Example of poems in open form

Scrungy Cats

2018.12.22 19:59 JustBepisNoConke Scrungy Cats

Cats that are scrungy

2008.01.25 05:02 Productivity

Tips and tricks for being more productive!

2009.07.07 16:26 darkreign r/Writers: Writers Helping Writers

All are welcome at writers: fiction writers, nonfiction writers, bloggers and more! Get critique on your work, share resources, ask questions and help fellow writers.

2024.05.16 09:35 brycejohnstpeter House Teams?

I haven't been on a house team since last year, and I've never been on a house team for longer than a year. I'm 29 (still fairly young in the grand scheme of things, so I'm sure part of the solution is just letting time pass and finding new opportunities). The longest I ever spent on a house team was when I accompanied and musically directed a long-form musical improv team (which was very fun). I've been a consistent member of a primarily short-form improv troupe for years now.
I feel bittersweet about everything right now. I've been able to do tons of things I wanted to do like perform the classic short-form shows, host open mics, consistently do stand up, and perform in cabaret performances, but other than musical accompaniment, I haven't really been on a house team as an improviser at my local theater, and it's always kind of weighed on me a little. I was accompanying for a musical long-form team because I wanted to learn how to teach my own musical improv workshops, but the whole time, all I wanted to do was be on the team and act, perform, and improvise, but I couldn't because of my role in the ensemble.
I've wonder, "why does no one want to form a house team with me?", "does no one like me enough to want to be on a team with me?", "am I unlovable?". At worst, I've gone through ugly moments of envy, jealousy, and sadness. I see all these house teams having fun with one another month after month and at our improv festivals, and don't get me wrong, I like supporting my fellow improvisers, but I can't help but feel 'completely left out' and excluded from the action sometimes, and when it comes to playing with these improvisers outside of their house team setting, I feel like they'd rather be playing with their house team than with me. It feels like it's all just gotten too cliquey within the last couple of years, and it's just kind of been bumming me out lately. I know the responses could just be "then form a team", but it's not that easy to find people that either aren't already on a team or dedicated to form a new one. Additionally, it's hard to find people that all want to do the same format.
Let me further clarify: I'm very fulfilled outside of the improv world (both as a musician and as an actor). I just find that when I go to improv, there's this tunnel vision that I get into over house team versus just being a member of the theater. I am starved for long-form because I haven't had the time to grow sick of it yet, and I really want to be able to say I did a proper long-form house team at my local theater. I was on a mono-scene team at a different nearby theater, and although that ran well while we were active, I've been wanting to be on a house team at the theater I've been at forever. It's one of the last things on my improv bucket list outside of doing sketch and performing stuff that I've written.
Our troupe didn't always used to have so many house teams. Mainly directors and teachers would have teams before, but now, anyone can and only the strongest survive. I've also been on two one-off teams, but I have yet to have had a solid run yet. Again, maybe it's part luck. I'm really doing my best not to let it get me too down in the dumps.
Heck, sometimes I am fulfilled just being on the troupe, but I wanted a chance to vent my frustrations about House Teams, because they seem so fun, and I'd like to really be a part of them, but I still don't feel like I've had a proper chance and feel like my talent has been painfully underutilized in this regard.
submitted by brycejohnstpeter to improv [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:34 Late_Artist1312 JS Variables in Title - How

I'm glad to find such a community, can you guys give me some advice, I come from a marketing field, so not that deep into tech SEO. Our performance has declined for the last 3-4/mo and I'm looking for a cause, I've updated the content slightly, but it didn't bring any serious changes to rankings. Currently, I have two guesses:
  1. I have {Product} Price Company Name" in the title and the same variables throughout the page ( in H1, p, etc.. In RAW source, they display as "Price Company Name". In SERP they seem to display correctly. Pages rank for some of the expected keywords.
Should I ask the devs to switch to SSR?
  1. According to GA, our most popular site pages + SEO cluster pages receive bot/spam traffic from Japan. Bots mostly open Chinese and English pages, keep them open for 1-40 sec (43s average), and then close, they count as direct traffic. It continues for the last 3 months, 24hday. For example, out of 12K users online in 30 min, 4k would be a bot/scam.
Most online discussions state that such traffic won't affect rankings. But I'm in doubt.
submitted by Late_Artist1312 to TechSEO [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:32 Phamila Rules and Culture of Quatorze / Tunisian Rummy Card Game?

I recently learned a game called Rummy from a Tunisian person. After learning how to play I also found an extremely similar game called Quatorze. I really love playing this game and was hoping to adapt it into an online game you could play in your browser. I have so far written the rules that I'm aware of here. I would like any and all feedback that you have about your knowledge of this game. If you know anything more about it's origins, your experience playing it, other rules, or anything, then I would love to hear about it!
One specific question: In the game there is a call you make to reshuffle if you have a bad hand. I was told it is said, "freesh". From my research I was able to find this word, "فَرِش" but I am unsure if it's correct or how you should say it. If you know anything about this word then also please let me know!

Quatorze: A Comprehensive Guide


The objective of Quatorze is to have the lowest possible score and cause other players to have a high score or more. The player with the lowest cumulative score after a series of rounds wins.


Card Values

Setting Up

  1. Shuffle the Cards: The dealer shuffles the entire deck.
  2. Cut the Deck: The player to the left of the dealer cuts the deck. The dealer takes the bottom half of the cut to deal first.
  3. Dealing: The dealer deals 3 cards to themselves first, then 2 cards at a time to each player (including themselves) until everyone has 14 cards except the dealer, who will have 15. The remaining cards form the draw pile.

Game Play

The First Turn

Subsequent Turns

  1. Turn Order: Starting with the dealer and moving clockwise, each player:
  1. Melds: Players can meld cards at any time after their first meld:
  1. Initial Meld: The total value of all cards in the player's first meld must be at least 51. If a player has already melded, their first meld in subsequent turns must exceed the score of the first player's meld.
  2. Meld Restrictions: Players cannot draw from the discard pile if the card was discarded during the first turn. Jokers can be used as wild cards but not discarded. Jokers can be replaced in melds by the card they are representing.
  3. "Plus" Rule: A card that could be used to complete an existing meld cannot be discarded. It must be used in the player's own meld or added to an opponent’s meld.

Special Rules


Examples of Play

  1. Initial Meld: A player has 7♥, 7♠, 7♦, and 8♠, 9♠, 10♠. The total is 51, so they may meld.
  2. Joker in Meld: If a player has J♦ in a sequence 9♦, 10♦, J♦, a Joker can replace Q♦ if another player wants to retrieve it.

End of the Round

Game Continuation

submitted by Phamila to cardgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:30 quazarion Question for Dev team?

Is there any official answer or discussion between players and Riot Wild Rift team considering the balance in this game? I have some examples to stuff that needs to be looked and are pretty much causing problem on the rift. I'm open to any different approach and opinion. Here is mine.
  1. TOO MUCH DAMAGE - So many one-shots ( Same thing happened on PC before. We need durability patch like on PC)
  2. Autelion Sol - Doesn't waste any mana, can spam Q like he has 5k mana since lvl 1
  3. HEARTSTEEL - Doesn't have any reduced effect if ranged champs equip it, ADC like Vayne and Varus allowed to pick it up and still deal ton of DMG while being soo tanky.
  4. Increase number of Minions in lane but the wave still gives u same gold as before (Tricky stuff would probably need to be tested how Baron buff will affect it later in game)
....Any other stuff please Share!
submitted by quazarion to wildrift [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:30 Federal_Chemical7358 I broke it twice within a year and now I feel hollow

I would like to keep this as vague as possible but for clarification, we are 24m and 22f. I also want to preface this by saying she broke things off through text and it was because of how emotionally miserable I made her feel. I made her feel used and worthless and it was all because I didn't understand how to communicate or share my feelings. I had such deep feelings this woman but I never showed her in the way that made her love feel reciprocated. I was too judgemental of others and always tried my hardest to hide every emotion. My biggest shortcoming was never opening up and thinking that a Man I had to be "tough" and emotionless. It was so twisted.
I broke NC almost 4 months later when I saw her in public. We caught up a bit and she let it all out. From saying I make her feel sick to saying I never come up in her mind. Even going as far to say to stay out of her life and never talk with her again. After trying to finally be vulnerable with her, I could tell she was getting annoyed. Every time I tried explaining how I was working hard to be a better person and how I want to be in a relationship with her, she seemed to become more and more pressed. Her body language made it clear that she despised me and eventually told me to F off. I did and after realizing how badly I hurt her back then and how little she thinks of me now, I tried even more to become the best version of myself because I do not want to be the person she saw if I was that. I had to face the trauma I ran away form my whole life and tell myself that I'm the way I am because of ME, not my parents and not my life experiences.
6 months from then pass and I decide to reach out to her online. I decided to because I had felt like I matured greatly and I can now communicate in a way I could have never done before. I fixed my relationship with my parents and realized that everyone has shortcomings and all that matters is to be a kind person in this World. I'm no longer the rigid detached Man I was. What I used to see as a weakness is now my greatest strength. I still had these feelings for her so I wanted to see if she would talk with me and we could start building any kind of relationship slowly.
We had a short online conversation where she said I don't deserve to ask her how she is. After, she said she had a boyfriend now anyway so I decided to not respond back as I saw it as a clear message that she did not want to talk with me. Hours later after my lack of response, she blocks my online account.
The worst part is, the next day she showed up with her boyfriend to a place I frequent with friends almost daily. One of my friends told me about it through a phone conversation directly after she came and that's when I told him of them this story. She told me she's "evil" but I don't think that's it. I'd like to think it's a coincidence and she would have went anyway or maybe she did it because she wanted to hurt me. She told me herself in our last in person conversation that she doesn't go there because of me and she actually hasn't been there in months. Regardless, I now feel empty and depressed but I'm trying to keep pushing through. I feel like I wasted so much time on someone who hates me so much. I feel awful for being capable of causing so much hurt. All because I was a hurt person unknowingly sharing my bottled up misery.
In the end, I feel like it's still all my fault.
Also if you look into my post history YES I was messing with someone on the swingers subreddit, I am NOT married. I apologize.
submitted by Federal_Chemical7358 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:29 Phamila Rules and Culture of Quatorze / Tunisian Rummy Card Game?

I recently learned a game called Rummy from a Tunisian person. After learning how to play I also found an extremely similar game called Quatorze. I really love playing this game and was hoping to adapt it into an online game you could play in your browser. I have so far written the rules that I'm aware of here. I would like any and all feedback that you have about your knowledge of this game. If you know anything more about it's origins, your experience playing it, other rules, or anything, then I would love to hear about it!
One specific question: In the game there is a call you make to reshuffle if you have a bad hand. I was told it is said, "freesh". From my research I was able to find this word, "فَرِش" but I am unsure if it's correct or how you should say it. If you know anything about this word then also please let me know!

Quatorze: A Comprehensive Guide


The objective of Quatorze is to have the lowest possible score and cause other players to have a high score or more. The player with the lowest cumulative score after a series of rounds wins.


Card Values

Setting Up

  1. Shuffle the Cards: The dealer shuffles the entire deck.
  2. Cut the Deck: The player to the left of the dealer cuts the deck. The dealer takes the bottom half of the cut to deal first.
  3. Dealing: The dealer deals 3 cards to themselves first, then 2 cards at a time to each player (including themselves) until everyone has 14 cards except the dealer, who will have 15. The remaining cards form the draw pile.

Game Play

The First Turn

Subsequent Turns

  1. Turn Order: Starting with the dealer and moving clockwise, each player:
  1. Melds: Players can meld cards at any time after their first meld:
  1. Initial Meld: The total value of all cards in the player's first meld must be at least 51. If a player has already melded, their first meld in subsequent turns must exceed the score of the first player's meld.
  2. Meld Restrictions: Players cannot draw from the discard pile if the card was discarded during the first turn. Jokers can be used as wild cards but not discarded. Jokers can be replaced in melds by the card they are representing.
  3. "Plus" Rule: A card that could be used to complete an existing meld cannot be discarded. It must be used in the player's own meld or added to an opponent’s meld.

Special Rules


Examples of Play

  1. Initial Meld: A player has 7♥, 7♠, 7♦, and 8♠, 9♠, 10♠. The total is 51, so they may meld.
  2. Joker in Meld: If a player has J♦ in a sequence 9♦, 10♦, J♦, a Joker can replace Q♦ if another player wants to retrieve it.

