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2014.11.21 00:37 chredit Total Solar Eclipse

A place to share information that helps fellow redditors optimize their experience of a Total Solar Eclipse (TSE).

2012.04.04 21:57 rootwinterguard Shadowrun Returns

A hub for news, user-created content, Let's Play (LP) videos, commentary and all-else-related to the tactical, turn-based cRPG 'Shadowrun Returns.'

2024.05.19 11:10 AdministrativeBit970 Bu doğru mu lan

Bu doğru mu lan submitted by AdministrativeBit970 to hiphoptr [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:06 Alarmed_Reference_66 Habsburg for All !!!!

Habsburg for All !!!! submitted by Alarmed_Reference_66 to eu4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:06 PurplOrange333 Not enough space on MLC?

Not enough space on MLC?
Whenever I try to install a game, this appears on the screen, the SD card is of 32 GBs so it's imposible that the files of modding the 3ds has occupied everything, I don't know what MLC actually means, please any type of help is appreciated
submitted by PurplOrange333 to WiiUHacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:05 ImDanielNotDanny Samsung S3600 or Nokia Asha 210 as Dumbphones?

Samsung S3600 or Nokia Asha 210 as Dumbphones?
Wanted to buy a Dumbphone that can be used alongside my dumbed-down Samsung Galaxy Young S6310. Don't know if I should go with a Flip phone (Samsung S3600) or a QWERTY one (Nokia Asha 210).
Any recommendations/suggestions will help!
submitted by ImDanielNotDanny to dumbphones [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:04 Zanxiyo "The Whispering Shadows"

The old family home stood at the edge of town, its once grand facade now weathered and worn by time. The town's whispers about the house had reached my ears many times throughout my childhood, but I had never given them much thought. Now, standing before the creaking gate that led to the overgrown path, I felt an inexplicable urge to discover the truth.
I had inherited the house after my great-uncle Nathaniel passed away, a man I barely knew but whose presence seemed to linger in every corner. The dusty heirlooms and musty bookshelves hinted at a long and storied history. It was a history I intended to uncover.
The first few days were uneventful. I spent my time clearing out cobwebs and sorting through old papers, most of which were mundane—bills, letters, old photographs. But then, tucked away in a hidden compartment of Nathaniel's desk, I found a bundle of letters tied with a faded red ribbon. The letters were old, the paper yellowed and brittle. They were addressed to my great-grandmother, Beatrice, from someone named Arthur.
The letters spoke of forbidden love, betrayal, and a pact made in desperation. Arthur's words grew increasingly frantic as he described a dark secret shared by the family—a secret that, if revealed, would bring ruin upon them all. My curiosity piqued, I read on, unable to tear myself away.
One letter in particular stood out. Dated December 3, 1923, it detailed a horrific event: a fire that had claimed the lives of several townspeople. Arthur confessed to starting the fire, claiming it was necessary to protect the family from something far worse. He mentioned a cult, dark rituals, and a promise made to an entity he referred to only as "the Shadow."
The more I read, the more I felt an unsettling presence in the house. Shadows seemed to move on their own, and whispers echoed through the halls at night. Determined to understand, I ventured into the basement, where Nathaniel's journals hinted at more hidden secrets.
The basement was damp and cold, the air thick with mildew. Shelves lined with jars of strange substances and dusty books filled the room. At the far end, behind an old trunk, I found a small door. It creaked open to reveal a narrow staircase leading further down into darkness.
With a flashlight in hand, I descended, my heart pounding in my chest. The air grew colder with each step, and a sense of dread settled over me. At the bottom, I found a chamber filled with symbols carved into the stone walls. In the center was an altar, stained with what I could only hope was old wax.
As I examined the room, I found more letters, these from Nathaniel to someone named Margaret. They described rituals performed to keep the Shadow at bay, sacrifices made to ensure the family's prosperity. Nathaniel's last entry was a chilling plea for forgiveness, confessing that he had failed to uphold the pact and that the Shadow was coming for him.
Suddenly, the flashlight flickered and went out. Panic set in as I fumbled to turn it back on. When the light returned, I saw them—figures standing in the shadows, their eyes glowing with an unnatural light. They whispered in unison, a low chant that sent shivers down my spine.
"Blood of the betrayer," they intoned. "Blood of the guilty."
I tried to run, but my legs felt like lead. The figures closed in, their hands cold as ice as they grabbed me. I struggled, but it was no use. They dragged me to the altar, their chanting growing louder.
As they forced me down, I realized the truth: my family had been protecting a dark secret for generations, a secret that had now claimed me. The last thing I saw was a figure stepping out of the shadows, its eyes filled with malevolent glee.
The pain was sudden and all-consuming. My scream echoed through the chamber, blending with the chants. And then, there was nothing but darkness.
The house stood silent once more, its secrets buried deep within its walls. The townspeople still whispered about the old family home, but no one dared to venture inside. They said the shadows moved on their own, and at night, if you listened closely, you could still hear the whispers of the past.
Years passed, and the house remained untouched, a dark mark on the edge of town. Then, one evening, a young couple, unaware of the house’s history, moved in. They had bought the property cheaply, charmed by its antique allure.
Their first night in the house was uneventful. They laughed, unpacked, and made plans to renovate. But as the clock struck midnight, the atmosphere changed. The house seemed to come alive with a malevolent energy. The husband, Peter, heard a faint whispering. At first, he dismissed it as the wind, but the whispers grew louder, forming words.
"Blood of the betrayer... Blood of the guilty..."
He followed the sound to the basement, where the narrow door stood ajar. Against his better judgment, he descended the stairs. The flashlight flickered, casting eerie shadows on the walls. The chamber at the bottom was as I had left it, but now there was something new—a fresh inscription on the altar: "He who seeks shall find."
Peter turned to leave, but the shadows moved. Figures emerged, their eyes glowing with the same unnatural light. He screamed for help, but the basement door slammed shut, trapping him inside.
Upstairs, his wife, Emily, heard his screams and rushed to the basement door, but it wouldn't budge. She pounded on it, calling his name, but the house seemed to swallow her cries. Desperation set in, and she ran to the phone, dialing the police.
The police arrived quickly, but as they approached the house, they felt an unnatural chill. Inside, they found Emily, frantic and pale. She led them to the basement, but when they opened the door, the chamber was empty. There was no sign of Peter.
Days turned into weeks, and Peter was never found. Emily moved out, leaving the house abandoned once more. The townspeople spoke of the curse, of the family’s dark past, and warned newcomers to stay away.
But the house never stayed empty for long. Curiosity drew people in, and one by one, they disappeared, claimed by the shadows. The whispers continued, a never-ending chant of betrayal and guilt.
One stormy night, a group of ghost hunters arrived, eager to uncover the house's secrets. They set up their equipment, cameras rolling, as they ventured into the basement. The air was thick with tension, the shadows seemed to watch, waiting.
As they explored the chamber, the leader of the group, Sam, found the old letters. He read them aloud, his voice trembling. The whispers grew louder, the shadows closing in.
"Blood of the betrayer... Blood of the guilty..."
The cameras captured everything—the figures emerging from the darkness, the screams, the terror. But when the footage was reviewed, all that was visible was the empty basement, silent and still. The hunters were never seen again.
Years passed, and the house remained a dark legend. No one dared to enter, the whispers and shadows a constant warning. And yet, on moonless nights, the townspeople could see faint lights flickering in the windows, hear the faint whispers carried on the wind.
It was said that the house was a gateway, a place where the past and present intertwined, where the sins of the ancestors demanded atonement. Those who entered were lost, their souls trapped in a never-ending cycle of horror.
Then, one day, a young historian named James arrived in town. He was fascinated by the stories and determined to uncover the truth. Despite the warnings, he entered the house, armed with his knowledge and a sense of purpose.
He found the letters, the journals, the hidden chamber. But as he delved deeper, he uncovered something no one had seen before—a final letter from Nathaniel, hidden behind a loose brick. It spoke of a ritual to break the curse, to free the trapped souls.
With renewed hope, James prepared for the ritual, following the instructions meticulously. As he began, the house seemed to tremble, the shadows stirring violently. The whispers grew to a deafening roar, but he pressed on.
The final step required a sacrifice, a willing soul to take the place of the cursed. As James completed the ritual, he felt a searing pain. The shadows enveloped him, but he continued to chant the final words.
Suddenly, the whispers stopped. The shadows receded, and the house fell silent. The townspeople, watching from a distance, saw the lights go out and heard a final, blood-curdling scream.
The next morning, they found the house empty. The letters and journals were gone, the chamber sealed. James was never seen again, but the curse seemed to have lifted. The house stood silent, no longer a source of fear.
Years later, the house was sold and renovated. Families moved in and out, but the dark history remained a distant memory. The whispers and shadows were gone, but on stormy nights, the faint echoes of the past could still be heard, a reminder of the darkness that once lurked within.
And so, the legend of the old family home became a story told to children, a cautionary tale of curiosity and the consequences of uncovering secrets best left buried. But some say that on the darkest nights, if you listen closely, you can still hear the faint whisper: "Blood of the betrayer... Blood of the guilty..."
submitted by Zanxiyo to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:56 Sugarplumwish AITAH for not leaving the geyser on

