Appreciation poem for a dedicated church worker


2020.10.07 23:00 NoNSFWOnMyMain GenshinGays

GenshinGays is dedicated to the appreciation and discussion of male characters and M/M ships in Genshin, and exists as a safe space for all.

2012.06.14 22:23 onewatt A Believing Latter-day Saint Community

Welcome to /latterdaysaints, a sub for members and friends of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (formerly known as Mormons). This sub is dedicated to faithful discourse on church topics.

2019.08.07 09:41 ArchitecturalRevival

This sub is dedicated to the appreciation of traditional architecture, with a view to increasing the appetite for architectural revival. Posts should be of old and new buildings in a traditionalist style. Please read the rules before posting.

2024.05.19 16:41 F0RMENTIS Creating a YouTube Channel to Document this Shit

Gonna create a YouTube channel to have video documentation of all this Drake shit (any feedback and criticism of this idea would be appreciated). If there is a discord/dedicated thread for all the trusted investigators and evidence in this community, please send me a link so I can begin constructing some scripts for it.
Also, please provide feedback for a good name for this YouTube channel. I do not intend to profit/gain from this, only to bring this information to a larger audience and keep an additional archive of this evidence.
Edit: if need be, we could have multiple TRUSTED collaborators with access on this channel, a la Ebony House, so as to not centralize control of it to one person.
submitted by F0RMENTIS to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:31 Impressive_Truck1381 Too old to start union apprenticeship?

I'm currently 42 years and I'm considering joining the local carpentry union because they are offering a free apprenticeship. I've worked for a few companies in the post and have experience using most power tools and basic understanding of the theory of construction. I worked for a few really bad non union construction companies in the past that turned me off from the trades but I'm really considering getting back into it due to having experience but not for non union company.
I went to an event at the local carpentry/millwright union hall this weekend. It was basically a laborer test. Move these things here then back, carry this there back and move a couple sheets of 5/8 osb plywood. Then drive a few framing nails into a 4x4 and run 5 dry screws into a sheet of drywall. The last part was scribe a line onto a sheet of drywall. The instructor was trying to show me how to do this left handed even though I'm right handed. It felt weird to do so I did it the way that felt right lol. But I did it to the correct measurement so who cares I guess. Last spot was run a couple 2 inch bolts into a 90° piece of metal and tighten then with a open ended wrench and deep well socket wrench. Over all it was very easy.
After I was finished I had 3 come up to me to talk about jobs. They all told me I should join the apprenticeship so they can hire me as they only hire union workers. When I asked about my prior experience they ask said they could work with me to move me along quicker. I'm not sure what that meant but it seemed like having me do the job of normal carpenters. I'm not sure if my pay would be that of the apprentice or not.
While I know how to do some things, I don't know how to do others as well. I'm worried if I don't go through the apprenticeship I won't be properly trained and will lack knowledge. But with my age I'm concerned with not being able to work so I can earn the pension. I'm a strong and fit guy so I'm not too worried any my body giving out on me anytime soon but would appreciate some insight from others.
submitted by Impressive_Truck1381 to Carpentry [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:30 TheForce122 The Jewish Holocaust of 6M Jews was bad, by Satanist Adolf Hitler. However, the Christian Holocaust of 20-66 million mostly Christian Russians, by the Satanic Bolsheviks who called themselves Jews, was the worst Holocaust of all time. Rothschild NWO did Bolshevik Revolution to install central bank

The Jewish Holocaust of 6M Jews was bad, by Satanist Adolf Hitler. However, the Christian Holocaust of 20-66 million mostly Christian Russians, by the Satanic Bolsheviks who called themselves Jews, was the worst Holocaust of all time. Rothschild NWO did Bolshevik Revolution to install central bank
Ynet article (
"Stalin's Jews: We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish"
Here's a particularly forlorn historical date: Almost 90 years ago, between the 19th and 20th of December 1917, in the midst of the Bolshevik revolution and civil war, Lenin signed a decree calling for the establishment of The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, also known as Cheka. Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB. We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags. Whole population strata were eliminated: Independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, senior officers, intellectuals, artists, labor movement activists, "opposition members" who were defined completely randomly, and countless members of the Communist party itself.
In his new, highly praised book "The War of the World, "Historian Niall Ferguson writes that no revolution in the history of mankind devoured its children with the same unrestrained appetite as did the Soviet revolution. In his book on the Stalinist purges, Tel Aviv University's Dr. Igal Halfin writes that Stalinist violence was unique in that it was directed internally. Lenin, Stalin, and their successors could not have carried out their deeds without wide-scale cooperation of disciplined "terror officials," cruel interrogators, snitches, executioners, guards, judges, perverts, and many bleeding hearts who were members of the progressive Western Left and were deceived by the Soviet regime of horror and even provided it with a kosher certificate. All these things are well-known to some extent or another, even though the former Soviet Union's archives have not yet been fully opened to the public. But who knows about this? Within Russia itself, very few people have been brought to justice for their crimes in the NKVD's and KGB's service. The Russian public discourse today completely ignores the question of "How could it have happened to us?" As opposed to Eastern European nations, the Russians did not settle the score with their Stalinist past. And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf." Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book "Stalin: Court of the Red Star", Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women. Stalin's close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the "first Stalinist" and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind aside from the Nazi horrors and Mao's terror in China, did not move Kaganovich. Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist. In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges. In a fascinating lecture at a Tel Aviv University convention this week, Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet terror as a "carnival of mass murder," "fantasy of purges", and "essianism of evil." Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history. The Jews active in official communist terror apparatuses (In the Soviet Union and abroad) and who at times led them, did not do this, obviously, as Jews, but rather, as Stalinists, communists, and "Soviet people." Therefore, we find it easy to ignore their origin and "play dumb": What do we have to do with them? But let's not forget them. My own view is different. I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things. Even if we deny it, we cannot escape the Jewishness of "our hangmen," who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedication from its establishment. After all, others will always remind us of their origin. article (
"The Bolshevik Revolution: An Iluminati takeover of Russia?"
The murderous Bolshevik Revolution made communism a political reality by mostly Jewish activists. Alarming similarities to today’s political climate invite comparison.
Czar Nicholas II abdicated in March 1917. Since Bolshevik leaders Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky weren’t even in Russia then, how did they gain control of it by November 1917? Western analysts uncovered parts of this mystery, but much remained unknown due to the Soviet government’s stranglehold on its history – as Orwell said, “Who controls the present controls the past.” With glasnost, archives creaked open. Perhaps no one has collated the information better than Juri Lina in his book Under the Sign of the Scorpion.
The Rothschild-Illuminati axis, through their network of banksters and Freemasons, controlled the Bolshevik operation.
In February 1917, an artificially induced bread shortage accompanied orchestrated rioting in Petrograd (then Russia’s capital). In a “false flag,” the mobs were machine-gunned from hidden positions; the casualties were blamed on the Czar.
British agents bribed Russian soldiers to mutiny and join the rioting. White Russian General Arsene de Goulevitch wrote: “I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord Milner in financing the Russian Revolution.” 33rd degree Freemason Alfred Milner was a Rothschild front man.
Several Russian generals were Freemasons who betrayed the Czar under Masonic instructions.
Russians thought the provisional government, established under Alexander Kerensky after the Czar’s fall, meant future democracy. But Kerensky, Grand Secretary of Russia’s Grand Orient, was “phase one” of communist takeover. His government pardoned all political exiles – green light for return to Russia of fellow Freemasons Lenin and Trotsky.
Jacob Schiff and Federal Reserve founder Paul Warburg ran Kuhn, Loeb & Co. – the Rothschilds’ New York banking satellite. Schiff supplied $20 million in gold to Trotsky, who sailed from New York with 275 other terrorists on a passport obtained through pressure the bankers put on the Wilson administration.
In Germany, Warburg’s brother Max helped persuade the government to provide millions to Lenin and allow him to cross Germany with other revolutionaries in a special train. The Germans agreed because the Bolsheviks promised to remove Russia from the raging First World War after taking power.
The Bolsheviks succeeded because they had what other revolutionaries (e.g., Mensheviks) lacked – limitless cash. By May 1917, Pravda already had a circulation of 300,000.
It is a myth that Kerensky and the Bolsheviks were adversaries. Kerensky received $1 million from Jacob Schiff. During summer 1917, when it was revealed the Bolsheviks were on Germany’s payroll – treason during wartime – Kerensky protected them. When the Bolsheviks moved to seize power that autumn, he declined the option of requesting troops to preserve the government. Lenin and Trotsky gave Kerensky money and safe passage out. He died wealthy in 1970 in New York, where the Russian Orthodox Church refused him burial services.
Postwar Britain sent the Bolsheviks rifles and ammunition for 250,000 men. With this and other Western assistance, the Reds crushed the White opposition. Loans and technology from Western capitalists poured in for decades, as documented in such books as Antony Sutton’s Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Joseph Finder’s Red Carpet.
In 1992, the newspaper Literaturnaya Rossiya estimated that, including starvation and civil war, Soviet communism left 147 million dead. Even accepting the more moderate claim of Harvard University Press’s Black Book of Communism – that communism murdered “only” 100 million worldwide – what these numbers represent is beyond comprehension. Stalin reportedly said: “One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic.”
Leon Trotsky (Jewish born “Lev Bronstein”) and his 300 well-trained Jewish communists from Manhattan’s Lower East Side, boarded the Norwegian steamer “Kristianiafjord” for a journey that brought them to St. Petersburg in Russia. Their purpose was to establish a Marxist government under the leadership of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin. Before departing, Jacob Schiff gave this group $20 million in gold to accomplish the task, but the plan was already under way before they even boarded the ship thanks to the Rothschilds.
By December 1917, the Bolsheviks established their instrument of terror, the Cheka (the KGB’s precursor). Lina writes: “Lists of those shot and otherwise executed were published in the Cheka’s weekly newspaper. In this way it can be proved that 1.7 million people were executed during the period 1918-19. A river of blood flowed through Russia. The Cheka had to employ body counters.” By contrast, under the czars, 467 people were executed between 1826 and 1904 (78 years).
Trotsky declared: “We will reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a complete idiocy.” Lina writes: “1,695,604 people were executed from January 1921 to April 1922. Among these victims were bishops, professors, doctors, officers, policemen, gendarmes, lawyers, civil servants, journalists, writers, artists…” The Bolsheviks considered the intelligentsia the greatest threat to their dictatorship. This sheds light on the Marxist buzzword “proletariat.” The Illuminati knew nations are easier to enslave if only peasants and laborers remain. But even the proletariat wasn’t spared. The Cheka brutally suppressed hundreds of peasant uprisings and labor strikes, executing victims as “counter-revolutionaries.”
Satanic torture often accompanied killings. Many priests were crucified. Some victims had eyes put out, or limbs chopped off, or were otherwise mutilated, while the next victims were forced to watch.
Although Russia had been “the world’s granary,” over five million died of starvation during the famine of 1921-22. This wasn’t “socialist inefficiency,” but genocide from grain confiscation. In the Holodomor, Stalin murdered 7 million Ukrainians, including 3 million children, by ordering all foodstuffs confiscated as punishment for resisting farm collectivization. Communist brigades went house to house, ripping down walls with axes searching for “hoarded” food.
In Soviet gulags (concentration camps) millions perished. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn estimated that, just during Stalin’s “great purge” of 1937-38, two million died in gulags.
The Bolsheviks meanwhile lived royally. Lenin, who occupied Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrov’s estate, placed 75 million francs in a Swiss bank account in 1920. Trotsky, who lived in a castle seized from Prince Felix Yusupov, had over $80 million in U.S. bank accounts. Top Cheka officials ate off gold plates. Communism was plunder masked by ideological slogans. Money and jewelry were stripped from homes at gunpoint.
Lenin and Trotsky repaid their masters. Lina writes: “In October 1918, Jewish bankers in Berlin received 47 cases of gold from Russia, containing 3125 kilos of gold.” The Grand Orient de France refurbished its Paris Lodge with money Lenin sent in 1919. In New York, Kuhn, Loeb received, in the first half of 1921 alone, $102 million in Russian wealth.
Bolsheviks were predominantly Jewish – unsurprising given the long linkage of cabalistic Jews to Freemasonry and revolution. I state this objectively, without anti-Semitism. I am half-Jewish; my paternal grandparents emigrated from Russia in 1904.
In Les Derniers Jours des Romanofs (1920), Robert Wilton, The Times’s Russian correspondent, named each person in the Bolshevik government. The tally:
Bolshevik Party Central Committee: of 12 members, 9 were Jews. (NOTE: Actually 10 now that we know Lenin has been declassified to be part-Jewish)
Council of People’s Commissars: 22 members, 17 Jews.
Central Executive Committee: 61 members, 41 Jews.
Extraordinary Commission of Moscow: 36 members, 23 Jews.
In 1922, the Morning Post listed all 545 civil servants in the Soviet administration; 477 were Jews, 30 were ethnic Russians. “Russian” Revolution was a misnomer.
Leon Trotsky (real name Lev Bronstein) was a Ukrainian Jew. He introduced the cabalistic five-pointed star as the Red Army’s symbol. In New York, Trotsky belonged to B’nai B’raith – the Jewish Masonic order – as did his financial angel, Jacob Schiff. Juri Lina has unearthed evidence that Schiff ordered the murder of the Czar and royal family.
Under Lenin, anti-Semitism became a capital offense. [lightbox full=””]The Bolsheviks destroyed 60,000 churches[/lightbox]; many became latrines or museums of atheism. Yet Russia’s synagogues went untouched.
Jews dominated the Cheka (formed of 23 Jews and 13 others). Lina lists 15 Jewish gulag commandants (Under the Sign of the Scorpion, p. 310). The Cheka targeted classes and ethnicities: the “bourgeoisie”; “kulaks” (landowning farmers); and Cossacks, whom the Central Committee declared “must be exterminated and physically disposed of, down to the last man.” They tried to eradicate [lightbox full=””]Russian culture[/lightbox], renaming Petrograd and Tsaritsyn after the revolution’s psychopaths. In Ukraine, the Bolsheviks seized traditional national costumes. Obliterating nationalism is a precursor to the Illuminati world order.
Though it is sometimes claimed Jewish dominance ended under Stalin, in 1937 17 of 27 Presidium members were still Jewish, and 115 of 133 Council of People’s Commissars. Stalin did turn against the Zionists in 1949, heavily persecuting Jews during 1952, after which he was poisoned.
Article source:
Tsarist Russia was a thorn in the side of western high finance because at the end of the 19th century the Russian empire was the only European power not to have a central bank. “It was still the tsar who decided on coinage in his country”. "It was very simple: the money was his and he controlled the amount." That was to change quickly when the communists came to power: one of Lenin's first measures was the establishment of a Russian central bank after the fall of the tsar. After the Bolshevik Revolution, “unimaginably large sums of money from the private assets of the Russian tsarist family flowed into the hands of international bankers”. It is easy to guess why that happened.
The October 1917 Revolution under Lenin, or the violent seizure of power by the Russian Communist Bolsheviks, was co-financed by German bankers. There are estimates that 50 million marks flowed back then, which today corresponds to at least half a billion euros. The saying of the mother of the 5 Rothschild sons is well known: "If my sons don't want it, there is no war." Anyone who wanted to wage war needed money; but money was only available from the Rothschilds at the time. So the success of the Russian Revolution of 1917 was dependent on money. The money came from Trotsky, who was hooked up with the Wall Street banks. Trotsky married Sedova, the daughter of Jivotovsky, who was closely associated with the Warburg banking house and the cousins ​​of Jacob Schiff, the financial group that financed Japan in the war against Russia. Here an ominous as well as powerful connection opens up, the alliance between capitalism and communism. Thus there is the apparently paradoxical connection that private capitalism, as the arch enemy of communism, financed its revolution in powerful Russia (thesis and antithesis).
Alexander Solschenizyn:
“We cannot state that all Jews are Bolsheviks. But – Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the Truth. The Blood Maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered 66,000,000 in Russia from 1918 – 1957.
Between the years 1917 and 1991 preceding the collapse of the Soviet Union, it is estimated that Communist Jews murdered somewhere between 60 and 135 million innocent people."
Source for quote:
submitted by TheForce122 to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:16 No-Cranberry446 Showed up 2 minutes late to NCAT case and they dismissed it. What now?

