Baking powder uses

Bread machines, we love them!

2011.09.09 15:39 HardwareLust Bread machines, we love them!


2008.01.25 18:45 Cooking


2011.12.15 06:30 Donnerkatze AskCulinary


2024.05.14 09:00 b1tchxx Cockroach Killer help please.

Cockroach Killer help please.
Anyone know where to find cockroach bait killer specifically a GREEN bait sachet powdesugar consistency. I don’t know the product name. Last time I used it was 10 years ago in Qatar.
Thank you.
submitted by b1tchxx to qatar [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:55 Professional-Time-59 type me based on my answers to the questions! (warning: long!)

Hello! I am 20 years old and a female. I’m not very big on socializing and tend to be pretty introverted, not because I hate people but because it usually is exhausting for me. I try to look out for people and don’t like to tell anyone about my problems or feelings; I am also someone who cares a lot about people but doesn’t normally voice it, but would rather show it through gifts or acts of service. I like to pay attention to the details of things and people, and I often have a weird feeling that I can “predict” people or know how they will be/are… and so far, I’ve usually been right. I have a strong moral code and will always advocate for the underdog. I think deeply about things and tend to have a lot of empathy. I experience things and feel that I also think of things differently than most people. I have a hard time explaining my thoughts, but I’ll do my best!
I don’t have any kind of mental diagnosis that could affect my mental stability.
My upbringing was actually very positive. My family has been big on religion since I was born, but it’s something that I take comfort in and agree with. It brings purpose to my life and helps me to be the person I am. I have two parents who love me and take care of me, and younger siblings that I love dearly. I have cousins who double as my friends, aunts and uncles who have me over all the time, and grandparents that I love so, so much. Having many younger siblings did tend to get lonely at times, especially when they were younger, but it taught me independence and I do my best to take care of them. I count myself as extremely fortunate to have such wonderful people in my life.
As a job, I currently work as a barista. To be honest, I don’t really like it very much. My coworkers are very nice and I get along well with them, and I also like a lot of our regular customers, but my manager makes it a very toxic and negative environment that simply goes against my moral code. I also dislike the fact that most people that I see, I only see them in passing. I’d rather have few deep, meaningful connections that many shallow connections, if that makes any sense? I do enjoy the idea of getting to make people’s days, and I like to encourage the bashful people and love seeing sweet children, too! Both customers and coworkers tend to tell me personal stories, and I really enjoy getting to know them truly and seeing what makes them the way they are. I also tend to think sometimes that I feel a higher calling. I want to be somewhere truly helping people. I feel that I need to make a difference and positively influence people.
Spending an entire weekend by myself would be nice. I don’t NEED human contact, and can generally entertain myself without becoming bored. I do, however, find it a little depressing when it’s TOO quiet, especially since I grew up with my environment being everything but quiet. Normally, I like being near people, especially if I’m not even talking to them. Just sharing the space with someone is comforting enough for me! Overall, though, I do need to be alone frequently and tend to run away from life sometimes throughout the day. I would probably find a weekend alone to be really refreshing, so I could connect with myself and not other people.
I prefer activities where you work alone. I like to bake a lot, especially because it makes me happy when people enjoy the things I’ve made! I greatly enjoy sharing my food. I also like to read and can also write, as they both provide me with the an escape from reality at times. My favorite parts about both is understanding and connecting with the characters in the stories. If I have a favorite character, I like to think about what they think about and how they interact with the world. I feel like it’s something most people would find mundane, but I could do it all day! I enjoy being outdoors and connecting with nature, but I don’t particularly enjoy sports.
I tend to be very curious about many things. I like to know how people work. Not normally objects, but people. I find psychology to be extremely interesting, and could spend hours watching true crime investigations. If I see a stray cat, I wonder how it feels and what it has experienced. When I see a person who is upset, I wonder what happened to cause it and how I can help. I can normally tell quickly when something is wrong, and I am usually good at figuring out what I can do to help and am able to read people to understand the best ways to comfort them. It makes sense thinking that in my head, but writing it down sure makes it seem confusing!
Taking a leadership position is not my preferred route. If it falls down to me, I certainly would try hard to make sure the people working under me are happy. I’d rather make the people around my happy than the company itself. I’d like to be an advocate for their rights and happiness if anything was unfair, and I would like for us to be a “team” rather than simply a workplace. I’d like everyone to have fun at work and feel like friends and family. I know the world doesn’t work that way, but I can certainly dream, right?
In terms of coordination, I feel that I’m in the middle. I’d rather play video games than any kind of sport. I don’t have the best balance or coordination, and I don’t typically do things that involve having a good sense of either.
I feel that I am typically artistic, and have a great appreciation for art. I’m not great at drawing, but I like to write a lot. I also think it feels nice to express yourself through music. I’ve done pottery and would like to start learning to crochet. I enjoy looking at certain arts, such as music and books. My favorite art in terms of drawing is abstract art. I love thinking of the endless possibilities of what it could mean, and also wonder how the artist felt when drawing the piece.
The past doesn’t typically have meaning to me. I can be sentimental about certain things at times, but I typically focus my energy mostly on the future. I do things in my present life to prepare for the future, and I have a positive outlook on the future. I don’t like to think of the things that I find unpleasant now, because I believe in a good, happy future where the things that currently bother me will no longer be able to affect me.
I typically will jump at the opportunity to help someone, especially if they are in my family. I do my best to make people’s days, and I try to be of service as best as I can. I used to be unable to say “no”, but I have since learned to enforce boundaries and would never do something that goes against my moral code. If I have a lot on my plate and someone asks me to do something for them, I will typically tell them that I will help them when I can or if I have the time.
Logical consistency is something that I find important, but I wouldn’t mind making exceptions for certain things. I take comfort in knowing that certain outcomes will always remain the same, as I get nervous sometimes when things are unknown. Since I normally can predict what will happen with certain people or events based on prior experience, I find it both interesting and disturbing when the outcome is different.
Efficiency and productivity are not my top priorities, but I do find them important. I like to be efficient in the things I do, but I will not go out of my way to find the “best” way to do something. I like to stay a little productive so that I don’t feel as if I haven’t done anything, but I am perfectly fine with sitting around doing nothing, too. It’s peaceful. I don’t like being in a rush.
Controlling others is something I never do on purpose, but I will admit I can manipulate sometimes. I would never negatively impact someone on purpose, but I am able to manipulate a situation if I find something to be unfair. I’m especially able to do this with the way my mind sees connections between people and things, as well as the way I see into other people’s minds and understand their feelings and actions. It sounds scary but I promise, I mean no harm! :)
Hobbies I enjoy include baking, playing video games, watching videos, writing/reading, and just being around people! I like to share the things I bake, and video games are fun because I can enjoy them alone or with my family. Playing games and watching videos, whether alone or with others, is fun and stimulating for my brain in all the right ways! I much prefer to write over speak, as I feel I can convey things better and express myself through writing. Reading allows me to look into the minds of other people and I think it’s just so fun.
Learning environments are something I normally can adapt to. Whether a teacher is strict or laid back, I am normally able to perform the same way. I can understand each side and typically earn the favor of teachers no matter their teaching styles. I tend to thrive better in environments where things are on a straight path, but I do like to express myself through various pieces of writing when possible.
When I have a project, I would much prefer to start it quickly and finish it as soon as possible. I don’t typically “wing” anything, although I won’t be torn up if something doesn’t go exactly according to plan. I’d rather break things up into manageable tasks and prefer to work alone. I strategize pretty well, but for the most part, I use the strategy as a guideline and like to be creative here and there.
My aspirations are to connect with and help people. I feel a calling to do something and be somewhere that I can help people and understand them. I want to make a difference. I want to be a part of people’s passions and learn their dreams. I want to know the mundane things about them. I want to learn, but I mainly want to help.
I fear being left and not needed. I also fear being taken advantage of and manipulated. I feel that I need to work hard in order to compensate for these things. I also greatly fear having no one to turn to. Being alone is nice, but being lonely is my worst nightmare.
The highs in my life are when I can be around people who don’t drain me. That good feeling after someone tells you you’ve made their day. That feeling you get after you and your family beat the level of the game you’ve been working hard at. The feeling after you look around at your clean room. The feeling after you finally quit that toxic job, or the feeling after someone eats the food you’ve made them. For me, all of those things paired with thinking about and understanding someone’s thoughts and intentions make me happy. They stimulate my brain, and give me that “AHA!” moment.
Lows in my life typically include feeling helpless. I hate when you don’t know how to assist someone, or when all you can do is sit with them. I also hate when people are cruel for no reason. I advocate for justice according to my moral code and I stand up for people as well as what I feel is right. I hate when I think I could have done something better. When I’m upset, I become pessimistic and tend to isolate myself. I hate being stuck with individuals who are unfeeling, uncaring, or narcissistic.
I tend to daydream more than I partake in reality. I have a hard time focusing on what is in front of me, and I like to think more on the hypotheticals. I daydream and think in order to gain a deeper understanding of the world around me, but it causes me to miss some of the simple things right in front of me.
Being alone in a blank, empty room would cause me to think about a lot of things. I would probably think of how to improve myself. I might think of birthday gifts for people, or the next thing I want to cook. I could think of nostalgic things, or the problems I am currently facing in my life. I think I would mostly think on self improvement and the interactions I’ve seen between people.
Making decisions is sometimes hard for me. I normally will go with what my gut tells me, unless there is an obvious logical choice. I tend to be indecisive sometimes, and like to make decisions quickly so I don’t have to think about them anymore. I don’t normally second guess decisions I’ve made.
Emotions are a big part of my life. I like to understand people’s thoughts and feelings, sometimes to the point where I will neglect my own. My own emotions can take me time to understand, but I can read most other people easily. I base my responses to things on how others are feeling.
Agreeing with others just to keep a conversation going is something that I find untruthful. If something goes against my personal moral code, I will either leave or change the subject. I will always kindly stand up for what I believe to be right. I tend to choose my battles, but I will never agree with something that I don’t believe in my heart.
Rules, to me, are made to be followed. Sometimes, I don’t mind bending them a little bit, but I do feel that most people should follow rules the majority of the time. I feel that rules keep things in order and are an important structure in certain places and environments.
submitted by Professional-Time-59 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:49 Confetti_Coyote Is this normal?

