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Unlock the Secrets to Radiant Skin: Your Ultimate Guide to Skin Health

2024.05.29 06:43 Interesting-Art4362 Unlock the Secrets to Radiant Skin: Your Ultimate Guide to Skin Health

Unlock the Secrets to Radiant Skin: Your Ultimate Guide to Skin Health
In the quest for glowing, healthy skin, many of us find ourselves bombarded with an overwhelming array of products and advice. But achieving beautiful skin doesn't have to be complicated. By understanding the fundamentals of skin health and adopting a few key practices, you can transform your skin into a radiant, confident glow. Here's your ultimate guide to unlocking the secrets of radiant skin.
Nourish from Within
Your skin is a reflection of your overall health. A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can work wonders. Incorporate foods like leafy greens, berries, nuts, and fish high in omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients help combat inflammation, reduce the signs of aging, and promote a healthy complexion.
Hydration is Key
Water is your skin's best friend. Staying hydrated keeps your skin supple, reduces dryness, and helps flush out toxins. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day. Complement your water intake with hydrating foods like cucumbers, watermelon, and oranges for an extra boost.
The Power of a Good Routine
Consistency is crucial in skincare. Establish a routine that includes cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. Choose products that suit your skin type—whether it's oily, dry, or combination. Incorporate a gentle exfoliant once or twice a week to remove dead skin cells and reveal a fresh, vibrant layer of skin.
Protect and Preserve
One of the most critical steps in skin care is protection from the sun. UV rays can cause premature aging, sunburn, and increase the risk of skin cancer. Always apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30, even on cloudy days. Don't forget to reapply every two hours when outdoors.
The Magic of Sleep
Never underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. During rest, your body repairs and regenerates skin cells. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to wake up with refreshed, glowing skin. Develop a bedtime routine that includes winding down and avoiding screens an hour before sleep to ensure you get the rest you need.
Stress Less, Glow More
Stress can wreak havoc on your skin, causing breakouts and dullness. Incorporate stress-relieving activities into your daily routine. Whether it's yoga, meditation, or a simple walk in nature, find what helps you unwind and make it a priority.
Natural Remedies and Treatments
Explore the benefits of natural skincare ingredients like aloe vera, honey, and tea tree oil. These have soothing, anti-inflammatory properties that can enhance your skin's health. Additionally, consider professional treatments like facials, chemical peels, or laser therapy for more targeted skin concerns.
Listen to Your Skin
Pay attention to how your skin responds to different products and environments. Everyone's skin is unique, and what works for one person might not work for another. If you experience persistent issues, consult a dermatologist to tailor a skincare plan specific to your needs.
Embrace Your Natural Beauty
Healthy skin is not about perfection but about feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin. Embrace your natural beauty and the unique features that make you who you are. Confidence and self-love are the final touches to truly radiant skin.
By following these essential tips and adopting a holistic approach to skin health, you can achieve the radiant, healthy complexion you've always desired. Remember, beautiful skin is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the process and glow with confidence!
Check out this amazing nanotechnology solution that support healthy nail and skin many people try this and it has lots of benefit
submitted by Interesting-Art4362 to u/Interesting-Art4362 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:43 negativeultra Baki fan project

Hello all, for anyone that remembers I made a few posts here a couple months ago about a Baki fan project I’ve been working on titled“The Ogres Progeny.” Sadly it’s taken me longer than anticipated to get it off the ground as it’s been extremely time consuming working on the art and writing compelling story lines. In the meantime I would like to share an illustration I made of a friends OC ~the lovely Akari~ who will be making a cameo in the prologue. To keep up with Akari and her fun adventures @peeinghours is her creator, to keep up with any Progeny updates feel free to follow me or to DM me any inquires.
submitted by negativeultra to Grapplerbaki [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:43 heatherlalazaza Hi 16f looking to talk to girls around my age

Hi 16f from US looking to talk to ppl my age preferably girls, idk what to put in this but i need to make it long enough to post so i have 3 cats and a dog, I also love horror movies and my favorite artist is billie eilish. Hopefully that’s long enough 💀😭
submitted by heatherlalazaza to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:43 Any_Law_8917 EC1-CW or Lamzu Thorn for palm grip?

