Good song lyrics for facebook album

Name That Song: For identifying and locating songs/artists/albums/genres

2011.09.14 22:59 geekgirlpartier Name That Song: For identifying and locating songs/artists/albums/genres

A subreddit for identifying a song/artist/album/genre, or locating a song/album in a legal way. May contain NSFW content. Please read the rules before posting. Thank you and good luck :)

2010.01.07 05:13 RedPulse Discussion and news about the band Tool

A place to discuss thoughts spawned by enjoying the band Tool!

2011.05.22 13:06 captureMMstature Oasis - are ya mad for it?

/Oasis is Reddit's #1 community for all the latest news and discussion about Oasis, Liam Gallagher, Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds, Beady Eye, and everything else connected to members of the band, past or present.

2024.05.08 01:15 burner084002 I (19M) found child porn on my dads computer last august. I still haven’t told anyone in the family

This is the first time i’m ever posting on reddit, however i’m looking for advice for a very complicated situation which i’m not sure too many people will relate to. To give some backstory, I am a 19 year old male going on 20, and my parents divorced when I was 15. I have 2 younger brothers (15 and 12). I would say that I had a very fulfilling childhood, never experiencing any kind of trauma besides minor amounts of bullying, and although i had to be more independent and got less attention to my parents when my siblings were born i still felt that all my needs were catered to. My world shattered (atleast 14 year old me haha, ik this stuff happens quite commonly so i’m not going to claim too much struggle when ik other people have it a lot worse when it comes to their parents) when my parents told me and my siblings at the end of 2018 that they were getting divorced. they never fought, and to be fair i didn’t see the signs and was utterly shocked. fast forward 8 months later and they’d moved into separate apartments, and i had to get accustomed to moving back and forth each week. fast forward, almost exactly 5 years since the divorce finalised, i’m stuck in a predicament which has forreal shattered my world. i love my mother to death, and she is the most inspiring and strong woman i know. me and my dad though however have had some problems since the divorce. me and him have always been incredibly close, sharing more in common than me and my mum (similar tastes in music, similar sense of humour, both like cooking and hiking). however i went through a bit of a rebellious phase, hanging out with people 4 years older than me, starting to smoke weed at 15, eventually trying acid for the first time 6 months later. i then met a girl who introduced me to molly without really knowing what it was, and i got slightly addicted pretty quick. me and the girl broke up, however my drug usage which was now becoming more of a drug problem caused a lot of tension between me and my dad. i made it out of my addiction after a life-changing (and very rough) acid trip early 2021, and although it made me lay off the hard drugs i became deeply depressed, isolating myself in my room for 3 months mostly bed bound, unable to go to school and even attempting suicide once (thank fuck i’m still here, i’m more mentally stable now and happy with my life direction and myself as a person). i made it out of that depression, got together with my first girlfriend who was my first love, had a very tranquil 2 years up until early last year when we broke up, and i later found out that she cheated on me with a friend of hers who she’d known throughout our whole relationship) that was pretty rough on me, but i got through it and had a very good summer, travelling a lot and getting to do things for me on my own accord for the first time in a while. anyways, let me get to the point, probably didn’t need to add this type of backstory but i felt like venting a bit lol. do i put a tldr here? not sure if i’ll use it right but fuck it here goes.
TL;DR my dad, me and my siblings have gotten a new tradition over the past 4 years that we hire a cabin for a week each summer, and although i’m more of a city boy and can get bored being out out townfor extended periods of time, i love nature and it’s usually very relaxing being out there. last summer, 2 weeks before my last year of high school was going to start, we were there again. i was only going to stay for 4 days, as i had friends coming to the city from outside the country. i make music as a hobby, and although i think i do have some genuine talent and can make better shit than a lot of the stuff that gets released it’s still just something i do for me and for fun. i usually make it on the imac i have in my room, however we’d brought my dads macbook and my mic so i could make some stuff while we were out there. during the first 2 days i did various things such as go on walks, swim, smoke each night when everyone were asleep lol, and started a new song which i was pretty happy with. on the 3rd day, i woke up, made breakfast, and got to working on the song. i recorded a verse, and i get most of my inspiration when im out walking, so i tend to export half finished songs to my phone so i can listen when im out and write more. i exported it to an mp3 file, and when i was looking for it in the downloads folder to airdrop something caught my eye. i saw a file called “9yo gets fucked” and it very much caught me off guard. against my will i saw the thumbnail, which was a very disturbing image of a naked young girl. i was petrified and shocked, however my first train of thought was denial, that it ended up there from a virus or as an accidental download from a dodgy website. my eyes wandered, and then i saw that there were more files, i couldn’t even count the amount because i didn’t want to see that disgusting shit, but there were dozens on dozens of them (photos and videos). then i saw on one the date downloaded, which was december 2022, and last opened may 2023, and then it fully hit me. my head started spinning, i felt like i was going to throw up, so i stepped outside, hyperventilating, my mind racing, trying to collect my thoughts. it felt like my world was falling apart by the second, and i was still trying to deny it in my head. after a few minutes, i mustered up the strength to walk inside, and i went straight up to my dad, and my siblings were still in the room and i didn’t want to worry them so i asked him as calmly as i could if he could come to my room and take a look at something. he came with me, i shut the door, and i brought him to the screen. i showed him the files and asked him “dad, what the fuck is this?” and the minute he saw what it was his expression changed to one that i’ve never seen before. it was a mix of panic, fear and anger. all he said was “that shouldn’t be there, you shouldn’t have seen that”. before i could say anything he snatched the laptop from my hand, hitting my head in the process because it was such a swift movement, and i had to step outside again as my worst fears just got confirmed. i’ve never felt so overwhelmed with emotions in my life, and my brain has never produced so many thoughts all at once. is my dad really a pedophile? what the fuck do i do? how the fuck could he do this to us? i raced back inside to him in the kitchen, all i saw was red, i’m usually a very calm person and almost never get angry, but during that moment i felt an anger i’d never experienced before. we went out the back as i again didn’t want my siblings to hear our conversation, and i told him to sit the fuck down on the ground and shut the fuck up, to not say a word. i barely remember what i said, most of the conversation was a hazy mix of anger and crying. i remember saying to him “how the fuck could you do such a thing?” as i’ve never felt so betrayed and such a break of trust, and “how fucking stupid could you possibly be, you can go to fucking prison and lose your kids over this”. he looked broken, but frankly i couldn’t care. as a father to three children, how could you ever bring yourself to look at illegal pictures of children that are younger than your own. imagine if it had been one of us who got abused like that, posted and used by older men for their sick and twisted fantasies. i told him to get the fuck out of the house, and to bring my siblings with him, and that i was going home. they left, i tried to smoke the thoughts away but it just got worse. that 3 hour bus ride home was a blur too. i remember contemplating on how i was supposed to go about this situation, and realising that i would have to live with this fact for the rest of my life. it is by far the single most traumatic experience that’s ever happened to me. i didn’t know what to do, but i knew that i didn’t want him to go to prison. my mum would be broken if she found out, so i didn’t tell her. i could never tell my siblings either, they’re too young and innocent. i’m very conflicted because he’s always been an incredibly good father, kind, caring, and putting us kids first, so that makes it even more confusing how he could do such a stupid and fucked up thing. i don’t want him to lose custody of us, or at least of my siblings, because they need my dad, both emotionally and financially as times have been tougher since the divorce. never in a million years would i have thought that he could do something so disgusting, but now this is my reality. i contemplated making a post right after it happened, however i bottled it up as much as i could and tried to hide away my feelings, unsure whether it was the right thing to do to ask strangers on the internet for advice. during the first month, i only lived with my mum and didn’t speak to him. during the next few months i lived at his place when my siblings were there, however i never talked to him and wouldn’t look him in the eye. those first few months were fucking rough. my attendance to school was low, i started raiding the alcohol cabinet/buying beers because alcohol was an easy escape. i was drinking almost everyday, and while i wasn’t fucking my life up full on by drinking during the daytime or drinking copious amounts i still drank incredibly frequently to cope. my weed consumption also shot up, having been addicted before but keeping it at a relatively good level post-addiction, but now i started doing something i would never dare to do before this incident, which is smoke in the house. when no one was home, id smoke under the kitchen fan, every day after school, often skipping school too, just getting high at home alone, shutting off from the world. during that term i had a bit more than a 50% attendance rate. i also started to need to smoke to sleep again, meaning that i’d smoke out of my window every night. i felt like i was spiralling, and i was pretty fuckin low for a long time. i told a couple very close friends about it, and although they were supportive in the ways they could be, i still felt very alone in this whole thing. i could never let this get out, not for my dads sake, but for everyone around him who depended on him and cherished him. i tried getting professional help too, through various counsellors and therapists, but each time id jump around the subject and ask whether they’d be obliged to report it to the police if i told the full story they said yes, since its regarding crimes with children the silence policy wouldn’t be valid. i felt like i needed to talk to an adult, not for a solution but just to have someone with some goddamn life experience to just listen. that’s all i needed and still need, because nothing i possibly do can change this and I’m going to have to live with this for the rest of my life, even after he’s dead, but i just want to feel heard man. its may now, and it’s been 9 months. it’s gotten easier day by day, it’s true what they say, time heals, and i can finally look him in the eye and participate in dinner conversations for my siblings sakes, but i still know that this is a wound which could never heal, and i’ll never have the same relationship with my dad again. i would never ever defend a pedophile, but i’ve had to navigate this situation on my own and handle it as well as i can, and i hope my explanation has provided some reasoning to why i’ve hid it away. i’ve gotten my alcohol consumption under control, i was worried for a while that i was spiralling towards alcoholism, getting regular cravings at inappropriate times. i still drink, just not to escape my pain. my weed habits are still as bad though lol, and although it helps me a lot to cope and still i smoke almost every day i don’t want this to be my permanent situation. i’m moving abroad alone in 4 months, and that’s the only thing which has kept me going through this time, knowing that i will get away from all this and be able to somewhat start over. i don’t even really know exactly what im looking for with this post or if ill get responses, but i guess deep down i want some kinda advice, support or maybe someone has been in a similar position to me who could share their own story. sorry for making this so incredibly long, i felt like i had to paint the picture as vividly as i could. hope this is readable, have a nice night and i hope that you’re all thriving in life, peace
edit before edit: realised my tl;dr wasn’t short at all lol but whatever
submitted by burner084002 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:13 Uthakker2 Taking my Dutch KNIL to the Welsh Nationals 2024