Is this normal?
First time using sculpey premo. Left is my sculpey III, right is the Premo. The premo is a different color, is that normal or is it "baked" (it was in the hot car for a while) is it salvageable if it was slightly baked?
submitted by Confetti_Coyote to Sculpey [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:45 JustANarwhale Super Bee Hexawash Experiences?

I currently use laundry sheets, but after learning they use PVA I am trying to find something better. I was windering if anyone has used the Hexawash which uses magnisium? I only do cold washes so I am skeptical about how well it may work. Please share if you have tried it :)
Edit: Also curious about people's experiences with Etee laundry powder?
submitted by JustANarwhale to ZeroWaste [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:41 FearlessEffort7577 Unveiling the Health Benefits of Ragi: A Nutritional Powerhouse

Unlocking the Nutritional Powerhouse: Ragi Benefits
Ragi, also known as finger millet, is a staple grain in many parts of India and Africa. This ancient grain is gaining popularity worldwide due to its impressive nutritional profile and numerous health benefits.

Understanding Ragi

Ragi is a rich source of nutrients, including carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein, and essential minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. It is also gluten-free, making it suitable for individuals with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

Health Benefits of Ragi

1. Rich in Calcium

Ragi is one of the best plant-based sources of calcium, crucial for maintaining bone health and preventing osteoporosis.

2. High in Dietary Fiber

The high fiber content in ragi aids digestion, promotes gut health, and helps prevent constipation.

3. Good Source of Protein

Ragi is an excellent source of plant-based protein, making it ideal for vegetarians and vegans looking to meet their protein needs.

4. Manages Diabetes

Ragi has a low glycemic index, meaning it releases glucose into the bloodstream slowly, helping regulate blood sugar levels and preventing spikes.