I don't know who to ask advice of this so I thought reddit would be the best place. I 23 F Have been dating my 22 M boyfriend for a little over 2 years and today we had an argument. Usually I don't mind them and understand they are going to happen but today's was too much for me. For context I am currently unemployed with my boyfriend earning the household funds, because of this amongst other reasons I help him in the mornings. I get out of bed before him, lay out his clothes aswell as products he'll need then make breakfast and coffee and you guessed it, turn the geyser on. Last night I took a late bath and usually ask him if he'd like it on so he can shower afterwards, last night I didn't since it was late and I only took a bath since I was in pain. Fast forward to this morning. I half wake up seeing him dressed and annoyed. A little more context, he sometimes works on Sunday and in return wakes up later so he wants to do it himself. Anyway, as I wake up I see he's annoyed so out of instinct and care I asked if he was alright and if he was annoyed about something. He proceeded to tell me that I left the geyser off the one time he didn't tell me to and that he had a bad shower. Bare in mind I did ask why he was annoyed but I wasn't expecting that answer. After a few minutes I said I was sorry in which he proceeded to explain further that it annoyed him. Later after having time to think I confronted him and said that this was my first affence in this matter and asked why he got this mad at me because I couldn't grasp it. He continue with saying why does he need to ask, I should just do it which I proceeded to answer with that I ask him out of curtasy but forgot once. In this house my boyfriend and I share I felt bad leaving the geyser on since it just takes more money so I guess I instinctively didn't and didn't even have hot water myself. The arguements continued and he stormed off, but not before making a final statement. I respond with, you can't just walk away with him yelling I just did. Got in the kitchen where he was 5 seconds later and went to the fridge. I was hungry and acknowledged that I will not be treated with respect so what's the point of the conversation. He proceeded to ask questions like nothings wrong and I responded with the fact that I will not be speaking to someone who has no respect for me and storms off like a child. He proceeded to get offended and yelling at me. I told him I will not be yelled at like a dog, if he does not show me the same respect I show him I will not have this conversation. During which, he wanted to interrupt countless times which I did not allow in a span of 30 seconds. Than he stated that he is angry he is going to yell which I then stated again then I won't have this conversation. He trodded after me slamming the door open and yelling at me saying he is going to say this in which I said I do not want to have this conversation please respect that. He did not. He continued to yell in which a bit childish I know but I blocked my ears and kept repeating I do not want to talk please respect that and leave me alone while I could see his mouth moving and yelling. He then stormed off in a huff and continued to make snippy comments as he left. I was very supprised at how sound I handled they argument, stating my boundaries was kinda freeing. Worst part is he uses work as a reason not to handle the situation better because he will be late so whenever we have arguments he states that he does not have time for this so our arguments go unresolved. After the fight I walked out saying I do not want to talk to a man that has zero respect for me or time. After cooling down I think I should've just accepted the complaints and move on, I don't know what to do and honestly I am tired of it all, I love him so should I apologize or do something? AITAH?
submitted by Sugarplumwish to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:40 Sir-Cadogan I got my best friend killed. Now I'm in the mood to share my sins.

Last night I betrayed someone I cared about. Words cannot describe the bitterness and disgust I feel.
I am back home in Sydney, and I am safe. For those of you who have been following along, I found a way to resolve my situation with the Tremere Primogen. But I don’t think I was prepared for what it would cost me.
I had fled Australia a month ago for the safety of my sire’s haven in Valencia, Spain, travelling in secrecy in the squalor of unattended ship compartments. My return was a stark contrast, aboard the private jet I had chartered. No need for subtlety when you’ve already told the guy who wants you dead that you’re coming to see him. Would that the jet was the highest cost I paid…
When I arrived I was greeted by Thomasina, my Toreador Primogen, with whom I had arranged to set up a peaceful meeting with the Tremere Primogen so that I could negotiate an end to hostilities. Though, I was warned that if things went south my clan would not risk going to war with the Tremere just to protect me. No pressure. Also there to greet me was… my faithful assistant, Sophie…
We met the Tremere Primogen on neutral ground, at the Royal Botanical Gardens. The serene environment of the Formal Garden, where grand ceremonies are often held, bizarrely juxtaposed the tension in the air. The plan was simple; I had never practiced blood magic myself, only sold the services of Gregory, a former Tremere contact of mine, through BLVSH to other kindred. So, really, it was my contact who was disobeying the chantry and dealing behind its back. A contract who had betrayed me too, tried to kill me. For all anyone knew, I had no idea he was betraying the chantry and acted in good faith. Certainly, no one had proof I knew otherwise. And I happened to have that traitor staked and gift-wrapped, courtesy of Sandu. Wouldn’t it be easier for everyone involved if I just handed over Gregory to be executed for his crime?
The Tremere Primogen was as cold and severe as I remembered but, though he was initially skeptical, seemed to be in agreement. Upon handing over Gregory, he decided I was innocent of practicing blood sorcery outside of chantry control. But he was not yet satisfied. He said that selling the services of blood sorcery behind his back was still an injustice that needed to be righted. “I want to believe you,” he said. “I want to believe you’re an upstanding member of the court of Sydney. But I have records that BLVSH knowingly acted in defiance of the chantry. Only two people were involved in that side of the business. If it wasn’t you, clearly it was your ghoul.” Sophie… my dear Sophie…
I’m sure the Tremere Primogen knew it was me. He just couldn’t prove it. But he wanted to twist the knife, just to show who was in charge. My ghoul, he said, had endangered both our lives by putting us at odds with each other through her reckless actions. Justice demanded she be punished for it. And I… what else could I do but agree?
I saw the terror in Sophie’s eyes as they dragged her away from me. Sophie had been nothing but loyal, and yet here she was, being offered up as a scapegoat for my sins. My beautiful Sophie, she refused to turn on me, even as I turned on her. I stood there, powerless, as the Tremere Primogen reached his hand out to Sophie. Time seemed to slow as I looked on. And… all he did was touch her, and, jesus the horror of it. She practically melted before my eyes. Her skin began to drip from her body as her blood boiled. She clawed at her head as her hair came away in clumps and her eyes poured out of their sockets. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. I needed to see the full extent of my betrayal. And the screams. God, the screams. I can still hear them in my head. If there is any justice, I always will hear them.
And… and I am free. All is forgiven. Business as usual in the uncaring nights I reside in. And all it cost me was my closest, most trusted friend. What a bargain. I’m a fucking monster, and a coward, and a failure, and a terrible friend. I was too weak to accept the consequences of my actions. I’m no better than Gregory. Here in my empty haven, with only my guilt and shame for company, I still see the hollow sockets where Sophie’s eyes were when my eyes close. I’m sorry, I failed you.
Oh, and when I got home I destroyed my garden in a frenzy of rage and self-loathing. It’s okay, I don’t deserve beautiful things. I can’t take care of them.
submitted by Sir-Cadogan to SchreckNet [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:32 beauofalrest Libreng hula para sa mga accla