End of the Round

Game Continuation

submitted by Phamila to Tunisia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:29 -----Diana----- 17f looking for friends

Hi :) first off, thank you for reading this if you read it. But I want to add that I’m blind, socially awkward and with ADHD and weird social skills. I’m trying to fix the fixable. But if it makes you uncomfortable it’s ok, skip it. But if not, let me introduce myself.
I’m Romanian. I love animals, music, languages and cultures. I’m open to discussing anything though, except politics sports and video games because I don’t know a lot about them, but if you want to explain things, it’d be discussed openly too.
Specifically about interests.
Languages? I have right now a weird little fixation on Germanic and Slavic languages. And I tried to learn some, but was too shy to approach native speakers so yeah.
Books? I prefer romance books but I read whatever, for example I’m in the process of reading “The Count of Monte Cristo”, which, I’d not categorize as a romance book lol. I won’t say more if you’re reading it now, don’t want to give spoilers.
Music. I listen to Queen, Mozart, The Beatles, Beethoven, Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson, but also Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Nirvana...you name it. Whatever sounds good.
Anyway I’ll stop because I wrote a lot. But I’m here if you want to talk about anything. In school now so maybe I won’t answer instantly by the way.
submitted by -----Diana----- to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:28 haygurlhay123 “This Time, I Will Never Let You Go”: Cloud’s Mission and the Hidden Purpose of the Remake Trilogy - Literary and Musical Analysis of FFVII - Part 3

“This Time, I Will Never Let You Go”: Cloud’s Mission and the Hidden Purpose of the Remake Trilogy - Literary and Musical Analysis of FFVII - Part 3
(continuation of part 2)
III. e) The Mobius FF x FFVII collaboration
Alright, back to our suspension world-hopping! Let’s visit the realm of Mobius FF, —more specifically, the collaboration between Mobius FF and FFVII—, where I found the most substantial evidence for my theory.
In case you’re unfamiliar with the Mobius FF (MFF) world and games, let’s begin with a bit of a summary of the parts relevant to us. The story takes place in a world called Palamecia, to which people from other worlds are inexplicably summoned. The vast majority of those who are brought there don’t remember anything from their worlds of origin or their lives before Palamecia except their names: these amnesiac people are called Blanks. The main character is Wol, accompanied by a guiding fairy of Palamecia named Echo. Echo knows a lot about the mechanisms of Palamecia, as she’s tied to the realm. The leader of this world is Vox, a being who manifests only as a voice. The first thing all Blanks remember before they wake in Palamecia is Vox telling them the rules of the realm. Incidentally, the crystals of the MFF world are teleportation crystals.
III. e) i. Devs’ Statements
Let’s review some of the MFF x FFVII Remake collaboration devs’ statements before diving into its story.
For both the MFF x FFVII Remake collaboration and the Remake project, Kitase took on the role of producer while Nojima supervised the screenplay and wrote the scenario. The project leader was none other than the Remake trilogy’s Hamaguchi, who told a SE interviewer the following:
“We would love for you to play the [MFF x FFVII] collaboration event as you look forward to [Remake’s] release” (“Celebration of the Overseas Release of the Steam Version and FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Collaboration Event”, Square Enix).
He later hints at the collaboration’s storyline:
“This collaboration is focused on Cloud, so the other characters will not make an appearance. Players will join Cloud, who has gone astray in Palamecia, on his adventures and see how the story unfolds based on his decisions. Content-wise, FINAL FANTASY VII fans will surely become fraught with emotion as events unfold in-game (laughs).”
Kitase concurs on the emotional aspect of the collaboration in the same interview:
“When it comes to the story, I seek two things– ‘mystery’ and ‘[…] emotional impact’.”
Clearly, fans of FFVII are supposed to react emotionally to the events of the collaboration. With these statements in mind to give us perspective, we can get into the plot points relevant to our analysis. MFF x FFVII Remake comes in two parts, the relevant plot points of which I will describe and analyze one at a time.
III. e) ii. Eclipse Contact
1) Fact-Finding
Part one of the MFF x FFVII Remake collaboration event is called Eclipse Contact. It came out in 2017 on Aerith’s birthday, February 7th, and its release campaign ran until March. In Eclipse Contact, Palamecia welcomes someone new: Cloud Strife appears in the realm with very little recollection of his core world of FFVII.
Cloud isn’t a Blank, since he recalls the mako reactors in Midgar upon his arrival in Palamecia, and also remembers that he was hired by Avalanche to blow them up:
“Echo: How did you end up in Palamecia?

Cloud: I… That day... I remember now. A job. I had taken a job. I was hired muscle protecting clients. They wanted to stop the reactor... We used a train to get past security... Was it at night? Something happened... Next thing I knew, I was floating through darkness. Then [I woke up here]”.
This piece of dialogue reveals that Eclipse Contact Cloud’s memories end at the very moment when Avalanche arrives at reactor 1 in OG (disk 1, chapter 1): the very beginning of the game. Consequently, Cloud does not remember anything that happened from the beginning of the OG timeline onwards.
Wol and Echo are intrigued by Cloud’s strange case: non-Blanks rarely arrive in Palamecia. The following text appears on the screen shortly after they meet:
“Perhaps he is not truly who he thinks he is.
Perhaps everything is illusory, a dream.
Only one thing is certain, that he must press on, one step at a time, toward the light that shines from the promised land.”
Just like he did in FFT’s Ivalice, Cloud feels the need to find the Promised Land in MFF x FFVII, despite the fact that he lacks memories of the OG timeline. Though Cloud doesn’t remember anything beyond the train ride to reactor 1, he does remember the Promised Land (at least somewhat). This is odd, given that in OG, Cloud didn’t learn about the Promised Land until several chapters into the game.
Wol and Echo agree to help Cloud figure out why he’s here, since there’s clearly something strange going on with his presence in Palamecia. In fact, Cloud brought Midgar’s mako reactors with him somehow, transplanting them onto the landscape of Palamecia. The group decides to bomb these reactors, following Cloud’s instincts in the hopes that it will jog his memory.
Now for my favorite part. After blowing up another reactor, the group is surprised by the appearance of a crystal. A piano rendition of Aerith’s theme begins. When Wol tries to touch the crystal, something akin to a force field rejects him. When Cloud approaches it, however, the crystal responds to his hand by flashing with light. As it begins to glow, Wol concludes that the crystal is linked to Cloud and Cloud alone. Let’s examine the resulting dialogue:
“Echo: This is the light in your memories. The light of home.

Cloud: Home? But I don’t—

Echo: If you don't remember… then your home is lost to you.

Cloud: Then my memories are gone.

Wol: Do you want to reclaim your past?

Cloud: Not interested... I am what I am now. Not what I was.

Wol: Then tell me… This light. If you can’t remember it, what does it mean to you?

Cloud: It's a warm light... I feel at peace. If this place —home— is as warm and peaceful as this light, then I want to go there.

Echo: You can't go there... Not back to the past.

Cloud: I see.

Echo: But even if you can't go back to the past, you can go forward. If you wish for it strongly enough, the crystal will show you the way. The way to a new world. The way to your Promised Land. […]

Cloud: So... Should [I] take [my] chances and make a wish to this crystal?

Wol: Go ahead. It’s your crystal.

Echo: I should warn you that once you start on this journey, there's no coming back.

Cloud: The past is the past. I want to go to a place where everything is new. I’m ready.“
What follows is a moment I call the wishing scene (13:43-14:34). Cloud closes his eyes and wishes on the crystal. It flashes, and suddenly, rainbow-colored ripples of light appear around it. Aerith’s theme is replaced by a slightly modified version of “Midgar, City of Mako”, the track that plays during the opening cutscene of Remake. You can recreate the modification by listening to “Midgar, City of Mako” from 2:00 to 2:23, then skipping to 3:00 and listening until 3:18. You may recognize the musical motif that kicks off the wishing scene as the Lifestream motif, which has become symbolic of the mysteries of the Remake trilogy, as it often plays during scenes where unexplainable plot deviations from OG occur— more specifically, deviations involving multiverse shenanigans. For instance, it plays during MOTF 4. It also plays in Rebirth after Cloud blocks masamune as Aerith is shown dying anyway.
Cloud disappears with his crystal, after which Echo speaks to Wol about Cloud’s journey:
“Echo: Each person gets the Promised Land they justly deserve, not the one they really need. If you’re a bad person, you go to a bad place. If you expect nothing, you get nothing. Even the journey there makes you look deep within yourself to find out who you really are. Cloud should be facing his own past as we speak. It’s cruel, but necessary. That battle was a long time coming”.
Apparently, at least in the context of this collaboration event, the Promised Land can be a reward or a punishment, depending on which you deserve. Echo explains that Cloud will have to face himself and his past on his way to his Promised Land. This means that the Cloud that appears in Eclipse Contact must next embark on a journey that will confront him with his past, test his mettle, and ultimately lead him to the Promised Land he justly deserves.
III. e) ii. 2) Fact Analysis
There’s a lot of vital information to dig into here, mostly provided by Echo. She claims that the crystal’s light is linked to Cloud’s memories of home; Cloud has to have known this home in the past, as it could not otherwise exist in his memories. MFF Cloud must be a post-OG Cloud. Unfortunately, Echo indicates that whatever Cloud’s home is, he’s lost both it and his memories of it. Despite this, Cloud describes his home as warm and peaceful, concluding that he wishes to find it. Though Cloud can’t return to the past, Echo tells him that if he wishes it strongly enough, the crystal can guide him toward a new world, where his home and his Promised Land exist in the future. The fact that Aerith’s theme is playing all throughout these descriptions of Cloud’s lost home, his Promised Land and the past that he can’t return to makes it extremely obvious that these concepts all point to Aerith. Aerith is Cloud’s lost home. Wherever Aerith is, that’s his Promised Land. The time spent with Aerith before her loss is the past he tragically can’t return to. You might have clocked the similarities between Eclipse Contact’s mention of Cloud’s lost home and DFF’s mention of Cloud’s lost dream: in both these titles, Cloud’s home and dream are equivalent to his Promised Land. It’s confirmed yet again that Aerith is the one Cloud hopes to return to, just like every soul returns to the Lifestream. At this juncture of my research, I was curious as to why the last thing Cloud remembers before waking in Palamecia is the run-up to the Reactor 1 bombing mission in OG (disk 1, chapter 1). This mystery will have to persist for a while longer.
The alarm bells in your head might’ve been triggered by the mention of the wishing scene’s rainbow ripple effects— and rightfully so. This visual cue has sparked passionate debate in the fandom since its appearances in Rebirth, as seen in these pictures:
Zack Choosing To Get A Cure For Cloud, Rebirth Chapter 14; Creating a New World/Timeline
Aerith Pushing Cloud Out of that World/Timeline, Remake Chapter 14
Cloud Blocking Masamune, Rebirth Chapter 14; Creating New World/Timeline
You might have read or heard that this rainbow effect signifies that a character has entered another timeline, created a portal to another timeline, created a new timeline or is being shown different timelines. Indeed, whenever the OG timeline is deviated from in a significant way, this effect appears. The pictures above present multiple examples of these shifting realities.
One might propose that the rainbow ripples in Eclipse Contact and Rebirth are unrelated because of the long period between their respective release dates. This long in-between period indeed makes it likelier that the effect was used without forethought in Eclipse Contact, forgotten over the years, and incidentally reused in Rebirth as a plot-important visual cue with no connection to Eclipse Contact. I’m inclined to disagree since the crystal is specifically described as a vessel that can take Cloud “to a new world” by Echo, which is a bit on the nose. Regardless, it’s plausible that there’s no connection. That is, it would be, if the rainbow effect didn’t show up in Remake too.
When the Whispers are finally defeated in chapter 18 of Remake, a burst of the rainbow ripple effects indicate the emergence of multiple worlds, newly freed from the restrictive clutches of fate (1:16:36-1:16:47). Shortly thereafter, Sephiroth takes Cloud to the Edge of Creation and invites him to join forces with him. Cloud refuses, and Sephiroth says the following:
“Seven seconds till the end. Time enough for you. Perhaps. But what will you do with it? Let's see.”
The question “What will you do with it?” implies that the answer is unknown, meaning Cloud is no longer bound to the OG timeline by fate: many alternate futures lay ahead. Sephiroth is telling Cloud and the audience that now, the mystery of the Remake trilogy has become “Which future will Cloud bring into existence? Which among the infinite possible timelines will his choices result in?” After pondering this aloud, Sephiroth leaves Cloud alone to consider the rainbow effects in the sky (1:19:23-1:19:36). Because they generally represent alternate or changing timelines, it’s safe to assume that the rainbow ripples here represent the myriad of possible worlds that Cloud’s actions in those seven seconds could generate. After all, Sephiroth was just talking about them, and chapter 18’s description in Remake reads as follows:
“In a world beyond, Sephiroth shows Cloud a vision of the planet seven seconds before its demise. Having strayed from the course destiny set for them, they strike out on a path towards an unknown future."
This explains why the player is shown Cloud staring at those colors in the apocalyptic sky at world’s end, directly after hearing Sephiroth’s cryptic words: those are all the alternate “unknown future” timelines ahead of him, now unravelled from fate. Amongst those rainbow ripples lies the answer to the question “What will you do with [the seven seconds]?”
Given that Remake was released in 2020 and Eclipse Contact came out in 2017, the major story elements of the Remake trilogy —including the eventuality of alternate timelines— had to have been planned out at the time of Eclipse Contact’s release: while the MFF x FFVII Remake collaboration was being made, Remake was also in production. Also recall that the collaboration event and the Remake trilogy share a codirector in Hamaguchi, a writer in Nojima and a producer in Kitase. Based on all this, it’s more than likely that the rainbow ripples in the Remake trilogy and inEclipse Contact represent the very same thing: alternate worlds and timelines. All this to say that when the rainbow effect appears around the crystal in the Eclipse Contact, it means the crystal is acting as a vessel to another world, just like Echo said.
But that’s not all Echo said: she also mentioned that this other world would take Cloud to his home, to his Promised Land. We’ve already established what that means for Cloud, what it’s meant since two whole decades at the time of Eclipse Contact’s release: this crystal will take Cloud to Aerith. So, where exactly did the crystal take Cloud? In what world can he meet Aerith again?
The music that plays during the wishing scene gives us a huge hint. As I noted before, the track playing in the background is a slightly modified version of Remake’s “Midgar, City of Mako”, which plays in the introduction cutscene of Remake. This is a musical cue that the ending of Cloud’s journey in Eclipse Contact and the very beginning of the Remake trilogy are closely related. Add the fact that the devs wanted players to experience this collaboration event before playing Remake, and it becomes undeniable: the crystal that appeared to Cloud in Palamecia —which offers to lead him to his home and Promised Land, meaning to Aerith—, took him to the world of the Remaketrilogy.
Eclipse Contact is huge. The whole crux of my theory lives and dies right here. However, we still have part two of the MFF x FFVII Remake collaboration event to analyze as well as its promotions to look into before I can drop the thesis on you, so bear with me in order to receive the most thorough analysis of all this possible! I want to give you every drop of proof I can!
III. e) ii. MFF x FFVII Remake Fatal Calling
1) Fact-Finding
Fatal Calling came out February 1 of 2018, and its release campaign ended in March. The game opens with a cutscene: Cloud is floating, seemingly unconscious, through a sparkling, green current of light. The current flows into a circle of bright, white light, surrounded by rainbow ripple effects as Cloud is driven toward and into it. An orb floats along with him. The Advent Children theme “The Promised Land” plays, a choir of mournful, aching, mutedly desperate souls engaged in a lamenting prayer. Sephiroth’s voice echoes:
“Sephiroth: It’s time. You may turn your back on the past, lock your memories away. Hide reality beneath a layer of illusion. But destiny will not die so easily. Yes. At memory’s end you may plead for it all to go away. But the past is a curse, binding your soul. It’s time. Wake to your fate. Rise to your destiny.

