Adjectives letter j

The Letter J

2014.08.16 20:41 DramDemon The Letter J


2021.01.24 07:00 WackyH TheLetterEth


2014.04.26 05:44 Notagtipsy The J names masterrace subreddit.


2024.05.07 12:09 MrMorena Top artist for each letter in the alphabet

List the top artists for each letter of the alphabet. Determiners such as “The” & “A” can be excluded!
Here is my mine:
A - Al Green (#17, 112 scrobbles) 🇺🇸
B - Brenda Fassie (#15, 124 scrobbles) 🇿🇦
C - Chicco (#45, 66 scrobbles) 🇿🇦
D - De Mthuda (#13, 137 scrobbles) 🇿🇦
E - Erykah Badu (#9, 186 scrobbles) 🇺🇸
F - Fleetwood Mac (#42, 76 scrobbles) 🇬🇧
G - Geoffrey Oryema (#40, 74 scrobbles) 🇺🇬
H - Hugh Masekela (#127, 24 scrobbles) 🇿🇦
I - The Isley Brothers (#142, 22 scrobbles) 🇺🇸
J - J. Cole (#14, 128 scrobbles) 🇺🇸
K - Kanye West (#1, 401 scrobbles)🇺🇸
L - Lana Del Rey (#19, 110 scrobbles)🇺🇸
M - Marvin Gaye (#8, 192 scrobbles) 🇺🇸
N - Norman Brown (#72, 40 scrobbles) 🇺🇸
O - Oliver Mtukudzi (#48, 61 scrobbles) 🇿🇼
P - Pink Floyd (#7, 205 scrobbles) 🇬🇧
Q - Queen (#26, 115 scrobbles) 🇬🇧
R - RAYE (#20, 110 scrobbles) 🇬🇧
S - The Soil (#6, 214 scrobbles) 🇿🇦
T - Trompies (#27, 99 scrobbles) 🇿🇦
U - Umanji (#44, 68 scrobbles) 🇿🇦
V - Vigro Deep (#91, 32 scrobbles) 🇿🇦
W - Wanitwa Mos (#29, 97 scrobbles) 🇿🇦
X - XXXTENTACION (#87, 33 scrobbles)
Y - Youssou N’Dour (#59, 50 scrobbles) 🇸🇳
Z - Zola (#41, 73 scrobbles) 🇿🇦
submitted by MrMorena to lastfm [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 12:02 verifypassword__ May 7th, 2024 - /r/Tengwar: Writing our way to Mordor


12,011 Tolkienists studying for 11 years!
/Tengwar is a subreddit dedicated to J.R.R. Tolkien’s fictional writing systems - Tengwar, Cirth, and Sarati. Always wanted to learn how to write elvish letters? Getting a LOTR themed tattoo and want to double-check the accuracy? Or just a LOTR fan who wants to learn more about the world Tolkien created? Hop on over!
Tengwar is a fictional writing system invented by J.R.R. Tolkien. “In-universe,” it was developed by Fëanor (yes, that Fëanor) to write the Noldor language of Quenya. It was later used to write Sindarin. Out of universe, Tolkien used it to write in Quenya, Sindarin, and English, and numerous fan-made modes exist for other languages. The most distinctive feature of Tengwar are the dots and other accents placed above and below the letters (English diacritics, Sindarin tehtar) which indicate vowels and other modifications to the sound.
Some examples of what you’ll find on /Tengwar:
Guest-written by PhysicsEagle
submitted by verifypassword__ to subredditoftheday [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:01 Direct-Caterpillar77 AITAH for wanting a divorce from an otherwise good marriage because of unsatisfying sex?

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Quirky_Scientist_835
AITAH for wanting a divorce from an otherwise good marriage because of unsatisfying sex?
Originally posted to AITAH
TRIGGER WARNING: manipulation, coercion, neglect emotional abuse, stalking
Original Post March 11, 2024
Throwaway because I am pretty sure he knows my main account
Me (F40s) met my husband (M40s) when we were in college. Both from very conservative religious backgrounds. Married super young and had 3 kids relatively quickly. The youngest will be an adult soon.
To say I was sexually repressed would be an understatement. I didn’t even have my first orgasm until I was 22 years old and it was practically by accident. Sex with my husband has always been satisfactory. In the beginning especially it was more about the intimacy and closeness and less about the act itself or getting off. My husband has, ahem, a hair trigger, and gets excited (and it’s over) easily. Still to this day over 20 years later. I think he’s a premature ejaculator but no official diagnosis or anything. So sex is often over quickly. He doesn’t want to leave me hanging so he will then try to get me off manually but over 90% of the time I just fake orgasms to get it over with because I know he can’t get me there. He is not adventurous. He doesn’t want to have oral sex (giving or receiving). He’s ok with taking direction but me just constantly telling him what to do turns into a mood killer for me. Any time I discuss working on our sex life he shuts down. Based on an experience we had about 12 or 13 years ago where we went to therapy for something that happened (not related to our marriage) he will not entertain the thought of therapy. Not sure if it’s because of the sex, but I’m only sometimes attracted to him. Some days I see him and I’m sure I have hearts in my eyes. Other times, especially in bed, I feel nothing. I have faked being asleep to avoid sex with him. Other times I will initiate sex and basically use him like a sex toy, but I no longer feel any emotional connection.
Aside from sex, our marriage is great. We raised wonderful humans. He loves and dotes on me. He still sends flowers to my work. He is patient and thoughtful and listens. He’s affectionate and always wants hugs or cuddles. He has always been good about sharing housework and responsibilities. He’s always been a super hands on dad. My family loves him and his family loves me. We have a lot of shared hobbies and interests. I genuinely enjoy his company.
I don’t know if this is a mid life crisis but I have a constant nagging thought that THIS IS IT and I hate it. I’ve chosen to be married to him which means I will never have a single enjoyable sexual experience with another human being for the rest of my life. I am not an ultimatum person and even if I gave him one, he’s not going to magically turn into a good sexual partner. I have the number of some divorce lawyers and I’m thinking of calling them and just exploring. Sometimes the idea of being single is terrifying and sometimes I think, it’s not so bad.
When I told my best friend, she flipped out. She said she would never speak with me again if I did this and that I’d lost my mind. She said it would be horrible and I would ruin a good man’s life. AITA?
Editing to add some details because people keep asking/commenting:
Yes, I own a vibrator. He does not want it used during sex.
I have tried introducing porn. He is not open to it.
I have been to therapy and will definitely be going again to a counselor. He is not open to it.
I am not a convincing liar and in most cases he knows I’m faking orgasms (he frequently questions whether I just faked it) but he also now sees it as the signal for throwing in the towel and is ok to just stop there and cuddle.
I have been blunt and open and honest about it. He shuts down. He will walk away, or cry, or sometimes say he’s open to change but then nothing will actually change.
UPDATE 3/12: thanks everyone for your input. I wanted to hear it, good and bad. I made an appointment with a therapist for the end of this week. I am working on a list of things I would like to see change (working on limiting his alcohol consumption, addressing his health issues/obesity, not avoiding difficult conversations) in addition to the sexual issues and will work with the therapist to figure out how to address them. A lot of what is going through my mind right now was the result of having 10 days to myself where he had to travel to Asia for work, and how happy and easy my life felt during that time. He was texting and calling constantly telling me how much he missed being home, while I was loving “single life” where I cooked whatever meals I wanted and went out where I wanted and went on hikes and had coffee with co-workers and hung out with my youngest just the two of us. I was masturbating at least once a day and having amazing orgasms. If I had thrown casual sex into the mix in that time, I probably would have been the happiest I’ve been in years. When he got back, he looked like absolute shit and said “I never want to be apart that long again.” We had sex within an hour of him coming home, and afterwards he was blissed out and I was numb. I think that’s when it hit me how much more he gets from our relationship. Whether we stay together or not, something needs to change.
Update Apr 30, 2024
Update to this post I made a couple of months ago:
This is long and rambling so the tl/dr version is: in therapy, and things are the same or maybe worse.
I took all of the comments to heart, particularly the critical ones. I met with two divorce lawyers that week to chat through what the divorce could look like. At the time I didn’t expect it to be contentious but I just wanted to know what the process would be. We have our house and some other assets in trust, and we’ve been together so long that I wasn’t sure how simple it would be tonight unwind. I love the house and I was the one who did most of the design and renovation, so my plan was to offer to buy him out of it if it came to that.
Sat husband down and told him that I met with lawyers, and he said “I know.” Turns out he’s been tracking me on Find My almost nonstop 24/7, and that one of the offices was the only address he didn’t recognize as one of my usual haunts so he drove by it. I didn’t ask about the second one I saw, but it’s next to a big shopping mall we frequent so I think he must have just assumed that’s where I was. I asked if he thought I was having an affair and he replied with, “No, I know you’re not.” Well yeah, because you’re tracking me. I guess.
Anyway, he said he knew this was coming, and wanted to do whatever it took to fix things. I told him I don’t know if that’s going to be possible, but at a minimum I would need:

  1. Couples counseling for us.
  2. At least one visit to a sex therapist.
  3. Individual therapy for him.
  4. For him to sort out his health (follow the new diet from the endocrinologist, take the meds he’s been prescribed, use the CPAP consistently, etc.).

I told him I would be with him every step of the way and support him in all of it, but nothing was going to happen unless he took initiative. I also asked what he needed from me and all he said was “No more talk of breaking up or divorce.” I said ok to this, and also told him that I knew he hated administrative tasks like making appointments and getting insurance approvals, I could help with all of those things, even his.
At first he agreed with the plan and vehemently insisted that he was on board. Finding an available LMFT with an appointment was not easy but I managed to find one that was in network and they had an opening two days later. Husband hemmed and hawed about going because it was “so soon”. Then he said “It’s a woman, so you and she will just gang up on me.” I canceled that appointment and it wasn’t easy, but I found a male therapist who could squeeze us in for the following week. I found a different male therapist for him to see alone, but that appointment was 3 weeks out. I also made a follow up endocrinologist appointment for him and that hasn’t happened yet, and he still hasn’t filled his prescriptions or started the diet.
On the day of the therapy appointment which was 6 pm on a Thursday, I'm in the waiting room 10 minutes before the appointment when my husband texts, "emergency at work. be there a little late." This man has had the same job for 23 years and the only time that there was an emergency that would have required him to stay that late was when someone literally died. The therapist comes out and introduces himself, I go in, and when I explain the situation he tells me that he's seen a partner get cold feet about therapy many times. I'm embarrassed and self conscious about it but he assures me there's nothing to be upset about, it's not my fault, and would I like to proceed and chat without my husband. I call my husband and put him on speakerphone. He says he can only talk for a few minutes and has to run for this mysterious emergency. I start crying and I hang up on him, and then spend the rest of the time telling the therapist why I am pushing for counseling in the first place. The entire session was basically me vomiting words and crying. I would like to say it was cathartic, but it wasn't. It was just sad to hear it all out loud for the first time. I come home, and husband is waiting with dinner. I ignore him, pack a bag, and head to middle child's apartment. I end up spending the weekend there while I try to sort out what to do. Husband texts me frequently but mostly leaves me alone. Middle child has a heart to heart with him but they end up arguing and that situation itself gets strained, which unfortunately hasn’t improved. Husband thinks middle child plays favorites. It is true, but husband hasn’t been helping that situation.
On Monday when I'm in the office, I get an email from the therapy practice that a new appointment has been made for the following evening. Husband took the initiative to make the appointment. I go home Monday night, and a long apology letter is written out to me, and he's left me a necklace as a gift. My husband is a terrible gift giver - he spends money like it's going out of style but none of his gifts are thoughtful or made with the person in mind, but this is a specific necklace that I bookmarked so at first I was pleasantly surprised. Then I realized that the only way he'd know about the necklace was from the bookmark, so yeah, he's also snooping through my Macbook. The therapy appointment is the following day so I just ignore him when he comes home, sleep in a guest room, and ignore him the following morning. We go to therapy that night, and my husband actually participates and answers questions. This session goes fine, and we have one later in the week which is fine too. I'm not seeing any immediate changes, but you know, Rome wasn't built in a day, so I'm going to be patient. Meanwhile, the therapist gives us the info for a sex therapist and highly encourages us to make an appointment, which I do right away. We see the sex therapist that weekend, and I'm still in the guest bedroom and nowhere near ready to have sex, but the therapist encourages me to move forward with the prompts/homework for sex for that week. I go back into our bedroom that night (just for sleep) and we follow the prompts the following night and have what is without a close second the best sex we have had ever. Seriously, over 2 decades, and it was the most satisfying sexual experience I have ever had. I was walking on a cloud for days.
That bubble popped the following week. We were still going to see the couples therapist twice a week, his individual therapy appointment was next week, and we had another appointment with the sex therapist the next month. Not much has changed in the day to day but again, I'm being patient. My husband actually initiates sex one night, and as we are getting into it, he says, "Can we go back to regular sex now?" Because for him, "regular" sex where he gets off and I don't was just peachy. I start to cry, and now he's holding me and I swear he's almost relieved to be off the hook and not have to have sex at all. Middle child wanted to go to a concert that was out of town and asked if I'd dogsit the new puppy, so instead of just going over there for a few hours a day like I'd been planning, I packed a bag and ended up spending almost a week there and let middle child have some more time on vacation. Husband texted, called, and showed up every day but I wouldn't talk to him or let him in, and only saw him at therapy sessions. The therapy sessions end up being a waste of time, with my husband half admitting that he has unaddressed problems, but not really willing to change any behaviors. The therapist was super patient but I could feel an undercurrent of exasperation, like...what is it you people are trying to save? Husband is a stew of repression, insecurity, health issues, Madonna-Whore complexes, and unaddressed childhood trauma. He's so averse to confrontation that he would literally buy his way out of a difficult conversation if given the choice. Nothing will change as long as he's unwilling to work on that.
I move back in, and I even move back into the bedroom. Husband ended up skipping individual therapy because "Isn't two sessions a week enough?" Didn't even cancel, he just didn't go. Went back once to the sex therapist, but with a borderline catatonic look on his face and didn't say or do much the entire time other than nod. I've been back at home, going through the motions of life. Husband initiates sex constantly and I go along with it, but have only gotten off twice in about 12 or 15 times (and I am no longer faking it). Husband is so happy because as far as he's concerned, everything is fine even when I tell him it's not. I know the right thing to do is to just divorce, but I feel so messed up in the head that I just want to throw a proverbial grenade into my life and like cheat by bringing a guy home or something. That's it. No happy ending (no pun intended), no unhappy unending. Just limbo.
If I were you I would come right out and ask him why he didn't give a damn about your pleasure. And make him actually answer the question.
This was something raised during therapy. According to him, he’s insecure about disappointing me because I’m so fucking precious that he doesn’t even want to try and be a let down. Like - no sexual experience is good enough for me. I wish I was making that up, but it’s almost verbatim his answer.
First and foremost change every password to every device. Turn off Find My access to him. Turn on two factor authentication and change your Apple ID password. Finally, do a factory reset on your phone and tablet (if you have one) and re-set it up manually.
Shut down the stalking/invasion of privacy immediately. Do NOT wait until you file for divorce.
Will it make any difference though? I honestly don’t know if I care if he sees anything. I have been journaling for years and transitioned to typed journals many years ago, and I found out he’s been reading them. I don’t think there’s a corner of my life and brain that he hasn’t been in. It feels too late and too unimportant to care.
OOP when told she shouldn't vent to the kids
I never vent to my kids. They’ve heard nothing from me other than “I just need a little space, ok with you if I hang here?” Middle child and my husband got into it mostly because of the constant surveillance, which husband does with two of the three kids also (and probably would for the third given the chance).
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 05:26 InformalPossession26 What chapters from the Nature of Middle Earth should be included/kept in this reading list I made?

Hello everyone, I have been working on a RE-reading order guide that would list all of the readings I have found interesting throughout my journey through Tolkien's works. I wanted to order all these works in a way where it wouldn't matter if you read the Sil and LotR chronologically or in publication order. However, I am at a loss for what to do regarding many of the chapters of The Nature of Middle-earth, specifically the BOLDED entries. Does any one have an suggestions on which chapters I should include? Thank you in advance.
ps: please forgive any weird formatting, grammar, and they page references I have listed (of which correlate to my editions of the books).
~Read after The Lord of the Rings~
I. The Epilogue [Sauron Defeated pp.114:133]
II. The Hunt for the Ring [UT]
III. The Battles of the Fords of Isen [UT]
IV. Appendix A: Durin’s Folk
V. The Making of Appendix A [PoME pp.284:285] with Appendix A III
VI. The Quest of Erebor [UT; PoME p.284]
VII. Appendix A: The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen
VIII. Hair [NoME p.186]
IX. Beards [NoME p.187] X. Descriptions of Characters [NoME p.191]
XI. Appendix C, D, & E [LotR]

~Read after the Silmarillion~
I. ~The Legend of the Awakening of the Elves~
1.1 Cuivienyarna [WotJ p.420]
1.2 March of the Quendi [NoME p.54 “Secondly…” + Note 24]
1.3 Key Dates [NoME pp.96 DB 866/50:97]
1.4 Quendi and Eldar [WotJ pp.360:420]

II. ~Namna Finwë Míriello and the Laws and Customs of the Eldar [MR pp.205:263]~
1.1 Text 2 [NoME pp.202:203]
1.2 Elvish Reincarnation [NoME pp.247(Comments):256]

III. ~Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth and the Tale of Adanel [MR pp.304:353]~
1.1 The Converse of Manwë and Eru [NoME pp.257:259]

IV. The Drúedain [UT]
V. Aman (and Mortal Men) [MR pp.424:431]
VI. The Quendi Compared with Men [NoME pp14:16]
VII. Shibboleth of Fëanor [PoME p.331]
VIII. Of Lembas + The Making of Lembas [PoME p.403; NoME pp. 295:296]
IX. Language in Beleriand [WotJ pp.24 GA2:27]
X. Of Ents and Eagles [WotJ p.340]
XI. On Orcs [MR pp.409:422]
XII. On Angband and Utumno [NoME p.37 “This is…”]
XIII. Ósanwe-kenta [NoME p.206]
XIV. Notes on Órë [NoME p.219]
XV. The Knowledge of the Valar [NoME p.233]
XVI. Spirit [NoME p.235]
XVII. The Visible Forms of the Valar and Maiar [NoME p.241; see Namárië]
XVIII. Death [NoME p.269]
XIX. Powers of the Valar [NoME p.292]
XX. Note on Elvish Economy [NoME p.297]
XXI. Dwellings in Middle-Earth [NoME p.300]
XXII. Manwë’s Ban [NoME p.306]

XXII. ~Elenna~
1.1 A Description of the Island of Númenor [UT]
1.2 Of the Land and Beasts of Númenor [NoME p. 331]
1.3 Aldarion and Erendis [UT]
1.4 Lives of the Númenoreans [NoME p.316]
1.5 Tal-Elmar [PoME p.423]
1.6 Line of Elros [UT]
1.7 Note of the Delay of Gil-Galad and the Númenóreans [NoME p.369]

~Read after The Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings~
I. Appendix A: The Númenórean Kings i:iv [LotR]
II. Appendix A: The House of Eorl
III. Appendix B & F [LotR]
IV. On Motives [MR p.394]
V. History of Galadriel and Celeborn [UT]
Text 2 & Silvan Elves and Silvan Elvish [NoME pp.349:364]
VI. The Disaster of the Gladden Fields [UT]
VII. Cirion and Eorl and the Friendship of Gondor and Rohan [UT]
VIII. The Drúedain [UT p.404]
IX. The Istari [UT]
X. The Palantíri [UT]
XI. Of Dwarves and Men [PoME p.295]; on p.314 see Aldarion and Erendis Note 3 p.230
XII. Last Writings [PoME pp.377:387]
~Letters of JRR Tolkien~
· Letter 25: Hobbits
· Letter 27: Appearance of Hobbits
· Letter 131: Publication of The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion
· Letter 144: The Lord of the Rings, and Languages
· Letter 153: Middle-earth Metaphysics
· Letter 154: Response to Comments about The Lord of the Rings
· Letter 155: Magic and its Moral Dimensions
· Letter 156: The Lord of the Rings, and Mythology of Middle-earth
· Letter 183: Reflection on Myth, Morality, and Human Experience
· Letter 200: The Nature of Sauron
· Letter 211: Languages, Gondor, and Númenor
· Letter 212: Relations of Valar, Elves, Men, Wizards, and Sauron
· Letter 214: Hobbit Customs
· Letter 244: Faramir and Éowyn
· Letter 245: Concerning Runes and Dead Elves
· Letter 246: Frodo's "Failure"
· Letter 247: The Silmarillion, and the Ents
· Letter 257: History of the Legendarium
· Letter 268: Shadowfax
· Letter 297: Nomenclature
· Letter 312: Flowers of Middle-earth
· Letter 320: Galadriel 1
· Letter 325: Travel to Aman
· Letter 347: Languages
· Letter 348: Galadriel 2
· Letter 353: Galadriel 3

~Tales from the Perilous Realms – Select Poems~
I. The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
II. Bombadil goes Boating III. Fastitocolon
IV. The Hoard
V. The Sea-Bell
VI. The Last Ship
submitted by InformalPossession26 to tolkienfans [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 05:08 SuccessfulCattle5877 Why Odias oppose CAA?

