Bakersfield dollar theater

Beautiful Libertyville

2011.07.05 08:22 littlefield20 Beautiful Libertyville


2024.06.09 10:32 reddog342 I have read the posts theaters are not needed to see movies. While that may be true , it is a half truth.

We as human beings that need to be around other people. We could exist if we ate alone, slept alone, worked alone. But in this great experiment, create the panic and sell the cure. We discovered we needed each other ,we needed human touch, shared emotion, to laugh and cry together. We learn from each other, we live for social interaction. The latest generation is slowing learning, hookups are empty and shallow. Friends are important, and sharing experiences is bonding , to laugh to be scared together in the safe confines of a theater. Socially it is a great thing to do, you share an experience,bond by talking about it after. I see kids to day at dinner together never looking up from their they text and post pictures of what they are eating. They need acceptance . Never realizing the person next to them is who they should be sharing it with. They said theaters were dead when television was in it's infancy. They said it again over and over first with betamax, laserdiscs, VHS, blue ray and each time they were wrong. Well they still are , as streaming services all scramble for your dollars. I see more and more services combine to be able to get your dollars. Theatres should demand longer run times on block buster movies. I know myself I have missed movies important to me, because my schedule restricted me from getting to the big screen. I will not watch a blockbuster movie at home. Too many distractions, in a theatre I have made the commitment, to devote all my attention to what's before me. I have committed to a shared experience. I have before me treats, that I limit myself from having at home . I am there to arouse my sensei's to immerse my self in the experience. AMC is not a dead cat, but a crouching tiger ready to pounce , as people are rediscovering the theatre experience , and AMC is exploring , new money ventures, showing art films, concerts and other thing, Their theatre popcorn expands it's reach monthly, investing in the experience, having restaurant quality foods available. It's offering its own premium candy line. The ability to have adult drinks and cocktails in the safe environment .Ownership in a promising gold mine. Things like Taylor swift and jay Lo's concert films show there are many venue opportunities. They picked the wrong target as Apes, and ants tout the reasons we go to theatre's. This went from a quick money play on their part to a drain on their books. I came for the quick cash and realized along the way how smart of an investment I made. I wait till cell before I sell.
Just a couple reasons I hold.
submitted by reddog342 to amcstock [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:32 Patty_Cheeze Anybody have any old pictures of Carriage Place Plaza off Bethel Road when Big Bear and Drug Emporium were there?

Title says it all. Since the dollar theater is now closed, it got me's changed so much thru the years. Sunsports is another store that was there. Hoping someone has some vintage pics in a stash. Thank you.
submitted by Patty_Cheeze to Columbus [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:44 RandomRDThrowaway4 A schism is brewing in r/superstonk after GameStop goes against doctrine by diluting the redditor's holdings for 3 billion USD. The apes proceed to have a holy war against those without unwavering conviction in the Messiah

