Digimon rika und ryo fanfiction

besiktas gegen galatas

2024.05.13 03:31 Capable-Height4362 besiktas gegen galatas

besiktas gegen galatasaray
Das Besiktas-Stadion, offiziell bekannt als Vodafone Park, ist ein beeindruckendes Fußballstadion in Istanbul, Türkei. Es ist die Heimat des renommierten Fußballclubs Besiktas JK und ein Ort voller Leidenschaft und Geschichte.
Das Stadion wurde am 11. April 2016 eröffnet und hat eine Kapazität von rund 41.000 Zuschauern. Es befindet sich in der Nähe des Dolmabahce-Palastes am Ufer des Bosporus und bietet einen atemberaubenden Blick auf das Wasser und die umliegende Stadt.
Eine der bemerkenswertesten Eigenschaften des Besiktas-Stadions ist sein innovatives Design. Das Stadion ist das erste in der Türkei, das vollständig mit einer Überdachung ausgestattet ist, die bei Bedarf geöffnet oder geschlossen werden kann. Diese flexible Struktur sorgt dafür, dass Spiele bei jedem Wetter stattfinden können und die Zuschauer stets geschützt sind.
Die Atmosphäre im Vodafone Park ist legendär. Die Fans von Besiktas, bekannt als "Die Schwarzen Adler", füllen das Stadion bei jedem Spiel mit ihrer Energie und Unterstützung. Ihre Gesänge und Chants schaffen eine elektrisierende Atmosphäre, die sowohl Spieler als auch Gegner inspiriert.
Abgesehen von Fußballspielen dient das Besiktas-Stadion auch als Veranstaltungsort für Konzerte und andere Events. Seine moderne Ausstattung und seine zentrale Lage machen es zu einer beliebten Wahl für Veranstalter und Besucher gleichermaßen.
Insgesamt ist das Besiktas-Stadion nicht nur ein Ort für Fußball, sondern auch ein Symbol für die Leidenschaft und Hingabe der Fans sowie für die moderne Architektur und Innovation in der Türkei. Es bleibt ein Muss für alle Fußballfans, die Istanbul besuchen.
Das Istanbul-Derby ist eines der aufregendsten Fußballspiele der Welt. Es findet zwischen den beiden größten Fußballvereinen der Stadt statt: Galatasaray und Fenerbahçe. Diese beiden Mannschaften haben eine lange und intensive Rivalität, die bis ins späte 19. Jahrhundert zurückreicht, als der Fußball in der Türkei populär wurde.
Die Geschichte des Istanbul-Derbys ist von legendären Spielen, emotionalen Momenten und intensiven Auseinandersetzungen geprägt. Die Fans beider Teams unterstützen ihre Mannschaften leidenschaftlich und färben die Stadt vor jedem Derby in den Farben ihrer Vereine.
Das Derby findet abwechselnd im Türk Telekom Stadion von Galatasaray und im Şükrü Saracoğlu Stadion von Fenerbahçe statt. Die Atmosphäre während des Spiels ist elektrisierend, mit Tausenden von Fans, die ihre Mannschaften mit Gesängen und Fahnen unterstützen.
Die Spieler spüren den Druck und die Erwartungen ihrer Fans, was zu einem intensiven und mitreißenden Spiel führt. Die Spiele sind oft hart umkämpft und voller Drama, mit umstrittenen Schiedsrichterentscheidungen und spektakulären Toren.
Das Istanbul-Derby ist nicht nur ein Fußballspiel, sondern auch ein kulturelles Ereignis, das die gesamte Stadt vereint und die Leidenschaft für den Sport zeigt. Es ist ein unvergessliches Erlebnis für Spieler, Fans und alle, die die Atmosphäre des Derbys erleben.
Insgesamt ist das Istanbul-Derby ein Symbol für die Leidenschaft und Rivalität im türkischen Fußball und zieht Fußballfans aus der ganzen Welt an, um dieses aufregende Ereignis zu erleben.
Türkische Fußballliga
Die Türkische Fußballliga, auch bekannt als Süper Lig, ist die höchste Fußballliga in der Türkei und eine der angesehensten in Europa. Mit einer reichen Geschichte und einer leidenschaftlichen Fanbasis bietet die Süper Lig spannenden Fußball auf höchstem Niveau.
Gegründet im Jahr 1959, hat die Türkische Fußballliga im Laufe der Jahre zahlreiche legendäre Spieler und Teams hervorgebracht. Vereine wie Galatasaray, Fenerbahçe und Besiktas sind international bekannt und haben in europäischen Wettbewerben Erfolge gefeiert.
Die Rivalitäten in der Süper Lig sind intensiv und sorgen für fesselnde Duelle auf dem Platz. Der Istanbul-Derby zwischen Galatasaray und Fenerbahçe ist eines der heißesten Derbys der Welt und zieht Fans aus der ganzen Türkei an.
Die Qualität des Fußballs in der Türkischen Fußballliga hat sie zu einem wichtigen Teil der Fußballwelt gemacht. Viele talentierte Spieler aus der Türkei haben den Sprung zu Top-Clubs in Europa geschafft und tragen dort zum Erfolg ihrer Teams bei.
Die Süper Lig ist auch für ihre leidenschaftlichen Fans bekannt, die die Stadien Woche für Woche füllen und für eine beeindruckende Atmosphäre sorgen. Die Unterstützung der Fans ist ein wichtiger Teil des Erfolgs der Liga und trägt dazu bei, dass Spiele zu mitreißenden Events werden.
Insgesamt bietet die Türkische Fußballliga spannenden Fußball, eine reiche Geschichte und eine leidenschaftliche Fanbasis. Sie bleibt eine der aufregendsten Ligen in Europa und zieht Fans aus aller Welt an.
Fan-Kultur ist eine facettenreiche Welt, die sich um die Leidenschaft und Hingabe von Fans für verschiedene Bereiche wie Filme, Bücher, Spiele, Musik und mehr dreht. Diese Kultur ist nicht nur eine einfache Anhängerschaft, sondern ein komplexes Netzwerk von Menschen, die sich durch ihre Liebe zu einem bestimmten Thema verbunden fühlen.
Eine der markantesten Eigenschaften der Fan-Kultur ist ihre Kreativität. Fans zeigen ihre Zuneigung durch Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvideos und sogar Fanmusik. Diese Werke dienen nicht nur als Ausdruck der Liebe zum Thema, sondern auch als Möglichkeit für Fans, ihre eigenen kreativen Fähigkeiten zu präsentieren und sich mit Gleichgesinnten auszutauschen.
Darüber hinaus spielt die Community in der Fan-Kultur eine zentrale Rolle. Fans versammeln sich online in Foren, auf sozialen Medien und in speziellen Fanclubs, um über ihre Lieblingsthemen zu diskutieren, Neuigkeiten zu teilen und sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen. Diese Gemeinschaften bieten ein Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit und ermöglichen es den Fans, sich mit anderen auszutauschen, die ihre Leidenschaft teilen.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt der Fan-Kultur ist die Teilhabe am Schaffen der Inhalte. Durch Crowdfunding-Plattformen unterstützen Fans die Produktion von neuen Filmen, Büchern oder Spielen, die ihren Vorlieben entsprechen. Diese direkte Beteiligung gibt den Fans das Gefühl, Teil des Schöpfungsprozesses zu sein und eine aktive Rolle in der Entwicklung ihrer Lieblingsinhalte zu spielen.
Insgesamt ist die Fan-Kultur ein faszinierendes Phänomen, das die Grenzen zwischen Konsum und Kreation, zwischen Zuschauern und Machern verschwimmen lässt. Sie zeigt die immense Kraft der Leidenschaft und Gemeinschaft, die Menschen verbinden kann, unabhängig von ihrem Hintergrund oder ihren Lebensumständen.
Historische Rivalität
Historische Rivalitäten sind ein faszinierendes Phänomen, das sich durch die Geschichte zieht und oft tief verwurzelt ist. Sie entstehen aus einer Vielzahl von Gründen, darunter territoriale Konflikte, politische Differenzen, wirtschaftliche Interessen oder kulturelle Unterschiede. Diese Rivalitäten können zwischen Ländern, Regionen, Städten oder sogar Familien auftreten und prägen oft das kollektive Bewusstsein einer Gesellschaft.
Ein berühmtes Beispiel für eine historische Rivalität ist die langjährige Feindschaft zwischen England und Frankreich. Diese Rivalität reicht bis ins Mittelalter zurück und manifestierte sich in zahlreichen kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen, wie zum Beispiel dem Hundertjährigen Krieg. Sogar heute noch sind Spuren dieser Rivalität in der Rivalität zwischen englischen und französischen Fußballmannschaften oder in kulturellen Klischees erkennbar.
Auch innerhalb eines Landes können historische Rivalitäten existieren, wie zum Beispiel zwischen verschiedenen politischen Parteien oder ethnischen Gruppen. Diese Rivalitäten können sich über Generationen hinweg fortsetzen und haben oft tiefgreifende Auswirkungen auf die Politik, die Gesellschaft und das tägliche Leben der Menschen.
Es ist wichtig zu erkennen, dass historische Rivalitäten nicht in Stein gemeißelt sind und sich im Laufe der Zeit ändern können. Durch Dialog, Versöhnung und gemeinsame Anstrengungen können einstige Feinde zu Partnern werden und alte Konflikte überwunden werden. Dennoch bleibt die Erforschung und das Verständnis historischer Rivalitäten ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Geschichtswissenschaft und kann dazu beitragen, zukünftige Konflikte zu verhindern.
submitted by Capable-Height4362 to u/Capable-Height4362 [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:56 AigisxLabrys Xeno Goku or CC Goku vs these characters

