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Green Finance & Climate Finance

2016.01.06 17:10 ClimateDispatch Green Finance & Climate Finance

Financing environmental and climate solutions, including green bonds, climate bonds, green banks, PACE & other creative financing mechanisms. Green Finance. Climate Finance. Environmental Finance. Cap and Trade. Carbon Tax.

2014.06.04 03:33 AH_Dakota The Dutch Bros Subreddit

Sub devoted to all things Dutch Bros., new store openings, merchandise, shirts, specials and a million other things for easy access to you, our favorite person.

2024.05.28 20:24 SingleStore4968 Pto time

Not sure where to find the answer to this question I currently work five days a week at 10 hours a day they are asking us to work Saturdays once a month trying to find out if I cannot get paid for the day in bank it into pto for a later date this is in California
submitted by SingleStore4968 to labor [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:42 McDoof S6: Sorry For The Wait, We Just Wanna Stay In Person

That's right, scheduling and time got away from us. Too many people weren't in California this May and we ran out of banked episodes. We hope you'll stick with us, tell your friends how awesome this in-person campaign is, and we'll see you over on Patreon. We are recording some special Patreon bonus episodes as this very announcement is released! Thanks, and we're very sorry.
submitted by McDoof to nerdpokerpodcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:47 EurekaStockade 1040/---Twenty Fifth May Twenty Twenty Four Missile Hits Hardware Store Kharkiv Ukraine= 911

1040/---Twenty Fifth May Twenty Twenty Four Missile Hits Hardware Store Kharkiv Ukraine= 911
In this post I decode this heinous act--
25 May-- Missile attack on hardware store in Ukraine killing staff & customers
25 May= 25/5
A particularly vicious crime against civilians
There was no Missile Attack--they just blew up the store
Media releases footage of the explosion while customers are shopping for toilets
Thats how you know it was Globalists--they always like to have a laugh at normal people
The POS that committed this crime is Ukraine/ Russian Mafia
The Ukraine War is nothing but land grabs--population relocation & land re development
Same thing happening in Gaza
Keep this in mind when they stage a fake Nuclear Plant Accident--how they are ridiculing us with Toilet Humour
so what are these Psychos signalling--
possible dates--
19 July= 19/7
9 months 11 days after 322nd anniv of Yale/ Skull & Bones on 9 Oct
on the same Day as the Toilet stunt--
25 May-- RAF pilot is killed when Spit Fire Plane crashes during Battle of Britain airshow
10 July= 85th anniv of the Battle of Britain
119 days before US Presidential Election
other signalling--
25 May= 25/5
119 Months after Pakistan Dasu Dam Project began 25 June 2014
14 Sep= 14/9
20 Aug 2024--my prediction---a Human Stampede at Taylor Swift's Wembley concert ---triggered by fake mobile phone emergency alert message which will be blamed on Chinese hackers
322 days after the FEMA Emergency Mobile Phone Alert Test on 4 Oct 2023
3 years 3 months 22 days after the Mount Meron Stampede on 29 April 2021
87 days after the Ukraine Hardware store Explosion
lots of 116 signalling lately--
22 Aug 2024 = 87 years 87 days after Golden Gate Bridge opened on 27 May 1937
submitted by EurekaStockade to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 13:49 Practical-Return2416 Trade Republic : werden Kundengelder über 50k € automatisch an der Börse in Geldmarktfonds investiert??

Ich habe eine sehr interessante Passage in der offiziellen Pressemitteilung von TR gefunden und wollte mal fragen, wie ihr die interpretiert.
Da steht:
Mit der neuen IBAN und dem zukünftigen Girokonto gibt Trade Republic weiterhin die EZB-Zinsen von aktuell 4 Prozent p.a. an seine Kunden weiter. Nun erhält jeder Kunde diese Zinsen auf das verfügbare Geldguthaben ohne Obergrenze – bisher waren die Zinsen auf maximal 50.000 Euro begrenzt. Dieses Geldguthaben wird weiterhin auf Partnerbanken wie die Deutsche Bank, HSBC oder J.P. Morgan verteilt und bei höheren Geldguthaben in den Geldmarkt diversifiziert. Kunden profitieren so von der Einlagensicherung mehrerer Partnerbanken und der getrennten Verwahrung der Geldmarktanteile vom Vermögen der Bank. Durch die Weitergabe der EZB-Zinsen profitieren Kunden von Trade Republic voll vom aktuellen Zinsumfeld - ohne Obergrenze - für ihr komplettes Geldguthaben.
Heißt das, bei Guthaben über 50k Euro or whatever kauft TR künftig automatisch mit meinem eingezahlten Geld Geldmarktfonds wie den DBX0AN? Also halte ich dann künftig Geldmarktfonds-Anteile auf meinen Namen? Oder kauft TR sogar treuhänderisch einfach auf eigene Rechnung Geldmarktfonds mit meinem geld?
Also dieses Kleingedruckte finde ich ein bisschen fishy...
submitted by Practical-Return2416 to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 13:35 kirito1st Fuck HSBC Expat

Today, my Expat account was closed for no reason at all, they refused to let me manipulate my balance and transfer my balance to my other account. They insisted that I send them a letter, but I never received their form for the account closure letter. I asked them to send the letter again and they refused. What a trashy bank. What a rogue bank. Brightly stealing balances from their users. I hope everyone will not use HSBC, they will always ask their customers to transfer money out when you can prove yourself and transfer money in to HSBC telling you that you are welcome to send money to us HSBC. thankfully, because I have heard of the bad reputation of HSBC Expat before, I only kept the money in the account for the account opening incentive. Well, HSBC, you got your way and you managed to take the customer's balance.
submitted by kirito1st to HSBC [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:25 tkbrumbaugh Here's Chapter 1 of Sorrow Draw - My Post-Apocalyptic Alternate History Western novel

Hi everyone, Here's the first chapter of my debut novel Sorrow Draw, available on Amazon in hardcover, paperback, eBook, and free to read on Kindle Unlimited. An audiobook version will be available on Audible and iTunes by end of July. Signed copies are in my TikTok shop (when I can get them in stock).
The story is set in 1881, eighteen years after a comet struck northern Africa, causing a global climate apocalypse. So it's post-apocalypse, but set in the Old West. For the complete rundown of the plot, head over to Amazon and read the back of the book blurb. I'm more than happy to answer questions in the comments if anyone has any.

