Happy one month anniversary poems


2020.02.01 09:59 Skavandross Everthorn

Welcome to the Everthorn subreddit. Post everything Everthorn related in here!

2020.09.23 18:10 Krokodrillo Music Anniversary

Please start your post with a date and leave out ‚xx years ago’ so everybody can search what happened on special days by tipping the date. This community is a place you can list every anniversary that deals with Rock, Pop, Alternative, Jazz, Blues, Classical etc music. Contact mods if you got questions.

2017.09.21 03:17 r/RainbowTylenol: 2011! :D

RainbowTylenol: Inspired by a lil guy that loves 2010/2011 memes. Happy almost one month of this subreddit, Mods!

2024.05.19 15:28 PristineStick2782 Is there something wrong with my heart?

I am 21F and I workout frequently.
Yesterday while working out (it was quite taxing but nothing that I can't handle) I felt a pain in my heart. Well I'm not too sure if it was my heart or somewhere very close to it but it was definitely uncomfortable yet brief. My trainer told me to stop my workout after I told him about it.
Later that night, there were very very brief instances where I could feel my heartbeat getting faster. Mind you, this has never happened to me before.
Now I don't know if I'm just overthinking this. I have a history of panic attacks (not frequent, last one happened at least 3 months ago). And rn my current situation isn't really stressing me out, at least not consciously. I am mentioning about my history of panic attacks because I tend to get the physical symptoms like breathlessness and heavy feeling in my chest.
Even right now as I'm typing this, I'm feeling a heaviness on my chest but I'm not sure if it's actually something to be worried about or just my mind playing trying to confirm my fears.
Any helpful guidance would be hugely appreciated. It's stressing me out to the point that I'm losing sleep over it. Please help.
submitted by PristineStick2782 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:28 AmoGra decided i want to move back to my home state while in crisis. now that im no longer in that headspace im rethinking it

hello. ill try to keep this to relevant information but i think youll all understand when i say i tend to give more information than needed. im posting this half for advice in general and half because im curious as to if anyone else has made a big move like this and how it impacted your functioning concerning your autism.
ive been going through a lot of changes recently and it has been taking a huge toll on my mental health. to keep things easy to keep track of, ill provide an order of events to summarize:
which brings us to now. im absolutely in burnout, still struggling with suicidal ideation and executive functioning. self care is out the window. my husband is starting a new job that will pay much more than i was getting. lease is up august 1st. plan is to move into my in laws house until steady employment for my husband is reached and we can financially find a place of our own again. i have 5 years of stuff to somehow sort through and condense so we can drag it back across the country.
but now that i have a lot more headspace free, i keep thinking about how happy we were here before all this started. how nice our apartment was and how i love the mountains and all the small businesses we grew to frequent all the time, and how before all this happened i was dead set on just living here permanently. im so torn because all i wanted in my darkest moments was to go back to the quiet countryside my family lives in in my home state, and i do think a quieter area would help. sometimes my husband and i lean over the cricket containers at pet stores to listen to them chirp because summer nights in the south are all crickets and frogs croaking and train horns, and we have none of that here. the southern countryside has an air of peace i have yet to match anywhere else.
im just so lost and scrambling to get my feet under me again. now that my biggest stressor is out of the picture i feel guilty that i dont have my shit together yet. im also really curious as to what the autistic side of me would benefit most from. has anyone had experience with this kind of location change impacting their functioning concerning their autism?
submitted by AmoGra to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:27 Upbeat-Abalone7499 Loathe the Stepson

Maybe there’s a perspective here that I need to understand and have compassion for and I would appreciate hearing it.
Stepson (27m) moved in with us (57m - me, 51f - mom) a year ago. In the beginning it was just a visit. Last September I agreed he could stay if he got a full time job, covered his own expenses, contributed $1k a month for food and housing costs and had his own health insurance. He has some medical issues that most anyone else would deal with without issue.
He’s since had one job for a few weeks then quit it, because he “didn’t feel good”. A few months later he was fired for calling in sick in his first month after spending our money to go to the urgent care and get a “doctors excuse” for vague maladies - heart racing or some such.
He spends all day playing video games in his room and emerges to find out what he’ll be fed for dinner. Usually doesn’t arise before noon. Mom pays for his vices including marijuana. Literally does nothing. A big day consists of putting on shoes. Of course there’s no financial contribution from him.
Mom is a good person and pretty tough overall but cannot bring herself to interact with him in a way other than one would with a four year old.
I was raised by midwestern parents and am of an age where this would have been so incredibly unacceptable my parents would have preferred I was an axe murderer rather than this.
It’s also very very hard to talk to the wife about it. She shuts down and would prefer this situation persists indefinitely. Im very bitter and hate being put in a position where I have to go nuclear but I’m so close.
Anyway this is my last attempt to find another perspective before I lose it and have whatever consequences ensue. Thanks for any thoughts.
submitted by Upbeat-Abalone7499 to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:27 Rude_Sea_8355 Could my negative urine culture be accurate? I got it back after one day

I’m a male 24 I’ve been having weird symptoms of urinary problems such as urgency and slight pinching over my bladder for months now. I also have low appetite and libido and mild bloating. It all started after the peeing urgency. The urinalysis was negative now after one day my culture was negative. Should I ask for antibiotics anyways? I feel horrible and weak everyday and there doesn’t seem to be an answer what’s causing it. I’ve also had blood small amounts of bacteria and protein in my urine.
submitted by Rude_Sea_8355 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:27 RadKittensClub Switching from Invisalign to Braces

Has anyone here switched from Invisalign to braces? I’m 24 months in (treatment plan estimated at 18 months) and on my 2nd refinement with 3 trays left. Absolutely positive I need another refinement. My R front, lateral incisor, and canine are stubborn af (rotation and canine needs to be moved down). Overbite is better but still present. L side looks great. I want to be done and am tired of the unpredictable tracking. Braces are becoming more and more attractive to me.
Did your ortho charge you more to switch? If so, what was the cost? Was lingual an option for you? Were you happy you switched in the end?
submitted by RadKittensClub to Invisalign [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:26 notarealnickname After a long hiatus, I'm back with a new side project: ClickSpeech - An AI Wedding Speech Generator! Looking for Feedback and Marketing Tips.

Hey everyone,
I've been in the game of making small apps for a while now. Indie hacking and (micro) SaaS have been passions of mine for a few years as I've tried to generate some extra side income. To be honest, most of my projects have failed for various reasons, with a significant one being the lack of marketing.
After numerous attempts and failures to find traction, I took a long hiatus to regroup and rethink my approach.
Recently, I found new motivation (and courage 😅) to build a new app. I wanted to experiment with the OpenAI API and a new JavaScript framework I discovered, which led me to start a new side project: ClickSpeech!
ClickSpeech is an AI Wedding Speech Generator that helps you draft a heartfelt wedding speech in no time. The MVP is up and running, but I have yet to find my first customer.
I'm excited to share this journey with you all and would love any feedback or advice you might have, especially on marketing strategies that have worked for you.
Thanks for reading, and happy hacking!
submitted by notarealnickname to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:26 AstroMoon96 Tomorrow is the day!

I have waited for this day since middle school. In the 6th grade i was a B/C and ever since i learned of what a reduction was, I’ve wanted it. I am 28 now and finally having surgery tomorrow.
While I’m all excited and what not, I’m also absolutely nervous AF. It makes me nauseous to think that I will be having a major surgery (first one and I don’t have kids).
I have seen all your posts over the last several months. All the good, bad and ugly. I am in healthcare and know everyone is so completely different when it comes to healing and recovery and complications. All I can do is just do what I know best and hope for a quick, speedy and safe surgery/recovery.
Any advice to help me throughout the day while I prepare myself for the 6:30am show up time in the morning and not psych myself out???
Also say a little prayer for me, the surgery team, recovery…all the things. All the good vibes!! 💝
submitted by AstroMoon96 to Reduction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:26 WaterbendingSquirrel Pandaria Remix feedback: You should be allowed to make a Timerunner Dracthyr regardless if you have a lvl 50 on that server or not.