Hey there! I am struggling to decide between these 2 mice as both are the same price where I am from, and would love to hear that you guys would recommend for me. I'm 19x10 palm grip and I'm just sick and tired of having to cramp my hand clawing with smaller mice.
For my size and grip which of these two would you all think is right for me? I currently use the G Pro Superlight and also have a Razer Deathadder v3 and I much prefer the deathadder, but something about the shape makes me feel like there is something better out there
submitted by Any_Law_8917 to MouseReview [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:42 ChanelPersonnel M21 looking for insomniac/graveyard shift friends

Hii I'm a 21 year old who loves PC and Xbox gaming. Music is another big hobby, but country isn't really my thing. My schedule's a bit all over the place with overnight shifts, but I always make time for weed. If you're up for some small talk feel free to message
submitted by ChanelPersonnel to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:42 Swimming_Act_6270 What can I (28F) say to convince my partner (31M) to work harder on his career without making him feel bad?

I’m a 28F, dating a 31M for 3 years. He’s wonderful to me, very kind and funny and supportive, and I mostly love being with him.
My only issue is our finances. I make significantly more money than him and agreed to pay most of our bills while he worked on finding a better job. That was our agreement: I’ll pull some extra weight temporarily, and he’ll focus on getting better pay so he can eventually go 50/50 with me.
It’s been 3 years now and he’s still got the same job, no increase in salary, no re-negotiating our shared finances. He’s done a little bit of work updating his resume and applying for jobs, but he’s very picky about the kinds of opportunities he’ll consider, and I don’t think he’s really committed to the job search.
He says he wants to start a family someday, but I don’t think he fully grasps the logistics of that, and I don’t know how he expects us to afford a family at the rate we’re going.
I’ve tried to talk to him about it, but our conversations always end with him expressing shame that he’s not living up to his full potential and promising to do better. I’m not trying to make him feel bad, I just want him to actually commit to improving his career so we can share our finances closer to equally.
I think we could have an incredible life if he worked as hard as I do, and it causes me a lot of stress being the primary breadwinner, to the point that I feel like my own mental/physical health is suffering.
How can I motivate him better? Or should I just give up on expecting this to improve?
submitted by Swimming_Act_6270 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:42 throwra8966 I (F20) love my boyfriend (M22)

Just wanted somewhere to write my feelings about how much I love my boyfriend!!
Man, I don’t know how I got so lucky with my first ever relationship because I definitely see a future with my boyfriend. He is so attentive and loves me for who I am. When I’m doing 12 hour shifts at placement (I’m a student nurse), he always makes sure my lunch is prepared the night before for me to take in the morning and wakes up at 6am (when he doesn’t even need to be up) to drop me off and then comes at 7pm to pick me up. I always say thank you and he replies “Anything for you.” I love that he is sensible and thinks about things logically and actually hears me out instead of dismissing my feelings when I raise a concern. I love that he’s respectful, especially towards women I always wanted my partner to be a nice person and not just to me. We’ve never had a serious argument too, we always resolve stuff before we sleep and never shout at each other or name calling. Even if we’re tired we still resolve it because we learnt that’s how resentment builds.
I’ve been with him for 2 years and his behaviours haven’t changed and he’s shown the same care and concern throughout. I had a rough start in life, he helped me towards my healing process for my trauma, I feel like during this 2 years we’ve grown so much together and I just love him so much because I feel like he’s really made me feel positive about our future together. I NEVER fear that he’s cheating, not one ounce of doubt in my mind about that.
I never wanted to get into a relationship so young, but for him it’s worth it. I know I’m young but I feel I have found the one.
submitted by throwra8966 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:41 relationshipguy254 Relationship Problems: Why Do We Love Those Who Don't Love Us Back?

