Can you use indocin with zyrtec

FI/RE - Financial Independence & Retiring Early

2009.04.22 18:18 bugpakoo FI/RE - Financial Independence & Retiring Early

FI/RE (Financial Independence / Retiring Early) is a money strategy that's sweeping the nation. It's not easy, but it is simple: earn more, spend less, and use the difference wisely. Build a baseline of financial security with the difference first, then use it to invest for your future. That way you can begin to earn financial freedom and control your own destiny.

2015.05.09 02:28 Shitty Technicals

Dedicated to 'Technicals'; vehicles that have been modified with weapons and armour not originally designed for them. Non-Shitty technicals are allowed here. No animals.

2012.07.22 13:32 omasque A subreddit for commissions!

Artists/writers/musicians/animators/etc. can advertise their services/commissions here. Buyers can request specific things they'd like to buy. A few reminders: ❥ All [For Hire] posts must state a price. ❥ All [Hiring] posts must state a budget. ❥ Do not post more than one [For Hire] post per 24 hours. See the side bar for clarification and details!

2024.06.09 22:45 StandardUpbeat2146 Aerith on Cactuar Crush round 2

So I equipped her with the Hermes shoes, attached every status boosting materia I currently have at my disposal…strength up, magic up speed up haven’t tried luck up not sure if that would make much difference.. and so far the best personal score I can come up to is 2680, heck at one point after you beat that first giant gold Cactuar and another group of dark and regular gigataurs approach you and here is not even a single more rainbow colored one that gives you more added time in sight or to be found! I’ve read using transcendence helps a lot. I’ve been trying that along with Soul drain and Sorcerer’s Storm (sort of a given) but again only could only get to a score of 2680, 4000. I’m thinking screw this and just moving on lol Any other suggestions accessory and battle strategy wise/and or alternative methods? Thank you a bunch and much appreciation in advance!
submitted by StandardUpbeat2146 to FFVIIRemake [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:45 Lucky_me_F Help with build please?

Help with build please?
Hello everyone!, I am trying to fix my characters builds.
Can someone recommend me something for my Dan Heng IL? I am not sure in what I should focus, or if change his build into another set like 2piece + 2 piece. I would really appreciate any help.
Right now I play him with Sparkle and Tingyun but I was thinking in using Ruan Mei after I get here in 2.3.
Thank you for any help. <3
submitted by Lucky_me_F to DanhengMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:44 Akira8473 Need Help

Hi, I am looking for help finding the right router for my home network. I currently have a couple asus setup in a mesh, they are great. Problem is I want to schedule the times my kids can use the internet. Unfortunately the Asus kids perental controls require you add their devices via mac address. And the problem with that is a lot of devices including iphones and there laptops will randomize the mac address, so it will always re-connect like is a new device and not be scheduled in their profile. This feature can be turned off on the device but they know to turn it back on.
I think what I need is a router that I can setup as a kids router and schedule when the wifi is on and off. And I need to be able to manage the schedule via an ios app while I'm out of the house.
Any suggestions on router that may have this feature and be manageable from an app. Ideally user friendly for my girlfriend.
submitted by Akira8473 to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:44 livDot [Experiment] Attempting to push 3.5 to the limits - LLM guided lyrics and styles

I usually keep my Suno/Udio creations to myself because they feel pretty personal. I use these tools to make motivational songs that act like mantras for me, helping me focus and get through tough times. As an entrepreneur, I often find myself needing a little extra push, and these custom-made songs really help.
I've been playing around with Suno since its early days and have gotten pretty good at using it to bring my ideas to life. I also use specially crafted LLM tool, not just to generate lyrics but to craft them in a way that Suno can best understand.
one interesting thing I've noticed is that LLM-based tools seem to understand instructions from other LLMs better than ones written by hand. Suno appears to be processing the lyrics with a LLM in some way that affects it's style. Also in 3.5 there's greater weight to styles within lyrics. So, I decided to do a little experiment. I mixed in some of my favorite music styles, along with some deeper meanings that probably only make sense to me, haha.
Hope this might give you some ideas.
To my ears this creation sounds pleasing, but knowing these tools, I'll probably hear only the flaws by tomorrow. I'd love to hear what you think!
submitted by livDot to SunoAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:44 Alien_X10 New characters and skin ideas for them (also ring outs and stages)