Why Odias oppose CAA?
Anti-CAA protests have been surrounded by confusion by many people, national media as usual preserved its culture of not covering anything about Odisha, so I want to clear all the confusions today once and for all.
Hatred between Odias and Bengalis dates back to the colonial era when Odisha was partitioned between Bengal province, Central provinces and Madras province. Bengalis discriminated against us and treated us like subhumans for decades. They imposed their language upon us, discriminated against us in jobs and slurred us with derogatory terms like "Ude", "Malangi", and had tried to erase our existence.
The Odia – Bengali language conflict had basically an economic origin. Language hegemony was deployed by sections of the Bengali colonial administration for the exercise of power by cornering government jobs. One of the earlier manifestations by resistance to the colonial administration in Odisha was the assertion of linguistic and cultural identity.[2]
In 1867, for instance, Deputy Magistrate Rangalal Bandhopadhyaya spoke in public meeting of the primacy of Bengali over Odia. Likewise, well-known Bengali scholar Rajendralal Mitra who came to study the temples of Cuttack declared that there was no need to have a separate language for a mere 2 million Odia population. In fact, Mitra argued that Odisha was doomed to remain backward so long as it had a separate language. Pandit Kanti Chandra Bhattacharya, a teacher of Balasore Zilla School, published a little pamphlet named ‘Udiya Ekti Swatantray Bhasha Noi (Odia not an independent language) where Mr. Bhattacharya claimed that Odia was not a separate and original form of language and was a mere corruption of Bengali. He suggested British Government to abolish all Odia Vernacular Schools from Odisha and to alter into Bengali Vernacular Schools.[3] Beames examines both the languages from close quarters and suggests that as a separate language “Uriya extends along the sea coast from Subarnarekha to near Ganjam.’ Landwards, its boundary is uncertain, it melts gradually into the Boud (Boudh) and other rude hill dialects and co-exists with them." Beames wrote three notes that remain supremely important in this regard. 'On the relation of the Odia to the other modern Aryan language,' ‘On Odia language, script and literature' and 'Urya.'[4] These refuted the claim that Odia was a dialect of Bengali, specifically the conspiracy of Bengali intellectuals to abolish Odia Language got dimmed Beames's exposition of the origin of Odia language and study of its evolution brought him closer to the Odia people who were battling then for the survival of their language.
The Father of Odisha, Fakir Mohan Senapati, rants about the then situation of the state in his Utkal Bhramanam as follows
Being sick of oppression, the anger bursted into brutal violence in 1896 Sambalpur riots in Western Odisha, which started against Hindi imposition, and gained a pan-Odisha extent and forged the Odia Nationalism movement.
In January 1896, Hindi was made the official language of Sambalpur, replacing the Odia language, which after violent protests was reinstated again.[21] During the partition of Bengal in 1905 Sambalpur and the adjacent Odia-speaking tracts were amalgamated with the Odisha Division under Bengal Presidency. Bengal's Odisha division became part of the new province of Bihar and Odisha in 1912, and in April 1936 became the separate province of Odisha, with addition of Undivided Ganjam and Koraput districts from Madras Presidency.[22] After Indian Independence on 15 August 1947, Odisha became an Indian state. The rulers of the princely states of Western Odisha acceded to the Government of India in January 1948 and became part of Odisha state.
During Direct Action Day, Bengalis targetted Odias and committed an outright genocide of estimated 10,000 Odia people.
On 17 August, Syed Abdullah Farooqui, the President of Garden Reach Textile Workers' Union, along with Elian Mistry, a hardline Muslim hooligan, led a huge armed mob into the mill compound of Kesoram Cotton Mills in the Lichubagan area of Metiabruz. The mill workers, among whom were a substantial number of Odias, used to stay in the mill compound itself. On 25 August, four survivors lodged a complaint at the Metiabruz police station against Farooqui.[34] Bishwanath Das, a Minister in the Government of Orissa, visited Lichubagan to investigate into the killings of the Oriya labourers of Kesoram Cotton Mills.[35] Some sources estimate that the death toll was 10,000 or more.[6]
None-the-less, even after this barbarity inflicted upon Odias, Bengalis facing exodus were settled in this state under Dandkaranya project of central government.
The Dandakaranya Project, or the DNK Project, was the form of action the Indian government designed in September 1958 for the settlement of displaced persons from Bangladesh (former East Pakistan) and for integrated development of the area with particular regard to the promotion of the interests of the local tribal population. The particular focus was on Bengali refugees from East Pakistan moving to lands and resources in Odisha and Chhattisgarh. To implement this project, the Government of India established the Dandakaranya Development Authority.
Though the project failed miserably and crimes were on rise. Our state was already the poorest in India, people didn't have sufficient food to even feed their children, none of Bengali refugees nor Odias benefitted from it, vigilantism rose among the tribals and Bengalis were treated with hostility.
Saibal kumar Gupta (husband of Ashoka Gupta, an Indian social worker and freedom fighter)[17] the chairman of DDA, blew the whistle on the Project in a series of damning articles in 1964. He said that less than 10 percent of the soil was fit for farming. These difficulties of agriculture colonization in the Dandakaranya Project were a result of rainfall variability, aridity, land reclamation, soil and hydrological problems . [18] Before partition of Bengal people suffered a lot financially and after the partition too people had to leave their own homeland and had to adjust on little allowance given to them by government. In both the cases people of Bengal suffered and in their own county they were referred to as refugees.
This was one of the factors which gave rise to Odia nationalist insurgent organisations like Odisha Maobadi Party. It was a splinter of CPI (Maoist). Before the arrest of its Chairman Sabyasachi Panda, South Odisha districts coming in and near Dandkaranya region were the bastion of the group and are still part of the red corridor today but under the leadership of CPI (Maoist).
In his letter, he formalised his pro-Odia ideology as follows
But why should Odias compromise their motherland and identity? Our ancestors fought for Odisha, Odia, what would they be thinking seeing the current condition of Odia people? Chidambaram shown no interest in making rehabilitation centres for Odia tribals displaced by mining, but there are for the Bangali refugees who do not even consider Odisha their motherland nor Odias their own. The minerals, the wealth of our state, are taken away to feed the industries of other states by our comprador government but there has not been anything done to provide employement to the indigenous tribals, the real deservers of their own wealth, instead they are treated like animals in their own property. There are tonnes of NGOs running education and health care programmes for the refugees, but what for the indigenous tribals, who, out of morality, gave them refuge even after having a half filled stomach and uncertainty of food supply? Comrade Gaganna says raising these issues is "Revisionism". Was not our ideology for the upliftment of the people? How is it revisionism then? The indigenous tribals of Odisha, the true owners of its wealth, would have the first right on their resources, not refugees, they have right upon every ore of mineral and every grain of harvest of Odisha. Hitherto I
People still have sympathy for him and his group in Odisha. Several films like Swayamsiddha and Bigul depict them as heroes and get hit. And the top actor in Ollywood, Babushan, has played his role in such movie too.
A Biopic To Be Made On Top Maoist Leader Sabyasachi Panda
Things took a massive spike after CAA, when Bengali refugees were promised citizenship instead of deportation.
The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 (CAA) was passed by the Parliament of India on 11 December 2019. It amended the Citizenship Act, 1955 by providing an accelerated pathway to Indian citizenship for persecuted religious minorities from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan who arrived in India by 2014. The eligible minorities were stated as Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis or Christians.[3][4]
CPI (Maoist) and its AOBZC, which acts as a successor to Odisha Maobadi Party, issued several statements against this act citing sensitive demographics of the state, lack of basic necessities of life and alleged them to be running a ganja mafia across the region. Comrade Abhay spoke harshly of the government for neglecting the tribal areas.
the patriarchical brahminical hindutva fascist government of Modi and their coquetry is no more hidden from the world. He is exactly like child murderer zionist Netanyahu who is genocidimg the ethnic Palestinians in Gaza and settling Israelis in their homes. CAB is nothing other than a ploy to replace the indigenous population with those favoring the state-terrrorist regime, they cannot fool anyone with their abysmal so they want to get rid of their opposition in this manner. It would not be wrong to call Tripura the 'Palestine of India' after their indigenous population being replaced in a similar manner by the lackeys of the comprador Government of India.
He has threatened harsh action and intensifying operation ghamasan if CAA is implemented, which we all know is going to create huge problems for all people in the region. Not only that, with Congress riding the xenophobic boat too, hate is getting more emboldened.
'Odisha for Odias': Congress's new alogan ahead of elections
After the the news of Sandeshkhali incident spread in Odisha, the anger and disgust among the people has even risen.
'Young Married Women Were the Targets': Survivors Recall Sandeshkhali Horror
People are afraid that such incidents would happen in Odisha too if CAA is implemented and Bengali refugees remain in the state.
‘Don’t implement CAA in Odisha’
Protesters submit memorandum to CM, urge him to clear stand
As of current, there are more than 1,50,000 Bengali refugees in Odisha, most of them settled in tribal areas of South Odisha.
Bhubaneswar: There are as many as 1,57,432 Bangadeshi refugees in Odisha informed Minister Tusharkanti Behera in Assembly on Monday.
The Minister further informed that, Malkangiri has the highest number of refugees at 1,04,233 Bangladeshi followed by 46848 in Nabarangpur.
There are as many as 4653 in Khurda district alone. As many as 3740 Bangladeshi are living illegally in Kendrapara and Jagatsinghpur.
The above detailed information was given by Minister of State, Electronics and IT, Sports and Youth, Home, Odisha Tusharkanti Behera in the Odisha Assembly.
The main concern of Odias is that like Chittaganga and Tripura, Bengalis would change the demographics and do the same things to us that they did to us during colonial era and in those areas.
The modern conflict in the Chittagong Hill Tracts began when the political representatives of the native peoples protested against the government policy of recognising only the Bengali culture and language and designating all citizens of Bangladesh as Bengalis. In talks with Hill Tracts delegation led by Chakma politician Manabendra Narayan Larma, the country's founding leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman insisted that the ethnic groups of the Hill Tracts adopt the Bengali identity.[6][7] Sheikh Mujib is also reported to have threatened to settle Bengalis in the Hill Tracts to reduce the native peoples into a minority.[7][8]
Tripura's demography underwent a major change as a result of illegal migrants and refugees from former East Bengal and subsequently from Bangladesh. Tripuris were pushed to the hills and the politics and administration in the state became dominated by the Bengali-speaking and immigrants.
It was the particular reason which had created national consciousness among the local populations. The continuous neglect on the immigration issue had led to a direct confrontation between Indian nationalism and the newly created Tripuri nationalism. The parallel rise of nationalism in the other states of the Northeast India had further complicated the situation more, resulting in a deadly armed conflict between India and rebel groups thus, creating the insurgency on ethnic lines as a Tribal versus Bengali conflict.
In a nutshell, Bengalis and Odias had bitter conflicts in past and have rioted, Dandkaranya project forced Odisha to take Bengali refugees even after being the poorest state, that too in sensitive tribal areas, tribals fear demographic change due to Bengali refugees settled in their areas under DNK due to CAA, left and far-left in Odisha back the tribals, Naveen shown no clear stand, people are afraid that Sandeshkhali like incidents would start happening in Odisha too.
submitted by SuccessfulCattle5877 to IndianModerate [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:03 Lunatunabella Louisiana Teacher Union collecting signatures for educations bills being hear on Thursday. Pay raises, teacher safety & a few others

Legislators have praised the bills to address the concerns you brought to us over unfair workloads, discipline, and safety. These bills were filled by your union!
Both SB 205, which safeguards teacher’s right to a reasonable workload and fair compensation, and SB 213, which provides adequate time for support personnel to heal from injury while helping students, passed through the Senate and head to the House! HB 322 passed out of Senate Education and will be heard on Senate floor, protecting teacher’s right to teach free from distraction.
However, several bills have also passed through the Labor Committee which would take away your voice and right of your union to advocate on your behalf. These bills are clearly aimed at stopping us from taking a civil, principled stand against current anti-public education and anti-public services legislation.
Take action now and tell your lawmakers how these bills impact YOU.

Stipends are not bonuses or the raise you were promised

ACT NOW: Click here to add your signature to a pre-written letter to Senators to SEND THE MFP BACK TO BESE and demand the pay raise teachers and staff deserve.
There is a lot of information circulating that misconstrues teacher’s pay in the budget. Here are the facts.
On Thursday, the Revenue Estimating Committee will recognize additional revenue. Again we ask, why isn’t a teacher pay raise on the table?
submitted by Lunatunabella to Louisiana [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:42 shaneka69 DEPRESSION: A NUMEROLOGY DECODE

Let's Decode What Depression Is And More

Today I will be going in depth about depression and decoding the word and reasoning with Numerology. We can already see that depression has a lot of repeated letters which shows there is too much of a focus on one thing and too much of something can usually hinder it or cause imbalance.
Let's break down the word DEPRESSION:
The word has E 2 times, S 2 times
Let's first focus on the obvious! This word has karmic debt numbers for the letters N, P, and S. Let's grab some context from a site that I will link below that explain what these karmic debt numbers mean in detail.
"The 14 Karmic Debt arises from previous actions where human freedom has been abused. Those with a 14 Karmic Debt are forced to adapt to ever-changing circumstances and unexpected occurrences. There is an acute danger of falling victim to drug abuse, alcohol, or overindulgence in sensual pleasures, such as food and sex. Moderation in all affairs is crucial to overcome this Karmic Debt." - credit goes to Karmic Debt Numbers in Numerology World Numerology
"The 16 Karmic Debt – in any area it appears in a chart - means destruction of the old and birth of the new. It is about the fall of the ego and all it has built for itself. It is a watershed, a cleansing. Things the ego has constructed to separate a person from the source of life, are destroyed.
Through the 16, reunion with higher consciousness may be achieved. This can be a painful process because it usually comes after much ego inflation, resulting in a struggle between the ego and higher ideals. Life will present challenges to your grand plans which you may resent and struggle against. It is a losing battle… and you will likely feel humbled in the face of the collapse that follows. However, humility is the key to later success, as you learn to follow the intimations of a deeper reality."
"A person with the 19 Karmic Debt will learn independence and the proper use of power. You will be placed in situations where you are forced to stand up for yourself (and often be left standing alone). One of the central lessons for people with the 19 Karmic Debt revolves around stubbornly resisting help from others. Much of your independence is self-imposed - you simply want to do it your own way.The 19 Karmic Debt can become a self-imposed prison if you don’t recognize the need for interdependence and the mutual need for love.Although you seek to stand on your own feet, you are inextricably connected to others and in need of the support and understanding that all people need - this is the most important lesson for the 19 Karmic Debt." And being personally connected to a lot of 19 energy, this is very true! There is one 19 person I watch on Youtube and he is using this energy pretty well.


Let's take a look at the word. You see it starts with the letter D which is ruled by the number 4 as the 4th letter in the alphabet. 4 energy is connected to privacy, home, family, discontent, restriction, and nonchalant energy. There is many more terms, but you can see where this is going. If you call certain companies toll free, listen to what they say you need to press number 4 for.
What just hit me as I looked at the word is the rest of the word after DE...PRESSION. Maybe there is something needing to be expressed(expression!) that isn't being expressed. All depression is, is suppression of something. D/4 can be suppression and withholding. That's why some jobs want you to fill out the W4 which is a withholding form! Depression comes when someone is choosing to withhold expression of emotions and genuine communication that can help. Taking caution to a whole new level and it ends up being destructive. 4 can point to dissipation which makes sense for destruction to mean what it means.
The word starts with the energy of 4 which is about withholding and suppression and end with the energy of 5 which can be conflicting.
All those letters and we only get to the number 5?!. This word is embedded with the energy of 1 and 9 which means that people who claim or feel depression CAN utilize their personal power to get themselves out of said depression. You have the right to process your emotions and once you do, you can start using your strength and power to overcome. Sometimes it starts with the mind.
Now, based on the letters and numbers with the word, let's see what numbers are missing!
We are missing 2,3,and 8! 2 gives a person a natural comfort within self. It can also make them loveable or easily cooperative with others. The energy of 3 gives a person natural optimism and majestic mental capacity. 8 gives a person a steadfast embedded powerful strength. This 8 energy gives a person unstoppable capability.
Getting over depression is about rising above a situation and having the capability of strengthening your perspective. Your confidence levels are something you have to personally master. Notice how depression ends with O and N which is 6 and 5. That's a backtrack. We're counting forwards, not backwards. 6 is about overcoming problems while 5 is the problems or insecurities. Depression ending with the energy of 5 is a thinkpiece. 5 deals with the uniqueness of a situation or action. You will have to do something different or new to wake up out of whatever this depression was about and understand that everyone's depression won't be the same!
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2024.05.07 01:11 SocialDemocracies Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war.

