A cute message to send your boyfriend


2019.01.19 07:06 eyooji studentsph

For students from the Philippines, by students from the Philippines. For strand, course, and admission questions, please post on CollegeAdmissionsPH

2011.07.14 10:34 alexf3ng American Express Community

Step into a world of privilege and prestige with American Express. Enjoy exclusive rewards, preferential pricing, and exceptional customer service, all designed to enhance your lifestyle. Travel the globe with ease, secure sought-after items, and manage your finances with tailored solutions. Elevate your status and experience the extraordinary.

2011.08.03 22:24 Leotards

Girls in leotards and other spandex/lycra tight outfits. One-piece swimsuits, unitards, biketards, and others are welcome.

2024.05.29 05:17 Warbly-Luxe I didn't realize how ableist my parents are until now...

[CW: talk of ableism and trauma]
TL;DR: My dad said to my mom when I took out my new fidget toy after a fairly traumatic day: “he’s (not my preferred pronouns) just going into ‘Autistic Mode’”. He said that he would look into group homes tomorrow again because I “treat them like shit”. I shut down around them, and have been doing so for at least a week or more. I don’t have a job, freshly graduated from college as of December, and I have been struggling to get interviews. I have been using my university’s career services and got accepted into Vocational Rehab, but my parents keep threatening to kick me out of the house and be done with me.
For reference, I am highly confident I am Autistic and ADHD, but I have not been officially diagnosed. I have a referral and am in the process. My med manager is treating me with non-stimulants which work well and have increased executive function. I have also been exploring my being queer over the last few years, but only recently tried to explain to my parents in totality last November.
I knew they are queerphobic, and I knew that I annoy / upset them when I don’t talk and engage, and that when I talk it’s too much and not about the right thing. I just wanted to believe I was wrong. I wanted to believe I was reading into things because I’ve had so many past experiences where what I felt and what I thought turned out to be false. And they say they love me, and they love me so much that they hate to see me in pain, and so I wanted to believe that it’s true.
The last few days have been hard. My parents had family friends over (that have known me since I was a baby, and they have two adult children that didn’t come this round) for memorial day weekend from out of state. Since seeing the friends last, I have been doing a lot of self-discovery and further accepting the queer parts of myself. I hadn’t been planning to change my name, until by happenstance I found one online that I wanted to be mine due to it's simplicity and androgynous nature. But my parents (and my brother, though he has trans friends) have not been supportive. I just thought they raised me and gave me a name they picked out and so didn’t want to use a new one. It doesn’t make it better, but it’s something.
But they have made it clear in past conversations that it would be unfair for me to tell family friends and extended relatives. And so I spent all of last week before the weekend trying to debate whether I should tell the family friends that were coming over in a text message before they arrived. I tried to summon the courage, but I ended up not doing that. So when I first saw them, I shut down when their first words were “Hey, ”. I decided that I would make myself scarce because I knew I would just keep shutting down and having trouble speaking with them. Literally, it would be the same as with my parents where either the words don’t come or I don’t have the energy to get them past my throat.
So, I tried to be polite when I saw them and just didn’t engage in extensive conversation. When they left, my dad told me I was rude and selfish, and that I need to write them a letter to apologize. I ended up sending them a text today to apologize (didn't explain everything), but I didn’t want to send a letter because I am tired of using my dead name, and I would need to sign it.
I have been trying to avoid my parents even though we live in the same house because I don’t have a job yet. I recently graduated from college in December, but I have not been able to get interviews. I have been making use of my university’s career services and made appointments with the head of engineering to make my resume more appealing in terms of software engineering. I graduated with Interdisciplinary Studies focusing on Computer Science, Creative Writing, and Linguistics. I just want a job right now, and computer jobs pay well. I am hoping to figure out something beneficial in Creative Writing later, maybe Ghost Writing or something that might pay better than that. I also got accepted to use Vocational Rehab, and so I have been working with them.
But, since I am avoiding my parents, they believe I am trying to make it clear that I hate them. They consistently say that I “treat them like shit” and I am “lazy and just want an easy life”. Today has been a hard day after all the turmoil over the last week, and so I have had very little energy. I thought I could be experiencing depression, but I know what that feels like and where it leads. I am not there yet. So, I think the best word to describe it is probably dejected. Like the people who are constantly in my life don’t want me. In the late afternoon, I decided I didn’t just want to sit up in my room anymore, so I drove down to my bookstore to browse, and then checked to see if I could refill my meds. I had about an hour where I started feeling happy and enjoying myself, especially being able to browse the books and look at the descriptions on the back and recording the ones I want to read for later.
When I got home for dinner so my parents didn’t get mad, it was like all that happiness disappeared the moment I saw them. I could not move my face even if I wanted to, to pretend like I was cheery and all right. We got dinner out, and then I sat down. The counselor I like seeing at career services is also an ADHDer. I saw her last week to go over more plans for jobs, and she showed me the various baskets of stim toys she keeps on her bookshelf to hand out to students. She gave me one that’s a tightly knit, long rectangle and has a small glass ball inside. You squeeze it and the ball moves back and forth.
I haven’t used stim toys much growing up because I thought I was supposed to bear all the frustration and anxiety. But I have been trying to treat myself kinder over the last few months. So, I’ve been taking that stim toy with me, and had it when I went to the bookstore. With dinner set up, my parents were trying to get me to interact and “be better”. Without thinking, I took out the stim toy. My dad said I was going into “Autistic Mode” and that they can’t do anything. He will look at group homes again tomorrow.

Up until that moment, I had doubts. I thought that they really were trying to accept me and it was just hard, especially with all the queerness and years of mental health management (since 2019 when I broke down). But over the last month or so, I’ve had various times where I needed to record my mental health history for intake and I started talking about my parents and how I am starting to recognize the gaslighting and emotional abuse.
I have also been trying hard to remember the good moments. But I can't remember a moment where I was showing signs I am clearly Autistic or ADHD, and that they genuinely enjoyed and loved it. Especially as I've gotten older. I remember them expecting me to get good grades in school from the beginning. If it wasn't "A"s they were upset, and if I failed a test they told me to study again and took me down to school to convince the teacher to let me test again. If I couldn't prove I knew the material and the teacher didn't let me retake it, then I was shunned on the way home.
I want so much to be wrong. I want so much for them to be right and that it's me who is abusing them like they say it is. I don't know why--I don't really feel any emotional love for them and I don't think I ever did, I just don't want them to suffer--but if I am the one who's hurting them then maybe I can change and stop. Maybe I can get better and show them love and be nice to them like they deserve. I wouldn't need to make a plan to estrange myself from them when I am on my feet to better take care of myself. I wish it was me.
I don't know why I am writing all of this. You all have your own problems and don't need to load on mine, and I am not going to pretend I have it the worst even just in my own city. I also feel manipulative, like I am only writing the bad parts and that I should try to remember and describe the good parts.
I just don't have anyone I can talk to right now. I have been out of therapy for a few months. I have been on wait lists for more experienced therapists dealing with gender-affirming care, since that has become a bigger problem. I have something scheduled for the middle of next month with a more general therapist and a referral to a specialized therapist as well.
But I just want to talk to someone who understands. I don't have that in my life. When doctors ask me if I have anyone I can just vent to or trust, I can't think of anyone. I have one friend, but since graduating we only meet up once a month. I can share a lot with her and she is supportive, but then I feel like that one meeting is filled with me trying to vent and seek therapy from her. I don't really want more social interaction, but I want to feel like someone sees me, the real me, and they actually like what they see.
I plan to call the suicide hotline tomorrow. Not because I am suicidal, but because I was told I don't need to be suicidal to call. I know my parents will hear me on the phone if I call tonight, and I don't really want to spend a long time writing out the words in a text to the text number to explain everything when the person on the other end might not be able to fully understand, and so they would just tell me what they think I need to hear. But I guess I'd get the same from the phone call.
I don't know how to wrap this up, and it sounds when I read this over like I am quite lucid and therefore being petty by putting this here. I am lucid, but it doesn't really help me feel better. I can't lie to myself anymore; I've been trying so hard to not lie to myself when I spot it. I am sorry for the long rambling and various tangents. I just want to put this somewhere where people might understand.
submitted by Warbly-Luxe to AutisticWithADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:08 Superb_Pineapple9764 19 [f4a] [f4r] #US #Online - Lkoking for a genuine, loving LTR