Practicing how to read the tarot, is anyone interested in a free reading? All I ask for in return is you tell me how I did! So I can do three card spreads and a relationship spread but still learning how to do a Celtic cross. DM DM lang and I'll get to your question thank you!
PS Remember that the tarot can only read into the energies of a situation, event, or would-be outcome it can't answer yes or no questions definitively or questions of who what when where but maybe the why. It will give you a peek into what kind of energies those people/situations are giving and that I can interpret for you. Yun lang ty ahaha
submitted by beauofalrest to phlgbt [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:29 NewCharterFounder Henry George's Unfinished Work

Free online course on the book! (via Zoom)
This course is intended to call attention to the flaws of mainstream economics. It will be a comprehensive exploration of the field, expanding and deepening the treatment of the subject of political economy in George’s earlier books. We will cover a broad range of topics, including but not limited to money and credit, forms of cooperation, the law of diminishing return as well as the nature of trade.
The instructor, Dr. Marty Rowland is a trustee at the Henry George School and a long time faculty member of the School.
Dates and Time: Part 1 : 5/20, 6/3, 6/10, 6/17, 6/24 – From 6:30PM to 7:30PM ET
Part 2: 7/1, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22, 7/29 – From 6:30PM to 7:30PM ET
Note: This is an online event. The link to join on Zoom, along with the Meeting ID and Passcode, will be provided via email the day of each session.
If you're a serious Georgist, you're already plugged into the HGSSS courses and seminars. If you're not there yet, this is as great a place as any to get started!
submitted by NewCharterFounder to georgism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:21 Andrei_CareE Eclipsa was a bad Queen.

Hello, in my opinion Eclipsa was a pretty bad queen for Mewni and i'm going to show you why this is the case.
Ever since i joined the fandom, Eclipsa seems to be a fan favorite in the show, where people and the show see her as a 'misunderstood bad girl with a good intentions' or that she did nothing wrong for the most part at least.
And while i agree she was misunderstood and that she at least doesn't have any evil intentions this doesn't excuse her awful performance as queen especially in the aftermath of Conquer during her short-lived second reign.
Eclipsa's First Reign (300+ years before the main events in the show)
During her first reign she almost caused the collapse of the Butterfly Dinasty by running away from her kingdom(and her duty as queen and legal husband) with a monster, and not any monsters but The King of Monsters, who was known to eat and terrorize mewmans, her subjects. Yes, i know Globgor sucessfully changed and became a vegetarian for his love of Eclipsa but the mewmans and the MHC weren't aware of this fact. You can imagine how mewmans would feel to have as their king someone nicknamed 'Plucker of Limbs' or 'Crusher of Skulls' and he would still be a possible threat as he could at any moment revert back into his old ways without Eclipsa's support, as we seen in the episode 'Doop-Doop' Globgor likey was the one with the idea to have a mewman-style cake hinting that he still has those instincts inside him but i digress.
For all his faults, King Shastacan remaining as the King-Regent after being cheated on and abandoned by the Queen of Mewni understandably wanted nothing to do with the bastard(in royal succession term) offspring of Eclipsa and Globgor and thus he choosed to disinheret her in subtle way possible by swapping Meteora with a peasant mewman baby, he was the one likely who ordered the MHC with finding the replacement heir to the throne which they did in Festivia who was adopted by King Shastacan and MHC into the Butterfly family, again as subtle as possible in order to maintain stability and give the impression of continuance of the royal bloodline.
And another argument to justify this action, in the hindsight, the MHC were vindicated and proven right about their fear of Meteora the hybrid mewman-monster of the most powerful magic Queen and king of Monsters, considering how powerful she became in the season 3 final episodes and especially the finale 'Conquer', she almost caused the destruction of mewmanity and the Butterfly kingdom.
Eclipsa's Second Reign (Post Season 3 Finale after Conquer)
And now getting to her 2nd reign, after Star decided(sadly and unwisely in my opinion) to give the throne back to Eclipsa as she saw Eclipsa being the rightful queen(despite she effectively abdicating when she fled the kingdom the run away with the Globgor but whatever)
One of her first acts as queen was to move the capital to the Monster Temple as the Butterfly Castle laid in ruins after the Star vs Meteora showdown, which is understandable but she decided to keep it as the permanent capital and leave the Butterfly Castle, with so much prestige and history behind it in ruins which probably wasn't taken lightly by the mewman population who felt like their new queen(they already distrust and dislike) snub them for monsters, especially after naming the new capital 'New Monster Town'
This change symbolizing a change of focus away from mewmans and towards the monsters which again likely infuriated alot of mewmans, fermenting an understandable resentment towards Eclipsa the queen who they traditionally depend for guidance and aid.
Another awful act was confiscating the houses of mewmans and "returning" them to the monsters.
This is my opinion was one if not the worst decree done by Eclipsa, not only she expropriating homes mewman family used to live for generations but she let many of them literally homeless and basically to their fate, and you wonder why so many mewmans grew to absolutely despise their "Queen" who had only done them harm so far.
Luckily for the homeless mewmans, their ex-queen Moon who's actually a competent manager and ruler managed to create a small town our of her initial Yurt for her unfortunate former subjects who finally found a place of refugee and belonging even if they had a bit of a rocky relation initially.
Not only that but Eclipsa left former once prosperous towns in ruins(likely caused by Meteora's rampage) and their inhabitants homeless and destitute in 'Ghost of Butterfly Castle' without any plan to repair either by dispatching teams or using her magic to help. Again you wonder why so many mewmans continued to despite their queen.
Yet in another reckless act of of Eclipsa, while understandable from her perspective but very irresponsible was trying to free her controversial husband Globgor.
Thus potentially putting her mewman subjects at risk in case Globgor had desires for (understandably) revenge and straining relations with the other kingdoms who were already (understandably) horrified by the return of the 300 year old 'Queen of Darkness' and her Mewman-eating Husband who they heard so many dark stories and myths about.
She was basically inviting a coup against her by the MHC who didn't trust her to begin with and especially didn't appreciate her efforts to free Globgor who they fought hard to defeat.
While she managed in the end specially in 'Cornonation' to win the hearts of the mewmans who decided to come to her coronation event, this wasn't enough to convince the rest of the disgruntled mewmans to return, and as that wasn't bad enough, many of them took interest and joined Mina's radical movement to remove Eclipsa by force, while partially motivated by genuine racism against monsters, i think their biggest reason to rebel was due to their hatred and disappointment of Eclipsa's rule, which can be understandable considering her decrees.
In the end, while this doesn't justify Moon's decision to ally with Mina (an extremist and insane monster hater) which eventually led to the destruction of magic, Eclipsa pretty much made these conditions possible due to her policies and decisions, from abandoning her people in favor of monsters to refusing to mend ties with the MHC and prove them wrong, the finale could've been avoided if she was to put it bluntly a better queen, Eclipsa wasn't a bad person from the beginning to the end but she just wasn't a good queen for Mewni, and perhaps the throne being returned to her was a mistake, all things considered.
submitted by Andrei_CareE to StarVStheForcesofEvil [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:20 DaddyLongSok Me M23 and my girlfriend 29F seem to be on different paths. Is our relationship strong enough? Or was there no hope for us from the start?