Notes: This is a work that is currently in progress; please check back for updates. Titles have been edited to provide details.
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee: UUSC Joins Calls for an Immediate Ceasefire in Israel/Palestine (October 2023):
‘We are over 100 former J Street staff and student leaders calling on J Street to immediately push for a ceasefire and urge elected officials to do the same." (October 2023): &
Call for Ceasefire in Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territory [Signed by: Alliance of Baptists; American Baptist Churches USA; American Friends Service Committee; American Muslims for Palestine; Americans for Justice in Palestine; Anera; Auburn Theological Seminary; Center for Civilians in Conflict; Center for Jewish Nonviolence; Center for Victims of Torture; Church of the Brethren, Office of Peacebuilding and Policy; Churches for Middle East Peace; Common Defense; Council on Islamic-American Relations; Demand Progress; Democracy for the Arab World Now; Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Freedom Forward; Friends Committee on National Legislation; Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect; Grassroots International; Historians for Peace and Democracy; If Not Now; Institute for Policy Studies New Internationalism Project; International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN); Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); Jewish Voice for Peace Action; Just Foreign Policy; Justice Democrats; Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention; MADRE; Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns; Mennonite Central Committee U.S.; Minnesota Peace Project; MPower Change Action Fund; National Council of Churches; National Iranian American Council; Neighbors for Peace; Nonviolent Peaceforce; PAX; Pax Christi USA; Presbyterian Church (USA) Office of Public Witness; Peace Action; Project on Middle East Democracy; Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft; Quixote Center; ReThinking Foreign Policy; Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights; RootsAction; September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows; Sojourners; The Duty Legacy; The Episcopal Church; The Unitarian Universalist Association; The United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society; The Zomia Center; United Church of Christ; United for Peace and Justice; UNRWA USA; Women for Weapons Trade Transparency; Working Families Party; World BEYOND War; Yemen Freedom Council; Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation; Yemeni Alliance Committee] (October 16, 2023):
Quaker organizations call for a ceasefire and humanitarian protections in Gaza [Signed by: American Friends Service Committee; Canadian Friends Service Committee; Friends Committee on National Legislation; Friends World Committee for Consultation; Quakers in Britain; Quakers Australia; Quaker United Nations Office] (October 17, 2023):
The Coptic Orthodox Church condemns the unjustified Israeli violence against innocent Palestinian civilians (October 18, 2023):
‘Not in our name’: Jewish peace activists across the US call for immediate ceasefire and justice for Palestinians (October 23, 2023):
United Nations: Amid Increasingly Dire Humanitarian Situation in Gaza, Secretary-General Tells Security Council Hamas Attacks Cannot Justify Collective Punishment of Palestinian People (October 24, 2023):
Gaza: The case for a ceasefire Chatham House (October 27, 2023):
Pope Francis calls for a ceasefire in the Holy Land (October 29, 2023):
Carter Center Calls for Cease-fire in Gaza, Return of Hostages, Opening of Humanitarian Corridors (October 31, 2023):
Evangelicals Call for an Immediate Ceasefire in the Holy Land, Urgent Action Towards a Just Peace [Statement signed by Middle East and North Africa Evangelical Alliance; Asia Evangelical Alliance; Alianza Evangelica Latina; Evangelical Churches Fellowship of Ethiopia; Jordan Evangelical Council; Evangelical Fellowship of India; Association of the Iraqi National Evangelical Churches; Evangelical Alliance of Kenya; Evangelical Churches Alliance Qatar; Evangelical Alliance of South Africa; National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka; National Churches Fellowship of Nepal; Council of the Evangelical Churches in Iraqi Kurdistan Region; Evangelical Fellowship of Egypt; Evangelical Alliance of Arabic speakers in Europe; Caleb Institute, India; Middle East and North Africa Association for Theological Education (MENATE); Peace and Reconciliation Network] (November 1, 2023):
Unite the Union calls for an immediate ceasefire (November 3, 2023):
Japanese Communist Party calls on governments concerned to work to stop genocide in Gaza (November 6, 2023):
Buddhist Peace Fellowship: True Justice, True Peace: Engaged Buddhist Response to Gaza (November 7, 2023)
Episcopal Church: Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on 10,000+ dead in Gaza: Stop the killing (November 7, 2023):
SEIU 1021 Executive Board Statement Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza (November 7, 2023):
Biden Alumni for Peace and Justice, a coalition of 500+ former 2020 Biden for President and Democratic Party staff: "We write to you as alumni of your 2020 presidential campaign. We fought tirelessly to organize millions of Americans to cast their votes for you. Like you, we believe in the dignity and value of every human life and the need for moral courage from our country’s leadership. We implore you, President Biden, to live that moral courage right now by stepping up to be a leader we can be proud of in the face of injustice. As President of the United States, you have significant influence in this perilous moment — you must call for a ceasefire, hostage exchange, and de-escalation, and take concrete steps to address the conditions of occupation, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing at the root of the horrific violence we are witnessing now." (November 8, 2023):
Ukrainian letter of solidarity with the Palestinian people: More than 300 Ukrainian scholars, activists and artists express their solidarity with Palestinians in an open letter. (November 8, 2023):
United Methodist Church bishops call for peace in the Holy Land (November 10, 2023):
American Buddhists Issue Petition Urging President Biden to Call for a Ceasefire in Gaza (November 14, 2023):
Mark Dimondstein, president of the American Postal Workers Union, one of 55 Vice Presidents of the AFL-CIO, and a member of the AFL-CIO Executive Committee and Council: As a Union President, I Stand With Humanity in Calling for a Cease-Fire (November 14, 2023):
Humanist Society Scotland calls for ceasefire in Gaza (November 16, 2023):
Jewish American Calls for a Ceasefire Highlight Divisions in the Community (November 17, 2023):
Jews for Ceasefire holds demonstration outside Schwarzman, demands Yale divest from weapons manufacturing (November 17, 2023):
Jane Fonda: "I join with millions of others in calling for —in the words of the UN Secretary General —‘a true humanitarian ceasefire’ in Gaza." (December 2, 2023):
‘These are very hard times’: Pastor of Gaza Catholic church gives update on Christians’ plight (December 6, 2023):
Ahead of White House Hanukkah celebration, a wave of faith-led cease-fire demonstrations (December 11, 2023):
Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation: Statement on Gaza/Israeli conflict (December 13, 2023):
1199SEIU, nation’s largest healthcare union, calls for Gaza ceasefire (December 15, 2023):
Union for Reform Judaism Alumni and Current Members for Ceasefire (December 16th, 2023):
Joint Statement by Current and Former Australian Elected Representatives on the Situation in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories [300+ signatures] (December 19, 2023): &
Holy Land: Caritas Internationalis joins today’s Global Day of Action calling for a Ceasefire Now (December 22, 2023): &
World Council of Churches calls for immediate end to brutal violence in Gaza (December 30, 2023):
Muslims for Progressive Values: Never Again? (January 4, 2024):
Anti-Defamation League staff decry ‘dishonest’ campaign against Israel critics (January 5, 2024):
Michelle Goldberg in the New York Times via U.S. Representative Lloyd Doggett: America Must Face Up to Israel’s Extremism (January 9, 2024):
State and Local Elected Officials Open Letter to President Biden Calling for a Ceasefire [350+ signatures] (January 9, 2024):
Anglican Bishop Christopher calls for ceasefire ‘to end appalling suffering’ in Gaza (January 19, 2024):
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) President Mary Kay Henry's Statement on War in Gaza (January 22, 2024):
Ayanna Pressley, Interfaith Coalition Hold Vigil for Lives Lost in Gaza and Israel, Renew Calls for Ceasefire ["Joining Rep. Pressley at the vigil was Rev. Carrie Ballenger, University Lutheran and Lutheran Chaplain at Harvard; Rabbi Rebecca Hornstein, Boston Workers Circle Executive Director; Imam Ahmad Barry of the Islamic Institute of Boston; Reverend Darrell Hamilton of the First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain; Hadar Ahuvia, Rabbinical Student at Hebrew College; Rev. Willie Bodrick, II of the Twelfth Baptist Church; Rabbi Becky Silverstein; Rev. Otto Concannon of First Parish Malden; Rev. Elizabeth Carrier-Ladd, First Parish Dorchester; and hundreds of faith leaders and community members from across Greater Boston."] (January 25, 2024):
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EuroMed Rights): A conditional ceasefire is not sufficient – The EU must call for an unconditional, immediate and permanent ceasefire (January 25, 2024):
Bernie Sanders: The US must act to end the Gaza disaster (January 27, 2024):
Texas AFL-CIO becomes first state labor federation to call for ceasefire in Gaza (January 30, 2024):
Former U.S. Representative Andy Levin: Military action won’t solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It’s time for diplomacy. (February 1, 2024):
Sister Nabila's appeal from Gaza: ‘We want peace, respect for human rights’ (February 3, 2024):
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO): Statement on the Situation in Israel and Gaza (February 8, 2024):
Carter Center Calls on Israel to Halt its Plan to Force 1.3 Million Palestinians Out of Rafah (February 9, 2024):
The Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church Calls for Immediate Withdrawal of Financial Support from Israel (February 14, 2024):
Unitarian Universalist Association: UUA Condemns Violence Against Gaza, Urges Immediate and Total Ceasefire (February 14, 2024):
New national labor network formed to “end the death and devastation” in the Israel-Hamas war. National Labor Network for Ceasefire aims to further expand unprecedented ceasefire support. (February 16, 2024):
Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association: A letter from the UUMA Board of Trustees (February 19, 2024):
Presbyterian Church USA: Calling for a stop to the destruction of Gaza (February 20, 2024):
Liberal Jews for Justice in Israel/Palestine: As British Jews, we call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza (February 27, 2024):
Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&Ds): Palestinian lives matter! We call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza (February 27, 2024):
Japanese student urges Gaza cease-fire as U.S. universities quiet dissent (February 29, 2024):
Malala Yousafzai: "It's heartbreaking that this school — a place for children in Gaza to learn and dream — is now home to thousands of people fleeing Israel's attacks. Every Palestinian child deserves to live in peace and be back in their schools as students. We cannot wait another day for a ceasefire." (February 29, 2024):
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Conference of Bishops calls for permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza (March 3, 2024):
Pizzaballa, Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem: Gaza ceasefire more urgent than ever (March 5, 2024):
Artists Call for Ceasefire Now [Including: Bryan Adams; Ben Affleck; Eric André; Christine Baranski; Jon Batiste; Cate Blanchett; Billy Bragg; Priyanka Chopra; Bradley Cooper; Brian Cox; David Cross; Alfonso Cuarón; John Cusack; Rosario Dawson; Diplo; Drake; Brian Eno; Francesca Fiorentini; Judah Friedlander; Liz Garbus; Andrew Garfield; Richard Gere; Lily Gladstone; Selena Gomez; Amanda Gorman; Tom Hardy; Simon Helberg; Oscar Isaac; Tony Kushner; Padma Lakshmi; Cindi Leive; Simu Liu; Jennifer Lopez; Macklemore; Zayn Malik; Miriam Margolyes; Ewan McGregor; Adam McKay; Alyssa Milano; Hasan Minhaj; Michael Moore; Viggo Mortensen; Ebon Moss-Bachrach; Cynthia Nixon; Frank Ocean; Rosie O'Donnell; Sandra Oh; David Oyelowo; Mandy Patinkin; Jordan Peele; Kal Penn; Joaquin Phoenix; Boots Riley; Mark Ruffalo; Susan Sarandon; Jean Smart; Noam Shuster-Eliassi; Jon Stewart; Kristen Stewart; Jeremy Strong; Wanda Sykes; Channing Tatum; Michelle Wolf; et al.] (Updated as of March 8, 2024):
T'ruah, the Rabbinic Call for Human Rights: U.S. Rabbis and Cantors Call on President Biden to End War in Gaza [+450 signatures] (March 8, 2024):
NEWS: Senators Bernie Sanders, Chris Van Hollen, Jeff Merkley, Mazie Hirono, Peter Welch, Tina Smith, Elizabeth Warren, and Ben Ray Luján Urge President Biden to Enforce U.S. Law with Netanyahu (March 12, 2024):
United Methodist Church Council of Bishops calling for ceasefire in Gaza (March 13, 2024):
Israeli Assurances to Use US Arms Legally Are Not Credible: Oxfam and Human Rights Watch provide evidence of Israel's violations of international humanitarian law in Gaza, undermining credibility of assurances for President Biden's NSM-20 arms policy (March 19, 2024):
Humanists UK: Call for ceasefire in Gaza (March 21, 2024):
NEWS: Bernie Sanders on State Department’s Statement that Israel Has Not Restricted Humanitarian Aid to Gaza (March 25, 2024):
United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights: A/HRC/55/73: Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967 - Advance unedited version ["After five months of military operations, Israel has destroyed Gaza. Over 30,000 Palestinians have been killed, including more than 13,000 children. Over 12,000 are presumed dead and 71,000 injured, many with life-changing mutilations. Seventy percent of residential areas have been destroyed. Eighty percent of the whole population has been forcibly displaced. Thousands of families have lost loved ones or have been wiped out. Many could not bury and mourn their relatives, forced instead to leave their bodies decomposing in homes, in the street or under the rubble. Thousands have been detained and systematically subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment. The incalculable collective trauma will be experienced for generations to come. By analysing the patterns of violence and Israel’s policies in its onslaught on Gaza, this report concludes that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating Israel’s commission of genocide is met. One of the key findings is that Israel's executive and military leadership and soldiers have intentionally distorted jus in bello principles, subverting their protective functions, in an attempt to legitimize genocidal violence against the Palestinian people."] (March 25, 2024):
In New Letter, 140+ Global Christian Leaders Call for Permanent Gaza Ceasefire, Halt of Arms Sales to Israel (March 26, 2024):
Former officials speak out against Biden’s Israel support after aid worker killings: ‘No one can change his mind’ (April 4, 2024):
Los Angeles County Federation of Labor joins labor groups calling for cease-fire in Gaza (April 10, 2024):
Young European Socialists (YES) calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. More than 30.000 civilians have been killed in Gaza following Israel military actions. We recall that the protection of civilian lives is a fundamental principle of international law. (April 10, 2024):
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EuroMed Rights): 13,000 Palestinians reportedly missing in the Gaza Strip (April 11, 2024):,000-Palestinians-reportedly-missing-in-the-Gaza-Strip
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland: Prayers and statements on violence in Israel and Gaza (April 16, 2024):
Amos Goldberg, professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Yes, it is genocide (April 18, 2024):
Statement from U.S. Representatives Pramila Jayapal, Joaquin Castro, Nydia Velázquez, Lloyd Doggett, Ro Khanna, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Becca Balint, Greg Casar, Mark Takano, Jim McGovern, Barbara Lee, Earl Blumenauer, Judy Chu, Hank Johnson, André Carson, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Jesús “Chuy” García, Jonathan Jackson, and Jill Tokuda on the Israel Security Supplemental (April 20, 2024):
NEWS: Bernie Sanders Statement on Amendment Votes on National Security Supplemental (April 22, 2024):
NEWS: Bernie Sanders Statement on ‘Dark Day’ in U.S. Senate (April 23, 2024):
PREPARED REMARKS: Bernie Sanders on Ending Unfettered Military Aid to Israel and Restoring UNRWA Funding (April 23, 2024):
Bishops, delegates join rally sponsored by United Methodist Kairos Response for Palestine (April 26, 2024):
Statement in solidarity with student protests for Gaza [Signed by: US; 18 Million Rising; 198 methods; Adalah Justice Project; Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association; AF3IRM; Afghans For A Better Tomorrow; Al-Haq; Alliance of Baptists; American Baptist Churches USA; American Baptist Churches Palestine Israel Network; American Friends Service Committee; American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC); American Muslim Bar Association; American Muslim Community Foundation; American Muslims for Palestine (AMP); Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action); Arab American Civic Council; Arab American Institute; Asian American Advocacy Fund; Better to Speak; Beyt Tikkun: A Synagogue without Walls; Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU); Blue Future; Borderlands for Equity; Borderlands Resource Initiative; Breach Collective; Brooklyn For Peace; CAIR Action; CAIR California; CAIR Minnesota; CAIR Oklahoma; CAIR-WA; California Coalition for Women Prisoners; Cameroon American Council; Carceral Tech Resistance Network; Ceasefire Democrats; Ceasefire Now NJ; Center for Constitutional Rights; Center for Popular Democracy Action; Center for Protest Law & Litigation @ Partnership for Civil Justice Fund; Chicago Area Peace Action; Chicago Faith Coalition on Middle East Policy; Christians for a Free Palestine; Civic Ark; Civil Liberties Defense Center; Clockshop;; Communities United for Status & Protection (CUSP); Council on American-Islamic Relations; CWA-News Guild Local 38010; Defending Rights & Dissent; Delaware Democratic Socialists of America; Delawareans for Palestinian Human Rights; Detention Watch Network; Disciples Palestine Israel Network; Diverse & Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM); Doctors Against Genocide; Dream Defenders; Dutch Scholars for Palestine; Eindhoven Students 4 Palestine; Emgage Action; En Conjunto; Episcopal Peace Fellowship-Palestine Israel Network; Faith for Black Lives; Faith in Texas; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Fight for the Future; For All; Freedom Farm Community; Freedom Oklahoma; Freedom To Thrive; Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA); Future Coalition; Gen-Z for Change; Gender Justice Action and Gender Justice; Get Free; Global Campaign to Reclaim People's Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power & Stop Impunity; Green Mountain Solidarity With Palestine; Green New Deal Network; Greenpeace USA; Hawai'i for Palestine; Health Justice Commons; Helena (Montana) Service for Peace and Justice; Highlander Research and Education Center; Hindus for Human Rights; Historians for Peace and Democracy; Human Dignity Project (THDP); IfNotNow Movement; IfNotNow New Jersey; Immigrant Defense Project; Immigrant Justice Network; Immigrants Act Now; Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC); Indiana Center for Middle East Peace; Institute for Policy Studies New Internationalism Project; Interfaith Ceasefire; International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network; International Mayan League; InterReligious Task Force on Central America; Iowans For Palestine; Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); Islamophobia Studies Center; Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); Jewish Voice for Peace; Jewish Voice for Peace-Hawai’i; Jews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ); Just Foreign Policy; Justice Democrats; Just Futures Law; Justice for All; Kairos USA; Libyan American Alliance; LittleSis / Public Accountability Initiative; Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community; Long Island Progressive Coalition; Make the Road Nevada; Malaya Georgia; Massachusetts Peace Action; Mennonite Action; Mennonite Action WA; Migrant Roots Media; Minnesota Peace Project; Mondoweiss; Movement for Black Lives; MPower Change Action Fund; MSA West; Muslim Advocates; Muslim Community Network; Muslim Counterpublics Lab; Muslim Power Building Project; Muslims for Just Futures; Muslims for Progressive Values; National Arab American Women’s Association (NAAWA); National Domestic Workers Alliance Staff Union, CWA Local 1180; National Iranian American Council; National Lawyers Guild; National Lawyers Guild - St. Louis Chapter; National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR); National Partnership for New Americans; New Hampshire Veterans for Peace; New York City Veterans For Peace; The New Justice Project Minnesota; NH Peace Action; North American Students of Cooperation; No Separate Justice; North Carolina Peace Action; The Oakland Institute; Office of Peace, Justice, and Ecological Integrity/Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth; Our Revolution; Palestine American League; Palestine Legal; Palestinian American Community Center; Palestinian American Organizations Network (PAON); Palestinian Feminist Collective; Partners for Palestine; Pax Christi New Jersey; Pax Christi New York State; Pax Christi Pacific Northwest; Pax Christi USA; Peace Action; Peace Action New York State; Peace, Justice, Sustainability NOW!; Pediatricians for Palestine; People’s Action; PeoplesHub; Poverty Project at the Institute for Policy Studies; Presbyterian Church (USA), Office of Public Witness; Presbyterian Peace Fellowship; Progressive Democrats of America (PDA); Project ANAR; Project South; Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice; Reparation Education Project; Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment; Rise for Palestine; Rising Majority; Rising Tide North America; Rochester Committee on Latin America; RootsAction Education Fund; Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre; Sacramento Regional Coalition for Palestinian Rights; Sound Vision; Starr King School for the Ministry; Students and Faculty for Justice in Palestine at the University of Hawai’i (SFJP); Sunrise Movement; Sur Legal Collaborative; TakeAction Minnesota; Tech Justice Law Project; The Gathering for Justice; The Hague Peace Projects; The Social Justice Center; The Uncommitted National Movement; The Whatcom Peace and Justice Center; Transnational Institute; UndocuBlack Network; Unitarian Universalist Association; Unitarian Universalist Church of the Larger Fellowship; Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice; Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of North Carolina; Unitarian Universalist Mass Action; Unitarian Universalist Peace Ministry Network; Unitarian Universalist Service Committee; Unitarian Universalist Young Adults for Climate Justice (UUYACJ); Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East; United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network; United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR); United Voices for America; Until Freedom; US Campaign for Palestinian Rights; Veterans For Peace; We Are All America; Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club; Wind of the Spirit Immigrant Resource Center; Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press; Working Families Party; World BEYOND War; Young Democrats of America Black Caucus; Young Democrats of America Environmental Caucus; Youth Leadership Institute] (April 26-29, 2024): &
Mary Lawlor, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders: "I'm hearing disturbing reports that students face suspension if they don’t end their peaceful protests in #Columbiauniversity in the USA. This is a clear violation of their right to peaceful assembly" (April 29, 2024):
Cas Mudde: Why are US campuses facing an orgy of state repression in the ‘land of the free’? The right has painted nonviolent protests against the war on Gaza as hotbeds of ‘woke’ terrorism. It’s a pretext for repression (April 30, 2024):
Joint letter to President Biden on humanitarian risk of Rafah operation in Gaza [Signed by:; ActionAid USA; Alliance of Baptists; American Friends of Combatants for Peace; American Friends Service Committee; Americares; Amnesty International USA; CARE; Charity & Security Network; Children in Conflict; Christian Aid; Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP); Center for American Progress; Center for Civilians in Conflict; Center for International Policy; Church World Service; DAWN; Demand Progress Education Fund; Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; Humanity & Inclusion; IM Swedish Development Partners; Indivisible; Islamic Relief USA; Islamic Relief Worldwide; KinderUSA; Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns; MedGlobal; Médecins du Monde / Doctors of the World International Network; Mennonite Central Committee; Middle East Democracy Center; Minnesota Peace Project; MoveOn; Nonviolent Peaceforce; Norwegian Refugee Council USA; Oxfam America; Pax Christi USA; Premiere Urgence Internationale; Presbyterian Church (USA), Office of Public Witness; Refugees International; Save the Children US; SEIU; The Episcopal Church; The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP); The United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society; Truman Center; Vento di Terra; Win Without War] (April 30, 2024):
Michael Gould-Wartofsky: Trump Is Wrong. Columbia Isn’t Anything Like Charlottesville: I survived the deadly violence in Charlottesville, and am now a postdoctoral research scholar at Columbia University. To compare the two is unwarranted—and unconscionable. (April 30, 2024):
United Church of Christ Officers issue statement amid ongoing unrest on college campuses; offer continued solidarity with partners and people in the Middle East (April 30, 2024):
United States of America: UN Human Rights Chief troubled by law enforcement actions against protesters at universities (April 30, 2024):
Comment from United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain on Mass Arrests of Anti-War Protestors (May 1, 2024):
On Gaza, NY Catholic Worker community echoes Pope Francis: 'Please! Stop the war.' (May 1, 2024):
The Democratic National Committee's College Democrats of America Slams Biden On Gaza And Backs Campus Protesters (May 1, 2024):
Catholic Relief Services representative for Gaza fears possible Rafah invasion (May 2, 2024):
Helen Benedict, professor of journalism at Columbia University: ‘US student protests seeking peace in Gaza are the new anti-Vietnam War movement’ (May 2, 2024):
Hundreds of U.S. Catholic leaders and laity sign letter urging Permanent Gaza Ceasefire and End to Injustice in Israel and Palestine (May 2, 2024): &
PREPARED REMARKS: Bernie Sanders on the Nationwide Student Protests and the Ongoing Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza (May 2, 2024):
Rashid Khalidi, Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University: Opposed to Genocide in Gaza, This Is the Conscience of a Nation Speaking Through Your Kids (May 3, 2024):
Save the Children warns of deadly consequences for children following new relocation orders for families in Rafah (May 6, 2024):
The campus protesters for Gaza are making America great again: Readers on the demonstrations sweeping colleges and their hopes for the next generation. (May 6, 2024):
US campus protests of Israeli ‘genocide’ offer hope to students from Gaza (May 6, 2024):
submitted by SocialDemocracies to Social_Democracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 00:07 ar_david_hh Armenia and U.S. launch regular defense talks \\ Ex-regime's Tavush rally continues \\ Analyst on Russian economic retaliation scenarios \\ Armenia-Hungary develop ties; New agreements \\ Yerevan's public transport reforms; New Veolia contract \\ Economic & inflation stats \\ Shushi trip \\ And more

15-minute read.

update: Border Commissions and expert groups from Armenia and Azerbaijan have installed 40 border markers on the state border in the Tavush-Gazakh section


the former regime-organized rally continues to march from Tavush to Yerevan

Context in Saturday news. An MP from ARF/Kocharyan party and an opposition churchman Bagrat Galstanyan organized a march in an attempt to "gather 50,000" protesters in Yerevan.
The organizers say "Religious Armenia will defeat Real Armenia", in reference to PM Pashinyan. Archbishop Bagrat was a participant in Robert Kocharyan's 2022 rally during which he made a similar statement: "The church will defeat the street and dux". Street & dux = Pashinyan's 2018 revolution. On Sunday Bagrat said "at this time" their demand is not Pashinyan's ouster; they want to stop the border delimitation because they believe it's "illegal". A week earlier the ARF/Kocharyan faction unsuccessfully promoted a motion to essentially declare the use of 1991 Almaty borders illegal and to rely on the 1993 "de facto" borders instead.
Archbishop Bagrat said he has received the permission and blessing of the church leader Garegin B to hold this rally. "He is our father, our leader."
Along the way, the organizers encountered supporters who brought them water and food, and opponents who called them "idiots" and "sons of donkeys".
MIKA BADALYAN (pro-Kremlin blogger, ex-regime activist): I can't imagine the condition Pashinyan is in right now. He has to meet Putin on May 8, and just a day later Archbishop Bagrat will reach Yerevan, and he won't just arrive there, but will launch a battle that will be Nikol's final one. Get drunk, Nikol, get drunk. Be prepared, Armenians around the world! Each one of you must take part in this battle. //
In related news: Mika Badalyan is accused of assaulting a journalist Zhirayr Voskanyan from a pro-Western media outlet on Sunday. According to authorities, the victim refused to pursue charges on the spot after the incident. An investigation was launched nevertheless. In a video uploaded after the incident, the victim said he plans to visit a police station.
ARTUR SAKUNTS (Helsinki NGO, about the church's role): Let's say the political resource is so low and bankrupt that you have to involve the church to achieve your political goals, but why mythologize the role of the Apostolic Church in Armenian history so much? Have you at least read the works of Leo, or a more modern author and historian Hamlet Davtyan, or the works of monumentologist Samvel Karapetyan? Are you familiar with the positions of the church during the Kingdom of Cilicia? After all, any thought and idea should be based on facts, analysis, and conclusions. There can be no salvation built on myths, it will lead to another defeat.
REPORTER (to Robert Kocharyan, 2022 protests): Would you be open to the idea of being appointed as the President?
ROBERT KOCHARYAN (2022 protests): The best candidate right now would be a respected member of a church. There are such people. They are both respected and driven by national interests. That's my offer. And on that offer, yes, it can be negotiated. //
Armenia's H1 public TV ran a segment describing the attempts to sabotage the border delimitation process as being beneficial for Russia and Azerbaijan. "Some forces do not want to turn the line of contact into a stable state border." Russia has been critical of the Tavush delimitation process and called it a Western plan, and some Armenian analysts believe Russia is afraid of losing all influence in the region if Armenia and Azerbaijan establish stable and peaceful relations. There is also criticism towards the church for "not holding a similar march to the Lachin Corridor to demand Russian soldiers to open it" in 2023. The H1 report also shows several residents of border villages who do not oppose the delimitation process. "Their voices were intentionally drowned out."
video, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source,

