Notice of nonrenewal of lease

Pictures of cats faceplanting

2015.04.17 16:49 digestif Pictures of cats faceplanting

Pictures of cats smushing their faces against stuff.

2018.05.13 04:26 Proctor_Gay_Semhouse UpvoteBecauseButt

Dedicated to the unintended glimpses of butt in everyday life.

2009.05.07 18:56 hax0r Herbalism - A place to discuss herbs.

A friendly place to discuss herbs, herbology and talk with other herbalists!

2024.06.09 19:37 Catsandplants_999 FL Real Estate and Disabled Abuse

I'm really grateful for any help on this. I live in Florida and I am a married and disabled adult. My mom abuses me about disabilities. She offered the gift of moving to one of her units, inherited from my grandma, because we lost our house due to a flood. When we moved here, I lost my job due to being misdiagnosed and eventually discovering stage IV lesions. I've been fighting for my life for 4 years with surgeries but my mom / landlord claims that the money we pay her for rent is invalid because of my belief I am disabled.
She attempted to threat our housing for the past year. Then in April, started telling others we were moving but did not tell us. She promised in May on two different phone calls that my partner and I had on speaker phone to bare witness to, that she was going to evict me in retaliation for placing safe boundaries and his disbelief in my disability effect on earnings (again, we pay her rent and help earn her income with her other units). She then promised not to as I am in a medical emergency, just discovering basically the spread of my lesions. So...after attempting to self evict essentially, we didn't hear from her. When we reached out a few weeks later, she asked to have a meeting (which she did earlier in the month when attempting to extort me through threats of eviction). She texted me a 30 days to vacate notice and has refused to speak to me since. She will only speak to my partner to tell us to contact her attorney to find out our rights. SO here is our question :(
My wife and have lived in an apartment that her mother owns for 5 years. Their relationship has been toxic and volatile for most of this time. We never signed an actual lease, and I pay her a nominal amount every month. She has told us that she wants to help us move out several times over the last few months, and has threatened eviction and taken it back.
We got a 30 day notice to vacate. First, on May 30, she texted my wife a pdf of the letter. The next day, I received the letter in a priority mail envelope with a home printed label, and the day after that she got the same thing. The notice to vacate had a date to leave by June 31st, which is not a real date. There is no case number on the document and it says it was received through certified mail. It is not.
Does this notice have to be through certified mail with a signature? Does the wrong date to vacate make this unenforceable? Can we pay the court for July to appeal the vacate notice? Is there a way to somehow not acknowledge tenancy and say this is a family matter? We are in one of the worst real estate markets in the state and my wife will need life saving surgery for a third time very soon. Should we try to get a lawyer? Is it valid to claim that since there is no proof of a tenant landlord relationship, aside from monthly venmo payments, that there is a mother daughter conflict in terms of the gift? OR what protections are there for people with disabilities from housing retaliation.
This is how I responded to the 30 day to vacate notice. Is any of this worth fighting or is there any way to request simply more time so it doesn't endanger my health more? If we had the money to make this disappear, we would.
"This is how I responded to her lawyer, whose speciality is eviction and ejection. The last conversation I had with my "mom" she agreed to not to use any eviction process.
"I am writing to address the 30-day notice to vacate that you texted me. It is invalid for several reasons: it was not sent by certified mail, the vacate date is incorrect beyond clerical error, and most importantly, it claims we have a month-to-month tenancy, which we do not.
Our relationship is that of mother and daughter, not landlord and tenant.
I am grateful for your gift of this apartment. My last payment to you was in October 2022 to help with building supplies, not for rent.
I would much rather have a loving mother-daughter relationship than be forced to move while physically unable.
On May xx and May xx, you agreed not to force us into new housing. Can we set up a time with your lawyers to provide a document to formalize that agreement? Do you remember us agreeing to formalize our mother-daughter relationship and housing arrangement?
I am also open to discussing a tenancy agreement with your desired terms if you wish to change the terms of the gift. I have already provided the HIPAA-protected information you previously requested as the sole term. Are there other conditions you would like to discuss? Would you like further proof of my disabilities impact on my earnings?
This situation is causing me great distress and is harming my health. I am physically unable to move due to my disabilities. My husband works very hard and does not deserve this. Despite your actions contradicting our agreement, I want to resolve this conflict and rebuild our relationship.
1 in 2 people with endometriosis are suicidal due to the social and family isolation; a friend, died this week from thoracic endometriosis. Let’s have her life be a reminder after so much death of what truly matters as I focus on pulmonary function.
I am committed to repairing our relationship and hope you will consider resolutions to our mother-daughter issues. Are you willing to discuss entering into a formal tenancy agreement with me? If so, what terms would you like to include in such an agreement? For example, would you like to establish a 12-month lease? Or perhaps a 6-month agreement to allow us the necessary time to safely relocate within another housing market we can afford and as a disability accommodation?
I would prefer to continue to have a mother-daughter relationship. Are you open to discussing a compromise, such as allowing us to stay in the apartment for a longer period of time while we search for a new place? Will you commit to not sending any further notices until we speak as a family, with a mediator if you prefer, or have a formal agreement in place? Is it possible to rebuild a way to communicate and see each other?
xx xx is the anniversary of my surgery and Father's Day weekend. [my dad is deceased] I hope we can spend that day celebrating together and move forward and de-escalate collectively. Would you like to start with this? More hurt is the last thing our family needs.
I am very grateful for this gift and would like to better demonstrate it by increasing our contact. I will agree to see you at least once a month and share my protected medical information.I hope we can come to an amicable resolution. Thank you for your time and consideration."
submitted by Catsandplants_999 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:09 WoofOfGLA Gamestop Conspiracy: Barnes & Nobles Acquisition/Merger $GME $BNED $IMMR Maybe Disney 🤔 Due Diligence [This one’s for you Omar] 😅

