Irregular periods lamictal


2022.06.23 00:28 MenstrualClub MenstrualClub

Menstruation Club for solutions for irregular periods. Join the rant

2024.06.09 22:35 roofspatula Ashley and J share a gleeful dance upon the arrival of Ashley’s period

Ashley and J share a gleeful dance upon the arrival of Ashley’s period submitted by roofspatula to ashleycarnduff [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:31 RisaTheHuman Dreams that came true

My dreams that came true aren’t a 1-to-1 comparison to reality. There were just the main element and focus of the dream.
  1. The first dream that came true I’m kind of iffy on, because I may have an explanation. I dreamt I got my period and then I did that day. Like, that could’ve just been hormones, but my dream never predicted my period again after. I was still irregular too as I was very young at the time.
  2. August 9th, 2021. I dreamt a friend I haven’t spoken to in over a year and a half had messaged me. I don’t use Instagram but we used Instagram to talk, I made an account just to stay in contact with them. So when I woke up, I jokingly opened Instagram when I noticed I had a notification. I had received the notification when I was asleep. And it was from that friend. I never dreamt of receiving notifications or dreamt of this friend prior. Weird, but I looked up their chat to get the date that this happened and apparently I spoke to them after a few times after this incident but I genuinely don’t remember.
  3. In September 2021, I had a dream where a volcano erupted. Sure volcanos are always erupting somewhere on earth. But when I woke up, it turns out the Cumbre Vieja volcano had started erupting while I was asleep. I never heard of it before and didn’t know it was active prior. And that one seems pretty noteworthy, so that's strange.
  4. March 12th or 13th, 2024. Before I went to sleep, I randomly decided I wanted to try the lucid dream shifting method. I haven't tried to LD in 2-3 years. So I told myself I would lucid dream but I didn't put in any effort into it just simply stating I would. I fell asleep. I had multiple false awakenings which eventually lead to me realizing I was dreaming, but I had no control over it. Anyways, during one of the false awakenings which I was aware in, I woke up and checked my phone. I had received a notification in the Desired Reality Amino(DRA) from a stranger wanting to talk and we spoke for a bit. That dream ended. When I woke up, I didn't have a notification. But right before I went to bed later that day, I received a DM from a stranger in the DRA. I’ve used the app for over 1.5 years and only spoke to 3 people EVER on it and no one actively at that moment . (Spoke to 2 people once, spoke to 1 person multiple times but they were banned.)
  5. June 1st, 2024. I had a very strange dream. Nothing made sense. Everything was super rapid and moving and changing fast and my dream made no logical sense. I can’t really explain it? Anyways, one thing stood out to me in the dream and it was the only thing that I could understand and the only thing I could make sense of. I saw a friend request notification on Discord. When I woke, it took me a bit to remember this dream, but when I did I jokingly decided to check it and it turns out I had a friend request. It was from someone I hadn’t spoken to in 1.5 years, so not one of my recent friends either. I removed all my friends on Discord ~3 weeks prior to this dream, so I wouldn't have expected a notification anyways. (Before this dream: I pulled an all-nighter, drank 3 bottles of pop, and used subluminal messaging. I was having a mental breakdown. When I went to sleep and had the dream, I was only able to sleep 1-2 hours. I always seem to manifest things better when tired.)
submitted by RisaTheHuman to u/RisaTheHuman [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:20 ThesmoothGemminal94 Am I doing the BBT wrong? Can someone advise?

Been trying for a baby with irregular periods since December. I was on the pill before that. I've just ordered some ovulation sticks which are arriving tomorrow but I think I'm using the BBT wrong. I stick it under my tongue every morning as soon as I wake up until it beeps but it looks like this.
How will I know if I'm ovulating then?
Am I doing it wrong?
submitted by ThesmoothGemminal94 to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:35 randomgamerz995 Arm Implant / Irregular Periods

I need some input. I (21 F) have been on an arm implant birth control (possibly nexaplanon but I’m not sure) for around 2 years now. I know that when you first get the implant irregular periods are normal but it’s been years and I’m still having my periods for a long period. Some months I have it twice for only three to four days. Last month I only had 6 days where I wasn’t bleeding. After a week of getting off last months fiasco I’m starting again today.
I asked my gyno and she said some people just tend to have this issue while others don’t get their periods at all but I’m completely fine.
Is there a way to control the cycle even when on the implant?
Should I choose to get it out? If I do are there major side effects and how long will it take for my hormones to rebalance?
I’m quite scared. Please let me know what you guys experienced so I can decide what to do next.
submitted by randomgamerz995 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:13 Amd1213 Transvaginal Ultrasound Clear but high androgens and irregular periods: Is it PCOS?

