Boyfriend girlfriend quote


2019.12.04 18:43 alexis_rock memesformyboyfriend

Just memes to send to your boyfriend/girlfriend :)

2010.08.21 19:13 wholetruthshalflies some like double D's we like double S's.. or hate them? wtv you get it.

some like double D's we like double S's.. or hate them? wtv you get it. we aim healthy debates and answetheories from where some DS come from.

2023.05.08 17:17 Accriri Boyfriend Sometimes Girlfriend (Kareshi Tokidoki Kanojo)

"Kareshi tokidoki kanojo" or "Boyfriend Sometimes Girlfriend" by "Love & Lies" creator Musawo A teenage boy gets his 1st girlfriend. But when they finally have their 1st kiss, the boy suddenly turns into a girl!

2024.05.29 05:55 lilkorea_189 Packed up my life for a man only for our relationship to sour almost immediately

I, 35 female, had been in an on again off again relationship with my boyfriend, 45 male, for the last 3 years. I won't bore you with the details of how we met and what went on for the last 3 years of our relationship, I'm just going to get to the point.
Back in late September 2023, my boyfriend moved to Iowa. We had just gotten back together when he sprung that on me and I was rather upset at first but knew that he was only moving because it was for his mental health. Living in the big city can be very costly and stressful, so I understood his reasoning. I did not go with him and figured we would go our separate ways. Fast forward four months later and I get a message from him through Facebook messenger asking me to call him. I call him and learned rather quickly that he had been drinking but he was asking why I suddenly ghosted him by not replying back to his texts or calls. For context, I never blocked his number.
I told him that I did not get any of his texts or calls. He asked me why I never tried reaching out to him and I explained that I thought him moving away and not staying in contact meant the end of our relationship. We had a lengthy conversation that night and he asked me to come visit him. I told him that I will consider it but would need to build up some PTO as I had just started a new job and didn't want to risk anything during my first 90 days. We stayed in touch after that, calling each other daily and talking on the phone for hours just catching up and going over mutual interests and so on until I've built up enough PTO to go visit him.
You may wonder why I was the one to go visit him in Iowa. Firstly, he wanted me to see the town he had decided to settle in. Secondly, we had discussed resuming our relationship and possibly having me move out there as it was out of the question for him to move back to the city where I live. I understood his reasoning for moving but felt that leaving the life I have behind for him felt a bit extreme. But I kept an open mind about Iowa and went to visit (side note, there are no direct flights to where he moved to. I had to fly to Chicago, which is a 2.5 hour drive away and he had to rent a car to pick me up). I spent a four day weekend with him, and I'm not going to lie and say that it was magical and romantic because it's Iowa. Seeing him again, however, brought back all the feelings I had for him and I realized just how much I had missed him.
I honestly didn't see much during my visit as it wasn't a dense town like I would see back home, as everything was very spread out. That should have been my very first clue to the kind of life it was like. It was very quiet and peaceful, which was a change. Unlike the city where it was always busy and sirens going off in the distance was a constant, at night it's dead silent. It was definitely a change in pace and I was more or less charmed, but not impressed. My weekend visit was over before we knew it and I returned home back to the life I was most comfortable with.
My boyfriend and I resumed our daily phone calls, but I noticed our conversations began to shift towards me moving out to Iowa. And in truth I was swayed by the idea of leaving the big city for small town life, however, my biggest hesitation was job security. I work in the medical field and finding a job with my skill-sets wasn't a huge challenge aside from the lack of urgency of callbacks from the jobs I had applied to. My boyfriend reassured me that it was just how things were in Iowa, that unlike the city, the businesses moved through a system that was much slower than what I was used to. I had my doubts but then again I didn't know much about the hiring process in the mid-west. My boyfriend then said it would probably go a lot faster if I was actually in the area (which I was skeptical about but didn't comment). I knew he just wanted me there with him and, at that time, I wanted to be with him because I had truly believed that we had talked through our past issues and were now on the same wavelength of what we wanted as a couple moving forward.
Boy was I in for a rude awakening.
I literally packed up my life into my SUV. I didn't take any furniture with me knowing that what my boyfriend lacked we could always buy. It took me 3 days of driving to reach Iowa and I had never thought I'd be so happy to be in Iowa or all places, but I was. I was blinded by hopes and dreams of a happy life with the man I thought I was in love with. I should mention that I have been saving money for a down payment on a house for the last 5 years and have managed to save $20k. It has been a personal goal, not dream, for myself to be a homeowner, not because I want that white picket fence dream, but because I simply want a home that is truly MY home. I want a safe space that truly feels mine and have it reflect the type of person that I am, instead of apartments where I would have to return the space to the manufactured setting once I leave.
Now, the housing market in Iowa is relatively cheap compared to Washington. And when I saw the cheap listings, cheap as in less than $200k for a 3 bedroom 2 bath, move-in ready house I was ready to commit my new life in Iowa with my boyfriend. At first, my boyfriend was very supportive of my house hunting, he knew that it was personal goal of mine and had always said how he admired my ambition to become a home owner. I got in touch with a realtor agent who collaborated with me on what my boyfriend and I were looking for in a home. I probably saw about a dozen houses within my first 2 weeks since arriving to Iowa and I actually found a house that we both really liked. I was ready to put in an offer when my boyfriend suddenly told me that he didn't want to become a home owner, saying that it was too much of a commitment that he never wants to make.
It gave me pause, and though I was very disappointed in having to put aside a goal I made for myself, I half-heartedly agreed. It was then things started to unravel between us and his mood just quickly declined. I should note that my boyfriend has diagnosed PTSD from childhood trauma and he has a tendency to become anxious and agitated when stressed out. The days that followed I had noticed a shift in him and because he works from home, I just assumed it was because his work was stressing him out.
I tried to be a good girlfriend by staying out of his way while he was working and try to be as quiet as possible while at home. I would try to help out with small things like letting the dogs out to relieve themselves and take them on short walks. I tried to be mindful to not make a mess. Along with my boyfriend's anxiety and mental health struggles he also has OCD, and while back in Seattle I had noticed he liked to keep a clean home, out in Iowa it had become abundantly clear that the smallest mess would upset him.
His bad mood only worsened. One day, while he was folding laundry, I asked him if there was anything he'd like me to do around the house because I wanted to be helpful. He said "If you see a mess, clean it." That came off as truly strange to me.
"Do you want me to vacuum or clean the bathrooms?" I asked.
He looked at me like what I had asked was the dumbest question he had ever heard and snapped at me with: "If you see a mess, clean it. You're not 12 years old, you're not being paid an allowance to do simple chores. You're an adult, you should already know what to do."
What he said embarrassed me and made me feel so small and inferior, but it also truly angered me. Where was all this hostility suddenly coming from? I didn't want to start a fight over chores and simply helped him fold the laundry. We eventually had a talk, which turned into him going on a tangent about how he requires to keep a clean and sterile house, that "everything has its place" in the house. He then went on about not wanting the commitment of home ownership and that he has no intentions of ever returning to Seattle. He told me how all my stuff cluttering the bedroom and office is taking a toll on his mental health and that it's my job to make sure that they're all put away so he doesn't have to see them (mind you, I was still unpacking and with limited storage space the rest of my belongings are still packed away).
Then he suggested something that blindsided me. He suggested that I possibly look for my own place so that we live separately and slowly integrate into each other's lives again. It was then that I took account of all the red flags that had sprung up from before I foolishly packed up my life to be with this man that I suddenly no longer loved. It was as if a switch in me had been flipped and all those feelings of affection just left my system. I told him that what he was proposing wasn't possible because I was struggling to find employment and didn't want to waste my savings on a brand new lease, especially since I was just added onto his lease.
I tried to find a middle ground with him, especially when it came to my personal belongings. I knew that he was talking about my makeup being out on the counter. Mind you, my second day in Iowa, we had gone to Costco where I found a makeup organizer and purchased it. All my makeup fits neatly in it and isn't scattered all over the place, he just doesn't like seeing them. That still wasn't good enough for him but I had to point it out to him by saying "I live here, too. It's only fair that I should feel like this is my home."
After that, the tension between us only got worse. He would have angry outbursts over the smallest inconveniences and prioritize more on his "mental and physical health" than work on our rapidly deteriorating relationship. I'm also at fault for not trying harder to talk things out but after he suggested I find my own place I subconsciously knew our relationship was over, on top of that, I was also emotionally drained and feeling depressed.
Now moving to the present, I had finally secured a job that would be opening a clinic nearby, meaning I wouldn't have to waste gas as much and would finally be able to contribute financially to the household. When I told my boyfriend the news it was received with a rather lackluster response but I still held out hope that once I start working and be out of the house more things might mellow out. Then, over the weekend, everything fell apart.
I had woken up early because the dogs needed to go outside. I knew my boyfriend wasn't getting much sleep lately so I let him sleep in as much as possible. Once the dogs had finished relieving themselves I had the intention of going back to bed to get another hour or so of sleep but the dogs came in to disrupt that plan. My boyfriend didn't like that and got up explosively, cursing and yelling as he stomped downstairs about how he couldn't get any sleep. I go downstairs to tell him that he can go back to bed, that I forgot to feed the dogs after letting them outside and that I would take care of it. He yells at me that he would do it since he's up and then goes on a rant about how his life was disrupted ever since I arrived. Let me remind you that he wanted me there in the first place.
He blamed me for the poor sleep he's been having ever since I arrived (there is also 3 dogs sleeping in the bed with us). He blamed me for his financial woes (he took care of the bills until I found a job). He blamed me for the hit to his credit score (I took a hit as well because we were getting pre-approval for a home loan before he said he didn't want to move forward with it). Blamed me for the decline in his mental and physical health (he vapes throughout the day and his vices are scotch and ice cream). And he blamed me for his inability to focus on drawing his comic series because of his mental health decline (he's a decent artist but I can't take credit for his creative block).
While he listed off all the things I am to be blamed for and how he had made so many compromises for me I reflected back on my surprisingly short time here (3 weeks, nearing 4), I was the one who made all the compromises. I was the one who made the bigger sacrifice. I traveled half-way across the country for a man who will never make my happiness a priority. From the start of our relationship 3 years ago to now, I was the only one who had to make sacrifices just to pacify this giant man-child.
He brought up me finding my own place again and I told him that if I have to move out then I'm returning to Seattle. He didn't fight me on that but the downside is that I have to wait for my parents, who had planned to drive out this way in June from Seattle, to visit friends in Chicago. They've been made aware of the situation and will be driving out in my step-dad's pickup truck to haul back all of my belongings and we would leave together in both my step-dad;s truck and my SUV. I had emailed the hiring manager I had gone through my interview process with, letting her know that I unfortunately will be returning to Seattle due to personal circumstances.
In the meantime I have begun submitting my resume to clinics and hospitals back in Seattle and already have several interviews set up (much faster turn-around than Iowa) and hopefully soon I will have secured a job before my return home.
submitted by lilkorea_189 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:54 AstronautOk2426 Anon instagram account potentially stalking my friend

