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Lietuviskos elektronines muzikos rekomendacijos

2024.01.30 19:04 Keenboo2022 Lietuviskos elektronines muzikos rekomendacijos

Nors jau desimtmeti negyvenu Lietuvoje, bandau kiek imanoma dometis lietuviskos muzikos scena, tiesa pagrinde klausau elektronines muzikos.
Maciau keleta komentaru kad siuos metu LT su elektronine muzika situacija nekazka. Ka jus manot? Kas issiskiria ir deliverina siuo metu?
Prasiejau pro savo SC ir atrinkau Lietuviu atlikejus kurious seku is seniau, buciau dekingas jei parekenduotumet daugiau panasiu prodiuseriu/DJ:
Manfredas: Stream MANFREDAS Listen to music albums online for free on SoundCloud
5zyl:Stream 𝟓𝐙𝐘𝐋 music Listen to songs, albums, playlists for free on SoundCloud
nightjar: Nightjar - Chase Of Heaven by nightjar (
Memelgroove: Stream Memelgroove music Listen to songs, albums, playlists for free on SoundCloud
Genn Bo: Tape Haze, Summer Days by Genn Bo (
Genys: Stream Genys music Listen to songs, albums, playlists for free on SoundCloud
Deep Shoq: Deep Shoq - Roll Down The Window in Deep Shoq - Voyage [2023] (
IJO: IJO - Glitter (CLIP) by IJO (
Antidote Community: BBN at Nuclear Missile Base of Plokstine - Antidote #20 by Antidote Community (
Split Pulse: ALYX 1017 9SM SS24 by Jam City (
Martas: Stream Martas Listen to audiobooks and book excerpts online for free on SoundCloud
Ernestas Sadau: Stream Ernestas Sadau music Listen to songs, albums, playlists for free on SoundCloud
Mantas T: AN PREMIERE 233 KLASTOTE - Pats Tu Generic [GARS] by Analogue Network (
Pasidalinsiu ir savo visu laiku topu is 90-uju - grupe Exem - Kursiai 1997 ( Vienas is dueto Matas Petrikas iki siol dalyvauja elektronines muzikos kulturineje veikloje, tiesa Berlyne o ne Lietuvoje: Stream matas petrikas Listen to music albums online for free on SoundCloud
Dekingas uz rekomendacijas ir nuomones :)
submitted by Keenboo2022 to lithuania [link] [comments]

2024.01.23 19:48 Saigeki_ Zivot u Njemackoj

Pozz svima.
Vidio sam par postova ovdje o zivotu u dijaspori, zasto se ljudi vracaju, jel u Bosni bolje itd. pa evo da vam ja malo objasnim kao strucna i prepametna osoba.
Sve je individualno i dosta ovisi o tome sta ko zeli i koliko je uporan i na kraju koliko srece ima u zivotu.
Ako zelis promjenu, uporan si u skolovanju trazenju posla napredku i imas malo srece dok nadjes posao stan itd. bit ce ti i lijepo i imat ces lijep zivot i u njemackoj.
Zavrsio sam Medresu u Bosni i pokusao studirati, uporedo radio da sebi financiram fakultet ali nisam zavrsio. U Bosni sam radio sve i svasta: Metal, Drvo, Call Center itd.
2015 sam dosao u Njemacku, zavrsio za njegovatelja, 3 god Skole. jos 5 sam radio po raznim firmama u njegovateljstvu svasta iskusio. Radio sam godinu dana samo nocne po 12 da bih preko dana mogao ici u skolu dalje se skolovati i djecu kupit iz vrtica. 14 dana u Mjesecu smo se zena i ja samo na vratima vidjali. Vikendom sam ja negdje uvijek sa djecom bio jer je ona imala online predavanja za master.
Prvo auto smo kupili 2017, golf 4 98 godiste, zivjeli smo u svakakvim stanovima, znali se i zaduzit da platimo sve troskove.
Sad nam je lijepo. Zena radi kod grada u skoli, ja sam napustio njegu skola se isplatila, radim za veliku tehnicku firmu. 3 dana od kuce. Jednom dva puta mjesecno narucimo jelo ili izadjemo na veceru. Na godisnje odemo u bosni gdje u planinu ili u hercegovini iznajmimo kucu sa bazenom. Imamo uvijek voca i mesa u kuci. Ne nosimo nista skupo ali se ne stezemo previse. Djeca su u skoli blizu i imamo jeftiniji stan od grada. Nemamo roditelja tu al i moj brat i njena sestra su dosli naknadno tako da imamo svoj mikro kosmos. ukljuceni smo u dzemat i upoznali finih ljudi s kojima se obidjemo vikendom i slicno.
Takodje znam jedan par koji se upravo vratio, djeca su nam se druzila. Ona cistacica bila on dostavljao pakete. Nisu imali srece i nisu mogli naci stana, jezik slabo i vratili su se nakon 4 godine ovdje.
Isto imam prijatelja koji su prosli sve i svasta, svakakvih stanova sefova ali uvijek su trazili napredak. Skoluj se dalje, uci napreduj. To je velika razlika sa Bosnom, imas bezbroj mogucnosti da se dalje skolujes i imas koristi od toga.
Jedan drug je nakon 7 godina Baustele upisao skolu za majstora, 2 godine skole jedva nekako nezz ni jezik dobro. Poslije polozio certifikat za auditora, sad preuzima kuce nakon gradnje. Minimalno 4000€ po kuci. Dobro mu
Jedan prijatelj 3 godine radio u firmi koja iznajmljuje radnike, iznajme ga u BMW svidi se ljudima i ostave ga. imao srece.
Poenta je ima mogucnosti, al mora se biti uporan i nekad i sranja nagutat i mora se ovdje zivot graditi, drustvo napredak, porodica familija. Ako nemas zenu i djecu bar imaj dobre ljude oko sebe
Znam druga koji je stego kajs pa 2 mjeseca bez posla bio al isao u skolu za IT, sad radi kao programer.
Ali ako ocekuje neko da ce doc ovdje dostavljat pakete i to je njemacka nema od toga kruha. znam dosta nase raje, od prve plate najnoviji telefon, nakon par mjeseci vozi bmw il mercedesa od 20-30k. Vikendom su pijanke pusenje trave nek nam je bosne, muzika itd. Nece za 2 god nista bolji posao ni platu imati. i onda izjave nema nigdje ko u bosni, bolje mi je dolje.
Sto se ljudi i politike tice, isto vam je to. Ko moze zajebat ce drzavu sistem i tebe, samo sto mu je to ovdje teze. Poslodavac ce te lagano zeznut gdje god moze pogotovo manje firme (pogotovo vlasnici balkanci) ne zato sto smo gori ljudi nego zato sto mislimo da je kao u bosni, al je zakon stroziji i imas nacina da se odbranis. Znam za slucajeve gdje su radnici na sudu uzeli 10-15k jer je poslodavac mislio da moze da se zeza s radnikom.
Ukratko, sve je individualno. Sto jedan redditor rece sve zavisi sta je nekome bitno.