So imma start with the obvious two
Ben 10 - easily an albedo alternate skin and his Omniverse jacket... If they use reboot Ben and not the Omniverse one they messed up. A ring out that has the Omnitrix timeout noise with a red flashing light would be perfect. For a stage? I mean you can take the brawlhalla approach and just throw a few Omnitrix logos on it and call it a day, but honestly I just want the forge of creation as a stage. Or the null void
Scorpion - again easy I think his default should be his scorpions revenge design, and he should have a mk2 style skin with unique poses to match this (like his victory he rips off the mask to show the skull, ane the loss he goes to and falls to the floor). Also his snowblind design... Just do it. As for a ring out either "toasty guy" or just the "fatality" text. And for stages... There's no better option for a platform fighter than the pit.
Green lantern - an Alan Scott design, I would say obviously do the other lantern corps but for team colours I don't think that would work well. For the ring out we already have one, but for no particular reason I would like a giant green boot ringout. As for the stage, obviously oa which hasn't been in a fighting game since mortal Kombat vs DC universe... We had two DC fighting games made by NRS and oa cameoed in one
Powerpuff girls - basically confirmed characters anyway but the rowdyruff boys is the most obvious choice I can think of. The ringout could be a chemical X spill followed by an explosion... I didn't watch this show so that's the best I've got. And we already have a stage for them.
Godzilla - extremely unlikely character, but if he is included then obviously the pink glowing one from the new film. The ringout literally has to be a nuclear explosion, like there is no debate about it. And the stage could literally just be Tokyo
Jerry Smith - we got a joke character and it wasn't Jerry?... Alright. Anyway his assistant outfit he wore in the fortune cookie episode, and his mech suit from "analyse piss". the ringout is difficult since we already have most of the Rick and Morty ones I wanted but honestly just make it a green portal with a monster coming out of it. And the stage should be the house which has loads of stage hazards in it
submitted by Alien_X10 to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:44 giraffemoo "official" rainbow rails Sunday post

People keep asking what they can do to help, and honestly I have no idea what colors we've got and what colors we need. I only have one rolling brush but I've got a few paint brushes to use, they're cheap so I don't mind if they get mucked up with the paint. I just have white primer, which can be mixed with other paints to lighten it. Other than that, I have no idea what else we've got and what else we need.
It seems as though some work has been done, and from what I'm reading, The People of Olympia are not really happy with what's happening. I am not really comfortable with taking leadership of this, it's just public art that should be for everyone. Can we at least agree to not include words in this?
Anyway, I'll be there around 5 today. If you already have a color of paint and you are bringing it, please comment below what color you've got and when you'll be able to come out. I'm bringing refreshments if you need the motivation!
submitted by giraffemoo to olympia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:44 M1ddle_C A screen can be a medium, a medium can be air

I’m looking at horizons, but I see them on a screen.
My phone bill from Verizon and the numbers look obscene!
Nowadays it’s pretty easy to see every thing in seconds.
“Google this google that”
“I will hit you with a mention”
“Follow me on Instagram”
It only takes a moment.
See the tech in our reflection?
I don’t think that we are living; in one of Martins impressions.
Void of true connection We judge others by behavior we don’t care about their dream But judge ourselves from our intentions We judge ourselves by what we mean Skipping the suggestions We all play for different teams
Knowledge is cheap these days. But gold interprets questions. Seems the screens are setting sons, But the sun is never resting. What it means to be replaced When your energy is present.
Nothing gold can stay! That’s what Robert used to say.
Was he talking ‘bout a former scene Or was he talking bouts today?
Is there any less love from a screen, Than masters had for slaves?
Is there any less hate for a scream if it came from a whore you want buried in her grave?
It appears that the human has arrived, from a similar emotional e-state.
We went from segregation and discriminating. Now our distance is what separates.
I call into the system; Where is the love to date?
It’s not tech that kills us slowly. It indifference for our fates.
“Conversations with Clash”
submitted by M1ddle_C to poetry_critics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:43 Ambitious-Cup7010 Ed at 22

So I’ll try to make it short. I basically had very little sexual experience through high school and watched porn daily and at 18 I was about to have sex and I was hard until suddenly out of no where my errection went away and a varicocele appeared and started severe pain when I was with the girl. I had gotten surgery for it when I was 20 I believe because when I first got checked they said it was no veins swollen. I’ve always been anxious just socially so u can imagine with girls I was even more so. (Depends on the girl because sometimes I feel very comfortable) I have since quit porn and masturbating for the past 3 weeks and for the year in total I probably masturbated 20 times and watched porn probably 5. Which is a big difference from everyday use but I have no intentions on doing either again.
I decided to focus more on being more comfortable socially and not trying to worry about my weak errections or lack there of because of the anxiety and I guess porn use. I believe PIED is what it’s called and I’ve definitely rewired my brain more towards irl girls than computer ones and I have no desire to watch porn. I ordered cialis and tried the 2.5 mg daily for a few days and my manhood feels like how it should feel in my mind. Just full and having life and not just a dead piece of meat. I can get a errection by myself without the cialis but it’s definitely not as strong and instant. I also been using l theanine and maca to calm me down a bit and I feel more confident in public or talking to a girl.
(Keep in mind that I was a heavy porn user since like 11 so that’s why I put this in here, didn’t watch nothing too crazy just too much porn and jacking)
Should I stay off of cialis until the end of summer at least or should I just keep taking it since it’s helping my confidence? The nofap people say 90 days to a year for a porn addiction can heal but this is really hurting my mental health, I already failed twice this year with girls because of weak and no errections and being anxious.
I go to the gym everyday and kegals and drink plenty of water, im not just some fat slop on the couch all day. And ik sex isn’t supposed to be a performance like how porn is and I shouldn’t care to much about what the girl thinks and to be in the moment with her. It’s just hard to do that when you don’t feel your penis move an inch. And I’m not tryna hear ,”just give her head and focus on making her happy” like wtf how many times do I have to be embarrassed and look like a bitch doing that when I can’t even get pleased like gtfo lol
submitted by Ambitious-Cup7010 to erectiledysfunction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:43 BigError7007 What are CRE Cold calling goals and psychology around this