My friend and his long time girlfriend recently separated. However the two of them have been getting strange and personal messages from an anonymous account. When they were still dating about a month or two ago the girl received a message from an anon account who’s username was something like user34 random numbers etc. The message stated something along the lines of you post a lot of attention seeking things for somebody who has a boyfriend. This obviously seemed strange but wasn’t too alarming as it just seemed like a jealous acquaintance but nonetheless left the girlfriend a little bit upset considering the messages childish nature and them being in thier late twenties. Now fast forward a few months, they are no longer together. The (now ex) boyfriend receives a string of strange messages less than a week after the breakup accusing her of cheating the entire time and if he wanted to see the messages and things to that affect he needed to pay this hacker account which they did not link but the name given was Dr. Sudan. He initially thought this was a bot but the account was the same exact one that messaged the girlfriend a few months earlier and seemed to send tailored responses to the boyfriend when he got upset. Upon checking the users account later that night it appeared the account got deleted. Does anybody have any advice or ideas as to what could be occurring here? I will update the post as/if more things occur. Thanks!
submitted by AstronautOk2426 to RBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:52 Playful_Driver_3195 AITA for asking my parents not to let my brothers use my room?

I (23F) am a busy young adult. I am a nursing student (currently taking summer classes as well, I work nearly full-time, I volunteer with shelter kitties, I have a healthy relationship, and I try my best to balance out everything at the end of the day. I don’t do drugs or drink.
My brother (20M) is mentally ill. He recently had a manic episode in which he threatened the lives of those who live with us, peed on our house, cussed out me, cussed out my mom, stole my moms social security and opened up credit cards in her name, and ultimately, impulsively moved out. He was taking drugs and drinking daily. I was upset when my mom said she would take him back into our house. My younger brother (16M) took his room, so he’s been sleeping on the couch. But now (without asking me), they let him use my room when I am not home. This is upsetting to me. He had a stomach illness and I work in the food industry. I came home from work and he was in my bed in his underwear on the phone arguing with his girlfriend. When I got upset and told him to leave, he left cussing about having to sleep on the couch…
Also when he had his own room here it was so extremely filthy. I’m particular about cleanliness.
Fast forward to today, I spent the night at my boyfriends and I woke up to a long message saying I need to let my brother use my room as he pleases when I’m not home. My mom called me a bitch and told me I treat my mentally ill brother like an animal and when I asked her why, she said it was because I asked her if he had a job yet (he’s chronically unemployed and plays video games all day) and won’t let him use my room. She said I act as if I’m better than my siblings. She said it’s inhumane that he does not have privacy. She then focused on me not spending enough time with them, she says I spend too much of my free time with my boyfriend. I told her it is hard to spend time with someone who says I have a bitch attitude and when I asked her how, she couldn’t give me a single example. She kept going back to me being cruel for not letting my brother use my room.
I just want a space that is my own and I don’t want to kick someone out of my bed every night when I get home from work. Now, they are all calling me cruel and I am starting to think I may as well let him use my room and start saving more aggressively to move out albeit that is difficult in nursing school.
submitted by Playful_Driver_3195 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:49 anonomonomoly Part II AITAH for leaving my boyfriend in another state?

Hey Reddit,
To start, thank you all for your kind words and support during this time. For the many of you that saw my last post and have been patiently waiting for an update wait no more. Please know that the part 2 really isn’t all that exciting.
After leaving my boyfriend in Florida while on vacation, he started blowing up my phone with insults and insane claims trying to get me to fund his trip back to California. He gave me various demands all circling around getting him on a flight that day back to California. I informed him that I don’t take demands from men that look like Benjamin Franklin.
He was very concerned with what I was going to be doing back in California without him and I replied “other people”. I told him that he should be happy now since he doesn’t have to worry about his ex girlfriend getting in the way of finding his hot Miami wife. He was shocked when I mentioned that I was now his ex. He went on a rant about how I can’t do anything on my own and that I need him to take care of me. I was confused by what he meant by that as I’m the one that has taken care of him.
After my lack of response for 2 hours, his mom started to call me multiple times, as fast as she was calling I was declining her calls even faster. She started texting insults letting me know how she really felt about me. I let her know that she failed her son by raising him in a way that would allow for him to lose his financial safety net by being ungrateful.
She let me know that she actually agreed with him. “If you tried to make yourself pretty for him, he wouldn’t have needed to start an argument”. I responded “if you didn’t try to put other women down your whole life, you wouldn’t be a washed up divorced trophy wife”. Then the real insults started coming in. I must have struck a nerve. I finally texted her back after her rapid firing of insults about my appearance that if she wanted him back in California, it’s her job to support her bastard son. She sent multiple more messages after that but I stopped reading them as I said my part.
I received multiple voicemails from my ex begging for forgiveness. All of a sudden, he wants to change, he finds me attractive, he doesn’t want to lose our relationship, etc. This is all too bad considering the great thing that he had going on prior to his negative outburst. He kept texting begging to come back and be able to make things right with me in person. Eventually he gave up texting.
His mom ultimately had to put him in a cheap motel for a couple of days so she could figure out how to get him home (to Ohio) so that she could take care of him the way that I apparently couldn’t. She got him back home this morning all while making multiple Facebook posts about me being a terrible person for leaving her sweet baby boy by himself in “an alligator infested swamp covered state”.
Anyways, I’m still curious AITAH?
submitted by anonomonomoly to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:49 accessib-e Logically, I feel I should break up with my (22F) boyfriend (24M), but I really don't want to. How do I come to terms with a breakup?

