How to say sorry to your partner of getting jealous

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2015.10.27 03:13 Idiots In Cars

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2024.05.19 12:39 SSMLJ39 How can I move on from a woman despite having a lot of mutual friends?

Alright I want some input on this current situation: This girl I met through mutual friends about 1 year ago. We were just friends at first and then we would hang out, game together, etc. etc. Slowly I developed feelings for her. I decided to to shoot my shot(I literally said to her, "I'm interested in getting to know you better") and we chatted for about 3 weeks and then I decided to give her my number. She says "Sorry but I don't give out my number" and I tell her its ok, we're still friends but I pull back to focus my efforts elsewhere. In those 3 weeks, she sends me selfies and memes and other photos.
About 1.5 weeks later (no contact on my end) she messages me and asks "Do you hate me?" I respond and tell her No I don't. I fucked up and started conversating with her again after this and I decided to get even more direct. Then she finally decides to tell me she has a man and that she thought I knew. I tell her I wish you both good luck and I wouldn't have been in your DMs if I knew you had a man. She then says "Oh you won't get rid of me that easily"
Another week goes by and she messages me again. I'm trying to move on here but she keeps contacting me. I'm thinking I need to block and unfollow her. She was already muted and threads deleted.
My problem is we have a lot of mutual friends. I don't want to avoid them to get over her. I think I'm concerned more about others and what they think instead of doing what's best for me including her.
I'm usually the type of guy who doesn't hang out with women after shooting my shot. We're still cool but I need my space in order to move on. How can I say this to her without being a jerk?
submitted by SSMLJ39 to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:38 Lucky_Lunch1202 Annoying mother.

Idk if this belongs here, if there's a more suitable page, please let me know.
Basically, nothing I ever do is enough. I babysit my sister 3 days a week, from 8am to 8pm. She in herself is another whole issue, but that's due to my mother's coddling no doubt. During this time I need to get my sister ready for school, drop her off, pick her up, do a variety of chores, make dinner for everyone, and feed our outdoor pet.
I don't mind this, my mum works hard. But when I come home she complains about EVERYTHING. If my sister made a mess of something and I haven't noticed, if my sister touched the walls with greasy hands, if my shoes are in front of the door. Like nothing is good enough. She's constantly bitching about my sisters, which makes me anxious to do the same. When I'm around her I don't dare grab a coke, snack, or make pasta, because she's constantly dogging on them for this.
One of the worst parts is how she claims she's blunt but everything feels passive aggressive. She will address it to my little sister like "Oh what have I told you about doing this, where's your this, hope you haven't been on that TV all day, what did you eat, oh baby let me go get you another drink." Like I'm sorry your kid is a literal demon. Idk what happened after I left for university, but my sister was lovely and silly and she adored me, used to want to be me, and now she's horrifying. "If you don't do this I'll tell mum lies about you, if you don't then you'll ruin my childhood, I love mum and my other sisters more than you."
Besides nothing being good enough for my mother, I'm perfect. On social media I'm the best daughter, I'm so smart, and she's so proud and I'm so beautiful. She wonders why I have no self worth? Because I've never heard those things to my face. I hear her tell me I have a good figure, but never without hearing "you don't want to be like your sister, she's too skinny." Oh I have a nice face? Only because my sisters is so punchable.
She reminds me every day that she's a great mother, ill say well you can be a bit this or that, and she has an excuse for everything. Why you do it doesn't matter. If it hurts, it hurts. What's the point in parenting if the child doesn't find it effective.
I recently told her I think I might have something not quite right with me. A lot of people (mostly AuDHD) say they think I'm autistic or have adhd, and I've thought that for a long time. I have a lot off issues, I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a mixture of many of them that just seems like autism or adhd. But basically my mother said its a trend right now and an excuse to be lazy. It was really giving "were all depressed, just stop being a lazy victim" vibes. She also told me I was too normal as a child, and refutes all the instances of me being strange. Like when I had a no talking phase, when I told all my friends I didn't like them because they were too hard to talk to, when I cried to my mum basically explaining alexithymia to her because I didn't feel the emotions I expressed, all my various sensory issues I still have to this day that she said we're typical kid behaviour. It's all only gotten worse from there. I feel completely not normal, like I can't explain it.
There's so much more, like so much more. A lot of things she would say never happened. Like how she let my abusive bf take drugs to a holiday and kind of peer pressuring me to do them (I got SAd while I was sleeping that night by him). She said the whole time she didn't like him but didn't tell me in case I got upset. Or that time when I was getting pressured by my bf at 13, and she thought something was going on and just told me if I'm going to do anything I should just ask her for condoms instead of being an idiot. Reading this back, holy shit. One time she was crying and I went to give her a hug and she shooed me away and told me to leave her alone, and then seconds later my sisters aunt did the same thing and she broke down to her even more and hugging her. I was her emotional support child btw, so obviously this crushed me as that felt like my only value to her.
But yeah there's so much idk how to even get into it all. So it probably doesn't seem so bad because this is probably typical parent behaviour. Also yes, she is a single mother and I'm grateful, but she has never said sorry to me. Never. It's always sorry you feel that way but you're dramatic, victimising yourself, lazy, you'll thank me later. Like no I won't. Later you'll be estranged. She also has it in my head that no man is good. She keeps warning me of my bf who yes is a pos sometimes, but better than a druggy rpist? I'd fricking say so, yeah. I tried to OD after breaking up with him, she doesn't even know because if I told her she'd say I'm stupid and selfish. She also gets annoyed when I unblock my bf (as I broke up with him) to work things out. We're in a hard place and I'm having complex emotions and she just wants me to block him and spend time with family, and study well. Like let me grieve, jeez. She also tells me him mother is a psycho jealous bitch and his dad is a pdo. Like excuse me? You met them once, and know nothing about them.
I'm just writing this because I woke up to her complaining about a single cup and some pans that were left out last night (since the dishwasher was on) and saying how it's unfair as she wakes up early and has to deal with it. Why didn't you deal with it by cleaning it if it bothered you? Instead you wait till people are awake to criticise it and make them feel bad. Like we always do the dishwasher, that's one of my babysitting chores. Just ask me to do it nicely when I wake up, why all the backhanded comments and sparky remarks? Just communicate, you're 45, get a grip. She feigns perfection constantly and paints us as a perfect family when one child has cptsd, one has anxiety, I got a shit tonne of issues, and my little sister is an absolute entitled brat who will cry and scream and threaten if not given her way. Literally my sister said she would tell lies about me because I told her to wipe her own ass because I had chores to do (she's 8) and she said my mother would do it and that's why she doesn't love me. I want out of this house, but my mum will fault me for not babysitting as it costs money, and I do it for free.
Ask any questions you'd like. I understand there's not much to go off of, I'm happy to elaborate as I really need to vent I can't lie.
submitted by Lucky_Lunch1202 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:36 Powerful_Ad5921 Still in love with my high school crush and it's just killing me on the inside

I've been in love with this girl(X) since I was 14 or 15. I'm 26 now. Nearly 10 or 11 years later. We've been close friends on and off througout these years. On and off because I keep trying to cut ties(which I fail to keep cut because I just end up talking to her again). I did it once in high school when she got a boyfriend and then started talking to her again when they broke up, but I never had the balls to ask her out the rest of high school, and finally when it ended I tried cutting ties again before I left for uni(thought it'd be for good this time because we were going to different states, more than 10 hours away from each other). Things were going okay in uni, in my first year, and I found someone else(Y) that I liked, she had a boyfriend(long distance) so I wasn't hitting on her but l'm pretty sure she knew I liked her. We got really close in the first few months of uni, one day she asks me if i like her and I said yes, after which we stopped talking which really fucking hurt because I thought we were close friends. Right after that happened I started texting X again and it was like we never stopped talking. I got caught for weed at my dorm one night and while I was flipping out about being kicked out of the dorm and my parents finding out, she calls me up and one of the worst nights of my life turned out to be the best, and I guess that's when I realized I'm might still be in love with her. And I confirmed I was in love with her when one of our mutual friends told me that she told him that she liked me at some point in high school. But I didn't wanna admit it or tell her because I saw no point since we were 10 hours apart which just made me feel like absolute shit. Prior to college, till shit went south with Y, I'd never smoked(cigs or weed) or drank and was completely against it. One night I decided to get wasted(it was my first time getting drunk, and the last tbh for another 2 years) and since I didnt know any better I had 8 or 9 shots of whiskey back to back after which I got pretty fucked up and out of control and I ended up texting her admitting how I felt in I think a fucking 3 page essay to which I got no response which made me feel like absolute dogshit and I ended up crying the entire night at my friend's place. Next day I was still feeling like shit and I was at another friend's place smoking up and still crying about it to him and he just picks up my phone and calls her up and asks her to talk to me and she tells me she doesn't feel the same which broke me. After that conversation I just decided to just say fuck it, and fuck up my life, and I was just getting high on weed, alcohol or some other substance every day for the next 4 years. I barely attended uni, managed to get a year back. Pretty much wasted 5 years of my life just getting high or drunk. Anyways after that conversation with X, I stopped talking to her till I think my third year of uni. I met her once in twice in between, once when we were both back at our hometown, and once when she came to score some weed with her boyfriend (yeah I was also a dealer in uni). When I got into my 3rd year of uni, one day she hits me up outta nowhere and she said she's coming over to stay with me, and she stayed for like 2 days. I didnt make a move because I am a fucking dumbass, and I thought she just came there because we were friends. I call myself a dumbass because I do not understand signals from women. I'm also calling myself a dumbass because me and X ended up making out last year and she told me that she's wanted to do this for a while and when I asked her when she told me it whenever she came over to stay with me(which happened like 2 times). And the thing is, we made out after not talking to each other for nearly 3 years. After my uni I decided to completely cut ties with her because I knew that I was fucking up my life and one of the main reasons, there were plenty tbh, that were much worse than a girl not liking me but none of that mattered really because I honestly haven't cared about anything or anyone as much as I cared about her and I didnt know how to get her to like me. At the time I even thought it was all her fault(because it's definitely easier to blame someone else for the shit that goes wrong in your life than to admit that you're the fucking problem) and so one night I just sent her this huge message telling her to get the fuck out if my life and how she has ruined it and blocked her. After this I decided to quit smoking weed every day and isolated myself for a good 6 months(well not really by choice, I decided to move to my uncle's house during covid, and he wouldn't let me out because he was scared of getting infected). After the 6 months I went back to my hometown and I meet her the day after I landed(cuz we have mutual friends) and she asked me if i blocked her and I said yeah. We ended up meeting again a couple of times because we pretty much have the same friends, which didn't help me get over her so I just decided to cut out all my friends for like 2 years. And honestly speaking I got my shit together in those 2 years. Now I've never been someone with a lot of confidence my whole life. I've been an addict with no self control. Addicted to different substances, food, porn, cigarettes, just being an absolute waste man. Throughout high-school I was a fatass ugly fucker. I got attractive in uni cuz I smoked weed and lost a fuck ton of weight, I was attractive on the outside but a piece of shit on the inside(I knew it, but no one else really did)so getting attractive really didn't help my confidence a bit. In the last 2 years I finally got my shit together, got over almost all my addictions(smoking was my main, now it's porn, trying to get over it now) started going to the gym regularly and felt happy about myself, and I decided to start talking to my old friends and unblocked X because I finally realized it's not her fault that shit went wrong in my life, but my own which i didn't really admit to her cuz I had too much ego. I didn't even start talking to her, I just unblocked her and started following her socials. We ended up meeting because of our mutual friends, and the second time we met, we got super drunk, and we both started apologizing to each other. Later that night she made a move on me and we made out for a bit. Now I've hooked up with other people, but I've always felt like shit about it because it just never felt good. But I can't forget this fucking night, like it's etched in my fucking memory unlike most things because I have a shit memory. Honestly I forget most things that happen in my life except for moments i spend with her. Thing is I didn't wanna pursue it any further because I was leaving the country to pursue my passion (which didn't work out and I returned back home) and now I feel like it's too late to pursue it, because I don't think she's interested. I don't wanna tell her how I feel either because I've done this before and it's never worked out. I used to keep making excuses about being single to everyone by telling people that i don't have the opportunity to meet a lot of women after college(partially true), but now at my new job I meet plenty of women but I'm not interested in any of them because I know deep down I'm still in love with X. I don't think I can fall in love with anyone else and honestly I don't know what the fuck to do at this point. Worst part is life is going great at this point after being down in the dumps for so long. Got a decent job that I actually like going to, got great friends, have a lot of control over myself, but I still don't feel any happier because I'm not with her.
submitted by Powerful_Ad5921 to u/Powerful_Ad5921 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:34 AestheticallyAnn Chronic Pain & other Neurological symptoms

