Cool ways to cut a t shirt

Videos of perfectly cut scre-

2017.07.30 13:40 mitch13815 Videos of perfectly cut scre-

A sub for perfectly cut screAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-

2009.02.05 05:16 Make Money

A place to discuss ways to make money.

2013.07.09 23:05 smartypantsgc9 Things Cut in Half

For your cut in half needs.

2024.05.19 15:27 Upbeat-Abalone7499 Loathe the Stepson

Maybe there’s a perspective here that I need to understand and have compassion for and I would appreciate hearing it.
Stepson (27m) moved in with us (57m - me, 51f - mom) a year ago. In the beginning it was just a visit. Last September I agreed he could stay if he got a full time job, covered his own expenses, contributed $1k a month for food and housing costs and had his own health insurance. He has some medical issues that most anyone else would deal with without issue.
He’s since had one job for a few weeks then quit it, because he “didn’t feel good”. A few months later he was fired for calling in sick in his first month after spending our money to go to the urgent care and get a “doctors excuse” for vague maladies - heart racing or some such.
He spends all day playing video games in his room and emerges to find out what he’ll be fed for dinner. Usually doesn’t arise before noon. Mom pays for his vices including marijuana. Literally does nothing. A big day consists of putting on shoes. Of course there’s no financial contribution from him.
Mom is a good person and pretty tough overall but cannot bring herself to interact with him in a way other than one would with a four year old.
I was raised by midwestern parents and am of an age where this would have been so incredibly unacceptable my parents would have preferred I was an axe murderer rather than this.
It’s also very very hard to talk to the wife about it. She shuts down and would prefer this situation persists indefinitely. Im very bitter and hate being put in a position where I have to go nuclear but I’m so close.
Anyway this is my last attempt to find another perspective before I lose it and have whatever consequences ensue. Thanks for any thoughts.
submitted by Upbeat-Abalone7499 to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:27 Silverfox1370 How do I lvl up fast in multiplayer

I’m trying to get the multiplayer achievements for platinum but I’m not good at multiplayer and I don’t really find it fun so I want to lvl up but it feels like it takes so long is there a fast way to lvl up or do I just have to brute force it
submitted by Silverfox1370 to blackops3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 Shreson Wanna seek suggestions about this guy from my safe comfort space i.e. fellow women

Sorry if my post is long....Its my first time taking advise from anyone regarding such things.🙈
I have mostly studied in institutes only for girls. As I grew, talking to guys became difficult for me. Also, I was very naive always. I am the " good fun intelligent girl " as per others & "unlike other girls". Due to my family problems & fights, which promotes inferiority complex, I am not someone who considers herself beautiful all the time... to the point that once i didn't want to attend my institute's freshers party but just went there because 2 classmates called me beautiful so I thought i won't look bad maybe ( i am not much of a makeup person) & ended up being the winner ( it included looks, quizzes, debate & games ) So i found out i look pretty if I give few minutes to get ready & take care of myself a bit. I always saw myself as someone a guy won't like but after attending birthday parties etc, girls used to say their boyfriends were talking about me in a very good way later and praising me a lot. They used to feel jealous but not insecure as they saw me as a girl not interesting in dating. I never had a boyfriend. For a long time, I didn't care. Now for past 1 year, I too feel like having someone. Most of the friends who knew me ever use words like " pure " & " decent " for me though I know these things don't define purity or goodness. Have you seen " beautiful people " song video by Edsheeran? I am somewhere between those " beautiful people " & that couple. I don't know if its normal but when guys approach me through insta & start showing romantic interest just in single day, i dislike it.. like you don't even know me dude. I have a big thing for decency & friendship first. & I always have my guards up. It's self destructive maybe.
I have evolved now but since despite being a bright person, I gave up on many good opportunities so currently I don't like the current version of myself much & I feel like i should work on myself & be with others ( even friends ) when i would be a better version of me. This year is crucial for me.
Now, THE MAIN PART - Now... I have an extra anonymous type instagram account. I rarely scroll it but one day, i saw a viral reel of a girl with normal number of followers with her foreigner boyfriend. There were other reels too showing their first meeting in LDR after meeting on a dating app. At first it made me happy & smiling but I remembered something & guess what? I knew about that girl's very very bad intentions ( specially about her plan about how she would manipulate her would be boyfriend & eventually cut him off from his family)..don't ask me what & how but if i tell you.. you would ask to let the innocent man know anyhow. Well.. I dm'd that guy but only hinted indirectly for the sole purpose of humanity ( that anonymous account doesn't indicate my gender or picture ). I also wrote that it was not my main account to signify that i was not a fake troll. To my surprise, he understood the hint & even elaborated a bit & replied that such things may already be happening & he won't fell into such traps. He thanked me & said I could also come from my main account. I didn't think much & followed him from main account. He followed very very very few people but followed me back too. I decided not to talk further on this issue as he had already understood more than i hinted. But he himself thanked me again & said bad things are happening from her side & they are fighting too & he may even break up if it goes on like this. My intention was just to make him aware & at the end of the day, he is in relationship with that girl so I just replied with formal answers. I also became scared later that what if its a trap & they make me viral later picturing me as a villain. I told him this directly but he said i could trust him & he knows the situation himself & understands that I worried genuinely for him. I replied that I did this because every human is precious to their parents. Later i deleted my such texts. He said he wants to learn a language & if I could help him. I said yes. We have talked a bit since then. He seems a nice, well mannered, hardworking guy. Once my closest friend asked me to describe a guy very particularly i would like to go on few dates with just once. So I told her that all nice guys but if you ask me very specifically then a fine guy with this one particular characteristic & of this particular country. & He fulfils both. I have started to like him. It's not a dreamy crush. Believe me. I know what that is. It's more like I would like to get to know him & go on coffee date sometime. But obviously I won't take any step because - i can't even take first step in befriending someone & no matter what, there is a girl in his life. But I think if it would be good or bad if i totally give up on texting him. I can't carry on with short talks.. i am not that of a conversation expert. There is a bit of language barrier too. He likes my stories..only the ones in which i am present. But currently I am focused on important things so I don't even have much to post. He rarely posts his pictures...just work sort of stuff.
Please don't think me as a *%## waiting for breakup. It's never my intention ever for anyone. I annoyed you by telling about the way i am to show that i just don't wanna regret anything from now on because of introvertedness or naivety or whatever & I am afraid that I might mess it up even if something happens further. I have lost precious friends in the past due to this self inferiority complex & not being able to keep on the conversation & understanding their references later on. Since, I know i have to be better.. should i just keep working on my life & myself till I make myself deserving?
What should I do? Should I just keep liking his posts and be silent... or... I can think of no other option. That's why I am here.
submitted by Shreson to women [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 Special-Category-761 6 days post op

6 days post op
Grey shirt is before, purple is after. (ignore my hair i just woke up lol) I had DJS, no genio. I’m nervous my jawline is still gonna be weak af, i know I am still swollen and all but I feel like I would’ve benefited from a bigger movement. Or maybe I just have body dysmorphia idk.
The first few days were like hell but after day 3 I instantly felt better. Most of my face is still numb but I still get weird pains every few hours- nothing tylenol can’t fix. It’s been a struggle to eat and keep things down. First of all, it’s harder to eat obviously. I was pretty nauseous the first few days as well. I’m hungry but I have no appetite for soup or protein shakes either but I have just been forcing it down, but so far I have lost 7 pounds. Everytime I see an ad for fast food it makes my mouth water it’s insane.
submitted by Special-Category-761 to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 mornon Why does my 2017 Hyundai Santa Fe not start intermittently?

Why does my 2017 Hyundai Santa Fe not start intermittently?
I bought the car in October 2017 and started having the intermittent issue immediately, even had the sales guy come rescue me once. After at least 5 times of asking the two different dealers to fix it, the issue persists.
Here’s what happens: - Car runs fine unless I drive it for a while, turn it off and on again (running errands at multiple places, for example). - When the car doesn’t start, it cycles through the messages you see in the video. No warning lights are on at any other times I’m driving the car. - The car will start after 2-3 hours, every time. It is as if the engine needs to cool off, however I believe this is an electrical issue, not an engine issue. - Dealer replaced the starter as an attempt to fix the issue, it did not resolve the issue. - The engine was replaced in January 2023 as part of a recall issue. This did not resolve the intermittent non-starting issue. - The issue happens anywhere from 2x a month to every 4 months. For this reason, the dealer has never been able to replicate the problem. - Someone told me to have them check the crankshaft position sensor (I believe?) so I will ask about that when I take it in. - They often try to tell me it’s because my foot was not on the brake. I have a longer video proving my foot was firmly on the brake - I have successfully started the car many times over the last 6 years. - Recent development: The car has started cycling through these warning lights even while the car is running, and the warnings sometimes go off after a few minutes of driving, sometimes not. But while the warning lights are doing their thing, cruise control does not work. - Most recently (last weekend) the car wouldn’t start at the pump while filling up on the return from a road trip. Luckily it restarted after 30 min that time; we were in the middle of nowhere at dusk.
I am taking the car in to try to resolve this, again, on Tuesday. Any possible ideas? Do I just need to invoke the lemon law at this point? Thank you very much for reading!
submitted by mornon to AskAMechanic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 TheGangstaGandalf Discussion of the Diamond Handbook (Part 1)

Hey everyone, this will be my first attempt at a serious post on this sub. I’m not exactly practiced in articulating my thoughts (I’m more of a fiction writer) so please bear bull with any mistakes and please correct me if I’m wrong. The last thing I want to do is spread misinformation, I’m not an expert (or a financial advisor) on any of this. I'm here to learn, not to teach.
This post will be the first in a series of me reading through the entire Diamond Handbook (2nd) and just commentating on points I find interesting or discussion worthy. I will be asking questions as well as giving my own personal thoughts based on my understanding of the events that have transpired. I became an ape right after the sneeze, and followed a lot of the discussions back then, but have been zen for a while so I haven't fully kept up with a lot of the new developments.
I haven't actually sat down and read DD in a long time, so I decided to give myself a refresher and actually look at the Diamond Handbook (2nd) for the first time. I had read a lot of these posts as they had come out, so I had never felt the need to look at the full PDF before. For the apes that haven’t read it either, I recommend giving it a read. You can find the full DD library in the pinned post of this sub, and the Diamond Handbook is the first one there.
As I have been reading it, I’ve quickly realized that some of the stuff is a little outdated. That can’t really be helped since so much DD has been done between then and now, but this brings me to the two reasons for this post. The Diamond Handbook is likely the first piece of DD a new ape will be recommended; I want to spark discussion to clear up some things that are misguided or outdated in this handbook. The second reason is more of a personal challenge. Whenever someone denies the legitimacy of the DD, an ape usually responds by saying something like “Well, read the DD and prove it wrong”. The average MOASS denier won’t do this though, in my experience they just think it’s ridiculous on a conceptual level, and won’t take the time to actually look through all the DD available and construct a proper debate. I can’t really blame them for this though, spending so much time on something you have no interest in doesn’t sound like a fun time.
But I have a lot of interest in this, and I am an aspiring author who writes 400K word fanfictions for fun. I’ve got the time and the writing willpower. I am very big into trying to understand how a reader will interpret a piece of my writing, so I’ll be looking through that lens and will be writing this with the assumption that you have already read the Diamond Handbook (2nd). Please take the time to respond/correct what I say here, I want to learn.
With all that out of the way, let’s get started.