Superstonk is a subreddit focused around the discussion of GameStop (Hereinafter "GME") the stock; it became the predominant forum for GME holders after wallstreetbets stopped the posting of GME.
Recently, the main influencer of GME, DeepFuckingValue, came back from a multi year hiatus and began posting again. Given the circumstances of GameStop stock suddenly increasing in value, the company decided to issue new shares in order to raise additional capital at the expense of diluting the share count.
Why are the apes particularly upset? For those not in the loop and to offer a grossly oversimplification, most of the apes believe that GameStop will eventually be worth trillions of dollars per share after the great M.O.A.S.S. event occurs. With this idea in mind, they have come up with a myriad of ways of trying to cause this event to happen. The primary method of which is to copy the language of cryptocurrency
HODL until the great wealth transfer and/or reckoning
As a result of this mentality, many apes have committed to DRSing their shares, which primarily has an effect of making it vastly harder to sell their shares and providing GME the opportunity to report how many DRS'd shares exist. This kind of The latest documents pertaining to how many reported DRS shares listed 75 million shares (at 15.5 USD per share) representing a portfolio of over 1 billion USD at the time of reporting. The apes theorized that this method will eventually help cause MOASS by 'proving' something (Naked shorts, fake shares, float is locked etc.)
For the sake of brevity, I won't be completely defining all of the financial words being used here, because it's quite frankly a vast rabbit hole that isn't needed to understand the drama taking place.
Sadly, GameStop distributed 45+75 million shares with the latest offerings, effectively negating over 3 years of accumulation by the apes in their attempt to cause M.O.A.S.S. through this method (Unless you put on the tinfoil and say that the DRS count is grossly underestimated), hence leading to this drama where the apes try to figure out what could possibly be going on.
GME: GameStop's stock ticker
M.O.A.S.S. (Mother Of All Short Squeezes): The event that causes every holder of GameStop to become infinitely wealthy; This isn't a sarcastic, there is a non-minority amount of apes who believe in the ability for GameStop to be worth more than the GDP of the entire world.
RK / Roaring Kitty or DFV / DeepFuckingValue: Considered a figure in the community that apes follow, he will be mentioned in these posts as he recently came back from a multiyear hiatus, but otherwise all you need to know is that he's one of the two individuals that cannot be insulted.
RC / Ryan Cohen: The current CEO of GameStop; the other individual that cannot be insulted and will be the main target in the upcoming linked drama, as he's the person with the power to cause the dilution in the first place.
Paperhands: To sell your holdings; selling is a socially discouraged move
DD: Generally used as broadly gesturing "there's due diligence that supports/rejects your conclusion"
Popcorn: Referring to AMC Theaters
AA - Adam Aron: The CEO of AMC, usually referenced in these discussions because he "sold out" the popcorn apes by diluting the AMC stock for money.
Shill: You might already know the definition of this word, but apes usually use this word for people against the idea of MOASS
Short(s): A financial term for describing someone that would make money from a stock given the stock falls in price. MOASS requires that shorts exist and in large amounts, because otherwise it would be real hard for a MOASS if there was no short squeeze. Can also be used to describe someone against GME
Hedgies: Shortform for "hedgefunds", a catch-all term for any organization against the success of GME / MOASS
HODL / Diamond Hands: Cryptocurrency and wallstreetbets lingo for "not selling"
Float: Financial term for the amount of shares that are distributed to investors for purchasing and moving around; MOASS requires that the float be 'small' or 'locked up' by people
The arguments are many
Serious talk about the share offering (13,057 points, 85% upvoted)
Check my post history. I've been here since the beginning and imo I am about as far from a shill as one can get without being DFV or one of the top wrinkle brains.
Author's note: Drink a shot every time you see a loyalty test
Thank you. This place is an echo chamber borderline cult mentality. RC himself said judge me on my actions not my words. Well his actions don’t seem to be in my favor.
RC is a billionaire, you do not become a billionaire without exploitation. You should have known he was not your ally.
I think we know more about our CEO than the user that has not been in this sub at all over the last three years. Are you even a GME investor or you just show up now to start talking fud? The DD still stands.
You’re exactly the problem that the OP is addressing
For pointing out that accounts claiming to have “been here from the beginning” have not, actually, been here at all? We’re all individual investors. If you or OP or anyone else has lost faith that the company aligns with your interests, don’t let us crayon eaters stop you. By all means, sell your position and walk. Short it, I don’t care. Coming here and screaming the roof is on fire over something we voted to let the company do? When their plans aren’t yet known? Over a failed gamma ramp that’s just another in a long line of failed gamma ramps? Sounds like this isn’t the investment for you, bye ✌️.
People have high high cost basis. Shutting down every volatility by issues shares is no better than popcorn. Fuck this shit
Are you really comparing popcorn to gme? GTFO. Man, between the shills, cry babies, and delusional people, this whole thread is a mess. You think it's the company's fault? If you have a high cost basis? Nobody made you buy at any price point. Literally a month ago shares were selling for $10. Now they made a bunch of money and the shares are 2.8 times what they were selling for a month ago. What in the hell you talking about?
Meh. I’m not a shill. You’re kind of a jerk if you get bent out of shape at people if every time GME seems poised to run, the company issues more shares. That’s about the only thing popcorny here.
"Every time". LOL. Please, lay out your examples. This is absolutely not true. Gme has run up and come back down a number of times without any action or intervention by the company at all. I'm not going to argue with you about me being a jerk. Sometimes I am. You definitely have memory issues or are delusional though. Seriously, lay out for me the dates when gme was poised to run up and then the company diluted the stock "Everytime". I've been following the stock for years man. A line like that might work on somebody new but anybody who's been following the stock knows you're full of BS.
Said if. You’re a jerk. Blocked
1. MOASS is not guaranteed. I would lean more towards unlikely. 2. RC's job, as CEO, is the future of the company. Not short term holders and squeezes. Downvote engage. I like the stock.
I'm a long-term holder and have been for over 2 years, holder of GME for over 3. The fact that you can even say MOASS is not likely and be fine with it is disturbing. I didn't buy into GME for some regular long-term play. I bought GME for MOASS. No MOASS and I'm gone.
Then you should be gone? MOASS is only possible, like in the real world where real numbers and real money exists, if the entire financial industry crumples, and the federal government pays out people who own one particular stock, but not the rest. You have to believe in a world where Intel, Boeing, Ford, et al would be last in line for federal guarantees, but GameStop would be first. You have to believe all of that for MOASS to be real. So, why are you still holding?
Lol I'm not entertaining an actual shill comment. I'll disagree and argue with other apes but you can fuck right off.
Upvote only if you still believe MOASS is still coming (24,864 points, 76% upvoted)
How did this post with minimal content get 2,800 upvotes in a little over an hour at midnight when the sub is mostly dead??? Were these upvotes paid for or is some actor pushing this to the top of SuperStonk forcing the masses to think this is the subs consensus?
I’m not a bot or shill. You can check my post history. I never expected this to blow up either. Figured posting late on Friday was going to be pretty dead but just seeking some consensus of thoughts based on todays events
In the last 14 minutes this post has gone from 2800 to almost 3700 upvotes (1:16am to 1:30am). You also have over 250 comments and you’ve only replied to 4. 3 of them are accusing you of bot upvotes and karma farming. The 4th one asked what price you plan to sell at and you answered that you have a price in mind with 3 digits. Sorry you’re sus. That upvote rate seems unrealistic this late at night, and your few responses to comments are sus. Mods if you see this might want to look into this post and guy. For reference, I posted a Happy Birthday post to DFV with a clip from his stream today not long after this post. DFVs birthday got 160 upvotes in the same time (while being #1 in rising), yet you got 3700 with no content, just doesn’t make sense.
MOASS being in question at all is pretty telling that people are nowhere near as committed to GME as they claim.
No asking questions allowed! Only blind, cultish faith!
Never said that, but you do you. I'm not "questioning" leadership until there is a concrete reason to. Hardly cultish faith.
Plenty of concrete reasons to. But if you’re holding your ears and eyes closed, you can’t tell the difference
How will it be coming when the company themself decides to fuck us over with dilution? Everything was aligned, we had momentum with all the speculation around earnings, DFV positions etc, but they decide to completely wreck it by diluting our shares. Not to mention years of DRS work were also wiped out just within a month. There’s no chance that RC isn’t fucking with investors at this point. Getting stabbed by the company themself rather than the enemies really hurts
Are you so regarded that you think companies can magically transform their business without cash???
You are missing his point. This is about giving lives to short when they appeared to be cornered. Not once, twice, but 3 times. RC couldve done it at any other time but at the short killing momentum. How do we know if the 4th aint coming? What would you say if the 4th one is coming at the next up?
I'd say fuck yes, keep generating cash?
That is not a retail friendly way to generate cash my guy.
Maybe RC can start an onlyfans? How else would you propose we generate 5 billion dollars?
Why Not Wait Until Tuesday To Dilute? (40 points, 57% upvoted)
Sounds like you should sell and move on. Not me, tho.
Sounds like you should team up with Jim and suck some horses!
[Deleted user, removed comment]
Buddy, if you don't know what you've invested in, maybe that's a sign it isn't for you. For me I know I've invested in a company with management I personally trust, transitioning away from a legacy business with a rabidly passionate investor base. There's also an added bonus of Wall Street likely being heavily short the stock which may accelerate the timeframe on my ROI.
Added bonus? You got the whole story wrong here, buddy. We are here for the MOASS,the business is the added bonus. Not the other way around. No one was thinking about the business in January 2021, no one was kissing RCs ass, we came for the MOASS and to punish some hedgies. I don't know how you got it all mixed up.
We're in the Endgame now. (5,017 points, 86% upvoted)
If you don’t have conviction in RC and board to turn the company and deliver the short killshot. What the fuck have you been doing the last 3 years? I have conviction. I buy when the value is attractive. I hold. I’m chill. Cheers everyone.
Short kill shot? He did the opppsite lmao. He gave them shares to get out without a squeeze. Literally did The opposite of a killshot
The only killshot is turning the company around into a successful profit churning machine. Why would shorts ever close otherwise? They would just short the top of the squeeze again and walk away with more.
lol. Do you not see how ridiculous you sound? This sub is one million strong. Do you think this sub has a million people because “GME is a long term investment”? Honestly this is peak delusion. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of company that have a better growth prospect than GameStop. You’re fucked if you can’t see that. Like this sub has more people subscribed than the NVDA sub, but you’re actually regarded if you think GME has a better growth prospect than NVDA. There is no reason to be here if you want to invest in GME long term. They don’t even have a fucking plan lmao. But yea, blindly trust Ryan Cohen. GME is dead if there is no MOASS.
My favorites are the shills who claim to be OG apes. Just a couple hours ago, one got pissy when I called him a shill and responded with "I've been holding longer and gave more shares!" 🤣
What is a shill to you though? Anyone who doesn’t share your sentiment? Because that’s what I’ve been seeing on this sub for a long time. I have been here for 3 1/2 years and I am pissed about the share dilution. That doesn’t make me a shill, it makes me a human being with an opinion. Jesus Christ.
The ones who are now saying they don't trust RC. Here's something to consider: The Hedgies were definitely gonna short it & drive the price down before, during & after the live stream. Absolutely no question about that. GameStop announced the ATM, and have either sold or not sold. If they sold, they did it when the momentum was gonna get killed, anyway. Which is really the best time to do it. Sort of like ripping the band-aid off all at once. They raise capital & won't have to worry about killing momentum later. If they didn't sell, then all of Friday's movement rests squarely on the Hedgies manipulating the price. Retail didn't cause those moves. This just further proves the manipulation. Plus, GME can now sell 75 million shares during MOASS to create a HUGE war chest for future improvements.
Endgame my ass!! This is bullshit that they chopped the legs outta momentum. For all you fucks that say options are bad your the real shills. Buying calls is a bullish sign. Time decay happens and when you fuck it up people have aright to be pissed. Golden opportunity pissed down the drain by the timing of the announcement
Hey shill check your post from 2 yrs ago that’s how I feel today but not by some big bad hedgies it’s worse it was done by my CEO.
The fact that you bothered to go through my posts that long is a strong indication you’re not a regular person because nobody who isn’t paid is going to that effort. This is the last response I’m bothering to give you
Lmao shill ass dude
get a real job
Actually this time is different RC printing shares and diluting. Dude literally scraped away all DRS value. Not shitting on GameStop but definitely want to know why he scraped $3-6 Billion away from shareholders
Then why do yall worship the guy?
He’s a fucking ceo of the company we invested in. Worship is such a loaded word that is meant to cause an emotional reaction in us and you. You’re actually the deluded one if you think about it for a few minutes… he’s our ceo and we trust him.
Its not a loaded word lmao. You dont treat RC the way you have ever treated the ceo of literally any other company you ever invested in, and you know that. You can pretend that you just love the company you havent shopped at for years all you want. You're in this sub for the squeeze just like everyone else.
They came out full force yesterday. Haters, shills, and anyone who came in for a quick buck are pissing their pants from a small dip. Diamond hands.
So you think being pissed about share dilution is a shill tactic? Guess what. When I woke up yesterday morning and saw the news I knew the price was going to drop and kill the ITM options. I didn’t care about that. What I cared about was the dilution. No one told me this, no one shilled. I came to a realization on my own. Share dilution sucks. The good thing is that if gme has 5 billion in the bank, that means that there are almost 12 bucks per share and nearly no debt. So that should be the absolute minimum it can go now. Bad thing is that our shares are each a smaller percentage of the company and if we want to 100% lock the float we have to buy up more than 100 million more shares. That sucks. I’m also pissed about the timing. That sucked too. I hold but I’m tired. I think we deserve answers soon. We’re not just a billionaires cash machine
You have to break a few eggs if you want to make an omelette. I think there's a lot more to this situation than any of us know. We'll find out in due time.
There’s always a super secret plan that we can’t tell you until it’s time. I hope you’re right but I’m starting to get tired of this
Then bail out. Seriously. If you don't trust the leadership and you don't trust RC and you feel negative about the company then why are you invested in it? I don't get it. What's with you people who think RC and the leadership is terrible, but you're invested in them? Never invest in a company that I didn't trust the leadership. That would be insane. No offense but if you feel that bearish then why don't you get out? Personally after yesterday I'm even more bullish. More bullish than I ever have been before and I'm very excited about the next two weeks.
You know what? This place Is a fucking cult! “Leave if you don’t like it!” Jesus bro.
If you really don't trust them then it is very good advice to not invest. Why would you invest in a company that you don't trust? Seriously! I would never never never do that. I do trust the leadership and that's why I'm here.
Blind trust is absolute stupidity
I agree with you. Are you commenting on yourself?
I’m the one asking questions, ya dumb shit
You say shills but it’s most likely regular people just tired
Yea I’m the shill look at my post history 😂
Not going to waste effort but if you’re tired of holding just sell and get out. Spending your free time trying to spread angst is weird as fuck when the scenario objectively has never been bullish
submitted by RandomRDThrowaway4 to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:08 newyork0120 Disney, Cracker Barrel, Bud Light, And The Corporate Bureaucracy