Cloud: (In a half-conscious grunt) Reunion…

Sephiroth: The light will lead you. Wake to your fate. Rise!”
Sephiroth’s mentions of Cloud hiding under an illusion and repressing his memories are no doubt allusions to Cloud’s past, which was complicated and darkened by Hojo’s experiments. It makes sense, then, that Cloud responds with “Reunion”. Fatal Calling indeed focuses on Cloud’s relationship to his past, his identity and Sephiroth. Everything involving Nibelheim —where everything started—, Sephiroth’s manipulation, and Hojo’s experiments are on the table. Also noteworthy if not out of place is Sephiroth’s evocation of fate.
Cloud enters a battle with Sephiroth with the help of Wol and Echo, who are surprised to see him back in Palamecia. Cloud tells them about the orb seen floating along with him in the opening cutscene: though he calls it a materia, he doesn’t know how or when he acquired it. Based on his behavior, it appears that Cloud remembers just as little about the events of OG as he did by the end of Eclipse Contact. Wol informs Cloud that whoever he heard speaking to him on his way here was probably Vox pretending to be Sephiroth.
As the group advances, Cloud recalls Midgar and decides they should go there next. At one of Midgar’s mako reactors, the group encounters Sephiroth, who speaks to himself:
“It's still not enough. This... this is but a pale imitation of the power I desire.”
Once Sephiroth has disappeared, Cloud explains what he remembers: Sephiroth was the greatest SOLDIER of all and a hero to Cloud, though Cloud can’t remember what exactly ended this admiration. As players of FFVII OG, we know the event in question is the Nibelheim incident, wherein Sephiroth slaughtered the town’s residents, including Cloud’s mother, after learning of his past. The former war hero also severely injured Tifa, whom Cloud presumed dead when he found her in the old mako reactor with a vicious slash on her chest. Cloud is agitated by the gaps in his memory, so the group resolves to follow Sephiroth for answers. When they find him again, Sephiroth causes Cloud to experience a piercing headache with the mere mention of the Reunion. They fight, but Sephiroth is too powerful— he skewers Cloud with the masamune and taunts his unconscious body:
“Sephiroth: A puppet. I won’t kill you. Not yet. Not until you know true despair.
Wol: If you want despair, we got plenty to go around. Palamecia’s full of it.
Sephiroth: Yes, this planet knows suffering. But it is not the world that was promised to me. I must go home. Tell Cloud, if he wants to see me again, he should face his memories. I will await him there, in the land of memory, where it all began. In Nibelheim.”
Sephiroth darkens Cloud’s materia, turning it black. Later, Wol explains to Cloud that Sephiroth stole the light from his materia, taking Cloud’s strength along with it.
Once Cloud has woken up, the group travels to Nibelheim to uncover the truth about Cloud’s memories. Cloud slowly gathers pieces of his past, shown to the player as titled, diary-like text written from various perspectives. Cloud learns the truth about SOLDIER, Jenova cells, Sephiroth, and what happened in Nibelheim. Let’s examine a few of these diary entries:
“A Warrior’s Tale: There's a girl in Nibelheim I think about. Warm. Cheerful. More grown-up than a child. Haven't talked to her much, but she seems nice. She's going to be leading the SOLDIERs to the mountain reactor. Maybe if I get into the survey team I'll get a chance to talk to her? Nah. She's out of my league.”
Young Cloud’s crush on Tifa is on full display! This must be a memory from his time as an infantryman accompanying Zack and Sephiroth to Nibelheim.
“Tale of the Nameless: I drift along in the mako, asleep. Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Give me a number. I… I… I am… The Reunion. The Reunion must happen.”
This entry could be taken from any one of the Nibelheim survivors’ perspectives, as they were all bathed in mako and turned into Sephiroth clones. I would venture to say this is Cloud’s perspective though, given the reference to this iconic line from OG:
“Cloud: Professor... please give me a number. Please, Professor...
Hojo: Shut up, miserable failure.” (disk 2, chapter 2).
The trio encounters Sephiroth near the old Mt. Nibel mako reactor. Because Sephiroth stole the light from his materia earlier, Cloud goes into the confrontation already drained of his strength. However, when Cloud lifts the materia in his hand, it lights up and creates rainbow ripples in the air around him, similar to those seen in Eclipse Contact and Rebirth. Cloud is healed of his injuries: he closes his eyes for a moment, wearing a peaceful expression. Sephiroth is displeased, but recovers quickly:
“Sephiroth: The guiding light… it healed you.

Wol: […] here, near the mako reactor, the materia regained its light. And your strength returned […]. [Sephiroth]’s here so he can steal the power you've stored inside that materia.

Sephiroth, with a short laugh: I have all the power I need. Cloud. What strength you’ve regained is yours. Use it to fight me. It’s time. Let’s decide this, in this land lost to despair. The prize is home. The Promised Land. There to answer the call of destiny.”
With this second evocation of fate, Sephiroth disappears.
Cloud, Wol and Echo find Sephiroth at the Northern Crater. He mocks Cloud for believing the orb in his possession is materia. Sephiroth waves a hand and his signature black and purple fog surrounds Cloud, immobilizing him. Sephiroth claims that the power Cloud regained at the Mt. Nibel reactor was Sephiroth’s all along. Now that it courses through Cloud’s veins, Sephiroth controls him. He calls Cloud his puppet and finishes with the following before the two vanish, leaving Wol and Echo alone:
“Now, let us return. Back to the Promised Land. The time of the Reunion has come.”
After Cloud finally breaks free and defeats Sephiroth with the help of Wol and Echo, the villain makes a final threat:
“Very good, Cloud. You’ve destroyed an illusion. But the time will come to abandon your illusions and face reality. Then, you will know true pain.”
Sephiroth disappears for the last time, his body surrounded by his signature dark fog and the rainbow ripples. A piano rendition of Tifa’s theme begins. Cloud’s orb rises into the air and becomes a crystal, with the same shape and glow as the one we see in Eclipse Contact. The following dialogue is illuminating:
“Cloud: I will fight. The light will lead me where I need to go.

Wol: You sure? Wasn’t that [crystal] Sephiroth’s?

Cloud: I heard Sephiroth's voice, at the end. Inside me. Whatever he put in me, it’s still in there. Someday I’ll settle that score. If I can't avoid destiny, I might as well face it head-on.

Wol: Yeah. That was quite a speech, Cloud. Surprised you made it through without laughing.

Cloud: Yeah, forget I said it. I will too.

Echo: Forgetting won’t make it go away. Even if the words fade from memory, your dream will never disappear. Not until it becomes real.“

The crystal shines as though in response.

“Echo: See? See, that's how the light of hope works. Hope can turn your dreams into reality.

Cloud: Yeah. I guess so. I might forget this world, but I won’t forget hope. And my reality, that’s for me to live.”
Tifa’s theme ends. Cloud approaches the crystal, and disappears in a beam of blinding light. Once Cloud has vanished with the crystal, Aerith’s theme begins playing. A few pale feathers with a slight orange tint (the color of MFF) float down onto the floor where he stood seconds before. The image fades to black. The credits roll, and Aerith’s theme continues all the way through.
Once both the final name in the credits and Aerith’s theme fade, we’re surprised by a sudden, troubling image: Sephiroth appears in a frightening flash, standing amidst the flames of Nibelheim. When his image fades to black, the collaboration title *“Final Fantasy VII x Mobius Final Fantasy”*appears on the screen. The FFVII title is surrounded by the 1997 meteor logo. Then, a flash of light: the titles reappear, except this time, they read “Final Fantasy VII REMAKE x Mobius Final Fantasy”. The new Remake Meteor logo replaces the 1997 version. As soon as these changes to the FFVIItitle and meteor logo occur, Aerith’s theme returns. It plays on until the game ends a few seconds later, the screen fading to black.
III. e) ii. 2) Fact Analysis
The introduction cutscene shows that MFF Cloud travelled from Eclipse Contact to Fatal Calling via Lifestream. It’s unclear how much time has passed in between, but the atemporal nature of the Lifestream makes the question irrelevant. My theory that MFF Cloud has died is corroborated by the way he’s depicted in the opening cutscene: his eyes are closed and his body is limp as the Lifestream carries him.
Eclipse Contact ended with Echo’s claim that Cloud will face his true self and confront his past while he journeys to his Promised Land. This description resembles what Cloud experienced in the OG Lifestream sequence (disk 2, chapter 8). Indeed, Fatal Calling revolves around the same topics the Lifestream sequence addresses: the truth about the Nibelheim incident, Hojo’s experiments, young Cloud’s crush on Tifa, etc. The opening cutscene shows Cloud being transported to his Promised Land and facing his past on the way there, just like Echo said he would.
Let’s now take a long detour to examine the song that plays during the opening cutscene of Fatal Calling: “The Promised Land” theme from Advent Children. The title and general subject of this song are obviously relevant to the cutscene, but there must be more to its inclusion than that. Perhaps the lyrics can help us understand its appearance in the opening cutscene of Fatal Calling. Here are the unofficial English lyrics (translated from the original Japanese lyrics by an anonymous fan and verified by me via DeepL):
“Why do we cling together?
Why do we give punishment to lesser hearts?
The planet did not forgive us
Did not forgive us
The planet did not forgive us
Did not forgive us
The pulse of veins flows through the earth
A faint, faint pulse
Of a heart drawn to death
A gentle life returns to the planet
Is it necessary to sacrifice souls?
Why do we cling together?
Why do we beg for forgiveness
In the Promised Land?” (“‘The Promised Land’ (theme)” by Final Fantasy Wiki).
The song appears to be a regretful lament of human behavior, expressed by the repetition of “Why do we […]?” questions. The behaviors listed are all typically human ones: the terms “[clinging] together” and “[giving] punishment to [the] lesser” express the uniquely human nature of tribalism and the consequences of the fear and hatred it can generate, and “[begging] for forgiveness in the Promised Land” is likely a reference to the human hypocrisy of only feeling sorry for one’s crimes when judgement day arrives. This last line describes a scenario where someone remains passive or ignorant in the face of something important, only to realize its essentiality once it’s too late. The repeated“The planet did not forgive us” lines reflect the fear of being condemned forever because of one’s mistakes, as though the planet is a deity one has sinned against. The lyric describing a pulse in the earth is obviously about the planet being alive— a reference to the Lifestream. But the pulse is faint and weak and the planet is dying, perishing because of mankind’s greed. This is an indictment of mako energy. The line “A gentle life returns to the planet” refers to an innocent’s soul returning to the Lifestream after death, while the next lyric “Is it necessary to sacrifice souls?” protests the “sacrifice” of the planet’s soul energy for mako production. In all this darkness, this song’s mention of “forgiveness in the Promised Land” leaves a modicum of hope for a better place, however meek, even though mankind might not deserve it. The song “The Promised Land” is both a lament of mankind’s ways and a plea for mercy, with religious and/or spiritual undertones. The song’s themes seem to be: the Promised Land itself, regret and shame, the sins and foolishness of mankind, the death of innocents, grief, Cetra spirituality, and a meek, quiet hope despite it all. The most interesting aspect of the song is its antithetical portrayal of death as a thing of both despair and hope, condemnation and salvation, cruelty and mercy, suffering and relief. Maybe we can glean more information about this theme’s significance in the world of FFVII if we examine the contexts in which it appears.
Importantly, the song plays in Marlene’s introductory narration of Advent Children, meaning its themes are related or similar to the film’s. I highly recommend listening and watching it again, even if you remember this iconic segment. Marlene references Aerith’s sacrifice as the image of Cloud lowering her into the water is shown. Note that Marlene says “Sadness was the price to see it end” (2:36) after we are shown Aerith’s death and her subsequent unleashing of the Lifestream (1:49-2:24): Aerith’s innocent life was sacrificed for the planet’s survival. The lyrics “A gentle life returns to the planet” and “Is it necessary to sacrifice souls?” suit Aerith’s situation quite well.
The theme also plays in Advent Children as Kadaj dies in Cloud’s arms (1:45:00-1:47:55), hearing Aerith’s gentle voice and reaching up to take her invisible hand. Here is what Aerith says to him in his dying moments as “The Promised Land” plays:
“Aerith’s voice: Kadaj?

Kadaj: Huh?

The dark sky has gone with Sephiroth. Healing rain starts falling from bright clouds. The rain no longer hurts Kadaj.

Aerith’s voice: You don’t have to hang on any longer.

Kadaj: Mother! Is that…?

Aerith’s voice: Everyone’s waiting, if you’re ready.

Kadaj nods his head slightly in acceptance. He holds out his hand, and slowly evaporates into the Lifestream. Cloud watches […]” (Advent Children).
Kadaj is brought into the Lifestream by Aerith as she provides rain from the Lifestream. All those with geostigma are healed by the rain, and Tifa feels Aerith’s presence as the party celebrates:
“Tifa, looking out at the falling rain […]: Somehow, I knew you were there. Thank you” (Advent Children).
Cloud stands in the rain with a smile —his first in the whole film—, closes his eyes and basks in Aerith’s healing with his face upturned. He is finally at peace:
“Cloud’s expression is one of peace as the [Lifestream] rain patters against him” (Final Fantasy VII Advent Children English script, “[83] Atop the Shinra Building”).
One thing is clear: the track “The Promised Land” accompanies Aerith. It only makes sense, since we’ve seen overwhelming evidence that she is Cloud’s Promised Land, and since she occupies the Lifestream —which some consider the Promised Land as it is where souls go after death— during the events of Advent Children. Note that when the piece plays, Cloud is shown either mourning Aerith and releasing her into the river at the Cetra capital, or basking in her presence, smiling with relief at the peaceful feeling that she’s somewhere near: these two opposing scenes reflect the song’s antithetical portrayal of death.
Additionally, the song’s themes of regret, shame concerning one’s sins and a small hope perfectly describe Cloud’s character arc and feelings in Advent Children. Cloud regrets his inability to save Aerith, which he considers a sin. Further, he only realized how important she is to him once it was too late to tell her. And of course, he harbors a fragile yet important hope that he’ll be reunited with her in the Promised Land:
“‘Can sins ever be forgiven?’ — Cloud asks this to Vincent, who mutters a brief answer. For both of them, ‘I couldn't protect my loved one’ is the sense of guilt that they carry, so their words resonate with weight” (FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Revised Edition, “Chapter 2: Character in FFVIIWorld”, “Vincent Valentine”, “In Advent Children”, page 72).
"’It is my sin that I couldn't protect my loved one’ — under this assumption, Cloud closes off his heart. What will the reunion with Aerith bring him? ‘I... think I want to be forgiven. Yeah, I just want to be forgiven’” (FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Revised Edition, “Chapter 2: Character in FFVIIWorld”, “Cloud Strife”, “In Advent Children”, page 40).
“Cloud, after seeing Aerith’s hand reach for him through the Lifestream: … I think I'm beginning to understand.
Tifa: What?