Q&A with Parliament President Alen Simonyan

REPORTER: What is the likelihood of a peace agreement at this phase?
SIMONYAN: There has been an opportunity to sign a peace agreement since late 2023 but Azerbaijan hasn't displayed political will. The ongoing delimitation is a signal that a peace agreement is possible and it must be signed ASAP.
REPORTER: The Azerbaijani president says the peace agreement document is fully in line with Azerbaijan's interests.
SIMONYAN: The document is fully in line with international norms, which Armenia shares. There are some disagreements, hence the back-and-forth exchange of proposals. We must ensure that all formulations are very clear and both parties understand what the language says because the Nov. 9 agreement and its bargaining by certain countries [Russia] should not happen again.
REPORTER: Do you plan to respond to the letter sent by [Russian Senator Matvienko]?
SIMONYAN: I have not received a letter from Duma. My colleague Sarkis Khandanyan, the recipient, responded within 1-2 days of receiving it. Perhaps it wasn't convenient for [Russian MFA Spokesperson] Mrs. Zakharova to acknowledge it during their usual staged press conference.
REPORTER: But the letter was directed at you, about your speech [in Spain].
SIMONYAN: I stand behind my statements and I represent Armenian voters. If in certain countries [Russia] the government doesn't represent the people, it's their problem. In Armenia, the ruling and opposition parties represent the people.
REPORTER: Does PM Pashinyan plan to attend Putin's inauguration ceremony?
REPORTER: What's your assessment of the march originating from Tavush? Is their demand just or unjust?
SIMONYAN: I don't know what their political demand is. They are against the delimitation of state borders.
REPORTER: [Opposition] political parties have joined this march. Do you see a political context here? Is a change of power likely?
SIMONYAN: Not likely until the 2026 elections. How many different people is the ex-regime going to use to attempt to replicate our 2018 success? Can they come up with something new? Who has welcomed the rally so far? In the end, they are going to present the Banani Mihran Poghosyan, Kocharyan, Serj, Vazgen Manukyan, and Vanetsyan Artur [figures who have endorsed the rally].
REPORTER: But anyone can use the technologies you used in 2018. It's not your personal property.
SIMONYAN: Who said it's our personal property? Let them use it. Let them use it. They keep failing because the real actors remain the same and they only change the face of the process. Today they are playing on the emotions of the population.
REPORTER: Are Kocharyan, Serj, and others behind Archbishop Bagrat?
SIMONYAN: Are you seriously asking this? What media outlet do you represent? Is it Azatutyun? I understand your question now. I wonder, the interests of which forces does Azatutyun represent? Sometimes I wonder that. Let's say you receive your funding from international organizations, from foreign structures, do you represent their interests?
REPORTER: Will Pashinyan leave if the opposition gathers many supporters in Yerevan?
SIMONYAN: Will the opposition lay down its parliamentary mandates if they fail to gather more people than they did last time? We are confident that the public supports our effort to delimit the state borders, wants to establish peace, doesn't want a war, doesn't want the return of ex-regime, doesn't want to live in a religious theocracy, and sees through the attempts by politicians to manipulate with the use of religion and emotions. The public is wise.
REPORTER: Do you see a foreign trace behind this rally?
SIMONYAN: I see bloggers financed from various centers [Russia], and statements praising this process by figures located mostly in a single country [Russia]. So of course I see a foreign trace. Do you really not understand what's happening?
REPORTER (Azatutyun, still upset about being called an agent): If it is maybe obvious to you that doesn't mean it is for the general public. You must clarify so the public can know.
SIMONYAN: Yes, and I know what the public knows and what it doesn't know because, unlike the ex-regime, I speak with the people. I know their complaints towards me and their support towards our policies.
REPORTER: Which country is meddling in this process?
SIMONYAN: Can you guess?
REPORTER: Will PM Pashinyan take part in the EAEU (economic bloc) session [on May 8]?
SIMONYAN: Armenia holds the presidency of EAEU and I believe it's the right thing to participate in it. [Pashinyan will take part in the EAEU meeting and will meet Putin as well.]
video, [other video,](source, source,

Armenia has stopped financing CSTO and has frozen its participation in CSTO activities, while simultaneously developing relations with NATO and EU: Putin's assistant Yuri Ushakov


ruling party MP accuses Russia of deceiving Armenia's opposition parties and Nagorno-Karabakh leaders

MP VAHAGN ALEXANYAN: We have to revisit the events of 2023 because the organizers of "Operation Nagorno-Karabakh" are attempting the same operation from Tavush. Let me be clear: the organizers are not located in Armenia.
Pashinyan announced that the international community [West] will support if we lower the bar [not de jure independent republic] for Nagorno-Karabakh's status. This was welcomed by our international partners. There were also international partners who, with the efforts of Armenia, attempted to organize a Stepanakert-Baku dialogue on the European platform, including in Sophia. Everything was ready for the NK-AZ meeting to discuss the safety conditions that would allow 100,000+ Armenians to continue to live in NK.
But the "owners" [Kremlin] of Armenia's opposition parties prohibited NK representatives from flying to Sophia. Simultaneously, the organizers [Kremlin] worked with its puppets in Armenia -- politicians and opposition-owned media outlets -- to convince them that Russia plans to remain 30+ years in NK. They encouraged the opposition to go shout "Nikol traitor", "QP Turks", "you are land givers", this and that. The opposition followed their orders and did those.
"Let's save Nagorno-Karabakh," they said. Today, the parliament building of NK is sadly demolished because of their idiocy. The [pro-Russian] NK forces gathered in that building with maximalist speeches. We knew where it was all headed. We knew there was a circle in NK that believed that Russian peacekeepers would not only protect the remaining parts of NK but would allow them to recapture the lost territories, "if we could only remove Nikol in Armenia".
We warned them that they were being deceived with a false sense of security; we urged them to negotiate with Azerbaijan in Sophia. They refused. "Not a step back from full independence. Who are you? Azgadavs!"
So they removed the NK government [President Arayik was open to Sophia meeting]. You know the names of those who demanded Arayik's removal. Sadly, some of them are currently in Baku jail. But these people removed Arayik and installed a figure who was the most favorable figure for the presence of Russia in NK. Then you know what happened.
After Azerbaijan launched a massive attack on NK, several public figures and politicians began to reveal the things they were told at the Russian embassy in Armenia. A figure named Nairi Hokhikyan claims he was told in the Russian embassy that Russian peacekeepers planned to remain 30+ years in the region and that he believed them and "took their bait". It's fair to say he wasn't the only person in Armenia who took this embassy's baits. There were even forces in Armenia that actively distributed those baits.
When it became obvious that Russian peacekeepers wouldn't do anything, when they stood and watched the forced displacement of 120,000 Armenians, when they watched the killings of NK civilians, it became obvious to everyone, including those who took the bait, what exactly happened.
Armenia, in turn, said that since its allies do not plan to help, it is better for Armenia to establish peace with all of its neighbors and have stable delimited borders. This was a huge psychological shock for some, especially the aforementioned forces because the clarification of Armenia's borders and the adoption of an internationally legitimate stance would open an opportunity to have excellent relations with the US and EU. Armenia with legitimate borders and Western partners is more difficult to attack than Armenia without those; it's a lot more difficult under those conditions to present Armenia as a gray zone and swallow it.
And swallowing Armenia is what this is all about. None of this was about NK. Armenia was the end goal. Robert Kocharyan said he was open to the idea of Armenia joining the [Russia-Belarus] Union State, while Serj's party leaders [Sharmazanov] announced that it's necessary to give Azerbaijan a corridor through Syunik.
Today we have a rally coming from Tavush. On the left side of its leader, we have a politician representing a force that wants Armenia to join the [Russian] Union State, and on the right side, it's a representative of a force that wants to give a Zangezur corridor to Azerbaijan.
Forgive me for saying this, friends: this latest Russian march is also destined to fail. It will fail because the Armenian population won't follow politicians who do not recognize Armenia's 29,743 km2. Foreign forces will fail. Armenia will remain independent. //

Russia continues the withdrawal of soldiers from Nagorno-Karabakh

A column of vehicles left from Ivanyan airport to a railway station before heading to Russia, through Azerbaijan.

foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan will meet in Kazakhstan on May 10 to discuss the peace process

The agreement was reached last week after the visit of the Kazakh president to the region.

U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan visited occupied Shushi after "two months of preparations"

He was earlier criticized by the Azerbaijani regime for not visiting the occupied parts of Nagorno-Karabakh. The Ambassador said he didn't visit Shushi in the past because he didn't want to take part in "someone's shows".
During this Shushi trip, the Ambassador met state officials and local teachers who were enrolled in the embassy's English classes. The Ambassador said the U.S. will continue to cooperate with Azerbaijan for as long as there are "partners in Azerbaijan who are willing to work with the U.S."
source, source,

the armed forces/MOD of Armenia and United States held their first annual talks

US Embassy in Yerevan: Last week, representatives from across the US European Command and the Armenian Ministry of Defense participated in the inaugural Annual Staff Talks to discuss bilateral defense priorities, develop areas for further cooperation, and outline military engagements for the coming years.

Informed Citizens NGO chief about Armenia's economic ties with Russia and the cost of breaking free

IOANNESIAN: Russia's leverage: Gas, supply of uranium for NPP, disposal of nuclear waste generated by NPP, and Upper Lars cargo traffic. I don't think Russia will attempt to "punish" Armenia unless they achieve a major success in Ukraine, but it can't be ruled out. Let's analyze some possible scenarios.
(1) Gas. If Russia doubles the price for Armenia to $300, which is the realistic upper limit according to experts, your household bill would likely increase by 20%. The $300 is also the price of Iranian gas. If Russia raises it above $300, Armenia will have other more economic sources of energy. I doubt household bills would double because there are a host of steps the government and West could take to remedy or even partly subsidize the cost.
(2) Uranium for NPP. This is easier. Ukraine has replaced Russia with others. Kazakhstan is also a source of uranium. It's important to have decent AM-KZ relations. Our relations have always been toxic despite never having any direct problems with one another. At some point, Kazakhs realized having great relations with Azerbaijan doesn't mean they can't build relations with Armenia. Armenia displayed the same pragmatism. There is an opportunity to move forward.
(3) Export of products. This will be difficult because a significant share of goods MADE in Armenia are exported to Russia. These are real factories, real workers, real wages. The food production industry will face issues because let's be honest, their standards are generally very low. They wouldn't be able to export to Europe today. European countries may love you but they care about the health of their citizens more. We need to raise the food standards, first and foremost for us and our health. I'm aware that the Armenian government is taking steps for a long-term solution, and as a short-term solution they are exploring the possibility of increasing exports to the Middle East and other states to reduce reliance on Russia. The government will face pushback from unhappy businesses that will no longer be allowed to dump a bag of harmful chemicals on crops. The Middle East is a mixed bag. Some countries could have standards higher than the EU, while others don't care at all. Armenian manufacturers of "fake" and lowest-quality alcohol, the type of alcohol that's even unacceptable for Armenians, are exporting their goods to some Middle Eastern countries today.

Armenia and EU discuss education reforms

Education Minister Joanna and EU Ambassador Maragos met on Monday to discuss the ongoing introduction of new state standards in public education, the upcoming bills, STEM and labs, refugee teacher assistance, and AM-EU dialogue.

Armenia and Hungary sign agreement on economic cooperation, will continue to restore diplomatic relations after termination in 2012

FM Mirzoyan is in Hungary to discuss AM-HU and AM-EU relations, a week after media wrote that Hungary is blocking the EU's $10 million military aid to Armenia.
Armenia and Hungary restored diplomatic relations in 2022, and in 2023 they appointed non-resident ambassadors.
HUNGARIAN FM: It's great to see Armenia's flag in this building after so many years. Today we agreed to form a working group to develop economic relations. Last year our economic turnover reached 70%. Our pharmaceutical companies are more active in the Armenian market today. We have agreed to open embassies in the capitals of Hungary and Armenia; today we have consulates. Starting this July, WizzAir will hold direct flights between the capitals of Armenia and Hungary. Hungary will provide humanitarian assistance to families [presumably Nagorno-Karabakh refugees] who begin their lives in Armenia. Some 1,200 Armenian children and parents will receive an opportunity to enjoy their vacation here in Hungary. Armenian students will receive scholarships. We have also allocated funds to help the 4,200 Armenians residing in Hungary maintain their Armenian identity and culture. Ahead of Hungary's presidency of the EU, we were able to take steps to develop AM-EU relations. We plan to develop the AM-EU Partnership Agenda [aka CEPA+]. We also plan to launch a dialogue on visa liberalization between the two parties [unclear AM-HU or AM-EU]. My 2023 visit to Yerevan and your visit to Budapest marks a successful launch of our cooperation.
ARMENIAN FM: This is a result of a process we launched 1.5 years ago, a process to start a new phase of AM-HU relations based on historically warm ties and common values. I'm glad to see the result of this process today. Today we are talking about opening resident embassies. Today we signed agreements on political consultations between foreign ministries of two states, on economic cooperation, and on the formation of an intergovernmental commission. We recently saw a business conference where they discussed possible joint projects. Personal visits are important so it's great to hear about WizzAir's direct Yerevan-Budapest flights. Armenia wants to be part of international economic projects. The CoP project aims to lift the blockade on all transport and passenger connections in the South Caucasus and to streamline the West-East connection. Under the same context, we consider the supply of Armenian renewable energy to Europe [through the Black Sea]; we will soon hold discussions on their implementation. Armenia wants to take part in all of those. Peace is a prerequisite for economic development. We have launched a process to bring Armenia significantly closer to the EU, and vice versa. On the table, we have a package of proposals and here we hope to receive Hungary's support during your EU presidency so the plan will confidentially advance under your presidency as well.
REPORTER: What disagreements remain around the AM-AZ peace treaty?
MIRZOYAN: I hope the agreement reached by border commissions on April 19 will be reflected in the peace agreement as well. That would place us very close to a final resolution of the AM-AZ conflict. Another disagreement is around the unblocking of transportation links in the region. Armenia wants to unblock all routes with full respect to the sovereignty of states. I'd like to thank Hungary for its contribution to humanitarian issues. As you remember, several Armenian POWs were freed with the help of Hungary. These efforts continue.
source, source, video,

starting next week Yerevan subway will operate until midnight, instead of 11 pm


Yerevan municipality will add 50 bus shelters, some of which will come with ticket purchasing terminals and bus arrival timetable

MAYOR AVINYAN: This year we plan to launch the new transit fare system and install 50 bus shelters, which will have arrival timetables. We'll receive 171 new 8.5-meter buses and 15 new trolleybuses. The new bus pricing system goes into effect after all of this is done.

Yerevan municipality wants to review the contract with French water giant Veolia

MAYOR AVINYAN: The recent floods caused issues in transport hubs, tunnels, and streets. The city has a contract with Veolia Jur to service the surface, gutter, and rainwater networks. We receive many complaints that go unaddressed. The residents do not care about the details of the contract with Veolia, although I'm confident there are objective reasons behind these problems. This year we must come to a new agreement with the Government and Veolia because the municipality itself can't chase the sewers in each backyard. We need a company that will assume the responsibility for the entire network. We must understand what the cost of this service is. Last year the city was forced to build 14 kilometers of sewers but I don't even know if we had the right to do it because it's a state property, but it had to be done so we did it. We need to make changes to the Veolia contract.

VIDEO: heavy hail lasted several minutes, turning the streets of Yerevan white and damaging trees and properties


inflation YoY

January -0.4%
February -1.7%
March -1.2%
April -0.7%

... food prices are still lower compared to last year (April YoY stats)

Food and non-alcoholic beverages -4.5%
Non-food -0.5%
Services +3%
Alcohol and tobacco +7%
Clothing -1%
Utilities -0.1%
Household goods & appliances -1%
Healthcare -0.2%
Transportation +8%
Communications +0.3%
Recreation -0.2%
Education +5%
Restaurants & hotels +4%

country of origin of tourists who visited Georgia in Q1 2024

(1) Turkey 255K
(2) Russia 215K
(3) Armenia 192K

the most popular last names in each country: MAP

submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 22:58 EritreanPost Twenty-six years ago today, on 6th May 1998, the border war between Eritrea & Ethiopia began after the Ethiopian 🇪🇹 army led by the Tigray People's Liberation Front TPLF killed nearly eight Eritrean soldiers near Ethiopian-occupied Eritrean 🇪🇷Badme. This attack by Meles Zenawi caused the border war.

Twenty-six years ago today, on 6th May 1998, the border war between Eritrea & Ethiopia began after the Ethiopian 🇪🇹 army led by the Tigray People's Liberation Front TPLF killed nearly eight Eritrean soldiers near Ethiopian-occupied Eritrean 🇪🇷Badme. This attack by Meles Zenawi caused the border war.
The same people that invaded Somali for 12 years also invaded Eritrea from 1998 to 2000.
Twenty-six years ago today, the border war between Eritrea and Ethiopia began after the Ethiopian army of the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) killed nearly eight Eritrean soldiers near Ethiopian-occupied Eritrean Badme. This attack by Meles Zenawi caused the border war.
100,000s of people died, thousands of Eritrean women were raped by the Ethiopian 🇪🇹 TPLF army in Eritrea, 100,000 Eritreans were deported from Ethiopia by Meles Zenawi/TPLF (Ethnic cleansings).
According to US ambassador Shin, Meles was heard saying during the Ethiopian-Eritrean border war that he said Eritrea and Ethiopia will be united again.
And General Tsadkan, the former Ethiopian 🇪🇹 army general who waged the war against Eritrea, said that he believed that the port of Assab belonged to Ethiopia. General Tsadkan also led the TPLF during the 2 years long Tigray war.
former Ethiopian general/TPLF official General Tsadkan who led the invasion on Eritrea in 1998 advised Meles Zenawi to invade Eritrea and seize the Assab port
We Eritreans will never forget the crimes committed by the Ethiopian army under the tyrant Meles Zenawi in Eritrea.
Ethiopia/TPLF wanted to dissolve Eritrea as a state after they invaded Eritrea. They wanted to capture the Eritrean-Assab port. But they failed and they were punished for every crime have committed against the Eritrean people.
According to several historical sources, on 6 May 1998 Ethiopian troops shot Eritrean soldiers near Badme. This incident provoked a heavy military response from Eritrea, soon matched by Ethiopia, which quickly escalated into war. Source:
Former US Secretary for African affairs Herman J Cohen: ‘Meles started the war‘
According to leaked conversation of UN official Joseph Legwaila (by Julian Assange’s Wikileaks), Ethiopia/TPLF hesitated to withdraw from Badme because it would have made Ethiopia appear as the instigator& aggressor of the 1998-2000 Ethiopia-Eritrean border war.
Ethiopia cannot accept Badme as Eritrean territory, Legwaila explained, as doing so would compel Ethiopia to recognize that it was the aggressor when entering Badme during 1998 hostilities.
Letter of the Ethiopian American development council to President Joe Biden (2021) : ‚cross border conflict with Eritrea in the late 1990s instigated by the TPLF.‘
Field Marshall Berhanu Jula of the Ethiopian army about the 1998-2000 border war: In 1998 TPLF leaders ordered us to attack Eritrea & then told the world Eritrea attacked Ethiopia
Discrete diplomatic efforts failed to defuse the Eritrea-Ethiopia crisis as it was building up in 1997-98. After a series of armed incidents during which several Eritrean officials were murdered near the disputed village of Badme , the Eritrean army rolled into the area with a large mechanized force and took the village. Shortly afterward, Ethiopia , claiming it had been invaded, declared “total war” on Eritrea and mobilized its armed forces for a full-scale assault.
In May 1998, there was a border dispute between the local Tigrayan militia and Eritrean soldiers near Badme. Some Eritreans were killed. They returned in force and drove the Ethiopians out.
submitted by EritreanPost to XSomalian [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 22:35 sanchower A state for (almost) each letter

As we all know, none of the fifty United States have the letter Q in their name. But all 25 other letters are in the names of at least one state.
Here's the challenge: What's the smallest set of states you can think of that contains each letter besides Q at least once? (extra credit: Can you prove it's the smallest possible set?)
HINT: Arizona is the only state that contains a Z, and New Jersey is the only state with J. Start from there.
submitted by sanchower to puzzles [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 20:03 Revolutionary-Can164 FU*KING DISAPPOINTED WITH MYSELF 🐒

FU*KING DISAPPOINTED WITH MYSELF 🐒 submitted by Revolutionary-Can164 to CUETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 19:37 subredditsummarybot Your weekly /r/EngineeringResumes recap for the week of April 29 - May 05, 2024

Monday, April 29 - Sunday, May 05, 2024

Top Posts

score comments title & link
12 14 comments [Question] [7 YoE] Should I leave off prior career to hide age on resume?
8 19 comments [Software] [12 YoE] Software Engineer Looking for a Resume Review After Getting Lots of Resume Rejection
7 31 comments [Electrical/Computer] [Student] Electrical Engineering graduate. Any suggestions for my resume? Entry level embedded SWE
6 27 comments [Software] [Student] Switched from Jake's resume template to the Wiki template, advice on my bullet points?
5 10 comments [Mechanical] [4 YoE] Round 2 - Improved bullet points but resume too long now

Most Commented Posts

score comments title & link
2 27 comments [Software] [6 YoE] Seeking a resume review for Senior Software Engineering Positions
2 25 comments [Software] [2 YoE] Software Engineer Fixing Up Resume for Future Job Search
1 25 comments [Mechanical] [5 YoE] ME, looking for a resume review for next ME position
3 18 comments [Software] [4 YoE] Aiming for HPC/University jobs as a foreign worker with J-2 EAD, looking for advice
2 14 comments [Aerospace] [2 YoE] Aerospace stress engineer looking for a new stress job, thanks for reading!

