Poem about the first day of kindergarten

i lik the bred

2017.03.23 18:51 Hasnep i lik the bred

Poems based on this one about a cow licking bread by Poem_for_your_sprog: my name is Cow, and wen its nite, or wen the moon is shiyning brite, and all the men haf gon to bed - i stay up late. i lik the bred.

2016.08.03 07:12 he boot too big for he gotdamn feet

All content to BootTooBig must be at least partially generated by AI! _Remember the robot._ "Roses are red" memes among other things. This is a place to share posts where the title sets up a joke as the first half of a poem and an image delivers the punchline as the second half.

2008.03.15 19:41 Poetry - spoken word, literature code, less is more

A place for sharing published poetry. For sharing orignal content, please visit OCPoetry

2024.06.09 11:51 Dry_Philosopher_2446 Most Twisted Thing You've Heard People Say

I've heard a few twisted things over the years, both said to me, as well as others. I'd just like to list a few of them here. I'm not talking about blunt or offensive things, but just down right twisted.
  1. I once heard a girl on the bus, on her phone, say something very similar to the following: "no no, I never say hello to him unless he says hello to me first, and when he does I'll just kind of grunt it back.... or else I'll leave a slight pause before replying, to leave him wonder if I'm going to blank him; I love seeing that confused look on his face."
  2. This was something I over-heard an off duty supervisor (when out one night) say when slightly drunk. I think it was in the context of not allowing a staff member's reasonable request, that would actually help both them, as well as productivity. He said it to another off duty supervisor. "if they try to explain the logic to it, you can always just pretend you don't understand what they mean; it confuses the fuck out of them them because they're thinking that we (as supervisors) are the ones who are supposed to know all this anyway.... when they then try to explain it they'll likely get tongue tied and lose they're initial thought, and you just interrupt them with 'no, I won't allow it'"! I stayed out of it, but I distinctly remember that individual (before he got promoted) giving out about unfairness within the company, about a year prior to this. Yet there he was saying all this so confidently! I'd really love to somehow have recorded both conversations and play them back to him, to see whether he'd be embarrassed or not.
  3. I was once talking to a girl (Megan) I met at a party one night, and we ended up talking about someone that we realised we both knew, by the name of Sandra. Sandra was fastidiousness, and Megan (who was her roommate) had picked up on how she didn't like the milk being left out in the warm weather when they had tea when Megan's bf was over. Anyway Megan said that she used to leave the milk bottle beside the tea pot on the table, so that they could have more milk for their re-fills. I said to Megan that, as a solution, she could always have poured some into a jug to keep the milk bottle in the fridge. But it was then that I realised how twisted Megan was. She said that she knew Sandra would eventually go to put the bottle back in the fridge having looked at it for long enough, and at such point in time, she'd stop her by saying we haven't finished with it. Sandra would then have to turn around and walk back to the table with the bottle, looking like a disobedient child. She enjoyed leaving Sandra wonder whether or not she'd have sour milk with her cereal the next day. And just expected me to be okay with her saying this! I didn't know how to respond at the time.
Feel free to share some of the things you've heard!
submitted by Dry_Philosopher_2446 to u/Dry_Philosopher_2446 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:49 4444MadMax4444 Revision Rhinoplasty - Experience vs Effort

I'm soon to decided who to choose for my revision rhinoplasty, and I have literally searched the world and filtered down to 2 surgeons
Surgeon 1 - 25+ years of experience - Close to zero negative reviews - Comes across more money orientated & keeps noting the financial risk (and the fact the I would be paying) for a future revision and it is illegal in his country to refund for surgery. - Has multiple surgeries a day - Doesn't come across as caring as Surgeon 2 - Has answered a couple of my questions with "you've just got to trust me" - He also told me he diagnosed one of his unhappy patients with BDD (but doubt he has the qualifications to be doing that) - Seems not to own up to his own mistakes (his team failed to tell him about my surgery history) later, during my consult he somewhat pointed the finger at me and said that he needs to increase the quotation due to me not previously letting the practice know of my past surgery. When I told him the literally the first line of my email mentions 'Revision' he didn't apologise or offer to honor the original quotation amount.
Surgeon 2 - Has about 14 years experience - Is willing to put aside the whole day just for my case - Once again close to zero negative reviews, and he appears to have more positive results for Revision than Primary Rhinoplasty - However, there has been a couple of stories of complete botch works (without photos), these were for Primary Rhinoplasty and Breast works. - Seems more caring, and was able to answer all of my questions without rushing - I don't know, but suspect a few of his reviews to be fake by the way they focus on how amazingly good his patient coordinator is (feels overdone). - From his before/after gallery, I've noticed that the changes can be quite drastic, and therefore it makes me feel that there's more chance of it all going wrong with surgeon 2 - No overnight stay as the hospital included
Which would you choose?
submitted by 4444MadMax4444 to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:49 Lu_Cornish Hair help part 2: Tempted to give up and straighten