Hi! Nice to meet you all! I'm a nerdy, dog loving bookworm from the southeast US. I'm definitely here looking for something serious, NOT AT ALL interested in a fling, NSA, FWB, or a short term thing. Some things that may be deal breakers: I have a dog I am not interested in having children I have a physical disability I'm on the heavier side (trying to work on it but I can't stand body shaming)
So about me: I love to read. I am obsessed with the Wandering Inn LitRPG! I love singing! I am trying to learn how to bake but it's challenging. :) I love music!! It's super important to me! If you'd like to get to know me, don't be afraid to send a chat! Just put some effort into your message! :)
submitted by Superb_Pineapple9764 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:07 gl21133 Boomer gets tricked by a fake review. Twice.

Weird one today, seemed worthy of posting. Backstory - In 2017 we hired a boomer builder to design an addition to our house. The results were not quite as promised, I was expecting something we could hand off to a GC to start the build, ultimately they were more conceptual drawings, not really engineered drawings that could be used. I posted a meh google review (2 stars FWIW), he responded, I forgot about it and moved on with life.
This January I get a message from my dad, who is in a Rotary club with said boomer builder, asking why I posted another review so long after the fact. I looked into it a bit, someone had copy pasta'd my google review into Yelp pretending to be me. The builder had responded with a whole manifesto on how wrong I was. I emailed him letting him know that it was not me, I've moved on, but that I'd help get the review removed. I reported it and after a bit of back and forth they pulled it. Though it would be odd to angrily repost a review 7 years on I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and I thought that was the end of it.
Today I get another message from my dad, similar question, this time on Angi. I find the review and report it and send a brief email to the builder saying it's still not me but I'd still help remove it. I also deleted my google review because I just don't care anymore.
Then I get a forwarded email from my dad. The builder had written an unhinged angry rant but misspelled my email so I hadn't received it. Mother fucker, you think 4 months after someone (presumably an enemy of yours) found a fairly good way to give you negative press that I HELPED REMOVE, I would randomly decide to just go ahead and copy paste the same review elsewhere? No you dumb twat, it's the same shit as last time. You could have taken five seconds to dig around that entitlement riddled memory of yours to put two and two together, but instead you decided to be a knob.
He did manage to get my wife's email right, and she is not someone who takes any shit. She has since made sure he knows what we think of him now. I'm half tempted to go ahead and actually repost that review everywhere, but honestly I'm finding it kind of funny at this point and I'll probably just let things lie.
submitted by gl21133 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:03 ouchmecatbitmefoot 27M looking to make friends

Hey people!
I'm 27M, live with my girlfriend and cats. I'm looking to make some new connections and hopefully find a long term friend or two along the way.
I love reading, all types of music, baseball, a bit of writing and gaming and recently started drawing (I am not very good). I've been getting into learning about the weather and space recently as well. Watch a lot of TV, all sorts of shows/movies and WWE occasionally.
I've battled a great deal of depression and anxiety the last several years and slowly been rebuilding myself again. I've only rediscovered my love for reading this year so I'd love to chat with someone who has a heap of great book recommendations, any genre is great.
Other than that, I don't mind where you live, your gender or what interests you have. Would love to hear all about what your passionate about and the interests & hobbies you enjoy. I'm autistic and bi so LGBTQ+ friendly.
Feel free to leave a comment to send me a message!
submitted by ouchmecatbitmefoot to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:02 aliceglows88 F18 looking for friends

my name is allicea, some people call me alice, you can call me whichever you prefer. i am a college student, just recently graduated from community college, and i am now transferring to a university. i am looking for a long lasting friendship, somebody who has similar interests as me, who isn’t dry and loves to socialize. a few things about me is i love my 3 cats, i enjoy listening to music and binge watching shows. sunsets bring me joy, as well as photography. one thing about me is ill always be there for you, give you any advice you need, as long as you don’t take advantage of me and aren’t toxic, i would love to be your friend! please don’t hesitate to send me a message, i’m super laid back and nice, just looking for some new friends with great energy! 🫶🏻
please do not ask me if i am interested in anything inappropriate, it’s a definite no, just a girl looking for friends ONLY!
submitted by aliceglows88 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:02 Hot-Inspector7983 AITAH for profiting off an acquaintance?

So a little context, I work at a cell phone carrier and have many friends and family on my account. Because I work there, I get a discount, and my friends and family all pay me a slightly higher amount than I pay for their phones each month. I do this so that I can give them a great deal (each person pays about half the rate of a normal plan), and I can also have a reduced cell phone bill for my own lines. It's a win-win for both parties, they save about $45 per month each and I make about $15 per month each line. I do this for both friends and family.
About 4 years ago I had an acquaintance reach out to me and ask for help switching to my company. I asked her if she wanted to join my plan instead of being on her own so that she could save way more money and she agreed. I told her the price and she was ecstatic, because she would be saving roughly $45 on her bill each month. I did not tell her at this time that I was going to be profiting about $15 per month off her line. This wasn't intentional, I honestly think it just slipped my mind telling her at the time. I did not see it as a big deal that I forgot to tell her because of the amazing deal that I was giving her. After about 2 years of always paying on time, she broke her phone and called me because she couldn't afford a new phone in cash, so I let her finance one on my plan. I told her the only stipulation is that if she wants to leave my plan before she finishes paying off the phone, she needs to pay off the remaining balance. She agrees and tells me that she would never screw me over.
I then tell her on the same phone call "Hey just so you know, I charge you and everyone else on my plan more than what the line costs me so that my personal phone bill is cheaper, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you when you signed up in the first place." She tells me that she has absolutely zero problem with that because she was getting such a good deal and that she figured I was anyway.
Fast forward to today, she calls me out of the blue and tells me she's switching to her boyfriend's plan and asks for the transfer pin so that she can keep her number. She's super friendly on the phone. I tell her that it's no problem, she just needs to pay off the remaining balance of her phone (about $300). She says okay no problem I'll venmo you. I generate her transfer pin but right as I'm about to send it to her, I have this feeling that I should make sure she sends me the money first. I text her and say "Hey I just generated the transfer pin, I'll send it to you once I receive your phone payoff."
Instead of sending me the money, she texts me back and asks me how much I was making off her phone line. I text her back and say $15. This chick then proceeds to tell me that "You have made $1000 off me over the past four years, you can pay for it." I'm honestly shocked at this point because she was completely reasonable on the phone and now she's trying to get me to pay off HER phone balance. I tell her that sorry, I'm not going to do that, we made an agreement and she is responsible for her phone. She then starts calling me a nasty person saying that I was screwing her over and that I'm an awful person for profiting off a vulnerable person, you get the picture.
She then blocks my phone number and all socials. I call my dad and ask him what to do, and he tells me to send her a venmo request saying that I will be going down to the sheriff's office to file a police report for the device that she stole from me since technically it is my property until it's paid off, and that if she does not pay me back I will be taking her to small claims court. She immediately completes the venmo request and then texts me from her new number saying the same stuff she was saying before. I tell her I'm going to send her the transfer pin now and she just responds with "don't bother."
Now she's threatening to take ME to small claims court to recoup the money that I made from her because she didn't know the amount that I was profiting. I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a case but let me know, AITAH?
submitted by Hot-Inspector7983 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:01 gutsbabymama am i unworthy of care or respect cause of my body?

