Co ed confidential live streaming

/r/CoDCompetitive - the home of CoD Esports

2012.04.09 16:16 jgmcelwain /r/CoDCompetitive - the home of CoD Esports

Welcome to /CoDCompetitive, the home of Call of Duty esports fans and competitive players. If you're passionate about the players and teams in the Call of Duty League, or just playing with friends in League Play, this is the place for you.

2012.05.19 00:20 Nokel Japanese Football News and Discussions

Discussion and news for all levels of Japanese football, including the national team, club, women's, amateur and youth competitions.

2011.04.09 17:51 ALT-F-X Speedrunning

/speedrun is a subreddit for the speedrunning community. Speedrunning is a play-through of a video game performed with the intent of completing a goal as fast as possible.

2024.05.16 13:00 AutoModerator It’s the r/MelbourneVICAUS Daily Support Thread

It's ok to ask for help. We all needed it at some stage of our lives. The following services can provide you with advice and direction no matter how you feel.


Provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Call 13 11 14 (24-hour crisis support), Chat to a crisis supporter, Text with on 0477 13 11 14


National 24/7 crisis support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people. Staffed by Lifeline trained Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporters for mob who are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping.
Call 13 92 76 (24-hour crisis support) Visit


Confidential information, counselling, and support service open 24 hours to support people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence, and abuse. Call 1800 737 732

Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue helpline is provided by mental health professionals, 24/7. All calls and chats are confidential. Call 1300 22 4636

SANE Australia

For people with recurring, persistent or complex mental health issues and trauma, and for their families, friends and communities. SANE provides counselling support, peer support services, a guided service and resources. You can access more information here or call 1800 187 263 or

Kids HelpLine

A free, private and confidential telephone and online counselling services, specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25 years old. Call 1800 55 1800

Suicide Call back Service

Suicide Call Back Service provides professional 24/7 telephone and online counselling to people who are affected by suicide. Call 1300 659 467

Carers Australia

Short-term counselling and emotional and psychological support services for carers and their families in each state and territory. Call 1800 242 636

MensLine Australia

MensLine Australia is available 24/7 via phone or online. To support men with issues including mental health, relationship and divorce, emotional wellbeing and social connection. Call 1300 78 99 78


QLife is a peer support counselling and referral service for LGBTI people. It provides peer telephone and web-based services to diverse people of all ages. Call 1800 184 527 (3pm - 12am)

Relationships Australia

A provider of relationship support services for individuals, families, and communities. Call 1300 364 277

Reach Out

Forums and web-based support for young people. Reachout also provide resources and support for parents and school. Website Reach Out
submitted by AutoModerator to MelbourneVICAUS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:00 Watson306 Garden furniture advise

Hi Guys, I have been looking at Rattan Corner Sofas, and I initially saw this in store:
Which led me to do a bit of research and I found manufacturers Nova & Maze, who do these respectively:
Does anyone have any experience with any of them?
submitted by Watson306 to GardeningUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:57 Much-Most-3704 Should I keep going no contact?

I might go into a bit of a rant , but I really need an outsiders opinion on my situation.
For a bit of a background I 21F have been going no contact for almost 2 years with my mother 40F.
Here’s some backstory,
My mother had me quite young, 19 and would later bring up to me how she had a VERY rough childhood and how poorly her parents treated her and her issues with SA at a young age. She never left home and lived rent free UNTILL this day my grandmother had a stroke and my mother took care of her for 1-2 years as her primary caregiver but afterwards my grandfather was the primary caregiver and my mother no longer helped. She claimed to not leave the house because “they needed her” when infact she didn’t provide anything that they “needed” she didn’t pay rent she didn’t help take care she was more of a roommate so to say.
I looked up to my mother very much as a child admired her achievements she was getting promoted at work and travelling to different places for work. When I was 13 she had lied to our family about going on “work trips” when in reality she was hooking up with a very wealthy co-worker . She ended up getting pregnant and lying to my dad and me and my sister saying that she had to go on work trips while she was visiting this rich man and going to baby appointments. She told my dad she cheated on him 1 month before she gave birth and me and my sister 1 week before. Now I should mention I saw my family as a near perfect family everything was very good.My dad forgave her and accepted this new baby like his own child.
My mom lied to her baby daddy (the rich guy) and said that my dad had left her, my sister and I and that my mom lives all by herself in her own home and has no job. This being the opposite of what’s being true. The man agreed to pay her to be a stay at home mom and pay all her “bills” my dad paid all the bills and they she lived rent and bill free. She would go to see the rich man for a 2-3 weeks at a time in a different city than come back to the house me and my sister and dad lived in with our grandparents for 1-2 weeks than repeat the cycle.
She ended up cheating on my dad again a year later with the rich man after promising they had nothing going on to me and my dad. I would beg her not to sleep in the same bed as the man when she would take the kids over to his house. As a 13 year old child.
She truly lived a double life. I never knew when she would come back and I was left to do all her motherly stay at home mom duties and raise me and my sister because my dad worked so many long days and nights.
Our relationship never got better and she expected me to help her out with the new children. She ended up cutting ties with the rich dude and would bring the kids to his house on weekends but return home always.
I had alot of personal trauma involving SA at the age of 14 and a lot of mental health challenges.
She tried to kick me out at 15 and when brining this up to a councillor they almost got me taken from the home. I was in and out of mental wards and picked up a drinking addiction from a young age because of the SA and how the treatment from my mom was.
She decided to take my debit card while I was in a mental hospital and spend 120$ on food for herself. When I came home she let the children break 300$ worth of my makeup and make the most disgusting comments.
She made me miss days of my school so I could watch my youngest sibling while she took my other sibling to school. I fed, washed and the youngest child even needed me to hold his hand while I put him to bed. She expected me to be another parent I even attended every single doctors appointment for the children she had with the rich guy when their own father never attended it was me who did.
There was a time where the baby daddy had cut off her money and she refused to get a job so I ended up paying for dinners gas coffee runs, outings and my younger siblings whole 5th birthday party.
This whole time she would taunt me when I was sad she would get almost excited to see me super sad one time I had overdosed and she kicked my limp body to see if I was dead. Terrible things.
No matter how helpful how supportive I was through her custody battle how much money I spent as a young girl to I was about 17 doing all these things btw, she never showed love to me she threatened to kick me out if I didn’t get a job but I did make very decent money doing online things for money I won’t disclose but it was nothing sexual.
I did whatever she wanted because I was so desperately looking to be loved and wanted.
I finally had enough of her toxic abuse and always blaming me for everything using me as the escape goat and threating that I would be on the streets so I moved out at 19 with nothing but a mattress and a fan no help from my parents at all.
3 months into moving out my grandmother had sadly passed away. My mother invited a women who no one in our family has ever meet before to my grandmas open casket. She was already bringing a friend for support but felt the need to bring a women she’d only known for 2 weeks. I told her how uncomfortable I would be sitting next to a women I never met since this was a private family matter and no outside people that didn’t know my grandma would be coming. She picked bringing this women over my feelings I was heartbroken and sad about my grandma and no one supported me. My dad later on told me if I had a problem with my mom brining the friend I wasn’t allowed to go. After this I cut all ties with my mom and whole family.
A year after I cut all ties and no communication my mother randomly showed up at my doorstep with my two younger siblings both under 8. Saying they wanted to play at the park with me . I hung out with them at the park because I didn’t want this to be a bad memory for them and it’s not the childrens fault. This went awful my sister saying “how many birthdays have you missed now” obviously a line fed to her by my mother. Since she’s to young to come to that conclusion.
I recently after almost 2 years got back in contact with my dad and he’s really wanting me to have communication with my biological sister but I really don’t want a relationship with anyone but my dad and my two younger siblings.
So the question is what should I do my mom is a very toxic person but apart of me just wants a mom and wants to feel loved and wanted by a mom but I don’t think she can do that I’m just so confused and need help. And I’m not interested in a relationship with my sister but my dad really wants one and I have a really goood relationship with him now and don’t wanna make him sad.
If you read this whole thing thank you so much
submitted by Much-Most-3704 to NarcissisticMothers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:54 ReverberatedWave63 Anyone else feel like we should be going through DFVs streams with a fine tooth comb?

