Andover lawyer bankruptcy debt

Breaking Down the Everton Takeover

2024.06.09 11:57 ReadyContact9736 Breaking Down the Everton Takeover

Hello Evertonians! I am an FC Barcelona fan, based in Los Angeles, who works in Sports Finance. My neighbor and his wife, who are Evertonians, came over to chat and understand what’s up with the club. It's Saturday night here, and I didn't have anything better to do, so I dug into things.
I will try to simplify things from what I read and the conversations I have heard. I am not involved with the buyout but know folks who are. It's a much smaller industry where everyone knows everyone.
Here we go.
The Debt
MSP Sports Capital has two distinct security arrangements:
Rights and Media Funding is a five-year rolling credit facility. Think of this as something similar to a credit card. Here is where you get conflicting information. A significant discrepancy in reporting, which in my opinion can be a dealbreaker. A few outlets report this loan is secured by future payments from transfers/media, etc. I likely believe it is secured against Everton’s bank accounts, fixed charges over Everton’s property portfolio (near Goodison Park), and a floating charge over all other unencumbered assets. (Shoutout to The Esk, he is an absolute gem). This RMF debt accrues a 10.25% interest.
These are the loans that Everton will have to pay regardless as they are secured well.
Loans to 777 Partners (Inherited by A Cap) are likely junior to these two loans. In any bankruptcy event, MSP and RMF get paid first before 777 Partners and Moshiri. However, A Cap says their loan is secured and they are senior creditors of the club, which would put them at the same level as MSP and RMF.
The Timing
Something that came up in the chatter was the timing of this takeover. It is interesting as Everton is due to receive prize money payments from the league which are stood at £133 million. This is the money the club receives from the overall competition commercial pool, which is distributed to all the teams, based on a few things, for example, their position in the league table at the end of the season.
Folks involved in financing other clubs have said this payment likely hits before 30th June. There is another payment due in August/September which is the first tranche of payments from the league. (Unsure on this one, but this is what I heard, payment flows vary a lot).
Despite the timing, the payments would go only so far in helping the club and were likely factored in during takeover talks. My bet is the takeover is likely to complete before 30th June, or at least a structure is agreed upon. 30th June is the deadline used for accessing Premier League Profit & Sustainability Rules (PSR) compliance.
If deals can be done before that “deadline”, they fall within transfers for the 2023/24 season and are included in the club’s financial accounts for last season, rather than moving into the new campaign. If the plan of the new owners is to recapitalize the team, pay down some debt, and sell players to avoid another PSR violation penalty, my bet is the deal gets done before June 30th.
The Sale
The Buyers As of today, June 8 11:00 pm PDT, here are the potential suitors:
Hear rumblings of another group, but almost everyone is looking to finance the takeover using debt along with equity. Many suitors will be willing to provide debt-based financing for the purchase, hence allegiances are bound to change.
The Possibilities
Here are the things that can happen. I am simplifying this to the bare minimums. The actual deals are complicated af and take months to put up and months to complete.
Possibility I: New Owner comes in, pays all debt, and recapitalizes the team
Highly unlikely. The Premier League is a lucrative league for almost every single private equity investor. It’s the league that is expected to continue to grow and firms take less downside risk when buying a team versus a team in a league like Serie A.
However, this would cost any new owner over £1 billion. My bet it costs somewhere around £1.3 billion. Deals of this size happen, but Everton is in a unique position and negotiating from a position of weakness. In my opinion, only someone in the Middle East or a single buyer would be able to pull this through. No one in private equity would commit to this, as they are all answerable to their investors.
Simply put, Everton is not worth £1.3 billion.
Possibility II: New Owner comes in and negotiates with creditors
A likely option. In this case, a new owner comes in and negotiates with the creditors to either forego some of this debt or restructure it over an extremely long period of time at low rates. This would make Everton a more lucrative option. However, the club would still owe a lot of money over the long run and will be paying interest on that loan.
This would mean Everton is run like a lean machine for a few years, with fewer resources going towards things like player transfers, etc. It would, however, still be able to stay afloat.
Possibility III: MSP Capital exercise the option to take majority control of Everton
Another likely option. More likely than Possibility II. MSP Capital takes majority control and would, in all honesty, look to buy out Moshiri. They will need a lot of capital, and they are already pulling strings, putting up their stake in FC Augsburg for sale last week. MSP buy out Moshiri, restructure some of the debt, and put up some more capital. They would likely clear the RMF loan first.
The managing partner of MSP Sports Capital, Jeff Moorad, was a professor of mine in a class I took at UCLA. He is an absolute beast, and an amazing dude to hang with. Unbiased view, MSP is actually highly respected in the industry, and widely regarded as having a razor sharp approach to finance.
They are known to take long positions, but I think Everton would likely be a position they hold for the short term, IF they go alone on this deal. (This is my take, not Professor Moorad). It would be akin to what Elliott Investment Management did with AC Milan when their Chinese owners backed out. They would step in, stabilize the ship, hope the new stadium attracts enough new commercial and matchday revenue, and sell the team to another buyer recovering some of their investment. What Elliott did with AC Milan was absolutely legendary, and in no world would Gerry Cardinale and RedBird have bought AC Milan had Elliott not done its job.
INSIDE INFO HERE: I cannot reveal others in the MSP Sports Capital consortium. Texted a former colleague who is at the firm that are bidders with MSP. If the consortium is agreed upon, MSP comes in with others, who are capable of buying majority control, and running Everton over the long term. MSP in this case would still retain a minority stake. The new stadium holds the key to this deal.
Possibility IV: Everton goes into administration
Cannot rate this option or its likelihood. Let me walk you through this. Administration is a major taboo in the football world, but something extremely common in finance. It is a way for a firm to basically restructure its debt and get back to good health. It does not mean the club ceases to exist.
The preferred way that things are done is through a method called ‘company voluntary arrangement’ (CVA). In a CVA, a deal is put forth, which creditors vote on, usually giving them less money than they are owed, with voting power decided based on seniority. In this case, MSP and RMF would get more votes in the say versus A-Cap and Moshiri.
CVAs are extremely common in the EFL and other leagues, with advisory firms literally minting millions every year, doing nothing but advising teams here. In the Premier League, only Portsmouth has ever gone into administration. Going into administration would see 9 points being docked at the start of next season for Everton.
The Pros of this approach:
The Cons:
There are some speculations online as this being the preferred way in for new owners. I doubt it, but the threat of administration is enough for even the world’s biggest banks/financiers to come to the negotiating table. Every possible new owner would hold this gun over Moshiri’s head, to get him to agree to a deal, and forgo as much of his loans.
Some Questions I think are FAQs
Is Michael Dell buying Everton?
No, Michael Dell is not buying Everton. Michael Dell’s family office is DFO Management, which was formerly known as MSD Capital. MSD Capital was Michael Dell’s family office, meaning it exclusively invested his money. However, in 2009, MSD Capital opened up to outside investors and became an investment firm of its own. In 2023, MSD merged with BDT to create BDT+MSD, the firm that is backing the Bell and Downing bid.
They do still invest some of Dell’s money, and Dell may be their biggest investor, but as far as I know, BDT is huge itself, managing some of the capital from the Walton Family (Walmart), the Pritzkers, and the Mars Family. BDT’s founder, Byron Trott, is worth about $3.2 billion alone. Trott is considered a legend at Goldman, where he helped Buffett structure his investment in Goldman Sachs during the financial crisis of 2008. One of my ex-bosses worked at Goldman during this period under Trott’s team and considers him a legend, even saying he single-handedly saved Goldman Sachs by convincing Buffett to invest and structuring some wild deals.
One thing I know for sure is BDT+MSD would likely pursue a debt-based financing structure. They are not built to go heavy into equity-based financing for sports teams. BDT+MSD have already done a bunch of debt-based deals; Everton won’t be different. In the scenario where Bell and Downing succeed in taking over, Everton would likely owe a lot of money to BDT+MSD.
Would Bell and Downing with BDT+MSD make sense?
My take here is no. Running a football club is no joke. Even though Bell and Downing being Evertonians makes it ideal, I am not entirely convinced of their ability to run a team. Everton would still be severely constrained financially, as they would owe money to BDT+MSD, and Bell and Downing wouldn’t be able to pump a lot of cash into the business from their end.
There is nothing that guarantees Everton will not see the same scenario as it does now, three years after Bell and Downing take over. Private equity folks make sense, as they come in knowing they may know other clubs but don’t know much about Everton. They will, by default, bring on Evertonians on the board, and will have much more incentive to run it over the long term, as the only way they see a return is through actually growing the club economically, which only means a better Everton on and off the pitch.
Are BDT+MSD backing only Bell and Downing?
No, BDT+MSD are free to back anyone in the contention. They are committing to debt-based financing, so as long as the buyer is credible enough, they should have no problem going ahead. Considering they are backing Bell and Downing, I would be surprised if others in the race did not get better financing terms.
As I said, allegiances in debt-based financing are fluid. The hard truth here is BDT+MSD would likely be calling up other potential buyers who bid to see if BDT+MSD can provide financing for their deal. Debt-based financing for a Premier League club is pretty much a dream scenario for any firm, as the underlying asset securing the loan is more stable than in other deals.
Simply put, BDT+MSD are not competing with other potential buyers; they are competing with firms like JP Morgan, Sixth Street, Ares, Arctos, etc., who may want to front one of the buyers.
What’s up with A-Capital?
I do not know. Conflicting things online. I doubt A-Capital will get to invest anything more in Everton, through debt or through equity. I also read that their financial position is under question as the rating they rely on no longer reflects their financial standing. However, I still do not know what there position is.
Who do I want to see win the bid?
Biased towards MSP Sports Partners because of Jeff Moorad. If they pull the consortium through, and the other investors take over the majority club, all I can say is Everton would be lucky. That being said, there are plenty of other people willing to buy Everton with MSP. As of now, the one most likely, along with MSP, would be a dream scenario.
Also, it wont take time for someone entirely new to emerge as a suitor. That is how consortium works. People are surprised, but its literally like texting friends to pitch in and creating a group chat. Things happen over Telegram/Whatsapp/Signal. My boss had once raised $xxx million for a deal texting the LP in the deal. The conversation went along these lines.
Prospectus sent over Mail + WhatsApp
My Boss : What do you think?
LP : $xxx m 👍
LP : Jeff also $xx m and Jake $xx m 🤝🤝
I can bet there are plenty of group chats of potential consortiums that may enter bidding. Everton FC is low-key a bargain, the debt will eventually get restructured. There are plenty of more messy restructurings that have happened in Finance before. Creditors eventually cave, but its a dogfight.
Enough written. Feel free to drop any Qs you may have, I will answer them to the best of my ability and knowledge of Everton’s finances. Massive shout to The Esk. The guy seems incredibly passionate about Everton.
I really hope you guys pull through, I know you will.
submitted by ReadyContact9736 to Everton [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:10 AllThingsBeautiful22 bankruptcy related questions

Hello all,
this is extremely random but I thought let me try and see what happens, you never know. I am a Dutch law student currently writing a research paper that resembles a thesis. As part of my research, I am conducting a comparative legal study with a particular focus on U.S. bankruptcy law.
Unfortunately, I do not have any connections with American bankruptcy lawyers here in the Netherlands. I was hoping to reach out and see if I could connect with some professionals in this field to ask a few questions. Your insights and expertise would be incredibly valuable to my research.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I look forward to the possibility of discussing this further.
Best regards,
submitted by AllThingsBeautiful22 to Ask_Lawyers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:23 AllThingsBeautiful22 Bankruptcy related questions for my research