I am a new bee here. Would you be able to answer below questions?
  1. How many cold calls you have to make to get 2 to 3 sell listings per month.
  2. Anybody using AI agents for cold calling?
  3. Can you provide some basic script.
  4. Which calendar are you using to setup appointments with prospects? Calendly ?
  5. Any Discord groups or Facebook groups that you would recommend to network other CRE real estate professionals/investors?
Thank you for your time.
submitted by BigError7007 to CommercialRealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:43 ashmatica Episode 1 - Act II

'All personnel must abandon ship,’ thewords in the airsay. ‘Please follow guidance lights to escape pods. [540.537.536...]'
'Huh,' we think, and as we think it, the noise ofthe thoughtemerges from oursiphon.
We only vaguely comprehend what the words are telling us, but we understand that the audible words comprise a voice, which is what we use when we form audible words like “huh”ourself.
'Huh,' we say again.
We look back at the newspaper in the display of human possessions, and we realise that the words used by this new voice in the air and the words used by the newspaper are very, very different. Not only does the word 'ship' mean different things, but the voice didn't actually say the word 'ship'.
'Ship,' we say aloud. And then we say the word the announcement voice used, which wasn't “ship”, but means “ship”, and refers to a ship. And thinking of a ship conjures up images within us, like the newspaper did, but these are images of huge dark shapes above us, cutting through the water, their shadows gliding across the sand, the incredible volume of the noisy ones and gentle creaking of the quiet ones.
'[516.515,]' says the voice, and it occurs to us that we'd better find these escape pod things before safe egress from this ship is no longer possible, and whatever happens then happens.
The red lights are no longer just flashing on and off, but are now moving in an organised pattern, leading towardsanotherdoor, and we pull ourselves towards it.
Beyond is a long thin room – a corridor – with white featureless walls, and it takes us a while totraverseit. We soon start to envy jaguars and capybaras and humans – all creatures with rigid legs.
The red lights guide us to another door, but when we try to open it the control panel doesn't respond to the touch of our pokey arm. We realise the glyph on the control panel is different, and so is the door itself. Thisoneis larger, and looks very solid. It has awindowin it, and we stretch upwards, pushing and pulling ourselvesup until we can see through it.
Beyond is a further section of corridor, but this one is filled with fire thatflickersand flows. The top of the corridor has buckled and fallen, and jagged pieces of material have sheared into the walls. Thick smoke boils up and is sucked away through cracks overhead, and half of the red lights lining the walls have ceased to flash.
We try the control panel again, but even as we do weknowit won't work. The damage to the ship beyond is too extensive, so the door has been sealed. These doors exist not to permit entry, but to prevent it.
'Huh,' we say, taking a moment to appreciate how clever a door is.
'[471.470…]' The voice counting down reminds us.
We turn in the other direction and fold our arms into halves.We pushthe bent ends against the floor, rising up like a crab might, and attempt to imitate a walk.It’sslow, butisfaster than slapping our arms down and pulling ourselves incrementallyacrossthe dry floor. Wemove pastthe door to the containment chambers in search of an alternativepathto the escape pods. When we come to a junction at the end of the corridor we pause, looking both ways, trying to judge which might route might be most favourable.
But then a figure appears, coming towards us fast from the left.
Ithas six limbs and moves on thefour stubby digitsat their tips. The limbsareless flexible than ours, each bending only at two locations. The creature is covered in a tight grey fabric, except for its head, which splits in two directions and has an eye at the end of each. Its mouth is a big round hole that wibbles around the edge as it comes to a halt beyond an arm's reach from us. Like the boar and the capybara and the jaguar, we don’tthink we’ve encounteredone of these before, yet we do know what it is – a mixcycla.
'Who are you?’ itasks, using the same kinds of noises – the same language – as the voice in the air. ‘Why have you attacked us? This is a peaceful research vessel!'
We try to respond to it, but we don't know what words to say, or if theywill come out right.Ourarmswave in the air and change colour.Scarletspots form on them and race from our body down to the arms’ tips. We wonder if we've spent too long looking at the red lights overhead.
The mixycla backs off, rearing up onto its four hind limbs andraisesa blunt metal object with theremainingtwo.
We try to communicate again, this time concentrating on words. Words and noises.
'We are…’ we find our voice by pushing air through our siphon, matching the mix’s language, but still don’t know what words to use. ‘We don't know... we did not attack you.'
'Youdid,' the mixcycla insists, and lunges forward, swinging its weapon at us. We reach up and catch it mid-swing with our mighty limb, and another, the first on our left, lashes out with a balled tip and bops the creature in the face, sending it sprawling against the wall.
'Good job, fighty arm,' wetell it,impressed by the strike. The creature struggles upright, and realises that it's somehow left its weapon in the grip of one of our other limbs.We look around at our waving arms, and it occurs to us that theremight bewords for what wearetoo. 'Are we an... octopus?'
The mixcycla stares at us, its mouth wibbling. 'Wait... Yes,' it says. 'You... you aren't from the boarding party. You're different colours... but I recognise you now. You're a specimen! You must have escaped your research pod!'
'[442.441…]' the air voice reminds us.
'You shouldn't be awake at all... Your cell must have malfunctionedafterthe attack. You aren't supposed to... I mean...'
There comes a noise from behind us. The creature looks in that direction andpales inshade slightly – a much more efficient means of communication than its voice-words. We look round to see what has triggered thisthreat response, and see three tall figures charging down the corridor.
These ones are different, clad in black armour. They have only four limbs, two for locomotion and twowhich holdlong complex objects –probably some kind of weapon. They remind us of humans, but the way they more is more... crustacean. No word comes to identify them.
'Oh,' the creature beside us says. 'That's the boarding party.'
submitted by ashmatica to SaturdayGazette [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:43 realhumannorobot But what if I'll get physically attacked again?