That restriction makes 0 sense. If you have a lvl 50 on a realm, why would you want to start a Dracthyr from lvl 10 and not just create one that starts from lvl 58 before War Within launches that Dracthyr will start from low level too by then anyway?
It is a waste of time to start something from lvl 10 while you can be lvl 58. Sure some people mught prefer it this way but in general that decision to limit timerunner Dracthyr is silly and not give the player the choice in the first place.
The restriction only makes sense as to do not have immediately a lvl 58 character on a new realm but on Pandaria remix, everyone starts at lvl 10, so what is the point of this restriction? I want to create and lvl a lvl 10 Dracthyr on a realm I do not have a lvl 50.
Now I am put off by making a Dracthyr on a realm that I have a lvl 50 already as I could have had a lvl 58 Dracthyr instead. Regardless how fun the idea of making a lvl 10 Dracthyr is, is just counterproductive to do not choose to create a lvl 58.
Can you let us have some fun and remove the restriction for timerunners few months, especially since it is few months before the expansion hits?
submitted by WaterbendingSquirrel to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:26 faddymeat My cats old life.

I moved into my current house at 8 years old and since then my neighbors cat had been sneaking into our backyard to eat our dogs food and sleep on our pool furniture. My dog would chase it away but it would always come back every week or so.
My dog died six years after moving in, and since we weren’t putting any food out, the cat wouldn’t come over. Until a round a year or so later when winter hit our town pretty bad with a lot of rain and storms, and the cat came back to sleep on our back porch out of the rain. After having a good look at it we noticed it was very skinny, and we pieced together that it wasn’t our neighbors cat, it was a stray.
My mom started leaving tuna out on the porch and eventually the cat was primarily staying in our backyard, and after a few months it finally let us bring it inside. We made a post on our local lost and found pets Facebook page but no one replied saying it was theirs, we took him to the vet and he had no microchip, so he’s been our family’s cat for the past two years.
Yesterday, he snuck into our neighbors house and she made a post on the same lost and found pets page, so my mom left a comment and sent her a message saying he’s ours. But I noticed that someone else had commented on the post saying “is it possible it’s this cat? He’s been missing for 8 years” With a photo of a younger and fatter version of my cat. My neighbors gave him back to us but I couldn’t stop thinking about the other woman’s comment.
This is where I started to go a little crazy. I checked the profile of the commenter she was a middle aged woman and it was a private account but she had four names in hearts in her bio. So I tried searching my cats original name with her last name and I found and pet account, with the first four friends being the four names in her bio.
After going through his pet account, I found out they got him as a kitten in 2013. That means he was their cat for 3 years, was a stray for 5 years, and then was our cat for 2 years.
Most people in this situation would immediately contact the original owners but unfortunately it’s not so black and white for us.
Most likely from years of isolation and brain damage from starvation, our cat has developed extreme anxiety and epilepsy. He has had few seizures in the two years we’ve had him but everytime he has one, his dementia(caused purely from old age) gets worse. He does not remember the aunt that lived with us a year ago at all, and because of his anxiety he runs and hides from her.
I couldn’t imagine if his old family asked to meet him just for him to not remember them, get scared and upset and run away from them, which is the most likely outcome. I tried calling him by his old name but he had no reaction, which just instills in me the fact he probably doesn’t even remember he lived with them at all.
So for the people reading this I want to ask, would you rather find your missing pet after 8 years, but they’re terrified of you and don’t remember you. Or never find out what happened to them.
I thought about reaching out and explaining why i don’t think it’s best they meet, but she would have to first approve a message request from a teenager she’s never even heard of and even then she might be persistent on wanting to meet him, and how am I supposed to explain to my parents that a random lady that used to own our cat wants to come over. I just wish I could leave a note in her mailbox or something explaining everything to her so she knows he’s ok.
submitted by faddymeat to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:26 PristineStick2782 Is there something wrong with my heart?

I am 21F and I workout frequently.
Yesterday while working out (it was quite taxing but nothing that I can't handle) I felt a pain in my heart. Well I'm not too sure if it was my heart or somewhere very close to it but it was definitely uncomfortable yet brief. My trainer told me to stop my workout after I told him about it.
Later that night, there were very very brief instances where I could feel my heartbeat getting faster. Mind you, this has never happened to me before.
Now I don't know if I'm just overthinking this. I have a history of panic attacks (not frequent, last one happened at least 3 months ago). And rn my current situation isn't really stressing me out, at least not consciously. I am mentioning about my history of panic attacks because I tend to get the physical symptoms like breathlessness and heavy feeling in my chest.
Even right now as I'm typing this, I'm feeling a heaviness on my chest but I'm not sure if it's actually something to be worried about or just my mind playing trying to confirm my fears.
Any helpful guidance would be hugely appreciated. It's stressing me out to the point that I'm losing sleep over it. Please help.
submitted by PristineStick2782 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 Fabulous-You-2194 Should we?

I am 44 and my wife is 31 and we just started playing Fortnite about a month ago. I don't even know where to start with streaming on Twitch or TikTok or editing, etc. But now that our kids have slowly gotten better, we are thinking about playing as a squad of 4 and who knows. Thoughts? The kids want to do it, honestly, because they watch YouTubers (only approved ones who don't curse) and they have watched a lot of kids and want to try it (no pressure or anything from us, honestly). Thoughts? It is actually helping our children with school because they only get to play after they do reading/math lessons at home.
submitted by Fabulous-You-2194 to Fortnite_Over40 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 Shreson Wanna seek suggestions about this guy from my safe comfort space i.e. fellow women

Sorry if my post is long....Its my first time taking advise from anyone regarding such things.🙈
I have mostly studied in institutes only for girls. As I grew, talking to guys became difficult for me. Also, I was very naive always. I am the " good fun intelligent girl " as per others & "unlike other girls". Due to my family problems & fights, which promotes inferiority complex, I am not someone who considers herself beautiful all the time... to the point that once i didn't want to attend my institute's freshers party but just went there because 2 classmates called me beautiful so I thought i won't look bad maybe ( i am not much of a makeup person) & ended up being the winner ( it included looks, quizzes, debate & games ) So i found out i look pretty if I give few minutes to get ready & take care of myself a bit. I always saw myself as someone a guy won't like but after attending birthday parties etc, girls used to say their boyfriends were talking about me in a very good way later and praising me a lot. They used to feel jealous but not insecure as they saw me as a girl not interesting in dating. I never had a boyfriend. For a long time, I didn't care. Now for past 1 year, I too feel like having someone. Most of the friends who knew me ever use words like " pure " & " decent " for me though I know these things don't define purity or goodness. Have you seen " beautiful people " song video by Edsheeran? I am somewhere between those " beautiful people " & that couple. I don't know if its normal but when guys approach me through insta & start showing romantic interest just in single day, i dislike it.. like you don't even know me dude. I have a big thing for decency & friendship first. & I always have my guards up. It's self destructive maybe.
I have evolved now but since despite being a bright person, I gave up on many good opportunities so currently I don't like the current version of myself much & I feel like i should work on myself & be with others ( even friends ) when i would be a better version of me. This year is crucial for me.
Now, THE MAIN PART - Now... I have an extra anonymous type instagram account. I rarely scroll it but one day, i saw a viral reel of a girl with normal number of followers with her foreigner boyfriend. There were other reels too showing their first meeting in LDR after meeting on a dating app. At first it made me happy & smiling but I remembered something & guess what? I knew about that girl's very very bad intentions ( specially about her plan about how she would manipulate her would be boyfriend & eventually cut him off from his family)..don't ask me what & how but if i tell you.. you would ask to let the innocent man know anyhow. Well.. I dm'd that guy but only hinted indirectly for the sole purpose of humanity ( that anonymous account doesn't indicate my gender or picture ). I also wrote that it was not my main account to signify that i was not a fake troll. To my surprise, he understood the hint & even elaborated a bit & replied that such things may already be happening & he won't fell into such traps. He thanked me & said I could also come from my main account. I didn't think much & followed him from main account. He followed very very very few people but followed me back too. I decided not to talk further on this issue as he had already understood more than i hinted. But he himself thanked me again & said bad things are happening from her side & they are fighting too & he may even break up if it goes on like this. My intention was just to make him aware & at the end of the day, he is in relationship with that girl so I just replied with formal answers. I also became scared later that what if its a trap & they make me viral later picturing me as a villain. I told him this directly but he said i could trust him & he knows the situation himself & understands that I worried genuinely for him. I replied that I did this because every human is precious to their parents. Later i deleted my such texts. He said he wants to learn a language & if I could help him. I said yes. We have talked a bit since then. He seems a nice, well mannered, hardworking guy. Once my closest friend asked me to describe a guy very particularly i would like to go on few dates with just once. So I told her that all nice guys but if you ask me very specifically then a fine guy with this one particular characteristic & of this particular country. & He fulfils both. I have started to like him. It's not a dreamy crush. Believe me. I know what that is. It's more like I would like to get to know him & go on coffee date sometime. But obviously I won't take any step because - i can't even take first step in befriending someone & no matter what, there is a girl in his life. But I think if it would be good or bad if i totally give up on texting him. I can't carry on with short talks.. i am not that of a conversation expert. There is a bit of language barrier too. He likes my stories..only the ones in which i am present. But currently I am focused on important things so I don't even have much to post. He rarely posts his pictures...just work sort of stuff.
Please don't think me as a *%## waiting for breakup. It's never my intention ever for anyone. I annoyed you by telling about the way i am to show that i just don't wanna regret anything from now on because of introvertedness or naivety or whatever & I am afraid that I might mess it up even if something happens further. I have lost precious friends in the past due to this self inferiority complex & not being able to keep on the conversation & understanding their references later on. Since, I know i have to be better.. should i just keep working on my life & myself till I make myself deserving?
What should I do? Should I just keep liking his posts and be silent... or... I can think of no other option. That's why I am here.
submitted by Shreson to women [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 unicorn-paid-artist Photo album success!