Taking my Dutch KNIL to the Welsh Nationals 2024
Hello there,
After the WTC earlier this year I yet again found myself with way to many brown points and money saved up. Naturally I had to venture out and blow it on playing a bit more plastic toy soldiers somewhere in Europe. After talking to the ever friendly Pete from the Juggernauts after the WTC and further drawing on the wisdom of one Alistair of Scotland, asking for their recommendations on a proper singles bash on their group of islands they recommended the Welsh Nationals. Held in Ireland. Just kidding.
So, what are the Welsh Nationals? A lot of the information about the event can be drawn from this here banner of the Facebook event page. It's a Bolt Action (V2) GT held in Cardiff, Wales, at the marvelous Firestorm Games store, organized by Rhys and Josh - who did so expertly.
It was held on the 4th and 5th of May, which were Sat & Sunday respectively. There were going to be 3 rounds at 2,5 hours on the first and 2 more rounds of 2,5 hours on the second day. Good stuff. 52 players had signed on. Even better stuff.
So I booked some flights, packed my things and traveled from Düsseldorf over Amsterdam to Bristol, England, to then arrive in beautiful Cardiff on Friday night, just in time before the event. My return was planned for Monday morning, I was ready to go! Bring. It. On.
Army Composition Rules: (in case you somehow missed it)
  • 1250 points
  • up to 2 Generic Reinforced Platoons
  • V2 rules and 2024 FAQ/Errata
  • no theater platoons, no tank platoons, no planes, no named characters, only correctly labeled theater units, the usual stuff.
My Army:
As the title gave away, I ran took my Dutch (KNIL) to their second planned singles outing since the WTC in February. I had still a BUNCH of painting and basing to do, so I used the time to get on finishing my still very bare bone force. I'd preferred playing practice games, but as there is not to much going on in terms of active BA playing around here I only got two games of practice in. Which in fact were the grand total of games I played between the WTC and the Welsh Nationals. I could've used more, a lot more!
So, 1250 points. I've never played at those points. Less so with my Dutch. Should've taken my US or Germans, who can really use the extra points, whereas my Dutch excel at lower point costs due to their absurd cheapness. That being said I used my WTC 1000 point list as a basis and then expanded from there. I cut an inexperienced mule, upgraded a regular mule to vet, dropped an inexperienced horse and truck and from the freed points bought myself two Alvis Straussler armored cars, another light utility vehicle with light anti tank cannon and two regular anti tank rifles. My new list so went from 1000 points and 25 orders to 1249 points and 27 orders while trading 2 useless spam-dice for 5 more combat units. It seemed like a theoretically good idea. As said, sadly I could only practice twice, and only once on the actual mission pack. My army was vast and soft as butter on a summers day. Perfect for taking on the best the GB-meta could sling at me.
My list:
  • 2* inex. 2nd. Lt.
  • 6* 11 inex. shirkers with 6 pistols
  • 2* reg. snipers
  • 2* reg. AT-rifles
  • 2* inex. med. mortars
  • 2* inex. light howitzers
  • 1* reg. howitzer
  • 1* vet. mule
  • 2* reg. MH CTLS tanks
  • 2* reg. Alvis-Straussler armored cars
  • 4* reg. light utility vehicles with forw. mounted light AT-guns
  • 1* inex. truck
The KNIL at the Welsh Nationals on Alex Bundocks tray he lent me (my travel-tray is too small for the army)
So what does that all tally up to?
I'm running a tank platoon with four fully enclosed 7+ machine-gun vehicles, mounting a total of 10 individual MMGs for some sweet 50 shots of highly mobile firepower. Two of theme even sprinkle in some Recce for good measure.
I'm also running a leaf-blowegunline with 3 howitzers and two mortars which are supplemented by 10 MMGs, 2 snipers, 4 AT guns and 2 AT rifles to deal with pesky gunslingers. I got more. Thee-Hee.
I'm also running a horde of 66 infantry with 36 being tough fighters. sure they shirk, but that don't matter too much in most cases, as they get to retake order test with their full strength and on a charge put out some amazing 11 attacks /6 of which are TF... While costing about half as much as a single Japanese bamboo squad. They clock in at just 38 points in this layout. Unless they're charged in the open they outperform nearly any other unit in the game pointwise! Of course they will lose and die against a plethora of enemies in CC - but you kill 3 Ghurkas while at it - and you've outperformed him point-wise ;) it's amazing!
After so many words, the actual Battle Report:
Round #1: Sectors
With check-in each player was given a number for the duration of the event (mine being 29). Every Table was given a letter (A-Z). The first pairing were like so: 1 vs 2 on A, 3 vs 4 on B and so on. This meant I played against Keith (30) on some letter half way down the alphabet.
The mission was "sectors" and played largely into the strengths of my army. You deploy in a quarter diagonally opposite of your opponent. There was prepatory-bombardment allowed. Which sucks, but on with it. You score 1 VP per kill, 1 per unit in a neutral quarter and 2 per unit in the enemy deployment zone. I have 27 units, its not hard for me to rack in point just by moving them. I deployed along the neutral zones around me and prepared for moving my entire army into scoring secotrs. Keith played late war elite Germans with two Kugelblitzes, but his few order dice meant that he couldn't put any dent in my numbers and thus i smothered all three other sectors with units, largely ignoring his two beefy tanks and gunning down his infantry with amassed vehicles and artillery. Good stuff and a first victory for me with the secondary secured.
the table. This may have been my favorite table of the event (from the ones I played)
Round #2: Heartbreak Ridge
As swiss goes, I now faced another victor from round one. In this case i went up against one Dan Lane of the Juggernauts podcast and his French horde. In Heartbreak Ridge there are three objectives, one in each players quarter and a neutral one smack in the center of the table. This is usually where 95% of the action happens and sadly all to often a draw is produced by two armies grinding to a halt over the center objective.
In our game, fielding somewhat similar armies with similar dice counts (his 25 vs my 27) we had somewhat of a mirror match. Where he brought bigger howitzers, flamers and cavalry I had brought more armor. He pushed units from reserve from his entire board edge. Infantry in the center, closest to the center objective, with his cavalry going around the flanks, likely trying to bait me to move my much slower infantry to intercept and if ignored: tackle my quarters objective. his snipers messed mine up, my mortars messed up his heavy howitzer, my 4 armored vehicles bullied their way up mid-table against a sole howitzer that had taken some hits. he formed a tight circle of small arms around the center objective whilst i tried to push my swarm of swordboies onto said objective. meat-grinder.
I had a truck with a troop on the objective first, which he routed of the table when they failed to rally inside their transport on 3 pins with two attempts. bad luck. but i got 5 more, all running towards the middle. As there is a ruin and we have a massive 52 dice in the bag we have to make good time, which we did all things considered. I pushed another unit onto the objective at the end of turn 4 and he moved an engineers squad into point blank range (flamer missing), a cavalry squad shot to 3 guys, a lone CO and the remnants of an inex. infantry section of his (2 men) into very short range of the objective. however I was holding it in a way he couldn't make contact with it - so he kept shooting the squad on target, who were in hard cover, but still he managed to get them up to three pins. we enter turn 5, i get my dice first. nice. i rally my squad on obj. which would've likely sealed the deal. but of course i fail and go down, with my 3 pins. at least in hard cover. in short succession we draw our last hand full of dice. my two tanks grind through the ruin wiping out all of his units that could've held the objective with their 6 MMgs - but in doing so, killing the engineers right next to my squad before they could activate, they opened the LOF for one of his snipers who of course shot, hit and routed my unit on target. one of my tanks touching the objective made the draw inevitable, and there was not gonna be a 6th turn. 3 more infantry units of mine failing to activate with 1 and 2 pins respectively, even on double tries for one of them the downside of shirker infantry :D... It was a great game, very much exciting to the very end and swinging back and forth.
In hindsight I should've used my tanks to get onto the center early on and bully back his advancing units who had no real anti-tank means making it easier for my infantry to run onto center... hardly playing 2 games in 3 months really takes a toll on your problem solving skills - or rather your redundancy-planning. Anyhow. A great and fast game, sadly a draw, but i got myself that secondary and having bully vehicles is always good times.
Sadly I didn't take pictures of this table. Dan Lane would move on to win the tournament, so i pride myself being the single draw on his record for this event.
Round #3: The Bigger The Better
Drawing is similar to Losing always somewhat of a downer early on in such an event, as it usually means you drop out of the top field. This event turnt out very different and also, I got to face off against Juggernaut Alex Bundock and his Polish lancers.
The Bigger The Better is much like Meeting Engagement - but instead of 1 kill = 1 VP it was split up to where units of higher point-cost would reward higher VPs for being killed. A rule I like very much, as in other scenarios killing a Tiger is worth as much as killing a mule. Which is very counter-immersive. Anyhow: we played on a desert map with lots of buildings and high walls, which his cavalry could recce and regroup around but my tanks and armored cars didnt struggle much to keep up. We had a whole lot of nothing happening all game on my right hand side of the table where 80% of my army and his two tankettes fought an awkward battle of incompetence leading to nothing at all being killed (iirc), whereas all the action happend on my left, his right. here we had a glorious cat and mouse skirmish of 3 guntrucks, a CO, 2 At-rifles, 2 tanks, 1 armored car and one blob of my swordslingers against 4 of his vet. cavalry squads and two dakka-tanks. As this was his side of the board, so to speak, opposite to his deployment, he could occasionally bring his two med. howitzers and sniper to bear on me but to little effect with all the buildings in the way. While I was really not very effective at killing him, he got a tad bloodthirsty and charged his units in-between the houses all my units were hiding behind and around where, with time and many misses, i was able to pick his units apart.
Oddly having 2 infantry and a sniper next to the secondary for the whole game, I never realized this actively and thus never moved onto the secondary. But neither did he, so it was a win for me, with not secondary - and a bloody good game against Alex, who I count as a friend and ever helpful fellow hobbyist (he is the one who offered me a ride, had i stayed at the same hotel, and also provided me with a large tray for my army, as my travel-one is to small). Great guy, great game.
the last 4 of 36 lancers hiding behind a high wall. The lone bear holding down the med. artillery, after recrewing the other gun twice!
lots of my stuff just sitting around the right hand flank doing nothing. smoking tanks to the west.
dead lancers
Day One: 2 W - 0 L - 1 D and 2/3 secondary objectives
Round #4: Seize and Hold
On to a very interesting mission I've never seen before: Seize and Hold against one Paul Wickens and his Soviet horde (21 dice).
Table quarters, again, with 4 objectives, two per quarter, one in each placed by both players - however in a so small corridor that it didn't actually matter (8" from all table edges, 8" from long center line and 8" from other objectives. Essentially this means its a small, 8"*16" corridor, which, after the native player places his objective gets roughly cut in half or more... so it's more an illusion of choice when placing an objective in the enemy quarter.
I placed my objective in Pauls quarter as close to his tableflank and the long centerline as possible, put 3 squads of infantry and a whole train of stuff into outflank. My plan was to push into his sector and onto the objective with sheer brute force. My armor was reserved to come in mid table from my long side to stop any pushes from his to my diagonally-opposed quatre and also stop anyone trying to take the secondary - but me (I now had learnt that they were worth an actual tournament point each - rather than just being tie-breakers). the rest, roughly a third of my army deployed in my sector to block off any chance of his to come from reserve onto my two objectives. I was playing for the win big time.
Sadly the table was spammed with hard-cover, LOS-blocking buildings and HIDDEN-rules were in play. Sadly Paul never even tried mounting an attack on my objectives and played for the draw right from the get go. Bringing in his reserved infantry not to challenge me, but to pack his short board edge so my out flankers were unable to arrive from more than 24" into the table. where a convenient wall was placed with hidden vet. Scouts in Ambush, who simply waited the whole game for my outflank to happen. Along with them Scouts he had 12 dogteams and two fausts all hiding (actually "hidden" keyword" behind houses and his two heavy autocannons in constant ambush. His entire setup screamed "You Shall Not Pass". Since Im not part of the GB championship, of which the Welsh Nationals is one of the three tourstops, I had no reason to play the long game. And personally I find playing for draws in singles events very unsatisfactory. So I pushed him as hard as I could. starting wiht an AT rifle to bait an ambush, which he didnt trigger, but using them boies to spot all his hidden units on that side and even killing a vet. tankhunter behind one of the houses, trying to get them fausts removed. I was right at the wall with his scouts, about 5" from the objective i had placed for me. He charged the AT rifle with the hunters - and got killed :D. Hopefully I roll a d6 regroup, to land 2" further up, not far enough to cross the wall and clear the 1" gap of the scouts.... But he charges me again, this time a dog-team. He dies, again. I regroup, this time a whole... 2" across the wall and painfully close to the objective. I could smell it. one of his snipers close by turns and kills one of the team, when of course i fail my morale check and get routed.
I drive up my truck to "the wall", he ambushes me a bit earlier to limit my pour-out. where i roll another glorious 2 to only make it up to the wall, now with a pin and having taken losses almost impossible to get the squad to move up to the objective. But im lucky. He charges me with a squad of his inex. infantry, which my tough fighting shirkers of course snack up and regroup...... 2" over the wall, but not far enough. These last 2 survivors get mopped up by something else he has on that corner. which is most of his army. two more squads of infantry arrive from reserve but of course cannot move over the wall nor enter along his short edge due to his infantry being spread around there.
In a last ditch effort I successfully bait his ambushing autocannon and remaining faust with a racing utility truck of mine, running towards his other objective. After having baited him I race my armored car already on the field in an 24" dash toward the other objective to obstruct. we turn into turn 6 and i manage to activate the armored car first to connect with the objective. the game is won, i turn the car, fire 5 shots into his holding CO (going down) and into the autocannon, hitting 4 times. I fail to wound him at all with the 4 hits, neither the CO, we draw the last dice of the game. of course its his. autocannon activates through the pin, no problem. double hit. double pen. double boom boom goes my armored car. the game ends on a for me unhappy draw, However at least I got the secondary and had a fun game against Paul.