Since roughly 2013 I have been going through some pretty severe health issues. It began with my body hurting all over, mainly my hips, legs and knees. At this time I had no idea what was causing the symptoms & had basically become strictly bed ridden from 2013-2020, and even then I still preferred to stay in bed because my pain is so overwhelming some days, but due to my living situation at that time I had no other choice & had to learn to live with the pain. I will say moving around a lot more did help, but also not being in a toxic stressful situation helped me a lot as well. I've noticed stress is my major flair up symptom.
Anyways, in about 2020 I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease. It took me multiple, countless attempts to even get a doctor to do this test on me because prior to this all the doctors I saw regarding my pain would just shrug it off due to my age, I am currently 29/yo F. They also would constantly just say that I was overweight, when majority of my weight gain was due to the fact I am constantly in so much pain. Prior to this condition I was very lively, walked everywhere & just overall enjoyed life. This disease has changed me into someone completely different....
Another common reason doctors refused to do testing on me was because "You have a big chest so majority of your pain is coming from that" (my bra is literally a size 38B..... So sorry doc, but don't think that's the case either)
Anyways, after finally finding a doctor to take me seriously she began me on an antibiotic for a month. After that month, no resolve in my symptoms, so she went to Doxycycline. Sadly, my symptoms still didn't get better so she referred me to the Lyme specialist in the city 30min away from where I currently live. Sadly, due to my situation I didn't have a way to get to the specialist until mid 2023.
After seeing the specialist he put me on 2 more rounds of antibiotics with no resolve & stated if I came back with no improvements he would want to do a spinal tap to ensure the Lyme disease had not gotten to my brain. This was extremely terrifying to hear.
After this I went though a dark period in my life due to my family doctor refusing to help treat my pain. My previous Dr had me on Gabapentin, but sadly moved locations and my new doctor denied continuing to keep me on that medication even though I stared it worked well for my condition.
I currently am now on 120mg methadone, but that is not even helping the pain sadly. Shit heroin didn't even help the pain, so now I'm left feeling crippled, slowly feeling my abilities to walk drifting away & then to top that off since being on methadone I've developed new GI symptoms, as well as an increase in my neurological symptoms.
Does anyone know any other ways to help with this pain? I just want to live a normal life, do normal things & be happy, but right now that seems impossible. It makes me so upset because I don't even recall ever being bit by a tick, constantly have people telling me I am too young to be in so much pain & overall find people are highly inconsiderate of my issues due to my physical appearance. It leaves me hopeless & feeling completely alone. It's the worst having family and friends argue with me and just call me lazy, when I am really just in so much pain that even the slightest pressure on my legs, hips or spine makes me almost go into tears. Sometimes it even feels like cold water running down my leg or tingly. Occasionally I feel this in the back of my head & the left side of my chest as well, which is new and highly concerning, yet my doctor didn't seem to care about that one either.
I feel like I'm going to end up dying if I can't find some way to resolve this pain & stop the progression of my Lyme disease :( anyone have any natural ways to heal myself?
submitted by AestheticallyAnn to lymedisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:33 AtasoyDi Fastest-Growing Shopify Agencies in the UK [2024]

With numerous Shopify partners in the UK offering exceptional services, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 fastest-growing Shopify agencies in the UK, highlighting their ecommerce solutions and impressive growth.

Our article provides an overview of UK Shopify Partners by focusing on their:
Here is a brief overview of the full post:

Eastside Co

Eastside Co is a respected Shopify Plus Partner known for designing visually stunning and intuitive online stores, supported by strong and effective marketing strategies.
Case Studies:

Blend Commerce

Blend Commerce specializes in customized ecommerce solutions, focusing on improving online stores through services like email marketing and site optimization.
Case Studies:

Swanky Agency

Swanky Agency is a leading Shopify Plus agency with a strong presence in the UK, Australia, and France, specializing in high-performing Shopify Plus stores.
Case Studies:


Superco is a full-service Shopify Plus agency known for launching and scaling cutting-edge ecommerce businesses.
Case Studies:


Underwaterpistol is a Shopify Plus agency with over twenty years of experience in crafting industry-leading online experiences.
Case Studies:


Herd is a Shopify Plus agency known for its innovative approach to ecommerce solutions tailored for ambitious global brands.
Case Studies:

Brave the Skies

Brave the Skies is a Shopify Plus agency specializing in creating bespoke Shopify sites across various industries.
Case Studies:

Kubix Media

Kubix Media is a distinguished Shopify Plus Partner known for enhancing ecommerce businesses.
Case Studies:

Born London Limited

Born London Limited, also known as BORN Group, is a leading digital commerce agency with offices in London and New York.
Case Studies:

Inspira Digital

Inspira Digital is a UK-based Shopify Agency specializing in end-to-end Shopify solutions.
Case Studies:

Final Words on Shopify Agencies in the UK

With numerous Shopify partners and agencies in the UK, each offering distinct expertise and innovative approaches, our review highlights the fastest-growing Shopify partners in the UK. Their commitment to excellence, detailed discovery audits, and specialized ecommerce solutions are tailored for a variety of client needs.
As ecommerce demands change, partnering with skilled Shopify agencies can significantly advance your operations, providing the necessary support and creative solutions to meet modern challenges effectively.
Bonus Content: You can also explore top 10 DTC Brands in the Lead Foremost 50 [2024].
submitted by AtasoyDi to Analyzify [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:33 Significant-Tower146 Best Carolina Rig Hook

Best Carolina Rig Hook
Welcome, fishing enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of Carolina Rig Hooks. Whether you're a seasoned angler or just starting your fishing journey, our roundup of top-rated Carolina Rig Hooks is sure to pique your interest. From their durability to their versatility, these hooks are a must-have in any fisherman's tackle box. So, buckle up as we explore the best Carolina Rig Hooks on the market, and get ready to reel in some fantastic catches!

The Top 20 Best Carolina Rig Hook

  1. Mustad Carolina Rig Fishing Hook Kit - Experience versatile fishing with the Mustad Carolina Rig Assorted Fishing Hook Kit, featuring a comprehensive range of hooks, weights, beads, and stops for endless possibilities.
  2. Ready-to-Fish Carolina Rig Fishing Kit - The Top Brass Carolina Ready Rig 3/4 oz Brass is a versatile, easy-to-use rig perfect for both novice and pro anglers, providing noise and flash to attract fish while maintaining sensitivity for an unbeatable fishing experience.
  3. Complete Carolina Rigging Kit by Eagle Claw - Eagle Claw's 52 Piece Carolina Rigging Kit provides the ultimate solution for your Carolina rigs, offering quality, noise, and versatility.
  4. 6th Sense Carolina Pre Rig 3/8oz - Efficient Bass Fishing Solution - Save time and protect your line with the 6th Sense Carolina Pre Rig 3/8oz, featuring a durable and flexible wire designed to tackle various structure with minimal hang-ups.
  5. Carolina Ready Rig Hook for Sensitive Baits - Experience explosive fishing with Top Brass's Black 3pk Carolina Ready Rig, featuring brass weights, glass beads, and the legendary Pro-Ticker, guaranteed to catch the attention of even the most elusive fish.
  6. Quality Carolina Live Bait King Rig for Tournament Fishermen - Boost your fishing game with the Sea Striker Carolina Live Bait King Rig, perfect for tournament fishermen with slow troll techniques, snelled with 60 lb. camo coated wire and featuring Eagle Claw size 4 treble hooks.
  7. Complete Carolina Rig Kit for Ultimate Fishing Experience - Creme Carolina Rig Kit 26 Pieces: The ultimate fishing kit, featuring 26 high-quality pieces including various worms, lizards, creature lures, and more, all designed for optimal bass fishing and perfect for both beginners and experts.
  8. Owner Rig N Hook - High-Quality Fishing Equipment for Your Adventures - Experience top-quality, corrosion-resistant Owner RIG N HOOK fishing equipment, engineered for optimal performance with the exclusive Cutting Point technology, perfect for a wide range of plastics and baits.
  9. Top Brass Carolina Ready Rig - Loudest 5/16 oz Black Hook Set - Experience unmatched fishing success with the Top Brass Carolina Ready Rig 5/16 oz/Black 3pk, featuring brass weights, glass beads, and Pro-Tickers for an unrivaled impact and effectiveness.
  10. Efficient Carolina Rig Weight for Fishing Success - Elevate your fishing game with Strike King EZ-Rig Carolina Rig Sinker - saving time, enhancing hook-ups, and featuring robust glass beads and stainless steel wire components.
  11. Proven Carolina Rig Kit for Fishing Success - Karl's Stash Carolina Rig Kit - Powerful and fast, the perfect setup for catching fish with ease!
  12. Easy-to-use Carolina Rig for Fishing - Revamp your fishing experience with the noisy, fish-attracting Top Brass Carolina Ready Rigs, featuring brass weights, glass beads, and Pro-Tickers for an effective, easy-to-use setup.
  13. Easy-Adjust Carolina Rig Hook - 8 Pack - Streamline your saltwater fishing with the Carolina Keeper 8-pack, featuring a single knot, no swivel, and easy adjustments for trout, striper, hybrid, and more.
  14. Sea Striker King Rig - Live Bait Carolina Carolina Live Bait King Rig - The Sea Striker Carolina Live Bait King Rig, featuring live bait size 2/0 nose hooks and 4X Eagle Claw size 4 treble hooks, is the ultimate rig for tournament fishermen looking to secure a slow troll victory.
  15. Tournament-Grade Carolina Live Bait King Rig - The Sea Striker K1S-2T Carolina Live Bait King Rig #5 offers solid wire, professional snelling, and a size 2/0 nose hook, making it the go-to choice for tournament fishermen seeking slow troll rigs.
  16. Carolina Shortcut Rig - Convenient Fishing Hook Set - The Bass Pro Shops Carolina Shortcut Rig is a convenient and ready-to-use 1/2 oz. rig featuring a brass color, designed to make Carolina rigging effortless with its included weight, bead, and ticker.
  17. Eagle Claw Carolina Rig with 1/2oz Brass Weight - Upgrade your fishing experience with the Lazer Sharp Carolina Rig, featuring a 1/2 oz brass weight, red glass bead, and durable monofilament line.
  18. High-Quality Carolina Rig Tungsten Weights for Enhanced Fishing Experience - Improve your Carolina rigging experience with Strike King's Tour Grade Tungsten Carolina Rig Weights, featuring internal polishing for line protection and a sleeker shape to reduce snags.
  19. Vintage Mackerel Ready Rig Fishing Hooks for Carolina Rigs - Vintage design, durable construction, and versatile functionality - these Mackerel Ready Rig Stock No. 100-mL Fishing Hooks are perfect for your next fishing adventure!
  20. Patented Ultimate Ballyhoo Rig for Bluewater Fishing - Catch everything in bluewater with the Carolina Lures Ultimate Ballyhoo Rig - Blue Silver, filled with patented lures and jumping fish that entice vicious strikes.
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🔗Mustad Carolina Rig Fishing Hook Kit
Using the Mustad Carolina Rig Assorted Fishing Hook Kit in my local river was a game-changer. The variety in sizes and materials of the hooks in the kit allowed me to test out different techniques with ease. They were well-made and sturdy, allowing me to catch several fish with just a few modifications to my lure.
However, I encountered a slight challenge when trying to attach the weight to the hook. The connection wasn't as smooth as I'd hoped, and it took a bit more time to get it right. The kit also lacked instructions, which might have made this process easier for a beginner.
Despite these small setbacks, the Carolina Rig Assorted Fishing Hook Kit made my fishing experience more enjoyable and versatile. Its array of hooks and additional accessories made it a valuable tool for both new and experienced anglers looking to spice up their fishing techniques.

🔗Ready-to-Fish Carolina Rig Fishing Kit
I've been fishing with the Carolina Ready Rig for a few weeks now and it's been a game changer. As a seasoned angler, I appreciate how effortlessly this rig eliminates the need for hunting around my tackle box for small components. Top Brass Tackle has really thought this through, from the precise brass weight to the no-fuss 10 mm glass bead.
One aspect I particularly enjoy is how the design makes my fishing sessions much easier. No more struggling with bead placement or dealing with broken beads after a few casts. This rig is an excellent option for both novice and experienced anglers alike. Plus, the durability of the brass sinker and stainless steel wire leader makes it perfect for salt and freshwater fishing.
The only small con was that initially, the shiny brass finish on the sinker changed color after a few weeks in saltwater. But overall, I've been really happy with this Carolina Ready Rig. It's made my fishing sessions more efficient and enjoyable, and I look forward to catching more fish with it.

🔗Complete Carolina Rigging Kit by Eagle Claw
As an avid fisherman, I've tried a variety of rigging kits to snag the biggest catches. Eagle Claw's 52 Piece Carolina Rigging Kit is a game-changer. Its attention to detail and quality is clear from the moment you unpack the kit.
From sliding sinkers that slip through even the thickest weeds to ball-bearing swivels, this Carolina rig kit delivers on its promises. My personal favorite - the fish-catching noise it produces - is truly remarkable. It's helped me snag more fish than I've ever caught before.
That being said, the one area where it could be improved is the labeling of the sinkers by weight. Even though the variety of weights is great, it would be more helpful if they were marked clearly. Also, if you're in an area where lead sinkers are not allowed, this might not be the kit for you.
Overall, Eagle Claw's Carolina Rigging Kit is a fantastic addition to any fishing gear collection. It's a go-to for catfish and bass enthusiasts alike.

