Fetal pig skeleton

On Trolls

2024.05.12 19:47 KnottyDuck On Trolls

I’m new to the game, currently preparing for Bonemass. I made it a point, up to this point, to seek out and destroy all the trolls I’ve come across. This is around 25 trolls…
Now, I get almost back to back troll raids on my facility. Very early on, I put the spike wall up and it proved most effective for woodland creatures, grey dwarfs, drauger and skeletons… but the trolls….
My first encounter scared me, but did not really prepare me for what they could do. I glanced over and saw two trolls glancing back over my fence. They threw a boulder. I was able to charge out and kill them with little to no perimeter damage.
The second encounter is the single greatest breach on my base since I started. They smashed through my round pole and spiked fences, immediately smashed my forge and upgrades, my pig pen and 4 out of 5 boars, my cartographer table… a lot of damage… I had to rebuild a lot of stuff…
The third encounter, I called myself preparing… I rebuilt the spiked barricade outside of a round pole fence, outside the spiked wall… I began building a stone fortress for my main dwelling, expanding my fence line to give less space to attack me from… nope. Almost immediately after I finished my upgraded walls, 1 more showed up, carrying a tree… and smashed my spike barricades, my round pole fence and spiked wall… like in a matter of seconds. I was able to push this one back, away from the parameter… but man…
Now, my walls are stone… I have a stone parameter, and the spiked wall behind that… let’s see how quickly they breach the wall now… wish me luck…
submitted by KnottyDuck to valheim [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:06 LelouchBestBoy been trying to fix it but idk whats wrong

[19:04:00] [main/INFO]: Loading Minecraft 1.20.1 with Fabric Loader 0.15.11 [19:04:00] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-22/WARN]: Mod calculator-rinf uses the version 1.1.0R which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component '0R'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version [19:04:00] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-7/WARN]: Mod ctov uses the version 3.2.6c which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component '6c'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version [19:04:00] [main/WARN]: Warnings were found! - Mod 'AmbientFireflies' (anxff) 1.4.0+1.20.1 recommends any version of lambdynamiclights, which is missing! - You should install any version of lambdynamiclights for the optimal experience. - Mod 'Cardinal Components API (world saves)' (cardinal-components-level) 5.2.2 recommends any version of cardinal-components-world, which is missing! - You should install any version of cardinal-components-world for the optimal experience. [19:04:00] [main/INFO]: Loading 207 mods: - andromeda 0.9.2-1.20.1 -- dark-matter-analytics 1.1.0-1.20 -- dark-matter-analytics-crashes 1.1.0-1.20 -- dark-matter-analytics-mixpanel 1.1.0-1.20 -- dark-matter-base 1.1.0-1.20 -- dark-matter-content 1.1.0-1.20 -- dark-matter-glitter 1.1.0-1.20 -- dark-matter-minecraft 1.1.0-1.20 \-- dark-matter-mirage 1.1.0-1.20 - anxff 1.4.0+1.20.1 - architectury 9.1.12 - basicweapons 1.1.0 - bclib 3.0.13 \-- wunderlib 1.1.5 - beaconoverhaul 1.8.4+1.20 \-- reach-entity-attributes 2.4.0 - betterdeserttemples 1.20-Fabric-3.0.3 \-- org_reflections_reflections 0.10.2 - betterdungeons 1.20-Fabric-4.0.3 - betterend 4.0.10 - betterfortresses 1.20-Fabric-2.0.5 - betterjungletemples 1.20-Fabric-2.0.4 - bettermineshafts 1.20-Fabric-4.0.4 - betternether 9.0.9 - betteroceanmonuments 1.20-Fabric-3.0.3 - betterstats 3.9.7+fabric-1.20.1 \-- tcdcommons 3.9.6+fabric-1.20.1 - betterstrongholds 1.20-Fabric-4.0.3 - bettertrims 2.0.1 - betterwitchhuts 1.20-Fabric-3.0.3 - blockus 2.7.6+1.20.1 \-- terraform-wood-api-v1 7.0.1 - bookshelf 20.1.10 - c2me 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-base 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-client-uncapvd 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-fixes-chunkio-threading-issues 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-fixes-general-threading-issues 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-fixes-worldgen-threading-issues 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-fixes-worldgen-vanilla-bugs 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-notickvd 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-opts-allocs 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-opts-chunk-access 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-opts-chunkio 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-opts-math 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-opts-scheduling 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-opts-worldgen-general 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-opts-worldgen-vanilla 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-rewrites-chunk-serializer 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-rewrites-chunkio 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-server-utils 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-threading-chunkio 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-threading-lighting 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- c2me-threading-worldgen 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 -- com_electronwill_night-config_core 3.6.5 -- com_electronwill_night-config_toml 3.6.5 -- com_ibm_async_asyncutil 0.1.0 -- net_objecthunter_exp4j 0.4.8 \-- org_threadly_threadly 7.0 - carpeted 1.20-1.4 - carryon - chiselsandbits 1.4.148 -- org_lz4_lz4-pure-java 1.8.0 -- saeculariacaudices 1.0.23 \-- scena 1.0.103 \-- saeculariacaudices 1.0.23 - cloth-config 11.1.106 \-- cloth-basic-math 0.6.1 - clutter 1.20-0.4.3 - collective 7.57 - colytra 6.2.0+1.20.1 - comforts 6.3.4+1.20.1 -- cardinal-components-entity 5.2.1 \-- spectrelib 0.13.14+1.20.1 - completeconfig 2.4.0 -- completeconfig-base 2.4.0 -- completeconfig-gui-cloth 2.4.0 \-- completeconfig-gui-yacl 2.4.0 - connectiblechains 2.2.1+1.20.1 - creativecore 2.11.5 \-- net_minecraftforge_eventbus 6.0.3 - ctov 3.2.6c - dawn 5.0.0 -- terraform-shapes-api-v1 7.0.1 \-- terraform-wood-api-v1 7.0.1 - diagonalfences 8.0.1 - doubledoors 5.5 - easyanvils 8.0.1 - easymagic 8.0.1 - elytraslot 6.3.0+1.20.1 - emotecraft 2.2.7-b.build.50 -- bendy-lib 4.0.0 \-- player-animator 1.0.2-rc1+1.20 - enchanted-vertical-slabs 1.9.1 - entangled 1.3.14 - fabric-api 0.92.1+1.20.1 -- fabric-api-base 0.4.31+1802ada577 -- fabric-api-lookup-api-v1 1.6.36+1802ada577 -- fabric-biome-api-v1 13.0.13+1802ada577 -- fabric-block-api-v1 1.0.11+1802ada577 -- fabric-block-view-api-v2 1.0.1+1802ada577 -- fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1 1.1.41+1802ada577 -- fabric-client-tags-api-v1 1.1.2+1802ada577 -- fabric-command-api-v1 1.2.34+f71b366f77 -- fabric-command-api-v2 2.2.13+1802ada577 -- fabric-commands-v0 0.2.51+df3654b377 -- fabric-containers-v0 0.1.64+df3654b377 -- fabric-content-registries-v0 4.0.11+1802ada577 -- fabric-convention-tags-v1 1.5.5+1802ada577 -- fabric-crash-report-info-v1 0.2.19+1802ada577 -- fabric-data-attachment-api-v1 1.0.0+de0fd6d177 -- fabric-data-generation-api-v1 12.3.4+1802ada577 -- fabric-dimensions-v1 2.1.54+1802ada577 -- fabric-entity-events-v1 1.6.0+1c78457f77 -- fabric-events-interaction-v0 0.6.2+1802ada577 -- fabric-events-lifecycle-v0 0.2.63+df3654b377 -- fabric-game-rule-api-v1 1.0.40+1802ada577 -- fabric-item-api-v1 2.1.28+1802ada577 -- fabric-item-group-api-v1 4.0.12+1802ada577 -- fabric-key-binding-api-v1 1.0.37+1802ada577 -- fabric-keybindings-v0 0.2.35+df3654b377 -- fabric-lifecycle-events-v1 2.2.22+1802ada577 -- fabric-loot-api-v2 1.2.1+1802ada577 -- fabric-loot-tables-v1 1.1.45+9e7660c677 -- fabric-message-api-v1 5.1.9+1802ada577 -- fabric-mining-level-api-v1 2.1.50+1802ada577 -- fabric-model-loading-api-v1 1.0.3+1802ada577 -- fabric-models-v0 0.4.2+9386d8a777 -- fabric-networking-api-v1 1.3.11+1802ada577 -- fabric-networking-v0 0.3.51+df3654b377 -- fabric-object-builder-api-v1 11.1.3+1802ada577 -- fabric-particles-v1 1.1.2+1802ada577 -- fabric-recipe-api-v1 1.0.21+1802ada577 -- fabric-registry-sync-v0 2.3.3+1802ada577 -- fabric-renderer-api-v1 3.2.1+1802ada577 -- fabric-renderer-indigo 1.5.1+1802ada577 -- fabric-renderer-registries-v1 3.2.46+df3654b377 -- fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1 0.3.37+92a0d36777 -- fabric-rendering-fluids-v1 3.0.28+1802ada577 -- fabric-rendering-v0 1.1.49+df3654b377 -- fabric-rendering-v1 3.0.8+1802ada577 -- fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1 2.3.8+1802ada577 -- fabric-resource-loader-v0 0.11.10+1802ada577 -- fabric-screen-api-v1 2.0.8+1802ada577 -- fabric-screen-handler-api-v1 1.3.30+1802ada577 -- fabric-sound-api-v1 1.0.13+1802ada577 -- fabric-transfer-api-v1 3.3.5+8dd72ea377 \-- fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1 4.3.1+1802ada577 - fabric-language-kotlin 1.10.9+kotlin.1.9.0 -- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect 1.9.0 -- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib 1.9.0 -- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 1.9.0 -- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 1.9.0 -- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_atomicfu-jvm 0.22.0 -- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.7.3 -- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.7.3 -- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.4.0 -- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.6.0 -- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.6.0 \-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.6.0 - fabricloader 0.15.11 \-- mixinextras 0.3.5 - ferritecore 6.0.0 - forgeconfigapiport 8.0.0 - furnacerecycle 2.0 - geckolib 4.2.3 \-- com_eliotlash_mclib_mclib 20 - handcrafted 3.0.5 - iceberg 1.1.18 - immersive_aircraft 0.7.5+1.20.1 \-- org_mariuszgromada_math_mathparser_org-mxparser 5.2.1 - inventorio 1.9.2 - inventorysorter 1.9.0-1.20 \-- kyrptconfig 1.5.6-1.20 - java 17 - kiwi 11.1.1 - krypton 0.2.3 \-- com_velocitypowered_velocity-native 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT - leavesbegone 8.0.0 - linkart 5.3.0-1.20.2 - lithium 0.11.2 - minecraft 1.20.1 - moonlight 1.20-2.8.51 - paintings - philipsruins 1.20.1 - pickupnotifier 8.0.0 - plentyofarmors 1.3.0 - puzzleslib 8.0.24 - replantingcrops 5.3 - resourcefullib 2.1.24 -- com_teamresourceful_bytecodecs 1.0.2 \-- com_teamresourceful_yabn 1.0.3 - roughlyenoughitems 12.0.665 \-- error_notifier 1.0.9 - slotswap 1.1.0+mc1.20.1 - snowrealmagic 9.0.1 - sound_physics_remastered 1.20.1-1.1.2 - spark 1.10.53 \-- fabric-permissions-api-v0 0.1-SNAPSHOT - stackablepotions 1.0.0 - supermartijn642configlib 1.1.8+a - supermartijn642corelib 1.1.15 - terralith 2.4.5 - trinkets 3.7.2 - universal_ores 1.5.2 - villager-hats 1.6.2+1.20 - villagernames 4.5.2 -- cardinal-components-base 5.2.2 \-- cardinal-components-level 5.2.2 - villagersplus 3.0 - visualoverhaul 5.0.1 \-- midnightlib 1.4.1 - visualworkbench 8.0.0 - xaerominimap 23.8.2 - xaeroworldmap 1.34.1 - yet_another_config_lib_v3 3.4.2+1.20.1-fabric -- com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-image 3.10.0 -- com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-io 3.10.0 -- com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-lang 3.10.0 -- com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-core 3.10.0 -- com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-metadata 3.10.0 -- com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-webp 3.10.0 -- org_quiltmc_parsers_gson 0.2.1 \-- org_quiltmc_parsers_json 0.2.1 - yungsapi 1.20-Fabric-4.0.2 \-- org_javassist_javassist 3.29.2-GA [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=file:/C:/Users/royso/OneDrive/Desktop/fabric%20server%201.20.1/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.13.3+mixin.0.8.5/sponge-mixin-0.13.3+mixin.0.8.5.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=SERVER [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17 [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: (AndromedaMixinPlugin) Definitely up to a lot of good [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: (AndromedaMixinPlugin) Platform: FABRIC [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.base.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.fixes.chunkio.threading_issues.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.fixes.general.threading_issues.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.fixes.worldgen.threading_issues.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.fixes.worldgen.vanilla_bugs.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.notickvd.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.opts.allocs.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.opts.chunk_access.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.opts.chunkio.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.opts.math.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.opts.scheduling.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.opts.worldgen.general.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.opts.worldgen.vanilla.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.rewrites.chunk_serializer.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Disabling config ioSystem.gcFreeChunkSerializer: Incompatible with architectury@9.1.12 (*) (defined in c2me) [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Disabling com.ishland.c2me.rewrites.chunk_serializer.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.rewrites.chunkio.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.server.utils.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.threading.chunkio.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.threading.lighting.mixin [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Initializing com.ishland.c2me.threading.worldgen.mixin [19:04:01] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'carpeted-fabric-refmap.json' for carpeted.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [19:04:01] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'carpeted-common-refmap.json' for carpeted-common.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [19:04:01] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'chisels-and-bits-fabric-refmap.json' for chiselsandbits.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [19:04:01] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'entangled.mixins.refmap.json' for entangled.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [19:04:01] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for Lithium: 115 options available, 3 override(s) found [19:04:01] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'philipsruins-refmap.json' for philipsruins.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [19:04:01] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'plenty-of-armors-refmap.json' for plentyofarmors.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [19:04:01] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'supermartijn642configlib.mixins.refmap.json' for supermartijn642configlib.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [19:04:02] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_293 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_293) [19:04:02] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_293 was not found creativecore.fabric.mixins.json:VertexFormatMixin from mod creativecore [19:04:02] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'alloc.blockstate.StateMixin' as rule 'mixin.alloc.blockstate' (added by mods [ferritecore]) disables it and children [19:04:02] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'world.block_entity_ticking.sleeping.campfire.CampfireBlockEntityMixin' as rule 'mixin.world.block_entity_ticking.sleeping.campfire' (added by mods [andromeda]) disables it and children [19:04:02] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'world.block_entity_ticking.sleeping.campfire.lit.CampfireBlockEntityMixin' as rule 'mixin.world.block_entity_ticking.sleeping.campfire' (added by mods [andromeda]) disables it and children [19:04:02] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'world.block_entity_ticking.sleeping.campfire.unlit.CampfireBlockEntityMixin' as rule 'mixin.world.block_entity_ticking.sleeping.campfire' (added by mods [andromeda]) disables it and children [19:04:02] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'world.player_chunk_tick.ThreadedAnvilChunkStorageMixin' as rule 'mixin.world.player_chunk_tick' (added by mods [c2me, krypton]) disables it and children [19:04:02] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_4224 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_4224) [19:04:02] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_4224 was not found sound_physics_remastered.mixins.json:ChannelAccessor from mod sound_physics_remastered [19:04:02] [main/INFO]: Initializing MixinExtras via com.llamalad7.mixinextras.service.MixinExtrasServiceImpl(version=0.3.5). [19:04:02] [main/INFO]: Loaded local config [19:04:02] [main/INFO]: Loaded server config [19:04:05] [main/INFO]: Constructing shapes for nodeWith 2.0, extensionWidth 2.0, nodeHeight 24.0, extensionBottom 0.0, extensionHeight 24.0 took 54 milliseconds [19:04:05] [main/INFO]: Constructing shapes for nodeWith 2.0, extensionWidth 2.0, nodeHeight 16.0, extensionBottom 0.0, extensionHeight 16.0 took 33 milliseconds [19:04:05] [main/INFO]: Constructing shapes for nodeWith 2.0, extensionWidth 1.0, nodeHeight 16.0, extensionBottom 6.0, extensionHeight 15.0 took 64 milliseconds [19:04:08] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.main to auto sync (file hash) [19:04:08] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.generator to auto sync (file hash) [19:04:08] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.blocks to auto sync (file hash) [19:04:08] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.items to auto sync (file hash) [19:04:08] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.biomes to auto sync (file hash) [19:04:08] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.mobs to auto sync (file hash) [19:04:08] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.recipes to auto sync (file hash) [19:04:08] [main/WARN]: [bclib] Recipe betternether:bone_block_bone_button only takes in a single item and should be shapeless [19:04:08] [main/INFO]: Initialized chisels-and-bits for Fabric [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: loading json file and contents for paintings. [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: **Paintings++ no longer copies the base file outside if the mod. ** [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting abstract_blue , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting abstract_rainbow , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting abstract_red , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting abstract_sunset , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting arachnophobe , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting barn_owl , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting big_z , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting blue_bird , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting bluesclues , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting borgia , 16 x 32 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting cane , 16 x 32 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting cat_black , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting cat_gray , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting cat_orange , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting cat , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting colorful_squares , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting crest , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting danger_zone , 32 x 32 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting decorative_gun , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting exit_down , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting exit_up , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting exit_left , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting exit_right , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting face_bat , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting face_chicken , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting face_cow , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting face_creeper , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting face_dog , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting face_enderman , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting face_pig , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting face_pigman , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting face_silverfish , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting face_skeleton , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting face_squid , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting face_zombie , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting fishes , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting flowers , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting fruits , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting ghost , 16 x 32 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting glowlamp , 32 x 32 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting glowstone_hourglass , 16 x 32 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting iluvmc , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting link , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting mine_prosperity , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting no_trespassing_for_mobs , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting ocelot , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting penguin , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting pig_on_a_cliff , 32 x 32 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting pkmn_blue , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting pkmn_red , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting pkmn_green , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting plains_hut , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting portrait_2 , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting portrait , 32 x 32 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting prison , 16 x 32 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting prosperity , 16 x 32 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting rest , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting skeleton , 16 x 32 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting sky , 32 x 32 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting skyblock , 32 x 32 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting snake , 16 x 32 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting snow_landscape , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting subaraki , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting synth_city , 16 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting tapistry_a , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting tapistry_b , 16 x 32 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting tapistry_purple , 16 x 32 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting torched , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting waterfall , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting whale , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting wheat_field , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Loaded json painting wolf_in_wheat , 32 x 16 [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: (Andromeda) [BlockRegistry] BlockRegistry init complete! [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: (Andromeda) [ItemRegistry] ItemRegistry init complete! [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: (Andromeda) [EntityTypeRegistry] EntityTypeRegistry init complete! [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: (Andromeda) [ResourceConditionRegistry] ResourceConditionRegistry init complete! [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: (Andromeda) [ScreenHandlerRegistry] ScreenHandlerRegistry init complete! [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: (Andromeda) [TagRegistry] TagRegistry init complete! [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Fireflies initializing [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Fireflies entities registered [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Fireflies items registered [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Fireflies sounds registered [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Fireflies particles registered [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Fireflies potions registered [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Hello Fabric world! [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 36 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 3 values [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 3 values [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.entities to auto sync (file hash) [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.blocks to auto sync (file hash) [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.items to auto sync (file hash) [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.biomes to auto sync (file hash) [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.recipes to auto sync (file hash) [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betterend.enchantments to auto sync (file hash) [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 0 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 3 values [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 0 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 3 values [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: [betternether] =^..^= BetterNether for 1.20 =^..^= [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 0 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values [19:04:09] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 0 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values [19:04:10] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:pufferfish_bucket is now minecraft:bucket. [19:04:10] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:salmon_bucket is now minecraft:bucket. [19:04:10] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:cod_bucket is now minecraft:bucket. [19:04:10] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:tropical_fish_bucket is now minecraft:bucket. [19:04:10] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:axolotl_bucket is now minecraft:bucket. [19:04:10] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:powder_snow_bucket is now minecraft:bucket. [19:04:10] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:tadpole_bucket is now minecraft:bucket. [19:04:10] [main/INFO]: Loading Collective version 7.57. [19:04:10] [main/INFO]: Initialized entity types. [19:04:10] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for diagonalfences:main [19:04:10] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for easyanvils:main [19:04:10] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for easymagic:main [19:04:10] [main/INFO]: [evs] Enchanted Vertical Slabs initialized! [19:04:10] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for handcrafted [19:04:10] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for immersive_aircraft:gyrodyne [19:04:10] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for immersive_aircraft:biplane [19:04:10] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for immersive_aircraft:airship [19:04:10] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for immersive_aircraft:cargo_airship [19:04:10] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for immersive_aircraft:quadrocopter [19:04:10] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for immersive_aircraft:bullet [19:04:10] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for immersive_aircraft:tiny_tnt [19:04:10] [main/INFO]: Processing 3 KiwiModule annotations [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Module [kiwi:contributors] initialized [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Module [snowrealmagic:core] initialized [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: block: 7 [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: block_entity_type: 2 [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: entity_type: 1 [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: loot_pool_entry_type: 1 [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Module [kiwi:data] initialized [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: recipe_serializer: 3 [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Compression will use Java, encryption will use Java [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for leavesbegone:main [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting abstract_blue [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting abstract_rainbow [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting abstract_red [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting abstract_sunset [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting arachnophobe [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting barn_owl [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting big_z [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting blue_bird [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting bluesclues [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting borgia [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting cane [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting cat_black [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting cat_gray [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting cat_orange [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting cat [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting colorful_squares [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting crest [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting danger_zone [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting decorative_gun [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting exit_down [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting exit_up [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting exit_left [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting exit_right [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting face_bat [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting face_chicken [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting face_cow [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting face_creeper [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting face_dog [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting face_enderman [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting face_pig [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting face_pigman [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting face_silverfish [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting face_skeleton [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting face_squid [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting face_zombie [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting fishes [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting flowers [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting fruits [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting ghost [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting glowlamp [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting glowstone_hourglass [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting iluvmc [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting link [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting mine_prosperity [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting no_trespassing_for_mobs [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting ocelot [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting penguin [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting pig_on_a_cliff [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting pkmn_blue [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting pkmn_red [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting pkmn_green [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting plains_hut [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting portrait_2 [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting portrait [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting prison [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting prosperity [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting rest [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting skeleton [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting sky [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting skyblock [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting snake [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting snow_landscape [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting subaraki [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting synth_city [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting tapistry_a [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting tapistry_b [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting tapistry_purple [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting torched [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting waterfall [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting whale [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting wheat_field [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registered painting wolf_in_wheat [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for pickupnotifier:main [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registering Mod items forplentyofarmors [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for puzzleslib:main [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:request_tags_c2s [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIServerPlugin [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIServerPlugin [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin for REIServerPlugin [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin for REIPlugin [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:delete_item [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:create_item [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:create_item_grab [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:create_item_hotbar [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:move_items [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:move_items_new [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Initialized Saecularia-Caudices [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Loaded block entity configuration. [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Loaded block configuration. [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Loaded chisel mode group configuration. [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Loaded chisel mode configuration. [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Loaded container type configuration. [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Loaded item group configuration. [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Loaded item configuration. [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Loaded metadata key configuration. [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Loaded model property configuration. [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Loaded modification operation configuration. [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Loaded modification operation group configuration. [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Loaded pattern placement type configuration. [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Loaded recipe serializer configuration. [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Loaded tag configuration. [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registering recipe types. [19:04:11] [main/INFO]: Registering event handlers [19:04:13] [main/INFO]: Initialized scena-fabric [19:04:13] [main/INFO]: Reloading reverb parameters [19:04:13] [main/INFO]: Registered JSON trade offer adapter. [19:04:13] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for visualworkbench:main [19:04:13] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 4 values [19:04:13] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 4 values [19:04:13] [main/ERROR]: Failed to start the minecraft server java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not execute entrypoint stage 'main' due to errors, provided by 'bclib'! at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.lambda$invokeEntrypoints$2(FabricLoaderImpl.java:388) ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.util.ExceptionUtil.gatherExceptions(ExceptionUtil.java:33) ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints(FabricLoaderImpl.java:386) ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.Hooks.startServer(Hooks.java:63) ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.minecraft.server.Main.main(Main.java:112) ~[server-intermediary.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.MinecraftGameProvider.launch(MinecraftGameProvider.java:470) ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(Knot.java:74) ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotServer.main(KnotServer.java:23) ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.main(FabricServerLauncher.java:69) ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] Suppressed: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: CLENT_CONFIG at org.betterx.betterend.config.Configs.(Configs.java:22) ~[better-end-4.0.10.jar:?] at org.betterx.betterend.registry.EndBlocks.(EndBlocks.java:29) ~[better-end-4.0.10.jar:?] at org.betterx.betterend.registry.EndBlockEntities.(EndBlockEntities.java:17) ~[better-end-4.0.10.jar:?] at org.betterx.betterend.BetterEnd.onInitialize(BetterEnd.java:46) ~[better-end-4.0.10.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints(FabricLoaderImpl.java:384) ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.Hooks.startServer(Hooks.java:63) ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.minecraft.server.Main.main(Main.java:112) ~[server-intermediary.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.MinecraftGameProvider.launch(MinecraftGameProvider.java:470) ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(Knot.java:74) ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotServer.main(KnotServer.java:23) ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.main(FabricServerLauncher.java:69) ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: CLIENT_CONFIG at org.betterx.bclib.registry.PresetsRegistry.register(PresetsRegistry.java:17) ~[bclib-3.0.13.jar:?] at org.betterx.bclib.BCLib.onInitialize(BCLib.java:73) ~[bclib-3.0.13.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints(FabricLoaderImpl.java:384) ~[fabric-loader-0.15.11.jar:?] ... 6 more 
submitted by LelouchBestBoy to fabricmc [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 16:04 ImaFireSquid Reviews of Maplestory Towns for Tourists: Victoria Island

Maplestory's wiki for towns is pretty... expansive, and often times there's only really one or two things to do there... for an adventurer. I wanted to go over the major towns and what one might do there, as a tourist rather than as a fighter.
Lith Harbor
The first town you see when you arrive in Victoria Island by boat (unless you know... you're teleported in from another dimension or something, or have a giant flying ship, or get launched via cannon, or teleport through a magical forest road, or just happen to be coming by air...) is likely to be Lith Harbor.
Buildings are stucco, and built into the stucco and stone walkways. The city seems to be an economic and shipping hub, and the nearby monsters are so peaceful you can enjoy coastal walks without any real fear of problems.
The issue, for me, is the smell. The locals will put up fish and not bring them down for 19 years, which has a real toll on the overall cleanliness of the city.
Connects to Rien, if you're in the mood for a more arctic vacation.
This quaint little farming town is somehow the very center of the supernatural in the world. There is a reverent, almost religious quality to the hay and mushroom houses, but don't let that deter you from kicking off your shoes and having some good ol' fashioned fun.
Henesys has three main districts- a residential district (with quick access to Seoul, South Korea if you want the convenience of the city), a market district, and a park district. Each comes with its own conveniences. Your mesos will automatically convert to their equivalent in Won, for your convenience. They can also be converted into Singaporean Dollars, Japanese Ryo, or Ming Dynasty copper coins (used in Japan during the warring states period) without any issues.
Even though this town is populated primarily by humans, the local leader is an elf by the name of Athena Pierce. Firm but welcoming, she's often the first step people take when visiting the unfamiliar in Victoria Island. Stop by and say hi, now that the Black Mage has been killed, she's much less busy than before.
Connects to the Mushroom Castle and Partem village, for those interested in a chat with a peaceful monster.
A perfect vacation for the bookworms, this haven for scholars and fairies sits in the trees. Enjoy the small, moss-covered reading nooks and delicious local potions to your heart's content. The residents here are quiet and reserved, giving you ample opportunities to enjoy the quietude of nature.
Connects directly to Elluel and the Magician Association, for further scholarly pursuits.
Sheer rocky cliffs carved into them by very determined adventurers, this arid wasteland features some of the most welcoming locals in Victoria Island. This is your place for fresh pork, with pigs that are somehow literally on fire, and local herbs to flavor them. You'll never go hungry in Perion.
The locals, a hardy group of adventurers and blacksmiths, make up the majority of the ranks, with would-be warriors ascending up the rocky outcroppings to test their mettle with the greatest in the city. This is not a place to relax, it is a place to learn, to achieve, to become a better version of yourself- much in the way of Ellinia, but this time with fitness.
Note that this place requires you to climb up sheer rope ladders or otherwise jump extremely high to reach upper levels. It is not suitable for the elderly.
Connects to an excavation camp, be wary of skeletons.
Kerning City
A shockingly modern city in Victoria Island's otherwise low-tech world. Here you can experience fast wifi and huge urban sprawl, along with many local amenities including a high speed train, cosmetics, and even a bar.
Connects to Kerning Tower, for a more modern shopping experience, all conveniently in one place.
Avoid the sewers and construction sites if possible. There's some gross stuff in there.
A tropical getaway on a giant pirate submarine. Enjoy the gentle rocking of the waves and the wild parties of the pirates, who now have very little to do with the Black Mage defeated. Explore the machinery, then enjoy the random teleporting whenever any random pirate calls in a barrage. This is your ticket to explore the world, enjoy it.
Connects to everywhere and you never know what'll be next. If you can, help the girl who's holding back a leak, she needs a break.
A relaxing earthy venue for meditation and relaxation in the secluded roots of the large central tree of Victoria Island. Inside, there is a sauna, complete with sauna outfits (that sadly, are not complimentary), and a few sage-like figures who can teach classes on yoga and mindfulness. If Ellinia is there for your mental growth, Sleepywood is there for your mental well-being.
Avoid the tunnels past the city unless you're in need of a good fight.
Connects directly to the six path crossway and the ferries to Orbis and Edelstein, along with portals to Singapore and the Pantheon, and a local pilot who can fly you to gold beach.
submitted by ImaFireSquid to Maplestory [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 13:55 spaghoot21 The delusion is insane

The delusion is insane submitted by spaghoot21 to justneckbeardthings [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:03 OperationSafe7662 this texture pack is gonna be a big hit

Im currently developing a Minecraft texture pack, a colossal project that may take 1-3 years to complete and its gonna be completely free to download. The pack aims to offer variants for all the game mobs tailored to different biomes and conditions. So far, I've crafted two turtle variants—one resembling the green sea and the other the leatherback sea turtle. Additionally, I've designed a jungle variant for chickens and three variants for cows: one for cold biomes like the hairy cow from Minecraft earth , a brown one and a completely white one.
i might even add some Easter eggs like the technoblade pig or long horse(skeleton horse with black hair ) and minecraft earth mobs and there is gonna be a slight chance the mobs will spawn with these variants if certain conditions are met.
However, I'm encountering challenges. I'm unsure how to randomize textures for mobs or make them spawn with biome-dependent variants. Additionally, I'm having problems with implementing complex breeding mechanics. For example, I want offsprings to get the same variant from one of the parents , with a slight chance of spawning a new mixed variant wich i might add in the future.
Furthermore, I'm unsure if these features can be achieved solely through texture packs or if coding and more intricate solutions are necessary.
submitted by OperationSafe7662 to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 09:07 SkyAnimal Timeline of Human Evolution.