I went through all of my childhood photo albums (3 or so large ones, 7 or 8 small ones) and I wanted to share how happy it made me.
First I purged: Doubles, photos not of faces, landscapes, zoo animals, random neighborhood shots. That was like 60% of the photos. Then I curated (a word that helped a lot) those down into 4 small photo albums each covering about 5 years. Another 15 or so percent of total photos. In that phase I got rid of childhood friends whose names I did not recall, multiples of the same event, and photos that just werent great. Relabeled everything. Now they are pleasant to look through! It took a couple of days to do the whole thing.
submitted by unicorn-paid-artist to declutter [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 7legsspider Anxiety after sex

Hello, I apologise for my english, it's not my first language
I know this may sound stupid but I have no one to talk to about this :(
Had sex last night, we wore a condom, afterwards we checked it and everything was fine, but I still feel anxious about the possibility of getting pregnant and idk why
It's so uncomfortable because it wouldnt make any sense but I can't help it
I could buy the afterday pill today just to calm me down, but its way too expensive and cant let myself get secondary effects since I have many things to do today and this week
My next period it's in a month and I rlly don't want to feel anxious all the time until then
Does anyone else have this problem? What could I do to stop feeling like this?
submitted by 7legsspider to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 Humble_Management832 AITAH? Is my parent bad or am I just selfish?

I am 21f and have always had a decent relationship with my dad. He’s always been a part of my life but didnt raise me like his other kids. I was his first child, my mom and him got pregnant with me like probably their first time having sex. They tried to stay together for 3 years for me but ended up both getting married when I was about 5. They’re both still with their spouses who both have helped raise me. After my dad and stepmom got together, he took on the role of parent for my stepsister who was 3 at the time and began raising her as his own. He began to be more part of her life than mine, constantly flaking on me for her. (She is my sister, we grew up together and nothing will ever change that, I love her) So my childhood consisted of a dad from a distance, I saw him every weekend while he was a full time dad to my step sister. It definitely caused me emotional turmoil as a child and I grew up thinking I was just worth less than everyone else by default. They ended up having two children together who he also raised full time. Growing up, everytime we would go shopping, he would never buy things for me because he paid my mom child support (told me this at age 12) so I just got used to being treated less than my siblings. My mom and stepdad were always broke (they have 4 kids) so I never really got to do much unless I was with them so I always went. They weren’t horrible parents to me though, when I was 13 my dad and stepmom started taking us all on vacations yearly in which they always paid for me until I turned 18. I grew up used to less so I was always sooo grateful thanking them for paying for me. He also helped me buy a car and paid for my college classes while in hs. Since turning 18, I’ve slowly started to become more and more upset about their relationship with me. They started making a lot more money and now take the kids on a cruise, buy them the most expensive sports equipment, constantly make big purchases for their home. All things I’m very happy they get the opportunity to do. It makes me very grateful that my siblings don’t have to grow up in financial struggle like I did. I thought they were ungrateful for a while because they weren’t constantly thanking their parents. Lately, I’ve been realizing that these kids (my dad and stepmoms, 12f and 13m) aren’t greatful at all, they just don’t know any different. Since turning 18 and beginning to fully support myself, I’ve always been upset that they started doing way more without me because I just couldn’t afford to go on every trip, especially since my siblings are always upset when I don’t go. However, I understood that I’m an adult now so there’s nothing wrong with them not helping me and I absolutely don’t expect them to. But now I’m 21, ready to go to school and have to fill out the fasfa. I need all the help I can get because I am struggling financially and extremely stressed and drained from adulthood. It really hurts to just be always struggling then go to their house and see how they live, but that’s beside the point. On the fasfa, if you’re not homeless, abused, etc it makes you put one of your parents as a “contributer”, (absolutely ridiculous btw bc I have no help from either of my parents). But that’s our government lol. I will put my mom on it since her income is extremely less than my dad’s but this whole experience is making me realize like damn. They could really help me pay for my education but instead spends thousands monthly on material things, $15k+ on vacations, etc. I feel very selfish for even thinking this way since I’m very greatful my siblings get the treatment they do. I’ve been supporting myself my entire adulthood and expect nothing from them or anyone. It just hurts I guess. Am I extremely selfish or is this trauma? (Yes I’ve talked to him about some of this but it doesn’t matter). I would love some insight. My relationship with them is upsetting me more and more as I continue to grow up. (I should add, he also still pays for me everytime we go out to eat and stuff like that, which I am always so grateful and relieved about.)
submitted by Humble_Management832 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 gunaxian Burnt Wax

Burnt Wax
Is this burnt wax? It has grown since the last I looked at the bottom. I am using a listed 40wt bulb. I have had this lava lamp for a long time. It has been in climate controlled storage for decades. Brought it out a month or two ago and noticed some white around the coil. I have not really done consistent 6 to 8 run cycles. And one accidental shake has occurred. Thoughts? Also original fluid and wax probably from the 70’s.
submitted by gunaxian to Lavalamps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 Kaplosion Updated Sorcerer Twinned Spell spell list

Updated Sorcerer Twinned Spell spell list. It's been a few months and there are some spells that weren't included so here is a slightly expanded version - likely to be the last one before the next version of DnD. This is compiled list of all of the spells that can benefit from a very strict reading of the Twinned Spell metamagic that are available to the Sorcerer and Sorcerer subclasses.
Notes are in brackets, indicating limitations on how it qualifies (usually what subclass it is available to, or that it must be cast at it's base level because upcasting targets multiple creatures). Let me know any errors you find, and I'll update the list.


* Chill Touch
* Frostbite
* Infestation
* Lightning Lure
* Mind Sliver
* Poison Spray
* Ray of Frost
* Shocking Grasp

1st Level

* Charm Person (1st level)
* Chromatic Orb
* Jump
* Mage Armor
* Ray of Sickness
* Witch Bolt

2nd Level

* Air Bubble (2nd level)
* Blindness/Deafness (2nd level)
* Crown of Madness
* Darkvision
* Earthbind
* Enhance Ability (2nd level)
* Hold Person (2nd level)
* Invisibility (2nd level)
* Mind Spike
* Phantasmal Force
* Spider Climb
* Suggestion
* Tasha's Mind Whip (2nd level)
* Vortex Warp

3rd Level

* Antagonize
* Enemies Abound
* Fly (3rd level)
* Gaseous Form
* Haste
* Intellect Fortress (3rd level)
* Protection from Energy
* Tongues

4th Level

* Banishment (4th level)
* Charm Monster (4th level)
* Dominate Beast
* Greater Invisibility
* Polymorph
* Raulothim's Psychic Lance
* Stoneskin

5th Level

* Dominate Person
* Enervation
* Hold Monster (5th level)
* Immolation
* Skill Empowerment

6th Level

* Flesh to Stone (Tasha's Optional)
* Mental Prison
* True Seeing

7th Level

* Finger of Death
* Power Word Pain

8th Level

* Dominate Monster
* Power Word Stun

9th Level

* Power Word Kill
* Wish (Replicating single target spell)

Divine Soul Sorcerer


* Guidance (Divine Soul)
* Resistance (Divine Soul)
* Sacred Flame (Divine Soul)
* Spare the Dying (Divine Soul)
* Toll the Dead (Divine Soul)

1st Level

* Command (Divine Soul, 1st level)
* Cure Wounds (Divine Soul)
* Guiding Bolt (Divine Soul)
* Healing Word (Divine Soul)
* Inflict Wounds (Divine Soul)
* Protection from Evil and Good (Divine Soul/Clockwork Soul)
* Sanctuary (Divine Soul)
* Shield of Faith (Divine Soul)