🔗6th Sense Carolina Pre Rig 3/8oz - Efficient Bass Fishing Solution
As someone who has spent countless hours on the water, the 6th Sense Carolina Pre Rig 3/8oz has been a game-changer for me. After dealing with the frustrations of rigging my Carolina Rig and dealing with the constant break-offs, I decided to give this pre-rig a try.
One of the biggest highlights for me has been the time-saving aspect. With the pre-rigged hook, I can spend more time casting and reeling in fish instead of tying knots and fiddling with excess weight. Not only does it save time, but it has significantly reduced the number of break-offs I've experienced, keeping my line intact and increasing my chances of landing a big one.
The durability of this pre-rig is also top-notch. The flexible wire has allowed me to drag it through every type of structure without getting hung up, giving me the freedom to focus on the fish rather than worrying about losing my rig. Plus, the fact that it comes in three different sizes and two different metals (lead and tungsten) means there's an option for any fishing situation.
Of course, nothing is perfect, and I did encounter a minor drawback when switching between lead and tungsten options. The switch required me to remove the weight and reattach it, which took a bit of extra time. However, this small inconvenience is easily outweighed by the benefits this pre-rig provides. Overall, I'd highly recommend the 6th Sense Carolina Pre Rig 3/8oz to anyone looking to save time, reduce break-offs, and increase their chances of catching bass.

🔗Carolina Ready Rig Hook for Sensitive Baits
In my experience, the Top Brass Carolina Ready Rig has been a game-changer. I remember the first time I used it, it was a chilly morning and I was struggling to put together a Carolina rig, but these pre-assembled ones made my life so much easier. Each rig is made with brass, glass beads, and Pro-Tickers, which together create a loud and attention-grabbing presence in the water.
The best part for me? No more fumbling with beads and weights in cold weather. Each rig comes already assembled and ready to use, saving me a considerable amount of time. Plus, they're built strong and sturdy, holding up well even in challenging fishing conditions.
However, there was one downside I noticed. On a couple of occasions, the wires seemed to bend easily, causing some issues in the line. But overall, the pros outweighed the cons, and I would definitely recommend this product to anyone looking for an efficient and reliable Carolina rig solution.

🔗Quality Carolina Live Bait King Rig for Tournament Fishermen
Using the Sea Striker Carolina Live Bait King Rig has been a game-changer in my fishing adventure. The slow troll rig is perfect for tournament fishermen like myself, with its bronze hooks that are professionally snelled with 60 lb. camo coated wire. The live bait size 2/0 nose hook and the 4X Eagle Claw size 4 treble hooks have proved reliable and sturdy during my fishing trips.
Model LBR has one treble hook and model DLBR has two treble hooks, both variations offering different options depending on your fishing needs. The leader is neatly finished off with a size 7 barrel swivel, ensuring smooth and stable action. This rig also comes with an optional ultra mylar duster, which adds an extra layer of attractiveness for the fish.
While using the Sea Striker Carolina Live Bait King Rig, I found some pros and cons in my experience. The pros were the reliable hooks, the versatility of having two different treble hook models, and the option to add the ultra mylar duster for additional attraction. However, the cons were the lack of information on the product specs and minimal user reviews. Despite these minor drawbacks, the Sea Striker Carolina Live Bait King Rig remains a trusty tool in my fishing arsenal.

🔗Complete Carolina Rig Kit for Ultimate Fishing Experience
When I first received the Crme Lure Carolina Rig Kit, I was impressed by its compact, organizer-like nature, designed to keep all the lures and rigging in one place. The variety of colors available in the lures made me excited to see how they'd perform in the water. On my first fishing trip with this kit, I encountered a rather small bass. Although it wasn't a monster catch, I managed to hook it using a Carolina rig from this kit.
One downside I encountered was the difficulty in finding the appropriate rigging components. The instructions provided were quite detailed, but they seemed to be written for an audience with more experience in fishing. Nevertheless, I managed to work it out with a bit of trial and error.
The lures themselves performed quite well, with different types of lures attracting diverse species of fish. However, they did have a tendency to get snagged on underwater debris, which was a bit of a setback.
Despite the initial challenges, I found the Crme Lure Carolina Rig Kit to be a versatile and durable tool for improving my fishing skills. As a beginner, it was great to have a handy reference in the form of a comprehensive guide. Additionally, the rigging components were high-quality and seemed to withstand the test of time.
In summary, the Carolina Rig Lure Kit is an excellent selection for novice or experienced fishermen who want to enhance their skills with a variety of rigging options. The kit offers great value with a plethora of lures and rigging components, and I'd definitely recommend it. Just remember to keep an eye out for potential rigging fumbles and stay patient when it comes to using instructions.

🔗Owner Rig N Hook - High-Quality Fishing Equipment for Your Adventures
I had the opportunity to try out Owner Rig N Hook while fishing for my daily catch. As an avid fisherman, I've used various hooks in the past, but this one stood out for its unique features and incredible performance.
One of the most noticeable aspects of Owner Rig N Hook is its sharp and sturdy cutting point. It's designed to provide a strong and reliable hookset, ensuring that my catch does not escape. The black chrome finish not only adds a touch of elegance but also offers enhanced corrosion resistance, which is perfect for my trips to the lake.
The short shank on these hooks is particularly useful when working with plastics that have a short but thick profile, such as spider grubs or creature baits. The wide gap and heavy wire make it an ideal choice for Texas RigN and Carolina RigN, as well as Split ShotN techniques.
However, I did notice that these hooks tend to straighten more often than other hooks. While it's not a major issue, it's something to keep in mind when using them, especially for larger fish.
Overall, Owner Rig N Hook has become a staple in my tackle box. It provides a reliable and efficient hookset, making my fishing experiences all the more enjoyable. The high-quality materials and design make it a worthwhile investment for any avid fisherman.

🔗Top Brass Carolina Ready Rig - Loudest 5/16 oz Black Hook Set
The Carolina Ready Rig is a game-changer in the world of fishing. This sturdy and easy-to-use rig is made with Top Brass's brass weights, glass beads, and Pro-Tickers, creating the loudest rig any fisherman has ever heard. The combination of these materials results in a perfect Carolina rig that can withstand even the toughest fishing conditions.
One of the biggest highlights of this product is the time it saves. Gone are the days of digging out beads and weights, as the Top Brass Carolina Ready Rig is already pre-rigged and ready to go. The rigs are simple to use and make attaching lures a breeze, saving valuable time on the water. However, the wire on these rigs can be delicate and may bend easily, causing some problems.
Despite this minor issue, the Top Brass Carolina Ready Rig is a top-quality product that is designed to last. The materials are of high quality and the pricing is reasonable, making these rigs accessible to all. Overall, the Carolina Ready Rig is an excellent choice for anyone looking to catch more fish with less hassle.

🔗Efficient Carolina Rig Weight for Fishing Success
In my experience, the Strike King EZ-Rig Carolina Rig Sinker has been a game-changer in my fishing trips. The convenience of having everything pre-rigged has saved me a lot of valuable fishing time. The glass beads not only produce a rattling sound that attracts fish, but they also add a flashy appearance that helps to make a big impact.
The stainless steel wire ensures that the rig will hold up even after multiple uses. The environmentally friendly brass weights are also a huge plus, as they add the right amount of weight without causing any harm to the environment.
The rig is compact and easy to carry, making it a top choice for anyone looking for a quick and simple set-up. Overall, the Strike King Lures Carolina Rig Weight has been a lifesaver for me during my fishing adventures.

🔗Proven Carolina Rig Kit for Fishing Success
I recently tried out Karl's Stash Carolina Rig Kit, and I must say, it was quite the experience. As someone who's always on the lookout for a good fishing setup, this kit caught my eye with its promise of a tried and true fish catching system.
The first thing that struck me was the design of the rig itself. Its heavy power, coupled with a moderate fast action, provided me with an unexpected amount of precision and control. The line, which was perfect for a weight range of 14-20lb Fluorocarbon or Monofilament, held up incredibly well under the strain of my fishing escapades.
However, there were a couple of aspects that I didn't quite gel with. For one, the brass weights seemed a bit outdated compared to the tungsten ones I've gotten used to. Another minor inconvenience was the large weights that sometimes bogged down in the sand, making retrieval a smidgen more difficult.
Despite these minor setbacks, I found myself consistently landing good catches with the help of this rig. Its simple, yet effective design makes it a great choice for both beginners and experienced fishers alike. I highly recommend giving it a try if you're looking to spice up your fishing experience. After all, the proof of the pudding is in the catching, and this rig sure does catch!

🔗Easy-to-use Carolina Rig for Fishing
I've been using the Top Brass Carolina Ready Rigs for my fishing trips, and I must say, they've made my life so much easier. The brass weights, glass beads, and Pro-Tickers create a loud, fish-enticing rig that is ready to use right out of the box.
One thing that stood out to me was the sturdiness of the rig. It's a well-made product that can handle the rough and tumble of a day on the water. I also appreciated the ease of use - it's a simple, straightforward rig that's perfect for those times when I don't want to spend a lot of time on prep work.
That being said, there were a couple of downsides as well. Occasionally, the wire would bend easily, causing issues with the rig. And while the one bead not three thing was a minor inconvenience, it was nothing that couldn't be fixed with a quick trip to the hardware store or a little bit of DIY ingenuity.
All in all, the Top Brass Carolina Ready Rigs are a solid choice for any angler looking to make their fishing trips a little easier. They're well-made, easy to use, and a great time-saver.

🔗Easy-Adjust Carolina Rig Hook - 8 Pack
I recently started using the Carolina Keeper 8 pack and I must say it has greatly improved my fishing experience. What stands out in my experience is how easy and convenient it is to tie that one knot instead of the three that I used to need. It eliminates the swivel and simplifies the process of adjusting the leader length. The keeper even works well for different types of fish like striper, hybrid, trout, and all saltwater species.
One of the pros of using this product is the ease of setting up the Carolina rig. It saves a lot of time and effort compared to using a swivel and tying knots. However, a minor con that I've encountered is that the keeper may slide down the line if you're using heavy weights, especially in heavier currents.
Overall, the Carolina Keeper is an excellent product that has made the Carolina rig setup convenient and efficient. Despite the minor drawback, the pros definitely outweigh the cons, and I highly recommend it to any angler looking to improve their fishing game.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to the buyer's guide section for Carolina Rig Hooks. In this guide, we will discuss the important features to consider when purchasing a Carolina Rig Hook, as well as general advice to help you make the best choice for your needs. Let's dive in and explore this exciting category of fishing tackle.

Features to Consider

  1. Material: Look for hooks made from high-quality materials like premium stainless steel or titanium. These materials provide long-lasting durability and excellent performance in different fishing conditions. Steel hooks are stronger and more resistant to corrosion, while titanium hooks are lighter and more durable.
  2. Size and Weight: Choose a hook size that matches the lure and the intended target fish. The weight of the hook also plays a role in its functionality, as heavier hooks will be more effective in deeper waters or when targeting larger fish. Make sure to select a size that provides a proper balance of hook size, weight, and grip.
  3. Shape: The hook shape can affect its performance and catch rate. Most Carolina Rig Hooks are designed with a J-hook or a Sickle hook. J-hooks provide better hookup ratios, while Sickle hooks are more effective in maintaining their position in the mouth of the fish during the fight.
  4. Strength: Look for hooks with strong shanks and welding points to ensure they can hold up to the demands of fishing. Quality hooks are designed to withstand the wear and tear of being submerged in water and dealing with aggressive fish.
  5. Finish: The hook's finish plays a role in its durability, appearance, and attractiveness to fish. Chrome, silver, and black finishing options are available, with each providing its own unique benefits.

Additional Considerations

  1. Price: There is a wide range of prices for Carolina Rig Hooks, from affordable options to premium picks. Determine your budget and consider how much you want to spend on this essential fishing accessory.
  2. Brand Reputation: Research different brands to determine their reputation for quality, performance, and customer support. Positive reviews and experiences from fellow anglers can help you make an informed decision.
  3. Warranty and Return Policy: Look for brands that offer warranties and return policies that provide peace of mind in case you need to replace or return your hook.

General Advice

  1. Always inspect your hooks before using them, checking for any signs of damage, rust, or weak points that could impair their performance.
  2. Store your hooks properly to prevent damage and ensure their longevity. Protective cases or storage boxes with UV-resistant materials are ideal for storing your hooks.
  3. Experiment with different hook sizes, shapes, and finishes to find the perfect combination for your fishing style and target species.
By considering the features discussed in this guide, you can make an informed decision when purchasing a Carolina Rig Hook. Remember to prioritize the material, size, weight, shape, strength, and finish that best suit your needs and budget. With these factors in mind, you can enjoy successful fishing adventures and reap the rewards of your well-prepared tackle box.


What is a Carolina rig hook?

A Carolina rig hook is a specific type of fishing hook designed for use with the Carolina rig, a widely popular fishing technique in the Southeastern United States. These hooks are typically made of strong, durable materials and are suitable for catching a variety of freshwater fish, such as bass, catfish, and sunfish.

What makes a Carolina rig hook different from other fishing hooks?

There are a few key differences between a Carolina rig hook and other fishing hooks: 1. They have a slightly different shape, typically featuring a straight body with two wide gaps between the shank and the eye. 2. Carolina rig hooks are designed to be fished with a heavy sinker attached to a leader, which allows the hook to sink quickly through the water column. 3. They can be used with live bait or artificial lures, making them versatile for various fishing scenarios.

What materials are Carolina rig hooks made of?

Carolina rig hooks are usually made from high-quality metal alloys, such as steel or tungsten, as these materials offer superior strength and durability. Some hooks may also incorporate nickel, titanium, or other coatings to improve their anti-corrosion properties.