So I had my pelvic ultrasound today and the sonographer showed me my uterus and ovaries and said that everything looks normal, a couple more follicles than normal on one ovary, the other one showing a released Ova and both normal sizes, and he said "this would lead us away from a pcos diagnosis", however my initial bloodwork showed I have high testosterone and low shbg. I don't see my GP for a little while, so do I treat this as if I don't have PCOS and it's a simple hormone imbalance? Does anyone else have a similar experience?
submitted by Amd1213 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:23 Asleep-Pear-8164 Weird period stuff going on any advice??

Hey guys I need some advice before I make a doctors appointment. I’ve always had pretty irregular periods, cycles in the past ranging from 35-47 days. They’re usually normal length and flow if not in the longeheavier side and I’ve always had terrible pms symptoms such as cramping, migraines, moodiness, terrible breast pain, etc. this past cycle was different though. My period came on day 50 I believe maybe 51/52, I had spotting early/mid cycle which I’ve never had before, and my period was way lighter than normal. I’m fairly sure this bleeding was my period and not spotting because there were a few clots and it was enough blood to fill a tampon a time or two, but like I said just way lighter than normal. Don’t worry I already thought about pregnancy and took EIGHT tests in total, all negative and two were taken at least a month after the latest possible ovulation date that could have resulted in pregnancy. My period is over now and most symptoms have faded but I’m worried my hormones may be imbalanced or something else is wrong with me because I’ve also been experiencing weird things like feeling really bloated after eating, headaches almost daily, and I feel like my hair may be thinning. if anyone else has experience with irregular periods and spotting and weird hormonal symptoms help a girl out!!!
submitted by Asleep-Pear-8164 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:11 catismasterrace Period not coming, stomach pain

I am not pregnant, I'm still a virgin.
24F, white, 171cm (5'7"), 56kg (124 lbs)
Duration of complaint: 2 weeks?
Location: uterus
Any existing relevant medical issues: not that I know of
Current medications: none; I do take an iron supplement (although the last 2 times I donated blood my hemoglobin levels were 15,6 and 15,8 with a normal range of 12-16, so I've started taking it every 2-3 days) and a multivitamin (for B12 because of vegan diet)
My cycles seem to be getting longer (and weaker).
For about 2 weeks now I've had slight on-and-off stomach pain, it feels like the pain I normally have for maybe a day before my period starts. My last period started 58 days days ago (April 13th to April 15th) and was pretty weak.
I took a birth control pill until 6th of September. Here you can see my 🩸days from then on (cycle duration from 1st day of period in brackets, excluding the ones I think might be spotting due to weakness and proximity to other periods):
(25 days)
(30 days)
🔴21.11.-25.11. (spotting?)
(30 days)
🔴05.12.-09.12. (very weak)
🔴19.12.-26.12.(spotting? very weak?)
(43 days?)
(45 days)
(42 days)
🔴13.04.-15.04. (weak, barely anything past day 1)
(58 days and counting)
Before I took the pill, my cycles were irregular, lasting 32, 30, 28, 40, 25, 31, and 36 days in 2021.
What I'm wondering is: what could be the reason? The pill shouldn't screw with my cycle 9 months after last taking it, should it? (If I go to a gynecologist about this, will I need to be on the gyn table (no idea what's called, you know what I mean)?)
submitted by catismasterrace to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:02 Western_Jump2231 Is it possible to lose your period this quickly / at a healthy weight?

Started restricting again just over 2 months ago. Started off very low calories-wise (around 300 a day), but in the past few weeks have been eating more, went up to around 800 for a bit and then 1200 more recently (exams coming up and when I was eating less I wasn’t able to think about anything other than food lol). Ive lost quite a lot of weight, but started at the very upper end of normal, so Im still at a healthy weight bmi-wise, and not particularly close to being underweight.
My period had always been quite irregular for many years, but for the past maybe 10 months or so has become much more regular (varying by a couple of days rather than a couple of weeks 🤣), at around 28-31 days. But now it’s been 36 days since my last one.
Am I just worrying for no reason and it’s likely that my period is just going back to being irregular again? Before it became more regular, it would vary from like 25-50 days LOL, so 36 isn’t anything crazy. Is it actually possible to lose your period that quickly, especially at a healthy weight?
submitted by Western_Jump2231 to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:41 Throwaway_koldoxosz Gotta "love" irregular periods.