Xeno Goku or CC Goku (you can choose either one) vs these characters
Shulk(Xenoblade) The Truth(Fullmetal Alchemist) ZeedMillenniummon(Digimon) Perfectio(Super Robot Wars) White Guardian(Doctor Who) Unicron(Transformers) Trigon(DC) Mandrakk The Dark Monitor(DC) Metatron(Megami Tensei/Shin Megami Tensei) The Cathexis(DC) Black Guardian(Doctor Who) Aleph(Megami Tensei/Shin Megami Tensei) Wave Existence(Xenogears) Great Goddess Eliatrope(Wakfu) Featherine Augustus Aurora(Umineko) The Celestials(Marvel) Getter Emperor(Getter Robo) Mr. Mxyzptlk(DC) The Naljians(Ben 10) Sailor Moon(Sailor Moon) The Beyonders(Marvel) Man of Miracles(Image) The Alternity(Transformers) Infinity(Marvel) Death(Marvel) Primus(Transformers) Noein(Noein) Thanos(Marvel) The Primal Monitor(DC) The Great Evil Beast(DC/Vertigo) Enrico Pucci(JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) The Presence(DC/Vertigo) The Spectre(DC/Vertigo) Akhenaten(Marvel) Mad Jim Jaspers(Marvel) Palkia(Pokémon) The Chousin(Tenchi Muyo!) Eucliwood Hellscythe(Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?) Deus Ex Machina(Future Diary) Yog-Sothoth(Cthulhu Mythos) The Three Golden Goddesses(The Legend of Zelda) Lain Iwakura(Serial Experiments Lain) The One Above All(Marvel) Ange Ushiromiya(Umineko) Rika Furude(Higurashi) Lilith(Yami To Bōshi To Hon No Tabibito) Othinus(To Aru Majutsu no Index) Giratina(Pokémon) Bernkastel(Umineko) Dandy(Space Dandy) Superboy Prime(DC) Lambdadelta(Umineko) The Fulcrum(Marvel) Beatrice(Umineko) Dragon God(Project A-ko) Yuki Nagato(The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Akuto Sai(Ichiban Ushiro no Daimou) Kami Tenchi(Tenchi Muyo!) Flynn(Megami Tensei/Shin Megami Tensei) Lord English(Homestuck) Red Mage(8-Bit Theater) Sailor Galaxia(Sailor Moon) Chaos King(Marvel) Crimson King(The Dark Tower) The Infinites(Marvel) Gan(The Dark Tower) The Ultimator(DC) The Magic Gods(To Aru Majutsu no Index) Trenia(Makai Kingdom) Demonbane Two Sword(Demonbane) Imperiex(DC) Nyarlathotep(Demonbane) Super Granzeboma(Gurren Lagann) The Glory(Doctor Who) Mutsuki Aoi(I/O) Azrael(Discworld) Nodens(Cthulhu Mythos) Shub-Niggurath(Cthulhu Mythos) Blackheart(Marvel) Mem Aleph(Megami Tensei/Shin Megami Tensei) The Endless(DC/Vertigo) The Ultimate Gods(Cthulhu Mythos) The Counter-Actor(Tenchi Muyo!) Solaris(Sonic The Hedgehog) Fenric(Doctor Who) Molecule Man(Marvel) King of all Cosmos(Katamari Damacy) Homura Akemi(Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Madoka Kaname(Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Serph(Megami Tensei/Digital Devil Saga) The Six-Fold God(Doctor Who) Divine Presence(I/O) Theory Goats(Umineko) Rune King Thor(Marvel)
submitted by AigisxLabrys to powerscales [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 17:43 Joch_le_boss Fan fiction (fr)

Ceci est une fanfiction (entièrement fait par moi) sur la potentielle suite de jujutsukaisen donc rien d'officiel je vous conseille quand même fortement d'être à jour si vous voulez la lire. Cette fanfiction commence directement dans entre le combat de yuji et sukuna dans l'arc Shinjuku . L'histoire est racontée par un narrateur et non par les personnages eux-mêmes. Bonne lecture.
Prologue : Après après des heures de combat il n'y a plus de doute yuji à l'avantage et sukuna a été repoussé dans ses derniers retranchements.
Yuji assène un dernier rayon noir à sukuna le forçant a disparaître du corps de Megumi. Sukuna a enfin disparu mais l'heure n'est pas à la rigolade car Megumi (inconscient) est en danger de mort dû à tous les dégâts infliger par yuji lors du combat.
Au même moment derrière Yuji quelqu'un arrive il s'agit de Yuta. Yuji se ravie car il maîtrise à la perfection son sort d'inversion sauf qu'au lieu de soigner le corps de Megumi il enfonce son sabre dans l'abdomen de Yuji de façon à ce qu'il ne puisse plus bouger mais que ça ne suffisent pas pour le tuer. À ce moment-là Yuji regarde de plus près Yuta et réalise qu'il porte les mêmes cicatrices que l'ancien corps de Suguru.
Yuji s'effondre au sol transpercé , impuissant et horrifié face à cette découverte. Il est tellement affaibli face au combat qu'il vient de mener et au sabre qu'il a planté dans son abdomen qu'il ne peut plus dire un mot et voi la scène se passer sous ses yeux sans pouvoir agir. Bien évidemment le Yuta qui se tient devant lui n'est pas là pour soigner Megumi mais pour transférer son cerveau dans son corps.
Flashback : Yuta essaie avec l'aide de Yuji de blessé Sukuna malheureusement il se fait propulser au loin et perd à moitié connaissance au même moment une ombre s'approche de lui puis plus rien la conscience de Yuta Okutsu a disparu. C'est désormais Kenjaku qui possède ce corps Rika elle aussi affaibli par l'attaque et n'ayant d'yeux que pour Yuta n'y vois que du feu. Après ça Kenjaku va chercher Choso c'étant réfugié un peu plus loin. Choso ne mets pas longtemps avant de découvrir que ce n'est pas le vrai Yuta malheureusement pour lui Kenjaku à soigner son corps et maîtrise maintenant toutes les techniques de Yuta et à Rika en sa possession. Le combat ne dure pas très longtemps et Kenjaku bat Choso et l'absorbe*
*Étant extrêmement puissant et ayant passé suffisamment de temps dans le corps de Suguru il a réussi à garder la technique même en changeant de corps ce qui fait qu'il possède a présent l'absorption des fléaux dans n'importe quel corps où il loge . Suite au prochain chapitre
submitted by Joch_le_boss to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 07:11 Deep_Preparation_151 Hakari glazers are truly something

Hakari glazers are truly something submitted by Deep_Preparation_151 to JujutsuPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:04 AigisxLabrys Xeno Goku vs these characters