I know this has been pointed out to an extent in other posts but not sure it’s got enough traction.
After the tweet from Larry Cheng yesterday, about revisiting original DD, roaring kitty repeatedly alluded to his live streams in memes yesterday. The words live stream were highlighted in red in the fight club meme.
I’ve started watching them myself but there’s a lot to get through. I don’t know, but after yesterday I can’t shake the feeling we’re being told to go to the streams, that they hold some information we’re searching for or something we’ve missed.
submitted by ReverberatedWave63 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:51 Real-Requirement-677 라인 강탈 시도에 열받은 이광수

출처. 겸손은힘들다 뉴스공장
▷이광수 : 오늘 일단 잠깐 처음에 서두로 말씀드릴 게 최근에 네이버라인, 이건 말도 안 되는
▷이광수 : 제가 주식을 또 분석한 애널리스트로서. 근데 제가 고민했어요. 이게 열은 받지만 제가 뭘 할 수 있을까. 그러니까 행동에 대해서 좀 고민을 했죠. 그래서 제가 TSMC에 메일을 하나 보냈습니다.
▶김어준 : 아, 대만의 TSMC. 전 세계 최고의 반도체 회사인데
▷이광수 : TSMC가 지금 일본에 11조 원을 구마모토현에 투자해서 대규모의 반도체 공장을 짓고 있는데요. 여기가 독특한 게 뭐냐 하면 TSMC가 지분을 80% 정도 들고 가고, 예를 들어서 소니라든가 도요타 이런 일본 회사들이 지분을 공동으로 소유하게 돼요. 근데 제가 보니까. 제가 그래서 알려줬죠. 그러니까 뭐냐면 나중에 니네도 뺏길 것 같은데
▶김어준 : 네이버가 일본에 진출해 가지고 십몇 년 동안 키워놨는데
▷이광수 : 그렇죠.
▶김어준 : 야금야금 들어오더니 이제 통째로 먹으려고 한다. 그런 얘기를 해줬더니
▷이광수 : 그래서 제가 네이버 라인 사태를 얘기하면서 이거 잘 관심 있게 봐야 되는데 사실 너네도 10년 후에 뺏길 수도 있다.
▶김어준 : 그렇지.
▷이광수 : 그래서 투자도 조심하고. 그리고 일본한테 공장도 뺏기고 그다음에 기술도 탈취당할 수 있으니까. 그래서 제가 TSMC에 일단 메일을 보냈습니다.
▶김어준 : 어떤 자격으로? 투자자로서?
▷이광수 :
▶김어준 : 아, 전 세계
▷이광수 : 조심해라.
▶김어준 : 이거 전 세계에 알려야 해요.
▷이광수 : 맞습니다.
▶김어준 : 왜냐하면 이건 자본주의에서 있을 수 없는 일이거든요. 이거 말도 안 되는 일이잖아요. 보안 사고가 났어. 그러면 보안 사고에 어떤 보안 대책을 내놓을 건지, 이거 이걸 조지는 건 가능하죠. 해야 되죠. 그 나라 정부에서 근데 그러니까 지분을 내놔. 이게 어디 있어
▷이광수 : 그렇죠. 그래서 지금 외국의 기업들이 일본에 투자를 막 하려는 회사들이 많으니까, 제가 미리 알려줘야죠.
▶김어준 : 그리고 이거 어떻게 생각하십니까? 대통령실이 자꾸 자본 관계 재검토하라고 분명히 그랬는데 지분 매각하라고 한 적은 없어요. 일본이. 자꾸 변호해 주고 있잖아요. 이게 무슨 소리야, 매각하라고, 그 매각 지분 매각이라는 표현은 등장하지 않는다. 대신 자본 관계 재검토라고 하잖아요.
▷이광수 : 자본 관계 재검토가 지분을 매각하라는,
▶김어준 : 매각하라는 거지
▷이광수 : 지분을 더 사 오라는 말은 아니잖아요. 네이버한테 예를 들어서 지분 더 사 가라 이런 말은 아닐 테니까.
▶김어준 : 그러니까 이게 누구나 지분 팔라는 얘기로 100% 다 알아듣는데 왜 못 알아듣는 척하는 겁니까? 왜 바보인 척하는 거예요.
▷이광수 : 공장장님이 말씀하신 것처럼 누군가
▶김어준 : 간첩이 있어. 저는 진짜 이 명백하게 걸 못 알아듣는 척하면서 일본을 변호하는데 기겁을 하겠어요.
▷이광수 : 그렇습니다. 근데 저희가 막 이렇게 화도 나고, 이러지만 저희가 할 수 있는 일들을 조금씩 찾아봤으면 좋겠다. 정부가 아무것도 안 하니까
▶김어준 : 전 세계에. 그리고 그 업계에 계셨었고 미래에셋에서 잘 나가셨으니까. 글로벌경제 전문지 있지 않습니까? 아실 거 아니에요. 거기다 쫙쫙쫙 보내세요.
▷이광수 : 아, 그러니까요. 제가 사실은 그 광수네복덕방 주간지가 잘 팔리면 월스트리트에 광고도 내고 이러고 싶은데. 네이버를 탈취하려고 한다. 일본이. 이런 광고도 내고
▶김어준 : 광고는 내지 말고 그거는 힘드니까 월스트리트저널의 기자한테 이런 탈취를 하려고 한다.
▷이광수 : 좋습니다.
▶김어준 : 이거 말도 안 되는 거 아니냐라고
▷이광수 : 그런데 굉장히 흥미로운 지점이
▶김어준 : 글로벌 이슈로 만들어야 해요.
▷이광수 : 흥미로운 지점이 지금 월스트리트나 이런 유력 경제 주간지들이 이런 보도를 내지 않고 있어요. 의미 있게. 그래서
▶김어준 : 다 알고 있을 텐데.
▷이광수 : 알려줘야죠. 알려줘야죠.
▶김어준 : 알고 있는데 안 내는 건지. 아니면 진짜 몰라서 안 내는 건지 모르겠는데. 알려야 될 것 같아요.
▷이광수 : 이건 굉장히 큰 이슈입니다.
▶김어준 : 영국 파이낸셜타임스, 여기에
▷이광수 : 맞습니다. 이코노미스트도, 제가 알리고
▶김어준 : 저기에 알리고. 아시아권에도 쭉 알리고 전 세계에 다 알려가지고, 일본 투자할 때 조심해.
▷이광수 : 제가 예전에 비슷한 일이 하나 있었는데요. 우리나라에서 세월호가 있었을 때 제가 너무 이게 울분이 큰 거죠. 그래서 제가 전 세계 기자들한테 메일을 보냈습니다. 이거 보도해 달라고
▶김어준 : 요거, 요 프로젝트를 한번 해보죠.
▷이광수 : 좋습니다.
▶김어준 : 전 세계 기자, 자세히 알려주는 거죠.
▷이광수 : 그리고 여러분들도 그러니까 외국 기업들한테 IR, 그런 쪽에 메일도 보내시고 이러면 좋겠어요.
▶김어준 : 투자를 한 주라도 했다면
▶김어준 : 일본에 가면 회사 뺏긴대.
▷이광수 : 아니 그게 사실이니까
▷이광수 : 그래서 네이버에 관심을 가져라.
▶김어준 : 카를로스 곤 생각 나네요.
▷이광수 : 맞습니다. 그런 일들이 벌어질 수 있다.
▶김어준 : 다음 시간에 이거 오늘은 시간을 많이 보냈으니까. 이 이야기로. 다음 시간에 카를로스 곤 얘기도 해보죠.
▶김어준 : 그거 뺏긴 거 아니에요. 그거 사실
▷이광수 : 뺏겼죠. 뺏겼죠.
▶김어준 : 일본, 야 진짜 황당무계한
▷이광수 : 그러니까 이런 일들에 그 히스토리를 딱 해서 보내고 그리고 일본 정부라든지 일본에 투자하는 게 얼마나 위험한지 그런 걸 알려야 됩니다. 사실 TSMC 투자 유치하려고 엄청 일본 정부가 공들였거든요.
▶김어준 : 그러니까 네이버도 그 라인도 처음에 처음에는 고생고생하고, 그죠? 근데 이제 라인이 한 2~3년 해가지고 일본 메신저를 천하통일 해 버린 거죠.
▷이광수 : 그렇죠.
▶김어준 : 그거를 지켜보며 일본의 극우들은 저거 뺏어와야 된다고, 저는 오래전부터 생각했고 이 계획은 차근차근 진행됐다고 저는 생각합니다. 갑자기 어느 날 소프트뱅크 나와가지고. 야 내놔, 이게 아니고 차근차근
▷이광수 : 그러니까 이 경우가 모든
▶김어준 : 저는 그래서 해킹도 의심해요.
▶김어준 : 중국에서 했다고 그러는데
▷이광수 : 이게 모든 기업에 다 통용될 수 있으니까. 그렇죠.
▷이광수 : 그리고 아니 그리고 공장장님 전략상으로 뭐냐 하면 내가 안 판다고 할 때
▶김어준 : 값이 올라가죠.
▷이광수 : 그렇죠. 그런데 처음부터 판다고 하면 누가 그걸 제값에 쳐주겠습니까.
▷이광수 : 그러니까 이건 전략상으로도요 강하게 저항해야 돼요.
▶김어준 : 정말로 팔려고 해도 이런 식으로 하면 안 되는 것이고. 지금 네이버가 돌았어? 이걸 팔게?
▶김어준 : 그리고 어쨌든 일본이 그 증거를 남겨버렸잖아요. 자본 관계 재검토라는 증거를 남겼, 팔라는 거 아닙니까. 증거를 남겼어요. 얘네들이. 이거 조용히 말로 했었어야 되는데.
▷이광수 : 그렇죠. 그래서 일본 정부 조심해라. 이제, 다 빼앗길 수 있다.
▷이광수 : 그래서 제가 말씀드리고 싶은 건 아까도 TSMC 매일 얘기 드렸는데. 저희가 힘을 합치면 1등도 만들고 저희가 큰일을 할 수 있다라는 말씀을 꼭 드리고 싶었습니다.
▶김어준 : 우리 전 세계에 영어 잘하시는 분들 있잖아요. 전 세계에 이런 이메일들 기자들한테 쫙 보낼 테니까 그런, 그런 내용을 잘 영어로 영작해서 우리 이광수 사장님한테 보내주세요.
▷이광수 : 너무 좋습니다.
▶김어준 : 그럼 여러 가지 버전으로 볼 수 있잖아요.
▷이광수 : 너무 좋습니다. 뭐 스페인어로 보내주시고
▶김어준 : 그것도 보내주시고
▷이광수 : 독일어로 보내주시고
▶김어준 : 독일어도 보내주시고, 이탈리아도 보내주시고, 아시아권 언어도 보내주시고, 쭉 보내주시면 우리 이광수 대표가 모아가지고 착착착착.
▷이광수 : 좋습니다. 그래서 제가 전 세계 투자자들과 그리고 기자들한테