Cloud: An answer from the Planet… the Promised Land... I think I can meet her... there” (disk 3, chapter 3).
Just as the song and Marlene express in the introduction of the film, Aerith was innocent, and her sacrifice generated great grief. Cloud finally experiences peace when he feels her presence in the healing rain, and he smiles: he’s glad to be with her again, even if it’s only for a brief moment of tangential respite.
The scene depicts Aerith guiding Kadaj into the Lifestream as the song plays, tying her to the concept and theme song of the Promised Land once more. This connection is later solidified by Tifa’s thanks to the late flower girl. All of this evidence shows us that this musical theme is intimately linked to Aerith, as it never plays in her absence. After all, the song speaks of sins, the death of innocents, forgiveness, grief, a small sense of hope, regret and the afterlife: all themes relevant to Cloud’s feelings surrounding Aerith’s death in and outside of Advent Children.
The Remake OST also includes a version of this piece called “The Promised Land - Cycle of Life”. This iteration of the theme begins playing in the wake of the first bombing mission, right after Sephiroth taunts Cloud with his mother’s dying words in Sector 8 (chapter 2). Sephiroth appears to Cloud surrounded by flames, evoking the Nibelheim massacre, and the theme begins playing in the background once he disappears, continuing (13:17-15:30) as Cloud walks through the sector, encountering fires and destruction all around him. This version of the Promised Land theme is meant to emphasize the deaths of the innocent Nibelheim townsfolk and the innocents in Sector 8. This dreadful atmosphere is amplified by the cries of despair that ring all around as Cloud passes by NPC Sector 8 residents. Perhaps the themes of tribalism and mankind’s sin are relevant to this scene as well, since Shinra and Avalanche are two distinct and warring groups whose quarrels, regardless of their necessity, result in the deaths of innocents. The theme of guilt also emerges, reflecting the Avalanche members’ feelings upon seeing the unintended collateral damage of the explosion. “The Promised Land - Cycle of Life” plays until Cloud encounters Aerith on Loveless. So it seems in this scenario, the heavy weight of death and despair is lifted when Cloud meets the lively, cheery Aerith. Once more, Aerith is central to the musical theme of the Promised Land, as well as to the concept itself.
I also noticed that a version of the song plays as Cloud and the party ready to enter the Forgotten Capital to save Aerith in Rebirth’s chapter 14: it truly adds the weight of her upcoming death to the scene.
Back to Fatal Calling, the scene where Cloud regains his strength is quite mysterious. Wol says Cloud’s orb regained its “guiding light” light because of its proximity to the mako reactor. In the moment his strength is replenished, Cloud is shown tilting his head back and closing his eyes: this is reminiscent of the scene in Advent Children when he stands under Aerith’s healing Lifestream rain, feeling at peace. The rainbow ripples shining from the orb indicate that something is crossing the boundaries of worlds. Since the mako reactor pumps up the Lifestream, being near a reactor also means being physically near the Lifestream. This means Aerith’s spirit is within proximity. In my opinion, Aerith was able to heal Cloud from the Lifestream, just like in Advent Children. However, Aerith is not in Palamecia with him: her healing had to travel there through the Lifestream, transcending the boundaries of worlds, hence the rainbow ripples.
Let’s now address the appearance of Tifa’s character theme in Fatal Calling. Since Fatal Calling is all about discovering Cloud’s past in Nibelheim and then in Hojo’s lab, it makes lots of sense for Tifa’s theme to play as the crystal appears. In OG’s Lifestream sequence (disk 2 chapter 8), she’s the one there helping Cloud sort through his past instead of Wol and Echo. Cloud even picks up a piece of his childhood crush on Tifa in Fatal Calling as a shard of his memory. After all, this crush was the catalyst for him joining SOLDIER, and everything that transpired in consequence:
“Cloud: That was the first time I heard about Sephiroth. If I got strong like Sephiroth, then everyone might... If I could just get stronger... Then even Tifa would have to notice me” (FFVII OG, disk 2, chapter 8).
Additionally, it’s fitting that her theme should begin right after Sephiroth speaks of “[abandoning] your illusions and [facing] reality”, considering that Cloud’s false persona was concocted by Jenova using Tifa’s mistaken impressions of Cloud:
“While being tended to by a station worker in the Sector 7 Slum train station, [Cloud] was reunited with Tifa, and using the abilities of Jenova’s cells, formed a new personality” (FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Revised Edition, “Chapter 2: Character in FFVII World, “Cloud Strife”, “Cloud Behavior Record, Compilation of FFVII”, page 40).
“(Image caption:) A new personality takes shape the moment he sees Tifa” (FFVII Story Playback, “Story Check: Tifa’s Flashback”).
“Tifa (to Cloud): Deep down, you're a pretty nice guy. Didn't see it when we were kids, but...” (Remake, chapter 14).
submitted by haygurlhay123 to cloudxaerith [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:19 futuradigital Exploring The Future Of.NET: What’s Next?

It is essential to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing field of software development. An essential element of modern application development, the.NET framework continues to change along with technology. Here at Futura Labs, we think it’s important to not just follow the newest trends but also to look ahead. We’ll cover the interesting future of.NET and what developers can expect in the upcoming years in this blog article.
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2024.05.16 09:18 raaqkel On Those Dividing Veerashaiva and Lingayata

This post was made yesterday on Hinduism, it is written by their Mod u/ReasonableBeliefs who is wrongfully using Veerashaivism to somehow defend his own sampradaya, i.e., ISKCON. I have argued with this person about this matter before and that has led me to get banned from that community, which is why I am posting it here.
OP here is disenfranchising Lingayatism from Veerashaivism. The larger population under the banner of Veershaiva follows the Vachanas of Basavanna and Allama, paying no heed to the Vedas or the Agamas.
Mutts of titanic proportions like the JSS, Siddhaganga and others wouldn't give two cents to Siddhanta Shikamani because they follow Basavanna and they thoroughly and fully identify as Veerashaiva. What OP is calling Veerashaivism is but a small off shoot of the real Veerashaiva Community, formed by Brahmins who after the 12th century joined Basavanna's fold.
As is the Brahminical predisposition, they tried to integrate the Vedic Lore to Basavanna's ideals. They built temples and followed some practices which seemed like something Basavanna was completely against. These Brahmins wrote the Siddhanta Shikamani in Sanskrit and the wider and significantly larger Kannada-speaking "VEERASHAIVA" community does not even recognise this text as genuine.
There is a huge political movement that is underway in Karnataka right now that is attempting to divide the Kannada-only Basavanna ideologues who they have termed Lingayatas from those of whom they consider as, "Brahminical Veerashaivas". This movement is backed by one party and opposed by another. It is wrong to make this division for two reasons:
1) All "Brahminical Veerashaiva" also wear the Linga and so are therefore also 'Lingayatas'. 2) All 'Kannada Lingayatas' are the original inheritors of the tag "VEERASHAIVA" and they don't really accept Siddhanta Shikamani unless they are really inclined to include Vedism in their daily practice.
This post is attempting to fuel the wrongful political movement that is trying to divide the largest community in Karnataka by blatantly disenfranchising the followers of Basavanna who are the rightful VEERASHAIVAS. OP is also wrong about using this sect as an example for his personal wishy-washyism because the VEERASHAIVAS do not recognise a god in the way the Vedas do. For them their Ishta Linga is the God. And the followers of Siddhanta Shikamani also do not consider Vishnu as a demigod, they consider him to be the protector of the Universe and as the greatest god in the pantheon after Shiva, as an equal to Brahma. This is exactly as described in the Shiva Purana, to which they refer.
I say this as a supposed follower of Siddhanta Shikamani (I am traditionally not expected to read it) and my family belongs to the sampradaya of the Ujjaini Saddharma Simhasana Peetam. My wife on the other hand belongs to a family of the "REAL KANNADA VEERASHAIVAS" who follow Basavanna. Judging from our 'inter-___-marriage' it can easily be understood that there is infact no division inside this sect expect for what has been politically generated by the likes of OP and the particular political party in Karnataka.
Conversations surrounding this is why I was banned and I don't have the belief that there will be any action on this malicious post or the OP who is a chronic offender on these matters. I only write this lengthy post so that it may serve to educate those that are ill-informed or are in the want-for it.
I have no opinions about ISKCON or their consideration of Shiva as a demigod. For me, it is only wrong to utilise a controversial Shaiva situation to fuel one's own position.
submitted by raaqkel to shaivism [link] [comments]

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2024.05.16 09:16 FancyInvestment397 Is MetaWin Gambling Site Legit? MetaWin Reviewed & Bonus Revealed in 2024

Is MetaWin Gambling Site Legit? MetaWin Reviewed & Bonus Revealed in 2024
MetaWin is an online gambling platform that supports classic casino games, instant-win competitions, and NFT collectibles. Players benefit from anonymous accounts, instant payouts, and high RTP (return-to-player).
But that begs the question: Is MetaWin legit? In this MetaWin review, we cover everything from safety and legitimacy to available games, payments, user experience, and much more.

What is MetaWin?

MetaWin is a popular gambling site that operates on the Ethereum blockchain. As a decentralized platform, MetaWin allows players to gamble online without revealing their identity. In fact, players are not required to open an account – let alone upload KYC documents. Instead, players simply need to connect their wallet to the MetaWin website to begin gambling.
So what games does MetaWin offer?
There are three core divisions on the MetaWin platform. First, there are MetaWin competitions. These are similar to online lotteries but with a core difference – results are determined by smart contract technology. In other words, competition outcomes are guaranteed for their randomness and fairness. Best of all, many MetaWin competitions are free to enter. But to increase the chances of winning, players can purchase additional tickets.
MetaWin Crypto Gambling Site
Another segment of the MetaWin platform is instant-win games. This covers a wide range of classic and new-age casino games. This includes popular table games, including baccarat, roulette, and blackjack. These games are backed by regulated software providers like Pragmatic Play. MetaWin also allows players to access live dealer table games. This offers a real-world casino experience but with cryptocurrencies.
What’s more, MetaWin also offers a wide range of slot games, including plenty of megaways and jackpots. Our MetaWin review also found that the platform allows players to win NFTs. These are popular NFTs that trade on OpenSea and can be won via a lottery-style competition.
Not only does MetaWin offer a broad selection of gambling products alongside anonymous accounts, but payouts are instant. Players can move funds between their wallets and the MetaWin platform at the click of a button. MetaWin supports some of the best crypto wallets, including MetaMask. That said, those looking for a Bitcoin casino will be disappointed – as MetaWin only accepts Ethereum.

MetaWin Pros and Cons

Still exploring the question: Is MetaWin legit? Below, we summarize our MetaWin review with the platform’s best and worst features:
  • One of the best Ethereum casinos for 2024
  • No account required – gamble anonymously by connecting a crypto wallet
  • Instant payouts
  • Supports slots, table games, and live dealers
  • Lottery-style competitions backed by Ethereum smart contracts
  • One of the newest crypto casinos in town – so has a limited track record
  • Only supports Ethereum

Is MetaWin Regulated & Licensed?

MetaWin is a blockchain-based casino that allows players to gamble anonymously. The main caveat here is that, unlike traditional gambling sites, MetaWin is not regulated. This isn’t a huge surprise considering the anonymous nature of cryptocurrencies in general.
Crucially, players will need to assess the risks of using an unlicensed casino when gambling online. If privacy and anonymity are important factors, then a compromise on regulation needs to be had. That said, many of the games available on MetaWin are backed by Pragmatic Play.
For those unaware, Pragmatic Play is one of the most reputable casino software providers in the market. What’s more, Pragmatic Play is regulated by the UK’s Gambling Commission. This ensures that instant-win casino games on MetaWin are true, fair, and 100% random.
MetaWin Slots

Is MetaWin Secure?

While some players might feel uncomfortable using an unlicensed casino, our MetaWin review found that the platform offers a safe gaming experience.
First and foremost, there is no requirement to enter any personal information or contact details when registering. Nor do players need to upload a government-issued ID or proof of address. This ensures that players avoid being a victim of identity theft and fraud.
Another safeguard is that players do not need to enter sensitive financial information into the MetaWin website. On the contrary, players only need to link their wallets via an encrypted connection. For example, many MetaWin players opt for MetaMask. Before the wallet is connected, MetaMask will ask for authorization. This ensures that only the wallet owner can transfer funds to and from MetaWin.

The Transparency of Blockchain-Based Gambling Transactions

We also found that the blockchain-based nature of MetaWin is a great safety net. For instance, consider that all Ethereum transactions are posted to the blockchain. This means that players have undeniable proof of deposits and withdrawals. While there should be any issues in this regard, this is a handy safeguard if a payment doesn’t arrive on time. That said, MetaWin payments are almost always credited instantly.

Is MetaWin Fair?

One of the most important metrics to explore when gambling online is the fairness of gaming outcomes.
There are two segments to this discussion. First, MetaWin competitions are backed by smart contracts. While instant-win casino games like blackjack and slots are provided by third parties.
Let’s explore the fairness of MetaWin games in more detail.

Smart Contract-Backed Competitions

As we cover in more detail shortly, one of the most popular gambling products on MetaWin is its competition. For example, an ongoing MetaWin competition is offering a 5 ETH prize pot. Based on current ETH/USD prices, the competition is valued at over $9,000.
But is MetaWin legit? And are its competitions fair?
First and foremost, MetaWin competitions are blockchain-based. Winners are determined randomly via a smart contract agreement. This ensures that MetaWin competitions are 100% true, fair, and random.

But why? Well, smart contracts are executed via the Ethereum blockchain. More importantly, Ethereum smart contracts are open source. This means that the underlying smart contract code is publicly available, meaning anyone can view and audit it. This ensures that MetaWin competition outcomes are transparent.
Moreover, smart contracts ensure that competition outcomes are completely random. This gives everyone a fair chance of winning. At any time, players can check the smart contract transaction to verify this. Not only will this show the randomness of the smart contract but the winning wallet address.

Instant-Win Casino Games Backed by Regulated Software

The vast majority of online casino sites have their games supplied by software providers. MetaWin is no different in this regard. However, MetaWin is a brand-new platform, so it has only secured a deal with one software provider to date – Pragmatic Play.
As noted earlier, Pragmatic Play is a regulated software provider with a long-standing track record. And, as Pragmatic Play is regulated by the UK’s Gambling Commission, its games come with a full host of safeguards that ensure fairness and integrity.
For example, one of the key requirements stipulated by the Gambling Commission is that new casino games must go through a testing house process. Put simply, this means that the casino game must be tested and audited before it is licensed to platforms like MetaWin. This means that all of the slots, table games, and other gambling products on MetaWin are random and fair.
Not only that but the UK Gambling Commission also requires security audit reports from the software providers it licenses. Once again, this ensures that MetaWin casino games are legitimate and credible.