Gamestop Conspiracy: Barnes & Nobles Acquisition/Merger $GME $BNED $IMMR Maybe Disney 🤔 Due Diligence [This one’s for you Omar] 😅
So I was watching some of Omar’s Lives yesterday and saw some conspiracy theories and wanted to share some DD I have been doing on a possible acquisition of Barnes & Noble from Gamestop. As we know, whatever happens with Gamestop impacts other Meme plays like FFIE. News of an acquisition like this would cause GME to skyrocket! Why? Cause it involves a company with over 6000+ patents on software, technology and haptics which has partnered with companies like Sony, Microsoft, Meta & NINTENDO!
I have been doing TONS of research on this and will be updating the post with links throughout the day. I have posted on BNED subreddit and also on Stocktwits so will be pasting all the info and slowly updating but feel free to let me know what you think!
Reminder, this is a conspiracy post! It would be AWESOME if this happened but this is for fun! Hope you all enjoy! 🤪
BNED IMMR GME Due Diligence Post: Possible Acquisition?
Hi Everyone! Wanted to share some DD I have been doing on Gamestop, Immersion and Barnes & Noble and a possible acquisition from Gamestop. Please feel free to share thoughts!
So as we know Barnes & Noble used to own Gamestop ($GME) back in 2004. In fact, Gamestop was born from Barnes & Noble as well as Barnes & Noble Education. In 2004, both Gamestop and Barnes & Noble Education (BNED) were branched off into their own companies.
Barnes & Noble Education is the part of the company that has locations within college campuses to provide students with a variety of books and services including other retail items for sale. Recently Immersion Corporation ($IMMR) finished acquiring a bunch of shares for BNED (about 30-40%). But why would a company like Immersion work with Barnes & Noble? So Immersion actually owns a ton of patents for software and haptics which is also associated with… GAMING! In fact they have also work with other large names like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. As we know, Gamestop not only sells games but also gaming consoles. A huge amount of profits generated by Gamestop comes from retail locations but with many lease agreements ending, dying malls and shopping centers, and shoppers becoming more comfortable purchashing online, how can GME become more strategic in marketing their products?
Barnes & Noble Education has locations all over different College Campuses… and who loves Gaming? Well I’m sure College-Aged students like doing their fair share of gaming! With Gamestop locations fading away in decaying malls, how strategic would it be to partner with Colleges to have a location in their campus! Or better yet… acquire the company that birthed them and therefore having now the ability to put their products on sale in major campuses booming with the demographic that happens to also love gaming?
Acquiring BNED would allow for expansion to College Campuses thus generating more sales! BNED has approximately 1600 locations in campuses within the US.
Now with Immersion, Gamestop would have a partner (or perhaps acquire aswell) to help create new accessories, gaming consoles, and gaming software to expand this part of the business. Immersion owns a TON of patents. Working with them would allow Gamestop to create state of the art products and even games generating much more profit!
Recently this month, BNED converted a ton of debt into shares. If the company wasn’t doing well, why would a company accept shares instead of cash unless they believed BNED was on the road towards success? Why would BNED work with a company like Immersion and why would they want to acquire a ton of shares of BNED? Lastly, Gamestop announced today that they had over a $1 Billion in Cash and even issued more shares. What is Gamestop preparing for? Could it be to purchase Barnes & Noble (and Barnes & Noble Education)?
In 2019, Elliot Investment Management purchased Barnes & Noble for $683 Million Dollars. Barnes & Noble has approximately 600 retail stores across the US. If Gamestop acquired Barnes & Noble (Bookstores Currently Private), they would also have 600 additional locations to market their products.
Gamestop and Barnes & Noble would become the ultimate Entertainment retailer! Currently Barnes & Noble sells books, CDs, Comic Books and Manga. Bookstores are located in perfect locations with enough space to host e-Sports arenas and competitions taking Gamestop to the next level! In fact, this is something Gamestop has been wanting to do for their locations in making them more interactive for their customers! It would only make sense that acquiring Barnes & Noble would allow for expansion of retail locations especially in College Campuses filled with young adults who may also love gaming! Partnering or maybe acquiring IMMR would also help pave the way for Gamestop to create their own softwares, games, consoles, and more!
I believe that an acquisition from GME is not too far fetched at all and may be exactly what BNED and IMMR are preparing for!
While completing some research, I noticed some users on X also posted pictures of Gamestop locations within Barnes & Noble! Are they currently testing results of having Gamestops within Barnes & Noble?
In addition, with Immersion Corporation purchasing 30-40% of BNED, they have also voted to appoint new board members with the CEO of Immersion taking over as CEO of BNED. Why would a technology and software experienced CEO want to take over BNED?
In 2019, a user of Linkedin posted an article about his idea of a merger between Gamestop and Barnes and Noble… in fact he even mentions that Disney should probably just buy both companies… this made me think of Omar’s live on Youtube yesterday mentioning Disney… could Disney be involved in everything happening with GME? We do know that the Governor of Florida has been bugging Disney. Are they looking for a way out or ways of growing their brand and company? What if GME, Disney and Barnes & Noble merge into one? Article can be found here:
In regards to Roaring Kitty’s Memes.
Roaring Kitty always talks about how GME has potential for growth and he started believing in them and made the initial videos 3 years ago… then on his stream yesterday, he mentioned he still believes in the company and hinted that something might be happening… why else would he purchase so many June 21 calls? And the picture of the gamer sitting up means he saw something that caught his eye in regards to GME. Perhaps expansion in retail through the acquisition of the mother company Barnes & Noble? He posted that picture early to mid May I believe when deal was coming out between Immersion and BNED.
On the ET Video posted by Roaring Kitty, I found a user on Reddit mention how ET’s home planet is called is called the “Green Planet”. As we know, Green Haven has a 10% stake in BNED. This user on Reddit mentioned how perhaps Green Haven is representative of the “Green Planet” with ET being Gamestop returning home to Barnes & Noble.
Video posted on May 17 on X. Green Haven article posted on Seeking Alpha on May 17 with Greenhaven Offer.
On May 17, Roaring Kitty also posted a video from Coldplay’s The Scientist where a man is walking backwards. At the end of the video you see a bunch of trees. Greenery … again. “Green”. Walking backwards could represent Gamestop going back to it’s roots with Barnes & Noble. Perhaps Greenhaven facilitating the deal.
Also on May 17, Roaring Kitty posts another video where the man asks if the papers were “originals”, as we know GME was originally part of Barnes & Noble. The video then shows a picture of a Kitty saying “Hang in there”. This could also represent Roaring Kitty saying the plan is the same as 3 years ago with his projection that Gamestop will continue to grow as a company and further emphasizing to his followers that he is solely invested in Gamestop with the original intentions as before.
On the video before the “Originals”, Roaring Kitty posted another video on the 17th with a man opening a box that says “Gamestop” and later 2 men asking “what’s in the box”? As we know Gamestop just sold shares to collect more money but what could they be using the money for? Could it be to acquire the original company Barnes & Noble?
submitted by WoofOfGLA to FFIEplanB [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:03 Senior-Cap-9567 how do I deal with my bf (21M) who is broke when I (22F) have to pay most of the bills, cook and clean?

