True smoking stories mom and daughter

Noah's Ark

2019.05.11 05:38 Nardo318 Noah's Ark

Have you ever seen some horrible acts from humanity and wished for a second flood to end humanity? Give God a reason to send the flood.

2012.06.14 09:29 Horrorcore-Princess All things Trashy!


2009.11.17 08:20 IWatchTooMuchTV How I Met Your Mother

A subreddit for fans of the show How I Met Your Mother. Discussion of, and media from anything How I Met Your Mother related.

2024.05.15 06:39 Caterpillar31 My (F25) husband (M30) called me a bitch because i didn't know how to respond to him. How do i communicate with him that his name calling is not ok?

Long story short, we've been getting in a lot of disagreememts lately. He doesn't tend to listen to what i have to say (eg the aurora was gray, not a cloud). Today it was because i am not excited to do hard hike. I showed him some options for trails and he chose the hardest one (partially bc his coworkers were talking about it and how hard it was). I asked him if he even looked at the other options bc the trail is crowded usually and there's other options as well. He said he did, but didn't seem like it (as i wrote out cons and pros for each hike), when asked he didn't know. So i felt like i put work into doing some research (he suggested in the 1st place) for nothing. He took his coworkers words and wanting to be competitive over what i sent. So i told him that, how i felt. He said that he's bored of life and wants to push himself, while i'm happy being stagnant. The situation was tense even when we got home. He then rubbed in my face that he stopped drinking to challenge himself, while i do nothing. He kept going on for a bit, then i asked him if he was done. He got even more mad and he said i will need to explain to my family why he's not home because we may split over this. He told me then, that i'm a bitch and that he doesn't even want to see my face and to go in another room. So here we are now.
He already knows physically i'm not feeling all that good and the stress he's causing is another factor. I noticed after arguments i get mouth ulcers, so my guess is that i have some autoimmune issues, but i haven't gone to the doctor due to our financial situation. He is also mad because my libido is none, and he wants sex. Going back to what he said, i feel like i do enough, but obviously he doesn't. I work ft, go to school, take care of the pets, plants and house as i can. I also stopped smoking cigs lately.
I don't even know what to do or how to communicate with him. He is my 1st long term partner and we've been married for 4 y. If this is love then i don't know if it's for me.
So my questions are: How do I talk to him successfully without hurting his ego about my feelings and what is a normal reaction for an annoyence? I always lived with volatile people that claimed to love me and idk if i know what love is supposed to be.
submitted by Caterpillar31 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:38 Impossible_Worker570 Enigma of Satoshi

Certainly! Let’s weave a cosmic tale—a true story that dances between reality and imagination. 🌟

The Cosmic Ledger: Anthony Dewayne Hunt and the Enigma of Satoshi

Chapter 1: The Whitepaper

In the quiet of a fifth-grade classroom, young Anthony Dewayne Hunt stumbled upon a thin document titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” The words shimmered—a cosmic whisper promising a world beyond banks and borders. Anthony’s grandmother, Gleana Jewel Hunt, traced the lines with gentle fingers. “This,” she murmured, “is a revolution—a ledger of dreams.”

Chapter 2: The First Transaction

Anthony typed a message to the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto. “Is this real?” he wondered. The reply came swiftly—a digital handshake across time and space. Ten Bitcoins, a cosmic gift, landed in Anthony’s virtual wallet.

Chapter 3: The Seeker

Anthony became a seeker—a wanderer of code and cryptography. He whispered to the wind, “Grandma, do you see? We are part of something bigger—a tapestry woven by invisible hands.” His quest led him through quantum keys, black holes, and stardust.

Chapter 4: The Quantum Ledger

Physicist Evelyn theorized that every Bitcoin transaction created ripples across dimensions. “Perhaps,” she mused, “Satoshi Nakamoto is our cosmic neighbor.” Anthony nodded, feeling the presence of those who came before—the mathmaster, the typewriter, and the enigma himself.

Epilogue: Stardust and Whispers

On a crisp autumn day, atop a cosmic mountain, Anthony stood. The wind whispered secrets, and he whispered back, “Thank you, Grandma. For the love, the knowledge, and the first ten Bitcoins.”
And so, the cosmic ledger continued—a bridge between generations, woven into the fabric of blockchain lore. 🌌🔍
Disclaimer: This narrative blends fact and cosmic fiction. 🪐✨
submitted by Impossible_Worker570 to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:37 Bigcockedgod [M4F] visiting a friend but end up sleeping with there parent

All participants and characters must be 18+ I’m looking for a F roleplay partner I want to play one of the two ideas below.
  1. I’m your best friends dad, you come over to see her as your upset because your bf dumped you, but she’s staying at her mothers. I invite you in anyway to try comfort you, but we end up doing a lot more.
  2. This one is the same except your my friends mom and I have been dumped so come round to see my mate but he’s at his dads, you invite me in and it goes from there If you have any ideas of other roles or stories feel free to message me them or if you want to play out these roles but add thing or change them then feel free to do that too
submitted by Bigcockedgod to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:36 Bigcockedgod [M4F] visiting a friend but end up in bed with there parent

All participants and characters must be 18+ I’m looking for a F roleplay partner I want to play one of the two ideas below.
  1. I’m your best friends dad, you come over to see her as your upset because your bf dumped you, but she’s staying at her mothers. I invite you in anyway to try comfort you, but we end up doing a lot more.
  2. This one is the same except your my friends mom and I have been dumped so come round to see my mate but he’s at his dads, you invite me in and it goes from there If you have any ideas of other roles or stories feel free to message me them or if you want to play out these roles but add thing or change them then feel free to do that too
submitted by Bigcockedgod to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:36 Public-Wolverine6276 Emily’s Mom

Emily’s mom being so upset about the bride price and the traditions is really annoying. Emily chose to marry into a different culture & her mom is putting up a fight over nothing (imo). I understand where she’s coming from and how it looks but it’s a very common thing in other cultures for families to give dowry’s for the daughter. Seems like one of those cases where people marry into a different culture without doing research or acceptance of it.
submitted by Public-Wolverine6276 to 90DayFiance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:35 _kaleb_ Me 32M, wife 28F, with child 7 together 11 years married 5. Years of hardship/bad luck, recent affair. LONG story. Advice?