What Games can you Play at MetaWin?

Now that we’ve covered the safety and security of MetaWin, we will now take a closer look at its gaming suite.
We’ll break down each gambling product so players know what to expect before proceeding.


MetaWin offers a broad range of slot titles to suit all tastes. Some of the most popular slots available are Gates of Olympus, Sweet Bonanza, African Elephant, and Rock Vegas.
MetaWin also offers a huge selection of Megaways slots. These are slots that often come with over 100,000 active paylines. When a player lands a winning combination, the respective reels will ‘refresh’, meaning new symbols will drop. This allows players to land multiple wins on the same spin.

Some of the best Megaways slots available on MetaWin include 5 Lions, Big Bass, Buffalo King, and Curse of the Werewolf. Other popular titles include Great Rhino, Madame Destiny, Fury of Odin, and Floating Dragon.
We also found that MetaWin is popular for Drop & Win slots. These are slot games that randomly trigger bonuses and features – adding to the excitement. Some of the most popular Drop & Win slots on MetaWin include 3 Dancing Monkeys, Big Bass Splash, Book of Fallen, and Chili Heat.

MetaWin Slot Filters

We like that the MetaWin slots department comes with additional features.
For example:
  • Players can easily find a suitable slot by using the filters.
  • Players can filter by the slot type, such as Megaways, classic, and cluster.
  • Players can also search for their favorite features, including multipliers, free spins, and bonus buys.
  • Alternatively, players can find suitable slots by the theme. This includes everything from Asian and fishing to fruits, money, and holidays.
We also like that slots on MetaWin can be played in demo mode. This allows players to take the slot game for a test drive before risking any money. Players can seamlessly switch between real and demo modes at any time.

Table Games

In addition to slots, MetaWin also offers a wide range of table games.
For example, players can access European roulette, which comes with a lower house edge than its American counterpart. After all, there is only one green zero to contend with. The RTP on MetaWin roulette is 97.30%. That said, we were disappointed not to see French roulette or any other popular variations.
Nonetheless, MetaWin also supports blackjack games. There are many blackjack variations to choose from, including Speed, Azure, and The Club. Each offers a slight twist on the classic variation of blackjack, so check the rules and RTP before selecting a title.
Additionally, MetaWin also offers classic baccarat. This will appeal to players seeking casino games with the lowest house edges. For example, the RTP on banker and player bets is 98.94% and 98.76%, respectively.

Live Dealer Tables

Our MetaWin review also found that the platform supports live casino dealers. Just like its software games, tables are backed by the regulated provider Pragmatic Play.
Supported live dealer tables include blackjack, roulette, and baccarat. The table is beamed to the player’s screen via an HD camera. Players make their hand decisions virtually, and then the dealer will action it in real life. This allows MetaWin players to enjoy a real casino experience without leaving home.

Another feature of MetaWin live dealer games is they support casual players and high rollers. For example, some tables come with a minimum bet size of just $0.10. While VIP tables allow bets of up to $5,000 per round.
MetaWin also supports Mega Wheel. This is a live game show that spins a wheel containing various multipliers. For example, if the player gambles $50 worth of ETH and the wheel lands on 100x, they will win $5,000.


Another popular gambling product on MetaWin is its competition. As we briefly mentioned earlier, competitions are not too dissimilar to a traditional lottery. But unlike traditional lottery games, winners are determined by smart contracts. This ensures a transparent and fair gambling experience.
So how do MetaWin competitions work?
First, players will need to obtain a ticket to enter the competition draw. MetaWin offers one free ticket to all players. However, the password to unlock the free ticket must be claimed via the MetaWin Telegram group.

That said, to stand the best chance of winning, players can also purchase additional tickets.
There are four options in this regard:
  • 50 entries: 0.012 ETH
  • 165 entries: 0.036 ETH
  • 780 entries: 0.156 ETH
  • 2,000 entries:0.36 ETH
As per the above, the more tickets that are bought, the lower the cost price. For example, 2,000 tickets can be purchased for 0.36 ETH. This translates to 0.00018 ETH per ticket.
Purchasing 50 tickets, however, costs 0.012 ETH. This brings the average ticket price up to 0.00024 ETH. An ongoing MetaWin competition is offering a total prize pot of 5 ETH. There are currently 105 participants, each with varying numbers of entries.

MetaWin Wallet Connect & Accepted Deposit Methods

MetaWin offers a simple, anonymous, and fast payment process. The only way to deposit funds is by connecting a wallet to the MetaWin website.
Players can choose from MetaMask or the Coinbase Wallet. MetaWin also supports Wallet Connect. This means that more than 300 additional crypto wallets are supported. If opting for Wallet Connect, MetaWin will display a unique QR code. The player will need to scan the QR with their mobile wallet app. Those using a desktop wallet can copy the QR code in text format and proceed to make the payment.

Payments with MetaMask are even more seamless. After clicking on the ‘Connect Wallet’ button and selecting ‘MetaMask’, a pop-up notification will appear. MetaMask will ask for confirmation of the connection, and that’s it – the player can deposit funds.
Irrespective of the wallet used, it is important to remember that MetaWin only supports Ethereum. No other ERC20 tokens will be supported. Moreover, there is no minimum deposit requirement on MetaWin. However, players will need to consider GAS fees.

How do MetaWin Withdrawals Work?

  • Withdrawing Ethereum from MetaWin is very simple.
  • Players simply need to click on the ‘Wallet’ button and type in the amount they wish to cash out.
  • The wallet will already be connected to the MetaWin website, so there is no requirement to enter the receiving address.
  • After confirming the withdrawal, MetaWin will release the payment instantly.
  • Therefore, the Ethereum tokens should appear in the player’s wallet in seconds.

MetaWin NFTs

Another popular feature of MetaWin is it allows players to win NFTs. Currently, there are three NFTs available, and both trade on OpenSea.
First, is the ‘Beanz’ NFT, #12022. MetaWin states that this NFT is currently worth $2,755. While there are lower floor prices on the OpenSea website, #12022 comes with rarer traits. In order to stand a chance of winning this NFT, players must hold at least two ‘Reepz’ NFTs. These currently have a floor price of 0.07 ETH on OpenSea, or about $130.
MetaWin is also hosting NFT competitions on the ‘Killabears’ collection. There are currently two individual collections. #9 is currently valued at $3,637. While #2117 is valued at $5,511. These figures are provided by MetaWin, so be sure to check the floor prices on OpenSea before proceeding.

Unlike the Beanze NFT competition, there is no requirement to hold another NFT to enter. Instead, players can buy tickets. 1 ticket costs 0.019 ETH. But lower cost prices are available when buying a larger quantity of tickets.

MetaWin Bonuses

One of the main drawbacks of MetaWin is that it does not offer a welcome package to new players. Nor does it offer any regular promotions for existing players.
Those looking for generous welcome packages and promotions can check out our guide on the best Bitcoin casinos for 2024.

Is MetaWin Legit?

Now that we have explored the platform from top to bottom, let’s evaluate the question: Is Metawin legit?
On the one hand, MetaWin is a new casino site with a limited track record. Moreover, MetaWin operates without a casino license. That said, this is standard practice in the blockchain gambling space. After all, operating away from traditional gambling bodies allows players to gamble anonymously and privately.
Furthermore, MetaWin instant-win games are backed by Pragmatic Play. This is a reputable and regulated software provider with a great reputation. All of the Pragmatic Play games supplied to MetaWin have gone through a testing and auditing process, enduring fairness. Its lottery and NFT competitions are also legit. As mentioned, these are backed by open-source smart contracts. Gaming outcomes are guaranteed for their fairness, and the underlying code can be checked at any time.

All that being said, MetaWin does come with its drawbacks. For example, its gaming suite is limited when compared to other crypto casinos. While it covers the most popular gambling products, the number of available titles is small. This will likely increase once MetaWin forms partnerships with additional software providers.
Another drawback is that MetaWin does not offer any casino bonuses. This means that players are not incentivized to open an account and remain on the platform long-term. We were also disappointed to see that MetaWin only supports Ethereum payments. Those looking to deposit Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will need to look elsewhere.


In summary, we found that MetaWin is a legit casino that offers a broad selection of games, generous competition payouts, and anonymous accounts.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to GamblingSites [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:15 Disastrous_Pattern_3 Don't go backpacking in Tahoe National Forest