I love my boyfriend and he has a good heart but I have told him that I would like to get married soon since I'm getting older and it's ideal for my religion and he's taking no steps to get there. Soon after I graduated college, I left my job to focus on my business. He then quit his job, failed out of school and was without income for two months. I covered everything even though I too was without a job. My business was making enough for my HALF of the expenses, not the full costs so I pulled from savings. He works as a server now and still can't pay me back for the amount of money I lost. I'm also just stressed because even if I work, I come home and cook or he won't eat. If I work late or go out to eat with friends instead of cooking, he won't eat. He's just lazy. If I have an anxiety attack, he has an axiety attack and then we both can't breathe so I have to force myself to calm down to check on him. He had free therapy in school before he dropped out but refused to go. Now he just can't because we can't afford it. I'm just so drained and tired. I cry myself to sleep in bed sometimes and he doesn't even notice. It's gotten to the point where my feelings and attraction to him have gone down. I straight up get annoyed with his presence. I'm starting to feel like we aren't meant to be. We just renewed our lease because neither of us could move out on our own in this economy when the lease ended. WhT do I do?
submitted by Senior-Cap-9567 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:54 caseyneistatfangirl Rental question (KS)

I've lived in my apartment complex since October 2023, and up until the last couple of months I didn't have an issue with management or anything. I don't know if what they're doing is legal or if it's a reason to get out of my lease early (which I'm thinking about asking tomorrow I just want to know if it's reasonable) - my dad is on the lease and never got a key, and so when I lost my key they charged me $10 for a key - never got a mailbox number so I technically don't have an address - they gave me a false violation which I called them out on but I never heard back - last month I had a promise to pay and I paid both dates of it, but yet they still said I owed rent and threaten eviction. Obviously I made copies of the money order and gave it to them - I paid half of my rent and had something written that I would be in Friday to finish paying, and last month was I did the same thing and nothing happened, but they gave me a 3 days to quit notice. Also note on this they usually give them out on the 6th but they waited till the 7th (a Friday) to give it to me. And I had a written PTP - they also have violated laws like 48 hours notice to enter the apartment - they had ( I don't know how bad it is now) but a year ago they had a bad mold problem which I didn't know until I searched up the apartment complex on Google. Are these reasons to put in a notice to move?
submitted by caseyneistatfangirl to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:28 Traditional-Spend437 Ex won't let me off lease (Michigan)

I don't know where to go with this but I'm frustrated and feel stuck. I left my alcoholic, abusive boyfriend last weekend. I submitted a 30 day notice and the leasing agent said he needs to submit pay stubs to prove he can afford the place on his own. I moved in part of the way through the original lease and we re-signed in March. When he originally moved in he was on the lease alone so I don't anticipate issues with him being approved on his own, but he is refusing to submit the paystubs. If he refuses to do this will I just remain the the lease? And even if I moved out I still have a key, does that mean I still have rights to the property or will I get in trouble for going there? I don't know if there is a way to force his hand somehow. He was the one who asked me to move out in the first place and now seems pissed that I did. I guess I'm just wondering how not to be tied to the property or this person anymore. Any advise or good vibes appreciated.
submitted by Traditional-Spend437 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:21 Separate_Ad_8538 Evicting without a lease agreement

Hi, I’m in NY and my father passed away unexpectedly without a will. I became administrator of the estate and we want to sell two houses he had. One of them he lived in with his girlfriend who we need to leave now in order to sell the property. We don’t have a lease agreement and I’m trying to figure out what I need to do to get her out. I have read that I need to give a written notice first but on what grounds do I put for the eviction? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by Separate_Ad_8538 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:18 Manner6289 Breaking rental lease