Hair help part 2: Tempted to give up and straighten
I posted here https://www.reddit.com/curlyhais/75JCFRUqOz after coming home upset from haircut.
Now I’d like to know if you with all your hive knowledge think I a) need another cut, will it help my hair look better? b) is it even worth trying to make my ridiculous mixed texture hair look okay naturally? Tempted to give up and just blow dry smooth and use GHDS to add some curls, it’s way quicker and easier.
Background: just realised hair is low porosity. Frizzy AF. Feels dry, itchy, heavy and weighed down after using leave in, gel and mouse. Day two is always a sh*t show. I slept in a silk (not satin) bonnet. Waves are stringy. I have curls around hairline only, rest is a little wavy. So dry. So frizzy. Lots of volume and texture at roots.
More info about cut. I booked in to have a wash and restyle. I am friends with my hairdresser. I think she’s lush. Great reputation. I’ve gone to her the last couple of years. She’s experienced, award winning and has gorgeous wavy hair (similar to my “old hair” (see below). She knows my hair well. I love seeing her. But truly, honestly, I haven’t been happy with the last few cuts or any time she hasn’t smooth blow dried and GHDS to curl and thought for some time that I think my hair stumps her and she isn’t sure what to do with it. I don’t blame her for that. My hair is awful. I have contacted a curl specialist and booked in an online consultation and on the waitlist for a cut with her.l, but don’t know if I wanna waste my money.
So Ive never done anything to my hair. I had ringlets as a child but never took care of them then into my adult life had very long wavy hair. I never did anything with it. Washed with any shampoo and conditioner and let air dry. It always looked wavy, textured and really nice with no effort as long as I had layers in my cut. I was really spoilt.
Two kids later and a major surgery plus extreme weight loss caused my hair to change totally. It went almost straight, but still massive hairline frizz. I had a keratin treatment and I hated it. Didn’t help the frizz but took all the texture out of my hair. So I’ve been growing it out for 18 months. In that time my more curly wavy hair is coming back. It is tight curls underneath and loose waves on top. This cut was to get rid of the keratin treated ends and embrace my natural texture.
I have long taken an interest in curly hair and seen lots of YouTube videos and tutorials in my time. Try something once, it looks rubbish and then give up.
I’ve taken as much advice as I could from the comments of my last post. A lot is contradictory but I guess that’s just the nature of everyone having different hair and I need to try lots of things and stick with them.
General consensus seemed to be first to wash out anything hairdresser used. Condition. Leave in conditioner. Mousse. Gel. Diffuse.
Routine: So I used Aveeno clarifying shampoo. Only curls conditioner (my daughters). I applied it upside down in the shower squishing it in. Brushed with a denman. Rinsed out upside down. Then I applied Aussie work that curl leave in conditioner while my hair was soaking wet and used the bowl method. Then used the umberto giananni curl whip mouse. While hair wet and scrunched it in. Used a t shirt to scrunch out some wetness then used the umberto giannini curly jelly gel. Scrunching it in. Then plopped in a tee for a min or two. Then scrunched a little more moisture out and diffused on lowest heat and speed settings while upside down.
I look like beetlejuice. My hairline is very curly and the top of my hair is much more wavy than it was after leaving hairdressers. Curls are stringy. I’ve had to pin it up as the cut looks insane to be honest. I posted pics to show the results straight on which is okay then as I turn to the side how bad it gets, then lastly with it pinned up at sides.
Goals: it’s deeply uncool to say it BUT I wanna look cool. I’d love a cool 70s textured wavy cub/ wolf cut and a short fringe but I am worried it would look INSANE (in a bad way).
Basically any help and advice on how to make my hair look better, whatever that is. Let me know!
submitted by Lu_Cornish to curlyhair [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:49 Thin-Chair-1755 Can’t stand Guild War now

I really loved Season 1 Guild War. Maybe it wasn’t perfect, but for the most part actually playing it and strategizing with your Guild was great. We’ve gotten some nice quality of life improvements in the last two guild wars, but the gameplay itself and pacing of the event are just awful IMO.
Now, with the additional defense buffs that nobody asked for, matches are an oppressive slog. The maps are beatdown funnels and the guardsmen clog up already crowded boards. It feels like only cheap DPS characters matter on the offense, aka snipers or those with damage bomb actives.
Nobody in my guild talks strategy anymore. The board is so saturated with buff structures now that there’s no prize aside from driving down the middle and waiting to find medical. Previously, the balance was simple, but effective. You had the big egg, Medical, which propped up your entire defense, followed up by two big point structures (Vox/HQ), and then the squishy supply yards. It’s not that big of a board and balancing those was a nice, tight formula. Now? Who cares. Nobody is sniffing out the armory or excited to remove 2 Guardsmen from the field by hurling tickets at a barracks. Perhaps your experience is different with your guild but we went from intensive strategy leading up to wars to an absolute “fuck it” attitude all around.
Even if you like the changes to the board structure, I think most people will agree that the pacing of GW is horribly out of tune at the moment. One major issue with GW for more casual guilds was participation, and even I, somebody who logs in multiple times a day, has almost lost tickets to the timer. Yes, of course I could just burn through them the second the war starts, but again, that goes against the idea that we’re supposed to strategize with our guild. Now we have 2 weeks of downtime and then get an absolute blitz of war after war with barely any time to breathe or strategize.
This post isn’t just to complain, I genuinely loved the first round of Guild Wars and was excited as hell for the next one. But now, it just feels benign, and even the rewards and shop are paltry reason to be enthusiastic about it. I know there’s no going back to Season 1, but I would like to see something change.
Anyway, feel free to state your grievances.
submitted by Thin-Chair-1755 to WH40KTacticus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:49 minorbyte REBBL BB3 - Season 2 signups

REBBL Season 2

This post is a work in progress and once finalized, it will be pinned

Welcome to REBBL's Blood Bowl 3 second season!
If you'd like to join us, you have until TBD to sign up at https://rebbl.net/signup
We require your BB3 Coach Name - which you may need to link to your overall rebbl.net account. Once you've done that, you can select any of your inexperienced teams in Blood Bowl 3 from the drop down list. This means you will need to create your team in BB3 first BEFORE completing your signup. Until your team is assigned to a division, you can continue to freely make changes to the roster, and so on.
You will also be asked which of our three regions you would like to play in:
IMPORTANT: If you wish to sign up to REL, please make sure you have set your time zone correctly at https://rebbl.net/account. For Season 2, we will be building divisions with a 'soft' split of east/west coast coaches, though REL is not officially splitting into East and West at this time. Naturally, if you're in a central time zone, you could end up in either an east or a west coast division.