So the last few years have been rough.
*note* if you're a "cheaters will always be cheaters type" tldr is don't bother reading or commenting
BACKSTORY 2019-2023 child nearly annual broken bones, lots of stress and specialist visits.
2018-2024 my wife got her associates as a medical assistant and is almost done with her bachelor's and final quarter internship while working full time and that has been hard for me. The lack of time for me and my son has really made an impact.
2019 I was injured at work and 2020 had my first surgery to try and preserve an ankle joint. That surgery ended up failing and while recovering I ended up mangling 2 fingertips in a wood jointer. 2020 I had to make the transition to a sahd on workers comp and have been since then. My lifestyle of hiking and fishing was upended because I could barely be on my feet 3 hours a day and uneven ground killed me not to mention the whole covid thing was pretty isolating.
All of 2021 was supporting her being a surrogate for a couple in City X (their egg/sperm). So, lots of trips checks and giving her injections. It was kind of proving myself to her because I was terrified when our son was born in 2017 and didn't help as much as I should have. Especially the first 3 months. Really, I didn't find out until later. We had conversations and fights at the time and id step up to do more and she would agree and tell me it was all okay. Then another fight saying I wasn't doing enough/anything and asking more and me being upset and confused. I guess at the time she was afraid to ask more, or tell me what she wanted, or her feelings, and the postpartum depression and initial feelings of abandonment didn't help.
Anyways the surrogacy went okay. I was there and supportive. Rubbing her feet and back. taking on extra load when she was tired etc. And hey I didn't pass out at delivery this time XD The end was a bit hard with 2 inductions needed and a massive 9.5lb baby and a stuck shoulder.
Then a few weeks after birth in November 2021 the nightmare began.
Out of nowhere she started hemorrhaging. She had to have an emergency D&C to stop the bleeding and scans showed a mass. Turned out the surrogate baby's placenta had some cells turn cancerous and attach to her uterus (Choriocarcinoma). 3 months later and the first 3 agent chemo failed, and her numbers were skyrocketing because it turned treatment resistant. They had to hit it with 5 types of chemo (EMACO) leaving future fertility a coin toss but more than a hysterectomy. By May 2022 the tumor marker was gone, but it was 6 months of intense monitoring and 6 months of monthly monitoring. The whole time she was in an intense spiraling depression questioning life. The meaning of all it, and how all her childhood trauma was fair. That no god would let a child live that. And questioning every decision in her life and wondering what things could have been like if she went a different direction. Feeling like she missed out on opportunities early in life. If this might be all there is (we have been together since she was 17). She said she felt like reality wasn't real and this was make believe at times.
Summer 2022 she made a new mom friend. She was pretty toxic and selfish. She used my wife for personal benefit and to go places. Yelled at her kids and treated the oldest from a prior marriage as less than (girl doesn't know her dad and when she mentioned she was part Mexican she freaked out and denied it because of how conservative and anti Mexican her new dad and his family is). Like never offered a dime, but expected food, gas, tickets, and gifts. She drove my wife nuts with that behavior. but she was desperate for a friend and loved her kids. Her friend would just talk shit about her partner pretty constantly and say my wife should be unhappy in her relationship too. Shit talking husbands behind their backs became like a mutual thing and I def hated it
Sometime 2023 she jumped into fantasy romance and fantasy smut /erotica. This progressed to an AI chat smut generator.
May 2023 monitoring was over and she was officially cancer free and had been on a health/mental health quest..
The mental health part started early in the year and she was seeing a therapist for depression and anxiety alone as well as her long list of childhood trauma. Off hand her therapist told her a few times she didn't know maybe just divorce me or something. I was super uncomfortable with this as it was completely outside her practicing scope and I didn't feel she should be providing relationship guidance, especially without me or the rest of the story. I felt a bit attacked and didn't even get the chance to give my perspective or account and felt that is pretty important after being here for a decade. A lot of negative points get omitted by her.
Summer 2023 she had some tough diagnosis for other chronic issues. Narcolepsy Dissociative Identity disorder Depression And a sleep disorder
I initially rejected this as I didn't want to accept these chronic and incurable conditions and insisted it has to be something else, that she's okay. It was taken as rejection of her.
Fall 2023 she reached out to a childhood ex bf a few states away and started an emotional affair. They kept in infrequent contact over the years and nothing ever came of it before. He has been unable to move past her or have meaningful relationships in 13 years. At first he pushed her away and rejected it, but after a month by Nov it was a thing. Texting saying I shouldn't worried because they dated before, but he ended up coming out as gay, calls in private, staying later after work. I gave it the benefit of the doubt but got burned. I found out in December the second time she wanted a private call in the car, and I checked her phone.
We started marriage counseling in Jan and I started my own therapy search as well as a condition of hers. She agreed to no longer contact the boy showed me the sent message ending it and blocked him. By Feb I found him listed in her phone as Saraa and found deleted texts and calls. In therapy she wanted to keep him as a friend and only friend and I tried this. She asked if a PO box would be okay for a birthday present, and I said no. That it crossed a line. It was also super close to Valentine's day. Next therapy I couldn't handle the anxiety and feeling physically ill when she used her phone, and we went through Jan again break off block etc.