I’ve just moved into a rental 2 days ago and it looks like the house had some kind of criminal history to it which I did not pick up in the initial inspection. It’s only come to my attention now because my brothers helped me move in and noticed the patched up work on the door (like someone has kicked the door down or police raided), the weird bars that were screwed on all the windows ledges, the burn marks on the carpet (which I was going to look past because I could cover it with a rug), strange locks on bedroom doors.. I feel so unsafe now and want to break my lease 2 days in. Do you think this is a valid reason for the agent to allow me to terminate my lease? Not sure what to do
submitted by Manner6289 to melbournerentals [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:08 No-Calligrapher9500 Apply Now for the Guam Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Apply Now for the Guam Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The Guam Energy Office is pleased to announce that applications for the Guam Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) are now being accepted. This vital program aims to provide power utility debt relief to households in arrears and facing disconnection, offering a one-time benefit payment of up to $1,000 to qualifying households in energy crisis.
Application Period: June 3 - June 28, 2024.
How to Apply:
Interested power customers can inquire and apply at the Guam Energy Office. Here’s how you can apply:
  • Downloadable Application Packet: Visit Guam Energy Office LIHEAP and download the application packet from the Download Forms tab.
  • Hardcopy Application Packet: Pick up and submit your application at the Guam Energy Office located at 548 North Marine Drive, Tamuning Guam (next to DPW).
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM (Holidays Closed)
Important: The application submission period is from June 3 to June 28, 2024. The program will remain open as long as funds are available. Please note that NO EMAIL SUBMISSIONS ARE ACCEPTED AT THIS TIME.
For more detailed information, visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) tab on the LIHEAP page. You can also contact us at 671-646-4361 or email us at
Eligibility Criteria:
You can apply for the program if:
  1. Your power is currently disconnected, facing disconnection due to unpaid arrears, and/or you are under a Guam Power Authority (GPA) payment plan; and
  2. You are responsible for making direct payments to GPA.
Eligibility and benefits are based on income, household size, and the amount owed on the referenced GPA power bill. To qualify, households must meet the following criteria:
  • All members of your household must be U.S. Citizens or qualified non-citizens.
  • Your household’s Gross Monthly Income does not exceed 130% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). See the income chart on the LIHEAP webpage for details.
Note: You may also qualify if you or a member of your household are a recipient of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. Program certification must be submitted with your application.
Required Documents:
The following documents are required with your application (COPIES only):
  1. Photo Identification for Primary Applicant: (Current Government Issued: Driver’s License, State ID Card, or Passport)
  2. Social Security Card for the Primary Applicant
  3. Income Documents for all working household members aged 18 and older: (Any one of the following)
    • Filed 2022 or 2023 1040 (X, SR) – taxes
    • Two most recent check stubs
    • Verification of Employment (must include salary/pay rate)
    • SNAP Certification, TANF statement, or SSI benefit statement
  4. Current Power Bill and/or Disconnection Notice: (Must be for your primary residence)
  5. GPA Release Form: Provided in your application packet
  6. Lease Agreement: (If you are a renter)
Don’t miss this opportunity to get assistance with your power utility bills. Apply now and ensure your household’s energy needs are met!
Visit Guam Energy Office LIHEAP for more information and to download the application forms.
submitted by No-Calligrapher9500 to guam [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:35 mcat115 Room for rent in Somerville $1075

Room for rent in Somerville $1075
Hello, I (24M) and my friend (24M) are looking for a third to join in on a 3 bed 2 bath apartment in Winter Hill with a 9/15 or later move in. The room is $1075 + utilities that will be split 3 ways (WiFi, water, gas, electricity) averaging about $125 each. The lease is month to month and only for you, and can be left anytime with at least 1 months notice and forward payment for the next water bill (because it is only billed 3 times a year). The available room is the “den” in the floor plan inside of unit 1.
The apartment is a 5 minute walk to the Gilman Square green line station and has a rt 80 bus stop outside the front door, with even shorter walks to many other bus routes. It is also right next to a park. It does not have off-street parking. It has washedryer in unit and central AC. The indent in the hallway and the first cage in the basement will be shared storage space for all of us. There is also a private outside patio area shared by the building of 6 apartments. No pets.
I currently work a day job fully remote and my friend works a day job fully in-person. We are both clean and organized and are looking for someone who also likes to keep common spaces in nice condition. We plan on occasionally having friends over. We both like to go out but also enjoy a casual night in and are hoping to get along well with our new roommate. I have a girlfriend who will be staying the night a couple times a week, but she will only use my private bathroom.
submitted by mcat115 to bostonhousing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:33 GuinsooIsOverrated Legal advice needed (paint damage on car from a truck)

So I was on my way to Ghent this week, and I passed a truck which was carrying small rocks.
It was really « overloaded » to the point it was spilling rocks everywhere on the road. A few kilometers before that I already noticed a lot of small rocks on the road, and when I arrived near that truck it was clear that he was the cause.
Now, as I passed the truck, my car was hit by dozens of these rocks, causing huge noise and I knew it was going to be bad.
So now, I washed the car, and there’s literally dozens of rock chips in the front, the paint is pretty fucked …
I got this on a dashcam footage, and I’m wondering if there’s something I can do to get the truck company to pay for the repairs ?
It’s very apparent on the video that there are a LOT of rocks raining on my car.
Thanks for the advice.
PS: this is a company car but it’s almost brand new and the lease is 5 years so I’m still pretty pissed as it’s not one or two but dozens.
submitted by GuinsooIsOverrated to belgium [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:29 caseyneistatfangirl Emery Gardens apartments

Has anyone rented from here and keep running into making payments and/or payment arrangements that get signed by the landlord but still gets notices to vacate? I even paid half the rent with the promise to pay the rest on Friday. Even explained to them the reason. But due to my payment schedule I have to make arrangements, they know this because there is a paper trail of it, but last month they accused me of not paying the full rent when I did and I had to take time off work to prove to them. Since I've lived there I've been harassed with phone calls even if I paid to the extent where I had to change my number and give them the text app number. Has anyone successfully gotten out of the lease early? If so how did it go? Edit they also still haven't given me a mailbox number or key, and is charging me for another key even though my dad (who's on the lease) never got a key.
submitted by caseyneistatfangirl to wichita [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:27 aeshaottman 60 Day Notice to Vacate due to sale

Hey all,
I received a 60 day notice to vacate due to landlord selling. He had raised the rent constantly and never installed heating in the property. Makes sense if we put that all together, but also reasonable as clearly couldn’t keep up with the responsibility and interest rates.
But I wanted to ask a silly question, my fixed lease is up tomorrow. I need to still be paying rent yes? However with this 60 day notice I’m still unsure how I’d continue to pay two more months rent while needing a security deposit and first months ready to go into a new place with that amount of time. Sure I’d likely get my bond back, but not until I actually leave.
I’d only have a month left once I’m ready to apply, and prepared to camp at my abusive mother’s for a bit since that’s not enough time given Melbourne’s crisis.
Does anyone know if I have any right in this situation as a tenant that may help me at least a little bit?
submitted by aeshaottman to melbourne [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:52 Recent_Body_5784 AITA for essentially telling my roommate that she could pay the rent or leave?