Hello Reddit this is my first post ever on here, it seems crazy to ask a bunch of strangers for opinions, but I just need any kind of input or perspective other than my own. I’ve been with my girlfriend since December 27th of 2022. We met at work after getting to know her for 6 months and thinking that I was out of her league I couldn’t believe she was interested in me. Our sense of humor and personalities meshed really well and we both enjoy each other’s company. She’s perfect I fell in love with her almost instantly she truly made my life better and just simply seeing her smile lit up my world. As time has gone by that spark we shared in our first few months of dating has seem to vanished. Before I knew her she had already been taking care of baby cousin and officially about a month ago gained full custody of her. She is 3 years old and is under my girlfriend’s constant care. This was something I actually didn’t find strange I didn’t mind her having a child and I have been trying to help in anyway I can. However this makes things difficult because my girlfriend rarely has any free time to spend with me. Since we’ve been together we have only gone on 1 date. The rest of her time is devoted to helping her younger brother and mother. Her brother has a complicated history with mental health and her mother is also not in the best shape. There is a lot on my girlfriends shoulders she has to take care of her daughter, brother, and mother and that’s not including herself. All of her money and resources goes towards them. I’ve tried to help in any way I can. By sending her money to help pay for things. However here’s where it gets a little weird. My girlfriend is roommates with her ex. She and her ex currently live together and pay rent together. This has made it so that I can’t visit her at all, and she doesn’t want to risk being seen out with me. Since her ex is the name on the lease he could kick her out if he finds out she’s with me now. She keeps saying she can’t visit me because it’s suspicious and that we can’t go out because she has other priorities. I’ve struggled with this it seems selfish of me to want her all to myself especially with all of her responsibilities. However I can’t help but feel I’m not really in a relationship. We work in retail and when our store had to close we both got jobs elsewhere. It’s been about 2 months now and I haven’t seen her once. However prior to this I only ever really saw her at work. I miss her so much and we text as much as we can and I keep trying to plan things with her but she keeps telling me there’s no time. Earlier this year she purchased a new car that she’s still paying off with my help. I helped her with the down payment by paying most of it myself and when she told me she couldn’t cover the monthly payments. I told her not to worry and that I would cover it. It’s been this way for a few months now. The payment is 390 every paycheck and I send her that amount each time. However I am not making huge bucks as I said I work in retail. I have been struggling lately financially. Sending her 390 each paycheck along with helping her with other expenses has left me with not much leftover. I have bills myself and I have to help my parents sometimes. This usually means I’m living paycheck to paycheck something that’s new to me. I haven’t been able to save up or try to get a better job because I’m so drained of working OT shifts and pushing myself to cover my expenses and my girlfriends. All of this work just to not see her. I don’t expect anything in return it was my choice to help her, but the fact that I don’t see her at all and only text now hurts. She’s been through a lot in her life, stuff that I don’t want to disclose, but she is so strong and just someone I look up to. I just can’t help to think we are on separate paths. I want to go on dates and take her out to eat and just spend time with her something. It seems like she was satisfied with just seeing me at work but now that we don’t work together I feel neglected. I don’t want to lose her but I’m afraid of telling her all of this will make her leave me. But I also want to have a relationship and spend time with her. I know she loves me the connection we have feels strong and real to me but I just need some opinions or suggestions on what to do with my relationship. I don’t want to lose her she’s my everything. But I don’t know if I’m her everything. We might just be on different paths and want different things. I just know I love her.
submitted by DaddyLongSok to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:18 AScorge Assistance Needed! Looking for a cpl ppl to help fulfill gift requirements. (Need Accounts with No 24hr/device restrict)

This is my second attempt trying to fulfil this requirement and get enough accepted invites. I was maybe 2 away from completion last time I tried using 1 family member and a friend. I've now exhausted that assistance tho. I'm really hoping theres a cpl ppl out there that can help. I could certainly use the items. So If anyone would be kind enough to help me out, I'd certainly be grateful. I haven't clicked anything or searched any codes om the last 24hrs (or at all yet) so I could assist you too in return! I will get verification you helped and in return, I will help you. Here is my code: 241388724
Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 241388724
submitted by AScorge to TemuCANADAcodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:06 More_Vehicle6263 Multiple ways to make cash

Hi all,
Thanks for the invite to the group.
Below are all the locations I've signed up to which allow referrals and pay you in return for them.
I'll try to be as good at explaining where I can. For ease I have hidden referral links just incase the sites dont allow sharing in "public" forums such as this.
Banking apps: 1. Monzo Offer: Spend no minimum, make £5 Referral link Steps: - You’ll need to be a UK resident aged 16 or over with an open Monzo account of any kind. You have 30 days to: - download the Monzo app - apply for a current account or business account - add some money and pay for something using Monzo (no minimum amount) - The referral’s complete and we’ll both get £5
  1. Zing Works similar to Revolut/Wise, foreign currency banking essentially. Offer: Spend £5 minimum, make £20 Referral link Steps:
  2. You'll need to be a UK resident aged 18 or over with an open Zing account You have until 31st May to:
  3. Sign up by following the link above to the referral landing page form and following the instructions.
  4. Register using a mobile number
  5. Download the Zing app and be successfully on-boarded as a customer for the first time using the same details as above.
  6. Top up your Zing account
  7. Spend £5 using virtual card, google/apple pay or order a card and spend that way too (but this might take too long to arrive)
  8. once promotion has ended, within 30 working days we should receive £20 each. You can refer up to 20 people each to make £400 yourself, but has to be completed by above date.
  9. Zilch Virtual banking app, cashback on spending at loads of retailers online and in store via google/apple pay. Offer: Spend no minimum, make £5 (to spend towards one of above retailers) Referral link Steps:
  10. sign up
  11. set up pay now option
  12. set up pay anywhere
  13. purchase/ spend something
  14. receive £5 once transaction has registered.
Please note that this app has a credit facility, so make sure pay now option is set up so you dont affect your score incase you're prone to missing payments. Some point after registration Zilch may show up on your credit report, mine showed up after a few months. Cashback received varies but minimum is 0.5%.
  1. Freetrade Stocks and shares platform Offer: Deposit minimum £50, receive 1 share between £10-£100. Referral link Steps:
  2. sign up using the link
  3. fill in the W-8BEN form
  4. deposit £50, no need to spend it on purchasing shares. Unless you want to of course.
  5. receive a free share valued between £10-£100
Please note your capital is at risk if purchasing shares. So if you want to play safe deposit minimum £50, dont spend and receive the free share to do as you wish with. If you want to try the platform, then by all means go for it. I just have to state your investment is at risk due to the nature of stocks and shares. If you decide to refer your friends, you get up to 10 referrals a month.
Cashback platforms: Some of the below can be combined with cashback or gift card places like Zilch (above) / Chase / Cheddar and Jam Donut (below) for example, to save and make even more money back.
  1. Topcashback Cashback site where you can each money on every days online purchases Offer: Purchase using the platform and reach the £10 threshold for cashback. Referral link Steps:
  2. sign up
  3. use the site to find a retailer you shop with
  4. purchase item
  5. get cashback each time you do
  6. build up £10+, that's yours to then cash out and spend as you wish via bank account/paypal/gift cards
  7. Quidco Cashback site where you can make money on every day purchases Offer: Purchase using the platform and reach £5 threshold for cashback. Referral link Steps:
  8. sign up
  9. use the site to find a retailer you shop with
  10. purchase item
  11. get cashback each time you do
  12. build up £5+, that's yours to then cash out and spend as you wish via bank account/paypal/gift cards
  13. you'll get £15 once accomplished the above
  14. Cheddar App that pay you money instantly for purchasing gift cards Offer: £5 for referring Referral link Steps:
  15. sign up
  16. link bank account
  17. purchase gift cards
  18. each cashback
  19. withdraw once you reach £5 threshold
  20. when you buy your first gift card, the referrer gets £5 also.
  21. JamDoughnut App that pay you money instantly for purchasing gift cards Offer: £3 for using app for 1st time. Referral link Steps:
  22. sign up using the link and input my code LA9G
  23. link bank account
  24. purchase gift cards
  25. each cashback
  26. when you cash out your funds for first time
  27. Airtime Rewards App that pays you for spending in store or online, you can use the pot to go towards your phone bill (various ones available) or to gift to another members phone number instead. Offer: Sign up within 7 days and get £2 Referral link Steps:
  28. sign up using the link and input my code if requested, LKMDEP7M
  29. link a bank card you will spend with
  30. use the linked card to make purchase various shops in store or online as per mentioned on airtime app within 7 days
  31. we both get £2
This app is quite good to use, haven't really paid for my phone bill for over a good couple of years now.
Other cashback / reward offers: 1. E.On Next Sign up and get £50 credit on your bill Referral link T&Cs apply here
  1. Community Fibre Sign up and get £50 Amazon gift card Referral link
  2. Smarty Sign up and get £10 voucher for Amazon, John Lewis or Uber Referral link
submitted by More_Vehicle6263 to MakeMoneyInUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:03 Pneuma001 The Primordial