5. Supports Weight Loss

The high fiber and protein content in ragi contribute to increased satiety, reducing appetite and aiding weight loss efforts.

Culinary Uses of Ragi

Ragi can be consumed in various forms, including flour, whole grains, flakes, and malt. It is commonly used to make porridge, dosa, roti, and baked goods such as cookies and bread.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Ragi

Q: Is ragi suitable for gluten-free diets? A: Yes, ragi is naturally gluten-free and safe for individuals with gluten intolerance.
Q: Can ragi be consumed by diabetics? A: Yes, ragi has a low glycemic index and can be beneficial for managing blood sugar levels.
Q: How can I incorporate ragi into my diet? A: Ragi can be used to make porridge, dosa, roti, and baked goods, or added to smoothies and soups for an extra nutritional boost.


In conclusion, ragi is a nutritional powerhouse packed with health benefits. By incorporating ragi into your diet, you can enjoy improved bone health, better digestion, and overall well-being. Ragi benefits are many, so choose wisely and live healthily, Read about it more here .
submitted by FearlessEffort7577 to u/FearlessEffort7577 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:40 MemoryNeat7381 Any way to test the shirt or fabric that is giving me a reaction?

For some reason it seems cheaper cotton shirts that are more rough tend to give me a reaction after lots of use. Whereas more expensive higher quality cotton will be fine after a wash. I want to find what it is in the shirt that is causing an outbreak. Would I be able to cut part the shirt or soak it in water and send it to a lab? Also don’t know if I can try stripping (soaking in bathtub water with detergent and baking soda for 4 hours) to get rid of the irritant. Btw it’s not just my shirt. My gfs clothes will cause massive reactions for me. And it gets on the bed whatever it is. Only my expensive shirts that have been through the wash (with sensitive detergent) will feel ok after.
submitted by MemoryNeat7381 to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:37 Ok_Bowl_6419 My first Kult order!

My first Kult order!
I discovered Kult a week ago and this is how it went. -Mac Studio fix powder plus NC41 Medium coverage with perfect matte finish -Macximal lipstick in shade mehr Cool toned pink suitable for medium to fair skin tone -Smashbox tinted moisturiser in medium Medium coverage with dewy finish - Gush beauty stacked palatte in Weekdays to weekends (FREE) Blush and contour are of cream based and surprisingly good. Not a fan of the highlighter - MAC pouch (FREE)
Got all of these using PAYDAY and SUMMERTREAT
submitted by Ok_Bowl_6419 to KultUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:35 polishbaee where can i buy henna

heyyy :3 i use henna powder to color my hair, do you guys know where can I buy it in Riga? :3
submitted by polishbaee to latvia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:32 spidy789 Crispy Creations: Exploring the Delicious World of Zinger Strips and Frozen Zinger Wings

In the realm of crispy delights, few offerings tantalize the taste buds quite like Zinger strips and frozen Zinger wings. These delectable treats, renowned for their irresistible crunch and mouthwatering flavor, have captured the hearts of food enthusiasts around the globe. Let's embark on a culinary journey to uncover the savory secrets and delightful nuances of these beloved creations.
With their signature blend of spices and tender chicken, Zinger strips are a culinary masterpiece that never fails to impress. Each bite offers a symphony of flavors, from the bold kick of pepper to the subtle hint of garlic, creating a harmonious balance that leaves a lasting impression. Whether enjoyed on their own or paired with your favorite dipping sauce, Zinger strips are sure to satisfy even the most discerning palate.
But the allure of Zinger strips doesn't end there. These versatile morsels can be transformed into an array of mouthwatering dishes, from flavorful wraps to hearty salads. Their crispy exterior and juicy interior make them the perfect addition to any meal, adding a burst of flavor and texture that elevates every bite.
On the other hand, frozen Zinger wings offer a convenient and delicious option for those craving the classic taste of Zinger chicken in the comfort of their own home. These succulent wings are expertly seasoned and frozen to lock in their fresh flavor, ensuring a delightful dining experience with every bite. Whether baked, fried, or grilled, frozen Zinger wings deliver the same irresistible taste and crispy goodness that fans have come to know and love.
But what sets Zinger Wings apart from other frozen chicken options? It's all in the seasoning. The secret blend of herbs and spices used to marinate Zinger wings infuses each piece with a rich and savory flavor that is simply irresistible. Whether served as an appetizer, party snack, or main course, frozen Zinger wings will surely be a hit at any gathering.
In addition to their mouthwatering flavor, Zinger strips and frozen Zinger wings offer a convenient and hassle-free meal solution for busy individuals and families. With their quick and easy preparation, you can enjoy the delicious taste of Zinger chicken whenever the craving strikes, without the hassle of long cooking times or complicated recipes.
In conclusion, Zinger strips and frozen Zinger wings are more than just tasty treats – they're culinary sensations that have captured the hearts and taste buds of food lovers everywhere. Whether enjoyed as a snack, appetizer, or main course, these crispy creations are sure to delight with their bold flavor and satisfying crunch. So why wait? Indulge in the delicious world of Zinger chicken today and experience the magic for yourself.
submitted by spidy789 to Articles_Stuff [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:29 GiveScottPot Grinding, grinding and more grinding

Grinding, grinding and more grinding
That was a lot of work. Team did great though. Certainly have to play smart at every single turn. Any tips or team changes to make my life a little easier? I definitely didn’t use roar nearly as often so I have two open move slots. Alakazam, starmie and venusaur (pleasantly surprised. Truly the goat of the squad. Sleep powder switches for leftovers heals was what kept me alive so long) are certified keeps. Everyone is max stats perf 15s.
submitted by GiveScottPot to PKMNCrystalClear [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:27 FoodsDrinks 12 TOP Health Benefits Of Using Baking Soda

12 TOP Health Benefits Of Using Baking Soda submitted by FoodsDrinks to Foods_And_Drinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:13 Snoo24183 Two Cats. The Smell. 😱