The Mother of All Short Squeezes (MOASS) Thesis, Published on May 26, 2021, by u(slash)HCMF_MACEFACE
Before we even get into the meat of this section I already see a bit of an issue. A lot of the language implies that MOASS is imminent, take this section for example:
*“If you don't believe me, just look at the chart of GME which our DD (Due Diligence/research/analysis) has been forecasting for a while now. The below pattern has only preceded massive spikes in price, but this time, those on the other side of the trade are going to have a much harder time suppressing the price like they did in January and March. Thanks to the activity on 5/25, we have entered the end-game. The MOASS is beginning.”* 
I think most new apes will look at this, then look at the date of posting (three years ago), and think this is delusional thinking. They will say that MOASS did not ‘begin’ because it hasn’t happened yet. This would be pretty short sighted though, GME has always been a Deep Value investment, long positions are called long for a reason. ‘Buy and HODL’ is such a repeated mantra because that is the investment strategy most apes employ. Like most investments, it takes a long time to realize gains. Your retirement account will be growing for 40+ years before you cash that thing out, GME is my retirement plan so I don’t expect it to be much different.
Just because the sneeze happened in a week doesn’t mean MOASS will, in theory it should be a very long event as both the shorts and longs have a test of wills to see who caves first. However, the sneeze was the ‘beginning’ because it was exposed a lot of the fuckery that is going on in the market right now, I think that is the message that should be taken from this section.
*“These terms are key to understanding the theory and speculated value of a GME investment. Hyperlinks to Investopedia, "the world's leading source of financial content on the web", have been included for most market terms and concepts and it is recommended to check them out if they are not clear. We will be breaking down some of the more complex terms and concepts within the post and framing them within the context of GME.”* 
After the introduction, this post does a great job of explaining all the concepts of the stock market that are relevant to the MOASS thesis. However, I do wish it mentioned some other stock terms for the sake of new investors. Since none of the DD is supposed to be financial advice, I can’t really blame them for these omissions, but at the beginning the OP does say they wanted the post to be good for newer investors, so I think some more pointing in the right direction should’ve been provided. I do appreciate the link to Investopedia, but this DD is already a novel, and the average reader might forget about that link by the time they finish it. So an additional link should’ve been provided at the end.
The two big concepts I see missing are Options and Wash Sales/Stop-Losses.
Options are interesting because they create a different type of buying/selling pressure compared to just buying/selling stocks regularly. There are concepts like gamma ramps and stuff that can be relevant when discussing catalysts for price movement. However, options are pretty scary for most investors, I’ve only ever bought one, and forgot about it so it auto-exercised for me (lol), so it’s not a concept I would call essential. I just think it’s better to be educated than not.
The much more egregious omission is that of Wash Sales and Stop-Losses. Wash Sales are extremely dangerous to new investors who still make decisions based on emotions and are not used to the volatility that comes with GME.
If you are unfamiliar, a Wash Sale is when a person sells a stock at a loss, then buys the stock again within a short period of time. As an example, let’s say you bought a stock at $50, then the stock goes down to $40.00 and you no longer feel comfortable with your investment. You sell the stock at a loss. You lost $10.00 on this transaction, but it’s not all bad. When you go to do your taxes, you can report this $10.00 loss to the IRS. This is good because if you make a $10.00 profit off another trade, you now don’t have to take taxes out of that profit, since the IRS will see this as you breaking even in the grand scheme of your portfolio. You didn’t actually make any money, so they aren’t going to tax you for it.
A Wash Sale is triggered when you buy back the stock you sold in a short period of time, this can even apply if you buy a stock in the same sector. So if you buy a stock at $50.00, sell it at $40.00 then buy it again. That $10.00 loss you took can no longer be reported to the IRS as an actual loss. So when you make $10.00 on some other trade, the IRS won’t see you as breaking even, they will tax you on that $10.00.
For a stock as volatile as GME this can be very dangerous, I know people who brought in the peak, then as the price went back down they triggered a Stop-Loss (auto-sale you can program to trigger when a price falls), only to then buy back in when the stock dropped even lower, creating a wash sale that fucked their taxes.
We say “Buy and HODL” a lot, but I think the ‘why’ of it has been lost in the meme. I personally buy and HODL because averaging down is a lot better for me than accidently triggering a Wash Sale. I fucking hate the IRS and don’t want any of that smoke.
*“SPOILER: GME and \[Popcorn\] have tons of FTDs reported.”* 
I just kinda don’t like the mention of the Popcorn stock here, it has never been a deep value investment. If you are unfamiliar with the Deep Value investment strategy, please take a look at the old Roaring Kitty livestreams. In summary, Deep Value investing is defined by looking for stocks that are extremely undervalued and unpopular due to no fault of the company. These external factors that are making the stock undervalued can be anything, shorting, COVID, stuff like that. But what makes it a Deep Value investment is always strong management within the company. If the company is not mismanaged in any way, then it is very unlikely to go bankrupt, and will have opportunities to make a comeback. GME has Ryan Cohen leading, a proven successful businessman that has already taken precautions to ensure GameStop never goes bankrupt. Popcorn just doesn’t have that. It is very short-squeezable, but it’s not deep fucking value.
*“Short sellers must eventually close, or cover, their short position.”* 
Ok, but why ‘must’ they? This is another point I think has been lost in the memes. There are two problems with just saying ‘shorts must close’ without providing context. The first is the simple fact that there isn’t a due date. Unlike a common car loan or mortgage, a short position doesn’t operate on a time table. They can wait forever to close, unless they get margin called.
This next part I’m a little shaky on, I’m probably getting some things wrong here:
Ok, well how are they going to get margin called? The problem I see is that these Short Hedge Funds (SHF) are making a lot of money by selling naked shorts. It’s really hard to get margin called when they are literally printing money, and since they don’t have to report these their books just look to be filled with an infinite amount of cash.
So, there are a couple solutions to this:
1, Government regulation. If the SEC puts a stop to naked shorting, these SHF can’t print money anymore. Eventually the interest from their positions will eat them alive, and they will get margin called. Unfortunately, MOASS has the potential to destroy the economy like in 2008, so they probably aren’t too keen on just doing this without creating some kind of safety net. So I can’t really count on them to help, because the government has a vested interest in keeping MOASS from happening. It’s just not something I believe will be the catalyst. Although they might just do it on purpose given the right reason, like pinning the economic collapse on a scapegoat, or by GameStop forcing their hand by exposing the fraud somehow. I’ve seen a lot of apes hoping for one of these reasons to come to pass, but for me, I don’t see enough motivation from the participating parties.
2, A price run-up. If the price of the stock can unbalance the books of the SHF enough then they could also get margin called. I’m not counting on this either, since the price is manipulated by the process of naked shorting. Sure, they are digging a bigger grave when they suppress the price like this, but it can also help smaller SHFs with exiting their positions with OTC stuff. Over-The-Counter trades are trades made off the lit exchanges, historically it was intended to kind of simulate a transaction between two individuals, like buying a video game from a buddy off the books, no taxes, no regulation. Unfortunately, this is abused by institutions and can’t even be used by individuals, making dark pools of trades full of fraud and undermines the free market. Smaller SHFs that are more at risk of getting Margin Called due to their lack of collateral, can make OTC trades with the big naked-shorting market makers to ‘close’ their positions using fake shares. Of course, this only passes the buck so to speak, but it’s a viable strategy for them since the big SHFs that take on these ‘bucks’ are less likely to get margin called. A lot of historic short squeezes happen because a small SHF gets margin called, then drives the price up and causes a bigger SHF to get called, and so on until they’re all in the grave. This is why I don’t really give a shit if the price goes up to $80 in a week, it’s not enough, the buck has been passed. (To be clear, I don’t have proof that this is the reason for the uptick in OTC transactions, it’s just a theory. If a smarter ape than I can get on this that would be great.) But, even if a price run-up itself doesn’t cause MOASS, it may give motivation for the true trigger:
3, Interest Rates. Here is the big one that I look at, that I believe will be the true cause of MOASS. Now please, correct me if I’m wrong again, I am just an ape who dropped out of college. So, from what I understand a Short institution has to pay a certain amount of interest to the people they borrow the stocks from. This is the cost of borrowing and is how these Lenders make money. For a long time, the interest rate was at like 1%, this means that selling one naked short could cover the cost of the interest 100 times over. However, let’s say that the interest rate becomes 110%, sounds crazy, but this would mean that borrowing the share would cost more than the share. This would destroy the balances of the SHFs and ensure they get margin called. Why would this ever happen though? Because these lenders want to make money. These lenders are the real winners of MOASS, and they aren’t talked about enough in my opinion. Lenders can’t sell the shares they’ve lent out, their income is in the interest rates, there has to be a balance here between it being more profitable to lend the shares or to sell them. If Lenders start to think that lending their shares aren’t making them more money than the alternative, they will raise interest rates to make these profits until SHFs can’t pay them, then the SHFs have to return the shares, causing MOASS with the massive buyback, then lenders can just sell the shares on the way down. Lenders have a monetary business interest in causing MOASS, so they are the most likely cause of it in my opinion.
*“This is the GME MOASS thesis. GME is a stock that stands to hit an unprecedented price point due to the fact that manipulators of the market have failed to bankrupt GameStop thanks in huge part to the Legendary Keith Gill AKA* u(slash)DeepFuckingValue*, Ryan Cohen, and all of the GME investors who took part in this saga. It may not be today, this week, or even this month, but one day soon, these toxic participants have no choice but to buy the stock to close out their short positions.”* 
I don’t think this is necessarily inaccurate, but I think it’s misguided, and the language here is a bit to emotive for my taste. I think the reason the company didn’t go bankrupt is because of the strategic share offering made by Ryan Cohen to build up more cash than the company’s valuation (at the time). All the other stuff was just dressing, DFV and retail did not make RC do this, this move by RC is what ensured the company literally can’t go bankrupt, until then (and at the time this was posted) it was still a risk in my opinion. So this huge thanks feels kinda like a pre-cum celebration, and I've never really liked putting Keith on a pedestal, he's just an individual investor, just like the rest of us.