So back in April I had an NCAT case which was dismissed after I appeared 2 minutes late due to torrential rain which delayed everything (not making an excuse, it’s still my fault). The lady at reception told me that I could just create another application or reinstate, but that it’s just better to do a new application because reinstating is a headache.
Now, over a month later it’s far too late to reinstate, and I didn’t have a valid reason for not appearing anyways so it wouldn’t have worked.
The hearing order says: On (date) 2024 the following orders (and/or directions) were made: 1 the application is dismissed because the applicant failed to appear. Reasons for decision: The applicant ion is dismissed because the applicant failed to appear, and no reasonable explanation has been provided to the Tribunal to explain why the Applicant was unable to appear today.
My question is, despite this, am I able to just pay again and create a new application for the same incident?
I understand that lots of people are going to say “if the receptionist said you can then you can” but with NCAT it’s never that simple. Their workers have mislead me multiple times and even contradict each other in previous conversations I’ve had.
Thank you, any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by No-Cranberry446 to AusLegal [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:11 Sweet-Count2557 Bar Louie Restaurant in Chicago,IL,United States

Bar Louie Restaurant in Chicago,IL,United States
Bar Louie Restaurant in Chicago,IL,United States
Bar Louie - A Unique Dining Experience in Chicago, IL, United States
Price Level: $$ - $$$
Looking for a unique dining experience in Chicago? Look no further than Bar Louie. With the motto "Eat. Drink. Be Happy.", Bar Louie offers more than just a meal. It's a place where you can enjoy craft drinks, scratch food, awesome music, and exceptional service. At Bar Louie, we believe in creating a comfortable and extraordinary atmosphere for our guests. Our Chicago roots have taught us the importance of having a place where you can hang out and have a great time. From our handcrafted everything bar to our scratch everything kitchen, we strive to provide the best quality and uniqueness in everything we create.While it may not be the easiest task, we are dedicated to ensuring that every visit to Bar Louie is a memorable one. We want you to have a great time, every time you decide to come in. Our goal is to go above and beyond the ordinary and provide an experience that is anything but normal.Whether you're a regular or a first-time visitor, Bar Louie welcomes you to join us for an unforgettable dining experience. Discover why so many people choose Bar Louie as their go-to restaurant in Chicago. Come in and see for yourself why we believe you deserve more than ordinary.So, what does it take to become a regular at Bar Louie Chicago? It takes an appreciation for the craft, a desire to experience something out of the ordinary, and a love for great drinks, delicious food, awesome music, and exceptional service. If you're not a regular yet, we guarantee that you will be after your first visit to Bar Louie.
Cuisines of Bar Louie in Chicago,IL,United States
Bar Louie Restaurant is a haven for those seeking a taste of American, Bar, and Pub cuisines all under one roof. With a menu that boasts an array of mouthwatering dishes, this establishment is sure to satisfy any craving. From classic American favorites like juicy burgers and crispy chicken wings to delectable bar bites such as loaded nachos and buffalo chicken sliders, there is something for everyone. The pub-inspired offerings include hearty sandwiches, flavorful flatbreads, and savory mac and cheese. Whether you're in the mood for a casual lunch, a lively happy hour, or a late-night snack, Bar Louie Restaurant is the perfect destination to indulge in these beloved cuisines.
Features of Bar Louie in Chicago,IL,United States
Takeout Outdoor Seating Seating Television Wheelchair Accessible Serves Alcohol Full Bar Table Service Reservations
Menu of Bar Louie in Chicago,IL,United States
Location of Bar Louie in Chicago,IL,United States
Contact of Bar Louie in Chicago,IL,United States
+1 312-872-4404
333-335 N Dearborn St, Chicago, IL 60654-4956
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:10 ShadowPerson04 Are Laptops actually worth buying?