I (34f) live in an apartment with my bf (33m). I'm having lots of financial issues these days, so we have a roommate in the guest room to help afford the apartment. Unfortunately, with the last roommate that I had, there were lots of issues with her paying, and I empathized a lot with her and ended up paying about €1000 of her rent, because I was more financially stable at the time, and I felt for her. That was a big mistake though, because as soon as she realized I would help her, she just stopped helping herself. My circumstances changed, and I lost my job due to the company going bankrupt and suddenly was surviving off of very few savings. Really wish I had that 1000€ back. The renter who I helped a lot, also threatened to stay here against my will until she was evicted, but thankfully, finally left. So when I interviewed the next roommate, I just said that above all, I really don't care what she does, as long as she pays me the rent because I was traumatized by that situation. I also gave her 100 off the rent because I just wanted a good renter who would consistently pay and she really seemed like an honest upright person. And she was all of those things for the first three months. This month, I noticed that she was late paying, and I didn't put pressure on her because she's been really responsible up until now, and then she contacted me and let me know was really tight for her this month and €400 was a huge sum for her and could we talk about it face-to-face later? I didn't like receiving this message because if she's having financial problems, it's not really my responsibility, I'm not family or friend, if she doesn't pay the rent, it comes directly out of my pocket. I would never ask her for money so her asking me to lower the rent is essentially the same thing. I'm not the landlord so I'm paying just like she is. I'm just taking the risk by paying for everything and getting reimbursed by her. I didn't want her on the lease because it was just a short term situation. So I told her that if she wanted, she could pay 350 instead of 400 since she had already paid me a $50 deposit and consider her deposit returned or I could try to find someone short notice to take her place before the end of the month if she wanted to leave early. Well, she freaking flipped out, wouldn't speak to me for three days, I thought maybe she was going through something else that was unrelated? So when I finally cornered her to know what was going on, keep in mind she's paid me nothing at this point, she acted like I was an immoral, moneygrubbing jerk, and that she understood very well from my message the situation, and that she leaving immediately without paying. She said she didn't sign any contracts so I couldn't legally do anything to her and that it was illegal to sub rent a room without windows (except this room does have a window, It's just a crappy one). It was just a complete 180 from her behavior before then. She has literally never complained before, and she knew exactly what the room looked like because she did a tour before she moved in. I even painted the room before she moved in. I told her that of course I couldn’t do anything to her legally, but that we had a verbal agreement and this wasn’t very honest. I asked her why she never complained about the room before or why she didn’t just give me some notice that she was having issues? I won’t go into everything that she said, but she essentially told me that there was nothing I could do to her because she never signed anything, that the room was absolutely horrible and that she’s been subjected to this windowless room for the last three months. As if I forced her to live there?!? Honestly, she was gone at least a month out of those three months, traveling to Amsterdam, visiting her parents, and she’d spend her days in a brightly lit living room. I work from home and I often work from my room just so she’d have the living room to herself. I just couldn’t believe the change in behavior, we’ve been totally friendly up to this point, and she was treating me like I was a monster for giving her the ultimatum that I did. I asked her if she was going to pay me for the time that she had been living there because at this point it’s the eighth of the month and she was like, “oh yeah, of course it’s about THAT for you!” I assume “that” referred to money, but of course it’s about money, what else would it be about? She’s the freaking renter?!? I told her that I wasn’t making money off of the rent that she provided that it was just a third of what it cost to pay for the apartment and she clearly didn’t believe that at all. It’s only 400 bucks! How would I be making profit off of that? The room is a little crappy, but it’s literally in the center of town. That’s why it’s more expensive. She told me she would give me 100 bucks for the time she spent here, but I would be shocked if that happened. She packed all her shit and didn’t clean the sink or shower or anything, of course and left without saying a word. Am I the asshole for expecting her to pay the rent that we agreed to?
submitted by Recent_Body_5784 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:30 AutoModerator Dangerous legal precedent about to be set if my eviction appeal is not granted

Tens of thousands of South Carolina mobile homeowners manufactured before 1976 & renting the land it sits upon, can be legally evicted without cause if the Appellate court upholds the verdict of my eviction based solely upon the wording of the 30-day notice of the end of the term of their expired lease agreement.
Many, if not most renters of land in a mobile home park, have leases for one year, which likely have never been renewed from year to year, as the law states.
If my case is not dismissed, it will become 'case law', which can then be used by any greedy, unscrupulous landowner who wants to own your home to evict you and take possession of your home, whether there exists no cause or reason for the eviction.
submitted by AutoModerator to SCPoliticalCorruption [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:11 dollygirll I 21F is dating a 34M I think he’s losing interest on me. What should I do?