I can't explain the dread I feel right now. I love him so much, I've drifted apart from basically all of my friends and he's the only person left right now that I actually enjoy hanging out with and put effort into seeing. He texts me daily, is so understanding of me and my anxiety issues - he's sat with me for hours upon end, rubbing my back, telling me everything is going to be okay. Granted, a lot of these anxiety causes were over stuff he did, but still. He showers me with compliments, and we get up to so much fun together. I can't recall the last time I had so much fun with someone just lying in their bed, going out for a walk, etc. I love him so much.
But, a more logical side of me is telling me we have to break up. I am extremely torn and it's causing me so much anxiety. There have been several incidents that have deeply hurt me and made me question our compatibility.
About a month or two after he and I became official, he sent me a picture of a girl he used to sleep with, intending for me to recreate it. He claims he “didn’t know” that it was her, frankly I was and continue to be insulted by the fact he thinks I’d believe he saw that picture and didn’t immediately know it was of his female friend and not some random girl he didn’t know, especially since he had cut her face out of the picture. Another thing related to this same girl - followed by an indulgence of my anxiety, I checked her instagram profile and I can see that he's liked a select number of pictures of hers whilst we were dating, all pretty provocative, which also makes me very insecure. What makes this different is that he’s told me they’re no longer friends, not by his choice but by her refusal since she ghosted him after they slept together, which makes it seem like he would be with her if he was given the choice. If I was her, I’d take a like to a picture like that to mean that he was still interested, especially since he told me she ignored his messages after they slept together, it changed the context a bit.
He also throughout our relationship for the first maybe 5 months demonstrated a very intimate knowledge about most of his female friends; I’ve heard him go into details about his female friends’ preferred masturbation techniques and relay that to me as advice, their favorite positions in bed, when I said I enjoyed it when he did something in bed, he could casually mention how “his friend told him she loved it as well”. For clarification, they never slept together, they had just deeply discussed things like this.
By happening to catch some notifications while we were on hisphone, I also was informed of his friend who sent him semi-regular updates about her sex life, describing certain sexual acts they did, how good the guy was, commenting on dicksize, etc. I made it clear I was not OK with this and he agreed that he found it too much. He claims he asked her to stop. But then, it happened again, and he blamed it on her forgetting. What hurt me here was also his lack of reaction when we both saw the text notification, he just noted on it and then continued watching the TikTok we were watching. He didn't seem to care about how it affected me or the breach of our set boundaries. That makes me suspect he either didn’t care or wasn’t surprised because, well, maybe he never set those boundaries in the first place.
When we spoke about it later, he did validate my feelings, but what also took place was him protecting her behavior. It made me feel so undervalued, and unheard. She has had sexual trauma, therefore she must message her friend who is in a relationship about who she had sex with, why, when and how. It was just such a shitty excuse, and I don’t know what’d make me feel worse; him genuinely believing that or him being so willing to lie to me. Regardless, we’ve now come to the decision to cut her off. So that problem should be “dealt with”, but my feelings of betrayal and distrust still linger.
I could never imagine doing these things in a relationship; it would make me feel like I was cheating. This is why I believe we're incompatible. While he may find this behavior acceptable, I don't. can't handle the anxiety and insecurity it causes me. I think I simply have a more conservative view of relationships, intimacy, and sex, and I believe it's essential that my partner shares this perspective.
Another major issue between us is our sex life. While I've enjoyed some aspects, I often feel my sexual needs aren't reciprocated. Despite discussing this before, improvements have been minimal. For instance, when I asked to use a condom for the first time, he put it on but then continued basically dry-humping me until he came. After that, I asked if he wanted to do something else - me still being horny - and he said he was too tired to continue. Next day, when I clarified “something else” meant intercourse, he was upset he missed out, indicating he did have energy but chose not to please me.
Another time, after we started kissing and moved to the couch, he requested I give him a blowjob, which I did, but then after he came he just left me on the couch, feeling used and alone. I feel this happens a lot, he is very focused on his own pleasure but not mine. What makes it worse, when I gathered courage to ask for reciprocation with a vibrator, which is hard for me being that forward, he responded unenthusiastically and then ignored it to first eat then play video games, then claiming he forgot. He later asked me “oh, did you want me to still do that?” maybe two hours later, but I was hurt and felt the way he asked seemed like it was more of an obligation to him than wanting to pleasure his girlfriend.
I've tried to communicate my needs and understand his, even considering factors like potential porn addiction (might be) or lack of attraction. Regardless, our sexual incompatibility persists. I need a partner as interested in my pleasure as I am in theirs.
All these reasons are, like I said, very logical reasons for a breakup, but my dread about it persists. I feel like I would rather take the insecurity and anxiety than feel this way. I’d miss him so much. It doesn’t help that I basically thought I was aromantic and asexual before I met him, I haven’t really been attracted to guys the way I am to him, on an emotional and physical level. I feel like I would never find someone who compares. I am an anxious wreck. Would apprechiate any advice on what you would do in my situation, how I could come to terms with breaking up. ANY insights, and I mean ANY, I would love, I am in dire need.
As a side-note, I was thinking of basically re-formatting this text a bit and sending it to him together with my break-up text, to explain it. He would require to know why, and I'd feel it'd be cathartic. Thoughts on that?
TL;DR: I'm torn about breaking up with my boyfriend, whom I love deeply and share a strong bond with. Despite his support and our fun times together, several incidents have hurt me and made me question our compatibility. He sent me a picture of a girl he used to sleep with, asking me to recreate it, and (IMO) lied about not recognizing it was her. He liked provocative pictures of her on Instagram, making me insecure. He shared intimate details about his female friends' sex lives, which made me uncomfortable. A friend of his sent explicit updates about her sex life, and despite agreeing to set boundaries, it happened again, with him showing little concern for my feelings. These actions have caused anxiety and insecurity, making me feel undervalued and unheard. Our sex life is also problematic; my needs often go unmet, and efforts to communicate haven't led to significant improvements. Despite these issues, the thought of breaking up fills me with dread, as I can't imagine finding someone who makes me feel the way he does. I need advice on how to come to terms with ending the relationship and moving on.
submitted by accessib-e to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:48 Mishamurph16 How to be in a relationship and happy?

I’m 32 and non-binary (any pronouns). The older I’ve gotten the more I realized that while I’m incredibly lonely while single, it’s still mentally when I feel the best. I’ve had terrible relationships and pretty bad childhood trauma. I’m a people pleaser in general and romantic relationships it’s that to the extreme. Lately I’ve been wanting to date, and I’ve always wanted to be in a long term committed, healthy relationship. The thing is, I have no idea how not to “lose myself” or to get really attached. I also have no idea how to casually date like on dating apps as I’ve often ended up being in a relationship with friends I met organically.
Most of my relationships have been with emotionally unavailable people or where there are really bad imbalances, like theyll be disinterested and I’ll try to go out of my way to make them happy or more engaged often at my own expense. The thing is, I don’t know they’re emotionally unavailable until after the relationship since a lot of times they’re all over me in the beginning.
My therapist tells me I should put myself out there. But I don’t want to feel like I’m losing myself because of someone else and waste more years of my life.
Previous relationship history:
15 - second bf, close friends first but then broke up after a few weeks, he was a jerk and spread rumors about me
19-20 - college bf, long distance, he was all over me in person once a month when we saw each but would basically never talk to me outside of that
23 - first girlfriend, best friends and I loved her, but we were long distance in diff countries (visited once) and I broke up with her bc she kissed another guy. We’re friends again now
24* - reconnected with college bf, he wanted to get back together but then I found out he was hooking up with someone else and blocked him
26-27 - got into situationship with a close friend who ended up being a pretty TERRIBLE person and admitted to it pretending to be my friend just to use me. Left me pretty emotionally damaged
submitted by Mishamurph16 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:35 Professional-Sky-821 So... I (18M) kind of disobeyed one of the two rules set by my now ex-girlfriend (18F) and me before our temporary relationship began. TLDR: I fell in love with my gf despite being told not to at the start of our relationship. What should I do?