Hello all,
This is extremely random but I thought let me try and see what happens, you never know. I am a Dutch law student currently writing a research paper that resembles a thesis. As part of my research, I am conducting a comparative legal study with a particular focus on U.S. bankruptcy law.
Unfortunately, I do not have any connections with American bankruptcy lawyers here in the Netherlands. I was hoping to reach out and see if I could connect with some professionals in this field to ask a few questions. Your insights and expertise would be incredibly valuable to my research.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I look forward to the possibility of discussing this further.
Best regards,
submitted by AllThingsBeautiful22 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:37 No-Glass-3960 Large Tuition Payments

So I haven't seen this asked.
I filed taxes in Jan and received my funds in March. I paid my mother back $600 and then $520. And used $194 for school clothes for my daughter. The rest I saved in cash because I had to pay out of pocket for college tuition for summer. My husband and I did not decide to apply for chapter 7 bankruptcy until the end of April. So we are in June and we just now paid our lawyer today and we have yet filed officially. I put the money I saved in cash from my taxes in my account last month ($4,400) and paid my summer tuition - I did a payment plan so it shows 3 seperate transactions. Will this affect our bankruptcy? I still have to pay $1,900 which my husband pulled out of his 401k so that'll be another large transaction. I graduate in December - will the trustee say I should have put my education on hold to pay my debt? I'm unemployed and have been since September in order to finish school faster.
We didn't want to file until September but my husband is being sued my a creditor so it scared us. I also have to pay out of pocket for my Fall semester in August and it's probably going to be around $9,000 which again my husband is pulling out of his 401k in July. Does any of this matter? I'm just afraid of filing then being denied because I have to pay for college out of pocket.
My husband makes around $60,000 yearly and I'm unemployed and we have 1 child. Does these 401k withdrawals affect our means test?
submitted by No-Glass-3960 to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:33 Senior_Schedule1324 Please

Help, I'm lost
¿What would you do?
Recently I've been having many problems. I'm soon to graduate from my major, and I'm searching for internships... but got none. I want to do it outside my city because things with my mom are awful. My mother has borderline personality disorder, and she does not want to treat herself. I am very afraid of her since she hits me from time to time and has constant comments and humiliations against me. Despite this, she raised us alone with my dad's financial help. She openly says that she hates him and is jealous that my dad rebuilt his life and she hasn't succeeded. My father has another wife, and since divorce with my mom, he tried to establish a relationship with us, but my mom never let him. I love her very much, I really do, but for years, she made my father appear like the worst villain and she as the victim, which isn't true. None of them it's free of guilt for their shattered marriage. Now I'm 24, and soon to graduate. My mom's violence problems have escalated over the years, and she explodes with the slightest provocation. Recently, I had a crisis because of a misunderstanding with my mother because of money. I asked certain amount of money to my father for her birthday gift and to help her a little with the family expenses, but she started to think that all the money was for herself, when I told her it wasn't that way.... the bomb went off. She started yelling through WhatsApp audios, and I panicked. I had a crisis, and my friends took me to an emergency psychologist. I told the psychologist everything... but unfortunately, my mother was writing me texts, and for my very bad luck... I started a call with my mother by accident, and she heard everything: how I told the psychologist that I was afraid of her, the occasional hits, the humiliation, and how she's a materialistic person... that wasn't good. She called me a told me that I no longer counted on her for everything, that I was an ungrateful and bad daughter, and that karma would take care of me, and that I was worse than my brother (who usually starts the problems). The psychologist told me that it was best for me to leave the house, and that's what I tried to do... but with all my mother yelling and telling me how shut of a person I was... and that if I left, I would be dead for her, she wouldn'tlet me take my cats... I couldn't... I felt guilty, she even took away my glasses... and later that night, She drank a lot of tequila combined with clonazepam and then went out for cigarettes, then, the next morning, she left. It is worth mentioning that all this time, I was in contact with my father, who wants to hire lawyers to solve some issues with my mother. My mother cut all communications with me, just leaving my brother. She blocked me from WhatsApp, etc. I took all my books to my granny's house, attempting to escape, but later I decided that it wasn't the best way to go. I love my mother very much. She has many debts and has made a lot of sacrifices for us. So I decided to stay. I brought many of my belongings back (not all) in case my mother kicks me out of the house (that was what I wanted since it would have made everything easier) . But that didn't happen.
Our relationship has been rocky since. I don't know what to do. I want to leave the house and everyone tells me it's my best option, but my brother says that leaving like this (being angry and with things not right) it's not the best way, and I agree. I still have to do my internships... but I also have this problem with my mother... I don't know what to do. My dad offers me the possibility to leave, but that would trigger a horrible fight, and I don't want that... I don't know what decision to take... I'm lost... I'm sad... I'm afraid, and I wanna die right now. ¿What should I do? ¿Leave no matter what?
submitted by Senior_Schedule1324 to helpme [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:30 Senior_Schedule1324 Help... please

Help, I'm lost
¿What would you do?
Recently I've been having many problems. I'm soon to graduate from my major and I'm searching for internships... but got none. I want to do it outside my city because things with my mom are awful. My mother has borderline personality disorder, and she does not want to treat herself. I am very afraid of her since she hits me from time to time and has constant comments and humiliations against me. Despite this, she raised us alone with my dad's financial help. She openly says that she hates him and is jealous that my dad rebuilt his life and she hasn't succeeded. My father has another wife, and since divorce with my mom, he tried to establish a relationship with us, but my mom never let him. I love her very much, I really do, but for years she made my father appear like the worst villain and she as the victim, which isn't true. None of them it's free of guilt for their shattered marriage. Now I'm 24, and soon to graduate. My mom's violence problems have escalated over the years, she explodes with the slightest provocation. Recently I had a crisis because a misunderstanding with my mother because of money. I asked certain amount of money to my father for her birthday gift and to help her a little with the family expenses, but she started to think that all the money was for herself, when I told her it wasn't that way.... the bomb went off. She started yelling through WhatsApp audios and I panicked. I had a crisis, and my friends took me to an emergency psychologist. I told the psychologist everything... but unfortunately, my mother was writing me texts, and for my very bad luck... I started a call with my mother by accident and she heard everything: how I told the psychologist that I was afraid of her, the occasional hits, the humiliation and how she's a materialistic person... that wasn't good. She called me a told me that I no longer counted on her for everything, that I was an ungrateful and bad daughter, and that karma would take care of me, and that I was worse than my brother (who usually starts the problems). The psychologist told me that it was best for me to leave the house and that's what I tried to do... but with all my mother yelling and telling me how shut of a person I was... and that if I left I would be dead for her, she wouldn'tlet me take my cats (I can't leave them behind)... I couldn't... I felt guilty... and later that night, She drank a lot of tequila combined with clonazepam and then went out for cigarettes, then, the next morning, she left. It is worth mentioning that all this time I was in contact with my father who wants to hire lawyers to solve some issues with my mother. My mother cut all communications with me, just leaving my brother. She blocked me from WhatsApp, etc. I took all my books to my granny's house, attempting to escape, but later I decided that it wasn't the best way to go. I love my mother very much, she has many debts and has made a lot.of sacrifices for us. So I decided to stay. I brought many of my belongings back, (not all) in case my mother kicks me out of the house (that was what I wanted since it would have made everything easier) . But that didn't happen.
Our relationship has been rocky since. I don't know what to do. I want to leave the house and everyone tells me it's my best option, but my brother says that leaving like this (being angry and with things not right) it's not the best way, and I agree. I still have to do my internships... but I also have this problem with my mother... I don't know what to do. My dad offers me the possibility to leave, but that would trigger a horrible fight and I don't want that... I don't know what decision to take... I'm lost... I'm sad... I'm afraid and I wanna die right now. ¿What should I do? ¿Leave no matter what?
submitted by Senior_Schedule1324 to INeedHelpPcBuildHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:25 Hot_Lettuce_8833 Bankruptcy for Peace of mind or hustle (mental health isn’t always the greatest)

Should I file for bankruptcy or pay back the $18,000 in debt I’ve accumulated.
Background is I was going to off myself and accumulated all that debt. I have really intense anxiety and depression that’s really gotten in the way.
I went to school but had so many problems with my mental health I couldn’t hold down a job.
I’m happy I got some help and I’m back in the land of the living but with debt.
Now im working in retail. I know I want to go back to school but im not sure if declaring bankruptcy is best for me and rebuild my credit (unsure if this impacts the ability to get student loans) or pay it off ( most of my debt is already in collections) and figure out some plan.
TLDR; I had bad mental health problems that accumulated my debt. I’m wondering should I declare (have space to breath) but potentially not be able to get a place or student loans or work to pay it off (how to talk to collections, it would take me 1yr)
submitted by Hot_Lettuce_8833 to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:55 Senior_Schedule1324 Help, I'm lost

¿What would you do?
Recently I've been having many problems. I'm soon to graduate from my major and I'm searching for internships... but got none. I want to do it outside my city because things with my mom are awful. My mother has borderline personality disorder, and she does not want to treat herself. I am very afraid of her since she hits me from time to time and has constant comments and humiliations against me. Despite this, she raised us alone with my dad's financial help. She openly says that she hates him and is jealous that my dad rebuilt his life and she hasn't succeeded. My father has another wife, and since divorce with my mom, he tried to establish a relationship with us, but my mom never let him. I love her very much, I really do, but for years she made my father appear like the worst villain and she as the victim, which isn't true. None of them it's free of guilt for their shattered marriage. Now I'm 24, and soon to graduate. My mom's violence problems have escalated over the years, she explodes with the slightest provocation. Recently I had a crisis because a misunderstanding with my mother because of money. I asked certain amount of money to my father for her birthday gift and to help her a little with the family expenses, but she started to think that all the money was for herself, when I told her it wasn't that way.... the bomb went off. She started yelling through WhatsApp audios and I panicked. I had a crisis, and my friends took me to an emergency psychologist. I told the psychologist everything... but unfortunately, my mother was writing me texts, and for my very bad luck... I started a call with my mother by accident and she heard everything: how I told the psychologist that I was afraid of her, the occasional hits, the humiliation and how she's a materialistic person... that wasn't good. She called me a told me that I no longer counted on her for everything, that I was an ungrateful and bad daughter, and that karma would take care of me, and that I was worse than my brother (who usually starts the problems). The psychologist told me that it was best for me to leave the house and that's what I tried to do... but with all my mother yelling and telling me how shut of a person I was... and that if I left I would be dead for her... I couldn't... I felt guilty... and later that night, She drank a lot of tequila combined with clonazepam and then went out for cigarettes, then, the next morning, she left. It is worth mentioning that all this time I was in contact with my father who wants to hire lawyers to solve some issues with my mother. My mother cut all communications with me, just leaving my brother. She blocked me from WhatsApp, etc. I took all my books to my granny's house, attempting to escape, but later I decided that it wasn't the best way to go. I love my mother very much, she has many debts and has made a lot.of sacrifices for us. So I decided to stay. I brought many of my belongings back, (not all) in case my mother kicks me out of the hous. But that didn't happen.
Our relationship has been rocky since. I don't know what to do. I want to leave the house and everyone tells me it's my best option, but my brother says that leaving like this (being angry ans with things not right) it's not the best way, and I agree. I still have to do my internships... but I also have this problem with my mother... I don't know what to do. My dad offers me the possibility to leave, but that would trigger a horrible fight and I don't want that... I don't know what decision to take... I'm lost... I'm sad... and I wanna die right now. ¿What should I do? ¿Leave no matter what?
submitted by Senior_Schedule1324 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:52 Senior_Schedule1324 ¿? I'm lost