Have you ever shared your deepest feelings with someone, only for them to respond with coldness or rejection? This often happens in unhealthy relationships where you give everything you have, even sacrificing your own happiness and well-being, yet receive nothing in return. The pain of loving someone who doesn't love you back is something many of us have felt. But why do we keep holding on to people who don't give us the love we need?
If we truly reflect on our feelings, we might discover that beneath the surface of our professed love lie unresolved fears and deep-seated insecurities. Ask yourself: Are you genuinely loving this person, or are you simply afraid of being alone? Is it possible that you've tied your self-worth to their love and approval?
Our unconscious mind can sometimes lead us astray. You might find yourself drawn to partners who are unavailable, almost as if you're sabotaging yourself. Why subject yourself to constant rejection? It could be because deep down, a part of you believes you don't deserve to be loved and cherished. So, you end up chasing after illusions of love that never quite materialize.
For some, being infatuated with someone who's out of reach creates a fantasy connection where you don't have to be truly vulnerable. As long as your idealized partner stays unreachable, you can avoid facing their flaws and humanity. You hold onto a perfect image that doesn't reflect reality. It might be because you're scared of opening up or being vulnerable, so instead of risking it, you stick to a fantasy and never really try to build a real relationship with them.
You might unknowingly be replaying old experiences of abandonment, rejection, or neglect from your past. Even though it hurts, being denied love by a partner who can't give it back might feel oddly familiar and even comforting in a twisted way. This repetition of familiar patterns, despite the pain they bring, can feel safer than venturing into the unknown territory of a healthy, reciprocated relationship.
So, there are a lot of reasons that may drive you to loving someone who doesn’t love you back, but that's not where the solution lies. The solution is finding the root cause that led to the development of these deeply ingrained beliefs. You've been living with these beliefs, and they've become part of your identity. You can also unlearn them and start adopting new supporting beliefs, but that requires you to do some work, far beyond what you're consciously aware of.
In the end, persistently loving those who don't love us back is a form of deep self-neglect and self-rejection. When we examine our reasons honestly, we might discover that we don't truly love the other person as much as we fear loving ourselves. It's only by cultivating strong self-worth that we can free ourselves to let go and make room for someone who will truly appreciate the unique gift of who we are.
Note from the Author
If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.
submitted by relationshipguy254 to healfromabuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:41 Cyberboy1016 First appointment tomorrow

God I finally built up my confidence and I'm going to my first appointment tomorrow to potentially start HRT. Scheduled it far out to see if this was something i was serious about, and now my appointment is in nine hours and I still don't want to cancel it.
I wondered if the "side effects" would scare me. Not enough. The other bits all excite me (maybe lose some height? Hips? Smaller hands and feet? Skin? Pretty!?)
I've always played a girl online and loved to exist in that space. I never felt like my name was mine or that when I looked in the mirror that i was anything more than a shell. I'd understand empirically that this was /me/ but it also wasnt. My emotions felt canned and hollow. I never saw myself in the future as the dude in a suit or the business guy laughing about sports..
It finally feels like something clicked and so much makes sense. I'm scared of what comes next, but at the same time I feel like I finally see something on the other side I want to be there for.
Here's to a brighter tomorrow(:
submitted by Cyberboy1016 to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:41 Glittering_Pen_9866 My BF broke up with me because he can't handle being in a relationship while working