What are the benefits of using a Carolina rig hook?

  • Increased durability and strength, allowing for more successful catches.
  • Ability to be used with a wide range of baits and lures, making it a versatile tool.
  • The heavy sinker attached to the leader allows the hook to reach deeper water levels and target larger fish species.
  • The hook's shape enables it to penetrate the fish's mouth more effectively, increasing the chances of successful hookups.

How do I rig a Carolina rig hook?

To rig a Carolina rig, follow these steps: 1. Thread the leader onto the rod or line, with the heavier end at the bottom. 2. Slide on a sinker, adjusting the weight according to the depth and current conditions. 3. Attach the Carolina rig hook to the leader, with the loop end facing upwards. 4. Add a swivel between the leader and the line to prevent line twist. 5. Tie on your bait or lure, ensuring it is secure and free to move naturally. 6. Cast your line and wait for a bite.

Are Carolina rig hooks compatible with other fishing techniques?

While Carolina rig hooks are specifically designed for use with the Carolina rig, they can also be used with other fishing techniques, such as the bottom bait rig, as long as the correct size and weight are chosen.

What size and weight should I choose for my Carolina rig hook?

The choice of hook size and weight will depend on the type of bait or lure you are using and the target fish species. As a general rule, smaller hooks are suitable for smaller baits and fish, while larger hooks are appropriate for larger baits and fish. When determining the weight, consider the depth and current conditions to ensure the hook sinks properly and is not too heavy or too light for the chosen bait or lure.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:32 rockopola One piece fan and a TCG fan trying his best to play One piece TCG pov

One piece fan and a TCG fan trying his best to play One piece TCG pov
Hi everyone! im a one piece fan and i also have played a lot of TCG through my life, right now i just bought 3 OP ST and i liked the gameplay a lot so far, feels a little similar to CF Vanguard, that i used to play when i was in high school, i did a little research about meta building and the avg price for a competitive deck its about $400usd, here is where my concern comes...
I come from Pokemon where the avg price of a competitive deck its around $70usd, some go as low as $40usd and still winning important tournaments, here is where an important question come to my mind is, its one piece staple meta cards going to stabilize at any point? i mean i could understand a deck being as expensive as maybe $300 cuz it uses some fancy looking cards that are the peak of the pools of a Booster Pack, but in OPTCG for example the P/R Luffy Deck being around $300 just because a set of 4 of an ugly looking card like Purple Queen from ST04 doubles the decks price, and also the P/R Law deck being super expensive cuz that same Queen card + a worst looking Red Gordon card! that really sucks imo, it hurts that you have to buy 4 copies of common looking cards for like 40usd each and if it doesnt get solved its going to really make a lot of tcg players quit or dont even try.
Me and my friends have been struggling so much to build good decks so we can play the game as it should be without wasting our money on cards we dont even like so we just said fk it, lest just proxy those expensive ugly looking cards(i've never used proxys before), I have never experienced something like this in any tcg i've played, maybe i can recall 3 similar cases, some i vaguely remember but want to mention for comparison and mention the way i think they fixed it (skip this if you dont care about other tcg comparison):
1st case: Long time a go when i used to play Yugioh, there was few expensive cards that some meta decks used, the one i remember struggled to get was called Dark armed dragon, it was about 30usd each if irc, also kind of remember others called Honest and Judgment dragon. So as far as i rememeber, they released a golden product that every pool was meta cards like those 3 that usually were expensive and this making the prices get low enought to make those decks way more afordable. Dont ask me about the community respose about this cuz i was a child and just remember that i was happy that me and my friends were able to get the cards we needed.
2nd case: CF Vanguard released globaly, of course not even half the global popularity as One piece, at realease i remember that other than the top pools from boosters, there were cards with a mechanic called "Perfect Guard", that every deck used 4 of, every deck clan had their own perfect guard card tho, they were kind of expensive and had not the coolest art, so i just quitted for a while cuz didnt want to waste alot of money on cards i dont like, and as far as i remember it wasnt long til they got cheaper and building a CF Vanguard deck was way more afordable, enought that i started playing again and build more than 3 top tier decks at a time, i think they just reprinted those card on new expansions with same rarity but different art, also the new art was way better imo.
(Don't ask me about the current state of this TCGs cuz i have no idea)
3rd case: Roaring Skies Shaymin EX at Pokemon TCG, almost every deck used this card, some used full set of 4 some less, it had just 2 variants, both were expensive, with this i dont really remember how it got solved or if it even got solved, cuz i stoped playing and just came back to Pokemon TCG a few months ago.
In conclusion, i have hopes that One Piece TCG gets stable prices soon enough, i mean i think its easy as reprint those basic staple meta cards on a product like the Gold thingy i mentioned YuGiOh did, i've heard rumors about a "Treasure Boosters Set" coming that might be exactly this (Hope it does release Globaly, cuz idk why but in japan the prices are way better than English already) , so i think waiting a few months for playing this tcg properly its what im going to do, and casually play proxy meanwhile, cuz i love one piece and i love tcgs but its frustrating that me and my friends cant go to locals and play our decks the way they should.
Thank you so much for your attention and sorry if my english its not 100% correct, its not my main leguage, but i tried my best :)
submitted by rockopola to OnePieceTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:32 ladybuglvrr Truth or Dare

As the last rays of summer sun faded into dusk, I stood at the threshold of a new chapter, my heart racing with anticipation and a touch of apprehension, as I prepared to embark on my first day as a senior in high school. The familiar scent of freshly cut grass mingled with the crispness of autumn in the air, signaling the end of carefree days and the beginning of a journey filled with new challenges and opportunities. With my backpack slung over my shoulder and butterflies fluttering in my stomach, I took a deep breath, ready to step into the halls of academia, where friendships would deepen, memories would be made, and the path to my future would unfold before me. As I walked down the main hallway to my first period class, a girl I had never seen before bumped into me, as she was walking hurriedly down towards the cafe. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” She exclaimed, as she bent down to pick up one of my binders. “Watch where you’re going, good God.” I huffed back. “Geez… it was an acc-“ I cut her off- “You look familiar… have I met you somewhere before?” “Umm. I don’t think we’ve ever met before. Maybe you should get your vision checked.” she replied back, annoyed. “Whatever, asshole.” I sighed. “Excuse me?” She said, raising an eyebrow.” I could’ve sworn I had seen her somewhere before… maybe I was losing it. “Look, this is going to sound really, really weird, but in the near further, you’re going to be asked to play a game. You HAVE to say no, or really bad things are going to happen…” I took a step back, looking the girl up and down. “You sound schizophrenic. I’m going to class.” I said, turning back towards my classroom door. As I turned to walk away, her words echoed in my mind, a strange sense of foreboding creeping over me. But dismissing it as nonsense, I pushed through the classroom door, eager to start the day and put the strange encounter behind me. The day passed in a blur of introductions, syllabi, and catching up with friends. Yet, despite my attempts to shake off the odd encounter, the girl's warning lingered in the back of my thoughts like an unsettling whisper. As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I found myself retracing my steps through the bustling halls. Glancing around, I caught sight of the mysterious girl disappearing into a throng of students.Curiosity gnawed at me, and against my better judgment, I followed her, weaving through the crowd until I spotted her slipping into a secluded corner of the school courtyard. Approaching cautiously, I cleared my throat, "Hey, um, sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to come off as rude." She turned to face me, her expression guarded yet somehow relieved. "It's fine," she said, her tone softening. "I understand. It's not easy to believe something so... unbelievable." I frowned, puzzled by her cryptic words. "What do you mean?" Taking a deep breath, she met my gaze squarely. "I know this sounds crazy, but I need you to listen to me. That game I mentioned earlier—it's real. And it's dangerous. People are disappearing, and I think... I think you're next." My heart skipped a beat as her words sank in, sending a chill down my spine. "What do you mean I'm next?" “I have to go. It’s Friday, I need to go pick up my little brother from school. We can talk on Monday… just, trust me.” She said, rushing towards the parking lot. As the days passed, I found myself haunted by the girl's warning, the memory of her urgent plea lingering like a ghost in the back of my mind. But try as I might to push it aside, the sense of impending doom only grew stronger with each passing moment, a shadow looming ever larger over my once-ordinary life. Sunday morning rolled around, and I was still as anxious as ever, when suddenly an option appeared in front of me. “Would you like to play Truth or Dare?” It read. I sat there for a second, absolutely dumbfounded, thinking I had completely lost it. The two options, lingering in front of me. If I were to complete all of the dares and truths, I would win.. whole million dollars!? “The dares couldn’t be that bad, especially for a million dollars, right?” I thought to myself, hovering the “yes” option. As the option appeared over her head, my heart pounded in my chest, a sickening sense of dread settling over me like a suffocating blanket. But as the stakes grew higher and the dares more dangerous, I found myself unable to resist the lure of the prize dangling just out of reach. One by one, I completed each dare. Confessing my love to my crush, licking a toilet bowl, chugging a bottle of vinegar… everything seemed, moderately alright.. the thrill of the challenge mingling with the gnawing fear that clawed at the edges of my mind. But as the night wore on and the dares grew increasingly sinister, I began to realize the true cost of my greed. Although, I had more important things on my mind. Friday once again rolled around, and the most popular guy in our school, Jackson, had invented me to his house party. This was absolutely a dream come true, but, how was I supposed to tell my mother I was going to a random frat boys party? As 6:00pm rolled around, I grabbed my keys and told my mother I was going to a movie with my friends. As she was about to reply, a new option for Truth or Dare showed, stating, “tell your mother where you’re really going.” At this point, I knew I was screwed. “Are you sure?” My mother asked. “Actually, I was invited to a party by Jackson, the new football teams quarter back.” I said, shuffling my feet. “Do you think I’m crazy? Absolutely not, you are staying home tonight!” My mother shouted back. Maybe it was for the better, after all, mother knows best, right? As 8:00 rolled around, I was sitting on my bed reading, as a new dare showed. “Sneak out and go to the party.” It read. “Well… shit. I’m screwed either way, at this rate.” I muttered, taking the screen off of my window. I grabbed my keys from my desk, and climbed out into the fresh, cold air. I made it to the party about 15 minutes later. As I took my boots off, and walked through the front door, I noticed my friend Samantha sitting next to Jackson with a group of others, drinking out of shiny, red cups. Jackson came up to greet me, handing me a strange smelling concoction. “Here, I’m sure you’ll like this!” Jackson said, cheerfully. “I’m sorry.. I’m not much of a drinker. It’s not good for you.” I stated, slightly uncomfortable. “Oh come on… look, everyone’s drinking! This is my special, everyone loves this. It has extra lime in it!” He yelled back, trying to make himself heard over the loud music playing from a speaker in the kitchen. “Alright… just a few sips, I guess.” I said, shyly taking the cup from his hand. Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all, it was quite citrusy, and I love sour things. As the night went on, I continued to drink the mysterious beverages from Jackson. All seemed fine, until around 11:45pm. In a blur of flashing lights and pounding music, it happened. Someone spiked my drink, sending me spiraling into darkness as my world shattered into a million jagged pieces. When I awoke, disoriented and groggy, I found myself trapped in a nightmare of my own making. Bound to a small wooden chair, surrounded by four other girls, each one bearing the same haunted expression of terror etched into their pale faces. As the reality of our situation sunk in, a cold wave of despair washed over me, the harsh truth of my actions crashing down around me like a tidal wave. And as I stared into the darkness, the option still hanging over my head like a cruel taunt, I knew that the game was far from over. But as the hours stretched into days, and the terror of our captivity threatened to consume us whole, I clung to the fragile hope that somehow, someway, we would find a way to escape the nightmare that had become our reality. The only times we had seen the light of day, was when Jackson brought food and water down to us. And as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, we fought tooth and nail against the forces that sought to break us, forging bonds of strength and resilience that would carry us through the darkest of nights. And though the scars of our ordeal would never fully heal, we emerged from the depths of hell stronger than we ever thought possible, united in our determination to reclaim our lives and rewrite our own destinies. As the days stretched on in our captivity, each one blurring into the next in a haze of fear and uncertainty, a glimmer of hope appeared on the horizon in the most unexpected way. One day, as I sat huddled in the darkness, my mind drifting back to the events that had led me to this nightmare, a strange option materialized before my eyes, shimmering like a mirage in the desert of my despair. "Lifeline, Time travel: Go back to the first day of school," it read, its words pulsating with an otherworldly glow that seemed to beckon me closer. For a moment, I hesitated, the weight of my past mistakes bearing down on me like a crushing weight. But as I stared into the depths of the option before me, a flicker of determination ignited within me, burning bright against the darkness that threatened to consume me whole. With a trembling hand, I reached out and pressed the option, the world around me fading into a swirling vortex of light and color as time itself seemed to bend and warp around me. Within in the blink of an eye, I found myself standing once again at the threshold of a new chapter, the familiar sights and sounds of the first day of school washing over me like a balm for my weary soul. “Wait a minute” I thought to myself. “Isn’t it that in all of those time travel movies, doesn’t your past self seeing your future self create some sort of paradox? Or singularity? Or the end of life as we know it…?” I knew then I had to disguise myself before approaching my past self. As I put on glasses, and changed my clothes in the locker room, I scurried around trying to find some sort of hat. “Ugh, finally!” I exclaimed, grabbing a beanie that was left is someone’s open locker. “I have to go find myself.” I said, bolting out of the locker room door. As I ran through the halls, I had accidentally bumped into a girl, walking the opposite direction of me. As I apologized profusely, bending over to hand her one of her purple binders, she looked at me puzzled. “Wait a minute, have I met you before?” My heart sank. “Umm. Maybe you should get your vision checked.” “Whatever, asshole.” She muttered under her breath.
submitted by ladybuglvrr to FictionWriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:32 Adventurous_Peace784 I want to stay but how do i get out of this pain