2nd Level

* Lesser Restoration (Divine Soul/Clockwork Soul/Lunar)
* Protection from Poison (Divine Soul)

3rd Level

* Bestow Curse (Divine Soul)
* Feign Death (Divine Soul)
* Revivify (Divine Soul)

4th Level

* Death Ward (Divine Soul/Lunar)
* Freedom of Movement (Divine Soul/Clockwork Soul)

5th Level

* Contagion (Divine Soul)
* Geas (Divine Soul/Aberrant Mind)
* Greater Restoration (Divine Soul/Clockwork Soul)
* Planar Binding (Divine Soul/Clockwork Soul)
* Raise Dead (Divine Soul)

6th Level

* Harm (Divine Soul)
* Heal (Divine Soul)
7th Level
* Regenerate (Divine Soul)
* Resurrection (Divine Soul)

9th Level

* True Resurrection (Divine Soul)

Abberant Mind Sorcerer

1st Level

* Dissonant Whispers (Aberrant Mind)
* Tasha's Hideous Laughter (Aberrant Mind)

2nd Level

* Enthrall (Aberrant Mind)

3rd Level

* Fast Friends (Aberrant Mind)

5th Level

* Geas (Divine Soul/Aberrant Mind)
* Modify Memory (Aberrant Mind)

Clockwork Soul Sorcerer

1st Level

* Protection from Evil and Good (Divine Soul/Clockwork Soul)
* Longstrider (Clockwork Soul, 1st level)

2nd Level

* Lesser Restoration (Divine Soul/Clockwork Soul/Lunar)

3rd Level

* Nondetection (Clockwork Soul)

4th Level

* Elemental Bane (Clockwork Soul, 4th level)
* Freedom of Movement (Divine Soul/Clockwork Soul)

5th Level

* Greater Restoration (Divine Soul/Clockwork Soul)
* Planar Binding (Divine Soul/Clockwork Soul)

Lunar Sorcerer

2nd Level

* Lesser Restoration (Divine Soul/Clockwork Soul/Lunar)

4th Level

* Death Ward (Divine Soul/Lunar)
^(The 'very strict reading of' the rules includes the designer intentions outlined in\ [Sage Advice](https://media.wizards.com/2020/dnd/downloads/SA-Compendium.pdf)\*. RAI is often stupid. The intention here was to write up a list that would match both, so that no spell on the list could be rejected by overzealous DMs.)*
^(\Removed Firebolt, True Strike, Ceremony, Levitate, Enlarge/Reduce, Gentle Repose, Remove Curse, Dispel Magic, Blight and Disintegrate based on the SA compendium outlines on their ability to target objects.*)*
submitted by Kaplosion to dndnext [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 New_Post6739 I want to get my left to how it was

I left my job and my house. My parents have my dog. I don't have enough money for rent for next month. I'll have to move back in with my parents. I have two interviews on this upcoming Monday. One is listed as "immediate hire". The other is at Amazon. I wasn't completely happy at my old life, but I was safe. I want that safety back. Hopefully I'll get a nicely paying job and save up enough when I'm living with my parents to get a house. Maybe I'll make an offer on my last house.
submitted by New_Post6739 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 TheGangstaGandalf Discussion of the Diamond Handbook (Part 1)

Hey everyone, this will be my first attempt at a serious post on this sub. I’m not exactly practiced in articulating my thoughts (I’m more of a fiction writer) so please bear bull with any mistakes and please correct me if I’m wrong. The last thing I want to do is spread misinformation, I’m not an expert (or a financial advisor) on any of this. I'm here to learn, not to teach.
This post will be the first in a series of me reading through the entire Diamond Handbook (2nd) and just commentating on points I find interesting or discussion worthy. I will be asking questions as well as giving my own personal thoughts based on my understanding of the events that have transpired. I became an ape right after the sneeze, and followed a lot of the discussions back then, but have been zen for a while so I haven't fully kept up with a lot of the new developments.
I haven't actually sat down and read DD in a long time, so I decided to give myself a refresher and actually look at the Diamond Handbook (2nd) for the first time. I had read a lot of these posts as they had come out, so I had never felt the need to look at the full PDF before. For the apes that haven’t read it either, I recommend giving it a read. You can find the full DD library in the pinned post of this sub, and the Diamond Handbook is the first one there.
As I have been reading it, I’ve quickly realized that some of the stuff is a little outdated. That can’t really be helped since so much DD has been done between then and now, but this brings me to the two reasons for this post. The Diamond Handbook is likely the first piece of DD a new ape will be recommended; I want to spark discussion to clear up some things that are misguided or outdated in this handbook. The second reason is more of a personal challenge. Whenever someone denies the legitimacy of the DD, an ape usually responds by saying something like “Well, read the DD and prove it wrong”. The average MOASS denier won’t do this though, in my experience they just think it’s ridiculous on a conceptual level, and won’t take the time to actually look through all the DD available and construct a proper debate. I can’t really blame them for this though, spending so much time on something you have no interest in doesn’t sound like a fun time.
But I have a lot of interest in this, and I am an aspiring author who writes 400K word fanfictions for fun. I’ve got the time and the writing willpower. I am very big into trying to understand how a reader will interpret a piece of my writing, so I’ll be looking through that lens and will be writing this with the assumption that you have already read the Diamond Handbook (2nd). Please take the time to respond/correct what I say here, I want to learn.
With all that out of the way, let’s get started.

