Non renewal template


2019.11.16 02:42 doofusllama boneachingjuice

Welcome to BAJ! This sub is for humor in the spirit of the original “bone hurting juice” meme. If confused on how to make "good juice", refer to our about section. May All Your Bones Ache Today.

2020.07.04 15:48 andremau_9 MemeTemplatesITA

In questa community potrete postare tutti i vostri template italiani e non, possibilmente inventati da voi

2018.11.04 15:54 SarancthaWoodburn Plants VS Zombies Memes!

Memes that are either about the game series, Plants Vs Zombies, or use templates from the games.

2024.05.19 15:14 ProtectionOk5240 Application pending from 3 years ago!

In 2021, we did an EUS application for a non-eu family citizen but we never arranged a biometric appointment.
Eventually we applied for a standard spouse visa. It was granted. We need to renew the next month.
So the problem was when we register for the UKVI account and saw this application as "submitted". It's really confusing to me.
How should we proceed? Should we contact home office to withdrawn this application? Do we need to declare it in the renewal?
Can we do the renewal application with this application """ongoing"""?
submitted by ProtectionOk5240 to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:50 AdSoft6392 Looking at setting up as a self-employed consultant, focussing on public sector contracts

Hi everyone
Have done a combination of public and private sector economics over the last 6 years and I am now considering going my own way (most likely in 12-18 months or so). A combination of wanting more flexibility and the opportunity for higher earnings are what is driving this decision.
Given my experience in writing reports, conducting evaluations and doing data analysis, I would focus on economic consulting, most likely targetted at the public sector. I came across the Government Contracts Finder website and it seemed to be the case of having to sign up for a hundred or so different procurement systems to bid for anything, is that correct?
Other more general questions:
submitted by AdSoft6392 to smallbusinessuk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:31 pazvanti2003 Phoenix Template Engine for Spring

A few months ago I posted about Pheonix, a Template Engine for Spring boot I started to develop. It managed to get some attention and I got really good feedback from here. I continued to develop it, make it better and faster. After many months of work, I have a new version which I believe is worth posting again. I want to gather as much feedback as possible and to make Phoenix even better. It is NOT ready for production use and there are many more things that need to be done (see "issues").

What is Phoenix

Phoenix is a modern template engine for Spring and Spring Boot aiming to facilitate the development of complex web applications by providing a way to create complex and modular templates benefiting from server-side rendering for better integration between the frontend and backend.

Phoenix vs Thymeleaf or Freemarker

Phoenix offers several advantages compared to other existing template engines at the moment:

Why Phoenix and not React/AngulaVue?

Phoenix is not intended to be a replacement for JS frameworks. Instead, Phoenix aims to utilize existing JS frameworks to add SSR, thereby enhancing page rendering speed and FE-BE integration. You no longer need to always return complex JSON; you can directly provide an HTML page with everything needed and nothing more. There can be a whole debate about SSR vs non-SSR, so Phoenix tries to combine the advantages of both.

Open Source

Phoenix is completely Open Source and can be used entirely for free. It is not yet stable enough to be used in production, but I will continue developing it, working on stability and performance, and will try to add other functionalities. And of course, a ⭐ is appreciated.
More details:
My blog:

Opinions, Feedback, Criticism, etc.

This post is made to gather feedback. So, I welcome any opinions or criticisms you may have. Please just avoid comments like "Let's go back to JSP" (Phoenix is completely different, much more performant and easier to integrate) or "Why use this when there is React/AngulaVue/another JS framework" (I believe there is room for both FE frameworks based on JS and more integrated variants with the BE side that offer SSR).
submitted by pazvanti2003 to java [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:30 Present_Mongoose_373 practical sat tips

here are a few of mine:
graphs may not be f(x), but instead transformations of f(x)
write EVERYTHING down algebraically, logic-ing things out tends to lead to silly mistakes even in easy questions, also draw figures, this alone saves needing like 10 extra tips to keep in mind.
look at the domain for those "write an equation thats y = 34x + 3" guys where theres a difference between x starting at zero and at a certain number. usually youll have to add the rate on x times that number to the entire thing to get like "f(x) = 34x + 37"
use desmos, its honestly amazing.
now for reading:
for logical word questions, try to pick one that doesnt add information and has the most direct justification. to help with this you can guess before you look at the answers so your not biased (helps for like 25% of the questions), and if your still stuck, just pick the most general, non opinionated sounding word.
also looking at the roots of words helps a lot too.
for the last questions, you dont even need to look at the bullet points. instead look for relation words that match the relation in the question. e.g. "student wants to show how 2 things are similar" first look for questions with 2 things, then look for "similar" relationship words like "both" or "similarly".
for transition words its the same thing, you should group them into relationship like "contrasting" "adding" "sequence" (this one is REALLY easy if you see 'finally" or "then" or "next" before or after). and if you see 2 in the same category, likely neither of them are the correct answer.
also try and guess the catagory before looking at the answer, i personally have gotten completely thrown off track because i looked at the answers first.
same thing with periods and semicolons, if you see both, neither of them are the right answer.
for colons, its usually correct if it answers a question posed about the previous sentence.
for subject verb, remember, prepositions dont count, and usually they use "of" prepositional phrases. also know that things inside two commas can be deleted and the sentence should be logically the same. and a sentence can start with a dependant clause and end with an independant one, and transitions always need commas and or periods surrounding them ". However, " ", however, " ", however.". also know the fanboys rule about connecting independent clauses.
for standard english ones, plug in and *read until the end of the sentence* ive gotten burned a couple times because i was being lazy and didnt read the entire thing.
look for dependant and independant clauses, and when in doubt, pick the option with the least grammar.
for data questions, cross out the answers that (if the question asks for it) dont support the author first, then verify with the data second.
for "function of the underlined portion" i find it helps if i litterally replace the answer i think it is and see if it makes sense in "idea".
also be REALLY sure of added information by the answers, anything sounding kindof opinionated should immediately raise red flags, same thing for author 1 and author 2 ones, usually the answer is justifiable and not an opinion or reaction, and instead some kind of restatement of something in the text, honestly thats most of the questions.
for the best supports argument ones, make sure it hits every point of their argument
for main purpose, its usually just a template / restating of the text.
also make sure to hit *every* point the question asks for
lastly when you have no clue, its best to pick the most minimal answer, least grammar, most general answer ime.
if any of yall disagree with something, or want to add anything, please let me know!
submitted by Present_Mongoose_373 to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:59 exsapphi New Zealand needs to be looking towards a green future for our own economic viability (as told through the history of glass)

The thing about this climate crisis that no one talks about is that economically, this is not new. This is the same sort of shift as any other massive economic shift we've seen in history, whether resulting from technology or environment or society or any combination of the three. It will be rapid; as rapid as the economic expansion of Europe when it discovered just how profitable colonisation and slavery were. But it's not really anything unseen in an economic sense.
How markets work is this: everything is just supply and demand. If there is a known demand for something, in a roundabout way, the market will ensure that demand is supplied. It might melt a few glaciers in the meantime, or be delayed by a war or two, but it's a force akin to that of nature, or evolution, or cause and effect. The markets will balance. Eventually.

A detour through history

The Chinese never developed eye-glasses. They didn't have the need for glass, because their drink of choice was tea, so the materials they worked with were mostly ceramics. In Europe, the cultural drink of refinement was wine. This didn't need to be kept hot, or be brewed and poured perfectly and all that stuff I'm told is important with tea. But it had requirements and qualities of its own, and one of them is that it looks pretty on display -- and that's why Europe developed and refined glass so much faster than China.
Glass is an incredibly old invention. It's fragile, much more fragile than pottery, so we rarely find it in archeological digs. But it's been invented in and/or expanded to many many cultures throughout history since at least 2000 BC in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Syria, followed by the Greeks, the Romans, the Canaan, and the Persians. Basically anyone with an empire, including the Chinese, was making glass. Unfortunately they'd only just discovered transparent glass by the late Bronze Age, when the Bronze Age collapsed due to a series of environmental, migratory and urban changes.
(A good reminder that historically, periods of mass technological advancement are followed by civilisation collapses and dark ages. Until the present, of course. But that's been true of every present.)
A lot of glass-making technology was lost, but some important things were saved and some new stuff was rediscovered, and most of this discovering happened in Europe because they had, as I mentioned, wine. And rich people wanted to show off their pretty, colourful wine, and that only worked if your glass was transparent. And Italy had access to pure silica quartz, plus soda ash via their trade with the Levant, and so some clever spark there developed the first pair of eyeglasses.
And that's how you have Mecca, Italy and Venice (the latter of whom had been producing the famous Venetian glass, but moved all their glassmakers to Italy because they'd built all their buildings out of wood) all mass producing eye-glasses with consistent standards for Europe and the Middle East by the 14th century.
This might seem like a small development, but gradual loss of sight used to be a disability. Like, it seriously disabled people from doing many things. Far-sightedness meant artisans couldn't create and scholars couldn't read -- I can't even imagine how many people died falling off a horse just because they were short-sighted. For civilisations to have access to devices that got them decades of productivity out of some of the most skilled people in their societies was massive. And that's part of how you get European dominance over Asia, because the Chinese economic powerhouses didn't care about glass as much as Europe did. It's not enough to just invent something. To develop a technology, a society needs both the resources to play with and the need to play with it. That's why we get so much advancement from war. You can thank Germany for your microwave.

How on earth is this relevant to the market or our climate crisis?

