Text cute ways to say goodnight


2013.06.27 15:48 r/nonononoyes

A sub for things that seem to go so brilliantly wrong, but oh so right.

2019.06.05 15:24 Mega_Mewthree Wooloo

A community dedicated to the very cute sheep Pokémon Wooloo.

2022.01.30 00:07 aprildismay popculturechat

For serious gossips with a great sense of humor. No bores, no bullies. Come for the gossip, stay for the analysis & community.

2024.05.15 05:02 heartdestroyed736328 Wound reopened — seeking support

My wife has been having an affair with her boss for eight months, and I’m unable to confront her because it would end our decade-plus marriage. She has no idea that I know. Our relationship has improved significantly over the last eight months, since I found out and have tried to do everything I can to reverse course, and she engages in the affair during business trips several times per year. She used to be heavily involved in the emotional aspect of the affair, avoiding me and spending countless hours on texts and calls, and she was being very cruel towards me. But that has changed; she is back to loving me again and no longer spends time away from me.
We had a perfect marriage until I became depressed two years ago and basically stopped eating because I decided I wanted to lose weight. This led to a loss of libido and pretty severe depression, both of which I thought were intractable until I started eating again due to the stress of everything going on. I have been trying to stay positive, since I know she does love me, and we are actually moving several states away very shortly. But during her last business trip, something happened that humiliated and destroyed me completely, and I just need someone with experience to talk to.
We can't divorce because I love her and also because we have mutually built an entire life together. I’m still in shock because we’ve been together since we were very young, were each other’s first real relationship, I have supported her to become a high earning professional (giving up my own career dreams and earning ability), and we have always been very conventional in the clean way we live our lives. It's so hurtful being a prisoner without being able to acknowledge what has happened and what is happening, without ending everything. If there’s anyone out there who would talk to me, I’d be so grateful.
submitted by heartdestroyed736328 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:02 Real-School-2084 First partner telling me no would love me

I have always dealt with mental illness, had pretty rough childhood and when I went to college I came out as gay, this being 2012 in a small town in kansas, was not the easiest. My first boyfriend really made me feel special at the start, but always seemed to pick at things and eventually made me feel like I could even see my friends. This relationship went on for a few years and there is a number things that happened that gave me ptsd and I have never been able to have a long term relationship since.
To the point of the title, when I was dealing with some mental issue that he didn't like my behavior he looked at me and told me "No one will ever love you because the way you act." Which is different than being told "no one can love like you like I can" or other variations, it is saying he won't ever love me and no one ever will. I have actually been able to get mental treatment I need but I still repeat this line to myself, "no one will ever love you" on a daily basis often when I am with people that do care about me.
I don't know how to move past it and I wish I could.
submitted by Real-School-2084 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:02 AgitatedCat3087 New player here to this awesome game, trying to survive for more than a day

Before I start, I'd like to say this is the greatest zombie game of this type I've ever played. For me a close second is Last Stand: Union City, the flash game from way back when. They are so similar!
Zomboid I think is the true successor to Union City, bringing with it everything else the flash game was missing, or was trying to achieve.
Anyway, I began playing Zomboid 3 days ago and I'm completely into it, but I can't survive for more than a day. I always end up getting bit, so I just lose all enthusiasm to continue with that character.
Obviously I looked up guides for beginners but to be frank the guides on Youtube for this game are not very, comprehensible? Not exactly approachable, let me put it this way. Even the let's plays and "survival for x days" are not very informative for someone trying to survive more than a day.
My question is, is there no way to 'cheese' the beginning part, like a few strictly linear things that a new character must do step by step? All I have now is a very vague, general guideline and a whole bunch of unexpected things happen because at a certain point I don't know what to do any more. Also because I'm so clumsy and allow a zombie bite me by accident.
Veterans of the game, please recommend me a clear, stage-by-stage path to surviving 3 days, or a week, and beyond, thank you.
submitted by AgitatedCat3087 to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 anon509123 My Gen X mom and her husband of 1 year want to have a kid

I've gotta get this off my chest, and I'm not making how I feel about it my siblings' problem. My mom texted my five siblings and I a couple of hours ago saying that she and her our stepdad were talking to an OB about fertility options and wanted their "own, second blended family." My twin brother's currently in the ER at an international hospital outside of Tokyo, because he's been living over there for a bit. The details are uh. Specific. And I don't want my family to find this, so I'll just say that it's really bad. Not immediate death bad, but it's bad. It'd just be not great if he didn't have a chronic illness. We're in our early 20s, and he's a full-time student trying to become an English teacher over there. He knows a decent amount of Japanese, but he's not super fluent.
She couldn't say something on mother's day, or wait until my brother was at least like marginally ok, but it had to be RIGHT NOW. I know it isn't a push from her husband, either; she's always lamenting how she didn't get to be a stay at home mom after the divorce, when she lost pretty much full custody to a man that should have been put in jail for what he did to my siblings and me. We're worried that it's a manic episode, but we've been through a few before and none of the normal signs cropped up, and I had talked to her for a combine two and a half hours over the past couple of days. I'm really just hoping that it was triggered by what happened to my brother, but. Man. I'm just banging my head against the wall tonight and hoping tomorrow looks a little better.
submitted by anon509123 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 marcopolo2345 People who shit on iPad kids don’t see the irony in what they’re saying.