This will be long. Like the title says, my (18F) BF (18M) broke up with me because he can't handle being in a relationship with me whilst working.
For more context, he and I went through a tough time together before but ever since a few months ago, we got over it and we've been healthily communicating now, etc. We were both on the same boat that we wanted our relationship to work out, so we worked on ourselves and understood each other more, and it's just been great in general. However, this past month, he's been a lot busier with his family, school works, personal hobbies, etc. that we don't really have time together anymore (in real life and online) unless it's late at night and we bond by playing a few games with our friends and then he goes to sleep. We don't live together btw. Anyway, I sleep late, so I just do my own thing after. So, I didn't really think anything of it but that he's just busy and just went with the flow.
However, this past week, he seemed a lot more distant and he would go to sleep a lot earlier. Again, I didn't really take it as anything but that he was busy and tired. Idk if this is relevant since he said it wasn't the case when I asked him about it, but I thought that his energy when talking to me vs his friends was drastically different. For example, when he's tired, he tells me he is and doesn't talk much and his voice is low, but when he gets on call with his friends, he suddenly becomes very talkative, loud, and energetic. However, I decided to brush it off thinking he's probably just really tired but since he's a very social type of person, he masks it as he likes to talk and light up the vibe in a group setting.
I would also like to note that at one point during that week, he opened up about his worries regarding the day where he finally starts working, which was going to be this week, and how it's going to affect our relationship. For context again, from the very beginning, we've already spoken about our plans for our future, especially career-wise. He expressed how passionate he was and how he wanted to focus on it when time comes and I said the same, so I never thought of it as a hindrance or anything bad because it's for his future and I prioritize my future the same too. Also, the job he'll do is the career he wants to pursue for his lifetime (in the car business), so it's really serious and he really wants to do well, which is understandable. That means that when he starts working, he'll be significantly busier and won't have as much time to spend with me. We also had a conversation whether we can handle being in a relationship while still being able to focus on our career goals, and we said yes. For more detail, I'm in my first year of college and I plan on pursuing law, so I obviously wouldn't have as much time as well, but I have many years to go before that while he starts working right away after high school. Going back, I told him that he doesn't have to worry because we've spoken about this before and I'm supportive of him and that I know he'll be busy but once it happens, we'll figure things out.
2 nights ago, after playing with our friends for a little bit and getting on a private call, he remained quiet and then he suddenly asked if it was okay that he asks for space. I didn't ask why, but I said that it was fine and I'll be here for him whenever. Based off what he said last time, I assumed that he was stressed because again, he was going to work and he was probably overthinking because he wanted to do well and because of his worries regarding our relationship as well. Usually, he tells me goodnight and that he loves me, but that night he didn't. I stayed up until 5 am just thinking. That's when I sort of thought of the possibility that he'll break up with me considering what he's opened up to me so far and knowing him, so I just thought of messaging him a GIF of a cat sending love at 5 am lol.
The day after that night/later that day (for me), I woke up and his response was him asking if we could talk at night once he arrives at his house. He was busy the whole day, so yeah. The night arrived and he told me he didn't know how to start and that he didn't like talking about it and told me we should probably have the conversation in real life, but I guess I already expected what would happen and if I wasn't right, I'd probably just end up overthinking, so I just told him to tell me what he wanted to say as he already asked for us to talk that night anyway.
