk what to do to not feel inconvenient while also being scared shitless about what I'm going through. Idk why he can't just sleep in his aunts car while I go through it and get me but he's refusing that can happen. It's really frustrating, heart breaking, and terrible truly. I have no way to get my meds after and no money even if I do figure it out. I just want my mom to care and be here. It's 11:30 and I'm just hoping she'll tell me she's coming and to not worry but she probably won't.
EDIT: The surgeon took no tissue to test, barely any pictures, and my endometrioma filled again and he just burnt it off instead of take a pic before maybe. I should've went to a specialist. And I'm so lost and hurt. Dude yelled at me when I got mindblown he didn't take anything to test and told me it's basically depression. I have had endometriomas before and that shit doesn't just appear. I thought my fight was over nd now I'm just v lost. My partner pulled it together tho and almost lost it on the surgeon. I hurt. I can't work. I lost medical school to this. I'm so confused.
I deal with cramping and aches up to a week before my period. I feel constipated but don't actually have much trouble passing bowel movements. My pain gets worse 2 to 3 days before my period and I just really sleep all day and smoke more than ever for the pain. It doesn't do that much ofc but it honestly does more than morphine did. My period is heavy, like diva cup filled 3 times a day. Big clots when I wear tampons, idk with a cup, it's a lot of blood and I break down trying not to look. Peeing hurts and I do it super often. Bowel movements hurt. Sex hurts if it's deep penetration. My partner has avoided hurting me since bringing this up and I appreciate him. He also still believes me and is why I'm looking for a specialist
My first period was 3 weeks of heavy bleeding. My mom would yell at me because we were poor and she thought I was just using up tampons fast. It continued to be at least a week and a half long AT LEAST mostly 2 weeks until high school. Like I'd fill a super plus tampoms in 25 minutes and by the end of class my pad under my tampon was almost full. I'd have jeans covered in blood when I got home because I never had enough products. The last day of middle school I went home on the bus covering the seat in blood and having to clean it up while almost fainting. Literally was 12 -14 losing so much blood. In junior year my period lightened up because I was put on birth control and that's when I started to feel really tired and my cramps would be unbearable. I have a friend from highschool that reminded me I'd spend classes head down crying as silent as I could because of the pain. He'd do my math work for me on those days. I'd take days off and get punished by my mom for it even though my sister needed the same. Eventually she took me to the er because of my cramps on period. All my labs were fine and my mri was fine so they sent me to a gynecologist. They tested me for stds, infections ect. Nothing showed up to be wrong but one thing. It wasn't a test that came back saying I had any specific infection but I had signs of one so I got antibiotics. This helped me temporarily. I graduated and started nursing school. The pain was still there but I thought it was normal and sadly was told so.
Then I got pregnant. I had an abortion due to other reasons but I never got better. Me and my fiancé thought for a long time I was just healing. It got on estrogen based birth control and went on to get a job. I was fainting every 2 hours at first. I thought maybe I just wasn't use to factory work but I needed money for school and our home so I didn't care. I'd pop ibuprofen for the pains which never really helped and put up with it for literally a month. It turned into me bleeding every day for 2 months with only 2 few day breaks of no period. I was fainting every 20 minutes, in constant agony, missing days, leaving early and when I told them why, I was fired over the phone before my next shift. I went to the emergency room after I would not stop bleeding and my insurance was in place. They did blood tests, urine tests, and an mri. I mentioned maybe there was tissue from my abortion left in me I felt so horrible. There wasn't. They sent me to the gyneo and the same thing that happened as a teen happened again. I told him everything and he dismissed me ofc, tested me for stds, infections and did a blood test even tho the er literally did the day before. Nothing ofc but SIGNS OF A WEIRD INFECTION i got an antibiotics and he changed my birth control brand but kept the estrogen factor. This birth control had more. I went to one last gynecologist feeling literally insane and told her all my history. She interrupted me to tell me about endometriosis and how she is highly concerned so she needs to send me to get a transvaginal and i need to get off my estrogen based birth control immediately. First time seeing her. They found an endometrioma and she put me on estrylla. They cyst ruptured right before my 2nd ultrasound for it. When I had my check up and surgery scheduling I brought that up and said I'm afraid it's refilled already. He dismissed me saying it wouldn't be in the same spot if it was just a cyst. Not looking at the records of it being endometrioma. He examined me after saying he was the best for finding cyst and told me it's not there. Then told me ibs lmao. I told him i went to the gyneo not for pain but heavy nonstop bleeding and when i went in for cramping in highschool they said i did not have any but 2 symptoms. Abdominal pain and constipation. He yelled at me that my fantasy can't be my life and I have more of a chance not having it than having it. It runs in my family, my aunt has it, my grandma does and my mom has suspected endometriosis. Not even a week later it was there. And he saw it during my surgery. Burned it off. And didn't photograph it. I was just hopeful maybe he'd take me serious even tho he didn't the first time
submitted by Za3sG0th1cPr1nc3ss to Endo [link] [comments]