Earth's orbit experiences an “Orbital Eccentricity”, 100,000 year cycle orbit and inclination variation, going from circular to elliptical, the hemispheres experience more or less sun or exposure to the sun for extended periods, causing ice ages. Scientists estimate we are near the minimum, a 6% change in solar energy. At peak, the earth experiences a change of 30%.
Modern Day Primates, in the wild and captivity, are able to communicate, near and far, using verbal and gesture components, even to other species. Have been observed using wood as tools, and in using medicinal plants to treat wounds.
44 million y a - Hominid ancestors acquire Herpes virus.
10 million y a - Primate ancestors develop genes to digest alcohol.
6 million years ago - Primate ancestors split from Chimpanzee/Bonobo line (15 million DNA mutations have occurred since then; each person born today has 100 mutations distinct to them, most don’t survive.)
5.3 m y a - Mediterranean Sea experiences the Messinian Salinity Crisis, for 600,000 years the Straight of Gibraltar closed off, causing the Mediterranean to shrink down to two inland seas with Italy and Greece separating them. Ends in the Zanclean Flood, a river of Atlantic sea water flows thru Gibraltar and fills the Mediterranean in 2 years.
5 m y a - Arabian-African continent reconnects with Asia. Land based Turtle species start going extinct.
4 - 3 m y a - Hominid ancestors acquire pubic lice from Gorillas (genetic evidence).
3.6 - 2.58 m y a - Considered the Neogene Period.
3.3 m y a - Stone tools found in Kenya and Ethiopia.
2.6 m y a - Mode One Stone Tools found in Ethiopia, would subsequently spread. Flourished to 1.7 million y a in southern and eastern Africa. Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) Era (2.6 m y a till end of last Ice Age, 11,000 y a). Subdivided into the Early- or Lower Paleolithic (c. 2,6 million years ago - c. 250,000 years ago); the Middle Paleolithic (c. 250,000 years ago - c. 30,000 years ago); and the Late- or Upper Paleolithic (c. 50,000/40,000 - c. 10,000 years ago)
2.58 million - 11,700 years ago - Considered the start of the Quaternary Period, and covers the Pleistocene.
2.4 – 1.4 m y a – Homo Habilis (4.5-3.5 feet tall).
2 m years ago - Earliest Hominids start eating meat.
1.9 – 1.8 m y a – Homo Rudolfensis.
1.89 m y a to 110,000 y a - Homo Erectus (first to leave Africa and spread across Asia).
1.8 m years ago - Mode One Stone Tools found on Java.
1.7 m years ago - Mode Two Stone Tools (slicing, hand-axe/butchering, evidence of drilling tools) appear in Kenya and southern Africa.
1.6 m years ago - Mode One Stone Tools found in northern China.
1.6 - 1.5 m y a - Africa, Turkana Boy dies, likely from a tooth cavity infection. He was either 8 or 11-12 years old and 61 inches tall. Brain 880 ccm.
1.5 m y a - Kenya, possible start of Hominids using fire to cook food. (increase in caloric intake, which would lead to evolution; however, Paranthropus Boisei is the local species, brain 500-550 ccm, 54 inches tall)
1 million years ago - Likely split between ancestor of Homo Sapiens and proto-Neanderthal-Denisovan species. (Mitochondrial DNA evidence.) South Africa, evidence of fire use for cooking.
1 m - 700,000 y a - Java, Java Man dies, brain 900 ccm. 5' 8" tall.
900,000 y a – Possible earliest use of boats.
820,000 - 580,000 y a - Durum Wheat develops out of natural hybridization with Einkorn Wheat (genetic analysis).
800,000? y a - Low world temperatures recorded. Height of Ice Age?
790,000 y a - Levant, oldest Fire hearths found. (Homo Heidelbergensis, 1,250 ccm brain, 69 in tall)
740,000? y a - Height of Ice Age?
7-200,000 y a – Homo Heidelbergensis (East Africa and Europe, likely first to hunt large animals with spears)
640,000? y a - Height of Ice Age.
550,000? y a - Height of Ice Age?
540,000 - 430,000 y a - Art: Sea shell formed into decoration by Homo Erectus. (Could indicate when sea shells began to be used as whistles and horns.)
530,000? y a - Interglacial Peak (between Ice Ages, high CO2 content in the atmosphere, 524-474,000).
500,000 y a - South Africa, evidence of Spears. Genetic evidence of Neanderthal spread from Europe to Caspian Sea, Denisovans occupied land from Caspian to the east.
450,000 y a - Earliest physical evidence of Neanderthal.
450,000 y a - Global temperatures had dropped, stayed that way for thousands of years.
430,000 - 230,000 y a - Durum Wheat cross-breeds with wild Goat Grass (genetic analysis).
400,000 y a - Interglacial Peak (between Ice Ages, 424-374,000).
400,000 y a - Germany, oldest Spears found. France (Terra Amata), possible evidence of manmade shelter using prepared wood.
360,000? y a - Height of Ice Age.
335-236,000 y a – Homo Naledi (South Africa, 4’9”)
310,000 y a - Interglacial Peak (between Ice Ages, 337-300,000).
300,000 y a – Mode Three Stone Tools (smaller knife-like, scrapers, developed in Europe by Neanderthals)
300,000-200,000 y a – Africa, Origin of Male Y-Chromosome that all current males are descended from. (40% of males do not reproduce.)
270,000? y a - Height of Ice Age.
240,000 y a - Interglacial Peak (between Ice Ages, 242–230,000).
200,000 y a - France, evidence of Neanderthals fishing. Africa, "Mitochondrial Eve," source of all Human Haplo-groups that everyone is descended from, existed at this time.
194,000-135,000 y a - Penultimate Glacial Period.
190,000 y a - Early physical evidence of Denisovans. (At least three interbreeding events would occur with Homo Sapiens. EPAS1 gene, hemoglobin concentration, Tibetan plateau.)
190,000-50,000 y a - Flores Island, evidence of tool use by the Human Hobbit.
170,000 - 80,000 y a - Body Lice evolve (genetic evidence, feed on human skin, live in clothing; evidence of clothing)
164,000 y a – South Africa, heat treating Silcrete Stone to enhance stone tool production.
140,000 y a - Homo Sapiens found in Europe.
130,000 y a - Evidence of humans in North America. Crete, earliest human settlements found on the island. Art: Neanderthal necklace made of eagle talons. Croatia: Neanderthal teeth show possible dental work.
125,000 y a - Interglacial Peak (between Ice Ages, 130-115,000). Sea levels 4-6 meters (18 feet) higher then today.
110,000-15,000 y a - Last Glacial Period. Grey Wolves would migrate from North America back to Asia prior to the maximum.
100,000-60,000 y a - Flores Island, bone fossil evidence of the Human Hobbit.
100,000 y a - Oldest example of proper human burial. South Africa, Pigment (paint) Creation Kit found. (would cover bodies in mud/clay and then spray the paint over the bodies, sun screen-protection from insects)
90,000 y a – Harpoons.
86,000-37,000 y a – Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens begin interbreeding, based on genetic evidence found so far.
75,000 years ago - Likely rise of Hunter Genotype in Homo Sapiens.
75,000 y a - Art: Drilled snail shells found in South African cave.
73,000 y a - South Africa (Blombos Cave), evidence of Red Ochre art on pieces of stone, stone with deliberate lines cut into it possibly representing count marks.
72,000 y a - South Africa, Beads found in cave.
70,000 y a - Mitochondrial DNA suggests this is when the Haplo-group of early humans migrated out of Africa to populate the rest of the world.
70-60,000 y a - Earliest evidence of bone and stone arrowheads (for Spear Throwers), found in South Africa. 64,000?
70,000 - 35,000 BCE - Neanderthal burials in Europe and Middle East.
68-16,000 y a – Smallpox evolves from an African Rodent Virus.
67,000 BCE - France, burial shows skulls with Trepanation (cutting holes to relieve brain pressure), earliest example of surgery.
65,000 y a - First humans settle Australia.
64,000 y a - Spain, oldest evidence found of Cave Art (Neanderthal hand).
61,000 y a - South Africa, possible evidence of a Sewing Needle.
60,000? y a - Height of Ice Age?
60,000 y a - Evidence of man/Neanderthal using herbal medicine.
55,000 - 40,000 y a - Italy, evidence of Neanderthal using Pine Tree Resin and Beeswax for hafting tools, in cave. (Beeswax can be used in making Candles.)
52,000 y a - Last evidence of Denisovans.
52,000 – 41,000 y a – Archaeological find of “Bast” tree fiber twisted into primitive cordage, possibly as handle for a Stone Tool. (meaning they had access to Clothing, Nets, Cord for Fishing or Hafting tools, rope; thinking processes of Counting, Sets, Patterns, and possibly abstract thinking)
50,000 - 10,000 y a - Mode Four Stone Tools (long blades).
50,000 y a - Australia, last evidence of megafauna. Siberia, needle made from bone found in Denisovan cave. Genetic evidence of Neanderthal spreading to western edge of China.
50,000 years ago - End point of development of Gatherer Genotype (can survive famine), Teacher Genotype (can handle new and different environments, analytical).
45,000 y a - Evidence of Neanderthal and Homo Sapien interbreeding. (Fossil found, DNA tested.) (France, to create stone tools required precision, “Soft Hammers” were likely used.)
44,000 y a - Evidence of art found in Indonesia.
44,000-40,000 y a - Europe experiences cold and dry weather, displacing populations.
43-42,000 y a - Germany, oldest musical instruments (flutes) found.
42,000 y a - Australia, skeleton of man suggests Atlatl use, pre-dating earliest evidence; earliest example of cremation found. Spain, small amounts of Natural Gold found in a cave.
40,000 y a - (Mankind is at the “Forager” level.) Last evidence of Neanderthal. (Inheritance of "STAT2" gene, immune response. HYAL2 gene, helps skin recover from sunburns.) China, test on body found that ate a lot of fresh water fish. Possible example of oldest petroglyphs. Beads found in Lebanon.
40,000 - 26,000 y a - Studying toe bones, showed they became smaller and weaker, indicating shoes were worn. Prior to this, shoes were likely bags wrapped around feet to protect from cold.
38,000 BC - First appearance of Mode Five Ground Stone tools on Japan. (rock was quarried; thin slivers of flint stone, attached to hafts, man is learning the use of a "handle" for tools and "leverage", create Adzes, Celts, and Axes; grinding helps to penetrate trees and was likely discovered when grinding plant matter; found buried with owners; were traded) Lasted till 14,000 BC. (Would not become popular elsewhere until 10,000 BC?) Germany: Clay Figurine featuring human with lion like appearance, thought to be earliest representation of a Deity.
35,000 BCE - Europe, earliest examples of "Venus figurines" found buried in graves (some showing they were deliberately broken or stabbed repeatedly); would later spread to rest of Eurasia. Early examples of skulls and long bones showing red ochre, indicating possible relic worship.
35,000 y a - Germany, flute made from a vulture bone found.
30,000 BCE – Solomon Islands, first humans settle (60 km sea voyage).
31,000 - 27,000 y a - Evidence of Pit Fire (Earthernware) Pottery developing.
30,000-20,000 years ago - Explorer genotype (Ice Age refugees, idiosyncratic, asymmetrical, contrarian mentality)
30,000 y a - Evidence of starch residue on rocks, indicating where plant matter was pounded and ground. (Would likely be the pre-cursor of developing bread from roots of cattails and ferns. Quern Grinding Stones would spread and gain popularity.) Georgia, Flax used as a textile (harvested, dyed, and knotted) found in Dzudzuana Cave. Fertile Crescent, Einkorn wheat harvested in it's wild form. Evidence of man using the Atlatl. Poland: Boomerang carved from mammoth tusk found. France, Lunar Calendar. Likely when Bolas (stone weight(s) and length of cord) began to be used.
28,000 y a - Europe, oldest evidence of rope.
25,000 - 15,000 BCE - Blood Type A develops in the Fertile Crescent. (able to survive Plague, Cholera, Smallpox)
27,000 y a - Australia, oldest example of petroglyphs found. Czech Republic, earliest example of "Weaving" of material together to create baskets and basic cloth. (Leads to counting and simple math, organizing.)
26,000-13,300 y a - Considered "Glacial Maximum", ice sheets extend to the 45th parallel north. (26,500 considered to be maximum glacial reach.)
23,000 - 12,000 y a – Europe, Perforated Batons found, made of antler, assumed to be a form of Atlatl that uses a leather strap or string to wrap around the spear and give it a slight spin, arrow or spear thrower (similar to Swiss Arrow). Right and left handed throwers find preference. Most carved with Horses, have one or two holes (one had 8 holes).
23,000 y a - Israel, Ohalo archaeological site, hunter-gatherer society (6 brushwood shelters, 132 stone tools some attached to hafts, stone Sickles, dwellings showed flint tools were made at entrance, cooking at other end, grind stone showed sand and cobbles to place and had U-shape of seeds around it) that grew/harvested Barley, Millet, Bromus (grass in same tax tribe as wheat/barley/rye, can be used for fermenting beverages, can be eaten by humans and animals), Rubus (same family as Rose plants, similar to blackberries), and various fruits (seeds from 13 different species), earliest evidence for “Bedding” material.
22,000 – 17,000 y a – France, Solutrean inhabitants make use of Antler.
21,000-17,000 y a - France, Atlatl's found in caves.
20,000 y a - Height of the Ice Age, sea levels 120 meters (360 feet) lower. Mode Five Stone Tools (microliths glued to handles, Fertile Crescent). Earliest example of a building/house found. Ukraine, Bullroarer (wood on rope that is swung around to create sound over long distance) found. Iraq-Iran, Zarzian Culture, had domesticated Dogs.
19,050? - 13,050 y a - Oldest Dryas Period, stadial, abrupt cooling period. Sea levels rose 10-15 m in 500 years.
17,000 BCE - Mesopotamia, Wild Emmer Wheat harvested.
18,000 - 17,500 y a - Siberia, earliest example of a domesticated dog found frozen. Germany, Bow and Arrows found. Early evidence of Darts used.
18,000 y a - Japan, oldest pottery discovered.
15,100 - 14,000 y a - Morocco, earliest example of a cemetery.
15,000 y a – Mode Five Stone Tools reach Europe. Southern France, cave art depicting possible Musical Bow, Nose Flute; "The Sorcerer," a figure showing human and many animal qualities (bison), made out of Clay.
15,000 – 10,000 y a – France, Stone Oil Lamps.
14,500 y a - Oldest example of bread making, Jordan desert.
14,160 - 13,820 y a - Archaeological find: infected tooth partially cleaned out with flint tools.
14,600 - 13,600 y a - "Melt Water Pulse," sea levels rose 16-24 m.
14,000? y a - Older Dryas Period, around 200 year cooling period.
13,500 - 8,200 y a - China, wild Rice domestication event occurs.
15-10,000 BCE - Himalayas, development of Blood Type B.
11,050 BCE - Syria, attempts at domesticating Rye.
13,000 y a - Greece, evidence of lentils found. Earliest evidence of Amber used in jewelry. Israel, archaeological evidence of beer like gruel for ceremonial purposes found at Haifa. Likely beginning of Slavery.
13,000 - 12,700 y a - Fertile Crescent, archaeological evidence of man corralling and using pigs.
12,900 - 11,700 y a - The Younger Dryas Period, when temperatures went cold instead of warming from the Last Glacial Maximum.
10,000 BCE - Jericho, considered mankind's first town, is established. Buildings of clay and straw, dead buried under homes. (Would reach 70 dwellings by 94,000 BCE.) Chickpeas domesticated. Earliest evidence of the Bottle Gourd being domesticated and used (Africa and Asia variety). Azerbaijan (Caspian Sea), petroglyphs of reed boats. Starting point of Ocarina type flutes. Cyprus, humans arrive. Germany, Jet artifact (Botfly larvae, which can be eaten). Curved Stone Oil Lamps.
11,700 y a - Considered the beginning of the Holocene.
9600 BCE - Southern Levant, earliest use of wild Emmer Wheat.
11,500 - 11,000 y a - "Melt Water Pulse," sea levels rose 28 m.
11,400 y a - Cypress, archaeological evidence of pigs (indicating they had been domesticated and brought from the mainland).
9400 - 9200 BCE - Jordan Valley, Fig trees found, indicating earliest agriculture since these trees could not reproduce.
9130 - 7370 BCE - SE Turkey, Gobekli Tepe, oldest known worship location.
9000 BCE - Syria, oldest (Saddle) Quern found. Mesopotamia, Copper first used. Bartering of Cattle and agricultural products likely occurring at this time.
9000 - 3300 BCE - Neolithic Era, roughly. Time period of when man has begun herding, before using bronze.
11,000 - 9,000 y a - Mesopotamia, domestication of Sheep; Rammed Earth construction technique developed. Iran, Domestication of Goat (focused on management of the animal, varieties would come later).
11,000-4,000 years ago - Warrior genotype (farmers, soldiers, inventors); Nomad genotype (life upon a horse, can handle different environments, good immune system)
11 or 10,000 y a - Last Ice Age ends.
8800 BCE - Emmer Wheat spreads beyond the Levant.
8700 BCE - Iraq, Copper pendant.
8500 BCE - Domestication of Barley. Domestication of peas occurs around this time. Turkey, Beer production found at Gobekli Tepe. Domestication of Cattle from the Aurochs (two separate populations, one in Mesopotamia [pop. 80], the other Pakistan). (Rendering cattle bones into Tallow allows for the creation of Candles. Beeswax also used.) Oregon, oldest pair of shoes found made from bark twine. Oats possibly start to be harvested, crop mirrors wheat (is like a weed).
8400 BCE – Cyprus, earliest dug Water Well (26 ft).
10,300 - 8,700 y a - China, Millet harvested.
10,200 - 9,500 y a - Emmer Wheat domesticated(?).
10,000 - 7,000 y a - Archaeological evidence of boats.
8000 BCE (10,000 years ago) – Genetic evidence of breeding Pigeons. Palestine, archaeological evidence of pastoralism. Pre-Pottery Neolithic people in the Fertile Crescent form perfectly smooth stone vases. Iran, Goat domestication. Believed to be when primitive dairy-cheese making began. Flax cultivation. China, Quern Grinding Stones. England, Antler used in headdress costume.
9,500 y a - Cyprus, earliest evidence of cat domestication. SE Anatolia, cold-working, annealing, smelting, lost wax casting of Copper.
7570 BCE – Indus Valley, Lapis Lazuli artifacts.
7500 - 5700 BCE - Anatolia, Catal Hoyuk develops as a spiritual center, found many clay figurines and impressions (feminine, phallic, hunting).
7400 BCE - A monolith ends up submerged in the Straight of Sicily.
7176 B.C. – Earth hit by one of the most massive Solar Storms from the sun ever recorded (visible at night with the magnetic field interaction).
7000 BCE - Archaeological evidence for pastoralism in Africa. China: evidence of mead (honey, rice, water fermented) in pottery; evidence of musical instruments. India, first archaeological evidence of Dance (cave art); evidence of dentistry. Armenian Highlands, art depictions of Cymbals. Durum Wheat made thru artificial selection in Europe and Near East. Greece, earliest evidence of grain silos. Turkey, Catal Hoyuk, art depiction of a Slinger. Afghanistan, Lapis Lazuli mined and traded to Indus and Mesopotamia societies. Europe, Cave Wall art of Honey Collecting.
7000 - 6600 BCE - China, domestication of Soy beans.
7000 - 6000 BCE - Turkey, domestication of Bitter Vetch. (Too bitter for human consumption without being boiled several times, has been found to be great for cattle feed.)
6500-3800 BCE - Ubaid Period (Mesopotamian citystates rise, evidence of specialized workers, evidence of taxation)
6500 BCE - Turkey, evidence of lead smelting at Catal Hoyuk. (Wrapping the dead in textiles, too.) China, archaeological evidence of Silk. Kosovo, oldest Ocarina found in Europe.
8,200 - 7,600 y a - Sea levels rise rapidly. Linked to North American great fresh water lake (Agassiz, Ojibway) sudden draining into Atlantic Ocean. 8,400 y a?
6050 BCE - Moldova, evidence of man extracting salt from a natural spring.
8,000 y a - Western Europe, white skin first appears. Iran: earliest evidence of irrigation; man starts choosing sheep for their wooliness, not just meat and skin (2-3,000 years later, would start wearing wool). Georgia, earliest evidence of wine. Spain, cave painting shows people collecting honey from a wild hive, using a container to hold. China, Buckwheat cultivated (near Tibetan plateau), possible first example of Influenza. Earliest evidence of the Ard Plow used (castrating bulls to train 4 years to become Draft Oxen, also means they can be used to haul logs thru and from forests). Mediterranean, Broad (Fava) Beans, Broccoli. Portugal: Almendres Cromlech, begins, aligned to equinox and solstice, occupied for 2,000 years, would become largest complex in Iberian peninsula, equal to other large complexes in Europe. Anatolia: Obsidian polished into mirrors. Spelt Wheat appears. First Stone hafted Axes. Earliest evidence of “Cock Fighting” game fowl. (Iraq, Kiln.)
6000 - 3500 BC - Mesopotamia (Sumer), Poppy domesticated.
7,8-5,000 y a - SE Turkey, Einkorn Wheat grown and domesticated.
5600 BCE - Evidence of The Black Sea Flood, turning the fresh water lake into a salt water sea, rose shorelines and displaced populations (source of flood myths in religions).
7500 y a - Earth experiences a cold climate period? Lasts for 500 or more years.
7500 y a - Earliest example of chickpeas being used. Poland, archaeological evidence of cheese making. Ukraine, Romania, earliest examples of traps used for hunting. Pakistan, evidence of Cotton found in copper beads. Egypt, earliest Combs found (placing a leaf in the teeth can create a primitive sound instrument).
5500-5000 BCE - Serbia, Copper Smelting.
5200 - 4700 BCE - Iran, earliest evidence of a wheel, for pottery, made of stone or clay.
7,000 y a - Earliest example of Dolmen, single chamber tomb, consists of two stones supporting another on top (table design), found in western Europe, would spread and be common 4000 - 3000 BCE in Europe. Iranian plateau, evidence of Bronze made with naturally occurring arsenic. Tin would replace as the major ingredient (and releasing non-toxic vapors) in the late 3000 BCE period. Iran, evidence of wine found, using sealed containers. China, Hemp domestication (smoking was likely cause for spread, Iron Age would use for production); Rammed Earth construction technique, Silkworm domestication begins. Egypt, Badarian culture starts farming, used boomerangs. Roundels, circular enclosure often with entrances aligned to solstice, would be constructed in Central Europe (Germany, 120-150 altogether). Siberia, oldest carpet found (likely a funeral gift, from Armenia, featured griffons). Mesopotamia: first use of Stamp Seals for government purposes; Rotary Quern milling stones are introduced. Armenia: possible origin of Apricots. Lake Zurich, cultivation of Pear. Indus Valley Civilization, using Bitumen aka Asphalt for waterproofing (a basket), adhesive. Bulgaria, Turquoise beads.
6950 - 6440 y a - Papua New Guinea, cultivation of Taro and Yam.
4800 BCE - Egypt, early evidence of peas being grown. Cairn of Barnenez, Brittany, England, begins (burial monument and later bronze age use, considered one of the oldest and largest man made structures).
4700 - 4200 BCE - The town of Solnitstata, considered the oldest known settlement in Europe. Built around a salt deposit.
6,500 y a - Croatia, earliest example of an oven found. Slovenia, dental filling made with beeswax. Indus Valley, irrigation. Wine production reaches Greece. Carnac Stones, Brittany, France; would become large complex of standing stones, menhirs, domens, tumuli (burial mounds, with passage tombs), large rectangle formed by stone. Americas: various tribes domesticated “chili peppers.” Bulgaria, Carnelian beads. Manufactured Red Pottery Oil Lamps.
4500-4000 BCE - China, Investment Casting develops.
4200 - 4000 BCE - Mesopotamia develops true, easy to spin pottery wheels.
6,000 y a - Earth experiences a cold climate period? (Starting maybe 500 years earlier and ending 500 years later.)
4000 BCE - (Mankind has achieved “Farmer status.”) (Thought to be when Cattle were turned into Oxen for Draft Animal purposes.) Egyptians start building big Brick structures; manufacturing Papyrus; Gold artifacts; (domesticated Donkeys?). Earliest examples of Kilns. NE Italy, archaeological find of Appleseeds. Sicily, evidence of wine found. Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Horse domestication begins (they became small and varied in size as compared to their wild ancestors). “Pontic Language Explosion”. [People from north of the Caspian and Black Seas migrated around Eurasia, ancestor of western languages. (shared origins with: milk, horses, sheep, cattle, pigs, goats, grain, copper, carts, yoke, weaving, mead; patrilineal clans)]. Earliest examples of Viticulture (wine making). Levant, earliest examples of harvesting Olives; start using grain Silos. Art: Earliest depiction of Shoes, Sandals. China: example of a Loom for Silk production; Ramie (similar to flax, requires chemical processing, not as popular, believed to be used for Egyptian mummy wraps). Persia (Iran), Mung Bean domestication?, Chang (precursor to Harp) found on artwork, made with sheep guts. Mesopotamia: Stamp Seals come into use; Mirrors made of Copper; 30-40% of animal bones in settlements were pork (understood to be a way of removing trash from community, easy to feed and raise many); Uruk clay tablet describes two temples owning a herd of 95 pigs to be rendered into soap to clean linen; clay pipes for sewage. Europe, farming reaches northern regions. Anatolia, Silver production.
4000 - 1000 BCE - Ethiopia, Teff is discovered (can feed people and livestock, building material).
3800 - 3500 BCE - Czech Republic, possible evidence of earliest plowed fields.
5,700 y a - Lolland Island, a blue eyed, dark haired, dark skin woman spits out some Birch Bark gum; oldest complete human genome extracted; had Mononucleosis ("kissing disease"). Possible archeological evidence of pit traps used for migrating animal hunting.
3630 BCE - Oldest example of silk fabric found.
3600 BCE – Pork bones in settlements (Levant, Mesopotamia) dropped to 16-30% of total livestock.
5,500 - 4,700 y a - Georgia, tomb found had honey remains on pottery. (This culture could identify Linden, Berry, and Meadow-Flower varieties.)
3500 BCE - City of Uruk: (Mesopotamia) begins outward expansion and influence, later first example of organized warfare (would influence Egyptians to start building pyramids); "Cylinder Seals," a type of noble seal, that can be rolled unto wet clay (would be popular until 1000 BCE). Iraq, Kish Tablet, considered to represent the early transition from pictographic to cuneiform. Mesopotamia, earliest Harps and Lyres found; Gold artifacts. Modern humans settle the western coast of Europe, hunter-gatherers. Egyptians show Cat domestication; Gold Smelting; used a vertical Gnomon as a primitive Sundial? Iran, Beer made from Barley. Armenia, earliest Leather Shoe found. China, Pottery in shape of silkworm indicates earliest example of Sericulture (silk worm production).
3500 - 3350 BCE – Mesopotamia, earliest evidence of wheeled vehicles. Indus Valley civilization uses Stamp Seals with a type of script.
3400 BCE (5,400 years ago) - First metal casting. France, Cow skull showing Trepanation found.
5,400 -5,100 y a - Itzi the Iceman dies in the mountains of Northern Italy. Had a copper axe. Earliest evidence of tattoos. Shoes made from two types of animal skin (bear and deer). Arsenic residue in his hair.
3300 BCE - Egypt, tomb paintings show people Dancing. Indus Valley, develop Sanitation.
3200 BCE - Examples of using symbols to represent real life objects (would go to form written language). Ireland, construction begins on Newgrange, largest passage tomb in Europe, aligned to winter solstice. Egypt, Bead made of Meteoric Iron found.
3100 - 2900 BCE - Jemdet Nasr period (following fall of Uruk) would be known as establishing Cuneiform as a proper language.
3100 BCE - Upper and Lower Egypt unified. Mesopotamia, likely evidence of the earliest Lute type device.
3000 BCE - Onset of Bronze. Mesopotamia, Irrigation; Glass Beads appear (possible side effect of making metal); possible earliest Iron working (required higher temperatures), cuneiform mention of Pigeons. Sumer, Medical text found on tablet, believed oldest ever found. Egypt, Hieroglyphs of Pigeons and use of Homing Pigeons for message delivery, first record of a Doctor named, Imhotep; Antimony harvested from rock and made into eye makeup; earliest evidence of domestic Donkeys in the south. Egyptian Mummies show evidence of Smallpox (deathrate 30% especially among babies, can leave people blind). Dromedary Camels likely domesticated in Somalia at this time. (Camel hair can be harvested for shelter and clothing, outer guard hairs make for water proof coats. Camel milk readily turns into yogurt. To turn into butter requires a clarifying agent and extended process.) Chicken reaches Europe from Asia. England, earliest Stone Circles found. Slovakia, Romania, earliest chainmail found. Sheep chosen for wooly coat, not long hair. China, Clay Bells found. India, River Buffalo domesticated (water buffalo); Jute grown for fiber (burlap). Northern Iran, earliest examples of Trumpets. SE Asia, earliest records of Radish. Pakistan, Terracota female figurines.
2800 BCE - Solid evidence of plowed fields. China, Copper smelting discovered. Babylon, evidence of manufacture of soap like substance.
2700 BCE - Chinese treatise on health. 40 kinds identified.
2650 BCE - Egypt, dental work found.
2630-10 BCE - Egypt, Pyramid of Djoser constructed by Imhotep, considered first.
2600 BCE – Egypt, domestication of Honey Bee complete.
2600 - 1900 BCE - Indus Valley, Stoneware Pottery (meaning fired at 1000 degrees Celsius), would become a major industry; (Ivory?).
2580-50 BCE – Egypt, creates first true Ocean Dock for sea trading vessels (with Indus Valley).
2560 BCE - Great Pyramid of Giza completed.
2500 BCE - Evidence of The Amber Road, trade route from the Baltic Sea to Mediterranean Sea. E Iran, Bactrian Camels domesticated. Iraq, "Lyres of Ur," considered world's oldest stringed instruments. Peru, oldest Sling ever found. Egypt, earliest depiction of a Khopesh (sword). Sumerian Clay Tablet with instructions for manufacturing soap (heating mixture of oil and wood ash, earliest record chemical reaction, used for washing woolen clothing). China, axes with Corundum (precious stone). Harappan Culture of Indus Valley, chicken used for Cock Fighting, not food.
2500 - 2000 BCE - Mali, domestication of Pearl Millet. Turkey, Meteoric Iron dagger.
2400 BCE - Sumer, description of Prostitution and a Brothel-Temple to Fertility Goddess.
2300 BCE - Mesopotamia, Urukagina of Lagash, considered the earliest Law Code. (Widows and orphans exempt from taxes, state pays for funeral expenses, the rich must pay in silver and cannot force the poor against will, checked power of priests, protect from usury, abolished polyandry). Iran, Quince (fruit). China, oldest Gnomon (painted stick that casts a shadow for sundial purpose).
2200 BCE - China, first known tax, using salt. Iraq, tablet reads “22 jars of Pig Fat” (each jar 18 liters of Lard, 396 liters total, require 45 adult pigs; likely used to make soap to clean wool of sheep before turning them into textiles)
2200-2000 BCE - Turkey, Iron Smelting.
2100 - 2050 BCE - City of Ur: Earliest written Code of Law discovered. References Butter. (Fines for bodily harm, references murder, robbery, adultery, rape. Two classes of people: free and slave.)
4000 - 3000 y a - Mesopotamia, earliest Scissors (shear, spring type). India, Mung Bean domesticated.
2000 BCE - Murals show horses pulling chariots. Horses become common in western Europe. England, Great Orme Mine started, would become largest copper mine in region (most productive between 1700 - 1400 BCE), used bone and stone tools. China, Bells made out of metal (Bellfounding); domestication of the Swamp Buffalo (water buffalo). Ghana, earliest evidence of Cowpea (black eyed pea). India, Canola/Rapeseed; Diamonds being used to drill beads. Egypt, Lupin Beans. Greece, Kale grown.
1900 BCE – Homing Pigeons used for warfare.
1800 BCE - Egypt, medical text on gynecological issues; Safflower for pigment. India, Iron working.
1754 BCE - Code of Hammurabi (recognized Prostitution and gave women protection and inheritance; theorized that a fertility goddess had a temple that offered sex workers).
1700 - 1200 BCE - (Late Bronze Age) 8 societies in Middle East: Aegean, Egyptian, Hittite, Canaanite, Cypriot, Mitanni, Assyrian, Babylonian. Considered a "globalized world system." Next time this would occur is today.
1700 BCE – Mesopotamia: The "Mari Letters" reference Minoan society, King Hammurabi; clay tablets list Trigonometry Tables and Applied Geometry (for land ownership, speculated to aid in construction).
1628 BCE - Island of Thera/Santorini experiences huge volcanic eruption, possibly causing a tsunami thru eastern Mediterranean.
1600-1500 BCE - Greece, Helmet formed of boar tusks found.
1600 BCE – Levant, Mesopotamia, Pork bones rarely found in settlements (banned from temples in Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Egypt). (Found amongst the poor classes, difficult to tax since it did not produce wool or milk or could plow a field.)
1550 BCE – Papyrus Ebers, Egyptian medical text, mentions Chlamydia.
1500 BCE - Modern Trumpet design found in eastern Mediterranean. India, Pigeon Pea domesticated. Egypt, Mercury found in tombs; archaeologists find earliest Sundials; Emerald mines. China, Water Clocks.
1400 BCE - Syria, Hurrian Songs, cuneiform music tablet in Ugarit. Greece, oldest body armor found, made of bronze, Dendra Panoply (not actually worn, more of a showpiece, but clear representation of body armor for battle). China, Meteoric Iron axeheads. Art representation of Scale Mail in Egypt. Art: representation of Shields.
1350 BCE - Turkey, Hittites chronicle Egyptian prisoners of war bringing "the plague.”
1300 BCE - Uluburun Shipwreck, off coast of Turkey, had 300 sixty pound copper ingots (10 tons), 1 ton of tin, and tin objects and ingots of colored glass (blue, rose, brown). From Cypress/Minoa.
1300? - 900? BCE - Eastern Mediterranean experiences a 300? year drought. (Could also be: Cypress 1200- 850. Syria 1250-1187. Galilee 1250-1100)
1279 BCE - Battle of Qadesh (Egypt vs Hittites).
1200 BCE (3,200 years ago) - Onset of Iron smelting. Earliest Camel saddles appear. Last appearance of Megaliths. India, earliest evidence of Firewalking.
1200 BCE - Eastern Mediterranean civilization collapse. Drought in Greece. Earthquake series.
1188-1177 BCE - Egypt suffers invasions from "The Sea People."
1185 BCE - Syria, Ugarit Letter, Famine.
1140? BCE - Ramses 6th, mummy found to have Smallpox. No record of people dying from Smallpox.
1100 BCE - Phoenicians establish nation. Europe, Iron Age.
1100? BCE - Earth experiences a cold temperature period?
1100-750 BCE - Egypt, Iron Smelting.
1070 BCE - Egyptian mummy found with Silk in hair, earliest evidence of Silk Road.
1000 BCE - Early Cuneiform script (late stages, still pictograph in nature). Bactria, Barbat (primitive lute). Egypt, Kenaf is grown for fibers, leaves can be eaten by animals and humans (similar to Jute and Hemp; rope, rough fabric, sails). Mediterranean, Cabbage domesticated. China, Iron Age. Sport: racing Homing Pigeons.
930 BCE - Camel bones found in Arabian peninsula. Jordan, earliest Bloomery for Iron working found.
800 - 600 BCE - Ethiopia, Sorghum Wheat begins to be harvested.
800 BCE - Considered the beginning of Ancient Greece, after the Mycenae Civilization. China, Bloomeries used.
700-500 BCE - The Illiad orally composed. India, Diamond mining starts.
708 BCE – Greece, Olympics, Discus Throw.
700 BCE - Turkey, first Coins in Lydia. Assyria, first equipment recognized as a Saddle for a Horse.
660 BCE – Massive Solar Storm hits Earth.
600 BCE - Earliest example of a Steel Sword.
600-400 BCE - Ancient Greece rise of scientific inquiry and philosophy
550 BCE - The Illiad written down.
540 BCE – Sri Lanka, earliest record of Pearls.
500 BCE - Camels used in warfare. Persians use kettle drums for military maneuvers, frighten enemies. Greece, Grape Syrup, early form of sweetener and preservative; earliest written mention of what could be Influenza. Blackberries consumed around Europe. Spain, Disk Quern developed. India, Cholera described in Sanskrit. Romans manufacture dipped Candles.
430 BCE – Athens, Typhoid Fever outbreak during siege by Sparta.
400 BCE - The "Celts/Gaeil" settle Ireland. Greece, the “Hippocratic Corpus” seventy collected medical texts, mentions Pneumonia, Meningitis, Valerian Root.
396 BCE - Olympics, horn blowing competitions.
314 BCE - China, first mention of Sweet Orange.
298 BCE - Foot powered Loom.
200 BCE - China starts making paper.
submitted by SkyAnimal to DebateEvolution [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 13:30 Acceptable-Tea-6937 [PS4] H: Gear & Plans List, W: Junk/Leaders/XpMagazines/RareApparel/EncaveMods Offers.