¿What would you do?
Recently I've been having many problems. I'm soon to graduate from my major and I'm searching for internships... but got none. I want to do it outside my city because things with my mom are awful. My mother has borderline personality disorder, and she does not want to treat herself. I am very afraid of her since she hits me from time to time and has constant comments and humiliations against me. Despite this, she raised us alone with my dad's financial help. She openly says that she hates him and is jealous that my dad rebuilt his life and she hasn't succeeded. My father has another wife, and since divorce with my mom, he tried to establish a relationship with us, but my mom never let him. I love her very much, I really do, but for years she made my father appear like the worst villain and she as the victim, which isn't true. None of them it's free of guilt for their shattered marriage. Now I'm 24, and soon to graduate. My mom's violence problems have escalated over the years, she explodes with the slightest provocation. Recently I had a crisis because a misunderstanding with my mother because of money. I asked certain amount of money to my father for her birthday gift and to help her a little with the family expenses, but she started to think that all the money was for herself, when I told her it wasn't that way.... the bomb went off. She started yelling through WhatsApp audios and I panicked. I had a crisis, and my friends took me to an emergency psychologist. I told the psychologist everything... but unfortunately, my mother was writing me texts, and for my very bad luck... I started a call with my mother by accident and she heard everything: how I told the psychologist that I was afraid of her, the occasional hits, the humiliation and how she's a materialistic person... that wasn't good. She called me a told me that I no longer counted on her for everything, that I was an ungrateful and bad daughter, and that karma would take care of me, and that I was worse than my brother (who usually starts the problems). The psychologist told me that it was best for me to leave the house and that's what I tried to do... but with all my mother yelling and telling me how shut of a person I was... and that if I left I would be dead for her... I couldn't... I felt guilty... and later that night, She drank a lot of tequila combined with clonazepam and then went out for cigarettes, then, the next morning, she left. It is worth mentioning that all this time I was in contact with my father who wants to hire lawyers to solve some issues with my mother. My mother cut all communications with me, just leaving my brother. She blocked me from WhatsApp, etc. I took all my books to my granny's house, attempting to escape, but later I decided that it wasn't the best way to go. I love my mother very much, she has many debts and has made a lot.of sacrifices for us. So I decided to stay. I brought many of my belongings back, (not all) in case my mother kicks me out of the hous. But that didn't happen.
Our relationship has been rocky since. I don't know what to do. I want to leave the house and everyone tells me it's my best option, but my brother says that leaving like this (being angry ans with things not right) it's not the best way, and I agree. I still have to do my internships... but I also have this problem with my mother... I don't know what to do. My dad offers me the possibility to leave, but that would trigger a horrible fight and I don't want that... I don't know what decision to take... I'm lost... I'm sad... and I wanna die right now. ¿What should I do? ¿Leave no matter what?
submitted by Senior_Schedule1324 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:36 ramboton Can the divorce agreement be anything as long as you both agree? (California)

Married 23 years, now separated. I owned the house before I met her. When we separated she said she did not want the house or any part of it. Looking at income/alimony charts she should get about 2300 per month. So I rented her an apartment and make her car payment, (the car is in my name) then give her a few hundred in cash. She is happy with that.
The kids are adults so no child support (they are actually in college and staying with me)
We have about 30k in debt and I am keeping that, 1st because I do not trust her to pay it, 2nd because she does not want anything from the house (money wise) She has spent much our marriage bouncing between part time jobs and disability and unemployment, which is one of the major issues. She is agreeable to the divorce and we are planning to have a friendly split (unless it turns to shit) She has no intent in seeing an attorney.
So if everything is agreed to ahead of time by both of us, can a lawyer write up a simple basic divorce, and is it all good or does the court step in and say no we want to see all the financials and want to make things different than what we agreed to?
submitted by ramboton to Divorce_Men [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:31 Historical-Fold-3702 Graduating soon with a CS + Philosophy degree and feeling really lost; how do I find my path?

Hi all,
I'm a university student graduating in a few months with a computer science and philosophy degree. I've done everything I was "supposed" to do - get good grades, do internships, network - but I still feel so lost in what job I should do in the future. I have interned at various companies in various types of roles (software dev, data analyst, currently a consultant intern), but I haven't truly enjoyed any of them. For example, as a software dev, I get really frustrated when I can't figure out how to fix a bug, and I'm just not that interested in keeping up with new technology. I did enjoy most of the courses I took (logic, operating systems, machine learning etc.), but it never clicked naturally for me and I had to study really, really hard to get decent grades.
In university I found an interest in philosophy. I really enjoy thinking about different philosophical concepts, reading the arguments presented by different philosophers, and writing essays where I motivate and form my own thoughts. I found it much easier to do well in my philosophy classes than my CS classes (though I'm not sure if it's because the CS students at my uni are just way too smart). At the same time, I don't see myself pursuing a PhD and becoming a professor or "professional philosopher."
I have considered going to law school, but I've heard mostly negative things about being a lawyer, and it is a big commitment that would put me in a lot of debt.
My current plan is to apply for software developer new-grad roles. However, given the current tough job market (especially in tech) and AI's (possible) takeover of tech roles, I'm really worried that I'm heading towards a dead-end (for me). I want to enjoy my work and be successful in my career, and while some people say that "follow your passion" is bad advice, I think there is some truth to pursuing a career that you are interested in. I just don't know what that is. I feel really lost, and any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by Historical-Fold-3702 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:22 Serious-Situation260 What is the best legal strategy for getting my niece out of my sister's care? Father is deceased. [New York]

I recently spent 2 weeks with my sister and niece in their home. It was great to be able to spend time with my niece because i hadn't seen her in a year and because she hardly gets any social interaction. The experience broke my heart at many points as the reality of my sister's strange lifestyle came into focus with each passing day. I spent a lot of time making lists and ordering household items & groceries via Walmart delivery. I didn't have a car while I was there but i was determined to stock the apartment with items that are normally found in a home and things that would make their life easier. I taught my niece how to cook a few things in the microwave, how to open doors with keys, I taught her the different coins (penny, nickle, dime, quarter), I got her taking showers instead of baths, brushing her teeth (she didnt know how to do it properly at all), bought her some clothes, hydrating and spending time outside each day. We played Truth or Dare, we prayed, we beat-boxed, we watched SpongeBob, we went to Lion Country Safari and we practiced swimming in the pool. At the end of the two weeks, when it was time for me to leave, it was painful for us both. We both knew that after I left, their life would revert to what is normal for them: Mom in bed all day on her phone and my niece ignored in the adjacent room, glued to her ipad.
My sister is mentally ill, but I am furious with her for disrespecting herself, her child and our family like this. There are multiple other family members who can and will help in taking care of my niece properly, but my sister refuses to let anyone help. On top of that, my sister is extremely rude, manipulative and psychotic. Shes been this way her whole life and she refuses to get treatment. Typical narcissist! My whole family has been forced to endure the abuse of my sister for about 25 years, sonwe are kind of desensitized to it generally, but lately it is apparent that her behavior has gotten even worse, and only now, after my 2 week visit, are the rest of the family members realizing exactly how depraved she has been acting as a parent, and we are all extremely concerned.
I don't care how hard it's going to be or what it's going to take but I'm going to fix this problem, and I'm committed to fixing this problem ASAP.
Please review this timeline of relevant events in order to come up with strategies for getting my niece into a healthy living situation:
Father of the child got a restraining order on my sister in 2016ish, while my sister was pregnant.
There were violent interactions between the mother and father. I'm not sure if any are documented in terms of police records.
1st CPS case [Oregon]: My sister had custody temporarily taken away directly after she gave birth. Why? Positive hospital drug test while pregnant, domestic violence incident while pregnant, the restraining order id imagine and ber behavior at the hospital when giving birth. I flew to the state they were in (Oregon) and served as a family supervisor for about 4 weeks, told CPS that my sister was a fit parent, and my sister got custody back.
2nd CPS Case [California]: My sister was supposed to return home to her daughter and the babysitter after a night out when the child was 1 year old or less. This resulted in a CPS investigation. My sister moved out of state before the investigation could be completed. Apparently this resulted in a warrant for her arrest in CA and maybe a few surrounding states. California CPS has tried to reach out to her and my family members many times over the years in an attempt to identify her location.
3rd & 4th CPS Cases [Florida]: About a month ago, 2 CPS reports were created for neglect, injury of the child and my sisters mental illness. My sister did not answer the door and pretended not to be home when DCF went there with the police. She then moved out of her apartment ASAP and out of the jurisdiction.
Other info:
My sister is now in New York where my father is an attorney. He has always enabled my sister's irresponsible behavior and also he is the one instructing her how to handle each CPS interaction. His awful advice has led to my sister and niece having to move around a lot because my sister and dad are very paranoid about people figuring out her location. My sister avoids doing things like taking my niece to the doctor or enrolling her in regular school for this reason. She also avoids therapy and mental evaluations for herself personally for this reason.
Both my sister and my niece (who is now 7) urgently need mental health evaluations. I took care of my niece for 2 weeks last month (before they went on the run) and my niece seemed to be experiencing visual hallucinations, "voices in her head telling her to do violence", & violent intrusive thoughts. She expressed the voices in her head comment verbatim to one of her teachers at the end of a Zoom meeting to assess her progress in school. She also expressed ideas of self harm frequently, as does my sister. My sister has seld diagnosed herself recently with borderline personality disorder and has decided to make it part of her "brand" as an aspiring TikToker. She is proud of it and openly refuses to get therapy or medication. She's also posted a threatening video recently on TikTok, telling someone that they need to "get their mom's gun because they are going to need it this week" when she comes to their town.
The guy my sister was dating recently petitioned for a TRO against my siater very recently as did his housemate.
When the first TRO was granted, the FBI called the Petitioner and asked if they could meet to discuss a matter involving my sister (apparently not CPS related but a separate criminal matter). The Petitioner was informed that there are BOLO (be on the lookout) alerts, whatever that means, for my sister in 3 US states, and that the TRO petition triggered something with NCIC which led to the fbi agent reaching out.
There's SO much more to this story but I'm trying to keep it as short as I can.
I'd say the other most relevant pieces of information are:
My mom and I are hell bent on getting my niece into a stable, safe situation, ideally under custody of my mom. My sister can get custody back if/when she meets the demands of a judge demonstrating that she is fit and able.
My dad has dug his heels in even deeper in his morally bankrupt plan to have my sister evade CPS forever. He has a lot of experience with family court matters as an attorney so I guess he thought in the beginning that my sister could utilize the tricks he knows about the system to circumvent it entirely. He didn't plan on me "turning against" my sister I suppose. So now it's like a family battle of my mom and I vs my siste and dad. (My parents are divorced)
Two days ago I found out that I have an eviction on my record and $6k+ in debt from a 2017 eviction in LA County under my name. I've never lived in LA or even California, but my sister has! I wrote to my dad saying basically, "this is obviously name-related. Do you happen to know anything about this?". His response was, 'sorry, that's just old landlord stuff from when niece's name was a little baby." His next message dorectly after this was "how are you?" my dad pretty much admitted right then and there that my sister used my identity to rent an apartment in order to move out of the jurisdiction of either her 1st or 2nd cps case. My dad's response also shows that he knew about this. From the "sorry" part, I confirmed my suspicion that this was all his idea.
I sent my sister and dad an email yesterday with a blank temporary custody agreement telling them that it would be a really great opportunity for my sister to sign over temp custody to my mom for the summer at least. I said that my other sibling would also be an acceptable candidate for custody, if they should so choose.
I also included the case information for the LA eviction & debt owed, careful to state that I was bringing this case to their attention as a totally separate matter.
I ended it with "I hope we can figure out this temporary custody issue voluntarily without court intervention"
My sister is not going to sign it but i figured I might as well throw it out there.
My sister has been living in FL for over a year and my niece participated in online school this past year thru florida but my sister gets her mail in NY (at my dad's place) and her health insurance for her and her kid are thru NY state. I bet my dad set things up this way so he could always say my sister is a NY state resident so that he can represent her in any legal proceedings.
I have researched florida options regarding conservatorship/guardianship/Custody. Going through florida would be the correct way to go but my dad is going to say she's a resident of NY, so it really depends on where the court proceedings start as far as I can tell, regarding what jurisdictioncis correct.
I'd like to wrap my head around the legal proceedings in NY that I, or my mom, or our other sibling, or a lawyer can initiate in order to achieve the goal, which is simply for my niece to be healthy and to thrive and to be safe.
submitted by Serious-Situation260 to FamilyLaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:59 OldAd8542 need advice- addict dad, possible Ndad