So I’m thinking of buying myself a second-hand laptop, with an older cpu, but still having a dedicated laptop gpu (even if it’s older). Im thinking of using something like this for work, watching videos and light gaming. So like 8th gen i5, GTX 970 or 1060 for like $550-600 AUD. In terms of buying new, I’ve seen stuff with 12th gen core i5s and i7s but they have Iris graphics and are still quite pricey (around $700-$800 AUD) Although I’ve heard laptops with AMD APUs are a slightly better option for similar money. I want a laptop that is decently balanced that isn’t total crap. I don’t need the newest 4000 Series NVIDIA laptops or anything of that sort. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by ShadowPerson04 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:04 AdPhysical4942 Looking for advice to stay in the UK (unmarried partner/ study visa)

Hi everyone!
Looking for some advice/ opinions on the current situation that I’m in.
I (23F US citizenship) have a 1st degree from a uni in London as well as a foundation degree from the same uni. I’ve been in the UK almost 5 years now and am currently on a Grad visa (expires in November of 2025). Since being in the UK I’ve formed a whole new life here that I love and want to spend the foreseeable future here. I met my boyfriend (26M UK & Irish citizenship - Earns £41K) a year and half ago and we are planning on moving in together in September.
Our original plan was for me to start a masters starting in September of 2025, right before my current grad visa expires and then get a unmarried partner visa after my masters is done (after having lived together for two years).
Since graduating uni I’ve had a really hard time finding a job. The job market right now isn’t great and I’m really struggling with even finding a part time job. I’m mentally feeling really stuck and am considering starting a Masters in September of 2024 instead so I can get on with my career more.
I was considering starting the masters this September and doing it for two years part time but I would not be able to work at all, which isn’t financially feasible for me.
My boyfriend and I are moving in together in September either way but im concerned that if I start a one year masters this September that we woudnt have lived together for long enough to qualify for the unmarried partner visa in September 2025, since we will have only lived together for 1 year. I know some people have success with the visa having not lived together at all but not sure if anyone’s had experience living together for only a year and still getting it. We have both lived in the same city the whole time we’ve known each other.
The skilled worker visa is obviously an option for after my masters but with how the job market/salary amount is right now I think it’s quite a gamble on banking on that.
Does anyone have any experience on getting the unmarried partner visa after only living together for a year? Are there any tricks to extend a visa for a few months? Is it true you can’t work with a part-time masters visa? Just general advice on how to navigate this? Any help would be hugely appreciated!
I would like to get on with my career but don’t want to live in fear of visa restrictions!
Thank you :)
submitted by AdPhysical4942 to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:03 tudoran Bloom host vs

Im a 17yo on a budget wondering what hosts would work for a modded smp. 40 ish mods (mostly create/clockwork related) and probably 10 players online at peak.
ive looked into bisect and the dedicated hardware is nice but i am on a budget, so im wondering if you guys recommend bloom/lilypad (or if it really is worth paying the extra for bisect).
Also if you could recommend exactly what plan would work best id appreciate that.
submitted by tudoran to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:00 BrodogIsMyName Frontier Fantasy - Chap 39