I'll start this story off by saying that I may not have known this person for very long on a deep and emotional level for very long, and she didn't reveal herself to me very much until we began to at least try and function like friends, but when she did I couldn't quite get enough of it. The story starts a little ways back when I was trying to get over my feelings for my first girlfriend (it happened unrelated to the following events) and my now ex-girlfriend (let's call her Becky) was trying to get one of our peers to leave her alone because we thought he was a little creepy.
At this time, Becky and I are completely unable to stand being around each other for longer than thirty seconds. We fight like siblings. The best and only possible solution is to begin fake dating. Yay, we're a romcom minus the "rom" part (I can't help but laugh as I remember this). Whenever we were talking about the terms of the fake dating act we discussed how we would play along and did all sorts of things to make the act seem real even at close inspection. I made it completely clear to her at the beginning of our "relationship" that there was a 90% chance that I caught legitimate feelings, and I fought those off for a while because I remembered the mission of the fake relationship was to make first girlfriend jealous.
Well, even a friendship with the first girlfriend wasn't possible after I got upset one night about her new boyfriend and said some things that I shouldn't have. This isn't an AITA post though, so big skip. When I was dealing with the fallout of having lost friends and feeling angsty and frustrated Becky was the for me for some reason, even though we still fought with each other when nobody was looking and gagged at the idea of touching one another, even worse, acting like we were in love. I had told her the entire story of what had happened and she still thought I was a safe person to be in proximity to. She was also very gentle with me after that.
Some things happened and I slowly started to realize I wanted to know Becky far more than I did before. She was gentle with me and knew what to say and how to say it while making sure my head was secured to my shoulders. I did it. I formed legitimate feelings. I called Becky a few nights later to tell her how I was feeling. I wasn't really expecting her to want to go on a date with me, I just really wanted her to be aware of my thoughts and feelings, for my worst fear was turning into the peer that she was trying to avoid, but I would be worse because I could act on the romantic feelings within reason.
She told me she needed to have a little time to think about things and talk to her friends about how she was feeling. A couple of hours later she texted me and said that she would do the real relationship on the condition that we end the relationship when she moves away at the end of the semester. That was really what I was thinking before since I had just gotten out of a really stressful and controlling relationship a couple of months prior (life is crazy). The second rule would be that we would not fall in love. The relationship is temporary and it will stay that way. The deal was struck. Let the dating begin.
I just want to say that the three or so months spent with Becky were some of the most special moments of my entire life so far (yes I know I'm 18 and have plenty more of those chances). Two moments spent with her occupy the top two of the top three spots of the most romantic moments I've ever taken part in. 1. Looking up at the stars in the middle of an empty field on the hood of my dinky little sedan and 2. joy riding my father's mid-life crisis car (a manual with no electronic assists, so it's like fighting for your life the whole time.) Plus all the little moments that we spent together in between the giant ones.
Something that needs to be understood about Becky is that she does not ever show her emotions. If she were at a card table in Vegas I would have no doubt that she would walk out of that gambling hall ready to retire comfortably. It made me incredibly interested in her even more. Especially when she let me see her thoughts and feelings. I became fascinated by any little emotion I could find, any bit of need, curiosity, joy, hurt, jealousy, terror, care, sadness, love. And I found it quite a bit (my eyes are welling up currently). She seemed quite happy with me because I could always get her to reveal herself to me.
I would like to add that this entire time I was so terrified of disrespecting or making this woman uncomfortable at all to the point where I apologized excessively if I misread signals. I almost always asked permission to touch her. And never once in our relationship did I find the guts to kiss her.
The time of Becky's move was quickly approaching. She was to go to her new town on vacation for a week to look for homes and cover other bases before she could leave for good. The day before she left she asked if we could talk. I knew as soon as she said it that it was to be a breakup. we met up at a restaurant and ate our meals before she got to business. Even though she wouldn't be moving for another few weeks after returning (she still hasn't) that it would be best to end the relationship now. She explained why, but I can't remember because I was so focused on how her voice broke when she was saying her opening line. I responded with a brisk "okay" and we fist-bumped to seal the deal. I began laughing hysterically because I was going to cry since only a pretty awesome girl ends a relationship with a fist bump (it wasn't awkward or anything and that may just be my personal opinion).
This past week I've been pretty upset about the fact that it's over. I even cried when I made the joke to myself, "Since our relationship is over do we go back to hating each other?" That's when I realized that I couldn't stand the idea of hating her again and that I in fact fell in love with her despite being told not to.
I told my best friend about how I was feeling tonight and about how I had fallen in love with Becky despite that being one of two rules set at the beginning of our relationship. How do you break a rule when there are only two that you could possibly break?! I also asked my friend tonight if I should tell Becky I love her. His answer was a very short and simple "no". I'm here mostly to use Reddit as my therapist and maybe here the opinions of internet strangers on what I should do.
How do you suggest I take action here? What are some of the solutions for a long-distance relationship from 1,200 miles away? How can I move on from these thoughts and feelings if I should just let good things go (that made me cry a little)? How do you think that she would react?
submitted by Professional-Sky-821 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:28 skittlesandpopcorn How do i approach long distance with my hs girlfriend?

My girlfriend (18) and I (18) both started dating back in March. We went on dates together, had our first love experiences together, went on walks, snuck out to get fast food, and did almost everything you see two teenagers in love do in the movies.
We initially started talking when we found out we both grew up in the same neighborhood in Canada before moving to the US. (we live in the DMV area now). I’m afraid to devote my feelings for this girl.
She’s going to a state school in Maryland and I’m going to a top ranked liberal arts in Virginia. So we are just 2 hours away. However, I’m her first boyfriend and we’ve yet to meet each other’s parents.
I only have 1 month left with her before she leaves for vacation for 3 weeks and then it’s goodbye we’re off to college. I’m afraid. I initially didn’t want to get into a relationship because i knew the feelings it would come with and having to face the reality that she’s leaving but i fell for her. She wants to do long distance but I’ve tried to be reasonable with her by telling her there’s a low risk of success since we haven’t had the chance to solidly our relationship. What if she meets someone in organic chemistry 101 who has everything she’s looking for? What if she becomes deprived and fulfills her love language of physical touch in another guy? I’m not being insecure I’m being fully aware of the possibilities a female college freshman faces especially at a top 20 public school. Fomo is real.
What do you guys suggest? Do i live in the moment and have the best month of my life with this girl and say goodbye or do i stay with her with the possibility of finishing my freshman year in college blindsided and heartbroken?
submitted by skittlesandpopcorn to college [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:28 Thejdjndn Can someone help me with this?

Me 18M and my girlfriend of 6 months 20F are long distance right now due to college and summer break. How do I get over the worry she will maybe get with someone and I won’t know since I’m not with her. I know I’m a good boyfriend and I treat her so well and she shows and tells me how much it means. She also does nice things for me while we’re apart. She gives me no reason to feel this way it’s just anxiety. Maybe one reason for me feeling this way is because she always wants to look good. She wears “cute” outfits to the gym and has to put on makeup even just for a doctor’s appointment. I guess it’s probably just insecurity but is it normal for women to want to look good even for simple tasks?
Tl;Dr- My girlfriend and I are long distance how do I get over the anxiety she may get with someone else?
submitted by Thejdjndn to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:25 skittlesandpopcorn The summer before college while in a relationship…

My girlfriend (18) and I (18) both started dating back in March. We went on dates together, had our first love experiences together, went on walks, snuck out to get fast food, and did almost everything you see two teenagers in love do in the movies.
We initially started talking when we found out we both grew up in the same neighborhood in Canada before moving to the US. (we live in the DMV area now). I’m afraid to devote my feelings for this girl.
She’s going to a state school in Maryland and I’m going to a top ranked liberal arts in Virginia. So we are just 2 hours away. However, I’m her first boyfriend and we’ve yet to meet each other’s parents.
I only have 1 month left with her before she leaves for vacation for 3 weeks and then it’s goodbye we’re off to college. I’m afraid. I initially didn’t want to get into a relationship because i knew the feelings it would come with and having to face the reality that she’s leaving but i fell for her. She wants to do long distance but I’ve tried to be reasonable with her by telling her there’s a low risk of success since we haven’t had the chance to solidly our relationship. What if she meets someone in organic chemistry 101 who has everything she’s looking for? What if she becomes deprived and fulfills her love language of physical touch in another guy? I’m not being insecure I’m being fully aware of the possibilities a female college freshman faces especially at a top 20 public school. Fomo is real.
What do you guys suggest? Do i live in the moment and have the best month of my life with this girl and say goodbye or do i stay with her with the possibility of finishing my freshman year in college blindsided and heartbroken?
submitted by skittlesandpopcorn to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:23 skittlesandpopcorn The summer before college while in a relationship…

My girlfriend (18) and I (18) both started dating back in March. We went on dates together, had our first love experiences together, went on walks, snuck out to get fast food, and did almost everything you see two teenagers in love do in the movies.
We initially started talking when we found out we both grew up in the same neighborhood in Canada before moving to the US. (we live in the DMV area now). I’m afraid to devote my feelings for this girl.
She’s going to a state school in Maryland and I’m going to a top ranked liberal arts in Virginia. So we are just 2 hours away. However, I’m her first boyfriend and we’ve yet to meet each other’s parents.
I only have 1 month left with her before she leaves for vacation for 3 weeks and then it’s goodbye we’re off to college. I’m afraid. I initially didn’t want to get into a relationship because i knew the feelings it would come with and having to face the reality that she’s leaving but i fell for her. She wants to do long distance but I’ve tried to be reasonable with her by telling her there’s a low risk of success since we haven’t had the chance to solidly our relationship. What if she meets someone in organic chemistry 101 who has everything she’s looking for? What if she becomes deprived and fulfills her love language of physical touch in another guy? I’m not being insecure I’m being fully aware of the possibilities a female college freshman faces especially at a top 20 public school. Fomo is real.
What do you guys suggest? Do i live in the moment and have the best month of my life with this girl and say goodbye or do i stay with her with the possibility of finishing my freshman year in college blindsided and heartbroken?
submitted by skittlesandpopcorn to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:23 skittlesandpopcorn The summer before college while in a relationship…