This is really long, sorry/thanks in advance
tldr: my dads a drug addict, possibly a narc, who has fucked me over one too many times and now i dont know what to do.
Me (18F) and my dad (44M) have always had a good relationship, until now. My dads been a drug addict, specifically crack, for about ten years now. When my parents were still together, he had gone to inpatient rehab twice because my mom has really good insurance through her work. At the time he was doing a lot of freelance construction work so me and my younger sisters (13 yo twins) were told that he was on a job in a neighboring state. When i was ten, my parents say me and my sisters down and told us about my dads addiction and how they were getting a divorce. I didnt really know anything at the time about drugs, but i knew they were bad and i remember being confused and scared. In 2016 my parents divorced and my dad went to live about 40- 60 mins away from us and we saw him on the weekends. He was working as a handyman at an apartment complex in exchange for no rent and low pay. His girlfriend (43F), we'll call her M, very quickly moved in with him (my parents divorced in april, him and his gfs "anniversary" is in may) and brought two kids with her, one boy, we'll call him i, who is now 10 y/o and lived with her fulltime, and one girl, a, who is now 16 who has split custody with her and M's ex-husband. I didn;t see much of this happen, but i learned about two years ago that my dad was using a lot during the weekdays when me and my sisters werent there, and was also using his work credit card for food. This leads us to may 2022 when he was arrested. I still dont have a clear reason of why he was arrested, but a few likely causes are a hotel room he had destroyed during a crack binge, the employer mentioned above that he was stealing from, and another job that he did in which he was paid before he had finsihed the job and then didnt finish the job. He got three months for whatever his original arrest was for, and it was very very hard on myself, my sisters, his gf, and her kids both mentally and financially, as my dad was the breadwinner. In between 2016 and 2022, my dad had done a dozen shitty things to myself, my sisters, his gf, and her kids, including but not limited to dumping myself and my sisters at our aunts house so he could go get high while he claimed that his car broke down, dissapeared at least a dozen times on 1-3 day crack binges, and having massive anger issues that made us all scared of him. I've learned in the last few years that my dad is very very VERY good at making everything seem like someone elses fault, and making himself appear innocent. anyways, my dad was released in august of 2022 and had 1-2 years of probation. I made the decision to move in with my dad in december of 2022 bc me and my mom had a very strained relationship at the time, mostly bc she doesnt show love very well, at least not the way i want to be shown love, and that she had access to my bank account bc i was a minor and was using the money from my job to pay for food, gas, etc. this was both my [arents fault, bc my dad wasnt contributing to child support at all, and my mom was really drowning in debt and money issues. presently, me and my mom are doing a little better, partly bc shes in a slightly better place financially and partly bc shes been supportive of everything ive gone thru w my dad in the last 2-3 years. Last summer, april/may of 2023, he violated his probation by "mixing up the dates" and going to his appt with his PO a week late. While he claims that he just forgot what day it was on, its more likely that he was just using again and knew that he wouldnt test clean, and decided to wait since crack is out of your system, at least in terms of urine, in about three days. He got a sentence of thirty days, accounting for time served, and he was released in late may. I was still living with him and his gf at the time and it was horrible to see his gf struggle so badly without him there as the breadwinner. I used every one of my paychecks during this period to pay for food or give her money for bills or gas during this time. one thing about loving an addict is that there is always some doubt that they are lying to you about what they're doing, where they're going, what they're spending money on, and if they're even sober. while i believed him for the most part, a small part of me doubted that he really just mixed up the dates of his PO meeting. my dad and his gf also had issues within their relation ship that caused a lot of fighting and just a weird and tense environment. I knew this, but it was way worse than I thought before I actually lived with them. About six months ago, it got to the point where his gf broke up with him and he went on a crack binge and dissapeared for three days. I was still living with him then, and it really messed me up and i was so angry and hurt. this was when I decided to move back in with my mom, as he was just too unstable especially without his gf, and i was trying to focus on college stuff and graduating. I moved back in with my mom almost a year after i had moved out, this past february. I went back to staying with him during the weekends, and he actually moved into the basement of the house we were renting. It's kind of a weird situation, but the landlords live in another state, but their daughter and her young kid still live in this state, so when the landlords visited they would stay in the basement. the landlord was also kind of my dads confidant/ sponsor, as he was a religious man and him and my dad had an odd relationship of part landlord part friend. the landlord agreed to let my dad move into the basement and have someone else rent upstairs, as the landlords also wanted to up the rent from 1700 to 2000 a month. I learned at this time that my dad owed the landlords 16,000 dollars in rent/ loaned money. he told me that the landlords had given him a year to pay this money back, or at least a good chunk of it, or they would completely evict him. this was february/march of 2024. around this time, about a month after him and his gf/M had broken up, he started talking to/dating another women that he had went to highschool/ troubled kid school with (red flag number one). in short, they dated for about a month and a half and for about a month she was moved in and living with him until my dad found out she was a crazy bitch and a methhead. she moved out in early may, and he was arrested the same week for, ONCE AGAIN, missing his damn probation meeting BY A WEEK. Yes, he did the same thing he had done almost exactly a year prior. while he was living in the basement of this house, he was also fixing up the upstairs for someone else to rent, which the landlord was paying him for. the really great part was that he was arrested on monday, and the landlord was coming down that thursday/ friday to come get it ready to rent and meet the new potential renters. the saturday after he was arrested, my aunt picked me up after one of the worst eight hour shifts i'd ever had at my job, and told me that my dad had no house, no job, no car, and basically nowhere to go when he eventually got out of jail. that afternoon/night i met the landlord for the first time. It was humiliating listenign to the landlord tell me, my aunt, and my uncle that my dad actually owed him about 50,000 dollars in rent/ loaned money/ work he didnt do but was payed fo tools/ etc. this man is truly a saint, bc the first thing he asked me is if i have a place to stay, as he didnt know that i was living with my mom and wanted to make sure that i had a place to live despite everything with my dad. he even paid for three months of a storage unit for my dads stuff and gave us a week and a u haul to move everything out. i also learned that my dads boss, who owned his own kind of freelancing construction company, found about twnety tools in my dads garage that he thought he had lost which led him to fire my dad. backtracking a bit, about a week before he was arrested my dad got back with his gf/M, so she was involved in some of this too. she got her a different lawyer than the one he had previously and my aunt worked with the lawyer to try and make a case for the judge for my dad to go to a sober living facility instead of jail. we all wrote letters to the judge, including my dads ex-landlord and ex-boss, advocating for him to go to court mandated inpatient rehab/ sober living. I'll admit, my letter was short and shitty because i knew that my dad didnt want help and that any amount of time in rehab or a half-way house wouldnt change his mind. the letters didnt really work, and my dad was sentneced to another thirty days with time served. thankfully, the judge was considerate and allowed him to leave for one day so he could go to my graduation ceremony. honestly, i don't even think i wanted him to be there. i wasn't happy that he was, even when i saw him, i was just apathetic. this leads to now, in which he gets out on tuesday (6/11) and i dont know what to do. i want to tell him that he's a piece of shit and that he doesnt deserve to even be in my life and that i dont really ever want to talk to him again bc im really convinced that he will never be sober or take accountability for his actions, the way he has hurt everyone that loves him over and over again, not to mention the egregious amount of money he owes to multiple people. but he's also my dad and in between all the bad stuff i've mentioned, hes an amazing dad and person. one of my coworkers, whos really one of my bestfriends and who i tell almost everything to, has even said that she cant imagine how hard it must be to see both sides of him and have to choose whether to have faith in the part of him that i know loves me to death and is an amazingly strong, funny, kind, accepting man or the part of him that is ruled by addiction and cant take accountability for his actions and thinks that his family holding him accountable is "being negative" and trying to stop him from being happy (both things he said to me). i dont want to lose my dad, but i dont think i can keep putting myself through this. especially considering i'll be three hours away at college in three months. the really funny part is that he'll be back in jail, either for 30 days or 60, bc the state is suing him for not paying child support, and his hearing is in july. some part of me wants to just avoid him for the next month until hes back in jail and then run away to college in august and not have to deal with him, and the other part of me wants him to know every time that he has let me down, fucked me over, upset me, caused me to lose sleep, and what will probably happen to him if he keeps doing this shit. what do i say to him? do i avoid him? do i confront him and confront years of anxiety and cowardliness from me as i always kept the peace and stayed quiet with him? i know this isnt really narc parent material, but theres not really a sub for addict parents. i appreciate any adivce or words you have. (also thanks for reading this took an insanely long time to type out)
submitted by OldAd8542 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:21 ClearEstablishment89 Seeking Advice on Handling Debt and Exploring Bankruptcy Options

I am reaching out to seek your guidance regarding my current financial situation. I have accumulated a total debt of $200,000, which includes a $100,000 SBA loan. Unfortunately, I am unable to make the required payments and am considering the possibility of filing for bankruptcy.
I am eager to explore all possible avenues to manage my financial obligations responsibly. Your advice and any resources you could provide would be invaluable to me during this challenging time.
submitted by ClearEstablishment89 to Debt [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:06 IonHelix 90k in credit card debt, about to file bankruptcy, AMA

I was debt free in 2020.
submitted by IonHelix to AMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:25 HyderNidPryder 500 o Ferfenwau / 500 Welsh verb-nouns with verb stems (Set 4)