Hi! I am currently in a LDR relationship. We started LDR just 6 months ago. He went away abroad for work and I was left here in our apartment (we are living in). I trust him fully as I already saw what kind of person he was during our time together. He really is a great guy who I am confident that will never hurt me. I gave him my full trust. He was a good person, a good son to his parents. Things are really well when we were together, we don't fight a lot. However, when we start our long distance relationship, we often argue and fight. But we never hurt each others feeling, our fights are mostly me being needy coz i want him to spend more time with me. We never fought about a girl or jealousy to other girls. But lately our fights became really intense wherein a lot of times i dont want to talk to him, i want him to feel that im mad. Very mad, that why a lot of time I dont answer his calls. I think thats what drives him to do what he did. Just a few nights, I decided to install bumble and subscribe to premium so I can check if he is on the app. I turned on the travel mode, and viola just a few swipes on his area i saw his profile. I don't know what to do. It is something I never knew he would do. I instantly screenshot it send it to him. To which he never denied and he was really sorry. He said that he already deleted the app but never got to delete his profile and he never continued chatting to others. Saying he created it the when he was angry. I asked him to screenshare his phone and yes the bumble on his phone was gone. I told him to install and log it in (while we are screensharing). I threatened him that we arw through if he didnt let me see his bumble. And thats what he djd, he showed me his bumble and there were 4 matches to girls, 3 with chat history. All were chill chats like how are you and stuff. And all 3 chats have your move icon meaning he stopped responding. All chats didnt last long. More like a day. He admitted what he did, and he said he only did it when we were in a fight. But he didn't continued it. His words matched to what I saw in bumble.
And I know this man, i know how much he loves me. Before finding this out, I believed that we are in a healthy relationship. But i think that what hurts me more. How can he even think of doing this if he really loves me?
I forgave him, but this is by far the most painful thing I have ever experienced, I love him so much, and I know how much he loves me too. BUT WHY? :(
Please help me get through this pain, I want to save our relationship. I want this pain out of our relationship.
Even after all, I still love him the same kasi I know, hindi siya yon. Yes mali, And i can feel na pinagsisisihan niya rin yon. But how, how can I remove this pain.
submitted by Adventurous_Peace784 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:32 NotTheSameNEMore My marriage... It's not healthy

I don't think he realizes he is very verbally abusive. For context, I have been with this man 15 years. He in all is a great man , but when he gets mad, he says the worst things to me.
He was never like this before kids or before marriage. Within the last eight years I got diagnosed with multiple chronic illnesses. I understand, maybe stress and depression could be contributing since I cannot do much, but I feel like I'm making excuses for his behavior.
I have talked to him about his behavior and the last time was about a month ago. I have been going through a lot. For context, I didn't like the way he was handling disciplining our child the one day. I told him to please stop. I notice we have two very different parenting styles, which have been an issue. This time I really didn't like the way he was handling it. I won't go into context because it really upsets me.
He looked right at me in front of our children and told me "To shut the fuck up."
He then realized how upset I was. He tried to talk to me. I shut the door and we talked in our room . I was crying . I had enough of the way he speaks to me. My breaking point. "Why do you talk to me that way? I'm your wife! I would never tell you to shut the fuck up! If this was our daughter and her husband said that to her would you be upset?" He says "Yes. " I said "Then why am I any different? I'm you're wife. You telling ME to shut the fuck up. I'm telling you our daughter is going to think this is okay behavior in the future. Our son is going to think it's okay to treat women this way. It's not good for the children to see you treat me that way.
He said " I'm sorry you got caught in my anger." When he said that, I was completely floored. Floored . Seriously???
I told him " I grew up watching my parents fight and it was terrible. They stayed in the marriage for us and in the long run it hurt us. "
He then said " You're always playing the victim. " I feel like he was gaslighting me. I said "No, I'm telling you the reality of what I went through. "
I couldn't believe the man who LOVES me is saying this shit to me. He hasn't done it since ,but I feel like this is just a pattern.
I feel like he is a great guy, he is a great father BUT HIS ANGER . He is taking it out on me . I know I can't do much because of my illnesses and I try to do as much as I can. Sometimes I don't think he is sympathetic enough to realize. He still thinks I can do the things I did eight years ago.
My friends and family are starting to notice the way he talks to me sometimes. My best friend did yell back the one day because he did tell me to shut up in front of her.
I feel like I'm stuck. I love this man to death he is sweet when he isn't mad. I feel like therapy will help. I want to work this out. We took vows. For better or for worse. For sickness and in health. I'm trying my best. I'm trying to find a therapist for us . I said to him we need therapy. He agrees,but I wish he realized the way he speaks to me , it isn't normal .
I feel depressed and I know we have a lot to work on. I feel like my marriage is falling apart. Even though he can be really sweet most of the time . What he says to me when he is mad, really sticks to me. It hurts a lot.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by NotTheSameNEMore to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:31 Strict-Green5017 It will never be about me

I recently moved away and cut off all family except for my mother. She is now stuck in the middle. I feel for her because I can see that she is incredibly stressed and emotional. She tells me that this person is really upset, this person called her asking when I'll talk to them again, this person texts her every single day to ask how I'm doing...I told her she can tell them she doesn't want to pass notes between us, she can tell them to stop asking her about me, if it's too stressful to stay in communication with me I will stop calling her if that's what she needs. That last suggestion made her very upset but I keep telling her this is what I need. I'm not doing this to them I'm doing it for me.
She doesn't understand what my family could have possibly done to make me cut them off. All she sees now is how they are all so upset. I tell her what about me? What about all the years, decades, of my life that you watched me in such great pain. Did you ever talk to them about their behaviour? Did you ever tell my father to stop abusing me? Did you ever tell my siblings the way they treat me is disgusting? Did you ever try to help me or get involved then? No.
The thing is she barely has a relationship with the rest of the family, my parents got divorced when I was a baby and the rest of the family I'm talking about here are on my father's side. They've only ever stayed in communication over the children (even then it was bare minimum) and now that we're all grown up, it's been ten years of a text on christmas between them but that's all. She hasn't been around them in so long she forgets what it's like. I keep reminding her to think about why she got divorced. Think about how horrible that time was. That's what I've felt like my entire life. I ask her why she is allowed to divorce my father (and the rest of his family) but I'm not? She said the classic "but he's your father".
I keep reminding her that she once cut her own sister off and didn't speak to her for years. Why are you allowed to cut off your sibling but I'm not? When I try and relate my situation to her own she doesn't agree and says "it's not the same". She said I can't understand her situation and that it is incredibly painful to see her children have such a poor relationship, I said "well, when you cut off your sister were you thinking about what it would do to grandma? or were you thinking about yourself and how you can't endure this anymore?".
It's never about me and it never will be. Everything is always my fault. It's my job to change my attitude/behaviour to fit around them. It's my job to not take things personally. It's my job to ignore it. It's my responsibility to smile and be polite and bare it because "that's just who they are".....
submitted by Strict-Green5017 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:29 narsfweasels A quick reminder about Being Jerks and how it's not OK, even against MTG.

Sorry excuse for a human pratfall, MTG, is back in the news again. Why? Not because she espouses Christian Family values, and cheated on her husband (more than once); Not because she lacks the ability to show basic decency and decorum (see multiple examples); N ot because sh cannot pronounce basic English words, despite being a representative elected to the legislative body in probably the second greatest country on Earth (GO SWEDEN!); Not because she harassed children saying that the mass shooting they endured was a lie...
... you get the picture.
No: This time, a certain Jasmine Crockett gave Ms Greene what can be best described as a taste-of-her-own-medicine-how-d'ya-like-them-apples.
Now, while we are all for Leopards (not literally) eating peoples' faces, we do draw the line 'round these parts at misogyny and misgendering. Specifically, making wisecracks about women looking masculine, and men looking feminine, yadda-yadda-yadda.

So, a reminder: Rule 7 remains in effect and this B6-crap is stopping. Removals and bans.

submitted by narsfweasels to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:28 Chanelx99 How can I 24F work with argumentative partner 24M?

TLDR: boyfriend turns every discussion or argument into him repeatedly picking at mistakes I make during the argument.
We’ve been together 1.5 years, been friends since we were teenagers. He started doing this thing recently where he ignores every important thing I have to say, then repeats on a loop the one mistake I made, or the 1 shitty thing I said. Most recently I referred to my bedroom (in the apartment I pay for on my own) as “my bedroom” instead of “our bedroom”. Every valid point I made flew out the window and it was a loop of “since it’s YOUR bedroom” yaddah yah trying to guilt me.
Nothing of any value gets addressed. This person just picks the one flaw they can find and throws it at me on repeat until I physically can’t stand it anymore and have to separate myself. How can I avoid getting sucked into the loop? I do everything I can to avoid giving him any ammo but he always finds SOMETHING to shove down my throat.
Yesterday I was explaining to him that being the only one working AND delegating every household task was stressful and all he kept repeating back no matter WHAT I said was “so it’s all about money huh? It’s all about money? All you care about is money?” Which is crazy bc I’ve been financially supporting him for over a year. Him getting a job wasn’t even my main point, he just focused on it so hard. Saying stuff like “you can’t make me feel worthless anymore. I’m worth something with or without a job. I don’t need a job to prove I’m worth something to you” when that was just a small point of one of the many things I brought up. I also have never called him worthless ever during our whole relationship. He’s picked up this habit recently bc he’s noticed it’s great at shutting me down completely. Very nasty and I’d like to get it to stop. Suggestions on dealing with this fun new habit of his? 🙄
submitted by Chanelx99 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:28 No_Independence9654 Introducing YTFIN: Revolutionize Your YouTube Experience with Our New Solana Coin!

Introducing YTFIN: Revolutionize Your YouTube Experience with Our New Solana Coin!
Hello Reddit!
I’m thrilled to introduce our latest project, YTFIN, to the cryptocurrency and YouTube communities here. YTFIN is a groundbreaking new Solana-based token designed to transform how you earn from watching and interacting with YouTube content. Our mission is to monetize your engagement in ways never thought possible!
How Does YTFIN Work? YTFIN leverages blockchain technology to distribute YouTube ad revenue back to the viewers themselves. By engaging with content—watching, liking, and sharing—you can earn YTFIN tokens, which translate to real earnings. It’s as simple as watch, earn, and grow!
Why Solana? We chose Solana for its incredible speed and low transaction costs, ensuring that your earnings are maximized and that transactions are lightning-fast.
Get Involved! We’re just ramping up and would love to get your feedback, thoughts, and ideas. What features would you love to see? Any particular content creators you think we should partner with? Your input is invaluable as we build a platform that rewards users like never before.
Join Us: Be part of this revolutionary journey. Follow us for updates, participate in discussions, and become an early adopter of a platform that values your time and contribution. Let’s redefine the value of content engagement together!
Visit our website to learn more, or join our Telegram group to chat directly with the development team!
Looking forward to growing with this community and changing the YouTube game forever.
Cheers, YTFIN
submitted by No_Independence9654 to YTFIN_Community [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:28 GhoulGriin Best Car Microphones

Best Car Microphones
Are you tired of straining your voice to be heard over the radio in your car? Look no further! Our roundup of the latest and greatest car microphones will help you find the perfect device to enhance your in-car audio experience. Featuring a variety of models with different features, this article will help you choose the best microphone to satisfy your needs and ensure that your voice is always crystal clear. Keep reading to discover the top car microphones on the market and improve your in-car communication today!
Get ready to amplify your ride with our comprehensive selection of car microphones. From hands-free Bluetooth integration to noise cancellation technology, these devices are designed to make your driving experience more enjoyable and efficient. Whether you're looking for an affordable option or a premium device with advanced features, you'll find it in our roundup. So buckle up and get ready to upgrade your ride with the perfect car microphone!