Well, my son turned 16, and every year the last five years all he ever asked was for a cat. So he got two cats for his birthday 🥳. Brother and sister. They turn seven months old and Both are getting fixed in two weeks. Wish it was sooner but the vet where I live always is so full it takes months to get pets in if not an emergency.
Anyway, how do we make it not stink?
He paid $300 for a self cleaning litter box because they were so picky that if their box was not clean, they were peeing in my tortoise enclosure. They love their box, and use it well. But boy does that room stink.
It gets raked after each use and poo goes into a compartment. It is completely cleaned out and changed weekly!
We use pretty kitty litter or the kind that came with the Pet Safe litter box. He sprinkles, baking soda in it daily. And there’s airflow to his room. He washes bedding weekly. He does a full sweep and mop weekly.
They eat dry food only. They do steal dry dog food. 🤣🙄
What are we doing wrong? Is it because our male is still intact, or the female? Will this stop once they are fixed. Is the stink always there?
I don’t want my son to turn into one of those people who smell like cat litter when they go out shopping or leave the house. I don’t want people to walk up to my son’s window and smell cat. 🐱
My aunt has two cats and it’s not like this at her house.
I’m allergic to cats, not to the point that I can’t be around them, but they make me itchy, they make my eyes itch. If I take allergy pills it doesn’t trigger my asthma. So I’ve always been a dog owner. I have no idea how cats work.
submitted by Snoo24183 to cats [link] [comments]


Industrial ovens are heated chambers that are used for a wide range of industrial applications, which include curing, baking, or drying parts, components, or final products. These ovens can be used for small as well as large volume applications, either in batches or continually with a conveyor line, and over a wide range of temperatures, sizes as well as configurations. Some of the most common types of Industrial ovens are heated chambers that are used for a wide range of industrial applications, which include curing, baking, or drying parts, components, or final products. These ovens can be used for small as well as large volume applications, either in batches or continually with a conveyor line, and over a wide range of temperatures, sizes as well as configurations. Some of the most common types of industrial ovens are:
In this post, we will discuss more about the curing ovens.

What are Curing Ovens?

A Curing oven is a type of industrial oven that creates a chemical reaction in a material after a particular temperature is reached. Different definitions for curing provide diverse viewpoints on the procedure. Engineering and Polymer Chemistry defines curing as a process of improving the durability and increasing the strength of a substance. The curing is a process of preparing or finishing a material by chemical or physical process. The main objective of a curing oven is to cure a coating, product, or some adhesive.

What are the Key Considerations for Choosing the Right Curing Oven Supplier?

It is a well-known fact that budget is one of the most important considerations while buying any type of industrial oven, and thus, curing ovens are not an exception to this. Nevertheless, it is not always true that a low priced product is the best. You save money on the low priced products, but have to pay later for product maintenance, and operation costs. Therefore, you should choose the oven that best suits your requirements, and purchase it from a reliable supplier. Here are some of the key considerations to make while choosing a supplier for your curing oven:

Electrical Capabilities: Check whether the supplier is able to meet CE, NEC, UL, and other certifications. You should also check if they design electrical systems and PLC programming in-house. If that is not the case, then there are chances of delays in receiving support with troubleshooting after the oven is in operation.
Factory Acceptance Testing: Check if the manufacturer offers factory acceptance testing service. This means the manufacturer will get the product and will run product for you before shipping the oven.
After-Sale Service: Last, but the most important consideration – Does the manufacturer or supplier provide after sales service? Does he have staffs for installing the oven? Does the staff offer maintenance program?

Purchasing a curing oven involves meticulous analysis of the oven and the service provided by the supplier. It goes without saying that you should always take into account the aforementioned key considerations while buying a curing oven that will offer you a successful curing. For more information of curing oven, you can get in touch with the expert and experienced curing oven manufacturers and suppliers.
In this post, we will discuss more about the curing ovens.

What are Curing Ovens?

A Curing oven is a type of industrial oven that creates a chemical reaction in a material after a particular temperature is reached. Different definitions for curing provide diverse viewpoints on the procedure. Engineering and Polymer Chemistry defines curing as a process of improving the durability and increasing the strength of a substance. The curing is a process of preparing or finishing a material by chemical or physical process. The main objective of a curing oven is to cure a coating, product, or some adhesive.

What are the Key Considerations for Choosing the Right Curing Oven Supplier?

It is a well-known fact that budget is one of the most important considerations while buying any type of industrial oven, and thus, curing ovens are not an exception to this. Nevertheless, it is not always true that a low priced product is the best. You save money on the low priced products, but have to pay later for product maintenance, and operation costs. Therefore, you should choose the oven that best suits your requirements, and purchase it from a reliable supplier. Here are some of the key considerations to make while choosing a supplier for your curing oven:

Electrical Capabilities: Check whether the supplier is able to meet CE, NEC, UL, and other certifications. You should also check if they design electrical systems and PLC programming in-house. If that is not the case, then there are chances of delays in receiving support with troubleshooting after the oven is in operation.
submitted by Reasonable_Cup7639 to u/Reasonable_Cup7639 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:04 chidamineral What Is Mica Powder Used For?

What Is Mica Powder Used For?
Mica powder a mineral-based substance derived from naturally occurring mica flakes, has found its way into numerous industries due to its unique properties and versatile applications. From cosmetics to construction, its shimmering appearance and functional characteristics make it a valuable ingredient in various products and processes. In this article, we delve into the diverse uses of mica powder across different sectors.

What is Mica Powder?

Mica powder is obtained by grinding mica flakes, which are naturally occurring minerals composed of silicate sheets stacked together. These sheets are highly reflective, imparting mica powder with its characteristic shimmering effect. Mica powder comes in various colors, ranging from translucent to opaque, and is available in different particle sizes, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

Mica powder is a versatile colorant for arts and crafts projects, epoxy resin crafts, soaps and cosmetics. Just a teaspoon of this natural mineral can add shimmer, sparkle and vibrant color to any project. Unfortunately, it's not as widely known as other industrial colorants like dyes.