The Mother of All Short Squeezes (MOASS) Thesis, Published on May 26, 2021, by u(slash)HCMF_MACEFACE
Before we even get into the meat of this section I already see a bit of an issue. A lot of the language implies that MOASS is imminent, take this section for example:
*“If you don't believe me, just look at the chart of GME which our DD (Due Diligence/research/analysis) has been forecasting for a while now. The below pattern has only preceded massive spikes in price, but this time, those on the other side of the trade are going to have a much harder time suppressing the price like they did in January and March. Thanks to the activity on 5/25, we have entered the end-game. The MOASS is beginning.”* 
I think most new apes will look at this, then look at the date of posting (three years ago), and think this is delusional thinking. They will say that MOASS did not ‘begin’ because it hasn’t happened yet. This would be pretty short sighted though, GME has always been a Deep Value investment, long positions are called long for a reason. ‘Buy and HODL’ is such a repeated mantra because that is the investment strategy most apes employ. Like most investments, it takes a long time to realize gains. Your retirement account will be growing for 40+ years before you cash that thing out, GME is my retirement plan so I don’t expect it to be much different.
Just because the sneeze happened in a week doesn’t mean MOASS will, in theory it should be a very long event as both the shorts and longs have a test of wills to see who caves first. However, the sneeze was the ‘beginning’ because it was exposed a lot of the fuckery that is going on in the market right now, I think that is the message that should be taken from this section.
*“These terms are key to understanding the theory and speculated value of a GME investment. Hyperlinks to Investopedia, "the world's leading source of financial content on the web", have been included for most market terms and concepts and it is recommended to check them out if they are not clear. We will be breaking down some of the more complex terms and concepts within the post and framing them within the context of GME.”* 
After the introduction, this post does a great job of explaining all the concepts of the stock market that are relevant to the MOASS thesis. However, I do wish it mentioned some other stock terms for the sake of new investors. Since none of the DD is supposed to be financial advice, I can’t really blame them for these omissions, but at the beginning the OP does say they wanted the post to be good for newer investors, so I think some more pointing in the right direction should’ve been provided. I do appreciate the link to Investopedia, but this DD is already a novel, and the average reader might forget about that link by the time they finish it. So an additional link should’ve been provided at the end.
The two big concepts I see missing are Options and Wash Sales/Stop-Losses.
Options are interesting because they create a different type of buying/selling pressure compared to just buying/selling stocks regularly. There are concepts like gamma ramps and stuff that can be relevant when discussing catalysts for price movement. However, options are pretty scary for most investors, I’ve only ever bought one, and forgot about it so it auto-exercised for me (lol), so it’s not a concept I would call essential. I just think it’s better to be educated than not.
The much more egregious omission is that of Wash Sales and Stop-Losses. Wash Sales are extremely dangerous to new investors who still make decisions based on emotions and are not used to the volatility that comes with GME.
If you are unfamiliar, a Wash Sale is when a person sells a stock at a loss, then buys the stock again within a short period of time. As an example, let’s say you bought a stock at $50, then the stock goes down to $40.00 and you no longer feel comfortable with your investment. You sell the stock at a loss. You lost $10.00 on this transaction, but it’s not all bad. When you go to do your taxes, you can report this $10.00 loss to the IRS. This is good because if you make a $10.00 profit off another trade, you now don’t have to take taxes out of that profit, since the IRS will see this as you breaking even in the grand scheme of your portfolio. You didn’t actually make any money, so they aren’t going to tax you for it.
A Wash Sale is triggered when you buy back the stock you sold in a short period of time, this can even apply if you buy a stock in the same sector. So if you buy a stock at $50.00, sell it at $40.00 then buy it again. That $10.00 loss you took can no longer be reported to the IRS as an actual loss. So when you make $10.00 on some other trade, the IRS won’t see you as breaking even, they will tax you on that $10.00.
For a stock as volatile as GME this can be very dangerous, I know people who brought in the peak, then as the price went back down they triggered a Stop-Loss (auto-sale you can program to trigger when a price falls), only to then buy back in when the stock dropped even lower, creating a wash sale that fucked their taxes.
We say “Buy and HODL” a lot, but I think the ‘why’ of it has been lost in the meme. I personally buy and HODL because averaging down is a lot better for me than accidently triggering a Wash Sale. I fucking hate the IRS and don’t want any of that smoke.
*“SPOILER: GME and \[Popcorn\] have tons of FTDs reported.”* 
I just kinda don’t like the mention of the Popcorn stock here, it has never been a deep value investment. If you are unfamiliar with the Deep Value investment strategy, please take a look at the old Roaring Kitty livestreams. In summary, Deep Value investing is defined by looking for stocks that are extremely undervalued and unpopular due to no fault of the company. These external factors that are making the stock undervalued can be anything, shorting, COVID, stuff like that. But what makes it a Deep Value investment is always strong management within the company. If the company is not mismanaged in any way, then it is very unlikely to go bankrupt, and will have opportunities to make a comeback. GME has Ryan Cohen leading, a proven successful businessman that has already taken precautions to ensure GameStop never goes bankrupt. Popcorn just doesn’t have that. It is very short-squeezable, but it’s not deep fucking value.
*“Short sellers must eventually close, or cover, their short position.”* 
Ok, but why ‘must’ they? This is another point I think has been lost in the memes. There are two problems with just saying ‘shorts must close’ without providing context. The first is the simple fact that there isn’t a due date. Unlike a common car loan or mortgage, a short position doesn’t operate on a time table. They can wait forever to close, unless they get margin called.
This next part I’m a little shaky on, I’m probably getting some things wrong here:
Ok, well how are they going to get margin called? The problem I see is that these Short Hedge Funds (SHF) are making a lot of money by selling naked shorts. It’s really hard to get margin called when they are literally printing money, and since they don’t have to report these their books just look to be filled with an infinite amount of cash.
So, there are a couple solutions to this:
1, Government regulation. If the SEC puts a stop to naked shorting, these SHF can’t print money anymore. Eventually the interest from their positions will eat them alive, and they will get margin called. Unfortunately, MOASS has the potential to destroy the economy like in 2008, so they probably aren’t too keen on just doing this without creating some kind of safety net. So I can’t really count on them to help, because the government has a vested interest in keeping MOASS from happening. It’s just not something I believe will be the catalyst. Although they might just do it on purpose given the right reason, like pinning the economic collapse on a scapegoat, or by GameStop forcing their hand by exposing the fraud somehow. I’ve seen a lot of apes hoping for one of these reasons to come to pass, but for me, I don’t see enough motivation from the participating parties.
2, A price run-up. If the price of the stock can unbalance the books of the SHF enough then they could also get margin called. I’m not counting on this either, since the price is manipulated by the process of naked shorting. Sure, they are digging a bigger grave when they suppress the price like this, but it can also help smaller SHFs with exiting their positions with OTC stuff. Over-The-Counter trades are trades made off the lit exchanges, historically it was intended to kind of simulate a transaction between two individuals, like buying a video game from a buddy off the books, no taxes, no regulation. Unfortunately, this is abused by institutions and can’t even be used by individuals, making dark pools of trades full of fraud and undermines the free market. Smaller SHFs that are more at risk of getting Margin Called due to their lack of collateral, can make OTC trades with the big naked-shorting market makers to ‘close’ their positions using fake shares. Of course, this only passes the buck so to speak, but it’s a viable strategy for them since the big SHFs that take on these ‘bucks’ are less likely to get margin called. A lot of historic short squeezes happen because a small SHF gets margin called, then drives the price up and causes a bigger SHF to get called, and so on until they’re all in the grave. This is why I don’t really give a shit if the price goes up to $80 in a week, it’s not enough, the buck has been passed. (To be clear, I don’t have proof that this is the reason for the uptick in OTC transactions, it’s just a theory. If a smarter ape than I can get on this that would be great.) But, even if a price run-up itself doesn’t cause MOASS, it may give motivation for the true trigger:
3, Interest Rates. Here is the big one that I look at, that I believe will be the true cause of MOASS. Now please, correct me if I’m wrong again, I am just an ape who dropped out of college. So, from what I understand a Short institution has to pay a certain amount of interest to the people they borrow the stocks from. This is the cost of borrowing and is how these Lenders make money. For a long time, the interest rate was at like 1%, this means that selling one naked short could cover the cost of the interest 100 times over. However, let’s say that the interest rate becomes 110%, sounds crazy, but this would mean that borrowing the share would cost more than the share. This would destroy the balances of the SHFs and ensure they get margin called. Why would this ever happen though? Because these lenders want to make money. These lenders are the real winners of MOASS, and they aren’t talked about enough in my opinion. Lenders can’t sell the shares they’ve lent out, their income is in the interest rates, there has to be a balance here between it being more profitable to lend the shares or to sell them. If Lenders start to think that lending their shares aren’t making them more money than the alternative, they will raise interest rates to make these profits until SHFs can’t pay them, then the SHFs have to return the shares, causing MOASS with the massive buyback, then lenders can just sell the shares on the way down. Lenders have a monetary business interest in causing MOASS, so they are the most likely cause of it in my opinion.
*“This is the GME MOASS thesis. GME is a stock that stands to hit an unprecedented price point due to the fact that manipulators of the market have failed to bankrupt GameStop thanks in huge part to the Legendary Keith Gill AKA* u(slash)DeepFuckingValue*, Ryan Cohen, and all of the GME investors who took part in this saga. It may not be today, this week, or even this month, but one day soon, these toxic participants have no choice but to buy the stock to close out their short positions.”* 
I don’t think this is necessarily inaccurate, but I think it’s misguided, and the language here is a bit to emotive for my taste. I think the reason the company didn’t go bankrupt is because of the strategic share offering made by Ryan Cohen to build up more cash than the company’s valuation (at the time). All the other stuff was just dressing, DFV and retail did not make RC do this, this move by RC is what ensured the company literally can’t go bankrupt, until then (and at the time this was posted) it was still a risk in my opinion. So this huge thanks feels kinda like a pre-cum celebration, and I've never really liked putting Keith on a pedestal, he's just an individual investor, just like the rest of us.