Chapter 1: Old Mississippi (July 1881)
Eudora Becker
She gripped his hand as a mother would hold the hand of a child on a scavenging run. A hardened grip, like stone, to yank the boy this way and that. But the palm she clutched was not that of a child, but of a man. A man who didn’t move with the practiced skill of someone used to being on the run. They left an easy trail for their pursuers to follow, at a time when a single mistake could mean a bullet in the back, or a neck stretched by a rope.
The pair had made many mistakes in the week since they had escaped Memphis. In many ways, it was remarkable that they had gotten this far into the dusty and windswept southern corridor. The Uncontested Lands had taken more capable people than them, and the girl worried that her blind luck would only last so long.
But she was lucky. She always had been, and she was always content to let that luck conduct her through life but now that fear tightened her throat, she felt that providence had abandoned her. Fitting, she thought, that it would leave her now, in Mississippi, the land of the dead, when what passed for justice in the barren Wastelands was right behind them and gaining fast.
Through her exhaustion and fear, she had decided to keep to the river as much as possible. The underbrush in the dead woods beyond the banks of the Mississippi was thick and dry from the summer drought and nearly deafening to run through. The damp earth near the flowing waters muffled their steps, but it also left deep impressions of their bootprints.
“No help for it now,” the woman said. "And no, we can’t stop. They’re nearly right on top of us.” She knew what the man was thinking and she answered before he could speak it. It wasn’t the first time she had done it, and he had once remarked that she could read his mind so easily she must be a witch. Truth be told, his mind was simple and required no witchcraft or divination to know.
“We pushed ourselves too far, Eudora.” He stumbled but managed to stay upright. “We should never have left. Jesus Christ, I’m going to die.”
“Not if we keep running,” she said. “We ain’t gonna die if we keep running.”
“Oh, you’ll be fine, no doubt. I don’t think they’re going to kill the daughter of Samuel Becker. I think I’m the one who’s going to die,” he said, his voice thick with fear.
“Fine, Jeremiah. We run or you die, if it’s all the same to you.”
The air was cold and dry and her sweat chilled her skin. She didn’t know how much farther they could run, but they couldn’t stop now. Men chased them. At least two bounty hunters, maybe more. They were closing in, and almost certainly on horseback. Horses were rare, but what they had stolen was rarer still and worth sending mounted men after.
They needed a miracle, but Eudora didn’t put any confidence in those. Instead, she ran through the Wastelands like a fool who had lost her mind, driven mad by the choking dust that obscured the face of the sun so only a soft red glow burned in the sky to the east.
The river grew wide and shallow, and the bed underneath the muddy water hinted at underlying rocks, rather than silt. Perfect for concealing boot prints.
“This way.” Eudora pulled hard to the right and took Jeremiah with her. They jumped from the bank into the icy waters of the Mississippi, but splashing through the river made almost as much noise as running through the underbrush. Up ahead, the river widened into swift-moving shallows. Flattened granite slabs, worn smooth under the current, emerged from the surface like the backs of great whales. “There. We can cross at those rocks and give them the slip.”
Jeremiah, driven by panic, jumped from the bank and lost his footing on the slick rocks. Both feet kicked up, and he lost his grip on Eudora and fell. He threw his hands down to catch himself, but landed hard on his side, his left hand twisted underneath and made a sound like the popping of thick roots. His head hit the rocks with a crack and he cried out in pain, writhing in the shallows like a fish.
“Worthless son of a whore, get up.” Eudora fell to her knees beside him. The river roared in her ears and the cold water stung her skin and weighed down her clothes. She grabbed his collar and rolled him onto his stomach, still cursing him.
She cursed herself as well. The most foolish thing she had done since escaping Memphis was to choose Jeremiah to run away with. In the weeks since they left, she had nearly forgotten what she had seen in the man in the first place. She had known right away that he was a fraud. The people of Memphis might have been fooled by his vestments and the well-worn Bible he carried, but Eudora had spent her life being different things for different people and so she had no trouble rooting out a counterfeit. When she cornered him in the back of the old church and turned on her charm, he made no effort at all to keep his hands off of her. Not for God or Damnation, and she knew right then that he wasn’t, nor had he ever been, a holy man.
She helped him to his knees, careful to avoid touching his already swollen left hand. He got to his feet, unsteady as a newborn calf, and picked up the canvas bag he carried and slung it back over his shoulder, wincing in pain.
“I hope this shit can dry out proper,” he said. “I ain’t old enough to remember paper money too well.”
“Well you ought to know about it, cause I sure don’t. I swear Jeremiah Preacher, I’m really starting to wonder why I brought you along.”
Eudora was much younger than him, born just before the Calamity hit eighteen years ago. She had seen paper money before, used it to roll tobacco, or start fires, but her father told her that people used to kill each other over it. They could buy anything they wanted with it—clothes, jewelry, even the love of a woman. She didn’t understand the appeal at first. All of those things were free now, if you could find them. The world had no shortage of dresses and baubles, and Memphis had flesh almost to spare. But the banknotes in that canvas bag, were different than any she had ever seen. They belonged to the Republic of California and they promised wealth and luxury and power and as soon as she laid eyes on them, she had to have them.
The cry of a horse interrupted her thoughts. Through the haze of the morning dust, two figures on horseback trotted slowly up the bank of the river. The horses looked healthy and strong, not like the thin beasts Eudora typically saw around Memphis. These were well-cared-for, muscular animals. Her father’s animals and his men sent to collect her.
The two men themselves mirrored the horses they rode. Both of them solidly built and sturdy. Men not of the Wastelands, but born and bred to dominate it.
“Oh thank the Lord, you’ve arrived just in time,” she cried. “I don’t know what this man wants with me, I just want to go home.” Now that they were caught, there was no reason not to play the fool. It did no one any good for them both to swing and if Jeremiah cared a lick for her at all, he’d want her to live.
“Ma’am.” The lead man tipped his hat to her and reigned in his horse. He was older than Jeremiah but had a handsome, rugged face and he bore himself like a man who is used to being in control. He pulled aside his long coat to reveal a pair of silver revolvers. “Are you alright?”
“Just tolerable.” She smiled and looked up at him from under her eyelashes. As soon as she learned that she could trick men into doing whatever she wanted, she made a study of it. Powerful men like this, she had learned, don’t often want powerful women. This one would like her meek and docile, and so she played the part to get what she wanted. When he smiled behind his thick brown mustache and his eyes lingered on her, she knew she played the part right. Men were, if nothing else, very predictable.
Sweat glistened on his forehead and he turned to Jeremiah who sat shivering in the muddy water, confusion etched on his face. “Mornin’ preacher,” the bounty hunter said.
Jeremiah said nothing but swayed back and forth on unsteady legs, the fog of concussion still in his eyes.
“Now c’mon, preacher,” the bounty hunter said after a moment. “Not going to greet me today? I ain’t never seen a man of God with nothing to say before.”
“He don’t look like much of a preacher to me, Ira.” The second man pulled his horse up beside his partner. Unlike the hardened and rough man who rode next to him, this one was young with soft, delicate features. “Fact, he looks like nothing but an ol’ nibbler to me.” He spat a brown stream of tobacco, a rare commodity in the Wastelands. The dust choked out most living things and growing tobacco had become somewhat of an art, a delicate operation that turned to disaster more often than not.
A slow smile spread across his smooth face. His voice was unnaturally high pitched, an affection that many young people adopted in the Northeast Territories, and it had spread all the way down to Memphis, too. It was a way for the young people to separate themselves from the old Calamity survivors. High-pitched voices and beardless faces they plucked every morning—in their world, youth was a virtue. He took his revolver from its holster and laughed a childish laugh.
The sound of it made the hairs on Eudora’s neck stand on end. Young as she was, she still preferred the rough faces and calloused hands of men who didn’t try to pretend they were still boys.
“Shut up, Boone,” Ira, said. He locked his eyes on Jeremiah. “We’re here to take you in, preacher. And to bring back Becker’s daughter. I can’t imagine what the devil got into your head to do something so damn foolish.”
Jeremiah laughed, then flinched in pain. After that, he remained silent, made dumb by the hit he took to the head. With any luck, he would keep his mouth shut and the bounty hunters would string him up or put a bullet in his head. If they took him back to Memphis alive, he might talk. He might tell them that it was all her idea, and some people might start to believe him. Her father would protect her, but her reputation would be tarnished and it would take her quite some time before the people would see her as an innocent again, if ever at all. Some people had physical strength, others had willpower or sheer charisma to help them navigate their way through life. Eudora survived on her appearance of innocence. It was only with someone like Jeremiah that she could really be herself, or what she thought was herself. Maybe that’s what she liked about him in the first place. She didn’t have to play a part to control him. The man could be as dumb as a prairie dog, but he was smart enough to listen to her.
“We can always just gut him right here, Ira,” said Boone. “We can tell Becker he drew on us and we had no choice.” The young man fingered the gun in his holster. He wore a shirt with oversized sleeves that billowed in the wind, dyed yellow from the bark of the barberry shrub. It was gaudy and expensive, but impressive. Everything else about his appearance was strictly utility. Not enough wealth and fame to be entirely fashionable, but a few more bounties to his name, and Eudora reckoned he’d be an imposing sight.
His partner, Ira, was older and like Jeremiah, a Calamity survivor. Most survivors Eudora knew forged a kinship with each other. For many, their shared hardship had created a bond that superseded all others—race, religion, even family allegiances were second to that extraordinary experience of living through the end of the world. “God Himself couldn’t kill us, try as he might,” they’d say and clap one another on the back. In truth, it wasn’t a bond so much as bondage. Like wretched convicts in iron shackles, they were fettered to each other, to the life they had before the world ended, unable to move on and unable to escape.
“Please,” Jeremiah said. He fell to his knees. “I didn’t survive Calamity and Hellfire to die like this.” It was a coward’s voice and it sickened Eudora. Her cheeks burned with shame. Not for the first time she wondered what she had seen in him a week ago when she prodded him to take the money, to take her, and to run away.
“Hobble your lip, preacher,” Ira said in a slow, smooth drawl. “Surviving didn’t make you special, we’re all survivors, even the kid, here. He survived Becker’s purge of Memphis, the cholera plague, hell just being born nowdays is surviving something. Ain’t that right, Boone?”
“You ain’t wrong about that.”
“So I ain’t in your debt none because Calamity didn’t do you in. But I sure as hell don’t cotton to killing a preacher, though. Even a gump such as yourself. Something about it don’t sit right with me. Now I reckon once you stole from Becker and took his kid, whatever you had between yourself and God was finished business, so I ain’t gonna hold it a sin to take you in. Now get up, before I have to skin my shooting irons.”
Jeremiah, still on his knees, nodded his head slowly. “Wait,” he said, wide-eyed. “The bag. Look! The bag!” He held the canvas bag out to them. The canvas bag that contained the very reason Eudora had come this far. “Take it. Take all of it. Just tell Becker you found the girl and the money but you didn’t find me—or, or tell him that you found me dead. Tell him I hanged myself on account of my sorrow at being a no-good bastardly thief and kidnapper. You can keep the money, please, just let me go. Ain’t gonna do nothing to just let me go.”
The two bounty hunters turned toward each other and a surprised look passed between them. “Is that what you stole?” Ira paused, his hand steady on his revolver at his side. “Money?”
The younger man let out a confused grunt. “Now why the fuck should Becker care if you took off with some money?” he asked. His tone was that of a man struggling to comprehend some mystery. “What kind of money?”
“Paper bills. Bank notes. Lots of them.” Jeremiah turned from one man to the other. He was a cornered hare who spied some hope of escape from the fox. “From the Republic of California.”
Ira spurred his horse forward and waded out into the river. “California?” He repeated the word as if he couldn’t grasp its meaning. “How much of it you got?” He turned his horse sideways and inched closer to the cowering thief.
“I—I don’t know.”
“Bullshit.” Boone spat his tobacco again.
“Hear that, preacher?” Ira rested a hand on his thigh. “Boone here thinks that’s bullshit. I’m inclined to agree. You’ve been gone a fortnight and never once bothered to count it all?”
“I’ve been busy running from the likes of you gentlemen. Besides, I didn’t feel the need to count it. It’s a lot.” He loosened the drawstrings with his good hand and fished out a small stack of brightly colored notes banded tight together. He held it up. His breath came in ragged gasps, louder than even the din of the river. “I’ve got ten of these. They’re yours. I shouldn’t have taken it, I know that. I know that now. It was foolish. But—now I’m no prophet you understand—but, maybe, maybe I was meant to take it, so’s I could give it to you?”
“Sorry preacher,” Ira said, though truth be told, he looked like he gave it some consideration. “Whatever you took is between you and Becker. I want no part of it, tempting as it is.”
Ira spurred his horse forward again, rope in hand. The dun-colored mare stepped onto the sunken granite slab in front of Jeremiah, its step loud and hollow. In an instant, the horse lost its footing, another victim of the slick rock. The animal let out a panicked cry and fell with a crack on top of its rider. Whether that crack came from man or beast, Eudora didn’t know.
The mare struggled to right itself. It kicked its legs furiously, water erupted all around like the mouth of a geyser. Its black eyes, like polished obsidian stones, shone wide with fear and confusion and it looked to Eudora like some great fish that had found itself floundering in the shallows. In another circumstance, she might have laughed. When the beast finally righted itself, it bolted for the woods and left Ira on his back in the middle of the river, the brown frigid water flowing around his stiff body.
The situation changed fast and Eudora struggled to keep up with all the possibilities. There was a different Eudora for every possibility, a different role to play, and until she knew how this would end, she had to be quiet Eudora, the one who hid in the shadows and watched, too innocent and brainless to be of any consequence.
Boone dismounted and walked across the river towards Ira. He took his steps slow and deliberate, careful not to lose his footing. Head cocked to the side and the ghost of a smile on his lips, he stopped and stood at Ira’s feet. His fingers caressed the ivory handles of his revolvers.
“Goddamnit.” Ira moaned and rolled his head to the side. He raised a trembling hand to Boone. “My leg’s busted, for sure. We need to get that horse back. I don’t know where it ran off to. I’ll keep an eye on the preacher, you fetch my horse. I think I can stand if you help me up.”
“Oh, no, now I don’t think that I will,” Boone said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Ira’s eyes turned hard.
“Cocksucker,” he said through clenched teeth. “I should have known better than to put my trust in a catstick.”
Boone licked his lips and flashed a pair of dimples that only enhanced his child-like features. “I ain’t got no love for a survivor, old man, you of all people should know that.” He drew, spun his revolver once, and leveled it at Ira. “And there ain’t no way in Hell I’m taking that California money back to Becker.”
“The fuck you want some California money for? That place ain’t no paradise, it’s a goddamn myth. Hell, you got everything you could possibly want in Memphis. You got the best food, second scavenger picks, your choice of women to bed. What good is California to you?”
“Not every man likes Becker’s rules, Ira. In fact, I don’t much care for anyone’s rules but my own. Piss on Becker and his fucking city. I’ll be my own man now, not his dog.”
Ira laughed a dead man’s laugh. “He’ll find you. You know it, Boone. No matter where you run, he’ll catch up to you. I ain’t even the best he’s got. He’ll send his best after you and when they bring you back to Memphis, Becker’ll put you to bed good. He’ll peel that pretty face right off your fucking head. And if Becker don’t do it, Longstreet will.”
“I’ll be halfway to California by the time he even begins to suspect something’s amiss. I’ll be well above his bend. His arm ain’t that long.” Boone cocked the hammer of his revolver back. “No one’s arm is that long. Not Becker’s and not Longstreet’s.”
The flesh on Eudora’s neck prickled at the mention of Longstreet. Her father may have been the governor of the Memphis Territories, but even he answered to a higher power, and there was no higher power in all the territories in the East as Longstreet. He controlled the land from the upper reaches of New England, where the ice and wind could freeze a man in minutes, all the way down to Memphis, the southernmost reaches of the warlord’s domain. Politics never held much interest for her, but she knew enough of Longstreet to fear even the barest mention of his name.
“You don’t think so?” asked Ira. “Then you’re an even bigger fool than I thought. Longstreet will make you wish you’d never been born before he’s done with you.” He kicked, knocking Boone off his feet just as the young man pulled the trigger. Ira’s head exploded, a bright red spray erupted from the top of his skull and blood flowed from his nose like a fountain. His body sunk down into the earth and water filled the fresh hole in his head. Boone hit the rock hard, the river was too shallow to cushion his fall, and Eudora saw her chance. She could run, take Boone’s horse and be gone before the young bounty hunter could get back up. But he would get back up, and that would still leave a capable killer on her trail.
She picked up a stone, dark gray and smooth, slightly larger than her own fist, and she sat in the water next to Boone, her dress fanned out around her like a parasol. She ignored everything, shut out Jeremiah who only stood and looked at her, cradling his broken hand. Even contorted in pain, Boone’s face was beautiful. A catstick with a face carved from wax like his must have been very popular back in the Memphis Territories. The boy’s yellow shirt, darker now from the muddy waters, fluttered in the current.
Eudora lifted the rock in the air with both hands. She had never killed a man before, but now was not the time for hesitation. Drawing on all her strength, she brought it down on the boy’s head. She shut her eyes. Shut her eyes to Boone, to Jeremiah, to the sound of rock cracking bone again, and again, and again until she could no longer hear the splintering of the skull, but only the wet thud of rock hitting raw flesh, like a butcher pounding meat.
When she finally stopped, she sat in silence for several long minutes without a sound passing between the two fugitives. Finally, fear subsided. At last, her hands stopped shaking and her tears disappeared into the running waters of the rust-colored river. She was alive, and so was Jeremiah. Somehow they were alive and their pursuers were not.
“Well, ain’t you about the luckiest dumb son of a bitch in all the Wastes?” Her voice had an edge to it that she hoped he didn’t miss. It wasn’t fair that she had to kill the man called Boone, and Jeremiah got to do nothing but stand there and watch.
“You’re about as useless as tits on a nun, you know that? Jesus, was you just fixing to stand there all day? I ain’t the killing type, Jeremiah. It shouldn’t have been me. Isn’t that the man’s job? Do I gotta be the man for the both of us? I don’t want to be the man, that’s not my part. I’m the good girl, I’m the innocent one and now look at me. Look what you’ve done to me.”
He stared at her, his mouth open. “I’m sorry—”
Her tears came despite her best efforts to hold them back and she couldn’t stop her lip from trembling, but hopefully Jeremiah would chalk that up to the fact that she sat in the middle of a near-freezing river. She washed away bits of bone and hair from her hand, but no matter how much she scrubbed she couldn’t get it clean.
“Dora. Dora. Shhh, stop. Stop.” Jeremiah pulled her to him and pressed her head to his chest. “It’s all right, girl. It’s all right. He would have killed you, you know. You did what you had to do.”
“Never you mind me. Here, let me see that.” She took his hand. It was red and swollen and looked as if it might need a splint, but nursing wasn’t an art she had been trained in. “Let’s get to shore and out of these wet clothes before we get sick.”
“Wait.” Jeremiah picked up Boone’s revolvers one at a time and handed them to Eudora. She didn’t know much about gunplay, but she did know that a properly loaded revolver could still fire after getting wet. Boone seemed like the kind of man who would do right by his six-shooters. If he took half as good care of them as he did his own appearance, those guns would shoot.
“One more thing.” Eudora ran her fingers over Boone’s yellow shirt. It was finely woven and, having been almost completely submerged when its owner met his end, bloodless. “You want this? I think you’d really cut a dash in it.” She pulled the shirt off Boone’s corpse, careful not to let it touch the ruin of his face, the mass of pulp—a crater of meat and bone—that she had made.
Once they were out of the water, they stripped and wrapped themselves in wool blankets they got from Boone’s horse. Eudora sat down on the dusty bank, needles stabbed her feet and hands as the warmth returned to her body.
“We did it,” Jeremiah said. He threw his wet vestments into the river.
She snorted. “We? We did what? Escaped capture? Murdered a man?”
“We’re free. That’s what we did, we won our freedom. We’ve been on the run for days trying to get away, but now we’re free. Nothing can stop us now. Boone was right. By the time your father finds out that his men ain’t coming back, we’ll be long gone. He’ll be too late. Only, it won’t be Boone over there that’s halfway to California, it’ll be us. With a sack full of money. We’ll be set and living in paradise.”
“Paradise... I hope it’s true. I hope California is a paradise like they say.”
“Of course it is.”
He found a bottle of whiskey and pulled the stopper out with his teeth. He took a long pull and offered the rest to Eudora. “You want some, daisy? Dora? What devilry are you up to, woman?”
She ignored him and rummaged through Boone’s pack. “Well now, look at what our young friend was indulging in.” She held up a tincture of laudanum. The ruddy liquid set her heart racing. The end of the world was a dull thing and opium made her feel. It excited her entire body and took away her pain. Jeremiah had told her that he got the same feeling from having sex, but Eudora didn’t believe him. Sex was almost as boring as the rest of life.
The orange glow of the sun rose higher across the sky and the pair of fugitives drank to their freedom. They drank to their future. They drank to disremember the dead world around them, and when their drink was gone and the opium flowed in their veins and their skin burned with the fires of ecstasy, they felt, for a moment, at peace.
submitted by tkbrumbaugh to postapocalyptic [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 04:20 Best-Doughnut-6486 5 year relationship depends on my job hunting but I feel like giving up before I even start.

My boyfriend(M/27) and I(F/24) are in a pickle. We are Canadian, and met and lived together during university for Computing Science, dating for almost 5years. We love each other dearly and share many hobbies. During fourth year, he was referred by a friend got an amazing internship opportunity at a company in Silicon Valley (California). While there, he got an offer to go full-time, which he accepted (and I would have killed him if he didn’t). Fast forward to now, he’s been working there for about 1 year full time. I finished my university classes in December, and my grad is in June. We both were top students, myself graduating top of the faculty. The problem is now- he’s in California, I’m in Canada. I can’t move down there permanently unless I get an in-person job to sponsor a visa. The job market for comp sci has gotten super terrible, and even though I have great GPA (4.31/4.33), wicked smart, some co-op experience, and am bright, cheerful, and kind, bake tons of cookies for co-workers, but I feel hopeless. I know I would be such a good candidate and team member, but see posts of people applying to 300 places and never hearing back. When I was applying for internships there (a few years ago) I put my all in and was ghosted, it was awful. I have barely done any job hunting since December, only applied to like 3 roles at big places, one was a referral which was ghosted, and an email to a friend at another company which was also ghosted. I’m back at home living with my parents, not working, but doing an ok job maintaining my sanity and mental health. I have 30k in the bank, 27k in student loans at 0% and Im planning to pay those off slowly over 8 years ish, so I can use the money if need be. I’m just stuck. He’s frustrated I’m not trying harder to get a job, and I feel like our entire relationship rests on my shoulders and am suffocating and paralyzed. He rents a small room and only wants to move out when I can provide a second income and we can get our own place (we’ve always been 50/50). He makes 160k, but only has about 5k take-home per month after stock plans, retirement, tax, etc. But a 1-2 bedroom private place, not even that nice, would be $2500-$3000 rent. Legally speaking, I could only move permanently if I got a job (using my degree) or if we were married. He said he doesn’t want to get married for logistics purposes which I understand. I don’t think either of us are really in the wrong, I just feel so stuck. I know we don’t want to do long distance forever, and if my job hunt doesn’t look promising eventually we will probably have to give up. I’ve reached out to a counsellor, friends, tried bribing myself, tried making a plan, breaking things down, tried taking breaks, physical exercise, diet, vitamins, going out to places to work on it, even praying and I’m not even religious for heavens sake and nothing gets me job hunting. I just don’t know what to do now. I feel like my only shot would be bringing boxes of cookies to hiring managers with my resume or something.
TLDR: Boyfriend got job in California and I can’t move there unless I get a job myself. Market is impossible.
submitted by Best-Doughnut-6486 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:05 dancing_flames_ Is there something I'm missing, or can I retire now?