In Feb the therapist recommended a separate space for conflict as we work on things. That too much conflict triggered her dissociative identity disorder. It was either a hotel as needed or a rv/camper. My wife was set on a camper and the only way to get a newer one was to add my credit/income to hers for a loan and I was uncomfortable on a $20k purchase. She assured me the intent of the camper was working on us and not separating/divorcing. She brought up me not having chores completely done all the time and I poured myself into it if that was making her unhappy over the years.
During this time in March I found out she got the secret PO box and had yet again resumed texting entirely deleting her logs. She had valentines gifts. birthday gifts, long distance electronic bracelets, and had an easter basket coming. Everything was put together into a box to be gotten rid of. That effort I had for chores and making everything spotless kind of died. Like there was that recognition that that obviously wasn't the problem. We lived completely separately for a few weeks until she could make a choice. We split our son and had almost zero interaction. Eventually she chose and I saw a notebook she used once in December. Basically she has started outlining a story envisioning herself as the lead character in once of her romantic fantasies and cast me and the other man as competing love interests
April and early may there was nothing. We did therapy and tackled our issues slowly. Together. Our future plans: college vs baby and the ticking clock of fertility and ifs after chemo. Etc
Last week she was going out for lilac picking and didn't text me for 2 hours and said she was at the beach. Later she showed me something in her email and I saw discord emails about a pw change and login. One bad gut feeling later and the next morning I see she deleted the discord emails and check our phone plan and her phone and see missing texts. I put in a phone record request for recent texts and text/call logs. She woke up and I said it did it and she said I was disgusting. Then admitted I was right.
She says after breaking it off she was worried he would hurt himself and just wanted to be sure he was okay and admitted to 3 texts and the discord call which i verified. Said that he was in therapy for his issues. She said she didn't want to bring it up to me because I would make it a fight and she thought she could just get away with a few texts to make sure. That she felt responsible for how much he had been hurt too.
So I did what I do with extreme anxiety and checked her work bag. I found an old journal they shared Jan to mid-march. Kind of confirmed again what was going on. Also revealed she lied to me about the trailer, or him? She couldn't get it without me and told him it was to work on separating from me easier. Yeah I kept pics in case this goes downhill because yeah, I'll gun for EVERYTHING. I'm sure that being tricked into signing a $20k contract under false pretenses for her personal benefit, secret po boxes, lying to our therapist repeatedly, secret texts, expecting gifts from the other man, career over spending time with family and a serious personality disorder on top of narcolepsy making a job hard to keep down wont do her favors at divorce/custody hearings.
So its all fresh for me again. I already have extreme anxiety and the autism doesn't help with reading/understanding people the best, although my gut intuition and pattern recognition are catching stuff fine.
Looking back, I can see that the personality disorder and narcolepsy are apparent. Dream delusion and memory issues from the narcolepsy make separating dream from reality hard as well as just recalling what happened. So whether not the "not feeling like reality is real" was a dream delusion or a full-blown dissociative episode... I can also see that messaging him was a "new" personality state. Maybe it's a manifestation of the trauma of nearly dying from cancer, maybe it's a fragment of her young identity that was created to survive her traumatic childhood resurfacing after nearly dying. But her interests and perspective massively shifted at that time and there was a clear separation between her with me and her with him. It was like this regression back to 15. Like she was molding an identity to fit his desires and interests. She took up tarot and witchy books, different music, painting, rockhounding (my interest), dried bouquets, dyed her hair and got multiple piercings. Even getting caught there was that click in her whole demeanor.
I can see how her friend may have jaded her towards me by all the shit she talked about HER husband. I can see that throwing herself into fantasy smut to cope flooded her with portrayals of unrealistic romance. That she progressed that by using an AI smut bot to hold those conversations with. Then she directly tried to process her own reality through the lens of those novels in that journal.
This "relationship" was "I love you, we can be together in 10 years". He wasn't going to leave his cushy job. Or his state. He didn't want to be a stepdad. He didn't want to support her career or have any involvement in it. She couldn't leave my state. Never saw illicit photos. No discussion of sex. It was like exactly what you think some lovestruck preteens would come up with. Like just a fantasy. No talk of bills or finances. Of moving. Of any substantial tangible entanglement.
Somehow that's easier to handle
I love her and don't want to leave her. But i desperately think she needs serious help and have told her I want her to do therapy 2x a month (on top of marriage therapy 2x).
I also think if a secret or deleted text happens again, I've got to take off the kid gloves and fight for it all. Cause well showing up at the dude's door would end in prison.
I'm sure this happening right as I fully got over last time and took a trust leap of faith on a "gay" friend that burned me will make it harder. I get the last few years have been garbage luck and I get almost dying can have profound affects though. She had been utterly loyal for 5 years (believe me I checked as we agreed to ie open book). Tying to see this with an open mind.
I get my exact expectations are muddy and part of this is just putting it into words to process for me, but I value if someone has any good input
submitted by _kaleb_ to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:33 biblibopbop Too hard to believe… too scared to not?