submitted by Saigeki_ to bih [link] [comments]

2023.03.27 17:02 TimeIsMe Just rest in the I Am (Practice questions with Ed Muzika)

I haven't found too many teachers that teach atma vicara as the sages taught. Atma vicara is commonly translated as self inquiry but is more accurately described as self attention.
Folks like Ramana and Nisargadatta instructed practitioners to hold one-pointed attention on the first-person sense of I, whatever that is. And that's it. That's all you need to do.
"Always keeping the mind (the attention) fixed in the Self (in the feeling 'I') alone is called 'Self-inquiry' ... Remaining firmly in Self-abidance, without giving even the least room to the rising of any thought other than the thought of Self (that is, without giving even the least attention to any second or third person, but only to Self), is surrendering oneself to God (which alone is called the supreme devotion)."
[Ramana Maharshi; Who Am I?; source]
This practice is unique in that it can take one all the way from ego identification to awakening to full liberation—moksha, nirvana, whatever you like to call it. It's utterly simple and can be too simple to be believed. Most people (such as myself) need to resolve a fair amount of doubt before committing to such an utterly simple practice.
Ed Muzika is one such teacher who teaches self-attention as taught by Ramana and Nisargadatta and others.
I've found this PDF collection of letters between Edji and his students to be fascinating to read. I posted another correspondence from this collection recently here.
In the below series of letters you can see the practitioner's development from not being able to notice the sense of I at all, to being able to focus attention on it, to having that sense dissolve naturally and effortlessly to reveal something far more vast:
PRACTITIONER: Hi Ed Sorry for not getting back to you in the two weeks you said. I guess I needed more time to sort some things out.
Anyways, I need your advice please. I can finally 'pinpoint' a wordless sensation of "I Am".
Though it itself does seem to change. Sometimes appearing in front of me, other times between my heart and belly, though I know these feelings themselves are not the I am sense. I understand intellectualy that this sense is observed and arises in what is observing it and hence it cannot be real either. Alot of peace has arisen just by abiding in this I am though. I am not sure what to do from here, do I just continually abide in this I AM? Or the 'sense of looking or observing' this I AM?
That Nisargadatta-Gita you gave me, has been a tremendous help!
Thanks a lot!
EDJI: For now, abide in the feeling I Am. Get to know it full well. The the I Am eventually will become the observer by itself.
PRACTITIONER: (Two weeks later) Ive undergone quite a change in perception. It is as you said. It's like the I sense feels foreign and 'I' am observing it. Sometimes it feels like I have nothing to 'cling on to' as the I Am sense or 'me'. So I guess now it's more a thing of being 'me' and resting as that?
Thank you R.
EDJI: Yes, yes, yes! Find that which feels most like "me" and then rest in it.
PRACTITIONER: I feel like something is going to happen pretty soon. I feel like I am losing myself. It feels like things happen on their own at times, like a thought or my body moving etc. Concepts feel strange and foreign, even an urge such as hunger for example. It just feels like it's there. I don't really know how to explain this. But I also feel frightened and I don't know why. It feels like this enquiry also happens with very little effort and runs on its own spontaneously. It feels like something is pulling 'me' along?? Any advice would be great, but il keep abiding.
EDJI: R., you are doing well. Don't let fear deter you, continue to go straight ahead as you have been doing.
PRACTITIONER: I hope you are well (how could you not be lol). Anyways I have a question, would like your guidance. I have had a taste of Turiya quite a few times, some more 'deeper' than others. I can see that thoughts and so on, desires, etc are empty and just float on 'my' surface. My question is, is it necessary to stabilize there 24/7 to go beyond? Because it comes and goes (get distracted and seem to 'chase' the images on the surface). Though I try to self-abide as much as I can and it comes, without seeing Turiya as the actual goal of course. There have been points where I can see that anything I am is beyond mind or any appearance and I can understand why any attempt at describing is futile, though of course some 'I' still remains. Would Turiya eventually become more permanent the more I go back to it?
Thank you, I have deep gratitude for your help, it's much appreciated!
EDJI: Stay away from labels such as Turiya, the Absolute, Consciousness, etc. They only make sense within the context of a philosophy of existence and knowing. You want to go beyond all understanding and knowing, which is just the mind. The point of all true spiritual philosophy is to satisfy the mind with explanations, so that it doesn't wander in thought any longer, and stops and observes and rests in the fundamental state.
Therefore, just stay as much in the sense of 'I Am' as you can, whatever that means to you.
Like I say, that sense varies as meditation matures. All through the day, go to that place whatever you are doing, and of course in formal meditation.
But you have to become totally stupid without any understanding of Advaita philosophy or terms.
PRACTITIONER: I am constantly watching now, Sir. Sometimes I get involved and forget myself, but not very often anymore. It all just happens and it happens to the 'I Am' not me. The 'I Am' experiences the frustration, the 'I Am' experiences the pain, or happiness, but I just watch - nothing affects me. I am that steady thing in the background and I watch the unfolding of consciousness in front of me.
It's odd. When I walk or move I get the feeling I'm not going anywhere. The consciousness is changing to give the impression there is walking, but I am still, not moving, just watching from the place where I have always been. Space doesn't feel as big anymore. It almost feels like I'm inside of an enclosed room, but that room is so miraculous that it can morph and change to give the perception I'm standing outside under the stars, or at the foot of a mountain. In truth, though, there is only that room, which is consciousness. There is no mountain. There are no stars. And when the lights are off in the room, I don't know it's there, I don't even know I am there!
Anyways, that's all for now! Hope all is well with you!
EDJI: Very, very good. Not many have this kind of positive experience. This is pure grace. Your experience is very deep and will continuously change and mature over time.

submitted by TimeIsMe to nonduality [link] [comments]

2023.01.23 20:44 childrensembassy KOLE ANGELOVSKI, Ambassador of the MEGJASHI Children's Embassy: “I am proud that there is a little bit of my contribution this hugely successful story!”