Berfenw / Verb-noun Ystyr / Meaning Bôn y ferf / Verb stem
acennu to accentuate, to stress acenn-
achredu to accredit; accreditation achred-
adalw to recall, to summon back, to revoke, to repeal adalw-
ad-dalu to repay ad-dal-
ad-drefnu to reorganise, to rearrange ad-drefn-
adfeddiannu to repossess, to regain afeddiann-
adleoli to relocate adleol-
adlynu to adhere adlyn-
adsefydlu to rehabilitate; to re-establish, to reinstate adsefydl-
aduno to reunite adun-
adwerthu to retail, to resell adwerth-
afradloni to waste, to squander, to spend extravagantly afradlon-
angori to anchor angor-
ailadeiladu to rebuild ailadeilad-
aildrefnu to rearrange, to reorganise, to restore aildrefn-
ailddarganfod to rediscover ailddarganfydd-
ailddatblygu to redevelop ailddatblyg-
ailddefnyddio to reuse ailddefnyddi-
ailddosbarthu to reclassify; to redistribute ailddosbarth-
ailenwi to rename ailenw-
ailethol to re-elect ailethol-
ailfeddwl to rethink, to change one's mind, to reconsider ailfeddyli-
ailgartrefu to rehouse, to rehome ailgartref-
ail-greu to recreate ailgre-
ailsefydlu to re-establish, to rehabilitate ailsefydl-
ailstrwythuro to restructure ailstrwythur-
ailwampio to revamp ailwampi-
allbynnu to output (in computing) allbynn-
allforio to export allfori-
alltudio to deport, to exile alltudi-
allyrru to emit, to give off allyrr-
amaethu to cultivate amaeth-
amgodio to encode (computing) amgodi-
amgryptio to encrypt amgrypti-
amgylchynu to surround, to encircle, to encompass amgylchyn-
amharchu to disrespect amharch-
amlinellu to outline, to sketch amlinell-
amseru to time, to date, to take your time amser-
andwyo to spoil, to ruin andwy-
anesmwytho to become or make uneasy, anxious or restless, to disturb, to disquiet anesmwyth-
anfarwoli to immortalize anfarwol-
animeiddio to animate (make an animation) animeiddi-
anweddu to evaporate, to vaporize, to produce steam anwedd-
anwylo to cuddle, to caress, to cherish, to endear anwyl-
apwyntio to appoint apwynti-
aralleirio to paraphrase, to reword aralleiri-
arallu to make changes, to alter; to alienate, to estrange arall-
arddweud to dictate (for transcription) arddywed-
aredig to plough ardd-
arolygu to survey, to inspect arolyg-
asesu to assess ases-
atafaelu to confiscate, to seize, to distrain atafael-
atalnodi to punctuate atalnod
atgyfodi to resurrect, to revive atgyfod-
atodi to append, to attach (document etc.), to add to atod-
awdurdodi to authorise, to empower awdurdod-
awyru to air, to ventilate, to aerate awyr-
baldorddi to talk nonsense, to babble, to prattle baldordd-
beichio crio to sob beichi-
betio to bet (money) beti-
bigit[i]an to provoke, to annoy, to pick a quarrel, to nag (De Cymru)
bipian to bleep, to beep bipi-
blaguro to form buds, to put out shoots, to sprout blagur-
blaseiddio to flavour, to season blaseiddi-
blingo to skin, to flay bling-
blysio to crave blysi-
bod gan rywun to have, to possess
bod wrth eich bodd yn / gyda to love, to be in one's element (doing / with)
bod yn edifar gan rywun to regret
bod yn well gan rywun to prefer
boddhau to please boddha-
boneddigeiddio to gentrify; to ennoble boneddigeiddi-
botymu to button botym-
braenaru to fallow, to prepare for cultivation braenar-
bragu to brew (with malt) brag-
brechu to vaccinate, to inoculate brech-
bridio to breed bridi-
britho to go grey (of hair or beard), to dapple, to speckle, to fleck, to mottle brith-
brodio to embroider brodi-
bronfwydo to breastfeed
buddioli to benefit, to profit buddiol-
bwrw cenllysg to hail (weather) (Gogledd Cymru) bwri-
bwrw cesair to hail (weather) (De Cymru) bwri-
bwydo ar y fron to breastfeed
byddaru to deafen, to become deaf byddar-
byrddio to board byrddi-
byrhau to shorten, to abbreviate
byseddu to finger bysedd-
bywhau to animate bywha-
bywiocáu to enliven
cadwyno (wrth) to chain (to) cadwyn-
caethiwo to enslave, to addict caethiw-
cafflo to cheat (De Cymru) caffl-
calchu to lime calch-
camdreiglo to mutate incorrectly (grammar) camdreigl-
camgymryd to mistake camgymer-
camsefyll to be offside (in football, rugby etc.)
camymddwyn to misbehave, to commit misconduct camymddyg-
canlyn to follow; to court canlyn-
canoli to centralize, to focus, to mediate canol-
carco to care, to take care of, to mind; to be thrifty (De Cymru) carc-
cardota to beg (for alms) cardot-
carthu to purge, to clean, to muck out animal dwelling carth-
castio to cast (especially in an acting part); to play tricks casti-
catalyddu to catalyse catalydd-
cefnu ar to turn one's back on, to forsake cefn-
cenhadu to propagate (message / faith), to conduct a mission, to proselytise cenhad-
cenhedlu to reproduce (offspring); to conceive (offspring) cenhedl-
ceulo to clot, to coagulate, to congeal ceul-
ciwio to queue ciwi-
clatsio to strike, to hit (De Cymru) clastsi-
clatsio ymlaen to crack on, to persevere (De Cymru)
clau to clean (De Cymru)
clocsio to clog dance; to make or repair clogs clocsi-
clochdar to cluck, to cackle, to boast
clodfori to praise clodfor-
cloffi to become lame cloff-
cloncan to chat, to natter, to gossip, to prattle (De Cymru) clonc-
clustnodi to ear-mark clustnod-
clwydo to roost clwyd-
clytio to patch clyti-
cnoi cil to ruminate (chew cud, also figurative), to think over cno-
coethi to refine, to purify coeth-
colledu to cause loss to, to damage colled-
conan to grumble, to complain (De Cymru)
condemnio to condemn condemni-
costrelu to bottle costrel-
creithio to scar creithi-
cribddeilio to extort, to plunder, to take by force cribddeili-
cribinio to rake (Gogledd Cymru) cribini-
crisialu to crystalize crisial-
croeshoelio to crucify croeshoeli-
croesholi to cross-examine, to cross-question croeshol-
cronni to amass, to collect, to gather (together), to accumulate; to dam up cronn-
crosio to crochet crosi-
crychu to wrinkle, to crimp crych-
crygu to stammer, to grow hoarse cryg-
cuddio rhag to hide from
cwmpasu to encompass, to circumscribe cwmpas-
cwnnu to raise, to put up, to rise (= codi, o cychwynnu) (De-ddwyrain Cymru)
cwrcwd to squat, to crouch cwrcyd-, cyrcyd-
cydlynu to cohere, to stick or cling together, to form a whole cydlyn-
cydweithredu to co-operate cydweithred-
cydymffurfio to conform cydymffurfi-
cyfannu to make whole or entire, to unite, to integrate cyfann-
cyfanwerthu to sell wholesale cyfanwerth-
cyfeddach to carouse (b) [unusually, this verbnoun is feminine]; carousal
cyfeilio to accompany (with music) cyfeili-
cyflyru to condition cyflyr-
cyfodi (form of codi) to lift, to rise, to raise cyfod-
cyfosod to place together, to juxtapose, to combine cyfosod-
cyfrodeddu to intertwine, to twist together cyfrodedd-
cyfrwyo to saddle (horse) cyfrwy-
cyffesu to confess (especially religiously) cyffes-
cyhwfan to wave, to flutter, to heave cyhwfan-
cylchdroi to rotate, to revolve cylchdro-
cymedroli to moderate, to temper cymedrol-
cymodi â to reconcile with cymod-
Cymreigio to make (more) Welsh Cymreigi-
cymudo to commute (travel) cymud-
cymynnu to bequeath cymynn-
cynllwynio to conspire cynllwyni-
cyplysu to couple cyplys-
cysegru to consecrate cysegr-
cysodi to type-set cysod-
cysoni to regularize, to harmonize cyson-
cystuddio to afflict cystuddi-
cywasgu to compress cywasg-
c[y]weirio (S) to mend, to put in order cweiri-
chwerwi to become bitter chwerw-
chwilfriwio to smash to pieces, to shatter chwilfriwi-
chwyldroi to revolutionize chwyldro-
chwyrlïo to whirl chwyrlï-
dadbacio to unpack dadbaci-
dadlaith to thaw [out] (De Cymru) dadleithi-
dadlennu to uncover, to unveil, to reveal, to expose dadlenn-
dadrithio to disillusion, to disenchant, to restore to original shape or form dadrithi-
dallu to blind, to become blind dall-
damsang (ar) to trample (on) (De Cymru) damsang-
darfudo to convect (heat in physics) darfud-
dargludo to conduct (electricity, heat in physics) darglud-
dargyfeirio to divert, to redirect, to diverge dargyfeiri-
datganoli to decentralize, to devolve datganol-
datgarboneiddio to decarbonize datgarboneiddi-
datglymu to untie datglym-
datgoedwigo to deforest datgoedwig-
datgomisiynu to decommission datgomisiyn-
datgymalu to dislocate, to disjoint, to take to pieces, to disassemble datgymal-
datsgriwio to unscrew datsgriwi-
dedfrydu to sentence (in court) dedfryd-
deddfu to legislate, to enact, to decree deddf-
dengid (= dianc) to escape (Gogledd Cymru) dihang-
deigrynnu to shed tears deigrynn-
delfrydu to idealize delfryd-
deor to hatch (egg etc.), to hatch out; to brood, to incubate deor-
deud (= dweud) to say (Gogledd Cymru)
diarddel to expell, to excommunicate, to disown diarddel-
diarfogi to disarm diarfog-
diasbedain to resound diasbed-
dichon (= gallu) to be able (formal) dichon-
diddyfnu to wean diddyfnu-
diengyd (= dianc) to escape (Gogledd Cymru) dihang-
difrïo to revile, to denigrate, to disparage difrï-
difwyno to spoil, to mar, to defile, to pollute difwyn-
differu to differentiate (calculus) differ-
diffygdalu to default (on debt repayment) diffygdal-
digolledu to recompense, to indemnify, to compensate digolled-
diheintio to disinfect diheinti-
dihoeni to languish, to pine, to fade away, to wither dihoen-
dihysbyddu to drain (liquid from), to empty, to exhaust dihysbydd-
dinoethi to strip, to make bare dinoeth-
diosg to take off (clothes / shoes), to undress, to strip; to divest, to cast off diosg-
diota to imbibe, to booze, to tipple
diraddio to degrade; to dismiss diraddi-
dirprwyo to deputize, to appoint a deputy; to act as a delegate, deputy or representative dirprwy-
distewi to be, keep or become silent, to silence, to hush distaw-
distrywio to destroy distrywi-
distyllu to distil, to drip, to fall in drops distyll-
diweddu to end, to conclude, to finish diwedd-
diwydianeiddio to industrialize diwydianeiddi-
dodwy to lay eggs dodw-
dogfennu to document dogfenn-
dreifio to drive dreifi-
dryllio to break to pieces, to shatter, to wreck drylli-
dweud y drefn wrth rywun to tell someone off
dyddodi to deposit (layer of sediment, fat), to precipitate dyddod-
dyfeisio to invent, to devise dyfeisi-
dyfnhau to deepen dyfnha-
dyfrio to water, to irrigate dyfri-
dylunio to design dyluni-
dylynu wrth to adhere to, to cling to dylyn-
dynesu to approach, to draw near, to come nearer dynes-
echdynnu to extract echdynn-
eilio to plait, to braid, to interweave; to compose (song or poetry) eili-
eilio to second eili-
eilunaddoli to idolise eilunaddol-
eneinio to anoint eneini-
enllibio to slander, to malign enllibi-
eplesu to ferment eples-
euogfarnu to convict, to find guilty euogfarn-
euro to gild eur-
ewyllysio (i) to will ewyllysi-
ewynnu to foam ewynn-
ffansïo to fancy ffansï-
ffieiddio to abhor, to detest, to loathe, to hate; to be digusted at, to be revolted by ffieiddi-
ffromi to be angry, to rage, to fume ffrom-
ffrwtian to splutter (also of engine) ffrwti-
ffrwythloni to fertilize (impregnate), to become or be fruitful ffrwythlon-
ffyrnigo to become angry or enraged, to grow fierce ffyrnig-
gaeafgysgu to hibernate gaeafgysg-
galarnadu to lament galarnad-
gefeillio to twin gefeilli-
geirio to express in words, to word geiri-
gellwng to allow to go, to let, to permit, to leave to, to release gellyng-
glasu to turn blue glas-
gloddesta to revel, to carouse, to feast; (g) revelry, carousal, feasting
glynu (at) to stick (to), to glue glyn-
godinebu to commit adultery, to fornicate godineb-
goddiweddyd to catch up with, to catch fugitive, to overtake goddiwedd-
gogoneddu to glorify, to extol gogonedd-
gohebu to report, to correspond goheb-
goleddfu to slope, to slant; to modify (in grammar) goleddf-
goresgyn to gain possession of; to overcome, to defeat goresgyn-
gori to brood, to sit on eggs gor-
gorlenwi to overfill gorlanw-, gorlenw-
gorweithio to overwork, to cause to overwork gorweithi-
gorwneud to overdo, to exaggerate
graeanu to grit (road etc.), to spread gravel over graean-
grilio to grill (food) grili-
grymuso to strengthen grymus-
gwamalu to be frivolous, to waver gwamal-
gwangalonni to lose heart, to become discouraged; to discourage gwangalonn-
gwarafun (i) to forbid, to prohibit; to prevent, to hinder, to deny; to begrudge, to resent gwarafun-
gwarantu to guarantee (a product etc. by agreement) gwarant-
gwastatu to level, to make level or even gwastat-
gwawrio to dawn gwawri-
gwelwi to grow pale gwelw-
gwersylla to camp gwersyll-
gweu to weave, to knit gwe-
gweud to say (= dweud) (De Cymru) gwed-
gwledda to feast, to revel gwledd-
gwreichioni to spark, to emit sparks gwreichion-
gwrteithio to fertilize (with manure, compost etc.) gwrteithi-
gwrthdystio to protest, to remonstrate; to give counter-evidence gwrthdysti-
gwrthryfela to rebel, to revolt gwrthryfel-
gwrychio to bristle gwrychi-
gwyngalchu to whitewash gwyngalch-
hadu to sow, to produce seed had-
haeru to insist, to assert, to allege haer-
halltu to salt hallt-
hamddena to spend time at leisure, to relax, to take respite hamdden-
haneru to halve haner-
hunanasesu to self-assess; self-assessment hunanases-
imiwneiddio to immunize imiwneiddi-
impio to graft; to implant; to (cause to) bud / sprout impi-
inswleiddio to insulate (in a technical sense) inswleiddi-
integru to integrate (calculus) integr-
israddio to downgrade, to demote israddi-
labelu to label label-
llabyddio to stone (cast stones at) llabyddi-
llaesu to slacken llaes-
llafnrolio to rollerblade llafnroli-
llafurio to toil, to labour, to strive llafuri-
llanw (=llenwi) to fill (De Cymru) llanw-
llawenhau to gladden, to make cheerful; to rejoice, to be cheerful llawenha-
lleisio to voice lleisi-
llên-ladrata to plagiarize llên-ladrata-
llesgáu to languish, to become feeble, to feel faint llesga-
llethu to overwhelm, to swamp, to stifle, to crush, to overpower lleth-
llewyrchu to shine, to give light, to gleam; to be successful llewyrchu
llochesu to harbour, to shelter lloches-
lloffa to glean lloff-
lluniadu to draw (in a technical sense) lluniad-
llurgunio to distort (facts, the truth), to mangle, to disfigure, to corrupt llurguni-
llwydo to turn grey, to go mouldy llwyd-
llwyfannu to stage (theatrical or musical performance); to appear on stage llwyfann-
llwyo to spoon out, to ladle out llwy-
llyfnhau to make smooth, to level, to polish llyfnha-
llyfnu to harrow; to smooth llyfn-
llythyru to correspond by letter, to write letters llythyr-
maglu to snare, to trap magl-
magu pwysau to put on weight
malurio to smash (to bits), to pulverize maluri-
manwerthu to retail manwerth-
marchogaeth to ride a horse marchog-
martsio to march (to make a marching movement) martsi-
masnachu to trade masnach-
medi to reap, to harvest med-
meddalu to soften, to become soft meddal-
meddyginiaethu to medicate, to treat medically meddyginiaeth-
meiddio to dare, to venture, to presume meiddi-
meindio to mind, to care meindi-
meintoli to quantify meintol-
meiriol to thaw, to melt meiriol-
melynu to become yellow; to make yellow or golden melyn-
melysu to sweeten melys-
melltithio to put a curse on, to curse melltithi-
mercheta to chase wowen, to womanise, to flirt merchet-
merlota to go pony trekking
methdalu to be bankrupt, to be insolvent; bankruptcy methdal-
mewnfudo to immigrate mewnfud-
moduro to motor, to drive modur-
modylu to modulate (in physics) modyl-
moelyd to overturn (turn vehicle etc. upside down), to topple (De Cymru) (from "ymhoelyd") moel-
moli to praise (in worship / adulation) mol-
morgeisio to mortgage morgeisi-
morio to voyage by sea, to sail mori-
morthwylio to hammer morthwyli-
mudferwi to simmer mudferw-
mudo to move, to migrate, to move something from one place to another mud-
nadu to prevent, to hinder, not to allow nad-
naddu to shape with a sharp tool, to chip (at), to hew, to whittle, to trim, to carve nadd-
negyddu to negate negydd-
nodweddu to characterize, to be characteristic of, to distinguish nodwedd-
nychu to become weak or feeble, to waste away, to pine; to make weak, to enfeeble nych-
nyddu to spin (wool, yarn), to wind, to twist nydd-
odi to snow (Gogledd-ddwyrain Cymru) od-
odli to rhyme odl-
olynu to succeed, to follow (in succession) olyn-
optimeiddio to optimize optimeiddi-
paldaruo to talk nonsense, to blather (Gogledd Cymru) paldaru-
parablu to utter, to say, to speak, to babble parabl-
parlysu to paralyse parlys-
paru to pair par-
pasteureiddio to pasturize pasteureiddi-
peillio to pollinate peilli-
perffeithio to perfect perffeithi-
picedu to picket piced-
pilio to peel pili-
piltran to potter about, to fiddle (Gogledd Cymru) piltr-
pistyllio ['r glaw] to pour with rain pistilli-
plagio to plague, to afflict, to annoy, to pester plagi-
pledio to plead (in law), to offer as excuse or justification pledi-
plicio to peel, to pluck (feathers), pluck stringed instrument plici-
plisgo to shell, to peel, to exfoliate plisg-
plismona to police, policing
plymio to dive, to dip, to sound (for depth), to plunge (into); to plumb plymi-
poblogeiddio to popularize poblogeiddi-
pontio to bridge, to span ponti-
portreadu to portray, to represent portread-
prinhau to become scarce, to diminish; to make scarce, to restrict, to curtail prinha-
priodoli to attribute, to ascribe priodol-
prisio to price; pricing prisi-
puro to purify, to refine pur-
pwrcasu to purchase pwrcas-
pwyllgora to hold, frequent or attend committees
recriwtio to recruit recriwti-
rhacanu to rake (De Cymru) rhacan-
rhagdalu to prepay rhagdal-
rhagfynegi to predict (in a technical sense) rhagfyneg-
rhaglennu to program; programming rhaglenn-
rhamantu to romance; to romanticize rhamant-
rhechain to fart rhech-
rhefru to babble, to rant, to scold, to complain rhefr-
rheibio to seize by force, to ravage, to plunder; to bewitch, to cast a spell on rheibi-
rheoleiddio to regulate (control indirectly through rules, processes or effects) rheoleiddi-
rhicio to score (a scratch or notch), to notch, to groove rhici-
rhincian dannedd to gnash / to grind teeth (especially from rage) rhinci-
rhoid (= rhoi) to give, to put, to place (Gogledd Cymru) rhodd-, rhoi-
rhwydo to net rhwyd-
rhychu to crumple, to crease, to wrinkle, to become rumpled; to cut trenches / furrows / grooves rhych-
rhyfela to wage war, to war rhyfel-
rhynnu to suffer from cold, to freeze; to cause to be freezing cold rhynn-
saernïo to fashion, to construct, to build (as an artisan; also figuratively) saernï-
samplu to select or capture samples (in a technical sense) sampl-
sarnu to trample on, to spoil, to spill sarn-
sboncio to bounce, to spring sbonci-
sbrotian to rummage, to nose about sbroti-
seboni to soap, to lather; to soft-soap, to flatter sebon-
segura to idle, to laze segur-
sengi (ar) to tread (on), to trample on sang-
Seisnigo to Anglicize Seisnig-
selio to seal seli-
serennu to shine like a star, to sparkle, to twinkle, to shine brilliantly, to dazzle serenn-
sganio to scan (in a technical sense e.g. with a machine) scani-
sglefrfyrddio to skateboard sglefrfyrddi-
sglefrolio to roller skate, to rollerblade sglefroli-
sgleinio to gleam, to shine (be or make shiny), to polish sgleini-
sgrinio to screen (for disease etc.) sgrini-
sgriwio to screw sgriwi-
sgwrio to scour (clean / polish by rubbing), to purge sgwri-
siffrwd to make a rustling sound, to shuffle (cards etc.) siffryd-
sleifio to wriggle, to steal past, to slink, to creep sleifi-
sleisio to slice sleisi-
smentio to cement smenti-
snorclo to snorkel snorcl-
sodro to solder, to fix firmly in place, to place firmly sodr-
steilio to style steili-
stelcian to skulk, to stalk, to prowl, to lurk stelci-
stido bwrw glaw to pour with rain (Gogledd Cymru)
stilo to iron (De Cymru) stil-
straffaglio to struggle straffagli-
stryffaglio to struggle stryffagli-
stwna to potter about, to fiddle about
suro to sour sur-
swatio to crouch, to squat; to cuddle, to snuggle (up) in bed swati-
sychlanhau to dry clean sychlanheu-, sychlanha-
syflyd to budge, to move, to stir syfl-
syfrdanu to stun, to stupefy, to amaze, to astound syfrdan-
syrffedu to suffer from a surfeit, to feel fed up, to overindulge, to be bored stiff syrffed-
taeru to insist, to assert, to argue, to disagree taer-
taflunio to project (an image) tafluni-
taranu to thunder, to sound with thunder taran-
teilwra to tailor teilwr-
teneuo to thin (out), to dwindle teneu-
tirlenwi to landfill tirlenw-
tonni to undulate, to form waves, to oscillate, to surge up, to fall in waves (of hair) tonn-
traddodi to deliver (verdict, speech, sermon); to hand down, to hand over, to transfer traddod-
traethu to talk, to narrate, to relate, to speak (publicly) traeth-
trafaelio to travel; to labour trafaeli-
traflyncu to guzzle, to gobble up, to devour traflync-
trawsgyweirio to change key, to transpose, to modulate (in music) trawsgyweiri-
treiglo to mutate (grammar); to roll treigl-
treio to ebb, to drain away trei-
tresio bwrw glaw to pour (thrash) with rain
tresmasu to trespass, to encroach, to infringe tresmas-
troedio to tread, to step troedi-
trosleisio to dub, to do a voice-over trosleisi-
trydaneiddio to electrify trydaneiddi-
trydar to tweet, to chirp, to twitter trydar-
tryledu to diffuse (in physics and chemistry) tryled-
trysori to treasure trysor-
twrio to rummage, to burrow (= tyrchu, turio) twri-
tyllu to make a hole or holes [in], to dig, to bore, to drill, to perforate tyll-
tyrru to pile up, to amass, to throng tyrr-
tystio to testify, to witness tysti-
unioni to straighten, to put right, to redress union-
wado to beat, to strike (De Cymru) wad-
wyna to give birth to lamb, to lamb
ymbarchuso to make oneself respectable, to become respectable ymbarchus-
ymbellhau (oddi wrth) to distance oneself (from), to go further away ymbellha-
ymdoddi to integrate (into society); to melt, to dissolve, to merge ymdodd-
ymdrochi to immerse oneself (in water, or figuratively), to bathe ymdroch-
ymdynghedu to swear an oath, to vow, to pledge ymdynghed-
ymddiddan to converse, to chat, to speak ymddiddan-
ymfudo to emigrate, to migrate, to move (house) ymfud-
ymgeleddu to care for; to cherish, to succour, to provide shelter / comfort / food ymgeledd-
ymgodymu to wrestle, to grapple ymgodym-
ymgolli to lose oneself ymgoll-
ymgreinio to grovel, to prostrate oneself, to wallow ymgreini-
ymgrymu to bow, to stoop ymgrym-
ymgyfarwyddo to get acquainted with, to familiarise oneself with, to get used to ymgyfarwydd-
ymgynnull to assemble, to congregate, to gather together ymgynull-
ymhél â rhywbeth to be involved with something ymheli-
ymhelaethu to elaborate, to expand on ymhelaeth-
ymlwybro to make one's way, to wander ymlwybr-
ymofyn to seek, to desire, to want ymofynn-
ymrafael to differ; to disagree, to quarrel, to wrangle ymrafael-
ymresymu to reason, to think logically, to argue ymresym-
ymryson to compete, to contend, to quarrel ymryson-
ymsefydlu to establish oneself ymsefydl-
ymsuddo to sink, to submerge, to immerse oneself ymsudd-
ymwrthod to abstain (from), to refuse, to reject, to forsake ymwrthod-
ysgafnhau to lighten (load, weight) ysgafnha-
ysglyfaethu to prey upon, to plunder ysglyfaeth-
ysgwyddo to shoulder ysgwydd-
ysigo to sprain, to buckle (distort) ysig-
ystreulio to rinse ystreuli-
ystwytho to make or become supple ystwyth-
submitted by HyderNidPryder to learnwelsh [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:12 Assassin-of-red Mistakes were made

