Armstrong alterna

Grout Lines vs No Grout Lines

2024.01.30 18:55 Alternative-Fix7155 Grout Lines vs No Grout Lines

Installing new LVT flooring in kitchen soon; specifically Armstrong Alterna Mesa Stone, Fieldstone D7115. It is a glue down floor.
I mentioned to flooring guy how I don't want the color of the grout lines to stand out like a sore thumb. He said I could opt not to have any grout lines at all. I wasn't aware this was an option.
What I really don't want is to deal with a problem floor down the road because I made a poor decision at time of install.
He stated he has less call backs on floors installed w/o grout lines than he does with. Although that may be true, I suspect that could be because he installs more floors with than without. Just a hunch.
What's your opinion/experience Reddit? Would I be asking for more problems by opting not having grout lines?
Thanks for your feedback.
submitted by Alternative-Fix7155 to Flooring [link] [comments]

2023.09.30 20:12 bc-squared Any hope finding discontinued flooring?

I am attempting to find Armstrong Alterna - Golden Glaze in 16"x16" tiles to match existing flooring in my house. According to some local flooring stores, the 16"x16" tile was discontinued in 2021 and only 12"x24" is available now. lists is as "in stock" on their website but they don't actually have any available "in my region".
This is probably a stretch, but does anyone know a place that may potentially have this tile?
submitted by bc-squared to Flooring [link] [comments]

2022.01.29 23:00 RR50 LVT flatness question

Hey guys, I did all the LVP and LVT in my new construction house last year on the main floor. Which was easy as it was all nice and flat, new subfloor and I put down nice underlayment over it. It was smooth as a baby’s bottom.
Well now I’m getting to downstairs and finishing the basement, and like most concrete basement floors, it’s not perfectly flat….but not uneven enough it’s perceivable to the naked eye. Anyhow, I’m installing Armstrong Alterna 12x24 glue down for the bathroom, how perfectly flat does the floor need to be. Do I need to pour self leveler if it’s less than 1/8” out of flat over a 7’ bathroom? I want to make sure it’s up to par and isn’t half assed.
submitted by RR50 to Flooring [link] [comments]

2020.10.12 08:26 classycatman Armstrong Alterna flooring

We’re planning to remodel our kitchen/dining room and dropped by a local flooring store the other day to look at options. We have about 450 square feet of tile to replace. There are a couple of hairline cracks on a couple of tiles and grout is coming loose around a couple in the high traffic area. It’s also ugly.
The person showed us Armstrong Alterna tiles which he said can be installed right over what we have which negates the mess and expense of removing it.
It seems to get either very good or very bad reviews. It would be in a high traffic area.
Has anyone used this and if so, what do you think of it?
submitted by classycatman to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2019.07.03 01:39 LabLurken Clean up subfloor adhesive?

Hey all. Ripped out ceramic tile and the durock beneath. Throwing down Armstrong Alterna LVT.
Will be laying 1/4" 5-ply Halex before laying the Alterna tile. Curious if I need to clean up the adhesive that was below the durock before? Or if I am okay to lay the Halex over the subfloor and adhesive no issue?
Tile is 12x24. Flooring will be installed in Minnesota home if region matters.
Pics of the adhesive/subfloor.
submitted by LabLurken to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]