He beat around the bush a lot, but it was basically him saying that once he starts working, he won't have time for me. He expressed his worry about how our relationship will work by then. He said he also thought about the whole "If he wanted to, he would" thing, but he said he knows that he'll probably be side tracked because of how busy he'll be. He said our relationship will not be the same anymore, such as gaming, sleep calling at night maybe, watching movies together, etc. He also said he considered about how my love language is quality time and we won't get to have that anymore. He also mentioned about how he doesn't know what to do and that he's uncertain of us, but that he still cares about me and loves me. He asked for my perspective on it after.
In summary, I told him that we've spoken about this before and I never thought of his work as a hindrance since I know it's for his future as well as his passion. I said I knew about it from the start (that he'll be busy) because that's one of the first things we discussed together, and I never complained whenever he helped his parents with work or was busy with his own endeavors for his future, so it wasn't a problem at all. I also didn't overthink or worry about him working, and it never came to mind until he brought it up. I thought we'd be fine. I mentioned how I've expressed even before that I'm supportive of him and look up to him in a way where he knows what he wants for his future and has plans to get there at a young age. In correlation to me not worrying about him working soon, I told him that I feel like he should ask the questions he's asking me to himself. I asked him whether he can handle being in a relationship while working. I asked him whether he can still be a good partner during that. I'm not talking about spending time 24/7 but just being caring and such.
He hesitated a lot and I told him that I can state my opinion regarding where our relationship goes from here, but it takes two for a relationship to work, so even if I wanted us to continue, he has to want it too. He ended up telling me that he couldn't. He broke up with me and explained that it's because he can't handle being in a relationship while working because he's already overwhelmed with the thought of working and the things he needed to do to be good at it the closer he is to the d-day (first work day). He wants to prioritize his family and his work, and that I deserve better that what he could offer. He told me that he didn't want to do this because he still loves me, but he's uncertain of us now and he didn't want to make me hope for something uncertain. He also mentioned growth and such. Towards the end, he told me he was sure. Sure of ending our relationship.
He wanted to end on good terms and although I agree, I don't know how I'll feel a week or a month from now. I just feel numb and it feels surreal right now. He told me that I can be upset and that he'd give me space. Later, he tried calling and then messaged me saying he'll give me space but he wanted us to communicate about how things go from here because he wanted us to be on good terms + we have mutual friends. Fast forward, in his last messages he said that we should to take a step back for now and think about whether this was the best decision. He asked me yesterday if we could talk tonight, but he messaged me tonight saying if we can talk tomorrow instead because he wants his thoughts to be clearer first and that he's all over the place right now.
I don't know how I feel. I feel upset, confused, hurt, and empty/numb at the same time. I thought we were fine, so the break up came out of nowhere for me aside from the gut feeling I had the night prior. Relationships are never supposed to be a hindrance in the first place, and he told me before that he can be in a relationship even with his goals but I guess life just happens. Views change. He didn't mention what he wanted to talk to me about particularly, so until now I don't know, but it does hurt whenever I remember him telling me how he was certain of us at first because he's the type to know what he wants, but now he isn't. It's upsetting to know that he's uncertain, that he needs to have clearer thoughts because I didn't think this would happen. Is he going to talk with me tomorrow about remaining on good terms and how we'll act with our friends? Or is he going to talk about getting back together? It's most likely the former, but if he does want to get back together, would that be alright? Or will I end up feeling bad thinking that he became unsure. Do I settle for that? I don't know what to think. I'm so lost. I don't have friends I feel like I can or want to open this up to, so I'm just pouring my thoughts here.
submitted by Glittering_Pen_9866 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:40 Heathers_MHA Hi!