mid game, one can already see the reserves pouring hin along his short edge, where the veterans with SMG hold \"the wall\", my oibjective ever so close behind.
table layout. nothing at all happened on my side of the board. it all went down on his short edge of the board.
this could've been a thing of beauty - but he just had to get the dice and roll some good hits, did he :D...
Round #5: Meeting Engagement
A chill and easy last mission against the excellent Richard CZ and his Ghurkas. This was the only Ghurka army I faced at this event. To my big surprise and relief. Sadly in the one mission where they were probably best against me: kill points - and points per unit don't matter... and i have 27 squishy dice against his 16.
The mission, in case anyone doesn't know is: move on along your long table edge and simply kill the other guy better than he kills you. good stuff. I had two guntrucks with CO's and infantry outflanking both sides to allow some nice side/rear shots into any adventurous tanks and mop up rear placed artillery and support with my infantry. Ghurkas with an M3 Lee and Stuart were a different ballgame however. Richard brilliantly played a "denied flank", rendering anything i put on the other tablehalf - including my outflankers, redundant. All the action was always going to be on the small open corridor on the left table half. I took the secondary mid-table at my discression, as there was no one to contest and the battle raged to my left. his para-ghurkas, tanks and mortars against my armor and artillery. no point in tossing in infantry for me.
I beat him to a bloody pulp. Then he beat me to a bloody pulp. Then, pretty sure we were drawn, +1/-1 something, he had what felt like the upper hand, his Lee and stuart raigning supreme, my bigger guns dead/unmanned, my guntrucks having to hide from his stuarts firepower... didnt look to shiny. I brought my outflanks not to attack him - but along my own long edge sprinting over the open field towards the safety of houses to not get caught by his advancing army, which i couldnt stop in that concentration... All looked dire, until he, I think, became a bit bloodthirsty and rushed his brengineers in to kill a guntruck and tank in the middle of my bottom left army conentration. his flamer missed, and his 10 shots mmg caused but a pin. It was the top of a new turn and we were at about 10 vs 20 dice, having me draw first. my tank wiped out his engieneers with its 15 shots. he drew and activated his bren not to move, but shoot, not killing my guntruck again. he drew again, moving up his stuart into the fray and failed to kill the guntruck - again, also missing my tank with his AT gun. Now i activated my outflanking infantry which had entered the table and were pressed to the ground along my long edge to get up and run towards his lone, actived bren, proximity kill assured. one of my 4 guntrucks shot and caused 2 pins by damage (1 result) on his Lee, then my howitzer hit on a magical 6 on his Lee, causing damage through the roof for 4 pins, my mortar too hit on a 5+ ranging in (iirc) and caused damage for 4 pins total - routing the monster. my tripple pinned, indestructable gunbuggy activates for a fire - and this the stuart in short range blowing it up. We shook hands on a great and bloody game, ending 15 mins early. Secondary secured. Very good result against ghurkas in killpoints for this force.
a whole bunch of stuff just standing around uselessly. my right outflankers just taking pot-shots at super long range... you can see all my stuff on my left looking at the stuart that had just died there (some models already packed away).
you can see our three dead tanks and my burnt down armored car between the two houses. bloody mess.
Final Results:
3 W - 0 L - 2 D with 4 secondaries for 15 Tournament points. I cam in 4th, which I'm happy about with my Dutch.
Tournament take-aways: The event was well run, awesome prize-support, lots of awards, friendly people and organizers. The size of it meant that newecasual players could play more casually at their speed after the first round, while the nasty cheesers like myself got to play amongst themselves in the top 10ish. good stuff!
Also lunch was included in the very fair event-costs and the venue itself was handicapped-accessible and a proper nerd-heaven. Very cool!
Im not going to another BA event when I have to check into a hostel. not gonna do it.
In-Game-wise take aways:
I was unsure of the Dutch at 1250, as they do not get that much stronger with more points (imo), they excell at 750-1000 point games. Whereas many other nations can dramatically ramp up their power with them extra 250 points, for Dutch not really that much ramps up I think. I tried very hard to squeeze something sensible into the army.
However after the event I am positively surprised of how well they carried themselves at 1250. At times it almost feels like cheating running this army. You just have so much of everthing. So much redundancy, something dies? who cares, Ill put another 2-3 up there!
A word on missions: I am no fan of missions that lend themselves to be easily drawn, like "Seize and Hold", You spawn on two objectives - all you need to draw. All your units are hidden. Just hang tight and defend your position and you cant lose. For tourney play not my favorite. My guess is roughly a third or half of all tables drew that one.

submitted by Uthakker2 to boltaction [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:10 Lepaxow Is this live performance of our first song good enough for a release? Any feedback on the song, performance and mix appreciated. 🖤 Kairose-Roses.

Is this live performance of our first song good enough for a release? Any feedback on the song, performance and mix appreciated. 🖤 Kairose-Roses. submitted by Lepaxow to MusicFeedback [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:09 GTHero90 Hep needed for mother son song dance

Hi guys,
I’m looking for a song similar to Marc Anthony-you sang to me, and I’m not really feeling this one due to it not meshing well for the dynamic of a mom and son. I like this beat and the instrumentals but not all of the lyrics. Thanks!
submitted by GTHero90 to wedding [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:03 DaktariSB LA County Jail -- Do Inmates Have to Agree to Visits Ahead of TIme?

I have an unusual question. I am a lawyer, but I'm a copyright lawyer in the music business. I’ve never done any criminal law work. An old client, a songwriter, died many years ago, but one of his old songs has become important. The copyright law says that his children have certain rights to get the copyright back (from the original publisher) after a certain number of years. He had five children, and all of them have gone through very hard times. They have been very difficult to locate. But I need their consent to assert their rights, and, I hope, help them out.