I’ve been in a relationship for a year and nine months. In the beginning, he was incredibly thoughtful, always making an effort to impress me and show how much he cared. But lately, things have changed. He hasn’t done anything romantic, like bringing me flowers, and our intimacy has almost disappeared. At first, I wondered if it was just because of his age or maybe stress from work. But then I started noticing other things that felt off, like how he’s been hiding his phone more often and taking care of himself without any desire for us to do it together. When I bring it up, he just says he doesn’t know and blames it on stress.
It’s reached a point where I’m the one initiating intimacy, and he seems disinterested. This disconnect is making everything feel forced and awkward. On top of this, he’s become really mean, calling me hurtful names and making me feel stupid. It feels like he’s always turning things around to make me the bad guy, and our relationship has become toxic. We argue every day over the smallest things, and we’re both on edge all the time.
I’ve tried to leave the relationship multiple times, but he always convinces me to stay. Even though he’s never been physically abusive, the emotional pain is overwhelming. I still have deep feelings for him, but I know staying is not good for me. I just don’t know how to find the strength to leave. If anyone has advice on how to handle this, I would really appreciate it.
He flips between being sweet and distant, leaving me puzzled. It’s like he’s toying with my feelings, and frankly, I’ve had enough. He only treats me well enough to keep me hooked, but I’m no longer satisfied with just the occasional scrap of attention.
I know I’m not perfect I call him out when he’s falling short. Maybe that’s part of our problem. But honestly, he does the same to me, and it feels like I’m just giving him a taste of his own medicine. Why is it okay for him but not for me? It’s maddening that he doesn’t see how deeply his actions cut me, no matter how often I lay my heart bare and tell him. It’s like my feelings are invisible to him, and that indifference makes me feel infuriatingly alone and unappreciated.
Our apartment lease is about to end, and I’m torn about what to do next. Should I use this as an opportunity to leave and start fresh, or should I stay and try to make things work? My mind feels clouded, and I’m struggling to think clearly. I’m caught between my feelings and the reality of our situation, and it’s hard to know what the right decision is.
Thank you for listening to me.
EDIT 1:Thank you all for sharing your thoughts. I’m planning to have a conversation with him when he gets back from work. I’ll let you guys know how it goes.
submitted by dollygirll to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:08 prizzle06 Significant mold in 8085: best cleaning method for this amount of mold

Significant mold in 8085: best cleaning method for this amount of mold
I think the title and photos say it all. I have an absurd amount of mold in my 8085s, and need advice on treatment options. I don’t use shoe trees. I’ve read some posts that say moisture can get caught in the boot if shoe trees are put in too soon after wearing.
I bought these, along with the 8084s, back in 2019. There doesn’t appear to be any mold in the 8084s. I rarely wear the 8084s.
For the past year, I have leased an apartment in what is considered a half-basement here in South Korea. Two dehumidifiers came with the apartment, and I diligently used them from when I moved in last summer until probably late fall-ish. I didn’t use it all in the winter or anytime yet this year. I have noticed a more musty smell since winter has ended. I’m assuming the apartment is the culprit, as I have never had any issues until now.
Any suggestions on how to eradicate the problem and prevent it from reoccurring would be great. I haven’t seen any pics with this much mold. It’s gross. The growth probably happened in the last two to three weeks.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by prizzle06 to RedWingShoes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:45 Competitive-Ease371 All appliances in rental house need's a nightmare

We moved into a rental house in San Jose about six weeks ago. Signed a lease for a year. We toured the home virtually (we moved back here from out of state) and did an in-person tour when we finally moved back here. We had signed the lease by the time we officially moved to CA. We had a tight deadline to move back here. Story for another time. Since we moved in it has been one thing after another. First thing we noticed -- missing smoke detectors. That was fixed. Next it was a dirty dishwasher filled with gnats. Then the microwave handle was falling off. That was replaced. Now, the washing machine and stove need to be replaced. We've been waiting 3 weeks for the issue with the gas stove to be resolved. The buttons were falling off and the igniter won't stop clicking when you turn on a burner. We've been ordering takeout and using our crockpot. It's getting expensive. Not to mention everytime maintenance comes over, I have to take a couple hours off of work to deal with the guy (who is very nice). We asked for a rent credit and we were denied. We're six weeks into the lease and this place is a bit of a nightmare...has anyone experienced something like this? Any advice?
submitted by Competitive-Ease371 to bayarea [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:07 Manpons The place I used to live in was haunted.