광수네복덕방 주간지 구매하기 (권당 1900 원) 현재 총 4권

이광수 저자 책

submitted by Real-Requirement-677 to Mogong [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:50 Brandie171 Twitch

Drop a follow, come stop by for a chat live everyday. Stream most games from minecraft too valorant.
submitted by Brandie171 to u/Brandie171 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:50 MabellWinter Summer Rain by Belinda Carlisle Cover Song ('Mabel Winter' & 'Realms in Musica')

Summer Rain by Belinda Carlisle Cover Song ('Mabel Winter' & 'Realms in Musica')
Summer Rain #SummerRain #BelindaCarlisle #RunawayHorses #RealmsinMusica #MabelWinter #Mittens #CoverSong #VideoEdit
Various artwork outsourced by Pixabay
'Realms in Musica': Instagram - realms_in_musica Twitter - @RealmsInMusica Vimeo -
'Mabel Winter' Music: Spotify - Youtube Music - SoundCloud - Link for all Streaming apps -
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submitted by MabellWinter to MabelWinter [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:49 BelfastBodyBuilder Michelle O'Neill 'making a pig's ear of this', say DUP WhatsApps
More than 60 pages of WhatsApp messages between Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) ministers have been published by the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.
The messages give an insight into the thoughts of some of the party's most senior figures as the pandemic spread.
The WhatsApp group chat covers the period between January and November 2020.
No internal messages between Sinn Féin politicians have been published by the inquiry.
Michelle O'Neill, whose WhatsApp messages from this period were wiped from the devices issued to her as deputy first minister, has told the inquiry that she accepts that these messages should not have been deleted.
"I accept that I should have kept my additional exchanges, in particular with Arlene [Foster], and anything else that was relevant," she said.
But DUP politicians' messages have been published and they are often candid. They include jibes at ministers from other parties in Stormont's executive.
On 17 January, six days after the executive was restored following a three-year-hiatus, a person whose name has been redacted by the inquiry wrote: "SF [Sinn Féin] doesn't seem to have matured at all!"
Emma Little-Pengelly, who was then a DUP special adviser and is now deputy first minister, replied with apparent sarcasm.
"Well, why not - let English taxpayers subsidise our free prescriptions, lower rates, no water charges, lower tuition fees and free prescriptions.. but hey, how dare you guys starve us of funding #Perfidious Albion," she wrote.
'Catholic church hasn't the best track record' Lord Weir, who was education minister at the time, commented on 13 March about the head of the Catholic Church in Ireland writing to him to call for schools to be closed.
The DUP minister said of the Archbishop of Armagh, Eamon Martin: "Wasn't aware of his qualifications in virology."
A person whose name has been redacted replied: "Write back and tell him we don't live in the South [Republic of Ireland] and that his institution hasn't the best track record of looking out for the welfare of kids."
On 14 March, there was criticism of Sinn Féin deputy leader Michelle O'Neill, who was deputy first minister at that time, after she broke ranks with the executive to call for school closures.
Edwin Poots, the DUP agriculture minister at the time, acknowledged that schools would have to close at some point, but said the "response needs to be measured and reassuring".
On 17 March, as the pandemic became more acute, Mrs Little-Pengelly proposed a "four-nations press conference" with the prime minister.
Ministers didn't sleepwalk into pandemic - Foster
DUP Covid lockdown messages published by inquiry
Bobby Storey - Michelle O'Neill says sorry at Covid Inquiry
"All devolved regions with PM on televised conference to reassure people," she wrote.
Mrs Little-Pengelly said the public "need to see leaders speaking", adding that "any confusion compounds panic".
Naomi Long 'hard to listen to' Some messages point towards tensions between executive ministers during meetings to discuss the pandemic.
There were several jibes at Justice Minister Naomi Long, leader of the Alliance Party.
On 7 May, Lord Weir said Mrs Long was "hard to listen to", and on 23 July he wrote: "Naomi talking about wind instruments - oh the irony!"
On 9 November, Lord Weir said Ms O'Neill was "making a pig's ear of this" to which Mr Poots replied: "Comes naturally."
'Sour bake' On 6 August, Lord Weir appeared to refer to an exchange between Mr Poots and Nichola Mallon, at the time the Social Democratic and Labour Party's minister in the executive.
A person then wrote: "Edwin you managed to take her from zero to skywards v v quickly!!"
Mr Poots replied: "It's a speciality of mine. Enjoying the sour bake on her face now."
In another message on 15 June which appears to reference Sinn Féin Junior Minister Declan Kearney, Lord Weir wrote: "Where would we be without Declan's philosophical musings."
A person whose name is redacted replied: "At a shorter meeting."
submitted by BelfastBodyBuilder to northernireland [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:49 Real-Requirement-677 하필 건설사에만 유리하게 통계오류가 납니까