Xeno Goku vs these characters
Shulk(Xenoblade) The Truth(Fullmetal Alchemist) ZeedMillenniummon(Digimon) Perfectio(Super Robot Wars) White Guardian(Doctor Who) Unicron(Transformers) Trigon(DC) Mandrakk The Dark Monitor(DC) Metatron(Megami Tensei/Shin Megami Tensei) The Cathexis(DC) Black Guardian(Doctor Who) Aleph(Megami Tensei/Shin Megami Tensei) Wave Existence(Xenogears) Great Goddess Eliatrope(Wakfu) Featherine Augustus Aurora(Umineko) The Celestials(Marvel) Getter Emperor(Getter Robo) Mr. Mxyzptlk(DC) The Naljians(Ben 10) Sailor Moon(Sailor Moon) The Beyonders(Marvel) Man of Miracles(Image) The Alternity(Transformers) Infinity(Marvel) Death(Marvel) Primus(Transformers) Noein(Noein) Thanos(Marvel) The Primal Monitor(DC) The Great Evil Beast(DC/Vertigo) Enrico Pucci(JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) The Presence(DC/Vertigo) The Spectre(DC/Vertigo) Akhenaten(Marvel) Mad Jim Jaspers(Marvel) Palkia(Pokémon) The Chousin(Tenchi Muyo!) Eucliwood Hellscythe(Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?) Deus Ex Machina(Future Diary) Yog-Sothoth(Cthulhu Mythos) The Three Golden Goddesses(The Legend of Zelda) Lain Iwakura(Serial Experiments Lain) The One Above All(Marvel) Ange Ushiromiya(Umineko) Rika Furude(Higurashi) Lilith(Yami To Bōshi To Hon No Tabibito) Othinus(To Aru Majutsu no Index) Giratina(Pokémon) Bernkastel(Umineko) Dandy(Space Dandy) Superboy Prime(DC) Lambdadelta(Umineko) The Fulcrum(Marvel) Beatrice(Umineko) Dragon God(Project A-ko) Yuki Nagato(The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Akuto Sai(Ichiban Ushiro no Daimou) Kami Tenchi(Tenchi Muyo!) Flynn(Megami Tensei/Shin Megami Tensei) Lord English(Homestuck) Red Mage(8-Bit Theater) Sailor Galaxia(Sailor Moon) Chaos King(Marvel) Crimson King(The Dark Tower) The Infinites(Marvel) Gan(The Dark Tower) The Ultimator(DC) The Magic Gods(To Aru Majutsu no Index) Trenia(Makai Kingdom) Demonbane Two Sword(Demonbane) Imperiex(DC) Nyarlathotep(Demonbane) Super Granzeboma(Gurren Lagann) The Glory(Doctor Who) Mutsuki Aoi(I/O) Azrael(Discworld) Nodens(Cthulhu Mythos) Shub-Niggurath(Cthulhu Mythos) Blackheart(Marvel) Mem Aleph(Megami Tensei/Shin Megami Tensei) The Endless(DC/Vertigo) The Ultimate Gods(Cthulhu Mythos) The Counter-Actor(Tenchi Muyo!) Solaris(Sonic The Hedgehog) Fenric(Doctor Who) Molecule Man(Marvel) King of all Cosmos(Katamari Damacy) Homura Akemi(Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Madoka Kaname(Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Serph(Megami Tensei/Digital Devil Saga) The Six-Fold God(Doctor Who) Divine Presence(I/O) Theory Goats(Umineko) Rune King Thor(Marvel)
submitted by AigisxLabrys to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 21:45 bluefrost13 Upcoming English releases: promos and what we know

Information for what promos/box toppers are in the upcoming sets is pretty scattered/scarce, so hopefully this should help some people out. Most of this information either comes from distributor's sites or is based on what was included in the Japanese release. If I missed anything or got anything wrong, please let me know and I'll update the post.
Set Promos Content Notes
BT-16 Box Promotion Pack: Beginning Observer Foil digi-eggs (Poromon, DemiVeemon, Upamon, Minomon, Dorimon, Cupimon)
EX-06 Unknown, though Japan received Box Promotion Pack: Infernal Ascension Unconfirmed: foil digi-eggs and AA tamers (Sakuttomon, Yokomon, Cupimon, Kakkinmon, T.K. & Kari, Shu-Chong Wong) Of the two distributor websites I checked, neither had any details. GTS's page has a copy-paste from BT-16, and gametrade doesn't have a page for the set.
BT-17 Update Pack 2024, Box Promotion Pack: Secret Crisis, unnamed third box topper AA tamers (Minami, Rika, Willis, Rhythm, Menoa, Tai & Kari), promos 137-142 (Flamedramon, Veedramon, Leomon (X Antibody), MegaKabuterimon, MameTyramon, Falcomon) One of the box toppers features "scenes from the movies." I believe this is the unnamed third box topper, though it's not explicitly stated.
EX7 Unknown Unknown Gametrade's webpage doesn't have any mention of box toppers/promos, and the set is currently being revealed in Japan, so details on what the pack will be is unknown
"Special booster ver 2.0" (combined BT-18 BT-19 set) "Usual box topper," "Lucky Pack" TameDigimon cards, whatever bandai puts into the lucky pack The "usual box topper" will contain two cards instead of one, and the luck pack features "22 varieties" according to gametrade
submitted by bluefrost13 to DigimonCardGame2020 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 18:35 DomWeasel Flower of Oarai, Chapter 23 Sakura

Amazing to think I've been writing this for two years. And that if Fanfiction hadn't broken for the better part of three and a half months, I'd be finished by now.
Panzers could not get angry. They were certainly beasts but they didn't have emotions. But the drivers could make them emote with what they were feeling; the grinding of gears and the revving of engines. It was impatience and they made the panzers sound like angry bulls.
And yet, they maintained their discipline and they didn't move out until the Captain gave the order.
They had eight Panthers today, three Jagdpanzer IVs, two Tigers IIs, a Panzer III for scouting and the Captain's Tiger. It was more than a little overkill when their opponents had eleven Matildas. Matildas were effective against pre-war and early war tanks with their heavy armour but against the powerful guns of mid and late war machines; they were sitting ducks, especially with their low speed.
And they could see them in the distance. Eleven Matildas, one Churchill, one Cromwell and the tiny silhouettes of two Crusaders. It was on paper an extraordinarily unbalanced match. The desert arena favoured Kuromorimine as well. That was why St Gloriana was pressing hard toward the high ground because if they took it or occupied the reverse slope, Kuromorimine would have to close to a range where the 40mm Matilda guns were effective.
Koume chafed at being tied to the formation. She could have led the Panthers forward and stormed the hill long before St Gloriana arrived and yet, she was stuck with the Tiger IIs that were no faster than the Matildas. She didn't question the Captain though because obviously she knew this. The plan was to take that high ground that dominated this battlefield but the lack of urgency… It frustrated her and she could tell the others as well.
"Panther und Tiger." The Captain's voice came through cool and confident. "Acquire targets on their left flank."
St Gloriana was over two and a half kilometres away so it was an odd order. Her gunner looked at her and Koume nodded at her. "What's she doing?" Chika asked.
"Sending a message." Kagome the loader was quicker on the uptake. "This will rattle their tea cups."
"Steady." Maho's voice came over the radio and they imagined her taking a breath. "Fire."
It was extreme range but St Gloriana was advancing steadily and in the belief they were at least twenty minutes from combat. Even with their Panzers moving to unsteady their aim and their targets being mobile, it was not an impossible shot for a talented gunner. The eleven tanks fired as one and their shells crashed into St Gloriana before they even knew they were being targeted.
Koume peered through her binoculars. They hadn't hit anything but Kagome was right about spilling the tea. The St Gloriana formation had instinctively begun to weave and she could almost hear the counter-order 'Steady in the ranks.' That made them carry on straight once more. In time for Maho to give the order to fire again. The second salvo claimed a Matilda and it was impossible to tell at this range whether it was a 7.5 or 8.8 that got the kill. Another volley followed and another, and another. Three Matildas knocked out.
St Gloriana responded by sending their Cromwell on ahead. At first Koume assumed it would use its smoke launchers and instead it used its speed; throwing up clouds of dust in the desert sand which shielded the St Gloriana force; rendering them completely invisible.
"Tigergruppe will advance to the hill." Maho commanded. "All other units continue." There was no need for her to say that Koume now had command of the majority of their forces. It was a display of confidence in herself and in Koume; the Kuromorimine expectation of excellence.
Kagome sucked her teeth. "Nothing to worry about. We're done."
"A lot could happen." Koume said.
"No." Kagome patted a shell. "The Captain will take the hill, the 8.8s will dominate the field and we'll be the anvil to their hammer."
"Hammer and anvil?" Koume pulled a face. "Is that the best you can come up with?"
"It's a classic for a reason." Kagome shrugged and then grinned at the dust cloud before singing. "Und droh'n vors uns Geschütze, Versteckt im geiben Sand."
The rest of the crew chimed in. "Im geiben Sand! Wir suchen uns Wege, Die keiner sonst fand."
submitted by DomWeasel to GIRLSundPANZER [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 01:20 Unhappy_Researcher63 I found worse

I found worse
Pls be nice, harassment is never a good option
submitted by Unhappy_Researcher63 to GirlsUndShitposts [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 19:24 Heerokun [TJPW Primer] TJPW - YES! Wonderland '24 - Kourakuen Hall, May 6th 2024

[TJPW Primer] TJPW - YES! Wonderland '24 - Kourakuen Hall, May 6th 2024
Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling will air its 5/06 Kourakuen Hall show live.
Those with Wrestle UNIVERSE can watch the show here.
Opening bell for the event is 11:30 am on Monday, May 6th in Japan. That's 10:30 pm Sunday, May 5th Eastern US time and 7:30 pm Sunday, May 5th Pacific. (I believe it’s 2:30 am Monday, May 6th in the U.K.)
If you are new to Tokyo Joshi and would like to know more about the promotion you can check out my "Beginner's guide to Tokyo Joshi" It’s just slightly out of date, however it should give you the gist of things.

​5/6 card & notes:

Main Event – PuriPuri championship match.


  • Miu Watanabe (Champion) VS Shoko Nakajima (Challenger)

Semi-final – Princess tag championship match


  • Daisy Monky [Suzume & Arisu Endo] (Champions) VS Wakana Uehara & HIMAWARI (Challengers)

Match 6 – Tag team match


  • Yuki Arai & Yuki Kamifuku VS Mizuki & Nao Kakuta

Match 5 – Tag team match


  • Rika Tatsumi & Yuki Aino VS Raku & Harajuku Pom

Match 4 – Singles match


  • Maki Itoh VS Haru Kazeshiro

Match 3 – Special singles match


  • Yuna Manase VS Runa Okubo

Match 2 6 woman tag match


  • Mahiro Kiryu, Chika Nanase & Kira Summer VS Moka Miyamoto, Kaya Toribami & Uta Takami

Opening match – Singles match


  • Shino Suzuki VS Toga


  • Golden week is here and that means its time for YES! Wonderland! This show will take place in its standard venue of Kourakuen Hall and will contain 8 matches.

