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Old Testament social principles relevant for our time(Part 2). Interconnectedness, Intersectionality and social justice.

2024.05.16 15:50 Anglicanpolitics123 Old Testament social principles relevant for our time(Part 2). Interconnectedness, Intersectionality and social justice.

This is part 2 of a series that I have done on the relevance that Old Testament social principles have to our times. In the first part I looked at the OT's critique of lesser of two evils politics. In this one I will be looking at the Old Testament understanding of the relationship between social justice and intersectionality. Intersectionality was a term popularised in the late 80s and 90s by scholar and activist Kimberlee Crenshaw. In her analysis she says the following:
With this assumptions, definitions and terms used above I will look at how the Old Testament looks at social justice through an interconnected and intersectional lense in key moments in the text.
1)The justice precepts of the OT:
2)David and the Prophet Nathan:
3)The Levite and the Concubine:
When we take these stories we see and intersectional analysis at play. In the Parable of the Prophet Nathan we see the thing of hospitality interacting with class. In the story of the concubine we see the theme of hospitality interact with gender and sexual violence. The Levite and the concubine are shown hospitality in the house of the father in law and the old man. But hostility is shown by the people of Gibeah to outsider. Here, we see xenophobic violence display itself through sexual violence. But then it gets worst of course. Because both the old man and the Levite are willing to sacrifice the concubine and the virgin daughter. The feminist theologian Phyllis Trible in her book "Texts of Terror" states that the house demonstrates the "gendered" limits of hospitality. When it is male figure, hospitality has to be protected at all cost. When it comes to the the women characters, they are more than willing to sacrifice that hospitality. To push them to the margins, symbolised by the outside of the house. And so we see in the concubine what Kimberly Crenshaw spoke of in her work at battered shelters. Structured intersectionality. A woman subject to the multidimensional forces of patriarchal norms, xenophobic hostility, and sexual violence. The story of the concubine parallels the multidimensional story of migrant and refugee women in our world today who face the multiple forces of xenophobic hostility, oppressive cultural norms, and sexual violence as well.
It's the same thing in Nathan's parable at a different angle. If we see the see the gendered limits of hospitality in the Concubine episode, we see it's class limits in this parable. The rich man is willing to show hospitality to a wayfarer. And he does it at the expense of the man who is poor. His hospitality is built on economic exploitation. Now the twist is that Nathan is telling this Parable both as an irony and to expose King David's hypocrisy. Because David did an injustice to Uriah the Hittite. He had him murdered to take his wife. And Uriah because he is a "Hittite" is a stranger, a foreigner. Murder is the most inhospitable act you can do to a stranger. Nathan breaks us out of a single axis analysis of things by making the point that the same norms that allow a rich man to exploit the poor are the same ones that allow a King to murder an outsider to take his wife. Xenophobic violence and class oppression are intertwined. Which is why in the precepts of the Prophets care for the poor and the widows and orphans is coupled with care for the alien and stranger. And it is couple in the rhetoric of Jeremiah to not shed innocent blood. The structures built on violence are the same ones that marginalise the poor and target the orphan and the outsider. Many of the people who are poor under these structures are also widows and aliens as well. And as the Prophet Ezekiel points out, which ties back to the story of the concubine, the same people with power that shed innocent blood and oppress and extort the poor are also the ones who normalise and perpetuate a culture of sexual violence. These are definitely relevant for our times because the Old Testament's ethical framework breaks us out of a single axis view of social justice to view things in a multidimensional perspective. We have to look at the lives of migrants and refugees from a multidimensional perspective. We have to look at the experiences of black and indigenous communities from a multidimensional perspective when in these communities women have to endure the multiple burdens of racial violence coupled with patriarchal and sexual violence. We cannot speak of an identity politic that does not look at class oppression and violence. All of these intersect. All of these are multidimensional. And in that multidimensional reality Jeremiah's voice rings as true back then as today. Stand up for the poor, the orphan, the widow and the oppressed who has been robbed. And shed no innocent blood in this place.
submitted by Anglicanpolitics123 to SocialChristianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:48 Anglicanpolitics123 Old Testament social principles relevant for our time(Part 2). Interconnectedness, Intersectionality and social justice.

This is part 2 of a series that I have done on the relevance that Old Testament social principles have to our times. In the first part I looked at the OT's critique of lesser of two evils politics. In this one I will be looking at the Old Testament understanding of the relationship between social justice and intersectionality. Intersectionality was a term popularised in the late 80s and 90s by scholar and activist Kimberlee Crenshaw. In her analysis she says the following:
With this assumptions, definitions and terms used above I will look at how the Old Testament looks at social justice through an interconnected and intersectional lense in key moments in the text.
1)The justice precepts of the OT:
2)David and the Prophet Nathan:
3)The Levite and the Concubine:
When we take these stories we see and intersectional analysis at play. In the Parable of the Prophet Nathan we see the thing of hospitality interacting with class. In the story of the concubine we see the theme of hospitality interact with gender and sexual violence. The Levite and the concubine are shown hospitality in the house of the father in law and the old man. But hostility is shown by the people of Gibeah to outsider. Here, we see xenophobic violence display itself through sexual violence. But then it gets worst of course. Because both the old man and the Levite are willing to sacrifice the concubine and the virgin daughter. The feminist theologian Phyllis Trible in her book "Texts of Terror" states that the house demonstrates the "gendered" limits of hospitality. When it is male figure, hospitality has to be protected at all cost. When it comes to the the women characters, they are more than willing to sacrifice that hospitality. To push them to the margins, symbolised by the outside of the house. And so we see in the concubine what Kimberly Crenshaw spoke of in her work at battered shelters. Structured intersectionality. A woman subject to the multidimensional forces of patriarchal norms, xenophobic hostility, and sexual violence. The story of the concubine parallels the multidimensional story of migrant and refugee women in our world today who face the multiple forces of xenophobic hostility, oppressive cultural norms, and sexual violence as well.
It's the same thing in Nathan's parable at a different angle. If we see the see the gendered limits of hospitality in the Concubine episode, we see it's class limits in this parable. The rich man is willing to show hospitality to a wayfarer. And he does it at the expense of the man who is poor. His hospitality is built on economic exploitation. Now the twist is that Nathan is telling this Parable both as an irony and to expose King David's hypocrisy. Because David did an injustice to Uriah the Hittite. He had him murdered to take his wife. And Uriah because he is a "Hittite" is a stranger, a foreigner. Murder is the most inhospitable act you can do to a stranger. Nathan breaks us out of a single axis analysis of things by making the point that the same norms that allow a rich man to exploit the poor are the same ones that allow a King to murder an outsider to take his wife. Xenophobic violence and class oppression are intertwined. Which is why in the precepts of the Prophets care for the poor and the widows and orphans is coupled with care for the alien and stranger. And it is couple in the rhetoric of Jeremiah to not shed innocent blood. The structures built on violence are the same ones that marginalise the poor and target the orphan and the outsider. Many of the people who are poor under these structures are also widows and aliens as well. And as the Prophet Ezekiel points out, which ties back to the story of the concubine, the same people with power that shed innocent blood and oppress and extort the poor are also the ones who normalise and perpetuate a culture of sexual violence. These are definitely relevant for our times because the Old Testament's ethical framework breaks us out of a single axis view of social justice to view things in a multidimensional perspective. We have to look at the lives of migrants and refugees from a multidimensional perspective. We have to look at the experiences of black and indigenous communities from a multidimensional perspective when in these communities women have to endure the multiple burdens of racial violence coupled with patriarchal and sexual violence. We cannot speak of an identity politic that does not look at class oppression and violence. All of these intersect. All of these are multidimensional. And in that multidimensional reality Jeremiah's voice rings as true back then as today. Stand up for the poor, the orphan, the widow and the oppressed who has been robbed. And shed no innocent blood in this place.
submitted by Anglicanpolitics123 to RadicalChristianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:41 FREEDOM55SIMS Just Announced Midsummer Studios Already Set to Release Demo this year 2024 of Their Upcoming Life Sim Game and Directly Calls Out The Sims. Jake Solomon Reveals More Gameplay Information in Various Interviews.

The founder of Midsummer Studios, Jake Solomon, has given us more information about the new life sim game with a demo due to release this year 2024!
He also directly calls out and confirms they are competing with the Sims. throws down the gauntlet.
He also gives us more information about the mystery game title:
“We’re at an interesting time as players of life sims,” Solomon said in a statement to Variety. “I thought I looked pretty smart over a year ago when I left my former studio and announced that I was going to make a life sim to compete with the long running (and really only show in town) ‘The Sims.’ Now, there are four or five (seemingly great) competitors being developed. Our difference is that we’re focused on story. Specifically, the story that the players write themselves just by playing the game. The player controls the story they want to tell, and in fact, when the game starts the player can choose from multiple “themes” that define their story. For example they can tell the game that they want to tell a story about finding their soulmate while also succeeding at their small town business.
“We use that information at game start to then generate an interesting cast of supporting characters and seed them with relationships that will instantly create a ‘narrative rich’ environment. If the player wants to tell a romantic story, then we might generate a cast where one person is an ex-lover AND a coworker, one is your high school sweetheart AND your neighbor, and one is your secret crush but also runs a rival business in town. In this way, the game already starts in an interesting place that our players will want to explore. Our players will be able to share the characters they create, the storylines they tell, and even entire towns that they have customized. We intend to have a community hub that allows players to easily upload their own creations and download the creations of other players right into their game.”
Solomon says Midsummer Studios plans “to grow slowly and to limit our overall studio size in order to make ourselves as flexible and efficient as possible, while giving our team a sustainable, steady place to work (which is no given in our current industry.)”
Midsummer has plans to reveal a demo in 2024 and later reveal a target launch date for the currently untitled life-sim game.
See rest of the article here
In an interview with PC Gamer, Midsummer Studios co-founder and creative director Jake Solomon divulged how his career making strategy games has actually always been building towards his longtime dream of a relationship simulator and his plans for a small town full of Gilmore Girls-style drama.
After working on Civilization games himself, the games Solomon later took creative lead on started to zoom in on characters and relationships with the ~soldier bond system in XCOM 2~, and then the ~friendship system~ in Marvel's Midnight Suns, a game he affectionately describes as his "little hero dating simulator" that he "lavished way too much attention on."
Now he says his dream as a designer has always been a game about high school and dating. "I think these things have always been kind of brewing in the back of my mind. And they've probably manifested in each game that I've designed," he says.
Midsummer Studios' first game sounds like it isn't solely about high school dating, but it's definitely all about the drama of personal relationships.The basics of Midsummer's yet-to-be-revealed game, as they stand, are this: You'll decide what kind of story you want to tell, whether it's about romance, family, or something else entirely, and the game will fill the town with characters and generate relationships between them—it almost sounds like starting a game of Dwarf Fortress. From a Sims-like overhead view of the world, you can play through a story divided into scenes where your character has wants and needs and has to juggle those relative to time, or you can go into a creative mode to inhabit any character you please, edit relationships, give orders, and play around in your sandbox.
"You're guiding a character through their daily life in a small town—and a small town is a very narrative rich environment," Solomon says. "Whether it's Gilmore Girls, which is the one I bring up maybe too often to my team, or it could be Stephen King … It's a narrative rich environment because everybody knows everybody."
Each scene is less about managing want meters as in The Sims series and more about juggling your character's motivations at any point in time. Scenes might have modifiers, like an unfortunate case of intestinal distress that will make your character want to go to the bathroom several times while trying to get through a date. If you aren't feeling the scene you're in though, creative mode lets you ditch the scene constraints entirely."We want the player to feel like they have enough things that they want to do in any particular scene but they can't possibly do all of them," Solomon says.
The idea is to create conditions that are ripe for generating "emergent stories," and though that's often a buzzword, Solomon has some specific ideas about what that means from his own time spent playing The Sims.
"I love The Sims. You play it and this amazing stuff happens. I'll be like: is my wife flirting with the old neighbor? What the fuck? And you want the game to be like: dun dun duuuuun!"
He envisions a game that recognizes when a dramatic moment is happening by understanding the relationships of everyone involved, and giving you a satisfying nod of the head for the drama you've managed to construct.
"The audience that we're interested in is the people, like if you go to Tumblr, they're the people who share the stories of their characters through screenshots and they do a lot of really, really incredible work," he says.
"What we're wrestling with right now is that there have to be some curated storylines but I think we want them to be very, very high level," he says, describing something that sounds a little like the events system in Crusader Kings 3, except with more dialogue. "The way we handle this is a character will come up to you and say 'oh I heard your father is back in town,' and this is a dialogue tree where the player has three very different options like 'I never want to talk to that man again' or 'yeah, he's here because he's getting married and I don't like his fiancee.'"
Solomon caveats this by saying that the details of all these systems are still being iterated on—adding that Midsummer Studios currently has 11 members and expects to become just 13 "for another year or so." It's clear the studio is already playing with very early prototypes of everything he describes, but it's a lot of very high-concept talk right now. I can't picture exactly how this game will play, but I do like where his head's at.
With all this talk about the live drama of a life sim, what about the build mode folks like me? Solomon says they want to eventually have decoration and interior redesigns and building your house from scratch, but as for having those things in for the initial launch he's not so confident. "Our guiding star is the idea of relationships and story and so that allows us to kind of deprioritize other features."
As much as the XCOM guy pivoting to a life sim warrants a double take, he does seem to get Sims players, referencing popular ~Sims 4 mods~ like Wicked Whims and the differences between Alpha and Maxis Match custom content.
As for the potential of a modding community for this game, Solomon is enthusiastic, saying he believes that mods are "essential," though isn't positive yet on the exact details around the level of support and tools Midsummer will share with players.
For the rest of the PC Gamer interview article and source found here
For more information about Midsummer Studios, see threads/posts & timestamped video here:
Intresting Things to note about Midsummer Studios
-Krafton is the publisher for another Sims competitor life sim, InZoi and they are one of the funds funding Midsummer Studio. This adds legitimacy to Krafton is coming for the Sims Franchise and EA by any means necessary. They are clearly invested.
Discussion: What do you think about Solomon's overall vision for his Life Sim and his focus on relationships? Are you familiar with his previous work?Do you think him and the team have a enough experience with The Sims and life simulators to understand what players want? Are you excited for the release of the demo and announcement of the full release? What do you think of this unexpected news of a demo and the seemingly speedy time line? What are your thoughts in general?
These last 2 years have been a sim renaissance! Exciting time to be a life sim gamer because years ago this would have been unimaginable. I love the competition to the Sims, it will force the Sims franchise, and the overall Life Sim genre to innovate. Big deal since there was very little competition to none until recently.
submitted by FREEDOM55SIMS to LifeSimulators [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:39 deadaena letter to jacob from dad

letter to jacob from dad
found this letter on a elderly rich man from blackwater. its a father talking to his son named jacob who fell in love with a young girl from middle class. when i read it first, i couldnt help to think this « jacob » is connected to jake (sadie’s husband) and could possibly be him. in this letter, the father expresses his dissatisfaction against his son who wants to marry a girl far lesser than him (possibly sadie). whoever the father and jacob are, they are certainly born with money and their family strongly disapproves the idea of marrying someone for love. then, the father threatens to disinherit him if he disobey him.
the girl is described as an actress even though the father feels like shes only more than a « streetwalker » we know nothing of sadie’s past except from the fact she lived in a ranch with her husband and was always willing to work as much as her husband to keep the ranch stable. she also has no family around to take her after the tragic event she went through. when you see her manners and strong personality, you can surely connected her to being an actress (just my opinion).
when you met jake in rdo, he’s more laid back than her wife and is more willing to let strangers come in the ranch. when you go towards him to do missions, he always has a book in his hand. the most blatant detail is his dialogues. if you choose one of the missions, jake will talk about having money problems and debts to many people and will conjure you to not tell anything to sadie to avoid her from getting stressed. and what did the father say?? that he would disinherit him if he married her.
here’s the content of the letter : Dear Jacob, Our conversation Thursday last was deeply disturbing. I cannot believe You would see fit to disobey me. To disobey the family. We did not achieve our stature in life by following our hearts. By giving into every silly whim and childish fancy that takes hold of us. I thought you understood this. Do you think I married for love?
Do you think that your grandfather did? My mother was a fine woman and a good mother, but no man could love her. We have our position in society because of these sacrifices. Now you wish to throw it all away because of a dalliance with someone who you described as an actress. But I have reason to pursue is little more than a streetwalker. How could you?
I hope you were left entirely aware of my displeasure. I do not care if she is with child. I do not care if she is a nice young woman. She is beneath you. You must cast her adrift at once, Be kind of course, but firm. No son and heir of yours can be born to such a woman. I have made an appointment with the lawyer, I am preparing a codicil to the will. I shall disinherit you if you disobey me.
submitted by deadaena to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:31 kayt3000 I Need Lucinda’s Varmint Hammer