The Top 5 Best Car Microphones

  1. FLTP External Microphone for Pioneer Car Stereos - Experience crystal-clear communication on the road with this 3M-long electret condenser microphone, especially designed for Pioneer car radios, enhancing voice quality and noise reduction for seamless hands-free calling and voice commands.
  2. Carpool Karaoke Microphone 2.0 from Singing Machine - The Groove Carpool Karaoke Mic 2.0 transports the party anywhere you go with features like CD play compatibility, Bluetooth streaming, TV lyric sync, USB voice recording, and flashy LEDs for a dynamic karaoke experience.
  3. Carpool Karaoke Wireless Bluetooth Mic for In-Car Singing - Experience the joy of carpool karaoke with this official wireless microphone, featuring independent volume and echo controls, Bluetooth, FM tuner, AUX compatibility, rechargeable battery, and an array of LED lights that sync with your music.
  4. Uniden Bearcat Wireless CB Microphone for Clear and Secure Communication - Experience seamless hands-free communication and exceptional sound quality with Uniden's BC906W Wireless CB Microphone, equipped with noise cancellation and easy wireless syncing for up to 100 meters.
  5. RoadKing 4-Pin Noise-Cancelling CB Microphone - Experience crystal-clear communication with the RoadKing RK56B 4-Pin Black Dynamic Noise Canceling CB Microphone, designed for enhanced sound quality, push-to-talk ease, wide compatibility, and exceptional durability.
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🔗FLTP External Microphone for Pioneer Car Stereos
I recently tried out the FLTP Microphone for my car's stereo system, and I have to say, it's been a game-changer. The sleek black design blends seamlessly with my vehicle's interior, while its advanced technology ensures top-notch voice clarity during phone calls.
One thing that truly stands out is its adaptability - this microphone works perfectly with most Pioneer car radios equipped with a 2.5mm input. Its rapid and accurate data transmission guarantees a clear, stable connection even when driving in noisy environments, making hands-free calling a breeze.
The included dash mount and visor clip make it incredibly easy to install this bad boy wherever you like, adding a touch of convenience to your daily drive. Oh, and did I mention the wire length? 3 meters (or 9 feet) gives me plenty of room to maneuver without feeling restricted.
On the downside, some users might find the installation process a bit tricky, especially if they're not familiar with car stereo systems. Additionally, while it pairs seamlessly with my Pioneer radio, compatibility with other brands may vary.
Overall, the FLTP Microphone has been a worthy addition to my car's audio setup. Its sharp design, noise-cancelling capabilities, and user-friendly features make it worth considering for anyone looking to upgrade their hands-free calling experience.

🔗Carpool Karaoke Microphone 2.0 from Singing Machine
I recently got my hands on the Singing Machine Carpool Karaoke Mic 2.0 in black and gold, a stylish addition to my karaoke setup. You know what they say, good things come in small packages, and this machine definitely fits that bill. It comes with a sleek microphone, perfect for belting out those tunes during karaoke nights with friends.
One of the standout features for me was its ability to stream music via Bluetooth, which meant I could effortlessly connect it to my phone and play all my favorite songs. Another highlight was the option to connect it to my TV screen through the included RCA cables, making following the karaoke lyrics a breeze.
However, there was a minor hiccup. The package didn't include a charging cable or an auxiliary cord. Also, the customer service I encountered at Target wasn't the most helpful, making my experience a bit underwhelming. But hey, nobody's perfect!
Overall, the Singing Machine Carpool Karaoke Mic 2.0 is a fun gadget that definitely makes karaoke nights more lively. It's compact, stylish, and easy to use, but just remember to keep those essential cords handy!

🔗Carpool Karaoke Wireless Bluetooth Mic for In-Car Singing
I had the pleasure of trying out "Carpool Karaoke: The Mic Singing Machine" during a road trip with friends. I'm a karaoke enthusiast, so I was excited to see how this device would transform our car ride. The setup was slightly tricky, but once everything was connected, we were ready to rock!
The highlight of this product is its ability to bring the fun of carpool karaoke right into your vehicle. With Bluetooth connectivity and an AUX option, you can sing along to your favorite tunes using your phone's music library or streaming apps. Even though it's primarily designed for car use, I found it enjoyable at home with a Bluetooth speaker too!
However, there were some downsides. The build quality seemed a bit flimsy, and I noticed a significant lag when using the Bluetooth function. Additionally, some users experienced compatibility issues with specific car models.
In summary, "Carpool Karaoke: The Mic Singing Machine" provides a unique and entertaining experience for those who love to sing on the go. While not perfect, its charming concept and ease of use make it a worthy addition to your collection of vehicle entertainment options.

🔗Uniden Bearcat Wireless CB Microphone for Clear and Secure Communication
I recently got my hands on Uniden's BC906W wireless CB microphone, and I must say, it's been an game-changer for my communication needs while out and about. This nifty device gives me the freedom and mobility to connect wirelessly with my Bearcat CB radio from up to 100 meters away.
One of my favorite features is the noise-cancellation technology which helps reduce background sound for clear, quality audio. No more struggling to decipher muffled or distorted voices - now each transmission comes through as crisp and clean as if you were standing right next to the speaker.
The microphone charges conveniently in a cradle that also functions as a sync point, so once you've paired it once, it'll automatically reconnect each time you place it back in the cradle. And let me tell you, this battery lasts a surprisingly long time! Even though I use it daily for extended periods during my job, I only need to charge it about once a week.
There are some minor drawbacks, though. For instance, there isn't any power-saving feature or built-in charging port in the microphone itself, making it reliant on the charging cradle. Additionally, if there's a sudden power interruption, the microphone will automatically unpair from the radio, causing a small inconvenience.
Overall, considering all its pros and cons, Uniden's BC906W wireless CB microphone has made communication away from my truck much easier and more efficient. Its range, noise cancellation, and ease of use make it worth the investment for anyone looking for similar capabilities.

🔗RoadKing 4-Pin Noise-Cancelling CB Microphone
Oh boy, I've been using this Roadking RK56B Black 4-Pin Dynamic Noise Canceling Microphone in my car, and I must say, it's been a game-changer! The moment I received it, I was impressed with the sleek black design. Not only is it super cool looking, but it's also incredibly easy to use. The push-to-talk feature is a particular highlight for me because it ensures that I only transmit when I need to.
One of the best things about this microphone, in fact, is its noise-cancellation feature. I've had it in my car during some noisy drives, and it's like I'm in a silent movie. The sound quality is top-notch, making it much easier for me to communicate clearly over the radio.
In addition to its superior performance, the Roadking RK56B is also built like a tank. It's made with high-grade materials, which not only ensures durability but also gives it a premium feel. And despite its robust construction, the microphone is surprisingly light, making it easy for me to install and adjust.
Perhaps one minor issue I had was with the wiring. It's not exactly a deal-breaker, but managing it can be a bit of a hassle, especially when I'm on the go. That said, this is a microphone that I would recommend to anyone in a heartbeat. Its unique combination of style, functionality, and quality makes it a must-have for any driver.

Buyer's Guide

Important Features
When considering a car microphone, there are several key features to look for:
  • High-quality audio capturing
  • Noise cancellation technology
  • Compatibility with your car's entertainment system
  • Ease of installation and use
  • Durability and long-lasting performance
  • Compatibility with Bluetooth or other wireless connectivity options

Considerations Before Buying

Before making your purchase, consider the following:
  • What is your intended use for the microphone? (e. g. , hands-free calling, voice commands)
  • What is your budget?
  • Do you prefer a wired or wireless microphone?
  • Is the microphone compatible with your car's entertainment system or Bluetooth connectivity?
  • How important is noise cancellation technology to you?
  • Is the microphone easy to install and use?
  • How long does the microphone's battery last?

General Advice

To ensure you are choosing the right car microphone for your needs, take the following steps:
  1. Research different models and read customer reviews.
  2. Compare the features and specifications of each microphone.
  3. Determine if the microphone is compatible with your car's entertainment system or Bluetooth connectivity.
  4. Check the microphone's noise cancellation capabilities and overall audio quality.
  5. Ensure the microphone is easy to install and use.
  6. Consider the battery life and overall durability of the microphone.


What is a car microphone?

A car microphone is a specialized microphone designed for use in vehicles. It typically features noise cancellation technology and is often used in cars for clear hands-free phone conversations or in-car dictation.

Why should I use a car microphone?
Car microphones offer several benefits. Firstly, they can drastically improve the sound quality of phone calls and in-car dictations. Secondly, they often have noise cancellation capabilities, reducing background noise and ensuring your voice can be clearly heard. Thirdly, using a car microphone keeps your hands free, allowing you to maintain control of the vehicle while engaging in a call or dictation.

How do I install a car microphone?

The installation process varies by model and vehicle. In general, a car microphone is either mounted or clipped onto the sun visor or dashboard. If you're having difficulties, consider consulting your vehicle's manual or consulting customer service for detailed installation instructions.

Can a car microphone record audio?

While many car microphones can record audio, not all do. Check the product specifications or customer reviews for information about the specific model you're considering.

How do I know if a car microphone is compatible with my phone?

Check the product specifications or consult customer reviews to confirm compatibility with your specific phone model. The majority of modern car microphones are compatible with most smartphones, but it's always best to confirm before purchasing.

How do I connect my car microphone to my phone?

Many car microphones connect to your phone via Bluetooth. To pair them, turn on the Bluetooth function on both your phone and the microphone, then follow the device-specific pairing instructions in your phone's settings menu. Some car microphones may require a physical connection via a 3.5mm audio jack or a USB port. Always refer to your device's instructions for the correct method.

Do I need to replace the batteries in a car microphone?

Some car microphones are rechargeable and require charging, while others may need battery replacements. Check the product specifications or user manual for detailed instructions on battery maintenance.

What are some popular brands for car microphones?

Some popular brands for car microphones include Jabra, BlueParrot, and iVoice.

How much does a car microphone cost?

The cost of a car microphone can vary depending on the brand, features, and quality. Prices can range anywhere from $20 to $100 or more.

Why is my car microphone not working?

There could be several reasons why your car microphone isn't working. It could be due to improper installation, lack of power, poor connectivity, or a malfunctioning device. If you've ensured the microphone is properly installed, powered, and connected, and is still malfunctioning, consult the device manufacturer for troubleshooting advice.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:28 KittyKat2601 2 weeks off before I start my new job, feeling lost in life, how do I make use of this time off?

I (34F) have 2 weeks off before I start a new job and I’m struggling to identify how to make the best use of my time off and how to build good habitats/work on myself when just getting through the day and wanting to get out of bed is a struggle for me at the moment.
I know the first step I need is to seek out a therapist, which I’m in the process of doing, I’ve gone through a couple that didn’t work very well for me but I’m going to keep pushing through to find a good match.
In the meantime, I have no idea what to do with myself to make the most of my 2 weeks.
I’m struggling a lot with anxiety/social anxiety, low confidence, feeling very lost in life etc. Without getting into too many details, I’ve moved to an area where I don’t have any friends or partner but I also feel like I need to work on myself first, I’m not wanting to make friends at the moment because I don’t feel ready yet so I’d prefer not to try and meet people or attend events etc. No friends or partneuncertainty about whether I’ll have children is a deep source of sadness in my life but I feel it’s a chicken and an egg situation and I don’t want to put myself out there until I’m feeling more confident/happy with myself.
I’m looking for tips on what I can do alone to start my journey of healing and loving myself (like how do you even do this?)
I’m trying to not put too much pressure on myself that I’m going to make loads of changes in the next two weeks, as I know that’s too high of an expectation. I’m feeling a lot of anxiety everyday so even just the thought of starting a new job is giving me a lot of dread where it should be an exciting time in life and something I should be looking forward to.
I wake up everyday feeling irritable/sad when I know I should be present and enjoy this time off (but maybe the fact that I’m telling myself ‘I should’ is a problem in itself and creating more pressure)
My life has been a bit of a mess for a long time, no sleep routine, not eating well, not exercising so these are things I’m definitely going to focus on even if it’s just going for a walk everyday and cooking healthy meals.
I’m also going to try and do regular meditation (I go through phases but never stick to it) and journaling but apart from that, I’m so lost on where to begin.
I’m hoping for some advice on what else I can work on or do with my time. Are there any good podcasts/books/videos/TED talks that I can look into? I know my anxiety and confidence isn’t going to fix over night but how do I get the ball moving?
I’ve started to read ‘Adults of Emotionally Immature Parents’ as I have a lot of family issues that I need to work on and can hopefully continue the work on this with a therapist.
But the whole focus around working on myself, prioritising myself, finding my happiness/purpose, not people pleasing etc is so new to me and I don’t know where to start.
Sorry if this is a bit of a ramble, it’s hard for me to explain things clearly without it becoming a rant/offload.
To the wonderful women of this subreddit, where do I begin?
submitted by KittyKat2601 to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:27 BonZo0138 MUST READ URGENT ‼️ FFIE!! 💪🏼 🚨