  • Match order may be different than how it is listed here.

  • The card subject to change depending on participating wrestlers’ physical conditions.

  • The main event could potentially be one of the best match-ups in Tokyo Joshi this year. Miu and Shoko will face off in singles competition for Miu’s newly won PuriPuri belt. By all accounts, these two spend more time in the dojo practicing than any other talent on the roster. The two are always working and practicing their craft. Furthermore, because they’re often there together for much of the time, they end up practicing together. So now, not only are they incredibly fluid together, but its difficult for either one of them to gain a clear advantage as they know one another so well. This can be seen in there previous encounters with each other. Something that worked for one or the other of them previously will be countered in the next fight, that counter could itself very well be countered in their next fight. This makes their battles both extremely exciting and difficult to predict. The two have great respect for one another. When asked about the new generation, Shoko rebuked the idea, believing that in terms of status, there is no difference between the longer and shorter tenured wrestlers. She acknowledges that many of the juniors are becoming better and better and thus she always takes on every title opportunity as if it were her last because she never knows how many more she’ll get with everyone becoming even more talented. For Miu, there’s no one she respects more than Shoko and because they’re together so often, she sees how hard Shoko works. She still has the image of Shoko winning the PuriPuri belt in 2019 vividly etched in her mind. She knows how difficult an opponent that Shoko is. Never the less, she doesn’t want to lose. As for the match itself, both women are very balanced in their abilities, but their stats are distributed differently. While Shoko has a surprising amount of strength at her command, her strongest assets are her speed and agility which she usually uses to outmaneuver her and exhaust opponents. Miu has some speed and agility, she can zip around the ring when necessary, but not as quickly as can Shoko. Her arsenal’s principal weapon is her power, which likely far exceeds any other performer’s on the roster. Ideally the best strategy is to combine all of their weapons and use them fluidly to defeat their opponent. But who will do it most effectively and through it attain victory?

  • In the semi-final, Daisy Monkey will also make their first defense of their tag belts when they go up against rookies Wakana and HIMAWARI. Some may feel that its too soon for HIMAWARI and Wakana to be challenging but many of the bright young ToJo talents challenged within the first 2 years of their careers, including the current Princess tag champions themselves, Suzume and Arisu. The two finalists of the Next Generation tournament felt it natural to team up together and with the win over the champion team at Kitazawa a few weeks back in a 6 woman match, the two were motivated to make the challenge for the tag belts. The champion team is fluid well oiled pair of speed specialists. That said, while Suzume focuses entirely on momentum-based attacks. Arisu does have various power moves in her arsenal. On the challenger team, Wakana is a very balanced wrestler who employs slams, submissions and even some acrobatics into her wrestling. Her background in cheerleading gives her a great deal of flexibility to deal with opponents. Her favored submissions are sleeper variations which she has used to great effect. Her partner, HIMAWARI, with whom she shares a debut date, favors a more power based move set. She has formidable size and can impose herself on much of the Tokyo Joshi roster. Suzume and Arisu are no exception. They’ll need to be wary of her running shoulder blocks as well the danger of her grabbing and lifting the smaller wrestlers for power attacks such as her favored princess drop. This will be the first defense of Daisy Monkey’s first reign. How will the belts affect them? Much like when Daisy Monkey challenged Yuki Aino and Ryo Mizunami, Wakana and HIMAWARI are coming in with nothing to lose, but Daisy Monkey are now the ones with everything to lose. Can they overcome the fear of potentially losing the belts or will it cause them to make a mistake?

  • As is the way with wrestling, talent can be rivals one day and friends the next as is the case with the two Yukis that will partner up in this match. In March, at Grand Princess, Kamiyu and Arai fought fiercely against one another for the international princess title, however now the two will have to team up as they face off against 2 of ToJo’s toughest members, Mizuki and Nao. Yuki and Yuki do not pair up often but they have a great deal in common. Both are tall women with long legs and attacks that favor those traits. They both were also very close to former DDT wrestler Saki Akai from whom they both took various lessons in regard to wrestling. In theory the two should make a solid team together. Their opponents however, have shown that they have difficulty working with one another. Nao likes Mizuki but Mizuki is aloof and has a very impish personality. In past interactions, she frequently has communication problems with Nao, plays pranks on her and won’t listen to directions or commands. The two often end up quarreling with each other rather than focusing on their opponents. That said, with the impressive abilities of the two, even a dysfunctional Mizuki and Nao team should be taken very seriously and engaged with great care.

  • Speaking of friends becoming rivals and rivals becoming friends, Yuki Aino have a rare paring with Rika Tatsumi to go up against 2 of Yuki’s closest friends and allies, Raku and Pom. While Rika and Yuki are often seen together in their lives outside the ring, and the two have paired up in 6 woman or greater tags occasionally in the past, if memory serves, this may be the first time the two have paired up in a straight 2 on 2 battle. Pom and Raku on the other hand often tag up and have even been on a bit of a winning streak lately. Their victory against Andreza Giant Panda and Kaya Toribami at Grand Princess being their most notable win. Momentum and familiarity could prove helpful but victory is anything but assured. Aino holds a power advantage over her friends and Rika holds an insanity advantage (Rika is crazy!). If Raku and Pom are able to capture a win here, it could give them a firm position to be the next challengers for the Princess tag title.

  • Haru is considered the Tokyo Joshi superfan wrestler. As an elementary student she watched and attended many DDT and Tokyo Joshi shows. One of the wrestlers she took strongly to was Maki Itoh. Now, for the first time, she is scheduled to face Maki in a singles match. This will be an enormous test for her as not only is Maki an extremely tough opponent, but Haru may have difficulty keeping her focus and professionalism as a professional wrestler when she stands face to face with one of the women she has idolized for so long.

  • Its been some time since Yuna Manase has appeared in Tokyo Joshi both due to injury and her participation elsewhere. Many new fans may not have knowledge of her and thus it seems wise to provide a quick refresher. Yuna was already a well established wrestler when she joined Tokyo Joshi as a regular in 2017. Her skill quickly propelled her to the top of the mid card. Yuna is known for her height and impressive constitution and she would often put the younger wrestlers to the test. She was looked upon as a helpful an sincere older sister by the other roster members. After leaving Tokyo Joshi in 2020, she decided to join an organization of fiery underdogs known as Ganbare pro wrestling where she was charged with bringing more eyes on their women’s division. Even though she was no longer a ToJo member, she, and in some cases a team of her fellow Ganbare joshi wrestlers, is still occasionally called in as a trial for various roster members. This time is no different as she returns to Tokyo Joshi for the first time since rehabilitating from a year long injury. She is scheduled to battle Runa Okubo in a singles match. Runa is a feisty young rookie that has become known for firing off impressive forearms and has already developed one or two big bombs and added them to her repertoire. Now she’ll quickly find out how effective or ineffective they can be against such a physically imposing wrestler as Yuna. This is an exciting learning opportunity for the spunky jellyfish.

  • Mahiro leads two of the newest rookies against Moka, Kaya and the other new rookie, Up Up Girl, Uta. Mahiro holds the most experience but her team carries two rookies. Moka and Kaya hold less experience than Mahiro but they hold more experience than either Kira or Chika. Mahiro’s team also appears to hold a significant size advantage over that of Moka’s. Which points will inevitably play into the match’s outcome is anyone’s guess.

  • The opening match of the show should be an emotionally charged battle between two rookie classmates and rivals. Shino and Toga are 1 year tenured ToJo rookies with the distinction of debuting on the same day. The two have the same amount of experience, yet, while Toga has managed to already earn herself a few wins, Shino has yet to take a win for herself. Even more crushing for Shino is that in the times the two have directly been involved in a finish, Toga was able to defeat her. Shino was deeply affected and frustrated by these losses. How could Toga, who debuted the same day, be so much more powerful than she? She cried in frustration after the matches. Now the chance to face and defeat Toga comes once again. Will the green Up Up Girl finally claim her first victory?

Other notes

  • English commentary this time around will again be provided by Mr HAKU and Gaia Hox.

  • For any foreign fans attending this show, the signing after the show will be held off site at a location roughly a short train ride from Kourakuen Hall. Known as Asakusabashi Hulic Hall, You can check the location here.

  • Hikari Noa and Neko Haruna are currently on the disabled list. Timetable for return is unknown.

  • Nao Kakuta has announced her retirement. Her last show will be Thursday, July 25th at the place where she debuted: Shin-Kiba 1st Ring.

Also if you just want to follow along or join the discussion on Twitter, search for #tjpw
submitted by Heerokun to TJPW [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 23:00 MAT-HAR If a hypothetical Live Action Digimon movie or series were to be made, I think that it would be best to dedicate it mainly to the demographic that saw it most back in the late 90s and early 2000s.