What is the reason for my nausea this month? PMS? Pregnancy? Guess we'll find out in a couple of days. Or weeks. Fuck my life.
submitted by Throwaway_koldoxosz to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:04 Mission-Carpenter-94 Help! Sudden breakout that isn't going away!

Help! Sudden breakout that isn't going away!
I've had clear skin until about a month ago when i started breaking out around the area below my cheekbones and chin. They're those red and deep under the skin type of acne that never has any head until it goes away by itself but it keeps growing back in the same spots. My jawline is breaking out as well with these tiny, flesh-coloured bumps that won't go away. I've went to a facial once to extract them but it still grows back after. Could they be from hormones and stress? My period has always been pretty irregular but I've missed 2 of them already. My skincare routine has always been the same: Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser, Hatomugi Toner, Physiogel Cream Moisturiser and the Larocheposay cicaplast. Recently, I've been using the Larocheposay effaclar duo to try and clear the acne but it hasn't really been helping. Please help!
submitted by Mission-Carpenter-94 to acne [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:03 Sufficient_March_271 Doctor doesn’t believe I have PCOS?

I went to an OBGYN recently because I am having symptoms of PCOS. I have been getting abnormal hair growth on my chin (just a few hairs but they’re thick and dark and I have really thin fine hair usually so this is weird for me), acne that is wayyy worse than usual all of the sudden, back acne, inability to lose weight, irregular periods and also significant increase in cramps. Like terrible cramps when I had none before this year. I also get ovarian cysts pretty often, but not really pcos type cysts, more like one big one at a time but more often than I should I think. I also previously had elevated testosterone levels. My doctor said all of this wasn’t enough to make her believe I had PCOS but that she’ll test me for some things anyways. She retested my testosterone which was back to normal for some reason, but my DHEA came back as 1002. Which is super high I think. After these tests, she said she still didn’t believe I had PCOS, and that she had “no explanation for my slightly elevated DHEA.” I requested to have my insulin levels tested, which she refused because insulin tests are inaccurate. Is this normal??? I feel like she is wrong about a lot of things she said lol
submitted by Sufficient_March_271 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:19 unicornmakeup When should i be worried about an ectopic? Im thinking this is a chemical. Ovulation date unknown my lh peak was may 25th I was thinking it's the days in the picture but I could be off. My period doesn't usually come until 15-17 dpo and it's irregular.

When should i be worried about an ectopic? Im thinking this is a chemical. Ovulation date unknown my lh peak was may 25th I was thinking it's the days in the picture but I could be off. My period doesn't usually come until 15-17 dpo and it's irregular.
All of the tests were taken in the afternoon or evening as they are usually really light with fmu. I also included an easy at home that I took yesterday with smu that seems to be working better. I did get a positive on a digital and doctors near me don't seem to offer betas so I'm kind of scared.
submitted by unicornmakeup to lineporn [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:15 unicornmakeup When should I start worrying about an ectopic? I am thinking this is a chemical. Last test was taken yesterday 13/14 dpo but I don't see really good progression. I usually get my period 15-17 dpo but my cycle is irregular. Took 2 tests this morning fmu was negative frer and positive on strip.

When should I start worrying about an ectopic? I am thinking this is a chemical. Last test was taken yesterday 13/14 dpo but I don't see really good progression. I usually get my period 15-17 dpo but my cycle is irregular. Took 2 tests this morning fmu was negative frer and positive on strip.
All of the tests were taken in the afternoon or evening as they are usually really light with fmu. I also included an easy at home that I took yesterday with smu that seems to be working better. I did get a positive on a digital and doctors near me don't seem to offer betas so I'm kind of scared.
submitted by unicornmakeup to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:10 GurGloomy9871 Odd cycle

Hi! My last period was May 11th, it lasted 3 days and was pretty light compared to my normal periods. About a week after it ended I woke up with cramps again and used the bathroom and had light pink spotting which turned to a dark brown spotting later in the day, this only lasted a day. My period was due 2 days ago and it’s late. I’m so confused as all the tests I take are negative. I also had a 5 week miscarriage in March, but my periods have been normal since then so idk why they would be irregular all of the sudden. With my daughter I had positive tests before I even missed my period so it’s just confusing and hard to wait to find out.
I also have no other symptoms of my period coming or being pregnant I just feel normal.
submitted by GurGloomy9871 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:10 d00mdays different side effects on different brand (but same type) of birth control?