putting a tw for: body shaming at a young age, negative food talk, emotional neglect/abuse possibly, bad negative self talk, derealisation, body dysphoria issues, suicidal talk/depression, weight loss talk. plz be advised when reading or don’t if its too heavy.
also this is long, im just hoping someone would take the time to read and provide what they can. no one is obligated to read, thanks.
im genuinely starting to get upset and its killing me inside, when i look for support or any help anywhere there is none. all the content on instagram is targeted towards those who’ve made it past that age and survived having to cover up or not dress how they want. no one ever seems to care about the teen and tween girls who currently deal with this kind of stuff cause it seems to them it doesn’t exist anymore. its disappointing to see and shows i dont belong in any community so i’ve come here
im currently 17 and for the past multiple years ever since i started being heavier around the end of 5th grade it feels like my father has been more ashamed of his daughters body and has tried to cover me up and tell me what i should wear. im also dealing with covering up my severe depression and trauma so theres more thats kinda related to this but i dont want to stray off topic
when i was four my dad put me in the child acting industry based in la/weho. that wasn’t that traumatic for me honestly and didn’t take away from being a child but during that time my dad would sometimes get angry when i wanted a snack such as chips or a cookie, he would threaten me and be like “youre gonna grow as big as a house” or “of course you want the cookies”. keep in mind i was only in early elementary school around this time. and in fifth grade he signed me up for this shoot where it was some sort of tv pilot pitch where it was described as the biggest loser for kids and they had other slimmer kids on set that wore fat suits basically and i was the biggest one there. i belived i had to have a fitness routine at 11 in the fifth grade and started working out for two days
into middle school i started getting known for being a bigger girl but i remember around 7th-8th grade my dad kept saying how the clothes i had were too small when i was just trying to dress trendy or like similar styles like any middle school girl. if not that then it was stuff that was too “childish” or fit snug on me. this is when i started to feel totally repulsed about my body and dreaming about wearing what i wanted. and even to this day he periodically will get upset and disappointed in me being dressed down with my hair up just to do something mundane or for my therapy appointment. i was wearing hoodies or shirts with leggings. i remember when we were at six flags for my birthday and i was wearing a cute tank top that slightly showed a bit of tummy and he forcibly pulled the shirt down.
and getting into high school and up into this point he periodically, gets mad and upset when im wearing a certain outfit to go somewhere simple or drags me into the plus sized women’s section of kohls to look for clothes i don’t need and want. i remember when he took me to get my blood drawn i was on my period and wore pants that i typically do cause im uncomfy naturally on it and he got mad and i went into my room trying to calm down and not argue because its pointless with him, and i already knew he was gonna come in and go in my closet and tell me to change into a different pair of pants i don’t wear or what he liked. i always have to please what he likes or i should be wearing in my size.
up until recently he’s telling me i need to get a new wardrobe, that all my clothes are small when they just fit snug or my tummy shows through, (i go thrifting with my mom alot), and convincing me to shop in the plus sized women’s section of jcpenny and kohls. mind you he’s in his early 60s so i dont wanna hear “who still shops there” cause thats not making me feel better about myself at all. i remember he took me to see the women’s shorts and pants, all straight fitting long shorts that were two sizes too big on me. him sending me pictures of mens shirts that are oversized on me because i have some mens pants that i wear as jeans. when he took me shopping recently for athletic wear and told me i NEEDED new shorts and pants because the ones my mom gets are “too tight” when they fit me comfortably and the shorts i have to try on are long and big on me, i literally put them on and feel disgusting like im dressing for pe class, i dont say anything other than they just look plain in which he tells me im not supposed to look stylish at the gym and be comfortable. but when i wear them to the gym they keep falling down on me past half my ass no matter how much i have the draw string tied and im constantly pulling them up. when i have to struggle to not tell him i dont like any of the stuff he chooses for me or think fits since he gets mad and angry about it but also gets upset when i dont wear any of the things he gets me. and for the past two years i start to realize why he’s getting me to wear oversized or bigger clothes for me, because anything my size is too tight basically.
he’s told me my first cosplay i put together myself at fifteen looks raggedy and made me look like a street urchin, he didn’t let me get thin framed glasses i liked that were in our budget because my head was too wide for them and they just looked ugly to him, when he got a dress i needed for a cosplay in my size he made my mom try it on before i did and told me it was tight on her, said that the brand name suggested it was too small, kept telling i needed a bigger size, then when i tried it on and it fit perfectly he kept wondering if it was too tight. i dont even want to do any cosplay or get better cause of him and i cant even dress or put effort in outfits like i did in middle school. now i just feel like a burden cause of my body, something that needs to be hidden away, like everything is my fault because im bigger.
i feel repulsed and never take pictures, only when i feel like i should. my dad doesn’t take pictures of me anymore or puts up any photos of me in middle school or high school like he did my brother, only those photos of me as a young child. now im dealing with binge eating habits that affect me, weighing more than my parents, having shame about eating in public, feeling guilt when i eat, and not feeling like a person. even if friends take fun pictures of me i feel freaked out. im not living, and i dont know how im supposed to be accepted by this community when im forced to hate myself in real life and get jealous over those who’ve already made it past the shame in hiding themselves or appealing to society’s standards. and this is on top of processing me hiding my autism and severe depression and trauma. i dont want to keep dealing with thinner people who dont understand. and dont even ask if my mother is better, she just tells me that my dad would hate certain clothes and constantly nags me about having to shop at torrid. and im hoping to move out into a dorm around next year but this is something that’s killing me besides other things and i dont have any support because im the biggest person i know personally.
submitted by gutsbabymama to DadForAMinute [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:00 LRose1825 Same scam twice in a week