2023.08.09 02:11 MaterialYoghurt5439 I snooped through my girlfriends laptop and saw her mean girl comments about me

My girlfriend (F23) and I (M25) have been dating for a little under a year now. We met 3 years ago when she was in college and I was spending the summer at a relatives in the same city as her. We met on a dating app, went on a date, and started hooking up. I thought she was a sweet girl and very cute, but nothing else ever happened because a week after she started classes again, she told me she was seriously talking to someone.
I left for grad school and so we didn't speak again (had each other on instagram though) until about a year ago when she ended up going to grad school at the same institution. I saw on instagram that she was here, slid into her dms, and then we started dating.
I thought she showed pretty much every green flag I could ever imagine. She has lots of friends she's really close to, close to her family, volunteers, has lots of hobbies, and is academically and professionally successful. She's so incredibly sweet and considerate. For example, my birthday was just a month after we started dating and yet she still got me a perfect gift. She is pretty much beloved everywhere she goes- her colleagues love her, my friends love her, my family love her.
I also want to emphasize how not mean spirited she is. I've definitely dated girls before who were bitchy towards people around them, but my gf is nothing at all like that. The only times I've heard her talk badly about people, it's like she's in a stand up comedy special. It's all humor, nothing mean. And she never gets into arguments with her friends or family and is pretty much on good terms with everyone she's ever met.
Anyways- today she was working on her computer and left for the gym. For some reason she left it on (I think she had some research thing running). It was on the kitchen counter so I had to move it, and I saw a google drive folder shared with a bunch of people that was actually titled "SMOKE DARTS EAT FARTS- super DUPER secret edition." I know I should absolutely not have looked but my curiosity got the better of me.
Basically it was a folder shared with her friend group from college, which is about 10 girls and super close. There were a lot of subfolders. The first one I looked at had homework keys and back exams from their classes. Then I looked at a document that was titled "bitches love being out of pocket." It was massive (like 100 pages) and there were subheadings for different topics. It seemed like a collection of out of pocket things any of them had said. Each one was cited with the name of which one of them had said it.
As I was scrolling through I saw my name under a subheading "men 🐔."
Here's what it said (paraphrased):
1) "He seems like the kind of man to purchase linkedin premium"
2) "I feel like he jerks off to his own instagram stories"
3) "There's no way that at least once in his life he hasn't removed a bitches tampon with his teeth"
They were all signed with my girlfriends name. I'd felt bad about snooping until then, but after that I really wanted to see if there was anything else about me. I looked through the rest of that file and there were insults about basically everyone they'd ever met, including about every man my gf had ever been with (honestly mine were way less mean than theirs... I guess that's a positive?).
There was also a folder with presentations it seemed like my gf had made and presented before each semester in college. They were all titled something like "roster" or "da hoes" and the date, and they had a slide for every man she was talking to, as well as a recap for whoever she'd done over break. Of course I was there, with my full name and pics of me and a picture of my fucking car too. The only description of me was "6/10, bought me cigs and let me use a flavored condom."
There were also a lot of pics and videos of them doing illegal/disgusting things and there were some very mean things about other men they knew, like ranking them on the "fuck ass loser scale."
The only other thing I saw about me was in a folder titled "life changing moments" that had a list for each of them. There were a lot of insane things in my gfs that I'd never heard about (think: chlamydia from unprotected sex with frat brother or vespa ride with sexy italian man or smoked a pack and threw up). There was also one about me which basically said: fucked ____ and realized I needed to get out of my hoe era if I didn't want to end up being a sad sack of shit too.
That is the one that really got me, as it seemed so much meaner than everything else, and I have no idea what she meant by it.
It was getting close to the time she would be back though, so I just closed everything and locked her laptop. She got back, I didn't mention anything, and we just had dinner as normal.
I am here now because I have absolutely no idea what to do. Everything I saw was honestly awful, and yet she is the last person I would ever expect something like this from. I am in disbelief and I really dont know where to go from here. I am hoping there is some explanation that doesn't make her the world's worst person, and yet I really don't want to confront her either. We have a great thing going and I don't see anyway that confronting her isn't going to lead to drama.
I don't want to talk to anyone I know about this, in case we stay together and she then has to face them, so I thought I would ask here and see if anyone had any reason to apply to this completely absurd situation.
submitted by MaterialYoghurt5439 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2023.07.31 22:00 FlyswatterArcade Heavy dark brown discharge and 2nd period