This morning I yelled at my normally very progressive husband that he does not understand why I am so pissed over that over paid excuse of a human KC kicker still has a job over his comments at a commencement speech over the weekend. His response “there are tons of murders and rapist in the NFL, why are you shocked”. I am not shocked, but I’m filled with rage.
We have a daughter. She’s 20 months, she’s feral, I have no fear that she won’t kick any ass that tries to hurt her. I love this kid with every fiber of my being. Even though I try and play off her attitude did not come from me, it did. She’s a leader, she knows what she wants, she has no fear and I am going to praise those traits non stop.
But I am fucking terrified for her future. I’m so scared with how backward the US is going. My husband does not see it because he simply not a woman, he’s not scared for his health decisions being made for him by people who don’t know where the clit is.Things don’t hit him, he pays no attention to politics, he knows nothing about what is going on besides what he sometimes listens to me rant on about. He does not get why I’m upset.
Before I left for work I simply said I never thought I had to tell you this out loud but you have a daughter now, you need to be aware of the threats to her and me and it’s not stranger danger. You shouldn’t need a wife and a daughter to feel anger over this. It’s fuel to the fire that has been burning for years, but it’s coming close to exploding. He’s texted me a few times and I just can’t respond. I am angry.
It’s time I get myself out there to fight and it’s not for me anymore. It’s for that sweet little girl that I nearly died giving birth to. She’s my reason now. I don’t know where to start, what I’m going to do. But she is going to be the reason. So I should be working, I have enough to do but I’m just mad. We never fight, but this morning I couldn’t shake this. Those comments enraged me not only because that sad excuse of an athlete has a very accomplished mother.
I make good money, I worked my ass off to get where I am. I’m angry on behalf of the stay at home moms who scarified a lot to raise kids as well. It’s not just a working mom issue. SAHM are just as disrespected as working moms are. I hope his mother disowns him. He lived a very rich privileged life because of her. He wouldn’t be here spouting nonsense without her. I am going to find a local activist group here and get to work. My daughter by my side she is going to see that yes you can have it all. She has a mom who will play princess in the morning, work her ass off during the day, cook her favorite dinners, read her to sleep, and at night fight until there is nothing left to make sure that she won’t have to.
I need Lucinda’s varmint hammer, it’s the only thing that can strike fear into the varmints we need to fight.
Thank you all for paying attention to my rant and if you have any suggestions on atheist or women’s right activist groups I am all ears.
submitted by kayt3000 to scathingatheist [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:25 weapon-a Can neither get back up nor get out.

I’m an Early20s(M) in Asia. Have completed my undergrad and a UK-based professional accounting course (ACCA). I received a job offer at bulge bracket Investment Bank in a compliance role after graduating but I quit few months into it as the work was just mind-numbing and copy pasting. Something, I’d have to do for 4 years before I could get a promotion.
After writing the original draft, I realised It could be a small Book about a guy whose Fortune has been working against him no matter how hard he tries for the last 8 years.
The summary is that I’ve been bullied everywhere till middle school. But puberty and sports made me into a guy not to be messed with. The bullying just turned psychological from everyone at home and school.
Covid year messed me up but I got back on my feet. Really liked a girl who liked me too. But my seniors didn’t like that and they did some mudslinging enough to throw me out of all societies and get all students and few influential professors against me.
College was hell after that but I managed to do good internships, get some extracurriculars under my belt and got good grades. I was also one of the very few students to complete the professional degree alongside with it.
But the girl I liked ended up dating my school bully (rich guy) and it really broke my heart, lol
However, I had realised I was getting hit with the memories and pain of all these experiences together and became numb. I can’t get out of bed, brush my teeth, etc. I decided to get therapy and got diagnosed with clinical depression.
The thing is I have lost 3 job opportunities in 3 different cities due to miscommunication, lay off and final interview-round rejection. All 3 were prestigious high-paying jobs that could’ve given me a new shot at life. Now, there are no job openings. I’m sitting at home last 4 months unable to do anything for the life of me. Relatives are poking their nose, wondering what I’m doing at home. Recently, our water supply got polluted due to a sewage leak and I’m just done, lol.
I know I’m just Early20s and life gets better, yada yada yada. But seriously, wtf is this shit, lol. I wouldn’t wish this life on my worst enemy.
submitted by weapon-a to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:24 makesenseofthisworld I introduced my friend to my boss and my friend turned out to be a bitch so I really regret introducing them

Hi guys,
I have a friend who I have a little bit of a love hate relationship with. She’s not a very good person in a sense that she were constantly cheating on her boyfriends in the past. She dates multiple people (including an old Korean guy) just for money. I made a mistake of introducing her to my boss and within 3 weeks they moved in with each other and now are super lovey dovey and shared everything on Instagram to the point it’s sickening. My boss has now turned into her little lapdog and takes her side in everything. If he only knew that she’s a manipulative liar maybe he wouldn’t feel the same but I don’t wanna tell him because he wouldn’t believe me. This bothers me more than it should. I just can’t deal with the fact that maybe this horrible friend of mine will have struck gold with my boss and will be happily ever after and she doesn’t deserve it. My boss is really rich and British and my friend is a poor Vietnamese girl. They’re probably gonna get married and she would become British despite having been an awful person all her life
submitted by makesenseofthisworld to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:21 weapon-a Can neither get back up nor get out.

I’m an Early20s(M) in Asia. Have completed my undergrad and a UK-based professional accounting course (ACCA). I received a job offer at bulge bracket Investment Bank in a compliance role after graduating but I quit few months into it as the work was just mind-numbing and copy pasting. Something, I’d have to do for 4 years before I could get a promotion.
After writing the original draft, I realised It could be a small Book about a guy whose Fortune has been working against him no matter how hard he tries for the last 8 years.
The summary is that I’ve been bullied everywhere till middle school. But puberty and sports made me into a guy not to be messed with. The bullying just turned psychological from everyone at home and school.
Covid year messed me up but I got back on my feet. Really liked a girl who liked me too. But my seniors didn’t like that and they did some mudslinging enough to throw me out of all societies and get all students and few influential professors against me.
College was hell after that but I managed to do good internships, get some extracurriculars under my belt and got good grades. I was also one of the very few students to complete the professional degree alongside with it.
But the girl I liked ended up dating my school bully (rich guy) and it really broke my heart, lol
However, I had realised I was getting hit with the memories and pain of all these experiences together and became numb. I can’t get out of bed, brush my teeth, etc. I decided to get therapy and got diagnosed with clinical depression.
The thing is I have lost 3 job opportunities in 3 different cities due to miscommunication, lay off and final interview-round rejection. All 3 were prestigious high-paying jobs that could’ve given me a new shot at life. Now, there are no job openings. I’m sitting at home last 4 months unable to do anything for the life of me. Relatives are poking their nose, wondering what I’m doing at home. Recently, our water supply got polluted due to a sewage leak and I’m just done, lol.
I know I’m just Early20s and life gets better, yada yada yada. But seriously, wtf is this shit, lol. I wouldn’t wish this life on my worst enemy.
submitted by weapon-a to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:15 Witty_Current69 My cousin brother wants divorce but his wife isn't ready to leave. What to do?

My cousin brother got married around 1½ years back. It was an arranged marriage and since he lives in USA, he was virtually engaging with his fiancée during courtship which was around 8-9 months. Though my mausi and family met her in India. She seemed a bit kiddish and adamant but overall okay. Her family is quite rich, so is my cousin's family, but they also have political support.
So after the marriage, they went honeymoon and then my brother went to US back and my bhabhi was getting her visa done and all, initially she and my mausi had adjustment issues, later she went to her parents home and finally she too went to US to live with my brother.
Within one month, my brother saw her having fits , that scared him and he took her to hospital where she told the doctor that she is having for the first time.
Later she started having it regularly and when again my brother took her to the doctor, there she said she was having since 1 year, but ultimately it was revealed that its since her childhood. Her family hid the fact from us. Even then my brother accepted her thinking its not her fault if she has illness and now that they are married.
Now her behavior is also very bad towards my brother and his family. She constantly asks him to cut off from us, she doesnt do any job and neither any house work. She has also gained so much weight that she can't wear her own clothes. My brother helps her changing clothes. He makes sure that she is taking her medicines and she is unbothered.
But worst thing is her behavior towards my cousin and his family. She keeps trying to create misunderstandings, constantly fightung with my brother and her in laws, disrespects them.
Her parents just keep requesting to my brother to accept her, she is foolish, everything will be fine once she conceives. She has always talked about having babies since the start when no one asked her to even plan!!
Her family also keeps pressuring my brother to attend their family functions and act normal as if nothing has happened. They keep a blind eye to their daughter's actions. Her sister also keeps calling my brother in quite demanding tone to accept her and dont think about separation.
My brother has taken decision to divorce her. So what should we do now as her family isnt ready for divorce and may file false cases in worst situation?? The girl and her siblings all have studied law.
Also, she keeps telling him he cant stop her from coming back to his parent's or his house in the US as she is still his wife....
submitted by Witty_Current69 to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:13 MinecraftSexUpdate [GUIDE] Enjoy GAMING again by ruining the fun of sexhavers and foids

Are you a gamer? Want to take out on normies, sexhavers, and foids that infest what used to be OUR hobby? Those of us born in the 80's will remember a time when being a gamer was scorned. We were bullied, chastised, and shunned from our peer groups for enjoying video games. This would last up until the mid to late 90's when the media finally started pushing games to "dudebros" and eventually women in the early to mid 2000's. Finally in the past 10 years we've seen an infestation of shitskins and third worlders completely flooding everything. I refuse to lay down and die. I will stand and fight till the bitter end.
It's time to turn the tables and make them suffer as they made us suffer, both in life and the virtual world. (Legally and within the confines of the game, this is NOT a guide to IRL ruinate or anything of the sort.) Some of this stuff isn't allowed if you're an EU gamer.
First off, you're going to have to let go of playing video games to "win" or acquire virtual greed. You're going to need a new mindset. The mindset of a sadistic psychopath hellbent on extracting keks from anyone and everyone deemed not one of us. No more giving a fuck about your KDA, w/l ratio, or "following the rules" or the "meta" of what other players expect you to do. You are a gamer going your own way, regardless of what the groupthink expects or wants. If the game is F2P or you're a richfag or jewtuber who can get free games from devs then being banned is part of the fun, and is expected of you. If you cannot afford to buy back into games or are too technologically retarded to change your IP and spoof your hardware to get around bans in F2P games then you'll have to tread carefully.
Here's the part where I instruct you on how to fuck over these sexhavers for your own sadistic pleasure. After all they've denied us a life worth living in the real world and treat us like lepers. It's time they feel uncomfortable in OUR space. Feel free to add to any of these methods or pitch in ideas.
Foid infested "cozy" games
Shit like "Animal Crossing" or "Palia." Anything that lets you decorate and grow shit is a "cozy" game and women infest these games more than any other. It's literally a containment game of sorts to keep them out of other shit. To fuck with women in these games all you have to do is steal resources, build ugly and annoying things within the game world, be rude via emotes and text chat, and use emotes to make it look like your character is grabbing their tits or eating them out. I once did /eat to some slag girl gamer in WoW Vanilla 20 years ago and when I reverse searched my name she was bitching about it on reddit and remembered my characters exact name 4-5 years ago. She's STILL SEETHING about it 15 years later. This is what you want. Virtual RAPE. Many foids stream these types of games, and it's incredibly easy to get under their skin. Make the ugliest characters you possibly can and always stand in their camera. Stalk them in-game. Uglify the world around them. Spam emotes. The world is your oyster.
World of Warcraft, or anything else really. Gank them. Corpse camp them. Dispel their world buffs. Emote spam sexually assault them. Use a high level or highly geared character to camp low level quest zones and steal mobs, resources, and kill low level players. Stream snipe them till they hide their screen with nothingness. Join their guilds and steal their resources after faking being a Chad. Get the entire guild wiped, blame it on the women healers. Play a vital role and underperform / disconnect at pivotal moments and blame a thunderstorm. Make everyone wait on your actions, but not enough to get gkicked. Openly challenge sex havers lifestyles in discord voice calls and call them out on their privileged bullshit. (Genetics, riches, went to a nice school, raised by good parents, etc.) Use every underbelly evil shithead tactic that these fuckers used towards us during our childhoods and young adult lives. Roleplay it up and lie about your IRL self to make them feel inferior. Exploit early and often, and cash out via RMT before you get banned or when you quit for some NEET bucks. If the game has a "random queue" system you can wipe endless groups or refuse to participate and hold entire game lobbies hostage.
Overwatch, Counter Strike, etc. Simply play terribly in ranked matches. Don't assist the team. Mic spam. Play vital roles like tank or healer then simply don't heal and tell them openly on the mic to beg if they want heals. Refuse to play at all if a woman is in voice chat. Verbally accost every white knight that defends her. Remember, they're most likely wagies who have to go to work tomorrow and you're most likely a NEET who has infinite free time. Remind them of this. (Even if it's not true.) In FPS with one life, openly tell the enemy team where your team mates are camping. Use aimbots, wall hacks, and other cheats to make both sides pissed off. If you're doing well gloat. If you're playing shittily, then call them a loser or a nerd. Flashbang your own team. Drop objective items as far as possible. Die with expensive guns (Auto sniper in CS triggers normies.) and make sure the enemy acquires them. Acquire or goad team mates into team killing you to 2 week ban them.
League, Dota 2, Age of Empires, and other slop. Never go to the "meta" lane. (AD carry / support normally go bottom lane, but you're gonna always go middle, and steal your own teams jungle.) Never build the right items. Feed the enemy team, kill steal your own. Never push lanes or objectives. Ping spam. Keep text chats very "safe" to avoid bans. When a team mate dies, some ping spam and a "?" goes a long way. Never agree to surrender, unless your team is winning. Always report everyone who rages on you. Play characters that have statistically low win rates or are extra annoying. Use a lag switch to delay and hold entire lobbies hostage (RTS). Wall in your own team. Use retarded high risk low reward build orders. Be completely useless all of the time and never join team fights except after everyone's dead then schizo gaslight them that they were the ones not helping.
Survival, Crafting / Building Games
Minecraft, and shit like it. Become insanely super godlike good at the game. Learn all the metas, muscle memory, speed run tech, and master PvP. Join reddit servers and ruinate months of "cozy crafting" with max enchanted equipment and masterful grief tactics. Construct server destroying redstone machines. Completely ruin spawn and active players bases while they're offline. Destroy their VIP / pay 2 win "donation" special items. Join their discords and spam anti-vax, anti-pitbull, and black people violence webms from rekt threads on 4chan to get their servers shut down. Literally use modded hacked clients to ESP radar hack and dupe your way to victory, kicking down reddit twerps virtual sand castles and record the seethe in their discord voice chats while pretending you don't know what's going on. Abuse and exploit anything you can to the detriment of other players (Shittily coded cash shops and stores. RPG elements that are 100% broken, like a "health swap" spell that you can use on any god-geared player to swap your 1/2 heart health with their full HP then 1 shot them naked kinda shit.)
Indie slop
None of these games have any cheat protection. Cheat Engine even the most basic shit. I once played some slop card game and was able to set my opponents HP at the start of the game to 0 and win immediately. You can pretty much speed hack on all of this shit and most hack sites will have a few dedicated cheat bros that can do the wildest shit like gain access to admin panels and other destructive things. Even without cheats most basic exploits can really break these games. If a dupe method worked on one shitty survival Unreal 5 sloppa game, chances are it works on the other 7,000.
VR / Roleplay shit
Fondle titties. When the white knights run up and shout "back off" loudly point and laugh at them. Force feed slags coconut drinks. Put your arm around everyone and get really up close in their face. Make fun of their furfag outfits. Call them trannies. Take a right wing stance on everything. Use cheats to spam gore and porn everywhere. Use mod menus (Cheats) to force other players to emote or spawn giant laggy objects and explosions. Always talk shit in VOIP and spam soundboards. Be as annoying and as insufferable as possible.
Single Player Games
Okay, so this one's hard to "troll" but there's still ways to do it. You gotta share stuff in normie spaces that will offend and upset them. There was a guy that played Red Dead 2 and brutually murdered and tortured the "women have a right to vote" NPC to the point where he got banned off jewtube for it cause it pissed off so many redditors. You're gonna have to be real creative with this one. If you're a jewtuber you can intentionally kill off all the gay NPC's in Baldurs Gate 3 or something during your streams or playthroughs and watch the seethe roll in. Or make misleading and untrue guides or push a narrative you'd prefer to see and post them to normie sites to really stick it to 'em.
Please, feel free to share your ways of griefing and trolling foids and sexhavers within the confines of the video game. Since we can't be happy in real life, the least we can do is make their virtual lives closer to ours. Give them a taste of their own medicine. The only joy I have left in life is making others seethe in video games, because what the fuck else is there to do?
submitted by MinecraftSexUpdate to BumWipers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:03 username88900988 Why should we analyze Psychopaths/Sociopaths and not run away from them in fear?