[First] [Previous] [Next]
Edited by WaveOfWire
- - - - -
Two days… It had been two days that Tracy had gone to sleep while Harrison was working, only to come back in the morning to see him still in the workshop. She knew he was damn productive, sure, but that really couldn’t be healthy. Apparently, it had something to do with the weird bowl of orange… soup… that Cera gave him. No way was it just caffeine; any amount of the stuff would have been filtered out of his system by now. He mentioned a tingling feeling too…
Damn, she did not know enough about drugs to even start assuming what that massive alien had Harrison fucked up on. At least the scanner said he was ‘fine’—if you ignore the other glaring issues the machine brought up. Plus, he said he didn’t mind it. Either way, he managed to complete the weaving component and a few other electrical backbones of the fabricator last night, so the project was practically done, and after seeing the engineer work himself half to death, she was dead-set on finishing it.
She was currently tits-deep into the upper manufacturing portion of the towering machine. It took a tall step-stool—on top of the nearby desk—for her to push her small shoulders through the even smaller access panels high on the everything-printer. It was difficult to fit her torso in, but she managed, holding a flashlight between her teeth as she fiddled with a stubborn series of mechanical ‘hands.’ Nothing new. The situation reminded her of the ‘shop back on Mars; it had the same ever-present scent of copper and industrial sealant. All that was missing was her dad’s ancient tunes blasting through some shitty speakers… Hold on…
The modular component in her grip was successfully attached with a resonating thock. Tracy squirmed out of the dim wire-filled crevice, trying her best to not rip her only tank-top on any bolts or corners, and getting a face-full of the bright flood-lights illuminating the workshop. She scowled and blocked out the searing light with a hand, but she was a bit too late to avoid going half-blind.
“Are the mechanical manipulators in?” Harrison grunted, poking his head out underneath the printer’s floor-adjacent maintenance hatch. She looked down at him as she tried to blink off the spots in her vision. His hair was messy, barely kept in line by his habit of combing through it with his fingers. The areas around his eyes were dark and sunken… Guess that’s what two all-nighters did to a man. He’d be seeing the hat man or start hallucinating if he didn’t get any sleep soon… but then again, the two of them were so close to finishing the fabricator…
“You bet.” She gave him a thumbs up, slamming the panel cover closed. “Feel free to test it.”
He nodded and slid back underneath the machine. “Gotcha”
She gently stepped off the stool and slid off the side of the desk, stretching herself out. If her piss-poor sitting posture or her tank-top puppies hadn’t already fucked her spine up, bending over backward to build this fabricator sure as hell would. She sat down next to the panel where Harrison resided, resting her back against the fabrication tower. Her excited voice broke the muffled noises of the engineer’s work. “So… Harrison?”
—Mind if I play some music?”
The sounds from the hatch stopped, followed by his muffled, shocked tone echoing from beneath the fabricator. “You have music!?”
She smirked at seeing the expression on his face when his head popped out again. “I sure do… Did you seriously not download any to your data pad?”
He slipped out from beneath the fabricator fully, huffing as he took a knee beside her. The scent of melded rubber, wire, and his liquid labor reached her nose not-so-unpleasantly. “You would not believe how much of a pain it is to repair an entire barracks without it… So, yeah, I didn’t.”
“Sooooooooo, whatcha wanna listen to? I’ve got almost everything on here—besides the super niche, of course.” She pulled her data pad out, swiping to the massive music folder
“You wouldn’t like the kinda music I listen to; It’s ancient.”
She gave him a lighthearted, annoyed glare. “Welcome to the club… Now what’ll it be?”
“It’s Old Earth kind of ancient… but alright” He looked up at the ceiling in thought, lips pursed. “Do you have anything from Styx or Sweet?”
She stared at him incredulously, her smirk turning into a fully-fledged smile. “Oh my God. You are an absolute dork! You actually listen to Golden Age music?”
His brows raised, accusatory. “And you somehow know exactly who those bands were and what age of Old Earth music they came from?”
She smugly leaned in closer. “That’s because I’m just as much of a nerd with that kinda music as you apparently are.” She quickly looked upward, addressing the workshop AI. “Sebas, connect nearby speakers to my data pad’s audio.” Tracy elbowed the engineer lightly as the PA system chirped its affirmation. “Now, Mr. Golden Age music, which albums do ya want me to queue up?”
- - - - -
The two of them listened to music for hours, tossing on songs they liked as they came to mind while they worked. Harrison had a ton of recommendations that spanned all over the Golden Ages and some twenty-first century classics. She didn’t even know half of them, but she was vibing either way, adding on her own taste by intermingling some older rock tracks and newer electronic beats. The playlist was steadily built up as the day went on. Thank God her dad showed her a vast array of tunes; she might not have been able to keep up with the engineer if her old man hadn't.
It made the work go by so fast, their conversations blurring as they jumped from topic to topic. They discussed whatever came to mind—old hobbies, old jobs, and old interests. A lot was left behind in Sol… At least she knew that the only other human on the planet was more interesting than a soulless workaholic. It turned out that he was a pretty big history buff, and he apparently read a lot about the colonization of the Sol system and the various wars of independence thereafter. Curious, she asked where the interest stemmed from, and he explained that his grandfather was an admiral in the Slavic-Europan deep-ice submarine fleet, which explained how Harrison’s mother was able to afford to immigrate to Mars from Europa.
He could also play an acoustic guitar, and, unfortunately for Tracy, he wasn’t even the slightest bit interested in printing one out, citing that it was a waste of time and material that would be better used elsewhere. That didn’t stop her from writing a note on her data pad to do so later, though. She hadn’t seen someone play one of those in years—the last time was probably in some old music video from the early twenty-second century. What a shame. She would have liked to hear some of the Europan songs his grandmother taught him.
On the bright side, the man seemed to take an interest in her odd hobbies. He brought up the folder of 3D models that she accidentally uploaded to the inter-module system and asked where she got the inspiration for what was in it. Boy, was he not ready for her ‘WarHalberd40k’ lore dump. Props to the guy for not standing up and leaving the workshop throughout her rambling. He even asked questions about the different factions and their weapons, which she was more than happy to talk about.
She also ended up going over the other franchises and hobbies she was interested in, such as robotics and the like. The only interruptions to their chat were the occasional Akula or Craftsman asking for insight regarding the various tasks he had allotted to them, or Shar coming in to check up on Harrison between guard shifts.
The new dynamic of the group was pretty interesting, to say the least. Tracy hadn’t been out to interact with the whole lot of Malkrin, but she definitely noticed how they treated the engineer. They’d started to look up to him in a way ever since he started showing off technology. In a little over two days, the man had shown them that he could provide the materials for a brick house, fine clothing—especially by the alien’s standards—armor, and delicious food. That wasn’t even mentioning the other benefits the technician heard a few of the ‘banished’ talking about over their meals: heating, electric lights, and other assorted machines.
She’d be feeling pretty happy about herself if she was in his position, having so many look up to him and be grateful at the same time. He seemed to view it a lot more robotically, however, only striving to get the basics done. Luckily for him, his basics were their luxury.
That wasn’t all there was to the topic; the engineer lamented about how the colony was going through food just as quickly as materials. The meals weren’t the direct issue he had, more that he had to start focusing on long-term resource harvesting rather than directly preparing for a literal horde of monsters—which wasn’t exactly ideal. It was a good thing that they just so happened to take on an influx of Malkrin then…
Either way, they finally finished the ‘totally legal modification’ for the fabricator, meaning they could at least partially address the latter half of his worries. The whole process of ripping out an old printer and replacing the parts for a new one felt a lot easier than she imagined… even if it took her at least forty-eight hours to complete it… with help from Harrison. Maybe that was why it felt so easy… She supposed the colony overseers didn’t choose the man for no reason, so his skills made sense.
“So… what do we want to print out first?” Tracy questioned, having finished testing the last major component.
The engineer stretched his arms up into the air and rotated his shoulders, then pulled back the desk’s chair and took a seat. “I’ve had just one thing in mind since the start of this whole project.”
Her brows raised in a mix of excitement and curiosity. She leaned forward, looking at the computer monitor from over his shoulder. “Oh? What’s that, then?”
A smirk formed along his cheek, the computer mouse rapidly clicking through the blueprint folder. “I’ve had a lot of time to think about what kind of firearm we need since I started dabbling in belt-fed weapon systems.” He opened one final file, a short loading bar preceding the exploded assembly view of… “An M2 Browning machine gun. It’s more than powerful enough to kill in one shot, while also being capable of fully-automatic fire, with a capacity of however many rounds we want in a belt-box.”
“Uh…huh…” She gave a skeptical nod and took a step back, not exactly sold on the idea. “It looks ancient. It’s kinetic, right? Why aren’t we using energy-based weapons? Don’t we have a gunpowder shortage coming up?”
He moved his chair off to the side to look back at her. “We just can’t; Simple as. We’ll need who knows how many more AI cores before we can get started on that level of equipment, Trace,” he huffed, returning his gaze to the specifications of the firearm. “This isn’t the most ‘modern’ weapon we can make, but its twenty-first century counterpart helps with an improved design… somewhat. And, as I said before, it should be more than capable of killing a bug in one shot, so Shar can just tap-fire it to save ammunition.”
Her head tilted quizzically. “Shar?”
“Yup,” he returned confidently. “It’s the perfect weapon for her.”
She raised a brow. “How so?”
He held his hand up, counting his reasons on his fingers. “She’s always on the front line with a shield, she can absolutely handle the weight and recoil, her four arms make reloading it simple, plus she’ll need something with range and power that isn’t a spear. So, why not? And, if for some reason, she doesn’t want to use it, we can just convert it into a turret—which is something I was planning on doing anyways with however more M2s we print out later.”
“I doubt she’ll say no to any gun you give her,” Tracy chuckled while shaking her head, inadvertently causing her bangs to cover her eyes.
“Fair enough,” he conceded with a bob of his head. “What do you think, then? What kinda weapons do you have in mind?”
She reapplied her goggles into an impromptu hairband, feeling a smirk cross her face. “Thought you’d never ask. What purpose do we need these guns to fulfill? Hordes I’m guessing?”
“That’s the idea, yeah. That doesn’t mean they all need to be machine guns, though.” He tapped the belt-fed shotgun beside him.
“Well, lemme see what we’re working with first.” She suddenly stepped forward, leaning over Harrison’s seat to access the keyboard and mouse. Her arms briefly rubbed against him, forcing him to roll his chair backward. She suppressed a giggle at seeing his incredulous frown.
Her eyes quickly traced the hundreds of individual files, clicking through all sorts of folders, each arranged from pre-twenty-first century ‘antiques,’ to more modern iterations of kinetics and particle weaponry. There was… a lot on there—almost too much to reasonably comb through. Why? Did the colony overseers just say ‘fuck it’ and put whatever they could find on here? Were they expecting the pioneers to make a museum of everything?
She sighed, standing up straight and facing Harrison. “Y’know, I’m actually impressed you managed to find that M2-whatever in there…”
He shifted in his seat, resting an elbow on the desk. “Yup, there’s a lot. I’m almost tempted to just make several of those machine guns and just call it a day, but I feel like that’d be too much of a strain on resources, no?”
“I don’t really know enough about how you fight those spider-crab things, or how to get more gunpowder, so… maybe?” She shrugged, biting her cheek in contemplation. “You might just wanna make a few smaller caliber weapons… like, uh… those old kinetic service rifles. If your pump-action shotgun works fine, I’m sure some normal guns would work just fine for now, right?”
He hardily gripped his firearm, hauling it up to his lap. “Depends on what you mean by ‘smaller caliber.’ The whole reason why the KS-23 here works—” he pulled out a massive shell from the ammo belt, displaying it on his palm. “—is because the twenty-three-millimeter round has enough energy transfer to mess up any bug's shell and insides. I’d say the smallest rounds we could use would be point-two-forty-three caliber to get any similar results.”
Brief flickers of grungy orange shells and gnashing teeth marred Tracy’s sight. She forcibly suppressed them, distracting herself with dry humor and a strained laugh. “Guess those fuckers can really take a punch, huh?”
He shook his head somberly. “I couldn’t imagine going up against them without a gun… Anyway, I like your idea of a standard rifle for now. Then, when we have some product lines up, we can go a little more in depth into personal weapons.”
“So are you gonna take one?” She hopped up on the desk, letting her legs swing off the side.
“Don’t think so, no. I’ll stick with my shotty.” The internals of the heavily modified weapon rattled as he held it up and inspected it. “Doesn’t mean I’ll keep it as is. I’m thinking of printing a laser aiming module so I can point-fire it accurately, and maybe a melee-oriented muzzle brake or a lighter chassis to reduce weight… Not sure though.”
She leaned forward and rested her elbows on her knees, her cheeks in her palms. “Melee-oriented? Oooooh, like a chain-sword or something?”
His short chuckle coerced a smirk to her face. “No, not like that. More something to use as a bludgeoning tool. Right before the blood-moon, I ended up getting just as much use out of this shotgun as a hammer than as a… well, a shotgun.”
“That’s pretty fuckin’ metal. So are you just gonna make the barrel into a giant bayonet?”
He nodded. “Not exactly a bayonet, but something more like a door-breaching break.”
A short silence settled on their conversation, the faint sounds of the fabricator’s hum and distant woodwork coming to light. Right, there was an outside world… She’d been too caught up talking to Harrison for however many hours it had been. She wondered how successful the fisherwomen were in collecting, and how things had been for the others working on the wood storage shack. Maybe it was already completed? The sun peered through the cargo bay door, proving that it was only about midday. What else would they work on today?
“Hey,” she ventured.
“Hm?” the engineer hummed, his eyes focused on the monitor beside the technician.
She scooted closer to his keyboard. “What’re we doing after this?”
“What do you mean?”
She leaned backward, propping herself up on two hands. “Project wise; what’s the next big thing?”
“Uhmmm…” he muttered, interacting with the computer for a few more seconds before finally meeting her gaze. “Well, I’ve just allocated the fabricator to print out the M2, three FALs—wood furniture, of course—then there’s the magazines and ammunition, so we’ve got a lot of time to kill. The next big thing is definitely going to be metal procurement, and— Oh, right!” Harrison stopped mid-sentence, reaching into his backpack and pulling out several finger-sized metallic cubes, a sudden fire in his eyes. “Okay, so a while ago, during an encounter with three colossi, Shar and Akula found a cave with some ‘surface’ metal deposits. I took a piece off to analyze, but never got the chance to until last night. Anyway, we don’t have any machines to examine the ore, so I made use of the recycler and broke it down to its baser components.”
She nodded along, seeing where he was going with his explanation. “I’m guessing those shiny cubes are the metals from the ore?”
“Sure is. So, as it turns out, we have a pretty damn close supply of not only iron, but also, zinc, sulfur, and a small amount of cadmium. I talked with Sebas about it and did a little research. We believe it’s something akin to sphalerite, given its composition and looks, which implies it’s a sedimentary exhalative deposit. That means there must have been some volcanic…”
Harrison continued talking about underwater deposits and ancient rock formations, bringing up some theories brought forward by the now 4-AI-core-powered Sebas, delving into the current land mass’ history and possible ore output. A lot of it went over the tradewoman’s head, but she still listened intently… Honestly, she could have listened to the man talk about finding metals for hours. It was sort of like the podcasts she used to listen to while completing colonist training, but even more personal and somehow easier to get lost in…
“…find some other minerals further down like silver, but it also might be an active lava zone. Again, these are all theories and this world could just throw the fundamentals of geology away as it does for physics. Anyway, sorry for going on for so long about that, just thought it’d be important for getting some metals in the future.”
“No, no,” Tracy assured, alleviating him of concern with a wave of her hand. “If there’s anything the colony overseers emphasized, it was farming and mineral acquisition. Don’t worry.” She smiled, pointing a thumb to herself. “I just wanna know how I can help.”
“Actually, I’ve a few things only you can do. I’d like to make use of your impressive drone-making expertise for a few applications, if you don’t mind.”
The task of keeping eye contact slipped into an impossible feat in the span of a singular second, planting a pang of embarrassment on her reddened face, forcing her to inspect her fidgeting hands. “I-I wouldn’t say ‘impressive’… b-but what do you have in mind?”
She could see him raise a brow out of the corner of her vision. “Well, after what you’ve shown me with the reconnaissance flyers, I’d like your help in setting up a more permanent ‘net’ of them to scour the meadow and parts of the nearby forest to look out for any approaching hordes. I don’t want to be snuck up on… again…”
She noted his small frown and sunken eyes, both a little more exaggerated than they already were. It wasn’t like she’d deny his request, but the pangs of empathy over their shared situation all but solidified her resolve. It was the least she could do. She could help him. She would help him.
The technician exhaled slowly, taking on a more serious and understanding tone than before. “I… can do that. For sure. What else?”
“I appreciate it.” He gave a wane smile. “I’ll help you with whatever you need for the project. For the other drones, I’m thinking about a small exploration vehicle to map out caves around us and mark any minerals, as well as a submersible to look for potassium deposits in the ocean.”
“So… search bots?” She crossed her arms, confidence growing; those were her specialty. “Depending on how long the fabricators take and what kind of base drones are in the blueprint folders, I should be able to get those done in no time. All I need to know are the search cues for potassium and how many drones you want.”
He quickly shuffled a few folders on the computer, turning the monitor for her to see some scientific documents with various images and walls upon walls of text. “There’re plenty of resources for that on here for what to look for, and there’s always Sebas, so feel free to ask him since he can just sort through the data for you anyway. If you can, I’d like it if you could focus on the submersible after the reconnaissance drones.”
“Sounds good to me. I’ll be right on it, then.” She gave him a thumbs up, slipping off his desk and toward her own.
“I’ll bring you lunch in a bit. Imma go check on the others,” he called.
Her stomach grumbled at the mention, her head turning to give him an appreciative smile. “Oh! Thanks!”
\= = = = =
Avian creatures chirped from their perches in the trees nearby. The wind softly rustled red leaves as grass gently gave way to calculated footfalls. A warm sun laid its light on Shar’khee’s neck. It was surprisingly pleasant, were one to take the time to notice. The mainland was a confusing place for the paladin, with its disparate representations of nature contrasting so heavily. Some days were filled with blood and ravenous beasts, while others were left within the domain of simplicity and beauty. She was content to have the latter, yet it felt like a facade veiling the former—a soft exterior covering the maliciously spiked interior. Never could she leave herself to carelessness, no matter how welcoming it might be.
Hence why she worked to ensure the safety of the star-sent’s castles and their inhabitants, her days largely spent patrolling for any roaming swarms that may wish to cause them harm. She typically used the routine to think, but today offered little in the way of solitude. This time, she was accompanied by the previously banished guardswoman, and was tasked with instructing the new one, though the specifics of what such lessons should entail were vague. Still, Shar’khee did all that she could so as not to disappoint Harrison, so she could only attempt to meet his expectations of her.
She told the yellow-skinned female of the threats that the settlement faced, how one was to defeat them, and what to expect from the beasts. The guardswoman was directed to practice her form with the spear in both thrusts and throwing for some time afterward, proving herself to be well-built. Such was expected of her profession after all.
It was pleasing to have another capable of patrolling the settlement’s outskirts for swarms, as it would greatly impact how effectively the colony could react to such a threat. If her routine was to suffer for the colony’s well-being, she was happy to show the new one her patrol route and note what to look out for.
The guardswoman was not a perfect student, however. Shar’khee never addressed it directly, but the yellow-skinned female obviously discredited the danger posed by the abhorrent, not-so-subtly shrugging off any warnings.
…That was until they stumbled upon the ‘hyena-boars,’ as Harrison called them.
The beasts resided in a clearing not too far from the castles, carelessly meandering across the sea of tall grass. Shar’khee quickly crouched, dragging the guardswoman down with her. Once she assessed that the creatures were not an imminent danger, she decided it would be an excellent opportunity to show the new one how to properly engage a threat. She was about to propose the idea, yet her speech was silenced just as swiftly.
Orange flashes darted through the trees around the glade. Taloned feet and gnashing teeth tore across the ground toward the unsuspecting beasts at the center. It was much too late for them. They were slow. Surrounded. Unaware. It was as quick as it was vicious, the forest’s reds turning a deeper crimson hue in a moment's notice underneath the abhorrent’s brutality.
Gangly monstrosities gnawed and ripped at the dead creatures, brief glimpses of raw flesh and white bone protruding from the small spaces between the clumped-up beasts. Repulsive wet splatters of blood and gore overlapped the calm noises of the forest, the grisly scene serenaded by the softest of nature’s symphonies. It was a sickening juxtaposition.
Shar’khee bit back the unease and steeled herself. They were within twenty paces—close enough to smell the abhorrent’s vile stench of rot and bile, yet far enough so as not to be noticed. She briefly considered backing away and retreating, her focus bouncing between the different avenues of escape, or how to cover her footst—
Several sets of feral, eyeless maws snapped in their direction, the blood dripping off freshly dampened teeth. The guardswoman gasped, Shar’khee’s gaze following to see the mistake: a singular broken branch crinkled as a yellow-colored foot raised off the splintering twig.
The paladin exhaled sharply and smoothly stood up, brandishing two spears and her shield. Her glare settled on the still crouching guardswoman. “You are to stay behind my shield and let them appr—ch. Rem—ber what I have told you. Aim for their maws when you thrust y—r lance.”
The other female nodded, shakily pulling out her own weapons with unsteady placement hampering her grip. There was an obvious nervousness to her gaze. Hesitance. That would not do.
Shar’khee faced the prowling abhorrent her knuckles shifting hue as she prepared for their advance, for there was no chance that they wouldn’t. True to her experience, the stalking turned to a gallop with several clicks of grotesque tongues, the swarm bolting toward her as one. She snarled and slammed her bulwark into the ground, letting the approaching beasts skewer themselves amongst its spikes.
There were only ten—a paltry amount. She had defended against magnitudes more, and yet she still stood. What is more, they were mindless. Uncoordinated. They would be but stains in the cloth she used to clean her armor. Perhaps, if they were fortunate, they might leave a furrow in her shield to remember them by. Her arms tensed as the first leapt.
One by one, the abhorrent fell, their repulsive green blood splattering under her thrusts. Each awaiting corpse tore across the grove’s grass, lunging to their deaths with gaping maws and unfeeling hunger, yet she did not yield. Their shells were crushed by her shield and impaled by her Goddess-blessed spears, becoming but one more smear across their surface. Ten motionless lumps lay before her, seeping their ichor into the soil, none having passed the barrier she became. Dead, just as the Creator intended. She remained vigilant for a few moments longer, watching for any more of the disgusting creatures.
None showed themselves, finally allowing blood to flow to her fingers once again. The shield’s heavy presence weighed down her back, the blood flicked off of her spears before she returned them to their place.
“Are y–u well?” Shar’khee addressed the frozen Malkrin, wiping away the splatter on her bracers. The guardswoman stared at the small pile of deceased creatures, her heavy breaths and widened eyes moving from the spear from her singular kill. The paladin huffed. “We are fort—ate that there were so few.”
“F-Few? God help us…” Her horrified, stunned gaze slowly met the paladin’s. “Y-You said there were hundreds on the crimson nights? H-How do you… They were s-so fast.”*
”As I h–ve warned,” Shar’khee affirmed.
“You are a paladin! You all exaggerate your feats… I thought it was just a facade!”
“I have no r—son to lie,” she returned tersely, shrugging off the insult to her station and shaking her head. “The mainl—d is far more dangerous than ten gnash—g beasts; more so than that of your island hamlet. Pick yourself up. We m—t inform the others of this incursion.”
The yellow-skinned female snarled, furrowing her brows at the ground in frustration. At whom…? Shar’khee? Herself? Regardless, the female promptly gathered her composure, pushing air through clenched jaws. A step forward had her feet splash in the small pool of blood, the Malkrin nodding toward the paladin to continue back to the castles.
“…for the village.”
Shar’khee paused in her stride and faced her, frowning at the determination and anger leaking through the intent. “W—t was that?”
Her question was returned with honesty, a huffed voice marred by vexation. “Paladin, how am I to defend my village-mates as I am now?”
“‘As you are now?’ What do you m—n?”
The guardswoman stared down at her spear, wood creaking under her grip. “I have faltered before what you deem a paltry threat, and the thought of an even greater one sows dread deep within my bones. I wish… I wish to be better prepared to defend those of my village. I cannot help but see their faces on those of the furred creature in the clearing, and yet, even if I am so close, I am just as unable to protect them.”
Shar’khee stared down the yellow female, a long gaze taking in a rare showing of sincerity. “Y—r fears are one we all share, new one. Do not be ashamed of them. All t—t matters is that you do not let them rem—n mere fear, but make them your strength. So tell me, do you wish to impr—e? To ensure they do not fall while you are support—g them?”
The yellow-skinned female released a shuddering breath that bled off the worst of her indecision, a newly invoked flame flaring within her visage. “I do, paladin. I seek to protect and to be of use.”
“Then, if you wish to make y—rself resilient in the face of all that opposes us, it would be my undertak—g to forge you anew. Fortunately, Harrison has ordered such already, and his guidance shall prove ever useful, should you pursue it.”
The guardswoman shuffled in place at the star-sent’s mention, her eyes slipping downwards. “He is of a great many resources, but I would rather receive your teachings than those of a craftsman… or that of a male, deity-sent he might be.”
She placed a palm on the female’s shoulder. “He is far more than you might ever k—w. Regardless of if you ac—pt his guidance, I commend your conviction. However—” Her hand gripped tighter, though not enough to instill hostility. “—understand that you are protecting more than just your vi—age-mates.”
The new one nodded, staring up at the paladin with stallwart resolve. “Of course. I shall be in your tutelage, then.”
Shar’khee smiled. “T—n let us begin.”
\= = = = =
Akula was becoming increasingly certain that she knew how her parents once felt. The green-skinned fisherwoman was currently rotating between the many tasks placed upon her, guiding the newcomers through the minutia of their tasks so they might live up to the potential Harrison saw within them. She was gratified to have her own talents recognized by the Creator, but it also placed a great many responsibilities in her talons. Of course, she handled each new addition with finesse befitting her heritage, never once balking from the increasing demands. If anything, she felt validated; it was required of her as a female anyway, was it not? The more feminine-appropriate labor and management one undertakes, the higher authority they were granted.
It began with a simple assignment to oversee the chef’s introduction to the star-sent’s provided cooking appliances. As fascinating and convenient as utilities were, she held no interest in preparing any more food than she already had, but teaching another to operate the machines would alleviate such requirements of her. She reluctantly accepted the task when it was proposed, especially considering the fact that Harrison was much too busy with his other projects to bother with something as benign as cooking. His work was more valuable elsewhere.
The task itself went well, and the pink-skinned chef was quick to pick up on the use of the various kitchen devices, as well as the smoker. A grin had grown when she considered the possibility of all males understanding such domestic things readily, yet her mirth at removing the masculine job required of her was short-lived. Despite the newly initiated Malkrin’s success, Harrison had Akula frequently return to oversee the numerous cooking operations being conducted. That was in tandem with the back-to-back fishing trips made by both herself and the newly acquired females.
…Which was something else the green-skinned cycle-worshipper was ordered to oversee.
She had left the chef to his devices after producing another batch of partially seasoned meals, returning to the Creator with hopes of a break. He applauded her efforts with a nod and tersely spoken appreciation, then quickly pushed two spearguns into her hand and directed her to the ocean, where the twins were ‘working with jack shit,’ as the busy male said. She was to give the fisherwomen the tools and make sure they were used properly, and offer additional assistance in acquiring ‘enough fish to have us fed for a little bit.’
So, she left to complete the given task, feeling somewhat appreciative that her speargun was of superior quality to those she would be delivering—the newcomers were only afforded the lesser, roped-bolt version. It was only natural that she was in possession of their greatest assets, of course; the star-sent saw her as the only one capable of wielding such fantastic ammunition, showing trust that was rightfully placed in her. That did not mean the gray-skinned females were unsatisfied with their own gifts, however. The twins were swiftly caught up on the ‘manual of arms’ and sent to work, somehow managing to keep up with Akula in spite of their land-based origins. The two were fast enough to outpace the cycle-worshipper in sheer speed, but their lack of numerous winters spent traversing deeper waters meant they required frequent rests, breaking the ocean’s surface after every third captured fish or so.
Still, she had to appreciate their dedication to their task. They never complained about Akula pushing them further to reach the star-sent’s vague objective. Such a task was entrusted to her—and by proxy, the other two—and thus it would be completed, no matter how much her comfortable bed… couch called her tiring muscles.
The group of three hauled net after full net of fresh meat to the chef—and sewist, who later joined him—forcing him to relegate much of the catch to long-term storage as the kitchen simply could not deal with the surplus. At least three-quarters of the fish were put to slow cook in the now Malkrin-sized smoker. The craftsman had upgraded it with a kit provided by Harrison, who had recycled much of the dining room and workshop furniture to accommodate it. The Creator’s showcased urgency to gather materials was clearly not unfounded… It was admirable how he used what little he had left to ensure food would not be scarce. Additionally, the apparatus exuded an excellent scent for all the survivors to enjoy, the earthy aroma drawing in some of the other Malkrin for their breaks or meals.
Those were not the end of the cycle-worshiper’s tasks, however. She was also required to report on Shar’khee’s progress in training the guardswoman—helping to recycle the small swarm of abhorrent they cleared earlier—as well as the wood storage building’s progress. Indeed, she was advising and assisting however and wherever applicable. To say she was seen all around the settlement would be an understatement.
Nevertheless, she was appreciative to see her efforts bearing fruit by sundown. The processing of their meals from sea to plate was quite efficient, and those that Akula taught were now well-practiced in their duties. The twin fisherwomen dove from wave to wave, bringing fish back to the barracks, where the cook and sewist swiftly worked to transfer the meat to pans and smoker hooks alike. Then, the remnants of the Sea Goddess’ aquatic gifts would be subsequently recycled and given purpose anew as biofuel or perhaps future fertilizer.
The endless onslaught of duties and responsibilities had enlightened her, in a way. She could see where Harrison came from now; having a working project go from one point to another without input nor difficulty was a sight to behold, and it made her swell with pride. It was a surmountable feat to teach the barbaric ground-worshippers to do something properly.
…Well, they were not horrible Malkrin, so perhaps simply calling them ‘uninitiated’ was a more apt descriptor…
No matter the tribulations faced, and no matter how draining her new authority might be, her rest at the end of the day would be one that was well-earned, and it would be had with a sense of satisfaction. She deserved it, and perhaps that extended to the rest of the settlement as well.
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2024.05.19 15:59 Isles26 Ultimate All-Time Winnipeg Jets Roster