Everyone needs to read this. Info on todays battle!! Seen this some Where else Not me. Not my post. Just trying to spread this information. Vote this up so everyone can see it!!!!!!
From another post (spread it around):
Are you asking yourself: "what now?" Here's an answer in "ape speak" for what we are waiting for. Please like and comment so others can see this post.
Okay so we held out with FFIE and ended the week nearly 2300% above what it was last week. This by itself is an amazing feat which accomplished 2 things:
We kept FFIE above 1 dollar, so it stays listed on NASDAQ (until it drops to 0.10 per share for 30 days which isn't likely for quite a while).
We made intentions for a short sale known to those who were betting it would be delisted, and eventually drop in price.
So what happens next?
Well, now the hedge funds have a decision to make:
They can cut their losses, and buy up the shares at current market value (this is the beginning of a cascade where we all get rich). Essentially, any share that a hedge fund purchases to mitigate their losses will increase the value of our shares.
They can continue to hold their shorted stock "loans" and hope the market drops again next week. If this is the case, we will need to continue to hold our shares until they crack (they pay a lot of money for each day they continue to short)
As of 1 h before market close, there were still 36 million shares being shorted.
What does this mean? It means that because Hedges believe our efforts are short lived, they didn't cancel their shorts and buy back their shorted stocks.
They are pretty much betting that the "meme" will die down soon and they can buy back their shorted stocks at a much lower price than it is right now.
Say, for example, the flame dies out, and people begin selling because they are scared or burnt out, and the share price on Monday (or aftermarket today) drops, they will be able to cover their shorts at a MUCH lower price.
This DOES NOT mean that the stock still wont jump up. But it does mean that it will jump up much less than it would've had we held out at 1 dollar. The higher the price per share, the more it will jump when the hedge funds are forced to buy back their shorts.
In the end, we only need to hold out long enough for the fees that they pay to become more expensive than it would be to just buy back their shares. Either way, they bleed. But one way, we take their money and get very wealthy.
Once one hedge fund cracks, and covers their shorts by purchasing shares, all of them will follow as it will become too expensive for all the hedge funds to hold out. This creates a "parabolic curve" as many have likely heard on various posts. Once the first hedge fund folds, this becomes officially known as a "squeeze." We hold until eventually all the hedge funds are either bankrupt (for not paying back their shorts), which will then be covered by the federal government, or until they all take MASSIVE losses and buy back their shorts.
Now, as for today, many people likely sold at peak, or once they started seeing red. Especially those who have never experienced a squeeze before (I was there in 2021 and sold out of fear). If this fits your description, please read the following:
The drop today was a maneuver known as a "SHORT LADDER."
This is a technique used by hedge funds to attempt to squash a short squeeze, and bring the price down of the stock. This is the hedge funds attempting to break you, using psychological warfare. Heres how they do it:
Step 1: They increase the share price (usually very quickly) to excite retail investors and make them think what we are doing is working. We saw this today starting about 1h after market opened this morning bringing price from 2.69 up to 3.87.
Step 2: Quickly sell every stock they bought to bring down the price to what it was before. This began approximately 2 hours after market opened today.
Now theoretically, this should only bring down the price to what it was before they bought right? Well with retail squeezers (us dumb apes), you see the shares dropping and start selling your shares in the hopes that you can still walk away with some earnings if you do it quickly enough. This is where they win.
If we all hold, the day ends at 2.69. But instead we ended at about 1.00. Meaning their ladder attack worked so well, that you monkeys got scared and sold your shares. Many of us (myself included) held out to give us another try next week and keep the flame alive.
Step 3: The hedge fund bears will try again, and again, and again (to look like a downwards staircase on the graph, hence the term "ladder") to make the fear worse, and worse, and worse, until there's nothing left and they can get away with shorting a company with very minimal losses.
Our solution, is to mimic exactly what DFV (AKA roaringkitty) did in 2021 with GameStop. We simply hold our shares. Will it put more pressure and make the spike come quicker if we buy more shares? Of course. But the reality is, at 2300% over what they shorted at, if we just even hold where we are at, eventually a hedge fund will fold and our shares will skyrocket.
Now to answer the big ticket question: When will we sell? The answer is as follows: after hedge funds crack, we will see the number of shorted shares decline dramatically. You cant base it off of the price of the share because they can manipulate those numbers to make it LOOK very promising.
Heres the link where you can check FFIE shorted shares numbers:
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As of right now, the exact number is 36, 342,623. It has hardly changed since we began our squeeze. Once this number begins dropping, we broke a hedge fund and the cascade has begun.
The only risk at this point, is if we sell. We will be our own worst enemies. They will use tricks to make us sell. They will manipulate us. They will flood media with articles describing how we failed. They will use every tool in their power to scare us. But in the end, if we HOLD OUR GOD DAMN SHARES, they cant win.
There will be red days. There will be shutdowns of subreddits (like wallstreetbets back in 2021). There will be news articles. (like the hundreds already published demeaning us). There might even be threats of legal action (like they did to DFV). However, short squeezes are 100% legal, and will make us rich + make billionaire cheaters bleed.
Good luck fellow FFIE advocates. Buy at the dips to get back in. Hold your shares to ensure profits. And no matter what, remember,
submitted by BonZo0138 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:26 whutthfuk Confused about what’s included in treatment

Hi all! I’m almost two weeks in, I change to my second set of trays on Tuesday! So far, I’ve learned a lot from this sub, but it has brought up a lot of questions for me.
I’ll start by saying that when I went in for getting the attachments on my teeth, as soon as I got there my ortho jumped right in. She didn’t explain how many attachments or where, or really anything about my treatment plan. I asked her if there would be an animation, and she kind of laughed and said no even though last time I was in for my scans I was told there would be one. So I pretty much have zero idea of what my end result may look like. As soon as she placed the attachments, she switched chairs to work on another patient and I didn’t get to ask her any questions.
I’ve seen a lot of people talking about their animations, I’ve seen some posted here too on cinechek or something like that. I guess I don’t know if it’s normal to not have an any animation or indication of your end result.
I’m supposed to have 30 trays changing every 2 weeks. I was only given trays 1-4 and they said they were keeping the rest for “record keeping,” which is fine I guess. I will have check in appointments where I will get the rest. I just feel like there are so many things I don’t know!
What is bonding for at the end of treatment? Is that common/why do people get it? Did you get an animation or some sort of representation of your end result? I have an overbite, I’m not sure how that will get fixed. I didn’t know you can get rubber bands with Invisalign until I came here, when do you usually find that out?
Thanks in advance! I’m still really excited to finally start feeling more confident with my teeth. I’ve waited for this for a long time, and while I am nervous since there are some people on here talking about issues I wasn’t aware of, like open bites and stuff, I’m just really excited to see where I can go from here.
submitted by whutthfuk to Invisalign [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:25 yourexbitchh I (18F) feel like I am slowly drifting apart from my “best friend” (18F). What should I do in such a situation?

Ok so this has been bugging me for a while and I finally feel like I need some genuine advice so here goes nothing. Basically me and this girl have been “best friends” for about 5-6 years now. I met her in middle school through a mutual friend and since then we had been inseparable. Like you know that duo in your school who is basically termed as “ride or die”? yea we were that. but since the past 2-3 years I have been noticing that we are not the same anymore. See we have been through NUMEROUS friend groups and somehow all of them break up and its just us two left together always. Now what the main issue here that I want to talk about has happened before too and I just want to put it out there that I have confronted her multiple times about it in the past and we have had many arguments and lengthy discussions about it.
So basically I feel like she just doesn’t see me as her best friend anymore. Like you know how your best friend is the first person whom you tell everything about pr ask for advice, we dont have that anymore.
And i dont want to sound controlling or anything its just that I miss her. Not sure if that makes me a selfish person but just want to put that out there
And also I often see that whenever we’re in a group she starts to ignore me like idk she purposely does it or what but yeah like she’ll be more inclined towards talking to others than me and when we’re alone shes like normal
I have confronted her about this multiple times and even like 2 weeks ago because we got into an argument but she never really understands and its getting on my fucking nerves because instead she will have the audacity to victimise herself and start talking about her problems and shit like bro?
I hate that this is happening between us because i feel the closest with her. She knows my deepest secrets and i know hers but idk what to do in a situation like this.
like if I want to give an example, I would say that there was a time when we used to be on calls and we would have so much fun. We would just be talking freely about anything and everything, but now if I ever try to call her she does not pick up and then she’ll call me back like 2-3 hours later and will proceed to make up excuses about being busy and this and that like I do get it that you can be busy with your own life, but how is it that every time I try to call you are unavailable? AND BTW its apparently just with me because otherwise she’s always on calls with our other friends and posting about it. and now whenever she calls me she has some favour to ask from me and stuff like damn.
Im just over the situation and i really dont know what to do. I wanna repair our friendship but whenever I see she has 0 interest in doing that im like whatever. Anyways this is our last year in school so doesn’t matter we will most likely lose our connection so just treating this like practice now but still feels so strange.
submitted by yourexbitchh to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:24 zoion_fapstronaut Money is everything and whoever tells me otherwise is my #1 enemy.

Your own people will treat you like shit if you don't have the capacity to earn a lot of money.
There are two types of people who say that money can't buy happiness. 1. Who have never been broke or poor. Who come from a well to do family 2. Those who couldn't earn a lot of money so now they are just coping.
Only a self made man gets to know how much happiness money gets you.
For people who say that money can't buy love I want to tell them that money can easily get you someone who can pretend that she loves you and as long as she is good at pretending the love is true. Just think about a lot of arranged marriages that , one person is rich the other is pretty ( I don't know whether people fall in love after marriage or not) and its pretty obvious by looking at the girl that there's ain't no way that she'll fall In love with the guy.
It also gets you a lot of respect from people for no reason . I mean sure they might be bitching about you on your back but who cares as long as they show respect in front of you.
I think it's time that I loose all my morality and ethics and pursue money .Even if it doesn't get me happiness atleast I'll be able to afford a good therapist, medications, good nutrition , gym membership. Ill be able to pursue things that are meaningful.
Id rather have lots of money than good relationships with people and I say that because I have experienced that all these 'good' relationships fall apart due to lack of money.
submitted by zoion_fapstronaut to onexindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:23 Strong-Trip-7453 Complaining about my bday

This is soo petty and insignificant. But I just have to get it off my chest cuz like wtf. They didn't buy me anything when i turned 18 it's literally been 7months and I can't stop crying about it, It's one of those things that I find so hard to let go off cuz it's kinda supposed to be significant. First of all we are a pretty stable middle class family so its not about the money. They just didn't buy me anything, I remember cutting cake and waiting for them to hand me a gift. I sat there next to my friend while they were in the kitchen i opened up the gift. My friend and i were so excited to see what it was. I'm not type of person who needs a masive gift i rly dont ask for much. I open the wrapping and guess what it was... a light up sign saying 18. My smile dropped so did my friends cuz we both knew that this was the gift it was a small light up sign saying 18. Nothing else, if this sign was something rly unique or just better quality i would not complain. But it came with the 18 birthday kit... guys it was part of a 20euro birthday kit it wasn't even supposed to be a gift its supposed to be a prop in the back of my bday photos with the balloons ect. I just sat there dumbfounded. Idc what my friend thinks shes like a sister she definitely doesn't even remember my bday and isn't the type to judge. It's rather that it was my last yr for any birthday party. My parents aren't the type to celebrate anything after 18 because I'm officially an adult.
I cried that night so hard it wasn't just the bday gift which was the issue. On my bday i had to ask one of my friends to go out with me. I bought her lunch and she was great company i love this girl to the moon and back but obviously. She thought i would go out with a different friend or something, she cancelled her plans for the day and hung outwith me. My other rly close friends at that time were busy. My friends aren't bitches dw they just arent that close to me if that makes sense. They came to cut cake and give me gifts a few days later. But by then i was sick of my bday i just wanted it to be over wished i was never born so i didn't have to be in this awkward situation.
It hit me that it kinda sucked that my parents couldn't love me enough that day. You would think if i don't friends i would at least have my parents. But damn they didnt even buy me a birthday card. The one birthday that ive been looking forward to since a child thinking its supposed to be the best and most important birthday turned out to be the worst bday possible. The realisation kicked in that i have never actually had a single good bday in my life. And this was the last shot at it and it's fucked.
Just when I was beginning to realise how stupid i sounded. I am religious, i know that i should always be greatful for what i have and shouldn't ask for more. Materialistic desires never lead to a true feeling of fulfilment.
My friends suggested that we suprise a different friend for her bday. We walk into her house and her parents did the same thing for her they wanted to suprise her for her birthday. We walked in and the living room was fully decorated they put in so much effot for their daughter. They picked out 18 gift for her 18yrs. This family isnt rich either same as mine middle class all the gifts were simple and reasonable. Clothes, some small mini make up, nail polish and face mask and some of her favourite snacks. And they bought her one expensive main gift.
If they wanted to they would. Went home and felt so fucking useless. My parents couldn't even get themselves to write a card for me. I don't need a shit tone of bday gifts i just wanted a bday card with words of encouragement from my mom and dad. I just wanted a lil small tiny ring, didn't even have to be a fancy expensive one.. they could've gave me a gummy ring and i would just laughed it off and not cared and would've been happy with the card.
Idk it just sucks I'll probably laugh at it 30yrs in the future but it still sucks. Its so dumb to cry over somthing like this. There definitely are bigger issues in my life but i just wanted one important bday to go well. I wish bdays didn't exist. I don't even want my next birthday to come cuz it's just embarrassing sitting and writing in my journal about how shit my day was.
Sorry im on my period and wanted to rant. Also Im dyslexic asf ignore the typos. This is soooo embarrassing. Idk if this is the right place to be posting this either tbh.
submitted by Strong-Trip-7453 to DysfunctionalFamily [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:22 Stage-Piercing727 Best Carlson Cremator Choke Tube

Best Carlson Cremator Choke Tube
Discover the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube, an innovative product designed for shotgun enthusiasts. This roundup article will provide you with a detailed overview of the features, benefits, and user reviews of the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube. Get ready to enhance your shooting experience with this top-rated choke tube.