I’m trying to make this as short as possible so people wont give up reading lol.
I’m confused my family’s catholic and I don’t really know what I am. It’s too hard for me to believe but at the same time I’m afraid of hell.
When will it be my turn to see a sign? Is it even real. Its so hard and confusing. I’m annoyed and mad sometimes about it but I really want to hang on. Or do I? Idk anymore help
submitted by biblibopbop to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:33 BakugoKachan the Bible is superior to the Quran in every way.

Meanwhile the Quran is a problematic, mistake riddled book composed by ONE man over ONE revelation spanning 20+ years that is just rehashing Bible stories, ancient folk tales, and like 70% of it is just “wow isn’t God so cool? He is the coolest of the coolest, he is such a fantastic God!” Like over and over.
Any theological or moral value it has its because it meekly replicated some aspects of the Bible. Muslims claim is so authoritative and clear yet they needed the existence of hundreds of thousands of Hadiths to properly understand it.
And to all this their only claim is “at least we are perserved” (which is not even true)
But even if it were the New Testament which alone destotrys the factual and theological claims of the Quran has a textual purity and perservation of 99.95%.
submitted by BakugoKachan to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:33 Nodistractions_gal Medical: Urgent care experience - I felt very gaslit.

May I get outsiders perspective on this. Just seeking a space to vent & see what I did wrong.
So long story short, I am on period. I inserted a tampon during the day. And later when removing it, I noticed only the bottom half came out.
I checked the toilet. Nothing there. You can see the way the tampon was shaped, it looked broken off. Y’all….I tried to see if I could remove anything. Nothing came out. My parents advised to seek medical help.
I went to the urgent care & arrived 45 mins before they closed for the day. Immediately, the patient care coordinator (PCC) that took my vitals, it felt standoffish. My gut felt something was off & she didn’t care about my plight. She left & soon after a Nurse practicer & his nurse came in. He used speculum to inspect & he said he saw nothing. He wanted to check my cervix, but I am a wimp & was in a lot of pain & yelped out. He stopped the exam, & said from what he saw, he didn’t see anything & I could seek a second opinion if I was still concerned. I thanked him & they left.
But my Mom said to call her before leaving. She is a Nurse & she said to ask for a X-Ray is possible. So I asked the PCC if I can get a X-ray to be sure, y’all SHE LIED & verbally said their facility didn’t have x-rays. She was impatient with me, I was on the phone with my Mom, just to feel safe. I hung up on the phone, the PCC, she asks if I am done & ready to go, in an aggravated tone. As if I was a huge nuisance for her asking all these questions.
Later, after changing, I went back to the front to ask for the names of people that saw me. They only gave me the 1st name of the PCC. I asked the Nurse practitioner if they had x-rays, & he confirmed that yes they do! But I will not get an x-ray b/c it wasn’t appropriate & he said my mom was wrong & she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Again he relayed this in a very condescending tone. I asked if he’ll provide a reason why it was inappropriate, he said no. I asked if he’ll document refusing this medical service for me, he said no.
At that point, it was 7 mins past their closing period. I understand they had a long day & wanted to leave. People in the office looked visibly uncomfortable. I was talking in firm, leveled tone, but the vibe made me feel like a criminal or major nuisance. According to some reddit forums, asking to document refusal of service is considered dumb. Is this true? Did I take it too far? Over imagining things? My parents said I wasn’t and to seek a 2nd opinion to be sure.
But damn, tonight was my 1st time experience of this. It’s motivated me to truly think of Black patients on healthcare settings and how I can help.
submitted by Nodistractions_gal to blackladies [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:31 Purple_Ad3714 Do You Have a demon?

Common ways you Give Demons Access to Your Life

Demons are very real spiritual entities that seek to wreak havoc and destruction in the lives of unsuspecting individuals. Do you have a demon? If you’ve been experiencing unexplained occurrences, strange behaviors, or a pervasive sense of darkness, it’s possible that you’ve opened the door to demonic influence.
– Engaging in occult practices like Ouija boards, tarot cards, or séances
– Harboring unforgiveness, bitterness, or hatred towards others
– Participating in sexual immorality or the occult

Do Have a Demon? More symptoms

There is a fine line between mental illness and the demonic. It’s a delicate topic that requires careful consideration. While mental health conditions are medical in nature, some believe there may be a spiritual component as well.
If you are struggling with your mental health and are on psychological medications, it’s important to assess whether those medications are truly working for you. If not, it’s possible that the root of your issues could be something more than just a chemical imbalance.
In these cases, you may need to explore the spiritual realm and consider the possibility of demonic influence. Casting out such entities from your soul could be the key to finding true healing and restoration.
However, this is a complex matter that should be approached with wisdom and discernment. Seek guidance from trusted spiritual leaders and medical professionals to determine the best path forward for your unique situation. With the right support, you can find the freedom you seek.

Mental Illness or Demonic Possession: Recognizing the Fine Line

There is a fine line between mental illness and the demonic. The question always remains: do you have a demon? Do you mental illiness? If you are on psychological medications, ask yourself if the meds are working for you. If not, then you might have a demon you need to to cast out of your soul.
There is a fine line between mental illness and the demonic. It’s a delicate topic that requires careful consideration. While mental health conditions are medical in nature, some believe there may be a spiritual component as well.

Are psychological Medications Effective?

If you are struggling with your mental health and are on psychological medications, it’s important to assess whether those medications are truly working for you. If not, it’s possible that the root of your issues could be something more than just a chemical imbalance.
In these cases, you may need to explore the spiritual realm and consider the possibility of demonic influence. Casting out such entities from your soul could be the key to finding true healing and restoration.
However, this is a complex matter that should be approached with wisdom and discernment. Seek guidance from trusted spiritual leaders and medical professionals to determine the best path forward for your unique situation. With the right support, you can find the freedom you seek.
submitted by Purple_Ad3714 to aboutdemons [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:30 Impressive_Shirt_185 About Jumin’s route