Warning: Mentions of violence, blood, and some self harm near the end.
While browsing some random conspiracy site, I found what is a supposedly leaked file from the Nevada County Sheriff's Department; however, nothing has been confirmed. According to the OP, it is believed the following is the personal account of a 21 year old Jonathan Ashford of Grass Valley, California. Normally I would write stuff like this off but this one is...different. I’ve done my best to correct most of the grammar and misspelling while at the same time trying to avoid skewing the original account.
-September 15, 2022
I’ve never really been an outdoor person. Well, I guess that’s because I’ve never really been outdoors much in the first place. And that’s because I guess…I've never been invited? I don’t really have any friends. So, needless to say, I was surprised to find myself on a backpacking trip with a group of 5 other students from my university. The plan was five days in Tahoe National Forest some place called Mystery Lake. Monday-Friday. I don’t know why they decided to do it during the week. Most of us had okay grades at best and part time jobs on the side so taking a week off of it all seemed at the very least a bit irresponsible; and yet, I went anyway. Listen, I didn’t plan it, okay? This was one of my only chances to get to know people. The hike wasn’t too long but my genius self who had only been backpacking once when I was around 9 years old or so decided to carry 60 pounds of bullshit up the mountain resulting in my shoulders being sore and raw for the foreseeable future.
-10:11 PM
To be honest, I don’t really know why they let me come with them. I only know one of them and the group has been ignoring me for pretty much the entire trip. I was always bringing up the back on the hike in and I set up my tent outside of the main camp behind some trees. I haven’t eaten any meals with them or talked to them or, now that I think about it, anything really. Regardless. The trip has been an experience. Hopefully things get more exciting tomorrow.
-September 16
I’ve only ever slept in a tent a couple times so the new environment and lack of sleeping pills resulted in quite a restless night. I woke up at about eleven; everyone else was gone. I remembered they were talking about a day hike on a trail headed north so assuming that’s where they went, I hurried to get dressed and grabbed some granola bars. I’m about to head out. I hope I find them.
-12:21 PM
I’d been briskly walking for around an hour and was feeling quite exhausted so when I heard the group’s voices off in the distance I was very relieved. I started to jog in their direction when–when this jolt or–wave of energy flooded my mind. My head instantly started throbbing and my vision went blurry. The best way I could describe it is–TV static? Like the old TVs that would go all staticky when the signal got bad. I could barely make out shapes and a space in the middle of my vision was especially dark to the point where I couldn’t see past it. That wasn’t the worst of it, though. God no, if only I was that lucky. I can still hear the shrieking. That goddamn shrieking. In an instant all I could hear was this sharp, scratchy shrieking. It pierced through my ears and rooted itself in my head. I think I cried out in pain but even if I did I couldn’t have heard it. It was as if the damned souls of hell all cried out in eternal pain all at once and begged for death. I gripped and pulled at my hair, hardly noticing the pain that resulted from it as I fell to my knees in agony before…
I slowly opened my eyes. My head hurt and there was a slight buzzing in my ears. I lay in a pile of ivy next to a fallen log, my back dampened from the cool soil beneath me. I stood up, the hill on which I previously stood was nowhere in sight. As I leaned my shoulder against a tree to steady myself I heard voices. Cautiously, I walked through the foliage as the low vines dragged along my ankles. As I walked, I looked up. The falling sun cast a soft orange glow across the sky. It was probably around five O’clock or so. I climbed up on a large rock only to realize I was near the main camp. I pin-pointed the voices of my fellow campers as they huddled around a low-burning campfire. As I sat down to listen to them speak I could sense a strong feeling of uneasiness resonating from the group. Then it hit me.
“Are you sure you haven’t seen her since earlier this afternoon?” One of them said, I think his name was Matthew? He was tall and lean, by far the tallest in the group.
“I’m sure! It just doesn’t make sense. One minute she was behind me going on about who knows what and then the next when I turn around she’s gone!” A girl with light brown hair said. I didn’t know her name. I could see tears forming at the corner of her eyes as the wind blew her hair into her face.
“We need to find her before it gets dark. Groups of two; stick together!” A shorter man with brown hair said. Ryan. He was the only one I knew. We weren’t friends. Definitely not. But he was nice enough to me in the classes we had together and I was grateful that I was able to go on the trip with him. As he walked past the boulder I sat beside, paying me no mind, I saw his lower lip quiver as his wide eyes looked straight ahead. He was more nervous than he led on. I zoned out for a few seconds, the static from earlier crawling its way into the corners of my vision when a chipmunk climbing a tree snapped me back to reality and I realized I had been left at camp. I looked around at the tall forest but the group was nowhere in sight. I assumed they wanted me to wait at camp in case the missing girl, Alice, came back, but as I moved toward the dying campfire the call of nature occupied my thoughts. I found a spade and a roll of toilet paper and strode briskly into the forest, the cool Autumn air rushing against my chapped lips as I walked. I reached over to scratch an itch on my arm when I saw it.
“The fuck?” I wondered out loud. There on my upper forearm was…a bite mark. I rattled my brain trying to think what could have made that kind of mark. As I examined it more I confirmed my suspicions. It seemed human. At least I think it was human. It’s not like there are any goddamn monkeys native to Middle of Nowhere, California. There was also a dark purple bruise on my lower forearm. Didn’t remember getting that either.
I looked around for a good spot. Stepping over a log, I set my foot down on something soft. It was Alice. Her right hand crushed and mangled and a dried trickle of blood at the corner of her mouth had pooled on a flattened leaf. I screamed, tripping and falling back in the direction I hoped was the camp. As I jumped over a rock I landed hard on my left ankle as a streak of pain shot up through my body. I was trying to get back up when I heard it. The screeching. It steadily yet quickly faded in until it flooded my hearing. My vision was clouded by that same static. I curled up into a ball, kicking at the air. My eyes watered and I felt the urge to vomit…
A wave of dizziness hit me as I opened my eyes and fell on my tailbone, pain shooting up my back. I lay down on my back and looked up at the trees, my nose bloody. It was still dark. Had I been standing? I tried to recall what I had been doing but all I remembered were faded images. One thing I didn’t forget was the screeching. All that I could remember was covered by that screeching and a faint veil of that static. Just thinking about it made my head throb.
A groan. I nearly jumped out of my skin as I turned to look in the sound’s direction. It was David. He looked injured, lying on the ground, but quickly crawled back in what looked like fear when he saw me.
“You bitch!” He muttered between gritted teeth. Before I could react he was up on his feet charging in my direction. I tried to doge him but the wind was quickly knocked out of me as he headbutted me in the stomach. I fell back onto the ground and between coughs I saw him running towards me. Before he could deliver a heavy stomp to my chest I caught his foot and kicked up into his groin. He stumbled back with a low yelp of pain and, taking my chance while he was stunned, I stood up as fast as I could and prepared to block another attack. He ran up to me and attempted to deliver a blow to my stomach with his right fist, leaving his upper body undefended; I used the opportunity to send a hard punch into the side of his neck. He fell back choking, tears in his eyes. As he tried to sit down he tripped on a root and hit his head on a nearby boulder with a sickening crack. He squirmed for a moment, then nothing.
Silence. There was a faint red stain on the side of the rock, and beneath his blood-stained hair, his head seemed unnervingly misshapen. The closer I looked, the more I saw. Bruised neck, flowing blood, even some pinkish bone exposed near the worst of the damage to his skull. The fall must’ve been worse than I thought. Why would he attack me? What was wrong with him? Had he mistaken me for someone else? I sat against the blood-stained boulder and leaned my head back. I’m exhausted. Everything hurts. My ankle is throbbing. I can’t remember how long it’s been since I’ve slept and I don’t know what to do. I should probably go try to find the camp but…I’m too tired. I think I’m going to go to sleep now.
-September 18
I slept through the entire day and most of the night! Or, at least I think I did. The more I think about it I’m not so sure. It’s like 2:30 AM, glad my phone still works even if my brain doesn’t, just wish I had signal. I’m not sure what to do but I might try to go find
-4:29 AM
Something’s definitely out here with us. Or–me. Not sure how many of the others are left out here. I’m sure that shrieking is tied to something. I heard something off in the distance while writing and decided to go check it out. It was Matthew and that other girl. They were walking briskly and their eyes seemed to be darting around frantically. They were talking in hushed tones but from what I heard they found Alice's body, and they were worried. I was about to reveal myself to them when the shrieking came back. It hit me like a train, and sometimes I think a train would have hurt less. It felt like it lasted for hours, I bit a hole through my lip and fell off of the boulder I was sitting on. I couldn’t see anything except a dark patch of static in the middle of my vision surrounded by more static. All the cuts and bruises in my body seemed to amplify and I could barely breathe. I just wanted it to stop but it wouldn’t. It wouldn’t stop.
The two were dead when I came to. I wasn’t much better off myself. No matter how much I spit I can’t get the taste of blood out of my mouth. My arms are covered in cuts and bruises and my shoulder was dislocated. That was a fun half hour figuring out how to put it back in place. I think whatever is out here with us clouds your vision and makes it impossible to hear anything as a way to hunt you. I’m amazed it hasn’t killed me yet. I hope Ryan is still out there.
-6:06 AM
It’s been a long night. A really long night. I found Ryan but–but now I wish I hadn’t. It was around five AM I think, I had been aimlessly wandering through the forest looking for something, anything. By the most unlucky luck Ryan came stumbling around a tree. When he saw me his eyes went wide.
“Jon, what the hell?” Then he squinted his eyes and seemed to notice the wounds on my arm.
“Oh god,” he said. Then, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small knife, glaring at me during the process. Before I could reply, he charged me, knife in hand. I–I didn't want to kill him. I really didn’t. He tackled me to the ground, forcing the knife close to my chest. I desperately tried to push him away and being the stronger one, I knocked him off me. As he hurried to get back on top of me I sent my right leg flying into his arm, knocking the knife from his hand. Before he realized what was happening I grabbed the knife from the ground. In what seemed like a last desperate attempt he tried to force me down again but, already having the knife in my hand, I quickly slashed his chest and one of his wrists without thinking. I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t mean to kill him! I was just defending myself. I don’t know why he attacked me, what’s gotten into him and David? Is that thing controlling them? They didn’t seem like they were under some kind of spell…I don’t think so at least.
After a soft cry of pain he collapsed and rolled down the steep hill we were standing on. I didn’t bother looking for his body. No point. Odds are that thing would use his body as a trap for me or something. I don’t know anymore.
Somehow I found my way back. I don’t remember how, all I remember is collapsing against a tree out of exhaustion but, here I am at the trailhead. I guess my half dead brain forgot most of it. I don’t know what I’ll do now, I don’t think I’ll tell the police. If they hear that some creepy ghost creature is hiding out in the forest killing my friends I’ll probably get locked up in who the fuck knows where for who the fuck knows what. But, no matter how many or how few believe me, I know something is out there. And I know it’s dangerous. I doubt the bodies will ever be found. That forest is huge and I buried Matthew and Elizabeth, found her name in a backpack she had on.
This will be my last entry. My name is Jonathan Ashford, and I survived something dangerous in the Tahoe national forest. Whatever you do, do not go there. Goodbye.
-September 22, 2022, 5:06 PM
Ryan survived. The police are after me. Apparently he told them I stalked them in the forest and picked them off when they weren’t together. I don’t know what’s happening. There are some gaps in my memory but I know that I didn’t kill those people. I only killed David, and that was self defense. I’m not sure what I’ll do. The police don’t know where I am but I’m sure that won’t last long.
-8:19 PM
I saw an interview with Ryan on the local news while browsing channels. He seemed–off. There were bags under his eyes and his skin was pale. He seemed nervous, shaky. I hope he’s ok. I still don’t understand why he thinks I killed them.
-September 23, 3:12 AM
ok ok. I have a theory. I’ve been up all night thinking and it makes so much sense now. That thing can shriek. Terrifying right? But explainable. The static I still can’t make sense of, there’s no feasible way it could naturally do that. What if whatever supernatural force causes the static can also control people? Maybe that’s why Ryan looks so crazy. It must be controlling him. But why would it want me? Am I immune to its effects? Maybe.
-6:04 AM
They didn’t notice it. It didn’t hit them. When I was spying on Matthew and Elizabeth, right before they were–anyways.
The shrieking hit my ears before the static hit my eyes and in those few seconds, they didn’t notice. It didn’t affect them. They didn’t hear the shrieking. Maybe the shrieking is that monster thing's abilities failing to control me. Maybe that's why ryan-whatever’s controlling Ryan wants me. It’s because I’m a threat to it. Because It can’t control me. When I woke up I was injured, but never killed like the others. Maybe it doesn’t have as much power over me as others.
But why would the authorities believe Ryan? There’s no way his story can add up. Even if that creature, that thing, is intelligent, it can’t be that smart to fake a story. Why are they after me?
-11:42 PM
The police came by today. I was about to update this log again when they started banging on my door. I was able to sneak out a window before they noticed me, glad I live on the ground floor.
Something seemed off about them. I can’t say what but, something, like the uncanny valley effect, where something looks human but isn't. Whatever. It’s probably just my imagination. I need sleep.
-September 24, 2:20 AM
Something is wrong–something is definitely wrong. How did they find me? Holy shit that was close! I was dozing by a couple of dumpsters behind a gas station. Figured it was safe enough since it was out of the way and partly blocked by a fence until I heard dogs barking. Not sure how many of them there are, at least two–maybe three, I can still hear them barking. I figured they were just strays that would hopefully leave me alone until I saw the lights. Damn things half-blinded me!
“Son, what are you doing back here? Can we walk to you?” one of the officers said, his face was clammy and pale, he seemed tired, he seemed–off. I didn’t respond or wait for them to try and get closer, I dashed past them before they could call their dogs on me and jumped the fence, running into the tree line. I managed to climb my way up a tree a ways into the woods before they could get around the fence and send their dogs out. They haven’t found me yet, but they’re still looking for me. I can see their flashlights periodically bathing the tree line in a pale glow. I think I’ll try to wait them out and then climb down and run for as long as I can. Not sure where I’ll go yet but they keep finding me so I’ll have to get creative. Not sure how they’re finding me so quickly and easily, but maybe I can come up with something. Is that–thing finding me? Does it always know where I am? Is it controlling the police? Maybe that's why they looked so…wrong. I don’t know. I’m starting to think I don’t know anything anymore. I keep noticing the static in the corner of my vision occasionally, not sure why.
-September 24, 5:03 PM
I fucked up. Big time. Last night, somehow, I fell asleep. I don’t know how, guess I was just too exhausted. The sound of a helicopter pierced through the top of the tree line. Before I could register everything, I slipped and fell down the tree. I was able to slow my fall a bit by dragging my hands along the tree–hurt like a bitch–but I still landed hard. Can barely sit down. I think I was able to avoid being detected by the helicopter. I’m going to start walking. Not sure where but, I need to go somewhere. The static is constantly in the corner of my vision whenever I focus on it now. Why is this happening?
-10:44 PM
This doesn’t make any sense, I don’t know what's happening anymore! I was wandering through the forest when the static came back. God, it was awful, forgot how bad it was. Hell, maybe it was worse this time. Who knows. This isn’t the weirdest, or worst, part. I woke up in my apartment, I’m exhausted, but don’t have any new visible injuries despite how shitty I feel. Not sure why that thing didn’t try to hurt me, maybe it gave up on trying.
The news was on when I woke up, God I’m so fucked. They found the bodies–the ones that I buried. Of course they found my DNA all over them, used their forensics or whatever to try to explain how I killed everyone. I’ll have to admit if it wasn’t all a setup by some evil entity out to get me it would be pretty convincing. Sometimes–I find myself believing it. I don’t know what to think at this point, nothing makes sense anymore. The static is far more noticeable now. My head is starting to hurt, too.
They haven’t come back to my apartment yet, probably don’t think I would return this soon after they searched the place. I know they’ll be here eventually but I’m too tired to care right now. My brother and his kids used to live a few hours out of town, I think he built a treehouse for his kids somewhere behind the house. Maybe I’ll go try and hide out there for as long as I can. As if that will be very long at all.
-September 26, 6:24 PM
Everywhere I look, everything I watch. They’re always out for me. Everyone is looking for me. The things the police and the media keep saying about me–the evidence that gets released every day, the testimonies, officials saying I have symptoms of psychological problems like psychosis and DID, of Bipolar. More and more–I’m starting to believe it myself. Surely it's that thing. Surely it’s getting in my head…right?
-September 27, 1:03 PM
Made it to the treehouse, glad it’s still here. Had a few close calls along the way when trying to steal food from gas stations but I made it ok. Glad I did, the static is starting to really cloud my vision and my head hurts so bad my ears are starting to ring. I’m not out of the woods yet, that’s for sure. I can sense them...it. They’re trailing me. I think they’re getting close.
I’m so tired, so confused. I don’t know what to do, what to think anymore. What’s next? Maybe I’ll try to get some rest…if I can, that is.
I could try to come up with something, some silver bullet or whatever. I have this one idea, it’s not smart or clever, not even close, but it’s an idea, and it won’t let it–them–it, whatever, win. At least I don’t think it will; besides, surely it has a bigger plan for me, right? There’s no way it would go through all this effort just to kill me…
They found me. I can hear them outside. They’re getting closer.
To be honest, I don’t know anymore. Maybe I did kill all those people, maybe I am insane. I don’t know what to believe. There’s so much being said, so many people saying it. I’m just so confused, so tired, so scared.
There's a bomb on the chair beside me, homemade. Glad I grabbed enough supplies to build it. Took me a while to figure it out as well as a few close calls but I think I got it working. They’ll have quite the surprise waiting for them once they find me…
They’re at the base of the tree now. The static has almost completely consumed my vision and my head feels like it’s about to explode. I don’t know what’s real and what’s not anymore. I’m not sure why I was made the target of this, why this is happening to me at all, but regardless of the reason, I won’t let them win.
To the creature, or entity, to whatever is doing this to me: I’ll see you in Hell.
Aside from some generic legal stuff to conclude the report, that’s where the document ends. I’m not sure what to make of it. Definitely a lot to take in. I contacted the OP on the site I got this from but haven’t received a response yet, will update if I receive one. For now my only advice is be careful, and don’t go backpacking in Tahoe National Forest. If anyone has any thoughts or info, please, let me know.
submitted by Disastrous_Pattern_3 to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:11 Zealousideal-Oil7593 They told me

They told me...
Dating during undergrad is something you should not do because of Biblical reasons with support from Biblical passages ... Then they told me there were "reconsidering their stance".
Staying at GP after college to be around peers is Biblical and is supported by Biblical passages ... Then they told me they only want people to stay if they can keep up with the workload.
GP is superior to other globally distributed fellowships because it's able to maintain a consistent culture across its plants by being centralized ... Then they told me they were going to rename all the plants and make them "independent".
GP is superior to other campus fellowships because it's an actual church ... Then they told me GP isn't actually a church at all.
If I spend time physically near members of the opposite sex I will be tempted to start a forbidden relationship with them ... Then they told me the best way to avoid a forbidden relationship is to know a variety of members of the opposite sex.
If I want to date I will be confronted for my immaturity ... Then they told me if I want to date I should just tell me leader and be open about it.
Only Jesus forgives sin ... Then they told me I'm not absolved until my leader approves my reflection.
Nothing in GP is mandatory ... Then they told me I'm setting a bad example by missing an event.
Christian relationships ought to be unconditional and covenantal ... Then they told me to disassociate from those who left GP.
The corporate world is pagan and worthless compared to spiritual things ... Then they told me GP's practices are justified because look the corporate world does them too.
The wine Jesus drank in biblical times had too low alcohol concentration to make anyone drunk ... Then they told me the water Jesus turned to wine surprised the guests because they all expected to be drunk already.
submitted by Zealousideal-Oil7593 to GracepointChurch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:10 Druplesnubb Alternate Escann playthroughs