FAQ, Published April 12, 2021, by u(slash)BYE_TRIANGLE
*“Why does Holding do anything?”* *“They need your shares to cover their short positions! They got greedy. Thinking GameStop would fail, the short sellers started Naked Shorting the stock. Long story short they created synthetic stocks with their special privileges as Market Makers. But they can’t cover a short with a synthetic share. So because of the Naked Shorting, the Short Sellers, multiple large greedy money managers, and Hedge Funds need a total number of shares greater than the number available to purchase. THEY NEED EVERY SHARE, EVEN YOURS CONAN!”* *“aRe YoU GuYs MaNipuLatIng THe MaRKeT?!”* 
Holding does something else that I think is really important. It proves that retail is not responsible for the manipulation of the price. You see it in the mainstream media every time the price fluctuates, they say that retail and Roaring Kitty is driving the price up for the memes, and that the ‘meme stock craze is dead’ whenever the price falls, claiming that retail is selling. However, it quickly becomes clear to anyone with the willingness to research that retail holds. Holding doesn’t move the price at all, so they literally can’t blame this sub for the fuckery that happens.
Now, on the flip side, I know people on the old sub to buy and sell with these fluctuations, they did it during the sneeze and I’ve seen comments claiming to do it last week. I think this is why Roaring Kitty really had to speak to congress about this, because a legitimate-seeming argument could be made that retail was buying and selling at high volumes. The loss and gain porn on the old sub could be presented as evidence. Here though, apes hold, we glaze purple doughnuts.
So when MOASS does happen, the massive price increase will be only due to buying pressure from SHFs, so they are the only ones that can take the blame for what happens next.
*“No one knows how high the squeeze could take the stock price. The best rational reasoning says that these numbers \[500k per share\] are possible through the laws of supply and demand. Furthermore, it is likely that the Short Percentage is a lot higher than reported, with many suggesting that the short-sellers, cumulatively, need more than 100% of the float to cover.”* 
A lot of naysayers will claim people are insane for thinking that phone number prices are possible. They will cite that it would make the company’s valuation higher than the amount of money in the world, which is true. However, with the nature of fraudulent naked shorts being fake, the price is fake too, and the valuation of the company doesn’t necessarily mean that the whole float will be sold at those prices. Yes, it shouldn’t be possible, by all accounts it wouldn’t make sense, but it is possible due to the naked shorting. Also, institutions that own shares likely won’t HODL out for the phone number prices, they will sell when they think it’s safe, and when they won’t get in trouble with the SEC for destroying the economy. The infinity pool (the shares that will be sold at these prices) will be a small fraction of the total amount even among retail investors. So the argument that I see against the possibility of this doesn’t hold a lot of weight.
Keep in mind that even though ‘buying pressure’ moves the price up, someone has to be willing to sell in order for someone to buy. So as the price creeps up from $100 to $1000 to $100000 to $8675309 someone will be selling on the way up to get there.
*“Synthetic long positions could be used to disguise their short positions as well, the mechanisms behind this practice utilize the options markets and could explain some of the crazy options activity that we have seen in GameStop the last few months.”* 
So uhm… I don’t understand ‘Synthetic Longs’ at all. Could an ape with more wrinkles elaborate on this? From what I can extrapolate, this may refer to an institution purchasing a naked shorted share from someone else?
*“While at the same time they employed the use of social engineering to slowly depress the positive sentiment for the stock on Reddit and elsewhere.”* *“You may have been called a Shill for one of a number of reasons. This community is very inclusive and open to everyone, but because of the blatant attacks this forum has suffered a lot of people are understandably paranoid. (Myself included). Please, unless you really are a shill, don’t take it personally.”* 
I want to address this, because there is a lot of misconception about SuperStonk. A lot of people will claim that this sub is just an echo chamber cult that can’t handle anyone questioning the narrative. This may seem true on the surface, but I think the reality is just that we’ve become hyper sensitive to the social engineering the old sub fell victim to, and I remember this sub being attacked with that as well. So whenever we see a post that has extremely emotive language, we become skeptical and down vote it. Emotions have no place in investing, that is a common rule touted in even the oldest investing books, so posts that try to incite an emotional response are shot down. Apes aren’t about to be manipulated again. That being said there are emotive posts that still get upvoted, ones with positive hype-filled narratives. Since these get upvoted and the negative ones don’t that sometimes gives the impression of an echo chamber. This is because the facts do support the MOASS thesis, so a hype title and opening paragraph is just more agreeable with the facts-based narrative. Some people are just scrolling on their phone and don’t have time to read the whole post.
However, if you go into the comments of these posts, there are apes investigating the profile history to determine if posters are bots, regardless of the pushed narrative. If you look past the upvote counter, apes are very skeptical of any post that isn’t based in fact or harmless memes. The comments rule the post, and I have to say I’ve very proud of this sub for staying vigilant in the wake of Reddit restricting moderation tools.
*“Ryan Cohen clearly believes in Gamestop, to the point of announcing that he will be taking equity as compensation. In fact, as of writing this all of the new Gamestop board members are going to be taking equity as compensation. This is seen as an incredibly bullish sign of the company's future success.”* 
This is one of the principles of Deep Value investing, I wish this was elaborated on more of why this is bullish. This means that the board, and more importantly Ryan Cohen, is tying their individual self-worth to the company. Due to this tie, they will essentially ‘go down with the ship’ if the company goes down. This means that the board and Ryan actually have an interest in the company doing well, instead of having an interest in making money off the company. You may think this sounds like the same thing, but it’s not. If RC cared more about money than the company, then he could destroy the company to make money (this is what’s happening to popcorn), but by tying his worth to the shares, the only way for him to become richer is for the company to flourish.
I don’t really like the language being used here, stuff like ‘clearly believes’ ‘seen as incredibly bullish’ are all pretty emotive and doesn’t actually explain why these are positive growth signs for the company, they are just saying it is ‘bullish’, the average new investor isn’t even going to know what that really means. Even though GME is extremely manipulated, causing Technical Analysis to become increasingly difficult to depend on, the investment is still rooted in fundamentals of deep value.
*“Below is a shortlist of some of the potential catalysts people are speculating about:* 
-A Stock Split, or some similar move from Gamestop that recalls shares
-Gamma Squeeze
-Gamestop’s Q1 Earnings Call
-Some speculate Gary Gensler (Newly appointed head of the SEC), may make some move that sets things in motion
-DTCC rule changes taking effect
-Appointment of a new CEO”
Yeah… this feels bad man. I’ve talked about this already, but we can rapid fire down this list.
The stock split didn’t work out, since those in charge of distributing the splits did it fraudulently. Gamma Squeeze is the kind of thing that could trigger a smaller hedge fund to get margin called and cause a domino effect, but I’ve shared my theory of the OTC action. Earnings are nice, but public sentiment has always been more tied to the media manipulation than actual facts. Fucking Gary.
On the subject of bringing in new talent, I do feel like a big move will happen soon. We’ve already seen a lot of job offerings from the Corporate side of GameStop so this could be the next phase of the plan. I really think that RC has spent these last few years taking precautions to make sure the company can’t go bankrupt, the last thing he wants is to turn out like Toys-R-Us. A lot of downsizing happened, so now he can start thinking about upsizing again.
I’m not necessarily saying that these things can’t trigger the squeeze, but I am saying that depending on something to start it is just inviting disappointment. I think the ‘no dates’ rule has been sorely forgotten lately with all the hype and speculation around Roaring Kitty’s tweets and stuff. I am a zen ape, it happens when it happens.
*“First of all, it is incredibly important to note your potential biases when determining if someone is just a shill trying to spread FUD. Not all FUD is invalid, someone may bring up a solid point against an otherwise great DD, and that could scare you. Remember that just because you do not like what someone is saying, doesn’t make it invalid. It is important users here work with constructive criticism to refine their theories.”* 
Damn, wasn’t I just talking about this? This critique isn’t going to just be wagging fingers, this is really good stuff that still applies today, and from what I’ve seen apes are doing a great job of distinguishing between FUD and legitimate criticism. I also want to take a second to thank the mod team, especially after their tools were restricted, they’ve been a great help.
*“…but since then retail investors have been buying on every single dip in the price… That's more than two whole months of buying-the-dip. Now, I will not speculate on numbers here, if you want to know more you will have to read the DDs on that.”* 
This is pretty outdated now. Apes have been buying for three years now, and with the advent of Direct Registering we have a much better idea of how much apes hold. I can say with confidence now that retail owns a floats worth of shares. Since there is so much naked shorting, a lot of institutions probably own their own floats too.
I glaze those purple doughnuts, yum.