Top Comments

score comment
8 Curious__5279 said If you've been operating a compamy for several years, you should have much more to say about it than 2 bullets
8 Mexicant_123 said Well now hold on. Why would you outright admit you dont want extra money? If its a large enough company and youre a qualified enough candidate they will not mind having to pay relocation. So my 2 ce...
7 ososalsosal said I've left off pretty much most of my working life. Kept getting questions about why I'm not in the (fucking) film industry anymore. Probably because I didn't want to starve and I'm not the ty...
7 siliconwolf13 said Please do not put Reddit as an interest on your resume
7 OkConcern9701 said Someone’s going to come ask you why your skills section is 7 lines long. And I’m inclined to agree with them. It’s kind of overwhelming especially at the top of your resume. You don’t need to explain ...
6 PhenomEng said I say that it depends on the job. I've had people with 30 years total experience apply for a role that asks for 5 to 8 years. To me, this means they are just looking to get their foot in the door, t...
6 Tavrock said I'm not sure what it is like in Canada, but I can say from being in US Aerospace, being able to survive the first set of layoffs after you are hired can indicate you have a job there as long as you wa...
6 newgradnewcrisis said Mostly nits: I see "Dec 2020 - Sep 2020", big typo here. The project doesn't do much justice here, probably better to fill in work experience bullet points here or at least expand the project a bit ...
6 uint420_t said Personally, I would not include your first college. Only include institutions from which you got a degree from.
6 bboys1234 said Skills should be at top or bottom, not in between experience and projects. Also no horizontal line in skills section or leadership? Changes dates to 3 letter months abbreviations. Change "student lead...
5 uint420_t said Fill up the page.
5 Oracle5of7 said You don’t. Why do you think you need to?
5 rubik1771 said Your projects and roles sound more on the business side than the technical side. For example: The first role I can tell you used React and Material but did you: -Connect to the back end via Rest API...
5 WritesGarbage said #### Header - You could probably cut some whitespace here - Black and no underline for email - Still keep it a link though #### Education - Combined Degree - Get rid of the bullet points - Maybe t...
5 Mexicant_123 said I think youll have a hard time finding the swiss in this subreddit. Might have better luck in the Switzerland subreddit
5 Oracle5of7 said Much better. Before your last post was removed you asked me about quantifying projects. Don’t worry so much about trying to figure out how to add metrics. The whole point of engineering is to solve pr...
5 graytotoro said I wouldn't advise you to quit your job until you have something lined up, but that's your call. * I would drop the symbols. They add nothing to your resume. We know what an email looks like these ...
4 PhenomEng said "thoughtful GD&T" - that makes me cringe. Don't use fluff words like that. Your bullet points need to be more descriptive. You designed cooling things and the cooling became 10% better. What coo...
4 Oracle5of7 said This is actually good. Not my field so can’t comment on the details of the bullets, but your explaining enough that can tell your accomplishments. The bullet points from the network job are not that...
4 Oracle5of7 said Sorry but this is terrible: 1. Read the wiki. 2. Use the wikis template (font and formatting are readily bad). 3. The bullet points only say what you did, not what you accomplished.
submitted by subredditsummarybot to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