KOLE ANGELOVSKI, Ambassador of the MEGJASHI Children's Embassy: “I am proud that there is a little bit of my contribution this hugely successful story!”
KOLE ANGELOVSKI, Ambassador of the MEGJASHI Children's Embassy: “I am proud that there is a little bit of my contribution this hugely successful story!”
*Your story about little Ana, which is also part of this book, written in the early nineties, is a chilling story, there is nothing fictitious about it, not a single word, not a single comma, not a single exclamation mark and with which, I think, the work of the First Children’s Embassy in the World begins. From then until now, you have been one of the first supporters and constant ambassadors, which is a long-standing, extensive engagement and, above all, great volunteering work that we must take our hats off for. We can assume that this incident motivated you and brought you into the world of fighting for unburdened childhood?
- I spent a large part of my professional life in Sarajevo and I worked on several films there, and I also worked on several plays in the Youth Theater where Ana's father was one of the actors with whom we we got along quite well on several lines, among other things we were both mushroom pickers and mountaineers, so I was very emotionally attached to Sarajevo and to Bosnia and Herzegovina in general. And when the war broke out, followed by the siege of Sarajevo and the destruction of the people took place, it really affected me a lot, so when Dragi and Gorde called me to participate in their incredible work, at least in those first years when everything was on a volunteer basis, I was really glad I wholeheartedly accepted to be in that position.
*As a well-known and established director, you decided to influence not only with moral support, but also with very concrete support. What are your memories of the most intense period of volunteering?
- In the first years, when the first refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina started to arrive, we were very involved and saved many people and human destinies, by taking care to accommodate the refugees, to provide them with food. A large convoy of three huge planes arrived from Spain, with medications and various necessities for the refugees. Meanwhile, we sent about 500 - 600 people from here, most likely to better living conditions in Spain. It was really an incredible success, three huge airplanes from the Spanish airline Iberia did all that for free, the Government of the Republic of Macedonia ensured that the planes landed at the airport for free. It was a really big undertaking. And, in an action at the Bunec Children's Resort in Mavrovo, the mayor of a city in France, Vaux-en-Wallin, personally came several times with his people. they brought school supplies to that children's resort, where there were mothers with children and a teacher who was teaching them. Among other things, I asked the mayor for a school bus that will be used for teaching in nature. They brought a very nice bus for 60 children, fully equipped, with two TVs and a video for the children to watch, from France as a gift. Then, it was my initiative to professionalize the Embassy, because such an organization, which at that time meant a lot in these areas, cannot be run exclusively on a volunteer basis. Also, during the period when Ljubomir Frchkovski was the Minister of the Interior, we managed to get more than a hundred diplomatic passports, which we distributed to various important people from Europe and the world to represent us everywhere and open some opportunities to us. Then, later on, after the military confict had ended, those major humanitarian actions no longer made sense, and the organization started advocating for children’s rights and it may be the only NGO that has advocated for children’s rights in continuity for such a lon time.
*Among other things, the Embassy has its own symbol - Bushavko, that child really exists and is not a fictional mascot.
- I don't know how that child arrived to Macedonia from Brchko, because he had learned that his mother was here. He came to us at the Embassy and we managed to find his mother and reunite them.
*Changing public awareness is the first step towards achieving a goal, and public figures can do that with their work. Did you appeal to your other colleagues to get involved, to lend a helping hand where needed?
- Well, among other things, I invited Blagoja Chorevski-Chore, who is really incredibly active as a volunteer. Even though he was the director of the Drama Theater, back in the nineties, he took it upon himself to be with them and completed many things. And for the first anniversary of the Children's Embassy, we made a very nice play for children, it was called “Clowns”, in which Vladimir Angelovski Dadi (the interviewee’s brother, an actor) and Dragan Spasov-Dac worked as volunteers, without any compensation. It was not in the program of the Drama Theater, but we added it to the repertoire.
*In the seventies, you were the first to create the children's play “Shakespeare in Stories”, then with your play “The Monsters from Our City” the Theater for Children and Youth officially started its work, you were also the programmer at the Children's Festival in Shibenik... Although you were completely devoted to children, did the work at the Embassy deepen those feelings for you, which for you are obviously also a self-initiated obligation, since they have been prevalent in your directorial work for quite a long time?
- My life as a director began with a series of children's plays in the Drama Theater, later I made some truly extraordinary children's plays, which at that time toured the entire Yugoslavia, and this sentence might be a cliché, but truly “children are the most sincere audience”. Working on a show for children is a great pleasure, because the feedback that the children give you as viewers, as sincere recipients of what you give them, is an indescribable pleasure and it is something that is rarely experienced with an adult audience. So, it's really nice to work for children.
*Dramas have always touched the soul of humans, and have shaped the consciousness of people, something that could touch the soul throughout the ages still touches it today. The dramas deals with values and MEGJASHI also deal with values, however, also with a concrete struggle...
- I would divide my work in MEGJASHI into two periods - the first period when it was voluntary and when we were all somehow affected by that war that was happening in Yugoslavia, pouring all our hard work and strength into it, trying to help people, children. The second period is the professional work of this non-governmental organization, which is called the First Children’s Embassy in the World - Megjashi, where the people working there became professionals and when there was already a team that professionally dealt with the problems of the children in our country in Macedonia and where I, shall we say, stepped aside a little. They were so skillful, so well organized, that they work flawlessly. Of course, there are people out there who still work as volunteers, but there is a group who work full-time, and sometimes even overtime, depending on the situation. Not only in Macedonia, but also more broadly, I don't believe that there is another organization that cares for children the same way as MEGJASHI do. What they do is really flawless, and at full throttle. They always have problems with finances, but they know how to make programs to get some financial support and survive. Here, for 30 years, MEGJASHI has existed with a single cause - children's rights! Not only are they one of the few non-governmental organizations that advocates for children, but they are always ranked hightest when it comes to trust among the population, among the citizens.
*Even though myself, and all of us, have been children, to this day I still haven't found an answer to my eternal question - why do children show their joy uncompromisingly, but never show their sadness, they know how to hide it so deeply inside themselves, and I just wonder how they manage to act so well, that most of the time we can't find out what exactly is bothering them.
- (Laughing) To tell you honestly, I myself don't know why it is like that, but I know that when I made plays for children, I knew exactly how to attract children to love that play. Of course, I have never made a play in which there is violence, no matter how trendy and fashionable such plays were, I really wanted to tell fairy tales to children. Because, nowadays, children are non-stop on mobile phones and on those phones they can see many things, unpleasant and pleasant and beautiful and ugly. However, when I made my children's plays, I always tried to give them a fairy tale, because in our families we no longer have grandmothers who would sit down with the grandchildren and tell them stories. Children bonded through them.
*There is a lack of dramas that describe the suffering of children that we don't see, children who are victims, neglected, those who are left like pigeons to fend for themselves in the world.
- It's a general problem on our televisions, still the best shows for children are still “Bushava azbuka” and the ones that I made “Monsters From Our Town”, “Clowns”, show that no matter how much time passes, will still be classics. It's good that the Macedonian Television started with the production of “Dajte muzika” again, it's a very beautiful, very positive, very quirky show, but it's a shame that there are so many televisions in Macedonia and none of the owners and directors showed any ambition to any other shows. Earlier in the Macedonian Television there was a special Editorial Office for children's programs, then there was an Editorial Office for school programs, now there is literally nothing of that. As if children do not exist, they either import children's shows, or play the ones that we recorded 30, 40, 50 years ago. When I think of all the former editors and heads of those children's editorial offices, top personalities, top writers, Olivera Nikolova, Vasil Pujovski, they were the editors of those shows and then when you have that kind of people backing you, they strategize “this year we will record a show like this which will be positive, then another one that will deal with the problem of...” Now that is gone, politicians and news are the most important things now.
*A child - a message! A child can paint the entire picture of the century that he/she which lives in. A child can also be a global message. We all know the story of the little orphan Oliver Twist... A single character paints the picture, the broad picture. That's your story about Ana, it's rooted in the war, but it's also a story whose truth continues to hurt, even though things have now changed. Have you ever felt the drive from within to turn it into a drama, for the theater stage?
- That is very difficult. Isn't there a novel “The Diary of Anne Frank”, in fact, a diary, which is world-famous and which talks exactly about the suffering of a girl during the Second World War, when she hides in the attic for years, in the end they are still caught and sent to a camp where they end tragically. Surely today there are many such stories, especially with the wars in Syria, in Lebanon, in Iran, Iraq where millions of children die, millions of children are displaced, where millions of children have lost their childhood, where they do not know what joy is, where they are faced with Kalashnikovs, and that’s a huge problem, it's unfortunate. Children are perhaps the biggest victims of the powerful countries, of the very powerful people that, for profit, or personal interests, destroy entire generations of children, destroy their childhood.
*Over these thirty years, what has been the biggest challenge and beauty of working with MJEGASHI?
- In the beginning, it was the emotional connection that was predominant, not only mine, but of all the people who participated in the creation of that organization, the emotional connection first with the country of Yugoslavia, and secondly with the fate of those people who suffered. Innocent people suffer, because of various interests, political, geopolitical, geostrategic, where so many people died, so many children died... That emotional connection with people with whom we were otherwise friends, comrades, lived together, is always very strong, such connections give you motivation and desire to participate and help as much as you can. And that was the main motive that drove us to action, together with Gordana and Dragi. There were many other people who participated in the work, in the relief, people worked for 24 hours. Another thing I'm proud of is that, thanks to them above all, is that we have become an organization that is independent of any government. It is certain that all governments so far have provided some sort of financial support, but we have never tied ourselves to politics, to any particular party, but we have always tried to be objective and fight for what the Children's Embassy stands and was founded for, which is: children's rights to be represented in the everyday life in Macedonia!
*Do you feel particularly proud of having done something of higher value?
- Sure, sure... I can't say that I'm the one who deserves the most, but I have had my own share in that broad range of everything that MEGJASHI has done, in general, for our country and for the children in the world, and for children of the war, I am proud that there is a little bit of my contribution to it.
The First Children's Embassy in the World MEGJASHI 1992-2022
30 years A fairer world for every child,%2030%20years.pdf
submitted by childrensembassy to mkd [link] [comments]