I'm 50yo, single, making a salary of 85k.
I wasn't planning on retiring for another 5 years. But the past couple months, work has become intolerable. I'm considering just giving my 2 weeks notice and going for it.
I haven't prepared Roth ladders. I'd originally thought to have more time and continue learning more before I retire, but I do have a taxable brokerage account I can lean into.
I'd like to run my scenario past you. I believe I can FIRE now. What do you think?
- Managed taxable brokerage account: 1.2M
- Roth IRA/401K: 320k
- Non-Roth IRA/401K: 1.8M
- Bank (checking / money market / CDs maturing soon): 40k
- HSA: 10k
Current average monthly expenses over the past 2 years: $3500
Living situation:
I own a condo, estimated value 675k, no mortgage. HOA fee and property taxes are included in my monthly expenses above.
I don't expect to qualify for ACA subsidies. I figure health care will add between $750-1k per month.
It seems a draw-down of $6-7k per month would be reasonably comfortable based on my history.
In 2-5 years, I may want to sell my condo and move from California to Colorado.
Financially, do you see any reason why I shouldn't just give my notice and start this new chapter in my life?
submitted by dancing_flames_ to Fire [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 20:43 Commercial_Arrival58 How to satisfy California CLS experience requirement

Hi, I recently moved to California from outside the US (London, UK) and I have some questions about California CLS state license requirements.
I have a B.Sc. and M.Sc. and 3 years of work experience as a clinical laboratory technician in London. I'm currently working as a clinical laboratory technician in California since 1 year.
I'm starting the process to get certifications and licenses to work as a CLS here. I already enrolled in the MLS ASCPi exam.
How does it work after that? The California CLS License Page ( lists the following requirement
Minimum one year of post-baccalaureate clinical training as a CLS. OR Minimum one year of work experience as a CLS performing high complexity testing in hematology, chemistry, blood bank, and microbiology.
Does my previous experience count for this requirement, even if I wasn't a certified MLS? Moving to a different US state where the ASCPi certificate is sufficient to work as a CLS is not an option. It seems a chicken and egg problem to me: to get a CLS license you need to have worked as a CLS...
Can you explain me what's the expected course of actions here? Thank you
submitted by Commercial_Arrival58 to medlabprofessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 20:41 RevolutionPhysical80 Putting money from interest free overdraft into savings account

Thoughts on opening a bank account with an interest free overdraft (HSBC currently offering 1 year 0% up to £1500) to put the money in a savings account? At 5% interest you could make £75 (pre tax). Only downside I see (which could make it a terrible idea) is it potentially negatively impacting my credit score.
submitted by RevolutionPhysical80 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:33 shintoist Zing £20 for signing up and making £5 payment

Last chance to do this, offer ends end of May! I have 19/20 referrals left so don't hesitate!
Zing is the new international bank transfer and currency exchange app from HSBC, basically a competitor to Wise.
Zing is running a promotion until the end of May where you receive a free £20 pounds for signing up using a referral link and making a single payment of £5. You can order a free card but you don’t even need it, you can use the digital card the moment your account has been opened.
  1. Click the referral link
  2. Fill in your phone number. Make sure you get it right or the referral won’t work.
  3. Download the app and go through the verification process, making sure to use the same phone number. They’ll do the standard ID and address checks, although they give you the option of just turning on geo-tracking to prove your location!
  4. Once you’re verified and in, topup your account with £5.
  5. Make a single £5 purchase, eg top up your utilities or why not your Amazon account?
Your money should be with you within 30 days of the end of the promotion.
Terms and conditions
Non-referral link
submitted by shintoist to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 18:44 spartachilles The Midterms of 1950 A House Divided Alternate Elections

The Midterms of 1950 A House Divided Alternate Elections
After nine long months of service during one of the most tumultuous periods of world history, Secretary of State Joseph C. Grew announced his intention to retire at the end of President Charles Edward Merriam’s first term. To replace him, Merriam nominated John Foster Dulles, a successful lawyer and frequent consultant for government agencies well known in foreign policy circles as an expert in international affairs. However, this selection would serve to inflame a brewing conflict within the Federalist Reform Party over what to make of the international new world order as Dulles was a known proponent of the formation of the Atlantic Union — an international federation of Western democracies to ensure global peace and control of atomic power. Two dozen furious Federalist Reform Senators immediately mobilized to block Dulles’s nomination and demand that a non-Atlancist be appointed instead, yet their efforts would be frustrated by the opposition joining with a coalition of Atlanticist Federalist Reformists to allow Dulles to take office. With the issue now thrust into the forefront of the American national consciousness, debate over the Atlantic Union would come to dominate Congress over the next two years with resolution after resolution passed to press President Merriam into action. Taking a cautious approach to a proposal he remained skeptical of fully embracing, Merriam appointed several committees to study the issue in depth and provide their recommendations on its adoption but stopped short of formally calling for an international convention. Yet with the President suffering a minor stroke in early 1950, the opponents of the proposal would be reminded that Vice President and committed Atlanticist Edward J. Meeman remained just a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Beyond the swirling debate surrounding the Atlantic Union, the world remained in motion throughout the first two years of Merriam’s second term. After two years of abnormally low temperatures believed by the scientific community to have been a direct result of President Alvin York’s nuclear strike, the cold finally began to abate in the summer of 1950 allowing international food production to more comfortably stave off the specter of famine. Nonetheless, the utter devastation of the decade-long Second World War necessitated continued efforts to restore Europe and Asia to its pre-war levels of industrial production and multi-partisan consensus in Congress supported continued allocations to support international reconstruction. A curious dividend of this reconstruction work arose when an American engineering crew recovered a trove of documents from a ruined Imperial German military archives building in Freiburg. Among them was a set of invasion plans drawn up by then-Lieutenant Hubert von Rebeur-Paschwitz to attack the United States with a landing at Manomet Point — now infamous as the site of the mysterious Cape Cod Invasion launched by Ulysses S. Grant III to restore the military dictatorship once led by his father. The suspicious similarities between the plan and the course of the Cape Cod Invasion reignited debate surrounding the culprit of the attacks with former President Alvin York emerging from his ailing solitude to declare this the vindication of his vision that the German Empire was the devil’s instrument against America.
Though foreign affairs remain at the epicenter of the midterm campaign, the shocking swing of Associate Justice Samuel Seabury to rule the National Labor Arbitration Act unconstitutional in United Steel Workers of America v. Taylor ignited its own set of domestic political debates. With a corporatist system of government-led negotiations between the forces of labor and capital at the center of the Federalist Reform economic program, the ruling reinvigorated efforts at the codification of the Swope Plan and various other proposals to reorganize the national economy along this vision. However, time after time legislation on the matter would turn up several votes short in the House of Representatives as the disparate opposition united to block its passage. Despite this gridlock, Congress would still succeed in passing substantial legislation including a new series of civil service reform acts, a continued reduction in war-related government spending and taxation, and the formation of a Special Committee on Organized Crime in Interstate Commerce in response to a bombshell arms trafficking scandal revealed by Attorney General Earl Warren. Yet none would be as seminal as the National Service Act of 1949 passed by a bare majority in the House of Representatives and instituting the version of universal military training first envisioned by former Chief of Staff John McAuley Palmer II with all able-bodied men between the age of seventeen and twenty completing one year of military training followed by six years of service in the National Guard.
Federalist Reform Party
Holding unprecedented control over the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Council of Censors, the Federalist Reform Party has firmly entrenched itself as the governing party of the United States. While successful in securing a key piece of its agenda with the passage of the National Service Act, much of the Federalist Reform platform remains unrealized. Chief among its priorities is the implementation of a corporatist scheme of labor relations where labor unions and employer associations would be federally regulated and incorporated and negotiations between the two would be mandatorily arbitrated by the federal government to balance societal and economic needs. The party has also supported the transfer of many of the pension and insurance obligations of the federal government to these employer associations as part of its wider drive to balance the federal budget and lower tax burdens on the average American. To complement this corporatist system, President Merriam has also championed the creation of federal planning agencies to identify opportunities for strategic economic investments and partner with private industry to secure their implementation. As strict opponents of communism and syndicalism, the party has supported a criminal syndicalism law to outlaw the advocacy of violence for changing the economic system of the country and broadly supported the efforts of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles to contain the Marxist-Hansenist revolutionary state of Haiti and build a network of allies for an intervention into the country. The party also retains a reputation as the firmest opponent of governmental corruption and organized crime among the major parties, supporting the elimination of waste and graft from the federal government, stricter civil service requirements, and the devotion of new legislation and resources to combatting racketeering. To assist with the implementation of their platform, the party has also endorsed an overhaul of the executive branch including an Executive Office for the President, a reorganization of the executive branch at the discretion of the President, an expansion of the Supreme Court, and the power of the line item veto.
However, not all is well in the Federalist Reform Party as a bitter factional struggle has come to consume it. On one side of the battle are the Atlanticists, with Senators Brooks Hays and Estes Kefauver as well as Speaker of the House Wright Patman emerging as their primary champions, who support the creation of an Atlantic Union federating the western-style democracies ringing the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlanticists argue that such a federation is necessary to prevent the outbreak of another devastating world war, with their concerns particularly heightened by the terrible power of atomic weapons as demonstrated by former President Alvin York’s atomic bombing of the German Empire. Most Atlanticists support the delegation of only a limited set of powers to such an Atlantic government with the central focus being the provision of peace between the member countries, a common defense between them, free trade between them, and the regulation of atomic weapons and power. Though their other views vary considerably, the Atlanticists are more closely identified with the liberal members of the party supporting a larger role for the federal government in the planning and direction of the national economy. Their opponents have come to be collectively known as the Nationalists, led by former Secretary of the Treasury Dean Acheson as well as Senators John Henry Stelle and Robert S. Kerr. Strictly opposing all forms of world government that would infringe upon the national sovereignty of the United States, they argue that an Atlantic Union would compromise the American national identity and bind it to countries that are culturally dissimilar and could threaten to impose their will upon the United States with no recourse. Moreover, they argue that such a Union would be a disservice to the veterans who fought to preserve the independence of the United States during the Second World War and question whether the world federalism movement has been compromised by communist agents. The Nationalists are broadly identified with more conservative members of the party and tend to support heavier investments into veteran’s benefits, national defense, and patriotic education.
Popular Front
While the power of the American left was shattered by its disastrous split into multiple parties during the Second World War, the surviving Social Democratic and Socialist Workers Parties have once again coalesced into the Popular Front alliance to present a united front against the power of the Federalist Reform Party. On foreign affairs, the members of the Popular Front are unified in their support for the creation of a world federation to guarantee world peace, economic cooperation, and global disarmament. Moreover, the Popular Front has harshly condemned European colonial powers and demanded American pressure to be applied to secure their immediate decolonization. Sounding the clarion call for the socialization of industry, the Popular Front also broadly supports the nationalization of wide stretches of the American economy to place them under the control of workers with a principal focus on monopolistic industries such as banking, shipping, electric power, mining, gas, and oil. Additionally, the Popular Front has endorsed the maintenance of a strong social safety net including a national healthcare system, public housing infrastructure, a pension for mothers caring for children at home, and generous social insurance benefits. To fund this ambitious domestic program, the Popular Front supports heavy taxation targeting the wealthiest Americans through capital gains, excess profits, land value, and estate taxes and suggesting the continued use of price controls to combat inflation that they blame corporate greed for instigating. The Popular Front also remains strongly committed to federal civil rights protections, attacking the Hughes and Merriam administrations as overseeing a backslide into discriminatory practices.
As an alliance of two distinct political parties, the Popular Front has woven together two ideological threads that in many ways still remain distinct. The Social Democratic Party represents the broadly more moderate tradition of the American left and remains more willing to tolerate the preservation of a mixed economy with both private and public sectors competing against one another. Furthermore, the Social Democrats are strongly committed to the maintenance of the existing political institutions of the United States and remain reticent to directly attack the Senate or Supreme Court as their Socialist Workers colleagues do. Extending this gradualist approach to foreign affairs, the Social Democrats are also generally more sympathetic to the Atlantic Union approach of the steady expansion of world democracy. While generally committed to global disarmament and national demilitarization, the Social Democrats are also host to an idiosyncratic faction of the party led by California Governor Robert A. Heinlein which supported the passage of the National Service Act and envisions a wider ethos around public service for the common good. Meanwhile, the Socialist Workers Party represents the more radical tradition of the American left. Much more doctrinaire in their economic philosophy, the Socialist Workers support the extensive socialization of virtually the whole American economy to hand control of the means of production over to the workers. The Socialist Workers have also roundly attacked the Senate and Supreme Court as reactionary institutions and supported their abolition with sole law-making authority remaining in the hands of the House of Representatives. Almost universally considered pacifists, the Socialist Workers are also the strongest voices in support of the demilitarization of the country and an expansive world federation as the only means to guarantee world peace.
Though Solidarity has struggled electorally for much of the past two decades during the apogee of both the Social Democratic and Federalist Reform Parties, a series of near-victories during that same time has kept alive the belief that the party may yet enter its renaissance. While a libertarian commitment to the maintenance of free enterprise as the engine of economic growth remains at the core of the party’s economic platform, the Solidarists remain broadly receptive to a role for the federal government in providing a reasonable social safety net, promoting the viability of small business and credit unions, and regulating the market against monopolistic trusts and other anti-competitive practices. Moreover, Solidarity has called for an overall reduction in government spending and taxation to levels not seen since the passage of the Great Community while paving the way for the stimulation of international trade through the lowering of tariffs and other trade barriers. Holding a traditionally close relationship with Southern blacks, Solidarity has also strongly endorsed the extension of stronger civil rights protections as well as global efforts to secure international decolonization. Deeply influenced by the Pan-Americanism of former Secretary of State John Barrett and the one-worldism of their previous candidates Wendell Willkie and Harold Stassen, the vast majority of Solidarity has also strongly endorsed the formation of some type of world government.
However, debate remains prevalent within the party on the exact form that such a world government should take. Led by figures such as Arkansas Representative J. William Fulbright and Vermont Senator Ralph Flanders, the Atlanticists form one side of the debate with their support for the gradualist and multi-partisan proposal of the Atlantic Union which would begin the process of world federation by uniting the world’s western-style democracies. They argue that with its wider popularity and more limited scope, the Atlantic Union is far more feasible to accomplish. Moreover, the Atlanticists prefer a more limited scope of a world federal government with only limited powers to enforce world peace and regulate atomic power and weaponry. On other issues, the Atlanticists cut across many ideological boundaries but broadly lean towards the more conservative end of the party. However, the disciples of Minnesota Governor Harold Stassen and the radicals surrounding University of Chicago President Robert Maynard Hutchins have come to be collectively known as the Maximalists. While willing to accept an Atlantic Union if necessary, the Maximalists have endorsed the immediate formation of a truly global world federation incorporating all of the extant countries in the world under its banner as the only true solution to secure world peace. Furthermore, the Maximalists have endorsed the delegation of a wider range of powers to the world federation to govern the world economy and education system. However, there remain a small section of party leaders such as Florida Representative Zora Neale Hurston and Arizona Senator Clarence Budington Kelland who remain skeptical of a world federation entirely. (Note: While they are not on the poll, you may write-in your support for these types of candidates by leaving a comment declaring support for “Nationalist Solidarists” and not entering an option on the poll)
Note: the following are minor parties with limited reach. To vote for these parties, please refrain from voting in the poll and instead write a comment declaring support for one of them.
Atlantic Union Party
Since the party’s victory in lobbying for the independence of Newfoundland and its subsequent annexation into the United States, the Atlantic Union Party has become the dominant party in America’s newest state under the leadership of Governor Cheslie Crosbie. While holding to domestic politics echoing the one-nation conservatism popular among the Tories of the British Commonwealth countries, the Atlantic Union Party has become most notable for its strident advocacy of the Atlantic Union of western democracies. To this end, a group of key leaders of the movement such as Clarence K. Streit and Will L. Clayton Jr. have promoted the party’s transformation into a national single-issue party to build a presence in the House of Representatives and bolster the campaigns of Atlanticist candidates in the Senate in order to increase public pressure for its support and ensure ratification of an eventual treaty by the Senate.
American Party
Feeling left behind by the increasingly liberal direction of the major parties and perturbed by the rise of globalist thought in the major parties, a group of activists led by Harding College President George S. Benson, Chicago Tribune editor Robert R. McCormick, and newspaper mogul Thomas J. Anderson have formed the American Party to revitalize American conservatism. Promising to relieve the weighty tax burdens levied on the American people by repealing programs ranging from President John Dewey’s Great Community to President Merriam’s foreign aid initiatives, the American Party has sought a return to limited government outside of what is necessary for national security against threats both foreign and domestic. Notably, the American Party has remained strictly isolationist and attacked not just the Atlantic Union but any supranational organization as violating the sovereignty of the United States and subjecting it to the will of a globalist elite.
View Poll
submitted by spartachilles to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 17:54 Burnerd2023 Was sent to me recently; no post or name of the OP of the comment but it’s a wild ride! I haven’t started corroborating yet but again; what a ride.