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Gran Turismo 4K/MA $7 or HD/MA $5.5
Grease Trilogy HD/VU $9 or 4K/IT $10.5
Green Knight 4K/VU $5
Green Room HD/VU $4
Groundhog Day 4K/MA $5.5
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner 4K/MA $6
Hammett HD/VU $4
Halloween Ends HD/MA $4.5
Halloween Kills (Ext) HD/MA $4.5
Harriet 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Hex 4K/VU $5.5
High Tension HD/VU $4.5
Hellbenders HD/VU $4
Hellraiser: Judgment HD/VU $4
His Girl Friday 4K/MA $6
Hook 4K/MA $6
Hunger Games 4-Film Set 4K/VU $18
Hunter Killer HD/VU $3.5
Ice Age Continental Drift HD/MA $3
I, Frankenstein HD/VU or IT $3
I Saw the Light HD/MA $4
Identity Thief HD/IT $3.5
Indiana Jones Dial of Destiny HD/MA $6
Inhabitant HD/VU $4.5
Insidious The Last Key HD/MA $3.5
Insidious Red Door HD/MA $5
Jaws 2 4K/MA $5.5
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot HD/VU $3.5
Jerry Maguire 4K/MA $6
Jesus Revolution HD/VU $5
John Wick 4 4K/VU $6.5
John Wick 4-Film Collection HD/VU $13
Jordan Peele 3-Film Set (Get Out, Us, Nope) HD/MA $11
Journey to Bethlehem HD/MA $5.5
Joy Ride HD/VU $5
Jumanji '95 4K/MA $6
Jungle Book '67 HD/MA $4
Jurassic World 6-film Set HD/MA $18
Kandahar HD/MA $5.5
Karate Kid '84 4K/MA $6
Kiss the Girls 4K/VU $6
Knights of the Zodiac HD/MA $5
Kramer vs Kramer 4K/MA $6
Last Action Hero 4K/MA $5.5
Last Christmas HD/MA $4.5
Last Night in Soho 4K/MA $5.5
Leprechaun 8-Film Set HD/VU $15
Lincoln Lawyer 4K/VU $6
Little Mermaid '23 HD/MA $5
Lost Boys 4K/MA $6
Love Again SD/MA $2.5
Lucky Number Slevin HD/VU $4.5
M3GAN (Thea & Unr) HD/MA $5
Ma '19 HD/MA $4
Madame Web 4K/MA $12 or HD/MA $10
Mamma Mia Here We Go Again HD/MA $3
Malignant 4K/MA $5.5
Manodrome HD/VU $5.5
Marsh King's Daughter 4K/VU $5.5
Martyrs HD/VU $4.5
May HD/VU $4
Menu HD/GP $3.5
Meryl Streep 8-Film Set HD/MA $22
MIB International HD/MA $4
Midnight Meat Train (Unr) HD/VU $4
Miller's Girl 4K/VU $9.5
Miracle on 34th Street HD/MA $4
Missing HD/MA $5
Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Pt 1 HD/VU $6
Mist 4K/VU $6.5
Mitchells vs the Machines HD/MA $4.5
Mortal Kombat Legends Cage Match HD/MA $5.5
Mr. Holmes HD/VU $3.5
Mulan '98 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 HD/MA $5.5
My Girl 4K/MA $6
National Champions 4K/IT $5
New Mutants HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Next Goal Wins HD/MA $7.5
Night Swim HD/MA $8
Night Train to Lisbon HD/VU $4
No Hard Feelings HD/MA $5.5
Nope 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Nun 2 HD/MA $5.5
Old 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood HD/MA $3.5
Oppenheimer HD/MA $6
Other Side of the Door HD/MA $4
Out Of The Blue HD/VU $4
Overlord 4K/VU or IT $4.5
Paprika 4K/MA $7
Parental Guidance HD/MA $2.5
Parents HD/VU $4
Parasite HD/MA $4
Pet Sematary Bloodlines HD/VU $5.5
Peter Pan '53 HD/MA $4
Peter Pan Return to Neverland HD/GP $4
Philadelphia 4K/MA $5.5
Pitch Perfect 3 4K/MA $5
Plane 4K/VU $5.5
Pope's Exorcist HD/MA $5
Post HD/MA $3.5
Prey for the Devil 4K/VU $5.5
Priscilla HD/VU $6
Punch-Drunk Love 4K/MA $6.5
Quick & the Dead '95 4K/MA $6
Rambo First Blood HD/VU $4
Rambo First Blood Pt 2 HD/VU $4
Rango HD/VU $3
Real Genius 4K/MA $5.5
Red Rocket HD/VU $4
Red Sparrow HD/MA $3.5
Renfield HD/MA $5.5
Requin HD/VU $4.5
Resident Evil Welcome to Raccoon City HD/MA $4
Robin Hood '73 HD/MA $4
Rosemary's Baby 4K/VU $6.5
Rhythm Section HD/VU $3.5
Rudy (Dir Cut) 4K/MA $6.5
Run Lola Run 4K/MA $6.5
Saint Maud HD/VU $4
Samurai Jack Complete Series HD/VU $40
Saw 8-film Set (Unr except Jigsaw) HD/VU $20
Saw X 4K/VU $7
Secret Life of Walter Mitty HD/MA $3.5
Shaun of the Dead HD/MA $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Shrek 6-Film Set (1-4, Musical, Puss in Boots) HD/MA $19
Skiptrace HD/VU $3.5
Scorpion King 4-Film Set (1, 3, 4, Book of Souls) HD/MA $12
Scream 3 4K/VU $5.5
Scream 5 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Scream 6 4K/VU $7 or HD/VU $5.5
Sharktopus HD/VU $3.5
Shazam 2-film Set HD/MA $8
Shazam Fury of the Gods 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
She Said HD/MA $4.5
She's the Man HD/VU $3.5
Silver Linings Playbook HD/VU $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Sisu 4K/VU $6
Sixteen Candles HD/MA $3.5 or HD/IT $3.5
Sleepless in Seattle 4K/MA $6
Smile HD/VU $4.5
Social Network 4K/MA $6
Sometimes They Come Back...Again HD/VU $4
Sometimes They Come Back...For More HD/VU $3.5
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 4K/VU $5.5
Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse 4K/MA $7 or HD/MA $5.5
Split HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Spoiler Alert HD/MA $5
Star Trek First Contact 4K/VU $5.5
Star Trek Generations 4K/VU $5.5
Star Trek Insurrection 4K/VU $5.5
Star Trek Nemesis 4K/VU $5.5
Star Wars A New Hope HD/GP $3.5
Starship Troopers 4K/MA $6
Step Brothers 4K/MA $6.5
Stillwater HD/MA $4
Studio 666 HD/MA $5
Sum of All Fears 4K/VU $5
Supercell HD/VU $4.5
Super Mario Bros Movie HD/MA $5
Super Troopers 2 HD/MA $3.5
Superfly HD/MA $4
T2 Trainspotting 4K/MA $6
Talk to Me 4K/VU $6
Talladega Nights 4K/MA $6.5
Taxi Driver 4K/MA $5.5
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem HD/VU $6
Thanksgiving 4K/MA $8 or HD/MA $6.5
The Batman 4K/MA $5.5
The Bay HD/VU $4
The Color Purple '23 4K/MA $8 or HD/MA $6.5
The Descent (Unr) HD/VU $4.5
The Flash HD/MA $5
The Flood 4K/VU $6
The Marvels HD/MA $6.5
The Natural 4K/MA $6
The Other Guys 4K/MA $6
The Professional (Ext) 4K/MA $6
The Super '17 HD/VU $4
Ticket to Paradise HD/MA $4.5
Titanic 4K/VU or IT $6 or HD/VU $4.5
Top Gun Maverick HD/VU $4
Toy Story 3 HD/MA $4
Trading Places 4K/VU $6
Transformers 4K/VU $5.5
Transformers Rise of the Beasts 4K/MA $7 or HD/VU $5.5
Trolls 3-Film Collection HD/MA $12
Trolls Band Together HD/MA $6.5
Truth or Dare (Unr) HD/MA $3.5
Tusk HD/VU $4.5
Umma HD/MA $4.5
Underworld (Unr) HD/MA $4
Unhinged HD/VU $3.5
Universal Monsters 4-Film Set 4K/MA $17
V for Vendetta 4K/MA $6.5
Vanilla Sky HD/VU $5.5
Velvet Goldmine HD/VU $4.5
Venture Bros Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart HD/MA $5.5
Violent Night HD/MA $5
Watchmen Ultimate Cut 4K/MA $7.5
Waxwork 2 HD/VU $3.5
We Summon the Darkness HD/VU $4.5
Welcome to Marwen HD/MA $4.5
Whiplash 4K/MA $6
Whitney Houston I Wanna Dance w/ Somebody HD/MA $4
Wicker Man 4K/VU $5.5
Wish HD/MA $7
Witch HD/VU $3.5
Woman King 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $4
Woman Walks Ahead HD/VU $4
Wonka HD/MA $8
You're Next HD/VU $3.5
X-Men 1-4 Set SD/MA $7.5
Zombieland Double Tap 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
All other movies (A-Z)
10 Cloverfield Lane HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
101 Dalmatians '61 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
12 Years a Slave HD/MA $3
13 Hours HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
14 Blades HD/VU $3.5
1917 HD/MA $3.5
2 Guns 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA or IT $2.5
21 Jump Street HD/MA $3
22 Jump Street HD/MA $3.5
3 Extremes HD/VU $4
3 From Hell (Unr) 4K/VU $4 or HD/VU $2.5
3:10 to Yuma 4K/VU $5
31 HD/VU $2.5
47 Meters Down HD/IT $3.5
47 Meters Down Uncaged 4K/VU $4.5
47 Ronin HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
600 Miles HD/VU $3.5
71 HD/VU $3.5
A Christmas Story 4K/MA $6
A Dog's Purpose HD/IT $3
A Good Day to Die Hard (Ext) HD/VU $2.5
A Journal For Jordan HD/MA $4
A Quiet Place HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
A Walk Among the Tombstones HD/IT $3.5
A Wrinkle in Time HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
A.C.O.D. HD/VU or IT $3.5
Abominable 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
About Last Night HD/MA $3
Action Point HD/IT $2
Ad Astra HD/MA $4
Adaptation 4K/MA $6
Adrift HD/IT $3.5
Adverse 4K/VU $5
After Earth HD/MA $3
Aftermath HD/VU $3
Air Force One 4K/MA $6
Aladdin ‘19 HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Aladdin ‘92 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Alien HD/MA $4
Alien Covenant HD/MA $2.5
Alfred Hitchcock 4-Film Set Vol 1 4K/MA $18
Alfred Hitchcock 5-Film Set Vol 2 4K/MA $21
Alien 6-film Set HD/MA $16
Alita Battle Angel 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
All Eyez on Me HD/VU or IT $3
All is Lost HD/VU $3.5
All the Money in the World HD/MA $3.5
Allied HD/VU or IT $3.5
Almost Christmas HD/MA or IT $3
Amazing Spider-Man 2 HD/MA $3.5 or SD/MA $1.5
Amazing Spider-Man HD/MA $3.5 or SD/MA $1.5
American Assassin 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
American Hustle HD/MA $3.5
American Reunion HD/VU or IT $3
American Ultra HD/VU or IT $4
American Underdog 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Anatomy of a Murder 4K/MA $5
Anchorman 2 HD/VU or IT $2.5
Angel Has Fallen 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Angel Heart 4K/VU $5.5
Angel of Mine 4K/VU $5.5
Angry Birds Movie HD/MA $3.5
Anna Karenina HD/IT $3.5
Annie ‘14 HD/MA $3.5
Annihilation HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Antebellum 4K/VU $5
Antlers HD/GP $3
Ant-Man & the Wasp HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Ant-Man HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Apache Junction HD/VU $3.5
Apollo 13 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Arctic HD/MA $4
Arrival HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Art of Self-Defense HD/MA $4
Ash vs Evil Dead S.3 HD/VU $5
Assassination Nation HD/MA $3.5
Assassin's Creed HD/MA $3
Assignment HD/VU $4
Atomic Blonde 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
August Osage County HD/VU $3
Avengers Age of Ultron HD/GP $3
Avengers Endgame HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Avengers Infinity War 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Baby Driver HD/MA $4
Backdraft 4K/IT $5.5
Bad Grandpa HD/VU or IT $2.5
Bad Words HD/MA or IT $3
Bandslam HD/VU $4
Bank Job HD/VU $3.5
Barb & Star go to Vista Del Mar HD/VU $4
Barbie & Her Sisters in the Great Puppy Adventure HD/IT $3.5
Bart Got a Room HD/VU $4
Battle Royale HD/VU $4.5
Battleship 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Baywatch HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Beauty & the Beast ‘17 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Beauty & the Beast ‘91 HD/GP $3
Bedknobs & Broomsticks HD/GP $3.5
Before I Fall HD/VU or IT $3.5
Begin Again HD/VU $3.5
Beiruit HD/MA $3.5
Belly 4K/VU $5.5
Ben-Hur ‘16 HD/VU $3.5
Between Worlds HD/VU $3.5
Big Hero 6 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Big Lebowski 4K/MA or IT $5.5
Big Short HD/VU $3.5
Big Wedding HD/VU or IT $3
Billy Elliot HD/MA or IT $4
Birdman HD/MA $4
Black & Blue HD/MA $4
Black Christmas '19 HD/MA $4.5
Black Panther 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $2.5
Black Panther Wakanda Forever HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
BlackKklansman HD/MA $4.5
Blacklight HD/MA $4
Black Widow HD/GP $3
Blackhat HD/IT $3.5
Blair Witch Project ‘99 HD/VU $4
Bleeding Steel HD/VU $3.5
Blindspotting 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Blood Money ‘17 HD/VU $3.5
Blood Ties HD/VU $3.5
Blue Jasmine HD/MA $3.5
Blue Ruin HD/VU $4
Blues Brothers HD/MA $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Bob's Burgers Movie HD/GP $3
Body Cam HD/VU $4
Bohemian Rhapsody HD/MA $3.5
Bombshell 4K/VU $5
Book Club HD/VU or IT $2.5
Book of Life HD/MA $3.5
Boss Baby HD/MA $2.5
Bourne Identity 4K/IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Bourne Legacy HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
Bourne Supremacy HD/MA $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Bourne Ultimatum 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Boy ‘16 HD/IT $3.5
Boy & the World HD/IT $3.5
Boyhood HD/VU or IT $2.5
Braven HD/VU $4
Breakfast Club HD/MA or IT $4
Breakthrough HD/MA $3
Brian Banks HD/MA $3
Bridge of Spies HD/GP $3.5
Brothers Bloom HD/VU $4.5
Bumblebee 4K/VU or IT $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Butler HD/VU $3
Cabin in the Woods HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Cake HD/MA $4
Call of Wild 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Calvary HD/MA $4
Candyman '20 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Candyman 3 HD/VU $4
Captain America Civil War HD/GP $2.5
Captain America First Avenger HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Captain America Winter Soldier HD/GP $3.5
Captain Marvel 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Captain Phillips HD/MA $3.5
Captain Underpants First Epic Movie HD/MA $2.5
Carol HD/VU $4
Cars 3 HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Casablanca 4K/MA $5.5
Case for Christ HD/IT $2.5
Casper HD/IT $4
Celebrating Mickey HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Chaos Walking 4K/VU $5
Chappaquiddick HD/VU $4
Chasing Mavericks HD/MA $3.5
Chicago HD/VU $4
Child 44 HD/VU $4
Children ‘08 HD/VU $4
Christopher Robin HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Chronicles of Riddick HD/IT $4
Clerks 3 4K/VU $4.5
Clifford the Big Red Dog HD/VU $4
Cloverfield 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Coco HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Cold Pursuit 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Collection HD/VU $3.5
Collide ‘17 HD/VU or IT $2.5
Colma The Musical HD/VU $4
Colombiana (Unr) HD/MA $4
Colony 4K/VU $5
Come & Find Me HD/VU $4
Commuter 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Company of Heroes HD/MA $4
Conan the Barbarian ‘11 4K/VU $5
Conspirator HD/VU $4
Contraband HD/IT $3
Contractor HD/VU $4.5
Cooler HD/VU $4
Cool Hand Luke 4K/MA $5.5
Cooties HD/VU $4
Cotton Club Encore 4K/VU $5.5
Countdown ‘16 HD/VU $3.5
Courier 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Craft Legacy HD/MA $4.5
Criminal HD/VU or IT $3
Croods HD/VU $3.5
Cruella HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Crypto 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Daddy's Home HD/VU or IT $2.5
Daddy's Home 2 HD/VU or IT $3
Damsel HD/VU $4.5
Dangerous 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Danny Collins HD/IT $3.5
Dark Crimes HD/VU $4
Darkest Minds HD/MA $4
Dark Places HD/VU $4
Dark Tower HD/MA $3.5
Darkest Hour ‘17 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes HD/MA $3.5
Deadpool 2 (w/Super Duper Cut) HD/MA $4
Deadpool HD/MA $2.5
Death of Me HD/VU $4
Death on the Nile HD/GP $3
Death Wish '18 HD/VU $3
Deepwater Horizon HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Deliver Us From Evil HD/MA $3.5
Dentist 2-Film Set HD/VU $7
Despicable Me 2 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Despicable Me 3 4K/MA or IT $4.5
Despicable Me 4K/MA or IT $4.5
Detroit HD/MA $3.5
Devil Inside HD/VU $3.5
Devil's Due HD/MA $3.5
Die Hard HD/MA $3.5
Die Hard 5-film Set HD/MA $18
Die in a Gunfight 4K/VU $5
Dilemma HD/VU $3.5
Dirty Dancing 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Disney Animated Short Films Set HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Disneynature Monkey Kingdom HD/MA $3
Django Unchained HD/VU $3
Doctor Strange HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness HD/GP $3
Dolittle HD/MA $3.5
Dom Hemingway HD/MA $3.5
Don Verdean HD/VU $4.5
Doorman HD/VU $3.5
Doors 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Downsizing HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
Downton Abbey A New Era HD/MA $4
Downton Abbey The Movie HD/MA $3.5
Draft Day HD/IT $3.5
Dragged Across Concrete HD/VU $3.5
Dragonslayer 4K/VU $5.5
Dream a Little Dream HD/VU $4
Dreamkatcher HD/VU $4
Dreamworks 10-Film HD/MA $25
Dredd 4K/VU $4 or HD/VU $2.5
Drive HD/MA $4
Dying of the Light HD/VU $2.5
E.T. Extra Terrestrial 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Early Man 4K/VU $5.5
Earth Girls are Easy HD/VU $4
Eddie the Eagle HD/MA $4
Edge of Seventeen HD/IT $3
Edward Scissorhands HD/MA $3.5
El Chicano HD/MA $4
Elysium HD/MA $3.5
Emoji Movie HD/MA $3
Empire of Light HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Empire State HD/VU $3
Encanto 4K/GP $3.5
Enough Said HD/MA $3.5
Enter the Dragon 4K/MA $6
Epic HD/MA $3
Equalizer HD/MA $3.5
Equalizer 2 HD/MA $3.5
Escape From Planet Earth HD/VU $3
Eternals HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Everest HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Everything Must Go HD/VU $4
Evil Dead 2 HD/VU $3.5
Ex Machina HD/VU $3
Exodus Gods & Kings HD/MA $3.5
Expired 4K/VU $4.5
Fair Game (Dir) HD/VU $4
Fantastic Four ‘15 HD/MA $4
Fast & Furious 4 4K/MA $5
Fast & the Furious 8-film Set HD/MA $17.5
Fast & the Furious 9-film Set HD/MA $20
Fast Color 4K/VU $5.5
Fatale ‘20 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Fatherhood HD/MA $4
Fault in Our Stars HD/MA $3.5
Fear of Rain 4K/VU $5.5
Fences HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Ferdinand HD/MA $3.5
Field of Dreams 4K/MA or IT $5.5
Fifty Shades Darker (Unr) HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Fifty Shades Freed HD/MA $4
Fifty Shades of Grey (Unr) 4K/MA or IT $4
Finding Dory HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Finding Nemo HD/GP $3.5
Finest Hours HD/GP $3
Firm 4K/VU $6
First Man HD/MA $4
Flashback ‘20 HD/VU $4
Flight HD/VU or IT $3
Florence Foster Jenkins HD/VU or IT $3
Footloose ‘11 HD/IT $3
Forbidden Kingdom HD/VU $4.5
Ford v Ferrari HD/MA $4
Forest HD/IT $3.5
Forever My Girl HD/IT $3
Fortress HD/VU $3.5
Fortress Sniper's Eye HD/VU $3.5
Fox & the Hound 2 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Foxcatcher HD/MA $4
Frank & Lola HD/VU or IT $3
Free Guy HD/GP $3
French Dispatch HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Friday the 13th 4K/VU $5.5
From Here to Eternity 4K/MA $5.5
Frozen (Sing-Along) HD/MA $2 or HD/GP $1.5
Frozen HD/GP $2
Frozen 2 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Frozen Ground ‘13 HD/VU $3.5
Fury HD/MA $3.5
Future World HD/VU $3.5
G.I. Joe Retaliation HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Gambit ‘12 HD/MA $4
Gambler HD/VU or IT $3
Gamer 4K/VU $5.5
Gemini Man 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Get Out 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Ghost in the Shell ‘17 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Ghost in the Shell ‘95 4K/VU $5
Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance HD/MA $4
Ghost Team One HD/VU or IT $3.5
Ghostbusters ‘84 HD/MA $3.5
Ghostbusters (Thea & Ext) ‘16 HD/MA $3
Ghostbusters 2 HD/MA $3.5
Gifted HD/MA $3
Girl in Spider's Web HD/MA $4
Girl on Train HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Girl w/ All Gifts HD/VU $4
Giver HD/VU $3.5
Glass Castle 4K/VU $5.5
Glass HD/MA $4
God Bless The Broken Road HD/VU $3.5
God's Not Dead 2 HD/MA or IT $2.5
God's Not Dead 3 HD/MA $3
Gods of Egypt HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Gold ‘16 HD/VU $2.5
Good Dinosaur HD/GP $2.5
Good Kill HD/VU or IT $3.5
Grease 2 HD/VU $4
Great Wall 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Greatest Showman HD/MA $3.5
Green Book HD/MA $4
Grey HD/VU or IT $3
Grinch '18 HD/MA $4
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 HD/GP $2
Guilt Trip HD/VU or IT $3
Gunman HD/MA or IT $3
Guns of Navarone 4K/MA $5.5
Hacksaw Ridge 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Halloween ‘18 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Hammer of the Gods HD/VU $2
Hannibal S.1 HD/VU $5
Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters (Unr) HD/VU or IT $3
Hard Luck Love Song 4K/VU $5.5
Hard Target 2 HD/IT $1.5
Hardcore Henry HD/VU or IT $3.5
Hate U Give HD/MA $4
Hateful Eight HD/VU $3.5
Heat (Director's Cut) ‘95 4K/MA $5.5
Heaven is for Real HD/MA $3.5
Hercules ‘14 HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Here Comes the Boom HD/MA $3.5
Hereditary HD/VU $3.5
Hidden Figures HD/MA $3
High Note HD/MA $4
Highlander 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Hitchcock '12 HD/MA $4
Hitman Agent 47 HD/MA $3
Hitman's Bodyguard HD/VU $3.5
Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard 4K/VU $5.5
Hocus Pocus HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Home HD/MA $3
Home Again HD/MA $3
Home Alone 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Homefront HD/MA or IT $3
Homesman HD/VU $3
Honey 2 HD/VU $3
Hostiles 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Hotel Transylvania 3 HD/MA $3.5
Hot Fuzz HD/VU $4
Hotel Mumbai HD/MA $4
Hours ‘13 HD/VU $4
House of 1000 Corpses HD/VU $4
House of Gucci 4K/IT $5.5
House w/ a Clock in Its Walls sHD/MA $4
How to Train Your Dragon 2 HD/MA $2.5
Hugo HD/VU $3
Hunt for Red October 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Huntsman Winter's War (Ext) HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
I Can Only Imagine HD/VU $3.5
I Feel Pretty HD/IT $2
Ides of March HD/MA $4
I Know What You Did Last Summer 4K/MA $5.5
Imitation Game HD/VU $3
In a Valley of Violence HD/MA or IT $3
In Secret ‘14 HD/VU $4.5
In the Blood HD/VU $4
Incredibles 2 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Independence Day ‘96 HD/MA $4
Independence Day Resurgence HD/MA $2.5
Indiana Jones & the Raiders of the Lost Ark 4K/VU or IT $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom 4K/VU or IT $5.5
Indignation HD/VU $4
Indivisible HD/MA $3.5
Inferno HD/MA $3
Initiation 4K/VU $5
Initiation HD/VU $3.5
Internship HD/MA $3
Interstellar 4K/VU or IT $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Interview HD/MA $3.5
Into the Woods HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Invisible Man '20 HD/MA $3.5
Invisible Man ‘33 HD/MA $3.5
Iron Man 3 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Iron Man & Hulk Heroes United HD/GP $3.5
Iron Mask ‘19 HD/VU $4.5
It Follows HD/VU $3.5
It's a Wonderful Life HD/VU $3
Jack & Jill HD/MA $3.5
Jack Reacher 4K/VU or IT $5
Jack Reacher Never Go Back HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit 4K/IT $4 or HD/VU $2.5
Jacob's Ladder HD/VU $4
Jane Got a Gun HD/VU $4
Jarhead 3 (Unr) HD/IT $2.5
Jason Bourne HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Jesus Music HD/VU $3.5
Jexi HD/VU $3.5
Jobs HD/MA or IT $3.5
Joe HD/VU $3.5
Joe Kidd HD/IT $4
John Wick 1 & 2 Bundle HD/VU $4
John Wick 3 Parabellum 4K/VU $4.5
John Wick Chapter 2 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
John Wick HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
John Wick Trilogy (Parabellum 4K) HD/VU $9
Journey to the West Conquering the Demons HD/VU $3.5
Joy HD/MA $3
Judy 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Juliet, Naked 4K/VU $5.5
Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle HD/MA $2.5
Jungle Book ‘16 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $2.5
Jungle Cruise HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Jurassic Park 3 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Jurassic Park 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Jurassic World 5-film Set HD/MA $14
Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Jurassic World HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Justice ‘17 HD/VU or IT $3
Kama Sutra HD/VU $4
Kick-Ass 2 HD/MA $3.5
Kid ‘19 HD/VU $3.5
Kid Who Would Be King 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Kidnap HD/VU or IT $2.5
Kill the Irishman HD/VU $4
Kill Zone ‘05 HD/VU $4.5
Killer Elite HD/IT $3
Killing Gunther HD/VU $4
Kin ‘18 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
King Kong ‘05 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
King of Staten Island HD/MA $4
King's Man HD/GP $3.5
Kingsman The Golden Circle 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Kingsman The Secret Service HD/MA $3.5
Knives Out HD/VU $3.5
Knowing 4K/VU $5.5
La La Land HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Labor Day HD/VU or IT $3
Lady Macbeth HD/VU $4.5
Lady of the Manor 4K/VU $5
Lair of White Worm HD/VU $4.5
Lake Mungo HD/VU $4
Lara Croft Tomb Raider 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Last Dragon HD/MA $4.5
Last Duel HD/GP $3.5
Last Exorcism HD/VU $4
Last Knights HD/VU $3.5
Last Man ‘19 HD/VU $4
Last Stand HD/IT $2
Last Vegas HD/VU $3
Last Witch Hunter HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Lawrence of Arabia 4K/MA $5.5
Legend of Hercules 4K/IT $3
Legends of Oz Dorothy's Return HD/MA $3.5
Leprechaun 7-film Set HD/VU $12
Let's be Cops HD/MA $3.5
Let Him Go HD/MA $4
Let Me Explain HD/IT $2.5
Life ‘17 HD/MA $3.5
Life of Crime HD/VU $3.5
Life of Pi 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA or IT $3.5
Light of My Life HD/IT $3.5
Lightyear HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Like a Boss HD/VU $3.5
Lilo & Stitch 2 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Lion HD/VU $4
Lion King ‘19 4K/MA $4 or HD/GP $2
Lion King ‘94 4K/MA $5 or HD/GP $3
Little HD/MA $3.5
Little Mermaid ‘89 HD/MA $4
Live Free or Die Hard HD/MA $4
Locked Down 4K/MA $5.5
Logan HD/MA $3
Logan Lucky HD/MA $3.5 or /IT $4
Lone Ranger HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Lone Survivor HD/VU $2.5
Longest Ride HD/MA $3
Longest Week HD/VU $3.5
Looper HD/MA $3.5
Lorax HD/MA or IT $3
Lord of War 4K/VU $5.5
Lords of Salem HD/VU $4
Lost World Jurassic Park HD/MA $3.5
Love & Mercy HD/VU $3.5
Love & Monsters 4K/VU $5.5
Love the Coopers HD/VU or IT $4
Love, Simon HD/MA $3.5
Loving HD/VU or IT $3.5
Luca HD/GP $3
Lucy 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Lyle, Lyle Crocodile HD/MA $4.5
Madagascar 3 HD/MA $3
Maggie HD/VU $2.5
Magic Mike's Last Dance HD/MA $4.5
Magnificent Seven ‘16 HD/VU $3
Maleficent HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Maleficent Mistress of Evil HD/GP $2.5
Man Who Fell To Earth ‘76 4K/VU $5
Man Who Shot Liberty Vance 4K/VU $5.5
Marauders HD/VU $3.5
Marksman HD/MA $4
Martian HD/MA $3.5
Mary Poppins ‘64 HD/MA $3.5 or ‘64 HD/GP $3
Mary Poppins Returns 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $2.5
Mask of Zorro 4K/MA $6
Mauritanian 4K/IT $5
Max Steel HD/IT $3
Maze Runner HD/MA $3.5
McKenna Shoots for the Stars HD/IT $2
Meatballs HD/VU $4
Megan Leavey HD/VU or IT $3
Memory HD/MA $3.5
Men HD/VU $4
Men in Black 3 HD/MA $3
Men in Black 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
MI-5 Spooks '15 HD/VU $4
Mickey & Minnie 10 Classic Shorts HD/GP $4.5
Mid-Century 4K/VU $5
Midnight in the Switchgrass 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Midnight Sun HD/MA $3.5
Midsommar (CANADA) 4K/IT $3
Midway 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Mile 22 HD/IT $3
Million Dollar Arm HD/GP $2.5
MindGamers HD/MA or IT $3.5
Minions 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Miracles from Heaven HD/MA $3.5
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children HD/MA $3
Mission Impossible 3 4K/VU $5
Mission Impossible 6-film Set HD/VU $17
Mommy HD/VU $4
Moneyball HD/MA $3
Monster High Electrified HD/IT $2.5
Monster Hunter HD/MA $3.5
Money Monster HD/MA $3.5
Monster Trucks HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Monsters University HD/GP $3
Monuments Men HD/MA $3.5
Moon 4K/MA $5.5
Morbius HD/MA $4
Morgan HD/MA $4
Mortal Engines 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Mortal HD/VU $4
Mortal Instruments City of Bones HD/MA $3
Mortdecai HD/VU $3.5
Mother! HD/VU $2.5
Mountain Between Us HD/MA $2.5
Mr. Peabody & Sherman HD/MA $3
Mud HD/VU $2.5
Mulan 2 HD/GP $3
Mulan ‘20 4K/MA $4.5 or ‘20 HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Mummy ‘17 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Mummy ‘99 HD/MA $3.5
Mummy 4-Film Set (Mummy 1-3, Scorpion King) HD/MA $12
Mummy Trilogy 4K/MA or IT $14 or HD/MA $9 4K/IT
Muppets Most Wanted HD/GP $3
Murder on the Orient Express HD/MA $3.5
My All American HD/MA or IT $3.5
My Best Friend is a Vampire HD/VU $4
National Lampoon's Vacation 4K/MA $5.5
Nebraska HD/VU $3
Need for Speed HD/GP $3.5
Needle in a Timestack 4K/VU $5.5
Nerve HD/VU $3.5
News of the World HD/MA $4
Night at the Museum Trilogy HD/MA $11
Night House HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Nightmare Alley HD/GP $3.5
Nightmare Before Christmas 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
No Time to Die 4K/IT $4.5
Noah HD/VU or IT $2.5
Nobody's Fool HD/IT $2.5
Non-Stop HD/VU or IT $3
Norm of the North HD/VU $2.5
Nostalgia ‘18 HD/MA $3.5
Now You See Me 2 4K/IT $4
Now You See Me HD/VU or IT $2.5 or SD/VU $1
Nut Job 2 HD/IT $2.5
Nut Job HD/IT $2.5
Nutcracker & Four Realms HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Oblivion 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Occupation ‘18 HD/VU $3.5
Occupation Rainfall HD/VU $4
Office Christmas Party 4K/IT $3.5
Olaf's Frozen Adventure HD/GP $3
Oliver! 4K/MA $5
On Chesil Beach HD/MA $4.5
One I Love HD/VU $4.5
One Ranger HD/VU $4.5
Only The Brave HD/MA $4
Onward HD/GP $2.5
Open Water 2 Adrift HD/VU $4
Open Water HD/VU $4
Operation Avalanche HD/VU $4
Other Woman HD/MA $3
Ouija HD/IT $3.5
Our Kind of Traitor HD/MA $4
Outlander S.1 Vol 1 HD/VU $5
Overboard ‘18 HD/VU $3.5
Oz the Great & Powerful HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Pacific Rim Uprising HD/MA $4
Paddington HD/VU $3.5
Pain & Gain HD/VU or IT $3.5
Paper Towns HD/MA $3
Paradise Highway 4K/VU $5
Paranormal Activity 3 (Ext) HD/VU or IT $3
Paranormal Activity 4 (Unr) HD/VU or IT $2.5
Paranormal Activity Ghost Dimension (Unr) HD/VU or IT $3.5
Paranormal Activity HD/VU $4
Paranormal Activity The Marked Ones HD/VU or IT $3.5
Passengers HD/MA $3.5
Patriot Games 4K/VU $5
Patriot's Day HD/VU $3
Paul Apostle of Christ HD/MA $3
Peanuts Movie HD/MA $3
Penelope HD/VU $4.5
Peppermint HD/IT $3.5
Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters HD/MA $3
Perfect Guy HD/MA $2.5
Perks of Being a Wallflower HD/VU or IT $3 or SD/VU or IT $1
Pet Sematary ‘19 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Pet Sematary ‘89 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Peter Rabbit HD/MA $3.5
Pete's Dragon ‘16 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Phantom Thread HD/MA $4
Philomena HD/VU $2.5
Pirates of the Caribbean 5 HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Pirates! Band of Misfits HD/MA $3.5
Pitch Perfect 2 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA $2.5
Pitch Perfect HD/MA $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Pixar Short Films Set Vol. 3 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Planes Fire & Rescue HD/GP $3
Planes HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Planes, Trains & Automobiles 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Playing w/ Fire HD/VU or IT $2.5
Poltergeist ‘82 4K/MA $5.5
Poltergeist (Ext) ‘15 HD/MA $4
Pompeii HD/MA $3.5
Power Rangers ‘17 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Predator ‘18 HD/MA $3
Predator ‘87 HD/MA $4
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies HD/MA $3.5
Primal HD/VU $3.5
Promise HD/MA or IT $3.5
Protege HD/VU $4
Proud Mary HD/MA $3.5
Psycho 4K/MA $5
Pulp Fiction 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Punisher War Zone 4K/VU $5.5
Purge Anarchy HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Purge Election Year HD/MA $3.5
Purge 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3 or
Push 4K/VU $6
Quantum of Solace HD/VU $4.5
Quarry 4K/VU $5
Quartet HD/VU $4
Queen of Katwe HD/GP $2.5
Quiet Ones HD/VU $3.5
Rambo ‘08 HD/VU $4
Rambo 5-film Set HD/VU $18
Rambo Last Blood 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Ran ‘85 4K/VU $5.5
Raya & the Last Dragon HD/MA $3.5
Rear Window 4K/IT $3.5
Rebel Without a Cause 4K/MA $5.5
Reclaim HD/VU $3.5
RED 2 HD/VU $2
Red Dawn ‘12 HD/IT $3
Redline ‘10 HD/VU $4.5
Reign of Assassins HD/VU $4.5
Replicant ‘01 HD/VU $3.5
Replicas HD/VU $3.5
Rescuers Down Under HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Rescuers HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Reservoir Dogs HD/VU $4
Resident Evil Retribution 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Resurrection of Gavin Stone HD/VU or IT $2.5
Retaliation ‘17 HD/VU $4
Revenant 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Ricki & the Flash HD/MA $3
Riddick (Unr) HD/VU or IT $3
Ride Like a Girl HD/VU $4
Right At Your Door HD/VU $4
Right One 4K/VU $5.5
Rings HD/VU or IT $2.5
Rio 2 (Sing-Along) HD/MA $3.5
Riot HD/VU or IT $3
Risen HD/MA $3
Rob Zombie Trilogy (3 From Hell, House of 1000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects) HD/VU $8
Robin Hood ‘18 HD/VU $3
Robocop ‘14 HD/VU $2.5
Rocketman ‘19 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Rocky Horror Picture Show HD/MA $4
Roman J. Israel Esq HD/MA $3
Ron's Gone Wrong HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Room '15 HD/VU $3.5
Rough Night 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Run The Race HD/MA $3
Runner Runner HD/MA $3.5
Rush HD/IT $3
Safe HD/VU or IT $2.5
Same Kind of Different As Me HD/VU or IT $3
Samson HD/MA $3.5
Santa Clause HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Santa Clause 2 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Santa Clause 3 HD/GP $2.5
Sapphires HD/VU $4
Sausage Party HD/MA $3.5
Saving Mr. Banks HD/GP $3
Saw (Unr) 4K/VU $4.5
Saw 7-film Set (Unr) HD/VU $16
Saw HD/VU $3
Scarface HD/MA $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 4K/VU $4.5
Schindler's List 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Scream '96 HD/VU $3.5
Scream Trilogy HD/VU $11
Secret Garden ‘20 4K/VU or IT $5.5
Secret in Their Eyes HD/VU or IT $3
Secret Life of Pets 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
See No Evil 2 HD/VU $3.5
Selma HD/VU or IT $2.5
Serenity ‘05 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Seriously Red HD/VU $4
Sex Tape HD/MA $3.5
Shack HD/VU or IT $2.5
Shallows HD/MA $3.5
Shang-Chi Legend of the Ten Rings HD/GP $3
Shape of Water HD/MA $3.5
Sherlock Gnomes HD/VU or IT $2.5
Shivers HD/VU $4
Show Dogs HD/MA $3.5
Sicario HD/VU $2.5
Sicario Day of the Soldado HD/MA $4
Sicario, Wind River, Hell or High Water HD/VU $7.5
Side Effects HD/IT $3.5
Silencing HD/VU $4
Silent Night, Deadly Night 3-Film Set (3-5 HD/VU $7.5
Silk Road 4K/VU $5
Sing ‘16 HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Sing Street HD/VU $4
Sinister HD/IT $3
Sisters (Unr) HD/IT $2.5
Skeleton Twins HD/VU $4
Skyfall HD/VU $2.5
Skyscraper 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Sleeping Beauty ‘59 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Sleepless HD/IT $2
Sleepy Hollow 4K/VU $6.5
Slender Man HD/MA $4
Smokey & the Bandit HD/MA $3.5
Smokin' Aces 4K/MA $5.5
Smurfs The Lost Village HD/MA or IT $3
Snake Eyes G.I. Joe Origins HD/VU $4
Sniper Assassin's End HD/MA $3.5
Snitch 4K/IT $3 or HD/VU $2.5 or SD/VU or IT $1
Snow White & the Huntsman (Ext) 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs ‘37 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Snowden HD/MA or IT $3.5
Snowpiercer HD/VU $4.5
Solo A Star Wars Story HD/GP $3
Son of God HD/MA $3
Sonic the Hedgehog 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Soul HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Source Code 4K/VU $5.5
Southpaw HD/VU $3
Spartacus HD/MA $3.5
Spectre HD/VU $3.5
Spider-Man 2 (Thea & Ext) HD/MA $4.5
Spider-Man 3 HD/MA $3.5
Spider-Man 4-Cut Set (Spider-Man 2 w/ Thea & Ext) HD/MA $11.5
Spider-Man Far From Home HD/MA $3
Spider-Man Homecoming HD/MA $2.5
Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse HD/MA $4.5
Spider-Man No Way Home HD/MA $4 or SD/MA $2
Spies in Disguise HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Spinning Man HD/VU $4
Spiral 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Spongebob Sponge out of Water HD/IT $2.5
Spontaneous HD/VU $4.5
Spy Who Dumped Me 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
St. Vincent HD/VU $3
Stand Up Guys HD/VU $3.5
Star Trek 3 Search for Spock 4K/VU $5
Star Trek 4 Voyage Home 4K/VU $5
Star Trek Beyond HD/VU $3
Star Trek Into Darkness HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Star Trek The Motion Picture ‘79 4K/VU $5
Steel Dawn HD/VU $3.5
Still Alice HD/MA $4
Straight Outta Compton (Unr) HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Strange World HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Suburbicon HD/VU $3 or /IT $3.5
Sundown The Vampire in Retreat HD/VU $3.5
Super 8 4K/VU or IT $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Sword in the Stone HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Taken 2 HD/MA $3.5
Taken 3 (Unr) HD/MA $3.5
Tangled HD/GP $3.5
Ted (Unr) HD/MA or IT $2.5
Ted 2 (Unr) HD/IT $3
Teen Spirit ‘19 HD/MA $4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ‘14 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $2.5
Terminator 2 Judgment Day (Special) HD/VU $4.5
Terminator 2 Judgment Day 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Terminator Dark Fate HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Terminator Genisys HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Texas Chainsaw ‘13 HD/VU $3.5
Thanks for Sharing HD/VU $4
The Heat HD/MA $3
The Impossible HD/VU $3.5
The Sting 4K/MA $5.5
Think Like a Dog 4K/VU $5
This is the End HD/MA $3.5
Thor Dark World HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Thor HD/GP $3.5
Thor Love & Thunder HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Thor Ragnarok HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri HD/MA $3.5
To Kill a Mockingbird HD/MA $3.5
Toll HD/VU $4.5
Tomorrowland HD/GP $3
Top Five HD/IT $3
Top Gun ‘86 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Total Recall ‘90 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Touched w/ Fire HD/VU $4.5
Toy Story HD/GP $3.5
Toy Story 4 HD/GP $2
Training Day 4K/MA $5.5
Transformers Age of Extinction HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Transformers Dark of the Moon 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Transformers The Last Knight 4K/VU or IT $4 or HD/VU $2.5
Trolls HD/MA $2.5
Trust ‘16 HD/VU $4
Tucker The Man & His Dream 4K/VU $5
Tulip Fever HD/VU $4
Tumbledown HD/VU $4
Turbo HD/MA or IT $3
Turning HD/MA $4
Ugly Dolls 4K/VU or IT $5.5
Unbreakable HD/GP $3.5
Unbroken HD/VU or IT $3
Uncharted 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Uncle Drew HD/VU $3.5
Underworld Awakening HD/MA $3
Underworld Blood Wars HD/MA $3
Untouchables 4K/VU $5.5
Us ‘19 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Valerian & the City of a Thousand Planets HD/VU $3.5
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2024.05.06 19:06 Annual_Government950 can i make a shape like this using geo nodes?