I’ve been on desogestrel for just over 3 months - I started out on Lovima, which I just bought OTC, but I got my next lot through a local pharmacy’s NHS contraceptive management service, and they prescribed me a generic brand of desogestrel.
I didn’t bleed or get my period at all when on Lovima, but since starting this generic brand I’ve had very light spotting for the last 6 days. I’ve also been cramping a lot, but that’s something I experienced on Lovima as well. I know spotting and irregular periods are a common side effect of desogestrel, but it’s still making me worried that this brand is somehow less effective?
is there much difference between different brands of the same birth control? is there any chance it is less effective? the spotting doesn’t actually bother me massively, I am just terrified of getting pregnant :/
submitted by d00mdays to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:01 Winter_Professor_461 Birth control vs cabergoline for regulating cycles

I was diagnosed with a 3mm microadenoma after an MRI with contrast revealed it on January 2024. I was ordered an MRI after a November 2023 Prolactin test showed 37.3 ng/mL after consulting with my primary due to irregular cycles with 4-day periods. A tested again in February 2024 and it was 28.6 ng/mL, still elevated. On March 2024 my Prolactin was barely normal at 23.4 ng/mL. I got tests done for hormones/thyroid and everything was normal. Even my menstrual cycle was finally (sort of) normal at 30 days from Feb-March. I thought everything was getting better.
Now I’m back to being irregular and I’m on day 42 of my cycle and I think it’s going to be a while until I get my period again.
I messaged my endocrinologist and she recommended I get on BC pills because I’m not looking into getting pregnant any time soon or at all and my prolactin is not too high to treat. I would prefer not to take birth control to get regular cycles since it gave headaches and I believe it caused me to get thick ankles/cankles. Also my libido was nonexistent on it. I learned about cabergoline on this subreddit and now I’m wondering if I should mention it to my endo or primary.
Are there any birth controls pills anyone recommend or is cabergoline better with less side effects. I’ve haven’t been on birth control since summer of 2021. Tried Skyla for two weeks but took it off and was on bc pills for 4-5 years prior to that.
Thank you
submitted by Winter_Professor_461 to Prolactinoma [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:29 Ok_Wrangler7855 ct scan????

hey guys, i (22f) have had recurrent utis and pretty much constant bladder pain/burning for the last 6 months. for context, i’ve had terrible cramps, irregular periods, shooting pain down my leg, painful bowel movements, recurrent utis etc since i started my period at 10. i’ve tried birth control after birth control and finally am getting a little relief uterine pain wise, but my constant bladder pain led my urologist to first say that i have interstitial cystitis and then do a ct. she said that based on these findings, she’s suspecting endometriosis and i’m going to the gyno next week for them to take a look. i’m putting the ct report in the post because i’m just wondering if anyone started in a situation kind of like mine and ended up with an endometriosis or adenomyosis diagnosis after ultrasounds or laparoscopy. thanks!!!
CT imaging of the abdomen and pelvis was performed prior to and subsequent to the administration of IV contrast. Radiation reduction methodologies were employed including automated exposure control, manual adjustment of mA and kV based on patient body size and/or iterative reconstruction.
Findings: I see no renal collecting system stone. There is a tiny simple cyst projecting from the anterolateral left cortex. This is a Bosniak 1 lesion for which no follow-up is recommended. The bilateral nephrograms appear otherwise unremarkable. The intrarenal collecting systems, renal pelves and ureters appear normal. Urinary bladder has an unremarkable CT appearance.
The lung bases are clear. Tiny hypodense focus in the liver has a nonaggressive appearance. Liver and spleen appear otherwise unremarkable. Pancreas and adrenal glands have a normal appearance. I see no acute bowel abnormality. Uterus is heterogeneous. There is a nonspecific finding. Consider pelvic ultrasound for further characterization. Ovaries and adnexal regions appear unremarkable. I see no localized inflammatory process. There is no free intraperitoneal fluid or air. I see no acute osseous abnormality.
IMPRESSION: 1. Slight heterogeneity of the uterus. Pelvic ultrasound is recommended. 2. No other acute abnormality. Please see the above descriptions
submitted by Ok_Wrangler7855 to adenomyosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:12 stardewsummer 2 months, 100 mg, huge improvements! 😍