The dungeon master described the party stepping through the wizard's portal into the plane of Elemental Chaos. "Before you lies a tempestuous sea of ever-changing terrain and clashing elements. The portal has opened onto a planetoid floating in the sea of shifting energies. Standing a ways away is a giant humanoid figure that seems to be made out of some of the same energies."
"Giant?" Sara asked?
"Yeah, it's like fifty feet tall. Looking upon its face makes your gut wrench as its face is a pool of ever-churning distorted energies. Make a save versus fear."
The players snatched up dice bags. Twenty-sided dice were rolled all around the table, but Mary, sitting to the right of Sara, noticed that Sara hesitated.
"What did you call these things again?" Sara asked. "Primordials? I didn't really imagine that they'd be so ugly or terrifying... or big."
"Oh, fine," the dungeon master responded. "Ambriel the rogue can have advantage on this check. What is your roll?"
Sara picked up an extra dice, tossed them into the bowl on the table and squinted at them in the dim light of the basement. "I got an eight." she said, frowning.
"Sorry, Ambriel and anyone else that got below a ten is afraid of the figure and will be at a disadvantage for initiative. The figure lets out a scream that sounds like an avalanche in a hurricane. Roll initiative!"
"Nineteen!" the boy across the table said. "Fifteen!" said another after rolling some dice. "I have a plus two, and I only got a twelve." said Mary.
"What about you Sara?" the dungeon master asked.
"Um, I don't want to fight it. Can I try talking to it?"
"I guess so," said the dungeon master, frowning. "What will you try saying to it?
"Well first," Sara started, "Is it at its house?"
The dungeon master and the boys across the table erupted into laughter. The dungeon master managed to stop laughing and reply. "These things don't have houses. They just live outside in the chaos."
"Oh." Sara looked disappointed. "I thought they would have houses." and then quieter. "Maybe a family."
The dungeon master laughed again. "What are you going to say to it?"
"I guess I'll say: 'Greetings friend! Do you know which way it is to the Dark Wizard Malik's tower?'"
The dungeon master laughed yet again. "It doesn't seem to understand what you're saying. It screams again and then attacks. Do you have your initiative number yet?"
Mary had been glaring at the dungeon master. He finally noticed her expression and slouched down, a sheepish look crossing his face as if he knew he was going to be in trouble.
Sara frowned, rolled her dice, and then stated "Six."
The party proceeded to fight with the primordial and Sara participated but wasn't really enjoying the situation. After the beast fell the party raced to loot its corpse.
"What did we find?" the boy across the table asked eagerly.
"Nothing, of course!" the dungeon master announced with some glee in his voice. "The primordial's body has evaporated and merged with the endless chaos around you."
"Well that's at least one thing you got right." Sara said.
"What do you mean?" Mary asked.
"Oh, forget it." Sara responded.
The end of the combat signaled the end of the evening since it was already past eight. The friends scooped dice and character sheets back into their bags, cleaned up the snacks, and said their goodbyes for the evening. Sara walked up the stairs and into the front yard with the other two boys. Chris's mom was there to pick up him and Tyler. She waved at them as they drove away and then started toward her own house just down the street.
The walk was only five minutes, if she took her time, and she had walked this street a hundred times before. She was enjoying the breeze and the crisp night air and didn't notice when the footsteps behind her started. When she noticed them she'd picked up her pace but they grew uncomfortably close. Sara spun around and was faced with a figure in the shadows behind her. It was only a few feet away but she couldn't make out a face.
"What do you want?" She asked the shadow. It did not respond. It did, however, step forward into the glow of the nearby street light. Still, its form appeared like a pitch black hole in the world; a torn place in space the shape and size of a man. The shadow reached toward Sara and she knew that this was an undead being. It had been hoping it could claim the life force of a human this evening; to pull her into the shadow realm and keep her there till she had faded away and become another shadow. Unfortunately for the shadow, she was not a victim that could be claimed so easily.
Sara dropped her book back and grabbed the shadow's arm, glancing down the street to make sure it was clear. Then she released her human disguise and pulled the shadow closer. She stared into the colorless void where its eyes should have been and the shadow stared back into the ever-changing distortion that her face had become. Lightning arced across Sara's skin that now appeared to be made of a roiling mass of stone and waves of pure water.
Sara's outline blurred and her humanoid form faded almost completely, leaving a cloud of elements ever fighting for position, yet she didn't let go of the shadow. The shadow was in a panic now, struggling and desperately trying to free itself from her grasp, to no avail. Sara pulled the shadow inside her cloud and it was ripped and torn by every element until it was gone in just a moment.
Sara concentrated for a moment and reached a human hand out of her cloud of chaos, and picked up her book bag. She formed an arm and shoulder to put the bag on, then a head and some feet and finally squeezed the last bit of her cloud into the shape of a green jacket. "Was she wearing a blue jacket before or a green one?" she asked herself. "I guess it doesn't really matter." she answered, and changed the jacket to blue.
Sara, Chris and Tyler walked up the stairs out of the basement, leaving Mary and the dungeon master still sitting at the table. The dungeon master was shuffling some papers, his mind racing with ideas for the next session. Mary stared at him, arms crossed and after a moment she finally spoke. "That was mean, Brian."
Brian looked up from his papers. "What?" he asked defensively with a worried look on his face.
"The primordial we met tonight in the game. That wasn't cool." She mocked an imitation of Brian: "It just lives outside in the chaos. Its sooooo ugly and scary." She crossed her arms again and stared daggers at him. Brian was silent and just looked down at his lap.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I thought we were supposed to act like we didn't know..."
"You know she's not going to keep playing with us if you keep being an asshole, right?"
Brian frowned and was quiet.
"Don't you like her playing with us?" Mary continued. "She's a way better rogue than Johnathan was. If she leaves and Johnathan finds out we have room at the table then we might have to let him join the party again. Is that what you want?"
Brian shuddered. "No. I do like her playing with us. She is a pretty awesome rogue." They sat in silence for a minute. "I'll make it better next week. I have some ideas."
"Good." Mary stood up and walked to the stairs. "We'd better not be fighting a changeling or a dragon next week." she said with a laugh.
The outside air was cool and crisp; the twilight had faded already and the streetlights were on. Chris and Tyler had left already; their mom always picked them up. Sara lived at the end of the street. Mary looked down the street toward Sara's house and near the other end of the street she saw Sara, almost home. Mary shivered as she watched as a shadow approached Sara. Mary then watched as Sara discorporated into a chaotic mass of lightning arcs and flame over a roiling mass of rocks and water. In another moment she had absorbed the shadow and it was gone. Those shadows gave her the creeps and she was glad another one was gone. Mary's parents had told her many times how they were lucky to have the Smiths living on their street. "Good girl." Mary whispered as she watched Sara pick up her book bag and put on her human disguise for the rest of her walk home. Mary walked back into the house.
Sara reached the end of the street, hopped up the porch stair to her front door and walked inside, locking the door behind her. Inside, her mother and father were lounging on the sofa watching a reality TV show together. Her dad waved a friendly tendril of water at her and turned his attention back to the show. Sara's mom floated up and across the room, her pattern of fire and stone indicated concern.
"Is everything okay honey?"
"Well" Sara started slowly. "In tonight's game we finally met a primordial, but the party just killed it. The dungeon master thought it looked scary." Sara dismissed her human disguise, released a small puff of smoke and slouched a bit. "Are they ever going to accept us for who we are?"
Sara's mom wrapped her in a hug. "Your friends do like you dear. It doesn't matter that you don't look like they do."
"Yeah, I guess you're right mom. Thanks." She brightened up a bit, her waves of water crashing in a happy whirlpool. She started up the stairs to her room but halfway up she turned around and said "Oh yeah, I got another shadow on the way home." Her mom, who had already returned to the sofa, crashed a tiny avalanche of stone in approval and then returned to watching the show.
submitted by Pneuma001 to dndstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:51 BaseballSeveral1107 "Stop being depressing doomers" "Y'all are too radical!" "You're too young, enjoy life instead of being political" "Why are you interested in politics"