REBBRL College League Season 2

College League will continue! (providing enough people sign up)
Are you a new Blood Bowl coach looking to get into the game? Then this is the league for you! This is hands down the best place to get started with Blood Bowl 3 anywhere on the internet!
Are you a more experienced coach looking for some stiff competition? Head on over to main ReBBL.
ReBBRL College League is geared towards new coaches learning the game, you can start the process here and take your team all the way up to the major leagues.
This post will be updated with information on College League within the next couple of days.
In the meantime, join our discord and any of the Admins would be happy to answer any questions that you might have. DISCORD

REBBL Format

For Season 2, we expect to have a pyramid structure again where we can cater both inexperienced and experienced teams.

Supported Competition Status

It is expected that REBBL will be granted Supported Competition status for the Blood Bowl 3 World Championship competition.
REBBL's tickets for the World Championship will be granted to our champion(s) - it is currently unconfirmed how many tickets we'll have.
If you want our tickets, you have to win the REBBL playoffs and become REBBL champion.
Depending on how many tickets we do get, we may need to run a Champion of Champions tournament at some point - but I'll be able to confirm this at a later date.

Re-draft Season 1

If you wish to sign up with your season 1 team, you will have to take the team through the re-draft process first, once your team's re-draft has been validated, it will be eligable to sign up with (i.e. show up in the team dropdown when signing up).
You are allowed to sign up with an inexperienced team even after you have completed the re-draft of your team. You can read more about the re-draft process here (once the post is done)

Re-draft Season 2

We are currently testing the waters with re-drafting. Our current rules can be found here. Expect changes to re-drafting in season 2, which will be posted on reddit once we know what we will change. Changes will probably concern things surrounding balancing the budgets.


While we will soon make some additions to the rules to cover BB3 specific issues, the REBBL rules remain unchanged and by signing up to play, you commit to abiding by these rules at all times.

Signup Deadline

As confirmed above, the deadline for completing your signup is TBD with the initial aim of starting the season on TBD
If you have issues with the signup process, join the REBBL Discord via this link and come over to the #rebbl.net channel, where we will try to work things out for you.
Best of luck to all coaches!
submitted by minorbyte to ReBBl [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:48 IrnBroski Advice sought regarding ecoli infection in some of my cats

Story so far: (can skip the bit in italics)
Adopted 2 cats in 2022, a mother and a kitten. Mother (M) was unspayed, kitten (D) was a skinny little bugger.
Both healthy enough, mum's poop could be a little soft and smelly at times but I figured that was just her poop.
Fast forward a year, i haven't spayed her yet because honestly I feel bad doing it, but i know it's the best thing to do. So I come to the compromise - i will let her have one more litter of kittens and then get her spayed. So I find a good stud cat on the net and get the deed done. A couple months later she gives birth to 5 healthy kittens and one stillborn.
I feed mum more now since she's eating for 6, but her poop becomes really bad, and the kittens have a few poop issues too. I find good homes for 4 out of the 5 and get them away, but for the fifth kitten a buyer drops out at the last minute, and I end up stuck with her (S). Anyway, she's lovely but occasionally has bright red blood in her stool which is worrying.
So i get her poop tested and it comes back with a pure growth of beta haemolytic ecoli. I then get the other two's poop tested and they also come back with beta haemolytic ecoli (predominating but not pure). They are put on a 20 day course of amox/clav, after which i get them all tested again. The older 2, M and D, now don't have signs of the infection, but S, the kitten, still has it and it is now also resistant to amox/clav.
Go back to the vet, they give her an injection of cefovecin (I think that's the name), wait a bit, get them all tested again - now M has the infection again, predominating but not pure, D is still clear and S has pure ecoli culture in her poop - BUT it is no longer flagging as resistant.
These tests were last week so I've sent them to my vet who is yet to get back to me - just asking around here if anyone has any insight.
Firstly, it seems unusual to me that the ecoli that was first flagging as resistant in S has now become sensitive to amox/clav. Not that I am complaining as amox seems to be the most effective antibiotic out of the lot for it, but just unusual. I called the lab that did the test and they said they have changed their methodology and now use some equipment which is more accurate.
And secondly, just seeking general advice on how to bring their guts back to health. Can 2 antibiotics be administered at the same time? amox and cef? I know it would be strong for S (she's 7 months old) but she is well within herself, active and running around playing with her sister. M is an adult and at least 3.5 years old. Maybe fighting the infection on 2 fronts would be more effective? Just seeking advice here, I would like my kitties to be free of this disease and will do what needs to be done for that to happen.
(and in case you are wondering, M is spayed now and i told all the people who took kittens from me about the infection the moment S's first test came back and again when M and D's tests came back)
submitted by IrnBroski to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:47 Rxpzr Taking MDMA while schizophrenic