A little over a decade ago I had gotten married and we secured our apartment after my cousin moved out of state. She said that the place was good nice, and never mentioned anything else. The layout was pretty simple, it was a duplex with a very large living room, attached to the kitchen/dining room combination, with the back door at the kitchen. Where the living room met the kitchen, you can go right and there is a hallway that leads to the smaller back bed room immediately to the left on the opposite wall of the kitchen, a small room for laundry and such, then the bathroom, followed by the bigger bedroom that was at the front of the house.
When we first moved in, I had my PC at the front of the house, next to the window so I could see anyone coming to our home, know when the mail had arrived, etc. While there, I would ALWAYS feel cold - also with a feeling of being watched. It didn’t matter how much clothing I wore, that cold feeling would not fade. I opted after a week of being there to move my PC to the other side of the room, next to the opening to the hallway, where I could see into the back room very easily.
During this time, I could never sleep. I always felt like someone was there in the room and this level of uncomfortability was unshakeable. I started to feel extreme levels of paranoia and constantly feeling nauseous. I told my wife (now ex-wife but for easier typing I will continue to say wife) that I didn’t like the back bedroom and that I wanted to move the bed to the front bedroom instead. She was confused why I felt that way, but I just explained myself and she agreed because she was now on edge. Her reaction to me telling her this came off as odd.
While streaming (now a retired streamer) Minecraft one night, my wife was visiting her family in Missouri but was watching and for a moment I thought I had seen someone in the back bedroom. I froze completely because I was certain I saw a black silhouette. I collected myself, thought that being alone was getting to me and I was just seeing things so I got up and closed the door and then went back to my business.
A few days later after that, while on the toilet I heard someone walking up and down the hallway. I froze in place again, but was frustrated and with a very authoritative voice said “stop it”, and the foot steps stopped.
Once she was back, she had noticed that I was closing any door when I slept, and would often times lock the door (like this was going to actually do anything) and I would only sleep during the day. My paranoia had gotten bad, but I knew something was wrong.
One night after I cooked and we did the dishes together, we were watching a movie and then heard the dishes moving around at times. Out of fear of bugs, or rats, even though this wasn’t a bad place to live, I just figured I didn’t sit the dishes up properly and they fell over. This started to become a regular thing, even when dishes weren’t out.
So now feeling this level of paranoia that the place is haunted, I tell my wife directly that when the lease is up, we are out. She then tells me that it MAY CONTINUE even if we moved places.
She then tells me that her stepdad was treated poorly by her mom and he was like a real dad to her. To spare the full details, he would sleep under the porch because she wouldn’t let him in the house, and my wife’s connection with him was strong. He ultimately passed away, and she did something that blew my mind. She had experimented with things before we were together to “try and get him to speak to me”. I don’t know everything that she did, but I know it involved a pentagram on the ground and “other things”.
So now I am in this state of mind where, “is it him? Does he not like me? Did she summon some sort of demon and not him?” She never told me this during our dating phase, and apparently she never was going to tell me until this happened. Stupefied was an understatement.
We continue to live there and I try my best to deal with it while counting the days down to move out. I had eventually become so use to things that I just didn’t pay too much attention to it anymore, and people would make jokes about our “ghost room mate”.
Even on the day where we moved out, my cousin was helping us and she said, “say bye to the ghost” and while I was not there for this moment, they (cousin and wife) both swear they saw two dishes move.
Here is the part that I skipped on purpose, because it’s just best you see the proof that I am not lying. My paranoia got so bad that I started researching where we lived. After we moved out, I finally found out the landlord’s husband died there a decade and some change before we lived there.
I tried to attach photos of a convo with me and my cousin who lived here before us but apparently it doesn’t let you in this subreddit.
If you read this far, thanks. All of this is true, and you can look at my account to see I am no bot. Happy Saturday. I will answer any questions if possible.
submitted by Manpons to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:05 Manpons The place I used to live in was haunted.

A little over a decade ago I had gotten married and we secured our apartment after my cousin moved out of state. She said that the place was good nice, and never mentioned anything else. The layout was pretty simple, it was a duplex with a very large living room, attached to the kitchen/dining room combination, with the back door at the kitchen. Where the living room met the kitchen, you can go right and there is a hallway that leads to the smaller back bed room immediately to the left on the opposite wall of the kitchen, a small room for laundry and such, then the bathroom, followed by the bigger bedroom that was at the front of the house.
When we first moved in, I had my PC at the front of the house, next to the window so I could see anyone coming to our home, know when the mail had arrived, etc. While there, I would ALWAYS feel cold - also with a feeling of being watched. It didn’t matter how much clothing I wore, that cold feeling would not fade. I opted after a week of being there to move my PC to the other side of the room, next to the opening to the hallway, where I could see into the back room very easily.
During this time, I could never sleep. I always felt like someone was there in the room and this level of uncomfortability was unshakeable. I started to feel extreme levels of paranoia and constantly feeling nauseous. I told my wife (now ex-wife but for easier typing I will continue to say wife) that I didn’t like the back bedroom and that I wanted to move the bed to the front bedroom instead. She was confused why I felt that way, but I just explained myself and she agreed because she was now on edge. Her reaction to me telling her this came off as odd.
While streaming (now a retired streamer) Minecraft one night, my wife was visiting her family in Missouri but was watching and for a moment I thought I had seen someone in the back bedroom. I froze completely because I was certain I saw a black silhouette. I collected myself, thought that being alone was getting to me and I was just seeing things so I got up and closed the door and then went back to my business.
A few days later after that, while on the toilet I heard someone walking up and down the hallway. I froze in place again, but was frustrated and with a very authoritative voice said “stop it”, and the foot steps stopped.
Once she was back, she had noticed that I was closing any door when I slept, and would often times lock the door (like this was going to actually do anything) and I would only sleep during the day. My paranoia had gotten bad, but I knew something was wrong.
One night after I cooked and we did the dishes together, we were watching a movie and then heard the dishes moving around at times. Out of fear of bugs, or rats, even though this wasn’t a bad place to live, I just figured I didn’t sit the dishes up properly and they fell over. This started to become a regular thing, even when dishes weren’t out.
So now feeling this level of paranoia that the place is haunted, I tell my wife directly that when the lease is up, we are out. She then tells me that it MAY CONTINUE even if we moved places.
She then tells me that her stepdad was treated poorly by her mom and he was like a real dad to her. To spare the full details, he would sleep under the porch because she wouldn’t let him in the house, and my wife’s connection with him was strong. He ultimately passed away, and she did something that blew my mind. She had experimented with things before we were together to “try and get him to speak to me”. I don’t know everything that she did, but I know it involved a pentagram on the ground and “other things”.
So now I am in this state of mind where, “is it him? Does he not like me? Did she summon some sort of demon and not him?” She never told me this during our dating phase, and apparently she never was going to tell me until this happened. Stupefied was an understatement.
We continue to live there and I try my best to deal with it while counting the days down to move out. I had eventually become so use to things that I just didn’t pay too much attention to it anymore, and people would make jokes about our “ghost room mate”.
Even on the day where we moved out, my cousin was helping us and she said, “say bye to the ghost” and while I was not there for this moment, they (cousin and wife) both swear they saw two dishes move.
Here is the part that I skipped on purpose, because it’s just best you see the proof that I am not lying. My paranoia got so bad that I started researching where we lived. After we moved out, I finally found out the landlord’s husband died there a decade and some change before we lived there.
I tried to attach photos of a convo with me and my cousin who lived here before us but apparently it doesn’t let you in this subreddit.
If you read this far, thanks. All of this is true, and you can look at my account to see I am no bot. Happy Saturday. I will answer any questions if possible.
submitted by Manpons to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:04 Manpons The place I used to live in was haunted.