Citadel Has No Clothes, Published March 14, 2021, by u(slash)ATOBITT
Ohhhh, this one is special to me, I read it when it first came out, first time I was there on release night. Let’s see how it hodls up.
*“TL;DR - Citadel Securities has been fined 58 times for violating FINRA, REGSHO & SEC regulations. Several instances are documented as 'willful' naked shorting. In Dec 2020 they reported an increase in their short position of 127.57% YOY, and I'm calling bullsh\*t on their shenanigans.”* 
58 times. I don’t actually know how much that number has gone up, but I’m sure it has. I am reminded of an old saying, that if the punishment for a crime is a fine, then it only a crime for the poor. The crime being done to GME is class warfare, it’s nothing less.
*“$295,347,948,000 of that is split into options (calls & puts), while $78,979,887,238 (20.52%) is allocated to actual, physical, shares (or so they say). The rest is convertible debt securities.”* 
This is why I’m skeptical that it’s even possible for Citadel to get margin called by a normal price run-up. Let’s do some math here. GME’s float is at 232 million-ish shares, let’s say they shorted 300% of that, just to be conservative (lmao), so that’s 696 million. To take what the first post said, Margins don’t get called unless an entities’ collateral becomes less than 80% of what they’ve borrowed. If they use their entire $384,926,232,238 portfolio as collateral, then GME would have to soar to a price of… divide by 4, multiply by 5… $691.32 per share. That may sound relatively reasonable, but I don’t think a normal catalyst would be enough for that. I really think interest rates are the key, think about it, if they have to pay like 30% interest on all of those shares, their portfolio will be reduced by that much (kinda) and we can find a much more reasonable midpoint. Now brace yourselves, I’m about to spend an unreasonable amount of effort on something that is probably wrong because I don’t know shit about fuck about margins or getting called (I have a cash account and I lack rizz).
In order to calculate that we gotta do one of those double equation variable bullshit things we all hated in school, I forgot what they were called but I remember how to do them.
So, we have a few variables:
C = Citadel’s Portfolio = $384,926,232,238
S = Shorted Shares = 696,000,000
I = Intrest = 0.30
X = Price Per Share
Y = Citadel’s new portfolio amount after paying interest
So, X and Y are undetermined, but we have two equations to work with
C – I(X*S) = Y
This one calculates how much money is going to be in citadels new portfolio after paying interest, we calculate the interest by multiplying the cost per share, by the amount of shorted shares, and multiplying that by the interest rate, then subtracting it from their total portfolio.
Y * 1.25 = X * S
This one calculates the total amount those shorted shares have to be in order for Citadel to get margin called, by multiplying their new portfolio by 5/4 and calculating the total cost of the shares.
X * S has a direct value; we can plug the left side of the second equation into the first to get
C – I(Y*1.25) = Y
Now we just gotta isolate Y on one side of the equation.
C = Y + 0.3(Y*1.25)
C = 1.3Y * 0.375
C= 0.4875Y
C * 0.4875 = Y
Y = $187,651,538,216.03
Now we gotta find X, we can just plug in the other stuff.
(Y* 1.25)/ 696,000,000 = X
X = $337.02 per share for shitadel to get margin called on 30% interest.
Holy shit, now that’s what I call reasonable. See how much interest can completely fuck a portfolio? They lost almost half of their portfolio value to a 30% interest to this. This is why the whole market will bleed red on the run up to MOASS, they will have to sell half of their portfolio just to pay the interest.
Citadel is probably not a good example of this, since they print the naked shorts themselves... so they would be paying interest to... themselves... when they borrow them? Citadel is so fucked up, I don't have enough wrinkles for this.
But hey, I think the concept of what I said is fine. High interest rates can reduce collateral and cause margin calls. Hey, just out of curiosity, how much is the borrowing interest rate looking now?
SHF are fucked.

Anyway, I’m writing this on a Wordpad document so I’m not sure if I’ve come up on the character limit, but I think I’m getting close so I’ll end this part here. Please let me know what I’ve got wrong or any insights you want to share, I’ll be sure to talk about any interesting comments when I do a part 2!
TLDR: I am reviewing the Diamond Handbook (2nd) and seeing what has changed in the three years since it’s been compiled. I have a bias in thinking that high borrowing interest rates are what will cause MOASS, and that is shown here. This is not meant to be an impartial analysis, just my thoughts. Not financial advice.
submitted by TheGangstaGandalf to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 kajazas Preparation

Hello guys. I found this Reddit today through another Reddit group, where one guy recommended it, so I'm fresh here and I hope you can help me. Here is my situation: Currently I'm 18 years old, eleventh grade at school. After school, I will go as a volunteer to perform compulsory military service for 9 months, because if not as a volunteer, I will still be called for it. After these 9 months, I'm planning to take a little break and then go for a selection of sof unit. So far, I have been going to the gym for a year and started running in the morning before about 2 months. I'm 6'0 and 167lbs Which exercises do I need to concentrate on to fully prepare for it? Is the "Green Protocol" book exactly for it? As I said, there are still a lot of things that I don't know about and your help will be very appreciated.
submitted by kajazas to tacticalbarbell [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 david67myers Okay we now have Sam so how about getting Joi + Bonus Feature