20M, Bit of context about my condition and previous drug use:
I've been hearing voices for over a year and it took me 3 months from the start of the psychosis to start getting treatment, I had 2 full blown breaks before that where I was suicidal, stopped talking to friends, thought the police were tracking me, didn't leave my house etc, all the extremes of a first schizophrenic break. Before I was schizophrenic I was smoking weed all day every day (more than 1g every day) for 2 years and taking LSD once every 2 weeks for 6 months and I was the most productive I had ever been, I would be reading multiple books a week, journalling every day, making detailed plans on how to start my business, working 20 hours a week at a job I liked making good money, spending the most time with family I ever had, I was in a very good mental state, I felt more connected to my religion than I ever had been, I felt that I was the best version of me, I attribute that mostly to LSD.
Anyways, since after the voices started I've only smoked small amounts of weed 4 or 5 times with mixed results, most of the times I was paranoid and the voices would get amplified but once or twice I had that feeling of peace again which I had been chasing. I've stayed away from any psychedelics for the past year out of the fear I would go back to hearing voices 24/7 again. My psychiatrist has warned me to stay away from any psychotropics but I still miss that feeling of breakthrough and coming out of the trip having learnt something new about myself or the world and striving to be a better person.
Recently I've been wanting to try MDMA since it's not a full blown psychedelic experience like LSD or shrooms and I've heard great things about it. I'm just looking for anyone who may have been in a similar position and tried MDMA and what that experience was like, also I want to know if anyone has ever been able to smoke weed again or do psychedelics without any repercrussions.
submitted by Rxpzr to schizophrenia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:47 Electrical-Push-9090 What stage of cancer am I in?

The first time I saw my oncologist I asked him, "So how long do I have?" It's surreal like in a movie. Time slowed waiting for him to answer and when he FINALLY replied a few seconds later he said
I don't know. No one knows to be honest. The way we treat cancer - prostate cancer in particular - has changed a great deal in the past few years. If you had asked me that question 3 years ago I would have said 2 and a half years - but about 5 years ago they came out with new treatments and now, 5 years later, some men are living 5 years.
I was mailed a bottle of XTANDI and I looked to WHAT TO DO IF I MISS A DAY? I came across the answer on the manufacturer's website. It said just take on time the following day and do not double up. Then I was reading more about it...
It was explaining how it works and it said that eventually it will stop being effective. The cancer will work around XTANDI.
The survival rate of men with the cancer only in the prostate after 5 years was 100%. The survival rate of men where the cancer had spread to a remote area was 31%.
I didn't if I was not listening to the oncologist correctly or if I didn't focus enough on "SOME men" but I had thought it was a manageable condition. As long as I took this medicine I'll be ok... I didn't know that I had, statistically, probably less than 5 years!
Then I was reading about how it depends, at least to some degree, if it had spread past the pelvic area. Mine has the. It's on the bone on my hip near my femur joint.
With this new information, I talked to my oncologist on the phone. I asked him, " With all of the current treatment options - like XTAINI, etc - how long do I have?" This time I heard the "SOME men". Something he said came to mind later. He was relieved that I wasn't having bad side effects from XTANDI. He said, "That's good - right now we're focused on just keeping you comfortable."
Which is hospice talk... Like I'm going to die. I didn't understand that the medicine would fail and they couldn't stop it and I'm ACTUALLY IN STAGE 4 ALREADY.
I will probably die in the next 2-3 years.
Am I missing anything? Does anyone disagree? What can I even DO to increase my survival time?
Thank you for your honesty and your candor.
submitted by Electrical-Push-9090 to ProstateCancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:47 strugglingsahm If you’re unsure of making the switch from breast milk to formula…

*** This is a rather long post and if not allowed my apologies. I’m not even sure if this is the proper place to post this but I’ve been a lurker since I had my LO & would just like to share my story…
I struggled with this for weeks. Practically from the moment I had my LO. It’s taken five weeks of debating myself, questioning myself, stressing myself out to decide the switch had to be made for myself.
I started EBF & everything was fine at first until it wasn’t. Cluster feeding kicked my butt and put a major strain on my mental health. A strain I couldn’t afford to deal with on top of everything else that comes during postpartum.
I thought pumping would solve that problem but if anything it made it worse. It was nice to be able to better see how much my LO ate and to increase my supply but almost immediately the stress of when to pump, how much I pumped, & engorgement reared its ugly head because LO had no desire to be put down. I was a “just-enough” pumper so there came the mental load of was there a better pump to buy, what pieces worked best, what style of pump would be better, creating a better schedule, what to eat to help increase supply, etc. It all came down to me not having a single moment to myself no matter how helpful my husband was when he wasn’t working. It felt like all of my free time was dedicated to pumping once I could get LO off of me long enough to do so. All because I wanted LO to exclusively drink breast milk since it’s been engraved in my brain that that’s “what’s best.”
Meanwhile I felt like my relationship with my first child took a major hit. There may be possible signs of PPD that I absolutely intend on mentioning to my doctor at my upcoming 6 week appt but the stress of pumping has absolutely exacerbated my bad moods and unfortunately my first has taken the brunt of it. I’ve been impatient, short-tempered, and overall a very unpleasant version of myself and we’ve butted heads constantly because of it. The guilt/shame that I felt when I reflected on my interactions with him was the straw that broke that camels back for me.
I finally made the choice to go EFF. I started by supplementing with formula and luckily we found a brand that LO tolerated right away with no major issue. I’ve continued pumping without a strict regimen for the sake of preventing engorging and have been able to incorporate that with the formula to make the transition smoother for LO. Finally today I’m going to be able to have a mommy/son day with my first while hubby stays home with LO. No having to worry about pumping to leave milk for hubby, wondering if I’ve pumped enough, or trying to rush through our day to make it back home for any reason. It’s a day I feel my first and I need & I couldn’t be more excited for it.
My decision felt selfish at first. I felt like a failure for giving in and not powering through to my goal of six months like I had done with my first. But then I think about my circumstances and realize that things are not the same. My family needs a better version of me. I can’t afford to go through the things I went through when I had my first. I managed but it was one of the most difficult times of my life and if I could go back and give myself the grace I needed, I would’ve done the same then that I’m doing now.
I’ve come to realize that the decision to make the switch isn’t just in the best interest of my LO but in the best interest of myself also. What good is EBF if I’m absolutely miserable? What good am I to my family if EBF/pumping stressed me out to the max?
I’m not sure if this will resonate with anyone but it’s something I thought may be helpful to share. I’m hoping at least one person who’s struggling maybe reads this and it helps tip the scales for them to make the choice that’s not just best for their LO but also a choice that’s best for them. ♥️
submitted by strugglingsahm to FormulaFeeders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:46 cremvursti This shouldn't have been released in Open Beta