I think it's pretty stupid to think that all psychopaths/sociopaths are bastards who don't deserve to live. It seems to me that it is better to analyze and then compare factors based on their behavior and, if possible, create mini-tests for your positive acquaintances/friends/family members in order to detect Psychopathy/Sociopathy in them. Many people who have not studied the topic of Antisocial Personality Disorder think that a Psychopath is someone with a chainsaw and a smile from ear to ear with blood on their hands, however, in reality, a Psychopath is a person who has extremely low empathy, a decreased overall set of feelings, has a more manipulative manner (not necessarily that he, for example, started a relationship with a rich girl, bankrupted her, used her body and her acquaintances and then threw her away. By the manipulative behavior of psychopaths , I mean that they try to find more benefits for themselves using some low-grade manipulations, for example, making them think interlocutor that the Psychopath said something important and then the interlocutor would also say something important about himself, but in reality the Psychopath said something that does not matter at all in order to feel comfortable), and very often the one who gets promoted level of sadism or masachism (not necessarily that he is a sadistic killer or someone who regularly beats someone for pleasure, a Psychopath may simply be someone who will extremely enjoy inflicting pain on his pests or those who can harm someone, however he won't do this, because he's not some Ted Bundy) and other criteria. From a psychological point of view, we have a bunch of types of Psychopaths/Sociopaths, for example, narcissistic-sociopath, depressive-psychopath, narcissistic-depressive psychopath, autistic-psychopath etc. Taking into account all the data and other criteria, it can be understood that one can deal with a Psychopath/Sociopath, however, only if he is not the second Ted Bundy or something like that. I would say that you can even sympathize with some Sociopath/Psychopath, because not everyone wanted to be one, and also some of them struggle with their personality disorder.
That's all, keep in mind that I did not write about all the symptoms of antisocial personality disorder. To better understand this, it is better to study this personality disorder yourself by exploring a variety of sources of information, and also remember that even if you have some of the symptoms that I have listed, this does not mean 100% that you are a Psychopath/ Sociopath. Study this disorder personally, without resorting to listening to Internet heroes with an IQ of 200+. Please write your opinion about people with antisocial personality disorder.
submitted by username88900988 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:52 ankitam280 Why men get lonely and how to avoid it

Man is a social creature and it is usually uncomfortable for him to live alone. There are many reasons for loneliness, including unsuccessful experiences in relationships, prolonged searches for the ideal soul mate, and lack of self-confidence. It is possible to overcome this condition and it is not so difficult to do. We’ll tell you how.
Why is loneliness so bad?
In fact, the answer is not as obvious as you might think. In addition to not having a loved one nearby, there are other negative consequences. If you don’t see your friends often and are focused only on work, your social skills are lost and you become more withdrawn.
Temporary loneliness develops into chronic — it is simply difficult to let another person into your life, even if you want to. Over time, a career will cease to bring joy, and without support at home, problems will begin in it.
Living only for yourself, there is a higher risk of acquiring a destructive addiction, for example, to alcohol, which will affect all areas of life. Also, a significant disadvantage of such a life is the immediate absence of a large number of advantages that stable relationships provide: mutual assistance — domestic and financial, support, and more varied leisure time. In addition, it has been proven that people who are happy in their personal lives live longer.
Of course, there will be those who will say that single life also has many advantages, and will not want to change anything. But if you are reading this article, most likely the problem of loneliness is relevant to you. First, it’s worth figuring out whether this is a pattern or a pure coincidence.

The main reasons for loneliness

Single men are not uncommon these days. More and more representatives of the stronger sex are choosing a bachelor lifestyle, ignoring any attempts by women to involve them in a serious relationship. Sometimes the reason for this lies in deep psychological trauma, which must be dealt with exclusively with the help of a therapist. It could be loneliness syndrome, chronic depression, or something similar. But most often the desire to remain single is caused by social factors. Let’s consider the main ones and solutions.

High expectations

If your image of an ideal life partner has little in common with reality, finding “the one” can be extremely difficult. When setting any requirements for a future girlfriend, you need to clearly answer three questions. Are these qualities really important to you, and not imposed by someone? Are there even women who combine such qualities? And do you yourself meet such high criteria?

Failed Relationships

If a person’s past relationship ended badly, he will not strive to enter into the next one, so as not to get burned again. Usually, it takes time for mental wounds to heal; you definitely don’t need to overpower yourself and look for a new girl immediately after a breakup.

Reluctance to get married and take responsibility

The world is changing rapidly and marriage is no longer the only possible option for two loving people. But here it is important to distinguish your desires from imposed stereotypes. Even in a situation where you are firmly convinced that marriage and children are not for you, it is not at all necessary to remain single. You just need to find a girl whose values ​​coincide with yours. Or maybe you really want a family, but are afraid to destroy the image of the “alpha male”? You shouldn’t give up happiness in order to meet someone else’s expectations.

Lack of financial well-being

If you understand that family is a big responsibility, including finances, that’s good. So you are an adult. The lack of a stable income or the desire to live for oneself for now are fair reasons to avoid a serious relationship. It is important that you continue to develop so that by a certain age you can still achieve financial stability.

Benefits of Solitude

It’s hard to argue that there are many advantages to a single life: freedom, the opportunity to lead a wild life, or, conversely, to be in complete peace 24/7. But many are so carried away by them that they acquire the habit of always living independently. Is this your case? Think about it: do you still want to start a family in the future? If the answer is yes, the main thing is not to prolong this pleasant solitude. After all, sooner or later it will stop making you happy, and there is a risk of missing out on happiness.

How else can you cope with loneliness?

Play sports
An active lifestyle is the best cure for any emotional distress. So, when in doubt or after a serious breakup, sport is especially indicated. And in the gym or in the park you can meet the same active girl.
Look for new hobbies
Communication based on common interests can be a great start to a long, happy relationship. Or you will find a new talent or even a calling. Don’t close yourself within four walls, try different hobbies. Not in order to definitely meet someone, but so that life sparkles with new colors.
Focus on work
A career is a good way to distract yourself if things are not going very smoothly in your personal life. This will also allow you to gain financial independence, which will also be a plus when you finally want to start a family.
Meet with friends
Even if you don’t have a significant other right now, this is not a reason not to communicate with other couples. Who knows, maybe, looking at the relationships of your friends, you yourself will want such stability. And your bachelor friends will definitely help you take your mind off any dreary thoughts.
Get a pet
When the feeling of loneliness becomes too strong, you should get a pet. It doesn’t have to be a big dog right away; even small animals will make your life more meaningful and rich. And if you are already so used to loneliness that you don’t know how to start making acquaintances, definitely get a dog. You will have to walk a lot with her and periodically communicate with new people who will not be able to resist your four-legged friend.
So, have you realized that being alone has more disadvantages than advantages for you, and are you ready to change the situation? Then it’s a matter of time. An active social life and a positive attitude will be the first steps towards a new relationship. But if you feel that some internal complexes are preventing you from moving forward; or you have developed a strong fear of loneliness, you literally cannot be left alone — this is a signal that you should consult a psychologist. As we noted above, psychological trauma is sometimes to blame for chronic loneliness, and only a specialist can help cope with it. Why men get lonely and how to avoid itMan is a social creature and it is usually uncomfortable for him to live alone. There are many reasons for loneliness, including unsuccessful experiences in relationships, prolonged searches for the ideal soul mate, and lack of self-confidence. It is possible to overcome this condition and it is not so difficult to do. We’ll tell you how.Why is loneliness so bad?In fact, the answer is not as obvious as you might think. In addition to not having a loved one nearby, there are other negative consequences. If you don’t see your friends often and are focused only on work, your social skills are lost and you become more withdrawn.Temporary loneliness develops into chronic — it is simply difficult to let another person into your life, even if you want to. Over time, a career will cease to bring joy, and without support at home, problems will begin in it. Living only for yourself, there is a higher risk of acquiring a destructive addiction, for example, to alcohol, which will affect all areas of life. Also, a significant disadvantage of such a life is the immediate absence of a large number of advantages that stable relationships provide: mutual assistance — domestic and financial, support, and more varied leisure time. In addition, it has been proven that people who are happy in their personal lives live longer.Of course, there will be those who will say that single life also has many advantages, and will not want to change anything. But if you are reading this article, most likely the problem of loneliness is relevant to you. First, it’s worth figuring out whether this is a pattern or a pure coincidence.The main reasons for lonelinessSingle men are not uncommon these days. More and more representatives of the stronger sex are choosing a bachelor lifestyle, ignoring any attempts by women to involve them in a serious relationship. Sometimes the reason for this lies in deep psychological trauma, which must be dealt with exclusively with the help of a therapist. It could be loneliness syndrome, chronic depression, or something similar. But most often the desire to remain single is caused by social factors. Let’s consider the main ones and solutions.High expectationsIf your image of an ideal life partner has little in common with reality, finding “the one” can be extremely difficult. When setting any requirements for a future girlfriend, you need to clearly answer three questions. Are these qualities really important to you, and not imposed by someone? Are there even women who combine such qualities? And do you yourself meet such high criteria?Failed RelationshipsIf a person’s past relationship ended badly, he will not strive to enter into the next one, so as not to get burned again. Usually, it takes time for mental wounds to heal; you definitely don’t need to overpower yourself and look for a new girl immediately after a breakup. Reluctance to get married and take responsibilityThe world is changing rapidly and marriage is no longer the only possible option for two loving people. But here it is important to distinguish your desires from imposed stereotypes. Even in a situation where you are firmly convinced that marriage and children are not for you, it is not at all necessary to remain single. You just need to find a girl whose values ​​coincide with yours. Or maybe you really want a family, but are afraid to destroy the image of the “alpha male”? You shouldn’t give up happiness in order to meet someone else’s expectations.Lack of financial well-beingIf you understand that family is a big responsibility, including finances, that’s good. So you are an adult. The lack of a stable income or the desire to live for oneself for now are fair reasons to avoid a serious relationship. It is important that you continue to develop so that by a certain age you can still achieve financial stability.Benefits of SolitudeIt’s hard to argue that there are many advantages to a single life: freedom, the opportunity to lead a wild life, or, conversely, to be in complete peace 24/7. But many are so carried away by them that they acquire the habit of always living independently. Is this your case? Think about it: do you still want to start a family in the future? If the answer is yes, the main thing is not to prolong this pleasant solitude. After all, sooner or later it will stop making you happy, and there is a risk of missing out on happiness.How else can you cope with loneliness?Play sportsAn active lifestyle is the best cure for any emotional distress. So, when in doubt or after a serious breakup, sport is especially indicated. And in the gym or in the park you can meet the same active girl. Look for new hobbies Communication based on common interests can be a great start to a long, happy relationship. Or you will find a new talent or even a calling. Don’t close yourself within four walls, try different hobbies. Not in order to definitely meet someone, but so that life sparkles with new colors.Focus on workA career is a good way to distract yourself if things are not going very smoothly in your personal life. This will also allow you to gain financial independence, which will also be a plus when you finally want to start a family.Meet with friendsEven if you don’t have a significant other right now, this is not a reason not to communicate with other couples. Who knows, maybe, looking at the relationships of your friends, you yourself will want such stability. And your bachelor friends will definitely help you take your mind off any dreary thoughts.Get a petWhen the feeling of loneliness becomes too strong, you should get a pet. It doesn’t have to be a big dog right away; even small animals will make your life more meaningful and rich. And if you are already so used to loneliness that you don’t know how to start making acquaintances, definitely get a dog. You will have to walk a lot with her and periodically communicate with new people who will not be able to resist your four-legged friend.So, have you realized that being alone has more disadvantages than advantages for you, and are you ready to change the situation? Then it’s a matter of time. An active social life and a positive attitude will be the first steps towards a new relationship. But if you feel that some internal complexes are preventing you from moving forward; or you have developed a strong fear of loneliness, you literally cannot be left alone — this is a signal that you should consult a psychologist. As we noted above, psychological trauma is sometimes to blame for chronic loneliness, and only a specialist can help cope with it.