Glass will be invented, and then it will be forgotten, and then it will be invented again. But only some economies flourished from it.
We have no control over anything but us. And that's terrifying. The climate change that crippled the Bronze Age wasn't even their fault and they still got thrown back to the Dark Ages.
We are going to see our own change in the market. We are going to live it. And one thing is true, whether National or ACT or BP like it or not: fossil fuels cannot continue to be relied upon as a commodity. Not long-term. It's a dying industry, slowly but surely, and it'll die whether we manage to wean ourselves off petrol or whether we use it all up first.
To a lesser extent, this is true of other non-renewables too. We are not at critical mass yet with our lithium-ion batteries, but we're now at the stage where people in the third world all seem to have cellphones. This is not a sustainable practice for a limited metal we have to mine from the earth. When something is running out, we don't have to stop using that material in the things we build; if we start to use it all up, it will soon get too expensive to build with, and that will stop us.
And that's why we have to stop using it: because if you as a country or industry pour all your energy and resources into developing technology based off that now-scarce resource, you will be left with no usable technology when that resource runs out.

What are National doing?

This is a political sub, so I won't mince words: something's gone wrong with National. Something's always been wrong with ACT, but National's change is recent. Power has been centralised in the board and the candidate selection process is no longer in the hands of the rank and file after Steven Joyce's shakeup, instead dominated by corporate interests. And they have dominated. We have a cabinet of lobbyists, and not just on National's side of the board; Luxon has pulled together the whole industry.
When we attribute "intentions" to things like forces and political parties, it can be easy to forget there's not a concerted, rational mind at play behind their decisions, and their actions are influenced by all of the people and factors and forces that make them up. When I say, "National has been bought by lobbyists", I don't mean every single person in the party is a corporate shill. I just mean that there is enough corporate, business, and big-money influence in the party that they are no longer being governed primarily by their voter base or even their party members.
Nothing makes this more obvious than National's direction in politics. When your LABOUR and GREEN parties are the ones proposing to fix your climate crisis via free-market ingenuity that we can patent, sell on and capitalise off, something has gone wrong. There is money to be made in climate change, and National are off chasing oil down the bottom of a well.
If we don't wean ourselves off fossil fuels, we will find ourselves paying for it the increased price for them when we don't have the green technology to utilise at the end of supply. If we don't put our minds to green tech and science, we won't have the environment-saving and cleaning and reinforcing products and knowledge to sell on when the demand for them peaks through the ceiling -- instead we will be buying from other countries at big prices, paying to ship their experts here to tell us how to manage our estuaries or dump sites or skink habitats or whatever it is we need to fix next. New Zealand got lucky with our green energy; we were already using renewables by sheer coincidence when the climate crisis struck, and it made our transition to this new world very smooth. We will not be that lucky again.
Look at what we produce as a country. We held on far too long to our wool market out of some idea that it was "what we were supposed to be doing", and it nearly wrecked the country. Because it took us so long to change, and because we'd converted all our land into pasture, the most effective market for us to turn to became beef. Now that market is thriving, and we are willfully ignoring the real economic costs that will come with being a beef export country, and that cost is methane. There is not a future where countries will be allowed to emit methane for free. And there are no methane-light cows to switch to. Not until we develop them.
And this is what people talk about when they talk about environmental solutions still to be developed -- as if other people are going to develop them. That is incorrect. WE are the Cow Country. WE are the ones that should be foremost of the cow-fart field. If we do, we will be the ones benefitting by selling our bio-engineered cows and our science that made it happen. But if we don't, if we trail behind, we let other countries get out in front, and then our industry relies on them, and their industry outgrows us.
And these are all individual product or problem examples, but we are dragging our feet across the entire green industry. Why?

Big Oil does not care if your tech is Green

I say big oil, but there are other anti-environment and pro-corporate interests at play here. And again, there's not some big puppetmaster moving his pawn pieces, but there is influence, and companies don't want the world to go green, because when they do, they stop getting money for all the things they're getting money from right now. They don't care about the environment because they don't have the capacity to care; they are not a they. They are a force, a conglomeration, a hivemind of workers breaking their back for the company, until they clock off and become their own person again.
Their only interest is keeping ahold of their incredibly profitable market, and that market needs machines that use oil, and consumers willing to buy those machines, and people who aren't thinking about switching to a non-oil version of their tractor that doesn't exist yet (because no one has found the need to invent it. Or had the right resources.)
Oil cares about oil. Mining cares about mining. Tobacco cares about tobacco. Beef cares about beef. And we get value out of these industries as a country, as a society, so when they say"This thing is bad for me", we do have to listen to that. Otherwise we won't get our beef, or our oil. But "This thing is bad for ME" isn't the same as "This thing is bad for YOU". And companies are relying on consumers to not know the difference.

Back to National

Tobacco lobbyists have bought out Parliament, and are literally drafting our tobacco laws. And they are just one interest around the table. But they have had a huge effect. Imagine what's happening to the interests of your politicians when you have your lobbyists working together. Imagine where the interests of lobbyists for mining and oil might meet. Now imagine fisheries has a guy in there too.
Our oceans should be feeling very nervous right now.
It's the small influences we can't see that make these big decisions later on. The people who select our future MPs. The people who decide, hey, I'm going to try this new glass technique. But it takes an awful lot of decisions to make a glassblowing society.
A lot of what we do, we don't do consciously, like developing eye-glasses. But the benefit of our open democracies, of our information-based societies, of our unprecedented understanding of economies and markets and science and climate, should mean that when we choose to do something consciously, we can do it.
When we don't, something has gone wrong.

A Green Future

To get to the sort of green economy the non-business parties are picturing, you need someone who has the time and acumen to get us there.
That SHOULD be National. There is so much involved in politics; our politicians are running so much. And they're spending most of their time undoing the last guy's policies. Labour's policies sound like the Greens. National doesn't have any except "win". ACT are doing Charter Schools again. And the policies being made are being made in the interests of business people.
Our politicians don't have visions like Hollyoake of a New Zealand forging our own future, or Muldoon's determination to make things better for the average kiwi, or (heaven help me), Roger Douglass's respect for politics. None of the old guard are happy with how politics is shaping up, and certainly not the right, or who eventually became the right, in Douglass's case -- this is what he had to say on the subject: “John Key lived by the polls and it’s very dangerous. If you want to help people, you have to tell them the truth. The problem is that the politicians of today, they want to help themselves. So they poll in order to know what to say and it’s disgusting.”
I think in that one sentence, Douglass sums up everything wrong with the modern National Party. Once upon a time, National were in it to help people. They're not anymore.

Where to now?

It's all just markets.
If National won't change, they'll kill their market and they'll be replaced by a new party, just like the Liberal Party and Reform Party and Social Credit Party before them. National and Labour have always been around, but not always as these parties, or in these forms. The political spectrum will move to meet demand -- even when curtailed by corporate interests.
Or National will change, take control of their candidates and board, and live to fight for another century or so.
Either way, the economy will continue, and so will climate change. We will still need to develop new technologies using our available resources, and direct our technology-developing towards fixing environmental solutions. I hope New Zealand will benefit from this, and not just witness it. But if it's not National making the push, another political party will. We can see that happening right now, with the other parties suggesting their own green business ideas that National should be sweeping up votes for. There is voter and consumer demand for green businesses, and National are distracting us instead with shiny baubles because the corporations influencing them don't want you to see them.
Another thing Douglass was frustratingly right about: all our parties are doing at the moment is undoing each other's policies. It's hard to see New Zealand making any forwards progress at all if that's our direction.
submitted by exsapphi to nzpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:28 MortiferDec Non-Renewal or Resignation

I was given the option this year to either be non-renewed or to resign. Which would be better? I have been non-renewed before (never given the option before). My states application does ask if you have been asked to resign instead of being non-renewed.
submitted by MortiferDec to TeachersInTransition [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:25 DirectEntrance24 [Hiring] Actor needed to record client videos daily - $750/month

We run a marketing firm out of Chicago, IL. We currently provide video reviews of websites as a method to book meetings.
All we need you to do is record the video. A script (template) will be provided to you. You merely need to memorize and act it into the camera. The video reviews aren’t very long (2-3 minutes each) and we receive roughly 10 requests a day, so it’ll take you about 2-3 hours total to record and edit your videos everyday.
Requirements for this role:
$750/month for 2-3 hours of work Mon-Fri. If your videos are working well, we can increase the pay in a month. For now this is non-negotiable.
If you’re interested, please PM me your resume.
submitted by DirectEntrance24 to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:27 spdustin DALL-E Weather Dashboard