For this reason in a hypothetical Live Action Digimon the main characters with Digimon should be people in their late 20s-late 30s (as of now, it may widen in the future). In a quick prologue it goes over the Digital world forming, Earth and the Digital world making unintentional contact (resulting in the creation of Data Digimon first, then Virus and lastly Vaccines), further contact being made (resulting in Digimon styled merchandise in the late 90s onwards)and then a lot people losing interest in the digital world in favour of other popular forms of media. The main story then begins with the main characters two data experts (a man who at first seems intense but has a humorous side (a combination of Tai/Takato and Izzy))and a woman who is pretty edgy with a caring side (a combination of Matt and Rika)) who were both fans of Digimon during its heyday despite it being very young back then. It doesn’t necessarily need to be set in Japan, it would be cool if the characters were kinda like the cast in the live action One Piece series.
They both do still have their old Digivices from when they are young and notice after all those years it seems nothing bad has happened to the Digimon they had (a Veemon and a BlackAgumon). There would be references to foreign cyber attacks, deep fakes, surveillance and malware to create a local conflict in the real world being instigated by the global conflict in the Digital world with some potential politically damaging repercussions and a loss of trust.
There would also be young main supporting characters (kinda like TK and Kari) who also have their own partners like the two main characters to appeal to both the older generation that grew up with the series and younger generations that are only finding out about it.
The Digital world would try and maintain a dark fantasy/Matrix-y vibe without being too similar to Narnia, etc. (Matrix and Biomerge Digivolutions will appear) There will be more human characters in the Digital world who perish in the Digital world to up the stakes (they die by their bodies turning into static white noise and fading away as if they were slowly being turned off live a TV).
Does anyone else think something like this could work?
submitted by MAT-HAR to digimon [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 12:32 mysteriousmoonmagic Fandom Roleplay Search

Hello, please call me Moon. I am an adult over the age of 18. I am looking at finally having some sort of free time now, again. To those that I owe replies to or need to start, I will, no worries. I am looking for any various roleplays in fandoms I am actively looking at.

To get it out of the way, these are absolutes for me

The Fandoms

Note that I am not completely informed on every aspect of the fandoms I am offering here. I may not know every single piece of info down to the most minute detail, and I may have forgot some portions of it. However, i know enough to definitely roleplay them in good confidence. Anything with a (♥) at the first of it is something I am very interested in doing! Also note I definitely love doing AU's, tweaking plotlines, and what not. We could even possibly turn something into a slice of life and still have fun.
♥♥ Digimon ( AU preferred - May play Ryo Akiyama, Ken Ichijouji, and most of the 1~4 cast. - I have a plot I'd like to play!) For digimon I love to make my own continuities and plotlines. If I can be talked into playing a canon character, I will go by the canon lore as much as possible unless we could do an AU of some sort - like an alternate reality. There is a plot of some sort I had in mind with themes of time travel, Ryo Akiyama possibly, and Zeed Millenniummon in some sort of liminal post-apocalyptic setting. A cyberpunk setting is something I have been craving for as well.
♥♥♥ Naruto
(AU strongly preferred - May play Gaara, Sasuke, any of the Akatsuki memebers if able to be convinced, but strongly prefer OCs. - May want to rewrite parts of the history of Naruto, though could keep it largely unchanged. - Would love to do world building!) Ah, Naruto, the series about superhuman ninja. I have so much I could do with this and to be honest I would be very interested in working something out with someone! The interest is really strong for this, and I don't have some sort of direct interest. An idea I had was to make a world mixing elements of Inuyasha in it!
♥♥ World of Horror
(Technically would have to be an AU always - Definitely need a friend group of characters! - Episodic horror!) I love World of Horror, and can't believe I want to do a roleplay based off of it instead of asking for a non-fandom roleplay inspired by it, but have not had luck. Basically, like the game, our characters would be put in scenarios of solving freaky horror mysteries to get closer to a centralized situation. It could be shorter than other roleplays, but that might also be a pro instead of a con, depending on how you see it.
♥♥ Shin Megami Tensei / Persona
(Definitely AU - I love the setting of 1~2 & Nocturne - Would actually love to play Naoki (Demi-Fiend) chaos or neutral aligned) Not too much to say about this, other than I am digging the vibe for post-apocalypses and demon smashing. May need help making a plot for this one.
(AU is a must - I would like if it was a bit like the manga in terms of the "mature"ness, if it makes sense? - PMD or regular ole trainers is fine - Could do world building.) Like above, I don't have much to give here myself. However, very open to brainstorming!
That is it for now. More fandoms may be posted next time, and interests will change. I hope to hear from someone, feel free to reach out.
submitted by mysteriousmoonmagic to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 03:50 Powerful_Luck1296 I Have Concerns

I just start to write a BnHA X Digimon fanfic in fanfiction.net, and one review truly disturbed me. They shamelessly type down and I quote 'if u keep making more, you should do izuku x harem with maybe inko and mitsuki in the harem too'. Like, wtf?!
I was enraged at the suggestion and I may have overreact. I admit my....reply was a bit much, but, one question still lingering in my mind, 'who's the genius that thinks a harem with a mix of incest and pedophilia is a good idea?'. Then, I check other sites and my god, it gets worse. Izuku X Aizawa!?! Izuku x Eri!??? Izuku x AFO!?!?
BnHA Fandom, are you okay?!!?
submitted by Powerful_Luck1296 to BokunoheroFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 17:21 throwawaytempest25 Outside of Rika, who would you say are the top five female human protagonists? Cuz in terms of kid shonen, I feel like Digimon's probably better than YuGiOh, Beyblade, and Bakugan but just falls short of Pokemon with their lead women.

Outside of Rika, who would you say are the top five female human protagonists? Cuz in terms of kid shonen, I feel like Digimon's probably better than YuGiOh, Beyblade, and Bakugan but just falls short of Pokemon with their lead women. submitted by throwawaytempest25 to digimon [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 00:33 St_Beetnik_2 Digimon passes the Bechdel Test

The Bechdel test is a media evaluation for female agency. Two women must have a conversation that isn't about a man.
Rika and her mother. Her mother and grandmother about Rika.
Sora and Mimi about their digimon.
I'm sure there's several instances per season.
Me and some friends got deep on it the other night.
Digimon, Digital Feminists (sorta).
submitted by St_Beetnik_2 to digimon [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 14:49 Kohlbuch Infos zum posten eigener Beiträge und zur Verifizierung

Wir alle lieben es. Assassins Creed. Eine der bekanntesten Spielereihen jemals.
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Wenn du Fragen oder sonstiges hast, melde dich gerne bei uns. Entweder direkt über die Reddit-Messager Funktion oder über [Office.kohlbuch@gmail.com](mailto:Office.kohlbuch@gmail.com). Unser Team antwortet fast immer innerhalb der nächsten 3 Tage. Dieser Artikel ist übrigens Stand 17.04.2024. Und wenn du das hier Zeitnah liest, wird dir auffallen, dass wir wirklich nicht so viele Mitglieder haben. Daher freuen wir uns über dich, und jeden dem du das Forum zeigst.

Jaja. Bürokratie. Keiner mag sie. Aber jetzt ist ja alles erklärt.
Wir wünschen dir einen schönen restlichen Tag.
i. A.: AssassinsStory
submitted by Kohlbuch to AssassinsStory [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 13:29 violetiam Suche Fanfic Leser*in/Autor*in in Freiburg

Hey :) ich würde mich freuen, in der Umgebung jemanden in den 30ern zu finden, mit dem*der ich mich über AO3/Fanfiction unterhalten kann. Gerne auch in Kombi mit Spieleabend, Konzert (Rock/Mittelalter) Kreativität o.ä. Ich selbst lese überwiegend in den Fandoms 1D/Sherlock und platze manchmal fast vor Mitteilungsdrang... wäre so schön, jemanden zum Teilen zu haben.
submitted by violetiam to freiburg [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 09:36 Ok_Bullfrog_8491 Maglor, Daeron, and the thorny question of who the greatest Elven musician is