Saw a post on here asking if people were an iPad kid or had an actual childhood and it was just a picture of a bunch of movies. I couldn’t tell if they were joking but judging by their replies I don’t think they were.
Socrates: The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households.
I see so many people in the sub who seem to think they’re better than the iPad generation and that they had a better childhood. When I was growing up the people a few years older than me would say that we were the worst generation because we would watch tv all the time and play video games. Then it goes on and on and on all the way back in history.
There are young kids who are addicted to their iPad. The people shitting on them were most likely addicted to their PlayStation or have a massive superiority complex because they went outside for an hour after Scooby doo.
There are also kids these days who like to be outside. Or want to but can’t because of shitty urban planning.
The oldest gen alphas are only in their early teens so if you wanna blame someone then blame their shitty parents. Let’s try and break the cycle of thinking that we are better than the newest generation.
submitted by marcopolo2345 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 jjanska From getting married to moving out and dividing our assets.

I feel like I need to just vent and let everything out, so here goes. This is gonna be long and a lot of yapping, I’m a mess while writing this. This doesn’t even contain everything that has happened.
I matched on Tinder with a cute guy in 2014 and we both made clear that we didn’t want anything else than friendship. But in a month, we were falling for each other. Early 2015, he told me he loves me, but he acknowledged my fear of love so I wouldn’t have to say it back. I kinda freaked out and dipped out, but we kept texting every month, especially when drunk, we told each other how much we like each other.
2016 we became official after playing around. It was heaven on earth for me then and I loved the man with my whole heart. I went out of my way for him. He was my first everything.
Few months into our relationship, we were at a festival with another couple who were our friends, and we 4 slept in a campervan. He wanted to have sex, I didn’t and I told him no few times. He ended up rubbing himself between my thighs while I laid there frozen and hurt. I pushed the whole thing away from my mind. Another 6 months in, we were drinking in his hometown with his friends. He got too drunk and ended up grabbing me from my collar and pushing me aggressively against a wall and yelled at me. He ran away and I was alone in his hometown while he didn’t answer. Well I found him and we went to his mother’s house to sleep, where he cried to me that I shouldn’t be with him that he’s a bad man. Another year in, one of his best friends hated me and trash talked me to their friend group and it was literally hell on earth, and he just let it happen, without setting things straight or defending me. And at the same time, we listened to one podcast where a couple had downloaded their tinders back and watched their old matches and convos to laugh at them lightheartedly. Well, we did just that but what I found out was that he had had tinder while we were officially together and talked to other women. He ended up deleting everything before he could show me them and saying it wasn’t him, that his single friends used his phone and pictures for tinder, but I could tell that it was him from the messages I had time to see.
The last 4 years have been sexless, and I have suffered with that a lot. There’s no kisses, no holding hands, no I love you’s, nothing. We have basically been friends for the last 4 years except when he’s drunk and wants to rub his D against me and cum.
Well now, we broke up a month ago, after being 8 years officially together and a decade of us being engaged with one another. Everything we own shared, our car, cats, furniture, EVERYTHING.
I’m just so broken, sad, finished and tired. I love him, but I don’t, I hate him, but I don’t. I have fought for this relationship for years alone, and it ended up breaking me. I have been unmotivated to finish my bachelor degree, I just stay home and don’t want to see anyone and I escape reality with music and stories. I read and use AI to live my hopeless romantic dreams, I dream about a life, but I’m scared I won’t ever get it because I lost myself in this relationship. I lost my mental health and my body. I have gained 30kg since we started dating, he loves ordering in and eating chips and all that shit, I had never even taken food home before I met him.
I’m looooost and I don’t know what to do, how to pull myself together and go live my life while going through this breakup, he and his family were my life and now I’m going to move out to live alone for the first time ever with two cats we got together.
submitted by jjanska to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 Twinsen98 New ACOTAR Podcast - Mortal Lands

I wanted to recommend this new podcast called Mortal Lands, which is dedicated to the Sarah J. Maas books, but is currently focusing on ACOTAR. There are currently three main episodes out, covering the first 34 chapters of the first book. Even though this is a reread by the hosts, they keep it spoiler-free and do a great job of bringing the perspective of a first-time reader. There are new episodes on Mondays and bonus episodes on Wednesdays, where they include full series spoilers. Also, there are currently no ads.
They do spend a bit of time each episode on summarizing the chapters, but this is mostly interlaced with commentary. The banter is hilarious – I posted some lines I found funny, but it’s even better on audio with the actual delivery:
Website: https://www.podbean.com/pu/pbblog-jri9h-1198bbb
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mortal-lands-a-sarah-j-maas-book-club/id1741449766
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4RuqRxYkzDXFkQoS5Tezv0?si=KcZLDA_NSb-UsJIMNVa3-A
Pocket Casts: https://pca.st/podcast/8c8bac00-ec8d-013c-3086-0affccc8fded
submitted by Twinsen98 to acotar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 HelloYellow17 The Kids Are Alright: CA parallel analysis (Reddit version, PART TWO)