DALL-E Weather Dashboard
I have a small display in a high traffic area of my house, running on an old RPi that I use for an HA kiosk. Every two hours, an automation takes the upcoming weather forecast info along with an input-text entity that provides the "subject" of a photo, then imagines that subject in a comically exaggerated way as they do some weather-relevant activity. Uses OpenAI conversation to first use GPT to generate the actual prompt to pass to DALL-E, then sends that prompt, thereby avoiding DALL-E adding numbers to the image.
Enjoy this one, with the subject: "an anthropomorphic axolotl"
I personally use the built in moon integration, along with a REST sensor to pull the forecast text from NOAA:
yaml - resource: scan_interval: 3600 sensor: - name: "Next Forecast" json_attributes_path: "$.properties.[0]" json_attributes: - "name" - "detailedForecast" value_template: "OK"
Add an input_text entity to be able to change the "subject" easily.
Then, my template sensor for the current season:
jinja {% set seasons = ["early winter", "winter","late winter", "early spring", "spring", "late spring", "early summer", "summer", "late summer", "early autumn", "autumn", "late_autumn"] %} {{ seasons[now().month] }}
Here's my automation YAML. Editing it is left to the reader.
```yaml alias: Update Weather Dashboard description: "" trigger: - platform: time_pattern minutes: "15" hours: /2 id: quarter-past-every-two condition: [] action: - service: conversation.process metadata: {} response_variable: preprompt data: agent_id: conversation.openai_conversation text: > You're a silly assistant with a comically active imagination.
 You will be given a description of a season, time of day, and weather conditions (inside  tag below), and you'll help imagine a photograph of {{states('input_text.weather_dashboard_subject')}} experiencing those conditions, their activity, their clothing, and their reactions. # Your task: Let's think through this step-by-step. 1. Imagine what {{states('input_text.weather_dashboard_subject')}} would be doing in the given conditions. 2. Imagine what setting best typifies the conditions. 3. Imagine the clothes {{states('input_text.weather_dashboard_subject')}} would be wearing. **They should be wearing clothes!** 4. How would {{states('input_text.weather_dashboard_subject')}} be reacting to the conditions, in a comically-exaggerated way. 5. Silently determine how the sky would look, given the conditions below. 6. Silently determine if it's nighttime, and if a {{states('sensor.moon_phase')replace('_',' ')}} moon would be obscured by clouds. If it's daytime, or the conditions suggest the clouds would obscure the moon, omit any reference to the moon. If the moon is visible, be sure to mention that it's a {{states('sensor.moon_phase')replace('_',' ')}} moon. 7. Describe what a single, perfectly-timed photograph of {{states('input_text.weather_dashboard_subject')}} would show. # Rules 1. Do not include any specific weather condition details or other specific data in your prompt. 2. Limit your response to one paragraph that would fully describe the amusing photograph of {{states('input_text.weather_dashboard_subject')}} 3. We're going for 'silly'! 4. IMPORTANT: You never include information about the objective weather conditions in your responses, focusing only on the imagery. **Subjective** descriptions of the weather are allowed, though.  It's {{state_attr('sensor.next_forecast','name')lower}} on Earth, and the season is {{states('sensor.current_season')}}. The weather? {{state_attr('sensor.next_forecast','detailedForecast')}}  Proceed with your one paragraph description of the photograph of {{states('input_text.weather_dashboard_subject')}}, within this imagined scene and setting. Don't forget their activity, clothes, and reaction, and maximize the silly factor! 
  • service: openai_conversation.generate_image metadata: {} data: size: 1792x1024 quality: hd style: vivid prompt: >- {{preprompt.response.speech.plain.speech}}. This should be a vivid, hyperrealistic photograph. response_variable: image
  • service: downloader.download_file data: overwrite: true subdir: /config/www/dash filename: dash.png url: "{{image.url}}"
  • service: browser_mod.refresh metadata: {} data: {} target: device_id: weather_display mode: single ```
And the dashboard yaml
yaml kiosk_mode: non_admin_settings: hide_header: true hide_sidebar: true views: - title: Home view_layout: position: main cards: - type: custom:clock-weather-card entity: weather.pirateweather sun_entity: sun.sun weather_icon_type: line hide_date: true forecast_rows: 5 card_mod: style: ha-card { background: url('{{state_attr("camera.weather_dashboard_background","entity_picture")}}') no-repeat center; background-size: cover; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; color: white; } ha-card:before { content: "{{state_attr('sensor.next_forecast','name')}}"; top: 1em; left: 1em; font-size: 3rem; text-shadow: 0px 0px 10px black, 0px 0px 20px black, 0px 0px 30px black; position: absolute; color: white; } clock-weather-card-today { vertical-align: top; } clock-weather-card-today-right { text-shadow: 0px 0px 10px black, 0px 0px 20px black, 0px 0px 30px black; font-size: 5rem; justify-content: right !important; margin-right: 1em; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; color: white; } clock-weather-card-today-left { justify-content: left !important; } clock-weather-card-today-left img { } clock-weather-card-forecast:before { text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px black, 0px 0px 10px black, 0px 0px 15px black; color: white; font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.25; position: relative; bottom: 1em; content: "{{state_attr('sensor.next_forecast','detailedForecast')}}"; } clock-weather-card-today-right-wrap-bottom { text-shadow: none; color: rgba(255,255,255,0); justify-content: right !important; } clock-weather-card-forecast { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; zoom: 1.2; line-height: 1; background: rgba(0,0,0,.6); margin: 0; padding: 2em; overflow: hidden; } clock-weather-card-today-right-wrap-center { font-size: 8rem !important; justify-content: right !important; } clock-weather-card-today-right-wrap-top { line-height: 2; justify-content: right !important; # margin-top: -1em; } type: panel
submitted by spdustin to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:23 Irene0fAthen Intrested in Greek Mythology RP? well here's The Gods of Olympus RP! ✨

We are a Greek Mythology inspired RP with elements of Percy Jackson taking place in ancient Greece.
-All literacy levels welcomed.
-Unlimited OC slots
-You can play as any Gods, Demigods, Mortals, Canon or just anything.
-weekly events
-a safe place for everyone
-Open to any suggestion and non toxic!
-an easy-to-follow template
-Fair RP system
-New lore so everyone is involved.
The plot at a glance: Due to the weakening of major cities of Greece and the destruction of many temples dedicated to the worship of the Gods. Monster sighting and incidents have increased. Something dark and sinister is rising in the back gound and it is up to you and other heros of camp halfblood to save, or to be the ones to see the destruction of the Greek world. The strings of fate is in your hands.
Perm invite link, invite your friends!
submitted by Irene0fAthen to mythology [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:01 adulting4kids Rare Subgenres For Writing

We have so many different ways to express our appreciation for things. This series is an expensive list of the subgenres you can use as a writer to describe the projects you are working with.
Respond with anything you think might be missing, or comments on whatever you have that may fit one, or more, of these awesome definitions of subgenres!
This is supposed to be fun, so no rude Dolphin hate!
  1. Ergodic Literature: Requires effort from the reader beyond typical reading, often involving non-linear narratives or physical interaction with the book.
  2. Bildungsroman: A novel that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood.
  3. Eco-Horror: Blends elements of horror and environmental issues, often featuring nature as a malevolent force.
  4. Biopunk: Explores the impact of biotechnology, genetic engineering, and biometrics on society.
  5. Cli-Fi (Climate Fiction): Focuses on climate change and its effects on the environment and humanity.
  6. Chick Lit Noir: Merges elements of women's fiction, mystery, and noir, typically featuring a female protagonist.
  7. Solarpunk: Envisions a future where renewable energy and sustainable living practices prevail.
  8. Flintlock Fantasy: Features technology equivalent to the flintlock firearm era in a fantasy setting.
  9. Transrealism: Blurs the line between reality and fiction, often incorporating real-life events and characters.
  10. Splatstick: Combines slapstick comedy with elements of horror, often involving exaggerated and gory violence.
  11. Crunchy Noir: A subversion of traditional noir with added elements of comedy and irreverence.
  12. Kaiju Erotica: Involves giant monsters (kaiju) in explicit or erotic contexts.
  13. Gastrofiction: Focuses on food and culinary experiences as a central theme in the narrative.
  14. Biopunk: Explores the societal implications of biotechnology, genetic engineering, and biometrics.
  15. Dieselpunk: Set in a world where diesel-based technology is prevalent, often in an alternate history.
  16. Bugpunk: Blends steampunk aesthetics with insect-inspired technology.
  17. Rural Noir: Noir fiction set in rural or small-town environments, often exploring dark themes.
  18. Hopepunk: Emphasizes hope, optimism, and resilience in the face of adversity.
  19. Mannerpunk: A subgenre of fantasy that focuses on manners, social hierarchies, and etiquette.
  20. Clockpunk: Features clockwork mechanisms and Renaissance-era technology in a fantasy setting.
  21. Atompunk: Centers around the aesthetics and technology inspired by the Atomic Age and mid-20th century.
  22. Dreadpunk: A subgenre of gothic horror that emphasizes a sense of dread and unease.
  23. Decopunk: Set in the Art Deco era, often with a focus on sleek design and glamour.
  24. Dying Earth Subgenre: Takes place in the last days of a dying world, often with a sense of decay and decline.
  25. Mannerpunk: Focuses on manners, social structures, and etiquette in a fantastical setting.
  26. Slipstream: Blurs the boundaries between mainstream fiction and speculative fiction.
  27. Cattlepunk: A western-inspired subgenre with advanced technology and cattle-centric themes.
  28. Oceanpunk: Features maritime and underwater settings with a focus on oceanic technology.
  29. Dolphin Poetry: Poetry inspired by or featuring dolphins as a prominent theme.
  30. Cat Poetry: Poetry centered around cats as a significant subject.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:43 xalttInc App template design