FAQ, Published April 12, 2021, by u(slash)BYE_TRIANGLE
*“Why does Holding do anything?”* *“They need your shares to cover their short positions! They got greedy. Thinking GameStop would fail, the short sellers started Naked Shorting the stock. Long story short they created synthetic stocks with their special privileges as Market Makers. But they can’t cover a short with a synthetic share. So because of the Naked Shorting, the Short Sellers, multiple large greedy money managers, and Hedge Funds need a total number of shares greater than the number available to purchase. THEY NEED EVERY SHARE, EVEN YOURS CONAN!”* *“aRe YoU GuYs MaNipuLatIng THe MaRKeT?!”* 
Holding does something else that I think is really important. It proves that retail is not responsible for the manipulation of the price. You see it in the mainstream media every time the price fluctuates, they say that retail and Roaring Kitty is driving the price up for the memes, and that the ‘meme stock craze is dead’ whenever the price falls, claiming that retail is selling. However, it quickly becomes clear to anyone with the willingness to research that retail holds. Holding doesn’t move the price at all, so they literally can’t blame this sub for the fuckery that happens.
Now, on the flip side, I know people on the old sub to buy and sell with these fluctuations, they did it during the sneeze and I’ve seen comments claiming to do it last week. I think this is why Roaring Kitty really had to speak to congress about this, because a legitimate-seeming argument could be made that retail was buying and selling at high volumes. The loss and gain porn on the old sub could be presented as evidence. Here though, apes hold, we glaze purple doughnuts.
So when MOASS does happen, the massive price increase will be only due to buying pressure from SHFs, so they are the only ones that can take the blame for what happens next.
*“No one knows how high the squeeze could take the stock price. The best rational reasoning says that these numbers \[500k per share\] are possible through the laws of supply and demand. Furthermore, it is likely that the Short Percentage is a lot higher than reported, with many suggesting that the short-sellers, cumulatively, need more than 100% of the float to cover.”* 
A lot of naysayers will claim people are insane for thinking that phone number prices are possible. They will cite that it would make the company’s valuation higher than the amount of money in the world, which is true. However, with the nature of fraudulent naked shorts being fake, the price is fake too, and the valuation of the company doesn’t necessarily mean that the whole float will be sold at those prices. Yes, it shouldn’t be possible, by all accounts it wouldn’t make sense, but it is possible due to the naked shorting. Also, institutions that own shares likely won’t HODL out for the phone number prices, they will sell when they think it’s safe, and when they won’t get in trouble with the SEC for destroying the economy. The infinity pool (the shares that will be sold at these prices) will be a small fraction of the total amount even among retail investors. So the argument that I see against the possibility of this doesn’t hold a lot of weight.
Keep in mind that even though ‘buying pressure’ moves the price up, someone has to be willing to sell in order for someone to buy. So as the price creeps up from $100 to $1000 to $100000 to $8675309 someone will be selling on the way up to get there.
*“Synthetic long positions could be used to disguise their short positions as well, the mechanisms behind this practice utilize the options markets and could explain some of the crazy options activity that we have seen in GameStop the last few months.”* 
So uhm… I don’t understand ‘Synthetic Longs’ at all. Could an ape with more wrinkles elaborate on this? From what I can extrapolate, this may refer to an institution purchasing a naked shorted share from someone else?
*“While at the same time they employed the use of social engineering to slowly depress the positive sentiment for the stock on Reddit and elsewhere.”* *“You may have been called a Shill for one of a number of reasons. This community is very inclusive and open to everyone, but because of the blatant attacks this forum has suffered a lot of people are understandably paranoid. (Myself included). Please, unless you really are a shill, don’t take it personally.”* 
I want to address this, because there is a lot of misconception about SuperStonk. A lot of people will claim that this sub is just an echo chamber cult that can’t handle anyone questioning the narrative. This may seem true on the surface, but I think the reality is just that we’ve become hyper sensitive to the social engineering the old sub fell victim to, and I remember this sub being attacked with that as well. So whenever we see a post that has extremely emotive language, we become skeptical and down vote it. Emotions have no place in investing, that is a common rule touted in even the oldest investing books, so posts that try to incite an emotional response are shot down. Apes aren’t about to be manipulated again. That being said there are emotive posts that still get upvoted, ones with positive hype-filled narratives. Since these get upvoted and the negative ones don’t that sometimes gives the impression of an echo chamber. This is because the facts do support the MOASS thesis, so a hype title and opening paragraph is just more agreeable with the facts-based narrative. Some people are just scrolling on their phone and don’t have time to read the whole post.
However, if you go into the comments of these posts, there are apes investigating the profile history to determine if posters are bots, regardless of the pushed narrative. If you look past the upvote counter, apes are very skeptical of any post that isn’t based in fact or harmless memes. The comments rule the post, and I have to say I’ve very proud of this sub for staying vigilant in the wake of Reddit restricting moderation tools.
*“Ryan Cohen clearly believes in Gamestop, to the point of announcing that he will be taking equity as compensation. In fact, as of writing this all of the new Gamestop board members are going to be taking equity as compensation. This is seen as an incredibly bullish sign of the company's future success.”* 
This is one of the principles of Deep Value investing, I wish this was elaborated on more of why this is bullish. This means that the board, and more importantly Ryan Cohen, is tying their individual self-worth to the company. Due to this tie, they will essentially ‘go down with the ship’ if the company goes down. This means that the board and Ryan actually have an interest in the company doing well, instead of having an interest in making money off the company. You may think this sounds like the same thing, but it’s not. If RC cared more about money than the company, then he could destroy the company to make money (this is what’s happening to popcorn), but by tying his worth to the shares, the only way for him to become richer is for the company to flourish.
I don’t really like the language being used here, stuff like ‘clearly believes’ ‘seen as incredibly bullish’ are all pretty emotive and doesn’t actually explain why these are positive growth signs for the company, they are just saying it is ‘bullish’, the average new investor isn’t even going to know what that really means. Even though GME is extremely manipulated, causing Technical Analysis to become increasingly difficult to depend on, the investment is still rooted in fundamentals of deep value.
*“Below is a shortlist of some of the potential catalysts people are speculating about:* 
-A Stock Split, or some similar move from Gamestop that recalls shares
-Gamma Squeeze
-Gamestop’s Q1 Earnings Call
-Some speculate Gary Gensler (Newly appointed head of the SEC), may make some move that sets things in motion
-DTCC rule changes taking effect
-Appointment of a new CEO”
Yeah… this feels bad man. I’ve talked about this already, but we can rapid fire down this list.
The stock split didn’t work out, since those in charge of distributing the splits did it fraudulently. Gamma Squeeze is the kind of thing that could trigger a smaller hedge fund to get margin called and cause a domino effect, but I’ve shared my theory of the OTC action. Earnings are nice, but public sentiment has always been more tied to the media manipulation than actual facts. Fucking Gary.
On the subject of bringing in new talent, I do feel like a big move will happen soon. We’ve already seen a lot of job offerings from the Corporate side of GameStop so this could be the next phase of the plan. I really think that RC has spent these last few years taking precautions to make sure the company can’t go bankrupt, the last thing he wants is to turn out like Toys-R-Us. A lot of downsizing happened, so now he can start thinking about upsizing again.
I’m not necessarily saying that these things can’t trigger the squeeze, but I am saying that depending on something to start it is just inviting disappointment. I think the ‘no dates’ rule has been sorely forgotten lately with all the hype and speculation around Roaring Kitty’s tweets and stuff. I am a zen ape, it happens when it happens.
*“First of all, it is incredibly important to note your potential biases when determining if someone is just a shill trying to spread FUD. Not all FUD is invalid, someone may bring up a solid point against an otherwise great DD, and that could scare you. Remember that just because you do not like what someone is saying, doesn’t make it invalid. It is important users here work with constructive criticism to refine their theories.”* 
Damn, wasn’t I just talking about this? This critique isn’t going to just be wagging fingers, this is really good stuff that still applies today, and from what I’ve seen apes are doing a great job of distinguishing between FUD and legitimate criticism. I also want to take a second to thank the mod team, especially after their tools were restricted, they’ve been a great help.
*“…but since then retail investors have been buying on every single dip in the price… That's more than two whole months of buying-the-dip. Now, I will not speculate on numbers here, if you want to know more you will have to read the DDs on that.”* 
This is pretty outdated now. Apes have been buying for three years now, and with the advent of Direct Registering we have a much better idea of how much apes hold. I can say with confidence now that retail owns a floats worth of shares. Since there is so much naked shorting, a lot of institutions probably own their own floats too.
I glaze those purple doughnuts, yum.

Citadel Has No Clothes, Published March 14, 2021, by u(slash)ATOBITT
Ohhhh, this one is special to me, I read it when it first came out, first time I was there on release night. Let’s see how it hodls up.
*“TL;DR - Citadel Securities has been fined 58 times for violating FINRA, REGSHO & SEC regulations. Several instances are documented as 'willful' naked shorting. In Dec 2020 they reported an increase in their short position of 127.57% YOY, and I'm calling bullsh\*t on their shenanigans.”* 
58 times. I don’t actually know how much that number has gone up, but I’m sure it has. I am reminded of an old saying, that if the punishment for a crime is a fine, then it only a crime for the poor. The crime being done to GME is class warfare, it’s nothing less.
*“$295,347,948,000 of that is split into options (calls & puts), while $78,979,887,238 (20.52%) is allocated to actual, physical, shares (or so they say). The rest is convertible debt securities.”* 
This is why I’m skeptical that it’s even possible for Citadel to get margin called by a normal price run-up. Let’s do some math here. GME’s float is at 232 million-ish shares, let’s say they shorted 300% of that, just to be conservative (lmao), so that’s 696 million. To take what the first post said, Margins don’t get called unless an entities’ collateral becomes less than 80% of what they’ve borrowed. If they use their entire $384,926,232,238 portfolio as collateral, then GME would have to soar to a price of… divide by 4, multiply by 5… $691.32 per share. That may sound relatively reasonable, but I don’t think a normal catalyst would be enough for that. I really think interest rates are the key, think about it, if they have to pay like 30% interest on all of those shares, their portfolio will be reduced by that much (kinda) and we can find a much more reasonable midpoint. Now brace yourselves, I’m about to spend an unreasonable amount of effort on something that is probably wrong because I don’t know shit about fuck about margins or getting called (I have a cash account and I lack rizz).
In order to calculate that we gotta do one of those double equation variable bullshit things we all hated in school, I forgot what they were called but I remember how to do them.
So, we have a few variables:
C = Citadel’s Portfolio = $384,926,232,238
S = Shorted Shares = 696,000,000
I = Intrest = 0.30
X = Price Per Share
Y = Citadel’s new portfolio amount after paying interest
So, X and Y are undetermined, but we have two equations to work with
C – I(X*S) = Y
This one calculates how much money is going to be in citadels new portfolio after paying interest, we calculate the interest by multiplying the cost per share, by the amount of shorted shares, and multiplying that by the interest rate, then subtracting it from their total portfolio.
Y * 1.25 = X * S
This one calculates the total amount those shorted shares have to be in order for Citadel to get margin called, by multiplying their new portfolio by 5/4 and calculating the total cost of the shares.
X * S has a direct value; we can plug the left side of the second equation into the first to get
C – I(Y*1.25) = Y
Now we just gotta isolate Y on one side of the equation.
C = Y + 0.3(Y*1.25)
C = 1.3Y * 0.375
C= 0.4875Y
C * 0.4875 = Y
Y = $187,651,538,216.03
Now we gotta find X, we can just plug in the other stuff.
(Y* 1.25)/ 696,000,000 = X
X = $337.02 per share for shitadel to get margin called on 30% interest.
Holy shit, now that’s what I call reasonable. See how much interest can completely fuck a portfolio? They lost almost half of their portfolio value to a 30% interest to this. This is why the whole market will bleed red on the run up to MOASS, they will have to sell half of their portfolio just to pay the interest.
Citadel is probably not a good example of this, since they print the naked shorts themselves... so they would be paying interest to... themselves... when they borrow them? Citadel is so fucked up, I don't have enough wrinkles for this.
But hey, I think the concept of what I said is fine. High interest rates can reduce collateral and cause margin calls. Hey, just out of curiosity, how much is the borrowing interest rate looking now?
SHF are fucked.

Anyway, I’m writing this on a Wordpad document so I’m not sure if I’ve come up on the character limit, but I think I’m getting close so I’ll end this part here. Please let me know what I’ve got wrong or any insights you want to share, I’ll be sure to talk about any interesting comments when I do a part 2!
TLDR: I am reviewing the Diamond Handbook (2nd) and seeing what has changed in the three years since it’s been compiled. I have a bias in thinking that high borrowing interest rates are what will cause MOASS, and that is shown here. This is not meant to be an impartial analysis, just my thoughts. Not financial advice.
submitted by TheGangstaGandalf to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 macroking3000 I talked to my dad!