The best tips for a vibrant intimate lifeThe best tips for a vibrant intimate life

submitted by ankitam280 to sexualtipsss [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:45 ankitam280 Why men get lonely and how to avoid it

Man is a social creature and it is usually uncomfortable for him to live alone. There are many reasons for loneliness, including unsuccessful experiences in relationships, prolonged searches for the ideal soul mate, and lack of self-confidence. It is possible to overcome this condition and it is not so difficult to do. We’ll tell you how.
Why is loneliness so bad?
In fact, the answer is not as obvious as you might think. In addition to not having a loved one nearby, there are other negative consequences. If you don’t see your friends often and are focused only on work, your social skills are lost and you become more withdrawn.
Temporary loneliness develops into chronic — it is simply difficult to let another person into your life, even if you want to. Over time, a career will cease to bring joy, and without support at home, problems will begin in it.
Living only for yourself, there is a higher risk of acquiring a destructive addiction, for example, to alcohol, which will affect all areas of life. Also, a significant disadvantage of such a life is the immediate absence of a large number of advantages that stable relationships provide: mutual assistance — domestic and financial, support, and more varied leisure time. In addition, it has been proven that people who are happy in their personal lives live longer.
Of course, there will be those who will say that single life also has many advantages, and will not want to change anything. But if you are reading this article, most likely the problem of loneliness is relevant to you. First, it’s worth figuring out whether this is a pattern or a pure coincidence.

The main reasons for loneliness

Single men are not uncommon these days. More and more representatives of the stronger sex are choosing a bachelor lifestyle, ignoring any attempts by women to involve them in a serious relationship. Sometimes the reason for this lies in deep psychological trauma, which must be dealt with exclusively with the help of a therapist. It could be loneliness syndrome, chronic depression, or something similar. But most often the desire to remain single is caused by social factors. Let’s consider the main ones and solutions.

High expectations

If your image of an ideal life partner has little in common with reality, finding “the one” can be extremely difficult. When setting any requirements for a future girlfriend, you need to clearly answer three questions. Are these qualities really important to you, and not imposed by someone? Are there even women who combine such qualities? And do you yourself meet such high criteria?

Failed Relationships

If a person’s past relationship ended badly, he will not strive to enter into the next one, so as not to get burned again. Usually, it takes time for mental wounds to heal; you definitely don’t need to overpower yourself and look for a new girl immediately after a breakup.

Reluctance to get married and take responsibility

The world is changing rapidly and marriage is no longer the only possible option for two loving people. But here it is important to distinguish your desires from imposed stereotypes. Even in a situation where you are firmly convinced that marriage and children are not for you, it is not at all necessary to remain single. You just need to find a girl whose values ​​coincide with yours. Or maybe you really want a family, but are afraid to destroy the image of the “alpha male”? You shouldn’t give up happiness in order to meet someone else’s expectations.

Lack of financial well-being

If you understand that family is a big responsibility, including finances, that’s good. So you are an adult. The lack of a stable income or the desire to live for oneself for now are fair reasons to avoid a serious relationship. It is important that you continue to develop so that by a certain age you can still achieve financial stability.

Benefits of Solitude

It’s hard to argue that there are many advantages to a single life: freedom, the opportunity to lead a wild life, or, conversely, to be in complete peace 24/7. But many are so carried away by them that they acquire the habit of always living independently. Is this your case? Think about it: do you still want to start a family in the future? If the answer is yes, the main thing is not to prolong this pleasant solitude. After all, sooner or later it will stop making you happy, and there is a risk of missing out on happiness.

How else can you cope with loneliness?

Play sports
An active lifestyle is the best cure for any emotional distress. So, when in doubt or after a serious breakup, sport is especially indicated. And in the gym or in the park you can meet the same active girl.
Look for new hobbies
Communication based on common interests can be a great start to a long, happy relationship. Or you will find a new talent or even a calling. Don’t close yourself within four walls, try different hobbies. Not in order to definitely meet someone, but so that life sparkles with new colors.
Focus on work
A career is a good way to distract yourself if things are not going very smoothly in your personal life. This will also allow you to gain financial independence, which will also be a plus when you finally want to start a family.
Meet with friends
Even if you don’t have a significant other right now, this is not a reason not to communicate with other couples. Who knows, maybe, looking at the relationships of your friends, you yourself will want such stability. And your bachelor friends will definitely help you take your mind off any dreary thoughts.
Get a pet
When the feeling of loneliness becomes too strong, you should get a pet. It doesn’t have to be a big dog right away; even small animals will make your life more meaningful and rich. And if you are already so used to loneliness that you don’t know how to start making acquaintances, definitely get a dog. You will have to walk a lot with her and periodically communicate with new people who will not be able to resist your four-legged friend.
So, have you realized that being alone has more disadvantages than advantages for you, and are you ready to change the situation? Then it’s a matter of time. An active social life and a positive attitude will be the first steps towards a new relationship. But if you feel that some internal complexes are preventing you from moving forward; or you have developed a strong fear of loneliness, you literally cannot be left alone — this is a signal that you should consult a psychologist. As we noted above, psychological trauma is sometimes to blame for chronic loneliness, and only a specialist can help cope with it. Why men get lonely and how to avoid itMan is a social creature and it is usually uncomfortable for him to live alone. There are many reasons for loneliness, including unsuccessful experiences in relationships, prolonged searches for the ideal soul mate, and lack of self-confidence. It is possible to overcome this condition and it is not so difficult to do. We’ll tell you how.Why is loneliness so bad?In fact, the answer is not as obvious as you might think. In addition to not having a loved one nearby, there are other negative consequences. If you don’t see your friends often and are focused only on work, your social skills are lost and you become more withdrawn.Temporary loneliness develops into chronic — it is simply difficult to let another person into your life, even if you want to. Over time, a career will cease to bring joy, and without support at home, problems will begin in it. Living only for yourself, there is a higher risk of acquiring a destructive addiction, for example, to alcohol, which will affect all areas of life. Also, a significant disadvantage of such a life is the immediate absence of a large number of advantages that stable relationships provide: mutual assistance — domestic and financial, support, and more varied leisure time. In addition, it has been proven that people who are happy in their personal lives live longer.Of course, there will be those who will say that single life also has many advantages, and will not want to change anything. But if you are reading this article, most likely the problem of loneliness is relevant to you. First, it’s worth figuring out whether this is a pattern or a pure coincidence.The main reasons for lonelinessSingle men are not uncommon these days. More and more representatives of the stronger sex are choosing a bachelor lifestyle, ignoring any attempts by women to involve them in a serious relationship. Sometimes the reason for this lies in deep psychological trauma, which must be dealt with exclusively with the help of a therapist. It could be loneliness syndrome, chronic depression, or something similar. But most often the desire to remain single is caused by social factors. Let’s consider the main ones and solutions.High expectationsIf your image of an ideal life partner has little in common with reality, finding “the one” can be extremely difficult. When setting any requirements for a future girlfriend, you need to clearly answer three questions. Are these qualities really important to you, and not imposed by someone? Are there even women who combine such qualities? And do you yourself meet such high criteria?Failed RelationshipsIf a person’s past relationship ended badly, he will not strive to enter into the next one, so as not to get burned again. Usually, it takes time for mental wounds to heal; you definitely don’t need to overpower yourself and look for a new girl immediately after a breakup. Reluctance to get married and take responsibilityThe world is changing rapidly and marriage is no longer the only possible option for two loving people. But here it is important to distinguish your desires from imposed stereotypes. Even in a situation where you are firmly convinced that marriage and children are not for you, it is not at all necessary to remain single. You just need to find a girl whose values ​​coincide with yours. Or maybe you really want a family, but are afraid to destroy the image of the “alpha male”? You shouldn’t give up happiness in order to meet someone else’s expectations.Lack of financial well-beingIf you understand that family is a big responsibility, including finances, that’s good. So you are an adult. The lack of a stable income or the desire to live for oneself for now are fair reasons to avoid a serious relationship. It is important that you continue to develop so that by a certain age you can still achieve financial stability.Benefits of SolitudeIt’s hard to argue that there are many advantages to a single life: freedom, the opportunity to lead a wild life, or, conversely, to be in complete peace 24/7. But many are so carried away by them that they acquire the habit of always living independently. Is this your case? Think about it: do you still want to start a family in the future? If the answer is yes, the main thing is not to prolong this pleasant solitude. After all, sooner or later it will stop making you happy, and there is a risk of missing out on happiness.How else can you cope with loneliness?Play sportsAn active lifestyle is the best cure for any emotional distress. So, when in doubt or after a serious breakup, sport is especially indicated. And in the gym or in the park you can meet the same active girl. Look for new hobbies Communication based on common interests can be a great start to a long, happy relationship. Or you will find a new talent or even a calling. Don’t close yourself within four walls, try different hobbies. Not in order to definitely meet someone, but so that life sparkles with new colors.Focus on workA career is a good way to distract yourself if things are not going very smoothly in your personal life. This will also allow you to gain financial independence, which will also be a plus when you finally want to start a family.Meet with friendsEven if you don’t have a significant other right now, this is not a reason not to communicate with other couples. Who knows, maybe, looking at the relationships of your friends, you yourself will want such stability. And your bachelor friends will definitely help you take your mind off any dreary thoughts.Get a petWhen the feeling of loneliness becomes too strong, you should get a pet. It doesn’t have to be a big dog right away; even small animals will make your life more meaningful and rich. And if you are already so used to loneliness that you don’t know how to start making acquaintances, definitely get a dog. You will have to walk a lot with her and periodically communicate with new people who will not be able to resist your four-legged friend.So, have you realized that being alone has more disadvantages than advantages for you, and are you ready to change the situation? Then it’s a matter of time. An active social life and a positive attitude will be the first steps towards a new relationship. But if you feel that some internal complexes are preventing you from moving forward; or you have developed a strong fear of loneliness, you literally cannot be left alone — this is a signal that you should consult a psychologist. As we noted above, psychological trauma is sometimes to blame for chronic loneliness, and only a specialist can help cope with it.

The best tips for a vibrant intimate lifeThe best tips for a vibrant intimate life

submitted by ankitam280 to sexualtipsss [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:41 Arbrand The Trickster's Veil