Ultimate All-Time Winnipeg Jets Roster
Recently I have undergone the task of setting up for a fun experience via offline game modes. With this task is to do all NHL teams’ all time rosters and to specifically have them correctly edited, or created via create a playegoalie.
Currently next up is the Winnipeg Jets. This involves assembling the ultimate all-time Jets roster for NHL 24 customization. The roster should consist of 21 players, including forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders.
1. Required Players: Construct a roster of 21 players, including forwards, defensemen, and goaltenders. 2. Positional Breakdown: Ensure the roster includes forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders. 3. Selection Criteria: Evaluate players based on their impact and contributions to the Winnipeg Jets franchise, considering statistical achievements, leadership qualities, postseason success, and overall impact on the organization. 
Roster Format: (Copy and paste)
Line 1 LW - C - RW -
Line 2 LW - C - RW -
Line 3 LW - C - RW -
Line 4 LW - C - RW -
Defense: Line 1 D - D -
Line 2 D - D -
Line 3 D - D -
Goalies: Starter - Backup -
Healthy Scratches: 1- 2- 3-
First and foremost. The reason I post to a Jets page over say an ea nhl page is simply do the dedication involved. I don’t get nearly the amount of passion in ea nhl threads as I would by going directly to fans of that team.
Thank you to everyone who participated in creating the Ultimate All-Time Jets roster. This project is specifically focused on the intricate and time-consuming task of customizing NHL 24 rosters. Your contributions are incredibly valuable because they allow me to quickly see your answers and make the roster happen without spending excessive time on research.
Creating these rosters involves much more than just listing players. Many of the players you’ll come up with won’t actually be in NHL 24, so I’ll need to create them via create a playegoalie. This includes matching the best face model, shot style, skating style, and all player attributes, striving for as much realism as possible rather than randomly assigning ratings. The process also entails setting accurate goal celebrations, jersey numbers, and more. Unfortunately, one limitation is that players from the no-helmet era will still have to wear helmets in the game.
Additionally, I’ll be working on creating all-time Olympic rosters, including A, B, and C teams for countries with large depths of talent, such as Team Russia. This involves making their logos and uniforms as accurate as possible given the game’s limited customization options.
Your input greatly streamlines this process, and I appreciate your help in making these detailed and authentic rosters a reality.
submitted by Isles26 to winnipegjets [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:59 Emotional-Brief-1775 'The Dahmer Case - A Critical Analysis' Continues To Gain Traction