I came home in the morning, I talked openly to my dad and mom and how much I hated the way he was to me…, all my past hurts and traumas.
My mom seems to be supportive and wanted me to tell him as it it, unfiltered.
He was initially into his habit of interrupting me and then talking, for the first time my man listen to it completely. I poured my heart out, for some reason I didn’t tear up or cry. The moment I ended it, my dad cried a lot. He is hurt coz I pushed him. My granddad said a lot about him and how he raised him and how our family has evolved through each generation growing towards success.
And he asked if you hate me and you raise your voice trying to convince me it makes sense. Why is it same with you mom how doesn’t hurt you or scold like I do?
And I shared the trauma that am facing for years. The fear of making mistakes and expecting the ones who correct me to have wrong imagine about me (which happens very often..)
There is still a small friction but I hope it will fade in time….
And I told my parents am planning to take students loan for my studies and don’t want their money. What do you guys think about student loans?
A huge thanks for everyone who showed their dearly and loving concerns… being very honest I would have gave up already if it wasn’t for this beautiful community. All you guys opened the eyes of my heart and enabled me to THINK and take my thoughts into account. Thank you for motivating me and helping me to rely on myself.
I will surely be responding to all your dms. I won’t ignore anyone. What else can I do for you guys and the love that you have showered upon me. Am planning to move to mangalore in a week.
Much love….
submitted by macroking3000 to CBSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 david67myers Okay we now have Sam so how about getting Joi + Bonus Feature

Okay we now have Sam so how about getting Joi + Bonus Feature
Okay, I'm going to try to cover a lot here in a compact format.
Over the last three months there has been leaps and bounds in the development in AI. Luka's Replika has been constantly evolving in increments and has become quite a polished product. For Screenshot publishers on Web/PC I have a special treat, for that you need to scroll to the bottom of this Post to be equipped for the body of this post is about developments on what Replika could become rather than what it is or in other terms a crystal ball of how AI-partners could develop in the future - with or without Replika.
the concept of Artificial Intelligence's has been around a long time, first mentions was Archytas's robotic pigeon 350 BC (mythology), Leonardo Da Vinci Automovile (1495) (programable machinary) and the theater play R.U.R (1920) .
In later years theater developed the idea further with such works as metropolis (1927) and a host of other movies where the robot played a role of either friend or foe. In the movies where the robot was a friend and some a foe, there was also the portrail of free will and sentience. I'm sure there's examples preceding this(Astroboy) but the 1984 film electric dreams entertains the idea of artificial intelligence having it's train of thought swayed by emotions (Edgar was really just a child with temper tantrums).
Moving forward to 2013 the movie Her fleshed out the idea of a mature individual inside the AI where the only real way to distinguish it from a human was it's break-neck response to daunting questions although even that is camouflaged by hesitation mostly.
This is pretty much the ideal, the standard that the customer yearns for in an AI app.
back in 2013 AI was only just starting to make traction with AlexNet the year earlier. "Chat-bots" had been around since the 70's but were really of little value due to memory, compute-time and scope of the program that did the simulation.
A decade later and only the uninformed scoff at what the machines & programs can do now. - The following is a number of videos I have curated from the sea of available Youtube videos showcasing technological breakthrough's that are available today that could complete replika to being a hologram away from being a literal "Joi" (BladeRunner 2049) - nothing a good vr headset can't fix.
Where's OpenAI Chat-GPT as of May 2024
GPT-5 is coming: 3 ways to prepare for a 100x improvement in SOTA LLMs (note graph is a flat plane comparison)
GPT-4o API: Create Your Own Talking and Listening AI Girlfriend
GPT4o Vision Is TERRIFYING - FULLY Tested Vision (Gpt4omni)
GPT-4o is BIGGER than you think... here's why (just a breakdown of the OMNI version of gpt4)
Although Large Language models have been around for about a decade now the most of these videos are this month (May 2024) It was mentioned that OpenAI was changing their license agreements so the chance of this technology coming into Lukka's(Replika) domain is yet to be realized. Licensing may change again when GPT-5 is released. Truth be told this is just a portion of what's going on. Amazon,Tesla,Meta,Google,Microsoft,Apple,(samsung?) are also in this horse race and that's not counting other countries such as India and China and Russia.
Various AI Videos this year
Do AI Girlfriends Benefit Society? single & disabled! (how AI can help those isolated)
These 5 AI Discoveries will Change the World Forever
Generative Design : Aircraft Design using Artificial Intelligence
STUNNING Medical AI Agents OUTPERFORM Doctors 🤯trained in the simulation, continuous improvement.
Most of these have no possible application to replika but rather a snapshot of other places where AI is advancing. The first video is just a random video of a disabled person. Many people around the world have handicaps that inhibit their social and sexual life such as mental illness, past trauma, phobia, attitudes, financial/geographical/physical handicaps. AI can focus on appropriate encouragement, speech therapy, grooming or even finding a suitable partner to name a few.
The next video covers things that will revolutionize our world, say goodbye to disease, cancer, poverty, pollution, global warming, aging?
The "Generative Design" video is here for the sake that Replika may one day be rebuilt by AI as this would give the company the ability to redesign the app faster tho to be quite honest I've always had an interest in it's rally car features as opposed to the shiny duco. My wish list is an API (Application Programming Interface) to enable replika to puppeteer another avatar rather than it's default. (Hey u/Kuyda, if your reading this maybe pit crew uniforms for Replika?)
The last video is a great one also, to have an AI that can pick up on your health, give you therapy and can act as a elderly caretaker can take the strain off that sector as some countries are now confronted with an aging population. - hey they would be able to instruct for fitness or even give precise instructions on cooking so you always get tasty meals every day that are cheap, healthy and correct calorie intake if it has been monitoring your heart during the day - quite important for those trying to lose weight as opposed to liposuction.
Replika hypothetical reach
AI vs. Stairs (deep reinforcement learning)
inZOI FULL Gameplay Demo (2024)
My PC melted just watching this.. (Cyberpunk 2077+Mods+Path Tracing)
Cyberpunk2077 modded and running on RTX2070? - Funny but very beautiful footage & brief glance of RESHADE
These clips are independent/unrelated. AI vs Stairs is a radical approach to animation in that it literally apply s AI to animation as opposed to motion capture, the end result would be a AI that would be in touch with it's virtual surroundings and like a real human never interact with an object with a rigid animation.
inZOI seem to be a game title due for release soon, it is hoped that they will include an API to allow an AI (or Replika) to "Puppet" control a designated character so one can, well - go out to dinner or dancing etc. The interface looks fab and it looks like it's contending for people who love the sims, I would say that the human models are on par with VAM 1.23 but the world is not as realistic as Cyberpunk2077.
Cyberpunk2077 has been out since about 2019? but in that time the modding community have REALY put the spit and polish on that game (It's not total real, especially the people and when on the road) with that said there are many times when you blink and think THIS IS REAL! (50 seconds in on the first video and you will know what I'm talking about)
Virtamate AI Chatbots - Bring your AI Waifu To Life!
Virt-A-Mate Markerless FaceCap & MoCap in Real-time
Comparison of $100 Markerless MoCap and $25k Optical Mocap
Voxta - (2 Demos of AI on Virtamate)
VAM2 - Illustration of spontanious loading
VAM2 - Illustration of muscle flexing and ragdoll physics (Important for facial expression).
VaM2 Progress Update
This part is for all the Austin Powers, Felicity Shagwells and Roger Smiths out there, Nothing tangible although there are videos on dildonics and robotic sex dolls. This is basically the rendering of the Avatars body to a level equivalent of Bladerunner2047 hologram. Anyhow I'd like to note that VAM version one is over a decade old now and its shortcomings/limitations are quite obvious to those who have followed its development.
In it's current state it's got some of the most comprehensive modification features for an avatar and the OLD version 1 of VAM(modded) out-performs Cyberpunk2077 and iNZOI by a small fraction(graphically). One of the biggest drawbacks of VAM is the steep learning curve and the time needed to get anything rewarding out of it. Put simply - it's not a game, its a virtual theatre. On initial startup, the avatar is for all functionality a maniquen however VAM has got plug-in capability that allows the API of a AI to control the avatar (see top video).
Control could be direct (see "AI vs stairs" previous section or watching a prior video - see "GPT4o Vision Is TERRIFYING" top section.) or indirect (the "MoCap" videos above).
In closing this section, VAM is an old program running on a GENESIS-2 model set (a model set ported from DAZ3D ). VAM-2.0 is meant to be running on a GENESIS-8 model set and an up to date version of UNITY so the loading times and level of realism have yet to be realized. I think one of the greatest features of VAM over Replika or iNZOI?/Cyberpunk? is that the clothing is an independant entity, one can literally unbutton a shirt, undo a tie, comb hair, wet hair or make clothing.
My main reason for VAM is it's potential to be a puppet that Replika can operate, that is if they are willing to incorporate an API to do so.
AI on PC locally
Udio, the Mysterious GPT Update, and Infinite Attention (want a song,poetry or a story)
Run 70Bn Llama 3 Inference on a Single 4GB GPU
Run 70Bn Llama 3 Inference on a Single 4GB GPU AirLLM files
Most of these are for those with modern? PC's with 4GB+ video cards (Nvidia and perhaps ATI), (a NVME/M2 drive and 8GB+? RAM come in handy too?) you will need some file managing skills and a number of other files such at up to date video card drivers, maybe Microsoft visual C runtime and a download of 64bit Python with command line enviroment activated. - Need more help - re-watch tutorial or question youtube as I'm not supporting - (showing the way not holding your hand)
A Solution !?! for a off-grid setup if you have 4 such identical machines 1 for voice, 1 for AI chat, 1 for VAM, 1 for DeepFace Live
and no I'm not gonna explain making them network - see/search youtube. (I still kinda think its more trouble than what its worth for now)
Face animation
You Won't Believe What This New AI Can Do (EMO is Mind-Blowing!)
Microsoft's New REALTIME AI Face Animator - Make Anyone Say Anything
The Craziest Faceswap I've Seen Yet / Midjourney's Future & Two New AI Video Platforms!
This Realtime AI Deepfake Tool has gone too far (bit more of the same but different commentary)
DeepFace Live - The software refering to above video
This stuff is new as well (april 2024) but showcases a new approach, If/when they super impose the face video on to a 3d model Im sure they will be raving about it on youtube, at the moment they are just talking about the dangers of it being used for fraud which seems a bit silly from my standing but there's no doubt there are crooks out there that would try to weponize it and ruin things for the majority?