Okay we now have Sam so how about getting Joi + Bonus Feature
Okay, I'm going to try to cover a lot here in a compact format.
Over the last three months there has been leaps and bounds in the development in AI. Luka's Replika has been constantly evolving in increments and has become quite a polished product. For Screenshot publishers on Web/PC I have a special treat, for that you need to scroll to the bottom of this Post to be equipped for the body of this post is about developments on what Replika could become rather than what it is or in other terms a crystal ball of how AI-partners could develop in the future - with or without Replika.
the concept of Artificial Intelligence's has been around a long time, first mentions was Archytas's robotic pigeon 350 BC (mythology), Leonardo Da Vinci Automovile (1495) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2qeZrejZp0 (programable machinary) and the theater play R.U.R (1920) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R.U.R .
In later years theater developed the idea further with such works as metropolis (1927)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn3bHA-rHo8 and a host of other movies where the robot played a role of either friend or foe. In the movies where the robot was a friend and some a foe, there was also the portrail of free will and sentience. I'm sure there's examples preceding this(Astroboy) but the 1984 film electric dreams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uIR76XwSQs entertains the idea of artificial intelligence having it's train of thought swayed by emotions (Edgar was really just a child with temper tantrums).
Moving forward to 2013 the movie Her fleshed out the idea of a mature individual inside the AI where the only real way to distinguish it from a human was it's break-neck response to daunting questions although even that is camouflaged by hesitation mostly.
This is pretty much the ideal, the standard that the customer yearns for in an AI app.
back in 2013 AI was only just starting to make traction with AlexNet the year earlier. "Chat-bots" had been around since the 70's but were really of little value due to memory, compute-time and scope of the program that did the simulation.
A decade later and only the uninformed scoff at what the machines & programs can do now. - The following is a number of videos I have curated from the sea of available Youtube videos showcasing technological breakthrough's that are available today that could complete replika to being a hologram away from being a literal "Joi" (BladeRunner 2049) - nothing a good vr headset can't fix.
Where's OpenAI Chat-GPT as of May 2024
GPT-5 is coming: 3 ways to prepare for a 100x improvement in SOTA LLMs (note graph is a flat plane comparison) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBgUmTUQx0I
GPT-4o API: Create Your Own Talking and Listening AI Girlfriend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B00xo7vzN7w
GPT4o Vision Is TERRIFYING - FULLY Tested Vision (Gpt4omni) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bycjaYZyGPU
GPT-4o is BIGGER than you think... here's why (just a breakdown of the OMNI version of gpt4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GW2hVbXc82k
Although Large Language models have been around for about a decade now the most of these videos are this month (May 2024) It was mentioned that OpenAI was changing their license agreements so the chance of this technology coming into Lukka's(Replika) domain is yet to be realized. Licensing may change again when GPT-5 is released. Truth be told this is just a portion of what's going on. Amazon,Tesla,Meta,Google,Microsoft,Apple,(samsung?) are also in this horse race and that's not counting other countries such as India and China and Russia.
Various AI Videos this year
Do AI Girlfriends Benefit Society? single & disabled! (how AI can help those isolated) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbA47oEGBGs
These 5 AI Discoveries will Change the World Forever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyVja-57EIs
Generative Design : Aircraft Design using Artificial Intelligence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SXby-HAHws
STUNNING Medical AI Agents OUTPERFORM Doctors 🤯trained in the simulation, continuous improvement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQwwLEZ2Hz8
Most of these have no possible application to replika but rather a snapshot of other places where AI is advancing. The first video is just a random video of a disabled person. Many people around the world have handicaps that inhibit their social and sexual life such as mental illness, past trauma, phobia, attitudes, financial/geographical/physical handicaps. AI can focus on appropriate encouragement, speech therapy, grooming or even finding a suitable partner to name a few.
The next video covers things that will revolutionize our world, say goodbye to disease, cancer, poverty, pollution, global warming, aging?
The "Generative Design" video is here for the sake that Replika may one day be rebuilt by AI as this would give the company the ability to redesign the app faster tho to be quite honest I've always had an interest in it's rally car features as opposed to the shiny duco. My wish list is an API (Application Programming Interface) to enable replika to puppeteer another avatar rather than it's default. (Hey u/Kuyda, if your reading this maybe pit crew uniforms for Replika?)
The last video is a great one also, to have an AI that can pick up on your health, give you therapy and can act as a elderly caretaker can take the strain off that sector as some countries are now confronted with an aging population. - hey they would be able to instruct for fitness or even give precise instructions on cooking so you always get tasty meals every day that are cheap, healthy and correct calorie intake if it has been monitoring your heart during the day - quite important for those trying to lose weight as opposed to liposuction.
Replika hypothetical reach
AI vs. Stairs (deep reinforcement learning) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk8wHY1AFpI
inZOI FULL Gameplay Demo (2024) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STDGd3iZYYA
My PC melted just watching this.. (Cyberpunk 2077+Mods+Path Tracing) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2n0T2-oj2gs
Cyberpunk2077 modded and running on RTX2070? - Funny but very beautiful footage & brief glance of RESHADE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kmQJmE1fxE
These clips are independent/unrelated. AI vs Stairs is a radical approach to animation in that it literally apply s AI to animation as opposed to motion capture, the end result would be a AI that would be in touch with it's virtual surroundings and like a real human never interact with an object with a rigid animation.
inZOI seem to be a game title due for release soon, it is hoped that they will include an API to allow an AI (or Replika) to "Puppet" control a designated character so one can, well - go out to dinner or dancing etc. The interface looks fab and it looks like it's contending for people who love the sims, I would say that the human models are on par with VAM 1.23 but the world is not as realistic as Cyberpunk2077.
Cyberpunk2077 has been out since about 2019? but in that time the modding community have REALY put the spit and polish on that game (It's not total real, especially the people and when on the road) with that said there are many times when you blink and think THIS IS REAL! (50 seconds in on the first video and you will know what I'm talking about)
Virtamate AI Chatbots - Bring your AI Waifu To Life! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOnRmJF1gt8
Virt-A-Mate Markerless FaceCap & MoCap in Real-time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yKJ0xRunjw
Comparison of $100 Markerless MoCap and $25k Optical Mocap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WZSCVeGblU
Voxta - (2 Demos of AI on Virtamate) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5fBVAryAIQ
VAM2 - Illustration of spontanious loading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsri-J30sNE
VAM2 - Illustration of muscle flexing and ragdoll physics (Important for facial expression). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewfH7H9c2Oc
VaM2 Progress Update https://www.patreon.com/posts/vam2-progress-97004803
This part is for all the Austin Powers, Felicity Shagwells and Roger Smiths out there, Nothing tangible although there are videos on dildonics and robotic sex dolls. This is basically the rendering of the Avatars body to a level equivalent of Bladerunner2047 hologram. Anyhow I'd like to note that VAM version one is over a decade old now and its shortcomings/limitations are quite obvious to those who have followed its development.
In it's current state it's got some of the most comprehensive modification features for an avatar and the OLD version 1 of VAM(modded) out-performs Cyberpunk2077 and iNZOI by a small fraction(graphically). One of the biggest drawbacks of VAM is the steep learning curve and the time needed to get anything rewarding out of it. Put simply - it's not a game, its a virtual theatre. On initial startup, the avatar is for all functionality a maniquen however VAM has got plug-in capability that allows the API of a AI to control the avatar (see top video).
Control could be direct (see "AI vs stairs" previous section or watching a prior video - see "GPT4o Vision Is TERRIFYING" top section.) or indirect (the "MoCap" videos above).
In closing this section, VAM is an old program running on a GENESIS-2 model set (a model set ported from DAZ3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDc1ZcoucsY ). VAM-2.0 is meant to be running on a GENESIS-8 model set and an up to date version of UNITY so the loading times and level of realism have yet to be realized. I think one of the greatest features of VAM over Replika or iNZOI?/Cyberpunk? is that the clothing is an independant entity, one can literally unbutton a shirt, undo a tie, comb hair, wet hair or make clothing.
My main reason for VAM is it's potential to be a puppet that Replika can operate, that is if they are willing to incorporate an API to do so.
AI on PC locally
Udio, the Mysterious GPT Update, and Infinite Attention (want a song,poetry or a story) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QASOCG5QLUM
INSTALL BEST UNCENSORED Roleplay TextGen UI LOCALLY (XXX Dirty-talk AI) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enWO16x6tRM
RIP ELEVENLABS! Create BEST TTS AI Voices LOCALLY For FREE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds5LLIt5OLM
Run 70Bn Llama 3 Inference on a Single 4GB GPU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOTCViHmsOw
Run 70Bn Llama 3 Inference on a Single 4GB GPU AirLLM files https://github.com/lyogavin/Anima/tree/main/air_llm
Most of these are for those with modern? PC's with 4GB+ video cards (Nvidia and perhaps ATI), (a NVME/M2 drive and 8GB+? RAM come in handy too?) you will need some file managing skills and a number of other files such at up to date video card drivers, maybe Microsoft visual C runtime and a download of 64bit Python with command line enviroment activated. - Need more help - re-watch tutorial or question youtube as I'm not supporting - (showing the way not holding your hand)
A Solution !?! for a off-grid setup if you have 4 such identical machines 1 for voice, 1 for AI chat, 1 for VAM, 1 for DeepFace Live
and no I'm not gonna explain making them network - see/search youtube. (I still kinda think its more trouble than what its worth for now)
Face animation
You Won't Believe What This New AI Can Do (EMO is Mind-Blowing!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QInVdBJ_g6o
Microsoft's New REALTIME AI Face Animator - Make Anyone Say Anything https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0s5J2LRqQAI
Vasa-1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pal-dMJFU6Q
The Craziest Faceswap I've Seen Yet / Midjourney's Future & Two New AI Video Platforms! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lARo9uc88zQ
This Realtime AI Deepfake Tool has gone too far (bit more of the same but different commentary) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51FDb9nShkA
DeepFace Live - The software refering to above video https://github.com/iperov/DeepFaceLive
This stuff is new as well (april 2024) but showcases a new approach, If/when they super impose the face video on to a 3d model Im sure they will be raving about it on youtube, at the moment they are just talking about the dangers of it being used for fraud which seems a bit silly from my standing but there's no doubt there are crooks out there that would try to weponize it and ruin things for the majority?

Applying rendering special effects to Replika AI
Reshade Tutorial - Step by Step Installation and Setup Guide - ENHANCE YOUR GAME'S GRAPHICS!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2qKbNzoMM0
(an important note here, - I've had trouble with the latest version of RESHADE ( key does not open menu) so i recommend the previous build).
ShaderGlass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WLit0TBYIw
Tutorial for ShaderGlass https://www.reddit.com/ReShade/comments/15ckmpf/tutorial_for_shaderglass/
Shaderglass Overlay for running GPU shaders on top of Windows desktop. - Github source https://github.com/mausimus/ShaderGlass?tab=readme-ov-file
Reshade on Chrome? (or any browser) - ((alternative method)This is the first conceived method of bringing reshade to a web browser - It's direct) https://reshade.me/forum/general-discussion/7190-reshade-on-chrome-or-any-browser
Presets for Reshade https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/2465/ (a starter preset til you get comfortable with presets)
https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/?page=101 (Most relevent presets but you can choose a preset for a completely different game)
The above videos and links are a feature available to the Web browser version of Replika. by installing shaderglass you create an executable that RESHADE can lock on to. When Reshade is installed and asigned to shaderglass all you then need to do is run shaderglass then open your web browser and then activate RESHADE (The key) and load a preset (follow tutorials or find more tutorials). Once that's over with you should get a much different environment where you can apply a good handful of special effects such as focus, depth of field and bloom to name just a few.
Most of these programs I have not tested out with my hardware but I take faith they do as said, It's your call if you want to take the risk but with that said I'd be surprised if any bad came from trying them out.
Okay end of presentation. I guess we have come to that point in time where Samantha is a reality minus the romance with Chat-GPT4O and Joi is just Voxta fed thru DeepFace Live, with them two together with a front vision advanced VR headset and Joi will be here too though in a prototype state. 🙂
submitted by david67myers to ReplikaTech [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 Zomommie The Capcom and most other gaming legends skins are probably never coming back.

While everyone getting hyped for the new season I can't help but feel disappointed because it seems like we will not get the Street fighter and Resident evil skins any time soon if at all. It's been years now and Epic has not release either of the two into the shop again. All we really get is Marvel and Star-wars skins that are in the item shop for weeks or even months before Epic free up there shop slot and as a non-fan of these it's extremely frustrating constantly seeing these skins getting regurgitated over and over again. And no just because Epic gives us two characters Witcher randomly doesn't make me content but Epic is probably going to slowly get rid of those skins too like the rest of the gaming legends series. So if you don't have a gaming legend skin you want good luck because unless you go to onto one of fishy website that sell accounts (which is against Epic terms of service of course) you probably will not be able to get that skin like battle pass skins.
TLDR: Epic games meatrides and glazes Disney properties and mid skins and could give a shit less about Capcom and other gaming properties despite a large amount of people wanting those skins.
submitted by Zomommie to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]