It’s no secret that Disney isn’t doing well lately - they just laid off nearly 15% of the workforce at Pixar, their movie studio that used to produce guaranteed hits, but Pixar’s recent films “Elemental” and “Lightyear” were bombs, and the division hasn’t turned a profit in more than two years. People just didn’t go for the strained interracial/immigrant metaphor in “Elemental” or the same-sex kiss in “Lightyear,” or the rehashed, stale vibe of both projects.
Additionally, Disney’s much-touted “fully immersive” “Star Was”hotel called the “Galactic Starcruiser,” shut down late last year, after operating for less than two years - Disney had spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the project, apparently on the theory that people cared so much about the “Star Wars” brand that they’d be willing to spend thousands of dollars for the privilege of staying two nights in a windowless concrete building posing as a spaceship. That didn’t pan out; apparently people weren’t excited to stay in a hotel where the experience is seemingly designed to be as aggressively unpleasant as possible.
Now, that same quarter, Disney’s streaming service, Disney+, reported a loss of more than a million subscribers, and that’s not even getting into Disney’s decision to get involved in Florida politics, on the side of activist teachers who want to talk to kindergartners about “gender identity” and “sexual orientation.”
Faced with this brand collapse, Disney had two options: One option was to retool their content to focus on entertainment and family values instead of activism, which is what Disney used to do when it was a universally beloved and much more financially successful company - they can get back to their roots, in other words, and not in the sense of churning out more remakes, but in the sense of being a company that makes wholesome family films that capture a real sense of wonder and imagination.
But the other option was to keep doing exactly what they’ve been doing, and continue to shove the same agenda—the equity/representation/LGBTQ approach—that they’ve been pushing for years now.
Well, eight months ago, Disney’s CEO, Bob Iger, publicly pledged to pursue the first option: He declared that Disney would refocus its efforts on entertainment, not political messaging - that was the plan, or at least the plan that was shared with the public, but that’s not what has happened.
Disney, over the past eight months, has apparently decided to double down on agenda-driven content, to the point that they’re now openly attacking their own fans. It’s a remarkable turn of events, and it’s one that’s worth discussing because this development is not unique to Disney. And it suggests that “wokeness,” as we call it, may not be the best way to describe what we’re seeing at Disney and other major corporations like it. That’s PART of what we’re seeing, but there’s something else going on here as well. It looks a lot like corporate mediocrity run amok - the private-sector version of what we see across the public-sector bureaucracy. Unimpressive people with impressive-sounding credentials, who check the right demographic boxes, are taking the helm of businesses and products that they don’t understand. They’ve insinuated themselves into these companies like a cancer that’s evidently impossible to remove, and even when the company CEO publicly tells them one thing, they’re free to do another.
Now, to get a better idea of what I mean, take a look at this interview from the other day, featuring Leslye Headland, the creator of the new Disney “Star Wars” show, “The Acolyte.” Now, I don’t want to prejudice you in any way, so I’ll just play the clip with no further introduction: This is the showrunner talking about her show.
So don’t worry about the story, or the plot, or the characters—who has time for that?—instead, just listen to these two women call old “Star Wars” characters gay, and then giggle like schoolgirls. They are excited that this new “Star Wars” show will be the gayest “Star Wars” show yet - which is, in every way, the exact opposite of what the audience actually wants. NOBODY has watched the recent “Star Wars” films and shows, and said to themselves, “You know, this would be better if only it was even gayer.” No one has thought that, except for the people behind this show.
Now, the only thing you learn from that interview is that Leslye Headland is gay and has no respect whatsoever for her audience or her own show - this is how Disney is promoting the latest entry in a franchise they spent $4 billion to buy a decade ago, and that has a lot of fans wondering how exactly she was CHOSEN for the role of showrunner. If her role is to push some subversive woke ideology, she’s not being very subversive about it. She’s just angering as many fans as she possibly can, and that’s all this is.
And she’s not the only one doing this: the CEO of Lucasfilm—a woman named Kathleen Kennedy—just came out in defense of her showrunner - Kennedy declared that if you’re not a fan of how Leslye Headland is handling herself, then you probably hate women.
I think Leslye has struggled a little bit with it. I think a lot of the women who step into Star Wars struggle with this a bit more. Because of the fan base being so male-dominated, they sometimes get attacked in ways that can be quite personal. … My belief is that storytelling does need to be representative of all people. That’s an easy decision for me.
Yes, she really said that. “Storytelling does need to be representative of all people,” says the CEO of Lucasfilm, as she mocks her own fanbase. These people are so dumb that they don’t even understand the words coming out of their own mouths - “Representative of all people,” really? Are they gonna have eight billion characters in this show, one for each person on Earth? How exactly is this going to work? Is storytelling supposed to be “representative of all people”—whatever that means—or is it supposed to be representative of the distinct creative vision of the storyteller?
I was gonna show some more clips of these women, but it’s honestly too painful to subject you to - these are people who can’t even communicate without descending into valley girl nonsense, and they’re putting together shows that they expect millions of people to watch. Kathleen Kennedy was lucky enough to work with Steven Spielberg, and Leslye Headland worked on rom-coms with titles like “Sleeping With Other People,” so those are their credentials, and they’re considered impressive in the industry, I guess, so they get to continue butchering “Star Wars.”
By the way, “The Acolyte” was released this week and—as has become a new tradition for “Star Wars” films and shows—it has a very high critics score on Rotten Tomatoes, like, 88%, but a failing grade of 45% from the audience. That is the dynamic we always see now with these things.
Joel Berry, who apparently subjected himself to at least some of the show, offered this review:
The Acolyte is a queer, Marxist vandalization of the myth of Star Wars. In The Acolyte, the Force is a metaphor for cultural hegemonic power. The Jedi are a metaphor for cisgender white oppressors who hoard the power for themselves. Yes, it really is that obnoxious and stupid.
The account Wall Street Silver offered this viewer warning:
The Acolyte, Star Wars new series streaming, very woke. 1) main character has two mothers 2) main Jedi characters are all Black and Asian, no white men 3) only speaking role for white men in first episode is prisoners on prison ship.
So Disney has decided to right the ship by ramming it directly into another iceberg. And that’s not to pick on “The Acolyte” too much, although it obviously deserves it. Because of the fact that Disney is now pumping out “Star Wars” shows on an assembly line, there’s another one that I can mock as well, it’s called “Tales of the Empire,” and this one is apparently geared towards kids, and I guess it features a nonbinary Jedi, based on how all of the characters use “they/them” pronouns to refer to his corpse - If you can get through it, here it is:
SITH 1: “They’re still alive. We need to get them to the ship. We can save them!”
SITH 2: “Forget it. Let them die. It’s not worth the trouble.”
SITH 1: “They were about to surrender!”
SITH 2: “Irrelevant! The Jedi are a threat to be eradicated wherever they are found.”
That’s the one where that bad guy KILLS someone, but then still respects that person’s pronouns after having murdered them. So that’s nice, at least.
This is the result of Disney’s big plan to focus on “entertainment” and not “messaging:” We have nonbinary Jedis and girl bosses making sure we get the gayest “Star Wars” ever,” and that’s not all.
As Bloomberg recently reported, Disney is now banking on the upcoming film “Inside Out 2” as the, “key to restoring the magic” - they think this film—a sequel to a movie from 2015–is going to be a smash hit, to the point that they’re going to give it a 100-day run in theaters. As Bloomberg reports:
If families show up for Inside Out 2 in the kinds of numbers Pixar used to see, it will reaffirm the studio’s standing. But if the movie fails, it will fuel concerns about the company’s relevance.
And by the way, the whole article is kind of funny because it’s all about how Disney has come up with their brilliant strategy to get back on track, and their brilliant strategy is to do more sequels and remakes. And of course, anyone who reads that is like, “Isn’t that what you’ve been doing the whole time? Isn’t that the ONLY thing you’ve done for 20 years, now?”
Now, what is “Inside Out 2” gonna be about? It’s hard to say because it’s not out yet, but after some Googling, I came across this headline from an outlet called, and here’s their assessment based on the trailer:
The long-awaited sequel to Disney and Pixar’s Inside Out isn’t hitting theaters until this summer, but the official trailer dropped this week…and it’s looking a little gay. … Fans think Inside Out 2 is going to be gay AF.
And how brave is that? They’re also gonna, I guess, gay-ify “Inside Out,” or maybe they will - which was kind of a middling Pixar entry in the first place. Is that the direction they’re going with it? Who knows, but based on the fact that they can’t make ANYTHING that isn’t gay, we can assume the answer to that question is probably yes.
And ALL of this is very woke. That’s true. It’s also incredibly lame and stale and unimaginative, and that would also be an apt descriptor for what Disney is doing with its theme parks. As the writer Peachy Keenan documented on X/Twitter, Disney is currently re-theming their famous “Splash Mountain” ride because the ride was racist for some reason, and they’re creating a politically correct version of the new ride—so they’re doing this even with the rides now—Keenan watched all of Disney’s promotional materials, and she put together a comparison of the old ride with the new one. Basically, the new ride won’t have Princess Tiana in a nice dress with a handsome prince, or even a storyline of any kind, I guess, because that’s too archaic and patriarchal:
Instead, you get a lot of dead space, repeated boring animatronic who look like zombies compared to the Pirates animatronics, and Tiana—incredibly—in ugly baggy pants, no makeup, no nonsense hair, zero glamour. … It’s Girl Boss Tiana and she’s dressed like a Jungle Cruise.
That’s the direction they’re going with their theme parks. Sounds thrilling. Now, I was trying to figure out why all of this is happening at Disney—why they’re sabotaging their own brand, despite what the CEO said they’d do—and it’s clear that, whatever’s going on here, it’s not unique to Disney.
Consider what just happened at Cracker Barrel. Their CEO is a woman named Julie Felss Masino, she took the job last year. Previously, she worked at Taco Bell, Mattel, Sprinkles Cupcakes, Starbucks, and Macy’s. And of course, the clientele of every single one of these companies is very different from the typical Cracker Barrel clientele, which skews older, but in general, her old jobs were mostly in the food industry, just like ”The Acolyte” showrunner’s jobs were mostly in the entertainment industry, and that’s good enough, so Julie Masino got the job.
Unfortunately, it’s not working out too well. Masino just announced on a call with investors that the company is, “just not as relevant as we once were.” Because, you know, when think of Cracker Barrel, you think of “relevant” - that’s why Cracker Barrel’s customers got there, because it’s so relevant. But now it’s NOT as relevant so they need to make it relevant again, she said. And, to “ignite growth,” she said, it’s necessary to “revitalize” the brand. She then outlined a bunch of generic initiatives like rewards programs that every other restaurant offers, and her announcement—because people know what that really means when you have one of these mediocre corporate people saying that “we’re gonna revitalize the brand and make it relevant again,” everyone knows what that means, everyone knows where that goes—and because of that, the stock went down 11% immediately, putting it down nearly 50% in the past year - and why WOULDN’T the stock drop? The new CEO clearly views Cracker Barrel as completely indistinguishable from every other place that she’s ever worked - if anything, she probably HATES the brand, and we can assume she hates the brand’s primarily blue collar, Christian clientele.
We saw something similar with that Bud Light VP, Alissa Heinerscheid, when she dismissed her own customers as “fratty” and said Bud Light needed a rebrand, and that’s when they brought on Dylan Mulvaney, and we all know how that turned out. So Alissa Heinerscheid, like Julie Masino, had great credentials—she went to Harvard and Wharton, and had worked at big companies like Listerine and General Mills—but she didn’t understand Bud Light or care about the customers—in fact, she HATED the customers and was very open about that—and so she destroyed the brand.
Now the same thing is probably unfolding at Cracker Barrel. And it’s a very slow-motion, preventable collapse. On social media, someone using the handle “Pine Barron” summed up the problem better than I’ve seen elsewhere - here’s what he wrote, describing an alternative to Cracker Barrel’s current CEO:
Imagine a CEO who actually loved Midwestern and Southern culture. What about pop up concerts and endorsements by Zach Bryan and Morgan Wallen? Why not lean into its heritage as an ‘after church’ spot and create programs for church groups including discounts and shuttle bus services. Grassroots evangelical support has made huge hits of movies like the Sound of Freedom and restaurant chains like Chik-Fil-A. … Imagine a public company with leadership that didn’t hate the blue collar evangelical population. There are so many obvious partnership opportunities with brands like NASCAR or country music stars. I don’t think this is wokeness or girlbossery per se, but rather typical corporate mediocrity. … They hired a generic MBA type who built a career on the massive brand equity of Yum Brands and Starbucks. … Just a cog in the corporate machine. I hope we will see titans of industry again but this is not how we’ll get them.
That does a fairly good job of putting into perspective everything we’ve been seeing over the past few years at Disney, Bud Light, and so many other major corporations. And I think it’s a more apt explanation than simply chalking all of this decline up to “wokeness.”
This trend of hiring interchangeable CEOs with resumes and trendy demographics has been an unmitigated disaster because it overlooks what the leader of every company should have, at a bare minimum, which is an understanding of their product and a genuine respect for their customers. Without that, you get shows like “The Acolyte.” You get Dylan Mulvaney and angry customers, and your stock collapses along with your brand.
All the combined efforts of feminism and diversity and equity and wokeness have brought us to this point, all of those things together. But it’s bureaucracy and inertia that keeps it alive, long after everyone’s tired of it. And that inertia is the reason why—whether you’re going to a restaurant or a movie theater—you’re now guaranteed a product that’s as mediocre as the people who created it.
submitted by newyork0120 to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:11 Infinite-Barracuda97 GooDee YG600 Plus 4K Projector Review: Is This Budget Beast Worth It?