하필 건설사에만 유리하게 통계오류가 납니까
출처. 겸손은힘들다 뉴스공장
▶김어준 : 통계 오류가 또 나왔더라고요.
▷이광수 : 예. 제가 지난번에 주택 공급 통계가 한 19만 호 누락됐다고. 그래서 정정을 했다고 말씀드렸는데
▶김어준 : 19만 호면 일산하고 분당 합친 거라고, 그게 어떻게 실수냐고.
▷이광수 : 그렇습니다. 그건 실수할 수 없다. 그런데 이번에 SBS가 보도를 했는데요. 준공 후 미분양 아파트도 틀렸다. 그래서 정부 발표에 의해서는 전국에 준공 후, 다 만들어진 후에 미분양 아파트가 1만 1천 호 정도로 이렇게 발표를 했는데
▶김어준 : 정부는 1만 1천 호로 발표했는데
▷이광수 : 실제로 전수 조사를 해봤더니, 197만 호 정도를 전수 조사해 봤더니. 약 3만 호 정도가 준공 후 미분양으로 잡힌다는 거예요. 그러니까 거의 뭐
▶김어준 : 2배 이상
▷이광수 : 그렇습니다.
▶김어준 : 이게 어떻게 이렇게 오류라고 하기에는 수기로 하는 것도 아니고. 너무 큰 거 아니에요? 지난번 19만 호도
▷이광수 : 그러니까 이게 우리나라에 지금 부동산 통계들이 전부 다 지금 오류가 나고 있는데, 신뢰성이 떨어지는 것뿐만 아니라 사실 이런 통계들이 조금만 신경 쓰고 잘 고민한다면 충분히 집계가 가능한 그런 수치들이거든요. 그런 차원에서 이런 민간 단체들이나 언론에서, 해서 오류가 발견된다는 게 굉장히 심각한 문제입니다.
▶김어준 : 근데 저는 이게 단순히 실수였어, 오류였어, 뭐 통계를 집계하는 데 뭐 문제가 있었어. 이 여기서 그칠 문제가 아닌 것이 이 숫자를 모아서 정부가 정책을 만들고, 그걸로 이 숫자를 근거로 해서 돈을 풀거나 대출을 해 주거나 아니면 빚내서 집 사라 하고 그런 얘기 하는 거 아니에요.
▶김어준 : 근데 이게, 이게 조금 틀린 게 아니라 막 19만 호가 사라지고 막. 그리고 막 두 배. 이거는 이건 알고도 방치하는 거나 아니면 오류에 오히려 기대는 거 아니에요?
▷이광수 : 그러니까 어떤 의도가 있을 수 있는지는 저희가 파악을 해봐야겠지만
▶김어준 : 우리가 알 수가 없죠.
▷이광수 : 파악은 해 봐야겠지만
▶김어준 : 실수하기는 너무 크잖아요.
▷이광수 : 중요한 게 공장장님이 말씀하신 것처럼 일단 이런 통계를 통해서 정책이 만들어지고 또 흥미로운 지점은 이런 통계를 통해서, 전문가와 언론에서 어 기사를 내고
▶김어준 : 근데 그게 하필이면 다 건설 회사 좋은 쪽이잖아요. 아니 왜 오류가 그쪽으로만 나는 거야
▷이광수 : 그렇습니다. 그러니까 왜냐하면 예를 들어서 미분양 통계가 이렇게 적게 나오면 어떤 생각이 드냐면, 무주택자 입장에서는 경기가 이렇게 안 좋은데, 미분양 아파트도 줄고 있네. 그럼 나 빨리 내 집 마련해야겠다. 이런 마음이 생긴다는 거죠.
▶김어준 : 미분양이 만약에 막 3만 개, 이랬으면, 어 집 많이 남았구나, 가격 떨어지겠네, 그렇게 생각하겠죠.
▷이광수 : 그렇죠. 조금 천천히 내가 내 집 마련 계획 세워야겠다, 이렇게 생각하는데. 미분양 아파트 줄고 있습니다. 얼마 안 남았습니다. 빨리 사세요. 그러니까 이런 얘기들을 하고 있으니까 더 큰 문제인 거죠.
▶김어준 : 그리고 집이 점점 줄어들고 있어요. 공급이 줄어들고 있어요. 그러니까 제 말에는 오류가 왜 건설회사 좋은 쪽으로 가느냐고요. 그것도 어마어마한 크기로
▷이광수 : 그렇습니다. 그래서 저희가 이제 관심을 갖는 건 건설사들이 진짜 어렵냐
▶김어준 : 진짜 어렵냐?
▷이광수 : 그러니까 진짜 어렵다는 표현은 뭐냐면 왜 이렇게 건설사를 도와주려고 하지? 사실은 근데 지금 건설사들이나 시행사들이 자기네들이 사업을 못 해서 어려운 상황이거든요. 근데 그냥 놔두면 사실은 계속 어려우니까 이런 어떤 방향성을 통해서 쉽게 말해서 그들이 어려움을 해소하려면 개인이 집을 사줘야 된다는 거죠.
▶김어준 : 그렇죠. 언제나 그런데
▷이광수 : 마지막에는. 그러니까 그런 방향성으로 갈 수도 있겠다. 그런 우려를 하는 겁니다.
▶김어준 : 저는 이 오류. 통계 오류. 자꾸 오류라고 하는데 오류라기에는 너무 크다, 라고 제가 말하긴 했지만, 오류라고 하는데 그 오류가 항상 건설사들 좋은 쪽으로 나고. 특히 유리한 쪽으로 나고. 그리고 그런 오류가 나서 그 오류 가지고 정부가 건설사 좋은 정책을 내놓고, 이 무한 반복 아니에요? 이때까지
▷이광수 : 그렇죠.
▶김어준 : 네. 그거를 이 오류에서부터, 오류를 바로잡는 것부터 출발할 수 있는 거 아닙니까?
▷이광수 : 맞습니다. 통계를 어떻게 내고 있는 거야 찾아가지고
▷이광수 : 그렇죠. 그래서 잘못한 것에 대해서 지적하고 그런데 아까 말씀드린 것처럼 이게 주택 공급 그렇게 많이 틀렸는데 지금 아무런 후속 조치가 없어요.
▶김어준 : 아, 우리가 지난번에 냈던 정책은 잘못된 통계에 의한 것이기 때문에 그 정책을 철회하겠습니다. 이런 말 해야 되는 거 아니에요?
▷이광수 : 그렇죠. 그리고 새롭게 방향성을 가지고, 통계도 잘 만들겠다, 이런 얘기들을 해야 되는데 지금 전혀 없다는 거죠. 그리고 그냥 정책은 유지하겠다. 내가 맞다.
▶김어준 : 뭐가 맞아. (웃음) 통계가 틀렸는데. 빚내서 집 사라고 했는데 그 통계가 잘못됐잖아요. 그랬더니 그래도 이 정책은 맞다. 그 정책의 근거는 그 통계였는데 그렇죠? 이게 사기지, 간첩이 있어. 거기도 지금 건설 회사 간첩이 있나 봐. 거기는. 간첩이 난무합니다.
▷이광수 : 이제 그런 상황 속에서 어 최근에 또 이렇게 건설사들이나 PF는 관리해 주고 지원해 준다고 하는데 전세 사기 피해자들은 지원 못 해 주겠다는 거예요.
▶김어준 : 그것도 진짜 웃겨요. 전세 사기 피해자들은 그 장관에 나와가지고 젊은 사람들이 잘 몰라가지고, 덤벙덤벙 계약해서 그렇게 된 거라고 말했잖아요.
▷이광수 : 그러니까 민주당이 특별법 개정안에 따르면 일단 방향성은 선 구제한 다음에 후 구상하겠다. 사실 이게 맞죠. 왜냐하면 그분들은 그게 유일한 전 재산이란 말이에요.
▶김어준 : 전 재산을 거기에 넣었는데 날아가서 그래서 자살하는 거 아니에요.
▷이광수 : 그렇습니다.
▶김어준 : 어떻게 하라는 거야, 구조 안 해 주면은
▷이광수 : 그런데 거기에서 예를 들어서 정부에서는 1조 원 이상 손실 난다고 해서 이건 말이 안 된다라고 얘기하는데. 아니 건설사나 부동산 TF는 지원해 주고 있잖아요. 그 규모도 더 웃깁니다. 원래 135조 원인데요. 이번 발표에서 230조 원으로 늘어났어요. 이것도 틀렸어요.
▶김어준 : 230조. 두 배씩 틀리네. 두 배씩
▷이광수 : 그러니까 항상 부동산 PF가 135조 원이라고 발표를 했고, 금융위나 금감원에서 그런데 이번에 PF 구조 방안이 나오는데 230조원으로 증가했어요.