Same scam twice in a week
I've gotten the same scam message/request twice in 6 days, but with different locations. One was on the other side of the country (US) and the other was several states away. Obviously I report it immediately and block them, but ugh, so annoying. With the first message I even got that lovely "don't go off app and take money" email they send. I made sure to include the attempt at offering money/contact info for outside the app in my latest report, so no email about it this time.
I blocked out my location, but left the scammed number in case anyone else receives a similar message.
submitted by LRose1825 to RoverPetSitting [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:53 way2sexy4yogirl I'm being harassed online and don't know what to do

I keep receiving rude comments on my posts and seeing people have shared my posts to direct messages of others and its starting to affect my mentality. The worst part is that these accounts are all anonymous but the ones that comment are all the same person. I am sure of it. I just don't know who. They will comment things like "you look like you will cheat on your boyfriend" or "stop posting we're tired" or so forth. I haven't gotten evidence of this behavior yet but I have each and every account that has done this to me in my blocked list. I unfortunately don't think my state has any laws regarding cyberbullying and restraining orders (Idaho) so I am at a loss here. I'll try to open up my comments on my posts to get them say some mean stuff but I don't know what to do.
submitted by way2sexy4yogirl to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:53 Racer_156 [A4A] Stranger Things Roleplay

- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ INTRODUCTION ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
Hi, I'm Racer, and I'm looking for a Stranger Things roleplay!
Recently, I've made a new ST OC, so I'm looking to use her in a roleplay! I don't want to give too much information about her here, but I'll send the document I made for her whenever we start discussing the roleplay.
Also! If we end up doing oc x canon - I double up. So, you play my character's love interest, I play your characters love interest! :D
- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ PAIRINGS I'M LOOKING FOR ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
NANCY WHEELER (romantic)
STEVE HARRINGTON (platonic or possible romantic)
YOUR OC (romantic or platonic)
MAX MAYFIELD (platonic)
YOUR OC (romantic or platonic)
ROBIN BUCKLEY (romantic)
MAX MAYFIELD (platonic)
YOUR OC (romantic or platonic)
ROBIN BUCKLEY (romantic)
MAX MAYFIELD (platonic)
EDDIE MUNSON (platonic)
YOUR OC (romantic or platonic)
- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ IF YOU'RE INTERESTED ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
Please note : As of May 28th, 2024, I am 17 years old. As of posting this, I will be turning 18 in 10 days (June 7th, 2024). I'm comfortable roleplaying with anyone under or over the age of 18, given that I plan on discussing what we are and are not comfortable with before we roleplay. If I'm uncomfortable with anything said or done, I'll let you know. If it continues to happen, I'll just end up unfriending / unfollowing you.
If you're interested, please feel free to message me! I'd love to hear from you!
submitted by Racer_156 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:49 Ecstatic-Cat660 Will things get better?

20F here and I found out my boyfriend (21M) was a PA a few months ago after months of me suspecting something was wrong. He never really knew he had a problem until researching about it and he says he's currently in recovery. We had some issues (prior to me finding out) which led to me feeling unattractive and I found some stuff he said (years ago, prior to meeting me) about him having a type and his favorite pornstar... None of them look anything like me..... Not a single bit. I confronted him about this and he said it was years ago and that he is attracted to me but I'm having a really hard time believing it. I understand types change and such but I can't help but feel gross about myself.
The intimacy in our relationship (or lack thereof) sucks and I cry myself to sleep almost every night cause I'm so disgusted with myself and fear he doesn't find me attractive. I can't bring myself to even be nice to him at times or fake affection towards him or initiate anything... Ever since I found out I feel like whatever I give to him is just mediocre compared to what i think he actually likes (or used to like, i guess) and it has really messed with my confidence. I can't even bring myself to try anymore cause I'm so scared... And to top it off, I can't stop watching his old favorite pornstar's content and comparing myself to her... I look nothing like her at all and just thinking about it makes me feel sick.
The first few weeks were the hardest though. I will say that recently there have been days where I feel cute and my libido has gone back to normal but the only issue is i tend to have breakdowns after orgasming (idk if this is TMI, sorry) which was a common occurrence prior to me finding out it's just that now they're alot longer and worse lol. I also have days where I just feel plain horrible and worried about what the future may hold but I guess that's inevitable.
I really really love him and he's a great boyfriend. He genuinely puts in effort in every aspect of our relationship. I think it's just an issue of me feeling insecure.. He has never said anything to make me feel less attractive or been mean to me and I don't want to break up with him.
So, will things get any better? If so, how? I just want our relationship to go back to the way it was before and I know reddit won't have the exact answer to how I can fix my relationship but I'd love to hear your stories... I feel really horrible cause whenever I look to check for success stories then check their recent posts/comments, their partner has relapsed or their relationship has gone downhill and it's making me lose all hope..
Also, sorry if this is really long. I have noone to talk to about this and it's the only place where I feel understood regarding this issue.
Have a good day! <3
submitted by Ecstatic-Cat660 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:49 BowlParking544 Can’t be bothered to spend money on hers kids education

Can’t be bothered to spend money on hers kids education
I just can’t help but laugh at this point. Million dollar sad beige home. 100k’s on cars. Thousands on denied beauty procedures. But her Children education- free. Come onnnnnnnnn😂😂😂
submitted by BowlParking544 to katyhearnsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:47 Low_Union_9849 How to decline a request?

How to decline a request?
Okay, so I’ve looked around and I can’t physically find this button that was on the Rover website. Do I need to accept the booking and then mark something like deny? I don’t want to steal the owners money on accident. I also did ask the owner if they could decline/ cancel the request, they said yes. I’m not sure if they have because it says it’s still pending on my side.
submitted by Low_Union_9849 to RoverPetSitting [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:46 Then-Mulberry-2761 Random Girl Thinks I’m “Jake”