My girlfriend (18) and I (18) both started dating back in March. We went on dates together, had our first love experiences together, went on walks, snuck out to get fast food, and did almost everything you see two teenagers in love do in the movies.
We initially started talking when we found out we both grew up in the same neighborhood in Canada before moving to the US. (we live in the DMV area now). I’m afraid to devote my feelings for this girl.
She’s going to a state school in Maryland and I’m going to a top ranked liberal arts in Virginia. So we are just 2 hours away. However, I’m her first boyfriend and we’ve yet to meet each other’s parents.
I only have 1 month left with her before she leaves for vacation for 3 weeks and then it’s goodbye we’re off to college. I’m afraid. I initially didn’t want to get into a relationship because i knew the feelings it would come with and having to face the reality that she’s leaving but i fell for her. She wants to do long distance but I’ve tried to be reasonable with her by telling her there’s a low risk of success since we haven’t had the chance to solidly our relationship. What if she meets someone in organic chemistry 101 who has everything she’s looking for? What if she becomes deprived and fulfills her love language of physical touch in another guy? I’m not being insecure I’m being fully aware of the possibilities a female college freshman faces especially at a top 20 public school. Fomo is real.
What do you guys suggest? Do i live in the moment and have the best month of my life with this girl and say goodbye or do i stay with her with the possibility of finishing my freshman year in college blindsided and heartbroken?
submitted by skittlesandpopcorn to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:18 larrubcarran2815 AITA for refusing to continue a friendship/consider this person a friend, when they still think I do call them a friend? Tbh, this might just be a “Best Kind of Petty Revenge” story. Lmk!

Let me give some backstory because there were 3 main “events” that led me to eventually ghosting this person. (Please forgive me, this may end up a little lengthy. Also, this wasn’t written as well as the first draft but that one got deleted)
Event #1: In high school, there were 4 of us that were really close. We will call them each, Diana, Julia, and Jack. Julia worshiped Diana. Diana could do no wrong in Julia’s eyes. Diana and Jack were a couple. They dated the majority of high school. All the way up to the summer before our senior year. Obviously, it was hard on the couple, but it was also difficult for ALL of their friends because we were expected to pick a side. Julia took Diana’s side, no questions and no doubts. It felt like I was the only one that wanted to remain neutral because I considered both Diana and Jack really good friends. Not just the typical, Jack was a friend because he was Diana’s boyfriend. Anyways, trying to remain neutral I gave support to both of them, the best I could. Jack confided in me that the reason he broke off the relationship was he had become overwhelmed by the drama Diana created. This made sense to me because Diana CRAVED drama. She created drama All. The. Time. (Looking back, I have no idea how I was friends with either of them. These friendships were just those friendships that some how… became and existed) The break up launched a series of dramatic situations created by Diana that escalated. These situations ended with Diana sleeping with a random guy from our school, 2 maybe 3 weeks after breaking up, and she ended up pregnant. The school year started up and as more kids found out about her pregnancy, the more rumors started going around. The biggest one – Jack was the father. Pregnant teens were absolutely not common in my high school. And Jack was being blamed for the situation Diana was in. Feeling empathy for my friend, I continued to be Jacks friend because most of his other friends were isolating him and giving him the cold shoulder. (To make it completely clear – Jack and I only felt friendship for each other, nothing more.) Julia hated that I was continuing to be Jacks friend. Julia accused me of betraying Diana and yelling at me for even talking to him - Jack: the one that got Diana pregnant. Julia said that she knew I couldn’t be trusted and was a horrible friend. The kicker? Julia and I knew who got Diana pregnant. Diana told us. Julia fed the rumors about Jack being the father, even though she knew the truth! For the sake of keeping the peace and adhering to the “Girl Code” I had to let the friendship with Jack dwindle to an occasional friendly wave in the hallway. A rift between Diana & Julia and myself grew regardless. The way they treated me began to change – talking down to me and keeping me out of conversations. I can guarantee they had conversations behind my back (as teenage girls do.) I can also guarantee Julia was the mastermind because Diana was too busy with the drama/attention of her pregnancy to notice anything or anyone else. I was already dealing with things at home and on top of it, had to maneuver the drama with my so called best friends. Julia doing this hurt so much because friends don’t do that. On top of it, I had a similar situation happen in middle school with a previous group of friends.
Event #2: (my main reason I don’t consider them a friend) Through Jr and Sr High school I had a crush mostly on one guy. There were other little crushes, but he was always the main one. We will call him Mark. Mark and I were actually really good friends. He was in a different friend group than Diana, Jack, and Julia. He and his friend welcomed me into their group when the drama was happening our senior year. Mark actually knew I had a crush on him. He was as kind as possible when he turned me down. Mark said he was committed to his own crush (who turned him down, saying she didn’t want to date in high school) Mark believed she was “the one” and was trying to not date anyone else as a sign of loyalty to her. Realizing Mark wasn’t going to change his mind, I had a hard time pretending and convincing myself I shouldn’t and didn’t have a crush on him. Doing so actually opened a door for Mark and I to become even closer friends. I hung out with him and his two guy friends a lot. Especially after we graduated high school. In fact, the majority of that calendar year, I basically didn’t spend any time with Diana and Julia. At the end of that year, the holiday season, all of the sudden Mark wasn’t hanging out with us as much. Our two friends told me he had a girlfriend. I assumed it was the girl he had a crush on. Especially because our friends said things like “he is picking up his girlfriend from the high school.” (his crush was the year behind us) a few weeks went by and it was almost Christmas. One of my friends was throwing a Christmas party, a bunch of us were invited. While I was hanging out in the front room with others, Mark came in through the front door, his girlfriend behind him. I couldn’t help but look in disbelief. His girlfriend wasn’t his crush, but was none other than Julia. Julia was also in the year behind us and was still going to school. Julia noticed me looking and as Mark turned away from her, she grabbed him, turned him back toward her and kissed him. I was already trying to tell myself it wasn’t a big deal. But then Julia, mid-kiss, looked straight at me. The kiss wasn’t very long but still. Some of you may argue that she was “concerned” about my reaction. But it was her grin and wave afterwards that told me Julia was gloating. Gloating that she was now dating the guy I had a crush on for years. And despite trying to deny it, I still had a crush on him. I left that friend group as well because I knew Julia was going to be there more often, which would inevitably ruin that group for me as well. I didn’t want to deal with the drama and hurt so I cut my losses.
Event #3: (the reminder event) A couple years later, Diana and Julia were married with kids. They had moved out of town, Julia even moved out of state. I got a message from Julia, sent to both Diana and I, asking if we would like to meet for lunch the next week because she (Julia) was coming into town to see family. As best as I could tell, Diana and Julia went their separate ways after we all graduated high school. For the sake of the friendship we once had, I agreed to meet. The day came, we get our food and sit down. They immediately start talking about their husbands and kids. Which is totally understandable, we were there to catch up. Thing is, I was still single – no kids, no husband. So I couldn’t add much to the conversation to relate and there wasn’t much of an opportunity to even ask questions. I finished my lunch while listening to them talk. At this point, 30-45 minutes went by and no one asked me how my life was going beyond the initial “How are you?!” when we first met up and got in line to order our food. Feeling very much like a third wheel, I wanted a chance to talk with my old friends. Finding an opportunity to organically get involved, I did so. I don’t remember what the conversation was about but I do remember I added to the conversation by saying something as simple as “Have you seen that movie yet?” Julia looked me dead in the eyes, said something specifically in response to my question and added “You aren’t even married or have a kid yet, you wouldn’t understand.” Diana laughed a little and added, “Not yet” They then continued to talk about their kids till it was decided we had been there long enough (a total of nearly 2 hrs) Today, I am married and have a kid of my own. I could talk about my kid all day long. But I don’t, because I considered it a basic social skill to be able to talk about other things. Especially to keep others involved in conversation. After this last situation, I was reminded of the way she treated me. So, I committed to keeping both, specifically Julia at a distance. At first Julia would try to convince me to visit her where she lived. Even after getting married. It eventually dwindled down to maybe 1 or 2 messages from her a year. Through all this time I give very minimal responses if Julia Facebook messages me.
I never confronted either of them about everything because I knew it would cause more drama that wasn’t worth dealing with.
Some of you may be looking for the petty. Well, to keep it short, Mark and I started dating 5 years after graduating high school. We have been together for 9 ½ years, married 7 ½ years, and have a beautiful 3yr old girl.
If you guys want an update on his experience dating Julia (he says it was the worse relationship he had) and how Mark and I ended up together, lmk!
submitted by larrubcarran2815 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:15 Throwaway_738292 My boyfriend emotionally cheated on me