WEAPONS: AA/E/15R Fixer, AA/E/15V Fixer, B/25/15V Fixer, TS/E/15R Fixer, B/E/90 Fixer, EXE/E/15R Fixer (2), JUG/25/25 Fixer, V/E/90 Fixer, TS/50/15R Fixer (2), TS/25/90 Fixer, B25/15R Fixer, B/E/250 Fixer, AA/HIT/15R Fixer, B/HIT/25 Fixer, JUG/50H/25 Fixer, Q/HIT/15R Fixer, V/25/AGI Fixer, V/25/50DR Fixer, TS/25/PER Fixer, Q/50H/PER Fixer, V/E/25 Railway, TS/25/15R Railway, EXE/E/25 Railway, EXE/25/25 Railway, TS/50/25 Railway, Q/50L/15R Railway, Q/50B/15V Railway, B/50/90 Railway, Q/50L/90 Railway, AA/25/Dur Railway, I/25/25 Railway, J/25/15R Railway, GOUE/25 Railway, F/50/25 Railway, Q/50/PER Railway, ARI/50/25 Railway, A/50/25 Railway, TS/E/50DR Handmade, EXE/25/25 Assault, TS/E/90 Assault, F/25/25 Plasma, B/E/90 Lever, JUG/E/25 Lever, Q/E/15R Pipe, AA/25/15V Minigun, B/E/50DR Minigun, V/25/AGI Gatlaser, AA/50/15R Lmg, B/HIT/250 50cal, V/STE/15B Chainsaw, JUG/40P/S Drill, V/SS/90 Deathclaw, AA/SS/15B Deathclaw.
ARMOR: Hellcat Power Armor Chassis (tradable), Father Winter Helmet (tradable), BOL/END/WWR Ultracite Left Leg, BOL/1STWWR Ultracite Left Leg, BOL/RAD/SENT T-60 Right Arm, UNY/RAD/SENT Combat Left Leg.
NEW PLANS (alphabetical order): Alien Head Lamp, Alien Table, Assault Rifle Wraith's Wrath Paint (4), Bloody Rug (5), Chainsaw Ghostly Grinder Paint, Chainsaw Skeptikill Paint (9), Cultist Adept Hood (5), Cultist Adept Robes (4), Cultist Enlightened Hood (6), Cultist Enlightened Robes (6), Cultist Eventide Hood (9), Cultist Incarnate Helmet (3), Cultist Neophyte Hood (3), Cultist Neophyte Robes (5), Dried Wildflower Bouquet (3), Enlightened Lantern (8), Executioner Mask (2), Fluttering Moths (6), Fuzzy Enlightened Plushie (3), Fuzzy Mothman Plushie (8), Ghoul Chair, Giant Red Dinosaur (2), Glowing Flatwoods Monster Lamp, Hazmat Suit - Teal, Herdsman’s Bell, Honeycomb Paper Blue Mothman (6), Honeycomb Paper Brown Mothman (6), Honeycomb Paper Ghost Lantern A (4), Honeycomb Paper Ghost Lantern B (2), Honeycomb Paper Green Mothman (9), Honeycomb Paper Holiday Tree A (2), Honeycomb Paper Holiday Tree B (3), Honeycomb Paper Icy Snowflake (6), Honeycomb Paper Jack-o'Lantern A (5), Honeycomb Paper Jack-o'Lantern B (3), Honeycomb Paper Jolly Target, Honeycomb Paper Mothman Globe (8), Honeycomb Paper Red Mothman (6), Honeycomb Paper Ribbon Bell, Honeycomb Paper Snowman (2), Honeycomb Paper Spider Lantern (6), Plastiform Gingerbread (5), Plastiform Nutcracker (4), Plastiform Santa, Punty Pig Plushie (2), Rad Skull Rider Helmet (3), Sacred Mothman Tome (7), Scorchbeast Queen Beer Stein (7), Star Light (3), Super Mutant Diagram (3), Taxidermy Mutant Hound.
OLDER PLANS (alphabetical order): Alien Blaster (2), Alien Blaster Cryo Mag (2), Alien Blaster Poison Mag (3), Alien Corpse Operating Bed (3), Alien Disintegrator (2), Alien Disintegrator Automatic Receiver, Alien Disintegrator Cryo Receiver (2), Alien Jack O’Lantern (3), Alien Stash Box (3), Alien Tube (5), Antique Globe of Mars (3), Asteroid (3), Bos Officer Uniform (4), Boss Soldier Uniform (2), Barbed Walking Cane (2), Barbed Wire Fences (2), Bear Arm, Bear Arm Heavy Mod (3), Bear Arm Puncturing Mod (2), Bed of Nails (2), Behemoth Boss Plushie (2), Blue Devil Curtain Door (3), Blue Devil Outfit (3), Blue Devil Pelt Hood (3), Blue Devil Statue (2), Blue Ridge Rug, Blue Ridge Scout Outfit, Bos Medallion, Bottle Bot (4), Bottle and Cappy Balloon Statue, Bottle and Cappy Hoop Jump Statue, Bottle and Cappy Painting Statue (5), Bottle and Cappy Walking Globle Statue (3), Bottle Plush, Brahmin Backpack (3), Brahmin Grill, Brahmin Plushie (2), Brahmin Skin Rug (2), Burning Sheepsquatch Club, Canopy Tent (2), Cappy & Bottle Cowboy Cutouts (2), Cappy Clapper (3), Cappy Smashed Super Sledge Pain (4), Cartography Table, Chally the Moo-Moo Backpack, Circus Bench (2), Circus Cage Trailer, Circus Cube (2), Circus Seesaw, Circus Stilts (3), Circus Walking Globe (5), Civil War Era Suit (2), Civil War Era Top Hat (2), Classic Jack O’Lantern (2), Condemned Notification Sign (2), Confederate Hat, Costume Witch Hat (2), Crowd Bench Seats, Cryogenic Bed (5), Cryptid Hunter Boonie Hat (3), Cryptid Mobile, Cuckoo Clock, Cultist Backpack (4), Cupid Cappy Sign (6), Deathclaw Gauntlet Extra Claw (2), Decoy Ducks, Deputy’s Hat (3), Electrified Assaultron Blade, Evil Jack O’Lantern (2), Electrified Sheepsquatch Club, Electrified Shepherd’s Crook, Electro Enforcer (2), Flamethrower Trap, Freezing Electro Enforcer, Full Pumpkin Rack (2), Getaway Wagon, Glass Covered Sheperd's Crook, Gorilla Chair, Grim Reaper Vault-Boy Cutout (4), Gulper Head (5), Gulper Rug (3), Half Empty Pumpkin Rack (2), Half Full Pumpkin Rack (3), Halloween Skull Mask, Happy Jack O’Lantern (3), Hula Hoop, Human Tube 1 (5), Human Tube 2 (5), Insurgent Hat, Insurgent Outfit (3), Kids Brahmin Clock (3), Large Ultracite Shard (4), Marine Armor Helmet, Marine Tactical Helmet, Marine Wetsuit (2), Meat Cleaver, Milkman Hat (3), Milkman Outfit (2), Mirelurk King tube, Mobster Jack O’Lantern (3), Molerat Wind Chime (2), Mounted Blue Devil Head, Mounted Ogua Head (2), Musket Stack Monument (6), Nuka Cola Bottle Kiosk (3), Nuka Girl Area Rug (5), Nuka Launcher Model (3), Nuka Launcher Posters (2), Nuka Launcher Snow Globe (2), Nuka-Cade Poster (4), Nuka-Cola Ad Barrier (3), Nuka-Cola Balloons, Nuka-Cola Clock (4), Nuka-Cola Crate Stalls (3), Nuka-Stool, Nuka-World Cowboy Hat (3), Ogua Curtain Door (2), Ogua Egg (3), Ogua Hunter Hood, Ogua Hunter Outfit (2), Ogua Plushie (2), Ogua Shell Backpack (3), Overcharged Electro Enforcer (2), Paddock Gate (3), Pepper Shaker, Pink Brahmin Plushie, Pioneer Scout Bowie knife Paint (3), Plasma Gun True Flamer Barrel, Plastic Fruit Bowl, Poisoned Electro Enforcer (2), Practice Jack O’Lantern, Princess Castle Pink Sleeping Bag (2), Protective Lining Raider Underarmor, Pumpkin Rack, Radioactive Barrel (3), Red Rocket Gas Pump Wall Light (3), Red Rocket Gas Station Lamp (5), Red Truck Ceiling Light (4), Replica Gronak’s Axe, Rust Eagle Banner (6), Safari Crocolossus Backpack, Safari Gorilla Backpack (2), Sheepsquatch Staff, Shielded Lining BoS Underarmor (5), Shielded Lining Marine Underarmor, Shielded Lining Raider Underarmor (2), Sitting Gorilla (5), Skeleton Costume (2), Skiing Outfit, Small Vault Girl Statue, Spear, Spicy Tenderizer Mod, Spiked Electro Enforcer, Spiked Shepherd’s Crook (3), Spin the Wheel Snow Globe, Standing Gorilla (4), Strongman’s Super Sledge Paint, Surprised Jack O’Lantern (3), Tattered Curtains (5), The Fixer (5), Titan Plushie (2), Tomb Stones, Treasure Hunter Outfit Hat, Truckbed Trailer with Junk (2), Tunnel of Love Poster (3), Tunnel of Love Snow Globe (6), Ultracite Emergency Protocols, Ultracite Overdrive Servos, Vault Boy Jack O’Lantern (3), Vault Door Jack O’Lantern (3), Vault-Tec Jack O’Lantern (3), Vintage Water Cooler, Wall Mounted Fan (5), Wild West, Show Posters (3), Wise Mothman Throne, Witch Costume (2).
RECIPES (alphabetical order): Caramel Mutfruit, Cranberry Moonshine, Cutting Fluid (3), Disease Cure (Savage Divide), Fasnacht Donut, Fasnacht Sausage, Formula P, Gulper Stuffed Foot (2), Healing Salve (Mire), Lead Champagne Bellini, Nuka-Cola Dark, Pickaxe Pilsner, Stimpak Diffuser (3), White Russian.
WANT: Adhesive, Aluminum, Asbestos, Ballistic fiber, Ceramic, Coal, Concrete, Copper, Cork, Crystal, Fiber optics, Flux: Cobalt/Fluro/Yellow/Violet/Crimson, Gold, Gears, Nuclear waste, Oil, Silver, Springs, Ultracite, Leader Bobbleheads, Backwoodsman 6, Rare Apparel, Enclave Forceful Stock Mods.
CAPS VALUE PER EACH (for reference): Adhesive 5, Aluminum 3, Asbestos 2, Ballistic fiber 7, Ceramic 2, Coal 1, Concrete 1, Copper 4, Cork 1, Circuit 3, Crystal 3, Fiber optics 7, Fiberglass 1, Flux: Cobalt/Fluro/Yellow/Violet/Crimson 100, Gold 4, Gears 4, Screws 3, Nuclear waste 1, Oil 5, Silver 4, Springs 5, Anticeptic 2,Ultracite 7, Leader 500, Backwoodsman6 500.
Shoot me an offer :)
submitted by Acceptable-Tea-6937 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 13:30 Acceptable-Tea-6937 H: Gear & Plans List, W: Junk/Leaders/XpMagazines/RareApparel/EncaveMods Offers.