This story started about a month ago. I was at work and got a text message saying I was being invited to a “Microsoft Teams” group chat. Let’s call the person inviting me Sarah, just for privacy purposes. It says in the chat that I’m named, “Jay.” She says “Hello” to me and is basically speaking to me through this text thread, but I assume on her end she was on Microsoft Teams. The conversation basically goes like this:
Sarah: Hey
Me: You have the wrong person, I’m not Jay.
Sarah: Are you Jack? Sarah (1 minute later): ?????? Sarah (5 minutes later): ????
Me: I am not the person you're looking for! I do not know any of these people.
I then read the automated messages above our chat more thoroughly and realized I could’ve just typed “#exit” to leave the chat instead of senselessly arguing with this girl. So I did lol. Silly ole me. But oh no! It does not end there. I few weeks go by with no word from Sarah. I had forgotten about it all, until I get another message saying I was added to a Microsoft Teams chat by the SAME person.
Sarah: Are you Jay?
By this point, I figured maybe the reason she was so persistent was because of something important. She must’ve been part of a company or school project and was having issues finding the right person. So, I decided to make a Microsoft Teams account and speak to her and thoroughly explain I’m not Jay. Don’t ask me why I did this. I’m overly nice I guess and just wanted to help. And something told me she would try to reach out in other ways if I didn’t respond. (Spoiler alert, I was right.)
I made the account and basically told her I am not Jay. I’ve had the same number and email since I was 10. She has the wrong number. And that I didn’t even have a Microsoft Teams account prior to our convo. I was as nice as I could be cause I didn’t know the situation. I told her to check with Jay on another form of social media so they could get started on whatever she was contacting him for. Turns out, she wasn’t part of a group project or a company at all. Apparently, some guy gave her his number at a mall. (This number turned out to be my number.) And she was reaching out to him for romantic reasons. She was using Microsoft Teams cause she didn’t have a phone. (I’m leaving out specific details to protect her identity.) After that we ended the chat and I figured that was it. WRONG!
I was hanging out with my boyfriend the other day when I get a call from a random number. I answered it and frowned at the question the person asked on the other line. “Hi, is this Jay?” I sighed and replied, “No, this is not Jay. Same girl from before. I would probably give up on that one girlie.”
She said, “Okay.” and hung up. Before I could even block the number, I get a call from the same number again. My boyfriend looked pretty annoyed so he picked up the phone and said, “Hello?” I could hear her on the line, “Hi, is this Jay?” He was not as nice as I was, “No, this is not Jay. Stop contacting this number.” She hung up without another word and I blocked the number. I’m glad he did that, it seems this girl is not giving up and really wants to find Jay. And it seems she wasn’t taking me seriously when I was all nice… Considering she’s tried 4 separate times in the span of a month. And allegedly she’s only met him once. She is persistent I’ll give her that. She probably will use other means to contact me or should I say “Jay”. I’m just gonna block at this point. I tried being nice and that went nowhere lol. Hopefully that’s the end of it. I kinda doubt it though.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by Then-Mulberry-2761 to wrongnumber [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:42 Rynko_ 29 [M4F] California/Anywhere - Anyone up for a chat? Maybe to play a game together?

It would be nice to find like-minded people to chat with. Life can feel barren when you feel like you're missing that certain person. It's a lonely feeling, really. Here's hoping that I could remedy that soon!
I'm looking for friends first, but I'm open to something more if we have a mutual understanding. Who knows what the future holds?
A quick bio: I'm tall, slim, have shaggy hair, and have freckles. Will verify that in time. Am quirky, adventurous, calm, patient, and reserved. I also feel like I was born in the wrong era. I'm also a mental health avocate, so I have a lot of understanding towards this. I'd love to do more traveling, too! I know that's something lots of folks enjoy, too!
I like the finer things in life, quirkiness, ridiclously spicy food, being a night owl, witty banter, cuddles, quality film, finishing each other's sentences, shoegaze, sarcasm, caffeine, mint chocolate, cats, clocks, point and clicks, RPGs, Indie music, cats, off beat humor, cats, laughing until the crack of dawn, trippy visuals, cottagecore aesthetics, abstract art, Oh, did I mention cats? (I have three)
I enjoy voice chatting. I want to have some intellectual conversations. We can talk about nearly anything. I'm known to be an empath and to keep an open mind. It's a great trait to have since it isn't all that common these days. Let's discuss it all! I promise that it'll be fun!
My specific age range is 28-37. I feel like I can really connect best with an older crowd. Bonus points if you're alternative and/or cute! Or if you're willing to voice chat! And you're nocturnal like I am, that's also a plus! Or if you play Overwatch!
Not really into hookups or anything like that, either. I'm pretty monogamous. Just throwing that out there. As far as other deal breakers go, I dislike drama, ghosting, uncivilized situations, people with insane egos, awkward small talk, and crude people. Oh, and can't forget liars. I'm sure there are more, but those are some of the first things that came to mind.
If any of this sounds like it piques your interest, feel free to throw in a message! I'll be ignoring the one worded, or half-hearted responses. I'd rather not waste your time or mine on that matter.
submitted by Rynko_ to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:40 Ambitious-Pin9147 By "going viral" she means she couldn't block the haters, the comments are nailing it if you haven't checked that reel lately...

By submitted by Ambitious-Pin9147 to nurturingnovasscam [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:39 SlimeSpree Review with pics! Library of Slime/Pink Sugar Slimey/Oh my Slime/Lime Slime co.

Review with pics! Library of Slime/Pink Sugar Slimey/Oh my Slime/Lime Slime co.
Today a look at four slime stores. Let's go!

The Library of Slime
A wide range of prices from £4-12 depending on size and they also do bundles. The sizes range from 2-6oz. Beautifully designed waterproof labels.
The box was very well packaged with foam peanuts to protect the contents and the utterly stunning glass slime jars had nice honeycomb cardboard protectors around them. Even the charms were beautifully packaged with one being in a little canvas bag. Included was a mini lemon hand towelette (what a great touch!) a card telling me my packaging is eco friendly (lovely to know) and a cute bookmark care card with a super sweet note on it.
Upon unpacking, I found that Eliora (the head librarian 😁) had including an incredibly thoughtful gift in the way of delicious, high quality chocolate from a little company that shares my name! In the note it was mentioned that this was especially ordered just for me on account of being the first international customer 🥲 I was so deeply touched by this! It says a lot about the customer service and just how much care is put into customer satisfaction and enjoyment.
The library/book aesthetic of the entire web-store and the slimes/jars is just spectacular. I have so much appreciation for slime stores who clearly put so much thought and love into everything they do, it really is a magical experience. One thing I love about slime is how it affords us the ability to turn our thoughts off and indulge in something that taps straight into our primal pleasure center, allowing us to leave the stresses and responsibilities of the world for a while. The library theme and how beautifully it’s all pulled off ramps that experience up for me. All I’ve done so far is open the box and I already feel like I’ve taken a trip to a whimsical bookstore in some Harry Potter-esq universe! 😆 I think they may also be the only slime store to use glass jars which makes them feel very high end.

  • ARRAKIS (Sandfizz and coated clea scent: Usul's Awakening - Essential oil blend of cinnamon, clove, and fossilized amber)
The scent is beautiful with all the stated notes being apparent, reminding me of Christmas. I think it’s very special that these slimes are created with real essential oil! They aren’t cheap and you can really tell quite obviousy by the quality of the scent. The little book charm is so cute and a lovely touch!
I was worried I may have a struggle getting this slime out the jar but it slipped out into my hand nice and politely. It was a tiny bit sticky at first but a couple of puffs of activator sorted that out completely. The slime was very dense and super stretchy. It was very resistant but also very elastic and bouncy with no ripping. As you stretched you could feel the sand brush across your fingers but there was very little in the way of sand fallout. This has some unreal crackly sizzles when you inflate and then squeeze it. The crackles just keep coming and coming the more you squeeze. It does inflate a lot calling for a second jar for the excess.
The packaging is stunning and, equally, so is the slime!