While personally I'm quite amazed that this isn't just vaporware, the game has obvious flaws that will simply put off a lot of people.
Your average UT player will always come with so many expectations and because of that, first impressions are crucial. And for too many, the first impression has been sour.
Like, how many reactions along the lines of "played 2 games and uninstalled, thrash game" have you read the last couple of days? While I agree that these people understand nothing about game development, that doesn't mean this matters for anything if 9 out of 10 who day this won't try any further iteration of the game.
If they really wanted to get this into the hands of players, they should've gone with another closed beta instead and only have people who really want to try it be able to. Even just having to register on the UFL website to then get emailed a key would've been so much better because it would've triaged the average user who can't be bothered to do something like this.
This will come back to bite them in the ass long term, especially if they want to release it in the next couple of years. The whole thing feels more like a proof of concept, and I simply can't see anything good coming out of it, especially now after so many people had a bad first impression about it. I'll honestly be impressed if it even makes it to version 1.0.
submitted by cremvursti to UFLTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:44 Kuuki_Yomenai A Tale of Kindness and Lost Soulshell Armor

Hey everyone,
I wanted to share an interesting story that happened to me a few days ago in the world of Tibia. It involves Lady Tenebris, a bit of bad luck, and ultimately, a reminder of the good people in our community.
With Lady Tenebris being boosted, I decided to maximize the opportunity by killing her just after server save (SS) and aiming for another kill before the next SS. Since I work night shifts and finish just an hour before SS, I knew time was tight. So, right after work, I logged into the game on my Surface Go 2 tablet at my workplace. I met up with my organized team, and we successfully took down Lady Tenebris.
After the fight, I quickly packed up my gear, pressing a button to stow my Soulshell armor back into my backpack. I then closed my device, unplugged my mouse dongle, packed my tablet into my real backpack, and headed home. Later, when I logged back into the game on the PC and went to kill more bosses, I noticed my Soulshell armor was missing. It wasn’t in any of my backpacks or my depo. I was puzzled.
Suspecting a bug introduced by a recent update, I asked around in a server Discord group if anyone else had experienced something similar. One member, going by the name Dash Zoomyy(1000+ RP), asked me about the specifics of the armor and if it was imbued. He also asked if I had killed Lady Tenebris that morning. After confirming my responses, he told me he had my armor.
Here's what happened: After I killed the boss and left the fight room, I entered the safe room, where I pressed the power button on my tablet and got kicked from the game a moment later. Sometime later, Dash entered that room and saw a 290 Royal Paladin, Roberto'Pall, standing there with a Soulshell armor laying on the ground. Assuming it was dropped by accident, Dash let Roberto pick it up. Roberto didn't feel good about keeping something that wasn't his and, suspecting that the armor actually belonged to Dash Zoomyy, decided to return it to him. At first, Roberto thought it was just some player disguising himself as the armor with spells. It took him a moment to realize that it was indeed a Best-in-Slot (BiS) armor just laying on the floor.
Despite his guildmates advising him to keep the armor, Roberto felt it was right to give it back. I reached out to thank Roberto for his honesty, as he saved me from losing around 110 million gold coins. Although this might not be a significant amount for many, it was for me, given my playstyle doesn't generate much income, and I had bought the armor for 150 million only thanks to selling Tibia coins.
A few days later, I powered on my tablet again and saw my character still in that small room with the Soulshell armor on the floor. It seems I might have accidentally dragged the armor out while closing my device, likely due to contact between the keyboard and screen.
This experience reminded me that despite the sometimes self-serving nature of online games, there are still good people out there who care about others. Let’s appreciate and cherish these moments and the people who make our community better.
Stay safe and happy hunting!
Once again, huge thanks to Dash Zoomyy and Roberto'Pall for saving me from another fail, courtesy of my need to play Tibia after night shifts.
I lost my Soulshell armor after killing Lady Tenebris and logging off at work on my tablet. Dash Zoomyy discovered Roberto'Pall had picked it up, thinking it was accidentally dropped. Despite his guildmates' advice to keep it, Roberto returned the armor, saving me from losing 110 million gold coins.
I'd love to hear your own experiences with kind players in the game, so feel free to share your stories in the comments below!
submitted by Kuuki_Yomenai to TibiaMMO [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:43 Boni640 A.I.T.A for looking through kitchen cupboards in a house share to find my missing pans, and when I found them in someone else's cupboard asking for them back instead of just taking them?