The Top 8 Best Carlson Cremator Choke Tube

  1. Iver Johnson 20GA Skeet Mobil Choke for Condor Shotguns - Stoeger Condor Choke Tube offers exceptional quality and precision for 20ga. Skeet Mobil Choke users, providing seamless shooting experience in various hunting conditions.
  2. High-Quality Stoeger Condor Choke Tube Assembly for Better Performance - Upgrade your Stoeger Condor shotgun's performance with the V-Twin Manufacturing Choke Tube Assembly, designed to meet or exceed OEM standards and offering a direct replacement for the stock choke tube assembly.
  3. Stoeger Condor Full Choke Tube with .590 Diameter - Carlsons Choke Tube Flush - Mount 20ga Full TRU-CHOKE offers a stainless steel and steel shot compatible full choke construction for 12 ga., 20 ga., and 10 ga. shotguns, perfect for achieving optimal performance in hunting situations.
  4. Iver Johnson 20ga. Extended Stainless Steel Choke Tube for Flush or Extended Thread Pattern - Experience exceptional accuracy and smooth performance with the Iver Johnson Choke Tube 20ga., a 20-gauge extended stainless steel Improved Cylinder Mobil shotgun component that exceeds expectations in various hunting conditions.
  5. Easy-To-Use Stuck Choke Tube Removal Tool - Experience hassle-free stuck choke tube removal with Carlsons Universal Choke Wrench - the simple yet incredibly tough, heat-treated stainless steel solution for all your gun needs.
  6. Lightning Fast Choke Wrench for Easy Choke Tube Removal - Experience lightning-fast 12-gauge choke removal and insertion with the Carlson Speed Wrench, designed to save time and hassle in any situation.
  7. 17-4 Heat Treated Stainless Steel Browning Invector Plus Choke Tubes for Skeet Hunting - Carlsons 14412 Browning Invector Plus (BIP) choke tube set offers versatility and durability, designed for Steel, Lead, and Hevi-Shot ammo use, available in Skeet and Turkey constrictions, and made from 17-4 heat treated stainless steel in the USA.
  8. Stainless Steel Carlsons Delta Waterfowl Choke Tubes for Hunting - Carlson's Delta Waterfowl 12GA 2 Pk (MR & LR): Retay - 07770 offers waterfowl enthusiasts the benefits of 1704 stainless steel construction and efficient choke tube designs for enhanced shooting accuracy and consistency.
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🔗Iver Johnson 20GA Skeet Mobil Choke for Condor Shotguns
As someone who frequently uses skeet mobil chokes, I've recently come across the Iver Johnson choke tube for 20-gauge shotguns. This choke tube comes with a sleek, modern design that perfectly suits my needs.
The Mobil choke style threads on this choke tube make it quick and easy to attach to my shotgun. This feature allows for easy installation and removal without any hassle. The extended flush design works seamlessly with my shotgun, providing a snug fit and enhanced performance. I am quite impressed with the 20-gauge gauge, which is perfect for my skeet shooting needs.
While I've had a great experience with this Iver Johnson choke tube, I must admit that it can be a bit tough to remove sometimes. However, the trade-off for the secure fit is worth it in my opinion. If you're looking for a high-performance choke tube for your 20-gauge shotgun, you can't go wrong with this Iver Johnson Skeet mobil choke.

🔗High-Quality Stoeger Condor Choke Tube Assembly for Better Performance
When I first heard about the V-Twin Manufacturing Choke Tube Assembly, I knew I had to give it a try. I'm always on the lookout for ways to enhance my Stoeger Condor shotgun's performance, and this seemed like just the ticket.
The installation process was a breeze, and I was impressed with how seamlessly it fit into my gun. The quality was top-notch, and it definitely met or even exceeded the OEM standards. I must say, the difference in the gun's performance was palpable. The gun felt smoother, and the shots were tighter and more controlled.
However, one downside that I noticed was that it made the gun a bit louder than it used to be. But all things considered, the benefits definitely outweighed the noise. Overall, I highly recommend this product for any Stoeger Condor user looking to bump up their gun's performance.

🔗Stoeger Condor Full Choke Tube with .590 Diameter
I've been using Carlsons Choke Tube Flush for a while now, and it has certainly met my expectations. The full choke construction and the. 590 diameter proved to be quite reliable when using steel shot. It's been a game-changer for me, especially when going for long-range shots. The best part is that it's compatible with quite a few shotguns, including Stoeger Condor Tube.
Of course, there are always a few things I wish were different. For one, the steel and stainless design could use a little more durability. I've had some issues with it wearing out over time. Also, while the full choke does a good job with a wide range of shots, I've found that it could use a little more precision for the really tight shots.
But overall, despite those minor issues, I've had a great experience using Carlsons Choke Tube Flush in my daily life. It's a solid addition to any hunting arsenal, especially if you're looking for a reliable full choke that works well with steel shot.

🔗Iver Johnson 20ga. Extended Stainless Steel Choke Tube for Flush or Extended Thread Pattern
I recently gave Iver Johnson's Choke Tube 20ga a shot during my daily shooting practice. I was initially drawn to its sleek, extended stainless steel design and the improved cylinder mobil choke. It worked wonders on my Stoeger Condor.
The choke tube was incredibly easy to install, and I appreciated the MOBIL thread pattern that ensured a tight, secure fit. Not only did it offer a reliable performance, but it also allowed for great versatility, perfect for adjusting my shot pattern to fit different targets.
However, one downside I encountered was the choke tube's tendency to get quite hot, especially during extended shooting sessions. It might be worth considering a heat-resistant material for future designs. Overall, Iver Johnson's Choke Tube 20ga proved to be a game-changer for my Stoeger Condor, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to enhance their shooting experience.

🔗Easy-To-Use Stuck Choke Tube Removal Tool
I've been using the Carlsons Universal Choke Wrench for several months now and it has become an essential part of my gun maintenance routine. The wrench is incredibly simple but really gets the job done. Its tough design ensures that it can handle the heaviest of choke tubes.
One aspect of the wrench that I particularly love is the added keychain. It's a simple feature, but it means that the wrench is always with me whenever I need it. There's just something reassuring about knowing that I always have my choke wrench handy, just in case.
Another feature that stands out is its heat-treated stainless steel construction. It's solid and durable which gives me confidence that this wrench will last for years to come. And the benefit of not bending is very promising.
However, there is one area where the wrench falls short in my opinion. Despite its universal claim, it doesn't seem to fit all choke tube sizes. It works great for most 12, 20, and 16 gauge chokes, but for some reason it didn't fit all 10 and 28 gauge choke tubes in my setup.
In conclusion, the Carlsons Universal Choke Wrench is a great tool to have in your hunting gear. It's simple, tough, and with the added convenience of a keychain, it's always close at hand when you need it. Despite the few minor quibbles, I'd highly recommend this choke wrench to any gun enthusiast.

🔗Lightning Fast Choke Wrench for Easy Choke Tube Removal
I recently tried out the Carlson Speed Wrench, and it truly lives up to its name. In just a few seconds, I was able to remove and insert 20-gauge choke tubes with relative ease. The wrench is small and lightweight, perfect for carrying in my hunting bag.
One feature that stood out to me was the rubber-wrapped portion of the wrench, which allows for a secure grip on the choke tube without causing damage. This made the wrench a breeze to use, and I didn't have to worry about scratching up my gun.
However, there's a slight downside to the wrench's design. When removing choke tubes, I noticed that they weren't always as secure as I would have liked. This might be due to the fact that there are no teeth on the wrench to hold onto the tube. But overall, I'm still quite satisfied with the Carlson Speed Wrench, especially considering that it's much faster than any traditional wrench.

🔗17-4 Heat Treated Stainless Steel Browning Invector Plus Choke Tubes for Skeet Hunting
For a while now, I've been using the Carlsons 14412 Browning Extended Choke Tube Set. Honestly, the first time I took it out, I wasn't quite sure what to expect from the stainless steel construction. However, a few rounds later, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the durability of the material held up pretty well, especially when I was cleaning after a hunting session—no pit marks to be seen.
One particularly impressive feature was the choke's versatility. With it, I could use various types of ammo, from lead to steel—just like the instructions specified. But one thing that I found a bit confusing was the sizing. It took me a couple of times trying out different ammo sizes to get the knack of it, but once I had it figured out, it worked smoothly.
However, there were a couple of snags as well. For one thing, I wish they had put those laser-marked notch designs on the front lip. It just made it harder for me to figure which one I needed, especially since each choke tube is identical to the next. Secondly, I really missed the convenience of the plastic storage tube and wrench that typically comes with the Browning chokes—I ended up having to buy those separately. It's the little extra touches like those that really make a product stand out.
All in all, the Carlsons14412 Browning Extended Choke Tube Set offers some cool features, and it's performed pretty well for me so far. In terms of quality, I'll give it a 4 out of 5 and highly recommend it to other Browning Invector Plus users. Just keep those missing pieces in mind, or prepare to make a few extra purchases.

🔗Stainless Steel Carlsons Delta Waterfowl Choke Tubes for Hunting
I've had the pleasure of using Carlsons Delta Waterfowl 12GA 2 Pk choke tubes, and let me tell you, they've made quite a difference in my waterfowl shooting experience. Handcrafted with 1704 stainless steel, these choke tubes exude a sense of durability and reliability that I've come to appreciate.
One of the standout features is the 25 percent longer parallel section in the choke, which ensures more consistent patterns, making my shots more accurate and accurate. The knurled end also makes removing these choke tubes a breeze.
While using them, I noticed the steel shot constraint and size were laser marked on both the end and body, making it a breeze for quick reference. However, I would caution shooters to adhere to the recommended steel shot size and speed to avoid any potential damage to the choke tubes.
Overall, these Carlsons Delta Waterfowl choke tubes have been a game-changer for my waterfowl hunting expeditions. Their quality and performance are hard to beat, and I highly recommend them to fellow hunters seeking a more effective and precise shooting experience.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our buyer's guide for Carlson Cremator Choke Tubes. This guide aims to provide you with essential information on the product category, helping you make an informed decision when considering purchasing a Carlson Cremator Choke Tube.

What are Carlson Cremator Choke Tubes?

Carlson Cremator Choke Tubes are a type of shotgun choke tube specifically designed for waterfowl hunting. They are engineered to provide accurate and consistent shot patterns, enhancing your hunting experience.

Important Features and Considerations

  1. Material: Carlson Cremator Choke Tubes are typically made of durable materials, such as steel or aluminum, ensuring longevity and reliability.
  2. Choke Patterns: These choke tubes come in various choke patterns, such as modified, improved modified, and full choke, catering to different hunting scenarios and preferences.
  3. Compatibility: Ensure the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube is compatible with your shotgun model and gauge. Compatibility information should be available from the manufacturer or retailer.
  4. Installation: These choke tubes are usually easy to install, but it is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions to maintain the integrity of the shotgun and the choke tube.

General Advice

  • Always inspect the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube for signs of wear and tear or damage before use, ensuring your safety and the accuracy of your shots.
  • Proper maintenance is key. Clean and lubricate the choke tube as recommended by the manufacturer to maintain its performance and longevity.
  • Consider the intended use of the choke tube when making your purchase. Different choke patterns are suited for different hunting scenarios, so familiarize yourself with the options available and their respective uses.
Carlson Cremator Choke Tubes are a popular choice among waterfowl hunters due to their high-quality design and construction. By understanding the key features, considerations, and advice provided in this guide, you will be better equipped to make an informed decision when purchasing a Carlson Cremator Choke Tube for your shotgun.


What is the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube?

The Carlson Cremator Choke Tube is a precision-engineered, after-market choke tube designed for shotgun owners who want to achieve optimal performance from their firearms. It is manufactured by Carlson's Sportsmens, a well-known brand in the shooting accessories industry.

What are the key benefits of using a Carlson Cremator Choke Tube?

  • Improved accuracy and shot consistency by reducing spread and improving pellet density
  • Tighter pattern for better grouping at longer distances
  • Compatibility with a wide range of shotgun models
  • Durable construction for long-lasting performance
  • Upgradeable option for those seeking better performance from their shotguns

How does the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube work?

The Carlson Cremator Choke Tube restricts the spread of shot pellets by narrowing the exit hole of the barrel. This ensures that the pellets are more tightly grouped and travel in a more uniform pattern, resulting in improved accuracy and shot consistency.

What types of shotguns are compatible with the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube?

The Carlson Cremator Choke Tube is designed to fit shotguns with a choke tube screw thread, which includes popular brands such as Winchester, Remington, and Mossberg. It is essential to check the specific model and thread size of your shotgun before purchasing a choke tube to ensure compatibility.

How is the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube installed on a shotgun?

Installing the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube on a shotgun is a straightforward process. Simply unscrew the existing choke tube using a choke tube wrench or a screwdriver and replace it with the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube. Ensure that the threads are clean and free of debris before installing the new choke tube. Remember to use a choke tube lubricant to prevent damage to the barrel during the installation process.

How do I clean and maintain my Carlson Cremator Choke Tube?

Cleaning and maintaining your Carlson Cremator Choke Tube is essential for ensuring its long-term performance and durability. After each use, clean the choke tube with a cleaning rod and patch or a cleaning solution recommended by Carlson's Sportsmens. Periodically inspect the thread for damage or wear and replace the choke tube if necessary.

What is the warranty period for the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube?

Carlson's Sportsmens offers a limited lifetime warranty on the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube. If the product is found to be defective or fails to meet the user's expectations during the warranty period, the company will provide a replacement or refund.

Where can I purchase the Carlson Cremator Choke Tube?

The Carlson Cremator Choke Tube can be purchased directly from Carlson's Sportsmens website or through authorized dealers. It is crucial to ensure that the product is genuine and meets the manufacturer's specifications to guarantee optimal performance and durability.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]