2022.12.27 11:00 IntersystemMH Waar is de beste muziekwinkel van Nederland?

Ik wil voor mezelf nog een verlaat kerstcadeau kopen. Ik ben op zoek naar iets muzikaals, zoals een loop station voor mijn gitaar, of een klein midi keyboardje. Ik sta echter open voor andere dingen. Maar waar koopt de NL-se redditor hun muziekspullen? De grote online winkels (Thomann, Bax-shop) sluit ik even uit, want ik wil graag gewoon even snuffelen en iets onverwachts tegenkomen. Ik vond de Bax-shop in Rotterdam erg tegenvallen, ondanks hun "XL" aanbod.
Dus waar kopen jullie je muziekspullen? Regio randstad is het best voor mij, maar sta open voor niet al te ver rijden vanaf Utrecht. Een goede kleinere winkel gespecialiseerd met een ruim gitaar en gitaarspullen assortiment vind ik ook prima.
submitted by IntersystemMH to thenetherlands [link] [comments]

2022.12.10 14:12 Timacek Film Chudák muzika (1981) stáhnout, sledovat online zdarma

Film Chudák muzika (1981) stáhnout, sledovat online zdarma submitted by Timacek to filmyserialy [link] [comments]

2022.01.04 23:02 Hrvatix Поѕдрав свима! Јел може неко да препорући неку добру комедију хвала много!

Може ли неко да препоручи добру српску комедију. Иначе волим Ми нисмо анђели и глумца Николу Којо ми закон. Неки филм да ме насмеје и орасположи, имамо дискусију о Хрв. филмовима како ништа није добро у ѕаднје време од комедија i осталих жанрова u Хрватској и све су исти стари глумци досадни и комедија 0 поена, без младих нових глумаца. Велики плус би био то што се може гледати на мрежи преко fmovies. Hvala mnogo! Иѕвините на катастровалној ђирилици.