After lots of looking, I located one of them, a son (about 55 years old) being held in the LA County Jail. He’s been there about six months, without bail, on a felony charge, waiting for trial. Not his first time. I need to speak to him about recent developments about his father’s music. It’s basically good news, and certainly nothing he would expect.

He does not know who I am. I see from the Sheriff’s website that a lawyer can schedule a visit during the week, during normal hours. But what I don’t know is, from the inmate’s view, what happens? Is he notified that “so and so lawyer” wants to have a visit? What would likely be his reaction? Does this happen very often? Or, should I write first? Or, should I try and find who his public defender is, and try and schedule something that way?

submitted by DaktariSB to ExCons [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:02 Kayish Website or app recommendations for hosting pictures for parents to view?

What the title says!
Does anyone have any websites or apps they recommend that would be ideal for posting/sending pictures for parents to view? I'm thinking of a place where I can post pictures of neat things my class does throughout the year and to possibly make different albums that parents can easily go back and view at any time (first day of school, field trips, big projects, theme days, just because, etc.). If it's a website, something that can be password protected would be preferred.
Not interested in a class Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter page.
Just feel like I want to connect with parents more in this way. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Kayish to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:59 Confident_Lawfulness What's the best audio/music to text software? Free if possible

Looking for software to translate some obscure japanese songs that I can't find lyrics of, idk what the language is, it's like English but at the same time not? Idk..
Software that can do multiple languages would be of great help Pls help me out
submitted by Confident_Lawfulness to software [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:58 Large_Scene3565 [For HIRE] Pay someone to take my cisco exam reddit Assignment-project- homework- Quiz- Test Certification Helper Reddit Online Help for CCNA CCNP MCSE MCSD OCPJP VMware VCP ITIL CEH AWS Cloud Google Microsoft Azure - Essentials & Associate Exam/Certs Reddit Expert Assistance & Support for IT

How to find help for these online courses?

If you need any type of online help for your online exam, assignments, homework, quiz, test Or want to hire someone to take your complete course, consider reaching out hiraedu online or contact via WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 Call: +1 727 456 9641
Here are some ways to find help for online courses:
  1. Course Support Team: Reach out to the course support team or instructors through email, phone, or chat.
  2. Online Forums: Participate in online forums, discussion boards, or social media groups related to the course.
  3. Student Communities: Join online communities, Facebook groups, or Reddit forums dedicated to the course or subject.
  4. Tutoring Services: Utilize tutoring services offered by the university or third-party providers.
  5. Peer Support: Connect with classmates or peers taking the same course for help and collaboration.
  6. Online Resources: Search for additional online resources, such as tutorials, videos, or blogs, to supplement course materials.
  7. Academic Advisors: Consult with academic advisors for guidance on course selection, progress, and challenges.
  8. Technical Support: Contact technical support for assistance with platform-related issues or technical difficulties.
  9. Office Hours: Attend virtual office hours or live sessions with instructors for real-time support.
  10. Study Groups: Form online study groups with fellow students to collaborate and learn together.
Remember, don't hesitate to ask for help when needed. Good luck with your online courses!
submitted by Large_Scene3565 to certificationsyouneed [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:57 jardimoceania (Spoilers Main) Sansa and Daenerys parallels and showdown in the end.