In the Silmarillion, two great musicians are mentioned, Maglor, Son of Fëanor, and Daeron, Thingol’s minstrel. I was under the impression that both were described repeatedly as the greatest Elven musician, so I set out to find out who was in fact supposed to be the greatest.
(Let’s ignore the much earlier character of Tinfang Warble here, as well as the Book of Lost Tales version where Daeron is Lúthien’s brother, which was definitely changed in the later versions that made it into the published Silmarillion because in the Silmarillion, Daeron is in love with Lúthien.)
We are told twice, once in the Quenta Noldorinwa and once in the Quenta Silmarillion, that Maglor is “the mightiest of the singers of old”:
However, in the published Silmarillion, Daeron seems to take the top spot and is mentioned as “the greatest” twice. However, one of those mentions is in fact an editorial change made by Christopher Tolkien.
For Maglor was mighty among the singers of old, named only after Daeron of Doriath; but he came never back among the people of the Elves.” (The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, ch. 24)
According to Douglas Charles Kane, this passage is based on the Conclusion of the Quenta Silmarillion (in HoME V), § 25 – with one change: “Editorial: ‘named only after Daeron of Doriath’” (Arda Reconstructed, Table 24, p. 232), a change made “to match the earlier statement in that Daeron is names as a singer even before Maglor” (Arda Reconstructed, p. 234), referring to chapter 19, paragraph 94 of the Silmarillion. So I believe that we can discount this passage with this particular wording (implying that Daeron is a greater singer than Maglor) if we want to find out whom JRR Tolkien considered the greater musician.
But this is the passage that Kane is referring to: “And it is told that in that time Daeron the minstrel of Thingol strayed from the land, and was seen no more. He it was that made music for the dance and song of Lúthien, before Beren came to Doriath; and he had loved her, and set all his thought of her in his music. He became the greatest of all the minstrels of the Elves east of the Sea, named even before Maglor son of Fëanor.” (The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, ch. 19).
Where does this passage come from?
There is no text for “Beren and Lúthien” in the relevant section of the Quenta Silmarillion part of HoME V (p. 292–306), as Christopher Tolkien say that “The QS version(s) of ‘Beren and Lúthien’ are thus to be found in chapter 19 of the published work, and are not given here; but significant points in which the QS text(s) were altered editorially must be mentioned” (HoME V, p. 298). Daeron being more renowned even than Maglor isn’t mentioned among the editorial changes made by Christopher Tolkien (in fact, Maglor isn’t mentioned at all in this section), so it can be assumed that it came from QS II, since this is the text that Christopher Tolkien used for the latter two-thirds of chapter 19 of the published Silmarillion, including the passage that names Daeron as the greatest Elven minstrel (cf HoME V, p. 298).
Reconciling the Different Versions
So it seems that we have a passage where Tolkien calls Daeron the greatest Elven minstrel east of the Sea in QS II, and a passage where Tolkien describes Maglor as the greatest singer in the Conclusion of the QS. Christopher Tolkien writes that his father wrote the Conclusion to the QS before actually finishing the QS (HoME V, p. 323–324). This is what he writes: “I think therefore that it is certain that the text [Conclusion to the QS] now to be given belongs to the same period (i.e. immediately before the commencement of The Lord of the Rings) as the other chapters (the end of ‘Beren and Tinúviel’, the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, the beginning of ‘Túrin’) that belong with the QS manuscript but were not written into it (or, in the case of the last part of ‘Beren and Tinúviel’, not till long after)” (HoME V, p. 323–324).
To be honest, I’m not quite sure what to make of this. Is the implication that the end of ‘Beren and Tinúviel’ belongs to the same period as the Conclusion to the QS, or that the Conclusion to the QS was the earlier text?
Still, it does mean that I cannot say with confidence that the Conclusion text (Maglor is the greatest singer) is older than the Beren and Lúthien text (Daeron is the greatest minstrel).
And yet it is strange that in the QS, Tolkien refers to one Elf as the greatest minstrel and to another Elf as the greatest singer.
Since this is Tolkien, I think that the fact that he calls Maglor the greatest singer and Daeron the greatest minstrel is relevant.
“Minstrel” and “singer” aren’t synonyms. “Minstrel” implies that the performer is playing an instrument, such as a harp, as well as singing, and that there’s a focus on entertaining (a king, for example, like Thingol), while “singer”, of course, doesn’t imply any such thing.
I think that it’s arguable that Maglor is in fact the greatest Elven singer and that Daeron is in fact the greatest Elven minstrel. Daeron is attached to Thingol’s court as his – well, he seems to be doing a bit of everything for Thingol: he’s a linguist, he’s a musician, and he’s Thingol’s messenger to the Noldor at the Mereth Aderthad. But of course Maglor isn’t a minstrel – he’s a prince in his own right, a senior grandson of Finwë and Lord of the Gap, and certainly not attached to any court. He would focus less on entertaining a prince or king, and more on the virtuosity of his singing.
Of course this means that we don’t have an answer to the question of who the greatest Elven musician is, but then, maybe it shouldn’t be important. They were both obviously masters of their craft.
It also raises another interesting question: how would the Elves of Beleriand know who the better singer and who the better minstrel is? It’s unlikely that Daeron, who is loyal to Thingol and lives in Doriath, would ever have anything to do with Maglor, Son of Fëanor, who lives in the North-East, guarding the Gap, and that they would ever sing together or against each other.
…or is it? We know that both of them were at the Mereth Aderthad. What if they both performed there and the consensus was that neither of them was overall a greater musician than the other, but that Maglor was the greater singer and Daeron the greater harpist or more entertaining performer?
(Addendum: or maybe I missed that Tolkien wrote about a singing competition between Maglor and Daeron? Leafing through Das große Tolkien-Lexicon, I found this quote under the entry “Mereth Aderthad”, p. 443: “Es gab einen Sängerwettstreit zwischen Daeron und Maglor, dessen Ergebnis nicht überliefert ist.” – there was a competition between Daeron and Maglor, but the results aren’t recorded? Excuse me, what? Of course when I google “Daeron Maglor singing competition”, I only find fanfiction, but maybe someone here can help!)
The Silmarillion, JRR Tolkien, ed Christopher Tolkien, HarperCollins, ebook edition February 2011, version 2019-01-09 [cited as: The Silmarillion].
The Shaping of Middle-earth, JRR Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien, HarperCollins 2015 (softcover) [cited as: HoME IV].
The Lost Road and Other Writings, JRR Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien, HarperCollins 2015 (softcover) [cited as: HoME V].
Arda Reconstructed: The Creation of the Published Silmarillion, Douglas Charles Kane, Lehigh University Press 2009 (softcover) [cited as: Arda Reconstructed].
Das große Tolkien-Lexicon, Friedhelm Schneidewind, Lexicon Imprint Verlag 2001 [cited as: Das große Tolkien-Lexicon].
submitted by Ok_Bullfrog_8491 to TheSilmarillion [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 04:23 Quinta19 Today is a good day. Adding them to my Zard collection

They are not in the most perfect condition but oh man they look good!
submitted by Quinta19 to pokemoncards [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 00:45 RBTV_Sendeplan_Bot Sendeplan-Thread der Kalenderwoche 16 des Jahres 2024