My boyfriend emotionally cheated on me with a girl from a dating app, he took her out on a date and took her back to his apartment. They didn’t sleep together that’s why I called it emotional cheating. I took the girls Snapchat and asked her questions and she said she thought he had a girlfriend with all the stuff in his apartment, but she never reached out to me we have pictures up and he’s tagged. She said she blocked him and he has now permanently deleted all of his social media besides Facebook. Everyone says I need to break up with him, but I’m almost positive he is having a manic episode with how he is acting. He is not medicated or officially diagnosed, but ive been around people that has bi-polar and it’s not far off from what he is acting. It’s always an emotional roller coaster with him when he gets episodes he’s just never have done any of this. I figured he was cheating because he spends all of his days off with me and he was being weird about a certain day off he had and I told him I was gonna go through his phone and I still found the texts on Snapchat. It’s just the carelessness and the lack of any kind of emotions and the impulsiveness he randomly out of know where got a 2 month old kitten when he works 12 hour shifts he does 4 days on and 2 days off I had to take the last cat he got almost 9 months ago because we both decided that his schedule wasn’t working and having to care for a kitten just wasn’t working. He told me he feels like he’s in a fog and is depressed and has no emotions, he’s usually a pretty emotional person. He has autism, mostly with reading people he struggles with that. I’ve been with him since my freshman year in college and he’s had a couple episodes, but he’s never cheated. I’m just upset because i literally do not know if I should stay or leave. I don’t have trust for him and I literally only cry and stay in bed, I took off work because I’m so emotional, but I don’t have bi-polar so I have a hard time. he said he’s scheduling an appointment some time this week, but I can’t tell if he is in control of his actions when he is manic like this. Everyone keeps telling me he knows what he’s doing, but i or them don’t have bi-polar. He says we need to take a break because he needs to focus on getting help and building a relationship back up right now is not something he can do right now. which is hard, but it’s true. He at first said he is sick of hurting me and we need to break up, which I didn’t want to do because this isn’t him, or I don’t think it is. After talking I told him you don’t get to decide anything when you’re like this after getting an appointment set up with a therapist and a doctor we can talk after that and he agreed, but he wants to do it alone. It’s just so frustrating, because I literally don’t know anything anymore is this him or is this not him because I literally can’t tell.
Sorry for the long rant. This is a throw away account btw.
submitted by Throwaway_738292 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:05 uncountable_123 AITAH for moving in with my now fiancé and temporarily cutting contact with my Mom?

Excuse if this is a little messy. I hardly use reddit, and this entire situation is stressing me out to the point of shakiness and illness. On that not, onto the story.
So, for a bit of context, I am a very, very new adult. I just graduated high school, and I've never had the best relationship with my family besides my mom and brother. I was still very distant from my mom because of some slight neglect in the past. I don't blame her for it because she's a single mom and was working a very hard job.
Extra context, my mom had also been planning a California trip. She had changed the plans every other day. Me and my fiance couldn't keep up with it, especially because he had a work venture there.
The past few months, I had been going out with my boyfriend, now fiance ( we'll call Ax ). My mom had been pretty hard on me because of this. Saying how, "I'm not home enough," and, "I need to help with (this this and this)." So, I was already getting a little fed up. I just wanted an escape from the house which is honestly not a very healthy living space due to my fairly slobbish family. Everytime I would go home she would bombard me with stuff, which I never had to do before, so it made me want out more.
I'm just going to summarize the build up by saying, there were quite a few arguments and she never seemed to listen to me. I also have a super hard time communicating my feelings and confrontation so participating in an argument is a big deal.
Now we get to the big night. The last thing we "talked" about was the California trip and how Ax's parents won't let him go if we stay at her friend's house. She got upset and stormed off. Me and Ax were upset so we went to his birth mom's ( we'll call her Cat ) house to take a break. It didn't really help. I had gotten fed up with all of the arguing and bitterness from my mom. All of the snide comments to Ax. I texted her that I was moving out and wasn't going on the California trip. ( I was moving into Cat's house. )
Now should I have texted her? Probably not, but texting helps me form my thoughts into words. I express more clearly through text, and shut down on the phone and especially in person.
She calls and I freak out and hand the phone to Ax. Mistake number 2. A bit about Ax, he is very very protective of me, especially with some of the stuff I've told him about my family and my dad. He doesn't want me to go through the same thing again. He's also a big jokester but is autistic so he doesn't really get when not to do some of his joking tones and words. They also come off as very disrespectful sometimes and he was kind of tired of her. So my mom is angry.
She tells me to come home within 5 minutes. I very shaky get in the car and we head there. We get there and she takes the keys to the car and my phone. Tells me to come inside and talk alone. Now, I get where she's coming from, but I HATE feeling cornered. I need someone else there by my side or I just shut down. It socks and makes things a lot harder with this kind of stuff. Now the rest is a but of a blur but she gets aggressive. No physical violence, but she does get in my face. I back up and she starts acussing me of telling people I'm violent though I haven't. It blurs again and suddenly I'm packing my things and leaving. My brother (15) by my side sad to see me leave this way.
The night goes by and I hear nothing from her. The next day she texts. I don't remember many of the texts, but I do remember being stressed out and not replying to things often. I tell her I need some time.
Few days go by with few texts I answer and a couple calls I don't. Then we get to church just a few days after the big night and an argument over text starts. She acusses Ax of lying, stealing, and vandalizing her car. The "lying" was a joke he made about his origins that I took seriously at first, I am a very slow person, that he had not realized I took seriously until very very later on. On the stealing, he had not stolen from some of the places acussed, but we did have a separate incident that was true. However, he's done his best to make it up and has not done anything like it since. He got punished by me and his parents. She still thinks he should've gotten worse. He's especially tried to make it up to my mom because he had lost her full trust and she was very obvious about it and still hasn't forgiven him to this day. The vandalizing was him working on the car, but not fixing it fully, because, we'll, she took the car before he could.
I talked about getting my legal documents, the entire point I was texting her in the first place, she brought up Ax herself. I misunderstood her and thought she was wanting to keep them from me so threatened legal action. I won't go deep into this because I'm not a lawyer, but ultimately it was more a threat to get my stuff. She said that I could get my stuff from the garage. Remember when I told you that my family was slobish? Yeah, I have no clue where these documents are and the garage is stacked to the sealing so it's going to take me a bit. I don't want to, but it's the only way to get my documents.
I completely give up at this point. I already said I needed a bit of time, but she continued to text. When I didn't answer email me a mental health line. The only times I would talk to her was to get my stuff. She started making facebook posts warning about toxic relationships, and how losing loved ones without making peace is terrible. This continues for a bit then stopped a couple days ago. The last thing I got, just a few hours ago, was an email. I will be quoting it word for word but changing names blah blah, you know how privacy works.
"Hi, [deadname]! I hope everything is going well for you.
I just wanted to take some time to explain some things. I wanted to tell you these things in person because it really does matter. Reading something is far different from hearing how someone says it. Arguments and misunderstandings should always be fixed in person.
First and foremost, I love you. I would do anything within my power for you. I have always been there for you and I want to continue being there. It breaks my heart that you don't want anything to do with me. I've tried to make you feel loved and supported. I've been active in your interests and activities. I even played Minecraft for you... (Haha)
I wanted to talk to you privately because we will never be able to fix things between us if someone else is involved. And honestly, it's no one else's business. I've never physically or intentionally hurt you so there is no reason to be scared to spend time with me.
What I have tried to tell you through text, is that I did not blow up because you wanted to move out. My response was that we would talk when you got home. That was not blowing up and this is why it is important to communicate in person rather than via text. I wanted to know your plans and see if I could help or add some suggestions that might help. I blew up because of the disrespect. I was being treated like I was nothing and like I've done nothing for you. I tried to explain that I wasn't mad about you wanting to move out. I'm not sure why you thought I would be since we've been talking about it for 6 months.
I apologize to you for how I handled my thoughts and feelings about [Ax]. It shouldn't have been handled that way. I'm not mad that either of you made mistakes. I was mad at the lack of taking ownership of said mistakes. I was mad that I was lied to again when I called out those mistakes.
I just want us to work through this. I love you. I will always love you. I want to help you if and when I can. I always want to be a part of your life. I am hurt that you can so easily throw away our relationship because of one argument. I am hurt that you're acting like I've done something for you to be afraid of me.
My door is always open and I'm always just a phone call away.
Love, Mom"
It makes me feel like I'm in the wrong and I'm actually unsure if I'm being to harsh on her. AITH?
TLDR; I move in with my fiancé. Arguments with mom as she acusses us of things we didn't do besides one thing. Im tired and stressed so go almost no contact. I get an email from her making me rethink my position on the matter.
Edit 1 and 2: Updates to layout of the post.
submitted by uncountable_123 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:53 AkitaScripts [M4F] Your Boyfriend Comforts You After a Fight at School [After Detention] [Raining Outside] [Reassurance] [It’s Okay] [Hugs & Kisses] [First Time Dating] [Playing With Your Hair]