So, my flatmate moved in about 8 months ago. While we were friendly at first, they quickly took a cold approach and has had minimal interaction with me or the other flatmates to my knowledge, who I get on with well. When they moved in, they took over a couple of cupboards I had previously used as they had a lot more stuff, no problem for me. However, a couple of weeks ago I realized that I was missing a few pots and pans and remembered that I had put them in that cupboard before they had moved in but had forgotten them as I don't use them very often. I hadn't seen them for a few weeks so I didn't know when they would be back, so I had a quick look in the other cupboards of my flatmates. When I say a quick look, I literally mean a quick look. Just opened and closed, no looking through stuff. But when I look at one of this flatmate's cupboards, I notice a couple of items there that belonged to me. I had to message her about some other things anyway, so I send a quick message, mentioning on the end that I noticed some of my stuff that had been in that cupboard before she moved in amongst her stuff. Not even asking for it back yet. She completely blanks it. When she gets back, we don't speak for a couple of days, that's fair and I wasn't really in a rush to get them back. Then when we're in the kitchen together I just mention if they had seen my message and they got defensive and rude. Saying how they had asked everyone about the stuff in the cupboard beforehand (never asked me) and that I should have mentioned it at the time, and that in any case this is a matter that should have been discussed in person and not over text (this from a person who avoids interacting with the rest of the house like the plague). I agree that I should have mentioned it at the time, that it did slip my mind. Also, that I would have spoken to her in person but as I didn't know where she had gone, I didn't know when she would be back. I said there was no rush but that if I could get them back when she had the chance, I would appreciate it. They blow it off saying that they're very busy and that it'll take a few weeks to get round to it. I say that's fine, again there's no rush. Since then, I've noticed that they've started putting locks on all their cupboards and loudly locking their door whenever they leave their room for even the smallest thing. As well as pointedly ignoring me as much as possible when we're in the same room together. It's taken me a couple of days to realize that maybe going through the cupboards without permission was too far. But from my perspective they were just kitchen cupboards, nothing personal. Also, the whole point of our conversation was that I DIDN'T take anything from them and asked them about it. Am I in the right here?
Also, does anyone have any suggestions on where to go from here? I feel like this whole tension is just completely unnecessary.
submitted by Boni640 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:43 Boni640 AITA for looking through kitchen cupboards in a house share to find my missing pans, and when I found them in someone else's cupboard asking for them back instead of just taking them?

So, my flatmate moved in about 8 months ago. While we were friendly at first, they quickly took a cold approach and has had minimal interaction with me or the other flatmates to my knowledge, who I get on with well. When they moved in, they took over a couple of cupboards I had previously used as they had a lot more stuff, no problem for me. However, a couple of weeks ago I realized that I was missing a few pots and pans and remembered that I had put them in that cupboard before they had moved in but had forgotten them as I don't use them very often. I hadn't seen them for a few weeks so I didn't know when they would be back, so I had a quick look in the other cupboards of my flatmates. When I say a quick look, I literally mean a quick look. Just opened and closed, no looking through stuff. But when I look at one of this flatmate's cupboards, I notice a couple of items there that belonged to me. I had to message her about some other things anyway, so I send a quick message, mentioning on the end that I noticed some of my stuff that had been in that cupboard before she moved in amongst her stuff. Not even asking for it back yet. She completely blanks it. When she gets back, we don't speak for a couple of days, that's fair and I wasn't really in a rush to get them back. Then when we're in the kitchen together I just mention if they had seen my message and they got defensive and rude. Saying how they had asked everyone about the stuff in the cupboard beforehand (never asked me) and that I should have mentioned it at the time, and that in any case this is a matter that should have been discussed in person and not over text (this from a person who avoids interacting with the rest of the house like the plague). I agree that I should have mentioned it at the time, that it did slip my mind. Also, that I would have spoken to her in person but as I didn't know where she had gone, I didn't know when she would be back. I said there was no rush but that if I could get them back when she had the chance, I would appreciate it. They blow it off saying that they're very busy and that it'll take a few weeks to get round to it. I say that's fine, again there's no rush. Since then, I've noticed that they've started putting locks on all their cupboards and loudly locking their door whenever they leave their room for even the smallest thing. As well as pointedly ignoring me as much as possible when we're in the same room together. It's taken me a couple of days to realize that maybe going through the cupboards without permission was too far. But from my perspective they were just kitchen cupboards, nothing personal. Also, the whole point of our conversation was that I DIDN'T take anything from them and asked them about it. Am I in the right here?
Also, does anyone have any suggestions on where to go from here? I feel like this whole tension is just completely unnecessary.
submitted by Boni640 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:42 anutosu I recieved two rabies vaccines on the same arm, will it a be a problem?

I'm 26M from India. Height about 5'4 and weighing about 72KGs
As the title said, I got bitten by a dog on the 2 of this month. I was out of town so got the first two doses from different places.
I got home a couple days ago and today was the day for the third vaccine. I think the doctor got confused and gave me the vaccine on left arm where I also got my second dose.
What is the procedure here? Is this a big matter of concern? Will I need to redo the whole course from the beginning?
submitted by anutosu to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:42 lolfreng Do STDs go away on there own?

On some level, you probably know that sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are far more common than your middle school sex ed teacher led you to believe. But get ready for a stat attack: Every day, more than 1 million STDs are reported worldwide, according to a report from the World Health Organization (WHO). Wowza!
What's more, experts say that they're likely even more prevalent than these numbers suggest, because the numbers reported above are only confirmed cases — meaning that someone got tested and was positive. Cases that aren't reported only add to the tally.
"While it's best practice to get tested every year or after every new partner — whichever comes first — most folks with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) don't have symptoms and most folks don't get tested unless they have symptoms," explains Sherry A. Ross, M.D., an ob-gyn and author of She-ology. Hey, there's no way for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or WHO to know if you have an STI you don't even know about!
There's also the chance that you think something is up, but you decide to wait it out and see if it'll "take care of itself." But can STDs go away without medical attention? Here's the thing: While STIs are definitely not a death sentence for you or your sexcapades, if left untreated, they can cause some serious health conditions.
Below, experts answer all your questions about whether STIs can go away on their own, the risks of leaving an STI untreated, how to get rid of an STD if you have one, and why regular STI testing is so important.
submitted by lolfreng to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:41 DrivingOffence NOOB Questions - not sure what to do - not the usual progression question!