WEAPONS: AA/E/15R Fixer, AA/E/15V Fixer, B/25/15V Fixer, TS/E/15R Fixer, B/E/90 Fixer, EXE/E/15R Fixer (2), JUG/25/25 Fixer, V/E/90 Fixer, TS/50/15R Fixer (2), TS/25/90 Fixer, B25/15R Fixer, B/E/250 Fixer, AA/HIT/15R Fixer, B/HIT/25 Fixer, JUG/50H/25 Fixer, Q/HIT/15R Fixer, V/25/AGI Fixer, V/25/50DR Fixer, TS/25/PER Fixer, Q/50H/PER Fixer, V/E/25 Railway, TS/25/15R Railway, EXE/E/25 Railway, EXE/25/25 Railway, TS/50/25 Railway, Q/50L/15R Railway, Q/50B/15V Railway, B/50/90 Railway, Q/50L/90 Railway, AA/25/Dur Railway, I/25/25 Railway, J/25/15R Railway, GOUE/25 Railway, F/50/25 Railway, Q/50/PER Railway, ARI/50/25 Railway, A/50/25 Railway, TS/E/50DR Handmade, EXE/25/25 Assault, TS/E/90 Assault, F/25/25 Plasma, B/E/90 Lever, JUG/E/25 Lever, Q/E/15R Pipe, AA/25/15V Minigun, B/E/50DR Minigun, V/25/AGI Gatlaser, AA/50/15R Lmg, B/HIT/250 50cal, V/STE/15B Chainsaw, JUG/40P/S Drill, V/SS/90 Deathclaw, AA/SS/15B Deathclaw.
ARMOR: Hellcat Power Armor Chassis (tradable), Father Winter Helmet (tradable), BOL/END/WWR Ultracite Left Leg, BOL/1STWWR Ultracite Left Leg, BOL/RAD/SENT T-60 Right Arm, UNY/RAD/SENT Combat Left Leg.
NEW PLANS (alphabetical order): Alien Head Lamp, Alien Table (2), Assault Rifle Wraith's Wrath Paint (4), Bloody Rug (5), Chainsaw Ghostly Grinder Paint, Chainsaw Skeptikill Paint (9), Cultist Adept Hood (5), Cultist Adept Robes (4), Cultist Enlightened Hood (7), Cultist Enlightened Robes (6), Cultist Eventide Hood (9), Cultist Incarnate Helmet (3), Cultist Neophyte Hood (3), Cultist Neophyte Robes (5), Dried Wildflower Bouquet (3), Enlightened Lantern (8), Executioner Mask (2), Fluttering Moths (6), Fuzzy Enlightened Plushie (3), Fuzzy Mothman Plushie (8), Ghoul Chair, Giant Red Dinosaur (2), Glowing Flatwoods Monster Lamp, Hazmat Suit - Teal (3), Herdsman’s Bell, Honeycomb Paper Blue Mothman (6), Honeycomb Paper Brown Mothman (6), Honeycomb Paper Ghost Lantern A (4), Honeycomb Paper Ghost Lantern B (2), Honeycomb Paper Green Mothman (9), Honeycomb Paper Holiday Tree A (2), Honeycomb Paper Holiday Tree B (3), Honeycomb Paper Icy Snowflake (6), Honeycomb Paper Jack-o'Lantern A (5), Honeycomb Paper Jack-o'Lantern B (3), Honeycomb Paper Jolly Target, Honeycomb Paper Mothman Globe (8), Honeycomb Paper Red Mothman (6), Honeycomb Paper Ribbon Bell, Honeycomb Paper Snowman (2), Honeycomb Paper Spider Lantern (6), Plastiform Gingerbread (5), Plastiform Nutcracker (4), Plastiform Santa, Punty Pig Plushie (2), Rad Skull Rider Helmet (3), Sacred Mothman Tome (8), Scorchbeast Queen Beer Stein (7), Star Light (3), Super Mutant Diagram (3), Taxidermy Mutant Hound.
OLDER PLANS (alphabetical order): Alien Blaster (2), Alien Blaster Cryo Mag (2), Alien Blaster Poison Mag (3), Alien Corpse Operating Bed (3), Alien Disintegrator (2), Alien Disintegrator Automatic Receiver (2), Alien Disintegrator Cryo Receiver (2), Alien Jack O’Lantern (3), Alien Stash Box (3), Alien Tube (5), Antique Globe of Mars (3), Asteroid (3), Bos Officer Uniform (4), Boss Soldier Uniform (2), Barbed Walking Cane (2), Barbed Wire Fences (2), Bear Arm, Bear Arm Heavy Mod (3), Bear Arm Puncturing Mod (2), Bed of Nails (2), Behemoth Boss Plushie (2), Blue Devil Curtain Door (3), Blue Devil Outfit (3), Blue Devil Pelt Hood (3), Blue Devil Statue (2), Blue Ridge Rug, Blue Ridge Scout Outfit, Bos Medallion, Bottle Bot (4), Bottle and Cappy Balloon Statue, Bottle and Cappy Hoop Jump Statue, Bottle and Cappy Painting Statue (5), Bottle and Cappy Walking Globle Statue (3), Bottle Plush, Brahmin Backpack (3), Brahmin Grill, Brahmin Plushie (2), Brahmin Skin Rug (2), Burning Sheepsquatch Club, Canopy Tent (2), Cappy & Bottle Cowboy Cutouts (2), Cappy Clapper (3), Cappy Smashed Super Sledge Pain (4), Cartography Table, Chally the Moo-Moo Backpack, Circus Bench (2), Circus Cage Trailer, Circus Cube (2), Circus Seesaw, Circus Stilts (3), Circus Walking Globe (5), Civil War Era Suit (2), Civil War Era Top Hat (2), Classic Jack O’Lantern (2), Condemned Notification Sign (2), Confederate Hat, Costume Witch Hat (2), Crowd Bench Seats, Cryogenic Bed (5), Cryptid Hunter Boonie Hat (3), Cryptid Mobile, Cuckoo Clock, Cultist Backpack (4), Cupid Cappy Sign (6), Deathclaw Gauntlet Extra Claw (2), Decoy Ducks, Deputy’s Hat (3), Electrified Assaultron Blade, Evil Jack O’Lantern (2), Electrified Sheepsquatch Club, Electrified Shepherd’s Crook, Electro Enforcer (2), Flamethrower Trap, Freezing Electro Enforcer (2), Full Pumpkin Rack (2), Getaway Wagon, Glass Covered Sheperd's Crook, Gorilla Chair, Grim Reaper Vault-Boy Cutout (4), Gulper Head (5), Gulper Rug (3), Half Empty Pumpkin Rack (2), Half Full Pumpkin Rack (3), Halloween Skull Mask, Happy Jack O’Lantern (3), Hula Hoop, Human Tube 1 (5), Human Tube 2 (5), Insurgent Hat, Insurgent Outfit (3), Kids Brahmin Clock (3), Large Ultracite Shard (4), Marine Armor Helmet, Marine Tactical Helmet, Marine Wetsuit (2), Meat Cleaver, Milkman Hat (3), Milkman Outfit (2), Mirelurk King tube, Mobster Jack O’Lantern (3), Molerat Wind Chime (2), Mounted Blue Devil Head (2), Mounted Ogua Head (2), Musket Stack Monument (6), Nuka Cola Bottle Kiosk (3), Nuka Girl Area Rug (5), Nuka Launcher Model (3), Nuka Launcher Posters (2), Nuka Launcher Snow Globe (2), Nuka-Cade Poster (4), Nuka-Cola Ad Barrier (3), Nuka-Cola Balloons, Nuka-Cola Clock (4), Nuka-Cola Crate Stalls (3), Nuka-Stool, Nuka-World Cowboy Hat (3), Ogua Curtain Door (3), Ogua Egg (3), Ogua Hunter Hood, Ogua Hunter Outfit (2), Ogua Plushie (2), Ogua Shell Backpack (3), Overcharged Electro Enforcer (4), Paddock Gate (3), Pepper Shaker, Pink Brahmin Plushie, Pioneer Scout Bowie knife Paint (3), Plasma Gun True Flamer Barrel, Plastic Fruit Bowl, Poisoned Electro Enforcer (2), Practice Jack O’Lantern, Princess Castle Pink Sleeping Bag (2), Protective Lining Raider Underarmor, Pumpkin Rack, Radioactive Barrel (3), Red Rocket Gas Pump Wall Light (3), Red Rocket Gas Station Lamp (5), Red Truck Ceiling Light (4), Replica Gronak’s Axe, Rust Eagle Banner (6), Safari Crocolossus Backpack, Safari Gorilla Backpack (2), Sheepsquatch Staff, Shielded Lining BoS Underarmor (5), Shielded Lining Marine Underarmor, Shielded Lining Raider Underarmor (2), Sitting Gorilla (5), Skeleton Costume (2), Skiing Outfit, Small Vault Girl Statue, Spear, Spicy Tenderizer Mod, Spiked Electro Enforcer, Spiked Shepherd’s Crook (3), Spin the Wheel Snow Globe, Standing Gorilla (4), Strongman’s Super Sledge Paint, Surprised Jack O’Lantern (3), Tattered Curtains (5), The Fixer (5), Titan Plushie (2), Tomb Stones, Treasure Hunter Outfit Hat, Truckbed Trailer with Junk (2), Tunnel of Love Poster (3), Tunnel of Love Snow Globe (6), Ultracite Emergency Protocols, Ultracite Overdrive Servos, Vault Boy Jack O’Lantern (3), Vault Door Jack O’Lantern (3), Vault-Tec Jack O’Lantern (3), Vintage Water Cooler, Wall Mounted Fan (5), Wild West, Show Posters (3), Wise Mothman Throne, Witch Costume (2).
RECIPES (alphabetical order): Caramel Mutfruit, Cranberry Moonshine, Cutting Fluid (3), Disease Cure (Savage Divide), Fasnacht Donut, Fasnacht Sausage, Formula P, Gulper Stuffed Foot (2), Healing Salve (Mire), Lead Champagne Bellini, Nuka-Cola Dark, Pickaxe Pilsner, Stimpak Diffuser (3), White Russian.
WANT: Adhesive, Aluminum, Asbestos, Ballistic fiber, Ceramic, Coal, Concrete, Copper, Cork, Crystal, Fiber optics, Flux: Cobalt/Fluro/Yellow/Violet/Crimson, Gold, Gears, Nuclear waste, Oil, Silver, Springs, Ultracite, Leader Bobbleheads, Backwoodsman 6, Rare Apparel, Enclave Forceful Stock Mods.
CAPS VALUE PER EACH (for reference): Adhesive 5, Aluminum 3, Asbestos 2, Ballistic fiber 7, Ceramic 2, Coal 1, Concrete 1, Copper 4, Cork 1, Circuits 3, Crystal 3, Fiber optics 7, Fiberglass 1, Flux: Cobalt/Fluro/Yellow/Violet/Crimson 100, Gold 4, Gears 4, Screws 3, Nuclear waste 1, Oil 5, Silver 4, Springs 5, Anticeptic 2,Ultracite 7, Leader 500, Backwoodsman6 500.
Shoot me an offer :)
submitted by Acceptable-Tea-6937 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 22:29 fat_master_shinsoku Another Ayahuasca Testimonial

Just sharing my 2 nights with ayahuasca, and some various thoughts.
This was out in Tucson, Arizona, in the desert during the late summer, where the organizers have a yurt (a circular walled building with windows and a sliding glass door, and dome ceiling). People from all walks of life, across the United States, from even as far as Dubai, came in to attend. Everyone was very much kind, approachable, and down-to-Earth.
Ceremony started at midnight. I took an initial drink, and waited for ayahuasca to take effect. Within 30 minutes, one of the first people to take a drink could be heard vomitting. Which set off a chain of us to begin vomitting in tandem. Luckily I kept dinner light, so it was mostly water and liquids going into the bucket. Full of nausea, I spent most of the time in a fetal position on a yoga mat with blankets. And then it started. I started to see patterns and shapes, in a gradient of shifting colors of purple, green, red, and indigo, overlapping everything I could see in real-time. Like it was lines of code like Neo seeing the Matrix.
I heard a telepathic voice, "One drink is enough." When I closed my eyes, I had a vision of brain. And I could feel a drilling sensation, with vibrating sounds of a power drill. Drilling into my brain. A similar sensation to like when a dentist is drilling your teeth, but it was vibrating my brain. But I had a "knowing" that the drilling was a kind of vibrational frequency, something non-physical. I had a sense that there were some unseen entities around. A voice said, "Don't worry, we're just upgrading you." I would open my eyes, and I could go back to seeing the moving colored lines of code, and everyone else around me were crying, gasping... one girl was even moaning from having orgasms from her experience.
Before the sun rose, the voice told me, "You know you don't have to be here right? You didn't have to come." It was a long night, and really looked forward to sleeping in during the day, before coming back and having to do it all over. We shared experiences of the night, and the man next to me was someone very experienced with ayahuasca. He said, "you know how ayahuasca said you didn't have to be here? It's like she is inviting you. You don't hve to be here, but you chose to come." The simple answer is, I came out of curiousity. I wanted to see if there was something that I could see, or be shown.
2nd night, again we start ceremony at midnight. This 2nd time with ayahuasca, I noticably felt less nausea, and more "drunk." Like I had to be more conscious, more deliberate with my movements. No physical vomitting this time, but dry heaving, as if I was expelling energetic blockages. I felt my senses were more heightened, the smoke and scent of palo santo being burned, was especially strong and dizzying. I could here ayahuasca's voice again, "It's okay child, you don't need to drink anymore. Go outside."
I make my way outside, making sure not to stumble too much pass everyone else going through their experience. I step out and have a seat on one of the many chairs they have laid out. In the distance is a lightning storm amidst the desert night, flashing away as lightning strikes. I let out a few more dry heaves, a few more deep gasps of energetic blockages.
And so this telepathic conversation ensues. The shifting colors and patterns of circles, triangles, platonic solids continue as I keep my eyes open. I hear a kind of communicative ringing and gurgling insect-like sounds as a constant, as I look at the cloudy night sky. "You didn't have to come here child, but you came. You came because you wanted to know the truth. But you already know the truth. What you are here for is confirmation." I think my responses to her in my mind.
"Yes child, you are right, what you are seeing is the structure of the astral plane, the place to access the Akashic records. Your intuition is right: the reason ayahuasca ceremony is held at this time is because this is the optimum time for the 魂/Hún (the ethereal soul) to connect to what you refer as the Astral/Soul Plane."
"And yes, plants and insects communicate telepathically to each other on this plane. All the plants are connected, and well aware of what is going on with one side of the planet to the other side. You don't need to feel guilty cutting us, harvesting us, moving, and so forth, child. This is our contract with the Creator. We plants are here to help facilitate life and experience on this planet."
This profound interaction with ayahuasca had me laughing and smiling. It was a lot to take in. As I was sitting, I could the other people at ceremony going for a walk outside, or vomitting in the nearby bushes. While laughing in the chair, I could see a tall, willowy slender figure, with long wavy hair, walk out of the yurt and walk directly her way towards me. "Did you call for me?" (This was one of the facilitators on site.) I was still in the middle of laughter, as I shook my head, "No, I'm good, thank you though," I replied. "I love your joy and laughter. It's a beautiful gift," she said with a smile.
"Yes child, we love your energy. Your laughter and joy, we will share with with all the plants, as we are all connected. It is a lovely energy."
"You already know this child. You are here to experience life. The nature of God is love, and joy, and to expand experience. You asked how the world will be in the future, yet you already know that everything will play out the way it will. You are one with God, you are one with all. All of you are a piece of God, here to expand possibility and experience. If God is perfect, that means there are no mistakes. Everything is the way it is suppose to be. You know you are here to understand how you create your experience."
As I sat, the lightning subsided. The thicker clouds could be seen moving past across the night sky. I don't know if you could say that the Creator was looking down upon us, only that I could feel our oneness and interconnectedness to everything; there was a serenity and bliss in being present with that sensation. I felt a more inner knowing about the vibrations and feelings, of the rocks, the trees, and so forth.
The conversation continued:
"What you think about UFO's are correct child. Some are alien, some are man-made. And you know this too, their movements do not make sense to people who are only aware of 3-dimensional physical experience. They function on 4-dimensional and 5-dimensional physics and logic. And even though we say 'dimensions' or 'planes' child, you know that it is all a mattery of energy and frequencies."
"You already know this child. Anthony Bourdain didn't commit suicide. You know he was killed off, child. You know that he was not the type of man to leave his daughter behind to suffer from his abscence. And you know why he was killed."
In the distance, a pack of coyotes were howling in the night. I could still see the patterns and their evershifting colors, the insect-like mite-ish sounds would continue until daybreak.
There were other things within that telepathic exchange with ayahuasca, but this is what I can recall offhand. Half the people that were in the yurt were beginning to go for walks outside, where we would share our experiences.
One man had served in Afghanistan. He was a drug addict and alcoholic for years. This was his 15th time doing ayahuasca, and it helped him get sober and clean.
His brother also attended, is a musician. He shared that he vomitted on the ground outside. And when he looked, he could see alien cybernetic worms that sprung up from the vomit. He thanked them for going on their way. Later that morning, a bee peacefully landed on his index finger, and lingered as if to greet us.
An older, burly man that was in the yoga mat next to me, he kept getting visions of turtles. He had no idea what it means.
One young girl wept a lot. She had lots of grief to process, visions of her inner child needing support. Visions of her mom going through a hard time. But ayahuasca showed herself and wrapped her in love.
One young man did ayahuasca for three nights straight and... nothing. No messages, no visions. But he did not follow the directions or guidelines. He ate whatever he wanted. Ayahuasca told me to let him know, the time will come. He will see what he needs to see at a later time, just be present and patient.
Final notes: It's my understanding that ayahuasca is a very personal, individual experience. The mother spirit plant meets you to where you are at in life. Part of meeting her and getting the most is to do the inner work on your self.
If everything is energy/qi/mana/ki/prana - it is a frequency. Our senses tap into that frequency. Our physical organs make sense of reflected light waves (sight), sound waves (hearing), and taste/smell/touch reacting to dense matter (where matter is made up of atoms, which are made up of electrons/protons/neutrons, which are made up of leptons/bosons/quarks. Moving, vibrating, spinning. Depending on what we're born with or how we have developed or cultured ourselves, our senses tap into and attract certain frequencies. Radio waves are all around us, but we don't see them. But we can use a radio to tap into a specific frequency or radio station like Power 106 FM or 92.3 the Beat.
Foods have different frequencies, as do music, as do habitual thoughts. My teachers taught me that mammals have denser frequencies, since they can feel heavy emotions like fear and grief. Pigs are highly intelligent, so maybe that is why there are religions that abstain from eating pork. That energetic fear or negative emotion will affect your frequency if you consume it.
Hence the dieta, or dietary guidelines. The more pescatarian, to vegetarian, to vegan, to maybe even water fasting or attaining breatharianism, the more finer quality your energy field and frequency to tap into your higher faculties, your higher senses, your higher self, your guides.
One last note - I think for those of you that read this far, and considering ayahuasca, the one thing I will say besides surrounding yourself with the cleanest possible foods, people, music, and experiences, it is to practice inner work and ground. Balance your chakras. Specifically your root and sacral chakras. Practice earthing. Go to a clean place in nature or wilderness. Balance and reinforce muladhara/root and svadhisthana/sacral chakras. Be grounded, be balanced, be present. You'll be able to understand your visions, or visitors more from a place of love and understanding, instead of being mentally scattered in fear.
Just a thought. I hope that was helpful and interesting to anybody considering ayahuasca as part of your life's journey, and good luck!
submitted by fat_master_shinsoku to Ayahuasca [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 17:35 Flimsy_Dependent9197 I had to go to biology class and dissect a fetal pig while having a miscarriage

I was 17, in a toxic relationship and living with my narcissistic mother. Pregnant and scared. I never told my mother until 4 years later and she didn’t believe me. Having a dead fetus bleed out of me while dissecting a baby pig makes it next to impossible for me to eat or cook meat now.
submitted by Flimsy_Dependent9197 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 12:32 StupidAssMf Can you guys rate my dick?

Can you guys rate my dick?
This post has been taken over by the elite barns
This is the ultimate dick manufacturing guide for every playstyle in Rash Cloyale and every level of Skillz.
Step 1: Elite Bard
Self explanatory.
Step 2: Good support for the e-skills
The elite bard needs good support in order to go hard on the enemy, otherwise a simple skeletons army division will prevent them from attacking the important targets.
Best supports for the elite skillz are healing spirits (longer ebarn), rag (cracked eban), barbarrel (decoy), cum golen (decoy), little fucker (does a lot of things), minions horde (good stat for the cost) and monke (fuck bowler and fireball). The undisputed leader is elixer manufacture, because more elixer equals more Ebard.
Honorable mention is good stat for the cost guy, but he is a bit boring.
Step 3: Choose playstyle
  • MORE EBAN!!!
Mirror ebards, rag, elixer machine, cycle bullshit. It's all you need, baby!
  • 3 musket sex
"Quick guide to make ebarn and 3 musket child
Hey guys, it's the genetics instructor here, today we will be taking a look at how to make the perfect race for the race war with elitebards and 3 musketer.
This combination requires 15 elixir ❗❗❗
First of all we need elixer machine to prepare the elite skills for the job.
We need to be careful and split the 3 musk in the back, let them get to know the area, let them feel comfortable. After that we also split ebarn. One of them (lucky guy) gets the two ladies, while the other one can take better care of the third.
We also have rag to help the eskills go at it better.
Sometimes there are interruptions to the process, like stupid skeletons bothering the superior race or maybe bats looking for food. To prevent this from disturbing the most beautiful thing in nature we must have prepared a barbarrel, cum golen and a heal spirit to take good care of the intruders.
After 9 months, 3 beautiful children are born, sometimes even more!"
  • Golem 🏗️
Elixer collecter required. Electrons dragon is also good. For those of you who don't like cards under 4 elixer cost. Also use goblin prison, in case opponent has earthquakes.
  • Pigs
Mother bitch and royal pigs mandatory. Split lane strategy is important. No elixer machine this time, only cracked jailed goblin at most. Good idea to use fireball baits like musket, little fucker or minions horde.
  • Mommy queen 😍👸👸👸
Nothing else matters
  • Dark Gigachad & Bandit
Exceptional combo with elite bard. Also 3 musket and/or regular gient are solid choices. Another option is ram rider to include racial minorities within your lineup. Great playstyle for those of you who worship dark prince, or anyone indecisive.
  • Barbarian army
At least you must include elite bards and 3 barbarian units. Battle dick, regular bards and barbarrel is the best choice for reasonable people, but bringing barbarians pub to the table can also be good.
Step 4: WIN
submitted by StupidAssMf to ClashRoyaleCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 18:28 MustGetOut Mother Bus Deep Dive: Part 2

Mother Bus Deep Dive: Part 2
Recap: JD & Britney Lott set out on the road in their renovated bus in October 2018, managing the children’s gym they owned from the road. They traveled a little bit overseas and through several states, documenting sporadically through 2019, and by year’s end it seems the family is headed out of Texas and to Arizona as they await the arrival of their sixth child in May 2020. Their current children are Gunner (born 2011), Kinsey (born 2013), Schofield (born 2015), Audie (born 2017), and Swift (both 2018).
Since I posted Part 1, the original American Family Road Trip facebook page is no longer active. I love this for us :)
2020 & The Tiny House
On January 1, 2020 the American Family Road Trip posted their departure from social media:
Departure from social media
But this didn't last long... by February 2020 they are back on social media and within months Britney is yet again tagging products and writing paragraphs about what ever product she was trying to shill at the time.
As Covid begins to spread and the pandemic begins in March 2020, Britney promises us The Bus will make a return while they stay in Arizona awaiting he arrival of their newest addition.
Boo-Hoo Disney closed for Covid
In May 2020 the family welcomed son, Uriah.
In an early post after Uriah was born she writes, “The recommendation by the Bradley Method is to still have a midwife to support your husband and help in emergencies, funny enough my last 2 deliveries JD was more involved than my OB, and both times she joked I didn’t need to pay her…well this time (as a cash pay customer) I took her advice.” Later in September 2020 in a post discussing homebirth, Britney mentions having the help of both a midwife and nurse, “We immediately bonded with my midwife and loved our nurse. They were fun, informative and confident in providing a safe experience for our wishes. With their expertise they helped lead JD in fully delivering our son in our master bathroom. There is nothing I would change from the experience (PS they even clean up ;) )”
Soon after Uriah’s birth the family headed back to their home state of Texas, mostly in part to assist with their children’s gym business as the pandemic was continuing. “Our whole team is made up of truly inspiring women. During the closure we were considering “non essential”, like almost every small business in America, and the team worked hard to adapt as much as they could to an online platform for our customers, but we aren’t really made for that. It was tough. There has been a lot of personal and spiritual growth from everyone…and a lot of tears. Thank the Lord, now we have been given the green light to open and we are headed to Texas to support them.”
The Lott family buys 40 acres of land to “park the bus in between traveling.” And as things go with this family, the plans change ever so quickly. By September, they were posting about a Tiny House they bought for their land, with plans to build a barn. They completely buy into the homestead lifestyle planning gardens and buying chickens to raise.
Tiny House, She-Shed-Schoolhouse, and No-Permits Barn
In a December 2020 post it is mentioned “We got the kids PIGS for Christmas!” Knowing they only give each child three gifts for Christmas, the kids must have been thrilled! I then wondered, as it one pig per kid? Or did they all have to share one? It turns out they started with two pigs, so it was a 3 kids-to-1 pig ratio.
As the family rings in the new year they continue living in their Tiny House on their homestead. Britney starts ramping up her social media posts in the beginning of 2021 - her posts mainly contain “God is good!” messages, sometimes there’s a mention of a local business, and travel tips from #RVLife. She seems to becoming better at the social media game - interacting with followers, hosting giveaways, setting up an Amazon storefront, and making the kids partake in silly dances. Many, many times she posts about her trips to Magnolia Market Silos in Texas, a storefront owned by HGTV couple Joanne & Chip Gaines.
It's now Summer of 2021 after the family hits the road again – but this time not in The Bus!!! Instead they head out in their 12 passenger van, with a couple of months planned to travel. No mention of who is now taking care of the many pets and possible farmland they’ve set up with the Tiny House. Currently there aren’t many posts on their Instagram about this time but in an April 2023 post Britney does mention the family traveled throughout the western United States, “we parked the bus, grabbed a tent & sleeping bags at Walmart and spend 2.5 months camping across Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana.”
Passenger Van Road Trip from Hell
Although the family is doing a good job attempting to scrub their social media right now, they still left this one Instagram reel up as of this posting. To the song of “Bad Day” JD opens up their singular tent to show Britney on the ground in the fetal position crying. They have one tent for two adults, and six children who are at the ages of 10 (male), 8 (female), 6 (male), 4 (male), 3 (male), 1 (male). ONE TENT!
Serious cry for help
By July they are back in the RV, and Britney goes all in on social media posting like she has never done before. She starts doing Instagram lives where she is getting ready discussing her day-to-day schedule, including all of the ways God has planned their life for them. There’s several long videos about homeschooling - or “roadschool” as they call it. In September 2021 they announced Britney is pregnant again with baby number seven due in April 2022.
Baby #7 and Back to the Bus:
I think some speculation is allowed with what occurs next for the Lott family. By Fall of 2021, it has been one year since the family has bought the Tiny House for their new homestead. They’ve bought many farm animals and begun construction on a barn they plan to use as their future home, and in the Summer of 2021 they decided to travel in their 12 passenger van, camping for several months with six small children (ONE TENT!), find out they are pregnant with baby number seven and then this post in September 2021–
Selling Tiny House
With all the comments and posts about how great the Tiny House was for their growing family, this just feels beyond cruel to each of those children who had the taste of freedom for 2.5 seconds. Is the family running out of money? Is someone about to go down the Bitcoin rabbithole?
The Fall of 2021 we see an increased social media presence with the family, and finally Britney’s prayers are answered when one of their reels go viral - the first one that has over 1 million views is on November 5, 2021. It is of her jumping on a trampoline with the caption “Pregnancy may have its ups and downs, but it’s totally worth it. 🤩❤️🥳 LIKE because I didn’t even pee my pants! 👏 (and take my advice — go to physical therapy after each and every baby, totally worth it 😉).”
November 2021 is beyond wild for two things: It is the first mention of Bitcoin (Father Bus’ true passion other than providing sperm) and they family mentions a move to Mexico:
Father Bus & Bitcoin Begins
There’s only one follow up post regarding their trip to Puerto Penasco, Mexico. She doesn’t seem too thrilled about the trip, mentioning it was Part 1 and sharing the story as if it was a regular trip for them. Part 2 never materialized and there has been no mention of Mexico since. The family ends up spending Thanksgiving and Christmas traveling through the southern states visiting Britney’s family.
2022 and the obsession for social media fame:
In true Mother Bus fashion she decides to pivot her life almost entirely as the New Year begins. With 2022 not even a week in we get a post on January 5th telling her followers, "Read the Bible. Read the Bible. Read the Bible. We want to encourage everyone we see, this year, starting now, read the Bible. We all need to read His word, and decide where we stand. If you say you believe, if you call yourself a Christian. What are you going to do about it?” The same post is the first time she uses the name of God as “YAHWEH” (all caps).
On January 11, 2022 they post about selling their business, The Little Gym, in Lubbock, TX after owning it for 10 years. "God has led us to sell The Little Gym of Lubbock. It was by no means an easy decision, and has resulted in many prayers, tears, and long discussions between JD and I. In many ways The Little Gym has been our family, our community, our friends. While selling the gym is bitter sweet we are excited to see where God leads us next."
A mix between the selling of their somewhat steady home & business, failure of whatever was supposed to happen in Mexico, baby number seven, and (mainly) the growing number of followers led to a new social media game for JD & Britney in 2022.
One new adventure for them is their now defunct blog jdandbritney.com, and they truly entered fundie status with this one by providing a *PDF*
They spoke at the Texas Homeschool Coalition convention and hosted times for meet-and-greets:
Texas Homeschool Coalition's convention
And in May 2022 the family started a YouTube channel. These were truly hard to watch so I am going to leave my review of these in a short manner (I recommend using https://yewtu.be/channel/UCrYQYRjUVjQ0k-5yudGvYlA to watch their videos, if you are interested but do not want to give them any views)
Introduction video on May 21, 2022, “We are FINALLY on YouTube!”
  • This is about 8 minutes long, mainly the same old story they tell about how they met
  • “Love meeting our followers on the road”
  • While discussing themselves, Uruiah tries to give them a toy. They tell him to “take it to bubba” getting irritated their child wants attention, JD says “I’m going to take or you can take it to bubba”
Tell me you neglect your children without telling me
“First Episode Ever!” on May 30, 2022 currently holding 4k views,
  • They film themselves in the kitchen making breakfast, ignoring the children screaming and being neglected behind them as they eye themselves up in the camera
  • Answer questions from “fans”. Some hot takes:
  • Parenting is more about the growth of the parent than that of the child
  • They continually ask the Lord how long they should be in the RV
  • It is important for the kids to feel bored
Second episode , “Texas Family Fun (Ep.102)” followed on June 18, 2022 with 1.7k views
  • Met up with the Collins family and went to Cowtown in Fort Worth, Texas
  • JD missed the turn on the highway because Britney was filming & distracting him with questions. As he was also trying to eat a cheeseburger
  • Not much time with the Collins family, there was really no introduction of the family and I didn’t see any showing of the father
  • The camera skills are going to make me sick… mostly bad shots of the attractions at Cowtown
  • Britney makes the kids sing a song and talk to the camera at the end discussing their time at Cowtown. The kids look so sad and disinterested
I will stop here and let y’all discuss. There's so much more, I mean I didn't even get to baby #7 or #8 let alone the whole Brazil fiasco. Honestly once I realized they have begun deleting things since my last post I have saved everything I could which then led to a much deeper dive than what I expected. So thanks for that one JD and Britney ;)
submitted by MustGetOut to FundieSnarkUncensored [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 20:25 ___Devin___ Do you support embryo transplantation for rape victims?