Edit: lista svih preporučenih filmova s linkovima za gledanje online koje sam našao(treba imat adblocker) Uzivajte i hvala svima! 🙂
Balkanski špijun
Maratonci trče počasni krug
Kad porastem bicu kengur
Mala noćna muzika
Mrtav ladan
Sabirni centar
Crna mačka beli mačor
Kako je propao rokenrol
Crni Gruja
Pljačka trećeg rajha
Ivkova slava
Varljivo leto
Lepota poroka 1dio 2dio
Tesna koža
Žikina dinastija
Mali Budo
Tito i ja
Ko to tamo peva
Davitelj protiv davitelja 1dio 2dio
Šejtanov ratnik

submitted by Hrvatix to serbia [link] [comments]

2021.12.27 21:19 crvenkapica_011 Šta je evergreen sadržaj i zašto je potreban vašoj stranici

Šta je evergreen sadržaj i zašto je potreban vašoj stranici
Verovatno ste već više puta čuli da mnogo toga što ode na internet, nikada više sa njega ne može da nestane, tj. bar ne u potpunosti. Naravno, postoje priče ili slike koje nestaju posle određenog vremena poput onih na Instagramu, ali sadržaj koji želite da postavite na svoj sajt, treba da bude kvalitetan i da deluje postojano.
Ako je vaša firma bila prisutna na internetu više od nekoliko godina, verovatno ste na svojoj stranici objavili članke koji sežu isto toliko unazad. A ono što čini razliku između dobrog i odličnog sadržaja nekih stranica je tzv. evergreen sadržaj. Kao i kada je muzika u pitanju, pod evergreen sadržajem podrazumevamo teme koje nikada ne izlaze iz mode, tako da su aktuelne i ako ste ih objavili pre četiri, pet ili više godina. One i dalje obezbeđuju promet vašem sajtu. Upravo zbog toga, ovaj sadržaj se zove evergreen-om, zbog čega je potreban svakoj stranici, pa tako i vašoj.
Inače, sama reč evergreen, za one koji ne znaju, označava nešto što je zimzeleno, poput zimzelenog drveća, koje zadržava zelenu krošnju tokom svih godišnjih doba. Korišćenje ovog načina pisanja, pomoći će vam da izvučete još više vrednosti iz objavljenog sadržaja, ali naravno, samo ako je SEO optimizovan, jer ako nije, teško će doći do izražaja pored onolike konkurencije na Google.

Primeri evergreen sadržaja

U redu, može se reći da u ovom tekstu pevamo hvalospev evergreen sadržaju, ali to ne mora da se odnosi na sav sadržaj vaše stranice. Itekako su vredni i oni članci koji se oslanjaju na čitanje u ovom trenutku, jer govore o nekoj aktuelnoj temi. Kažu da “šibica koja gori upola kraće, verovatno gori duplo jače”. A uspeh je negde između, u balansu između evergreen i ne-evergreen sadržaja, što će zadovoljiti većinu posetilaca vaše stranice.
Najlakši način da saznate da li je sadržaj koji je trenutno na vašem blogu evergreen ili nije, jeste da se jednostavno zapitate da li biste neki članak želeli ponovo da pročitate za jedno tri godine. Ako je odgovor potvrdan, sasvim sigurno je u pitanju neka “bezvremenska” tema, što će reći – evergreen.
Na primer, evo nekoliko evergreen ideja koje će uvek biti relevantne, bez obzira na godinu, godišnje doba ili dan:

To su, recimo, teme koje ne moraju da se ažuriraju da bi ostale relevantne, i koje neće imati vrhunac prometa samo nedelju dana, a zatim nestati. I za tri, pa i više godina, nekome će zatrebati takve informacije, pa će ih ponovo potražiti.
Nasuprot njima, teme poput: “Đoković neće učestvovati na turniru u Sidneju”, već za nekoliko dana ili nedelja neće biti važne, bez obzira na to koliki ste Noletov fan. A tek za tri godine, toga se više niko neće sećati, niti će to bilo koga zanimati. Ta vest će stajati negde u arhivi, ali daleko od toga da će u tom trenutku imati bilo kakvu vrednost.

Zašto je evergreen sadržaj tako dobar
Aktuelne teme uvek mogu da obezbede pristojan porast saobraćaja u roku od nekoliko dana od objavljivanja, tako da ne možemo potceniti njihovu vrednost. One mogu da udare dok je gvožđe još vruće, na određenu temu. Međutim, one pružaju malu ili nikakvu pasivnu vrednost.
Sa evergreen postom na blogu, možete da nastavite da se rangirate za ključne reči koje aktivno dobijaju pretrage, pa čak i da gradite povratne linkove do tih tema bez da mrdnete prstom. To znači da bi dodatni sat ili dva rada na evergreen spinu za vaš sadržaj, mogao da vam uštedi mnogo više radnih sati u budućnosti.
Povratne veze ka vašoj stranici i pojavanje visoko u pretragama koje donose saobraćaj, mogu pomoći u pasivnom generisanju lidova, dok vas takođe uspostavljaju i kao relevantnog vođu po pitanju nekih tema.
Fokusirajući se na evergreen ideje, takođe ćete se na kraju fokusirati i na glavna pitanja koja ljudi možda postavljaju ili probleme sa kojima se čitaoci možda suočavaju. Dobar sadržaj odgovara na pitanja koja čitalac ima (čak i ako to ni sam nije znao), pa se zapitajte koji od ova odgovora ima veću vrednost:

  • Odgovor na pitanje koje ljudi postavljaju dva dana, ili
  • Odgovor na pitanje koje ljudi postavljaju dve godine.
U principu, i jedno i drugo ima svoju vrednost, ali ono drugo će doneti najviše pasivnih benefita, kao što su dodatni saobraćaj i linkovi. Na kraju krajeva, takvi tekstovi su najčešće razlog da se čitaoci duže zadrže na vašoj stranici.

Kako ući u evergreen način razmišljanja

U nastavku ćemo pokušati da vam pomognemo da razmislite o stvaranju evergreen sadržaja, i o tome kako da to iskoristite, da biste isporučili nešto što ostaje relevantno. I naravno, nešto što će vas izdvojiti od konkurencije.

Istražujte ključne reči

Postoji mnogo besplatnih alata za istraživanje ključnih reči, koje možete iskoristiti da vidite koliko pretraga dobija određeni termin, kao što je Generator ključnih reči Ahrefs-a ili ekstenzija Keywords Everywhere. Međutim, da bismo procenili interesovanje tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda, možda je najbolje koristiti Google Trends.
S obzirom da pripada Google-u, možete verovati podacima, a interfejs je jednostavan za korišćenje, tako da ćete lako naučiti da ga koristite.