As far back as I can remember, I had always been passionate about the great outdoors. My love for the wilderness began when I joined the scouts, exploring the diverse landscapes of Southern California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. I was never a huge fan of the dry, barren landscapes, but camping provided a much-needed escape from the monotony of Orange County suburbia.
The first time I visited the Pacific Northwest, I was enchanted. The scenery was breathtaking—majestic mountains, lush fields, and meandering rivers. It was clear that anyone who praised the desert's beauty had never laid eyes on the Cascades. Seeing grass and wildflowers growing without irrigation was practically a revelation.
When I was old enough, I moved to Washington state, immersing myself in nature every weekend. My adventures took me hiking through dense forests, camping by serene lakes, and occasionally taking mushrooms under peaceful waterfalls.
I joined several online forums dedicated to outdoor enthusiasts. One community that particularly fascinated me was the Northwest Tomb Raiders. This group of history buffs and thrill-seekers was dedicated to uncovering artifacts, whether Native American relics or treasures hidden in modern ruins. Many members were collectors, fencing their finds to museums and archaeologists, which made it a rather profitable side gig, should you be lucky enough.
In the fall of 2009, an intriguing post appeared on the forum. A user named Lokk claimed to have discovered a cache of artifacts with Scandinavian origins. He couldn't carry everything back due to the treacherous terrain and his age, so he shared the coordinates, hoping someone else could retrieve the items. I scrolled down to see a few posts of people planning to loot it in the Spring, when the paths have reopened. One user, Patagooner, planned on going as early as possible.
Excited by the prospect, I gathered my two friends, Carl and Noah, for the expedition. They weren't as enthusiastic about camping as I was, but after I told them how much a single arrowhead goes for on the black market, they were on board. It was the start of winter now, which had its advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, the rangers would have a harder time spotting us. On the downside, the harsh conditions posed a serious challenge for two inexperienced hikers.
I must’ve blown about four grand at REI on gear for them, justifying it with the knowledge of how much more I would make with two extra packs. That is of course assuming there really were as many artifacts as Lokk had said, and Patagooner hadn’t beaten me there.
The journey began like any other. We met in the pre-dawn darkness and went over our supplies, ensuring we had everything we needed. By mid-morning, we were on our way, my pickup truck winding up the mountain paths. The roads of Olympic National Park were the epitome of the raw, untamed beauty of the Pacific Northwest.
They snake through ancient forests, where towering Douglas firs and Western hemlocks create a verdant canopy overhead. Mist clings to the trees, giving the landscape an ethereal quality. Occasionally, the forest would open up to reveal breathtaking vistas of snow-capped peaks and deep, shadowy valleys.
As we climbed higher, the landscape grew increasingly desolate. The dense forest thinned out, replaced by rugged terrain and jagged rock formations. The air grew colder, and the first flurries of snow began to fall, dusting the ground in a thin, white layer. The road became narrower and more treacherous, winding precariously along the edge of steep cliffs.
Finally, a road closure blockade signaled the end of our journey in the truck. We unloaded three dirt bikes—one mine, two rentals—and continued up the trail. The bikes roared to life, carrying us several more miles into the wilderness. The trail twisted and turned, cutting through dense underbrush and over fallen logs. The snow began to fall more heavily, blanketing the forest floor and muffling the sound of our engines. The world around us grew quieter, more isolated.
Eventually, the snow became too deep to traverse by bike. We dismounted and prepared to continue on foot. The silence of the forest was profound, broken only by the occasional rustle of branches in the wind. I checked my modern GPS, its screen displaying the coordinates and a relief map of our destination.
The cold air bit into our cheeks as we trudged through the snow-laden forest. The silence was almost oppressive, broken only by the crunch of our footsteps and the occasional call of distant wildlife. The GPS indicated we were close to our destination, but the dense underbrush and uneven terrain made progress slow.
Suddenly, Carl's excited whisper cut through the stillness. "Hey, look at that!"
He pointed to a small, furry creature ambling through the trees. It took a moment to realize what it was—a bear cub, innocently exploring its surroundings.
My heart sank. "Carl, get back," I hissed, my voice low but urgent. "Where there's a cub, there's a..."
Before I could finish, a massive shape exploded from the trees. The mother bear, easily three times the size of the cub, charged at Carl with a ferocity. She was a blur of dark fur and powerful muscles, her roar echoing through the forest.
"Run!" I yelled, but it was too late. The bear was upon Carl, swiping at him with her massive paws. He screamed as he fell to the ground, the bear towering over him. Desperation and adrenaline surged through me. I grabbed the nearest heavy branch and swung it at the bear, hoping to distract her.
Noah joined in, shouting and waving his arms. We had to be careful; one wrong move and she would turn on us. The bear snarled, turning her attention away from Carl for just a moment. It was enough for him to scramble backwards, clutching his bleeding arm.
"We have to get him out of here," I shouted to Noah, who nodded, fear etched on his face. The bear, still enraged, seemed torn between attacking us and protecting her cub.
Using the brief respite, we hauled Carl to his feet. His face was white, and he was clearly in shock. Blood soaked his sleeve, dripping onto the snow. "There's a ranger station about two miles from here," I said, my voice shaking. "We need to get him there. Now."
We half-carried, half-dragged Carl through the forest, every shadow and sound heightening our paranoia.
Finally, after what felt like forever, the small, wooden structure of the ranger station came into view. We had been avoiding the rangers to keep our expedition secret, but now it was our only hope.
Pounding on the door, I prayed for a quick response. The door creaked open, and a weathered face appeared. "What happened?" the ranger demanded, taking in the sight of Carl's bloodied form.
"Bear attack," I gasped. "We need help."
The ranger's expression shifted from suspicion to urgency. "Get him inside. We've got a first aid kit and a radio."
As we eased Carl onto a makeshift bed, the ranger inspected his wounds. "You're lucky," he said after a moment. "The cuts are deep, but they missed any major arteries. He'll need stitches, but we can handle that here. No need for an airlift."
The ranger's face darkened as he turned to me. "What the hell are you boys doing out here?”
I hesitated, "We... we were just exploring."
The ranger's eyes narrowed, his anger palpable. "Exploring? In a restricted area? In the middle of winter? Are you out of your minds?"
He worked quickly and efficiently, cleaning and stitching Carl's wounds. Carl winced but stayed silent, his eyes closed in pain.
"Do you have any idea how dangerous it is out here?" the ranger continued, his voice rising. "The storm, the wildlife... This area is off-limits for a reason! You should have known better." he said, pushing a finger into my chest.
"We'll stay here for the night," he continued, "The storm's getting worse, and it's too dangerous to move him now. We'll reassess in the morning. And count yourself lucky I don't arrest your asses."
Night fell quickly, the storm outside growing more ferocious with each passing minute. The howling wind battered the small ranger station, and the walls creaked under the pressure. We huddled in the main room, the tension thick in the air.
The ranger looked at us sternly. "I need to check the perimeter and make sure everything is secure. There are things out there you don’t want to encounter, especially in this storm."
"Things? What do you mean?" Noah asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
The ranger's expression hardened. "Just stay put. No matter what you see or hear, do not leave this cabin. Understood?"
We nodded, the seriousness in his tone leaving no room for argument. "We'll stay put," I said, trying to sound more confident than I felt.
The ranger grabbed his coat and shotgun. "I'll be back in an hour. Do not leave this cabin." With that, he opened the door and stepped into the raging storm, disappearing into the darkness.
As soon as the door closed, I turned to Noah. "We need to go. Now."
Noah's eyes widened. "Are you crazy? He said to stay put."
"If we wait until morning, we'll be escorted out of here and lose our chance. This might be our only opportunity to find those artifacts."
Noah hesitated with uncertainty "But... what about Carl?"
"He'll be fine here. The ranger can take care of him. We have to do this now."
Reluctantly, Noah nodded. "Alright. Let's take what we can and go."
We quickly looted extra gear from the cabin. I checked the GPS one last time before we slipped out into the storm, the cold wind battering us.
The snow fell heavily, obscuring our vision as we slogged through the forest. The ranger was nowhere in sight as we made our way towards the our destination, each step filled with trepidatious excitement.
The storm began to die down as we approached the coordinates. We stepped into a clearing where the undisturbed snow lay like a pristine white blanket. In the center stood an ancient, weathered stone altar, encircled by intricate wooden carvings, delicate metalwork, and beautifully crafted statues. The sight was breathtaking, a treasure trove, a veritable museum of paganism.
Noah and I exchanged glances, our eyes wide with amazement. "Do you see this?" I whispered, barely able to contain my excitement.
"We're going to be rich," Noah replied, his voice trembling with awe. "These must be worth a fortune!"
We approached cautiously, as if the vision before us might disappear. The craftsmanship was stunning. I reached out to touch a carved wooden idol, marveling at the detail. "This is incredible," I said, my voice barely audible.
We began to load our packs with as many artifacts as we could carry, each one more exquisite than the last. It was beyond our wildest dreams. We were so engrossed in our task that we didn't notice the small figure watching us from the ridge.
It wasn't until I turned to leave that I saw her. A young girl, maybe eight years old, stood there, her blue eyes wide with curiosity. She was dressed in simple, rustic clothing, her blonde straight hair blowing gently in the wind. For a moment, we just stared at each other.
"Noah," I whispered urgently, nudging him. "Look."
He turned, his eyes following my gaze. "What the...?" he muttered, his voice trailing off.
The girl took a tentative step forward, her eyes fixed on the items in our hands. There was no fear in her gaze, only a quiet intensity that made my skin crawl.
"Who are you?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
She tilted her head slightly. "My name is Sigyn."
"What are you doing out here, Sigyn?" Noah asked, his voice shaky.
"I live here,"
"You live here?" I echoed, incredulous. "Is there anyone else around?"
"Yes," she whispered.
"Where?" Noah demanded, looking around nervously.
"Everywhere," she said with a giggle.
The way she said it, so matter-of-factly, bothered me deeply. Noah and I exchanged a look, both of us trying to figure out what to do next.
"We can't take her back to the ranger," Noah started, "We'll lose everything."
I nodded, my mind racing. "Sigyn," I said slowly, "we need to know who else is here. Can you help us?"
She looked at me with her piercing blue eyes, then said, "I'm sorry."
"For what?" Noah asked.
"For what's going to happen to you," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness.
"You need to tell us what's going on," Noah said, grabbing her arm roughly. "Why are you out here alone?"
She looked up at him, unperturbed. "I am not alone," she said softly.
Before we could press her further, a loud, guttural mooing sound echoed through the clearing. We turned towards the direction the girl had come from, and there, emerging from the shadows, was the silhouette of an elk. As it approached, my stomach dropped. Its body was a grotesque amalgamation of life and decay. Its skull was fully exposed, the eye sockets dark and empty. Large patches of its ribs were visible, the flesh around them rotted away.
The elk's movements were slow and deliberate, its head swaying as if in a trance. It walked directly towards us, its hollow eyes fixed on Sigyn. The closer it got, the more the stench of death filled the air—a nauseating mix of decay and earth. I fought the urge to retch.
Sigyn stood up, her expression calm. The monster sniffed her gently, its nostrils flaring. Without a word, she climbed onto its back, mounting it like a horse. It was a surreal and horrifying scene ripped straight from a nightmare.
As she settled onto the elk, she looked back at us, "A thief in the night shall reap what he sows," she said, her voice carrying an otherworldly echo. "Beware the price of stolen dreams."
With that, the beast turned and began to walk away, Sigyn riding it into the shadows of the forest. We stood there, frozen in place. The realization that we were in far over our heads began to sink in. This started to feel like a trap.
We need to get out of here," My voice trembling. "Now."
We turned to leave, our packs heavy with the pilfered goods. But as we took our first steps, the forest around us seemed to come alive. Shadows moved among the trees, and whispers floated on the wind. I quickened my pace, glancing nervously over my shoulder.
"Did you hear that?" Noah asked sharply,
"Just keep moving," I commanded.
A figure emerged from the shadows, blocking our path. It was a man, tall and gaunt, his eyes burning with an intense light. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked, his voice cold and menacing.
"We're leaving," I stammered. "We didn't mean any harm."
The man smirked, and with a swift motion, he raised his hand. More figures appeared, closing in on us from all sides. We were surrounded.
"Run!" I shouted, shoving Noah forward.
We sprinted through the forest, branches whipping at our faces and legs. The figures pursued us, their footsteps silent and relentless.
Noah stumbled and fell, his pack spilling open. Statues scattered across the ground, glinting in the moonlight. "Help!" he cried, scrambling to gather the items.
"Leave them!" I shouted, pulling him to his feet. "We have to keep moving!"
But it was too late, their hands seizing us. I struggled, kicking and thrashing, but their grips were too strong. They forced us to the ground, binding our hands with rough, coarse ropes.
"Please," I begged, "Don't hurt us."
The man who had first appeared stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "A thief in the night," he mocked.
They dragged us through the forest, the trees closing in around us like a cage. We were at their mercy.
In the distance, I could see the elk standing at the edge of the clearing, Sigyn still astride its back. Her eyes met mine, and for a moment, I thought I saw a flicker of pity. But then they turned away, disappearing into the shadows once more.
We were dragged into the heart of the forest, our struggles futile against the unyielding grip of our captors. As we broke through the treeline, a massive bonfire came into view, its flames licking the night sky. Shadows danced around the clearing, cast by the flickering light. A woman stood at the forefront, her presence commanding.
Her eyes were milk white, devoid of pupils, and her long, flowing white hair cascaded down her back. She was completely naked, her skin pale and marked with intricate symbols. Atop her head, she wore an elk skull, its antlers extending like eerie, skeletal fingers. She beat a drum emblazoned with more of the same cryptic symbols, each thud resonating deep within my chest.
Around the fire, about two dozen people stood, all drinking from crude, horned cups. Their faces were solemn, eyes fixed on the woman as she led them in a haunting chant. The atmosphere was thick with a mix of reverence and intoxication.
We were forced to our knees before the woman, who paused her drumming to look down at us. Her gaze was haunting, as if she could see into the very depths of our souls.
"Who are you?" Noah demanded, his voice trembling.
The woman ignored him, raising her arms to the sky. The chanting grew louder, the rhythm of the drum faster and more frenzied. The air around us seemed to vibrate with energy, the flames of the bonfire growing higher and more intense.
I glanced at Noah, fear mirrored in his eyes. The woman began to speak, her voice low and melodic, but filled with power, in a language I couldn't understand. Suddenly, she stopped, lowering her arms. The chanting ceased, and an silence fell over the clearing. She looked directly at me, her white eyes unblinking.
En tjuv i natten skördar vad han sår, akta dig för drömmar som du stjäl och får.
Hans skratt bevakar lundens gömda stig, där skuggor sveper över skogens liv.
För varje stulet andetag och svek, måste en tjuv möta sitt smärtsamma ödelek.
Tricksterns vilja, vår ande här, så i hans nåd, våra liv bär.
I was terrified and confused. She started again, softer, in a way I could understand.
A thief in the night shall reap what he sows, beware the price of stolen dreams.
His laughter guards our hidden groves, where shadows cloak the forest's seams.
For every stolen breath and lie, a thief must meet his painful end.
The tricksters will, our spirits tie, so in his grace, our lives suspend.
The crowd surged forward, grabbing Noah first. He screamed, his terror echoing through the trees as they pulled him towards a makeshift altar beside the bonfire. The woman chanted louder, her voice rising in a hypnotic rhythm as they began their gruesome work.
They stripped him of his shirt and bound his arms to a wooden frame. I tried to move, to help him, but the grip on my shoulders tightened, pinning me to the ground.
The woman approached Noah, holding a knife with a blade that gleamed in the firelight. She started to slice into his back, her movements deliberate and unhurried. Noah's screams pierced the night as she methodically carved the shape of wings into his flesh.
Blood poured from the wounds, soaking the ground beneath him. The crowd's chant grew louder, almost drowning out his cries. I watched in horror as the woman reached into the incisions, breaking the ribs and pulling them outward, creating a parody of wings.
Noah's agony was unbearable to witness. His screams turned to whimpers, his body convulsing in pain. The woman didn't stop until the work was complete, his lungs exposed and hanging grotesquely from his back.
They lifted Noah's broken body and placed him over the fire. The smell of burning flesh filled the air, making me gag. His life ebbed away as the flames consumed him, the once vibrant light in his eyes fading to nothing.
The woman turned to me, her expression devoid of mercy. "You will meet the same fate," she said, "He demands it."
The smell of burning flesh and the sight of his broken body over the fire was seared into my mind. Despair settled over me as I closed my eyes.
A deafening blast shattered the night. My eyes flew open to see the shaman stumbling backward, a gaping wound in her chest. She collapsed to the ground, her white eyes staring lifelessly into the void.
The villagers turned in shock as another shot rang out, this time hitting one of the men holding me. I twisted free from their grasp and saw the park ranger standing at the edge of the clearing, a pump-action shotgun in his hands. He fired again, the sound echoing through the forest, before one of them tackled him to the ground.
"Run!" he shouted, his voice raw and desperate. "Get the hell out of here!"
I didn't need to be told twice. I sprinted into the darkness, the chaos of the clearing fading behind me. Branches whipped at my face, and the snow underfoot made every step a struggle. I could hear the sounds of fighting and gunshots, but I forced myself to keep moving.
The cold air burned in my lungs, but adrenaline pushed me forward. I didn't stop until I reached the station, my legs threatening to give out from under me. I burst through the door and slammed it behind me.
Inside, Carl lay where we had left him, his face pale and twisted in pain. I stumbled to the radio, my hands trembling as I fumbled with the controls.
"Mayday, mayday!" I yelled into the microphone. "This is an emergency! We need help! Please, someone, come quickly!"
Static filled the room, punctuated by my ragged breaths. I repeated the call, my voice growing more frantic with each passing second. Finally, a voice crackled through the speaker. "This is Ranger Station Bravo. What's your location? Over."
I could barely form the words. "Olympic National Park! The ranger station near mount Christie! We're under attack! Please, send help!"
"Copy that. Help is on the way. Stay put and stay safe. Over."
I collapsed to the floor, my body trembling with exhaustion and fear. Carl moaned softly, his eyes fluttering open. "What… What happened? Where's Noah?”
Tears streamed down my face and I found myself choked up. “He’s gone, man. Help is coming.”
The minutes stretched into an eternity as we waited. The wind howled around the station, and every creak and groan of the structure set my nerves on edge. I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched, that the forest itself was closing in on us.
The radio crackled again, this time with a different voice. "Helicopter en route, ETA fifteen minutes. Prepare for extraction."
I glanced at Carl, his eyes filled with confusion. "Hang on. We're getting out of here."
As the minutes ticked by, I couldn't help but think about the ranger. He had saved my life, but he hadn't made it back. My mind conjured up images of what might have happened to him, the cultists overwhelming him in the darkness. A sense of guilt gnawed at me, knowing he had sacrificed himself for us.
The sound of rotors cut through the night, growing louder as the helicopter approached. I ran to the window and saw its searchlight piercing the treetops, scanning for the station.
I helped Carl to his feet, supporting his weight as we made our way to the hatch. The helicopter hovered above, lowering a rescue basket. The wind from the rotors whipped the snow into a frenzy, but I didn't care. Salvation was finally here.
We secured Carl in the basket first, and I watched as he was hoisted up, disappearing into the safety of the helicopter. My turn was next. I realized that I was now alone and exposed. Fear coursing through me as I scanned around the edge of the forest, expecting to be grabbed and taken seconds before my rescue. But the moment never came. As I gripped the rope, I took one last look at the forest below. The flames of the bonfire still flickered in the distance.
I was lifted into the air, the ground falling away beneath me. The helicopter's crew pulled me inside, and I collapsed onto the floor still holding onto my pack, my body finally giving in to exhaustion. The doors closed, and the helicopter banked away, leaving the horrors of the park behind.
Weeks had passed since the harrowing events, but the memories clung to me like the bitter cold. I had returned to civilization, seeking solace in the familiar chaos of the city. I found a wealthy collector through a network of contacts. The artifacts fetched a price tenfold the cost of gear. The money was substantial, but as I held the cash, it felt like a hollow victory.
Noah's absence weighed heavily on me. His disappearance was chalked up as a missing persons case, and despite my best efforts to explain what had happened, no one believed me. The authorities conducted a search of the area, but they found no trace of the cult, the artifacts, or the clearing. It was as if the forest had swallowed up all the evidence.
I returned to the site where we had parked the truck. The dirt bikes were gone, stolen by opportunistic thieves, but the truck remained. I drove back in silence, the road winding through the dense forest. For a moment, I thought I saw the girl watching me from atop a ridge until I realized it was just paranoia. I stepped on the gas a little harder.
Back home, I checked the Tomb Raiders forum again. The post that had led us into the forest was gone, deleted without a trace. I messaged the mods, but apparently, they don’t keep records to maintain confidentiality. I wrote about our experience, detailing every terrifying moment, but the responses were skeptical at best. Most dismissed it as a work of fiction or a desperate cry for attention.
Time passed, and I tried to return to a semblance of normalcy. Yet, the wilderness called to me stronger than ever. It was my sanctuary, the only place where I could find peace amidst the turmoil. I spent more and more time outdoors than ever before, but now it always felt like I was just running from something.
Determined to prove what had happened, I returned to the forest with a camera and recording equipment. This time, I documented every step, capturing footage of the trees, the snow, and the eerie silence that hung in the air. I retraced our path, hoping to find the clearing again. But each night, as I reviewed the footage, something strange would happen. The files would be corrupted or entire segments missing.
I pressed on. I found the site where Noah had fallen, the ground still bearing faint traces of what had happened. I set up the camera and began to speak, recounting the events in detail. As I spoke, a cold wind swept through the clearing, and the camera's screen flickered. I finished my account and turned to check the recording, only to find the file corrupted once again, the footage replaced by static and a faint, mocking laughter.
I returned home, defeated and exhausted. My attempts to share what I had experienced were met with disbelief and ridicule. The files I managed to save were corrupted beyond recognition. It was as if the forest itself was conspiring against me.
Almost exactly one year later, as I browsed the forums, a new post caught my eye. It was cryptic, eerily similar to the one that had led us into the nightmare. It spoke of another trove of artifacts, hidden deep within the wilderness, waiting to be claimed.
The post was signed with a new name: Skygge. Different handle, same style. Another trap. They had taken so much from me, left scars that would never heal. I opened my drawer, my fingers brushing over the cold metal of my weapons. This was the moment I had been waiting for. This time, I'll be ready.
The forest’s secrets won't remain hidden forever.
submitted by Arbrand to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:02 Federal_Difficulty84 Im-yours-forever mass book drop