Note: will be editing links to work properly if copy/paste doesn’t format.
This is concerning or past President on supposed links and associations and actions tying to global political climate and events:
————————————————————————- “
We call this part “the roundup”
Trump has been laundering money for the Russian oligarchs since the late 80’s when they all bought a condo at 725 5th AVE (trump towers) to clean their freshly stolen USSR money after the iron curtain fell.
Everybody except Putin thought the Cold War was over. Trump and Manafort (who lived in the tower also) just saw a pretty low maintence grift to be had.
Trump had actually been Manafort and Roger Stones first client at their lobbyist firm (1980) › wikiBlack, Manafort, Stone and Kelly
Guiliani as trumps attorney and NYC mayor was able to redirect NYPD investigations onto rival gang members/oligarchs to deflect any scrutiny off of trump, himself or their Russian connections.
The Russian election interference in 2016 was effectively a generation 3 version of what Manafort had done in the Philippines, then keeping Yanukovych in power as Putin’s puppet in Ukraine from 2002-14 when Maidan ran both Yanukovych and Manafort out of Ukraine as Ukrainians realized that, if you raise your lens high enough, corruption is an wholly unsustainable business model.
Eventually the parasites greed always consumes the host.
Russia greatly underestimated the addictive properties of freedom when it invaded Ukraine so what was supposed to be a 3-10 day coup turned into a 2 year fight for the Ukrainians right not to be genocided.
Russia depleted its weapons stocks which were already the victim of vranyo corruption because every oligarch, admiral and sergeant in the Russian military is on the take. Every billion dollar tank maintenance contract turned into everything getting a spray paint overhaul and the vast majority of the redirected funds turned into an oligarchs new yacht or home in Aspen.
Russia was forced to turn to China, North Korea and Iran for weapons because if they lose the 3-10 day “special military operation” in Ukraine the Russian empire is dead and cold.
China can’t risk showing their involvement in the Ukraine war so they use North Korea, and Iran to resupply Russia.
Russia previously owed Iran some undelivered fighter jets that are already smoldering heaps in Ukraine so Iran now had the upper hand at the negotiation table for the first time in about 60 years. They supplied Russia with shahed drones in exchange for Chinas material support against their sworn religious enemy, Israel.
Putin can’t do much about it because he is slowly realizing that by setting the standard of corruption and stealing $200+ billion from his own people meant that every oligarch down in the mob model chain had not only permission but incentive and the expectation to steal from him as well. This is “Vranyo”.
The mob model only works if the supreme leader is the most violent and can prove it without exception every damn day. But violence is exceptionally expensive when you are trying to present as a legitimate government or business.
If Russia as a nation had an efficiency rating it would have been banned for sale in the state of California 25 years ago.
The parasite ruling class stole all the energy out of the working class and collapsed it.
Now Iran has the high hand and they get the intelligence that trump passed to Putin about the fact that Netanyahu cares far less about Jews, Palestinians or genocide than he does about remaining in power as an authoritarian because he too has developed Ritz Carlton tastes and his own corruption trial is showing the same tendrils of the same money laundering scheme that trumps trials are.
They all hate each other but because they share the same money laundry, if one falls, they all fall. Hamas minted a couple billionaires as well that live in penthouses in Qatar and get 30% of everything smuggled into Gaza. Qatar is Kushners private equity connection. Netanyahu needs a bogeyman to stay in power. That’s why he coordinates with Hamas via Russia via Iran.
Iran handed Hamas everything they needed with Chinas help as secret Santa and the Russian intelligence given to them by the eternal shitbird trump who gave it to his Russians kleptocrat/friends/roommates from the old days of fucking each others wives at trump towers in the 90’s.
Now the MAGA right is a little too invested in their reality that they are the good guys with guns that they missed the fact that Betsy DeVos (erik princes sister) decimating the U.S. school systems and the Kochs poisoning children with lead was not a coincidence. The naive right was the mark all along. There is a reason the Russian spy Maria Butina landed in South Dakota first before dating her way to the top of the NRA which is undergoing its own Russian money laundering trial now. Russia was tinder matching the GOP.
The only reason you grossly OVERVALUE real estate is money laundering.
Trump keeps claiming there is no victim, all the banks made money, but if their plan succeeds the Russian and CCP kleptocrats collapse US commercial real estate and basically recreate soviet perestroika in the U.S. so they can foreclose on America and buy everything for 3 cents on the dollar with the $1.4T they stole from Russias grandmothers in the first place
It’s the evolution of grift. Soviet perestroika cross bred with the 2008 mortgage crisis. No one was ever held accountable for either. This is just the bigger badder commercial strength bastard child of the two.
Trump, Giuliani, Putin, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, Orban, Manafort, Stone, Mercer, Bannon, Flynn, Prince, Kolomoiskiy
They are all remarkably shit people with above average confidence and psychopathic personality traits and below average self awareness.
They are the men who stole the world.
But it all comes back to one little lie.

This may very well may not be conspiracy but genuine. As I stated I have not yet went through to check the given “sources” but if true…. And it’s easily believable…. Yikes.
submitted by Burnerd2023 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 14:24 TearRepresentative56 Here's what the big banks are predicting when it comes to rate cuts this year. Mizuho and Society Generale seeing - rate cuts. Citigroup the most bullish of the notable names, seeing 100BPS

Here's what the big banks are predicting when it comes to rate cuts this year. Mizuho and Society Generale seeing - rate cuts. Citigroup the most bullish of the notable names, seeing 100BPS submitted by TearRepresentative56 to TradingEdge [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 12:37 Murky_Influence440 Admiral Money CIFAS Marker Category 7 False Application?

Hey there,
I was recently declined for a credit card but I couldn't figure out for the life of me what had happened, I presumed it was due to the fact I had so much credit taken out, I currently have a 20k loan taken out with Halifax.
This whole situation is VERY weird, I had initially applied for a loan with Halifax, Natwest and with Admiral Money on the 26th of September, I was approved by Halifax and Natwest, but Admiral had declined my application, I thought nothing of it. I continued to use everything as normal. Got an increase in credit limits on my card, I took out a few Klarna payment plans and even plans with samsung finance and all sorts.
Recently I applied for another credit card with Aqua, and it was declined after being approved, and upon opening an account with metro, they closed it the day after, which was VERY weird, so I thought I'd do a CIFAS check to see what's going on. It's come back with a marker from Admiral Money.
They claim they added the marker on 1st of October 2023, there seems to be no company of documents submitted to CIFAS according to the report, and they claim I used an altered statement. Which doesn't make any sense, they were HSBC bank statements, in fact they were approved by both Halifax and Natwest for loans, using the EXACT same documents.
What do I do? I've seen it's incredibly difficult to remove a CIFAS if incorrect, could I request this be changed to a victim of impersonation CIFAS as I don't believe this could have been the application I made, the documents I submitted were legit?
Is there someone I could get my bank statement notarized from to prove my innocents? I don't know what to do here
submitted by Murky_Influence440 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 12:14 CharlesinUS Questions about evidence and other inquiries

Hello everyone, I am new here. I have a few questions regarding the evidence I should provide for my N-400 form, other than my green card. I am 25 years old, not married, and I live with my parents. I recently graduated from university, so I was thinking about submitting my degree certificate along with some bank statements and tax documents. I am quite confused about what to do. I currently live in the middle of the country and will be moving to California in three weeks. I understand that I should submit my N-400 after living in my new place for three months. Could you please advise on what additional evidence I should submit?
Thank you.
submitted by CharlesinUS to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 10:43 Hefty_Abies620 Sell US Stocks and send the money abroad

Hello all,
I am in a peculiar situation and looking for information. One of my parent was working in the us in the year 2000 and bought stocks in the company they were working at, taking advange of an ESPP. They went back to our country (France) and kinda forgot about the money. 25 years later those stocks 10x and now we want to sell and retreive that money. Does anybody know how to go about it ? What to look for ? Where to I even begin to gather information ?
We are not US fiscal residents and the bank that currently holds the stocks is in California.
Thank you in advance !
submitted by Hefty_Abies620 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 10:06 AnonymousAardvark22 Will losing Sky's voice further delay the new voice roll out?

Will the removal of Sky's voice from Chat GPT cause issues with the roll out of the new ChatGPT 4o emotive voice with interrupt? In the demos the new voice does sound similar to Sky. I am in California and am still waiting.
Scarlett Johansson, supporter of the illegal occupation of the West Bank and now a pain in the ass of AI.
submitted by AnonymousAardvark22 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 07:46 College_Accelerate SG banking career guidance (IB & corporate)

currently a rising year3 NUS econs undergrad (international student) and im looking to get into banking for my yr3 summer internship and subsequently after grad as a full time role. im currently spending my y2 summer interning at HSBC SG within international retail banking and wealth management, specifically customer propositions for HNWI. previously, i interned at a SG biotech startup focusing on market expansion and did a shadow wealth management intern at india's biggest 'family office' wealth mgt firm in mumbai. a decent bit of consulting and other extracurricular experiences as well.
next, im aiming for investment banking or corporate banking (open to hearing ur suggestions/advice to join other teams). wondering if it would be possible for me to "switch" to IB (ik that in SG people start doing investment and banking interns asap and do about 4-5 before y3 summer) or if i should play it safer and focus on other teams (corporate/private banking etc) as an international student who needs to find a job to be able to stay in SG.
also would like to hear ur thoughts on applying to other locations (dubai, india, aus) as ik SG is just a bit too competitive compared to other markets.
sorry for the rushed post. pls feel free to ask clarifying questions.
submitted by College_Accelerate to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 07:45 College_Accelerate SG banking career guidance

currently a rising year3 NUS econs undergrad (international student) and im looking to get into banking for my yr3 summer internship and subsequently after grad as a full time role. im currently spending my y2 summer interning at HSBC SG within international retail banking and wealth management, specifically customer propositions for HNWI. previously, i interned at a SG biotech startup focusing on market expansion and did a shadow wealth management intern at india's biggest 'family office' wealth mgt firm in mumbai. a decent bit of consulting and other extracurricular experiences as well.
next, im aiming for investment banking or corporate banking (open to hearing ur suggestions/advice to join other teams). wondering if it would be possible for me to "switch" to IB (ik that in SG people start doing investment and banking interns asap and do about 4-5 before y3 summer) or if i should play it safer and focus on other teams (corporate/private banking etc) as an international student who needs to find a job to be able to stay in SG.
also would like to hear ur thoughts on applying to other locations (dubai, india, aus) as ik SG is just a bit too competitive compared to other markets.
sorry for the rushed post. pls feel free to ask clarifying questions.
submitted by College_Accelerate to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 01:56 Sweet-Count2557 Step Family Summer Vacation:

Step Family Summer Vacation:
Step Family Summer Vacation: Are you ready to make this summer one to remember? We've got the perfect solution for your stepfamily vacation!In this article, we'll share a variety of exciting and family-friendly vacation ideas that cater to everyone's interests. From thrilling adventures to relaxing beach getaways and immersive theme park experiences, we've got you covered.So join us as we embark on a stepfamily summer vacation filled with adventure, relaxation, and quality time spent together.Let's make this summer unforgettable!Key TakeawaysHershey, Pennsylvania, San Diego, California, Branson, Missouri, Miramar Beach, Florida, Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, Park City, Utah, Universal Studios Florida in Orlando, Florida, Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida, and Las Vegas, Nevada are all popular summer vacation destinations for step families.These destinations offer a wide range of family-friendly activities and attractions, including amusement parks, water parks, zoos, beaches, shopping districts, and outdoor adventures.There are accommodation options available for every budget, from luxury resorts to budget-friendly hotels and rental condominiums.Each destination has its unique features and attractions, such as Hersheypark in Hershey, the Smoky Mountains in Pigeon Forge, and the EPCOT International Food and Wine Festival in Walt Disney World Resort.Step Family Summer Vacation: Planning and PreparationWe need to start brainstorming and organizing our step family summer vacation plans and make sure everyone is involved in the planning process. It's essential to consider the needs and preferences of all family members to create a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone.To kickstart our planning, let's discuss two important aspects: packing essentials and communication and conflict resolution.When it comes to packing essentials, it's crucial to have a checklist that covers all the necessary items for each family member. This will ensure that everyone has what they need for the trip and minimize any last-minute stress. We can assign different family members to create their own packing lists and then compare them to make sure we haven't missed anything important.Communication and conflict resolution are vital for a harmonious vacation experience. We should establish open lines of communication from the beginning, encouraging everyone to express their thoughts and preferences. It's essential to listen actively and respect each other's opinions. If conflicts arise, we can address them calmly and find compromises that work for everyone. By fostering a supportive and understanding environment, we can create a positive atmosphere for our step family summer vacation.Let's start our planning process by discussing these two topics and ensure that everyone feels heard and included. Together, we can make this summer vacation a memorable and enjoyable experience for our step family.Step Family Summer Vacation: Choosing the Perfect DestinationWhen it comes to choosing the perfect destination for a step-family summer vacation, there are a few key points to consider.First and foremost, it's important to find a destination that offers activities and attractions suitable for blended families, ensuring that everyone can participate and have fun together.Additionally, budget-friendly options are a must, allowing step-families to enjoy their vacation without breaking the bank.Ideal Step-Family DestinationsLet's explore the best summer vacation destinations for step-families, considering everyone's interests and budgets. Planning a step-family vacation can be challenging, but with the right destination and activities, it can be a memorable bonding experience for everyone.Here are three must-visit destinations and unique bonding activities for a step-family summer vacation:Hershey, Pennsylvania: Home to Hersheypark, this destination offers world-class roller coasters, a water park, and a zoo. It's a sweet preview for ticket holders with 121 acres of family fun. Stay at Hershey Lodge for modern upscale vibes and chocolate-themed sweet treats.San Diego, California: With endless coastline and kid-friendly attractions, San Diego is perfect for a step-family vacation. Visit SeaWorld with the Emperor Dive coaster and explore the San Diego Zoo with its hummingbird exhibit. Enjoy dinner at the historic Bali Hai. Stay at Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa for a private beach and tropical atmosphere.Branson, Missouri: Known for its down-home charm and serious thrills, Branson is a fun summer vacation idea for families. Don't miss the Silver Dollar City theme park and the Star-Spangled Summer celebration. Stay at Hilton Promenade at Branson Landing for comfortable accommodations walkable to attractions.These destinations offer something for everyone in the family and cater to different budgets. Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural experiences, these step-family vacation spots are sure to create lasting memories and strengthen the bond between step-family members.Activities for Blended FamiliesAn article about activities for blended families discusses the importance of choosing the perfect destination for a step family summer vacation. When planning a trip, it's crucial to consider the interests and preferences of all family members to ensure a memorable experience. Blended family bonding is essential during these vacations, and finding activities that everyone can enjoy together is key.To help you plan your step family summer vacation, here are some travel tips:Tips for Step Family TravelEmotional Response1. Involve everyone in the planning processExcitement and anticipation2. Choose a destination that offers a variety of activitiesJoy and enthusiasm3. Prioritize quality time for the whole familyHappiness and togethernessBudget-Friendly Options for Step-FamiliesFortunately, there are several budget-friendly options available for step-families looking to plan a summer vacation together. Here are three money-saving tips and budget-friendly accommodations to consider:Look for Vacation Rentals: Renting a vacation home or condo can be a cost-effective option for larger families. It provides more space and often comes with a kitchen, allowing you to save money on dining out.Choose All-Inclusive Resorts: All-inclusive resorts offer a variety of activities and amenities included in the price. This can help you stick to a budget while still enjoying a fun-filled vacation.Consider Camping: Camping is a great way to reconnect with nature and save money. Look for campgrounds that offer affordable rates and family-friendly amenities.By implementing these money-saving tips and choosing budget-friendly accommodations, step-families can plan a memorable and affordable summer vacation.Now let's explore some activities that are suitable for all ages.Step Family Summer Vacation: Activities for All AgesWe can create lasting memories on our step family summer vacation by participating in a variety of activities that cater to all ages. From outdoor adventures to cultural exploration, there are endless possibilities for fun and bonding.For those seeking outdoor thrills, we can embark on hiking trails, go kayaking or paddleboarding, or even try our hand at zip-lining. The great outdoors provides the perfect backdrop for adrenaline-pumping activities that will leave us with unforgettable experiences.If we're more inclined towards cultural exploration, we can immerse ourselves in the local history and traditions. Visiting museums, art galleries, and historical landmarks won't only educate us but also spark meaningful conversations and connections between family members.No matter our age or interests, there are activities that will engage and entertain everyone. Whether it's a family-friendly cooking class, a group bike ride, or a day spent exploring a nearby town, our step family summer vacation can be filled with joy and adventure.Let's embrace the freedom of choice and seize the opportunity to create lasting memories together. Our step family summer vacation is a time for bonding, growth, and laughter. So let's dive into the plethora of activities available to us and make this vacation one for the books.Step Family Summer Vacation: Tips for Smooth TravelingWhile planning our step family summer vacation, it's important to consider these tips for smooth traveling:Effective Communication Strategies:Openly discuss expectations and preferences with all family members involved.Create a shared itinerary to ensure everyone is on the same page.Encourage active listening and respectful communication to avoid misunderstandings.Dealing with Conflict Effectively:Address conflicts promptly and directly, using 'I' statements to express feelings.Encourage compromise and finding common ground.Consider involving a neutral third party, such as a family therapist, if conflicts persist.Prioritize Quality Time Together:Plan activities that cater to everyone's interests and abilities.Allow for flexibility and downtime to relax and bond as a family.Encourage participation in group activities while also respecting individual preferences.By implementing these effective communication strategies and dealing with conflicts effectively, we can ensure a smooth and enjoyable step family summer vacation.Remember to prioritize quality time together and create lasting memories. Let's make this vacation a time of fun, connection, and growth for our blended family.Step Family Summer Vacation: Creating Lasting MemoriesTo create lasting memories, let's plan exciting activities and meaningful experiences for our step family summer vacation. As we embark on this journey together, we have the opportunity to capture precious moments and build trust and unity within our blended family. By creating a balance between adventure and relaxation, we can ensure that everyone's interests and preferences are taken into consideration.To help us get started, let's take a look at the table below, which showcases a variety of activities and experiences that we can enjoy during our step family summer vacation:Activity/ExperienceLocationDescriptionBeach dayMiramar Beach, FLEnjoy a day of sun, sand, and water activitiesTheme park adventureHershey, PAExperience thrilling roller coasters and family-friendly funOutdoor explorationYellowstone ParkDiscover the natural wonders of Yellowstone National ParkCity sightseeingSan Diego, CAExplore the vibrant city and visit popular attractionsCultural immersionBranson, MOImmerse ourselves in the local charm and entertainmentMountain retreatPark City, UTEnjoy outdoor activities and breathtaking mountain sceneryMovie magicOrlando, FLDelve into the world of movies at Universal Studios and DisneyEntertainment extravaganzaLas Vegas, NVExperience the excitement of Las Vegas shows and attractionsBy carefully selecting and planning these activities, we can create lasting memories that will bring us closer as a step family. These shared experiences will not only be enjoyable but will also help in building trust and unity among us.Now that we have an idea of the activities we want to include in our step family summer vacation, let's move on to the next topic: budgeting and saving strategies. By being mindful of our finances, we can ensure that our vacation is both memorable and affordable.Step Family Summer Vacation: Budgeting and Saving StrategiesOur main goal for the step family summer vacation is to find cost-effective ways and save money while still enjoying memorable experiences. Here are three budgeting strategies to help us achieve this:Destination Selection: We'll research and choose destinations that offer affordable options for accommodations, activities, and dining. By considering places like Hershey, Pennsylvania or Branson, Missouri, we can find destinations that provide a balance between fun and affordability.Prioritize Free or Low-Cost Activities: We'll explore destinations that offer free or low-cost activities, such as national parks or local attractions. This allows us to create lasting memories without breaking the bank.Meal Planning: Instead of eating out for every meal, we'll plan and prepare some of our own meals. This not only saves money, but also provides an opportunity for the family to bond and share responsibilities.Step Family Summer Vacation: Bonding and Strengthening RelationshipsLet's plan activities that involve everyone, such as group hikes and family game nights, to foster bonding and strengthen relationships during our step family summer vacation. Blending families can be a wonderful experience, but it's important to take the time to connect and build relationships. By engaging in activities that everyone can enjoy, we create opportunities for conversation, laughter, and shared experiences.One tip for blended family bonding is to incorporate teamwork into our vacation activities. Whether it's working together to set up a campsite or preparing a meal, these collaborative efforts allow us to build trust and create a sense of unity. Additionally, planning activities that cater to everyone's interests and abilities ensures that everyone feels included and valued.Another way to strengthen relationships during our step family vacation is to set aside dedicated family time. Whether it's a designated game night or a day trip to a local attraction, carving out these special moments allows us to bond and create lasting memories together.Lastly, it's important to communicate openly and honestly with each other. Encouraging open dialogue and active listening helps to establish a foundation of trust and understanding within our blended family.Frequently Asked QuestionsHow Can Step Families Effectively Plan and Prepare for a Summer Vacation Together?Planning and communication are key when step families prepare for a summer vacation together. It's important to involve everyone in the decision-making process and consider everyone's interests and preferences.Open and honest communication helps to address any concerns or conflicts that may arise. Collaboratively creating an itinerary that includes activities for each family member ensures that everyone feels included and valued.What Are Some Unique Destination Options for Step Families to Consider for Their Summer Vacation?Looking for unique destination options for your step family's summer vacation? We've got you covered!Consider Hershey, Pennsylvania, with its world-class roller coasters and sweet treats.San Diego, California, offers endless coastlines and kid-friendly attractions like SeaWorld.Branson, Missouri, combines down-home charm with thrilling attractions like Silver Dollar City.Miramar Beach, Florida, offers a nostalgic beach vibe and stunning coastline.And don't forget about Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, with its Southern hospitality and family-friendly activities.These destinations are perfect for fun summer activities that the whole family will enjoy!What Are Some Activities That Can Accommodate All Ages and Interests of a Step Family During Their Summer Vacation?Family bonding and outdoor activities are essential for a step family's summer vacation. Whether it's exploring national parks like Yellowstone, enjoying thrilling rides at Hersheypark, or relaxing on the beaches of Miramar, there are endless options to accommodate all ages and interests.From hiking and biking to water sports and theme park adventures, there's something for everyone. These activities not only create lasting memories but also foster a sense of togetherness and unity among step family members.What Are Some Tips for Smooth Traveling With a Step Family During a Summer Vacation?Tips for smooth traveling with a step family during a summer vacation? Here are some strategies to make your trip enjoyable for everyone.First, involve all family members in the planning process to ensure that everyone's interests are considered.Second, establish clear communication and expectations beforehand to avoid misunderstandings.Third, create a flexible itinerary that allows for individual and group activities.Lastly, prioritize quality time together while also allowing for personal space.With these tips, your step family can have a memorable and harmonious summer vacation.How Can Step Families Create Lasting Memories and Strengthen Their Relationships During a Summer Vacation?During a summer vacation, step families can foster trust and strengthen their relationships by creating lasting memories and establishing meaningful traditions.By engaging in activities that everyone enjoys and encouraging open communication, step families can build trust and create a foundation of unity.Whether it's exploring new destinations together, participating in family games or rituals, or simply spending quality time bonding, these experiences can help step families connect on a deeper level and forge lasting relationships that will carry beyond the vacation.ConclusionAs our stepfamily summer vacation comes to an end, we can't help but feel a bittersweet mix of joy and nostalgia.From the thrilling adventures to the relaxing beach days, we've created memories that will last a lifetime.Just like a patchwork quilt, our blended family has come together, forming a beautiful tapestry of love and togetherness.So as we bid farewell to this incredible journey, we hold onto the moments that made us laugh, the experiences that brought us closer, and the bonds that will forever be unbreakable.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 00:05 Icy_Implement5547 Trade for rare afro unreleased, this is my list.