Hello everyone. I (29F) was diagnosed with endo about 2 years ago but knew pretty much my whole life. It was just hard for doctors to take me seriously. I’ve always suffered with extremely heavy periods, excruciating pain, overwhelming fatigue, etc.
I used to suffer from painful sex regularly with my last partner. Now I am dating someone else and have not struggled with pain during this last year. I thought maybe before it was a dryness issue.
However 2 nights ago my bf and I had sex and there was a minute where it felt like he was poking my uterus or front of my abdomen. It was a sharp intense stabbing pain. I had severe cramping all night afterward (this actually has happened before) so I thought maybe he was just very deep? Although he is not the… longest partner I’ve had. When I awoke the following morning I had heavy brown discharge (like old blood) all over my legs and when I went to the bathroom a copious amount came out in the toilet. It was very dark (it looked like feces) unfortunately I don’t have any pics. I’ve had brown blood periodically on my menstrual cycle and thought it was just old blood but only at the beginning of my cycle. However… I already had my period two weeks ago. And ever since the other night I have had intense incessant cramps and heavy dark brown discharge filling up tampons. I haven’t really been able to sleep because the cramping is making me so uncomfortable, medication provides me no relief which is usually the way it goes. So if it is a period it’s my second one this month. This year my period has been skipping for months at a time (up to 3) and then when it finally does arrive it kicks my behind more than usual, and I’ve been having multiple periods a month sometimes after it skipping for months which is abnormal for me.
Does anyone have any advice on why this particular instance may have occurred or what I should do? My mom is begging me to go to a gyno but I can’t exactly afford it.
submitted by FlyswatterArcade to Endo [link] [comments]

2023.07.28 19:43 abc123def321g I am scared of menstrual cups. Need some advice please.

I've been wanting to switch to a cup for a while now. I even went out and bought one last year. It's been sitting in my closet like a museum piece because I haven't even opened it.
I tired tampons. It was hard to get in but I didn't account for the swelling of the cotton when it's inside and it hurt like a bitch to get out. It took me 20 minutes. I never tried that again. After that I never even considered attempting a cup because it looks so much bigger.
Its so hot here and I don't like the way pads feel.
How do you get the cup to fit in?
Doesn't blood spill everywhere when trying to remove it?
How do you sterilise it?
How long do you keep it in?
Am I having trouble because I'm a virgin?
Creepy guys please don't message me. I don't share bobs and vagana pics and no I don't want to be your friend.
submitted by abc123def321g to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]