The Kids Are Alright: CA parallel analysis (Reddit version, PART TWO)
Welcome back to part 2, in which we see parallels between Kyrie and Aerith! This is where it gets really interesting.
[Pics 1-2] Now, let’s talk about Kyrie. This story takes place during AC, so K is 2 years older than she is in Retrilogy. She’s much more mature than the one we know from the games. At first, I kept seeing Clerith parallels between K and E and thought I was just reading into things.
[Pics 3-6] I thought “K reminds me of Aerith, especially in the way she interacts with E…but nah, that’s just my biased Clerith brain talking.” BUT THEN. I read this passage. Kyrie is meant to resemble Aerith in this story. What does that mean for the romance, I wonder? Hmm.
[Pics 7-9] The similarities don’t end there, though. Some are very on the nose! Interestingly, K&E fall into the LS, E’s wounds are healed, and they fall asleep. Neither one is hurt from the fall. When CA falls from the branch at the temple of the Ancients, they don’t get hurt either—and Cloud enters a new world in a dream. Evan even tries to shield Kyrie from the impact with his own body—exactly like Cloud does for Aerith!
[Pic 10] This isn’t exactly a parallel, but I found it funny/cute and I 100% see this happening with CA. 😂 I could go on, but basically there are MANY moments in the romance that mirror CA. K gets E to open up/have fun, & sees the real E. E can’t hide from K no matter what he tries.
[Pics 11-12] But there’s more! Kyrie had 3 old friends Kadaj, Loz, & Yazoo who died in a fire some years prior. “Kadaj” then begins appearing to her to manipulate her, but it’s clear to the audience he’s a Jenova/Seph clone.
[Pics 13-16] She figures out Kadaj isn’t really him, & then we get these interactions. Hmm, Kadaj and Kyrie being former lovers? Remember that Sephiroth was originally going to be a brother or ex-lover of Aerith’s in the early drafts. And when K chooses E over Kadaj, Kadaj is ANGRY.
Interestingly, K has more parallels with Cloud than Aerith here. Losing loved ones in a fire, suffering trauma & guilt from it, and then the Sephiroth clone in her life trying to isolate her from those she loves? VERY interesting, especially with Remake Aerith being actively involved this time and coming directly between Cloud and Sephiroth to protect the former. Also: why/how did the clone trio get their names from Kyrie’s childhood friends? LOTS of questions about that there.
However, this last bit of information is maybe the craziest of them all:
Kyrie’s last name is Canaan.
LITERALLY translates to “the promised land.” There is absolutely no way that was an accident!
What does that mean? Is it just a fun Easter egg? Is it meant to imply something about Cloud and Aerith? At this point it’s up to the reader’s interpretation, but I like to think this is a hint: that Cloud’s promised land isn’t a place, but a person, and that person is a certain Cetra with a braid and a bow in her hair. 💛
In conclusion: with confirmation that Evan is reflective of Cloud and Kyrie is reflective of Aerith, it seems pretty clear that the romance in this novel is meant to also be reflective of CA—especially Retrilogy CA. Does it mean anything for part 3? Idk, but I love it anyway.💛
That’s all for my analysis! Thanks so much for reading this textwall, and I hope you enjoyed!
submitted by HelloYellow17 to cloudxaerith [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 AnxietyRunFreeSpirit How do you respond when they start arguing or yelling at you?

I’m stuck for now, but will get out of this when I can.
In the meantime, I’m trying to regulate myself when he starts trying to pick fights with me or starts yelling at me out of the blue. I know nothing I say will diffuse the situation and he doesn’t listen, anyway. I’ve started automatically going silent (or if give one word answers or just say “stop yelling at me”). I’ll try to calmly respond, but then I just give up and say nothing and let him lay into me. I don’t know what else I can do at this point.
Is there any other way to respond or not respond? Or is it useless to do anything? After a while, he gives me the silent treatment and then acts like nothing happened. So I try to make it to that point without aggravating the situation (he has gotten physical, so that’s another reason on top of everything else why I’m trying to remain calm and not let it escalate).
submitted by AnxietyRunFreeSpirit to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 Express_Ad4282 I hate my English teacher