1A - 116 - Drake - Passion Fruit (Drega remix).mp3
1A - 117 - Sade - By Your Side (Samm Edit) .mp3
1A - 118 - Rihanna - Te Amo (Lazare Edit).flac
1A - 119 - Alicia Keys - It's On Again (Lazare Edit).MP3
1A - 120 - Abra - Feel (&ME Remix) .mp3
1A - 120 - Blue Method - Hele.flac
1A - 120 - Bob Sinclar - World Hold On (Not From Paris Remix).mp3
1A - 120 - Digolo Phillip & Dylan-S - Dana (Bun Xapa Remix).flac
1A - 120 - Digolo Phillip & Dylan-S - Dana (Foozak & Candyman Remix).flac
1A - 120 - Drush (FR) & Oluhle x The Weeknd - Nyakalo x Shameless (Pete Dash Mushup).flac
1A - 120 - Eagles & Butterflies - The Legacy.flac
1A - 120 - Kevin Morby - Harlem River (Bedouin Edit).mp3
1A - 120 - Loud Urban Choir - Bloody Samaritan (Bellones Brothers Remix).flac
1A - 120 - Malive, Luiza Gogoia, Morgado - Quintal.flac
1A - 120 - Michael Jackson - Liberian Girl (Bedouin Edit).mp3
1A - 120 - Nicolás Parrado - Souling.flac
1A - 120 - Remind - Zum Zum Zum.flac
1A - 121 - Bob Sinclar - World Hold On (Sasson & Soubeiran Remix).flac
1A - 122 - Drake & Rampa - Virgil Forever (Instrumental).mp3
1A - 122 - Feid - Classy 101 (Maz, VXSION Extended Edit).flac
1A - 122 - Milky Chance - Stolen Dance (VXSION Extended Remix).flac
1A - 122 - Shimza, Caiiro - Nyali.mp3
1A - 122 - Victor Alc - I Know You Know.flac
1A - 123 - Duke Dumont - Ocean Drive (Ikerfoxx (ES) Remix).flac
1A - 123 - Fatboy Slim X Dennis Ferrer - Praise You (Abel Ray Edit).flac
1A - 123 - Nick Morgan - EYG (shorter version).flac
1A - 123 - Post Malone - I Fall Apart (Moojo Remix).flac
1A - 123 - Zombies in Miami - Lasercat (Francisco Garcia Remix).mp3
1A - 124 - Kill Them With Colour - Otra Vez (Calussa Edit).flac
1A - 124 - Marten Lou - My Love for You (Nick Morgan Retouch).flac
1A - 124 - Marten Lou - Nothinghill Keys.mp3
1A - 124 - Moojo, REMIND - Do For Love (Rap Version).flac
1A - 124 - Tyla - Water (Yaacov Remix).flac
2A - 118 - Jorja Smith - Rose Rouge (Moojo Remix).flac
2A - 120 - Alican - ID V1.3.mp3
2A - 120 - Black Coffee - Juju (Chaleee & Sammi Ferrer Escalation Remix).flac
2A - 120 - Bun Xapa - Ina.flac
2A - 120 - Bun Xapa - La Mezcla.flac
2A - 120 - Celso Fabbri - Funky Tannie.mp3
2A - 120 - Da Africa Deep, Simo Moumen, Lyrik Shoxen, KJM Cornetist - Humans (&ME Edit).mp3
2A - 120 - ID - Amathambo (Fka Mash Remix).flac
2A - 120 - Kabusa Oriental Choir - Soso (Tato Remix).mp3
2A - 120 - Moori - Go Deep.flac
2A - 120 - Omah Lay - Soso (Deroos Extended Remix).flac
2A - 120 - Omah Lay - SOSO (JOSEPH Remix).flac
2A - 120 - QUENTRO & Tuna - Soro Soke (Instrumental).flac
2A - 120 - QUENTRO & Tuna - Soro Soke.flac
2A - 120 - Tyla - Water (Vanco Edit).flac
2A - 120 - Vitoto, NiteFreak - XXXXXXX.mp3
2A - 121 - Jamek Ortega - Ride With Me.flac
2A - 121 - Michael Jackson - Beat it (Shimza Remix).flac
2A - 122 - Alex Twin - Bandido.flac
2A - 122 - Black Coffee - Gardens Of Eden (Enoo Napa Remix).mp3
2A - 122 - Busta Rhymes - Give It 2 Me (Moon J Remix).mp3
2A - 122 - Collé - Kupata.flac
2A - 122 - Dizharmonia - Valaam.mp3
2A - 122 - Egeme - So Fine.flac
2A - 122 - Folamour - Voyage (Antdot Remix).flac
2A - 122 - Ginno Mesina - This Shit Is Bananas.flac
2A - 122 - Malho - Nafe (Original Mix).flac
2A - 122 - Uncle Waffles - Tanzania (Rampa Remix).mp3
2A - 123 - Abel Ray & Ted - Woman.mp3
2A - 123 - Malik Taj - Memories.flac
2A - 123 - TYLA - WATER (MOOJO Remix).flac
2A - 123 - Victor Alc - Boreal.flac
2A - 125 - Fred Again - Julia (Nick Morgan Remix).flac
2A - 127 - Roisin Murphy - Ten Miles High (Bedouin Edit).mp3
2A - 129 - Latina Café (Osunlade) Power to conquer Joss Moog edit.flac
2B - 118 - Foaie Verde De - Un Piper (Be Svendsen Edit).flac
3A - 100 - Bedouin - Ibiza2.mp3
3A - 105 - Javi Medina - Con Poco (Ephlum & Alex Twin Edit).flac
3A - 117 - Moojo, Da Capo - What U Desire (Vocal Mix).flac
3A - 118 - Chaleee, Marco Pex - Your Hands.flac
3A - 118 - Joeboy - Sip (Johanrorsh Edit).flac
3A - 118 - Stromae - Papaoutai (Francis Mercier Remix).mp3
3A - 120 - 40D x CONDE - Meteor.mp3
3A - 120 - Calamar Crew, Leon (FR) - Rise (feat. Juan Pachanga Acapella) [Moojo's edit].flac
3A - 120 - Kanye West, Ty Dolla $ign - Paid (Imad Remix).flac
3A - 120 - Leon - Rise (Baron (FR), Darmon - Mamy Edit).flac
3A - 120 - Mayra Andrade - Terra da Saudade (Tato Remix).flac
3A - 120 - Naika - 1 + 1 (Guapo Remix).flac
3A - 120 - Naomi Sharon - Definition Of Love (Alex Kósh Remix).flac
3A - 120 - Victor Alc - Sudamérica.flac
3A - 120 - WhoMadeWho x Rampa - Tell Me Are We (Arrab Remix).flac
3A - 121 - Arodes - Rolling.mp3
3A - 121 - Drake - One Dance (DENI Remix).flac
3A - 122 - ANTOR - Relax My Eyes (Mr Moudz Afro Edit).flac
3A - 122 - Disclosure - You & Me (Rivo Remix).mp3
3A - 122 - Drake - A Keeper (Chaleee & Sammi Ferrer Remix).flac
3A - 122 - Drake - A Keeper (Guapo Remix).flac
3A - 122 - Drake - A Keeper (Moojo Remix).mp3
3A - 122 - Drake - One Dance (Peace Control Remix).mp3
3A - 122 - Kassin - Paradise.flac
3A - 122 - Makossa & Megablast - Soy Como Soy (Arodes Remix).mp3
3A - 122 - Moojo - Rain (Instrumental).flac
3A - 122 - Years & Years - Desire (Adam Trigger & Hoax (BE) Remix).flac
3A - 123 - ANOTR, Abel Balder - Relax My Eyes (Chris Arna & Morbus Remix).mp3
3A - 123 - Benny Benassi - Satisfaction (Vidojoean X Oliver Loenn Afro Remix).mp3
3A - 123 - Bryson Tiller - Right My Wrongs (Ikerfoxx (ES) Remix).mp3
3A - 123 - Jennifer Lopez - Waiting For Tonight (Alex Wann Remix).flac
3A - 123 - Meloko - Space Beyond (Mont Rouge Remix).flac
3A - 123 - Rockin Moroccin - Oldschool, Baby (Playa Edit) V2.flac
3A - 123 - The Weeknd - Save Your Tears (Alex Wann Remix).flac
3A - 123 - Travis Scott - Thank God (&friends remake).flac
3A - 124 - Barush & Magos - Fergalicious.flac
3B - 124 - The Killers - Mr. Brightside (Aahil Edit).flac
4A - 99 - Foaie Verde De - Un Piper (Be Svendsen V2).flac
4A - 114 - Agha - Hope.mp3
4A - 118 - Kimotion - Wannabe.flac
4A - 120 - Alex Wann, Soubeiran, Nes Mburu - N’Gele.flac
4A - 120 - Bedouin - Pushing Down.flac
4A - 120 - Felix Da Housecat - Madame Hollywood (Maxi Meraki Edit).mp3
4A - 120 - Lumidee - Never Leave You (Jaquet Remix).flac
4A - 120 - Meloko, Utli - Boa Dance.mp3
4A - 120 - Nelly Furtado - Say it Right (Soubeiran Remix).mp3
4A - 120 - Nostalgia - Smack That.flac
4A - 120 - Omah Lay - Holy Ghost (Marino Canal & Santiago Garcia Remix).mp3
4A - 120 - Samm & Ajna - A Frenchie Thing.flac
4A - 120 - Sérgio Mendes - Mas Que Nada (Alex Twin Edit).flac
4A - 120 - Unkle - Only You (&ME Remix).mp3
4A - 120 - VXSION - Love Preparation (Slow Down Edit).flac
4A - 121 - Black Coffee - Your Eyes (DJ Drift Franklyn Remix).flac
4A - 121 - Madonna - Rain (Urmet K Edit 2023).flac
4A - 121 - Raffa Guido - Famax (Jerak Remix).flac
4A - 122 - 2 Eivissa, David Tavare - Oh La La La (Savin Remix).flac
4A - 122 - Alex Wann - Haze (Michel 'On A Dream' Edit).mp3
4A - 122 - Alex Wann & Paul Kalkbrenner - Haze x Sky and Sand (TWINS Edit).mp3
4A - 122 - Armin van Buuren - In And Out Of Love (Rivo Remix) Demo.mp3
4A - 122 - Baron (FR) & Mel Bundo - My Machine.flac
4A - 122 - Chaka Khan - Ain't Nobody (Alex Wann Edit).flac
4A - 122 - Collé - Breathe.flac
4A - 122 - Dlala Thukzin - iPlan (MAAURA Remix).mp3
4A - 122 - Drake - Slime You Out (Samson Remix).flac
4A - 122 - Drake & Jorja Smith - Get It Together (Antdot & VXSION Revisit Intro Mix).mp3
4A - 122 - Drake & Jorja Smith - Get it Together (VXSION Remix).flac
4A - 122 - Karol G - Provenza (Sistek Remix).flac
4A - 122 - Kendrick Lamar - Bitch Don´t Kill My Vibe (Talbot & Ber Grups Remix).flac
4A - 122 - Martin Solveig - Cabo Parano (Anthony Edit).flac
4A - 122 - Moojo - Attitude.flac
4A - 122 - Moojo, AWEN - Giant.flac
4A - 122 - REMIND - Look Around You (Moojo Remix).mp3
4A - 122 - ROUTE 94, Jesse Glynne - My Love (Alex Wann rework).flac
4A - 123 - Akon - Smack That (&friends Remix).mp3
4A - 123 - Coldplay - Viva La Vida (Choujaa & Epsylon Remix).flac
4A - 123 - Key Notez - Your Love Ain't The Same (Maz Remix).flac
4A - 124 - Angus & Julia Stone - Big Jet Plane (Raphael Palacci Extended Mix).flac
4A - 124 - Empire Of The Sun - Walking on a Dream (VXSION Edit).flac
4A - 124 - HUGEL - Bambola.mp3
4A - 124 - Klaiceva - Deftone (Omri. Edit).flac
4A - 124 - Marasi - Golden.flac
4A - 124 - Moojo, Demaya - Hot N Fun.flac
4A - 124 - Sergio Mendes - Mas Que Nada (Ahmed Spins Edit).flac
4A - 124 - Yeat - Monëy so big (Jaquet Remix).flac
4A - 125 - AFM - Black Vodka (Arado & Marco Faraone Edit).mp3
4A - 125 - Empire Of The Sun - Walking on a Dream (Kimotion x Amour Propre Remix).mp3
4A - 125 - Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks (Notre Dame Edit).mp3
4A - 125 - Meloko, Mozambo - Ubatuba.flac
4A - 125 - Rampa - Les Gout (Tayllor Edit).mp3
4A - 125 - Session Victim - Orbits Of Brandy (Nick Morgan Edit).flac
4A - 127 - FEX (IT) X AC - Cancun Tribalica (Abel Ray Edit).flac
4A - 127 - Nick Morgan - One Burial Wish.flac
4B - 123 - Io e Palmieri, Rampa - Passi Bind (Cifra Re-Mash).flac
5A - 113 - Rampa & Sparrow & Barbossa X El Maar - Vatra Champion (Abel Ray Edit).flac
5A - 117 - Alex Riddle - Malkata Moma.flac
5A - 118 - Da Capo - KRIPT Apparat Main.mp3
5A - 118 - KRIPT Apparat Main Da Capo.mp3
5A - 118 - Mike Rauss - Christmas Present for Papa (Mita Gami Early Version).mp3
5A - 118 - Moon J, Nani - Quema.flac
5A - 120 - AKRAM - Pachamama.flac
5A - 120 - Baazart & Jamy Nox - Mind Dimension.flac
5A - 120 - Bedouin - Gabor Szabo (Bedouin Edit).mp3
5A - 120 - Bhaskar - Worst Enemy (Tato Remix).flac
5A - 120 - Bill Withers - Who Is He (Victhor Remix).mp3
5A - 120 - Cheb Khaled, Faudel, Rachid Taha - Abdel Kader (Mont Rouge Remix).flac
5A - 120 - Chris IDH - Sunray.flac
5A - 120 - COOLIO - Gangsta Paradise (Moojo Edit).mp3
5A - 120 - Marasi - Sweet Dreams.flac
5A - 120 - MOSY - If You Want Me To Stay (Uh Ooh) (Extended Version).flac
5A - 120 - Naomi Sharon - Another Life (Urmet K Remix).flac
5A - 120 - Plixis - Coming Back.flac
5A - 120 - Rihanna - Needed Me (Suite 52 x Bondo Remix).flac
5A - 120 - Simian Mobile Disco - Caught In A Wave (&ME Remix).mp3
5A - 120 - Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger (Ahmed Bench Remix).flac
5A - 120 - Technotronic - Pump Up The Jam (Kimotion Edit).flac
5A - 121 - &Me - Out Of My Head.flac
5A - 121 - Bun Xapa, Moojo - Tokyo.mp3
5A - 121 - Masšh, Adam Port - All I Got.flac
5A - 121 - Moo & Jo, DeMaya, Arkadyan, Eribertho Cruzado - Desperado (Chris IDH remix).mp3
5A - 121 - Moojo - Lisboa.flac
5A - 121 - Playmen - Movin' Too Fast (Valeron Remix).flac
5A - 121 - SAMM (BE) - TROY.mp3
5A - 122 - &ME vs. Bad Bunny - Garden Porto Bonito (Calussa Edit final 2023).mp3
5A - 122 - Alex Wann - Mayne.flac
5A - 122 - Drake, Rihanna - Take Care (Moojo Nissa La Bella Edit).flac
5A - 122 - ID - Falling Back (Chalee Remix).flac
5A - 122 - Kimotion - SHIK SHAK SHOK.flac
5A - 122 - Marasi - Africa.flac
5A - 122 - Maz, Bakka (BR), Berimbouse - A Hora é Agora.flac
5A - 122 - Michael Jackson x Renate, Presi On, Augusto Yepes - Thriller x Mawu (Yigit&Mert Edit).flac