Optimizujte za ključne reči koje pronađete

Kao jedna od osnovnih lekcija optimizacije ključnih reči, dobro rangiranje odgovora na pretrage u kojima želite da se vaša stranica pojavi, svodi se na relevantnost.
Kada pretraživač poput Google-a pretražuje vašu web lokaciju, želite da zna da ste relevantni za temu na koju se fokusirate i polje u kome radite.
To možete postići tako što ćete uključiti ključne reči koje pronađete u Google Trends-u, kao i druge, relevantne za tu temu.
Ipak, pazite da upotreba ključnih reči bude organska. Google je pametan i sabijanje pet ključnih u rečenicu od svega desetak reči može samo da izazove alarm da ono što pišete pokušava da prevari pretraživač. E to je ono što neki zovu “crni SEO”. Zato, sve što napišete pročitajte prvo sebi. Ako ne zvuči organski, verovatno se previše trudite, a to za Google može da bude sumnjivo.

Izbegavajte pozivanje na aktuelne vesti

Iako ovo verovatno neće biti problem za nekoga ko čita, ovo može biti zaista efikasan savet, koji treba imati na umu dok pišete. Tema može biti evergreen, ali možete je veoma lako datirati ako se pozovete na nešto što ste, na primer, pročitali ovih dana u vestima.
Zapamtite, ako pravite evergreen sadržaj kako treba, ljudi će te stranice čitati godinama u budućnosti. Zbog toga je upućivanje na nešto poput napada na influensera na društvenim mrežama, koje se odigralo u poslednjih nekoliko dana pogrešno, jer će tada već odavno biti zastarelo. Samim tim, može se desiti da se vaši čitalaoci toga i ne sećaju, što onda neće doneti ni ono dodatno pojašnjenje koje je bilo razlog upotrebe takvog podatka.

Pišite za laike
U principu, to je pravilo koje važi u novinarstvu, ali je važno i za sve nas. Malo je tema koje većim delom čitaju stručnjaci, nego početnici. Imajući to na umu, sigurno ne želite da izolujete svoju publiku smatrajući da se znanje čitalaca o datoj oblasti podrazumeva. Zato izbegavajte komplikovan, tehnički jezik koji bi mogao da odvrati ljude koji su novi u ovoj temi.
Na kraju krajeva, stručnjaci verovatno već znaju odgovor na pitanje o kome pišete, tako da je mala verovatnoća da su oni vaša publika. Zato pišite za laike, žedne znanja, koji takve tekstove najviše i čitaju. Pogotovo danas, u eri pametnih telefona, kada smo online 24h dnevno.

I za kraj…

Nadamo se da vam je ovaj tekst pomogao da shvatite vrednost evergreen sadržaja, koja je vrlo često neiskorišćena. Koristeći ove savete, možda ćete otkriti da pisanje sadržaja koji će biti relevantan i u nadolazećim godinama, u stvari stvara okosnicu svakog sjajnog bloga, tj. njegovu pasivnu vrednost. Samim tim što ove teme nikada ne zastarevaju, one uvek donose neki saobraćaj, što definitivno nije za zanemarivanje.
A šta vi mislite o evergreen sadržaju? Da li mislite da i ovaj tekst spada u evergreen? Podelite svoje mišljenje sa nama u komentarima.
Autorski tekst: Jelena Todorović
Izvor: TeshaDesign
submitted by crvenkapica_011 to optimizacijasajta [link] [comments]

2021.12.07 22:40 tennisfanboi Ljudi pomagajte, prijatelju je previse ispran mozak teorijama zavere i ne znam kako da mu pomognem. :(

Veruje u: -reptile ljude, -vladare iz senke sa poreklom van zemljine kugle, -da je zemlja ravna ploca, da u vakcini imaju mikrocipovi koji ti udju u telo i kontrolisu te kao igracka na daljinski, -da na PCR testu onaj stapic u nos probije nesto u glavi i onda iz njega izadje robot koji te kontrolise, -da se 5G (koji cak nije ni postavljen) vec koristi i postoji za kontrolisanje ljudi, -da muzika radi na frekvencijama koje stete i vremenom pocinju da kontrolisu ljude, pa on slusa samo muziku na 432hz koju provlaci kroz online konverter... -Apple je satanska kompanija koja je u Airpods stavila bombe koje ce da eksplodiraju u isto vreme kod ljudi koji se budu bunili protiv vakcinacije - a okidac je naravno 5G -da avioni konstanto prskaju onaj otrov po ljudima i da je otrov genetski modifikovan da ubija samo ljude sa odredjenim DNK, kako bi elita kontrolisano lisavala ljude koji nisu sa njima -da maske u sebi imaju usadjene mikroorganizme koji te kontrolisu -da gradska cistoca prska otrov kad cisti ulice nocu-da su na svim zgradama 5G antene koje mu prze mozak - pa zbog toga ima ozbiljan poremecaj sa spavanjem -trava je lek u smislu da leci od svih bolesti -pecurke su lek, zato sto ti otvaraju oci da saznas istinu i zato ih elita brani kao drogu -meditacijom moze otici u paralelni univerzum-ovaj zivot je u matriksu i svi smo nakaceni na uredjaje zapravo -postoje golubovi i zivotinje roboti sa kamerama koji nas prate -gledanjem direktno u sunce oko sat vremena dnevno (ali ono letnje sunce u samo podne) dobija energiju od sunca i dizu mu se cakre - kaze posle vidi samo ljubicaste fleke (nemoj reci) -dizel, benzin itd. uopste ne zagadjuje zivotnu sredinu, nego elita hoce da svi predju na elektricna kola da bi te kontrolisala -Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos i kompanija su svi reptili -Nijedan lek ne radi, nego se samo leci biljkama (tacnije dva caja koja sve lece) -Sumnja da sam ja mason (ozbiljno) -Elita koristi proteste kao oruzje da ima opravdanje da izvede sto vise policije, kako bi posle mogla da radi prinudnu vakcinaciju - fazon da ti dodje zandarmerija i da te drzi i da te prisilno vakcinisu. -uskoro ce apokalipsa mora da bezi u planinu da se skriva
Ima jos mnogo mnogo ali je i ovo previse...
Vec sam pokusao da ga odvratim i da mu objasnim u neke stvari, nije me poslusao.
Poznanik radi vec dugo, usko vezano sa osobom na ovim prostorima koja snima sadrzaj vezan za teorije zavere, imali smo jedan zajednicki sastanak koji se nije zavrsio kao saradnja. Osoba koja snima za teorije zavere kaze: Ma samo nek se sto vise plase, vise para ce da daju za placene konsultacije, sad je sezona da se muzu budale itd. - ta osoba zaradjuje izmedju 15-20,000 EUR mesecno od donacija, razgovora i jos nekih stvari koje prodaje, a ni sama ne veruje u to i prica kako je skromna i cuva se za teska vremena. 80% sume dolazi od donacija pa vi vidite.
Ispricao sam mom prijatelju sta je ova osoba uzivo rekla i kakva je to licnost, on mi je rekao da ce i dalje da gleda i da slusa tu osobu (posto je vec pratio), i da je ta osoba meni tako rekla da ne bih ja skontao da ta osoba to zaista misli u slucaju da sam ja elita...
Moj prijatelj je stvarno dobar momak i uvek spreman da pomogne, iskren i sve najbolje, ali kako mu pomoci nakon svega ovoga, trenutno je ultra paranoican od svih tih teorija, ne vidi buducnost uopste i vec dve godine se sprema za apokalipsu i prezivljavanje, cak je isao i na casove prezivljavanja iskljucivo za apokalipsu, ljudi pomagajte.
Pazljivo pratim komentare i otvoren sam za sva pitanja, tako da samo pisite!
Edit evo jos par teorija koje su malo bitnije da napomenem: -Novoizgradjene kovid bolnice sluza za tajne sastanke elite (svuda u svetu) -Kola hitne pomoci kruze gradom pod rotacijom a prazna su da bi plasila narod -Kovid bolnice su skroz prazne i misli da se tamo ljudi ubijaju na respiratorima tako sto im puste otrov da udisu -Piramide necu ni da pocinjem -Area 51 i njene tajne -Masoni i masonska drustva -Elita te prska da ti postanes lgbt da bi smanjili razmozavanje kako bi mogli lakse da preuzmu potpunu kontrolu sveta -Hlorid u vodi je vojni otrov i takodje sluzi da nesto uradi sa organizmom pa da te lakse kontrolisu -Samponi i preparati za odrzavanje higijeni su sve vojni otrov, samo biljne preparate iz biljne apoteke koristi (samo sto na zalost i pasta za zube iz bilje apoteke ima isto to sto je njemu vojni otrov kao i neka "hemijska" pasta)
submitted by tennisfanboi to serbia [link] [comments]