So I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I want to talk about something my ELA (English Language Arts) teacher said a few weeks ago. I'm in the 8th grade btw.
Recently in ELA, before state testing last week, we were learning about the holocaust. My ELA teacher provided copies of The Diary of a Young Girl (Don't know if that's the exact title) to the students who wanted to read it. I was one of the students who did want to read it. Well anyway when she handed out the books she said something along the lines of, "By the way, I feel like Anne Frank is really whiny throughout the entire journal. Like she just complains alot about how her older sister is "prettier" and her family "doesn't"love her. She's just really whiny."
Now idk about yall, but I think that's so disrespectful. Like I would love to see My ELA teacher as a 14 year old girl go through a world changing tragedy like the holocaust, where her people were being hunted down and killed, she had to hideaway in a small place with her family and another family and just a random old man, and risk having the people she knows and loves being taken away from her at any moment. Like I think it's pathetic to say ANNE FUCKING FRANK was too whiny in her private journal entries during THE HOLOCAUST!!! I really wanted to go off on her and let her know her place. Remind her that in her 40 years of living she has NEVER and will NEVER do anything as great, brave, and historical as Anne Frank did in her 14 years of living until she was captured by the nazis and sent to a concentration camp.
Like it really upset me and it makes me mad how entitled some (not all) people and especially teachers or people in power are. Like sit down and realize that you are NOTHING compared to that 14 year old girl!!
submitted by Express_Ad4282 to teaching [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 Radiant-Bear4172 Controlled Burn [5]

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and i hope you'll enjoy it as much as i did writing it
again a huge thanks to u/Objective-Farm-2560 for helping me with my grammar and spelling
Memory Transcription Subject: Vaill, Venlil Rescue
Date [standardized human time]: November 28, 2136

The paws that went by on that ship were better than the one in the pens. No one was eaten, and no Grays were stalking around. It was like they were avoiding us. No one but me knew where they were taking us, others guessed we were being moved to another cattle farm, which I guess wasn’t far from the truth, but most were quietly stewing in what was likely our last paws. The cut from that thing had healed up mostly, and was now scarring without the proper medical attention.

I didn’t tell the others that we were going to the ‘extinct’ predators home, that would only create more panic, so I kept my mouth shut so that the people here might have some hope. Even if it was a false hope.
The cargo bay that they had loaded us into was a similar dark metal to the cattle facility, but this one was missing the old rusty metal meaning this was likely a new ship. I doubted that these monsters could clean anyway.
They didn’t communicate with us at all. They stopped feeding us and just left us in the cargo bay with a bucket of water and a crate of food. There was no sense of rationing it so it was gone within the first 2 paws of this cattle exchange.
I don’t want to be a human’s play thing, they are just as bad if not worse than the Arxur. I have seen what they did to one another… they are so brutal.. I couldn’t finish the video about them..
A few of the other Venlil around me also had scars. We were lucky to escape that place alive… or were we?
The ship began to slow and the tell tale sign of entering a atmosphere was felt. This was a feeling that I had felt before when I would stay with my father. I used to go with him on some of his colony work. I would stay on the ship so I was never in harm's way.
The ship landed and we saw the Grays for the first time in several paws. I assumed that we were on the predators’ planet, but as we disembarked we were greeted by nothing but us cattle and… an old neighborhood of Venlil design? The Grays herded the last of the cattle off, throwing or shoving them, and once we were all off the cargo bay doors closed and the engines powered back on… they took off and just left???

This didn’t make sense in the slightest… Why would they just leave us their cattle here? There weren't even any predators here to take us just, the empty space of a lost colony.
Then it clicked with me that other predators must already be here and they wanted to hunt us, they were just as bad as i had thought. I had failed these people before, but I wouldn't fail them again.. I just needed to find something I could use, anything.
I won’t let these people or myself be taken by monsters… not again.. I can’t.. I will not fail my job again.. I-
I was pulled from my thoughts as more ships landed around us. I was ready to try to protect these people but they were… of Venlil make…? This had to be a sick joke played by the predators. they had to have stolen our ships. There was no way my people had anything to do with these monsters, they couldn’t be reasoned with.

It has to be predatory tricky.
I watched with bated breath as the landing ramps touched down, ready to be proven right, but to my shock and horror, Venlil medical staff began to come out of the ships and started to load the cattle onto stretchers, and then take them to the ship board.
My head was spinning and I felt sick about what this could mean. Had the Tarva betrayed the Federation and made a deal with these things? No, that wasn’t possible. They made it very clear they would never talk with us prey, let alone make a deal. For the first time I was at a loss.
How had we been sent back to our people? We were food for the Grays yet they had just let us go. This didn’t make sense…
My breathing had become irregular and I started to feel dizzy. Nothing about this made any sense.
HOW WERE WE RELEASED.. What had Tarva don-
I fell back from the shock from all this and was loaded onto a stretcher, my breathing quickened and everything went black.


I woke in a stretcher being wheeled into a hospital room. I pawed at my eyes trying to see clearly and when my vision unblurred I saw a large figure with a black reflective mask over their face and Venlil by their side, I didn’t recognize the tall one. Had we made first contact in the time I’d been gone..? Why didn’t they have a tail?