I am a non-tech guy and i want to create template design of my app. I have the vision drawn on the paper After some research I came across all these platforms but I don’t which one to go with, if i do trial and error with these platforms then it will consume a lot of time so i am seek your advice based on your experience working on any of them. You can suggest any other platform which isn’t mentioned here as well.
Figma Flutterflow Adalo Webflow Framer Glideapp Animaapp
My aim is to create app templates that would help me convey the vision of the app. Also i am not pro at app design but on internet i came across some concepts about design, like Visual hierarchy, contrast, balance, consistency, simplicity, text, spacing, please let me know what should i be focusing more on.
Please feel free to share your suggestions, or resources that could help me understand and create at least the bare minimum. I humbly thank you for your time!!
submitted by xalttInc to startups [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:42 xalttInc App templates design

I am a non-tech guy and i want to create template design of my app. I have the vision drawn on the paper After some research I came across all these platforms but I don’t which one to go with, if i do trial and error with these platforms then it will consume a lot of time so i am seek your advice based on your experience working on any of them. You can suggest any other platform which isn’t mentioned here as well.
Figma Flutterflow Adalo Webflow Framer Glideapp Animaapp
My aim is to create app templates that would help me convey the vision of the app. Also i am not pro at app design but on internet i came across some concepts about design, like Visual hierarchy, contrast, balance, consistency, simplicity, text, spacing, please let me know what should i be focusing more on.
Please feel free to share your suggestions, or resources that could help me understand and create at least the bare minimum. I humbly thank you for your time!!
submitted by xalttInc to Frontend [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:33 Tungill Alternative to LinkedIn Profile page?

I am looking for an equivalent to LinkedIn Profile page (NOT the job matching nor social feed) that I could host on my own domain. I want to host a landing page for my profile while sticking as possible to the design of LinkedIn.
Why don't you just use LinkedIn? LinkedIn Profile page are not accessible by non-LinkedIn users. There is a trick with the URL to make it, but it's inconsistent, it either gives you access to the profile or ask you to connect your account. That's why I want to host it myself, to have better control and consistent behaviour. Extract my profile to PDF and then host-it is an option, but the .pdf version is not as aesthetic as the website and doesn't shows sections like "Projects".
Why stick to the design/format of LinkedIn? LinkedIn is a well known platform on my domain of expertise. Following this template would ease the recruiter process of browsing my profile (for those using LinkedIn). Linked as only a few visual customisation, it forces to focus on content efficiency and creativity in a very limited ways. It's a good quality for my domain so I wish to keep that. And I really like the possibility to embed media to sections.
I am open to hear about less similar to LinkedIn solutions, because I know I can hardly hope for a carbon copy. ^^
submitted by Tungill to opensource [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:54 LLLNNNGGG Basic Skyrim Xbox logical load order (LLO) template with “vanilla plus+” examples (2024)

This is for us normies who don’t want to sift through a hundred youtube videos just to figure out basic information that should be readily available. This guide is designed for people who are new to modding.
This LLO follows Brxsie’s model. For more detailed info on categorization refer to their reddit post.
You can leave out any mod on this list that you don’t want except for USSEP.
*= my personal notes explaining what a mod does or why I added it
e.g. = extra examples of popular mods that should be placed in that category
(skip this section if you want the quick version of this post)
Hi everyone; I’m not a modder nor a PC player, but I was desperate to figure out how to safely load my game with reasonable lore-friendly updates. Every LLO guide I’ve found so far has either been outdated, contradictory to other sources, does not specify which mods fall under what category, is way too vague, or way too specific. The mods I’ve listed here should be easily searchable on the recently updated Xbox creations menu so that any Xbox player can easily copy this list. Originally, I was just recording my LLO for my own personal use, but I figured this could help people who don’t have the time to put in as much research as I have.
If you are brand new to modding, vanilla+ means that you want to stay faithful to the original game as much as possible while upgrading the look of your Skyrim world and making a few convenient tweaks. The least “true to the original game” mod on this list is convenient horses. In my experience so far, this LLO plays just as smoothly as vanilla Skyrim.
Unless I wrote a note next to the mod stating otherwise, all of these mods are independent of one another, except for: divine atmosphere, divine atmosphere snowflake edit, and realistic snowflakes. If you like the ugly fractal snowflakes in divine atmosphere then don’t bother with the other two mods, but if not, you need the vanilla snowflake edit and the snowflake texture mod to go together. Therefore, you can leave out any mod on this list that you don’t want except for USSEP), and the game will function normally.
To customize settings of mods while in-game, go to magic -> powers. “Equip” the mod you want to change and press RB once out of the menu. This is relevant to divine atmospheres, divine interiors, flute finder, convenient horses, and some dialogue mods.
Most mods on this list can be downloaded or deleted safely while playing a pre-existing save file. Deleting mods become problematic when you have already added and interacted with a custom item to the game and then delete the mod that supported the item. When testing new mods, I suggest only adding a few at a time so that you know what to delete if you encounter any issues.
If you are reading this on a laptop or PC, you can press command/control F to search for keywords of the mods you want to install to find where they belong in the LLO.
Personally, my favorite mods that I’ve added to the game are the dialogue mods and the texture mods. They make Skyrim feel like a real world with real people living in it and I would highly suggest using some or all of them. I’d also love to hear everyone’s suggestions on proposed edits to this load order. Please let me know if you are aware of any conflicting mods or bugs, or if I have made any mistakes in my layperson's explanation of techy stuff. Unsure if this is relevant information, but I’m located in the USA.
Extra notes:
What the heck is a leveled list? A leveled list is a change in the code that makes changes to certain values. Such as changing how much gold a character has or how powerful an enemy is.
And what exactly is an area edit? An area edit is any mod that adds or significantly changes a location in the game. This includes adding extra trees, adding extra smelters, or adding custom player homes that do not exist in vanilla, among other things.
Why are there all of these categories and why is it so complicated? LLO sorts mods so that the game can load the most important files first. When LLO is not followed, the game will inevitably crash. Categories allow us to sort mods into the LLO based on how they interact with the game's code. People sometimes disagree on what order to put the categories in, but all LLO templates use the same basic categories.
I do not use immersive citizens AI because multiple people have reported bugs. Other people have no issues with it, but I prefer to stay on the safe side.
Remember to lower your in-game brightness, especially when you are using divine interiors and divine atmospheres. If the brightness is all the way up, things will start to glow. You will have to use torches in locations with zero light, such as corners in caves. This adds a realistic feel to the game. If you give a torch to your follower, they will automatically use it in in low-light conditions. I switch between default/glimmegrim/vivid depending on where I am and how colorful I want things to be. The game may look darker overall as you can see in the screenshots, but this is more true to how lighting works in the real world.
Skyrim 101 tip: When you ditch items to reduce your carry weight, store them somewhere (such as a dead body or a chest) instead of dropping them on the ground. If you drop items all over your game it will eventually lag.
When creating a new character, keep in mind that once you start playing, you might change the lighting and make the colors more saturated. For example: I accidentally gave myself yellow hair instead of natural blonde because I forgot about lighting and atmosphere changes. This is another reason to install the vanity mirror mod, which allows you to change your character mid-game.
Storage space: all of the mods I have listed here take up approximately 4.36GB.
I suggest keeping a note of your LLO on your phone so that you can easily categorize mods you want to add the future.
Sometimes LLO will not save, so I recommend double-checking that everything landed in the right spot or backing up your LLO to bethesda before exiting the LLO menu.
Sometimes you need to restart your game to enable a newly installed mod.
How to delete a complex mod without causing problems: disable the mod, hard reset (hold power button for 10 secs or unplug the console), uninstall the mod, hard reset.
I’ve noticed a bug where I cannot tell my follower (Lydia) to do anything in “command mode”. I don’t know what’s causing this- it seems like a dialogue issue but I rarely use the command mode feature anyway so it’s small enough for me to ignore for now. Let me know if you find out what's causing this!
*Blurb over\*
Master Files
Foundations: Lots of game changes (e.g. cheat room, encounters overhaul, etc.)
Dialogue Overhauls
Fonts/UI (excluding map mods)
Alterations to vanilla quests
Any craftable item
Game mechanic changes: races, perks, vampires, adoptions, etc.
Level Progression (e.g. Clever leveling)
Perk overhauls/changes
Magic additions and modifications
Leveled list changes (e.g. rebalanced leveled lists)
NPC Leveled list (e.g. organized bandits in skyrim)
Any audio
Weather and Atmosphere (put weather up ^ in LLO if the mod is just a weather mod and not an atmosphere mod)
Grass Fixes
Skin/skeleton physics and appearance changes