Hi All =]
I've been lurking here for a while getting lots of help from all the posts and comments. I played this in browser back in the day when it first came out, but stopped after a year or so I guess - can't remember. Anyway - they took away browser support so you had to have a PC.
Few months back found it on PS so started playing there - I have 4 toons up to 65 with some nice mission kit (trying to stay F2P cos I'm broke) and starting to get to a point where I'm not dying so often and can actually do damage. Anyway - having a bit of a nightmare juggling all the doff stuff, defo not optimised, still learning.
Thing is, my mate lent me his gaming laptop as I'm thinking of getting one (not a desktop person, sorry) and for fun I thought I'd check out STO on PC - somehow remembered my log in details and boom - there's my old account.
Had a look about and found I have 8300 ZEN.
This is where I am now lost - Toons on PC are only level 50 - think the original cap maybe? but the ZEN is really compelling me to just switch. Another which is just space barbie (and also will become irrelevant due to getting better ships but I like it...) I have the science vessel with the pod as my main, but back then you could elect to have no mission pod which IMO makes it look much nicer... seems like this is no longer an option on PS or PC (is that right?).
However - I have made a lot of progress on PS - especially towards events, and also, despite preferring the PC access to all the "fire button things" through using the numbers on the keyboard, I somehow just prefer overall lying back on the sofa with the PS controller.
But all that ZEN on PC and the old style "rare looking ship"
For reference - my PS account has just under 3K zen.
Anyway - my main question - what would you do in this situation?
Also my game plan was to:
A. save up for the Awahnee(?) and Battle cruiser pack, and also the 12th to get the Lexington and better ships for the Sci toon - is this a failed concept? Open to suggestions.
Also for reference, I'm not super competitive, just wanna not dies so much, stay F2P, and have fun with EPG and beam and cannon builds (on different toons).
Look forward to hearing peoples' opinions!
Cheers =]
submitted by DrivingOffence to sto [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:41 International-Cat-85 HELP ME FIND A SONG (ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY‼️😭😭)

i can’t remember where i heard it, i know it was from a show or movie (it’s not an actual part of a movie or show soundtrack, i just heard it in a show or movie ) and i remember that i heard it in the past and i’m not sure what triggered the memory but i woke up one day and it was stuck in my head, i fall asleep watching stuff sometimes so i’m not sure if maybe it was playing in something i watched but i’ve tried looking through the soundtracks.. ANYWAYS i barely remember the lyrics and i know the melody of the chorus but it’s a fast song and like upbeat (not sad) and it’s not a mainstream pop kinda song, and not very new like i think maybe early 2000s - like first decade, decade and a half or so… the chorus is a fast tempo and the verses start with “you’re all”, with emphasis on “all”… it’s like “you’re ALLL …. something something” Its a male singer and he goes a little high on “all”.. and i have like fragmented pieces of some lyrics but i don’t know/think they’re right… it’s something like “you’re all bla bla… (1st part) when your bla bla to keep me/you faaway from bla (2nd part) .. and then again “you’re alll bla bla..” i think it’s like that the first 2 verses and the third mellows down and it’s like “you’re all that’s in my life..” (i don’t think the last part is true not sure)
i have no idea if anyone has any clue what i’m talking about but pls give any suggestions u have, i’ve tried everything to find it including humming it into song finders and no luck, it’s driving me crazy 😭 WHOEVER FINDS IT YOU ARE LITERALLY A WIZARD I WILL LOVE U FOREVER
submitted by International-Cat-85 to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:41 gacha_candy AITA for being dramatic when my mom gave me advice about my outfit?

So, basically, I (16F) went to a graduation day for an English course I'm taking (English isn't my first language, me and 5 people from the course were invited to a pizzeria by our teacher to eat and get our diplomas). Some were dressed casually, some formally.
There were 2 problems: I wore socks that were too thick and I wore a black purse with white shoes. I had just gotten those white shoes, so I wanted to wear them for the first time and I like the purse cause of the way the chain is placed, so I can fidget with it when nervous or stressed.
I sent a picture to my grandma (66F) ( it was a group picture, so I was kinda zoomed out) because she likes receiving pictures and she told me off about the socks and told me I should've worn something more elegant. Point taken, I mildly rolled my eyes cause who receives a picture and inspects someone's socks, but whatever (She didn't see me rolling them cause it was over the phone)
Then my mom (45F) told me that I shouldn't have worn a black purse with white shoes. I told her calmly, but firmly that it's all subjective and that I simply liked those more. Again, for reference, there's a picture of my outfit. She told me that I was stubborn and I kept not being receptive and telling her it's subjective and I liked it and, according to her own sayings, black and white went with everything and no one else cared and she called me stupid and said I looked like a clown. This wasn't the first time she had done that (it was the second, the first was a month ago on her birthday when I wanted to wear a green blouse with blue trousers), so I yelled at her that she should stop insulting me over something so inconsequential and that she was horrible and went to my room (I know, I'm dramatic, you'd suffer horrible punishments if you said that to your parents back in the day, I get it).
Then she called me and apologized for insulting me, but said I was too stubborn, so I told her "okay, let me go now" (in a fairly insolent tone). She also said I was being crazy and that I started it by being so stubborn and not receptive when she was just trying to give me advice and that I "didn't drink all the intelligence of the world at 16" (actual phrase in my language, wouldn't know to translate it 🤷‍♀️) She kept hugging me pretty strong, I could've gotten out if I wanted to, but not without effort, but she let me go eventually.
I then got into my room and audibly cried (not on purpose, but living room and my room are pretty close), and she told me I was being dramatic and to come back out when I've calmed down. Mind you, not 15 minutes later, she was like "come back out, I'm not gonna wait the whole day", so I came back out and she apologized for insulting me and said it wasn't gonna happen again and asked me if I was gonna be this fussy the whole day.
Edit: sorry about my bad grammar, I was pretty distressed when I wrote this
submitted by gacha_candy to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:41 ThrowRA19087 I (F26) saw my friend (F25) make out with the man (M26) who broke my heart... what should I do? Advice please :(