Hello everyone! This is my intro! I’m 13, my pronouns are she/they and I believe in equality(Which obviously doesn’t exist in our world) and inclusion, as well as respect and love 💗 I am free to talk to anyone who needs help/support or just wants to make a new friend! I always try to look at the brighter side of things and am basically all my friends therapist. I’m a theater kid, I enjoy Greek mythology, musicals, comedy and romance, as well as MHA(My hero academia). And some of my hobbies are drawing, reading, singing, writing, and more! Nice to meet you all!
submitted by Heathers_MHA to selfharmteens [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:40 Pipelinebanks Hello! 29M, new here and looking to make friends!

Hey, you can call me Shane. I'm 29 and from Mississippi! I love making new friends of all sorts and from all over the world. I'm not interested in small talk, looking for someone who loves conversating as much as I do. I'm a welder by trade. Avid gamer during my free time, my game list is one to compete with..if you have a PC maybe we can link. I love to travel, though most of my traveling comes from work. I love almost all music and I'll give everything a try but country music is not it. I could go on and on but I'll leave that for you to find out. Don't be shy!
submitted by Pipelinebanks to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:40 Genoseed Please help me understand women better so I (39M) can have better reactions with my girlfriend (36F)

I clearly see my pattern in my past relationships: having no tolerance for perceived double standards or feeling accused or mischaracterized. So when I feel those things, I get defensive and try to stick up for myself, instead of just trying to see what my partner needs.
I’m in a good relationship now and I want to overcome this pattern so I can get better at relationships and help take this to the next level. My girlfriend and I have good communication until we’re hurt. I’ve been working on my reactions, taking a breath and separating my rational minds from my hurt ego. But like that’s one thing, she doesn’t think that’s healthy, and to walk away if I think I need to calm down in order to talk better is seen as immature.
We’re trying for the second time to live together and we’re in a small granny apartment on my parent’s property. It’s not ideal but it’s had its benefits. Anyway, she had to move out of her place and we hadn’t found an ideal place of our own yet, so she moved in with me at my parents. For context, I had moved away after college, got married and divorced, then came home to recover after the hard divorce. Now years later, I’m trying to make this new relationship work.
I feel like no matter what I do, she keeps telling me I’m not doing anything and is harboring resentment. She moved in with me and I had spent a lot of time, for example: making more shelves in the bathroom for her, cleaning out the bedroom closet and armoire so she could have everything for clothes, moving all my personal things out of the living room and rearranging to make more space, getting chickens and building a coop and multiple garden beds because she wanted them, I support her in building her business and try to help get navigate a stressful current job she reluctantly has while she wants to keep it. I financially provide and spend a lot of time working on my ego and not reacting from it.
Tonight has me really hurt, though, and my avoidant attachment is really kicking in. We had both worked all day and she was going to be late, so she said to do my own thing for dinner. I was working in the yard, took a shower, and was starting dishes, then planning to cook something for dinner. That’s when she walked in and freaked out because there wasn’t any dinner ready and the kitchen was dirty. She said she assumed that I might have food ready and was really disappointed. I offered to make her food and she said she didn’t want to think and didn’t want me to ask her questions. We calm down and try to talk later and she says that I didn’t do anything to prepare for her to move in. And that when I said my first priority was to make like comfortable for her here (but not complacent and stagnant), and second priority is to keep saving money and looking for a new house. She took this as so confusing and offensive and said we shouldn’t be comfortable here.
I get it she wants to move out but we have high standards and a lot of criteria we’re looking for and we haven’t found out yet on a place we can afford. So we’ve talked that we’re going to live here for the summer (about 4 months of time we talked about) and focus on increasing revenue and saving money so we can jump on a good place when we find it. A couple days, out of nowhere, she said that we only talked about staying 2 months and we have to be out by beginning of July.
I get that she’s anxious and needs reassurance. I repeat our plan back to her and she argues with it. Everyday she had a new idea that she wants to run with and I’ve seen she has a pattern of finding problems and focusing on them. She said awhile back that she feels anxious immediately upon waking in the morning.
How do I work with her and come from love and compassion when I feel legitimately disrespected and hurt? I communicate this and hold my boundary, and her response is, “do you understand why I feel this way?” And when I do understand, I say yes. Tonight, I don’t understand and I said that, then she stopped talking to me… until I started to do dishes again, then she came out yelled at me because I was making too much noise and she had to sleep for her big day tomorrow.
Am I missing something? My rough marriage was to an abusive woman and I didn’t have good boundaries back then and it took too long to recognize the issues.
Is this another abusive situation or am I being too sensitive, or not compromising enough? Even though I feel like I’m pretty much the only one compromising on things.
Thanks for reading. I tried to keep things clear as I could. Any help is appreciated.
submitted by Genoseed to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:40 Toxicysl I need help choosing a baseball team.

For the life of me I can’t decide I’ll go threw periods where I’m convinced it’s one but then I’ll see the other and I’ll have doubts vice versa. It’s between the Chicago Cubs and the Boston Red Sox. I’m not geographically tied to either since I’m from Australia. For the other sports I go for the Blackhawks the Bears and the Celtics. Celtics being the highest on the hierarchy as Basketball is my favourite sport out of hockey and football although I love all sports. Reasons I like the cubs is because of their pinstripes and the mix of modern and classic in their uniforms I don’t think they have a bad uni all look super clean plus I have a few friends in Chicago if I was ever going to move to the US Chicago is where I’d go. Red Sox I was born October the 27th 2004 the day they broke the curse of bambino and won the World Series. I love their hats the B looks so clean and while I much prefer the cubs jerseys I much prefer Bostons hats by a mile. Im really big into fashion so that’s playing a factor two whatever team I could pull off more outfits with would be cool. I guess the biggest factor would be the passion and sizes of crowds noise I really want to follow the louder and more passionate team aswell because passionate fanbases mean everything to me. If I were Red Sox I’d have a even split of Chicago and Boston sports. If I were to choose the Cubs I’d basically be a Chicago sports fan minus the Celtics. I think that’s a lot more easier to explain to people and makes more sense. In terms of what I’ve seen on videos the vibes at both Fenway and Wrigley are awesome. I’d be happy to become a fan of either and what ever one I choose I’ll have a soft spot for the other.
submitted by Toxicysl to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:40 1NoiceMan Help make my brothers game better

Hello y’all my little brother recently got interested in developing games, and me trying to help showed him the the simulator generator plugin. Yeah the game is heavily reliant on the plugin, but my brother has made it his own. We’ve decorated the areas, made custom pets, and we’re already working on an area expansion update that will add 5 new areas all anime related. I would really love to see y’all’s opinions so I can pass them a long to my brother. Please check it out and give us some advice or ways to make it better.
submitted by 1NoiceMan to RobloxDevelopers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:40 GatoDeMascara Why are some fandoms like this?