Animation mods
Meshes and Textures
*The mods I’ve listed in this section should cover almost every visual in the game. Nothing is too drastic of a style change and fits right in to the game’s vibe.
Non-combat NPC AI
Immersion (e.g. immersive patrols, landlord etc.) - can be tricky to categorize
Anything that changes a character’s/npc face or hair (e.g natural eyes)
Interior lighting changes
Interior decorating changes
Lightweight multiple area edits
Single area edits like player homes
Multiple area edits (e.g. divine cities)
*I do not recommend divine cities or divine villages because it can be buggy. One time Lydia got permanently stuck in a modded tavern and I had to backtrack through an hour of progress to get her back out
Adding individual unique objects
Combat changes, combat AI (e.g. realistic damage, wildcat)
Unique follower mods (e.g. Sofia)
Mods that add new quests (mods that alter vanilla quests do not go here)
Map mods
Mods that specify bottom LO
submitted by LLLNNNGGG to SkyrimModsXbox [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:44 LordofBones89 Revised Deities (3.5e): Lathander, the Morninglord

The Morninglord, Commander of Creativity, Patron to Spring and Eternal Youth, Mentor of Self-Perfection, Bringer of the Dawn, Lord of Birth and Renewal
Greater Power of Elysium
Symbol Sunrise made of pink, red, and yellow gems, or a simple rosy pink disk
Realm Morninglory (Elysium/Eronia)
Alignment Neutral Good
Aliases none
Superior none (AO)
Allies Chauntea (lover), Deneir, Eldath, Gond, Ilmater, Kelemvor, Llira, Lurue, Mielikki, Milil, Oghma, Paladine, Selune, Siamorphe, Silvanus, Sune, Torm, Tyche (dead), Tymora, Tyr, Ushas
Foes Bane, Beshaba, Bhaal (dead), Cyric, Ibrandul (dead), Iyachtu Xvim (dead), Loviatar, Moander (dead), Myrkul (dead), Shar, Talona
Servants none
Servitor Creatures butterflies, celestials of all types, elysian dragons, hollyphants, radiant creatures, robins (normal and celestial), sanctified creatures, sun peacocks (normal and celestial), sunwyrms (good aligned only)
Manifestations an intense and rosy radiance that appears around objects to indicate special qualities or at confusing or dangerous junctures to indicate a safe or preferred path, and that causes those people it surrounds to be telekinetically pushed out of harmful situations, healed of all wounds, purged of any diseases, poisons, foreign objects, magical and nonmagical afflictions and deleterious effects, magical or psionic compulsions, fear, and curses, causes resurrection effects to be automatically successful, and transmits messages
Signs of Favor aster blossoms, an intense and rosy radiance with the same qualities as his manifestation, sun peacock feathers
Worshipers Aristocrats, artists, athletes, farmers, hunters of the undead, merchants, monks of the Sun Soul, peasants, performers, the youthful
Cleric Alignments LG, NG, CG
Specialty Priests Morninglord
Holy Days Midsummer morning, the mornings of the vernal and autumnal equinoxes
Important Ceremonies Song of Dawn; contracts, marriages and promises made at dawn, funerals for those not meant to be raised or resurrected
Portfolio Athletics, birth, creativity, dawn, renewal, self-perfection, spring, vitality, youth
Domains Community, Courage, Endurance, Good, Glory, Hope, Life, Protection, Radiance, Renewal, Strength, Zeal
Favored Weapon Dawnspeaker (heavy or light mace)

Male Sentinel 20, Cleric 20, Morninglord 20, Master of Radiance 5
NG Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Good)
Divine Rank 17
Init 44 (+16 Dex, +8 Superior Initiative); Senses 17-mile-radius; Listen 77, Spot 77; remote sensing (20 locations), portfolio sense
Aura divine aura (DC 78), courage (100 ft, +8 saves against fear), radiant 3/day; Languages can communicate with any living creature; Words of Creation
AC 105, touch 57, flat-footed 95, undead 107 (+18 armor, +20 deflection, +10 Dex, +17 divine, +30 natural)
hp 1,860 (20d10 + 45d8 plus 1300), fast healing 74; divine shield 23/day (170 hp); renewal 1/day (if fall below 0 but less than -10 hit points regain 1d8 +20 hp); DR 40/epic, evil and adamantine
Immune ability damage, ability drain, banishment, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, fire, imprisonment, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, rebuking, sleep, sonic, stunning, transmutation, and turning
Resist acid 37, cold 37; SR 81
Fort 111 Ref 101 Will 105; +2 against evil outsiders and undead, +4 against mind-affecting effects from evil outsiders, +5 against evil spells or spells from evil characters
Speed 60 ft. (12 squares)
Melee dawnspeaker 115/110/105/100 (55 plus 18 fire plus 18 holy plus 1 negative level vs evil plus 48 vs evil outsiders and undead plus undead disruption [Fort DC 79 or die]/19-20/x2 plus 36 fire plus 36 holy plus 2 negative levels vs good plus death [Fort DC 79, evil outsiders and undead] plus undead disruption [Fort DC 79 or die]), +8 atk vs evil outsiders and undead; or
Melee spell 80 or
Ranged spell 76
Base Atk +43; Grp +63
Atk Options Awesome Smite, Cleave, Holy Potency, Power Attack; smite evil 24/day (+20 atk, +455 damage)
Special Actions alter reality, divine blast (444 damage) 23/day, feat of endurance 1/day (+30 Con for 1 minute), destroy evil outsiders and undead 27/day as a 66th level cleric (turning check 73, turning damage 105; Heighten Turning, Intensify Turning, Multiturning, Quicken Turning), protective ward 1/day (+65 resistance bonus to one saving throw for one hour), surge of hope 1/day (when failing a skill check, attack roll, or saving throw, add 1d6 to the result), touch of life 1/day (1d6 +65 temporary hp to a single creature for one hours), zeal 1/day (take 20 on a skill check, except on checks are not normally allowed to take 20, without increasing the amount of time needed to make the check); Battle Blessing, Corona (Will DC 62), Divine Censure (Will DC 62), Epic Divine Might, Epic Divine Vengeance, Sacred Vengeance
Combat Gear dawnspeaker
Divine Spell-like Abilities (CL 65th; +1 good spells; all [fire] and [light] spells are intensified)
At will – aid, animate objects, animate plants, antimagic field, atonement, bear’s endurance, bigby’s clenched fist, bigby’s crushing hand, bigby’s grasping hand, blade barrier (DC 53), bless, bless weapon, bolt of glory, bull’s strength, charm person (DC 48), cloak of bravery, color spray (DC 48), commune, consecrate, crown of glory (DC 55), death ward, dismissal (DC 51), dispel evil (DC 52), disrupt undead, disrupting weapon (DC 52), endure elements, enlarge person, widened faerie fire, flame strike (DC 52), fire shield, fire seeds (DC 53), freedom, gate, globe of invulnerability, good hope, greater cloak of bravery, greater dispel magic, greater heroism, greater planar ally, greater restoration, greater status, greater teleport, heat metal (DC 49), helping hand, heroes’ feast, heroism, hide from undead (DC 48), holy aura (DC 55), holy smite (DC 51), holy sword, holy word (DC 54), hypnotic pattern (DC 49), iron body, lesser restoration, lion’s roar (DC 56), magic vestment, mass bear’s endurance, mass heal (DC 56), mind blank, mordenkainen’s magnificent mansion, plant growth, plane shift (DC 52), polymorph any object (DC 55), prayer, prismatic sphere (DC 56), prismatic spray (DC 54), prismatic wall (DC 56), protection from energy, protection from evil, rary’s telepathic bond, rainbow, rainbow pattern (DC 51), refreshment, refuge, regenerate, reincarnate (DC 51), remove disease, remove fear, repulsion (DC 54), righteous might, sanctuary (DC 48), scintillating pattern, searing light, sustain, spell immunity, spell resistance, status, stoneskin, sympathy (DC 55), summon monster IX (good creatures only), sunbeam (DC 54), sunburst (DC 55), tongues.
1/day – calm emotions (DC 51)
Master of Radiance Spell-like Abilities (CL 56th; +1 good spells; all [fire] and [light] spells are intensified; only usable during aura of radiance)
1/round – beam of sunlight, searing light
Morninglord Spell-like Abilities (CL 54th; +1 good spells; all [fire] and [light] spells are intensified)
1/day – daylight, searing ray (as searing light, but automatically empowered against undead)
Cleric Spells per Day (CL 54th; +1 good spells; all spells are energized and maximized; all [fire] and [light] spells are intensified)
20th (3+1/day) – heightened intensified end to strife (DC 63) (x2), heightened last judgement (DC 70), enhanced heightened intensified mass heal (DC 59) (D).
19th (3+1/day) – heightened miracle (DC 69) (x2), consecrated intensified purified sacred storm of vengeance (DC 59), enhanced empowered heightened sunburst (DC 63) (D).
18th (3+1/day) – consecrated enhanced heightened purified flame strike (DC 62) (x2) (D), intensified quickened righteous smite (DC 57), enhanced intensified righteous smite (DC 57).
17th (3+1/day) – heightened holy word (DC 67) (D), heightened know true name (DC 67), empowered intensified lion’s roar (DC 58), heightened quickened miracle (DC 63).
16th (4+1/day) – intensified mass heal (DC 59), intensified righteous exile (DC 59) (x2), intensified storm of vengeance (DC 59), enhanced quickened sunburst (DC 58) (D).
15th (4+1/day) – empowered intensified blade barrier (DC 56) (D), enhanced quickened searing erupt (DC 59) (x2), intensified mass cure critical wounds, heightened righteous glare (DC 65).
14th (4+1/day) – enhanced fire-substituted fiery searing lion’s roar (DC 58) (D), heightened quickened holy word (DC 60) (x2), empowered quickened sunburst (DC 58) (x2).
13th (4+1/day) – enhanced quickened flame strike (DC 55) (D), quickened implosion (DC 59) (x2), quickened sublime revelry, intensified weight of sin (DC 56).
12th (5+1/day) – empowered enhanced blade barrier (DC 56) (D), empowered enhanced cometfall (DC 56), intensified divine retribution (DC 55), consecrated purified sacred firestorm (DC 58) (x2), quickened visions of the future.
11th (5+1/day) – quickened amber sarcophagus, consecrated purified quickened cometfall (DC 56), sacred searing erupt (DC 59), quickened greater shield of lathander, quickened light of purity, quickened sunbeam (DC 57) (D).
10th (5+1/day) – quickened crown of brilliance, consecrated fire-substituted searing earthquake (DC 58), quickened heal (DC 56) (D), empowered fire-substituted stormrage.
9th (7+1/day) – heightened eternal rest (DC 56), quickened flame strike (DC 55), feast of champions, gate, mantle of the fiery spirit, prismatic sphere (DC 59) (D), summon elemental monolith, undeath’s eternal foe.
8th (8+1/day) – chain dispel, holy aura (DC 58) (D), illusion purge, know true name (DC 58), mass restoration, mass valiant spirit, spread of contentment (DC 58), shun the dark chaos (DC 58), consecrated purified wages of sin.
7th (8+1/day) – bastion of good, control weather, fortunate fate, quickened light of Venya (DC 53), rain of embers (DC 57), radiant assault (x2) (DC 57), rejuvenating light (DC 57), sunbeam (DC 57) (D).