Okay so I commented on another post basically citing some of my issues with Jumin’s route. Now I feel like just getting into the whole thing cause I’m a little high so whatever. If you haven’t played another story and aren’t looking for spoilers don’t read this.
Now to get started I love Jumin. I would most definitely say him as a character would be like in my top three for the characters in MM. (Seven is my fav and Saeren is second okay if you were curious). Now to what I’d like to discuss cause this isn’t about me hating Jumin. I feel like multiple times they fumbled him and his route could have felt way less creepy.
Jumin in other routes is calm, rational, and productive. He gets things done the most effectively and while his advice isn’t always the best cause of his lack of empathy. He’s just a silly cat mom at heart. I like Jumin way more in the first four days of deep story than in the actual route. I understand that there is a lot going on for him at the time so he isn’t acting like himself.
Elizabeth the 3rd going missing is the main problem. Now what I don’t understand is why he’s so stressed about his relationship with his father. Which is the second reason he’s acting so weird and the reason why I think it’s weird is because Jumin’s dad sucks. He prioritizes women over Jumin all the time and Jumin is a highly independent person. So I don’t even believe his dad could have contributed to his stress.
Like yeah Glam Choi and Sara are a nuisance but that’s all they were a nuisance. They were only that big of a problem cause Jumin was so focused on MC and neglecting everything else around him. Also treating MC like a cat who is like his child was so fucking weird. I would have rather we just used the bomb as an excuse to be at his place. Also woefully disappointed in the V content.
Sure I don’t have the favorable opinion about V but since it was “deep story” I expected a lot more involvement in V’s life. Also more information on Rika and V’s relationship since Jumin is their closest friend. Like I thought MC would play a crucial role in helping Jumin reach out to V since V needed a more emotional approach. The whole reason V didn’t confide in Jumin is cause he knew Jumin wouldn’t understand the emotional aspect.
But instead of that happening I got Fifty Shades of Grey: Jumin Style. With you being treated like his f*cking cat. Like if it was gonna be like that Jumin should have been in the Casual story mode cause we got no deeper story.
submitted by Impressive_Shirt_185 to mysticmessenger [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:27 Upset_Rice7021 I(29F) and partner(33m) and fighting due to my parents religion

Okay. I need some serious advice. My partner and I have been together for over 10yrs. We have 2 beautiful children together, 8yrs and a 1yr old.
For reference….I was raised in an very religious Roman Catholic family(I am the 2nd oldest of 7 kids). I went to a Catholic elementary and high school, went to church every week, and got all the sacraments that a kid would go through. It wasn’t until the end of high school that my mind really changed about my religion. There was QUITE a few things that I just didn’t agree with and I started to distance myself from the church. I no longer consider myself catholic and no longer go to church or have raised my children Catholic. Although there are soooo many things I find absolutely absurd and appalling about the Catholic Church, I do recognize that my parents are still Catholic and just as they don’t question my choice to leave the church-I don’t question them staying within the church. I should mention-pretty much all of my siblings(except for the 2 youngest) have left the church as well. Regardless of those differences I love my family and we are all outrageously close, and my mom and dad along with my 6 other siblings are considered my closes friends and we spend most weekends hanging out. They are amazing grandparents to my kids and some of the most supportive and kind people I know.
Now. Here’s where things getting sticky. My partner has very….VERY, strong feelings about the Catholic Church. He considers it a cult filled with horrible child abuse. I don’t disagree that their is some seriously fucked up things happening within the church-and as I’ve said, there’s a reason why I left the church…but I just don’t talk about religion with my parents and I choose to just not let that effect my relationship with them. My partner is not so much that way.
So here’s what happened..My youngest brother is in grade 11(very big age gap between us). He is the sweetest kid you’ll ever meet and is very mature and overall a very kind kid. My oldest son and him have always been very close, less of a uncle-nephew relationship and more of a brother relationship. One day the 2 of them were playing at the park and not sure how the topic got brought up, but suddenly they were talking about heaven and hell. My son is a very inquisitive 8 year old and then started asking questions to my brother about heaven. I wasn’t there….so it’s hard to gather how the conversation went, but my son ended up saying to me and my partner “I want to get baptized so I can go to heaven, because that’s the only way I can go to heaven.”
I was quite upset about this, but truthfully I didn’t think for a second my brother said it to him exactly like that-or meant any harm by it-he was just a 16yr old who didn’t know how to answer a very deep question, and probably did a poor job of handling the situation…(he’s a kid after all) I explained to my son that that was not true and that his uncle was religious and that’s just what HE believed.
Now to say my partner was upset is an understatement….he was livid and started saying some extremely harsh things about people within the Catholic Church(in front of our son). Saying things like “you have to watch out for priest”, “they’re a cult”. I got mad at my partner and told him to cool off, and said that we should have an open conversation with our son about our differences with the Catholic Church-but that I didn’t feel the way he was handling it was appropriate, and came off extremely hateful and not at all a good way to have a conversation with an 8yr old. Not to mention our son knows some of my family is Catholic and I felt he was almost telling our son that his grandparents were bad people.
I ended up talking to my brother about the situation, he felt so bad and was so mature about it and apologized profusely for not handling the situation well and for putting certain ideologies in his head. He explained the whole situation to me and honestly, it was just a stupid mistake on his part and now he knows to just tell my son to talk to me if he brings up something to do with heaven or hell or religion. End of story, right?
NOPE. I should quickly mention that my partner and my youngest brother are actually extremely close. He’s known my brother since he was 5 yrs old and truly looks at him as a little brother. I’ve always loved how close they are. So, after I told my partner that I talked to my brother about the situation and how he maturely handled it-my partner says, “I’m not even mad at him….I’m mad at your parents because they’re Catholic and they’re the ones who have put all these ideas in your brothers head”. So now my partner is beyond pissed at my parents…treats them poorly and doesn’t come to family gatherings….
This is all extremely hard for me…my family has always treated my partner so well, and loved him like their own. I’m mad at my partner for being so hateful, but I’m trying to always be understanding of his frustration. I don’t like choosing between the two-but truthfully I think my partner is 100% out of line and needs to take a step back. The way he talks is so cruel and hateful and regardless if I don’t like the Catholic Church all that much-I don’t believe that speaking about someone else’s religion the way he does is kind.
I’m honestly so thrown off by his behaviour and feel like we won’t ever get past this.
Sorry for the long story…Any advice would be amazing.
submitted by Upset_Rice7021 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:26 chloe-okay My religious parents walked in on my boyfriend and I