also posted in cptsd. could you please guide me through, a semi-imaginary scenario?
I used to be pa by my mom mostly. and I froze every single time, I would collapse inward and try to protect my head with my hands and that's it just be stuck there. the muscle memory is so strong, it's like lightning, I am haunted by this feeling and fear it deeply.
so today I was waiting at the bus station late at night and a drunk old men starts talking to me, he starts to tell me his life's story and tragedies and I try to be empathetic and attentive but not too much, I kept glancing to the other people at the bus station. he got close to me and I smelled the alcohol from his breath, it was unpleasant and I felt this discomfort and pushed it down, I told myself it's because he probably has no one who'll listen to him and I know how it feels so I should just muster through. but when I finally got home now and set with it, I realized it was because I am scared he would have took it the wrong way and attack me (I writing present tense, because it feels so real even now and I am scared as if it can happen at any moment).
I realized that I'm not only scared of being attacked, but also this bodily sensation, that snatching of my own body by forces beyond my control, before I can even decide to move. and when I tried to replay it all in my head in the safety of my room, to try and use my healthy anger to tell him to move back or to push him away, I was repulsed by it, I know what it's like to be beaten and hurt and I don't want to do that to anyone, even a shove feels too violent, and so I can't fight.
what about flight? to run away? I thought about it, but then I remembered the faces of the people in the bus station. not one of them intervene when that man approached me, when visibly looked like I'm not okay and I was trying to look around for help from them. and I remember a few months ago a woman in NYC was hit by a break and no one helped her. and all I can think is run to where?
and I feel hopeless and stuck and afraid and I don't know how to resolve this imaginary and hopefully never to happen scenario of attack , but the fear hunts me and I don't know how to reach closure.
submitted by realhumannorobot to CPTSD_NSCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:43 rebelsv Need Some Career Advice (Returning to Webdev!)

TLDR: I'm transitioning back into web development and project management after working in the automotive industry. My plan includes enrolling in Lunch School for Ruby and JavaScript, earning PMP and ACP certifications, and obtaining several CompTIA and digital marketing certifications. Seeking advice on whether this is a good path and any additional recommendations.
I'm reaching out to this amazing community for some guidance and advice on transitioning back into web development and project management.
Background: I have a fairly diverse background with experience in both tech (in the past and somewhat currently) and trade industries.
I spent about 3 years doing web project management and another 4 years in customer success for a SaaS product using WordPress.
In my project manager role, I would do everything from set up and configure themes, plugins, stores, etc., small custom CSS/HTML changes, UX/UI design, and research how we could make projects the best they could possibly be. The bulk of my work though was in managing project - from a new client handing off content until completion, working with teams of developers.
I got into the role fairly fast, because I was initially hired to do entry level webdev and graphic design, but the guy I worked for landed a few huge clients shortly after he hired me, and thought I'd be perfect to be a project manager, which he trained me how to do. He also wanted me in that role because I was good with talking with people, as a lot of developers he had just weren't, for whatever reason.
In my customer success role - I would work with clients one on one regarding their websites for their business, and worked with some of them that paid extra to do customizations.
These are just very simple explanations for both jobs.
In 2020, I was laid off from one of my work-from-home job, and I used that year to explore something different. This led me to the automotive industry, where I've been for the past 4 years (really 3 since I don't necessarily count 2020).
I learned an extremely challenging trade, helped start a business, and have continued doing project management while also working on some websites in my spare time.
Working in the automotive industry has toughened me up significantly, both as a person and a manager. Coming from a tech background, transitioning to an extremely physical and demanding job was hard, but I was successful.
The trade I learned has no formal schooling or certifications and typically requires a year or two of full-time effort to master, along with extensive self-study through YouTube videos, forums, and research.
This was probably the hardest thing I've ever learned to do in terms of work. Not only did I master it (within reason), but I also trained others to the point where one is now operating their own business, and several others have asked me to train them.
The bright side to all of that is I know how many resources there are for learning tech related skills online, so going from literally zero to such a nearly unlimited amount is already great.
However, I want to move out of this industry because I don't see myself doing this level of physical work as I get older. It can be great money, but there are slow months, the industry is changing, and I see where it's going and am prepping to get out of it.
Current Goals: I'm looking to re-enter the fields of web development and web project management. My current plan is to complete:
  1. Lunch School: Enroll in Lunch School, focusing on the Ruby and JavaScript track, with the aim of completing the Capstone project.
  2. Certifications:
    • Earn my PMP (Project Management Professional) and ACP (Agile Certified Practitioner) from PMI.
    • Get several CompTIA certifications to enhance my technical skills (A+, Security+, Project+, Tech+, Network+)
    • Get several certifications in related fields such as in digital marketing (SEO, Google/Facebook Ads, etc.), social media platform certifications, and any software certifications related to project management (Jira, etc.)
I'm Seeking Advice On:
1. Career Track: Is this a good path to pursue for someone with my background and goals? Are there any other certifications or skills I should consider?
2. Training Programs: Recommendations for additional training programs or certifications that could complement my current plan.
I've gained invaluable experience working in the automotive industry, especially in management, and I'm excited about the possibility of applying these skills to the tech industry.
Is this a solid plan?
If not, please feel free to give me any advice or feedback!
submitted by rebelsv to webdev [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:43 Educational_Row6272 Double kettlebell or two handed swings - pros and cons