건설사 부채를 개인에게 떠넘기고,

전세사기 피해자 대신 부동산 TF에게 세금으로 지원하는 정부

통계오류 실무자/책임자부터 기소해서 사법처리하죠.

전 정권에게는 가차없지 않습니까?
submitted by Real-Requirement-677 to Mogong [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:48 GameProfessional ⚫ X 🟣👾 Twitch Is Live! 👾🟣🔴 Live No Commentary Gameplay🎮🕹️ Clash of Clans 🕹️🎮🔗👾 GameProfessional 👾🏷️ #247videogame #twitch

⚫ X 🟣👾 Twitch Is Live! 👾🟣🔴 Live No Commentary Gameplay🎮🕹️ Clash of Clans 🕹️🎮🔗👾 GameProfessional 👾🏷️ #247videogame #twitch submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:48 GameProfessional ⚫ X 🟣👾 Twitch Is Live! 👾🟣🔴 Live No Commentary Gameplay🎮🕹️ Clash of Clans 🕹️🎮🔗👾 GameProfessional 👾🏷️ #247videogame #twitch

⚫ X 🟣👾 Twitch Is Live! 👾🟣🔴 Live No Commentary Gameplay🎮🕹️ Clash of Clans 🕹️🎮🔗👾 GameProfessional 👾🏷️ #247videogame #twitch submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:45 SubstantialAspect942 Supporting Survivors: The Role of Short-Term Counseling in Healing from Sexual Harm

Navigating the aftermath of sexual harm is a deeply personal journey, often marked by feelings of confusion, isolation, and vulnerability. In these moments of turmoil, having access to professional support can be a crucial lifeline for survivors seeking to navigate their healing process. Short-term counseling services, such as those provided by Tautoko Mai, offer a safe and confidential space for survivors to explore their emotions, process their experiences, and develop coping strategies. sexually assaulted Tauranga
The cornerstone of short-term counseling lies in its ability to provide immediate support to survivors in crisis. Trained counselors and social workers possess the expertise to validate survivors' experiences, offer empathetic listening, and provide practical guidance on managing trauma symptoms. By establishing a trusting therapeutic relationship, survivors can feel empowered to express themselves authentically and work towards reclaiming their sense of agency. sexual abuse hamilton
Moreover, short-term counseling acknowledges the unique needs and preferences of each survivor. Recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to healing, counselors adapt their interventions to align with the survivor's goals and comfort level. Whether through individual sessions, group therapy, or online support, survivors have the autonomy to choose the mode of counseling that resonates most with their healing journey. sexual assault hamilton
Additionally, short-term counseling serves as a vital bridge to long-term support resources. While the immediate focus may be on addressing crisis needs and stabilizing emotions, counselors also provide referrals to specialized services and community resources for ongoing care. This collaborative approach ensures that survivors have access to a continuum of support tailored to their evolving needs beyond the confines of short-term counseling. abused sexual hamilton
In essence, short-term counseling represents a pivotal step towards healing and empowerment for survivors of sexual harm. By offering compassionate guidance, personalized interventions, and pathways to further support, counselors play a crucial role in facilitating survivors' journey towards resilience and reclaiming their sense of self-worth. Through the nurturing embrace of professional support, survivors can navigate the complexities of healing with courage, strength, and hope.
submitted by SubstantialAspect942 to u/SubstantialAspect942 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:43 minimumaxima Flares from CoQ10 demystified [How I hacked my flox — Personal Story]