I know people didn't like the storyline in season 8 involving Dany and Sansa and truly believe that this was a show only storyline, yet, re reading the books, those 2 characters are looking more and more as mirrors and foils for each other. Also, the more I read A Clash Of kings, the more certain I am that Sansa will be the Queen in the North by the end. There is a lot of foreshadow of Sansa be queen, in fact, on her first chapter of this novel. Anyway, let's start with Dany and Sansa bizarre dance in the first book A GAME OF THRONES.
We start the books with Dany telling us that "She doesn't want to be his Queen, she wants to go home"
Dany looked at Khal Drogo. His face was hard and cruel, his eyes as cold and dark as onyx. Her brother hurt her sometimes, when she woke the dragon, but he did not frighten her the way this man frightened her. "I don't want to be his queen," she heard herself say in a small, thin voice. "Please, please, Viserys, I don't want to, I want to go home."
A Game of Thrones - Daenerys I
Daenerys has no desire on marrying Khal Drogo and be his Queen, she is terrified of him, she thinks he is ugly and unatracive. All she wants is the house with red door and the lemon tree, she is longing for the only place she ever felt happy and safe.
"We will have it all back someday, sweet sister," he would promise her. Sometimes his hands shook when he talked about it. "The jewels and the silks, Dragonstone and King's Landing, the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms, all they have taken from us, we will have it back." Viserys lived for that day. All that Daenerys wanted back was the big house with the red door, the lemon tree outside her window, the childhood she had never known.
A Game of Thrones - Daenerys I
Dany wishes to be free, to have no past or future, yet the Targaryen legacy doesn't allow her to make her own choices.
When he was gone, Dany went to her window and looked out wistfully on the waters of the bay. The square brick towers of Pentos were black silhouettes outlined against the setting sun. Dany could hear the singing of the red priests as they lit their night fires and the shouts of ragged children playing games beyond the walls of the estate. For a moment she wished she could be out there with them, barefoot and breathless and dressed in tatters, with no past and no future and no feast to attend at Khal Drogo's manse.
A Game of Thrones - Daenerys I
Another interesting detail I notice is how she sees Westeros. It's almost like a dream, a magical place that was described by her in songs, yet, a place she had never actually been. Is something that exists only on her imagination.
Somewhere beyond the sunset, across the narrow sea, lay a land of green hills and flowered plains and great rushing rivers, where towers of dark stone rose amidst magnificent blue-grey mountains, and armored knights rode to battle beneath the banners of their lords. The Dothraki called that land Rhaesh Andahli, the land of the Andals. In the Free Cities, they talked of Westeros and the Sunset Kingdoms. Her brother had a simpler name. "Our land," he called it. The words were like a prayer with him. If he said them enough, the gods were sure to hear. "Ours by blood right, taken from us by treachery, but ours still, ours forever. You do not steal from the dragon, oh, no. The dragon remembers."
And perhaps the dragon did remember, but Dany could not. She had never seen this land her brother said was theirs, this realm beyond the narrow sea. These places he talked of, Casterly Rock and the Eyrie, Highgarden and the Vale of Arryn, Dorne and the Isle of Faces, they were just words to her.
A Game of Thrones - Daenerys I
.......on the other hand .... Sansa is absolutely in love with the idea of marrying Joffrey and be his queen. She could not wait to leave Winterfell, the only place that was ever a home for her and march south and marry her beloved prince. In fact she falls in love with him EVEN BEFORE meeting him.
She was told in the begging of the book that Joffrey belongs to her and only her, that he is her betrothed, his future King. He will be HER husband and no one else. Joffrey is supposed to care for Sansa and treat her with affection and love. (we all know how that ended up)
It was a great honor to ride with the queen, and besides, Prince Joffrey might be there. Her betrothed. Just thinking it made her feel a strange fluttering inside, even though they were not to marry for years and years. Sansa did not really know Joffrey yet, but she was already in love with him. He was all she ever dreamt her prince should be, tall and handsome and strong, with hair like gold.
A Game of Thrones - Sansa I
If we switch Joffrey for Westeros, it makes for an interesting parallel. Sansa falls in love with Joffrey before even meeting him, it's the idea of Joffrey that seduces Sansa. He belongs to her, he is supposed to love her and be kind to her. She probably grew up hearing songs and stories about how lovely and honourable princes are. That's Dany's position during most of the books. Westeros belongs to her, the people of Westeros are supposed to care for her and celebrate her return. She never met this strange place, only heard songs and stories about this land. I feel like Westeros is going to break Dany's heart just like Joffrey broke Sansa's heart.
By the end of the book, we know exactly that everything goes terrible for Sansa and her beloved prince is a cruel monster. We start chapter SANSA chapter VI with Sansa in bed, having dreams about her father's death, she is morning the death of her father, Ned Stark. Sansa is heartbroken and very weak, she hasn't eat anything, she wants to die and she cries day and night.
Sometimes her sleep was leaden and dreamless, and she woke from it more tired than when she had closed her eyes. Yet those were the best times, for when she dreamed, she dreamed of Father. Waking or sleeping, she saw him, saw the gold cloaks fling him down, saw Ser Ilyn striding forward, unsheathing Ice from the scabbard on his back, saw the moment … the moment when … she had wanted to look away, she had wanted to, her legs had gone out from under her and she had fallen to her knees, yet somehow she could not turn her head, and all the people were screaming and shouting, and her prince had smiled at her, he'd smiled and she'd felt safe, but only for a heartbeat, until he said those words, and her father's legs … that was what she remembered, his legs, the way they'd jerked when Ser Ilyn … when the sword …
A Game of Thrones - Sansa VI
Buy the time Sansa wakes up from her dreams and see Joffrey in front of her, her world has been completely turned upside down. She can see clearly now that he is no hero. and Sansa has now a new goal in her mind. She wants to go home.
"It does not please me," Joffrey said. "Mother says I'm still to marry you, so you'll stay here, and you'll obey."
"I don't want to marry you," Sansa wailed. "You chopped off my father's head!" Sansa stared at him, seeing him for the first time. >He was wearing a padded crimson doublet patterned with lions and a cloth-of-gold cape with a high collar that framed his face. She wondered how she could ever have thought him handsome. His lips were as soft and red as the worms you found after a rain, and his eyes were vain and cruel. "I hate you," she whispered.
A Game of Thrones - Sansa VI
From the high battlements of the gatehouse, the whole world spread out below them. Sansa could see the Great Sept of Baelor on Visenya's hill, where her father had died. At the other end of the Street of the Sisters stood the fire-blackened ruins of the Dragonpit. To the west, the swollen red sun was half-hidden behind the Gate of the Gods. The salt sea was at her back, and to the south was the fish market and the docks and the swirling torrent of the Blackwater Rush. And to the north …
She turned that way, and saw only the city, streets and alleys and hills and bottoms and more streets and more alleys and the stone of distant walls. Yet she knew that beyond them was open country, farms and fields and forests, and beyond that, north and north and north again, stood Winterfell.
A Game of Thrones - Sansa VI
Sansa is literally switching places with Daenerys, now Sansa doesn't want to be his queen. She thinks he is ugly, she is surprised she never noticed that before. When Joffrey takes Sansa to see her father head, Sansa looks towards the entire city of Kings Landing and her attention now focus in the North. Sansa now longs for the home where she was happy and safe. Just like Dany longed for the house with the red door. We could literally have a line where Sansa says "I don't want to be his queen, I want to go home"...
The next chapter of the book is Daenerys IX we have Dany also having dreams, dragon dreams..
She was walking down a long hall beneath high stone arches. She could not look behind her, must not look behind her. There was a door ahead of her, tiny with distance, but even from afar, she saw that it was painted red. She walked faster, and her bare feet left bloody footprints on the stone. "You don't want to wake the dragon, do you?"
A Game of Thrones - Daenerys IX
The dream goes on and on for pages, she is waking the dragon, she is flying, she sees the red door..... it's so close.....
The door loomed before her, the red door, so close, so close, the hall was a blur around her, the cold receding behind. And now the stone was gone and she flew across the Dothraki sea, high and higher, the green rippling beneath, and all that lived and breathed fled in terror from the shadow of her wings. She could smell home, she could see it, there, just beyond that door, green fields and great stone houses and arms to keep her warm, there. She threw open the door.......the dragon....
all of sudden, she sees Rhaegar and she hears Jorahs voice whispering the last dragon... I think what's happening here is that the dragon dreams are replacing Daenerys own dreams..
And saw her brother Rhaegar, mounted on a stallion as black as his armor. Fire glimmered red through the narrow eye slit of his helm. "The last dragon," Ser Jorah's voice whispered faintly. "The last, the last." Dany lifted his polished black visor. The face within was her own.
"Yes, Khaleesi." Quick as that Jhiqui was gone, bolting from the tent, shouting. Dany needed … something … someone … what? It was important, she knew. It was the only thing in the world that mattered. She rolled onto her side and got an elbow under her, fighting the blanket tangled about her legs. It was so hard to move. The world swam dizzily. I have to …
A Game of Thrones - Daenerys IX
Once Dany wakes up she is informed she lost her child and will give Drogo a merciful death. She is now determined to wake the dragons and conquer Westeros, the red door is left behind....
Ser Jorah Mormont drew her aside as the sun was creeping toward its zenith. "Princess …" he began. "Why do you call me that?" Dany challenged him. "My brother Viserys was your king, was he not?" "He was, my lady." "Viserys is dead. I am his heir, the last blood of House Targaryen. Whatever was his is mine now."
A Game of Thrones - Daenerys X
Daenerys is now in pursuit of Viserys dreams, she is embracing her House ambitions, all the dreams of being free, of finding the red door and left behind. From now she sets her goals on Westeros. Now Dany does want to be a queen.
Why do I expect Sansa and Dany to clash? first of all, the parallels of those two girls are too strong for me to be ignored, those two little girls have so much in common. Both Sansa and Dany are sold in marriages against their will because of their claims. Dany to Khal Drogo and Sansa to Tyrion Lannister, both never imagined to be heirs of their Kingdoms since they both had older brothers, both have motherhood and longing for children and family in their storylines, both have older protectors who desire them, Ser Jorah and Littlefinger, both are running from assassins in some part of the story....
We know that Sansa will take back the North according George RR MARTIN 2003-2004 outline for AFFC
And once Sansa is back at Winterfell she will feel stronger and safer than she ever was in the beginning of the story. I think she refusing of giving up the North independence was hinted in the books.
His uncle's part went less well. The bride's cloak he held was huge and heavy, crimson velvet richly worked with lions and bordered with gold satin and rubies. No one had thought to bring a stool, however, and Tyrion stood a foot and a half shorter than his bride. As he moved behind her, Sansa felt a sharp tug on her skirt. He wants me to kneel, she realized, blushing. ......She felt another tug at her skirt, more insistent. I won't. Why should I spare his feelings, when no one cares about mine?
A Storm of Swords - Sansa III
Sansa is refusing to kneel so that Tyrion can cloak her in her wedding ceremony. I always thought that this could be a foreshadow for a future storyline. Sansa refusing to kneel and give away the North after conquering back from The Lannisters and Boltons.
And for those who forgot, you have to remember that on book 2, ACOK, Rob has been named King in the North and this decision infuriates Joffrey and she was brutally spanked and tortured every time Rob won a battle against The Lannisters...
"She wore a gown of pale purple silk and a moonstone hair net that had been a gift from Joffrey. The gown had long sleeves to hide the bruises on her arms. Those were Joffrey's gifts as well. When they told him that Robb had been proclaimed King in the North, his rage had been a fearsome thing, and he had sent Ser Boros to beat her.
"Shall we go?" Ser Arys offered his arm and she let him lead her from her chamber. If she must have one of the Kingsguard dogging her steps, Sansa preferred that it be him. Ser Boros was short-tempered, Ser Meryn cold, and Ser Mandon's strange dead eyes made her uneasy, while Ser Preston treated her like a lackwit child. Arys Oakheart was courteous, and would talk to her cordially. Once he even objected when Joffrey commanded him to hit her. He did hit her in the end, but not hard as Ser Meryn or Ser Boros might have, and at least he had argued. The others obeyed without question . . . except for the Hound, but Joff never asked the Hound to punish her. He used the other five for that.
A Clash of Kings - Sansa I
In the chapter 32 of the book we have Sansa be taken to a public audience with Joffrey to answer for Rob latest victory. This entire chapter is a living nightmare, Sansa not only is publicly spanked for Rob's victories, people are laughing at her beating, Joffrey wants her stripped of her clothes, he wants her blood to spill for her brothers triumph. Sansa literally spills her blood for the North Independence.
When she emerged, Sansa walked on the Hound's left, away from the burned side of his face. "Tell me what I've done." "Not you. Your kingly brother." "Robb's a traitor." Sansa knew the words by rote. "I had no part in whatever he did." Gods be good, don't let it be the Kingslayer. If Robb had harmed Jaime Lannister, it would mean her life. She thought of Ser Ilyn, and how those terrible pale eyes staring pitilessly out of that gaunt pockmarked face.....Joffrey stood in the center of the throng, winding an ornate crossbow. Ser Boros and Ser Meryn were with him. The sight of them was enough to tie her insides in knots. "Your Grace." She fell to her knees. Frowning, he lowered the crossbow. "I'd shoot you too, but if I do Mother says they'd kill my uncle Jaime. Instead you'll just be punished and we'll send word to your brother about what will happen to you if he doesn't yield. Dog, hit her." "Let me beat her!" Ser Dontos shoved forward, tin armor clattering. He was armed with a "morningstar" whose head was a melon. My Florian. She could have kissed him, blotchy skin and broken veins and all. He trotted his broomstick around her, shouting "Traitor, traitor" and whacking her over the head with the melon. Sansa covered herself with her hands, staggering every time the fruit pounded her, her hair sticky by the second blow. People were laughing. The melon flew to pieces. Laugh, Joffrey, she prayed as the juice ran down her face and the front of her blue silk gown. Laugh and be satisfied. Joffrey did not so much as snigger. "Boros. Meryn." Leave her face, I like her pretty... Boros slammed a fist into Sansa's belly, driving the air out of her. When she doubled over, the knight grabbed her hair and drew his sword, and for one hideous instant she was certain he meant to open her throat. As he laid the flat of the blade across her thighs, she thought her legs might break from the force of the blow. Sansa screamed. Tears welled in her eyes. It will be over soon. She soon lost count of the blows. Enough," she heard the Hound rasp. "No it isn't," the king replied. "Boros, make her naked." Boros shoved a meaty hand down the front of Sansa's bodice and gave a hard yank. The silk came tearing away, baring her to the waist. Sansa covered her breasts with her hands. She could hear sniggers, far off and cruel. "Beat her bloody," Joffrey said, "we'll see how her brother fancies—" What is the meaning of this?" The Imp's voice cracked like a whip, and suddenly Sansa was free. She stumbled to her knees, arms crossed over her chest, her breath ragged.
A Clash of Kings - Sansa III
Sansa was abused, beaten, humiliated and threatened with death because the North proclaimed independence, her blood was spilled every time Robb achieved a victory. And by the end, for her to suddenly giving up after so much pain and sorrow doesn't seem likely.
sooo, yeah, those are my ramblings. I have been re reading the books now after season 8 and I am not gonna lie to you, some storylines do seem to have come straight from George.
So yeah, I think we may have a clash of those two characters in the end, just like season 8, but I believe it would be better done by George himself.
submitted by jardimoceania to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:57 bohostyle24 Wanting to Find My Sponsor Child in Buenaventura, Colombia

Hello, I'm an American female who's been sponsoring a Colombian boy through Compassion International (Headquartered in Colorado Springs, CO). Felipe Urquiza Murillo was 4 years old when I began my sponsorship, and for the past 13 years we've connected by writing letters to each other which are translated and distributed through Compassion. Now that Felipe is 17, I want to meet the person (and his family) who I've put time, love, money, and energy into for so many years. I want to know who he's become and help him continue to live a good life. The problem is that Compassion will not facilitate any sponsor visits at this time (something they discontinued after COVID), and they are telling me that I'm not allowed to visit my child on my own terms. They won't even facilitate a simple zoom call for me to meet my child online. I'm beginning to wonder if this "Christian" organization is really legit (although I can't find anything online that suggests otherwise). In my last letter to Felipe, I asked him if he has social media, and Compassion removed my letter and cancelled the delivery of this letter. I can't find him anywhere on Facebook or Instagram. Does anyone know someone in Buenaventura that could help me locate Felipe? He supposedly still attends the Compassion Development Center Casa Shalom.
submitted by bohostyle24 to Colombia [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:55 HaradaIto how long do you think kendrick has been sitting on these tracks?

first person shooter dropped in october 2023. kendrick reportedly turned down a feature request for it, so might have known some of its content, and could have started kicking around diss ideas then.
‘like that’ dropped in march 2024, almost 6 months later. he likely knew his verse would provoke a response.
push ups dropped a month later, late april.
euphoria - 1 week later
6:16 in LA - 3 days later
meet the grahams - <1 day later
not like us - <1 day later
to my mind, euphoria is the only typical diss track in freestyle form. 6:16 feels like an interlude, especially the first half. meet the grahams is very systematic and thoughtful with organized form. not like us is written like a legitimate top 40 hit (in a good way), with hype beat and incredible lines and a repeated chorus - not necessarily the kind of thing that’d get cooked up in a day.
dot also says he has a total of 10 tracks in stock.
so kendrick has amassed an entire LP of drake disses, which are truly well-written with an album-like feel to the overall catalog so far.
do you think he might have started calling contacts and getting this together before push ups even dropped, with the plan of carpet bombing drake with great tracks in a semi-planned release order?
or do you think this was really all done within the last 2 weeks?
given kendrick’s status as hater-in-chief, i wouldn’t be surprised if this was months in the making, especially with how ridiculously well-written the last 2 disses were
submitted by HaradaIto to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:53 AlexRogansBeta Blind Taste Test of Local Donuts

Blind Taste Test of Local Donuts
Hello Victoria,

Here's another dispatch from the Victorian Society for the Scientific Study of Food (VSSSF). We're simply a group of friends who periodically get together to eat delicious things and needlessly rank them. It is "scientific" inasmuch as we use rigorous methods to randomize, double-blind, and then rank the foods. But these results are not replicable, nor should they be considered representative. It's just for fun and a good way to hype up our local food producers.