A growl suddenly came from the tall one that my translator told me meant “You’re safe now, you’re on Venlil Prime. I’m Andrew, and this is my friend Annek. She and I are here to help as much as we can.”
I didn’t say anything. For all I knew this was a dream.. misplaced hope the Arxur wouldn’t just give us back to our people. Annek couldn't actually have made it out alive. There was something that had to be happening. Had my home been taken by the humans that Arxur had spoken about, was this tall one in front of me one of them? Was any of this even real..? Was I still in a pen..?
The Venlil made slow steps to me and started to untangle my fur.
“What’s your name?” the Venlil asked me softly. If this truly was Annek, then how could she not see it was me? Had the Arxur really mangled me so much that my best friend couldn’t see that it was me.
Again I didn’t answer.
How could I just go back to normal after what I had seen? Why was it so hard to just be happy to believe the lie even if only for a while, this was my friend?
I had an uneasy feeling of being watched like in the cattle pens. The comment that the Arxur made stuck in my head, but I didn't see any ‘extinct’ predators.

As the tall thing started to walk over to me with slow uncertain steps, I tensed up and my paw grabbed the fur around my legs. It seemed to slow as I did which showed that it had at least a minor amount of empathy and wasn’t a human, and I began to relax, still perplexed as to why we had been given back. Had the Federation hit the Arxur hard somehow and got us back? Was that even possible?

“hello? Is anyone in that head of yours?” I was pulled back to reality by Andrew shaking my shoulder softly.

“…. Y-yes j-just lost i-in m-my head.” I was stuttering much more than I would’ve liked to, but it was impossible to not stutter. My voice was a far cry from what it once was deep and hoarse from disuse.

“So there is someone in there. What’s your name?”

“U-uh, I think i-it was V-Vaill…”
How was my name that far away in my own head…?
The Arxur had deprived us of anything that let us feel sapient and my mind was reeling from what seemed to be a safe place… why would they let us go? Especially me as I was on the taller side of Venlil..
Annek's ears shot up upon hearing my name. “V-Vaill? You're alive?!”
“Y-yeah, I guess I am…”
“You two know each other? Never mind, do you know when you were taken by them?” the tall thing growled.

“I-i’m n-not sure…”

“Well Vaill, I’m going to check the database for when you were last seen so we can get an idea of how long you were gone, ok?”

I flicked my ears in agreement nervously when he walked out of the room, and I was left with the Annek, who seemed overjoyed to see me after all this time.
“Vaill! You’re alive!” She hugged me tightly, wrapping her tail around me as well.
“I-I didn’t think you m-made it out a-alive, A-Annek… it's g-good to see you again.”
Lacking the energy or the will to say or do anything else, I let myself fall back into her embrace, which lasted for a few moments before she went back to brushing my fur.
After around {20 minutes} passed she had finished straightening my fur. It felt good to feel like a person again, to remember who I was, but I would never be my full self again, not after what those things had done to me…

After some time Andrew made his way back with a holopad. He tilted the screen so that I could see, fortunately it was in Venlil script so I could read it.

“I-it's been f-five months…” It had felt like an eternity in that nightmare, time slipped away from me. I’d been stuck in my own head, wondering if there was a way I could’ve done more to protect the people of my town, knowing I failed.

There is nothing left for me here anymore, the people who cared for me, gone…
I was a failure for not doing better and protecting them, I should’ve done better.. I failed Annek, she is the last thing I have.. But she deserves someone who can protect her.. She doesn't need me…
“So you two know each other?” the tall thing growled, which snapped me back to reality.
I remained silent, unsure on what this thing was but Annek didn’t seem to mind it, so it was clearly prey like us, which meant I should start calling it by gendered pronouns. They seem male, at least by Venlil standards. I was not sure if this is real but Annek was all I had left. Even if this was a dream, I would trust her.
“Yeah, we met a long time ago. Vaill and I were best friends up until he was taken by them.”
“I-I.. yeah, we met d-during s-school..”
My head was spinning, still caught up on what that Arxur had said… humans… but there were no ‘humans’ where I had been offloaded, there were only Venlil.. That meant that the humans must be here… but no one was panicking and if there were predators here, people would panic, wouldn't they?
I trust Annek, I need to ask her about what the Arxur said…
“A-Annek… d-do you k-know.. If there a-are h-humans h-here..? The A-A-Arxur s-said we w-were b-being sent as ‘p-pets’ for them…”
The happiness from Annek drained as her ears drooped. The tall one, Andrew I believed they called themselves, froze and took a step back. Why would he do that? Unless… unless h- it was…
“A-Annek?.. W-what… what…”
It looked at my best friend.. like it had forward facing eyes, which confirmed my suspicions and my fur puffed out with fear and my ears pinned back against my head. I pushed my paws on the bed and tried to get as much distance as I could. It was standing in the doorway so I had no way out. My worst fears had been proven true, the Arxur wasn’t lying, we had simply been moved to another cattle farm… one that was once my home… Venlil Prime had fallen to the monsters I wanted to protect it from.
“Vaill there's no need to overreact, the humans are our friends, Andrew is my exchange program partner, he hasn’t hurt anyone. I can’t even imagine him hurting anyone,” Annek said that… with confidence? Why would she lie for a predator? Why was her tail wagging!?! It was like she trusted this thing, no, it was like she LIKED it?!“H-has the taint r-really gotten to y-you, Annek?”
“Vaill, the humans are the ones that saved you!”
How could she say that after what predators had done to me! I knew this was too good to be true.
Annek was blind to their trickery and yet she was so sure of herself.. I trusted her.. But not that thing behind her..
“H-how can you trust it?”
“He has done nothing to hurt me. Please, just give him one chance.” Her eyes and body took on a pleading look.. Damn it, why was she so good at that?
“F-fine, one ch-chance, but that's it.”
That same happiness returned back to her and almost fell over by the door where it caught her.
She may not see it, but I do, I will atone for my mistakes by proving that these humans are up to something. It shouldn’t be hard, I just need to make it to an exterminators office. ‘Till then, I'll play along with it’s game.