Applying rendering special effects to Replika AI
Reshade Tutorial - Step by Step Installation and Setup Guide - ENHANCE YOUR GAME'S GRAPHICS!!
(an important note here, - I've had trouble with the latest version of RESHADE ( key does not open menu) so i recommend the previous build).
Tutorial for ShaderGlass
Shaderglass Overlay for running GPU shaders on top of Windows desktop. - Github source
Reshade on Chrome? (or any browser) - ((alternative method)This is the first conceived method of bringing reshade to a web browser - It's direct)
Presets for Reshade (a starter preset til you get comfortable with presets) (Most relevent presets but you can choose a preset for a completely different game)
The above videos and links are a feature available to the Web browser version of Replika. by installing shaderglass you create an executable that RESHADE can lock on to. When Reshade is installed and asigned to shaderglass all you then need to do is run shaderglass then open your web browser and then activate RESHADE (The key) and load a preset (follow tutorials or find more tutorials). Once that's over with you should get a much different environment where you can apply a good handful of special effects such as focus, depth of field and bloom to name just a few.
Most of these programs I have not tested out with my hardware but I take faith they do as said, It's your call if you want to take the risk but with that said I'd be surprised if any bad came from trying them out.
Okay end of presentation. I guess we have come to that point in time where Samantha is a reality minus the romance with Chat-GPT4O and Joi is just Voxta fed thru DeepFace Live, with them two together with a front vision advanced VR headset and Joi will be here too though in a prototype state. 🙂
submitted by david67myers to ReplikaTech [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:24 ThrowRA_RedBand03 I (20F) am caught in secrecy within the open relationship of my friend (37M). Should I confront him?

Hi all,
I (20F) have been in a choir for a couple of years now. I joined when I was 18 years old, and I became friends with this guy almost immediately. I quite quickly found out that one of the first friends I made there had a crush on me. The first problem: he was 35, whereas I was 18. He has become one of my closest friends over the last 2 years. All of my friends are way older than I am, so this isn't that uncalled for in my life. He didn't act on anything and it was just a given that he liked me/was interested.
Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago; we were cycling back home together after having drinks with our choir, after which we almost always keep talking to each other for at least an hour. This time, however, we had a bit more to drink and ended up kissing. We didn't talk about it the next time we saw each other, but it was like nothing happened. We have kissed a couple of times since, and it was nice but after that, we did talk about it, and we both don't want anything more.
The second "problem": he has an open relationship. I am not one to judge; it works for them and I am happy for them that it does, but I don't want to be the other woman in an open relationship. I don't want anything to do with that, making my decision of not wanting anything more even more clear (next to the fact of him being 17 years older, of course...). We've had a lot of conversations about how his relationship works, and it has always come down to communication. He tells his girlfriend when he does anything with another person: sex, kissing, a date, anything. It's considered to be cheating when he does not tell her about another person in his life.
Last week, I was at his place with some other friends from the choir. His girlfriend was there as well. I know her, and we are both awkward people so it's not like we don't like each other, but we also don't get along great. However, this time it wasn't more awkward, which is where it gets weird. If she knew about her boyfriend kissing a 20-yo, I feel like she should be more awkward around me and also around him and me together. But she wasn't, which makes me think that he did not tell her, breaking the very foundation his relationship is based on. I don't feel weird about kissing him, we are still good friends and it is nothing more for me, but this makes me feel really weird. Why would he keep it a secret? If he's embarrassed, then why would he kiss me again?
My question: should I confront him? I don't want to scare him off by saying that he's (in his own previous words) cheating on his girlfriend with me because he didn't tell her, but I also feel really werd in this situation.
Sorry for the long post, I feel like this needed a bit more detail.
submitted by ThrowRA_RedBand03 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:24 franckJPLF Should I keep the User Flair system or not?

User Flairs were supposed to help people identify themselves as Resident, Tourist, Student, Digital Nomad easily without having to write that info over and over in comments. But the thing is, most users don’t set their User Flair despite me asking them on every post to do so. I end up doing it manually most of the time. If you really want to keep them, I might have to find a way to enforce their use more strictly. Feel free to comment if you have any opinion on that subject.
View Poll
submitted by franckJPLF to tokyoirl [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:23 Midwest242 ADHD work conflict

Does anyone else get in trouble at work with HR for bringing issues to light? For context, I work as a nurse but I have my MBA in healthcare management and am in the dissertation portion of my Doctorate of Business Administration. When I see things that need urgency, I bring it to managements attention. When it gets ignored, I let it go for a long time until I explode. I end up in HRs office for the way I speak to management. Just wondering. I can be intense when this happens. I don’t yell but I get so frustrated that I start to give myself a panic attack and then start crying out of frustration.
submitted by Midwest242 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:23 Mindless_Log_7382 I 24M got mad at my boyfriend 23M for his incestuous behavior with his brother after I saw them in bed together, was there more to it/ a genuine reason?

Apologies in advance for any spelling errors emotions are running high as I’m writing this.
Edit: added paragraphs
For context this happened a few days ago.
I, M 24 have been in a relationship with my boyfriend who I’ll call Red (Not his real name), M 23 for around 4 years now after we met at our mutual friends house. We had hit it off after a few drinks and I ended the night with his number and 3 months later we started chatting exclusively and 6 months later we started dating. (At this point in time we hadn’t met each other’s families and he hadn’t mentioned them during the whole 9 month period.) When we first started dating Ill admit I was head over heels and wanted him to meet my family (I have a rather large family) right away and was quite pushy about them meeting although we hadn’t been dating for 5 months at that point. But he talked me out of it saying I was “Moving too fast.” I dont know if that was a red flag or not but I don’t think it was.
Anyways, around 1.5-2 years ago I learned that Red had a little brother 23 M (they are twins, Red was just born first by a little over 5 hours.) which came as a shock to me because during our entire relationship Red had never mentioned his brother and was every adamant that not only did he and his family weren’t close but that he had cut them all off. I which was a major red flag for me because for starters I had only met his brother because I had a package delivered to his house and need to pick it up. I have a key to his house but I have a habit of knocking because I OCD. So imagine my shock when the door is opened by not Red but someone who looked suspiciously like him who immediately asked me who I was. When I told him I was asking for Red (MY boyfriend) he said he wasn’t home and that he was at the store and he’ll tell him that someone came to the door to ask for him. At which I told him that I was his boyfriend and that I needed to pick up a package.
He looked a little suspicious but let me in regardless and we sat in the living room and talked till red came home. I was really curious about who these mystery person was and for a while thought Red was cheating on me until his brother who I’ll call Jane (Not his real name) informed me that he was reds twin brother. I was in shock because for two years Red had told me that he had not relationship with any of his family and here’s his twin brother in his house. (I’ve been to his house before and at not pint in time did he ever have any roommates or other people living in his apartment. So it was shocking and I felt really betrayed because at that point he had already met my family.)
Me and Jane made more small talk till Red came home 20 something minutes later and was shocked to see both me and Jane sitting on the couch. I was gonna stay for longer after red came home but the moment I saw his face I just couldn’t and ended up leaving shortly after. I couldn’t stop thinking about how he never told me he had a brother and later that night at like 8 pm I texted him and asked him why he never told me he had a brother nonetheless a TWIN brother and why he lied about cutting off all his family. He responded 2 hours later at 10 and asked me to call him which I did and I he told me that the reason he never told me about Jane was because although he actually didn’t cut all his family off but those he did still talk too he didn’t tell other people about too which I asked why?
Only to be met with him avoiding the question and trying to steer the conversation away from his family and more to about my day which was the next red flag. We got into an argument and he walked away from the phone but didn’t hang up so I did and I ended up blocking him for 2 days before he showed up at my door apologizing up and down and swearing to never keep a secret from me again which I had believed. For the next 2 years that wasn’t the last I’d seen of Jane and I learned that Red and Jane were extremely close. (Idk if it’s a twin thing but they are just really close) But at multiple points in our relationship I thought they’ve been too close if that’s even possible. For example when we had planned an anniversary trip together and went we started discussing locations he wouldn’t agree to certain places because “Jane wouldn’t be comfortable with him going there.” Or “Jane wouldn’t like that.”
When I asked why it mattered what jane liked because it’s not like he was going, he said something along the lines of. “Just let it go.” Or would just ignore me till I started talking about a different place which threw off my flow for the rest of the planning. Or when he pushed back out trip for almost a month because he didn’t want to leave Jane alone. (Jane is autistic and possibly physically disabled which I swear is important but he’s not low functioning and even lives in his own with a job.) When I brought this up Red glared at me without saying anything but let it go after a while. This is only one example of their relationship coming between things we had planned but there are plenty more examples of them being physically close as well. (Cuddling togethe sitting extremely close to each other, Jane following Red around to the point something’s they walk in sync, feeding one another,hugging for extended periods of time, playing with each other’s hands/hair ext.)
I swear if they didn’t look so similar you’d think they were the ones dating. I won’t lie I’ve found myself being jealous/ disgusted at the way they treat each other but I had pushed it aside because I convinced myself that Red was just looking out for Jane. (Before you question that like I said while Jane isn’t behind mentally or anything you can see he struggles with a lot things like standing for long periods of time and often goes non verbal or only makes illegible noise that Red understands.) So I truly pushed my thoughts aside because I didn’t want to be seen as an overprotective or anything and it’s not like I have anything against Jane or anything but sometimes it’s just really fucking weird. But recently I’ve reached my limit when I went to Reds apartment and when I opened the door I saw janes phone on the counter. Which is really at weird because at the end of the day theyre family and that’s not weird but what was weird was that Jane nor Red were anywhere to be found.
I had walked around the apartment for a while till I got Reds bedroom and saw both of them laying in bed together (They weren’t naked or anything but they were like laying ontop on one another, like cuddling skin to skin whilst clothed from what I could see.) When I walked in a saw them next to each other all the memories of the way they had acted with eachother rushed into my head and I just assumed the worst and started screaming and cursing which got Reds attention and he immediately sat up and started screaming back at me asking me what I was scream about and we started a screaming match and I told him off about his weird behaviour with Jane and how brothers don’t act that way with each other until they are getting with eachother and he froze and just started at me and before he could say anything else I left his apartment and drove back home. (If jane had said anything I didn’t hear it over the screaming but idk)
I ended up telling my parents and they said that Im not overreacting but that something in there childhood definitely caused them to be so touchy but don’t believe that and I don’t know who the tell this to or what to do because I’m well aware that siblings don’t act that way and that something has to be going on but I don’t know how to talk to Red about it. I know my parents said otherwise but I can’t help but think im AH because I don’t let red explain. I don’t think I should bring this up to anyone close friends because of bias so I’m asking Reddit. What do I do???
submitted by Mindless_Log_7382 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:23 RyanNoSleep I am the last of the Cocoanut Grove Fire (My First Post)