On May 5th, 10 adults in their 30s gathered to determine which donut-specific bakery in the GVA makes the best donuts. Rivalries in this category are hotly contested amongst Victorians. Some people (like me) swear by Empire. Some people swear by Yonni's. But there are also new entrants in the market: Doughnut Vault, Frickin' Delights, and Rhino. Rather than arguing about it, we put it to the test!


Bakeries in No Particular Order

Doughnut Vault is a really small operation, functioning as a "pop-up shop" hosted out of the Public Market.

Frickin' Delights is a similarly small operation that opened up on the corner of Broad and Yates. They don't have a working webpage at the time of writing, but here's their Facebook page.

Empire Donuts has been a longtime staple in the city. They have a location in Cook Street Village, as well as in the Yates Street Arcade.

Yonni's is perhaps the longest running specialty donut shop in the city. They sell out of Discovery Café locations.

Rhino is a fresh import from Tofino. They're recently opened up a location in Langford.

There are, of course, other bakeries across the GVA that sell donuts. The intent with this double-blind taste test was to focus on donut specialty shops: places that essentially only make donuts. Or, who focus their bakery's identity on donuts. Rhino was probably the only "stretch" in that sense, since they also have other baked goods on offer. But, they really hype their donuts as a centerpiece to their baked offerings. So, we included them. Also, as a sort of aside, an intent of all VSSSF reports is to hype local food joints! Showcasing new entrants to the market, like Rhino, falls squarely within the values of the VSSSF.


We originally intended to have categories of donuts to rank. We envisioned 4 categories as Basic Glazed, Chocolate, Fritter, and Wild Card.

The Basic Glazed category would have ideally included… well, a basic glazed donut with no icing, frills, or fluff. As it turned out, many of these donut places simply didn't offer such a thing. One place I called was adamant that "all our donuts are glazed" and that they don't use icing. The nuance of this statement was lost on me, and looking at all their donuts, they all had icing on them from where I am sitting.

Alternatively, if a bakery did have a glazed donut, it was maybe a sour cream glazed. Which, we all know, is wildly different than an old fashioned glazed, for example. In the end, the concept of this category necessarily morphed into "Basic Glazed/Vanilla ". And even at that, it was really a struggle to find a donut from each of the five locations that fit into this category. Even more of a struggle when they changed the order on me at the last minute... In the end, here are the five donuts that were tested in this category:
Doughnut Vault: Vanilla Bean Glazed
Frickin' Delights: Strawberry Dunkaroo*
Empire: Yuzu Vanilla
Yonni's: Sour Cream Glazed
Rhino: Vanilla Sprinkle**

*The order I made from Frickin' Delights was for "Vanilla Birthday Cake". Upon arrival to pick up the order on the morning of the event I noticed that what was in my box looked an awful lot like the Strawberry Dunkaroos on display. I inquired, and was told that they were "basically the same thing with artificial strawberry flavouring added". It was too late to re-jig all the categories to make this fit, so we just ran with it.
** The Rhino Vanilla Sprinkle was the only "Basic" donut on offer, but it was gluten free, which had an enormous effect on the results.

The Chocolate category was similarly challenging to create. Ideally, we wanted it to only be a basic donut with a chocolate dip. But not all places offered a basic chocolate dip donut. In the end, we modified this category to be "Chocolate Centric". Meaning, it was a donut that was structured around its chocolate-ness. We tested:
Doughnut Vault: Chocolate Dip
Frickin' Delights: Chocolate Strawberry Dip
Empire: Chocolate Sprinkle
Yonni's: Chocolate Dip Ring
Rhino: Triple Chocolate

The "Fritter" category is pretty straightforward, and ended up being pretty straightforward. The only hiccup, so to speak, was that Frickin' Delights doesn't have a fritter on offer. So, only four bakeries had showings in this category.
Doughnut Vault: Bourbon Apple Blondie
Empire: Apple
Yonni's: Maple Apple
Rhino: Apple

Then, since each bakery really specializes in doing wild donut flavours that had no consistency across locations, we opted for a fourth "wild card" category. This category was intended to highlight the wacky and the creative. Selecting one wacky and creative donut from each bakery would have been impossible, and would have done each bakery a disservice. Since, that's where they put all their love in. So, this category was double the size of the other categories, featuring two donuts from each location.
Doughnut Vault: Pear Ginger White Chocolate & Persian Ice Cream
Frickin' Delights: Brown Butter Sea Salt & Blackberry Lemonade
Empire: Tajin Peach & Prickly Pear Margarita
Yonni's: Honey Lemon Cruller & Guava Cheesecake
Rhino: Maple Bacon & Sour Cream Glazed***

*** Readers will note that there is a Sour Cream Glazed from Yonni's in the "Basic Glaze/Vanilla" category, and a Sour Cream Glazed from Rhino in the "Wild Card" category. Despite the names, these are fundamentally different donuts. The Sour Cream Glazed from Yonni's is a sour cream donut with regular glaze. The Sour Cream Glazed from Rhino was a regular donut with a sour, creamy icing. That, or they gave me the wrong donut in the order.

Sampling Strategy

Donuts were cut into quarters and randomized using little colour-coded toothpick flags with numbers written on them. Each colour of flag corresponded to a category. For example, all the blue flags indicated the "Chocolate-Centric" category. Then, the numbers represented the individual donut and the bakery it came from. However, the numbers were randomized within each category. For example, Blue 2 might have been from Rhino, but Purple 2 might have been from Yonni's.

In this way, eaters were mostly unable to keep track of which donut came from which bakery. There were some exceptions. Our most fervent donut eaters (myself included) had eaten the Yonni's fritter enough to know which it was right away. The donuts from Frickin' Delights were all easy to identify owing to their size. And Doughnut Vault had a particular way of "plating" their donuts with garnishes that it was easy to identify them, too.

However, since none of my participants had ever had a donut from Frickin' Delights or Doughnut Vault before (myself included) those details were only known to myself. Since, I did all the ordering, cutting, and flag randomizing. Meaning, for the most part, my participants really were blind to the origin of each donut.

Each donut was ranked as "Good", "Better", and "Best", since there's no such thing as a bad donut (though, some participants have since argued that yes, some of the donuts were bad; see below).

Participants needed to eat one piece of each donut, to rank them on a worksheet, and then deposit the flag into a cup labelled "Good", "Better", or "Best".

For the categories "Basic Glazed/Vanilla", "Chocolate-Centric", and "Fritter", participates were required to indicate one "Best" in each category. They were also required to indicate at least one "Better" in each category. Though, they had the option to allocate up to two donuts to the "Better" rank. The remainder had to go into "Good".

Since the "Wild Card" category was doubly large, these requirements were scaled to match. Participants were required to identify two "Best" donuts for this category, a minimum of two and a max of four "Better" donuts, and the rest had to be ranked as "Good".

The scoring was ranked to give extra weight to the "Best" category. "Best" was awarded 5 points. "Better" was awarded 3 points, and "Good" was awarded 1 point. This was done to ensure that people actually put a lot of thought into which donut they ranked as "Best". Since, that one vote could be worth nearly as many points as all their other votes combined depending on how many "Better" rankings they gave out.


Per Donut, Per Category

These results represent the donut that received the highest scores in each category.

According to our results, the best "Basic Glazed/Vanilla" donut was the Yuzu Vanilla from Empire (29 pts). The runner up was the Vanilla Bean from Doughnut Vault (21 pts).

The best "Chocolate-Centric" donut was the Triple Chocolate from Rhino (25 pts). The runner up was the Chocolate Dip from Doughnut Vault (19pts).

The best "Fritter" was Yonni's Maple Apple Fritter (34 pts). The runner up was the Bourbon Apple Blondie from Doughnut Vault (30 pts).

The best "Wild Card" was the Maple Bacon from Rhino (28 pts), and the very close runner up was Empire's Tajin Peach (27 pts).

Highest Scoring Bakery Overall

The bakery that had the highest overall score was Rhino (115 pts), followed closely by Empire (112 pts). Then there was a bit of a gap after which Doughnut Vault (101 pts) and Yonni's (96 pts) scored quite closely. Frickin' Delights (68 pts) scored quite poorly in the aggregate because they didn't have a Fritter.

Highest Scoring Bakery Excluding "Fritter"

Removing the "Fritter" category, the bakery that had the highest overall score was still Rhino (96 pts) , but only by one point. Empire came in close second (95 pts). Then there's a bit of a jump, and Doughnut Vault (71 pts), Frickin' Delights (68 pts), and Yonni's (62 pts) all came in relatively close to each other.

Top "Better" vs "Best"

Empire Donuts had the most "Better" points at 51, while only having 45 points in the "Best" rank.