can i make a shape like this using geo nodes?
if not, how would you work your way with modeling it?
submitted by Annual_Government950 to blender [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 18:58 lapisleaves3 [QCrit] The Great Glavenisean Theater / Adult Fantasy (91k, third attempt)

Hello! I was in here last year and have since been working on an R&R that might land me an agent, but at least is making my book stronger. I’ve recently been touching up my query to reflect some of the changes before I attempt the trenches again, and appreciate any insight. Currently it tops out at 358 words, which isn’t so bad imo, but if it can be more concise, I’m down.
[Dear Agent]
The last thing Morgan expects upon his arrival to the City of Spires is an invitation to the phantasmagorical Glavenisean Theater. Every night, a portal in the stage transports the audience through multiple dimensions throughout the show. Drawn in by the magic, a chance to put his tailoring skills to use, and a charismatic rigger named Zachary, Morgan immerses himself in the world behind the curtains.
But Morgan is immediately curious about why his predecessor left, especially when he finds a letter from her with a cryptic note—something is wrong with the theater. As Morgan starts to see a stranger in the theater he cannot catch, his days are haunted by hallucinations and his dreams plagued by visions of car crashes and the theater past. Not to mention the headaches he gets in the presence of Ariel, the enigmatic prima donna who has captivated Zachary.
As his own affections for Zachary smolder, Morgan uncovers a plot to sabotage the portal. With Zachary as the prime suspect, Morgan vows to prove his innocence, but searching for answers only unravels more loose threads, all seemingly leading back to Ariel. No one knows where Ariel came from, after all. And for some reason, no one will talk about it.
When a lead actor dies in the same car crash Morgan dreamed about, the theater is thrust into chaos, and Morgan’s premonitions do not stop there. As his reality unravels, Morgan must expose Ariel’s true identity and stop the sabotage of the portal before greater harm can befall Zachary, himself, or anyone else.
At 90,000 words, THE GREAT GLAVENISEAN THEATER is an Adult Fantasy standalone for fans of the vivid setting of Erin Morgenstern’s THE NIGHT CIRCUS, the uncanny atmosphere and ergodic lit of HOUSE OF LEAVES by Mark Z. Danielewski, and the dark whimsy and diversity of HOTEL MAGNIFIQUE by Emily J. Taylor.
I live in New Hampshire and have spent a fair amount of time in theaters myself. This novel sprung from my love of Moulin Rouge, The Phantom of the Opera, and the 1920s aesthetics of The Great Gatsby, all wrapped up with an unnerving Twilight Zone twist.
submitted by lapisleaves3 to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 18:47 Time_Telephone_4386 Analyse my handwriting please!

Analyse my handwriting please!
Hey Graphology Community...
Please could you take a look at my handwriting and let me know what you think...
submitted by Time_Telephone_4386 to graphology [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 18:13 Lemmy-Historian How Elizabeth I made Mary I relive the traumas of Katherine of Aragon

The second part of Mary's and Elizabeth's story. I learned from last time: This is a draft! You will find some of the sources and the literature at the end (I was trained in Germany, we don't differentiate between primary and secondary sources but sources and literature):
I. Introduction
In the spring of 1554, Elizabeth Tudor was in grave danger. Her half-sister, Queen Mary, had imprisoned her in the Tower of London on suspicion of being involved in the Wyatt Rebellion. The insurrection was against the Queen's plan to marry the Spanish crown prince, Philip, who was a staunch Catholic. Elizabeth was forced to live in the same chambers where her mother, Anne Boleyn, had been held before her execution 18 years earlier.
According to Tracy Borman, the Queen's advisers had already written up Elizabeth’s death warrant. All Mary had to do was sign it. As she held the ink-soaked quill that could end her half-sister's life, her hand hovered over the document. However, she ultimately chose not to sign it.
On May 19, 1554, Elizabeth was released from the Tower and placed under house arrest in the old royal hunting mansion at Woodstock. Until then, Elizabeth did not know whether she was to be allowed to live or had to face execution. It wasn't until the anniversary of her mother's execution that her fate was revealed to her.
During her time at the Tower, Elizabeth learned two valuable lessons that would shape the rest of her life: She should never be replaceable, and she should avoid making decisions until they are unavoidable. These principles guided Elizabeth for the rest of her life.

II. Why Elizabeth was saved
Elizabeth had very few people in Mary's government who were on her side. Only William Baron Paget advocated for Anne Boleyn's daughter. On the other hand, Elizabeth had many enemies. Lord Chancellor Bishop Stephen Gardiner, Mary's cousin Emperor Charles V, and the imperial ambassador Simon Renard all believed that Elizabeth's execution was necessary to ensure the Queen's permanent hold on the throne. There were even rumors that Margaret Douglas, Mary's best friend and potential heir, had spoken in favor of Elizabeth's execution.
However, there was a lack of evidence to support such a decision. The government tried everything to find evidence, or at least to fabricate it. The insurgent leader Thomas Wyatt was at the center of these efforts. He had already been sentenced to death before Elizabeth arrived at the Tower. However, the execution had been postponed. Wyatt, who had initially supported Mary even against Lady Jane Grey at the beginning of her reign, was now being pushed to incriminate Elizabeth as much as possible. As a side note, it wasn't Wyatt's first time being involuntarily held at the Tower. During the reign of Edward VI, he had also been imprisoned there for a few days because he had drunkenly smashed windows.
Wyatt, however, refused to name Elizabeth as the head of the rebellion, only stating that she may have known about the plan. His co-conspirator, Sir James Croft, could say more. Wyatt instead heavily incriminated his co-conspirator, Edward Courtenay. He was the real head of the conspiracy.
Mary's interrogators capitulated: April 11, 1554, was designated as the day of Wyatt's execution. As a resident of the Tower, whose name is not known to us, reports in a private chronicle, there were two peculiarities: First, Wyatt asked to be allowed to speak with Courtenay, who had been imprisoned in the Tower since February 12. Second, his last words were to be interrupted.
Wyatt's request was granted. According to the source, he had to be carried to Courtenay, who was imprisoned in the tower above Traitor's Gate. This shows the massive torture he was most likely subjected to. The two men talked for about half an hour. Unfortunately, the exact content of the conversation has not been handed down.
However, Wyatt's last words give an idea about what was said: he not only withdrew his accusations against Elizabeth but also exonerated Courtenay. In doing so, he probably saved two lives. Henry Weston, who oversaw the execution of Wyatt, interrupted the condemned man, which was highly unusual. According to the tower resident, he spoke this sentence:
"Merke this, my masters, eh sayeth hat that which eh hathe showed to hte counsel ni wryting of ymlady Elizaleth and Courtney ys true."
In this way, he confirmed that Wyatt had not lied to protect his reputation in the public eye, which held Elizabeth in high esteem but secretly incriminated her. It's unclear how Mary's advisers responded. It was a remarkable parallel of history: Wyatt's father had been imprisoned in the wake of the allegations against Anne Boleyn on suspicion of having had an affair with the Queen. The only thing that saved him was his friendship with Thomas Cromwell. Weston's father, Francis, was less fortunate. He was beheaded on May 17, 1536. Now the sons of the two men faced each other – and Weston had to supervise the execution on behalf of the Queen.
Mary herself dealt with the fact that Wyatt had exonerated her half-sister in a surprising way: she confiscated Wyatt's estates because he was a convicted traitor. However, she provided his family with a small pension that allowed them to survive. Among Wyatt's descendants was Wallis Simpson, for whom King Edward VIII abdicated his throne. Wyatt himself was beheaded before being quartered. He thus escaped the worst part of his punishment.
Courtenay, who had betrayed the rebellion before it even started, was released from the Tower and exiled to Venice. Mary's government tried for four more weeks to find any incriminating material against the Queen's half-sister but to no avail. The public grew increasingly resentful of the continued imprisonment of the heir to the throne, especially after Wyatt, who had been visibly tortured, cleared her name. Additionally, Mary's judges informed her that her half-sister could not be found guilty under the current laws.
It is not clear what ultimately led to Elizabeth's release from the Tower and her house arrest in Oxfordshire. While some argue that it was due to the Queen's conscience, which emerged just in time, others point out that between 1554 and 1555, people from Elizabeth's household were repeatedly arrested on suspicion of treason. This suggests that the Queen continued to view her half-sister as a threat. Modern historians have described the Queen as "paranoid about Elizabeth.”
Another thesis uses the popularity of Anne Boleyn's daughter as an argument for why Mary spared Elizabeth's life. Even this justification is not entirely convincing: During the Wyatt Rebellion 20,000 Londoners had volunteered to fight for the Queen. She had just successfully crushed the uprising. It had not found the popular support that its leaders had hoped for.
Elizabeth was likely allowed to live for several reasons. The Queen saw the rebellion as an attack by Protestants on their religion, who were allegedly equipped with "a Spanish cloak to cover their pretended purpose," as she wrote in a letter. She couldn't imagine that Catholics could also be against her marriage to the heir to the Habsburg throne. The rise of English nationalism was not a relevant force in her eyes.
Elizabeth had never made any public comments regarding Mary's plans to get married. Even though she appeared to be a Catholic, attending Mass twice a day, she avoided speaking in support of the Catholic faith. She would often cough or clear her throat to excuse herself from speaking at sensitive points during Mass. Mary had been aware that her half-sister was only pretending to be a Catholic since December 1553. In fact, at that time, Mary had even accused Elizabeth of it.
Despite this, Anne Boleyn's daughter was still valuable to Mary as a symbol. The more Elizabeth was seen attending Mass, the less suitable she was as a leader of Protestantism. However, if Mary were to have her half-sister executed, Elizabeth would become a martyr. Therefore, it was more beneficial for Mary to keep Elizabeth alive and permanently convert her to Catholicism.
On top of that, her wedding to Philip was getting closer and closer. The wedding ceremony had already encountered major issues and difficulties. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, was imprisoned for being a heretic. Typically, he would have been the one to conduct the wedding ceremony and crown Philip as the king. However, if Elizabeth remained imprisoned in the Tower during the wedding, it would cast a dark shadow over the connection. Elizabeth was still the heir to the throne. Her execution around the time of the wedding would have been disastrous.
To avoid any potential issues, Elizabeth had to disappear from the public eye. If she wanted to play an active role again, she would have to comply with the Queen's demands. This impression is evident in the sources available. Officially, Mary was done with her half-sister, and Elizabeth's name does not appear in the collection of Mary's State Papers for the rest of the Queen's life. In this situation Mary was a perfect blend of her parents, possessing Katherine's political acumen and Henry's stubbornness.

III. Elizabeth is under house arrest
Mary initially felt vindicated in her decision to keep Elizabeth under house arrest, as it seemed to work in her favor. While over 200 rebel leaders were executed, most ordinary prisoners were pardoned for a fine. This prevented any serious uprisings against Mary for the rest of her reign.
In addition to the emotional significance, Mary's marriage to Philip was also economically beneficial for England. Phillip brought 20 cartloads of American silver to the wedding, which helped to support the weak English economy. The Royal Mint was allowed to mint silver coins for Spain, which marked its first foreign order. Mary proved herself to be a capable ruler in economic matters.
During her reign as Queen of England, Mary made significant strides in modernizing the country, which her predecessors had failed to do. England still adhered to the rules of the late medieval economic system, despite its collapse in the second half of the 15th century. Mary caught up on the overdue reforms, which would benefit her successor for decades to come.
In September 1554, Mary received good news as she gained weight, and her menstruation stopped, leading her doctors and court attendants to believe that she was pregnant. The Queen herself also experienced nausea, which further convinced everyone of her pregnancy. The imperial ambassador even reported back home that there was no doubt that the Queen was carrying a child.
Mary felt empowered and began to take violent action against the Protestants in her kingdom. Just a month after announcing her miraculous pregnancy, she had Bishops Nicholas Ridley and Hugh Latimer burned. Thomas Cranmer, whom she hated, was in prison awaiting his indictment as a heretic.
According to Mary's wishes, Cardinal Reginald Pole was to play a decisive role in this. Her close confidant returned on 23 November 1554 from his exile and assumed the position of Archbishop of Canterbury. Mary's great goal now was for her heir to be born in an England where the Pope would be the head of the Church again.
Parliament supported Mary on this issue. In January 1555, the Second Act of Repeal was passed, which made England a Catholic kingdom again. The law also removed the legal hurdle to prosecute Protestants more severely. Corresponding actions began as early as February 1555.
The unpopular burnings earned the Queen the nickname "Bloody Mary". Nearly 300 of their subjects were to die at the stake. However, historians have debated whether her reputation for cruelty is accurate. The book "Book of Martyrs" by John Foxe, published in 1563, was instrumental in creating the image of Bloody Mary. As a Protestant, Foxe had a strong religious interest in portraying Mary as a monstrous and frightening figure.
Mary viewed the use of burnings as a necessary means to deter Protestants from their faith and was surprised by the number of Protestants who chose death by fire over converting to Catholicism. However, she believed that the most important aspect of her efforts was ensuring that no new Protestant clerics could emerge, hence she strictly monitored seminaries and universities.
During Elizabeth's time of house arrest, she was under the guard of Sir John Williams, who treated her kindly. It is assumed that Elizabeth acted with extreme caution during this time so as not to upset her half-sister. As the announcement of Mary's pregnancy meant that Elizabeth would lose her position in the line of succession, she had to be careful not to do anything that could jeopardize her safety.

IV. Mary's First False Pregnancy and the Fatal Consequences
Mary found herself in a situation similar to her mother's, towards the end of Katherine and Henry's marriage, during the spring of 1555. Mary had a responsibility to produce an heir, as failure to do so would put her position and Catholicism in England at risk. At the time, Mary was fully aware of the potential consequences if Elizabeth was to come to power.
However, it is unclear whether or not the Queen recognized the parallel between her mother's life and her own, or if Mary was trying to break the curse that had plagued her since Anne entered her life. Regardless, Mary followed the customary practice of withdrawing to Hampton Court in the spring of 1555 for the birth of her child. She ordered Elizabeth to be present when her heir to the throne entered the world.
If you want to, you can interpret this order as a gesture of reconciliation between siblings, which must have taken place in 1555, at least on the surface. However, I find it difficult to interpret it as anything other than an attempt to humiliate Elizabeth. The Queen, for instance, stated that the Spanish king, Philip, should be regent for the child, not her half-sister, should she die in childbirth.
As we all know, events took a different turn. The calculated due date came and went, and it was not until July that the Queen resigned amid mocking laughter from the political public. Her abdominal swelling had subsided. The Venetian ambassador, Giovanni Michieli, had recently predicted that the pregnancy would end “in wind”. Philip, much to the Queen's sadness, returned to the mainland just a month later. Most people saw the false pregnancy and Philip's departure as a sign that the Queen would never be able to have children.
Mary was likely struggling with depression during that time. She believed that the events that occurred were "God's punishment" for tolerating heretics in her kingdom. As a result, she took even harsher action against them. One of her most prominent victims was Cranmer, who had renounced Protestantism for fear of being burned at the stake and turned back to Catholicism. Although it was customary for him to be pardoned, Mary did not follow this tradition.
Cranmer was forced to read out his retraction in public shortly before his burning in October 1556. According to reports, he first put the hand into the fire with which he had signed the document by which he turned away from Protestantism. Historians agree that it was primarily an act of personal revenge on the part of the Queen, as Cranmer had annulled her parents' marriage.

V. Philip and Elizabeth
Elizabeth might even have become a threat to Mary’s marriage – at least in the eyes of the monarch. Despite Philip's constant search for new lovers on the continent, there is little doubt that the Queen was truly in love with him. For example, Michieli reported she was "extraordinarily in love."
Philip, however, had already discovered while he was still in England that Elizabeth was, let’s say, of marriageable age. According to Michieli, the Habsburg prince had considered marrying the Queen‘s half-sister in case Mary died giving birth. However, there is some disagreement about how serious these considerations were. In a letter to his brother-in-law Maximilian, Philip expressed doubts about whether Mary was pregnant.
Following the false pregnancy, Philip aimed to establish a positive relationship with Elizabeth, most likely having already supported her while she was under house arrest. Mary’s half-sister was pleased to accept the king's friendship. As per J. E. Neale, she made every effort to integrate herself into Philip's circle of Spanish friends at court.
In October 1555, Elizabeth was permitted to leave Mary's court and return to her household, but it's uncertain whether it was a sign of Queen Mary's confidence in her half-sister. It's more likely that Mary couldn't tolerate Elizabeth's presence anymore. At this point, Mary began focusing on a topic she had never been enthusiastic about: finding a suitable husband for Elizabeth.
Philip advocated for Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, and with good reason. Not only would he ensure a Catholic succession, but he was also Philip's trusted proxy in England. After Mary's death, Philibert would be a suitable puppet. In December 1553, Elizabeth had also agreed to have her name linked with Philibert's. This option was more favorable than making Mary, Queen of Scots the heir, even so she was catholic. Mary, promised to the French Dauphin, was too close to the Habsburgs' greatest enemies.
Elizabeth, however, knew that time was on her side. She was safe as heir to the throne after the disaster of the false pregnancy. Even for the Spaniards she was considered a better alternative than her Scottish great-cousin. She refused all marriage requests. Philip's four-month visit to England, beginning in March 1557, was primarily intended to persuade Elizabeth to change her mind. Mary must have been hurt significantly as she had been urging her husband to come back for a long time.
It seems improbable that Parliament would have approved of such a marriage. Consequently, it gradually distanced itself from Mary. In December 1555, the Queen attempted to seize the assets of 100 Protestants in exile, but her request was denied.
Later, Philip reconsidered the idea of marrying Elizabeth himself. After she ascended the throne, he proposed a corresponding match, but the new English monarch declined the offer.