GooDee YG600 Plus 4K Projector Review: Is This Budget Beast Worth It?
Fed up with your tiny TV screen?
Craving the cinematic experience without the hefty price tag?
Meet the GooDee YG600 Plus 4K Projector, a budget-friendly contender that promises a lot.
But does it deliver?
Strap in, because we're about to dissect this projector's guts and see if it's the real deal.


BEST PRICE on the GooDee YG600 Plus 4K Projector here:

First Impression

This ain't my first rodeo with projectors. I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. So when the GooDee YG600 Plus landed on my doorstep, I was skeptical, to say the least. But hey, I'm always up for a surprise.
Unboxing this thing felt like unwrapping a Christmas present. It's sleek, compact, and looks a hell of a lot more expensive than it is. Setting it up was a breeze, even for a technophobe like me. Just plug it in, connect your device, and boom, you're ready to roll.
The first thing that hit me was the picture quality. It's surprisingly crisp and clear for a projector in this price range. The colors are vibrant, the blacks are deep, and the details are sharp. I fired up a few of my favorite movies, and let me tell you, it felt like I was right back in the theater.
Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. This isn't some high-end, thousand-dollar projector. It has its limitations. But for the price, it's damn impressive.

Key Features

4K Resolution & 600 ANSI Lumens: This little beast boasts 4K resolution, which means your movies and games are going to look razor-sharp. The 600 ANSI lumens brightness is decent for a dimly lit room, but don't expect it to blow you away in broad daylight.
Fast & Stable WiFi & Bluetooth Connection: The YG600 Plus comes with both 2.4G and 5G WiFi, so you can stream your content without any lag. Plus, the Bluetooth 5.2 connectivity lets you hook up your favorite wireless speakers or headphones for an immersive audio experience.
300" Max Screen & Zoom Function: This projector can throw a massive 300-inch image, which is perfect for turning your living room into a home theater. The zoom function is also a nice touch, allowing you to adjust the screen size without moving the projector.
Dolby Audio & Built-in Hi-Fi Stereo Speaker: The built-in speakers are surprisingly decent for casual viewing. But for the full cinematic experience, I'd recommend connecting an external sound system.


Picture Quality: Seriously impressive for the price. Colors pop, details are sharp, and motion is smooth.
Easy Setup: Plug and play, baby. No complicated menus or settings to fiddle with.
Portable: This projector is small and lightweight, so you can easily take it with you wherever you go.
Affordable: This is the real kicker. You're getting a lot of bang for your buck with this projector.


Brightness: It's decent in a dark room, but struggles in bright light.
Sound Quality: The built-in speakers are okay, but not great. You'll want to connect an external sound system for the best audio experience.
Fan Noise: The fan can be a bit noisy, especially if you're sitting close to the projector.

Final Thoughts

So, is the GooDee YG600 Plus 4K Projector worth it? Hell yes. It's not perfect, but it's a damn good projector for the price.
If you're looking for an affordable way to upgrade your home theater, this is a solid choice. It's perfect for movie nights, gaming sessions, or even just watching YouTube videos on a giant screen.

Best Price On GooDee YG600 Plus 4K Projector

I've scoured the web to find you the best deal on the GooDee YG600 Plus 4K Projector. Click the link below to avoid getting ripped off:
submitted by Infinite-Barracuda97 to carverscave [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 04:19 Hoseokwrld AITAH for thinking my mom should drive me to school

My mom (46F) is a veteran that is retired and gets a paycheck every month from the government and from my dad for child support. Recently, we moved from Orlando to Texas and we moved again from our apartment in Texas to this rented house still in Texas. when we first for to Texas I was put in the BEST school in my opinion, I had a fair group of friends that let me be me and I had teachers that said I was going to do great in the dance team and on the production team for theater, but my mom wanted to move to this other house that was far away from the school but was rejected. So she went to these rentable houses and it’s near our rival school ( the school is no good for the stuff I want to pursue in and wasn’t good at there education, all they cared about was the football team and the track team) she made me go to that school and move away from all my friends I made, I’m still in contact with a few but because the school schedules are different we really can’t talk, but towards the end of the year at this new school I asked the counselor about homeschooling and she asked if I didn’t like it hear and if I wanted to go back to my old school. At first I was confused cause my mom said they won’t let me go to the old school because im so close to the new school but my counselor said im able to apply for a transfer. I was so happy so I went and told my friends but after a while I got mad because I realized my mom lied to me, but after school I went to my mom told her about it and the first thing she said was “how are you going to get to school” I said I would ask the counselor if there’s a buss that comes down here but she said there is no bus. So I went to my sister and asked my sister if she could drive me in the morning and my mom come pick me up ( she’s already driving me too and from school now) my sister said yes so when I went to my mom she started yelling at me saying how she can’t drive me cause she had VA appointments and doesn’t have time (she barley gets VA appointments) so I walked away and went to my room and for the next couple of weeks I ignored her and tried to bring out convos to one word responses but she started yelling at me and telling me to stay in a child’s place and to fix my attitude. So I went to my friends and asked them about it and they said there mom doesn’t care about their appointments, they try to worry more about our academics instead.( my friends have veteran parents too) fast forward a week or too she’s always screaming at me about how she doesn’t have the money for stuff but is buying herself plants and furniture, so when I asked her for 30 dollars to pay for my dance team she started yelling and getting mad that I asked my dad for the money. And a couple of days later my sister(25 F) called my mom and my grandma saying how she’s leaving her tattoo shop that she works at to get a rentable studio and it’s only $500 and my mom and grandma volunteered to help pay the 500 monthly. When she told me this I got silent and was looking at her mad and screaming in my head that when me, a minor; still in high school asks you to drive me 10 minutes to a school that’s good for my future you say no because you don’t have the money or when I ask you for atleast 15 $ (half of the dance team tuition) you’re screaming at me but when my sister who is engaged to a man who just bought a new car asks you for 500 you drop everything and give her what she wants meanwhile your still in Highschool child has to beg her father to tell her mother to be a mother and take care of her.
submitted by Hoseokwrld to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:31 BreakerBoy6 D-Day Anniversary 2024

Salutations and thanks to those who served in the United States's last and most recent war. Of the men and women who served in World War Two, less than 1% remain with us.
My grandfather, a West Sider like his own forefathers, stormed Normandy in Operation Overlord on that fateful day, went on to fight the Battle of the Bulge, and lived to return. Father-in-law, who also survived, served in the Pacific theater, spending years on a carrier, and was gearing up to invade Japan when that was obviated by Little Boy and Fat Man, God help us all.
Looking around at what has become of the country they risked everything to defend, I find myself morally and viscerally repulsed at what has been done with what they left us. A Pentagon run thoroughly amok, and imperiously disinclined to account for trillions upon trillions upon trillions of dollars, year after year after year — while American children and elderly — WW2 veterans' very own descendants — are left to rot in literal shitholes for lack of funds.
Honor and gratitude to those who served.
submitted by BreakerBoy6 to Scranton [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:20 zefpomp [H] Crypto, PayPal, CashApp, Zelle [H] Amazon/Prepaids [W] MANY Different Gift Cards [W] Crypto

I am a daily/long term buyer looking for the following gift cards:
Amazon(US, DE, UK, CA)**, Apple/iTunes, eBay, Gyft, eGifter, Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Home Depot, Lowes, Prepaid Visa/Mastercard**, GameStop, Steam, PSN, Razor Gold, Giant Eagle, Nike, Newegg, Sheetz, Staples, CostCo, Dollar General, CVS, Starbucks, DoorDash, Uber, Grubhub, and more!
**I am looking for frequent and/or bulk Amazon gift card sellers.
**Prepaids include tremendous, prepaiddigitalsolutions, myprepaidcenter, and many more.
The above list is not all inclusive, if you have another gift card you wish to trade, feel free to send me a message.
I am currently NOT buying: Disney, Google Play, Nintendo, Dominos, McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, Texas Roadhouse, Forever21, American Eagle, Chewy, Top Golf, Anything airline/theater related, or any type of subscription gift cards.
Most rates are 70%++, but my rates will fluctuate depending on the retailer, payment method, personal need, and the total amount/denominations. Please do not contact me asking for rates above 80%. I will attempt to beat other offers.
I can pay via Crypto(typically USDT, USDC, BTC, LTC), PayPal, CashApp, and Zelle. I can trade Amazon gift cards for other gift cards.