Meanwhile, Rhino had the most "Best" points at 65, but had less "Better" points at only 30.

Highest Scoring Donut

The donut that had the highest score overall was the Maple Apple Fritter from Yonni's with 34 points (3 votes for "Good", 2 votes for "Better", 5 votes for "Best").


Eating 1/4 of 24 donuts (totaling 6 whole donuts/fritters) proved to be too much. Some of our participants found that after eating the equivalent of 4 or 5 donuts, they were feeling… not great, and needed to stop. As a result, we only have partial data in each category.

Everyone picked which category they would begin with individually. As a result, 5 out of 50 votes were missing from "Basic Glaze/Vanilla"; 15 out of 50 votes were missing from "Chocolate-Centric"; 2 out of 40 votes were missing from "Fritter; and 18 out of 100 votes were missing from "Wild Card".

It also meant that there were diminishing returns on taste as we went along. From my own perspective, the category I did last was much harder to judge because I was simply burnt out on sugar. Though, it made the "Best" ones easier to identify because at that point, if something really did stand out in terms of flavour, it really stood out.

Since there were missing votes from each category, I am not stressing about those missing votes. Though I am sure some fancy math could be used to compensate, this was all just for fun anyways.

But, readers should keep in mind that the most disproportionately "absent" category was "Chocolate-Centric". As people began trying the different categories at different times, word got out that the Chocolate-Centric category was generally disliked, which meant that when people who had left that category for last finally got to it, a few simply opted not to try since they were already feeling ill.

Speaking to that category, a large majority of those who did do the Chocolate-Centric category voiced that they really wished there was a "Bad" option in that category. And several (myself included) voiced the opinion that they had arbitrarily given one the "Best" rank simply because it was required by our methods. This category was essentially universally disliked, and the results from this category are probably the most disputable.

Yonni's overall score was quite good until you accounted for the Fritter. The Fritter's score of 34 points accounted for 35% of Yonni's total aggregate. Indicating that while Yonni's sells good donuts, their standout really is the fritter. Their overall score was also dragged down by the Cruller (see below). So, they had both a standout donut (Fritter) and downer donut (Cruller) that really make their results wonky.

Empire didn't have the highest "Best" score, but they had the highest "Better" score. Given that our scoring system required a lot of "Better" votes to accumulate as much as the "Best" rank, this strongly indicates that Empire's donuts were the most liked generally. They might not have had the standout donut in each category, but they had the broadest general appeal.

Outside of Rhino's standout donuts like the Maple Bacon and Sour Cream Glazed, they didn't shine. Those specific donuts from them really stood out to nearly everyone, giving them high scores in their categories. But in other Categories, Rhino didn't really do exceptionally well. Second last in the "Basic Glaze/Vanilla" and 2nd last in the Fritter. For the Basic Glaze/Vanilla, however, it should be noted (again) that the Vanilla Sprinkle was gluten free, and that was obvious in the results.

Time played a huge factor in this taste test, and it was something we simply couldn't control for in a single event. Everyone knows that the best donut is a fresh donut. However, since Doughnut Vault didn't even open until 11AM, gathering all the donuts together and preparing them (cutting/placing flags) meant that we didn’t start the event until 1:30PM. By then, some of the donuts had been out of the oven and fridge for many hours. We also hosted the event at an open-air seaside location, meaning that as the eating went on (and it lasted for roughly 2 hours), the donuts got more and more stale.

I suppose that this "time factor" was controlled for in the sense that they were all degraded in terms of freshness by the time we got around to eating them. But, it had an inordinate effect on those denser donuts which ended up being quite chewy less fresh they were. This was particularly noticeable in the Fritter category. These already dense, chewy donuts were doubly dense and chewy. Still tasty, though!

Knowing these donuts a bit, I noted that the donut which deteriorated the most dramatically was Yonni's Cruller. I usually love their Cruller, but after sitting out for several hours the Cruller was really quite bad. If you know anything about Crullers, this makes sense.

The ones that survived the time factor the best appeared to be the cake-based donuts. Namely, those from Frickin' Delights and several from Doughnut Vault. They held their texture well, given the conditions.

Doughnut Vault won the prize for the prettiest donuts, in my opinion. The "Persian Ice Cream", for example, actually had chopped pistachio and dried rose petals on it. And all their donuts had a flashy garnish. In fact, some of the names were a bit misleading given that one of the flavours appeared to mostly (only?) be present in the garnish. For example, the Bourbon Apple Blondie Fritter tasted like a pretty standard apple fritter with some bourbon in there, and the "Blondie" came from a chunk of blondie brownie on top; the Pear Ginger White Chocolate had a hunk of white chocolate fudge on top, with minimal (if any?) notes of white chocolate in the donut itself.

In the "Best" rank for "Wild Cards", there were some obvious standouts that each bakery should be quite proud of. While I already highlighted Rhino's Maple Bacon and Sour Cream Glazed, Frickin' Delights' Brown Butter Sea Salt & Blackberry Lemonade scored quite competitively, as did Empire's Tajin Peach & Prickly Pear Margarita donuts. The Tajin Peach really was something fun, being the only "spicy" donut on offer. Many people voiced struggling whether to put it in the "Best" or "Better" rank.


Which is all to say, Vitoria has some crazy delicious donuts out there! All these bakeries are killing it, and it is awesome to see some much innovation and creativity in this "food group". May this inspire everyone to go out and eat donuts for weeks, support local bakers, and explore Victora food more generally.
Here's some pictures!
submitted by AlexRogansBeta to VictoriaBC [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:52 QuantumExplorer79 Should I be worried?

Backstory: I just got a new phone and while going through and trying to get rid of unused stuff, I happened to look in my junk mail. When I opened it, there was only one email and it was sent to me Friday (shown below). It’s not that I literally have anything to worry about, but it’s the thought that bugs me.
Hello pervert, I've sent this message from your iCloud-mail.
I want to inform you about a very bad situation for you. However, you can benefit from it, if you will act wisеly.
Have you heard of Pegasus? This is a spyware program that installs on computers and smartphones and allows hackers to monitor the activity of device owners. It provides access to your webcam, messengers, emails, call records, etc. It works well on Android, iOS, and Windows. I guess, you already figured out where I’m getting at.
It’s been a few months since I installed it on all your dеviсеs because you were not quite choosy about what links to click on the intеrnеt. During this period, I’ve learned about all aspects of your private life, but оnе is of special significance to me.
I’ve recorded many videos of you jerking off to highly controversial роrn videos. Given that the “questionable” genre is almost always the same, I can conclude that you have sick реrvеrsiоn.
I doubt you’d want your friends, family and co-workers to know about it. However, I can do it in a few clicks.
Every number in your contact Iist will suddenly receive these vidеоs – on WhatsApp, on Telegram, on Instagram, on Facebook, on email – everywhere. It is going to be a tsunami that will sweep away everything in its path, and first of all, your fоrmеr life.
Don’t think of yourself as an innocent victim. No one knows where your реrvеrsiоn might lead in the future, so consider this a kind of deserved рunishmеnt to stop you.
I’m some kind of God who sees everything. However, don’t panic. As we know, God is merciful and forgiving, and so do I. But my mеrсy is not free.
Transfer 1000 USD to my Litecoin (LTC) wallet: ltc1q65mr6s7cn2f4rskyjvw95dq807af53a2tv708r
Once I receive confirmation of the transaction, I will реrmanently delete all videos compromising you, uninstаll Pegasus from all of your devices, and disappear from your life. You can be sure – my benefit is only money. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be writing to you, but destroy your life without a word in a second.
I’ll be notified when you open my email, and from that moment you have exactly 48 hours to send the money. If cryptocurrencies are unchartered waters for you, don’t worry, it’s very simple. Just google “crypto exchange” or "buy Litecoin" and then it will be no harder than buying some useless stuff on Amazon.
I strongly warn you against the following: * Do not reply to this email. I've sent it from your iCloud mail. * Do not contact the police. I have access to all your dеviсеs, and as soon as I find out you ran to the cops, videos will be published. * Don’t try to reset or destroy your dеviсеs. As I mentioned above: I’m monitoring all your activity, so you either agree to my terms or the vidеоs are рublished.
Also, don’t forget that cryptocurrencies are anonymous, so it’s impossible to identify me using the provided аddrеss.
Good luck, my perverted friend. I hope this is the last time we hear from each other. And some friendly advice: from now on, don’t be so careless about your online security.
submitted by QuantumExplorer79 to phishing [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:51 firetruckonfire [HIRING] Looking for short form podcast video editor who is up to date with pop culture and social media trends

My friends and I have a video only podcast where we listen and review songs from music albums – usually pop. Although, we call it a podcast, we never post a full length podcast video. We only post individual clips of our reviews per song on Reels, TikTok, and Shorts.
We film on Riverside and then I chop them up in Final Cut. Unfortunately, it's been a challenge editing outside of my 9-5 and so here we are on reddit seeking outside help. Ideally, the editor should be able to continue the editing style we have established on socials – however, we are open to suggestions, recommendations, or trying something new. I can send you clips of the pod that have already been shared to socials. We don't have a following, but having an editor will lead to us posting consistently and maybe get a few extra followers. Right now, our priority is getting content out asap as I'm sitting on a good amount (Dua Lipa's Radical Optismism and Taylor's TTPD).
Clips are under 1 minute – usually 30-45 seconds. We post once per day as the algorithm seems to prefer that with our content.
If you are interested, please DM me and provide me with your portfolio/or video samples and your rate. We obviously can't pay studio rates, but willing to work towards something both parties feel comfortable with. Thank you!
submitted by firetruckonfire to CreatorServices [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:50 BourbonDeLuxe87 Dave’s Picks 50 is the real deal

DP50 is extremely good. Laid back vibe but Jerry gives just a little extra on every song. Top notch recording. Great setlist. Great jamming. It is up there with any show. Best Dave’s I’ve had (only subbed for a few years). Reminds me how special May 77 truly was.
submitted by BourbonDeLuxe87 to gratefuldead [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:50 GangsterPuppy91 Time to pretend gothic(ish?) cover?