The shared Escanni formables are by their very nature very open with the ways you can form them. Most people already know about Dalcabba Castanor and Orcish/Goblin Blademarches, but I wanted to highlight some other options people may not realise are there.
If you play as Elikhand, you are able to form Khetist Farranean, Castellyr or Blademarches. Adenica is sadly unavailable Due to requiring Adean is your patron deity in order to form. Since Dalcabba is Elikhand-exclusive, you will be staying as Elikhetist.
There is however nothing stopping you from picking Adean as Lucian and forming vampire Adenica, or any of the other shared formables. Lucian's actually starts with the right stats and personality for taking Calindal and creating vampire Blademarches. Then of course there is nothing stopping you from renaming Lucian to Castan and making vampire Castanor. Note that Luciande's MT has a specific clause letting you still join the Cosolidation Wars after your capital is relocated to Silent Repose, so there is nothing stopping you from forming the comically evil elf genocide supervillain tag while also playing as Luciande first.
Sadly, forming any of the shared formables as Iron Hammers or Small Fellows will switch you to human culture and administration, but you still keep your halfling/dwarven mil at least.
If you want the extr amage chance that a silver family brings you have three options. Corintar and Sons of Dameria both start with Silmuna rulers, while Anbenncost Expedition starts with a Silgarion. Once you form your country, just pick monarchy and to keep your current ruler's dynasty. Note though that Sons of Dameria and Anbenncost Expedition have their rulers both starting at 38 years old, which gives you a time crunch on forming your country. Corintar is a lot more lenient ,with Lothane onyl being 19 at the start. Sorry Rogieria fans, but the Shadowmoon Conspiracy is the virgin path. Making Lothane Bluetusk the first king of the reborn Blademarches and claiming the Dove Throne after the Consolidaton Wars or even getting elected properly is the chad path.
submitted by Druplesnubb to Anbennar [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:10 rafaelholmberg Commodities and Camus: a short text on the fetishism of existentialism

Commodities and Camus: a short text on the fetishism of existentialism
Some of you might find this of interest - I’ve included the full text below and the original link too if anyone wants to read more related writings. (N.B. This is not an attack on existentialism)
Salamano distraught by the loss of the dog that he himself spent a lifetime abusing; Ivan Karamazov ardent enough in his atheism to suffers a satanically-coloured psychic breakdown at the death his father; Joseph Garcin obsessed by a telephone that inevitably connects him only back to the hell of other people that he is already in; Abraham witnessing his devotion to God singularised in his love for a sacrificed son; Clamence’s critical juggling between a virtuous debauchery and a debaucherous virtue; Joseph Grand’s literary impotence and self-doubt at the production of a single line in the height of the plague of Oran - these ‘narrative object-relations’ represent a logic that lies at the heart of the existentialist tradition. Fundamentally, the avatars of the existentialist ‘method’, from the literary characters of Dostoyevsky via Kierkegaard to Camus and Sartre, define themselves broadly by their obscure attempts to treat things (whether their object, their comrade, or their duty) directly, yet by a directness adopted from a distance, in a mediated, self-reflective view - they define themselves by treating singular instances as if they were isolated from the situation of which these instances are the inevitable reproduction. In Sartre’s Huis Clos [‘No Exit’], the telephone in the hotel room which Joseph Garcin finds himself in alongside two female strangers - this room being Hell, as it is later revealed - functions only insofar as it veils its own function. The uncertainty of its connection with an outside world acts as an internally necessary distortion of the fact that its connection is a ‘closed-circuit’ connection to the crushing immanence of the inescapable room in which it is positioned, a room for which the ‘outside’ acts as an unsettling memory or an idealised, ethereal vision. In Camus’ La Peste [‘The Plague’], whilst the central characters of the plot set to work managing and planning for the containment of the plague that has struck Oran, Joseph Grand is occupied with a parallel object - his book - which veils the impasse that the general population of Oran finds itself in. Yet this impasse is veiled precisely by reformulating the impasse as internal to its own distraction (the book becomes an impasse for itself). The book, of which Grand is unable to conclude even the first line, is an object that indirectly returns him to his situation (the plague) only by removing him from this very situation, reformulating a generalised impasse into a personal, subjectivized impasse. Sartre and Camus’ dramas rely on an object, a singular point of subjective engagement, to distort or cover a situation which the object itself is a direct reproduction of. The object is treated as nothing other than itself - as being a self-explanatory x which rejects integration into its background scene, and yet it is precisely this rejection, this negative relation of the object to the situation of the drama itself, which acts as its most faithful reproduction of the drama’s central antagonism. The object veils the situation insofar as it paradoxically acts as its structural support. This object, this distortion-in-itself which acts as the support of a structure which it disguises in the very act of supporting it - this is nothing other than the quality which Marx attributed to the commodity, under the category of ‘commodity fetishism’. One of the breakthroughs of Marx’s materialism was the reformulation of the commodity as the product of a mode of reproduction that it materialises in order to reproduce this same political economy by which it is conditioned. This can be understood by firstly looking at Marx’s inversion of the category of a commodity’s ‘use value’. One of Marx’s criticisms of the classical English economists was their understanding of the form of ‘value’ which a commodity possesses: the standard understanding was that the commodity was infused with value by its usefulness being superior to that of its raw materials. Any value, in other words, was thought to be inherent to the commodity, a representation of value concentrated in its use. Hence Foucault’s description of pre-Marxist political economy as characterised by an ‘episteme [mode of discursive knowledge] of representation’. Commodities do not, for Marx, hold their value ‘in themselves’, as a constitutive quality inscribed in the essence of the object itself. Instead, the object is something ‘other than it appears’ - the commodity re-articulates the mode of economic reproduction of which it is the product. The process of commodity production and commodity circulation which Marx presents in Capital begins with an analysis of the radical re-invention of the factory, or more generally of the social mode of serialised production, which capitalism introduced. (It is worth noting that Marx is not inherently critical of capitalism in this work, but slowly begins to enumerate the social and economic conditions which allow for a capitalist mode of production, eventually extracting the inevitable forms of exploitation constitutive of this revolutionary system.) Fundamentally, the essence of the commodity is the it has no immanent essence, but that it is a product of labour-force: certain time in which a wage-labourer dedicates his energy towards production. Capitalism, Marx argues, begins where a working day’s labour time/value exceeds the ‘necessary labour time’ required for a worker to return the next day in his capacity as a worker (i.e. the necessary labour providing for rent, food, clothes etc.). The day’s labour which exceeds this necessary labour time is called ‘surplus labour’. If the division of social and factory labour is advanced enough, surplus value can reduce the amount of time needed for necessary labour times to be achieved. This is ‘relative surplus value’ (as opposed to absolute surplus value), with which, Marx notes, capitalism proper emerges. A series of investments into fixed and variable capital, calculations of turnaround times, necessary maintenance etc. are components of the mode of circulation of commodities which directly contribute to their continued production. Production, reproduction, and circulation are reciprocally supporting, requiring capital investments, planned labour divisions, and a reproduction of the social conditions in which capitalised reproduction itself can operate. The capitalist mode of production is therefore, as Marx insists, revolutionary insofar as it is a socially revolutionary political economy. It colours a domain which was previously excluded from economic consideration - the 21st century only more directly displays the non-boundary of the economic and the social, where the intimacy of everyday life lends itself to the most aggressive forms of economic appropriation. The value of the commodity lies in its support of this economic process - the commodity is the input of productive, capitalised, labour force exchanged and circulated through its social forms of reproduction. Commodity fetishism is therefore the contradictory treatment of the commodity as nothing other than a commodity - treating it as having its value inscribed within itself, detached from the situation of which it is the simultaneous product and support. The act of fetishism tells itself that an object is nothing but an object, that its value is internal. It therefore distorts the general antagonistic scene in which it is framed, by reducing its ‘difference’ to itself. Fetishism reproduces a situation in the very act of veiling it. A distortion clouding a distortion by locating the justification of its own existence within itself, a veil which clouds a situation by the very act of making it possible - this is the fetishism of the object which Marx located in the classical conception of our engagement with commodities, and as we might see, it appears to be a strange communal feature of the existentialist relation to its subjective ‘object’. Consider the miserable figure of Salamano in Camus’ L’Étranger [‘The Outsider’]: a lonesome wretch devoting his energy towards hatred for his submissive dog by abusing it - kicking and shouting at it, blaming his troubles on his unwilling four-legged companion. By an ironic inversion, Salamano’s misery is nevertheless fully actualised only once this dog escapes. The misery that he has attributed to his dog is a ‘negative support’ (what Freud would call a compromise solution), a paradoxical bulwark, against a more direct state of nothingness and desperation which emerges if this ‘compromise’ is removed (for Freud, the removal of an unpleasant symptom only leads to a more absolute state of irreparable despair). What Salamano loses with his dog’s disappearance is his functional fetishisation of this dog: this object was treated as an isolated instance of misery, yet it is precisely this focus which veils the dog’s distortion (and support) of a more absolute and universal state of misery. This is the ‘broad stroke’ of the obscure existentialist tradition - noticeable even where we turn to its earliest manifestations, the most direct example being the ‘knight of faith’, represented by Abraham of the Book of Genesis, in Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling. The paradox which, according to Kierkegaard, Abraham is forced to embody, is that whilst willing to sacrifice his son, Isaac, at the command of God, he must in the very moment of intervention (being told that he no longer needs to carry out the sacrifice), return to the position of an unquestionable devotion to his son, as itself representing his love for God. The moment of binding, Abraham’s dedication to the sacrifice of Isaac, is a horror which in the instance of its positing covers up the greater paradox of what happens without this binding. Without the binding of Isaac, the paradoxical formula which makes possible the unquestioning devotion of the knight of faith is itself removed. For Kierkegaard, faith is based on paradox: remove the paradoxical instance and you remove faith itself. This fetishism of the ‘leap of faith’ is that the contradictory instance supports, by veiling, the inconsistency structuring the religious scene as a whole. Dostoyevsky is equally a prototype of this existentialist fetishism. The atheist figure of Ivan Karamazov maintains a fidelity to his atheism despite his suggestion that without God, ethical codes would break down (here we see his nuance, irreducible to the ‘new atheism’ of Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris etc.). Yet this very fidelity to a form of pseudo-anarchic atheism leads him towards a severe psychotic break, of seeing a demon in his room, after his father’s death. The object of an amoral atheism here acts as a bulwark to a greater disharmony which nevertheless explains, by isolating, Ivan’s intellectual, anti-religious position. Precisely the same type of moral inversions would return in Camus’ La Chute: Clamance’s fixation upon virtue as an end in itself reveals itself to be a latent justification for an excess debauchery made possible by, and engaging in a dialogue with, the very category of ‘virtue’. The formula of commodity fetishism is evidently close to the existentialist mode of relating to its object. Across a series of dramas in this literary tradition, it is often a question of framing a singular subjective instance as an impasse or contradiction which veils, and in so doing supports (by reproducing), the central disharmony or paradox of a situation as a whole.
submitted by rafaelholmberg to CriticalTheory [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:10 Gregory-the-Grey Results Breakdown - Beyond the Gloom Banlist Tournament

Results Breakdown - Beyond the Gloom Banlist Tournament
Hello all,
This past weekend I held the BtG open, which featured a banlist of some of the bigger champs, specifically players could not play Elder Dragon, Hecarim, Jinx, and Sett. The aim of this was to try and promote deck diversity and to see what if they quietly axed the top champs in the game. Let's have a look at how it boiled down. Links to the full decklist and player info spreadsheet and completed bracket will be available at the bottom of the post.
Top 4 ended up consisting of; 1st: MBrookz ( Garen BC, Ashe/Vex, Gangplank/Miss Fortune/Nilah NX) 2nd: RealPrismSword (Aphelios/Vi, Master Yi/Morgana MT, Janna/Nilah) 3/4th: Total (Morgana/Norra DE, Nautilus/Maokai, Poro King PnZ) 3/4th: ABG Rogio (Janna/Nilah, Maokai/Nautilus, Annie/Jhin,)
Some noteworthy bits from the top 4 would be the presence of pirates (as in Bilgewater) with a total of 5 of the 12 decks, and Piltover & Zaun close behind with 4 decks. The main trend is that people did still try to go for decks that are recognizable such as Deep (4 people brought it, 2 got top 4,) and Janna Nilah (same story).
Seeing a cool form of elites that uses 3x Ferocious Fluffs of all things was a shocker, and glad it worked out for our champ, not to mention their Ashe Vex list with NO HARROWING somehow.
Prism's spicy Morgana Yi is a fun deck I've not lost a lot of LP with immediately after the tournament, definitely not (I want to play more Yi but it's hard....) Alongside Total's Morgana Norra Altar to Unity/Wingsgiving deck is a cool spin on the archetype, surely a 5/5 Morgana won't give aggro players nightmares.
Region Breakdown:
PnZ shot down Sand Land
Looking at the bigger picture, the goal of region diversity was mostly a hit, besides PnZ being a bit higher and Shurima being a bit lower, most regions were between 6.5 and 10% showing over the whole tourney!
Deck Breakdown:
You can take the players out of the meta...
Overall, pretty happy with this as well, only 4 decks showed up 4 times in total, most of which are known tourney powerhouses, below that nothing too gross or unexpected, feels like a success overall in trying to promote deck diversity.
BAN ELDER DRAGON, and I guess the other ones too. Thanks to everyone who came out and or read this, and I look forward to seeing you in the future.
Full Deck & Player Spreadsheet:
Full bracket:
submitted by Gregory-the-Grey to LegendsOfRuneterra [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:09 HagridGranger 29 [M4F] Sydney/Anywhere - Inexperienced and shy boy searching for friends and (maybe) more!