2021.08.31 23:00 SteampoweredPilot Online guitar teacher opportunities?

Do any of y’all have some guidance on securing an online guitar teacher position?
I’ve been checking out the following sites: -Muzigal -LessonFace -Muzika -Live Music Tutor
Has anyone taught with any of these companies and have some feedback they’d be willing to share? Do I need stay away from any of them?
Any other companies I should check out?
Professionally, I’ve worked as a school librarian (I have a both a B.A. and a M.Ed), as well as taught guitar on the side.
With the current climate of working in public education I would love to make the transition into a full time online guitar teacher.
Has anyone been successful at starting with 0 students and growing it into a 40-50 hour a week job and making $50-60k/yr?
Thanks for the help and I look forward to the responses.
submitted by SteampoweredPilot to guitarlessons [link] [comments]

2021.02.21 22:51 Nativevoyage Mutato Muzika: "Bob" voices

This is more related to Mutato Muzika than DEVO. When Mark Scores the Rugrats, is it true that the "bob" voices come from a synth called "foundations" by club50, and isn't Mark's voice? I saw it in a spreadsheet and try searching for synth online, but got no luck. Im starting to think that its just samples of Mark's voice
submitted by Nativevoyage to devo [link] [comments]

2021.01.29 18:03 crvenkapica_011 Završni radovi - sitnice kojima ćete od novog stana napraviti dom

Završni radovi - sitnice kojima ćete od novog stana napraviti dom
Kupovina novog stana predstavlja važan događaj u životu svakog čoveka, a sam proces selidbe i kupovine ume da bude naporan, te se neretko dešava da i nakon grubih radova i unošenja nameštaja ne osećate prijatnost i sigurnost koju dom treba da vam nudi.
Ne kaže se bez razloga “Dome slatki dome”, a mi ćemo vam u narednim redovima predstaviti nekoliko načina pomoću kojih ćete u vaš novi stan uneti toplinu i pretvoriti ga u najsigurnije i najtoplije mesto - vaš dom.

#1 Unesite uspomene u vaš novi dom

Najbolji način da novi životni prostor dekorišete sitnicama i kreirate prijatnu atmosferu jesu uspomene koje čuvate iz detinjstva, suveniri sa putovanja, pokloni od dragih osoba i slično. Ovim sitnicama ispunite police, komode i oplemenite određeni kutak svog doma.
Jednobojni zidovi mogu izgledati monotono i učiniti prostor dosadnim i praznim, te ukoliko u novi stan sa sobom ne unosite uramljene fotografije, predlažemo vam da što pre počnete da listate galeriju i odaberete fotografije koje ćete izraditi.
Kada su u pitanju ramovi za slike prodaja se vrši online i u prodavnicama dekorativnih sitnica, a prioritet je svakako da odaberete kvalitetne okvire i imate profesionalno urađene i uramljene fotografije. S obzirom na to da je izrada fotografija značajno uznapredovala, imate mogućnost da iz udobnosti svoga doma poručite fotografije koje vam stižu na kućnu adresu izrađene i uramljene.
Pored uramljenih fotografija, predlažemo vam da zidove dekorišete različitim umetničkim delima na kojima će se sa sigurnošću zadržavati pogled vaših gostiju, a umetnički stil, odnosno sliku treba da odaberete po sopstvenim željama i preferencijama.
Prilikom odabira se vodite ličnim osećajem i posmatrajte slike koje vas inspirišu, umiruju i deluju pozitivno na vas, jer će upravo takav efekat imati i na vaš životni prostor.

#2 Oplemenite prostor biljkama

Gotovo da ne postoji prostor koji neće izgledati bolje kada se u njega ubaci zelenilo, a izuzev dekorativne funkcije, biljke imaju i druge značajne uloge. Pre svega, tu mislimo na pojedine sobne biljke koje eliminišu zračenje i toksine, te vašu sredinu čine zdravijom.
Neke od takvih biljaka su filadendron, dracena, aloje vera, hedera, fikus i još mnogo njih. Zanimljiv detalj tokođe predstavljaju i saksije u koje smeštate sobne biljke, a možete odabrati interesantno oslikane keramičke saksije ili svedene jednobojne saksije koje će krasiti prostor vašeg novog stana.
Prilikom odabira zelenila za vašu baštu u stanu vodite računa o uslovima koje treba da obezbedite kao i o načinu nege određenih sobnih biljaka.