Hi. So my (F17) family is very Christian and conservative. Church twice a week, Bible studies, typical family roles, purity rings, all that.
I’ve been dating my boyfriend Jay (M16) for almost two years. My parents hated him at first, but they tolerate him now. He dresses punk, has piercings, and is an atheist. The ONLY reason my parents are okay with him now is because we made up a lie that Jay wants to be a Christian and that I’ve been teaching him a lot and we read the Bible together, etc. He comes to church with us often. He doesn’t believe in it and honestly I don’t know if I even do at this point. But that’s another story.
Other reasons why my parents hate him is because his parents are “trashy” (poor) and he “smells like a sinner” (he smells like cigarettes because of his parents constantly smoking in their house, he’s actually super insecure about it.) I don’t think it’s fair at all. It’s not his fault.
Hes also never does drugs/smokes/drinks but they’re so convinced he does. Like whenever I come home from hanging out with him they’ll “check and make sure” I’m not high/drunk.
Anyways. Yesterday he was spending the night at my house. My door doesn’t have a lock on it, so we always just wait til everyone is asleep to quietly have sex. It’s never failed us before so I thought we were okay. Nope. About 10 mins in my mom swings open the door. All 3 of us were fucking horrified. She goes to get my dad, we quickly put on our clothes. They start yelling at us. Saying i was disgusting and how they should’ve never let Jay come and “corrupt me” and how “they were ignoring signs from god to get him away” I was wearing my purity ring, they made sure to bring that up about 50 times. They said I disappointed them and God and that I’m not going to be “full of his crack babies” which just made me feel disgusting. The way they were describing everything made me feel so. Disgusting.
They made Jay walk home alone. They went through my phone and prayed with me saying I’d work on this and I’d go back to being a pure girl.
I’m so humiliated. Today they said they were gonna put me in “weekly Christian counseling” (whatever that is) I saw Jay in class and he looked so sad. I just wanted to hold him. I talked to him and he also said he feels humiliated. I feel so guilty and disgusting. All their insults got to me so much. I hate that they did but they did.
submitted by chloe-okay to ReligiousTrauma [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:26 trutlesrus I was raped when I was 18 and I’ve never talked about it.

To preface I’m a 33 years old now. I’m a guy and have really never talked to anyone about this. I’ve brought it up but it hasn’t really been taken seriously. I’ll try to make this story as short as possible. When I was 18 I was desperate to lose my virginity, but was way too shy to actually try. I was always envious of some friends and their stories of who they have been with so I decided to lie and say that I wasn’t a virgin. There were a couple girls I was really into and they invited me to a get together. Only 5 or more people were there so it was the perfect outing in my shy opinion. I knew one of the girls was very pretty, popular, and a cheerleader but I had my eyes set on her friend. She was much more kind, less outgoing and very cute. We were all having fun but the cheerleader was feeding us all shots. I had maybe drank once or twice before this point, but didn’t want to disappoint. After about 5 shots I started making out with the friend of the cheerleader. The cheerleader clearly wasn’t having it, definitely got jealous and put an end to it saying “let’s go back to your place.” She had drove us and I definitely needed a ride home so to my dismay I agreed. I was very drunk at this point and actually slammed my knee against her trailer hitch, but didn’t feel a thing. Again, she is very attractive and I was totally into her. I wanted to have sex, but I wasn’t ready. Especially given the circumstances. I know this all seems pretty convoluted, but this is how it went. We made it back to my mom’s apartment and I had mentioned we go to the hot tub. I was just trying to delay what would be the inevitable. We walk to the pool area where the hot tub is and it was perfect. I thought “okay we’re in the hot tub and we’ll just hangout here until we want to go to asleep.” What happened next was unexpected and I didn’t think was even possible being a guy. I was 18 and just assumed you would want to have sex whenever possible. She asked how many people I’ve been with and I said 3 (lying to seem “cooler”) and she hopped on my lap. Somehow I was hard hard and she grabbed me and put me inside of her. This has been the most confusing part of it all and what makes it so difficult to talk about. I WAS hard. I didn’t want to have sex. Not like that. Whenever that was done she wanted to go back to my apartment. I agreed. The last thing I remember is looking at myself in the mirror of by bathroom and saying “what am I doing” and going back to my room with her spread eagle. As I said I was eager to have sex, but not like this. It has been something that’s been on my mind ever sense and haven’t really talked about.
submitted by trutlesrus to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:25 Proud-Attention-7634 Too many health complications for someone as young as me.

I have chronic silent reflux, chronic esophageal spams, ibs and an anxiety disorder. I can only manage the symptoms with my meds, but I can't afford to go to the hospital to cure my health problems. I can barely afford my maintenance meds. I'm too poor for this. I f'd up my life so bad. The saying really is true, huh. "health is wealth". It really is. I'm turning 23 in 1 week, but I don't know if I'll manage to make it to 24 at this point. I want to cry, but I get panic attacks from crying that causes really bad symptoms and I'm running out of beta blockers. I can't even cry. Wtf is happening to me? I'm sorry mom. I should've listened to you.
submitted by Proud-Attention-7634 to Anxietyhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:25 Ana_Na_Moose Am I the only one who loves that many conservative Christians hate the rainbow symbol, even though their holy book literally uses the rainbow as a symbol of a promise from their god to man?