Newsflash, people are interested in politics because it impacts their lives. When people are talking about it on social media, the next logical step is to talk about it with friends and family.
No, we're not doomers when we point out that Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Gas, Big Car, Big Plane, Big Meat, Big Steel, Big Tech, and Big Rich are destroying the environment and society for record profits for them (and their shareholders). We're not doomers when we point out that without action, climate change and environmental destruction will threaten the very survival of civilization and biosphere as we know it.
We're not fear mongering when we point out that we're in a mass extinction event, and in times of ecosystem collapse, nitrogen and phosphorus overfertilization, freshwater overwithdrawal, ocean acification, too much ecotoxicity and waste and too much land use change. We're not doomers when we point out that these changes whether or not combined with each other, but certainly combined with climate change, will threaten the very survival of civilization and biosphere as we know it.
We're not radical when we say that services like healthcare, education, housing, public transportation, communication, etc. should be free and/or guaranteed for everyone. We're not radical when we point out that capitalism needs exploitation and racism to thrive and it's doing that now which is unacceptable.
We knew that since the 80s and 90s.
We're not doomers when we point out that the fabric of our democracies, justice and equality is being torn apart by the rich, neofascist far right politicians and dictators. We're not doomers when we point out that the police is brutal and it's unacceptable. We're not radical pointing out that most politicians are old and aren't fit for today's challenges.
We're not fear mongering when we say that there are two genocides happening in the world that we can't even vote to stop.
We're not radical pointing out that most societies are divisive. We're not radical pointing out that they're car centric, segregating, hostile to children, elderly and disabled.
We're not radical when we say that children shouldn't be punished by spanking and yelling, nor should they be punished for the smallest things.
We're not doomers when we say that there are other dangers like an EMP attack or a solar storm and we're not well prepared for them.
We're not fear mongering when we say that AI and biotech are serious risks and threats to humanity in the wrong and unregulated hands.
We're not too radical saying that you can't have children if housing, childcare, healthcare, education and transportation are unaffordable, shitty and inaccessible, when the future seems bleak, and when society hates kids and makes it hellish.
Look, we're not too young for politics. The planet is burning, causing tragedy, hardship, and death. The rich get richer and the poor can't afford a living. The fabric of democracy, justice and equality is being torn apart by the rich, neofascist far right politicians, and dictators. The police is brutal. AI and biotech are serious risks and dangers in the wrong and unregulated hands. There are two
Looks like you just want everyone who doesn't agree with you to shut up. "Capitalism is the end of economic history, there is no alternative" "Who cares that we're in a climate emergency and in times of severe environmental challenges that threaten the very survival of civilization and biosphere as we know it, the rich get richer and the poor can't afford a living, the rich, neofascist far right politicians and dictators destroy our democracy, most politicians are old and aren't fit for today's challenges, there are genocides happening in the world that we can't even vote to stop, there are other dangers like AI, biotech, EMP attacks and solar storms that we aren't well prepared for, let's talk about the 90s and 2000s HAHA".
If a treadmill is pushing you back (forwards is better society), the radical action is standing still, because you're not standing (you're moving backwards).
You cannot brush away the tangible consequences of our socioeconomic and political systems you've built and maintain.
Because God forbid we try to depropagandize democratic socialism and ecosocialism.
I'm not gonna say that we're only doom and gloom and we actually have visions of a future where humanity and nature thrive. Doomers are a plague, I know, but stating facts isn't being a doomer.
submitted by BaseballSeveral1107 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:50 Noledgebase How I Make Consistent Returns Trading Options ($99.99 to FREE)

How I Make Consistent Returns Trading Options ($99.99 to FREE) submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:46 DrGirlfriend47 Sunday Vibes and Weekly Gloss ✨️

Vibe check! How’s your week been? What are you reading, watching, or listening to?
During Sunday Vibes, members share what they've been up to and other media they're enjoying. It's a space to get to know one another outside of romance books.

📰 Sunday Gloss

Here in the Sunday Gloss, we highlight the sub’s vibes each week, including announcements and great discussions.

✍🏼 Regular Features

📕 Buddy Read/Watch Party Sourcing. New feature for members to find someone to buddy read a backlist or new book or upcoming film/series.
📚 TBR Tues: Yeet or Keep Edition A bimonthly feature where we clear out our TBR lists with help from other members.
😱 WTF Wednesdays - A weekly feature posted Wednesdays to share the stuff in Romancelandia that makes you go WTF: bad takes, questionable metaphors, anything that left you speechless.
🪩 Throwback Thursday - Our monthly series focusing on a romance during a specific yeadecade/era. This month's was 2007.
🎨 The Art Of..., monthly themed discussion on a trope, theme or microtrope common in Romance Literature. This month's theme was Miscommunication.
📕 Cover corner is the place to discuss book covers, this month we discussed taglines on covers
🍿 Fresh Faves Fridays - A weekly feature posted Fridays to share your 4- and 5-star reads and favorite quotes. Think of it as a What Did You Read This Week? thread, but with only the best books.
💩 Shitpost Saturdays - On Saturdays, we loosen the discussion-based requirement to allow for memes, shower thoughts, silly posts, etc. All other rules still remain.
⭐️ Our April Monthly Reading Recap is here! Members share their top/bottom 5 reads of the month on first Tuesdays.
📚 Rec Rooms has returned! This month is the launch for the free for all! Please feel free to add your own requests and recommendations.
So, how was your week?
submitted by DrGirlfriend47 to romancelandia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:43 MrBricked The Two New MK Challenges

I was busy during the last two weeks and didn't get a chance to play. Now that I am free, the new challenges are nowhere to be found. I know they were originally included in the weekly challenge only before being replaced by the current one. Will they return?
submitted by MrBricked to OutlastTrials [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:27 Lonewanderer2033 Firefly = Cayde 6?

Firefly = Cayde 6?
Goofball? Check! Almost
Solar character? Check!
Dies with our protagonist trying to get revenge and returning on same month? Also check!
Firefly is Cayde 6 confirmed?...
submitted by Lonewanderer2033 to FireflyMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:21 Shadowspider2 Is this PC good for handling most of the new games?

submitted by Shadowspider2 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:20 zlaxy On this day 116 years ago, Nikolay Pilchikov, a scientist-physicist, developer of radio-controlled devices, died in Kharkov from a shot in the heart