#3 Detalji kojima postižete osećaj udobnosti i sigurnosti

Jedan od poslednjih koraka prilikom opremanja doma jeste unošenje odeće kojom ispunjavate ormar, a to je vreme kada unosite posteljinu, ćebad, jastuke za spavanje i dekorativne jastuke, te vam savetujemo da dnevnu sobu ispunite interesantnim dekorativnim jastucima koji će uneti boje u prostor.
Izuzev jastuka koji su spoj lepog i korisnog, predlažemo vam da u dnevnoj sobi uvek stoji jedno mekano ćebe koje će biti idealno za utopljavanje kada organizujete filmsko veče, čitate omiljenu knjigu ili odmarate.
Ovde je važno pomenuti i tzv. “hygge” koncept koji potiče iz Danske, a podrazumeva prijatnost i emotivnu toplinu, opuštanje i oslobađanje od stresa koji se postižu na različite načine.
“Hygge” može biti bilo šta što vas smiruje, a između ostalog opisuje se i kao čitanje dobre knjige i ispijanje toplog kakaa ispod mekanog ćebeta. Stoga je naš savet da unesete hygge koncept u vaš dom, te učinite ambijent prijatnim i sigurnim.

#4 Pozovite prijatelje - zabavno veče sa najdražim ljudima predstavlja dobar novi početak

Kada vaš dom bude kompletno opremljen sitnicama, vreme je da ugostite prijatelje i pripremite ukusnu večeru, a uživanje upotpunite kvalitetnim vinom ili pićem po izboru. Dobra zabava, grupa dragih ljudi, obilje hrane i pića i omiljena muzika predstavljaju dobar način da obeležite novi početak i otvorite jedno poglavlje u vašem životu.
Vaš novi stan vremenom će poprimiti sve karakteristike doma, bilo da živite sami, sa partnerom ili porodicom. Dom čine mali rituali, mirisi, ukusi i uspomene koje kreirate između svojih zidova. To su miris tek skuvanog ručka, miris jutarnje kafe, zvuci otvaranja vrata, prvi zraci sunca, ali i pogled na omiljenu fotografiju na zidu.
Stoga vam savetujemo da stvarate rituale i uspomene, smejete se i uživate u svim onim malim stvarima sa ukućanima na koje često zaboravimo preokupirani svakodnevnim obavezama.
submitted by crvenkapica_011 to NekretnineSrbija [link] [comments]

2020.07.06 02:49 Pandalism Underground Music Blogs

I've been looking through a few of these blogs that post obscure music recordings. They all follow a similar format: each post contains a cassette or sometimes a record, description and track list, and a link to download a digitized version. It's all really obscure stuff that you wouldn't find on any online music service, probably not even on YouTube. Some have been posting for over 10 years so there's a huge archive to look through.
Even if the chance of actually finding TMS on one of these sites is low, they can still be useful for finding similar bands, contacts, other relevant websites and enjoyable music for personal use. I feel like this is only scratching the surface of what's available, doing a Google site search of Blogger with related terms turns up many more besides what I mentioned here. And it looks like almost all of them are being updated more frequently in 2020 compared to previous years, perhaps due to current events that have everyone stuck at home all the time. Take a look and see what you can find!
submitted by Pandalism to TheMysteriousSong [link] [comments]

2019.07.24 19:20 bgause The Phasefire Camphead

This is good listening, but I can't find much online about it. Does anyone know the source or history of this?
submitted by bgause to boardsofcanada [link] [comments]

2018.12.30 11:04 IlDimo Muzika Network Analyzed in Token Investor Online December Monthly Picks – Part 1

Muzika Network Analyzed in Token Investor Online December Monthly Picks – Part 1 submitted by IlDimo to muzikaofficial [link] [comments]

2018.12.12 03:09 muzika17 Muzika music streaming APP is a user-friend and ad-free online free music streaming app with an excellent user experience intended for all.

Muzika music streaming APP is a user-friend and ad-free online free music streaming app with an excellent user experience intended for all. submitted by muzika17 to u/muzika17 [link] [comments]

2018.10.24 11:12 artkld39 Muzika Transforming the Music World through Blockchain Closing the Gap Between Music Artists and Fans

As you know, the music industry has always been the most important entertainment for many generations. What to say, today it is one of the largest trends in the entertainment industry. In this area, spinning a lot of money, which mostly go into the pockets of recording corporations, but only a small amount goes to the performers themselves. Sometimes they pay a lot less than they deserve. According to experts, artists today receive about ten to fifteen percent for their work, the rest of the budget goes to the costs associated with the promotion of the album, the salary of producers and distributors. Today, with the help of modern technology, each of us has the opportunity to listen to your favorite songs in streaming mode. Also worth noting is the fact that most artists from the nineties got a lot more money, unlike the current music artists, because the sale of discs were mostly retail stores, and now anyone can download from the Internet any song and listen as much as he wants. Experts have long been saying that the revenues of the music industry are significantly reduced every year, because access to the song can be obtained without buying a CD. The problem of pirated content has been taking place in this area for a long time, but to date no real tool for its solution has been announced.
With the advent of blockchain technology, this problem can be solved using innovative achievements of Muzika platform.
Muzika plans to remove the boundaries between the singer and the listener, using all the advantages of blockchain technology. Also, the platform will seek to drastically reduce the profit of the distributor, manufacturer and music label, which receives most of the profits. It is important to note that Muzika is a free music platform for any artist. This means that the platform will be absent all sorts of commissions and various kinds of cash deductions, and almost all the profits will go into the pocket of the artist.
Muzika strives to create a music system that will radically change the entire music industry, give it independence from various intermediaries, expand many opportunities for all users of the platform, making it completely decentralized and create economic stability.
It is also worth noting that the Korean company has been working for a long time and has made great strides in solving many problems of the digital music industry. So in 2015, the online music platform Mapiacompany was launched and over the next 3 years it has become an international platform with an audience of more than 2 million people, and its customer base is constantly increasing. Undoubtedly, this is a huge success for developers and a serious advantage over competitors, because the team is cohesive and has experience in creating a working product that is international with a large audience - more than 17,000 musicians.
The main currency for exchange on the platform, including trading and investments, is the ERC - 20 standard MZK token based on the Ethereum blockchain.. It will also serve as a means to build an Autonomous ecosystem, a means to purchase goods and services, and for many other functions.
Token: MZK
Standard: ERC20
Main sales: 205,000,000 MZK
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 MZK
Hardcap: 20,000 ETH
More info:
Official website
Telegram channel
My BTT profile
submitted by artkld39 to BlockchainStartups [link] [comments]