6th(8+1/day) – chasing perfection, consecrate battlefield, quickened deific vengeance (DC 52), heal (DC 56) (D), fiery vision (x2), ghost trap, light of courage (DC 56), vigorous circle.
5th (9+1/day) – atonement, blistering radiance (DC 55), chaav’s laugh (DC 55), condemnation (DC 55), crown of flame, divine agility, divine retribution (DC 55), searing meteoric strike (DC 54) (x2), valiant fury (D).
4th (10+1/day) – aligned aura (DC 54), assay spell resistance (x2), aura of the sun (x2), channeled divine health, cure critical wounds, holy smite (DC 54) (D), recitation, sacred haven, sunmantle.
3rd (10+1/day) – cure serious wounds, fell the greatest foe, find the gap, flamebound symbol (x2), forced manifestation (DC 53), heart’s ease, mass align weapon, phieran’s resolve, prayer (D), protection from negative energy.
2nd (10+1/day) – detect aberration, eagle’s splendor, healing lorecall, make whole, mark of doom (x2), mark of judgment (x2) (DC 52), master’s touch, share talents, shield other (D).
1st (10+1/day) – bless water, conviction, detect taint, divine favor, endure elements (D), exorcism (x2) (DC 51), nimbus of light, ray of hope, ray of resurgence, vision of heaven (DC 51).
Orisons (6/day) – create water, cure minor wounds, guidance, light, purify food and drink, read magic.
Epic Spells Prepared 6 divine, up to Spellcraft DC 122
Epic Spells Known epic mage armor, epic repulsion, epic spell reflection, global warming, glorious light of renewal, greater ruin, hellball, nailed to the sky, nimbus, rain of fire, ruin, superb dispelling. Lathander has additionally created many epic spells that bring light and life, as well as bring ruin to the undead.
Abilities Str 50, Dex 42, Con 50, Int 36, Wis 51, Cha 50
SQ avatar, bane of the restless, celestial fortitude, celestial minion 1/day, creative fire +20, divine grace, divinity, immortality, lathander’s light, resist fiendish lure
Feats Awesome Smite, Battle Blessing, Cleave, Consecrate Spell, Corona (Will DC 62), Divine Censure (Will DC 62), Divine Might, Divine Vengeance, Empower Spell, Energize Spell, Energy Substitution (fire), Extra Turning, Fiery Spell, Heighten Spell, Heighten Turning, Holy Potency, Improved Critical (heavy mace), Improved Initiative, Improved Turning, Maximize Spell (B), Power Attack, Purify Spell, Quicken Spell, Quicken Turning, Sacred Vengeance, Sanctify Martial Strike, Searing Spell, Weapon Focus (heavy mace), Words of Creation (B)
Epic Feats Enhance Spell, Epic Divine Might, Epic Divine Vengeance, Epic Spellcasting (B), Great Smiting (x2), Improved Heighten Spell, Intensify Spell, Intensify Turning, Multiturning, Positive Energy Aura, Superior Initiative
Salient Divine Abilities Area Divine Shield (170 hp in a 170 ft square or a 17 ft sphere or hemisphere), Automatic Metamagic (energize spell), Banestrike (evil outsiders), Banestrike (undead), Call Creatures (17 celestials with up to 37 HD), Divine Inspiration (hope), Divine Fast Healing (x2), Divine Paladin, Divine Spellcasting, Divine Weapon Focus (heavy mace), Divine Weapon Specialization (heavy mace), Earthmother’s Boon (unique salient divine ability), Energy Burst (170 ft, 136 fire damage), Energy Storm (170 ft, 17 holy and 17 positive), Gift of Life, Indomitable Strength, Life and Death (Fort DC 79 or die, 340 damage on a successful save), Lord of the Dawn (unique salient divine ability), Mass Life and Death (any number of creatures no more than 17 miles apart, Fort DC 79 or die, 340 damage on a successful save), Power of Nature, Rejuvenation (-17, -34 in Morninglory), Undead Mastery (17 creatures)
Skills Appraise 70 (78 paintings and sculptures), Bluff 82, Concentration 125, Craft (painting) 138, Craft (sculpting) 138, Diplomacy 143, Gather Information 72, Heal 125, Jump 84, Intimidate 86, Knowledge (arcana) 80, Knowledge (history) 92, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 118, Knowledge (religion) 118, Knowledge (the planes) 118, Listen 77, Perform 145, Ride 62, Search 75, Sense Motive 82, Spot 77, Spellcraft 122, Survival 67 (75 extraplanar), Swim 82, Tumble 67
Possessions +8 full plate of the celestial battalion, dawnspeaker

Aura of Radiance (Su) The light of Lathander shines perpetually. No matter how dark it is, the Morninglord sees as though the conditions were identical to the outdoors at sunrise. This ability functions like darkvision out to 60 feet, except that he sees in color. Lathander also has a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws against spells with the darkness descriptor and a +2 sacred bonus to Armor Class against attacks from undead creatures.
Beam of Sunlight (Sp) Lathander can evoke a dazzling beam of intense light (the equivalent of a beam from the sunbeam spell) once per round as a full-round action as long as his radiant aura is active as a 56th level caster.
Blessing of Dawn (Su) The sight of the morning sun is an inspirational vision for the Morninglord. Lathander gains a +2 morale bonus on Will saves from sunrise until noon. This ability is in effect only while he can see the sun; the effect is suppressed any time he is deprived of the sight of it during this period.
Celestial Fortitude (Su) Lathander’s endurance and fortitude are enhanced against fiendish attacks. He has a +2 sacred bonus to all Fortitude saving throws against effects from evil outsiders and evil spells. Additionally, if he makes a successful Fortitude saving throw against an effect from an evil spell or evil outsider that normally deals half damage or partial effects on a successful save, he instead takes no damage and suffers no partial effects.
Celestial Minion (Sp) Lathander may summon a Medium or smaller size celestial animal (with the celestial creature template) as a standard action usable once a day. This celestial minion carries the same responsibilities as a paladin's special mount and gains the same bonuses to its HD, natural armor, Strength, Intelligence, and other special abilities that a paladin's special mount has, but only remains for 20 hours before returning to the outer plane from whence it came.
Creative Fire (Ex) The Morninglord is a creative, expressive deity. He has a bonus equal to his morninglord level on all Craft and Perform checks.
Divinity Lathander is an embodiment of ancient divine power. As such, reality is his to shape as he sees fit.
Alter Reality: Lathander may alter reality within the bounds of his portfolio. This functions as a wish spell that requires no XP or material cost. The limits of this ability are fully described in Deities and Demigods. He can additionally alter his size from Fine to Colossal and may additionally alter up to 100 pounds of objects in the same manner.
Avatar: Lathander can have up to 20 avatars at any given time. The Morninglord appears as a golden-skinned athletic male of exceeding beauty who has just fully entered early manhood. He wears noble robes constructed in the colors of the dawn, carries himself proudly, and dresses in the finest golden plate armor if attending to matters that might turn violent.
Divine Blast: Lathander can create a ray of divine power that extends for up to 17 miles, dealing up to 444 points of damage, as a ranged touch attack with no saving throw. Lathander can unleash a divine blast 23 times per day, and alter the visual, auditory and sensation-based qualities of his divine blast as he desires. Lathander’s divine blasts generally take the form of rays of fiery sunlight.
Divine Shield: As a free action 23 times per day, Lathander can create a shield that lasts 10 minutes and stops 170 points of damage from attacks. Once the shield stops that much damage, it collapses. Any damage Lathander is naturally immune to does not count towards the shield’s limits.
Earthmother’s Boon (unique salient divine ability) Chauntea is Lathander’s lover and has bestowed a degree of protection over her consort. By her grace, the Lord of the Dawn cannot be harmed by any nonmagical plant or any creature with less than 33 Hit Dice with the plant subtype. Epic creatures and creatures with equal or more than 33 Hit Dice must succeed at a Will save (DC 79) to harm the Morninglord.
Greater Turning (Su) Six times per day, Lathander may use greater turning as the granted power of the Sun domain. This is superseded by his Lord of the Dawn salient divine ability.
Lathander's Light (Su) Whenever Lathander casts a spell with the light descriptor, its area is doubled.
Lord of the Dawn (unique salient divine ability) Lathander is the sun. He is the light that drives back the darkness, the brilliant spark that lights the way out of night and the creative brilliance within every artist. His dominion over light and the sun, both physical and metaphysical, grants him a variety of powers as listed below:
Fires of the Sun: The light of the sun shields Lathander’s body. This protection renders Lathander immune to all forms of magical and nonmagical fire, with searing effects only dealing half damage. In addition, spells and spell-like abilities cast by Lathander from the Sun domain, or with the [fire] and [light] descriptors, are similarly enhanced and are always intensified.
Radiance of the Dawn: Lathander can shed light equal to full sunlight in a 17-mile emanation from his body that counters and dispels all Darkness effects unless created by a higher ranked deity. Undead and evil outsiders caught within the radius must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 79) or be destroyed and turned into dust. Creatures vulnerable to sunlight suffer a -17 penalty to the saving throw. A successful saving throw still deals 17d8 points of damage, while creatures vulnerable to sunlight suffer 17d12 points of damage.
Spark of Creativity: Lathander is the commander of creativity, the inspiration and muse for craftsmen and artists throughout the Realms. 17 times per day, Lathander may bestow a +17 divine bonus to any Craft or Performance check, or the Efficient Item Creation feat, to up to 17 creatures for the next 24 hours. Performances and non-magical items crafted beneath the aegis of this ability always earn three times the normal gold amount and have three times the listed market price in cost. Magical items crafted with the benefit of this ability add +17,000 gp to the listed market price and increase any numeric benefit (enhancement bonuses for the purpose of attack and damage rolls, armor and save bonuses and so forth) by +4.
Spurn the Profane: Lathander uses the totality of his character level to determine the effectiveness of his ability to smite evil, turn outsiders and undead as well as any of his feats that affect the undead. His turn attempts resolve as greater turnings (as the granted power of the Sun domain). In addition, Lathander adds his paladin spells to his clerical spell list, using the sum of both lists to determine his caster level.
