Abgx360 screenshot of ssv2

Questions about SSv1 and SSv2 + is there a new DMI/SS filename list?

2021.09.21 19:56 Rysllo Questions about SSv1 and SSv2 + is there a new DMI/SS filename list?

I really tried to Google it, but seems to not have a consent from the community. I never paid attention to this particular thing, burned a lot of games and worked just fine, even using a notebook non-modded dual-layer burner. But now I discovered this and I'm not sure of what it really implies in the real world.
My doubts are:
  1. What's the differences between SSv1 and SSv2?
  2. What burning a game, on a LT 3.0 xbox 360, with SSv1 or SSv2 really implies?
  3. Is there a new way to check the DMI and SS filenames, as long as abgx360.net/verified.php is offline? Like, hadzz website has like 15k stealth files, but I dunno which one to use with each game (to change from SSv1 to SSv2).
Thanks in advance.
  1. Use hadzz46's website VERIFIED LIST(WIP) to see if your game have SSv2.
  2. If so, convert SSv1 to SSv2 using IronRingX's TUTORIAL.
  3. Never trust Windows search, always use the full SS/DMI file name in the search bar.
Thanks again for the help, you're awesome.
submitted by Rysllo to 360hacks [link] [comments]

2020.08.12 14:16 TheVAAAN XGD3 Games stuck at 49% verification.

XGD3 Games stuck at 49% verification.
Hi, I received an error in both IMGBurn and abgx360 with the verification of my backed up games. The game disc will stop spinning at 49% of both tools and the program will return with an error. The ISO ran through abgx360 no problems but checking the disc through it won't work. I attached a screenshot of both errors below.
Thanks in advance!
ABGX360 Verification
IMGBurn Verification
submitted by TheVAAAN to 360hacks [link] [comments]