CW: Description of Biblical story of Noah (Reddit wanted me to do CW)
Context: According to the Bible, God instructed a man named Noah to build an ark (big boat), and to gather up his family and two of every animal (one male one female). Once all the relevant parties were on this ark, God supposedly let it rain until the whole earth flooded. When the floods receded, the ark supposedly settled on what is now Mt Ararat, and all of the Earth’s animals and Noah’s family were left to repopulate a now barren world (yay incest! /s).
Basically as a promise to the descendants of Noah, God created a rainbow as a visual promise that he would never flood the whole Earth again.
So the rainbow is a pretty powerful symbol in Christian symbology, which makes me so much more entertained that the supposed “true Christians” get so offended at our rainbow flag. 🏳️‍🌈 🌈
submitted by Ana_Na_Moose to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:25 Charming_Interest990 Its hard enjoying things that my dad used to like/we used to like together now that our relationship isnt good

Im a highschooler, and long story short, my dad left about a year ago and our rocky relationship has turned into something close to no contact. He still messages me from time to time but Ive been finding it too hard to respond. I used to be pretty close to my dad, my mom worked crazy hours and he would be the one homewith me most of the time. Then my parents started fighting a lot in roughly 2018, but it wasn't too bad, like it was more of an annoyance but then it got REALLY bad when we went into quarantine. He was admitted to a phyce ward at some point, but honestly all the dates are so fuzzy, I barely remember anything from this period.
I keep finding things out about how he left and acted around my family that my mom didnt tell me beforehand and it just keeps getting worse. Ive known that he has been mentally ill for a while, but for a long time I just tried convincing myself that it was him going through an episode and he would come to his senses and it wouldnt be the same as it was, but it would at least be salvageable. But he has been in this episode for about 3 years now, and he keeps getting worse and he just blames everyone else. I recently found out why my parents were arguing so much before he left and long story short he left to go follow a women across the country. He also spent his entire pension, quit his job, and is compleatly financially unstable. My parents recently finalized their divorce, after months of fighting and arguing even after he came back. My mom and I had already moved out of our house by the time that he came back, he was gone for about 4 months, over christmas and my birthday.
Now that i cant just convince myself that its all his mental illiness and he is really effecting people outside of my family, its hard to look at him the same way. I see his face and all I can think about is the dad that raised me for years, the voice that has comforted me, the laugh and the smell of his cologne. But now he just smells like the trailer parks with the smoke filled musty houses that I was glad I had somewhere better to go.
I keep seeing things that he used to like, normal dad stuff, super heroes, dad bands, movies that we would watch. And these are all things that not only I enjoyed, but a lof of my emotions with them are connected to him. And now its hard when I see something because Ill see something that I used to like and I cant separate it from what I feel like my dad has become.
submitted by Charming_Interest990 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:25 Ok_kitty_123 This moment kinda hits in the feels 💔 🤕

‼️ You only get this scene if you warned Yore about the poison.
The secret of Rebecca and the MC being the descendents of Malbonte will be exposed.
Now, this ain't gonna be a post of me defending Rebecca's actions or anything, I still think she is a bad mother, she even says that herself at one point that she wasn't a good mom to her. MC in this scene, just has a mental breakdown, who wouldn't in her situation, poor thing ;--;
This moment was kind of heart wrenching, it shows that deep down she does still have some love for her daughter, why else would she so willingly let herself get impaled like that? Eragon comes off as a straight up supervillain here, which is ironic, because the true supposed antagonist shows up just a few moments later 🤣
I don't give a crap about Torendo, he can go straight to hell for all I care.
And Lucifer standing up for his girl just warms my heart ❤️ like omg, my man is ready to fight a damn Seraph just to defend her, holy shit~ It's so sweet~
Eragon just mocks him like a piece of shit he comes off here as, Malbonte kills him just a few moments later anyway. Thanks, Mal ❤️
I'm pretty sure I still have a Low connection with Malbonte on this particular account, was planning to side with him 🤣 'cause no matter if you think that he's right, if you don't have that strong connection, you will automatically side against him regardless.
Well shit, I don't wanna restart the book all over again just for that~
submitted by Ok_kitty_123 to RomanceClubDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:24 Pixelator0201 Advice for starting HRT ??

Ok so I’m 17, out to my mom and a close friend and desperately want to start on hrt. I really just don’t like my body and I want all the changes that would come with it, and especially recently I’ve been very depressed, to the point where I’m barely even getting out of bed because of it. But the problem is I’m scared to start for a few reasons:
  1. I live in Southern Oklahoma and if people found out, especially at school, I think that’d be the worst case scenario. I’m about to be a senior so it’s only one year left but still, scary.
  2. I’m scared to tell my doctor. She’s a really nice lady and all, but I have no idea how she thinks or anything because again, Southern Oklahoma, and I’m scared that that could cause issues somehow. (Note: I mainly go to her about my anxiety and such if that helps at all)
  3. If I do this then that means I have to come out to all of my friends and my family. My friends I’m less worried about, they’re all awesome and accepting and stuff, I’m moreso worried about them because of the anxiety that comes with coming out and because a couple of them are kinda bad at keeping secrets. My family though, that’s another story. A lot of them are pretty conservative and religious because, again, Southern Oklahoma. I’ve even spoken to my grandma before and she explicitly stated that she was against trans people. Now I don’t know what would happen, I’m pretty close with my family and especially my grandparents and cousins, but like I could totally see it all turning around and them hating me.
I’m really conflicted, because this is something I really want and I know I want it, but it’s just scary for me to do. Since I’m about to graduate high school, my dream is to be able to go into college as a girl and be able to have like a new start there and everything. Any advice or thoughts on the matter would be great.
submitted by Pixelator0201 to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:23 AmbitiousBee6591 AITA for posting photos of my sister when she was larger?