I’ve done a lot of googling but can’t find a good discussion so hoping to get some views from more experienced lifters.
Basically, what do you think about double kettlebell swings using two singles, vs a two handed swing using a heavier kb?
For me the biggest limiting factor is cost. I can do tons of stuff with two 20kg kbs but if I bought a 40kg kb I would only be using it for swings and maybe goblet squats. But, since I have the 20kg double I’ll never buy the single heavy one. Similarly, I doubt I’ll ever need to buy the 56kg or above. The main negative I find is that two comp bells between my legs is kinda awkward
In terms of physiological benefit etc, what do people think about the benefits of two handed vs two single handed? Does it matter?
submitted by Educational_Row6272 to kettlebell [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:43 relationshipguy254 Why the Narcissist Obsesses So Much Over Their Reputation

When you’ve had any encounter with a narcissist or someone who you know is constantly living with a mask, they care so much about it to the point where they can even manipulate the situations and people around them to protect their reputation or how they’re perceived by others. For narcissists, their reputation is pretty much everything to them. So, why do they obsess so much over how they’re perceived by others?
See, at their core, narcissists are extremely insecure and feel inadequate and unlovable. When you lack something on a deep level, you try to prove your worth outwardly to mask the emptiness inside. That’s why their reputation becomes a treasure they go to desperate lengths to protect.
It provides temporary relief when they are admired and respected. This develops into a pseudo-self-esteem where they seem confident and look like they’ve got their act together, yet deep inside, they’re aching.
This also drives them to look for ways to fill their insatiable hunger as their ego seeks the next thing to maintain or elevate their reputation. As the ego becomes more solidified, they move further away from the pain they’re avoiding deep inside, the pain which need to be processed.
When you leave a wound untreated for a very long time, even a skilled doctor will struggle through layers of scab to get to the real wound. You also need to go to that doctor in the first place (willingness to heal/change).
That’s how it feels when you run away from the wound that needs healing. It gets to the point where more bandages are seen as the only option to keep things at bay. And that bandage for a narcissist is now protecting their reputation because without it, they would have to look at the wound they’ve unconsciously neglected for a long time.
So, in a way, it’s much easier and safer to manipulate and seek ways to protect that reputation than to deal with the actual source of the false identity.
That’s why narcissists may lash out or go haywire when you try to challenge them, as all those painful emotions bottled deep inside come to the surface. It’s an overwhelming feeling, and the ego resorts to any kind of defense mechanism to keep things where it’s used to. When you’re holding onto a false identity, it becomes like a lifeboat on which your dear life depends.
That’s what reputation or being perceived well by others looks like to a narcissist. Underneath that is a hurt person who has developed a shield over time, and without this shield, there is pain, or rather a lot of pain, which the mind has deemed unbearable.
That’s why a narcissist causes pain to others; in the grand scheme of things, they inflict pain to protect themselves from pain because they see no alternative. To someone with a clear mind, it is counterproductive, but if you've held onto an identity as part of yourself, you will rarely see beyond that veil of pain.
Inner work is for everyone, and however much we may label them as ‘evil’, just take some time and look at yourself. Sometimes, acceptance means realizing that there’s nothing you can do to change certain situations or help people out of their circumstances and being okay with that. Then, with your ‘slight advantage’, go all the way and remove the masks that are preventing you from seeing the true you beyond the beliefs and stories you’ve learned from others.
Note from the Author
If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.
submitted by relationshipguy254 to healfromabuse [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:43 Purple-Bag95 How to plan a black templar army?