Hai I’m new to Reddit so I hope I’m doing this correctly. I 35 m have had the same group of girlfriends since I was a freshman in high school and a few of them since jr high. I got married a few years ago and 2urs ago I allowed one of my friends since 8th grade to move in with us. She and I have worked together in tattoo shops before and began to work together again. During the first year she and I talked about her being a surrogate for me and at first she wanted to do it just because everyone knows how much I have always wanted a family of my own. I however did not feel comfortable asking this of her without giving back. I offered to pay off her debt and she was happy with that. I tried to get her covered by insurers before we eventually used a turkey baster however the timing just didn’t work out in time so my husband and I said we would pay for medical cost. After it was officially announced that she was pregnant I had a momentary panic attack one time and told her that if she wasn’t ready or not still comfortable with our agreement that we would also pay for an abortion. Not what I wanted but would understand knowing that it’s a big thing for both of us. She assured us that she wanted to go through with it. So it was never brought up by me ever again. Throughout the pregnancy I never charged her rent was present at every single doctors appointment bought every single meal and anything she needed including whatever she needed for her daughter from her previous marriage. Well one baby ended up being two and I was so excited that I would be having two of the four kids I have always wanted but never thought I would get due to my hiv status pronation and bad life choices I had made in the past. I’m glad I turned my life around before this opportunity presented itself best thing I’ve ever done. Before they twins were born we had paid her beyond the agreed amount not including taking care of her and her daughter. Now the surrogate is Native American and had told me that the twins would not get their trouble numbers if she was not in the birth certificate (found out that’s a lie) she also told me she applied for their numbers and got their own Medicate while also informing me that I couldn’t get wic because I am not a woman. So I blindly believed all of this cause she’s my friend for years and I thought we just wanted to help each other out to the best of our abilities. Twins are born in July and my husband and I have gone out of our way to buy a new house to accommodate me him the twins my friend and her daughter. We moved in the middle of August and things become intense. My friend was almost never home unless her daughter was with her for the weekend (I always teated her as my own) I tried to include her when I went out with our mutual friends and checked in with her regularly due to postpartum bing a real thing. She swore she was fine but I let her keep her distance. She then started picking fights with my husband who granted is twice our age and has never been around babies he has a lot to learn but it got the point where when she would pull up we would stress about being judged for not being perfect. I tried to keep the peace till one day her and my husband got in to such a nasty fight while I was grabbing my daughter from her room to feed her. I came into them screaming at each other and then both at me. I tried to catch my husband as he walked out the door and my hand got caught in it. The next two weeks before the twins first Christmas I and my mother took care of the twins ourself, me with only the use of my left arm. When my husband finally came home I sat them both down and laid in to them that this would not be allowed my kids house ever again because I care more about my kids then their feelings. I had set my boundary if they cannot get along they both have to find somewhere else to live. Fast forward to march my surrogate has informed me she will not be signing the twins over to me unless I leave my husband. I had had enough I got heated and demanded that she explain herself where she thinks she can control me. She proceeded to call the police and falsely accuse me of assault on her abuse of my children neglect and drugs. She has now challenged me for custody. She place a restraining order on me and sold all my stuff at our job to pay her lawyer on top of opening a go fund me. She does not have the means to take care of herself let alone 3 kids and I’m not rich but we are wlll enough that I can provide the life I wanted for them. However due to lawyer fees I’m running out of savings and the whole thing has me so stressed that I have a heart condition and we’re struggling to make ends meet. I’m not asking for money or anything but someone I can talk to because this is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever been through
submitted by Assassin-of-red to gaydads [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:05 AggravatingValue5390 Why the Yotta situation shouldnt worry you