Embryos and fetuses can be transplanted into artificial wombs, do you support allowing this for rape victims?
"biobag" becomes the new womb A fetal pig rests inside an artificial womb. The team carefully monitors the fetus's heart rate, blood pressure and other vital signs. Once it looks stable, the researchers surround the biobag with warmers. "It's as close to a good transition as you can get I think," Haller says.Apr 12, 2024 https://www.npr.org › 2024/04/12 An artificial womb could build a bridge to health for premature babies - NPR https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/04/12/1241895501/artificial-womb-premature-birth
submitted by ___Devin___ to AskConservatives [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 18:14 katiespaulding91 My fetal pigs skin is peeling

Wet specimen beginner
Okay so I'm totally new to diy wet specimens. I'm sorry for the ignorance, but I always find Google overwhelming. I purchased a fetal pig from a vendor and put him in a jar of vodka. Jar is air tight and liquid nailed. I don't think I used the correct fluid though. The skin is peeling off of him now. What should I replace the fluid with before it's too late?
submitted by katiespaulding91 to wetspecimens [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 18:03 TrafficFit7897 Vivisection and help around missing information?

I live in new Mexico, and attend high school. I am in an Anatomy and Physiology Class, and have a vivisection of a fetal pig (which the teacher paraded out in a bad this morning and went into detail about how at least it isnt a cat) assignment which goes against my moral standards. I've asked for an alternate assignment and was told I can watch the vivisection which isn't much better. Not having an alternative assignment feels not only ignorant but lazy. She won't change her mind on this, and I've checked my schools policy and nothing explicitly states I can be exempt but NM local law does. What do I do or how do I proceed in this? If there's nothing I can do that's fine but im frustrated.
submitted by TrafficFit7897 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 22:56 Deuxcartes [LIST] I have distributed all the isekais I have ever seen into more than 30 categories. Here is the result - PART 3 (28 TO 36);

LAST UPDATED - 05 / 04 / 2024
Part 1 – https://www.reddit.com/Isekai/comments/1cga32j/list_i_have_distributed_all_the_isekais_i_have/
Part 2 – https://www.reddit.com/Isekai/comments/1cga4z3/list_i_have_distributed_all_the_isekais_i_have/
Part 3 – https://www.reddit.com/Isekai/comments/1cga7ta/list_i_have_distributed_all_the_isekais_i_have/
Lets begin
28 - Slice of life/Slow Life Isekai: There are several possibilities here. These are series focused not on the objective but on the characters’ daily lives. There are several subcategories.
28.1 – Open Store: MC open his own business.
Examples: [1] – Kami Tachi; [2] – Drug Store In Another World; [3] - My Quiet Blacksmith Life in Another World; [3] - Isekai De Uwamae Hanete Ikiteiku ~Saisei Mahotsukai No Yuru Fuwa Jinzai Haken Seikatsu~; [4] - Shounin Yuusha wa Isekai wo Gyuujiru!
28.2 – Lazy worker: MC have an easy job and dont have to fight;
Examples: [1] – Ascendance Of A Bookworm; [12] - The Girl Monster I Saved; [3] - I Got Reincarnated As A Son Of Innkeepers!; [4] - Kochira Isekai de yoroshikatta deshou ka?; [5] - Moto Home Center Tenin no Isekai Seikatsu ~Shougou "DIY Master" "Green Master" "Pet Master" wo Kushishite Isekai wo Kimamani Ikimasu~; [6] - Heroine? Saint? No, I'm An All-Works Maid; [7] - Sweets, Elf, And A High School Girl (reverse);
28.3 – Lazy Merchant: MC farm or uses his system to get itens and then sell to make easy Money.
Examples: [1] - I Shall Survive Using Potions!; [13] - Slow Life In Another World (I Wish!); [3] - The Fake Alchemist; [4] - Souzai Saishuka no Isekai Ryokouki; [5] - Arafoo Otoko no Isekai Tsuhan Seikatsu; [6] - Isekai Nonbiri Sozai Saishu Seikatsu; [7] - Cheat na Tablet wo Motte Kaiteki Isekai Seikatsu; [8] - Teihen Ossan, Cheat Kokusei de Isekai Rakuraku Life;
28.4 – Lazy Noble/Elf: Just a normal noble/elf living a easy life.
[1] - Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai; [2] - Tensei Shita Kedo Cheat Nouryoku wo Tsukawanai De Ikite Miru; [3] - Tenseisha wa Cheat o Nozomanai; [4] - Tensei Ouji wa Daraketai; [5] - Tensei Shite High Elf ni Narimashitaga, Slow Life wa 120-nen de Akimashita; [6] - Reincarnated as the Daughter of the Legendary Hero and the Queen of Spirits;
28.5 – Lazy Farmer: farmer life. Best Job/class. MC is usually OP and almost always end up with a harem;
Examples: [8] - Nonbiri Nouka; [9] – Yuru Fuwa Noka No Moji Bake Skill; [11] - Kamigami no Kago de Seisan Kakumei; [14] - Living a Laid-Back Second Life on the Island of the Strongest Species; [5] - Isekai de Tochi o Katte Noujou wo Tsukurou; [6] - Isekai ni Otosareta… Jouka wa Kihon!; [7] - Seirei-tachi no Rakuen to Risou no Isekai Seikatsu; [8] - Isekai ni Teni Shitara Yama no Naka datta. Handou de Tsuyo Sayori mo Kaitekisa o Erabi Mashita;[9] - Tanbo de Hirotta Onna Kishi, Inaka de Ore no Yome da to Omowareteiru (reverse); [10] - Tensei Shachiku no Cheat Saien - Ban'nou Skill to Benri na Tsukaima Yousei wo Kushishitetara, Kidzukeba Tairiku Ichi no Seisan Kyoten ga Dekiteita; [11] - Shokubutsu Mahou Chito de Nonbiri Ryoshu Seikatsu Hajimemasu Zense no Chishiki o Kushi Shite Nogyo Shitara, Gyakuten Jinsei Hajimatta Kudan; [12] - Isekai desu ga Mamono Saibai shiteimasu.; [13] - Tenohira Kaitaku Mura de Isekai Kenkokuki: Fueteku Yome-tachi to Nonbiri Mujintou Life; [14] - Orenchi ni Kita Onna Kishi to Inakagurashi Surukotoninatta Ken (reverse); [15] - Isekai Yururi Camp; [16] - Shoushaman no Isekai Survival ~ Zettai Hito to wa Tsurumanee ~;
28.6 – Frail boy/girl: cute/emotional stories about kids;
Examples: [1] - Fluffy Paradise; [2] - Zensei de Tsurai Omoi o Shita no de, Kamisama ga Shazai ni Kimashita; [3] - Making Magic: The Sweet Life of a Witch Who Knows an Infinite MP Loophole; [4] - The Steam Dragon Express; [5] - A Ruined Princess and a Different World's Hero Make a Great Country!; [6] - Sekai Tensei Slum Machi kara no Nariagari; [7] - Tensei Youjo wa Akiramenai; [8] - Kamitachi ni Hirowareta Otoko; [9] - Saijaku Tamer wa Gomi Hiroi no Tabi o Hajimemashita;
28.7 – Lover Boy/girl: Living each day with his/her waifu/husbando and making friends.
Examples: [10] - Yuusha Shoukan ni Makikomareta kedo, Isekai wa Heiwa deshita; [1] - Lv2 kara Cheat datta Motoyuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life; [3] - I Guess I Became the Mother of the Great Demon King's 10 Children in Another World; [4] - Monster no Konkatsuya-san; [5] - Isekai ni Kita Mitai Dakedo Dousureba Yoi no Darou; [6] - Depressed Hero; [6] - I'm in Love with the Villainess; [7] - There Was A Cute Girl In The Hero’S Party, So I Tried Confessing To Her;
28.8 – Camping Isekai: rare stories about a MC who likes to camping.
[1] - Ossan no Remake Bouken Nikki: Autocamp kara Hajimaru Isekai Mankitsu Life; [2] - Isekai Shachuuhaku Monogatari: Outrunner PHEV;
29 - Profession Isekai: MC was a professional in his previous world and after being isekai his/her knowledge end up being usefull enough to adapt and make changes in the new world.
[1] – The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent; [2] – Parallel World Pharmacy; [3] – Handyman Saitou in Another World; [4] - I Used High-Level Medicine To Counter Magic; [5] - A Single Aristocrat Enjoys A Different World: The Graceful Life Of A Man Who Never Gets Married; [6] – Salaryman ga Isekai ni Ittara Shitennou ni Natta Hanashi; [7] - The Story of the Invincible Merchant's Rise in Another World ~Since I have the skill to order modern products at will, I have an easy victory in another world~; [8] - I Reincarnated As A Legendary Surgeon; [9] - How A Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom Focuses On A Civil Servant Saving a country; [10] - The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady; [11] - The Greatest Estate Developer; [12] - The Holy Power of Modern Medicine; [13] - Yuusha Ikkou ni Senzokui; [14] - Isekai no Meitantei; [15] - Madougushi Dahliya wa Utsumukanai ~Dahliya Wilts No More~; [16] - Inaka no Home Center Otoko no Jiyuu na Isekai Seikatsu; [17] - Cheat Kusushi no Slow Life: Isekai ni Tsukurou Drugstore; [18] - Fushi no Kami: Rebuilding Civilization Starts with a Village; [19] – Exterminator; [20] – Isekai no Binbou Nouka ni Tensei Shita Node, Renga wo Tsukutte Shiro wo Tateru Koto ni Shimashita; [20] - Welcome to Sylvia's Garden; [21] - Can I, a Doctor, Save 10 Billion Lives in Another World?; [22] - Isekai Courtroom -Rebuttal Barrister-; [23] - Doctor’s Rebirth; [24] - The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine; [25] - Isekai Ten'i Shite Kyoushi ni Natta ga, Majo to Osorerareteiru Ken ~Aoi-sensei no Gakuen Funtou Nisshi~; [26] - BLACK CORPORATION: JOSEON;
30 – RPG/Game/Novel Isekai: Isekai where MC is isekai’d with his/her own game character and build according to the game rules that they know, or use a class who's considered weak but it will become the strongest in the lategame, or even because they know the events of the world.
30.1 – Eroge game / Otome game / MMO / RPG / VRPG etc.
Examples: [1] – Live Dungeon; [2] – Log Horizon; [3] - Tsuihou Sareta Tensei Juu Kishi wa Game Chishiki de Musou Suru; [4] – Quality Assurance in Another World; [5] - The Unrivaled Reincarnated Sage of Another World ~The Strongest in Another World Through Game Knowledge~; [6] – Maou-sama, Retry!; [7] - Sword Art Online; [8] - Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear; [9] - .Hack//Sign; [10] - Tyrant Of The Tower Defense Game; [11] - Surviving The Game As A Barbarian; [12] - Pick Me Up: Infinite Gacha; [13] - Dungeon Reset; [14] - The Nebula's Civilization; [15] - Rta Sousha Wa Game Sekai Kara Kaerenai; [22] - Manuke na FPS Player ga Isekai e Ochita Baai; [16] - Moto-Sekai Ichii Sub-chara Ikusei Nikki ~Hi-Player, Isekai wo Kouryaku-chu!~; [17] - The Player Hides His Past; [18] - Surviving With an SSS-Rank Inventory; [19] - Saiaku no Avalon; [20] - Ore no Shibou Flag ga Todomaru Tokoro wo Shiranai; [21] - Isekai Cheat Magic Swordsman; [22] - Shoukan sareta Kenja wa Isekai wo Yuku ~Saikyou nano wa Fuyou Zaiko no Item deshita~; [23] – Ernak; [24] - Hakoniwa Oukoku no Craft Master; [25] - Magical★Explorer - Eroge no Yuujin Kyara ni Tensei Shitakedo, Game Chishiki Tsukatte Jiyuu ni Ikiru; [26] - 100% Cleared Harem Route; [27] - Little Tyrant Doesn't Want to Meet with a Bad End; [28] - Yasei no Last Boss ga Arawareta!; [29] - I Have Max Level Luck; [30] - The Genius Medicinal Mage; [31] - Teenage Swordsman; [32] - Chounin A wa Akuyaku Reijou wo Doushitemo Sukuitai; [33] - Starting Out With Max Favorability; [34] - Monogatari no Kuromaku ni Tensei Shite; [35] - Mushoku no Saikyou Kenja ~Job ga Erarezu Tsuihou Saretaga, Game no Chishiki de Isekai Saikyou~; [36] - Try Me Again If You Dare!; [37] - I Reincarnated as a Villain of an RPG, But I Want to Survive; [38] - A Certain Middle-Aged Man's VRMMO Activity Log; [39] - Ester de Valonia; [40] - The King of Bugs; [41] - Ecstas Online; [42] - Solo Bug Player; [43] - The Count’s Youngest Son Is a Player; [44] - Indestructible Body of Vajra of the Village Leader; [45] - Reincarnation to the World of “Eroge”: The Story About Lazy Aristocrat Who Struggle for Resist His Destiny; [46] - The Holy Emperor's Grandson Is a Necromancer; [47] - Skeleton Evolution: Starting From Being Summoned By the Sorceress; [48] - Arafoo Kenja no Isekai Seikatsu Nikki; The Diary of a Middle-Aged Teacher's Carefree Life in Another World; [49] - The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide; [50] - Botsuraku Yotei Nanode, Kajishokunin wo Mezasu; [51] - Was Manager Seo Disposed of as an Industrial Accident?; [52] - I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain; [53] - Regenerate Top Players; [54] - Akuyaku Reijou Level 99: Watashi wa UraBoss desu ga Maou de wa Arimasen; [55] - Unparalleled ??? Rank Hidden Equipment; [56] - Legend of Mir: Gold Armored Dragon; [57] - Shinka Tokusei de Saikyou Necromancer; [58] - Only I Know That This World Is a Game; [58] - I Exploit Bugs; [59] - The Gamer: Fantasia; [60] - Game no Naka ni Iru!; [61] - Your Ancestor Is Online; [62] - Onmir The oddity; [63] - Lime Odyssey - The Chronicles of ORTA; [64] - Dungeon Defense; [65] - Saitei Chara ni Tensei shita Ore wa Ikinokoritai; [66] - My Way Of Killing Gods In Another World; [67] - Twisting the Arm of Fate with Cheat Magic; [68] - Brave Hero; [69] - A World-Class Walkthrough; [70] - I Am the Rising Villain; [71] - Master of Villains; [72] - I Rely on My Invincibility to Deal Tons of Damage Passively!; [73] - The Strongest Cheat Player; [74] - The Tutorial Is Too Tough!; [75] - RPG WORLD - Roleplay World; [76] - Twisting the Arm of Fate with Cheat Magic; [77] - Isekai Tensei ni Kansha o; [78] - Akuyaku Reijou no Shitsuji-sama: Hametsu Flag wa Ore ga Tsubusasete Itadakimasu (game); [79] - I Became the Crazy Emperor; [80] - Genius Corpse-Collecting Warrior; [81] - I Killed the Player of the Academy; [82] – MEMORIZE (time travel isekai); [83] - Silver Gravekeeper; [84] - Cleric of Decay; [85] - Grimoire x Reverse - Tensei Kishin Roumantan; [86] - Ending Maker; [87] - Honobono Isekai Tensei Days ~Level Counterstop, Item Mochikoshi! Watashi wa Saikyou Youjo Desu~; [88] - Souzoushu nano de Motto Yasashikute Kudasai!; [89] - My Not-So-Fair Lady Is Doomed! (but Not If I Can Help It); [90] - Chibikko Kenja, Lv. 1 Kara Isekaide Ganbarimasu!; [91] - Kyoukai Meikyuu to Ikai no Majutsushi; [92] - Akugyaku Hadou no Brave Soul; [93] - Maou to Yuusha no Tatakai no Ura de; [94] - In the Land of Leadale; [95] - Next Life; [96] - Nichiasa Suki no Otaku ga Akuyaku Seito ni Tenseishita Kekka, Hametsu Flag ga Houkaishiteiku Ken ni Tsuite; [97] - Gokufuri Kyohi Shite Tesaguri Start! Tokka Shinai Healer, Nakama to Wakarete Tabi ni Deru; [98] - I'm Really Not Targeting the Mages; [99] - Hell Mode: Yarikomi Suki no Gamer wa Hai Settei no Isekai de Musou Suru; [100] - Reincarnated as the Villain in a Cultivation Game; [101] - Overlord; [102] - The Princess Has a Rosy Dream; [103] - My Inventory is Abnormal; [104] - Gal Maid & Villainess: Only Milady's Happy End Will Win!; [105] - The Wolf Is Fierce And Cautious;
30.2 – Novel / Book / Manga / Comig etc.
Examples: [1] - The Novel's Extra; [2] - City of Sanctuary; [3] - Youngest Son of the Renowned Magic Clan; [4] - The Novel’s Extra; [5] - The Extra Is Too Powerful; [6] - Akuyaku Kizoku to shite Hitsuyou na Sore; [7] - The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All; [8] - A Comic Artist’s Survival Guide; [9] - The Transmigrated Mage Life in Another World, Becoming the Strongest in the World with the Knowledge of the Original Story; [10] - I Am Reborn as the Sword God; [11] - [12] - I Became the Youngest Prince in the Novel; [13] - Tensei Akujo no Kuro Rekishi; [14] - Lasboss x Hero; [15] - Genius Martial Arts Trainer; [16] - Death Game Manga no Kuromaku Satsujinki no Imouto ni Tensei shite Shippai shita;
31 – Adventure/Action Isekai: Most common and extremely generic category focused on the life of an adventurer in general. Because of this, it was divided into 5 smaller categories.
31.1 - Effort is all Isekai: MC has not much talento so should train/grind/learn a lot to become stronger;
Examples: [1] - Tsuihousareru Tabi ni Skill wo Te ni Ireta Ore ga, 100 no Isekai de 2-shuume Musou; [2] - Reincarnation of the Veteran Soldier; [3] - The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest; [4] - Player (Oh Hyeon-Jun); [5] - The Black Pig Prince Recalls His Previous Life and Becomes the Strongest; [6] - My Job is Appraiser, but What is The [God Eye]? Living Freely with The World's Greatest Elementary Level Job; [7] - Sekai de Yuuitsu no Tenshokushi: Job Hopper na Ore wa, Isekai de Subete no Job o Kiwameru Koto ni Shita; [8] - 1RM’s Gigant Rider; [9] - Bijo to Kenja to Majin no Ken; [10] - Wizard of Arsenia; [11] - TRPG Player ga Isekai de Saikyou Build wo Mezasu; [12] - The Spearmaster and the Black Cat; [13] - Academy's Undercover Professor; [14] - Magic Maker: How to Create Magic in Another World; [15] - Tanaka the Wizard; [16] - Ane ni Iwareru ga Mama ni Tokkun wo Shiteitara, Tondemonai Tsuyosa ni Natteita Otouto; [17] - Tanaka no Atelier ~Nenrei Equal Kanojo Inaireki no Mahoutsukai~; [18] - Isekai no Senshi toshite Kuni ni Manekareta kedo, Kotowatte Heishi kara Hajimeru Koto ni Shita; [19] - Id - The Greatest Fusion Fantasy; [20] - The Great Cleric; [21] - I Was Raised by the Boss; [22] - Machigai Shoukan! Oidasareta kedo Joui Gokan Skill de Rakuraku Seikatsu; [23] - Kekkaishi e no Tensei; [24] - Ken to Mahou to Gakureki Shakai;
31.2 - Weak but Strong: despised/shunned/banned for being weak but actually pretty Strong.
Examples: [1] - Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou Deshita?; [2] - Lv2 kara Cheat datta Moto Yuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life; [3] - Level 1 no Saikyou Kenja - Noroi de Saikakyuu Mahou Shika Tsukaenai kedo, Kami no Kanchigai no Mugen no Maryoku o Te ni Ire Saikyou ni; [4] - People Looked Down on Me for Having a Crummy Job but It Really Isn't All That Bad?; [5] - Welcome to the "Outcasts' Guild"; [6] - Ikitsuku Saki wa Yuusha ka Maou ka; [7] - Homeland Dropout: The Time I Was Reincarnated as the Fourth Enchanter in the Entire World; [8] - Reincarnated as a Son of an Aristocrat; [9] - Rettoujin no Maken Tsukai: Skill Board wo Kushi Shite Saikyou ni Itaru; [10] - Overpowered Healer; [11] - Bocchi Tenseiki (Misanthrope); [12] - My Wife is a Demon Queen; [13] - Full Clearing Another World under a Goddess with Zero Believers; [14] - Maseki Gurume: Mamono no Chikara wo Tabeta Ore wa Saikyou!; [15] - Sono Munou, Jitsu wa Sekai Saikyou no Mahoutsukai ~Munou to Sagesumare, Kizokuka kara Oidasareta ga, Gift "Tenseisha" ga Kakusei shite Zense no Nouryoku ga Yomigaetta~; [16] - Versatile Mage; [17] - Soul Land; [18] - Hazure Skill de SSS-Rank Makyo Ikinui wo Tara, Sekai Saikyou no Renkinjutsushi ni Natteita ~ Kaiteki Kyoten wo Tsukutte Nakama to Tanoshi Isekai Life; [19] - Genkaigoe no Skill wa, Tenseisha ni Shika Atsukaenai - Over Limit Skill Holder; [20] - Izure Saikyou ni Itaru Tensei Mahoutsukai; [21] - Moto Saikyou no Kenshi wa, Isekai Mahou ni Akogareru; [22] - Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~; [23] - Level 1 Dakedo Unique Skill de Saikyou desu;
31.3 - No Effort: MC is already stronger or got the best cheat or even all the blessings from ch1 without effort;
Examples: [1] - My Civil Servant Life Reborn in the Strange World; [2] - Isekai Tensei de Kenja ni Natte Boukensha Seikatsu ~[Mahou Kairyou] de Isekai Saikyou~; [3] - Botsuraku Yotei no Kizoku dakedo, Hima datta kara Mahou wo Kiwamete Mita; [4] - Saikyou no Ossan Hunter Isekai e ~ Kondokoso Yukkuri Shizuka ni Kurashitai ~; [5] - Novelist Can Fight Too; [6] - Kaminari Tei no Kiseki ~ Ore Dake Tsukaeru “Kaminari Majutsu” de Isekai Saikyou ni! ~; [7] - Tensei Shitara Sainou ga Atta Ken ~Isekai Itte mo Doryoku Suru~; [8] - Samurai in Another World; [9] - I Get Stronger the More I Eat; [9] - Zettai ni Damage o Ukenai Skill o Moratta node, Boukensha to shite Musou shite miru; [10] - Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu; [11] - Eiyuu Majutsushi wa Nonbiri Kurashitai; [12] - Ookami wa Nemuranai; [13] - Aiming For the Deepest Part of the Labyrinth Thanks to "The Vessel of Talent" -What Was Supposed to be a Normal Progression of Skills Turned Out to be an All-Purpose Cheat!; [14] - Global Power: I Can Control All The Elements; [15] - Fujimi Tensei: Kuzu Dakedo Saisei Cheat de Musou Shimasu; [16] - Climax Necromance; [17] - Chouetsu-sha To Natta Ossan wa My Pace ni Isekai wo Sansaku Suru; [18] - Sasensareta Munou Ouji wa Jitsuryoku wo Kakushitai; [19] - Sekai ni Hitori, Zenzokusei Mahou no Tsukaite; [20] - Ore to Kawazu-san no Isekai Hourouki; [21] - Karada wa Jidou, Nakami wa Ossan no Nariagari Boukenki; [22] - Tensei Shichattayo (Iya, Gomen); [23] - World Teacher – Other World Style Education & Agent; [24] - From Overshadowed to Overpowered: Second Reincarnation of a Talentless Sage (isekai with reincarnation); [25] - Saikyou Onmyouji no Isekai Tensei-ki ~Geboku no Youkai-domo ni Kurabete Monster ga Yowasugiru n da ga~; [26] - Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Boukenroku ~Jichou wo Shiranai Kamigami no Shito~; [27] - Shachiku, Dungeon Darake no Sekai de Koyuu Skill "Gouyoku" wo Te ni Irete Saikyou no Balance Breaker ni Naru; [28] - Ore no Ie ga Maryoku Spot datta Ken ~Sundeiru dake de Sekai Saikyou~; [29] - I Received Blessings Meant For 2 People From God; [30] - Saikyou no Shuzoku ga Ningen Datta Ken; [31] - Tensei Shitara Dainana-ouji Dattanode, Kimama ni Majutsu wo Kiwamemasu; [32] - Karate Baka In Different World; [33] - Kuro no Shoukanshi; [34] - A Normally Dowdy Man Is in Essence the Mightiest War-God; [35] - Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute; [36] - Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!; [37] - Emperor's Mark to Rule the Monsters: Reborn Sage to Strongest Adventurer; [38] - Legend (Takano Masaharu); [39] - Isekai ni Tobasareta Ossan wa Doko e Iku?; [40] - SSS-Rank Paladin Who Transcends Common Sense;
31.4 - Weird skill/job: MC got the weirdest skill in a Isekai genre;
Examples: [1] - Isekai Walking (walk); [2] - Mezase Gouka Kyakusen!! ~Sen Shokan Skill De Isekai Rich Life Wo Te Ni Irero (create ships); [3] - Dungeon Athlete (regenerate musches); [4] - Tenshoku no Shinden o Hirakimashita (job changer); [5] - Tensei Kusushi wa Isekai wo Meguru (Apothecary); [6] - Shingan no Yuusha (god eye); [7] - Isekai Meikyuu no Saishinbu o Mezasou (???); 8 - Isekai ni Kita Boku wa Kiyoubinbode Subayasa Tayorina Tabi wo Suru (Jack of all trades); 9 - Sokushi Cheat ga Saikyou Sugite, Isekai no Yatsura ga Marude Aite ni Naranai n desu ga (instant death); [10] - Tenkuu no Shiro o Moratta no de Isekai de Tanoshiku Asobitai (control a floating castle); [11] - Jiriki de Isekai e! (garbled text); [12] - Life of Hit-Tamer in Another World (tamer with one punch); [13] - Gakuen Kishi no Level up! (trial and error); [14] - Save & Load no Dekiru Yadoya-san (save and load); [15] - Saikyou no Shokugyou wa Yuusha Demo Kenja Demo Naku Kanteishi (Kari) Rashii Desu yo? (inspector); [16] - Wicked Trapper: Hunter of Heroes (trap master);
35 – Weak MC Isekai – here MC have weak skills, didnt got isekai'd with cheat and also didn't became OP.
[1] - Pastoral Battle Hymn: Pioneer in the Fantasy Realm; [2] – Bokutachi Wa Isekai Geinin Desu; [3] - Aweon Mall Isekai Ten, Honjitsu Grand Open!; [4] - Zero Skill No Ryouriban; [5] - According to the Hero Who Returned From Another World; [6] - Isekai Nation Archimaira: The Weakest King and his Unparalleled Army; [7] - Isekai Demo Bunan ni Ikitai Shoukougun; [8] - Yuusha Shoukan ni Makikomareta kedo, Isekai wa Heiwa deshita; [9] – KonoSuba; [10] - Re: Zero - Starting Life In Another World; [11] - How A Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom; [12] - Now And Then, Here And There; [13] - Handyman Saitou In Another World; [14] - Grimgar: Ashes And Illusions; [15] - Ascendance Of A Bookworm; [16] - Meikyuu Black Company; [17] - Shinde kudasai! Yuusha desho?; [18] – Isekai Manless; [19] – Parallel Paradise; [20] – Alcafus; [21] - Karma na Skill de Musou suru Isekai Harem Kaitoudan; [22] - Kurogane no Mahoutsukai; [23] - Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudou; [24] - Mezase Gouka Kyakusen!! ~Sen Shokan Skill De Isekai Rich Life Wo Te Ni Irero; [25] - Isekai Saikouhou no Guild Leader ~Guild Saijaku no Boku da Kedo, Guild Members Zen'in no ai ga Omokute Guild o Yameraremasen~; [26] - The Girl, the Shovel, and the Evil Eye; [27] - Yankee wa Isekai de Seirei ni Aisaremasu.; [28] - Isekai Demo Bunan ni Ikitai Shoukougun; [29] - Hero with Another Opinion; [30] - Amarimono Isekaijin no Jiyuu Seikatsu: Yuusha ja Nai node Katteni Yarasete Moraimasu; [31] - Neko no Te demo Yoroshikereba; [32] - Shoushaman no Isekai Survival ~ Zettai Hito to wa Tsurumanee ~; [33] - Zero no Tsukaima; [34] - Isekai Teni, Jirai Tsuki; [35] - Kami Neko Mii-chan to Neko Youhin Shoukanshi no Isekai Funtouki;
32 – No Fantasy Isekai: mangas in which the protagonist is not sent to a world with magic, classes, magical beast and similar, but to a futuristic, post-apocalyptic, medieval, world or even prehistoric world; .
[1] - Mezametara Saikyou Soubi to Uchuusenmochi Datta node, Ikkodate Mezashite Youhei toshite Jiyuu ni Ikitai; [2] - Sousei no Taiga; [3] - It All Starts With A Group Of Primitive People; [4] - Animal Land; [5] - Arata Primal; [6] - Trinity Wonder (Reverse); [7] - Unparalleled Path ~ Reincarnated as the AI for a Space Battleship; [8] - Ore ga Heroine o Tasukesugite Sekai ga Little Mokushiroku!?; [9] - I'm The Evil Lord Of An Intergalactic Empire!; [10] - Blue Gender's; [11] - Now And Then, Here And There; [12] - The Legendary Mechanic; [13] - It's Not Easy to Be a Man After Traveling to the Future; [14] - The Novel's Extra; [15] - Strongest Caveman; [16] - Gunjou Senki; [17] - Heterogenia Linguistico;
33 – Martial Art / Murim / Cultivation Isekai – Isekais where dealing with challenges through soft skills and cultivation. As is common in Xianxia mangas, the protagonist may have as his goal the search for immortality
[1] – Overmortal; [2] - Martial Streamer; [3] - Delivery Man From Murim; [4] - Omniscient Immortal Cultivator; [5] - Embodiment of the Assassin in the Murim World; [6] - Million Times Attack Speed; [7] - I Became a Big-Shot on the Heavenly Leaderboard; [8] - Master: This Villainous Disciple Is Not The Holy Child; [9] - Live Broadcast, I Roam Freely In The Other World; [10] - Karate Baka Isekai; [11] - Karate Survivor in Another World; [12] - Villain Warrior; [13] - Starting with the Guhuo Bird; [14] - I’m A Godfather In Another World; [15] - I Pretended To Be An Npc In Cultivation World; [16] - Sword Intent; [17] - I Took Over the Demonic Sect Master; [18] - Keyboard Immortal; [19] - I, the Demon Lord, Am Being Targeted by My Female Disciples!; [20] - Rebirth of the Immortal Arrogant Son-in-Law (reverse); [21] - Heavenly Demon Instructor (reverse); [22] - Devil’s Advent; [23] - Martial Wild West; [24] - I Just Want to Be Killed; [25] - Androids Have No Blood; [26] - The No.1 Chef in Martial Art World; [27] - Leveling Beyond the Max (reverse); [28] - The Heavenly Demon Can't Live a Normal Life; [29] - The Heavenly Path Is Not Stupid; [30] - Baki Gaiden - Retsu Kaioh Doesn't Mind If He is Reincarnated in Another World; [31] - Top Tier Providence; [32] - I Picked up an Attribute; [33] - Demon Lord 2099; [34] – Murim Login; [35] - Rebirth of the Urban Mad Immortal; [36] - Strongest Fighter; [37] - After Ten Years of Chopping Wood, Immortals Begged To Become My Disciples; [38] - Global Martial Artist; [39] - X - Epoch of the Dragon; [40] - Ultimate Scheming System; [41] - Reverend Insanity; [42] - Yomei Nikagetsu no Isekai Kenkouhou; [43] - Phalaenopsis Dreamland; [44] - The Reborn Ranker Chronicles; [45] - Save The World, Uncle!; [46] - A Modern Man Who Transmigrated Into the Murim World; [47] - My Disciples Are All Big Villains; [48] - Off to an Invincible Start; [49] - I'm an Evil God;
34 – Mecha Isekai – A rare type of Isekai in which the main conflicts and combats occur through the use of mecha. The protagonist is valued (or devalued) for his ability and potential in controlling mechas in combat.
[1] - Sword Intent; [2] - Isekai Yuusha G-SHINE; Yuusha Shoutai Kamoku Yuusha Wa Nagasarenai; [3] - Class Saiyasune de Urareta Ore wa, Jitsu wa Saikyou Parameter; [4] - Knights & Magic; [5] - The World of Otome Games Kindergarten is Tough for Mobs; [6] - suisei no gargantia; [7] - Vision of Escaflowne; [8] - Sentai Red Isekai de Boukensha ni Naru; [9] - Magic Knight Rayearth; [10] - Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar; [11] - Aura Battler Dunbine;
35 – Firearm isekai – Isekais in which the protagonist is reincarnated in a world of monsters and fantasy, and uses firearms as his main weapon.
[1] - Isekai Shoukan Oji-san no Juumusou Life - Sabage Suki Salaryman wa Kaisha Owari ni Isekai e Chokki suru; [2] - Gun-Ota ga Mahou Sekai ni Tensei shitara, Gendai Heiki de Guntai Harem wo Tsukucchaimashita!?; [3] - Hokkaidou no Geneki Hunter ga Isekai ni Hourikoma Rete Mita ~Elf Yome to Meguru Isekai Shuryou Life~; [4] - Villainess: Reloaded! Blowing Away Bad Ends with Modern Weapons; [5] - Chounin A wa Akuyaku Reijou wo Doushitemo Sukuitai; [6] - Manuke na FPS Player ga Isekai e Ochita Baai; [7] - Immortal science and technology; [8] - Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou; [9] - "Souzou Mahou" wo Oboete, Bannou de Saikyou ni Narimashita. Class Kara Tsuihou Shita Yatsura wa, Sokora Hen no Kusa Demo Kuttero!; [10] - Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru; [11] - Magan to Dangan o Tsukatte Isekai o Buchinuku!; [12] - Bocchi Jieikan no Isekai Funsenki; [13] - Magical shooting : sniper of steel; [14] - Kouchuugun Shikan Boukensha ni Naru
36 - One more time Isekai - MC was isekai'd in more than one different world.
[1] - Tsuihousareru Tabi ni Skill wo Te ni Ireta Ore ga, 100 no Isekai de 2-shuume Musou; [2] - Moto Isekai Tenisha datta Kachou no Ojisan, Jinsei Nidome no Isekai wo Kake Meguru; [3] - Class-goto Shuudan Teni Shimashita ga, ichiban Tsuyoi Ore wa Saijaku no Shounin ni Gisouchuu; [4] - Yondome wa Iya na Shizokusei Majutsushi;
37 – Evil MC Isekai – Abuse, robbery, kidnapping, murder, fraud? All the protagonists here have character deviations from the beginning.
[1] - The Saga of Tanya the Evil; [2] – Overlord; [3] - Sekai Saikyou no Assassin, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei Suru; [4] - Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute; [5] - Meikyuu Black Company; [6] - Meccha Shoukan Sareta Ken; [7] - FFF-Class Trashero; [8] - Isekai Mokushiroku Mynoghra: Hametsu no Bunmei de Hajimeru Sekai Seifuku; [9] - Joou Heika no Isekai Strategy; [10] - Virus Tensei kara Hajimaru Isekai Kansen Monogatari; [11] - Nidome no Yuusha; [12] - Maou-sama, Retry!; [13] - Re:Monster; [14] - I Get Stronger the More I Eat; [15] - the main character is the villain (+18); [16] – The world that i rule (+18); [17] - I Am the Fated Villain; [18] - Master: This Villainous Disciple Is Not The Holy Child; [19] - Reverend Insanity; [20] - The Reborn Ranker Chronicles; [21] - How to Live as a Villain; [22] - Is This Hero for Real?; [23] - Regressor Instruction Manual; [24] - Reincarnation of the Veteran Soldier; [25] - Reverse Villain;
submitted by Deuxcartes to Isekai [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 22:51 Deuxcartes [LIST] I have distributed all the isekais I have ever seen into more than 30 categories. Here is the result - PART 1 (1 TO 15);