Amazon US
Stock: ~$1000, various denominations(typically $50-$250)
Price: 80-79% via Crypto
New stock daily, looking for redeemers
400x1 tremendous @ 88%
100x20 - thegiftcardshop
25x23 - giftbit @ 82%
25x48 - PDS/mypaymentvault @ 84%
90x7, 54, 50x7, 38x10, 35x10, 30x3, 27x3, 25x34, 20x42 - MPC @ 86-79%
submitted by zefpomp to GCTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:49 AsunaYuuki837373 Friday update

Friday update
Furiosa: After enjoying a very good holiday yesterday, the movie had another great day with a 24% drop from last Friday. Will clear 10 million dollars tomorrow no problem and is looking to be a very needed leggy run.
The RoundUp Punishment: Continues its run with a 25% drop from last Friday. Will crack 11.4 million admits tomorrow.
Bad Boy Ride or Die: Good audience score with a 94 but it won't have a great run
The Plot: A 77% collapse from last Friday.
Haikyuu: With an elite 6% drop from last Friday. Should make a run at 5 million if IO2 doesn't kill its theaters.
Garfield: Increase by 250% from last Friday. It broke 2 million dollars!
Inside out 2: The reservation has jumped to 17.8% on CGV. It should have a great weekend as families tend to book movies during the weekend. As expected, this movie is going to rival Wonka for the title of biggest foreign movie. I will say the quality of this movie if good could make this all very interesting.
submitted by AsunaYuuki837373 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:48 Pitiful_Deer4909 AITAH for telling my father-in-law that my sister-in-law is dangerously overweight, and he enables her?

A little backstory: what's usually means a lot of backstory LOL but here goes:
My sister-in-law was born with a lot of medical complications. She has had numerous surgeries before she reached adulthood, and plenty more as an adult. She is a miracle baby, and despite many bad diagnosis she has overcome many of them. Her life is a full but complicated one, that I am very proud to be a part of.
She has very limited mobility, she can use a walker minimally, cannot walk on her own at all, she needs to be able to hold on to walls, railings, or she can also be guided with a gate belt, or your hands. She's also has very limited vision, adding to some of the mobility issues. Mostly in public she uses a wheelchair, that is manual, and whoever companies her pushes her and said wheelchair. She can transfer to chairs, the car, on her own for the most part, but needs to be watched and guided.
Her and I clicked immediately. She was the first person in my partners family I connected to, and our friendship is very genuine and close. A few years ago I became her PCA. She didn't like day programs due to her having social issues. She has very limited but hyper focused interests, and doesn't like to talk about much outside of them, so it is very difficult for her to socialize with others who arent understanding of this.
Her birth parents are also quiz essential "my daughter is handicapped so I have to do little thing for her" parents who I have come across a lot in my career. It isn't an out of ordinary thing, but the lack of doing things for oneself and lack of Independence can cause great issues. Her parents divorced at a young age and it was very tough on her. There have been a few Court battles over custody of her, and it has been a wild ride. All of this drama has been over for at least a decade before her and I met. Addiction also runs in the family, although not very obviously, and very high functioning. Due to her birth mother neglecting her in her early years after the divorce, and not feeding her proper meals, she's developed this fixation on food. Her birth father remarried rather quickly after the divorce, and her stepmother and her family are all wonderful people who have worked a lot with people with disabilities, or the elderly, or group homes, etc etc. They have made great strides in my SIL's life and well-being. But they also work full-time, on top of managing many things like aging parents, live in grandchildren, cooking meals, etc. This is one of the reasons why I was able to step in as a PCA.
Currently she is just under 5 ft tall, and the last time I attended a doctor appointment with her a year ago, she was 243 lb s. She has since gained weight, because her clothes are no longer fitting. It is becoming a great issue, because not only is this a concern for an average person, someone with very limited mobility being this overweight is extremely dangerous and detrimental to her independence.
In the past before I was in the picture, there was a short period of time where the whole family (dad, stepmom, grandparents, and her) got very into eating well and fitness. She learned healthier habits, and stuck to them for a while and lost weight. But a few years before covid, the habit started slipping, and when covid hit, a lot changed. I started becoming her PCA towards the end of covid.
Every activity, volunteer work, project, that we do is somehow connected to food. She's been volunteering at two places for many years, when her father worked from home, and he was able to take her to them. After she completed her volunteer work, he always took her out to lunch at a fast food restaurant, or got her ice cream at an ice cream shop. And this girl doesn't just want two scoops of ice cream on a cone. She wants a large Sunday with all the fixings and three extra toppings on it, and when you try to talk her out of it she has a lot of temper tantrums, manipulation tactics etc. she also hates any form of exercise, and currently the average amount of exercise she gets daily is walking around the house a little bit to the bathroom, walking out to the car when we go somewhere, and then walking either to her wheelchair or if it's close to her destination and sitting.
It is an unspoken agreement that when her primary caregivers get too old that she will most likely wind up in my care. What is fine, I am completely okay with this and prepared for it. But what worries me is the excess weight, and her only getting bigger and bigger. Her and I are the same age. So by the time she's in her elderly years so will I. I already have delicate joints due to contracting Lymes disease at a very young age. I worry that if she gets too big she will no longer be able to walk or move at all, and it will be a situation of having to roll her to change a nappy, give her sponge bath throughout the week, and doing a once or twice a week big shower that would be an hour or two long event. I gently encourage her everyday to make better choices and to exercise a little bit more. Her family follows through for the most point, but they also enable her greatly. For instance, she's an extremely picky eater, and only likes junk. She will eat a salad, but she doesn't like tomatoes in it, green peppers, olives, onions, celery, kale, any fancy lettuce, or any other nutritious vegetable. It just has to be lettuce, carrots, red or orange bell pepper. She also has to have croutons on it, on top of crispy fried onions, and tortilla strips. She then drowns it in ranch dressing. Her stepmother and I have been slowly adding less and less of the fattier ingredients, but still it's not enough. She also eats this after eating a huge plate of dinner, as a agreement not to have a second or third portion. They claim it's better than her not eating vegetables, and it's the only way to get a salad into her so they view it as a compromise. I would agree with this if that were her meal and she had some chopped up chicken in it or something. But I'm not the one who raised her, and I have to tiptoe with my opinions on things very carefully.
In the past her father has been very tough on staff whenever they try to bring up issues they have with her. It seemed that every day program, group situation, PCA, or PARA she has worked with has been some horrible problem. He is the typical blame everything on staff and his daughter is doing nothing wrong, and they aren't doing their job type of parent. While as a father-in-law, he is great. I adore him, he is one of my best buddies, and in the in law department I feel like I've hit the jackpot. But I know I have to be very gentle when I approach situations regarding my sister-in-law. I can be more Frank with her stepmom about issues, because she understands, but generally she's at work and I don't want to wear her out with more stuff when she gets home. Her father works from home owning his own business, and is around during the day to talk to and help out.
Yesterday we went to the movies. This is something we do about once a month, or if there's something she likes that's playing. She doesn't want to go to a movie she doesn't want to see, but she also likes the movie going experience. She also loves popcorn, especially movie theater popcorn. She usually wants candy along with a drink, which tends to be a pretty hefty price, so I always get candy at the dollar store before we go. And I'm also not the one paying for the outing.
I am also on a diet right now. I am trying to get into better shape because I never lost my pregnancy weight, and my daughter is like eight now LOL. I have been meal prepping and on a big health kick. Her stepmom is also on a big health kick. This where is my sister-in-law because the last time her primary caregivers were on healthcare, she wound up on one too and wasn't very happy about it LOL.
Usually when we order our snacks at concessions, when the employee asked if we want extra butter, I usually hint at no, shake my head no, or say no. My SIL always wants extra butter. She wants so much butter that it'll soak through the popcorn holder and leak on to her pants. This is also how her father orders her popcorn at movies or other events. Yesterday before I could signal to the employee, she asked for a lot of extra butter. It was a large popcorn, and we got two medium drinks. I got a diet coke, she got a lemonade iced tea mix.
While the previews were playing, I looked up the calorie information on movie theater popcorn on the theater we were attending's website. Without extra butter a cup of movie theater popcorn is around 100 calories which is reasonable. So a large popcorn, which tends to be between 10 and 15 cups usually amounts to 1,000 to 1,500 calories. The extra butter, depending on the size of the popcorn, and how much the employee adds tends to be around 500 extra calories for a small, 500 to 800 extra calories on a medium, and about 600 to 900 extra calories on a large. After reading this and the nutritional value, I did not want to eat any of the popcorn. She finished the entire bucket, with just a little bit at the bottom. She also finished her entire drink, which was the size of a Big gulp cup you would get at a gas station. Since she didn't get diet soda, I'm guessing her drink had to at least have been 3 to 400 calories minimum. She also ate some candy which didn't amount to much, it was about half a bag of single serving size m&Ms. Not the ones you would put in a Halloween bag, but the one size up from that. So about the size of a Halloween bag one. She also had two nerds rope, and a couple of peach gummy rings. I didn't really add those to the grand total, and didn't want to make it a day of talking to her about food, I just wanted to enjoy the experience. I also couldn't have talked her out of the food, because the popcorn is her main reason for going to the movies. Every activity she does as I've stated before somehow circles around food.
When we get home, I was getting her situated and we were talking about how the movie was. She asked me what I thought of the popcorn, since this was our first time at this particular theater. I said I wasn't sure, I only tried a little bit because I don't usually eat movie theater popcorn when it has extra butter. Her father interrupts us jokingly acting shocked, stating you can't have movie popcorn without extra butter, making her laugh. He went back to work in the dining room, and I snuck out to him, and informed him that extra butter on the popcorn she ate probably was at least 500 calories, but was more likely closer to the 700 to 800 range. And that she ate almost the entire thing of popcorn, which was around 1200 calories without the extra butter. That with the drinks and the candy, was probably more than what she should eat in an entire day given her sedentary lifestyle, and her obesity. Her BMI I think is a 40 or a 50 I forget, but it's up there and it's a concern. I said it to him gently, and I danced around it the best I could. But he didn't look too happy hearing this information. I know there's no way in hell he 100% believes that she should be able to eat like this, and I've heard him make several comments about her overeating. It's been an issue we have all discussed, and agreed to work on. But it seems like he caves the most out of all of us. They also had waffles and ice cream for dinner last night. So that was probably another hefty amount of food. She probably ain't close to 4,000 calories yesterday because I forget what she had for breakfast but it's never healthy.
We've all been talking about making a healthier plan for her, and I don't want to be the bad guy all the time by being the one that pushes her about this the most, tries to limit her junk food intake the most I can, having her completely miserable and hating me all the time, while everyone else is giving her ice cream and 1200 calorie popcorn like it's nothing. After I made this comment, I can see a look of sadness in my father-in-law's eyes. I don't think he really wanted to hear me say that. But I also felt that it needed to be said. I also know my limits, and understand that I am not her guardian, and I do not make the rules regarding her care. But I do think I should be allowed some input, being that I spend a lot of time with her.
This conflict of interest is very tough on me, I didn't want to take the job when I was first offered it because I was afraid of situations like this. But the good from this job far outweighs the bad. I get to spend almost every day with my new best friend and sister, we get to go bowling, go swimming, do volunteer work, go to different events, go to the movies, make beautiful artwork together for her art show, bake and cook new things, think of all kinds of new projects, etc. I also really enjoy almost all of my in-laws, especially the ones that live with my sister-in-law. My partner's nieces also live in the house with my other sister-in-law, who I get to play with often, and generally enjoy their antics. The last thing I want to do is overstep, and jeopardize this job that I love. But I fear that if I don't start vocalizing some of these issues, they won't be addressed as quickly, and the situation could get worse. I understand that they have struggled with her weight her entire adult life, and much of her teenage years, I understand that it's extremely hard for her to exercise, with her limited mobility and her extreme dislike of exercise. I understand that some early traumas in her life as well as having the addict genetic causes her to have a very complicated relationship with food, and these things won't be solved overnight. I don't think they'll ever be truly solved, and that it'll be an ongoing lifestyle change, that we have to work on and keep up with.
Before I left last night, my father-in-law made a comment to me. We never argue, but I do know to read some of his jokes as serious information. He joked around about my sudden health nuttiness is causing me to overanalyze everyone else is eating habits. He said it in a funny way, I forgot the wording, and I believe part of him meant it as a joke as well. But I strongly believe another part of him meant it as telling me I am overstepping by seemingly judging what she eats at the movie theater or at other events.
I feel like I need a third party non-biased person to go to with my issues. I don't know how to go on from here, and I feel guilty about making such a big deal about the popcorn, when he was lightly trying to joke with his daughter. But these little light jokes and comments to cheer her up are doing a lot more harm than good, sometimes. And it's erroding all of the work and effort I've put into her, and others who have put into her.
But since I will likely be her caretaker in her old age, where she has a lot more health issues naturally, I feel like I have a right to say some of these things now, so I can hopefully build a few healthier habits with her, to make her and my life easier when we are elderly. Am I the a****** for overstepping on these things and having these concerns? Is this simply not my business, and I should continue doing my job? The last thing I want to do is make him or her family feel like they're failing her, or not doing enough. Because they go above and beyond for her everyday. And she, along with his other children are my father-in-law's true top priority.
submitted by Pitiful_Deer4909 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:54 flippenphil (Offer) Larger List (Request) June Universal Rewards, WB revived + 23/24 releases