'The Dahmer Case - A Critical Analysis' Continues To Gain Traction
As we continue to gain traction, it's encouraging to see other creators sharing our findings. However, we must caution against the proliferation of parodies and imposters that could dilute the important message we're trying to convey (inevitable but something to be aware of).
It's crucial that we approach the subject matter with a critical eye and an understanding of the complexities involved.
Our in-depth examination of this case has struck a chord with those who are eager to better understand the truth. As more people engage with this content, it's crucial that the information being shared is accurate, well-researched, and presented with the gravity the topic deserves.
While we welcome the increased awareness and discussion, we urge creators to be mindful of the sensitive nature of this subject matter. Let's continue to approach this analysis with the utmost care and respect.
If you come across information that hasn't already been found here, feel free to check with us. As experienced researchers and writers, we are dedicated to providing the most accurate and up-to-date analysis on this case.
With a show, a published book and now more creators sharing our work, we are pleased to welcome those who want to share our work and preferably cite us as the source.
By citing "The Dahmer Case" as the source, these new projects and initiatives will help to ensure that the information being disseminated is reliable and grounded in thorough research. This is a testament to the importance of the authors' work and their commitment to providing a critical analysis that can inform and educate the public on this complex and disturbing story.
Our mission is one of spreading awareness and knowledge on this crucial subject matter, so its great to see word spreading. As long as it stays accurate.
And remember -
Our free 300+ page dossier is packed with thoroughly researched insights and a comprehensive list of sources to back it all up.
So don't just take our word for it - dive into the data yourself:
Free Dossier

Please feel free to share our Welcome Newsletter as it's a good place to start navigating the wealth of information we have accumulated (there's a lot).

Example of a creator sharing and referencing our work (there's others). Spanish channel agrees with our findings:
It was good to see the positive reaction in this example. Viewers expressed that they are not surprised by the revelations of church and judicial corruption that have emerged throughout the story.
Remember, if you come across information that does not cite its sources, or that you cannot independently verify, it's wise to proceed with caution.
We prioritize accuracy and transparency, always citing our sources to ensure the reliability of the information we present.
Through a balanced and well-researched approach, this ongoing analysis aims to shed light on the nuances and broader implications of this story, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding that goes beyond sensationalism. By critically examining the facts and drawing upon credible sources, we strive to deliver a compelling and insightful exploration of this complex and disturbing topic.

submitted by Emotional-Brief-1775 to TheDahmerCase [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:58 Isles26 Ultimate All-Time Washington Capitals Roster

Ultimate All-Time Washington Capitals Roster
Recently I have undergone the task of setting up for a fun experience via offline game modes. With this task is to do all NHL teams’ all time rosters and to specifically have them correctly edited, or created via create a playegoalie.
Currently next up is the Washington Capitals. This involves assembling the ultimate all-time Caps roster for NHL 24 customization. The roster should consist of 21 players, including forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders.
1. Required Players: Construct a roster of 21 players, including forwards, defensemen, and goaltenders. 2. Positional Breakdown: Ensure the roster includes forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders. 3. Selection Criteria: Evaluate players based on their impact and contributions to the Washington Capitals franchise, considering statistical achievements, leadership qualities, postseason success, and overall impact on the organization. 
Roster Format: (Copy and paste)
Line 1 LW - C - RW -
Line 2 LW - C - RW -
Line 3 LW - C - RW -
Line 4 LW - C - RW -
Defense: Line 1 D - D -
Line 2 D - D -
Line 3 D - D -
Goalies: Starter - Backup -
Healthy Scratches: 1- 2- 3-
First and foremost. The reason I post to a Caps page over say an ea nhl page is simply do the dedication involved. I don’t get nearly the amount of passion in ea nhl threads as I would by going directly to fans of that team.
Thank you to everyone who participated in creating the Ultimate All-Time Caps roster. This project is specifically focused on the intricate and time-consuming task of customizing NHL 24 rosters. Your contributions are incredibly valuable because they allow me to quickly see your answers and make the roster happen without spending excessive time on research.
Creating these rosters involves much more than just listing players. Many of the players you’ll come up with won’t actually be in NHL 24, so I’ll need to create them via create a playegoalie. This includes matching the best face model, shot style, skating style, and all player attributes, striving for as much realism as possible rather than randomly assigning ratings. The process also entails setting accurate goal celebrations, jersey numbers, and more. Unfortunately, one limitation is that players from the no-helmet era will still have to wear helmets in the game.
Additionally, I’ll be working on creating all-time Olympic rosters, including A, B, and C teams for countries with large depths of talent, such as Team Russia. This involves making their logos and uniforms as accurate as possible given the game’s limited customization options.
Your input greatly streamlines this process, and I appreciate your help in making these detailed and authentic rosters a reality.
submitted by Isles26 to caps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:56 Isles26 Ultimate All-Time Vegas Golden Knights Roster

Ultimate All-Time Vegas Golden Knights Roster
Recently I have undergone the task of setting up for a fun experience via offline game modes. With this task is to do all NHL teams’ all time rosters and to specifically have them correctly edited, or created via create a playegoalie.
Currently next up is the Vegas Golden Knights. This involves assembling the ultimate all-time Vegas roster for NHL 24 customization. The roster should consist of 21 players, including forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders.
1. Required Players: Construct a roster of 21 players, including forwards, defensemen, and goaltenders. 2. Positional Breakdown: Ensure the roster includes forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders. 3. Selection Criteria: Evaluate players based on their impact and contributions to the Vegas Golden Knights franchise, considering statistical achievements, leadership qualities, postseason success, and overall impact on the organization. 
Roster Format: (Copy and paste)
Line 1 LW - C - RW -
Line 2 LW - C - RW -
Line 3 LW - C - RW -
Line 4 LW - C - RW -
Defense: Line 1 D - D -
Line 2 D - D -
Line 3 D - D -
Goalies: Starter - Backup -
Healthy Scratches: 1- 2- 3-
First and foremost. The reason I post to a Golden Knights page over say an ea nhl page is simply do the dedication involved. I don’t get nearly the amount of passion in ea nhl threads as I would by going directly to fans of that team.
Thank you to everyone who participated in creating the Ultimate All-Time VGK roster. Though they are a relatively new franchise. Any help forming these rosters is appreciated. Thus, would probably more lenient on player tenure and more focused on any super star being a knight.
This project is specifically focused on the intricate and time-consuming task of customizing NHL 24 rosters. Your contributions are incredibly valuable because they allow me to quickly see your answers and make the roster happen without spending excessive time on research.
Creating these rosters involves much more than just listing players. Many of the players you’ll come up with won’t actually be in NHL 24, so I’ll need to create them via create a playegoalie. This includes matching the best face model, shot style, skating style, and all player attributes, striving for as much realism as possible rather than randomly assigning ratings. The process also entails setting accurate goal celebrations, jersey numbers, and more. Unfortunately, one limitation is that players from the no-helmet era will still have to wear helmets in the game.
Additionally, I’ll be working on creating all-time Olympic rosters, including A, B, and C teams for countries with large depths of talent, such as Team Russia. This involves making their logos and uniforms as accurate as possible given the game’s limited customization options.
Your input greatly streamlines this process, and I appreciate your help in making these detailed and authentic rosters a reality.
submitted by Isles26 to goldenknights [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:50 xX_Disaster-Kit_Xx ADVICE NEEDED