I've thought about switching things up for tonight's script and decided to make it an M4F one! I guess this kinda flows into the lore of my previous three scripts, with this being a sequel to the third one. Hope you enjoy it! As always, my script is free to use without monetization, just crediting me under my YT Handle @"AkitaScripts" is all!
Synopsis: You and your boyfriend have been together for about a week. You just had your first date a few days ago, and the two of you have discussed not to tell anyone. However, your classmates are beginning to notice your relationship with him, with some jealous students making fun of it. Eventually, it becomes too much for you, and you end up in detention after a fight in the hallways. As you exit the school, you find your boyfriend waiting outside in the rain…
(The school is nearly empty, and the rain is pouring outside the walls. All of the students except you have already left. As you walk out through the quiet hallways, you hear the janitor mopping the floor, rumbling about his job.)
[faint dialogue from the Janitor]
(You barely pay attention to whatever the janitor said as you reach into your backpack, only to find nothing but your books and supplies. You forgot your umbrella back at home. You put on your hood and push open the doors, the gates of freedom letting out a loud creak. You point your head down to the ground and begin to walk outside, feeling the rain hit your head. Suddenly, you stop feeling the raindrops, and you look up to see your boyfriend, the VA, close to you with an umbrella.)
VA: Hey.
(You lock eye contact with him with gloomy pupils.)
[short pause]
VA: I heard about what happened from Jalen… and I’m sorry you had to-
(You suddenly wrap the VA in your arms, interrupting him. Tears begin to roll down your face and onto his shoulder as you start crying.)
VA: Hey, hey… it’s okay… it’s okay.. (holds you close to him with one of his arms, and kisses you)
VA: Hey… look at me.
(You raise your head up from his shoulder, looking him in the eyes.)
VA: It’s going to be okay… hey, you wanna go sit down somewhere? We shouldn’t be standing out in the open.
VA: Alright, follow me, and stay close to me.
[short pause]
(You and the VA walk in silence for a few minutes to a nearby pavilion. After a few minutes, You gently shake his arm to get his attention.)
VA: Mhm? (looks at you)
VA: Did he tell me anything?[pause]
VA: Well, other than you landing in detention, Jalen didn’t say much. I just got the news an hour ago, before our last class ended. So, I just waited out there. I didn’t know how long detention would last.
VA: Well… I was gonna wait by the doors, but that janitor kicked me out. He said he still needed to quote-unquote “clean the corners”.
VA: Yeah, he’s quite grumpy. Anyways, we’re here.
(The two of you walk to one of the tables in the pavilion. As you sit down, the VA sits down next to you.)
VA: So… (puts down his umbrella on the wooden table) are you still okay, or do you need some time?
VA: Alright… take your time telling me what happened. (wraps his arms around you and gently moves closer)
VA: Yeah… we did decide on not telling anyone about our relationship until we were ready. And yes, I know that everyone else figured it out already.
VA: So… lemme get this sorted out: Maddison and her group of friends found out and made fun of our relationship..?
VA: And did they start making fun of you today, or has this happened before?
VA: This started yesterday?
VA: Alright, so… after a day of them making fun of you, what exactly happened that landed you in detention?
VA: (surprised) You slapped her in the face?!
(You don’t say anything, but you look away from him and dig your head into his chest, nodding afterwards in confirmation. The VA holds you even closer in comfort.)
VA: Hey.. again, it’s okay.
(You let go of him. Stressed and upset, you explain how you’re not okay, as you begin to cry again. The VA hugs you again to calm you down.)VA: Hey, hey, listen to me… listen to me… there’s no need to be upset about what you did. Even though there were better options, you were in the right to do that. Not that I would recommend doing it again as an option, but if you have issues like this, just come talk to me… okay?
(You look up at him and nod.)
VA: Alright then. (takes off your hood and gently combs through your hair)
(As he comes through your hair, you ask him a question.)
VA: Why did they do it?
VA: Well.. first off, why do you think they did it?
VA: You think they just wanted to make fun of you for that?
VA: Okay… I might know why they made fun of you for dating someone.
VA: What do I mean? Well.. lemme explain. So, before you and I met a few months ago, I used to be friends with Maddison. Sure, I was never romantically interested in her, but she’d used to always flirt with me at times. Now, I don’t know if she did like me the same way you do, but she could also just be jealous.
VA: Well, think about it: have you ever even seen Maddison date anyone?
VA: No, right? That’s because she never has dated anyone.
VA: Now, you also have to take into the fact she’s friends with Joe. And as we both knew, Joe liked you in a… eeh… certain way.
VA: And he knows that you and I are dating, so he’s jealous.
VA: No, Joe probably isn’t just jealous of how you’re dating someone else. He’s jealous that you’re dating someone else.
VA: No, it’s not the same way as what I just said. Joe’s jealous because someone has something special in their relationship that he doesn’t.
VA: He doesn’t have you.
VA: Look, every relationship is different. Whether it’s a dominant one, flirtatious, or even toxic… hopefully that doesn’t happen… Joe and other people don’t have you as their girlfriend.
VA: Lemme also tell you something: I knew this person named Stephen, and he was dating this girl named Val. His friends found out, and they were jealous and constantly made fun of him. It got so out of hand that he was pressured to break up with Val.
[pause]VA: Look, you and I can tell them to stop making fun of our relationship. But if they’re gonna continue doing it, don’t break up like with what Stephen did. Don’t be pressured to listen to the mockery. Don’t listen to them. Move on, and walk forward, and just ignore them. I know it can be challenging, and I have been in those shoes before, but it’s okay to feel this way. You have me to take care of you, to cuddle you in times like this, and to make sure that you’re okay. I’ll be here every step of the way. If you need to hold my hand, don’t hesitate. I’m here for you, babe. And it’s all gonna be okay.
(The VA plays with your hair, and kisses you. You look up to him and kiss him in return.)
VA: I love you too.
(You snuggle in closer to the VA, feeling his warmth and his beating heart. Eventually, the rain slowly stops.)
VA: Hey, the rain stopped.
(You look around to see the birds fly in to sing. You lean in to kiss the VA.)
VA: You’re welcome, babe. Now come on, we gotta get back home. (begins to put his dry umbrella away in his bag)
VA: Yeah sure, we can get some food on the way home. (he picks you up in his arms and helps you off from the table) Any ideas?
VA: Yeah sure… ramen sounds good.
(As you and the VA walk away holding hands, the birds continue to chirp as the scene fades, ending the episode.)
submitted by AkitaScripts to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:52 taeswife08 scripting for a boyfriend. am i doing this right?

scripting for a boyfriend. am i doing this right?
i’m currently looking for a boyfriend or just a guy in general to talk to and i haven’t been listening to bf or guy friend subs in a while. I also took a loooong break from talking to guys so i can work on myself and im so ready to find someone, but my crush who i kind wanted has a girlfriend, so here i am looking for someone else. I know people script so i tried scripting it for the first time (nothing very specific) and i am also listen to a playlist with boyfriend subliminals. Any more advice or affirmations i can write down or other subs to listen to ?
submitted by taeswife08 to Subliminal [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:49 bitchontheinternet94 I can't believe my loved ones can't figure out why I've been an addict my entire adult life

It's literally all from the beginning... I miss my boyfriend I lost my friend/ ex I lost. I was in love when we were forced to say bye. I was never exposed to death let alone the legal troubles and blaming and isolation from it all. I went completely numb and frankly traumatized over the shift in my life over what happened that night. I've never been the same person. I miss him everyday and I blame myself everyday for being a horrible friend and girlfriend. I was never able to handle it and still can't handle it. The two most kind people in my life gone forever and it's all from that night. I want to hear you laugh and your voice. I'm working on being mature over the situation but no closure stings bad
submitted by bitchontheinternet94 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:44 CletusThaFetus69 I just want confirmation my parents are narcissist