Updated: 06/08/2024
All Codes Traded for personal use only, rewards used & Codes are split
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submitted by flippenphil to uvtrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:54 Malazander25 Quite a Bit Less Than "Wow"

I don't want to be assassinated for spoiling the warm and fuzzy kumbaya Nolan-worshiping love fest fest here, but as a scientist watching this big, clumsy epic for the 3rd time my original huh? what? reactions were confirmed.
Went back and watched about a dozen YouTube and text reviews and got the creepy feeling that most of the reviewers only understood the first 40 minutes of this pic and then mentally fast-forwarded. They all sounded pretty much the same: Matthew McConaughey is “intense and believable”. The action scenes are “exciting and compelling”. The visuals are “breathtaking”. Christopher Nolan is “daring” and “ahead of the curve”. The intellectual approach is “rare” and “well-researched” and blah blah blah. Agree with the first three assessments, especially because no one seems particularly interested in the logical flow of the story itself.
What exactly are these people trying to accomplish, and how? That just isn’t particularly clear to begin with and just gets murkier as the picture goes on. Won’t recap the story, that’s been done enough. I’ll just note what doesn’t gel. Bear with me:
OK, we’re some 50 or so years in the future and things are a bit different, i.e. the world’s crops are dying of some unexplained “blight”, Depression-Era type dust storms are overtaking the Great Plains and things are not looking good. Is our best perspective on this some little Nowhereville out in the middle of Iowa somewhere? I wanted to see a bit more of what was happening worldwide, like:
  1. Why was that Indian drone cruising over the cornfields? …and by what twinkly magic was it was using solar energy to stay fueled and airborne for decades?
  2. Why are all the cars late ‘90s antiquities, and nothing has changed anywhere infrastructure-wise?
  3. Why are they teaching that the Apollo program and other exciting science was all a sham in school? So that being depressed and hopeless will inspire farmers?
  4. What was going on in Africa, Asia and elsewhere, where the human populations of the planet would clearly be in upheaval? No, we have to be content with the happenings in Dirtburg, Iowa and this mysterious oxygen-eating “blight”.
  5. Why, if corn is the only crop that will still grow, is Matt McConaughey and his family using every opportunity to destroy acres of it by using this carefully-tended crop as a personal highway for his half-century old antique SUV? (Which incidentally doesn’t bump at all as he drives over the furrows). Later, his daughter torches acres and acres of corn, just to distract her brother. Does anyone get this? They just killed about 30,000 people this corn would feed. For the first 30 minutes of the movie it feels like corn is the enemy
Now, the Mysterious Message. Fine, the dust is spelling out a message of coordinates for the hidden NASA facility in binary code. Anybody interested in how that works, or are 95% of viewers supposed to be content with the idea that “binary code” is some tech word just better left unexamined? And there is absolutely NO explanation at that point as to who or whom is sending those coordinates and why. And finally, coordinates for a NASA facility in dustbowl Iowa? Why? Do the rockets need special dirt?
If you buy the idea that someone is manipulating gravity to make the dust wafting in through the window spell out some kind of code, you’d probably like just a little info on who is doing it…and how and why. Otherwise it’s just shut up and go with the flow time again.
OK so finally we get to NASA and meet Michael Caine as the traditional elderly scientist with an earth-shattering idea and plan to save the world… only what in hell is it? Shoot the whole population of Earth up in space to Someplace Else with a million trillion-dollar rockets made by a world that can’t manage anything better than the New York Yankees playing a Dirtbowl Series out in Farmerland?
OK, they’ve found a wormhole and they’ve sent people into it to explore some potentially earthlike worlds…but …but, they all disappeared Jack! Yes, you can send more people but what exactly is the point, since they are pretty likely to just disappear too? Anyway, if this latest batch DOES find a habitable world, what’s the plan? To send five more people out to Saturn? We’ve got 8 billion humans starving to death on Earth, and sure it’s a great idea to find and repopulate another world, but how to do it, when you can barely manage to launch one spacecraft? Now, if this were a story about sending some fecund earth mother types out to be fruitful and multiply, great, but we’re just sending a few scientists to poke around in the same places that other scientists poked around in and vanished. Doesn’t make a lot of sense. Just don’t see the plan here.
Also, how come Michael Caine’s wood-paneled NASA conference room has a wall that slides back to reveal a rocket launching pad. Huh? At real NASA the launch pads are at least mile away from any control facilities and with good reason. Kaboom! Sizzle. WTF?
There is absolutely NO information as to how cryosleep works in this movie. Everyone wakes up instantly, just like that? Nobody’s groggy? No one has a beard or lost weight? You just pop up a few seconds after the lid slides back, ready to boogie? You can swallow just so much. It takes common-sense details to get a classic.
Nice imagery of Saturn and the wormhole, but precious little about where it came from, except that “They” put it there and whoever “They” are remains completely elusive from the first moment They are first mentioned until the credits roll. It’s future humans? How much future? And they’re manipulating a past in which humans are otherwise extinct in order to save themselves? It’s the old time-travel conundrum. How did “They” get into the future if without their manipulations humans became extinct?
There’s been a lot of hype about how “scientifically accurate” the movie is. This is just at the buzz level so while you are not sure exactly what you heard, you are likely to load the MP4 original or walk into the theater for the projected sequel thinking this flick was ok’d by Einstein. In fact, Interstellar is very reminiscent of Inception, another Nolan epic which was just as logically fragmented, but also universally awarded the cachet of “Scientifically Sound”.
In fact, if you look for it online, you’ll find that perennial science media heavyweight, Neil de Grasse Tyson, does indeed comment on the scientific accuracy of the movie and his performance is masterful. He basically says “No”, uh uh”, about 30 different ways and makes them all seem like a kiss of blessing.
Amazing. Now, can anyone explain what happened to the guy from Hunger Games? He’s kind of a throw-away minor character for the 20 minutes or so he’s onscreen, and then the rest of the cast demonstrates just how insignificant he is after they land on the first planet. Everybody is wearing a spacesuit, number one, which protects them from micrometeoroids, deadly radiation, near absolute zero temperatures and the vacuum of space…but apparently not from Death By Getting a Little Wet. Why? Well, the Hunger Games guy is trying to get back into the spaceship but gets washed away by a wave while the door is still open. Normally you would just go and pick him up, right? Man overboard, right? Nope, in Interstellar, everybody immediately forgets about him, and in one final throwaway shot you see him lying face-down in a puddle, THAT scene is absolutely necessary because you’d think otherwise the guy fell through a black hole in the script. Wow. Bizarre.
There’s a lot of other stuff centering on how the great scientifically-minded daughter of one of the greatest scientists on earth tries to propose a theory that love is the force that transcends quantum space-time. Um….huh? what? And then there’s that five-dimensional tesseract which dissolves and poops McConaughey and the robot back into orbit around Saturn, sans spaceship, where they get found and picked up by the same movie magic that keeps an Indian drone flying for 20 years with no fuel.
In a time when Americans seem willing to believe that the Earth is flat, that climate change is a Liberal Plot and that former president Obama is the founder of ISIS, what’s needed in the movies is a bit more brain-engaging logic.
submitted by Malazander25 to interstellar [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:18 Nickseevers Run Lola Run