On this day 116 years ago, Nikolay Pilchikov, a scientist-physicist, developer of radio-controlled devices, died in Kharkov from a shot in the heart
On this day 116 years ago in Kharkov Nikolay Dmitrievich Pilchikov – scientist-physicist, inventor in the field of radio engineering, author of works on optics, terrestrial magnetism, electrical and radio engineering, radioactivity, X-rays, electrochemistry, geophysics, meteorology – was shot in the heart.
At about seven o’clock in the morning of 6 May 1908, a shot rang out in a ward of an expensive Kharkov hospital. Breaking open the door locked from the inside, the doctors saw its only patient – it seemed that his life had been cut short in his sleep. The man was lying in his bunk, as if he hadn’t woken up yet. And if not for the bloodstain on his chest, no one would have realised the tragedy. A revolver lay on the tea-table beside the bed. It was from this revolver that the bullet that had pierced the scientist’s heart had been fired. Could a man who was undergoing medical treatment have carefully placed the gun beside his tea glass and folded his arms across his chest after shooting himself at point-blank range? Nevertheless, the “cadaver book” records ruled the death a suicide.
For some reason forensic experts did not do dactyloscopy – the investigation was not puzzled by fingerprints on the black “bulldog”, which became the murder weapon. And the authoritative professor Nikolai Bokarius, whose name now bears the local Institute of Forensic Medicine, even described Pilchikova’s case in a textbook for lawyers and doctors as an example of temporary purposeful capacity of suicides with fatal gunshot wounds in the heart area. At that, the luminary recommended to take into account not only anatomical features of the injury, but also the functional state of the central nervous system. The picture was completed by the conclusion of pathologists, who found in the killed after the autopsy of the corpse modifications in the structure of the brain.
A purely “police” justification for not considering the murder version was the fact that the incident took place in a locked room on the first floor (as if this could be an obstacle to unauthorised entry).
And a week after the scientist’s death, on 13 May 1908, the head of the police department received a report from the head of the Kharkov security service about the unreliability of the “extreme leftist” Professor Pilchikov, who was known for his active participation in “criminal agitation activities of engineering students”. This was confirmed by a search of the scientist’s house, during which propaganda literature from the period of the first Russian revolution of 1905 was found.
What was Professor Pilchikov doing before he was “worked out” by the police? The scientific fate of Nikolai Dmitrievich was as unusual as his death was mysterious and the fate of outstanding discoveries inexplicable.
The scientist, whose life was cut short at the age of 51, was not only a physicist, but also a lyricist: he was no less talented in composing poetry, painting pictures and playing the violin. But he considered his life’s work to be his scientific career, which was unusually successful.
The son of a public and cultural figure, who was a friend of Taras Shevchenko, was born on 9 May 1857 in Poltava, and already during his studies in gymnasium showed remarkable abilities in exact sciences. Entering the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kharkiv University, he experimented in new at that time experiments in the field of sound recording, while still a student invented an electric phonograph.
After graduation, the graduate was left to work at the Department of Physics. His first scientific monograph was devoted to optical analysis. Later the scientist made a number of discoveries on the topics of scattered light polarisation and atmospheric ionisation, atmospheric electricity and geomagnetism, radioactivity and X-rays. Pilchikov was awarded the Silver Medal from the Russian Geographical Society for a series of studies of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, during which iron ore deposits near Prokhorovka were predicted.
After defending his thesis at the University of St. Petersburg, the master of physics was appointed privat-docent of the Kharkov University, and two years later he went to practice at a magnetic observatory in Paris, where he discovered flaws in the design of the seismograph and offered his mentors a way to correct them.
Soon the young professor of Kharkov University becomes famous outside Russia, becoming a regular at international scientific conferences and a member of the Toulouse Academy of Sciences.
Nikolay Pilchikov returned to Kharkov as a university professor, where he created a meteorological station that still exists today. To study the upper atmosphere, the professor developed a stratostat and then a high-altitude spacesuit to equip the pilot. The atmospheric optics researcher created his own seismograph and designed equipment to determine magnetic pressure.
Having moved for some time to Odessa (to work at the Imperial Novorossiysk University), in 1894 the scientist invented an original lamp for the study of X-rays, called “Pilchikov’s focus tube”. The optical and galvanic version of the study of electrolysis developed by him made it possible to obtain images on metal plates – so the inventor became the author of electrophotography or photogalvanography.
And on 25 March 1898, Nikolai Pilchikov demonstrated for the first time a device working with radio waves of a certain length and rejecting interference. During his experiments in Odessa he lit a lighthouse with the help of radio waves and moved a railway semaphore, blew up a yacht and made a cannon fire.
The scientist characterised his contribution to radio physics as follows: while Popov and Marconi were looking for a way to transmit a signal over the greatest possible distance, he was solving the problem of cutting off wireless power transmission from extraneous electrical waves. Thus appeared the first device with a protector – a security filter, allowing only the waves addressed to it to reach the mechanism and protecting the equipment from atmospheric and radio interference. The scientist not only designed and manufactured different types of the first protectors, but also tested them in practice.
With the help of his revolutionary device, Professor Pilchikov made it possible to create radio-controlled mine boats that could sink enemy ships without a crew and fire on enemy targets. In proposing the idea to the Russian military, the inventor characterised it as a way of detonating objects at a considerable distance without cables or other visible communication.
Applying for financial assistance from the military department, Pilchikov planned to spend 15,000 roubles on laboratory equipment, manufacture of devices and their testing with the support of the Sevastopol naval forces. For his part, the scientist undertook to keep the know-how in strict secrecy and not to publish any information about the development in scientific literature. As a result, this circumstance may have contributed to the fact that the scientist’s works disappeared and he himself may have been eliminated.
Military engineers discussed the professor’s petition for research funds with reference to foreign experience. Specialists compared Pilchikov’s achievements with the developments of foreign scientists experimenting with wireless telegraph, to whom the authorities did not refuse anything. For example, Preece was authorised for experiments by the postal department of England, Marconi obtained in 1897 large sums of money from the naval department of Italy, and the Berlin scientist Slaby received aeronautical parks, watercraft and troops of the Potsdam garrison from the Emperor of Germany. Pilchikov, on the other hand, had a much more extensive programme and was naturally expected to produce the most ambitious results.
On his return to Kharkov in 1902, the professor continued his research in the best-equipped physical laboratory of those times, the local University of Technology. He was also allocated a ship “Dnestr” and funds for marine experiments. On the ship in 1903 the scientist equipped a receiving radio station, and on the Chersonese lighthouse – transmitting.
Alas, neither the scheme of those protectors, nor the content of the experiments, nor their further fate are known today. In the archives we found only information about a letter of gratitude to Professor Pilchikov from the Commander of the Pacific Fleet. It was dated the beginning of September 1904. It is clear that in the midst of the war with Japan secret military developments could be of interest to both belligerents. Moreover, other external enemies were also interested in preventing Russia’s military advantage.
Professor Pilchikov’s research competed with American experiments in the Maritime Ministry under Tesla, who was also working on the task of wireless control of a minelayer from the shore. This is a case in science when “an idea is in the air” and the same discovery is independently made by scientists at different ends of the world.
It is believed that the first radio-controlled telemechanical system in the world was developed by Nikola Tesla – he patented and presented an unprecedented ship model in the summer of 1898, but came to the discovery the day before, in spring. And “Russian Tesla” Nikolai Pilchikov tested a similar invention in March of the same year, which was reported in a note in the “Odessa Review”, which for some reason remained unnoticed by the scientific community.
The “two Nicholas” had a lot in common, despite the fact that they lived and created on different continents. Scientists were almost the same age. Both had no family – neither wives nor close relatives. Both were undividedly attracted to physical science – the mysteries of radioactivity, X-rays and lightning. But to Pilchikov did not appear one day George Westinghouse with a million dollars for four dozen patents. And an understanding friend, as Tesla had in the person of Katharine Johnson, next to Nikolay Dmitrievich was not there either…
Being left without further state support, Pilchikov could not complete the work on his wireless protector. In 1905 he left to observe the solar eclipse in Algeria, from where he returned with failing health. Ill-health was aggravated by an acute feeling of loneliness.
1908 was a fateful year in the fate of the scientist. It was the best time of the year, the beginning of May, a time of intoxication with life and romantic dreams. But for Pilchikov, the “delight of nature” had no inspiring meaning: five days before his own birthday, he went to a psychoneurological clinic. And it happened under very mysterious circumstances.
According to police reports, the owner of a private hospital and a well-known doctor I. Y. Platonov received a call from an unknown man on 3 May with a request to hospitalise Nikolai Dmitrievich Pilchikov. It was asked to prepare a separate room where the patient would be alone.
When the professor appeared in the clinic, the doctors saw nothing critical in his condition. He was elegantly dressed, and in his hands held a suitcase with papers. Two days later, a shot rang out in the ward, and the papers were gone. Not a single piece of his war work was found among his household belongings. The blueprints of inventions of world importance, which the scientist had not even had time to patent, disappeared.
Wasn’t the murder then the final fat point in the planned operation? And didn’t the inventor-physicist take with him to the ward what the special services hunting for his military developments were tracking down?
Perhaps it was in the hospital that Nikolai Pilchikov, who had a premonition of trouble, tried to hide from his threatening pursuers? Or maybe they put him there so that it would be easier to realise what they had planned? And who were these mysterious killers?..
We will probably never get answers to these questions. But it is known how the brilliant ideas of the tragically departed scientist were put into practice.
In 1913, the first radio-controlled aeroplane took to the skies. Four years later, a German boat controlled from a plane blew up the quay in the English harbour of Newport. In the same year, 1917, a German ship was damaged by a British minelayer guided from a radio-controlled aeroplane. In 1925 the first mine without wires appeared. And in 1943 the Soviet troops destroyed the Nazi headquarters with General von Braun in Kharkov occupied by the enemy by controlled explosion from Voronezh.
Radio warfare has long been supplemented by radio defence, where the first role is played by devices like Pilchikov’s protectors. Thanks to radio defence, in 1944 the British were invulnerable to German fighters in the Libyan desert. Radio locks of increased complexity are used in satellite navigation and launching systems for space and military rockets. And all responsible radio electronic equipment is protected from interference by modern devices working on the principle of Professor Pilchikov’s protector – the “Russian Tesla”, who became a hindrance to someone himself…
Source: Vyacheslav Kapreljants
submitted by zlaxy to ThisDayInHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:20 dlschindler In The Time Of Red Raven