Getting into 40k for the very first time and I would like to start off with black templars. I have a few questions on how to begin putting my models together
Thanks in advance. Starting off in 40k can be a bit overwhelming, as there is a lot to learn.
submitted by Purple-Bag95 to BlackTemplars [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:42 ConstantlyConfusedG Where do I go from here?

Let me give you a little history first. I lived in Florida until I was in between 5th & 6th grade then we moved to Ohio where I was born and where my parents were from. I lived there for 31 years before moving back to Florida. My parents moved as well not wanting to be far from my son. We ended up living together, they took care of my son while I worked and eventually went back to school. Then they died, dad from cancer and mom from a broken heart within a year. A little I’ve a year after mom passed I left with my son thinking I needed a fresh start and moved to Tennessee. I don’t have any family here. I’ve made a few friends, but I wouldn’t say any of them are super close. Everything is expensive. I’m paying twice in rent for a 1bd/1ba apartment (I sleep on the couch & my son has the bedroom) than I paid for my parents mortgage. If I move back to Ohio I will have more friends, but they have their own lives and most have kids older than mine. Plus it’s not much less expensive there. If I go back to Florida (North Florida if you’re wondering) I would friends, less than Ohio but more around the same age as my son and it’s less expensive to live there. Also, my son has had bad sinus infections practically every month since we moved here. It might be the elevation seeing as we’re surrounded by hills and mountains.
I used to talk out these big decisions with my parents, but I can’t do that anymore and obviously the last big decision I made by myself (moving here) doesn’t seem to be working out too well. Help?
submitted by ConstantlyConfusedG to DecisionMaking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:42 Top_Inspector_2968 [Longine] Military Marine National or Spirit 40mm Titanium

[Longine] Military Marine National or Spirit 40mm Titanium
Hello everyone! Looking for some help from more experienced watch owners or anyone who has experience or has worn or even owned either of these watch. I’ve recently gotten into watches during my deployment I am currently on and after some time now I’ve became very intrigued in the Longine brand. Knowing myself there’s a strong possibility I will own both at some point, but might be waiting a year or two in between.
Im wondering between the Longine Military Marine Nation (used with original box and paper and is in pristine like new condition, asking $1,650)
Or the Longine Spirit Titanium 40mm on NATO strap, Brand new.
My thoughts are to by the marine national as it might be harder to come by and can go back home and get the Spirit from an AD.
Also with these two watches I know I won’t be wearing the marine national daily would be nice to own keep in condition it’s in and wear one special occasions, but feel like I would have a sense of happiness (lol) owning this beautiful piece!
The spirit when I get will be something I’d wear most of the time as I’d like it to be my daily go to.
Back home I have an Oris divers65, some Citizens and some GShocks.
Any opinions or experience or anything please share.
Thank you!
submitted by Top_Inspector_2968 to Watches [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:42 LegionellaSalmonella tank analogy for each Medical Specialty tank analogy for each Medical Specialty submitted by LegionellaSalmonella to premed [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:42 liberaltilltheend I have to take a call tomorrow whether to put down my papers. Need advice.

This is going to be a little long. Please bear with me
The organization I am in right now is my first startup and I love that about my time here. I grew and learnt a lot here. I have never dived deep into the product as much as I have done here. So much so that I can pretty much write the code to solve some of tech issues here.
The problem is the upper management including CEO and CTO are pretty inexperienced in running product based companies. From what I can tell, they have no idea how to run tech teams and stabilize the product.
What is killing me is their lack of interest in improving the product. I have fight every single time to get them to see there's an issue and each time they more or less tell me this is the last change they will make. It is like I have to fight to prove that I am not lying or out of my mind each time.
But irrespective of whether the product is stable, I am pressured to achieve revenue targets. To be honest, none of the clients are happy and all most of them have to say to me is "get this shit working ". We haven't received a single penny in terms of repeat revenue from our clients and not even one of them are using the product after the initial payment. All we have received is from partners who pay in the expectation that this will work someday. This a huge red flag that I have been trying to bring to the attention of the management, but they don't want to see or they come up with ridiculously stupid solutions.
Like I told them no one is using the product and they came up with a credit system which rewards user for using the product. Bro, you don't have to bribe the user to run campaigns like your product is good and if the product is bad, then the solution is not to bribe your customers.
And they have convince themselves that the issue is our mindset. They pay motivational speakers to motivate us, and come up with new systems every week based "sigma" videos available on Youtube like "winner mindset" and so on.
I told my manager that I intend to quit today. And he was of the opinion this happens in all orgs and I need to learn the skill of getting ppl to listen to me if I have to grow into a leadership role. This is what I need advice on. Is this how it always is? Am I overreacting?
submitted by liberaltilltheend to CustomerSuccess [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:42 overmind87 Could a herniated disc in the lower back cause problems all the way up the spine if it was left untreated long enough?