Cosmetic and Personal Care Products

One of the most common uses of mica powder is in the cosmetic and personal care industry. It is a key ingredient in the formulation of makeup products such as eyeshadows, lipsticks, blushes, and foundations. Mica powder provides a smooth texture, enhances color intensity, and adds a subtle sparkle to cosmetic formulations, giving them a luxurious and radiant finish. Additionally, mica powder is used in skincare products like lotions, creams, and soaps for its light-diffusing properties and skin-friendly nature.

Paints and Coatings

In the realm of paints and coatings, mica powder serves as a functional additive that enhances aesthetic appeal and performance characteristics. It is used in decorative paints, automotive coatings, and industrial finishes to create pearlescent or metallic effects. Mica powder improves the durability, adhesion, and weather resistance of coatings while imparting a unique visual texture that sets them apart from conventional paint formulations. Moreover, mica-based coatings are favored for their ability to reflect light, thereby reducing heat buildup and energy consumption in buildings and vehicles.

Plastics and Rubber Industries

Mica powder finds applications in the plastics and rubber industries as a reinforcing filler and processing aid. It is added to plastic resins, polymers, and elastomers to improve dimensional stability, mechanical strength, and electrical properties. Mica powder also acts as a lubricant during the extrusion and molding processes, facilitating the production of intricate shapes and reducing friction between mold surfaces and polymer melts. In rubber compounds, mica powder enhances flexural strength, tear resistance, and heat dissipation, making it suitable for applications in automotive, electrical, and construction sectors.

Building Materials and Construction

In the construction sector, mica powder is utilized in various building materials to impart desirable properties and visual effects. It is incorporated into concrete, mortar, and plaster formulations to enhance workability, reduce cracking, and improve surface finish. Mica powder is also used as a decorative additive in architectural coatings, textured finishes, and faux stone veneers, adding depth, luster, and visual interest to interior and exterior surfaces. Additionally, mica-based insulation materials offer thermal stability and fire resistance, making them suitable for use in building envelopes and fire-rated assemblies.

Other Applications

Beyond its primary uses in cosmetics, paints, plastics, and construction, mica powder finds applications in a myriad of other industries. It is employed in the manufacturing of electrical insulators, capacitors, and semiconductor devices due to its dielectric properties and thermal stability. Mica powder is also used in lubricants, adhesives, and sealants for its anti-friction and barrier properties. Moreover, it serves as a filler material in paper, textiles, and ceramics, imparting strength, smoothness, and heat resistance to the end products.


Mica powder emerges as a multifaceted material that plays a crucial role in various industries, from enhancing the aesthetics of cosmetic products to improving the performance of construction materials. Its shimmering appearance, compatibility with different matrices, and functional properties make it a preferred choice for manufacturers seeking to innovate and differentiate their products. As industries continue to evolve, the demand for mica powder is expected to grow, driven by its versatility and adaptability to diverse applications.
submitted by chidamineral to u/chidamineral [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:00 SunstriderAlar Helena - Courtlady of Lannisport

Helena - Courtlady of Lannisport

Part 1

Reddit Account: SunstriderAlar
Discord Tag: u/SunstriderAlar
Name and House: Helena
Age: 22
Cultural Group: Westerman
Appearance: Helena is a young woman with soft doe-eyes, and unmistakable curling, golden hair. Raised by smallfolk, and Septa’s she wears her hair up and away from her face to ensure she does not let it get wet while cleaning or in her mouth while singing. She has delicate, porcelain, pale skin and cloudy soft blue eyes. No taller than 5’5” and is most often dressed in conservative simple fashions gathered by herself, or more elegant options gifted to her by a doting patron for formal events. Never shy to present her opinion, Helena has seen the world change, and her place in it numerous times. She is unafraid to do what she must, but knows the role of a woman.
Helena prefers to wear blue and yellow, the colours of Lord Swyft’s old sigil even though she has not lived in Cornfield for many years, and has no personal attachment to the house. Her real love though is unique broaches, and hairpins, different pins reveal different favours or stylings for different lords. She does enjoy crafting dresses as well, when the rare bolt of fabric comes her way she enjoys sewing and tailoring. She is often seen carrying a unique wooden six stringed lyre, or a three stringed lute; the former the cause for her name the Six Eyed Singer. She daps herself with lavender water most mornings, and cleans her teeth with mint, and rose now that she is employed by the Lannisters of Lannisport. Clean teeth are the hallmark of a charming, easy smile to make hearts of men and women alike flutter.
Trait: Elusive Shadow
Skill(s): Espionage, Devious, Schemer, Covert, Rumourmonger
Talent(s): Storyteller, lyre playing, deft fingers
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): The Six-Eyed Singer, Septa Morgan, Jinny of Aegon’s Rest
Starting Location: Opening event