Everyone has been panicking about the recent Yotta situation, which for those unaware, Yotta customers were recently locked out of their funds after a dispute and eventual bankruptcy of their "Banking-as-a-Service" (BaaS) provider Synapse. This rightly has people a bit on edge as Wealthfront operates in a very similar way to Yotta, with one key difference: Wealthfront is the one that manages the cash sweep program, not the BaaS.
No evidence of ownership of the Deposit Account, such as a passbook or certificate, will be issued to you. Instead, the Deposit Account will be evidenced by (1) a book entry on the account records of each Participating Bank showing an omnibus Deposit Account as being held in the name of Wealthfront Brokerage for the benefit of you and other Wealthfront Brokerage customers that participate in the Cash Sweep Program, and (2) records of your Program Deposit maintained by Wealthfront Brokerage as your custodian and recordkeeper for the Participating Bank.
This means that you can see for yourself what banks have how much of your money via your monthly cash account statement. This cuts out the middleman and allows Wealthfront to make sure books are being kept properly, and allow us, the consumer, to see it for ourselves. Their BaaS partner Green Dot is only used to provide checking account features like routing numbers and debt cards. I encourage anyone who has doubts to read the entire disclosure, because it most likely has the answers to your questions.
Yotta is a gimmicky startup fintech company that has gambling built into their service, is hundreds of times smaller than Wealthfront, and offers none of the other services Wealthfront does in terms of investing. This is a shady company paying the price for outsourcing their record keeping to a 3rd party and is not something that applies to Wealthfront.
I get why everyone is asking questions and worried, it's your money after all, but it's important to put things in perspective and not start pulling all your money out without doing your research, less you cause a run on the bank and create a problem where there wasnt one. If anything, the fact that Wealthfront has enough liquidity to handle all the panic withdraws should only reinforce your confidence. Oh, and the fact that they currently manage $50 billion in assets, or about 440 Yottas. These two companies are not even on the same playing field.
submitted by AggravatingValue5390 to wealthfront [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:02 ThomasTanksDown EXPRQ - A Deep Dive into the forgotten $2.73M WSB darling that is a sleeping giant of a squeeze.

EXPRQ - A Deep Dive into the forgotten $2.73M WSB darling that is a sleeping giant of a squeeze.
Yes it is long but bare with me, it is worth the read. Express Inc. (EXPRQ) has emerged as an obvious candidate for a short squeeze in my opinion. This is driven by several compelling factors. Despite its relatively low profile and market cap of just $2.73 million (with sales of $1.78B, yes with a $B), EXPRQ is a smaller, more agile target that could be significantly impacted by concentrated buying activity. Just look at what happened to Toys-R-Us (TOYRF). It went up 1,000% in two days! And with under $5M worth of volume. That's a fun chart to look at. It even already has its own subreddit EXPR.
Express's relation to the other meme stocks that went parobolic in 2021 is very closely knit. Don't take my word for it. Go take a look. WSB is littered with Express Inc. with ties to GME, AMC, BB, KOSS and BBBY. Better yet, how about we ask the top 5 chat bots what the biggest meme stocks were. From these pictures you can see that all the top chat bots (Meta, Open AI, Microsoft, Google) all tell you Express Inc. was and still is affiliated with the meme short squeezes.
This doesn't even mention the financial metrics and market conditions that poise EXPRQ for significant price movements. Notably, the stock has not yet experienced a significant price jump, remaining under the radar of all investors.
With high short interest, currently around 20% (ya right), this indicates a substantial portion of the hegde funds like the one we all know and love, Citadel, betting against the stock. Yes, CITADEL! Coupled with low trading volume, any surge in buying activity could lead to a rapid increase in the stock price as short sellers rush to cover their positions just like with TOYRF.
The financial health of EXPRQ further supports the case for a short squeeze. The company has shown strong operational improvements, with gross margins increasing to 30%, a reduction in net loss by 36%, and an impressive 88% increase in cash and cash equivalents. Additionally, Express has reported a 32% increase in operating income and a 14% increase in current assets. I believe these positive financial trends, combined with a price-to-book ratio of only 0.185 (meaning heavy discount on the stock price as is and the total assets - debts = +$110M) indicate that the stock is extremely undervalued.
I will also point out that there has been lots of speculation around what GameStop will use its cash for, and the majority of fingers point to acquisitions. Acquisitions of lots of different companies, Express included. With GME issuing another 120M shares (45M + 75M), they will have plenty to choose from. Some even pointing out Ryan Cohen could buy up companies who had faced the same fate GameStop was looking at back in 2021, in sort of a tribute to the share holders. The capital required for these acquisitions would be minimal and wouldn't affect their bottom line very much either. I mean they did just raise over $2B. This is a long shot but one can't rule it out.
Lastly, I'd like to point out that it's obvious this has slipped by all retail investors. There is not reason EXPRQ shouldn't be gaining along side GME and the rest of the 2021 short squeeze stocks. Look at the price action over the past few weeks. Mostly completely flat! People forgot about the gold nugget due to the ticker chance and it is primed to skyrocket!
All this information can be found in their most recent 10-K annual report. EXPRQ trades on the OTC markets and can only be purchased by certain brokerages like Interactive Brokers, E*TRADE, Charles Schwab, TD Ameritrade, Fidelity and a few others.
I will be coming out with another DD soon related more about the improved financials and how the company can come out of chapter 11 bankruptcy (which is the good-for-shareholders restructuring kind, if there was a good one) and the fact that EXPRQ assets minus debts are over $100M. And as always, not financial advice.
Position: 33,000 shares
submitted by ThomasTanksDown to Webull [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:01 ThomasTanksDown EXPRQ - A Deep Dive into the forgotten $2.73M WSB darling that is a sleeping giant of a squeeze.