  • FOURTH PLANET POTATOES (Thick and glossy with clay/scent: wax coated potatoes Martian Soil - Essential oil blend of ginger, orange, and pinyon pine)
Another beautiful, ultra classy scent. Again with all the notes mentioned coming through. The little pot of potatoes, rocks and soil is hilarious! The potatoes are insanely realistic and fun to squish! I thought they would be a bit dry on account of their size but they weren’t at all, they melted straight in to the base. An ultra thick, medium gloss slime which is perfectly activated. It has a super resistance and miles of stretch. It makes tons of huge, loud, deep pops and a ton of snaps and crackles. It inflated a lot and needed a new container. It is quite tricky getting slime back into the glass jars.
These look like real potatoes, they're utterly uncanny!!
  • GOLDEN CHOCOLATE EGG (glossy/snappy, rich chocolate scented.
This was plastic sealed, which is always a great idea to keep moisture in. The chocolate scent is really not a bad effort (chocolate is tricky) but a tiny tad perfumed and artificial. Strangely enough I was getting a slight hint of orange chocolate from it. It looks beautiful with its lovely rich shade and little pieces of gold leaf sparkling throughout. The label is incredible too! This slime is ultra glossy, jiggly, super stretchy and clicky. The more you play the thinner and jigglier it becomes. It has tons of snaps and crackles and some sharp bubble pops. I had a little trouble with tiny pieces sticking to my hands and did come at it with activator a few times. It was quite a tacky one to play with but not at all prohibitively so.
Every slimer has to try the Library of Slime at some point as it’s such a special and surreal experience! The essential oil scents were some of the classiest and most nuanced I have experienced, the textures are super entertaining, interesting and well made. I absolutely adored the clay potatoes which were mind bendingly realistic! The mini book charms are an amazing touch. This store really blurs the lines between art and sensory product.
I have a love/hate relationship with the glass jars. On one hand they are very beautiful and make the product feel so special, it wasn’t hard to get the slime out of them in the least. On the other it is harder to get the slime back in the jar. I was having issues with air pockets and the narrower mouths. Of course it inflated a fair bit so usually I just put them in new jars of my own but I loved the aesthetic of the library jars and really wanted to get some slime back in there. I very tied because I wouldn’t want the library to swap to plastic but the glass does make things tricky.
All in all I can’t wait to see what's in the next restock and had SO much fun visiting the library's beautiful and profoundly whimsical little world! We are always seeking for a new and novel experience when it comes to slime and this provides just that! 9.9/10

Pink Sugar Slimey
£11-13 for 7oz. Came very well packaged in super cute pink heart and white foam chips. Included is little organza bag with care card, activator and delicious lychee hard candy. The labels are not waterproof.

  • HORCHATA CREAM (T&G, scent: horchata- cinnamon rice milk)
The scent is incredible. Very creamy with a waft of beautiful warm cinnamon. A chewy, stretchy slime full of clicks, crackles and loud pops. It was low resistance and on the loose/sticky side and I had trouble thickening it up with activator.

  • TRES LECHE (snow softie + 2oz clear, scent: tres leches cake - vanilla sponge cake soaked in milk, heavy cream & condensed milk, topped with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon)
A beautiful, scent with notes of cream, vanilla and cake. I got excited and completely missed the 2oz of clear topper at first. My apologies! Incidentally the base was very lovely without it. Very fluffy, a little jiggly and inflating with lots of resistance. I added the topper after playing with the base. The topper also smells incredible, like a creamy milk and made a huge difference to the finished texture. It activated the snow and made it puff up and inflate much more. This was the loveliest puffy snow creme and had a ton of soft crackly sizzles.
Before and after the topper.

  • ESQUITES (thick & glossy semi floam, scent: buttered popcorn)
The scent is SUPER buttery! It really does smell absolutely and ridiculously delicious and so much like hot, buttered popcorn it’s crazy! This is again super clicky, stretchy and full of pops and crackles, but I find the base a little bit loose and sticky again with very low resistance.

  • PAN DULCE DOUGH (wood glue clay, scent: pan dulce/sweet bread)
The scent is just like bread dough with a little sweetness. Stretchy and moist with clicks that get louder the more you inflate. This is lovely and plush and very inflatable with a firm jiggle, soft and medium bubble pops and lots of snaps and crackles. Great soft sizzles when you deflate. As you play, it gets a lot looser and fairly tacky.

  • FLAN SOUFFLÉ (wood glue slay + 1oz clear, scent: flan)
Another fantastic scent with notes of rich caramel. An ultra stretchy, moist and jiggly slay which has a ton of bubble pops, big air bubbles, snaps and crackles, plus very loud clicks. Again a loose texture which is tricky to activate futher.
These are some of the most incredible and utterly delicious scents I have come across on my slime spree, they go so well with the themes which are all so well thought out. Clearly, a lot of love and attention go into these slimes.
Personally I found them to be a little on the loose side and a bit tricky to activate. It can be hard to ascertain whether this is by design or due to the warmer weather now we have hit the summer months. I always go for the fastest international shipping to minimise issues with melting and the slimes go in the fridge for 15-30 minutes prior to play. I am very much on board with Momo, Pilot, OG and others who slightly overactive their slime to avoid this. While I enjoy the odd jiggly slay, I prefer my slimes to be on the more holdable side so this is something I will keep in mind in future with Pink Sugar.
Nonetheless these scents were spectacular and the thicker textures lovely! Waterproof labels would be a strong preference of mine, I did manage to get slime on one or two of these labels while photographing and that is always a real shame. 9.1/10

Oh My Slime (Singapore)
Came with borax, a care card and a couple of candies. Slimes come in 6 or 8oz for between around $10-14. The jars have anti leak inner caps which is a great shout. I hate opening the box to discover slime leaks and this keeps things so much tidier! The labels are nicely designed and waterproof.

  • TURKISH DELIGHT (juice jelly, scent: Turkish Delight)
The scent is very subtle but a super pleasant sweet rose Turkish delight. This slime was very sticky and under-activated. Unfortunately, I couldn’t really get it to activate and it remained so. This is a shame as it looked like it would be quite lovely and I adore rose flavoured Turkish delight.

  • OLIVE OIL (thick water, scent: tea-light)
This slime had a very pleasant subtle tea sent that I found very fresh. This was a fantastic water slime on the thicker side that was well activated and left very little in the way of residue on my play surface, less so than Momo’s. It was jiggly and fun and made excellent bubbles. I thought the whole theme and concept was super cute and well done. This is one of my favourite water slimes to date!
  • MAYONNAISE (T&G, scent: Yakult)
This had a pleasant mild Yakult scent but sadly had completely deactivated so I didn't proceed.

  • TOOTHPASTE - Colgate (t&g, scent: fresh minty toothpaste)
The scent is a lovely sweet mint. Frustratingly this slime had also turned to glue.

  • GREEN TEA (gummy, scent: green tea)
The scent is very pleasant with a hint of sweet green tea. However, in a frustrating and somewhat comedic twist of fate, it is pretty drastically over-activated and extremely rubbery and unyielding 😅 I would of course take this over drastically under-activated any day but this is all the way rubber. In fairness I don’t tend to stretch milky jelly textures so much as poke and fold for mega pops. It has big squelchy pokes and makes big, loud, snappy bubbles pops on account of being so firm and thick.
This was a pretty disappointing experience, more so than anything because the themes were great, the charms gorgeous, the colours and scents really beautiful and I could tell the textures were well made and at some point gorgeous. It would have been less disappointing if the quality of the slimes was low and the scents/aesthetics mediocre. I would have understood if all the slimes were all the way in one direction or the other activation-wise but it was super weird to get one perfect slime (water slime no less, a typically temperamental texture) and the rest either totally deactivated or wildly over-activated to the point of being unstretchable.
In light of this I am really scratching my head over giving Oh My Slime a rating that fairly represents their concoctions. I just got done reactivating slimes that arrived with me in a liquid state and it took a good 12 hours for them to settle into the consistency I like. Personally hate touching totally melted slime, it really gives me the ick which is amongst the many reasons why I have no wish to make my own slime. I keep my slime in a chiller so this is not typically an issue I commonly have as I go in with activator long before they turn back to glue. I would reactivate some of my favourites if they melted down slightly over time but I just lost heart for these sadly.
I hear from a friend that their slays and clays are much better. On this occasion 6/10 on account of the great water slime and all the other redeemable factors such as jars/designs/excellent scents but I only had one slime I could play with out of the whole batch so I don’t think I will return with any enthisiasm. MAYBE for another thick water slime.