I have this friend group filled with all kinds of people i have met along the past few years. After I had a falling out with 2 of them due to circumstances, we became friends again after 6 years.
One of them, Alex, was someone I had confessed my feelings for but was rejected. He ended up still leading me on by acting like he liked me (touching me in a sexual way, flirting, teasing), which led to me getting hurt and resentful towards him. It was honestly a big heartache and had a big impact on how I feel about love.
I've processed how it affected me, but it is still a soft spot for me. I confided in a few people about him, and one of them is my friend Jolene, who I've been friend for a year now.
Fast forward to the future, alex is hanging out with our group for the 5th time as we went to a rave. I also brought along my friend who was meeting alex for the first time and 2nd time with my group.
I've seen how she acts when drunk and not to be judgmental... but she acts very promiscuous and gets carried away easily when drunk. Honestly, her acting this way ruined a lot of friendships from our own little group and led to me avoiding everyone but her.
It never bothered me personally until I turned around and saw her kissing alex right in front of my face and her all up on him and Vice versa.
After much talking the next day, she seems to be feeling guilty about making me upset. I assumed that she was just drunk and told her I'll just need time to process everything since I didn't know how I felt about it all.
The thing is that she told me she was somewhat aware and told alex that she shouldn't be with him right then. Alex then asked "why, what do you mean?" and she said "because of your past relationship with my friend, " and he told her "it okay don't worry about it, " and they continued to be together through the night
I thought it was just her drunk, but now that she told me that, it made me upset that she had some awareness and continued even though she knew how hurt he made me feel.
I hate feeling this way, but I feel betrayed and angry at her. She could have made out with anyone else in the rave but picked him out of everyone? And right when I was there? It was just so frustrating that I had to tell someone and well... im telling reddit :')
If anyone has advice on what I should do, please help me out.
submitted by ThrowRA19087 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:40 MudInner473 4W PO & Spotting/Bleeding

4WPO laparoscopic hysterectomy, kept ovaries. I am a little nervous this morning. I woke up to pee and when I wiped it was pink. I also noticed some in the toilet. I was a little crampy last night too. I did message the doctor office but it’s in the portal and something they won’t see until Monday I am sure. I really haven’t bled at all up until this point minus the first couple of days and this is why I am very nervous.
I was up and about yesterday. Ran a few errands but didn’t do any heavy lifting or anything.
I have really bad health anxiety so my mind goes to really dark places. Please help calm my fears until I talk to doctor. I know if I start bleeding a lot I need to go to ER.
submitted by MudInner473 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:39 DogYearsSkateClub Mild UTI symptoms, but negative on strip test

symptoms: - slight burning during and after peeing - lower back pain - smallest discharge of VERY watery and cloudy liquid in between peeing, and usually when i squeeze the head of my penis (almost looks like precum) - slight smell to urine - slightly unwell feeling
I have had the slightest burn the last week, never enough to cause serious pain just slight discomfort. it’s usually at it’s worst during the first pee in the morning and then subsides during the day. I’ve been doing a pretty heavy water cleanse the last few days thinking this was a UTI. To be safe I got a strip test from CVS and it came back negative. I read that these tests are pretty inaccurate especially when your pee is majority water so I’m afraid to discount that yet. The last time I had sex was about a month and a half ago? I did have sex with 3 women in about a 2 and a half week period (yes, i’m upset to say this but it was just the circumstances at hand). I let each of them know that I had been sexually active within the last few weeks and it was unprotected and each was okay with it. I read that chlamydia and gonnoreah can have an incubation period of a few months but I just feel like my symptoms are not severe enough to call it that yet. My negative test strip results have me worried however.
submitted by DogYearsSkateClub to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:38 Zestyclose_Run7694 Two friends (girls)

Guys I need your advice. There are these two friends (girls from university that I met in the library. Apparently they are really close but they are kind of both flirting with me really hard. One is a 9.5/10 the other one maybe a 8/10 so they are both really hot. The 9.5/10 has the same ethnical background as me so we bond in a different way, we also texted on IG already and wanted to meet up so intentions are pretty clear. They are both in the 1st semester of their studies (Europe) and I just finished my degree so they kinda look up to me. I am leaving the country soon. Problem is the 9,5 wanted to meet up after passing her exam which she failed to pass twice now so she was not feeling like meeting on those exam failing days cause she was feeling too depressed or whatever. Now she does not text me by herself, I guess she is just stressed and focusing on her studies, that is also what other people tell me about her. So I started texting with her friend the 8 and her intentions are also very clear. I went on a date yesterday with the 8 and really tried not to kiss or interact with her in any other sexual way. Why? I don’t want the 9,5 to know that I kissed/fucked her friend cause I think that would make it impossible for me to eventually also fuck the 9,5. So here is my theory: The two chicks don’t really talk to each other about their intentions with me. So they both know of their intentions with me because they simultaneously flirt with me when I bump into them on the campus. But they don’t disclose their intentions to each other. So the 9,5 basically almost went on a date with me but did not tell the other one about it. Otherwise the 8 would have never gone on a date with me. Tell me what you think ! I think if I wanna manage to fuck both of them I will have to fuck the hotter one first. I also don’t know if the one will tell the other one after I fucked one of them.
submitted by Zestyclose_Run7694 to dating_advice [link] [comments]