Run Lola Run is being rereleased in theaters… June 7th, the same day RK goes back on YouTube. Reverse Twitter is the correct way to read it and we’re at the very beginning where he liked the Run Lola Run post. Looks like they can investigate all they want, he called it a month ago. He is unbelievable. I hope he makes a trillion dollars on this and Ryan Cohen does too.
submitted by Nickseevers to GME [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:52 garfoofafuffel Two Free Tickets to Varietopia in Chicago, Saturday, June 8

Alas, but for the woesome predicament I find myself; my nerdish leanings have come home to roost.
This Saturday I have tickets to PFT's amazing Varietopia, but also have tickets to see LOTR:FOTR, Extended Edition, in theaters for one night only, on the same night.
I'm offering these for free so no one thinks it's a scam to get twenty-four dollars. First come, first serve.
submitted by garfoofafuffel to paulftompkins [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 16:30 TexasStandard1845 Abortion, guns and vouchers: Texas Democrats convene in El Paso to sound alarms over GOP policies

From The Texas Newsroom:
Texas Democrats will look to rally their base and push back against what they call a new level of Republican extremism at their convention this week in El Paso.
Support for abortion rights and public schools will be major themes of the three-day gathering that kicks of Thursday. Texas’ Republican leadership has vowed to pass legislation in 2025 that will allow public funds to be used for private-school tuition. The convention also comes less than a week after the Texas Supreme Court unanimously rejected a challenge to the state’s extreme abortion law.
The party is working with a disadvantage. A Democrat hasn’t been elected to statewide office in three decades, and don’t hold a majority in either legislative chamber. Yet, they’re still defiant.
“Texas Republicans have repeatedly shown who they are. They are a group of MAGA extremists hellbent on stripping away women’s rights,” Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa said earlier this week. “Our message to voters in this: Texas Democrats are the party of freedom.”
The party platform that delegates will vote on during the final day of the convention will include IVF protection, public education funding, and anti-private school voucher programs, according to party spokesperson Brigitte Bowen.
Former Ariz. Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and gun-control activist David Hogg are also included on the party’s featured list of speakers, a hint that access to guns in Texas will be an issue Democrats will address.
The issue of gun control is an especially visceral issue in the West Texas city hosting the convention. In two months, El Paso will mark the five-anniversary of when a white supremacist gunned down 23 people and injured dozens at a local Walmart. He said his massacre was motivated by a desire to ward an “invasion of Texas” by Hispanics.
Though Texas Democrats haven’t won a statewide office since the 1990s, they are hopeful a new rising star will break that streak.
Among the featured speakers in U.S. Rep. Colin Allred, D-Dallas, who is challenging two-term U.S. Senator Ted Cruz. Polling shows it’s another uphill battle for Democrats as Cruz holds a commanding lead in most polls.
Though the convention could further motivate die-hard Democrats within the party, that energy won’t change the political make up of Texas as a whole, said Jon Taylor, a professor of Political Science and the chair of the Department of Political Science and Geography at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
“What is it going to accomplish other than just act as a three-day pep rally? It’s not going to spark a major get-out-the-vote movement,” he said. “You’re not going to get whatever the platform is unless Hell freezes over and somehow the Democrats captured the state House.”

The border and immigration

Texas Democrats have been united and unwavering in their criticism of state-based immigration enforcement laws and actions championed by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and other GOP leaders.
They include the multi-billion-dollar enforcement effort called Operation Lone Star and legislation that would allow local officers to arrest people suspected of being in the state illegally. The law, Senate Bill 4, is currently on hold following a challenge in court.
But the convention comes just days after President Joe Biden announced an executive order that some members of his own party have called a throwback to the extreme measures on immigration championed by former President Donald Trump.
The order prevents migrants from making asylum claims when unauthorized crossings peak, and orders the rapid removal of most migrants before they are allowed to seek relief in the United States.
The election-year policy comes as support for Biden’s handling of border security and immigration continues to plummet. While Republicans call the order political theater, Democrats have also criticizedthe move as inhumane.
“It would fundamentally change our asylum laws without any new protections for Dreamers or other immigrants who have paid taxes, raised families, and contributed to our nation’s prosperity,” U.S. Rep Joaquin Castro, D-San Antonio, said in a statement. While Castro praised Biden’s past policies, he added this order “is the wrong approach and goes too far.”
Escobar, who is the co-chair of the Biden/Harris reelection committee, said she too was disappointed.
“While I understand the administration is doing its best to navigate this challenge without adequate resources and appropriate legislation, I am disappointed that the focus today is only on enforcement,” she said.
The Texas Democratic Party hasn’t released a statement in response to the president’s executive order, but it’s expected to be a topic of conversation during the convention.


The biennial meeting comes on the heels of a huge legal loss for abortion rights proponents.
Last week, the state’s top court rejected a lawsuit brought by a group of women who had medical complication while pregnant and sought clarity on when doctors could terminate a pregnancy when the life or health of the mother was in jeopardy.
Focusing on the issue, the list of convention speakers includes former state Sen. Wendy Davis, the Fort Worth Democrat who unsuccessfully attempted to filibuster a 2005 abortion-restriction bill.
The message at the convention will include a stark warning on the issue, said U.S. Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-El Paso: Congressional Republicans aren’t content with abortion bans and want to target access to contraception and in vitro fertilization.
“The very dark vision that Republicans have for our country and for the women of our country is essentially to take away all of our reproductive rights,” she said.

Drag shows and golf

Though outnumbered in Texas, the minority party is still looking to have some fun in the West Texas town of El Paso.
Planned Parenthood of Texas and the Texas Stonewall Democrats are sponsoring a “drag out the vote” event on Thursday to champion LGBTQ+ rights, political representation and an increase in voter turnout.
In between workshops, floor speeches and platform voting, the party’s partner events also include a golf tournament sponsored by the El Paso Democrats, a late-evening happy hour at a border-themed brewery and an AAPI reception hosted by the Asian American Democrats of Texas.
A complete schedule of the convention can be found here.
submitted by TexasStandard1845 to TexasPolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 16:23 dumblosernolife DFW and MN locations closed

DFW and MN locations closed
All Dallas-FortWorth franchise locations, including the Woodbury MN location just closed effective today. Here's how management was informed via text at 7:30am today.
submitted by dumblosernolife to AlamoDrafthouse [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 06:48 Revolutionary_Gap681 Fan Casting - George A. Romero's ORIGINAL Day of the Dead Story...