5A - 122 - Moojo - Meditation.flac
5A - 122 - Tato - Ilamasa.flac
5A - 122 - Tayllor - Into You (Bootleg).mp3
5A - 122 - Timbaland - Apologize (Hoax (BE) Extended Remix).flac
5A - 122 - Victor Alc, Murilo Tronco - Forma de Querer.flac
5A - 123 - Carlita & Pablo Fierro - Weekend.flac
5A - 123 - Donna Summer - I Feel Love (VXSION Edit).flac
5A - 123 - Drake - Finesse (Antdot Remix).flac
5A - 123 - Jodeci - Freek'N You (Arche edit) .mp3
5A - 123 - Maz - Emoriô.flac
5A - 123 - Maz(BR), VXSION x ABBA - Amana x SOS (Dario Hessabi Edit).mp3
5A - 123 - Moneoa - Pretty Disaster (Enoo Napa Unofficial Remix).mp3
5A - 123 - Moojo - It's not right, It's Okay.flac
5A - 123 - Stromae - Alors Fraoula (Darmon Edit).flac
5A - 123 - Travis Scott - I Know (Axx Remix).flac
5A - 124 - Malik Taj - Contigo.flac
5A - 124 - Marten Lou - Radiohead 4.0.flac
5A - 124 - Rufus Du Sol - New Sky (Sathler Remix).mp3
5A - 125 - Adele - Lovesong (Vinny Gruvhunter & Chris IDH Remix).mp3
5A - 125 - Sade - Like A Tattoo (Chris IDH Remix).mp3
5A - 125 - XXXtentacion - Sad (Maesic & JM & Samson Remix).mp3
6A - 115 - Bobby Caldwell - Do 4 Love (Victhor Remix).mp3
6A - 115 - The XX - Fiction (Eagles & Butterflies Remix).mp3
6A - 118 - Eagles & Butterflies - Oscillations.flac
6A - 119 - Kimotion X Luch - You You You.flac
6A - 120 - &friends, Joseph (CH) - Jackie Brown.flac
6A - 120 - Atoms For Peace - Before Your Very Eyes (Bedouin Edit).mp3
6A - 120 - Bun Xapa - Masego fijnal.flac
6A - 120 - Chaleee & Muscardo - Sonke.mp3
6A - 120 - Collateral Damage - Burna Boy (Moon J Remix).flac
6A - 120 - Darko De Jan, Aaron Sevilla - Ameno.flac
6A - 120 - DJ Yellow, Flowers And Sea Creatures - No One Gets Left Behind (Blondish Beirut Edit).flac
6A - 120 - Guapo, Peaty - 6PM In Casablanca.flac
6A - 120 - OVEOUS, QVLN - Queimar (Guapo Edit).flac
6A - 120 - Soulroots, Nuzu Deep - Sipho (West & Hill Club Version) V2.mp3
6A - 120 - Yamê - Bécane (Kimotion X Quentro & Tuna Remix).flac
6A - 121 - Mita Gami - Danger Vocals.flac
6A - 121 - Moojo, Carlita - Havana.flac
6A - 121 - Moojo, Carlita, Gabsy - Macaron.mp3
6A - 121 - Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Bedouin Edit).mp3
6A - 122 - Curol - Deixa Fluir.flac
6A - 122 - Dandara Manoela - Minha Prece (Soldera & Crazt Remix).mp3
6A - 122 - Eric Prydz - Pjanoo (Eran Hersh Edit).mp3
6A - 122 - KEENE, Arabic Piano - All Night.flac
6A - 122 - LevyM - Champagne.flac
6A - 122 - LevyM - Heartache.flac
6A - 122 - Madonna - Music (Alex Twin Rework).flac
6A - 122 - Mar+Mer x Tom Trago - Usin It Again (Abel Ray Edit).flac
6A - 122 - Moojo ft Starving yet Full - Limitless Vocal Version.flac
6A - 122 - Nitefreak, laureno - Asara.flac
6A - 122 - RY X - Howling (Legare Remix).mp3
6A - 122 - Tato - Pelo meu amor.flac
6A - 123 - Amr Diab - Helwa Elbedayat (Shami Remix).flac
6A - 123 - Dougwav - Signals.flac
6A - 123 - ID - Won't forget you vs SPACE MOTION (Tayllor Edit).mp3
6A - 123 - Mili, DiMO (BG) - Verona.flac
6A - 123 - Victor Alc - Shared Love.flac
6A - 124 - Collé - Something to Believe.flac
6A - 124 - Drake - Fallin Back (Nick Morgan Rework).flac
6A - 124 - ID - Wont Forget You (Francisco Garcia Edit).flac
6A - 124 - Kashovski - Pull Out The Fire.flac
6A - 124 - KIMOTION x Ray - Miami Vice.flac
6A - 124 - Mita Gami - All By Myself.flac
6A - 124 - Moby - In This World (Mita Gami Edit).flac
6A - 124 - Moojo - I Want Your Soul.flac
6A - 124 - Nick Morgan - Take My Heart.flac
6A - 124 - Pop Smoke - Dior (B logi La Bebé Edit).flac
6A - 124 - The Police - Roxanne (BLONDISH Sunrise Rework).flac
6A - 125 - Astrid Suryanto - Flexx (DSF Edit).mp3
6A - 125 - Dennis Ferrer - Touched The Sky (Da Capo Dub Afro).mp3
6A - 125 - Nick Holder - Under Your Spell (Nick Morgan Rework).flac
6A - 125 - Phil Unique - Believe (Nick Morgan Edit).flac
6A - 125 - Silyvi, Two Strong - Quando Fui A Benguela (Original Mix) [NuLu].flac
6A - 126 - Kadosh X Lazarusman - Closer Enough To Heaven (Abel Ray Edit).flac
6B - 119 - Chambord X MJ - Mamentia (Don't Stop) (Abel Ray Edit).flac
7A - 116 - Florence + The Machine - Hunger (Eagles & Butterflies Remix).mp3
7A - 118 - Fka Mash x Da Capo - LAYKI.flac
7A - 118 - FNX Omar - DOO WOP.mp3
7A - 118 - The Weeknd - Earned It (DUMAA Edit).flac
7A - 120 - ! AVÖ, Guapo, Rayan & Rima - Dana Dana.flac
7A - 120 - &ME x RAMPA - TOG 4.mp3
7A - 120 - Aaron Smith, Krono - Dancin (Breakstorm Remix).mp3
7A - 120 - Adassiya - Hypnotic (Chris IDH Instrumental).flac
7A - 120 - Adele - Set Fire To The Rain (Choujaa Remix).flac
7A - 120 - Ajna - Move (V2 DEMO).mp3
7A - 120 - Any Longer - Morris Dweck.mp3
7A - 120 - Arodes & Fahlberg - She Asked Me To Dance.flac
7A - 120 - Avangart Tabldot - Ella.flac
7A - 120 - Bakermat - Baiana (Prince Kaybee Bootleg) V2.flac
7A - 120 - Bakermat - Baiana (Prince Kaybee Bootleg).flac
7A - 120 - Choujaa - Nyu Bi Woni.mp3
7A - 120 - Crystal Waters - Gypsy Woman (Rampa Edit).mp3
7A - 120 - Drake - Get It Together (Samson Remix).flac
7A - 120 - El Pocho - A Mi Amigo (Bedouin Edit).mp3
7A - 120 - Fink - Honesty (Chris IDH Remix).flac
7A - 120 - Malive - Garimpo.flac
7A - 120 - Mayas - Call Me (Chaleee Remix).flac
7A - 120 - NeverSeen, Bazaart - Salama.flac
7A - 120 - OMRI. - WORK.mp3
7A - 120 - Sade - Jezebel (Chris IDH Remix).mp3
7A - 120 - Samm - Paradise.mp3
7A - 120 - The Veils - Vicious Traditions (Daniel Bortz Edit).flac
7A - 121 - Bakayan - Breath.mp3
7A - 121 - DJ Merlon - Room Temperature.mp3
7A - 121 - Mozambo - Nohol.flac
7A - 121 - Robin S - Show Me Love (Kimotion Edit).mp3
7A - 121 - Thomas Gandey, Santiago Garcia - Maghreb.mp3
7A - 122 - Adele - Set Fire To The Rain (Alex Twin Bootleg).flac
7A - 122 - Dalida - Salma ya salama (MAAURA Remix).flac
7A - 122 - Dalida - Salma Ya Salama (Mont Rouge Remix).flac
7A - 122 - Dizharmonia - Pneumatikon.mp3
7A - 122 - Francis Mercier, Clyde P - Ya Rayah.flac
7A - 122 - Joezi - Amathole (Alex Twin Remix).flac
7A - 122 - Martin Solveig - PARADISE (CHAMBORD REMIX).flac
7A - 122 - Muzari - Iphutha Lami (Chaleee Remix).mp3
7A - 122 - Nostalgia - Highest In The Room.flac
7A - 122 - Notre Dame - Ritmo del Mundo.mp3
7A - 122 - Robbie Akbal - Zero One (Alex Twin Remix).flac
7A - 122 - Super Flu - Loira.flac
7A - 122 - Tayllor - Baylame.flac
7A - 123 - Ahmed Spins - Anchor Point (Amémé's Voodoo Drums Edit).mp3
7A - 123 - Rampa & Virgil Abloh - Goodmorning.mp3
7A - 123 - Samm (BE), Maxi Meraki - Open Your Eyes (Extended Mix).flac
7A - 123 - The Chemical Brothers - Hey Boy Hey Girl (Marasi MashUp).flac
7A - 123 - Zouk Machine - Maldon (Rampa Edit).mp3
7A - 125 - Bruno Mars - Grenade (Chris IDH Remix).mp3
7A - 125 - Rosalia - A Pale (Nick Morgan Remix).flac
7B - 121 - Sinéad O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U (Yulia Niko Edit).flac
8A - 118 - Jaquet - Soy Candela.flac
8A - 118 - Little Dragon - Thunder Love (Mario & Vidis Redo).flac
8A - 118 - Nino - Amor (Alex Twin Edit).flac
8A - 120 - &ME & Black Coffee vs Xinobi & Lazarusman - The Rapture Pt.III & Searching For (ID Mashup).flac
8A - 120 - &ME, Black Coffee - The Rapture Pt.III (Eszco (Mont Rouge) & Krief Edit).flac
8A - 120 - Asif Shmueli - HUGS.flac
8A - 120 - Dennis Louvra - Fly With Me.flac
8A - 120 - DJ Pappa X Simone - Morning Caminhando (Abel Ray Edit).flac
8A - 120 - DJ Pappa, Simone - Morning Caminhando (Carlita Edit).flac
8A - 120 - Dua Lipa - New Rules (Jaquet Remix).flac
8A - 120 - Fleetwood Mac - Dreams (Moojo & Demaya Edit).flac
8A - 120 - Future - Wait 4 U (Mont Rouge Remix).flac
8A - 120 - Future Tems - Wait For You (Mont Rouge Remix).flac
8A - 120 - HUGEL, Alex Wann - Forever In My Mind.flac
8A - 120 - Jonny Miller - Somewhere (Chaleee Oblivion Mix).flac
8A - 120 - Keinemusik - Muye (Enoo Napa Remix).mp3
8A - 120 - Moojo - Oui.flac
8A - 120 - PÆDE & Dangel Twins - Dorma.flac
8A - 120 - Peaty x Peace Control - Echoes (Remix).mp3
8A - 120 - REMIND, Moojo, Loving - It's Alright.flac
8A - 120 - Rihanna - Stay (Moojo Remix).flac
8A - 120 - Soa - Vou Morar No Mar (TATO Remix).flac
8A - 120 - Tayllor - Arita.mp3
8A - 120 - The Doors - Not To Touch The Earth (Bedouin Edit).flac
8A - 120 - Victor Alc - Hanging Tree.flac
8A - 121 - Florence & The Machine - You've Got The Love (Yulia Niko Edit).flac
8A - 121 - Hot Natured, Ali Love - Benediction (Steve Amoroso Edit).flac
8A - 121 - Moojo & Arodes x Sebastian Ingrosso & Alesso - Reborn x Calling (Alesso Mushup).flac
8A - 121 - Moojo & Keinenmusic - Cezar Nmina (James Layoun Remix).flac
8A - 121 - Raffa Guido - Yo ma Love.flac
8A - 121 - Victor Alc - Neutral Event.flac
8A - 122 - &ME & Black Coffee - The Rapture X Red Carpet (Goraab Edit).flac
8A - 122 - &ME, Black Coffee - The Rapture Pt. III + Greatest Day (Bona Fide's Mashup).flac
8A - 122 - Ahoona - To The Moon.flac
8A - 122 - Amanda Magalhães - O Amor Te Dá (VXSION & Sone. Remix).flac
8A - 122 - Anotr, Abel - Relax My Eyes (Sammi Ferrer & Chaleee Remix).flac
8A - 122 - Augusto Yepes & Tayllor - ID.flac
8A - 122 - Baron, Meloko - Me Gusta.flac
8A - 122 - Fatboy Slim - Right Here, Right Now (Soubeiran Remix).flac
8A - 122 - Komashov - Light Vs Darkness.flac
8A - 122 - Moojo - Ms. Jackson.mp3
8A - 122 - Sherine - Sabry Alil (Halabi Remix).flac
8A - 122 - Silvio Luz - Ephomnia Saralina (Darmon Edit).flac
8A - 123 - &ME & Time - Not Alone (Dorian Craft Edit).mp3
8A - 123 - ABBA - Voulez Vous (Madzoni Remix).flac
8A - 123 - Chicago 8477 - Superfly.flac
8A - 123 - Cloonee, Wade - Mi Amor (VXSION Remix).flac
8A - 123 - Daryl Hall & John Oates - Out Of Touch (Kashovski & Abel Ray Private).mp3
8A - 123 - Everything But The Girl - Missing (Pablo Fierro Remix).mp3
8A - 123 - Janet Jackson - Together Again (Rampa Edit).MP3
8A - 123 - Kashovski & Abel Ray - Alright.mp3
8A - 123 - Planet Funk - Chase The Sun (TATO Edit).mp3
8A - 123 - Samm & Reyou - Mama Hoekanda.flac
8A - 123 - Slivio Luz, Keinemusik - Euphomnia Salalina (Liva K Edit) (Rework Remade Breakstorm).flac
8A - 124 - Alex Twin - La Playa (Urmet K Remix).flac
8A - 124 - Arodes & Martim Rola - Nightcall.flac
8A - 124 - Beach House - Lemon Glow (Marten Lou Remix).flac
8A - 124 - Delerium - Silence (Urmet K Edit 2023).mp3
8A - 124 - Marten Lou - Beachhouse.flac
8A - 124 - Till Von Sein - Sundowna Nation Of (Dyed Soundorom and Shonky Remix - Facundo Mohrr Edit).mp3
8A - 125 - Chromatics - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Hugo Cantarra & Auguste Remix).flac
8A - 125 - Compay Segundo - Chan Chan (Pablo Fierro Edit).flac
8A - 125 - ID - Girls Just Want To Have Fun (Auguste & Hugo Cantarra Remix).flac
8A - 125 - Michael Jackson - Hollywood Tonight (Chris IDH Edit).mp3
8A - 125 - Moojo - Swing My Way.flac
8A - 125 - Nick Morgan & WhoAMi - ALLNight.flac
8A - 125 - OMRI. - Oxcidisco.mp3
8A - 125 - Sade - Slave Song (Chris IDH Remix).mp3
8A - 126 - Melo Mawaki X Where You Are (Eran Hersh & Anorre).flac
8B - 120 - Cher - Believe (Super Flu Remix).flac
9A - 115 - Billie Eilish & Khalid - Lovely (Marten Lou Revisit).flac
9A - 116 - MoBlack, Santiago Garcia - Good Energy.flac