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18:00 [U] Retro Klub - Bäh! Die SCHLECHTESTEN Spiele der BESTEN Entwickler
18:30 [U] Kino+ #478 CIVIL WAR, Abigail & Film-Festival Talk mit André Hecker & Chris Finck
23:00 [U] RBTV Home - HAT ER NICHT GESAGT! Nils Undercover & Endlose SCHMUDDELEIEN bei
Programm vom Freitag, dem 19. April 2024
18:00 [L] Let’s Play - No Rest for the Wicked mit Souls-Noobs (125 Minuten)
20:00 [L] Warm-Up (35 Minuten)
20:30 [L] Game Fights 20 - DAS soll die beste Konsole ever sein?! (165 Minuten)
Uploads vom Freitag, dem 19. April 2024
12:53 [U] Bohndesliga Extra - NAGELSMANN-HAMMER! Zusage für DFB, Absage für Bayern!
16:00 [U] Let’s Play - Simon & Gregor spielen eins der SCHÖNSTEN ADVENTURES HAROLD HALIBUT
Uploads vom Samstag, dem 20. April 2024
15:00 [U] Game Fights - DAS soll die beste Konsole ever sein?!
16:00 [U] Let’s Play - DARK SOULS von oben? RBTVs größte SOULS-ANFÄNGER in NO REST FOR THE WICKED
Uploads vom Sonntag, dem 21. April 2024
16:00 [U] Let’s Play - 35 Jahre SUPER MARIO LAND 1 - Wir spielen den Klassiker DURCH!
17:00 [U] Game Two - Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundered Heroes, Harold Halibut, Rogue Prince of Persia Game Two #330
17:00 [U] Kino+ Spezial - COMMUNITY CHALLENGE: Filme nur mit einem Screenshot erraten!
00:00 [U] LOOTEN & LEVELN - City of Mist: Das Lazarus Projekt Folge 5
Livestreams vom Montag, dem 15. April 2024
09:15 [L] Krogmann streamt - ???? IRL durch Skatepark ballern ???? Endspurt bei !merch (Open End)
17:25 [L] Viet streamt - Pokémon-Opening !Pokecorner - Digimon World - Helldivers 2 - Beat Slayer !TCGHome [Werbung] (Open End)
18:00 [L] Viet streamt - Helldivers 2 mit Frodo, Vincent und Simon - Beat Slayer !TCGHome [Werbung] (Open End)
18:55 [L] Nils streamt - Rötzlingen floriert! Manor Lords! (260 Minuten)
19:20 [L] Etienne streamt - CONTENT WARNING mit @kielerkerl & Nicola !löwenanteil !scalable (Open End)
20:00 [L] Viet streamt - Helldivers 2 mit Frodo, Vincent und Simon - Beat Slayer !TCGHome [Werbung] (Open End)
20:20 [L] Simon streamt - Demokratie wie nie! HELLDIVERS 2 mit @pixelviet und @frodoapparat (Open End)
22:30 [L] Viet streamt - Helldivers 2 mit Frodo, Vincent und Simon - Beat Slayer !TCGHome [Werbung] (Open End)
Livestreams vom Dienstag, dem 16. April 2024
10:35 [L] Krogmann streamt - frostpunk 2 ???????? Endspurt beim !merch (Open End)
14:35 [L] Simon streamt - THE LAST OF US 2 REMASTERED geht ins Endgame (Open End)
16:50 [L] Etienne streamt - Weiter in Dragon's Dogma 2! !löwenanteil !scalable (Open End)
19:40 [L] Krogmann streamt - ⭐️Hier wird getrommelt!⭐️ !merch !sw !sr (Open End)
20:55 [L] Viet streamt - Helldivers 2 mit den Boys!!! Freiheit für alle!!! !TCGHome [Werbung] (Open End)
Livestreams vom Mittwoch, dem 17. April 2024
20:55 [L] Viet streamt - Star Wars: Episode I – Die dunkle Bedrohung auf Playstation 1 !TCGHome [Werbung] (Open End)
Livestreams vom Donnerstag, dem 18. April 2024
11:55 [L] Nils streamt - Bohndesliga Sondersendung zur UEFA Champions League (205 Minuten)
18:55 [L] Etienne streamt - [DROPS] NO REST FOR THE WICKED - Wir quatschen mit Dev Thomas Mahler! !löwenanteil !scalable (Open End)
Livestreams vom Freitag, dem 19. April 2024
14:55 [L] Viet streamt - Pokémon-Trading Card Game (Gewalten der Zeit)!Pokecorner - Mario VS Donkey Kong !TCGHome [Werbung] (Open End)
16:00 [L] Viet streamt - Eine Folge Tanoshii! !TCGHome [Werbung] (Open End)
17:35 [L] Nils streamt - MANOR LORDS - Wie geht's weiter mit Rötzlingen? (Open End)
22:50 [L] Krogmann streamt - ⭐️Hier wird geschubst⭐️!vasall (Open End)
02:00 [L] Simon streamt - gegenparty (gleich wieder weg) (Open End)
Livestreams vom Samstag, dem 20. April 2024
18:45 [L] Simon streamt - [DROPS] No Rest for the Wicked (Open End)
Livestreams vom Sonntag, dem 21. April 2024
13:05 [L] Simon streamt - ELDEN RING SEEMLESS COOP MOD mit @simiclove101 (Open End)
16:25 [L] Viet streamt - 35 Jahre Super Mario Land!!! (21.04.1989) !TCGHome [Werbung] (Open End)
19:05 [L] Etienne streamt - Sonntag auf entspannt !löwenanteil !scalable (Open End)
19:15 [L] Nils streamt - Ein Imperium entsteht! Supermarkt Simulator! (Open End)
VOD-Uploads der letzten 7 Tage
15.04.2024 17:00 Tease Me - BAD BOYS 4, MaXXINE & Joker: Folie à Deux Schröck guckt Trailer mit Antje, Eddy & Matze
15.04.2024 17:30 Bohndesliga - Aus Vizekusen wird Xabikusen! BAYERS große Feier Bohndesliga 29. Spieltag 2023/24
15.04.2024 18:00 Speedrundale - OXWORM World (SMW) - 100%-Wasserfilter von Aclais
16.04.2024 13:00 Bohndesliga International - CHAMPIONS LEAGUE: Zwei DEUTSCHE TEAMS im HALBFINALE?!
16.04.2024 17:30 Du bist! - Die STABHEUSCHRECKE - das ungewöhnlichste Haustier? PERFECT MATCH Du bist
16.04.2024 18:00 Game Talk - LEGENDÄRE COMEBACKS: Visions of Mana angespielt! Und Andreas ist da!
17.04.2024 18:00 Game Two Mittwochsvideos - Wie ENTSCHULDIGT man sich für schlechte Games? TIER LIST
18.04.2024 15:30 Bohndesliga International - REACTION! FCB & BVB im Halbfinale! Bundesliga besser als Premier League?
18.04.2024 16:00 Let’s Play - Eines der grausam-großartigsten STRATEGIESPIELE ist wieder da! FROSTPUNK 2 BETA
18.04.2024 17:30 Almost Daily - SCHLECHTE ÜBERGABEN beim Staffellauf
18.04.2024 18:00 Retro Klub - Bäh! Die SCHLECHTESTEN Spiele der BESTEN Entwickler
18.04.2024 18:30 Kino+ #478 CIVIL WAR, Abigail & Film-Festival Talk mit André Hecker & Chris Finck
18.04.2024 23:00 RBTV Home - HAT ER NICHT GESAGT! Nils Undercover & Endlose SCHMUDDELEIEN bei
19.04.2024 12:53 Bohndesliga Extra - NAGELSMANN-HAMMER! Zusage für DFB, Absage für Bayern!
19.04.2024 16:00 Let’s Play - Simon & Gregor spielen eins der SCHÖNSTEN ADVENTURES HAROLD HALIBUT
20.04.2024 15:00 Game Fights - DAS soll die beste Konsole ever sein?!
20.04.2024 16:00 Let’s Play - DARK SOULS von oben? RBTVs größte SOULS-ANFÄNGER in NO REST FOR THE WICKED
21.04.2024 16:00 Let’s Play - 35 Jahre SUPER MARIO LAND 1 - Wir spielen den Klassiker DURCH!
21.04.2024 17:00 Kino+ Spezial - COMMUNITY CHALLENGE: Filme nur mit einem Screenshot erraten!
21.04.2024 17:00 Game Two - Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundered Heroes, Harold Halibut, Rogue Prince of Persia Game Two #330
Weiterführende Links
Die vollständige Liste aller Livestreams von RBTV ist unter https://rocketbeans.tv/livestreams zu finden.
Der Uploadplan mit allen Uploads dieser Woche ist hier https://rocketbeans.tv/mediathek/uploadplan.
Kurzfristige YouTube-Upload-Änderungen werden im Forum in diesem Thread kommuniziert https://forum.rocketbeans.tv/t/rbtv-youtube-uploads-channel-managment-ticke91004/9999.
Unter https://redd.it/if366o wird eine Liste von gerade streamenden Bohnen bzw. VoDs ihrer letzten Livestream-Sessions gepflegt.
Alle Folgen von MoinMoin schaut Maskedminds in diesem Thread https://redd.it/y4ih4j
submitted by RBTV_Sendeplan_Bot to rocketbeans [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 11:54 AkitaShiba-Inu If knowledge of Monsterkind was erased from history, would it still have an affect on history?

Mages slowly died out after the monsters were sealed. The knowledge of monsterkind was most likely censored from history so no one went poking around Mt Ebott. But, even after generations, wouldn’t there be an affect of this anti-monstesupernatural mindset? I don’t exactly see this talked about a lot in AUs or fanfiction as far as I know.
Would franchises like Pokémon (Yokai Watch, Digimon) be less focused on friendships between humans and pocket monsters? Or would the series itself not take off in the first place? Perhaps there would be more hostility in fiction to anything that was non-human. We have no idea when monsters were sealed—it could have been only a barely two hundred years to a thousand or anywhere in between. There’s potentially just this subtle mindset of not accepting anything strange in human culture from lost knowledge.
I simply think it’d be an interestingly subtle detail lore-wise for the Surface. What do you think?
submitted by AkitaShiba-Inu to Undertale [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 17:31 Reasonable-Beach-775 FanFiction: Super Robot Wars Compileverse

FanFiction: Super Robot Wars Compileverse

Yup, this is literally a crossover between Super Robot Wars franchise and some Compile Heart games franchise.
Ten years after Unicron's empire of Decepticons laid waste upon Cybertron and forced the Autobots to flee their destroyed homeworld, Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, along with his comrades who were scattered across the galaxy seeking for a new planet, visit Earth… along with a wandering seemingly-almighty source of power called the AllSpark.

Meanwhile, in Planeptune, Histoire met the Father of Ultra when he first arrived and they both observes the situation of Chaos Energy mutated the hearts of many, is gradually spreading, and little by little continues to eat into the Multiverse. And they understands that the problem is probably the gravest and most dangerous anyone will ever face, so the Father of Ultra sends his sons Taro and Leo, as Histoire sends Neptune, Nepgear, and Uzume, to summon a grand alliance of heroes from any world they could find that had not been ravaged by Chaos Energy.
Time begins to run out for the Multiverse in both the past and the future while in the present, the Father of Ultra and Histoire tells the heroes of their plan to halt the approaching antimatter waves by transporting them to various times in various Worlds where they help the Ultras build Time-Space Towers by harnessing the power and technology of the AllSpark that are to be activated to save reality.