Here's something else I wanted to fan cast for a while.
George A. Romero's Day of the Dead is one of my all-time favorite movies. For a lot of you who don't know what I mean by "Original Story", I'll catch you up to speed...
One of the original drafts of the script Romero wrote was drastically different than the version that would ultimately get filmed and released to the public. The original budget was going to be $7 million dollars, due to it being a major fx film, with Tom Savini calling it the Ben Hur or the Raiders of the Lost Ark of zombie movies. But unfortunately, possibly due to the United Film Distribution Company (who was financing the film) losing money when Romero did Creepshow and Knightriders, the head producer Salah M. Hassenein wasn't willing to hand over $7 million, especially with Romero's insistence on shooting the film Unrated. For those who don't know, back then if you released a movie with no rating, then it was considered a Rated-X, which means local theaters wouldn't advertise it, you'd have to call them up and ask about it which would guarantee a loss in profit. So because of this, the budget went from $7 million to $3.5 million, so Romero had to scale the screenplay back DRASTICALLY.
The original screenplay can be found here:
ANYWAAAAAY, what I would like to do is a full-fledged remake of Day of the Dead, and have it based strictly on that original screenplay that I just posted. I have read this script multiple times and here's some key differences:
Okay... so let's get started:
It's been five years since the Night of the Living Dead, and now, the world has been completely taken over by flesh-eating zombies. Somewhere off the coast of Florida is a small island known as "Gasparilla's Island," where scientists, soldiers and the worthy are living safely underground while the "rejects" live above ground surrounded by shoddy electric fences. Sarah arrives on the island and is rescued by John and McDermott, and she winds up getting caught up in the middle of an oncoming revolt against the soldiers led by the ruthless Captain Rhodes, who oversees the scientists as they look to domesticate the dead. But morality falls into play as there are some rebels who want to take extreme measures regardless of who gets hurt along the way.
Directed by LEE CRONIN
Special FX Make-Up by DAVID LEROY ANDERSON of AFX Studios
Ana de Armas (Knives Out & Blade Runner 2049) as SARAH - a former member of a nomadic group of guerrilleros from South America.
Winston Duke (Us & Black Panther) as JOHN - a Jamaican and religious survivor in Gasparilla's Island's above ground encampment and a member of the resistance.
Ben Barnes (Marvel-Netflix The Punisher & Westworld) as CAPTAIN RHODES - the abusive and sociopathic Captain of Gasparilla's Infantry who oversees the soldiers and the scientists' day-to-day operations.
Pruitt Taylor Vince (Identity & Constantine) as HENRY DICKERSON (A.K.A. GASPARILLA) - the overweight, egomaniacal and lecherous former Governor of Florida and "ruler" of the Island who barely does anything other than party with the elitists.
Dylan Moran (Shaun of the Dead & Black Books) as WILLIAM "BILLY" MCDERMOTT - the Irish boozer and John's right-hand man.
Dacre Montgomery (Stranger Things & Power Rangers) as PVT. TOBY TYLER - a good person and a member of the Gasparilla Infantry and Rhodes' nemesis, who constantly assigns him on shit detail due to a past grudge.
Alicia Vikander (Tomb Raider & Ex Machina) as DR. MARY HENRIED - lead scientist in charge of domesticating the Dead. Toby Tyler's girlfriend and Rhodes' ex-lover, who is the main source of Rhodes' grudge against Tyler, much to her disgust.
Peter Capaldi (Doctor Who & The Suicide Squad) as DR. MATTHEW LOGAN (a.k.a. "FRANKENSTEIN") - the head "doctor" of the above-ground encampment, a once-brilliant man who has now gone off the deep-end in the name of religion.
Austin Metelson (AEW's "Luchasaurus") as DIESEL - a strong and quiet Nordic man and member of the resistance.
Millicent Simmonds (A Quiet Place & A Quiet Place: Part Two) as SPIDER - a deaf mute member of the resistance and Diesel's friend.
Liu Hua (Don Quixote & Romance of the Three Kingdoms) as LUKEY - Dr. Logan's Chinese assistant
Thomasin Mckenzie (Jojo Rabbit & Last Night in Soho) as JULIE GRANT - Dr. Mary Henried's young and meek assistant.
Brandon Soo Hoo (Tropic Thunder & Incredible Crew) as PVT. TRICKS - member of the Gasparilla Infantry and Toby Tyler's friend.
Richard Cabral (End of Watch & Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones) as MIGUEL SALAZAR - leader of the nomadic guerrilleros and Sarah's ex-lover. He's too far gone.
A.J. Castro (NCIS: Los Angeles) as TONY TORREZ - member of the nomadic guerrilleros
Aimee Garcia (George Lopez & Lucifer) as MARIA TORREZ - member of the nomadic guerrilleros and Tony's Wife.
Efren Ramirez (Napoleon Dynamite & Employee of the Month) as CHICO - member of the nomadic guerrilleros and Sarah's friend.
James Ransone (It: Chapter Two & Sinister) as "BUB" - the everyman Dead who wields two six-shooters.
Winston James Francis (Harbinger Down) as "BLUTO" - the big man Dead, named after Bluto from the "Popeye" cartoon due to his large stature.
Jonathan Joss (King of the Hill and The Magnificent Seven) as "TONTO" - the tall, Native American Dead.
So what do ya'll think? Have you read the original script? If so, who would YOU cast and who would YOU get to helm the movie if it did happen?
submitted by Revolutionary_Gap681 to HorrorMovies [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 05:34 lilfresh28 Why are we scared about the future of the Box Office…..

When not even a year ago a 3 hour biopic made almost a billion dollars?? Yes, I know I'm a little late on this, and yes, I know this year overall has been a disappointment for those of us who want to see movies and theaters do well and don't want our entire future to be exclusively streaming... But like... Maybe this is just a down year? Maybe Furiosa is just your run of the mill, standard box office flop? I know Oppenheimer had the whole Barbenheimer thing, but I feel like a decade ago, even with that cultural boost, there is just no way Oppenheimer is sniffing anything close to that return. And again, that was just last year. We still had the same streaming culture we have now, and the cost of tickets and refreshments and childcare was still a lot.
I know the Big Pic's schtick is Sean vacillating between "It's so over" and "We're so back", so I expected him to be very disappointed and dreary regarding Furiosa's box office...but I didn't expect the eulogy to the theater experience at the beginning lol. I think it's a bit of an overreaction.
Also, a point I feel like a lot of people are missing with Furiosa is that it's R-Rated! Big R-Rated action films have historically had a hard time seeing a huge return, right? That's why Deadpool was such a shocking success back in 2016.
Idk, just some random thoughts I've been having listening to the last few episodes.
submitted by lilfresh28 to TheBigPicture [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 23:24 birdsnbanjos Arcade Token Find

Arcade Token Find
A few weeks ago I bought a dollar worth of arcade tokens at the movie theater in my town, just because I was curious what the tokens looked like. I carried four tokens around in my wallet for about a week. I was still carrying them when I was metal detecting a neighborhood baseball field and found one of the same tokens, a bit worse for wear... (modern one on the right for comparison)
submitted by birdsnbanjos to metaldetecting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:01 luvrsunion Choosing between 5 options (it’s a lot i know) 🥲

Hello, it’s me again! After look in online and asking AI (i was desperate), I came across five different one and would love your opinion on which is the best.
  1. Optoma HD146X High-Performance Projector
  2. Epson VS250 SVGA 3LCD Projector
  3. BenQ MH530FHD 1080p Home Theater Projector
  4. LG PH550 Minibeam Projector:
  5. XGIMI MoGo Pro
I found them all for around 150-400 dollars on eBay and Markerplace versus 700-900 for brand new. I’m from Canada so these prices are pretty good but I wouldn’t mind extending my price to 500 if needed.
Which one would you recommend? Also, feel free to give any recs that might not be on here!
submitted by luvrsunion to budgetprojectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:49 offairarcade What’s happening in San Jose this week: 6/5 thru 6/9

Hey hey y’all! Here are some fun things that are happening around San Jose this week:

Wednesday, June 5:

Thursday, June 6:

Friday, June 7:

Saturday, June 8:

Sunday, June 9:

Thanks so much for reading!

You can get this entire post emailed to you each week in my newsletter.
If you have other stuff you’d like people to know about, drop ‘em in the comments! 🙂
submitted by offairarcade to SanJose [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:18 MplsDoodleDoodle Minneapolis losing its strategic edge

The Minneapolis debate, ongoing: A city that’s losing its strategic advantages.
The Star Tribune has recently published opinion pieces from Minneapolis residents. Steve Sefton, a 23-year resident, wrote he is leaving because of a lack of safety (Opinion Exchange, May 8). Em Cassel, a resident of four years, wrote that she is happy with the city's progressive values (counterpoint, May 15). Pam Costain, a resident of 50 years, said that she is staying but sees a city in decline (counterpoint, May 30).
I get asked a lot if it is time to leave. Mostly these people remember Murderapolis, porn theaters, houses of prostitution, boarded up buildings — they remember what Minneapolis used to be. And fear we are going back.
The census reported the city's estimated population in 2020 as 429,988. It reported an estimated population of 425,115 as of July 1, 2023, a decline of 1.1%. This is notable because at the same time, the city was adding housing.
One of the biggest reasons to choose Minneapolis is a short commute, as Minneapolis has about 18% of the region's jobs. Working from home means many now commute only a few days a week, diminishing this strategic advantage. Minneapolis has also just been losing jobs. Since 2019, jobs declined 4% and payroll declined 8%, when adjusted for inflation. These data come from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages and the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.
Another strategic advantage of living in a core city was quick access to not only jobs but shopping and amenities. In a bid to make us Amsterdam or Manhattan, the city is remaking the roadways for bikes, walking and transit. Now the streets are filled with cars in made-up congestion, making it hard to get to jobs and businesses, taking away this strategic advantage, too.
Crime is up — or down, depending on who you talk to. The far left will tell you crime is down because they count from the peak of the pandemic. Moderates will tell you crime is up because they count from before the pandemic. The truth is there is no single measure for "crime," and most "crime" numbers are influenced by the lack of police. What I do see a growing resignation that being a victim of crime is the cost of living in the city, and nothing will be done if you are harmed.
From 2023 to 2024, the value of property in the city declined over $2 billion dollars or 3.1%. Ownership housing values declined 1.3%, rental property values declined 9.5% and commercial property values declined 8.8%, according to the Minneapolis city assessor. If you are a working schmuck like me and have most of your wealth invested in your home, alarm bells should be ringing.
I own about the average house and pay $560 a month in taxes and fees to live in this city. Even if the city, school board and county did not take one dollar more from me, I would be facing a double-digit tax increase because of the dramatic drop in commercial and rental property values. On top of that, the school board has a $100 million deficit, the county did an almost 10% increase last year, and the city is projecting a 6% increase, before the far-left City Council starts adding programs. It is possible I will see tax increases next year starting with the number "2″.
We elected a new City Council in January. Was council members' first action to address any of these trends? Nope. They are pursuing the national far-left agenda of those that got them elected. Their first action was a hugely divisive vote on a war half a globe away. Next, they almost put 10,000 people out of work to pursue a national fight with Uber. About the only local thing they did was refusing bonuses to retain hardworking cops. City Council Member Emily Koski's innovation was a program to better explain the city's tangle of regulations to small-business owners ("The kind of thinking it takes to help Minneapolis bounce back," Opinion Exchange, May 24).
I believe Minneapolis can be a great city. But the data says we sit on a cusp — we can tip one way or the other. Which direction will we go? A lot of the answer falls to our political leadership. We are five months into the City Council's two-year term, and so for, we have not seen any real ideas for addressing the substantial issues facing our city. And that should worry anyone who loves this city.
submitted by MplsDoodleDoodle to altmpls [link] [comments]