2 months, 100 mg, huge improvements! 😍
F(34) - I've been on 100 mg of Spiro since April 1st. Struggled with painful cystic acne on my chin/cheeks/jawline that hurt unless I popped it (i'm sure a lot of you can relate). Also struggled with chest acne, that is slowly improving. This month I have been seeing massive improvements with my face though! No cysts, no painful spots, blackheads and oily skin/scalp have gone way down. Just a couple of tiny pimples that pop up occasionally and are very easy to conceal. I'm also getting new hairs on my hairline that were sparse after my postpartum hair loss. Very exciting! As for side effects, I felt extra emotional when I first started, and when I increased my dose from 50 to 100 mg after a few weeks. I had an irregular period within the first two weeks, but things have been pretty normal ever since (fingers crossed they stay that way). I've also had an increase in sex drive and increased thirst. My weight has stayed consistent. All in all, I'm very happy so far!
If you've just started Spiro and you're not seeing results quite yet, stick with it!
submitted by stardewsummer to Spironolactone [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:10 Signal-Sprinkles-724 Need advice

I know my hormones are out of control. I have had irregular periods for years but the last few years it has become out of control and is becoming worse. I had my period for the whole month of april and had my period May 25-31st, had a 1 week break and now its back again starting this morning. During the last cycle I had such horrid intense cramps I could barely move in bed. Yesterday I was throwing up and had a dull head all day (I ended up taking 2 different prescription migraine medication and nausea meds). This morning I have been extremely dizzy, cramps are crazy, and have already taken 5 generic midol pills and 2 prescription nausea pills. I see my gyno next week to get an iud. I have been on birth control for about 6 months. I am currently taking Opill as I used to be on Slynd but it got too expensive with insurance. Any advice? I am gonna ask for a hormone panel to see if something is wrong there. My thyroid level is good, I know I am very anemic and currently taking iron pills for it. Starting July 1st I am going on the AIP diet to try and fix this and other issues too.
submitted by Signal-Sprinkles-724 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:12 VTFH0331 Heavy period after no period for 3 months?

Soo my body decided to be real silly and just not have a period for 3 months. I went to my GYN and everything was fine, she basically told me I could either wait it out another couple months or start a medication to induce the period…I opted to wait it out.
Fast forward 3 days later and BOOM she arrived. It was light for a couple days, and then out of nowhere it’s been insanely heavy ever since. I’m on day 10 of bleeding now and I’m going through Ultra tampons like every 1-1.5 hours, I simply cannot keep up.
A normal period for me lasts about 5-6 days and is what I would consider a normal flow.
I expected whenever this period showed up that it would be irregular and I’m not really surprised that it’s so heavy…but like, how long can I expect this to last or when should I be concerned?
submitted by VTFH0331 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:38 Ok_Honeydew7832 Wearing a size 6-8 at 110lbs?

I am 5'3 btw and my clothing size is 6-8 in US size. Size 10 is mid size so Im actually closer to that I wanna be a small size. When I was 84lbs I wore size 0 and when I was 100lbs size 4. I see every woman wearing size 6-8 at 130lbs-150lbs and more and I wonder what I am doing wrong because I am out here crying about weighing more than 110lbs bc something is wrong with my body. So should I lose weight? I really want to bc I felt healthier back then (used to eat 1500-2000 cals a day, regular periods, no high blood sugar, hormones balanced, thigh gap, no belly fat, skinny arms) than now (I eat 3000 cals per day and I am sedentary but I am starting a no snack diet, irregular periods, high blood sugar sometimes, unbalanced hormones, no thigh gap, belly fat, wide waist, armfat😔r.i.p).
submitted by Ok_Honeydew7832 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:24 ComplaintDue193 Periods after the pill

Hi, I’ve been taking the pill for five years straight and I’ve overall had a great experience. I’ve skipped the sugar pills for all these years so I have’nt had a period / bleeding in five years. Now i’m planning to get off birth control and i’m a bit scared how my body is going to react. I had a very irregular period before I started with birth control. What experience did you have? I also don’t know anyone else who skipped the sugar pills for so long.
submitted by ComplaintDue193 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]