Wrath of the Dawn: As a standard action Lathander can generate a ray of scorching light that extends for up to 17 miles and inflicts 17d6 points of damage, half fire and half divine. As a full attack option, he can generate up to four rays, and undead and evil outsiders suffer 17d12 points of damage. In addition, Lathander can duplicate the effects of any spell with the [light] descriptor as a standard action. (CL 65th, DC 50 plus spell level).
Maximize Turning (Su) Once per day, Lathander can automatically achieve the maximum possible result on a turning damage roll. This is superseded by his natural divine powers.
Radiant Aura (Su) Three times per day, Lathander can emanate an aura of brilliant light that weakens undead creatures for one minute. The aura provides bright illumination in a 30-foot radius around him, and shadowy illumination for an additional 30 feet beyond that. Creatures that take penalties in bright light also take them while within the radius of the bright aura. In addition, undead creatures within the radius of bright light take a —2 penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. Activating the radiant aura is a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. While his radiant aura is active, Lathander casts spells with the light descriptor at +2 caster level. The radiant aura is the equivalent of a 5th-level spell with the light descriptor for the purpose of interacting with spells and effects with the darkness descriptor.
Rejuvenation of the Morn (Su) Dawn is a powerful symbol of rebirth and renewal. Once per tenday, Lathander may spend one uninterrupted hour before dawn in prayer. As soon as the sun rises after this prayer ritual, he gains one benefit of his choice from the following list.
· Healing up to full normal hit points (self only).
· Removal of any poisons or diseases (self only). This effect does not restore ability damage or ability drain caused by poison or disease.
· Full restoration of ability damage due to one poison or disease.
If his prayers are interrupted for even a single round, the attempt is ruined, and he must wait a full tenday to try again.
Resist Fiendish Lure (Su) Lathander has a +4 sacred bonus to all saving throws against mind-affecting attacks of evil outsiders.
Dawnspeaker, Lathander’s gold-and-ivory mace, is a +10 fiery blast ghost strike mighty disruption heavy mace of holy power and evil outsider and undead dread. When held by the Morninglord, it also functions as a holy devastator. The DC of the weapon’s disruption and dread abilities is 79, and creatures vulnerable to sunlight suffer a -17 penalty to saving throws made to resist Dawnspeaker’s abilities. Lathander is known to loan out Dawnspeaker to questors and warriors he deems worthy and can call it back to his hand from anywhere in the cosmos.
The Morninglord also occasionally wears a set of golden +8 full plate with the powers of an armor of the celestial battalion. The bonuses are not reflected in the above statistics.
Other Divine Powers As a greater deity, Lathander automatically receives the best possible result on any die roll he makes (including attack rolls, damage, checks, and saves). He treats a 1 on an attack roll or saving throw normally and not as an automatic failure. He is immortal. Senses Lathander can see (using normal vision or darkvision), hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 17 miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within 17 miles of his worshippers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to 20 locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 17 hours. Portfolio Sense Lathander is aware of any event under the light of the sun, competition or act of artistry of the number of people involved up to 17 weeks in the past and 17 weeks in the future. Automatic Actions Lathander can use any skill related to his portfolio as a free action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower. He can perform up to twenty such free actions each round. Create Magic Items Lathander can craft any magical item that associated with heat and light, aids in self-empowerment, preserves or restores vitality or harms the undead, including artifacts.
Eternal Rest [Ravenloft: Legacy of Blood 71]
Level: Cleric 6
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Ray (see text)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will partial (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell creates a ray of golden light that destroys one undead creature’s material body (if it has one), causing it to crumble to dust, which is then wafted away in a swirling breeze. This spell affects incorporeal undead without the usual incorporeal miss chance, and such a creature merely winks out of existence if it fails its save. If the target makes a successful save, it still takes 6d6 points of damage. If the creature has a special quality that allows it to return after destruction (such as a vampire’s fast healing power or a ghost’s rejuvenation power), the creature gains a bonus equal to its Charisma modifier on its saving throw. If such a creature fails its saving throw against this spell, it must make a successful Will save at the same DC (also with its Charisma modifier as a bonus) to return. If the creature’s method of return normally requires a saving throw (as a ghost’s rejuvenation power does), the creature must first make that saving throw, then make the Will saving throw against this spell.
You can improve your chance of success by presenting at least one object or substance that the target hates, fears, or otherwise finds repulsive or painful (such as a mirror and bud of garlic for a vampire). For each such object or substance, you gain a +1 bonus on your caster level check to overcome the target’s spell resistance (if any), and the spell’s saving throw DC increases by +1. A particular creature’s history might suggest additional objects or substances that would make the spell more effective.
This spell can also be cast when an undead creature has been physically destroyed and its remains are not present. In this case, the spell must be aimed at the spot where the creature was destroyed, and it must be used within 1 minute of the undead creature’s destruction. No attack roll is required for this use of the spell.
This spell can destroy an undead darklord’s physical form, but it cannot prevent the darklord from returning.
Rainbow [Dragon Magazine 321 68]
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Cleric 6, Radiance 6
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Effect: Rainbow bow, quiver, and arrows
Duration: 1 hour / level
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: Yes
A rainbow-hued longbow appears in your hand, along with a full quiver of arrows fletched with different colors. The longbow is considered a +1 longbow that the caster is proficient with. The quiver holds an endless supply of seven different colored arrows, each being made of a different material and having the following effects:
Red: +1 elemental-bane adamantine arrows.
Orange: +1 construct-bane silver arrows.
Yellow: +1 plant-bane evil-aligned arrows.
Green: +1 magical beast-bane good-aligned arrows.
Blue: +1 undead-bane lawful-aligned arrows.
Indigo: +1 aberration-bane chaotic-aligned arrows.
Violet: +1 dragon-bane cold iron arrows.
Only the caster is able to use the bow, quiver, and arrows. They appear immediately back in the caster’s possession if dropped or given away, though the caster may drop the bow and quiver to use another item, but can rematerialize them at will, as a free action. The bow, quiver, and arrows have no weight and cannot be disarmed or sundered.
Know True Name [Kalamar: Player’s Guide 3.0 177]
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Cleric 8
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Ranged: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. / 2 levels)
Target: One fiend
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You force a fiend to tell you its true name. Once you know a fiend’s true name, all spells that you cast at that creature have their save DCs increase by +4. You also gain a +4 on all checks to penetrate the creature’s spell resistance.
submitted by LordofBones89 to Forgotten_Realms [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:14 Appropriate-Mud5376 did anyone else do this

submitted by Appropriate-Mud5376 to APbio [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:14 xvndr Seeking advice for camera insurance vs protection plan

Hi everyone,
First, I hope this post is okay for this sub. Apologies if not - I can delete if needed. I’m in the market for an upgrade to mirrorless (considering either the Sony A7IV or Canon R6mkII) and I’ve been looking into protection plans. I currently have a Canon T8i and I'm exploring whether to go with a protection plan like Canon's CarePAK or Best Buy’s Geek Squad plan versus a personal articles policy (PAP). This is mostly for accidental coverage that I’m looking for. Given that my T8i was relatively inexpensive, I never got either; but, upgrading to a much more expensive body, I’d like to get either a PAP or some sort of protection plan.
Total cost of new gear (body + lenses): between $3500-$4000
From my research, here are some pros and cons I’ve found for each:
Pros: - Comprehensive coverage: Covers accidental damage, theft, loss, etc. - Worldwide coverage: I’m sure it depends on the insurer, but protection regardless of location. - Seems to be generally more affordable.
Cons: - Claims impact: Could affect premiums, and multiple claims might lead to non-renewal. - Higher deductibles: Typically higher than protection plans like CarePAK or Geek Squad. - Homeowner’s insurance impact: Frequent claims could influence eligibility or premiums for homeowner’s insurance. - Anecdotal: I’ve read some stories on Reddit about insurance companies dropping people after making a claim; have also read something about claims affecting eligibility/rates for homeowner’s insurance.
Extended Warranties (e.g., Canon CarePAK, Geek Squad):
Pros: - Accidental damage coverage: Covers drops, spills, and other mishaps. - No impact on home insurance in the future - Have read good things about CarePAK through Canon as well as Geek Squad’s plans. Most experiences I’ve seen have been pretty seamless. Sony, on the other hand, not so much (which is why I’d use Best Buy for the Geek Squad plan, or just get a PAP).
Cons: - Limited coverage: Usually doesn’t cover theft or loss, but probably depends. - Fixed term: Coverage limited to the duration of the warranty period. - Generally more expensive.