Lime Slimes Company
Comes with care card and Borax. Waterproof labels with a lovely aesthetic. The jars are 8oz and priced from £12.15 to £15.39. Link to my previous review here.

  • WAY TO LIMEVILLE (DIY clay/snowfizz, lemon lime pound cake scented)
The scent is a lovely, sweet and creamy lime. The clay was nice, soft and moist and fun to squish. The base had melted quite badly and was extremely sticky and I had to add a great deal of activator to get it handleable again. It had sat around for a week after I received it via fast international shipping. During this period, it was kept in an air conditioned room and had been in the fridge for 15-20 minutes before play. I was able to bring it back to a handleable consistency, but it remained tacky. This is the reason why I really appreciate companies such as Pilot, Momo, and Slime Japan sending their slimes slightly over activated.
Other than the tackiness, it was a nice and puffy, inflatable snow fizz with plenty of soft sizzles, soft finger, pokes, and soft pops.

  • WHIPPED TIRAMEWSU FOAM (whipped foam texture, tiramisu scented with notes of ladies fingers biscuits, espresso coffee and cocoa powder)
All the notes of the scent mentioned come through but I find it a lit thin and lacking in richness. I love the tiramisu aesthetic with the brown “cocoa powder” which you dust on top of the slime. This was also under-activated and loose but less sticky, I ended up losing an entire pen’s worth of activator between this and the previous slime. Though the texture became a lot more handleable, it remains to have some tackiness. This was a puffy and jiggly texture with medium clicks that get louder as it inflates and soft/medium bubble pops. The resistance on the pulls is low and I can’t tell how much of that is by design and how much of that is because of the melting issue

A really beautiful sweet strawberry yoghurt scent with a hint of tartness. Frustratingly this had also melted and was the worst of the bunch, it was pretty much just glue. I was able to get this playable again but it took about 12 hours and some frustration. I had to add a lot of activator but this took it to a stage where it was both still sticky and rippy so I let it rest over night. The next day, with a little more working, it was closer to the intended texture (going off the Oui from my last order) but not quite perfect. Incidentally my other Oui which is a month old is still perfect and didn’t arrive melted (it is kept in a chiller at 50f.)
I don’t much like judging a slime that I have reconstituted nearly from scratch as it’s hard to know if it’s as the creator intended. That having been said, it is a very nice, creamy thickie with medium gloss. Lovely to pop and full of crackles. It has tiny bits of red flocking in it for a very pretty strawberry pulp effect.
Top left is how it arrived. Top right is where I managed to get it to with activator (still sticky by rippy.) Bottom left is after it rested overnight. Much better but still not quite as great as my previous Oui which I bought a month ago (an up to date picture of that on the bottom right.)
I am so tied over Lime Slimes. I love their scents and themes and when they are good they are great. However, this is not the first completely liquified slime I have received from them and it very much spoils the experience for me. Reading your reviews on this sub I see that I am not alone in having this issue with them but it seems to be quite hit and miss.
I know they come from California so I would hazard a guess that the issue happens during shipping due to the heat, I doubt these left them in this condition. I always pay for the fastest international shipping to prevent this issue occurring and most slimes arrive with me in 2-4 days. The only completely melted US slimes I have received have been from Lime Slimes, I’ve never had anything more than a slightly tacky surface that calls for a squirt of activator from other US companies. Once again, I can only reiterate how much I appreciate it when a slime leaves a store a little over-activated!
I hate rating slimes which are melted as it’s not really a representation of what the creator intended. I do love Lime's Oui line when not melted and may chance buying another one if a particularly interesting scent is released when mine dies but, ultimately, I won’t be returning to Lime Slimes Co. with any gusto, which is a real shame. I really feel drawn to them as I really love the themes, presentation, aesthetic and scents generally. However, it’s a very important factor to me that I receive my slimes in a play-ready condition as I hate having to reactivate them (to a texture that may not be quite right) and the feeling of sticky mess on my hands 6.5/10
Thank you for reading! I'll be back soon to review Audeez and more Mythical Mushbunny, Rodem and Momo! Feel free to give me a follow so you don't miss the review 🩵😊
submitted by SlimeSpree to Slime [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:35 Otherwise-Owl-8602 Dasatva Interviews is hiring Cleaning Lady (3 times a month)

Location: Toronto
Salary: $20/Hour
Duties: - Perform a variety of cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping and dusting - Cleaning all surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom - Handling all furniture and appliances carefully - Experience at least 1 year
Schedule: 3-4 times a month (On Thursday at 4pm)
Location: Toronto
Salary: 20$ per hour
If your interested in this position just send an email to : [jobs@dasatva.com](mailto:jobs@dasatva.com)
Do not send me an message i am interested , I am trying to help out i am not a recruiter
submitted by Otherwise-Owl-8602 to torontoJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:35 Captain-Sha Asking For Help: A Dream I got Cursed On