please tell me what books sound the best <3 more will be coming in a separate post <3
So im a Wattpad user and I write and read story's, mainly writing now, Im going to be releasing a massive amount of books I think the total is 20 books could be more could be less. But there's a massive range of them so I will list them below:
A GAME OF CHANCE (OUAT BOOK) 18 MAY 2024 - This book is based mainly in neverland but has parts in story Brooke. In this is book where henry is kidnapped but not for the reason they showed in the series, your name is emily you grew up with an abusive drunk of a father and you ran away. After a while of missing storybrooke you return to which your taken in by Emma but someone doesn't like you.
MIRROR MIRROR (OUAT BOOK)19 MAY 2024 - your Regenia's sister, you two fell into the darkness she came out however you never did. She and her new friends try hard to get you into the light side but when Regina finds why you went dark she knows there's only one solution. But will she take the risk or pay the price.
FALLING FOR THEM 17 MAY 2024 - you are a talented young artist who moves from her home town after a brake up in hopes of finding peace. You find peace and love but two men? Is that right ? first time for everything right they will always be my first everything.
MY MAFFIA HUSBAND 20 MAY 2024 - your parents business wasn't going to well and another business offered to help. They gladly excepted after knowing the price they have to pay, you live with them and the other company starts coming around a lot more until one day everything falls into place and the wedding isn't long after that day.
MARRIED TO MY BESTFRIEND 17 MAY 2024- your bestfriend and you have been close ever since birth, you do everything together and your inseparable. Until jack has to help is parents as trouble crosses there path with business, thats when your parents offer you as payment to help the business which they except. You soon learn neither of you had a choice it was set they day you where born.
LOSING YOU 17 MAY 2024 - after your fiancé goes missing you hire a detective and a private investigator, When they give up on the case finding no clues what so ever you deiced to take it into your own hands. On the way to this you uncover your fiancé dark past, that his family knew where he was and this was just a test plus a love game, but can you stay with him after finding out what you have.
TRAPPED BY HIM 17 MAY 2024- you are taken by a sadistic ex of yours he keeps you locked up for months on end torturing you and doing unholy things all the while you scream cry and beg him to stop none can hear you and is anyone even looking for you does anyone even realize your missing?
DETECTIVE DARLA 17 MAY 2024 - your a detective with a high amount of respect you have solved multiple cases of murder and missing persons but now there's a new killer in town who they refer to as the shadow none knows who he is and none can track him down Darla beings to get worried but she begins to find all the answers and when she finds the horrifying truth after being nearly murderd by the shadow she kills the one thing she loves Darla goes into a state of panic and she is put into the mental heath ward in her local hospital when a new killer strikes will she be able to recover? will she find this new murderer?
BROKEN PIECES 17 MAY 2024 - when you come home one night after cleaning the house going to do shopping putting it away loading washing in and out until its time for you to go to work and find your husband doing unspeakable things to your eldest child and youngest child while your middle child watches laughing you go into a state of panic screaming and shouting at them when someone behind you closes the door and puts a cloth over your mouth knocking you out. will she live? will she help her children?
EVIL MEETS EVIL 17 MAY 2024 - when you where a young girl the age of only 3 days old you where taken from your mother and taken to what looked like a prison you are cared for by your brother until you turn 1 years old when your brother the leader of this place deiced you where old enough he sits you on a table and he has you looked over making sure your heathy and how a normal child should be of 1 years old but what for?
WOULD YOU KILL FOR LOVE 17 MAY 2024 - when the prince deiced he needed to be married all the girls in town went crazy all expect you you didn't fancy being married at only 16 so you ignored the whole thing thats until all the girls where to go to the court yard and be seen individually by the prince when he lays eyes on you and chooses you your whole world brakes. when a war brakes out on the kingdom and the prince is in danger you use the skills you leant ages ago to save the one you where to marry have grown feeling for him but will you let him know?
FRIEND OR FOE 17 MAY 2024 - when the whole town turns against magical creatures you have to decided who you can and cant trust due to being one of the hated all the magical beings being afraid you decided to take lead in this war and win equality from the help of a human friend. but will you survive what you decided to end.
SLYTHERIN QUEEN (HOGWARTS BOOK) 17 MAY 2024 - when arriving at Hogwarts for the first time ever you are all in first year and the boys of Hogwarts start taking a liking towards you but not everyone will be able to have you as you have a very specific taste but when you have to share a dorm with the ones you crush on you start to be bratty earning a punishment,
REDWOOD 17 MAY 2024 - the town of redwood is famously known for the redwood surrounding the town none enters or leaves the town through it you have to go by air but when thing start getting strange around the town people panic praying that its just the weather playing up but its far from just weather magic is taking the lives of many but they take the wrong person.
HONEY, HONEY (HOGWARTS BOOK) 17 MAY 2024- when a new riddle enters the school they assume her to be there sister but they are wildly wrong shes their wife yes their as in tom and matteho riddle the three of them get tired of their fathers stupid ways and their wife becomes friends with the golden trio and eventually the rest of the Weasleys. but are they just on a mission for there father of have they changed?
WITHOUT YOU 17 MAY 2024 - after losing your true love you move from your troubled home to new York to start over and you do well as a model and eventually you become rich and along the way there 2 men that have been everywhere you are you thought maybe they are just crazy fans but no. is he really dead?
THE FIRST BLOOD MOON 17 MAY 2024 - imagine being a creature so powerful but having no clue about it when your mum dies your father leaves you after years of abuse and shouting painful words he just leaves but someone comes round to the house knocking on the door for you when you refuse to go with them they kidnap you in the night. but why?
DEATHS BESTFRIEND 17 MAY 2024 - Imagen waking up one day and the worlds population has doubled but only you can see them when you find out that they aren't invisible you question what they could be before realizing they are the dead and you are you alive or dead everyone can still see you but not them?
THE STRANGERS KISS 17 MAY 2024- when you move to new York after excepting a job you go to a bar for a few drinks feeling eyes on you the whole time but you cant seem to find who it is you start the new job and this one guy seems really off he keeps staring at you and wont leave you alone but he is hiding deep secrets.
THE TORTURED 17 MAY 2024 - you've been in one place your whole life this facility they wont let you leave you cant talk and everything keeps getting worse when you are taken from the facility by people who you thought where good but no non of the people have ever been good and it get worse when they take your memories and put you with a bunch of people you have no idea who they are.
thank you for reading this to the bottom I hope when they are released you read them
byeeee <3
submitted by Federal_Difficulty84 to Wattpad [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:54 Old_North8419 Who would you rather be in a realtionship with for long term: somebody who has a great personality and knows how to love but he or she is not super hot (good looking), or a hot looking man & woman, but they have a crap personality baring no respect back towards you?

You want to be committed into a relationship for a long term, but appearance is not always the key factor, the most overlooked part is their attitude and personality, since that is not an attribute visible to the naked eye at first glance.
Money is out of the question, it does matter if they are rich or not, even if they have fancy attire and plenty of cash to spare, despite them being well off visually, but you are stumbled to learn that he or she has no respect towards others or themselves.
You encounter a good looking (not hot like a model) man or woman, who earns enough, but remain indifferent to what job they have, instead looking more on if they will treat you as a decent human rather than trash, as that is more important than their looks alone.
It's like this:
The man or woman is good looking (but not attractive akin to a model or a movie celebrity) The man or woman is hot (akin to looking like a hollywood celebrity or a famous invididual)
Despite him or her having an average look, they have no ill intentions towards you. Despite him or her looking hot, they have predatory motives to trick you.
They know how to love, respect you regardless treating you like a decent human being. They don't know how to love, disrespect everyone around them no matter where.
The guy has average physique (not obese) but he respects women from all backgrounds. The guy is a bodybuilder but he has zero respect for women, treating them like objects.
The girl remains indifferent to your appearance, she only wants a guy who respects her back. The girl looks hot as a model, but she lacks both a good personality and behavior in return.
He's doesn't rely on your money, as he earns a decent amount from his own job. He only wants to be with you for this reason: you come from a rich family.
She is not a gold digger, as she has her own income, not relying on you. She only wants to be with you for this reason: you are very rich and have a high salary.
He does not cheat on you, staying true to his word, committed to a long term relationship. He cheats on you with other women, basically ignoring your call for his attention and love.
She remains true to her word, not cheating on you with other guys behind your back. She continues to hook up with other guys despite being together for a long time.
So to put it, would you rather be in a long term relationship with an:
submitted by Old_North8419 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:30 Complex_Recover4595 I was friends with someone who had ill intentions for me

So basically I used to be "friends" with this rich girl who had nothing but evil intentions for me, groomed me into meeting a man 10 years older than me who ended up taking advantage of my naivety. He was very abusive, exploitive and disrespectful asf. From my understanding this man preys on young vulnerable immigrant girls stalks where their dad works and gets them laid off, then sleeps with their daughters. I just can't believe someone got away doing something so heinous and disgusting. My "friend" was basically dating that guy who abused me. She would constantly make comments like " be shting on btches" "btches have to be careful with me" or "btches be dumb" or "i be violating btvhes" " I be ending btches" "btches wish they were me" and that she gets guys and how girls wish they were her.
She calls her male partners "assets" where she sets girls up with her boyfriends (assets like she mentioned earlier) and then those guys steal financial resources from the girls family.She was trying to steal ALL my family’s assets and financial resources and was literally trying to evict🧿🧿🧿 my family from their home. Her comments made me feel super uncomfortable.
And she did in fact did all the things she mentioned to me. And she did all this to me because I gave her an unintentional back massage when I was 15 and she was 18. She yelled at me and told me to back off, I got very teary eyed and apologized, but she didn't accept it.And she set me up with one of her "assets" She's very egocentric like todays rappers are. I feel violated, humiliated and just insecure. I've never been called such words i'm the sweetest person in the world and the fact people make me seem like l'm that, is disgusting. Like i'll never be able to feel myself or br confident badss ever again. I just don't know
submitted by Complex_Recover4595 to traumatoolbox [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:20 shaneka69 NUMEROLOGY OF MONDAY