I’ve read that insurers can sometimes deny claims or drop your coverage if you make a claim on a PAP, and that claims might make it harder to get homeowner’s insurance in the future. Because of this, I’ve been leaning toward a protection plan (CarePAK if I decide on the Canon, Geek Squad plan if I decide on the Sony). Haven’t had any issues with my T8i (knock on wood) and don’t expect to (obviously) with a new camera. If it’s something in the realm of a few hundred bucks for a repair, I’d just pay that out of pocket. My concern is once it starts to reach the $1000 range.
For context, I currently have renter’s insurance through State Farm. I’m not a homeowner yet, but I don’t want a PAP claim to affect my approval or rates in the future. This would be non-business insurance for personal use.
Has anyone, specifically those with photography as a hobby and not business, had experiences making claims with either PAPs or protection plans for their cameras? What did you find worked best for you? Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by xvndr to photography [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:24 TheYourPetGuide Does Cat Litter biodegrade or Expire ?

When it comes to the question "Does cat litter biodegrade?", the answer depends on the type of cat litter you use. Here’s a detailed look at the different types of cat litter and their biodegradability:

Types of Cat Litter and Their Biodegradability

1. Clay-Based Cat Litter

Clay-based cat litters are the most common but are not biodegradable. They are made from bentonite clay, which is strip-mined and does not break down naturally. This type of litter can sit in landfills for a very long time, contributing to environmental waste.

2. Silica Gel Litter

Silica gel litter, also known as crystal litter, is another non-biodegradable option. Made from silicon dioxide, it absorbs moisture but does not break down in the environment. Like clay litter, it poses a disposal problem.

3. Biodegradable Cat Litter

Biodegradable cat litters are made from natural, renewable resources and can break down naturally over time. These include:

Benefits of Biodegradable Cat Litter

Tips for Using Biodegradable Cat Litter

By choosing biodegradable cat litter, you can help reduce your cat's environmental pawprint. Always look for eco-friendly options that meet your cat’s needs while being kind to the planet.
submitted by TheYourPetGuide to u/TheYourPetGuide [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:18 Anon-boy- Will I have problems/be denied entry at the airport?

Salam brothers and sisters,
I'm a Syrian male, early 20s with German citizenship. I'll be using my German passport to enter at Cairo International airport.
As I understand, I only need a Visa on arrival and $25 Cash to pay for it.
I'm coming to visit one of my aunts (and cousins etc.) that lives there, and to meet some more relatives arriving from a different country to visit them too.
But with the current Genocide in Gaza, me traveling alone as an early 20s male, I feel like it's a recipe to be arrested by Mukhabarat and interrogated for like 3 days only to be bailed out by the German embassy and immediately put back on a plane to Germany.
What's the likelihood of that actually happening?
To clarify, I don't have a Syrian passport despite being a citizen and being born there (left at like 9 yrs old, parents renewed once at age 14-15 I think). Last time it was renewed, I was a child, so I don't have any Syrian papers whatsoever.
Also, a few more unrelated questions:
Can I convert Euros to Egyptian Pound at the airport or nearby for a reasonable exchange rate (what exchange rate can I expect roughly? Google says 1 EUR = 51 EGP, but before February it was 1 = 33)?
Can I withdraw Cash at ATMs with a MasterCard? Are ATMs common?
How much money should I bring for a week? I'm staying with relatives, food etc. is arranged, it's mainly getting a Taxi from and to the airport, and small everyday expenses like eating at a Café/Restaurant (none tourist area), buying snacks, perhaps buying 1-2 pairs of normal shoes, Jeans and 2-3 T-Shirts. Is 200-300€ (10-15k EGP) enough?
Where to find a Boycott list (I know that they sell in other names unknown to non locals)?
Regarding prayer times, I assume Adhaan is called loudly for each prayer. But how long after that does the prayer in the Masjid actually start? There's a standardized delay of X minutes, right? Or is it different from Mosque to Mosque, like here in the West?
What's the chance that police/Mukhabarat at the airport demands that I unlock my phone to read through my private stuff? What's the consequence of refusing?
If I'm approached/interrogated/detained by someone who claims to be civilian dressed police in the street, on a bus or in a restaurant/mosque or wherever, how do I know they're truly police and not just a robber or criminal? In Germany nobody gets to tell me what to do if they're not uniformed police, or show ID to prove they're undercover police. Not even military in uniform have any authority over civilians. But I read in a different post here that armed civilian police, with guns openly drawn/worn, searched a bus the OP was on without providing any ID, any announcement or clarification to anyone. Do I just STFU and assume it's legit police every time?
Who do I call if someone is overstepping their boundaries? Police?
If someone attacks me/provokes a fight, and I defend myself and let's say I punch them or whatever, am I screwed?
I'm sorry to overwhelm you with so many questions, but the ADHD/over worrying kicks in hard for me in unknown circumstances.
Thanks so much for anyone who takes the time to answer some of my questions.
submitted by Anon-boy- to CAIRO [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:03 Pristine_Reality2606 Twin or karmic loop?

I (then 28F)met the person who I feel is my twin runner (26M) in September 2021 at work. He was taking a contracted position. He was a new contracted employee and we were immediately drawn to one another. We had the unusual urge to tell each other quickly about our lives, past traumas, hopes,and got to know each other well. We became close friends and always spent time at lunch, read books together, took walks outside whenever time allowed. We never crossed boundaries though. He was in a relationship with someone (recently just got back together) with whom he shared a then 16 month old with. Despite this, I just had this inexplicable feeling and knowing that we were going to get together. He even gave me his favorite book and jokingly said “I’m giving you my soul here!” At some point in the spring of 2022, his relationship with his ex girlfriend fell apart. This time for good. A month later, we inevitably got together—intimately, sexually after one night. All that tension for months finally released and it was truly unlike any other experience. It all felt right, but there was always this discomfort underneath everything. He was worried that I would be resentful since he came with “baggage”-the kids and a complicated situation with his ex (she doesn’t work so he had to financially support her). It didn’t help that the contract he had at our place of work ended and he couldn’t renew. He eventually ran. He got another contracted position at one state and his ex with the kids moved in another state. Throughout this time, I was devastated. I had no desire to date and never found the connection I had with him with anyone else. And while I don’t put much emphasis on signs and synchronicities, one night, five months after he ran, I saw a shooting star and wished for his well being and a sign that he was okay. Within the hour, he texted me(after not reaching out for like 4 months) asking if I still worked at the same place. It wasn’t until March 2023 that he reached out to me and let me know he wanted to come back to my place of work. He did so that June and thus began our “relationship”. Ultimately, it was very loving, playful, respectful, adventurous, but there was always fear and tension looming. I kept getting triggered because he seemed non committal about spending time and making plans with me. I didn’t feel like a priority, but constantly picked over. Maybe this was just a relationship of convenience for him, I often thought. It didn’t help that we kept this a secret because we didn’t want people at work to find out. I would experience random crying spells and anxiety, because of how uncertain things were. In hindsight and in fairness to him, parenting and traveling between states is a hard thing to navigate, but it still made me feel like I was someone he could just “squeeze in”. Moreover, he decided to stay permanently at work this time around, but that meant making less money than what he made as a contractor. All of these stressors added up and he eventually decided to quit, choosing a job closer to his girls. We are in contact, but it is minimal. I’m coming to terms with the fact that right now, a relationship with this person just isn’t feasible despite loving him unconditionally. He is so present as a parent and always strives to give his kid the childhood he never got. I personally know what it feels like to be abandoned by a parent, so of course I understand that his babies are the number one priority. I expect that. I want him to grow into the best person he feels he could be and just have peace in his life. Intellectually, I can accept this 3-D reality of us not being together, but energetically I still can’t shake him off. No other relationship has made me self reflect like this, and yet I can’t decide if this is indeed my twin or if I’m stuck in a loop with a karmic.
submitted by Pristine_Reality2606 to twinflames [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:00 AutoModerator Non Perth or WA and General Discussion Thread – May 19, 2024

A weekly thread to cover general discussion. If you have anything that is not directly related to Perth or WA (national politics, international goings on, music, whatever) but just want to chat about it, post it here. Non WA or Perth related posts outside of this thread will be deleted.
This post renews every Sunday morning.
submitted by AutoModerator to perth [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:43 XplorerAlpha How to: Build a Google Sheets Time and Earnings Tracker Template

I would like to build a google sheets template for my own use. I want to track my work hours spent and also the earnings based on hours spent. I do not want to track clock-in/clock-out. Simply want to track total hours spent on a project on a daily basis. Track regular hours, overtime hours and non-billable hours Calculate earnings based on a percentage of hourly rate.
I have put together a google sheet, I am attaching the same here and i would like help to complete the missing portions where i aim to calculate the following
Due to privacy reasons, i am attaching just the published HTML view of the google sheet. Let me know how can i attach the original google sheet without having privacy concerns and i shall be glad to do that.
submitted by XplorerAlpha to googlesheets [link] [comments]