So... my mom has never really been loving. My dad had/had PTSD. It is his way or the highway. My mom will straight up tell people "I learned to ignore him", "I never wanted another kid, I should've got my tubes tied after the first one, his dad is the only reason I didn't get an abortion". She will buy me things, and then when i'm telling her she is acting horribly yelling at me for something minimal (not writing a note in the cashapp for example) and then say "I wasn't treating you horribly when I bought you this thing earlier!!"
I don't remember the last time I got a hug from either one of my parents.
My parents never actually helped me get my license, they claim they "Tried to teach me!!" but got about 20 driving hours for me, refused to fill out the time sheets, and would yell and freak out at every mistake I made on the road. They bought me a barely driveable $900 grandam @ 18 after I was told i'd get a new car when I graduated (I am 22 and graduated in 2020) I was expecting like a decent condition 2007-2008 car that would reliably get me from point a to point b but was bought a 2002 wrecked grandam with hood latches due to deer wreck damage and struts so bad that the back end would slide out from under it on minimal potholes and tires that I had the fill back up daily to keep it off the ground. I had to eventually buy my own car (they never helped me fix it depaite my dad being a literal jet mechanic) and drive it back and forth from work illegally until I got good enough at driving to get my license, because it was apparently easier for my mom to continue driving me to work on her lunch break and picking me up from work at 7 then to spend a few weekends and hours after work some days with me preparing for a drivers test.
Both my mother and my dad would get physically aggressive and spank pretty excessively but not to the point where I was like "this is abuse". As I grew older and grew to be a bigger teenager it turned into them moreso actually trying to physically fight me, me running as to avoid a fight as they yelled things like "I'M GOING TO RIP YOUR F***ING HEAD OFF" and locking myself in my room or running around outside until they were no longer violently angry.
One time I got a full blown blender thrown at my shoulder as a kid because I didn't help my dad find his shoes when he was late to meet some of his work friends, he also in that instance chased me a quarter way down our street (thankfully I was like 16 5'10 and fast) before going home and cooling down.
One time he also threw a tape measure at my shin and I still have a mark in my shin bone from that.
Lots of promises that were never kept and were forgot about. "If you help me with this massive months long hard process I will buy you shing expensive thing" helps and never gets said thing but gets yelled at the whole time for not doing things "the right way"
My mom also called me ugly as a kid, told people in front of me (and I quote) "Yeah I was pissed when he came out with red hair, i don't like red heads!"
She would tell people I was a little bastard and would tell them the amount of adhd medication I was on and how it was enough for like 2 adults (i already started questioning why the hell I was on that amount of adhd medication in the first place, i was basically m37hed out on adderall and vyvanse and concerts as a 7-14 year okd kid)
One time she bought me a pokeball as a kid at walmart, and our way home I did something she didn't like and she grabbed the pokeball and chucked it out the window and bragged to people about it
One year my brother got a laptop and an ipod and some other stuff and ya boy got some action figures
My mom thrrows a fit that I don't "contribute in the house" or clean when I stick to my area of the house, don't use the kitchen or dishes (i have my own dishes I use and I eat out mainly so i don't have to deal with them) and don't created that messes that need to be cleaned up and I keep my areas of the house clean. I could probably go count 7 wrappers and 6 pop cans and 3 plates down on our kitchen bar right now and I do not spend any time in the kitchen but I am apparently supposed to clean that stuff up as well as do the dishes that I don't use.
My dad will say "Here i'll tell you what you need to do" and if I do anything other than agree with him he will say "well then you're f***int stupid"
My dad would get violently angry at you if there was a tiny piece of lettuce in his taco or anything but meat and cheese on his burger and if you laugh at him for how ridiculous he is reacting he redirects that anger and amplifies it towards you
My parents and brother would kinda gang up and do things that would "trigger" me and laugh and yell at me when I reacted badly.
My mom just told me yesterday that i'm a violent asshole and does my girlfriend know that she's going to have to clean up after me and help with the kids and dogs (she's projecting) and that we wouldn't last
I just want confirmation that this is narccisism. I've been looking for what to call my experience with my parents for a while and I think this is it.
submitted by CletusThaFetus69 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:36 rtchoque I had some hot kitchen tease with my friend’s boyfriend

My best friend's boyfriend always looks at me in a way that feels uncomfortable. And when I say uncomfortable, I mean he seems to undress me with his eyes. I find it hard to be alone with him for long because I know we might end up crossing a line.
I went to stay at her house for the weekend, and her boyfriend was also there. She left to get some things from the mall, and I sensed that might lead to trouble. While I was in the kitchen doing dishes, he came in and pretended he needed some water. He got so close behind me that I could feel his excitement pressed against me. He stood there moving just his hips while his hands were around me. I could tell he wanted to take things further, but then his girlfriend came back unexpectedly and said she forgot her card, asking me to come with her to the mall. I know he’ll be back for more 😜
Navigating this situation is tricky, and I’m not sure what to do next. It feels like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.
submitted by rtchoque to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:20 Far-Comparison-7144 "It was a fantasy- a lie"

My girlfriend cheated on me. This is what I wrote in my journal, the truth:
It was fantasy, a lie. She was not the person you thought she was-but deep down- you always knew that didn't you? You were seduced by her, she was pretty and a little wild- and you started to adore her. But that wasn't her, she is not the woman for you. She is scared, damaged, and copes with drugs and emotional manipulation. She did love you, but to what extent? Did she love you for you? NO. She loved the type of man you are, the type she fantasies about. She is so broken that she couldn't build you up, so she sought to tear you down to her level. She realized she was incapable of being with a man who is above the fray, so the ex boyfriend creeped back into her mind. She is addicted to the hurt, to the pain she feels when being intimate with those who are not good men. This is the reality. You were seduced, loved, but in a way that was not true love. She loved you in a selfish way. That is not love. Love is selfless- the kind of love you gave to her. You gave her this love not because she was meant to be your wife, but because it is the love of a true heart. The kind of heart she does not possess. She cheated on you, that is all the evidence you need.
Now, comes the hard part. You formed an emotional and physical attachment to her- no doubt. But you must remember it is a lie that the signals in your brain feed you. It is an addiction- a vice. Just like drugs/alcohol or porn. You must learn to identify the lie when your mind serves it to you. You MUST accept the reality- she was never the person you tricked yourself to love-move on. Do not walk, run. Run away from her as fast as you can. Soon, you will swim, you will not sink. Your wife is out there- and God pointed you towards her. So take it one day at a time-deny the fantasy.
submitted by Far-Comparison-7144 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:11 NamjoonsGoblin My boyfriend (18M) is super stressed and I (18F) feel it is starting to impact our relationship. How can I be more accommodating to him?

My boyfriend (18M) and I (18F) have been together for 7 months now and we are each other's first relationship. We are both college students and are currently on summer break. I am only working one part time job, and he is working 2 part time jobs, taking night classes, and training to be a firefighter as well. Obviously, he is really stressed, and I feel like it is starting to impact our relationship. Earlier today, we were having a nice date together and it was going perfectly fine until we got back to my house. We had made plans for later in the week to see each other but had nothing set and stone. When we got back to my house, I got a text from my manager to work on the day we planned to hang out. My shift will end at 5, so I asked him if it was fine for us to hang out after my shift since I never get scheduled and I need the money. He told me no, nothing will be open, there will be nothing for us to do, and that he will be tired anyways because his shift at one of his jobs ended at 2. I had thought this was a bit odd but ignored it and we went and hung out in my room. He was being quiet the whole time, not reciprocating any affection I was trying to show him, wouldn't even entertain me when I was trying to cheer him up, and swatting my hand away when I tried to tickle him (we tickle each other all the time, more him tickling me than me tickling him). Eventually he left my house, and I had other things to do. He texted me when he got home saying that he was sorry and that he is stressed and that he still wants to see me. I forgave him, talked to my mom about it, and she said that he was probably having an off day. But these off days are becoming more normal than I would like.
Last week we had a date together and it was great until we got to his house to hang out at after. He fell asleep immediately with his back to me and not even touching me. I felt invisible, ignored, and a bit upset so I started to gather my stuff to leave. Something that I think is important to take note of is that I just started birth control pills, and it has been making me a bit more reactive and sensitive than normal. He did not want me to leave his house in that state because I was on the verge of tears. I told him how I felt ignored and he kept apologizing and beating himself up over it and I told him it was okay. I left, started sobbing immediately, he went inside and also started sobbing. I had to pull over into a local park and cry because I was in no state to drive properly. I called him 6 times and left voicemails while I was crying but he never picked up because he was also sobbing. I left the park I was in after about 20 minutes and he called me while I was driving but I did not pick up, he called me again when I got home (we have each other's locations on) and cried on call together. He, again, told me that it was because he is so stressed.
I don't know what to do, I want to be more accommodating to the amount of stress he is under, but I hate the way that he is making me feel because of it. I want to be a good girlfriend and help him as much as I can, but I feel that I've been crying and getting upset every time I see him. I have let him know many times that I want to be a rock for him, I want to listen to him, and do anything I can to alleviate any stress in any way I can. Does anyone have any advice on what to do?
Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors, I am just stressed :(
TLDR my boyfriend is stressed from his busy schedule, and I hate how his behavior from the stress is making me feel and I do not know what to do
submitted by NamjoonsGoblin to relationship_advice [link] [comments]