Hello, everyone! It's been a while since I posted anything or even visited the sub. I do not visit the sub anymore as I collected all the information I needed long ago and staying on the sub only led to more thinking about flox. Focusing on other areas of life has been a great life hack for me! I have done a lot of positive things in the past half a year - I am starting my own business, been meeting new people and making a lot of new friends. Flox has changed me for the better.
I want to preface this by saying that I was probably the only person (or almost only as I've met maybe 1 or 2 other people on Reddit) who claimed flares from CoQ10. It actually flared me quite a lot — sometimes I could handle 100mg and sometimes even 30mg would lead to terrible pain. It was frightening to be one of the rarest cases in a pool of already rare cases, so, naturally, I tracked reactions to supplements extremely attentively (u/vadroqvertical won’t let me lie about that) and I have tried a lot (my cupboard is full of supplements — I spent around €3,500 on them in the span of 1.5 years). I will list reactions to supplements and the approximate timeline of when it happened:
— First of all, CoQ10/Ubiquinol flared me not so much 1 month out (tried 100mg ubiquinol multiple times) but it got worse as time went on to the point that April 2023 I could not even take 30mg without great pain. I tried it 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 16 months out all without luck with varying doses flaring me to different extents. I will outline the reasons for it below;
— Vitamin E flared me a lot 2, 4, 6 and 8 months out. Never tried again. Tried 200-400 IU at a time. Due to poor GSH regeneration through Glutathione Reductase dependent upon B2 and NADPH;
— Benfothiamine flared me as well (doses 150mg-300mg/day). This is due to high sulphite and blockage of complex IV of the Electron Transport Chain in the mitochondria the reason for I will explain further. Thiamine is easily broken down by sulphite in the body and it is broken down into sulphite as well, which causes a negative loop reaction in people with high sulphite levels. Benfothiamine also caused me a severe allergic reaction (extreme anxiety and itching) that gladly did not require hospitalisation but was extremely scary and scarred me psychologically (likely high sulfocysteine activated NMDA receptors);
— Vitamin B6 increased my neuropathy when I got it. Likely due to poor B2 functional status. The problem I was also deficient in B6 and its supplementation led to great improvements in sleep quality once I could tolerate it. Note B6 is easily destroyed by sulphite just like B1;
— Riboflavin flared me (tried at 100mg, doses under 10mg never flared me). This is likely due to unmatched NADPH supply due to high sulphite load in the body (speculative);
— Astaxanthin greatly improved my physical health at 5-6 months out (proving that the core of my issues was solely ROS) but it caused reductive stress (NADH accumulation), which also caused pain, albeit the pain was a different kind and asta caused worsening neuropathy and visual snow. It accumulates in fat tissue, so stopping it was nice with ROS coming to a balance at about 10-12 days after discontinuation (after a loading dose of 36mg/daily for 3.5 weeks) but ROS then came back after it went out of the body further. I did not retry astaxanthin as I realised it caused me reductive stress and neurological issues;
— NAC helped me a damn lot. It was the best antioxidant for me. The problem is it depleted my molybdenum and copper and started giving me allergic reactions (low molybdenum + copper as well as blocked complex IV will lead to way higher sulphite generated from NAC);
— Did not feel much from vitamin D. I live in a very sunny country and tested at 51 (ref. Range 30+) without any supplements;
— Magnesium helped me a lot. #1 supplement;
— Calcium did not help me much in the beginning, actually, caused me heart palpitations. Was fine taking it after a few months;
— Potassium was a good supplement. I took 800mg/day for a while and it supported my muscle health;
Important: vitamin B5 made me feel a lot better. It took my ROS down like crazy — I could feel normal muscles again, it removed my oxalate pain completely, too but for only a short while like 3-4h.
I have tried many more supplements that were phyto-supplements and such and none of them really helped me beside maybe some placebo effects. Some made me feel worse and were not worth it at all. I did not try anything mood-changing as I was not interested in it. To note, GABA supplement made me feel a little euphoric at first.
It is very relevant that I have been oxalate dumping since 27 Dec. 2023. The description of the experience can be found here:
Now, to the real question: why did CoQ10 flare me even at high nutrient status (just after flox). I have to stress that flares from CoQ10 were much less at the beginning of flox likely due to better nutrient status (it went from extremely terrible to slightly more extremely terrible while 6 months out it went from ‘eh’ to terrible).
  1. First, I have to say that NAC made me worse long-term. How? Over a long period of time I was taking it and was not watching my copper (NAC increases metallothionein and causes poor copper absorption) and molybdenum levels (NAC raises generation of sulfite and it needs molybdenum to be detoxified). Some NAC formulations have molybdenum in them but I was not lucky to get one of those and, due to lack of knowledge, did not supplement any molybdenum. The result was high sulphite and from that high ROS (with a combo of benfo which further increased sulphite it caused me peripheral neuropathy at 5 months). Sulphite causes Fenton reactions when complex IV gets blocked up. H2S (a signalling molecule and a vasodilator) also needs to be detoxified by a CoQ-10 dependent enzyme and turned later into sulphite and then sulphate by molybdenum and complex IV (dependent on copper) and if it is not detoxified, it causes a complex IV blockage and starts Fenton reactions as well as electron leakage during production of ATP, causing ROS. This causes a negative feedback loop that was described in the linked at the end article as follows [CoQ10 Deficiency Is Sulfur Toxicity]:
«This can be explained as follows:
  1. hydrogen sulfide inhibition of complex IV generates superoxide in the respiratory chain, which becomes hydrogen peroxide,
  2. hydrogen sulfide reduces ferric iron to ferrous iron, which makes it release from storage in ferritin,
  3. this increases Fenton reactions between free iron and hydrogen peroxide, which generate more dangerous reactive oxygen species like the hydroxyl radical,
  4. all of this deplete glutathione,
  5. since a major purpose of the trans-sulfuration pathway is to provide enough cysteine to make glutathione, glutathione depletion hyperactivates the trans-sulfuration pathway, leading to more cysteine availability, the excess of which is catabolized to sulfite by alternative reactions that do not produce hydrogen sulfide and therefore do not require CoQ10.»
  6. In the article linked below, you will see that CoQ-10 protects against reactive oxygen species mainly due to improving hydrogen sulphide clearance (H2S). Therefore, CoQ-10 deficiency did not cause much ROS in complexes I and II but mainly produced issues in Complex III (where sulphite detoxification starts) and complex IV (where the last electrons are delivered during the sulphite-sulphate reaction). Excerpt: «In human cells with CoQ10 synthesis defects from the same study, CoQ10 protected against reactive oxygen species, but suppressing the enzyme that uses CoQ10 to clear hydrogen sulfide abolished this effect. This shows that the reactive oxygen species were coming from poor hydrogen sulfide clearance.»
Considering this, and oh my god, finding this article was like god sent it to me: my CoQ10 flares were coming from poor hydrogen sulphide clearance. At that point there were multiple reasons this could be happening:
  1. Cellular CoQ-10 deficiency;
  2. Manganese toxicity which causes CoQ-10 deficiency [read "Manganese Toxicity Is a CoQ10 Deficiency" linked below];
  3. Copper deficiency;
  4. Molybdenum deficiency;
  5. SUOX (enzyme which converts sulphite to sulphate) or another genetic impairment;
  6. Blockage of complex IV by something else.
I checked my molybdenum and copper transporting genes, SUOX using DBSNP and my AncestryDNA.txt file, and they were all good (Yes, I know Ancestry does not do a full genomic profile but it still had the main SNPs for that). I also checked my manganese transporter genes and seemed I was homozygous for an important one but fine with others. It is really hard to estimate how that might affect you IRL, perhaps that would require a really good genetic counsellor (or lots of hours spent ruminating again). I also did not think I had any genetic issue since I was very very healthy all my life and had 0 pain or health issues before flox occurred (I have extremely healthy young looking parents that drink, smoke and do whatever they want and have 0 consequences to their health as well).
I took some tests, for example: Genova NutrEval at ~6 months out, full nutrient blood test panel at ~11 months out (abstained for 35 days from any supplements at all, even vitamins and tested literally everything, paid around €1,200) and my CoQ10 levels at both of those occurrences were at 1 & 1.07 in absence of supplementation with ref. range 0.8-1.4, so it was definitely not low. That way I eliminated #1 and #5. While I was not entirely sure whether genetic issues had to do anything with it, I decided to pretend like they didn’t, since I had to try out other solutions before jumping to the most complex one. I took a lot of molybdenum, so molybdenum deficiency was not at the table for me. In this way I was left with #2, #3 and #6. In the full blood panel, my manganese was slightly high (20.1 with ref. Range <~18) and the SNP people were talking about that caused them manganese toxicity was homozygous for me, so I definitely considered it but manganese when supplemented made me a feel a lot better, actually (mentally, not physically), so I was also likely deficient in it. For now, I just avoid it in supplemental doses but I do not avoid foods containing it. Besides, I do not have iron overload genes that could contribute to manganese toxicity. My CoQ-10 levels were good enough, too, so it was unlikely to be manganese toxicity.
I could not take copper because it would lead to high ROS immediately (due to complex IV blockage the reasons for which I will outline further). Considering manganese was likely deficient and not superfluous, I discarded reason #2 and reason #3 could not be fixed by copper, so it was definitely not only copper deficiency but either another factor or another factor coupled with copper deficiency. I was stuck for a long time until I found another article from the same author about B12 and B9 helping to detoxify oxalate. As I said before all this explanation, I have been oxalate dumping throughout the whole process (already 4 months). I should note I was oxalate dumping even before I got floxed (I likely had oxalate overload due to my appendix surgery — this is proven by inflamed mesenteric lymph nodes confirmed by 3 MRIs — Sally Norton has the same case of over-absorption in her book) and that is how I actually got the E. Coli they gave me Cipro for (oxalate crystals create a good environment for it in the urinary tract lol) and how I got floxed (I went full circle, lmao). When I was floxed, I was not oxalate dumping for at least a year likely because my body was not in the state to handle the dumping process but it was still affecting me as I will outline further. First of all, I want to say that biotin actually promoted dumping for me as said in the article and not relieved it like it is said in Sally Norton’s book (I am not sure if there is a genetic variation to this). The proposed mechanism of oxalate detoxification in the article is as follows:
«Recall my proposed two-step detoxification process:
  1. Pyruvate carboxylase [biotin-dependent] converts oxalate to formate.
  2. Formate is joined to tetrahydrofolate to enter the methylation cycle, be used for the synthesis of purines or DNA, or be converted to carbon dioxide and exhaled in the breath.»
This are also very important words: «There may be more regulation layered on top of this to prevent excessive formate accumulation. It would certainly be preferable to have oxalate crystals cause pain or disrupt the skin than to have formate accumulate beyond the capacity to clear it.» This is why I felt best when dumping. Could eat anything, drink beer, even smoked weed once without issue. Another time though I got too brave, smoked a lot of weed and got a very bad ‘relapse’ but recovered quickly from it. The next morning when using a towel after a shower I had the same pain I used to have 2.5 months out from Cipro (which was extremely bad and took me back 14 months in memories) while before I smoked weed that second time I had almost 0 tendon pain in my daily life apart from oxalate [Here I thought maybe I and DrHungry share similar issues then? He also had an extreme (same in intensity relatively to his flox journey) flare from weed and is also using a lot of sulphur-based antioxidants still. Could such weed flares be related to complex IV dysfunction and/or impaired sulphite clearance?]. In either case, I felt best when dumping, probably because my body was able to regulate formate accumulation and ROS production greatly reduced at those times.
I was sitting outside with my parents and their friends, researching my flox issue when I read these lines: «Formate accumulation is the principle mechanism of methanol toxicity. Part of its toxicity is driven by inhibiting cytochrome oxidase, complex IV of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, which would inhibit the clearance of sulfite and hydrogen sulfide and block the production of ATP.» It finally clicked. It was honestly one of the best moments in my life when I realised. I made the connection between great improvement from B5, formate accumulation, issues with copper supplementation, general ROS improvement from dumping and oxalate everything together. Suddenly, my whole flox journey became crystal clear to me.
B5 is mainly used in the body to create Coenzyme A. An intermediate molecule in the production of CoA is called 4’-phosphopantethine and is used in the enzyme 10-methyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (high formate will pair with THF and form 10-MTHF in the attempt of the body to detoxify formate). This enzyme converts 10-MTHF back to THF and creates NADPH in the process which is used by Glutathione Reductase to regenerate Glutathione. Hence, high-dose B5 led to a lot of those reactions occurring and me feeling a big relief from ROS AND OXALATE, so oxalate is indeed detoxified into formate by biotin-dependent pyruvate carboxylase.
Okay, so theory is very interesting but what is theory if it has no proof? When I read it, I realised I finally cracked my flox but I had to get real proof.
Just a few weeks before this, I drank some wine and got nerve damage (likely from high sulphites in it, again, duh — while this was a terrible experience, it played a role in me getting closer to the solution of my issues). Beer caused me no issues, could drink 10 or more bottles in one sitting, eat a lot of rice when drunk with no issue. Before, I had only numb hands and top of feet. After the wine, I had burning up to the knee and burning in palms and behind my shoulders. I got fed up with this, I just decided to methylate the fuck out of my nerves and eat copper not in supplements but from calamari (very high in copper but low in vit A, so no toxicity risk like from liver). At that time, I was dumping and my ROS was not too high. I started consuming around 200g protein per day, eating a lot of copper 3-4mg/day and my nerves really healed a lot. To the point they even became normal after 3-4 days. My vision became brighter, it was absolutely crazy. I was also supplementing 150mg molybdenum/day. After a week of that, though, I started getting ROS back and it was very bad ROS, like almost a year ago when I had low molybdenum and copper from a lot of NAC use. That confirmed my suspicion that my issue was indeed sulphite. Eating almost anything caused ROS for me, dumping stopped since the body had no free reducing agents (NADPH) to support sulphate-producing enzymes (oxalate is transported on sulphate transporters, so it literally could not drive out of the cell because it had no car lol). As you understand, high ROS prevents a lot of enzymes from working and here it causes, as you have probably understood, a negative feedback loop.
So, back to the proof. Since I realised that my issue is probably formate, I just decided to take high-dose B5 again (did not add any high dose B2, B1 or other B vitamins, just took my usual B complex with food). It really helped me a lot, again. I felt almost normal. Then, it caused me some pain but I felt how I was getting better and the next day I took it in the day, then in the evening I ate around 80g carbs and took double the dose of B complex (my B complex has low doses: 10mg B1, 10mg B2, 25mg B3, 20mg B5, 5mg B6, 100mcg B7, 100mcg B9, 50mcg B12) instead of adding a lot of B5 and boom, no pain and oxalate dumping restarted quite more strongly than it even used to be before mega-dosing protein. So I was in pain for at least 2 weeks dying from ROS and then 2 days of B5 and suddenly I was normal again and dumping restarted? It felt like paradise with a twist. The next day, I went out with my friends. I was a little nervous since we were going to eat out and we ordered 600g of carbonara (the portions were huge there). I ate it all at once with 2x my light B complex and guess what happened? NO PAIN, just oxalate dumping. I finally realised that I was right and detoxifying formate unloaded my complex IV, allowed sulphate transporters to be created, reduced ROS production from food and suddenly I felt like a normal human being (except the dumping part). I recently retried CoQ10 — no flare. Likely before formate got recreated a lot because I was dumping a lot (if you read my comment linked above, you will understand).
I am not megadosing B5 right now but just stuck to 80-100mg B5 per day, so 4x my light B complex as my B6 tolerance improved a lot. Why I am not megadosing B5 is because oxalate likely blocks conversion of vitamin B2 into its active forms as I, at ~11 months out, when I did full-testing in the absence of supplementation 35 days pre-testing had high molybdenum, iodine, (almost above the ref. Range (113 with ref. Range <120) selenium and very high B2 even though I was cellularly deficient according to Genova NutrEval (at 356 with ref. Range <295).
Considering everything above, we can understand what happened to me from the beginning:
  1. Oxalate overload led to formate overload as oxalate is converted to formate through the action of biotin-dependent pyruvate carboxylase;
  2. Formate overload led to complex IV blockage, high ROS and high sulphite, which also leads to high ROS and also leads to complex IV blockage (negative feedback loop);
  3. High sulphite destroys vitamins B1 & B6 as said in the beginning, which caused endogenous production of oxalate to skyrocket (you can read about this if you google, this information is very available);
  4. Hence sulphate transporters also got impaired, oxalate detoxification in the form of physical crystals also halted, which led to even higher overload;
  5. This led to higher formate, this led to even more ROS.
Mega-dosing B vitamins and especially B5 and B9 led to formate detoxification and the ability of my body to detoxify oxalate. This improved me a lot and it definitely feels like it will inevitably lead to my recovery. I feel good now, I still have some remaining neuropathy but it’s minimal and I know what to avoid to not make it worse and how to improve it quickly if I need to. I have no OS from beer, coffee or food. Also, I am dumping a lot right now. You can ask me all kinds of questions that you want and I will try to answer them to my best ability since I know what it is like to be floxed and I will help anyone who is in the same situation.
I am only 22 years old and this experience led to me rethinking my whole life. I plan to become an extremely rich person to be able to fund biochemical research in the future and will focus specifically on floxed individuals and I will help floxed people first. I will try to reach my goals as fast as possible, I promise. While flox was very difficult, painful and frustrating, I only took the good things out of them. I already realized it but it confirmed that we only have one life and there is no place for negative emotions or indecision.
I hope this post does not get removed by moderators. If there is anything to moderate, change, or add, I will be happy to do that. I can provide my analyses if needed as well as proof. All I say here is very attentively selected and fact-checked either from external sources or personal experience. I do not lie and have no motivation to do so. I am only trying to share my knowledge and to help realise others flox is not unbeatable and can be understood and solved — it all depends on individual factors.
Linked articles:
Manganese Toxicity Is a CoQ10 Deficiency
CoQ10 Deficiency Is Sulfur Toxicity
10-Formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase
Can Biotin Help Detoxify Oxalate?
Can B12 and Folate Help Detoxify Oxalate?
Just an extra fact: My ALT was consistently high >50 for a year after flox. Dropped to 30 when dumping occured.
submitted by minimumaxima to floxies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:42 SonHento RTSP Yolov8 Lag