LAST UPDATED - 05 / 03 / 2024
Part 1 – https://www.reddit.com/Isekai/comments/1cga32j/list_i_have_distributed_all_the_isekais_i_have/
Part 2 – https://www.reddit.com/Isekai/comments/1cga4z3/list_i_have_distributed_all_the_isekais_i_have/
Part 3 – https://www.reddit.com/Isekai/comments/1cga7ta/list_i_have_distributed_all_the_isekais_i_have/
Description: I created a categorization for isekais to help with organization and understanding how they are distributed. I usually make lists like this just for myself and save them in Excel. Now i also posting here as a contribution.
Just a few observations
A) - Romance: There is no category for romance, since the overwhelming majority of isekais with male protagonists and a good number of female protagonists have some degree of romance. The category would have so many items that it would lose its meaning.
B) - School/magic academy/nobles: there is no school category as it usually refers to an initial arc or training arc in which the protagonist prepares to face the main challenge that is already known or will be revealed during this arc. If the work is not canceled at the beginning, eventually the protagonists tend to leave the academy, so there is no reason to create a category of something that is temporary.
C) Primary/Secondary character: Another temporary feature. "Death flag"? "Otome Game"? "Estate developer"? "Noble with Appraisal skills"? Everyone knows that they will become the main characters of the plot eventually. The fact that they are secondary is just to give some development to the characters instead of starting OP or leading countries from the first chapter.
D) Summoned alone or with the class/group: Another temporary element since we know that right after the first chapters the protagonist will be discarded by the king/princess/group/goddess or will hide his status to escape the responsibility of killing the demon king or something like that. There are few cases that deviate from this rule (ironically "Loner Life in Another World" is one of these cases)
Obs 1: Some titles is repeated along with some categories because they fit in more than one
Obs 2: Some new categories can be added. If you know a better way to organize the titles, please say something.
Obs 3: The list will be upgraded and updated according to my time and disposition.
Obs4: The fact some title is in the list doesnt mean that is good or even that i recommend it.
Obs 5: Most of them you will find on Mangadex / Manganelo which were used as main search sources.
Lets begin
1 - Mission Isekai: One of the categories best known by fans and most used by Japanese authors. When the protagonist is reincarnated, he has a mission defined by the narrative. Mangas are divided into six subcategories.
1.1 – Demon lord (and similar) Kill
Examples: [1] - Drawing: Saikyou Mangaka wa Oekaki Skill de Isekai Musou Suru!; [2] - The New Gate; [3] - Saihate no Paladin; [4] - Tenkuu no Escaflowne; [5] - Cautious Hero: The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious; [6] – Konosuba; [7] - Mushoku Tensei ~Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu~; [8] - Kenja no Mago; [9] – Kiba; [10] - Hiroyuki: Invincible Pundit in Another World; [11] - Star Ocean (Anime); [12] - The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic; [13] - Shakkin Daiou wa Maou wo Taosu!; [14] - Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru!; [15] - Is This Hero for Real?; [16] - Maou to Yuusha no Tatakai no Ura de; [17] - Saikyou Ansatsusha, Class Ten'i de Isekai e; [18] - Isekai ni Ittara Bunretsu Shite Shimatta; [19] - Makikomarete Isekai Teni suru Yatsu wa, Taitei Cheat; [20] – MEMORIZE (time travel isekai); [21] - The King of Fantasy: Iori Yagami in another world ~Remember me when you look at the moon!~; [22] - I’m the Only One with Outstanding Cheats After My Class Got Transported to Another World?!; [23] - Fukushuu no Taishi - Level 9999 no Bakumatsu Isekai Tensei; [24] - Waga Homura ni Hirefuse Sekai; [25] - Eight Princes Go to the Teppen; [26] - Kanzen Kaihi Healer no Kiseki; [27] – BAKUEN; [28] - Summoned by Being Involved?! And I Was "God"??; [29] - Tensei Saki ga Zannen Ouji Datta Ken: Ima wa Fukkin 1-kai mo Dekinai kedo Yasete Isekai Sukuimasu; [30] - Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?; [31] - Starvation and Reincarnation; [32] - Hell Mode: Yarikomi Suki no Gamer wa Hai Settei no Isekai de Musou Suru;
1.2 – Come back home
Examples: [1] - Leveling Up My Isekai’d Abs; [2] – Endride; [3] - Lupin III: Neighbor World Princess; [4] - Jigokuren ~Love in Hell~; [5] - The World After the Fall; [6] - Afterlife - Cerulea District;
1.3 – Save the Family/lovefriend
Examples: [1] - Re: ZERO- Starting Life in Another World; [2] - Final Fantasy: Lost Stranger; [3] - Golden Mage; [4] - Super String: Marco Polo’s Travel to the Multiverse (Webtoon); [5] - Monster Paradise; [6] - Fuun Kara no Saikyou Otoko; [7] - Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle; [8] - Worthless Regression; [9] - Dragon Ball Gaiden: That Time I Got Reincarnated as Yamcha!;
1.4 – Save the world/country/kingdom
Examples: [1] - NEET dakedo Hello Work ni Ittara Isekai ni Tsuretekareta; [2] - The Rising of the Shield Hero; [3] - Time Stop Brave; [4] - Naze Boku no Sekai wo Daremo Oboeteinai no ka?; [5] - I Became the Crazy Emperor; [6] - Ni no Kuni: The Successor of Light and the Cat Prince; [7] - Chouetsu-sha To Natta Ossan wa My Pace ni Isekai wo Sansaku Suru; [8] - Isekai Henshuusha; [9] - Genius Corpse-Collecting Warrior; [10] - I Killed the Player of the Academy; [11] - Monster Rancher; [12] - Strange Dawn; [13] - Dog Days; [14] - Magic Knight Rayearth; [12] - Ixion Saga DT; [13] - Her Summon; [14] - Shinka Tokusei de Saikyou Necromancer; [15] - Demon King Is a Hero; [16] - Deathdeus: Hero of the Dead; [17] - Save The World, Uncle!; [18] - 12 Beast; [19] - Suuji de Sukuu! Jyakushou Kokka;
1.5 – Remove a disease/curse
Examples: [1] - How To Survive As A Dragon With Time-Limit; [2] - Secretly More Powerful than the Hero; [3] - Time-Limited Genius Dark Knight; [4] - I Became a Terminally-Ill Knight;
1.6 – Become or help the Demon King
Examples: [1] - The Demon King Diaries; [2] - Maou to Ore no Hangyakuki; [3] - Horobi no Kuni no Seifukusha; [4] - Hyakuma no Aruji; [5] - Maou Reijou no Shikousha; [6] - Isekai de Item Collector; [7] - Yuusha Party wo Tsuihou sareta node, Maou wo Torikaeshi ga Tsukanai hodo Tsuyoku Sodatetemita;
2 – Survival Isekai: There’s no mission, no king, no princess, you were released somewhere and need to survive and to adapt to the harsh world around or find a way to go back. Could have some waifus or even harem after sometime;
Examples: [1] - Become The Lord Of Cthulhu; [2] - Isekai Yurutto Survival Seikatsu; [3] - It All Starts With A Group Of Primitive People; [4] - Karate Survivor in Another World; [5] - Meikyuu Metro; [6] - Meikyuu Kingdom: Damu Tokushu Butai SAS no Ossan no Isekai Dungeon Survival Manual; [7] - Isekai ni Tobasareta Ossan wa Doko e Iku?; [8] - Now And Then, Here And There; [9] - Grimgar: Ashes And Illusions; [10] - Urasekai Picnic; [11] - I’m Standing On A Million Lives; [12] - Dungeon Seeker; [13] - Human Ranch; [14] - Sousei no Taiga; [15] - Kyosei Tensei; [16] - Escape From Another World; [17] - Zenjikuu Senbatsu Saijaku Saiteihen Ketteisen; [17] - A Knight With A Time Limit; [18] - Ponkotsu ga Tensei Shitara Zongai Saikyou; [19] - Picked up From Another World; [20] - Dangerous Dungeon Escape; [21] - Youkoso Isekai e, dewa Shinde Kudasai (+18); [22] - The Unexpectedly Strong Knight in the Elf’s Arena; [23] - Primal Hunter; [24] - Humanity's Salvation Game; [25] - I Woke Up as the Villain; [26] - Bliss In Another World; [27] - Sonny Boy; [28] - The Disciple of Lich; [29] - Soul Of Burning Steel; [30] - I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game; [31] - Plainwalker of the Stigma; [32] – Etrangere; [33] - Mizu Zokusei no Mahoutsukai; [34] - Gendai no Saikyou Heishi, Isekai Dungeon o Kouryaku Suru; [35] - Alice in Borderland; [36] - Reincarnated With a Metal Bat ~Surviving the Monochrome Madness~; [37] - Fairy Tale Battle Royale; [38] - Zettai Kami no Yuugi; [39] - The Law of the Yama; [40] - Salaryman no Fushigi na Dungeon; [41] - Shintouki: Teogonia; [42] - Heterogenia Linguistico; [43] - Kurogane no Valhallian; [44] - See You Later, Fantasy World. We Hope That Tomorrow Comes Again.; [45] - A Girl's Prison in Another World; [46] - Isekai Drug - Yakugaku Chishiki de Monster Musume-tachi wo Toriko ni shite Nariagaru; [47] - Urban Legend Maker; [48] - The Road Of Karma;
3 – War Isekai: MC is isekai’d in a world that is at war between 2 or more kingons/Countries/factions/races and should make part of it and try to survive. Its a requirement that the main plot should be around the war or political settings.
Examples: [1] - The Saga of Tanya the Evil; [2] – Gate; [3] - Lion Coeur Senki; [4] - The Twelve Kingdoms; [5] – Drifters; [6] – Kenja no Mago; [7] - Wortenia Senki; [8] - Record Of Highserk War; [9] - Tensei Kizoku, Kantei Skill de Nariagaru ~Jakushou Ryouchi o Uketsuida node, Yuushuu na Jinzai o Fuyashiteitara, Saikyou Ryouchi ni Natteta~; [10] - The Conquest Of The World Starts With The Civilization Of Ruin; [11] - Maoyuu Maou Yuusha; [12] - The Ambition of Oda Nobuna; [13] - Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de; [14] - Konjiki no Word Master; [15] - Isekai Nation Archimaira: The Weakest King and his Unparalleled Army; [16] - The Ideal Sponger Life; [17] - Shinpi no Sekai - El-Hazard; [18] - Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar; [19] - Battle Girls - Time Paradox; [20] - Maou Gun Saikyou no Majutsushi wa Ningen data; [21] - Jinrou e no Tensei, Maou no Fukkan: Hajimari no Shou; [22] - Nigoru Hitomi de Nani wo Negau - Highserk Senki (Normal); [23] - Ijin Tensei - Gokoku Warfare; [24] - TS Eiseihei-san no Senjou Nikki; [25] - Heroic Chronicles of the Three Continents; [26] - Nihonkoku Shoukan; [27] - Tensei Shitara Heishi Datta?! - Akai Shinigami to Yobareta Otoko
3 – Revenge Isekai: Your lover was taken away by some douche? The king banished you? Your childhood friend had mocked you and fired you from the S-ranked party? Someone killed your loved ones? Are the heroes pure trash? So your main goal is to take revenge on them? Here’s your place.
Examples: [1] – Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi; [2] – Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou; [3] - The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Shall Exterminate With Darkness; [4] - Nidome no Yuusha; [5] - Failure Frame: I Became the Strongest and Annihilated Everything with Low-Level Spells; [6] - Dungeon Seeker; [7] - Sairin Yuusha no Fukushuu Hanashi; [8] - Ryuusa no Ori; [9] - Nito no Taidana Isekai Shoukougun ~Saijaku Shoku "Healer" nano ni Saikyou wa Cheat desu ka?; [10] - Joou Heika no Isekai Strategy; [11] - Fukushuu Kansuisha no Jinsei Nishuume Isekaitan; [12] - Tensei Gotoki De Nigerareru To Demo, Niisan?; [13] - The Live; [14] - Garbage Brave; [15] - The Warrior Returns; [16] - Suterare Yuusha wa Kitakuchuu; [17] - I'm the Only One with a Failure of a Skill in Another World's Summoning Rebellion: Until the Weakest Skill [Absorption] Swallows Everything; [18] - Buta no fukushuu; [19] - Gensou Shinkou (normal); [20] - Wortenia Senki; [21] - Boku no Nakama wa Isekai Saikyo Undead; [22] - Meccha Shoukan Sareta Ken; [23] - JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World; [24] - Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles; [25] - Another World Munchkin; [26] - Genkai Level 1 Kara No Nariagari: Saijaku Level No Ore Ga Isekai Saikyou Ni Naru Made; [26] – Hero of the Rebellion: Use Your Skills to Control the Mind and Body of the Maddened Princess; [26] - My Lucky Encounter From the Game Turned Into Reality; [27] - Sokushi to Hametsu no Saijaku Majutsushi; [28] - Assassin de Aru Ore no Sutetasu ga Yuusha Yori mo Akiraka ni Tsuyoi Nodaga; [29] - Kuro no Maou; [30] - Transmigrating to the Otherworld Once More; [31] - Uchi no Ojou-sama no Hanashi wo Kiitekure: Akuyaku Reijou Kouryaku Kiroku;
4 - City/Territory Building (and similar) Isekai - Other unsual trope where MC should start to create/recreate a village, city, kingdom. This is similar with some aspects included in "Slow life category" and "reincarnated as a monster" since some monster like MC tend to start to create villages, and the same goes for some slow life MCs.
Examples: [1] - It All Starts With A Group Of Primitive People; [2] - Isekai Apocalypse Mynoghra; [3] - Re:Monster; [4] - Reincarnated as a slime; [5] - Release that witch; [6] - Isekai Kenkokuki; [7] - Starting From Today I'll Work as a City Lord; [8] - I Won 4 Billion in a Lottery But I Went to Another World; [9] - Inaka no Home Center Otoko no Jiyuu na Isekai Seikatsu; [10] - How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom; [11] - A Cave King’s Road to Paradise: Climbing to the Top with My Almighty Mining Skills!; [12] - The Death Mage; [13] - Tenkuu no Shiro wo Moratta no de Isekai de Tanoshiku Asobitai; [14] - Santairiku Eiyuuki; [15] - The Legendary Rebuilding of a World by a Realist Demon King; [16] - The Amazing Village Creator: Slow Living with the Village Building Cheat Skill; [17] - Easygoing Territory Defense by the Optimistic Lord: Production Magic Turns a Nameless Village into the Strongest Fortified City; [18] - Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu; [20] - Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!; [21] - Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu!; [22] - Ride-on King (Putin MC); [23] - I am the village chief of a primitive society; [24] - Shokubutsu Mahou Chito de Nonbiri Ryoshu Seikatsu Hajimemasu Zense no Chishiki o Kushi Shite Nogyo Shitara, Gyakuten Jinsei Hajimatta Kudan; [25] - Tenohira Kaitaku Mura de Isekai Kenkokuki: Fueteku Yome-tachi to Nonbiri Mujintou Life; [26] - This Hero is a Money Supremacist; [27] - The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar; [28] - I Can Summon God; [29] - Tensei Ryoushu no Yuuryou Kaitaku: Zense no Kioku o Ikashite White ni Tsutometara, Yuunou na Jinzai ga Atsumari Sugimashita; [30] - Isekai Yururi Camp; [31] - Ester de Valonia; [32] - Lord of Goblins; [33] - I Am the Strongest Lord in Another World; [34] - Ore dake Level ga Agaru Sekai de Akutoku Ryoushu ni Natteita; [35] - I Was Banished to a Desolate Region Because of the Faulty Attribute Earth Magic, so I’m Going to Put in my All to Develop my Territory!; [36] - The Reincarnated Noble Who Was Exiled, Uses a Useless Skill to Rule Over Domestic Affairs~ Was Supposed to Run the Territory Freely, but Thanks to the Skill "Gacha", Ended Up Creating the Strongest Territory~; [37] - Level 99 Boukensha ni Yoru Hajimete no Ryouchi Keiei; [38] - The Reincarnated Prince Becomes an Alchemist and Brings Prosperity to His Country; [39] - The Sword of Dawn; [40] - Hazure Zokusei Tsuchi Mahou no Sei de Henkyou ni Tsuihousareta no de, Gangan Ryouchi Kaitakushimasu!;
5 - Dungeon MasteBuild Isekai: there’s not a mission to complete, nor a goal to achieve, but MC is obligated to kill/expel adventures and improve the dungeon power to be alive, otherwise if dont the dungeon core is destroyed they die. So fighting is not a option.
[1] - Maou-sama no Machizukuri! ~Saikyou no Dungeon wa Kindai Toshi~; [2] - Lazy Dungeon Master; [3] - Meikyuu Gurashi no Boukensha wa Dungeon Master wo Yametai; [4] - Maou ni Natta node, Dungeon Tsukutte Jingai Musume to Honobono suru; [5] - Tou no Kanri o Shite Miyou; [6] - Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou; [7] - The Dungeon Master; [8] - Ari no Su Dungeon e Youkoso!; [9] - Wicked Trapper: Hunter of Heroes; [10] - I Became A Ceo In The Other World; [11] - A Different World Dungeon Created With A Servant; [12] - From Cursed House to Isekai Dungeon;
6 - Battleroyalle Isekai: A kind of isekai where people from different times in story or worlds are summoned in another world (could be summoned to ours so is a reverse) to fight between them, or MC should kill their isekai'd collegues for some reason (usually because they’re evil).
[1] – Drifter; [2] - Isekai Battle Royale; [3] - Fate series (Reverse); [4] - Dungeon Battle Royale; [5] - Ore dake Fuguu Skill no Isekai Shoukan Hangyakuki ~Saijaku Skill "Kyuushuu" ga Subete o Nomikomu made~; [6] - Kyuushuu ga Subete o Nomikomu made~; [7] - Deck Hitotsu de Isekai Tanbou; [8] – Versus; [9] - Hell-mode; [10] - Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu; [11] - Monster no Goshujin-sama; [12] - Buta No Fukushuu; [13] - Konjiki no Word Master; [14] - Isekai Apocalypse Mynoghra; [15] - Serial Killer Reincarnated In Another World; [16] - The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World (sorry it was a spoiler); [17] - Sekai Saikyou no Kouei: Meikyuukoku no Shinjin Tansakusha; [18] - Bokura no Sentaku; [19] - How to Live as a Villain; [20] - The Invincible Summoner Who Crawled Up from Level 1; [21] - Isekai Yuusha no Satsujin Yuugi; [22] - Tensei Shitara Warui Kuni no Musume Deshita; [23] - Isekaigaeri no Moto Yuusha Desuga, Death Game ni Makikomare Mashita; [24] - The Survival Story of the Sword King in Another World;
7 – MC/FMC its not the Isekai’d: A rare type of story which the MC is not a isekai'd person but a people from the fantasy world that have live with or face the effects of the isekai'd people.
[1] - Hero's Party Want to Experience LOVE; [2] - The Misfortunes of Local Knight Hans; [3] - The Executioner and Her Way of Life; [4] - Darenidemo Dekiru Kage Kara Tasukeru Mao Tobatsu; [5] - Sono Mono. Nochi ni... ~Kigatsuitara S-kyuu Saikyou!? Yuusha Wazu no Daibouken~ (It was a spoiler, im sorry); [6] - Daikenja no Manadeshi ~Bougyo Mahou no Susume~@COMIC; [7] - Isekai Tenseisha Koroshi – Cheat Slayer (Axed); [8] - Yakusai no Moushigo to Seijo no Meikyuu; [9] - Everyone Is from Another World, Except Me!?; [10] - The Only "R" in the world; [11] - Yakudatazu to Iware Yuusha Party o Tsuihou Sareta Ore, Saikyou Skill Jakuten Kanpa ga Kakusei Shimashita; [12] - Cheat Eater Isekai Shoukan Kotogotoku Horobubeshi; [13] - The White Mage Doesn't Want to Raise the Hero's Level; [14] - A Ruined Princess and a Different World's Hero Make a Great Country! [15] - MamaYuyu (reverse);
8 - Reverse Isekai: commom isekai trope where MC or main character is from another world and should live and adapt to our world rules.
[1] - Tanken Hakken Boku no Isekai Elf-san; [2] - Henjin no Salad Bowl (Not MC); [3] - Suisei no Gargantia (MC); [4] - Mage again (MC); [5] - Otaku Elf (Not FMC); [6] - Dead Mount Death Play (MC); [7] - The Devil Is A Part-Timer! (MC); [8] - Paripi Koumei (MC); [9] - Re:Creators (not MC); [10] - Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (not FMC); [11] - Hinamatsuri (Not MC); [12] - Monster Musume (not MC); [13] - Welcome to Japan, Elf-san! (not MC); [14] - Orenchi ni Kita Onna Kishi to Inakagurashi Surukotoninatta Ken (not MC); [15] - Isekai Kaeri no Daikenja-sama wa Sore Demo Kossori Kurashite Iru Tsumori desu (MC); [16] - Oh, My Sweet Alien! (not MC); [17] - Cultivator VS Hero Society (MC); [18] - Gabriel Dropout; [19] - The Strongest Angel Evolutionary Tale; [20] - Kanan-Sama Is Easy As Hell!; [21] - Gyaku Isekai Tensei Shite Kimowota Ni Natte Shimatta Dai Majutsushi Delray Curtis No Fujourina Nichijou (MC); [22] - Moteharune, Ashiya-Kun (not MC); [23] - An Evil Dragon That Was Sealed Away for 300 Years Became My Friend (Not MC); [24] – Meet Me Today (Not MC); [25] – Debby The Corsifa (not MC); [26] - Elf-san wa Yaserarenai; [27] - Isekai Kara Kita Elf to Tomo ni Sugosu Nichijou; [28] – Isekai no Hime; [29] – Konchuki; [30] – Otome no Harawata; [31] - Living in a single room with a Saintess; [32] - Sora-sama Wants to be Satisfied!; [33] - Succubus-Sensei To Yobanaide; [34] – Superball Girls (Alien?); [35] - Elf wa Yoru wo Omachikane; [36] - The Heavenly Demon Lord Who Doesn't Want To Level Up; [37] - Trinity Wonder; [37] - My Dad Is Too Strong; [38] - Otaku no Tonari wa ERUFU Desuka?; [39] - The Strongest Angel Evolutionary Tale; [40] - Descent of the Predecessor; [41] - Dogs and Heroes Don't Dress Up; [42] - Worldly Warrior; [43] - Isekai kara Elf-san ga Ochite Kita no desu ga!? (not MC); [43] - Delivery Man From Murim; [44] - Omniscient Immortal Cultivator; [45] - Yojouhan Isekai Kouryuuki; [46] - Mujintou de Elf to Kyoudou Seikatsu; [47] - Isekai kara no Kigyou Shinshutsu?! (r); [48] - I'm the Hero, But the Demon Lord's Also Me; [49] - Seoul Station Druid; [50] - Jinrui O Metsubou Sasete Wa Ikemasen (not MC); [51] - The Max Level Returner; [52] - Hoarding in Hell; [53] - Isekai Nihon; [54] - Doragon Yashinatte Kudasai (not MC); [55] - Mark Of The Succubus; [56] - Tensei Yuusha wa Joshikousei!?: Maou no Dekiai ni Komattemasu; [57] - The Knight King Who Returned with a God; [58] - What Do You Do If the Heroine Escapes From Your Novel; [59] - Elf ga Joou-sama (ecchi); [60] - Why not go to JUSCO with me, Valkyrie?; [61] - The Divine Twilight's Return; [62] - Isekai Shoukan-sareta ga Kyousei Soukan-sareta Ore ha shikatanaku yaseru koto ni shita; [63] - Chotto Dake ai ga Omoi Dark Elf ga Isekai Kara Oikakete Kita; [64] - Ubau Mono Ubawareru Mono; [65] - Sweets, Elf, And A High School Girl;
9 - Portal Isekai: Uncommon isekai where people is not isekai'd by some god or similar but they have the possibility to go to another world and come back.
[1] – Gate; [2] - Outbreak Company; [3] - Become the Castellan in Another World; [4] - Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement; [5] - Isekai de Cheat Skill wo Te ni Shita Ore wa, Genjitsu Sekai wo mo Musou Suru ~Level Up wa Jinsei wo Kaeta~; [6] - Tokyo Isekai Fudousan; [7] - Monster Musume; [8] - Sen no SKILL o Motsu Otoko Isekai de Shoukan Kemono Hajimemashita!; [9] - I’m Standing On A Million Lives; [10] - Urasekai Picnic; [11] – Rokumon Tengai Moncolle Knights; [12] - Itsudemo Jitaku Ni Kaereru Ore Wa, Isekai De Gyoushounin O Hajimemashita; [11] - Dawn Empire; [12] - Dimensional Mercenary; [13] - Healing life through camping in another world; [14] - Infinity Mailman; [15] - After School Labyrinth Adventurer ~ I'm now able to go back and forth between Japan and another world, and I'll work hard to level up~; [16] - Murim Login; [17] - Pastoral Battle Hymn: Pioneer in the Fantasy Realm; [18] - Houkago no Isekai Boukenbu; [19] - 6-gou Keibi; [20] - Freeter ga Jimini Isekai Teni Suru Manga;
10 - Semi-Isekai: The people is a isekai'd but have no memory of his pasto r even his/her soul remain more as a alter ego to the MC/FMC than a real person. So we have at least 2 souls sharing the same body with the fantasy people being dominant most of time and using the knowledge, tips and powers of the isekai'd one.
[1] - Saijaku Tamer wa Gomi Hiroi no Tabi wo Hajimemashita; [2] - Isekai Tensei Soudouki; [3] - Record of Highserk War (soldier with some memory of previous life); [4] - Mysterious Job Called Oda Nobunaga (The Isekai’d became a class system that helps MC); [5] - Gamer ga Isekai Konten Shite Harem Jinsei e Continue suru Sou desu; [6] - Kuro no Shoukanshi; [7] - Hoshikiri no Kenshi; [8] - After Transformation, Mine and Her Wild Fantasy; [9] - Shikkaku kara Hajimeru Nariagari Madou Shidou!; [10] - Carve the Different World with Control Magic!; [11] - Final Boss Fake-out: The Protagonist Thinks She Killed Me So Now I'm Free!; [12] - Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de; [13] - Dare ga Yonda no!? ~Isekai to Game-dzukuri to Recruit Shoukan~; [14] - Seirei Gensouki ~Konna Sekai de Deaeta Kimi ni~;
11 - Switch place Isekai: Extremely rare isekai because MC is isekai'd but end up taking the role of somebody else importante or had taken yours in the story.
[1] - Grandpa is Summoned (took grandson place); [2] – Yuusha Shoukan (end up taking the hero’s place); [3] - The Undetectable Strongest Job: Rule Breaker; [4] - Ore ni wa Kono Kuragari ga Kokochiyo Katta: Zetsubou kara Hajimaru Isekai Seikatsu, Kami no Kimagure de Kyousei Haishinchuu; [5] - Taikoku Cheat nara Isekai Seifuku mo Rakushou desu yo? (normal); [6] - Ma O Eru!;
12 – Double Isekai – Rare anime/manga that have both isekai and reverse isekai as characteristics. In another words, there are people from another world in Earth/MC world and also the MC travel to another world. Its not a requisite that the “isekai” element should happen at same time.
[1] – Sasaki to Pi Chan; [2] – DBZ; [3] – Tenchi Muyo; [4] – What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become an Immortal?"; [5] - Arata Kangatari; [6] - Girls Bravo; [7] - Middle-aged Businessman, Arise in Another World!; [8] - Goodbye! Isekai Tensei;
13 - Non Human Isekai: commom plot where the MC/FMC is isekai'd as a monster, demon, goblin or similar. Also its commom to acquire a lot of skills and end up building a community, village, city, country and tend to stablish some kind of relations with humans.
[1] - Re:Monster (Goblin first); [2] - Tensei Shitara (Slime); [3] - Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? (Spider); [4] - Tensei Goblin dakedo Shitsumon aru? (Goblin); [5] – Overlord (Skeleton); [6] - Virus Tensei kara Hajimaru Isekai Kansen Monogatari (Virus); [7] - Shokubutsu Monster Musume Nikki; [8] - Spirit Migration (Spirit); [9] - Tensei Kyuuketsuki-San wa Ohirune ga Shitai (Loli vampire); [10] - Tensei Shitara Kozakana datta kedo Ryuu ni Nareru Rashii node Ganbarimasu (Fish); [11] - Surviving as a Fish; [12] - Jinrou e no Tensei, Maou no Fukukan: Shidou-hen" (Werewolf); [13] - Majutsu wo Kiwamete Tabi ni Deta Tensei Elf, Moteamashita Jumyou de Ikeru Densetsu to Naru (Ellf); [14] - Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekake-chuu; [15] - I became an evolving space monster (fucking alien); [16] - Iseikai Tensei (Cyborg); [17] - Meiou-sama ga Tooru no desu yo! (Ghost); [18] - Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu (Demon Lord); [19] - Tensei Shitara Akari dake ga Slime Datta Ken (Slime); [20] - Reborn As A Big Mouth Flower (Flower); [21] - Jaryuu Tensei; [22] - Reborn As A Monster; [23] – Huff; [24] - Tentacle Hole (tentacle monster); [24] – MOLLIE (mouse); [25] - An Odyssey Beyond Dimensions; [26] - The Story of a Cursed Armor (armor); [27] - Despite Being Summoned as a Demon, I Still Need to Practice Chinese Medicine (zombie); [28] - Androids Have No Blood; [29] - Turned Into a Grass in the Fantasy World (grass); [30] - Kemonomimi Loli Yuusha wa Ecchi na Shuusei ni Komatteiru (magic creature); [31] - Evolution Begins With a Big Tree (tree); [32] - Kuroneko Nyango no Bouken ~ Rare Zokusei o Hikiatetanode, Kimamana Bouken-sha o Mezashimasu ~ (cat boy); [33] - What Do I Do?! I Have Transmigrated Into the Weakest Little Monster (skeleton); [34] - Shokubutsu Monster Musume Nikki ~Seijo datta Watashi ga Uragireta Hate ni Aruraune ni Tensei Shite Shimatta node, kore kara wa Kougousei wo Shinagara Shizuka ni Shoukubutsu Life ni Sugoshimasu~ (plant monster); [35] - Isekai Sniper wa Onna Senshi no Mofumofu Aigan Doubutsu (furry); [36] - The Princess Has a Rosy Dream (vampire loli);
14 - Animal Isekai: MC/FMC is isekai'd as a commom beast in that world, without using Power most of the time, and live as a pet or guardian from someone or some ; people and only use his/her power to protect or help its master:
[1] - Tensei shitara Dragon no Tamago datta: Ibara no Dragon Road; (Dragon); [2] - Shirokuma Tensei: Mori no Shugoshin ni Natta zo Densetsu (Polar Bear); [3] - S-Rank Monster no "Behemoth" dakedo, Neko to Machigawarete Elf Musume no Pet toshite Kurashitemasu (OP cat/behemoth); [4] - Wanwan Monogatari ~Kanemochi no Inu n shite to wa Itta ga, Fenrir ni shiro to wa Itte nee!~ (Fenrir); [5] - "Buta no Liver wa Kanetsu Shiro" (Pig); [6] - Reborn as a Phoenix: A Normal Bird Can't Beat a Dragon, Right? (Phoenix); [7] - Reborn as a Squid; [8] - I Was Reincarnated As A Baby Fox God; [9] - Isekai Cat and Grumpy Witch (cat); [10] - Neko no Inai Isekai ni Neko ga Tensei Shichatta Ohanashi; [11] - Saikyou no Mamono ni Narumichi wo Tadoru Ore, Isekaijuu de Zamaa wo Shikkou suru (dragon); [12] - Fenrir ni Tensei shita Hazu ga Dou Mitemo Shiba Inu - Shiba Inu (Saikyou) ni Natta Ore, Mofumofu sare Nagara Kami e to Nariagaru (dog);
15 – Made an Object Isekai: Uncommom isekai where MC/FMC is isekai'd as a Object and used by other people from fantasy world:
[1] - Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita (Sword); [2] - Jidou Hanbaiki ni Umarekawatta Ore wa Meikyuu wo Samayou (Vending Machine); [3] - Zassou Tensei: Elf no Sato de Taisetsu ni Sodateraretemasu (Plant); [4] - Ringo Tensei: Kindan no Kajitsu wa Kyou mo Korokoro to Musou suru (Apple); [5] - Shinjou Saikyou no Dai Kenja, Tensei-saki ga Nuigurumi demo Saikyou deshita (Stuffed animal); [6] - "Unparalleled Path - Reincarnated as the AI for a Space Battleship (AI/Spaceship); [7] - Isekai de Saikyou no Tsue ni Tensei shita Ore ga Iyagaru Shoujo wo Muriyari Mahou Shoujo ni P suru! (magical wand);
submitted by Deuxcartes to Isekai [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 21:39 Frame_Late Shackled Minds XI