I’m not sure if this can go in this community, I’ve never used it but Reddit asked me to pick one to post in, so hopefully this works out.
TLDR at the bottom
Hello, I don’t ever really post here, I mainly use it to read stories or cheer myself up a bit after a hard day. But, today is different. We live in NY, that may be important later on.
So, the other day, my boyfriend and I went out with some friends. We ate and I ended up getting food poisoning, I was supposed to go in at 11am today but unfortunately couldn’t due to my current illness that will pass. My boyfriend texted me this morning, his message stated that our boss cut back our hours from 5 days a week to 2 days (for me) and 3 days (for him). Please keep in mind that our boss is the same woman who will praise us to our faces then turn around and attempt to pin all of our co-workers against us. This is also the same woman who attempted to frame me of stealing money, which I didn’t do and she fired the one who did it, but she still insists that I cannot be trusted and that I am “lazy” and “incapable of hard work”. I work in a gas station deli, by no means is that “hard work”. I worked in two different restaurants, both were quite popular where I used to live.
Not only has my boss consistently degraded myself, my boyfriend, and the only diligent works; but she also consistently claims that she does everything. This woman comes in for 3 1/2 hours, makes some weird looking/smelling food that only two people get, makes a mess out of the entire deli and hot food sections, refuses to do her dishes, acts as though every one else is in the wrong for coming to work. She is also now attempting to get me in trouble for my physical issues (that have gone undiagnosed due to medical professional ignorance and parental neglect (father’s side)), acting as if they’re not real and treating me like I’m making it up “just so I don’t have to work”. If that was the case, I wouldn’t work there.
I started working there in late January, early February and this woman has nonstop proven that she should not be in charge. She promoted myself and my boyfriend to supervisors and gave us a raise, we haven’t gotten our raise and she likes to tell us we have no authority and that we can’t do anything. At this point, I am genuinely lost with what to do. My boyfriend and I are looking for good jobs that pay us way more, we only make minimum wage and in the economy, we can’t afford ANYTHING. I can’t even get insurance or start working towards my financial goals because of this woman.
I do not feel as though it is legal to almost completely knock someone’s schedule because they missed one day. My boyfriend hasn’t missed any days recently so his schedule being docked hours makes no sense. If mine was knocked a day or two, that would make sense to me. But taking more than half of my work week away because you have a silly vendetta that YOU concocted, that doesn’t make any sense to me. I have over 50 files collected of all that has been said and does as well as witnesses if I need them, but any regulatory advice would be HIGHLY appreciated.
TLDR: My boss is on a power trip at our convenience store and is cutting my hours because I got sick, as well as creating many issues between myself and other co-workers. What do I do?
Edit: this is the same woman who will get very angry with me or any of our co-workers for asking a question or trying to explain ourselves, she won’t even let us get a word in and just berates us for USUALLY no reason.
Edit two: I was recently informed that she (my boss) was fired from another location for doing the same thing she’s doing at our current place of work. I also got a comment about Walmart manager training, she worked at Walmart so that explains a bit for me.
submitted by xX_Disaster-Kit_Xx to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:50 Isles26 Ultimate All-Time Toronto Maple Leafs Roster

Ultimate All-Time Toronto Maple Leafs Roster
Recently I have undergone the task of setting up for a fun experience via offline game modes. With this task is to do all NHL teams’ all time rosters and to specifically have them correctly edited, or created via create a playegoalie.
Currently next up is the Toronto Maple Leafs. This involves assembling the ultimate all-time Leafs roster for NHL 24 customization. The roster should consist of 21 players, including forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders.
1. Required Players: Construct a roster of 21 players, including forwards, defensemen, and goaltenders. 2. Positional Breakdown: Ensure the roster includes forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders. 3. Selection Criteria: Evaluate players based on their impact and contributions to the Toronto Maple Leafs franchise, considering statistical achievements, leadership qualities, postseason success, and overall impact on the organization. 
Roster Format: (Copy and paste)
Line 1 LW - C - RW -
Line 2 LW - C - RW -
Line 3 LW - C - RW -
Line 4 LW - C - RW -
Defense: Line 1 D - D -
Line 2 D - D -
Line 3 D - D -
Goalies: Starter - Backup -
Healthy Scratches: 1- 2- 3-
First and foremost. The reason I post to a Leafs page over say an ea nhl page is simply do the dedication involved. I don’t get nearly the amount of passion in ea nhl threads as I would by going directly to fans of that team.
Thank you to everyone who participated in creating the Ultimate All-Time Maple Leafs roster. This project is specifically focused on the intricate and time-consuming task of customizing NHL 24 rosters. Your contributions are incredibly valuable because they allow me to quickly see your answers and make the roster happen without spending excessive time on research.
Creating these rosters involves much more than just listing players. Many of the players you’ll come up with won’t actually be in NHL 24, so I’ll need to create them via create a playegoalie. This includes matching the best face model, shot style, skating style, and all player attributes, striving for as much realism as possible rather than randomly assigning ratings. The process also entails setting accurate goal celebrations, jersey numbers, and more. Unfortunately, one limitation is that players from the no-helmet era will still have to wear helmets in the game.
Additionally, I’ll be working on creating all-time Olympic rosters, including A, B, and C teams for countries with large depths of talent, such as Team Russia. This involves making their logos and uniforms as accurate as possible given the game’s limited customization options.
Your input greatly streamlines this process, and I appreciate your help in making these detailed and authentic rosters a reality.
submitted by Isles26 to leafs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:48 Isles26 Ultimate All-Time Tampa Bay Lightning Roster

Ultimate All-Time TB Lightning Roster
Recently I have undergone the task of setting up for a fun experience via offline game modes. With this task is to do all NHL teams’ all time rosters and to specifically have them correctly edited, or created via create a playegoalie.
Currently next up is the Tampa Bay Lightning. This involves assembling the ultimate all-time Bolts roster for NHL 24 customization. The roster should consist of 21 players, including forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders.
1. Required Players: Construct a roster of 21 players, including forwards, defensemen, and goaltenders. 2. Positional Breakdown: Ensure the roster includes forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders. 3. Selection Criteria: Evaluate players based on their impact and contributions to the TB Lightning franchise, considering statistical achievements, leadership qualities, postseason success, and overall impact on the organization. 
Roster Format: (Copy and paste)
Line 1 LW - C - RW -
Line 2 LW - C - RW -
Line 3 LW - C - RW -
Line 4 LW - C - RW -
Defense: Line 1 D - D -
Line 2 D - D -
Line 3 D - D -
Goalies: Starter - Backup -
Healthy Scratches: 1- 2- 3-
First and foremost. The reason I post to a TBL page over say an ea nhl page is simply do the dedication involved. I don’t get nearly the amount of passion in ea nhl threads as I would by going directly to fans of that team.
Thank you to everyone who participated in creating the Ultimate All-Time Bolts roster. This project is specifically focused on the intricate and time-consuming task of customizing NHL 24 rosters. Your contributions are incredibly valuable because they allow me to quickly see your answers and make the roster happen without spending excessive time on research.
Creating these rosters involves much more than just listing players. Many of the players you’ll come up with won’t actually be in NHL 24, so I’ll need to create them via create a playegoalie. This includes matching the best face model, shot style, skating style, and all player attributes, striving for as much realism as possible rather than randomly assigning ratings. The process also entails setting accurate goal celebrations, jersey numbers, and more. Unfortunately, one limitation is that players from the no-helmet era will still have to wear helmets in the game.
Additionally, I’ll be working on creating all-time Olympic rosters, including A, B, and C teams for countries with large depths of talent, such as Team Russia. This involves making their logos and uniforms as accurate as possible given the game’s limited customization options.
Your input greatly streamlines this process, and I appreciate your help in making these detailed and authentic rosters a reality.
submitted by Isles26 to TampaBayLightning [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:47 ClockworkAether Looking for a new remote Job...

Greetings All!
The title of the post pretty much sums it up. I resigned from my previous company of 5 years and am looking for a remote job, but having some trouble finding a decent way to search for VOIP jobs. If anyone knows of anyone hiring (remote workers) or has any tips or tricks to find a decent job these days I'd much appreciate it!
submitted by ClockworkAether to voipjobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:46 Isles26 Ultimate All-Time St.Louis Blues Roster

Ultimate All-Time STL Blues Roster
Recently I have undergone the task of setting up for a fun experience via offline game modes. With this task is to do all NHL teams’ all time rosters and to specifically have them correctly edited, or created via create a playegoalie.
Currently next up is the St. Louis Blues. This involves assembling the ultimate all-time Blues roster for NHL 24 customization. The roster should consist of 21 players, including forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders.
1. Required Players: Construct a roster of 21 players, including forwards, defensemen, and goaltenders. 2. Positional Breakdown: Ensure the roster includes forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders. 3. Selection Criteria: Evaluate players based on their impact and contributions to the St.Louis Blues franchise, considering statistical achievements, leadership qualities, postseason success, and overall impact on the organization. 
Roster Format: (Copy and paste)
Line 1 LW - C - RW -
Line 2 LW - C - RW -
Line 3 LW - C - RW -
Line 4 LW - C - RW -
Defense: Line 1 D - D -
Line 2 D - D -
Line 3 D - D -
Goalies: Starter - Backup -
Healthy Scratches: 1- 2- 3-
First and foremost. The reason I post to a Blues page over say an ea nhl page is simply do the dedication involved. I don’t get nearly the amount of passion in ea nhl threads as I would by going directly to fans of that team.
Thank you to everyone who participated in creating the Ultimate All-Time STL Blues roster. This project is specifically focused on the intricate and time-consuming task of customizing NHL 24 rosters. Your contributions are incredibly valuable because they allow me to quickly see your answers and make the roster happen without spending excessive time on research.
Creating these rosters involves much more than just listing players. Many of the players you’ll come up with won’t actually be in NHL 24, so I’ll need to create them via create a playegoalie. This includes matching the best face model, shot style, skating style, and all player attributes, striving for as much realism as possible rather than randomly assigning ratings. The process also entails setting accurate goal celebrations, jersey numbers, and more. Unfortunately, one limitation is that players from the no-helmet era will still have to wear helmets in the game.
Additionally, I’ll be working on creating all-time Olympic rosters, including A, B, and C teams for countries with large depths of talent, such as Team Russia. This involves making their logos and uniforms as accurate as possible given the game’s limited customization options.
Your input greatly streamlines this process, and I appreciate your help in making these detailed and authentic rosters a reality.
submitted by Isles26 to stlouisblues [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:44 Isles26 Ultimate All-Time Seattle Kraken Roster