Hey there all :D I apologize In advance if there is something that doesn't fit the rules. Please let me know and I'll adjust or delete from my post or my post accordingly. Please tell me if this even belongs here, I'm just spooked, and don't know who to ask or where to go with this.
Long Post Warning
I just woke up from a dream where I got cursed in it. I'm thinking it's a warning,maybe form the universe and my soul, and I want to make sure what I'm up against here. It's a dream about making a ritual targeting me.
I'm describing the dream. I told every detail I that I can remember, as details in dreams can mean a lot, and that maybe, this can be traced to some kind of a ritual I'm unaware of:
I was in a different house from where I live right now, living with my parents. They were planning a trip, packing stuff over the course of a couple of days, and didn't tell em anything. At the day they left, I woke up and saw my last ex standing in front of me, but I was like in a closet, seeing her in a different room in a different house.
She looked at me at like a surprise shock, also somewhat happy about it. We had an exchange of words which I do not remember, just that it felt very obvious she did something REALLY bad, and now laughing in my face and hiding it. Like she executed a malicious, villainous plan. She talked in a similar manner in our exchange. I then I woke up, sitting in a wooden chair in what was my room in the dream. There was an old metal bucket (not rusted, but just faded metal without shine), that had in it every icky thing imaginable, from worms and flees and parasites to molds and all sorts of stuff. I then tried my best to get out fo that room, brushing off anything that tried to burrow into my skinn. There were these kinds of buckets all over the house. In my parent's room, one of the coat closets, what was supposed to be my sister's room, very strategically placed. I then started to have a really bad feeling that things just won't go right, like I sometimes get. Like a steady burden of that feeling. Since that feeling, when I tried to caly parents, my gf or sister for help, the phones' network won't work every time I placed a call. Then, it went completely blacknwhen I still tried to make a call. Like it's bricked (non-functionin completely), and then turned back on immediately when I stopped trying (let go of the intention to call). It ehn tried to go down the stairs, the phone somehow fell between the stairs (floating, ascending stairs), rolled in the gap, then fell and broke it's screen (with a case on!). When I picked it up, it looked like a hammer went on it. The glass was broken shut. I then tried to go to the kitchen, spreading glass everywhere, but I wasn't injured. I tried to find tools to clean the house after tossing these bucket, not only nothing in cupboards and drawers, they were completely missing! Like my parents took them along with the contents or something. I had the question if they might have moved and kept me there, but there were valuable items in the house still remaining, so it wasn't that (my parents would never move without valuables). Then, I knew I needed to find her, or my current gf, or a friend of theirs that I knew in the dream previously and fell out fo touch with, that I felt was somehow connected to it. I knew they (the ex and this friend, and maybe more people) schemed something which I don't know the magnitude of it's negativity and darkness. I then went to visit my sister to warn her. She was just getting ready to see an employer for a job interview, and just when the employer went out of her office so summon my sister in, I just arrived, asking to speak urgently. My sister agreed, but then she got pull by someone along the way in finding a private room to discuss, and this friend (he's not someone I know irl) went next to me, glaring at me with a malicious grin and rage. I then started chasing him. He got into an elevator and called someone on his phone. The more I got away from the elevator, the door kept open. The more I ran towards him, they got more shut. Then I ran down the stairs, which was only made out of laundry dry lines (where you put up your laundry) instead of stairs, and some lines were even missing. I held a grocery store with I think milk or butter and a carton of 6 eggs. I almost fell a few stories to the ground on one of these missing stairs, and, barely managing to grab to the rail, obviously breaking at least one egg, as I saw it broken and leaking from the carton. I then felt completely exhausted, also drained by this curse, like it's meant so I'll delay in climbing back up and then continue moving down JUST enough (or even a lot) for him to get away, no matter what I would do. I just knew I gotta get down to ground floor and catch him, but was completely out of energy, took a while to even pull myself out of grabbing the rail and climbing back up in order to not fall a few stories to the floor. I heard him talking on his phone the whole way, probably with an accomplice to this scheme, even though he wasn't near me. I then woke up I think. It was like everything went south.
Idk if it's my ex that did something like that in the past, if my gf did it and sending me after the ex as projection, or who to trust about this at all.
For context: I'll add that I'm a channeler on several senses, including auditory intuition and clairvoyance (visions). Usually the visions come at day time, but I do take notice to my dreams as well. Me and my gf are both channelers, she does this for a living reading oracle cards and tarot, among other things. We also dealt with spells before, knowing my ex did put a spell on me in the past (love spell), and that we used an established expert to do a cleanse ceremony and protection from my ex, which had an expiry date I think, a long time ago. Things did get better after that ceremony, and still. Also, I've dealt with having an energetic parasite around that time being cleansed In a black candle cleaning ceremony. My gf also got a lot of times that she has an evil eye on her, even in daily messages. I also know there was (or still is) a blockage on my wealth and of living indepently.
With this context, idk if my gf did it, or my ex, or what's going on. Only I had the feeling in my dream that my ex did it, and wondered about my gf if she did it, or is in on it. I also got energetic parasite from my ex once, and in general very susceptible to energies as an empath.
Questions: 1. What can this be? Could the dream be real in some way and a warning? Or it's just a scare from my mind? 2. Do you recognize anything from this? Is it something that can be real? 3. What should I do?
Apologies for such a long post, I don't know what's relevant as important details from this, considering even one detail can mean a lot in a dream.
If you read through it, I thank you deeply, as I feel lost with it and completely spooked, and not knowing who to trust right now.
submitted by Captain-Sha to AskOccult [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:34 PM_ME_COOL_POTATOES 24[M4A] #Illinois/Online - Shy but goofy nerd looking for a friend!

Hiya! Basically as it says in the title, I’m just looking for a friend that I can text with and talk to about whatever! I’m willing to text and talk about anything. If you’re interested in me, here’s a few things about me:
1) Im a little shy, but can be very goofy once I warm up to you. Concentrated ball of silliness. 2) Im a civil engineer! Going to be studying electrical engineering soon too. 3) Im a big fan of board games. Sidereal Confluence is probably my favorite; it’s a trading game. 4) As of recently I’ve been an avid reader. I read a lot of visual novels, and I am currently reading Twig by Wildbow. 5) I’m trying to learn how to cook!
If you’re interested in talking, just send me a message with your age, gender, and a fun animal fact!
submitted by PM_ME_COOL_POTATOES to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:33 Downtown-Cable4307 Ideas for a future update

1: The Birdalarm- A bird in a cage combined with a hammer, and the new Hour Glass item lets you set a timer. Everyday, for 5 uses you will get an alert and message to do something you need to remember.
2: Sand Sprite- Using the Hour Glass in the desert after the Dragonfly has been killed summons this master of trickery. Only having 50 health, you must whittle down the health on its Sand Army. Can "vanish" by blending into the sand.
3: Wyler- A new character! Wyler, the Rottweiler was Webber's father after an accident that fused him with a dog. He can use the Ruff ability to scare creatures, and does more damage without a weapon than with... At the cost of Sanity and Hunger for each weaponless bite.
4: Snowdudes/Snowdudettes- A fun decoration during winter! Using the shovel allows you to pick up 1 Snowballs at each time of the day, which can be crafted into Snowpeople for a decoration! Two Snowballs equals one Snowperson If you have over 5 in your base, it scares aware the Deerclops.
5: Snowballs- Can be used as Sling Shot ammo for Walter, doing 20 damage and freezing the enemy for a split second. Everybody other than Willow can throw them normally doing 15 damage and freezing them for a split second. If Willow tries to use them, they melt. Even Abigail can join the fun (doing way less damage with them)
6: Pyrenado- Tornadoes on Fire! Can destroy your base unless you have a stone wall. Spawn during summer. Can only be killed if you saved one your Snowballs in Ice Chester or an Ice Box, in which case, Snowballs don't melt.
7: Spring Breeze- During summer, a calming breeze flows through the air, displacing items on the ground and making boats go slower if facing the direction the wind blows. Helps recover sanity! Can spread fires from a campfire, unless it's a fire pit.
8: Winter Approaches- Wind will blow and flakes will spawn during Autumn. Small patches of snow appear, perfect for Snowballs! The patches vanish after collected and only give 1 Snowball per day. The wind decreases sanity as long as it is not your first Autumm.
9: Panacea- Crafted with a Meat Effigy, 50 Hearts, 10 Sanity, a Red Gem and a Blue Gem, this will revive everybody when used (or when everybody falls) and send them to max stats.
submitted by Downtown-Cable4307 to dontstarve [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:32 Intrusive-thoughts-2 👋🏻🍑?

👋🏻🍑? submitted by Intrusive-thoughts-2 to Indiangirlsontinder [link] [comments]