EXPRQ - A Deep Dive into the forgotten $2.73M WSB darling that is a sleeping giant of a squeeze.
Yes it is long but bare with me, it is worth the read. Express Inc. (EXPRQ) has emerged as an obvious candidate for a short squeeze in my opinion. This is driven by several compelling factors. Despite its relatively low profile and market cap of just $2.73 million (with sales of $1.78B, yes with a $B), EXPRQ is a smaller, more agile target that could be significantly impacted by concentrated buying activity. Just look at what happened to Toys-R-Us (TOYRF). It went up 1,000% in two days! And with under $5M worth of volume. That's a fun chart to look at. It even already has its own subreddit EXPR.
Express's relation to the other meme stocks that went parobolic in 2021 is very closely knit. Don't take my word for it. Go take a look. WSB is littered with Express Inc. with ties to GME, AMC, BB, KOSS and BBBY. Better yet, how about we ask the top 5 chat bots what the biggest meme stocks were. From these pictures you can see that all the top chat bots (Meta, Open AI, Microsoft, Google) all tell you Express Inc. was and still is affiliated with the meme short squeezes.
This doesn't even mention the financial metrics and market conditions that poise EXPRQ for significant price movements. Notably, the stock has not yet experienced a significant price jump, remaining under the radar of all investors.
With high short interest, currently around 20% (ya right), this indicates a substantial portion of the hegde funds like the one we all know and love, Citadel, betting against the stock. Yes, CITADEL! Coupled with low trading volume, any surge in buying activity could lead to a rapid increase in the stock price as short sellers rush to cover their positions just like with TOYRF.
The financial health of EXPRQ further supports the case for a short squeeze. The company has shown strong operational improvements, with gross margins increasing to 30%, a reduction in net loss by 36%, and an impressive 88% increase in cash and cash equivalents. Additionally, Express has reported a 32% increase in operating income and a 14% increase in current assets. I believe these positive financial trends, combined with a price-to-book ratio of only 0.185 (meaning heavy discount on the stock price as is and the total assets - debts = +$110M) indicate that the stock is extremely undervalued.
I will also point out that there has been lots of speculation around what GameStop will use its cash for, and the majority of fingers point to acquisitions. Acquisitions of lots of different companies, Express included. With GME issuing another 120M shares (45M + 75M), they will have plenty to choose from. Some even pointing out Ryan Cohen could buy up companies who had faced the same fate GameStop was looking at back in 2021, in sort of a tribute to the share holders. The capital required for these acquisitions would be minimal and wouldn't affect their bottom line very much either. I mean they did just raise over $2B. This is a long shot but one can't rule it out.
Lastly, I'd like to point out that it's obvious this has slipped by all retail investors. There is not reason EXPRQ shouldn't be gaining along side GME and the rest of the 2021 short squeeze stocks. Look at the price action over the past few weeks. Mostly completely flat! People forgot about the gold nugget due to the ticker chance and it is primed to skyrocket!
All this information can be found in their most recent 10-K annual report. EXPRQ trades on the OTC markets and can only be purchased by certain brokerages like Interactive Brokers, E*TRADE, Charles Schwab, TD Ameritrade, Fidelity and a few others.
I will be coming out with another DD soon related more about the improved financials and how the company can come out of chapter 11 bankruptcy (which is the good-for-shareholders restructuring kind, if there was a good one) and the fact that EXPRQ assets minus debts are over $100M. And as always, not financial advice.
Position: 33,000 shares
submitted by ThomasTanksDown to WallStreetbetsELITE [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:00 ThomasTanksDown EXPRQ - A Deep Dive into the forgotten $2.73M WSB darling that is a sleeping giant of a squeeze.

Yes it is long but bare with me, it is worth the read. Express Inc. (EXPRQ) has emerged as an obvious candidate for a short squeeze in my opinion. This is driven by several compelling factors. Despite its relatively low profile and market cap of just $2.73 million (with sales of $1.78B, yes with a $B), EXPRQ is a smaller, more agile target that could be significantly impacted by concentrated buying activity. Just look at what happened to Toys-R-Us (TOYRF). It went up 1,000% in two days! And with under $5M worth of volume. That's a fun chart to look at. It even already has its own subreddit EXPR.
Express's relation to the other meme stocks that went parobolic in 2021 is very closely knit. Don't take my word for it. Go take a look. WSB is littered with Express Inc. with ties to GME, AMC, BB, KOSS and BBBY. Better yet, how about we ask the top 5 chat bots what the biggest meme stocks were. From these pictures you can see that all the top chat bots (Meta, Open AI, Microsoft, Google) all tell you Express Inc. was and still is affiliated with the meme short squeezes.
This doesn't even mention the financial metrics and market conditions that poise EXPRQ for significant price movements. Notably, the stock has not yet experienced a significant price jump, remaining under the radar of all investors.
With high short interest, currently around 20% (ya right), this indicates a substantial portion of the hegde funds like the one we all know and love, Citadel, betting against the stock. Yes, CITADEL! Coupled with low trading volume, any surge in buying activity could lead to a rapid increase in the stock price as short sellers rush to cover their positions just like with TOYRF.
The financial health of EXPRQ further supports the case for a short squeeze. The company has shown strong operational improvements, with gross margins increasing to 30%, a reduction in net loss by 36%, and an impressive 88% increase in cash and cash equivalents. Additionally, Express has reported a 32% increase in operating income and a 14% increase in current assets. I believe these positive financial trends, combined with a price-to-book ratio of only 0.185 (meaning heavy discount on the stock price as is and the total assets - debts = +$110M) indicate that the stock is extremely undervalued.
I will also point out that there has been lots of speculation around what GameStop will use its cash for, and the majority of fingers point to acquisitions. Acquisitions of lots of different companies, Express included. With GME issuing another 120M shares (45M + 75M), they will have plenty to choose from. Some even pointing out Ryan Cohen could buy up companies who had faced the same fate GameStop was looking at back in 2021, in sort of a tribute to the share holders. The capital required for these acquisitions would be minimal and wouldn't affect their bottom line very much either. I mean they did just raise over $2B. This is a long shot but one can't rule it out.
Lastly, I'd like to point out that it's obvious this has slipped by all retail investors. There is not reason EXPRQ shouldn't be gaining along side GME and the rest of the 2021 short squeeze stocks. Look at the price action over the past few weeks. Mostly completely flat! People forgot about the gold nugget due to the ticker chance and it is primed to skyrocket!
All this information can be found in their most recent 10-K annual report. EXPRQ trades on the OTC markets and can only be purchased by certain brokerages like Interactive Brokers, E*TRADE, Charles Schwab, TD Ameritrade, Fidelity and a few others.
I will be coming out with another DD soon related more about the improved financials and how the company can come out of chapter 11 bankruptcy (which is the good-for-shareholders restructuring kind, if there was a good one) and the fact that EXPRQ assets minus debts are over $100M. And as always, not financial advice.
Position: 33,000 shares
submitted by ThomasTanksDown to wallstreetbets2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:00 ThomasTanksDown EXPRQ - A Deep Dive into the forgotten $2.73M WSB darling that is a sleeping giant of a squeeze.

EXPRQ - A Deep Dive into the forgotten $2.73M WSB darling that is a sleeping giant of a squeeze.
Yes it is long but bare with me, it is worth the read. Express Inc. (EXPRQ) has emerged as an obvious candidate for a short squeeze in my opinion. This is driven by several compelling factors. Despite its relatively low profile and market cap of just $2.73 million (with sales of $1.78B, yes with a $B), EXPRQ is a smaller, more agile target that could be significantly impacted by concentrated buying activity. Just look at what happened to Toys-R-Us (TOYRF). It went up 1,000% in two days! And with under $5M worth of volume. That's a fun chart to look at. It even already has its own subreddit EXPR.
Express's relation to the other meme stocks that went parobolic in 2021 is very closely knit. Don't take my word for it. Go take a look. WSB is littered with Express Inc. with ties to GME, AMC, BB, KOSS and BBBY. Better yet, how about we ask the top 5 chat bots what the biggest meme stocks were. From these pictures you can see that all the top chat bots (Meta, Open AI, Microsoft, Google) all tell you Express Inc. was and still is affiliated with the meme short squeezes.
This doesn't even mention the financial metrics and market conditions that poise EXPRQ for significant price movements. Notably, the stock has not yet experienced a significant price jump, remaining under the radar of all investors.
With high short interest, currently around 20% (ya right), this indicates a substantial portion of the hegde funds like the one we all know and love, Citadel, betting against the stock. Yes, CITADEL! Coupled with low trading volume, any surge in buying activity could lead to a rapid increase in the stock price as short sellers rush to cover their positions just like with TOYRF.
The financial health of EXPRQ further supports the case for a short squeeze. The company has shown strong operational improvements, with gross margins increasing to 30%, a reduction in net loss by 36%, and an impressive 88% increase in cash and cash equivalents. Additionally, Express has reported a 32% increase in operating income and a 14% increase in current assets. I believe these positive financial trends, combined with a price-to-book ratio of only 0.185 (meaning heavy discount on the stock price as is and the total assets - debts = +$110M) indicate that the stock is extremely undervalued.
I will also point out that there has been lots of speculation around what GameStop will use its cash for, and the majority of fingers point to acquisitions. Acquisitions of lots of different companies, Express included. With GME issuing another 120M shares (45M + 75M), they will have plenty to choose from. Some even pointing out Ryan Cohen could buy up companies who had faced the same fate GameStop was looking at back in 2021, in sort of a tribute to the share holders. The capital required for these acquisitions would be minimal and wouldn't affect their bottom line very much either. I mean they did just raise over $2B. This is a long shot but one can't rule it out.
Lastly, I'd like to point out that it's obvious this has slipped by all retail investors. There is not reason EXPRQ shouldn't be gaining along side GME and the rest of the 2021 short squeeze stocks. Look at the price action over the past few weeks. Mostly completely flat! People forgot about the gold nugget due to the ticker chance and it is primed to skyrocket!
All this information can be found in their most recent 10-K annual report. EXPRQ trades on the OTC markets and can only be purchased by certain brokerages like Interactive Brokers, E*TRADE, Charles Schwab, TD Ameritrade, Fidelity and a few others.
I will be coming out with another DD soon related more about the improved financials and how the company can come out of chapter 11 bankruptcy (which is the good-for-shareholders restructuring kind, if there was a good one) and the fact that EXPRQ assets minus debts are over $100M. And as always, not financial advice.
Position: 33,000 shares
submitted by ThomasTanksDown to trakstocks [link] [comments]