Part 2: Biography

Swyft Sept (3AC - 15AC)
Helena’s early life began in the Sept of Cornfield where her mother begged the Septa’s to take her. Dutifully, though reluctantly, they agreed, for what else were they to do, and where else was the girl to go. To the Governess of Cornfield, under the sanctity of the confessional, the woman, aching from the pain of birth and shame, confessed that the little girl was the bastard of Lord Swyft. The Governess, doubtful but knowing the man was not without vice, kept the secret to herself and allowed the girl to remain. The woman, who’s name was never revealed even to the Septa's, fled into the night shortly after never to be seen again. Helena was then, as promised, raised by the septas and the Governess of House Swyft. She learns basic literacy from the Seven Pointed Star with the Sisters and numbers from the Governess. Alongside her studies, she was put to work on chores like maid work, baking, cooking, cleaning, and serving Lord Swyft.
In 11AC, a travelling minstrel named The Lying Lyre arrived at Cornfield. A dashing young man with a shock of blonde curls that tumbled down his back like a mullet captivated Helena with his songs of far-off lands and noble families. In particular he sang of the Maiden’s Bay Tourney, the feats of House Targaryen, and after some time the Field of Fire and the failings of House Lannister. House Swyft was wealthy, and the Liar’s talents earned him much and more coin from the silver mines.
Helena of an age where curiosity ruled a child’s mind was enamoured with the man and his songs. She took up practising the lyre with him, and discovered that while no maestro, she had deft fingers and a mind for lyrics. Impressed by her interest and talent, the Liar gifted her a lyre before he left for future profits in far off lands. Some years of practice though, and a natural storyteller and rumourmonger Helena combined tales of the Seven Pointed Star and was invited to sing in the sept and even twice for Lord Swyft.
Six Eyed Singer (15AC - 20AC)
It was not to last though and following the slaughter in the Kingswood, the line of House Swyft was extinguished. Not wanting to test the new residents of Cornfield, the Warriors Sons and Poor Fellows, after all, all men have vice, she left Cornfield, and took to singing on the road. Going under the name Lyrebird, Helena played and sang for her coin and lodgings, a young girl protected only by being seen when she wanted and an elusive shadow when she did not.
Times on the road were not easy and The Lyrebird drew much attention. This necessitated the need for another alter ego and after a year on the road and towns and villages through the West were soon visited by the travelling Septa Morgan. The Septa heard confessions and sins, gave forgiveness and offered small advice to the poor and needy. She spared coins where she could and allowed Helena to remain covert. It did not matter to most that she was no real septa, she wore the robes, knew the words, and offered as a good moral compass to children. For most in the far flung reaches of the West she was enough.
Being raised in the faith though telling a perpetual lie about being a sister of the cloth was a little too much to bear for Helena. After a year with the reputation of Septa Morgan growing through the small folks of small villages, the Septa soon faded away. Instead Jinny of Aegon’s Rest started coming to smaller castles; Turnbury, Redbramble, Parren Hall, Oldstars and the like. She took on odd jobs cleaning, cooking, teaching a daughter to read or a son to do his numbers. She was after all no threat, knew her letters and numbers herself, and was capable of scheming many a septa or fatherly gatesman to let her in.
Jinny of Aegon’s Rest became a traveller through the keeps of the Westerlands. She heard the tales from children and small folk alike. She had never meant to undertake espionage, but her place inside various courts across the land, and her talent for being in the right place at the right time meant she was an unfortunate witness to many a courtly intrigue. As her small gifts earned her again a broad reputation she would be traded between greater lords. Soon she was playing for the elite, and earning the rewards that came with it. Helena of Cornfield once again took a new name, the Six Eyed Singer, which she quickly used to escape her courtly life and take again to the road as a travelling minstrel.
The Strawberry Tourney and Ball (20AC - Current)
The Six Eyed Singer formed a little bard troupe, nothing extravagant, she wasn’t playing for the Lannisters or the Targaryen’s yet, but enough to provide several shows across the Westerlands, Reach, and former Kingdom of the Trident. Her troupe, much like she had been accidentally, was devious, and while she or they sang, pockets were pinched, and many houses were looted. Her troupe when apart played for all the minor and middle nobles of the Trident and of the Reach too now. She and they were as much a part of the debauchery of the West as any of the wealthy merchants. There was no party too scandalous, no whorehouse unsung, no court too far flung for the right price and the West had gold burning through pockets.
The Six Eyed Singer was not the only bard with a troupe though and soon through the Kingdoms after Aegon’s conquest artisans, bards, and mummers alike filled the world with talent. In 20AC the Songbird made its mark, and with a little bit of fun, a lot of resentment for nobility, and an ingrained childlike sense of chaos, the first of the Songbirds’ letters sang. The voice of the little people flooded across the western coast of the Iron Throne. Lord Belaerys’ dragon had eaten several children whilst growing fat and hungry. Lancel Lannister had claimed the maidenhood of his chambermaid, and sired a bastard all at the age of just fifteen. Lord Frey schemed against his overlord for a free and independent Trident once again. Was all of it true? Impossible to say, but there were enough truths to turn heads, and the songs of the Songbird began to cause chaos in the Westerlands most of all. The Six Eyed Singer and her troupe played through it all, they were bards, but the Songbird was the most famous one of all; not their little merry band.
The Six Eyed Singer though continued her good work, and with her reputation came an invite to participate at the Strawberry Tourney and Ball alongside the other bardic troupes of the West and Reach. She was not so famous as to be alone, merely enough to earn an invite, and a paid job. The planning was years long, and with new songs and tunes came new rumours. While the Six-Eyed Singer played songs such as Fleece-eye, Dornish Sour Grapes, and Lion of the West, the Songbird worked their chaos.
A ripple pulsed through the tourney, first a cheater in the joust was revealed, Ser Byron who was disqualified as a result. Then a second cheater, this time in the melee, then a third cheater again in the joust Lord Payne had accepted a bribe from Lord Reyne to fall early. Cheating in the tourney was just the start, cheating in the bedroom of the ball was the main affair. Here the Songbird revealed three affairs; Lords Serret and Lyden were both fathers to children on women , not their wives. While Lady Serret and Lady Ruskin were bedfriends behind their husbands’ backs. There was one final scandal though, which was revealed to all at the tourney. Septon Karron was no true anointed Septon, and worse there was legitimacy to foulness surrounding young boys who served him.
The chaos broke over the tourney and all the artisans in attendance were forced to flee. Yet, all was not lost, for Lord Gerold Lannister of Lannisport had taken his eye to Helena and her playing. He offered her a job, for he wished to be a great sponsor of art in the new Seven Kingdoms. So it was she came to a courtly position, advising the Lord Lannister on matters of fine art, musicians, mummery, and all manner of artisanal dealings.
3AC - Helena is born in the Sept of Cornfield, her mother a woman from Silverhill who begs the septa’s to take the girl in. She reveals her identity to the Governess of House Swyft, and claims the child is Lord Swyft’s bastard. She leaves shortly after giving birth and recovering.
4-10AC - She is raised in the cloister with the sisters, her Septa mothers raising her lessons on reading from the Seven Pointed Star, and numbers from the Governess to ensure that she can do basic arithmetic. She takes basic lessons in scullery maid work, baking, and general service work for old Lord Swyft.
11AC - A travelling minstrel, The Lying Lyre, comes through Cornfield to sing songs of the tourney of Maiden’s Bay, House Targaryen, and the Field of Fire. He takes a liking to the young Helena, and gifts her a lyre. He stays in Cornfield for some time, both because it is lucrative and because he enjoys teaching the young girl.
12-14AC - The Lying Lyre departs Cornfield but leaves a talented and hardworking Helena with the sisters once more. She takes to singing sections of the Seven Pointed Star, and even performs for Lord Swyft a few times.
15AC - The House of Swyft dies out and Helena, unaware of her claimed parentage but with a talent for song leaves the cloister and takes to the road, not trusting the new Warriors Sons or Poor Fellows. She uses the name Lyrebird and sings and plays her lyre for coin to survive.
16AC - After a year on the road Helena takes up the name Septa Morgan and takes to hearing confessions of the poor and needy across the Westerlands. Many of them need guidance and wearing her septa robes she is the perfect person to hear them. She is no real Septa but no amount of explaining the technicality of that stops people asking her to forgive them.
17AC - Her reputation as Septa Morgan grows a little too heavy on her shoulders, and Helena takes to wearing more common clothes, moving from keep to keep and working as a barmaid, scullery girl, and baker amongst other professions. She goes by the name Jinny of Aegon’s Rest.
18AC - Chance takes its favour on her, and Helena with her simple lyre is invited to play at a feast in Lannisport. Dressed now as a travelling minstrel she performs for the gathered nobles and earns herself invitations to other keeps. With her generous benefactors she hires a small troupe to perform her songs across the West.
19AC - Travelling the Westerlands, Helena under the moniker The Six Eyed Singer, takes her talents for being present at feasts and gatherings of all sorts.
20AC - Rumour of The Songbird takes hold, and the West is awash in the voice of the little people.
21AC - The Strawberry Tourney and Ball unfolds and Helena’s skills earn her favour with Lord Gerold Lannister.
22AC - Lord Gerold Lannister recognising her many talents picked her up to be one of the primary serving women in his House. His eye for artistic endeavours endeared him to her enough for a comfortable place as a favoured bard, painter, educator, and common court woman.
submitted by SunstriderAlar to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:50 pearldental12 Teeth Whitening: How It Works, Types, and Side Effects:

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure aimed at enhancing the appearance of teeth by removing stains and discoloration. Here's an overview of how it works, the different types available, and potential side effects:

How Teeth Whitening Works

Teeth whitening primarily involves the use of bleaching agents, usually hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. These agents penetrate the enamel to reach the discolored molecules within the tooth. The bleaching agents break the bonds of the discolored molecules, resulting in a whiter appearance of the teeth.

Types of Teeth Whitening

  1. In-Office Whitening:
    • Procedure: Performed by a dentist, this method involves applying a high-concentration bleaching agent directly to the teeth. Often, a special light or laser is used to accelerate the whitening process.
    • Duration: Typically completed in one visit, lasting 30-90 minutes.
    • Effectiveness: Provides immediate and dramatic results, with teeth often becoming several shades lighter.
  2. At-Home Whitening (Prescribed by Dentist):
    • Procedure: Dentists provide custom-fitted trays and a lower-concentration bleaching gel for use at home. Patients typically wear the trays for a few hours a day or overnight for several weeks.
    • Duration: Results usually appear within a few days to a couple of weeks.
    • Effectiveness: Can achieve similar results to in-office treatments over a longer period.
  3. Over-the-Counter Whitening Products:
    • Whitening Strips: Thin, flexible strips coated with a bleaching gel. Applied directly to the teeth and worn for a specified time.
    • Whitening Toothpastes and Mouthwashes: Contain mild abrasives or low concentrations of bleaching agents to help remove surface stains.
    • Whitening Pens and Gels: Applied directly to the teeth with a brush applicator.
  4. Natural Remedies:
    • Baking Soda: A mild abrasive that can help remove surface stains.
    • Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse: A diluted solution can be used as a mouthwash.
    • Fruit Peels: Some people use banana or orange peels to rub on their teeth, though scientific evidence supporting effectiveness is limited.

Side Effects of Teeth Whitening

  1. Tooth Sensitivity:
    • Cause: Whitening agents can penetrate the enamel and reach the dentin, causing temporary sensitivity.
    • Management: Use of desensitizing toothpaste or reducing the frequency of whitening treatments.
  2. Gum Irritation:
    • Cause: Contact with bleaching agents can irritate the gums.
    • Management: Ensuring proper application to avoid contact with the gums, and using protective barriers during in-office treatments.
  3. Enamel Damage:
    • Risk: Overuse or improper application of whitening products can weaken the enamel.
    • Prevention: Follow the recommended usage guidelines and consult with a dentist before starting any whitening regimen.
  4. Uneven Whitening:
    • Cause: Existing dental work (fillings, crowns, veneers) does not respond to bleaching agents, leading to color mismatch.
    • Solution: Discuss options with a dentist to ensure a uniform appearance.

Considerations and Tips

Teeth whitening can significantly enhance your smile’s appearance, but it’s important to choose the right method and be aware of potential side effects. Always seek professional advice to ensure safe and effective whitening.
submitted by pearldental12 to u/pearldental12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:48 Mission-Echo-friend Any way to fix minor abrasions on my Leupold BX-1 ROGUE COMPACT

I have been using these binoculars for over 10 years. Great durability and they have a ton of sentimental value for me... but the eye lenses are starting to show some signs of wear.
Minor blemishes or abrasions that I want to clear up if I can... what do people suggest - so far I have been told:
  1. Toothpaste
  2. Baking Soda and vinegar
  3. Polywatch
I understand the type of glass used by leupold are labeled as "crystal clear" objective lenses - I was hoping someone on here might know a better solution or a have a DIY trick they may be willing to share.
submitted by Mission-Echo-friend to Binoculars [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:41 jowelshvine I'm looking for a recipe for milk powder buns, had them first in San Fran when I was a kid and found a couple bakeries in Pdx but want to make them at home

Title says most of it, but I'm looking for a particular bao recipe, it's a sweet roll with what I'm assuming is milk powder and possibly coconut or taro root filling, I can't find a recipe anywhere, Anyone make them? Would love to learn how to bake them it's my all time favorite dessert Thanks
submitted by jowelshvine to chinesefood [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:21 not_my_leo Best Creatine Powder to buy in 2024

Hello guys,
I have seen a lot of Redditors asking questions about which creatine powder is best to buy. So, to make it easy for them I have compiled a list of top creatine powders according to what Redditors like the most. I've made this this after reading a lot of discussions on different subreddits and According to my insights these are the most liked creatine powder by Redditors:

Best Creatine Powder:


Thorne Creatine:

Thorne Research is a company that produces high-quality, sustainably sourced supplements. Thorne Creatine earns our pick as the best overall, thanks to its affordable price, use of high-quality creatine monohydrate, and NSF Certified for Sport designation, which means it has undergone third-party testing to ensure that it’s free of harmful contaminants and specific substances that are banned for athletes.