Monday is the first day of the work week that many people dread. Not all people dread it, but some. Let's take a look into the Numerology of Monday to decode the energy and what it can be used for to work with it and not against it.
M - this is the 13th letter of the alphabet vibrating at the energy of 4. The energy of 1 is action and the energy of 3 is connecting with others through collaboration. This puts a focus on responsibilities and for most people, it's a work or school day which connects with this. Although it is about being responsible, it's still the energy of 4 which is mellow and controlled energy. O - this is the 15th letter of the alphabet vibrating at the energy of 6 which is about using your creativity constructively to take care of the tasks or duties you need to take care of. 6 is the number of beauty, duty, and routine. N - 14th letter of the alphabet vibrating at the energy of 5. This is about using your energy to be responsible and making space for enjoyment while doing so. 14 is a karmic number, but not when used correctly. As a karmic number, 14 is about someone who ditched their responsibilities and now have to deal with some challeneges(5). Proper use of this energy is using it for creative purposes. D - 4th letter vibrating at the purest energy of 4 which is about calmness, caution, and security. A - vibrating at 1 as the first letter of the alphabet, this is about action and energy. Y - The 25th letter of the alphabet vibrating at the energy of 7, but through cooperation with others(2) and compassion for others(2) and with the use of creativity (5) or even humor(5). Big lover energy as 5 can point to romance and 2 can point to soulmates.
Monday full numerology comes down to 8 and 8 can represent long and drawn out processes, wait times, and pressure. The dreadful energy can be moreso due to this 8 energy. People can work with this energy by being patient as 8 points to tedious tasks. With this insight, you can now simply start expected a little time in between things and pacing yourself. It can seem like a long day or your duties may be plentiful.
This is a day best utilized in a constructive (8) way with the use of wisdom and calculation(7). The 7 is the soul urge influence of Monday based on the vowels. 2 vowels A and O which equals 7. Being calculating and seeking depth will allow you to master the energy of Monday. Use this day to get the most done with your projects or workloads.
monday happy monday cyber monday deals monday night football tonight blue monday what happened to monday easter monday happy monday images monday after easter monday app monday after the masters monday affirmations monday april 8 2024 monday april 8th monday a holiday monday again monday again meme monday asl are banks open on easter monday almost monday are shops open easter monday a monday in copenhagen at monday morning a monday morning prayer a monday prayer a monday quote a bad monday simulator about easter monday monday blues monday blessings images monday blessings gif monday board monday blessings quotes monday body monday blessings and prayers monday born monday blues meme best cyber monday deals black monday blue monday 2024 bad monday simulator blue monday depressing day brighter monday black monday nfl blue monday new order bank holiday monday monday crm monday conditioner monday coffee meme monday clipart monday careers monday cat monday coffee monday crm pricing come monday cyber monday deals 2023 come monday lyrics come monday jimmy buffett chris stapleton monday night football canton first monday cast of what happened to monday cheap monday cyber monday walmart monday dinner ideas monday date monday dinner specials monday dinner specials near me monday day monday desktop app monday deals monday dad jokes monday dev deal monday reviews diet starts monday deal monday dunkin free coffee monday do we have school on monday dear finch monday weekly lottery dear dwarka monday weekly lottery deal monday legit download dinner ideas for monday monday eclipse monday etymology monday encouragement monday events near me monday events monday evening blessings monday evening monday emoji monday eclipse 2024 monday en español easter monday holiday easter monday 2024 easter monday 2023 espn monday night football easter monday holiday ontario easter monday public holiday easter monday bank holiday easter monday opening hours easter monday shops open monday food specials near me monday forecast monday funny memes monday funny monday food deals near me monday february 19 2024 monday funny quotes monday february 19 monday football schedule first monday canton funny monday quotes football monday funny monday meme football monday night federal holiday monday football scores monday night f mondays full movie what happened to monday monday gif monday gif funny monday girl monday greetings monday good morning monday good morning images monday gif work monday gin monday good morning blessings monday gantt chart good morning monday good morning monday images good morning happy monday good morning monday blessings good morning monday gif good morning monday funny good morning monday quotes good morning happy monday images good morning happy monday gif green monday monday holiday monday hair care monday holidays 2024 monday hair shampoo monday happy hour near me monday happy hour monday holy rosary monday hair care reviews monday hashtags happy monday gif happy monday meme how to watch monday night football happy monday quotes holy rosary monday holy monday happy monday good morning holiday on monday monday inspirational quotes monday images monday inspiration monday in japanese monday in asl monday is a holiday monday in italian monday images and quotes monday in korean is monday a holiday is easter monday a holiday is monday a public holiday it's monday meme is monday night football on tonight images of happy monday it's monday quotes is easter monday it's a manic monday it's monday good morning monday jokes monday january 15th monday jokes for kids monday january 15 2024 monday jazz monday jobs monday january 29 2024 monday january 22 2024 monday january 29 monday japanese jimmy buffett come monday just another manic monday johannus monday jobless monday jokes about monday jawan monday collection jobs monday through friday jira vs monday jungkook monday tuesday january blue monday monday kids eat free monday karaoke near me monday karaoke monday kanji monday kanban monday knowledge base monday kid jokes khooni monday kids eat free monday kenny monday kids eat free monday near me khooni monday horror story korn ferry monday qualifier kith monday program kfc monday special kohl's cyber monday karol bagh monday market monday left me broken cat monday login monday lottery monday lunch specials near me monday left me broken cat gif monday lunch specials monday leave in conditioner monday logo monday left me broken gif lazy monday long list fixture today monday lotto monday lyrics to monday monday last monday lyrics to come monday laptop deals cyber monday logo monday lotto result monday lyrics manic monday monday meme monday motivation monday motivation quotes monday morning quotes monday mandala monday morning meme monday monday lyrics manic monday motivational monday quotes motivation monday morning monday meme monday meaning of easter monday monday monday gif morning monday quotes monday happy monday monday night football this monday monday night brewing monday night football score monday night raw results monday night football schedule monday night raw tonight monday night tv monday night raw tickets nfl monday night football new order blue monday nfl black monday nintendo switch cyber monday new moon on monday next monday nfl games monday new order blue monday lyrics nifty prediction for monday nla monday special results monday of holy week monday oklahoma weather monday off monday origin monday office memes monday organizer monday outlook integration monday obituaries monday on bravo on monday morning on monday in spanish open easter monday on monday lyrics ontario easter monday holiday on monday night on monday is there school on monday is holiday on easter monday on easter monday are shops open monday powerball numbers monday project management monday prayer monday pricing monday positive quotes monday powerball monday pizza specials near me monday prayer images monday prayers and blessings powerball monday positive monday quotes powerball monday winners public holiday monday ps5 cyber monday powerball numbers for monday positive monday memes poem monday's child post office open easter monday prayer for monday monday quotes monday quotes for work monday q info monday quote of the day monday qualifier monday quotes funny monday quotes images monday quarterback monday quotes for work funny monday quotes for kids quotes about monday quincy monday quotes for monday motivation quotes for monday morning quotes for monday work quotes on monday blues quotes about monday funny quotes for easter monday quotes for holy monday quotes happy monday monday rosary monday rosary mysteries monday restaurant specials near me monday rain monday rosary prayer monday raw results monday reviews rosary monday rick monday regal mystery movie monday rahu kalam monday rosary monday mystery rahukalam on monday results of monday night raw reviews on monday shampoo restaurant monday specials result for monday special monday shampoo monday shampoo and conditioner monday shampoo review monday specials near me monday stock monday spanish monday specials monday songs sunday monday set for life results monday stream monday night football shampoo monday sunday monday tablet sunday monday tuesday sunday monday in hindi sunday monday tuesday wednesday sunday monday table sunday monday spelling monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday monday through friday jobs monday thursday monday through friday jobs near me monday through friday monday to friday jobs monday tv shows monday tuesday monday thru friday jobs monday through thursday jobs tawawa on monday tonight monday night football the rosary monday this monday holiday the weather for monday the black monday the best cyber monday deals the poem monday's child the monday left me broken cat the monday shampoo monday uplifting quotes monday ugh monday updates monday urban dictionary monday ugh meme monday uv index monday ugh gif monday ui monday undo monday unscramble ulta cyber monday uniform monday holiday act ugg cyber monday sale ugg cyber monday usps open easter monday united airlines cyber monday us holiday monday until monday meaning us easter monday holiday uk easter monday monday vibes monday vibes meme monday vs trello monday vs asana monday vs clickup monday vs notion monday vs jira monday volume shampoo review monday vibes quotes virtual rosary monday vision monday verizon cyber monday deals victory monday valspar monday qualifier 2023 valspar monday qualifier 2024 vans cyber monday vuori cyber monday victoria secret cyber monday valero texas open monday qualifier monday weather monday work meme monday work motivation monday work management monday work quotes monday weather forecast monday workout quotes monday work gif monday wing specials monday workout who plays monday night football tonight what holiday is monday what is easter monday weather monday what is blue monday what is black monday when is blue monday 2024 when is monday night raw what's the score of monday night football monday xander monday xfinity race monday xero integration monday x lotto results monday x files cast monday x files reddit monday x lotto draw time monday x asana xigaza monday mp3 download xigaza monday xbox cyber monday deals x lotto results monday x files monday xbox series s cyber monday xauusd prediction for monday xfinity race monday xduppy monday mp3 download xauusd market open time monday monday youtube monday yoga monday youtube rosary monday yay monday yoga quotes monday yoga near me monday yay gif monday yuck meme monday yoga classes near me youtube rosary monday yo sushi blue monday yeti cyber monday cyber monday youtube jimmy buffett come monday youtube holy rosary monday youtube manic monday young living cyber monday 2023 youtube monday night football monday zero alcohol gin monday zero alcohol whiskey monday zoom background monday zapier monday zero alcohol mezcal monday zoo hours monday zumba monday zero proof monday zendesk integration zara cyber monday zippy's monday specials zero build mix up monday zoho vs monday zumba monday zumiez cyber monday zara monday to friday collection zoro vs miss monday zara monday perfume zak monday monday 02/19 monday 01/15 monday 00.00 utc monday 04/08 monday 03/25 monday 04 march 2024 monday 01 april 2024 monday 08 january 2024 monday 01 april monday 05 february 2024 007soccerpicks monday 04 monday 0 00 utc monday 9/10/01 monday night football was 9/11/01 a monday 2 00 gmt monday steelers 20-0 monday night 10/09/23 monday night football 8 00 gmt monday monday 19th monday 19 monday 12 monday 19 february 2024 monday 15 minute rosary monday 19th february monday 15th january 2024 monday 15 monday 1/15/24 monday 18th 15 minute rosary monday 1987 black monday 1st monday canton 16 monday fast 16 monday fast rules 1st monday of sawan 2023 1929 black monday 16 monday fast rules in hindi 1/1/24 monday night football 1st monday in may monday 2024 monday 25th march 2024 monday 2/19 monday 25th monday 2/26 monday 2/19 holiday monday 26 monday 22 january 2024 monday 25 march 2024 2024 calendar monday start 2023 monday night football schedule 2023 cyber monday deals 2024 monday holidays 2023 monday night football 2023 monday night football song 2023 monday holidays 2024 easter monday 2 mondays from now 2024 monday night football monday 3/25 monday 3/25 holiday monday 3/11 monday 3/18 monday 3/4 holiday monday 3/4/2024 monday 3/11/24 monday 3/4/24 monday 3pm est monday 3/11 holiday 3m open monday qualifier 2023 3rd monday trade days 3m monday qualifier 2023 3rd monday in january 3 days from monday 33 monday drive tallebudgera 3575 monday terrace 30 days from monday 3 business days from monday 3rd monday in february monday 4th march 2024 monday 4/8 monday 4/1 monday 4/8 eclipse monday 4th monday 4/1 holiday monday 4/1/24 monday 4/1/2024 monday 40 48 hours from monday 40k meta monday 49ers monday night football 49ers monday night football 2023 49ers victory monday 45 days from monday 4th monday trade days 4 weeks from monday 48 hours from monday 9 am 4 corners monday night monday 5 6 monday 5th monday 5 february 2024 monday 5/27 monday 5th february 2024 monday 50 cent wings monday 5th feb 2024 monday 5 mysteries monday 5th march $5 movie monday near me $5 movie monday 55 inch tv cyber monday 5 mysteries of the rosary monday 5 days from monday 5 business days from monday 5 live monday night club $5 sushi monday 50 inch tv cyber monday 5 dollar monday raley's monday 6th may monday 6th monday 6th may bank holiday monday 6pm kst to est monday 6am pt monday 6 pm ist to est monday 617 tuesday 729 answer monday 6pm cet monday 6-0 toastmasters monday 6th may 2024 6 weeks from monday 65 inch tv cyber monday 60 days from monday 6 months from monday 6pm friday to 8am monday 6/45 lotto result monday 6 months hey monday 64 monday drive tallebudgera 6/45 monday result 6/55 lotto result monday monday 7am ist to est monday 7 pm ist to est monday 7pm gmt monday 7th october 2024 monday 7pm est to ist monday 7pm pst to ist monday 72 hours later monday 7 day 72 hours from monday 75 inch tv cyber monday 75 days from monday 7 days after monday 7 days from monday 72 hours from monday 11am 72 hours from monday 7am 72 hours from monday 8am 72 hours from monday 9pm 70 inch tv cyber monday monday 8th april 2024 monday 8th monday 8 april 2024 monday 8th april monday 8pm ist to est monday 8th weather monday 8th eclipse monday 8th january 2024 monday 80s song 8 weeks from monday 8tv schedule monday 8am monday she's yours 85 inch tv cyber monday 800 first monday lane 8-5 monday through friday jobs 808 state blue monday 8 hours monday to friday 8am monday pst to philippine time 8 am monday est to ist monday 911 monday 9am ist to pst monday 9am est to ist monday 9 am ist to est monday 9pm ist to est monday 9pm ist to pst monday 90 day fiance monday 9am est to philippine time monday 911 actor monday 9 am pst to ist 9/11 museum free monday 9 minutes on monday 90 days from monday 90 day fiance monday night 911 monday 9-5 monday to friday jobs 9/11 monday night football 9-5 monday to friday jobs near me 9-5 monday to friday how many hours
submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:57 Much-Most-3704 Should I keep going no contact?

I might go into a bit of a rant , but I really need an outsiders opinion on my situation.
For a bit of a background I 21F have been going no contact for almost 2 years with my mother 40F.
Here’s some backstory,
My mother had me quite young, 19 and would later bring up to me how she had a VERY rough childhood and how poorly her parents treated her and her issues with SA at a young age. She never left home and lived rent free UNTILL this day my grandmother had a stroke and my mother took care of her for 1-2 years as her primary caregiver but afterwards my grandfather was the primary caregiver and my mother no longer helped. She claimed to not leave the house because “they needed her” when infact she didn’t provide anything that they “needed” she didn’t pay rent she didn’t help take care she was more of a roommate so to say.
I looked up to my mother very much as a child admired her achievements she was getting promoted at work and travelling to different places for work. When I was 13 she had lied to our family about going on “work trips” when in reality she was hooking up with a very wealthy co-worker . She ended up getting pregnant and lying to my dad and me and my sister saying that she had to go on work trips while she was visiting this rich man and going to baby appointments. She told my dad she cheated on him 1 month before she gave birth and me and my sister 1 week before. Now I should mention I saw my family as a near perfect family everything was very good.My dad forgave her and accepted this new baby like his own child.
My mom lied to her baby daddy (the rich guy) and said that my dad had left her, my sister and I and that my mom lives all by herself in her own home and has no job. This being the opposite of what’s being true. The man agreed to pay her to be a stay at home mom and pay all her “bills” my dad paid all the bills and they she lived rent and bill free. She would go to see the rich man for a 2-3 weeks at a time in a different city than come back to the house me and my sister and dad lived in with our grandparents for 1-2 weeks than repeat the cycle.
She ended up cheating on my dad again a year later with the rich man after promising they had nothing going on to me and my dad. I would beg her not to sleep in the same bed as the man when she would take the kids over to his house. As a 13 year old child.
She truly lived a double life. I never knew when she would come back and I was left to do all her motherly stay at home mom duties and raise me and my sister because my dad worked so many long days and nights.
Our relationship never got better and she expected me to help her out with the new children. She ended up cutting ties with the rich dude and would bring the kids to his house on weekends but return home always.
I had alot of personal trauma involving SA at the age of 14 and a lot of mental health challenges.
She tried to kick me out at 15 and when brining this up to a councillor they almost got me taken from the home. I was in and out of mental wards and picked up a drinking addiction from a young age because of the SA and how the treatment from my mom was.
She decided to take my debit card while I was in a mental hospital and spend 120$ on food for herself. When I came home she let the children break 300$ worth of my makeup and make the most disgusting comments.
She made me miss days of my school so I could watch my youngest sibling while she took my other sibling to school. I fed, washed and the youngest child even needed me to hold his hand while I put him to bed. She expected me to be another parent I even attended every single doctors appointment for the children she had with the rich guy when their own father never attended it was me who did.
There was a time where the baby daddy had cut off her money and she refused to get a job so I ended up paying for dinners gas coffee runs, outings and my younger siblings whole 5th birthday party.
This whole time she would taunt me when I was sad she would get almost excited to see me super sad one time I had overdosed and she kicked my limp body to see if I was dead. Terrible things.
No matter how helpful how supportive I was through her custody battle how much money I spent as a young girl to I was about 17 doing all these things btw, she never showed love to me she threatened to kick me out if I didn’t get a job but I did make very decent money doing online things for money I won’t disclose but it was nothing sexual.
I did whatever she wanted because I was so desperately looking to be loved and wanted.
I finally had enough of her toxic abuse and always blaming me for everything using me as the escape goat and threating that I would be on the streets so I moved out at 19 with nothing but a mattress and a fan no help from my parents at all.
3 months into moving out my grandmother had sadly passed away. My mother invited a women who no one in our family has ever meet before to my grandmas open casket. She was already bringing a friend for support but felt the need to bring a women she’d only known for 2 weeks. I told her how uncomfortable I would be sitting next to a women I never met since this was a private family matter and no outside people that didn’t know my grandma would be coming. She picked bringing this women over my feelings I was heartbroken and sad about my grandma and no one supported me. My dad later on told me if I had a problem with my mom brining the friend I wasn’t allowed to go. After this I cut all ties with my mom and whole family.
A year after I cut all ties and no communication my mother randomly showed up at my doorstep with my two younger siblings both under 8. Saying they wanted to play at the park with me . I hung out with them at the park because I didn’t want this to be a bad memory for them and it’s not the childrens fault. This went awful my sister saying “how many birthdays have you missed now” obviously a line fed to her by my mother. Since she’s to young to come to that conclusion.
I recently after almost 2 years got back in contact with my dad and he’s really wanting me to have communication with my biological sister but I really don’t want a relationship with anyone but my dad and my two younger siblings.
So the question is what should I do my mom is a very toxic person but apart of me just wants a mom and wants to feel loved and wanted by a mom but I don’t think she can do that I’m just so confused and need help. And I’m not interested in a relationship with my sister but my dad really wants one and I have a really goood relationship with him now and don’t wanna make him sad.
If you read this whole thing thank you so much
submitted by Much-Most-3704 to NarcissisticMothers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:37 Peltsy Eldred Farman, Lord of Fair Isle & Ser Pearse Clifton