I don't understand why some fandons just seem to have some kind of fetish for making toxic ships. Even one of the fandoms that is known for being one of the most good (which is actually all a lie, this fandom stopped being good a while ago, but no one seems to talk about it) have this shitty thing of making a toxic ship something famous on the good way to them.
I'm sorry, but this is just disgusting. They romanticize toxic couples, bullying and abuse and act as if it were the best thing in the world, mischaracterizing toxic characters and relationships so as not to be judged and to create stereotypes and turn it into a "darkromance". I don't even know what kind of dark romance it is that romanticizes abuse. In my time darkromance was something like Killer x killer's boyfriend and the two support and love each other without any abuse involved in the relationship, or something like that.
They got one of my favorite characters to date his bully, which he's completely mischaracterized, just to fit the gay stereotype and turn him into an anime tsundere. I hate this bully, but I think it's a lot of bastards to completely mischaracterize him in this ridiculous way. If he saw his fandom version, he would bully himself. I've already been bullied by a girl like him, and I can say it wasn't cool. Quite the contrary, I just created hatred for her, even though I was already in therapy, and I still had problems with my body for a while bc of her and her facist friend. It seems like they don't know how humans or, at the very least, how a really good relationship works, and it's really ironic that I'm saying this, because I'm a demiromantic person who has never been in love before.
I just wanted to tell them to see straight away all this disgusting thing that many of them do, but it seems that almost no one listens to me because it's a famous ship and my speech will be invalidated because i "ship other thing", and then i'll just turn into a hater of something innocent. It just makes me even more angry.
submitted by GatoDeMascara to angry [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:40 Delicious-Chemical71 so effing lonely - anyone share my hobbies?

I've moved around my whole life. like, from childhood, until just recently moving across the nation. I Just recently got out of the military (bleh) and am now looking around thinking "how do I find friends these days" there are no local spots anymore, people don't go to the bar to meet friends, they go there to hang out with friends they already know.
Social media made it so easy to stay connected, it feels impossible to make connections and I feel like I slipped through the cracks because my parents moved me around so much growing up, I lost touch with all of my friends.
Anyway, I'm not here just to complain. I have hobbies and am hoping I can meet some people around my age who share my hobbies or interests.
I'm Married with a 9 month old Daughter. My wife is a mid era Millennial, and I'm 26.
I do a lot of sim racing, Iracing and ovals mainly.
I play music, guitar, keyboard and I sing.
I love most kinds of music but I have a soft spot for rock.
I was born in Florida, grew up there and in England. I live in SoCal now. I've been
Really liking tame impala lately.
I listen to Joe Rogan, Flagrant Pod and some true crime/ghost story stuffs.
favorite books: hunger games
movies: harry potter
show: The walking Dead
anyway, that's me calling out into the void.
TL;DR desperate for friends. blah blah blah. big sad.
submitted by Delicious-Chemical71 to Zillennials [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:40 Alert-Guava9412 My best friend almost committed suicide and I don’t know what to do.