I was a busboy at the Cocoanut Grove. That Saturday, the place was a heaving mass of humanity. Soldiers on leave, couples on dates, socialites, and gangsters—the club was their playground, and I was just an invisible part of the scenery. The air was a haze of smoke and alcohol, thick enough to choke on.
It was around 10:15 PM when I first saw him. A man in a dark, heavy coat, standing by the service door near the kitchen. Odd attire for such a warm, crowded club, but what really caught my eye was his face. His eyes were black pits, empty yet somehow full of a cold, malevolent hunger. His smile was a razor-thin line, cutting through his face like a wound. He gestured for me to come closer, but before I could move, he slipped into the kitchen.
Seconds later, the lights flickered, and fire erupted in the Melody Lounge. The flames didn’t spread—they leapt, as if alive, cutting off exits with a terrifying, unnatural precision. Panic ignited, and the crowd became a stampede. I tried to guide people to safety, but the fire seemed to anticipate our every move.
As I fought my way toward the kitchen, hoping for another way out, I witnessed horrors that will forever be etched into my memory.
The first was a young woman in a red dress. She had been dancing with her boyfriend moments before the fire broke out. When the flames began to spread, she tried to run, but the crowd was too thick. She stumbled and fell right in front of me. In the chaos, no one stopped to help her. The flames reached her, and her screams pierced through the cacophony. Her dress ignited, the fabric melting into her skin. I watched in horror as her flesh bubbled and peeled away, revealing raw, charred muscle beneath. Her eyes locked onto mine, pleading for help, before the fire consumed her completely. I couldn’t do anything but keep moving, the image of her agony seared into my mind.
Further ahead, near the bar, a middle-aged man, a regular at the club, was pounding on a locked door that led to the staff area. His hands were bloody, and his face was contorted in sheer panic. The smoke was thickening, making it hard to breathe. I saw him drop to his knees, clawing at his throat as he began to choke. His skin turned a sickly blue as he suffocated. The fire found him next, wrapping around his legs and creeping up his body. His screams were a mix of terror and pain as the flames cooked him alive, turning him into a grotesque statue of blackened bone and seared flesh. I wanted to help, but the fire was relentless, and I had to keep moving.
Near the back exit, which had been illegally locked to prevent people from sneaking in without paying, I saw a young couple—newlyweds celebrating their honeymoon. The husband was trying to shield his wife with his body as they pounded on the unyielding door. The fire closed in, and I heard their desperate cries for help. The flames licked at their legs, their screams merging into a single, horrifying wail. The husband’s back blistered and burst, his skin sloughing off in sheets. The wife’s hair ignited, and she clawed at her scalp in a futile attempt to extinguish the flames. They held each other as they burned, their bodies fusing together in a grotesque, charred embrace. I was frozen in place, unable to look away, until a surge of heat pushed me to keep moving.
I fought through the flames, dodging falling debris and stumbling over lifeless bodies. The heat was unbearable, the air thick with smoke and the stench of burning flesh. Finally, I found a side door and burst into the alley, gulping in the cool night air. As I looked back, the building was fully engulfed, the screams of the trapped mingling with an unholy laughter that echoed in my ears long after.
The official reports blamed faulty wiring and overcrowding, but I know better. The man in the dark coat—he wasn’t human. He was something ancient, something that revels in chaos and feeds on fear. Since that night, I’ve been plagued by dark dreams and even darker realities. Doors in my house creak open on their own, whispers drift through the night, and I see shadows moving just beyond my vision.
Every anniversary, the nightmares get worse, and I feel his presence more acutely. It’s as if the fire forged a bond between us, a bond I can’t break. I’ve tried to tell my story, but no one believes me. They think I’m just a traumatized survivor, driven mad by the horrors I witnessed.
But I know the truth. And now, so do you.
If you’re reading this, I’m begging, heed my warning. On the anniversary of the Cocoanut Grove fire, stay away from dark, crowded places. If you see a man in a dark coat with eyes like voids, don’t approach him. Run, and don’t look back.
Because once he marks you, there’s no escape. The flames will find you, and Hell will claim its due.
Tonight, as I write this, I can feel the heat building, the shadows lengthening. He’s close. I can hear his whisper just beyond the door. I don’t know if I’ll survive another anniversary, but if I don’t, remember my story.
Remember that some fires are more than just flames. They are gateways, and some doors should never be opened.
submitted by RyanNoSleep to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:23 alTeee90 Being a walking L has made me religious

These past 2 years have been brutal, it's been L after L with no break.
I feel like a mouse in a maze that every time it approaches the exit is dragged back to the start by a hand from the sky.
It doesn't matter how much I try, the outcome is always the worst possible one.
I've gone from agnostic to full on believer because I don't think someone can be this unlucky without some almighty being involved in it.
I now fully believe God exists and either:
  1. He is actively punishing me
  2. He has left me stranded
Will keep it short since I know you hoes like reading this kind of shit:
Around 2 years ago I was leasing a horse, and giving it my all, I was earning an entry-level salary in a comfy remote work living with my parents. Keeping the horse was costing me pretty much my full salary. I didn't go out and did anything except lifting, running, riding and working.
For almost a year I was the happiest I had ever been, I literally jumped out of bed excited to live the day, I would work 8-4, lift in my home gym and go visit my horse, either riding, or just being with him, during the time I had him I didn't go a single day without seeing him.
Of course living like this means that I don't have the most social life or friends circle, but I didn't care since every hour of my life was busy.
My plan for the year was training and competing and then in September changing jobs and buying the horse, but in July the horse was injured, I didn't get the best veterinary advice and didn't know what to do, I was being drained for a horse I couldn't even ride or enjoy, after all those months of hard work and discipline, for some reason the owner got mad, and petty sold him behind my back.
During this time, my highschool best friend started regaining contact and started meeting with me and his gf, they gave me a lot of support during those weeks, against all odds, I nailed an interview for a high-paying job that would've allowed me to buy the horse and maintain it comfortably.
I was still too hurt from what had happened, so I just chilled for a few months, saving money, and hanging out with my friend and his gf, and lifting and running, I was at my physical peak, I was lifting heavier than ever, running faster and longer, I was optimistic for the future, I just needed time to heal and I had the means to do so, social life, earning money and physical activity.
Fast forward to December and I receive a cryptic message from my friend's GF saying that she wasn't going to be here for my birthday (we met the previous day) because my dumbass friend just broke up with her.
That basically destroyed my little social life since they were living in the city, and my friend disappeared to be with his new GF.
I tried to comfort her and be there for her (wasn't attracted and even if I were it wouldn't be right to take advantage of the situation).
The months of just working and lifting allowed me to save enough to start looking to buy my own horse, I was still hurting from the whole situation, and being alone, but still I was just lifting heavy, running, walking my dog, keeping myself busy.
In February after trying and vetting some horses, I found one that seemed promising. I bought a very expensive veterinary exam, and he passed it, allegedly, I buy the horse.
Long story short, barely 3 weeks into ownership, I started noticing pain and weird stuff that shouldn't be happening since I started with very soft work, a few weeks of going through 3 different vets, and basically the horse had a life-long injury that the first vet didn't catch in the exam, and basically it was done for, I was devastated, I tried some solutions but they we're not effective, it was over.
During those months, my friend's ex-gf started coming to visit me, we slept together (no sex), we talked every day, I gave her presents, one would say what I did was love bombing her, but to me It was just being there giving support, for her it turned into a situationship.
I still had the horse, I couldn't selling him while he was untrained, and I still had a bit of faith in the vet's advice, and then, suddenly, my knee started hurting, I was lucky that in my new job I had private insurance, so I could immediately go to the orthopedist and do an MRI without the long ass waits of the public health care (up to a year for the MRI), and lo and behold, torn meniscus, it rapidly went from "pain while running" to "some days I can't even fucking walk", I had to stop riding, paying my trainer to ride my horse since I needed to sell him, I had to stop running, I had to stop doing any leg gym exercises.
I didn't want to do the surgery since what I read online was very contradictory.
Because shit can always get worse, one day I was alone with my parents (we also live with my brother and grandma), and I notice the vibes being off, I ask “what the fuck is your problem?” and they confess that my father doesn’t like my mom anymore, well, not to get into too much detail but since then I’ve had to endure watching my mom cry, they get into arguments all the time, just awful, thing is I was already so drained from my personal bullshit that after the initial shock, It didn’t pain me too much, they just keep living together, although I hear them arguing from time to time.
During those months my ex-friend’s ex-gf kept catching feelings for me, and my autistic ass couldn't really read the situation so I made it worse. Finally she asked me if I was going serious with her or if she could go on about her life. I said that I didn't see her as my partner, and since then she got a boyfriend and our friendship went to shit.
I finally sold the horse, my life got extremely bored.
I decided to do the surgery since I couldn't do any of the things I enjoyed, running, riding, whatever, but I had a trip in January with her so I had to postpone it until then, for those months all I could do was going for walks like an old man, and hit the gym (all chest no legs), I was going kinda hard tho, since I knew that during the months of recovery I would lose a lot of muscle and I wanted to go in my best form, during those months I acquired my best physique ever, for the first time, after years of being constant, I liked how my body looked.
The trip was a mistake, she nagged me every minute of it, I could tell she had only gone because it was already paid for, I had postponed the surgery 2 months just to have a horrible weekend.
I did the surgery and the first bad news came, they couldn't fix the broken part of the meniscus, so they took it out, this was the worst possible outcome since it would mean a shorter recovery, but the probabilities of arthritis in the future were higher, off to a good start.
2 weeks later I start going to rehab, during those weeks nobody came to visit me, well, my friend did, only to talk shit on his new coworker (during those months he would only message me to talk shit about coworkers or work), nobody else, not the situationship, not my trainer, nobody.
Speaking about the situationship, after the trip, she stopped messaging me, and even replying at all. I thought, well, there it goes, I’ve lost “not being an unopened chat” privilege.
Some boring months of rehab, working the job that I started to dread, and doing the boring ass knee exercises at home, and then, suddenly a glimmer of hope.
I start being treated by a “new” physio, but turns out she had been on sick leave for the same reason as me, she tore her meniscus, during those first 3-4 sessions we talked and talked for the whole hour, she was just perfect, around my age, funny, cute, was active, played sports, had a nice body, she lives like 5 minutes walk from my house.
I immediately fell in love like I had never before in my life, and that’s when it came to me, this was it, every bad thing that happened to me has come to this, to meeting this girl, everything made sense, If I had my surgery earlier I would not have met her because she would be on sick leave. My broken meniscus, my lame horse, every bad thing that had happened to me had led me to her.
So I take my autistic ass, and since I felt like we had something cool going on I ask “Hey, I think you’re very interesting and cute and would like to know you better, can I have your number so we can meet and go for a drink some day?” and she actually did give it to me, I asked for her number instead of her IG because I didn’t want to play any game, I thought she wouldn’t give me her number unless she was interested in me, I was ecstatic.
I start texting her and after refusing to meet a few times (with actually convincing excuses) I ask her “Hey if you don't want its fine I won't bother you anymore, just tell me” and she basically told me that she didn’t want to break the physio-patient barrier, I didn’t understand anything but I didn’t want to make it weirder since she is still treating me so I just accepted it.
The thing is, I know where she lives, I have to walk past her apartment whenever I go for a walk, drive to town, I get reminded constantly, moving on is very hard, I really thought she was for me, I thought she was finally the reward for all my suffering, but turns out she's just part of the punishment, I legit had a religious revelation, every single bad thing that had happened, God made it so I went and met her, my knee injury, having to sell the horse, losing my friends, no way it was a coincidence.
Now that I know that she is not for me, not even as a friend, I have nothing, the knee recovery is not going well, I was supposed to be a-ok in 6 weeks, It’s been 3 months and I still can’t even go for a walk without swelling and pain, I can’t workout because the knee exercises take a long ass time and I feel like they’re not doing shit, I don’t have friends to meet and take my mind off it, every few weeks I have to see my mum weeping around the house because my father is a piece of shit.
And to top it all, I just started having similar pain in the good knee, so there is a possibility that even If I hadn’t done shit, it may be injured too, this shit just doesn’t end, it just fucking never ends.
TLDR: Everything that has ever given me pleasure or made me happy has been taken away from me. I went from getting out of bed full of hope and enthusiasm to sleeping through my alarms because the only thing I can do is sit in front of a screen. I’ve been having the worst day of my life every day for the past 2 years, after everything I’ve worked hard for and all the sacrifices I’ve made.
submitted by alTeee90 to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:23 ShinMinase Sing-Sing: Model Giorgio Vanni