So there's a version/cover of this song that I love or at least they may have sampled the back track, kinda sounds like it'd be good for a drag show or that it was a gothic man singing it... Any ideas or points in the right direction would be sick! I have it stuck in my head and can't find it anywhere xD
submitted by GangsterPuppy91 to mgmt [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:49 drewbsterz [WTS] Eotech XPS2-2 / Magpul FDE bipod / PSA FDE rail covers/ Monstrum AR10 handguard / CAR handguards / Free lock

Howdy y'all,
Help me fund my addiction by buying my stuff!
Eotech XPS2-2 HWS - $475
Monstrum AR-10 Quad Rail - $70 $60
x3 PSA FDE picatinny rail covers - take them all for $20
Magpul FDE MOE Bipod - picatinny mount - $75
x2 Doublestar CAR style handguards - $15/ea
PSA branded gun lock - $FREE or $5 shipping
submitted by drewbsterz to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:47 scratch6402 Is it just me, or are some Expert+ songs needlessly hard to read?

TL;DR: I can't seem understand most Expert+ songs, even when slowing the songs down and practicing specific sections. Am I alone in this problem? Is there something I can do to train my map reading skill?
Wall of text incoming:
I want to start this off by saying that I am by no means an expert at this game. I've played on and off since before even OST 2 was released and have only about 100 hours of in-game time (only ~22 hours of actual song playtime) and I only recently picked the game up again after not playing for a long time. I last stopped playing before OST 6 was released, and the hardest song I could beat was Final Boss Chan on Expert (barely). I had not beaten most of the Camellia OST, hadn't even attempted Light It Up or Ghost, and the harder songs were inconsistent at best for me.
When I started playing again, I had a crazy skill spike (by my standards) and was able to beat Crystalized and Light It Up in only a few attempts (IIRC I beat Light It Up first try on expert). I quickly moved to the OST 6 songs and beat Tempo Katana in a few attempts, then the very next day I beat Ghost after a good amount of attempts, followed by Power of the Saber Blade on Expert. Then I just hit a wall that I can't seem to figure pass. Once I beat Power of the Saber Blade on Expert and got fairly consistent with it (my high score is 1.03m, no modifiers), I figured I could move on to Expert+. I was mostly right. Songs like Ludicrous+ and Firestarter are a little tough, but I can beat them 99% of the time. FitBeat, I Wanna Be A Machine, Crab Rave, and All Stars have become my go-to warm up songs, but I just can't seem to beat any other songs that are even mildly harder.
The first time I noticed this skill barrier was when I tried Crystalized on X+. I can consistently pass the song until about the 2:40 mark. On Expert, I passed this section first try. On Expert+ the NPS is (AFAIK) the exact same, so I know it's not a speed issue. When I got there on X+, I simply couldn't follow the pattern and failed. Ok, that's fine, I'll just slow it down in practice mode. Surely I'll learn the pattern and be able to do it at full speed. Nope. I can't follow the pattern even when I slow the song down to 75% speed, and going any slower isn't helping me learn anything. I started noticing this exact same issue with other X+ songs. Cathedral in OST 6 on X+ is difficult to me, despite having beaten songs with faster NPS and similar rhythms. Even songs from OST 1 on X+ are just so confusing at certain sections that I lose my place and almost immediately fail because I can't see the pattern.
I feel like a lot of the Expert+ maps just don't make sense, unlike on Expert. As an example, when I played Light It Up for the first time, most of the song just sort of connected. All of the patterns were so natural that I barely even needed to look at the arrows on the blocks to understand what to do. Tempo Katana, Ghost, and Saber Blade were only difficult because of the note speed and just general nerves. But when I play a song like Cathedral on X+, I just can't understand how I'm supposed to move my hands to hit the blocks. I've tried practice mode, I've tried adjusting note jump offset, I've tried playing songs with lower NPS, but no matter what, it never seems to make a difference.
Are Expert+ songs just that much harder to read? Is there some fundamental difference between Expert and Expert+ that I'm missing? I appreciate any and all answers. I love the game to death, but hitting such a jarring barrier is frustrating at best.
submitted by scratch6402 to beatsaber [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:45 VelnisDelWilgo Songs missing?

Songs missing?
Are the songs on the Spellbound album missing for anyone else on Spotify?
submitted by VelnisDelWilgo to stevienicks [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:45 Zetryioweebz CheVelle needs a Setlist Difference

I believe they are capable of much more melody and gorgeousness, yet maintaining the hefty invigoration of a cerebral sort of style that some of the lyricism is known for. There are so many tunes that could be played to make a more pristine live presence that's not just a so called "kick ass beer drinking live show and then go home" without really any upheaval of ethereal presence. They Cann-and-are-Ibals to pull this off. Oh, keep that won!
I refer to: Ruse, Saferwaters, Rivers, Revenge, Paint the Seconds, Sleepwalking Elite (Sangheili), Straight Jacket Fashion 🍀 They've been using these tired and worn out, dare I say mediocre songs that just bang and clash without ever delving into their more melodious or rare tunes. I mean since they're going more autonomous with their deal with Alchemy Records, why aren't they being more reflective of that way? The man says he wants to play what people desire to hear, referencing the same 4 or 5 radio tunes, yet keeps on using for months the same "Young Wicked" that is honestly a bit aggravating referencing being edgy at biblical dynamics, "Hats Off to The Bull" that is chant singing an intimidating animal that makes the crowd uncomfortable, nobody wants to get stabbed by "Jars'", "Take out the Gunman" assuming there's anything lethal on stage. Piistol Star is just a bit wimpy and tired in tone oh but wow that guitar solo gets the crowds excited!! Wooooo.
☔ 🌧️
Still "Face to the Floor" Madoff with it taking it all referencing stealing from greedy money hoarding organizations, and Self Destructor could have a bit more girth and less squeel, and we don't need cries of war. It's just, all these tunes have a bit of irritability to them. There's lacking a dynamic or eclecticism. It's time to "censure". So innocent you're out of Reach. Still Running has a ton of invigoration even though it just repeats nonchalantly never being weary even if this sort of chanting is boring, there's constant energy in Sleep Apnea as well. 🦾🌲 I suppose I'm not much interested in the cringing horror vibe their going for in the not seeing vocal less tune of verruckt and yeah I'm insane, that's fine. CheVelle shouldn't be a joyride omen, is all that's being said. A bit of perhaps Norwegian and not Mexican Sun because we need a bit of an intonation change to be victorious in races. ​Gotta appreciate a plethora of cultures. Peach bumps and is optimal. So does This Circus if that fruit stays pure and we aren't making inappropriate superficial emoji innuendos 🌨️⚡
​Tug-O-War is never played and it would pulverizes all of these in a live setting, remembering to censor the intro. What if Clincher v103 were played? Or it's closely related Punchline? Woo are you? All the wiser, more swift, and brave after the crowds hear it without getring lost in the word "you" because what does thee mean by "I". ​Do ​the band mem​bers lack a certain degree of nuance deriving as radio riders? Is CheVelle worthy of its name? Let's get the words out, more depth and meaning. Choking Game? There's a rush. Is the blood circulating! You're getting nervous! Sleep on Deep then
Bring out the Shameful Metaphors since they want to always be so raunchy. Of course this one should be played. To say that some of these shouldn't be included is delusional, even conceited. Feed off all the rest ya Meddlers! Oh yeah that'll get it striding.
submitted by Zetryioweebz to Chevelle [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:43 NRGuitarist [DISCUSSION] Cheeky Devil

Long time seller on Fiverr (session musician, songwriter, producer) and it still amazes me how people try to get free work.
I offer demos and whatnot, but the latest is a chap who says he is a new songwriter who has just written his first ever set of lyrics for which he needs a full instrumental track writing, arranging, producing and what have you. He was very excited about this.
When I have presented him with the quote, he has demanded (rather aggressively!) to know why on earth he would have to pay me anything at all when he is providing me his lyrics at no cost to me, and therefore giving me free experience...
He went on a bit of a tirade when I explained why this was not as appealing an offer to me as he perhaps thought. He claimed I would be lucky to work with his "free lyrics" and that as a musician I should really be honoured he is coming to me for his first ever song, that I clearly do not know how the industry works and some other fun gibberish!
Thing is, it wasn't like normal spam or low quality buyers who try to bargain a low price for "exposure" or something else. He was adamant that purely in return for his lyrics, I should spend significantly more time creating all the music for it because that's just a good deal 🫠😅 Basically, his payment would be some words on a page 🙃
This post is effectively pointless, but some people are so ridiculous at times I had to write about it.
If you have any stories of your own silly sausages being utter buffoons in their understanding of how freelancers (or people in general) work and do business, please share!
submitted by NRGuitarist to Fiverr [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:40 beardlesshipster Daily Song Discussion #128: Easy/Lucky/Free

This is the twelfth and final track from Bright Eyes’ seventh album, Digital Ash in a Digital Urn. How do you feel about this song? What are some of your favorite lyrics? How would you rank it among the rest of the band’s discography? How would you rate it out of 10 (decimals allowed)?
Studio version
SUGGESTED SCALE: 1-4: Not good. Regularly skip. 5: It’s okay, but I might have to be in the right mood to listen to it. 6: Slightly better than average. I won’t skip it, but I wouldn’t choose to put it on. 7: This is a good song. I enjoy it quite a bit. 8-9: Really enjoyable songs. I rank them pretty high overall. 10: Masterpiece, magnum opus, or similar terminology.
Rating Results 1. Time Code: 8.11/10 2. Gold Mine Gutted: 9.62/10 3. Arc of Time (Time Code): 9.63/10 4. Down in a Rabbit Hole: 9.11/10 5. Take It Easy (Love Nothing): 9.73/10 6. Hit the Switch: 9.91/10 7. I Believe in Symmetry: 9.94/10 8. Devil in the Details: 8.65/10 9. Ship in a Bottle: 8.88/10 10. Light Pollution: 9.49/10 11. Theme to Piñata: 12. Easy/Lucky/Free:
submitted by beardlesshipster to brighteyes [link] [comments]