Hello everyone! I was trying to make a stream from my dji drone and then process it through yolov8 and get the number of people in the camera on Python3. Except that the stream after processing is really really slow and at some point the buffer gets saturated and the stream crashes. How could I solve this? This is the code
from ultralytics import YOLO import cv2 import tkinter as tk import threading numPeople = 0 timerTkinter = 1000 ip = 'xx' drone_path_rtsp= 'rtsp://user:pass@'+ip+':8554/streaming/live/1' video_path='./dronedji.MP4' def numWindow(): global numPeople global timerTkinter win = tk.Tk() win.title('Numero di droniamatori') label = tk.Label(win, text=f"{numPeople}", font=("Arial", 50)) label.pack(padx=20, pady=20) def update_label(): label.config(text=f"{numPeople}") win.after(timerTkinter, update_label) update_label() win.mainloop() def detection(): global numPeople cap = cv2.VideoCapture(drone_path_rtsp) ret = True while ret: ret, frame = if ret: frame = cv2.resize(frame, (1280, 720)) #results = model.track(frame, persist=True, classes=0) #frame_ = results[0].plot() #numPeople = len(results[0]) #print(numPeople) cv2.imshow('frame', frame) #cv2.VideoWriter('output.avi',) if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break model = YOLO('') thread1 = threading.Thread(target=numWindow) thread2 = threading.Thread(target=detection) thread1.start() thread2.start() 
submitted by SonHento to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:39 wrdtryryryry How to watch free PGA Championship (Live) Streams?