36M. Background info: I served 8 years in the military. Hurt my back during exercise a couple of years into my career. I ended up developing recurring pain from it that would flare up now and then. The military doctors claimed was a muscular issue that needed some stretching or physical therapy every time I brought it up. They never really looked into it any further than that. The pain got worse over time and would come back more often. Not too long after leaving the military, it got to the point where my left leg would start going numb if I sat down for longer than 30 min. I ended up going to an urgent care clinic once the pain became too much. There, I finally got some imaging done in my lower back and that's when I first found out I had a herniated disc (L5-S1), years after the issue first began. But at least I could finally get some actual useful guidance for the condition. This was back in 2015.
Now, for my current issue: I developed some neck pain after my back injury. It was always in the same location, left side, base of the skull. But I only brought it up a couple of times during my military career because even if it was pretty bad, it was a rare occurrence. For that same reason I never thought it could be related to my back injury.
Fast forward to the present. The neck pain started to become a regular occurrence. And sometimes it's bad enough I felt it on the entire left side of my head. Turning my head left can be painful and difficult. The VA referred me to a chiropractor to help with that. After the chiropractor took some x-rays of my spine/neck, he said there were bone spurs on my neck vertebrae that might be causing my neck to "lock up" and pinch some nerves, which is the most likely cause for the pain. Not only that, but my entire spine seems to be slightly twisted as if I had scoliosis, even though that's never been an issue in my life. And there's also a bone spur growing out of the back of my skull, possibly due to excess pull on the muscles there due to my spine not curving the right way at the neck section.
My question is: could all these issues have developed due to my herniated disc not having been diagnosed and treated sooner? It's been almost 10 years since I left the military. So that's at least 10 years my neck situation went untreated, plus several years where my whole body had to pick up the slack from my injured lower back, which could be what caused or exacerbated these other issues. It would suck if these problems- the neck pain in particular- are now a life long issue due to them not being diagnosed earlier as related to my lower back injury, which was itself already not diagnosed earlier because it wasn't looked into properly when I first injured my back in active duty. See the link below for pictures of my recent x-rays and let me know what you think. And thank you for taking the time to read this.
submitted by overmind87 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:42 TheCyote Let’s Talk About Junk-Store, Cloud Saves, and More…

Let’s Talk About Junk-Store, Cloud Saves, and More…
I've posted a survey on the JunkStore sub Reddit (I'm unable to do that on this sub Reddit or cross post), I will replicate the post here for your convenience. There is a very good discussion forming in the comments section of the post.
Vote here and please weigh in on the conversation, I'm using this to determine the future direction of Junk-Store.
Before diving into cloud saves, it’s crucial to understand what Junk-Store is all about. This isn’t a small or simple topic, but we’ll keep it brief for now and plan a more detailed discussion later.
So, what is Junk-Store?
In short, Junk-Store is an extensible and customizable game launcher platform. That’s quite a mouthful, but what does it actually mean?
Think of Junk-Store as a versatile hub where you can add different features and functionalities according to your needs. Here’s a visual representation:
Lightweight Extensions
(more images on the Junk-Store sub reddit - for some reason I can only add one here).
Everyone familiar with Junk-Store knows about its support for Epic Games. Recently, we added GOG support, which you can see reflected in the GOG tab. But what about all these other tabs and menu items? They’re all extensions. Some extensions are more complex, offering comprehensive management features, while others are more lightweight, designed for basic tasks like managing and playing games.
One upcoming feature we’re working on showcases these lightweight extensions. These require minimal effort from users, significantly less than writing your own plugin or building an entire extension. We’re aiming to reduce the setup to just tens of lines of configuration code, possibly even less.
In a nutshell, this flexibility is what sets Junk-Store apart from other launchers. There’s a lot more to explore, but we’ll save that for another time.
Now onto the burning question: What about cloud saves?
It's not that Junk-Store doesn’t support cloud saves; it's just that, for now, users need to figure it out on their own. Those with some coding experience have likely already added the single line of code required to enable it. Essentially, it’s the same cloud save solution that Heroic uses, which, as many of us know, has its issues.
So why am I hesitant to release this single line of code to the public?
Because I’ve seen all the ways it can go wrong, and some users will inevitably lose their save games and come back very upset.
One common issue arises when you delete a Proton prefix and create a new one. Legendary will still reference the old save game location, meaning your saves won’t sync after that point.
While there are ways to address these issues, it requires a lot of effort to identify all potential failure points, write defensive code to handle them, and test extensively. I don’t think it’s fair to have users test all the ways it can break and then fix it afterward.
The real challenge here is resourcing. I spend more of my free time on Junk-Store each week than most of you likely spend at work. This time is spent supporting users online, fixing bugs, building new features, developing new extensions, and testing functionality to avoid issues. Although I have help from another developer on the UI side, they’ve been busy lately, leaving me to handle most of it alone. I do have one volunteer tester, but their available time is much less than mine.
The effort required to get cloud saves to a level where I would be comfortable releasing them to the average user is enormous. I’ve already invested over 1,000 hours into this plugin, and resolving the file sync issue alone would likely require an equivalent amount of time, if not more. Thoroughly testing an integration like this takes a considerable amount of time.
Additionally, the support challenges this would create are daunting. When it inevitably breaks, I’d be overwhelmed by the number of frustrated users demanding immediate fixes.
Please remember that I created this plugin because it’s something I wanted, so I prioritize features that I use and that are supported by financial contributors.
With that explained, let's take a survey and then discuss this further.
Would you rather:
  1. Have me work on cloud saves exclusively and nothing else? (no other store front integrations, support, new features, etc.)
  2. Get the one line of code and figure it out yourself (community support only, no bothering me or the other team volunteers)?
  3. Pay for the one line of code through Patreon or another means to cover the support hours you’ll need when things go wrong (let me know in the comments what’s acceptable)?
  4. Wait for cloud saves until there’s enough community support to hire additional developers to make a stable version (status quo - no cloud saves for now)
Vote here.
submitted by TheCyote to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:42 Goobi_69 Thoughts on "You are not regressing"