submitted by Radiant-Bear4172 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 Lanky-Earth-405 Atheists: ‘Waiting until marriage is stupid. How are you supposed to know if you’re sexually compatible?’

I was scrolling on Instagram reels today, and if you know anything about that, people in the comments can be really nasty. Basically I got to a video about a Christian couple saying ‘when you’re waiting till marriage but your wedding is tomorrow’ and they’re all excited. I opened the comments and it was FLOODED with atheists saying ‘take this post down’ ‘how stupid’ and the ones that stuck out to me most were ‘you need to find out before you get married if you are actually sexually compatible’ and ‘I couldn’t imagine marrying someone just to find out we’re not sexually compatible’
Note: I don’t know much about sex aside from the basic biological/physical aspects.
But in my opinion I think this is quite invalid. First of all, if you’re both virgins, how are you supposed to already have a preconceived idea of what you are compatible with? And if you’re devoted to God and are willing to wait till marriage, which many aren’t, isn’t there a good change God will reward the couple with good intimacy? And doesn’t good intimacy come along with your love for the person? I feel like the idea of ‘sexual incompatibility’ just comes from people who either gained standards through porn, or from previous partners and feel like they need to make sure who they are marrying can do the things they’re used to seeing/doing.
I don’t think sexual incompatibility is really a thing to be honest especially if you are learning together your likes and dislikes. I don’t know I just think that idea is just based on people used to having sex wanting to get it in a specific way? I don’t think waiting until marriage can really have consequences like that?
What do you think?
submitted by Lanky-Earth-405 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 BlindDog66 Onsite opportunity Need some advice, suggestions and info.

My company is offering me onsite (Finland) opportunity as a means to retain me. I started my NP without any job offer and couple weeks after my resignation my company offered me onsite. I have a few questions,
  1. Is there a way to ensure that they will send me?Like an onsite opportunity offer letter. If yes, how do I ask for one.
  2. After working for let say 6-8 months, can I switch my job there and do these companies (WITCHA) make us sign any contract that says we can't switch when at onsite?
  3. If point 2 is possible should I do it and what are the opportunities there like? Any obstacles that I should know of?
  4. If point 2 is not possible or I can't get any offers there, what value does onsite hold in India when switching?
submitted by BlindDog66 to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 LordGaulis Hourglass solo sloop (pursuit of calcium’s first five match’s!)

So I get to the point, am new and want to become a skeleton and that means blood, sweat and tears!
Gotta say it’s challenging but learn something every match like the first match, was my first win! The enemy sailed out of the map, so don’t do that!
Second match was first loss, enemy hid boat and boarded mine! Eventually found boat unfortunately for me I am bent when shooting and sunk mine!
The third match was definitely a pirate legend, he was camping my boat and bendier than a banana! Couldn’t hit him! Must have died 10 times in a row! Eventually the fire he started must’ve caused the ship to sink!
Don’t remember match about the fourth match… must’ve have lost again…
By the fifth match knew I needed a time out, another pirate legend! Couldn’t tell what he was saying but he got very emotional and left the game after seeing me miss all my cannon shots and shots on him and I kept running around throwing water overboard and putting out fires and repairing my boat no matter how many times he kept killing me! Never give up!
I have a long way to go but liking it so far, if by reaching level 100 I can win just once fair and square once am sure it will all be worth it!
submitted by LordGaulis to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 TempusTorrent Buying a F350 with a rebuilt trans that "just needs to be programmed"?

I'm looking into buying a 2008 F350 power stroke with 154k miles. The seller says that he recently had the transmission rebuilt but it needs to be programmed. He says it currently drives, but wouldn't that be a bad idea? If he's being truthful, and I could pay the $100 or whatever to have it reprogrammed then it seems like a good deal. Is there any way to verify it for myself before handing over the cash?
submitted by TempusTorrent to AskAMechanic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 Sarah2803 That one weird mom !!