"Reality? To me that was reality. I don't know about this place. What makes you certain you won't find yourself tied here, trying to explain yourself to people who look like you? I was pretty sure that was reality. Now, well now I just don't care. This is all a dream, so do whatever you want to me. I'm not kissing the cross. Just light the pyre." Shawna told the nogs. They shuffled forward on their trunklike legs, one of them offering her a cross with a figure of a crucified nog with a golden crown and its lips puckered.
"I said I'm not kissing it. Burn me." Shawna grimaced at the horrid little nog. The nogs shrugged in unison and lifted the buckets of icy cold water at their feet. One by one they walked up to her and doused her in cold water, soaking her t-shirt and hair and making her shiver and blow water off her lips while the rest ran down her chin.
"Is she dead?" One of the nog asked.
One of them shuffled forward and waved its hands back and forth in front of her staring, lifeless eyes. "No reaction." the nog confirmed. They'd done it, they'd finally slain the Wicked Witch of the Stars. Some of the Ethgar were saddened, crying big sticky nog tears that left streaks on their faces.
Shawna held perfectly still, trying not to laugh. They really thought she was dead, they thought they'd burned her alive with their buckets of cold water. Stupid nogs, just a few moments longer and she could break free from their braided bonds and be on her way, richer than John Godson.
"I just worry her soul wont reach the Likeliness, We should hold the jesus-nog to her lips, just to be sure." A nasty little Ethgar suggested.
"We should all just shuffle off." Shawna tried some ventriloquism.
"Who said that?" Ethgar were asking each other. The nogs suddenly all looked back at Shawna, their little devil eyes glowing in the starlight.
"Oh fiddle cakes!" Shawna swore.
She didn't usually use such foul language, but she was at her wits end with the Ethgar. First, their ridiculous test of faith to learn about Red Raven, and the treasure of the Seven Wonders. Then she had to climb Mount Velvet while nogs slung biffy sludge from their blow tubes while singing insults to her. With her knuckles bloodied and fitz in her hair, she'd reached the summit only to be accused of heresy, for she'd forgotten to remove her shoes. She'd have to climb the whole mountain again, just as penance.
After the six recitals of the Bindinfingin's half a dozen holy books, the extinct lizards granted her a one-hour library pass in their sacred underground grottos. Was it enough time to memorize enough of their holy scripture to be able to compete in the junior nog bible quotation contest and become a wearer of the golden crown of the most kissable-crucifiable? It was, because Shawna really applied herself and memorized no fewer than three verses, which was two more than any junior nog had ever quoted. With the golden crown on her head, she could at last learn the last part of the legend of Red Raven, and find out where the treasure was hidden.
Wealth unimaginable, seven wonders, that's a lot of moolah.
Bindinfingin ghost-holograms followed her around with sad expressions. The long dead intelligences expected better of her.
"We've waited your return for fourteen thousand trine. Red Raven will you not reveal at last the eighth wonder? We have so waited to know the final answer." The Bindinfingin said to Shawna, but she ignored them. They almost sounded like they thought she was someone else and that the treasure was one of those 'the treasure was the adventure' or 'the treasure was really just friendship' or someshit.
Shawna wasn't going to eat an adventure-friendship treasure, not after the nog figurine got smoochies from her. "Jesus, give me the strength of patience not to kick all these nogs."
"Do dead humans talk?" A nog asked.
They began arguing and discussing whether humans could talk when they were dead. Shawna put her two cents in, insisting that she could indeed talk while she was dead.
"Thou shalt not speak to the dead." A nog zealot drew his putty maker. Others pulled out their blow tubes, spit ball launchers and bald makers. One or two had forgot to pack weapons to the witch burning ceremony, but scooped up some dirt into their empty buckets.
"Thou shalt not fart from thy mouth." Shawna said in the dark, mimicking a nog-sounding voice. Then, as she blew a raspberry, the nogs went berserk. They had divided into two groups, each with opposing religious views, although none of them were sure what religious view the group they were divided into was seeing. The sound of the raspberry was like a starting bell, and within minutes the nogs had annihilated themselves, dead nogs scattered everywhere. The last of them finished itself off. Nogs were perfectionists.
"Now for that treasure." Shawna said gleefully. She followed the path through the empty nog village and found their sacred grotto. It was unguarded, and at last, she'd done it, found what she was always told wasn't even real.
"Reality, Shawna." A familiar voice said from the silent swamps all around.
"Who said that?" She asked.
"Reality is the treasure. I just want you to come back to me. I know you're in there. I can feel you dreaming."
Shawna shook her head. "I know what's real."
A few glowing bugs floated lazily on the air past her, going off to some hollow log to party. Shawna felt watched, like someone was holding her hand. It was going to be good, when she didn't find the treasure, what a weird feeling. Shawna shook it off. The treasure was hers.
"You think you can take my treasure?" The space pirate captain's hologramatic ghost stood in her way.
"So, you're Red Raven. Notorious brigand, mutineer and baroness. I'm here for your treasure, I knew it was real, I knew it all along." Shawna smirked. "The aliens, they worshipped you, but I know you're just a criminal." Shawna told her. "You even almost had me fooled with the Bindinfingin holograms making this sound like some sort of morality scam."
"Yet you made it all the way here." Red Raven smiled, proud of Shawna.
"Of course I did. You think I don't know what's real and what isn't?" Shawna laughed.
"The treasure is real. You just have to go through that door and accept what's on the other side." Red Raven pointed. "It's the treasure."
"See? You're still trying to psych me out. I'm abouts to be richer than John Godson. Sick of this." Shawna grabbed the handle, but something felt wrong.
"Just go through." Red Raven urged her.
"I can't." Shawna felt her eyes watering. "I just want to stay here. I'm not ready."
"You'll never be ready to be rich like John Godson. Nobody ever is. Just go in there already. I gots to get my wings, Shawna." Red Raven made 'go on in' gestures, shooing Shawna with the backs of her hands waving up at her.
"If this is any kind of treasure that isn't money, I swear I'm coming back here for you, and even though you're dead, I'll choke you out anyway." Shawna told Red Raven.
"Yes-yes, all that. Now go through already, the hour draws late." Red Raven seemed to have unlimited patience, despite her efforts to urge Shawna into the treasure behind the weird creepy disembodied door floating in the swamp. The door that looked suspiciously like her bedroom door as a child, growing up. Not liking this one bit, no sir.
Shawna took a deep breath, closed her eyes, turned the handle and went through.
submitted by dlschindler to HFY [link] [comments]