Klean Athlete Klean Creatine:

Like most other Klean Athlete products, Klean Creatine is NSF Certified for Sport to ensure it meets strict quality standards. It’s unflavored and can be easily mixed into smoothies, shakes, and juices.

Transparent Labs Creatine HMB (For Women):

All products from Transparent Labs are third-party tested by Analytical Resource Laboratories. On its website, the company offers a certificate of analysis (COA) for each supplement, which provides information on the quality, strength, and specifications of a product.

Gnarly Sports Nutrition Creatine:

This high-quality creatine product from Gnarly Nutrition is made for athletes looking to increase: endurance strength stamina. It features 5 g of Creapure per serving which some athletes claim is more effective, but we have not been able to find studies to back this up. However, it does come in a bag instead of a tub, which could make it more convenient for workout bags.

Nutricost Creatine Monohydrate:

Nutricost carries fewer certifications, it’s still third-party tested at a lab accredited by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It’s made without any GMOs, but it’s also gluten-free and manufactured in a current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP) certified facility, which means that the facility adheres to strict safety and quality standards set by the FDA. In addition to the Unflavored version, it’s available in Fruit Punch and Blue Raspberry flavors, which you can mix into your favorite beverage after your workout.
submitted by not_my_leo to u/not_my_leo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:16 IAmEatery Semi Fried Egg with Mango Rice

Semi Fried Egg with Mango Rice
Super simple stuff here and the mango rice is versatile enough to be made into a sweet dish.
Frozen mango, 2cup rinsed long grain, salt, 3 cup boiled water, bake covered 50 min at 400.
Room temp eggs, salt n pepper, chili powder, oil, water hot pan/wok. Put both eggs in hot pan and add seasoning. Reduce to medium. Cook a couple of minutes. Put 2-3tbs water in pan with eggs, cover and let steam a minute or two. Turn stove off.
Fluff rice when done. Let sit 5min or so. Scoop onto plate. Add eggs. Add whatever else like dried green onions or siracha/hot sauce.
(Baking rice is easy and simple just boil that water first!)
submitted by IAmEatery to EatCheapAndHealthy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:08 CareGyan 4 Step Procedure To Cure Open Pores On Face

In this post you will learn simple 4 step procedure to cure open pores on face.
How can we do that?
You can do this very easily with comfort at your home, If you read this entire blog carefully, understand it, execute it then you are going to have amazing results as soon as possible and also it will make your skin so soft, supple and healthy that you are going to be amazed. You will see visible difference in the quality and texture in your skin for sure and you will be able to cure open pores on face.

Now, let’s start the procedure to follow to cure open pores on face

Step 1. Clean your face

Step 2 – Apply a mask on your face

Step 3 – Toning your face to lock pores

Step 4 – This is optional

So now, I just want to tell you that how effective is this remedy for throughout the day. But I am again telling you that some people has severe issue, if they will also expect immediate grace on their face then it’s not possible. You will get the results for sure after trying this home remedy consistently.
submitted by CareGyan to skin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:05 TerribleSell2997 Monocalcium Phosphate Market Increasing Demand, Growth Analysis and Future Outlook by 2031

~Monocalcium phosphate market~ is anticipated to grow at a significant CAGR of 11.2% during the forecast period (2024-2031).The market growth is attributed to the increasingdemand formonocalcium phosphatein the food industry and the animal feed sectorglobally. Monocalcium phosphateis widely used as a feed additive for aquaculture animals and livestock and poultry breeding animals. The additional amount in the feed is generally 1.0% to 2.0%.
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Food technology advancements are driving up demand for monocalcium phosphate, a leavening ingredient used in food and beverage products. The increased demand for processed foods has led to a rise in the need for monocalcium phosphate, which is used as an emulsifier, stabilizer, and leavening agent in these products. It is widely used to improve the quality, texture, and rising of baked goods, such as bread, cakes, and pastries. The requirement for fortified meals is driving the demand for monocalcium phosphate in the food industry. Furthermore, it is projected that in the future, there will be a greater demand for monocalcium phosphate as a fortifying ingredient owing to rising health concerns and an increased awareness of the benefits of calcium and phosphorus.
full report of Monocalcium Phosphate Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
Global Monocalcium Phosphate Market by Form
o Liquid
o Powder
Global Monocalcium Phosphate Market by Functional Use
o Additive
o Leavening agent
o Acid component
Global Monocalcium Phosphate Market by Application
o Fertilizers
o Food and Beverages
o Animal Feed
o Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical
o Others
Regional Analysis
o North America
o United States
o Canada
o Europe
o UK
o Germany
o Italy
o Spain
o France
o Rest of Europe
o Asia-Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o South Korea
o Rest of Asia-Pacific
o Rest of the World
o Latin America
o Middle East & Africa
Company Profiles
o AG CHEMI GROUP, s.r.o.
o Alborz Gostar Darou Co.
o Chivine Resources Inc.
o Foodchem International Corp.
o Graham Chemical
o Innophos Holdings, Inc.
o J.R. Simplot Company
o Kilo Ltd.
o Master Plant-Prod Inc.
o Pestell Nutrition Inc.
o PhosAgro
o Phosphea
o Redox Ltd.
o Rotem Kimyevi Maddeler A.?
o SBF Pharma Pvt. Ltd.
o Star Grace Mining Co., Ltd.
o TÉRVALIS GROUP (Globalfeed)
o Vishnupriya Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
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