She actually said during her live …”that just because I have never had a hug problem doesn’t know what it’s like to be a hug addict or understand what it’s like” seriously!!! She has no clue she has no clue! You may think you know what it’s like but you don’t know what it’s like unless you have walk in there shoes!! and for everybody else in her boxes that are poorly educated that was saying well I wouldn’t do that and I would be doing this and I would be doing that … if they were in addiction like Lisa they wouldn’t be doing it they really wouldn’t be.. until Lisa gets clean she will remain this way and think this way and sadly possibly even get worse if that’s even possible by the way, I’m not a supporter nor am I in enabler, but I do understand the mindset of a person that is addicted and I really wish that weird Mom would start educating herself instead of sounding absolutely ridiculous and blocking everybody because she doesn’t agree with their opinions and just assumes you’re from Reddit if she doesn’t like your opinion. A difference of opinion does not equal = a Lisa enabler or a Reddit troll.
submitted by Sarah2803 to lisaangelgurlsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 Lower-Jellyfish8284 Am I a bad sister for not supporting my youngest sister (21) in everything after she did not listen to my countless reminders and advice? Please bear with me.

Hi, guys...
I (26) am the breadwinner, of course. I've been helping out the family and my siblings since high school until now. The context is, I stopped allowing my youngest sister to take advantage of me after getting tired of constantly asking and reminding her to come home and help me in my apartment instead. She's been living with her longtime girlfriend and working as a part-time reliever somewhere, based on what I heard from her in our group chats.
The reason why she's there and working is because I advised her to file for a leave of absence for one semester due to consecutive failing grades, dropped subjects, and absences at school. She also has mental health problems, which I understand. By the way, I'm supporting two of my siblings, the youngest after me and her. We talked about her grades, subjects, and mental health when I decided to stop going to law school to focus on the two of them. However, despite this, I advised her about the leave of absence. She agreed to what I said because she wanted me to take a break from the expenses, but I told her it's okay as long as there are no failing marks and dropped subjects. However, she's the type of person who never runs out of excuses. She doesn't like to admit her mistakes.
At first, things were okay, but she didn't come home when she asked for my permission to visit her girlfriend because they had an argument. She gave me tons of excuses. I understand that my siblings might get tired of my attitude, but not coming home and instead working there with her longtime girlfriend hurt me for several months, until today. She asked for money for her birthday, to which I responded frankly. I confronted her, saying that I am no longer emotionally, mentally, or physically responsible for her. Since she doesn't want to listen, she should stand by her decision to live with her girlfriend.
So, am I the bad sister for not giving her money and supporting her? Am I just being controlling? In the end, she was unable to successfully apply for a leave of absence, so I'm unsure if she can still return to the university. I don't know what to do anymore.
submitted by Lower-Jellyfish8284 to PanganaySupportGroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 charrlut building basic bike knowledge

Hi folks. The TL;DR: I'm looking for recommendations on books, YouTube channels, etc., that will help me build "basic" bike knowledge.
I have been riding for 4 years now and put in about 6,000 miles on a hybrid bike before I finally finished my degree(s), got a job, and had the money to invest in a road bike. Prior to this point, I was using a too-big Marin Muirwoods a friend gave me for free, and I just didn't have the money to do much in the way of upgrading--I slowly bought cycling shorts, bibs, and jerseys as I had money, and I learned a bit along the way, but I just didn't have the money/community around me to help me learn or step up to the next stage. I almost always ride alone on rail trails because there isn't much of a cycling community where I am.
So, all this to say I am not a "beginner" to bikes but I am a beginner in the sense of not really knowing anything technical. I'm obsessed with my new road bike and ride ~100 miles a week as part of my training for RAGBRAI, and my lack of knowledge is starting to catch up with me. I can change a flat (usually! ha), know about taking care of my chain, can take off the wheels, etc. I know some basic concepts about using the gears, obviously, and I have a sense of what "cadence" is, tho I don't have a bike computer yet (planning to get one soon--money has just been the issue as I adjust to having savings again after 7 years of school). Most recently, I've been looking at indoor trainers for the winter or on days when my dog is too anxious for me to leave the house for a ride--but I'm bumping up against not really having the technical knowledge to understand what I'd need or why one might be better than another. But it's...so hard to learn?? The videos I watch usually end up being way too technical, even when I look for "beginner" etc., and I imagine that I don't need to tell y'all that asking male cyclist friends questions is often more frustrating than trying to figure it out myself. Again, not much of a cycling community here, and local bike shops don't offer classes or anything. So, I'm looking for recommendations on books, YouTube channels, etc., that will help me build "basic" bike knowledge to help me move to the next level of understanding my bike and improving in my training. What helped you learn?
I suppose also if you have comforting words about finding all the cycling language and tech stuff confusing, I'd appreciate that, too, lol. I literally have graduate degrees! I'm not dumb! But I just don't have the head for a lot of the technical stuff at all.
submitted by charrlut to ladycyclists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 FaithlessnessLarge57 Opinions on de-escalating certain situations

Im curious how you guys go about calmly resolving certain situations. For instance my girlfriend was telling me a story with our 3 year old right next to us, and she used some words that i thought were inappropriate, it wasnt that bad of words but i was essentially telling her if we could have the conversation once our kiddo goes down to sleep. She then became reactive and started questioning me on why I think it’s okay to call our kids mom (her) a bitch or whore which i will only do when she hits me or is being physically violent in any sense. Even then I don’t throw those words around that frequently because i know how she tried spinning the narrative and accuses me of calling her that all the time and wont even take into consideration that i only say those things in the abusive moments. So how would you go about explaining that in a calm way to not agitate or stoop to her level of retaliation? Thanks
submitted by FaithlessnessLarge57 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 Substantial_Storm_92 What’s a narcissist deserve in a break up?