Series Included:
Super Robot Wars: (In addition of some random series that wasn't added in various SRW games)
  • Banpresto Originals
    • Super Robot Wars OG: Original Generations
    • Super Robot Wars OG Gaiden
    • 2nd Super Robot Wars OG
    • 3rd Super Robot Wars OG
    • Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Masou Kishin - The Lord of Elemental
    • Super Robot Wars Alpha
    • 2nd Super Robot Wars Alpha
    • 3rd Super Robot Wars Alpha: To the End of the Galaxy
    • Super Robot Wars Z
    • 2nd Super Robot Wars Z: Destruction and Regeneration Chapters
    • 3rd Super Robot Wars Z: Time Prison and Heavenly Prison Chapters
    • Super Robot Wars X-Ω
    • Super Robot Wars Impact
    • Super Robot Wars MX
    • Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Endless Frontier
    • Super Robot Wars D
    • Super Robot Wars J
    • Super Robot Wars W
    • Super Robot Wars K
    • Super Robot Wars L
  • CROSS ANGE Rondo of Angel and Dragon
  • Valvrave the Liberator
  • Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
    • Code Geass R3: Lelouch of the Resurrection
  • Full Metal Panic! series
    • Full Metal Panic!
    • Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
    • Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid
  • Getter Robo Armageddon
  • Digimon Series
    • Digimon Savers
    • Digimon Xros Wars
  • Gundam series
    • Mobile Suit Gundam
    • Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
    • Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
    • Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack
    • Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket
    • Mobile Suit Gundam F91
    • Mobile Fighter G Gundam
    • Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
    • Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team
    • After War Gundam X
    • Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
    • Turn A Gundam
    • Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
    • Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny
    • Mobile Suit Gundam 00
    • Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn
    • Mobile Suit Gundam AGE
    • Gundam Reconguista in G
    • Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans
    • Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury
  • Darling in the FranXX
  • Tekkōki Mikazuki
  • Giant Robo
  • Red Baron
  • Daitetsujin 17
  • Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
    • Gurren Lagann The Movie: The Lights in the Sky are Stars
  • Transformers
    • Transformers: The Headmasters
    • Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
    • Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers: Victory
    • Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers: Zone
    • Beast Wars II: Super Life-form Transformers
    • Super Life-form Transformers: Beast Wars Neo
    • Transformers: Car Robots
    • Chō Robot Seimeitai Transformers: Micron Densetsu
    • Transformers: Superlink
    • Transformers: Galaxy Force
    • Transformers Go!
  • Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni (Light novel)
  • Knight's & Magic
  • Granbelm
  • Giant Robo
  • Red Baron
  • Daitetsujin 17
  • Chōsoku Henkei Gyrozetter
  • Mashin Hero Wataru
  • Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water
  • Macross 7
  • Kotetsushin Jeeg
  • Martian Successor Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness
  • Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion
    • Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion the Movie: The Marvelous Fast ALFA-X That Comes From the Future
  • Getter Robo
    • Getter Robo Armageddon
  • Invincible Super Man Zambot 3
  • Invincible Steel Man Daitarn 3
  • Vontoms
  • Kyokai Senki
  • Brave Bang Bravern
  • Buddy Complex
    • Buddy Complex Final Act -Into the Skies of Tomorrow-
  • Arpeggio Of Blue Steel
  • Brave / Yūsha series
    • Brave Exkaiser
    • The Brave Fighter of Sun Fighbird
    • The Brave Fighter of Legend Da-Garn
    • The Brave Express Might Gaine
    • Brave Police J-Decker
    • The Brave of Gold Goldran
    • Brave Command Dagwon
    • The King of Braves GaoGaiGar
  • Godzilla
    • Showa Godzilla series
    • Heisei Godzilla series
    • Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla
    • Godzilla: Final Wars
    • Godzilla (2014)
    • Shin Godzilla
  • Kong: Skull Island
  • Gamera: Guardian of the Universe
    • Gamera 2: Attack of Legion
    • Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris
  • Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse
  • Mazinger Z
    • Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!
    • Mazin Emperor Gnote
  • Rebuild of Evangelion
    • Evangelion 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone
    • Evangelion 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
    • Evangelion 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo
  • Space Battleship Yamato 2199
  • Chōsoku Henkei Gyrozetter
  • GranBelm
  • Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse
  • Expelled from Paradise
  • Magic Knight Rayeart
  • Cowboy Bebop
  • Arcadia of My Youth: Endless Orbit SSX
  • Ultraman
    • Ultraman (1966)
    • Ultra Seven
    • Return of Ultraman
    • Ultraman Ace
    • Ultraman Taro
    • Ultraman Leo
    • Ultraman 80
    • Ultraman Tiga
    • Ultraman Dyna
    • Ultraman Gaia
    • Ultraman Neos
    • Ultraman Cosmos
    • Ultraman Nexus
    • Ultraman Max
    • Ultraman Mebius
    • Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legend The Movie
    • Ultraman Zero: Revenge of Belial
    • Ultraman Saga
    • Ultraman Ginga
    • Ultra Fight Victory
    • Ultraman X
    • Ultraman Orb
    • Ultraman Geed
    • Ultraman B
    • Ultraman Taiga
    • Ultraman Z
    • Ultraman Trigger: New Generation Tiga
  • Jumborg Ace
  • Mirrorman
  • SSSS.Gridman
  • Kamen Rider
    • Kamen Rider J
    • Kamen Rider Den-O
    • Kamen Rider Kiva
    • Kamen Rider Zi-O
    • Kamen Rider Zero-One
  • Super Sentai
    • Himitsu Sentai Gorenger
    • Battle Fever J
    • Denshi Sentai Denziman
    • Taiyō Sentai Sun Vulcan
    • Dai Sentai Goggle V
    • Chōdenshi Bioman
    • Chōjū Sentai Liveman
    • Kyoryū Sentai Zyuranger
    • Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger
    • Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger
    • Bakuryū Sentai Abaranger
    • Tokusō Sentai Dekaranger
    • Mahō Sentai Magiranger
    • GoGo Sentai Boukenger
    • Juken Sentai Gekiranger
    • Engine Sentai Go-Onger
    • Samurai Sentai Shinkenger
    • Tensou Sentai Goseiger
    • Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
    • Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger
    • Uchū Sentai Kyuranger
    • Mashin Sentai Kiramager
    • Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
    • Avataro Sentai Donbrothers
    • Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger
  • Metal Hero
    • Space Sheriff Gavan
    • Space Sheriff Sharivan
    • Space Sheriff Shaider
    • Kyojuu Tokusou Juspion
    • B-Fighter Kabuto
Compile Heart:
  • Record of Agarest War
    • Record of Agarest War Zero
    • Record of Agarest War 2
    • Record of Agarest War Mariage
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Series
    • Hyperdimension Neptunia (2010)
    • Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2
    • Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory
    • Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart
    • Megadimension Neptunia VII
    • MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies
    • Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls
    • Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online
    • Super Neptunia RPG
    • Neptunia: Sisters vs. Sisters
    • Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution
  • Date A Live
  • Mugen Souls
    • Mugen Souls Z
  • Genkai Tokki Series
    • Monster Monpiece
    • Moe Chronicle
    • Moero Crystal
    • Genkai Tokki: Seven Pirates
    • Genkai Tokki: Castle Panzers
  • Fairy Fencer F
    • Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force
    • Fairy Fencer F: Refrain Chord
  • Omega Quintet
  • Makai Ichiban Kan
    • Trillion: God of Destruction
    • MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death
  • Dark Rose Valkyrie
  • Mary Skelter: Nightmares
    • Mary Skelter 2
    • Mary Skelter: Finale
  • Tokyo Clanpool
  • Death end re;Quest
    • Death end re;Quest 2
  • Dragon Star Varnir
  • Arc of Alchemist
Opening Theme: TRANSFORMERS EVO.by JAM Project Insert Theme: Koi wo Game ni Shinaide by Afilia Saga
Leave a comment and give me some thoughts about my crossover fanfiction I made.
submitted by Reasonable-Beach-775 to gamindustri [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 04:17 maybetsuki Digimon Tamers fanfiction

i just wanted a word of advice here on a fanfiction I'm writing; this takes place in 2010/11 (eight years after the D-Reaper attack), placing the main Tamers around 18 years old. i have sooo much in store for this fanfic, but I'm reading the rough draft that was a combination of 12 and 17 year old me, so I'm rewriting it lol. but i wanted to explain all my ideas that i have for it here.
i remember in one of the Tamer's audio dramas (too lazy to google it rn) Renamon's voice actress was retired, so everyone got reunited except Ruki (LMAO that was crazy). so I'm thinking of
with that being said...
each Digimon season, manga, video game, introduces new ideas, timelines, abilities, etc. there is SO much to work with, rather than going full nerd and implementing an idea entirely my own and maybe not appealing to readers, I'm trying to implement ideas Digimon already has outside of Tamers and bring it into Tamers. I'm going to use different digivolution routes as well for different battle scenarios.
does this sound interesting to you? i wouldn't use every single bullet, which is why i want you guys to pick your favourites, but would you read it? what sort of things would you have liked to see if Tamers had continued?
submitted by maybetsuki to digimon [link] [comments]