How to watch free PGA Championship (Live) Streams? Hey fellow Golf viewers. As I’ve been watching Golf for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty pga golf championship streams. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Golf and haven't found a great way to watch pga golf championship live for free...
What app/website are you using to watch the pga golf championship? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a live stream of the pga golf championship.
I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Golf and haven't found a great way to watch pga golf championship for free live.
I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.
ESPN, ABC or Boxing Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.
submitted by wrdtryryryry to italyTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:37 nbjkfugikf What's the best way to watch free 2024 PGA Championship (Live) Streams?

What's the best way to watch free 2024 PGA Championship (Live) Streams? Hey fellow Golf viewers. As I’ve been watching Golf for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty pga golf championship streams. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Golf and haven't found a great way to watch pga golf championship live for free...
What app/website are you using to watch the pga golf championship? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a live stream of the pga golf championship.
I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Golf and haven't found a great way to watch pga golf championship for free live.
I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.
ESPN, ABC or Boxing Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.
submitted by nbjkfugikf to italyTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:35 poiouiyuiyu Where to watch free 2024 PGA Championship live?

Where to watch free 2024 PGA Championship live? Hey fellow Golf viewers. As I’ve been watching Golf for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty pga golf championship streams. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Golf and haven't found a great way to watch pga golf championship live for free...
What app/website are you using to watch the pga golf championship? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a live stream of the pga golf championship.
I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Golf and haven't found a great way to watch pga golf championship for free live.
I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.
ESPN, ABC or Boxing Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.
submitted by poiouiyuiyu to italyTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:35 AffectionateSun3990 I’m tryna revive this game

This game will always be in the core of my being. It has gotten me through tough times and I’ve gotten pretty good at it. A couple months ago I started posting some clips on TikTok, and I’ve gotten appreciation and live from the tf2 community on there. I’m hoping y’all could go show it some love and if I get enough followers I might start streaming tf2. I’m really excited when I think about this games potential if revived. Thanks for reading and see y’all on the frontier pilots!
submitted by AffectionateSun3990 to titanfall [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:34 popkihyiui How&Where to watch PGA Championship 2024 live streams free?

How&Where to watch PGA Championship 2024 live streams free? Hey fellow Golf viewers. As I’ve been watching Golf for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty pga golf championship streams. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Golf and haven't found a great way to watch pga golf championship live for free...
What app/website are you using to watch the pga golf championship? ... I'm not 100% it's basically a live stream of the pga golf championship.
I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Golf and haven't found a great way to watch pga golf championship for free live.
I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.
ESPN, ABC or Boxing Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.
submitted by popkihyiui to italyTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:33 upbstock $BIDU

Baidu reports Q1 EPS $2.76, consensus $2.18 
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submitted by upbstock to Optionmillionaires [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:32 CinnamonCherryBoy 28 [M4M] US/Anywhere - Looking for a cute nerdy twink/otter to play videogames with (PC) and develop a romantic connection with <3

Relationship/dating based btw.
Hello. This is pretty embarrassing and tacky and I hope it doesn't come off as desperate, posting on Reddit, of all places, but dating apps suck nowadays. I'm a uh... pretty picky person when it comes to dating, physically and personality-wise, even though I shouldn't be.
I don't actually know what to type here! Ideally I want someone who will spend a lot of time with me, someone who isn't so busy, and play video games with me, PC games, because I don't have consoles, well I do, have a Nintendo Switch and I'm a huge Nintendo fanboy, but console online gaming is very limited, and I'm a huge PC gamer. I don't mind long distance. You can live close to me or not, as long as we click and have the same interests and are mutually attracted to eachother, later on we can always move in if things go well. And I mean anywhere, idc if you’re in Canada, Europe… I’ve always wanted to go there!
I have a lot of Steam games, especially co-op games. I've been playing a lot of Genshin Impact lately, and League of Legends is a game I've played for over 10 years, along with FFXIV, which has been over 7 years. Some of my favorite PC games are Divinity Original Sin 2, Dark Souls, Terraria, and Subnautica, and Dead by Daylight. I love JRPG's, really anything anime-related, the Final Fantasy series, Pokemon, Fire Emblem series ((important)), and turn based tactical strategy RPG games in general (think Final Fantasy Tactics).
I love music. My music taste is all over the place, I can listen to anything, but I really love Lana del Rey.
About me, uh, I'm really short, 5'4-5'5, black hair, black eyes, otter-y. Obviously I like video games, anime, TV series, music, I'm a huge gamegeek. I love indie games and VGM. Self-summary's are hard and make it seem like I live a boring life, which, I do. I’m more of an indoorsy person, but I’m looking for someone that’ll get me out of the house, or, to just stay inside with me. I love nature, spirituality, crystals, and cute things. I'm a very open person, very bold, I have an intense personality, I'm not a shy person at all, so if you're shy/introverted, I hope you don't mind if I come across as too forward. I'm pretty extroverted, I never need alone time or space or anything, and would prefer someone also extroverted or more open.
Physically, I like skinny guys, twinks/otters.. Don't really care about age unless you're too young or too old. I like guys with nice hair and nice voices!
Hit me up if you want to. Just please have a picture of yourself, or various ones. Please don't be weird, please don't be too shy or too introverted, please don't be in the closet, please no drugs, and please don't be overly sexual. Please no ghosting. Please have time for me and I'd rather if you weren't much of a busy person.
And take care of me! 🥺
...I hope all of this isn't too demanding.
Thank you! Have a good day! ...I hope all of this didn't sound pretentious or snobby or something, I really don't know how I'm supposed to "advertise" myself on dating stuff. I'm actually not like this at all! I'm super sarcastic, sassy, dark humor, etc.
My steam:
Discord: prince0476
submitted by CinnamonCherryBoy to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:32 DrNicket Capturing PS5 for 1080p/60 live streaming and offline editing. What's the absolute minimum requirements for a budget PC? Old and new

I priced out what I figured was a good medium level PC (i5-12600f/13409f + rtx2050/3050/rx6600) and I keep hitting $2k CAD after tax with all the other basics.
I'm hoping to spend no more than a grand now and upgrade/replace later when money is more favorable.
What say you wise wolves?
PS - I heard something about a slightly lower res that works better with Twitch and YouTube that's between 900 and 1080. Does that ring a bell and is it recommended?
submitted by DrNicket to obs [link] [comments]