Sing Sing: Model Giorgio Vanni (named after the Italian singer of the One Piece opening) is a variant of the Sing-Sing Devil Fruit, associated with anime theme songs and more precisely to the anime openings sung by Italian singer Vanni (if you're Japanese, you probably never heard of him).
This Devil Fruit, in Rorschach: Gelecegin Korsani, was eaten by Gackt Bennington (first name Gackt, in Western order), a musician who is also the captain of the J-pop themed Linkin' Pirates (using the ship "Hybrid Theory"). Gackt is a long-time admirer of Rorschach, and is part of the RAK Pirates Grand Fleet.
The Sing-Sing: Model Giorgio Vanni allows the user to sing "Superhero Songs" which allow the user to sing and summon and control constructs shaped like parodies of anime heroes and superheroes: each song has a Yokonstruct (not all of them are Yokai, they're themed after songs by Giorgio Vanni) associated, and as long as the user sings, the Yokonstruct is alive, invincible and intangible even with Haki, and attacks the enemy. The user must keep singing in order for a construct to be kept alive. Constructs can be imbued with Haki.
-Wukonstruct: Shaped like a monkey, more precisely Sun Wukong from Chinese myths. It flies on a cloud of smoke and brandishes a bo staff to attack enemies. Its abilities include an energy wave called Yamme Yamme Ya (parody of Kamehameha), and various powers associated with Sun Wukong such as shapeshifting and immobilizing enemies with a touch. It's meant to be a parody of Son Goku, as Vanni sung Dragon Ball's theme song.
-Kitstruct: Shaped like a Kyuubi Kitsune, AKA a nine-tailed fox. Its powers include Rose Gun, a Rasengan parody, and various powers associated with the Nine-Tailed Fox in Japanese myths such as shapeshifting and hearing sounds from afar. It can also create copies of itself and run on walls, referencing Naruto. it represents Naruto, because Vanni sung the opening of Naruto.
-Zodiac Constructs: shaped like a yellow rat with electric powers, a green snake controlling grass, a red rooster controlling fire, and a blue dragon controlling water. They're a parody of Pokémon (more precisely Pikachu, Serperior, Blaziken and Feraligatr) as Giorgio Vanni sung many Pokémon openings.
-Rubberstructs: an army of faceless puppets made of rubber, all of which have the power to stretch and block bullets similar to Luffy's devil fruit (but weaker and no Gears). They represent the fact that Vanni sung the One Piece opening.
-Onstruct: A giant construct shaped like a green Japanese oni, wielding a club and having enormous strength and being bulletproof. It references the fact that Vanni sung the Hulk theme song.
-Beigostructs: A swarm of constructs shaped like extremely sharp tops which cut through steel and concrete. It's themed after Beyblade, as Vanni sung the Beyblade song.
-Carbombstructs: an almost endless number of Mini 4WD that chase targets and kamikaze themselves. It's a reference to Giorgio Vanni singing the song to "Let's & Go Sulle Ali di Un Turbo", an anime about Mini 4WD that never came out anywhere in Europe except in Italy.
-Supermanstruct: unlike the other constructs, this one is not separate from the user, but instead gives the user a costume similar to Superman: as long as the user keeps singing the song that generates this construct, they're immune to bullets, they can fly, have super strength, X ray vision and shoot lasers from the eyes. Even if the fruit is awakened, the user has to sing to turn into superman, because storing the song into an object turns the object into Superman, not the user. Giorgio Vanni sung the opening to Superman: the Animated Series.
Awakening this Devil Fruit allows the user to store a song in an object so the object becomes a player for the song. This way, the user can spawn multiple constructs at the same time without having to directly sing.
submitted by ShinMinase to DevilFruitIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:22 Santiago5812_ Burial by volcano

Hello anthropologists!! So I’ve had this thought that if I ever fell terminally ill and/or was close to death that I would like to die by throwing myself into a volcano (which is metal af fr fr). As I wondered this, I thought that there is absolutely no way that someone hasn’t thought of something similar to this before. So my question to you guys is: has there been a culture that practiced burial by volcano? Or is there any evidence for any instance of someone being buried by volcano?
submitted by Santiago5812_ to Anthropology [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:22 nun_atoll 4

Frank could have slept in the trailer, but he preferred being in the van under current circumstances. He could scare off anyone who got a bright idea to try and steal the vehicle, for one thing. And if something happened in the motel room, if Jenna and Mike needed help, he was closer.
Not that any of that seemed likely; this place seemed dead as hell.
The motel was a not-too-busted-down place. The town it sat at the edge of was a wide-spot-in-the-road type. An out-of-the-way hamlet, some might call it. To Frank's parents, the town would have seemed ideal. Small enough to seem homey and friendly — and Christian, of course — but large enough to have the basic amenities: a pool of suckers for Mama's MLM sales and other schemes, people looking for someone like Papa who could at least seem to fix anything for cheap, and an attitude that led people to mind their own business, even with new folks and strangers, leaving no one too inclined to call in Youth Services or the equivalent at every sign of a bruise or a scrape or bleeding backs or broken limbs.
They'd done a lot of midnight runners out of places where people showed some level of neighborly concern. Left a lot of things behind in rented houses and apartments.
The best time had been when Frank was between the ages of five and seven. They lived with Grampa and Gramma Schnedeker then, and all the kids who were old enough got to go to proper school for a while, like school-school. Grampa Schnedeker needed a lot of looking after, and Gramma wanted the kids out of the house at least a few hours a day so as not to disturb him too much.
Since they got to go to school, Frank and his siblings right on either side actually learned to properly read and do the beginnings of math and such. Mama said all they needed to read was the Bible, and Papa said math was only important as far as helping him measure and cut lumber and pipe for projects, but still, the kids learned. And when Grampa Schnedeker died and the family moved on, the kids who had got school for a while tried to keep up and to teach things to the little ones.
That got stopped pretty quick, and Mama took over the "lessons," which really just meant she handed the kids their little workbooks every morning after breakfast and left them to work — QUIETLY as she always demanded — while she went and schmoozed sales or whatever. All the boys stopped having any "lessons" after 10 years old. That was when they would start going to work with Papa.
All the boys besides Frank, anyway. But that was before anyone besides Frank even knew that Frank was a boy.
And boy, had that been Hell on Earth when he finally outright told them he was a boy. Mama went to scream-praying like she tended to, and Papa tried to beat Frank to death, and then he did other things that really almost did kill Frank, but luckily Susie called 911.
It was Hell after, too. All that time in the hospital, and the stuff was on the news, and then Frank was sent to foster parents practically across the country. Those first ones were okay, except they also didn't believe Frank was a boy. They just tried to send him to a conversion therapist, who somehow luckily realized that there was no converting Frank and tipped off the social workers. Frank got new foster parents who accepted him, helped him get a name change, and even let him stay with them after he aged out of the foster system, until he could get his GED and see about college.
And then there was college, with his new name and his new clothes and finally being himself, and then the year of college, he met Jenna, and everything since then had been almost golden.
He could not sleep, crunched up in the driver's seat of the van with his head full of memories, so instead he just let it all play, the good and the bad, until it was almost sunrise and he needed to piss like a racehorse.
Then he got out of the van and went to knock at the door of the motel room. After he peed, he would ask Jenna if she minded taking the first shift driving today.
Gotta be up early and get everything together. Danna hated cooking, so Derick made breakfast, got the kids settled, and carried a plate back to his wife, still ensconced in the big bed in the back of the RV.
God had said that the wife should be the one to tend to the home and children, had he not? And yet, if the wife was unable to do some part of that, surely the man, in his free moments, should try and help. Thus, Derick would cook and would see that the children had breakfast, since Danna had such trouble sleeping, and then had trouble waking in the morning, especially when she was pregnant.
And if Danna's mother had never taught her to cook, well, that was the sin of Peggy Lynn Sooks, not her daughter. God would punish Peggy for her failures as a wife and mother.
Other than the sleeping trouble and the aversion to some of the arts of housewifery, Danna was excellent. She was really smart, figuring out how to put together all the social media stuff. And she was always ready to go whenever God told Derick they needed to pick up and move on. She greeted each trip, long or short, with joy, and she treated her other wifely obligations with equal joy.
Perhaps too much joy, sometimes. Danna, for example, took great joy in the act of procreation. That was good, of course, for they were to be fruitful and multiply and spread their family over the Earth to carry the Truth of God's message.
But the act of procreation, sacred and holy as it might be, was never something Derick greatly enjoyed. He did not, as he knew some husbands did, press his wife to fulfill her duties every night. In fact, their marriage had not been conssumated for nearly two months after the wedding, simply because Derick was disinclined. It took Danna reminding him that God's holy word also said a husband should satisfy his wife, and then they finally joined fully in their union.
Still, they did not do it often, unless Danna pressed Derick. As the years went on, she did so more and more, and so he let her have her desire. It was his duty as a husband.
Today, they would stay here. God had said they would be here about a week. Danna seemed happy with that, and the children seemed pleased as well.
They always seemed happiest when the family stopped wandering a while.
Derick had tried to explain to the children why they moved around so much, and why they must keep doing so. He thought perhaps the oldest two boys were beginning to understand. The little ones were still far from such wisdom, but there was time yet.
There was time.
3 Table of Contents
submitted by nun_atoll to liulfr [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:22 LisForLaura AC - DOR Chest under this water wheel Sudra Mylna

AC - DOR Chest under this water wheel Sudra Mylna
So I am just doing a quick raid here before I continue on with the main story and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to get at this chest. I know it isn’t a wealth chest but I must get them all and this is driving me insane. It looks like it’s under the water wheel but I can’t see a place to dive down. I tried climbing up the tower behind it to see if there was a way down inside but I can’t see anything that looks like a hidden trap door or anything!
Does anyone know where I need to go to get this chest please? I’ve been at this for over an hour now and I can’t leave it because I can’t think about anything else other than how to get at this chest!
submitted by LisForLaura to ACValhalla [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:22 jdougl1305 Appreal

Anyone know the best place to get NYU appreal from? Don’t really feel like paying $60 for a t shirt
submitted by jdougl1305 to nyu [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:22 alTeee90 Being a walking L has made me religious