A little over a decade ago I had gotten married and we secured our apartment after my cousin moved out of state. She said that the place was good nice, and never mentioned anything else. The layout was pretty simple, it was a duplex with a very large living room, attached to the kitchen/dining room combination, with the back door at the kitchen. Where the living room met the kitchen, you can go right and there is a hallway that leads to the smaller back bed room immediately to the left on the opposite wall of the kitchen, a small room for laundry and such, then the bathroom, followed by the bigger bedroom that was at the front of the house.
When we first moved in, I had my PC at the front of the house, next to the window so I could see anyone coming to our home, know when the mail had arrived, etc. While there, I would ALWAYS feel cold - also with a feeling of being watched. It didn’t matter how much clothing I wore, that cold feeling would not fade. I opted after a week of being there to move my PC to the other side of the room, next to the opening to the hallway, where I could see into the back room very easily.
During this time, I could never sleep. I always felt like someone was there in the room and this level of uncomfortability was unshakeable. I started to feel extreme levels of paranoia and constantly feeling nauseous. I told my wife (now ex-wife but for easier typing I will continue to say wife) that I didn’t like the back bedroom and that I wanted to move the bed to the front bedroom instead. She was confused why I felt that way, but I just explained myself and she agreed because she was now on edge. Her reaction to me telling her this came off as odd.
While streaming (now a retired streamer) Minecraft one night, my wife was visiting her family in Missouri but was watching and for a moment I thought I had seen someone in the back bedroom. I froze completely because I was certain I saw a black silhouette. I collected myself, thought that being alone was getting to me and I was just seeing things so I got up and closed the door and then went back to my business.
A few days later after that, while on the toilet I heard someone walking up and down the hallway. I froze in place again, but was frustrated and with a very authoritative voice said “stop it”, and the foot steps stopped.
Once she was back, she had noticed that I was closing any door when I slept, and would often times lock the door (like this was going to actually do anything) and I would only sleep during the day. My paranoia had gotten bad, but I knew something was wrong.
One night after I cooked and we did the dishes together, we were watching a movie and then heard the dishes moving around at times. Out of fear of bugs, or rats, even though this wasn’t a bad place to live, I just figured I didn’t sit the dishes up properly and they fell over. This started to become a regular thing, even when dishes weren’t out.
So now feeling this level of paranoia that the place is haunted, I tell my wife directly that when the lease is up, we are out. She then tells me that it MAY CONTINUE even if we moved places.
She then tells me that her stepdad was treated poorly by her mom and he was like a real dad to her. To spare the full details, he would sleep under the porch because she wouldn’t let him in the house, and my wife’s connection with him was strong. He ultimately passed away, and she did something that blew my mind. She had experimented with things before we were together to “try and get him to speak to me”. I don’t know everything that she did, but I know it involved a pentagram on the ground and “other things”.
So now I am in this state of mind where, “is it him? Does he not like me? Did she summon some sort of demon and not him?” She never told me this during our dating phase, and apparently she never was going to tell me until this happened. Stupefied was an understatement.
We continue to live there and I try my best to deal with it while counting the days down to move out. I had eventually become so use to things that I just didn’t pay too much attention to it anymore, and people would make jokes about our “ghost room mate”.
Even on the day where we moved out, my cousin was helping us and she said, “say bye to the ghost” and while I was not there for this moment, they (cousin and wife) both swear they saw two dishes move.
Here is the part that I skipped on purpose, because it’s just best you see the proof that I am not lying. My paranoia got so bad that I started researching where we lived. After we moved out, I finally found out the landlord’s husband died there a decade and some change before we lived there.
I tried to attach photos of a convo with me and my cousin who lived here before us but apparently it doesn’t let you in this subreddit.
If you read this far, thanks. All of this is true, and you can look at my account to see I am no bot. Happy Saturday. I will answer any questions if possible.
submitted by Manpons to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:23 DevvilDuck Emotional Support Animal in Student Housing (Palo Verde).

I'm starting a PhD at UCI this Fall. My wife and I just signed our lease for our apartment with Palo Verde, however, we noticed that Palo Verde does not allow dogs as emotional support animals. They clearly say that emotional support cats, as well as small, caged animals, are permitted. They also say "no other animals" are permitted. I've always been under the impression that apartments cannot restrict emotional support animals, so long as a therapist has signed off on it. Does anyone living at Palo Verde (or if other apartment complexes have the same policy) know whether this is actually legal or not, and if other residents do indeed have dogs?
We've been looking at getting an ESA dog for my wife's anxiety for some time, so we were a little dismayed to see that Palo Verde does not allow ESA dogs. On, sections 4 and 5 seems to imply that Palo Verde's "policy" is technically illegal. I can't be the first person to want an ESA dog instead of a cat (my wife is allergic to cats), and do some research to see that their policy is most likely illegal. It seems like they have the policy in order to discourage tenants from getting an ESA dog, but can't actually enforce it. Does anybody know whether this analysis is the case? Or are there really no dogs at all allowed at Palo Verde?
submitted by DevvilDuck to UCI [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:04 kingkaitlin [Tenant] Are there any downsides for a renter giving more than 30 days notice?

I'm renting in CA and going to be moving soon, I was considering giving 60 days notice instead of the 30 required by my lease, is there any reason I shouldn't?
submitted by kingkaitlin to Landlord [link] [comments]