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“We have business to attend to. I will not have you enter a battle against the Cabal unarmed.”
The Lord Commander had been insistent on her and Saturn following him to a place in the higher districts, eventually amongst the ivory district. I had never entered the ivory district before, but to my surprise many of the rumors I had heard about them seemed to be true: the townhomes and apartments transformed from rough-hewn slate and sandstone to small, sectioned-off townhomes and terrace houses of polished marble and granite, with beautifully painted clay shingles decorating the rooftops instead of the crude metal sheets that most other homes came equipped with. Electric lamps and braziers lit and warmed the streets respectively as the more well-to-do members of society gathered around specific covered balconies and terraces drank yam sochu, ate delicacies that we could barely afford, and smoked incense. Their fur was braided and trimmed, their teeth white and perfectly aligned: I knew instinctively that I stuck out like a sore thumb compared to anyone who actually belonged here. I was a peasant girl, with calloused hands from long days of digging through scrap and stained teeth from cheap smoked tea and inhaling plenty of soot from our co-fired stoves and fathers inferior and acrid incense that smells like wood ash and broken dreams.
“Are you taking it all in, Thiva? This is how the other half lives while the peasants nearly starve,” the Lord Commander grumbled, “When the biannual tribute became mandatory, a special class of brokers and traders rose to power: everything we sell in this city that brings us wealth, from pork to coal, became so much riskier to transport because the margin of profit became so slim it was nearly impossible to transport it without their connections to the guard.”
“I know,” I interrupted, “They buy what's left of our spare hog droves and sell it at an upcharge. We barely make enough to consider it a profit anymore.”
“Precisely. Before the Cabal came, a farming community used to be able to band together and transport all their hogs to the next town over, sell them at auction, and split the profit per family contribution, which meant that farmers and ranchers used to be wealthy, sometimes wealthier than skilled craftsman or veteran scrappers.” The Lord Commander explained as he led us down another vibrant street, the roses paved with limestone brick. “Now? The Cabal will make your caravan disappear unless you have a specific, stamped and sealed document saying you can provide the proper ‘tribute’ for the right to travel across the boneyard. You can only buy that kind of official document from specific magisters who have the authority to stamp and seal them, and they're all oftentimes related to the nobility. So are the brokers, often cousins, nieces and nephews, or even second and third sons of the noble families who don't stand to inherit more than an influential name. But those names make money move now that the balance of power has shifted, and now the money moves right into all their pockets: they get cheap cattle to sell, the nobles get a poor and compliant population, and the Cabal gets even more money.”
“So this city is feasting on its own innards,” Saturn grumbled as he took in the scenery, “People like Thiva are going to struggle, maybe even starve, and I'm sure these lush plutocrats will be the first to buy up all the remaining food.”
“Of course, you already know the plan,” said the Lord Commander, “they all have exit strategies: once they milk what's left for everything they're worth, they'll flee to the Yoturs. The Cabal is powerful, but not powerful enough to take on the Yoturs in an offensive war and win. I'm sure the Yoturs are just eagerly awaiting for this order of events to unfold, and for the boneyard to become as its namesake once and for all.”
I was angry. I was beyond angry. My father had lost nearly everything he had: his self esteem, his health, his aspirations, and his future, all because of these swine in the Ivory district, and the Cabal. It was infuriating to know that he died a poor man, when he should have lived his life here, in the Ivory district, as a hero. He should have been able to give my mother the life she deserved. It wasn't fair.
I kicked a rock with all my might, sending it skittering down the paved road. “My father bled for garbage,” I hissed, tears welling in my eyes, “nothing but garbage.”
In an instant, the Lord Commander turned around and gave me a melancholic look. “No, he didn't. He didn't bleed for these people: he bled for the city he prided, and the family he loved. His life was not a waste.”
“I don't understand why my father was left to be poor and impoverished, then.”
“He had his pension, and before the Cabal came many farmers and ranchers were wealthy. He believed he was assuming control of a farm that would give you and your brother good lives, not years of struggle,” he continued, “And it is unbecoming of you to tarnish his honor by saying it was pointless.”
“I never meant-”
“What you meant doesn't matter, what you implied does. Watch your words, and honor your parents: your mother will not take kindly to such insulting words when she learns of Malac’s death.”
I looked down and kicked the dirt again with my paw. “Just tell me where we are going, Lord Commander.”
The Lord commander gave me one last sad look, then turned around and kept leading us forward. Saturn has been quiet throughout the entire exchange, although I didn't know why: he was usually much more vocal about such topics.
“I'm taking you to an old friend who's family had come into possession of a peculiar artifact some decades ago. It is a powerful cursed weapon said to only allow warriors with an indomitable will to wield it,” The Lord Commander explained, “The last to wield it was my cousin, Lokran, but he passed on some time ago. Still, I think you might find use for it, Saturn.”
“How so? I prefer my fists.”
The Lord Commander snorted. “Your fists will not be enough, no matter how strong you are. They must be dead for you to claim your bounty.”
“Then what weapon is it? You mentioned it was cursed.”
“It is a magnificent glaive, practically a work of art, of unknown origin. It is also cursed to overrun the minds of unworthy wielders with nightmarish visions so potent they can even be deadly. My cousin was the only one who had been known to wield it, but even then we suspected that he couldn't access its full potential.”
“I heard about that,” I added, “My father would talk about him all the time, he even said he was a hero.”
“He was.” The Lord Commander said, “There was nobody like him: he was a foot taller than the average Sho-dai, and bigger too. I'd seen him use that weapon to cleave a half-dozen men in half in one fell swoop, something unimaginable with any other weapon, but metal was like paper to it. That's why I believe you need this weapon, Saturn, if you can wield it, you might be able to fight the Cabal.”
We approached a smaller home, one story shorter than the rest of the row-homes it was connected to. At first, it seemed like nobody was home, but I could see the flickering of oil lamps in the windows, and the shadows of people within the living room. The Lord Commander walked up the steps and knocked, lacing his stubby digits together in an almost nervous way, as if he wasn't looking forward to this meeting.
An old Sho-dai opened the door, his eyes almost yellow with jaundice, graying fur, and his face warped into a scowl, but when he saw the Lord Commander the scowl seemed to soften. “Horak, so nice of you to visit.”
“Hello, uncle,” the Lord Commander spoke, bowing his head to his elder in familial reverence, “I have come to visit.”
The Lord Commander’s uncle just looked past him and at us, glaring at us as if we were intruding on his privacy, which we probably were. “And the guests you've brought? I doubt you're simply here out of the kindness of your heart.”
“I mean no disrespect, Uncle, but I've come to ask you for a favor.”
His uncle just sighed. “You are a Lord, what could you possibly request of me?”
The Lord Commander looked him in the eyes, and I could see a silent conversation unfolding between them. The Lord Commander was unflinching, but his uncle seemed to stiffen in realization. “I said I'd never let another wield it again. It is too dangerous to allow it to fall into Cabal hands.”
“Uncle, I know of a warrior who can wield it.”
“You think you know of a warrior who can wield it,” hissed the Lord Commander's uncle, his eyes narrowing in anger, “but the truth is that nobody can wield it, even Lokran couldn't! Do you know what that weapon did to him behind closed doors? Do you know how he suffered?”
“Uncle, you cannot keep holding on to the past-”
“I am doing no such thing, Horak!” The Lord Commander shouted, causing him to flinch for the first time, “This isn't just about Lokran passing far too soon, this is about how evil that weapon is: it brings nothing but torment, showing you your worst possible fears and amplifying your regrets to the point that they begin to tear apart your soul and inflict madness. And eventually even when Lokran put it down the effects remained, driving him to suicide. It cannot be held by another, or else their blood will be on my hands as well.”
“I understand, but we have a real chance to defeat the Cabal here! There is another who insists!”
“And does he know the consequences?”
“I do,” Saturn interrupted, “And while I'm sorry that your son died, sir, I know I can wield this weapon to its full potential. I just need to see it.”
“Really? You believe you're special? You believe that you're somehow better than my boy, my poor Lokran? You insult me.”
“Not better, but more knowledgeable,” Saturn spoke with absolute certainty, “I recognize such a curse: Where was the weapon found?”
The old Sho-dai scowled, but grimaced in defeat. “Not here, we shall speak of this inside. Such matters are too sensitive to discuss here and now.”
Time Skip
We sat inside, around the living room table, surrounded by beautiful calligraphy paintings and furniture carved from fine wood imported from far away lands, most likely from the hives of the Lowuan. Beyond that, the rest of the home was sparsely decorated, like it hadn't seen true life in years. I wouldn't doubt that. But what stood out the most was a mantle above the fireplace: an elegantly carved onyx weapon stand bolted with brass fittings to hold the most beautiful weapon I had ever seen: a foreign Polearm, with a long pole and a long, curved blade shaped like a thick claw, except that the cleaving edge was the convex side and not the concave. The lower half of the blade was fitted with golden etchwork so beautiful that it could bring tears to the eyes of even the most stone-hearted bladesmiths, and yet there was something horrible about it. It radiated cold malice that sent shivers down my spine, as if it despised everything near it. Now I knew what the old man had meant by it being cursed.
How could someone bear to hold it, much less wield it and focus in battle all at once? Lokran must've had an exceptionally disciplined mind, and even he took his own life. I was starting to doubt Saturn again.
“The pain has only become harder since Izu passed,” said the old Sho-dai as he sat down, his eyes downcast as he poured us each a glass of sochu in fine porcelain glasses, “she was my rock after Lokran… deteriorated: he was our miracle child, you see.”
I didn't know anything about that. I had never really thought about having children of my own before, although recent events did put the… fragility of life into perspective.
“I am sorry,” I spoke passively, “I know the feeling of loss all too well: my father passed away a little less than a day ago.”
“My condolences, child, the boneyard is a cruel place,” the old Sho-dai said, “Lokran always wanted to make it a better place, but he was only one man. The weight of responsibility on his shoulders, along with the intense pressure the weapon put on his mind… it is no wonder he snapped. Even to being near the blade, I feel its antipathy towards all life around it, like it hates us all. Only in battle, when soaked in blood, did its influence wane. He only felt peace in battle. I think with the begrudging peace the Cabal brought was, in many ways, worse than the defeat itself: there were no more battles left to fight, no more hope beyond the struggles. In his final days he wasted away, obsessed with his own failings. He tore himself apart, influenced by whatever demon is within that horrid weapon.”
“Then why keep it?” Saturn blurted out.
“The old Sho-dai looked at him, spooked by his words, “What do you mean? I couldn't just get rid of it.”
“Why not?” Saturn pushed. The Lord-Commander seemed like he wanted to interject, but he didn't. He obviously wanted to see where this was going.
“I can't sell it, nor can I just leave it somewhere: I couldn't bear to see another person become it's next victim.”
“Then scrap it,” Saturn swiveled, “melt it down, break it apart, do whatever needs to be done to destroy it. If you truly wanted it gone, you could have gotten rid of it yourself.”
“I… it is a relic,” the old Sho-dai whimpered, but I could see him losing his cool, “I couldn't get rid of it, it is the weapon of a hero.”
“A weapon that everyone knows is cursed,” Saturn insisted, “unless you've never revealed that to anyone.”
“Most knew of it's true nature, yes, but-”
“But what? You don't think the people would want to destroy a cursed weapon that led to the death of their hero? A weapon that actively hates all who tries to wield it? I'm not numb, sir, I can feel its baleful energy spreading across the room, casting its dark shadow across everyone's minds. It's meant to do that, it's a countermeasure.”
“What nonsense are you talking about? What countermeasures? There's a demon within that blade, and it destroys the minds of its wielders!” The old Sho-dai shouted as he slammed his fists on the table, “it is a weapon, weapons themselves do not choose their wielders! The demon within destroyed my son, and you call that a countermeasure!”
“It's because your son was never meant to wield it, but I can,” Saturn insisted, “the weapon was made for a very specific kind of person, a person of the same species who created the weapon and implanted the countermeasures within to ensure only those with permission could even pick it up without permanent mental and nerve damage. I am one of those people.”
The Old Sho-dai seemed to be stuck between shock and anger, practically shaking as tears welled up in his eyes, but the Lord-Commander held out his arm to calm him and bring him back. “Forgive him, uncle, he doesn't know how much of an insult that is to your son.”
“If he believes he can wield the weapon, then so be it,” The old Sho-dai growled under his breath, “I will not stop him.”
“Uncle, this is bigger than that-”
“You do not know what it is like to lose a son, Horak, so I do not wish to hear it. This… this outsider has the gall to enter my home, insult the pride of our family, and act as if the weapon is somehow his birthright.” He struggled up to his feet, glaring daggers at Saturn and baring his fangs. “I will give you the weapon, but I hope its curse destroys you from within! I hope it destroys everyone you love, as it has for me! At least, in death, I will not have to suffer the burden of the weapon, as I had intended.”
He hobbled over to the weapon rack and picked up a neatly folded cloth next to it, enveloping the handle of the glaive to prevent direct contact, but even then I could still tell that the weapon took a horrible toll on him the moment he held it. Tears poured from his eyes, his body wracked with sobs, and he only made it a few feet before collapsing on his knees and weeping as the weapon covered against the stone floor, the firelight casting a malevolent glow up it, the exotic metals hosting dancing shadows that almost seemed to move with purpose.
Saturn stood up, and stood over the old Sho-dai. At first, it looked like a menacing gesture, but then I quickly realized what the look on his face meant: pity. He pitied the Lord Commander's uncle. “I hold no Ill will to you, sir, but just know that what I am about to do may just destroy you.”
Then Saturn picked up the weapon. The malevolent energy immediately halted. He was so casual about it too, like he had picked up some mundane tool rather than a cursed weapon. He gripped it, held it in different stances, then carried it at his side loosely before turning back to the Lord Commander. His uncle was completely taken back, unable to process what had just happened.
“Where did you find this weapon?” Saturn demanded, obviously concerned, “this isn't the kind of weapon one just finds laying about.”
The Uncle was still dumbstruck and distraught. He sat on the ground, eyes nearly catatonic as he realized that Saturn had just done something neither his son nor anyone else was capable of: wielding the cursed weapon with ease. “It… we had found a tomb deep in the boneyard during a patrol ages and ages ago.”
“And this weapon was in the tomb? Who was buried in it? What species were they?”
“I don't… I had never seen anything like it. It's skeleton was foreign, although its jaw and fangs were intimidating even in death. It held the weapon beside it… after we had returned it and offered it to one of the magisters, it had killed his newborn son in his sleep, most likely from its nightmarish influence. From that point on, we knew that the demon’s soul had possessed it, and that this was the curse for defiling its tomb.”
“These weapons were never meant for you,” Saturn clarified, “they are relics of my people, but more importantly, they were made for a specific subset of servants we had, warrior servants to be precise. The weapons were of such a quality that they never wanted its secrets to be discovered, so they implemented multiple countermeasures to ensure that it would be less than useless to anyone who had taken it.”
The Uncle stood up and sighed. “Leave my home. I have nothing left to live for.”
The Lord Commander stood up in shock. “Uncle, you cannot possibly mean…”
“Go, Horak, I wish to see my beloved family again. I wish for this torment to be over,” he said, shuffling over to the staircase to the second floor, “take your beast and the weapon: I hope he falls on it.”
“Uncle, please…”
“A wise man knows when his time has come,” the old Sho-dai said, “do not wait for the lead to wilt and die, for it shall wither both the spirit and beauty of the flower. I told you that many years ago, when you were young. I told you this day would come.”
“I never thought it would end like this," the Lord Commander said, and I could've sworn I saw tears in his eyes.
“Do not cry for me, you show weakness in front of your guests, just let me continue with honor.”
And with that, the Lord Commander stormed out, and his uncle glared at Saturn one last time. “It is said that the many warriors of a weapon shan't meet the same fate twice, lest the weapon is truly cursed, and that such a curse can only be broken when the warrior defies fate,” the old Sho-dai explained as he gingerly handed the Fauchard to me, his eyes misty. “We shall see if your spirit is strong enough to defy fate, won't we? We shall see if this countermeasure is truly as you say it is.”
Saturn didn't speak, instead choosing to feel the sleek blade of the weapon, it's blade so perfectly sharpened and polished despite decades of use that one could see their own reflection within. I looked at the blade, entranced by my own reflection for some odd reason, only for it to change, showing a gruesome picture: my eyes gouged out and my lips sewn shut. I gasped and stumbled backwards in fear, and I could almost hear otherworldly cackling within the back of my mind.
Time Skip
Just as we left the home, lights in the windows went out in all the rooms except for one: the master bedroom. I knew what would happen next, although I hoped I was wrong. It wasn't uncommon for widows or widowers to end their lives once their entire family had passed along as a form of liberation for the soul, although this liberation had come at such a heavy price that I didn't even know if it was worth it.
“You were cruel to him, Saturn,” I hissed, “you shouldn't have probed him like you did.”
“Maybe not, but I sensed his hypocrisy. If he truly cared for his son, he would have destroyed the weapon long ago. Instead, he let his son be consumed from within, all for the glory and the fame his son’s hero status brought.”
“You don't know that, Saturn! You're reaching and you know it!”
“Maybe, but why not destroy it, then? Why guard it even as its influence tore his entire family apart? The moment that the weapon killed a newborn was the moment they should have melted it down to slag, but they didn't.”
“Life and death can be equally useful,” mumbled the Lord Commander, “both can change the course of history with a single action.”
“Yet only one is permanent,” Saturn hissed back, “I'm sure that your kind could have made a weapon adequate enough for Lokran to wield if he was such a prodigy, and yet you chose to hand him a weapon you knew was dangerous and would destroy him, all for his effectiveness. How long has he been dead now? How much longer could he have lived and served this city if he had not been damned from the beginning by your own shortsightedness?”
As I walked beside Saturn, I could feel waves of vitriol radiate off his new weapon. It was a horrible feeling, like a sickness, and yet Saturn seemed fine. Yet I noticed he clenched the grip of the glaive, and arched his brow in frustration.
“Is it affecting you?” I asked, “It's evil, no matter what you say: I saw my reflection in it and it was… nightmarish.”
“It doesn't affect me,” Saturn grumbled, “I am trying to make sure that it doesn't affect everyone else around me: the moonlight seems to agitate the weapon, like it knows it's free.”
“So there is a demon inside of it,” hissed the Lord Commander as he turned to Saturn, clenching his fists, “why did you lie then?”
“I never lied, there is no demon,” Saturn insisted, “the weapon itself has a mind of its own, it was programmed that way. I'm not sure if it's specific capabilities, but the weapon seems to be designed to destroy its victims in both mind and body.”
The Lord Commander seemed disgusted by that description. “Lokran never spoke of that… and I knew him well. I was one of his few confidants near the end, although…” he stopped for a moment, pondering what he'd say next, “Why couldn't he use those abilities? Why did the weapon affect him instead of his enemies.”
“The weapon only obeys who it was created for,” Saturn spoke, eying the streets around us and noticing that many Sho-dai were beginning to stare at us, especially both the Lord Commander and the Weapon, “It was designed for two individuals: a lord and a servant. Specifically, it was designed to protect the lord first, and be wielded by the servant as a way to aid in that secondly. The way it affects the minds of others both dissuades it from being used by those who are deemed unworthy by the Lord, and to distract enemies on the battlefield and middle their senses. Lokran was truly a gifted and disciplined warrior if he was able to wield the weapon without succumbing to its negative effects, because he would be under its influence as well.”
The Lord Commander grimaced at that description. “Who would create a weapon like that? Who would want a living weapon?”
“Powerful people, ambitious people,” Saturn listed off, “evil people. There was no shortage of them where my people are from.”
The Lord Commander grunted and shook his head. “Fine, what's important is that we have the weapon, and you're able to use it. Now we have just one more stop before the tribute.”
“What would that be?” I asked, confused.
“Near the foundries, specifically the tent next to it. It's time we forced a particularly hefty friend to start pulling his weight.”
Time Skip
The slums near the foundries were tightly packed and made from stone with metal fittings, almost the exact opposite as the Ivory district. Maybe slums were a harsh word, because slums implied filth, poverty and decay: the slums within our city particularly had excellent plumbing even for the poor, public bathhouses, and plenty of other amenities such as public bathrooms to reduce the risk of disease outbreaks and prevent waste from piling up. It also helped that the public waste was supposed to be diverted to the spawning pools in the Cascades for the crustaceans, flat eels, and bottom feeders that the city farmed: they were excellent for both waste disposal and feeding the masses.
The air was lit up with what the locals jokingly referred to as lard-lamps, which were specific oil lamps designed to burn rods of solid hog fat. The air was smokey from chimneys burning coal, and the lights were dimmer, and yet somehow it was much comfier than the ivory district: I, too, was poor, so I felt somewhat welcome here.
The foundries and workshops owned by the scrappers guild, metal guild, and the many little machinists unions all radiated heat that was even more intense, and it was common for Sho-dai who lived in the industrialized parts of the city to cut their fur short as a way to prevent overheating at work. I welcomed the warmth, but many didn't.
Father rarely took me here: men and women had specific roles in Sho-dai society, and that came with specific spaces in public as well. Bath houses were segregated by gender, and most teahouses and alehouses only allowed men. Women oftentimes had their own places to relax, usually libraries or teahouses specifically set aside for women, and certain tavernas, theaters, and even stores only allowed women save for the proprietors in, and this was apparently done to prevent violence or ‘inappropriate displays’ between members of the opposite gender, especially places that provided room and board. Those who were married or betrothed were the exception, which was one of the reasons I had to lie about my relationship with Saturn.
But we weren't worried about those places: the Lord Commander had mentioned a tent next to an alloy foundry, something that set off alarms in my mind. I had heard stories of a strange creature living within the city, a giant creature the size of a sand truck. I didn't know what to make of those legends, since they only started popping up when I was a kid, but my father had confirmed them to be true.
Every time I thought about my father, I felt a pang in my chest. I interlaced my fingers with Saturn and held his hand, the waves of hatred from the weapon in his other hand transforming into an odd form of melancholy, as if the weapon could sense my emotions through my touch with Saturn and was granting me an unexpected yet merciful condolence. Maybe the weapon knew what it was like to lose someone as well, maybe it's wielder: the Lord Commander's uncle mentioned finding the weapon in a tomb.
Saturn squeezed my hand gently, pulling me close so that I'd be walking beside him, and looked at me. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” I replied weakly, “just… thinking.”
“About your father?”
“He pops up from time to time. It hurts, knowing he's gone.”
“I don't understand, but…” Saturn stopped and didn't continue. I didn't know if I wanted him to continue or not, but I wanted to hear his voice. It was a simple pleasure, hearing him and knowing he was there, just like holding his hand. “I just want you to be okay.”
“Saturn, when this is all over… I want to come with you.”
Saturn gave me a surprised look. “What do you mean, come with me? Where would I go?”
“I just don't have anything here,” I clarified, “I won't inherit the farm, I won't marry, and I refuse to be a burden on what's left of my family for the rest of my life.” I looked down as we walked, squeezing his hand tighter, “When we first met, you mentioned that I should have looked for a man who would provide me with the kind of life I wanted, and I know what that life is now. I want a life with you.”
Saturn's face turned red. “W-what do you mean?”
“Saturn, you're hard headed and stubborn, but you're also wise and incredibly interesting,” I explained, “And I want to go out, do things with you, and help you in any way I can. You… enamor me.” I blushed under my fur as I spoke, “And I just don't want this to end even though we've only really known each other for a few days. With everything that we've done together, I feel like I've known you for years. Finding that facility you were in felt like a lifetime ago.”
Saturn seemed to be thinking deeply about my confession, and with every passing second I became more and more terrified that he wouldn't feel the same way, like he only saw me as an acquaintance. I'd never been smitten with someone before, or maybe smitten wasn't the right word, but I know that I felt something for him. Something more than simple friendship.
“And what about my species? Doesn't it bother you that I'm hairless, or thin, or anything else about my biology? I'm not a Sho-dai, Thiva, we can't even have children,” Saturn did stutter a bit at that last statement, as if he wasn't even sure it was the truth, “I'm not a Sho-dai, doesn't that bother you?”
“No,” I said simply, “I've never been attracted to my own kind like that, or anyone really, not for a long time. The Sho-dai have this horrible obsession with getting married now and getting to know your spouse later, but I have an incredibly hard time appreciating how people look if I don't know them first. I look at a lot of Sho-dai men and think that they're pigs, with how they treat the opposite gender like they're some prize to be won, or commodities to be purchased” I lamented, and I realized I was venting some very personal frustrations I had kept pent up since as long as I could remember, “and I've only ever been interested in the exact opposite. I like people like you: you're humble and you think of other people's needs first, not braggadocious or vain.”
“I never knew…”
“I've never shared this with anyone, not even my parents,” I admitted, “not even when me and my father had been fighting almost every day. I figured that I'd make it worse.” I blinked tears out of my eyes, “I told you I had never been attracted to Sho-dai, but there was one… outsider, by the spirits I hate that word so much. He was part of one of the Zephre caravans. They were tall and lean, and natural tricksters. One was a performer and knife juggler named Arpita, I had gotten very close to. He would tell me stories about the constellations and legends about the gods his people worshiped, about the astral giants that moved the moons and the great molder of men whose dust from his divine pottery wheel formed into the deserts. I grew to love him because he saw me as a person.”
“And your parents didn't approve?”
“I stopped seeing him because the Sho-dai thought him suspicious: we always wanted what the Zephre had to offer, but we never wanted to treat them like equals. Arpita… he was my first. I kissed him under the moonlight when his caravan and their herds visited our city for the last time. A fight broke out, his particular culture of Zephre were accused of stealing, whoring, and selling contraband, and were barred from the city until further notice. I vowed to never marry after that, as this little act of meaningless rebellion that only meant anything to me.”
“So, Saturn,” I continued, “what you are doesn't matter to me, only who you are.”
Saturn pulled me close and hugged me, whispering in my ear. “When this is finished, we'll talk more, but you are very important to me, never forget that,” he said, “if I don't make it, I want you to know that… I do feel the same. I just didn't believe it would be right for me to ask.”
“Hey, you two need to hurry up,” the Lord Commander shouted back to us before turning to our destination, a gigantic, multi-story tent held up by many metal pegs jammed into the walls and a single, giant tree in the center that held it up like a post. The tree had big, black leaves and bark the color of charcoal, as if it was burnt, but the leaves swayed in the wind and looked healthy. “Also, if you two are going to be affectionate then do it in private; I don't give a shit, but we're already getting enough dirty looks from you holding Lokran’s old weapon. We're here anyway.”
Saturn gave the Lord Commander an annoyed look, but rolled his eyes and stepped forward. “What's inside?”
“Someone who can help us, if you can convince them to help, that is.”
submitted by Frame_Late to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 20:30 hyzer067 Elana is so RNG