Long story short and as much as it sucks to say, I haven't really experienced much of anything. I'm going to intentionally beat around the bush as to what category that "experience" falls under but I think most people should be able to figure it out lol. In other words (and if you play games), I'm a complete noob when it comes to all things girls. As for why those things haven't happened and why I want that to change.. There's a few reasons, but the main reason why I'm putting such an emphasis on this is because I'm a huge homebody and I don't go out much at all which makes it difficult to meet people. That's where Reddit comes in! The message I'm essentially trying to send is becoming physically and emotionally close with a girl is what I want the most. I want to experience it all; the laughs, excitement, curiosity, intimacy, hanging out, fun. Blame all the Disney movies I watched as a kid for that lol.
Finding someone would be a dream come true, but I'd love to find friends too if that's all you're looking for! Local or international, just let me know if that's what you want instead :) We could end up being really close friends and you'll introduce me to a friend who I end up being with? That may or may not be the plot from a romcom 🤔 So that means I definitely wouldn't be opposed to a relationship! I've obviously never been in one so I'm not exactly sure how to transition to that, haha. I totally wouldn't mind finding out, though :) Also someone to say good morning and night to, too. That would be the best even if it's incredibly cheesy.
Anyway, it could be someone with a lot of experience or someone with no experience like me, or introverted or not introverted, etc. I don't have a preference either way :) But if I were to be reaaally picky: they'd be sweet and down to earth because just cuddling on its own would be all kinds of cool. A bit about me: I'm shy, caring, kind, sweet and am normal in the weight and height categories. I want to say I'm cute in the looks department? 🙈 I'll let you decide that though lol. I think it's super fun learning about people through conversation so I'll leave the following hobbies section blank. Then again, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give a small hint to something I love.. My username should provide clues to that! I Siriusly need to re-watch the movies again. Maybe with someone I meet through r4r?
Alright, I can't hold it in anymore. I pretty much like a little bit of everything. For example, when it comes to music, I go through Backstreet Boys phases to Disney song phases (Moana is awesome and I haven't even seen the movie 🙊) to something like Linkin Park, Paramore or 50 Cent. What I'm trying to say is I like a little bit of everything! So there's a good chance I'll like whatever you like when it comes to hobbies and interests and that means connecting with each other should be relatively natural/seamless. Or maybe that's wishful thinking on my part, haha.
I'm not the best with openers and if you're also in the same boat, then how about this: If you could have any superpower what would it be and how would you use it? Being out of this world smart like Tony Stark is an acceptable super poweanswer, by the way.
Hopefully my first impression is a good one! If anyone is even remotely interested, then just let me know and I'll get back to you asap!
submitted by HagridGranger to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:08 Total-Mastodon-6888 Best Immigration Consultants in Bangalore

For many Indians seeking to embark on an immigration journey, the process can seem daunting. Navigating complex regulations, visa requirements, and application procedures can be overwhelming. That’s where experienced immigration consultants like Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore
come in. This blog post acts as your guide, helping you understand the value of immigration consultants and equipping you with the knowledge to choose the best fit for your needs:
Why Choose an Immigration Consultant?
The immigration landscape is constantly evolving, with intricate procedures and ever-changing regulations. Here’s how an immigration consultant like Adric can make your journey smoother:
The Benefits of Professional Guidance:
Choosing an immigration consultant goes beyond simply filling out forms. Investing in professional guidance can significantly increase your success rate and save you valuable time and resources.
Choosing the Right Partner: Qualities to Look For in an Immigration Consultant
With numerous immigration consultants in Bangalore, selecting the right one is crucial. Here are some key qualities to consider:
The Adric Advantage: Why We Stand Out
At Adric Immigration Consultants, we believe in building trust and long-term relationships with our clients. Here’s what sets us apart:
Building Your Immigration Dream Together:
At Adric Immigration Consultants, we understand that immigration is a life-changing decision. We are dedicated to guiding you through each step, from initial assessment to a successful outcome.
Contact us today for a free consultation and let Adric Immigration Consultants be your trusted partner on the path to achieving your immigration aspirations. Together, we can turn your dream of living and working abroad into a reality.
Beyond the Self-Serve Approach: The Risks of Going Solo
While the internet offers a wealth of immigration information, navigating complex processes alone can be risky. Here are some potential pitfalls of a self-serve approach:
Investing in Your Future:
Choosing an experienced immigration consultant is an investment in your future. The guidance, expertise, and support provided can significantly increase your chances of a successful immigration journey.

Conclusion: Taking the First Step Towards Your Immigration Goals

By understanding the value of immigration consultants and knowing how to choose the right partner, you empower yourself to navigate the process with confidence and clarity. At Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore, we are more than just consultants; we are your advocates and allies on the path to achieving your immigration dreams.
We invite you to schedule a free consultation with our team today. Let’s discuss your goals, assess your eligibility, and tailor a personalized immigration strategy that brings you closer to your aspirations. Together, we can turn the complexities of immigration into a smooth and successful journey.
submitted by Total-Mastodon-6888 to u/Total-Mastodon-6888 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:07 Emcf Building Multimodal Apps with GPT-4O

I'm sure most of you know OpenAI just announced GPT-4o, a new model that can reason across audio, vision, and text in real time (See OpenAI's demo on YouTube)
By chance, I've been working with multimodal models far before GPT-4o's release, so I feel well-positioned to leave a guide here for anyone looking to build something with it!
Recently, I released an open source library so you can extract data in multiple modalities to feed your AI-based Python projects. In this post, I'll show you how to use it alongside GPT-4o with the OpenAI API to build multimodal apps with it. I've got nothing better to do right now, so I'll walk through the steps of extracting all multimodal content from different sources, preparing the input for GPT-4o, sending it to the model for processing, and getting our results back.
before getting into the code, let's just stop and ask ourselves why we'd use GPT-4o over previous models like GPT-4-turbo:
Multi-modal Input and Output: GPT-4o can handle text, audio, and image inputs and generate outputs in any of these formats.
Real-time Processing: The model can respond to audio inputs in as little as 232 milliseconds, making it suitable for real-time applications.
Improved Performance: GPT-4o matches GPT-4 Turbo performance on text in English and code, with significant improvements in non-English languages, vision, and audio understanding.
Cost and Speed: GPT-4o is 50% cheaper and 2x faster than GPT-4 Turbo, with 5x higher rate limits.
Ok, let's get to the code lol:

Step 1: Extract!

This can be done using The Pipe API which can handle various file types and URLs, extracting text and images in a format that GPT-4o can understand.
For example, if we were analyzing a talk based on a scientific paper, we could combine the two sources to provide a comprehensive input to GPT-4o:
from thepipe_api import thepipe # Extract multimodal content from a PDF pdf = thepipe.extract("path/to/paper.pdf") # Extract multimodal content from a YouTube video vid = thepipe.extract("https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ") 

Step 2: Prepare the Input for GPT-4o

Here's an example of how to prepare the input prompt by simply combining the extracted content with a question from the user:
# Add a user query query = [{ "role": "user", "content": "Which figures from the paper would help answer the question at the end of the talk video?" }] # Combine the content to create the input prompt for GPT-4o messages = pdf + vid + query 

Step 3: Send the Input to GPT-4o

With the input prepared, you can now send it to GPT-4o using the OpenAI API. Make sure you have your OPENAI_API_KEY set in your environment variables.
from openai import OpenAI # Initialize the OpenAI client openai_client = OpenAI() # Send the input to GPT-4o response = openai_client.chat.completions.create( model="gpt-4o", messages=messages, ) # Print the response print(response.choices[0].message.content) 

All done!

If you have literally no idea what I'm talking about, check out the OpenAI GPT-4O announcement!.
If you're a developer, feel free to access or contribute to The Pipe on GitHub! It is important to note that OpenAI's GPT-4o model is only accepting textual and visual modalities at release, however we will be carefully monitoring the new modalities released for GPT-4o in the coming weeks and updating the library accordingly.
submitted by Emcf to ArtificialInteligence [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:03 Gloria-art Share how I got started with Midjourney prompt

Hello everyone, I am a beginner in Midjourney.
I don't have an art background, I've learned photography for a while but didn't stick with it, I have a certain IT and data background, and I like beautiful image works.
Midjourney is a very good product, especially the V6 version, the images it generates have shocked me aesthetically, so I decided to learn to create with it.
I have some insights during the learning process of Midjourney, and I have also built some tools to help me understand it and speed up creation. I want to share the process with everyone here, hoping to discuss together how to better and more efficiently play with Midjourney.

My Journey of Learning Midjourney

1. Looking at others' works and prompts
others' works
Seeing others' beautiful digital works on Midjourney online is also a reason for me to seriously learn it. There are many places to learn, such as the Midjourney official website, Facebook interest groups, PromptHero, etc. There are thousands of beautiful pictures, and problems come with them: the prompts behind them are endless, and I don't know where to start learning. At first, I copied these prompts into discord and reproduced them myself, but this method made me feel like I didn't gain anything.
2. Learning keywords
Luckily, I found that keywords are the key. Smart people have summarized many types of keywords, such as artists, artistic styles, camera perspectives, shooting distances, Texure, light, color, etc. This has opened the door to a new world for someone like me who doesn't have much experience in photography and painting. I started to search for related information on Google: who are the artists? What is their style of work? What is the camera perspective? What types are there? etc. Through this path, I learned a lot of photography and painting related knowledge, and of course I am also very grateful to Midjourney, it has inspired my interest in learning this aspect - once I took a SLR camera to learn, the poor early composition plus a pile of boring parameters made me give up quickly. Midjourney also has a bunch of boring parameters, but its composition is stable, which can ensure that I can draw passable pictures even if I don't understand these parameters.
In the process of understanding keywords, I found that even so classified, there are still too many of them. For example, artists, globally and from ancient times to the present, there are so many artists, how can I remember everyone's name and quickly make up their style of work? So I started to think about whether there is any tool that can allow me to select keywords based on representative works or effect pictures. During this period, I found a keyword visualization library with 11.7K stars on GitHub, and some prompt generator websites that can select keywords based on effect pictures. They are really great, and they sort out keyword types more systematically and comprehensively than I do. This is a good place for beginners to start. But I still can't use them very well, for the following reasons:
  1. Some trendy keywords may not be included
  2. Each website cannot exhaust all types of keywords, and some types of keywords are of interest to me, such as decorations.
So I started thinking about building my own library. DIY a Studio that meets my personalized needs. I built my idea with Notion.
my KeyWords Visual DataBase
I first built a visual database for keywords, stored keywords by tags and categories, tested the effects of each keyword in Midjourney V6, and imported the most representative photos into the library. Then use Gallery mode to display keyword and corresponding effect pictures. The keyword visualization database can remind me of the effects of each keyword and provide me with inspiration; and I can also continuously add my keyword.
3. Treat learning as a game challenge: find excellent works, try to assemble prompts to reproduce them
After building the keyword visualization database, I feel much more at ease when creating prompts. The new creative process is like this: when I have determined the Subject I want to express, I choose the visible keyword in the keywords library to enhance the artistic effect.
Now start challenging the new goal: find excellent works, guess its prompt, and reproduce it. This is a very interesting learning method, like a game, it can keep my passion for learning.
I found such a reproduction target online:
Target(Other's work)
The Subject of the picture is easy to determine: "Film Venom, a sexy beautiful woman". But its subtlety lies in the fact that the woman painted is sexy but not vulgar, the color is bright, there is a sense of line, and the whole work is very high-end. If there is no blessing of keywords, just enter the Subject into Midjourney, the effect is like this:
prompt:“Film Venom, a sexy beautiful woman”
These photos are more like taking photos of porn stars and lack a sense of high-end. Therefore, I need to try a lot of keywords to enhance the beauty, such as finding some artists and art styles whose works are similar to the target works, then finding color and line description words close to the target, MidJourney allows various art styles to be mixed together, so my keywords There will also be a lot of permutations and combinations, which is a bit like doing an experiment, trying all possibilities.
The difficulties I encountered here are:
1.I have to manually put together each permutation and combination
2.Manual work takes a long time, but inspiration is fleeting
3.I can't remember what combinations I have made, and I may repeat the same combination
So I built a [prompt lab] (because it's too much like an experiment), which includes a prompt generator and a keywords visualization database. The generator uses the key types of keywords as options, selects while referring to the keyword effect pictures, and the function automatically assembles into a complete prompt. Just click the "copy" button and paste it into discord, which is much faster than I slowly put together in discord. It can also record the prompt combinations that I think are more critical according to my own ideas, which is convenient for me to review and summarize.
prompt creation process
Of course, due to the architecture, Notion also has some shortcomings: it cannot make pictures into options. I can only put the keywords library in the sidebar, and use it as a dictionary to flip through when assembling prompts.
Tried 200+ times quickly with prompt LAB
In addition, I also established a visual view, when I passed the more satisfactory effect picture back to the laboratory, I could compare the effect difference of the prompt anytime.
Visual Gallery
Finally, after countless attempts, if there are very satisfactory works, I will want to collect them. And the remaining unsatisfactory ones can be deleted to keep the number of records in the laboratory at a processing level that my brain capacity can accept.
4. Put good works into the collection library
I added a collection library to the lab, classifying and managing my own satisfactory works and other people's excellent works, which is convenient for reference and inspiration.
Collections Database
5. To be continued
In fact, although I have done so much work and tried, I’m still at the beginner stage. Digital art creation is endless. Perhaps with the deepening of cognition, my tools will also evolve.


Thank you for reading to the end. Here I share my unique learning process, hoping to help some people, and also hope to get everyone's guidance.
submitted by Gloria-art to midjourney_notion [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:00 PilotInPearls Opening our first escape room!

My partner (in life and business) and I are opening our first escape room! We're currently in the purchase phase of the building and working out the rooms.
We've got 5 out of the 7 ironed out. The last two are stumping us.
One of them is a small room we keep calling the puzzle room and is a single room 15x15. I want that one to be a date night/communication/team work style room for 2-4 people and I'm running out of ideas. Every puzzle should require TWO people to communicate and work together.
What 2 person puzzles have you seen that just floored you? Thought where incredibly clever? Really made you work together.
So far we have a painting that swings out with a maze on the back and a magnet to be found to move a metal ball with a key through the maze. Have to communicate to the other side with the magnet, key opens a lock box with a black light
Black light shows two hand prints that you've got to hold hands and touch together to complete the circuit. Have to solve a riddle that leads to the clue for that one.
The painting will be a painting of the room with various things like wall lights and deer antlers in certain positions. Have to adjust the lamps/antlers to unlock (catch is you can only reach two items per person and they swing back to the right position. They'll trigger a door behind the fire place for a journal filled with love poems/how much the rooms owner loves his wife and how when they held hands/talked through things they could solve any problem. And hints and clue for a couple other puzzles.
We've got a few puzzle pieces scattered that have to find the right place on the mantle to give a clue for another puzzle. Shoes that have to be placed by the door matt in the right order, coat hook and parasole (opening it gives a code/clue when you hold it up to a certain light) and apothic chest with potions/viles placed in the right order give a lock box code. Clues for puzzles are on the other side of the room and fixed so one person reads other person solves etc. Book case that you have to rearrange to order for a cabinet to open.
I seriously want this one to be focused on team work as a couple. What 2 person puzzles have you seen that just floored you? Thought where incredibly clever? Really made you work together and communicate. I'm trying not to duplicate puzzles from other rooms and my brain has just been over saturated lately.
submitted by PilotInPearls to escaperooms [link] [comments]