These past 2 years have been brutal, it's been L after L with no break.
I feel like a mouse in a maze that every time it approaches the exit is dragged back to the start by a hand from the sky.
It doesn't matter how much I try, the outcome is always the worst possible one.
I've gone from agnostic to full on believer because I don't think someone can be this unlucky without some almighty being involved in it.
I now fully believe God exists and either:
  1. He is actively punishing me
  2. He has left me stranded
Will keep it short since I know you hoes like reading this kind of shit:
Around 2 years ago I was leasing a horse, and giving it my all, I was earning an entry-level salary in a comfy remote work living with my parents. Keeping the horse was costing me pretty much my full salary. I didn't go out and did anything except lifting, running, riding and working.
For almost a year I was the happiest I had ever been, I literally jumped out of bed excited to live the day, I would work 8-4, lift in my home gym and go visit my horse, either riding, or just being with him, during the time I had him I didn't go a single day without seeing him.
Of course living like this means that I don't have the most social life or friends circle, but I didn't care since every hour of my life was busy.
My plan for the year was training and competing and then in September changing jobs and buying the horse, but in July the horse was injured, I didn't get the best veterinary advice and didn't know what to do, I was being drained for a horse I couldn't even ride or enjoy, after all those months of hard work and discipline, for some reason the owner got mad, and petty sold him behind my back.
During this time, my highschool best friend started regaining contact and started meeting with me and his gf, they gave me a lot of support during those weeks, against all odds, I nailed an interview for a high-paying job that would've allowed me to buy the horse and maintain it comfortably.
I was still too hurt from what had happened, so I just chilled for a few months, saving money, and hanging out with my friend and his gf, and lifting and running, I was at my physical peak, I was lifting heavier than ever, running faster and longer, I was optimistic for the future, I just needed time to heal and I had the means to do so, social life, earning money and physical activity.
Fast forward to December and I receive a cryptic message from my friend's GF saying that she wasn't going to be here for my birthday (we met the previous day) because my dumbass friend just broke up with her.
That basically destroyed my little social life since they were living in the city, and my friend disappeared to be with his new GF.
I tried to comfort her and be there for her (wasn't attracted and even if I were it wouldn't be right to take advantage of the situation).
The months of just working and lifting allowed me to save enough to start looking to buy my own horse, I was still hurting from the whole situation, and being alone, but still I was just lifting heavy, running, walking my dog, keeping myself busy.
In February after trying and vetting some horses, I found one that seemed promising. I bought a very expensive veterinary exam, and he passed it, allegedly, I buy the horse.
Long story short, barely 3 weeks into ownership, I started noticing pain and weird stuff that shouldn't be happening since I started with very soft work, a few weeks of going through 3 different vets, and basically the horse had a life-long injury that the first vet didn't catch in the exam, and basically it was done for, I was devastated, I tried some solutions but they we're not effective, it was over.
During those months, my friend's ex-gf started coming to visit me, we slept together (no sex), we talked every day, I gave her presents, one would say what I did was love bombing her, but to me It was just being there giving support, for her it turned into a situationship.
I still had the horse, I couldn't selling him while he was untrained, and I still had a bit of faith in the vet's advice, and then, suddenly, my knee started hurting, I was lucky that in my new job I had private insurance, so I could immediately go to the orthopedist and do an MRI without the long ass waits of the public health care (up to a year for the MRI), and lo and behold, torn meniscus, it rapidly went from "pain while running" to "some days I can't even fucking walk", I had to stop riding, paying my trainer to ride my horse since I needed to sell him, I had to stop running, I had to stop doing any leg gym exercises.
I didn't want to do the surgery since what I read online was very contradictory.
Because shit can always get worse, one day I was alone with my parents (we also live with my brother and grandma), and I notice the vibes being off, I ask “what the fuck is your problem?” and they confess that my father doesn’t like my mom anymore, well, not to get into too much detail but since then I’ve had to endure watching my mom cry, they get into arguments all the time, just awful, thing is I was already so drained from my personal bullshit that after the initial shock, It didn’t pain me too much, they just keep living together, although I hear them arguing from time to time.
During those months my ex-friend’s ex-gf kept catching feelings for me, and my autistic ass couldn't really read the situation so I made it worse. Finally she asked me if I was going serious with her or if she could go on about her life. I said that I didn't see her as my partner, and since then she got a boyfriend and our friendship went to shit.
I finally sold the horse, my life got extremely bored.
I decided to do the surgery since I couldn't do any of the things I enjoyed, running, riding, whatever, but I had a trip in January with her so I had to postpone it until then, for those months all I could do was going for walks like an old man, and hit the gym (all chest no legs), I was going kinda hard tho, since I knew that during the months of recovery I would lose a lot of muscle and I wanted to go in my best form, during those months I acquired my best physique ever, for the first time, after years of being constant, I liked how my body looked.
The trip was a mistake, she nagged me every minute of it, I could tell she had only gone because it was already paid for, I had postponed the surgery 2 months just to have a horrible weekend.
I did the surgery and the first bad news came, they couldn't fix the broken part of the meniscus, so they took it out, this was the worst possible outcome since it would mean a shorter recovery, but the probabilities of arthritis in the future were higher, off to a good start.
2 weeks later I start going to rehab, during those weeks nobody came to visit me, well, my friend did, only to talk shit on his new coworker (during those months he would only message me to talk shit about coworkers or work), nobody else, not the situationship, not my trainer, nobody.
Speaking about the situationship, after the trip, she stopped messaging me, and even replying at all. I thought, well, there it goes, I’ve lost “not being an unopened chat” privilege.
Some boring months of rehab, working the job that I started to dread, and doing the boring ass knee exercises at home, and then, suddenly a glimmer of hope.
I start being treated by a “new” physio, but turns out she had been on sick leave for the same reason as me, she tore her meniscus, during those first 3-4 sessions we talked and talked for the whole hour, she was just perfect, around my age, funny, cute, was active, played sports, had a nice body, she lives like 5 minutes walk from my house.
I immediately fell in love like I had never before in my life, and that’s when it came to me, this was it, every bad thing that happened to me has come to this, to meeting this girl, everything made sense, If I had my surgery earlier I would not have met her because she would be on sick leave. My broken meniscus, my lame horse, every bad thing that had happened to me had led me to her.
So I take my autistic ass, and since I felt like we had something cool going on I ask “Hey, I think you’re very interesting and cute and would like to know you better, can I have your number so we can meet and go for a drink some day?” and she actually did give it to me, I asked for her number instead of her IG because I didn’t want to play any game, I thought she wouldn’t give me her number unless she was interested in me, I was ecstatic.
I start texting her and after refusing to meet a few times (with actually convincing excuses) I ask her “Hey if you don't want its fine I won't bother you anymore, just tell me” and she basically told me that she didn’t want to break the physio-patient barrier, I didn’t understand anything but I didn’t want to make it weirder since she is still treating me so I just accepted it.
The thing is, I know where she lives, I have to walk past her apartment whenever I go for a walk, drive to town, I get reminded constantly, moving on is very hard, I really thought she was for me, I thought she was finally the reward for all my suffering, but turns out she's just part of the punishment, I legit had a religious revelation, every single bad thing that had happened, God made it so I went and met her, my knee injury, having to sell the horse, losing my friends, no way it was a coincidence.
Now that I know that she is not for me, not even as a friend, I have nothing, the knee recovery is not going well, I was supposed to be a-ok in 6 weeks, It’s been 3 months and I still can’t even go for a walk without swelling and pain, I can’t workout because the knee exercises take a long ass time and I feel like they’re not doing shit, I don’t have friends to meet and take my mind off it, every few weeks I have to see my mum weeping around the house because my father is a piece of shit.
And to top it all, I just started having similar pain in the good knee, so there is a possibility that even If I hadn’t done shit, it may be injured too, this shit just doesn’t end, it just fucking never ends.
TLDR: Everything that has ever given me pleasure or made me happy has been taken away from me. I went from getting out of bed full of hope and enthusiasm to sleeping through my alarms because the only thing I can do is sit in front of a screen. I’ve been having the worst day of my life every day for the past 2 years, after everything I’ve worked hard for and all the sacrifices I’ve made.
submitted by alTeee90 to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:22 kronmatron Catalysmic Laschamp

Since the earthquake, I've had trouble sleeping. It's not just the earthquake; I live in constant anticipation of a disaster that humanity is unprepared for. I don't want to be caught off guard; I don't want to be caught asleep at night, so my whole body resists sleep. So, I pray.
Ya-Sin; like a key that opens the gates of heaven
The dream mentioned in the preface of Kronmatron X seems to be coming true. Intense solar flares have begun. The northern lights have descended south. Power outages are expected. A sudden pole shift is imminent.
“Magnetic pole reversal is a change in a planet's magnetic field such that the positions of magnetic north and magnetic south are interchanged, while geographic north and geographic south remain the same. The land area on Earth alternates between normal polarity periods, where the magnetic field's direction is the same as the present direction, and reverse polarity periods, where the magnetic field is opposite to the present direction. These periods are called chrons. The intervals of these chrons are randomly distributed, and most are found to range from 0.1 to 1 million years. The last one, the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal, occurred 780,000 years ago and could have happened very quickly over a human lifetime.
A short reversal known as the Laschamp event occurred just 41,000 years ago during the last ice age. This reversal lasted only about 440 years, with the actual pole shift taking around 250 years. During this change, the strength of the magnetic field weakened to as low as 5% of its current strength. Short disruptions that do not result in a full reversal are called geomagnetic excursions. (Wikipedia)
In the early days of COVID, I had a series of dreams. In the last one, my family, friends, and everyone else were gathered in a square like Judgment Day. Then my mother pointed to the green lights in the sky, and someone shouted, "The poles have shifted!" At that moment, there was a flash of light, and we bowed down as if in prostration. I didn't feel bad for myself. I was ready. Back then, this topic wasn't talked about much. I told my acquaintances. They laughed it off. Then everyone focused on COVID.
The last of my apocalyptic dreams ended with this cataclysmic polar shift dream. Or rather, I felt this was the end of many things. Otherwise, I still have disaster dreams almost every day. Although their intensity is increasing...
I believe the Great War dreams I've had since childhood have already come true. The Israel-Palestine conflict has turned into a massacre. Blood is spilling everywhere. Aside from that, natural disasters will probably peak with a sudden pole shift. Massive tsunamis, floods, droughts, famines, earthquakes, storms, pandemics... In short, I expect all kinds of calamities.
Child sex trafficking scandals are erupting everywhere. I can no longer eat because of the stomach-churning news of many disgusting, perverted organizations and cults; I’ve lost sleep. That is, I eat a little, yes, and I don’t have trouble falling asleep but only because I have to. If it were up to me, I could walk around hungry and sleepless. Unfortunately, the body has needs. I said “the body” has needs, not me.
So, "I" am not the body...
As we age and face the reality that all of us will die one way or another, I still struggle to reconcile in my mind the idea that a person can reach divine consciousness and be freed from pain forever, thus extending into eternity. At the same time, I must come to terms with the fact that this world we live in has become unbearable.
End, eternity, and pain... They cannot coexist in the same mind. One must also free oneself from the mind.
Then there are emotions... They are more subtle. One must be free from all of them.
Anyway... I was thinking about these things again while drinking my coffee on the back balcony. Then I got bored with myself.
submitted by kronmatron to u/kronmatron [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:22 Unique_Fail_8783 One way to protest.

As the summer break approaches for Parliament and MP head back to their riding s, I’ve thought up some interesting ways to protest mass immigration.
One idea I have been playing with as a means to protest mass immigration, is to make up fake job fairs at MP and MPP’s local consistency offices as well as the Head Offices of corporations that are benefiting from mass immigration or support the centaury initiative.
Spam a bunch of signs around saying “Job Fair, Indians only” or something along that lines.
Second idea is a bit more cheeky. Put up signs and posts online saying “White Women looking for Indian man” followed by the phone number and or email address of your MP or MPPS constituency office and corporations supporting the century initiative HQ as well. I kinda got this idea from Unifor when they told a bunch of people to phone Doug Ford(Don’t give out personal phone numbers of MP’s)
All three party's are fair game for this, since they all support mass immigration. This is meant to rub their noses in the mess they have created over the decades, and to be honest I think a lot of our representatives live in a bubble where they don’t see the impacts of their shitty dissensions.
What not to do
Do NOT post personal or home phone numbers. Do NOT post their home addresses.
Another Idea I have been playing with is to start discouraging people from coming to Canada or any other western countries for that matter by either making posts online/on social media and buying up news paper space in other countries. This also would also take effort and a lot of people(and abit of money) to pull off, and you would need people fluent in the language(s) of the target country as well. The Danish government does a similar thing to discourage people from immigrating to Denmark, if our government wont do this, then we should.
submitted by Unique_Fail_8783 to takebackcanada [link] [comments]