CW: talk of sexual and non-sexual ageplay, csa, impure regression, and regression therapy (lmk if I missed any)
Okay, before I start this off I want to say that your regression experience is valid. If you disgree with what I say thats fine, all I ask is that we keep it respectful.
I think that the "You are not regressing" post did have some valid points, but I think because they had a very hostile attitude we were very quick to get defensive.
In this post I want to adress some things that I thought they had right, number one being that some people experience "age regression" much different than others. I have experienced both what most people describe here as "age regression" and what op had described as "age regression" and they are very different things.
When I involuntarily/impurley regress (which is what I will call what op described as real regression) it can be terrifying. I forget most if not all of my adult skills and memories, and I also lose control of my bladder and fine motor skills. It usually happens after I experience a bad PTSD flashback, and while having a Caregiver around can help make the experience a bit better, it is still overall bad. I mostly just spend my time crying when this happens.
In contrast, when I experience volentary regression (which is what i will call what most people here post about and describe as age regression) it is much different. I can usually remember the people in my big life, as well as how to use big technology. While I do sometimes struggle with my bladder and motor skills, it is nowhere near the extent that I do when I regress involuntarily. Even when I regress this way unintentionally while upset it is much different, and with the help of a caregiver i can usually calm down and have a good time.
Im not going to say thay either of these is or isnt regression, but I understand why OP would want to make a distinction. It can feel very isolating when you experience involuntarily/impure regression and try to find community here, as it can seem like everybody is saying they experience what you do and then describing a completely different experience.
I also understand what they were saying about "regression therapy" and if your therapists are recomending it you should probably be worried. Regression therapy is already a thing in the mental health industry, and it IS NOT what is described on this sub. Regression therapy is a type of hypnotherapy that involves being hypnotized to a younger mental age. This practice has been used in the past to plant false memories and traumas in a person that were not there previously, giving people pretty severe trauma. I just cant see a reputable, well-informed therapist calling it that unless you have already brought it up using this terminology.
Before I start this section I want to put a disclaimer: minors should not try to find any sort of caregiver online for any reason, and they should not experiment with ageplay in any capacity sexually and should be VERY cautious if they want to try it non-sexually. If they do want to try non-sexual ageplay (or even agere tbh) with a partner they should only do so with someone who is a similar age as them and who they trust very much irl
Lastly I want to adress what they said about ageplay (ddlg, abdl, whatever you call it, im calling it ageplay). I want to start by saying I understand why so many people in this sub have a big dislike of ageplay and want to distance themsleves from it. It is often confused with agere and can often lead to us being sexualized online, and it can also feel like it is corrupting something important to you.
That being said, ageplay can and often is done non-sexualy. Kink is not inherently sexual, even if it seems that way online. In real life kink spaces many people practice kink non-sexually for fun, comfort, or to deal with trauma. Anybody who practices kink will go into a "headspace" no matter of it is sexual or not. Most people who do non-sexual ageplay are doing so to cope with childhood trauma and have fun, same as many people in this sub. The complete demonization on ageplay in this community as well as the often oversexualization in ageplay online communities can make these people feel very isolated in their experiences that are, in the end, very close to the agere experience.
It is also possible for people who age regress to also do ageplay SEPERATLY as a way to cope with trauma, most comonly csa, as it gives the traumatized party a chance to re-experience the trauma in a way that feels good and they have control over. When we as a comunity demonize ageplay it can make these people feel like they are coping wrong, and it can bring them a lot of shame. While I do emphasize that the sexual and nonsexual aspects should be kept seperate (only nonsexual stuff should be on this sub), we should also be kinder. People cope in different ways, and while the thought of ageplay may be very scary and upsetting to you, it can be healing for someone else.
Thats all, sorry for the long post. Im open to discussion, just try and keep it respectful. Have a great day :)
submitted by Goobi_69 to ageregression [link] [comments]