Reddit Account: u/Peltsy
Discord Tag: .p.b.
Name and House: Eldred Farman
Age: 47
Cultural Group: Westermen
Appearance: Eldred is a tall and thin man with sharp, refined features and bright blue eyes. He has wavy, bronze-colored hair that reaches his neck, a stylized mustache and chin beard.
Trait: Marketer
Skill(s): Avaricious, Broker, Merchantman(e), Navigator
Talent(s): Falconry, Gambling, Stargazing
Negative Trait(s): -
Starting Title(s): Lord of Fair Isle
Starting Location: Opening Event
Alternate Characters: -
Name and House: Pearse Clifton
Age: 32
Cultural Group: Westermen
Appearance: Lean and sinewy with a hard, angular and scruffy face. He has a pair of pale grey eyes and a head of short, light brown hair.
Trait: Reaver
Skill(s): Swords, Shields, Admiral
Talent(s): Fishing, Swimming, Drinking
Negative Trait(s): -
Starting Title(s): Admiral of the Fair Isle Fleet
Starting Location: Opening Event
Alternate Characters: -


Eldred was the firstborn son of Lord Gorold Farman, a stern ruler who was deeply distrustful of the ironborn. When Aegon the Conqueror invaded the Iron Islands, he took his son with him to sail with the Lannisport fleet and exact revenge on the islanders for the centuries of torment they had caused the people of Fair Isle. The invasion didn't turn out as bloody as Lord Gorold had desired. Eldred took the Conqueror's pacification to mean that House Farman could put aside their old grudges and profit from trading with the ironborn. Renewed trade with the islanders became a project of his, one that he committed to complete when he succeeded his father.
When the Iron Islands submitted to Aegon's rule, Lord Gorold asked the king for hostages to be taken to ensure the lords' loyalties. His wish was granted, and among the ironborn scions brought back to Fair Isle was Hagen Tawney, a young nobleman who Eldred made friends with. From him, Eldred learned much about life on the Iron Islands, eager to know their ways as he was. Hagen taught him how they rowed their longships so efficiently, which stars they used for navigation, and what kinds of places they preferred to raid or trade with. All of this became useful later in Eldred's quest for new shipping lanes. Around the same time, his father arranged his marriage to the daughter of a wealthy lord, with whom he had two boys and a girl; Lorent, Joffrey and Elinor. Eldred was never close with his wife, and instead he preferred the company of his court favorite, Hagen, who became a permanent resident at Faircastle.
Lord Gorold didn't approve of his son and the islander's friendship. Many of his courtiers shared his views, but Eldred would not allow Hagen to be sent away. Ten years later, Lord Gorold died on a winter's night, and his lands and titles passed to his son. The controversy surrounding Hagen Tawney became more prevalent due to the influence he had on the new ruler. At last, Eldred relented, and promised to send Hagen away. He tarried, however, and was hesitant to evict the man by force. This continued for three years, until Hagen was murdered by an unknown assailant. Several courtiers and their accomplices were accused and summarily executed by their furious lord, whose spirits sank once his rage had settled.
Eldred found solace in the company of Pearse Clifton, a household knight and ship captain in House Farman's service. Ser Pearse had been Eldred's ally for a long time, though he was among those who had disapproved of his relationship with Hagen Tawney. He had sailed the Summer Sea and told his lord of the riches to be had in Arbor wine and Lyseni silk. Since the ironborn had recently rebelled, making trade with the islands difficult, Pearse's stories inspired Eldred to pursue new shipping ventures in the south.


22 BC – Born as Lord Gorold Farman's son and heir.
1 BC – Marriage to his wife, firstborn son Lorent is born.
2 AC – Invasion of the Iron Islands. Hagen Tawney is taken hostage by his father and becomes Eldred's best friend. His second son Joffrey is born.
4 AC – His daughter Elinor is born.
12 AC – Lord Gorold dies and Eldred becomes the new Lord of Fair Isle.
15 AC – Hagen Tawney is murdered. Eldred punishes suspects indiscriminately, but cannot be sure of the culprit's identity.
17 AC – A rebellion in the Iron Islands that annuls many of the trade agreements Eldred had made with the ironborn houses.
18 AC – Forms a new bond of friendship with Pearse Clifton.
20 AC -> His dreams of profitable trade with the Iron Islands in shambles, Eldred takes Pearse's advice and starts making inroads into importing goods from the Summer Sea.
21 AC – His family is present for the Strawberry Tourney and Ball in Casterly Rock.


Gorold Farman (47 BC – 12 AC) - Lady Alysanne - Eldred Farman (22 BC) - Lady Maris - Lorent Farman (1 BC) - Joffrey Farman (2 AC) - Elinor Farman (4 AC)


Lorent Farman - Trader
Joffrey Farman - Warrior
submitted by Peltsy to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:03 TaliGrayson Australia's biggest beast in the bush may have just committed serial killing. I am not sure if I can show all of you that, so I will tell you.

Being eaten.
No, I do not mean being on the receiving end as someone goes down on you. Sex seems to be popular in fiction these days, if the shitty Fifty Shades of Grey is any indication, and I sorely, desperately wish what I was about to write was all fiction. Then I could sprinkle some gratuitous sex on it, go to a publisher, and hope that it would sell. Then I would be not risking my job altogether sharing this so that strangers on the Internet would at least know of my suffering in having to watch human beings die brutal, bloody deaths to satisfy a desire even more primal than sex and far less pleasurable.
Yes, I’m talking about eating. And about being literally, bona fide eaten. An incredulous notion in modern society, where we live in concrete houses and walk on asphalt streets. Where the animals we encounter are anywhere between little quacking ducks and crotch-high geese. We live free of our early ancestor’s fear of becoming something else’s food. Crocodile, tiger, lion - pick your customer. It, in most cases, starts with the intense pressure of clamp-strong jaws, driving teeth into parts of your body where teeth should not be stabbing into. Depending on how lucky you are, there will likely be hellish pain lasting anywhere from seconds to minutes (that I am willing to bet feels much longer) before death takes you. What happens to your consciousness after that is a popular debate. What happens to your body is not. You get chewed into a consistency similar to hamburger patties in some cases, swallowed whole in others. Different vehicles to the same destination of an acidic stomach. Your useful parts are broken down into a mushy soup. The rest are ejected from the back end.
A shitty way to go, literally and metaphorically. A living human being, full of emotions and dreams and hope, turned into lifeless steak, soup then shit. At least three out of five young men and women whose last days I will recount below went that way. The other two… well, let’s say that it has been three weeks at this time of writing, and I do not have much hope.
The day started with Matthew dropping several paper files in beige covers on my desk. When I opened it and saw a report complete with pictures of grinning people on the first page, I knew right there and then that it was going to be anything but a normal day at work.
“Missing?” I asked, eyebrows raising. It was the single possibility. Police could have pictures on their desks for all kinds of stuff, but not us rangers. Only then did I notice the tight line Matthew’s lips had pressed into.
“Not like that, no.” He shook his head. “None of them got lost. All five came down here from Sydney, stayed at Winston Ward’s place. That’s Ward’s daughter, Madeleine.” His fingers pressed on the picture of a girl at the top of the page. Hair dyed blue and with the brightest smile of the bunch, I noticed. “She and one other, Cathy, their Indigenous guide, are the two still missing.” Matthew pointed next to the picture below Madeleine. Cathy was dark-skinned and had a hiking stick resting above her shoulder, clearly posing for some sort of promotional photo. “And these three, well…”
I took a quick glance at the other photos. Steve Wilson had the build of a runner, wiry and dressed in a tank top to match. Lisa Mooney, blonde with gold-rimmed glasses. Ashley Lo - his curly dark hair tied back into a ponytail. I knew I would not have to pay extra-close attention to their appearance. Two missing.
“I don’t know, man. Kind of wanted your input on it, too.” Matthew shook his head. “Best you see it for yourself. The police could not decide if it was murder or an animal attack, so they requested us. Found all three of them ripped apart. Caught, well, a suspect, I suppose, on their own cam-”
“You kidding? A suspect and they could not decide if it’s an animal attack or not?”
“I know, Tom, watch it for yourself and tell me I’m not crazy. Hells, they didn’t just have the pictures. Caught the damned killings on film, and still can’t decide if he, it - whatever - is man or animal. I will send the footage over in a bit. Some photos are in there, too. Just don’t puke up your breakfast. I’m seriously thinking of going vegan.”
What the fuck?
I frowned. Matthew could not wait for someone to share his hell, I supposed, and quickly retreated back into his office, leaving me alone with the papers.
Here are the facts.
Winston Ward, your typical real estate rich guy, bought some bushland last year next to our park. His plan was straightforward - setting up lavish air-conditioned bungalows amidst the Australian bush, complete with five-star hotel facilities such as private pools and a fine dining restaurant. A luxury retreat amidst trees and shrubs, letting you enjoy the best of nature and avoiding the worst. No insect stings, soaking rains or blistering heat that the normal campers had to suffer. Just a couple of hours drive from Sydney to boot. All well and good, except for the fact that it came alarmingly close to intruding on national park’s land. So Parks and Wildlife Service took notice and kept a close eye on Ward’s project. So far, even though he has not opened his retreat and nothing illegal had been done, Ward became a popular name among us rangers. Just in case.
I certainly did not expect his name - or his family’s name, rather - to come up this way.
It had been Ashley’s idea. An Ecology graduate, he wanted to make a documentary about Aboriginal people’s way of sustainable living among nature. He got his girlfriend, Madeleine Ward, into it, alongside fellow graduates Steve and Lisa. Madeleine easily secured the filming spot with her father. They hired Cathy as the expert for the film, and the five of them occupied two bungalows. Living in the lap of luxury while trying to promote sustainability. Three cameras were installed. Two security cams for each bungalow, expectedly. The third was a camera trap, the kind used on wildlife trails to capture pictures and videos of animals. Likely intended for fun.
As much as I respect the purpose of their never-finished documentary, I find twenty six-year-old Ashley rather hypocritical, and rather gross given how Madeleine only turned eighteen three months ago. But not to speak ill of the dead, I suppose.
I braced myself as I turned the page for the photos, and failed to stop the dry-heave that came up. Three bodies, gnawed clean of flesh. Strands of dark curly hair on the first mangled head identified it as Ashley’s. The skull was smashed open, its insides, empty where a brain had been licked clean, caked with dried blood. Shattered pieces of his bones were strewn over muddy soil, brown rain water filling in troughs where the marrow that had been sucked out. Steve and Lisa was in roughly a familiar state, and I shivered at how disturbingly clean the bones were. Take away the skull that clearly showed the remains to be human, and it could have been a smokehouse’s dump - filled with finished ribs and chicken wings.
And yet, the final photo proved even more unsettling.
It was a still taken from one of the security cameras. At night, judging from the grey filter. It was still bright enough, however, for me to make out the grassy front of a bungalow. Bushes and shrubs lined the far end. A dark figure loomed over them, casting a long shadow.
I shivered once more.
I had walked into the bushes hundreds, if not thousands, of times. I knew how dense they could be - reaching up to your chests in many places. That figure - standing on two legs with long arms drooping at its side - barely had its knees covered by the shrubs. The photo, even though grainy, was clear enough for me to make out a domed head resting upon a neck so thick the figure might as well be said to lack one. Matching broad shoulders held up that neck, deltoids bulging. The… thing, apparently, had little hair as far as I could see.
I did not notice how hard I had clenched my jaws until a cramp-like pain made me grunt. Matthew could not be fucking with me, could he? I had worked with the guy for years. I called the local police station. The woman on the other end confirmed it. Unless a whole station was in on the prank with Matthew - an idea equally impossible as what I was seeing - it seemed like we had won the reverse lottery of missing and dead people cases.
As much as the Internet likes to make fun of its deadly wildlife, most of Australia has no large land predators. Dingoes are pretty much your average dog. The huge crocs live way too far to the north and sharks do not magically appear in the middle of bushlands. Neither looked like some psychopathic, cannibalistic basketball player wearing a shaved-clean, badly proportioned gorilla suit. The police’s best option was us, I could tell, but as far as me and Matthew went, we were equally clueless.
I shook my head and rubbed my temples - for a moment questioning my sense of reality. That was until an alert jabbed into the screen of my desktop. Matthew’s email.
Here is the footage, Tom. Crazy stuff. I got them to send us a scan of Madeleine’s journal, too. Found where those kids were seen last.
An unholy amount of files came in a link he attached.
The rest of my day was spent going through them all. I still know not what to make of what I saw, and I need time to collect myself before I can write of what I have seen on those tapes.
I need a nap. And dinner. But no meat. I agree with Matthew. As much as I loved a nice scotch fillet, I’m probably going vegan for a while.
submitted by TaliGrayson to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:55 FifaDude1330 I've met a weirdly high number of white people whose family members are from South Asia

When I was 20 I had met a girl in my psychology class. She was a typical preppy white girl from Calgary; rich family, went to a private school, ended up going to the US for grad school. She found out my family is from Bangladesh and a few days later showed me a picture of a young White couple with a baby in the early 40s in some sort of high society setting. Then she explained that her grandmother was born in Dhaka, and that's where her great grandparents met and fell in love. It was weird because there were absolutely no brown people in the pic, just rich British socialites.
Not the first time I've seen something like that. Another dude's grandfather was born in Kolkata, my former manager's dad spent his childhood in Madras. In high school I was a cashier and an elderly couple who were regulars met somewhere in modern North Bangladesh. And that's another thing, they tend to have roots in the Bengal region. Vivien Leigh of Gone With The Wind was born in Darjeeling. I think that part of the subcontinent was the most subject to presence of colonialism. It's also funny how quickly White people bounced from Asia in the late 1940s.
Idk time to go to sleep
submitted by FifaDude1330 to redscarepod [link] [comments]