I’ve (47m) have been with my gf (48f) for almost a year. I met her on Tinder a month after I relocated following the separation with my now ex. I know, I know, I shouldn’t have jumped into anything so soon, but I’d been in a db for years and she was fun…and also rebounding. Ugh, just writing this makes me feel like such an idiot.
It wasn’t until a couple of weeks ago, when she “broke up” with me by text while driving home after what I’d thought was a nice weekend together. After a huge blowout argument over the following days, we worked through things, and that’s I began to put her behaviors together. As in, she never took blame for the immature text break up, and instead dried to guilt trip me, like it was my fault, for things I’d said days later in an argument. Then, after we’d made up and slept together, in bed, she told me I wasn’t loyal to her cuz I’d been talking shit about her to my best friend of 34 years (a guy).
Thing is, talking shit is one thing. To me that’s done with malicious intent, and is basically contempt, one of Gottman’s four horses of the apocalypse. (Lots of therapy with the ex of 15 years.) Asking your best friend for a second opinion of someone’s behavior that feels off to you is another thing. And it felt very controlling. Too controlling. And I started looking into dating a narcissist and god damn does she check nearly all of the boxes. In hindsight, god damn was I an idiot. And the list is WAY too long for this already too long post.
Anyway, hate to say it, but I’m very dating naive. My ex was my longest, and only, ltr, and she initiated the divorce. So I’ve never broken up with anyone and I’m wondering what do I owe a narcissist? If I break up in person, she’ll try to manipulate things. I know she will. A phone call? I’ve still got stuff at her house I can live without, but I’d love to get back. Go to her house when she’s at work, leave her stuff, grab mind and leave a letter? I definitely won’t do it by text.
submitted by Substantial_Storm_92 to datingoverforty [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:59 xmissxmage dream world

I doubt this guy is legit but iam a escort part time and a guy messaged me asking if was interested in a sugar relationship and I didn't think of it at first but he kept bugging me to VIDEO CHAT So then I finally call him on Snapchat today and he was like DO DREAMY like no way this is happening we set up to meet because he's flying into town and getting a room the boardmore idk says he's gonna send money to proove hes not a scam
submitted by xmissxmage to sugarlifestyleforum [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:59 lurflurf Tom Aspinall, what is the big deal?

I recently found out there is a fighter called Tom Aspinall. Now don't get me wrong he is a clear top ten heavyweight, arguably top five. Not that that is saying much. There is so much crazy talk about the guy. Here are my top ten things people say.
1)He is better than Jones, Pereira, Miocic, and Gane.
There is nothing to support this. If he gets two of three quality wins maybe he could fight one of them.
2)He is at least better than Spivac, Volkov), Tybura, and Pavlovich.
This one is least crazy as he has beaten them recently and definitively. Several have better resumes than him. He might have gotten lucky. He should rematch one or two to be sure. Since heavy weight is so shallow there are not that many good fighters.
3)He loss to Blaydes should count as a win.
It was weird, I can see discounting the loss slightly. Still it is in no way a win. With the lack of heavyweights some rematches should be in Toms future and this one should be first.
4)He is the baddest man who ever lived. He is the true heavy weight champion. He is the open weight Goat.
He holds a fake belt and has no defenses. UFC only made that a interim title fight to jazz up one of the many subpar cards they put out. I guess if he defends his fake belt a few times he deserves a shot at the real belt. He is no Renan Barão. Wake me when he has had ten title fights.
5)He is a super dreamy hunk.
No comment. To each his own.
6)He be gots mad Jits and wrassle powers.
Yeah yeah top five in each, so what. Lots of UFC fighters know how to wrassle and jit.
7)He is a real heavy weight and not welterweight or middle weight that does not cut weight.
I guess, but who cares.
8)He don't even know there is such a thing as a round 3.
Him and Shannon Ritch have that in common, but Ritch has more fights. He has never been in deep water. I wonder how he would do if he is down on the scorecards in the fifth.
9)No one wants to fight him.
Why should they? They either get a win or a loss against a guy no one knows. It is a real lose lose. Like fighting a woman, it is better to just not.
10)He lands over 7 strikes/minutes which makes him more dangerous than a mean grinder.
Yeah so do Casey O'Neill, Sergei Pavlovich, Sean O'Malley, Leslie Smith and none of them get half the praise Tom has been getting. Maybe it is a joke I am not in on.
Honorable mention
People want to see him fight more than other mid level heavyweights.
Do they really? Do they even know he exists. UFC loves to headline filler cards with mid level heavy weights. They must think someone likes that. Who does though? Seeing any of those guy at the top of a card is a big snooze. Live from the APEX it's Jake Collier vs Derrick Lewis, okay I will watch I guess, but I am not expecting fight of the year.

submitted by lurflurf to MMA [link] [comments]