Ultimate All-Time Seattle Kraken Roster
Recently I have undergone the task of setting up for a fun experience via offline game modes. With this task is to do all NHL teams’ all time rosters and to specifically have them correctly edited, or created via create a playegoalie.
Currently next up is the Seattle Kraken. This involves assembling the ultimate all-time Kraken roster for NHL 24 customization. The roster should consist of 21 players, including forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders.
1. Required Players: Construct a roster of 21 players, including forwards, defensemen, and goaltenders. 2. Positional Breakdown: Ensure the roster includes forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders. 3. Selection Criteria: Evaluate players based on their impact and contributions to the Seattle Kraken franchise, considering statistical achievements, leadership qualities, postseason success, and overall impact on the organization. 
Roster Format: (Copy and paste)
Line 1 LW - C - RW -
Line 2 LW - C - RW -
Line 3 LW - C - RW -
Line 4 LW - C - RW -
Defense: Line 1 D - D -
Line 2 D - D -
Line 3 D - D -
Goalies: Starter - Backup -
Healthy Scratches: 1- 2- 3-
First and foremost. The reason I post to a Kraken page over say an ea nhl page is simply do the dedication involved. I don’t get nearly the amount of passion in ea nhl threads as I would by going directly to fans of that team.
Thank you to everyone who participated in creating the Ultimate All-Time Kraken roster. Though a relatively new franchise, any answers will make this a breeze. Since this is the case I’d have allowed any superstar that made it to that roster. Otherwise I don’t see them doing well in a simulation lol. This project is specifically focused on the intricate and time-consuming task of customizing NHL 24 rosters. Your contributions are incredibly valuable because they allow me to quickly see your answers and make the roster happen without spending excessive time on research.
Creating these rosters involves much more than just listing players. Many of the players you’ll come up with won’t actually be in NHL 24, so I’ll need to create them via create a playegoalie. This includes matching the best face model, shot style, skating style, and all player attributes, striving for as much realism as possible rather than randomly assigning ratings. The process also entails setting accurate goal celebrations, jersey numbers, and more. Unfortunately, one limitation is that players from the no-helmet era will still have to wear helmets in the game.
Additionally, I’ll be working on creating all-time Olympic rosters, including A, B, and C teams for countries with large depths of talent, such as Team Russia. This involves making their logos and uniforms as accurate as possible given the game’s limited customization options.
Your input greatly streamlines this process, and I appreciate your help in making these detailed and authentic rosters a reality.
submitted by Isles26 to SeattleKraken [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:40 Isles26 Ultimate San Jose Sharks

Ultimate All-Time San Jose Sharks Roster
Recently I have undergone the task of setting up for a fun experience via offline game modes. With this task is to do all NHL teams’ all time rosters and to specifically have them correctly edited, or created via create a playegoalie.
Currently next up is the San Jose Sharks. This involves assembling the ultimate all-time SJS roster for NHL 24 customization. The roster should consist of 21 players, including forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders.
1. Required Players: Construct a roster of 21 players, including forwards, defensemen, and goaltenders. 2. Positional Breakdown: Ensure the roster includes forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders. 3. Selection Criteria: Evaluate players based on their impact and contributions to the San Jose Sharks franchise, considering statistical achievements, leadership qualities, postseason success, and overall impact on the organization. 
Roster Format: (Copy and paste)
Line 1 LW - C - RW -
Line 2 LW - C - RW -
Line 3 LW - C - RW -
Line 4 LW - C - RW -
Defense: Line 1 D - D -
Line 2 D - D -
Line 3 D - D -
Goalies: Starter - Backup -
Healthy Scratches: 1- 2- 3-
First and foremost. The reason I post to a Sharks page over say an ea nhl page is simply do the dedication involved. I don’t get nearly the amount of passion in ea nhl threads as I would by going directly to fans of that team.
Thank you to everyone who participated in creating the Ultimate All-Time SJS roster. This project is specifically focused on the intricate and time-consuming task of customizing NHL 24 rosters. Your contributions are incredibly valuable because they allow me to quickly see your answers and make the roster happen without spending excessive time on research.
Creating these rosters involves much more than just listing players. Many of the players you’ll come up with won’t actually be in NHL 24, so I’ll need to create them via create a playegoalie. This includes matching the best face model, shot style, skating style, and all player attributes, striving for as much realism as possible rather than randomly assigning ratings. The process also entails setting accurate goal celebrations, jersey numbers, and more. Unfortunately, one limitation is that players from the no-helmet era will still have to wear helmets in the game.
Additionally, I’ll be working on creating all-time Olympic rosters, including A, B, and C teams for countries with large depths of talent, such as Team Russia. This involves making their logos and uniforms as accurate as possible given the game’s limited customization options.
Your input greatly streamlines this process, and I appreciate your help in making these detailed and authentic rosters a reality.
submitted by Isles26 to SanJoseSharks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:38 Isles26 Ultimate All-Time Pittsburgh Penguins Roster

Ultimate All-Time Pittsburgh PenguinsRoster
Recently I have undergone the task of setting up for a fun experience via offline game modes. With this task is to do all NHL teams’ all time rosters and to specifically have them correctly edited, or created via create a playegoalie.
Currently next up is the Pittsburgh Penguins. This involves assembling the ultimate all-time Pens roster for NHL 24 customization. The roster should consist of 21 players, including forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders.
1. Required Players: Construct a roster of 21 players, including forwards, defensemen, and goaltenders. 2. Positional Breakdown: Ensure the roster includes forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders. 3. Selection Criteria: Evaluate players based on their impact and contributions to the Pittsburgh Penguins franchise, considering statistical achievements, leadership qualities, postseason success, and overall impact on the organization. 
Roster Format: (Copy and paste)
Line 1 LW - C - RW -
Line 2 LW - C - RW -
Line 3 LW - C - RW -
Line 4 LW - C - RW -
Defense: Line 1 D - D -
Line 2 D - D -
Line 3 D - D -
Goalies: Starter - Backup -
Healthy Scratches: 1- 2- 3-
First and foremost. The reason I post to a Pens page over say an ea nhl page is simply do the dedication involved. I don’t get nearly the amount of passion in ea nhl threads as I would by going directly to fans of that team.
Thank you to everyone who participated in creating the Ultimate All-Time Pens roster. This project is specifically focused on the intricate and time-consuming task of customizing NHL 24 rosters. Your contributions are incredibly valuable because they allow me to quickly see your answers and make the roster happen without spending excessive time on research.
Creating these rosters involves much more than just listing players. Many of the players you’ll come up with won’t actually be in NHL 24, so I’ll need to create them via create a playegoalie. This includes matching the best face model, shot style, skating style, and all player attributes, striving for as much realism as possible rather than randomly assigning ratings. The process also entails setting accurate goal celebrations, jersey numbers, and more. Unfortunately, one limitation is that players from the no-helmet era will still have to wear helmets in the game.
Additionally, I’ll be working on creating all-time Olympic rosters, including A, B, and C teams for countries with large depths of talent, such as Team Russia. This involves making their logos and uniforms as accurate as possible given the game’s limited customization options.
Your input greatly streamlines this process, and I appreciate your help in making these detailed and authentic rosters a reality.
submitted by Isles26 to penguins [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:36 Isles26 Ultimate All-Time Philadelphia Flyers Roster

Ultimate All-Time Philadelphia Flyers Roster
Recently I have undergone the task of setting up for a fun experience via offline game modes. With this task is to do all NHL teams’ all time rosters and to specifically have them correctly edited, or created via create a playegoalie.
Currently next up is the Philadelphia Flyers. This involves assembling the ultimate all-time Flyers roster for NHL 24 customization. The roster should consist of 21 players, including forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders.
1. Required Players: Construct a roster of 21 players, including forwards, defensemen, and goaltenders. 2. Positional Breakdown: Ensure the roster includes forward lines 1-4, three defensive pairs, and two goaltenders. 3. Selection Criteria: Evaluate players based on their impact and contributions to the Philadelphia Flyers franchise, considering statistical achievements, leadership qualities, postseason success, and overall impact on the organization. 
Roster Format: (Copy and paste)
Line 1 LW - C - RW -
Line 2 LW - C - RW -
Line 3 LW - C - RW -
Line 4 LW - C - RW -
Defense: Line 1 D - D -
Line 2 D - D -
Line 3 D - D -
Goalies: Starter - Backup -
Healthy Scratches: 1- 2- 3-
First and foremost. The reason I post to a Flyers page over say an ea nhl page is simply do the dedication involved. I don’t get nearly the amount of passion in ea nhl threads as I would by going directly to fans of that team.
Thank you to everyone who participated in creating the Ultimate All-Time Flyers roster. This project is specifically focused on the intricate and time-consuming task of customizing NHL 24 rosters. Your contributions are incredibly valuable because they allow me to quickly see your answers and make the roster happen without spending excessive time on research.
Creating these rosters involves much more than just listing players. Many of the players you’ll come up with won’t actually be in NHL 24, so I’ll need to create them via create a playegoalie. This includes matching the best face model, shot style, skating style, and all player attributes, striving for as much realism as possible rather than randomly assigning ratings. The process also entails setting accurate goal celebrations, jersey numbers, and more. Unfortunately, one limitation is that players from the no-helmet era will still have to wear helmets in the game.
Additionally, I’ll be working on creating all-time Olympic rosters, including A, B, and C teams for countries with large depths of talent, such as Team Russia. This involves making their logos and uniforms as accurate as possible given the game’s limited customization options.
Your input greatly streamlines this process, and I appreciate your help in making these detailed and authentic rosters a reality.
submitted by Isles26 to Flyers [link] [comments]