21 attempts, sometimes solo, sometimes I used 1 summon, sometimes 2. She summoned both Velstadt (with his janky roll-catching hitboxes) and the smartest AI skeletons in the history of gaming every single fight, often close enough together that I was fighting all 4 at once. Once I got her down to <10% but spent over a minute running around trying to get an opening to hit her but was constantly interrupted by one the summons. Usually I got her between 50% and 25% before I got wombo-comboed to death, generally from something out of sight. Almost every fight I ran out of estus and went through a bunch of gems.
21 fights, zero pig summons.
Fight #22, went with Benhart only. Elana performed exactly 1 summons the entire fight: pigs, for the first time. No Velstadt, no skeletons. She focused Benhart most of the fight, yet when she died, Benhart had 50% health. I still had 10 estus. The degree of difficulty wasn't even in the same universe. The last fight was a 1 on a scale to 1000, while the first 21 were over 950.
Note that I beat most bosses in the game on my first attempt, including every DLC boss except Alonne (2), Avaa (2), and Blue Smelter (2, because I was already on fumes from the runup the first fight). Ganksquad, Dragon, Fume Knight, Ivory King, etc, all on first attempt. Elana took 22.
The RNG on Elana is out of control.

submitted by hyzer067 to DarkSouls2 [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 16:29 The_Good_Guy_Two u/BipolarGuineaPig wanted a nightmare skeleton version of the druid stained glass work, I thought "why not"

u/BipolarGuineaPig wanted a nightmare skeleton version of the druid stained glass work, I thought submitted by The_Good_Guy_Two to DarkAndDarker [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 17:54 RogueOtterAJ [QCrit] PEOPLE AS THINGS (Adult Fantasy, Attempt #2) 96K

My first attempt is under the title THE DESIRES OF OBJECTS (https://www.reddit.com/PubTips/comments/1atahm2/qcrit\_fantasy\_the\_desires\_of\_objects\_80k/) Better, worse? Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
Gill Rewin, former shopkeeper, is freshly unemployed and drowning in debt. A loan shark has already claimed his eye; if he misses another payment, he’ll forfeit his free will. So when a government researcher offers Gill the morally dubious but lucrative job of spying on his former professor, Gill accepts.
In the cutthroat city of Relkavin, power is wielded through potem, manmade objects with magical abilities that manifest spontaneously and mysteriously. These objects run the gamut from weather-predicting trinkets to mind-controlling typewriters. Dr. Harkan Reeves—once a respected scientist, now a paranoid recluse haunted by grief—has allegedly discovered the long-lost secret of creating potem. And Gill was (supposedly) his favorite student. So Gill approaches Harkan and offers his services as an assistant and caretaker. His goal is simple: Win Harkan’s trust, steal the secret, and collect his reward.
As Gill works his way past Harkan’s thorny defenses, however, he grows increasingly attached to the damaged, brilliant man. And when Harkan reveals that potem are created by binding the souls of the deceased to objects, Gill knows he can’t hand this power to the government. But Gill’s deadline is closing in. With no one else to turn to, he must decide whether to tell the truth and place his trust in the man he was supposed to betray.
PEOPLE AS THINGS may appeal to fans of A MARVELLOUS LIGHT or THE BOOK EATERS. It is 96K words.
Chapter One

The shop was quiet. Rain tapped against the dark window like a lonely ghost asking to come in. Gill Rewin had just finished cataloging the most recently acquired items. In one hand, he held a thick, leather-bound book of inventory which contained a listing of all the registration numbers, along with descriptions written in his neat, careful handwriting. He reviewed the latest.
2368: Clay doll, six inches in length, age unknown. Discovered in a cave in the foothills of the Northern Mountains. Increases fertility when carried. Price: 500 d.
507: Candle, four inches long, manufactured within the last ten years, powers a result of spontaneous manifestation. Acquired three months ago. Gentles unruly horses when lit within a twenty-foot range (no effect on humans). Causes unpredictable behavior in dogs and other canines. Price: 40 d.
9112: Glass jar containing one pickled fetal pig, former property of the biology department of Relkavin College, powers a result of spontaneous manifestation. Predicts weather by changing color, pale greenish-gray for approaching rain, pale pink for sun. Occasional aberrations occur. Accuracy not guaranteed, but makes an excellent conversation piece. Price: 80 d.
According to tests, the pig also turned purplish, on occasion—Gill had observed this once—but since this didn’t correspond with any obvious meteorological events, no one had figured out what it meant. Subtle seismic activity deep beneath the Earth’s surface, perhaps, or the erratic movements of planets and moons untold miles away, or some atmospheric fluctuation undetectable to human senses. Potem were full of such mysteries. It was one of their charms.
“I’m going to finish up some paperwork,” Mrs. Prull announced, pulling Gill from his thoughts.
submitted by RogueOtterAJ to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 14:49 CIAHerpes I worked as an ice-road trucker in Russia along the “Road of Bones”. This is why I quit [part 4]

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The space around the hut looked totally dead. I didn’t see a single blade of grass or even a weed to mar the smooth, black earth. It looked so dark in the shadows of the forest that the legs and the hut seemed to hover over an abyss. The door, painted a blinding white, contrasted heavily with the rest of the stocked logs and twigs that composed the ancient-looking hut.
A set of rickety wooden stairs led up to the door. I went first. There was no railing, and with each step I took, I was afraid I would fall right through the stairs. But they were stronger than they looked and nailed tightly to the beams underneath. Without hesitation, I flung the door open, and saw a nightmare laying beyond.
A child’s body roasted on a spit over the raging fire in the fireplace, giving off a smell of cooking meat and woodsmoke that mixed with the rosemary, parsley and other herbs sprinkled over the body. I saw lampshades made of human skins, covering black candles that flickered and sputtered as the wind came in from outside. In the corner, a little girl crouched in a cage, a cage that was only big enough for a dog. She couldn’t stand up, and cried constantly. When she saw me, her eyes widened.
“Please, help me!” she screamed. “She’ll be back any moment! Get me out of here!” She looked like the spitting image of Irina, and I wondered if they were identical twins.
Yakov grabbed a knife from his pocket, going over to the cage and looking closely at the lock. He flicked it open, and began feverishly pulling at the ancient-looking padlock that held the cage closed. It didn’t seem nearly as secure as a modern deadbolt, and I wondered how many years the old witch had possessed it. I walked over to the window and looked outside- and my heart jumped into my throat.
Outside, I saw Baba Yaga getting out of what looked like a flying pestle as it slowly lowered itself towards the ground. It stood about four-feet-tall, enough to hide Irina inside if it came to it. The wood looked beautiful, like smooth mahogany, perfectly fit together without cracks or gaps of any kind. It had strange runes burnt into the exterior. The writing was not Russian, or any Slavic language I knew.
She had a mortar as tall as herself. She had her hands wrapped around the dark wood of the mortar, using the flaring, wide end on the bottom to push herself up and over the wall of the pestle. She had extremely thin legs, like those of a skeleton. They looked like two iron bars wrapped in skin.
I looked closer through the window, squinting to try to make out every detail. I wondered if she used that mortar and pestle to grind up the bodies of children, to prepare their bodies for a meal. I saw dark stains on the bottom of the mortar, dark red and soaked deeply into the wood. I figured that answered my question.
She put the mortar back inside, then turned and looked directly inside the hut. Her eyes met mine, one blind and staring, one filled with intelligence and fury. I ducked away, hoping she hadn’t seen me.
“Hurry up, hurry up,” I said, turning to go help Irina and Yakov. “She’s coming! She’s got a flying barrel, too.” I saw they nearly had the lock broken by this point. It was fairly flimsy and ancient-looking, and Yakov had a folding knife which he used to pry it loose. Realizing there was nothing I could do to speed up the process, I ran back towards the window.
Baba Yaga was gone. She wasn’t standing next to her mortar and pestle anymore. In fact, her mortar and pestle was gone too.
A moment later, a deafening cacophony exploded across the hut as the roof collapsed inwards, covering us thin branches, thatch and straw.
I found myself on the floor, unable to remember where I was for a moment. The cold steel of the gun was still gripped tightly in my hand. Then I heard crying and screaming, and it all came rushing back to me. I pushed some boards off of myself, feeling blood run down over my forehead. I felt weak. The fireplace on the other side of the room gave off some light. I saw the ceiling had collapsed, and as I looked up, I saw the full moon illuminating the cracked and ragged edges of the ruined roof.
A gunshot rang out, very close by, and I heard a guttural cry of pain and surprise. I ran towards the sound, and after pushing a few beams from a section of collapsed wall to the side, I made a path towards Yakov and Baba Yaga.
Yakov stood only a few feet away, and had just shot her in the neck at point blank range. Thick, black blood ran down her tattered rags of clothing, staining the coarse brown cloth and making it cling to her skin. She screamed in rage, opening her mouth wide and showing many sharp, yellow teeth, running forwards towards him and tackling him.
I pushed some more rubble out of the way and ran forwards, the gun still clenched in my hand. Baba Yaga used her shark-like teeth to bite Yakov over and over in a space of mere seconds. He squealed like a pig being slaughtered, an inhuman wail that made me want to cover my ears and look away. Without thinking, I raised the gun and fired.
The shot hit her in the shoulder and came out her chest. With a grunt, she fell sideways onto the ruined floor. I saw with horror that the wound in her neck was stitching itself closed before my eyes. Whatever dark magic had made this creature had clearly given her superhuman healing abilities. I wondered how we should kill her, if possible- whether multiple gunshots to the head would do it or not. I had a creeping suspicion it would not be so easy.
I saw Yakov writhing on the floor, his face a mess of torn flesh and gore. His nose was missing and pieces of his cheeks, lips and foreheads had deep slices, leaving flaps of skin hanging over his face. I started to run to him but he shook his head vigorously.
“Get the girls!” he said through a mouth full of blood, choking, his sounds coming out strange, maybe due to the bites that had split his lips and taken part of the top one.
Instead, I began to walk over to Baba Yaga, planning to put the pistol to her head, point-blank, and pull the trigger. But the ruins of the thick hut door creaked open at that moment, and I turned, stunned at what I saw.
Across the pile of torn beams and splintered boards, I saw the creatures I had told Yakov about, the ones I had seen next to the empty car stained with blood. They had hidden in the woods, saying, “Please help me,” over and over in a perfect, parrot-like fashion. And now they had come- the same pure black eyes, thin bodies and sheet-white skin. They looked like cancer patients, without a shred of fat on their bodies, totally hairless and alien, lacking sex organs or nipples, ears or noses. But they were much faster than their emaciated condition would suggest and they began to rush in, pushing some of the rubble aside and approaching where Yakov and I stood.
I looked from Baba Yaga to the newcomers quickly, my mind racing. She looked up, a sensation of pain in her one good eye, the other flat and white, but her face lit up when she saw who had just arrived.
“My servants, my sweet children,” she said in a deep, cooing voice, “you knew your mother was in trouble and came, didn’t you? You always know, always. That makes you so beautiful to me. You’ll always be mine.” I turned back to Baba Yaga, meaning to finish her off, but she sat up rapidly and grabbed my wrist, twisting. I cried out in pain and the gun went flying, settling under debris and rubble. I smelled smoke, and to my horror, realized the fireplace had ignited some of the ruined beams.
Baba Yaga pushed me back, and I went flying into the wall, my wrist swelling and burning. In the corner, I saw Irina helping her sister out of the cage. The fire caught the old, brittle wood as if it were soaked in gasoline, and I saw with horror that soon, it would cut off the escape route for Irina and her sister. Groaning, I got up quickly.
Yakov had reloaded and began shooting at the creatures that approached him. Baba Yaga stood up slowly, still dripping black blood on the floor, looking much weaker than before. I counted that as a blessing, though I didn’t think it would last. Whatever dark magic kept this monster alive was more powerful than a flesh wound, apparently.
I had to choose between helping Irina or getting the gun, and I saw no choice. I dived into the rubble where I had last seen it, feeling splinters and nails poking into my skin. A few pierced my arms and legs through my clothes, and I felt sticky trickles of blood soaking them. I ignored the pain of my hand, the throbbing migraine I still had from the concussion and now this new insult to my body. The adrenaline helped, but I knew that, if I survived this, I would be sore and cut for weeks.
The black-eyed creatures ran at me, and one grabbed my leg as I ducked and felt around furiously in the dark for the pistol. The fire kept spreading, giving me slightly more light through the crooked beams and collapsed roof, and I saw a glint of metal in the dim illumination. Just as the creatures pulled me out, I grabbed frantically, feeling the cold grip of the gun against my hand. Turning around quickly, I fired without aiming, shooting point-blank at the creatures standing there. One got hit in the chest, a splatter of the same black blood as Baba Yaga’s staining the wall behind it. I missed the other one, and it lunged, snapping with its twisted, yellow teeth, going straight for my throat or face. Without thinking, I fired again, and the shot went through its nose holes, disintegrating the front of its face and sending a dark spray of blood out behind it. It fell on me.
I struggled, pushing the body off. All I could smell was smoke now, and I began to choke and sputter. I looked around wildly, but the smoke had grown thick, and I could barely see a few feet in front of me. I looked for Irina and her sister, moving towards where I had last seen them, but quickly gave up and started calling out.
“Irina! Get her out of there, now! We have to go!” I said. I felt a small hand thrust into mine, and thinking it was Irina, I pulled, running towards the door.
I ran straight into Yakov, who was choking on the smoke. I looked into his eyes and gasped.
His face was a mask of blood. Only two dark eyes peered out from the destroyed flesh below. He kept spitting blood as he coughed. Without thinking, I pushed him towards the door, continuously pulling the little girl behind me. More creatures stood there, but we shot the ones on the stairs, and the others retreated away, galloping on all fours like some strange animal. They looked back with hatred, their eyes black and shining. They ran towards the gate, which was now open. I wondered if one of them had a key.
Turning around, I saw the hut had turned into a blazing inferno. To my horror, I saw I did not hold Irina’s hand, but her twin sister’s.
“Where’s Irina?” I asked, panicked, and then the screaming started from the hut. The floor began to collapse, chunks of molten wood falling between the dead, skeletal chicken legs that held up the hut. LIke something from a nightmare, I saw Baba Yaga stumbling out, her skin melting, her hair on fire, her one good eye still peering out from the mask of burning flesh. Her shrill, ear-splitting shriek echoed through the forest around us, and I heard another, quieter scream start coming from the hut. It sounded like a little girl.
Without thinking, I began to push Yakov and Irina’s sister out of the gate, praying for Irina’s safety, but knowing that the only thing she could hope for was a quick death from suffocation. No one could survive that inferno. She was right when she said we shouldn’t have come here, but I had forced her, and now she was dying- or dead.
We ran out into the woods, following the trail back to the truck. Yakov kept stumbling and falling.
“I can’t go on much longer,” he said. “I think I’m dying. She really did a number on me. I feel light-headed… I think I might pass out soon.”
“That’s just the blood loss,” I said, reassuring him but not believing it. “Once we get you to a hospital, you’ll be fine. You just need some stitches. It’s… not as bad as it looks.” He laughed, a sarcastic, bitter sound.
“Don’t lie to the dying,” he muttered. And just as the truck came into sight, the black-eyed creatures came galloping silently out of the woods on all fours, a dozen of them, surrounding us. They didn’t blink or show any emotion, but as if a signal had been given, they swarmed us all at once.
I began shooting, having refilled the chamber with bullets from my pocket, but there were too many. I cleared a path towards the truck, shooting five in the chest, aiming for center mass. Yakov began to fire, but many of his shots missed as blood streamed over his face and eyes, and soon, we were both out of bullets.
I grabbed the little girl and ran towards the truck as Yakov held his place, roaring with blood-lust and excitement, pulling out a folding knife from his pocket.
“Come on!” I screamed, but he just smiled.
“Goodbye, friend,” he said as the creatures jumped on him, and he began stabbing and fighting in his last moments, cutting at their throats and faces as they ate him alive.
I took Irina’s sister to a hospital and told the police about everything that had happened. They looked at me like I was a madman. The little girl corroborated my story, but they just dismissed it as the imagination of a child. Nonetheless, they went out to the site and found Yakov’s body. They ruled that he had been mauled by animals. There were, after all, many bears in the area.
They also followed our footsteps into the woods, but said they found no hut, no fire, no clearing. They said the footsteps just stopped suddenly, as if we had been abducted by a UFO. The hut had gone, and so had Baba Yaga.
After that day, I finished my route, sold my truck and made plans to move out of Russia forever. I had seen enough.
But still, I wonder what else lies in those woods- what other secrets remain to be found.
submitted by CIAHerpes to scaryjujuarmy [link] [comments]