There is a lot of context needed for this story so it might be long- also I am on mobile so I apologize for grammar.
So me (18f) and my best friend (18m), lets call him Jay, have been friends for close to 5 years now- we have both just graduated school and going to college next year (he’s staying local and I am going out of the country). A little over a year and a half ago my father committed suicide, my mother and I took it rough and Jay was there for me through it all. He was at the funeral and helped me and my mother out when we needed it. I get bad flashbacks from that day, and he is aware of this because he has helped me through many panic attacks because of it.
Now Jay has a lot of his own problems, he has bad attachment issues, especially with partners and he has been known to be unnecessarily clingy. This has caused issues with his past relationships, which in turn cause a breakup and a breakdown from him. He thinks a breakup is the end of the world and he thinks every girl is “the one”. His last relationship was with a girl who was mistreating him, took advantage of him and tried to keep them a secret and only really used him for his money- but of course he was head over heels in love with her. It got so bad to the point the only conversations we were having were about this girl and how he was being mistreated- but if I brought up how toxic it was he would make up an excuse and quickly hang up. His self esteem got so low and this girl did such a number on him- he ended up threatening suicide. I, of course, called his mother and had her help him (this was after my father’s death so I couldn’t do much). He ended up getting better and we moved on.
During his past relationship, there was a german exchange student staying with him- let’s call her Amy. After Jay and his ex broke up Amy was the rebound. But because he cannot have a casual relationship, he ended up falling for Amy. But this time Amy fell for him as well. They ended up having a secret relationship, with no labels because both had just gotten out of a relationship. They had ended it for a few months because of some miscommunication issues, but around a month ago decided to try again. However, Amy has to move back to Germany in 3 weeks. So Jay had the bright idea to move to Germany with her.
Now here comes the issue, Jay just found out that he cannot go to Germany and that Amy wants to end things because she doesn’t want a long distance relationship. He took this as “I am never going to speak to you ever again” and he tried to end his life. Thankfully Amy called him and talked him down (which she had to do with her last boyfriend), and he is safe now. He had sent me a goodbye text during work, and I ended up breaking down and had to get sent home. Amy had let me know the full story, and I just spiraled into panic attacks and flashbacks. I had called him later that night, and instead of being in a hospital- he was partying up with his sister and getting high. I got pissed and yelled at him, and he just sent me a half assed apology text. I tried to get him to go to the hospital for inpatient but he refused. It’s been a day and I don’t know what to do. Any advice/support is appreciated.
submitted by Alert-Guava9412 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:40 JamesTheSplendid_No5 I Am

Male I Am. YouTuber I Make Edits Some People On YouTube Probably Don’t Know This About Me But I Love Total Drama Island My Favorites Are Noah,Owen,Heather,Alejandro, (Kinda DJ),Duncan And More Anyway Cya
submitted by JamesTheSplendid_No5 to TotalDramaIsland [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:40 ReflectionNo8794 Why does my brain let me suffer?

I usually hang out with family and friends and u laugh so much and genuinely feel loved and I feel like I have a purpose. Couple hours later I’m sobbing under my covers.. Wishing my brain wouldn’t suffer like this anymore, it gets unbearable a lot. I am so happy but my brain keeps making me feel this way.. terrible cycle..
submitted by ReflectionNo8794 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:39 Fresh_Shoulder_3267 Unfortunately true...

I once saw a comic that read.. "Tragically Real Romance."
Then below there was a caption to the cartoon that read, "if we start this the only way to get out of this without any pain is to be the first to die"
I think about that often and the more I do its true...whether the dumper or the dumped the sadness is on both ends. Both are left changed, some more drastically than others.
If it's really thought about for those that get it right and eventually we all do, the only way to not have that emotional destruction is to be the one who passes on first.
I've had two relationships that were long term. I'm 40 now, my first wife and son were taken from me by a drunk driver at 25. After 5 years I got back in the dating pool and struck lightning in a bottle and found someone I loved for another ten years until this past Easter. I still don't understand what happened and I don't agree with it but you can't force someone to stay with you. It works in the opposite as you shouldn't feel forced to stay with someone.
Loving someone should feel effortless even though there is work involved and alot of it at that. If at any time you feel under appreciated don't bottle it up, remember communication is always key.
Learn from your scars don't keep reopening them.
Strength comes through adversity as this new time will be challenging.
Embrace the fear of the unknown as without fear there couldn't be courage. The courage to face a new day.
Even though you don't want to force a smile you never know when a smile or kind word to another who may be going through worse can make their day. You want to feel better... pay it forward, something small makes the difference.
I wish you all luck on your adventures in your everyday goings on as your strength isnt measurable and in case no one has told you today....
Thank you for being you.
submitted by Fresh_Shoulder_3267 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:39 Full_Yogurtcloset359 SOBER DATING IN MY 20s SUCKS

I am 21f just graduated college, I am ready to settle…. But all these men wanna go to bars and get drinks etc….. I even tried going for older guys and still…. They love drinking. Where are the guys who are in their 20s and don’t drink much or are sober??? Do they exist??? Dating is already hard enough to begin with but finding someone who isn’t hung up on drinking, going out, or smoking weed… makes it so much harder. I like to work out I go to the gym like every day but I feel weird approaching guys at the gym. I am a very active and social person. Advice??? It’s exhausting out here
submitted by Full_Yogurtcloset359 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]