VI. Mary joins Philip's war against France and becomes an enemy of the Pope
Philip became King of Spain in 1556. Mary, as his wife, thus became Queen of Spain. The Habsburg, now finally in power, wanted to eliminate Protestantism by all means. War was included. And that's what happened – but against Catholic France.
France had done Philip the great favor of attacking the Spaniards. Mary rushed to her husband's aid and joined the war. Together, they inflicted a heavy defeat on the French at the Battle of Saint-Quentin in August 1557. But the fortunes of the war turned against the English: Calais, the last English mainland base, was lost in January 1558.
Mary is said to have reacted to this message with the following sentence:
"When I am dead and opened, you shall find Calais engraved on my heart".
Pope Paul IV raged over the war. He needed the French to defend him against the Habsburgs in northern Italy. England's participation had ensured that he could hardly expect any significant support. He therefore demanded the return of Pole to Rome in order to appoint a new Archbishop of Canterbury himself who would bring the Queen under control. Mary refused, going against the authority on which she had hitherto guided all her actions.
Later on, this turned out to be helpful, albeit in a cynical way, for Elizabeth. The Pope had spoken out against Anne Boleyn's daughter inheriting Mary's throne. However, the relationship with the English Catholics had become so strained that this was no longer relevant. It was clear that the future of England lay in Elizabeth, and with that, it was expected that Protestantism would return.
Mary still hoped to prevent this from happening. She believed she was pregnant again in 1557. However, this time, there were no preparations for a birth, apart from the fact that she made her will in the spring of 1558. It is tragic to read this from today's perspective:
"Fyrste, whereas I the said Quene have with the good contentment and pleasure of my said most dere belov'd Lorde and husbande the Kyng's Majesty devis'd & made my said last will and testament, beryng date the 30th day of Marche last past, and by the same, for that as I then thowght myself to be with childe did devise and dispose the Imperiall Crowne of this Realme of Englond and the Crowne of Ireland, with my title to France and all the dependances thereof, and all other honours, Castells, Fortresses, Prerogatives and hereditaments, of what nature, kynde or qualitie soever they be, belongyng to this crowne, unto the heires, Issewe and frewte of my body begotten, & the government, order, and rewle of the said heire and Issewe I recommended unto my said most dere Lord and husband duryng the mynoryte of the said heire, accordynge to the lawes of this Realme in that case provided."
"Thinking myself to be with child in lawful marriage between my said dearly beloved husband and Lord, altho' I be at this present (thankes be unto Almighty God) otherwise in good helthe, yet foreseeing the great danger which by Godd's ordynance remaine to all whomen in ther travel of children, have thought good, both for discharge of my conscience and continewance of good order within my Realmes and domynions to declare my last will and testament"
Mary believed she was pregnant and in good health, and even suggested once more her husband be named as regent for the child. This was unrealistic as England had suffered significant losses in the war, while Habsburg had not. The Spanish king was more unpopular than ever. From 1555 to 1558, Mary's kingdom struggled with severe crop failures, leading to hunger and a severe influenza epidemic in 1558. One of Mary's ladies-in-waiting, Jane Dormer, fell ill but later recovered.
The Queen herself may have also fallen sick. When Mary returned to London at the end of August 1558 after her fake pregnancy, she asked Dormer how she was doing. Dormer replied with "reasonably well", to which Mary said, "So am not I". She then retired to her chambers and never left them again.

VII. Battle for the Crown: Mary Must Accept Elizabeth
Mary's health was deteriorating day by day and she was having fever dreams frequently. According to Dormer's later reports, Mary would sometimes wake up and recount seeing small children playing angelically beside her in her sleep. The Queen used these stories to console her close ones by reminding them that whatever happens, God has allowed it.
However, Mary's will posed a problem as it did not name any heir, except a child that was not born. This made her last will not only impractical but also went against the current law of succession. To resolve this, Mary agreed to add a new passage to her will on October 28, 1558:
"Yf yt shall please Almighty God to call me to his mercye owte of this transytory lyfe without issewe and heire of my bodye lawfully begotten, Then I most instantly desire et per viscera misericordiae Dei, requyre my next heire & Successour, by the Laws and Statutes of this Realme, not only to permytt and suffer the executors of my said Testament and last will and the Survivours of them to perform the same."
Elizabeth was only confirmed by the insertion "by the Laws and Statutes of this Realme". However, this was still not enough as Elizabeth was not officially named despite actively preparing for her reign that very same month. Due to this reason, Mary was pushed further.
The Queen finally sent Dormer to her half-sister with three conditions, which she had to meet in order to be allowed to succeed her:
  1. It is important for England to remain Catholic.
  2. Queen Elizabeth should treat Mary's servants well.
  3. Queen Elizabeth is responsible for paying the Crown's outstanding debts.
It is said that Dormer demanded proof on Mary's behalf that Elizabeth was indeed a Catholic. Elizabeth reacted angrily to this, arguing that she had complied with this often enough. However, she accepted the terms. It is mentioned in the literature that Mary also acknowledged Elizabeth as an heiress by name on November 6, 1558, but I couldn’t find a source for this.
Mary passed away between 5:00 and 6:00 in the morning on November 17, 1558. Her good friend Reginald Pole survived her by just twelve hours. The diplomat Nicholas Throckmorton was tasked with informing Elizabeth of Mary's death. Six hours after Mary's death, Throckmorton proclaimed Elizabeth as the new Queen. It was then that the coronation ring was brought to Elizabeth, which was extensively checked for authenticity by her ladies-in-waiting.
Mary's funeral was held on December 13, 1558, and her husband was not present. In a letter to his sister Joan, Philip expressed "reasonable regret" over her death. However, there was a scandal during the funeral when Winchester's Bishop John White gave an obituary for Mary and expressed doubts about Elizabeth's abilities as Queen. As a result, Elizabeth had him arrested a day later. With Mary's death and Elizabeth's ascension to the throne, England's generational traumas of Katherine and Anne finally came to an end. Although there were others to follow, such as the "Great Plot" to assassinate Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots. But we will not delve into them today.

Examples for literature and sources used for this text (That’s far from being all. I tried to pick those
you can check online yourself for this list):

Borman, T. (2023). Anne Boleyn & Elizabeth I.
Edwards, J. (2007). Mary I: England’s Catholic Queen.
Edwards, J. (2018). Mary I: The Daughter of Time.
Froude, J. A. (2023). The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon
The Story as Told by the Imperial Ambassadors Resident at the Court of Henry VIII.
Lee, S. (1900). Wyatt, Thomas.,_1885-1900/Wyatt,_Thomas_(1521%3F-1554))
Lemon, R (1856). Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reigns of Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth and James I, 1547-1625 Preserved in the Stat Paper Department of Her Majesty's Public Record Office.
Loades, D. (2016). Elizabeth I: A Life.
Loades, D. (2011). Mary Tudor.
Mayer, T. F. (2000). Reginald Pole – Prince & Prophet.
Neale, J. E. (1934). Queen Elizabeth.
Nichols, J. G. (editor) (1850). The chronicle of Queen Jane, and of two years of Queen Mary, and especially of the rebellion of Sir Thomas Wyat / Written by a resident in the Tower of London.
Whitelock, A. (2016). Mary Tudor: England’s First Queen.

submitted by Lemmy-Historian to Tudorhistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 17:35 tonyyaya1 Who Gets In and Why: A Year Inside College Admissions by Jeffrey J. Selingo Free Audiobook and Review

"Who Gets In and Why: A Year Inside College Admissions" by Jeffrey J. Selingo provides an in-depth exploration of the college admissions process in the United States. Through extensive research and interviews, Selingo delves into the inner workings of admissions committees at various colleges and universities, shedding light on the factors that influence admission decisions.
The book offers a comprehensive overview of the complexities involved in the admissions process, including the role of standardized tests, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendation letters. Selingo examines how factors such as socioeconomic background, race, and legacy status can impact an applicant's chances of admission.
Selingo also highlights the increasing competition and pressure faced by students applying to college, as well as the strategies they employ to stand out in the application pool. Additionally, he discusses the challenges and ethical dilemmas faced by admissions officers in evaluating applicants fairly and holistically.
Overall, "Who Gets In and Why" provides valuable insights into the inner workings of college admissions and offers practical advice for students, parents, and educators navigating the increasingly complex and competitive landscape of higher education. Selingo's journalistic approach and real-world examples make this book an informative and engaging read for anyone interested in understanding the dynamics of college admissions.
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2024.05.06 16:41 TeaRecs Getting full clears on SpellTower (spoilers for 5/4/2024)

My approach to SpellTower is to try to achieve a full clear, without worrying at all about high scoring words. It's not as impressive as Verulean scoring 13,524 points on a single word, but I've gotten to the point of being able to achieve full clears most of the time.
The strategy is simple: move the special tiles (J, X, Q, Z) that clear the entire row to the bottom three or four rows, with one special tile per row.
In the puzzle for 5/4/2024, for example, I was aiming for something like this:
Then CUZ clears the bottom row, QUA clears the third, and WAX and JIG clear the last two rows.
Here is the full replay. The words I'm using are mostly small, gradually getting the special tiles where I want them with neighboring tiles to form words. What I can't do is get to full clears while also finding longer higher-scoring words!
Knowing Scrabble words that use J, X, Q and Z (especially Q) is very helpful. I'll also just try sequences that look word-like as a last resort.
As you're working toward the final row clears it's important to be sure that there's a viable order. In the above example JIG and WAX are all on one row, which is ideal. CUZ had to be first, because it needed letters from the Q and J rows. QUA had to be next because it used letters from the X row. Then JIG and WAX in either order.
I use the same strategy for Cube Clear and don't worry about trying to minimize the number of words required. (I wish SpellTower had even just a button to undo the last move!)
submitted by TeaRecs to puzzmo [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 15:51 Heartfeltzero 80 Years Ago today, This WW2 Era Letter Was Written by an American Soldier While Training in Northern Ireland. He Would be killed 2 Months Later in Normandy. He eerily jokes about needing reincarnation in the near future. Details in comments.

80 Years Ago today, This WW2 Era Letter Was Written by an American Soldier While Training in Northern Ireland. He Would be killed 2 Months Later in Normandy. He eerily jokes about needing reincarnation in the near future. Details in comments. submitted by Heartfeltzero to MilitaryHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 11:46 kksingh11 Stalin: Our disagreementd (With Trotsky)

J.V. Stalin Our Disagreements
First Published/Source: Jan 19, 1921 in Pravda, No. 12 Source: Works, J.V. Stalin, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1953, Volume 5, pp. 4-15 Transcription/HTML Markup: Charles Farrell Online Version: Stalin Reference Archive ( 2000
Our disagreements on the trade-union question are not disagreements in principle about appraisal of the trade unions. The well-known points of our programme on the role of the trade unions, and the resolution of the Ninth Party Congress on the trade unions, which Trotsky often quotes, remain (and will remain) in force. Nobody disputes that the trade unions and the economic organizations ought to and will permeate each other ("coalescence"). Nobody disputes that the present period of the country's economic revival dictates the necessity of gradually transforming the as yet nominal industrial unions into real industrial unions, capable of putting our basic industries on their feet. In short, our disagreements are not disagreements about matters of principle.
Nor do we disagree about the necessity of labor discipline in the trade unions and in the working class generally. The talk about a section of our Party "letting the reins slip out of its hands," and leaving the masses to the play of elemental forces, is foolish. The fact that Party elements play the leading role in the trade unions and that the trade unions play the leading role in the working class remains indisputable.
Still less do we disagree on the question of the quality of the membership of the Central Committees of the trade unions, and of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions. All agree that the membership of these institutions is far from ideal, that the ranks of the trade unions have been depleted by a number of military and other mobilizations, that the trade unions must get back their old officials and also get new ones, that they must be provided with technical resources, and so forth.
No, our disagreements are not in this sphere.
I Two Methods of Approach to the Mass of the Workers Our disagreements are about questions of the means by which to strengthen labor discipline in the working class, the methods of approach to the mass of the workers who are being drawn into the work of reviving industry, the ways of transforming the present weak trade unions into powerful, genuinely industrial unions, capable of reviving our industry.
There are two methods: the method of coercion (the military method), and the method of persuasion (the trade-union method). The first method by no means precludes elements of persuasion, but these are subordinate to the requirements of the coercion method and are auxiliary to the latter. The second method, in turn, does not preclude elements of coercion, but these are subordinate to the requirements of the persuasion method and are auxiliary to the latter. It is just as impermissible to confuse these two methods as it is to confuse the army with the working class.
A group of Party workers headed by Trotsky, intoxicated by the successes achieved by military methods in the army, supposes that those methods can, and must, be adopted among the workers, in the trade unions, in order to achieve similar successes in strengthening the unions and in reviving industry. But this group forgets that the army and the working class are two different spheres, that a method that is suitable for the army may prove to be unsuitable, harmful, for the working class and its trade unions.
The army is not a homogeneous mass; it consists of two main social groups, peasants and workers, the former being several times more numerous than the latter. In urging the necessity of employing chiefly methods of coercion in the army, the Eighth Party Congress based itself on the fact that our army consists mainly of peasants, that the peasants will not go to fight for socialism, that they can, and must, be compelled to fight for socialism by employing methods of coercion. This explains the rise of such purely military methods as the system of Commissars and Political Departments, Revolutionary Tribunals, disciplinary measures, appointment and not election to all posts, and so forth.
In contrast to the army, the working class is a homogeneous social sphere; its economic position disposes it towards socialism, it is easily influenced by communist agitation, it voluntarily organizes in trade unions and, as a consequence of all this, constitutes the foundation, the salt of the earth, of the Soviet state. It is not surprising, therefore, that the practical work of our industrial unions has been based chiefly on methods of persuasion. This explains the rise of such purely trade-union methods as explanation, mass propaganda, encouragement of initiative and independent activity among the mass of the workers, election of officials, and so forth.
The mistake Trotsky makes is that he underrates the difference between the army and the working class, he puts the trade unions on a par with the military organizations, and tries, evidently by inertia, to transfer military methods from the army into the trade unions, into the working class. Trotsky writes in one of his documents:
"The bare contrasting of military methods (orders, punishment) with trade-union methods (explanation, propaganda, independent activity) is a manifestation of Kautskian-Menshevik-Socialist-Revolutionary prejudices. . . . The very contrasting of labour organisations with military organisation in a workers' state is shameful surrender to Kautskyism."
That is what Trotsky says.
Disregarding the irrelevant talk about "Kautskyism," "Menshevism," and so forth, it is evident that Trotsky fails to understand the difference between labor organizations and military organizations, that he fails to understand that in the period of the termination of the war and the revival of industry it becomes necessary, inevitable, to contrast military with democratic (trade-union) methods, and that, therefore, to transfer military methods into the trade unions is a mistake, is harmful.
Failure to understand that lies at the bottom of the recently published polemical pamphlets of Trotsky on the trade unions.
Failure to understand that is the source of Trotsky's mistakes.
II Conscious Democracy and Forced "Democracy" Some think that talk about democracy in the trade unions is mere declamation, a fashion, called forth by certain phenomena in internal Party life, that, in time, people will get tired of "chatter" about democracy and everything will go on in the "old way."
Others believe that democracy in the trade unions is, essentially, a concession, a forced concession, to the workers' demands, that it is diplomacy rather than real, serious business.
Needless to say, both groups of comrades are profoundly mistaken. Democracy in the trade unions, i.e., what is usually called "normal methods of proletarian democracy in the unions," is the conscious democracy characteristic of mass working-class organizations, which presupposes consciousness of the necessity and utility of systematically employing methods of persuasion among the millions of workers organized in the trade unions. If that consciousness is absent, democracy be comes an empty sound.
While war was raging and danger stood at the gates, the appeals to "aid the front" that were issued by our organizations met with a ready response from the workers, for the mortal danger we were in was only too palpable, for that danger had assumed a very concrete form evident to everyone in the shape of the armies of Kolchak, Yudenich, Denikin, Pilsudski and Wrangel, which were advancing and restoring the power of the landlords and capitalists. It was not difficult to rouse the masses at that time. But today, when the war danger has been overcome and the new, economic danger (economic ruin) is far from being so palpable to the masses, the broad masses cannot be roused merely by appeals. Of course, everybody feels the shortage of bread and textiles; but firstly, people do contrive to obtain both bread and textiles in one way or another and, consequently, the danger of a food and goods famine does not spur the masses to the same extent as the war danger did; secondly, nobody will assert that the masses are as conscious of the reality of the economic danger (shortage of locomotives and of machines for agriculture, for textile mills and iron and steel plants, shortage of equipment for electric power stations, and so forth) as they were of the war danger in the recent past. To rouse the millions of the working class for the struggle against economic ruin it is necessary to heighten their initiative, consciousness and independent activity; it is necessary by means of concrete facts to convince them that economic ruin is just as real and mortal a danger as the war danger was yesterday; it is necessary to draw millions of workers into the work of reviving industry through the medium of trade unions built on democratic lines. Only in this way is it possible to make the entire working class vitally interested in the struggle which the economic organizations are waging against economic ruin. If this is not done, victory on the economic front cannot be achieved.
In short, conscious democracy, the method of proletarian democracy in the unions, is the only correct method for the industrial unions.
Forced "democracy" has nothing in common with this democracy.
Reading Trotsky's pamphlet The Role and Tasks of the Trade Unions, one might think that he, in essence, is "also" in favor of the "democratic" method. This has caused some comrades to think that we do not disagree about the methods of work in the trade unions. But that is absolutely wrong, for Trotsky's "democracy" is forced, half-hearted and unprincipled, and, as such, merely supplements the military-bureaucratic method, which is unsuitable for the trade unions.
Judge for yourselves.
At the beginning of November 1920, the Central Committee adopted, and the Communist group at the Fifth All-Russian Conference of Trade Unions carried through, a resolution stating that the "most vigorous and systematic struggle must be waged against the degeneration of centralism and militarized forms of work into bureaucracy, tyranny, officialdom and petty tutelage over the trade unions. . . that also for the Tsektran (the Central Committee of the Transport Workers Union, led by Trotsky) the time for the specific methods of administration for which the Central Political Administration of the Railways was set up, owing to special circumstances, is beginning to pass away," that, in view of this, the Communist group at the conference "advises the Tsektran to strengthen and develop normal methods of proletarian democracy in the union," and instructs the Tsektran "to take an active part in the general work of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions and to be represented in it on an equal footing with other trade-union associations" (see Pravda, No. 255). In spite of that decision, however, during the whole of November, Trotsky and the Tsektran continued to pursue the old, semi-bureaucratic and semi-military line, continued to rely on the Central Political Administration of the Railways and the Central Political Administration of Water Transport, strove to "shake up," to blow up, the A.R.C.C.T.U. and upheld the privileged position of the Tsektran compared with other trade union associations. More than that. In a letter "to the members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee," dated November 30, Trotsky, just as "unexpectedly," stated that "the Central Political Administration of Water Transport . . . cannot possibly be dissolved within the next two or three months." But what happened? Six days after that letter was written (on December 7), the same Trotsky, just as "unexpectedly," voted in the Central Committee for "the immediate abolition of the Central Political Administration of the Railways and the Central Political Administration of Water Transport, and the transfer of all their staffs and funds to the trade-union organization on the basis of normal democracy." And he was one of the eight members of the Central Committee who voted for this against the seven who considered that the abolition of these institutions was no longer enough, and who demanded, in addition, that the existing composition of the Tsektran be changed. To save the existing composition of the Tsektran, Trotsky voted for the abolition of the Central Political Administrations in the Tsektran.
What had changed during those six days? Perhaps the railway and water transport workers had matured so much during those six days that they no longer needed the Central Political Administration of the Railways and the Central Political Administration of Water Transport? Or, perhaps, an important change in the internal or external political situation had taken place in that short period? Of course not. The fact is that the water transport workers were vigorously demanding that the Tsektran should dissolve the Central Political Administrations and that the composition of the Tsektran itself should be changed; and Trotsky's group, fearing defeat and wishing at least to retain the existing composition of the Tsektran, was compelled to retreat, to make partial concessions, which, however, satisfied nobody.
Such are the facts.
It scarcely needs proof that this forced, half-hearted, unprincipled "democracy" has nothing in common with the "normal methods of proletarian democracy in the unions," which the Central Committee of the Party had recommended already at the beginning of November, and which are so essential for the revival of our industrial trade unions.
In his reply to the discussion at the meeting of the Communist group at the Congress of Soviets, Trotsky protested against the introduction of a political element into the controversy about the trade unions, on the ground that politics had nothing to do with the matter. It must be said that in this Trotsky is quite wrong. It scarcely needs proof that in a workers' and peasants' state, not a single important decision affecting the whole country, and especially if it directly concerns the working class, can be carried through without in one way or another affecting the political condition of the country. And, in general, it is ridiculous and shallow to separate politics from economics. For that very reason every such decision must be weighed up in advance also from the political point of view.
Judge for yourselves.
It can be now taken as proved that the methods of the Tsektran, which is led by Trotsky, have been condemned by the practical experience of the Tsektran itself. Trotsky's aim in directing the Tsektran and influencing the other unions through it was to reanimate and revive the unions, to draw the workers into the task of reviving industry. But what has he actually achieved? A conflict with the majority of the Communists in the trade unions, a conflict between the majority of the trade unions and the Tsektran, a virtual split in the Tsektran, the resentment of the rank-and-file workers organised in trade unions against the "Commissars." In other words, far from a revival of the unions taking place, the Tsektran itself is disintegrating. There can be no doubt that if the methods of the Tsektran were introduced in the other unions, we would get the same picture of conflict, splits and disintegration. And the result would be that we would have dissension and a split in the working class.
Can the political party of the working class ignore these facts? Can it be asserted that it makes no difference to the political condition of the country whether we have a working class solidly united in integral trade unions, or whether it is split up into different, mutually hostile groups? Can it be said that the political factor ought not to play any role in appraising the methods of approach to the masses, that politics have nothing to do with the matter?
Obviously not.
The R.S.F.S.R. and its associated republics now have a population of about 140,000,000. Of this population, 80 per cent are peasants. To be able to govern such a country, the Soviet power must enjoy the firm confidence of the working class, for such a country can be directed only through the medium of the working class and with the forces of the working class. But in order to retain and strengthen the confidence of the majority of the workers, it is necessary systematically to develop the consciousness, independent activity and initiative of the working class, systematically to educate it in the spirit of communism by organizing it in trade unions and drawing it into the work of building a communist economy.
Obviously, it is impossible to do this by coercive methods and by "shaking up" the unions from above, for such methods split the working class (the Tsektran!) and engender distrust of the Soviet power. Moreover, it is not difficult to understand that, speaking generally, it is inconceivable that either the consciousness of the masses or their confidence in the Soviet power can be developed by coercive methods.
Obviously, only "normal methods of proletarian democracy in the unions," only methods of persuasion, can make it possible to unite the working class, to stimulate its independent activity and strengthen its confidence in the Soviet power, the confidence that is needed so much now in order to rouse the country for the struggle against economic ruin.
As you see, politics also speak in favor of methods of persuasion.
January 5, 1921
J. Stalin
Stalin Works Archive
submitted by kksingh11 to SocialisGlobe [link] [comments]