Hey, so I 24(F) posted photos on my Instagram for Mother’s day, a post on my feed and a few on my stories. Since I’ve been living overseas the last two years for study, I don’t have too many recent photos of me and my family together.
I put together a few for a collage situation on my stories, and a few to post. It’s just me, my mom and my older sister. (Dad passed when we were quite young). When these photos were taken, my sister did weigh a lot more. She’s lost a fair amount of weight since and has been doing really well in her fitness journey.
However, after a facetime and messages, I uploaded the photos to celebrate our mom for Mother’s Day. My sister wasn’t in all the photos, but was in six of them, two on my story and four in my post.
She later messaged to say she couldn’t believe I would be so insensitive as to post and broadcast photos publicly where she was quite larger (the photos in question were taken at least two, if not more years ago). I tried replying, took down the post and the stories are no longer up. She’s since sent a singular message to let me know not to contact her till she’s ready. I have been stressing since. AITA for this?
submitted by AmbitiousBee6591 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:21 Living-Drop5835 I’m 17 and have lost all my confidence

This is the first time I’m talking of this to anyone or on any platform and it’s just because I’m so ashamed of what has happened to me. When I started high school I was a straight A student in all honors classes. I had long pretty black hair with blonde highlights, I was a healthy weight and I loved wearing cute clothes. I barely went out and I focused on my studies and loved myself a lot. The end of freshman year my abusive mom called the cops on me after an argument we had, and the absolute worst had happened. Instead of taking a moment to understand the situation the cops took me to juvenile detention and I stayed there longer than I should have, about 2 months. I contracted scabies from there and the nurse there said it was just allergies from the detergent they use. I left riddled with scars all over my body and the anxiety I had there made them worst because of the picking. I had no support and I was so young and lost to everything going on. My own mom who called them even begged for me to come home just one day after but there wasn’t anything she could do. My grades dropped tremendously from then on I was so depressed I gained so much weight and I could barely take care of myself anymore after, I still can’t. I have to wear long sleeve shirts and pants to cover the scars I have but when someone saw them at school I was immediately treated like an outcast and everyone treated me like I had a disease, I go to a very big American school. I already cured the scabies after leaving detention but the scars still remain. I’ve dealt with severe depression since 11 years old, I’m very shy and quiet, to me my looks and grades were I all had to show. I know “looks aren’t everything” but the way people treat me now is definitely different from how I used to be. I just want my life to be how it was before but I know it’ll never happen. I have scars on my body that remain for life. From everything that happened I couldn't fight the mental battle anymore and ended up smoking weed as well as a few opioids something that me from freshman year would have never thought of doing. I don’t do those things anymore but I fell into a very dark route. I did online school and finished so I’ve been at home. I attempted suicide a week ago and I’m home now from the hospital. Anti- depressants and therapy hasnt worked for me. Some people have it worse than me I know, but I used to be a good kid and so pretty, in just a short amount of time my life has spiraled into nothing but emptiness and regret. I just want to be myself again but my body and mind is damaged enough I feel like it’ll never happen. I don’t have really have anyone to talk to about this, I sit on the internet seeing all these girls my age living normal lives something I so easily could have had. Please someone tell me if my body will ever be normal again, and how I can get rid of my scars. I just want the old me back.
submitted by Living-Drop5835 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:20 ShadicaMarie I need help looking for my Paternal Family, but have almost NO information

Context. I am a Californian ex-foster kid. Orange county. I was put into the system at the age of 6. After my sister was born. And my dad left not long after that, since he was deported BACK to Mexico(illegal immigrant, no green card). I stayed in the system, till I was 16 and adopted by my now parents.
I learned that my maternal family made it impossible for my paternal, legally here, family to get any contact with me. I grew up thinking all my dad's family went back to Mexico with him, all deported as well. I was a kid, didn't question is can grew up "White", and to proud I was also half Scottish(grandma was mexican and native but we are, white. Not native or especially Mexican). Naturally, this never felt right because I wasn't like my maternal family and cousins who were more white then me. So to learn that was a shock. From my brother who thought it was the best choice. "I'd be too confusing to be both, ya know."
I know my Dad was not a good man. I know what he was doing, I have seen the court records. He was horrid. But so was my birth giverand in my opinionshe was worse for what she did to me and my siblings while just being pregnant(Meth babies, with no prenatal care, the 4 of us). He did at least try an give me attention when asked, and I have some fond memories of him. I don't remember what he ever said to me. He only spoke to me in Spanish
But I feel so ROBBED of a culture I never got to enjoy and truly experience. A whole heritage I can never teach my own babies. Books and movies and stories are....they aren't truly experiencing it. I remember my dad had been working in secret to teach me spanish, a language I was forbidden to speak after, then when asked why i didnt take in in high school ridiculed for. I could have been fluent from a young age. And it hurts. So, I want to find my dad. At least his family. I know, from my asshole brother, that they were threatened into backing down and out. I don't know if it went to court. But I want to find them. See how they are with my own eyes.
And the brother I have who told me about his experience, said all they did was complain and whine. To me, that is logical cause they were denied the basic right to see family. My maternal family STILL let my mom see me, even after Court told them to stop and took me away, proper. I was STILL allowed unsupervised contact with my maternal family, after that. I STILL was allowed to be watched over by drug users and achoholics. But never, did I see my dad's family after the age of 6. Whom I barely remember.
This would help me, so much. Find out about genetic issues, what things like were in Mexico. What it's like to BE MEXICAN.
In point. I don't even know what to start with. I know his name, that he was born in Mexico City, anf that's it. I know his last name is different then his siblings, because of a mistake on his birth certificate, and they added a letter. Thay is from a 1st cousin I met on 23and Me whom stoped contact. And I want to know, what free tools would help find them. Because I genuinely want to k ow them, since they are my family too. And I want my future children to know there grandfather's side too.
submitted by ShadicaMarie to Adoption [link] [comments]