9A - 117 - Fairouz - Li Beirut (Bedouin 2020 Tribute Rework).flac
9A - 117 - Ricky L - Born Again (Da Capo Jungle Dub).mp3
9A - 118 - Billie Eilish, Khalid - Lovely (Drega Remix).mp3
9A - 118 - Cesaria Evora - Petit Pays (Notre Dame Rework).flac
9A - 119 - Samm & Maxi Meraki - Everybody Get Up.mp3
9A - 120 - Abba - Voulez Vous (Lior Miller Extended Remix).flac
9A - 120 - Anja (BE) - Astro.flac
9A - 120 - Ankhoï - Another Hallelujah (Mont Rouge Private Edit).flac
9A - 120 - Bad Bunny & Jhay Cortez - Dakiti (Diplo & Pablo Fierro Remix).mp3
9A - 120 - Chaleee, Yoliswa - Rise Up.flac
9A - 120 - Chris IDH - 7Nation.flac
9A - 120 - Craig David - 7 Days (Alex Wann X Sparrow & Barbossa Remix).flac
9A - 120 - Eagles & Butterflies - ITALO 03 For Gerd.mp3
9A - 120 - Estelle - American Boy (Betical Remix).mp3
9A - 120 - ID - Shiver (Jaquet Remix).flac
9A - 120 - Ivyson - Girassol (Tato Remix).flac
9A - 120 - Kolinga - Kongo (Samin (Hanî) Remix).flac
9A - 120 - Moeaike - Bo Bom.flac
9A - 120 - Nicki Minaj, Drake - Needle (David Mackay Remix).flac
9A - 120 - NOTRE DAME - Think About.flac
9A - 120 - ROSALÍA - Que No Salga La Luna (Bedouin & Harry Romero Remix).flac
9A - 120 - Tayllor - Home.mp3
9A - 120 - Tayllor - My neck My back.flac
9A - 120 - The Zombies - Time Of The Season (OMRI. Edit).mp3
9A - 121 - Badbwoy x Hoodia - Veneno.mp3
9A - 121 - Bun Xapa - Full Tank.flac
9A - 121 - Cake - Comfort Eagle (Bedouin Edit).flac
9A - 121 - Garden City Movement - Untouchable (Mita Gami Edit).flac
9A - 121 - Hakim - Ah Ya Alby (Ajna & Samm Edit).flac
9A - 121 - John Lee Hooker - Boom Boom (Bedouin Edit).mp3
9A - 122 - Alex Twin - Together (Vocal Mix).mp3
9A - 122 - Caiiro - No One.flac
9A - 122 - D-Note - Shed My Skin (Elias Kazais Remix).flac
9A - 122 - Empire of the sun - We Are the People (ODARA [BE] Remix).mp3
9A - 122 - France Gall - Ella Elle L'a (Rampa Edit).mp3
9A - 122 - Mont Rouge (CH) - Tamale.flac
9A - 122 - Nostalgia - Escapism.flac
9A - 122 - OMRI. - Hallelujah.mp3
9A - 122 - SAGE ACT - Beira Mar (TATO Remix).flac
9A - 123 - ANOTR, Abel Balder - Vertigo (Carlita Remix).flac
9A - 123 - Babyboy AV - Confession (Alx Yav Remix).flac
9A - 123 - Bun Xapa - Tel Aviv.flac
9A - 123 - Caiiro, Moojo - Here We Are.flac
9A - 123 - Luchii - Vertebrea (SOMMA Remix).flac
9A - 123 - Mita Gami, Triptych Miro - Maybe (Original Mix).flac
9A - 123 - Moeaike - Bo Bom (Alan Dixon Remix).flac
9A - 123 - Moojo, Caiiro, Adassiya - Deep in Love.mp3
9A - 123 - Super Flu - Love Song.flac
9A - 124 - Aaron Julian - A Porta.flac
9A - 124 - Caiiro - Touch Me (The Akan Darmon Edit).flac
9A - 124 - Collé - Thoughts.flac
9A - 124 - Jack Ü Ft. Justin Bieber - Where Are Ü Now (&friends remix).flac
9A - 124 - Marasi - Sirens.flac
9A - 124 - Nicolas Jaar - Dark Rain (Nick Morgan Rework).flac
9A - 125 - Alok - Yawanawa Sina Vaishu (Maz Remix).flac
9A - 125 - Fever Ray - Shiver (Nick Morgan Edit).flac
9A - 125 - KURA - Sentir Saudade (GUAPO & Antdot Remix).flac
9A - 126 - ID - Arya (Peace Control Remix).flac
9A - 126 - Kiko Franco - Day N Night (Extended Version).mp3
10A - 102 - Novia - Moderna (Alex Twin Edit).mp3
10A - 109 - Meloko (Goes Amapiano) & O'Giv - Wade in The Wather.flac
10A - 118 - Hall & Oats - Maneater (Moojo Edit).flac
10A - 118 - Sting - Englishman in New York (Leo Gira Remix).mp3
10A - 119 - Moojo, Demayä, Arkadyan - Despedida.flac
10A - 120 - &ME - Homelands (Jinadu Vocal Edit).flac
10A - 120 - Chaleee - WEMOYA (After Hours Mix).mp3
10A - 120 - Jaquet - Monceur.flac
10A - 120 - Juan Luis - Que Vale La Pena (Moojo & Biralo Edit).flac
10A - 120 - Juan Luis Guirra - La Travesia (Samm Touch).flac
10A - 120 - LC - Nevermind (Mita Gami Edit).flac
10A - 120 - Maxi Meraki - You Are My High.flac
10A - 120 - Mayra Andrade - Afeto (Ankhoi Remix).mp3
10A - 120 - Peaty - KILOSA (Afro Melodic Mix).flac
10A - 120 - Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb (Mita Gami Sunrise Edit).mp3
10A - 120 - Travis Scott - Modern Jam (Chaleee & Sammi Ferrer Remix).flac
10A - 121 - Da Capo - Make Love Not War (Die House Music Edit).mp3
10A - 121 - Davido - FEEL (Raffa Guido Remix).flac
10A - 122 - Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits (Drega Remix).mp3
10A - 122 - Jovem Dionisio - Pontos de Exclamação (VXSION Remix).flac
10A - 122 - Maz (BR), Antdot x The Temper Trap - Corpo e Canção x Sweet Disposition (Flex Orlando & Dilly Edit.mp3
10A - 122 - Sasson - Makalu.flac
10A - 122 - Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child (Jordaz & Suite 52 Remix).flac
10A - 123 - Choplife Soundsystem & Mr. Eazi & Ami Faku - Wena (Maz (BR) Remix).flac
10A - 123 - Maz, VXSION x Florence - Say My Name x Amana (Breakstorm Vocals Edit).mp3
10A - 123 - Nina Simone - Sinnerman (Pippi Ciez Mix).flac
10A - 123 - Phonique, Bakka (BR) - Guarana.flac
10A - 124 - Abel Ray X Lazarusman - Woyengi.flac
10A - 124 - CIRCLE - NeverSeen Remix.flac
10A - 124 - Downstream - Makeez, Life on Planets (Lazare Remix).flac
10A - 124 - HUGEL - Me Gustas Tu.mp3
10A - 124 - Kid Cudi - Day N Night (Jamy Nox Remix).mp3
10A - 124 - Marco Generani - Madan.flac
10A - 124 - Mj Cole - Waking Up (Da Capo Remix).mp3
10A - 124 - Peaty x Soldera - Niafunke.mp3
10A - 124 - The Weekend - Take My Breath (Alex Twin Remix).flac
10A - 125 - Birds Of Mind - No Tears (Nick Morgan Rework).flac
10A - 125 - Birds of MInd - No time for Tears (Nick Morgan Rework).flac
10A - 125 - Kelis - Milkshake (Saraga Black Remix).flac
10A - 125 - Lady Gaga - Love Game (Chris IDH Remix).mp3
10A - 125 - Madonna - Holiday (Yulia Niko & Pig EDIT).flac
10A - 126 - X Bob Marley - Cruzando Jammin (Abel Ray Edit).flac
10B - 118 - Pink Floyd - Goodbye Blue Sky (James Teej 'Goodnite' Edit).flac
10B - 122 - Neil Young - Harvest Moon (Mita Gami Edit).flac
10B - 123 - The Temper Trap - Sweet Disposition (Alex Twin & MK33 EDIT).mp3
11A - 112 - Bedouin - Toothless (Original Mix).mp3
11A - 118 - Black Coffee & David Guetta - Drive (Da Capo Dub Touch).mp3
11A - 118 - Drake - Doing It Wrong (Umgido Bootleg).flac
11A - 118 - Hamid Al Shaeri - Ouda (PEATY Remix).flac
11A - 118 - Moojo - Ze Roberto.flac
11A - 120 - Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted (Ikerfoxx Remix).flac
11A - 120 - Billie Eillish - Everything I Wanted (Marten Lou Remix).flac
11A - 120 - Coco, Joezi, Pape Diouf - 7 Seconds (Moojo Remix).flac
11A - 120 - Crystal Waters - Gypsy Woman (Kimotion Edit).flac
11A - 120 - Jackson 5 - I Want You Back (Moojo Edit).mp3
11A - 120 - Kang - Day5 (Faros Remix).flac
11A - 120 - Lakou Mizik & Joseph Ray - Sanba Yo Pran Pale (&ME Remix).mp3
11A - 120 - Mano, Ajna - Bottom.flac
11A - 120 - Masšh - iLanga (&ME Edit).mp3
11A - 120 - Pablo Fierro - El Día De Mi Suerte (Pablo Fierro Full Mixl).flac
11A - 121 - Ajna & Jamiie ft Nomvula - ID DEMO NEW.flac
11A - 121 - Francis Mercier, Frigid Armadillo, Luedji Luna - Uiara.flac
11A - 122 - Britney Spears - Gimme More (Dario Hessabi & JARP Remix).flac
11A - 122 - Busta Rhymes, Rampa, Black Coffee - Mamakusa.mp3
11A - 122 - CamelPhat - What A Day (Marten Lou Remix).mp3
11A - 122 - Kabza de Small - Imithandazo (David Mackay Remix).flac
11A - 122 - Lilya Mandre - Bad For You.flac
11A - 122 - Major Lazer & Major League DJz - Koo Koo Fun (Kimotion x Ray Remix).flac
11A - 122 - Mont Rouge - Belsunce.mp3
11A - 122 - Tabia, Maz (BR), MAXI MERAKI, APACHE (FR) - Nothing On Me, Baby (Mont Rouge & Moojo Edit).flac
11A - 122 - Tekno - Pana (Non Grata Edit).flac
11A - 123 - Arabic Piano & Keinemusik - The Two Lost Kings.mp3
11A - 123 - CAMAGU - Augusto Yepes.flac
11A - 123 - Collé - Daydreaming.flac
11A - 123 - Daft Punk - Get Lucky (Rivo Remix).flac
11A - 123 - Liva K - True Story (Dub Mix).flac
11A - 123 - Liva K - True Story.flac
11A - 123 - Mano Negra - Sueno De Solentiname (Pablo Fierro Version).flac
11A - 123 - Michael Jackson - Billie Jean (Da Capo ReMix).flac
11A - 123 - Thakzin, Divine Keys - Scars.flac
11A - 123 - Vanessa da Mata & Ben Harper - Boa Sorte (Rockin Moroccin Edit).mp3
11A - 124 - Bedouin x Azealia Banks - 212 Remix.mp3
11A - 124 - DOT (BR), Rachel Reis - Eu Vou Pra Bahia (DSF Remix).flac
11A - 124 - Maz (BR), Apache (FR) & Maxi Meraki - Nothing On Me (&ME Baby Again Vocal Edit).flac
11A - 125 - Lost Souls Of Saturn - Midnight Karma (Nick Morgan Retouch).flac
11A - 125 - Rampa - Les Gout (Sllash & Doppe Edit).mp3
11A - 125 - Tayllor - Eyes On Me.flac
11B - 124 - Golden Boy - Rippin Kittin (Nick Morgan Rework).flac
11B - 124 - Golden Boy & Miss Kittin - Rippin Kitten (Nick Morgan Rework).flac
12A - 112 - Nicolas Jaar - Let's Live for Today (Alex Twin Edit).mp3
12A - 115 - Eagles & Butterflies - Space Invader.mp3
12A - 115 - Mo Black, Salif Keita, Cesaria Evora - Yamore (Divino (AL) Edit).mp3
12A - 117 - Legare - Ceu Cai ft. KIKS (V1.2).flac
12A - 118 - Maesic & Samson - Rimiti.flac
12A - 118 - Michael Jackson - The Thriller (Lucas Moncorge Vision).mp3
12A - 120 - Da Capo - New Sun.mp3
12A - 120 - DJ Merlon - BroCode (Mont Rouge's interpretation).flac
12A - 120 - Fatoumata Diawara - Nterini (Kylian Remix).mp3
12A - 120 - Jorja Smith - Try me (Talbot´s Remix).flac
12A - 120 - Kings Of Leon - Sex On Fire (Imad Remix).flac
12A - 120 - Lorenzo Ausilia - Maz Ndaci.flac
12A - 120 - Maz - Ndaciii.flac
12A - 120 - Prince Kaybee - Higher (Chaleee Remix).flac
12A - 120 - The Mamas The Papas - California Dreamin (Mita Gami Edit) MASTERED.flac
12A - 120 - Toto - Africa (Alex Twin Edit).flac
12A - 120 - Toto - Africa (Rampa Edit).mp3
12A - 120 - Victor Alc - Essamina.flac
12A - 120 - YusMusica - Family Affair.MP3
12A - 121 - Issy x Marten Lou - Hide U .mp3
12A - 121 - Kosheen - Hide U (Issy x Marten Lou).mp3
12A - 121 - Regard - Ride It (FromParis Remix).flac
12A - 121 - Sasson (FR), Bar - Bate Forte.flac
12A - 122 - Candi Staton - Hallelujah Anyway (Larse VIP Edit).flac
12A - 122 - Eran Hersh, Alex Twin - Ya Nana.flac
12A - 122 - Jorja Smith - Little Things (Peace Control Remix).flac
12A - 122 - Kimotion - Its a Fine Day.flac
12A - 122 - Lana Del Rey x Bro code - Summertime Sadness x djMerlon (Chris IDH Edit).flac
12A - 122 - Legare - Ceu Cai ft. Kiks (FINAL).flac
12A - 122 - Moloko - Forever More (Andrew Meller Edit).mp3
12A - 122 - Noamin Sharon - Daughter Of The Sun (Ankhoi Remix).flac
12A - 122 - Rockin Maroccin - All that she wants.flac
12A - 122 - Sans Contrefacon - Mylene Farmer (Kimotion Remix).flac
12A - 123 - Diplo, WhoMadeWho - Make You Happy (Nitefreak Remix).flac
12A - 123 - Kanye West - Love Lockdown (Matt Sawyer vs Sasson Edit).flac
12A - 123 - Toto - Africa (V2 Rampa Edit).flac
12A - 125 - Brandy & Monica - The Boy Is Mine (Chris IDH Remix).Mp3
12A - 125 - Carlita - FPI.flac
12A - 125 - Yendry - Nena (Nick Morgan Version 2).flac
12A - 127 - Quentin Harris - Warning (Adam Ten & Mita Gami Re-Edit).flac
12A - 128 - Gunna - Fukumean (Peace Control & Riordan Extended Mix).flac
12B - 122 - Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love (&friends & Lilya Mandre Remix).flac
submitted by Icy_Implement5547 to AfroHouseUnreleased [link] [comments]